{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/898.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#666666"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -60}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45, "title": "Company-owned"}, "field": "Company-owned"}}, "title": ["Number of Papa John 's restaurants in the", "United States from 2007 to 2019 , by mode", "of operation"], "$schema": ""}
Year Company-owned Dec 31, 2006 648 Dec 31, 2007 592 Dec 31, 2008 588 Dec 31, 2009 591 Dec 31, 2010 598 Dec 31, 2011 648 Dec 31, 2012 665 Dec 31, 2013 686 Dec 31, 2014 707 Dec 31, 2015 702 Dec 31, 2016 708 Dec 31, 2017 645 Dec 31, 2018 598
There was an increase in Papa John's restaurants from 2011 until 2017 from around 600 to approximate 700 restaurants, but after that, the number started to decline and are sitting at around 600 restaurants in 2019.
{"config": {"background": "#000", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#7fc97f", "#beaed4", "#fdc086", "#ffff99", "#386cb0", "#f0027f", "#bf5b17", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/899.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ffff99"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 30, "title": "2018"}, "field": "2018"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Month"}}, "title": ["Monthly retail sales of legal cannabis stores", "in Canada from October 2018 to August 2020", "(in million Canadian dollars)"], "$schema": ""}
2018 Month 57.34 Dec 53.73 Nov 41.47 Oct
From Oct the amount of sales has increased. This might be due to the winter months being a time when people are inside and bored.
{"config": {"background": "#f9f9f9", "area": {"fill": "#ab5787"}, "line": {"stroke": "#ab5787"}, "rect": {"fill": "#ab5787"}, "bar": {"fill": "#ab5787"}, "point": {"fill": "#ab5787", "size": 30}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#979797", "domainWidth": 0.5, "gridWidth": 0.2, "labelColor": "#979797", "tickColor": "#979797", "tickWidth": 0.2, "titleColor": "#979797"}, "axisBand": {"grid": false}, "axisX": {"grid": true, "tickSize": 10}, "axisY": {"domain": false, "grid": true, "tickSize": 0}, "legend": {"labelFontSize": 11, "padding": 1, "symbolSize": 30, "symbolType": "square"}, "range": {"category": ["#ab5787", "#51b2e5", "#703c5c", "#168dd9", "#d190b6", "#00609f", "#d365ba", "#154866", "#666666", "#c4c4c4"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/899.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ab5787"}, "x": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -90}, "bin": false, "field": "Month"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2019"}, "field": "2019"}}, "title": ["Monthly retail sales of legal cannabis stores", "in Canada from October 2018 to August 2020", "(in million Canadian dollars)"], "$schema": ""}
Month 2019 De 147.89; Month: Dec No 135.31; Month: Nov Oc 128.98; Month: Oct Se 122.93; Month: Sep Au 125.95; Month: Aug Ju 107.36; Month: Jul Ju 91.46; Month: Jun Ma 85.81; Month: May Ap 74.58; Month: Apr Ma 60.94; Month: Mar Fe 51.66; Month: Feb Ja 54.88; Month: Jan
Sales are the lowest at the beginning of the year in winter and spring then start to rise again starting in summer all the way through the end of the year.
{"config": {"background": "#f9f9f9", "area": {"fill": "#ab5787"}, "line": {"stroke": "#ab5787"}, "rect": {"fill": "#ab5787"}, "bar": {"fill": "#ab5787"}, "point": {"fill": "#ab5787", "size": 30}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#979797", "domainWidth": 0.5, "gridWidth": 0.2, "labelColor": "#979797", "tickColor": "#979797", "tickWidth": 0.2, "titleColor": "#979797"}, "axisBand": {"grid": false}, "axisX": {"grid": true, "tickSize": 10}, "axisY": {"domain": false, "grid": true, "tickSize": 0}, "legend": {"labelFontSize": 11, "padding": 1, "symbolSize": 30, "symbolType": "square"}, "range": {"category": ["#ab5787", "#51b2e5", "#703c5c", "#168dd9", "#d190b6", "#00609f", "#d365ba", "#154866", "#666666", "#c4c4c4"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/899.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ab5787"}, "x": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -90}, "bin": false, "field": "Month"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2019"}, "field": "2019"}}, "title": ["Monthly retail sales of legal cannabis stores", "in Canada from October 2018 to August 2020", "(in million Canadian dollars)"], "$schema": ""}
Month 2019 De 147.89; Month: Dec No 135.31; Month: Nov Oc 128.98; Month: Oct Se 122.93; Month: Sep Au 125.95; Month: Aug Ju 107.36; Month: Jul Ju 91.46; Month: Jun Ma 85.81; Month: May Ap 74.58; Month: Apr Ma 60.94; Month: Mar Fe 51.66; Month: Feb Ja 54.88; Month: Jan
Whilst at first a downward trend this has now reversed and is now nearly back at the level at the beginning of the study.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/902.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#666666"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30, "title": "Agriculture"}, "field": "Agriculture"}}, "title": ["Denmark : Distribution of employment by", "economic sector from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.0242 Dec 31, 2010 0.024 Dec 31, 2011 0.0259 Dec 31, 2012 0.0254 Dec 31, 2013 0.0248 Dec 31, 2014 0.025 Dec 31, 2015 0.0253 Dec 31, 2016 0.0221 Dec 31, 2017 0.0224 Dec 31, 2018 0.0219 Dec 31, 2019 0.0212
Employment in agricultural has fallen from 2010 to 2018.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/902.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#666666"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30, "title": "Agriculture"}, "field": "Agriculture"}}, "title": ["Denmark : Distribution of employment by", "economic sector from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.0242 Dec 31, 2010 0.024 Dec 31, 2011 0.0259 Dec 31, 2012 0.0254 Dec 31, 2013 0.0248 Dec 31, 2014 0.025 Dec 31, 2015 0.0253 Dec 31, 2016 0.0221 Dec 31, 2017 0.0224 Dec 31, 2018 0.0219 Dec 31, 2019 0.0212
Employment in agriculture peaked in 2012. An observable decline in agricultural employment took place in 2018.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#4c78a8", "#9ecae9", "#f58518", "#ffbf79", "#54a24b", "#88d27a", "#b79a20", "#f2cf5b", "#439894", "#83bcb6", "#e45756", "#ff9d98", "#79706e", "#bab0ac", "#d67195", "#fcbfd2", "#b279a2", "#d6a5c9", "#9e765f", "#d8b5a5"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/905.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#4c78a8"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45, "title": "Coal"}, "field": "Coal"}}, "title": ["Total net electricity generation in the", "United States from 1990 to 2019 , by fuel", "(in billion kilowatt hours)"], "$schema": ""}
Year Coal Dec 31, 1989 1594.01 Dec 31, 1994 1709.43 Dec 31, 1999 1966.27 Dec 31, 2004 2012.87 Dec 31, 2009 1847.29 Dec 31, 2010 1733.43 Dec 31, 2011 1514.04 Dec 31, 2012 1581.12 Dec 31, 2013 1581.71 Dec 31, 2014 1352.4 Dec 31, 2015 1239.15 Dec 31, 2016 1205.84 Dec 31, 2017 1145.96 Dec 31, 2018 966.15
The usage of coal peaked in 2005. Since 2005, the coal usage has a downward trend since 2005. The coal usage has halved between 2005, and 2020.
{"config": {"area": {"fill": "#30a2da"}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#cbcbcb", "grid": true, "gridColor": "#cbcbcb", "gridWidth": 1, "labelColor": "#999", "labelFontSize": 10, "titleColor": "#333", "tickColor": "#cbcbcb", "tickSize": 10, "titleFontSize": 14, "titlePadding": 10, "labelPadding": 4}, "axisBand": {"grid": false}, "background": "#f0f0f0", "view": {"fill": "#f0f0f0"}, "legend": {"labelColor": "#333", "labelFontSize": 11, "padding": 1, "symbolSize": 30, "symbolType": "square", "titleColor": "#333", "titleFontSize": 14, "titlePadding": 10}, "line": {"stroke": "#30a2da", "strokeWidth": 2}, "rect": {"fill": "#30a2da"}, "bar": {"binSpacing": 2, "fill": "#30a2da", "stroke": null}, "range": {"category": ["#30a2da", "#fc4f30", "#e5ae38", "#6d904f", "#8b8b8b", "#b96db8", "#ff9e27", "#56cc60", "#52d2ca", "#52689e", "#545454", "#9fe4f8"], "diverging": ["#cc0020", "#e77866", "#f6e7e1", "#d6e8ed", "#91bfd9", "#1d78b5"], "heatmap": ["#d6e8ed", "#cee0e5", "#91bfd9", "#549cc6", "#1d78b5"]}, "point": {"filled": true, "shape": "circle"}, "title": {"anchor": "start", "fontSize": 24, "fontWeight": 600, "offset": 20}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/905.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e5ae38"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 60}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 30, "title": "Hydroelectric pumped storage"}, "field": "Hydroelectric pumped storage"}}, "title": ["Total net electricity generation in the", "United States from 1990 to 2019 , by fuel", "(in billion kilowatt hours)"], "$schema": ""}
Year Hydroelectric pumped storage Dec 31, 1989 βˆ’3.51 Dec 31, 1994 βˆ’2.73 Dec 31, 1999 βˆ’5.54 Dec 31, 2004 βˆ’6.56 Dec 31, 2009 βˆ’5.5 Dec 31, 2010 βˆ’6.42 Dec 31, 2011 βˆ’4.95 Dec 31, 2012 βˆ’4.68 Dec 31, 2013 βˆ’6.17 Dec 31, 2014 βˆ’5.09 Dec 31, 2015 βˆ’6.69 Dec 31, 2016 βˆ’6.5 Dec 31, 2017 βˆ’5.91 Dec 31, 2018 βˆ’5.26
The graph shows that the net amount of electricity generated in the United States has drastically changed in recent years in comparison to the mid 90s.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#4c78a8", "#9ecae9", "#f58518", "#ffbf79", "#54a24b", "#88d27a", "#b79a20", "#f2cf5b", "#439894", "#83bcb6", "#e45756", "#ff9d98", "#79706e", "#bab0ac", "#d67195", "#fcbfd2", "#b279a2", "#d6a5c9", "#9e765f", "#d8b5a5"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/906.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#9ecae9"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -45, "title": "Restaurant workers"}, "field": "Restaurant workers"}}, "title": ["Number of employees at The Cheesecake Factory", "from 2009 to 2019 , by segment"], "$schema": ""}
Year Restaurant workers Dec 31, 2008 29000 Dec 31, 2009 30300 Dec 31, 2010 31000 Dec 31, 2011 32600 Dec 31, 2012 34300 Dec 31, 2013 34600 Dec 31, 2014 36500 Dec 31, 2015 37700 Dec 31, 2016 38000 Dec 31, 2017 37600 Dec 31, 2018 44900
The number of restaurant workers has steadily increased from 2010 to 2018. There was a small decline in 2017 which was overtaken in 2018 by a significant rise of around 5000 employees in one year.
{"config": {"background": "#fff", "area": {"fill": "#3e5c69"}, "line": {"stroke": "#3e5c69"}, "rect": {"fill": "#3e5c69"}, "bar": {"fill": "#3e5c69"}, "point": {"color": "#3e5c69"}, "axis": {"domainWidth": 0.5, "grid": true, "labelPadding": 2, "tickSize": 5, "tickWidth": 0.5, "titleFontWeight": "normal"}, "axisBand": {"grid": false}, "axisX": {"gridWidth": 0.2}, "axisY": {"gridDash": [3], "gridWidth": 0.4}, "legend": {"labelFontSize": 11, "padding": 1, "symbolType": "square"}, "range": {"category": ["#3e5c69", "#6793a6", "#182429", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#e2ddf2"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/906.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e2ddf2"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Bakery operations"}, "field": "Bakery operations"}}, "title": ["Number of employees at The Cheesecake Factory", "from 2009 to 2019 , by segment"], "$schema": ""}
Year Bakery operations Dec 31, 2008 700 Dec 31, 2009 800 Dec 31, 2010 800 Dec 31, 2011 900 Dec 31, 2012 800 Dec 31, 2013 700 Dec 31, 2014 700 Dec 31, 2015 650 Dec 31, 2016 650 Dec 31, 2017 650 Dec 31, 2018 700
The number of employees remains above 600 between 2009 and 2019. 2012 saw the most employees at 900. The lowest number of employees was between 2016 and 2018. After 2018 the number of employees begins to rise again.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/911.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e7298a"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2016"}, "field": "2016"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 30}, "bin": false, "field": "Country"}}, "title": ["Clinker capacity in selected countries from", "2016 to 2019 (in million metric tons)"], "$schema": ""}
2016 Country 2000 China 620 Other countries (rounded) 280 India 109 United States** 77 Turkey 90 Vietnam 79 Iran 80 Russia 78 Indonesia 60 Brazil 53 Japan 50 Korea, Republic of 46 Egypt 75 Saudia Arabia***
China has the highest clinker capacity at 2000. All other named countries sit under 500 clinker capacity. Of other countries India has the largest clinker capacity second only to china.
{"config": {"background": "#fff", "area": {"fill": "#3e5c69"}, "line": {"stroke": "#3e5c69"}, "rect": {"fill": "#3e5c69"}, "bar": {"fill": "#3e5c69"}, "point": {"color": "#3e5c69"}, "axis": {"domainWidth": 0.5, "grid": true, "labelPadding": 2, "tickSize": 5, "tickWidth": 0.5, "titleFontWeight": "normal"}, "axisBand": {"grid": false}, "axisX": {"gridWidth": 0.2}, "axisY": {"gridDash": [3], "gridWidth": 0.4}, "legend": {"labelFontSize": 11, "padding": 1, "symbolType": "square"}, "range": {"category": ["#3e5c69", "#6793a6", "#182429", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#e2ddf2"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/911.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#6793a6"}, "x": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Country"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2018"}, "field": "2018"}}, "title": ["Clinker capacity in selected countries from", "2016 to 2019 (in million metric tons)"], "$schema": ""}
Country 2018 Chin 2000; Country: China Other countries (rounded 716; Country: Other countries (rounded) Indi 280; Country: India United States* 103; Country: United States** Turke 90; Country: Turkey Vietna 90; Country: Vietnam Ira 80; Country: Iran Russi 80; Country: Russia Indonesi 78; Country: Indonesia Brazi 60; Country: Brazil Japa 53; Country: Japan Korea, Republic o 50; Country: Korea, Republic of Egyp 48; Country: Egypt Saudia Arabia** 75; Country: Saudia Arabia***
Whilst the bar graph title indicates clinker capacity in selected countries between 2016 and 2019, the actual bar graph only denotes data from 2018. China's clinker capacity vastly outweighed that of all other countries noted in 2018.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/911.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e6ab02"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2019"}, "field": "2019"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Country"}}, "title": ["Clinker capacity in selected countries from", "2016 to 2019 (in million metric tons)"], "$schema": ""}
2019 Country 1970 China 720 Other countries (rounded) 280 India 103 United States** 92 Turkey 90 Vietnam 81 Iran 80 Russia 78 Indonesia 60 Brazil 53 Japan 50 Korea, Republic of 48 Egypt
China has much higher clinker capacity in 2019 than all other countries shown combined. Japan, Eqypt, and Korea are tied for the smallest clinker capacity on this graph. No countries except India and China have over 250 million metric tons clinker capacity in 2019.
{"config": {"area": {"fill": "#30a2da"}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#cbcbcb", "grid": true, "gridColor": "#cbcbcb", "gridWidth": 1, "labelColor": "#999", "labelFontSize": 10, "titleColor": "#333", "tickColor": "#cbcbcb", "tickSize": 10, "titleFontSize": 14, "titlePadding": 10, "labelPadding": 4}, "axisBand": {"grid": false}, "background": "#f0f0f0", "view": {"fill": "#f0f0f0"}, "legend": {"labelColor": "#333", "labelFontSize": 11, "padding": 1, "symbolSize": 30, "symbolType": "square", "titleColor": "#333", "titleFontSize": 14, "titlePadding": 10}, "line": {"stroke": "#30a2da", "strokeWidth": 2}, "rect": {"fill": "#30a2da"}, "bar": {"binSpacing": 2, "fill": "#30a2da", "stroke": null}, "range": {"category": ["#30a2da", "#fc4f30", "#e5ae38", "#6d904f", "#8b8b8b", "#b96db8", "#ff9e27", "#56cc60", "#52d2ca", "#52689e", "#545454", "#9fe4f8"], "diverging": ["#cc0020", "#e77866", "#f6e7e1", "#d6e8ed", "#91bfd9", "#1d78b5"], "heatmap": ["#d6e8ed", "#cee0e5", "#91bfd9", "#549cc6", "#1d78b5"]}, "point": {"filled": true, "shape": "circle"}, "title": {"anchor": "start", "fontSize": 24, "fontWeight": 600, "offset": 20}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/917.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#6d904f"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -60}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Automotive/Mobile"}, "field": "Automotive/Mobile"}}, "title": ["Distribution of Garmin 's revenue from 2009", "to 2019 , by segment"], "$schema": ""}
Year Automotive/Mobile Dec 31, 2008 0.7 Dec 31, 2009 0.62 Dec 31, 2010 0.58 Dec 31, 2011 0.55 Dec 31, 2012 0.49 Dec 31, 2013 0.43 Dec 31, 2014 0.37 Dec 31, 2015 0.29 Dec 31, 2016 0.24 Dec 31, 2017 0.19 Dec 31, 2018 0.15
The line chart shows that Garmins revenue has plummeted since 2010. The trajectory could indicate close to 0 sales in future years.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/917.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#9c9ede"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45, "title": "Aviation"}, "field": "Aviation"}}, "title": ["Distribution of Garmin 's revenue from 2009", "to 2019 , by segment"], "$schema": ""}
Year Aviation Dec 31, 2008 0.08 Dec 31, 2009 0.1 Dec 31, 2010 0.1 Dec 31, 2011 0.11 Dec 31, 2012 0.13 Dec 31, 2013 0.13 Dec 31, 2014 0.14 Dec 31, 2015 0.15 Dec 31, 2016 0.16 Dec 31, 2017 0.18 Dec 31, 2018 0.2
Over time the distribution of Garmin 's revenue's increased. There was a plateau in the growth of revenue between 2010 to 2011 and again between 2013 to 2014. The year with the highest distribution was 2019.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/917.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#f2f2f2"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Marine"}, "field": "Marine"}}, "title": ["Distribution of Garmin 's revenue from 2009", "to 2019 , by segment"], "$schema": ""}
Year Marine Dec 31, 2008 0.06 Dec 31, 2009 0.07 Dec 31, 2010 0.08 Dec 31, 2011 0.07 Dec 31, 2012 0.08 Dec 31, 2013 0.09 Dec 31, 2014 0.1 Dec 31, 2015 0.11 Dec 31, 2016 0.12 Dec 31, 2017 0.13 Dec 31, 2018 0.13
Although taking a slight dip between 2011 to 2012, the distribution of Garmin's revenue has steadily increased.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/917.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#f2f2f2"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Marine"}, "field": "Marine"}}, "title": ["Distribution of Garmin 's revenue from 2009", "to 2019 , by segment"], "$schema": ""}
Year Marine Dec 31, 2008 0.06 Dec 31, 2009 0.07 Dec 31, 2010 0.08 Dec 31, 2011 0.07 Dec 31, 2012 0.08 Dec 31, 2013 0.09 Dec 31, 2014 0.1 Dec 31, 2015 0.11 Dec 31, 2016 0.12 Dec 31, 2017 0.13 Dec 31, 2018 0.13
Garmin's revenue has doubled in 10 years from 2009 to 2019.
{"config": {"background": "#000", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#7fc97f", "#beaed4", "#fdc086", "#ffff99", "#386cb0", "#f0027f", "#bf5b17", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/91.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#beaed4"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "0-14 years"}, "field": "0-14 years"}}, "title": ["Age distribution in the United States from", "2009 to 2019"], "$schema": ""}
Year 0-14 years Dec 31, 2008 0.2036 Dec 31, 2009 0.202 Dec 31, 2010 0.2003 Dec 31, 2011 0.1982 Dec 31, 2012 0.1962 Dec 31, 2013 0.1942 Dec 31, 2014 0.1922 Dec 31, 2015 0.1902 Dec 31, 2016 0.1886 Dec 31, 2017 0.1871 Dec 31, 2018 0.1855
The age distribution has been steadily going down between 2009 and 2019.
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Year 0-14 years Dec 31, 2008 0.2036 Dec 31, 2009 0.202 Dec 31, 2010 0.2003 Dec 31, 2011 0.1982 Dec 31, 2012 0.1962 Dec 31, 2013 0.1942 Dec 31, 2014 0.1922 Dec 31, 2015 0.1902 Dec 31, 2016 0.1886 Dec 31, 2017 0.1871 Dec 31, 2018 0.1855
The percentage of 0-14 year olds has steadily declined in the USA from 2010 to 2018. From this we may infer that birth rates are declining or perhaps older people are living longer contributing to 0-14 year olds accounting for less of the percentage of population. The percentage of 0-14 year olds is now less than 1 5th of the US population.
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Year 15-64 years Dec 31, 2008 0.6688 Dec 31, 2009 0.6681 Dec 31, 2010 0.6672 Dec 31, 2011 0.6662 Dec 31, 2012 0.6648 Dec 31, 2013 0.6632 Dec 31, 2014 0.6613 Dec 31, 2015 0.6594 Dec 31, 2016 0.6572 Dec 31, 2017 0.6548 Dec 31, 2018 0.6524
There is an overall trend of decreasing age distribution over the years between 2009 to 2019. The decrease has been consistent and thus is shown by a straight line graph.
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2015 Month 440.05 Dec 558.6 Nov 909.44 Oct 802.04 Sept 915.21 Aug 911.61 Jul 820.02 Jun 894.61 May 923.88 Apr 834.64 Mar 640.18 Feb 677.54 Jan
Generally there are fewer visitors in the colder months of winter and more in the summer. In December and November the numbers were at their lowest at around 400 while their highest was in April, August, and and July.
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2015 Month 440.05 Dec 558.6 Nov 909.44 Oct 802.04 Sept 915.21 Aug 911.61 Jul 820.02 Jun 894.61 May 923.88 Apr 834.64 Mar 640.18 Feb 677.54 Jan
The lowest months were all around the winter period of the year, from Nov-Feb of each year. The rest of the year was fairly consistent with tourist numbers, with fairly small fluctuations of around 10%. The peak months had twice as many tourists as the lowest months.
{"config": {"area": {"fill": "#3366CC"}, "rect": {"fill": "#3366CC"}, "bar": {"fill": "#3366CC"}, "point": {"stroke": "#3366CC"}, "circle": {"fill": "#3366CC"}, "background": "#fff", "padding": {"top": 10, "right": 10, "bottom": 10, "left": 10}, "style": {"guide-label": {"font": "Arial, sans-serif", "fontSize": 12}, "guide-title": {"font": "Arial, sans-serif", "fontSize": 12}, "group-title": {"font": "Arial, sans-serif", "fontSize": 12}}, "title": {"font": "Arial, sans-serif", "fontSize": 14, "fontWeight": "bold", "dy": -3, "anchor": "start"}, "axis": {"gridColor": "#ccc", "tickColor": "#ccc", "domain": false, "grid": true}, "range": {"category": ["#4285F4", "#DB4437", "#F4B400", "#0F9D58", "#AB47BC", "#00ACC1", "#FF7043", "#9E9D24", "#5C6BC0", "#F06292", "#00796B", "#C2185B"], "heatmap": ["#c6dafc", "#5e97f6", "#2a56c6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/925.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#AB47BC"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 90, "title": "June*"}, "field": "June*"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -45}, "bin": false, "field": "Country"}}, "title": ["Number of international visitor arrivals", "in Finland from January to July 2020 , by", "country of origin"], "$schema": ""}
June* Country 572 Russia 1572 Germany 553 United Kingdom 1376 Sweden 186 China 445 France 3606 Estonia 525 Netherlands 1887 United States 2123 Norway 127 Japan 290 Switzerland 240 Italy 289 Spain
The highest number of international visitors in Finland was by far estonia with over 3500. Norway and the United States roughly had 2000 visitors. The lowest number of visitors were China and Japan.
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2020 to date February* 102423 26744 70241 28185 45940 19638 42030 15132 41535 7371 38079 16764 33439 9012 31706 13226 31188 10738 26897 5075 24170 10952 15908 5842 14602 5539 12396 4921
The country represented by the bar labelled 70241 on the x-axis has had the most visitors in February with close to 30,000. The country represented by the bar labelled 12396 on the x-axis has had the least visitors in February with 5,000.
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February* Country 26744 Russia 28185 Germany 19638 United Kingdom 15132 Sweden 7371 China 16764 France 9012 Estonia 13226 Netherlands 10738 United States 5075 Norway 10952 Japan 5842 Switzerland 5539 Italy 4921 Spain
In Finland, there were between 25 000 and 30 000 visitors from Germany. In Finland, there were between 25 000 and 30 000 visitors from Russia. There were around 5 000 visitors from each of the following countries: Italy, Norway and Switzerland. There were 15 000 visitors from Sweden. There were almost 20 000 visitors from the UK.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/925.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e6ab02"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -90, "title": "February*"}, "field": "February*"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -60}, "bin": false, "field": "Country"}}, "title": ["Number of international visitor arrivals", "in Finland from January to July 2020 , by", "country of origin"], "$schema": ""}
February* Country 26744 Russia 28185 Germany 19638 United Kingdom 15132 Sweden 7371 China 16764 France 9012 Estonia 13226 Netherlands 10738 United States 5075 Norway 10952 Japan 5842 Switzerland 5539 Italy 4921 Spain
Finland gained the most visitors in 2020 from Russia and Germany, with Germany edging Russia ever so slightly with approximately 28,000 visitors. Countries on the far west of Europe, including Spain, visited less than countries in Central Europe such as Netherlands and also Asian countries, including China.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/925.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e7969c"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 30, "title": "January*"}, "field": "January*"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}, "bin": false, "field": "Country"}}, "title": ["Number of international visitor arrivals", "in Finland from January to July 2020 , by", "country of origin"], "$schema": ""}
January* Country 61767 Russia 17885 Germany 17782 United Kingdom 15573 Sweden 32268 China 13338 France 7519 Estonia 10755 Netherlands 9186 United States 4332 Norway 8877 Japan 4618 Switzerland 6237 Italy 4356 Spain
Finland have significantly more international visitor arrivals from China and Russia from January to July 2020. Norway Spain and Sweden being the smallest number to arrive.
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2020 to date May* 102423 245 70241 260 45940 136 42030 460 41535 103 38079 113 33439 1268 31706 80 31188 588 26897 103 24170 78 15908 58 14602 66 12396 84
More than double the amount of people from wherever 33439 is visited Finland than the next highest visiting country.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/925.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#fed9a6"}, "x": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "2020 to date"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0, "title": "May*"}, "field": "May*"}}, "title": ["Number of international visitor arrivals", "in Finland from January to July 2020 , by", "country of origin"], "$schema": ""}
2020 to date May* 102423 245 70241 260 45940 136 42030 460 41535 103 38079 113 33439 1268 31706 80 31188 588 26897 103 24170 78 15908 58 14602 66 12396 84
The highest number of visitors to Finland was over 1200. I am unable to understand this chart fully.
{"config": {"background": "#000", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#7fc97f", "#beaed4", "#fdc086", "#ffff99", "#386cb0", "#f0027f", "#bf5b17", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/930.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#7fc97f"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Response"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 30, "title": "13-17 years"}, "field": "13-17 years"}}, "title": ["Share of people participating in outdoor", "activities in the United States from 2007", "to 2017 , by age group"], "$schema": ""}
Response 13-17 years Dec 31, 2006 0.64 Dec 31, 2007 0.61 Dec 31, 2008 0.6 Dec 31, 2009 0.61 Dec 31, 2010 0.62 Dec 31, 2011 0.6 Dec 31, 2012 0.6 Dec 31, 2013 0.6 Dec 31, 2014 0.59 Dec 31, 2015 0.59 Dec 31, 2016 0.58
The age group of 13-17 year olds has been consistent in participating in outdoor activities in the United States since 2007 to 2017.
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Response 25-44 years Dec 31, 2006 0.54 Dec 31, 2007 0.53 Dec 31, 2008 0.54 Dec 31, 2009 0.54 Dec 31, 2010 0.55 Dec 31, 2011 0.57 Dec 31, 2012 0.56 Dec 31, 2013 0.56 Dec 31, 2014 0.56 Dec 31, 2015 0.56 Dec 31, 2016 0.56
Between 2008 and 2012 the share increased slightly and hit a peak in 2012. After that it decreased slightly and then plateaued until 2016.
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Response 45+ years Dec 31, 2006 0.39 Dec 31, 2007 0.38 Dec 31, 2008 0.39 Dec 31, 2009 0.38 Dec 31, 2010 0.38 Dec 31, 2011 0.38 Dec 31, 2012 0.38 Dec 31, 2013 0.37 Dec 31, 2014 0.37 Dec 31, 2015 0.38 Dec 31, 2016 0.37
Since 2009 there has been an overall decrease in the participation of outdoor activities by all age groups.
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Year Divorces Dec 31, 1999 4.3 Dec 31, 2004 4.2 Dec 31, 2009 4.5 Dec 31, 2010 4.7 Dec 31, 2011 4.5 Dec 31, 2012 4.7 Dec 31, 2013 4.7 Dec 31, 2014 4.2 Dec 31, 2015 4.2 Dec 31, 2016 4.2 Dec 31, 2017 4 Dec 31, 2018 4.2
2013 & 2014 saw a peak in marriages and divorces but that started to decline in 2015 and was at its lowest c 2017 but has slowly started to increase in recent years.
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Year Divorces Dec 31, 1999 4.3 Dec 31, 2004 4.2 Dec 31, 2009 4.5 Dec 31, 2010 4.7 Dec 31, 2011 4.5 Dec 31, 2012 4.7 Dec 31, 2013 4.7 Dec 31, 2014 4.2 Dec 31, 2015 4.2 Dec 31, 2016 4.2 Dec 31, 2017 4 Dec 31, 2018 4.2
The number of divorces dropped sharply in 2014. Divorces continued to drop through 2015 but started to rise towards the end of the year. The number of divorces dtayed static at the start of the decade.
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Cash income level in U\.S\. dollars Households that don't pay income tax ess than 10,000 0.998 0,000 to 20,000 0.893 0,000 to 30,000 0.719 0,000 to 40,000 0.599 0,000 to 50,000 0.466 0,000 to 75,000 0.326 5,000 to 100,000 0.169 00,000 to 200,000 0.047 00,000 to 500,000 0.008 00,000 to 1 million 0.006 ore than 1 million 0.001 ll 0.433
Those that earned less than 10,000 didn't pay tax.
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Cash income level in U\.S\. dollars Households that don't pay income tax ess than 10,000 0.998 0,000 to 20,000 0.893 0,000 to 30,000 0.719 0,000 to 40,000 0.599 0,000 to 50,000 0.466 0,000 to 75,000 0.326 5,000 to 100,000 0.169 00,000 to 200,000 0.047 00,000 to 500,000 0.008 00,000 to 1 million 0.006 ore than 1 million 0.001 ll 0.433
Earnings less than 10000 1% paid less tax . Least tax payers earnings 10 - 20000. Most tax paid earn 100000 upwards.
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Year Agriculture Dec 31, 2009 0.124 Dec 31, 2010 0.1235 Dec 31, 2011 0.13 Dec 31, 2012 0.1369 Dec 31, 2013 0.1357 Dec 31, 2014 0.129 Dec 31, 2015 0.1237 Dec 31, 2016 0.1208 Dec 31, 2017 0.1227 Dec 31, 2018 0.1198 Dec 31, 2019 0.1171
The distribution of the workforce has been slowly decreasing.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/945.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ccebc5"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -90}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30, "title": "Industry"}, "field": "Industry"}}, "title": ["Greece : Distribution of the workforce across", "economic sectors from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Industry Dec 31, 2009 0.1959 Dec 31, 2010 0.1769 Dec 31, 2011 0.1654 Dec 31, 2012 0.1556 Dec 31, 2013 0.1498 Dec 31, 2014 0.1494 Dec 31, 2015 0.1525 Dec 31, 2016 0.1541 Dec 31, 2017 0.1525 Dec 31, 2018 0.1521 Dec 31, 2019 0.1517
There was a sharp decline in the workforce from 2010 to 2014 when it flat lined between 2014 to 2015 before increasing for 2016 and dipping back to 2015 levels in 2017 and a sloe decline to 2018.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#4c78a8", "#9ecae9", "#f58518", "#ffbf79", "#54a24b", "#88d27a", "#b79a20", "#f2cf5b", "#439894", "#83bcb6", "#e45756", "#ff9d98", "#79706e", "#bab0ac", "#d67195", "#fcbfd2", "#b279a2", "#d6a5c9", "#9e765f", "#d8b5a5"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/945.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#88d27a"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 90}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 60, "title": "Services"}, "field": "Services"}}, "title": ["Greece : Distribution of the workforce across", "economic sectors from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.6802 Dec 31, 2010 0.6996 Dec 31, 2011 0.7045 Dec 31, 2012 0.7075 Dec 31, 2013 0.7145 Dec 31, 2014 0.7216 Dec 31, 2015 0.7238 Dec 31, 2016 0.7251 Dec 31, 2017 0.7249 Dec 31, 2018 0.728 Dec 31, 2019 0.7312
This graph is almost linear. The trend is slightly upwards from just below 0.7 in 2010 to just above 0.7 in 2020.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#4c78a8", "#9ecae9", "#f58518", "#ffbf79", "#54a24b", "#88d27a", "#b79a20", "#f2cf5b", "#439894", "#83bcb6", "#e45756", "#ff9d98", "#79706e", "#bab0ac", "#d67195", "#fcbfd2", "#b279a2", "#d6a5c9", "#9e765f", "#d8b5a5"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/945.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#88d27a"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 90}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 60, "title": "Services"}, "field": "Services"}}, "title": ["Greece : Distribution of the workforce across", "economic sectors from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Services Dec 31, 2009 0.6802 Dec 31, 2010 0.6996 Dec 31, 2011 0.7045 Dec 31, 2012 0.7075 Dec 31, 2013 0.7145 Dec 31, 2014 0.7216 Dec 31, 2015 0.7238 Dec 31, 2016 0.7251 Dec 31, 2017 0.7249 Dec 31, 2018 0.728 Dec 31, 2019 0.7312
Between the years 2010 and 2020 services have shown a slight increase. In the year 2010, the level was below 0.7. In the year 2020, it was above 0.7.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/949.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ce6dbd"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45, "title": "55+"}, "field": "55+"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -60}, "bin": false, "field": "Response"}}, "title": ["Which of the following genres of reality", "TV shows do you typically watch ?"], "$schema": ""}
55+ Response 0.12 Documentaries / docu-series (e.g., The Real World, Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Hills, etc.) 0.25 Competition / elimination (e.g., Dancing with the Stars, America's Got Talent, etc.) 0.11 Makeover / renovation (e.g., Extreme Makeover, What Not to Wear, etc.) 0.04 Dating (e.g., The Bachelor / Bachelorette, etc.) 0.12 Hidden camera / amateur content (e.g., Impractical Jokers, America's Funniest Home Videos, etc.) 0.08 Supernatural (e.g., Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, etc.) 0.07 Travel / aspirational (e.g., Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, MTV Cribs, etc.) 0.22 Cooking (e.g., MasterChef, Chopped, etc.) 0.18 Other 0.01 Don't know 0.39 Not applicable - I do not typically watch reality TV
The highest response was not applicable. Competition and then cooking were the next most popular responses.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/949.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ce6dbd"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45, "title": "55+"}, "field": "55+"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -60}, "bin": false, "field": "Response"}}, "title": ["Which of the following genres of reality", "TV shows do you typically watch ?"], "$schema": ""}
55+ Response 0.12 Documentaries / docu-series (e.g., The Real World, Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Hills, etc.) 0.25 Competition / elimination (e.g., Dancing with the Stars, America's Got Talent, etc.) 0.11 Makeover / renovation (e.g., Extreme Makeover, What Not to Wear, etc.) 0.04 Dating (e.g., The Bachelor / Bachelorette, etc.) 0.12 Hidden camera / amateur content (e.g., Impractical Jokers, America's Funniest Home Videos, etc.) 0.08 Supernatural (e.g., Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, etc.) 0.07 Travel / aspirational (e.g., Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, MTV Cribs, etc.) 0.22 Cooking (e.g., MasterChef, Chopped, etc.) 0.18 Other 0.01 Don't know 0.39 Not applicable - I do not typically watch reality TV
The biggest response was that people do not watch reality tv shows. Competition, dating, and supernatural shows all scored amongst the highest actual types of shows.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/94.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ccebc5"}, "x": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "National Foootball League players"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Punt return"}, "field": "Punt return"}}, "title": ["Players with the most kick/punt return touchdowns", "in NFL history as of January 9 , 2020"], "$schema": ""}
National Foootball League players Punt return Devin Hester 14 Brian Mitchell 9 Dante Hall 6 Eric Metcalf 10 Josh Cribbs 3 Deion Sanders 6 Jacoby Jones 4 Ollie Matson 3 Mel J. Gray 3 Darren Sproles 7 Desmond Howard 8 Bobby Mitchell 3 Billy Johnson 6 Allen Rossum 3 Gale Sayers 2 Jack Christiansen 8 Leon Washington 0 Dave Meggett 7 Tamarick Vanover 4 Rick Upchurch 8
Leon Washington had no kick/punt return touchdowns. Devin Hester had the most at 14 punt returns. Desmond howard, jack chritiansen and Rick up church all had the same number of kick/punt returns.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/958.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e7969c"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "12 weeks to March 29, 2015"}, "field": "12 weeks to March 29, 2015"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Grocers"}}, "title": ["Total expenditure in grocery stores in Great", "Britain in 1st quarter 2015 to 1st quarter", "2017 , by grocer (in million GBP)"], "$schema": ""}
12 weeks to March 29, 2015 Grocers 7189 Tesco 4143 Sainsbury's 4318 Asda 2764 Morrisons 1341 Aldi 1507 The Co-operative 1286 Waitrose 947 Lidl 740 Other multiples 534 Iceland
In the 12 weeks to 29 March 2015 Tesco had the most expenditure at approximately Β£7,000 (million GBP), and Iceland had the least. Sainsburys and Asda had a very similar expenditure. No grocery store had zero expenditure as would be expected and Iceland, Lidl and Other stores all performed at the lower end of the expenditure scale.
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Year Income below poverty level Dec 31, 2004 95 Dec 31, 2005 91 Dec 31, 2006 92 Dec 31, 2007 96 Dec 31, 2008 92 Dec 31, 2009 85 Dec 31, 2010 81 Dec 31, 2011 82 Dec 31, 2012 76 Dec 31, 2013 77 Dec 31, 2014 76 Dec 31, 2015 78 Dec 31, 2016 76 Dec 31, 2017 77 Dec 31, 2018 74
The birth rate by poverty status has decreased from 2005 to 2019, when it became about 75 (down from just under 100 in 2005).
{"config": {"background": "#FFFFFF", "title": {"anchor": "start", "fontSize": 18, "font": "Lato"}, "axisX": {"domain": true, "domainColor": "#000000", "domainWidth": 1, "grid": false, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelFont": "Lato", "tickColor": "#000000", "tickSize": 5, "titleFontSize": 12, "titlePadding": 10, "titleFont": "Lato"}, "axisY": {"domain": false, "domainWidth": 1, "grid": true, "gridColor": "#DEDDDD", "gridWidth": 1, "labelFontSize": 12, "labelFont": "Lato", "labelPadding": 8, "ticks": false, "titleFontSize": 12, "titlePadding": 10, "titleFont": "Lato", "titleAngle": 0, "titleY": -10, "titleX": 18}, "legend": {"labelFontSize": 12, "labelFont": "Lato", "symbolSize": 100, "titleFontSize": 12, "titlePadding": 10, "titleFont": "Lato", "orient": "right", "offset": 10}, "view": {"stroke": "transparent"}, "range": {"category": ["#1696d2", "#ec008b", "#fdbf11", "#000000", "#d2d2d2", "#55b748"], "diverging": ["#ca5800", "#fdbf11", "#fdd870", "#fff2cf", "#cfe8f3", "#73bfe2", "#1696d2", "#0a4c6a"], "heatmap": ["#ca5800", "#fdbf11", "#fdd870", "#fff2cf", "#cfe8f3", "#73bfe2", "#1696d2", "#0a4c6a"], "ordinal": ["#cfe8f3", "#a2d4ec", "#73bfe2", "#46abdb", "#1696d2", "#12719e"], "ramp": ["#CFE8F3", "#A2D4EC", "#73BFE2", "#46ABDB", "#1696D2", "#12719E", "#0A4C6A", "#062635"]}, "area": {"fill": "#1696d2"}, "rect": {"fill": "#1696d2"}, "line": {"color": "#1696d2", "stroke": "#1696d2", "strokeWidth": 5}, "trail": {"color": "#1696d2", "stroke": "#1696d2", "strokeWidth": 0, "size": 1}, "point": {"color": "#1696d2", "size": 30}, "text": {"font": "Lato", "color": "#1696d2", "fontSize": 11, "align": "center", "fontWeight": 400, "size": 11}, "style": {"bar": {"fill": "#1696d2", "stroke": null}}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/963.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#d2d2d2"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Income below poverty level"}, "field": "Income below poverty level"}}, "title": ["Birth rate in the United States from 2005", "to 2019 , by poverty status"], "$schema": ""}
Year Income below poverty level Dec 31, 2004 95 Dec 31, 2005 91 Dec 31, 2006 92 Dec 31, 2007 96 Dec 31, 2008 92 Dec 31, 2009 85 Dec 31, 2010 81 Dec 31, 2011 82 Dec 31, 2012 76 Dec 31, 2013 77 Dec 31, 2014 76 Dec 31, 2015 78 Dec 31, 2016 76 Dec 31, 2017 77 Dec 31, 2018 74
The birth rate trend has slowly decreased since 2008. The birthe rate appeared tp peak in 2008 just before the downward trend started.
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Year Income below poverty level Dec 31, 2004 95 Dec 31, 2005 91 Dec 31, 2006 92 Dec 31, 2007 96 Dec 31, 2008 92 Dec 31, 2009 85 Dec 31, 2010 81 Dec 31, 2011 82 Dec 31, 2012 76 Dec 31, 2013 77 Dec 31, 2014 76 Dec 31, 2015 78 Dec 31, 2016 76 Dec 31, 2017 77 Dec 31, 2018 74
the birth rate has slowly declined since 2006, showing a temporary peak in 2008.
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Year Income below poverty level Dec 31, 2004 95 Dec 31, 2005 91 Dec 31, 2006 92 Dec 31, 2007 96 Dec 31, 2008 92 Dec 31, 2009 85 Dec 31, 2010 81 Dec 31, 2011 82 Dec 31, 2012 76 Dec 31, 2013 77 Dec 31, 2014 76 Dec 31, 2015 78 Dec 31, 2016 76 Dec 31, 2017 77 Dec 31, 2018 74
Birth rate with poverty status is reducing as 12 years go by from almost 100 down to 80 in 2018.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/963.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#6b6ecf"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -90}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Income 200 percent of poverty level or more"}, "field": "Income 200 percent of poverty level or more"}}, "title": ["Birth rate in the United States from 2005", "to 2019 , by poverty status"], "$schema": ""}
Year Income 200 percent of poverty level or more Dec 31, 2004 45 Dec 31, 2005 45 Dec 31, 2006 44 Dec 31, 2007 48 Dec 31, 2008 46 Dec 31, 2009 45 Dec 31, 2010 45 Dec 31, 2011 45 Dec 31, 2012 43 Dec 31, 2013 43 Dec 31, 2014 44 Dec 31, 2015 44 Dec 31, 2016 45 Dec 31, 2017 45 Dec 31, 2018 44
Birth rate by poverty peaked in 2008, but stayed fairly similar over the recent years. Being it nearly the same from 2006 and 2018.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#4c78a8", "#9ecae9", "#f58518", "#ffbf79", "#54a24b", "#88d27a", "#b79a20", "#f2cf5b", "#439894", "#83bcb6", "#e45756", "#ff9d98", "#79706e", "#bab0ac", "#d67195", "#fcbfd2", "#b279a2", "#d6a5c9", "#9e765f", "#d8b5a5"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/964.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#e45756"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2020**"}, "field": "2020**"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Month"}}, "title": ["Foreign exchange earnings from tourism in", "India from 2012 to 2016 , with estimates", "until 2020 , by month (in billion U.S. dollars)"], "$schema": ""}
2020** Month 0.79 Mar 2.54 Feb 2.83 Jan
The highest exchange rate earnings from tourism was january the lowest was march. whilst.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/966.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#fbb4ae"}, "x": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "2015"}, "field": "2015"}, "y": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}, "bin": false, "field": "Month"}}, "title": ["Average retail price for bananas in Canada", "from January 2015 to June 2020 (in Canadian", "dollars per kilogram)"], "$schema": ""}
2015 Month 1.67 Dec 1.68 Nov 1.69 Oct 1.7 Sep 1.72 Aug 1.71 Jul 1.72 Jun 1.71 May 1.73 Apr 1.73 Mar 1.67 Feb 1.66 Jan
The prices don’t seem to change much throughout. It seems that bananas are a bit cheaper from Jan to December.
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Year Total Attacks Dec 31, 1999 89 Dec 31, 2000 76 Dec 31, 2001 66 Dec 31, 2002 56 Dec 31, 2003 66 Dec 31, 2004 58 Dec 31, 2005 59 Dec 31, 2006 70 Dec 31, 2007 55 Dec 31, 2008 68 Dec 31, 2009 82 Dec 31, 2010 79 Dec 31, 2011 83 Dec 31, 2012 77 Dec 31, 2013 73 Dec 31, 2014 98 Dec 31, 2015 81 Dec 31, 2016 88 Dec 31, 2017 66 Dec 31, 2018 64
Between 2000 at 80 attacks and 2015 at 100 attacks .2 increase.
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Year Non-fatal Dec 31, 1999 78 Dec 31, 2000 72 Dec 31, 2001 63 Dec 31, 2002 52 Dec 31, 2003 59 Dec 31, 2004 54 Dec 31, 2005 55 Dec 31, 2006 69 Dec 31, 2007 51 Dec 31, 2008 61 Dec 31, 2009 76 Dec 31, 2010 66 Dec 31, 2011 76 Dec 31, 2012 67 Dec 31, 2013 70 Dec 31, 2014 92 Dec 31, 2015 77 Dec 31, 2016 83 Dec 31, 2017 62 Dec 31, 2018 62
That the non-fatal attacks increased in 2015. The non-fatal attacks were the lowest ever between 2005 and 2010.
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Spending Year 101.08 2024* 97.07 2023* 93.58 2022* 91.93 2021* 88.65 2020* 86.7 2019* 81.98 2018 77.36 2017 75.35 2016 75.92 2015 73.06 2014
Between 2014 and 2024 Irish government spending consistently grew from just over €70 bn at the start of that period to just over €100bn at the end. Only 2016 saw a minor decline in spending.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/980.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#b5cf6b"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Industry"}, "field": "Industry"}}, "title": ["Costa Rica : Distribution of employment", "by economic sector from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Industry Dec 31, 2009 0.1963 Dec 31, 2010 0.1925 Dec 31, 2011 0.1817 Dec 31, 2012 0.1649 Dec 31, 2013 0.1768 Dec 31, 2014 0.1915 Dec 31, 2015 0.1861 Dec 31, 2016 0.1845 Dec 31, 2017 0.1967 Dec 31, 2018 0.1976 Dec 31, 2019 0.1979
Distribution has remained relatively stable over past few years.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/980.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#b5cf6b"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Industry"}, "field": "Industry"}}, "title": ["Costa Rica : Distribution of employment", "by economic sector from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Industry Dec 31, 2009 0.1963 Dec 31, 2010 0.1925 Dec 31, 2011 0.1817 Dec 31, 2012 0.1649 Dec 31, 2013 0.1768 Dec 31, 2014 0.1915 Dec 31, 2015 0.1861 Dec 31, 2016 0.1845 Dec 31, 2017 0.1967 Dec 31, 2018 0.1976 Dec 31, 2019 0.1979
The distribution of employment over the last 10 years in Costa Rica has fluctuated very minimally. With the highest dip between 2012 and 2014.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/980.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#b5cf6b"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Industry"}, "field": "Industry"}}, "title": ["Costa Rica : Distribution of employment", "by economic sector from 2010 to 2020"], "$schema": ""}
Year Industry Dec 31, 2009 0.1963 Dec 31, 2010 0.1925 Dec 31, 2011 0.1817 Dec 31, 2012 0.1649 Dec 31, 2013 0.1768 Dec 31, 2014 0.1915 Dec 31, 2015 0.1861 Dec 31, 2016 0.1845 Dec 31, 2017 0.1967 Dec 31, 2018 0.1976 Dec 31, 2019 0.1979
The chart shows that the distribution of employment varies over the time period. It is not clear what the industry axis relates to as the values are numbers with no units.
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Two wheelers year 3520.37 FY 2020 3280.8 FY 2019 2815 FY 2018 2339.27 FY 2017 2481.19 FY 2016 2457.47 FY 2015 2084 FY 2014 1956.38 FY 2013 1975.11 FY 2012 1531.62 FY 2011
The export of two wheelers from India between 2011 and 2018 has generally increased. Despite small decreases in 2013 and 2017 the overall trend has been increasing exports.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/984.tsv"}, "mark": "bar", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#66a61e"}, "x": {"type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 60}, "bin": false, "field": "World of Warcraft Horde characters"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -60, "title": "US realms"}, "field": "US realms"}}, "title": ["Distribution of World of Warcraft Horde", "characters in U.S. and EU realms as of December", "2019 , by class"], "$schema": ""}
World of Warcraft Horde characters US realms Hunter 0.11 Warrior 0.096 Druid 0.092 Paladin 0.089 Death Knight 0.086 Mage 0.086 Warlock 0.082 Priest 0.08 Shaman 0.08 Rogue 0.079 Monk 0.065 Demon Hunter 0.054
According to the graph, most US Realms have Horde Characters of Hunters, which specialises in Ranged Attacks and likely buffs in the game. The second most popular Horde Character is the Warrior, who specialises in Close Ranged Combat and likely has a higher defence in the game. The pattern I am seeing is that the two most popular Horde Characters are Offensive Classes, in addition to the Druid Class being third place, which specialises in Offensive Magic.
{"config": {"background": "#333", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/988.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#7570b3"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 60}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Injuries"}, "field": "Injuries"}}, "title": ["Number of road traffic-related injuries", "and fatalities in the U.S. from 1990 to 2018"], "$schema": ""}
Year Injuries Dec 31, 1989 3231000 Dec 31, 1990 3097000 Dec 31, 1991 3070000 Dec 31, 1992 3149000 Dec 31, 1993 3266000 Dec 31, 1994 3465000 Dec 31, 1995 3483000 Dec 31, 1996 3348000 Dec 31, 1997 3192000 Dec 31, 1998 3236000 Dec 31, 1999 3189000 Dec 31, 2000 3033000 Dec 31, 2001 2926000 Dec 31, 2002 2889000 Dec 31, 2003 2788000 Dec 31, 2004 2699000 Dec 31, 2005 2575000 Dec 31, 2006 2491000 Dec 31, 2007 2346000 Dec 31, 2010 2227000 Dec 31, 2013 2343000 Dec 31, 2016 2745000 Dec 31, 2017 2710000
The number of road traffic-related injuries and fatalities peaked in 1995, however after this year there was a significant drop in such reports up to 2010 when reports of these incidents began to slowly rise.
{"config": {"range": {"category": ["#4c78a8", "#9ecae9", "#f58518", "#ffbf79", "#54a24b", "#88d27a", "#b79a20", "#f2cf5b", "#439894", "#83bcb6", "#e45756", "#ff9d98", "#79706e", "#bab0ac", "#d67195", "#fcbfd2", "#b279a2", "#d6a5c9", "#9e765f", "#d8b5a5"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/988.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#f2cf5b"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"title": "Fatalities"}, "field": "Fatalities"}}, "title": ["Number of road traffic-related injuries", "and fatalities in the U.S. from 1990 to 2018"], "$schema": ""}
Year Fatalities Dec 31, 1989 44599 Dec 31, 1990 41508 Dec 31, 1991 39250 Dec 31, 1992 40150 Dec 31, 1993 40716 Dec 31, 1994 41817 Dec 31, 1995 42065 Dec 31, 1996 42013 Dec 31, 1997 41501 Dec 31, 1998 41717 Dec 31, 1999 41945 Dec 31, 2000 42196 Dec 31, 2001 43005 Dec 31, 2002 42884 Dec 31, 2003 42836 Dec 31, 2004 43510 Dec 31, 2005 42708 Dec 31, 2006 41259 Dec 31, 2007 37423 Dec 31, 2010 32479 Dec 31, 2013 32744 Dec 31, 2016 37473 Dec 31, 2017 36560
In 1990 there were over 45000 road traffic-related injuries and fatalities in the U.S. In 2010 there were much fewer road traffic-related injuries and fatalities in the U.S. Overall, as the years go by there is a decline in road traffic-related injuries and fatalities in the U.S.
{"config": {"background": "#ffffff", "title": {"anchor": "start", "color": "#000000", "font": "Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif", "fontSize": 22, "fontWeight": "normal"}, "area": {"fill": "#82c6df"}, "line": {"stroke": "#82c6df", "strokeWidth": 2}, "rect": {"fill": "#82c6df"}, "bar": {"fill": "#82c6df"}, "point": {"color": "#82c6df", "size": 30}, "axis": {"labelFont": "Benton Gothic, sans-serif", "labelFontSize": 11.5, "labelFontWeight": "normal", "titleFont": "Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif", "titleFontSize": 13, "titleFontWeight": "normal"}, "axisX": {"labelPadding": 4, "tickSize": 3}, "axisY": {"labelBaseline": "middle", "maxExtent": 45, "minExtent": 45, "tickSize": 2, "titleAlign": "left", "titleAngle": 0, "titleX": -45, "titleY": -11}, "legend": {"labelFont": "Benton Gothic, sans-serif", "labelFontSize": 11.5, "symbolType": "square", "titleFont": "Benton Gothic Bold, sans-serif", "titleFontSize": 13, "titleFontWeight": "normal"}, "range": {"category": ["#ec8431", "#829eb1", "#c89d29", "#3580b1", "#adc839", "#ab7fb4"], "diverging": ["#e68a4f", "#f4bb6a", "#f9e39c", "#dadfe2", "#a6b7c6", "#849eae"], "heatmap": ["#fbf2c7", "#f9e39c", "#f8d36e", "#f4bb6a", "#e68a4f", "#d15a40", "#ab4232"], "ordinal": ["#fbf2c7", "#f9e39c", "#f8d36e", "#f4bb6a", "#e68a4f", "#d15a40", "#ab4232"], "ramp": ["#fbf2c7", "#f9e39c", "#f8d36e", "#f4bb6a", "#e68a4f", "#d15a40", "#ab4232"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/996.tsv"}, "mark": "area", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#829eb1"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 30}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": -45, "title": "Women"}, "field": "Women"}}, "title": ["Employment rate in Sweden from 2009 to 2019", ", by gender"], "$schema": ""}
Year Women Dec 31, 2008 0.622 Dec 31, 2009 0.614 Dec 31, 2010 0.626 Dec 31, 2011 0.63 Dec 31, 2012 0.633 Dec 31, 2013 0.638 Dec 31, 2014 0.644 Dec 31, 2015 0.651 Dec 31, 2016 0.657 Dec 31, 2017 0.662 Dec 31, 2018 0.661
The chart shows an increase in the employment rate of women in Sweden in the years between 2009 and 2019, from just over 0.6 to nearly 0.7.
{"config": {"background": "#666", "title": {"color": "#fff", "subtitleColor": "#fff"}, "style": {"guide-label": {"fill": "#fff"}, "guide-title": {"fill": "#fff"}}, "axis": {"domainColor": "#fff", "gridColor": "#888", "tickColor": "#fff"}, "range": {"category": ["#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2", "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc"]}}, "data": {"url": "multiColumn/data/997.tsv"}, "mark": "line", "encoding": {"color": {"value": "#ccebc5"}, "x": {"type": "temporal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 90}, "bin": false, "field": "Year"}, "y": {"type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 45, "title": "Exports"}, "field": "Exports"}}, "title": ["Value of motor vehicles imported and exported", "in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2007 to 2017", "(in billion GBP)"], "$schema": ""}
Year Exports Dec 31, 2006 16.7 Dec 31, 2007 18 Dec 31, 2008 13.3 Dec 31, 2009 19.1 Dec 31, 2010 22.5 Dec 31, 2011 23.9 Dec 31, 2012 26.4 Dec 31, 2013 27.3 Dec 31, 2014 27 Dec 31, 2015 31.5 Dec 31, 2016 34.3
Over the last ten years the general trend of value for Exports has trended upwards. The number of exports from Great Britain more than doubled by 2017. From 2009 to 2010 is the year with the largest increase in percentage of exports. 2008 to 2009 is the year with the largest decrease in percentage of motor vehicle exports. From 2014 to 2015 was they year with the least amount of change in percent of motor vehicles exported.
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Year Exports Dec 31, 2006 16.7 Dec 31, 2007 18 Dec 31, 2008 13.3 Dec 31, 2009 19.1 Dec 31, 2010 22.5 Dec 31, 2011 23.9 Dec 31, 2012 26.4 Dec 31, 2013 27.3 Dec 31, 2014 27 Dec 31, 2015 31.5 Dec 31, 2016 34.3
The value of automobiles imported into the UK from 2007 to 2017 increased in value, with the steepest increase being from 2015 to 2017.
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Year Print Dec 31, 2002 44.94 Dec 31, 2003 46.7 Dec 31, 2004 47.41 Dec 31, 2005 46.61 Dec 31, 2006 42.21 Dec 31, 2007 34.74 Dec 31, 2008 24.82 Dec 31, 2009 22.8 Dec 31, 2010 20.69 Dec 31, 2011 18.9 Dec 31, 2012 17.3 Dec 31, 2013 16.4
In 2003 the digital and print advertising revenue of U.S. newspapers was around 45 billon US dollars. After a small rise this then fell from 2005 to 2019 when it reached 25 billion. It has since decreased to roughly 18 billion in 2014.
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Year Digital Dec 31, 2002 1.22 Dec 31, 2003 1.54 Dec 31, 2004 2.03 Dec 31, 2005 2.66 Dec 31, 2006 3.17 Dec 31, 2007 3.11 Dec 31, 2008 2.74 Dec 31, 2009 3.04 Dec 31, 2010 3.25 Dec 31, 2011 3.34 Dec 31, 2012 3.42 Dec 31, 2013 3.5
As of 2004, the digital and printing advertising revenue was very low but through out the years it kept increasing and in 2012 it was able to reach its highest peak.
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Year Digital Dec 31, 2002 1.22 Dec 31, 2003 1.54 Dec 31, 2004 2.03 Dec 31, 2005 2.66 Dec 31, 2006 3.17 Dec 31, 2007 3.11 Dec 31, 2008 2.74 Dec 31, 2009 3.04 Dec 31, 2010 3.25 Dec 31, 2011 3.34 Dec 31, 2012 3.42 Dec 31, 2013 3.5
There is a gradual increase over the 8-year period from 1.25 in 2004 to 3.4 in 2012. The figure is expected to go up and reach 3.5 the years after.
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Year Passenger cars Dec 31, 2005 679154 Dec 31, 2006 701690 Dec 31, 2007 727405 Dec 31, 2008 747899 Dec 31, 2009 775573 Dec 31, 2010 808401 Dec 31, 2011 834916 Dec 31, 2012 869083 Dec 31, 2013 907062 Dec 31, 2014 947080
The volume of users is consistently highThere is a rising trend year on year.
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Year Passenger cars Dec 31, 2005 679154 Dec 31, 2006 701690 Dec 31, 2007 727405 Dec 31, 2008 747899 Dec 31, 2009 775573 Dec 31, 2010 808401 Dec 31, 2011 834916 Dec 31, 2012 869083 Dec 31, 2013 907062 Dec 31, 2014 947080
As the year increases the number of passenger cars and commercial vehicles in use worldwide increases. It has an exponential increase between 2006 to 2014.