Trump’s fixation threatens to weaken the agency tasked with protecting the entire nation. Evidence for the latter includes his threat to close the entire border, which would have produced predictably disastrous consequences for the U.S. economy. One assumes he shovels such petulant nonsense to his anti-immigrant base because he figures it validates their fears and anger enough to cause them to ignore his other harmful policies: increasing pollution, ignoring climate change, removing health care coverage, eliminating OSHA rules; skyrocketing deficits, hugely profitable corporations paying no taxes. Hey, look: immigrants!
Unforgiveness ties us to a person forever. Forgiveness releases. I spoke to so many people afterwards and learned that a lot of them went through this sexual abuse themselves. Sadly, more often than not, it was internal (family) that did the abusing. Some still have to be in the same room with the ones who did this to them. I cannot fathom. Their quest to forgive seems immeasurable. I've read a lot about forgiveness recently. When we refuse to forgive someone, we still want something from them, even if it's revenge that we want, it keeps us tied to the person forever. Unforgiveness destroys a good life. Forgiveness creates it. To forgive means we will never get from that person what was owed us. What's done is done and can't be undone. But the result of forgiveness is freedom from that reality and the chance to have a future unaffected by resentment and grudges from the past. It takes the power away from others (the ones that hurt you), and we get our lives back. Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred and the waste of energy. When we read through God's Word, we read of so many examples of incredible forgiveness starting with the most amazing one of all: Jesus. In the most horrific setting, nailed to a cross, beaten and bloodied, mocked and ridiculed, spit at and whipped, Jesus says, "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." Luke 23:34. This sets the bar high. He's the example we should follow in our own lives. We left that Sunday with a call to action. We left writing initials of someone that we know we should, at the very least, start a process of forgiving. I hope and pray that all of you who took part in this are making progress. For those who were not there, who is it that you need to start forgiving today?
It is a very important skill for any student to be able to compose a good argument essay. These essays are intended to provide undeniable evidence in order to support position of the writer and convince readers about certain stance. Argument essay is a paper that uses a lot of research which is needed to ensure careful and effective overview of the subject. So go on the Internet and find as much reliable information as you can. So the main objective of the writer of an argument essay is to persuade the readers about his own point of view. Here in this post we will show how such college essay should be done. Step 1. Understand your objective. You, the writer, need to completely understand the topic in order to draw your own conclusion and take a certain stand. Therefore, you need to carry out a research on the topic you want to argue about to cover all your bases. You don’t want to be silent during your debate and let your opponent bombard you with opposing facts. All information regarding the topic has to be collected and studied, otherwise you won’t have any answers to counter arguments of your opposing side. Make sure you state your point clearly and understand it very well. Step 2. Understand the methodology. Understanding all aspects of the work is the key. Collect as much information as you can because you have to become an expert on your topic for the time you have this assignment. You have to be a guide for your readers to lead them all the way through different opinion to the one that is required by you. So get to know all sides of your topic so your can beat your opponents. Step 3. Understand the outcome of the essay. The main result of an argument essay is to make a person think like you do about the subject. So make sure you have enough information to persuade readers to come to your side. Step 1. Choose arguable and interesting topic. Remember, you have to pick up a topic that involves two or more opinions because there has to be a contradicting view. Besides, choose one that interests you because you will spend a lot of time doing it and you have to have a little bit of fun. Step 2. Know your readers. It is always recommended to know your audience and argument essay is the perfect example. You have to use the language that will be acceptable by the people reading your essay. So tailor your work to your audience and use sources of information that will be interesting to them. This is done because it is most likely the readers will have different reactions to your paper. Step 3. Test your argument. It is a good idea to find someone that opposes your view and try to have a little debate on the subject. This way you will know about possible arguments and perhaps some of your thoughts should be refined and developed further. Step 4. Understand rhetorical situations. Make sure you understand the background and all factors that influence your topic. All these factors when combined create a rhetorical situation. Rhetoric is extremely important in argument essays. It might also include employing language that you will have to use to convince your audience.
The economic agreements signed by Switzerland with multiple countries make the canton of Vaud the perfect gateway for the European market and indeed the rest of the world. The region also has an international reputation thanks to the prestige of its institutions and the events it organizes on a global scale. For any company, setting up business in Switzerland is the equivalent of having almost unlimited access to the 520 million consumers of the European Union (EU), whilst still benefiting from the advantages that the Swiss system has to offer. Switzerland is geographically at the heart of Europe and benefits from an extremely high-performance public transport network as well as road infrastructure that is just as impressive. European connections are plenty and easy to access. Two international airports, at Geneva and Zurich, are linked to hundreds of European and international destinations. Switzerland and the EU have a very close economic relationship, with 54% of Swiss exports being sent to its sizeable neighbor and 72% of imports coming from there. What could be more natural than these partners taking measures to facilitate their exchanges? The main bilateral agreements give the citizens of Switzerland and the EU the right to freely choose their place of work and domicile across these states, and this also enables Swiss companies to hire labor from the EU more easily. The suppression of border controls in the Schengen area meanwhile makes tourism easier. The abolition of double inspection, i.e., having to prove that merchandise conforms to both Swiss and European community standards, makes trade far easier. Regulations concerning CE marking and drug approvals, for example, benefit from these agreements of mutual recognition between Switzerland and the EU. It should also be noted that while the Swiss franc remains the official currency, the euro is accepted in most hotels and in plenty of stores. It can also be withdrawn from the vast majority of ATMs. Switzerland is not merely a springboard to Europe, however. Its free-exchange agreements signed with the EU and EFTA (31 countries in total), as well as with 38 other nations including China and Japan, constitute one of the densest networks in the world. Its simple and transparent customs procedures provide a significant competitive advantage over competition from abroad, in particular for the luxury goods industry. The canton of Vaud obviously benefits from this favorable situation, and its advantages have not escaped the attention of various multinationals such as Medtronic, Nissan, Chiquita, Sunstar, Honeywell, Starbucks Coffee, Nestlé, Logitech, Bobst, Cisco, Incyte, and Becton Dickinson, which have set up their global, European or EMEA headquarters here. The image of these companies, much like that of the prestigious research and education institutions, attracts specialists of all nationalities. The canton of Vaud has been investing significantly for a number of years in innovation and technologies. Start-ups of all varieties are able to flourish thanks to the density, variety, and cross-disciplinary nature of the research institutes. The EPFL in particular, which is in the top 20 universities in the world in several international rankings, plays a key role in this sector. Switzerland also features fourth among countries in the world with the highest number of universities in the top 100 places in the Shanghai ranking. In terms of the companies themselves, there is great diversity with a combination of start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses and multinationals throughout the canton of Vaud. In terms of the quality of research and education, the Ludwig Institute, which specializes in cancer research, as well as the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) and the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) are world leaders in their respective fields. Lastly, cultural events and institutions such as the Montreux Jazz Festival and the Ballet Béjart, as well as international organizations such as the IOC and around 50 international sporting federations (which are the focal point for Think Sport – the cluster dedicated to sport and innovation) all add to the image of the region throughout the world.
→The Spiritual Guilt Trap- Don’t Ever Criticize Yourself for Wanting More! Today, I am going to share a true realization with you that I have noticed in my life as well as others which I never really knew was my own “enemy” until I saw it residing inside me and affecting my actions. I found this little enemy of mine when I was going through Lisa Nichol’s Creative Visualization course in the lesson number 4 where she teaches that we often stop ourselves from wanting things that we know will make us happy because we believe that having such desires is non-spiritual. Let’s be honest here, don’t you see this in the world and yourself very often?.. Like when you are with someone whose opinion matters a lot to you- You act as a person who is not much desirous or sometimes the other person hides what he wants for himself because he fears that you will judge him? Our concern here is not how you pretend in front of others, if you will just watch your thoughts with a little more awareness you will find that you deny things in life because you think that wanting too much in life is not good from the spiritual aspect. How and Why We Keep Ourselves Away from Our True Wants in Life? Sadly, people who have immense ability to achieve their goals are the ones who are mostly affected by this mind trap. I am not saying that everyone doesn’t have the power to get the life they want-We all have! However, people who have come to realize that there is much more to this world then what we see and those who are involved in activities to nourish their soul are the ones who can really make some big changes because a large population in the world is still living their life with the belief that they have no control over their reality. Now, despite of knowing that we have a spiritual power using which we can create our life the way we want, we often stop ourselves from aiming too high than what we think we can achieve.. This belief that “wanting too much is spiritually wrong”, keeps us stuck in our current life circumstances. The fear that people will resent us for having “too much” and they will feel that we have changed or may be the fear that “greed” will take us over etc, all these are results of this root cause that stops us from living a life that we truly deserve. And that cause is the belief which the society at some level considers to be true (especially middle class and upper middle class) – Rich people are non-spiritual or having too much makes one to forget god. Denying materialistic needs is always considered as an act of a pure soul. Society programs our mind in a way that we unknowingly somewhere deep inside our mind consider that having more then what we need will make us bad. Spirituality is not at all related to what you have or don’t have in this time space reality. You can always be a spiritual person rather of the fact that you live in Himalayas or Las Vegas..LOL.. Even though you may agree with me on an external level, I want to tell you that this particular belief operates in a much deeper level inside us which stops us from doing things which will take us towards the right direction, so you will have to work on this if you want to reach higher goals in life than what you presently consider is possible.
This site on Flickr highlights a selection of images from the historical records of the Children's Aid Society. The charitable organization was founded in New York City in 1853 to aid, educate and provide lodging for poor children in the city, and/or to place them in foster homes or with employers outside of the city. The entire collection has been rehoused and processed and a finding aid, or guide to the collection, can be located here. The select images portray children participating in activities at CAS facilities as well as children leaving on the "Orphan Trains." Some annual reports, personal diaries, intake volumes, broadsides and pamphlets have also been included.
Earth is most beautiful place to live in till we listen and face any crime and violence. Well, we use to listen crimes and violence around the world but do you know which is the . There are some cities in country which are such dangerous and unsafe that roaming around freely decrease your life expectancy significantly. This article is to give you an information about The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In The World. Lets have a look at some of dangerous cities in the world. The violence and war are common in Beirut, beautiful city of middle east. This city has become unsafe due to violence in recent years. It is bombed repeatedly thats why Mercer has rated in one of dangerous city of world. Shocked!! but its true US too have dangerous city in the world. Its one of poorest and unsafe city with number of crimes rate in a year. After getting separate from Russia in 1991, Grozny is a restless city of the world due to continues invading of Russian troops. Two prolonged war with Russia has destroyed this city and cause it dangerous to the people living there some of them have fled to other places and other reasons for being dangerous is local maffia and criminal gangs that contributing in making this city one of dangerous city of world. Undoubtedly, Capetown is beautiful but is dangerous city too. This city is facing great social and economic problems this results in high rate of crimes like murder, kidnapping and robbery are common in some parts of city. Hmm! another city of US with high crime rates and one of dangerous city of world. Violent crime rates are higher than national average residents. Petty crimes are common in Moscow and is unsafe to walk freely as lowest personal security as compared to any other cities of Europe. That makes this city to comes under most dangerous cities of the world. Though security conditions has improved in recent years, but still lot to do to control crime and violence in this city which is famous for its “kidnap culture”. This is one of largest metropolitan city of Africa, and was former capital of Nigeria. Its one of unsafe city of world and so much needs to do to reduce crimes in this city. Somalia is considered most lawless and dangerous city of the world as there were so many civil wars since 1991 and without any central government control over there. Low social and economic conditions also contribute towards crime rate there. Safety conditions are quite low and is declining day by day in this city thats making it most dangerous city of the world. In 2009 alone 2,600 people killed in drug related violence. Ciudad is border town of Juarez. Crime rates and violence are high and even police force are not even safe due to assassination of high ranked members. These are our list of research over internet on dangerous cities of the world. Do you know some more dangerous cities of the world? Share with us.
The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything they have. That is nice. Who said that? Not sure. Whenever i leave out the author, it is because I don’t know who it is. But it was a wise person, I bet.
WASHINGTON (April 23, 2008) -- Americans maintain a connection to the military through the Soldiers that come from their own communities, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr. said. During a presentation April 23 at Georgetown University, Gen. Casey said the American public maintains a very real connection to the war on terror through friends and neighbors that deploy as part of the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve -- ensuring that America's military does not become an isolated society. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr., spoke April 23 at Georgetown University about the developing trends that will shape the global environment in coming years, and how America's military must be ready to adapt. "Our connection is the Guard and the Reserve -- Guard and Reserve units from all over the country are deploying, and have been since Sept. 11," he said. "That is a connection. As these Soldiers come and go for their mission, that affects the whole United States." The presentation, entitled "Meeting the Challenges of Persistent Conflict in the 21st Century," was hosted by the Center for Peace and Security Studies and the Georgetown Lecture Fund. The general is a 1970 graduate of the university, earning a bachelor of science degree there in international relations. Casey spoke to a crowd of students and Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets from the school about the developing trends that will shape the global environment in coming years, and how America's military must be ready to adapt. Those trends involve globalization, technology and population demographics. "There is no question that the impact of globalization is bringing prosperity to people around the world," the general said. "Unfortunately, that prosperity is unequally distributed." In places like South America, the Middle East and South Asia, the effects of globalization are not as positive as they are in other places, the general said. "What we see emerging is the potential of a 'have' and 'have-not' culture," he said, adding that estimates say about 2.3 billion people will live below the poverty level by 2030. "These have-not groups are much more susceptible to recruiting" by terrorist organizations, he said. The emergence and the distribution of technology is also a trend America's military must stay abreast of, he said. "The same technology that is allowing knowledge to be brought to anybody with a computer and a hookup anywhere in the world, is also being used by terrorists to export terror around the globe," he said. Population demographics are also "working in the wrong direction," the general said. The population of some developing nations are expected to double by 2020, "adding to the already difficult situation ... governments have in supporting their populations." By 2030, 60 percent of the world is expected to live in cities, Casey said. "That says a lot to us in the Army about where we will operate." For the U.S. military to operate in that environment, it must operate with all the elements of national power behind it, including those that exert diplomatic, international or economic power, Casey said. The U.S. military must also be able to work with indigenous forces in the areas it operates. "No great power has ever prevailed in a counterinsurgency without ... a partner," he said. "We are actively working that in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a different intellectual challenge because doing something yourself is always easier than getting somebody else to do it." The general told audience members the U.S. Army is working now to build a force that is capable of operating in what will be a changed environment in the 21st century. "As we look to the future, taking into consideration persistent conflict and the nature of conflict in the 21st century, we are working to build an agile -- both individually and institutionally -- campaign quality army, with the ability to sustain operations over a period of years to accomplish our national objectives," he said.
Who wants enlightenment or freedom? Who is this who that wants lasting happiness or nirvana? The greatest stumbling block to freedom is thinking you know or understand what you have read about freedom or enlightenment. The ego never makes it to the mountain top. You will never enlightened. What does it mean to be enlightened? What is freedom really?
Recent figures suggest over 700,000 people in Ireland live in rented accommodation. The number of people renting their home is growing consistently and looks set to continue, given the current supply/demand situation within the housing market. A study conducted by insuremyhouse.ie indicated that up to half of the 700,000 Irish people living in leased houses and apartments have no insurance cover. Just 10 years ago, the dominant profile of tenants in rental accommodation comprised people who were transitioning from living with their parents to owning their own home, were spending 3 years or less renting and typically had less than €5,000 worth of belongings. With a high proportion of tenants now classified as long-term, many have acquired substantially more possessions along the way, and could stand to lose an average of €25,000 or more in the event of a fire, flood or other major incident. Many might assume content insurance to be prohibitively expensive, but it is surprisingly affordable, with typical costs averaging just €100 for 12 months of cover for contents to the value to €25,000. In fact, our experience shows that approximately 98% of people who ring to enquire about home insurance end up taking on a policy. As one of Ireland’s largest insurances brokers, insuremyhouse.ie caters for both tenants and property owners. So, for 2017 I would advise you not to underestimate the value of your possessions, and to arrange some cover to protect your home and belongings.
I’m looking across the clouds and golden sky at a hot air balloon. Despite what it might seem like, I am not in the basket of another balloon drifting in the wind. In fact, for all the forms of transport I’ve travelled on around the world, I’ve never once been in a hot air balloon. It’s one of those things I’d like to do, but I’ve yet to get around to it. For the past couple of days hot air balloons, or as the French call them, Montgolfières, have been flying across the countryside an hour from Paris as part of a festival of hot air balloons. Watching them take off and drift away in near silence made me wonder how it is that I haven’t yet done this. Maybe I’m subconsciously nervous of finding that I don’t like the experience. I’ve pestered friends to take me on their small boats and in their small planes, thinking those experiences would be amazing, and often times I end up throwing up and feeling really sick! Can such a thing happen on a hot air balloon ride? I suppose there is only one way to really know for sure, right?
Welcome back Hackers! In This Tutorial we’re going to continue from our previous post about DoSing and kicking from Wi-Fi the loud guy or someone whom annoy much. From that, we have learned how to DoS a victim using deauthentication attack mode with aireplay-ng, But it was manual attack and take times. Today we’re going to create our own automate bash script to deauth targets or victims continuously. I remind you that, before doing packet injection such DoSing, Spoofing, etc. make sure you have wireless adapter which is supporting packet injection. Some adapters are only support monitor mode only just be able to scanning, not injecting. Be aware of it, don’t expect high if use inappropriate device. Before I Jump into Tutorial, Let me explain you the scenario here. Just like previous tutorial, we are a good guy, and will always be. But, our neighbor lets say his name is ‘John’ he hates us, John has access point name which is intended to mock you personally. You are feel challenged, and think he open a cyberWar on you. What would you do? Two things, hack the router, or DoS the AP. Because you got no time to serve him you want to only kick him to his own network, and fool him. Because you have already read an awesome tutorial post about “DoSing all clients in AP in thehacktoday.com“, then you fire up your Kali Linux machine. You immediately open the terminal and doing information gathering, you need to know John access point MAC Address. In order to scan wireless traffic you need to put your wireless adapter into monitor. Once you do that you can see all traffic passing through the air around you. TAI0 is your new monitor mode, you can named it as you want. Now you your adapter in monitor mode, you need to use airodump-ng to view all traffics and parameter such ESSID, BSSID, CHANNEL etc. But you only need to grab the BSSID or target’s access point MAC Address. You got the victim mac address and take it to note for further parameter into attack. You are going to use aireplay-ng to send deauth packet frames to victim access point, thus whoever tries to connect to that AP will be dropped by aireplay-ng. You then write a script on gedit text editor. You want the script will send deauthentication packet frames to the victim Access point and all clients, kicking them off the network. After that we give them a rest time to re-authenticate for about 30 seconds, and then we deauthenticate them again, over and over. And we want this attack will only stop if we terminate by pressing CTRL+C key, and clean by itself. So this is your script. function control_c() This function handle termination action, once you press the CTRL+C your script will not only just stop, but also delete the monitor mode. Done, you got to save the script to autoDoS. Now, the attack is running over and over, you are now away from keyboard and take some food, and watch movies. You will be able to terminate the script whenever you want, at any time. But, the victim may block our MAC Address, for further advanced customization for this script you could change your MAC Address before each deauthentication making it harder for the victim to stop you and you will be able to keep sending deauth frames.
Are you falling in love with someone but do not know how to talk to your crush and make them fall in love with you? The thought of striking a conversation with your crush might make you feel a little bit anxious at the beginning. However, if you take things slow and concentrate on the right approach that contains 3 main stages – the introduction, the attention and the chemistry stage – then you will recognize it is not as difficult as your thoughts. The following tips will show you useful tips to help you get your crush noticing you and like you back. In this article, I will go directly to the topic, no sugar coating here, but I make sure that everyone can make use of these tricks easily. From VKool.com! When it comes to ways on how to talk to your crush, this might be the easiest way. To ask your crush for help when they are standing nearby, you pretend like you are looking for something, such as a specific person or book. Then, look around impatiently and dramatically. Pretend like you are really panicking as you are already late for something. After that, all of a sudden, you lock the eyes with the person you are fall in love with, ask them a question, “Did you see any book lying around this place?” And, when the crush answers your questions, you continue to look around for several more seconds. Keep exchanging a fleeting gland, smile or nod and walk away like you are busy or flustered. Remember that you should not begin the conversation here, or it will appear like you are faking it to communicate with them. If you are walking in front of or pass that person, you then should “accidentally” drop something a little value like a piece of paper or a pen. When your crush notices that, they will use the excuse to start a real conversation with you. In case that your crush does not realize it, you also have nothing to lose. If you know the Facebook page of your crush, you can comment on something that they also comment on, as long as the two of you have a common friend. It is not necessary for you to chat with them directly, just try to be seen by them. They will check your Facebook page and try to find more information about you. Remember that the trick behind getting your crush to fall for you is to make them naturally believe that they are the person who is more curious about you. When walking past your crush, smile fleetingly. Or, you can say hi to them. It is better for you to choose the time when there are no friends around them. Do not stop and have a conversation at that time, simply say hello and walk pass them. When you have built the chemistry up in the earlier stages, they would be waiting to talk to you the next time both of you bump into each other. If the two of you share any common friend, then you should try to get to know them better. Avoid telling this friend about your crush. Rather than, you should go for a conversation with that friend. It is really a good way to know your crush without the need to approach your crush directly. If you bump into the person you like, do not be shy that case. Rather than walking away or looking to other direction, you should smile, and say hello. The two of you have been exchanging glances. So, do not miss out on a chance like this. Keep the conversation short at this first time. If the two of you have been exchanging those flirty glances on streets and commenting on the same posts on the Facebook page that is enough of getting friendly online. Chatting on Facebook can help you take a huge load of pressure off such conversations which are face-to-face. When the two of you begin waving hellos and communicating to each other, your crush might pay attention to you, do not get instantly fall all over them. Try to play it cool, create a mutual interest instead of a one sided crush. You should avoid giving too much of your attention to your crush all at once, in return your crush will pursue you as much as you follow them. But you should not fall into the friend zone. This often occurs when you tend to go out of your own way to assist your crush. Try to be friendly and nice, yet tease your crush and sometimes leave them hanging rather than trying to please them every time. Nevertheless, you should not be jealous and rude as you find your crush communicating with someone else. Keep in mind that both of you are still not dating yet, so you have no right to care too much on your crush’s personal life. If you express your displeasure to the crush, they might just get more annoyed with your behavior. Pretend like it does not bother you. So, when you and your crush are getting to know each other, you need to learn to build the romance during alone time. The easiest manner to make your crush get attracted to you is to spend time with them when the two of you are being alone. If you notice them and you are hanging out with friend, excuse yourself and walk up to them to begin the conversation. The more alone time the two of you get, the quicker the attraction will be created and the stronger the infatuation will be. While communicating with your crush, make regular eye contact. Look into their eyes whilst saying something and keep the gaze. Though it seems awkward at the beginning, yet it will send the signal that you are crush into that person. Do you know the power of a smile when it comes to dating? Smile always helps people get closer to each other. Do not be boring when you have alone time with the crush. Smile and tease your crush. That way, you will make a good impression to them as a friendly and harmony person. If you use properly compliments, they can work wonders in most conversations. It will help the two of you get closer to each other and also make the crush being flirting with you without realizing. During the conversations between you two, you should find some common interests to set common ground. Discover more about the like, be it shows, movies, or whatever. As the two of you find something in common, it will give you an opportunity to bond over common interests. When being ready, you start exchanging the phone numbers of the two, and also text each other. If you want to be more naughty and flirty, text your crush later in evenings or even at night. Assuming that you are a girl, so what do you talk about with guys? Getting to sweet things to say to your crush is much easier once you get of the neural topics and move on to something which is more about having fun. The topics can be about Halloween, New Year or similar holidays offer plenty of interesting and fun conversations subjects – where you will go, what mask you are planning to wear – these topics could let you talk away and learn a little bit about what he likes and dislikes. Nevertheless, you should not make it a Question & Answer session, yet you could discuss some of the events that the upcoming holiday will cover. Talk about hot movies that you are going to hit the theatres to give you some insight into the type of movies that he likes watching. If you do properly, you could even get yourself a date (the friendly date perhaps), if you crush is type of obvious to subtle romance signs, but a date nonetheless. These tips above are time tested and have helped a lot of people get in touch with their crush effectively. However, if you do not think your crush is interested in being more than just friends, so don’t be sad. There are plenty of other guys/girls out there. It may just take some time to find the right one for you. Share your thoughts below this post if you have any further tips about how to talk to your crush. We will feedback soon.
Pacific Church Network, formerly known as the Conservative Baptist Association (CB) of Southern California, started in 1954. We were an association of churches and ministries coming together to defend and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have churches in Southern Californian, Hawaii, Guam and in Seattle. In 2013, as a part of the adoption of a new vision, we became known as Pacific Church Network. We desire to encourage, equip and establish churches so they may reach their world for Jesus Christ. We have a host of training events, retreats, and resources to bring health to our member churches. Over the years, CBAmerica and CB Southern California have been instrumental in starting various Christian organizations such as Denver Seminary, Evangelical Christian Credit Union and Pine Summit Christian Camp & Conference Center. Our CB family still includes CB Chaplaincy, Western Seminary, World Venture, Missions Door, CB Global, and 8 national regional networks in America. Below are some articles that speak of our history. Some years ago, I am told, a young secretary in Dallas went to her bank to get some traveler's checks. "What denomination?" asked the teller. "Why, Baptist, of course!" she replied. I don't recall whether she smiled or not. It doesn't really matter. It is apparently easy for the uninformed to confuse banks and churches in Texas. Throughout the Lone Star state, as well as in small towns all over the South and Midwest, imposing Baptist churches share Main Street with impressive bank buildings. One out of every three American Protestants is a Baptist. And at least one of the other two has probably come to share some Baptist conviction. On a chilly day in 1943 in Chicago, the temperature hovered around zero most of the day. Newspapers on Michigan Avenue told about the Russian advance against the Germans at the Dnieper River. But across town at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, the men and women who climbed the steps to the auditorium of the church had neither the weather nor the war on their minds.
In case your websites are aimed towards individuals from Australia, Oceania and New Zealand, then our Australian–based data center is the best option for your needs. To make sure that your web site visitors from New Zealand, Australia, Oceania and Asia will get in touch with you online as promptly as possible, you can host your web sites in the Amaze data center, which is situated in the Sydney Central Business District and which happens to be amongst the best–connected facilities in Australia and Oceania. Our AU data center (Amaze) will make your web sites amazingly fast and will reduce the bounce rates. In the Australian data center, you can easily host all types of sites – from online journals and small–business sites to large–sized photo albums and business websites. Our company offers you shared hosting packages, so you can go with the one that fits you most. All hosting plans include a 99.9% server uptime guarantee ensured by a team of accomplished admins who are available 24–7–365.
NEW! UNCW Surplus will be hosting its first public Surplus Sale, since being impacted from Hurricane Florence, on Wednesday, December 5th from 11:00 - 1:00. CASH SALE ONLY. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and we look forward to seeing you on sale day! The UNCW Surplus Store is open to the public the first and third Wednesday of each month for cash sales only. Store hours are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Some exceptions to this schedule may apply. Wednesday, August 1, 2018 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, September 5, 2018 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, December 5, 2018 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, January 16, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, February 6, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, February 20, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, 2019 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. N.C. Surplus Property authorizes institutions to operate on-site satellite surplus stores to sell to the public items priced at $150 or less. From S. College Road, turn onto Hurst Drive (toward campus), follow to traffic light. Turn left onto Hamilton Drive, follow until you come to Riegel Road. Turn right onto Riegel Road, follow Riegel Road past Walton Drive, past Sawtooth Drive, come to Plyler Drive. Turn left onto Plyler Drive, past Lionfish Drive. Surplus Store is on your left. Surplus property valued at greater than $150 that is no longer needed by university departments is listed with the State Surplus Property Agency in Raleigh, which advertises it for public bid. Interested parties may register to bid electronically, view state's classified ads, vehicles lists, and place bids online at https://www.ncstatesurplus.com/NCStateSurplusAuction.
Household and Family statistics for South Carolina counties are shown in this easy-to-read table and chart combination. Scroll down for information about Reading the chart. Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2000 Census. The entries under the Percent of total households headings are percentages. The "Family households Total" and "Nonfamily households Total" percentages add up to approximately 100%. The subheadings underneath do not add up to 100%, because they do not include all the types of households. For example, there is no subheading for "Male householder, no wife present.". The colored bars fill the cells in proportion to the percentage value. The entries under the Average population per- heading are averages of the number of people in each family or household. Here the colored bars indicate a percentage of an arbitrary maximum (5). For example, the colored bar for an average family size of 2.5 fills half of the table cell. Total Households counts households, not people. Here the colored bars represent percentages of the highest household count of any county in the state. For example, the county with the most households will have a colored bar that fills the cell. A county with half that many households will have a colored bar that fills half the cell. For small percentages the bar does not appear. A household includes all of the people who occupy a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied (or if vacant, intended for occupancy) as separate living quarters. A family includes a householder and one or more other people living in the same household who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. Abbreviations used in location names: Co.=County, C.A.=Census Area, Pa.=Parish, Mu.=Municipio. Interested in South Carolina? Check out South Carolina Climate for data and charts about average weather, daylight, and global warming.
Let Bell move and install your services in your new address. To make arrangements, have the following information handy. 2. What is Bell Install? Bell Install is a hassle-free way to ensure your Bell Satellite TV service is installed and operating correctly. 3. What's the penalty cancelling my Bell Satellite TV service? 4. What is CTV GO and how do I use it? CTV GO is an app developed by Bell Media that gives Bell TV customers complimentary access to CTV content on demand through computers and iOS devices. 7. Is it legal to import a DTH satellite system from the United States? Learn how to set up the advanced features of your Bell Satellite TV service.
Is your loyalty activity consistent? We live in a super accessible world with smart phones, tablet computers and laptops, permanently attached to most people! For this reason, it has never been more important that your loyalty activity is reaching all these touch points. Just sending emails to your loyal brand advocates isn’t enough. Your key messages and all your planned activity needs to be integrated across all channels and should be easily available at every touch point to your business, whether this is in store, online, on social media, or through advertising and your staff messaging. Whether your customers are checking their Facebook, twitter, emails, brand apps or even in store or salon, your key brand messages need to be consistent and coherent! And as we always say, don’t forget your most vocal and influential touch point…your staff ! Your loyalty programme will live or die by the enthusiasm of them and if they don’t understand it and believe in it, your customers won’t either. You have to invest time to get them excited and really get their buy in to the programme for its long term success. If they’re part of your programme, they will understand it and communicate it more effectively, so get them involved! Loyalty is a team effort!
The Compact Charger is the ideal charger for all those who undertake long trips with their eBike. Small and compact, the 2A Charger weighs less than 1.3 lbs (600 grams). With 40% less volume than the Standard Charger, it fits into any saddlebag. The Compact Charger is compatible with supply voltages of 110 to 230 volts and can be used in Europe, United States, Canada and Australia. I ordered a Bosch charger online, and received the wrong one, and it was broken. I called, a person answered!, and the discovered the error, shipped me out the right one right away. Came fast, and works great. Thanks!
We provide listings of energy assistance program in Iowa. Choose the city in Iowa on the right side of the page. CENTRAL POINT OF COORDINATION: Placements for residential and vocational skills training and funding for persons with mental illness, mental retardation or developmental disabilities. CONCERNED DEWITT CITIZENS INFORMATION & REFERRAL (I&R) SERVICE CENTER provides a food pantry and thrift store. Limited emergency financial assistance is also available on a case-by-case basis and may include: medical, prescription, rent, and utility assistance.
American artist. The exhibition will be on view May 20 – August 20, 2017. March 2 / 6 p.m. Learn how 2017 Nasher Prize Laureate Pierre Huyghe brings life to his work and join us in the studio to make something personally monumental.
Renovations to existing structure include adding bathrooms, electrical work for fire safety standard ie fire alarms and fire doors, self closers and handles. General building work including internal floor extension. Building of single floor extension between 2 buildings to be used as a dining room. Renovations to existing structure include adding bathrooms, electrical work for fire safety standard ie fire alarms and fire doors, self closers and handles. General building work including internal floor extension. Building of single floor extension between two buildings to be used as a dining room. Electricians to give fire safety certificate and all tradesmen to be licensed or registered. All work to be done Monday to Friday from 7am. Weekend work required if schedule is falling behind. General behaviour and parking is to be respectful to neighbours with no loud music. Parking must be done on allocated bays and rubbish must be cleared away each day. Daily report on performance and updated must be given to buyer whether verbal or written.
This colorful baby bib is approximately 12"x8.5" and has a terry cloth back side. The front side has a striped design. The stripes are silver, gray, gold, black, and white. There is a border around the baby bib in the same design. Velcrow is used to fasten the bib. Optional personalization is also available for this baby bib.
Hilary John Deacon was born on 10 January 1936 in Cape Town. He attended school in Cape Town, studied Archaeology at the University of Cape Town (PhD 1974) and was a British Council Scholar at London University. Hilary Deacon started his career as a field geologist in East Africa and was later appointed Archaeologist and Deputy Director of the Albany Museum in Grahamstown, from 1963-1971. From 1971 he was head of the Archaeology Department at Stellenbosch University and a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra (1984), a Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago (1978), and a Visiting lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1986. He served on the Council and was a Past-President of the South African Archaeological Society, the Southern African Association of Archaeologists, the SA Society for Quaternary Research, and a member of the Board of Iziko Museums in Cape Town. His research focused on the emergence of modern humans and African archaeology. Since 1984 he was principal researcher at the Klasies River Caves, one of the oldest known sites of anatomically modern humans who lived there circa 125,000 years ago. H J Deacon was married to the archaeologist Janette Deacon and they had three children: - Andrew, Harriet, and Melissa. Hilary Deacon died on 25 May 2010 in Stellenbosch. Some 100 publications in journals, books, monographs and conference proceedings.
When patients come to the emergency department with non-ischemic chest pain, they are often admitted "for observation." When patients come to the emergency department with non-ischemic chest pain, they are often admitted "for observation." Normally, this entails a stress test to confirm the absence of a cardiac cause for the pain. But a recent study shows that this may not be helpful. According to JAMA Internal Medicine, "In adult patients with chest pain admitted with 2 negative findings for serial biomarkers, nonconcerning vital signs, and nonischemic electrocardiographic findings, short-term clinically relevant adverse cardiac events were rare and commonly iatrogenic, suggesting that routine inpatient admission may not be a beneficial strategy for this group." Are studies like these enough to change practice patterns? It's unlikely, because it doesn't address the one of the major drivers of so-called inappropriate chest pain admissions: malpractice. All it takes is one case where a patient is discharged with chest pain, only to have a heart attack at home. That threat of a lawsuit is enough to persuade many emergency physicians to take the "safe" course and lower the threshold for admission. Until this threat is addressed, no study will be enough to move the needle when it comes to admitting those with chest pain.
There are a number of reasons why people look at losing weight. Some of these reasons relate to the person’s health while others are more about aesthetics. Some of these reasons are also more important than others and you need to know about them. One of the main reasons why people look to lose weight is to look better. When people lose weight they are considered to be more attractive and this can be a motivating factor for a lot of people. However, this should not be the only reason why you want to lose weight. One of the reasons why you should look at losing weight is the effect that excess body fat has on your joints. Your knees and ankles are placed under strain when you are overweight as they have to carry and adjust to the increased body mass. There are chronic ailments that could come such as osteoarthritis and a weakening of the joints which could cause pain when moving. A lot of people do not realize that their weight can affect how well they sleep. One of the concerns for people who are overweight is the increased risks of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when your airways become restricted while you sleep and this could cause snoring and a lack of oxygen over night. To ensure that the body is getting enough air you will often wake in the night to move so the blockage can be shifted. Body fat is an endocrine organ and releases chemicals into the body. Over time these chemicals will start to interfere with your immune system as it is unable to determine what is being secreted by the fat cells and xtrasize erfahrung what is an infection. People with high BMI ratings are more likely to suffer from nose and sinus infections, gum infections and stomach infections because their immune system has been compromised. While this might seem strange, losing weight can actually help you taste the food that you are eating. While it is unclear as to why there is a link between weight and taste, studies have shown that it is there. One of the hypotheses for this is that overweight people are unable to taste their food correctly and will eat more to compensate for this.
Download GCT Grand Central Station Midtown Manhattan in New York City Wallpaper in high resolution for free. Get GCT Grand Central Station Midtown Manhattan in New York City Wallpaper and make this wallpaper for your desktop, tablet, and smartphone device. To set this GCT Grand Central Station Midtown Manhattan in New York City Wallpaper as wallpaper background on your desktop, click on the ‘Download Wallpaper’ link below to save HD Wallpaper on your desktop computer and then right click on the Wallpaper Image and select the option “Save image as” or “Set As Background”. Credit to original photo uploader.
This note is specially made to know what actually is Maths, what is its use in a world without humans, and how it affects on's intelligence. This discussion note demand from every 'Maths' geek(in other words, all the people on Brilliant) to share their views on the definition of Mathematics according to them. I personally think this note is very important in this Maths community. Thank you Ramanujan, Aryabhatta and everyone! happy independence day!!!!! proud to be an INDIAN. the language in which the gods speak. I've always used the following sentence as the answer to this question. Although it's really short and a bit abstract, to me it works better than phrases like 'the study of numbers' or 'the study of quantities'. Mathematics is a culture—the one and only one culture of the mathematical community. Those who do not pay attention to its history neglect a crucial aspect of it—its vitality. Those who do not do mathematics neglect a different crucial aspect of it—its beauty.
Roller, L. K. (2017). Glaucoma, open-angle. In L. K. Roller, L. Baumgartner & S. P. Desselle (Eds.), Quick answers: Pharmacy. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
The Liquor Law CenterWhen a person is injured during an armed robbery in a store, who is responsible for the bills? When a person is injured during an armed robbery in a store, shopping center, or mall, who is the responsible party for the medical bills and lost wages during the time they cannot work? If somebody’s injured in an armed robbery that takes place at a business look to that business to be responsible for all of the harm that’s done, medical bills, lost wages, all of it. Think about it this way, there’s a reason that criminal chose that place to commit the armed robbery. Probably because they thought they could get away with it. It’s the business’s responsibility to take whatever steps are reasonable to protect the public. If they didn’t do that then they’re going to be responsible for all of the harm that that criminal caused.
The nursery is available during all Sunday masses for children ages 6 months to four years of age. There are three sitters available to watch your children during mass. There are two in attendance every Sunday at all times. All three ladies have been trained in First Aid and are cleared by the St. Michael Safe Environment program. This is a free service to all parishioners. Contact Mary Gaines at (972) 279-6581, Ext. 10 for more information.
New Zealand is a large island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, with a total land area of over 103,000 square miles. The country consists of two large landmasses, often referred to as North and South New Zealand, and numerous smaller islands. New Zealand is located about 900 miles east of Australia, separated from that country by the Tasman Sea, and about 600 miles south of the Pacific island nations of Fiji, Tonga and New Caledonia. New Zealand is a rugged land, and because of its remoteness, the country, which claimed its independence from Great Britain in 1853, was one of the last regions in the world to be inhabited by humans. The capital and largest city in New Zealand is Auckland, which is also the government seat. New Zealand has a population of roughly 4.4 million, most of whom (72 percent) live in the country’s 16 main urban regions. Of those, 53 percent live in the four largest cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton—cities that consistently rank high on international livability polls. Nearly 68 percent of the population self-identifies as European, and another 14 percent is of Maori origin. Other ethnic groups residing in the country include Asians (9 %), Pacific Islanders (7%) and those that merely identify as New Zealanders (11%). English is the official and most widely spoken language in the country, spoken by an estimated 98 percent of the population. It is also used for all official government business, commerce and education. New Zealand English has a distinctive accent that is very similar to the English spoken in Australia. Most New Zealanders, or roughly 60 percent, are Christian, and another 34 percent of the population claims no religious affiliation whatsoever. Minority religions include Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. The education system in New Zealand is overseen by the national government and administered at the municipal level. Schooling is compulsory for ten years for children between the ages of 6 and 16, and school is provided free for 13 years, including one pre-primary year called kindergarten. The education system is divided between primary education, secondary education and tertiary or higher education. Primary education in New Zealand begins at age six and spans eight years, representing grades one through eight. Children are provided instruction in reading, writing and basic arithmetic initially, subjects that are later supplemented by a broad curriculum including courses in science, social and cultural studies, English, history, geography, the arts and sport. Students receive a promotion certificate following the successful completion of the 8th grade, which qualifies them to enroll in one of the country’s secondary schools. The first two years of secondary education are, for the most part, an extension of primary school, with advanced instruction in many of the same subjects listed above. These grades (9th and 10th) are the only two compulsory years of secondary schooling, although most students do proceed to the final two years of secondary school (11th and 12th grades), where they can choose to enroll in either an academic program that prepares them for university enrollment, or a vocational program, through which they can learn a trade. Higher or tertiary education in New Zealand is provided by five types of public or government owned institutions: universities, colleges of education (teacher training colleges), polytechnics, specialist colleges and wānanga, a type of institution that provides higher education in a Maori cultural context. The adult literacy rate in New Zealand is 99 percent, a testament to their excellent education system, and nearly 15 percent of the population holds a bachelor degree or higher.
We're sliding into the final days of the holiday season, and I'm proud to announce that the vast majority of backer copies have either arrived at their destination, or are well on their way. All territories are reporting completed fulfillment with the exception of Canada. The Canadian backers of this project are getting theirs a little later than the rest of the crew. Some Canadians have received theirs, but the vast majority will be delivered in the next week or two. If you are still waiting for your copy, I appreciate your patience. It's very possible that your game is just finishing up that last leg of it's journey. If you are anxiously awaiting your game, and still don't have it by the second week of January, please reach out either on KS messenger, or directly to me via email at keith@thunderworksgames.com, so Kirk or I can chase it down. I've had a few people reach out with damaged or missing pieces looking for replacements. This isn't uncommon in my experience, but can be frustrating. There's always a small percentage of copies that had an error during assembly at the factory. I should be getting the boxes of replacement parts from Panda tomorrow, so if you have anything wrong with you're game, please let me know so I can get you replacements right away. Just send a note with your mailing address, the game name, and the part you need replaced to keith@thunderworksgames.com and I'll get it out to you ASAP. lannymh, The Cardboard Family, and 27 more people like this update. Got my game. Already played once. Really fun and great flavor! Well done. Opening and game planned for tonight!
Cider available year round, Monday ? Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Family-owned and operated since 1843. Award Winning Apple Cider made on the farm. Voted Michigan?s #1 Apple Cider 2006, 2008, and 2009. apples, raspberries (seasonal availability), jams, jellies, and farm market items. Monday ? Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
​​​Our regional drivers are home weekends and have the ability to consistently achieve 3,000 miles per week in our efficient, 75% drop and hook network...even on ELOGs. Click here for Regional Driver details. ​​Our local drivers in Memphis, Little Rock and Hammond, LA are home every night. Drivers enjoy steady work, hourly pay, time-and-a-half after 40 hours and competitive benefits. Click here for Local Driver details. ​​​Regional owner-operators enjoy weekly home time and consistent miles with the opportunity to regularly achieve 3,000 miles weekly in our 75% drop and hook network. Click here for Owner-Operator details. ​​At Armstrong Transportation, we pride ourselves on offering professional drivers with opportunity...the opportunity to earn a steady income and the opportunity to enjoy time at home. Whether you want to be home every night or home every weekend, we have the opportunity for you. Over the past few years, we have introduced state-of-the-art Freightliner and International tractors in both our dedicated and regional operations, improving our overall fuel efficiency and safety. All tractors are equipped with Rand McNally onboard communication, ELOG and GPS units allowing us to communicate quickly and efficiently with our fleet of company drivers and owner-operators. ​Small enough to know your name...big enough to deliver.
Andrea Radrizzani has completed his takeover of Leeds United. Radrizzani, who purchased 50% of the club in January, has acquired the remaining 50% stake from Massimo Cellino and in doing so takes full control of the club. Andrea Radrizzani said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to become a custodian of this great football club. “The heritage and history of Leeds United attracted me to the club and having spent time at games and at Thorp Arch, I can see that we are ready to move forward to the next level. “This is a long-term commitment, there is a lot of hard work ahead of us and I am aware of my responsibilities as owner of Leeds United. Andrea Radrizzani also becomes chairman of Leeds United with immediate effect.
Do you Respect the Iron Triangle? Recognize that the iron triangle must be respected. The iron triangle refers to the concept that of the three critical factors – scope, cost, and time – at least one must vary otherwise the quality of the work suffers. Nobody wants a poor quality system, otherwise why build it? Therefore the implication is that at least one of the three vertexes must be allowed to vary. The problem is that when you try to define the exact level of quality, the exact cost, the exact schedule, and the exact scope to be delivered you virtually guarantee failure because there is no room for a project team to maneuver. For a Software Project / Product to be successful, we as development teams and above all, as responsible individuals, need to learn how to elasticize the triangle. Scott suggests over four ways to introduce elasticity in his article. He suggests that you can actually alter any side of the triangle, depending on your project / situation. “Setting a near-term, hard deadline for an activity that cannot be extended. You get to choose which other aspect will suffer, but the deadline is fixed. You probably don’t know the exact number of time-boxes that are required to complete the overall task, but each individual box is short, is finite, and accomplishes a clear goal-setting a near-term, hard deadline for an activity that cannot be extended. For example, iterations typically run a couple of weeks long. When the time is up, the iteration is done. That part is fixed - but the set of features that makes it into that particular iteration is flexible. In other words, you never slip the date, but you may slip a feature. I’ve seen developers around the world (I refer to them as Fred :)) give-in to the temptation and try to make the triangle elastic by lowering quality. We (a mentor and I) also even went ahead and termed this - the Junior Developer Syndrome. Having said that, Time-boxing really works wonders in introducing elasticity into the triangle and at the same time maintain sanity! Especially if you are shipping projects / products with a strong leadership and a mature team that will not compromise on quality. “Can we build this?” – Developer: Sure. “Can we build this in 3 months?” - Developer: Ummm…. The next time you estimate or say “yes” continuously in a conversation like the one above ask yourself – have you respected the iron triangle? Have you left enough room for elasticity? If you haven’t, chances are that the fourth dimension - quality - will suffer. Time-boxing, prioritizing features and dropping the ones that don’t really add value is the safest, smartest way to introduce elasticity into the triangle. When in doubt prioritize up-front!
"a very powerful system using a relatively smaller bankroll to generate consistent profits" and generates thousands of units" It is every gambler's dream to use a system, that generates consistent profits and achieves this without having to bet huge amounts or having to invest a very large bankroll. The new Ultimate System for All Even Bets finally achieves this effortlessly. The system is optimized from all perspectives. It has a very strong bet selection, that produces winning streaks very frequently and a very smart betting method, that doesn't strive to make you a quick profit as fast as possible, but works in an easy pace, gradually, safely and surely to enable you achieve your goal. The system is designed for all even bets, works great for Roulette, Baccarat, Craps and Sic-Bo and has beaten all tester books on all those games yielding positive results with minimum drawdown per session. The system is not flat betting, but at some instances you will feel that way, as bet amounts are hardly increased due to the excellent bet selection. Some tough runs are closed at times betting not more than 9 or 14 units tops. With a session bankroll never exceeding 120 units, the Ultimate System for All Even Bets beats the entire 15,000 Zumma tester book spins with a net profit of +1495 units, averaging 1 unit every 10 spins. Below is the graph of this stunning performance. The highest bet ever placed was 45 units, which is in range with most roulette table limits. See how profits steadily rise and how an abandoned session doesn't reduce the so far made profits by never more than 20%. The highest drawdown for the entire 15,000 spins was -59 units. Then the bankroll rose to pure winnings. After spin 194, it remained positive all the way to the end. The fully detailed spin by spin results for all 15,000 spins will be provided to you upon the purchase of the system, as well as a totally automated simulator for totally random spins. A totally automated simulator means that the system is completely programmable. From the player's perspective, it means that it's totally mechanical. There are no guesses involved in the bet selection, and the bet amounts are very accurate. If two people would use the Ultimate system on the same table, they would place exactly the same bets considering they use the same bet unit size. Moreover, the system is very dynamic. You usually bet on every hand and decision, particularly in Baccarat and Craps, with a small exception in roulette, that has some interruptions at the appearance of the zeros in order to avoid some losses. And those interruptions do not last more than 3-6 spins. The rest of the time, you are fully participating and no dealer will ask you to leave the table for not betting. They can only ask you to leave because you will be winning too much and they will suspect you possess a very powerful system, which is true. Therefore, it's recommended to use the system and navigate from one table to another winning a few sessions on each one of them. You can even switch games from Roulette to Craps to Baccarat to Sic-Bo and use the same strategy. The system works equally well on all those games, which have an even pay bet option. The system is very elegant. The bet selection is built in such a way, that you catch all streaks, chops, 2-2s, 3-3s, 4-4s, etc. type of patterns producing wins automatically just by following the rules. There is only one pattern out of so many, that may cause a little weakness, generating at most 6-7 consecutive losses. However, you will see in the bet method, that after a loss, bets are never pressed or increased, making the consecutive losses totally ignorable and negligible. All the others generate numerous consecutive wins, and only just a few are sufficient to end your sessions with profits. The system is not a usual grind method, where only 1 unit is aimed towards the end of the run. At times, you will see that you will make 20, 30, up to 38 units profit for a certain run or session, which is a very nice bonus side of this system. I'm sure you will love this system as much as I do. The outcome is the one wished for by everyone on the game of your choice. The system provides detailed examples on Roulette, Baccarat and Craps. The only difference between them is the way to handle the zeros in Roulette, which you will like a lot, the 5% Banker win commissions in Baccarat and not much to handle in Craps or Sic-Bo, as there are no commissions on the Pass Line or Don't Pass Line. The system provides concrete examples taken from the Zumma tester books on all the games: Roulette, Baccarat and Craps. You will receive full test results also on Zumma's 72 Days at the Baccarat Table and witness how the system generates 3213.60 units taking commissions into account after 41,007 Baccarat decisions. It is indeed the Ultimate System. It is highly recommended. You will be very happy with your purchase and from using it. You will impress your friends and relatives. You do need to study it well, though. The system is not hard to grasp, but it needs a good few hours of practice. You need to master both the bet selection and the bet method, starting to understand them separately. Then when you combine them, you will have a strong weapon against the casino. It's all fully explained in a 19 page document. The system is $80 and is worth every penny. It is the result of very long hours of research, extensive testing and optimizing to produce the most profits for you without risking a huge amount of bankroll. All this with a full money back guarantee upon your full satisfaction, no questions asked and no strings attached within 30 days of your purchase. A deal you cannot miss and nothing to lose from trying it. As you know, I always honor my guarantees and my word. Your satisfaction is my number 1 priority. You won't regret seeing a new and unique idea on how to beat the even bet casino games. I uploaded a typical graph.
Easy ways to prevent an unwanted injury. Despite increased awareness, bullying continues to be a problem with youth. What you can do to make sure your kids hydrated. As a parent, you serve as an important role model for your kids. A parent’s perspective about defining success outside of wins and losses. Steps to take to fight the flu.
Times Academy is an English School and a Training College with a difference, the focus at Times Academy is not only on excellence in teaching, learning and training, but on development of the whole student. At Times Academy you will not only develop your language and employability skills, but you will flourish in your Australian experiences and personal growth. Times Academy has a superior modern campus right by Town Hall in the center of the city. Easily reached by public transport with state-of-the-art computer facilities, wireless connections and bright naturally lit classrooms, students get to experience all that Sydney has to offer at their doorstep. Our innovative and engaging courses are delivered by a team of passionate, dedicated teachers who are genuinely interested in their students and willing to spend the time needed to help them to achieve their best. The teachers at Times Academy are one of our most important resources; our teachers teach and our students learn. The teachers at Times Academy are committed to our students’ success. They are motivated and enthusiastic, and work tirelessly to produce excellent learning outcomes for their students. By creating fun, positive relationships with their students, our teachers inspire our students and play an essential role in inspiring our students to use English. I think the school is very good, because, when I first came I couldn’t have day-to-day conversations such as ordering meals and solving problems at the bank. Now my English is much better than before and I don’t feel afraid anymore to talk to native speakers. It’s now easier to communicate and understand everyone. People in my class are friendly and always want to help each other. I made friends with people from different countries and it helped me to practice English. Australia has good Universities and I think everything in this school is helping me to improve my language skills, so I can start a Higher Degree later. When I arrived in Australia I didn’t have any English, but in 6 months I can communicate. My class is very good, because my colleagues are from different places of the world and it helps me to practice. My teacher is very nice, because she teaches and speaks very slow, so we can understand. The staff helps us a lot too. Times is so much different from my previous school. The English that I speak here in one week is much more compared to what I had to speak in one month there. My classmates here are so friendly and energetic and want to talk and communicate with each other. All the teachers are so gentle and always ready to help us the best as they can. After doing General English I changed to EAP to improve my academic English skills. My progress here is faster and my English is improving on a daily basis. Here I feel more confident to be myself. The facilities are awesome and we have everything we need. I love spending time in this school! The nice thing about studying here is that I have the opportunity to practice speaking English in class, so it’s not just about boring lessons and grammar. Since I started to study at Times I feel like my English is getting better every day. Here we have a big mix of nationalities, which makes me push myself to speak the whole time. The facilities are great, especially because of the location. It’s easy to access the school from everywhere and also to go from here to any place. The teachers and the other staff are also super friendly, helpful and receptive. Now I’m getting closer to my classmates and getting more comfortable to hang out with them, which helps me to enhance my language skills. The school is very good, because my teacher is funny and help me all the time. The classes are helping me to learn English. When I arrived here I couldn’t speak English at all, I started from the Beginner level and did the whole process, from Elementary to Upper Intermediate. After I finish my current course I intend to start English for Academic Purposes and also a certificate, because I believe it’s really important to have more knowledge before starting University in Australia. All my teachers have always been really nice, kind and happy to help and I think I made a good choice to study at Times.
Three tails. Chalk white wings. The body of the male dun is brownish black and the female has a pale thorax with a brownish black thorax. Duns emerge early in the morning and the spinners fall shortly thereafter. Emergence is delayed with colder air temperatures later in the season. Duns sometimes emerge in the late evenings. July through early October depending on the water. The Dun activity typically takes place in the late evening and the important spinner fall may take place anywhere from early morning until late morning depending on the weather and previous emergence density. Very slow to medium water with gravel or silty bottom. Common on the Harriman section of the Henry’s Fork as well as the slower water on the lower Henry’s Fork. Tricos are also very important on Hebgen and Quake Lake. The duns emerge first thing in the morning or late in the evening. Sometimes the emergence is sporadic. The spinners mass in clouds prior to egg laying. The spnners usually hit the water in heavy concentrations providing some exciting but challenging dry fly activity.
Looking for a new home in Cohutta? It is a great time to buy real estate in Cohutta and our site is a great place to begin your search. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or you are already familiar with the home buying process, you can be assured that you have the best tools and the perfect agent available to help with your Cohutta home search.
Home › How We Help › In a crisis? Go there directly or call an ambulance by dialling 999 and ask to see the duty psychiatrist when you arrive. You might have to wait a while, so it can be helpful to take someone with you for support. When you need urgent support for your mental health, but you feel able to keep yourself safe for a short while until your appointment, your local GP surgery should be able to offer you an appointment to see a doctor quickly in an emergency. Sometimes incidents like mistakes at work, employment disputes or a breakdown in a personal relationship can spiral into a crisis and lead you to feel that your career is over or that you can’t carry on anymore. A call to Vetlife Helpline has helped many people in the veterinary community to start to find a way forward and to decide if they need to take any action. Callers to Vetlife Helpline are referred to Vetlife Health Support and other specialist help where appropriate. Samaritans volunteers are on hand to offer emotional support at any time of the day or night to anyone who needs help. They will never judge and you don’t have to be suicidal to call them.
The renewal of your mortgage is the best time to renegotiate its terms and conditions. Here are a few things to think about when it’s time to renew. Your mortgage payment is probably your biggest monthly expense. It is therefore in your interest to try and get the best possible offer. To go through the various options available to you, whether by contacting your current institution, going online or working with a mortgage broker, make sure you give yourself time. A few months before your mortgage matures, you will receive a renewal offer from your creditor. Renewal can be quick and easy, by signing to accept the offer. It may be tempting and convenient to accept the offer made. However, it is in your interest to contact your institution to confirm whether it’s possible to get an even greater discount. If you decide to change lender, you should anticipate more time. To request a new mortgage, you will have to provide various documents to your mortgage broker, including proof of income, proof your property is insured, etc. The transition period can take a few weeks. It’s a good idea to start as soon as possible and not wait until just days before your mortgage matures. Were you offered a good rate? You should know that you can ask for a rate guarantee, which guarantees the offered rate for 90 days. Even if interest rates rise, you can get the rate offered. If market conditions result in a lower rate, you can benefit from the lower rate. Are you thinking about refinancing? The renewal of your mortgage is the best time to ask. Refinancing your mortgage allows you to access liquidity to, for example, finance a project. Because this represents a change to the terms and conditions of the contract, you may have to pay a penalty. However, by refinancing with the renewal of your mortgage, you can avoid penalties. If you decide to change your institution when renewing your mortgage, you can do so at no cost. By transferring your mortgage to iA Financial Group, you will benefit from new terms and conditions and a better rate. Contact our advisors for a quote.
Thesis (M.A.)--Georgetown University, 2010.; Includes bibliographical references.; Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. Al-Qaeda today is one of the most important contemporary examples of a transnational, networked threat to nations throughout the world. This thesis questions whether the relationships between individual groups in the al-Qaeda network resemble traditional alliances and if so, what are the implications for group behavior? Are terrorist organizations bound by the same constraints as states in formal alliances? Do they face similar risks and receive comparable benefits? Based on classical International Relations theory and traditional terrorism literature, an analytical framework for alliances between terrorist organizations is created. The framework is then tested on a case study of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an al-Qaeda franchise currently active in North Africa. Based on the analysis, the thesis concludes that the relationship between AQIM and al-Qaeda's senior leadership can be classified as a traditional alliance, but that terrorist organizations are faced with a unique system of constraints, risks and benefits when allied.
With more than 70 years of craftsmanship experience, Jensen is far ahead in the development of new products and functions. By combining nature-inspired materials and textiles with timeless shapes, we create products with magnificent sleep comfort that look beautiful. The bed is much more than just a place to sleep. It is a part of our lives and our lifestyle. That is why our team of developers work tirelessly on finding new and innovative solutions for how the bed and the bedroom can be used. Many of the most innovative products on the market carry the Jensen signature. We have twice been awarded The Award for Design Excellence from the Norwegian Design Council. We have the experience, the genuine craftsmanship tradition, the competence and innovative solutions to enable us to help you with your sleep. We have a passion for sleep comfort, great focus on quality and design and our eyes aimed at the future and tomorrow’s needs. You can trust us regarding your sleep. You can also trust that Jensen is taking the environment into account. Most of the Jensen products carry the Swan label. This means that they satisfy strict requirements regarding the product’s environmental impact throughout its lifespan. Our production takes place under fair conditions and with material not harmful to people or nature.
Upgrading to new Suzuki headlights is like switch on a light. You will be able to see better and farther in the darkness than if that light was off. This is because replacement Suzuki headlights are going to allow your headlights to shine better at night and keep you safer in bad weather. Suzuki halo headlights will make your car look more menacing at night and much more distinctive. You will be able to tell your car apart from all the others by fitting some new Suzuki Euro clear headlights. These are the perfect way to keep your lights shining bright for many years to come. You won't know what you did before you got yourself some new Suzuki headlights. To compliment the lights up front, install some new Suzuki fog lights. These will cut through the worst weather and will leave you with the brightest path down the road. Adding more light to accompany your headlights is a great way to make the best use of your new Suzuki fog lights. Traveling farther and safer at night is the job of your headlights. Without a really nice Suzuki headlight system, you would be stuck at home at night. You can go anywhere you want with lights blazing after you install some great looking new Suzuki lights on your car. Make the most of everyday with new Suzuki headlights and fog lights.
This is memorable yet simple Logo design template consist of palm tree and two circles aroud it. The circles are risiing from the palm tree and are forming one whole. Used colors are showing interlace between tropickal nature, the sun and sunset, by merging red and green.
Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday cited Hitler in support of his contention that a presidential system can coexist with a “unitary state,” i.e., with a non-federal government. The United States has a presidential system, but the presidency’s powers are limited because it is a federal system with enormous rights and prerogatives retained by the state. I suppose the context is that people are arguing to Erdogan that if he takes Turkey into a presidential system, it could break up the country because there would be regionalist responses to this concentration of power. He was trying to deflect this critique, and what his mind happened on was the example of fascist Germany! Erdogan is neither a fascist nor a totalitarian, and there is no evidence he has lost faith in having regular elections. He has become increasingly authoritarian, however, and is now going around accusing his political rivals of treason. A decade ago, he stood for a certain amount of political pluralism, though he has relinquished most of the latter commitments in the past two years. He was just trying to bat down critics of his plan for a strong presidency by pointing to places where that system has not implied moving to a federal system. But the remark shows how tone deaf he has become, how insensitive to the impact of his remarks, and, indeed, how arrogant. Erdogan is tired of being a ceremonial president. He wants a presidential system for his country, on the American or Brazilian model. Turkey, like most of the European Union with the exception of France, has a parliamentary system, where the prime minister comes out of parliament’s largest party and is the head of state. Parliamentary systems can provide checks to executive power– smaller parties often have inordinate power because they are swing votes on key issues. All the regions of the country are represented. A strong presidential system lacks these checks unless other checks and balances are built in, such as states’ rights federalism or constitutional prerogatives for parliament. Erdogan does not seem big on checks and balances any more. Even with its current parliamentary system, Turkey’s state has authoritarian tendencies and lacks basic press and academic freedoms. While you can argue about the relative virtues of parliamentary versus presidential rule, there doesn’t seem any doubt that Erdogan wants the change for all the wrong reasons– to concentrate power in his hands. He gave his enemies, and critics of the presidential system, lots of ammunition by invoking Hitler. But beyond this immediate constitutional issue, it is worrisome for Turkey’s politics that Erdogan is developing Trumpmouth syndrome, and one worries that there is some sort of cognitive decline or disorder at work in his recent wild oscillations. This summer, in order to reverse the results of the parliamentary election, which gave a pro-Kurdish party 13% of seats and denied his Justice and Development Party an absolute majority, he cancelled the peace process and went to war with the guerrilla group, the Kurdistan Workers Party (a group with a separatist and Marxist past that Turkey and the US list as a terrorist organization). The PKK may be partly to blame for the collapse of peace talks (it has been accused of massive human rights violations itself), but it seems clear that the impetus for the new conflict was Erdogan’s bid to undo the June elections and get a parliamentary majority. He just fell short. At 50 percent of seats gained on Nov. 1 in snap elections, his party has a mandate to rule without a coalition partner. But that isn’t enough to change the constitution. These measures seem wild and unnecessary and wholly instrumental in a way that suggests a loss of moral compass. I don’t think the Erdogan of the early zeroes was an act, when he spoke for pluralism. I think something has gone wrong with him, whether the pride of long office or producing too much of one brain chemical and not enough of another. In any case Erdogan was wrong that Hitler came to power in a presidential system; and he is also wrong that Hitlerism did not indict the unitary state; you will note that Germany is now a federal republic. The Hitler remark is, however, important beyond its political context. It suggests there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
Certain facts, no matter how well-established, are always being contested by those who think that just because they themselves do not understand or experience them, that they are not, in fact, facts. Some people believe racism is overblown because they don’t experience it personally. People used to insist that the Earth is flat because, you know, it seems flat enough when you walk around on it. Because it is August, this is your reminder that the standard office air-conditioning is indeed sexist. It just is. You can read all about it here, and here, and here, and here. Really. Each of these hyperlinks will show you more people agreeing as to why it’s sexist, and also can be bad for your health. I am literally just typing extra sentences at this point to fit in all the hyperlinks. Women’s body temperature tends to be naturally lower than is men’s, and the standard office temperature—determined in the 1960s by, duh, men—has remained antiquated, even as other areas of the workplace have come around to the idea that men and women deserve things in equal measure (obviously not everything). In fairness, of course, #notallmen are warmer than every female colleague, but look around your office and you’re pretty much guaranteed to find the broader trend holding true. The outdated system of thermostat control is to blame, but of course dress codes play a role—women are often pressured to wear sleeveless office dresses and fewer layers than men. Men, with their higher core temperatures, must in turn reckon with a culture that deems shorts unacceptable for most offices, so the lesson here is basically that we should all stay home, where we can choose our comfort. Good thing women’s winter is almost over.
IllumiBowl 2.0's patent-pending design will never leave you in the dark again. Simply stick it on the outside of your toilet and forget about it. It will turn itself on when you walk in and off when you leave. It's simple, small, and clean, with a newly designed arm that means it will never fall off. Modern design and state of the art manufacturing also means your IllumiBowl will light up your toilet bowl for years and years. No more ruining your sleep with bright bathroom lights, stumbling in the dark, falling in the toilet, or missing and making a mess. And who wants a boring plug-in nightlight, when you could have a customizable, LED beacon? This light sets to a single color of your choice, or gradually rotates through a rainbow - with even more colors than the original. It even features a new 3-stage dimmer so you can choose the level of brightness as well as the color. How does it mount to the toilet? The arm attached to the product bends over the toilet bowl so that the light is inside the toilet but the main body of the product is outside. How do you change the color? The IllumiBowl is automatically set to rotate colors. If you would like to stop the rotation on a certain color, simply click the button on the side when the LED is glowing the color that you want to lock it on. This will freeze the color rotation. One more click and the LED will return to color-rotation. Is there a motion detector? Yes, the motion detector works from up to 15 feet away. As you enter the bathroom it will turn on automatically, eliminating the need to flip on the bathroom lights. How would you clean it? The best way to clean the Illumibowl is to remove it and wipe it down with a damp rag. Will the product turn on mid-day or when lights are on? The IllumiBowl runs on a light sensor that will only activate in the dark.
359 Credit Score - Is it Good or Bad? What does it mean in 2019? Having a high credit score is a very important key that potentially unlocks so many financial benefits for you. In case you are planning to get a new house, car apartment, loan, credit card or any other gadget important to you and you are not yet capable of paying fully for it, it’s very important to understand is 359 credit score “good” or “bad”. A good credit score presents you to a potential creditor as a reliable person to borrow money. Is 359 credit score good or bad? Well, it may not be that bad and it can be really bad depending on your scope for standard of living. A credit score under 359 is considered a bad score, but if you don’t care if you are perceived as someone who will never pay pack by a potential lender, then there is nothing wrong with having a 359 credit score. What does a 359 credit score mean and how it affects your life? Scores below 359 are generally considered as low. No one wants to part away with their money especially when they have any reasons no matter how slight it is to doubt the person who wants to borrow from them. What happens if you improve your 359 credit score by 50 or 100 points? An improved credit score shows to a potential creditor that you have become more responsible with the way you go about handling money. An increase in your 359 credit score notifies your potential benefactor that you are now way more credible than you use to be. A reduction in your credit score paints you to a potential helper as someone who used to be faithful with money but no longer cares about that anymore. The credit score below 359 tells your potential lender to be careful and think twice before giving you his money. Individuals with 359 FICO score find it very difficult or almost impossible to get loans because they are perceived as a risk too high to take by potential lenders. 61% of purchasers within this range end up not paying back. Having a low credit score is not an accidental event, there are things that has led to the other or are simultaneously acting in conjunction to make your 359 FICO credit score low thereby denying you the requisite purchasing power to chase your dream. What can a 359 FICO credit score get you? Let us evaluate the things you are entitled to and things you may find it difficult to access when your FICO credit score is 359 in regards to credit cards, personal loans, Auto loans, Mortgage and Home loan. 359 credit score means that you will have to settle for unsecured Credit cards such as First PREEMIER Bank Matercard Credit card, Fingerhut Credit card and Surge MasterCard. It also means that by the time you are afforded a loan request, it will not come easy without it cost. Your 359 credit score presents you as a high risk for a potential lender and you will be granted loan at a high interest rate than those with a high credit score rating. Just like getting a personal loan, getting a car loan with a 359 credit score also lands you in a similar kind of stress. A low credit score of course does not mean that you cannot obtain an auto loan, it is just that it becomes a little bit more complicated. Mortgage agencies, like every other lender is wary of a person with a low credit score. They want assurances for mortgaging their house to you and a 359 FICO score says any other thing about you apart from the assurance of payment. How to improve 359 credit score? Pay back on time consistently – This is the best way to guarantee that your 359 credit score keeps improving. Ask question or share experience! Have a question or want to share your experience related to 359 credit score? Do it now and get tons of answers and feedbacks!
The Perry Hotel is a new boutique property that deftly balances modern design with the nostalgia and craft of a bygone era. Channeling the industrial heritage of the working boatyards and old saltwater fishing businesses that have called this island home for generations, The Perry Hotel is a new 100-room boutique property that deftly balances modern design and amenities with the nostalgia and craft of a bygone era. Uniquely situated between the mangroves lining Shrimp Road and the state-of-the-art 220-slip Stock Island Marina, The Perry Hotel affords equally easy access to the beautiful blue-green waters of the Atlantic, as it does to all that the timeless Key West experience has to offer. Soothing, spacious and exceptionally appointed. Our guest rooms and suites offer the perfect refuge. With water views and a breezy, oversized patio or balcony, guests might not want to leave their room. But we highly recommend it. An ideal setting for a unique and memorable destination wedding, our property can accommodate and fulfill all your wishes and desires making it as stress-free as possible and leaving guests free to focus on each other. Where does the sea end and the sky begin? Explore Key West’s waters by boat, board, or kayak. There are white picket fences under sunny blue skies in Old Town. Visitors can soak up that fresh breeze, and a bit of culture, history, and music, too.
Pig wants to be in the school football team, but there is one problem: he’s rubbish at football. Then the team goalie gets injured. (He’s looking at the other school’s cheerleaders AND walking at the same time. He can’t do two things at once.) So Pig ends up in goal at last. Can he save the day?
What is the best Dog Gos for 2019, for 2018 or even 2017 (old models)? What is the best Dog Gos to buy? What is the best Dog Gos to buy for a Beginner? All of these above questions make you crazy whenever coming up with them. We know your feelings because we used to be in this weird situation when searching for Dog Gos. Before deciding to buy any Dog Gos, make sure you research and read carefully the buying guide somewhere else from trusted sources. We will not repeat it here to save your time. You will know how you should choose Dog Gos and What you should consider when buying the Dog Gos and Where to Buy or Purchase the Dog Gos. Just consider our rankings above as a suggestion. The final choice is yours. You could see the top 10 Dog Gos for March 2019 above. The lists of best products are updated regularly, so you can be sure that the information provided is up-to-date. You may read more about us to know what we have achieved so far. Don’t hesitate to contact us if something’s wrong or mislead information about Dog Gos.
How do I hire a park and what does it cost? The hire of parks is generally free, however, if Council resources such as bins, use of power or public liability insurance are required, fees may apply. There may be a deposit required or you may have to pay a casual hire fee. These need to be paid in full prior to the event. In order to hire a park, simply fill out our Park Booking Form. Include the dates, times, type of event, number of people attending and any additional requirements and lodge at our Corporate Centre. People should be aware that parks and other public open spaces are there for the enjoyment of the whole community, and therefore your booking does not grant exclusive use of the park or open space. Council requires public liability insurance to the value of $10,000,000 to hire any Council park, reserve or facility. If you don’t have insurance, Council can provide a Casual Hirer's Public Liability Permit. Contact us and we can arrange insurance for a small fee. Does my event require any other consent? The erection of a temporary structure (including a marquee). The use of a public announcement system. Delivering public addresses or public meetings. The preparation or sale of food and beverages. Use of amusement rides such as jumping castles. You will need to fill out the Section 68 section of the Events Application. A description of the proposed event including date, hours, details of what the activity involves and approximate number of people attending needs to be attached to the application along with a map showing the location of the event. Please lodge this with us 14 days prior to the event.
I can upload any image you want inside my poi! Your company logo, your artwork, even your daughter who is turning 16!! With over 12 years of expereince with poi and flow arts, The Human Disco Ball is sure to impress an audience of any size and age range with a spectacular show of a multitude of props, incorporating crowd work and photo-ops! I provide a dazzling display with a full-body mirror suit, and a selection of LED and fire props. My act includes poi, floating wands, hoops, and LED wings, sure to impress and bring excitement to any private or corporate event. I can also program images of choice to display in my high-definition poi to fit the theme of any event. The best performance I’ve ever witnessed! I saw Kai at the I Love Chocolate Fest, and the highlight of my day was seeing the performance! Spectacular! She also took pictures with kids and really seemed energetic even though it was dull and rainy out. Coming back next year just hoping to see her again! Kai had great communication up to and day of our party. The performance was absolutely amazing. Kai is great. Amazing costume, movement and technology. Our guests were amazed and are still talking about it a month later. One showed me the camera video he took today. Highly recomnmended! Kai performed a two part show with each part equally pleasing to the audience. I entertain multiple times a year with many different types of performers, and can honestly say her show was the first experience of that kind for my guests. Oh, and did I mention she tuffed out a miserably rainy,cold and muddy day with a smile ! Thanks Kai! Kai the Fire Ninja put on a wonderful show, captivating the audience. We hope to have her back next year. The show was a surprise for my husband st our wedding. Kai came in and found me just like a ninja and he didn't suspect a thing. The show was beautiful!! Very talented and flexible. We were amazed by some of the moves. Very profession and performed even though it was drizzling out. Would recommend them to anyone and would hire again. We were truly entertained. Saw Kai at a club,amazing performer ! Insurance: $1,000,000 - Commercial general liability.... Each occurrence - 1,000,000. Damage to rented premises - 300,000. Medical expenses - 5,000. Personal and advanced injury - 1,000,000. General aggregate - 2,000,000. Products - COMP/OP AGG- 2,000,000. My flow art provides creative manipulation for visual stimulation. I have lots of energy, smiles and uniqueness! Kai is a self-taught Flow Artist and string artist. Kai began spinning poi at the age of 14 to incorporate into her Polynesian dance recital. She quickly realized that she had a natural act for prop minipulation which later lead to her studies in Kenpo martial arts. She got her first fire poi at the age of 16 and when she lit them up for the first time, she knew it's what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. "The fire possessed me, and I became the fire, full of high energy, warmth and light", she says. She has performed at many EDM events, festivals, private parties and clubs around the North East Region in the past decade. She enjoys sharing her passions and teaching others the art of flow. Though poi is her strong suit, she also dabbles in belly dancing, staffing, nunchucks, hooping, mini-hooping, rope darting, fire-eating, multi-orbiting, isis wings, flow wands, gloving and just about anything she can get her hands on. Kai also received some national recognition, when she appeared in an episode of Impractical Jokers called "The Great Escape," spinning her LED poi with AI Cats Studios. Kai also fabricates unique hand-crafted hoops, poi and UV reactive interactive string art installations. Christine, who saw Kai perform at a festival once, put it best when she said "She is talented, graceful and mesmerizing." She is most known for her incredibly fast spinning technique, earning her the nickname,"The Fire Ninja." Her newest human disco ball act will be sure to dazzle any event! The act consists of lasers, LED props and poi that she can program any image or text of your liking in for a truely customizable and memorable performance!! I need a decent size space on the floor (no little platforms) to do most props. I can dance on small platforms but am limited to what i can use. Sound system - DJ playing music or ability to plug in to an AUX cord.
According to an article on the Spokesman website, legislators in Idaho have recently passed an unusual variation on the ‘Texting and Driving’ laws that are becoming more prevalent thorughout the U.S. and other countries. Under the proposed legislation, it would become illegal to text while driving if doing so distracts the driver, but not if the driver is able to do so without becoming distracted. Given that texting is an activity that requires visual, cognitive AND physical distraction it would seem obvious that a driver will be distracted from driving if they are texting – but the wording of this legislation means that police officers won’t be able to pull someone over for texting while driving unless they notice a change in driving that reflects distraction, which may be a bit too late. Attempts to remove this wording from the legislation were voted down. So, it will be OK to text while driving in Idaho – as long as it doesn’t distract you, of course. Read the Spokesman article here. Let us know, via a comment, if you are aware of any similarly worded legislation in other States.
Riding, writing, riding writing. In May it would be completely logical to think Route 66, a journey is about these things. Over the weekend I went to a computer store and tried out a Bluetooth keyboard. Need to post from out there on the road. The guy at the counter watched me access this site. Computer Guy: Whaddhya blog about? Me: Um, exercise and recovery from traumatic brain injury. I was in a car accident almost 5 years ago. Turns out that exercise is good for rebuilding your brain. Guy: What does it help with? Me: A lot of people feel foggy after a brain injury. It helps with that. It helps with attention and emotions. It tells your brain to make new neurons too. Guy: I didn't know that! Me: Yeah no one seems to know... it's not a pill or a surgery so you don't hear about it. Doctors worry you'll have a stroke or fall and get another brain injury. Once those aren't an issue, exercise is the way to go. Strength training and endurance exercise. There's other things you can do for yourself too. But exercise is the main thing. Looking up at his face, he's still engaged.... doesn't seem to care about the radioactive tagline: How my traumatic brain injury became a gift. So many people have walked away but he's really taking in the message. I leave with the keyboard, a list of his 3 favorite YouTube channels, and new trust in humanity.
Recall that only American options can be early exercised, and at any time up to expiration. Most of the time, options are not early exercised, because the time value of the option premium is lost. It is also likely cheaper to trade out of the position, than to exercise the option. The situation of calls and puts are dealt with seperately. When you exercise a call, you have to pay $X to buy the stock. You will thus lose the interest on the obey. Because the option represents the ability to own the stock in the future, the owner of a call option is not entitled to dividend payments that occur before the expiration date. Thus, he might want to exercise the call option just before the ex-dividend date, in order to capture the dividend paid. Note that call options on stocks which do not pay dividends, are (almost) never early exercised. 1. The delta of the call is 1. 2. The option value of the call is equal to the intrinsic value. 3. The dividend is more valuable than the protection of the put. When you exercise a put, you get to sell the stock for $X. This allows you to earn interest on the money. 1. The delta of the put is -1. 2. The option value of the put is equal to the intrinsic value. As an option seller, you are at risk of being assigned an early exercise at any time. Ignoring for drastic overnight price movements, it is usually beneficial to be assigned, as you then gain the insurance that the other party has given up.
Looking for a new home in Birch Tree? It is a great time to buy real estate in Birch Tree and our site is a great place to begin your search. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or you are already familiar with the home buying process, you can be assured that you have the best tools and the perfect agent available to help with your Birch Tree home search.
Your security system will have some or all of these devices depending on the level of security you are comfortable with. A basic security system will have a minimum of the front door, back door and the inside garage door along with a motion detector centrally located usually in a hallway by the bedrooms. Since 50% of home burglaries are though the front or back door you are fairly well protected. The motion sensor acts as a backup device if the door contacts fail to detect an intruder. These contacts can be wireless or hard wired. Most systems installed today are wireless. The time saved with the installation of wireless devices justifies the use of these over a hard wired contact. A wired contact must have a physical wire run from the control panel to the door or window. The installer must drill a hole through the door or window header to conceal the wire. This is very time consuming and can also cause leaks when not done properly. A motion detector can detect the movement of an intruder when they cross the field of view of the motion sensor. The motion detector can be used to monitor a wider area than other devices. You can use a motion aimed at several windows so that you can save on the total number of contacts that would be required if each were individually monitored. You must remember that in order for the motion sensor to work the intruder must already be inside your home. These devices can be pet immune so that your animals will not trip the sensor. Lager animals will still be detected. There are times when you may have a large pane of glass that you will want to have protected. Window contacts will not work because the window does not open. The glass break detector is tuned to listen for the sound of breaking glass so that when it hears this sound the alarm system will be triggered. If your window has heavy curtains then the sound of breaking glass will be muffled and it may not be able to hear the breaking glass. Make sure your installation technician does adequate testing. These devices can detect vibration of a window or whatever device they are attached to. They can be overly sensitive so care must be taken when using these devices. There is a variety of sounding devices available. There are only 2 that are typically used. These are a high decibel inside siren or an outside bell. Many states do not allow any outside devices that can be mistaken for an emergency vehicle. This is why a motorized bell is typically installed outside. Some installation companies will also add a strobe outside with the bell. This helps to draw attention at night. There are also remote access devices available. A keyfob can be used to arm and disarm the panel and also generate a panic alarm. Alarm systems that communicate with central station using GSM can be accessed remotely by using a smart phone or any internet connection. If you have questions about an existing alarm system or you need to have a new alarm system installed anywhere in the Sacramento, Ca you can contact Bill Robinson @ Security Masters. Bill can also help you with a DIY installation anywhere in California. Bill can also recommend a qualified alarm installation company by request.
The history of Kullo Manor dates back to 1613, and it became a manor in the 1620s. The manor has been renamed several times. One of the first Caroline-style buildings in Finland was completed as a main building of the manor in 1683. The manor was renamed to its former name Kullo Manor in 1910. The present main building was built in 1912-1914 in the Caroline style. The main building is privately owned, but one of the outbuildings is used as a clothes store, and there is a golf club in the manor. The history of Kulosaari Manor dates back to the 16th century. There was a wooden building which was built in 1757-1765, and it is supposed to be used as a base of the present main building. The new building is believed to be built in the beginning of the 19th century, and was designed by Carl Engel. It is located on a peninsula which was used to be an island. The manor is owned by Helsinki city since 1927. The history of Kumpula Manor dates back to the end of the 15th century. It is also known as Gumtakt Manor. Since there was a border of Helsinki city at the gate of the manor, it has been the most important manor around the area. The present main building was completed in 1844 in the Empire style. Nowadays, it is used by Helsinki University, and there is a botanical garden in the yard. The history of Kuusisto Manor dates back to the 14th century, and it has been related to Kuusisto Castle. In the 1680s, the main building became one of the most important buildings in Finland. The present main building was completed in 1738, and it is one of the oldest wooden buildings in Finland. Nowadays, it has been a museum owned by the National Board of Antiquities. Kagra Manor was founded in the 1670s, and the owners are known since 1549. It was divided in 1758, and reunited in 1888. The present main building was built in 1926 to replace an earlier main building which was destroyed by fire in the same year. The owners of Kapykyla Manor are known since 1540. The main building was built in 1921 in a mix of styles emphasizing the trends of the 1920s. The history of Karkkinen Manor dates back to medieval times, and the owners are known since 1494. The present main building was built in the 1880s in the villa-style of the era, and was restored and remodeled in 1926. The history of Konick Manor dates back to medieval times, and the owners are known since 1549. It was divided into Norrgard and Sodergard in 1793, and reunited in the beginning of the 20th century. The present main building was built in 1928.
Moving can be hard to do, but there are some factors that could help make the process become easier. Since there is so much going through your mind, it is important to have a guide that would help make the process easier. The four things individuals should keep in mind are preparation, packing, labeling and organizing everything and moving in. Preparing before moving to a new location can be much work. There are a lot of things that need to be taken care of and things that need to changed. If you wish that the entire process goes smoothly, you need to make sure you are planning ahead. Making a plan is time consuming, but it is something that will be extremely helpful when the big day approaches. Just purchasing boxes and tape can add up to being a lot of money that is why you need to be on the lookout of alternatives. There are places that give out free boxes. You can contact retailers that receive shipments or furniture stores. The smart choice would be to call them a week or two earlier so they can provide you with the boxes on time. You can ask around for boxes whether it is at work or in your friends circle, every box and effort counts! Keep in mind, sometimes boxes are not always in the best condition so you need to secure the, properly with tape. Put valuables in new boxes, while clothes and shoes can go in less sturdier boxes. Make sure you are taking measurements of your new place and comparing them with the old. Make an appointment and take a professionals that could help you with this task. Put all the essential things aside. Clothes, toiletries and other essentials need to be carried in a hand bag. The most important part about packing is keeping all the same things together. Make sure all the bed room things, toilet things and kitchen things are kept in their respective places. Pack in a way that would be easy to unpack because the stress of moving can make unpacking a hard task as well. Imagine getting to your new location and having a pile of boxes without any labels. Labeling boxes does not just make things easier but it allows you to organize things properly as well. Putting labels on boxes will save your time and will make the entire process easier. When packing, remember to add the fragile sticker on the boxes that may have delicate things in so they are handled with care. Begin organizing when all your boxes have arrived. Once you have moved in, it is time to begin everything. Start assembling furniture and start cleaning everything. Begin dusting and cleaning as soon as you get the chance. Put your clothes in the closets and set up the trash cans around the house. Although moving to a new location can be hard, you need to stay on top of your game. Try not to let the stress of moving overpower the positivity.
Double twisted yarn with a count of NE 300/2, the finest ever produced in the world. Double twistedyarn with a count of NE 300/2, the finest ever produced in the world. Duoble twisted yarn with a count of NE 300/2, the finest ever produced in the world. Double twisted yarn with a count NA 300/2, the finest ever produced in the world. Double twisted yarn with a count oh NE 300/2, the finest ever produced in the world. Double twisted yarn with a count of NE 300/2, the finest ever produced in the world. Cotton d.r. - Striped White & azur atr 1 mm. Cotton d.r. - Striped White & Light-Blue at 1 mm.
The Faithful Memory Chest Cremation Urn is made from walnut wood and finely crafted pieces featuring a breathtaking, realistic nature scene, expertly carved into three dimensions using up to 7 kinds of wood. There is no paint on this urn. This will be a beautiful family heirloom for generations to come. It is master crafted in the United States by some of the most talented woodworkers in the nation.
It’s exciting starting a new business, but unless you manage to make some sales, your embryonic business isn’t going to last long. The trouble is, if you are operating on a shoestring budget your marketing budget is likely to be somewhere between nought and zero. So how can you promote a small business when cash flow is tight? The good news is that there are plenty of low-cost and extremely effective ways of getting the word out there. It might be a challenge, but if you try some of these methods, you should be able to attract new customers without blowing a huge hole in your bank account. A website is a must-have in today’s modern world. Most people use the internet to research products and services and if your business is undiscoverable, you will definitely be losing business to your competitors. Simple business websites are little more than an online brochure, but if you want to make more of an impact, add a blog so you can upload useful articles and provide interesting news items on subjects related to your niche; that way people are more likely to come back. This is a simple way of ensuring that people looking for whatever you are selling can find you if they go online and perform a search in search engine local business directories. For best results, write a small description of your business and what services it offers, and don’t forget to include a link to your website with contact details. Business cards and brochures are incredibly useful. Have some printed from print-print.co.uk 24 hour printing and then hand them out to everyone and anyone, including family and friends. If you happen to get into a conversation on a train with a random person, tell them about your business and give them a card. You never know, they might contact you at a later date with a business proposition. Professional business groups are very useful for networking purposes. Go along to local meetings and use the opportunity to talk to other small business owners. Some of them might become your customers eventually, so useful contacts you make now could pay dividends. And don’t forget to take a stack of business cards along to hand out! Ignore social media at your peril. Millions of potential customers spend hours every day using their favourite social media websites: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and the like. Social media is an excellent way to spread the word about your business and what it has to offer, plus it gives you a fabulous opportunity to connect with potential customers. You can also use social media accounts to plug your website and build your brand. Video is a great platform for promoting a business. YouTube is massively popular and if you create a great video, there is a chance that it could go viral and subsequently reach millions of people. These are just a few of the dozens of strategies you can use to promote a small business. Hopefully theywll work for you, but if a marketing strategy isn’t as successful as you hoped it would be, try something different.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A last-minute technical problem has delayed NASA's unprecedented flight to the sun. Saturday's launch countdown was halted with just one-minute, 55 seconds remaining, keeping the Delta IV (four) rocket at Cape Canaveral, Florida, with the Parker Solar Probe. This followed earlier trouble in the countdown. NASA says it will try again Sunday. Once on its way, the Parker probe will venture closer to our star than any other spacecraft. The $1.5 million mission is already a week late because of rocket issues. Thousands of spectators gathered in the middle of the night to witness the launch, including the University of Chicago astrophysicist for whom the spacecraft is named. Eugene Parker predicted the existence of solar wind 60 years ago. He's now 91 and eager to see the solar probe soar.
Many times a blog will focus on one topic. If you want to make a great and exciting blog but don’t know where to start, you are reading the right article. This article can help you stand out in today’s world of running a blog. When it comes to keywords, ads, images, and plug-ins, do not overdo it. This will send up red flags to the search engines, which will negate all of your previous efforts. Write in a natural manner which is enjoyable to read. Try being there for readers regularly. Make it a habit to respond to your readers when they have a question. By forming this connection between you and your followers, they are able to count on you being present. If you are contemplating abandoning the blog, keep in mind that your readers will be disappointed. Do not let blogging completely take over your life. If you don’t take a break, you run the risk of burning out. Schedule time with friends, a walk or a 5 minute break into your day. Taking this time away from the computer will allow you to return refreshed so that you’ll be prepared to produce excellent content. Don’t overdo any element on your website, such as advertising or keywords. Doing so will only get you flagged by a search engine, and it will erase all of the hard work that you are trying to do. Keep your writing flowing smoothly and naturally. Maintain a healthy blog. You should do maintenance every so often to ensure your blog is easy to navigate and that everything is working properly. You can also update your layout as your site evolves. This will help readers from getting bored, and will also ensure that nobody has a problem visiting your blog. Commenting on other blogs can get your own blog noticed. Google Reader is a excellent method for organizing other interesting but related blogs. Make regular comments on them, whenever you have valuable input. If you wish for your blog to remain consistently viewed, then a well maintained schedule is important to have. There are tons and tons of blogs out there, if you are not consistent with your postings, your blog’s readers will simply look elsewhere. While you should feel free to take breaks around the holidays or other special occasions, frequent posting should be your goal. Owning your domain name, instead of taking advantage of a free site, can serve to your advantage. It is fairly inexpensive to purchase your own name, and it will give you a more professional appearance. Visitors will have less trouble remembering the blog if its title includes your business name. It is of the utmost importance that you make your blog fun, not only for the reader, but for yourself. If you are not passionate about what you’re writing about, it will become boring to you and the readers. Try to find a topic that is interesting and fun for you. Stay creative, happy and upbeat, and your readers will reflect their enjoyment by sharing your content with others. One of the most important things you can do as a blogger is post new content frequently. The best blogs have regular content posted to them at least once every day. Don’t let this requirement overwhelm you. If you want, you can write several weeks’ worth of material before opening your blog to the public so that you’ll have material to post if you get stuck. This helps to make posts for days that you have writer’s block. Lists make great blog content. Whether your blog is about cooking or how to overhaul an engine, lists are important. Readers are naturally drawn to lists, which summarize the most important part of a blog quickly and succinctly. Anything you post to your site should be thoroughly researched. You run the risk of including false or inaccurate information if you do not obtain a sufficient level of knowledge regarding the topic before you start writing. You have to also know enough about the topic to be able to respond in a smart way to those who comment on the blog post. Make sure that you have a “contact me” page set up. This allows your visitors to provide you with feedback about your blog, as well as them being able to ask you questions. You don’t know who’s going to be visiting your blog, so allowing others to contact you may provide some valuable feedback. As soon as possible, initiate your blog’s mailing list. The sooner you start, the more time you have to build your list. This list can be utilized to make more money in the future. Neglecting to build a mailing list for your blog at the outset is rarely a good idea. Long blog posts need to be divided into smaller chunks. A long blog can be a lot to take in for a reader. This is why it’s important to break up your blog into smaller sections. Do not just hash out content without thinking about it. Your articles need to be well researched and relevant to your target audience and keywords. If you write filler or garbage, your blog won’t succeed. Content is king if you want to succeed in the blog posting world. Think about making a custom homepage for the blog. If you use a blog site, the basic system simply lists recent posts, which is not always aesthetically pleasing. When you create a homepage that is customized and tailored to you, you can create something much more interesting than the basic form on many blogging sites. This will also become very useful in terms of helping search engines finds you. It is very important to maintain consistent with your blog, so you will want to keep a regular posting schedule. There are new blogs showing up every single day, and if you are not posting on a consistent basis, your visitors may start looking for someone that does. Holidays are one exception, but you should be consistently posting to your blog. Make sure that you always try to interlink your blogs within your contents. You will find that this helps visitors move about the site and keeps them interested. There is nothing worse than landing on a web page and not being able to navigate through the site and find what you are looking for. You now have plenty of information about starting your own blog. Do not worry; feeling as though you have experienced a bit of information overload is natural. Creating content and maintaining blogs is difficult, but it is worth it. Be sure to refer back to this article if you need more advice. You can attract visitors to your blog by giving items away for free. Everyone loves getting something for free, and it does not have to be something big. Just the word free will attract readers out of the woodwork. Offer freebies often and your readership will increase. If people believe you are giving away free items, then they’ll more likely view your blog more often.
During a crisis, the unknowns can be downright terrifying. As a self-proclaimed ‘worrywart,’ it can be easy to panic when things don’t go your way or when your life gets turned upside down. Listening requires attention to detail.
The night rating is a simple 5 hour course with no exams or flight tests. The rating is issued by the CAA (Fees apply) and is current on either SEP or MEP. You can complete this as part of your PPL, subject to certain conditions, or start it later, there is no minimum requirement. Night flying is available from 2nd November through to the middle of February (Monday through Thursday). Course Cost is 5 hours at the dual rate plus £80 night supplement. There is also a CAA fee.
In PMX mixer, the phase buttun on a stereo strip has 4 states. But,from Ramses you can only toggle between 2 states. Is it possible to make a choice between the 4 states from Ramses?
We have a team who can complete it. You need to tell us more about the app. If it's a small app or what kind of features you want in it.
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Buy Delicious Vegan Caviar in Urbana, Indiana. We are proud to supply all of Indiana with our large caviar selections and gourmet foods. We strive in making it simple for Indiana customers not only to get the highest possible quality, but at affordable prices delivered right to their door. We provide FedEx Overnight shipping (including Same Day, Every Day caviar delivery Throughout Los Angeles, California.) Also providing Saturday delivery throughout Urbana, Indiana and all of the United States.
HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon will soon face off in their only scheduled debate before New York holds its Democratic primary next month. The winner of the Sept. 13 primary faces Republican Marc Molinaro, independent candidate Stephanie Miner and Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins in the November election. VIEWERS NOTE: In New York, the debate will be broadcast at 7 p.m. on CBS2.
"Catalyst Control Center: Host application has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to this problem." Can anyone advise on how to permanently resolve this issue? I don't even know what it means. Try uninstalling the application and then installing it again. This should fix it. You can download the drivers from the official website.
Good news on the reduce-reuse-recycle front. Bottled water sales in the United States, the world’s largest bottled water market, are starting to slow down. Although sales are not declining, the Worldwatch Institute reports that this year’s projected growth is only at 6.7% – the smallest increase in the past 10 years. It may not be a landmark occasion, but it’s a positive sign.
Shilhams Sweetcorn boilies are a yellow coloured bait, made with the best ingredients available. We have added corn meal and flour sweetened with talin. It has an exciting sweetcorn smell and taste! Sweetcorn is one of the most successful fishing baits of all time. If you require freezer baits then please contact us.
Be Your Own Detective: Boycott eBay on May 1st? Boycott eBay on May 1st? I found out about this boycott on Squidoo. The lensmaster has a blog here. There are many eBay users and many who use eBay to conduct business that say to boycott eBay on May first. Apparently, eBay is trying to "clean up their act" and get rid of the "flea market" feel for the sit. Funny, it seems that they forgot what made them so big in the first place. It wasn't the big stores and power users - it was all of the occasional users and sellers of items. I have an internet business (duh, like here) and I feel for all the little guys getting the squeeze by eBay. me and my sons also buy things from ebay.ph. didn't know there is a proposed boycott or could it be only on ebay international? what's new here in the philippines is that there is a move to prohibit selling digital/electronic items because a lot of problems between buyers and sellers came out after the deals. i wonder if it includes xbox games because they're all that my sons are buying via ebay. you know, it's cheaper and they are original. From what I read, the boycott is for all of eBay - for one day. I am not sure how many regular shoppers will do it. I don't know what eBay is stopping in the Philippines.
At Patterson Law Group, the majority of clients are represented on a contingency fee basis. If there is no recovery, the client owes no money to the lawyers at Patterson Law Group. For a free consultation, please contact the attorneys at Patterson Law Group today.
The Symposium’s panels will focus on the legal and philosophical roots of economic liberty and explore how those roots should inform jurisprudence and political thought in addressing contemporary issues. The panels will delve deeply into first principles underlying our constitutional scheme as well as explore their application to cutting-edge technologies, regulatory schemes, and business models. Attendees will be challenged to deepen their understanding of the relationship between economic liberty and legal rights, and to test personal economic beliefs against commitments to originalism and the rule of law. The Keynote will be a “fireside” chat moderated by Senator Jon Kyl (AZ)—former member of the U.S. House of Representatives (AZ) (1987–1995), Senate Minority Whip (2007–2013), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee (2003–2007) and Republican Conference (2007). The speaker will be announced in the next Symposium announcement.
Fitting In Driving Lessons Into Your Work / Student Schedule. If you are struggling to fit your driving lessons around a busy work schedule or studying, here are a few tips to help you manage your driving lesson timetable around your lifestyle. Ask your instructor whether it is possible to finish your lesson in a different location to the place you started. Many driving instructors will be happy to do this within a reasonable area. This can be a great way to fit a lesson in before work or school – why not drive from home to your office/university, and bring everything you need for the day with you in the car? As well as saving the money you might otherwise spend on the bus or train, you also save yourself valuable time that you’d otherwise be wasting on your commute! There are lots of intensive driving courses available which offer you the chance to concentrate your driving lessons over a very short period (often a week or fortnight), spending four or five hours driving every day. If you can afford to take a week’s holiday, this short course might offer a viable alternative to trying to squeeze lessons in once a week for several months. If you don’t have enough annual leave left to sacrifice a week to take an intense course, you can still reduce the length of time you need to commit to lessons by taking longer lessons, say for 2 or 3 hours on the weekend or other days that you do have some time to spare. If your working pattern is unpredictable, or just very busy, it’s worth letting your instructor know from the outset. This will help them understand why you might need to cancel lessons, and can help you agree how much notice you need to give. Similarly, you can ask them to let you know if any lessons free up at short notice, so they can check whether you’re able to use the opportunity to squeeze another lesson in. Finally, if you’re trying to juggle multiple commitments, it is always worth making a really thorough plan. Just writing down your timetable or keeping a diary will give you a better idea of when it will be possible to fit in a lesson. Writing everything down might also highlight where else you might be able to free up time by rescheduling other appointments. Could that haircut wait a few weeks? Would a friend mind you meeting them for lunch instead of dinner? You’ll be surprised just how many lessons you can fit in, if you take the time to plan!
The Latsky's are running for Israel! This year half of us Latsky's are running 8KM for Israel. Evan is running REALLY fast, while Shane and I will definitely be going at a much more relaxed pace. Yes, you get a 3 for 1 deal here when you donate and I know you can't pass up a deal! This year is especially meaningful as I was in Israel for its 70th independence day, Shane had his Bar Mitzvah, and Evan, well, he is the varsity runner of the family and gunning to win the race. For us, fundraising for the Walk is a great way to show our support for the people of Israel and to feel a deeper connection to the land and its people.
You may even select the island by means of your kitchen decorations ideas. The kitchen island would also offer extra space for storages. It is the special place that is usually put in the middle of the kitchen. Decorating a little kitchen island is not quite as simple as it looks. If you cannot pay for to renovate, you might desire to contemplate looking into small kitchen islands with seating for a lot of reasons. A little mobile kitchen island is a remarkable idea for virtually any kitchen whatever style you select, casters will help it become portable, which is ideal for a small kitchen it usually means that you will be in a position to move it anywhere you want when it isn’t in need. Though a prep table isn’t a permanent kitchen element, it’s heavy enough to remain in place. For instance, a movable table increases the active surface and will be applied as a serving table. A sofa table might be a good option. Look for a little cart with locking rubber wheels so it is going to remain in place during meal prep. Well, you’ve come to the perfect location. When it’s small, maybe you may discover somewhere to tuck it when it’s not used. You may focus in one area in your Kitchen that you’re able to use the stone like stove area or fireplace (should you have) or a rustic decor or your wall. With just a little ingenuity, you can discover a creative solution to fulfill your needs. Understanding your space constraints, cooking requirements and enhancement options will help you to pick the kitchen cooktop that’s suitable for your budget and household requirements. If you need assistance with mailing suitable Christmas gifts or other items to your clientele or possible clients, get in contact with the Apex Direct Mail team, who will give a friendly and economical service. Both of the furniture are made from wood. It’ll be great to have a whole furniture which can be multifunctionally employed. If you’re a professional, you can decide to have the formal Living room furniture It will enhance the beauty of your residence decoration Choosing the formal concept for your residence is in fact not challenging. Possessing a kitchen is only an option for your kitchen activity. Such Kitchen is durable and simple to keep. Small kitchens typically don’t have such a feature but should you want one, there are mini options with a lot of functions. If you’re interested to do so, you are able to apply it to your Kitchen now. It is possible to still have a fantastic kitchen without the island. In case you have some room, buy a broader 800-mm table top rather than a conventional 600-mm one. There are many things you can do to help your Living room. It is just like the first impression for your house Therefore, choosing the best Living room colour schemes is important for creating comfortable house. If you’re considering decorating your Living room, it is strongly recommended that you have the colour schemes that are unique but still comfortable. The room appears crisp and clean. When it has to do with designing a little room, a wall with bright color is critical. Choosing Ikea Living room for your home is not a mistake.
Bane of Kings shares his thoughts on the Angry Robot published Three, written by Jay Posey. All too often, I find myself either reading or requesting a book to review purely based on its cover, and Jay Posey’s Three is certainly no exception. I mean – just look at it. Sure, it may fill the bill of a hooded-man clichéd cover, but its design really drew me in, and I was eagerly awaiting the chance to read this book. And when I started it, at first – I was somewhat let down. It wasn’t as enthralling as I thought it would be, and it wasn’t as gripping early on. Until I got to a certain moment in the book, when the pace really got going and the book itself really got interesting. From then onwards – I couldn’t put it down. Three took me on a whirlwind ride through the Dystopian, Post Apocalyptic setting and builds to a fantastic conclusion, with an awesome climax. There are several things that I enjoyed about this novel once I got into it – but I just wish that It had been able to hook me in right from the start. But that’s pretty much one of the few flaws that I had with Three. The rest of the book is really awesome, and very engaging – and I’m glad that this is the first part of the Legends of the Duskwalker series. Three’s blurb is sharp and to the point, and the same could be said about its dramatis personae. Three as a name works two ways – not only is it the name of the titular character, but also the book follows a cast of three main heroes, Wren a six year old boy with some rather unique abilities, and his mother – Cass, a fighter who depends on drugs to operate – aka a chemic. The lesser cast are mainly antagonists, such as Asher, Dagon and more – most of them being well rounded and interesting. The smaller cast really allows for more time to be spent on establishing the dominant characters, and because we’re not introduced to a new one every other chapter, we don’t get ourselves detracted from the adventures of Wren, Cass and Three. The book itself, despite being set in the future, feels more like a Western at times – despite the clear elements of science fiction terminology and mechanics. Pretty much every place that the characters visit is desecrated and destroyed, really ramming home its post apocalyptic setting. Expect lots of wastelands and ruined cities here – with Three being a book that successfully avoids falling into the trap of info-dumping, allowing for the pace to move along pretty quickly once it grabs you in. Just don’t expect the book to grab you in almost instantly though – I wasn’t enthralled in from the get go. It took a while for everything to fall into place for me, but the book certainly got more interesting later on, and as a result – I was glad that I stuck with it – for the ending certainly pays off. Another flaw that some people might have with Three is that there’s also a lack of world building – the world isn’t really fleshed out. Whilst this may bother some, I didn’t find it as that much of an issue. We don’t really know how the world came to be a post apocalyptic setting and neither do we know why there are certain people with special powers. Some people may find this more of an issue than me, however. Jay Posey’s debut is pretty solid despite the aformentioned issues. If you’re a fan of gritty, dark, fast paced and action packed books – you’ll love Three. It moves along at a breakneck pace and doesn’t let up. Three is a badass lead character with loads of promise and undergoes interesting development over the course of the novel – and if you’re a fan of this sort of setting and concept, I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty impressive, so I can offer my recommendation behind it. Count me in for Book Two, though – particularly if the cover’s as awesome as this one.
Last November, the historic Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)-led production cut in crude oil managed to buoy oil prices, creating a rosy picture for oil's future, and for awhile, investors and Big Oil alike, were able to breathe a little easier. However, even though investors were beginning to bet on firm oil prices, and even though the price per barrel did reach $55 in February, it has been a rocky road since that time, seeming fueled by an increase in shale production in the U.S., confounding any attempts by OPEC to stabilize global oil prices. And adding to the disturbing picture, in May, President Trump's proposed 2018 budget came out with the announced opening of the coastal plain (Area 1002) of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling and a proposal to sell off one-half of U.S. oil reserves starting in October, reported to be in the neighborhood of 688 million barrels of oil. With all that is going on, Business Insider reports today that Brent crude prices have slipped again, below $55 a barrel, forcing banks to lower price forecasts. Investors are now focused on big oil companies, like Exxon Mobil, and Royal Dutch Shell, wondering if they will be able to live within their means, now that oil has failed to recover to the magical $60. Crude oil pipes at the Bryan Mound site, the largest of the four SPR storage sites - near Freeport, TX. Surely investors have not forgotten the sharp cuts made by Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, Total, Eni and Statoil, the major petroleum companies referred to as Big Oil, since the mid-2014s when oil prices collapsed after seeing oil at $100 a barrel. Big Oil has laid off thousands of employees, sold assets, halted or scrapped projects and taken other austerity measures to ensure their sustainability. And today, the cost-cutting has paid off. Net income looks to double for the quarter that ended on June 30, as compared to a year ago, even though oil prices are back to what they were then. Looking that all that has been going on, many analysts say the crux of the matter is that shale production in the U.S. is flooding the country. Yes, rigs and people were put back to work. Between cutting costs and using more innovative ways to get the oil out of the ground, many oil companies have put themselves in a position to thrive with oil at $50 a barrel. A point to consider, although it is not widely published, is Saudi Arabia's crude inventories. Their inventories are down much more severely than the U.S.'s inventories. After peaking in 2015, Saudi Arabia's crude inventories have declined sharply every month, a sure sign that the market outside the U.S. has been tightening up.
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Fukuoka is the largest city on the island of Kyushu. While not as “hip” as Tokyo or Osaka, it has a decent cultural scene and several Western stores and restaurants. It also has a beautiful coast, many nice beaches, and is within easy reach of the countryside. Fukuoka is in northwest Kyushu, approximately 28 miles southwest of Kitakyushu. Fukuoka has mild winters, and hot, humid summers. The international airport in Fukuoka services other major cities in Japan as well as Australia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. You can get there via bus or ferry. You can get around easily within the city by bus, Japanese Railway (JR), and the subway. Fukuoka has two excellent museums, the Fukuoka City Historical Museum and the Genko Historical Museum. The city also has many other sights worth visiting, including the Dazaifu Temples, the Canal City shopping mall, Ohori Koen Park, Fukuoka-jo Castle, Shofuki-ji Temple, and Marine World Umi-no-Nakamichi amusement park.
Nichole Wilson would rather not set foot in a hospital again--unless she has information about its quality of care. The reason: The 24-year-old West Sider developed an infection in 1999 at a Chicago hospital after her son was delivered by cesarean section. "I would need a lot more information about whether the hospital is rated good or not," she said. Possibly by early next year Wilson will get her wish. If state lawmakers have their way, consumers will be able to get information that would let them compare hospital quality and performance. The Hospital Report Card Act would require hospitals to report a variety of measures, including staffing levels and worker turnover ratios, infection rates and mortality data. The proposed legislation is backed by business and labor groups, and even the hospital industry, which has long been skeptical of the usefulness of so-called report cards. "This is groundbreaking territory, especially for the hospital community to embrace," said Kenneth Robbins, president of the Illinois Hospital Association, the trade group representing more than 200 Illinois hospitals. "The hospital community has been gun-shy in the past. It has been extremely difficult to measure quality outcomes and performance in a meaningful way." The report card legislation gained momentum from reports showing medical errors on the rise at the same time patients are paying more for care. Low-quality health care in the U.S. costs nearly $400 billion a year, or about 30 percent of the $1.3 trillion spent annually, according to a study last year by the Chicago-based Midwest Business Group on Health. That report cited problems ranging from medical errors and unnecessary treatments to misused drugs and bureaucratic waste. An estimated 103,000 patients died from hospital-acquired infections and an estimated 75,000 deaths were preventable in 2000, according to a Tribune investigative series last year. The stories documented widespread, life-threatening sanitation problems in U.S. hospitals. "Given the amount of money in the system and the increasing share health-care costs take out of individual budgets and corporate budgets, I think [hospital report cards] are appropriate," said Sen. Barack Obama (D-Chicago), chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee and a key backer of the report card legislation. "The market will work only where it has good information," he said. Obama sees the report card as just the first step in providing consumers with information that they can use to get better medical care. The state may look at measuring other health facilities and even finding a way to provide more public information about physicians. "Clearly, one of the things we want to do is build a consumer database that can be added to over time," Obama said. "There are ways over time of building additional information," Obama said. "If you can compare quality and price of an automobile, you should be able to compare quality and price of a heart surgery." Hospitals opposed an earlier version of the report card bill and have opposed past governmental comparisons of hospital-reported mortality rates. Hospitals say such rates should be adjusted for risk because some facilities treat more complex cases than others. "There are numerous variables," said Robbins, of the Illinois Hospital Association. "At an academic medical center, you get more complex cases that a community hospital would refer to [the academic medical center]. The likelihood of higher mortality rates is greater if the condition of the patient is worse when admitted." And hospitals such as Northwestern Memorial Hospital that offer hospice care for cancer patients in their final days obviously would have higher mortality rates that could skew their mortality measurements. To address such concerns, the Illinois Hospital Report Card Act calls on the Illinois Department of Public Health to calculate and report risk-adjusted mortality rates. The purpose is to better reflect the seriousness and complexity of cases each hospital treats. Under the bill, hospitals must disclose rates for surgical site infections and ventilator-associated pneumonia, lawmakers say. Certain intravenous-related bloodstream infections will be reported quarterly according to national benchmarks established by the Centers for Disease Control. Officials at Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago declined to comment on the infection that extended Nichole Wilson's stay after her son Christopher's birth. Ed Domansky, spokesman for Advocate Health Care, which owns Trinity and seven other Chicago-area hospitals, said Advocate supports the Hospital Report Card Act--with "the distinction that such proposed hospital reporting be limited to hospital-acquired infections so that hospitals aren't held responsible for infections that come into the hospital with a patient." Authors of the legislation also say they are working to make the information be accessible to consumers via the Internet. It is unclear so far what the Web site will be named, but lawmakers say it will likely be a brainchild of the Illinois Department of Public Health. "The information needs to be accurate, reasonably collectable and useful," Robbins said. "This effort is part of a mosaic of activities that are under way." Elsewhere in the U.S., hospital report cards and similar government initiatives to measure quality are gaining momentum. Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services began for the first time publishing data comparing the quality of the nation's 17,000 nursing homes, enabling consumers to see how patients fare at such facilities. The federal nursing home data show 10 performance measures, comparing everything from the percentage of nursing home residents who suffer from bed sores or infections to the percentage of patients who are unable to perform basic tasks, such as feeding themselves. Next year, the federal government plans to unveil performance measures for hospitals. The trend toward more government-backed health information comes at a time patients are inundated with commercial advertising they do not know they can trust, consumer groups say. Patients can become confused by magazine rankings and awards touted in hospital advertising campaigns, these consumer groups say. "You can pick whatever you want and put it on your billboard," said Gail Siegel, executive director of the Coalition for Consumer Rights, a Chicago-based consumer advocacy group. "A lot of hospitals cherry-pick information, marketing from different surveys and different polls. If there was something standardized, like a report card, you would know what you are comparing." Still, the coalition and other consumer groups say the report card act needs to go further in the future. They say the state should actually grade hospitals through a number or letter system, giving consumers rankings from which to choose. "If it becomes something people will use, there will be a demand for more information," Siegel said. "If hospitals don't look good in one area, they may want more information on others." The Hospital Report Card Act, which passed the Illinois Senate last month and may face a vote in the House this week, requires that hospitals provide information that will help consumers gauge the quality of care. Information would be available online sometime next year through the Illinois Department of Public Health at a Web site to be determined. Staffing levels by clinical service area, such as pediatrics, critical care, obstetrics and medical/surgical departments, in a hospital where patients have common treatment need. So a patient might want to check the staffing of hospital A and compare it to hospital B. Infection rates for surgical site infections. Hospital-acquired infection rates that are higher at one hospital than another could be cause for alarm. Hospital-acquired infection rates are important because they show patients getting a disease they did not have before they walked in the door. Turnover rates. A higher turnover may indicate a staff that is not as familiar with the hospital and a lower turnover may show a more dedicated and stable staff. Consumers should, however, note that teaching hospitals or larger medical centers may have a higher turnover rate than small facilities because the job market is more competitive for health-care workers such as nurses. Mortality rates adjusted for level of risk. A higher risk-adjusted mortality rate at one hospital might be cause for alarm. The rates are adjusted for severity because academic medical centers in Chicago are likely to have higher mortality rates than a rural hospital that does not treat severe cases.
A developmental delay is when a child fails to reach the expected developmental milestone. For example, by the age of six months, most children should be able to roll over by themselves. This is not to say that a child who doesn’t reach a developmental milestone on time has a problem or is sick, but it can be an indication of an underlying issue, which may need to be addressed. In many cases, children may reach their developmental milestones slightly faster or slower, simply because that is how they develop, with no underlying issues to worry about. Delays involving the development of speech and language are very common, and the ages that children develop their speech and language abilities vary a lot between each child, and even between siblings. It’s normal for children to go through ‘spurts’ where they will suddenly develop more skills in language and speech, and then remain stagnant for a while. Many parents are confused about the difference between speech and language, but there is one. Speech refers to how well your child is able to communicate verbally, and language refers to your child’s ability to express themselves and understand theinformation being told to them. There are two main types of motor delay: gross motor delay and fine motor delay. Gross motor delay refers to your child’s ability to crawl or walk or roll over, or any other large physical movement involving most of the body. Fine motor delay refers to your child’s ability to use their fingers properly, such as their ability to hold a pencil or use a knife and fork. The Healthychildren.org motor delay tool for parents will help you find out whether it is worth paying a visit to the doctor. New-born babies are not born with fully developed vision, so their vision is usually very blurry but will become less so over time. If you suspect that your baby’s vision is not improving, this could be a sign of a visual delay. If your child doesn’t follow moving objects with their eyes or seems to constantly have tears in their eyes, it could be a good idea to check in with a doctor. Cognitive delays are often the more serious types of delays and can be more difficult to spot. They are when a child develops problems with the way they think and are sometimes in more severe cases called an intellectual disability. There can be a variety of causes for cognitive delays, but early identification and treatment can usually help. A social or emotional delay refers to a problem in the way your child interacts with other people.They may appear reclusive, unable to share, angry or easily upset or scared of other people, especially adults. It is normal for young children and babies to experience separation anxiety when they are parted from their caregiver, but if they are showing persistent signs of struggling to interact with others, it’s a good idea to get a check-up. Always consult a doctor if you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s development.
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Since Greek and Roman ideas and thought laid the foundation for many disciplines in Western civilization, I decided to explore their philosophies on education and music. The seven liberal arts, founded by the Greeks and Romans, set the standard of education for many centuries. Much of Western music theory, language, vocabulary, and techniques are indebted to discoveries made by the Ancients and the monasteries in the Middle Ages. Using primary and secondary sources, I propose to explore possible modern implications of these learning systems. As a music education major, I hope to use this information in innovative and creative ways in a classroom setting.
Over the past 2 years my back yard has been overwhelmed with the moss growth (roughly 50%). I have applied a moss killing chemicals to suppress this, but it just keeps coming back. I have done the soil test and have sufficient amounts of phosphorus, not enough potassium and too much magnesium. I was told that I need to make sure the PH is 7, but it already almost is. It gets the same amount of water and sun for the past 10 years, but the moss was not there until about 2 years ago. What do I need to do to prevent it from growing? How can we encourage grass instead of moss?
The Musee Rodin is housed in the elegant Hotel Biron. Rodin lived and worked in this mansion. I love that so many Paris museums not only have masterpieces, but they are housed in historic masterpieces themselves. The mansion shows its age and use as you hear the wood floors creaking under your feet. It is like being in grandma’s house, only it has some of the most stunning sculpture that can be seen. The museum is made of the mansion, garden, chapel, and cafe. The building is under construction until 2014, but you can still get in and see exhibitions. My favorite sculpture inside the museum is The Kiss. If you are short on time or limited on budget, you can visit the gardens for only one euro. The garden provides a natural blend between Rodin’s bronze statues and flowers. Perhaps you’ve heard of The Thinker. He thinks outside in the lightly scented, floral air. The first time I went to the museum, my camera went crazy over the pristine flowers. It is a beautiful, quiet area in Paris. I know I’ll return this summer. This is the one place on my mom’s “Must-Do” list for our upcoming trip to Europe. I’m glad to know they have beautiful gardens too – I might not be itching to see the sculptures but I can’t pass up gardens full of flowers! When did you visit the gardens? I noticed the roses were in bloom in your photos. I hope they’ll be in bloom at the end of June/beginning of July while we’re there! I’ve been to the gardens a couple times, but it has always been in June. I hope the roses stay strong. I know the temperatures have been chilly, so maybe they’ll hang on. If you go on the first Sunday, you can get into the museum for free. I love the gardens, and any place that allows a little escape from the craziness of the city.
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