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Kim Kardashian The Queen Of Selfies Retires Her Booty From Breaking The Internet
Tuesday, 1 November 2016 Kim Kardashian: The Queen Of Selfies The world wide web has been crashing, due to suffering from withdrawals of Kim Kardashian's daily selfies. Kim was the queen of breaking the internet with her big booty, and it wasn't always from her sitting on it! Once upon a time, Kardashian fans felt so empowered by her nakedness, they would to bow to her tweets 1000 times a day, masterbate to her on Instagram 400 times a day, and drool at her snapchat videos 2000 times a day hoping they could see more selfies. Things changed inside a Paris Hotel when 5 super villains robbed Kim of her biggest selfie moment. Fans were outraged and began rioting around the world when they learned the robbers didn't post any photos online showing Kim's booty & her boobs all tied up. In a press conference, the Kardashian family let the world know that the online trolls are real and keep haunting them in person like the boogie man. Kris Kardashian says the trolls have not stopped the family from living their normal reality TV life in the limelight because she hired more super heroes as body guards that are ready to take on the villains! Meanwhile, Kanye is still loving himself publicly, Kylie continues eating pizza filled with love letters from her number one stalker fan, and the rest of the family is estatic that the focus is back on them for a minute. Kim Kardashian has been offline for a month, yet fans refuse to believe this is the end of her booty selfies online. The world wide web hasn't stopped praying for Kim, they desperately await her selfie comeback so they can have meaning in their lives and feel empowered once again. Make DeniseVasquez's day - give this story five thumbs-up (there's no need to register , the thumbs are just down there!)
I know Patty and I are boycotting Macy s for dumping Donald Trump. It looks like thousands of Americans are also really sick and tired of all the pc actions taken by companies like Macy s. Boycott Macy s!Macy s is paying the price for sacking Donald Trump, because we ve learned thousands of customers are cutting up their Macy s credit card in protest.Sources connected to the department store tell TMZ, Macy s has received complaints from approximately 30,000 customers since ending its relationship with Trump nearly 2 weeks ago. We re told the store has been inundated with complaints from customers who believe the department store is unfairly punishing Trump for his views on immigration. Our sources say thousands of customers have vowed never to shop at Macy s again and many of them say they re cutting up their Macy s credit card to make a statement. We re told the complaints have come in various ways, including phone, Facebook and email. A Macy s spokesperson would only say, Our Facebook page is often times used by our customers to express their feelings or points of view. Many times it does not correlate to any action. Read more: TMZ
Factbox: Trump fills top jobs for his administration
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Monday he would name retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson as secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The following is a list of Republican Trump’s selections for top jobs in his administration. All the posts but that of national security adviser require Senate confirmation: Mattis is a retired Marine Corps general known for his tough talk, distrust of Iran and battlefield experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. A former leader of Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, Mattis, 66, is known by many U.S. forces by his nickname “Mad Dog.” He was once rebuked for saying in 2005: “It’s fun to shoot some people.” Mnuchin, 53, is a relatively little-known but successful private equity investor, hedge fund manager and Hollywood financier who spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs before leaving in 2002. He assembled an investor group to buy a failed California mortgage lender in 2009, rebranded it as OneWest Bank and built it into Southern California’s largest bank. The bank came under fire for its foreclosure practices as housing advocacy groups accused it of being too quick to foreclose on struggling homeowners. Ross, 78, heads the private equity firm W.L. Ross & Co. His net worth was pegged by Forbes at about $2.9 billion. A staunch supporter of Trump and an economic adviser, Ross has helped shape the Trump campaign’s views on trade policy. He blames the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico, which entered into force in 1994, and the 2001 entry of China into the World Trade Organization for causing massive U.S. factory job losses. Chao, 63, was labor secretary under President George W. Bush for eight years and the first Asian-American woman to hold a Cabinet position. Chao is a director at Ingersoll Rand, News Corp and Vulcan Materials Company. She is married to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY: U.S. REPRESENTATIVE TOM PRICE Price, 62, is an orthopedic surgeon who heads the House of Representatives’ Budget Committee. A representative from Georgia since 2005, Price has criticized Obamacare and has championed a plan of tax credits, expanded health savings accounts and lawsuit reforms to replace it. He is opposed to abortion. U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: GOVERNOR NIKKI HALEY Haley, a 44-year-old Republican, has been governor of South Carolina since 2011 and has little experience in foreign policy or the federal government. The daughter of Indian immigrants, Haley led a successful push last year to remove the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol after the killing of nine black churchgoers in Charleston by a white gunman. DeVos, 58, is a billionaire Republican donor, a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and an advocate for the privatization of education. As chair of the American Federation for Children, she has pushed at the state level for vouchers that families can use to send their children to private schools and for the expansion of charter schools. Sessions, 69, was the first U.S. senator to endorse Trump’s presidential bid and has been a close ally since. The son of a country-store owner, the senator from Alabama and former federal prosecutor has long taken a tough stance on illegal immigration, opposing any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Carson, 65, is a retired neurosurgeon who dropped out of the Republican presidential nominating race in March and threw his support to Trump. A popular writer and speaker in conservative circles, Carson previously indicated reluctance to take a position in the incoming administration because of his lack of experience in the federal government. Carson is the first African-American picked for a Cabinet spot by Trump. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: RETIRED LIEUTENANT GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN Flynn, 57, was an early supporter of Trump and serves as vice chairman on his transition team. He began his U.S. Army career in 1981 and served deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq. Flynn became head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 under President Barack Obama, but retired a year earlier than expected, according to media reports, and became a fierce critic of Obama’s foreign policy. Pompeo, 52, is a third-term congressman from Kansas who serves on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, which oversees the CIA, National Security Agency and cyber security. A retired Army officer and Harvard Law School graduate, Pompeo supports the U.S. government’s sweeping collection of Americans’ communications data and wants to scrap the nuclear deal with Iran.
John McCain to Donald Trump: 'Don’t You Dare Make Peace with Russia!'
http://humansarefree.com/2016/11/john-mccain-to-donald-trump-dont-you.html Sit down. This is going to shock you. (Not). We reported yesterday on the telephone call between US president-elect Trump and Russian president Putin, where the current and future presidents discussed the need to set aside differences and look to more constructive future relations. With serious observers of this past year's increasing tensions between US and Russia openly worrying about a nuclear war breaking out, with some 300,000 NATO troops placed on Russia's border, with sanctions hurting average businesspersons on both sides, a normal person might look at the slight thaw in Cold War 2.0 as an early positive indicator of the end of the Obama Era.Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) begs to differ.In a blistering statement he released today responding to the Trump/Putin telephone call, Sen. McCain condemned any efforts by President-elect Trump to find common ground with Putin. Any claim by Putin that he wants to improve relations with the US must be vigorously opposed, writes McCain. He explains: "We should place as much faith in such statements as any other made by a former KGB agent who has plunged his country into tyranny, murdered his political opponents, invaded his neighbors, threatened America’s allies, and attempted to undermine America’s elections." Interesting that Republican McCain has taken to using the Hillary Clinton campaign line (the one that lost her the election) that somehow the Russians were manipulating the US electoral process. The claim was never backed up by facts and Hillary's claim that some 17 US intelligence agencies agreed with her was shown to be a dangerous and foolish lie.Why is Putin not to be trusted, according to McCain? "Vladimir Putin has rejoined Bashar Assad in his barbaric war against the Syrian people with the resumption of large-scale Russian air and missile strikes in Idlib and Homs. Another brutal assault on the city of Aleppo could soon follow." What McCain doesn't say is that unlike US troops in Syria, the Russians are invited by the Syrian government and operate according to international law . Oh yes, and they are also fighting al-Qaeda and ISIS , which has sought to overthrow Assad for the past five years. Maybe McCain is just really sensitive after meeting with al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria? As rumors swirl from Washington about neocons sniffing out top jobs in the incoming administration, it would serve president-elect Trump well to reflect on he true nature of the neocon beast... More articles on John McCain:
Trump reassures farmers immigration crackdown not aimed at their workers
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he would seek to keep his tough immigration enforcement policies from harming the U.S. farm industry and its largely immigrant workforce, according to farmers and officials who met with him. At a roundtable on farm labor at the White House last month, Trump said he did not want to create labor problems for farmers and would look into improving a program that brings in temporary agricultural workers on legal visas. “He assured us we would have plenty of access to workers,” said Zippy Duvall, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, one of 14 participants at the April 25 meeting with Trump and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. During the roundtable conversation about agriculture, farmers and representatives of the sector brought up labor and immigration, the details of which have not been previously reported. Some farmers told Trump they often cannot find Americans willing to do the difficult farm jobs, according to interviews with nine of the 14 participants. They said they were worried about stricter immigration enforcement and described frustrations with the H-2A visa program, the one legal way to bring in temporary seasonal agricultural workers. The White House declined to comment on the specifics of the discussion, but described the meeting as “very productive.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture did not respond to a request for comment on the April meeting. About half of U.S. crop workers are in the country illegally and more than two-thirds are foreign born, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Department of Labor’s National Agriculture Workers’ Survey. During the roundtable, Luke Brubaker, a dairy farmer from Pennsylvania, described how immigration agents had recently picked up half a dozen chicken catchers working for a poultry transportation company in his county. The employer tried to replace them with local hires, but within three hours all but one had quit, Brubaker told the gathering at the White House. Trump said he wanted to help and asked Secretary Perdue to look into the issues and come back with recommendations, according to the accounts. While other issues such as trade, infrastructure and technology were also discussed, participants were more positive after the meeting about the conversation on foreign labor “than about anything else we talked about,”  said Bill Northey, a farmer and Iowa’s secretary of agriculture. Tom Demaline, president of Willoway Nurseries in Ohio, said he told the president about his struggles with the H-2A guestworker program, which he has used for 18 years. He told Trump the program works in concept, but not in practice. “I brought up the bureaucracy and red tape,” he said. “If the guys show up a week or two late, it puts crops in jeopardy. You are on pins and needles all year to make sure you get the workers and do everything right.” While use of the program has steadily increased over the past decade, it still accounts for only about 10 percent of the estimated 1.3 million farmworkers in the country, according to government data. In 2016, the government granted 134,000 H-2A visas Employers who import workers with H-2A visas must provide free transportation to and from the United States as well as housing and food for workers once they arrive. Wage minimums are set by the government and are often higher than farmers are used to paying. Steve Scaroni, whose company Fresh Harvest brings in thousands of foreign H-2A workers for growers in California’s Central valley, says, however, that he could find work for even more people if he had more places to house them.  For a related photo essay click on: reut.rs/2qdtfnb Trump recently signed another executive order titled “Buy American, Hire American,” calling for changes to a program granting temporary visas for the tech industry, but not to visas used by farmers and other seasonal businesses, including Trump’s own resorts. Trump also signed two executive orders, just days after taking office, focused on border security that called for arresting more people in the United States illegally and speeding up deportations. Roundtable participants said that many farmers have worried about the effect of the stepped up enforcement on their workforce, but Trump told them his administration was focused on deporting criminals, not farmworkers. “He has a much better understanding about this than some of the rhetoric we have seen,” said meeting attendee Steve Troxler, North Carolina’s agriculture commissioner and a farmer himself. The farmers at the meeting said they stressed to the president the need for both short-term and permanent workers. They said there should be a program to help long-time farmworkers without criminal records, but who are in the country illegally, to become legal residents. Last Tuesday, Democrats in the House and Senate said they would introduce a bill to give farmworkers who have worked illegally in the country for two consecutive years a “blue card” to protect them from deportation. Brubaker, the Pennsylvania farmer, said he liked what he had heard about the bill and hoped it would get the president’s support to make it a bipartisan effort. “The administration has got something started here,” he said of the meeting with farm leaders. “It’s about time something happens.” 
Violence prompts U.S. Congress to discuss militant threats
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional panel next month will hold a hearing on violent extremism, including threats from domestic militants, following a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that turned deadly. The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, Republican Michael McCaul, announced the Sept. 12 hearing in a letter to the panel’s top Democrat, Bennie Thompson. The committee holds a hearing once a year, around the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, to discuss worldwide threats. A committee aide said the Charlottesville protests had prompted the decision to broaden the hearing to include threats from domestic militants. But Thompson said the move was “not adequate or appropriate” to address his request for a hearing on threats from white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups. “The September 12 hearing to cover worldwide threats is an annual hearing that was already scheduled prior to the domestic attacks this weekend,” Thompson said. “It will not allow us to go into the depth necessary to address the far-ranging and multifaceted aspects of the threat posed by domestic terrorist threats from white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups.” The Homeland Security Committee will invite leaders of the Homeland Security Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Counterterrorism Center, McCaul said. “We must stand together and reject racism, bigotry, and prejudice, including the hateful ideologies promoted by neo-Nazis, the KKK, and all other white supremacy groups,” McCaul wrote in his response to Democrats’ request for a hearing. A 32-year-old woman was killed on Saturday in Charlottesville when a car plowed into a rival protest to white supremacist demonstrators. A 20-year-old Ohio man said to have harbored Nazi sympathies has been charged with murder. President Donald Trump on Tuesday said both sides were to blame for the violence, drawing condemnation from both fellow Republicans and Democrats for failing to single out the white nationalists.
Germany watching Trump's Iran decision with 'great concern'
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany is worried that U.S. President Donald Trump will decide this week that Iran is not respecting a two-year-old deal to curb its nuclear programme and fears such a step will worsen the security situation in the Middle East. Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said Germany was prepared to work with the United States to change Iran s behaviour in the region but we do not want to see this agreement damaged. We are looking with great concern towards the United States, Gabriel told reporters in Berlin. We urge the White House not to call into question such an important achievement that has improved our security, he said in reference to the 2015 accord reached under Trump s predecessor Barack Obama, who sought detente with Tehran. We are also offering to help influence Iran s behaviour in the region. Germany is ready to do this, but not at the price of sacrificing the nuclear deal. Trump is expected to decertify the landmark agreement between Iran and Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United States and European Union despite advice from senior members of his own cabinet and U.S. partners to stick with it. If he does say Iran is not respecting the deal, the U.S. Congress would have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions that were lifted in exchange for curbs on Iran s nuclear programme. Even if Congress does not take that step, the deal could be at risk of unravelling if Washington and Tehran resort to tit-for-tat retaliatory steps. The U.N. nuclear watchdog has repeatedly certified that Iran is in compliance with the deal s terms. Gabriel called the accord a great diplomatic success , saying it had prevented Iran from developing nuclear weapons and headed off a military conflict between Iran and Israel. We are worried, based on the signals coming out of the United States, that the president will tell lawmakers that the nuclear deal with Iran is not being fulfilled, Gabriel said. This runs counter to the view of all the European countries that participated in the deal as well as the EU. Gabriel said he had made clear to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in recent conversations that Europe, due to its relative geographical proximity to Iran, would see its own security interests as damaged if the nuclear deal collapsed. He also drew attention to the signal such a step would send to North Korea. Our big concern, with regard to North Korea, is that it is very unlikely that the North Korean dictatorship would sign an international agreement in which it agrees to renounce nuclear weapons when the one agreement like this (with Iran) is being called into question, Gabriel said.
Obama: Republicans risk diminishing credibility of Supreme Court
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday said he expected the Senate judiciary committee to hold a hearing for his eventual Supreme Court nominee and said it would be difficult for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to block the process for political reasons. Obama, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, said if Republicans defy their constitutional duties, it would deter the ability of any president to make judicial appointments and would diminish the credibility of the Supreme Court.
500 Migrants May Have Died in Sinking of Boat in Mediterranean, U.N. Says - The New York Times
The United Nations refugee agency said on Wednesday that 500 people may have died in the choppy waters of the Mediterranean last week, when a large boat packed with migrants from Africa and the Middle East capsized in an unknown location between Libya and Italy. If confirmed, it would be the worst humanitarian calamity in Europe’s migrant crisis since more than 800 people died last April near Libyan shores as they tried to reach Italy. The agency based its findings on interviews with 41 survivors of the shipwreck, although it was not able to verify the episode independently. The migrants — 23 Somalis, 11 Ethiopians, six Egyptians and a Sudanese — were picked up by a merchant ship near Greece on April 16 after days of drifting at sea. They were transferred to a migrant camp in Kalamata, a city on the Greek mainland. Their stories helped lift a cloud of confusion about the episode ever since rumors of the sinking emerged over the weekend. But they did not resolve the questions of where the ship went down or what the ultimate death toll may be. No national coast guards have reported finding the boat. If accurate, however, the testimonies suggest that human smugglers are operating as aggressively as ever on the Mediterranean route even as a recent European Union deal with Turkey has stemmed the flow across the Aegean Sea. And while there is no indication that Syrians and others who had been trying to reach Greece are now employing different routes, it is clear that Africans and others remain willing to risk everything to flee repression, poverty and war. A deal that went into effect on March 20 to deport migrants reaching Greece from Turkey has reduced the number of people coming over the Aegean, a perilous voyage that killed around 800 last year. But the policy appears to have prompted smugglers to return to previously abandoned dangerous routes through Libya to Italy — the same path used by the 800 migrants who drowned in an overloaded boat a year ago. According to the survivors in Kalamata, a similar situation unfolded late last week, although the exact date was not clear, said William Spindler, a spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Smugglers had arranged for a mother ship to leave the Libyan coast and head toward Italy, loaded with “hundreds of people in terribly overcrowded conditions. ” Soon afterward, a second boat about 30 yards long set off from near Tobruk, Libya, with between 100 and 200 people aboard. After several hours, it neared the larger ship, which was waiting somewhere off shore. The smugglers began unloading migrants from the smaller boat onto the larger ship, the survivors told United Nations workers. As people boarded the big boat, it began to list. Then it capsized, spilling passengers into the sea, where most of them drowned amid a panicked frenzy. The survivors included people who had not yet left the smaller vessel, and a handful who managed to swim to it as the larger ship went down. “I could see the bigger boat sinking,” Liban Qadar Jama, a native of Somaliland, was quoted as telling the Voice of America’s Somali Service this week. “We ran with the small boat we were in, as some migrants from the sunk boat desperately swam toward us. We could only save four of them,” he told the V. O. A. In a statement, the refugee agency called for “increased regular pathways for the admission of refugees and asylum seekers to Europe” to “reduce the demand for and dangerous irregular sea journeys. ” Reports of the sinking emerged over the weekend on Facebook and social media from Somalia. Somalia’s ambassador to Egypt then told BBC Arabic, based on the social media reports, that more than 400 migrants were thought to have drowned. Yet as the stories began to circulate, no one seemed to be able to confirm what had happened, and conflicting narratives have emerged about whether the mass sinking had occurred at all. Social media posts referred to migrant boats running from Egypt to Italy as being caught up in the disaster, although the United Nations said survivors did not confirm that in their accounts. The Somali government issued a statement on Monday stating that 200 to 300 Somalis, including numerous teenagers, appeared to have drowned. But the Greek Coast Guard and the Italian and Maltese rescue authorities denied knowledge of the episode. The International Organization for Migration said on Monday that it could not confirm any news of any deaths or shipwrecks, and the Egyptian Coast Guard and Interior Ministry, which is in charge of the police, said they had heard the news from the media and had no knowledge of any boats leaving Alexandria recently. “There is so much pressure. You have a boat rescuing people in Libya, a boat arriving elsewhere and another sinking in Greece,” said Muhammad Al Kashef, an Egyptian activist working with refugees and migrants in Alexandria. “It just makes it very hard to document things. ” In fact, after nearly 13 hours of calls to Somali activists and community leaders in and out of Egypt, Mr. Kashef said what he was able to ascertain was only that “an unspecified number of people have drowned somewhere near Greece having left from Egypt” Monday morning. “They told me they received calls from the survivors of Monday’s shipwreck in Greece saying their relatives died,” he added. As the rumors spread, European officials rushed to make statements. President Sergio Mattarella of Italy said in Rome on Monday that Europe was looking at “yet another tragedy in the Mediterranean in which, it seems, several hundred people have died. ”
BUSTED: HILLARY’S MEDIA CHEERLEADERS Caught Hiding Truth About Most Corrupt Candidate Ever During Live Interviews [VIDEO]
Wow! This compilation of blatant blocking for Hillary is beyond embarrassing and these journalists should be serving time for journalistic malpractice.We all know the mainstream media is guilty of supporter the Democrat candidate for President in almost every election for decades, the question is: Are we going to allow them to define the narrative and cover for a criminal while destroying the reputation of Trump, who is truly the only ally we have against this corrupt media, or are we going to stand up and shout, NO MORE! ? A few examples of journalistic malpractice: We have chosen to cut off that microphone. Let me be clear here, obviously the majority of Donald Trump supporters are not African American, I don t know how many African Americans were in that building. But that is one person we have chosen to cut off the sound off for. This is happening every day in America are you doing your part to discredit them? After all, silence is consent
Ivanka Trump to End Fine Jewelry Line in Favor of Mass-Market One - The New York Times
Over the last few weeks, it seemed like Neiman Marcus could not make up its mind about whether to sell Ivanka Trump’s fine jewelry. The brand’s baubles disappeared, reappeared and then disappeared again from the department store’s website. But now, Neiman Marcus won’t have much of a choice. Ms. Trump’s brand has discontinued its line of bracelets, necklaces and rings, the company confirmed on Monday. Instead, it will focus on more affordable fashion jewelry, according to Abigail Klem, the president of Ms. Trump’s brand. In a statement, Ms. Klem attributed the decision to the company’s “commitment to offering products at accessible price points. ” She did not mention Neiman Marcus, or any of the other retailers that had recently backed away from carrying Ms. Trump’s increasingly politicized products. The decision to discontinue Ms. Trump’s fine jewelry line was reported on Friday by Vanity Fair. Ms. Trump’s shoes, handbags and clothing lines have become targets for both supporters and detractors of her father, President Trump, in his political rise to the White House. Many shoppers have rallied behind Grab Your Wallet, a largely movement to boycott companies associated with the Trump name. Some companies, like Nordstrom and T. J. Maxx, have pulled back from promoting Ms. Trump’s brand. After the Nordstrom decision, Mr. Trump and one of his top advisers, Kellyanne Conway, spoke out in support of the brand. By some indications, sales of Ms. Trump’s products took off since those comments. “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would say,” Ms. Conway said last month during an interview on Fox News. “I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody you can find it online. ” Representatives for Ms. Trump have said that overall sales of her products increased 21 percent in 2016 compared with 2015. In a statement, Ms. Klem said that February this year saw some of the “best performing weeks in the history of the brand. ” Ms. Trump licenses her name to various partners who manufacture her products. The largest share of her revenue comes from sales of her clothing, followed by shoes and handbags. Fine jewelry has always made up a small percentage of her overall business, according to company documents and interviews with former employees. Jewelry, however, was Ms. Trump’s first major foray into licensing her name. She partnered with Moshe Lax, a New diamond wholesaler, who helped Ms. Trump open a retail location on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in 2007. In 2011, her boutique moved to a sprawling store in the city’s SoHo neighborhood. That location, however, was ultimately not profitable enough to stay open and closed in 2015. More recently, Ms. Trump’s fine jewelry has been sold out of a kiosk in the lobby of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan. In the fall, Lord Taylor began selling Ms. Trump’s fashion jewelry, which is the product of a new licensing partnership, according to a spokeswoman for the brand. Unlike her fine jewelry, items in the fashion jewelry line are aimed at a audience, with many items priced at under $100. The company projected to make about $300, 000 in royalty fees in 2016, according to company documents from 2014 that were obtained by The New York Times. Sales were expected to reach about $7. 5 million last year. Ms. Trump’s fine jewelry line consisted of diamond bracelets, rings and necklaces that sold for several thousand dollars apiece, like the $10, 800 bangle she wore on CBS’s “60 Minutes” shortly after her father won the presidential election. When journalists received a “style alert” from Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry promoting the item, critics pounced on Ms. Trump, accusing her of using her proximity to the White House to promote her brand. Ms. Klem blamed a “ marketing employee” for the mishap, saying that the company was still figuring out how to move forward appropriately postelection. Ms. Trump still maintains a financial interest in her namesake brand. But since the election, she has taken steps to distance herself from her business interests. Ms. Trump has stepped away from leadership positions at both her brand and at the Trump Organization, where she served as an executive vice president for development and acquisitions along with her two brothers, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. who remain at the company. Ms. Klem was put in charge of the Ivanka Trump company. In addition, Ms. Trump separated her personal and business social media accounts.
AWESOME! Conservative Women Speak Up About What They Like In A Politician [Video]
No matter what candidate you re supporting, this is a great example of what Americans REALLY want in a leader. Just listen to these women and you ll hear that they want honesty and strength in our next president. This video was recorded at the Grand Rapids, MI Trump Rally: (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Women like Donald Trump at Grand Rapids, Michigan rallyWomen like Donald Trump at Grand Rapids, Michigan rallyPosted by The American Mirror on Tuesday, 22 December 2015
iTS DARK ALRIGHT . In a sad twist of fate these black people in power are doing more to damage black people 's reptutation than any white people ever could . Whats wrong with them ?? Where are they in the streets complaing about corruption ???? Where are they at the voting booths voting against it ?? Thats what you get when you back the very people who fought hard to keep them slaves and i might add where the KKK . They need to wake up fast .
WATCH: NY TOWN REJECTS Pledge Of Allegiance…”Total Waste Of Time”…Could Raise First Amendment Issues
Remember when it wasn t acceptable to be an anti-American in America? It s great to see at least one woman who is standing up with a few others on the board against these anti-Americans who can t be bothered with the pledge. Watch:
Full UFO Disclosure Is Inevitable
Full UFO Disclosure Is Inevitable Nov 18, 2016 7 0 What is coming can’t be stopped. The truth is out there and we know it. While some believe that a partial disclosure of the truth on the UFO/E.T. phenomena will be pulled off, the reality is that any attempts to subvert or spin the truth of this monumental truth will ultimately backfire. “The truth is out there.” According to whistle-blower Corey Goode , the banking and political cabal (some call it the NWO) is bent on releasing the truth about the UFO and extraterrestrial existence, but have that truth spun in a way where this cabal continues to maintain it’s power. In the end, the would not serve the greater interests of humanity, as this cabal would still try to keep several of it’s methods of enslavement over humanity going. However, this scenario is extremely unlikely due to the amount of people who know the truth. It is also unlikely due to the kind of information that is continuing to come out regarding the existence of other beings in our universe. Credible Insiders Going back to late 2013, former Canadian Prime Minister and Defense Minister Paul Hellyer said in a TV interview with RT , that he knows for a fact that UFOs are real and that they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years. He also said that there are at least 4 different species that he knows of and that they want to help us create a peaceful world. He also said they have the technology to completely transform our world for the better. If there would be one interview to send to someone skeptical of this subject, this would be it. Paul Hellyer gave an eye-opening interview. In another interview that opened even more eyes was in early 2013 when former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor Dr. Brian O’ Leary told the world: “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted and that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time…” In the interview he also discusses free energy technology that these beings use. Another famous quote from Dr. O’Leary regarding free energy technology is: “These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories all over the world, yet never see the light of day. If the new energy technologies were set free world wide the change would be profound. It would affect everybody, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the history of the world.” Another prominent figure who has openly spoken about the UFO and free energy reality is former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Mitchell was brought back into focus a little over a month ago when Wikileaks revealed emails that Mitchell sent to John Podesta , chairman of the Clinton campaign. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. Though these are just three cases of well-known, credible insiders revealing the truth, there are literally thousands more that have come forward over the years. For further insider testimony, take a look at The Disclosure Project video where in 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific insiders came forward and testified what they know about the UFO and E.T. subject. It Won’t Stop There As truths like this continue to come out, much of what we’ve been taught on this planet will need to be addressed and revised. Almost every area of our world has been compromised by this secret cabal. JFK put it best when he openly stated opposition to “secret societies, secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” As well as opposition to “a ruthless conspiracy…a highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” Indeed, almost everything we see around us has been built on secrecy and lies. Full disclosure is more than just the truth about UFOs and other beings visiting our world. It is also more than the free energy technologies that have been intentionally suppressed. Full disclosure will also include learning about these “secret societies” that JFK talked about. It will include learning about how a group of “elites” controlled the media, the schools, the religions, the miltaries, the financial systems as well as controlling the weather (HAARP technology), controlling the food supply and attempting a mass eugenics project through genetically modified foods. It will also include learning about the subversion of the scientific method to push their destructive agenda into the health and medical fields. It will include revealing how pharmaceuticals have been used to numb and slowly degrade biological activity within the human body. Full disclosure will include learning about the use of chemical weapons on it’s own people through what is known as chemtrails. Even the CIA Chief has admitted they are engaging in such geoengineering practices. We could also call this stratospheric aerosol injection. Full disclosure will also reveal how the elite’s have stolen and have been abusing the global collateral accounts . These accounts were intentionally created to fund massive humanitarian projects and are the real reason JFK was murdered. Full disclosure will reveal the true history behind these accounts and all of the banks, governments (registered corporations) and other corporations (like the United Nations) that have been illegally using these accounts. We will also learn about how the 9/11 false flag is connected to these accounts. We will also learn about how our birth certificates have been turned into securities that are being traded on the New York Stock Exchange. We will also learn about how almost every “government” in this world is actually a registered corporation . We do not have governments running our country. We have masquerading corporations. We’ll also learn about mind control operations that have been used both on the public, as well as on certain politicians, bankers and celebrities. This is most commonly known as MK Ultra. We will also learn about the massive child-trafficking, pedophile ring that the elites have been involved in. Even so, there will still be much more that will be revealed. Full Disclosure Now While some want to create a partial disclosure, such a scenario is nearly impossible. The reason this is so is that there are many, many scientific, military, political and intelligence related people who know an incredible amount of information, but stay silent to either preserve their life or preserve their job. Once the door cracks open, we will see a few major figures come forth and reveal what they know. Once that happens, we will see the floodgates open. Dozens and then hundreds of people who know the truth on a wide range of topics, such as those listed above, will no longer have the threat of death held against them. They will be free to speak about what they know. The world is becoming more ready each day thanks to the internet and information like that contained in this article reaching even more people. The world is awakening to the truth and we know that we already have the technology to turn this planet into a paradise. We know that there are peaceful beings living on other planets and in other dimensions. This is reality. You can join the growing Facebook group who is pushing for full disclosure here . Lastly, take a look at the words from David Wilcock , NYT Best-Selling author, researcher, lecturer and UFO expert from just a couple days ago : “I will say that the fight for Disclosure and the defeat of the Cabal is now at a “Red Hot” level, based on multiple insider testimonies. The scope, power and speed of changes we might see are anyone’s guess, but it definitely appears that things are going to get a lot more interesting.”
STEVIE WONDER SLAMS Black Lives Matter At MN Peace Conference: “You Cannot Say ‘Black Lives Matter’ and Then Kill Yourselves” [VIDEO]
The music icon spoke at the North Minneapolis Conference on Peace on Saturday.Stevie Wonder spoke out about Black Lives Matter and youth gun violence at the North Minneapolis Conference on Peace on Saturday. It is in your hands to stop all of the killing and the shooting wherever it might be, Wonder said. You cannot say, Black lives matter, and then kill yourselves. Because you know we ve mattered long before it was said, but the way we show that we matter, the way that we show all the various people of color matter is by loving each other and doing something about it. Not just talking about it, not just waiting to see the media and press come when there s a horrible thing. Watch:Wonder s statement came after he highlighted the fatal shooting of Philando Castile during a traffic stop by former Minnesota police officer Jeronimo Yanez. On Friday, Yanez was acquitted of all charges by a jury. BillboardThe amazing website heyjackass.com provides up-to-date information on the current gun-crime situation in the gun-free city of Chicago. Why are there no protests in the city of Chicago from Black Lives Matter?Every 2:30 minutes a person is shot in the city of Chicago. Where is the outrage from the black community over the killing of their own in their communities?
[VIDEO] BUMBLING US DEFENSE SEC. CAN’T ANSWER QUESTION ABOUT Whether Or Not We’ll Defend The 60 Syrians We’re Training To Fight ISIS
Yeah you know the Obama regime is serious about taking down ISIS when they send in 60 Syrian rebels and leave them unprotected against the Assad regime. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) went straight for the jugular in questioning Defense Secretary Ash Carter at a Tuesday Senate hearing on the Obama administration s strategy against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.McCain criticized President Obama s comments at the Pentagon on Monday citing recent progress against ISIS as delusional, and he ripped Carter over the Pentagon s slowness in training Syrian rebels.He said ISIS overall is gaining territory in Iraq and Syria and that there is no compelling reason to believe the administration s strategy is going to succeed in limiting the group. McCain disparaged the Pentagon for failing to provide military support to the few Syrian rebels it is training after Carter said the military would decide how to provide support once they are in the field. Via: The HillSenator John McCain: And is it true that with these people that you are training and equipping to fight in Syria that they re only there to fight ISIS and not Bashar Assad? Is that true?US Defense Secretary Carter: Ah..we re uh..yes, we are telling them to uh uh that we arming and uh .training them uh in the first instance, to go after ISIL and not uh..the Assad regime and that is our priority. McCain:So, in other words if they are barrel bombed by Bashar Assad, they are not Carter: No I think we have SOME obligation to them once they re inserted in the field. Again, we don t expect them to be McCain: Is that to defend them against barrel bombing?Carter: Well that decision will be made when we introduce fighters into the field.McCain: That s a small comfort to those people you re recruiting right now that that decision will be made later on.Is that fair to these young men to say: We are sending you in to fight ISIS only, and by the way, we will decide on the policy whether to defend you if you are barrel bombed?Carter: They know that we will provide support to them. Exactly what kind of support McCain: Does that mean you will defend them against Bashar Assad s barrel bombing?McCain s final question: So you re recruiting them, but not telling them that you ll defend them because you haven t made a decision yet? And yet you want to train them quickly and send them in?
The World To Trump: F*ck Off, You Did Not ‘Inherit A Mess’ From Obama (VIDEO)
With the White House plagued with scandals, Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed the dishonest media for not giving him proper credit after he inherited a mess from former President Barack Obama.We have some bad news for Mr. Trump. The world strongly disagrees with him. Trump has been in office for only 168 days and yet he has already had a major impact on how the world sees the United States.MSNBC s Chris Matthews highlighted a new Pew Research Center poll which shows that Trump and many of his key policies are broadly unpopular around the globe, and ratings for the U.S. have declined steeply in many nations.Trump is wildly unpopular worldwide while Obama s popularity soars above the former reality show star s ratings. 37 nations were included in the poll, showing that a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. In contrast to the final years of Barack Obama s presidency, a median of 64% expressed confidence in Trump s predecessor to direct America s role in the world.Watch: This highlights why Trump has exhibited so much jealousy toward his popular predecessor. Trump will never be respected like Obama was and is. Trump s jealously toward Obama was displayed long before he took the oath of office. Obama would never bash the U.S. media and intelligence agencies while on foreign soil. In fact, he never did that in the U.S., but Trump does and did. Obama retaliated against Russia s meddling in our 2016 presidential election by ordering 35 Russian diplomats to leave the country. Obama imposed sanctions against the foreign hostile government, while Trump s administration would like to lift them.The former reality show star is fake news and that can be seen daily in his Twitter timeline but he is good at projection.By the way, Trump is not expected to confront Russian leader Vladimir Putin today at the G20 summit meeting about his country s interference in our presidential election.Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.
State Polls: Trump Gains DRAMATICALLY | Daily Wire
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) October 31, 2016 Remington Research's summary of the polling data asserted that the race has become "increasingly competitive": Last week, we found a presidential race where Hillary Clinton held a clear advantage. This week, we find an increasingly competitive race with just eight days to go. Trump appears to be holding strong in his must-win states and Colorado remains within the margin of error. The data also show that Pennsylvania has moved into the margin of error category. “The presidential race remains very competitive as we move into the final stretch. Hillary maintains an advantage leading in Colorado and Pennsylvania, but at this point anything can happen,” said Titus Bond, Director of Remington Research Group Other state polling data came out on Sunday that also showed a close-race between Trump and Clinton, although the polls were surveyed before FBI director James Comey's announcement that they were re-opening their investigation against Clinton . Via RealClearPolitics : Florida: New York Times/Siena: Trump 46 percent, Clinton 42 percent. NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist: Clinton 45 percent, Trump 44 percent. Gravis: Clinton 48 percent, Trump 47 percent. Colorado: CBS News/YouGov: Clinton 42 percent, Trump 39 percent. Arizona: CBS/YouGov: Trump 44 percent, Clinton 42 percent. North Carolina: NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist: Clinton 47 percent, Trump 41 percent. Gravis: Clinton 49 percent, Trump 47 percent. CBS News/YouGov: Clinton 48 percent, Trump 45 percent. Pennsylvania: CBS News/YouGov: Clinton 48 percent, Trump 40 percent. The fact that some of these polls were close even before the Comey announcement led to this observation from FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver: Both things can be true: 1) Comey impact overblown — Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 31, 2016 Radio host Steve Deace writes at Conservative Review that while early voting has been overwhelmingly in favor of Clinton, the renewed FBI investigation could "have a potentially huge impact" on Election Day: Trump was on defense on the election map as he had to defend states like Arizona, Georgia, Utah, Indiana, and Alaska that rarely go blue on Election Day. It’s quite conceivable that yet another reminder of the stench of corruption that has long surrounded the Clintons could sway the bulk of Republican-leaning undecideds Trump’s way. But that’s provided, of course, that he can withstand his compulsion to negatively influence a favorable news cycle as he’s been prone to do. Then there’s the matter of Trump’s emerging Evan McMullin headache in Utah. If Trump can be disciplined this final week, his campaign may have the freedom to focus its efforts on Iowa, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. Those five states would get him within striking distance to 265 Electoral College votes, and then you hope you can pull an upset in Colorado, Pennsylvania, or New Mexico where Trump is visiting during the campaign’s final week. The hope is that there’s enough voters in those states wearier of Clinton’s corruption than worried about whether Trump’s fit for office. FiveThirtyEight currently has Trump's odds of winning the presidency at 23.6 percent in their polls-plus forecast. This week will be crucial for Trump in increasing those odds, and maybe the FBI's re-opened investigation into Clinton will help improve those odds as it becomes closer to Election Day. Tags
The rise of American authoritarianism
The American media, over the past year, has been trying to work out something of a mystery: Why is the Republican electorate supporting a far-right, orange-toned populist with no real political experience, who espouses extreme and often bizarre views? How has Donald Trump, seemingly out of nowhere, suddenly become so popular? What's made Trump's rise even more puzzling is that his support seems to cross demographic lines education, income, age, even religiosity that usually demarcate candidates. And whereas most Republican candidates might draw strong support from just one segment of the party base, such as Southern evangelicals or coastal moderates, Trump currently does surprisingly well from the Gulf Coast of Florida to the towns of upstate New York, and he won a resounding victory in the Nevada caucuses. Table of contents I. What is American authoritarianism? II. The discovery III. How authoritarianism works IV. What can authoritarianism explain? V. The party of authoritarians VI. Trump, authoritarians, and fear VII. America's changing social landscape VIII. What authoritarians want IX. How authoritarians will change American politics Perhaps strangest of all, it wasn't just Trump but his supporters who seemed to have come out of nowhere, suddenly expressing, in large numbers, ideas far more extreme than anything that has risen to such popularity in recent memory. In South Carolina, a CBS News exit poll found that 75 percent of Republican voters supported banning Muslims from the United States. A PPP poll found that a third of Trump voters support banning gays and lesbians from the country. Twenty percent said Lincoln shouldn't have freed the slaves. Last September, a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst named Matthew MacWilliams realized that his dissertation research might hold the answer to not just one but all three of these mysteries. MacWilliams studies authoritarianism not actual dictators, but rather a psychological profile of individual voters that is characterized by a desire for order and a fear of outsiders. People who score high in authoritarianism, when they feel threatened, look for strong leaders who promise to take whatever action necessary to protect them from outsiders and prevent the changes they fear. So MacWilliams naturally wondered if authoritarianism might correlate with support for Trump. He polled a large sample of likely voters, looking for correlations between support for Trump and views that align with authoritarianism. What he found was astonishing: Not only did authoritarianism correlate, but it seemed to predict support for Trump more reliably than virtually any other indicator. He later repeated the same poll in South Carolina, shortly before the primary there, and found the same results, which he published in Vox: As it turns out, MacWilliams wasn't the only one to have this realization. Miles away, in an office at Vanderbilt University, a professor named Marc Hetherington was having his own aha moment. He realized that he and a fellow political scientist, the University of North Carolina's Jonathan Weiler, had essentially predicted Trump's rise back in 2009, when they discovered something that would turn out to be far more significant than they then realized. That year, Hetherington and Weiler published a book about the effects of authoritarianism on American politics. Through a series of experiments and careful data analysis, they had come to a surprising conclusion: Much of the polarization dividing American politics was fueled not just by gerrymandering or money in politics or the other oft-cited variables, but by an unnoticed but surprisingly large electoral group authoritarians. Their book concluded that the GOP, by positioning itself as the party of traditional values and law and order, had unknowingly attracted what would turn out to be a vast and previously bipartisan population of Americans with authoritarian tendencies. This trend had been accelerated in recent years by demographic and economic changes such as immigration, which "activated" authoritarian tendencies, leading many Americans to seek out a strongman leader who would preserve a status quo they feel is under threat and impose order on a world they perceive as increasingly alien. Trump embodies the classic authoritarian leadership style: simple, powerful, and punitive These Americans with authoritarian views, they found, were sorting into the GOP, driving polarization. But they were also creating a divide within the party, at first latent, between traditional Republican voters and this group whose views were simultaneously less orthodox and, often, more extreme. Over time, Hetherington and Weiler had predicted, that sorting would become more and more pronounced. And so it was all but inevitable that, eventually, authoritarians would gain enough power within the GOP to make themselves heard. At the time, even Hetherington and Weiler did not realize the explosive implications: that their theory, when followed to its natural conclusion, predicted a looming and dramatic transformation of American politics. But looking back now, the ramifications of their research seem disturbingly clear. Authoritarians are thought to express much deeper fears than the rest of the electorate, to seek the imposition of order where they perceive dangerous change, and to desire a strong leader who will defeat those fears with force. They would thus seek a candidate who promised these things. And the extreme nature of authoritarians' fears, and of their desire to challenge threats with force, would lead them toward a candidate whose temperament was totally unlike anything we usually see in American politics and whose policies went far beyond the acceptable norms. A candidate like Donald Trump. Donald Trump (Scott Olson/Getty Images) Even Hetherington was shocked to discover quite how right their theory had been. In the early fall of 2015, as Trump's rise baffled most American journalists and political scientists, he called Weiler. He asked, over and over, "Can you believe this? Can you believe this?" This winter, I got in touch with Hetherington, MacWilliams, and several other political scientists who study authoritarianism. I wanted to better understand the theory that seemed to have predicted, with such eerie accuracy, Trump's rise. And, like them, I wanted to find out what the rise of authoritarian politics meant for American politics. Was Trump just the start of something bigger? These political scientists were, at that moment, beginning to grapple with the same question. We agreed there was something important happening here that was just beginning to be understood. Donald Trump could be just the first of many Trumps in American politics Shortly after the Iowa Republican caucus, in which Trump came in a close second, Vox partnered with the Washington-based media and polling company Morning Consult to test American authoritarians along a range of political and social views and to test some hypotheses we had developed after speaking with the leading political scientists of the field. What we found is a phenomenon that explains, with remarkable clarity, the rise of Donald Trump but that is also much larger than him, shedding new light on some of the biggest political stories of the past decade. Trump, it turns out, is just the symptom. The rise of American authoritarianism is transforming the Republican Party and the dynamics of national politics, with profound consequences likely to extend well beyond this election. I. What is American authoritarianism? A Trump supporter carries a sign saying "Build the wall" Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images For years now, before anyone thought a person like Donald Trump could possibly lead a presidential primary, a small but respected niche of academic research has been laboring over a question, part political science and part psychology, that had captivated political scientists since the rise of the Nazis. How do people come to adopt, in such large numbers and so rapidly, extreme political views that seem to coincide with fear of minorities and with the desire for a strongman leader? To answer that question, these theorists study what they call authoritarianism: not the dictators themselves, but rather the psychological profile of people who, under the right conditions, will desire certain kinds of extreme policies and will seek strongman leaders to implement them. The political phenomenon we identify as right-wing populism seems to line up, with almost astonishing precision, with the research on how authoritarianism is both caused and expressed After an early period of junk science in the mid-20th century, a more serious group of scholars has addressed this question, specifically studying how it plays out in American politics: researchers like Hetherington and Weiler, Stanley Feldman, Karen Stenner, and Elizabeth Suhay, to name just a few. The field, after a breakthrough in the early 1990s, has come to develop the contours of a grand theory of authoritarianism, culminating quite recently, in 2005, with Stenner's seminal The Authoritarian Dynamic just in time for that theory to seemingly come true, more rapidly and in greater force than any of them had imagined, in the personage of one Donald Trump and his norm-shattering rise. According to Stenner's theory, there is a certain subset of people who hold latent authoritarian tendencies. These tendencies can be triggered or "activated" by the perception of physical threats or by destabilizing social change, leading those individuals to desire policies and leaders that we might more colloquially call authoritarian. It is as if, the NYU professor Jonathan Haidt has written, a button is pushed that says, "In case of moral threat, lock down the borders, kick out those who are different, and punish those who are morally deviant." Authoritarians are a real constituency that exists independently of Trump and will persist as a force in American politics Authoritarians prioritize social order and hierarchies, which bring a sense of control to a chaotic world. Challenges to that order diversity, influx of outsiders, breakdown of the old order are experienced as personally threatening because they risk upending the status quo order they equate with basic security. This is, after all, a time of social change in America. The country is becoming more diverse, which means that many white Americans are confronting race in a way they have never had to before. Those changes have been happening for a long time, but in recent years they have become more visible and harder to ignore. And they are coinciding with economic trends that have squeezed working-class white people. When they face physical threats or threats to the status quo, authoritarians support policies that seem to offer protection against those fears. They favor forceful, decisive action against things they perceive as threats. And they flock to political leaders who they believe will bring this action. If you were to read every word these theorists ever wrote on authoritarians, and then try to design a hypothetical candidate to match their predictions of what would appeal to authoritarian voters, the result would look a lot like Donald Trump. But political scientists say this theory explains much more than just Donald Trump, placing him within larger trends in American politics: polarization, the rightward shift of the Republican Party, and the rise within that party of a dissident faction challenging GOP orthodoxies and upending American politics. More than that, authoritarianism reveals the connections between several seemingly disparate stories about American politics. And it suggest that a combination of demographic, economic, and political forces, by awakening this authoritarian class of voters that has coalesced around Trump, have created what is essentially a new political party within the GOP a phenomenon that broke into public view with the 2016 election but will persist long after it has ended. II. The discovery: how a niche subfield of political science suddenly became some of the most relevant research in American politics Buttons for sale on the day of the 2016 Iowa caucuses Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images Buttons for sale on the day of the 2016 Iowa caucuses. This study of authoritarianism began shortly after World War II, as political scientists and psychologists in the US and Europe tried to figure out how the Nazis had managed to win such wide public support for such an extreme and hateful ideology. That was a worthy field of study, but the early work wasn't particularly rigorous by today's standards. The critical theorist Theodor Adorno, for instance, developed what he called the "F-scale," which sought to measure "fascist" tendencies. The test wasn't accurate. Sophisticated respondents would quickly discover what the "right" answers were and game the test. And there was no proof that the personality type it purportedly measured actually supported fascism. More than that, this early research seemed to assume that a certain subset of people were inherently evil or dangerous an idea that Hetherington and Weiler say is simplistic and wrong, and that they resist in their work. (They acknowledge the label "authoritarians" doesn't do much to dispel this, but their efforts to replace it with a less pejorative-sounding term were unsuccessful.) If this rise in American authoritarianism is so powerful as to drive Trump's ascent, then how else might it be shaping American politics? But the real problem for researchers was that even if there really were such a thing as an authoritarian psychological profile, how do you measure it? How do you interrogate authoritarian tendencies, which can sometimes be latent? How do you get honest answers on questions that can be sensitive and highly politicized? As Hetherington explained to me, "There are certain things that you just can't ask people directly. You can't ask people, 'Do you not like black people?' You can't ask people if they're bigots." For a long time, no one had a solution for this, and the field of study languished. Then in the early 1990s, a political scientist named Stanley Feldman changed everything. Feldman, a professor at SUNY Stonybrook, believed authoritarianism could be an important factor in American politics in ways that had nothing to do with fascism, but that it could only reliably be measured by unlinking it from specific political preferences. He realized that if authoritarianism were a personality profile rather than just a political preference, he could get respondents to reveal these tendencies by asking questions about a topic that seemed much less controversial. He settled on something so banal it seems almost laughable: parenting goals. Feldman developed what has since become widely accepted as the definitive measurement of authoritarianism: four simple questions that appear to ask about parenting but are in fact designed to reveal how highly the respondent values hierarchy, order, and conformity over other values. Please tell me which one you think is more important for a child to have: independence or respect for elders? Please tell me which one you think is more important for a child to have: obedience or self-reliance? Please tell me which one you think is more important for a child to have: to be considerate or to be well-behaved? Please tell me which one you think is more important for a child to have: curiosity or good manners? Feldman's test proved to be very reliable. There was now a way to identify people who fit the authoritarian profile, by prizing order and conformity, for example, and desiring the imposition of those values. In 1992, Feldman convinced the National Election Study, a large survey of American voters conducted in each national election year, to include his four authoritarianism questions. Ever since, political scientists who study authoritarianism have accumulated a wealth of data on who exhibits those tendencies and on how they align with everything from demographic profiles to policy preferences. What they found was impossible to ignore and is only just beginning to reshape our understanding of the American electorate. III. How authoritarianism works A Tea Party supporter holds a sign asking "Obama where's your papers" Justin Sullivan/Getty Images A 2010 protest against President Obama. In the early 2000s, as researchers began to make use of the NES data to understand how authoritarianism affected US politics, their work revealed three insights that help explain not just the rise of Trump, but seemingly a half-century of American political dynamics. The first was Hetherington and Weiler's insight into partisan polarization. In the 1960s, the Republican Party had reinvented itself as the party of law, order, and traditional values a position that naturally appealed to order- and tradition-focused authoritarians. Over the decades that followed, authoritarians increasingly gravitated toward the GOP, where their concentration gave them more and more influence over time. The second was Stenner's theory of "activation." In an influential 2005 book called The Authoritarian Dynamic, Stenner argued that many authoritarians might be latent that they might not necessarily support authoritarian leaders or policies until their authoritarianism had been "activated." The social threat theory helps explain why authoritarians seem so prone to reject not just one specific kind of outsider or social change, such as Muslims or same-sex couples or Hispanic migrants, but rather to reject all of them This activation could come from feeling threatened by social changes such as evolving social norms or increasing diversity, or any other change that they believe will profoundly alter the social order they want to protect. In response, previously more moderate individuals would come to support leaders and policies we might now call Trump-esque. Other researchers, like Hetherington, take a slightly different view. They believe that authoritarians aren't "activated" they've always held their authoritarian preferences but that they only come to express those preferences once they feel threatened by social change or some kind of threat from outsiders. But both schools of thought agree on the basic causality of authoritarianism. People do not support extreme policies and strongman leaders just out of an affirmative desire for authoritarianism, but rather as a response to experiencing certain kinds of threats. The third insight came from Hetherington and American University professor Elizabeth Suhay, who found that when non-authoritarians feel sufficiently scared, they also start to behave, politically, like authoritarians. But Hetherington and Suhay found a distinction between physical threats such as terrorism, which could lead non-authoritarians to behave like authoritarians, and more abstract social threats, such as eroding social norms or demographic changes, which do not have that effect. That distinction would turn out to be important, but it also meant that in times when many Americans perceived imminent physical threats, the population of authoritarians could seem to swell rapidly. Together, those three insights added up to one terrifying theory: that if social change and physical threats coincided at the same time, it could awaken a potentially enormous population of American authoritarians, who would demand a strongman leader and the extreme policies necessary, in their view, to meet the rising threats. This theory would seem to predict the rise of an American political constituency that looks an awful lot like the support base that has emerged, seemingly out of nowhere, to propel Donald Trump from sideshow loser of the 2012 GOP primary to runaway frontrunner in 2016. Beyond being almost alarmingly prescient, this theory speaks to an oft-stated concern about Trump: that what's scariest is not the candidate, but rather the extent and fervor of his support. And it raises a question: If this rise in American authoritarianism is so powerful as to drive Trump's ascent, then how else might it be shaping American politics? And what effect could it have even after the 2016 race has ended? IV. What can authoritarianism explain? Trump greets supporters in Alabama Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images In early February, shortly after Trump finished second in the Iowa caucus and ended any doubts about his support, I began talking to Feldman, Hetherington, and MacWilliams to try to answer these questions. MacWilliams had already demonstrated a link between authoritarianism and support for Trump. But we wanted to know how else authoritarianism was playing out in American life, from policy positions to party politics to social issues, and what it might mean for America's future. It was time to call Kyle Dropp. Dropp is a political scientist and pollster whom one of my colleagues described as "the Doogie Howser of polling." He does indeed appear jarringly young for a Dartmouth professor. But he is also the co-founder of a media and polling company, Morning Consult, that had worked with Vox on several other projects. When we approached Morning Consult, Dropp and his colleagues were excited. Dropp was familiar with Hetherington's work and the authoritarianism measure, he said, and was instantly intrigued by how we could test its relevance to the election. Hetherington and the other political scientists were, in turn, eager to more fully explore the theories that had suddenly become much more relevant. Non-authoritarians who were sufficiently frightened of threats like terrorism could essentially be scared into acting like authoritarians We put together five sets of questions. The first set, of course, was the test for authoritarianism that Feldman had developed. This would allow us to measure how authoritarianism coincided or didn't with our other sets of questions. The second set asked standard election-season questions on preferred candidates and party affiliation. The third set tested voters' fears of a series of physical threats, ranging from ISIS and Russia to viruses and car accidents. The fourth set tested policy preferences, in an attempt to see how authoritarianism might lead voters to support particular policies. If the research were right, then we'd expect people who scored highly on authoritarianism to express outsize fear of "outsider" threats such as ISIS or foreign governments versus other threats. We also expected that non-authoritarians who expressed high levels of fear would be more likely to support Trump. This would speak to physical fears as triggering a kind of authoritarian upsurge, which would in turn lead to Trump support. We wanted to look at the role authoritarians are playing in the election The final set of questions was intended to test fear of social change. We asked people to rate a series of social changes both actual and hypothetical on a scale of "very good" to "very bad" for the country. These included same-sex marriage, a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the United States, and American Muslims building more mosques in US cities. If the theory about social change provoking stress amongst authoritarians turned out to be correct, then authoritarians would be more likely to rate the changes as bad for the country. In the aggregate, we were hoping to do a few things. We wanted to understand who these people are, in simple demographic terms, and to test the basic hypotheses about how authoritarianism, in theory, is supposed to work. We wanted to look at the role authoritarians are playing in the election: Were they driving certain policy positions, for example? We wanted to better understand the larger forces that had suddenly made authoritarians so numerous and so extreme was it migration, terrorism, perhaps the decline of working-class whites? And maybe most of all, we wanted to develop some theories about what the rise of American authoritarianism meant for the future of polarization between the parties as well as a Republican Party that had become both more extreme and internally divided. About 10 days later, shortly after Trump won the New Hampshire primary, the poll went into the field. In less than two weeks, we had our results. V. How the GOP became the party of authoritarians Donald Trump and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie sign autographs during a Trump campaign event in Texas Tom Pennington/Getty Images Donald Trump and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie sign autographs during a Trump campaign event in Texas. The first thing that jumped out from the data on authoritarians is just how many there are. Our results found that 44 percent of white respondents nationwide scored as "high" or "very high" authoritarians, with 19 percent as "very high." That's actually not unusual, and lines up with previous national surveys that found that the authoritarian disposition is far from rare1. The key thing to understand is that authoritarianism is often latent; people in this 44 percent only vote or otherwise act as authoritarians once triggered by some perceived threat, physical or social. But that latency is part of how, over the past few decades, authoritarians have quietly become a powerful political constituency without anyone realizing it. Today, according to our survey, authoritarians skew heavily Republican. More than 65 percent of people who scored highest on the authoritarianism questions were GOP voters. More than 55 percent of surveyed Republicans scored as "high" or "very high" authoritarians. And at the other end of the scale, that pattern reversed. People whose scores were most non-authoritarian meaning they always chose the non-authoritarian parenting answer were almost 75 percent Democrats. But this hasn't always been the case. According to Hetherington and Weiler's research, this is not a story about how Republicans are from Mars and Democrats are from Venus. It's a story of polarization that increased over time. They trace the trend to the 1960s, when the Republican Party shifted electoral strategies to try to win disaffected Southern Democrats, in part by speaking to fears of changing social norms for example, the racial hierarchies upset by civil rights. The GOP also embraced a "law and order" platform with a heavily racial appeal to white voters who were concerned about race riots. This positioned the GOP as the party of traditional values and social structures a role that it has maintained ever since. That promise to stave off social change and, if necessary, to impose order happened to speak powerfully to voters with authoritarian inclinations. Democrats, by contrast, have positioned themselves as the party of civil rights, equality, and social progress in other words, as the party of social change, a position that not only fails to attract but actively repels change-averse authoritarians. Over the next several decades, Hetherington explained to me, this led authoritarians to naturally "sort" themselves into the Republican Party. That matters, because as more authoritarians sort themselves into the GOP, they have more influence over its policies and candidates. It is not for nothing that our poll found that more than half of the Republican respondents score as authoritarian. Perhaps more importantly, the party has less and less ability to ignore authoritarians' voting preferences even if those preferences clash with the mainstream party establishment. VI. Trump, authoritarians, and fear Based on our data, Morning Consult data scientist Adam Petrihos said that "among Republicans, very high/high authoritarianism is very predictive of support for Trump." Trump has 42 percent support among Republicans but, according to our survey, a full 52 percent support among very high authoritarians. Authoritarianism was the best single predictor of support for Trump, although having a high school education also came close. And as Hetherington noted after reviewing our results, the relationship between authoritarianism and Trump support remained robust, even after controlling for education level and gender. Trump support was much lower among Republicans who scored low on authoritarianism: only 38 percent. But that's still awfully high. So what could explain Trump's support among non-authoritarians? I suspected the answer might lie at least partly in Hetherington and Suhay's research on how fear affects non-authoritarian voters, so I called them to discuss the data. Hetherington crunched some numbers on physical threats and noticed two things. The first was that authoritarians tend to fear very specific kinds of physical threats. Authoritarians, we found in our survey, tend to most fear threats that come from abroad, such as ISIS or Russia or Iran. These are threats, the researchers point out, to which people can put a face; a scary terrorist or an Iranian ayatollah. Non-authoritarians were much less afraid of those threats. For instance, 73 percent of very high-scoring authoritarians believed that terrorist organizations like ISIS posed a "very high risk" to them, but only 45 percent of very low-scoring authoritarians did. Domestic threats like car accidents, by contrast, were much less frightening to authoritarians. But Hetherington also noticed something else: A subgroup of non-authoritarians were very afraid of threats like Iran or ISIS. And the more fear of these threats they expressed, the more likely they were to support Trump. This seemed to confirm his and Suhay's theory: that non-authoritarians who are sufficiently frightened of physical threats such as terrorism could essentially be scared into acting like authoritarians. That's important, because for years now, Republican politicians and Republican-leaning media such as Fox News have been telling viewers nonstop that the world is a terrifying place and that President Obama isn't doing enough to keep Americans safe. There are a variety of political and media incentives for why this happens. But the point is that, as a result, Republican voters have been continually exposed to messages warning of physical dangers. As the perception of physical threat has risen, this fear appears to have led a number of non-authoritarians to vote like authoritarians to support Trump. An irony of this primary is that the Republican establishment has tried to stop Trump by, among other things, co-opting his message. But when establishment candidates such as Marco Rubio try to match Trump's rhetoric on ISIS or on American Muslims, they may end up deepening the fear that can only lead voters back to Trump. VII. Is America's changing social landscape "activating" authoritarianism? But the research on authoritarianism suggests it's not just physical threats driving all this. There should be another kind of threat larger, slower, less obvious, but potentially even more powerful pushing authoritarians to these extremes: the threat of social change. This could come in the form of evolving social norms, such as the erosion of traditional gender roles or evolving standards in how to discuss sexual orientation. It could come in the form of rising diversity, whether that means demographic changes from immigration or merely changes in the colors of the faces on TV. Or it could be any changes, political or economic, that disrupt social hierarchies. What these changes have in common is that, to authoritarians, they threaten to take away the status quo as they know it familiar, orderly, secure and replace it with something that feels scary because it is different and destabilizing, but also sometimes because it upends their own place in society. According to the literature, authoritarians will seek, in response, a strong leader who promises to suppress the scary changes, if necessary by force, and to preserve the status quo. This is why, in our survey, we wanted to study the degree to which authoritarians versus non-authoritarians expressed a fear of social change and whether this, as expected, led them to desire heavy-handed responses. Our results seemed to confirm this: Authoritarians were significantly more likely to rate almost all of the actual and hypothetical social issues we asked about as "bad" or "very bad" for the country. For instance, our results suggested that an astonishing 44 percent of authoritarians believe same-sex marriage is harmful to the country. Twenty-eight percent rated same-sex marriage as "very bad" for America, and another 16 percent said that its "bad." Only about 35 percent of high-scoring authoritarians said same-sex marriage was "good" or "very good" for the country. Tellingly, non-authoritarians' responses skewed in the opposite direction. Non-authoritarians tended to rate same-sex marriage as "good" or "very good" for the country. The fact that authoritarians and non-authoritarians split over something as seemingly personal and nonthreatening as same-sex marriage is crucial for understanding how authoritarianism can be triggered by even a social change as minor as expanding marriage rights. We also asked respondents to rate whether Muslims building more mosques in American cities was a good thing. This was intended to test respondents' comfort level with sharing their communities with Muslims an issue that has been particularly contentious this primary election. A whopping 56.5 percent of very high-scoring authoritarians said it was either "bad" or "very bad" for the country when Muslims built more mosques. Only 14 percent of that group said more mosques would be "good" or "very good." The literature on authoritarianism suggests this is not just simple Islamophobia, but rather reflects a broader phenomenon wherein authoritarians feel threatened by people they identify as "outsiders" and by the possibility of changes to the status quo makeup of their communities. This would help explain why authoritarians seem so prone to reject not just one specific kind of outsider or social change, such as Muslims or same-sex couples or Hispanic migrants, but rather to reject all of them. What these seemingly disparate groups have in common is the perceived threat they pose to the status quo order, which authoritarians experience as a threat to themselves. And America is at a point when the status quo social order is changing rapidly; when several social changes are converging. And they are converging especially on working-class white people. It is conventional wisdom to ascribe the rise of first the Tea Party right and now Trump to the notion that working-class white Americans are angry. Indeed they are, but this data helps explain that they are also under certain demographic and economic pressures that, according to this research, are highly likely to trigger authoritarianism and thus suggests there is something a little more complex going on than simple "anger" that helps explain their gravitation toward extreme political responses. Working-class communities have come under tremendous economic strain since the recession. And white people are also facing the loss of the privileged position that they previously were able to take for granted. Whites are now projected to become a minority group over the next few decades, owing to migration and other factors. The president is a black man, and nonwhite faces are growing more common in popular culture. Nonwhite groups are raising increasingly prominent political demands, and often those demands coincide with issues such as policing that also speak to authoritarian concerns. Some of these factors might be considered more or less legitimately threatening than others the loss of working-class jobs in this country is a real and important issue, no matter how one feels about fading white privilege but that is not the point. The point, rather, is that the increasingly important political phenomenon we identify as right-wing populism, or white working-class populism, seems to line up, with almost astonishing precision, with the research on how authoritarianism is both caused and expressed. That is not to dismiss white working-class concerns as invalid because they might be expressed by authoritarians or through authoritarian politics, but rather to better understand why this is happening and why it's having such a profound and extreme effect on American politics. Have we misunderstood hard-line social conservatism all along? Most of the other social-threat questions followed a similar pattern2. On its surface, this might seem to suggest that authoritarianism is just a proxy for especially hard-line manifestations of social conservatism. But when examined more carefully, it suggests something more interesting about the nature of social conservatism itself. For liberals, it may be easy to conclude that opposition to things like same-sex marriage, immigration, and diversity is rooted in bigotry against those groups that it's the manifestation of specific homophobia, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. But the results of the Vox/Morning Consult poll, along with prior research on authoritarianism, suggests there might be something else going on. There is no particular reason, after all, why parenting goals should coincide with animus against specific groups. We weren't asking questions about whether it was important for children to respect people of different races, but about whether they should respect authority and rules generally. So why do they coincide so heavily? What might look on the surface like bigotry was really much closer to Stenner's theory of "activation" What is most likely, Hetherington suggested, is that authoritarians are much more susceptible to messages that tell them to fear a specific "other" whether or not they have a preexisting animus against that group. Those fears would therefore change over time as events made different groups seem more or less threatening. It all depends, he said, on whether a particular group of people has been made into an outgroup or not whether they had been identified as a dangerous other. Since September 2001, some media outlets and politicians have painted Muslims as the other and as dangerous to America. Authoritarians, by nature, are more susceptible to these messages, and thus more likely to come to oppose the presence of mosques in their communities. When told to fear a particular outgroup, Hetherington said, "On average people who score low in authoritarianism will be like, 'Im not that worried about that,' while people who score high in authoritarianism will be like, 'Oh, my god! Im worried about that, because the world is a dangerous place.'" In other words, what might look on the surface like bigotry was really much closer to Stenner's theory of "activation": that authoritarians are unusually susceptible to messages about the ways outsiders and social changes threaten America, and so lash out at groups that are identified as objects of concern at that given moment. That's not to say that such an attitude is in some way better than simple racism or xenophobia it is still dangerous and damaging, especially if it empowers frightening demagogues like Donald Trump. Perhaps more to the point, it helps explain how Trump's supporters have come to so quickly embrace such extreme policies targeting these outgroups: mass deportation of millions of people, a ban on foreign Muslims visiting the US. When you think about those policy preferences as driven by authoritarianism, in which social threats are perceived as especially dangerous and as demanding extreme responses, rather than the sudden emergence of specific bigotries, this starts to make a lot more sense. VIII. What authoritarians want From our parenting questions, we learned who the GOP authoritarians are. From our questions about threats and social change, we learned what's motivating them. But the final set of questions, on policy preferences, might be the most important of all: So what? What do authoritarians actually want? The responses to our policy questions showed that authoritarians have their own set of policy preferences, distinct from GOP orthodoxy. And those preferences mean that, in real and important ways, authoritarians are their own distinct constituency: effectively a new political party within the GOP. What stands out from the results, Feldman wrote after reviewing our data, is that authoritarians "are most willing to want to use force, to crack down on immigration, and limit civil liberties." This "action side" of authoritarianism, he believed, was the key thing that distinguished Trump supporters from supporters of other GOP candidates. "The willingness to use government power to eliminate the threats that is most clear among Trump supporters." Authoritarians generally and Trump voters specifically, we found, were highly likely to support five policies: Using military force over diplomacy against countries that threaten the United States Changing the Constitution to bar citizenship for children of illegal immigrants Imposing extra airport checks on passengers who appear to be of Middle Eastern descent in order to curb terrorism Requiring all citizens to carry a national ID card at all times to show to a police officer on request, to curb terrorism Allowing the federal government to scan all phone calls for calls to any number linked to terrorism What these policies share in common is an outsize fear of threats, physical and social, and, more than that, a desire to meet those threats with severe government action with policies that are authoritarian not just in style but in actuality. The scale of the desired response is, in some ways, what most distinguishes authoritarians from the rest of the GOP. "Many Republicans seem to be threatened by terrorism, violence, and cultural diversity, but that's not unique to Trump supporters," Feldman told me. "It seems to be the action side of authoritarianism the willingness to use government power to eliminate the threats that is most clear among Trump supporters," he added. If Trump loses the election, that won't remove the threats and social changes that trigger the "action side" of authoritarianism This helps explain why the GOP has had such a hard time co-opting Trump's supporters, even though those supporters' immediate policy concerns, such as limiting immigration or protecting national security, line up with party orthodoxy. The real divide is over how far to go in responding. And the party establishment is simply unwilling to call for such explicitly authoritarian policies. Just as striking is what was missing from authoritarians' concerns. There was no clear correlation between authoritarianism and support for tax cuts for people making more than $250,000 per year, for example. And the same was true of support for international trade agreements. These are both issues associated with mainstream GOP economic policies. All groups opposed the tax cuts, and support for trade agreements was evenly lukewarm across all degrees of authoritarianism. So there is no real divide on these issues. But there is one more factor that our data couldn't capture but is nevertheless important: Trump's style. Trump's specific policies aren't the thing that most sets him apart from the rest of the field of GOP candidates. Rather, it's his rhetoric and style. The way he reduces everything to black-and-white extremes of strong versus weak, greatest versus worst. His simple, direct promises that he can solve problems that other politicians are too weak to manage. And, perhaps most importantly, his willingness to flout all the conventions of civilized discourse when it comes to the minority groups that authoritarians find so threatening. That's why it's a benefit rather than a liability for Trump when he says Mexicans are rapists or speaks gleefully of massacring Muslims with pig-blood-tainted bullets: He is sending a signal to his authoritarian supporters that he won't let "political correctness" hold him back from attacking the outgroups they fear. This, Feldman explained to me, is "classic authoritarian leadership style: simple, powerful, and punitive." IX. How authoritarians will change the GOP and American politics Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz confront Trump during the February 25 GOP debate Michael Ciaglo/Pool/Getty Images To my surprise, the most compelling conclusion to come out of our polling data wasn't about Trump at all. Rather, it was that authoritarians, as a growing presence in the GOP, are a real constituency that exists independently of Trump and will persist as a force in American politics regardless of the fate of his candidacy. If Trump loses the election, that will not remove the threats and social changes that trigger the "action side" of authoritarianism. The authoritarians will still be there. They will still look for candidates who will give them the strong, punitive leadership they desire. And that means Donald Trump could be just the first of many Trumps in American politics, with potentially profound implications for the country. It would also mean more problems for the GOP. This election is already showing that the party establishment abhors Trump and all he stands for his showy demagoguery, his disregard for core conservative economic values, his divisiveness. We may now have a de facto three-party system: the Democrats, the GOP establishment, and the GOP authoritarians But while the party may try to match Trump's authoritarian rhetoric, and its candidates may grudgingly embrace some of his harsher policies toward immigrants or Muslims, in the end a mainstream political party cannot fully commit to extreme authoritarian action the way Trump can. That will be a problem for the party. Just look at where the Tea Party has left the Republican establishment. The Tea Party delivered the House to the GOP in 2010, but ultimately left the party in an unresolved civil war. Tea Party candidates have challenged moderates and centrists, leaving the GOP caucus divided and chaotic. Now a similar divide is playing out at the presidential level, with results that are even more destructive for the Republican Party. Authoritarians may be a slight majority within the GOP, and thus able to force their will within the party, but they are too few and their views too unpopular to win a national election on their own. And so the rise of authoritarianism as a force within American politics means we may now have a de facto three-party system: the Democrats, the GOP establishment, and the GOP authoritarians. And although the latter two groups are presently forced into an awkward coalition, the GOP establishment has demonstrated a complete inability to regain control over the renegade authoritarians, and the authoritarians are actively opposed to the establishment's centrist goals and uninterested in its economic platform. Over time, this will have significant political consequences for the Republican Party. It will become more difficult for Republican candidates to win the presidency because the candidates who can win the nomination by appealing to authoritarian primary voters will struggle to court mainstream voters in the general election. They will have less trouble with local and congressional elections, but that might just mean more legislative gridlock as the GOP caucus struggles to balance the demands of authoritarian and mainstream legislators. The authoritarian base will drag the party further to the right on social issues, and will simultaneously erode support for traditionally conservative economic policies. And in the meantime, the forces activating American authoritarians seem likely to only grow stronger. Norms around gender, sexuality, and race will continue evolving. Movements like Black Lives Matter will continue chipping away at the country's legacy of institutionalized discrimination, pursuing the kind of social change and reordering of society that authoritarians find so threatening. The chaos in the Middle East, which allows groups like ISIS to flourish and sends millions of refugees spilling into other countries, shows no sign of improving. Longer term, if current demographic trends continue, white Americans will cease to be a majority over the coming decades. In the long run, this could mean a GOP that is even more hard-line on immigration and on policing, that is more outspoken about fearing Muslims and other minority groups, but also takes a softer line on traditional party economic issues like tax cuts. It will be a GOP that continues to perform well in congressional and local elections, but whose divisions leave the party caucus divided to the point of barely functioning, and perhaps eventually unable to win the White House. For decades, the Republican Party has been winning over authoritarians by implicitly promising to stand firm against the tide of social change, and to be the party of force and power rather than the party of negotiation and compromise. But now it may be discovering that its strategy has worked too well and threatens to tear the party apart.
Planned Parenthood Slams Republicans For Pretending To Be Shocked By Trump’s Abortion Stance
When the story broke on Wednesday about Donald Trump saying women should be punished for getting an abortion, I was, honestly, confused by the outrage. People were talking like no one has ever been so far off the deep end. As if punishing women for having an abortion wasn t a central pillar of Republican ideology. All I could think was, But that s what Republicans have been trying to do for years! Why are people shocked? Apparently, I m not the only person to have noticed that:Planned Parenthood Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens said presidential candidate Donald Trump had exposed the real views of many Republicans. A plan to punish women who seek abortion in this country is not news, it s actually the Republican Party platform they re horrified to have been outed for what they do every day, which is punish women who seek abortions. To back laws that tell doctors they must lie to women, to work to shut down clinics, to ban certain procedures that doctors say are important for women s safety and health, she said Thursday morning during an appearance on CNN. I mean, all of these things. That s what their agenda is day in and day out. They do punish women. Yeah, pretty much. But it s worse than that. Republicans have proposed laws that would make it legal to kill abortion providers. They ve criminalized pregnancy in several states which has resulting in a growing trend of women being arrested for miscarrying. The idea of punishing women is not at all a new idea for Republicans. Laguens is exactly right when she says the problem other Republicans have is that Trump is saying it out loud.This has been the main objection to Trump from the GOP the entire time. He s not sophisticated enough to use dog whistles or anything resembling subtlety. He just says what Republicans actually think and want without the veil of respectability they ve built. While it excites a base that s tired of being unable to wear their racism on their sleeve (or their pointy white hood), it s made moderate Republicans and Independents recoil in disgust.As long as Trump continues to expose the core of Republican ideology to the world, he s an enormous threat to their agenda and he s primed to not just lose in November, but lose BIG.Keep up the good work, Donald!Featured image via Getty
BUSTED: Steel Unions FURIOUS At Trump For Destroying American Jobs
If Trump wants to win the rust belt, he needs to practice what he preaches. After promising multiple times that under his Administration that jobs and business would be brought back to the steelworkers of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Minnesota, a new report detailed that Trump wasn t doing his part to make that happen (shocker, right?). Turns out Trump buys his steel and aluminum for his buildings from China, not the struggling rust belt states and communities.Let me guess: that makes him smart. The Newsweek expose put a major dent in Trump s ability to coalesce blue collar, unionized steelworkers who typically vote Democratic but have been courted heavily by the Republican nominee.President of USW Local 1219, which represents workers at U.S. Steel s Edgar Thomson Works, Jim Johnston, slammed the nominee for failing to follow his own advice and promises at a press conference with other steelworkers and officials, saying:What he says really appeals to our members. But what he does is the total opposite.Braddock, Pennsylvania, which boomed in the 1920s as the epicenter of steel production but lost close to 90 percent of its population after the industry collapsed in the 1970s and 1980s, also felt the sting of Trump s double-talk. Mayor John Fetterman, a Democrat, laid into Trump s lies, telling the local press:Donald Trump pretends to be in the corner of steelworkers when the facts as always with Donald Trump show otherwise.If Donald Trump loses the support of the steelworkers, he can kiss Pennsylvania (and possibly Ohio) goodbye. With Hillary Clinton rising in the polls and making ground in the state, Trump will have to claw his way back after a series of devastating revelations about the candidate have been made public.Pennsylvania s next door neighbor, Ohio, is also not so forgiving, even among Republicans. Lourenco Goncalves, president and CEO of Cleveland-based Cliffs Natural Resources, said:It s just another example of who he is. He works for Donald Trump, not the common good. I m a Republican, but I just can t support a guy like Donald Trump.Just across the Great Lakes, in Minnesota, criticism has been sharper. USW President Leo W. Gerard went full anti-Trump in a statement to Duluth News Tribune:The USW, though not surprised by Trump s actions, is furious over his efforts to undercut key American manufacturing jobs in the construction of his buildings he so often brags about. The investigation from Newsweek released Monday is a shocking expose on Trump s plan to not only buy his steel and aluminum from the Chinese, but to use shell companies and corporate black holes to try and hide his greed even as he was planning to run for president.John Rebrovich, assistant to the director of USW District 11 in Minnesota, also told Duluth:We ve got 12,000 steelworkers at steel mills out of work and another 10,000 at aluminium mills and he s buying Chinese steel through shell companies. That s not making America great again. That s killing our jobs.Ouch. Trump s greatest chance on winning these traditionally Democratic states may have just completely turned against him, and for good reason. They have been ravaged enough. They don t need a bombastic billionaire promising them all these wonderful things when he doesn t even do his part to alleviate their suffering. Why didn t Trump contract these workers? Chances are he would have stiffed them, but even the extension of doing business would have meant the world to these hardworking Americans. But Trump, as usual, picks China to do his bidding.Featured image via Ralp Freso/Getty images
SENILITY OR TRUTH BOMB? Bill Clinton To Crowd: “Sometimes I Wish We weren’t married” [VIDEO]
It s probably just a big misunderstanding. Bill likely misspoke kinda like, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
More than 400 U.S. troops leaving Syria: coalition
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 400 U.S. Marines and their artillery are leaving Syria after helping to capture the city of Raqqa from Islamic State, the U.S.-led coalition fighting the militant group said on Thursday. Last month, U.S.-backed militias declared victory in Raqqa, Islamic State s former headquarters in Syria, after months of fighting with the help of the U.S.-led coalition. With the city liberated and ISIS on the run, the unit has been ordered home. Its replacements have been called off, the coalition said in a statement, using an acronym for Islamic State. We re drawing down combat forces where it makes sense, but still continuing our efforts to help Syrian and Iraqi partners maintain security, Brigadier General Jonathan Braga, the director of operations for the coalition, said in the statement. Our remaining forces will continue to work by, with, and through partner forces to defeat remaining ISIS, prevent a re-emergence of ISIS, and set conditions for international governments and NGOs to help local citizens recover from the horrors of ISIS short-lived rule, he said. Officially, the Pentagon says there are 503 troops in Syria. However, as of last week, U.S. officials said there were closer to 2,000 U.S. troops in the country. The latest announcement would reduce that number. As that campaign against Islamic State winds down, it is unclear how many, if any, U.S. troops will remain in Syria. Most of them are special operations forces, working to train and advise local partner forces, including providing artillery support against Islamic State militants. Separately, Russia said it was already preparing to withdraw its military contingent from Syria, Russian news agencies reported.
MARK CUBAN: “In The Event Donald Wins, I Have No Doubt The Market Tanks”…So Here’s What Really Happened [VIDEO]
Market Watch U.S. stocks rallied Wednesday, with the Dow industrials jumping 257 points, led by a surge in financial, health-care and industrial stocks, as investors bet on the infrastructure spending policy promised by President-elect Donald Trump.The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +1.40% gained as much as 316 points, briefly surpassing the all-time closing high set in August. The index closed 256.95 points, or 1.4%, higher at 18,589.69, its highest level since Aug. 18. Pfizer Inc. PFE, +7.07% and Caterpillar Inc CAT, +7.70% led the gains, rallying more than 7%.
Hispanic GOP Commentator Slams Trump For His Racist Comments And Fraudulent University
Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist, commentator, and Hispanic woman, seems to despise her party s presidential candidate and for good reason.While appearing on CNN s The Situation Room, Navarro went on a tangent against Donald Trump after his recent comments regarding Trump University judge Gonzalo Cruiel. Saying that Trump changes more positions than yoga, Navarro blasted the billionaire mogul for his racism and blatant disregard of the Constitution: I gotta tell you, I m a lawyer, I am a Hispanic it is offensive from a legal perspective, it is highly offensive as a Hispanic. What he is doing is wagging the dog. He is trying to distract from the fact he has got a problem with a case where there are allegations that his business is a scam and a fraud. How dare he, how dare he question a judge s responsibility, a judge s adherence to the Constitution because he is of Mexican descent. Then Navarro got personal, and cut Donald Trump to the bone with some cold hard facts about Mexicans and people of Hispanic descent: This man was born in eastern Chicago. He s an American citizen. He is just as American as Donald Trump. Mexican Americans bleed just as any other American when they go to war. They bled, just as any other American on 9/11. They fight for America, they are America. And what he is doing is disgusting, I am livid about it. If this is his strategy to win over Hispanics, he s got a hell of a wake up call coming to him in November. Only Donald Trump could piss off two influential Hispanic Republican women first Susana Martinez, and now Ana Navarro. What a great strategy Trump has, as Navarro sarcastically pointed out.Currently, only 14 percent of Hispanics have a favorable rating of Donald Trump. Among nonwhite women, which includes Hispanics and Latinas, the number is a record low 9 percent.And what is Trump doing to get their vote? Absolutely nothing. No wonder Navarro is pissed. Republicans had a chance to reach out to Hispanic and Latino voters after their 2012 autopsy and they chose the guy who would do the exact opposite.Navarro is right, he is wagging the dog. Trump honestly believes he can win with just the white male vote. And Navarro is right again he is going to have one huge wake up call on election day.Watch Navarro s scathing take down of Trump:.@ananavarro takes on @realDonaldTrump for his comments about judge in Trump University case https://t.co/NZgH3zkuxC https://t.co/m9IMVpxzy1 The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) June 3, 2016Featured image via screen capture
Overnight Las Vegas Attack Is Deadliest Mass Shooting In American History (DETAILS)
Sunday night at the Route 91 Harvest Festival 2017, two unknown shooters began gunning down police officers and at least one bodyguard from what appeared to be the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas.The country music festival was just concluding for the weekend, with the last performer, Jason Aldean, wrapping up his performance for a sold-out crowd of 12,000 people.Twitter was the first place information began to emerge on the shooters and what was happening: pic.twitter.com/4ZhhGiqeDL kenny terhune jr (@kenny_terhune) October 2, 2017My sister in law just texted me this. They are staying at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas where there was just an active shooter. pic.twitter.com/ldkWUo1NdJ Brittany Michelle (@britmgarcia) October 2, 2017Per police scanner: Multiple casualties, officer shot in neck possibly another officer dead. #MandalayBay jordan ghoul ? ? (@JordanUhl) October 2, 2017There was footage from nearby:Shooting in Las Vegas. People fleeing (video from the Mandalay Bay hotel) pic.twitter.com/hs98J5uK6T Eiki Hrafnsson (@EirikurH) October 2, 2017And it appears the police scanner was confirming that at least one officer had been hit:?Active shooter?Shots fired at Mandalay Bay Reports one officer has been shot#LasVegas#MandalayBayShooting pic.twitter.com/TUHeekdn7t DeDeKim (@ZDeDeKim) October 2, 2017The following video clip contains audio of what is clearly an automatic weapon, so sensitive readers please be warned.Active shooter Las Vegas strip I'm ok locked in my room lights off windows closed. Shooter is directly across the street. Shots heard on vid pic.twitter.com/Z4mz3E3bmE Bryan Heifner (@HBryanBHHS) October 2, 2017News 3 Las Vegas has a crew on the way to the scene and we are awaiting further information. We will update as it becomes available.UPDATE, 12:24 AM PSTPolice are now confirming that 2 are dead, 24 injured, 12 in critical condition.One shooter is down according to Las Vegas PoliceConfirming that one suspect is down. This is an active investigation. Again, please do not head down to the Strip at this time. LVMPD (@LVMPD) October 2, 2017The identity of the shooter who is down has not been released.Reports are also coming in of a suspicious device nearby as well.UPDATE, 12:34 AM PSTUniversity Medical Center is the Level One response center for this situation; it appears to be full at this time. Sunset Medical Center is the Level Two. Flights in and out of McCarran Airport have been grounded, and Interstate 15 is locked down. All guests in every hotel on the Las Vegas strip are being instructed to shelter in place.UPDATE, 12:44 AM PSTAt this time we do not believe there are any more shooters. More information to come shortly from @Sheriff_LVMPD. LVMPD (@LVMPD) October 2, 2017We will update with any new information from LVMPD.UPDATE, 1:59 AM PSTThe Las Vegas Sheriff has just given a press conference to news crews on the scene. Information so far indicates a sole actor who is a local resident.Police confirmed the shooter was on the 32nd floor of the hotel. He is now dead. The shooter was a local resident of the Las Vegas area, and police are searching for another person of interest. She is an Asian woman, 4 -11 , 111 lbs, named Marilou Danley, also a local resident.Police are searching for two vehicles, both of unknown color: A Hyundai Tucson, license plate 114-B40, and a Chrysler Pacifica Touring, license plate 19D401.The Sheriff indicated that over 100 people are injured, and more than 20 people have now died.There are no known ties to terrorism at this time.Several off-duty police officers from nearby Bakersfield, California were in attendance at the concert, at least one of whom was shot.The woman being searched for has allegedly been identified on Twitter:.@LVMPD are searching for the shooters companion, please share? pic.twitter.com/EZXuSrCS0l Rogue CPI (@RogueCPI) October 2, 2017The LV Sheriff has confirmed via Twitter that the image is of her, which makes this her Facebook page. Any new information will be updated in the morning.UPDATE, 7:07 AM PSTThe now-deceased shooter has been identified as 64-year-old Stephen Craig Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada. Paddock took his own life before police could reach him. Still no known ties to terrorist groups. The following picture was recovered from Marilou Danley s Facebook page:At least 50 people were killed and more than 400 wounded. This is the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Police found 10 or more weapons inside Paddock s hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino.Gun laws in Nevada are among the most relaxed in the nation. Open carry is legal without a permit, silencers are legal, there is no waiting period to purchase a firearm, private gun sales are unregulated, it is legal to carry an assault rifle, and there is no magazine capacity limit.Paddock s brother, Eric, told NBC News that the family was dumbfounded by the act.We will continue to update with any pertinent information.Featured image via archive
Germany's FDP look to fill Schaeuble's big shoes
BERLIN (Reuters) - Wolfgang Schaeuble s decision to step aside as German finance minister has given the Free Democratic Party what it has long craved: the chance to shape policy from the most coveted perch in Chancellor Angela Merkel s next coalition government. However the opportunity also presents the party with a conundrum. FDP leader Christian Lindner has signaled for months that he would prefer to lead the business-friendly party in parliament rather than take a cabinet job under Merkel. If Lindner sticks to his stance then the FDP, which is returning to parliament after a four-year hiatus, must find someone else to fill one of the most important positions in international economic and financial policy. The person who replaces Schaeuble could also carry the prestigious title of vice chancellor. The only party member besides Lindner with that kind of stature is Wolfgang Kubicki, whose political skills are unquestioned but who is also known as a loose cannon, a reputation that may not suit a sensitive job where a few ill-judged words can move global financial markets. If it is not Lindner, then there are not a lot of options, said one senior figure in the party. Kubicki might be the only one with the profile and political weight. The finance ministry seems to be the FDP s for the taking. As the second biggest party in what is expected to be a three-way coalition with Merkel s conservatives and the Greens, it would have first choice of cabinet post. The post has become more influential over the past decade as Germany, the world s fourth largest economy, navigated the global financial crisis and euro zone turmoil. Schaeuble, who is becoming president of the parliament, was known for his budget discipline and tough stance toward struggling euro partners like Greece. Whoever replaces him will play a crucial role in shaping Germany s response to calls from French President Emmanuel Macron for an ambitious overhaul of the EU and euro zone. The finance ministry will be absolutely crucial in the next government in shaping not just Germany s fiscal stance but the future of Europe, said Jens Boysen-Hogrefe of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. No one besides Lindner deserves more credit for the FDP s revival after its disastrous 2013 election result than the 65-year-old Kubicki, a quick-witted lawyer who sails around on his yacht Liberty and is known as one of the most outspoken, colorful figures in German politics. Earlier this year, after Donald Trump announced his travel ban on seven mainly Muslim countries, Kubicki said Berlin should retaliate by barring the U.S. president from entering Germany. He has made clear in the past that he is interested in the finance job. In a 2010 interview with newspaper Die Zeit, he said it was the only position that might lure him from his home in the port of Kiel in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein. Only one post would interest me, finance minister, Kubicki said at the time. Finance minister is the key job, and I would like to prove that budget consolidation can work. Asked on Friday by German daily Handelsblatt whether he wanted the job, Kubicki dodged the question, saying policy was more important than cabinet posts. But the interview with Die Zeit showed why the party, and Merkel, might have second thoughts. Explaining why he hadn t yet made a move to Berlin, Kubicki told the paper that if he did, he could turn into a drinker and possibly also a whoremonger . He then painted a hedonistic picture of political life in Berlin, replete with alcohol-soaked receptions and trysts with random women. When asked about these comments today, Kubicki who is married to his third wife, says he has become ethically and morally centered in the intervening years. The names of other FDP politicians are circulating as potential finance ministers. They include Werner Hoyer, president of the European Investment Bank (EIB); Carl-Ludwig Thiele of the Bundesbank; Volker Wissing, the former head of the Bundestag finance committee; and Otto Fricke, former head of the budget committee. Two members of the European Parliament, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff and Michael Theurer, have also been mentioned. One cannot completely rule out that Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) will keep the post. If they do, Peter Altmaier, who is expected to replace Schaeuble until the new government is formed, could be a favorite. However, the scenario that several politicians in Berlin said was most likely is that Lindner will be compelled to take the finance ministry, with Kubicki sliding in as parliamentary leader, which is seen as a role more suited to his strengths. Having Lindner, the face of the FDP, outside the government would be frowned upon by Merkel, who will be trying to hold together an unwieldy coalition with the FDP and Greens, a combination that has never been tried at the federal level. There are big differences between the FDP and Greens on economic, environmental and European policy. Add in Merkel s Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which is pushing a hard line on immigration, and it is hard to see how the parties will bridge some policy gaps and hold together. Regardless of who takes the job, big changes in fiscal policy are seen as unlikely. The FDP has called for 30 billion euros in tax cuts, but it is unlikely to get its way in the coalition talks and it remains committed to the Schwarze Null balanced budget that Schaeuble defended. You might see new impulses with an FDP finance minister, said Boysen-Hogrefe of the Kiel institute. But don t count on big changes. The Schwarze Null will remain a priority.
French Plan for ‘Mega Database’ of Citizens’ Personal Data Triggers Protests
November 11, 2016 French Plan for ‘Mega Database’ of Citizens’ Personal Data Triggers Protests The French government is under fire for quietly issuing a decree establishing a mega-database of personal details of 60 million French citizens, a move privacy campaigners view as potentially dangerous. The database established by the decree issued by Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve will affect every holder of a French passport or identity card, except for children under 12 years of age. Information to be stored includes a photo, date and place of birth, address, eye color, weight and marital status. Fingerprints were to have been included too, although Cazeneuve dropped that plan amid massive criticism. Email (will not be published) (required) Website Sow a seed to help the Jewish people Follow Endtime Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Endtime Ministries | End of the Age | Irvin Baxter Endtime Ministries, Inc. PO Box 940729 Plano, TX 75094 Toll Free: 1.800.363.8463 DON'T JUST READ THE NEWS... understand it from a biblical perspective. Your Information will never be shared with any third party. Get a 2-year subscription, normally $29, now just $20.15. ONLY 500 deals are still available. Offer available while supplies last or it expires on December 31, 2015. close We are a small non-profit that runs a high-traffic website, a daily TV and radio program, a bi-monthly magazine, the prophecy college in Jerusalem, and more. Although we only have 35 team members, we are able to serve tens of millions of people each month; and have costs like other world-wide organizations. We have very few third-party ads and we don’t receive government funding. We survive on the goodness of God, product sales, and donations from our wonderful partners. Dear Readers, X close We have experienced tremendous growth in our web presence over the last five years. In fact, in 2010 we averaged 228,000 pageviews per month. Last year we averaged just over 2,000,000 pageviews per month. That’s an increase of 777% in five years! However, our servers and software are outdated, which causes downtime on occasion for many of you and additional work hours and finances to maintain for us at Endtime. Updating our servers and software as well as maintaining service for a year will cost us $42,000. If each person reading this gave at least $10, our bill to provide FREE broadcasting and resources to the world via our website would be covered for over a year! Learn more - Click Here ► Dear Readers,
Oil business seen in strong position as Trump tackles tax reform
(This January 3 story was corrected to remove reference in paragraph 8 to ConocoPhillips, which is not an integrated oil company) By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Big Oil could be in a unique position to protect its interests against a Republican proposal to tax imports, given that President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet is studded with oil champions sensitive to the risk of higher gasoline prices. Trump’s emerging leadership includes Exxon Mobil Corp Chief Executive Officer Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, former Texas Governor Rick Perry as energy secretary and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as Environmental Protection Agency administrator. Trump himself has made no secret of his support for the energy sector. And in Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have close industry ties, including House tax panel chairman Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican whose district takes in the northern Houston suburbs. House Republicans want to adopt a sweeping tax reform that would sharply reduce tax rates for corporations and end the taxation of U.S. corporate overseas profits. But a provision known as border adjustability is stirring up controversy. Though intended to boost U.S. manufacturing by exempting export revenues from tax, the provision worries some industries because it would also tax imports. Because U.S. oil refiners import about half the crude oil they use to make gasoline, diesel and other products, analysts say the change could lead to higher gasoline prices and potentially undermine economic growth. Integrated oil companies such as Exxon, Chevron Corp, BP Plc and Royal Dutch Shell Plc could also be hit, depending on whether they are net importers. But the industry’s allies would likely move to soften any rough edges, analysts say. “I don’t see this mix of leadership figures in the House, Senate and the White House, doing something that has the effect of raising gasoline prices,” said Peter Cohn, an energy analyst with Height Securities, a Washington-based investment firm. The danger is that a move to protect the oil refiners could open the door to assistance for other industries, including retailers and automakers, which would also face higher costs if no longer able to deduct the cost of imports from their taxable income. Such a knock-on effect could prevent border adjustability from raising an expected $1 trillion in revenues to help pay for lower tax rates over the next decade. “We hope that raising these concerns early in the process will allow members of Congress to consider the issues carefully,” Chet Thompson, president of the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers trade group, said in a statement. Brady said earlier this month that his committee was sensitive to the impact on specific businesses and “listening very closely to how we can make sure we smooth that out.” Moreover, some economists dismiss industry worries about higher import costs, saying the dollar’s value would rise in response to such sweeping tax changes and ultimately reduce the cost of imports. Currency markets would adjust to higher oil prices by lowering the dollar value of crude, they predict. “This argument by the oil industry is, frankly, all wrong,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, who now heads the American Action Forum think tank. “Refiners are going to be basically held harmless. They’ll have a lower dollar price of oil. Net cost is the same. And they go about their business. I’m unsympathetic,” he added. Height Securities’ Cohn said Trump and his advisers could look for ways to soften any blow to refiners and their customers: “Trump doesn’t want to have refineries closing on his watch.” Oil already benefits from several tax code provisions in place for decades that would be eliminated under the House Republican plan. But they stand to gain more than they will lose. For instance, an existing tax deduction for domestic production lets oil producers shave down their corporate tax rate to 32 percent from the top headline rate of 35 percent. Under the congressional Republicans’ plan, the corporate rate would be cut to 20 percent; under Trump’s plan, to 15 percent. Similarly, companies that now write off intangible drilling costs or get a tax allowance for asset depletion would be able to immediately expense capital investments. Then there is a tax credit oil companies claim for fees from foreign countries. Congressional Republicans would eliminate foreign taxes altogether, while Trump would maintain taxation at a substantially lower rate.
Hilarious Rare Video Shows How Hillary Prepared To Avoid A Trump Hug
By now, we re all aware of how Donald Trump repeatedly humiliates the nation with his handshake games. He awkwardly tugs people in some kind of attempted power play, holds on to their hands for far too long, and, in the most inhospitable move of all, attempts to give them unwanted hugs.Well, during the 2016 presidential campaign, it appears that Hillary Clinton s team had observed this bizarre behavior, and made sure that when she met Trump for debates, Hillary was ready to avoid the gross awkwardness of an unwanted Trump hug in front of millions of debate viewers.On Friday, longtime Clinton aide Phillip Reines released a rare clip from debate prep, in which he played Donald Trump. In the clip, Reines as Trump attempts to hug Hillary, and she runs away from him.While funny, it really does show just how bizarre Trump s behavior is, and it speaks to a larger issue with his mental state. Anyone who acts like that with people they are opposing politically, or worse, meeting for the purpose of diplomacy, has serious issues.We re not the only ones who think so, either. Just Google the videos of Trump s Oval Office meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, or any other world leader Trump has behaved this way with. They all look either disgusted, alarmed, horrified, insulted, or some combination thereof. And of course, we can t leave out the reports that now-former FBI Director James Comey was, quote, disgusted with the forced half-hug Trump gave him for the cameras.Oh well, at least we get this bit of Hillary humor while we witness and live through what is easily the craziest, most bizarre presidency in the history of this great nation.Watch the video below:Not easy to avoid the unwanted Trump hug, sometimes it even takes practice A favorite moment from debate prep (9/24/16): pic.twitter.com/JAAHaqKFoa Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) May 19, 2017Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Assange: Clinton Campaign Tried To Hack WikiLeaks
Edmondo Burr in News , World // 0 Comments Julian Assange claims that Hillary Clinton’s campaign used hackers to attack WikiLeaks’ servers. WikiLeaks’ editor-in-chief says that despite the Ecuadorian embassy shutting down its internet to stop accusations of interference in U.S. elections, his organisation will keep on publishing until the elections are over. RT.com reports: “ Everyday that you publish is a day that you have the initiative in the conflict, ” Assange said via telephone at a conference in Argentina on Wednesday. The whistleblowing website has been releasing emails from Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, on a daily basis since early October. Assange claimed the release “ whipped up a crazed hornet’s nest atmosphere in the Hillary Clinton campaign ” leading them to attack WikiLeaks. “ They attacked our servers and attempted hacking attacks and there is an amazing ongoing campaign where state documents were put in the UN and British courts to accuse me of being both a Russian spy and a pedophile, ” he added. Ecuador’s decision to shut down his internet was described by Assange as a “ strategic position ” so that its “ policy of non-intervention can’t be misinterpreted by actors in the US and even domestically in Ecuador. ” He said he was sympathetic with Ecuador, insisting they face the dilemma of having the US interfere with their elections next year if they appear to interfere with the US elections next month. MORE: #WikiLeaks has activated contingency plans after #Assange ‘s internet link was intentionally cut off https://t.co/octsMseme1 — RT (@RT_com) 17 October 2016 Assange, who claimed the embassy will be without internet until the election is over to avoid accusations of interference, said he did not agree with Ecuador’s decision but did understand it. WikiLeaks will not be affected by the decision as they do not publish from Ecuador, he said. He did, however, reject the idea that WikiLeaks is interfering with the US election, claiming, “ this is not the interference of electoral process, this is the definition of electoral process – for media organizations and, in fact, everyone to publish the truth and their opinion about what is occurring. It cannot be a free and informed election unless people are free to inform. ” He also attacked US TV networks, many of whom he accused of being “ controlled by Clinton supporters. “ We were fastest on #Podestaemails6 , faster than @wikileaks , and the US conspiracy machine can’t handle it https://t.co/njAae50qDd — RT (@RT_com) 13 October 2016 The Podesta emails will make no difference to the election result, according to Assange. “ I don’t think there’s any chance of Donald Trump winning the election, even with the amazing material we are publishing, because most of the media organizations are strongly aligned with Hillary Clinton, ” he said. Assange said journalists and people who work in the media are predominantly middle class and view Trump as representing “ what in their mind is white trash. ”
"Hamilton" Actor Refuses To Apologize For Political Stunt
by Ike Mclean / November 21, 2016 / CRAZY LEFT / Vice President-elect Mike Pence was attending the Broadway Musical “Hamilton” on Friday night when the cast decided to send a political message to Trump and his administration. Brandon Victor Dixon, the actor who played the part of Vice President Aaron Burr during the musical about the life of the Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, acknowledged that Pence was in the crowd and then said the following: “We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights. We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.” Dixon was asked on “CBS This Morning” Monday about the decision to deliver his political message, which prompted Donald Trump to take to Twitter and say that Pence was “harassed” and that the cast was “very rude.” “The president-elect is demanding an apology,” CBS anchor Charlie Rose said to Dixon during the Monday morning interview. “I heard,” Dixon responded. “We assume that no apology is forthcoming?” Rose asked. “There is nothing to apologize for,” Dixon said. Dixon then added that this is “certainly not the first time, nor will it be the last, that somebody went into a theater and began to act inappropriately or stand up and interrupt the show.” Dixon’s “CBS This Morning” interview can be seen below: Sign up to get breaking news alerts from Dennis Michael Lynch. Subscribe
The Chronovisor: A Device Used To Look Into The Future And Past
1 Reply According to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years, among the many alleged secrets the Vatican has, there is a device called the Chronovisor. The device enables its user to observe future as well as past events. Many believe this device is one of the greatest guarded secrets humanity has ever had. Some even believe it is a crucial ‘tool’ which has allowed the Vatican to preserve its influence and power through the years. Ever since H. G. Wells composed his novel ‘The Time Machine’ many people have been left fascinated by the idea of time travel. Even Theoretical Physics dreams of the possibility of making it work one day. Everything related to time travel today is related to science fiction, or so it seems at least. Interestingly, on May 2, 1972, an Italian newspaper shocked the world when they published an article with a provoking headline: A machine that photographs the past has finally been invented . The news article indicated that dozens of scientists created an artifact that allowed them to photograph the past, and even witness important historical accounts directly connected with Jesus Christ. The alleged device –which according to many is nothing more than science fiction— was built in the 1950’s by a team of scientists led by Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, an Italian physicist who eventually became a priest. It is believed that the team received important help from Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi and famous rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. The Chronovisor is a relatively small object that is equipped with a number of antennas and is composed entirely of precious alloys, cathode tubes, some dials, and levers. Reports by Father Ernetti suggest that whoever uses the device is able to capture and record specific locations, important events and follow in history, noteworthy individuals. According to Father Ernetti, he had observed, among other historical events, Christ’s crucifixion and photographed it as well. View image The image to the left is the one obtained using the Chronovisor. On the right is a similar image located in a Church in Perugia. It is even said that under the perfect conditions, the device offers its user the ability to foresee what was going to happen in the near future. However, Father Ernetti remained secretive and stated he was not at liberty to reveal further details about the Chronovisor. Father Ernetti did however reveal that the Chronovisor worked by ‘…processing residual electromagnetic radiation left over by numerous processes…’ According to numerous reports, Father Ernetti used the Chronovisor to witness important historical events, with the most notable being the crucifixion of Christ. However, Father Ernetti revealed that thanks to this invention had managed to witness the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other major historical events such as the founding of Rome in 753 B.C. Also, thanks to the Chronovisor, Father Ernetti was able to recompose the missing work “Thyestes” , written by Ennio Quinto and represented in Rome in 169 A.C. in its original version, and the original text of the the two stone tablets written by God (Exodus 24:12) which were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, apart from witnessing the likes of Napoleon, Roman philosopher Cicero and other great and momentous historical and biblical episodes. French priest François Charles Antoine Brune was one of the first to hear about the Chronovisor. According to Father François, he met Father Ernetti in the 1960’s when the two were traveling across the Grand Canal of Venice. As the two were experts in ancient languages, they began to talk about the Bible and its interpretation through the years. Supposedly, these are the blueprints of the Chronoviso r [image] Father Brune that was very intrigued when the Father Ernetti revealed that there was a machine that could answer all questions related to the Bible. When Father François asked about the Machine, Father Ernetti described the Chronovisor, saying that it was device that functioned just like a T.V., but instead of receiving transmissions from local stations, the chronovisor was able to tune into the past and allow the viewer to “see and hear” events that had occurred centuries before. Ernetti told Brune that the machine worked by detecting images and sounds that humanity had ‘created’ which were “floating” in space. It is said that this intriguing device and the project behind it were canceled by the Vatican but not destroyed. Some believe the Chronovisor is located somewhere in the Vatican, hidden in one of the many chambers, hidden away from society. However, there are other versions that suggest that father Ernetti and his team decided to voluntarily dismantle the device because, since it could tune anywhere and anytime in the past, if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could create the “scariest dictatorship the world has ever seen.” Interestingly, before Father Ernetti died in April 1994, he wrote a letter in which he INSISTED that the device was real and was not a hoax as many believed. Father Ernetti claimed that the alleged photograph the chronovisor had captured of Jesus Christ on the cross, showing the sorrowful face of a bearded man gazing towards the heavens was real, even though some critics argue that the image was a reproduction of a statue of Jesus located in a church in Perugia. Critics also claim that the alleged text the device managed to observe of “Thyestes” included Latin words that did not exist at the time it was made. In 1994, Father Ernetti also said that “Pope Pius XII forbade us to do disclose any details about this device because the machine was very dangerous. It can restrain the freedom of man…” However, in 1988, the Vatican issued a decree in which it warned that “anyone using, an instrument of such characteristics would be excommunicated.” According to many, this was an unnecessary warning since according to them the Chronovisor never existed. So why issue a warning if it was just another hoax? What do you think about the story behind the Chronovisor? Do you think it is another top secret ‘object’ kept away from society by the Vatican? SF Source Rise Earth
Why Are So Many People Popping Vitamin D? - The New York Times
There was no reason for the patients to receive vitamin D tests. They did not have osteoporosis their bones were not cracking from a lack of the vitamin. They did not have diseases that interfere with vitamin D absorption. Yet in a recent sample of 800, 000 patients in Maine, nearly one in five had had at least one test for blood levels of the vitamin over a period. More than a third got two or more tests, often to evaluate such complaints as malaise or fatigue. The researchers who gathered the data, Dr. Kathleen Fairfield and Kim Murray of the Maine Medical Center, were surprised. Perhaps they shouldn’t have been. Millions of people are popping supplements in the belief that vitamin D can help turn back depression, fatigue, muscle weakness, even heart disease or cancer. In fact, there has never been widely accepted evidence that vitamin D is helpful in preventing or treating any of those conditions. But so firm is this belief that vitamin D has become popular even among people with no particular medical complaints or disease risks. And they are being tested for vitamin D “deficiency” in ever greater numbers. The number of blood tests for vitamin D levels among Medicare beneficiaries, mostly people 65 and older, increased from 2000 to 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among patients with commercial insurance, testing rates rose 2. from 2009 to 2014. Labs performing these tests are reporting perfectly normal levels of vitamin D — 20 to 30 nanograms per milliliter of blood — as “insufficient. ” As a consequence, millions of healthy people think they have a deficiency, and some are taking supplemental doses so high they can be dangerous, causing poor appetite, nausea and vomiting. Vitamin D overdoses also can lead to weakness, frequent urination and kidney problems. “A lot of clinicians are acting like there is a pandemic” of vitamin D deficiency, said Dr. JoAnn E. Manson, a preventive medicine researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston who helped write an Institute of Medicine report on vitamin D. “That gives them justification to screen everyone and get everyone well above what the Institute of Medicine recommends. ” In fact, the institute committee on which Dr. Manson served concluded in 2010 that very few people were vitamin D deficient and noted that randomized trials had found no particular benefit for healthy people to have blood levels above 20 nanograms per milliliter. Medical organizations, too, have repeatedly found that there is no reason to assess vitamin D levels in healthy adults, and recently two rigorous studies failed to find that high doses of the vitamin protect against heart disease or cancer. Still, vitamin D has become “a religion,” said Dr. Clifford J. Rosen, an osteoporosis researcher at the Maine Medical Center Research Institute and a member of the Institute of Medicine’s committee. Vitamin D is a nutrient needed to absorb calcium and phosphorus, and therefore to make bones strong. People do not make their own: We need sunlight to synthesize vitamin D. The vitamin also is found in oily fish and in a few other foods, including milk, which is fortified with the vitamin. Because many people have little exposure to sunlight, especially those living in northern climates in winter, some investigators became concerned more than a decade ago that large swaths of the population were not getting enough vitamin D. One is Dr. Michael F. Holick, a professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine and a leading proponent of the idea that just about everyone needs a vitamin D supplement. He points to studies that suggest an association between low vitamin D levels and higher rates of various diseases. While these observational reports do not prove cause and effect, he is persuaded by the fact that many point in the same direction, hinting that low blood levels of vitamin D are hazardous. Doctors, he believes, must take action. The recommended daily allowance is 600 international units up to age 70, and 800 I. U. for people who are older, Dr. Holick said. Diet cannot provide that much of the vitamin, he notes. And it would require nearly constant exposure to sunlight to reach the levels he recommends. Over the years, he acknowledged, studies in which people were randomly assigned to take a vitamin D pill or a placebo have failed to support claims for the vitamin’s benefits. But those studies tended to be too small to be definitive, he said. Yet recent trials, larger and more rigorous, also have not produced the results. One study with 5, 108 participants, published this month in JAMA Cardiology, found that vitamin D did not prevent heart attacks. Another study, published at the end of March, included 2, 303 healthy postmenopausal women randomly assigned to take vitamin D and calcium supplements or a placebo. The supplements did not protect the women against cancer, the researchers concluded. Other, more ambitious studies are underway, including a randomized study of almost 26, 000 healthy men and women directed by Dr. Manson and Julie Buring, who hope to answer once and for all whether taking vitamin D can prevent cancer, heart disease and strokes. The frenzy for vitamin D began not in natural food stores but in medical journals. Beginning around 2000, a series of research papers linked vitamin D levels that are lower, but considered normal, to multiple sclerosis and mental illness, then to cancer risk and bone health. Blood testing for the vitamin took off. “Patients began asking for it,” said Dr. Fairfield, the researcher in Maine. “A lot of people thought that if they were fatigued or sad or they did not feel well, they might be vitamin D deficient. ” In 2007, Dr. Holick published a paper in The New England Journal of Medicine asserting that vitamin D levels now considered normal — 21 to 29 nanograms per milliliter of blood — were linked to an increased risk of cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, schizophrenia, depression, poor lung capacity and wheezing. He also published books promoting the idea that vitamin D levels in that range were insufficient to promote good health. In 2011, a committee of the Endocrine Society, headed by Dr. Holick, came out with a recommendation that vitamin D levels be at least 30 nanograms per milliliter, which meant that most people were vitamin D deficient. The group recommended the taking of supplements but not widespread testing, on the grounds that this would not be . The new guideline had an immediate effect: Commercial labs began describing levels of 20 to 30 nanograms per milliliter as insufficient. Many continue to do so today. “There was a vitamin D bandwagon,” said Dr. Sundeep Khosla, an osteoporosis expert at the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin D tests “became incorporated into the general evaluation of patients,” he added. Ravinder J. Singh, who runs a testing lab at the Mayo Clinic, was taken aback by the sudden deluge. “Demand for vitamin D testing went through the sky,” he said. “It was almost as though there was nothing else serious in clinical practice. ” Dr. Fairfield, like many other general practitioners, began testing patients, trying to make sure they raised their vitamin D levels above 29 and became concerned that she and other doctors had been too cavalier about the vitamin. “We were worried that there was a lot we were missing,” she said. But when the Institute of Medicine report proved critical of the vitamin D craze, she started telling healthy patients there was no reason for them to be tested. Many did not want to hear that advice. “People were used to vitamin D monitoring, like with cholesterol,” Dr. Fairfield said. “They wanted to know what their number is. ” Although Dr. Fairfield stopped routine vitamin D testing, many others have not. Becky Rosen, 64, a nurse who is director of clinical services at a home health agency in Brunswick, Me. had a physical exam four years ago and was told she needed a vitamin D test. She declined. Her next physical exam was in February, with a different doctor. Once again, the doctor wanted to test her vitamin D level. “I said, ‘I don’t think I need it,’” Ms. Rosen said. The doctor persisted, explaining that Maine is so far north that people may not be exposed to much sunlight. Once again, Ms. Rosen politely but firmly declined. But she is a special patient: Her husband, Dr. Rosen, helped write the Institute of Medicine report that was critical of vitamin D supplements. “I can see other people getting persuaded,” Ms. Rosen said.
In the battle for Hollywood endorsements - and cash - Clinton rules
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ positions on fracking, free tuition and breaking up big banks wouldn’t sound out of place in an Oscar winning-actor’s acceptance speech. But in famously liberal Hollywood, long used as an ATM by Democratic campaigns, Sanders’ message is not resonating as loudly as in other progressive bastions. The more moderate Hillary Clinton has far outpaced the Vermont senator in fundraising and has a deep line-up of A-list stars and top executives among her backers. Celebrities don’t sway votes, but they can persuade people to listen to a candidate’s message, said historian Steven Ross, author of “Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics.” “It puts a candidate on their radar,” he said. Hollywood actors, studio executives and other employees of the film, TV and music industries have donated at least $8.4 million to Clinton’s campaign and the independent Super PAC that supports her bid, Priorities USA Action, according to a Reuters analysis of campaign finance data through March 31. A pair of Clinton fundraisers held by actor George Clooney this month, at which tickets went for as much as $353,000 per couple, is not included in that total, but were reported by Deadline Hollywood to have raised an additional $15 million. By contrast, Sanders' campaign had raised about $1 million from entertainment industry donors through March 31, according to the campaign finance data. The Vermont senator, who called the price of the Clooney event "obscene," is not associated with a Super PAC and says he does not court wealthy donors. (Graphic on Hollywood flows to Sanders and Clinton: tmsnrt.rs/1U98K4g) All Republican presidential candidates combined collected $460,000, roughly 5 percent of entertainment industry donations, the data showed. Clinton’s support in Hollywood can be traced back to strong ties her husband built during his first presidential campaign in 1992, said Donna Bojarsky, a Democratic public policy consultant who worked as national entertainment coordinator for Bill Clinton’s campaign. Bill Clinton connected deeply with Hollywood, she said, in part because “he showed a real respect for and appreciation of pop culture. He followed it, and he enjoyed it.” Another reason for Hillary Clinton’s success in Hollywood is the backing of executives. While business people in Hollywood may be liberals, they are less likely to embrace a candidate who attacks corporations, said Ross, the historian. Sanders describes himself as a democratic socialist who wants higher taxes on wealthy people and corporations to help pay for college, healthcare, and other programs. “Corporate Hollywood is about business and the bottom line,” Ross said. The biggest Hollywood contributors to date are behind-the-scenes figures rather than stars, with about two-thirds of Clinton’s industry support through March coming from just three donors. Haim Saban, CEO of Saban Capital Group, contributed $3.5 million, while DreamWorks Animation DWA.O CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg and director Steven Spielberg donated $1 million each to Clinton and funds supporting her. But it is the celebrity backers who make headlines for a candidate, even if they’re not making hefty contributions. Pop singer Demi Lovato performed at a Clinton campaign rally, and “Scandal” star Kerry Washington recorded radio and TV ads for the former secretary of state. “I really believe in her capacity to deliver on her messages,” Washington said in an interview. Sanders welcomed the band Vampire Weekend onto a stage in Iowa, where they joined the candidate to sing “This Land Is Your Land.” The Red Hot Chili Peppers performed at a Sanders fundraiser in Los Angeles. Clinton’s celebrity support skews toward older men and women, and she attracts more minorities, while younger personalities gravitate to Sanders, said Dan Schnur, director of University of Southern California’s Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics and a former Republican political strategist. These leanings reflect those of voters in general, Schnur said, though there are plenty of exceptions. Ninety-year-old actor Dick Van Dyke, a Sanders supporter, is happy to buck the trend.  “People in my generation are set in their ways,” Van Dyke said in an interview. “Some people are afraid he might get a little too drastic, that he might do something to upset the apple cart.” Sanders, not known for his sense of humor, has also attracted a number of comedians as supporters, including Danny DeVito, Bill Maher and Sarah Silverman. “Bernie is not for sale,” says Silverman, a one-time Clinton backer, in a pro-Sanders video viewed more than 32 million times on Facebook. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime candidate who genuinely represents the people.” Schnur finds Sanders’ support among some comedians understandable. “If you decide to perform comedy for a living, you’ve probably got a little bit of an anarchist streak,” he said, and Sanders “challenges the establishment.”  THE BERNIE-HILLARY SPLIT At times the Sanders-Clinton divide in Hollywood has grown heated. When actor Susan Sarandon, a Sanders supporter, said in an MSNBC interview last month that she wasn’t sure she could vote for Clinton if she was the Democratic nominee, the reaction in Hollywood was intense. Her comments were seen as lending support to Trump. Actor Jamie Lee Curtis, a Clinton supporter, tweeted that she respected but disagreed with Sarandon, calling her position “dangerous 2 women, minorities & migrants.” Debra Messing, one of the stars of NBC sitcom “Will and Grace,” also joined the Twitter fray, criticizing Sarandon for representing “the Bernie or BUST position which is so dangerous for our country.” Sarandon, who has donated $2,700 to Sanders, said her comments were reported incorrectly. “Of course I wouldn’t vote for Trump,” she said in an interview with Reuters. She is unrepentant in her support for Sanders. “We have to do something more than incremental change,” Sarandon said. Sanders is “about real change, progressive change,” she said. She said she worries about an industry backlash against Sanders supporters, given the reaction to her statements, as well as negative comments from feminist Gloria Steinem and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright about women supporting Sanders. “It’s a much easier thing to be supporting Hillary than to be supporting Bernie if you are a woman in the industry.” In the end, Hollywood’s Democrats will unite behind Clinton if she wins the nomination, predicted USC’s Schnur. “A Sanders-nista is not going to flip over and vote Republican,” he said.
What is Comey up to and who is he working for?
Posted on October 31, 2016 by Michael Collins FBI Director James Comey. Wikimedia FBI Director James Comey’s letter to Congress on new evidence in the Clinton email scandal represents interference in the presidential campaign commensurate with his failure to indict candidate Hillary Clinton for crimes greater than those committed by citizens that are now serving time. His actions are a paradigm for the dysfunctional and dangerous state of the political system in the United States. UPDATE : Two former Republican Attorneys General harshly criticized FBI Director James Comey for his letter to Congress on the Hillary Clinton email affair. Michael Collins 5:42 EDT Mukasey blasts Comey and attorney general over Clinton email case Louis Nelson 10/31/16 07:16 AM EDT Director Comey’s letter to Congress of October 28 about “emails that appear to be pertinent in the [Clinton] investigation” was a deliberate, premeditated action that will harm Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s chances in the presidential election. His letter may have an even greater impact on Democratic Party down-ballot candidates in Senate and House races and, as a result, influence the post election balance of power in Congress. There is no question that Comey knew that his actions would have significant political impact just days before the election. The fact that he defied established procedures of the Justice Department and instructions from superiors shows the intentional nature of his acts. Comey’s abuse of power and illegal interference in the election is another major marker on the road to the total evisceration of constitutional rights and protection begun in earnest with the Patriot Act of 2001 . His actions should be judged as a blatantly illegal act by one of the nation’s most powerful law enforcement officials. It doesn’t matter if you support Clinton, Trump, Johnson, or Stein. Allowing the FBI to get away with this outrageous attempt to influence elections kills any hope of finally achieving the goal of an open political process and fair elections. Comey’s Profound Insincerity The Department of Justice has established policies for handling legal matters that may impact an election. Former Attorney’s General Janet Reno and Eric Holder outlined policies stating that the Justice Department should avoid prosecutions or other actions close to elections that might influence those elections. Attorney General Loretta Lynch made this point to Comey. Despite reports that FBI “agents had not been able to review any of the material, because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them,” Comey somehow deduced that the emails might be significant. He took the unusual step of informing Congress about the emails he had yet to examine. Former Assistant United States Attorney , Nick Ackerman, argued: “Director Comey acted totally inappropriately. He had no business writing to Congress about supposed new emails that neither he nor anyone in the FBI has ever reviewed.” Does Director Comey think we are idiots? Clearly, he went out of his way to influence the election in a conspicuous fashion. There can be no doubt about this assertion. After some significant blowback from former Justice officials, Comey felt compelled to write an explanatory memo to FBI employees. He said: “I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record [of the original email investigation]. At the same time, however, given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression. In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.” James Comey memo to FBI employees, Washington Post, Oct 28, 2016 , This passage from his letter is an admission that Comey knew his actions would influence the election. Before “know[ing] the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails,” he released an update to Congress that could easily be interpreted as an indication that there was a significant development in the Clinton case. Why else would he write the letter? Comey told FBI employees, “I don’t want to create a misleading impression.” If Comey wanted to avoid a “misleading impression,” he might have told the truth if he insisted on writing a memo to Congress. Based on what we know now, he should have said: There are some emails on the computer belonging to a close Clinton aid. No one at FBI has seen the emails. We don’t’ even have a warrant to download them. These emails might or might not be important enough to warrant reopening the investigation. The fact that Comey failed to tell the truth about the status of the emails proves his ill intent toward the Clinton campaign. Comey’s Violation of Law The 1939 Hatch Act bars Federal employees from a broad range of political activities. Richard Painter, a former lawyer in the Bush White House Counsel’s office, filed a formal complaint against FBI Director Comey for violating that act. He argued: “I believe that the Hatch Act and ethics rules are violated if it is obvious that the official’s actions [Comey’s] could influence the election, there is not another good reason for taking those actions, and the official is acting under pressure from persons who obviously want to influence the election.” Comey’s actions will clearly influence the elections. There was no “good reason” to release the memo on evidence not yet reviewed or analyzed. And, Comey admits that he acted “under pressure” from critics in Congress, Republicans, who obviously “want to influence the election.” In addition, Painter cited another law on the use of public office for private gain. Painter refers to the following section of the United States Code: 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain. “An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise …” Comey’s actions have the direct effect of endorsing the Trump campaign “enterprise.” Trump has insisted again and again that the email case be reopened. Comey reopened it on the flimsiest of grounds. The net effect of his actions props up the Trump campaign just when it looked like the enterprise was finished. Comey’s Reports to … ? Comey’s actions serve the Trump campaign and its donors. It wasn’t an easy form of service by the FBI Director. Comey had to ignore established policies, common sense, his superior, the Attorney General, and the Hatch Act in order to send his very high impact letter. Will it be worth it? If Comey acted on his own without any outside inducements or threats, we should all pause and say a short prayer for him. In that scenario, he is an utter fool playing in a league way above his skill set and doing great and memorable damage to the political process. But, Comey is no fool. I wrote favorably about his willingness to stand up to the Bush White House in 2007, Comey’s Evidence of a Crime . Then, he seemed to have a quality not often seen in government or corporate environments – a willingness to “stand up to the boss.” That may have been true at the time. Today, however, Comey seems unable to decide who his boss is. He clearly caved in to the administration and the Clinton interests when he failed to indict Hillary Clinton for even a misdemeanor for her many violations of national security policies. Now, he’s caving into the interests of the Republicans and the repellant Trump campaign. The key question is who got to Comey and how? We know that both Clinton and Trump are unfit for the presidency or any other elected or appointed office in the United States. However, we need to know who has the type of power and force to make the FBI Director behave like a fool.
Travelers Stranded and Protests Swell Over Trump Order - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Travelers were stranded around the world, protests escalated in the United States and anxiety rose within President Trump’s party on Sunday as his order closing the nation to refugees and people from certain predominantly Muslim countries provoked a crisis just days into his administration. The White House pulled back on part of Mr. Trump’s temporary ban on visitors from seven countries by saying that it would not apply to those with green cards granting them permanent residence in the United States. By the end of the day, the Department of Homeland Security formally issued an order declaring such legal residents exempt from the order. But the recalibration did little to reassure critics at home or abroad who saw the president’s order as a retreat from traditional American values. European leaders denounced the order, and some Republican lawmakers called on Mr. Trump to back down. As of Sunday evening, officials said no one was being held at American airports, although lawyers said they believed that dozens were still being detained. More than any of the myriad moves Mr. Trump has made in his frenetic opening days in office, the immigration order has quickly come to define his emerging presidency as one driven by a desire for decisive action even at the expense of deliberate process or coalition building. It has thrust the administration into its first constitutional conflict, as multiple courts have intervened to block aspects of the order, and into its broadest diplomatic incident, with overseas allies objecting. The White House was left to defend what seemed to many government veterans like a slapdash process. Aides to Mr. Trump insisted they had consulted for weeks with relevant officials, but the head of the customs and border service in the Obama administration, who resigned on inauguration day, said the incoming president’s team never talked with him about it. White House officials blamed what they portrayed as a hyperventilating news media for the confusion and said the order had been successfully carried out. Only about 109 travelers were detained in the first 24 hours, out of the 325, 000 who typically enter the United States in a day, they said. As of Sunday evening, the Department of Homeland Security said 392 green card holders had been granted waivers to enter. That did not count many visitors who remained overseas now unable to travel. Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff, said Mr. Trump simply did what he had promised on the campaign trail and would not gamble with American lives. “We’re not willing to be wrong on this subject,” he said on “Face the Nation” on CBS. “President Trump is not willing to take chances on this subject. ” The order bars entry to refugees from anywhere in the world for 120 days and from Syria indefinitely. It blocks any visitors for 90 days from seven designated countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Department of Homeland Security initially said the order would bar green card holders from those seven countries from returning to the United States. With thousands of protesters chanting outside his White House windows and thronging the streets of Washington and other cities, Mr. Trump late on Sunday defended his order. “To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting,” he said in a written statement. “This is not about religion — this is about terror and keeping our country safe. ” He noted that the seven countries were identified by former President Barack Obama’s administration as sources of terrorism and that his order did not affect citizens from dozens of other predominantly Muslim countries. “We will again be issuing visas to all countries once we are sure we have reviewed and implemented the most secure policies over the next 90 days,” he said. Mr. Trump expressed sympathy for victims of the civil war in Syria. “I have tremendous feeling for the people involved in this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria,” he said. “My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as president, I will find ways to help all those who are suffering. ” While Mr. Trump denied that his action focused on religion, the first iteration of his plan during his presidential campaign was framed as a temporary ban on all Muslim visitors. As late as Sunday morning, he made clear that his concern was for Christian refugees, and part of his order gives preferential treatment to Christians who try to enter the United States from nations. In a Twitter post on Sunday morning, Mr. Trump deplored the killing of Christians in the Middle East without noting the killings of Muslims, who have been killed in vastly greater numbers in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. “Christians in the Middle East have been executed in large numbers,” he wrote. “We cannot allow this horror to continue!” His order, however, resulted in a second day of uncertainty at American airports. The American Civil Liberties Union said it was investigating reports that officials were not complying with court orders in New York, Boston, Seattle, Los Angeles and Chicago. New York’s attorney general sent a letter to federal authorities demanding a list of all individuals detained at Kennedy International Airport. The Department of Homeland Security said on Sunday evening that it was “in compliance with judicial orders. ” Still, at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, even the arrival of four Democratic members of Congress did not prompt customs officers to acknowledge whether they were holding anyone or provide lawyers access to anyone detained. The lawmakers arrived after 3 p. m. and were rebuffed by police officers when they tried to enter the Customs and Border Protection offices at the airport. Representative Gerry Connolly, Democrat of Virginia, said he was told to call the main office of the agency in Washington. His staff got a legislative liaison from the customs service on the phone, and “they said we’ll put you in touch with the deputy commissioner,” Mr. Connolly said. “I said that’s not acceptable,” he continued. “We want to talk to the person in charge of operations at Dulles Airport. That’s where the problem is, and that’s where the federal judicial ruling is applicable. ” The clash over the order provoked emotional responses. At a news conference, Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader from New York, choked up as he vowed to “claw, scrap and fight with every fiber of my being until these orders are overturned. ” The mayors of New York, Chicago and Boston spoke out, as well. In Dallas, Mayor Mike Rawlings personally offered regrets to four released detainees at Worth Airport. “We have wished them welcome, and we have apologized from the depths of our heart,” he said. Chelsea Clinton joined a protest in New York. The order roiled relations with America’s traditional allies in Europe and the Middle East. The spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said she “is convinced that the resolute fight against terrorism does not justify blanket suspicion on grounds of origin or belief. ” Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, who met with Mr. Trump in Washington on Friday and has sought to forge a friendship with him, initially declined to comment on the policy on Saturday when pressed by reporters during a stop in Turkey. But under pressure from opposition politicians, her spokesman later said the British government did “not agree with this kind of approach. ” The matter was especially sensitive in Muslim countries, and Mr. Trump spoke by telephone on Sunday with King Salman of Saudi Arabia and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi. White House statements on the calls said they discussed the fight against terrorism but did not say whether they discussed the immigration order, which did not include their countries. In Washington, protesters gathered by the thousands outside Mr. Trump’s front lawn to denounce his order and show solidarity with Muslim Americans. “Shame,” they chanted, hoisting homemade signs toward the executive mansion, where Mr. Trump was scheduled to host a private screening of the movie “Finding Dory. ” “No hate, no fear,” they added later. “Refugees are welcome here. ” Security fencing and reviewing stands still in place from the inauguration prevented the crowd from getting more than a couple hundred yards away from the building, but did not stop crowds from swelling through the afternoon, when protesters departed to march to Capitol Hill. Some Republicans grew increasingly alarmed by the backlash to the order. “This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country,” Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said in a statement. “That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security. ” Some conservative donors also criticized the decision. Officials with the political network overseen by Charles G. and David H. Koch, the billionaire conservative activists, released a statement on Sunday criticizing Mr. Trump’s handling of the issue. “We believe it is possible to keep Americans safe without excluding people who wish to come here to contribute and pursue a better life for their families,” said Brian Hooks, a chairman of the Kochs’ donor network. “The travel ban is the wrong approach and will likely be counterproductive. ” Senator Bob Corker, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said the order was “poorly implemented” and urged the president to “make appropriate revisions. ” Other Republicans were more circumspect. Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, said the issue would be decided by the courts. Mr. Trump fired back at Mr. McCain and Mr. Graham on Twitter. “They are sadly weak on immigration,” he wrote. “Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III. ”
MISLEADING MAINSTREAM MEDIA Is Pushing False Narrative That Trump Electors Could Steal Election From Him …Why It’s Not Gonna Happen…And Why Their Attack On Our Democracy Is A Really BAD Idea
Here is Michigan elector Michael Banerian telling about death threats that he s received over his vote for Trump on Monday.The leftist media has encouraged the (insanely impossible) idea that Trump could be defeated by the Electoral College, by using misleading headlines, like the one below from USA Today to help fuel the idea that Trump is not really that popular after all: The New York Times has shamelessly published several articles pushing the narrative that Trump could be ousted on December 19th when the electoral votes are cast for President:The Washington Post has also falsely promoted the idea that there was a real possibility Trump could be defeated on Monday:And finally, only two days ago, NBC News published this embarrassing piece on the possibility of an electoral coup on Monday, clearly written to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Trump s presidency:In a typical election year, the mid-December meeting of the electoral college interests only political junkies and civics teachers.Not this time.As the electors prepare to vote Monday, many say they have been besieged by phone calls and e-mails. One already resigned. Another said he won t vote as his state did. And electors in three states went to court seeking authority to vote as they please.Hillary Clinton s victory in the popular but not the electoral vote and uncertainty about Donald Trump have generated unusual interest in an event that is usually a political footnote.Members of the Electoral College will cast their historic votes for the next president of the United States on Monday. In the meantime, they are under siege.The nation s 538 presidential electors have been thrust into the political foreground like never before in American history. In the aftermath of a uniquely polarizing presidential contest, the once-anonymous electors are squarely in the spotlight, targeted by death threats, harassing phone calls and reams of hate mail. One Texas Republican elector said he s been bombarded with more than 200,000 emails. I never can imagine harassing people like this. It s just f up, said Jim Rhoades, a Republican elector from Michigan who runs a home inspection service. I ve lost a bunch of business. In recent decades, the Electoral College had become such a reliable rubber stamp of Election Day results that it was viewed as an afterthought.But with many Democrats desperate to block the all-but-certain ascension of Donald Trump to the White House, this long-neglected body has been gripped by turmoil, and its members have been subjected to pleas to upend centuries of tradition by casting their votes for someone other than the president-elect.There have been ad campaigns targeting electors and op-eds assailing their role. One Democratic member of Congress has called to delay the vote for president while an investigation of Russian involvement in the election is underway. Two others have pleaded with electors to consider Russia s role when deciding how to vote. Progressive groups are preparing protests across the country at sites where electors will meet to cast their ballots. Personal contact information for many electors has been posted publicly and it s been used to bury them with massive email campaigns.Chris Suprun of Texas, the only GOP elector to publicly oppose Trump, has been especially battered by criticism mainly from fellow Republicans, including party leaders who have questioned his integrity.Here is Tucker Carlson embarrassing Chris Suprun, as he attempts to explain why he won t vote for Trump: https://youtu.be/7oOhwHG2Gb4Suprun announced his intention to vote for someone other than Trump in a New York Times op-ed, recalling his service on Sept. 11, 2001, as a first responder to the attack on the Pentagon. On Friday, a Texas television station ran a story accusing Suprun of inventing his 9/11 role, the story that Suprun built his career around. The charge, based on a discrepancy with Suprun s LinkedIn page, featured an anonymous former colleague accusing Suprun of stolen valor. PoliticoEarlier this year, former deputy White House chief of staff Roy Neel published a whimsical piece of political fiction about faithless electors changing a presidential election outcome. In The Electors, an incumbent Republican president loses the popular vote and falls three electors short in the Electoral College as well. His devilish chief of staff hatches a plot that succeeds in turning two faithless electors against the Democratic candidate they were pledged but not required by law to support. Because a third turncoat has a massive heart attack before her vote is technically cast, the election goes to the House and the incumbent prevails.I have seen no particular evidence that the shadowy anti-Trump group trying to overturn the 2016 election with Electoral College defections was inspired by Neel s book. But it is so wildly unrealistic and potentially counterproductive that by comparison The Electors is a work of gritty realism.Technically, there are 21 states with 236 electoral votes (135 of them won by Trump) where laws do not require electors to vote for the popular-vote winner in that state. It is also theoretically possible that lawsuits being filed to strike down the coercive laws in the other 29 states (plus the District of Columbia) that sanction faithless electors could succeed, though there is no way they could succeed before the Electoral College casts its votes on December 19.The bigger problem is that interest in denying Trump the presidency through a campus riot in the Electoral College is pretty much limited to Democrats.The idea of Republican electors turning against Donald Trump found some traction back in the days when the mogul had nailed down the Republican presidential nomination over the violent objections of much of the GOP. It was the general-election equivalent of all the ultimately vain talk about a revolt of pledged Republican convention delegates determined to keep the demagogue away from the White House. Two Republican electors, one from Georgia and another from Texas, publicly expressed doubts they could bring themselves to cast votes for Trump (two Democratic electors expressed similar reluctance to vote for Hillary Clinton).Two things changed radically to re-consign the faithless elector scenario to the pages of fiction. First, of course, Donald Trump did not win the Electoral College vote by the two or three votes that might have made a very small group of renegades potential coup-makers. It would now take a defection of 37 electors to undo the deed of November 8. Beyond that, the Republican Party is no longer in open or even covert revolt against Donald Trump. In a process that began the moment he won the presidential nomination, the GOP has dutifully lined up in support of its president-elect. An awful lot of the anti-Trump sentiment Republicans exhibited earlier this year involved fears that he would lose badly and drag down the Republican-controlled Congress with him. Those fears are obviously moot today. No Republicans in Washington or in the states will offer cover to a faithless elector, much less 37 of them. It is so not happening.And so the plea made most conspicuously by Harvard law professor and political busybody Lawrence Lessig, that Republican electors rear up on their constitutional hind legs and award the presidency to Hillary Clinton as the popular vote winner, does not even pass the laugh test. Other members of the putsch cabal depart from Lessig by promoting a scenario whereby Trump-hating Republicans and Clinton-hating Democrats could join hands to elect somebody else entirely.And even if the moon turned blue and somehow a coup did happen, there is a fail-safe opportunity for Republicans when Congress meets to count and certify the Electoral College vote. Congress could choose to disregard the actions of faithless electors (with support from GOP officials in the affected states) and certify Trump as the winner. And if (and we are deep into science fiction at this point) the Electoral College does not clearly award anyone with 270 electoral votes, then the House would name Donald Trump president anyway. NYmag
Trump campaign manager charged with misdemeanor battery against reporter
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s presidential campaign manager was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery in Florida on Tuesday in an incident involving a reporter, the latest chapter in a raucous U.S. race marked by threats, insults and physical confrontations. Police in Jupiter, Florida, charged Corey Lewandowski, 42, with intentionally grabbing and bruising the arm of Michelle Fields, then a reporter for the conservative news outlet Breitbart, when she tried to question Trump at a campaign event on March 8. Republican front-runner Trump repeatedly defended Lewandowski throughout a day of campaigning in Wisconsin. He also rescinded a previous pledge to support the Republican presidential nominee if it is not him. “No, not anymore,” he said when asked if he would honor his previous pledge. At a CNN town hall on Tuesday night, Trump said he would remain loyal to his campaign manager and that Lewandowski would remain on the job even though it might be more convenient on behalf of his campaign to “terminate this man, ruin his life, ruin his family ... ruin his whole everything and say: ‘You’re fired.’” Trump also questioned Fields’ original description of the incident in which she said she was almost yanked to the ground by Lewandowski. He wondered aloud if she had posed a threat to him because she approached him with an ink pen. “She had a pen in her hand that could’ve been a knife,” Trump said. Police released a video of the incident showing Fields walking alongside Trump and trying to question him. Lewandowski is seen grabbing her arm and pulling her backward. Previous videos of the incident had been obscured by people in the crowd. At the time, Lewandowski called Fields “delusional” and said he never touched her. Campaign rallies for Trump, the billionaire businessman who leads the race to become the Republican candidate in the Nov. 8 presidential election, are tumultuous at times and have been marked by occasional clashes between protesters and supporters or security personnel. His pugnacious campaign style, which includes personal insults directed at rivals and scathing criticism of protesters, has been criticized for encouraging physical altercations at his rallies. Trump leads rivals Ted Cruz, a U.S. senator from Texas, and Ohio Governor John Kasich in opinion polls and in the number of delegates to the nominating convention, despite a concerted effort to stop him by a Republican establishment worried he will lead the party to defeat in November. Cruz said Trump “of course” should ask for Lewandowski’s resignation. “Look, it shouldn’t be complicated that members of the campaign staff shouldn’t be physically assaulting the press,” Cruz said on the CNN town hall. Kasich said he considered such behavior “totally and completely” inappropriate. “If it was me, if I was in this circumstance, I would take some sort of action, either suspension or firing,” Kasich told reporters in Wisconsin. Cruz picked up the endorsement on Tuesday of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker ahead of the state’s primary next week. Walker, who dropped out of the presidential race last year, called Cruz a principled constitutional conservative. “I’m all in,” Walker said in an interview on WTMJ radio in Milwaukee, adding he was not endorsing Cruz in an attempt to stop Trump. “I just fundamentally believe if you look at the facts, if you look at the numbers, that Ted Cruz is in the best position by far to both win the nomination of the Republican Party and to then go on and defeat Hillary Clinton in the fall this year,” Walker said, referring to the Democratic front-runner. Walker joins a number of other more establishment Republicans who have backed Cruz as an alternative to Trump, who has racked up a strong delegate lead but alienated many party leaders with his harsh views on illegal immigration, Muslims and women. On his plane, Trump said Fields had been pursuing him after a news conference and Lewandowski was trying to “get her off me.” He questioned whether Lewandowski had given Fields the bruise on her arm. “How do you know those bruises weren’t there before?” he asked reporters in Wisconsin. Republican strategist Katie Packer, who runs an anti-Trump Super PAC, said the incident and the charges against Lewandowski reflected the candidate’s lack of respect toward women. “He doesn’t have the kind of values and the kind of temperament that we should expect from someone who wants to be commander in chief,” she said. Lewandowski was charged with simple battery, defined under Florida law as intentionally touching or striking a person against their will. For a first offense, it is a misdemeanor in the first degree, which carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison or a fine of $1,000.     A court date was set for May 4, according to the police report. Jupiter police said Lewandowski turned himself in, and he was issued a notice requiring him to appear in court and then released. He was not booked into the jail.     Lewandowski’s lawyer, Scott Richardson of West Palm Beach, Florida, declined to comment on whether his client would step down as campaign manager. Lewandowski will also be represented by Kendall Coffey, a Miami lawyer, the campaign said.     Fields resigned from Breitbart less than a week after the incident, citing what she said was the online news outlet’s refusal to stand behind her amid the allegations.
WHY IS AL SHARPTON’S “Half-Brother” Registering Thousands Of Felons To Vote In Alabama’s Controversial Senate Race? [VIDEO]
Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow claims he s Reverend Al Sharpton s brother, and he s registering thousands of felons to vote in the hotly contested, upcoming Senate election. When the local News 5 station looked into the pastor s claim, that he was Al Sharpton s brother, they made an interesting discovery. Glasgow told News 5 that he was indeed Al Sharpton s brother and that he dropped the Sharpton because we didn t want somebody that s a racist, a bigot, to try to kill me knowing I was Sharpton s brother while he was in prison. News 5 performed a background check on Glasgow and came up with nothing. They also called Reverend Sharpton s office in New York and spoke with Sharpton s media correspondent, who said he d never heard of Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow. It wasn t until they contacted Sharpton-Glasgow s mother, Tina Glasgow, that they finally discovered the connection.As it turns out, Glasgow actually has ties to Al Sharpton Watch the video below for the bizarre details:Much like his brother, the pastor is also a Democrat activist, and he is pulling out all the stops to help the party defeat Judge Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama. While the Democrat Party is begging for donors to help support Moore s opponent, Doug Jones, Al Sharpton s half-brother is busy signing up felons to vote in a controversial election, where every vote will count.Thousands of felons across Alabama have registered to vote in recent weeks, according to Pastor Kenneth Glasgow, who is heading up a statewide effort to get felons to the voting booth.Glasgow s goal is to get as many felons as possible signed up to vote before the end of the day Monday, the deadline to be able to cast a ballot in Alabama s Dec. 12 U.S. Senate special election. In the last month, I think we registered at least five- to ten-thousand people all over the state, Glasgow, president of Dothan s The Ordinary People Society (TOPS) advocacy group, said Monday. I ve got people all over the state registering people with my TOPS branches in Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Montgomery, Enterprise, Dothan, Abbeville, Geneva, Gordon, Bessemer, we have a lot. For generations, most Alabamians convicted of a felony were barred from ever voting in the state again, but the Definition of Moral Turpitude Act, a new law passed by the state Legislature and signed by Gov. Kay Ivey in May, cleared the way for thousands of felons to restore their voting rights.The law lists several dozen felony convictions that are considered crimes of moral turpitude, which means that anyone convicted of one of them loses the right to vote; other felons are now eligible to restore that right. Previously, the list of crimes that some registrars considered to be of moral turpitude was not clearly defined, and many felons simply believed they could never regain the franchise. AL
This Sheriff Has Threatened To Arrest The CEO Of Apple For Protecting Your Privacy (VIDEO)
Apple s fight against the FBI on behalf of the privacy rights of their customers has taken a chilling turn, with law enforcement officers openly threatening to arrest CEO Tim Cook personally if his company denies their requests.Grady Judd, Sheriff of Polk County Florida, issued a threat of arrest to Apple CEO Tim Cook during a press conference on Sunday. Asked how he would respond if Apple (or any other telecommunications company) ever declines a request to hack a phone on behalf of law enforcement agencies, Judd gave an angry response: I can tell you, the first time we do have trouble getting into a cellphone, we re going to seek a court order from Apple. And when they deny us, I m going to go lock the CEO of Apple up, he ranted. I ll lock the rascal up. Judd is not alone in attempting to apply this personal threat of arrest to the CEO simply for attempting to secure the privacy rights of his customers. As Newsweek reports:Judd s strong sentiments against encryption fall in line with those of other outspoken law enforcement officials in the United States. Many police departments and district attorney s offices have struggled with police investigations because of encrypted smartphones they cannot crack, Newsweek learned last month. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. testified before Congress regarding these frustrations alongside Apple s general counsel, Bruce Sewell, and FBI Director James Comey on March 1.Judd added: You cannot create a business model to go, We re not paying attention to the federal judge or the state judge. You see, we re above the law. The CEO of Apple needs to know he s not above the law, and neither is anybody else in the United States. Apple has stated that if they were to comply with the request of law enforcement, they would be creating a master key that would unlock any iPhone. Once created, this masterkey could then be used for nefarious reasons by law enforcement, government, criminal and terrorist organizations around the world.In an attempt to bully Apple into surrendering the privacy rights of their customers, senior officers in law enforcement, the security services, and even government, are applying pressure to Apple as a company, and the CEO Tim Cook personally. If this doesn t scare you, it should.
OBAMA’S CROOKED DOJ HIDES Massive Hillary Scandal: “The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life — all to protect Hillary Clinton’s crimes”
The most crooked person to ever run for President The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer it had accused of selling weapons that were destined for Libyan rebels.Lawyers for the Justice Department on Monday filed a motion in federal court in Phoenix to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi, whose lawyers also signed the motion.The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.Government lawyers were facing a Wednesday deadline to produce documents to Turi s legal team, and the trial was officially set to begin on Election Day, although it likely would have been delayed by protracted disputes about classified information in the case.A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants. They don t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election, said the associate.In the dismissal motion, prosecutors say discovery rulings from U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell contributed to the decision to drop the case. The joint motion asks the judge to accept a confidential agreement to resolve the case through a civil settlement between the State Department and the arms broker. Our position from the outset has been that this case never should have been brought and we re glad it s over, said Jean-Jacques Cabou, a Perkins Coie partner serving as court-appointed defense counsel in the case. Mr Turi didn t break the law .We re very glad the charges are being dismissed. Under the deal, Turi admits no guilt in the transactions he participated in, but he agreed to refrain from U.S.-regulated arms dealing for four years. A $200,000 civil penalty will be waived if Turi abides by the agreement.A State Department official confirmed the outlines of the agreement. Mr. Turi cooperated with the Department s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls in its review and proposed administrative settlement of the alleged violations, said the official, who asked not be named. Based on a compliance review, DDTC alleged that Mr. Turi engaged in brokering activities for the proposed transfer of defense articles to Libya, a proscribed destination under [arms trade regulations,] despite the Department s denial of requests for the required prior approval of such activities. Turi adviser Robert Stryk of the government relations and consulting firm SPG accused the government of trying to scapegoat Turi to cover up Clinton s mishandling of Libya. The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life all to protect Hillary Clinton s crimes, he said, alluding to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.Read more: Politico
Breitbart News Daily: London - Breitbart
On the Monday edition of Breitbart News Daily, broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM Eastern, Breitbart Senior Joel Pollak will continue our discussion of the terror attack in London and President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement. [Fred Fleitz, the Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy and former CIA analyst, will discuss the London terror attack. We’ll also hear from Breitbart London’s Oliver Lane and Chris Tomlinson. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will join us to discuss the decision to withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. Veteran pollster Pat Caddell will also weigh in on the decision and the implications for 2018. Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center will discuss Kathy Griffin playing the victim and Bill Maher using the . Breitbart Legal Editor Ken Klukowski will discuss the Supreme Court expediting the review of Trump’s travel ban. Breitbart Financial Editor John Carney will discuss the May jobs numbers and what they mean for the economy going forward. Live from London, Rome, and Jerusalem, Breitbart correspondents will provide updates on the latest international news. Breitbart News Daily is the first live, conservative radio enterprise to air seven days a week. SiriusXM Vice President for news and talk Dave Gorab called the show “the conservative news show of record. ” Follow Breitbart News on Twitter for live updates during the show. Listeners may call into the show at: .
Trump intelligence nominee supports probes on Russian interference
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the director of national intelligence pledged on Tuesday to support thorough investigation of any Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, seeking to reassure lawmakers worried that partisan politics might interfere with a probe. “I think this is something that needs to be investigated and addressed,” former Republican Senator Dan Coats told the Senate Intelligence Committee during his confirmation hearing to be the top U.S. intelligence official. Coats, 73, a former member of the intelligence panel, also promised that it would have full access to all of the documents and other materials needed for an investigation. “I have no intention of holding anything back from this committee,” Coats said. Trump denounced intelligence agencies for their assessment that Russia sought to influence the election on his behalf, prompting concerns about his support for them. Trump has also repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, leading some in Washington worry that he might not take a hard enough line in dealings with Moscow. In his opening statement, Coats addressed that concern by listing activity by Russia, along with that of China and North Korea, as among the main challenges faced by the United States. “Russia’s assertiveness in global affairs is something I look upon with great concern, which we need to address with eyes wide open and a healthy degree of skepticism,” Coats said. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence was created after the Sept. 11 attacks to oversee all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies and improve communications among them. One concern about Coats was his record on the U.S. use after the 2001 attacks of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, which are widely seen as torture. In 2015, he was one of the few lawmakers who opposed legislation sponsored by Republican Senator John McCain that made the use of such techniques illegal. Coats promised that he would follow the law, saying he voted against that legislation because he wanted “to at least have a discussion” about the best way to proceed if intelligence agencies wanted to obtain crucial information quickly. Coats also strongly defended U.S. government surveillance programs, though he said he would “do everything I can” to publicly disclose an estimate of the number of Americans caught in the crosshairs of internet surveillance programs intended to target foreigners. But he stopped short of guaranteeing such a disclosure, which privacy advocates in Congress have requested for years and said is necessary to properly debate possible reforms to a surveillance law that expires at the end of 2017. Although he was ambassador to Germany under President George W. Bush, Coats would be the first director of national intelligence who has not spent most of his career in the military, in intelligence agencies or as a diplomat. Coats, who is popular with Democrats and his fellow Republicans, is expected to be easily confirmed.
The Lighter Side of Rick Owens - The New York Times
YOU KIND OF WANT the fashion designer Rick Owens to be a monosyllabic, misanthropic recluse. It’s what the embodiment of his clothes should be, if we were going by some unwritten aesthetic script. After all, the fashion Owens presents four times a year, for men and women, on the grand Paris stage, isn’t free and easy. It isn’t simple. It often looks like rags: Precious fabrics, like cashmere, are pilled and laddered, and leather is repeatedly washed to give it the texture and appearance of a prehistoric animal’s skin. There is something monstrous about his gothic garments, with their strange, disturbing proportions attenuated and exaggerated, draped like ectoplasm clinging to thin limbs. When people wear them head to toe, as Owens’s most enthusiastic followers frequently do, they don’t look human. They look other. “Troll clothes for the most desperate lemmings in the fashion herd,” one observer wrote in 2008 on The New York Times’s On the Runway blog. Owens appreciated the sentiment so much that he ran the phrase on his website, alongside plaudits from the rest of the fashion world. There is, however, a disconnect between Rick Owens the man and Rick Owens the fashion designer. In photographs, Owens looks arresting, even sinister, with his black hair and shroudlike attire, like the Grim Reaper crossed with a West Coast surf bum. (He often wears shorts and sneakers, which undermines the goth undertones.) His spiky, sharply drawn features appear a little cadaverous. Presented in print, Owens — generally quoted on topics such as death, renewal, creation — can come across like a prophet of the apocalypse. And those monstrous “troll clothes” he designs often seem, at first glance, cold and hard, solid carapaces of fabric, sharply cut and difficult to wear. “I miss archness,” he murmurs, as if by way of explanation. “I think there was an arch moment in the ’40s in fashion, and I’m thinking forward, thinking about fashion cycles — that’s kind of a good cycle to bring back. ” But there’s something unexpectedly soft about Owens, both the man and his clothes. In person, he’s preternaturally tanned (he holidays in the United Arab Emirates, “the shortest flight to the most sun”) and his voice, a languid Californian drawl, redolent of the state where he lived until the age of 42, softens his doomsday portents. It adds both a humanity and a note of wry humor that collapses any perceived pretension. And in person, those clothes collapse too, in on themselves, softly wrapping the body in protective layers of felted fabric and down padding. Up close, his arch silhouettes prove light and pliable to the touch, seductive. In the middle of the last century, the couturier Cristóbal Balenciaga was first applauded, then deified by the fashion press for achieving the selfsame, and his approach influenced an entire generation of designers. Owens’s technique has stealthily proved just as influential. Balenciaga probably didn’t compare an especially visceral bunch of drapery to anal prolapse, as Owens has. But then he also, to my knowledge, didn’t confess to an interviewer that he dyes his own hair. “I’m thinking I better shut up now,” Owens says, almost as an aside. The delivery is so deadpan it begs for a punch line. “Is it possible for designers to talk too much, do you think?” He smiles, but thankfully doesn’t stop talking. Owens is 55, and was born in Porterville, Calif. a small city in the San Joaquin Valley. He moved to Los Angeles after graduating high school, originally studying fine art at the Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design, then dropping out after two years. “I wanted to be an artist at the beginning,” he says. “But then I didn’t think I had it in me. I didn’t think I had the intellectual stamina for it, so I decided to be a fashion designer, because that was frivolous and easy. ” Owens smiles wider. He is, again, deflating the myth that has grown around him. He doesn’t take himself as seriously as his work would lead people to believe. Unlike many fashion designers, however, Owens is able to articulate, precisely and vividly, what he’s trying to do with his clothes, namely talk about those big, overarching themes affecting humanity, and offer something different in the fashion landscape. When he talks, he makes you take him seriously. And he likes to talk. We meet in Paris to discuss his men’s wear which, perhaps even more so than his women’s wear, is revolutionary, and has proved groundbreaking in its influence. In a soupy sea of mediocre suiting and sportswear, he offers something entirely different from other designers. He boldly experiments with fabric and silhouette, pushing boundaries of sexuality and gender. Owens is as likely to propose a dress for a man as for a woman, but without sacrificing manliness in favor of runway novelty. “My stuff seems to attract guys that I think might want to consider themselves some kind of heroic lone wolf, kind of playing by their own moral codes,” Owens says, slowly. “I was thinking about men’s fashion, I was thinking in the ’80s Calvin Klein, he promoted male sexuality . .. males as an object of sexual attention. That was what happened then, and then in the ’90s men’s fashion was a reaction to that and it became about youth. It became skinny and slim and young and introspective and vulnerable. Now, what is now?” He stops. “If the last cycle was vulnerability, the obvious reaction would be heroism. ” Heroism for Owens isn’t about the jacket or pants. It isn’t about any cliché of dressing. Owens has created collections inspired by Nijinsky’s performance in “Afternoon of a Faun,” and by the athletic silhouette of Fred Astaire. In both he used drapery instead of tailoring, garments twisted and captured in motion, seemingly frozen in frenzied, balletic movement. He also jokingly stated a collection was inspired by “tops” and “bottoms” — not the garments, but rather the words denoting sexual preference in the gay vernacular. (Owens is bisexual.) For spring, Owens produced a remarkable collection, pumped with colors of putty pink, peppermint and sulfuric yellow. But it was the silhouette that made the strongest impact: jackets abbreviated high on the torso, pants billowing organically around the leg, like a fusion of languid ’30s styles — Owens loves that period — and skater trousers. It seemed totally out of place at a moment when other men’s wear designers showed either generic sportswear or predictably straight suiting. Owens isn’t overtly interested in tailoring, the linchpin of the masculine wardrobe since the early 19th century. You seldom see anything approaching a suit jacket in his shows. “I’m not going to be [who] somebody trusts for tailoring over Dior,” Owens says. “Even one of my partners. For his wedding, he wore Dior!” What he does offer is an alternative to the general thrust of fashion. And it’s seductive. His business is relatively small. His turnover is approximately $140 million, paltry when compared to the luxury behemoths. But it’s perfectly formed. “My mantra for everybody is better, not bigger,” he says. “But it’s hard. When there’s a group of people together, they’re thinking of the team, and you want to win. Sometimes commercial success is a little bit more tangible than aesthetic success. ” Yet for all those disparaging comments about fashion lemmings, and the hordes of devotees clustered outside Owens’s shows in his most extreme looks, a core of his business comes from older, fashionable women and men, for whom a asymmetric Rick Owens jacket is the dernier cri of elegance. He also has a substantial celebrity following, although he doesn’t care about things like that. He’s often dubbed a “cult designer. ” “I hear the word cult used a lot,” he admits. “Which means you have a following, but you never hit the popular big time. ” But by his own estimation, Owens is not a cult designer. Like the Chanel jacket in the ’50s, his leather biker jacket has become part of a uniform of our times. Pay attention, and you’ll see it endlessly copied. Owens’s output is prodigious. Alongside his men’s and women’s runway lines and their commercial offshoots, he creates two accessibly priced secondary lines: Lilies, a range of women’s wear, and Drkshdw, a more unisex streetwear incarnation that began as a denim collection. He also has a fur line, Hunrickowens. (From 2003 to 2006, Owens was the creative director at the French furriers Revillon Frères.) Owens designs nearly every facet of a contemporary wardrobe — outerwear and sportswear, accessories and shoes. Or, rather, redesigns it. His sneakers, produced with Adidas and retailing for several hundred dollars a pair, don’t look like other sneakers. With odd protrusions of rubber or leather, they resemble fossilized animal remains strapped to the body. His gloves sometimes have wings of leather, like dorsal fins. He also designs furniture. His dramatic pieces resemble great altars of Carrara marble or prehistoric slabs of petrified wood. A bed he designed looks like a sarcophagus crafted from alabaster, and weighs over a ton. Even Owens’s toilets, in each of his three homes, look like chalices of marble. OWENS’S FASHION EXPERIENCE began in the commercial world of Los Angeles. After dropping out of art school, he worked for a factory that copied designer clothing in shoddier fabrics. In 1994, he started his own line, selling directly to retailers. He didn’t stage his first show in New York until 2002. A year later, he relocated to Paris. He still doesn’t speak French, which he doesn’t mind. “I was just as isolated in Los Angeles as I am in Paris,” he says. Owens is somewhat reclusive: He doesn’t go out much, his life revolving around his home, the gym and a couple of nearby restaurants. He lives and works in a single building, the former headquarters of the French Socialist Party, on a grand square opposite the French parliament. The only windows in his studio overlook the quiet, deserted garden of the former Ministry of Defense. Here, his aesthetic is complete. The floors and many walls are raw concrete. Owens gutted the building when he moved in, but didn’t do much else. Raw wires hang from the ceiling. I’ve visited him here three times, in three different years. Eventually I understood I wasn’t standing in the middle of a renovation. It was already complete. Owens lives with his wife of a decade, Michèle Lamy, who is a creative force behind many of Owens’s endeavors. She codesigns a jewelry line with Loree Rodkin under the Owens umbrella named Hunrod (“Hun” is Owens’s pet name for Lamy, combined with Rodkin’s surname). She also collaborates with Owens on the design of his furs, and on his acclaimed furniture line, an exhibition of which is currently on view at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. She walks in halfway through our discussions, clad head to toe in Rick Owens. Her teeth glisten with gold, her fingers are tattooed and stained black. Together, they look remarkable — fascinating and terrifying in equal measure. They seem perfectly at home in Owens’s odd clothes among a grouping of their anthropomorphic spindly chairs that resemble something out of “Beetlejuice. ” “The furniture thing is really about completing . .. ” Owens stops, then continues: “Of completely creating my own planet. ” Near Owens’s studio window, a huge altarpiece of a table holds an arrangement of stone blocks, flowers and a skull. It looks eerily like a memento mori painting. He begins to talk about the darker themes within his work. His father, John, a former social worker, died in 2015, aged 95 — which prompted a series of introspective, somewhat nihilistic collections. “How do you face decline gracefully?” he asks. “I suppose it was because of Dad declining and me getting older and me thinking about how we face change and all of that. Ecological change, and political threat. Me thinking, Isn’t all of this stuff maybe just supposed to happen?” He shrugs. “Our primal urge is to procreate. That’s one of the reasons that we’re on earth, our prime motivation is to procreate and to live forever. We’re doing our best to do both, so isn’t it inevitable that we just overcrowd it until something else happens? We just kill ourselves off? Something’s got to evolve. ” These are seldom ideas connected to fashion nor ideas fashion designers willingly talk about. “It’s sociology and anthropology,” he says. “It’s just the way — that’s what happens in real life. In real life, the act of creation is defying death. I think it’s just that dumb and simple. ”’ ”Preamble aside, Owens isn’t feeling particularly dour. It’s early December, and he’s planning his fall 2017 men’s wear collection, which he’ll show a month later in Paris. He named his previous two collections “Mastodon” and “Walrus. ” They concentrated on the primordial, with thoughts about mankind going the way of the dinosaurs. This season the theme is “Glitter. ” “It’s going to be about joyful abandon,” he says. The show is inspired by glam rock, full of silhouettes with a theatrical bent, a hint of Bowie, possibly meeting Wagner, whose music Owens loves. There are lots of operatic trains. It doesn’t contain sequins, or beading or, indeed, any glitter. “Sequins in a collection called ‘Glitter,’’u2009” says Owens, making a face at such banality. He’s saving the embellishment for his next collection, he says. It’s going to be called “Dirt. ” “It was what can be as transgressive as possible for me,” Owens says. “Whenever I do anything transgressive, it’s never out of anger or just provocation. There’s usually something well intentioned, there’s a spirit behind it. ” Owens pauses. He’s worried he’s talking too much again.” ’“It’s just going to start getting corny,” he reasons. “But there is another side of me that’s thinking not everybody reads those things. Not everybody is reading everything, so you should take every opportunity to put a positive message out whenever you can. ” Joy as transgression. It’s a fitting summary of Owens’s work, which, for all its subversion winds up feeling like a celebration of the power and energy of creativity. That Times comment on Owens’s website, disparaging his output, closed with the refrain: “A line needs to be drawn whereby credit is given to collections that deserve it. Too much talk is spent on too little. ” I’d argue that is precisely why Owens warrants such consistent applause. His collections deserve to be talked about, by us, and by Owens himself. They’ll be talked about by future generations, too, if Owens proves to be the Cristóbal Balenciaga of our time. Producing designs that defy fashion and challenge physics, turning the hard into soft, the cold into warm, blending masculine and feminine, he very well may be. “I always think that the act of creation is your fight for immortality,” Owens says. “The energy of resisting death, and trying to be remembered in the best possible way. ” He says it lightly. Then he stops talking.
Israeli Minister Miri Regev: ‘Thank God’ Obama Is Leaving Office
The Jerusalem Post reports: Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev has made public her pleasure that US President Barack Obama is soon leaving office. [In an interview with Army Radio on Sunday, Regev said “thank God that Obama is finishing his term. ” “In Obama’s world view we have moved closer to peace, but during his term we have just gotten further from it,” she said, adding that “there have been more and more terror attacks in Berlin, Orlando and yesterday in Turkey, what does any of this have to do with the [Israeli] settlements?” Read more here.
IRRATIONAL GEORGETOWN PROFESSOR Has Month-Long Meltdown Over Fellow Muslim Professor Who Voted For Trump: “F*CK You!” [VIDEO]
A Georgetown University associate professor had a month-long meltdown after a Muslim woman explained why she voted for President-elect Donald Trump.Asra Q. Nomani, a former Georgetown journalism professor and Wall Street Journal reporter, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Nov. 10 explaining why she, as a Muslim woman and long-time liberal, voted for Trump. I support the Democratic Party s position on abortion, same-sex marriage and climate change, Nomani wrote. But I am a single mother who can t afford health insurance under Obamacare. Here is a portion of Nomani s op-ed explaining why she s supporting Trump:A lot is being said now about the silent secret Trump supporters. This is my confession and explanation: I a 51-year-old, a Muslim, an immigrant woman of color am one of those silent voters for Donald Trump. And I m not a bigot, racist, chauvinist or white supremacist, as Trump voters are being called, nor part of some whitelash. In the winter of 2008, as a lifelong liberal and proud daughter of West Virginia, a state born on the correct side of history on slavery, I moved to historically conservative Virginia only because the state had helped elect Barack Obama as the first African American president of the United States.But, then, for much of this past year, I have kept my electoral preference secret: I was leaning toward Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.Tuesday evening, just minutes before the polls closed at Forestville Elementary School in mostly Democratic Fairfax County, I slipped between the cardboard partitions in the polling booth, a pen balanced carefully between my fingers, to mark my ballot for president, coloring in the circle beside the names of Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence. WPJust prior to the election Nomani explains why she s voting for Trump:C. Christine Fair, a previously friendly colleague, went on a 31-day screed against Nomani spanning across Twitter and Facebook. According to Nomani s Dec. 23 follow-up complaint to the university, the Peace and Security Studies professor called her a wretch, clueless dolt and a fame-monger.Fair also compared Trump to Adolf Hitler and asserted that Nomani s vote for Trump helped normalize Nazis in DC. She didn t clarify if she was referring to Trump supporters or actual Nazis marching the streets.She again attacked Nomani Dec. 6 with an open letter on Facebook, in which Fair told her to f*ck off and GO TO HELL. It s unclear why Fair announces that she s a slut. Nomani told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Georgetown professor Bruce Hoffman replied to her original Dec. 2 complaint on Dec. 3. He told her he forwarded her complaint to professor Irfan Nooruddin. Nooruddin is the faculty chair of Georgetown s School of Foreign Service.Nooruddin told Nomani in a Dec. 4 email that, I shall follow up directly with Professor Fair. Fair posted her Facebook rant about Nomani two days after Nooruddin said he would speak with her. Additionally, she threatened Nomani in an email Dec. 6 with legal action. Your attempt to silence my opinion or force a dialogue by involving my employer is unacceptable and any further action on your part to involve Georgetown will be met with legal action, Fair wrote. Your social media and email appeal to my employer with the intent or threat of damaging my employment status is a form of cyber bullying, which will not be tolerated. Daily Caller
Donald Trump Was Looking To Build A Trump Tower In Moscow While He Was Running For President
As you would be more than aware, contacts between high-ranking and lower-level Trump aides and Russians have emerged in recent months and, as a result of these talks, a new story is coming to light; that Donald Trump s businesses were trying to seal a deal on building an enormous Trump Tower in Moscow while he was campaigning to become President of the United States.According to those familiar with the proposal, as well as new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers, Felix Sater, a Russian-born real estate developer who migrated to Brooklyn at the age of six, was essentially begging Trump to fly to Russia to promote the idea for the Tower and also claimed he could get President Vladimir Putin to say great things about Trump, all while he was still campaigning to be Commander in Chief in late 2015 and early 2016.Sater took it to another level when he predicted in an email sent to Trump Organization Executive Vice President Michael Cohen in November 2015, that Trump and his organization would be celebrating both his Presidential win and one of the biggest residential projects in the history of real estate. According to one of the few people briefed on the email exchange, Sater s message to Cohen was something to the effect of, Can you believe two guys from Brooklyn are going to elect a president? The plan for the Moscow Trump Tower was abandoned at the end of January last year, just before the beginning of the presidential primaries and before Trump s Russian business ties became a major issue, because, although the Trump Organization signed a letter of intent to go ahead with the project despite Trump himself not making the proposed trip to Russia, they lacked the land permits to proceed.The details of the Moscow Trump Tower have deal have never been made public, however, the emails are scheduled to be turned over to congressional investigators soon and all signs point to this being far from President Trump s only business dealing with Russia during his time on the campaign trail. White House officials, as well as Cohen, Trump s longtime legal advisor, have declined to comment on the issue.Featured image via Michael Reynolds Pool/Getty Images
Tokyo Governor Koike to challenge Japanese PM Abe with new party
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike on Monday said she will lead a new national party that will challenge Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in a general election expected to be called for next month. Koike, who named her new political group the Party of Hope, has emerged as a serious threat to Abe after she won the Tokyo governorship a year ago and in July fielded candidates who routed the LDP in elections for the metropolitan assembly. I want the Japanese people to believe that there is hope for tomorrow, she said at a televised press conference. Our ideal is to proceed free of special interests, she added. Koike is an ex-defense minister and former LDP member, and the challenge to her old party could pose a greater risk for Abe, who is expected to call a snap election for next month. Abe is benefiting from improved ratings and opposition disarray, but should he suffer a big loss of seats it could spur a challenge to his leadership from within the LDP. A weekend survey by the Nikkei business daily showed 44 percent of voters will back Abe s LDP with only 8 percent supporting the main opposition Democratic Party.
2016: Remains of 61 Dead Migrants Recovered in One Texas County
As the year end closed out in one Texas county, the remains of human smuggling victims had been recovered in what has become known as the Brooks County killing fields. [Brooks County is not a border county. In fact, it is located about 80 miles north of the border. Yet it is the focus of human smuggling activity in South Texas that often leads to death for many of those who have paid for illegal transportation around a Border Patrol checkpoint. “The Border Patrol checkpoint is located right in the middle of our county,” newly Sheriff Benny Martinez told Breitbart Texas Sunday morning. “There is no way to move through the county for these human smugglers other than to attempt to sneak their human cargo through the checkpoint, or march them around the checkpoint and through the dangerous ranch lands in the county. This is where the deaths occur. ” Martinez told Breitbart Texas his county has recovered the bodies or remains of 61 people in 2016. “This happens because the human smugglers have no regard for human life,” Martinez said. “They will simply abandon anyone who cannot keep up with the group — leaving them to die from heat exhaustion, dehydration, or exposure to the elements. ” Breitbart Texas has accompanied Sheriff Martinez and other Brooks County deputies to the scene of body recoveries in the past. The rotting bodies and picked apart bones tell a tragic story of what must have been a horrifying and excruciating death for these people who paid as much as $6, 000 to human smugglers to get them safely to their destination. “The treatment of these illegal immigrants by their human smugglers is horrific,” Sheriff Martinez told Breitbart Texas in June 2016. “The people they take on these marches around the checkpoint are for the heat and hazardous terrain of these ranches. When they can’t keep up, they are left behind where they will die quickly if they don’t get help. ” The county, already strapped for cash, must deal with the cost of processing the remains and burial of the bodies. This can cost the county taxpayers up to $2, 000 per body, Breitbart Texas previously reported. Martinez is responsible for patrolling an area about the size of Rhode Island with a handful of vastly underpaid deputies. Communications capabilities are sketchy in many areas of the county where cell phones and police radios won’t work because of the lack of equipment. “We need help in establishing better communications for our deputies,” Martinez said. “It is important for officer safety, but it is also important when deputies come across someone in need of assistance. The migrants will frequently walk out of the fields and into the roadway after days of wandering lost in the fields. Many need help right away. ” Martinez said thing may soon get worse as the Border Patrol is expanding the checkpoint to eight lanes. “They are creating a smuggling superhighway right in the middle of our county,” Martinez expressed. “This could create even more pressure on our resources as more smuggling vehicles make their way north from the border. ” The new sheriff said they have seen an increase in traffic through the ranches. Increased presence from Border Patrol search and rescue teams, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and Texas State Guard search teams have helped keep the numbers of deaths down. Breitbart Texas has reported extensively on the rescues of migrants who have been abandoned and left to die by the ruthless smugglers in the area. Border Patrol agents rescued an illegal immigrant woman trying to bypass a checkpoint in Brooks County in November, Breitbart Texas reported. She was found unconscious after being abandoned by human smugglers. In April, two teenage girls were rescued from a ranch in Brooks County after being abandoned. One of the girls, a Mexican national, was found unconscious and clinging to life. She had to be transported by helicopter to a Corpus Christi hospital. “These heartless criminals take ruthless steps to exploit the multitude of poor immigrants from Mexico and Central America trying to reach the United States at any cost and the problem is getting worse,” Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr. said at the time in a written statement. “No one wants to see their loved ones being violated or abandoned in this manner. ” Death is not the only risk to the migrants being smuggled through Brooks County. Breitbart Texas previously reported, “about the specific kinds of horror faced by these illegal immigrants because of the open border policies of the federal government. Rape, abuse, abandonment and death are often the treatment these people receive from their human smugglers who are often connected to Mexican cartels. ” Now the task of stopping the human smugglers and ending the needless deaths of illegal immigrants in this South Texas county fall on Sheriff Martinez. “We appreciate the help with get from other agencies and from the volunteer police officers who give their time to help patrol our county,” Martinez said. “We have limited resources, but we will continue to push to stop the human smugglers and to find the lost migrants before they succumb to the elements. ” Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.
Donald Trump Jr. Blames Scalise Shooting On ‘Caesar’ Actors And Gets WRECKED (TWEETS)
If Republicans were even moderately literate, they would know that the message of Shakespeare s Julius Caesar is that assassinating leaders you don t like is just bad juju all around. Everyone ends up unhappy in the end. Enter Donald Trump Jr, stage far-Right.Shortly after the guy who shot GOP Rep. Steve Scalise and four other people at baseball practice was revealed to be a Green Party person who voted for Jill Stein, regularly bashed Hillary Clinton, and who happened to volunteer for Bernie Sanders campaign, Donald Trump Jr. hopped on Twitter to blame a bunch of actors. Events like today are EXACTLY why we took issue with NY elites glorifying the assassination of our President, the tweet reads. It is, of course, referencing the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar. Traditionally, the play has featured various world leaders, including Abraham Lincoln, in the role of Caesar. In 2013, for example, the very same play with the very same script featured a man who looked strikingly similar to Barack Obama. He was murdered, because the play s plot largely hinges on the historical fact that Julius Caesar was murdered. Here is a photo of the 2013 Caesar:Conservatives said nothing at the time because it was Barack Obama, but when Donald Trump the current President* was Caesar, all hell broke loose because Republicans, as a group, are f*cking morons.Fortunately, the fine folks on Twitter were kind enough to let him know that he s too stupid to know he s stupid:The point of the play is that political violence is wrong.That s like saying we shouldn t watch Saving Private Ryan or it ll lead to war. Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) June 14, 2017Sorry, I missed this controversy. Is Donald Trump Jr. complaining about New York elites? Rod Johnson (@hauterodjohnson) June 14, 2017In fairness to Fox, it s probably safe to assume Shakespeare would have detested Trump. Rod Johnson (@hauterodjohnson) June 14, 2017I m afraid they are too ignorant of the plays meaning to see the correlation to modern times. They only see the Trump/Cesar being stabbed Ellen. (@Ellenmd53) June 14, 2017Remember When Sarah Palin joked about having Gabby Giffords in her crosshairs? Literally? Then she was shot. GrifterIvanka (@notimeforthis24) June 14, 2017Remember When Sarah Palin joked about having Gabby Giffords in her crosshairs? Literally? Then she was shot. GrifterIvanka (@notimeforthis24) June 14, 2017I didn t see anyone speaking up 5 years ago when the play was about assassinating Obama Impeach Trump (@ForgetTrump2020) June 14, 2017The moral of the play is that violence is wrong. Did you never read Julius Caesar? why are you politicizing the shooting in VA? #Alexandria Janice Fredericks (@JanFred1903) June 14, 2017you re both so fucking stupid. it s Shakespeare, you inbred cum stain. where were you when they assassinated Obama for 8 years? cx (@cxcope) June 14, 2017Were these people shot by a piece of art or a gun, you fucking idiot? Sean Hartofilis (@BeachPillows) June 14, 2017Hey Jr, Your father on LIVE TV actually rallied for his supporters to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights against HIlary Clinton. Hypocrite! DarlaKay (@DarlaForestal) June 14, 2017pic.twitter.com/EFiwlk8Q15 Donald J. Trump (@AKADonaldTrump) June 14, 2017You can t be serious. raspyvoicedchick (@tammietoren1) June 14, 2017No peep from you when they did the same to Obama? CamiSheffield (@CamiAnnS) June 14, 2017 Basically, if you haven t noticed, the GOP is effectively fictional detective Frank Drebin lately:(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));This scene has never been funnier.Posted by John Prager on Monday, June 12, 2017While we could not reasonably expect anyone from the Trump family aside from Barron to present a reasonable response to anything the kid was the only person who showed any sign of dismay when one of Trump s supporters shouted out that Obama should be killed at his father s inauguration, after all it is still disappointing that Don Jr., like all Republicans, refuses to address the fact that nothing was done to prevent him from getting a gun.Featured image via Getty Images (Win McNamee)/screengrab
Trump Staffers Admit Their Boss Has No Idea What DACA Is
Donald Trump sent a racist elf to make the announcement that his administration is going to punish 800,000 young people, who came to the U.S. as children, and subject them to deportation in an act that Attorney General Jeff Sessions called compassionate. The Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, is being terminated by a man who doesn t know what the program is, according to Trump s own administration officials, who said he doesn t fully comprehend what the move to eliminate DACA would mean.According to the New York Times, it was just an hour before the announcement that Trump administration officials privately expressed concern that the former reality show star might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take, and when he discovered their full impact, would change his mind.Trump did not have the courage to face the nation and make the announcement himself and left Sessions to do his dirty work.The perpetrators behind pushing Trump to eliminate the program include Stephen Miller the amateur president s chief domestic policy aide who wrote the Trump campaign s immigration plan promising the termination of DACA, and has played a pivotal role inside the White House in pushing Trump to roll back the provision, according to Politico.Steve Bannon and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the latter of which just made the announcement, have also been against the program, even though ending it would hurt the economy.Trump, without even comprehending how upending the program would affect the economy as well as tear families apart, allowed three extremists to call the shots instead of trying to unify the country while it was just besieged by one deadly hurricane and another category 5 storm is on its way.Bannon and Sessions both believe that Trump s rise is credited to his stance on immigration, however, the former reality show star told DREAMers recently to rest easy because his administration would not kick them out of the country. Just a few days ago, Trump said, We love the DREAMers! Photo by Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images
Iraqi Kurd prime minister: court voided referendum without KRG input
ERBIL (Reuters) - Iraq s Supreme Federal Court, which voided results of a Kurdish independence referendum on Monday, reached its ruling without input from representatives of the Kurdish autonomous region, the region s Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani said on Monday. The rights of Kurds are enshrined in the [Iraqi] constitution, and we seek the implementation of this constitution to resolve our issues with Baghdad, Barzani told reporters at a news conference, according to Kurdish Rudaw TV.
Trump vows strong ties with Israel if elected president
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump vowed on Monday to pursue a strong U.S. alliance with Israel if elected president in November and said he would resist any attempt by the United Nations to impose its will on the Jewish state. In a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Trump said he would side with Israel, a close U.S. ally, in any negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians. “The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable,” he said. “They must come to the table willing and able to stop the terror being committed on a daily basis against Israel and they must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will forever exist as a Jewish State,” Trump told the pro-Israel lobbying group. Trump also questioned the role of the United Nations in the peace process, saying any attempt by the international body to impose a Middle East agreement would be a disaster.
Donald Trump Just Posted A BRUTAL Video That Shows How Much Everyone Hates Ted Cruz (VIDEO)
Maybe this is Republican front-runner Donald Trump s strange way of celebrating April Fool s Day or maybe he s just being his normal, childish self, but The Donald has just posted a pretty hilarious video that boasts the fact that his GOP rival, Texas senator Ted Cruz, is highly unlikable.Cruz s unpopularity amongst not only the general public, but his Republican colleagues as well, has been widely reported on during this campaign. So much so, that there was even an analysis done on the offensiveness of Cruz s face! Trump is using this to his full advantage in his new Instagram video, which is so creatively entitled Nobody Likes Ted The short video goes through several instances where Cruz s peers have insulted and spoken about how much they dislike him. Testimonials from Cruz s former college roommate Craig Mazin, old bosses like Bill O Reilly and fellow senators all get their fair share of the spotlight in footage that will surely take Cruz s ego down several notches.Mazin s appearance in the video was no surprise he s spoken openly about his disdain for Cruz several times before. However, former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole is an interesting addition, as he suggests he might oversleep on election day if Cruz is nominated. Senator Lindsey Graham, who chose to endorse Cruz s campaign over Trump s, has previously made it perfectly clear that his endorsement in no way means that he likes Cruz, and that he believes the Texas senator is just as bad as President Barack Obama, if not worse. Another hilarious part features Bill O Reilly telling Cruz that former President George W. Bush doesn t like him! At the end of the video, after Cruz gets slammed by basically everyone he s ever been close to, the text reads TRUSTED? You can watch Trump s video below:Does anybody like Lyin Ted?A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Apr 1, 2016 at 11:38am PDTNow infamous for his constant flip-flopping, Trump s certainly singing a different tune than he was in September, when he praised Cruz and said, I like him. He likes me. He s backed me 100 percent. Featured image is a screenshot
Sessions visits U.S.-Mexico border to push migrant crackdown
Nogales, Ariz. (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border on Tuesday to make his case for increased prosecutions of illegal immigrants, pressuring U.S. attorneys to prioritize cases against criminal migrants. Sessions, a long-time proponent of tougher immigration enforcement, told U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at the Port of Nogales, Arizona, that more illegal migrants should be prosecuted as criminals. It is normally the role of the Secretary of Homeland Security to meet border agents. But Sessions made the visit to highlight his focus on enforcing federal laws as dozens of U.S. cities try to shield illegal immigrants from stepped-up prosecution and deportation efforts. “Why are we doing this?” the former U.S. senator said. “Because it is what the duly enacted laws of the United States require.” Sessions said that each U.S. attorney would be required to designate a point person on border security prosecutions by April 18. The person in that position, known as a border security coordinator, would be directed to coordinate with the Department of Homeland Security, according to Sessions’ memo. The directive did not go beyond existing laws, but Sessions said his order “mandates the prioritizations of such enforcement” by U.S. attorneys. The Trump administration has threatened to cut off U.S. Justice Department grants to so-called sanctuary cities that fail to assist federal immigration authorities. Police in such cities have argued that targeting illegal migrants is an improper use of law enforcement resources. Sessions has said a failure to deport aliens convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities at risk. Under U.S. law, anyone who harbors or transports an undocumented immigrant, has crossed the border illegally two or more times, resists an immigration officer’s arrest or commits travel document fraud is subject to criminal prosecution. Other immigrants apprehended for crossing the border illegally face civil procedures, with deportation the only penalty. Sessions’ announcement was the latest move by the Trump administration to deter illegal immigration. President Donald Trump has also called for not releasing migrants with pending court cases, targeting more people in immigration raids and building a wall on the southwest border. Speaking just 50 yards from a border fence on the Arizona-Mexico border, Sessions said that adding more fencing to the border will be a “force multiplier” against illegal migration. He also said the Justice Department plans to add 50 more immigration judges in 2017 and 75 more in 2018. Immigration judges oversee civil immigration cases, but there is a backlog of over 540,000 pending cases due a shortage of judges.
On climate change, ideological and partisan polarization hardens
Later this week, Pope Francis will reportedly make a moral case for combating climate change, arguing that it is mostly a problem created by humans and that we must make fundamental lifestyle and energy consumption changes to reverse course — on behalf of the world’s poor, but also on behalf of all of us. This, among other factors, could help push climate change on to the national political agenda, giving it more relevance to this cycle than it has enjoyed in previous years. But if anything, the partisan and ideological divide over global warming is as wide as ever, and perhaps is getting worse. That’s what a new Pew poll indicates. The Pew poll finds that worry about global warming is on the rise: Some 69 percent of Americans now say it is a “very” or “somewhat” serious problem. However, Pew also finds: “views about the significance of global warming as a problem continue to diverge.” The Pew poll finds that 68 percent of Americans think there is solid evidence of global warming. But the partisan divide is stark: 86 percent of Democrats and 70 percent of independents say there is evidence of it, while Republicans are split, 45-48, on the question. That’s driven (not surprisingly) by conservative Republicans, the only ideological group that says there’s no solid evidence of climate change — and when you get deeper into the partisan and ideological breakdown, the differences get more stark: Today, roughly nine-in-ten liberal Democrats (92%) say that there is solid evidence the earth’s average temperature is rising, and 76% attribute this rise mostly to human activity. Very few liberal Democrats (5%) say there is not solid evidence of warming. A clear 83% majority of conservative and moderate Democrats also say the Earth is warming, but just 55% say this is the result of human activity. By contrast, just 38% of conservative Republicans say that there is solid evidence of global warming. Reflecting a divide within the GOP, conservative Republicans stand out as the only ideological group in which a majority (56%) says that there is not solid evidence of a rise in the earth’s temperature (a 61% majority of moderate and liberal Republicans say the earth is warming). Meanwhile, as David Leonardt notes, skepticism about global warming is running high among GOP voter groups, such as older voters, whites, men, and white evangelicals. While there are reasons to doubt that Hillary Clinton will be quite the climate hawk that some advocates hope for, in her Saturday kick-off speech she leaned harder than expected into arguments for robust action to combat climate change and transition towards a clean energy economy and future. It’s often said that climate is not a motivating issue for voters, and it’s true that Democrats and advocates have not cracked this problem yet. That said, whatever the impact on the electoral outcome, it’s still plausible that climate will have a significantly higher profile this cycle than it has in previous ones. It’s not just that Clinton appeared to signal that she will campaign on climate, as part of a broader bet on the Obama coalition of millennials, non-whites, and socially liberal college educated whites. It’s also a confluence of other factors: The Obama administration will roll out new EPA rules for existing power plans this summer, and the court battles over them will intensify. Meanwhile, President Obama will be trying to negotiate a global climate deal later this year in Paris. All indications are he’ll be talking about the issue more and more, as a key piece of his legacy. These developments may coincide with the intensifying GOP presidential primary, in which the candidates will all be showcasing the zeal with which they’d roll back Obama’s agenda — the climate piece included. All of which seems likely to only make polarization around climate change worse. No matter what Pope Francis has to say about it. UPDATE: I should also have noted that the Pew poll finds that worry about global warming is on the rise: Some 69 percent of Americans say it is a “very” or “somewhat” serious problem. I’ve edited the above to add that.
9 in 10 Gang Rapists In Sweden Have Foreign Origins
A new report suggests that in cases of gang rape or sexual assaults involving two or more attackers in Sweden, 85 percent of the attackers come from a foreign origin. [The information comes from a Swedish website “Gang Rape Sweden” which has kept tabs on the various instances of group rape that have occurred in the country over a period from 2011 to 2015. The site lists the various rapists’ names, case numbers, and other details which show the national origins, if known, of the attackers. According to the site, “All records and documents available on this website are Swedish public records. ” The site claims that in total between 2011 and 2015 there were 125 individuals accused and convicted of participating in group sex attacks. The majority, 41, come from unknown countries outside of Sweden, and they are followed by 23 from Afghanistan and 20 from Sweden itself. The total number of amounts to 105 or around 85 percent. The site makes a distinction of those accused of true gang rape (participating in sex acts) and those tried along with a rapist for other crimes like failure to disclose the sex attack. Of the “true gang rapes,” they measure 50 such cases. Details are also given on the site as to the nature of the accusations, with thirteen of the gang rapists accused of having sex with underage children. Among those accused of molesting minors, none of the suspects are Swedish. The longest sentence for rape occurred in the case of Bardiya Coen Pajouhi, who comes from an unknown country and received a sentence for aggravated rape, though it says he will not be deported to his country of origin. Among those convicted of raping a child, many of the attackers were underage themselves, which matches previous reports of young boys and girls being raped in or around asylum accommodations. In one particular attack, a group of boys from Afghanistan took another young asylum seeker into a wooded area in Uppsala where they beat and raped him, filming the attack on their mobile phones. The Afghani migrants who raped the boy, who is said to have been under the age of 15, were tried and found guilty, but will not be deported back to Afghanistan because Swedish courts have deemed the country “too dangerous” for them to return to. In the statistics provided by the site, only 30 of those convicted face deportation, as opposed to 73 who will not be sent back to their countries of origin, more than double. The Swedish government refuses to keep official statistics that track the origin of criminals and have not done so in over a decade. One police officer, Peter Springare, blew the whistle on migrant crime back in February of this year, claiming that almost all of the serious criminal activity in Sweden is committed by foreigners and migrants. Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson@breitbart. com
Can Kenya lead the African Union?
Tweet Widget by Horace G. Campbell From championing impunity for suspected masterminds of crimes against humanity, to frustrating African liberation and unity by working in cahoots with Empire; from publicly supporting Israel's desire to join the African Union, to being a conduit for illicit financial flows from Africa; Kenya is fundamentally unfit to lead the AU. A deeply entrenched kleptocracy has ruined Kenya and actively undermined African interests for over half a century. Can Kenya lead the African Union? by Horace G. Campbell This article previously appeared in Pambazuka News . “ At every step of the way since 1963, Kenya worked against African independence.” Introduction The African Union will choose a new Chair of the AU Commission in January 2017. There are six candidates for this position, viz. Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi of Botswana, Farki Mahamat of Chad, Agapito Mba Mokuy of Equatorial Guinea, Amina Mohamed of Kenya, Abdoulaye Bathily of Senegal and Jakaya Kikwette of Tanzania. The post of Commission Chair became vacant after the expiration of the term of South Africa’s Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who had been at the helm since 2012 and did not apply for a second term. At the last AU meeting held in July in Kigali, the election was suspended because, after seven rounds of voting, none of the top three contenders from Botswana, Equatorial Guinea and Uganda obtained the required two-thirds majority. Since the suspension of the process, Specioza Wandira Kazibwe of Uganda dropped out and three new candidates have appeared. Kenya has offered the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs to lead the African Union. The government of Kenya has embarked on a multimillion-dollar diplomatic offensive to persuade Africans that Kenya should lead the African Union. Should Kenya lead the African Union? Let’s begin this analysis by going back 53 years ago. At the dawn of independence in 1963, the political leaders in Kenya under Jomo Kenyatta and Oginga Odinga had agreed that, after independence, all British troops would leave Kenya. A few weeks after independence in December 1963, the so-called “Shifta rebellion” began and the political leaders of Kenya requested Britain to maintain their armed personnel in Kenya to assist in crushing the “rebellion.” The British troops have remained in Kenya since then. Was Britain instrumental in fomenting this “Somali question” within Kenya? This and related questions have become pertinent as the records of the British are open and we know of the findings of the Northern Frontier District (NFD) Commission along with the debates within Britain over the future of Somalia. Fifty-three years later, Somali descendants who live in Kenya are still being used as political football as Kenya has vowed to close the largest refugee camp in the world, the Dadaab, that hosts mostly Somali refugees following the collapse of their state in 1991. Kenya is fighting the so-called war on terror in Somalia and there are credible reports that this has been a very lucrative business venture for sections of the financial and sugar barons in Kenya. “Kenya had been used as a base to foil genuine support for decolonization, and since the so called ‘War on Terror’ Kenya has been serving as an ally of the US.” It is this section of the barons that leads Kenya that has now put forward the name of Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed to be the next head of the AU Commission. It is in this context of the lobbying by the Kenyan government that this author wants to put forward a number of reasons why Kenya cannot lead the African Union. The political leadership of Kenya since President Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki and now Uhuru Kenyatta has been servants of imperial intrigue and skullduggery to undermine African independence and Unity. Kenya had been used as a base to foil genuine support for decolonization, and since the so called ‘War on Terror’ Kenya has been serving as an ally of the US providing the political support for the US Africa Command and activities of the West in the Indian Ocean region. For a short while when the questions of the killings with impunity suggested the possibility of international justice, the present Kenyan leadership of Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto (both indicted for crimes against humanity) embarked on an overheated campaign to represent themselves as African nationalists opposed to imperial machinations of the International Criminal Court. Kenyan diplomats, with Amina Mohamed in the vanguard, led a diplomatic offensive against the ICC and since the charges have been dropped against President Kenyatta and Ruto, the leadership has been going on overdrive to harness international support for the accumulation of prowess of the barons in Kenya. These political forces hosted President Barack Obama for a global “entrepreneurship” conference in August, 2015, followed by Pope Francis’s visit in November. Kenya hosted the 10 th Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization in December 2015 and in 2016 hosted the meeting of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). These latter meetings set back the agenda of Africans who had been struggling within the WTO for the rich countries to accede to the DOHA development round. While scuttling the African agenda in the WTO and without notice withdrawing its “peacekeeping” forces from South Sudan, the Kenyan leadership is asking Africans to support Amina Mohammed for the top position as AU Commissioner. In light of the aggressive diplomatic forces of the Moroccan leadership to reverse the position of the African Union on the independence of Western Sahara, it will be important for progressive forces within the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) to raise their voices about the present diplomatic campaign of not only Kenya, but also the other countries, Botswana, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, and Senegal who have fielded candidates for the position of AU Commissioner. Below we detail the number of reasons for opposing the leadership of Kenya at this historical moment. Illicit financial flows from Eastern Africa The number one reason why Kenya cannot lead the African Union is that Kenya has been a base for illicit financial flows out of Eastern Africa. Most of the fraudsters that steal from their societies have a base in the real estate and financial sectors of Kenyan society. Two years ago the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) estimated that economies of Africa lost approximately US$1Trillion and about US $50 billion per year from illicit financial flows. The Report of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa drew attention to the varying forms of fraud that had been employed to export capital from Africa, noting that, “Some of the effects of illicit financial outflows are the draining of foreign exchange reserves, reduced tax collection, cancelling out of investment inflows and a worsening of poverty. Such outflows which also undermine the rule of law, stifle trade and worsen macroeconomic conditions are facilitated by some 60 international tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions that enable the creating and operating of millions of disguised corporations, shell companies, anonymous trust accounts, and fake charitable foundations. Other techniques used include money laundering and transfer pricing.” This High Level Report went on to highlight the role of Kenya in illicit financial flows out of Africa: “Kenya is believed to have lost as much as $1.51 billion between 2002 and 2011 to trade misinvoicing. The role of IFFs and their adverse effect on the country’s GDP cannot be ignored. A recent study shows that Kenya’s tax loss from trade misinvoicing by multinational corporations and other parties could be as high as 8.3 per cent of government revenue, hampering economic growth and resulting in billions in lost tax revenue.” It does not take rocket science to grasp the fact that all of the malfeasance of disguised corporations, shell companies, anonymous trust accounts, fake charitable foundations, money laundering and transfer pricing are present in Kenya. From the period of 1960 and the gold scandals from Eastern Congo, Nairobi has been the base for money laundering in Eastern Africa. Illicit funds from the Eastern DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Southern Sudan and Somalia all pass through the money laundering facilities of Kenya. Other illicit money grabbers from as far afield as Nigeria use the recourses and networks of the Kenya financial barons; the real estate boom in Kenya in the past fifteen years is directly linked to these fraudulent funds being laundered in Kenya. “From the period of 1960 and the gold scandals from Eastern Congo, Nairobi has been the base for money laundering in Eastern Africa.” Most recently, there was a report on the nexus of corruption and conflict in the Sudan, which brought out revealing figures on the extent of the real estate holdings in Nairobi and of the top officials of the South Sudanese state. Entitled War Crimes Shouldn't Pay [2] , the report found that "top officials ultimately responsible for mass atrocities in South Sudan have at the same time managed to accumulate fortunes, despite modest government salaries". Kenyan bureaucrats and financiers have been implicated in the top four ways of draining valuable resources out of South Sudan: (a) extractive services, (b) the military state (c) state spending and (d) money laundering. Questions on the complicity of Kenya in the debacle of the struggles between differing factions in South Sudan increased after Kenya decided to pull its troops out of South Sudan after the Secretary General of the United Nations sacked the Kenyan commander of the UN “peacekeeping” forces in South Sudan. When the High Level Panel outlined the extent of illicit financial flows out of Africa, they had given clear recommendations as to how to stop these forms of drainage out of Africa. The Panel called for member states of the African Union to inter alia: (a) Determine the nature and patterns of illicit financial outflows from Africa; (b) Raise awareness among African governments, citizens and international development partners of the scale and effect of such financial outflows on development; and (c) Propose policies and mobilize support for practices that would reverse such illicit financial outflows. It is the expectation of millions of the working poor in Africa that their representatives at the African Union would be at the forefront of calling for the return of stolen assets to African societies. One would have expected that because Kenya has been so prominent in the business of money laundering, the loudest calls for ending these forms of capital accumulation would come from inside the society. However, as one component of the disorientation of activists, the NGO mentality predisposes many to seek solutions from “donor agencies” without understanding that these so called “donors” form an essential link in the chain of draining resources out of Africa. Instead of robust voices exposing the role of Kenya in money laundering, the Kenyan political leadership has invested millions of dollars to send Vice President William Ruto on a spirited tour proclaiming the candidature of Amina Mohammed. On these trips to other African countries, Ruto has been proclaiming the virtues of Kenya as a base for trade and investment. War on terror as a business in Kenya The second reason for objecting to the bid for Kenya to take over the position as AU Commissioner relates to the role of Kenya in Somalia and the fact that the so-called “Operation Linda Nchi” has for all intents and purposes been a business venture by the sugar and military barons of Kenya. The African Union had committed its reputation on the future of peace in supporting African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). However, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia have played geo-political games with the lives of the people of Somalia and there is credible evidence that this Kenyan mission has been using the peacekeeping mission as a business venture. For years the United Nations Monitoring Group for Somalia has been reporting on the scale of the involvement of AMISOM troops in the sale of charcoal and sugar using the port of Kismayo under the control of AMISOM. When progressive forces in Eastern Africa did not take up the issue vigorously, a group named Journalists for Justice documented the reality that elements from the Kenyan army have been involved in a US$400 million sugar smuggling racket in Somalia and have also funded militants that they were supposed to be fighting. Far from fighting the Al Shabaab, the Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) are “in garrison mode sitting in bases while senior commanders are engaged in corrupt business practices.” This report [3] on Kenya’s Criminal Racket in Somalia has produced enough evidence to corroborate the information that has been produced for nearly a decade about how war is a business in Somalia. Progressives have shirked from quoting from the reports of this organization in so far as the organizations also seek to use information on KDF involvement in racketeering in supporting the voices of those calling for the disbanding of the African Union. Layering and the barons of Kenya Apart from investigative journalists who have been documenting the war business in Somalia very few scholars have actually interrogated how the global war on terror feeds into the illicit global economy. It has been estimated by the World Economic Forum that the international illicit economy is valued at over US $3.8. trillion. This means that in terms of GDP, the illicit economy is among the top 10 economies in the world. It is in this global illicit economy where one finds the layering of barons with the financial barons at the top of the food chain. Next to the financial barons are the real estate barons, the land grabbers/barons, the sugar barons involved in smuggling and illegality, the drug barons – (see cases of cocaine smuggled as sugar), education and business of procurement, barons in hospitals and medicine – (see the Constant Gardner and Kenya as a place for fake drugs), military and security barons – war on terror as a business venture – ethnic and regional power brokers, political fixers and counterfeiting barons. “If we do not fight the cartels, we become their slaves.” These barons form the base for the Kenyan capitalist class and they have an agreement among themselves to divide the working peoples of Kenya on the basis of ethnicity, regionalism and religion. In the particular case of Kenya, there is public knowledge of the criminality of the cartels with the former Chief Justice Dr. Willy Mutunga raising questions of how these barons and cartels pose a threat to the wellbeing and security of the peoples of Kenya and East Africa. He had noted that, “The influence of the cartels is overwhelming. They are doing illegal business with politicians. If we do not fight the cartels, we become their slaves. But leaders who do take on the cartels must be prepared to be killed or exiled.” The statement of the Chief Justice provides the context for better understanding the spate of killings that have been labeled as “terror” attacks since the Kenyan Defense Forces invaded Somalia in 2011. A series of high profile incidents such as the Al-Shabaab siege of the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi that left 67 people dead, ensured that there was international support for counter-terrorism in Kenya. This was followed by the killing of approximately 68 people in Mpeketoni, Majembeni and Poromoko at the coast in June 2014; the killing of 28 people in a bus in Mandera in November 2014; the killing of 36 people in a Mandera quarry in December 2014; and the killing of 147 students on the campus of Garissa University College in April 2015. It is these kinds of killing with impunity that disqualify Kenya fundamentally since the aggressive stand on the ICC was not accompanied by an equally aggressive stand to pursue the perpetrators of the post-election killings in Kenya in 2008. Kenya undermining the African cause at the WTO One of the supposed strong points of Amina Mohamed was her leadership of Kenya at the 10 th Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization in December 2015. Prior to the WTO meeting in Seattle in 1999, Kenyan intellectuals had been at the forefront of challenging the intellectual property rights claims of the pharmaceuticals. After the debacle in Seattle, the Global South had organized collectively to ensure that the rules of international trade did not continue to deepen the impoverishment of the billions of poor farmers in the South. Since 2001, there had been negotiations with the former colonized peoples over the future rules in a round of negotiations that had been named after the city of Doha, Qatar. From the moment of those negotiations in November 2001 until December 2015 there had been nothing but duplicitous back and forth between the North and the peoples of the South. The designation of these negotiations as the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) never seriously considered addressing the obstacles placed in the global trading system to foster real trading cooperation, which supports socioeconomic transformation in the South. From the formation of the WTO the African members along with others from the Global South had taken a collective stand on the hypocrisy of the North in relation to trade and investment, intellectual property and agriculture. Since the WTO came into existence, the countries of the European Union and North America failed to live up to the expectations at the end of the Uruguay Round that they would liberalize their agriculture sector and significantly reduce their subsidies. In the particular case of farmers from Africa, there had been opposition to the subsidies granted to European farmers, while African farmers live in poverty. In the particular case of African cotton exporters – Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali – collectively known as the Cotton 4 or C-4 – they had successfully urged fellow WTO members to stand with Africa on questions of food security and the outstanding questions of subsidies. At the Nairobi 10 Ministerial Meeting, Amina Mohamed as Chairperson of the meeting jettisoned the claims of the Global South and hurriedly agreed to exclude the “African Issues” before the WTO. The newspapers of the financial barons in Kenya then proceeded to publicize the outcome pointing to a nebulous “Nairobi package” that postponed real discussions of the trade war against the South by the North. Somalia a political football: Question of oil and gas discoveries Attention had already been drawn to how the question of Somalia has been manipulated for the past fifty years by the Kenya barons. The manipulation of the poor refugees reached new heights as the Kenyan leadership has threatened to close the largest refugee camp in the world. The anti-Pan African position of the Kenyans reached new lows over the question of the demarcation of the land and sea boundaries. After Kenyans had agreed with the British to maintain the Northern Frontier District as part of Kenya in 1964, there were questions as to the real boundaries between Kenya and Somalia. These questions became more urgent after oil and gas companies began to explore the very large reserves of oil and gas from the Somalia coast through Kenya, Tanzania, down to Mozambique. Faced with differing maps from the colonial offices of Britain and Italy, the Kenyans and Somalians have been disputing a narrow triangle off in the Indian Ocean, about 100,000 square kilometers (62,000 square miles). Capitalists and speculators from Kenya, Somalia and their external supporters covet this area because it has a large deposit of oil and gas. Neither the political leaders of Kenya nor the possible leaders of Somalia offered a Pan-African vision of shared responsibility and cooperation to develop the resources in order to benefit the peoples of Africa. Instead, Kenya sought to use their legal, economic and regional muscle to start exploration and to begin discussions with foreign oil companies. Faced with the aggressive position of the Kenyan barons, the Somalis decided to take the matter to the International Court of Justice. Kenya objected to legal arbitration of an area that should not be disputed if Kenya supported the goals of a future united Africa. The position of Kenya thus far on border issues in Eastern Africa goes against the spirit of the African Union’s position with respect to Delimitation and Demarcation of Boundaries in Africa. Kenya ineligible to lead Africa at this point From the above reasons, this author wants to remind readers of the role of Kenya in becoming the champion of Israel and hosting the Israeli Prime Minister in July of 2016. The Kenyan President proudly claimed that Kenya would be an advocate for Israel before the African Union. This leadership under Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto and Amina Mohammed has thus agreed to undermine the Pan African position of supporting the self-determination of the Palestinian peoples. One can raise similar questions with respect to the real commitment of Kenya to continue to respect the rights of the peoples of Western Sahara. For the past two years the government of Morocco has been on an intense campaign to rejoin the African Union. In principle, progressive Africans welcome the return of Morocco to the African Union, but it must be spelt out clearly to Morocco that their return will be without conditions. That is, the political leadership of Morocco cannot demand that Africa drop recognition of the Polisario leadership. The summit of the African Union in January 2017 will be a testing ground to see how many societies of Africa will stand firm against Morocco and their supporters in France. If not Amin Mohammed, then who? Of the current six candidates to lead the African Union, the one candidate with a clear track record of commitment to the goals of Pan Africanism is Abdoulaye Bathily of Senegal. As a progressive historian, Bathily made his mark among a generation of intellectuals. Unfortunately, however, this position of the AU Commission Chair is being pushed by the government of Senegal with both France and Morocco dictating the foreign policy choices of Senegal. Without this subservience to France and Morocco by the Senegalese leadership, Bathily would be the obvious choice. The candidacies of Chad, Botswana and Equatorial Guinea already foundered at the meeting of the African Union in Kigali. Like Senegal, the government of Chad fronts for western interests and Chad was one of the few countries to send troops to fight with NATO to destroy Libya. Africa needs to take an independent position on the question of the manipulation of the so-called war on terror and on this matter, Chad ranks with those who need to account for their relationship with Boko Haram. Jakaya Kikwete has been a colorless leader of Tanzania for ten years. His friendship with leaders of the George W. Bush party in the USA will raise questions; however, with the arrival of Donald Trump, that faction of the US militarists, the Bush faction is no longer in the driver’s seat. African intellectuals and activists cannot afford to be bystanders at this moment. In this short essay, this author has pointed out how at every step of the way since 1963, Kenya worked against African independence. During the anti-apartheid struggles, Kenya supported UNITA and the MNR and for good measure, western security established the banking infrastructure for illicit dealing through Bank of Credit and Commerce International. There was the formation of the “Safari Club” C France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Morocco and the conservative elements of the USA – to support the apartheid regime in South Africa and the conservative leaders of Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. “The one candidate with a clear track record of commitment to the goals of Pan Africanism is Abdoulaye Bathily of Senegal.” Since the global war on terror, Kenya has participated in the rendition programs of the US intelligence agencies and stepped up their business operations by working with the CIA to fund groups such as the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (APRCT). ARPCT was a coalition of military entrepreneurs who understood war as a business and knew how to manipulate western intelligence agencies. According to a report in the Washington Post in 2006, “Despite its name, the ARPCT probably does little to combat terrorism and is more interested in maintaining the lawless status quo in which the warlords thrive. Experts say the moniker is an attempt to make the group appealing to Western governments, highlighting their battle against the spread of an Islamic militia.” Ten years after this exposure, organizations such as the Bell Pottinger group continue to wage information warfare against Kenyans and Africans on the so-called terrorist threats in Eastern Africa. If Kenya had spent every cent that it has been spending on Operation Linda Nchi on building schools, roads, hospitals and water supply systems in Somalia, then the issues before Africa and the African Union would be very different from the divisive questions of illicit trade in sugar, charcoal and the question of boundary demarcation. That eastern Africa continues to be strategically important to western security interests can be gleaned from the patience that the British exhibited in ensuring that Kenya maintained a military agreement with Britain for Britain to base troops in Kenya. In this case, Britain is acting as a front for US military interest. Kenya is important strategically to the U.S. Access to Kenyan air and a seaport facilitates imperial capabilities to project air and naval power in the Indian Ocean. The political leadership of China has bought into the idea that the Kenyan leadership is anti-imperialist because the leaders were taken to The Hague and the ICC. This kind of analysis by Chinese strategists exposes their limited understandings of class struggles in Eastern Africa and the history of Kenya selling out Africans. From time to time newspapers and journalists revisit the scandals after scandals [4] with respect to primitive accumulation in Kenya. Conclusion What needs to be understood is that Kenya’s Goldenberg or Anglo Leasing scandals and others are components of a model of capital accumulation in the illicit global economy. This illicit global economy is a legitimate component of the financialization forms of capital that diminishes real production and commerce. When the AU was formed, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) had been mandated to bring to the fore the questions that affect Africans in all six regions. It is in this context where there needs to be new focus of the AU. At the last meeting in Kigali, there were feeble efforts to raise revenues for the AU. None of the governments took seriously the illicit global economy and the recommendations of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows. The western “donors” dominate the discussions on how to stem financial flows and downplay the importance of the return of stolen assets. Kenya was quite willing to raise the question of reparative justice with respect to the crimes of Britain during the colonial wars, but that same Kenyan leadership refuses to support the reparative claims of the global African community. Horace G. Campbell is Professor of African American Studies and Political Science at Syracuse University and the newly appointed Kwame Nkrumah Chair at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon.
Russia attacked energy, telecom and media in Britain: government official
(Reuters) - Russian cyber operatives have attacked Britain s media, telecommunications and energy sectors over the past year, according to prepared remarks by the head of the government s main cyber defense agency. Ciaran Martin, chief executive of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), declined to provide any details on the attacks in a speech scheduled for Wednesday in London. The remarks follow comments on Monday from Prime Minister Theresa May in which she accused Russia of spreading disinformation and meddling in elections, echoing a heated debate in the United States over alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Russian has strongly denied any election interference in the United States. The Russian embassy in Washington did not immediately respond when asked after normal business hours for comment on Martin s remarks. The NCSC, a branch of the GCHQ, Britain s main signals intelligence agency, has been in operation for a year and is charged with shoring up cyber security by working with a wide range of stakeholders. Martin said in his prepared remarks: I can confirm that Russian interference, seen by the National Cyber Security Centre over the past the year, has included attacks on the UK media, telecommunication and energy sectors. The agency was actively engaging with international partners, industry and civil society to tackle the threat from Russia, he said. Martin echoed May s comments that Russia was trying to undermine the international system with information warfare and cyber attacks. Cyber security experts have long worried about attacks on electrical grids in particular, but Martin offered no evidence that the alleged Russian attacks succeeded in penetrating power systems or other critical infrastructure in the UK. ( This story has been refiled to fix transposed letters in acronym in 5th paragraph)
No 'bespoke' Brexit, transition means 'status quo': Barnier
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said Britain must accept the full economic and legal status quo in a transition period after it leaves the EU and should expect no tailor-made terms on trade in its future relationship. Suggesting a transition should run for 21 months from Brexit on March 30, 2019 until the current EU budget expires at the end of 2020, Barnier said Britain would certainly remain subject to EU laws and courts during that transition. During this period, the EU legal framework including on jurisdiction would continue to apply to Britain, Barnier said in an interview published on Tuesday in Germany s Handelsblatt newspaper. We don t have time to invent a new model. So for a short time after the formal exit from the EU the economic status quo would continue to apply, which besides the internal market also includes the customs union and collective political decisions. In a version of the interview in Belgium s L Echo, he said of the transition: The only difference is that the British would no longer take part in decisions on European legislation. British Prime Minister Theresa May has proposed a transition of around two years to give time to put a new free trade pact in place, although she faces opposition in London from some Brexit supporters who want a clean, quick break. Barnier noted that May had rejected the option of staying in the EU single market long-term the Norwegian model as he called it, referring to Norway s membership of the EU internal market, accepting all its rules and costs without having a say. So we must work on other hypotheses, Handelsblatt quoted him as saying. Another option would be a free trade treaty using the example of the CETA agreement with Canada. It would take several years, however, to negotiate such an agreement. Asked if that meant there could be a specifically British model along the lines of the bespoke arrangements May has referred to without giving detail, Barnier replied simply: No. Quoted by L Echo, he said a trade deal could be agreed in three years meaning that if talks start in December it would be ready just in time for a transition ending in December 2020. He said his staff were already working on drafting a withdrawal treaty that will include terms for transition. Barnier said he still hoped that May could provide more detail on her offer to meet financial commitments on withdrawal so that EU leaders could agree in December to end their refusal to negotiate a future trade deal. May told an EU summit last week that she could not agree a figure until she knows what trade terms the EU offers. Barnier said it was important to de-dramatise talks on the payment.
A Trump Economic Boom? The Fed May Stand in the Way - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Investors in financial markets, and those predicting faster economic growth in 2017, would do well to remember the famous words that William McChesney Martin Jr. the former Federal Reserve chairman, uttered way back in 1955: The Fed’s job is to remove the punch bowl just as the party gets going. Donald J. Trump’s promises to cut taxes and regulation and to increase spending on infrastructure and defense have convinced many that a sugar high in the near term will goose the economy. But Fed officials say the economy is already expanding at something close to its maximum sustainable pace, meaning faster growth would drive inflation toward unwelcome levels. To avoid overheating, the Fed could respond by raising interest rates more quickly. The more Mr. Trump stimulates growth, the faster the Fed is likely to increase rates. “I guess I would argue that I think people have gotten a bit ahead of themselves about what a Trump presidency would mean,” said Lewis Alexander, chief United States economist at Nomura. “If we have a big stimulus, the logical thing for the Fed to do is to raise rates faster. There isn’t a whole heck of a lot of scope to just let the economy run under those circumstances. There’s a big question about whether fiscal stimulus under Trump just leads to higher interest rates. ” Underscoring that question, the Fed is expected to raise its benchmark rate on Wednesday for the first time since last December in light of new economic data. The rate sits in a range of 0. 25 percent to 0. 5 percent, a low level intended to stimulate economic growth by encouraging borrowing and . Analysts predict the Fed will shift the range upward by a quarter of a percentage point, modestly reducing those incentives. The rate increase is widely regarded as a foregone conclusion. The odds, derived from asset prices, topped 95 percent Monday, according to the CME Group. The looming question is how quickly the Fed will continue to raise rates in 2017. Economic forecasts always require large assumptions, but that is particularly true in the present case because Mr. Trump has provided relatively few details about his plans. Perhaps the most accurate thing that can be said about Mr. Trump’s victory is that it has increased the uncertainty of the economic outlook. “At this juncture, it is premature to reach firm conclusions about what will likely occur,” William C. Dudley, president of the New York Fed, said in a recent speech. During his campaign, Mr. Trump predicted 4 percent annual growth, and his actions since Election Day point to a goal of job creation. “Our No. 1 priority is going to be the economy, get back to 3 to 4 percent growth,” Steven Mnuchin, Mr. Trump’s pick to serve as Treasury secretary, said last month. Many economists regard such growth predictions as fanciful the economy has been mired in an extended period of slow growth and the reasons, including an aging population and a dearth of innovation, are unlikely to change quickly. Some think Mr. Trump is more likely to push the economy into recession than to catalyze a new boom. Even if Mr. Trump is right, however, the Fed does not want 4 percent growth. The central bank’s outlook has become increasingly gloomy. Officials estimated in September that annual growth of 1. 8 percent was the maximum sustainable pace, and they predicted growth would not exceed 2 percent in the next three years. They will update those forecasts Wednesday, but large shifts are unlikely. Fed officials also are increasingly convinced that steady job growth has substantially eliminated the backlog of people seeking work. The unemployment rate fell to 4. 6 percent in November, a level the Fed regards as healthy. For years, Fed officials urged Congress to increase fiscal spending. Now, Mr. Trump is promising to do just that — and the Fed has concluded that it is too late. Stanley Fischer, the Fed’s vice chairman, said last month the Fed might still benefit from fiscal stimulus because it could raise rates more quickly. That would increase the Fed’s ability to respond to future downturns by reducing interest rates. But such gains would come at real cost: A fiscal stimulus would increase the federal government’s debt burden, which already is at a high level by historical standards, reducing the room for a fiscal response to a future downturn. Janet L. Yellen, the Fed’s chairwoman, urged Congress last month to be mindful that the government is already on the hook for more spending as baby boomers age into retirement. “With the . D. P. ratio at around 77 percent, there’s not a lot of fiscal space, should a shock to the economy occur, an adverse shock, that did require fiscal stimulus,” she said. The tension between fiscal and monetary policy is likely to unfold in slow motion. Mr. Trump has promised to press for rapid changes in government policy, but Congress is not built for speed. A similar effort to cut taxes at the beginning of the George W. Bush administration, for example, was signed into law on June 7, 2001. The impact of new cuts, and any increase in infrastructure spending that Mr. Trump can persuade dubious Republicans to embrace, would be felt mostly in future years. Mark M. Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, predicted that tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and spending would fuel faster growth in the first half of Mr. Trump’s term. But he said that the Fed’s rate increases, and restrictions on trade and immigration, would gradually begin to take a larger toll. By the end, Mr. Zandi predicted, the American economy would be “unnervingly close” to recession. “The Fed and markets in general will ultimately wash out any benefit,” Mr. Zandi said Monday. “The economy under President Trump ultimately will be diminished. ” Other economists are more optimistic, predicting that the stimulus will not be fully offset by Fed policy. Mr. Dudley appeared to endorse this view in his recent speech, suggesting that the rise in financial markets was “broadly appropriate. ” Some of Mr. Trump’s proposals also could increase the economy’s potential growth rate, for example by improving infrastructure or encouraging corporate investment. On the other hand, the Fed’s march toward higher rates may be amplified by the bond market. Rates are already rising, and investors concerned about inflation and larger federal deficits are likely to generate persistent upward pressure. Those effects are already visible. Stock prices have climbed since Mr. Trump’s surprising victory, increasing the wealth of shareholders. But borrowing costs also climbed. The average rate on a mortgage loan was 4. 13 percent last week, according to Freddie Mac, up from 3. 54 percent just before the election.
While the mainstream media remains transfixed on a phony Trump-Russian collusion story, they completely ignore the real news, about how things appear to be heating up between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the U.S.A Marine Corps commandant on Thursday warned U.S. troops stationed in Norway to be prepared for a coming war.Neller pointed to the near future possibility of Russia and the Pacific theater being the next major areas of conflict.Sgt. Maj. Ronald Green sounded a similar tone. Just remember why you re here, Green said. They re watching. Just like you watch them, they watch you. We ve got 300 Marines up here; we could go from 300 to 3,000 overnight. We could raise the bar. The warnings came a day before Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told troops at Fort Bragg, N.C., that storm clouds are gathering over the Korean Peninsula.Whether the comments were more than motivational rhetoric remained unclear.Neller and Green s arrival in Norway coincided with heightened tensions between the U.S. and its NATO allies and Russia. According to Military.com, Russia warned Norway that its decision to host a new unit of U.S. troops through the end of 2018 would negatively affect relations. FOX NewsAccording to UK Express, Russian President Putin said the US missile defense sites in Romania containing interceptor missiles could also house ground-to-ground intermediate-range cruise missiles, which would be in violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.He told the military officials that both the US and NATO have been accelerating build-up of infrastructure in Europe and emphasised that the deployment of NATO forces near Russia s borders had threatened its security.He said: When we move military units on our own territory, they present it as some kind of a threat. And when they move military bases, infrastructure and new weapons near our borders they present it as something normal. It s probably normal for those who do it, but not for us. NATO has deployed military units to Poland and the Baltics to reassure allies worried over Russia s intentions following its 2014 annexation of Ukraine s Crimea and its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine.Mr Putin mentioned NATO s US-led missile defense system and efforts to develop new prospective conventional weapons among other security challenges.He added: They are searching for some violations on our part while consistently infringing on it themselves. All that seriously affects security in Europe and in the whole world. Mr Putin accused the US of violating a landmark Cold War-era nuclear arms pact and harbouring aggressive intentions, and pledged to fend off any potential threats.FOX News At a Q&A session with the troops in the Norwegian Home Guard base near Trondheim, Neller said that the U.S. could shift its focus from the Middle East to Eastern Europe, citing Russia s conflicts with Ukraine and Georgia as justification. He told the Marines that they should be prepared for a big-ass fight on the horizon.Russia has reportedly been uneasy about the presence of American troops close to its borders. The 300 U.S. Marines deployed to Norway in June 2016 were the first foreign troops allowed to operate in the country since World War II.In September of this year, Russia conducted a joint-military exercise with neighboring Belarus that involved 12,700 troops.A new National Security Strategy unveiled by the Trump administration on Monday singled out Russia and China as two world powers challenging American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity. F
U.S. to ease visa restrictions on Gambia from Dec. 12
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday that visa restrictions imposed on Gambia earlier this year will be lifted as of Dec. 12 after Banjul took steps to ensure its citizens ordered to leave the United States are re-admitted to the West African country.
GOP candidates fight for spotlight ahead of Milwaukee debate
The leading Republican presidential candidates are fighting for the spotlight as they charge into Tuesday night's primary debate, with Marco Rubio releasing a biting new ad ripping his former political mentor and Donald Trump suggesting he's arrested Ben Carson's rise in the polls. Carson, for his part, has spent the last several days sparring with the media and his rivals over reports questioning his personal story, which is the crux of his campaign. "I am trying to move on," Carson told Fox News. But his campaign manager also says Carson will punch back if an opponent challenges him on stage Tuesday night -- suggesting a departure for Carson from past debates, where he mostly avoided the fray. The prime-time debate, hosted by Fox Business Network and The Wall Street Journal, will be held at 9 p.m. ET, from Milwaukee, preceded by an earlier 7 p.m. ET debate with lower-polling candidates. This is the first time that just eight candidates will be on the main stage, a change that could give the contenders more time to explain their positions and engage each other. Florida Sen. Rubio, in the hours before the debate, launched a striking ad against GOP rival Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor. The ad plays clips of Bush, before the 2016 campaign, praising Rubio. "I'm a huge Marco fan," Bush says in one clip. In another, he says, "He's probably the most articulate conservative on the scene today." The text of the ad blares: "Jeb Bush before his phony attacks." Bush, the former front-runner, has struggled in every debate so far, and Rubio is no doubt angling for the edge against him in Tuesday's showdown. At the last debate, Rubio deftly parried a critique by Bush of his Senate absences. Rubio is currently third in most national polls, followed closely by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who by many accounts had the stand-out moment in the last debate by slamming the CNBC moderators for allegedly unfair and off-topic questions. Speaking with Fox News on Monday, Rubio said the polls have been "up and down," but "what I'm going to do is I'm going to focus on the message of my campaign." Still tangling for the lead are Carson and Trump. Speaking with Fox News, Trump pointed to the most recent polling in saying he's back on top. "I'm No. 1 in the polls, as you know, in every single -- I think I'm No. 1 in every single state. I'm now No. 1 again in Iowa. I had lost Iowa for a period of time, and I didn't quite understand it," Trump said. Trump has shown no hesitation about going after Carson, for everything from his past writings about having anger issues growing up, to stories questioning elements of his personal narrative, to Carson's statement that Egypt's pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph to store grain. "He's having a hard time. The pyramids are solid structures. You can't put grain in the pyramids because they're solid structures," Trump said. Trump, who hosted "Saturday Night Live" over the weekend, also made headlines overnight by suggesting a "boycott" against Starbucks over its holiday cups that are missing winter or Christmas scenes. But then Trump added, "Seriously, I don't care." In a reminder of one of the key issues he's running on, though, Trump released a new policy paper Tuesday focusing on U.S.-China relations. His campaign claims that under a "Trump administration trade will flourish. However, for free trade to bring prosperity to America, it must also be fair trade."
Man Is Fatally Shot and 2 Officers Are Hurt at Brooklyn Housing Complex - The New York Times
A man was fatally shot by the police at a public housing complex in Brooklyn on Saturday after he hit two officers with a police baton he had grabbed from one of them, the police said. The officers, who were in uniform, went to a building in the Van Dyke I Houses in the Brownsville neighborhood around 1:30 p. m. in response to a 911 call about a suspicious man, the police said. The officers approached a man on the building’s ninth floor and asked for his identification and a “scuffle” ensued, according to James Secreto, chief of the Police Department’s Housing Bureau. The man grabbed a baton from one of the officers and began hitting them both on the head, Chief Secreto said. Both officers then shot the man, who was pronounced dead at the scene, at 362 Sutter Avenue, the police said. Relatives and the police identified the man as Erickson Gomez Brito, 21, of 563 Mother Gaston Boulevard. One of the officers sustained a gash on his head, the police said. Both officers were taken to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center for treatment, where they were in stable condition, the police said. Omahis Gomez Brito, 19, the victim’s sister, said her brother had been treated for depression three years ago but had not been taking medication recently. She also said he was treated for addiction at that time, but she did not specify for what. Speaking to reporters outside the building where she and Mr. Brito lived with their parents, Ms. Brito said: “I want justice for my brother. I want to know why they killed him. ” Mr. Brito’s father, Osiris Gomez, said in Spanish that his son was not violent. Mr. Brito’s aunt lives in the building where the shooting occurred, relatives said. Ms. Brito said the aunt lived on the first floor, and she was not sure why her brother was on the ninth. The Van Dyke I complex is in the 73rd Precinct as well as in the middle of a area that is among the poorest in the city, according to an analysis done by Queens College in 2014. There had been 12 homicides in the precinct this year, though none at the complex, Police Department statistics show. Katt Williams, who lives in the neighborhood, said she knew Mr. Brito. “Minds his business,” she said. “It’s sad. ”
Wikileaks Admits To Screwing Up IMMENSELY With Twitter Poll On Hillary’s Health
Wikileaks, which is more a conspiracy enterprise than it is a whistleblowing watchdog these days, put up a poll on Twitter that asked users to tell them which health issue they thought was causing Hillary s coughing fits and unusual body movements. All four of their answers have been bandied about by conservatives everywhere, as they try and diagnose Hillary in a frantic attempt to prove she s unfit to be President.They ve since deleted the poll and put a tweet in its place that s supposed to be a sort of retraction and apology, or as close as Wikileaks will ever get to admitting they royally screwed up. However, the Internet is keeping the poll and publishing it everywhere they can. Buzzfeed s Andrew Kaczynski republished a screencap of it while needling Wikileaks about transparency, since that s what Wikileaks was supposed to be about before they turned into conspiracy theorists with a hate-on for Hillary:.@wikileaks deleted their tweet. Obviously in the nature of openness & transparency I have preserved it right here: pic.twitter.com/IdrgFlxP3A andrew kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) September 11, 2016Wikileaks apparently didn t like the flack they were catching for that poll, though, and tweeted out their non-apology accordingly: We removed our earlier poll on what people perceive are the reasons for Clinton s medical issues as the possibilities are too speculative. WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) September 11, 2016They should know that poll is never going to die, though, and their non-apology is almost as insulting as the poll. They revel in this kind of thing, along with the backlash involved in fact, they have yet to remove the credit card information of DNC donors from their collection of the hacked emails, despite the outrage over that.Hillary left the 9/11 event she was attending early and appeared to collapse before being helped into a van. Her campaign later revealed that she d been diagnosed with pneumonia, and that she was overheated and dehydrated, which can happen when someone s sick and in the sun. Her doctor later said that she was recovering nicely from this episode.Seeing as how a lot of people have completely forgotten, here s a little reminder that this isn t unprecedented: In 2002, George W. Bush passed out in the White House after eating a pretzel. After eating a pretzel. Apparently, it went down wrong and stimulated a nerve that decreased his heart rate. Enough for him to faint.But Hillary momentarily succumbing to an illness while standing in the sun is some sort of scandal. Right.The medical term for what happened to Bush is vasovagal syncope, and it s actually quite common. So are run-of-the-mill respiratory infections that lead to pneumonia when left unchecked, even in presidential candidates. Hillary s schedule has been grueling, to say the least, and yet she s supposed to either be a super woman and never get sick, or admit that even the merest cold means she s too sick to run for President.The haters, however, are looking for any shred of evidence they can find that proves Hillary is unfit to serve. Wikileaks decided to take it too far.Featured image by Carl Court/Getty Images
Conservative Texas Lt. Governor Tweets Vile Bible Verse After Mass Shooting In LGBT Club
Conservatives are already praising God for the murder of 20 or more people at an LGBT night club in Orlando, Florida.On Saturday night, a gunman walked into the club with an assault rifle and began shooting people. So far, at least 20 are confirmed dead but police say the death toll could be as high as 50.But it didn t take long for Republicans to merely offer thoughts and prayers instead of vowing to take actions that would make their NRA masters very angry.Some Republicans, however, have absolutely no compassion for those who were slaughtered because they are anti-gay bigots who believe the victims got what they deserved.The following morning after the terrorist attack took place, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick posted a vile Bible verse on Twitter citing Galatians 6:7 which reads: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Here s an image of the Tweet via the Houston Chronicle.In other words, Patrick thinks that the people shot and killed at Pulse Orlando had it coming because they were at a gay night club. According to conservative Christians like Patrick, being gay is a sin against God punishable by death.Twitter users immediately blasted Patrick for his lack of compassion. Have you no shame? one user wrote.Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa also condemned the tweet. Hate and violence have no place in America, he said. Unfortunately, Texans in mourning for our families in Florida woke up to an embarrassment from their lieutenant governor. Lt.Gov Dan Patrick, please apologize immediately. Make this right. We are better than this. But Patrick has not apologized nor has he expressed condolences to the families of those who were killed. He merely deleted the post.Make no mistake, many conservatives are cheering this act of terrorism today and they should be ashamed of themselves for it.Featured Image: YouTube
Comment on Mass Fish Deaths: Millions Have Been Found Dead All Over The World In The Past Month by Whackamole
Mass Fish Deaths: Millions Have Been Found Dead All Over The World In The Past Month May 20th, 2014 Millions of fish are suddenly dying all over the planet. In fact, there have been dozens of mass fish death events reported in the past month alone. So why is this happening? Why are fish dying in unprecedented numbers all over the world? When more than six tons of fish died in Marina Del Ray over the weekend, it made headlines all over the United States. But the truth is that what just happened off the southern California coast is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2014, mass fish die-offs have pretty much become a daily event globally. Individually, each event could perhaps be dismissed as an anomaly, but as you will see below when they are all put together into one list it truly is rather stunning. So is there a reason why so many fish are dying? Is there something that connects these mass fish death events? Has something about our environment changed? The following are just a few examples of the mass fish death reports that have been coming in day after day from all over the globe… *Over the weekend, thousands upon thousands of fish died just off the southern California coastline … California Fish and Wildlife workers are still scooping dead sea life from the surface of the harbor Monday after thousands of dead anchovies, stingrays and even an octopus died and floated up over the weekend. So far officials have cleaned up 6 tons of dead fish , and they still have a long way to go. *The death of approximately 35,000 fish up in Minnesota is being blamed on a “ lack of oxygen “. *The recent die off of thousands of fish in the Shark River near Belmar, New Jersey is also being blamed on “ oxygen depletion “. *Officials in Menifee, California are still trying to figure out what caused the death of thousands of fish in Menifee Lake a few weeks ago… Authorities continued testing the water in Menifee Lake Friday after thousands of dead fish have been seen floating since last weekend. Menifee city officials first heard reports Saturday of floating fish at the lake, which is located on private property about a half-mile east of the 215 Freeway. *In the Gulf of Mexico, dolphins and sea turtles are dying “ in record numbers “. *Maryland officials are still puzzled by the death of 7,000 Atlantic menhaden last month… State environmental scientists are investigating the cause of a fish kill that left about 7,000 dead Atlantic menhaden in waters that include the Inner Harbor and Fells Point. Jay Apperson, spokesman for the Maryland Department of the Environment, said that biologists went by boat on Tuesday to the area of Monday’s fish kill. He says the area extended from the mouth of the Patapsco River, up the Baltimore Harbor to Fells Point and Fort McHenry. *Mass fish die-offs in Lake Champlain up in Vermont are being called “ the new normal ” by government officials. *Along the coast of northern California, seals and young sea lions are dying “ in record numbers “. *Three months ago, farmers in Singapore lost 160 tons of fish to a mass die-off event. *Back in September, approximately 40 kilometers of the Fuhe River in China “ was covered with dead fish “. *Also during last September, close to ten tons of dead fish were found floating on a lake near the town of Komotini, Greece . The following are some more examples of mass fish death events from just the past several weeks that come from a list compiled on another website … 17th May 2014 – Masses of fish turn up dead in a marina in Pultneyville, New York, America . Link 16th May 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Aragatsotn, Armenia . Link 15th May 2014 – Hundreds of fish dying off ‘due to pollution’ in the wetlands of Rewalsar, India . Link 14th May 2014 – Thousands of dead fish washing ashore in Cootes Paradise, Hamilton, Canada . Link 13th May 2014 – Tens of thousands of dead fish wash up along coast of Tasmania, Australia . Link 12th May 2014 – Mass death of fish in the river Eden ‘is a mystery’ in Cumbria, England . Link 11th May 2014 – Thousands of dead Puffer Fish, also dead turtles washing up on various beaches in Colombia and Costa Rica . Link and here 11th May 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond is ‘a mystery’ in Southborough, England . Link 10th May 2014 – Thousands of fish dead due to pollution in spring in Sikkim, India . Link 9th May 2014 – Die off of Fish ’causes panic’ in the Luda Yana River in Bulgaria . Link 8th May 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a lake ‘shock residents’ in Mangalore, India . Link 8th May 2014 – 12 TONS of dead fish removed from lakes in Chisago County, Minnesota, America . Link 7th May 2014 – Massive die off of fish in reservoirs in Quanzhou, China . Link 7th May 2014 – Thousands of fish found dead on the shores of Roatan, Honduras . Link 5th May 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach ‘a mystery’ in San Antonio Oeste, Argentina . Link 5th May 2014 – Mass death of fish found in lakes in Almindingen, Denmark . Link 4th May 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Fujian, China . Link 3rd May 2014 – 1,000+ dead fish wash ashore along a lake in Ontario, Canada . Link 2nd May 2014 – 40,000 fish die suddenly in a dam in Piaui, Brazil . Link 30th April 2014 – Mass fish kill ‘worst I’ve seen in 26 years of working here’ in Iowa, America . Link 30th April 2014 – Large amount of dead fish found floating along a river in Xiasha District, China . Link 29th April 2014 – Dozens of sea turtles are washing up dead in South Mississippi, America . Link 29th April 2014 – Thousands of dead fish washing up along the shores of Lakes in Wisconsin, America . Link 28th April 2014 – Turtles and other marine life continue to wash up dead in Bari, Italy . Link 28th April 2014 – Large fish kill found in the Mogi River in Brazil . Link 25th April 2014 – Large fish kill found in a reservoir in Nanchong, China . Link 24th April 2014 – Large amount of fish wash up dead along a river in La Chorrera, Panama . Link 23rd April 2014 – 2 Million fish found dead in a dam in Tehran, Iran . Link 23rd April 2014 – Mass die off of fish in Island lake in Ontario, Canada . Link 23rd April 2014 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a lake in Mudanjiang, China . Link 22nd April 2014 – 1,000 fish found dead in Oona River, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland . Link 21st April 2014 – Large amounts of fish washing up dead along the Panchganga River in India . Link 19th April 2014 – MILLIONS of dead fish found floating in Thondamanaru Lagoon, Sri Lanka . Link And remember, this list represents events that have happened in just a little over the past month. So what is causing all of these mass fish death events? Please feel free to share your opinion by posting a comment below… krinks Rev 6: The Fourth Seal: Death 7When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” 8I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. MichaelfromTheEconomicCollapse Interesting parallel. Obviously we are not at that point yet, but without a doubt lots of death is coming in the future. Michael Baby Monster Any baby born in the future during the great tribulation, you should kill it. It will bring A curss it you look at it’s face. Thoes are going to be very evil children born then. People Monster I hope the human race goes next. People are just to rude and evil. Gay Veteran yes, you are a monster highpriestess it’s already here The Fisherman The Gates of hell might be coming up out of the center of the earth. That might be killing all the fish.Gases are coming up out of hell and killing all the fish. Satan you stay the F in hell where you belong K Just remember oxygen deprivation is what they always claim. When they either don’t know, or do not want you to know. Harry Paranockus How do turtles and dolphins fit into that scenario? K That is in the Gulf of Mexico. Still plenty of chemicals from the oil and corexit there. If the various small oil leaks were ever stopped. The gulf would still need a decade, before I would eat anything out of it. Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi Exactly! I have sworn off anything from the Gulf and because they’re such a large shrimp region, I stopped eating shrimp for the next 15 years. That BP oil spill and the Corexit chemicals they dumped, only destroyed sea life. There is sea life washing up on the shores with all kinds of tumors, never before seen. I’ll pass; growing my own food. K2 If they say pollution…will you agree with them? K Yes, as long as they explain how broad a term pollution can be. Chemical, viral, radioactive. K2 All those are already considered different kinds of……pollution. K2 And what makes you think it might not be oxygen deprivation? Joshua Manevitz It says in the Talmud that before the Messiah comes that fish will be sought for the sick and none will be found ! The torah’s profound accuracy ! guesto3 Fish has been and still is the symbol for Christians….they too are being slaughtered all over the world….or threatened in places like the EU, Canada, and U.S.; places in general un-thought of for such in the past. M Gjerdrum Really? Could you sound any more stupid! Gay Veteran sorry, I only speak English jack nichols Death is fleeting let us reframe from sinning. Gay Vet is too gay to understand Virginia Lee You’re a complete idiot! Rodster The answer is under everyone nose. Does anyone recall all the floating debris floating in the ocean when they went looking for the missing plane? It turns out that debris was garbage. Gerald Celente has mentioned this for quite some time now that governments are using the ocean as their underwater garbage dumps. You have all kinds of garbage, probably tens of millions of tons of trash which no doubt includes toxins and chemicals dumped in the ocean floors. Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi Yes you are right, not to mention all the missing oil after the Gulf Oil spill. It didn’t just evaporate like some people want to suggest, which is of course impossible. How about fracking in the USA. That’s one reason. Off the coast of Somalia, developed countries have dumped chemical wastes off their coast, creating dead-zones. They’ve been begging us for years but they were considered throw away people. They couldn’t feed their families so they captures ships which entered the region; held them for ransom. Developed countries does this around the world. There was an investigation of the electronic wastes that are collected in the USA for recyclying. They’re then dumped in regions in China and off various African coasts. Now that it’s come home to affect us from our own fracking and nuclear wastes, we’re recognizing the problem. DJohn1 Oxygen deprived fish? Most of the world’s oxygen comes from plants in the oceans. If they are suddenly dying off, we are in big trouble. The entire supply for the planet is in jeopardy. The key here is balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen. If that goes south then all the life on this planet could go with it. Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi How about fracking in the USA. That’s one reason. Off the coast of Somalia, developed countries have dumped chemical wastes off their coast, creating dead-zones. They’ve been begging us for years but they were considered throw away people. They couldn’t feed their families so they captures ships which entered the region; held them for ransom. Developed countries does this around the world. There was an investigation of the electronic wastes that are collected in the USA for recyclying. They’re then dumped in regions in China and off various African coasts. Now that it’s come home to affect us from our own fracking and nuclear wastes, we’re recognizing the problem. We can’t blame anyone but corporations. FirstGarden The balance of the world’s ecosystems is very delicate. Altho I don’t always agree with the environmentalists, this is one area where I believe they’re correct. I have a hard time believing any official reports regarding this underwater holocaust. In fact, there have been many similar reports of birds falling out of the sky, en masse. Probably not at the magnitude of fish, and other water-dwelling creatures. But this problem seems to have no serious precedence in history. Maybe some isolated cases, but nothing like this. (?) Oxygen depletion?? Ok, even if that were possible, what causes global oxygen depletion in our waters??? I don’t know about you, but things like nuclear radiation, or heavy chemical dumping comes to mind. Maybe even some secret spent rod-cooling down deep. Who knows. Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi How about fracking in the USA. That’s one reason. Off the coast of Somalia, developed countries have dumped chemical wastes off their coast, creating dead-zones. They’ve been begging us for years but they were considered throw away people. They couldn’t feed their families so they captures ships which entered the region; held them for ransom. Developed countries does this around the world. There was an investigation of the electronic wastes that are collected in the USA for recyclying. They’re then dumped in regions in China and off various African coasts. Now that it’s come home to affect us from our own fracking and nuclear wastes, we’re recognizing the problem. Oxygen depletion has been happening for awhile. It’s called dead zones when nothing lives in those certain areas; as a result of pollution. Fish die and so do marine plants. marty The world will shake us off like a bad case of fleas . Oldphartbsa Lessee…we’ve got Fukushima radiation washing through the Pacific, cycling around South America and the Horn. In the Gulf we’ve got hundreds of thousands of tons of corexit and a billion or so gallons of oil sludge and that’s cycling into the Atlantic. Pollution in India and China are so off the scale that we, here in America, would have to personally remember the 60’s to fathom (I was a kid in the 60’s and California Smog was what you see in China today). I don’t know why river systems would be affected other than the water flowing to the oceans is constantly picking up contaminants along the way. (In California it is unsafe to drink from any natural source of water.) Between Fukushima, Corexit and Oil sludge…I think we’ve hit the lotto for the spreading die off. K2 In many areas sewage from cities and industrial refuse is dumped into rivers. Not just in the states but in many countries. jaxon64 I believe I can explain some of the river and bay die-offs from “lack of oxygen” Here in the Chesapeake region we are now seeing “dead zones” in the glorious Chesapeake Bay. The cause?.. ETHANOL… Increased demand for ethanol has caused many local farmers to turn away from traditional crops and convert to farming massive amounts of corn. The corn requires large amounts of nitrate additives to the soil. Nitrate run-offs into the rivers, creeks and tributaries have caused large amounts of algae bloom on the surface of the water–underneath, the natural, oxygen producing sea grasses that grow from the floor of the rivers and bay are dying for lack of sunlight. When the O2 producing seagrasses die off-EVERYTHING in the “dead zone” dies off–sort of like a permanent red tide zone. Crabs, fish, skates, oysters, mussles clams…all die in the dead area….these keep growing in the bay as more nitrates from corn growerss get run off into the tributaries. So there is the cause of the biggest problem in the Chesapeake Bay—our government regulations to increase ethanol levels is killing our Bay–one of the most beautiful and unique estuaries of abundant life on the planet.. chris It could be bacterial and spread by the wind. It could be many things but the question is what are the government officials with their well equipped microbiological and chemical labs saying it is? Are they not doing any research? Is it really just a case of scooping up the dead fish and not investigating why? jaxon64 The govt, of course, will blame it on man–then increase his taxes and increase their control and regulation. ( but never actually address the problem) ….OR– option #2–they will place a media ban on mentioning the die-offs and call anyone who is concerned a “conspiracy nut” right wing extremist” or “climate change denier” Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi The government and the EPA has been warning against this for decades. The greedy oil companies and the chemical fertilizer companies have been pushing back. Of course they have their chosen Republican politicians who they pay to block legislation; which would tighten up on the fracking chemicals forced into the ground in their tar sands quest. Reason How about radiation from Japan’s disaster. I think that alone could contaminate all the waters of the world. Let’s pressure our govs. to get rid of nuclear energy and learn to do without so many plug in gadgets!!! Adrian Johnson Too late ! Nothing done now can undo contamination of the seas from Fukushima’s radiation. Cynical Guy 42 I find it interesting how in the csmonitor article, one die-off is blamed on a heat wave, while the other is blamed on excessive snow. Question: Heat waves and heavy snow have happened for a very long time. Why are they suddenly causing die-offs? Jørn Andreassen plastic – manmade waste – is to blame. The plastic breaks down to microparticles and enter the gills of every fish in the ocean. Everyone who have thrown plastic in nature is to blame. (The same thing is happening to birds as well. Every bird you find dead will get plastic in their bellies.) RapidRay01 . Just more signs of the end times. Come quickly Lord Jesus! U-Betcha Minnesota? This is normal, especially in shallow lakes. They all recover quickly, and most often better. The die off of rough fish is beneficial to any lake. Don’t fall for this hype. jaxon64 Wow, you can refute 1 of the above items on a list of hundreds ( if you go to the full linked website)..and have the deep thought to correlate it as all just “hype”.. Unbelievable…and if you lived in a flood zone you’d probably have water up to your chin saying, ” this is the Mississippi shoreline, we’ve had floods like this before and the water always goes down–telling me to evacuate is a bunch of hype” People like you end up locked in the Superdome when a Hurrican Katrina hits … noname U-Betcha should go eat some Japanese sushi. bmr22 Well all of the other people here sure seem to get it. I get so tired of hearing about some die off or outbreak of disease or other man made disaster and the officials are all left scratching their heads. We dont know what may have caused this we are clueless. We have to study this for another five years before we have an explanation. Well unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of decades or maybe a brainwashed tv addicted sheeple with no clue as to how nature works and what we have been doing to the earth and our ecosystem the answers is slapping everyone right upside their heads. We have polluted and raped the land we are killing off the bees, butterflies, birds, fish, frogs, and everything else. All of these things work and feed off of each other hence the ecoSYSTEM. You can’t just go around spraying weed killer and insecticide by the millions of tons and not have unexpected results. You can’t raise 100,000 pigs chickens or cows in filth and feed them all gmo corn and antibiotics and expect a good result and a healthy product. Best advice is for all of us who are awake is to grow whatever you can not just so that you can survive the shtf crisis but so that you can eat a healthy diet full of vitamins and natural minerals. The meat you eat can be raised well and healthy and have a good life before it feeds you. We have become way to detached from our food and nature in general turn off the tv go outside grow a garden raise some animals stop supporting the system that is killing us all. B.M. Do you think it may have anything to do with the Chemtrails the DOD has been spraying over the air for 40+ years? Gay Veteran wow, you mean that dumping millions of tons of pollution into the air, water and land actually leads to disaster? noname Don’t be silly. They don’t know why the fish are dying, but it certainly has no connection to any pollutants or possible radiation in the water. “Not even a smidgen” of a connection. Gay Veteran r ght M Gjerdrum Keep your head in the sand as long as possible. Hide from the truth, that helps a lot. brads I know this conversation is 9 months old but I would tend to agree. If we have been polluting for the last 60 years then wouldn’t you have records of mass die offs over the last 50 or so years?? why are ALL of these within the last year or so?? Pollution does not make sense! well, maybe the radiation in the water from Japan.. but if it was the pollution we would have evidence spanning decades and not just the last two years! Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi How about fracking in the USA. That’s one reason. Off the coast of Somalia, developed countries have dumped chemical wastes off their coast, creating dead-zones. They’ve been begging us for years but they were considered throw away people. They couldn’t feed their families so they captures ships which entered the region; held them for ransom. Developed countries does this around the world. There was an investigation of the electronic wastes that are collected in the USA for recyclying. They’re then dumped in regions in China and off various African coasts. Now that it’s come home to affect us from our own fracking and nuclear wastes, we’re recognizing the problem. Teri You nailed it! Crowline Geologists said the earth ‘went bonkers’ in April this year with some very large earthquakes all over starting with Peru’s huge quake. Up until that point there was just the usual although in ‘diverse places’. Perhaps the fish have been shocked to death due to underground tremors, cracks etc being amplified through water. Jason7189 God said this would happen and it’s commonly believed by many Christians, this is a very end time Prophetic event. Hosea 4:3 “Therefore the land will mourn; And everyone who dwells there will waste away With the beasts of the field. And the birds of the air; Even the fish of the sea will be taken away.” Zephaniah 1:3 “I will consume man and beast; I will consume the birds of the heavens, The fish of the sea, And the stumbling blocks along with the wicked. I will cut off man from the face of the land,” Says the Lord.” Ezekiel 38:20 “So that the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all creeping things that creep on the earth, and all men who are on the face of the earth shall shake at My presence. The mountains shall be thrown down, the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.” Dan grizz I like what many of you said. Especially what Jaxson64 has said about ethanol. Our corn crops for food is all being denied by that giant food company, I forgot the name…someone think of it…..oh, something Santo! liberals and their ethanol and yet the stupid republicans do nothing. I also wonder if this santo corp. is working with HARRP, and maybe sending electromagnetic pulses beaming off from space to hit parts of the ocean? They talk about how HARRP, controls weather. someone could be doing this but I believe what many of you said. mankind is out of control and is polluting oceans on all 4 corners. I think if the public really knew what was going on…where is greenpeace and other radical lib organizations crying about all the toxins we are dumping into the greatest creation of all time, our oceans? Where are they? you never hear any news network talk about this that goes on behind our noses. It’s terrible Sharon Equality-Now Johnson Mi Monsanto has been making deadly chemicals for decades. in your mention of party politics, why do Republicans continue to block bills that reign in Monsanto? TheLulzWarrior Test. Bergie Yes, oxygen deprived fish. Lakes in Minnesota freeze. Grand Lake MN is very shallow, and we had extremely thick ice this last winter. It does happen! Marco Saba Fukushima fall out. Brandon Bowers Rev 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a deadman: and every living soul died in the sea. Faith Prophecy,why cant humans stop sinning? stingray how old earth? maybe earth time Ashley Law Methane – yes I also think methane clusters have been and are continuing to be disturbed. Reason – the massive energy release in March 2011. If you understand what happened and in what order it fits together. It is the reason Germany shut down all of it’s nuclear plants. If interested there is a video in Finnish (English subtitles) that explains much. Claudia What is with HAARP and the Chemtrails? May be a answer … Mike Lutterschmidt For the last 10 years, there has been numerous signs of drastic changes to our planet. The wide spread of die off occurrences correlates to the short period of time and shines a light on the dark secrets of our corporations and governing bodies. If you really want to know how bad it is, look up “Peek Oil” and see how close we are to serious global changing disasters. There is an evil that has literally consumed our planet. Our government knows that effects of there actions. They pay billions of dollars for the research, however, if it effects the goal of profit, that research is swept under the rug by corrupt politics. Remember the last oil spill? There are regulations to put shut off valves on the pipes for each segment of specified distance to avoid these problems. Just like the code states for residential plumbing. But it would have cost too much and took too much time. So evil took over and we raped our planet. Other significant signs would be the number of natural disasters tripled compared to the previous 10 years. There are 12 times more tornadoes occurring now compared to the last decade. UV rays from the sun have become 25% stronger and there is 20% more acidity in our rainfall. 25 years ago we had over 500 major meat suppliers for distribution. Today, we have three which means we are at the mercy of the governing body to fight off corruption and evil. Yet the number of autistic children has tripled. McDonald’s meat has 40% meat and the rest filler. You think you are buying better meat at the grocery store, but it’s still coming from the same distributor with the same practices. Is it odd that in the last 5th. years the northeast has experienced a dramatic and alarming increase of allergens. This is due to changes in our climate that are just not natural. The world has fallen to gluttony and greed. Think about it, you would like to do something to help stop the destruction and leave our children with a righteous coarse, but you can’t do anything because you have to go to work. You need to make that ridiculous car payment because its just too important for you not to have a nicer car than the neighbors. Oh yea, and you don’t have time because you have fantasy football leagues, and Country Clubs to attend. So you turn your back and worry about you and your life. And our government knows it. You think debt is a choice? It is a control tactic to keep you in line like a sheep because gluttony has been ingrained in our souls and no one is willing to sacrifice their time to take control of our world. If just 50 % of our population protested and did not buy gas until the price was lowered to 2.00, we would let serious results. But you can’t do that, you have to drive the fancy car to the vacation house. It’s time we stood up and said enough. It’s time we form a mob with like purpose and use the power to stop this corrupt destruction of our world. If we organize and pull together as a force, we could stop the dumping in our water, we could stop the additives that are put in our children’s food, we can clean the pharmaceuticals out of our drinking water, and we could perhaps salvage our planet for human kind. Enough is enough, it hasto start now. ThomasW This has been happening as long as there have been fish in water… causes are localised and cannot possibly be connected. This artical is silly, its like saying “there were 100 car accidents world wide today, they were all connected but I don’t know why” Dan They are a criminal assault on the living. Alive4Jesus For fish to die in rivers, lakes, and oceans all over the world in such massive quantities over such a brief time, I suspect it has something to do with new technology—perhaps some type of radio frequency transmission to/from a satellite(s), EMF waves, or a new/different type of chemtrail ingredient. joanr New global threat- a third of the fish will die! Gardeners have long been aware that if you water a pot plant with a small amount of green washing up liquid, then the molecules in the washing up liquid bind together to form a seal which excludes the air and keeps the plant hydrated for a longer period, used by those going on holiday. People have been using green washing up liquid for decades, it has been washing down drains and rivers into the ocean. I wrote to the chairman of one of the leading manufacturers of cleaning products with this information some time ago. Are these sudden deaths among the fish stocks anything to do with this I ask? Rauh Our solar system has moved below the galactic equator after 2012, things are beginning to happen that we don’t know about. Fukushima is spewing radiation into the Pacific Ocean too, nothing can be done about it. Weather changes all over the world like we’ve never experienced before. It’s a matter of time. M Gjerdrum
Trump Has NEVER Looked So Incompetent; His China Adviser Was Literally Found On Amazon (DETAILS)
With every new detail revealing itself about Donald Trump s administration, the humiliation that America is enduring is getting harder and harder to stomach. We have never seen an administration fail so hard from the start, and just when it seems it can get no worse, Trump sets a new precedent. The latest detail in Trump s White House will have Americans more disappointed than ever before.Apparently, the morons in the Trump administration are so incompetent and lazy, they aren t even able to choose top officials correctly. Vanity Fair just reported a VERY disturbing detail about Trump s China adviser, who was sought out by the POTUS son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Kushner chose this adviser not by interviewing experts, like a normal person Kushner found Trump s China adviser by searching Amazon. Vanity Fair wrote:At one point during the campaign, when Trump wanted to speak more substantively about China, he gave Kushner a summary of his views and then asked him to do some research. Kushner simply went on Amazon, where he was struck by the title of one book, Death by China, co-authored by Peter Navarro. He cold-called Navarro, a well-known trade-deficit hawk, who agreed to join the team as an economic adviser. (When he joined, Navarro was in fact the campaign s only economic adviser.) Kushner operated in much the same way when it came to crafting Trump s tax plan calling up someone for help out of the blue. Given the initial absence of pros who could do the job properly, he also tried his hand at writing speeches. Responding to criticism from the boss ( Jared, this is terrible! ), Kushner said, according to a person familiar with the episode, I m not a fucking speechwriter. I am a real-estate guy. The idiocy being displayed here is mind boggling. Kushner, who at least has the sense to admit that he s way out of his league and he s just a real-estate guy , is the person Trump has put in charge of basically everything. The same man that s looking for advisers on Amazon.Let s not forget that this idiot is the man in charge of bringing peace to the Middle East. With this amount of incompetency in the White House, it will be a miracle if the United States can get through Trump s presidency without a major crisis, although we re already getting pretty close to one after Trump s attack on Syria and Afghanistan, and his inflammatory comments toward China and North Korea.If anyone thought that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were going to being the check and balance for Trump, this report certainly crushes that hope. Even the most level headed people in Trump s administration are dangerously ill-equipped.Featured image via Scott Olson / Getty Images
Alexandria police chief says five people taken to hospitals after shooting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five people were taken to hospital after a shooting at a baseball field in Alexandria near Washington, where Republican members of Congress were holding baseball practice, the Alexandria police chief said on Wednesday. Police Chief Michael Brown did not elaborate on the extent of their injuries. He told a news conference police received a call about an active shooter shortly after 7 a.m. ET and were on the scene within three minutes. U.S. Capitol Police Matthew Verderosa said on-scene Capitol Police officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect.
Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents
Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents Source: Zero Hedge Conspiracy theories have swirled in recent days as to why FBI Director James Comey reopened Hillary's email investigation after just closing it back in July concluding that, although Hillary had demonstrated gross negligence in her establishment of a private email server, that "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring a case against her. Democrats, after lavishing Comey with praise for months on concluding his investigation in an "impartial" way, have since lashed out at him for seeking to influence the 2016 election cycle with Hillary herself describing his recent actions as "deeply troubling". Republicans, on the other hand, have praised Comey's recent efforts as an attempt to correct a corrupt investigation that seemingly ignored critical evidence while granting numerous immunity agreements to Clinton staffers. According to the Daily Mail , and a source close to James Comey, the decision, at least in part, came after he "could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI" who "felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist." James Comey's decision to revive the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and her handling of classified material came after he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI , including some of his top deputies, according to a source close to the embattled FBI director. 'The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary,' said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week. 'Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,' said the source. 'They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.' According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice. He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom. 'The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him,' the source continued. 'And that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state. Though we're sure there are many facets behind Comey's decision making process, we can all be quite certain, at this point, that he's not motivated by a desire to make friends having now alienated just about everyone in Washington, both in law enforcement and in both political parties. In fact, after Tim Kaine just last week praised Comey as a "wonderful" career public servant with the "highest standards of integrity" .... ...everything has now been turned on it's head with Hillary calling his latest moves "unprecedented and deeply troubling"...seemingly implying an attempt, on the part of Comey, to "rig" the election from Trump . Meanwhile, President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are apparently also "furious" with Comey over his recent decision. His announcement about the revived investigation, which came just 11 days before the presidential election, was greeted with shock and dismay by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the prosecutors at the Justice Department. 'Jim told me that Lynch and Obama are furious with him,' the source said. 'Lynch and Obama haven't contacted Jim directly,' said the source, 'but they've made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.' And while the decision to reopen the case may appease FBI agents and republicans, in the short-term, we suspect it does very little to restore overall faith in his competence. As such, we continue to question just how long Comey can hold out before being forced to resign his post. At a bare minimum, in light of his continued questionable judgement and serious doubts raised about the integrity of the first investigation, we fail to understand how an independent investigation into Hillary's email server isn't warranted. OOOOh! The remorse! The GUILT ! I can almost feel it from here! Get off it, ....you jabbering, fast talking, asshole. Statements? ... 'Reopening investigations' (Is that a maybe you wiil have a couple of interns fiddle with Emails a little longer?) and then having legal promptly announce they will take MONTHS and MONTHS to complete the case? .... We Have AN ELECTION LOOKING AT US! ..We need to know who the bad guys are. But, then we already know, don't we? No, a resignation is in order. .. Declare a 'conflict of interest' and turn states evidence would be more like it. .... You - Are - A - Crook Dir Comey. I know ZHers are getting tired of seeing this but for the benefit of any little clueless FBI junior G-Men out there that can still read English:
WATCH: Fox News Just Sided With President Obama On Gun Control- What Now, NRA? (VIDEO)
Hell just froze over, because Fox News is now on President Obama s side when it comes to his new gun safety executive order.Bill O Reilly said, during a segment on The O Reilly Factor, that the NRA and gun owners need to accept that background checks for buying guns are reasonable.I know how unbelievable that sounds, but here it is in a video:Could we possibly have hit a point where the Republican establishment has finally had it with the monster they created in 2008? Has the NRA and its head idiot, Wayne LaPierre, finally become caricatures of themselves that are too embarrassing even for people like Bill O Reilly and Fox News?Here is something that I never, ever thought I would say in my life: I agree with Bill O Reilly, especially on the part about being paranoid. However, there is one part where Bill just had to veer back into the realm of stupidity so he could throw his audience a bone likely to prevent them from throwing a beer can through their TV screen at home. Bill openly addressed President Obama while saying a firearm registry will not solve America s gun problem.The sudden burst of common sense from Bill couldn t last forever. It is a well documented, checked fact that President Obama does not want to create a gun registry. This was proven when the last universal background check bill completely outlawed the creation of one.Obama s openly accused the NRA of lying about this, from a Rose Garden press conference: They claimed that it would create some sort of big brother gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite. This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry. Plain and simple, right there in the text. But that didn t matter. The latest Quinnipiac poll, from December 23, 2015, shows background checks have an absolutely MASSIVE amount of support across the board.Photo: QuinnipiacIt has had this kind of support since after the Sandy Hook massacre, give or take a relatively negligible variance in points, so to act like all of a sudden it is reasonable is strange at best.Regardless of the details, the simple fact that Fox News and Bill O Reilly in particular are siding with President Obama on gun control is nothing short of a noteworthy event in American history. The internal Republican fallout will be amazing to watch.Featured image via video screen capture
Trump's 'Paterno' comment sparks jeers on social media
(Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump drew guffaws and derision on social media after he asked a campaign rally in Pittsburgh, “How’s Joe Paterno?” The legendary Penn State University football coach died four years ago. “I went to school in this state. I know a lot about Pennsylvania and it’s great,” Trump said. “How’s Joe Paterno? We gonna bring that back? How about that whole deal?” The term "Joe Paterno" quickly became a top trending topic on Twitter, with many asking if Trump knew Paterno was dead. A video clip was posted on YouTube. Paterno, once one of the most revered college athletic coaches in the United States, was fired by Pennsylvania State University in 2011 over a child sexual abuse scandal involving assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. Paterno died on Jan. 21, 2012. Sandusky was later convicted on child sex abuse charges. Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said the candidate was referring to a statue of Paterno that was removed from the campus in 2012. A Quinnipiac University survey in 2015 showed that many Pennsylvanians want it returned to the campus. Penn State spokesman Ben Manning said on Thursday the university does not comment on candidates’ campaign speeches. Social media users mocked Trump for seemingly implying that he would bring Paterno back to life. "Someone should tell Trump that Joe Paterno is dead and also that he conspired with a serial child rapist," tweeted kept_simple (@kept_simple). BuzzFeed political editor Katherine Miller (@katherinemiller) tweeted, "Trump obviously meant when are we going to bring back the Paterno statue and then, subsequently, Paterno back from beyond, through sorcery." Twitter users with accounts geo-tagged to the university’s home, the town of State College, had mixed reactions. "Bring Paterno back? @realdonaldtrump has odd expectations of his abilities, and responsibilities, as president," tweeted Holly Swanson (@StateCollegeMom). Not all reaction was negative. "All Trump has to do is say he'll bring the Paterno statue back. He'll win PA in a landslide," Kalooz (@Kalzony53). Trump had weighed in on the fallout from the Sandusky scandal in July 2012 when the National Collegiate Athletic Association levied sanctions against Penn State’s football program. He said in a tweet that the program should be suspended.
Katie Hopkins to Leave LBC Following ’Final Solution’ Tweet
Outspoken broadcaster Katie Hopkins is parting ways with LBC Radio “immediately” following a controversial tweet in which she called for a “final solution” to Islamic terrorism. [Hopkins amended the tweet to read “true solution” soon after posting it on Tuesday, explaining that she had found the “typo” to be “disrespectful” to the victims of the attack on the Manchester Arena on Monday which killed 22 people. But fellow Twitter users were quick to make the connection to the holocaust, labelling Hopkins a “Nazi”. 22 dead — number rising. Schofield. Don’t you even dare. Do not be part of the problem. We need a true solution. #ManchesterArena, — Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) May 23, 2017, @KTHopkins How come you changed this from “final solution” to “true solution”? Come on, stand by those nazi words, nazi. pic. twitter. — (@JohnSeaborn) May 23, 2017, @JohnSeaborn I stand by my tweet. I find the typo disrespectful to the survivors in Manchester, — Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) May 23, 2017, Later the same day Hopkins was accused of inciting racial hatred after she tweeted “Western men. These are your wives. Your daughters. Your sons. Rise up. Demand action. Do not carry on as normal. Cowed. ” Both tweets were reported to the police for hate speech. The Met’s Contact Centre Twitter account confirming that complaints had been received and would be “assessed by specialist officers”. This is the response from the Met Police to the slaughter of our children in Manchester pic. twitter. — Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) May 23, 2017, This is not the first time Hopkins’ tweets have landed her in trouble. In March, she was ordered to pay £24, 000 in damages and £107, 000 in costs to social justice activist Jack Monroe after wrongly accusing her of vandalising war memorials. Hopkins had meant to direct her tweet to New Stateman columnist Laurie Penny, who had shown indifference to a memorial to the Women of World War II being sprayed with graffiti reading “Fuck Tory scum”. On Friday morning, LBC Radio appeared to have reached breaking point with Hopkins, announcing via Twitter that she would no longer be hosting her two hour slot, “effective immediately”. LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately. — LBC (@LBC) May 26, 2017, The station refused to either confirm or deny that Hopkins had been sacked. A spokesman probed for further details responded: “That’s all we’re saying. ” The BBC’s Amol Rajan has reported that there were “massive cheers and applause” from the station’s newsroom when her departure was announced.
Glenn Greenwald: Dems ‘Suddenly Love Leaks,’ But Attacked Them Under Obama - Breitbart
Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Glenn Greenwald said Democrats who “suddenly love leaks” about President Donald Trump’s administration thought people who leaked to the media during the Obama administration were “villains,” “traitors,” and “they ought to go to prison. ” Greenwald said, “The problem is if you look at the last eight years, there has been a very concerted war on not just sources and whistleblowers, but also journalists, implemented by not Donald Trump but by the Obama administration. More sources prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act than in all previous administrations combined. Journalists such as James Rosen at Fox News and Jim Risen at The New York Times and those of us who worked on the Snowden reporting constantly threatened with prosecution or having our phone records subpoenaed and the like. ” “And Democratic officeholders in D. C. were virtually unanimous in the idea that people who leak information that’s classified are villains, they’re traitors, they ought to go to prison,” he continued. “This framework has been created both rhetorical and legal over the last eight years that says that people who leak classified information regardless of how important that information is ought to be punished. That’s the rhetoric and framework that Donald Trump is seizing on. And it the reason it’s been so damaging to have watched Democrats who suddenly love leaks now that it’s helping them have wage such an aggressive war on journalism and investigate reporting over the last eight years. ” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Dallas attack adds to Cleveland concerns before Republican convention
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Cleveland police on Friday tightened their security plan for the Republican National Convention after the deadly shootings of police officers in Dallas, increasing surveillance and intelligence operations just 10 days before the convention. Other police departments across the country required officers to patrol in pairs rather than alone following the ambush in Dallas, the deadliest day for police in the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington. In Cleveland, the attack raised another potential threat during the July 18-21 convention, when Donald Trump is expected to receive the Republican nomination for president. The police officers’ labor union, rank-and-file cops and some outside experts had already questioned Cleveland’s preparedness for the convention with the city’s police under federal supervision over use of force. Ten days before the event, Cleveland was still training police officers for duty at the convention, which is expected to draw 50,000 visitors as well as clamorous protests and crown the most contentious presidential candidate in memory. Rather than a security team reinforced by the country’s largest police departments as it hoped, the city has cobbled together 3,000 officers, mostly from state agencies, who will use borrowed and rented equipment. “When the convention was awarded to Cleveland (in 2014), folks weren’t thinking about this.... Yes, there is a generalized worry,” said Matthew Barge, court-appointed monitor for the U.S. Justice Department’s oversight of Cleveland police. Ed Tomba, the city’s deputy police chief and head of convention security, had previously told Reuters he was “very, very confident” in the city’s convention plan. He reiterated that confidence in a telephone interview on Friday in response to the Dallas attack. “We have got to make some changes without a doubt,” Tomba said, mentioning the surveillance of potential threats from street level and farther away. “We will have plenty of people watching over different locations. We are beefing up the intelligence component, too. They are going to be very, very active,” Tomba said. Police throughout the United States ordered their officers to work in pairs following the shooting in Dallas, including those in New York, Chicago and St. Louis. New York officers will “double up” on all assignments and auxiliary police officers who are unarmed except for night sticks will not be used in the field for the next few days, Police Commissioner William Bratton told a news conference. St. Louis police also will be required to wear ballistic vests when leaving any station for enforcement activities, Chief Sam Dotson said on Twitter. Tomba said he spent part of Friday morning reassuring out-of-town police departments that their officers on loan to Cleveland will be safe during the convention, telling them in an email that “we cannot pull the plan off without them.” Cleveland police union President Steve Loomis has been among the most vocal critics, complaining that front-line officers would be undertrained and poorly equipped. “They are setting up my guys for failure,” Loomis said before the Dallas attack. Civic leaders have said Cleveland is experiencing a renaissance following decades of decline, and that reputation will be on the line during the convention. Two separate incidents of fatal police shootings in recent years have brought unwelcome national attention to the city. In 2012, 13 Cleveland officers fired 137 shots into the car of an unarmed African-American man and his female passenger, killing both. The U.S. Justice Department investigated and imposed special federal oversight known as a consent decree that remains in force. Then in 2014, four months after the Republicans chose Cleveland for the convention, a white police officer shot dead 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was black, in a case that became a national focal point for the protest movement Black Lives Matter. The most recent report from the federal monitor overseeing the Cleveland consent decree portrays a police department where physical infrastructure is strained, with computers and cars “run-down or deficient,” forcing police to pay for repairs out of their own pockets and use their personal vehicles for police work. Loomis, the union leader, said half of Cleveland police officers have yet to receive convention training. That number is “probably close,” Tomba said on Thursday. Upon getting the convention, Cleveland asked 200 police departments to send officers, including those from big cities which generally have the best anti-terrorist schooling. Many big cities turned Cleveland down, saying they were unable to spare officers, Tomba said. But Cleveland has exceeded its goal by bringing in 3,000 reinforcements who will receive training at home plus a short course upon arriving, Tomba said.
Iraqi government asks foreign countries to stop oil trade with Kurdistan
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq on Sunday urged foreign countries to stop importing crude directly from its autonomous Kurdistan region and to restrict oil trading to the central government. The call, published in statement from Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi s office, came in retaliation for the Kurdistan Regional Government s plan to hold a referendum on independence on Monday. The central government s statement seems to be directed primarily at Turkey, the transit country for all the crude produced in Kurdistan. The crude is taken by pipeline to the Turkish Mediterranean coast for export. Baghdad asks the neighboring countries and the countries of the world to deal exclusively with the federal government of Iraq in regards to entry posts and oil, the statement said. The Iraqi government has always opposed independent sales of crude by the KRG, and tried on many occasions to block Kurdish oil shipments. Long-standing disputes over land and oil resources are among the main reasons cited by the KRG to ask for independence. Iraqi Kurdistan produces around 650,000 barrels per day of crude from its fields, including around 150,000 from the disputed areas of Kirkuk. The region s production volumes represent 15 percent of total Iraqi output and around 0.7 percent of global oil production. The KRG aspires to raise production to over 1 million barrels per day by the end of this decade. Kurdish oil production has been dominated by mid-sized oil companies such as Genel (GENL.L), DNO (DNO.OL), Gulf Keystone (GKP.L) and Dana Gas (DANA.AD). Major oil companies such as Chevron (CVX.N), Exxon Mobil (XOM.N) and Rosneft (ROSN.MM) also have projects in Kurdistan but they are mostly at an exploration stage. However, Rosneft, Russia s state oil major, has lent over $1 billion to the KRG guaranteed by oil sales and committed a total of $4 billion to various projects in Kurdistan.
Syria, Travel Ban, Kabul: Your Morning Briefing - The New York Times
Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • A federal appeals panel voiced skepticism at the U. S. Justice Department’s broad defense of President Trump’s targeted travel ban. While the case seems destined for the Supreme Court, the appeals court may decide to lift a stay that has offered days of reprieve for refugees and travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries. _____ • Spearheading the battle over the travel ban are the top legal officials in more than a dozen states — all Democratic attorneys general. And the fight unexpectedly drew in a voice from China’s judiciary, which in some quarters aspires to the kind of independence Mr. Trump has at times appeared to undercut. “Even if you control the armed forces and have nuclear weapons,” Judge He Fan of the Supreme People’s Court wrote in a blog post, “your dignity has been swept away and you are no different than a villain. ” Above, Mr. Trump meeting with county sheriffs at the White House. _____ • In Washington, the Senate confirmed Mr. Trump’s choice for education secretary, approving the embattled billionaire Betsy DeVos after a historic tiebreaking vote from Vice President Mike Pence. Today’s episode of our new podcast, The Daily, looks at why she was so controversial and also gauges the level of confusion inside an evolving White House. Listen here if you’re on a computer, here if you have an iOS device or here for an Android device. _____ • The Syrian government has systematically executed 5, 000 to 13, 000 people in mass hangings at just one military prison since the start of the uprising against President Bashar Amnesty International contends. The accounts of torture, deprivation, sham trials and executions that the rights group gathered corroborate numerous accounts given to The Times by current and former detainees in several prisons across the country. _____ • A long crack in Antarctica’s ice shelf grew 17 miles in two months, according to a research team. In 20 more miles, the crack will reach all the way across the ice shelf in a full break that will create one of the largest icebergs ever recorded — and, even more troubling, imperil the buttressing that keeps glaciers from flowing into the ocean. _____ • In Hong Kong, a group of urban explorers uses stealth and drones as they peel back layers of history to forge video archives of the city’s buildings before they are razed. One admirer, an architecture professor, said the work was “about forcing us to confront the aesthetic of loss. ” • Offshore wind farms, buoyed by improved technology and protected from complaints by distance, have moved from a fringe investment into the mainstream. • A Syrian refugee who took a selfie with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is suing Facebook after the image after showed up in fake news reports linking him to terrorism. • China’s foreign exchange reserves dropped below $3 trillion for the first time since 2011. • The pharmaceutical giants GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi report earnings, as does Japan’s Softbank, which owns Sprint. • Wall Street was higher. Here’s a snapshot of global markets. • In Afghanistan, more than a dozen people were killed and many others injured in a suicide bombing near the country’s Supreme Court in Kabul. [The New York Times] • President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines berated more than 200 police officers on national television, calling them “rotten to the core” and ordering them to resign or be shipped off to a terrorist hotbed known for beheadings and police attacks. [The New York Times] • South Korea indicted a former culture minister and a former presidential aide for their roles in drafting a blacklist of dissenting artists. [Reuters] • China’s participation in a Vatican conference on organ trafficking is being criticized. Some doubt that the Chinese government is abiding by its announcement two years ago that it had stopped harvesting organs from executed prisoners. [The New York Times] • Steve Bannon, the chief adviser to President Trump, has cultivated alliances with traditionalists in the Vatican who share his low opinion of Pope Francis. [The New York Times] • Cambodia’s prime minister banned the flag of Taiwan in support of Beijing’s “One China” policy while simultaneously inviting Taiwanese investment. [The Cambodia Daily] • Airline employees are being trained to spot, and report, cases of human trafficking by a nonprofit organization founded by a flight attendant. [The New York Times] • Members of the Irula people of India, renowned for skills, are helping to stop the spread of Burmese pythons in the Florida Everglades. [BBC] • Slow down for just a moment with your morning coffee or tea and try to be a little more mindful. • After an unplanned pregnancy, this struggled to be the mother she wanted to be. After going back to school, she’s well on her way. • Recipe of the day: For a meatless midweek dinner, try risotto with smoked mozzarella. • A frog’s saliva, normally 50, 000 times stickier than human saliva, loosens as it speeds toward an insect and then firms back up after it hits — a behavior that explains the frog’s hunting success. • “Dog freaks out on pot” may sound like a stoner comedy or a viral video, but New York veterinarians are treating more and more canines sickened by ingesting marijuana. Gambia’s former President Yahya Jammeh once pledged that he would reign for a billion years. But last month he fled into exile, 22 years after taking power in a coup. His democratically elected successor has since accused Mr. Jammeh, above, of plundering the treasury and fleeing with millions of dollars. A source of income for Mr. Jammeh, though, had been a scheme. For years, his government sold residence permits — sometimes costing up to $15, 000 apiece — to thousands of Chinese millionaires. Why? A special program meant to encourage investment in Hong Kong allowed wealthy Chinese citizens to gain the right to live there if they had permanent residence in another country. As of 2013, some 9, 000 Chinese obtained residence permits for Gambia. The maneuvering went on until 2015, when Hong Kong suspended the program. A review found that many of the people enrolled didn’t eventually settle in Hong Kong. Instead, they used their Hong Kong passports for easier travel to other countries (but probably not Gambia). Patrick Boehler contributed reporting. _____ Your Morning Briefing is published weekday mornings. What would you like to see here? Contact us at asiabriefing@nytimes. com.
BLACK LIVES MATTER ORGANIZER Refuses To Meet With Obama And Race Hustlers…Calls Meeting At White House: “Sham…Photo-Op…Sound Bite For Obama”
Pure gold The ultimate Race-Baiter-In-Chief, just got called out for the phony that he is. While we re on the topic of Obama pretending to care about the black community, let s talk about how black unemployment has skyrocketed under this fraud Race hustlers Civil rights activists met at the White House on Thursday with President Barack Obama, though a leader from Black Lives Matter, who was listed as an expected attendee, blasted the White House for organizing a photo-op without addressing real problems for minority communities. I could not, with any integrity, participate in such a sham that would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it, wrote Aislinn Pulley, a leader of Black Lives Matter Chicago who the White House said on Wednesday would be at the meeting.Other attendees included Deshaunya Ware, a student leader of the University of Missouri protest group Concerned Student 1950; Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network; NAACP President Cornell Brooks; and National Urban League leader Marc Morial.In an op-ed on Truthout, Pulley said she respectfully declined the White House s invitation to attend the panel, which was organized as part of the administration s marking of Black History Month. I was under the impression that a meeting was being organized to facilitate a genuine exchange on the matters facing millions of Black and Brown people in the United States. Instead, what was arranged was basically a photo opportunity and a 90-second sound bite for the president, Pulley wrote.Obama didn t address the absence when he spoke to reporters after the meeting, instead saying he was encouraged by the degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness that exists not only with existing civil rights organizations but with this new generation. They are some serious young people. I told them they are much better organizers than I was when I was their age. I am confident they will take America to new heights, he said.Later Thursday, a senior administration official said Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and members of the Obama administration had a productive dialogue with civil rights leaders about a range of important issues like the criminal justice system, education, the economy and building trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. We will continue to engage with the many organizations and individuals who chose to participate in this meeting in ongoing discussions about how to strengthen our communities and move our country forward, the official said.Speaking in the White House driveway after meeting with Obama, Sharpton said the group discussed the ongoing fight over naming a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He said any GOP-led effort in the Senate to scuttle a presidential Supreme Court nominee would reflect a civil rights violation. To act as if the President is anything less than the President of the United States until January 20, 2017. He cannot be minimized, marginalized or disregarded without doing the same to the American people, Sharpton said.Obama has defended the groups that sprung from high-profile incidents of police killings of unarmed black men. He said in October those communities grievances must be taken seriously, and pushed back on the notion that organizations like Black Lives Matter are anti-police. I think everybody understands all lives matter. I think the reason that the organizers used the phrase Black Lives Matter was not because they were suggesting nobody else s lives matter, Obama said at an event in October. Rather, what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that s happening in the African-American community that s not happening in other communities and that is a legitimate issue that we ve got to address, he said. Via: CNN
A Traumatized Brain That Helped Heal a Broken Heart - The New York Times
I knew it would be bad the only question was how bad. After waiting outside a surgical ward at Jersey City Medical Center for what seemed like an eternity, the neurosurgeon emerged, introduced herself and explained that blood clots were forming in my husband’s brain, a result of multiple fractures to his skull. Even after an extensive operation, internal swelling and pressure on his brain were building to levels “inconsistent with life,” the doctor explained. To survive the night, he needed another operation. Less than 24 hours earlier, on Dec. 13, 2014, Steve — my husband and the father of our two young children — left our Brooklyn apartment for a networking trip in Atlantic City with four colleagues. Throughout the day, he sent me text updates, including a goofy selfie intended to amuse our daughter, then 3 years old. Around 6 a. m. I received a call from two of the colleagues who had been with him in Atlantic City. Steve had been in an accident, they said, and I should call the emergency room. They had been with him all day, but couldn’t explain what happened to him. At the hospital, I began to piece together the severity of Steve’s condition. The trauma staff members told me that his face was so disfigured and bruised that they had difficulty determining his race. His doctors concluded that he had been assaulted. (The story of his surgery, and the mystery of his injuries, were described in an article in The Atlantic last spring.) After that second brain surgery, his neurosurgeon, Dr. Lauren Schwartz, returned to tell me she had to remove significant chunks of Steve’s frontal lobe and temporal lobe — and that he might not be able to speak or function normally ever again. Even if he managed to emerge from the medically induced coma with his faculties intact, Steve had a long and arduous road ahead, most likely measured in years, with no guarantee that he would return to his former self. Many victims of a brain trauma become overwhelmed by anger, depression and frustration about the slow pace of their recovery and the memory of who they used to be. The severity of Steve’s trauma — and the apparent violence that caused it — were triggers for those emotions. But after Steve’s initial surgeries, I became increasingly confident about his chances for a successful recovery. “If I know one absolute truth about my husband, it is that he rises above and exceeds expectations,” I wrote in an email to Dr. Schwartz. In retrospect, a reflexive coping mechanism may have been kicking in — any reasonable analysis should have drastically lowered my expectations. But I believed I had reason for optimism. Steve’s brain was engineered to move forward. As a gifted mathematician, he saw the world as a series of equations to be solved. And like an elite athlete, he didn’t handicap goals with unhelpful emotions. Steve had been wiring his brain at an early age, partly out of necessity. Raised in a house beset by mental illness, he had to learn to protect himself from harmful emotions and focus on goals. It served him well academically, as he skipped a grade in middle school and went to college at 16. It was a risky social and emotional step for someone so young, but he graduated with honors and was recruited by Goldman Sachs as a programmer. I have always been drawn to his wit and his Olympic reasoning abilities. In an argument, Steve could keep his head while others lost theirs. I didn’t always appreciate his economy of emotion. In 2008, when our first child, Sophia, was stillborn at 39 weeks and four days, I carried around her memory, nearly crippled by the weight of the loss. Steve appeared set on moving forward from the very beginning. In the delivery room, I asked Steve to hold Sophia, which he did, but he quickly returned her to the bassinet, seemingly signaling his intent to move on. Over time, my anguish turned to resentment over how he could forge ahead, focus on his work and not share my pain. For years, even when we went on to have two healthy children, I still felt compelled to carry the emotional weight of Sophia’s memory. But after Steve’s horrific injuries, I knew I had to try to learn to do for my husband what I had been unable do for myself: keep my brain from dwelling on tragedy. Almost two years later, I can still allow myself to become furious about what happened to my husband, still an unsolved mystery. I want to know what happened and who was responsible and have the perpetrators admit their guilt. A part of me wants to linger daily on the unknowns. But Steve inspired me to follow his lead, as I witnessed his unrelenting drive to return to his former self — and his refusal to be consumed by what happened to him and why. One afternoon, a few days after he awoke from his coma, Steve received a visit from a former colleague he had not seen in more than a decade. Still suffering amnesia, Steve couldn’t speak coherently or remember my name. But when his colleague entered the room, Steve’s eyes widened. He wiggled upright and offered a handshake. It was a moment I celebrated for days. Weeks later, with parts of his speech returning, Steve made another leap when he gestured for a pen and notepad. He wanted to jot down the conversations he was having with the nursing staff. Jagged lines were all he could manage, but he remained unbowed, asking me to transcribe the conversations regarding his recovery plan. As the pace of Steve’s progress accelerated — in words and movements — I became consumed with planning for the next steps in his recovery, making arrangements for his rehabilitation, staging our apartment for his return. Looking backward was a luxury I could not afford. When Steve finally came home in early March, every daily event — going to the grocery store, walking the kids to school, reading the news, listening to our favorite pop songs — became a learning opportunity, a chance to regain words and memories that had been temporarily lost. At dinner, the kids played word games with Steve, each taking turns to contribute to a category. One evening, when the topic was zoo animals, Steve couldn’t locate the word lion. Instead of expressing frustration or embarrassment, he described its color, sound and habitat. When our daughter blurted the answer, Steve’s face lit up. “Yes, you got it!” he shouted, slyly giving the game a new dimension. We were witnessing Steve do what was second nature to him: finding the path forward. Researchers still have a lot to learn about what causes some victims to swiftly recover from brain traumas and others to stall. Steve’s doctors marvel that he is doing so well. His determination may have helped. Within 12 months of his trip to Atlantic City, Steve had secured a job as a business analyst with an international bank. Without any visible scars or speech impairments today, he doesn’t show any signs of brain trauma. Indeed, even with portions of his brain gone, he has somehow retained his intelligence and career skills, his ability to be a loving husband and father, and the core elements of his identity that let his lifelong habit of looking forward shine through. He’s taught me that true tragedy is letting misfortune rob you of the life and love you have. It’s a lesson I try to keep in my head as nourishment for my heart.
U.S. belatedly begins to comply with Russia sanctions law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Thursday said it had belatedly begun informing Congress and others about groups associated with the Russian intelligence and defense sectors as required under a 2017 law tightening sanctions on Russia. The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, which became law on Aug. 2, among other things imposes sanctions on Russia to punish Moscow because U.S. intelligence agencies concluded Russia carried out a hacking and propaganda campaign to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied the allegations. The law calls on the president to impose sanctions on anyone he identifies as having engaged “in a significant transaction with a person that is part of, or operates for or on behalf of, the defense or intelligence sectors” of the Russian government. The law required the Trump administration to “specify the persons that are part of, or operate for or on behalf of, the defense and intelligence sectors” of the Russian government by Oct. 1, a deadline the administration missed. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has now authorized the State Department to identify such people or entities, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters. She said notification to Congress, as well as to industry, allies and partners, had begun and that public guidance on the matter would posted on the agency’s website soon, although she suggested this would not happen on Thursday. “We expect to post the full public guidance on state.gov shortly ... a lot of these conversations are still ongoing between Congress, industry, allies and also partners,” Nauert said at a briefing. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker this week said he wanted administration answers about why it failed to meet the deadline for implementing the sanctions on Russia. However, he said he spoke to Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan by phone on Thursday and afterward said in a statement that the department’s guidance “is a good first step in responsibly implementing a very complex piece of legislation.”
Iran Gives Investors Glimpse of $30 Billion in Oil Deals to Come
Iran is targeting about $30 billion in investment by offering 70 oil and natural gas projects to international companies as the Persian Gulf country anticipates the lifting of economic sanctions. Iranian officials presented the projects at a two-day conference in Tehran as part of an effort to attract more than $100 billion to revive the energy and petrochemicals industries and generate much-needed government income. Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh introduced them along with a new type of investor contract offering better incentives than the buy-back agreements Iran offered in the past. The work covers 52 production and 18 exploration projects, both onshore and in the Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is offering a negotiable framework for new oil deals rather than a uniform contract for all investors, Roknoddin Javadi, managing director at National Iranian Oil Co., said Saturday in Tehran. The government may modify the framework and plans to present more details in February at a conference in London, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, chairman of the ministry’s Oil Contract Restructuring Committee, said Sunday in an interview. Here are five things to know about this turning point in Iran’s campaign to upgrade its energy industry: * The new investor contract will give companies a share of the oil they produce and let them sell it globally, Hosseini said in Tehran. International companies will be paid in cash or in kind based on a fee per barrel, Talin Mansourian, a consultant with Hosseini’s committee, said Saturday. Iran would reduce the fee if oil prices fell by more than 50 percent and increase it if prices rose by a corresponding amount, Mansourian said. Iran’s old buy-back deals paid companies a fixed fee regardless of how much oil they produced and offered them no incentive to exceed output targets. Buy-backs also paid no compensation to companies that spent more than budgeted amounts to develop a field. Under the new contracts, the NIOC won’t limit capital spending and will approve budgets on a yearly basis, though companies still won’t receive a higher fee if they produce above their output targets, Hosseini said. * The new contracts will be valid for 20 years, with possible extensions to 25 years. Buy-back agreements were limited to seven years, which wasn’t enough time for companies to make adequate returns on their investments, Total SA Chief Executive Officer Patrick Pouyanne said last month in Abu Dhabi. Investors should be able to recover their development costs five to seven years after starting production, according to Iranian officials. Companies that come up empty-handed after exploring for oil or gas can search for fuel in nearby areas. Under buy-backs, they had to stick to development plans agreed upon before work began and were barred from exploring new areas. * Companies will be able to negotiate directly for some contracts, and Iran could sign its first deal as early as March or April, Hosseini said. Iran won’t allow foreign companies to escape their contractual obligations if the U.S. or another party re-imposes unilateral sanctions, said Seyed Mostafa Zeynoddin, an adviser to the committee. If the UN restores sanctions, a company could claim force majeure if unable to execute a contract, he said. * International investors must team up with local partners that the Iranian government selects, and they can’t own hydrocarbon deposits. Iran will let international and local companies determine the stakes each will hold in joint-ventures formed to develop fields. * Iran is preparing to start the bidding process for oil and gas rights by the next Iranian calendar year starting March 21. Companies will be asked to make bids based on a per-barrel development fee, Mansourian said. NIOC will announce other terms when it starts the tendering process in four to five months, she said.
BREAKING: OBAMA SUCCESSFULLY WHITEWASHES AMERICAN HISTORY…”Racist” President Andrew Jackson To Be Replaced With Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill
The irony in Obama s radical Treasury Secretary s decision to remove racist Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, lies in the fact that Jackson was the first Democrat to be elected President. Rabid Bernie Sanders supporters are hell-bent on seeing Bernie Sanders fulfill his promise of breaking up the big bank monopolies. Andrew Jackson was pioneer in staving off banking domination in his day.But alas it s official .Moments ago Politico reported that the U.S. Treasury will announce that it plans to replace former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, the sources said. There will also be changes to the $5 bill to depict civil rights era leaders.Not every dead president is being scraped however: treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday will announce a decision to keep Alexander Hamilton on the front of the $10 bill and put leaders of the movement to give women the right to vote on the back of the bill.Lew s decision comes after he announced last summer that he was considering replacing Hamilton on the $10 bill with a woman. The announcement drew swift rebukes from fans of Hamilton, who helped create the Treasury Department and the modern American financial system. Critics immediately suggested Hamilton take Jackson off the $20 bill given the former president s role in moving native Americans off their land.Jackson may remain on the $20 bill in some capacity, but will clearly be demoted.While some pointed to the many accomplishments and qualities of Hamilton for why he should stay on the currency printed by the very Treasury the man created, the more popular argument for the Founding Father s retention was an argument about how awful the man on the $20 dollar bill was.The Daily Beast described Jackson as villainous and linked to a February article that called him a mass murderer. The New York Post argued that Old Hickory may well have been our most racist president and was a vicious, power-mad kook. Lew told POLITICO last July that Treasury was exploring ways to respond to critics. There are a number of options of how we can resolve this, Lew said. We re not taking Alexander Hamilton off our currency. Confused? Disturbed? Angry? You are not alone. The following rant by Mac Slavo expressed many feeling about the proposed change.Andrew Jackson, Who Fought Central Bank, Removed from $20 As Public Concern for Liberty ErasedJackson narrowly succeeded in staving off banker domination of the U.S. during his day.Of course, Andrew Jackson, who was the United States seventh president, was also a complete controversy his entire lifetime. It is no surprise that the same people who took down the Confederate flag from the South on the back of a mass shooting tragedy are now trying to tear down the image of a particularly controversial and intriguing figure from the American past.Jackson was a recalcitrant and unyielding general and war hero, and later an outsider riding a wave of populist support into the White House, bringing in sometimes unscrupulous companions, and plenty of Masons. Many of his backers were diametrically opposed to the entrenched power of New York bankers and speculators, as well as patrician politicians who dominated the first phase of politics in the nation s history. Jackson played a nasty role in the Trail of Tears affairs with Indians, too, and with the South and Western expansion of slave-friendly territories. Many shades of grey.Erasing Andrew Jackson from the faces of the fiat funny-money that is passed around by an increasingly ignorant and dependent society (which itself has adopted digital currency as the new norm) will further cut off the past from the masses, and ensure their enslavement.For entire story: Zero Hedge
NASA's opportunity rover came across a strange area on the red planet
NASA's opportunity rover came across a strange area on the red planet # www.universe-seeker.com 5 NASA came with the opportunity rover to hold in a strange area on the red planet. Last month the opportunity rover took some images fro a strange perfect triangular object. First reactions from people were that it was just a weird shadow, but the angles seemed to be too perfect to be "just a shadow". now, a few days leter, that same opportunity rover took some images from a side view of that same anomaly, and it turns out that it is anything but "just a shadow" or "just a rock". see for yourself. Tags
Christian Pastor Jailed by Iran Reveals STUNNING Truth About Trump
You are here: Home / US / Christian Pastor Jailed by Iran Reveals STUNNING Truth About Trump Christian Pastor Jailed by Iran Reveals STUNNING Truth About Trump October 29, 2016 Pinterest Christian pastor Saeed Abedini was jailed in Iran because of his faith for three and a half years. During that extremely difficult time, Abedini said that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump met with his family and gave them $10,000. Abedini wrote about how Trump helped his family in a recent Facebook post and noted that he had already voted for Trump last week in early voting. “I am finally free in a free country,” he wrote. “Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president.” “And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times. He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift. I think his ideas are more biblical than the other candidates.” In contrast, Clinton did nothing for him or his family: As a woman who says she stands for women’s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage. Christian Today reported : Abedini strongly defended Trump from attacks on his character, saying God used flawed men to lead nations in the Old Testament, likening him to King Cyrus of Persia, a figure mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible. According to Bible experts, Cyrus was a great pagan king who ruled Persia from 539 to 530 B.C. Under his rule, Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity. Abedini wrote: In the past few months, we have seen how media is attacking Donald Trump’s past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth. When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the President of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace. How often do you hear about kind things Clinton has done for others like this? I can’t think of any. Abedini’s words are extremely powerful and certainly something anyone who is on the fence about Trump should read.
If this is the case, the true reality beneath Bezo’s fraudulent accounting had to have been horrific: Amazon’s quarterly profit misses estimates, shares tumble From Reuters – LINK : Amazon.com Inc reported a lower-than-expected quarterly profit on Thursday as expenses rose and the company provided a disappointing fourth-quarter revenue forecast. The growth of AMZN’s cloud business is rapidly slowing down. This has been one of my key arguments about the insanity of the market cap attributed to AMZN’s cloud business. It’s tiny compared to AMZN’s overall revenues. And competition in the cloud space is going to become ferocious as Microsoft, Google and Oracle begin to really flex their muscles. The only question left for me is to determine which between AMZN and TSLA is biggest Ponzi scheme in history. AMZN is maybe a $10 stock and TSLA is likely worth $2.
WOW! DEMOCRAT DENNIS KUCUNICH WARNS: Deep State Is Trying to Take Down The President – It Needs to Stop
Deep State Is Trying to Take Down a President It Needs to Stop Dennis Kucinich goes there and tells Sean Hannity that the deep state is trying to destroy America as we know it. This man is a Democrat who is brave enough to speak out! You have a politicization of the agencies. That is resulting in leaks from anonymous unknown people and the intention is to take down a president.This is very dangerous to America.It is a threat to our republic. It constitutes a clear and present danger to our way of life.What is the motive of these people? Who s putting these leaks out? Why isn t somebody coming forward to make that charge and put their name and their reputation behind it instead of attacking through the media and not substantiating their position?
“TRIGGERED!” Black Woman Goes Berserk After Spotting Confederate Flag On ‘General Lee’ Car At Event: “This RACIST Car!” [Video]
A black woman went into a fit of rage after she spotted a Confederate Battle Flag on a car at a local festival. Ybia Anderson posted a video of herself confronting a man who brought his Dukes of Hazzard inspired General Lee car to the Highland Creek Heritage Festival. Here s what she said on her Facebook page: At this racist-ass Highland Creek Heritage Festival where a car featuring two Confederate flags is being celebrated. This wannabe hillbilly is trying to educate me on the Civil War!!! Guess he doesn t realize his side lost!!! The video is sideways but you ll get the point: Anderson shrieked: This racist car has not one, but two Confederate flags on it. The astonished owner of the car attempted to explain but Anderson was just interested in getting the car removed ASAP: People who look exactly like me and my sons died, were murdered, because of that flag. It has no place here and it is the very first car people see when they walk in. THE KICKER IN ALL THIS IS THAT IF YOU GO TO MS. ANDERSON S FACEBOOK PAGE, HERE S HER DEPLORABLE PROFILE PHOTO: How heartless is this? The woman who claimed to be so upset at a racist car thinks it s ok to make fun of a young white man who was murdered by the North Koreans Really?EVERYONE CAVED TO THIS SHRIEKING BULLY:Of course, the officials of the event caved immediately and gave an apology for having the racist car at the festival: Festival Chair Paul Maguire said, We are very sorry that someone is hurt, it s a family event and there are hundred, thousands who came and had a lot of fun and nobody should be subjected to those triggering moments that just bring back moments of the worst of human history. If there were a swastika here I would have known right away, that can t be here. Now I know the Confederate flag has the same status. Toronto Mayor John Tory had this pitiful statement to make: The Confederate flag and what it was represented historically, and represents of a lot of people today, has no place in Toronto.
Bodybuilder dies after celebrity Muay Thai match with ex-Singapore Idol contestant
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A Singaporean bodybuilder has died after a celebrity Muay Thai fight against former Singapore Idol contestant Steven Lim in the city-state, the event organiser and local media said. The match on Saturday was the 32-year-old Pradip Subramanian s first Muay Thai fight, the Straits Times newspaper reported on Sunday. Subramanian was a late replacement for Lim s original opponent, Sylvester Sim, who pulled out because of insurance issues. Both Sim and Lim, a YouTube personality, were contestants in the first Singapore Idol series in 2004. After the match, which was won by 41-year-old Lim, Subramanian was rushed to the hospital where he died, media reported. The match was part of the inaugural Asia Fighting Championship, which was organized by Axseed Events, an event management firm, and Muse Fitness Club, a Muay Thai training facility. Subramanian died at the Singapore General Hospital at about 1300 GMT on Saturday, Asia Fighting Championship said in an emailed statement. According to the preliminary medical report released by Singapore General Hospital, Mr. Pradip Subramanian suffered a cardiac arrest respiratory failure episode which led to his passing, the statement said, adding the final medical report would be released in 30 to 60 days. Lim said in a Facebook post: Rest in peace, my really truly respected fearless warrior and fighter and awesome boxing instructor, Pradip Subramanian!!!
South Korea's Moon unveils new focus on Southeast Asia
BOGOR, Indonesia (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Thursday unveiled a new policy aimed at deepening ties with Southeast Asia, as the North Asian economic powerhouse seeks to curb its reliance on traditional trading partners like China and the United States. Moon made Indonesia, Southeast Asia s biggest economy, his first state visit to the region and was accompanied by a delegation of around 200 business leaders. The New Southern Policy aims to better connect South Korea to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) grouping and expand the economic influence of Asia s fourth-largest economy in the region home to more than half a billion people. Korean diplomacy in Asia has been more toward Japan, China and Russia. But I see that it should expand to new horizons, Moon told a business forum in Jakarta, where he pledged to dramatically strengthen cooperation with ASEAN . South Korea s presidential Blue House has said the policy will mirror Moon s New Northern Policy aimed at expanding cooperation with China, Japan, Russia, and Mongolia. Indonesia and South Korea signed on Thursday a memorandum of understanding on a light rail transit (LRT) system in Jakarta, part of a series of pacts reported to be worth up to $1.9 billion. A recent year-long diplomatic standoff between Seoul and Beijing over the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system has exposed the dependence of Korean companies on Chinese customers and likely exacerbated Seoul s urgency to diversify ties. During a joint news conference with U.S. President Donald Trump this week, Moon said he was aiming for a more balanced diplomacy, which would include Russia, ASEAN countries, and members of the European Union. Moon held talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo at a state palace in Bogor, south of Jakarta, and discussed infrastructure, trade, and also tension on the Korean peninsula. I appreciate President Moon s position that he remains open to resolving any disputes through dialogue, Widodo told a news conference in the Dutch colonial-style palace. Indonesia has traditionally had good relations with North Korea and maintains diplomatic ties and is one of a small number of countries with an embassy in Pyongyang. A number of South Korean companies already have or are planning big investments in Indonesia. Steel giant POSCO has a multi-billion-dollar joint venture with Indonesia s Krakatau Steel, Hyundai Motor is setting up a car factory, and Samsung Electronics Co assembles smartphones in the country. Indonesia is also emerging as an important market for South Korean defense equipment and the countries are cooperating on a venture to jointly build a fighter plane, dubbed KF-X. Moon said South Korea aimed to boost trade with Indonesia to $30 billion by 2022 and eventually to more than $50 billion. Trade between the countries was worth about $10 billion in the first nine months of 2017, up nearly a fifth from the corresponding 2016 period. Korean foreign direct investment rose about a quarter to $1.37 billion. Both leaders said the relationship between the countries had been redefined as a Special Strategic Partnership . South Koreans make up one of Indonesia s largest expatriate groups, with numerous Korean restaurants and bars in parts of Jakarta. Besides corporate muscle, Korea s soft power has also grown in Indonesia alongside other countries in Southeast Asia. Korean K-Pop is hugely popular among Indonesians, with long-established fan clubs and bands, like BTS, touring the Southeast Asian country. Indonesian Twitter accounts dedicated to Korean pop idols have around a million followers.
FBI Insider: Clinton Emails Linked To Political Pedophile Sex Ring
Posted on October 31, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News , US // 4 Comments An FBI source has confirmed that evidence has emerged from the Clinton email investigation that a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operates in Washington. According to reports , at least 6 members of Congress and several leaders from federal agencies are implicated in the pedophile ring, which they say was run directly with the Clinton Foundation as a front. According to an NYPD source, emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop detail trips made by Weiner, Bill and Hillary Clinton on convicted pedophile pal billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s plane ‘ Lolitta express ‘ to a place known as “ Sex Slave Island “. Will this be the fatal shot? NYPD talking about Child Porn ring involvement. This is NOT confirmed, but would gut Dems. #GoHillary #CNNSOTU pic.twitter.com/ke8YTz4DMh RELATED CONTENT
Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing
Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing Mainstream Media Calls Real News “Fake” Because Their Narrative Is Collapsing Relampago Furioso Relampago is the author of The New Modern Man blog. He is a former member of the mainstream media turned dissident. He enjoys striking at the Establishment using politically incorrect truths and electrifying SJWs with logic. He is now living the expat dream in the Caribbean and does not want to come back to The Matrix. Relampago also maintains a library of Red Pill Book and Film recommendations and is a Red Pill Life Coach , helping other men realize the dream of getting laid on the regular, getting out of debt, and traveling the world. Facebook | Twitter November 23, 2016 Manosphere There are those who think we should only get our news from “official” sources. You know, like the blonde telling you what to believe in between hocking a hockey game. If there’s anything the 2016 election showed us, it’s that the American people are increasingly distrustful of and not listening to the commands laid out by the once mainstream media. They’re increasingly reticent to commit national and demographic suicide under the guise of “diversity” and other nebulous ideals. They’re desperate not only to “drain the swamp” but to restore some sense of national pride and stability to the declining USA. In response, the controllers of the presstitutes (the people who really run the world) are already hard at work trying to find some way to create a false narrative about “fake news” sites in order to lay the ground work for censorship and control. The Internet has all but destroyed the corporate-government narrative, and there is a shit fit happening at the highest levels of the propaganda ministry (i.e. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, et. al.) because they have learned the American people know how full of shit they really are. Sites like Return Of Kings are on the front lines of this war in support of free speech and it is vitally important we stay on top of our game to avoid a reversion to the managed propaganda the centralized control of mass media gave us over the last 50 years. Hackers and leakers play right into the hands of the censorship narrative Make no mistake, one of the reasons leakers of misdeeds done by politicians and the elite they work for have been allowed to continue leaking dirty laundry is because it plays into the hands of those with designs on censorship and re-gaining control of the information the sheeple get to listen to. Having Julian Assange and Edward Snowden doing leaks of information and giving them extensive press coverage plays right into the hands of the censorship brigade because they can also play the protecting national security game when the time to silence dissent comes . Fake news is only the first assault in what is sure to become a full scale war on free speech on the Internet. We can be thankful Trump won the election rather than The Bitch since his election will slow the process of censorship, but the aggressiveness of the “fake news” narrative shows us how determined some people are to shut us up and shut us down. The New York Times is already on the front lines of this assault on free speech on the Internet. Only days after The Bitch lost the election, publisher Arthur Sulzberger published a Mea Culpa and promised to rededicate the newspaper to “honest” reporting. We cannot deliver the independent, original journalism for which we are known without the loyalty of our subscribers… [The New York Times promises to] give the news impartially, without fear or favor… We also approach the incoming Trump administration without bias. Don’t buy into it. This is what’s known in Public Relations as a diversion tactic. While we focus on our seeming victory, they’re already moving on to their next false narrative – so-called fake news. No sooner than the ink dried on the promise to give Trump a chance, The New York Times was moving to shut up the very people who made possible his rise to power – the alt-right and alternative news web sites. While some fake news is produced purposefully by teenagers in the Balkans or entrepreneurs in the United States seeking to make money from advertising, false information can also arise from misinformed social media posts by regular people that are seized on and spread through a hyperpartisan blogosphere. They did a spurious case study on how a “rumor” got started about protesters being bussed in to protest at Trump rallies. Never mind the mainstream media is a business that runs lock, stock and barrel on fake news. Almost every narrative they create is a false one. One need do no more than a Google search to discredit many, if not most of the mainstream media’s stories. The hypocrisy is astounding. Pulling The Plug Facebook censorship algorithms are nothing compared to the elite’s agenda of eliminating free speech online Whether or not the “fake news” narrative gains traction, the next step will be for the elite to create a problem that affects millions of people online, then follow through with the Hegelian Dialectic with a pre-ordained “solution” to “make everyone safer online” and to “stop the spread of false information” while “protecting free speech” online by destroying it. Look for no less than a figurative “Internet 9/11” if the elite become desperate enough. They’ll pull the plug on the backbone of the Internet, shutting down e-commerce and communication online for a few days, blame it on a “fake news” story (just like Benghazi was blamed on a YouTube video) then spring in to save us from ourselves by passing all sorts of creative laws and restrictions aimed at nothing more than eliminating competition to the corporate-government narrative and gutting yet another of our Bill of Rights protections. Make no mistake, Freedom of Speech is the most important of Amendments to the Constitution. Once that is taken away, it’s Game Over. Obama has already floated the idea of silencing those of us who “cling to our guns and religion” and continues this narrative even after the election of Trump Obama has already been floating the idea of official news web sites. This is nothing more than proposing the creation of the American equivalent of Pravda in the Soviet Union, in which only the state-approved newspaper was considered the truth and everything else was considered lies. Obviously, the New World Order socialist narrative would be the only truth under a system such as this, and traditional and conservative views would be relentlessly silenced Check out what The Messiah said in Berlin recently. In an age where there’s so much active misinformation, and it’s packaged very well, and it looks the same when you see it on a Facebook page or you turn on your television, where some overzealousness on the part of a US official is equated with constant and severe repression elsewhere, if everything seems to be the same and no distinctions are made, then we won’t know what to protect. If we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems. The fact he is saying these things should frighten you. It should also make you angry. This statement is a PC way of saying the goal of the power structure is to shut us the fuck up. They want us to listen to clueless “journalists” who encourage the idea of microchipping your children and later, yourselves so every aspect of your life can be controlled by the government. We must fight back by discrediting the “fake news” narrative at every turn and informing those who will listen of the possibility of a fake “Internet 9/11” designed to give the government a reason to curb free expression on the very Libertarian Internet of today.
New York, other states challenge Trump over climate change regulation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of 17 U.S. states filed a legal challenge on Wednesday against efforts by President Donald Trump’s administration to roll back climate change regulations, deepening a political rift over his emerging energy policies. Led by New York state, the coalition said the administration has a legal duty to regulate emissions of the gases scientists believe cause global climate change. “The law is clear: the EPA must limit carbon pollution from power plants,” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement announcing the challenge. Trump signed an executive order last week targeting climate change regulations ushered in by former President Barack Obama, saying they hinder U.S. energy production and jobs without providing meaningful environmental benefits. The order’s main target was Obama’s Clean Power Plan, a law that would require states to slash carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, but which was never implemented because it was challenged in court by 26 Republican-led states. Trump’s order directed the Environmental Protection Agency to review the regulation to decide whether to “suspend, rescind, or revise it.” Shortly after, EPA filed a legal motion asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to delay ongoing court proceedings on the regulation to allow for the review. The New York-led coalition’s motion on Wednesday asked the court to throw out the EPA’s request to delay court proceedings, saying the delay “would waste the substantial resources already expended in this litigation.” “This case is ripe for decision now, and nothing that EPA has proposed to do obviates the need for this court’s review,” according to the statement. The coalition includes attorneys general from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington - along with the District of Columbia and a number of smaller localities.
Trump vows to stay in race after lewd remarks surface
(Editors Note: Attention language that may be offensive to some readers in paragraphs 22, 23, 24) By Emily Stephenson and Ginger Gibson NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With his campaign in crisis, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed on Saturday to stay in the race despite calls from more than two dozen prominent Republicans for him to drop out following the release of a recording of him making lewd comments about women. Both Trump’s wife and his running mate criticized his words, saying they were insulting and indefensible. “The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly - I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!” Trump wrote on Saturday afternoon on the social media website Twitter. The video was the latest calamity for Trump, who had hoped to revive his flagging campaign in the face of a recent drop in polls with less than a month until Election Day. Trump is due to appear alongside Democrat Hillary Clinton on Sunday in their second debate in the run-up to the general election. Clinton is not expected to address Trump’s video before then. The 2005 video of Trump talking on an open microphone showed the then-reality TV star speaking about groping women and trying to seduce a married woman. The video was taped only months after Trump married his third wife, Melania. In a statement, Melania Trump called her husband’s words “unacceptable and offensive to me.” “This does not represent the man that I know,” she said. “He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.” The backlash over the video was swift and widespread. More than 60 prominent Republican current and former officeholders issued statements condemning Trump’s remarks about women, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and John McCain, the party’s standard bearer in 2008. More than 20 called for Trump to end his presidential bid. In an unusual move, his vice presidential running mate Mike Pence issued a critical statement of Trump’s words, saying on Twitter that he “cannot defend them.” “As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump,” said Pence, who is governor of Indiana. Pence indicated he would continue to support Trump, despite calls from several Republicans for Trump to step aside and let Pence be the nominee. There is no precedent for a major party to replace its nominee this late in the campaign and it was unclear if there was an avenue to force him out. Voting has begun in several states, including swing states Virginia and North Carolina. A recorded apology by Trump early on Saturday did not stymie an avalanche of calls from members of his party to quit. Trump huddled on Saturday in Trump Tower with senior advisers, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Despite previous scheduling, Giuliani will appear on five major Sunday morning news programs, a rare round robin reserved for major news events - replacing Republican Chairman Reince Priebus on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on “Fox News Sunday,” a last-minute switch. No reason was given for the bump of Conway. A CBS news release said the RNC asked to replace Priebus because Trump’s operation wanted “a campaign person” to appear on the program. Trump left the building briefly to greet a small crowd of supporters, saying “100 percent” he would remain in the race. Before returning to a bank of elevators, he told reporters, “Tremendous support.” He quickly moved to do damage control in Saturday’s video in which he declared himself a changed man and attempted to shift the focus to his opponent Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. On Twitter, Trump posted critical statements from Juanita Broaddrick, a woman who has accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her. “Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize,” Trump said in his video statement, posted on his Facebook page. Trump has struggled to win over women voters, and the video was expected to further feed Democratic criticism about his past behavior toward women. Trump’s support has suffered among suburban women and white, college-educated women, groups that Republicans have traditionally won. In the recording that triggered the firestorm, Trump said of one woman, “I did try and fuck her. She was married.” He went on to discuss his attraction to others. “I just start kissing them,” he said. “And when you’re a star they let you do it.” “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything,” Trump said. On Saturday afternoon, CNN published a separate report detailing remarks Trump made over the course of several years while appearing on Howard Stern’s radio program. The remarks included discussing the size of his daughter’s breasts and that he once had sex with three women at the same time. Trump was asked if he would have sex with a black woman and responded, “It depends on what your definition of black is.” The remarks were the last straw for some Republicans who have stuck with him through a series of controversial remarks, including calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” and “criminals,” calling for a ban on Muslim immigrants, attacking a judge of Mexican descent, attacking the Gold Star family of a Muslim soldier killed at war and saying Senator John McCain was not a war hero because he had been a prisoner of war. House Speaker Paul Ryan disinvited Trump to a scheduled appearance on Saturday in Wisconsin. Pence declined to speak in his place. The list of Republicans announcing they would not vote for Trump or calling on him to step aside grew on Saturday: Senators Kelly Ayotte, Lisa Murkowsi, Dan Sullivan, Mark Kirk, Jeff Flake, John Thune, Mike Crapo, Shelley Moore Capito and Mike Lee; House members Jason Chaffetz, Mia Love, Joe Heck, Bradley Byrne, Martha Roby and Barbara Comstock; and Governors John Kasich, Dennis Daugaard and Gary Herbert. Additionally, former presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Carly Fiorina and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on Trump to quit. “Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy,” McCain said in a statement. While Democrats largely remained silent, opting to let Republicans attack one of their own, Vice President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter, “The words are demeaning. Such behavior is an abuse of power. It’s not lewd. It’s sexual assault.” Some prominent Republicans indicated they would stick with Trump. Ralph Reed, head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and Tony Perkins, head of the conservative Family Research Council, said they would continue to support him. “I think 10 years ago he was a different man,” said Representative Jack Kingston, a Republican from Georgia. “I am very glad that he quickly apologized.”
White House says it can't lawfully pay Obamacare subsidies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said late on Thursday that it cannot lawfully pay subsidies to health insurance companies under the Obamacare health law, prompting howls of protests from Democratic lawmakers. A White House statement said based on guidance from the Justice Department, “the Department of Health and Human Services has concluded that there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurance companies under Obamacare.” “In light of this analysis, the Government cannot lawfully make the cost-sharing reduction payments,” the statement said.
TWO “HIGH THREAT” EXPLOSIVE Experts Moved From GITMO To African Country With Over 90% Muslim Population [VIDEO]
If someone would have told me in 2008 that we would be releasing Muslim explosive experts from GITMO to a country where over 90% of its citizens were Muslim, I m quite sure I would have thought they were out of their minds. Fast forward to 2016 and the idea that this is really happening is barely registering as a blip on the radar of most Americans. Have Obama s radical policies, that have largely gone unchecked, and his open disregard for our national security caused Americans to ignore the treason his is committing against our nation? Two of Al Qaeda s former explosives experts were just transferred out of Guantanamo Bay and sent to Senegal, the Defense Department confirmed Monday, marking the latest detainees to be shipped out of the prison camp despite the risk they could return to the battlefield.The two Libyan former detainees were separately listed as threats to U.S. interests in Department of Defense documents obtained by Wikileaks and The New York Times.Salem Abdu Salam Ghereby is believed to have fought coalition forces at Usama bin Laden s Tora Bora complex in Afghanistan and was associated with senior members of Al Qaeda. Omar Khalif Mohammed Abu Baker Major Umar was assessed to be likely to immediately seek out prior associates and reengage in hostilities and extremist support activities upon his release, according to a 2008 government document.The news comes as senators prepare to introduce legislation to permanently block transfers of Guantanamo detainees to terror hot spots and state sponsors of terrorism including Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Iran and Sudan. Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., was expected to introduce a bill as early as Monday, Fox News has learned.The transfer of Ghereby and Umar reduces the Guantanamo detainee population to 89, according to the Department of Defense. They are part of the Obama administration s long-running and controversial effort to reduce the prison population and ultimately close the camp.By law, the Pentagon must notify Congress 30 days in advance of any detainee transfer. The first notification for the individuals now identified as Ghereby and Umar was in early March. Others are expected in the next few weeks. We are taking all possible steps to reduce the detainee population at Guantanamo and to close the detention facility in a responsible manner that protects our national security, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement on Monday.Via: FOX News
UK parliament expected to vote on Brexit deal by late 2018 or early 2019: Davis
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s parliament will vote on whether to accept the government s deal on exiting the European Union by December 2018 or January 2019 if negotiations with Brussels progress as anticipated, Brexit minister David Davis said on Thursday. If it goes to the timetable (EU negotiator) Mr Barnier expects, or wants to go to, which is October of 2018, it s likely the European Parliament will vote December or January... we will have that put before the house before then, there s no doubt about that, Davis told parliament.
You’ll Never Guess Which Conservative Blowhard Compared Trump To Hitler (VIDEO)
As you re probably aware already, Donald Trump released an Instagram video this past week in which he attacks Bill Clinton s embattled sex life while tarring Hillary Clinton as being a women s rights hypocrite for remaining married to Bill.Insane.It only gets more insane when the video shows Hillary and Bill flanked by another Bill Bill Cosby.On Thursday night s edition of The O Reilly Factor, yet another Bill Bill O Reilly along with former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, reviewed the video. At the tail end of the segment, O Reilly said something that ought to shock everyone.O Reilly said to Perino, [B]y making Hillary Clinton the focus, and this ad that we re going to show you features Cosby, Monica Lewinsky. O Reilly continued, You know, I don t know if Hitler made it, but you know, he might have. It s crazy. So, yes, Bill O Reilly just compared Donald Trump to Hitler. Frankly, I don t quite know how to feel about this. On one had, O Reilly violated Godwin s Law by invoking Hitler during a political discussion.On the other hand, O Reilly isn t totally wrong. Obviously, there s only one Hitler, and I ve resisted the urge to go there, but the ad is classic propaganda, the likes of which the Nazi regime perfected during its terrible reign. Maybe the compromise is Joseph Goebbels, Hitler s minister of propaganda. But we re still in Godwin s territory.Then again, if a prominent conservative wants to give the Democrats a big chunk of excellent video for a future commercial, I m all for it. If the Democrats haven t archived this clip for a series of ads, and perhaps sent a letter to O Reilly, thanking him for the easy win, they re insane. This ought to play in pro-Hillary or pro-Bernie ads from now until November. Thanks, O Reilly.Via Media Matters: Featured image via Twitter