Marie how many siblings do you have?
Marie, pira kamo na magkara manghed?
I have four! Do you have a spouse?
May-on ako upat na ka manghed! May asawa kana?
Yes, Do you have a spouse?
Oo, May asawa kana?
What are you doing today?
Ma-ano ka niyan?
I have no plans
Wara ka niyan.
I want to eat outside. Do you want to come?
Gusto ko mag-kaon sa luwas. Mawpod ka?
Let’s go
Kana na
Are you free later today?
Libre ka tad toad?
Do you want to watch a movie?
Gusto mo mag-imod pelikula?
Let’s meet on Friday.
Mag-imudankita sa Biyernes.
What is your order?
Nano an order tabi niyo?
One stingray and coconut milk and rice.
Saro na kinunet tabi nan saro na lute.
The kinunet is 30 pesos and the lute is 10 pesos.
Traynata pesos an kunot nan diyes an lute.
Thank you
What is your order
Nano an order tabi niyo?
May I buy a coffee and chocolate
Pabakala man tabi ako kape nan chocolate.
30 pesos
Traynata pesos
Thank you
How much is this?
Tagiri ini?
19 pesos
19 pesos
How much is 3 bananas
Tagiri an tulo na saging?
11 pesos
11 pesos
How much is the discount?
Pira an Tawad?
I can sell you 2 bananas for 50 pesos?
Pwede ko bakala an duwa na sapat san singkwenta pesos?
Thank you
What are you looking for?
Nano tabi an inhahanap mo?
A pants
Panty are here
Yadi tabi an mga panty
Are there any other colours?
May iba kamo na kulay sadi?
There are no other colours
Wara na iba na kulay
It’s too small, is there a larger size?
Saday-saday ini, may-on kamo mas dako?
Yes what size?
Oo, nano size?
What kind of movies do you like?
Nano an mga pelikula na gusto mo?
I like horror movies
Gusto ko an mga horror na pelikula
Do you want to see a movie?
Gusto mo mag-imod san pelikula
May I buy two tickets to see Garfield please
Pa-bakala man tabi ako san duwa na ticket sa Garfield
300 pesos
300 pesos
Thank you
I don’t feel good
Diri mayad an pamati ko
What do you feel?
Nano an namamati an mo?
I have a stomach-ache and I have a headache
makulog an puson ko nan ma-bulogan ulo ko.
You have a fever.
May kilintura ka.
I will give you a prescription.
Hatagan ko ikaw san resta.
Buy some medicine and take it.
Mag basakal ka san bulong nan ihumon mo.
Thank you
Excuse me, where is the post office?
Kuya! Diin tabi an post office?
Across the street, then turn left at the parking lot.
Sa luyo san, sa paradahan sa wala.
Go through the tunnel and it is in between the park and the restaurant.
Sa mag-kadto ka sa tunnel nan sa butnga san park nan restaurant
I will give mother money.
Hatagan ku si mama kwarta.
Give me that money because I have to pay something in the school.
Ihatag mu an kwarta kay mabayad aku sa eskwelahan
Just give her the allowance.
Hatagun mu na lang an allowance kaniya.
It is expensive to study in Manila
Mahal an pag-eskwela sa Manila
My father ran for municipal councilor.
nagdalagan sa pagkakonsehal si papa.
one thousand
one hundred
It’s cold at night.
Mahagkot kun gab-i.
There is the jeepney!
Yadto na an jeep!
Please lend me that pencil of yours.
Pahurama man sana na lapis mo.
Certainly yes! or I said yes!
Sinabing amo!
I said stop making fun of me!
Sinabing dili mo ako pagti-awan!
Seven minus four.
An pito bawasan nin upat.
Seven is less than twelve.
An pito mas diyot kaysa dose.
How many hours are there in one day?
Pirang oras igwa sa isad na adlaw?
Teddy is heavier than Michael.
Si Teddy mas magub-at kaysa kay Michael.
Arrange the numbers in increasing order.
Ayuson an mga numero sin padamu.
Why should you fear death?
Nanu kay hadlok ka magadan?
Let me tell you a story.
Isturyahan ko ikaw.
A long time ago, there was a rich woman who lived by the sea.
San sadto, may mayaman na babaye na nakaistr harani sa dagat?
She would not have any visitors.
Wara saiya nagbibisita.
She liked the quiet that her large house gave her.
Gusto niya pirmi lang mahilom sa dako niya na balay.
She would spend her days and nights by the beach, counting each star and each grain of sand.
Pirmi siya nasa dagat, nagbibilang san mga bituon, san mga baybay.
She had but one friend, not like any person in the world, for it was not a person at all.
Saro lang an amiga niya nan dili idto tawo.
The shadow of death would spend time with her to ease her loneliness.
An anino san kamatayan an pirmi noya kaupod sa saiyang kamunduan.
They first met when death’s shadow claimed the woman’s mother.
Nakilala niya san namatay an ina niya.
She was not afraid as most people would have been and greeted the shadow politely.
Dili siya nahadlok san nakita niya siya.
“Why are you not running in fear?” The shadow asked.
“Nano kay dili ka hadlok saakon?” hinapot siya san anino.
“You are part of what makes life beautiful.” She answered.
“Pinapagayon mo an buhay.” Simbag niya.
Death’s shadow felt happy on what she said.
An anino kan kamatayan naugma sa sinabi niya.
It stayed until the woman finished the larao, the ritual ceremony to protect her mother’s body from those that would harm it after death.
Dili niya binayaan an babaye hanggang sa matapos niya an ritwal para sa proteksyon san mama niya pagkamatay niya.
The shadow fell in love with the woman then.
Namuot saiya an anino san kamatayan.
It had never met a human who respected death such as she did.
Niyan lang siya nakakakilala san arug niya.
Death’s shadow was a jealous thing.
Madali magselos an anino san kamatayan.
It wanted the woman all to itself.
Gusto niya saiya lang an babayi.