965 values
Object-oriented requirements: reusable, understandable, verifiable
Insufficient requirements reusability, understandability and verifiability jeopardize software projects. Empirical studies show little success in improving these qualities separately. Applying object-oriented thinking to requirements leads to their unified treatment. An online library of reusable requirement templates implements recurring requirement structures, offering a starting point for practicing the unified approach.
2019-03-11 08:18:32.000000000
SciKGTeX -- A LaTeX Package to Semantically Annotate Contributions in Scientific Publications
cs.DL cs.SE
Scientific knowledge graphs have been proposed as a solution to structure the content of research publications in a machine-actionable way and enable more efficient, computer-assisted workflows for many research activities. Crowd-sourcing approaches are used frequently to build and maintain such scientific knowledge graphs. To contribute to scientific knowledge graphs, researchers need simple and easy-to-use solutions to generate new knowledge graph elements and establish the practice of semantic representations in scientific communication. In this paper, we present a workflow for authors of scientific documents to specify their contributions with a LaTeX package, called SciKGTeX, and upload them to a scientific knowledge graph. The SciKGTeX package allows authors of scientific publications to mark the main contributions of their work directly in LaTeX source files. The package embeds marked contributions as metadata into the generated PDF document, from where they can be extracted automatically and imported into a scientific knowledge graph, such as the ORKG. This workflow is simpler and faster than current approaches, which make use of external web interfaces for data entry. Our user evaluation shows that SciKGTeX is easy to use, with a score of 79 out of 100 on the System Usability Scale, as participants of the study needed only 7 minutes on average to annotate the main contributions on a sample abstract of a published paper. Further testing shows that the embedded contributions can be successfully uploaded to ORKG within ten seconds. SciKGTeX simplifies the process of manual semantic annotation of research contributions in scientific articles. Our workflow demonstrates how a scientific knowledge graph can automatically ingest research contributions from document metadata.
2023-04-11 16:36:29.000000000
From Network Traces to System Responses: Opaquely Emulating Software Services
Enterprise software systems make complex interactions with other services in their environment. Developing and testing for production-like conditions is therefore a challenging task. Prior approaches include emulations of the dependency services using either explicit modelling or record-and-replay approaches. Models require deep knowledge of the target services while record-and-replay is limited in accuracy. We present a new technique that improves the accuracy of record-and-replay approaches, without requiring prior knowledge of the services. The approach uses multiple sequence alignment to derive message prototypes from recorded system interactions and a scheme to match incoming request messages against message prototypes to generate response messages. We introduce a modified Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for distance calculation during message matching, wildcards in message prototypes for high variability sections, and entropy-based weightings in distance calculations for increased accuracy. Combined, our new approach has shown greater than 99% accuracy for four evaluated enterprise system messaging protocols.
2015-10-06 03:45:07.000000000
Description of the CUDF Format
This document contains several related specifications, together they describe the document formats related to the solver competition which will be organized by Mancoosi. In particular, this document describes: - DUDF (Distribution Upgradeability Description Format), the document format to be used to submit upgrade problem instances from user machines to a (distribution-specific) database of upgrade problems; - CUDF (Common Upgradeability Description Format), the document format used to encode upgrade problems, abstracting over distribution-specific details. Solvers taking part in the competition will be fed with input in CUDF format.
2008-11-21 19:46:46.000000000
Towards the Trustworthy Development of Active Medical Devices: A Hemodialysis Case Study
The use of embedded software is advancing in modern medical devices, so does its capabilities and complexity. This paradigm shift brings many challenges such as an increased rate of medical device failures due to software faults. In this letter, we present a rigorous correct by construction approach for the trustworthy development of hemodialysis machines, a sub-class of active medical devices. We show how informal requirements of hemodialysis machines are modeled and analyzed through a rigorous process and suggest a generalization to a larger class of active medical devices.
2017-06-20 11:28:02.000000000
Proceedings Second Graphs as Models Workshop
cs.DS cs.LO cs.SE
Graphs are used as models in all areas of computer science: examples are state space graphs, control flow graphs, syntax graphs, UML-type models of all kinds, network layouts, social networks, dependency graphs, and so forth. Once such graphical models are constructed, they can be analysed and transformed to verify their correctness within a domain, discover new properties, or produce new equivalent and/or optimised versions. Graphs as Models' main focus is the exchange and collaboration of researchers from different backgrounds. The workshop serves as platform to boost inter- and transdisciplinary research and wants to serve as leeway for new ideas. Thus, besides classical research presentations, the workshop is highly geared toward numerous interactive sessions. The second edition of the Graphs as Models workshop was held on 2-3 June 2016 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, colocated with the 19th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2016).
2016-12-04 03:15:16.000000000
Toward Granular Automatic Unit Test Case Generation
Unit testing verifies the presence of faults in individual software components. Previous research has been targeting the automatic generation of unit tests through the adoption of random or search-based algorithms. Despite their effectiveness, these approaches do not implement any strategy that allows them to create unit tests in a structured manner: indeed, they aim at creating tests by optimizing metrics like code coverage without ensuring that the resulting tests follow good design principles. In order to structure the automatic test case generation process, we propose a two-step systematic approach to the generation of unit tests: we first force search-based algorithms to create tests that cover individual methods of the production code, hence implementing the so-called intra-method tests; then, we relax the constraints to enable the creation of intra-class tests that target the interactions among production code methods.
2022-04-12 06:47:03.000000000
Synthesizing Configuration Tactics for Exercising Hidden Options in Serverless Systems
A proper configuration of an information system can ensure accuracy and efficiency, among other system objectives. Conversely, a poor configuration can have a significant negative impact on the system's performance, reliability, and cost. Serverless systems, which are comprised of many functions and managed services, especially risk exposure to misconfigurations, with many provider- and platform-specific, often intransparent and 'hidden' settings. In this paper, we argue to pay close attention to the configuration of serverless systems to exercise options with known accuracy, cost and time. Based on a literature study and long-term serverless systems development experience, we present nine tactics to unlock potentially neglected and unknown options in serverless systems.
2022-05-31 15:53:33.000000000
An Exploratory Study of Code Smells in Web Games
With the continuous growth of the internet market, games are becoming more and more popular worldwide. However, increased market competition for game demands developers to write more efficient games in terms of performance, security, and maintenance. The continuous evolution of software systems and its increasing complexity may result in bad design decisions. Researchers analyzed the cognitive, behavioral and social effects of games. Also, gameplay and game mechanics have been a research area to enhance game playing, but to the extent of our knowledge, there hardly exists any research work that studies the bad coding practices in game development. Hence, through our study, we try to analyze and identify the presence of bad coding practices called code smells that may cause quality issues in games. To accomplish this, we created a dataset of 361 web games written in JavaScript. On this dataset, we run a JavaScript code smell detection tool JSNose to find the occurrence and distribution of code smell in web games. Further, we did a manual study on 9 web games to find violation of existing game programming patterns. Our results show that existing tools are mostly language-specific and are not enough in the context of games as they were not able to detect the anti-patterns or bad coding practices that are game-specific, motivating the need of game-specific code smell detection tools.
2020-02-13 19:54:29.000000000
Towards Fully Declarative Program Analysis via Source Code Transformation
cs.SE cs.PL
Advances in logic programming and increasing industrial uptake of Datalog-inspired approaches demonstrate the emerging need to express powerful code analyses more easily. Declarative program analysis frameworks (e.g., using logic programming like Datalog) significantly ease defining analyses compared to imperative implementations. However, the declarative benefits of these frameworks only materialize after parsing and translating source code to generate facts. Fact generation remains a non-declarative precursor to analysis where imperative implementations first parse and interpret program structures (e.g., abstract syntax trees and control-flow graphs). The procedure of fact generation thus remains opaque and difficult for non-experts to understand or modify. We present a new perspective on this analysis workflow by proposing declarative fact generation to ease specification and exploration of lightweight declarative analyses. Our approach demonstrates the first venture towards fully declarative analysis specification across multiple languages. The key idea is to translate source code directly to Datalog facts in the analysis domain using declarative syntax transformation. We then reuse existing Datalog analyses over generated facts, yielding an end-to-end declarative pipeline. As a first approximation we pursue a syntax-driven approach and demonstrate the feasibility of generating and using lightweight versions of liveness and call graph reachability properties. We then discuss the workability of extending declarative fact generation to also incorporate semantic information.
2021-12-23 07:49:05.000000000
Recommending Code Understandability Improvements based on Code Reviews
Developers spend 70% of their time understanding code. Code that is easy to read can save time, while hard-to-read code can lead to the introduction of bugs. However, it is difficult to establish what makes code more understandable. Although there are guides and directives on improving code understandability, in some contexts, these practices can have a detrimental effect. Practical software development projects often employ code review to improve code quality, including understandability. Reviewers are often senior developers who have contributed extensively to projects and have an in-depth understanding of the impacts of different solutions on code understandability. This paper is an early research proposal to recommend code understandability improvements based on code reviewer knowledge. The core of the proposal comprises a dataset of code understandability improvements extracted from code reviews. This dataset will serve as a basis to train machine learning systems to recommend understandability improvements.
2021-10-02 11:10:50.000000000
Automated Cause Analysis of Latency Outliers Using System-Level Dependency Graphs
cs.PF cs.SE
Detecting performance issues and identifying their root causes in the runtime is a challenging task. Typically, developers use methods such as logging and tracing to identify bottlenecks. These solutions are, however, not ideal as they are time-consuming and require manual effort. In this paper, we propose a method to automate the task of detecting latency outliers using system-level traces and then comparing them to identify the root cause(s). Our method makes use of dependency graphs to show internal interactions between threads and system resources. With these graphs, one can pinpoint where performance issues occur. However, a single trace can be composed of a large number of requests, each generating one graph. To automate the task of identifying outliers within the dataset, we use machine learning density-based models and statistical calculations such as -score. Our evaluation shows an accuracy greater than 97 % on outlier detection, making them appropriate for in-production servers and industry-level use cases.
2022-07-13 20:30:41.000000000
Using rule engine in self-healing systems and MAPE model
Software malfunction presents a significant hurdle within the computing domain, carrying substantial risks for systems, enterprises, and users universally. To produce software with high reliability and quality, effective debugging is essential. Program debugging is an activity to reduce software maintenance costs. In this study, a failure repair method that uses a rule engine is presented. The simulation on mRUBIS showed that the proposed method could be efficient in the operational environment. Through a thorough grasp of software failure and the adoption of efficient mitigation strategies, stakeholders can bolster the dependability, security, and adaptability of software systems. This, in turn, reduces the repercussions of failures and cultivates increased confidence in digital technologies.
2024-02-18 13:03:11.000000000
An Efficient Approach for Reviewing Security-Related Aspects in Agile Requirements Specifications of Web Applications
Defects in requirements specifications can have severe consequences during the software development lifecycle. Some of them may result in poor product quality and/or time and budget overruns due to incorrect or missing quality characteristics, such as security. This characteristic requires special attention in web applications because they have become a target for manipulating sensible data. Several concerns make security difficult to deal with. For instance, security requirements are often misunderstood and improperly specified due to lack of security expertise and emphasis on security during early stages of software development. This often leads to unspecified or ill-defined security-related aspects. These concerns become even more challenging in agile contexts, where lightweight documentation is typically produced. To tackle this problem, we designed an approach for reviewing security-related aspects in agile requirements specifications of web applications. Our proposal considers user stories and security specifications as inputs and relates those user stories to security properties via Natural Language Processing. Based on the related security properties, our approach identifies high-level security requirements from the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) to be verified, and generates a reading technique to support reviewers in detecting defects. We evaluate our approach via three experiment trials conducted with 56 novice software engineers, measuring effectiveness, efficiency, usefulness, and ease of use. We compare our approach against using: (1) the OWASP high-level security requirements, and (2) a perspective-based approach as proposed in contemporary state of the art. The results strengthen our confidence that using our approach has a positive impact (with large effect size) on the performance of inspectors in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.
2020-09-06 08:21:37.000000000
Complete Separation of the 3 Tiers - Divide and Conquer
cs.SE cs.PL
Most Java applications, including web based ones, follow the 3-tier architecture. Although Java provides standard tools for tier-to-tier interfaces, the separation of the tiers is usually not perfect. E.g. the database interface, JDBC, assumes that SQL statements are issued from the application server. Similarly, in web based Java applications, HTML code is assumed to be produced by servlets. In terms of syntax, this turns Java source code into mixtures of languages: Java and SQL, Java and HTML. These language mixtures are difficult to read, modify, and maintain. In this paper we examine criteria and methods to achieve a good separation of the 3 tiers and propose a technique to provide a clean separation. Our proposed technique requires an explicit Interface and Data Definitions. These allow isolation of the back-end, application server, and front-end development. The Definitions also enable application design in terms of aggregated data structures. As a result significant amounts of auxiliary code can be generated from the Definitions, enabling the developers to concentrate on the business logic. By and large the proposed approach greatly facilitates development and maintenance, and overall improves the quality of the products.
2014-05-02 20:01:38.000000000
Taming Multi-Output Recommenders for Software Engineering
cs.SE cs.HC
Recommender systems are a valuable tool for software engineers. For example, they can provide developers with a ranked list of files likely to contain a bug, or multiple auto-complete suggestions for a given method stub. However, the way these recommender systems interact with developers is often rudimentary -- a long list of recommendations only ranked by the model's confidence. In this vision paper, we lay out our research agenda for re-imagining how recommender systems for software engineering communicate their insights to developers. When issuing recommendations, our aim is to recommend diverse rather than redundant solutions and present them in ways that highlight their differences. We also want to allow for seamless and interactive navigation of suggestions while striving for holistic end-to-end evaluations. By doing so, we believe that recommender systems can play an even more important role in helping developers write better software.
2022-07-31 14:44:37.000000000
Automotive Perception Software Development: An Empirical Investigation into Data, Annotation, and Ecosystem Challenges
cs.SE cs.LG
Software that contains machine learning algorithms is an integral part of automotive perception, for example, in driving automation systems. The development of such software, specifically the training and validation of the machine learning components, require large annotated datasets. An industry of data and annotation services has emerged to serve the development of such data-intensive automotive software components. Wide-spread difficulties to specify data and annotation needs challenge collaborations between OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and their suppliers of software components, data, and annotations. This paper investigates the reasons for these difficulties for practitioners in the Swedish automotive industry to arrive at clear specifications for data and annotations. The results from an interview study show that a lack of effective metrics for data quality aspects, ambiguities in the way of working, unclear definitions of annotation quality, and deficits in the business ecosystems are causes for the difficulty in deriving the specifications. We provide a list of recommendations that can mitigate challenges when deriving specifications and we propose future research opportunities to overcome these challenges. Our work contributes towards the on-going research on accountability of machine learning as applied to complex software systems, especially for high-stake applications such as automated driving.
2023-03-10 14:29:06.000000000
The Cost and Benefits of Static Analysis During Development
Without quantitative data, deciding whether and how to use static analysis in a development workflow is a matter of expert opinion and guesswork rather than an engineering trade-off. Moreover, relevant data collected under real-world conditions is scarce. Important but unknown quantitative parameters include, but are not limited to, the effort to apply the techniques, the effectiveness of removing defects, where in the workflow the analysis should be applied, and how static analysis interacts with other quality techniques. This study examined the detailed development process data 35 industrial development projects that included static analysis and that were also instrumented with the Team Software Process. We collected data project plans, logs of effort, defect, and size and post mortem reports and analyzed performance of their development activities to populate a parameterized performance model. We compared effort and defect levels with and without static analysis using a planning model that includes feedback for defect removal effectiveness and fix effort. We found evidence that using each tool developers found and removed defects at a higher rate than alternative removal techniques. Moreover, the early and inexpensive removal reduced not only final defect density but also total development effort. The contributions of this paper include real-world benchmarks of process data from projects using static analysis tools, a demonstration of a cost-effectiveness analysis using this data, and a recommendation these tools were consistently cost effective operationally.
2020-03-06 02:11:36.000000000
A Qualitative Study of Architectural Design Issues in DevOps
Software architecture is critical in succeeding with DevOps. However, designing software architectures that enable and support DevOps (DevOps-driven software architectures) is a challenge for organizations. We assert that one of the essential steps towards characterizing DevOps-driven architectures is to understand architectural design issues raised in DevOps. At the same time, some of the architectural issues that emerge in the DevOps context (and their corresponding architectural practices or tactics) may stem from the context (i.e., domain) and characteristics of software organizations. To this end, we conducted a mixed-methods study that consists of a qualitative case study of two teams in a company during their DevOps transformation and a content analysis of Stack Overflow and DevOps Stack Exchange posts to understand architectural design issues in DevOps. Our study found eight specific and contextual architectural design issues faced by the two teams and classified architectural design issues discussed in Stack Overflow and DevOps Stack Exchange into 11 groups. Our aggregated results reveal that the main characteristics of DevOps-driven architectures are: being loosely coupled and prioritizing deployability, testability, supportability, and modifiability over other quality attributes. Finally, we discuss some concrete implications for research and practice.
2021-08-15 09:49:06.000000000
Making life better one large system at a time: Challenges for UAI research
cs.SE cs.AI
The rapid growth and diversity in service offerings and the ensuing complexity of information technology ecosystems present numerous management challenges (both operational and strategic). Instrumentation and measurement technology is, by and large, keeping pace with this development and growth. However, the algorithms, tools, and technology required to transform the data into relevant information for decision making are not. The claim in this paper (and the invited talk) is that the line of research conducted in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence is very well suited to address the challenges and close this gap. I will support this claim and discuss open problems using recent examples in diagnosis, model discovery, and policy optimization on three real life distributed systems.
2012-06-20 15:09:50.000000000
What to share, when, and where: balancing the objectives and complexities of open source software contributions
Context: Software-intensive organizations' rationale for sharing Open Source Software (OSS) may be driven by both idealistic, strategic and commercial objectives, and include both monetary as well as non-monetary benefits. To gain the potential benefits, an organization may need to consider what they share and how, while taking into account risks, costs and other complexities. Objective: This study aims to empirically investigate objectives and complexities organizations need to consider and balance between when deciding on what software to share as OSS, when to share it, and whether to create a new or contribute to an existing community. Method: A multiple-case study of three case organizations was conducted in two research cycles, with data gathered from interviews with 20 practitioners from these organizations. The data was analyzed qualitatively in an inductive and iterative coding process. Results: 12 contribution objectives and 15 contribution complexities were found. Objectives include opportunities for improving reputation, managing suppliers, managing partners and competitors, and exploiting externally available knowledge and resources. Complexities include risk of loosing control, risk of giving away competitive advantage, risk of creating negative exposure, costs of contributing, and the possibility and need to contribute to an existing or new community. Conclusions: Cross-case analysis and interview validation show that the identified objectives and complexities offer organizations a possibility to reflect on and adapt their contribution strategies based on their specific contexts and business goals.
2022-07-29 19:28:26.000000000
An Integrated Framework for DevSecOps Adoption
Introduction of DevOps into the software development life cycle represents a cultural shift in the IT culture, amalgamating development and operations to improve delivery speed in a rapid and maintainable manner. At the same time, security threats and breaches are expected to grow as more enterprises move to new agile frameworks for rapid product delivery. Meanwhile, DevSecOps is a mindset change that revolutionizes software development by embedding security at each step of the software cycle, leading to resilient software. This paper discusses a framework organization can use to embed DevSecOps swiftly and efficiently into the general IT culture.
2022-07-07 17:23:59.000000000
Are Game Engines Software Frameworks? A Three-perspective Study
Game engines help developers create video games and avoid duplication of code and effort, like frameworks for traditional software systems. In this paper, we explore open-source game engines along three perspectives: literature, code, and human. First, we explore and summarise the academic literature on game engines. Second, we compare the characteristics of the 282 most popular engines and the 282 most popular frameworks in GitHub. Finally, we survey 124 engine developers about their experience with the development of their engines. We report that: (1) Game engines are not well-studied in software-engineering research with few studies having engines as object of research. (2) Open-source game engines are slightly larger in terms of size and complexity and less popular and engaging than traditional frameworks. Their programming languages differ greatly from frameworks. Engine projects have shorter histories with less releases. (3) Developers perceive game engines as different from traditional frameworks. Generally, they build game engines to (a) better control the environment and source code, (b) learn about game engines, and (c) develop specific games. We conclude that open-source game engines have differences compared to traditional open-source frameworks although this differences do not demand special treatments.
2020-04-12 21:57:12.000000000
Software Engineering Research Community Viewpoints on Rapid Reviews
Background: One of the most important current challenges of Software Engineering (SE) research is to provide relevant evidence to practice. In health related fields, Rapid Reviews (RRs) have shown to be an effective method to achieve that goal. However, little is known about how the SE research community perceives the potential applicability of RRs. Aims: The goal of this study is to understand the SE research community viewpoints towards the use of RRs as a means to provide evidence to practitioners. Method: To understand their viewpoints, we invited 37 researchers to analyze 50 opinion statements about RRs, and rate them according to what extent they agree with each statement. Q-Methodology was employed to identify the most salient viewpoints, represented by the so called factors. Results: Four factors were identified: Factor A groups undecided researchers that need more evidence before using RRs; Researchers grouped in Factor B are generally positive about RRs, but highlight the need to define minimum standards; Factor C researchers are more skeptical and reinforce the importance of high quality evidence; Researchers aligned to Factor D have a pragmatic point of view, considering RRs can be applied based on the context and constraints faced by practitioners. Conclusions: In conclusion, although there are opposing viewpoints, there are also some common grounds. For example, all viewpoints agree that both RRs and Systematic Reviews can be poorly or well conducted.
2019-06-26 21:08:04.000000000
Putting Instruction Sequences into Effect
cs.PL cs.SE
An attempt is made to define the concept of execution of an instruction sequence. It is found to be a special case of directly putting into effect of an instruction sequence. Directly putting into effect of an instruction sequences comprises interpretation as well as execution. Directly putting into effect is a special case of putting into effect with other special cases classified as indirectly putting into effect.
2011-10-09 18:46:04.000000000
Enhancing Usefulness of Declarative Programming Frameworks through Complete Integration
The Gisela framework for declarative programming was developed with the specific aim of providing a tool that would be useful for knowledge representation and reasoning within real-world applications. To achieve this, a complete integration into an object-oriented application development environment was used. The framework and methodology developed provide two alternative application programming interfaces (APIs): Programming using objects or programming using a traditional equational declarative style. In addition to providing complete integration, Gisela also allows extensions and modifications due to the general computation model and well-defined APIs. We give a brief overview of the declarative model underlying Gisela and we present the methodology proposed for building applications together with some real examples.
2002-07-12 01:17:13.000000000
Differential Testing for Variational Analyses: Experience from Developing KConfigReader
Differential testing to solve the oracle problem has been applied in many scenarios where multiple supposedly equivalent implementations exist, such as multiple implementations of a C compiler. If the multiple systems disagree on the output for a given test input, we have likely discovered a bug without every having to specify what the expected output is. Research on variational analyses (or variability-aware or family-based analyses) can benefit from similar ideas. The goal of most variational analyses is to perform an analysis, such as type checking or model checking, over a large number of configurations much faster than an existing traditional analysis could by analyzing each configuration separately. Variational analyses are very suitable for differential testing, since the existence nonvariational analysis can provide the oracle for test cases that would otherwise be tedious or difficult to write. In this experience paper, I report how differential testing has helped in developing KConfigReader, a tool for translating the Linux kernel's kconfig model into a propositional formula. Differential testing allows us to quickly build a large test base and incorporate external tests that avoided many regressions during development and made KConfigReader likely the most precise kconfig extraction tool available.
2017-06-28 16:48:35.000000000
Semantic issues in model-driven management of information system interoperability
The MISE Project (Mediation Information System Engineering) aims at providing collaborating organizations with a Mediation Information System (MIS) in charge of supporting interoperability of a collaborative network. MISE proposes an overall MIS design method according to a model-driven approach, based on model transformations. This MIS is in charge of managing (i) information, (ii) functions and (iii) processes among the information systems (IS) of partner organizations involved in the network. Semantic issues are accompanying this triple objective: How to deal with information reconciliation? How to ensure the matching between business functions and technical services? How to identify workflows among business processes? This article aims first, at presenting the MISE approach, second at defining the semantic gaps along the MISE approach and third at describing some past, current and future research works that deal with these issues. Finally and as a conclusion, the very "design-oriented" previous considerations are confronted with "run-time" requirements.
2015-09-30 08:31:46.000000000
Monitoring Control Updating Period In Fast Gradient Based NMPC
cs.SY cs.SE
In this paper, a method is proposed for on-line monitoring of the control updating period in fast-gradient-based Model Predictive Control (MPC) schemes. Such schemes are currently under intense investigation as a way to accommodate for real-time requirements when dealing with systems showing fast dynamics. The method needs cheap computations that use the algorithm on-line behavior in order to recover the optimal updating period in terms of cost function decrease. A simple example of constrained triple integrator is used to illustrate the proposed method and to assess its efficiency.
2012-09-21 21:22:56.000000000
Combined Intuition and Rationality Increases Software Feature Novelty for Female Software Designers
Overcoming society's complex problems requires novel solutions. Applying different cognitive styles can promote novelty when designing software aimed at these problems. Through an experiment with 80 software design practitioners, we found that female practitioners who had a preference for more than one cognitive style (intuition and rationality) produced the most novel software features of all participants.
2020-12-10 10:21:50.000000000
Challenges Women in Software Engineering Leadership Roles Face: A Qualitative Study
Software engineering is not only about technical solutions. To a large extent, it is also concerned with organizational issues, project management, and human behavior. There are serious gender issues that can severely limit the participation of women in science and engineering careers. It is claimed that women lead differently than men and are more collaboration-oriented, communicative, and less aggressive than their male counterparts. However, when talking with women in technology companies' leadership roles, a list of problems women face grows fast. We invite women in software engineering management roles to answer the questions from an empathy map canvas. We used thematic analysis for coding the answers and group the codes into themes. From the analysis, we identified seven themes that support us to list the main challenges they face in their careers.
2021-04-28 19:22:09.000000000
Exploiting the Unique Expression for Improved Sentiment Analysis in Software Engineering Text
Sentiment analysis on software engineering (SE) texts has been widely used in the SE research, such as evaluating app reviews or analyzing developers sentiments in commit messages. To better support the use of automated sentiment analysis for SE tasks, researchers built an SE-domain-specified sentiment dictionary to further improve the accuracy of the results. Unfortunately, recent work reported that current mainstream tools for sentiment analysis still cannot provide reliable results when analyzing the sentiments in SE texts. We suggest that the reason for this situation is because the way of expressing sentiments in SE texts is largely different from the way in social network or movie comments. In this paper, we propose to improve sentiment analysis in SE texts by using sentence structures, a different perspective from building a domain dictionary. Specifically, we use sentence structures to first identify whether the author is expressing her sentiment in a given clause of an SE text, and to further adjust the calculation of sentiments which are confirmed in the clause. An empirical evaluation based on four different datasets shows that our approach can outperform two dictionary-based baseline approaches, and is more generalizable compared to a learning-based baseline approach.
2021-03-24 12:55:19.000000000
Improving Fault Localization by Integrating Value and Predicate Based Causal Inference Techniques
Statistical fault localization (SFL) techniques use execution profiles and success/failure information from software executions, in conjunction with statistical inference, to automatically score program elements based on how likely they are to be faulty. SFL techniques typically employ one type of profile data: either coverage data, predicate outcomes, or variable values. Most SFL techniques actually measure correlation, not causation, between profile values and success/failure, and so they are subject to confounding bias that distorts the scores they produce. This paper presents a new SFL technique, named \emph{UniVal}, that uses causal inference techniques and machine learning to integrate information about both predicate outcomes and variable values to more accurately estimate the true failure-causing effect of program statements. \emph{UniVal} was empirically compared to several coverage-based, predicate-based, and value-based SFL techniques on 800 program versions with real faults.
2021-02-11 22:29:30.000000000
Software Engineering for Serverless Computing
Serverless computing is an emerging cloud computing paradigm that has been applied to various domains, including machine learning, scientific computing, video processing, etc. To develop serverless computing-based software applications (a.k.a., serverless applications), developers follow the new cloud-based software architecture, where they develop event-driven applications without the need for complex and error-prone server management. The great demand for developing serverless applications poses unique challenges to software developers. However, Software Engineering (SE) has not yet wholeheartedly tackled these challenges. In this paper, we outline a vision for how SE can facilitate the development of serverless applications and call for actions by the SE research community to reify this vision. Specifically, we discuss possible directions in which researchers and cloud providers can facilitate serverless computing from the SE perspective, including configuration management, data security, application migration, performance, testing and debugging, etc.
2022-07-27 02:57:19.000000000
Anomaly Detection As-a-Service
Cloud systems are complex, large, and dynamic systems whose behavior must be continuously analyzed to timely detect misbehaviors and failures. Although there are solutions to flexibly monitor cloud systems, cost-effectively controlling the anomaly detection logic is still a challenge. In particular, cloud operators may need to quickly change the types of detected anomalies and the scope of anomaly detection, for instance based on observations. This kind of intervention still consists of a largely manual and inefficient ad-hoc effort. In this paper, we present Anomaly Detection as-a-Service (ADaaS), which uses the same as-a-service paradigm often exploited in cloud systems to declarative control the anomaly detection logic. Operators can use ADaaS to specify the set of indicators that must be analyzed and the types of anomalies that must be detected, without having to address any operational aspect. Early results with lightweight detectors show that the presented approach is a promising solution to deliver better control of the anomaly detection logic.
2019-09-18 11:58:51.000000000
Frustrated with Code Quality Issues? LLMs can Help!
cs.AI cs.SE
As software projects progress, quality of code assumes paramount importance as it affects reliability, maintainability and security of software. For this reason, static analysis tools are used in developer workflows to flag code quality issues. However, developers need to spend extra efforts to revise their code to improve code quality based on the tool findings. In this work, we investigate the use of (instruction-following) large language models (LLMs) to assist developers in revising code to resolve code quality issues. We present a tool, CORE (short for COde REvisions), architected using a pair of LLMs organized as a duo comprised of a proposer and a ranker. Providers of static analysis tools recommend ways to mitigate the tool warnings and developers follow them to revise their code. The \emph{proposer LLM} of CORE takes the same set of recommendations and applies them to generate candidate code revisions. The candidates which pass the static quality checks are retained. However, the LLM may introduce subtle, unintended functionality changes which may go un-detected by the static analysis. The \emph{ranker LLM} evaluates the changes made by the proposer using a rubric that closely follows the acceptance criteria that a developer would enforce. CORE uses the scores assigned by the ranker LLM to rank the candidate revisions before presenting them to the developer. CORE could revise 59.2% Python files (across 52 quality checks) so that they pass scrutiny by both a tool and a human reviewer. The ranker LLM is able to reduce false positives by 25.8% in these cases. CORE produced revisions that passed the static analysis tool in 76.8% Java files (across 10 quality checks) comparable to 78.3% of a specialized program repair tool, with significantly much less engineering efforts.
2023-09-22 15:37:07.000000000
Modelling common cause failures of large digital I&C systems with coloured Petri nets
cs.SE cs.PF
The purpose of this study is the representation of Common Cause Failures (CCF) in large digital systems. The system under study is representative of a control system of a nuclear plant. The model for CCF is the generalized Atwood model. It can represent independent failures, CCF non-lethal for some system elements and CCF lethal to all. The Atwood model was modified to "direct" non-lethal DCC on certain parts of the system and take into account the different possible origins of DCC. Maintenance and repairs are taken into account in the model that is thus dynamic. The main evaluation results are probabilistic, the considered indicator is the probability of failure on demand (PFD). A comparison is made between the estimator of the PFD taking into account all the failures and the estimator taking into account only the detected failures.
2014-12-09 18:06:33.000000000
Ten Diverse Formal Models for a CBTC Automatic Train Supervision System
cs.SE cs.FL cs.LO cs.SY
Communications-based Train Control (CBTC) systems are metro signalling platforms, which coordinate and protect the movements of trains within the tracks of a station, and between different stations. In CBTC platforms, a prominent role is played by the Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) system, which automatically dispatches and routes trains within the metro network. Among the various functions, an ATS needs to avoid deadlock situations, i.e., cases in which a group of trains block each other. In the context of a technology transfer study, we designed an algorithm for deadlock avoidance in train scheduling. In this paper, we present a case study in which the algorithm has been applied. The case study has been encoded using ten different formal verification environments, namely UMC, SPIN, NuSMV/nuXmv, mCRL2, CPN Tools, FDR4, CADP, TLA+, UPPAAL and ProB. Based on our experience, we observe commonalities and differences among the modelling languages considered, and we highlight the impact of the specific characteristics of each language on the presented models.
2018-03-27 20:59:25.000000000
A Case Study on the Stability of Performance Tests for Serverless Applications
cs.DC cs.SE
Context. While in serverless computing, application resource management and operational concerns are generally delegated to the cloud provider, ensuring that serverless applications meet their performance requirements is still a responsibility of the developers. Performance testing is a commonly used performance assessment practice; however, it traditionally requires visibility of the resource environment. Objective. In this study, we investigate whether performance tests of serverless applications are stable, that is, if their results are reproducible, and what implications the serverless paradigm has for performance tests. Method. We conduct a case study where we collect two datasets of performance test results: (a) repetitions of performance tests for varying memory size and load intensities and (b) three repetitions of the same performance test every day for ten months. Results. We find that performance tests of serverless applications are comparatively stable if conducted on the same day. However, we also observe short-term performance variations and frequent long-term performance changes. Conclusion. Performance tests for serverless applications can be stable; however, the serverless model impacts the planning, execution, and analysis of performance tests.
2021-07-28 12:32:00.000000000
The Role of Functional Programming in Management and Orchestration of Virtualized Network Resources Part I. System structure for Complex Systems and Design Principles
cs.SE cs.PL cs.SY eess.SY
This is part I of the follow-up lecture notes of the lectures given by the authors at the Three \CO" (Composability, Comprehensibility, Correctness) Winter School held in Ko\v{s}ice, Slovakia, in January 2018, and Summer School held in Budapest, Hungary, in June 2019. In this part we explain the role of functional programming paradigm in the management of complex software systems, and how the functional programming concepts play important role in the designing such systems. Key prerequisite for implementing functional programming concepts is properly designed system structure following well defined design principles and rules. That is the main goal of this lecture to introduce students with proper system modeling. Furthermore, we also explain how new emerging technologies are designed in such a way that they enforce the development of systems that comply to the design rules inspired by the functional programming. This is extremely important in view of the current network evolution and virtualization concepts, which will require many functional programming concepts in the network services and functions, as will be discussed in part II of these lecture notes. These notes provide an introduction to the subject, with the goal of explaining the problems and the principles, methods and techniques used for their solution. The worked examples and exercises serve students as the teaching material, from which they can learn how to use design principles to model effective system structures. Here we focus on students understanding of importance of effective system structures for coordination of development and management processes that are driven by business goals and further evolution.
2021-07-26 12:14:50.000000000
Mine Me but Don't Single Me Out: Differentially Private Event Logs for Process Mining
cs.CR cs.SE
The applicability of process mining techniques hinges on the availability of event logs capturing the execution of a business process. In some use cases, particularly those involving customer-facing processes, these event logs may contain private information. Data protection regulations restrict the use of such event logs for analysis purposes. One way of circumventing these restrictions is to anonymize the event log to the extent that no individual can be singled out using the anonymized log. This paper addresses the problem of anonymizing an event log in order to guarantee that, upon disclosure of the anonymized log, the probability that an attacker may single out any individual represented in the original log, does not increase by more than a threshold. The paper proposes a differentially private disclosure mechanism, which oversamples the cases in the log and adds noise to the timestamps to the extent required to achieve the above privacy guarantee. The paper reports on an empirical evaluation of the proposed approach using 14 real-life event logs in terms of data utility loss and computational efficiency.
2021-03-22 11:39:11.000000000
Controlled Experimentation in Continuous Experimentation: Knowledge and Challenges
Context: Continuous experimentation and A/B testing is an established industry practice that has been researched for more than 10 years. Our aim is to synthesize the conducted research. Objective: We wanted to find the core constituents of a framework for continuous experimentation and the solutions that are applied within the field. Finally, we were interested in the challenges and benefits reported of continuous experimentation. Method: We applied forward snowballing on a known set of papers and identified a total of 128 relevant papers. Based on this set of papers we performed two qualitative narrative syntheses and a thematic synthesis to answer the research questions. Results: The framework constituents for continuous experimentation include experimentation processes as well as supportive technical and organizational infrastructure. The solutions found in the literature were synthesized to nine themes, e.g. experiment design, automated experiments, or metric specification. Concerning the challenges of continuous experimentation, the analysis identified cultural, organizational, business, technical, statistical, ethical, and domain-specific challenges. Further, the study concludes that the benefits of experimentation are mostly implicit in the studies. Conclusions: The research on continuous experimentation has yielded a large body of knowledge on experimentation. The synthesis of published research presented within include recommended infrastructure and experimentation process models, guidelines to mitigate the identified challenges, and what problems the various published solutions solve.
2021-02-10 08:15:12.000000000
Applying AOSE Concepts to Model Crosscutting Variability in Variant-Rich Processes
Software process models need to be variant-rich, in the sense that they should be systematically customizable to specific project goals and project environments. It is currently very difficult to model Variant-Rich Process (VRP) because variability mechanisms are largely missing in modern process modeling languages. Variability mechanisms from other domains, such as programming languages, might be suitable for the representation of variability and could be adapted to the modeling of software processes. Mechanisms from Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) and concepts from Aspect- Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) show particular promise when modeling variability. This paper presents an approach that integrates variability concepts from SPLE and AOSE in the design of a VRP approach for the systematic support of tailoring in software processes. This approach has also been implemented in SPEM, resulting in the vSPEM notation. It has been used in a pilot application, which indicates that our approach based on AOSE can make process tailoring easier and more productive.
2013-12-02 07:17:10.000000000
Object-Based Groupware: Theory, Design and Implementation Issues
Document management software systems are having a wide audience at present. However, groupware as a term has a wide variety of possible definitions. Groupware classification attempt is made in this paper. Possible approaches to groupware are considered including document management, document control and mailing systems. Lattice theory and concept modelling are presented as a theoretical background for the systems in question. Current technologies in state-of-the-art document managenent software are discussed. Design and implementation aspects for user-friendly integrate enterprise systems are described. Results for a real system to be implemented are given. Perspectives of the field in question are discussed.
2006-07-27 10:16:16.000000000
Identifying Unmaintained Projects in GitHub
Background: Open source software has an increasing importance in modern software development. However, there is also a growing concern on the sustainability of such projects, which are usually managed by a small number of developers, frequently working as volunteers. Aims: In this paper, we propose an approach to identify GitHub projects that are not actively maintained. Our goal is to alert users about the risks of using these projects and possibly motivate other developers to assume the maintenance of the projects. Method: We train machine learning models to identify unmaintained or sparsely maintained projects, based on a set of features about project activity (commits, forks, issues, etc). We empirically validate the model with the best performance with the principal developers of 129 GitHub projects. Results: The proposed machine learning approach has a precision of 80%, based on the feedback of real open source developers; and a recall of 96%. We also show that our approach can be used to assess the risks of projects becoming unmaintained. Conclusions: The model proposed in this paper can be used by open source users and developers to identify GitHub projects that are not actively maintained anymore.
2018-09-11 17:15:56.000000000
Large Language Models are Pretty Good Zero-Shot Video Game Bug Detectors
cs.CL cs.SE
Video game testing requires game-specific knowledge as well as common sense reasoning about the events in the game. While AI-driven agents can satisfy the first requirement, it is not yet possible to meet the second requirement automatically. Therefore, video game testing often still relies on manual testing, and human testers are required to play the game thoroughly to detect bugs. As a result, it is challenging to fully automate game testing. In this study, we explore the possibility of leveraging the zero-shot capabilities of large language models for video game bug detection. By formulating the bug detection problem as a question-answering task, we show that large language models can identify which event is buggy in a sequence of textual descriptions of events from a game. To this end, we introduce the GameBugDescriptions benchmark dataset, which consists of 167 buggy gameplay videos and a total of 334 question-answer pairs across 8 games. We extensively evaluate the performance of six models across the OPT and InstructGPT large language model families on our benchmark dataset. Our results show promising results for employing language models to detect video game bugs. With the proper prompting technique, we could achieve an accuracy of 70.66%, and on some video games, up to 78.94%. Our code, evaluation data and the benchmark can be found on
2022-10-05 18:44:35.000000000
Understanding and Formalizing Accountability for Cyber-Physical Systems
Accountability is the property of a system that enables the uncovering of causes for events and helps understand who or what is responsible for these events. Definitions and interpretations of accountability differ; however, they are typically expressed in natural language that obscures design decisions and the impact on the overall system. This paper presents a formal model to express the accountability properties of cyber-physical systems. To illustrate the usefulness of our approach, we demonstrate how three different interpretations of accountability can be expressed using the proposed model and describe the implementation implications through a case study. This formal model can be used to highlight context specific-elements of accountability mechanisms, define their capabilities, and express different notions of accountability. In addition, it makes design decisions explicit and facilitates discussion, analysis and comparison of different approaches.
2018-10-23 07:49:58.000000000
How Developers and Managers Define and Trade Productivity for Quality
In this paper, we present the findings from a survey study to investigate how developers and managers define and trade-off developer productivity and software quality (two related lenses into software development). We found that developers and managers, as cohorts, are not well aligned in their views of what it means to be productive (developers think of productivity in terms of activity, while more managers think of productivity in terms of performance). We also found that developers are not accurate at predicting their managers' views of productivity. In terms of quality, we found that individual developers and managers have quite varied views of what quality means to them, but as cohorts they are closely aligned in their different views, with the majority in both groups defining quality in terms of robustness. Over half of the developers and managers reported that quality can be traded for higher productivity and why this trade-off can be justified, while one third consider quality as a necessary part of productivity that cannot be traded. We also present a new descriptive framework for quality, TRUCE, that we synthesize from the survey responses. We call for more discussion between developers and managers about what they each consider as important software quality attributes, and to have open debate about how software quality relates to developer productivity and what trade-offs should or should not be made.
2021-11-08 07:14:32.000000000
"STILL AROUND": Experiences and Survival Strategies of Veteran Women Software Developers
The intersection of ageism and sexism can create a hostile environment for veteran software developers belonging to marginalized genders. In this study, we conducted 14 interviews to examine the experiences of people at this intersection, primarily women, in order to discover the strategies they employed in order to successfully remain in the field. We identified 283 codes, which fell into three main categories: Strategies, Experiences, and Perception. Several strategies we identified, such as (Deliberately) Not Trying to Look Younger, were not previously described in the software engineering literature. We found that, in some companies, older women developers are recognized as having particular value, further strengthening the known benefits of diversity in the workforce. Based on the experiences and strategies, we suggest organizations employing software developers to consider the benefits of hiring veteran women software developers. For example, companies can draw upon the life experiences of older women developers in order to better understand the needs of customers from a similar demographic. While we recognize that many of the strategies employed by our study participants are a response to systemic issues, we still consider that, in the short-term, there is benefit in describing these strategies for developers who are experiencing such issues today.
2023-02-07 19:26:15.000000000
Sketch2FullStack: Generating Skeleton Code of Full Stack Website and Application from Sketch using Deep Learning and Computer Vision
cs.CV cs.AI cs.NE cs.SE
For a full-stack web or app development, it requires a software firm or more specifically a team of experienced developers to contribute a large portion of their time and resources to design the website and then convert it to code. As a result, the efficiency of the development team is significantly reduced when it comes to converting UI wireframes and database schemas into an actual working system. It would save valuable resources and fasten the overall workflow if the clients or developers can automate this process of converting the pre-made full-stack website design to get a partially working if not fully working code. In this paper, we present a novel approach of generating the skeleton code from sketched images using Deep Learning and Computer Vision approaches. The dataset for training are first-hand sketched images of low fidelity wireframes, database schemas and class diagrams. The approach consists of three parts. First, the front-end or UI elements detection and extraction from custom-made UI wireframes. Second, individual database table creation from schema designs and lastly, creating a class file from class diagrams.
2022-11-26 16:32:13.000000000
Autonomous requirements specification processing using natural language processing
cs.CL cs.SE
We describe our ongoing research that centres on the application of natural language processing (NLP) to software engineering and systems development activities. In particular, this paper addresses the use of NLP in the requirements analysis and systems design processes. We have developed a prototype toolset that can assist the systems analyst or software engineer to select and verify terms relevant to a project. In this paper we describe the processes employed by the system to extract and classify objects of interest from requirements documents. These processes are illustrated using a small example.
2014-07-23 03:29:44.000000000
Towards Automatic Translation of Machine Learning Visual Insights to Analytical Assertions
We present our vision for developing an automated tool capable of translating visual properties observed in Machine Learning (ML) visualisations into Python assertions. The tool aims to streamline the process of manually verifying these visualisations in the ML development cycle, which is critical as real-world data and assumptions often change post-deployment. In a prior study, we mined $54,070$ Jupyter notebooks from Github and created a catalogue of $269$ semantically related visualisation-assertion (VA) pairs. Building on this catalogue, we propose to build a taxonomy that organises the VA pairs based on ML verification tasks. The input feature space comprises of a rich source of information mined from the Jupyter notebooks -- visualisations, Python source code, and associated markdown text. The effectiveness of various AI models, including traditional NLP4Code models and modern Large Language Models, will be compared using established machine translation metrics and evaluated through a qualitative study with human participants. The paper also plans to address the challenge of extending the existing VA pair dataset with additional pairs from Kaggle and to compare the tool's effectiveness with commercial generative AI models like ChatGPT. This research not only contributes to the field of ML system validation but also explores novel ways to leverage AI for automating and enhancing software engineering practices in ML.
2024-01-15 14:11:59.000000000
Towards a new approach of continuous process improvement based on CMMI and PMBOK
A process-centric approach helps an organization to improve the way it works with. It allows scalability and provides a way to capitalize knowledge on best practices. It also makes better use of resources and helps to understand trends. PMBOK is a project management methodology, while CMMI is a model for process improvement. In this paper, we conduct a study on PMBOK and CMMI frameworks to show that they can be converged and complementary. We expect this paper research will be useful for organizations to deploy a new approach of continuous process improvement based on pooling CMMI and PMBOK.
2021-09-13 14:58:26.000000000
Software Architecture for Fiji National University Campus Information Systems
Software Architecture defines the overview of the system which consists of various components and their relationships among the software. Architectural design is very important in the development of large scale software solution and plays a very active role in achieving business goals, quality and reusable solution. It is often difficult to choose the best software architecture for your system from the several candidate types available. In this paper we look at the several architectural types and compare them based on the key requirements of our system, and select the most appropriate architecture for the implementation of campus information systems at Fiji National University. Finally we provide details of proposed architecture and outline future plans for implementation of our system.
2011-05-05 23:17:47.000000000
Source Code Metrics for Software Defects Prediction
In current research, there are contrasting results about the applicability of software source code metrics as features for defect prediction models. The goal of the paper is to evaluate the adoption of software metrics in models for software defect prediction, identifying the impact of individual source code metrics. With an empirical study on 275 release versions of 39 Java projects mined from GitHub, we compute 12 software metrics and collect software defect information. We train and compare three defect classification models. The results across all projects indicate that Decision Tree (DT) and Random Forest (RF) classifiers show the best results. Among the highest-performing individual metrics are NOC, NPA, DIT, and LCOM5. While other metrics, such as CBO, do not bring significant improvements to the models.
2023-01-19 11:46:06.000000000
Seamless design of information system architecture based on adaptive clustering method
The paper considers the concept of building the architecture of an information system that provides a seamless connection between architectural representations of various levels of abstraction. The concept is based on the application of the adaptive clustering method of information systems developed by the author. Seamless connection is understood as the presence of connections between elements of architectural models related to architectural representations of various levels of abstraction.
2019-10-03 05:35:13.000000000
Software Architecture for Next-Generation AI Planning Systems
cs.AI cs.SE
Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning is a flourishing research and development discipline that provides powerful tools for searching a course of action that achieves some user goal. While these planning tools show excellent performance on benchmark planning problems, they represent challenging software systems when it comes to their use and integration in real-world applications. In fact, even in-depth understanding of their internal mechanisms does not guarantee that one can successfully set up, use and manipulate existing planning tools. We contribute toward alleviating this situation by proposing a service-oriented planning architecture to be at the core of the ability to design, develop and use next-generation AI planning systems. We collect and classify common planning capabilities to form the building blocks of the planning architecture. We incorporate software design principles and patterns into the architecture to allow for usability, interoperability and reusability of the planning capabilities. Our prototype planning system demonstrates the potential of our approach for rapid prototyping and flexibility of system composition. Finally, we provide insight into the qualitative advantages of our approach when compared to a typical planning tool.
2021-02-22 13:43:45.000000000
Designing Security and Privacy Requirements in Internet of Things: A Survey
cs.SE cs.HC
The design and development process for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications is more complicated than that for desktop, mobile, or web applications. First, IoT applications require both software and hardware to work together across different nodes with different capabilities under different conditions. Secondly, IoT application development involves different software engineers such as desktop, web, embedded and mobile to cooperate. In addition, the development process required different software\hardware stacks to integrated together. Due to above complexities, more often non-functional requirements (such as security and privacy) tend to get ignored in IoT application development process. In this paper, we have reviewed techniques, methods and tools that are being developed to support incorporating security and privacy requirements into traditional application designs. By doing so, we aim to explore how those techniques could be applicable to the IoT domain. In this paper, we primarily focused on two different aspects: (1) design notations, models, and languages that facilitate capturing non-functional requirements (i.e., security and privacy), and (2) proactive and reactive interaction techniques that can be used to support and augment the IoT application design process. Our goal is not only to analyse past research work but also to discuss their applicability towards the IoT.
2019-10-22 12:04:07.000000000
Chatbot Based Solution for Supporting Software Incident Management Process
cs.SE cs.AI
A set of steps for implementing a chatbot, to support decision-making activities in the software incident management process is proposed and discussed in this article. Each step is presented independently of the platform used for the construction of chatbots and are detailed with their respective activities. The proposed steps can be carried out in a continuous and adaptable way, favoring the constant training of a chatbot and allowing the increasingly cohesive interpretatin of the intentions of the specialists who work in the Software Incident Management Process. The software incident resolution process accordingly to the ITIL framework, is considered for the experiment. The results of the work present the steps for the chatbot construction, the solution based on DialogFlow platform and some conclusions based on the experiment.
2022-01-15 23:16:13.000000000
A Testing Scheme for Self-Adaptive Software Systems with Architectural Runtime Models
Self-adaptive software systems (SASS) are equipped with feedback loops to adapt autonomously to changes of the software or environment. In established fields, such as embedded software, sophisticated approaches have been developed to systematically study feedback loops early during the development. In order to cover the particularities of feedback, techniques like one-way and in-the-loop simulation and testing have been included. However, a related approach to systematically test SASS is currently lacking. In this paper we therefore propose a systematic testing scheme for SASS that allows engineers to test the feedback loops early in the development by exploiting architectural runtime models. These models that are available early in the development are commonly used by the activities of a feedback loop at runtime and they provide a suitable high-level abstraction to describe test inputs as well as expected test results. We further outline our ideas with some initial evaluation results by means of a small case study.
2018-05-17 18:46:04.000000000
Fair-SSL: Building fair ML Software with less data
cs.SE cs.LG
Ethical bias in machine learning models has become a matter of concern in the software engineering community. Most of the prior software engineering works concentrated on finding ethical bias in models rather than fixing it. After finding bias, the next step is mitigation. Prior researchers mainly tried to use supervised approaches to achieve fairness. However, in the real world, getting data with trustworthy ground truth is challenging and also ground truth can contain human bias. Semi-supervised learning is a machine learning technique where, incrementally, labeled data is used to generate pseudo-labels for the rest of the data (and then all that data is used for model training). In this work, we apply four popular semi-supervised techniques as pseudo-labelers to create fair classification models. Our framework, Fair-SSL, takes a very small amount (10%) of labeled data as input and generates pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data. We then synthetically generate new data points to balance the training data based on class and protected attribute as proposed by Chakraborty et al. in FSE 2021. Finally, the classification model is trained on the balanced pseudo-labeled data and validated on test data. After experimenting on ten datasets and three learners, we find that Fair-SSL achieves similar performance as three state-of-the-art bias mitigation algorithms. That said, the clear advantage of Fair-SSL is that it requires only 10% of the labeled training data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SE work where semi-supervised techniques are used to fight against ethical bias in SE ML models.
2021-11-03 06:47:47.000000000
Evaluating the Stream Control Transmission Protocol Using Uppaal
cs.LO cs.NI cs.SE
The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a Transport Layer protocol that has been proposed as an alternative to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for the Internet of Things (IoT). SCTP, with its four-way handshake mechanism, claims to protect the Server from a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack by ensuring the legitimacy of the Client, which has been a known issue pertaining to the three-way handshake of TCP. This paper compares the handshakes of TCP and SCTP to discuss its shortcomings and strengths. We present an Uppaal model of the TCP three-way handshake and SCTP four-way handshake and show that SCTP is able to cope with the presence of an Illegitimate Client, while TCP fails. The results confirm that SCTP is better equipped to deal with this type of attack.
2017-03-20 02:46:57.000000000
Characteristics and Main Threats about Multi-Factor Authentication: A Survey
cs.CR cs.SE
This work reports that the Systematic Literature Review process is responsible for providing theoretical support to research in the Threat Model and Multi-Factor Authentication. However, different from the related works, this study aims to evaluate the main characteristics of authentication solutions and their threat model. Also, it intends to list characteristics, threats, and related content to a state-of-art. As a result, we brought a portfolio analysis through charts, figures, and tables presented in the discussion section.
2022-09-26 19:42:59.000000000
CrowdOS: A Ubiquitous Operating System for Crowdsourcing and Mobile Crowd Sensing
cs.CY cs.OS cs.SE
With the rise of crowdsourcing and mobile crowdsensing techniques, a large number of crowdsourcing applications or platforms (CAP) have appeared. In the mean time, CAP-related models and frameworks based on different research hypotheses are rapidly emerging, and they usually address specific issues from a certain perspective. Due to different settings and conditions, different models are not compatible with each other. However, CAP urgently needs to combine these techniques to form a unified framework. In addition, these models needs to be learned and updated online with the extension of crowdsourced data and task types, thus requiring a unified architecture that integrates lifelong learning concepts and breaks down the barriers between different modules. This paper draws on the idea of ubiquitous operating systems and proposes a novel OS (CrowdOS), which is an abstract software layer running between native OS and application layer. In particular, based on an in-depth analysis of the complex crowd environment and diverse characteristics of heterogeneous tasks, we construct the OS kernel and three core frameworks including Task Resolution and Assignment Framework (TRAF), Integrated Resource Management (IRM), and Task Result quality Optimization (TRO). In addition, we validate the usability of CrowdOS, module correctness and development efficiency. Our evaluation further reveals TRO brings enormous improvement in efficiency and a reduction in energy consumption.
2019-09-02 17:28:05.000000000
Performance of Buchberger's Improved Algorithm using Prime Based Ordering
cs.SE cs.SC
Prime-based ordering which is proved to be admissible, is the encoding of indeterminates in power-products with prime numbers and ordering them by using the natural number order. Using Eiffel, four versions of Buchberger's improved algorithm for obtaining Groebner Bases have been developed: two total degree versions, representing power products as strings and the other two as integers based on prime-based ordering. The versions are further distinguished by implementing coefficients as 64-bit integers and as multiple-precision integers. By using primebased power product coding, iterative or recursive operations on power products are replaced with integer operations. It is found that on a series of example polynomial sets, significant reductions in computation time of 30% or more are almost always obtained.
2009-01-28 05:47:24.000000000
A Systematic Literature Review on Model-driven Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems
This technical report presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) study that focuses on identifying and classifying the recent research practices pertaining to CPS development through MDE approaches. The study evaluates 140 research papers published during 2010-2018. Accordingly, a comprehensive analysis of various MDE approaches used in the development life-cycle of CPS is presented. Furthermore, the study identifies the research gaps and areas that need more investigation. The contribution helps researchers and practitioners to get an overall understanding of the research trends and existing challenges for further research/development.
2021-03-15 18:34:46.000000000
Process Discovery for Structured Program Synthesis
cs.AI cs.LG cs.SE
A core task in process mining is process discovery which aims to learn an accurate process model from event log data. In this paper, we propose to use (block-) structured programs directly as target process models so as to establish connections to the field of program synthesis and facilitate the translation from abstract process models to executable processes, e.g., for robotic process automation. Furthermore, we develop a novel bottom-up agglomerative approach to the discovery of such structured program process models. In comparison with the popular top-down recursive inductive miner, our proposed agglomerative miner enjoys the similar theoretical guarantee to produce sound process models (without deadlocks and other anomalies) while exhibiting some advantages like avoiding silent activities and accommodating duplicate activities. The proposed algorithm works by iteratively applying a few graph rewriting rules to the directly-follows-graph of activities. For real-world (sparse) directly-follows-graphs, the algorithm has quadratic computational complexity with respect to the number of distinct activities. To our knowledge, this is the first process discovery algorithm that is made for the purpose of program synthesis. Experiments on the BPI-Challenge 2020 dataset and the Karel programming dataset have demonstrated that our proposed algorithm can outperform the inductive miner not only according to the traditional process discovery metrics but also in terms of the effectiveness in finding out the true underlying structured program from a small number of its execution traces.
2020-08-13 10:33:10.000000000
Model-Driven Engineering of Self-Adaptive Software with EUREMA
The development of self-adaptive software requires the engineering of an adaptation engine that controls the underlying adaptable software by feedback loops. The engine often describes the adaptation by runtime models representing the adaptable software and by activities such as analysis and planning that use these models. To systematically address the interplay between runtime models and adaptation activities, runtime megamodels have been proposed. A runtime megamodel is a specific model capturing runtime models and adaptation activities. In this article, we go one step further and present an executable modeling language for ExecUtable RuntimE MegAmodels (EUREMA) that eases the development of adaptation engines by following a model-driven engineering approach. We provide a domain-specific modeling language and a runtime interpreter for adaptation engines, in particular feedback loops. Megamodels are kept alive at runtime and by interpreting them, they are directly executed to run feedback loops. Additionally, they can be dynamically adjusted to adapt feedback loops. Thus, EUREMA supports development by making feedback loops explicit at a higher level of abstraction and it enables solutions where multiple feedback loops interact or operate on top of each other and self-adaptation co-exists with offline adaptation for evolution.
2018-05-17 18:24:11.000000000
Software (Re-)Engineering with PSF
This paper investigates the usefulness of PSF in software engineering and reengineering. PSF is based on ACP (Algebra of Communicating Processes) and as some architectural description languages are based on process algebra, we investigate whether PSF can be used at the software architecture level, but we also use PSF at lower abstract levels. As a case study we reengineer the compiler from the Toolkit of PSF.
2007-12-18 12:25:02.000000000
Exploring software developers' work practices: Task differences, participation, engagement, and speed of task resolution
In seeking to understand the processes enacted during software development, an increasing number of studies have mined software repositories. In particular, studies have endeavored to show how teams resolve software defects. Although much of this work has been useful, we contend that large-scale examinations across the range of activities that are commonly performed, beyond defect-related issues alone, would help us to more fully understand the reasons why defects occur as well as their consequences. More generally, these explorations would reveal how team processes occur during all software development efforts. We thus extend such studies by investigating how software practitioners work while undertaking the range of software tasks that are typically performed. Multiple forms of analyses of a longitudinal case study reveal that software practitioners were mostly involved in fixing defects, and that their engagement covaried depending on the nature of the work they were performing. Furthermore, multiple external factors affected speed of task resolution. Our outcomes suggest that behavioral and intrinsic issues may interact with extrinsic factors becoming significant predictors of the speed of software task resolution.
2021-04-16 01:55:45.000000000
Exploration of the scalability of LocFaults
cs.AI cs.SE
A model checker can produce a trace of counterexample, for an erroneous program, which is often long and difficult to understand. In general, the part about the loops is the largest among the instructions in this trace. This makes the location of errors in loops critical, to analyze errors in the overall program. In this paper, we explore the scalability capabilities of LocFaults, our error localization approach exploiting paths of CFG(Control Flow Graph) from a counterexample to calculate the MCDs (Minimal Correction Deviations), and MCSs (Minimal Correction Subsets) from each found MCD. We present the times of our approach on programs with While-loops unfolded b times, and a number of deviated conditions ranging from 0 to n. Our preliminary results show that the times of our approach, constraint-based and flow-driven, are better compared to BugAssist which is based on SAT and transforms the entire program to a Boolean formula, and further the information provided by LocFaults is more expressive for the user.
2015-03-18 18:40:55.000000000
Service-oriented high level architecture
Service-oriented High Level Architecture (SOHLA) refers to the high level architecture (HLA) enabled by Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services etc. techniques which supports distributed interoperating services. The detailed comparisons between HLA and SOA are made to illustrate the importance of their combination. Then several key enhancements and changes of HLA Evolved Web Service API are introduced in comparison with native APIs, such as Federation Development and Execution Process, communication mechanisms, data encoding, session handling, testing environment and performance analysis. Some approaches are summarized including Web-Enabling HLA at the communication layer, HLA interface specification layer, federate interface layer and application layer. Finally the problems of current research are discussed, and the future directions are pointed out.
2009-07-23 04:39:37.000000000
Detecting Misuses of Security APIs: A Systematic Review
cs.CR cs.SE
Security Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a vital role in ensuring software security. However, misuse of security APIs may introduce vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. API design complexities, inadequate documentation and insufficient security training are some of the reasons for misusing security APIs. In order to help developers and organizations, software security community have devised and evaluated several approaches to detecting misuses of security APIs. We rigorously analyzed and synthesized the literature on security APIs misuses for building a body of knowledge on the topic. Our review has identified and discussed the security APIs studied from misuse perspective, the types of reported misuses and the approaches developed to detect misuses and how the proposed approaches have been evaluated. Our review has also highlighted the open research issues for advancing the state-of-the-art of detecting misuse of security APIs.
2023-06-15 05:53:23.000000000
Detecting and Characterizing Bots that Commit Code
cs.SE cs.CR cs.LG cs.SI stat.ML
Background: Some developer activity traditionally performed manually, such as making code commits, opening, managing, or closing issues is increasingly subject to automation in many OSS projects. Specifically, such activity is often performed by tools that react to events or run at specific times. We refer to such automation tools as bots and, in many software mining scenarios related to developer productivity or code quality it is desirable to identify bots in order to separate their actions from actions of individuals. Aim: Find an automated way of identifying bots and code committed by these bots, and to characterize the types of bots based on their activity patterns. Method and Result: We propose BIMAN, a systematic approach to detect bots using author names, commit messages, files modified by the commit, and projects associated with the ommits. For our test data, the value for AUC-ROC was 0.9. We also characterized these bots based on the time patterns of their code commits and the types of files modified, and found that they primarily work with documentation files and web pages, and these files are most prevalent in HTML and JavaScript ecosystems. We have compiled a shareable dataset containing detailed information about 461 bots we found (all of whom have more than 1000 commits) and 13,762,430 commits they created.
2020-03-02 21:54:07.000000000
An Empirical Study of AI-based Smart Contract Creation
cs.SE cs.LG
The introduction of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Palm2 for smart contract generation seems to be the first well-established instance of an AI pair programmer. LLMs have access to a large number of open-source smart contracts, enabling them to utilize more extensive code in Solidity than other code generation tools. Although the initial and informal assessments of LLMs for smart contract generation are promising, a systematic evaluation is needed to explore the limits and benefits of these models. The main objective of this study is to assess the quality of generated code provided by LLMs for smart contracts. We also aim to evaluate the impact of the quality and variety of input parameters fed to LLMs. To achieve this aim, we created an experimental setup for evaluating the generated code in terms of validity, correctness, and efficiency. Our study finds crucial evidence of security bugs getting introduced in the generated smart contracts as well as the overall quality and correctness of the code getting impacted. However, we also identified the areas where it can be improved. The paper also proposes several potential research directions to improve the process, quality and safety of generated smart contract codes.
2023-08-05 21:38:57.000000000
Rapid Spreadsheet Reshaping with Excelsior: multiple drastic changes to content and layout are easy when you represent enough structure
Spreadsheets often need changing in ways made tedious and risky by Excel. For example: simultaneously altering many tables' size, orientation, and position; inserting cross-tabulations; moving data between sheets; splitting and merging sheets. A safer, faster restructuring tool is, we claim, Excelsior. The result of a research project into reducing spreadsheet risk, Excelsior is the first ever tool for modularising spreadsheets; i.e. for building them from components which can be independently created, tested, debugged, and updated. It represents spreadsheets in a way that makes these components explicit, separates them from layout, and allows both components and layout to be changed without breaking dependent formulae. Here, we report experiments to test that this does indeed make such changes easier. In one, we automatically generated a cross-tabulation and added it to a spreadsheet. In the other, we generated new versions of a 10,000-cell housing-finance spreadsheet containing many interconnected 20*40 tables. We varied table sizes from 5*10 to 200*2,000; moved tables between sheets; and flipped table orientations. Each change generated a spreadsheet with different structure but identical outputs; each change took just a few minutes.
2008-03-03 01:11:39.000000000
Rise of Distributed Deep Learning Training in the Big Model Era: From a Software Engineering Perspective
Deep learning (DL) has become a key component of modern software. In the "big model" era, the rich features of DL-based software substantially rely on powerful DL models, e.g., BERT, GPT-3, and the recently emerging GPT-4, which are trained on the powerful cloud with large datasets. Hence, training effective DL models has become a vital stage in the whole software lifecycle. When training deep learning models, especially those big models, developers need to parallelize and distribute the computation and memory resources amongst multiple devices in the training process, which is known as distributed deep learning training, or distributed training for short. However, the unique challenges that developers encounter in distributed training process have not been studied in the software engineering community. Given the increasingly heavy dependence of current DL-based software on distributed training, this paper aims to fill in the knowledge gap and presents the first comprehensive study on developers' issues in distributed training. To this end, we analyze 1,131 real-world developers' issues about using these frameworks reported on Stack Overflow and GitHub. We construct a fine-grained taxonomy consisting of 30 categories regarding the fault symptoms and summarize common fix patterns for different symptoms. Based on the results, we suggest actionable implications on research avenues that can potentially facilitate the distributed training to develop DL-based software, such as focusing on the frequent and common fix patterns when designing testing or debugging tools, developing efficient testing and debugging techniques for communication configuration along with the synthesis of network configuration analysis, designing new multi-device checkpoint-and-replay techniques to help reproduction, and designing serverless APIs for cloud platforms.
2021-12-12 12:58:48.000000000
Parfum: Detection and Automatic Repair of Dockerfile Smells
Docker is a popular tool for developers and organizations to package, deploy, and run applications in a lightweight, portable container. One key component of Docker is the Dockerfile, a simple text file that specifies the steps needed to build a Docker image. While Dockerfiles are easy to create and use, creating an optimal image is complex in particular since it is easy to not follow the best practices, when it happens we call it Docker smell. To improve the quality of Dockerfiles, previous works have focused on detecting Docker smells, but they do not offer suggestions or repair the smells. In this paper, we propose, Parfum, a tool that detects and automatically repairs Docker smells while producing minimal patches. Parfum is based on a new Dockerfile AST parser called Dinghy. We evaluate the effectiveness of Parfum by analyzing and repairing a large set of Dockerfiles and comparing it against existing tools. We also measure the impact of the repair on the Docker image in terms of build failure and image size. Finally, we opened 35 pull requests to collect developers' feedback and ensure that the repairs and the smells are meaningful. Our results show that Parfum is able to repair 806 245 Docker smells and have a significant impact on the Docker image size, and finally, developers are welcoming the patches generated by Parfum while merging 20 pull requests.
2023-02-03 13:04:47.000000000
Transitioning a Project-Based Course between Onsite and Online. An Experience Report
cs.CY cs.SE
We present an investigation regarding the challenges faced by student teams across four consecutive iterations of a team-focused, project-based course in software engineering. The studied period includes the switch to fully online activities in the spring of 2020, and covers the return to face-to-face teaching two years later. We cover the feedback provided by over 1,500 students, collected in a free-text form on the basis of a survey. A qualitative research method was utilized to discern and examine the challenges and perceived benefits of a course that was conducted entirely online. We show that technical challenges remain a constant in project-based courses, with time management being the most affected by the move to online. Students reported that the effective use of collaborative tools eased team organization and communication while online. We conclude by providing a number of action points regarding the integration of online activities in face-to-face course unfolding related to project management, communication tools, the importance of teamwork, and of active mentor participation.
2023-08-28 07:37:20.000000000
Robustness, Security, Privacy, Explainability, Efficiency, and Usability of Large Language Models for Code
Large language models for code (LLM4Code), which demonstrate strong performance (e.g., high accuracy) in processing source code, have significantly transformed software engineering. Many studies separately investigate the non-functional properties of LM4Code, but there is no systematic review of how these properties are evaluated and enhanced. This paper fills this gap by thoroughly examining 146 relevant studies, thereby presenting the first systematic literature review to identify seven important properties beyond accuracy, including robustness, security, privacy, explainability, efficiency, and usability. We discuss the current state-of-the-art methods and trends, identify gaps in existing research, and present promising directions for future study.
2024-03-12 10:43:26.000000000
Multi-Dimensional Customization Modelling Based On Metagraph For Saas Multi-Tenant Applications
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new software delivery model in which pre-built applications are delivered to customers as a service. SaaS providers aim to attract a large number of tenants (users) with minimal system modifications to meet economics of scale. To achieve this aim, SaaS applications have to be customizable to meet requirements of each tenant. However, due to the rapid growing of the SaaS, SaaS applications could have thousands of tenants with a huge number of ways to customize applications. Modularizing such customizations still is a highly complex task. Additionally, due to the big variation of requirements for tenants, no single customization model is appropriate for all tenants. In this paper, we propose a multi-dimensional customization model based on metagraph. The proposed mode addresses the modelling variability among tenants, describes customizations and their relationships, and guarantees the correctness of SaaS customizations made by tenants.
2014-02-25 03:44:09.000000000
Modeling and Evaluating Personas with Software Explainability Requirements
cs.HC cs.CY cs.SE
This work focuses on the context of software explainability, which is the production of software capable of explaining to users the dynamics that govern its internal functioning. User models that include information about their requirements and their perceptions of explainability are fundamental when building software with such capability. This study investigates the process of creating personas that include information about users' explainability perceptions and needs. The proposed approach is based on data collection with questionnaires, modeling of empathy maps, grouping the maps, generating personas from them and evaluation employing the Persona Perception Scale method. In an empirical study, personas are created from 61 users' response data to a questionnaire. The generated personas are evaluated by 60 users and 38 designers considering attributes of the Persona Perception Scale method. The results include a set of 5 distinct personas that users rate as representative of them at an average level of 3.7 out of 5, and designers rate as having quality 3.5 out of 5. The median rate is 4 out of 5 in the majority of criteria judged by users and designers. Both the personas and their creation and evaluation approach are contributions of this study to the design of software that satisfies the explainability requirement.
2021-08-10 12:43:18.000000000
Empirical Evaluation of ChatGPT on Requirements Information Retrieval Under Zero-Shot Setting
cs.SE cs.AI
Recently, various illustrative examples have shown the impressive ability of generative large language models (LLMs) to perform NLP related tasks. ChatGPT undoubtedly is the most representative model. We empirically evaluate ChatGPT's performance on requirements information retrieval (IR) tasks to derive insights into designing or developing more effective requirements retrieval methods or tools based on generative LLMs. We design an evaluation framework considering four different combinations of two popular IR tasks and two common artifact types. Under zero-shot setting, evaluation results reveal ChatGPT's promising ability to retrieve requirements relevant information (high recall) and limited ability to retrieve more specific requirements information (low precision). Our evaluation of ChatGPT on requirements IR under zero-shot setting provides preliminary evidence for designing or developing more effective requirements IR methods or tools based on LLMs.
2023-04-25 04:09:45.000000000
Empirical Evaluation of Effort on Composing Design Models
Model composition plays a central role in many software engineering activities such as evolving models to add new features and reconciling conflicting design models developed in parallel by different development teams. As model composition is usually an error-prone and effort-consuming task, its potential benefits, such as gains in productivity can be compromised. However, there is no empirical knowledge nowadays about the effort required to compose design models. Only feedbacks of model composition evangelists are available, and they often diverge. Consequently, developers are unable to conduct any cost-effectiveness analysis as well as identify, predict, or reduce composition effort. The inability of evaluating composition effort is due to three key problems. First, the current evaluation frameworks do not consider fundamental concepts in model composition such as conflicts and inconsistencies. Second, researchers and developers do not know what factors can influence the composition effort in practice. Third, practical knowledge about how such influential factors may affect the developers' effort is severely lacking. In this context, the contributions of this thesis are threefold: (i) a quality model for supporting the evaluation of model composition effort, (ii) practical knowledge, derived from a family of quantitative and qualitative empirical studies, about model composition effort and its influential factors, and (iii) insight about how to evaluate model composition efforts and tame the side effects of such influential factors.
2016-10-27 20:51:55.000000000
Featured Weighted Automata
cs.FL cs.LO cs.SE
A featured transition system is a transition system in which the transitions are annotated with feature expressions: Boolean expressions on a finite number of given features. Depending on its feature expression, each individual transition can be enabled when some features are present, and disabled for other sets of features. The behavior of a featured transition system hence depends on a given set of features. There are algorithms for featured transition systems which can check their properties for all sets of features at once, for example for LTL or CTL properties. Here we introduce a model of featured weighted automata which combines featured transition systems and (semiring-) weighted automata. We show that methods and techniques from weighted automata extend to featured weighted automata and devise algorithms to compute quantitative properties of featured weighted automata for all sets of features at once. We show applications to minimum reachability and to energy properties.
2017-02-24 07:40:36.000000000
The Influence of Teamwork Quality on Software Team Performance
Traditionally, software quality is thought to depend on sound software engineering and development methodologies such as structured programming and agile development. However, high quality software depends just as much on high quality collaboration within the team. Since the success rate of software development projects is low (Wateridge, 1995; The Standish Group, 2009), it is important to understand which characteristics of interactions within software development teams significantly influence performance. Hoegl and Gemuenden (2001) reported empirical evidence for the relation between teamwork quality and software quality, using a six-factor teamwork quality (TWQ) model. This article extends the work of Hoegl and Gemuenden (2001) with the aim of finding additional factors that may influence software team performance. We introduce three new TWQ factors: trust, value sharing, and coordination of expertise. The relationship between TWQ and team performance and the improvement of the model are tested using data from 252 team members and stakeholders. Results show that teamwork quality is significantly related to team performance, as rated by both team members and stakeholders: TWQ explains 81% of the variance of team performance as rated by team members and 61% as rated by stakeholders. This study shows that trust, shared values, and coordination of expertise are important factors for team leaders to consider in order to achieve high quality software team work.
2017-01-22 10:00:32.000000000
Challenges and Directions for Engineering Multi-agent Systems
cs.MA cs.SE
In this talk I review where we stand regarding the engineering of multi-agent systems. There is both good news and bad news. The good news is that over the past decade we've made considerable progress on techniques for engineering multi-agent systems: we have good, usable methodologies, and mature tools. Furthermore, we've seen a wide range of demonstrated applications, and have even begun to quantify the advantages of agent technology. However, industry involvement in AAMAS appears to be declining (as measured by industry sponsorship of the conference), and industry affiliated attendants at AAMAS 2012 were few (1-2%). Furthermore, looking at the applications of agents being reported at recent AAMAS, usage of Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) and of Agent Oriented Programming Languages (AOPLs) is quite limited. This observation is corroborated by the results of a 2008 survey by Frank and Virginia Dignum. Based on these observations, I make five recommendations: (1) Re-engage with industry; (2) Stop designing AOPLs and AOSE methodologies ... and instead ... (3) Move to the "macro" level: develop techniques for designing and implementing interaction, integrate micro (single cognitive agent) and macro (MAS) design and implementation; (4) Develop techniques for the Assurance of MAS; and (5) Re-engage with the US.
2012-09-07 00:27:39.000000000
Implant Global and Local Hierarchy Information to Sequence based Code Representation Models
cs.SE cs.AI
Source code representation with deep learning techniques is an important research field. There have been many studies that learn sequential or structural information for code representation. But sequence-based models and non-sequence-models both have their limitations. Researchers attempt to incorporate structural information to sequence-based models, but they only mine part of token-level hierarchical structure information. In this paper, we analyze how the complete hierarchical structure influences the tokens in code sequences and abstract this influence as a property of code tokens called hierarchical embedding. The hierarchical embedding is further divided into statement-level global hierarchy and token-level local hierarchy. Furthermore, we propose the Hierarchy Transformer (HiT), a simple but effective sequence model to incorporate the complete hierarchical embeddings of source code into a Transformer model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of hierarchical embedding on learning code structure with an experiment on variable scope detection task. Further evaluation shows that HiT outperforms SOTA baseline models and show stable training efficiency on three source code-related tasks involving classification and generation tasks across 8 different datasets.
2023-03-14 12:01:39.000000000
Reverse Engineering from Assembler to Formal Specifications via Program Transformations
cs.SE cs.PL
The FermaT transformation system, based on research carried out over the last sixteen years at Durham University, De Montfort University and Software Migrations Ltd., is an industrial-strength formal transformation engine with many applications in program comprehension and language migration. This paper is a case study which uses automated plus manually-directed transformations and abstractions to convert an IBM 370 Assembler code program into a very high-level abstract specification.
2001-05-04 09:21:21.000000000
Vulnerabilities and Open Issues of Smart Contracts: A Systematic Mapping
cs.SE cs.CR
Smart Contracts (SCs) are programs stored in a Blockchain to ensure agreements between two or more parties. Due to the unchangeable essence of Blockchain, failures or errors in SCs become perpetual once published. The reliability of SCs is essential to avoid financial losses. So, SCs must be checked to ensure the absence of errors. Hence, many studies addressed new methods and tools for zero-bug software in SCs. This paper conducted a systematic literature mapping identifying initiatives and tools to analyze SCs and how to deal with the identified vulnerabilities. Besides, this work identifies gaps that may lead to research topics for future work.
2021-04-26 00:46:39.000000000
Setting Out a Software Stack Capable of Hosting a Virtual ROS-based Competition
Traditional academic competitions that foster collaboration from student communities all around the globe have either been postponed indefinitely or cancelled due to restrictions posed upon in-person gathering. Owing to this, virtual competitions are gaining importance as they provide the student community with an outlet for exposure and academic growth whilst having the convenience of being online and safe. Mars Society South Asia (MSSA) has developed a software stack capable of replicating on-site competition tasks via ROS-based simulations. The software enables users to perform necessary simulations without them having to interact with ROS or Gazebo. Currently, the software has been set out to be used for the Virtual Mars Rover Challenge (VMRC), a competition that focuses on simulating the next generation of Mars rovers and thereby providing the student community with a substitute to their on-site competitions. The objective of this white paper is to explain the software architecture, installation, usage, maintenance and ease of use which is the singular most important factor in software adoption.
2021-05-21 17:09:48.000000000
A Comparative Study of Web Services Composition Networks
Web services growth makes the composition process a hard task to solve. This numerous interacting elements can be adequately represented by a network. Discovery and composition can benefit from the knowledge of the network structure. In this paper, we investigate the topological properties of two models of syntactic and semantic Web services composition networks: dependency and interaction. Results show that they share a similar organization characterized by the small-world property, a heavy-tailed degree distribution and a low transitivity value. Furthermore, the networks are disassortative.
2013-05-01 14:47:44.000000000
APICom: Automatic API Completion via Prompt Learning and Adversarial Training-based Data Augmentation
Based on developer needs and usage scenarios, API (Application Programming Interface) recommendation is the process of assisting developers in finding the required API among numerous candidate APIs. Previous studies mainly modeled API recommendation as the recommendation task, which can recommend multiple candidate APIs for the given query, and developers may not yet be able to find what they need. Motivated by the neural machine translation research domain, we can model this problem as the generation task, which aims to directly generate the required API for the developer query. After our preliminary investigation, we find the performance of this intuitive approach is not promising. The reason is that there exists an error when generating the prefixes of the API. However, developers may know certain API prefix information during actual development in most cases. Therefore, we model this problem as the automatic completion task and propose a novel approach APICom based on prompt learning, which can generate API related to the query according to the prompts (i.e., API prefix information). Moreover, the effectiveness of APICom highly depends on the quality of the training dataset. In this study, we further design a novel gradient-based adversarial training method {\atpart} for data augmentation, which can improve the normalized stability when generating adversarial examples. To evaluate the effectiveness of APICom, we consider a corpus of 33k developer queries and corresponding APIs. Compared with the state-of-the-art baselines, our experimental results show that APICom can outperform all baselines by at least 40.02\%, 13.20\%, and 16.31\% in terms of the performance measures EM@1, MRR, and MAP. Finally, our ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of our component setting (such as our designed adversarial training method, our used pre-trained model, and prompt learning) in APICom.
2023-09-13 15:31:50.000000000
Towards using Few-Shot Prompt Learning for Automating Model Completion
cs.SE cs.CL
We propose a simple yet a novel approach to improve completion in domain modeling activities. Our approach exploits the power of large language models by using few-shot prompt learning without the need to train or fine-tune those models with large datasets that are scarce in this field. We implemented our approach and tested it on the completion of static and dynamic domain diagrams. Our initial evaluation shows that such an approach is effective and can be integrated in different ways during the modeling activities.
2022-12-07 02:11:26.000000000
Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithmic (NFA) Models and Tools for Estimation
cs.SE cs.AI
Accurate estimation such as cost estimation, quality estimation and risk analysis is a major issue in management. We propose a patent pending soft computing framework to tackle this challenging problem. Our generic framework is independent of the nature and type of estimation. It consists of neural network, fuzzy logic, and an algorithmic estimation model. We made use of the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Function Point Analysis as the algorithmic models and validated the accuracy of the Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithmic (NFA) Model in software cost estimation using industrial project data. Our model produces more accurate estimation than using an algorithmic model alone. We also discuss the prototypes of our tools that implement the NFA Model. We conclude with our roadmap and direction to enrich the model in tackling different estimation challenges.
2015-07-31 21:30:42.000000000
A Survey of Reverse Engineering and Program Comprehension
Reverse engineering has been a standard practice in the hardware community for some time. It has only been within the last ten years that reverse engineering, or "program comprehension", has grown into the current sub-discipline of software engineering. Traditional software engineering is primarily focused on the development and design of new software. However, most programmers work on software that other people have designed and developed. Up to 50% of a software maintainers time can be spent determining the intent of source code. The growing demand to reevaluate and reimplement legacy software systems, brought on by the proliferation of clientserver and World Wide Web technologies, has underscored the need for reverse engineering tools and techniques. This paper introduces the terminology of reverse engineering and gives some of the obstacles that make reverse engineering difficult. Although reverse engineering remains heavily dependent on the human component, a number of automated tools are presented that aid the reverse engineer.
2005-03-24 13:55:53.000000000
MACER: A Modular Framework for Accelerated Compilation Error Repair
cs.SE cs.LG cs.PL stat.ML
Automated compilation error repair, the problem of suggesting fixes to buggy programs that fail to compile, has generated significant interest in recent years. Apart from being a tool of general convenience, automated code repair has significant pedagogical applications for novice programmers who find compiler error messages cryptic and unhelpful. Existing approaches largely solve this problem using a blackbox-application of a heavy-duty generative learning technique, such as sequence-to-sequence prediction (TRACER) or reinforcement learning (RLAssist). Although convenient, such black-box application of learning techniques makes existing approaches bulky in terms of training time, as well as inefficient at targeting specific error types. We present MACER, a novel technique for accelerated error repair based on a modular segregation of the repair process into repair identification and repair application. MACER uses powerful yet inexpensive discriminative learning techniques such as multi-label classifiers and rankers to first identify the type of repair required and then apply the suggested repair. Experiments indicate that the fine-grained approach adopted by MACER offers not only superior error correction, but also much faster training and prediction. On a benchmark dataset of 4K buggy programs collected from actual student submissions, MACER outperforms existing methods by 20% at suggesting fixes for popular errors that exactly match the fix desired by the student. MACER is also competitive or better than existing methods at all error types -- whether popular or rare. MACER offers a training time speedup of 2x over TRACER and 800x over RLAssist, and a test time speedup of 2-4x over both.
2020-05-28 14:00:03.000000000
Taming Android Fragmentation through Lightweight Crowdsourced Testing
cs.SE cs.PL
Android fragmentation refers to the overwhelming diversity of Android devices and OS versions. These lead to the impossibility of testing an app on every supported device, leaving a number of compatibility bugs scattered in the community and thereby resulting in poor user experiences. To mitigate this, our fellow researchers have designed various works to automatically detect such compatibility issues. However, the current state-of-the-art tools can only be used to detect specific kinds of compatibility issues (i.e., compatibility issues caused by API signature evolution), i.e., many other essential types of compatibility issues are still unrevealed. For example, customized OS versions on real devices and semantic changes of OS could lead to serious compatibility issues, which are non-trivial to be detected statically. To this end, we propose a novel, lightweight, crowdsourced testing approach, LAZYCOW, to fill this research gap and enable the possibility of taming Android fragmentation through crowdsourced efforts. Specifically, crowdsourced testing is an emerging alternative to conventional mobile testing mechanisms that allow developers to test their products on real devices to pinpoint platform-specific issues. Experimental results on thousands of test cases on real-world Android devices show that LAZYCOW is effective in automatically identifying and verifying API-induced compatibility issues. Also, after investigating the user experience through qualitative metrics, users' satisfaction provides strong evidence that LAZYCOW is useful and welcome in practice.
2023-04-10 01:37:16.000000000
Curb Your Self-Modifying Code
Self-modifying code has many intriguing applications in a broad range of fields including software security, artificial general intelligence, and open-ended evolution. Having control over self-modifying code, however, is still an open challenge since it is a balancing act between providing as much freedom as possible so as not to limit possible solutions, while at the same time imposing restriction to avoid security issues and invalid code or solutions. In the present study, I provide a prototype implementation of how one might curb self-modifying code by introducing control mechanisms for code modifications within specific regions and for specific transitions between code and data. I show that this is possible to achieve with the so-called allagmatic method - a framework to formalise, model, implement, and interpret complex systems inspired by Gilbert Simondon's philosophy of individuation and Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of organism. Thereby, the allagmatic method serves as guidance for self-modification based on concepts defined in a metaphysical framework. I conclude that the allagmatic method seems to be a suitable framework for control mechanisms in self-modifying code and that there are intriguing analogies between the presented control mechanisms and gene regulation.
2022-02-28 14:39:34.000000000
Proceedings of the 19th International Overture Workshop
This volume contains the papers presented at the 19th International Overture Workshop, which was held in an hybrid format: online and physically at Aarhus, Denmark on 22th October 2021. This event was the latest in a series of workshops around the Vienna Development Method (VDM), the open-source project Overture, and related tools and formalisms. VDM is one of the longest established formal methods for systems development. A lively community of researchers and practitioners has grown up in academia and industry around the modelling languages (VDM-SL, VDM++, VDM-RT, CML) and tools (VDMTools, Overture, VDM VSCode extension, Crescendo, Symphony, the INTO-CPS chain, and ViennaTalk). Together, these provide a platform for work on modelling and analysis technology that includes static and dynamic analysis, test generation, execution support, and model checking. This workshop provided updates on the emerging technology of VDM/Overture, including collaboration infrastructure, collaborative modelling and co-simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems.
2021-10-18 14:57:12.000000000