a nigga that looks like a horse
boy 1: "hey, why the long face" boy 2: "don't call me an evren"
An acronym for "Fake Ass Bill," meaning that money received from someone is counterfeit money; fake money
1. Did you see that $20 bill the customer had? It failed the counterfeit test, so therefore it is a FAB. 2. Don't give me any FAB's. 3. This $100 bill better not be a FAB.
rucker park
the tightest basketball court in america, come here if you want broken ankles or to get embaressed
the bone crusher kills rucker park
A pakistani term for a close friend or relative
e.g. 'Yo safe kuzza, wahgwan', 'Pass that bud kuzza'
Ron Rayner
Ron is quiet, large and wouldn't hurt a fly. when asked how he rolls Ron Rayner will tell you he "Rolls on the Fucking Tracks!" Also known as RR or RailRoad.
Jesse,"Ron How Do You Roll?" Ron Rayner, "I Roll On The FUCKING TRACKS!"
Cayden is a boy who will get anything you will say. Easy with girl problems. Has a big peen. Will fuck anybody up.
Look at Cayden over there he’s manly
PricewaterhouseCoopers Majority of elite accounting graduates choose PwC over the other big 4. The best and the brightest graduates are found in PwC, as compared to the rest of the accounting firms.
If you are from PwC, you must be an elite!
Fuckin poser/post-punk band that little skaters listen to when they aint skatin...All those that think its the best punk band ever have you ever heard of anything else in punk???Ever heard of Black Flag , Misfits , Bad Religion or Rise Against to say just a few because u fuckin fags have never heard any british punk where it all started...POSERS
NOFX is the music for skaters that think they are punks but are just POSERS
Hamburger with cheese
When a vagina has an obscene amount of extra skin, it slightly resembles a quarterpounder with cheese.
Damn Gina, I never ordered a hamburger with cheese, why didnt you warn me about your monster clam?
bitch ass ho
A girl that's so uptight and nasty that she feels the need to get on your case every single time you do something wrong.
That bitch ass ho yelled at me again today because I didn't take out the trash.
Turkey Sandwich
Two beers, and a shot of Wild Turkey 101
Can't beat a turkey sandwich during the Thanksgiving holiday!
whiskey sour
When a male is severly inebriated on whiskey and develops a "whiskey dick" while trying to perform anal sex. As a result, the male shoves his soft penis into the female's anal region and then puts his nutsack in her vagina.
Joey had a lot of Jack Daniels so he made Donna a whiskey sour.
Chinese Communist Party
The Ultimate form of all Gangs, Mafias or other organized crime entity. Avoid at all cost.
1.The Chinese Communist Party robbed all my freedoms and sell them back to me. 2.There are usually very few gang activities in areas controled by CCP. 3.Mao is a creation of CCP, not vice-versa.
Verb. When a man's penis cums like the blast of a shotgun, spraying many "bullets."
Hawk chotgunned all over Yoshi's steamy hot body last night.
street hero
A fashionable someone who is not rich or famous, just an ordinary person who utilizes what they have to create a really whacked out sense of personal style. A street hero is NOT a hipster; they are up with trends, but prefer to set their own. Street heroes are more like modern-day gypsies who equate the balance of the horribly dressed.
Rumi from fashiontoast is my favorite street hero.
A Rudgeson is the act of hanging a shit and masterbating at the same time whilst in a public place or at a party.
"Man, Bill has been in the toilet for ages....he must be doing a Rudgeson!"
Jasper Juice Box
When someone urinates and ejaculates into a persons anus and sucks it out slowly with a straw.
(Darren)..I heard rod had a Jasper juice box last night ? (Dylan)..Ya I heard Brian farted and the juice started comming through Rod's nose.
The fealing you get when you have eaten too much cream
Mum, I am feeling moosby, can I take a day off school
a great irc client, which has its own scripts and scripting language....probably the language is copyrighted
mIRC is cool. u can go on 400 servers at once.
Carmelized Badger
A sexual practice that involves a male and female partner preferably: The male makes their hand like they're going to give the Shocker (two in the pink and one in the stink). You dip all three fingers in carmel dip (like for apple slices) and insert them ala The Shocker. The male's duty -- after bringing the female to orgasm -- is to clean out with his tongue and mouth what he has left in both orafices, cleaning out the den of the badger so to speak.
After Halloween, all hopped on sugar, and with plenty of carmel dip left, Jim gave Tammy a Carmelized Badger. I don't think her den will ever be the same.
A superior, non-human entity of natural or supernatural origin that is indigenous to planet Earth.
UFO's, fairies and elves are believed by some paranormal researchers to be Ultraterrestrials.
Ninja Battle Pirate
A title bestowed upon one lucky enough to have been accepted into the most powerful society in the universe. A Ninja Battle Pirate (or NBP) is a combination of the stealth and cunning of a Ninja and the bloodthirsty savagery of a pirate. Founded by the almighty Zik Synis, the secretive society is structured around a caste system, of which their are several classes: Overlord: Zik Synis Suck Monkeys: Anyone who is not Overlord It should be noted that anyone not a member of the NBP affiliation is referred to as a 'Twatflap'. Within the exclusive NBP affiliation, there are several denominations, all of which stem from the founding chapter, 'Supernus'. The most noteable denominations include 'The Brain Stabbers', 'The Throat Stompers', and 'The Ultra Killers'. The NBP affiliation works seperately that all political parties and organizations, due to the fact that they aren't pussies or sell-outs. While they are indeed trained in the arts of Ninjascilation, Piration, and Killery, each denomination requires a specific specialty in its members, such as Videogameometry, Sugarconsumptionitery, and Alienkillerogredy. These are just a few of the many, many specializations availale to members of the NBPA (Ninja Battle Pirate Assosiation). Now, you may be wondering, 'how do I join this unstoppable elite force of Ninja Battle Pirates, who could school my ass at everything so fast that I wouldn't have time to shit myself?' Sadly, you cannot join without being recruited by Overlord Synis' decree. The only other way to join this guild of the gods is to be born into it. On the day of each infants birth, a number is branded onto the back of the baby's hand. The number is given to the parents, who wait at a river bank, while upstream their newborn infants are tossed into the stream. If they somehow miraculously survive the piranahs, alligators, and depth charges, they are then retrieved and cast in once more, just to make sure. If the baby survives this test, he is removed from his parents care and places in an elite training facility, where subjects are allowed to eat once every three days and spend the rest of their time training to become an officially recognized member of the NBPA. Each NBP is allowed to chose which denomination to join, or whether to remain a pure NBP, and exist directly under Overlord Synis' command. For more information on Overlord Synis, see Zik Synis.
Damn, that Ninja Battle Pirate just schooled my ass at everything before I even had a chance to shit myself!
to be hyper focused and productively vibing. have u ever taken addy to finish an assignment? bc if so, you were probably zooted af
Roommate 1: bruh that addy i popped had me writing for 4 hours straight listening to Avenged Sevenfold Roommate 2: omg that's amazing Roommate 1: yeah i was zooted af
The act of an individual who corrects spelling or grammar in a smug fashion to feel superior.
David: I hope your going to Heather's party. Andrew: You're so stupid it's YOU'RE not YOUR David: You're so pedandick.
Echo gordon
Echo gordon is a person who takes no shit and will match your energy quick! She also will get yo ass in trouble if you talk when you shouldn’t
Nice sometimes, takes no bull, will not go above pay grade, will mark you down faster than a tweaked going to Walmart on the 1st :I just met a ECHO GORDON :um how did that go :not good she matched my energy and I got my ass beat
combination of being douschey and boujee at the same time- a boujois douschebag if you will.
Donald Trump is just so doujee in the best way!
A gavin is defined as a medieval sword
the knight slayed the dragon wiht his mighty gavin
A Large Man, Usually Gay. Has a Beard With a Progressive Mullet.
That is A Frautten
Aston Villa
Aston Villa a football club in a place called brummie land commonly known for having a terribly quiet fanbase that never sing. They are also famous for having the worst looking fanbase in England and the highest crime rate. Their most common citizen is a man called greasy Grealish he is known for diving in the box driving into lamp posts and just looking ugly over all like the rest of their fanbase. A famous song once was written about Aston Villa : SOTV SOTV tonight
Aston Villa? You mean that football club who haven’t won anything in 109 years? And get relegated every year no thanks
Jadis is a sweet,nasty(in a good way) and cute and a very silly girl and loves to have fun and is usually loyal and trusted if she really loves the guy she is with
Woah I have never met a girl like her she must be a jadis
A shortened for of the word "sober".
I'm gonna throw a sobes party tomorrow, complete with cake and Coca Cola.
rectal wort
noun :A person who is so low on the intelligence meter or so annoying they only qualify as a rectal wart. used in testicle shitting rectal wort
Man1: "You're such a rectal wort" Man2: "what's a rectal wort?" Man1:"it means you're stupid!" Man2: "What does stupid mean?" Man1: "Jesus Christ your dumb" Man2: "huh?" Man1 : *walks out losing faith in humanity
Dirty Adi
When a girl eats bacon on camera
Man, she pulled a dirty Adi and put the meat in her mouth all at once.
Filmstrip S
Another nickname for the Screen Gems S From Hell
The Filmstrip S gives me the heebie-jeebies.
22nd Base
The point where one fucks life into an inanimate object, and then makes it climax. AKA Frankenfuck
"Have you ever heard a statue moan?" "Did you get to 22nd Base?"
A no lifer who spends his whole life playing minecraft even tho he is horrible at the game
Woah where is KarliXon? Playing Badlion as always!
Backdoor Becky
A white girl who takes it in the pooper.
aye, backdoor Becky! how's your butt feel?
Lesbian Emergency
Lesbian Emergency refers to a time when you need a lesbian and one just cant be found. Can also refer to running low on lesbian supplies. Occassionally mistaken for 'happy anniversary' which has caused many relationship problems.
'Hunn, we have a lesbian emergency." 'Lesbian emergency! Lesbian emergency!'
really... an Ooije is slang for a swedish/mexican person.
look at that Ooije he is checking his ping while sleeping..
Chittra, an Indian origin name is defined as a picture, a drawing or art. Individuals with this name generally are explosively creative and also emit a creative energy around their surroundings. Not to be confused with the single T Chitra. The double T Chittras are a rare find and have double the creative aura. Often rampant with mild OCD and a very distinctive laugh.
Dan: Man I really wish I could draw. Gavin: Why don't you just call Chittra. Dan: You saved my life.
being that guy
The one person you know that, no matter how many people agree with something, whether it's a course of action or a simple fact, ALWAYS disagrees. Hence the name,"Everyone wants to go except THAT GUY". This is believed to be on purpose or out of sheer stupidity. After disagreeing the person will usually follow up with a statement that is completely wrong and untrue because he "read is somewhere" or someone completely unreliable told him.
Person 1: "Alright, it's time to party but we have nowhere to drink at!" Person 2:"Wait, no one is going to be at Corey's house for two days. Corey let's go by your house." Corey: "No." Person 1: "Why?" Corey: "Because." Person 2: "Because why?" Corey: "Because I said." Person 1: "Corey, seriously, stop being that guy."
Has the cutest little smile. He adores girls but they don't see him as a dating kind of boy. Probably turns out to like guys.
Is that your boyfriend Jaap? Yes, that's him. Too bad he pays more attention to guys..
Hamza Rhzali
An amazing guy who's handsome , charming and damn sexy ! He was born in february the 3rd ! He's fucking reliable and is the perfect boyfriend ! He's a strong , tough , hard working creative guy ! He makes great omelettes , and great hot chocolate ! What's amazing about this guy is that he makes Imane so damn happy and she fucking loves him ! She cannot live without him ! She also cannot handle being far away from him ! And that's how you know that Hamza Rhzali is an amazing guy !
Hamza Rhzali is Imane's boyfriend ! Imane loves Hamza Rhzali ! Hamza Rhzali deserves the world ! Hamza Rhzali is too precious for this world !
Sis Toke
When two people each have their own bong, but are sharing one bowl piece. One person takes a hit and pulls the bowl piece out and passes it to the next person, and then they toke. Sis toke up bitches!!!
“Sup son let’s sis toke!”
mark masturbater
Someone who can't stop jerkin it anywhere they go. He will jerk it anywhere including school, work, church, or even while taking a shit.
Yo he is a Mark Masturbater I saw him jerkin in church!
Porch Drunk
The state of being so intoxicated one is nearly "pickled". It comes from sitting on a porch all day long and into the night while steadily drinking alcholic beverages. Porch Drunkeness usually occurs in trailer parks, urban housing projects and backwoods locales.
"Did you see Cletus out in front of his double wide? He looked like a homeless wino." "Yeah, he was out there early this morning too. He's porch drunk."
buff young cocks, that is all they do there, buff cocks
rich was buffing cock at the BYC
Female genetalia
My hands were all up in her vigunt.
The nick-name given to both a girl as well as a bottle of wine (really called Vickie and McMannis, respectively) but after 2 bottles of this wine it blurs and slurs into McLickaVic!
Pour me another glass of that McLickaVic please.
Something cool, or awesome. Usually used to refer to things of a technological or mechanical nature.
Dude, you got a new Prius? That shit is totally razablade!
Only the real OG's know where this from. 🗿🗿 is the emoji equivalent of dumb dumb. Originally spoken by a Easter Island statue in a museum. If you don't remember the movie there's your hint.
Over text Friend: Is orientation today? Me: No 🗿🗿 it was yesterday.
Is a person who conforms to the ways of society. Most of the time they call others a "poser." They usually copy another persons style, music, and entertainment; and then they fuck it up.
You know that girl sydney? Yeah the poser...
Skanka Lee
Girls whose names are similar to Skanka and have a middle name Lee. Usually have mannish faces that contain various forms of acne vulgaris, have zero self respect and in the workplace have a zero work ethic. They will starve themselves and become skankarexic in order to get a guys approval at the same time wearing too much make up.
Dang, she wants an office romance with Kenny the Copy guy, but he has no respect for her because she loafs all day and now he has to help out with her work she didn't do. The work that has her name on her letters with her middle name on it. That Sarah Lee, I can see why she has the worst luck with men, she looks like one and orders her make up from Avon by the case, that so badly applied she looks like a hooch. What a Skanka Lee.
a way cool way to talk about the mcdonalds chicken mcnugget, only used by the most loyal mcdonalds customers.
dude with 6 dollars i can get like, 24 mcnuggz!
Sparrow Fart
Common phrase, especially in UK/IRL. A small, propeller-driven commuter flight.
When we flew from Chicago to New York they put us on a sparrow fart...
the act of exiting a motor vehicle, specifically a car, while it is still in motion, and dancing either next to or on top of the vehicle.
Mike and Kev were grippa bored so they so they started ghost-riding the whip down 3rd ave, Mike thizzed on the windshield while Kev did the harlem shake on the roof.
What happens to a guy's phallus when he thinks dirty thoughts.
The images flashing through my mind made my member swell.
Annah is quite self-conscious, but brave at certain points. The name itself means 'God has favored me' so Annah is quite religious. Annah is very loyal but shy. Also name of an indie band in America called "Annah Anti-Palindrome".
Whos Annah? I dunno. She seems nice.
sniff 69
just like normal 69 but instead of licking or sucking you sniff as hard as you can untill you pass the fuck out
that vv smells so good i want a sniff 69
1.Strangely interesting 2. Interesting, but you don't know why.
Wow, that painting is err, calactifying...
Kuk is an Norwegian word that means that a person has a super strong love for someone.
"Jeg er stappet av hestekuk!"
The sound that comes out of one's mouth when Louisana and Texas accents combine and become a somewhat high pitched Canadianish New York-esque homeade accent. This accent comes from sweet girls named Shelly and is also extremely contageous. It also comes out of Bobby and Kyle when they get sleepy and intoxicated off the night air.
Dude last night I was talking to this really hott senior and I accidently let some of my Shellaccent come out.
Deprogrammed is the project of Otto Cate - an artist, performer, producer, songwriter, programmer, and remixer who began in the electronic scene in the late 80's. Otto, who studied under Colorado Symphony percussionist Ted Small, has been spearheading independent projects in the Electronic, Industrial and Metal genres throughout his career. Since his initial audio experiments in a small basement studio, his vision has grown progressively stronger and more complex.
Crotch Vampires
1.) A more intense form of the STD Crabs. 2.) The lice-like creatures that infest the pubic hair of an individual suffering from said STD.
Crabs are contagious; Crotch Vampires are voracious.
how the heck did you find this lol
Chairs exist and I just microwaved 17 cats last Tuesday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Judge Mathis
The best judge ever featured on TV. People will bring up their cases to his studio court in NBC Tower, Chicago. Watch out for his bullshit detector, it is second to none. Much better than other reality TV judges.
My neighbor just let his dogs shitting on my lawn. I'm gonna bring his ass up to Judge Mathis court.
too spin 360 degrees. Generally used in skiing and snow boarding.
"Dude, I pulled a smooth 360 off that jump"
Sus Mus Bus
Sus Mus Bus is mostly shortened to SMB. This is the top anti Vsco cult in the history of anti Vsco cults. It was created by a random white girl and a Mus named Minnie who is a descendant of Mary Queen of Scots only to have the spotlight taken away from her from her knock off, Minnie Mouse.
Hey are you subscribed to Sus Mus Bus?
fizz hick
(noun) 1. Term of affection, usually used on someone while delivering bad news 2. A southern soda smuggler
Teacher: "Alright, Fizz Hicks, you have four textbooks to read over the summer! And write 8 papers for each!" Student: "I don't want to and what the hell is 'fizz hicks'? Dude 1: That fizz hick sold me some New England Iced tea yesterday. Dude 2: Really?! Those were banned since 1997!
br pat
A retarded person who has an anger management disorder and cannot control his temper. Is highly known for chucking psycho's. Is also known to be a money scavenger to pay off his debts.
Oh man that dude is chucking a br pat!!
A name originated from Kenya, In the Bible, this word means Peter.
Its a name "Yo keffa" "oh sh!t, thats keffa"
P Town
Refers to the city of Porirua, New Zealand, 20km north of the capital Wellington. More specifically referring to the champion Porirua softball team from the area.
P Town are champions of the Wellington region. "P Town! P Town!"
onna guys
It means on a persons dead friends or dead member of a gang . Example- like on god or on Chris brown Put it on something you didn't steal my things . Onna guys man.
Put it onna guys .
great whatsit
From the classic Mike Hammer film noir Kiss Me Deadly, it refers to a nebulous but potentially devastating threat that consumes a private detective or an entire nation. Much of its terror comes by way of implication. Examples include the communists of the 1950s, the One Ring and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
"Why is there no apostrophe in the great whatsit," the student asked. "Don't ask stupid questions," the professor replied. "Its existence is simply a fact."
Ingesting a psychedelic cocktail of illegal hallucinogenic substances including psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, and Mescaline at the same time.
Bro, I hyperflipped for the first time last night and my hands transformed into interdimensional keys made from emerald-covered snakes.
When someone thinks the combos on a restaurant menu come as just a chips and drink for $5 and doesn't realise it means you can add chips and drink to your schnitzel roll order for just $5
Person 1: "What are you ordering?" Person 2: "I'll just get the $5 combo" Person 1: "What roll are you having with it?" Person 2: "I'm not having a roll, just the chips and drink combo" Person 1: "You can't do that, you're combodumb"
Very tall, definitely not white handsome boy, he is very funny and can be sneaky at times if he is your boyfriend you will be very lucky because he is a very affectionate kind person and a even better lover
Jediah is one of the best people I know
A marine that shows EXTREME enthusiasim in everything he does and is the poster child of how a marine should act.
theisen is so mottarded dude, he makes us look bad!
gettin head
dude last night i got treehub
Shit hole of a school. Located in scenic Corinth. Located between Denton, Texas and Lewisville, Texas. Notoriously know for the hot vice principal, Ms. Virag, and the germ-aphobe whore of a cop Officer Wartman, as well as the ridiculous amount of potheads and dropouts.
>Where do you go to school? >> LDHS. >Well, fuck, I can't hire you.
Garden Spot
A place on one's chest that when punched, leaves the victim out of breath and confused about what has just happened or The most desirable place to hit your golf ball on a particular hole thus setting up your next shot
Zach hit Jake in the garden spot and then stole his shoes and glasses. Jake was left in a daze and in a world of pain. or Kipinski laid his second shot right in the garden spot, leaving him only 20 yards from the hole.
The area between a guys part and his ass. Or a derogatory term for someone refering to the real definition.
Gosh, my teacher is such a freakin chodewaxer.
Tiny shit town in the UP of Michigan at the base of the thumb. Full of wannabe gangsters, stupid people, old ladies, religion, and deer.
Omg, people from L'Anse are sooo stupid
To tell one that you wish them to do the thought that follows
I said I am lol lol wlel just no more trying to order me around
What drunk people come up with when they try and text 'PMSL'
I've just seen a fat bird in a bikini in Maryhill. OMSK. or I'm going to a family wedding but I'm only having a few. OMSK.
trapped air in a medical exam glove makes a qweef like sound
It happen when putting on a medical exam glove and trapped air makes a qweef like sound,gleef.
grilled like cheese
to be high, stoned, baked
Dude after that blunt, I was grilled like cheese.
The pure heart of a married couple
The Solangelo couple bombed Arkansa
Terrible Towel
a yellow hand towel that diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fans wave during a football game.
Watch a Steelers home game on ESPN...you will see the Terrible Towels being waved.
Turkish Gamers
Incompetent and degenerate scum. They typically break every rule that exists on online servers, then when they get banned, the track down the person responsible for supplying the staff proof and proceed to send them clusters of insults and death threats. They also get extremely and overly nationalist to point where you want them to just fuck off a die.
John: Are there any Turkish Gamers on this server Jim: I think so. John Never-mind than, I dont want to play with them.
Xanax is a prescription drug, such as adderall, which is given to patients to help them cope with anxiety and panic disorders. It’s one of the most often prescribed medicines in the U.S., but unfortunately, people frequently abuse it. This results in overdoses, and often cause death. The widely known rapper, Lil Bo Peep – real name Gustav Elijah Åhr – was pronounced dead on his tour bus on Wednesday, November 15th at 9:00 p.m. local time. “Detectives discovered evidence suggesting he died from an overdose of anti-anxiety medication Xanax,” The New York Times reported People who do take Xanax might experience these short term effects: Analgesia Numbness Sedation Irritability Euphoria Confusion Feelings of relaxation Respiratory depression Constipation Papillary constriction Impaired coordination Impaired memory
Xanax “Hey, wanna go pop some Xannny’s?” “Not in my Christian household.” Xanax: xan, xanny, x, xax
Basically its an acronym for Naked Shower Party
Guy #1: Hey man wtf did you do last night ? Guy #2: i went to a crazy party man! Guy #1: What kind of party dude ? Guy #2: A fucking NSP Man, naked chicks everywhere
18th Century slur against Northerners.
"Out of my drawing room, you vile cobsot!"
Fudge Spoon
When a girl is consipated you use the head of your dick like a shovel to get the shit out. Otherwise known as, de-turding.
Jennifer told Payden, "I am feeling constipated... I think I need a fudge spooning...."
someone that usually dates a thomas ,
thomas ; my girlfriend is that best bob ; oh it must be an alyssa
A word used to describe the action taken when one finds something to be ghilariousu
omg roffle LOLEZ0rZ!!@$
Ashantis tend to have a small booty but after a while it surprisingly grows into the ass of a goddess. Ashanti is an innocent little freak that has the tightest pussy that gives the best sex.
Hey y'all seen that girl Ashanti? Yeah I hear she has the tightest pussy.
I word used by the best country in the world Canada used when confused or stating a fact.
"Canada Rocks Eh?" "is that right eh?"
polluticly correct
any action taken by a person to prevent or minimise the amount of pollution they are omitting
It makes my day to see all those people are being polluticly correct by leaving this campsite so clean
LTG Syndrome
LTG syndrome, also known as Low Tier God syndrome, is a very common occurrence in the FGC. It is the act of calling a better player than you, worse, even though you lost to them.
Low Tier God: This man sucks! Player: I still beat you, which means you are worse? Low Tier God: Get that ass banned Player: LTG syndrome I guess