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Fidel Castro: Patrick Henningsen discusses his legacy and Cuba’s future path
One of the world s longest-serving and most iconic leaders, former Cuban president Fidel Castro, died last night at the age of 90.According to Robert Pastor, former national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, There are few individuals in the 20th century who had a more profound impact on a single country than Fidel Castro had in Cuba, (Source: CNN)Last night 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke with RT International about what Castro s passing will mean to US politics, and how his legacy might influence future generations of Cubans, as well as the rest of Latin America. Watch: SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE NOW & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
House panel to weigh expanding Puerto Rico oversight board powers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An Oct. 24 hearing in the U.S. Congress on Puerto Rico’s recovery from Hurricane Maria will assess whether a financial oversight board managing the American territory’s debt should take on the responsibility of overseeing rebuilding efforts. A spokesman for the House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee also said on Tuesday that the panel will probe whether the financial oversight board would need new tools if it oversees hurricane-related actions, including rebuilding Puerto Rico’s aged and badly damaged electric utility. Witnesses for the hearing have not yet been named.
NC Republicans PROUDLY Brag About How Well Their Voter Suppression Tactics Are Working
While the Supreme Court blocked the worst of North Carolina s voter suppression laws (including their voter ID law, and their decisions to cut early voting and end same-day registration across the state), the state s Republican Party still managed to find ways to cut early voting to harm the state s black citizens, as well as intimidate them into not voting. Sickeningly, it seems to have worked.And they re bragging about it in a press release. Openly. Loudly. Proudly. Gleefully. The title reads, NCGOP Sees Encouraging Early Voting, Obama/Clinton Coalition Tired, Fail to Resonate in North Carolina. That would all well and good if it were actually true. What they re really doing, though, is bragging about lower black voter turnout and higher white voter turnout. North Carolina Obama Coalition Crumbling, is the heading of one section of the release, and it highlights the decrease in black voter turnout in the state between 2012 and now.Image via NC GOPSure, whites and minorities are two different demographics, but keep in mind that the Supreme Court blocked their voter suppression law because the new provisions targeted African Americans with almost surgical precision. In response to that, Governor Pat McCrory threw a tantrum, and the state went about finding other ways of suppressing voters.The party s solution to the Supreme Court s ruling was to pressure individual county boards to limit early voting, especially Sunday voting, and many did despite the fact that the black community overwhelmingly votes early, and often on Sunday after church. The state s elections board mitigated some of these restrictions, but not all, and the black and student communities were still disproportionately harmed.Other states in the South have shown increases of black voters during early voting as much as 18 percent in one case but North Carolina saw a sharp decline:Something went very wrong for African-Americans voting in North Carolina pic.twitter.com/ZpwjyEavmd Michael McDonald (@ElectProject) November 6, 2016What s happened is that Republicans knew they d lose the state if minority voters were able to vote more easily because they tend to vote Democratic. A longtime GOP consultant even said that, if black voters voted Republican, none of these suppression tactics would ever have been considered.It s bad enough that they ve worked so hard to severely curtail the right to vote in order to maintain control of the state, and try and deliver a White House win to Herr Trump. To openly brag about it like this, though? They just reinforced the fact that this was literally about suppressing votes, not ensuring voting rights remained intact and without fraud.Featured image by Brian Blanco via Getty Images
Delta, Bank of America Drop Sponsorship of NYC Public Theater over Onstage ’Trump’ Stabbing
Update: Bank of America has also cancelled its sponsorship of New York City’s Public Theater, becoming the second sponsor to pull its support from the this summer’s season of Shakespeare in the Park. [“Bank of America supports art programs worldwide, including an partnership with The Public Theater and Shakespeare in the Park,” a spokesperson for the company told the New York Daily News Sunday. “The Public Theater chose to present Julius Caesar in a way that was intended to provoke and offend. Had this intention been made known to us, we would have decided not to sponsor it. ” Original story below: Delta Air Lines has cancelled its sponsorship of New York City’s Public Theater following backlash surrounding a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar, a “contemporary” take on the classic play in which a Donald twist on the titular character is graphically stabbed to death on stage. Breitbart News previously reported that this summer’s Oskar production of Julius Caesar — which opened in previews last month in Central Park’s Delacorte Theater — had sparked controversy over its main character’s striking resemblance to President Trump. The character sports blonde, hair and a business suit and tie, and his wife Calpurnia speaks with a Slavic accent, similar to that of First Lady Melania Trump. Video captured at a recent performance shows the Caesar character graphically stabbed to death during the climax of the play. One attendee recently told Mediaite that the character’s resemblance to Trump made the assassination scene particularly “shocking and distasteful. ” In the wake of the controversy, Delta Airlines has reportedly cancelled its sponsorship of the Public Theater, which stages the free productions of Shakespeare in the Park. “No matter what your political stance may be, the graphic staging of Julius Caesar at this summer’s Free Shakespeare in the Park does not reflect Delta Air Lines’ values,” the company said in a statement Sunday. “Their artistic and creative direction crossed the line on the standards of good taste. We have notified them of our decision to end our sponsorship as the official airline of the Public Theater effective immediately,” the statement added. Other sponsors of the New York City’s Public Theater include American Express, the New York Times and Bank of America. The Delta sponsorship cancellation represents a blow to the Public Theater nearly two weeks after another controversy sparked by a graphic depiction of President Trump’s death led to lost sponsorship and business opportunities. In May, comedian Kathy Griffin posed for a photograph with a fake, bloodied head of the president in her outstretched arm. The photograph generated a firestorm of criticism and Griffin was quickly fired from her role on CNN’s annual New Year’s Eve Live broadcast. The comedian also lost out on a commercial deal with a restroom accessories company and had several scheduled performances on her comedy tour cancelled. Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum
NEIL CAVUTO Gives A HUGE Reality Check To College Activist Who Wants Free College [Video]
This is awesome! Cavuto rips into this activist big time!
He Turned His Home Into a Reality Television Show - The New York Times
How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? The Times’s technology columnist discussed the tech he’s using. As a technology columnist, what devices and apps do you use to do your job? I’m not sure I’ve arrived at any great system, and I’m always changing things around. At the moment, for phone calls, I use Skype in conjunction with a program called Call Recorder, because it’s the easiest way I know to record calls. When I’m doing interviews, I use DropVox, an app that records and saves audio to the cloud drive Dropbox. For notes, I use Workflowy, a fantastic online outlining program that I’ve found easier to use than most other notes apps. My primary work computer is an amazing 5k iMac desktop, but I spend more than half of my computing time on my phone, an iPhone 7. Which is your favorite product and why? I really like my iPhone they’ve caused lots of problems, but on the whole, I think we’re better off with smartphones than without. And yet I wouldn’t say any of these are really my favorites. Technology occupies a weird space in my life. I love it more than anything for its potential, but I’m always disappointed in its failure to live up to what’s possible. My phone has changed everything about my life, much of it for the better, and yet I find myself hating it often — it can be buggy, the battery life is dismal, I miss the headphone jack, etc. The comedian Louis C. K. has a funny routine about how we’re all ungrateful about tech. I’m that guy, unashamedly. Last year, you wrote about how the presidential election underlined the embarrassing shortcomings of email. What do you use to overcome the misery that is email? Email is just terrible. I use Google’s Inbox app, which has some nice features to automatically sort email, but I still find email a huge chore. More and more of my communications are moving to other channels — Slack, mobile messaging, Twitter DMs, encrypted apps like Signal, and after last year’s email hacks, I’ve even started to make more phone calls. The sooner we can all get off email the better. What new tech product are you currently obsessed with using at home? What do you and your family do with it? This is going to sound weird, but I’m a strange person. I have two kids, ages 6 and 4, and for the last few years I’ve been mourning their loss of childhood. Every day they get a little bit older, and even though my wife and I take lots of photos and videos of them, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re losing most of the moments of their lives. So last summer, after some intense lobbying of my wife, I did something radical: I installed several cameras in my living room and dining room to record everything we did at home for posterity. In other words, I created a reality show in my house. In practice, it works like this: The cameras are and connected to servers in the cloud. Like security cameras in a convenience store, they are set to record on a constant loop — every video clip is saved for a few days, after which it’s automatically deleted, unless I flag it for keeping. Yes, this system sets up a minefield of potential problems. We turn off the cameras when we have guests (it’s unethical and, depending on where you live, possibly even illegal to record people without their consent) and we don’t spy on each other. There are also security concerns. I’m not going to disclose the brand of the cameras I used because I don’t want to get hacked. The safety of devices is generally not airtight. And yet I’ve found these cameras to be just wonderful at capturing the odd, beautiful, surprising, charming moments of life that we would never have been able to capture otherwise. Every time the kids say something hilarious or sweet, or do something for the first time, I make a note of the time and date. Later on, I can go and download that exact clip, to keep forever. I’ve already got amazing videos of weeknight dinners, of my wife and I watching the news on election night, of my son learning to play Super Mario Brothers, and my kids having a dance party to their favorite music. When I’m 80 and the robots have taken over, I’ll look back on these and remember that life was good, once. O. K. How old do you think a child must be to get that first smartphone? My kids are way too young for their own phones. And so far, they don’t seem to have much interest in phones other than to take photos and, more recently, to play Pokémon Go. For them, iPads hold more interest. In general, our policy for devices isn’t based on time but quality. If my kids are going to use their iPads, I want them to use them for experiences that aren’t totally bad for them. So, for instance, we’ve put curbs on how much they can use YouTube, which they use to watch the most garbage videos (usually of other kids playing with toys). But for other stuff — games, for instance — they’re allowed to play for an hour or two on the weekends. I really haven’t thought much about when I’ll get them their own phones. It’s a looming crisis — I know it’s unavoidable, and I’ll probably give in when they’re around 11 or 12, but I’m sure going to hate the feeling of losing them to their gadgets. Of course that’s probably how they feel about me and my phone.
HOUSE SPEAKER PAUL RYAN Puts The Party Before The People…TRUMP Gives Awesome Response!
HOUSE SPEAKER PAUL RYAN HAS SOUR GRAPES ABOUT TRUMP Isn t this about the will of the people and not the party? Instead of embracing the movement that is so amazing with the Trump campaign, Ryan says he just isn t ready to endorse Trump. This is just ridiculous!TRUMP RESPONDS: Donald Trump responds to Paul Ryan: I am not ready to support Speaker Ryan s agenda. Perhaps in the future we can work together and come to an agreement about what is best for the American people, Trump said . They have been treated so badly for so long that it is about time for politicians to put them first! House Speaker Paul Ryan: I m just not ready to support Donald Trump as the GOP nominee https://t.co/xzLaxvkTPe https://t.co/MmTYbECt6N CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) May 5, 2016 I m just not ready to endorse Paul Ryan
Hungary’s Lawmakers Reject Plan to Block Resettlement of Refugees - The New York Times
BUDAPEST — Lawmakers in Hungary on Tuesday rejected a proposed national ban on refugees relocated from the rest of the European Union, dealing a rare defeat to Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Mr. Orban submitted a plan to ban the refugees, in the form of a constitutional amendment, last month, after a similar proposal failed to pass by referendum because of insufficient voter turnout. He has vowed to block a European Union program that would resettle migrants from the Middle East and Africa who have gone to countries like Greece and Italy. Under that program, Hungary, a nation of 10 million, would have to accept 1, 294 of a total of about 160, 000 migrants. The amendment needed of sitting members of the Parliament to pass. It got 131 votes on Tuesday — two shy of the necessary threshold. Three lawmakers voted no, and the rest abstained. The Jobbik party, which is part of the official opposition but usually sides with Mr. Orban’s Fidesz party on migration issues, was crucial to the defeat of the amendment. Gabor Vona, a lawmaker and the leader of Jobbik, said that his party would support only a solution that “defends Hungary and Hungarian people, not just from poor migrants but from rich migrants, not just from poor terrorists but from rich terrorists. ” He was referring to a rule that allows foreigners who invest over 300, 000 euros, or about $332, 000, in Hungarian bonds to acquire residency. The program dates to 2012, but it has drawn attention recently, after reports that Hungarian bonds could be bought in places like Erbil, Iraq. Critics say that allowing migrants to settle in Hungary could open the door to terrorists from unstable countries like Iraq, and they say the residency program might open the door to corruption. The Fidesz party has been politically weaker since last year, when it lost its supermajority in Parliament. That advantage had allowed Mr. Orban’s government to rewrite the Constitution and to pass legislation to rein in the judiciary and the press, packing some of the country’s top institutions with political allies. Lajos Kosa, an ally of Mr. Orban who leads Fidesz lawmakers in Parliament, said before the vote on Tuesday that the Jobbik party would be “joining the ranks of traitors” if it rejected the amendment. “Hungary can only count on Fidesz and K. D. N. P. in the struggle against migration,” he said as he emerged from the vote, using the initials for the Christian Democratic People’s Party, which is part of the governing coalition. “We are naturally going to continue the struggle,” he said, noting that more than three million voters in the referendum had opted to support the ban on migrants. On Tuesday, analysts were cautious in interpreting the defeat of the amendment as a sign of the government’s declining political power. “I wouldn’t say that this is a huge failure for Orban — it’s a failure, but a minor one,” said Csaba Toth, the director of strategy for the Republikon Institute, a research and advocacy group that has been critical of Mr. Orban’s government. “This is the second time the government can’t have their own way, which is important for a group whose main governing strategy is power. ” Last year, Mr. Orban and his government began an aggressive campaign against migrants, particularly those from the Middle East, as hundreds of thousands crossed Hungary’s southern border, most of them en route to Germany. The number of crossings fell nearly to zero after Hungary built a fence along sections of the border and as the flow of migrants shifted away from the Balkans. Nonetheless, Fidesz’s campaign against migration has continued, and the party’s stance has seized both attention and voters from Jobbik, which had been the main voice for nationalists. Mr. Toth, the analyst, said that the vote on Tuesday could be seen as an attempt by Jobbik to improve its political standing. “It can say that corruption is more important to Fidesz than the fight against quotas,” he said.
WATCH VIOLENT RIOTS BREAK OUT: German Citizens Panic! Citizens Fight Back Against Muslim Refugee “Caliphate” [Video]
Make no mistake about it America is next! German police were forced to turn water cannons on far-left anti-fascists staging a violent counter demonstration at an anti-Islamisation rally on Sunday.Authorities initially tried to have the demonstration, organised by the anti-Islamisation group Hooligans Against Salafists (HOGESA), banned. However, a court dismissed the motion and ruled that protesters would be allowed to gather at a fixed location, but not to march through the streets of Cologne, in western Germany.Police deployed 3,500 officers wearing riot gear, with water cannons and a helicopter at the ready, as they expected up to 23,000 to attend the demonstration and counter demonstration, Bild reports.Proceedings began at around 2:00pm, with the HOGESA demonstrators kettled on a dirt lot between Cologne s Deutz station and trade fair. They were surrounded by the far left anti fascists chanting slogans like No human is illegal and Open the borders! As the afternoon progressed the left wing counter demonstration became increasingly aggressive, with a number of anti-fascists attempting to cross police lines and reach the HOGESA demonstrators. They were finally dispersed with the water cannons.Swiss police were forced to use water cannon on pro-mass migration anti-fascists in the city of Bern last weekend. Demonstrators turned out to protest the anti-mass migration Swiss People s Party winning the national election, with some turning violent.A shocking new video provides more reason for non-Muslims in the West to worry about the ongoing refugee crisis in the Middle East. A Muslim cleric and leader was recently explaining what was really going on with the mass Muslim migration when he got a bit too honest with the crowd. The infidels want us to be tormented. They want us to be humiliated. The Koran says: The Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you, but we will never follow their religion. This dark night will be over, and soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.Germany is not a compassionate country that wishes to absorb refugees from Syria and Iraq, and Palestinian refugees in the Levant and elsewhere. Europe has become old and decrepit, and needs human reinforcement.No force is more powerful than the human force of us Muslims. Oh, Muslims, the Germans say, in their economic reports, that they need 50,000 young workers. Now, they have got 20,000, and they want another 30,000 and more, to work in their factories.They are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people, and its refugees. Throughout Europe, all the hearts are infused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead. But they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst.We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because WE SHALL CONQUER THEIR COUNTRIES whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians and all those like you.Take the refugees! We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: These are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you.A new video appears to show Islamists marching in the German city of Hannover while at least two girls look on and express their fears.https://youtu.be/-VJyKRwQHHMVia: Breitbart News
#BREAKING: SECOND Assassination Attempt On Trump In NV; Suspect Detained (LIVE BLOG)
We Are Change Donald Trump on Saturday was quickly ushered off the stage by Secret Service agents in the middle of a campaign speech in Nevada after an incident in the crowd near the front of the stage. Secret Service rushes Trump off stage at Reno rally https://t.co/n82d9jXopX — Chrissy (@omgitsmechrissy) November 6, 2016 Video shows that Trump was in the middle of his speech when the incident occurred. He was looking into the crowd, his hand over his eyes to block the glare from the stage lights, when Secret Service agents grabbed him and escorted him off the stage. Trump ducked his head as he left the stage. The crowd panicked with frightened looks on their faces, as the Secret Service and police tactical units rushed in to quickly arrest the man. Video on twitter shows the moment that the Secret Service and law enforcement took down the man. Got footage of man who was detained by police and Secret Service after @realDonaldTrump was rushed off stage by USSS agents pic.twitter.com/FVEieSYj5w — Jeremy Diamond (@JDiamond1) November 6, 2016 Early unconfirmed reports suggest a man was armed in the crowd according to some witnesses. One witness said that they were in the crowd when an unknown guy creeped toward the stage staring at Trump. The witness then proceeded to get the attention of four bigger guys surrounding them and confronted the man. The man then freaked out and reached into his pocket to grab what looked like a gun.” According to the witness the man was mumbling about “the delegates.” “ I was in the crowd, me and my dad saw a guy creeping toward the stage staring at trump. i got the attention of 4 big guys around me and we confronted him and when we did he spurged out and reached into his pocket to grab what looked like a gun. when we tackled him to the ground and between punches he kept saying something about “the delegates”? he must have the delegates. sorry i’m pretty shaken up right now. “ With one person in the crowd shouting “he’s got a gun.” The man was then detained by police officers, Secret Service agents and SWAT armed with assault rifles and taken to a side room for questioning. The suspect is seen below. Trump returned to the stage minutes later and proceeded to continue his speech before thanking the Secret Service and police. “Nobody said it was going to be easy for us, but we will never be stopped. We will never be stopped. I want to thank the Secret Service. These guys are fantastic.” ~Donald Trump, said. Luke breaks down the details in the video below of the attempted assassination of the anti-establishment candidate Donald Trump. It’s worth noting that the last Trump assassination attempt also occurred in Nevada when Michael Sandford a British citizen attempted to grab a police officer’s gun and shoot Donald Trump a few weeks ago. Julian Assange was right when he said earlier today to John Pilger that “anti-establishment Trump Wouldn’t Be Allowed To Win.” Although Julian just missed how he would be stopped. (THIS IS A DEVELOPING STORY AND WILL BE UPDATED AS NEW DETAILS BECOME AVAILABLE.) The post #BREAKING: SECOND Assassination Attempt On Trump In NV; Suspect Detained (LIVE BLOG) appeared first on We Are Change .
No formal U.S. delegation to Castro memorial: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will not send a presidential delegation to Cuba for communist leader Fidel Castro’s memorial service, the White House said on Tuesday, reflecting the tortuous history of U.S.-Cuban relations. Instead, Ben Rhodes, an aide to President Barack Obama who conducted 18 months of secret negotiations that led to the 2014 U.S.-Cuban rapprochement, and Jeffrey DeLaurentis, the senior U.S. diplomat in Havana, will represent the United States. The choice reflects a White House desire to acknowledge the history of U.S.-Cuban enmity as well as Obama’s normalization of relations with Cuba, a policy that could be tempered or reversed when U.S. President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Jan. 20. “There are many aspects of the U.S.- Cuba relationship that were characterized by a lot of conflict and turmoil, not just during the Castro regime,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, citing U.S. concerns about Cuban respect for human rights. Earnest also accentuated the positive, noting that Rhodes, a White House deputy national security adviser who was already scheduled to be in Havana for meetings, “played a leading role in crafting the normalization policy” with Cuba. Cuba and the United States have been ideological foes since soon after the 1959 revolution that brought Castro to power. Washington broke diplomatic relations with Havana in 1961 as Cuba steered a leftist course that turned the island, which lies just 90 miles (140 km) south of Florida, into a close ally of the former Soviet Union. The decision not to send a presidential delegation may also aim to avoid criticism from opponents of rapprochement, which included last year’s formal restoration of diplomatic ties. “Given the ugly history of U.S. relations with Fidel Castro, it is not surprising that President Obama has decided not to send a presidential delegation,” said Ted Piccone, a Latin America analyst at the Brookings Institution think tank. “Given President-elect Trump’s threat to reverse the opening to Cuba, this may be the Obama administration’s last and best opportunity to convey to the highest levels of the current Cuban leadership the urgency of accomplishing as much as possible before Trump enters the White House,” Piccone added.
Brainless Misogynist: Women Wouldn’t Need Tampons If They Had Any Self-Control
A 19-year old kid is upset about the debate over the U.K. s tampon tax, because he considers tampons to be luxury items. Why are tampons luxury items in his world? Incredibly enough, it s not because men don t need them. It s because, in this kid s eyes, women should just not bleed until they re able to get to a toilet. Because, you know, periods totally work that way.It might seem like this is satire, but it s not. This kid actually does think this way, despite having a girlfriend. He said: People are saying tampons shouldn t be taxed because they are a necessity but why can t those women just learn to control their bladders?If they are going to bleed then they should wait until they get to the toilet. It s all about self-control.If you can t control your bladder then that s not the taxpayers problem. I don t urinate everywhere and expect free nappies. For this nonsense, he earned an awful lot of what he calls hate, and that s not surprising at all. He needs a biology lesson and everyone who s said so is right. Despite his obvious deficiencies, Ryan fancies himself a politician and politics expert, and says on his Instagram account, Making the #meninist movement mainstream once again. The meninist movement is basically the men s rights movement, which is full of poor, put-upon guys who think women are oppressing them and are the devil.The comments on the picture below, via his Instagram account, explain it all:Bumped into @brooklynbeckham #brooklynbeckhamA photo posted by @ryanwilliams97 on Sep 20, 2016 at 2:43pm PDTEven that doesn t stop him, though. In response to what he no doubt sees as the preposterous idea that he doesn t know anything about biology here, he said: People have told me that I must have skipped biology lessons but I don t understand how that is relevant. I have even had death threats.People are saying it isn t dirty, it s natural but urine and faeces are natural and still dirty. It s utter hypocrisy. He s thrilled that men agree with him on the issue of tampon taxes, because of course they do, and that may have swelled his head because he s as egotistical as he clueless. He actually said on his Facebook page: For TV requests, contact me directly. He s also been dumb enough to start what can only be termed a sarcastic GoFundMe campaign for biology lessons, which he proved he needs because he still can t understand why women can t just hold their bladders. He believes we re all lazy because we don t, and has the most bizarre example of why it s just a matter of self control: My gorgeous Toy Poodle, castrated when she was a puppy to stop the periods and to prevent any aggression PMT would give her.If your bladder is too weak which clearly it is for most of you, then see a doctor and have the same procedure. What does that even mean? You can t castrate a female he s suggesting that women get hysterectomies to stop their periods. This guy thinks we actually like bleeding for a week every single month for most of our lives. Or, at the very least, that we don t mind it. Then again, he also says his girlfriend never bleeds. Too bad his GoFundMe isn t serious. He s in dire need of those biology lessons.Featured image via screen capture from embedded photo
Trump meets insurers, promises catastrophic year for Obamacare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told several chief executives of large insurance companies on Monday that 2017 will be a “catastrophic” year for the Affordable Care Act as he seeks to make good on a campaign promise to repeal the measure. The Republican president told the insurers they must all work together to save Americans from the law known as Obamacare and try to bring down health care prices. He said he hoped to work with Democrats on a health care plan to repeal the law, which provided coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.
Colbert Lays Waste To Fallen Candidates After Iowa In This Hilarious ‘Tribute’ (VIDEO)
The Iowa caucuses have come and gone, leaving in their wake a trail of fallen candidates no longer willing to have their dignity handed to them by the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Not that Republicans have any actual dignity, so let s just go with the idea that they re tired of being embarrassed.Who can blame them? Mike Huckabee was the first to fall, joking that it wasn t due to low votes but to illness. The voters are sick of me, said the Huckster. Waka waka. Buh bye. Rand Paul went down in flames shortly thereafter, deciding to make sure he doesn t lose his senate seat instead, which is a valid concern.For the Democrats, Martin O malley dropped out, which comes as no surprise to anyone.That leaves the two major contenders for the Democrats and a still ridiculously large field of horrible governors, senators who don t bother voting and a few non-politician types who don t understand the first thing about how the real world works.Even with the dropouts and a Cruz victory proving devastating to Donald Trump, the real loser of the Iowa caucuses was Jeb Bush, who outspent every by dropping more than $12 million and walking away with votes in the single digits. None of the establishment favorites fared well with the exception of Marco Rubio, who stepped up in the absence of Donald Trump at the last Fox News debate and screamed at America every time he was given the chance.It s a circus for sure. Luckily, we have people like Stephen Colbert who know how to take the ridiculously irritating Republican field and turn them into the buffoons they are for our enjoyment. Stephen dons his Hunger Games attire, which includes eyebrows that his forehead can t contain, and spends a few minutes making asinine asshats look even worse than they already do.Watch Stephen Colbert lambaste the fallen tributes In this hilarious clip:Featured image from screen capture
Donald Trump Seizes Hillary Clinton’s Absence to Press His Case - The New York Times
Donald J. Trump hurled himself into a new effort to reshape the presidential race on Monday, scrambling to allay voters’ concerns about his temperament and put Hillary Clinton on the defensive over her critical comments about many of Mr. Trump’s supporters. Though Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, has largely withheld comment about Mrs. Clinton’s health, showing uncharacteristic restraint after her campaign announced she had pneumonia, he took Mrs. Clinton’s unexpected absence from public view as an opportunity to press his case with ferocity. Among Mr. Trump’s advisers, there is a sense of urgency. With eight weeks left in the race — and just two before his first debate with Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee — Mr. Trump may never again have such a window to make his argument to voters more or less uninterrupted. Without a forceful message and iron discipline heading into the debates, Mr. Trump could struggle mightily to overcome the deeply rooted opposition to his candidacy. An ABC Post poll published over the weekend showed Mrs. Clinton with a edge over Mr. Trump nationally, with six in 10 voters describing Mr. Trump as unqualified and biased against women and minorities. Mr. Trump seized the chance on Monday to turn the charge of intolerance against Mrs. Clinton: Denouncing the allegation that his supporters were bigoted, Mr. Trump argued in a speech in Baltimore that Mrs. Clinton had shown “contempt” for voters by deriding many of his supporters as racist and sexist, calling them a “basket of deplorables” at a on Friday. At a rally on Monday night in North Carolina, Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton was running a “ and negative campaign. ” The Trump campaign also announced the support of R. James Woolsey, a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to reassure voters of Mr. Trump’s readiness for the presidency. Mr. Trump made no mention of Mrs. Clinton’s health in his campaign speeches. During two television interviews on Monday morning, he said he wished Mrs. Clinton well. He also did not revive his frequent accusation that Mrs. Clinton lacks the physical strength to be president, though he suggested vaguely that “something is going on. ” Instead, he used a speech to the National Guard Association of the United States to defend his supporters at length, arguing that they were right to be concerned about border security and crime, and that those concerns did not indicate a hateful view of racial and religious minorities. “If Hillary Clinton will not retract her comments in full, I don’t see how she can credibly campaign any further,” Mr. Trump said, demanding an apology. He claimed that his campaign was doing “amazingly well with and Hispanic workers. ” But Mr. Trump, who records little support in the polls among racial minorities and educated whites, did not address any of the past remarks that have contributed to his low standing with those groups. He has continued to call for a crackdown on immigrants who are in the country illegally, and has declined to retract his false assertions in the past that President Obama was not born in the United States. Mr. Trump has also not expressed regret for clashing with the family of a slain Muslim Army captain or renounced his proposal to bar Muslims from entering the country. Mrs. Clinton has rebuked Mr. Trump over the last month for what she has called his promotion of racially insensitive messages and policies and his alignment with leaders of the movement known as the “” which is widely seen as holding fringe and racist views. Robert Blizzard, a Republican pollster, said that Mr. Trump appeared to be recovering his footing in the race, but that it might be too late for him to change many voters’ longstanding assessment of his character and capabilities. “Hillary Clinton clearly won the summer, and there’s little doubt Donald Trump dug himself a very deep hole in the aftermath of the nominating conventions,” Mr. Blizzard said. “While Trump is starting to climb out of that hole now, his ability to take advantage of a few bad weeks for Clinton is going to be limited due to enduring views about his judgment, his temperament and his rhetoric toward other ethnicities and women. ” And Democrats are skeptical that Mr. Trump will be able to reinvent himself by using Mrs. Clinton’s biting comments as a shield. Geoff Garin, a Democratic pollster who advises a “super PAC,” described an exercise he uses in focus groups, asking voters to write down three words to describe Mr. Trump before the discussion begins. “People use the word ‘racist’ consistently to describe him,” Mr. Garin said. “But they also talk about him as a dangerous egomaniac. ” Still, on a conference call with top supporters Monday, advisers to Mr. Trump spoke of Mrs. Clinton’s turbulent stretch as a source of relief: For the first time in a while, they said, they were starting the week on offense, according to people who participated in the call who spoke on condition of anonymity about a private discussion. Campaign surrogates were told to hammer Mrs. Clinton for her description of Trump voters, and to say as little as possible about her pneumonia diagnosis. Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, a retired Army officer who advises Mr. Trump, said there was optimism in the campaign that the momentum of the race had “totally shifted in Mr. Trump’s favor. ” He predicted that voters would see a distinction between “a guy who made all kinds of comments as he was fighting to win the primaries” and the Donald Trump of the general election. Mr. Trump has taken other steps in recent days to steady his candidacy, moving to shore up his campaign in crucial swing states. With Mrs. Clinton holding a daunting advantage on the Electoral College map, Mr. Trump aimed a new television campaign at the four most critical states for his candidacy: Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. He has given his aides greater leeway in directing his television advertising, allowing the campaign to focus on that smaller cluster of states, a change from as recently as two weeks ago, when Mr. Trump was personally choosing where to run television ads, according to two people briefed on the Trump operation. Mr. Trump also removed the head of his Florida operation last week, replacing her with Susie Wiles, a veteran Republican operative close to Gov. Rick Scott. And Corey Lewandowski, Mr. Trump’s former campaign manager, who is still a trusted adviser, has visited New Hampshire in recent weeks, meeting with senior Republicans there and making suggestions on spending and strategy decisions in the state, two people familiar with his activities said. It remains to be seen if Mr. Trump and his allies can maintain this level of determined focus. Numerous times, Mr. Trump has briefly adopted a more disciplined pose on the campaign trail, only to give in quickly to the temptation to taunt and brawl. Even on Monday morning, as he refrained from taunting Mrs. Clinton in a television interview, Mr. Trump made an offhand reference to Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as “Pocahontas. ” Ms. Warren, a Democrat, has described herself as having Native American heritage. Some of Mr. Trump’s advisers have suggested in the past that Mrs. Clinton’s health should be fair game. Blaise Ingoglia, the chairman of the Florida Republican Party, said he considered Mrs. Clinton’s handling of her health a legitimate campaign issue because she did not immediately disclose that she had pneumonia. “The disturbing part of that whole thing is that the campaign is willing to conceal that instead of being up front and honest,” he said. “You really start to question: What else is being concealed?”
Warning : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/05/3222705/html/wp-content/plugins/widget-options/core/functions.widget.display.php on line 182 Home › POLITICS › ING TO CUT 7,000 JOBS… ING TO CUT 7,000 JOBS… 0 SHARES [11/3/16] ING Group ‘s plans to shed 7,000 jobs and invest in its digital platforms to make annual savings of 900 million euros ($1 billion) by 2021, drew swift criticism from unions of the Netherlands’ largest financial services company on Monday. The layoffs represent slightly less than 12 percent of ING’s 52,000 workforce because nearly 1,000 are expected to come at suppliers rather than the bank itself. But they are the heaviest since 2009, when ING was forced to restructure and spin off its insurance activities after receiving a state bailout during the financial crisis. Labor unions were highly critical of the decision. “I don’t think this was the intention of the (government) when it kept ING afloat with bailout money,” Ike Wiersinga of the Dutch CNV union said. In Belgian, where the number of jobs lost will be highest, labor leader Herman Vanderhaegen called the decision a “horror show” in a statement published on the website of De Tijd, and said workers would strike on Friday. Although other large banks have announced mass layoffs at branch offices in the past year to boost profitability, ING said the job cuts were partly to combine technology platforms and risk control centers as well to help it to contend with regulatory burdens and low interest rates. “You have to announce these programs and these intentions at a time when you can afford them,” CEO Ralph Hamers told reporters on a conference call. “We’re strong right now, we have good results, we are growing and then you have to do the repairs, and not when you don’t have any choice anymore.” Post navigation Warning : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/05/3222705/html/wp-content/plugins/widget-options/core/functions.widget.display.php on line 182 Warning : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/05/3222705/html/wp-content/plugins/widget-options/core/functions.widget.display.php on line 182 Warning : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/05/3222705/html/wp-content/plugins/widget-options/core/functions.widget.display.php on line 182 Warning : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/05/3222705/html/wp-content/plugins/widget-options/core/functions.widget.display.php on line 182 RESOURCES
Maine Senate leaders will not seek special session to chide LePage
BOSTON (Reuters) - (Editor’s note: This story contains language in the second paragraph that may offend readers) The president of Maine’s state Senate on Friday said he would not pursue a special session to censure Governor Paul LePage for leaving a profanity-laden voicemail message for a lawmaker amid a dispute about the governor’s comments on race and drug dealing. Senator Michael Thibodeau, who like LePage is a Republican, earlier in the week had said he was interested in a one-day special session to officially reprimand the two-term governor for calling a Democratic state legislator a “little son-of-a-bitch, socialist cocksucker.” But on Friday he said he would not follow the lead of state House Speaker Mark Eves, who began polling lawmakers in his chamber as to whether they were ready to call a special session “to take action regarding the Governor’s conduct.” “He is unfit to serve as Governor and must resign or be removed from office,” Eves said of LePage in a statement on Friday. That query, Thibodeau said, went further than Senate Republicans were willing to go, adding that his party had been ready to vote for a one-day session to vote on an official censure of LePage, whose current term extends through 2018. “We’re not interested in coming back for impeachment,” Thibodeau told reporters. The state House and Senate both adjourned in April and are not due to meet again until after the November elections. LePage has faced a flurry of criticism over the past week for saying that members of minority groups from out of state were responsible for the lion’s share of the heroin trade in Maine. He drew further criticism after leaving a profane and widely circulated voicemail for a lawmaker that he believed had called him a racist. Earlier in the week he mused during a 15-minute radio interview about the idea of not finishing out his term, only to come back a day later to say that he would not resign. Earlier this year a group of lawmakers started an effort to impeach him, contending the governor overstepped his authority by threatening to withhold funds from a nonprofit group that hired a political rival, but that effort collapsed before making it to the full House. Under Maine’s constitution, Thibodeau would have been first in line to succeed LePage if he stepped down or was removed from office.
Mansion where Obama to stay in Havana 'built to impress'
HAVANA (Reuters) - The mansion in Havana where U.S. President Barack Obama and his family will spend two nights has survived war, revolution and an Albanian occupation. Now, with U.S.-Cuban diplomatic ties restored and overall relations warming, the U.S. ambassadorial residence is re-emerging as a center of influence on the Communist-ruled island. Built from 1939 to 1942, the two-story building is more than half the size of the White House, according to U.S. State Department data, and was constructed with the finest materials and craftsmanship of the time. The United States abandoned it from 1961 to 1977 after the 1959 Cuban revolution overthrew a pro-American government and Washington severed ties with Fidel Castro, leaving the home to at first Albanian and later Swiss caretakers. The coral limestone exterior and marble floors and columns are both imposing and inviting, said one man who lived there and likened it to the finest U.S. ambassadorial residences in London or Paris or Buenos Aires. “This is a place that was built to impress,” said John Caulfield, who was America’s chief diplomat in Cuba from 2011 to 2014 and inhabited the upstairs two-bedroom, two-bath residential suite with a living room. The upper level also has four other large bedrooms with private baths, among them the presidential suite. Obama, Michelle Obama, their two daughters and the first lady’s mother will stay there Sunday and Monday nights during the first visit by a U.S. president to Cuba in 88 years. The public and working areas are on the ground floor. The State Department bought the land and built the residence as America was being drawn into World War Two and sought the profile of a nation on the rise. “It’s really an example of soft power. You walk through that door and it impresses. It’s expensive, but not as expensive as an aircraft carrier,” Caulfield said. The neighborhood, now known as Cubanacan, was called Country Club Park when it was built. The 5-acre (2-hectare) plot has a swimming pool and tennis court. “Not bad for public housing,” Caulfield said. The highest ranking official to previously stay there was Vice President Richard Nixon in 1955. According to lore, it was built as a winter White House for President Franklin Roosevelt, who used a wheelchair. While the State Department could not confirm that, the elevator, ramps and wide doorways made it wheelchair-friendly 50 years before the Americans With Disabilities Act required such features in government buildings.
Woman Who Made Viral ‘Naked Trump’ Painting Was Assaulted, Beaten Near Her Home (IMAGES)
Donald Trump s supporters are a violent bunch. All you have to do is go to one of his rallies to see how dangerous this man and his freaky fans are. They ve now taken it a step further, too and dangerously so. The artist who painted a photo of a naked Donald Trump, Ilma Gore, was accosted and beaten by a Trump supporter near her home in Los Angeles. Gore says of the attack: Today I was punched in the face by a man who got out of his car and yelled, Trump 2016! in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house. She posted absolutely disturbing photos of her bruised face to Instagram so people could see what those neanderthals did to her:Today I was punched in the face by a man who got out of his car and yelled, Trump 2016! in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house. Though I encourage passion, opinion and emotion, especially though art, I think violence is disgusting. To live in a place where Facebook has given my address to an anonymous third party makes me feel like I am homeless again. This type of violence makes creatives feel like we live in a world where our individual creative input isn t safe. I am sad that this is the state of our America right now. I am sad that Trump, and many of his supporters, don t find words enough to express their opinions they need walls, waterboarding and punches. @realdonaldtrump Please stop glamorizing and perpetuating violence. Make America Decent Again! #makeamericadecentagain No, they have not been caught, and the men drove off laughing. A detailed police report has been filed.A photo posted by Illma Gore (@illmagore) on Apr 29, 2016 at 4:10pm PDT Art is the lie that allows us to see the truth. Pablo Picasso. I am not deterred by this. Thanks for everyone s support. If anyone saw anything on La Cienega on Friday, please let the local authorities know. Black Honda Civic with a group of people in the car.A photo posted by Illma Gore (@illmagore) on May 2, 2016 at 11:40am PDTThis is the result of Trump s encouraging and perpetuating violence among his moronic followers at his rallies for months on end. Violence is NEVER acceptable, but because their leader has told them that it is, Trump s followers are literally beating people who disagree with them in the streets. This is what is somehow acceptable in America now. Make America great again indeed.Featured image via screen capture from Ilma Gore Instagram
UK Officially Declare Russia ‘Threat To National Security’
Posted on November 1, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News , UK // 0 Comments The director general of the MI5 intelligence agency in the UK has declared Russia a “threat to national security” in a grave warning on Monday. Speaking with the Guardian , Andrew Parker warned that Russia is currently using all of its cutting-edge tools in order to undermine Britain. Presstv.com reports: “It is using its whole range of state organs and powers to push its foreign policy abroad in increasingly aggressive ways – involving propaganda, espionage, subversion and cyber-attacks. Russia is at work across Europe and in the UK today. It is MI5’s job to get in the way of that,” he told the UK’s prominent paper. RELATED CONTENT Ukraine President Warns Of World War 3 With Russia He said that Russia has already some intelligence officers in the UK and has been threatening the UK covertly for decades, but “what’s different these days is that there are more and more methods available.” Moscow is using cyberwarfare to target military secrets, industrial projects, economic information as well as the British government and foreign policy, he added. He went on to say that Moscow “defines itself by opposition to the west and seems to act accordingly.” Relations between Russia and the west soured after people in Ukraine’s Black Sea peninsula of Crimea voted for rejoining the Russian Federation in a referendum in March 2014. The West branded the move as Moscow’s annexation of the territory, with the US and its allies in Europe accusing the country of having a hand in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia’s relationship with the US and the UK has also become unfriendly over the crisis in Syria, where Moscow has been conducting an air campaign at the request of the Syrian government to fight Daesh terrorists there since September 30, 2015. US-led coalition has also been conducting airstrikes in Syria to purportedly target terrorist groups like Daesh since 2014, but they openly fund and equip militant groups who are waging war against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. On October 20, British Prime Minister Theresa May called on European leaders to unite against Russia and stop what she referred to as Russian “atrocities” in Syria. “It is vital that we work together to continue to put pressure on Russia to stop these appalling atrocities, these sickening atrocities, in Syria,” the premier said. Russia’s military campaign has helped the Syrian government defeat the Takfiri terrorists in many regions across the country.
Exclusive - Karen Handel: ’I Intend to Have the Last Laugh When I Win’ - Breitbart
Republican congressional candidate Karen Handel told Breitbart News on Monday morning that she intends to overcome Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, and liberal media bias, by winning the special election for Georgia’s 6th congressional district on Tuesday. [“There has definitely been a significant bias from the local media like nothing like I have ever experienced,” she told Breitbart News in a telephone interview. “But I intend to have the last laugh when I win tomorrow. ” Handel, a former Georgia Secretary of State, is currently running with Democrat Jon Ossoff in the race to replace Dr. Tom Price, who was appointed by President Donald Trump as Secretary of Health and Human Services earlier this year. Ossoff is a newcomer to politics who actually lives outside the district, but who has energized Democratic activists and donors nationwide in the primary race in April by shaping his campaign as a referendum on the Trump administration. Republicans in the district told Breitbart News during a visit Sunday that they were cautiously optimistic, despite poll numbers showing a dead heat or Ossoff with a small but significant lead. Handel shared their optimism: “I feel great about things — early voting numbers that we’ve seen look very positive for me, and Republicans tend to be strong on Election Day,” she said. Politico reported on Sunday night that Republicans believe massive early voting numbers — over 140, 000 — favor them, and that they hope to capitalize on the fact that there are more Republican voters in the district. The race has involved some $50 million in spending on both sides, making it the most expensive race in congressional history. On Monday morning, President Trump tweeted his support for the campaign, urging people to “[V]ote now for Karen H” (though early voting ended on Friday): The Dems want to stop tax cuts, good healthcare and Border Security. Their ObamaCare is dead with 100% increases in P’s. Vote now for Karen H, — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2017, In the face of Democrats’ efforts to make the race about Trump, Handel said that she had neither distanced herself nor tied herself to the president. “The only people who want to make this about other things are, frankly, reporters like you and others out there,” she told Breitbart News. “This race is about the people of the 6th district. ” One of the major national issues — aside from Trump himself — is health care, with Republicans’ ongoing efforts to repeal Obamacare criticized by both liberals (for tampering with an entitlement) and conservatives (for not going far enough). But Handel says that has not been a big factor in the race. “It hasn’t been that much of an issue on the ground,” she told Breitbart News. “For voters in the 6th district, the biggest issue is that Jon Ossoff is from outside the district. ” Asked why Democrats in the district did not seem to mind that, Handel said: “He’s completely aligned with [House Minority Leader] Nancy Pelosi … [Democrats] want someone who will march lockstep with the liberal mantra. ” Other issues, she said, were “veterans issues, transportation infrastructure, the fight against terrorism, [the] budget, and the economy — issues. ” Last week, Handel’s campaign were mailed packages that “contained threatening letters and a suspicious substance. ” She told Breitbart that the threats had the effect of “making me and everyone around me more determined to win on Tuesday. ” As for last Wednesday’s shooting attack on Republican congressmen in Alexandria, Virginia, she said that she and her campaign had refused to politicize it. “No one from my camp is going to be making anything political for that. ” She concluded: “I think it’s going to go well for me and for Republicans. We will show the country, and all the eyes on the district, that Nancy Pelosi is not going to come into the district and steal the seat out from under us. ” Election Day is tomorrow, June 20, and both parties seem to expect a close result. Joel B. Pollak is Senior at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. He is the of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
22 Signs That You Are Embodying Your Higher Self
. 22 Signs That You Are Embodying Your Higher Self The Higher Self is the blissful superconscious, higher mind part of ourselves that is the expression... Print Email http://humansarefree.com/2016/11/22-signs-that-you-are-embodying-your.html The Higher Self is the blissful superconscious, higher mind part of ourselves that is the expression of Divine Love, spiritual wisdom, and creative power. During spiritual awakening , our personal consciousness grows to become aware of the greater parts of ourselves. We may feel energies, intuition and even psychic knowledge. We raise our energy vibration and spiritually purify ourselves to embody more of our Higher Self – the eternal Soul aspect of our being. Full spiritual realization and enlightenment occurs when we attain the conscious experience of blissful union with the Source of Life and all of creation. Everything is One and we are home! 1. Higher Sensory Perception Your intuition is developing at a rapid rate. Other higher senses like clairvoyance and clairaudience can also be turned on. These higher senses allow you to access information and wisdom that otherwise would be unavailable through the use of your rational mind. Harmonious lucid dreaming and out of body experiences are also ways to access higher dimensional information. 2. Knowing Your Soul Purpose With your higher senses turned on, it has become crystal clear what your Soul’s Purpose is. Not only you know what your mission here on earth is but you are fulfilling this mission by taking action and walking your path. Your are fulfilling your basic human needs of self-growth and contribution by being on the path of eternal self actualization and being at the service of others. 3. Meeting Your Soul Family Your frequency has attracted you to people with whom you resonate at a soul level. When you met these individuals you felt a strong and undeniable connection with them, like if you had met them before (from a past life). Even if they live on the other side of the world, the spiritual ties between you are so strong that years can go by and when you meet again is like no time has passed. 4. Meeting Your Twin Flame or Soul Mate You are in a relationship with a person that highlights and enhances your best qualities. As well, this person will mirror back to you everything you need to work on yourself. This relationship thrives on self-growth, contribution, higher giving love and fulfillment. A necessary step for the manifestation of this relationship is cutting cords of attachments and karmic ties with previous relationships. 5. Synchronicities and Accelerated Manifestations Your connection with the universe and life is evident. Your questions are answered through synchronicities and hidden messages are easily revealed to you by the power of your higher senses . You find messages and answers in books, nature and even random conversations. As well, you become aware of how strong and powerful your intent has become. Whatever you focus on manifests at a much faster than ever before. 6. Taking Responsibility For Your Happiness As you embody your Higher Self you realize how powerful you are and how you co-create reality through your thoughts and emotions . You take full responsibility for your own happiness and you stop blaming other people, the government or any other outside sources. Victimization is a thing of the past and you take full charge of your healing and evolutionary process. 7. Embracing All Emotions You have finally transcended the spiritual bypass that some emotions are ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. Instead you embrace all e-motions and instead of repressing them you allow them to flow through you. You can use anger for passion or motivation. You can easily empathize with others while maintaining the integrity of your field. 8. Holographic Nature of Reality Like Rumi said ‘You are not a drop of water in an ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop of water.’ The holographic nature of reality is encoded within you and you can sense the interconnectedness of everything. It is obvious to you that we live in a multidimensional matrix and that you have a multidimensional anatomy. You also feel very attracted to sacred geometry. 9. Alchemical and Healing Powers Whether it’s hands on healing, soul retrieval or any other type of healing modality you have learned how to direct your intent and manipulate energy to remove energetic blockages. You can easily connect to your Higher Self and disengage discordant energies that hinder your spiritual evolution. Often you will assist others in their healing and ascension process with your siddhis. 10. Activating Your DNA DNA activation is the process of accreting more light into your morphogenetic field by activating the dormant strands of DNA that correspond to your Higher Self. You have at least a 12 strand DNA template that allows 12 dimensions of consciousness. DNA activation is the key to spiritual ascension and the embodiment of your Higher Self. It’s quite common for a person who goes through DNA activation to progressively experience all the other signs mentioned in this page. 11. Unconditional Self-Love Your 4th strand of DNA corresponds to your heart chakra. One of the main benefits of DNA activation is being able to access and embody a state of unconditional self-love. No longer do you feel the need to extract love from other people, instead you see yourself as an infinite source of love. A sense of wholeness begins to unfold as you love ALL aspects of yourself, including your shadow self. 12. Integrating and Transcending Your Shadow Self Your shadow self is the part of you that is running in reverse. It is mainly made up of archetypes, personas and complexes. Some examples are the Professional Victim Persona, the Rescuer Archetype, the Sorcerer, The Tyrant and the Absolute Perfectionist. The shadow self is what causes self-sabotage and causes you to create chaos in your life. The shadow self is created by making decisions that are not aligned with your Higher Self and manifest as reverse codes in your DNA. 13. Frequency Resonance As you continue to raise your frequency you notice how some people begin to fall out of your holographic reality . You understand that your frequencies no longer match. The same can happen with your job or even your country of origin. In turn your higher frequency attracts you to a new grid of people, places, times, things and events that are in line with your Higher Self. 14. Honest Yes and Honest No You are not afraid of saying ‘no’ to other people when you inner guidance tells you not to do something or go somewhere. You are not afraid of other people’s reactions and you are true to yourself. Every time you are congruent with what you want and what you don’t want you feel more powerful. As well you embrace the art of an honest ‘yes’ when the universe delivers what you desire. You don’t try to appear ‘humble’ or ‘spiritual’ by rejecting what you truly desire in your life. 15. Harmonious Family Relationships ‘If you think you are enlightened, go spend a weekend with your family.’ Ram Dass You have realized that enlightenment doesn’t happen in a cave. You have cleared the cords of attachments and karmic ties with your family. Gone are the days where you kept experiencing the same old family drama. Your family members have shifted their approach to connect with you to higher ways and you accept/love them just how they are. 16. No Guilt, No Shame Shame and guilt are the two lowest frequency energetic blockages in humanity. In order to embody your Higher Self you have let go of the identification with shame and guilt. You have cleared the guilt and shame you inherited from your parents through the DNA and you have released the shame and guilt that has been implanted by society and religions. Instead you choose to embrace the states of joy and bliss. You have become immune to guilt manipulating strategies often used by victims. 17. Making Decision In Line With Your Higher Self Instead of making decisions based on fear, righteousness, competition or lack you are making decisions in line with your Higher Self and ultimately with Source-will. You are aware of Source’s intentions: the Law of One, Unconditional Love, Cooperation, Evolution, Perpetual Motion, Cause and Effect, Non-Judgment and Free-will. Even though we all have free-will and can ultimately go against Source-will (you’re unconditionally loved), you’re aware that making such decisions will trigger the Law of Cause and Effect and create a karmic imprint to re-mind you must heal that karmic miasm at some point. 18. Inner and Outer Abundance Lack and limitation are a thing of the past. You have embodied a state of absolute inner abundance that is being reflected onto your holographic reality. You no longer seek to extract love, approval and appreciation from other people, you are the source. Happiness is within you. As well you have transcended the spiritual bypass that money is ‘evil’ and you know that money is just energy, made up of consciousness just like everything else. You enjoy financial abundance and use this abundance to create a more harmonious reality for yourself and others. 19. Mind Unplugged From the Matrix One sign that your mind has been unplugged from the matrix is that you can clearly see the hidden agenda of those who desire to control this planet. You no longer resonate with the news and their ‘official story’. You inner truth detector can sense when someone is lying and you have become immune to the low frequency strategies and implants that constantly try to tell you ‘you are not enough’. Mindless consumerism and the herd mentality seem absurd to you. 20. Bye-Bye Idolatry As you awaken to your co-creative powers and God-like nature, you no longer put other people on a pedestal. Your inner guru precedes any external guru and you see teachers as a reflection of your own unlimited potential. The forces of your worthiness and deservedness drive you to achieve whatever you set your mind upon. You have become the master of your own reality . 21. Overflowing with Gratitude Gratitude is your attitude. Gratitude is your prayer . The sense of lack has become foreign to you, instead you cannot stop counting your blessings. The feeling of gratitude multiplies whatever you have and brings you even more positive experiences. You are even grateful for the challenges and setbacks that are inevitable in life, you can’t help to see them as opportunities for growth. And you probably have a gratitude journal. 22. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously Life is meant to be fun, you know that. Being extremely rigid and disciplined suck the fun out of everything. Even though you are adamant when it comes to working on yourself and achieving self mastery, you always allow yourself to make mistakes. In fact making mistakes is part of the learning process. You have a great sense of humor and you don’t take yourself too seriously. Your inner child is thriving and you often feel energized, inspired and overflowing with creativity. Gustavo Castaner is the founder of AscendedRelationships.com and In-Light-Ment.com . Gustavo specializes in helping people change their frequency so they can embody their Higher Self and manifest higher vibrational relationships. Dear Friends, HumansAreFree is and will always be free to access and use. If you appreciate my work, please help me continue. Stay updated via Email Newsletter: Related
Maher: It Looks Like Russia ’Installed’ ’Trump and His Crime Family’ ’To Loot and Destroy America - Breitbart
During an interview with author, “Stone Cold Truth” host, and Trump adviser Roger Stone Jr. on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” host and comedian Bill Maher argued that it appears that President Donald Trump “and his crime family” were “installed” by the Russians “to loot and destroy” the United States of America. Maher said, “It looks like Donald Trump and his crime family were installed by Russia to loot and destroy America. ” Maher also asked Stone if it bothered him that “we’re so in touch with the Evil Empire these days?” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett
LGBT VOLUNTEERS Aren’t Waiting To Be Thrown Off A Rooftop…Join Fight Against ISIS In Syria
A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, or TQILA (pronounced Tequila ), is now fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, the group announced Monday, according to Newsweek. TQILA s members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are ill, sick and unatural, the volunteer fighters group, International Revolution People s Guerilla Forces (IRPGF), wrote on Twitter when announcing the formation of the new unit.The IRPGF is a group of foreign fighters who traveled to northern Syria to fight ISIS alongside the Kurdish militia, People s Protection Unit, known as YPG. The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by Daesh was something we could not idly watch, they said.The group also posted an image of two soldiers brandishing a banner reading, These f s kill fascists, in front their logo, a pink flag with a black AK-47 machine gun, and a rainbow flag in Raqqa, with the caption #Queers smashing the caliphate. These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG pic.twitter.com/eBCssrbjMI IRPGF (@IRPGF) July 24, 2017ISIS courts have declared homosexuality a capital offense punishable by death. Since its rise in Iraq in 2014, the terrorist group has released anti-gay propaganda showing men accused of homosexuality blindfolded and being thrown off roofs in front of large crowds, and then stoned if they survived the fall.ISIS also claimed responsibility for the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting last year, in which gunman Omar Mateen murdered 49 people. New York Post
DIGITAL TYRANNY: Google and Facebook’s Automated Censorship Program (I Hope You Can Speak Chinese)
21st Century Wire says Based on their own reports and public statements, it was clear that both Google and Facebook, and others, were engaged in formulating a wide program of censorship in order to tackle what the corporations deem as offensive speech or hate speech . Although based on the political biases of members of these corporations, the actual administration of this will be done by fully hidden and unaccountable automated computer algorithms. According to new reports, the new methods are not merely the manipulation of metrics used to downplay content. These are incredibly clandestine and very sinister measures: without visibly shutting down an account, this new automated censorship process will simply make an account holder s posts invisible to their friends, fans and followers, in what Google/YouTube is calling a limited state in order to isolate and contain a targeted user even if they have NOT violated the user terms of services. This is designed not only to disappear important opinions and information but also to frustrate users, in the hopes that they will eventually abandon the platform as a viable content distribution network.We believe that Facebook may also be implementing similar restrictions on political speech. Mark Zuckerberg s admission to Angela Merkel that Facebook was working on eliminating hate speech was an early indicator, and undoubtedly the election of Donald Trump, and the subsequent scapegoating of fake news by Clinton supporters, has since pushed many progressive Silicon Valley executives over the edge. However, things may have advanced considerably since then. On August 5th, 21stCenturyWire.com Editor Patrick Henningsen had his personal Facebook newsfeed for 21WIRE articles disappeared : UPDATE: Sunday afternoon GMT, it seems that the invisible admins at Facebook has (quietly) re-opened his profile s newsfeed which seems to be visible to some of my friends now, although yesterday s posts are still HIDDEN (you can see them by scrolling down his timeline). They did not respond to Henningsen s written complaint via customer service however no surprise there, as they never have done before. The important aspect to focus on here is that these secretive measures are all part of a wider political agenda. With Silicon Valley corporations clearly determined to preside over an all-encompassing social media monopoly, such restrictive politicized policies become even more dangerous. The following story which broke yesterday details an apparent backlash from a Google employee against the company s diversity policies has gone internally viral at the company. This was reportedly filed by VICE magazine s tech section, Motherboard: The person who wrote the document argued that the representation gap between men and women in software engineering persists because of biological differences between the two sexes, according to public tweets from Google employees. It also said Google should not offer programs for underrepresented racial or gender minorities, according to one of the employees I spoke to. The 10-page Google Doc document was met with derision from a large majority of employees who saw and denounced its contents, according to the employee. But Jaana Dogan, a software engineer at Google, tweeted that some people at the company at least partially agreed with the author; one of our sources said the same. While the document itself contains the thoughts of just one Google employee, the context in which they were shared Google is currently being investigated by the Department of Labor for its gender pay gap and Silicon Valley has been repeatedly exposed as a place that discriminates against women and people of color as well as the private and public response from its workforce are important. See Gizmodo s review of the 10 page Google Doc.Listen to this incredible analysis by Mister Metokur exposing the highly unethical, discriminatory, collusive and ultimately illegal practices which are being implemented by Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media cartel platforms in order to erase political speech which they seek to suppress: SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
AWESOME MESSAGE TO NEVER-TRUMPERS: “Kiss and make up!”…”The people have chosen!”
Clinton thinks regulators should scrutinize AT&T-Time Warner deal: spokesman
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton thinks U.S. regulators should closely scrutinize AT&T’s (T.N) acquisition of Time Warner(TWX.N), her spokesman said on Sunday. Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon told reporters on Sunday there were “a number of questions and concerns” about the deal “but there’s still a lot of information that needs to come out before any conclusions should be reached.” “But certainly she thinks regulators should scrutinize it closely,” Fallon said.
TYRA FOR TRUMP Hammers The Media On Their Bias Against Trump! [Video]
Tyra for Trump lets it rip on the biased media and tells everyone to STOP listening to the lying reports on Trump!SPREAD THE WORD! DONE WITH MEDIA! US AGAINST THE MEDIA, WE MUST UNITE AND FIGHT BACK! pic.twitter.com/YpUtXpoTOu Tyra (@TRUMPVOTES) August 10, 2016
Trump Tried Recreating Obama’s Iconic ‘Bin Laden Raid’ Situation Room Photo – And It’s So Pathetic
For months now people close to Trump have been privately saying the president is consumed by a seething jealousy of his predecessor, Barack Obama. Where Trump s approval ratings continue to circle the drain, Obama s have seen a post-presidency surge. Adding to that, Obama s signature piece of legislation is not only more popular than ever, but the replacement Trump came up with imploded before it even got a vote. In the media and from political observers Obama is viewed as smarter, more mature, and more gifted politically than Trump. And Trump knows it.So what is Trump to do? Imitate.Hours after he ordered a missile strike in Syria, Trump s press secretary Sean Spicer tweeted an image of the situation room.WH photo (ed for security): @potus receives briefing on #syria military strike fr Nat Security team, inc @vp , SECDEF, CJCS via secure VTC pic.twitter.com/aaCnR7xomR Sean Spicer (@PressSec) April 7, 2017It bore a disturbing resemblance to one of the most famous photographs of Obama s time in office, the night he ordered the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden.However, unlike Obama s image filled with serious people doing serious jobs Trump s version contains a number of unqualified goons. The photograph of Obama and his staff signaled strength. Trump s imitation serves only to show the world what a clown show Trump s White House is.Trump s attack on Syria may have earned praise by right-wingers, but it s already escalating tensions in the region and may someday be viewed as the opening shot in a devastating global war. Russia, rather than cave to Trump s show of strength has vowed to arm the Syrian regime with more anti-aircraft weapons meant to shoot down any U.S. plane that crosses the border.BREAKING Russian military says it will help Syria strengthen its air defenses after US strike. The Associated Press (@AP) April 7, 2017The attack also alienated Iran, pushing them further into the sphere of Russia and the Assad government.Those are some serious consequences for actions being made by Rex Tillerson, a former oil executive with ties to Russia; Steve Bannon, the owner of white nationalist website Breitbart; and Jared Kushner, the son of a real estate mogul who married the daughter of a real estate mogul. The fact that those men are even in the room is a disgrace to America s military, who will likely carry the brunt of the consequences.But perhaps the biggest joke in the room is that Donald Trump himself. Or put another way:Two years ago, the man who just ordered a missile strike was deciding whether or not to fire Gilbert Gottfried from a game show Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) April 7, 2017Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Rep. Phil Roe: House Healthcare Bill ‘Giant Step’ in Process of Replacing Obamacare
Rep. Phil Roe ( ) talked about his vote in favor of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) with SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily. [Kassam observed that the Breitbart News Daily audience appeared to be leaning “about 60 percent against” the AHCA because they do not see it as a full repeal of Obamacare or a bold enough step toward getting government out of the health insurance industry. “A yes vote was an obvious vote for me because the ACA is failing,” said Roe, referring to Obamacare by its legislative name, the Affordable Care Act. “A third of my district this coming year — maybe more — have no options whatsoever. We’re going to be an Obamacare desert in Tennessee within a year. There’s not going to be anywhere to buy insurance on the ACA. So it’s failed, just like it has in Iowa, just like it is in many places across the country. ” “The premiums have skyrocketed. The have gone up. I’ll give you an example locally, the hospital where I practiced for over 30 years,” Rep. Roe, who is a retired medical doctor who also served in the U. S. Army Medical Corps, said. “It’s a large system, a system: 9, 000 employees 60 to 70 percent of the uncollectable debt are people with insurance — not without insurance, with insurance. Their and are skyrocketed, and they can’t pay the bills. ” “It wasn’t a matter of not doing anything,” said Roe. “The Republican Study Committee asked me two terms ago to write an alternative to the Affordable Care Act, which I did, and I did it again in the last Congress. We put our ideas out there. ” He said the implementation of those ideas was limited by congressional rules and the large number of votes required to pass a bill. “I agree with people: if I’d have had my way and a magic wand, this bill would have looked differently,” he conceded. “There would have been more free market principles in it. But we got as far as we could get and get the votes. ” “And by the way, that vote would have been stronger — we were five representatives short on our side yesterday,” he added. “We had five people, one out for personal reasons, and then four out in the Trump administration. People have forgotten that in the 2010 vote, the Democrats had 257, not 237, and they passed it by five votes, I believe. So it was a similar vote. Big things like this are hard to do. I understand people’s frustration that it didn’t go far enough. Believe me, this was a giant step, in my opinion — positive, not negative. ” Kassam asked about the AHCA’s potential to defund Planned Parenthood and whether such a provision has a chance of surviving in the Senate. “We’ll have to see what the Senate does,” replied Roe. “My hat’s off to them. This is hard work. Look, we spent hours and hours and hours getting to where we were, getting to 216 votes with hiccups and starts. ” “I am a obstetrician,” he declared. “I’ve delivered almost 5, 000 babies in my career before I retired and ran for Congress. Money from the federal government ought to go into health care. What we decided, we have 141 federally qualified health centers that provide health care in the state of Tennessee and three Planned Parenthood clinics. So we want to put that money where health care is going on, not abortions. ” “This was a step. We’ll see what the Senate does. I think most of us are very happy about that, Raheem,” he said. Roe noted that Planned Parenthood provides services other than abortion. “They do sexually transmitted disease screening. They do breast exams, pap smears,” he said. However, he added, “I don’t think any of their clinics actually do mammograms. I think they refer those out. ” “I know this was a big part for some people but a relatively small part of that whole package,” he said of the Planned Parenthood funding issue. “In the state of Tennessee — I got this off of the Planned Parenthood website it’s not a number I’m making up — they did 918 breast exams in 2016 in the three clinics in the state of Tennessee. I saw myself, just one doctor, between three and four thousand patients a year, every year. ” Roe disagreed with the criticism that the AHCA merely does some “tweaking” of Obamacare, as Kassam put it, rather than substantially repealing the ACA. “Remember, this is only the first part of this, Raheem,” Roe reiterated. “This is all we could get in reconciliation, meaning it just takes 51 votes in the Senate. Again, I go back to the Senate rules. We were hamstrung because of what we could do. We passed already across state lines and association health plans. That’s already been passed over to the Senate. Now, the Senate will filibuster that. ” “I’m not saying there are not ways you can get around it and do it. Remember, we have a Secretary of HHS, Tom Price, who can also do a lot of things just executively with the stroke of a pen,” he added. “What we’re trying to do — and I did a terrible job of this when we first debated the healthcare bill — this part of the market we’re talking about, this individual and market, is seven percent of the entire insurance market,” said Roe, adding that “160 million of us get our insurance through our employer. There are already ERISA protections in there for conditions. There is no exclusion if you have Medicaid, which 74 million people do. ” “And by the way, this is the first major reform of Medicaid in decades, maybe since it was established,” he continued. “About 57 million people get insurance through Medicare, where there is no condition exclusion. What we tried to do was create a market in that seven percent to reconstruct the small market. It’s been destroyed by Obamacare. I mean, we have well over a third of the counties in this country, of the 3, 000 or so counties in America, that only have one choice, and that’s going up every day. That market has been destroyed. This will help recreate it. ” Roe said there were other free features of the Obamacare replacement bill worth praising, such as the expansion of health savings accounts. “This is just the beginning,” he promised. “Look, if I could have taken the bill I had written and passed it with 216 votes, as written, it would look different. We want to recreate a situation where doctors and patients are making choices, not bureaucrats. ” “If we fail at this, if we fail with making it where it’s cheaper, where more people can buy insurance, and the quality goes up, then we will have failed. I admit that fully. I think we can hit those targets, and I believe you can do that,” he said. “This is my third iteration of healthcare reform. I was involved in the Tenncare reform in the nineties in Tennessee, which was a failure,” Roe recalled. “I wrote an editorial in 2010, Raheem, about what I thought would happen to the ACA because of what I had seen almost 20 years before, and it exactly came true. ” Roe argued that Obamacare has failed, according to its own standards and goals. “It’s intention was to increase access and decrease costs. Well, the costs have just gone through the roof. If we don’t do something with the cost of health care in this country, nobody is going to be able to afford it,” he warned. Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Eastern.
DANIEL HANNAN Tells “The Generation Of The Safe Spaces” To Get Over Themselves [Video]
Is Rand trying to separate himself from the crowded pack of GOP presidential contenders by ratcheting up the anti-war rhetoric that gained so much attention for his dad? As the first GOP presidential debate approaches, Republican Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul just launched a bomb against the crowded field, attempting to differentiate himself from the other candidates.Senator Paul told the leftist Washington Post in Iowa over the weekend that he s the only GOP candidate who doesn t want to blow up the world and that is a significant difference between him and the rest of the GOP field, and that he plans to make that case at the first debate on Thursday.According to the Post, Paul said that the debate will pit him against the other GOP candidates who want to send half a million of your sons and daughters back to Iraq and that he will ask the other GOP candidates whether they want to always intervene in every civil war around the world. Via: Politistick
Elizabeth Warren DESECRATES Trump At La Raza: ‘Born With Cash In His Fist And Hate In His Heart’
Speaking at the National Council of La Raza conference in Orlando on Saturday, Elizabeth Warren went after Donald Trump and completely desecrated him in a fiery speech.Addressing the crowd at the national conference of the largest Hispanic advocacy organization, the Massachusetts senator stressed the importance of economic issues as they pertain to the Hispanic community and denounced Trump s racist rhetoric. We believe that diversity has made this country strong, Warren said. And racism, sexism, homophobia, hatred, injustice, and bigotry have no place here. We will never build Donald Trump s stupid wall, she said to a standing ovation.Warren said that come hell or high water, Clinton must win this election in November. Hillary Clinton must be the next President of the United States, and Tim Kaine must be the next Vice President of the United States, Warren said. Not can , not should , we must make them. Hillary Clinton must be the next President of the United States, and Tim Kaine must be the next Vice President of the United States, Warren said. Not can , not should , we must make them. Warren, who joked that I haven t been this excited to come to Orlando since Harry Potter arrived, also stressed the importance of healthcare during her 20-minute speech, noting that one in four Latinos have no health care. I know how hard every single one of you is working, sometimes we ve got to stop and we ve got to remind ourselves what it is that we re working for, Warren said. Why we get up in the mornings and why we fight. It is time to come down hard on predatory practices that allow financial institutions to systematically strip wealth out of Latino communities, and we are ready to fight for it. She also demanded reforms in drug laws and criminal sentencing as well as immediate action on climate change, in addition to her focus on economic issues. We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, Warren said. Latino workers earn less than white workers and African-American workers. That means raise the minimum wage, enforce overtime pay, pass sick leave and family leave and schedules that work. Warren then called out the Republican nominee by name. I have a few things to say that will not fit into 140 characters on Twitter, she said, calling Trump a weak, thin-skinned man , small, insecure, money-grubbing and A man who will never be president of the United States. She spoke of the heart wrenching story of a Hispanic man who testified during a Senate hearing on the 2008 mortgage crisis who told how he had struggled not to cry when he told his daughters that they were going to lose their home. She then contrasted his story with that of the bigoted billionaire who said he was excited for the real estate market to crash. He was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown because it meant he could buy up more properties on the cheap. What kind of a man does that? she asked.The senator concluded that this election will decide what kind of a people we are and what kind of a country we want to build. Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Time Magazine Humiliates Trump After He Lies About Award
Donald Trump isn t polling well in the readers choice poll, getting his ass kicked in Time s Person Of The Year by Taylor Swift, the #MeToo movement, and the mayor of San Juan, the latter of which he has repeatedly targeted on Twitter. But that s different from Time Magazine s person of the year which is chosen by the editors. Trump did win last year, but it s one year after the election and he s the least popular president in the history of polling. So, President Liar Pants lied on Twitter about why he s not receiving the award. Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named Man (Person) of the Year, like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot, he wrote. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named Man (Person) of the Year, like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2017No one is buying that excuse especially Time magazine. The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year, the magazine wrote on its official Twitter account. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6. The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6. TIME (@TIME) November 25, 2017Time s chief content officer, Alan Murray, also fired back at Trump from his own personal Twitter account. Amazing, Mr. Murray wrote. Not a speck of truth here Trump tweets he took a pass at being named TIME s person of the year. Amazing. Not a speck of truth here Trump tweets he 'took a pass' at being named TIME's person of the year https://t.co/D6SJgyTpcY Alan Murray (@alansmurray) November 25, 2017In the following tweet, Murray called Trump s claim total bullshit.Total BS https://t.co/jrUPRbLCGQ Alan Murray (@alansmurray) November 25, 2017In 2016, Trump called winning the 2016 award from the magazine a tremendous honor. The former reality show star turned president was busted in June for hanging a photoshopped Time cover featuring himself on the walls of at least four of his seventeen golf courses. The fake headlines touted his success. Trump has been grifting the U.S. since then with wild-eyed claims that only his cult-like supporters would believe.Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Trump Campaign Bombs in Virginia, Again
Empty bleachers and a hostile student body greeted Trump vice presidential nominee Mike Pence in Virginia on Saturday at one of the most religiously conservative schools in the country. Trump’s VP nominee railed against Hillary Clinton in Northern Virginia on Saturday afternoon—but he chose to do it at an evangelical Christian college with a history of anti-Trump sentiment. Students protested outside, while inside students stood in silent protest until they were ejected mid-speech. The protests and poor attendance at the speech at Patrick Henry College illustrate the challenges that Trump has appealing to evangelical Christians, especially younger ones, who are turned off by his tone, his campaign ideas and his personal history—and are not at all assauged by his choice of Pence for his running mate. “The PHC student body as a whole is very anti-Trump. A lot of them say, ‘I don’t like him but I’m going to turn up my nose and vote for him because I like Hillary even less.’ But overall there is a severe disgust with Trump,” said Sebastian Lopez, a junior studying political theory at the school who was protesting the speech, holding a sign for hours outside in the blazing mid-day sun. “I don’t think that Mike Pence is a bad person, but I think he has made an alliance with someone who is completely unacceptable from a libertarian, conservative or progressive standpoint,” added Christian McGuire, a junior at Patrick Henry College studying American politics who was also demonstrating against Pence. Pence’s visit is not the first misstep by the Trump campaign in Virginia. Donald Trump flubbed his speech in Northern Virginia earlier this month when he lectured the affluent locals in the audience as if they were the Rust Belt—“You’re doing lousy over here,” he remarked—and then listed factory closures in far-flung areas of the state that were hours away, as well as a plant that closed in North Carolina. Patrick Henry College is located in Loudoun County, the affluent swing district an hour from Washington, D.C., that voted for Bush twice, and then Obama twice. It’s as close to a must-win county as it gets. But locals weren’t interested in hearing what he had to say. When Marco Rubio visited in February during the Republican primaries, students and local residents crammed into the room, filling the bleachers, the gymnasium floor and the balconies above to get a glimpse of the presidential candidate. The road outside the college was jam-packed. Parking was a nightmare. “There are certainly students who support Trump, though most are not enthusiastic. He was rarely the first choice in such a crowded primary field,” said Tim Kocher, a spokesman for the Patrick Henry College Republicans. “I believe Trump has a solid base of support around 15-20%, but many students simply have not made up their minds as far as the presidential race goes.” When Pence visited Saturday, the room was half-empty—a whole set of retractable bleachers sat empty and discarded near the stage; no admiring crowds leaned over the balcony to get a better look at the politician; parking was a breeze. This lackluster turnout took place at a school which in fall 2015 registered just 294 students, yet had about as many White House interns during the Bush administration as Georgetown University, with its nearly 18,000 students. “I’m a B-list Republican celebrity,” Pence said self-deprecatingly, as he thanked attendees for showing up on a beautiful, cloudless Saturday afternoon. It was funny because it was kind of sad, and it was sad because it was kind of true. Pence also spoke as if he did not quite understand whose ticket he was on. “We believe in free trade,” he said, as if Trump had not run a campaign slamming international trade. The governor also slammed Hillary Clinton’s plan to tax the rich, as if the Republican nominee had not taken aim at Wall Street during his populist run for the White House. Americans are “tired of politicians who divide our country to unite their support,” he said, as if Trump had not run a campaign that regularly disparaged Muslims, foreigners and women. As if to bolster this point, a group of protesters critical of Trump’s rhetoric on Islam revealed their T-shirts during Pence’s speech, engaging in a silent protest of the Republican ticket as they were slowly escorted out. Even the students who supported the Trump-Pence ticket seemed to be doing so with an air of resignation, buoyed only by the threat they believe Hillary Clinton poses to the country.
Libya says pushing to be removed from Trump travel ban list
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya’s internationally recognized government has appealed to the United States to drop or ease a travel ban imposed on its citizens by U.S. President Donald Trump, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. “The Libyan Foreign Ministry, through its embassy in Washington, has begun to take measures to lift Libya from the list of countries and to ease the restrictions on Libyan citizens,” the ministry said in a statement. Libya is one of six Muslim-majority countries subject to the travel ban. This week the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the ban to take full effect while litigation over its ultimate validity continues. The ban was also discussed at a meeting between Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed Siyala and U.S Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke on Monday, the statement said.
Trump Adviser Says Israeli Settlements ‘Not Illegal’
Trump Adviser Says Israeli Settlements ‘Not Illegal’ Contrary to Trump camp's statements, Israeli settlements are a violation of international law, | October 27, 2016 Be Sociable, Share! Marc Zell, co-chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel speaks as the Republican Party launches its first ever election campaign in Israel in Modiin, Monday, Aug. 15, 2016. Donald Trump’s adviser on Israel said on Wednesday that Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank are not illegal, adding that he believes the candidate agrees with him, putting the pair at odds with much of the world. Speaking to AFP at a rooftop restaurant on Jerusalem’s Mount Zion after a pro-Trump rally, David Friedman also said the US presidential candidate was “tremendously sceptical” about the prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. About 150 people, including right-wing Israelis and evangelical Christians, attended Wednesday’s Trump rally outside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, near the flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound. The compound is holy to both Muslims and Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount. Located in East Jerusalem, it was occupied by Israel in 1967 and later annexed in a move never recognised by the international community. Asked whether Trump viewed the West Bank as part of Israel, as many far-right Israelis do, Friedman did not answer directly. “I don’t think he believes that the settlements are illegal,” Friedman said. Myself and . @realDonaldTrump senior #Israel advisor David Friedman at the #JerusalemForever event that was held tonight at the old city. pic.twitter.com/2JxEWRrk8o — Israeli for Trump (@davidweissman3) October 26, 2016 Israeli religious nationalists see the Palestinian territory as part of the country, citing Jews’ connection to the land from biblical times. The US has intensified criticism of Israeli settlement building in the West Bank in recent months, warning that it is eating away at hopes for a two-state solution. Settlements in the West Bank are viewed as illegal under international law and are major stumbling blocks to peace efforts because they are built on land seized in the 1967 war which Palestinians see as part of their future state. At an American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in March, Trump described an “unbreakable bond” between the US and Israel. “When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one,” Trump told delegates, in a speech that heaped praise on Israel and derided Palestinians as perpetrators of violence. Recalling rounds of failed peace talks between the two parties, Trump blamed Palestinian leaders. “To make a great deal, you need two willing participants,” Trump said. “We know Israel is willing to deal. Israel has been trying to sit down at the negotiating table without preconditions for years.” Friedman reiterated that Trump would recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy there – which would break with decades of precedent and put Washington at odds with most UN member states. There were chants of “lock her up” when Trump’s Democrat rival Hillary Clinton’s name was mentioned at the rally ahead of the 8 November vote – a common refrain among Trump supporters who want to see her jailed over an emails scandal. “I hate Hillary. She’s the same like (Barack) Obama,” said Ran Hofman, 54, who waved an Israeli flag. “They screw up the whole world.” A brief video message from Trump of about one minute was played at the event. “Together we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and her people,” Trump said. “Together we will make America and Israel safe again.”
SC Woman Dies Of Thirst In Jail After Cops Yank Her Out Of Hospital Over Outstanding Court Fines
Joyce Curnell s family has been destroyed by South Carolina law enforcement after she was forced to spend 27 hours of pure torture in a jail before being murdered by the state. I say murdered because what she was subjected to is nothing short of an execution.Curnell had gone to the hospital for stomach pain that was diagnosed as gastroenteritis. That, aside from the several other medical conditions she had, put her in a severe state of illness. Somehow, it got out that she had an arrest warrant over unpaid court fees while she was in the hospital. State officials dragged her off to a jail while she was in a severely fragile state of health. While in the jail, she underwent the cruelest and most unusual punishment imaginable.After being locked in a cell, her health started to deteriorate rapidly. She became so ill she couldn t eat, drink, or even call for help. Jail officials asked for medical staff to help her, but their requests went ignored. She couldn t even make it to the bathroom on her own. The fact she was vomiting all night didn t phase medical officials, and she was given just a trash bag to vomit into as she lay suffering.27 hours later, Joyce Curnell was dead because of a combination of draconian policing and wanton cruelty.Joyce s death could have been prevented with a simple treatment of IV hydration. Doctors recommended this as she was removed from the hospital, but jail medical staff ignored their recommendations. Instead of being allowed to remain in the jail s medical facility, she was put in general housing and no treatment was given as her life slipped away.Joyce s rights were denied her under both the Bill of Rights, and South Carolina state law, and it resulted in her death. Medical experts have said that her death was caused by dehydration from her inability to drink water and the denial of one of the simplest medical treatments that exist.Curnell s family is planning to sue the jail s medical contractor, Carolina Center for Occupational Health, for malpractice. The filing included the statements of a local doctor that said Curnell s death was caused by dehydration due to a lack of treatment.Featured image via death and taxes
Meet David French, The Independent Who Republicans Recruited To Run Against Donald Trump
Conservative commentator and Trump hater Bill Kristol has been hinting at a third-party alternative to the GOP frontrunner for months. On Friday, Kristol tweeted that he had indeed found his candidate, and that he was the true principled conservative who would offer voters something real and unique.Well, it s been announced who this Republican savior is and it s National Review writer and constitutional lawyer David French.The man with absolutely no name recognition is the alternative to Trump a guy who literally has his name plastered on skyscrapers.Congratulations, Republicans, you ve managed to make yourselves look more stupid than you already have. They could have put Romney on the ticket, who may have been the best choice to take on Clinton and Trump. In a moment of irony, just a week ago, French was calling on Romney to run third party, saying he was the only hope for the GOP s survival. How about that, not even the current third party candidate thinks he s good enough.And French doesn t even fit the description of what Kristol and his allies were searching for. According to Bloomberg Politics:According to one person deeply involved in the efforts to recruit an independent challenger, the search has focused on individuals who have one or more of the following three traits seen as vital for credibly launching such a bid: fame, vast wealth, and elective experience.Oh, and there s one more harbinger: French hasn t actually officially announced his candidacy. So Kristol s only pick might no actually file to run in the first place.Whereas French may be conservative, he is more principled than Trump: while the GOP blowhard has multiple draft deferments and rips off veteran s organizations, French is an Iraq War veteran and a recipient of the Bronze Star.And French, like Kristol, has had a few words to say about Donald Trump. In March, French wrote a blistering critique of the real estate mogul titled What Now, Conservatives? likening him to segregationist George Wallace:The party of Lincoln is in ruins. A minority of its primary voters have torched its founders legacy by voting for a man who combines old-school Democratic ideology, a bizarre form of hyper-violent isolationism, fringe conspiracy theories and serial lies with an enthusiastic flock of online racists to create perhaps the most toxic electoral coalition since George Wallace.How do you know French is a true Republican? He thinks Trump ruined the GOP when it clearly was George W. Bush. Oh, and he once referred to Planned Parenthood as disgusting, so that gives you an insight as to how he feels about women s reproductive health.So maybe French isn t all that better than Donald Trump. Republicans just aren t ready for an orange man with a bad comb-over and tiny hands to ruin their party.Featured image via 93.1 FM WIBC
Fatal Niger operation sparks calls for public hearings in Congress
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. lawmakers called on Thursday for public hearings on an attack in Niger that killed four U.S. soldiers, saying there were still many unanswered questions about the ambush despite receiving more information from the Pentagon. Two top Department of Defense officials, Robert Karem, assistant secretary for international security affairs, and Major General Albert Elton, deputy director for special operations and counterterrorism, conducted a closed briefing on the ambush for members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Senator John McCain, the Republican chairman of the committee, said he was pleased with the briefing. McCain last week threatened to issue a subpoena because the White House had not been forthcoming about details about the attack. “I am pleased at the cooperation we’re getting now,” McCain told reporters. McCain said there were still many unanswered questions, most notably why it took 48 hours before the body of Sargent La David Johnson was recovered. “What was the strategy; why were we surprised? There’s 100 questions that need to be answered,” McCain said. The issue has also generated a political firestorm. President Donald Trump was harshly criticized for his handling of a call with Myeshia Johnson, Johnson’s widow, who said the Republican president “made me cry even worse” by saying her husband had known “what he signed up for.” Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democratic committee member, said he wanted public hearings on the matter to explain to the U.S. public why the country has 6,000 troops posted in Africa and provide more information about the ambush. “I need to be able to look families in the eye and explain what our mission is, what mistakes were made in this incident, and were mistakes made, who made them and why,” Blumenthal told reporters after the briefing. “Most important, there need to be public hearings,” he said. McCain said he would decide whether to hold public hearings depending on what happened with the military’s investigation, citing security concerns about making anything public too soon. “We can’t betray sensitive information that would put the lives of these men and women in danger,” McCain said. On Monday, General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, held an hour-long news conference during which he sought to tamp down criticism that the Pentagon had released too little information about the deaths of the soldiers. [L2N1MY1MD]
NEW YORK MAN SHOCKED To Discover Who Was Stealing His Trump Signs: ‘This is supposed to be the United States’
A New York man was stunned this week to find out who stole his Donald Trump yard signs the former vice president of academic affairs at a local college.Charlie Tulumello of Amherst put recording equipment in his yard after pro-Trump yard signs kept disappearing in the middle of the night. Seven signs in total disappeared before the culprit former Keuka College administrator Norman Muir was finally caught. The first ones I thought maybe they were kids, pranks, Mr. Tulumello told a local CBS News affiliate Monday. This is supposed to be the United States of America. Free speech. Those things are not supposed to be done. Mr. Tulumello told the station that his wife was uneasy at night as the theft continued, so he put up a special sign warning people to stay off his property. Didn t work. This fella just kept coming, the New Yorker said. I was aggravated, angry. This person comes up on my property in the middle of the night. You don t know what to think. I mean, these are stupid signs, but you re coming onto my property in the middle of the night, stealing. That s not right. Via: WT
Kenya president lifts travel restrictions, saying all Africans can get visa on arrival
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Tuesday that any African can get a visa on arrival in Kenya, and will be free to settle in the country if they marry a Kenyan, removing restrictions on some nations. If you wish and find a willing partner, you can marry and settle in Kenya, he said during his inauguration address, saying the move was designed to cement African ties. This commitment we make again with no requirement for reciprocity.
Spain declassifies 1,900 pages of top-secret UFO files
Another step towards global UFO disclosure. The Spanish Ministry of Defense has declassified 80 reports of alleged UFO sightings that took place between 1962 and 1995. The Spanish Ministry of Defense has declassified 80 confidential reports containing around 1,900 pages of alleged UFO sightings that were recorded above Spanish airspace between 1962 and 1995. The material is available to the public in the online library of the Spanish Ministry of Defense . The reports include the location of the sighting, the date, the summary of facts, considerations, conclusions and the proposed classification or declassification of each document. The declassification process of the documents began in 1991 when the Ministry of Defense decided to analyze the reports and reduce their classification level in order to make them available to the general public which demanded access to these documents. Fascinating accounts – inexplicable phenomena One of the most interesting UFO sightings was reported by pilots and crew when President Adolfo Suarez was traveling from Germany to Spain. The strange UFO was spotted at an undisclosed location. The encounter occurred when former President Adolfo Suarez, was on board an aircraft of the Spanish Air Force. The pilots and passengers onboard witnessed strange lights that could be explained. It remains unclear as to where the sighting took place. The report reads : “During night hours on February 25, 1980, onboard the 401st Squadron aircraft on a flight from Germany to Spain, Madrid with President Suarez, strange lights were observed by the pilots and passengers“. Furthermore, the declassified documents reveal a number of different sightings that occurred over Spain when UFO’s were detected by radar but were invisible for pilots who were sent out to intercept them. A document which dates to the 28th of November 1979 indicates that numerous individuals observed two UFOs in Madrid. A military plane was sent out to search for the UFOs. The pilot of the intercepting aircraft didn’t see anything, even though “the weather conditions were excellent” and “radar contact had been established four times” the report reads. That same report details other sightings, one of them occurred on November 27, 1979, when “lights in the sky, were observed by many people” and “unknown echoes” were recorded. Furthermore, the report details how in 1971, a “luminous object was spotted following a T-33 in Talavera-Getafe route”; and in 1977, mystery lights were seen above Madrid.” The first UFO sighting over Madrid was recorded on December 11 of 1968. Two witnesses reported at 20.05 hours and 20.30 hours the presence “of a very bright object with changes in brightness,“ in the southwestern parts of the capital. Check out more about the declassified documents by visiting this link . Source: Ancient Code
Erdogan, Putin to discuss Syria, Jerusalem during meeting in Turkey: sources
ANKARA (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will make an official visit to Turkey on Monday, Dec. 11, to discuss developments in Syria and Jerusalem with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish presidential sources said on Friday. The Kremlin confirmed the visit by Putin on Friday, saying the two leaders would discuss energy projects and key international problems . Erdogan and Putin held a phone call on Thursday where they agreed that the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital will negatively impact the region s peace and stability.
Xi and Trump discuss sanctions pressure on North Korea: White House
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Donald Trump spoke about keeping pressure on North Korea with economic sanctions imposed through the United Nations, the White House said in a statement on Monday. The United States and South Korea and separately Russia together with China, carried out military drills in a show of force against North Korea, which has defied U.N. Security Council resolutions to conduct nuclear tests and ballistic missile tests. Trump and Xi spoke on the phone days after Trump and his aides publicly discussed potential military action against North Korea. On Friday, while delivering an address at a military base outside of Washington, Trump said he was more confident than ever that our options in addressing this threat are both effective and overwhelming. Trump is attending the annual United Nations General Assembly in New York this week, while Xi is not. North Korea s nuclear threat is likely to loom large on the agenda. The two leaders also discussed Trump s coming China visit, the Xinhua News Agency said. Xi said China and the United States share extensive common interests and have seen sound momentum of exchanges and cooperation in various areas at present, Xinhua said. Xi called on both sides to work closely to ensure a fruitful trip and inject new impetus into the development of Sino-U.S. relations, the report said. The Chinese leader said he is happy to maintain communications with the U.S. leader on a regular basis over topics of mutual concern, it said. Trump will likely visit China in November as part of a trip that will take him to an ASEAN summit in the Philippines and an APEC summit in Vietnam.
Lawmakers say Ross defers to Trump on U.S. steel tariff timing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said on Thursday that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told them he will defer to President Donald Trump on the timing of a decision on new steel import curbs, likely meaning further delays and deliberations on the issue. Members of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee attending a briefing with Ross said he did not specify a timetable for releasing a long-awaited report that will lay out options for shielding the steel industry from imports on national security grounds. Ross had originally hoped to release the steel “Section 232” report at the end of June but the timing has slipped amid disagreements among White House aides over the merits of restricting imports that could hurt steel consuming industries. A House Democratic aide who attended the briefing said Ross repeated President Donald Trump’s comments in a Wall Street Journal interview this week that the decision on potential steel tariffs would take more time and could come after congressional debates on health care, tax reform and infrastructure spending. “I can only follow my leader,” the aide said Ross told the briefing. The Commerce secretary also told lawmakers the issue had a lot of complexities and that he was considering the interests of both steel makers and steel users and concerned about potential trade retaliation against U.S. agricultural products. The lawmakers said Ross told them he was taking a similar approach to a parallel national security probe into aluminum imports. “I think it’s a good sign that they’re actually slowing down and taking a long look, not trying to mix this in with these other issues that have to be lifted,” said Republican Representative Jackie Walorski. “I think that Secretary Ross is committed to making sure that we’re doing no harm, that we’re getting this right. I need it to be right when it comes to aluminum,” Walorski said, adding that the recreational vehicle industry in her northern Indiana district does not want to higher aluminum prices due tariffs. Representative Judy Chu, a California Democrat, said Ross told the lawmakers that the Trump administration also wanted to pursue negotiations with other steel-producing countries to address the problem of excess capacity that was causing a flood of dumped imports. But Ross and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin last week failed to secure commitments from their Chinese counterparts to make specific commitments to cut steel production capacity. China, which produces half the world’s steel, is widely viewed as the source of much of the metal’s excess production.
What 'Draw Muhammad' shootings say about Islamic State reach (+video)
The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the foiled terrorist attack at a Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas Sunday. But that doesn't mean the group had much to do with the attack. The attempted terror attack by two Muslim-Americans in Garland, Texas, Sunday so far appears to confirm what terrorism experts have been saying for months: The Islamic State has no ability to carry out attacks in the United States. But the incident shows that the Islamic State’s ability to inspire and, to a limited degree, direct “lone wolf” jihadis remains a challenge with no simple answers. No evidence yet shared with the public suggests that the two men killed by a security officer when they opened fire on a building hosting a “Draw Muhammad” contest were hardened Islamic State operatives. They pledged fealty to the Islamic State in a tweet minutes before the attack. But one of them, Elton Simpson, had been on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s radar screen since 2006, and he faced charges in 2011 over claims that he wanted to join jihad in Somalia. The degree to which he and his Phoenix-area roommate, Nadir Soofi, reached out to the Islamic State – or the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) reached out to them – is unclear. The FBI is combing through the men’s social media histories for clues. But it is becoming increasingly clear that the Islamic State’s greatest threat to the US is in its online messaging, which Jessica Stern, co-author of the new book “ISIS: The State of Terror,” calls a “social contagion.” What is known about Sunday’s attack underscores that “it’s less important that ISIS actually speaks [directly to attackers], because ISIS’s goal is to inspire this kind of attack.” This is terrorism on the cheap. The Islamic State doesn’t have to try to send operatives to the US. It can simply prod disgruntled Americans and claim the credit. For the Islamic State, “trying to get guys from Syria or Iraq into the United States [to fight] would be stupid and fruitless, because it would take time and money, it would take guys away from the fight, and why would you even do it when you have a great force multiplier in the Internet, where you can get people to pop up anywhere, making you seem omnipotent and universal?” asks Tim Clemente, a former FBI counterterrorism agent. On one hand, Sunday’s attack gave that impression. But it also suggested the limitations of outsourcing terrorism operations. America’s legal dockets are strewn with the stories of homegrown terrorists who were rumbled by the FBI or simply failed. CNN notes that the attackers had body armor and semiautomatic weapons and yet were killed by a traffic officer with a pistol. The events showed that the attackers were “wannabes who have never really done anything legitimate, and who hope this act will give them acceptance,” Mr. Clemente says. For that reason, the attack in Garland “doesn’t suggest to me that this is a clear escalation,” says Ms. Stern. Rather, it points to the Islamic State’s opportunism – both in recruiting would-be terrorists and in capitalizing on their exploits. “This is something ISIS has been hoping will happen,” she says. The Islamic State has made many claims of responsibility in attacks throughout North Africa and Europe, though this is the first time it has done so for an attack in North America. The attack last October on the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa by a lone gunman seemed taken out of the Islamic State playbook, investigators said, but Canadian intelligence never found a credible connection. The Garland attack also stirred memories of the attack by jihadists on the satirical Paris magazine Charlie Hebdo, as well as an attack at an event this spring attended by Lars Vilks, a Swedish cartoonist who has caricatured Muhammad. Sunday’s event, sponsored by controversial free-speech activist Pam Geller, promised the artist behind the best cartoon of Mohammad a $10,000 prize. It included a keynote address from controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who has decried the “Islamicization of the Netherlands.” The Islamic State message does appear to hold some appeal for a minuscule fringe. In addition to Islamic State-inspired attacks, an estimated 3,000 Westerners – including perhaps “hundreds” of Americans – have traveled to Syria since 2011 to join violent jihad. As of last October, Norwegian terrorism analyst Thomas Hegghammer found a low “blowback rate” for those fighters coming back to their home countries to engage in terrorism – only about 1 of every 150 to 300, much lower than the rate for foreign fighters in Afghanistan, for example. He suggested that was because of the Islamic State’s primary focus on establishing a caliphate in the Middle East. “ISIS is unlikely to go all in on global [terrorism] operations the way al Qaeda Central has. The organization is not designed for that, and such a strategy is not compatible with its state-building ambitions,” he wrote on CNN. In the months since, ISIS’s messaging campaign has become more global, but its operational reach has apparently remained focused on the Middle East. The result, experts say, is attacks like the one Sunday. “It’s not as if ISIS has a cell in the United States or trains people,” Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, an Islamic State expert at the Interdisciplinary Center in Harzliya, Israel, tells The New York Times. “This is not ISIS coming to America.”
U.S. panel urges ban on China state firms buying U.S. companies
WASHINGTON/HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers should take action to ban China’s state-owned firms from acquiring U.S. companies, a congressional panel charged with monitoring security and trade links between Washington and Beijing said on Wednesday. In its annual report to Congress, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission said the Chinese Communist Party has used state-backed enterprises as the primary economic tool to advance and achieve its national security objectives. The report recommended Congress prohibit U.S. acquisitions by such entities by changing the mandate of CFIUS, the U.S. government body that conducts security reviews of proposed acquisitions by foreign firms. “The Commission recommends Congress amend the statute authorizing the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to bar Chinese state-owned enterprises from acquiring or otherwise gaining effective control of U.S. companies,” the report said. CFIUS, led by the U.S. Treasury and with representatives from eight other agencies, including the departments of Defense, State and Homeland Security, now has veto power over acquisitions from foreign private and state-controlled firms if it finds that a deal would threaten U.S. national security or critical infrastructure. If enacted, the panel’s recommendation would essentially create a blanket ban on U.S. purchases by Chinese state-owned enterprises. The report “has again revealed the commission’s stereotypes and prejudices,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in Beijing. “We ask that Chinese companies investing abroad abide by local laws and regulations, and we hope that relevant countries will create a level playing field,” he told a daily news briefing. The panel’s report is purely advisory, but could carry extra weight this year because they come as President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is formulating its trade and foreign policy agenda and vetting candidates for key economic and security positions. Congress also could be more receptive, after U.S. voter sentiment against job losses to China and Mexico helped Republicans retain control of both the House and the Senate in last week’s election. Trump strongly criticized China throughout the U.S. election campaign, grabbing headlines with his pledges to slap 45 percent tariffs on imported Chinese goods and to label the country a currency manipulator on his first day in office. “Chinese state owned enterprises are arms of the Chinese state,” Dennis Shea, chairman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, told a news conference. “We don’t want the U.S. government purchasing companies in the United States, why would we want the Chinese Communist government purchasing companies in the United States?” The recommendation to change laws governing CFIUS was one of 20 proposals the panel made to Congress. On the military side, it called for a government investigation into how far outsourcing to China has weakened the U.S. defense industry. The 16-year-old panel also said Congress should pass legislation that would require its pre-approval of any move by the U.S. Commerce Department to declare China a “market economy” and limit anti-dumping tariffs against the country. The United States and U.S. businesses attracted a record $64.5 billion worth of deals involving buyers from mainland China this year, more than any other country targeted by Chinese buyers, according to Thomson Reuters data. The push into the United States is part of a global overseas buying spree by Chinese companies that this year has seen a record $200 billion worth of deals, nearly double last year’s tally. CFIUS has shown a higher degree of activism against Chinese buyers this year, catching some by surprise. Prominent deals that fell victim to CFIUS include Tsinghua Holdings’ $3.8 billion investment in Western Digital (WDC.O). Overall, data do not demonstrate CFIUS has been a significant obstacle for Chinese investment in the United States. In 2014, the latest year for which data is available, China topped the list of foreign countries in CFIUS review with 24 deals reviewed out of more than 100 scrutinized by CFIUS. Although the number of Chinese transactions reviewed rose in absolute terms, it fell as a share of overall Chinese acquisitions, the report noted, and the vast majority of deals reviewed by CFIUS were cleared.
SOLID: 211,000 Jobs Created in April, Unemployment Falls to 4.4% - Breitbart
The American job creation machine was in April after a disappointing March. Payrolls grew by 211, 000 jobs in the months and unemployment fell to 4. 4 percent, the lowest since May 2007. [The consensus forecast of economists was for job growth of 185, 000 and for a slight increase in unemployment. A broader measure of unemployment known as which includes people not actively looking for jobs as well as workers who can only find jobs, fell to 8. 6 percent from 8. 9 percent in March, the lowest level since November 2007. Somewhat strangely, the decline in unemployment and rise in job creation was accompanied by a tick downward in the labor force participation rate to 62. 9 percent. Wages grew seven cents an hour to an annualized pace of 2. 5 percent, a decline from March’s 2. 7 percent rate. Economists had expected wage growth to remain unchanged. The decline in the pace of wage growth may partly be explained by types of jobs that were created in March. These were concentrated in less productive, lower paying fields, with leisure and hospitality leading the way with 55, 000 positions. March now seems to have been even more dismal than originally thought. The initial read of 98, 000 jobs was revised down to 79, 000, a remarkably low number. February, however, was revised upward to 232, 000 from 219, 000. Overall, the report suggests that the economy is growing at a healthy pace despite the poor jobs number in March and sluggish first quarter GDP showing.
Trump’s Sons Plug Father’s Presidency, Hotel Chain On Morning TV And It’s Perfectly Legal
When then-President Elect Donald Trump held a press conference on January 11 to separate himself from his business ventures, he said, These papers are just some of the many documents I ve signed turning over complete and total control to my sons, while standing next to a table stacked with manila folders. Sure, the papers all looked blank and the media wasn t allowed to examine them, but his intentions were clear. They are not going to discuss [the business] with me, Trump said of his sons. Again, I don t have to do this. They re not going to discuss it with me. Of course, few believed a word of it for even a second. Why should they? A shrewd, dishonest businessman who puts wealth, status and power over everything was weeks away from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America.Once again, the doubters have been proven right. Quite a few of them were republicans who truly didn t care or see a conflict of interests as they wanted a businessman in the White House anyway, but the thin veneer separating Trump s presidency and his business interests is rapidly starting to crumble.President Trump s two oldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, took to the morning show circuit this week to promote the latest budget accommodation in the Trump Hotels line, but that didn t stop them from weighing in on issues surrounding their father s presidency. While appearing on Good Morning America on Tuesday morning, Eric Trump described the Russian probe as the greatest hoax of all time, while his brother, Donald Jr., had some strong words for London Mayor Sadiq Khan, saying that, Maybe he should do something to fix the problem rather than just sit there and pretend there isn t one. Just like their father, the pair also found time to bash the media.The unsettling news is that, although the pair aren t technically breaking any laws, they are setting a new, unchartered precedent for future American leaders. It s hard to describe what they re doing in polite words, said Mark Foster, a lawyer who specializes in ethics at the firm Zuckerman Spaeder LLP. If he and this is a loaded term if he gets away with it, then obviously he sets a new standard for future presidents: It s OK to do this, which I think would be extremely regrettable because it s never been the standard and it ought not to be the standard, Foster continued. But if he does it and gets away with it, then, you know, what president down the road is gonna feel constrained not to set his own standards? There are no standards. In an interview with Forbes magazine, Eric Trump claimed that he doesn t talk politics with his father. There is kind of a clear separation of church and state that we maintain, and I am deadly serious about that exercise, he said. I do not talk about the government with him, and he does not talk about the business with us. That s kind of a steadfast pact we made, and it s something that we honor. However, just like his father, it didn t take long for Eric to contradict himself, when he admitted just minutes later that he gives the president business updates. Yeah, on the bottom line, profitability reports and stuff like that, but you know, that s about it, he said, adding when asked how often, Yeah, probably quarterly. Funny, only one quarter has passed since Trump was sworn in as president and what reason do we have to believe a son who is this close to his father? My father and I are very close, Eric Trump says. I talk to him a lot. We re pretty inseparable. This latest disclosure from Trump s son that he s talking about these things is confirmation that the attestations that the president made back in January regarding there being complete separation are a sham, said Alex Howard, deputy director of the Sunlight Foundation, a government accountability and transparency nonprofit. Look, I don t care what you say: Money influences the way you think, he said. You know, I tend to think favorably of my clients because they pay me a lot of money. That s not a bad thing. It s just human nature except if I were president of the United States, you wouldn t want people influencing my thinking by giving me money either directly or indirectly. You d rather I was thinking about the national interest. A spokesperson for the Trump Organization declined to comment, however, hopefully next time voters reconsider putting a businessman in the White House.Featured image via Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images
Boiler Room #91 – The Swear Jar Overfloweth
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Andy Nowicki host of The Nameless Podcast, Jay Dyer of Jay s Analysis and Stewart Howe for the 91st episode of BOILER ROOM. Water the plants, put the kids to bed and get your favorite snuggy out so you can drop deep into the Boiler Room with the ACR brain-trust.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Listen to Boiler Room EP #91 The Swear Jar Overfloweth on Spreaker.Reference Links:
(AUDIO) RACIST BLACK PANTHER LEADER: “We’re willing to kill to save a black nation.”
What is it that they don t get? Does anyone even listen to these inciters of anger and hate? This is pitiful!WARNING: Profanity/Strong Racial LanguageThis Week on the New Black Panther Party s Black Power Radio, national chairman Hashim Nzinga said since America has declared war on us, evidenced by military police in the black neighborhood protecting the rich, the New Black Panthers should be looked upon as Founding Fathers who declare war and are willing to die or kill to save our babies and to save a black nation that is dying before our eyes. Nzinga said, America is about protecting the rich and the powerful. He added, We pay taxes. They have declared war on us and it s nothing but state racism. So if we say we are at war, we should be applauded like George Washington, Nzinga continued. We should be applauded like Thomas Jefferson. We should be applauded like the Founding Fathers of the country. This is not the hate hour, this is the love hour, he added. We have to love ourselves enough to be willing to die or kill to save our babies and to save a black nation that is dying before our eyes. Via: Breitbart
Adele Wants NOTHING To Do With Donald Trump And Has A Message For Him
When on the campaign trail, those running for office like to use music to bolster enthusiasm from the crowds, help spread their message, and look as though they re hip to modern day pop culture. Often times, what these politicians don t think about is the fact that the artists that make the music might not want their music to be used, especially by specific people. Such is the case with Donald Trump and his use of music by the singing sensation (and goddess) Adele.Trump has continuously used Adele s song from her 21 album Rolling in the Deep. Of course, the key lyric from that being We could ve had it all. Basically, implying that a vote for Trump is a vote for everything you could ever want.However, as it turns out, Adele does NOT want Trump using her music, and a spokesman for the singer told The Independent: Adele has not given permission for her music to be used for any political campaigning. It can also be implied that every time Huckabee tries to use Adele s song Hello in the bizarre way that he does, that this too is frowned upon.Adele has actually chosen to stay out of the political scene altogether, especially after a comment she made in 2011 where she stated that she was a Labour girl. And if you re unaware, the Labour Party is a center-left party in the United Kingdom.She s not the only one to take issue with politicians using their music. REM even went so far as to take to Twitter in a very verbose rant, with frontman Michael Stipe saying to Trump and Co.: Go fuck yourselves, the lot of you you sad, attention grabbing, power-hungry little men. Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign. Aerosmith also told Trump to f*ck off in so many words.Lesson from all of this ask permission.However, it must be frustrating when all the good music out there comes from the left side of the aisle. Featured image: Instagram/Flickr
This Brutal Ad Exposes Donald Trump For Every Liberal Position He’s Ever Had (VIDEO)
An anti-Trump Super PAC has just released a new attack ad highlighting just how untrustworthy and flip-floppy the GOP presidential candidate has become over the years. It turns out that historically, the business mogul has supported more liberal positions than conservative ones.The main purpose of the ad was to get Americans to open their eyes and ask themselves, How much do we really know about Donald Trump? The ad was released by Our Principles PAC, which was founded by Katie Packer, a deputy campaign manager on Mitt Romney s 2012 presidential campaign. Packer told Politico: Our Principles PAC has focused on conservative principles and ensuring that voters have the necessary information to make a wise decision on Election Day. The ad contains back-to-back footage of Trump supporting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and praising President Barack Obama, while backing conservative no-nos like universal healthcare and abortion. In one part of the ad, Trump admits that he leans more toward the Democrat party and even says that Republicans are just too crazy right. At the end of the ad, the text reads, With a record like this, how can we trust Donald Trump? Hillary Clinton s voice is also heard, saying that Trump is basically a Democrat. She says: He was basically a Democrat and he was supportive of Democrats. He was supportive of a lot of the causes that I cared about and people I knew cared about. This anti-Trump video is called The Trump Tapes: Vol. 1, which we hope means that the Super PAC plans to release more soon.Many people are aware that Trump has made some of these statements, but seeing all of this footage together really drives the message home. The fact that it came from conservatives makes it even better.TwitterOur Principles Super PAC has also created an accompanying website to the attack ads, called Trumpquestions.com, which is worth checking out it s full of articles that highlight just how dishonest the current Republican front-runner really is.Featured image is a screenshot
President Obama Nominates FIRST Muslim For A Federal Judgeship
History is once again being made thanks to President Obama. On Wednesday, Obama nominated Abid Riaz Qureshi to serve as a judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, filling the vacancy left by Judge Rosemary Collyer (who took senior status).Qureshi s nomination makes him the first Muslim to be nominated for a federal judgeship and, if confirmed, the first Muslim federal judge in American history.With a commitment to serve the American people with integrity and a steadfast commitment to justice, as President Obama said, Qureshi is a graduate of Cornell University and Harvard University and currently works at the law firm Latham & Watkins LLP. Qureshi specializes in healthcare fraud and securities violations.Not only is Qureshi a partner at Latham & Watkins (a position he s held since 2006), he is the global chair of the firm s Pro Bono Committee, and serves on the Legal Ethics Committee of the District of Columbia Bar.An accomplished lawyer, who happens to be Muslim, will not get his day in the Senate (should the obstructionist Republicans allow it) and make history.And of course conservatives are going to be furious when they find out that gasp Muslims can serve in public office! Fortunately to sanity and justice, the United States Constitution has a No Religious Test clause under Article VI: ;but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.So say the Founders, who seemed to be very cordial and accepting of Muslims.The United States Constitution has this clause to ward off hateful bigots who think their religion is the only one that matters, and President Obama is taking full advantage of it, and rightfully so. Qureshi isn t qualified because he s a Muslim, he s just a qualified attorney who happens to be Muslim.Here s to hoping history will once again be made, and Republicans will give this man a fair hearing and a speedy up-and-down vote.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
WATCH: Mike Pence Laughs At His Own Running Mate When Asked About Pathetic Black Voter Outreach
Donald Trump has his sights set on a voting bloc he has not a chance in hell of winning: black people. Despite Trump s blatant racism and other assorted forms of bigotry, he made the crazy claim that if elected, he d have 95% of the African American support by the time he runs for reelection in 2020. Of course all sane people know this to be false. It also seems that his own running mate thinks such an idea is pretty funny, too.Vice presidential candidate Mike Pence appeared on Fox News with host Ainsley Earhardt, and she asked him about The Donald s extraordinary statement. Pence, of course, tried to spin and cover up his chuckling, and actually pretended he believes Donald Trump cares about black people. Well, that s Donald Trump. He has a heart for every American and he also, he s a truth-teller. He speaks the truth. It s been the failed policies of Democrat politicians that have, that have harmed people living in the cities in this country now for generations. And it s had special impact on the African-American community.And his optimistic view about 2020 when he s running for reelection, that s pure Donald Trump. He s speaking the truth but s also doing what a leader should do. As President John F. Kennedy] said, We re going to advance policies that cause all ships to rise, to create new opportunities for every American. Haha, good one, Governor Pence. You know good and damn well that Donald Trump doesn t care about anyone but Donald Trump, and his lengthy and well documented history of racism shows that he especially doesn t care about black people. You might be fooling yourself here, but you re sure as hell not fooling us.Watch the exchange below, via The Hill: Why are you laughing? My god, this video of Pence on Fox News is incredible. https://t.co/iYGF8VUKkV pic.twitter.com/B1q6LxaiVf Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) August 22, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS to Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ on Global Warming
Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS to Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ on Global Warming Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental group millions o... Print Email http://humansarefree.com/2016/11/soros-paid-al-gore-millions-to-push.html Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental group millions of dollars over three years to create a “political space for aggressive U.S. action” on global warming, according to leaked documents. A document published by DC Leaks shows Soros, a Hungarian-born liberal financier, wanted his nonprofit Open Society Institute (OSI) to do more to support global warming policies in the U.S. That included budgeting $10 million in annual support to Gore’s climate group over three years.“U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo.“There has been a budget of $11 million for global warming grants in the U.S. Programs budget for the last several years,” the memo reads. “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”It’s unclear what year the memo was sent, but the Gore co-founded Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP) was established in 2006 and lasted until it became The Climate Reality Project in July 2011. In 2008, the Alliance launched a $300 million campaign to encourage “Americans to push for aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,” The Washington Post reported . Global Warming is NOT caused by humans: 10 Prominent Scientists Refuting 'Manmade Global Warming' with Solid Research ACP got $10 million from the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 2008, according to the nonprofit’s tax filings. OSI handed over another $5 million to ACP in 2009, according to tax filings. The investigative reporting group ProPublica keeps a database that has OSI tax returns from 2000 to 2013. TheDCNF could not find other years where OSI gave money to ACP.OSI is primarily a grant-making nonprofit that hands out millions of dollars every year to mostly left-wing causes. Now called the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s nonprofit has handed out more than $13 billion over the last three decades.OSI didn’t only plan to fund Gore’s climate group to promote global warming policies in the U.S., OSI also planned on giving millions of dollars to spur the “youth climate movement.” Greenpeace Founder: Humans Not to Blame for Global Warming “This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.“We are also including a placeholder for an additional $2 million, pending discussion about and development of OSI’s global warming agenda,” the memo reads. “There is a memo from Nancy Youman in the strategic plans binder that recommends pathways forward for OSI on the climate issue – in the U.S., as well as in other parts of the Open Society Network.” By Michael Bastasch
[VIDEO] DINESH D’SOUZA Warned Us About What The World Would Look Like If We Gave Obama Another Term In “2016: Obama’s America”…Was He Correct?
Dinesh made some frightening predictions in his blockbuster movie, 2016: Obama s America. Was he correct in his predictions?
Clinton expresses concern about AT&T-Time Warner deal
ABOARD CLINTON CAMPAIGN PLANE (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday the proposed tie-up between AT&T Inc and Time Warner Inc raised concerns that needed study. “I think it raises questions and concerns, and they should be looked into,” she told reporters on her campaign plane. “If I’m fortunate enough to be president, I will expect the government to conduct a very thorough analysis before making a decision,” she said.
SAY GOOD BYE TO LONDON: Radical Muslim WINS London’s Mayoral Election By Over 300,000 Votes
Has the entire world gone mad with political correctness? Is there any chance of saving the UK from itself? UPDATE: Labour Party politician Sadiq Khan has been elected London mayor the first Muslim to lead Europe s largest city.Election officials say Khan defeated Conservative rival Zac Goldsmith by more than 300,000 votes, after first- and second-preference votes were allocated.The result came early Saturday, more than 24 hours after polls closed.Khan was elected to replace Conservative Mayor Boris Johnson after a campaign marked by U.S.-style negative campaigning.Goldsmith, a wealthy environmentalist, called Khan divisive and accused him of sharing platforms with Islamic extremists.Khan, who calls himself the British Muslim who will take the fight to the extremists, accused Goldsmith of trying to scare and divide voters in a proudly multicultural city of 8.6 million people more than 1 million of them Muslim.Londoners go to the polls on Thursday to choose a replacement for the outgoing Mayor, Boris Johnson MP. Despite the fact the Labour Party is currently mired in an anti-Semitism scandal, if all things remain equal, expect the party s candidate Sadiq Khan MP to be confirmed in the early hours of Friday morning.Mr. Khan, 45, has had a successful career in the Labour Party, being elected to parliament in 2005, becoming a Minister of State in 2008 with a promotion in 2009. He was a Shadow Secretary of State for Justice from 2010-15, and has been running for London Mayor since then.POLLINGIn fact, as I predicted in January, the polls have changed very little since the beginning of the year. This is despite a negative-ad onslaught by the Conservative Party and its candidate Zac Goldsmith the multi-millionaire son of Eurosceptic royalty Sir James Goldsmith, and brother of socialite and Vanity Fair editor Jemima Khan.Mr. Goldsmith and his Back Zac campaign have used the last few months to highlight Sadiq Khan s proximity to Islamic extremists, extremism, and this past weekend, to anti-Semitism.But perhaps it speaks to the mindset of Londoners, and certainly the British capital s demographic shift, that such news has scarcely affected Mr. Khan.In January, a YouGov poll put Mr. Goldsmith on 35 to Mr. Khan s 45 per cent. When you take into account London s supplementary voting system, the numbers after the second preference votes are counted ended up 45-55 to Mr. Khan.Last week, that number stood at 40-6o to Mr. Khan. After second preference votes, the extremist-adjacent candidate has a 20 point poll lead.While last week s events when one of Mr. Khan s most prominent backers Ken Livingstone was implicated in a Hitler/anti-Semitism scandal may serve to keep some of Mr. Khan s voters at home, it is hard to imagine the Conservatives overturning such a drastic poll lead.A MUSLIM MAYOR?Polling suggests some people are nervous about having someone like Mr. Khan near an office that wields so much power, responsibility, and cash.Private conversations with Westminster insiders often see Lutfur Rahman the former Mayor of Tower Hamlets raised as another example of a prominent Muslim mayor.Mr. Rahman was removed from office, accused by critics of playing sectarian politics with the area s Muslim population, of backing Islamists, and of distributing tax payer cash to his favoured Muslim groups to secure their support.Mr. Rahman was found guilty of corrupt and illegal practices and has perhaps set back the plight of the few, integrated British Muslims in elected life. He alongside politicians like Humza Yousaf, Sayeeda Warsi, Rushanara Ali, Shabana Mahmood, Yasmin Qureshi, Amjad Bashir, Naz Shah, and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh have created a deep distrust between British voters and Muslim politicians.In fact one third of Londoners remain suspicious of having a Muslim Mayor, and the likes of Sajid Javid or Syed Kamall suffer because of their co-religionists insistence on fellow-travelling with extremists, if not holding extremist views themselves.EXTREMISMAnd Mr. Khan can hardly claim a clean record. Mr. Goldsmith s attacks are not without basis, though they have been shrugged off as racism or Islamophobia with the assistance of the left s useful idiots like Owen Jones.Apart from his somewhat threatening statements about not voting for him while claiming that he is the West , Mr. Khan s own track record is perhaps one of the most sour of all Muslim politicians in the Western world.In 2001 he was the lawyer for the Nation of Islam in its successful High Court bid to overturn the 15-year-ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan.In 2005 and 2006 he visited terror-charged Babar Ahmad in Woodhill Prison. Mr. Ahmed was extradited to the U.S. in 2012, serving time in prison before being returned to the UK in 2015. Mr. Ahmed pleaded guilty to the terrorist offences of conspiracy, and providing material support to the Taliban.And Mr. Khan also campaigned for the release and repatriation of Shaker Aamer, Britain s last Guantanamo detainee, who was returned to the UK in November.Both Messrs Aamer and Ahmed provided Mr. Khan with links to the advocacy group CAGE, which described the Islamic State executioner Mohammed Emwazi as a beautiful young man , and which has campaigned on behalf of both men. Mr. Khan is reported to have shared a stage with five Islamic extremists, including at sex-segregated events. Even so, his poll numbers remain firm.On Friday morning, Londoners will likely get the news that their mayor for the next four years is a man with the judgement, priorities, and fellow travellers as laid out above. This, combined with an annual 16bn budget, and an army of police, bureaucrats, and officials, would make Mr. Khan one of the most powerful Muslims in the Western world.For entire story: Breitbart News
Steve Bannon Details Trump Agenda: Deconstruction of the Administrative State - Breitbart
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon detailed President Donald Trump’s agenda during an appearance at CPAC, thrilling the audience of conservatives who wanted to hear more about what Trump would do as president. [Bannon broke the agenda down into three categories. pointing to economic nationalism, national sovereignty, and the deconstruction of the administrative state. Part of restoring American sovereignty, Bannon explained, was fixing and improving intelligence, the defense department, and homeland security. Economic nationalism would focus on restoring American prominence in trade and commerce — “rethinking” how to reconstruct trade deals around the world to favor America first, he said. The most important two minutes of Steve Bannon’s CPAC speech &gt pic. twitter. — Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) February 23, 2017, Bannon explained that the Trump administration and Congress were already working together to focus on bilateral trade deals with other countries, especially after pulling out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. The goal, he said, was to make America a “fair trading nation” and bring more high paying jobs into America. The CPAC audience applauded and cheered when Bannon spoke of the deconstruction of the administrative state, cutting cabinet agency regulations that were choking business growth. “The way the progressive left runs is that if they can’t get it passed, they’re just going to put it in some sort of regulation in an agency,” he said. “That’s all going to be deconstructed. ”
Trump Calls Black Man At Rally A ‘Thug,’ Kicks Him Out – Except There’s One BIG Problem (VIDEO)
By Joe Clark Videos October 28, 2016 Trump Calls Black Man At Rally A ‘Thug,’ Kicks Him Out – Except There’s One BIG Problem (VIDEO) On Wednesday night during a rally in Kinston, North Carolina, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once again focused on his fabled “minority outreach” initiative by kicking another black man out from his “inclusive” rally. Trump accused the man of being a protester, however, like most of his supporters, Trump’s perception of a person of color was way off base. During the exchange, Trump points to an older black man in a red shirt who made his way about 30 feet from the stage while yelling out “Donald!” to get the nominee’s attention. Trump immediately pounces on the opportunity to show how tough he is to his rabid supporters. “We have a protester!” he said . Trump then said this to Cary: “By the way, were you paid $1,500 to be a thug?” As the man was escorted out by Trump’s security team, the crowd erupted into chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump,” as the candidate bellowed “You can get him out. Get him out.” C.J. Cary is a 63-year old former Marine who has been a Trump supporter ever since the billionaire replied to a 1992 letter Cary sent during Trump’s first divorce. Cary made his way to the rally on Wednesday to see his hero and deliver a personal message via note to the GOP candidate. The note contained a bit of advice for the nominee, basically telling him to stop saying offensive things about women, minorities, and people with disabilities on the campaign trail, otherwise “lying Hillary” will beat him in November. However, the former Marine never had an opportunity to make it more than 30 feet from his favorite candidate before being stopped and unceremoniously thrown out of the venue by the candidate himself. Cary said he tried to explain his intentions to the security personnel. “I said, ‘I was trying to get this doc to Mr. Donald … will you get this to Donald?’ ” Cary told the paper. “He said, ‘Well dude, we’d be happy to give it to him.’ ” Trump calls black supporter a "thug," has him kicked out of a rally in North Carolina. https://t.co/b4gkI6qx9v pic.twitter.com/eJKuu0CLRi — Jason Sparks (@sparksjls) October 28, 2016 But it seems that this incident hasn’t deterred Cary’s support for “Mr. Donald” who he described as “an honest person.” “I support Trump because he’s honest,” Cary said . “You can work with an honest person and convince them their vision isn’t in the best interest of everyone. You can’t work with dishonest people. That’s why I don’t like Obama—the worst president in American history.” Some people never learn. Featured image via YouTube and Twitter Share this Article!
Pinera aims for center in tight battle for Chile's top job
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera said he would court centrist s on Monday in a bid to regain ground in Chile s presidential election after a surprise surge by leftists in Sunday s first-round vote. Pinera faces a tight Dec. 17 runoff against center-left Alejandro Guillier and will also likely have to deal with opposition to his promised tax breaks in the next left-leaning Congress if he triumphs. A former president who ran Chile between 2010 and 2014, Pinera placed first with more than 36 percent of the vote, but his two main left-leaning rivals made a stronger-than-expected showing, garnering a combined 43 percent between them. And after Congressional elections that also took place on Sunday, left-of-center lawmakers will outnumber Pinera s Chile Vamos voting bloc in Congress, complicating his plans to cut the corporate tax rate and slash red tape in the top copper exporter. Markets that had priced in a new four-year term for Pinera sank on Monday. Chile s stock index took its biggest daily dive in six years and the peso currency suffered its sharpest depreciation since 2013. It s going to be a tight and hard-fought election, Pinera told foreign media on Monday in capital Santiago. To boost his chances of winning, Pinera said he would tap some of the more popular lawmakers-elect in his bloc to help guide his campaign. We re going to appeal to the center, to the kind of people who want moderation, said Pinera. We re going to listen with humility to what the majority of Chileans want. On Monday night, the center-left Christian Democratic party endorsed Guillier without conditions. Its presidential candidate, Carolina Goic, who was the most moderate of those running to Pinera s left, garnered about 2 percent of the vote in Sunday s contest. According to the vote tally, many Chileans want change. A new leftist grouping, Frente Amplio, which has criticized Chile s model of free-market provision of services and promised to tax mining companies and the super-rich , performed much better than expected. The bloc s presidential candidate, Beatriz Sanchez, secured 20 percent of votes in the field of eight, double the support predicted by pollster CEP. The block won its first senate seat and around 20 seats in the lower house of Congress. No single bloc will control Congress. A Pinera victory in December was no longer a sure thing, said election forecaster and political scientist Kenneth Bunker. It s all up in the air right now, Bunker said. We were just dumbfounded when the results started to come in. In another bad sign for Pinera, Chileans went to polls in bigger numbers than expected on Sunday. Analysts say a low voter turnout favors Pinera because his supporters tend to be better at showing up to vote. Chile, a country of 17 million people with a $250 billion economy, has been one of Latin America s most business-friendly and stable nations since its transition to democracy in 1990. Its economy slowed, however, to an average growth rate of 1.8 percent during outgoing President Michelle Bachelet s term, with lower copper prices dragging on government revenue. Guillier has promised to deepen Bachelet s policies, from expanded access to free university education to protections for striking unions, without departing from Chile s free-market economic model. He has a tricky task ahead to attract the support of Chile s wide-ranging left-of-center voters, in part because he is seen by many as a continuation of Bachelet s unpopular government. Having slammed Pinera as a step backward for Chile, Sanchez, a 46-year-old former radio journalist, could rally her supporters to vote for Guillier, but likely in exchange for policy concessions. If Mr Guillier wants us to vote for him, he s going to have to give in to Beatriz s proposals, Sanchez supporter and salesman Hector Mino said. He cited Sanchez plan to wipe out student debt and overhaul the public-private pension system to ensure bigger payouts as possible offerings. But a too-sharp left turn could push more centrist s to Pinera. As left-leaning blocs weighed possible alliances, far-right Jose Antonio Kast threw his weight behind Pinera. Kast won nearly 8 percent of votes and urged the Chileans who cast them to vote for Pinera in the runoff. We re not going to demand anything in return, said Kast, who defended deceased Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet during the campaign.
Connecticut Becomes First State To Boycott Indiana Over LGBT Discrimination Law
WASHINGTON -- Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D) will sign an executive order on Monday barring state-funded travel to Indiana because of the state's new law that could allow businesses to turn away gay and lesbian customers for religious reasons. Malloy's move would make Connecticut the first state to boycott Indiana over its Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Gov. Mike Pence (R) quietly signed into law last week. The law allows businesses in the state to cite religious beliefs as a legal defense. Opponents fear it offers legal protection for businesses to refuse service to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Two cities, San Francisco and Seattle, have imposed similar bans in response to the law. Businesses have also retaliated. Angie's List is pulling a campus expansion project in Indianapolis, and the CEO of Salesforce, a $4 billion software corporation, announced plans to "dramatically reduce our investment" in the state because of the law. Twenty states have RFRA laws, but Indiana's law is substantially different. While other state RFRAs apply to disputes between a person and a government, Indiana's law goes further and applies to disputes between private citizens. That means, for example, a business owner could use the law to justify discrimination against customers who might otherwise be protected under law. The Indiana law could result in "employers, landlords, small business owners, or corporations, taking the law into their own hands and acting in ways that violate generally applicable laws on the grounds that they have a religious justification for doing so," reads their letter. "Members of the public will then be asked to bear the cost of their employer's, their landlord's, their local shopkeeper's, or a police officer's private religious beliefs." That's in sharp contrast to states like Connecticut, which has an RFRA but one that pertains only to religious institutions, not private establishments. And unlike some other states, Connecticut also doesn't permit discrimination based on sexual orientation in any private establishment or institution. Before signing the order, he called the Indiana law "disturbing and outright discriminatory," and said the National Collegiate Athletic Association should relocate its Final Four tournament from Indiana to another state. Those games are set to begin later this week. "I think that would be a wise choice for them to do if that's possible," said Malloy. "I'll leave it up to them to make those decisions." The NCAA president Mark Emmert has said he is "surprised and disappointed" by Indiana's law, and that he is waiting for some kind of clarification to the law, or an outright repeal, before deciding whether to keep holding sporting events in the state. Malloy said his executive order allows for any of the state's current contractual obligations with Indiana to play out, but said he doesn't plan to enter into any new ones. "Somebody's got to stand up to this kind of bigotry and I'm prepared to do it," he said.
Assange Destroys Hillary Clinton In His Most Provocative Interview Ever [Watch]
Last week, Julian Assange, Editor-In-Chief of WikiLeaks, sat down with John Pilger, Australian journalist and filmmaker, for what is arguably Assange’s most provocative interview ever. During...
Protesters sentenced to jail in French 'Kung Fu cop' trial
PARIS (Reuters) - Youths who torched a police car and attacked the car driver with an iron bar as he fled the flames were sentenced to up to seven years in jail by a French court on Wednesday. Dozens of riot police were deployed outside the Paris courthouse where the judge announced his verdict, after a trial prompted by the most striking episode of ultra-violent street protests last year against labor law reforms. The case grabbed international attention in the run-up to this year s presidential election as politicians traded accusations of being soft on law and order - a flashpoint in a contest that far-right National Front chief Marine Le Pen ultimately lost to centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron. It also made headlines due to extensive TV coverage of an incident where a group of protesters mobbed a police car, smashed its windows and threw a flare inside, forcing the car s two occupants to bail out as flames engulfed the vehicle. The driver - dubbed Kung Fu cop by French media - became a subject of fascination after taking on one of the protesters who attacked him with an iron bar. He fended off the blows with arm strokes worthy of a martial arts master. His assailant was one of five people tried. He was sentenced to three years in prison. Another protester got seven years but is on the run and believed to be in Switzerland. The incident, in May 2016, was part of a wave of protests where gangs of mostly hooded youths engaged in running battles with riot police in the capital city and cities across France. The protests were sparked by labor law changes which several labor unions and leftist politicians said would damage worker rights and make it easier for employers to fire people. Macron, a former investment banker regarded as a business-friendly centrist, has since taken over but is also introducing further labor law reforms that have put hardline unions back on the warpath, although protests have not so far been on a similar scale to 2016 s demonstrations.
WATCH: Racist Anti-Muslim Protesters Didn’t Expect To See This At Their Rally (VIDEO)
A group of anti-Muslim protesters descended on downtown Houston to protest the completed construction of an Islamic library inside of an already existing Muslim community center. Less than a dozen protesters actually showed up to the protest. The event was organized by a group called The Heart of Texas. Apparently, no one associated with the group even bothered to show up the event.The turnout for the counter-protest was huge. More than fifty people showed up to protest the anti-Muslim protesters.The Facebook event for Heart of Texas protest is loaded with all sorts of fear-mongering: Imagine Texas turning in a muslim [sic] ghetto full of mosques and Islamic Knowledge centers, the group writes. It s gettin real. One protester, Ken Reed, wore a shirt that says White Lives Matter said that: This is America. We have the right to speak out and protest, and that s what we re doing. We feel that Texas, our great state, and the United States is being threatened by the influx of Islam. While the Muslim population has grown in Texas over the past decade, particularly in Houston, there isn t any good reason to view them as a threat. Muslims account for less than 2% of Houston s total population. That s much higher than the national average, though are still very much a tiny minority in the city. Keep in mind that 94% of terrorist attacks in the United States between 1980 and 2005 have been committed by non-Muslims. We re here to show the Muslim community that there are people of faith based and non-faith based philosophies standing in solidarity against racist bigots trying to intimidate them, said Ramon Mejia, an organizer of the counter protest said.It s always great to hear that there are people are willing to stand up to bigotry and intolerance. Especially in a place that is known for having an abundance of both of those things.You can watch video footage of the protest and the counter-protest below.Featured image via video screen capture
Fans Flock to Town That Inspired ‘Gilmore Girls’ - The New York Times
WASHINGTON, Conn. — In 1999, a television writer named Amy vacationed at the Mayflower Grace, a inn built high on a hill here. In true Hollywood fashion, Ms. returned to her hometown, Los Angeles, and from her brief visit spun Stars Hollow — a charming New England small town with its own resident troubadour. Stars Hollow would become the setting for “Gilmore Girls,” her cultishly popular dramedy that ran for seven seasons on the WB (and later the CW). Last weekend, more than 1, 300 fans, most of them women, many of them mothers and daughters, descended on this rural town in western Connecticut (population: 3, 500) for the first Gilmore Girls Fan Fest. They had come from Oklahoma and Minnesota and as far away as Brazil — and paid as much as $250 per ticket — to see the “real” Stars Hollow and meet some of the actors who play its residents. In a way, they wanted to do the impossible: to experience in waking life a dream town built on a studio backlot. In Stars Hollow, for instance, it would not have been chilly and pouring rain, and the community green would not have become a mud field. There would have been a gazebo in the center of town, something Washington Depot, one of the villages within the town, conspicuously lacks. But faced with these and other realities, the attendees cheerily persevered. They stood holding umbrellas in a line that stretched clear out the door of the Hickory Stick Bookshop to get signed copies of the cookbook “Eat Like a Gilmore” by Kristi Carlson. They queued up in droves on the plaza to get a selfie with the character Jackson (Jackson Douglas). They gathered in front of the stately town hall building, where three Gilmore cast members made an impromptu appearance on the steps to sing an acoustic rendition of “Where You Lead,” the show’s theme song. Brittany White, 31, a schoolteacher, drove two hours from Rhode Island with her mother, Nancy. She was carrying a coffee mug she made that read “Luke’s,” a reference to the greasy spoon diner run by the show’s resident heartthrob, Luke Danes. Both women were on a high from having just met Kirk, another Stars Hollow resident. “This is Stars Hollow for us,” Brittany White said. “I keep saying that little food market is like Doose’s Market. Even the hardware store” — the Washington Supply Company — “is amazing. ” Sean Gunn, who played Kirk, was one of 20 or so actors and crew members to fly in for the fan fest (he hosted a cat adoption at 9 a. m. on Saturday). He believes the lasting popularity of “Gilmore Girls,” which went off the air nine years ago but will return next month with new episodes on Netflix, is due in part to the community togetherness it presents. Stars Hollow, Mr. Gunn said, is “an idealized version of the way a small town could function. ” The town of Lorelai Gilmore, a single mom, and her daughter, Rory, has a walkable main street lined with businesses, a manicured village square, an soda shop, a cozy inn, a decent public high school, a “Churchogogue” for both Christian and Jewish worshipers, and a citizenry of quirky, literate, engaged residents who participate in local government. It is a civic formula that has proved elusive for fans who have sought a version to move to. Amy Do, a videographer and graphic designer who lives in the Bay Area, spent a week two years ago around Connecticut, including in Washington Depot, a quest she chronicled on her blog, Finding Stars Hollow. “I went during Christmastime because I thought it would give me a good magical feel with the towns blanketed in snow,” Ms. Do said, adding that each place she visited lacked some crucial element. “I noticed these main streets had a couple of boutiques here and there, but there wasn’t a diner where you could get a burger,” she said. “Or there weren’t people walking around. In Stars Hollow, you always see people walking around. ” (Indeed, they’re called extras.) Vanessa Marano, another former cast member who was at the fan fest, is aware of the illusory quality of Stars Hollow whenever she auditions on the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank, Calif. where the set remains more or less intact. “It does look like a small town,” Ms. Marano said, “but you know you’re on a set because there’s equipment everywhere. ” Washington Depot does not have a strollable main street or a diner either, but since it is where Ms. stayed, it was the natural setting for a gathering of the Gilmores. The festival was dreamed up by Jennie Whitaker and her husband, Marcus, fans of the series who run a public relations firm based in Austin, Tex. As frequently happens in Connecticut, they were stuck in traffic near Hartford during a road trip this past summer and got to wondering about Washington Depot and why it had never honored its claim to fame. Back home, Ms. Whitaker contacted the town’s board of selectmen and soon found herself sitting in Washington Depot’s town hall and meeting with its community leaders, many of whom were men over 65 who had never watched the show. “There are many cults to which I have been drawn, but this was not one,” said Dan Sherr, 75, a resident who met with the Whitakers and supported their idea. While the head selectman, Mark Lyon, eventually gave the Whitakers approval for the festival, he and the others were doubtful that anyone would show up. There were also some residents opposed to the festival altogether. But “we sold out the event in 10½ hours,” Ms. Whitaker said. “People have wanted something like this for so long. ” As if aware they were suddenly extras in a large production, many of the town’s residents, particularly its savvier business owners, threw themselves into the festival. Jim Kelly turned over his law firm office to serve as a media hub and cast green room, while Liz Page offered free homemade chili and cornbread outside her gift shop, Newbury Place. Thanks to his resemblance to Luke, Ms. Page’s brawny husband, Alan, found himself wildly popular as he manned the slow cooker. Jay Combs, an owner of the Washington Supply Company, set up a Formica table with place settings and transformed a corner of the hardware store into Luke’s Diner. All day, the shop owner greeted Lorelais and Rorys, borrowing their smartphones and trudging outside in the rain to snap souvenir pictures of them through the window. “The fans are nuts, but not in a crazy way,” Mr. Combs said. He added that “because I’m under siege, so to speak,” he and his wife, like many town residents, have been watching “Gilmore Girls” and are on Season 3 (the year Rory graduates from high school). Throughout the day, Mr. Combs did hear rumblings from some fans who were disappointed that Washington Depot did not look more like Stars Hollow. A theory circulated that Ms. had taken aspects of several nearby towns (the gazebo in New Milford, the main street of Kent) and Frankensteined the mythic community. It’s a likely truth that Ms. Do, who did not attend the festival, had already discovered during her road trip. As in a wholesome TV show, though, in the end she learned a lesson. “It told me the only way to visit Stars Hollow,” Ms. Do said, “is to play an episode of ‘Gilmore Girls. ’”
Trump Just Loosened Sanctions Against Russian Spy Agencies, Americans Are F*cking FURIOUS (TWEETS)
You know how everyone suspected that there would be some quid pro quo for all the help Vladimir Putin gave Donald Trump during the election? Well, it s happening.On Thursday, Donald Trump lifted sanctions imposed by President Obama that prevented Putin from cyberspying. The sanctions were a response to Putin s team of hackers doing Trump a series of favors by hacking his political opponents and releasing any and all information they could that could assist him in becoming President. Reuters reports:The Treasury Department said in a statement it would allow U.S. companies to make limited transactions with the intelligence service that are needed to gain approval to import information technology products into Russia.The broader significance of the sanctions exemptions were not immediately clear. The Treasury Department often issues general licenses such as the one announced on Thursday to help U.S. companies overcome unintended business consequences of sanctions.U.S. intelligence agencies accused the FSB of involvement in hacking of Democratic organizations during the election, won by Republican Donald Trump.The agencies and private cyber security experts concluded the FSB first broke into the Democratic National Committee s computer system in the summer of 2015 and began monitoring email and chat conversations.They say FSB was one of two Russian spy agencies believed to have been involved in a wide-ranging operation by top-ranking individuals in Russia s government to discredit Democrat Hillary Clinton and help Trump win the election.When Obama imposed the sanctions, Vladimir Putin announced that he would wait to respond until after Trump became President because he expected a response that favors him. This move was just the first of many we can expect to benefit Vladimir Putin. This is the same group (FSB) that, just a month ago, our intelligence community determined was responsible for the attack on our democracy, Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., ranking member of a House CIA subcommittee, said in response to Trump rewarding Putin for his help during the election. We just made it easier for the same group to import into Russia the tools they could use to hack us or our allies again. Naturally, Americans are not happy with this new development:Riddle me this Batman, how is lifting sanctions against Russia not a change in policy? Dragonrider (@StHsg) February 2, 2017Spicer just said Trump "creating carve outs" in Russia sanctions is not Trump "rolling back sanctions."Un. Real. Corey Ciorciari (@CoreyCiorciari) February 2, 2017Treasury dept posted letter to ease sanctions on Russia. @seanspicer says it isn't! Dude, we can read! #alternativefacts Pamela Baxter (@BaxterPamela) February 2, 2017.@PressSec Yes, Treasury eased sanctions on Russia, but that's not really easing sanctions on Russia. It's complicated,don't worry about it. Spinoza (@azon1ps) February 2, 2017No, this is not normal for the Treasury department to ease sanctions with Russia. Jesus Spicer is such a tool. Amy (@bunnyhugger75) February 2, 2017Spicer "were not easing sanctions" then goes on to say they are reviewing the sanctions on Russia to see what they will keep. LOL Don The Con (@LyinDonTheCon) February 2, 2017@PeterAlexander I wish HRC would've warned us about Trump being a potential puppet regime. vin (@vin_esposito) February 2, 2017@PeterAlexander @mattdpearce threaten our closest allies ease Russian sanctions in the 1st month. Makes sense. MW (@MDub79) February 2, 2017@PeterAlexander We piss off fucking australia and already begin spooning russia. What the fuck Manny (@Manny__42) February 2, 2017Not just any sanctions: Trump appears to have lifted the very sanctions put in place to limit Russia's purchase of equipment to spy on U.S. https://t.co/ucHKivaoCR Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) February 2, 2017Sean Spicer: "We're not easing sanctions on Russia" pic.twitter.com/Jtcb2yJ4CM Hanna (@hannanekoranec) February 2, 2017@tedlieuImpeach him for fucks sake!!! Cowboy from Hell (@pjbruno79) February 2, 2017when you scream at Australia and lift sanctions on Russia, you're making it clear you're on the side of authoritarian nationalist states. Dante Atkins (@DanteAtkins) February 2, 2017#Trump s golden shower movies paying off for Putin als US treasury relaxes sanctions on Russia ThaiMythbuster (@thaimythbuster) February 2, 2017Did anybody notice how fast @PressSec wanted to push past the easing of sanctions on Russia pic.twitter.com/ZqvbVrjS46 Roentgens (@roentgens9) February 2, 2017Even though Trump eased sanctions, White House Press Secretary says that we are not easing sanctions against Russia screw reality! Spicer says that easing sanctions which is totally not what just happened is a regular course of action with regard to hostile dictatorships who commit cyberattacks against our country and interfere with our elections.In just two weeks, Donald Trump has diverted taxpayer funds to build his stupid wall, created an international incident with Australia (the cuddly teddy bear of diplomacy and our strongest ally), threatened to invade Mexico and Chicago, enacted his Muslim ban, stripped federal funding from international health organizations that so much as mention abortion, and rewarded a hostile nation for helping him win the presidency.We re completely f*cked if we don t do something to get this orange buffoon out of office.Watch Spicer dance around the huge favor Trump just did for Russia below:Featured image via Getty Images/Nicholas Kamm
You Could Be Unknowingly Killing the Hummingbirds! (Here’s How to Save Them)
You Could Be Unknowingly Killing the Hummingbirds! (Here’s How to Save Them) Oct 27, 2016 0 0 ( Real Farmacy ) Hummingbirds are beautiful, delightful little creatures to have around your garden. Not only are they great pollinators, but they also bring fun life into your yard. Many home gardeners will put feeders up to keep these summer personalities around. If you don’t take the necessary steps to provide healthy nectar and clean feeders, your favorite pollinators could catch deadly infections. Hummingbird feeders must be kept clean and free from mold and fungus, or your tiny friend could develop a serious and deadly fungus infection. This infection causes the tongue to swell, making it impossible for the bird to feed. Losing the ability to consume nectar, the cute little bird faces starvation. A mother hummingbird can pass a fungal infection to her babies who, in turn, could also face the possibility of dying from starvation due to swelling tongues. Not changing out the nectar enough could create fermentation within the nectar. Fermented nectar can cause liver damage, which usually will lead to death. The Basics of Hummingbird Care When looking to purchase a feeder, find one that is easy to clean. To clean your feeder, flush it with hot tap water and use a bottle brush to scrub the sides of the glass jar. DO NOT use soap because it will leave residue behind. If you do use soap, use a bleach or vinegar and water solution to rinse and remove soap residue. Inspect the feeder carefully for black mold. If you see any mold growth, soak the feeder in a solution of 1/4 cup bleach to one gallon water for one hour. To make the nectar , mix one part ordinary white cane sugar to four parts water. Do not use store bought mixtures, or honey, or any other kind of sugar — just ordinary white cane sugar will work. Bring solution to a boil, stir to dissolve the sugar, then allow the mixture to come to room temperature before filling the feeder. Boiling the water will help slow the fermentation process of the nectar, but as soon as a hummingbird beak dips and drinks, healthy microorganisms carried on the beak will be transferred into the nectar. If the nectar becomes cloudy, it has gone bad and needs to be replaced. A sugar solution can spoil in as little as two days. If your feeder is hanging in the sun or outside where the temperatures are high, the nectar may start to ferment in only one day. To avoid wasting nectar, only put out enough for the birds will consume in two or three days. If you mix up a large batch, you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Ariana Marisol is an avid nature enthusiast, gardener, photographer, writer, hiker, dreamer, and lover of all things sustainable, wild, and free. Ariana strives to bring people closer to their true source, Mother Nature. She is currently finishing her last year at The Evergreen State College getting her undergraduate degree in Sustainable Design and Environmental Science. Follow her adventures on Instagram.
Republican wins Senate runoff in Louisiana, giving party 52 seats
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - Republican John Neely Kennedy, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, won a runoff election in Louisiana on Saturday against Democrat Foster Campbell in a race that gives the Republicans a 52-seat majority in the chamber. Campbell told his supporters in the state capital of Baton Rouge that he had called Kennedy to congratulate him on his victory. Kennedy, the state treasurer and the favorite going into the runoff, had slightly less than 61 percent of the vote with all 3,904 precincts reporting, according to the state Secretary of State’s office. Turnout was relatively low. Kennedy, who said he will not move to Washington D.C. after a campaign spent railing against “insiders,” told supporters “I’d rather drink weed-killer than be anywhere else tonight,” a reference to a widely reported campaign quote in which he said he “would rather drink weed-killer than support Obamacare.” Kennedy will fill the seat held by outgoing Republican Senator David Vitter, who is retiring. In conceding, Campbell vowed “I’ll never stop fighting for working families, I’ll never stop working for what’s right.” Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, congratulated Kennedy on his victory. “I look forward to working with him to secure additional funding for flood relief, to make long term investments in our infrastructure and to bring Louisiana’s federal tax dollars home to help our people,” Edwards said in a statement. With Kennedy’s victory, the Republicans will have a 52-seat majority in the 100-seat U.S. Senate. Going into the general election on Nov. 8, Republicans had a 54-seat majority. Kennedy had campaigned on the popularity in his state of President-elect Donald Trump, who easily won Louisiana. Trump flew to Baton Rouge for an election-eve rally on Kennedy’s behalf, and Vice President-elect Mike Pence earlier stumped for Kennedy as well. Kennedy, 65, was a Democrat until he switched party affiliation in the conservative-leaning state in 2007. He had consistently polled well ahead of Campbell since placing first in the state’s 24-candidate free-for-all primary, which included former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Celebrities including Patton Oswalt and John Leguizamo both actively supported Campbell’s losing bid. Under Louisiana law, all candidates are pitted against each other in the November general election. If no candidate claims a majority, the top two candidates move to a runoff. Also on Saturday, Republicans Mike Johnson, a state representative, and Clay Higgins prevailed in Congressional runoffs, replacing representatives who made unsuccessful bids for the Senate seat won by Kennedy.
The Supreme Court Delivered A MAJOR Blow To Neil Gorsuch As He Was Testifying
One of the selling points of Donald Trump s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is that his decisions are actually so mainstream and widely respected that he s never been overturned. Well, that argument wasn t true before he testified, but today it s even less true. One of decisions was unanimously overturned by the very court he s applying for, while he was testifying on his own behalf in front of Congress. To my recollection, no opinion I have authored has been reversed by a reviewing court or affirmed with significant criticism, he wrote in a questionnaire submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee this weekend.Source: Daily CallerBefore this week, Gorsuch had had at least eight cases reviewed by the higher court. Seven were upheld by the court.Two opinions he joined were overturned by the high court. One was Direct Marketing Association v. Brohl, a case concerning whether federal courts had jurisdiction to hear a challenge to a state tax law. The second case concerned a sentencing issue. Gorsuch did not write the opinion in either case.His streak was broken on Tuesday. The case was about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which ensures that students with disabilities are provided with a free appropriate public education from the federal government.Under Gorsuch s opinion in Luke P., a school district complies with the law so long as they provide educational benefits that must merely be more than de minimis. De minimis is a Latin phrase meaning so minor as to merit disregard. So Gorsuch essentially concluded that school districts comply with their obligation to disabled students so long as they provide those students with a little more than nothing.Gorsuch s decision was even too much for the hardline conservatives on the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the unanimous opinion, saying that the de minimis criteria is far too low.When all is said and done, a student offered an educational program providing merely more than de minimis progress from year to year can hardly be said to have been offered an education at all. For children with disabilities, receiving instruction that aims so low would be tantamount to sitting idly . . . awaiting the time when they were old enough to drop out. Source: Think ProgressWhile this certainly doesn t disqualify Gorsuch from the office (the fact that he s only under consideration because Republicans stole the seat is what disqualifies him), it is a problem for the Trump administration. Trump rightfully took a lot of heat for mocking a reporter with a disability while on the campaign trail. With the latest Supreme Court decision, that can of worms opened right back up in an already contentious nomination hearing.Featured image via Wikimedia.
Japan PM's ruling bloc seen nearing 2/3 majority in Oct. 22 lower house poll: Nikkei
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling bloc could come close to keeping its two-thirds super majority in an Oct. 22 lower house election, defying some predictions of substantial losses and solidifying his grip on power, a survey published by the Nikkei business daily on Wednesday showed. Abe s conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its more dovish junior partner, the Komeito, are likely to secure more than 290 seats in the 465-seat chamber, the Nikkei said. The ruling bloc had a two-thirds super majority in the lower house before the chamber was dissolved. The number of seats has been cut from 475 as part of electoral reforms. The Nikkei forecast was broadly in line with a Kyodo news agency forecast released on Thursday that saw Abe s coalition winning more than 300 seats. However, Kyodo said 54.4 percent of voters were still undecided. A survey by the Yomiuri newspaper showed the LDP and Komeito winning close to 300 seats. A strong showing by Abe s coalition would boost his chances of winning a third term as LDP leader from next September, putting him on track to become Japan s longest-serving premier. Abe called the snap election amid confusion in the opposition camp and after an uptick in his ratings, which had been hurt earlier this year by suspected cronyism scandals, in hopes of gaining a fresh mandate after nearly five years in power. But the outlook has been clouded by the emergence of popular Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike s Party of Hope, a fledgling party that the former LDP lawmaker and defense minister calls a reformist, conservative alternative to Abe s LDP. The Nikkei said Koike s party was on track to get around 69 seats, with a forecast range of 46-110. Another new party, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, formed from the liberal wing of the failed opposition Democratic Party, was set to win more than 40 seats, it said. The Democrats, faced with rock-bottom ratings and internal dissension, have said they would run no candidates of their own, freeing many to run on the Party of Hope ticket. PRO-CONSTITUTION REVISION FORCES The Asahi newspaper also forecast a strong showing by the ruling bloc, with the LDP set to win well over the 233 seats needed to have a simple majority on its own. It said Koike s Party of Hope was struggling but was likely to get more than 57 seats. About 40 percent of voters were undecided, the Asahi said. The Nikkei also forecast that parties in favor of revising the post-war, pacifist constitution - Abe s long-held goal - were on track to win more than two-thirds. That includes the LDP and Koike s Party of Hope as well as another smaller right-leaning party, the Japan Innovation Party. Amending the constitution, a politically controversial move never yet taken, requires a two-thirds majority in both chambers and a majority in a public referendum. Koike s party had raised expectations that it would cut into the LDP s conservative base. But her decision not to run for a lower house seat herself and refusal to say whom her party would support for premier after the election appears to have eroded the party s momentum. Competition among a fragmented opposition, which also includes the Japanese Communist Party, in many districts means the anti-LDP vote could be split, a plus for Abe s party. Abe has led the LDP to four landslide wins since he took the helm of the party in 2012, but turnout has been low and the LDP has typically won with about 25 percent of eligible votes. The others either stayed home or backed opposition parties. The premier has been touting the success of his Abenomics recipe of hyper-easy monetary policy, fiscal spending and promised structural reforms, while Koike argues that reforms have been too slow in a fast-changing global economy. The world s third-largest economy is on track for its longest expansion since World War Two, and the jobless rate was at a 23-year low of 2.8 percent in August while wages are starting to rise a bit. But Abe s reflationary policies have not yet sparked a sustainable recovery led by the private sector.
Your Taxes Buy Billionaires Stadiums, They Charge You $7 For A Hot Dog — Obama Says NO MORE
Imagine you re a billionaire who buys himself an NFL team. You re obviously doing well if you can afford to even consider such a venture, but you re about to start raking it in big time. At an average of $85 per ticket, 70,000 people or so are going to come pouring through the gates.They aren t allowed to bring any food or drinks with them, of course, so if they get hungry they ll be feasting on $7.50 hot dogs and $16 cheese steaks. If you toss a couple of Oreos in the fryer at a cost of about 30 cents they ll fork over another six bucks. That s not including the drinks. The bottom of the barrel at most stadiums is the $5 bottled water.Owners love to chalk up the price of tickets and concessions to the amount of money they pay their players. That certainly does factor in, but if you walk through your local mall you ll see ridiculous amounts of merchandise from teddy bears to framed pictures, hats, jerseys, shoes and even pet clothing with your team s logo on them. it s not there for free. Multiply that times every mall in a team s fan base and what you have is an entity that is so ridiculously profitable it goes beyond description.Why, then, are we footing the bill to build these elitist one percenters new stadiums? With very few exceptions, when an owner wants a stadium, they go directly to those whose campaigns they donate to and get the ball rolling on state funds. They sell fans on voting for these funds because don t you want to have a nicer stadium than the one in Philly? Ask a Washington fan the answer to that one.At the federal level, owners bilk all of us out of tax dollars through a tax exemption on bond interest that means that even if you live in Billings Montana with no chance of ever going to a Wranglers game (because your market is too small for such a team to exist in any sport), you re paying for that shiny new facility they re planning in Los Angeles.According to a 2012 Bloomberg report, the exemption amounts to roughly $4 billion in federal taxpayer money. In President Obama s FY2017 budget, the exemption is eliminated, which would create a savings of $542 million for the year and hopefully create a more cost-conscious building process for stadiums that will still be footed largely by taxpayers at the state and local level.It s welfare for billionaires. A family of four can save for a year and spend upwards of a thousand dollars for a single afternoon at Texas Stadium, but Jerry Jones should be able to be exempt from millions in taxes because he has so much debt on a stadium he could have written a check for.The Presidents proposal will, of course, be met with Republican opposition, because they are in the business of giving billionaires as much of your money as possible.Featured image from cowboyzone.com
Malaysia summons Myanmar ambassador over violence in Rakhine State
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia on Tuesday summoned Myanmar s ambassador to express displeasure over violence in Myanmar s Rakhine State, which has displaced nearly 125,000 Rohingya Muslims. Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said the latest incidents of violence showed that the Myanmar government had made little, if any progress in finding a peaceful solution to problems facing the Rohingya minority, most of whom live in the northwest Myanmar state near the Bangladeshi border. Given these developments, Malaysia believes that the matter of sustained violence and discrimination against the Rohingyas should be elevated to a higher international forum, Anifah said in a statement. Muslim-majority Malaysia has been particularly outspoken in its concern about the plight of the Rohingya. Myanmar says its security forces are fighting a legitimate campaign against terrorists responsible for a string of attacks on police posts and the army since last October. The latest violence began on Aug. 25, when Rohingya insurgents attacked dozens of police posts and an army base. In a separate statement, Malaysia s foreign affairs ministry issued a travel advisory asking Malaysians to defer all non-essential travel to Rakhine State, and for Malaysians in Myanmar to take all necessary precautions and be aware of the security situation.
House Committee requests EpiPen documents from Mylan
(Reuters) - U.S. representatives Jason Chaffetz and Elijah Cummings of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform sent a letter to Mylan NV Chief Executive Heather Bresch on Monday asking for documents and communications related to the fast-increasing price of allergy auto-injector EpiPens. Mylan said earlier it would launch the first generic version of EpiPen for $300, half the price of the branded product, in the drugmaker’s second step in less than a week to counter a backlash over the product’s steep price. Chaffetz and Cummings, the committee’s chairman and ranking member respectively, requested documents related to Mylan’s revenue from sales of EpiPens since 2007, manufacturing costs and the amount the company receives from federal health care programs. 
BOOM! FIRST ANTIFA Coward ARRESTED For Not Removing His Mask…Berkeley Cops NOT Standing Down At Free-Speech Rally [VIDEO]
The video below is an excellent summary of what was reported by citizen journalists who attended the rally. Gavin McGinnis made his announcement on Twitter with a Youtube video (language warning):The morons have arrived. #BerkeleyProtest #DeportAntifa pic.twitter.com/lI4pQA4zlG The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) April 27, 2017https://twitter.com/Forever_Lucid/status/857686377818968070Here s a video of the first protester coward arrested for refusing to remove his mask.https://twitter.com/TheSaintPepe/status/857680259549974528Here is a LIVE stream provided by citizen journalist Tim Pool:Citizen journalist extraordinaire Lauren Southern, who is one of the scheduled speakers at the event is also live-streaming from the event. Click below to watch LIVE stream:Free speech rally https://t.co/if28BnBmmw Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) April 27, 2017Southern explains why she won t back down from free-speech rally. Cancelling sends a message that violence works :Cancelling sends the message that violence works. This is why I'll be at MLK park tomorrow @ 2pm w/ @Gavin_McInnes & more. pic.twitter.com/zuiVV3AeH7 Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) April 27, 2017
Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser - The New York Times
Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser, resigned on Monday night after it was revealed that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other top White House officials about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States. Mr. Flynn, who served in the job for less than a month, said he had given “incomplete information” regarding a telephone call he had with the ambassador in late December about American sanctions against Russia, weeks before President Trump’s inauguration. Mr. Flynn previously had denied that he had any substantive conversations with Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak, and Mr. Pence repeated that claim in television interviews as recently as this month. But on Monday, a former administration official said the Justice Department warned the White House last month that Mr. Flynn had not been fully forthright about his conversations with the ambassador. As a result, the Justice Department feared that Mr. Flynn could be vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow. In his resignation letter, which the White House emailed to reporters, Mr. Flynn said he had held numerous calls with foreign officials during the transition. “Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the vice and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador,” he wrote. “I have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president, and they have accepted my apology. ” “I am tendering my resignation, honored to have served our nation and the American people in such a distinguished way,” Mr. Flynn wrote. The White House said in the statement that it was replacing Mr. Flynn with retired Lt. Gen. Joseph K. Kellogg Jr. of the Army, a Vietnam War veteran, as acting national security adviser. Mr. Flynn was an early and ardent supporter of Mr. Trump’s candidacy, and in his resignation he sought to praise the president. “In just three weeks,” Mr. Flynn said, the new president “has reoriented American foreign policy in fundamental ways to restore America’s leadership position in the world. ” But in doing so, he inadvertently illustrated the brevity of his tumultuous run at the National Security Council, and the chaos that has gripped the White House in the first weeks of the Trump administration — and created a sense of uncertainty around the world. Earlier Monday, Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, told reporters that “the president is evaluating the situation” about Mr. Flynn’s future. By Monday evening, Mr. Flynn’s fortunes were rapidly shifting — his resignation came roughly seven hours after Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, said on MSNBC that Mr. Trump had “full confidence” in the retired general. And when he did step down, it happened so quickly that his resignation does not appear to have been communicated to National Security Council staff members, two of whom said they learned about it from news reports. Officials said Mr. Pence had told others in the White House that he believed Mr. Flynn lied to him by saying he had not discussed the topic of sanctions on a call with the Russian ambassador in late December. Even the mere discussion of policy — and the apparent attempt to assuage the concerns of an American adversary before Mr. Trump took office — represented a remarkable breach of protocol. The F. B. I. had been examining Mr. Flynn’s phone calls as he came under growing questions about his interactions with Russian officials and his management of the National Security Council. The blackmail risk envisioned by the Justice Department would have stemmed directly from Mr. Flynn’s attempt to cover his tracks with his bosses. The Russians knew what had been said on the call thus, if they wanted Mr. Flynn to do something, they could have threatened to expose the lie if he refused. The Justice Department’s warning to the White House was first reported on Monday night by The Washington Post. In addition, the Army has been investigating whether Mr. Flynn received money from the Russian government during a trip he took to Moscow in 2015, according to two defense officials. Such a payment might violate the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits former military officers from receiving money from a foreign government without consent from Congress. The defense officials said there was no record that Mr. Flynn, a retired Army general, filed the required paperwork for the trip. Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement late Monday that Mr. Flynn’s resignation would not close the question of his contact with Russian officials. “General Flynn’s decision to step down as national security adviser was all but ordained the day he misled the country about his secret talks with the Russian ambassador,” said Mr. Schiff, noting that the matter is still under investigation by the House committee. Two other Democratic lawmakers — Representative John Conyers Jr. of Michigan and Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland — called for an immediate briefing by the Justice Department and the F. B. I. over the “alarming new disclosures” that Mr. Flynn was a blackmail risk. “We need to know who else within the White House is a current and ongoing risk to our national security,” they said in a statement. Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California and the chairman of the House intelligence committee, was supportive of Mr. Flynn until the end. “Washington, D. C. can be a rough town for honorable people, and Flynn — who has always been a soldier, not a politician — deserves America’s gratitude and respect,” Mr. Nunes said in a statement. The White House had examined a transcript of a wiretapped conversation that Mr. Flynn had with Mr. Kislyak in December, according to administration officials. Mr. Flynn originally told Mr. Pence and others that the call was limited to small talk and holiday pleasantries. But the conversation, according to officials who saw the transcript of the wiretap, also included a discussion about sanctions imposed on Russia after intelligence agencies determined that President Vladimir V. Putin’s government tried to interfere with the 2016 election on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Still, current and former administration officials familiar with the call said the transcript was ambiguous enough that Mr. Trump could have justified either firing or retaining Mr. Flynn. Mr. Trump, however, had become increasingly concerned about the continued fallout over Mr. Flynn’s behavior, according to people familiar with his thinking, and told aides that the media storm around Mr. Flynn would damage the president’s image on national security issues. Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s chief strategist, asked for Mr. Flynn’s resignation — a move that he has been pushing for since Friday, when it became clear that the national security adviser had misled Mr. Pence. Around 8:20 p. m. Monday, a sullen Mr. Flynn was seen in the Oval Office, just as preparations were being made for the of newly confirmed Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. Soon after, Mr. Flynn’s resignation letter started making the rounds. Administration officials said it was unlikely that Mr. Kellogg would be asked to stay on as Mr. Flynn’s permanent replacement. Mr. Flynn brought Mr. Kellogg into the Trump campaign, according to a former campaign adviser, and the two have remained close. K. T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser who also was brought on by Mr. Flynn, is expected to leave that role, a senior official said. One person close to the administration, who was not authorized to discuss the personnel moves and spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that retired Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward is the leading candidate to replace Mr. Flynn, although Mr. Kellogg and David H. Petraeus are being discussed. It was not clear whether Mr. Petraeus is still expected to appear at the White House this week, as initially discussed by advisers to the president. Mr. Flynn’s concealment of the call’s content, combined with questions about his management of his agency and reports of a demoralized staff, put him in a precarious position less than a month into Mr. Trump’s presidency. Few members of Mr. Trump’s team were more skeptical of Mr. Flynn than the vice president, numerous administration officials said. Mr. Pence, who used the false information provided by Mr. Flynn to defend him in a series of television appearances, was incensed at Mr. Flynn’s lack of contrition for repeatedly embarrassing him by withholding the information, according to three administration officials familiar with the situation. Mr. Flynn and Mr. Pence spoke twice in the past few days about the matter, but administration officials said that rather than fully apologize and accept responsibility, the national security adviser blamed his faulty memory — which irked the typically Mr. Pence. The slight was compounded by an episode late last year when Mr. Pence went on television to deny that Mr. Flynn’s son, who had posted conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton on social media, had been given a security clearance by the transition team. The younger Mr. Flynn had, indeed, been given such a clearance, even though his father had told Mr. Pence’s team that he had not. Officials said classified information did not appear to have been discussed during the conversation between Mr. Flynn and the ambassador, which would have been a crime. The call was captured on a routine wiretap of diplomats’ calls, the officials said. But current Trump administration officials and former Obama administration officials said that Mr. Flynn did appear to be reassuring the ambassador that Mr. Trump would adopt a more accommodating tone on Russia once in office. Former and current administration officials said that Mr. Flynn urged Russia not to retaliate against any sanctions because an overreaction would make any future cooperation more complicated. He never explicitly promised sanctions relief, one former official said, but he appeared to leave the impression that it would be possible. During his 2015 trip to Moscow, Mr. Flynn was paid to attend the anniversary celebration of Russia Today, a television network controlled by the Kremlin. At the banquet, he sat next to Mr. Putin. Mr. Flynn had notified the Defense Intelligence Agency, which he once led, that he was taking the trip. He received a security briefing from agency officials before he left, which is customary for former top agency officials when they travel overseas. Still, some senior agency officials were surprised when footage of the banquet appeared on RT, and believed that Mr. Flynn should have been more forthcoming with the agency about the nature of his trip to Russia.
Kremlin: Obama's Trump criticism anti-Russian, won't foster better ties
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it viewed U.S. President Barack Obama’s recent statements on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as anti-Russian and said they were unlikely to improve fragile relations between Russia and the United States. Obama on Tuesday strongly criticized Trump for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin and for appearing on a TV channel, RT, funded by the Russian government. “Unfortunately, we see continued displays of often hard-core Russophobia,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Obama’s intervention, told a conference call with reporters. “We can only express regret in this regard. “This rhetoric, which is being formulated in electoral campaign style ... is unlikely to help fledgling fragile attempts to build at least some sort of mutual trust.”
Police Investigating Possible Attempt To Murder Bernie Sanders (VIDEO)
Since at least September, people have been calling for Secret Service protection for Bernie Sanders, noting that he is vulnerable to potentially violent confrontations with disturbed people. With the Right s almost devout adherence to their misunderstanding of socialism and conservative politicians desperate attempts to equate Democratic Socialism with National Socialism (After all, a man who wants to make education affordable, help the poor, and rebuild our infrastructure is just like Hitler).It seems as though people who are concerned with Sanders safety are correct because on Thursday, someone shot up his Nevada campaign office while the Senator was in town. Winning Democrats reports that campaign staffers found a bullet hole in the window of the Las Vegas headquarters on Thursday morning, the same day the Senator was on site.So far, the bullet has not been located, but Metro Police took a report for malicious destruction of property and are investigating the shooting. Police confirmed that a bullet appeared to have gone through the window, but were unwilling to confirm that a shot had been fired, according to the Las Vegas Sun.The Sanders campaign declined to comment on the shooting.Numerous petitions have been circulating for months asking that Sanders be given a Secret Service detail. After all, Hillary Clinton has one. Donald Trump has one. Even Ben Carson has Secret Service protection. To date, while Trump has allowed and even encouraged violence and threats at his rallies, all of it was directed at people he didn t like African-Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims. Only Sanders has had someone attempt to whack him. According to the Secret Service website, Sanders certainly qualifies. Candidates must:Be publically announcedHave some degree of prominence as shown by opinion pollsBe actively campaigning and entered in at least 10 state primariesBe seeking the nomination of a qualified partyHave qualified for matching funds in the amount of at least $100,000Have received contributions totaling $10 millionSanders is, of course, publicly announced. While Clinton is winning in the polls, Sanders has continually shown some degree of prominence. Prior to 1968, candidates did not receive Secret Service protection. However, after the assassination of Robert Kennedy, things changed. We began protecting major candidates like Clinton, Sanders, and Trump and even people who don t stand a chance like Ben Carson. He is certainly registered in at least 10 state primaries. He s seeking the nomination of the most qualified party, and he qualifies for matching funds. He has also received donations well over $10 million.It s time we demand that Sanders receive Secret Service protection after all, he s the one people seem to be shooting at.Watch a news report on the attack below:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws3ajM_CEYc?rel=0&showinfo=0]Featured image via screengrab
WOW! Hillary’s VP Pick Tim Kaine Gets Only 30 People At Rally [Video]
BREAKING: #TimKaine rally only about 30 people show up. Her campaign is dead in #Florida nobody wants #HillaryClinton Serial Liar Corrupt pic.twitter.com/vgnWGHxXgs Trump Street Team FL (@ChatRevolve) October 24, 2016HILLARY CAMPAIGN FREAKING OUT AT TRUMP SUPPORTERS:This was halfway during the event still empty and Hillary staff freaking out over us shouting facts #Trump2016 #NV #NC #Ohio @jetsfan255 pic.twitter.com/JLvgGJWYUL Trump Street Team FL (@ChatRevolve) October 25, 2016
WOW! Why Florida Jews Deserted Hillary…Helped Trump To Win Florida
Hillary Clinton matched President Obama s historically low percentage of the Jewish vote, driving a third of Jews into the Republican camp, an unheard of percentage before Obama s pro-Iran policies. Obama also turned Jews off by his blatant personal antipathy to Israel s prime minister, so the question was whether Jews would come back as a voting bloc for Clinton, who is thought of as a friend to Israel by many Jews, merely by association with her husband.The answer is no, Jews did not return to the Democratic fold.The retired Democratic Jews of Florida were a crucial demographic Clinton had to carry, and she didn t, according to Lori Lowenthal Marcus, co-founder of jewschoosetrump.org.Experienced political strategist Dan Rodriguez, founder and CEO of the MGR Group, spent the run-up to Election Day and the big day itself in Florida. In the aftermath of the election, he has been traveling to boards of elections in heavily Jewish voting districts. He explained that from raw data, Jewish votes are difficult to distinguish because they get lumped in with white votes. Yet Clinton received only 32 percent of the white votes (into which Jewish votes are lumped) in Miami-Dade [County], whereas Obama took 37 percent, Rodriguez told me. In addition, he said, voters 45 or older, a significant portion of whom are Jewish, went strongly for Trump, 56 percent to Clinton s 42 percent. Trump also won the support of passionately pro-Israel Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who may have donated more than $75 million to fuel a much needed ad campaign, which ran on all the sports channels and elsewhere in the final two weeks before the election. American Thinker
Many treatment options, most experimental, available to John McCain
NEW YORK (Reuters) - There is at least one approved device and scores of experimental treatments being tested that could improve the odds of longer-term survival for patients with the type of extremely aggressive brain cancer afflicting U.S. Senator John McCain. While the 80-year-old Arizona Republican, who was re-elected to a sixth Senate term in November, recovers from surgery to remove a blood clot found to be associated with the cancer, he and his medical team will explore treatment options. “That (recovery) usually takes about 10 to 14 days before starting therapy,” said Dr. Maciej Lesniak, chair of neurological surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. McCain was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a brain cancer with very poor prognosis that took the life of former U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy in 2009. Surgery is performed to remove as much of the tumor as possible, but cancer cells are left behind that infiltrate the brain and quickly grow. The survival rate with standard treatment is generally about 15 months, with only about 25 percent of patients alive after two years. Standard treatment is a combination of 30 doses of radiation administered over six weeks along with the oral chemotherapy Temodar (temozolomide) sold by Merck & Co (MRK.N). After a three-to-four week break, additional four-week cycles of Temodar are given. McCain has vowed to return to his Senate duties soon. Experts said he may well be able to do so. The treatment is usually very well tolerated, Lesniak said. “Generally, people can maintain normal quality of life during therapy including their work in the majority of cases.” Doctors interviewed who are not involved in McCain’s care said further combination therapies were likely needed to sharply improve patient outcomes. Debates over when to begin such therapies are ongoing. “Many people feel we need to push the envelope and look at combination therapy as early as possible in addition to the standard of care,” Lesniak said. There are about 150 clinical trials for glioblastoma under way, most at very early stages, and the majority for patients for whom initial therapy has stopped working. McCain could be a candidate for a trial in newly diagnosed patients. Current immunotherapies that have shown great promise against melanoma, lung cancer and other cancers are unlikely by themselves to work in glioblastoma because the tumors tend not to present the proper target for those drugs. “Glioblastoma tumor cells are incredibly heterogeneous. No two tumor cells are alike,” said Dr. John de Groot, professor of neuro-oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, adding that a multi-pronged approach was likely needed. One promising approach being tested in early stage clinical trials by various institutions and companies involve injecting viruses into the tumor to destroy cancer cells and spur an immune system attack. Duke University generated publicity last year with reports of early success using the polio virus against brain cancer. MD Anderson developed a viral therapy that it outlicensed to a company called DNAtrix for further development, de Groot said. A trial at Northwestern is using neural stem cells to help improve the performance of a cancer-fighting virus. “Stem cells when loaded with the virus can travel to areas we can’t resect to deliver the virus throughout the tumor mass in a more uniform fashion,” Lesniak said. In a study published in May in the journal Nature, Duke researchers reported early success with a vaccine that delivers high doses of Temodar to the tumor. Among 11 patients in that study, the median survival was 41.1 months, versus 14.6 months for the standard treatment. Dr. Roger Stupp, co-director of the Northwestern Brain Tumor Institute, who is credited with pioneering the radiation/Temodar combination therapy for glioblastoma, said patients like McCain might be helped by a now-approved device shown to extend survival. Called Optune and sold by Novocure Ltd (NVCR.O), it delivers an electromagnetic field that interferes with cancer cells’ ability to divide and survive, said Stupp, who led trials of the device. It involves electrodes placed on the scalp operated by a small battery pack. With Optune worn nearly 24 hours a day, the two-year survival rate in the trial that led to its approval jumped to 43 percent, with some patients living four years or more. “My recommendation is to use it early in the disease course,” Stupp said.
REVEALED: How Democratic Party pays Agit-Prop ‘Protesters’ to incite violence at Trump events
By Anthony Brian Logan . James O Keefe of Project Veritas has released undercover, button-camera video that outlines the process of bird-dogging and how it is being used to rig the 2016 Presidential election of the United States in favor of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. The central focus of the video, which is a collection of various undercover videos with commentary, is the process of bird-dogging which refers to essentially hiring people to behave as the equivalent to crisis actors. Except for the fact that there is no actual crisis, and these people are used to simply incite violence, among other things, to goad the media into giving Donald Trump s campaign negative coverage.Various people appear in the video, complete with both audio and video, saying how they skirt the laws of our nation to engage in corruption. Hillary Clinton s campaign is not allowed to directly collude with the phony actors on the ground, so they use degrees of separation by hiring consultants. These consultants then go on to sub contract work on the ground such as the actors who engage in fake riots and protests. Everyone is aware of each other, and in some cases, answer to those all the way at the top, either in the Clinton campaign or the DNC itself Watch this brilliant video investigation here:. READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
Matthews: Trump Is ’Like a Monkey Banging With a Stick’ - Breitbart
Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews said President Donald Trump’s “boasts and bragging” was “simian,” adding it was like a “monkey banging with a stick. ” Matthews said, “The ego here is — well it’s something. By the way, his teeth come out like it’s simian almost. It’s simian, like a monkey banging with a stick, You know, ‘I’m the biggest. I’m the biggest.’ Pounding his chest. It does have a simian quality to it, I mean primordial, I should say. ” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
US Calls on Saudis to End Airstrikes Against Yemen
No Sign US Is Going to Slow Arms Sales to Saudis After a solid 19 months of endorsing the Saudi war in Yemen, selling the Saudis massive amounts of arms, and refueling Saudi bombers over Yemen’s airspace, the Obama Administration today called on the Saudis to halt airstrikes against Yemen, and accept that there is no military solution. A top Human Rights Watch director noted that the call would’ve carried a lot more weight if the US wasn’t providing the bombs the Saudis are dropping on Yemen in the first place, though former US officials say its almost certain this won’t include any dial back in US arms sales. The call likely reflects the UN’s peace plan being presented to both sides and immediately rejected by the pro-Saudi officials. Huge civilian death tolls in recent Saudi attacks have added up to make the US a bit more gunshy than usual about supporting the Saudi war publicly. At the same time, the US “opposition” to the air war is slim indeed, with the US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, insisting even in the announcement of their opposition to further strikes that the US supports Saudi Arabia’s right to “self-defense,” which in this case included an outright invasion of a neighboring country. The US has insisted Saudi aid is “under review” since a recent attack on a funeral. That said, there is no sign that any real changes in US policy were made, and the expectation is that, as always, US interest in growing arms exports will win out.
Missing on GOP debate stage: A future president (Opinion)
Mel Robbins is a CNN commentator, legal analyst, best-selling author and keynote speaker. In 2014, she was named outstanding news talk-radio host by the Gracie Awards. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. It was a verbal cage fight. There was no winner -- only a loser, the American people. Fox News' Bret Baier started the debate by asking the audience to behave as if they were sitting between a library and Red Wings game. It was a request the audience ignored by hooting, jeering, cheering and booing throughout the entire debate. It went downhill from there, fast. As the first question went to Trump, my husband said, "He says the same thing every time." I answered: "Yes because it works and he's winning." In less than seven minutes, Trump was making a reference to his own penis size. "(Rubio) referred to my hands, if they're small, something else must be small," he said. "I guarantee you, there's no problem." This debate was somewhere between a cage fight and a reality show. It had plenty of insults, bickering, private parts and bad spray tans. But it lacked what America needs. It lacked policy. It lacked substance. And it lacked something very important: a future president. Tonight, it became clear that the GOP would rather be angry, broken and righteous than win an election. Americans are supporting Trump because they are angry, they are sick of Washington, they want to see change and they want an outsider. I can respect that, and I understand it. Trump was so out of control with his insults and trash talk. It got old fast. I've written extensively about Trump for CNN.com. Here's the crazy part. It doesn't matter. He's still going to be the GOP nominee. In the most interesting moment of the debate, Fox's Megyn Kelly confronted Trump with video clips of him contradicting himself. It was the first time Trump was differential. They showed Trump clips of himself reversing his decision on Afghanistan, on Syrian refugees and on George W. Bush and the issue of weapons of mass destruction. It was the only time he wasn't on the attack. He explained his flip-flopping by saying "you have to show a degree of flexibility." Yet overall Trump's campaign is based on only two words: "Believe me." It'll be Trump and Rubio heading into the GOP Convention. John Kasich was the smartest and most reasonable guy on the stage, and he promises not to leave anyone "behind." However, he's been left behind. It's over. Cruz proved Thursday night that he's too "scary" to moderates and independents to win a national election. And Rubio had some incredible moments -- particularly when he addressed the issues related to Flint's water crisis and when he was asked directly about comparing Trump to Kim Jong Un of North Korea. But he couldn't rise above the screaming match that Trump created. He tried to rise above it. But he was still the "little" Rubio, as Trump has said. This was embarrassing to watch, and if the next four years are marked by the kind of nastiness we saw on the stage tonight, that's down right scary.
U.S. lawmakers introduce bill to limit phone searches at the border
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday introduced legislation that would require border agents to obtain a warrant before searching data held on electronic devices belonging to Americans. The bill comes amid rising concern among civil liberties advocates about the effect on privacy of border searches of social media information, photos and email held on phones and laptops, which have grown in frequency in recent years and do not require a warrant. President Donald Trump’s administration has fanned those concerns as it has sought to implement “extreme vetting” security checks to restrict the flow of immigrants and refugees into the United States, an effort that has included consideration of a requirement that visitors share their social media passwords. In addition to foreign visitors, media reports in recent months have suggested digital data of Americans re-entering the country has also been subject to added scrutiny. Numbers maintained by the Department of Homeland Security show border searches of phones have spiked in recent years, and official documents show the agency is able to extract data from some mobile devices, including those protected by passwords. Generally, U.S. law enforcement is required to obtain a warrant before it can search electronic devices of an American. A unanimous 2014 U.S. Supreme Court decision affirmed that a search and seizure of an arrested person’s cell phone was unconstitutional without a warrant. But a so-called “border search exception” allowed federal authorities to conduct searches within 100 miles (160 km) of a U.S. border without a warrant. The Protecting Data at the Border Act would seek to limit the exception by requiring a warrant before searching devices at the border that belong to a U.S. citizen of permanent resident, except in some emergency circumstances. It would not apply to foreigners with valid U.S. visas who are entering the country or people who are applying for U.S. visas. The bill would also bar officials from delaying or denying entry into the United States if a person refused to share passwords, personal information numbers, social media or online account information or access credentials. Democratic Senator Ron Wyden and Republican Senator Rand Paul sponsored the legislation, while Democratic Representative Jared Polis and Republican Representative Blake Farenthold introduced the bill in the House. Despite attracting bipartisan sponsors, it was not clear whether the measure would be able to earn enough Republican support to advance in the Republican-controlled Congress. “A border stop shouldn’t be an excuse for extreme surveillance such as downloading the entire contents of your phone,” said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy & Technology, a Washington civil liberties organization that supports the legislation.
Guess Who Donald Trump Blames For His Ridiculous Orange Clown Hair (VIDEO)
During another one of his seemingly made-up-as-he-goes stump speeches, Donald Trump attacked President Obama s environmental agenda while zeroing in on his own hair. Trump blamed Obama for banning Trump s brand of hairspray.You can t use hairspray, because hairspray is going to affect the ozone. I m trying to figure out, let s see, I m in my room in New York City, and I wanna put a little spray so that I can [gestures like his combing his hair]. Right? But I hear they don t want me to use hairspray. They want me to use the pump, because the other one which I really like better than going like bing bing bing. Then it comes out in big globs, like oh my God, I gotta take a shower again, my hair s all screwed up. Right? I wanna use hairspray. They say don t use hairspray, it s bad for the ozone. So I m sitting in this concealed apartment this concealed unit, you know, I really do live in a very nice apartment, right? But it s sealed! It s beautiful. I don t think anything gets out. And I m not supposed to be using hairspray.Trump went on to criticize Obama for traveling around the world in Air Force One, leaving a huge carbon footprint not realizing, of course, that Obama as well as Al Gore, by the way, buys carbon offsets to compensate for the pollution created by their various modes of transportation. And even if he didn t, the president requires Air Force One to do his job. Likewise, the Defense Department has noted on numerous occasions the national security threat posed by the climate crisis. Would Trump blame the military for using fossil fuels in their vehicles? I certainly hope not.But back to Trump s hair. Aerosol hairspray using chlorofluorocarbons were discontinued in the 1970s, long before Obama was inaugurated. All new non-CFC aerosol hairspray is readily available in stores, but it doesn t contain any ozone-depleting chemicals any more. Meanwhile, the hole in the ozone is closing, and is expected to disappear by the end of the 21st Century. Trump doesn t know this or if he does, he s lying to his people, assuming they re too dumb to know about something that ended in the 1970s. Featured image via video screen grab.
Treasury's Lew urges China to ensure fairness for U.S. exporters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Monday urged China to implement economic reforms that will help ensure fairness for U.S. exporters. In a call with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang, Lew called on Bejing to liberalize its investment environment, reduce excess industrial capacity in its metals sector, and establish a new set of official export credit disciplines to “create a level playing field” for U.S. exporters, Treasury said in a statement.
Trump to Clinton: 'No more Mr. Nice Guy'
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he was taking the gloves off in his battle against Democrat Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House after taking a scorching from speakers at the Democratic National Convention. Trump wrapped up a five-day, seven-state campaign swing in Colorado on Friday, where for a fifth straight day his supporters chanted “lock her up” whenever he brought up Clinton’s name. Trump supporters say Clinton deserves to be prosecuted for her handling of U.S. foreign policy as President Barack Obama’s first-term secretary of state and for her use of a private email server while in that office. All week Trump has sought to tamp down the chants by stressing that his main goal is to simply beat Clinton in the Nov. 8 presidential election. But as the crowd chanted the slogan in Colorado Springs, Trump finally relented. “I’m starting to agree with you, frankly,” he said. “No more Mr. Nice Guy.” In Denver later, he changed his tune when he heard the chant. “I’ll tell you what I’d rather do, honestly, is just beat her on Nov. 8 at the polls. She would be a disaster,” he said. Trump was a punching bag at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, which wrapped up Thursday night, as speaker after speaker - including some Republicans - said he lacked the temperament to be president. Clinton herself said in her acceptance speech that the election represented a “moment of reckoning” for the country. In Colorado Springs, Trump got sidetracked by a couple of disputes from last year as he tried to rebut a Clinton campaign ad. That ad uses video clip from Trump’s attack on Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly in protest of her questioning of him at a debate of Republican presidential contenders last August when he said afterward that blood was “coming out of her eyes, coming out of her wherever.” “I was talking about her nose,” Trump said in Colorado Springs. “I wanted to get back on the issue of taxes” at the debate. Trump also brought up the case of disabled New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whom Trump seemed to mock publicly in video used by the Clinton ad. Trump said he was depicting the reporter groveling to him. “I didn’t know he was disabled. I didn’t know it at all. I had no idea,” he said.
Obama to make historic trip to Cuba in coming weeks, official says
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will visit Cuba in the coming weeks, a senior administration official said on Wednesday, making a historic trip in the final year of his presidency that will mark a turning point in U.S. relations with a long-time Cold War foe. The White House plans to announce the visit on Thursday. The Cuba stop will be part of a broader trip to Latin America. The visit to Havana by Obama would cap what administration officials see as one of his legacy foreign policy achievements: normalizing relations with Cuba and taking steps toward expanded commercial relations after a 54-year freeze. Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro shocked the world in December 2014 by announcing the former adversaries would move to normalize relations. The Republican majority in Congress has defied Obama’s call to rescind the five-decade-old embargo, so he has used his executive authority to relax trade and travel restrictions. Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, both sons of Cuban immigrants, have been sharply critical of his opening to Cuba in the absence of political change there. A visit by Obama to Havana in late March would correspond with the finalization of a peace deal for Colombia that was encouraged and sponsored by Castro. The Colombian government and the FARC rebel group are expected to finalize a peace deal by March 23 in Havana that would end a 50-year civil war in the South American nation. Obama said in a December interview with Yahoo News that he hoped to visit Cuba in 2016 but only if enough progress had been made in bilateral relations and he was able to meet political dissidents as part of an effort to “nudge the Cuban government in a new direction.” A Cuban foreign ministry official said in reaction to the December interview that Obama was welcome to visit Cuba but not meddle in its internal affairs. It was not immediately clear what detailed arrangements would be made for the trip or how diplomats from the two nations proposed to bridge that divide as part of the plans. Washington and Havana restored diplomatic ties in July but commerce remains limited by the U.S. trade embargo, which includes a ban on American tourism to the island. On Tuesday, American and Cuban officials signed an arrangement to restore scheduled air services between the two countries after half a century. Rubio wasted no time in criticizing the reported plans for the trip. Asked at a CNN town hall event in South Carolina whether he would visit Cuba, Rubio replied: “Not if it’s not a free Cuba.” At the same event, Cruz also criticized Obama’s move, saying he would not go to Cuba “as long as the Castros are in power.” “What Obama has shown to our enemies is weakness and appeasement,” Cruz said, lumping together Obama’s steps toward improving U.S. relations with Cuba and Iran. “I think it’s a real mistake. I think the president instead ought to be pushing for a free Cuba,” he said. Instead, he will go and “essentially act as an apologist.” The last and only sitting U.S. president to visit Cuba was Calvin Coolidge in 1928.
Sports Bar Owner Bans NFL Games…Will Show Only ‘True American’ Sports: ‘I’d like to speak for rural America’ [Video]
The owner of the Ringling Bar, located south of White Sulphur Springs, is standing behind his Facebook post that criticizes NFL players who take a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality. The post was made on the Ringling Bar s Facebook page Tuesday night and has since received hundreds of comments and shares. The post reads: The Ringling Bar will no longer show any NFL games. This will allow us to air the PBR, Rodeo and NASCAR events whose competitors are true Americans! Sorry for any inconvenience. Ringling Bar Co-owner Kurt Bekemans, who grew up in the Paradise Valley, published the post and said he doesn t care if the post turns some customers away. Seriously, I would not care if non-Americans didn t patronize the place, said Bekemans. I d like to speak for rural America: I bet you wouldn t see any farmers or ranchers in our whole country take a knee such as these guys do, I bet you couldn t find one. They appreciate what our great nation has given them and I think that s the least you could do to give thanks to our country is stand for the flag and the anthem. As of Wednesday morning, a majority of the comments were in support of the bar. We all love ya for this, I ll be by with as many people I can round up!! said one commenter.Another person was critical, writing: Ha Ha of course NASCAR is not protesting the treatment of minority s because they don t care about them!!! Read more: krtv
Open Line 223
Open Line 223 Deciding America’s Future The present presidential election boils down to a decision concerning America’s future. Will we continue down the path to global governance or will we reverse our direction and see the restoration of American sovereignty? Will we return to the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was built or will we merge America into a New Secular Order? Some people have expressed that only a miracle can reverse the damage that has been done to the American dream and to return us to the right path. Millions are praying that God will grant to us just such a miracle. Could God send a miracle at this critical time? Eleven days from now, we will all find out. It’s open line today on End of the Age.
Ancient Sumerian Writings Reveal The Earth Was Ruled By Eight Immortal Kings For 241,200 Years
Ancient Sumerian Writings Reveal The Earth Was Ruled By Eight Immortal Kings For 241,200 Years Please scroll down for video More than a dozen copies of a mysterious text referred to as the Sumerian King Lists have been uncovered over the years by archaeologists in regions as disparate as ancient Babylon, Susa, and Assyria. They are all believed to be copies of a single original manuscript which is thought to have been written during the Third Dynasty of Ur by most historians, although some believe it might have been written even earlier. The best-preserved example of this ancient text is called the Weld-Blundell Prism and is on public display in the Ashmolean Museum. An ancient text tells of alien rulers of ancient Earth The Sumerian King Lists have baffled historians ever since they were uncovered by modern human beings. The text describes a fascinating period in history when beings referred to as gods ruled over humankind of tens of thousands of years. The manuscript makes reference to eight kings who ‘descended from heaven’ who ruled for an astonishingly long period of 241,200 years. Each of these deified kings met their end during the Great Flood which devastated the population of the world. After the flood, the text claims that another ‘kingship was lowered from heaven’ and that these beings took up control of the people of Earth once again . For a long time, it has been believed that the stories of these incredibly long-lived kings, their eventual demise, and their replacement were simply the mythology of the ancient civilization who compiled the Sumerian King List. However, some have speculated that the text might not be mythology at all. The fact that the kings are said to have descended from heaven has led a few people to suggest that they might have been of an otherworldly origin. This would mean that their incredibly long reigns over the cities might be literal rather than metaphorical as these alien beings might have had much longer lifespans than human beings. They may have even been immortal. This article (Ancient Sumerian Writings Reveal The Earth Was Ruled By Eight Immortal Kings For 241,200 Years) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on Disclose.tv Related Articles
HERE’S WHY AMERICA IS THE GREATEST No matter What The Loony Lefties Say [Video]
Paul Joseph Watson is the bomb! He makes the greatest videos and cuts through the bull to get to the truth. Here s a great example of why America is the best:
Don Kates, the Igniter of the Second Amendment Movement, Passes
Email One week ago today, Don Kates (shown), a scholar with the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, passed away at the age of 75. He leaves a remarkable legacy of influence in the long war on guns, single-handedly igniting the renaissance of today’s pro-gun movement with his scholarly work. During the iron age of gun control — the decade prior to the passage of the Brady Bill in 1994 during the Clinton administration — Kates’ voice was the only one heard that supported an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. So carefully crafted was his work that his article “Handgun and the Original Meaning of the Second Amendment” was published in 1983 by the Michigan Law Review . At the time, claims that the Second Amendment protected an individual right to keep and bear arms were considered heresy. But the ripple effect kicked in when Sanford Levinson, the Garwood chair in law at the University of Texas Law School, read it, studied it (along with its sources), and followed it with his own work, “The Embarrassing Second Amendment,” which was published shortly thereafter by the Y ale Law Journal . As C.D. Michel, a Second Amendment lawyer and author of the CalGunLaws.com blog, put it: [Levinson’s article] echoed Kates’ conclusions concerning the individual rights theory of the Second Amendment, but by appearing in one of the [nation’s] top law journals, it attracted the attention of everyone, and launched an avalanche of academic digging into the origins of the Second Amendment…. All the scholarship that Kates indirectly ignited eventually fueled legal briefs filed before the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller , the 2008 case that reaffirmed [the individual citizen’s] right to arms. A prolific writer, Kates predated works by researchers such as John Lott whose first book, More Guns, Less Crime , appeared in 2000 based on work he did in 1997. For instance, Kates’ Restricting Handguns: The Liberal Skeptics Speak Out first appeared in 1979, followed by his Firearms and Violence: Issues of Public Policy , which was published in 1984. His recent works include Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence , published by the Social Science Resource Network in May 2006 and then republished a year later by the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy . His Heller, McDonald and Murder: Testing the More Guns, More Murder Thesis was first published by the Social Science Resource Network in April 2010 but then picked up and republished by Fordham University two years later. One of his last works before his death was Murder, Self-Defense, and the Right to Arms , which was published by the Connecticut Law Review in 2013. The eulogy written by C.D. Michel, a close friend and associate of Kates, expressed Kates’ impact on the long war against guns: The gun control movement lost their constitutional argument largely due to Kates’ initial work which, like many moments in history, started with one man telling the truth. An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American magazine and blogs frequently at LightFromTheRight.com, primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please review our Comment Policy before posting a comment Thank you for joining the discussion at The New American. We value our readers and encourage their participation, but in order to ensure a positive experience for our readership, we have a few guidelines for commenting on articles. If your post does not follow our policy, it will be deleted. No profanity, racial slurs, direct threats, or threatening language. No product advertisements. Please post comments in English. Please keep your comments on topic with the article. If you wish to comment on another subject, you may search for a relevant article and join or start a discussion there.
Denmark to send 55 soldiers to Kabul after deadly attack on convoy
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark, part of the NATO-led military mission in Afghanistan, said Monday it will send an additional 55 soldiers to the country to boost security efforts after a car bomber attacked a Danish convoy last week. The soldiers will assist the 97 Danish soldiers already in Afghanistan protecting advisers traveling to and from the Afghan military academy near Kabul, Denmark s Ministry of Defense said on Monday. If the Afghan government loses control, Afghanistan will once again become a haven for terrorist groups and we risk another wave of refugees to Europe and Denmark, Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen said in a statement. The 55 Danish soldiers will be stationed in Kabul at the beginning of 2018.
The Path To Total Dictatorship: America’s “Shadow Government” And Its Silent Coup
By John W. Whitehead “Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people . Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system … a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…. The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government…. This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable. ”— Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech Unaffected by elections. Unaltered by populist movements. Beyond the reach of the law. Say hello to America’s shadow government. A corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country, this shadow government represents the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of its citizenry. No matter which candidate wins the presidential election, this shadow government is here to stay. Indeed, as recent documents by the FBI reveal, this shadow government— also referred to as “The 7th Floor Group” —may well have played a part in who will win the White House this year. To be precise, however, the future president will actually inherit not one but two shadow governments. The first shadow government, referred to as COG or Continuity of Government, is made up of unelected individuals who have been appointed to run the government in the event of a “catastrophe.” COG is a phantom menace waiting for the right circumstances—a terrorist attack, a natural disaster, an economic meltdown—to bring it out of the shadows, where it operates even now. When and if COG takes over, the police state will transition to martial law. Yet it is the second shadow government —also referred to as the Deep State—that poses the greater threat to freedom right now. Comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who are actually calling the shots behind the scenes, this government within a government is the real reason “we the people” have no real control over our government. The Deep State, which “ operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power ,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government. So who or what is the Deep State? It’s the militarized police, which have joined forces with state and federal law enforcement agencies in order to establish themselves as a standing army. It’s the fusion centers and spy agencies that have created a surveillance state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take precedence over due process and justice. It’s the military empire with its private contractors and defense industry that is bankrupting the nation. It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.” It’s what former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as “ a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies ”: the Department of Defense, the State Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Treasury, the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a handful of vital federal trial courts, and members of the defense and intelligence committees. It’s every facet of a government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and abusive tactics. These are the key players that drive the shadow government. This is the hidden face of the American police state that will continue long past Election Day. Just consider some of the key programs and policies advanced by the shadow government that will continue no matter who occupies the Oval Office. Domestic surveillance No matter who wins the presidential popularity contest, the National Security Agency (NSA), with its $10.8 billion black ops annual budget, will continue to spy on every person in the United States who uses a computer or phone. Thus, on any given day, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. Local police have been outfitted with a litany of surveillance gear, from license plate readers and cell phone tracking devices to biometric data recorders. Technology now makes it possible for the police to scan passersby in order to detect the contents of their pockets, purses, briefcases, etc. Full-body scanners, which perform virtual strip-searches of Americans traveling by plane, have gone mobile, with roving police vans that peer into vehicles and buildings alike—including homes. Coupled with the nation’s growing network of real-time surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, soon there really will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Global spying The NSA’s massive surveillance network, what the Washington Post refers to as a $500 billion “ espionage empire ,” will continue to span the globe and target every single person on the planet who uses a phone or a computer. The NSA’s Echelon program intercepts and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax and email message sent anywhere in the world. In addition to carrying out domestic surveillance on peaceful political groups such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and several religious groups, Echelon has also been a keystone in the government’s attempts at political and corporate espionage . Roving TSA searches The American taxpayer will continue to get ripped off by government agencies in the dubious name of national security. One of the greatest culprits when it comes to swindling taxpayers has been the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), with its questionable deployment of and complete mismanagement of millions of dollars’ worth of airport full-body X-ray scanners, punitive patdowns by TSA agents and thefts of travelers’ valuables. Considered essential to national security, TSA programs will continue in airports and at transportation hubs around the country. USA Patriot Act, NDAA America’s so-called war on terror, which it has relentlessly pursued since 9/11, will continue to chip away at our freedoms, unravel our Constitution and transform our nation into a battlefield, thanks in large part to such subversive legislation as the USA Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act. These laws completely circumvent the rule of law and the rights of American citizens. In so doing, they re-orient our legal landscape in such a way as to ensure that martial law, rather than the U.S. Constitution, is the map by which we navigate life in the United States. These laws will continue to be enforced no matter who gets elected. Militarized police state Thanks to federal grant programs allowing the Pentagon to transfer surplus military supplies and weapons to local law enforcement agencies without charge, police forces will continue to be transformed from peace officers into heavily armed extensions of the military, complete with jackboots, helmets, shields, batons, pepper-spray, stun guns, assault rifles, body armor, miniature tanks and weaponized drones. Having been given the green light to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts, America’s law enforcement officials, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, will continue to keep the masses corralled, controlled, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens. SWAT team raids With more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year on unsuspecting Americans by local police for relatively routine police matters and federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions, the incidence of botched raids and related casualties will continue to rise. Nationwide, SWAT teams will continue to be employed to address an astonishingly trivial array of criminal activity or mere community nuisances including angry dogs, domestic disputes, improper paperwork filed by an orchid farmer, and misdemeanor marijuana possession. Domestic drones The domestic use of drones will continue unabated. As mandated by Congress, there will be 30,000 drones crisscrossing the skies of America by 2020, all part of an industry that could be worth as much as $30 billion per year. These machines, which will be equipped with weapons, will be able to record all activities, using video feeds, heat sensors and radar. An Inspector General report revealed that the Dept. of Justice has already spent nearly $4 million on drones domestically, largely for use by the FBI , with grants for another $1.26 million so police departments and nonprofits can acquire their own drones. School-to-prison pipeline The paradigm of abject compliance to the state will continue to be taught by example in the schools, through school lockdowns where police and drug-sniffing dogs enter the classroom, and zero tolerance policies that punish all offenses equally and result in young people being expelled for childish behavior. School districts will continue to team up with law enforcement to create a “schoolhouse to jailhouse track” by imposing a “double dose” of punishment: suspension or expulsion from school, accompanied by an arrest by the police and a trip to juvenile court. Overcriminalization The government bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. Consequently, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided. Privatized Prisons States will continue to outsource prisons to private corporations, resulting in a cash cow whereby mega-corporations imprison Americans in private prisons in order to make a profit. In exchange for corporations buying and managing public prisons across the country at a supposed savings to the states, the states have to agree to maintain a 90% occupancy rate in the privately run prisons for at least 20 years. Endless wars America’s expanding military empire will continue to bleed the country dry at a rate of more than $15 billion a month (or $20 million an hour). The Pentagon spends more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety. Yet what most Americans fail to recognize is that these ongoing wars have little to do with keeping the country safe and everything to do with enriching the military industrial complex at taxpayer expense. Are you getting the message yet? The next president, much like the current president and his predecessors, will be little more than a figurehead, a puppet to entertain and distract the populace from what’s really going on. As Lofgren reveals, this state within a state, “concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue ,” is a “hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose.” The Deep State not only holds the nation’s capital in thrall, but it also controls Wall Street (“which supplies the cash that keeps the political machine quiescent and operating as a diversionary marionette theater”) and Silicon Valley. This is fascism in its most covert form, hiding behind public agencies and private companies to carry out its dirty deeds. It is a marriage between government bureaucrats and corporate fat cats. As Lofgren concludes: [T]he Deep State is so heavily entrenched, so well protected by surveillance, firepower, money and its ability to co-opt resistance that it is almost impervious to change … If there is anything the Deep State requires it is silent, uninterrupted cash flow and the confidence that things will go on as they have in the past. It is even willing to tolerate a degree of gridlock: Partisan mud wrestling over cultural issues may be a useful distraction from its agenda. In other words, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People , as long as government officials—elected and unelected alike—are allowed to operate beyond the reach of the Constitution, the courts and the citizenry, the threat to our freedoms remains undiminished. So the next time you find yourselves despondent over the 2016 presidential candidates, remember that it’s just a puppet show intended to distract you from the silent coup being carried out by America’s shadow government. Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at www.amazon.com . Whitehead can be contacted at johnw@rutherford.org . The original source of this article is The Rutherford Institute Copyright © John W. Whitehead , The Rutherford Institute , 2016
US calls for end to Saudi airstrikes in Yemen
November 1, 2016 US calls for end to Saudi airstrikes in Yemen The US has called for an end to airstrikes by a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen at a UN security council meeting, but critics pointed out that Washington continues to supply arms and provide other military support to Saudi Arabia. The US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, condemned missile attacks by Yemeni Houthi rebels on Saudi Arabia and said the kingdom had a right to defend itself. But she added: “It is also incumbent on the Saudi-led coalition and the forces of the Yemeni government to refrain from taking steps that escalate this violence and to commit to the cessation of hostilities. “After 19 months of fighting, it should be clear that there is absolutely no military solution to this conflict. Airstrikes that hit schools, hospitals and other civilian objects have to stop. In many cases these strikes have damaged key infrastructure that is essential to delivering humanitarian aid in Yemen.”