To yeet
Hit emm with that phat yeet
Ninja shit
When you wipe after you shit and the paper comes out clean... Like the shit was never there... mysterious and stealthy...
I love it when I take a ninja shit... I only have to wipe once!
What the fuck was that for
Person 1: *Slaps across face* Person 2: DUDE?!!? WTFWTF?
When a woman lets a fart fly, but instead of punching out the back, it rolls up the front past her vagina; causing her naughty bits to flutter rapidly. Typically caused by impingement due to restrictive yoga pants, or an awkward sitting position. These same harmonic forces destroyed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in '40.
The combination of that lunch burrito and these yoga pants resulted in a violent afternoon flutterfly; it felt wonderful.
Amber Heard
To shit the bed
The bed recieved an Amber Heard in the morning.
God Donut
"God donut" is a censored way to say "God damn it!". Best known for being in iPhone autocorrects.
Zach: God donut, this ducking phone won't let me ducking cuss! Abby: I know we're mad at each other and all, but this is way too funny! Zach: Shut the duck up, you ducking shut head. Know what? Screw this. See you in bell, you ditch. Bye.
mic up
shit people on roblox use to be tough as fuck, telling the other party to hop on discord and voice chat with them. used in games that have a toxic community e.g. jailbreak, phantom forces, counter blox, black magic, etc.
Player #1: yo nigga ur bad at that class Player #2: the fuck u say? Player #1: stop acting tough as shit man we all know you ain't shit Player #2: alright retard mic up we gonna see whos tough as shit unless you cant handle a true mans voice Player #1: every mf that plays roblox is atleast 12y/o the fuck u want Player #2: aight bet get on discord right now
A phrase said before preparing to engage in a competitive event.
Ryu sat down after winning the fight. When Ken's name was announced for the next match, he stood up, winked at Ryu, and said with a grin, "GAME ON!"
skype bone
To engage in sexual activity with someone via Skype.
Dan: Hey, wanna hit the bar? Fred: Can't, gotta skype bone with Ellen tonight.
to cum while screaming. A combination of the word "scream" and came".
"Dude what was all that noise yesterday?" "Oh, I made your mom scrame." "What?" "Never mind."
fake that nigga actin fufu that versace aint real thats fufu
Why is O.T. Genasis Actin Fufu He Aint In Love With The CoCo That Versace Bag Is Fufu
A Mexican character in the film "Loverboy 3," who thinks by helping the hero kill the guys who've kidnapped his girlfriend he'll get a piece of ass.
Loverboy: "You want to split 40 grand?" Mexican: "Fuck yeah. What about the girl, do we split her too?" Loverboy: "You Mexicunt." Movie is on youtube: search "Loverboy 3"
What i just did. It was a flapper.
I farted. frrrt!
A faceplant in to the rock face of a mountain. Could be described as Eskimo kissing a boulder.
Dude, did you see that guy flip over his handlebars and Wayneo. I thought his nose was going to fall off.
Natalie is pretty and has long blonde hair but she is the most fakest human ever! She will talk behind your back all the time and she has 2 best friends and there is always another person in her gang she hates! Natalie is the boss of the gang always!
Tom: oh look there’s Natalie Toms mom : STAY AWAY FROM HER
a repition of various unrelated nonsence talk of horse manure while attemtping manslaughter to a goat
Yo it be Hish in my house
Noun. A large addition of swag.
Friend 1: I scored the game winning goal last night. Friend 2: Whoa, that's awesome, your swag just increased by a loy.
Fuckin A
A world usually exclamed after being surprised.
Jenny: Hey billy, i baked you these cookies Johnny: Fuckin A
On the dog
A development of the well-known phrase "hair of the dog", being on the dog originally referred to drinking large amounts, but can also be used to refer to being on the ball with things such as work and sport.
Hows the work going mate? Yeah really well, I'm really on the dog at the moment. Hows the training for that 10k race going? Not so great, I've fallen off the dog a bit, I'll be back on the dog properly next week though.
tony blair
The unfunny side kick of that famous comedy double act Bush & Blair. Where as George is a comic genius and everything he says or does has everybody crying with laughter, Tony is just rubbish. His idea of a joke is to pass laws to forbid displaying Christmas decorations in school in case it may offend a child who is not a Christian. He is a worthless piece of shit, who is sending his country to the wall and the sooner we get rid of him the better! When he does go the slimy bastard will give himself a knighthood so people will call him Sir when he goes on the lecture trail in the U.S.A.
Tony Blair...... "oh you can not say girl any more it is not Politically correct! You have to say female member of the human race or else you will go to prison." Man....." FUCK OFF Blair you stupid cock sucker!"
Ruining the reputation of someone
The news station slander the pop star
ain't even
Amazing and loyal
I love you your a axte
dirty pancake
A dirty pancake is when a male ejaculates on a female's rear end and smears the excrete to form pancakes.
From the first time I saw that booty, I knew I was going to give it a dirty pancake.
C = Coffee I = Induced D = Dump When you have a cup of joe in the morning and right after you drink it you have to then rush over to the bathroom to releave yourself. Typically noticed as Starbucks when there is a huge line to use the bathroom, or in Europe right after you have a wonderful expresso. If there is any questions, head to the nearest coffee shop or Europe to see what happens. This happens even more frequently if you have a hangover from a big night of drinking.
Damn another C.I.D., I hate/love when that happens.
A person who is disrespectful to you or others around him or herself.
Mark is a shitbag.
That moment when you look yourself in the mirror and almost go blind by your own beauty
“Damn! I look good. Oops I got self-blinded”
Gay Ed sheeran
Dazai: I blew up Chuuya’s car Oda’s grave: .......................
A common abbreviation for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
This website has a list of all the creatures in the DP pokedex.
A densely populated residential area of Bridgewater, NJ, between Vanderveer and Walter's Brook, thus named for the high population of Chinese and Indian people living there. The houses are nice and recently built, but choked one on top of another.
Person A: Where do you live, anyway? Person B: Chindia Person A: Dammit, why does everybody?
an amazing chick a best friend a hot girl an AFSE (advocate for the sexual experience) a gift from god
"Celeste and i had a great time"
Someone who can’t spell crop.
“Oo I love that video, can you Crpo it?”
dog shit o'meter
a thing you use to rate something that is really shit
hey katie that cup of tea is rated on the dog shit o'meter somewhere between sloppy dog shit and white dog poo
Verb meaning to listen to Dubstep. Wobwob Wobwobbing wobwobbed
I wobwobbed, no big deal.
wall worthy
news or comments good enough to write on someone's facebook wall.
"wow, i can't believe you wrote that on fairy's wall! it was def not wall worthy!"
A girl who is angered easily.
Wow that girl is such an Abbey.
Slang for "bro", or "brotha". How one tool refers to, or greets another. Hawaii claims the origin of this word, and it may have very well originated there- however it is now used more commonly by self-centered, orange-tanned, pierced, scene, and/or and other type of well-groomed dbag.
"Sup brah?!" "Nah much man, I just got back from doing something understatedly cool that makes other guys wanna be like me. I think I'll go hang with some other rad brahs tonight, and we can just soak up each others' awesomeness." "Aight, later brah!"
anything above Westchester County. deal with it.
I don't live upstate.
Ghetto Deathmatch
An alternate name given to the game Paper-Rock-Scissors. Two outta three, bitches. With this name, if you win, it's instant street cred.
Ron: I challenge you to a GHETTO DEATHMATCH! Dwight: Ok! <Round One> Ron: Scissors! Dwight: Scissors! <Round Two> Ron: Paper! Dwight: Rock! <Round Three> Ron: Paper! Dwight: Rock! Ron: I win! Zach: If this was the ghetto, you'd be dead, Dwight.
absolutely beautiful; absolute perfect; it can be described as a person or thing in a state of perfection
Jeff: man that girl is vutiful AJ: yeah she's hot
Cincinnati Mascara
While banging a chick, you stick one of your thumbs up her ass and the other into your ass. You then pull both thumbs out and and surprise her by wiping them across her eyelids. Alternatively, you can do this to anyone if you are willing to stick both of your thumbs into your own ass and hitting them with it by surprise.
Frankson's stupid ass had me so riled up that I risked dissentary to slap him with some Cincinnati Mascara.
A handful of toilet paper quickly thrown into the toilet bowl before doing a shit. This is especially useful in a public toilet, to spare your cubicle neighbours and your own embarrasment.
Oh man, I heard that! You should have used a silencer!
Dutch day off
When you have a day off work and end up doing household chores. Coined because the Dutch are believed to gain great satisfaction from domestic duties.
Pieter: Hey Jeremy, darling, guess what I did on my day off? Three loads of washing, cleaned the toilet and I even sorted your sock drawer! Jeremy: Oh, bless! A perfect Dutch day off!
A sweet girl who makes everyone happy. She never seizes to stop making you laugh and when she enters a room, she makes it light up. She is a ball of fun and is outgoing. Being extremely attractive, she makes guys drop to their knees. Only the most respectable man would be able to be with her. Raichel is really cute and has a great sense of humour and personality. She is playful but knows when she needs to be serious. Raichel is intelligent and is basically the most perfect girl you will ever meet. Raichel is flawless in every way.
Is that girl Raichel? Wait, it obviously is she is the dream girl!
You were never kazuhas foot stool Come find out who i am😈😈 i will track you down
Kazuhasfootstool is gay
Bokbok chicken is a sacred chicken amongst the chickens. All of chicken species bows down to bokbok chicken. Bokbok chicken is a secret chicken agent amongst the government. He walks the streets of the world protecting the chickens of the world as they bown down to him. He parts the waters of the ocean as he protects all chickens. He is the greatest chicken you will ever meet. He is basically the God of chickens. Dont let the name fool you but this chicken is no coward. So back off bokbok chicken haters. He is bokbok.
Bokbok chicken saved the poor innocent chicken in the road.
hardcore dancer
A hardcore dancer is a person usually in their teens who has immense quantities of angst due to listening to hardcore and emo music. These teens will go to concerts wearing tight pants, and tight jeans. Instead of the usual mosh pit, they will take play in hardcore dancing. This consists of swining their arms and legs around in a random fashion attempting to look they like are fighting invisiable enemies all around them. Hardcore dancers are known to look like idiots, but seem to not care.
Chad demanded that everyone in the mosh pit beat up all hardcore dancers.
Monitor Strat
A gaming tactic where one member of the team turns off his/her computer monitor while the remaining teammates eliminate themselves from the game and direct the 'blind' man to victory.
monitor strat is the best way to own noobs.
stamford is a city where the girls tend to be preppy bitches, but pretty hot. and the guys are pretty boys or skater. pretty much everyone here has a lot of money, but there are a couple bad parts of stamford. The public and private schools are good, but stamford high is the bestt.
person- "are you from stamford?" you- "um. yeah?" person- "oh..." you- "How could you tell?" person- "oh i dont know you just have your collar popped, and you are driving in a bmw. you are rich right?" you- "WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS ASSUME THAT!" person- "well...are you?" you- "....um.. maybe.."
A real piece of shit, one of the worst persons imaginable. A psychopath that's quite charismatic
Look at Sashit, what a piece of shit he is
curb tree
A discarded Christmas tree left on the curb post-holidays (i.e., after December 25)
For Brenda, the surge of curb trees in early January always reminded her of a bittersweet time in her life.
gorgeous girl thats the best person on the face of the earth
katie is the best
The male version of a titty
Wow you got some big tittt
Fish Dont Fry In The Kitchen
Its true they don't
Its a true story bro Fish Dont Fry In The Kitchen
A flamingo fan page on tik tok with over 5000 followers
Girl 1: Daaaaaammnnn that’s one ugly ass fan page Girl 2: Hey don’t talk about purplealberto like that!
Tuuli moment
When Tuuli leaves without any kind of warning
*Tuuli leaves without saying goodbye* Juhan: "Man thats a tuuli moment"
Paramus High School
mostly rich annonying horny ass bunch of kids. filled with all usual groups. cheerleaders, jocks, gangsters, wigger, asian gangsters (funny how the "gangsters", "Wiggers", and the ghetto asians dont even sit near eachother), smart/nerdy ppl (who i get some respect), goth/punk/metal heads, poser (usually girls who really want to be goth/punk.. odd), asians (prob one of the biggest groups... THEY R TAKING OVER PARAMUS), brown kids(south asian/some middle east: indians, some arabs.. but some r spread w/ the ghetto ppl) the retards (no really theres some autistic kids), losers (not even as kool as the smart nerdy..), other once dorks (they became seniors.. and have befriended all), freshmen(who still r unsure of they're place.. i think that covers all. oh and theres a shit load of smokers/pot heads in all categories
Hey! People from Paramus High School, wanna go to the Garden state plaza?? OMFG YES.. only if mary jane is coming!
Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band
Arguably the greatest rock album ever, it changed music forever. Taking 129 days to record only 13 tracks. Released in June 1967. It won numerous Grammy's that year including album of the year. Paul McCartney wrote most of the songs on the album. The hits include 'Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band', 'With a little help from my friends', 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' or 'A day in the life'. But really all 13 tracks are excellent.
Turn Sgt. Pepper's up!!! I love this wack crap.
"Whats Wrong With You?" Pronounced: "Woz wrong wiiia?" Often used by bodybuilders and kickboxers alike, the question posed indicates that the person in question is requesting that another person, "train" with them. It also suggests that should the other person decline the invitation then there must be a reason, illness, mental or physical as to why they should not accept.
Person 1: I no longer have a gym partner. Person 2: "Cum train wiv me WOZ WRONG WIIIA?" -> WWWY?
when someone is 200% correct about something no doubt
domo is so correctamentondo
A bad lil cutie
That Girl Over There Is A Butie
Zach herron
Zach is an adorable loving person. He may be stupid but he means the world. He may wear mismatched vans but who cares he is a nice, kind, loving, caring person. He's not afraid to show who he is. He's fearless. He's in a boyband. He came along way with 4 other people aka why don't we there all amazing and I will stan them and I'm pretty sure you will too. Zach's been through so much but he manages to keep his happiness with him at all times.
Zach herron is a ray of sunshine
- I russian name meaning michael. - A misha is one who defines the word man , likes drinking, eating, fighting and sex. A Misha is someone that all girls wanna be with and all guys are jelous of because of his extremely large penis size. Often performs great in bed
look at him hes such a player hes getting all the girls! and hes never lost a fight!! hes definately a misha.
A Bedrock server owned by Devin and babbots mainly made to replace the bedrock server (JDPrime).
there is a Server called ElysianNetwork that is better then JDPrime and its founded by the Admins (Davin, babbots, aiden, luna. idfk ;-;) anyways its a Good Server and Toffee wants to be an mod in the Discord Server.
retarded toes
When your big toe is shorter than the toe next to it.
“Sydney has retarded toes. Look! Her big toe isn’t the biggest toe.”
saggy maggy
a person who has grown significant fat rolls around their middle/waist/arms, any part of the body really and who feel the need to sit there with clothes that are far too tight and lean over showing their stretch marks to the world
a saggy maggy is someone who has ate too many burgers or "all the pies" as they say in wigan
Totally an idiot that should not even exist, also a femboy furry that looks stupid.
haha azzery is such a stupid person
That little fat dictator's chinese nickname, used widely and illegally in Communist China. Translation: Kim Fatty III. Pronounced "jin san pang"
金三胖 is the little fat boy from the movie Up
Dirty Squirties
When you fall asleep after drinking too much and wake up with your butt cheeks glued together because you sharted in your sleep or straight shit yourself.
I had the dirty squirties this morning...
real white boy
A real whiteboy is a person of caucasian decent that is multi cultured, multi taleted, and multi versitile. A real whiteboy can blend in to any situation and control it. A real whiteboy can take nothing and turn it into something.
Jason Mounsey is a real white boy
A fart that invades a space swiftly and without restraint.
Bro, Joey came over after eating pizza and laid a real Putin. My apartment stank for a week.
When a Blunt(philly or dutch) is to small to grip with normal technique the thumb and middle finger come together to form a climp.
Sac climped the blunt when it got small, he didnt want to burn his fingers.
to say something so stupid that the listeners of said thing lose a chromosome
you have chrombusted me of how stupid that shit was
You say the word “mcdicking” when something is a huge mood or your craving to do something specific.
Person 1: a beer looks so good rn Person 2: yea rs im mcdicking it
Young black athletes that don't follow Catholicism, but attend Catholic high schools, or colleges to play their sport.
College recruiter....."Hey Derrik, we at Notre Dame would like for you to come play basketball for us next year." Derrik..........."I'd love to play for Notre Dame. But, I'm not Catholic." College recruiter......"That's okay. You don't have to be Catholic. You can be Blatholic."
most amazing girl ever, really really loveable
wow! architha is just so funny, gorgeous, and makes life great
When someone is a jede, they're completely clueless and dumb
"This dude Andreas is such a jede" "You right, on crip..."
A nasty wet cigarette
Don’t hand me that sogie!!! Nasty
seoknutz is cute
gmbphjin is cute but seoknutz is cuter
Energetic but lazy, loves to sleep. Hardworking and doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. Loving and caring, beautiful and sexy. An avid book reader. A girl that will make you turn your head and say,"Damn!"
"Shyana is the best girlfriend ever!" "Dude, you guys are relationship goals."
Burlington High School
A school in Burlington, Massachusetts. There are over 2,000 students and teachers. Rumor has it that the school was built as a nuclear war bunker or a prison, and that there is a bomb shelter hidden somewhere under the gym. It is very easy to get lost in BHS as there are many hallways and corridors that do not connect to each other. If this happens, beware of the zombies, as they were part of the 1967 Student Protection Program and never left. They will eat you alive and are specially trained to find even the sneakiest ninja (which are also around the school in large populations and kill intruders at first sight). The high school's team mascot is the Red Devil, and the sports teams include football, baseball, lacrosse, swimming, softball, track/field, and much more. Random and crazy things happen there all the time. If you ever find yourself lost in Burlington High School, do not ask a senior, as they will tell you about the pool on the third floor, which is restricted unless you have a desire to be eaten alive.
He goes to Burlington High School. She is a BHS Girls' Lacrosse Lady Devil.
mcdonalds party
When you and friends buy 200 chicken nuggets and finish them all. Preferably when messed up.
Hey are you guys down to get drunk and have a mcdonalds party?!
urban redneck
someone utterly lacking in knowledge in modern urban navigation.
My old man doesn't use my ride's GPS to get around, he's still using a paper map or a Thomas Guide. Geez, he's such an urban redneck!
v. To be socially awkward, annoying or just generally weird.
She is seriously froioing today. Did you know you froio every time you go to a party with me?
Iso Drizzy
A straight pimp that’s always with your mom and has an absolute rocket glizzy that your sister can’t resist.
Omg is that Iso Drizzy with your mom
Muñañyo Is a type of booty call
Can I eat your Muñañyo “yes sir you can eat my Muñañyo“
Someone sexy, kind, hilarious, one of those people who lightens up a room when they're in it. Even their enemies want to be friends with them, cos they're so cool. Loves messing around and making jokes, playing pranks etc. Intelligent and sporty.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, a Lybah asked me out yesterday, should I accept?" Guy 2: "OMFG why are you even asking?! I'm so jealous you met a Lybah, accept right now."
Sabriin is a loud and proud girl. With a name that comes from Arabic roots, with the definition patient. She is never scared to speak her mind, and has a tongue of sliver. And a smile of gold, and things that make people around her feel better. She easily makes friends and has hardly any enemies. But don’t get on her bad side, she’ll bring hell on you. Sabriins are fun girls and have a confidence of lions. Never be too scared to approach one, she’ll make you day fun! Her smile will light the whole room.
Exchange student: Where can I find the student services? Sabriin: Sure, let’s me help!
Created by Mike Spirito and Kyle Clemency at Rowan University to Replace thats what she said
Guy A: "I dont know how i fit all of that in my mouth" Guy B:.com
whiskey dick
the ultimate form of birth control
i had whiskey dick that night... so im not ya babys daddy
A black shiny pikachu that inhabits the Kanto ghettos. Its moveset consists of: Rap Swag Steal Run The best pokeball for its capture is the Watermelon Ball which can catch it without a battle 100% of the time which is recommended if trainer don't want their wallet gone and Niggachu to escape.
Ash is walking in the hoods when a wild niggachu appears... Ash:Look Misty, a niggachu! Misty:Do you have any Watermelon Balls with you Ash? Ash: No, I'll try to catch it the normal way... Niggachu used Steal, pokemon trainer wallet was stolen. Ash:WTF niggachu!? Niggachu used Run.
A mixed shot containing 1 part Jagermeister, 1 part Tequila. Created in the midst of a drunken LAN party, the Counterstrike is a shot that's guaranteed to have you wishing you were either: a. Dead or b. Able to stop puking
Man... that last round of Counterstrikes really fucked me up. I'm gone.
The act of chilling and smoking your juul
What you doing bro ?? Nothing much just juuling
A nigga that always keeps it one hundred with u no matter what he will always be with u shooting in the gym in your life.
That person is a pherbo
Immo is the name of a person who is cool and handsome, they typically are nice and care for everyone who surrounds them, be like an immo.
person 1 Immo is so cool and nice person 2 i know, right?
awkward dominoes
Falling in the shower on top of others.
Wanna play awkward dominoes?
Fuck Me Jerry
A term used when you want someone to get their hot dick in your ass. For best results, scream it in the middle of intercourse. Instant boners will appear in the next neighborhood over if you scream this phrase loud enough.
Deep skin docking
deep skin docking is essentialy the deepthroat action of docking, where the foreskin of one males penis completely engulfes the penis of another male.
I was surprised by how stretchy his foreskin was when he decided to perform deep skin docking on me during our fifth intimate docking session of the day.
shit-ass way of doing stuff.
that was a real slipshot job you done washing them dishes bubba
Tel Aviv
Best city in the world, located in the middle of Israel, parties 24/7 crazy night life
Lets go to Tel Aviv bro