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From a teen in the U.S.:  I am 15 years old and suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia, ect. My mom is well aware of these things and even knows that I have self harmed however, I am too afraid to tell her that I still do because, she believes that I stopped. The reasons I don’t want to tell her I am struggling is because I’m afraid she will try to bring everything back to her.
The reasons I don’t want to tell her I am struggling is because I’m afraid she will try to bring everything back to her.
8Mind Reading
Ever since I was little I’ve never fit in. I didn’t have any friends at school besides family members. I did have an invisible friend, but I hardly ever went out to recess. I always stayed inside and read books at the library. But it never bothered me that much. Also I had a problem that my sister(she doesn’t live with me) mentioned I had when I was little. I would always repeat what another person said to me, not to be snarky, but I just couldn’t help it. I researched this a little bit and I now know it to be echolalia. I also enjoyed picking at dead skin. I was moved up to magnet schools (for highly intelligent children…or that’s what they said), but I still didn’t fit in.
Ever since I was little I’ve never fit in. I always stayed inside and read books at the library.
From a teen in Germany: I started to believe I have superpowers to cause deaths, which I strongly believe until now. It’s like I can cause while just being in my room something terrible to happen in other corners of the world (earthquakes, heart attacks, shootings) etc. Then I started to believe I can controle electronics across the globe and someone told me that I really turned off their lights in room, then I tried to test it on other people they said that I can’t turn their lights off, however that one person I still I’m confused if they were lying or not and I’m very convinced they are not and that I have superpowers and it causes me a distress knowing that I indeed caused terrible things using these powers. I also can’t go for a walk, I believe people are being hostile and everyone know who I am.
Then I started to believe I can controle electronics across the globe and someone told me that I really turned off their lights in room, then I tried to test it on other people they said that I can’t turn their lights off, however that one person I still I’m confused if they were lying or not and I’m very convinced they are not and that I have superpowers and it causes me a distress knowing that I indeed caused terrible things using these powers. I also can’t go for a walk, I believe people are being hostile and everyone know who I am.
8Mind Reading
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 4 years now. After a year of me commuting to see him (he lived 2 hrs away), we purchased a house together in his area and I began working from home. This is when I started to see issues. He would drink heavily every Friday & Saturday which wasn’t different from before but now he was showing his true colors. If he got angry or upset about something, he would take it out on me. He’s threatened to kill himself numerous times and has held loaded guns to his head while screaming at me. He’s even fired off a pistol into the ground right next to me while yelling. Another night, we both were drinking and went to bed late. I woke during the night and ran to the bathroom to vomit. He was angry that he had to come check on me and started to say nasty things. I began yelling at him asking what’s wrong with him and banged my hands onto his chest as I did that. Well, he hauled off and punched me in the fa ce. I never reported this to the police. He’s called me pathetic, said he has no respect for me and many other nasty things. This past May, he put a gun to his head again and that was it for me. I moved back to my town with plans of either selling the home we purchased together or him refinancing to have me removed. He still wouldn’t let me go and I allowed it for some reason!!! We’ve been seeing each other every other weekend since July (again, I’m doing all the driving). He has been doing much better with not drinking but I have caught him lying about it because I can tell when he is. In November, he decided to get drunk again and we had another nasty fight. He apologized saying he would never do it again, that he does not like the person he becomes when he’s drinking and that I should be treated like a queen. So, I gave him yet another chance. This past weekend, I asked if he got beer jokingly and he responded that he did but only a six pack. SMH! He then proceeded to tell me that he wanted to reach out to friends he cut ties with and when I asked if that was a good idea because they like to party, he got enraged! Called me all kinds of nasty things and was extremely hurtful. I told him I cannot do this anymore, that I deserve better and that he really needs to seek help from all the pain he has from childhood. He says he’ll NEVER go to therapy and that I need help because my emotions are out of control. He’s says I’m throwing away 4 years all because of a little argument. Why do I have such a hard time leaving this horribly abusive relationship???? There’s way more but I cannot fit it all in.
Why do I have such a hard time leaving this horribly abusive relationship????
Lately I haven’t been feeling like myself… It’s like I’m more depressed than I normally am. I have always had depression, ever since I was in 7th grade. I would deal with it by cutting myself, and I have been wanting to do it again for no reason. I have caused numerous scratches, not actual cuts. I’ve been battling with myself. I do not sleep much, and when I do sleep it is for at least 10 hours. I have also had a few suicide attempts in the past… And lately I keep thinking about them and remembering them. I don’t want to be around anyone, but then I do, but then I don’t again. When I’m around my friends I feel as though I’m not there. I’m just watching me from the inside, like I’m a soul in a machine. I keep on having nightmares, and dreams about places I’ve never been to… But then a few days later I’ll be at the place I dreamed about. I don’t what’s wrong with me… I was wondering if you could give me a suggestion on what I should do, or what is possibly wrong with me. I feel sick.
I have also had a few suicide attempts in the past… And lately I keep thinking about them and remembering them.
9Mental filter
From the U.S.: I am a single mother with a 9 year old son with ADHD. I have been raising him on my own with little to no help from his father since he was born. 2 years ago I met my boyfriend who has terminal cancer. My boyfriend and I have a great relationship except we can’t see eye to eye on the way I raise my son. His father is no help as he has actively defied all of my requests to help discipline my child and teach him responsibility.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: My fiance has anger problems. He has hit me, once two years ago because i put frosting on his face. The force bruised my thigh so badly that i had to cover it up for weeks. Recently there has been little things that have made me concerned about his anger again. He has yelled at our child (at the time he was 6 months) because he was crying. He left the room clearly upset because i splashed water on his face. Told him if he didn’t get the stick out of his ass i would put whip cream in his hair and he told me if i did there would be consequences to my actions.
He left the room clearly upset because i splashed water on his face.
8Mind Reading
Following issue concerns my mother who is 73, divorced (many years ago) and lives in an apartment.  Issue first happened about 2 years ago and has returned.  She starts by claiming the neighbors below her are playing music at night keeping her awake.  However, they’re not.  She continues to build on this narrative saying that they turn the music on at times like when she goes to bed.  That they’re also playing recorded audio like dialogue from a tv show and that they play it forwards and backwards.  Then it progresses to the stage that the neighbors are listening to her.  That they turn the music, etc. off when she begins talking as in a phone conversation.  During the first incident a few years ago, she claimed the neighbor had installed listening devices in the walls to monitor her.  Also during the first incident, when I told her I could not hear anything, she became vicious and verbally attacked me.  Claimed I had hearing problems, needed hearing aids and was just lying to be mean to her.  She eventually made contact with the neighbor during the first incident and accused him of playing music at night.  Needless to say, that did not go over well.  She ended up moving apartments within the complex.  In regards to the 2nd, current incident, she asked me the other day if I knew how much it would be to hire a detective.  Approaching this from a rational standpoint, stating facts like there is no music is not working.  She completely ignores reality like the fact that my hearing is much better than hers and has convinced herself that the narrative in her head is real.  I am very stressed out and worried that this is a sign of a greater problem and that she will be kicked out of her apartment.  I also have no idea what to do.  Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I am very stressed out and worried that this is a sign of a greater problem and that she will be kicked out of her apartment.
From Germany: I am 21 years old and currently in my third year of studies. Last semester, I was having a hard time dealing with stress and loneliness and my own behavior started to scare me. Whenever I was alone –which was the case very often- I would keep talking to myself or singing. When I forced myself to stop, it just went on in my head and got really tiring. So I decided to go to the psychological consultation offered at my university. The first appointment was very helpful because I really needed someone to tell me whether I was going crazy. The psychologist told me it was my choice whether I wanted to come again or not, and we set an appointment for a month later. Back then, I thought it was a good idea to give myself the feeling that I was seeking help and also to feel a bit encouraged/“pressured” to follow his advice before the next time. Since I was no longer in that hysterical state, the second session felt a bit unnecessary. I don’t like it when I keep complaining to others (although very often I feel that I need to do so) and of course I admitted that I was feeling a lot better. Nonetheless, I agreed to have a third session another 2 months later, so that I wouldn’t be “all on my own” from then on. However, the thought keeps bothering me that I am just seeking attention. In fact, it makes me feel super-attention-seeking, just writing that. I used to be a good student at school, and now this kind of recognition is missing at the university. I keep involving myself in voluntary work, but the only reason it makes me happy is that it gives me acknowledgement from others. When I go to a doctor (which I rarely do) now I somehow enjoy being the center of attention. And that really bothers me.
However, the thought keeps bothering me that I am just seeking attention.
Well here it is, I’m 24-year-old male who has recently kicked a very serious heroin habit, I was using between a gram and half to two grams a day just not to go through withdrawals symptoms. For the last three years. While I used my thoughts and emotions took a back seat I forgot what it was like to left alone with my brain.
2No Distortion
My sister was sexsually abused when she was a child. she is not talking about details.she was abused by family friend’s son aged 17. she is still keeping in touch with him and calls him as brother. and she is accusing herself because of abuse. she call herself a prostutite. she says i didnt understand his behaviour as sexually. i think he touched her genitals. and she says she thought his behaviour was normal because our father loves her touching. my father is bipolar. now i am suspecting him. but he wasnt molesting us and he loves our sister and us i dont know what to think.
2No Distortion
My boyfriend has a serious temper issue which I need your help in this regard. He is 31 and he realizes that he has a problem; he has seen a therapist before Who did not give an analysis but asked him to attend therapy sessions which he was not able to attend due to his constant business trips. His problem is as follows: He has terrible temper issues, any simple thing which is not as per his expectation causes him to get seriously mad and as per him he says that he turns into a totally different person, he says things that he doesn’t mean which kind of an emotional abuse to the other person, he does his best to hurt the person in front of him emotionally, and sometimes he hits anything in front of him -not people but things- he even hit his hand in the wall many times. I have witnessed some of his episodes and he says that this is nothing cause he tries to control as much as he can with me, but he seriously turns into another person. It takes him time to recover from his episodes based on the severity of the case and when he is better he doesn’t even recall what he said or did, he just remembers that he has been the bad him and he definitely hurt the other, one thing he does is that he kind of blames others for this, like you know I’m crazy so be careful and don’t make me angry. One thing I know is that he hates it and feels guilty and doesn’t expect me to tolerate him in a time I want to help him because I know the good person he is -when he is not mad of course-. Another thing to add is that he has told me that his bad temper has been like this ever since he was born but as he is getting older seems he is getting worse and worse. your help is seriously appreciated. How can I help him and support him?? Thanks,
He has terrible temper issues, any simple thing which is not as per his expectation causes him to get seriously mad and as per him he says that he turns into a totally different person, he says things that he doesn’t mean which kind of an emotional abuse to the other person, he does his best to hurt the person in front of him emotionally, and sometimes he hits anything in front of him -not people but things- he even hit his hand in the wall many times.
8Mind Reading
Ever since i can remember I have always been an angry person. I snap at my mom for stupid things(to the point where i’m screaming at her for nothing, and i know its wrong when im doing it but i do it anyways)and i over analyize EVERYTHING. If you were to meet me you would think that I didn’t have a care in the world. I work in retail and i have been called “fun, bubbily, always happy*, adorable” etc. I feel like i have this act at my job where i just don’t want them to see my angry side, so i don’t show it to them. The only people i actually release all of my anger towards is my mom, sister, and my boyfriend.
Ever since i can remember I have always been an angry person.
I have 4 “versions” of myself. The main one (me) is the artistic one and sees everything in a positive light but can get depressed easily. The second main is Jake who is logical and sees everything more realistically but can get angry easier than the rest of us and is the strongest. The third version is Jack who is a over confident person who has no emotions for others and gets things he wants for the body’s benefit. The fourth one jakey is the happiest out of all of us and is very careless about the body. jakey sees things as “life is short so why not” type of attitude.jakey comes out in a very happy scene or when I get into a deep depressed state. We are all aware of each other and we all share the same memories. They started to exist after an overwhelming event of getting out of a bad relationship, going home to angry parents, and going to school was hell. I was 13 at the time and I kept my sadness inside because I didn’t want to worry my parents even more. I have a history of suicidal actions, and self-hurting actions. There are times where we all fight like siblings but nothing too harsh. They don’t look different from me however they act a lot different from me. I hope this make sense. Its not multiple personality because they look like me but they act very different from me (hence they are called versions) However, I know that it’s not nothing. I’ve decided to accept them and let them have full control of the body for one day throughout the week. Please tell me if this is a mistake or if there is something better I should do. Thank you for your time.
I was 13 at the time and I kept my sadness inside because I didn’t want to worry my parents even more.
8Mind Reading
I have a problem of automatically looking at things for example shiny objects, or even at body parts of people or even myself. Although I do not have any bad intentions. I don’t understand why it happens it happens all the time. People get me wrong because of this unstoppable habit all the time.
People get me wrong because of this unstoppable habit all the time.
8Mind Reading
Hello, I am currently dating a woman who has been sexually assaulted as a child and physically assaulted as an adult. I am a very passionate and affectionate person and she can be too at times. But lately I notice she has pulled away from me emotionally and is keeping her distance by putting up a wall. We talk on the phone every day but when it comes to spending time together sexually or just 1 on 1, she avoids it. She puts up this persona that she is very tough and nothing bothers her but when she is alone that’s when she breaks down. You will never know that she is hurting because she will not show you at all. Because of the physical abuse by her son’s father, someone she truly trusted she is very insecure and does not let anyone near her heart. We have an amazing friendship but I feel what she has gone through as a child and adult is hurting our relationship. How do I handle the situation when she puts a wall up and refuses to communicate with me? (age 37, from US)
2No Distortion
I am having ongoing difficulties in getting heard and am feeling really discouraged to the point that I don’t want to bother trying to communicate or assert as I feel it doesn’t work anyhow. I’ve done numerous communication, assertiveness and conflict resolution courses and use the suggested techniques (outline the facts, stating the feeling, wants and at times a positive or negative consequence using neutral language, I statements, asking the other person/s what they think, what would work etc). But I don’t get heard. At work I don’t get taken seriously by a colleague I work with on a joint project, my asserted work needs & suggestions get ignored. I’ve discussed this with my manager asking I be included on planning meetings they have explaining I could raise my work needs & suggestions & I work better when I have the context rather than be given bits of work. I make many suggestions of how I can contribute meaningfully on work projects but am getting more & more admin work. I wasn’t employed to do full time admin but in a skilled role needing qualifications. I’ve done work I’ve been given well & enthusiastically. I’d like to discuss this concern with my manager but fear I won’t get heard as nothing has changed when I’ve discussed things with my manager in the past. I coordinate a group, we meet to agree on dates & events for the year. At times have people cancel at the last minute meaning an event has been cancelled. I’ve face to face & via email asked that they advise they can’t come as soon as they know so that as much notice of an event cancellation can be given to give the 1-2 who can make it time to make other arrangements & avoid last minute disappointment. I’ve phrased this by giving the facts, acknowledging things come up but to advise ASAP, the impact of last minute event cancellations on others especially hosts but there are still last minute cancellations. I’d suggested people feel free to arrange additional impromptu events but said if someone were to do so please RSVP quickly either way otherwise no one will want to organize anything if no one responds. The other week I’d issued an invitation to have only 1 person acknowledge it. With initiating new friendships I’m so discouraged there as despite joining many things I feel afraid to initiate things as people often say no they are too busy. So I target activities that are ongoing so I have contact with the same people so friendships build slowly without initiating too early to be knocked back. In past workplaces I’m often not included in pub invites or lunches with others who do a similar job. Advising I know of such events and would be interested in being invited doesn’t work. I hence now feel awkward and shy, not wanting join in informal activities (e.g. invite myself to sit and chat to the other tenants in my block of flats who sit int he front garden) preferring more formal structured activities. I’m at a dead end here. I’ve been to therapy, been told I have good communication skills, I have no personality disorders. I’m generally positive, well presented, interested in others, talk about a wide range of things, keen to get out there. I don’t bitch or say negative things about people. I’ve worked hard on communication and assertiveness. I just don’t feel like continuing to try.
I am having ongoing difficulties in getting heard and am feeling really discouraged to the point that I don’t want to bother trying to communicate or assert as I feel it doesn’t work anyhow.
From the U.S.: I’ve recently been cut off from a couple of friends who I have romantic feelings for. I can’t shut off my feelings for them and I was having regular panic attacks about it, so they no longer talk to me. We had been living together and they asked me to leave. It’s been three months and I can’t stop thinking about them.
It’s been three months and I can’t stop thinking about them.
From the U.S.: Okay. I always make everything about me. I always have a explanation for everything. For an example, I can think of every possible way to get out of an issue. I can come up with an explanation of what I said or what I did. I don’t know why. I can sit and conspire with my own thoughts for hours. Thinking of why is this happening or why is that happening. I become consumed by guilt or anxiety and I become irrational. I think of hurting others or myself. I can think of ways to do it with or without getting caught. I can think about a person all day or a memory and just become so angry and I start thinking of ways to hurt or kill someone.
I can think about a person all day or a memory and just become so angry and I start thinking of ways to hurt or kill someone.
9Mental filter
I’ve always had homicidal/suicidal thoughts for as long as I can remember, but i never spent too much time thinking about them until recently. Since I turned 14, I’ve been thinking a lot more about homicide/suicide, and I’ve been having urges to do it as well. Of course I haven’t acted on these thoughts yet, but they’re getting harder to ignore. I know this isn’t normal, or right, but I’ve been wanting to kill someone recently, and in very graphic ways, even thinking of torturing them before I do it. The people in question are usually people I have a dislike or even hatred towards. I’m scared that I might enact on these thoughts and hurt someone, or worst. I also think of killing myself in very graphic, and usually painful, ways. I don’t want to do these things, but they’re getting harder to ignore. I tried to bring this up to my parents, but they refuse to take me to see a therapist because “they’ll take me away and put me in a mental hospital.” I really don’t know what to do.
I know this isn’t normal, or right, but I’ve been wanting to kill someone recently, and in very graphic ways, even thinking of torturing them before I do it.
6Should statements
I’ve progressively isolated myself due to underlying issues committed in childhood prior to overcoming a self-indulgent bout of negligent atheism, all the while hypothetically considering punishment to come in the afterlife (though never later in life, which was the largest sort of “karmic” disregard). Should I be held to the standard of faith persevering through childhood regardless of my situational experiences that may have influenced me/made me sour? Probably. May this post-isolation, asocial behavior, and cognitive deceleration be overcome? My optimism says that with genuine help and love from another/few who is/are unpaid and not eager to jump to diagnoses while also being invested in my growth, it can and will be. My pessimism speaks on the idea that this pragmatism is often used to manipulate and regress.
Should I be held to the standard of faith persevering through childhood regardless of my situational experiences that may have influenced me/made me sour? Probably.
6Should statements
I am a fourteen year old female who lives with a single father and a younger ten year old brother. My father has been evaluated psychologically and has protracted identity issues, adjustment difficulties, and it takes him longer than most to comprehend things. He is fifty six years old and is still trying to find himself in the same sense as an adolescent boy.
2No Distortion
I fake all emotions and interactions, and I hate sex: I’ve been tossed around to several therapists and psychologists, because at an early age I loved to kill things; bugs, frogs, birds, etc. I don’t know what it is that’s caused me to be that way, but whatever. All I know is that whenever any random emotion has struck me, I’m quick to thinking about killing. It used to be wanting to kill small animals with my step-dad’s old hunting knife, but now it’s progressed to wanting to kill people. Nobody really in specific, unless there’s a person who has directly given me hell. Many people fake emotion every day, but I feel like I fake them all, except for anger. I want to use knives and sharp objects to sever a person’s aorta, and I want to watch the lights in their eyes go out; I don’t want it for the blood, I don’t want it for any reason other than to kill. I can’t explain it. The only thing close to this that I’ve been able to find in my studies is sociopathy or sadism. Neither of these seem to fit me though, because both conditions usually include having some kind of sexual need. Sociopaths typically excessively masturbate, whereas I never have. Sadists usually yearn for a masochistic sexual partner to torture and humiliate, whereas I’ve never wanted it. Sex has always been a thing that I find disgusting, messy, and unnecessary for recreation. I have a girlfriend who wants sex, and I’ve always just had to act like I want it too, but honestly, I’d rather be doing anything else than having sex. I seem to fit the profile of a sociopath because of the whole lacking empathy thing, but I don’t rejoice (nor mourn) in the act of manipulating people for any reason. I don’t want to know what’s wrong so that I can get help – I just don’t want to end up having to go to prison. I want to know how to control my urges before they control me. If that takes getting help, so be it, but if there’s any other way, I’d love to know. Thank you.
2No Distortion
I am having a very difficult time accepting my fiance’s past relationships. His past is not a past as he has two ex-wives and a kid from each of those marriages (although he questions if he is the real father and was not really in their lives at all until recently) therefore, his past is really part of our present and our future. Between constant child support payments, conversations with the ex’s, his family’s connection with those ex-wives (since they still talk) I feel like we are never going to be able to move on with OUR lives and focus on starting our own family. I am tired of having to deal with all these ex’s and kids when all i want him to do is have him cut them out of his life completely or not talk to them and only talk with the kids. However, I know this is unfair. This has all DESTROYED us financially and is now putting stress on our own relationship. We also recently found out that his 16 year old daughter is having a baby so now there’s not just kids but grand-kids! This is all new to me as I was not brought up this way at all and am having trouble not being judgmental. What can I do to learn to accept his past and know that it will always be a part of our lives because I do love him and want to be with him. (From the USA)
2No Distortion
Hi, I don’t know if I have a mental health issue or if it’s just normal behavior. I’ve been going out with my partner for over 6 years and throughout I’ve been suffering from bad mood swings, which I often just put down to my personality. It has really started to affect my relationship and I can’t be surprised because I know I can be a nightmare at times. It has got to the point where we can’t have fun together anymore, a simple joke and I get angry and can’t snap out of it. I know when I’m doing it, but can’t help myself. I am also quite jealous, without reason, and thats another thing I can’t control. I obsess about stupid things and even though I want to stop I just can’t. My partner has stopped telling me things about their everyday life because they are afraid I might react badly. I often find myself crying and upset about small meaningless things and just feeling sorry for myself. I’m unsure if this is just all my own personality or if I should seek help? I love my partner with all my heart and cannot imagine my life without them in it but I feel maybe I am holding them back. I don’t want to be the reason they’re unhappy too. My partner reckons I should seek help but I don’t even know where to start? Would really appreciate some advice. Thanks.
It has really started to affect my relationship and I can’t be surprised because I know I can be a nightmare at times.
From Egypt: I was diagnosed with OCD by my doctor and I am sure I have OCD but I have some other symptoms that my doctor said that I have also bipolar disorder and he told me in advanced level of master studies OCD is related to bipolar disorder but I am doubtful so I will tell you these additional symptoms and tell me please if that bipolar or not
2No Distortion
I have been with my husband for 7 years. We work great together, sometimes it feels like I married my best friend. However, after having a long distance relationship for about one year I find that my feelings for him are starting to fade. I am afraid that I am falling out of love. I still enjoy talking to him over Skype, but I don’t really miss him. However, he seems to miss me a lot and can’t wait to be together again.
2No Distortion
It seems like for the last couple of years (or somewhere around that margin) I’ve been having problems with just letting things go or mentally getting over something. For example, yesterday, I was in a book store, walking up to the counter, when I felt something hit my back. I looked down, and it was some kind of children’s rubber toy, and there was a stand near me that it could have fell off of if I bumped into it. However, I didn’t notice any such thing on the stand, and it landed on my back…
It seems like for the last couple of years (or somewhere around that margin) I’ve been having problems with just letting things go or mentally getting over something.
9Mental filter
I’ve always had trouble keeping friends around as I push them away and/or just say stupid things that cause my relationships to crumble. One of those friends left a deep impact on my life both positive and negative and because of the things we talked about and did together. Stupid me focused on her negative past and I feel I failed to be there for her like she was for me when I wanted to commit suicide. I wasn’t there when she needed me the most, instead of helping her be happy in the present I ran or made stupid statements that hurt her more. I’m self-aware of my problems but I can never fix them. I’ve dropped many activities especially ones that remind me of past friends. I’ve recently lost a close friend again because of my stubborn compulsiveness and toxicity and I just want it to stop, I really want to change.
Stupid me focused on her negative past and I feel I failed to be there for her like she was for me when I wanted to commit suicide. I’m self-aware of my problems but I can never fix them.
From a teen in the U,S.: I fit the DSM-5 Criteria for BPD. I scored 88 for BPD on sanity score connected to psychcenteral, and the borderline test connected to psychcentral gave me a score of 43 when 33+ is supposed to be generally severe. I know that BPD isn’t usually diagnosed in adolescents but recent studies are starting to show that symptoms actually start at this age.
2No Distortion
Greetings. I have come to terms that I might have Bipolar II. I’m not certain. I seem to be clinically depressed, suffering from severe bouts of depression all my life on and off. Sometimes, my libido will increase out of the blue, and I’ll have this sporadic desire to sleep with many people, but I do not act on it. I also can become extremely moody, sometimes I’m happy for a few hours, but succumb to the bleak side of sadness and disappointment. I can also become angry for no reason, irritable, agitated, restless, and anxious all at once. I also seem to have racing rapid thoughts that are very difficult to control or tune out. Angry outburts are normal when I feel agitated, panicky, with rapid racing thoughts. My mood swings also heighten during my PMS. Sometimes I feel very creative, but that is rare, since I’m mostly severely depressed. Sometimes I will read for hours and hours, like its the end of the world. Sometimes, my skin feels like its crawling all over my body. Perhaps these symptoms are more align with hyperthyroidism, but I’m not exactly certain.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I have lived with my boyfriend and stepson for 6 years. My stepson is now 19 years old and my 12 year old daughter also lives with us. I have caught my stepson numerous times watching me, my daughter and most recently a female friend of mine while we sleep. It is always the same — you wake up with him standing over you, and when he realizes he has been caught he will make up an excuse like “oh I was just turning off the light” or “I am just grabbing this pillow.” It is very disturbing to say the least and my boyfriend, his father, does not know how to approach the situation. Should we be upset? How do we make him understand that we are not ok with this behavior? Thank you.
2No Distortion
I think I have BPD and major depression. When I’m in a good mood I tend to eat a lot and when this happens I don’t feel bad a t the moment but when I’m done I feel gross and just too big. I start overthinking about how I will gain weight if I can’t control myself and make plans on how long I’ll fast to loose weight. That’s when I become very depressed. I really hate gaining weight and I’m can’t stop thinking about it. The thing is that every time I start fasting I can’t complete the goal that I set and it makes me hate myself even more. I’m very sensitive to failing at things due to school and I feel like a disappointment to my family especially my mom. She obviously get’s angry and disappointed with me because I don’t want to eat. Sometimes I also feel like the only reason I’m still alive is her. I’ve been depressed for more than 4 years (on and off).
I really hate gaining weight and I’m can’t stop thinking about it. The thing is that every time I start fasting I can’t complete the goal that I set and it makes me hate myself even more. I’m very sensitive to failing at things due to school and I feel like a disappointment to my family especially my mom.
9Mental filter
Hi, In the past month my girlfriend experienced something strange four times. She was in a manipulative/emotionally abusive relationship that lasted 9 years, and ended recently. She’s been struggling because of it, and I’ve been helping her. She self-harmed, had suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide. When things got overly stressful, she had anxiety attacks where she would convulse(?)–still conscious, barely being able to talk, but her entire body tensed up and standing still, especially her feet and hands. They lasted around 10 minutes, and she’d feel sore afterwards. She’s been getting better, being happier as time passes and able to deal with things better. But just recently, when something that reminds her of traumatic experiences happened, she’d go in a “trance.” For example, I accidentally said something her ex would say, and she took it the wrong way, as if it was manipulative and blaming her for something I did. She started staring into nothingness. When trying to talk to her, she’d either not react, or barely say anything. When trying to touch her, she’d look very scared and pull away, telling me not to touch her. When asking her to tell me my name, she’d say her ex’s name. When doing nothing, she’d just stare into nothing, staying still. When getting too close, she’d react rashly to get away and tell me to stay away. After a while of trying to snap her out of it, she’d walk away into another room, often the bedroom. Last time, she went to the washing machine, then the bedroom, and told me to stop asking her what my name was, that I always do that, even though it was the first time during that “trance” that I asked. So she’s at least minimally aware of her surroundings, and the trances may be connected? During those four times, she was unconscious, seemed extremely traumatized, and thought I was her ex. It lasts 15-20 minutes. She snaps back (once after I made her say my actual name a few times, another after I kept telling her I loved her she shed a tear and snap back, the last one after she fell asleep for a couple of minutes) and doesn’t remember anything whatsoever. She feels empty, but in an okay mood, like nothing happened. I’d like to now what’s happening, and if it’s dangerous in any way. Thanks for your time.
For example, I accidentally said something her ex would say, and she took it the wrong way, as if it was manipulative and blaming her for something I did.
8Mind Reading
I have been trying to go deaf for a long time now, and slowly it is working. The main reason is for the escape, not from reality, but social “norms” and modern society’s insanity. Now, my best friend thinks I’m just a little on the edge of the insanity side, when I reassured him that not understanding or seeing the screwed-upness (if that’s a word) of the entire world no matter where you go.
2No Distortion
I don’t even really know if I have a disorder, but this did sound similar to paranoid personality disorder. I don’t know how to explain it, but whenever I am sitting, or standing near a male (unless they are in front of me) I feel extremely uncomfortable and anxious. I think I felt this way a bit earlier on in high school, but in the past year, it has grown worse. I am always trying to make sure that I am not sitting next to a guy, and once one does sit next to me, I become paranoid and cannot focus on anything but what he does. Every move he makes. And if he sneezes or coughs, I jump out of fear. The worst part is that they know I am watching them, I know they do, because multiple awkward times, guys have asked to switch seats. I can’t stop it, and with some guys, it is worse, but in general, the more a guy fidgets the worse it gets. I don’t understand why I feel the need to watch them, and I dread the classes where I know I will have to sit next to a guy in. I just want to know what is wrong with me, and if there is anything I can do to stop it. I feel the need to look away from them, or use my hair as a curtain to shield me from seeing them out of the corner of my eye. I don’t know whether it is all in my head, and the reaction I have to the feeling that makes guys want to not sit next to me. I feel like I am going insane. Please help!
I just want to know what is wrong with me, and if there is anything I can do to stop it.
I’ve been extremely sad, disoriented, confused, upset, bored, and sensitive over the past few months. i’ve anonomyously talked to various psychiatrist, and many of them tell me i suffer from manic and major depression. i often have severe headaches, and pain in my side. i’ve been extremely irritable and mean, no matter how hard i try to be nice. i cant stop crying. i’ve started cutting myself and hitting myself. i want to stop, but something just wont let me. i cant seem to concentrate on or enjoy anything anymore. i stay up late, often until 5 am or later. sometimes i have a big appetite, and other times i cant get myself to eat at all. i love my family and friends, but i cant seem to relate to them anymore. i’ve done research, and i think i show signs of depression. how do i tell my parents i may be depressed? how do i know they wont be mad at me? is there anyone else i could have do it for me?
i love my family and friends, but i cant seem to relate to them anymore.
I was married to a man with bipolar for 30 years. It was a verbal, mental and sometimes physical abusive relationship. From this 30 year marriage, I now have a 33 year old daughter who was diagnosed with Bipolar also. I just can’t get along with her. I think she just hates me. I was not an abusive mother. I tried so hard to protect her from her father’s abuse. I thought she would be close to me but it is the other way around. She is very close to her father’s family. Her father passed away 5 years ago. I have tried so hard to have a relationship with my daughter and her children. She is so angry with me. It always for some reason or other. I am not saying I am perfect in anyway. I hate to fight and she is always starting one with me. Just need some help on how to deal with this situation. She makes it very hard to see my grandchildren. (age 62, from US)
I just can’t get along with her. I think she just hates me.
8Mind Reading
I’m lost in life, I often feel rage, anger and hatred towards others for no reason and I want it to stop. When I was younger I always was that light hearted hopeful little boy that helped anyone he could, now I look in the mirror and all I see is a Monster filled with so much rage that I could spit fire.
I’m lost in life, I often feel rage, anger and hatred towards others for no reason and I want it to stop. When I was younger I always was that light hearted hopeful little boy that helped anyone he could, now I look in the mirror and all I see is a Monster filled with so much rage that I could spit fire.
I been feeling down lately like I don’t know if I having some depressed issues or what sometimes I be feeling like crying all the time. My boyfriend he really doesn’t make it no better. I love my boyfriend but sometimes I feel like he always attacking me emotionally. I can’t tell him how I feel sometimes because he takes it very offensive. I feel like I’m always the wrong one in our relationship.
I been feeling down lately like I don’t know if I having some depressed issues or what sometimes I be feeling like crying all the time. My boyfriend he really doesn’t make it no better. I love my boyfriend but sometimes I feel like he always attacking me emotionally. I can’t tell him how I feel sometimes because he takes it very offensive. I feel like I’m always the wrong one in our relationship.
From Australia: So I worked in an industry which is well known for boasting a “toxic” work environment for some 5 years. Throughout this time, I loved my job and was somewhat ignorant to the way that I was treated until it got pretty bad and I developed a career ending injury. For the 4th and 5th year of my career, I was not treated with respect, there was no sign of appreciation for all of those extra hours I put, or level of reliability despite illness and injury. My was not a nice person, and my manger became even worse to the point where I could no longer ask them questions as I knew the abuse would follow.
For the 4th and 5th year of my career, I was not treated with respect, there was no sign of appreciation for all of those extra hours I put, or level of reliability despite illness and injury. My was not a nice person, and my manger became even worse to the point where I could no longer ask them questions as I knew the abuse would follow.
A month or so ago my 16 year old son told me he thought he might be bipolar because he experiences intense feelings of rage over little things, like someone making a rude comment to him at school. We talked about it and I said I thought some of his feelings were normal and he needed to learn how to deal with those feelings, maybe use techniques such as relaxation and visualization when he got upset.
2No Distortion
We’ve lived together for around 4yrs, known him around 19yrs, and after 2yrs of living w/him, he has seemed slowly to lose interest in me. I can attract the eye of any guy in the room but him. I can cook dinner in a sexy bat girl, school girl, German girl,ect outfit and he doesn’t even notice. Yet first chance he gets he’s online looking at half naked/naked woman. Is our relationship in trouble? Talking just angers him and makes me feel more like he doesn’t care how it makes me feel. I’m not naive enough to think he’d stop looking at other chicks online, I just want him to look at me too. It’s gotten to where I hardly sleep in the same room with him because I hate the way I feel. Our sex life is horrible. He’s always been a slightly selfish lover but now it’s pretty much always a completely selfish lover except for maybe 1 time out of 6 in a 3 moth period, and I stress the maybe. I love him and even though he’s selfish and stingy like an only child can seem to be, I know he loves me as well, other than this issue we get along rather well. We have not ever fought or argued over anything other than this. Honestly every time I try to say something about how it makes me feel, or ask if he could please act like I am someone pretty in his eyes, he clams up,and if I push it or ask how to fix it or what I’m doing wrong, he eventually blows up on me. Never saying he’s sorry for hurting me or making me feel like he is not attracted to me, he says I am in the wrong, he’s a man, what else did I expect, and things of that nature.I don’t know what to do, but I know things cannot continue on this way much longer. My heart hurts, I cry way too much for my taste, and I am losing confidence in me. I’m 37, 5’3 ,and 123 lbs, I know I’m pretty, but at the same time I don’t FEEL pretty anymore. How can I fix this please if there is anything that might help I’d like to hear what it is. Thanks for your time. (From the USA)
We’ve lived together for around 4yrs, known him around 19yrs, and after 2yrs of living w/him, he has seemed slowly to lose interest in me. My heart hurts, I cry way too much for my taste, and I am losing confidence in me.
8Mind Reading
From a 17 year old young woman in New Zealand: In the last year or so I’ve been having problems with motivation, people, family members, and especially myself. All my life I’d have a week-month phase of being really energetic or into something and eventually but indefinitely, I would just sink back into feeling very hopeless, just really turning into a waste of space really.
2No Distortion
This happened to me when I am giving my presentation in class, my mind will often blank out and I just couldn’t say out the words in proper sentences. I have been through the worst especially during interviews whereby a few days before, I had to plan and type out all my answers on a word documents in order for me to rehearse and remember what to say in an interview. In addition, whenever there’s a phone call from an unknown number, I will also panic and it makes my heart beats faster! I don’t understand what is wrong with me as I couldn’t find any answers to my conditions and I am jealous of many who are able to speak out fluently. However, during normal conversations, I am able fine. Is there a cure for the condition? Please advice. Thank you very much!
In addition, whenever there’s a phone call from an unknown number, I will also panic and it makes my heart beats faster!
Hello, I’m a 3rd year animation student and I’m concerned about my mental health. For the past few weeks I’ve been shifting from severe depression to a kind of mania. I might have felt this “high”once before but not to this point- especially during finals where most individuals are depressed and stressed. Instead of being depressed or even stressed out over work, I’m not. I’ve even been falling behind on work or being late to class and I simply don’t care.
For the past few weeks I’ve been shifting from severe depression to a kind of mania. I might have felt this “high”once before but not to this point- especially during finals where most individuals are depressed and stressed.
6Should statements
I have been in therapy for 1 1/2 years with a really wonderful therapist. She has helped me immensely. For the last couple of months, however, things took a sudden change. She became short with me, sometimes cutting in her remarks. I actually took a short break from therapy for a few weeks. She went on vacation. I thought she would feel better after the break. But since going back, the tension remains. I know in this short question that it is difficult to explain all the details. But, I am certain that I did not cause this change with her. I am uncomfortable returning to see her. I feel as if the therapeutic relationship is damaged for me somehow. Not sure how it got off track. I want to talk about it with her, find out what’s going on, but not sure how to approach it with her. Maybe therapy has run its course. Not sure how to proceed.
I am uncomfortable returning to see her. I feel as if the therapeutic relationship is damaged for me somehow. Not sure how it got off track. I want to talk about it with her, find out what’s going on, but not sure how to approach it with her. Maybe therapy has run its course. Not sure how to proceed.
1Emotional Reasoning
I am nineteen years old and I have had social phobia and depression off and on since I was a young child. I grew up in a loving and non-violent family and I generally do not consider myself to be a violent person. We had some pets when I was growing up, a rabbit we had when I was seven, a cat when I was ten and another when I was twelve, and several fish in between.
2No Distortion
I live with my parents and 6 siblings in a very small apartment as we are very poor and cannot afford a more suitable home. There is little to no privacy and almost every single one of my siblings are very irresponsible and inconsiderate. I’ve learnt to accept that as I love and adore every single one of them too much, especially my mother, but their bad behavior and negativity have doubled ever since my father moved in to live with us a few years ago; he’d been away for a decade and his sudden return into our lives drove us all apart, and drove me into severe depression. He is a very toxic person and his toxicity has spread onto all of us, especially my mother. She transformed from a sweet, kind, and happy person to a depressed and inconsiderate pessimist. I can’t even remember the last time I’d seen her smile, she just constantly yells and cries all the time. It is obvious that my father is causing a lot of distress but there is nothing we could do about it, we can’t ask him to return to where he’d come from because he is very ill and cannot take care of himself, he has no where else to go.
2No Distortion
I love my boyfriend dearly but his problem is relating to money. My boyfriend has savings and his own home. I have nothing. But he makes a big issue that I have nothing. He doesn’t like spending. I have to mostly buy food and drinks when we go out. I do not mind, but if he does buy me something he takes it back if he is annoyed. If he does buy a gift he expects me to give him one in return. I do not enjoy going shopping with him as it always ends up with us arguing. He then points out I don’t buy him anything. He does not live with me, but stays every night with me. I have a family to take care of and he does not hardly contribute. But now when he does decide to contribute, he eventually takes it back, even if it is just bread. Sometimes when he buys me a drink he will take it back half way down, or remind me later that he bought me a drink.
I do not enjoy going shopping with him as it always ends up with us arguing.
A lot of things have changed for me in the past two years. My entire way of thinking has changed. For an instance, if I see a spider web, I will make note of the presence of eight, which is evil, and how orb webs are circular and circles are best divided into eight sections, and how two fours are needed to overthrow eight, etc. Personally I think there is nothing wrong with this, but others say otherwise. Is it wrong? I sometimes get visual hallucinations, and more often I hear voices or get thought insertions. This is nothing compared to the awful feelings in my head. These feelings make me think there is a robot taking me over and controlling me inside my brain. I am not sure if these feelings are mental or physical. It feels sometimes like hands are pressing my head, like something is moving inside my head, I feel it eating me. This distresses me so much I cannot be in school when it gets bad. I think my head will explode like a bomb. Not all of me agrees with this, but I am confused. Lately I have lost interest in much. I do not enjoy learning like I used to, nor reading or even drawing. I am always zoning out and I am never aware. I try to be normal but I can’t. Sometimes I cannot understand what people are saying though I hear them. I never had these problems before. My mom says I am showing signs of schizophrenia. This worries me a lot. I can’t stop worrying. Is this common for teens? Should I worry? Thank you for your help in advance.
My entire way of thinking has changed. I think my head will explode like a bomb.
I need to know what is wrong with me. I don’t feel any kind of attachment towards people/anything really. I’ve been worried about bringing this up with a psychologist because I am a mother I’m worried they will call CPS on me. My child is in absolutely no danger. She is fed, cared for etc. I think I care about her, I miss her when she’s gone but I don’t feel any connection towards her. She is four. I respond in ways I have learnt to over the years because I think ive never really felt a connection to anyone. If she gets hurt, I offer cuddles, kisses and tell her it will be alright. I try to be as soothing as possible. But the problem is I have no maternal NEED to do these things, from talking to friends with kids, when their children as an example get hurt, they have this NEED deep down to make them feel better, to comfort them etc. i don’t have that, I do it because I know its the right thing to do. I try to do lots of bonding things with her, take her places, we have special one on one time at bedtime where we read a book and sing a song before I tuck her in. But there has been no zing. And it’s like this with pretty everyone else in my life for as long as I can remember.
I’ve been worried about bringing this up with a psychologist because I am a mother I’m worried they will call CPS on me. But the problem is I have no maternal NEED to do these things, from talking to friends with kids, when their children as an example get hurt, they have this NEED deep down to make them feel better, to comfort them etc.
Thank you for your time. I’m not that skilled with words so I apologize if this does not make sense. I am a student athlete who holds several leadership positions on campus. To everyone I seem great but in reality I’m not even close to being okay. Between all of my commitments I am completely overwhelmed. Nothing is fun anymore and has not been for some time now. Also, I often find myself faced with a deep and powerful hatred toward myself and my mind is often consumed with the notion that I deserve to die. It has progressed to the point that I have been considering suicide as a valid and logical option. Even though cognitively I recognize that it should not even be a consideration. I fight this everyday and I am afraid of what might happen if I lose control for even a little while. That’s why I so strictly maintain the façade of being completely fine. I fear that if I even allow myself to admit that I am not fine then I would cease to be able to function. The most frustrating part of this whole situation is that there is no reason for it. My life has been great and there is a copious amount of objective evidence that would indicate that I have no reason and no right to feel like this. I’m an intensely private and independent person who struggles to open up. So my question is, how do I get past this on my own?
Also, I often find myself faced with a deep and powerful hatred toward myself and my mind is often consumed with the notion that I deserve to die.
9Mental filter
From a teen in the UK: I been have a problem deciding if only “female friend” really likes and cares about me, I tried to date her and went nowhere says we are still friends. I have had doubts about whether or not she really cares about me for few years.
I have had doubts about whether or not she really cares about me for few years.
8Mind Reading
For several years now, after being put in a headlock by a family member, I’ve experienced difficulty swallowing. And over the years my grandparents have taken me to every doctor available, scheduled numerous tests to try and find a diagnosis, and have tried many home remedies in hopes of fixing this.
2No Distortion
I find my mouth and tongue don’t move as quickly as they once did and I can’t speak as quickly anymore. I am 56, and years ago I could rattle off things quickly. I am not super slow, but I find that people finish my sentences, or answer before I finish. Are there tongue and mouth exercises I can do to speak quicker again? As well, I forget what I am about to say often…like a word. “I put the paper down on the table”…meaning the chair. I rattle through 4 of my child’s siblings names before getting to theirs. (There are no favorites…I do this with all of them! haha.) I know that others do this also. Is this a brain thing, or is this a lazy thing?
2No Distortion
Im not reallt sure if i will get a response but i need some sort of answer and i refuse to go to a clinic. Ever since my 16 birthday ive developed strange urges. The urges range from wanting to hurt people and animals, to wanting to convince everyone that they are wrong about everything and that nothing they do is worth their time. Now i k,ow this might seem harmless but im 20 now, and slowly but surley the urges have gotten worse. I usually have 1 episode per year and im concered. Last year i actively went searching for an animal to kill and blugeoned a opposum to death with a pipe. Im not sure if i should seek help or if i should convince myself that its all in my head. Please, i need an answer.
The urges range from wanting to hurt people and animals, to wanting to convince everyone that they are wrong about everything and that nothing they do is worth their time. Now i k,ow this might seem harmless but im 20 now, and slowly but surley the urges have gotten worse. I usually have 1 episode per year and im concered. Last year i actively went searching for an animal to kill and blugeoned a opposum to death with a pipe.
1Emotional Reasoning
From a teen in Australia: I have had a partner for over one year, I cheated on my partner at the very beginning of the relationship then stopped I was loyal to him for a good few months and a few days ago I cheated on him again and I don’t understand why I did it, I didn’t feel anything when I was cheating on him in the moment I was just thinking about him being hurt, angry and confused and I was rather upset when doing it but I kept doing it. I would love to know what y’all think about this because I don’t know what to think and I don’t want any of my friends to think I’m a slut so I’m not going to ask them.
I would love to know what y’all think about this because I don’t know what to think and I don’t want any of my friends to think I’m a slut so I’m not going to ask them.
You will likely decide this is too specific and lengthy to answer. It is more a request for a perspective than it is a question. I am a 21 female undergraduate. My life is well-established: I receive excellent marks, my family is financially comfortable, and I am talented enough that I do not lack in self esteem, yet I consistently feel numb or unhappy, such that when I do feel joy over something, it feels like a drug trip.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I am a 23 year old graduate student who is in the process of re-evaluating my social life. For the past few years, making friends in my town where I go to school has turned into somewhat of a painful hardship. Because I am passionate about my faith and wanted to surround myself with people who I thought were decent and welcoming, rather than spend my years of undergrad years partying and neglecting my studies, I surrounded myself with people from religious activities, which became the focus of my social life during my undergrad years, believing that would be a decent and healthy environment.
2No Distortion
Moved to another state left everything for my son who moved here bf me. He lives with dad and stepmom. Been a nightmare since I moved here. Now I have no job, no money, no family support. My friend back home said he’ll get me home, he sends money and not a plane or bus ticket. I’m so sad and hurt, haven’t caused issues for the ex and his new wife, just wanted to be here for my son’s senior year. I cry everyday! (age 44, from US)
Been a nightmare since I moved here.
9Mental filter
From Albania: I am a female student (age 19) currently studying economics. I study at a private university and it is the second year, the problem I am struggling with is concentration, lack of self confidence, depression, I hate everything that I do. I have spent too much money and spent everything to get in that university and still there isn’t one exam I have passed, I cant study, I feel dumb, unnecessary, unworthy of everything that I’ve got.
I have spent too much money and spent everything to get in that university and still there isn’t one exam I have passed, I cant study, I feel dumb, unnecessary, unworthy of everything that I’ve got.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From a 16 year old guy in the U.S.: I keep getting mad for no reason, School just started and im passing with all A’s and B’s but something keeps getting me mad. I don’t know what it is but it’s ruining my girlfriend and mine relationship. I try to find ways to fight, even the littlest of things i can make an argument, I don’t want to but i can never control myself. I really need help because i don’t know what to do and i don’t want to keep getting mad at everyone for no reason at all.
I try to find ways to fight, even the littlest of things i can make an argument, I don’t want to but i can never control myself.
My 2 yr old son picks his nails constantly; they are down to the quick and I know they have to hurt. I developed this same habit, too, as a child until I was about 16 yrs old. He has now started picking his cuticles and even his toes. What is the best way to get him to stop? My husband gets very upset and constantly tells him to stop, but of course, this doesn’t work. I try to keep his hands busy by giving him a toy or something else but he still manages to pick.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the UK: Hello, I’m an 18 year old female and i’ve been really struggling in the past year. I dont have access to professional help yet and i really need guidance. My biggest problems at the moment are self-diagnosed Pure OCD as well as the effects of growing up with emotionally and physically abusive parents, who i’m still stuck living with (not to mention bullying at school). with the OCD, I’ve cycled through several obsessions which made me deeply depressed and suicidal, managed to get over cancer fears, paraphilia fears, schizophrenia fears, existential fears, etc.
My biggest problems at the moment are self-diagnosed Pure OCD as well as the effects of growing up with emotionally and physically abusive parents, who i’m still stuck living with (not to mention bullying at school). with the OCD, I’ve cycled through several obsessions which made me deeply depressed and suicidal, managed to get over cancer fears, paraphilia fears, schizophrenia fears, existential fears, etc.
9Mental filter
My sister is 33, married and has a 7, 4yr old and an 8th month-old recently diagnosed with a rare genetic condition. She has struggled with anger issue always but never acknowledges it. She always has dealt with stress or being mad at one person by shutting off and being angry with everyone. We as a family have just adapted to tip-toeing around her when she’s having a mood but has never addressed it properly by she will not talk about it and will stop speaking to you until you drop it. She is in a particularly bad episode at the moment and she is understandably stressed about her son’s condition and medical issues. She is angry at all of us and always pretty abrupt with the other children. Time has come to get her to acknowledge and cope with the way she deals with stress. She might need therapy but I don’t think shed even listen to this suggestion. How can we help her, giving her space but we don’t want her isolated ( she doesn’t have relationships outside the family), confronting her will push her farther away, talking to her won’t work she will just refuse to listen and we can’t keep ignoring it. (From Ireland)
She might need therapy but I don’t think shed even listen to this suggestion. How can we help her, giving her space but we don’t want her isolated ( she doesn’t have relationships outside the family), confronting her will push her farther away, talking to her won’t work she will just refuse to listen and we can’t keep ignoring it
8Mind Reading
First off I would like to thank you for taking the time out to help me. But the problem is I’m depressed but nobody knows it. Half the reason I am is because I have no really close friends to hang out with or etc. While everybody is usually going to the movies, the beach, or somewhere fun I’m at home. My mother has started to notice it, she always suggests I hangout with my friends but truth is I don’t have the heart to tell her I don’t really have any. It started at the age of 11 when I started to notice I didn’t have a lot of friends like all the other kids did.
Half the reason I am is because I have no really close friends to hang out with or etc. While everybody is usually going to the movies, the beach, or somewhere fun I’m at home. My mother has started to notice it, she always suggests I hangout with my friends but truth is I don’t have the heart to tell her I don’t really have any.
0All-or-nothing thinking
I am reaching out to you as a desperate man, in a need for diagnosis and advice. My health insurance is shit and I still live with my parents who don’t really believe in mental illness and think that I simply have to focus on other things and that it will pass. I don’t have time. I don’t have the strength. I’m supposed to be graduating the next year. My family depends on me. This has to end. Please, help me. Help me now. I am a Caucasian man, eighteen. Never been diagnosed with a mental disorder. However, I would scare quite easily as a kid. Once, I even developed a brief fever due to stress. I also developed symptoms that I would later recognize as OCD and scrupulosity at the age of nine. It calmed down in my teen years. I was also bullied for a few years, but after moving to High school and fitting in I let that go. It all started out on November 14th this year. I swallowed a fishbone, and felt it stuck in my throat. I was really stressed out, I thought I was going to suffocate. I ate a lot of bread and drank a lot of water, but I never really felt it go down. I calmed down by the evening, and I slept quite well. The next morning, I watched a horror movie, then an episode of “Cold Case”. It didn’t really scare me or anything, but I felt… weird. Like I couldn’t concentrate. And, sometimes, I would feel dizzy. Like I was going to faint. But it calmed down by the afternoon. I had a big dinner and drank a lot of water. I woke up quite early the next morning, with a nausea. I could barely eat. I was on the verge of vomiting the whole time. I kept googling my symptoms, fearing that I have a stomach ulcer, or even an internal bleeding. I calmed down by the evening, but I woke up at around one am, feeling cold and legs trembling. I didn’t go to school on Monday, figured it was some sort of viral infection. But that night, I couldn’t sleep again. I did go to school, but at around three pm, I would feel like I was on the verge of fainting. Like a barely controlled panic attack. But then I would calm down. On Wednesday night, I fell asleep. But in the morning, nausea. I spent the whole day stressing over that. Since the symptoms didn’t pass, I got into my head, despite not being overly religious, that I must be demon posessed. That would really freak me out. I would calm down eventually, and realize how absurd those thoughts were, but when they would plague me, there was no room for reason. I barely had any apetite by that point. I gave my blood and urine up for testing. It all came back clean. The next week, my apetite has returned. But, at night, I would have horrible, violent nightmares. I would actually feel physical pain, despite sustaining no actual injuries, and wake up at around one or two am. I researched about a movie called “Jacob’s Ladder”, that reminded me of my situation. I watched a few clips and read a plot synopsis. It only freaked me out more. For the next few days, everything would remind me of violence and horror images. Nightmares continued. Then I came to think of one movie (not a horror movie) that freaked me out as a child, but I eventually got over it. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I watched a few clips on YouTube and it freaked me out even more. Now every day I have that scene in my mind, feel like I was when I was a child, with that irrational gut feeling that I will see that being from the movie when I open the door, look into the mirror, etc. Even before that, I was afraid of reverting back to a child-like state, becoming a failure, etc. Anyway, right now, it’s like my body is wired. In the morning, I feel terrible, and only calm down by around five or six pm. I have that weird feeling, like I am a child again (back when everything was big and scary and I didn’t really understand how the world works), constantly stressing over the things I know are not rational. I can’t make positive associations anymore and I can barely study. Like my mind is, for no reason, afraid of those memories, so it keeps freezing up, and when it doesn’t, those stupid thoughts keep interrupting me. It is like a combination of anxiety, OCD, and the world’s creepiest deja vu. It’s like my mind is constantly on alert, and worrying about intrusive thoughts. I actually have headaches because of stress. I feel better when I dissect my fears and talk about them, and actually LABELING myself (anxiety, OCD), but soon after the thoughts return, and I feel terrible again. Then I think “what if there is no cure”, “what if I stay this way forever”, “why me”, or “what if there is some truth to this, since you are so afraid”, and I just hit rock bottom. To make matters worse, there’s been lots of exams lately and my family is going through some tense times. I can’t catch a break. I have tried: -meditating -masturbating -exercising -focusing on other things -eating candy -rationalizing my fears -drinking alcohol (not much) -writing about my issues -talking about my issues with my parents -drinking chamomile tea I don’t drink alchohol (except those two times), don’t smoke, don’t do drugs. Never suffered a concussion or a head trauma in my life. I recently took an online IQ test (I know those aren’t really reliable): it came back as between 105 and 120. I also only seem to have nightmares when I go to sleep late, but even when I don’t my dreams aren’t much better. I know that this isn’t a therapy session but I have told you everything I would have told you in person and my blood and urine results came back clean. Please, give me some advice. Any… “thinking techniques”? Possible medications? A combination of both? Do you think an MRI scan may be revealing? (From Croatia)
For the next few days, everything would remind me of violence and horror images. Even before that, I was afraid of reverting back to a child-like state, becoming a failure, etc.
9Mental filter
From Quebec: I’m 19 and I have been dating my current boyfriend for a little under 3 years now. Compared to past experience with men, he is amazing. He is kind, generous, caring, concerned, and so much more. Only one problem; he is extremely unmotivated and quite lazy.x
2No Distortion
I don’t really know how to explain the situation, but I deal with a lot of family drama, my parents have kind of high expectations, with the stress of school on top of that I became extremely unhappy and kept all of my emotions in and I wore that fake smile everyday until I finally reached my breaking point. I started self harming for about six months until my mom found out and suggested an inpatient program at a hospital. I refused to go because I didn’t know if it was going to go on my record which could possibly affect my dreams of becoming a psychiatrist. So, instead she sent me to a councelor who I’ve been seeing for about a year now. She sent me to a psychiatrist when I first started going to her and I was diagnosed with depression and put on medication but I stopped taking it a month after it was perscribed. I have a major fear of choking and drowning As well and can’t swallow pills. I’m still having major problems with the depression And My anxiety has been very bad, I’ve been considering talking to my parents about finishing the year by taking online classes. Because I need to get away. But what I really want to know is, how can I deal with depression and dig myself out of this hole? It seems like everytime I get so close of beating in, I get nocked right back down to the bottom. I’m still seeing my therapist but it’s not enough, my mom is still pushing me to go back on medication but doesn’t understand my fears. Is it even possible to beat this without medication? I also apologize if a lot of this doesn’t make sense.
I refused to go because I didn’t know if it was going to go on my record which could possibly affect my dreams of becoming a psychiatrist.I have a major fear of choking and drowningIt seems like everytime I get so close of beating in, I get nocked right back down to the bottom.
From a young woman in the U.S.: I have had enough of the constant drama in my house, should I move out? I wish I had a larger word limit, lots of history behind this. To keep it short, I live with my mother and her alcoholic boyfriend, which has made the last 7 years of my life that much harder and I need out.
2No Distortion
I recently graduated with bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. I have three elder siblings (two sisters and a brother, eldest of all). Now before completion of my degree my father used to support our family with elder brother occasionally chipping in. Toward the end of my degree my father retired, and my brother stopped contributing to the family. The problem is, I know I have to work hard and establish myself quickly and support my family but I overlook the situation and play game or surf internet all day (I don’t enjoy doing this but still I do and feel empty)and when its evening I say to myself ‘I will start it tomorrow’, and the he cycle goes on. It is not like I don’t love my field of study I love it, but I have this ‘I will do this tomorrow’ kind of attitude. I think I have been like this for quite a long time now. So please advise me how to improve my attitude or behavior toward my life and start doing something productive out of my time. I will be very thankful for this service please help me as I really want to change this behavior! I apologize for any grammatical mistake as English is not my native language. Thank you!!!! (From Pakistan)
The problem is, I know I have to work hard and establish myself quickly and support my family but I overlook the situation and play game or surf internet all day (I don’t enjoy doing this but still I do and feel empty)and when its evening I say to myself ‘I will start it tomorrow’, and the he cycle goes on.
6Should statements
When I was a kid, a friend and I would pretend to be super heroes and play around. Since then this behavior has stuck with me, and I constantly find myself pretending to be someone else– usually someone made up. I always do this alone, and have full conversations and relationships in my head. In real life I have no friends. I started being homeschooled at the end of 10th grade, because the school in my area was terrible. I’m extremely social online, just not in real life. Most days I stay in the house, along with what I described. I’ve always wondered if doing this means there’s something wrong with me. I often rationalize it as an escape from my life, but I can only use that excuse so much without knowing if it is just that– an excuse. Any advice would be appreciated.
I’ve always wondered if doing this means there’s something wrong with me.
I have been with my girlfriend for about six months now. She tell me that I am what she has been looking for in a relationship. I believed her, I do not hide anything in our relationship. I know how it feels, I even cut off other relationships that I know will be an issue with our growing progress. But she has not and still communicate with them in ways that hurt me to read the txt. She says she has known them for years and have helped her when she was troubled, but to invite sex and communicate it in ways that I should be involved only. it depresses me.
2No Distortion
A lot of things have happened in my life that can be considered life changing problems for others – not me. My parents got divorced, my dad hooked up and got pregnant, I’ve had/still have to deal with my mums illness… so why does none of this bother me until I start thinking? Once I start thinking, I think about every single problem in my life and I cry. I cry myself to sleep. I’ve had thoughts of uselessness and suicide. Don’t worry – I’m way too weak to actually kill my self. I tried cutting… got too scared, failed and gave up. For some reason I like it when I get hurt by accident. I don’t know why but I feel proud even if I have a little paper cut. One time I used a weighted hula hoop and expected to get bruises but when I didn’t, I felt disappointed. Maybe I want the attention? I’m not so sure myself.
Once I start thinking, I think about every single problem in my life and I cry.
9Mental filter
So I have been with my fiancé for 2.5 years. At the beginning of our relationship we decided to tell each other about our past. He told me that when he was 21 he got married and by the age of 22 he was divorced. (He is 30 now). Well 6 months ago we got engaged. We told each other that if we make a purchase above $1,000, then we would discuss it with the other person. Next, he wanted to buy a 14k gun. He told me and I told him that if he got it them we would not be on good terms. The seller raised the price so he told me that he was not getting it. We found that he is not divorced. I asked him how did this happen and he told me that she sent him fake papers so he thought everything was taken care of. Plus she told him that she was remarried. Now He has been telling me that he does not trust me with money. I have not made a big purchase or anything. I have told him that money is tight for me but I am in a profession where you get paid a lot. One day, he asked me if my dad could do a certified check (he is a banker). I asked him why he needed that. He told me he wanted to get the gun. The gun that we both agreed that he would not get. Finally he tells me that he wanted to ask his dad before he told me that he wanted to get the gun. The next day, I find out that he knew that he was married before we were even together. He even told me that the girl he dated once he told her that he is still married and she is fine with it. What to do? The wedding is in 7 months. (From the USA)
2No Distortion
My dad is emotionally abusive to me and my mom, has been for years. I didn’t realize in till this year after a series of conversations I had with the school councilor. When the councilor asked if I had ever feared physical violence at home was kind of an AHA moment. She also pointed out behaviors I thought were normal as abusive. That combined with my own research on emotional manipulation led me to the conclusion that a lot of the behavior at home wasn’t ok. The problem is that before I realized that I was able to control my emotions. Im not really allowed to ever be upset at home. I’m required to be the adult in the household all the time and I have the lucky job of being marriage councilor and therapist to my dad. which means he gets to rant about his life to me, usually topics like our finances, my moms emotional stability, their sex life, his health and approaching death, etc. I’m expected to give advice about these things. I’m 17. It’s too much stress. I;m never allowed to talk about my difficulties without being yelled at but expected to help my dad figure out marital issues. This has led me to be incredibly depressed and anxious, along with suicidal thoughts and self harm. Im not allowed to go to therapy.
2No Distortion
Despite tireless efforts so that my family stays in the dark, I’ve known for years now that there is something wrong with me. I have a family history of mental illness and OCD. I scored high on this site’s OCD test. I’ve attempted to point out behaviors in mind that point to OCD to my family but I’m always shut down. I struggle with anger but, growing up, I was not allowed to express my anger at all. Even as a young child, I was expected to ‘act mature’ and couldn’t even raise my voice a little, or I’d get in trouble. Because of this, I privately turn my anger inward at myself; punching myself, scratching my skin, and getting into fits where I convulse and shake and cry– all while staying completely quiet, of course, because it would not be considered acceptable by my family members. It is how I learned to cope. I have thought before after I had finished having one of these ‘fits’ that if I saw a video of someone else behaving in the same way I would think that they were completely insane. Deviant behavior is held in low regard at my house; even people with tame fetishes my parents and sister proclaimed to be mentally ill and awful people. This way of thinking has been devastating to me, as a person with a few unothodox fetishes and is someone who enjoys ‘kinky’ behavior (I’m not into pedophilia or rape or anything harmful like that, of course). I believe I’m a disappointment for these interests. Certain sounds and physical feelings (for example, the sound of someone humming/singing in the feeling of my hands or arms being kissed or touched and parentheses are simply unbearable. They send me into a panic. These feelings are brushed off by my family if I mention it. I also engage in self stimulating behavior like biting or psyching my fingertips, bouncing my legs and rocking, and very frequent masturbation. Does any of this sound like there is something wrong with me or my just being too sensitive and overreacting like my family says I am wont to do? Sorry if it’s a lot of information; I feel like it’s all connected and if I can get an outside opinion maybe I can do something to help myself. Or maybe it’s nothing. Either way, thanks a lot for reading.
I believe I’m a disappointment for these interests.
For the past two years I’ve been going to a therapist and have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety and situational depression. Although it’s been going on since I was about eleven at least, that’s when I had my first major panic attack. I’ve tried a number of anti-depressants to treat my depression and anxiety, but they either didn’t work or the side affects were to severe. So now she put me on a “life style change”, where I am supposed to sleep more and exercise. I don’t know what to do anymore. My depression and anxiety have been so bad in the last six months I nearly throw up every morning from stress. I cannot seem to get out of bed, the very thought of facing the world every day makes me cry and debate my life. Furthermore, I cannot seem to sleep more than 4 hours, even with the melitonin my doctor prescribed me. My sleep deprivation has caused me to go into hysterics from crying and to laughing more than a few times. I’ve lost all interest in any activities I used to do in the past four years. I once danced, I quite that too now. I feel so emotionally disconnected from everyone. My family and friends notice it as well. Usually they’ll make fun of me or show real concern. Furthermore I wish I didn’t have the two friends I have. It’s stressful, I never do anything with them no matter how much they want me to. I feel like I’ll either be a bother or I just don’t want to do anything. I used to be an A grade student, I’d overload myself with advanced classes, now I’ve failed out of three of them. I just don’t see the point anymore. I hate myself. I cannot function in any social situation and now I can’t even seem to do any simple task anymore. Not to mention my weight changes, I’d go from binge eating to nearly starving myself because I just wasn’t hungry any more. It was so extreme for a few months, my weight got to a high of 135 pounds to a low of 117. In a week I lost ten pounds. Quite frankly I don’t know what to do, I’ve used support sites and they don’t seem to help. I feel like I’ve extended all my resources.
I cannot seem to get out of bed, the very thought of facing the world every day makes me cry and debate my life. I hate myself. I cannot function in any social situation and now I can’t even seem to do any simple task anymore.
From 15-year-old girl in Canada: Recently I felt like my parents really hate me. One thing I noticed is that they are letting my brother go into the career path he wants to go into but not me. I am interested in fashion and want to have a career in it, but my parents think otherwise. My dad usually calls me an idiot or stupid and says that my brother is smarter and brighter than me when I have a straight A average and am on high honor roll at school. But they still think I am incompetent for anything. My mother didn’t call me stupid or anything.
Recently I felt like my parents really hate me.
8Mind Reading
I was a victim of DV. Felony Attempted Murder and sought treatment to help me find my way out the PSD. I began treatment with a woman and after about 6 months we entered into a personal relationship. She spent Christmas day with my family, her birthday, movies and shared her financial woes with me. Her wages were to be garnished and I worked everyday for about a week to help resolve this issue for her. I made many telephone calls and did intensive research. About six months after beginning the personal relationship she summarily dismissed me after a session by not giving me a future appointment. No explanation what so ever. I became so frustered and upset that I just left. I have tried to communicate with several times for an explanation and have not received a response. At the least to me her behavior was unethical, unprofessional and down right mean. She has no remorse regarding the pain she has caused me. I believe she has done this before and will do it one should be subjected to what she did to me. She has more than enough hours, a masters and her PHD and doesn’t have a license with the BBS. I am about ready to contact the director of the couseling service and filing a complaint with the BBS. Another therapist will verify my story as well as my family.
About six months after beginning the personal relationship she summarily dismissed me after a session by not giving me a future appointment. No explanation what so ever. I became so frustered and upset that I just left. I have tried to communicate with several times for an explanation and have not received a response. At the least to me her behavior was unethical, unprofessional and down right mean. She has no remorse regarding the pain she has caused me. I believe she has done this before and will do it one should be subjected to what she did to me.
8Mind Reading
From the U.S: Hello, I am a 17 year old asexual demigirl that is living in California. I have a therapist but my family keeps giving her false information and she will not believe me because I’m not an adult. But I’ve been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (and depression and ADHD in the past).
2No Distortion
I’ve been going through a lot lately. My mom won’t talk to me because I celebrated Christmas for the first time. Also about 3 weeks ago I had a close friend over for a few drinks and I didn’t want her driving home so I asked her to spend the night. Then in the middle of the night, I went to the living room to see if my boyfriend wanted to come back to bed since he couldn’t sleep earlier. When I got there I saw my friend kneeling beside my boyfriend with her arms around him and her head on his chest. His arms were also around her and he was sleeping. So I asked what is going on and when my boyfriend saw me standing there he thought this doesn’t look good at all. I ran to our bedroom crying and slammed the door. About a few minutes later he came in the room and said nothing happened. I went to work the next morning and my so-called friend was texting me apologizing and I said if it happens again there will be severe consequences. I hated her so much for such a long time and now I don’t trust her at all.
2No Distortion
I am suspicious that my boyfriend my have molested his younger sister when they were kids. She recently made a comment to him in front of me stating “yeah, if someone saw what you were doing to me when we were younger, you’d probably kill them” (We were on the topic of being driven to murder). Now, alone that doesn’t seem too bad, but he has made prior comments he thinks are funny such as “get there before the hair” and “well if you tell them you’re 16 and they believe you, then why not?”
2No Distortion
I have a long history of trauma and deal with symptoms of CPTSD on a near daily basis. I am on a low dose of Zoloft and see a therapist once a week. Progress has been very slow but I do see a steady improvement in my ability to self-regulate and a shift in some of my very fundamental patterns of thinking.
2No Distortion
I’m 21 and I feel like so empty and confused as will in a way that I think I found both men and women attractive I’m not sure really. I also change a lot of mood like I was happy and very friendly then suddenly when I heard or feel something not appropriate or things that I don’t like I directly shift into a different one and I get pissed and I don’t talk to them. I also tried to cut myself three times in my wrist because I feel so worthless. I also don’t like to hang out with a lot of people because I feel so weak when I’m around with a lot of people. I stay in my room all the time and thinking of many things like why I’m in here? I don’t belong here? I wish I never born. and everything else. I’m also paranoid in getting microbes like I alcohol every time. I really don’t understand I can’t focus on some things and can’t think straight. I feel so empty everyday. I feel it since I was kid and until now it’s getting worst, I also sleep paralyze and it’s so scary and I feel like my soul is getting out when I sleep it occurred to me sometimes when I feel so depressed. I also think I’ve been attack by Panic attack when the time that I really feel like I need to end my life. What is happening to me? Can you please explain to me. Thank you.
I also tried to cut myself three times in my wrist because I feel so worthless.I’m also paranoid in getting microbes like I alcohol every time.
I have been suffering from depression for four years and have been on medication and attending off and on therapy for about two now. I have noticed my bad days aren’t so bad now, but my good days aren’t as good either. About 9 months ago I started a new medication and have noticed a lack of appetite, sex drive, and passion for anything in general, as well as consistent nausea when I do eat, so I’ve been considering weening off of them. I have a family history of mental disorders, and have been diagnosed with Major Depression, but I’m tired of feeling numb. Do you believe discontinuing my medication would be beneficial for me?
2No Distortion
I was married 36 years to my soulmate. Our relationship wasn’t perfect but we were perfect for each other. His death was due to very critical health problems that resulted in 100 days in a hospital that ended with a massive heart attack in the hospital. I was with him when he passed. My concern is where are all the people who were there for me prior? Why do friends stop calling, etc. Prior to all this, I had a fairly good social life. However I always seemed to be the one reaching out, making dinner dates, planning get togethers. I do work full time and was my husbands caregiver for awhile, but I always made sure I made time for my friends. Now that I am alone, nobody ever reaches out, still. You would think they would realize I lost the love of my life and reach out to me. Make sure I am ok, invite me to lunch. I can count on one hand the number of friends who have checked on me. Is losing friends normal during grief? I mean even my husbands old friends, the guy who did the funeral ( a longtime friend), even my husbands family! (out of his 4 siblings, 1 has reached out) I spend a lot of time alone. I work, spend lots of time with my grandkids, but as far as a social life, its almost nothing. Part of me is angry that here I am going thru the worst thing I’ve ever experienced and where are the people who came to the funeral, said they are there for me? Why NOW is it still up to me to be the initiator? I am doing ok with the grieving process and have made great progress in the last 12 months, except for THIS. Even some co-workers ignore the situation, my own boss doesn’t even ask how I am, ever. Not once since the funeral. (I love my job and have been at my job 31 years. This last year has shown me tho, nobody wants to deal with a grieving person) I never imagined friendships would disappear after such a loss.
This last year has shown me tho, nobody wants to deal with a grieving person
8Mind Reading
I am married for 15 years, I always have a fantasy that my wife seduces or have sex with other men (I don’t intend to make it real, even in imagination I put a scenario that either we are forced to do so or we are under drugs or wine and always with someone who won’t expose the issue, in other way I want it happened but against my will or I am forced to do so as to avoid sense of guilt), although me & my wife are conservative, & have a happy sexual life ,even I started to feel horny when a doctor examine my wife,I want to know what is psychological reason for such fantasy? is it related to childhood ( I had such thoughts for my mom for a period in my my late childhood at age 10-14, also I used to spy on my mom when changing her cloth at that time ) or is it related that I never had a sexual relationship with anyone but my wife. (From Saudi Arabia)
2No Distortion
Plz help. Ok so some times I hear people whistling but no ones there and I see a man in the clauset and I see people moving around in mirrors but no one is outside the mirror. I also see black little dots floating in the air at night. Another thing Is that I have wierd thoughts and I have a hard time remembering if my memories really exist or not. My mood is really wierd too. Like, I’ll be extremly happy and out going then in a couple of hours depressed and then parinoid and shy which changes back to hyper and happy. I always feel like people talk about me and hav had suicidal thouts before. Plz help me because I’ve tried talking to my family but they won’t listen!
I always feel like people talk about me and hav had suicidal thouts before.
8Mind Reading
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years and I love him very much. He is a wonderful person and my best friend, but as we are starting to consider getting engaged, I am finding myself very concerned with the negative aspects of our relationship. He is bipolar and not medicated and is not seeing a counselor. He is unpredictable and volatile. One day can be amazing and another I can be afraid or so frustrated I want to just leave. Lately I have found myself looking at other men as potential partners and I feel like I am cheating (even though I have not acted on anything). We have fought about this one issue in our relationship for 4 years, about him not being open about his disorder but blowing up on me and expecting me to just sit back and take it, with no confrontation. I feel that he is not maturing or growing in this relationship. While I love him and genuinely want to grow old with him, I am fearful that this is not intelligent of me to do, nor practical to marry someone who is bipolar and seeking no treatment. What can I do? I have tried talking to him in multiple manners from different angles and he always blows up or hides in himself. I have seen a therapist about this issue and I am still so confused.
He is a wonderful person and my best friend, but as we are starting to consider getting engaged, I am finding myself very concerned with the negative aspects of our relationship.
8Mind Reading
I’m 15 years old and I’m an only child. When I was 10 I found out that when I was two my mom had suffered from depression, my dad said it was because she was pregnant and then had a still born baby on Christmas Eve. However very soon after my parents talked to me about that my mom lost her job and was out of work for two years. She started changing, she was gaining a lot of weight and would cry all the time. All my life she had been able to sleep a lot but once she lost her job she wouldn’t get out of bed for days. Once she got a new job she seemed “happier” but then she became obsessed with work and likewise obsessed with my schoolwork. It was unacceptable if I got a B, it wasn’t “good enough.” However even though she had a job she would sleep all the time and would always be crying. It got to the point that between work and sleeping she didn’t have time for any of the normal mom things. She stopped doing laundry, cleaning, coming to my basketball games, and so I picked up her slack. Ever since I’ve been doing all my families laundry, cleaning the house, planning out what we need from the grocery store every week and if she ever offered to for example do the dishes so I could go to bed I’d wake up the next morning and they wouldn’t be done. Whenever I would talk to my dad about her he would say that that’s just how she is now because of her brain and that whenever she freaked out on me to not take it personally. Recently me and my mom were driving to Pennsylvania to visit family and she had a panic attack while driving she swore that the truck drivers were out to get her so she pulled over for an hour trying to “clear her head”. Also every time I try to talk to her about a problem with a guy or anything she turns it into her problem and I always end up holding her while she can’t stop crying. All of this started, because she lost the baby and after she lost the baby it was like I wasn’t good enough for her. I wasn’t a good enough reason for her to try to get better I wasn’t good enough to keep her happy I wasn’t good enough for her because I got a 92 in biology and “ruined my chances of going to a good college.” If I’ve never been good enough for her then how can I be good enough to help her? (age 15, from US)
I wasn’t a good enough reason for her to try to get better I wasn’t good enough to keep her happy I wasn’t good enough for her because I got a 92 in biology and “ruined my chances of going to a good college.
I am 23 year old and I was sexually abused by my brother when I was 6 years old. I only have fragments of memories of being abused as a kid. My brother pretended it never happened and never touched me again. I grew up being in confused state whether or not I was abused. From childhood, I lacked self control for example I was eating continuously, watching T.V. continuously for 8 to 10 hours, neglecting my health. I was messed up and never told anyone about this. Right now I have cut off all my contact with my brother and my condition is getting worse after I realized and accepted I was sexually abused. My daily activities has been severely hampered and I can’t seem to take control of my life, I feel like I am possessed and control by someone else when I am staying alone. I procrastinate a lot and knowingly hurt myself which i don’t like. I tried therapy and it didn’t work out my condition. I don’t know what to do as I feel lost. (age 23, from India)
My daily activities has been severely hampered and I can’t seem to take control of my life, I feel like I am possessed and control by someone else when I am staying alone.
1Emotional Reasoning
I have very bad trust issues, I was in a relationship in 2007 where I was always cheated on, I had a child while in this relationship. Since then i have left, I was single after that for awhile. I started a new relationship with a childhood friend that lasted three years from that relationship we have a beautiful two-year old daughter, we are not together anymore, because of my trust issues, I know that this problem is standing in the way of our happiness, I have never caught my child’s father doing anything in that matter. this is why I have pushed him away, I do not want to be hurt like that again, and I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt his family, I am currently pregnant with our second child, he wants to be here for us but I need help with this.. How can I trust again? (From Canada)
Since then i have left, I was single after that for awhile. I started a new relationship with a childhood friend that lasted three years from that relationship we have a beautiful two-year old daughter, we are not together anymore, because of my trust issues, I know that this problem is standing in the way of our happiness, I have never caught my child’s father doing anything in that matter.
I keep thinking about a young man who made passes at me: Last summer, my family and I traveled with my son’s High School Baseball team for about 20 days total. Between family members, coaches, and players, out group was between 40 to 50 people. We ate most meals together, watched games, and even spent recreational time together.
2No Distortion
Me and a guy both used to be friends with this girl. Around the same time she fell out with us both because of similar reasons. However, recently we’ve been talking a lot her mental health. She posts stories which are based on her life in which she refers to delusions and hallucinations of scary creatures. She’s very manipulative and she told us, this may not be true, that she used to not be able to eat because it used to make her sick. Neither of us are friends with her now but we don’t want to just ignore the fact that she has symptoms of mental illness. However, neither of us are quite sure what we should do. Do we confront this girl or talk to a professional to find out more first. We would greatly appreciate your help, thank you.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I do not believe that hate, resentment, or just a lack of caring are the appropriate feelings to have when someone is having a problem, and yet, I feel these types of feelings. Seriously, one time my mom came home saying that her gallbladder was acting up and it really hurt, and what did I do? Not even care!
I do not believe that hate, resentment, or just a lack of caring are the appropriate feelings to have when someone is having a problem, and yet, I feel these types of feelings.
6Should statements
Hi- thank you for being there. I was diagnosed about forty years ago with major depressive disorder, been on all types of meds but Zoloft has worked well now for about ten years. Although I went to therapy and took meds I was an active alcoholic for some thirty years but it was all for naught due to the addiction. I’ve been sober now for six years when I relocated here but have been bombarded with circumstances beyond my control about which I hold a lot of resentment;there are times I feel that picking back up is my only answer.
I’ve been sober now for six years when I relocated here but have been bombarded with circumstances beyond my control about which I hold a lot of resentment;there are times I feel that picking back up is my only answer.
For the past two and a half years I’ve had problems with depression–it’s been mostly episodic although not entirely. My junior year of high school I was depressed (sad, apathetic, irritable, indecisive, guilty, empty, having nausea and headaches)on and off, but in addition to the general feelings of “low mood” I’d have these brief episodes of extreme dysphoria– I was really agitated and felt desperate and hopeless and suicidal and empty and hollow. They lasted a few hours, and there was no trigger of any kind. The next year I didn’t have any of these episodes but had general depressive symptoms on and off. Over the summer before heading to college, I had a pretty severe panic attack, because I was experiencing chest pain and was afraid I was having a heart attack. I’d never had a panic attack before, and I went to the ER. I had an EKG and bloodwork, which was all fine, but after the panic attack I experienced extreme hypochondriacal anxiety and depersonalization for about a month. I also developed visual snow, which hasn’t gone away. I’ve been hypervigilant ever since the panic attack, and when I went to college the hypochondria came back and stayed for about a month and a half.
My junior year of high school I was depressed (sad, apathetic, irritable, indecisive, guilty, empty, having nausea and headaches)on and off, but in addition to the general feelings of “low mood” I’d have these brief episodes of extreme dysphoria– I was really agitated and felt desperate and hopeless and suicidal and empty and hollow.I’ve been hypervigilant ever since the panic attack, and when I went to college the hypochondria came back and stayed for about a month and a half.
From a teen in the U.S.: My mental disturbances have been getting progressively worse, and I am beginning to suspect schizophrenia. I only took notice of these disturbances when I began ruminating over things I had done in the past, and began convincing myself I was going to be arrested for these things. At first I thought it was OCD, because I was diagnosed at a very young age, but now I’ not sure that’s the overall issue.
I only took notice of these disturbances when I began ruminating over things I had done in the past, and began convincing myself I was going to be arrested for these things.