965 values
Is Model Attention Aligned with Human Attention? An Empirical Study on Large Language Models for Code Generation
cs.SE cs.HC cs.LG
Large Language Models (LLMs) have been demonstrated effective for code generation. Due to the complexity and opacity of LLMs, little is known about how these models generate code. To deepen our understanding, we investigate whether LLMs attend to the same parts of a natural language description as human programmers during code generation. An analysis of five LLMs on a popular benchmark, HumanEval, revealed a consistent misalignment between LLMs' and programmers' attention. Furthermore, we found that there is no correlation between the code generation accuracy of LLMs and their alignment with human programmers. Through a quantitative experiment and a user study, we confirmed that, among twelve different attention computation methods, attention computed by the perturbation-based method is most aligned with human attention and is constantly favored by human programmers. Our findings highlight the need for human-aligned LLMs for better interpretability and programmer trust.
2023-06-02 00:57:03.000000000
ConPredictor: Concurrency Defect Prediction in Real-World Applications
Concurrent programs are difficult to test due to their inherent non-determinism. To address this problem, testing often requires the exploration of thread schedules of a program; this can be time-consuming when applied to real-world programs. Software defect prediction has been used to help developers find faults and prioritize their testing efforts. Prior studies have used machine learning to build such predicting models based on designed features that encode the characteristics of programs. However, research has focused on sequential programs; to date, no work has considered defect prediction for concurrent programs, with program characteristics distinguished from sequential programs. In this paper, we present ConPredictor, an approach to predict defects specific to concurrent programs by combining both static and dynamic program metrics. Specifically, we propose a set of novel static code metrics based on the unique properties of concurrent programs. We also leverage additional guidance from dynamic metrics constructed based on mutation analysis. Our evaluation on four large open source projects shows that ConPredictor improved both within-project defect prediction and cross-project defect prediction compared to traditional features.
2018-04-10 15:33:29.000000000
Spreadsheet Guardian: An Approach to Protecting Semantic Correctness throughout the Evolution of Spreadsheets
cs.SE cs.PL
Spreadsheets are powerful tools which play a business-critical role in many organizations. However, many bad decisions taken due to faulty spreadsheets show that these tools need serious quality assurance. Furthermore, while collaboration on spreadsheets for maintenance tasks is common, there has been almost no support for ensuring that the spreadsheets remain correct during this process. We have developed an approach named Spreadsheet Guardian which separates the specification of spreadsheet test rules from their execution. By automatically executing user-defined test rules, our approach is able to detect semantic faults. It also protects all collaborating spreadsheet users from introducing faults during maintenance, even if only few end-users specify test rules. To evaluate Spreadsheet Guardian, we implemented a representative testing technique as an add-in for Microsoft Excel. We evaluated the testing technique in two empirical evaluations with 29 end-users and 42 computer science students. The results indicate that the technique is easy to learn and to apply. Furthermore, after finishing maintenance, participants with spreadsheets "protected" by the technique are more realistic about the correctness of their spreadsheets than participants who employ only "classic", non-interactive test rules based on static analysis techniques. Hence, we believe Spreadsheet Guardian can be of use for business-critical spreadsheets.
2016-11-30 21:31:22.000000000
Implementing a Model-based Engineering Tool as Web Application
This paper reports on a study of transferring a desktop-based model-based engineering tool to a web application. The study has been conducted in the WEBMODEL project where the well-established technology stack around the Eclipse platform and the Eclipse Modeling Framework was lifted into a cloud-based environment. As results, a modeling language independent tooling kernel for web-based modeling tools and a minimal prototypical web-based implementation of the AutoFOCUS 3 model-based engineering tool are presented. Furthermore, the report documents experiences and implementation advises gained during the implementation.
2023-02-27 19:08:07.000000000
Trustworthy and Synergistic Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering: Vision and Roadmaps
cs.SE cs.AI
For decades, much software engineering research has been dedicated to devising automated solutions aimed at enhancing developer productivity and elevating software quality. The past two decades have witnessed an unparalleled surge in the development of intelligent solutions tailored for software engineering tasks. This momentum established the Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering (AI4SE) area, which has swiftly become one of the most active and popular areas within the software engineering field. This Future of Software Engineering (FoSE) paper navigates through several focal points. It commences with a succinct introduction and history of AI4SE. Thereafter, it underscores the core challenges inherent to AI4SE, particularly highlighting the need to realize trustworthy and synergistic AI4SE. Progressing, the paper paints a vision for the potential leaps achievable if AI4SE's key challenges are surmounted, suggesting a transition towards Software Engineering 2.0. Two strategic roadmaps are then laid out: one centered on realizing trustworthy AI4SE, and the other on fostering synergistic AI4SE. While this paper may not serve as a conclusive guide, its intent is to catalyze further progress. The ultimate aspiration is to position AI4SE as a linchpin in redefining the horizons of software engineering, propelling us toward Software Engineering 2.0.
2023-09-08 05:53:24.000000000
Towards Certified Analysis of Software Product Line Safety Cases
Safety-critical software systems are in many cases designed and implemented as families of products, usually referred to as Software Product Lines (SPLs). Products within an SPL vary from each other in terms of which features they include. Applying existing analysis techniques to SPLs and their safety cases is usually challenging because of the potentially exponential number of products with respect to the number of supported features. In this paper, we present a methodology and infrastructure for certified \emph{lifting} of existing single-product safety analyses to product lines. To ensure certified safety of our infrastructure, we implement it in an interactive theorem prover, including formal definitions, lemmas, correctness criteria theorems, and proofs. We apply this infrastructure to formalize and lift a Change Impact Assessment (CIA) algorithm. We present a formal definition of the lifted algorithm, outline its correctness proof (with the full machine-checked proof available online), and discuss its implementation within a model management framework.
2021-04-30 18:51:46.000000000
Automated Conformance Testing for JavaScript Engines via Deep Compiler Fuzzing
cs.SE cs.PL
JavaScript (JS) is a popular, platform-independent programming language. To ensure the interoperability of JS programs across different platforms, the implementation of a JS engine should conform to the ECMAScript standard. However, doing so is challenging as there are many subtle definitions of API behaviors, and the definitions keep evolving. We present COMFORT, a new compiler fuzzing framework for detecting JS engine bugs and behaviors that deviate from the ECMAScript standard. COMFORT leverages the recent advance in deep learning-based language models to automatically generate JS test code. As a departure from prior fuzzers, COMFORT utilizes the well-structured ECMAScript specifications to automatically generate test data along with the test programs to expose bugs that could be overlooked by the developers or manually written test cases. COMFORT then applies differential testing methodologies on the generated test cases to expose standard conformance bugs. We apply COMFORT to ten mainstream JS engines. In 200 hours of automated concurrent testing runs, we discover bugs in all tested JS engines. We had identified 158 unique JS engine bugs, of which 129 have been verified, and 115 have already been fixed by the developers. Furthermore, 21 of the Comfort-generated test cases have been added to Test262, the official ECMAScript conformance test suite.
2021-04-15 13:47:42.000000000
Failure Mode Reasoning in Model Based Safety Analysis
Failure Mode Reasoning (FMR) is a novel approach for analyzing failure in a Safety Instrumented System (SIS). The method uses an automatic analysis of an SIS program to calculate potential failures in parts of the SIS. In this paper we use a case study from the power industry to demonstrate how FMR can be utilized in conjunction with other model-based safety analysis methods, such as HiP-HOPS and CFT, in order to achieve a comprehensive safety analysis of SIS. In this case study, FMR covers the analysis of SIS inputs while HiP-HOPS/CFT models the faults of logic solver and final elements. The SIS program is analyzed by FMR and the results are exported to HiP-HOPS/CFT via automated interfaces. The final outcome is the collective list of SIS failure modes along with their reliability measures. We present and review the results from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives.
2020-05-11 23:14:59.000000000
Towards green AI-based software systems: an architecture-centric approach (GAISSA)
cs.SE cs.LG
Nowadays, AI-based systems have achieved outstanding results and have outperformed humans in different domains. However, the processes of training AI models and inferring from them require high computational resources, which pose a significant challenge in the current energy efficiency societal demand. To cope with this challenge, this research project paper describes the main vision, goals, and expected outcomes of the GAISSA project. The GAISSA project aims at providing data scientists and software engineers tool-supported, architecture-centric methods for the modelling and development of green AI-based systems. Although the project is in an initial stage, we describe the current research results, which illustrate the potential to achieve GAISSA objectives.
2023-07-19 13:14:47.000000000
Anomaly detection in Context-aware Feature Models
cs.AI cs.SE
Feature Models are a mechanism to organize the configuration space and facilitate the construction of software variants by describing configuration options using features, i.e., a name representing a functionality. The development of Feature Models is an error prone activity and detecting their anomalies is a challenging and important task needed to promote their usage. Recently, Feature Models have been extended with context to capture the correlation of configuration options with contextual influences and user customizations. Unfortunately, this extension makes the task of detecting anomalies harder. In this paper, we formalize the anomaly analysis in Context-aware Feature Models and we show how Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) solvers can be used to detect anomalies without relying on iterative calls to a SAT solver. By extending the reconfigurator engine HyVarRec, we present findings evidencing that QBF solvers can outperform the common techniques for anomaly analysis.
2020-07-28 08:59:14.000000000
Improving Testing Behavior by Gamifying IntelliJ
Testing is an important aspect of software development, but unfortunately, it is often neglected. While test quality analyses such as code coverage or mutation analysis inform developers about the quality of their tests, such reports are viewed only sporadically during continuous integration or code review, if they are considered at all, and their impact on the developers' testing behavior therefore tends to be negligible. To actually influence developer behavior, it may rather be necessary to motivate developers directly within their programming environment, while they are coding. We introduce IntelliGame, a gamified plugin for the popular IntelliJ Java Integrated Development Environment, which rewards developers for positive testing behavior using a multi-level achievement system: A total of 27 different achievements, each with incremental levels, provide affirming feedback when developers exhibit commendable testing behavior, and provide an incentive to further continue and improve this behavior. A controlled experiment with 49 participants given a Java programming task reveals substantial differences in the testing behavior triggered by IntelliGame: Incentivized developers write more tests, achieve higher coverage and mutation scores, run their tests more often, and achieve functionality earlier.
2023-10-17 11:40:55.000000000
A SysML Profile for the Standardized Description of Processes during System Development
cs.SE cs.SY eess.SY
A key aspect in creating models of production systems with the use of model-based systems engineering (MBSE) lies in the description of system functions. These functions shouldbe described in a clear and standardized manner.The VDI/VDE 3682 standard for Formalised Process De-scription (FPD) provides a simple and easily understandable representation of processes. These processes can be conceptualized as functions within the system model, making the FPD particularly well-suited for the standardized representation ofthe required functions. Hence, this contribution focuses on thedevelopment of a Domain-Specific Modeling Language(DSML) that facilitates the integration of VDI/VDE 3682 into the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). The presented approach not onlyextends classical SysML with domain-specific requirements but also facilitates model verification through constraints modeled in Object Constraint Language (OCL). Additionally, it enables automatic serialization of process descriptions into the Extensible Markup Language (XML) using the Velocity Template Language (VTL). This serialization enables the use of process modeling in applications outside of MBSE. The approach was validated using an collar screwing use case in the major component assembly in aircraft production.
2024-03-11 13:44:38.000000000
Tracking Systems as Thinging Machine: A Case Study of a Service Company
Object tracking systems play important roles in tracking moving objects and overcoming problems such as safety, security and other location-related applications. Problems arise from the difficulties in creating a well-defined and understandable description of tracking systems. Nowadays, describing such processes results in fragmental representation that most of the time leads to difficulties creating documentation. Additionally, once learned by assigned personnel, repeated tasks result in them continuing on autopilot in a way that often degrades their effectiveness. This paper proposes the modeling of tracking systems in terms of a new diagrammatic methodology to produce engineering-like schemata. The resultant diagrams can be used in documentation, explanation, communication, education and control.
2018-11-28 09:37:28.000000000
Building a Secure Software Supply Chain with GNU Guix
cs.SE cs.PL
The software supply chain is becoming a widespread analogy to designate the series of steps taken to go from source code published by developers to executables running on the users? computers. A security vulnerability in any of these steps puts users at risk, and evidence shows that attacks on the supply chain are becoming more common. The consequences of an attack on the software supply chain can be tragic in a society that relies on many interconnected software systems, and this has led research interest as well as governmental incentives for supply chain security to rise. GNU Guix is a software deployment tool and software distribution that supports provenance tracking, reproducible builds, and reproducible software environments. Unlike many software distributions, it consists exclusively of source code: it provides a set of package definitions that describe how to build code from source. Together, these properties set it apart from many deployment tools that center on the distribution of binaries. This paper focuses on one research question: how can Guix and similar systems allow users to securely update their software? Guix source code is distributed using the Git version control system; updating Guix-installed software packages means, first, updating the local copy of the Guix source code. Prior work on secure software updates focuses on systems very different from Guix -- systems such as Debian, Fedora, or PyPI where updating consists in fetching metadata about the latest binary artifacts available -- and is largely inapplicable in the context of Guix. By contrast, the main threats for Guix are attacks on its source code repository, which could lead users to run inauthentic code or to downgrade their system. Deployment tools that more closely resemble Guix, from Nix to Portage, either lack secure update mechanisms or suffer from shortcomings. Our main contribution is a model and tool to authenticate new Git revisions. We further show how, building on Git semantics, we build protections against downgrade attacks and related threats. We explain implementation choices. This work has been deployed in production two years ago, giving us insight on its actual use at scale every day. The Git checkout authentication at its core is applicable beyond the specific use case of Guix, and we think it could benefit to developer teams that use Git. As attacks on the software supply chain appear, security research is now looking at every link of the supply chain. Secure updates are one important aspect of the supply chain, but this paper also looks at the broader context: how Guix models and implements the supply chain, from upstream source code to binaries running on computers. While much recent work focuses on attestation -- certifying each link of the supply chain -- Guix takes a more radical approach: enabling independent verification of each step, building on reproducible builds, "bootstrappable" builds, and provenance tracking. The big picture shows how Guix can be used as the foundation of secure software supply chains.
2022-06-28 08:53:21.000000000
Detecting Multi-Sensor Fusion Errors in Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems
cs.RO cs.AI cs.LG cs.SE
Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been thriving and widely deployed in recent years. In general, these systems receive sensor data, compute driving decisions, and output control signals to the vehicles. To smooth out the uncertainties brought by sensor outputs, they usually leverage multi-sensor fusion (MSF) to fuse the sensor outputs and produce a more reliable understanding of the surroundings. However, MSF cannot completely eliminate the uncertainties since it lacks the knowledge about which sensor provides the most accurate data and how to optimally integrate the data provided by the sensors. As a result, critical consequences might happen unexpectedly. In this work, we observed that the popular MSF methods in an industry-grade ADAS can mislead the car control and result in serious safety hazards. We define the failures (e.g., car crashes) caused by the faulty MSF as fusion errors and develop a novel evolutionary-based domain-specific search framework, FusED, for the efficient detection of fusion errors. We further apply causality analysis to show that the found fusion errors are indeed caused by the MSF method. We evaluate our framework on two widely used MSF methods in two driving environments. Experimental results show that FusED identifies more than 150 fusion errors. Finally, we provide several suggestions to improve the MSF methods we study.
2021-09-14 02:35:34.000000000
Parametric, Probabilistic, Timed Resource Discovery System
cs.DC cs.SE
This paper presents a fully distributed resource discovery and reservation system. Verification of such a system is important to ensure the execution of distributed applications on a set of resources in appropriate conditions. A semi-formal model for his system is presented using probabilistic timed automata. This model is timed, parametric and probabilistic, making it a challenge to the parameter synthesis community.
2016-08-02 00:37:01.000000000
Hybrid Intelligent Testing in Simulation-Based Verification
cs.AR cs.AI cs.LG cs.SE
Efficient and effective testing for simulation-based hardware verification is challenging. Using constrained random test generation, several millions of tests may be required to achieve coverage goals. The vast majority of tests do not contribute to coverage progress, yet they consume verification resources. In this paper, we propose a hybrid intelligent testing approach combining two methods that have previously been treated separately, namely Coverage-Directed Test Selection and Novelty-Driven Verification. Coverage-Directed Test Selection learns from coverage feedback to bias testing toward the most effective tests. Novelty-Driven Verification learns to identify and simulate stimuli that differ from previous stimuli, thereby reducing the number of simulations and increasing testing efficiency. We discuss the strengths and limitations of each method, and we show how our approach addresses each method's limitations, leading to hardware testing that is both efficient and effective.
2022-05-19 13:22:08.000000000
Dynamic Composition of Evolving Process Types
Classical approaches like process algebras or labelled transition systems deal with static composition to model non-trivial concurrent or distributed systems; this is not sufficient for systems with dynamic architecture and with variable number of components. We introduce a method to guide the modelling and the dynamic composition of processes to build large distributed systems with dynamic adhoc architecture. The modelling and the composition are based on an event-based approach that favour the decoupling of the system components. The composition uses the sharing of abstract communication channels. The method is appropriate to deal with evolving processes (with mobility, mutation). The event-B method is used for practical support. A fauna and its evolution are considered as a working system; this system presents some specificities, its behaviour is not foreseeable, it has an adhoc (not statically fixed) architecture.
2011-12-25 10:09:58.000000000
Where and What do Software Architects blog? An Exploratory Study on Architectural Knowledge in Blogs, and their Relevance to Design Steps
Software engineers share their architectural knowledge (AK) in different places on the Web. Recent studies show that architectural blogs contain the most relevant AK, which can help software engineers to make design steps. Nevertheless, we know little about blogs, and specifically architectural blogs, where software engineers share their AK. In this paper, we conduct an exploratory study on architectural blogs to explore their types, topics, and their AK. Moreover, we determine the relevance of architectural blogs to make design steps. Our results support researchers and practitioners to find and re-use AK from blogs.
2023-03-17 14:44:13.000000000
On The (In)Effectiveness of Static Logic Bomb Detector for Android Apps
cs.CR cs.SE
Android is present in more than 85% of mobile devices, making it a prime target for malware. Malicious code is becoming increasingly sophisticated and relies on logic bombs to hide itself from dynamic analysis. In this paper, we perform a large scale study of TSOPEN, our open-source implementation of the state-of-the-art static logic bomb scanner TRIGGERSCOPE, on more than 500k Android applications. Results indicate that the approach scales. Moreover, we investigate the discrepancies and show that the approach can reach a very low false-positive rate, 0.3%, but at a particular cost, e.g., removing 90% of sensitive methods. Therefore, it might not be realistic to rely on such an approach to automatically detect all logic bombs in large datasets. However, it could be used to speed up the location of malicious code, for instance, while reverse engineering applications. We also present TRIGDB a database of 68 Android applications containing trigger-based behavior as a ground-truth to the research community.
2021-08-23 19:36:01.000000000
Analyzing Web Search Behavior for Software Engineering Tasks
cs.SE cs.IR
Web search plays an integral role in software engineering (SE) to help with various tasks such as finding documentation, debugging, installation, etc. In this work, we present the first large-scale analysis of web search behavior for SE tasks using the search query logs from Bing, a commercial web search engine. First, we use distant supervision techniques to build a machine learning classifier to extract the SE search queries with an F1 score of 93%. We then perform an analysis on one million search sessions to understand how software engineering related queries and sessions differ from other queries and sessions. Subsequently, we propose a taxonomy of intents to identify the various contexts in which web search is used in software engineering. Lastly, we analyze millions of SE queries to understand the distribution, search metrics and trends across these SE search intents. Our analysis shows that SE related queries form a significant portion of the overall web search traffic. Additionally, we found that there are six major intent categories for which web search is used in software engineering. The techniques and insights can not only help improve existing tools but can also inspire the development of new tools that aid in finding information for SE related tasks.
2019-12-19 19:46:26.000000000
Abmash: Mashing Up Legacy Web Applications by Automated Imitation of Human Actions
Many business web-based applications do not offer applications programming interfaces (APIs) to enable other applications to access their data and functions in a programmatic manner. This makes their composition difficult (for instance to synchronize data between two applications). To address this challenge, this paper presents Abmash, an approach to facilitate the integration of such legacy web applications by automatically imitating human interactions with them. By automatically interacting with the graphical user interface (GUI) of web applications, the system supports all forms of integrations including bi-directional interactions and is able to interact with AJAX-based applications. Furthermore, the integration programs are easy to write since they deal with end-user, visual user-interface elements. The integration code is simple enough to be called a "mashup".
2013-12-02 14:04:50.000000000
An automated model-based test oracle for access control systems
In the context of XACML-based access control systems, an intensive testing activity is among the most adopted means to assure that sensible information or resources are correctly accessed. Unfortunately, it requires a huge effort for manual inspection of results: thus automated verdict derivation is a key aspect for improving the cost-effectiveness of testing. To this purpose, we introduce XACMET, a novel approach for automated model-based oracle definition. XACMET defines a typed graph, called the XAC-Graph, that models the XACML policy evaluation. The expected verdict of a specific request execution can thus be automatically derived by executing the corresponding path in such graph. Our validation of the XACMET prototype implementation confirms the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
2018-09-08 00:38:16.000000000
D-LITe: Building Internet of Things Choreographies
In this work, we present a complete architecture for designing Internet of Things applications. While a main issue in this domain is the heterogeneity of Objects hardware, networks and protocols, we propose D-LITe, a solution to hide this wide range of low layer technologies. By abstracting the hardware, we focus on object's features and not on its real characteristics. D-LITe aims to give a universal access to object's internal processing and computational power. A small virtual machine embedded in each object gives a universal view of its functionalities. Each object's features are discovered and programmed through the network, without any physical access. D-LITe comes with the SALT language that describes the logical behaviour needed to include user's Objects into an IoT application. This communication is based on REST architecture. Gathering all these logical units into a global composition is our way to build a services Choreography, in which each Object has its own task to achieve. This paper presents also an analysis of the gain obtained when a Choreography is used instead of the most common services.
2016-12-18 19:21:19.000000000
Avoiding Unnecessary Information Loss: Correct and Efficient Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars
Model synchronization, i.e., the task of restoring consistency between two interrelated models after a model change, is a challenging task. Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) specify model consistency by means of rules that describe how to create consistent pairs of models. These rules can be used to automatically derive further rules, which describe how to propagate changes from one model to the other or how to change one model in such a way that propagation is guaranteed to be possible. Restricting model synchronization to these derived rules, however, may lead to unnecessary deletion and recreation of model elements during change propagation. This is inefficient and may cause unnecessary information loss, i.e., when deleted elements contain information that is not represented in the second model, this information cannot be recovered easily. Short-cut rules have recently been developed to avoid unnecessary information loss by reusing existing model elements. In this paper, we show how to automatically derive (short-cut) repair rules from short-cut rules to propagate changes such that information loss is avoided and model synchronization is accelerated. The key ingredients of our rule-based model synchronization process are these repair rules and an incremental pattern matcher informing about suitable applications of them. We prove the termination and the correctness of this synchronization process and discuss its completeness. As a proof of concept, we have implemented this synchronization process in eMoflon, a state-of-the-art model transformation tool with inherent support of bidirectionality. Our evaluation shows that repair processes based on (short-cut) repair rules have considerably decreased information loss and improved performance compared to former model synchronization processes based on TGGs.
2020-05-29 11:48:16.000000000
On the validation of complex systems operating in open contexts
In the recent years, there has been a rush towards highly autonomous systems operating in public environments, such as automated driving of road vehicles, passenger shuttle systems and mobile robots. These systems, operating in unstructured, public real-world environments (the operational design domain can be characterized as open context) per se bear a serious safety risk. The serious safety risk, the complexity of the necessary technical systems, the openness of the operational design domain and the regulatory situation pose a fundamental challenge to the automotive industry. Many different approaches to the validation of autonomous driving functions have been proposed over the course of the last years. However, although partly announced as the solution to the validation challenge, many of the praised approaches leave open crucial parts. To illustrate the contributions as well as the limitations of the individual approaches and providing strategies for 'viable' validation and approval of such systems, the first part of the paper gives an analysis of the fundamental challenges related to the valid design and operation of complex autonomous systems operating in open contexts. In the second part, we formalize the problem statement and provide algorithms for an iterative development and validation. In the last part we give a high level overview of a practical, holistic development process which we refer to as systematic, system view based approach to validation (in short sys2val) and comment on the contributions from ISO26262 and current state of ISO/PAS 21448 (SOTIF).
2019-01-22 09:32:16.000000000
A Case Study on Quality Attribute Measurement using MARF and GIPSY
This literature focuses on doing a comparative analysis between Modular Audio Recognition Framework (MARF) and the General Intentional Programming System (GIPSY) with the help of different software metrics. At first, we understand the general principles, architecture and working of MARF and GIPSY by looking at their frameworks and running them in the Eclipse environment. Then, we study some of the important metrics including a few state of the art metrics and rank them in terms of their usefulness and their influence on the different quality attributes of a software. The quality attributes are viewed and computed with the help of the Logiscope and McCabe IQ tools. These tools perform a comprehensive analysis on the case studies and generate a quality report at the factor level, criteria level and metrics level. In next step, we identify the worst code at each of these levels, extract the worst code and provide recommendations to improve the quality. We implement and test some of the metrics which are ranked as the most useful metrics with a set of test cases in JDeodorant. Finally, we perform an analysis on both MARF and GIPSY by doing a fuzzy code scan using MARFCAT to find the list of weak and vulnerable classes.
2015-04-30 00:42:18.000000000
Demystifying Code Snippets in Code Reviews: A Study of the OpenStack and Qt Communities and A Practitioner Survey
Code review is widely known as one of the best practices for software quality assurance in software development. In a typical code review process, reviewers check the code committed by developers to ensure the quality of the code, during which reviewers and developers would communicate with each other in review comments to exchange necessary information. As a result, understanding the information in review comments is a prerequisite for reviewers and developers to conduct an effective code review. Code snippet, as a special form of code, can be used to convey necessary information in code reviews. For example, reviewers can use code snippets to make suggestions or elaborate their ideas to meet developers' information needs in code reviews. However, little research has focused on the practices of providing code snippets in code reviews. To bridge this gap, we conduct a mixed-methods study to mine information and knowledge related to code snippets in code reviews, which can help practitioners and researchers get a better understanding about using code snippets in code review. Specifically, our study includes two phases: mining code review data and conducting practitioners' survey. The study results highlight that reviewers can provide code snippets in appropriate scenarios to meet developers' specific information needs in code reviews, which will facilitate and accelerate the code review process.
2023-07-26 17:49:19.000000000
The State of Sustainable Research Software: Results from the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1)
This article summarizes motivations, organization, and activities of the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1) held in Manchester, UK in September 2017. The WSSSPE series promotes sustainable research software by positively impacting principles and best practices, careers, learning, and credit. This article discusses the Code of Conduct, idea papers, position papers, experience papers, demos, and lightning talks presented during the workshop. The main part of the article discusses the speed-blogging groups that formed during the meeting, along with the outputs of those sessions.
2018-07-19 13:20:11.000000000
Exploring Research Interest in Stack Overflow -- A Systematic Mapping Study and Quality Evaluation
Platforms such as Stack Overflow are available for software practitioners to solicit solutions to their challenges and knowledge needs. The practices therein have in recent times however triggered quality related concerns. This is a noteworthy issue when considering that the Stack Overflow platform is used by numerous software developers. Academic research tends to provide validation for the practices and processes employed by Stack Overflow and other such forums. However, previous work did not review the scale of scientific attention that is given to this cause. Continuing from our preliminary work, we conducted a Systematic Mapping study involving 265 papers from six relevant databases to address this gap. In this work, we explored the level of academic interest Stack Overflow has generated, the publication venues that are targeted, the topics that are studied, approaches used, types of contributions and the quality of the publications that are written about Stack Overflow. Outcomes show that Stack Overflow has attracted increasing research interest over the years, with topics relating to both community dynamics and human factors, and technical issues. In addition, research studies have been largely evaluative or proposed solutions; however, the latter approach tends to lack validation. The contributions of these studies are often techniques or answers to a specific problem. Evaluating the quality of all studies that were dedicated to software programming (58 papers), our outcomes show that on average only 58% of the developed quality criteria were met. Notwithstanding that research is continually aiming to understand Stack Overflow and other similar communities, further investigations are required to validate such studies and the solutions they propose.
2020-10-23 10:27:29.000000000
ENCOVIZ: An open-source, secure and multi-role energy consumption visualisation platform
The need for a more energy efficient future is now more evident than ever and has led to the continuous growth of sectors with greater potential for energy savings, such as smart buildings, energy consumption meters, etc. The large volume of energy related data produced is a huge advantage but, at the same time, it creates a new problem; The need to structure, organize and efficiently present this meaningful information. In this context, we present the ENCOVIZ platform, a multi-role, extensible, secure, energy consumption visualization platform with built-in analytics. ENCOVIZ has been built in accordance with the best visualisation practices, on top of open source technologies and includes (i) multi-role functionalities, (ii) the automated ingestion of energy consumption data and (iii) proper visualisations and information to support effective decision making both for energy providers and consumers.
2023-05-09 09:48:09.000000000
Large Process Models: Business Process Management in the Age of Generative AI
cs.SE cs.AI
The continued success of Large Language Models (LLMs) and other generative artificial intelligence approaches highlights the advantages that large information corpora can have over rigidly defined symbolic models, but also serves as a proof-point of the challenges that purely statistics-based approaches have in terms of safety and trustworthiness. As a framework for contextualizing the potential, as well as the limitations of LLMs and other foundation model-based technologies, we propose the concept of a Large Process Model (LPM) that combines the correlation power of LLMs with the analytical precision and reliability of knowledge-based systems and automated reasoning approaches. LPMs are envisioned to directly utilize the wealth of process management experience that experts have accumulated, as well as process performance data of organizations with diverse characteristics, e.g., regarding size, region, or industry. In this vision, the proposed LPM would allow organizations to receive context-specific (tailored) process and other business models, analytical deep-dives, and improvement recommendations. As such, they would allow to substantially decrease the time and effort required for business transformation, while also allowing for deeper, more impactful, and more actionable insights than previously possible. We argue that implementing an LPM is feasible, but also highlight limitations and research challenges that need to be solved to implement particular aspects of the LPM vision.
2023-09-02 10:32:53.000000000
Developers perception on the severity of test smells: an empirical study
Unit testing is an essential component of the software development life-cycle. A developer could easily and quickly catch and fix software faults introduced in the source code by creating and running unit tests. Despite their importance, unit tests are subject to bad design or implementation decisions, the so-called test smells. These might decrease software systems quality from various aspects, making it harder to understand, more complex to maintain, and more prone to errors and bugs. Many studies discuss the likely effects of test smells on test code. However, there is a lack of studies that capture developers perceptions of such issues. This study empirically analyzes how developers perceive the severity of test smells in the test code they develop. Severity refers to the degree to how a test smell may negatively impact the test code. We selected six open-source software projects from GitHub and interviewed their developers to understand whether and how the test smells affected the test code. Although most of the interviewed developers considered the test smells as having a low severity to their code, they indicated that test smells might negatively impact the project, particularly in test code maintainability and evolution. Also, detecting and removing test smells from the test code may be positive for the project.
2021-07-29 11:26:08.000000000
E&V: Prompting Large Language Models to Perform Static Analysis by Pseudo-code Execution and Verification
Static analysis, the process of examining code without executing it, is crucial for identifying software issues. Yet, static analysis is hampered by its complexity and the need for customization for different targets. Traditional static analysis tools require extensive human effort and are often limited to specific target programs and programming languages. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 and Llama, offer new capabilities for software engineering tasks. However, their application in static analysis, especially in understanding complex code structures, remains under-explored. This paper introduces a novel approach named E&V , which leverages LLMs to perform static analysis. Specifically, E&V employs LLMs to simulate the execution of pseudo-code, effectively conducting static analysis encoded in the pseudo-code with minimal human effort, thereby improving the accuracy of results. E&V includes a verification process for pseudo-code execution without needing an external oracle. This process allows E&V to mitigate hallucinations of LLMs and enhance the accuracy of static analysis results. We have implemented E&V in a prototype tool designed for triaging crashes through backward taint analysis. This prototype, paired with GPT-4-32k, has been applied to triage 170 recently fixed Linux kernel bugs across seven bug categories. Our experiments demonstrate that the prototype correctly identifies the blamed function in 81.2% of the cases. Additionally, we observe that our novel verification process significantly improves the accuracy, increasing it from 28.2% to 81.2%.
2023-12-13 19:31:00.000000000
AI Lifecycle Models Need To Be Revised. An Exploratory Study in Fintech
Tech-leading organizations are embracing the forthcoming artificial intelligence revolution. Intelligent systems are replacing and cooperating with traditional software components. Thus, the same development processes and standards in software engineering ought to be complied in artificial intelligence systems. This study aims to understand the processes by which artificial intelligence-based systems are developed and how state-of-the-art lifecycle models fit the current needs of the industry. We conducted an exploratory case study at ING, a global bank with a strong European base. We interviewed 17 people with different roles and from different departments within the organization. We have found that the following stages have been overlooked by previous lifecycle models: data collection, feasibility study, documentation, model monitoring, and model risk assessment. Our work shows that the real challenges of applying Machine Learning go much beyond sophisticated learning algorithms - more focus is needed on the entire lifecycle. In particular, regardless of the existing development tools for Machine Learning, we observe that they are still not meeting the particularities of this field.
2020-10-03 19:25:01.000000000
Sample-Free Learning of Input Grammars for Comprehensive Software Fuzzing
cs.SE cs.PL
Generating valid test inputs for a program is much easier if one knows the input language. We present first successes for a technique that, given a program P without any input samples or models, learns an input grammar that represents the syntactically valid inputs for P -- a grammar which can then be used for highly effective test generation for P . To this end, we introduce a test generator targeted at input parsers that systematically explores parsing alternatives based on dynamic tracking of constraints; the resulting inputs go into a grammar learner producing a grammar that can then be used for fuzzing. In our evaluation on subjects such as JSON, URL, or Mathexpr, our PYGMALION prototype took only a few minutes to infer grammars and generate thousands of valid high-quality inputs.
2018-10-18 22:12:26.000000000
Reducing Large Adaptation Spaces in Self-Adaptive Systems Using Machine Learning
Modern software systems often have to cope with uncertain operation conditions, such as changing workloads or fluctuating interference in a wireless network. To ensure that these systems meet their goals these uncertainties have to be mitigated. One approach to realize this is self-adaptation that equips a system with a feedback loop. The feedback loop implements four core functions -- monitor, analyze, plan, and execute -- that share knowledge in the form of runtime models. For systems with a large number of adaptation options, i.e., large adaptation spaces, deciding which option to select for adaptation may be time consuming or even infeasible within the available time window to make an adaptation decision. This is particularly the case when rigorous analysis techniques are used to select adaptation options, such as formal verification at runtime, which is widely adopted. One technique to deal with the analysis of a large number of adaptation options is reducing the adaptation space using machine learning. State of the art has showed the effectiveness of this technique, yet, a systematic solution that is able to handle different types of goals is lacking. In this paper, we present ML2ASR+, short for Machine Learning to Adaptation Space Reduction Plus. Central to ML2ASR+ is a configurable machine learning pipeline that supports effective analysis of large adaptation spaces for threshold, optimization, and setpoint goals. We evaluate ML2ASR+ for two applications with different sizes of adaptation spaces: an Internet-of-Things application and a service-based system. The results demonstrate that ML2ASR+ can be applied to deal with different types of goals and is able to reduce the adaptation space and hence the time to make adaptation decisions with over 90%, with negligible effect on the realization of the adaptation goals.
2023-06-02 09:49:33.000000000
MLOS: An Infrastructure for Automated Software Performance Engineering
cs.DC cs.DB cs.LG cs.PF cs.SE
Developing modern systems software is a complex task that combines business logic programming and Software Performance Engineering (SPE). The later is an experimental and labor-intensive activity focused on optimizing the system for a given hardware, software, and workload (hw/sw/wl) context. Today's SPE is performed during build/release phases by specialized teams, and cursed by: 1) lack of standardized and automated tools, 2) significant repeated work as hw/sw/wl context changes, 3) fragility induced by a "one-size-fit-all" tuning (where improvements on one workload or component may impact others). The net result: despite costly investments, system software is often outside its optimal operating point - anecdotally leaving 30% to 40% of performance on the table. The recent developments in Data Science (DS) hints at an opportunity: combining DS tooling and methodologies with a new developer experience to transform the practice of SPE. In this paper we present: MLOS, an ML-powered infrastructure and methodology to democratize and automate Software Performance Engineering. MLOS enables continuous, instance-level, robust, and trackable systems optimization. MLOS is being developed and employed within Microsoft to optimize SQL Server performance. Early results indicated that component-level optimizations can lead to 20%-90% improvements when custom-tuning for a specific hw/sw/wl, hinting at a significant opportunity. However, several research challenges remain that will require community involvement. To this end, we are in the process of open-sourcing the MLOS core infrastructure, and we are engaging with academic institutions to create an educational program around Software 2.0 and MLOS ideas.
2020-06-01 22:38:30.000000000
A Deployment Process for Strategic Measurement Systems
Explicitly linking software-related activities to an organisation's higher-level goals has been shown to be critical for organizational success. GQM+Strategies provides mechanisms for explicitly linking goals and strategies, based on goal-oriented strategic measurement systems. Deploying such strategic measurement systems in an organization is highly challenging. Experience has shown that a clear deployment strategy is needed for achieving sustainable success. In particular, an adequate deployment process as well as corresponding tool support can facilitate the deployment. This paper introduces the systematical GQM+Strategies deployment process and gives an overview of GQM+Strategies modelling and associated tool support. Additionally, it provides an overview of industrial applications and describes success factors and benefits for the usage of GQM+Strategies.
2013-12-04 06:42:04.000000000
Test Prioritization in Continuous Integration Environments
Two heuristics namely diversity-based (DBTP) and history-based test prioritization (HBTP) have been separately proposed in the literature. Yet, their combination has not been widely studied in continuous integration (CI) environments. The objective of this study is to catch regression faults earlier, allowing developers to integrate and verify their changes more frequently and continuously. To achieve this, we investigated six open-source projects, each of which included several builds over a large time period. Findings indicate that previous failure knowledge seems to have strong predictive power in CI environments and can be used to effectively prioritize tests. HBTP does not necessarily need to have large data, and its effectiveness improves to a certain degree with larger history interval. DBTP can be used effectively during the early stages, when no historical data is available, and also combined with HBTP to improve its effectiveness. Among the investigated techniques, we found that history-based diversity using NCD Multiset is superior in terms of effectiveness but comes with relatively higher overhead in terms of method execution time. Test prioritization in CI environments can be effectively performed with negligible investment using previous failure knowledge, and its effectiveness can be further improved by considering dissimilarities among the tests.
2018-09-01 09:38:57.000000000
Are Happy Developers more Productive? The Correlation of Affective States of Software Developers and their self-assessed Productivity
cs.SE cs.HC
For decades now, it has been claimed that a way to improve software developers' productivity is to focus on people. Indeed, while human factors have been recognized in Software Engineering research, few empirical investigations have attempted to verify the claim. Development tasks are undertaken through cognitive processing abilities. Affective states - emotions, moods, and feelings - have an impact on work-related behaviors, cognitive processing activities, and the productivity of individuals. In this paper, we report an empirical study on the impact of affective states on software developers' performance while programming. Two affective states dimensions are positively correlated with self-assessed productivity. We demonstrate the value of applying psychometrics in Software Engineering studies and echo a call to valorize the human, individualized aspects of software developers. We introduce and validate a measurement instrument and a linear mixed-effects model to study the correlation of affective states and the productivity of software developers.
2013-06-07 16:51:39.000000000
Lessons learned from hyper-parameter tuning for microservice candidate identification
When optimizing software for the cloud, monolithic applications need to be partitioned into many smaller *microservices*. While many tools have been proposed for this task, we warn that the evaluation of those approaches has been incomplete; e.g. minimal prior exploration of hyperparameter optimization. Using a set of open source Java EE applications, we show here that (a) such optimization can significantly improve microservice partitioning; and that (b) an open issue for future work is how to find which optimizer works best for different problems. To facilitate that future work, see []( for a reproduction package for this research.
2021-06-12 00:51:25.000000000
An LLVM Instrumentation Plug-in for Score-P
cs.SE cs.PF cs.PL
Reducing application runtime, scaling parallel applications to higher numbers of processes/threads, and porting applications to new hardware architectures are tasks necessary in the software development process. Therefore, developers have to investigate and understand application runtime behavior. Tools such as monitoring infrastructures that capture performance relevant data during application execution assist in this task. The measured data forms the basis for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the code. Monitoring infrastructures need mechanisms to record application activities in order to conduct measurements. Automatic instrumentation of the source code is the preferred method in most application scenarios. We introduce a plug-in for the LLVM infrastructure that enables automatic source code instrumentation at compile-time. In contrast to available instrumentation mechanisms in LLVM/Clang, our plug-in can selectively include/exclude individual application functions. This enables developers to fine-tune the measurement to the required level of detail while avoiding large runtime overheads due to excessive instrumentation.
2017-12-01 13:15:49.000000000
Adversarial Symbolic Execution for Detecting Concurrency-Related Cache Timing Leaks
cs.CR cs.DC cs.PL cs.SE
The timing characteristics of cache, a high-speed storage between the fast CPU and the slowmemory, may reveal sensitive information of a program, thus allowing an adversary to conduct side-channel attacks. Existing methods for detecting timing leaks either ignore cache all together or focus only on passive leaks generated by the program itself, without considering leaks that are made possible by concurrently running some other threads. In this work, we show that timing-leak-freedom is not a compositional property: a program that is not leaky when running alone may become leaky when interleaved with other threads. Thus, we develop a new method, named adversarial symbolic execution, to detect such leaks. It systematically explores both the feasible program paths and their interleavings while modeling the cache, and leverages an SMT solver to decide if there are timing leaks. We have implemented our method in LLVM and evaluated it on a set of real-world ciphers with 14,455 lines of C code in total. Our experiments demonstrate both the efficiency of our method and its effectiveness in detecting side-channel leaks.
2018-07-09 17:32:09.000000000
An Automatically Verified Prototype of the Tokeneer ID Station Specification
The Tokeneer project was an initiative set forth by the National Security Agency (NSA, USA) to be used as a demonstration that developing highly secure systems can be made by applying rigorous methods in a cost effective manner. Altran Praxis (UK) was selected by NSA to carry out the development of the Tokeneer ID Station. The company wrote a Z specification later implemented in the SPARK Ada programming language, which was verified using the SPARK Examiner toolset. In this paper, we show that the Z specification can be easily and naturally encoded in the {log} set constraint language, thus generating a functional prototype. Furthermore, we show that {log}'s automated proving capabilities can discharge all the proof obligations concerning state invariants as well as important security properties. As a consequence, the prototype can be regarded as correct with respect to the verified properties. This provides empirical evidence that Z users can use {log} to generate correct prototypes from their Z specifications. In turn, these prototypes enable or simplify some verificatio activities discussed in the paper.
2020-09-02 12:26:56.000000000
Consent verification monitoring
Advances in service personalization are driven by low-cost data collection and processing, in addition to the wide variety of third-party frameworks for authentication, storage, and marketing. New privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), increasingly require organizations to explicitly state their data practices in privacy policies. When data practices change, a new version of the policy is released. This can occur a few times a year, when data collection or processing requirements are rapidly changing. Consent evolution raises specific challenges to ensuring GDPR compliance. We propose a formal consent framework to support organizations, data users and data subjects in their understanding of policy evolution under a consent regime that supports both the retroactive and non-retroactive granting and withdrawal of consent. The contributions include: (i) a formal framework to reason about data collection and access under multiple consent granting and revocation scenarios; (ii) a scripting language that implements the consent framework for encoding and executing different scenarios; (iii) five consent evolution use cases that illustrate how organizations would evolve their policies using this framework; and (iv) a scalability evaluation of the reasoning framework. The framework models are used to verify when user consent prevents or detects unauthorized data collection and access. The framework can be integrated into a runtime architecture to monitor policy violations as data practices evolve in real-time. The framework was evaluated using the five use cases and a simulation to measure the framework scalability. The simulation results show that the approach is computationally scalable for use in runtime consent monitoring under a standard model of data collection and access, and practice and policy evolution.
2022-06-13 18:23:36.000000000
Analysis of Library Dependency Networks of Package Managers Used in iOS Development
Reusing existing solutions in the form of third-party libraries is common practice when writing software. Package managers are used to manage dependencies to third-party libraries by automating the process of installing and updating the libraries. Library dependencies themselves can have dependencies to other libraries creating a dependency network with several levels of indirections. The library dependency network in the Swift ecosystem encompasses libraries from CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager (PM). These package managers are used when developing, for example, iOS or Mac OS applications in Swift and Objective-C. We provide the first analysis of the library dependency network evolution in the Swift ecosystem. Although CocoaPods is the package manager with the biggest set of libraries, the difference to other package managers is not as big as expected. The youngest package manager and official package manager for Swift, Swift PM, is becoming more and more popular, resulting in a gradual slow-down of the growth of the other two package managers. When analyzing direct and transitive dependencies, we found that the mean total number of dependencies is lower in the Swift ecosystem compared to many other ecosystems. Still, the total number of dependencies shows a clear growing trend over the last five years.
2023-05-18 12:14:19.000000000
Nothing is Certain but Doubt and Tests
Effective software safety standards will contribute to confidence, or assurance, in the safety of the systems in which the software is used. It is infeasible to demonstrate a correlation between standards and accidents, but there is an alternative view that makes standards "testable". Software projects are subject to uncertainty; good standards reduce uncertainty more than poor ones. Similarly assurance or integrity levels in standards should define an uncertainty gradient. The paper proposes an argument -based method of reasoning about uncertainty that can be used as a basis for conducting experiments (tests) to evaluate standards.
2014-04-27 18:10:44.000000000
Mi-Go: Test Framework which uses YouTube as Data Source for Evaluating Speech Recognition Models like OpenAI's Whisper
cs.SD cs.LG cs.SE eess.AS
This article introduces Mi-Go, a novel testing framework aimed at evaluating the performance and adaptability of general-purpose speech recognition machine learning models across diverse real-world scenarios. The framework leverages YouTube as a rich and continuously updated data source, accounting for multiple languages, accents, dialects, speaking styles, and audio quality levels. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework, the Whisper model, developed by OpenAI, was employed as a test object. The tests involve using a total of 124 YouTube videos to test all Whisper model versions. The results underscore the utility of YouTube as a valuable testing platform for speech recognition models, ensuring their robustness, accuracy, and adaptability to diverse languages and acoustic conditions. Additionally, by contrasting the machine-generated transcriptions against human-made subtitles, the Mi-Go framework can help pinpoint potential misuse of YouTube subtitles, like Search Engine Optimization.
2023-09-01 08:31:35.000000000
EtherSolve: Computing an Accurate Control-Flow Graph from Ethereum Bytecode
cs.SE cs.CR
Motivated by the immutable nature of Ethereum smart contracts and of their transactions, quite many approaches have been proposed to detect defects and security problems before smart contracts become persistent in the blockchain and they are granted control on substantial financial value. Because smart contracts source code might not be available, static analysis approaches mostly face the challenge of analysing compiled Ethereum bytecode, that is available directly from the official blockchain. However, due to the intrinsic complexity of Ethereum bytecode (especially in jump resolution), static analysis encounters significant obstacles that reduce the accuracy of exiting automated tools. This paper presents a novel static analysis algorithm based on the symbolic execution of the Ethereum operand stack that allows us to resolve jumps in Ethereum bytecode and to construct an accurate control-flow graph (CFG) of the compiled smart contracts. EtherSolve is a prototype implementation of our approach. Experimental results on a significant set of real world Ethereum smart contracts show that EtherSolve improves the accuracy of the execrated CFGs with respect to the state of the art available approaches. Many static analysis techniques are based on the CFG representation of the code and would therefore benefit from the accurate extraction of the CFG. For example, we implemented a simple extension of EtherSolve that allows to detect instances of the re-entrancy vulnerability.
2021-03-16 14:51:53.000000000
The Machine that Builds Itself: How the Strengths of Lisp Family Languages Facilitate Building Complex and Flexible Bioinformatic Models
q-bio.OT cs.SE
We address the need for expanding the presence of the Lisp family of programming languages in bioinformatics and computational biology research. Languages of this family, like Common Lisp, Scheme, or Clojure, facilitate the creation of powerful and flexible software models that are required for complex and rapidly evolving domains like biology. We will point out several important key features that distinguish languages of the Lisp family from other programming languages and we will explain how these features can aid researchers in becoming more productive and creating better code. We will also show how these features make these languages ideal tools for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. We will specifically stress the advantages of domain-specific languages (DSL): languages which are specialized to a particular area and thus not only facilitate easier research problem formulation, but also aid in the establishment of standards and best programming practices as applied to the specific research field at hand. DSLs are particularly easy to build in Common Lisp, the most comprehensive Lisp dialect, which is commonly referred to as the "programmable programming language." We are convinced that Lisp grants programmers unprecedented power to build increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence systems that may ultimately transform machine learning and AI research in bioinformatics and computational biology.
2016-08-08 20:58:32.000000000
Efficient Search of Live-Coding Screencasts from Online Videos
cs.SE cs.MM
Programming videos on the Internet are valuable resources for learning programming skills. To find relevant videos, developers typically search online video platforms (e.g., YouTube) with keywords on topics they wish to learn. Developers often look for live-coding screencasts, in which the videos' authors perform live coding. Yet, not all programming videos are live-coding screencasts. In this work, we develop a tool named PSFinder to identify live-coding screencasts. PSFinder leverages a classifier to identify whether a video frame contains an IDE window. It uses a sampling strategy to pick a number of frames from an input video, runs the classifer on these frames, and then determines whether the video is a live-coding screencast based on frames classified as containing IDE window. In our preliminary experiment, PSFinder can effectively identify live-coding screencasts as it achieves an F1-score of 0.97.
2022-03-09 04:32:37.000000000
An Industrial Experience Report about Challenges from Continuous Monitoring, Improvement, and Deployment for Autonomous Driving Features
cs.SE cs.SY eess.SY
Using continuous development, deployment, and monitoring (CDDM) to understand and improve applications in a customer's context is widely used for non-safety applications such as smartphone apps or web applications to enable rapid and innovative feature improvements. Having demonstrated its potential in such domains, it may have the potential to also improve the software development for automotive functions as some OEMs described on a high level in their financial company communiqus. However, the application of a CDDM strategy also faces challenges from a process adherence and documentation perspective as required by safety-related products such as autonomous driving systems (ADS) and guided by industry standards such as ISO-26262 and ISO21448. There are publications on CDDM in safety-relevant contexts that focus on safety-critical functions on a rather generic level and thus, not specifically ADS or automotive, or that are concentrating only on software and hence, missing out the particular context of an automotive OEM: Well-established legacy processes and the need of their adaptations, and aspects originating from the role of being a system integrator for software/software, hardware/hardware, and hardware/software. In this paper, particular challenges from the automotive domain to better adopt CDDM are identified and discussed to shed light on research gaps to enhance CDDM, especially for the software development of safe ADS. The challenges are identified from today's industrial well-established ways of working by conducting interviews with domain experts and complemented by a literature study.
2024-03-14 15:14:24.000000000
Verification of Programs via Intermediate Interpretation
cs.PL cs.SE
We explore an approach to verification of programs via program transformation applied to an interpreter of a programming language. A specialization technique known as Turchin's supercompilation is used to specialize some interpreters with respect to the program models. We show that several safety properties of functional programs modeling a class of cache coherence protocols can be proved by a supercompiler and compare the results with our earlier work on direct verification via supercompilation not using intermediate interpretation. Our approach was in part inspired by an earlier work by E. De Angelis et al. (2014-2015) where verification via program transformation and intermediate interpretation was studied in the context of specialization of constraint logic programs.
2017-08-24 00:19:15.000000000
Descartes: A PITest Engine to Detect Pseudo-Tested Methods - Tool Demonstration
Descartes is a tool that implements extreme mutation operators and aims at finding pseudo-tested methods in Java projects. It leverages the efficient transformation and runtime features of PIT. The demonstration compares Descartes with Gregor, the default mutation engine provided by PIT, in a set of real open source projects. It considers the execution time, number of mutants created and the relationship between the mutation scores produced by both engines. It provides some insights on the main features exposed by Descartes.
2018-11-07 18:00:58.000000000
Robust web element identification for evolving applications by considering visual overlaps
Fragile (i.e., non-robust) test execution is a common challenge for automated GUI-based testing of web applications as they evolve. Despite recent progress, there is still room for improvement since test execution failures caused by technical limitations result in unnecessary maintenance costs that limit its effectiveness and efficiency. One of the most reported technical challenges for web-based tests concerns how to reliably locate a web element used by a test script. This paper proposes the novel concept of Visually Overlapping Nodes (VON) that reduces fragility by utilizing the phenomenon that visual web elements (observed by the user) are constructed from multiple web-elements in the Document Object Model (DOM) that overlaps visually. We demonstrate the approach in a tool, VON Similo, which extends the state-of-the-art multi-locator approach (Similo) that is also used as the baseline for an experiment. In the experiment, a ground truth set of 1163 manually collected web element pairs, from different releases of the 40 most popular websites on the internet, are used to compare the approaches' precision, recall, and accuracy. Our results show that VON Similo provides 94.7% accuracy in identifying a web element in a new release of the same SUT. In comparison, Similo provides 83.8% accuracy. These results demonstrate the applicability of the visually overlapping nodes concept/tool for web element localization in evolving web applications and contribute a novel way of thinking about web element localization in future research on GUI-based testing.
2023-01-10 09:22:13.000000000
The History of Software Architecture - In the Eye of the Practitioner
Software architecture (SA) is celebrating 25 years. This is so if we consider the seminal papers establishing SA as a distinct discipline and scientific publications that have identified cornerstones of both research and practice, like architecture views, architecture description languages, and architecture evaluation. With the pervasive use of cloud provisioning, the dynamic integration of multi-party distributed services, and the steep increase in the digitalization of business and society, making sound design decisions encompasses an increasingly-large and complex problem space. The role of SA is essential as never before, so much so that no organization undertakes `serious' projects without the support of suitable architecture practices. But, how did SA practice evolve in the past 25 years? and What are the challenges ahead? There have been various attempts to summarize the state of research and practice of SA. Still, we miss the practitioners' view on the questions above. To fill this gap, we have first extracted the top-10 topics resulting from the analysis of 5,622 scientific papers. Then, we have used such topics to design an online survey filled out by 57 SA practitioners with 5 to 20+ years of experience. We present the results of the survey with a special focus on the SA topics that SA practitioners perceive, in the past, present and future, as the most impactful. We finally use the results to draw preliminary takeaways.
2018-06-11 15:25:14.000000000
Characterizing Sensor Leaks in Android Apps
cs.CR cs.SE
While extremely valuable to achieve advanced functions, mobile phone sensors can be abused by attackers to implement malicious activities in Android apps, as experimentally demonstrated by many state-of-the-art studies. There is hence a strong need to regulate the usage of mobile sensors so as to keep them from being exploited by malicious attackers. However, despite the fact that various efforts have been put in achieving this, i.e., detecting privacy leaks in Android apps, we have not yet found approaches to automatically detect sensor leaks in Android apps. To fill the gap, we designed and implemented a novel prototype tool, SEEKER, that extends the famous FlowDroid tool to detect sensor-based data leaks in Android apps. SEEKER conducts sensor-focused static taint analyses directly on the Android apps' bytecode and reports not only sensor-triggered privacy leaks but also the sensor types involved in the leaks. Experimental results using over 40,000 real-world Android apps show that SEEKER is effective in detecting sensor leaks in Android apps, and malicious apps are more interested in leaking sensor data than benign apps.
2022-01-17 06:40:21.000000000
V2: Fast Detection of Configuration Drift in Python
Code snippets are prevalent, but are hard to reuse because they often lack an accompanying environment configuration. Most are not actively maintained, allowing for drift between the most recent possible configuration and the code snippet as the snippet becomes out-of-date over time. Recent work has identified the problem of validating and detecting out-of-date code snippets as the most important consideration for code reuse. However, determining if a snippet is correct, but simply out-of-date, is a non-trivial task. In the best case, breaking changes are well documented, allowing developers to manually determine when a code snippet contains an out-of-date API usage. In the worst case, determining if and when a breaking change was made requires an exhaustive search through previous dependency versions. We present V2, a strategy for determining if a code snippet is out-of-date by detecting discrete instances of configuration drift, where the snippet uses an API which has since undergone a breaking change. Each instance of configuration drift is classified by a failure encountered during validation and a configuration patch, consisting of dependency version changes, which fixes the underlying fault. V2 uses feedback-directed search to explore the possible configuration space for a code snippet, reducing the number of potential environment configurations that need to be validated. When run on a corpus of public Python snippets from prior research, V2 identifies 248 instances of configuration drift.
2019-09-13 14:25:06.000000000
Exploring Multi-Programming-Language Commits and Their Impacts on Software Quality: An Empirical Study on Apache Projects
Context: Modern software systems (e.g., Apache Spark) are usually written in multiple programming languages (PLs). There is little understanding on the phenomenon of multi-programming-language commits (MPLCs), which involve modified source files written in multiple PLs. Objective: This work aims to explore MPLCs and their impacts on development difficulty and software quality. Methods: We performed an empirical study on eighteen non-trivial Apache projects with 197,566 commits. Results: (1) the most commonly used PL combination consists of all the four PLs, i.e., C/C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python; (2) 9% of the commits from all the projects are MPLCs, and the proportion of MPLCs in 83% of the projects goes to a relatively stable level; (3) more than 90% of the MPLCs from all the projects involve source files in two PLs; (4) the change complexity of MPLCs is significantly higher than that of non-MPLCs; (5) issues fixed in MPLCs take significantly longer to be resolved than issues fixed in non-MPLCs in 89% of the projects; (6) MPLCs do not show significant effects on issue reopen; (7) source files undergoing MPLCs tend to be more bug-prone; and (8) MPLCs introduce more bugs than non-MPLCs. Conclusions: MPLCs are related to increased development difficulty and decreased software quality.
2023-11-12 09:55:10.000000000
Bug Prediction Using Source Code Embedding Based on Doc2Vec
Bug prediction is a resource demanding task that is hard to automate using static source code analysis. In many fields of computer science, machine learning has proven to be extremely useful in tasks like this, however, for it to work we need a way to use source code as input. We propose a simple, but meaningful representation for source code based on its abstract syntax tree and the Doc2Vec embedding algorithm. This representation maps the source code to a fixed length vector which can be used for various upstream tasks -- one of which is bug prediction. We measured this approach's validity by itself and its effectiveness compared to bug prediction based solely on code metrics. We also experimented on numerous machine learning approaches to check the connection between different embedding parameters with different machine learning models. Our results show that this representation provides meaningful information as it improves the bug prediction accuracy in most cases, and is always at least as good as only using code metrics as features.
2021-10-11 01:07:42.000000000
EALink: An Efficient and Accurate Pre-trained Framework for Issue-Commit Link Recovery
Issue-commit links, as a type of software traceability links, play a vital role in various software development and maintenance tasks. However, they are typically deficient, as developers often forget or fail to create tags when making commits. Existing studies have deployed deep learning techniques, including pretrained models, to improve automatic issue-commit link recovery.Despite their promising performance, we argue that previous approaches have four main problems, hindering them from recovering links in large software projects. To overcome these problems, we propose an efficient and accurate pre-trained framework called EALink for issue-commit link recovery. EALink requires much fewer model parameters than existing pre-trained methods, bringing efficient training and recovery. Moreover, we design various techniques to improve the recovery accuracy of EALink. We construct a large-scale dataset and conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the power of EALink. Results show that EALink outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin (15.23%-408.65%) on various evaluation metrics. Meanwhile, its training and inference overhead is orders of magnitude lower than existing methods.
2023-08-21 14:46:43.000000000
Logging Practices with Mobile Analytics: An Empirical Study on Firebase
Software logs are of great value in both industrial and open-source projects. Mobile analytics logging enables developers to collect logs remotely from their apps running on end user devices at the cost of recording and transmitting logs across the Internet to a centralised infrastructure. This paper makes a first step in characterising logging practices with a widely adopted mobile analytics logging library, namely Firebase Analytics. We provide an empirical evaluation of the use of Firebase Analytics in 57 open-source Android applications by studying the evolution of code-bases to understand: a) the needs-in-common that push practitioners to adopt logging practices on mobile devices, and b) the differences in the ways developers use local and remote logging. Our results indicate mobile analytics logs are less pervasive and less maintained than traditional logging code. Based on our analysis, we believe logging using mobile analytics is more user centered compared to traditional logging, where the latter is mainly used to record information for debugging purposes.
2021-04-06 13:47:58.000000000
AndroVault: Constructing Knowledge Graph from Millions of Android Apps for Automated Analysis
cs.SE cs.CR
Data driven research on Android has gained a great momentum these years. The abundance of data facilitates knowledge learning, however, also increases the difficulty of data preprocessing. Therefore, it is non-trivial to prepare a demanding and accurate set of data for research. In this work, we put forward AndroVault, a framework for the Android research composing of data collection, knowledge representation and knowledge extraction. It has started with a long-running web crawler for data collection (both apps and description) since 2013, which guarantees the timeliness of data; With static analysis and dynamic analysis of the collected data, we compute a variety of attributes to characterize Android apps. After that, we employ a knowledge graph to connect all these apps by computing their correlation in terms of attributes; Last, we leverage multiple technologies such as logical inference, machine learning, and correlation analysis to extract facts (more accurate and demanding, either high level or not, data) that are beneficial for a specific research problem. With the produced data of high quality, we have successfully conducted many research works including malware detection, code generation, and Android testing. We would like to release our data to the research community in an authenticated manner, and encourage them to conduct productive research.
2017-11-20 18:26:36.000000000
Formal Modelling of Ontologies : An Event-B based Approach Using the Rodin Platform
cs.SE cs.AI cs.LO
This paper reports on the results of the French ANR IMPEX research project dealing with making explicit domain knowledge in design models. Ontologies are formalised as theories with sets, axioms, theorems and reasoning rules. They are integrated to design models through an annotation mechanism. Event-B has been chosen as the ground formal modelling technique for all our developments. In this paper, we particularly describe how ontologies are formalised as Event-B theories.
2018-05-15 01:20:18.000000000
Multiple Query Satisfiability of Constrained Horn Clauses
cs.LO cs.PL cs.SE
We address the problem of checking the satisfiability of a set of constrained Horn clauses (CHCs) possibly including more than one query. We propose a transformation technique that takes as input a set of CHCs, including a set of queries, and returns as output a new set of CHCs, such that the transformed CHCs are satisfiable if and only if so are the original ones, and the transformed CHCs incorporate in each new query suitable information coming from the other ones so that the CHC satisfiability algorithm is able to exploit the relationships among all queries. We show that our proposed technique is effective on a non trivial benchmark of sets of CHCs that encode many verification problems for programs manipulating algebraic data types such as lists and trees.
2022-11-28 10:30:04.000000000
Analyzing and Debugging Normative Requirements via Satisfiability Checking
As software systems increasingly interact with humans in application domains such as transportation and healthcare, they raise concerns related to the social, legal, ethical, empathetic, and cultural (SLEEC) norms and values of their stakeholders. Normative non-functional requirements (N-NFRs) are used to capture these concerns by setting SLEEC-relevant boundaries for system behavior. Since N-NFRs need to be specified by multiple stakeholders with widely different, non-technical expertise (ethicists, lawyers, regulators, end users, etc.), N-NFR elicitation is very challenging. To address this challenge, we introduce N-Check, a novel tool-supported formal approach to N-NFR analysis and debugging. N-Check employs satisfiability checking to identify a broad spectrum of N-NFR well-formedness issues (WFI), such as conflicts, redundancy, restrictiveness, insufficiency, yielding diagnostics which pinpoint their causes in a user-friendly way that enables non-technical stakeholders to understand and fix them. We show the effectiveness and usability of our approach through nine case studies in which teams of ethicists, lawyers, philosophers, psychologists, safety analysts, and engineers used N-Check to analyse and debug 233 N-NFRs comprising 62 issues for the software underpinning the operation of systems ranging from assistive-care robots and tree-disease detection drones to manufacturing collaborative robots.
2024-01-11 05:32:31.000000000
Digital Twins Are Not Monozygotic -- Cross-Replicating ADAS Testing in Two Industry-Grade Automotive Simulators
cs.SE cs.AI
The increasing levels of software- and data-intensive driving automation call for an evolution of automotive software testing. As a recommended practice of the Verification and Validation (V&V) process of ISO/PAS 21448, a candidate standard for safety of the intended functionality for road vehicles, simulation-based testing has the potential to reduce both risks and costs. There is a growing body of research on devising test automation techniques using simulators for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS). However, how similar are the results if the same test scenarios are executed in different simulators? We conduct a replication study of applying a Search-Based Software Testing (SBST) solution to a real-world ADAS (PeVi, a pedestrian vision detection system) using two different commercial simulators, namely, TASS/Siemens PreScan and ESI Pro-SiVIC. Based on a minimalistic scene, we compare critical test scenarios generated using our SBST solution in these two simulators. We show that SBST can be used to effectively and efficiently generate critical test scenarios in both simulators, and the test results obtained from the two simulators can reveal several weaknesses of the ADAS under test. However, executing the same test scenarios in the two simulators leads to notable differences in the details of the test outputs, in particular, related to (1) safety violations revealed by tests, and (2) dynamics of cars and pedestrians. Based on our findings, we recommend future V&V plans to include multiple simulators to support robust simulation-based testing and to base test objectives on measures that are less dependant on the internals of the simulators.
2020-12-12 14:00:33.000000000
ViSpec: A graphical tool for elicitation of MTL requirements
One of the main barriers preventing widespread use of formal methods is the elicitation of formal specifications. Formal specifications facilitate the testing and verification process for safety critical robotic systems. However, handling the intricacies of formal languages is difficult and requires a high level of expertise in formal logics that many system developers do not have. In this work, we present a graphical tool designed for the development and visualization of formal specifications by people that do not have training in formal logic. The tool enables users to develop specifications using a graphical formalism which is then automatically translated to Metric Temporal Logic (MTL). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our tool, we have also designed and conducted a usability study with cohorts from the academic student community and industry. Our results indicate that both groups were able to define formal requirements with high levels of accuracy. Finally, we present applications of our tool for defining specifications for operation of robotic surgery and autonomous quadcopter safe operation.
2015-08-03 23:25:34.000000000
Software Model Checking via Large-Block Encoding
cs.SE cs.PL
The construction and analysis of an abstract reachability tree (ART) are the basis for a successful method for software verification. The ART represents unwindings of the control-flow graph of the program. Traditionally, a transition of the ART represents a single block of the program, and therefore, we call this approach single-block encoding (SBE). SBE may result in a huge number of program paths to be explored, which constitutes a fundamental source of inefficiency. We propose a generalization of the approach, in which transitions of the ART represent larger portions of the program; we call this approach large-block encoding (LBE). LBE may reduce the number of paths to be explored up to exponentially. Within this framework, we also investigate symbolic representations: for representing abstract states, in addition to conjunctions as used in SBE, we investigate the use of arbitrary Boolean formulas; for computing abstract-successor states, in addition to Cartesian predicate abstraction as used in SBE, we investigate the use of Boolean predicate abstraction. The new encoding leverages the efficiency of state-of-the-art SMT solvers, which can symbolically compute abstract large-block successors. Our experiments on benchmark C programs show that the large-block encoding outperforms the single-block encoding.
2009-04-29 21:53:56.000000000
Code Shrew: Software platform for teaching programming through drawings and animations
cs.CY cs.SE
In this paper, we present Code Shrew, a new software platform accompanied by an interactive programming course. Its aim is to teach the fundamentals of computer programming by enabling users to create their own drawings and animations. The programming language has a straightforward syntax based on Python, with additions that enable easy drawing and animating using object-oriented code. The editor reacts seamlessly and instantly, providing an engaging and interactive environment for experimenting and testing ideas. The programming course consists of lessons that cover essential programming principles, as well as challenges to test users' skills as they progress through the course. Both the lessons and challenges take advantage of the editor's instant feedback, allowing for a focus on learning-by-doing. We describe the software and the content, the motivation behind them, and their connection to constructionism.
2018-08-03 07:27:26.000000000
Challenges of Adopting SAFe in the Banking Industry -- A Study Two Years after its Introduction
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a framework for scaling agile methods in large organizations. We have found several experience reports and white papers describing SAFe adoptions in different banks, which indicates that SAFe is being used in the banking industry. However, there is a lack of academic publications on the topic, the banking industry is missing in the scientific reports analyzing SAFe transformations. To fill this gap, we present a study on the main challenges with a SAFe transformation at a large full-service bank. We identify the challenges in the bank under study and compare the findings with experience reports from other banks, as well as with research on SAFe transformations in other domains. Many of the challenges reported in this paper overlap with the generic SAFe challenges, including management and organization, education and training, culture and mindset, requirements engineering, quality assurance, and systems architecture. However, we also report some novel challenges specific to the banking domain, e.g., the risk of jeopardizing customer relations, stability, and trust of external stakeholders. This study validates several SAFe-related challenges reported in previous work in the banking context. It also brings up some novel challenges specific to the banking industry. Therefore, we believe our results are particularly useful to practitioners responsible for SAFe transformations at other banks.
2021-04-28 19:44:53.000000000
Elevating Software Quality in Agile Environments: The Role of Testing Professionals in Unit Testing
Testing is an essential quality activity in the software development process. Usually, a software system is tested on several levels, starting with unit testing that checks the smallest parts of the code until acceptance testing, which is focused on the validations with the end-user. Historically, unit testing has been the domain of developers, who are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their code. However, in agile environments, testing professionals play an integral role in various quality improvement initiatives throughout each development cycle. This paper explores the participation of test engineers in unit testing within an industrial context, employing a survey-based research methodology. Our findings demonstrate that testing professionals have the potential to strengthen unit testing by collaborating with developers to craft thorough test cases and fostering a culture of mutual learning and cooperation, ultimately contributing to increasing the overall quality of software projects.
2024-03-20 00:41:49.000000000
MESURE Tool to benchmark Java Card platforms
The advent of the Java Card standard has been a major turning point in smart card technology. With the growing acceptance of this standard, understanding the performance behavior of these platforms is becoming crucial. To meet this need, we present in this paper a novel benchmarking framework to test and evaluate the performance of Java Card platforms. MESURE tool is the first framework which accuracy and effectiveness are independent from the particular Java Card platform tested and CAD used.
2009-09-11 07:37:04.000000000
Deep Learning in Software Engineering
Recent years, deep learning is increasingly prevalent in the field of Software Engineering (SE). However, many open issues still remain to be investigated. How do researchers integrate deep learning into SE problems? Which SE phases are facilitated by deep learning? Do practitioners benefit from deep learning? The answers help practitioners and researchers develop practical deep learning models for SE tasks. To answer these questions, we conduct a bibliography analysis on 98 research papers in SE that use deep learning techniques. We find that 41 SE tasks in all SE phases have been facilitated by deep learning integrated solutions. In which, 84.7% papers only use standard deep learning models and their variants to solve SE problems. The practicability becomes a concern in utilizing deep learning techniques. How to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, understandability, and testability of deep learning based solutions may attract more SE researchers in the future.
2018-05-13 06:01:39.000000000
Towards CRISP-ML(Q): A Machine Learning Process Model with Quality Assurance Methodology
cs.LG cs.SE stat.ML
Machine learning is an established and frequently used technique in industry and academia but a standard process model to improve success and efficiency of machine learning applications is still missing. Project organizations and machine learning practitioners have a need for guidance throughout the life cycle of a machine learning application to meet business expectations. We therefore propose a process model for the development of machine learning applications, that covers six phases from defining the scope to maintaining the deployed machine learning application. The first phase combines business and data understanding as data availability oftentimes affects the feasibility of the project. The sixth phase covers state-of-the-art approaches for monitoring and maintenance of a machine learning applications, as the risk of model degradation in a changing environment is eminent. With each task of the process, we propose quality assurance methodology that is suitable to adress challenges in machine learning development that we identify in form of risks. The methodology is drawn from practical experience and scientific literature and has proven to be general and stable. The process model expands on CRISP-DM, a data mining process model that enjoys strong industry support but lacks to address machine learning specific tasks. Our work proposes an industry and application neutral process model tailored for machine learning applications with focus on technical tasks for quality assurance.
2020-03-11 08:25:49.000000000
Code Smells in Elixir: Early Results from a Grey Literature Review
Elixir is a new functional programming language whose popularity is rising in the industry. However, there are few works in the literature focused on studying the internal quality of systems implemented in this language. Particularly, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no catalog of code smells for Elixir. Therefore, in this paper, through a grey literature review, we investigate whether Elixir developers discuss code smells. Our preliminary results indicate that 11 of the 22 traditional code smells cataloged by Fowler and Beck are discussed by Elixir developers. We also propose a list of 18 new smells specific for Elixir systems and investigate whether these smells are currently identified by Credo, a well-known static code analysis tool for Elixir. We conclude that only two traditional code smells and one Elixir-specific code smell are automatically detected by this tool. Thus, these early results represent an opportunity for extending tools such as Credo to detect code smells and then contribute to improving the internal quality of Elixir systems.
2022-03-16 18:44:52.000000000
The Last Decade in Review: Tracing the Evolution of Safety Assurance Cases through a Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis
Safety assurance is of paramount importance across various domains, including automotive, aerospace, and nuclear energy, where the reliability and acceptability of mission-critical systems are imperative. This assurance is effectively realized through the utilization of Safety Assurance Cases. The use of safety assurance cases allows for verifying the correctness of the created systems capabilities, preventing system failure. The latter may result in loss of life, severe injuries, large-scale environmental damage, property destruction, and major economic loss. Still, the emergence of complex technologies such as cyber-physical systems (CPSs), characterized by their heterogeneity, autonomy, machine learning capabilities, and the uncertainty of their operational environments poses significant challenges for safety assurance activities. Several papers have tried to propose solutions to tackle these challenges, but to the best of our knowledge, no secondary study investigates the trends, patterns, and relationships characterizing the safety case scientific literature. This makes it difficult to have a holistic view of the safety case landscape and to identify the most promising future research directions. In this paper, we, therefore, rely on state-of-the-art bibliometric tools(e.g., VosViewer) to conduct a bibliometric analysis that allows us to generate valuable insights, identify key authors and venues, and gain a birds eye view of the current state of research in the safety assurance area. By revealing knowledge gaps and highlighting potential avenues for future research, our analysis provides an essential foundation for researchers, corporate safety analysts, and regulators seeking to embrace or enhance safety practices that align with their specific needs and objectives.
2023-11-13 17:34:23.000000000
Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis with Strong Updates via Value-Flow Refinement
cs.PL cs.SE
We present a new demand-driven flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis with strong updates for C programs, called SUPA, that enables computing points-to information via value-flow refinement, in environments with small time and memory budgets such as IDEs. We formulate SUPA by solving a graph reachability problem on an inter-procedural value-flow graph representing a program's def-use chains, which are pre-computed efficiently but over-approximately. To answer a client query (a request for a variable's points-to set), SUPA reasons about the flow of values along the pre-computed def-use chains sparsely (rather than across all program points), by performing only the work necessary for the query (rather than analyzing the whole program). In particular, strong updates are performed to filter out spurious def-use chains through value-flow refinement as long as the total budget is not exhausted. SUPA facilitates efficiency and precision tradeoffs by applying different pointer analyses in a hybrid multi-stage analysis framework. We have implemented SUPA in LLVM (3.5.0) and evaluate it by choosing uninitialized pointer detection as a major client on 18 open-source C programs. As the analysis budget increases, SUPA achieves improved precision, with its single-stage flow-sensitive analysis reaching 97.4% of that achieved by whole-program flow-sensitive analysis by consuming about 0.18 seconds and 65KB of memory per query, on average (with a budget of at most 10000 value-flow edges per query). With context-sensitivity also considered, SUPA's two- stage analysis becomes more precise for some programs but also incurs more analysis times. SUPA is also amenable to parallelization. A parallel implementation of its single-stage flow-sensitive analysis achieves a speedup of up to 6.9x with an average of 3.05x a 8-core machine with respect its sequential version.
2017-01-20 00:51:09.000000000
Proceedings Tenth Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software
cs.PL cs.DC cs.SE
PLACES 2017 (full title: Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software) is the tenth edition of the PLACES workshop series. After the first PLACES, which was affiliated to DisCoTec in 2008, the workshop has been part of ETAPS every year since 2009 and is now an established part of the ETAPS satellite events. PLACES 2017 was held on 29th April in Uppsala, Sweden. The workshop series was started in order to promote the application of novel programming language ideas to the increasingly important problem of developing software for systems in which concurrency and communication are intrinsic aspects. This includes software for both multi-core systems and large-scale distributed and/or service-oriented systems. The scope of PLACES includes new programming language features, whole new programming language designs, new type systems, new semantic approaches, new program analysis techniques, and new implementation mechanisms. This volume consists of the papers accepted for presentation at the workshop.
2017-04-08 01:32:06.000000000
GraphCode2Vec: Generic Code Embedding via Lexical and Program Dependence Analyses
Code embedding is a keystone in the application of machine learning on several Software Engineering (SE) tasks. To effectively support a plethora of SE tasks, the embedding needs to capture program syntax and semantics in a way that is generic. To this end, we propose the first self-supervised pre-training approach (called GraphCode2Vec) which produces task-agnostic embedding of lexical and program dependence features. GraphCode2Vec achieves this via a synergistic combination of code analysis and Graph Neural Networks. GraphCode2Vec is generic, it allows pre-training, and it is applicable to several SE downstream tasks. We evaluate the effectiveness of GraphCode2Vec on four (4) tasks (method name prediction, solution classification, mutation testing and overfitted patch classification), and compare it with four (4) similarly generic code embedding baselines (Code2Seq, Code2Vec, CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT) and 7 task-specific, learning-based methods. In particular, GraphCode2Vec is more effective than both generic and task-specific learning-based baselines. It is also complementary and comparable to GraphCodeBERT (a larger and more complex model). We also demonstrate through a probing and ablation study that GraphCode2Vec learns lexical and program dependence features and that self-supervised pre-training improves effectiveness.
2021-12-02 13:39:10.000000000
Estado Actual de la Pr\'actica de la Ingenier\'ia de Software en M\'exico
The software engineering is a relatively new discipline compared to other sciences, since the origins of the term itself dates back to the years 1968 and 1969. At present, the market and the software industry have a significant relevance in several countries of the world; however, although Mexico is immersed in this race, has not even reached the level of success achieved in other countries in this sector. This paper presents an overview of the situation that keeps the practice of software engineering in Mexico, with emphasis on the academic realm. It shows a compilation of scientific research activity carried out in universities, as well as a brief analysis of undergraduate educational programs including the software engineering discipline . At the end, future work to be done is proposed in order to find a point of convergence between academia and industry, and also to support the flourishing of this business which somehow will have a positive impact on the economy of our country.
2013-10-24 17:58:50.000000000
Introducing Enriched Concrete Syntax Trees
cs.SE cs.PL
In our earlier research an area of consistent and systematic application of software metrics was explored. Strong dependency of applicability of software metrics on input programming language was recognized as one of the main weaknesses in this field. Introducing enriched Concrete Syntax Tree (eCST) for internal and intermediate representation of the source code resulted with step forward over this weakness. In this paper we explain innovation made by introducing eCST and provide idea for broader applicability of eCST in some other fields of software engineering.
2013-10-02 19:39:11.000000000
Context Query Simulation for Smart Carparking Scenarios in the Melbourne CDB
cs.DB cs.SE eess.SP
The rapid growth in Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in the way for better context-awareness enabling more smarter applications. Although for the growth in the number of IoT devices, Context Management Platforms (CMPs) that integrate different domains of IoT to produce context information lacks scalability to cater to a high volume of context queries. Research in scalability and adaptation in CMPs are of significant importance due to this reason. However, there is limited methods to benchmarks and validate research in this area due to the lack of sizable sets of context queries that could simulate real-world situations, scenarios, and scenes. Commercially collected context query logs are not publicly accessible and deploying IoT devices, and context consumers in the real-world at scale is expensive and consumes a significant effort and time. Therefore, there is a need to develop a method to reliably generate and simulate context query loads that resembles real-world scenarios to test CMPs for scale. In this paper, we propose a context query simulator for the context-aware smart car parking scenario in Melbourne Central Business District in Australia. We present the process of generating context queries using multiple real-world datasets and publicly accessible reports, followed by the context query execution process. The context query generator matches the popularity of places with the different profiles of commuters, preferences, and traffic variations to produce a dataset of context query templates containing 898,050 records. The simulator is executable over a seven-day profile which far exceeds the simulation time of any IoT system simulator. The context query generation process is also generic and context query language independent.
2023-02-13 14:23:35.000000000
A Value-driven Approach for Software Process Improvement -- A Solution Proposal
Software process improvement (SPI) is a means to an end, not an end in itself (e.g., a goal is to achieve shorter time to market and not just compliance to a process standard). Therefore, SPI initiatives ought to be streamlined to meet the desired values for an organization. Through a literature review, seven secondary studies aggregating maturity models and assessment frameworks were identified. Furthermore, we identified six proposals for building a new maturity model. We analyzed the existing maturity models for (a) their purpose, structure, guidelines, and (b) the degree to which they explicitly consider values and benefits. Based on this analysis and utilizing the guidelines from the proposals to build maturity models, we have introduced an approach for developing a value-driven approach for SPI. The proposal leveraged the benefits-dependency networks. We argue that our approach enables the following key benefits: (a) as a value-driven approach, it streamlines value-delivery and helps to avoid unnecessary process interventions, (b) as a knowledge-repository, it helps to codify lessons learned i.e. whether adopted practices lead to value realization, and (c) as an internal process maturity assessment tool, it tracks the progress of process realization, which is necessary to monitor progress towards the intended values.
2021-05-11 03:27:02.000000000
A Systematic Literature Review of Explainable AI for Software Engineering
Context: In recent years, leveraging machine learning (ML) techniques has become one of the main solutions to tackle many software engineering (SE) tasks, in research studies (ML4SE). This has been achieved by utilizing state-of-the-art models that tend to be more complex and black-box, which is led to less explainable solutions that reduce trust and uptake of ML4SE solutions by professionals in the industry. Objective: One potential remedy is to offer explainable AI (XAI) methods to provide the missing explainability. In this paper, we aim to explore to what extent XAI has been studied in the SE community (XAI4SE) and provide a comprehensive view of the current state-of-the-art as well as challenge and roadmap for future work. Method: We conduct a systematic literature review on 24 (out of 869 primary studies that were selected by keyword search) most relevant published studies in XAI4SE. We have three research questions that were answered by meta-analysis of the collected data per paper. Results: Our study reveals that among the identified studies, software maintenance (\%68) and particularly defect prediction has the highest share on the SE stages and tasks being studied. Additionally, we found that XAI methods were mainly applied to classic ML models rather than more complex models. We also noticed a clear lack of standard evaluation metrics for XAI methods in the literature which has caused confusion among researchers and a lack of benchmarks for comparisons. Conclusions: XAI has been identified as a helpful tool by most studies, which we cover in the systematic review. However, XAI4SE is a relatively new domain with a lot of untouched potentials, including the SE tasks to help with, the ML4SE methods to explain, and the types of explanations to offer. This study encourages the researchers to work on the identified challenges and roadmap reported in the paper.
2023-02-13 02:59:41.000000000
Error Propagation Analysis for Multithreaded Programs: An Empirical Approach
cs.SE cs.DC
Fault injection is a technique to measure the robustness of a program to errors by introducing faults into the program under test. Following a fault injection experiment, Error Propagation Analysis (EPA) is deployed to understand how errors affect a program's execution. EPA typically compares the traces of a fault-free (golden) run with those from a faulty run of the program. While this suffices for deterministic programs, EPA approaches are unsound for multithreaded programs with non-deterministic golden runs. In this paper, we propose Invariant Propagation Analysis (IPA) as the use of automatically inferred likely invariants ("invariants" in the following) in lieu of golden traces for conducting EPA in multithreaded programs. We evaluate the stability and fault coverage of invariants derived by IPA through fault injection experiments across six different fault types and six representative programs that can be executed with varying numbers of threads. We find that stable invariants can be inferred in all cases, but their fault coverage depends on the application and the fault type. We also find that fault coverage for multithreaded executions with IPA can be even higher than for traditional singlethreaded EPA, which emphasizes that IPA results cannot be trivially extrapolated from traditional EPA results.
2023-12-28 02:36:02.000000000
IRFuzzer: Specialized Fuzzing for LLVM Backend Code Generation
Modern compilers, such as LLVM, are complex pieces of software. Due to their complexity, manual testing is unlikely to suffice, yet formal verification is difficult to scale. End-to-end fuzzing can be used, but it has difficulties in achieving high coverage of some components of LLVM. In this paper, we implement IRFuzzer to investigate the effectiveness of specialized fuzzing of the LLVM compiler backend. We focus on two approaches to improve the fuzzer: guaranteed input validity using constrained mutations and improved feedback quality. The mutator in IRFuzzer is capable of generating a wide range of LLVM IR inputs, including structured control flow, vector types, and function definitions. The system instruments coding patterns in the compiler to monitor the execution status of instruction selection. The instrumentation not only provides a new coverage feedback called matcher table coverage, but also provides an architecture specific guidance to the mutator. We show that IRFuzzer is more effective than existing fuzzers by fuzzing on 29 mature LLVM backend targets. In the process, we reported 74 confirmed new bugs in LLVM upstream, out of which 49 have been fixed, five have been back ported to LLVM 15, showing that specialized fuzzing provides useful and actionable insights to LLVM developers.
2024-02-07 21:02:33.000000000
LEGION: Harnessing Pre-trained Language Models for GitHub Topic Recommendations with Distribution-Balance Loss
cs.SE cs.IR cs.LG
Open-source development has revolutionized the software industry by promoting collaboration, transparency, and community-driven innovation. Today, a vast amount of various kinds of open-source software, which form networks of repositories, is often hosted on GitHub - a popular software development platform. To enhance the discoverability of the repository networks, i.e., groups of similar repositories, GitHub introduced repository topics in 2017 that enable users to more easily explore relevant projects by type, technology, and more. It is thus crucial to accurately assign topics for each GitHub repository. Current methods for automatic topic recommendation rely heavily on TF-IDF for encoding textual data, presenting challenges in understanding semantic nuances. This paper addresses the limitations of existing techniques by proposing Legion, a novel approach that leverages Pre-trained Language Models (PTMs) for recommending topics for GitHub repositories. The key novelty of Legion is three-fold. First, Legion leverages the extensive capabilities of PTMs in language understanding to capture contextual information and semantic meaning in GitHub repositories. Second, Legion overcomes the challenge of long-tailed distribution, which results in a bias toward popular topics in PTMs, by proposing a Distribution-Balanced Loss (DB Loss) to better train the PTMs. Third, Legion employs a filter to eliminate vague recommendations, thereby improving the precision of PTMs. Our empirical evaluation on a benchmark dataset of real-world GitHub repositories shows that Legion can improve vanilla PTMs by up to 26% on recommending GitHubs topics. Legion also can suggest GitHub topics more precisely and effectively than the state-of-the-art baseline with an average improvement of 20% and 5% in terms of Precision and F1-score, respectively.
2024-03-09 10:49:31.000000000
Forensic-Ready Risk Management Concepts
cs.CR cs.SE
Currently, numerous approaches exist supporting the implementation of forensic readiness and, indirectly, forensic-ready software systems. However, the terminology used in the approaches and their focus tends to vary. To facilitate the design of forensic-ready software systems, the clarity of the underlying concepts needs to be established so that their requirements can be unambiguously formulated and assessed. This is especially important when considering forensic readiness as an add-on to information security. In this paper, the concepts relevant to forensic readiness are derived and aligned based on six existing approaches. The results then serve as a stepping stone for enhancing Information Systems Security Risk Management (ISSRM) with forensic readiness.
2022-10-13 08:50:09.000000000
MLGuard: Defend Your Machine Learning Model!
Machine Learning (ML) is used in critical highly regulated and high-stakes fields such as finance, medicine, and transportation. The correctness of these ML applications is important for human safety and economic benefit. Progress has been made on improving ML testing and monitoring of ML. However, these approaches do not provide i) pre/post conditions to handle uncertainty, ii) defining corrective actions based on probabilistic outcomes, or iii) continual verification during system operation. In this paper, we propose MLGuard, a new approach to specify contracts for ML applications. Our approach consists of a) an ML contract specification defining pre/post conditions, invariants, and altering behaviours, b) generated validation models to determine the probability of contract violation, and c) an ML wrapper generator to enforce the contract and respond to violations. Our work is intended to provide the overarching framework required for building ML applications and monitoring their safety.
2023-09-04 06:08:11.000000000
Towards the integration of formal specification in the \'Ancora methodology
There are some non-formal methodologies such as RUP, OpenUP, agile methodologies such as SCRUP, XP and techniques like those proposed by UML, which allow the development of software. The software industry has struggled to generate quality software, as importance has not been given to the engineering requirements, resulting in a poor specification of requirements and software of poor quality. In order to generate a contribution to the specification of requirements, this article describes a methodological proposal, implementing formal methods to the results of the process of requirements analysis of the methodology \'Ancora.
2011-11-04 00:52:06.000000000
Applications of Causality and Causal Inference in Software Engineering
Causal inference is a study of causal relationships between events and the statistical study of inferring these relationships through interventions and other statistical techniques. Causal reasoning is any line of work toward determining causal relationships, including causal inference. This paper explores the relationship between causal reasoning and various fields of software engineering. This paper aims to uncover which software engineering fields are currently benefiting from the study of causal inference and causal reasoning, as well as which aspects of various problems are best addressed using this methodology. With this information, this paper also aims to find future subjects and fields that would benefit from this form of reasoning and to provide that information to future researchers. This paper follows a systematic literature review, including; the formulation of a search query, inclusion and exclusion criteria of the search results, clarifying questions answered by the found literature, and synthesizing the results from the literature review. Through close examination of the 45 found papers relevant to the research questions, it was revealed that the majority of causal reasoning as related to software engineering is related to testing through root cause localization. Furthermore, most causal reasoning is done informally through an exploratory process of forming a Causality Graph as opposed to strict statistical analysis or introduction of interventions. Finally, causal reasoning is also used as a justification for many tools intended to make the software more human-readable by providing additional causal information to logging processes or modeling languages.
2023-03-29 19:38:19.000000000
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
cs.SC cs.PL cs.SE
The previous VPT 2020 workshop was organized in honour of Professor Alberto Pettorossi on the occasion of his academic retirement from Universit\`a di Roma Tor Vergata. Due to the pandemic the VPT 2020 meeting was cancelled but its proceeding have already appeared in the EPTCS 320 volume. The joint VPT-20-21 event has subsumed the original programme of VPT 2020 and provided an opportunity to meet and celebrate the achievements of Professor Alberto Pettorossi; its programme was further expanded with the newly submitted presentations for VPT 2021. The aim of the VPT workshop series is to provide a forum where people from the areas of program transformation and program verification can fruitfully exchange ideas and gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between those two fields.
2021-09-05 05:42:21.000000000
DeepVS: An Efficient and Generic Approach for Source Code Modeling Usage
cs.NE cs.PL cs.SE
The source code suggestions provided by current IDEs are mostly dependent on static type learning. These suggestions often end up proposing irrelevant suggestions for a peculiar context. Recently, deep learning-based approaches have shown great potential in the modeling of source code for various software engineering tasks. However, these techniques lack adequate generalization and resistance to acclimate the use of such models in a real-world software development environment. This letter presents \textit{DeepVS}, an end-to-end deep neural code completion tool that learns from existing codebases by exploiting the bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) neural net. The proposed tool is capable of providing source code suggestions instantly in an IDE by using pre-trained BiGRU neural net. The evaluation of this work is two-fold, quantitative and qualitative. Through extensive evaluation on ten real-world open-source software systems, the proposed method shows significant performance enhancement and its practicality. Moreover, the results also suggest that \textit{DeepVS} tool is capable of suggesting zero-day (unseen) code tokens by learning coding patterns from real-world software systems.
2019-10-15 02:59:52.000000000
Variational design for a structural family of CAD models
stat.ME cs.GR cs.SE
Variational design is a well-recognized CAD technique due to the increased design efficiency. It often presents as a parametric family of CAD models. Although effective, this way of working cannot handle design requirements that go beyond parametric changes. Such design requirements are not uncommon today due to the increasing popularity of product customization. In particular, there is often a need for designing a new model out of an existing structural family of models, which share a structural pattern but have individually varied detail features. To facilitate such design requirements, a new method is presented in this paper. The idea is to express the underlying structural pattern in terms of a submodel composed of the maximum common design features of the family, and then to build a single master model by attaching to the submodel all detail design features in the family. This master model is a representative model for the family and contains all the features. By removing unwanted detail features and adding new features, the master model can be easily adapted into a new design, while keeping aligned with the family, structurally. Effectiveness of this method has been validated by a series of case studies and comparisons of increasing complexity.
2022-01-09 04:49:51.000000000
Desiree - a Refinement Calculus for Requirements Engineering
The requirements elicited from stakeholders suffer from various afflictions, including informality, incompleteness, ambiguity, vagueness, inconsistencies, and more. It is the task of requirements engineering (RE) processes to derive from these an eligible (formal, complete enough, unambiguous, consistent, measurable, satisfiable, modifiable and traceable) requirements specification that truly captures stakeholder needs. We propose Desiree, a refinement calculus for systematically transforming stakeholder require-ments into an eligible specification. The core of the calculus is a rich set of requirements operators that iteratively transform stakeholder requirements by strengthening or weakening them, thereby reducing incompleteness, removing ambiguities and vagueness, eliminating unattainability and conflicts, turning them into an eligible specification. The framework also includes an ontology for modeling and classifying requirements, a description-based language for representing requirements, as well as a systematic method for applying the concepts and operators. In addition, we define the semantics of the requirements concepts and operators, and develop a graphical modeling tool in support of the entire framework. To evaluate our proposal, we have conducted a series of empirical evaluations, including an ontology evaluation by classifying a large public requirements set, a language evaluation by rewriting the large set of requirements using our description-based syntax, a method evaluation through a realistic case study, and an evaluation of the entire framework through three controlled experiments. The results of our evaluations show that our ontology, language, and method are adequate in capturing requirements in practice, and offer strong evidence that with sufficient training, our framework indeed helps people conduct more effective requirements engineering.
2016-04-12 00:32:53.000000000
Rethinking IoT Security: A Protocol Based on Blockchain Smart Contracts for Secure and Automated IoT Deployments
cs.CR cs.SE
Proliferation of IoT devices in society demands a renewed focus on securing the use and maintenance of such systems. IoT-based systems will have a great impact on society and therefore such systems must have guaranteed resilience. We introduce cryptographic-based building blocks that strive to ensure that distributed IoT networks remain in a healthy condition throughout their lifecycle. Our presented solution utilizes deterministic and interlinked smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to enforce secured management and maintenance for hardened IoT devices. A key issue investigated is the protocol development for securing IoT device deployments and means for communicating securely with devices. By supporting values of openness, automation, and provenance, we can introduce novel means that reduce the threats of surveillance and theft, while also improving operator accountability and trust in IoT technology.
2020-07-06 11:20:45.000000000
Considering Polymorphism in Change-Based Test Suite Reduction
With the increasing popularity of continuous integration, algorithms for selecting the minimal test-suite to cover a given set of changes are in order. This paper reports on how polymorphism can handle false negatives in a previous algorithm which uses method-level changes in the base-code to deduce which tests need to be rerun. We compare the approach with and without polymorphism on two distinct cases ---PMD and CruiseControl--- and discovered an interesting trade-off: incorporating polymorphism results in more relevant tests to be included in the test suite (hence improves accuracy), however comes at the cost of a larger test suite (hence increases the time to run the minimal test-suite).
2014-12-11 17:09:28.000000000
How to characterize the health of an Open Source Software project? A snowball literature review of an emerging practice
Motivation: Society's dependence on Open Source Software (OSS) and the communities that maintain the OSS is ever-growing. So are the potential risks of, e.g., vulnerabilities being introduced in projects not actively maintained. By assessing an OSS project's capability to stay viable and maintained over time without interruption or weakening, i.e., the OSS health, users can consider the risk implied by using the OSS as is, and if necessary, decide whether to help improve the health or choose another option. However, such assessment is complex as OSS health covers a wide range of sub-topics, and existing support is limited. Aim: We aim to create an overview of characteristics that affect the health of an OSS project and enable the assessment thereof. Method: We conduct a snowball literature review based on a start set of 9 papers, and identify 146 relevant papers over two iterations of forward and backward snowballing. Health characteristics are elicited and coded using structured and axial coding into a framework structure. Results: The final framework consists of 104 health characteristics divided among 15 themes. Characteristics address the socio-technical spectrum of the community of actors maintaining the OSS project, the software and other deliverables being maintained, and the orchestration facilitating the maintenance. Characteristics are further divided based on the level of abstraction they address, i.e., the OSS project-level specifically, or the project's overarching ecosystem of related OSS projects. Conclusion: The framework provides an overview of the wide span of health characteristics that may need to be considered when evaluating OSS health and can serve as a foundation both for research and practice.
2022-08-01 19:17:24.000000000