Ann Arbor firefighters rescued a woman from the Huron River after her kayak overturned near Gallup Park Wednesday evening, officials said. Firefighters responded to several calls about an overturned kayak in the river at about 5:40 p.m. and found a 19-year-old woman out of her kayak and unable to get to safety, Battalion Chief Robert Vogel said. Other kayakers were dragging her to shore and firefighters pulled her out of the water. She was treated by Huron Valley Ambulance paramedics and released.
ICodeFactory team wishes you a Happy New Year! We have started the year of 2016 with great ambitions in our mind. Now, when we look back, we are pleased to say that our efforts have paid off and our dreams are becoming true. While we are sitting in our cozy brand new office, we are thinking about the long journey we had to pass to achieve our goals. We are grateful for all support we have got from our family, friends and partners who were beside us and helped us make the year of 2016 special. ICodeFactory team wishes you and your family a Happy New Year filled with happiness, prosperity and wonderful moments. This month our experts traveled to Belgium to share knowledge about Microsoft technologies. It is our pleasure that one of the best educational centers in Brussels invited us to hold a Microsoft training for their attendants. In the course we held, students learned how to develop advanced applications using Microsoft tools and technologies. The focus of the course was on coding activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application. Educational training like this one should build developer’s core and technical skills in order to advance their career. This new set of skills is required for developers who want to be in the top class of software development. Belgium, thank you! We had a great time and we are looking forward to our next visit to Brussels.
With the proper tools and craftsman,any repair job become easier. The same reads true for repairing hardwood floors. When it comes to repairing wood floor imperfections, many people panic by worrying that the task is going be too complicated. As we said, there is nothing either too complicated or impossible as long as you have the right craftsman for the job.Therefore, here we are to help! We're here, and we'd love to help!
Now, thanks to 3D scanners, you can quickly digitize an object and generate a CAD model that can be used for myriad of engineering applications. The applications of 3D scanning are enormous: A part that’s no longer offered by the original manufacturer can be scanned and 3D printed. Complex or organic geometries can be captured almost instantly, and time-consuming reverse engineering applications can be done in a fraction of the time, and with greater accuracy. But those are only a few of the benefits of the technology. In this research report, you will treated to an in-depth exploration of the power of 3D scanning, and its ability to transform industry. Examples of 3D scanning from industries, including automotive, aerospace, architecture, medicine and more. The types of 3D scanning technologies that are available and what applications they are best suited to address. What it takes to get started with 3D scanning and more.
We are Steve and Beth Sharp, and our three sons, Ryan, Andy, and Josh. Beth and I grew up in Stoughton, Wisconsin, a small town in south central Wisconsin. It is well known for its Norwegian heritage and celebrations. which discuss our travels to these areas. We hope you enjoy your vacation as much as we have. We hope you find the information you need and share with your friends. I grew up in the home building and lumber business, being mentored by my very patient father. I was on the jobsite pounding nails at age five (mostly bent nails), and drafting home plans by the age of fourteen. Most recently, I have been a long-term employee of Amerhart, a wholesale building material company based in Wisconsin. The company is family owned and has been very successful in the Midwest. Beth has been employed and involved with children’s education in private and public schools for many years. And of course Beth has had more than a full time position raising anywhere from 1-4 boys since we married in 1978, and to this day continues to say she still loves us! She is a very patient and loving young woman. We were both blessed to have parents who raise us with basic traditional family values. We in turn were blessed with three healthy baby boys, and are doing our best to pass on those same values and traditions. Boys grow up fast, as Ryan, Andy and Josh have all graduated from college. Ryan graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 2003, and is now married to a beautiful young woman, Jasmine Sharp. They recently made us the proud grandparents of two beautiful little girls. Andy graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 2006 and is married to a beautiful young woman, Kristy Sharp. They recently made us the proud grandparents of a handsome young baby boy. Andy has been instrumental in bringing his parents into the 21st century with regards to computers and had been busy assisting us with our websites. Andy now works full time in our family business. We now operate a new business that offers brand name home improvement products on our website www.homeproshops.com. Josh is the most recent to have graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 2010 and is now working in Madison. All three boys are assisting us with the building and operation of the websites. We have been actively involved in community, youth sports, coaching, church, and family activities over the years. I was totally involved with a group of young soccer players for just about 20 years. I coached Josh’s team since the boys were just 5 years old, and recently retired from coaching. The boys were very successful over the years as regional champions and ended a great and final high school season as conference champions. We hope you have enjoyed learning more about us. We also hope the information in our websites helps you and your family. If you have any comments or personal experiences you would like to share please feel free to contact us at any time.
Here's another fun challenge I did last week. This one's for My Mind's Eye, one of my favourite companies. I used the Bohemia lines and some of the new Ooh La La line for this one. The Bohemia lines are some of my all time favourite papers. I love the colours and patterns. Go check out some of their new releases from CHA, they've got lots of great things coming out. Pretty LO, and what a sweet baby! I know what you mean about the Bohemia line. It is one of my favorites, too. I have loads of it! lol I really love your sweet take on the MME sketch! Precious! I love the perspective on your photo. It is just too cute and your layout is wonderful. Good luck with the MME challenge. Bohemia is one of my favorites, too!
Friends list is amusing me a lot today. Somehow it seems that I'm the only person who does not hate the new Facebook connection. So much panic around... On the other hand, for me it's exactly what I've been wanting for months now. Since I don't really use Facebook for anything, this will help me to have something over there for people who don't use LJ. Don't really see a point in the comment reposting feature, though. Nor do I really appreciate the link to my Fakebook Facebook account on my profile here, but whatever, let it be there, then. Personally I find it to be a very ridiculous idea. I was planning to get my own Facebook and I want to keep my LJ things separate for it, so. You're right about the comment reposting feature not having a point. I wouldn't say it's ridiculous. No-one's forced to use it, but it's there for people like me who would like to crosspost their entries to Facebook as well. If you don't activate it / connect your LJ and Facebook accounts, nothing will really change for you.
I see strong women in the making, and it's the most powerful thing you could ever witness. On October 11th, I celebrated The Day of The Girl the best way I know how; coaching for Fit Girls. The Fit Girls Run Club Program is a running program for girls in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade that focuses on building self-esteem, friendships, and a love of running, as well as giving back to the community. The club takes place twice a week where non-competitive workouts take place to prepare the girls for a local 5k race. I participated in this club when I was younger, and this year, I became a coach. I've always struggled with running; I was never the fastest, I never won any races, but I loved it and I loved the friendships it allowed me to form. Fit Girls has allowed me to stay active, but it's way more than that. For most of the girls, this is their first experience with running. There's always plenty of complaining, but on every single run, I get to witness amazing levels of perseverance and kindness. These girls come each day ready to go with their neon sneakers, high ponytails, and huge smiles. Every time I go I see them push through and go just a little further than they thought they could. I see young girls, cheering each other on and building each other up, rather than knocking each other down. So on October 11th, it was the day of the girl. We went on our usual 45-minute run, and then came back together as a group. The woman who founded Fit Girls stood up and told the group that because October 11th is so special, she had two activities planned before our time was up. First, a 4th grader was introduced, who had brought in a book called That's What She Said, which contained short biographies of important women, and she read about Oprah Winfrey. I could see the other girls were intrigued, and excited. The looks on their faces just screamed "a successful woman? How awesome!" I loved watching a 4th grader use her voice to share the story of an amazing woman to the group. Next, a question was posed to the group. "What is something that you've heard or been told that you can't do, because you're a girl?" The girls immediately wrote their answers on their scraps of paper. Then, one by one, each girl was asked to stand up, scream what they wrote as loud as they could, rip it up, and slam it into the trash can. By the time that we had to leave, I was left speechless. These little girls are empowered. These girls have seen the injustice that women face today, and by the looks of it, they're ready to one day put a stop to it. My generation is right there with them, ready to make that change. I find it so inspiring and uplifting to see that girls today are being raised to refuse to have their voices silenced. We refuse to be inequal any longer. So yes, there are days when I have a million other things that I could be doing. But I show up each week, ready to run, sweat, cheer, and laugh. I show up for the girls because the truth it, I get as much out of being there as they do.
The Amazing Adventures of Dashing Prince Dietrich has been published! The silliest book of the year is here, and you are more than welcome to grab yourself a copy. Paperback for now, with Kindle coming in a week or two. The name of the series? Woes & Hose. How about that. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the title of the brand new book that I intend to publish in the coming months. It is totally unrelated to The Lost Words quadrilogy. Moreover, I am inventing a whole new genre. Fundark. Or grimfun. Yep. Now, as to our protagonist. Imagine the perfect hero: handsome, tall, courageous, loves his father. Meet Prince Dietrich, the exact opposite. Warning, warning, warning. Spoilers! Like with the first two books, you get two sample chapters of the third and penultimate installment in The Lost Words series, The Forgotten. The book picks up the action right where The Broken ended, so if you have not read that one, please, stop right now, or you might spoil it for yourself. And most importantly, keep the children away. The first chapter, in particular, is very brutal. Now, commence. All right guys. Here we go. Two free chapters from The Broken, book two of the series. This should give you a relatively good idea what the sequel is all about, as well as massively spoil the ending of the first book, since a few very monumental things happen on the very first page. In the very first sentence of the first chapter. So I beg you, if you have not read The Broken, do not be tempted to scroll down any further. You have been politely warned. Cheers. Ewan had never seen an army before, although he had read about them in books. There was no army in the Safe Territories. It was one of the founding principles of the country. People who wanted to live without violence came to the Safe Territories to escape the brutal world out there, be they refugees or criminals. No one asked any questions. Everyone was welcome, as long as they swore to leave their former lives behind and start afresh. People were given a shelter to live in. They were given jobs that fit their skills. Some were even given new names. All sins were forgiven. It was like being born again. And in return, the newcomers promised to live by the Code for the rest of their lives. A fair bargain, by far. The long train of soldiers was trundling down the Old Road, raising a huge cloud of dust that looked like a sandstorm. It was what had drawn Ewan’s eye in the first place. Commander Mali winced as she methodically worked the string wrapped around her fingers. She had noticed a few brown hairs above her upper lip the night before and was now removing the culprits while a ruddy irritation bloomed in their place. Most female soldiers did not pay much attention to their looks, but Mali did not share their sentiment. She believed herself to be good-looking and intended to stay that way, despite her battle scars and the harsh sun, or even more so because of them. Men appreciated good looks. More than bad looks, at least. She looked away from her reflection in a small wall mirror, toward the slumbering shape of Captain Ralf, her last night’s companion. He slept peacefully, exhausted, tangled in sweat-soaked linen, one leg dangling off the bed, a spectacular backside just peeking beneath the cover, taunting her. She smiled.
Kennewick police say it was an accident, a tragic one at that. Wednesday evening around 6:45pm, emergency crews were dispatched to the 1400 block of West 20th. for a report of a pedestrian-vehicle collision. Police and ambulance crews found the victim, a 4-year-old boy, had been accidentally run over by a vehicle driven by his father, Ismael Martinez Sr. He'd been backing a car into the home's driveway, and didn't know the boy was behind him. The boy was taken to TRIOS Southridge Emergency Room, suffering from what police said were "severe injuries." Tragically, the boy died at the hospital from the trauma. No drugs or alcohol were involved in the incident.
Can you tell me a little about yourself and what you do? I started the company six and a half years ago, and I am the CEO Publicity Director. I founded the company in 2012 and I do a lot of things. I handle the business development, I handle all of the staff is running efficiently, and I oversee all of the campaigns. I’m kind of the glue that hold everything together. But I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without an awesome team. What lead you to starting The Catalyst Publicity Group? I started the company because I was working for a couple different PR firms, and I wasn’t necessarily working in music but the one job I did take in music before starting Catalyst I really didn’t like the way they were operating. They really didn’t pay attention to the artists, didn’t give an artist, especially at an emerging level, enough of a platform to creatively speak and do the things that they needed to. And I kinda felt like the industry was extremely shady, so there’s a lot of things that the industry has shown me over years that you don’t have to be in business and do things the wrong way but you can create a business and have that passion and be able to work hard for the emerging artist so that they have the right platforms. It wasn’t necessarily something that I dreamt up overnight. It wasn’t something that I had been wanting to do my whole life. It was so of something that I decided maybe I should make something while I’m looking for another job. I feel very fortunate and blessed that my little idea that was supposed to be freelance ended up becoming a full time job for almost seven years. You started it as just a freelance project? Yeah, it started as just a freelance. I actually quit my job because my bosses were horrible in August. And the one good thing I had at that job was that if I brought in any business, I was able to take it with me. I actually had about a dozen clients that I brought into their company and was able to transition all of that over. Me being the, I guess, do-good type person, I was like ‘I need to create something that I can write off my taxes.’ So, I ended up creating Catalyst as just freelance and I thought ‘well maybe I’ll transition out of music’ even though I was only in it for a little bit. Maybe I’ll work at a general PR company. So, I ended up taking those clients with me and forming Catalyst. And after about three or four weeks I got a phone call from this girl, and she was like ‘I really want to join your company.’ But I didn’t really have a company, it was just me at the moment. She sort of dedicated the next three or four years to help me and help build the company and that’s where everything sort of kicked off. What makes Catalyst different from everyone else out there? I don’t know if I would say that we’re really different. We defiantly look at things in a very creative way. We’re not just looking at it as we’ll come in, take your music and share it across all PR platforms. We’re really trying to make sure that what we do is create a space for them, it’s a longevity thing. It’s not necessarily about wanting to take an artist and get a PR platform, it’s really about trying to make sure social media looks good, their branding looks great, making sure creatively we can come up for ways of better fan engagement. It’s not just about being a PR company, but we are the creativity behind it as well. We believe if you have really good creative assets and a really good marketing plan, then it can partner well with the PR effort. So, we’re trying to look at things a little bit different than just your stereotypical PR campaign which will generate the right results but I do want to make sure we’re able to be there for the longevity of their whole career. It’s not just a short campaign to release a single or music video, it’s really about how we can take those steps and make those initiative to build the platform that they deserve. This last week especially, it’s been said that if women in music want recognition they need to work harder, what do you think it’s going to take for women in the industry to get the recognition they deserve? It’s a very interesting time, I mean I have most certainly gone through my fair share of women not getting the right equality for the right work. I’ve most certainly had to go up against a male counterpart and have lost in that position. There are a lot of things in this industry that I see women don’t get the recognition that they deserve. A lot of the glue behind the music industry is not really gender relegated but it’s talent and how much dedication you have to helping out a client and making sure they’re given the right path for their success. Now for women who are constantly fighting and not getting the equal right. What I say to that is really keep going. If we keep stopping to ask why us, why aren’t we the type to get the right roles and why aren’t we getting to succeed past males, I think that’s the wrong way to look at it. It should be on a clear platform; how can we work with our male counterparts and make sure that what we’re doing is based off professionalism and how we can operate as a team. I never grew up believing men and women are different, it’s just men and women have capabilities in all different ranges. We need to look into our inner selves and look at what we can provide the world and do something no matter our gender. I think it’s a little difficult. I feel like women that are fighting for equal rights, I applaud them, I think it’s amazing that there are women out there that want to fight. I think it’s an exhausting battle and I honestly truly hope that women have the most equal rights as males at some point in our lives. And I hope my children will someday see this equal rights and wont’ have to fight for things like this. But I think unfortunately based off everyone’s ideas, and belief systems and ideologies, we’re always going to have these battles, they’ll never go away. It’s just how you internally process it. For me I never wake up and say ‘wow I didn’t get that because I’m a female.’ I wake up and say ‘maybe I didn’t get it because it’s not the right time.’ I try t just alter the way that I look at things, how I think about certain things and how or why I don’t get certain projects. I don’t internalize it as me being a female but as it’s not the right project for me or if that doors closed maybe another will open. Is there anyone you wish you could work with? I wish I could work with anyone that works with Taylor Swift. I love her on a personal level, professional, everything she does I think is absolutely genius. Whether someone appreciates that or not. I just think she does things so carefully and meticulously that it’s really impressive. Just from a fan standpoint and an industry standpoint, she understands her audience and understands how to utilize that very well. If I could work with anyone, I would most likely want to work with Scott Borchetta who discovered Taylor Swift and built a label around her. Big Machine Label Group has all the most incredible and most emerging artists in the country scene. And I think they do such a great job making sure they expand past their market and have done so very successfully. What’s next for you and Catalyst? This year we’re sort of taking it back to the basics. We’re going back to making sure we’re developing artists really well, making sure we brought the right attention to our team, traveling to some new cities and expand the brand this year. We’re pretty much on an as need basis with our clients so it’s really important that we stay up to date on all the industry trends and trying to make sure that we’re doing enough to provide for our clients. As far as the company goes as a whole. I think 2018 is going back to knowing why we do what we do and making sure we’re building the right platform and company for our clients to succeed in. Thank you, Jen, for taking the time to chat with Savvage Media. Please visit www.thecatalystpublicitygroup.com for more information on The Catalyst Publicity Group.
As I outlined in my previous PTSD article, it is clear that the U.S. military is under a tremendous amount of psychological strain due to repeated deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. But, the story doesn’t end there. The official statistics also reveal another, even more troubling trend: the suicide rate among retired and currently serving military personnel continues to spike. As the statistics show, there is a suicide epidemic in the military, and despite increased access to mental health professionals and millions of dollars of more funding for psychiatric treatments, the rate continues to rise. Just as in the case of rising PTSD, it would appear that repeated deployments to extremely violent, open-ended war theaters are the root cause of the problem. Therefore, I would like to ask readers: What would you offer as short-term and long-term solutions? Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and third party supporters, let’s hear from you. Tea Party, Coffee Party, and Liberty movement supporters, what are your solutions? And why do you think both the Bush and Obama administrations have failed to stem the tide? * The sources for these statistics can be found here, here, and here. Also, to read my PTSD article, click here.
breath * life * flow: gratitude. thanksgiving... i have so much to be thankful for! my health, my family, my team at kai... that being said i'm ashamed at myself for, at times, taking things for granted. i don't mean to, it just slips my mind in the moment. time to remember how much we truly forget. forget to give thanks, forget to give love. take a moment, take the time. be grateful and give gratitude. thank you for all the kind support that fueled my dream!
Kim Vos, Customer Service Rep. Kris Zimmerman, Loan Officer Asst. Fax: 641-527-2534 Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fax: 641-594-3746 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fax: 641-937-5485 Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m. Fax: 641-522-7361 Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. E-mail us your questions or comments or you can call us directly at Lynnville (641-527-2535 or 888-527-2534), Sully (641-594-3744), Agency (641-937-5236), Brooklyn (641-522-9231) or Grinnell (641-236-7700) and speak with one of our friendly banking professionals. Or visit us in person at any of our locations during regular business hours. During business hours, please contact either location above. After hours, please call Shazam 800-383-8000. Email is not secure and is intended for general banking questions and request for additional information. Please do not include any of your personal banking information (i.e., social security numbers, PIN or passwords, etc.), as information sent to us from this page is not encrypted.
He sited the life of the disciple Judas as an example of hypocrisy and were it will lead. It was a great message that really touched lives. I can't wait to see what God is going to do tonight! I will try to get pictures tonight.
Comments can be added to every existing FTP site. This helps you keep track, especially when you have a large number of sites. Open the Site Manager by clicking on Tools > Site Manager. Select the site you want to add comments to.
If you're seeking divorce advice in Pasadena but trying to put on a brave face for your friends and family, a new study from the University of Arizona suggests you shouldn't bother. According to the study, how we are coping with a divorce is revealed not so much by what we say but how we say it. The study, "Thin-Slicing Divorce: Thirty Seconds of Information Predict Changes in Psychological Adjustment Over 90 Days, " examines how people cope with emotional stress when a marriage ends. Ashley Mason, a University of Arizona doctoral student, conducted the study. "We wanted to know how much information people actually need in order to know how another person is coping," says Mason. "There's been a lot of person perception research in terms of perceiving a stranger's personality or intelligence. And data have shown that we really don't need much." So little information, in fact, even complete strangers were able to determine how people were handling their emotions using just tidbits of information. Newly-divorced and separated couples were used in the study to complete a series of questionnaires and to record thoughts and feelings about their former partners. Thirty-second snippets of the recordings were saved as sound files and written transcripts. A select number of the participants were asked to fill out the same questionnaire three months later. Then students were enlisted to judge how the subjects were coping with divorce. Based on the short transcripts and brief audio recordings, the students were able to accurately predict how the subjects were feeling without any actual contact with the subjects. Mason points out that how the subjects were talking was more important than what they were saying, which gave real insight to how they were dealing with the life-altering changes of divorce. The study, she says, "gives us insight that may affect how we interact with these people. Do I need to call more often or provide more social support? Should I recommend psychotherapy? Not everyone has an organized social support system, and these data shed light on how we interpret what others need from us."
A huge thank you to all those who attended the Leaders’ Meeting on Tuesday—for your time and thoughtfulness I am grateful. It is exciting to be part of a group of people who a longing for God to do a new thing among us for the sake of the world around us. One of the decisions we made on Tuesday was to adopt a passage of Scripture that the Leaders’ Meeting feel called not only to read and reflect on, but to live out. The Scripture we chose is the story of Jesus’ transformative encounter with the Samaritan woman at the Well, recorded in John’s Gospel chapter 4.
Editor’s note:- Overall, we like Kayla Itsines Bikini Body guide, but we recommend Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workouts over this program, for the latter is more comprehensive and provides more value for money. Personally, my weight is something that I have always struggled with, especially after I turned 30. Now that I’m 33, I’ve found it super hard to maintain that healthy lifestyle that I know I should be living. To make matters worse, after my second child, I packed on a lot of weight, and unfortunately, I’ve been so busy, so it’s not something that I have actually noticed. I stopped taking care of myself, lost focus and really let myself go – you know how the story goes. All of that is why I decided to look for special ways to lose weight. What I needed was a good weight loss plan that I could follow – I needed one that really worked, so I put a lot of research into finding only the best weight loss programs available. On instagram, I came across a Kayla Itsines review, and then I stumbled across some interesting articles about her story and how she got famous on Instagram due to her workouts. My main goal here would be to look good in a bikini, and after reading the Bikini Body Guide, I began to get really excited. Point blank, I have always dreamed of having a bikini body. Right then and there, I was ready to roll out and buy Kayla Itsines Guides, until I noticed the price tag stamped on it. After calculating it all up, I was shocked to find out how expensive it would be. In the end, I ended up going with Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workouts because they were much more affordable than what Kayla Itsines was offering. I made sure I fully committed to the program and by following Jen’s plan was my goal – I went with something that created amazing results for me, not for celebrities. Why would I want to spend more money on a program than I actually have to? By going to Jen’s programs as opposed to Kayla Itsines, I was actually able to save a big chunk of change. Did I get the results I expected? Yes, I got amazing results. I really like how Jen Ferrugia made sure to keep her prices where it was more affordable to every day people like me. What I like the most about her workout program would be the fact that you aren’t required to go out there and buy expensive equipment. In fact, you don’t need a whole lot of gym equipment. Yes, when it comes to Kayla Itsines and Jen Ferrugia, both have similar workout programs, but the price is a huge difference. In the past, I had a hard time staying on track with a workout program – after a week or two, I would drop out. However, with Jen’s program, I stayed consistent and stuck to it, because she made everything seem so much easier. For a minute, I would like to cover the cost of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide so that you can see exactly what I’m going on about. Then, on top of all of the above, you will be required to purchase additional gym equipment so that you can do the workouts she gives. You see, all of that right there is what I do not like …once you complete the 12-week workout plan in the Bikini Body Workouts Guide, you will have to go to the next level, which will require you to purchase another guide – the next level is 13 to 24 weeks. It is a guide that is 199 pages long, but it costs an extra $69.97 …that’s just way too expensive. Jen Ferrugia Bikini Workout Guides are much more affordable and that is why I highly recommend them. On top of all of that, you’ll need to go out and purchase gym equipment so that you can follow along with Itsines workout program. To be exact, you will need to purchase a mat, two bench/steps, a medicine ball (between 6-12kgs), two small dumbbell weights (3-5kgs each), a bosu ball and a skipping rope. In her program, she also recommend people buying a heart rate monitor/fitness tracker and that right there will cost a little over $70.00 depending on the type you buy. As you can see, all of that equipment, paired with the actual program will really add up if you’re not careful. You could always just go to the gym and use their equipment, but personally, I was under the impression that the Bikini Body Guide was designed so that you could do it all at home …am I right? Here’s something else for you to think about – you will also need some room in your home to workout. So, what do you do if you don’t have all that much space? You need all of this equipment, which is going to take up a whole lot of room. The Nutrition Guide – I have read a lot about this guide and that’s one thing that shocked me the most. After I read many people’s reviews, everyone seems to have a similar opinion on it. Okay, so you can sit there and call me cheap all you want, but this is my opinion and this is my bikini guide/Kayla Itsines review. I really do not think that guide is worth it, especially when there’s a less expensive bikini guide available that is equally effective and from a reputed trainer. Simple due to the fact that I do not like the additional costs involved with Itsines Bikini Program, I would have to say Jen’s workout program is so much better.
ID 3997 two-Bedroom apartment on the beach, Pomorie. The apartment is on the beach 60 steps. Nearby there are shops, cafes, a number of different sebagala and stalls, hairdressers, clothing and other Studio. The buses run in 15 minutes.
The team at Triad Controls has experience in most major Building Management Systems (BMS) and the company carries a wide range of stock for Delta, Schneider and Andover Infinity and Continuum systems so that parts are available at short notice if you have a problem. In the event of a breakdown or malfunction, we are able to get most buildings back online and running at 100% efficiency with speed. We tailor the stock we carry to the needs of our clients. When a BMS is installed, it is often set to work and left. The system is usually commissioned when a new building is still empty. Things change once a building is occupied and full of working technology, so it is important to review the settings to maintain the fine balance between energy-saving and user comfort. Control outputs are often overridden for various reasons (for example, a kneejerk reaction to someone complaining they are too hot or too cold or poor commissioning). These changes can have a damaging effect on energy consumption and should be reviewed over time. It is especially important to check settings as the seasons change to ensure that the plant and the BMS are operating as efficiently as possible.
What do you want to do particularly well? How will you meet this goal? Share your thoughts at #4OCF.
What are your views on the future? What do you think are the major events that are likely to occur and how they will affect you? I don't really think about the hype, but it will be out there throughout 2012. I do want to see the movie though, I saw the previews, love those kind of movies. I think too many people lose a lot by focusing on the past or future, the present is fine with me. I am not too worried about the future, as far as the end of the world and all a that. If its going to happen, I cant stop it. Your only ever alive right now. So, I try to live my life the best I can, minute to minute. Have you guys managed to be accepted as affiliates in my Crystal Ball Sales Company? I am still waiting for the email confirmation. Can you tell me when I'll get it? that could be worse than dying ! Wow really ? Do they brake if I touch ? Well, I think there is a big change coming, but it is not something catastrophic such as the end of the world. It could be considered the end of the worlds as we know it. I feel it is going to do with a change in power or a change in consciousness. Why we fight in the name of religions,even in hub forums. Is your job as a believer to convert anybody? it must Shine through us so that this World understand of His Love, Grace & Mercy ...! What or whom do you believe in?
We've heard of the Shaman's death where a person "dies" and arises as the Phoenix does from the ashes. This lighthearted workshop takes a look at how our darkest moments can be the source of our greatest light. Invest in your Self. You are worth it! You were there. You know how awesome it was. And you want the recordings.
Noblecollection.com is a site in which you can find recreations of props from some of the most popular movies, or other upper quality items with the theme of that movie. Before I go on, it should be noted that I have ordered other items from this site and have been VERY satisfied, so the problem may be only with this product. Anyway, when I saw this item in the catalog, I thought it looked awesome, and I think Lucius Malfoy is cool, so I saved up some money, and had it ordered. When it arrived, I was excited and ran for the door, I opened it and just by looking at it, I was sure that I was gonna love it! I was so sure, that I threw out the box for it, but for some reason kept the styrofoam. Anyway, it looked so nice with it's snake head in sterling silver and emerald eyes. I was surprised how they could afford to sell a product with such high value things, and still only charge $95.00 for it. This surprise, didn't last too long. At first, owning this almost made me feel like I was a bit wealthy, and I walked around the house with it, but I was still careful of where I kept it, and where I was walking with it. The real reason I wanted this though, was the wand it came with. Yeah, pull on the snake head, and it separates from the walking stick and has Lucius Malfoy's wand attached! Man, this was so cool, I thought. The thing about the wand though, was that, as I said, the snake head was attached to it. This doesn't sound like much of a problem, but the snake's mouth is open and baring it's fangs, and it's fangs are actually sharp, so you had to be careful when gripping the wand because the snake head was the handle. This doesn't seem to make sense, the handle of the wand has two sharp points? They could have easily made the fangs dull, but whatever. The quality of the walking stick was what I noticed next, I looked inside, and it looked like it was made of cork! CORK! Why such a low quality product? Well, I got over this, as I didn't buy it to actually put weight on it, I was only 15 at the time and didn't need a cane to help me walk yet, and being 17 now, I still dont. Well, after these problems, I noticed that the wand was wiggling as I waved it. I wasn't waving it that hard, in fact I wasn't waving it hard at all, and the wand was shaking in the handle. I looked at the handle, and saw that the wand can screw out! Well, that in itself isn't a problem for me, but the fact that it can loosen just with some light waving? Come on! I screwed it back in tightly, or what I thought was tightly, as soon it was loosening again. I wasn't running around the house waving it around crazily like a small child would, as I realized it was a collectors item, and should be treated with more care than a toy, and it was loosening so quickly. I put it back in it's cane whenever it wasn't in use. Anyway, later I noticed that the wand paint was chipped, yeah, the walking stick was only in my possession for a few days and the wand paint was already chipping. I own other wands from this company, and had them much longer and have never had any problems with coloring chipping off, so I guess they're not painted, or they use a higher quality paint. Anyway, it is at this point that I'm seriously considering returning the item. My mom tells me to think about it, so I do. There are two elastics on the part of the handle that goes into the cane in order to create resistance to hold the wand in the cane and soon after one of them broke and now there was barely any resistance at all, and the wand was barely held in. It was at this point that there was absolutely no more reason to keep this. This wasn't the end of my problems with the item though. As I said earlier, I threw out the box, but I was lucky enough to have kept the styrofoam. However, the post office won't ship just styrofoam, and we didn't have a box big enough. We went to the post office, and even they didn't have a box big enough! We had to go to a grocery store and get several paper bags and I had to cut them up and tape them together. Noble Collections, though, accepted it with no problems and gave me a full refund. I have ordered from them after this and as I said, I was satisfied with their other products, so this is in no way a reflection on all their products, just the walking stick. The only way I could possible see this item being of any use, is if you locked it up in a display case and never touched it..... ever, but then you'd have to have the wand out it order to display it all, and the walking stick without the snake's head doesn't look all that great.
We are ready to help you start planning for the rest of your life. Give us a call to RSVP for one of our upcoming luncheons to see if Summit Vista is right for you. View our full segment with KSL by clicking the link below to learn more.
Danjjroberts | "In a time of drastic change it is the learners that inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists" What will they think of next? Twitcam?
The Southern Cove Fire Co. Auxiliary will hold its spring craft and variety sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 30, at the former Replogle Elementary building in New Enterprise. There will be two full floors of crafts. Children may have breakfast with the Easter bunny from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. They may also visit the Easter bunny for free or pay to have their photo taken with him. Pictures will be available in approximately 10 minutes.
Hate feeling like a tourist? Do you want to get a more personal feel of the city than through viewing monuments and museums? Then experience DC like a local. Hop on the metro to all sorts of destinations. We’ll guide you through Old Town, Georgetown, Adams Morgan, DuPont Circle, and much more. Show Me Tours will lead you through the neighborhoods of D.C., and of course, they’ll show you their local coffee shop.
[intro sample (on the album):] Do you think a girl should go to bed with a feller, if she doesn't love him? No. [pause] Unless it's me. You may have heard of Elvis. The sample at the start may well be Alan Bates. That was supposed to be a cinematic thing about American tenement blocks. But it doesn't do that for anyone. So it's not about American tenement blocks at all, do you know what I mean? The idea was, she used to live there, but she got rich and moved away, and now she's going back. I got the idea from a horrible Seventies airbrushed painting I saw in a book called Rock Dreams of Diana Ross going back to where she used to live. Jarvis does that in Sheffield. He drives round Sheffield in a limo, laughing. I work in Croydon (Pete and Bobs home town), and I used to cycle to work. One morning, I was listening to So Tough, to Hobart Paving, and I stopped at some traffic lights, about a mile from where I work. I looked up and saw the words Hobart Paving on the back of a van, and nearly fell off my bike. Hangover - No, they tend to go after cycling for five miles. Drugs - No, hadn't done anything like that since Uni. Must be true then. Hobart Paving is the name of a construction company in Croydon. The mundane truth behind one of SEs songs is now revealed. "Hobart Paving" was covered under the name "Catch Me" for a film called "Bandits" (see IMDB - it's the 1997 one. Once you're there, look under "Soundtrack"). The song's performed by the fictional band in the film, and they seem to have added an extra verse.
So, what is up with runner’s guilt? I was not sure if this was a real thing when it popped into my head this morning as I was driving to work. But later in the day, I googled it and it is in fact a real thing. And I am suffering from it. Which stinks. In my mind there are two types of runner’s guilt out there (well, there could be more – but in my head these are probably the most common, but of course I am not an expert). Type 1. You feel guilty for the time running takes away from other things in your life, like your family, friends, etc. [Occasionally I will suffer from this kind of runner’s guilt.] I think that this is the most common type of runner’s guilt, at least by what I have found on line. This is especially common with those training for marathons and half marathons because distance running takes a long time. My long runs will take at least two hours out of my normal day. Tack on a shower, stretching, icing and foam rolling and that is easily another hour. It is a big time commitment and if you are training for long races it is something that you have to do (and you want to do) on a regular basis. Most of the time I am perfectly ok dedicating a big part of my day towards a run or a long run. Running is a priority in my life, and thus I budget the time for it. I am lucky that most of my family and friends understand this about me. Type 2. Runner’s guilt when you are not running. This is what I was dealing with yesterday and today. Yesterday I had planned to go running after work. But I had a very long and somewhat stressful day at the office, and our house guests were only here for one more day. I did not want to take two hours after getting home at 4:45 to go running. I wanted to spend time with my family, enjoy the company and make dinner for everyone. I opted not to run. This morning I woke up feeling horribly guilty for taking an unscheduled day off. I hate that feeling. It was compounded by my drive to work this morning as I saw people out there getting their run on. Some were pushing Bob baby runners, others were just out there on their own running and some were running in small groups. I definitely had a pang in my stomach as I was driving in the car to work. I wanted to be out there, too. Anyhow. Runner’s guilt stinks. But sometimes you just have to do what you have to do and you have to make your choices and live with them. My evening last night was really fun, and totally worth it. I will get back on track with my training today and over the weekend. Breakfast this morning was sort of on the go – but it was really good. I packed a piece of 12 grain bread, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana. I sliced up half of the banana and put it on the toast and peanut butter and ate the other half on its own. TGIF bloggies. Have a great day and I will see you in a bit!
Join Derrick Story for an in-depth discussion in this video Create a reference library, part of Photos for OS X Essential Training. - We are going to journey into the world of the referenced library. What does that mean? Well that means that instead of the images that we import being stored inside the Photos for OS X library, inside your pictures folder, they will be stored in a folder on an external hard drive right here, just like this, that is connected to your Mac. so that Photos can read these images and display them in the application, but they are not taking up space on your Mac itself. This is very important if you have a small-ish hard drive in your Mac or if your hard drive is almost full. So the concept is wonderful. Lightroom uses it. Aperture gave you that option, and Photos for OS X gives you that option too, although it's not very intuitive. I'm going to show you how it works right now. Now the first thing that you want to do is create a new Photos library. I've already done that. This library is a referenced library. In other words, I don't want to use my system library for this. Let me show you how I do that. I'll quit Photos. I'm going to hold down the Option key and go to Photos, and you'll see that I created a new referenced library. And the way that I did that is by holding down Option and launching, I use the Create New, and I put it in my Pictures folder. I don't want to confuse the referenced images in this library with my main library, my system photo library, so I create a new one instead. Up the road you can decide how you want to manage it. In the beginning, I recommend you go this route. We'll start with the new library here. Now, I cannot insert a memory card into my computer and use the regular Import dialog, the reason being is that Photos for OS X will ignore my preference that I set here, for not storing them, and will go ahead and put the images inside my library anyway, and I don't want that. So we have to go a different route. When the card goes into your computer, if you're bringing them in from a memory card, which you will be a lot of the time, instead of saying Import All New Photos, ignore that. (laughter) Copy them to your external drive. The way that I did that is I just literally opened up the memory card, I took the folder and I dragged it into the external hard drive, and then I re-named it, right here. So all the images are in there, I just had to manually copy them onto the external drive first and not go through the Import dialog here. Just ignore this. I'm actually going to get rid of this card right now so we don't confuse things. We'll eject it. There we go. Now here's the way you bring them in so that they stay referenced, so that Photos honors your command. Instead, we go to File, Import. You navigate to your external drive right here. There are the images that are on my external drive. Then I go ahead and click Review for Import. I want to bring them all in. Right up here we can see the progress, Photos doing its thing. Now you'll notice a new icon here. This is-let me make these a little bit bigger so you can see it- this is the referenced file icon. I turn that on up here at View, Metadata, Show Referenced File: right there. There it is. Now these images are in here, so I can do all the normal things that I'd like to do. For instance, if I wanted to export it to my Mac, on the desktop, I can do that. Choose Export, go to Desktop, Export Originals. There they are. Remember we have JPEG plus RAW pairs here. We talked about that in an earlier movie. And there they are. I can do all that sort of stuff right now. I'll go ahead and just move these to the trash. If I want to see where these files are located, I'll go ahead and pull up a picture there, and then I can ask Photos to Show Referenced File in Finder, and it will take me right here to my cat portraits folder on my external hard drive and show me where that file is located. So now I can do all of my normal Photos things. Of course, this isn't a system library, so you can't do the iCloud stuff, but I can image edit and I can print and that kind of stuff, as long as this hard drive is connected. If I eject this hard drive, you'll start to see these little red lines on my referenced file. That means that the drive is not connected where the master image is. It will tell me that it cannot find it, and it won't let me do a lot of the things that I want to do. For instance, if I try to export it, now I'm going to get a message because it cannot find the original because the hard drive has been disconnected. In the next movie I'm going to show you how to consolidate those images if you decide that you want to bring them in to your Photos library. That way, you don't have to have the drive connected. We'll cover that following this movie, but right now this is the way that you set up a referenced library in this version of Photos for OS X.
Daren looked around at the wasteland that used to be his neighborhood. Destruction had consumed the cul-de-sac. The smoldering remains of homes still billowed smoke into the sky. He turned to look at the plot of land where his two-story home sat just yesterday. Now it was an unrecognizable pile of debris. This weeks challenge was a mash-up of genre’s. I pulled Time Travel and Kaiju. Enjoy. Standing in the lab, Brady’s breathing became rapid as he stared at the device before him. It wasn’t what he expected. Instead, it was hardly large enough to fit a man his size, and colored a listless silver. His muscular chest rose and fell, and his solid frame rattled. Wearing a white coat, the scientist placed a consoling hand on his back. Swallowing hard, he took pensive steps forward, and stepped into the machine. “Is this going to hurt?” he asked.
One of my close friends sent me an email recently to tell me that he was considering moving to Spain following the UK’s Brexit vote and how things are developing over there. He is already an expat, having moved away from Malta with his family a few years ago. Moving is no easy chore, so I felt bad for him having to deal with this after having moved just a couple of years ago. Clearly, his original intention was to stay in the UK and himself and his family had been feeling happy and settled. On the other hand, I also felt excited about having been asked to share my experience of living in Spain and possibly welcoming him and his family here in the near future. Since I’ve been planning to write a post about living in Spain for quite a while, I decided to hit two birds with one stone and do that as I think it will be helpful for my friend and for others who are also considering this move. Before we even delve further, I must emphasize the fact that the choice of where to live is a very personal one. You might love a country or city that your wife or children will absolutely despise. Your preferences might also change in a few years’ time. For example, I absolutely loved living and studying in England in my early twenties, and there’s no other place I would have chosen if I were to do it again. On the other hand, now that I’m in my thirties, I definitely think that there is no better place in the world than Barcelona. In my late twenties I also spent a few years being a digital nomad, and again, changing countries every few months was the best thing ever for me at that stage. I don’t feel any inclination to do that at all right now. If you’re lucky, you will be able to move to a place that your entire family agrees upon. In my case, both myself and my wife felt very deeply that Barcelona was the right place for us at this stage of life, so it was an easy decision. Not to mention, that if you’re in the position of choosing which country to live in, you’re already one of the privileged ones, as most people can’t move so easily. With that out of the way, let’s shift our focus to Spain. I’ve already summed up the main reasons why I love Barcelona in a separate post that I wrote a couple of years ago. It’s a good place to start from in order to understand why we moved here. Over the years I’ve had the chance to visit many parts of Spain, although there are still many places I want to visit. Apart from Barcelona, I’ve also lived in Mallorca. The first thing I would mention is that Spain is a very diverse country. Each region has its own personality. The southern cities like Seville, Toledo, and Granada have a totally different vibe to Madrid, which in turn is really different from Barcelona. Then there is the Basque country up north, with their amazing food and beautiful seaside town of San Sebastian. Along the East coast, you will find Costa Brava with some truly breathtaking landscapes and great small coves. Barcelona and Girona are two great options if you want to move here. Further down south one finds Costa Blanca, with many long sandy beaches and tourist resorts. This is really not one of my favorite parts of Spain, mainly because it caters to cheap tourism with all the negative effects that brings about. I do love Valencia and Tarragona though. Many expats decide to make Javea their home, and I’m curious to visit and see why it’s so popular. The Balearic islands are world famous, and I really enjoyed my time in Palma de Mallorca. The only downside is that the winter months tend to be a bit too quiet, as these are places that live and breathe tourism. In the summer months, things really get going and there’s lots of stuff happening. One should also keep in mind that the Canary islands are also part of Spain. I haven’t been there yet but I’ve heard a lot of good things. I don’t think I would consider living there though simply because they’re a bit too far from the rest of Europe, and I really value having the facility to travel easily within Europe. Barcelona has its own way of life really. Quite apart from the independence debate and whether it’s a good thing or not for Catalonia, I do feel that Barcelona provides a totally unique offering for expats. Let’s start with the integration factor. I recommend learning Spanish before you move here, or start learning immediately once you’re here. While Catalan is widely used by the locals at home or with friends, it’s not that common to have opportunities to speak it in daily life. Still, I am making an effort to learn Catalan too to further integrate. With a decent command of Spanish, you will find it very easy to integrate, it’s that kind of city that makes you feel very welcome. People are very friendly and live a very outdoors-based social life, so you will find plenty of opportunities to make friends. Moving around is really easy. You can use the metro and bus system, both of which are modern and efficient. You also have the possibility to use the city’s bike sharing system, as well as making use of car and scooter sharing platforms. Moreover, Barcelona is a very walkable city. I can’t imagine how many kilometers I’ve walked since I got here. Back when I lived in Malta, I barely walked as we had to take the car to go anywhere. Here I don’t even own a car, it’s just too easy to get to where I want to go via public transport or my own foldable Brompton bike. Barcelona is a city where sport is held in very high regard. You can easily practice any kind of group sports, and there are great locations for individual sports too. Do you love running? You have the hills and mountains all to yourself, not to mention the seaside promenade. Beach volley, check. Football, check. Cycling, awesome. Padel, of course! Swimming? At many gyms all year round or in the sea. The list never ends. The only problem I have is deciding what sport to practice! Another thing I love about Barcelona is eating out. There are thousands of restaurants and many great cafes too. By using apps like The Fork you can also get fantastic discounts when eating out. Spain is also home of the fabulous menu del dia, which translates to menu of the day. The majority of restaurants will offer a three-course meal at a very good price every single day during lunch time. That’s why many workers don’t bother cooking themselves, they just go out and have a great meal and socialize during their long lunch breaks. In the evening they then prepare something simple or go out to socialize again over tapas. The cost of living is very decent. It’s lower than other big cities in Europe. Keep in mind that local salaries are also on the lower end when compared to the northern European counterparts. If you own an international business or work for a foreign company, chances are your monthly income will be significantly higher than the local average, so you’ll be able to afford a great apartment, eating out at the best restaurants, etc. If you ever get bored of Barcelona, there are many awesome day trips you can take, and of course flights to other Spanish cities and the islands are cheap. The Catalan government is very active in promoting the community’s best sights and outings. On this site, you will find many suggested trips. The only thing that is a pain is accommodation. The cost of renting has risen drastically during the past two years. On the other hand, it is still quite far from the prices in cities like London and Paris. We are also finally seeing the refurbishment of many apartment blocks taking place. This was sorely needed, as the quality on offer wasn’t up to standard with what you find in other countries. Therefore we had a mismatch with economically well-off expats struggling to find a decent apartment even though they had solid budgets. Things are now changing, and if you have the money you can usually find an apartment that fits your requirements. I’ve written an article about renting vs buying property in Barcelona if you’re more inclined to buy rather than rent. For those of you with kids, you’ll be pleased to know that there are several international schools. I am not sure about how they compare with international schools in other countries, so I can’t tell you much more, unfortunately. The public schooling system seems to be good enough, although I think the level of spoken English needs to be improved drastically. I find it appalling that many young people in their twenties in their thirties still can’t speak any English. I am one of those who believe that having a great command of the English language is one of the best elements of one’s education as it opens so many doors. Spain, as we all know, has passed through tough times due to the famous crisis, but Barcelona is now in full swing and property prices are shooting up. This is one of many encouraging signs that the worst is already behind us and there is a lot of growth and good things to come. It is, therefore, a great place to invest in. I’ve already written about investing in local property through crowdfunding platforms. Actually living here puts you more in tune with the emerging opportunities, so far anyone who is business minded and wants to profit from the city’s growth, it’s a great place to be. All in all, I think that Barcelona is a place where you can really be what you want to be and build a life around your interests. It might not excel and top the charts at anything in particular, but it does have an incredible vibe that makes you feel at home. It is this vibe that attracts so many tourists here every year. Many of the expats here started off by casually visiting the city, then immediately falling in love and moving here shortly after. Every barrio in the city has its own character, and that helps in providing a lot of diversity and opportunity for finding a place that you really like living in, with the kind of people you like in the streets, the right restaurants and cafes etc. Thailand (Chiang Mai) – Terrific country. Incredible nature plus friendly and welcoming people. I loved being immersed in such a different culture from the one I grew up in. It challenged me in many ways and helped me grow in my understanding of myself and humanity in general. Perhaps its biggest attraction is also the biggest disadvantage: we could never settle there and integrate completely with the locals. We would always stick out like a sore thumb by the very way we look, not to mention our mannerisms, jobs, outlook on life etc. Perhaps if one were to marry a Thai, things would be different, but for us, this was the main point that made it unsuitable. In addition, the fact that it is so far from Europe and that it is very difficult to obtain a visa to live and work there. United Kingdom – Life in the UK is pretty good, we considered living in one of the major cities such as London or Edinburgh. I love visiting these cities, and they have an incredible vibe going on, especially London. The startup, finance and tech scenes are world class and you can pretty much do anything you fancy. With such a multicultural population, fitting in wouldn’t be a problem. Airport connections are easy and a huge plus for living there. The big downsides are the weather, cost of living, and now the Brexit uncertainty. Germany – In general, I love the German ethic of doing things the right way and in an efficient manner. The cost of living is higher than in Spain and there is a significant language barrier, although English is also widely spoken. In the end, it pretty much boils down to weather and my feeling more comfortable having the sea close by. Perhaps not the most convincing of reasons, but keep in mind that many Brits and Germans do move to Spain purely for the weather. Netherlands – I haven’t spent much time in the Netherlands but I really like this country. People also have a very professional way of conducting business. Within the WordPress space, I know many great developers and companies based in the Netherlands. The first WordCamp Europe was also held there. Nature there is beautiful and it is one of the best places for using bicycles. I can’t think of any negative thing about the Netherlands. Of course, there is a language barrier if you really want to integrate, but I’ve found Dutch people to be some of the best English speakers in Europe. It’s not their native language but they speak it as if it were so. Ultimately, however, if good weather plays a big part in your decision, Spain will definitely win over the Netherlands. Portugal – Lisbon is one of my favorite cities in Europe. It’s up and coming and I think there’s a lot more in store for it. It has a similar vibe to Barcelona but on a smaller scale. The Portuguese tend to speak better English than the Spanish, so that might be a good point to consider if you don’t speak either Portuguese or Spanish. If I had to leave Barcelona for some reason, I would probably go to Lisbon. This post wouldn’t be complete without mentioning my country of birth, Malta. I grew up there and left in my mid-twenties. The Maltese islands consist of three islands that are blessed with great natural beauty. On the other hand, there are several important factors that eventually led me to leave. All I can say that Barcelona is a fabulous place to live. There is a bit of everything here. I’ve been lucky to meet some incredible people here that have helped me grow in many areas. I’ve discovered a sport (padel) that has pretty much taken over my life, and I am genuinely very happy to be living here. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about anything I mentioned in this post, so fire away in the comments section. Thanks again for your articles and wishing you all the best and success in your life. That’s too big of a question, but if I can give you one piece of advise it would be to find a solid job in Spain before you move, and then get all the rest in place bit by bit. 1. How hard is it to find a job without a degree? 2. Even at a low salary, is it still enough to live comfortably? Of course not in a luxurious lifestyle. I know Spain has a low cost of living, but a low salary as well. Im afraid working on a low salary might mean not being able to make ends meet, or budgeting too much to the point where you can’t even enjoy a tapa and Tinto de Verano once in a while. I don’t have personal experience to rely on in answering your questions, but having a good command of both in English and Spanish gives you a tremendous advantage in Spain. Keep in mind that the hospitality industry is one of the biggest drivers of the economy and most locals have pretty poor English skills, so your best bet will probably be finding a job in this industry and rising up through the ranks. With a low salary you can still live comfortably but you might have to live outside the big cities for a while. My girlfriend and I are in our early twenties, thinking about saving up just enough to money to move to Barcelona, get jobs, and make it our home. Is there many jobs that don’t require fluent Spanish? Would you recommend trying to find a job once we get there? There are many options here especially if you have some skills that are suitable for remote/online jobs. That’s what I would recommend in order to be independent of the local labor market and be able to live anywhere you want. Hi Kathleen, I’ve only been there for a few days. It’s a nice place with a local economy based on tourism. It isn’t one of my favorites but is one of the top places that English-speaking expats go for. Hi, I’ve found your article really helpful. I was wondering if you would have any advise on moving solo to Barcelona? In terms of setting up quickly with an apartment to rent for myself and finding a social group. I’m hoping to move soon from London and be fairly central in the city. I have a new role working remotely for an international company so I’ve every choice on where I can go! Hi Victoria, glad it was helpful. I suggest you try Meetup.com or join my Barcelona Entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads group on Facebook. Hope all is well with you. I enjoyed and appreciate your article. I am in the USA highly considering moving to Barcelona. I was wondering thou, is there a particular town you recommend living in Barcelona? I am fully bilingual English & Spanish, in hopes of teaching ESL (English as a Second Language). Would love any feedback or recommendations. Thank you. Living in Barcelona itself is a unique experience and I highly recommend going for it if the conditions are right for you. Many expats (especially families) that are used to the American suburbian lifestyle choose to live in places like Sant Cugat, Garraf, Castelldefels or towns up north on Costa Brava. I’ve been to these towns and they are also very nice places to live, but it’s a totally different experience than living in Barcelona centre. Neither one of them is better than the other, it’s just a question of what you’re looking for. Cost might also be an important factor. For the same price of an apartment in Barcelona, you could get a house in one of the nearby towns. Also check this forum post for more thoughts from a Canadian couple. You will most probably find other threads like this on that same forum or other similar ones. Really enjoyed your articles – very interesting. We loooove Spain and fell in love with areas like Girona, Llafranc and Palafrugel – also Begur. We are Australian and wonder if its possible to buy a home and move permanently. We have a semi retiring and really only need a good a good international school for our 14 year old. I have read that by investing in property this may be possible ???
DON'T FORGET - This week is the last week that you can buy our new T-Shirts. You can find them at www.teespring.com/warhead. Get it now so you don't regret missing out later! Lastly, don't forget to check out the boxes over at www.lootcrate.com/TWA if you want to sign up for a lootcrate subscription. The coupon code TWA will get you $3 off your first month's box.
Ever wondered how to start mountain biking? How to start mountain biking? How to get into mountain biking? The best way is for you to buy yourself all the necessary clothing, mountain biking shoes and also protective gear. So, you have bought your beginner mountain bike and planning to go off on your first adventure! Before you chart out a route and start off, you will first need to buy some necessary beginner mountain bike gear. It is also a good idea to learn about techniques, beginner mountain bike skills and gather some information before you set off. Especially if you are new to the world of mountain biking! You can consider this as the ultimate mountain bike buyers guide for beginners. After all this, what do you need to start mountain biking? A fair enough question. We have covered some of the most important equipment in this article. Take a look! How to start mountain biking? What equipment do you need for mountain biking? Mountain biking shoes are an especially important component of your cycling gear. These shoes generally have quite stiff soles which help to control the strain to your muscles while you cycle. This way, you will not be tempted to leave your hobby after your first long (and no doubt, hectic) trip! These are clipless shoes, which confusingly enough, let you clip your shoes to your pedals. These can be quickly removed and re-attached. Previously, cyclists had to use toe clips. Imagine navigating your way on steep mountain paths with toes clips! That’s quite dangerous, to say the least! This specific brand, Shimano, is Japanese and concentrates on all things sport. Shimano Men’s Mountain/Sport SPD Cycling Shoes have high traction rubber soles along with a rigid midsole. It is available in many foot shapes. It comes with a hook-and-loop strap, with a dimension of 11 x 8 x 5 inches, weighs about 2.79 pounds, and it is available in various sizes ranging from 38 EU to 48 EU. The midsoles are made of polyamide and are fiberglass-reinforced. Stretchable synthetic leather with mesh gives it a comfortable feel. The extra toe box helps accommodate all kinds of foot shapes without affecting the regular fit. The uniform cushioning is a boon! With a rating of 4.2 out of 5 with 213 reviews, these shoes do not seem to be bad at all. Though most of the users are happy with the quality of the product, they seem to be having issues with the size. Mountain biking is great fun! As long as you don’t end up with a puncture or some other mishap! To take of this, it is always better to have a fully functional bicycle tool kit. These can take care of most of the basic maintenance and repair issues. If you have one of these, you can just jump on your bike and ride away without having to depend on a friend who actually owns the kit you want to borrow! This toolkit by Topeak contains 31 tools, each made from high-quality materials. It comes in a nylon bag. It is a mountain bike essential kit and it will for sure help you in your quest in how to start mountain biking. The product has a dimension of 3.4 x 1.7 x 1.6 inches. It weighs 9.4 ounces. You will find 14g and 15g spoke wrenches, a T25 Torx wrench, two integrated tire levers, a mini pedal wrench for field repairs, Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers, six box wrenches (two 8, 9, and 10mm sizes), eight sizes of Allen wrenches (2 through 10mm), a stainless-steel knife, a steel wire chain hook, compartments for two chain pins, and a cast Cromoly steel chain tool in the toolkit. Buying a hydration pack is not as easy as you think. The best mountain bike hydration packs are hard to find. From quantity, storage, and packing it in, you will have to consider a number of factors (phew!). For those who are very new to this hobby, hydration system or pack is basically a bottle or body of water with a pipe through which you can get access to the water. Some of the water packs come with extra space so that you can stash your odds and ends too. Before selecting one at random, think about the quantity you are looking to take with you. There are different mechanisms in each bag. Choose the one you like the best or the one which suits your needs the best. The fit is a very important factor because while riding, you cannot be bothered to keep an eye on your pack and also pay attention to the path. Make sure the one you buy fits snugly and does not bounce around. Teton is a popular brand because of their practice of replacing parts along with providing tutorials. This hydration system is very light and durable. It even has some space left over for other essentials. The fit is adjustable so you can heave a sigh of relief! You can store some snacks and even your wallet or purse! You will get a choice of color. The dimensions are 16 x 2 x 10 inches with the capacity being 2-3 liters, depending on the pack you choose. The weight can be 0.9 lbs., 2 lbs., or 2.45 lbs. depending on the size you are going to go for. The hydration system has a mesh chest and shoulder strap which provides shock protection. The back is also made of padded mesh. Darrien says “At first, the water tasted like plastic because of the bladder. After a few uses and washes, the taste faded away”. All in all, quite good reviews. Do I even need to give an introduction about what is probably the finest piece of life-saving gear there is? Mountain biking is fun but does not come without its fair share of falls. A helmet is a safety gear you should, on no account, ever, ever forget or forego. Giro, a sports gear brand, was established about 30 years ago. Since then, the company has worked hard to bring us a comfortable yet durable sports gear so that we can have a blast! Luckily, this helmet comes in many colors so you can color coordinate with your friends or with your bike! It is durable and comfortable, and also provides ventilation. The product dimension is 14 x 11 x 6 inches. It weighs 2.4 pounds. It comes with a Roc Loc Sport fit system. There is reflective material at the rear too. There is also built-in visor which is with reinforced anchors. First get yourself a mountain bike which is just right for you. If you are not comfortable with the bike or it’s not the right fit, you are going to have a miserable time. Buy yourself a helmet, some protective gear, and a toolkit. If it’s the first time, go along with friends. You can also consider joining a group or club of people who are regular biking enthusiasts. Not only will you be able to learn a lot from their small (but important!) tips, you will also learn how to position yourself during every new turn. Be prepared to fall, get some bruises, and have loads of fun! If you are hoping to have a safe ride like the ones you go for in the city, you are wrong. Mountain biking is all about endurance, tackling new challenges, and having out of the world experiences! Let us take a look at some of the mountain biking skills and techniques so that you know precisely how to start mountain biking. The first thing to do is to have a properly set up mountain bike. Learn how each part of the bike works. If this is the first time you are going riding, then do not go alone. Get some friends or join a club of biking enthusiasts. There are going to areas that you might not be able to master on your first try. It could a rocky region or a steep downhill path. Don’t give and keep trying. You will eventually get the hang of it. Always keep in mind that you MUST wear protective gear. The position of the body and the proper gear can help you struggle less. Learn how to comfortably ride in all position, no matter if you are ascending or descending. Not only this, mountain biking requires energy and stamina. Exercise regularly. These are some of the essential mountain biking skills. Let’s start with the most basic one. Wear comfortable clothes. There is no need to go out and buy expensive sports gear. Wear the ones you have that are the most comfortable and the ones in which you would not have any trouble riding a lot. Carry some water and some energy bars along with some snacks. As a beginner, you might tire early. Do not forget your toolkit! I just cannot stress enough the importance of toolkits. If you are just starting out, it might be a good idea to gradually build it up. Learn and get comfortable with different strategies. Ascending, descending, going over a corner, taking a short leap, or over obstacles – learn how to navigate through them all. These are mountain biking 101 basics. There are different techniques to handle each situation. Practice them. Go slow! A good breaking technique can save you a lot of grief. Learn when to use the back brakes and when the front brakes. Make sure you don’t lock them when going downhill. Using these tips, you can improve your skills and mountain biking can give you great experiences. When you are just learning, always make sure you look ahead and never down. Obstacles can suddenly come which you might miss and cause you to take a toss if you are not keeping your eyes ahead. Mountain bike (need!), shoes, helmet, hydration backpack, toolkit, those are the essentials. Well, now that you have had a look at the most important things you need to buy/take for your trip, and how to start mountain biking, please get going! Always remember, buy what fits your snugly – nothing that is too loose that it flows or so tight that it chafes! Biking will be an experience that you will never forget when you are prepared with all essentials, from protective gear to proper sportswear. Do not forget your toolkit, or else you will have to call that annoying friend along! If you are not familiar with a product or you have any queries, ask a friend or partner before buying a product. Learn at your pace and only go out on those trails and rides which you are comfortable with. Push yourself but make sure it is safe. Have fun and stay safe. Good luck!
And if no disc how can I get this game in the U.S. ? On ps3? As for getting the game in the US, the Steam version would be released concurrently with PSN Australia/Europe. There will be an approximately a 2 week delay for release on the US PSN Store. Perfect timing on this release... Can't wait to unleash it on a Games Night. It will be in the near future. (03-02-2015, 07:01 AM)theaxe1606 Wrote: It will be in the near future.
Isn’t technology fantastic? We have so many devices, programs and tools to help us become more efficient workers. We have a seemingly infinite bank of knowledge at our fingertips, and in a matter of seconds, we can connect with almost anyone in the world. It all sounds so perfect when you describe it like that, but unfortunately, technology has some powerful downsides to go along with its benefits. It's responsible, for example, for chronic distraction in professional environments, even at the entrepreneurial/leadership level, and if you don’t take corrective action against those tendencies and behaviors, they could easily interfere with your ability to perform. But, where do you draw the line? How can you tell if you have a major problem with technological distraction, or if it’s nothing to worry about? - Inattention to team members. Think about the last time you held a company meeting. Did you, at any point, lose track of the conversation because you were going through emails on your phone? How often do you interrupt a conversation so you can respond to a text or answer a phone call? It’s less likely that you’ll do this to clients, but if you do it to team members, that’s bad enough: They may suffer a loss in morale, and you’ll both end up wasting time because you won’t get to your mutual goals as quickly. - Scattered focus and multitasking. Technology makes it incredibly easy to multitask -- that is, it provides the illusion of multitasking effectively. Do you have two monitors full of open applications, with a smartphone in your hand? You’re not actually getting more done this way. By splitting your attention, you’re actually compromising your ability to effectively handle both tasks. - Lost productivity. Don’t forget: The sheer quantity of available technological applications means it’s easier to waste time on things that aren’t worth your attention. Checking your email for the hundredth time takes only a minute, but over the course of the day, all those checks could sap your working hours. Most of us have experienced these problems at one point or another, and as standalone incidents, they aren’t a big deal. So, how can you tell if you actually have a problem? - You're never away from a device. Most of us have a smartphone on us at all times, but is yours constantly open and in your hand? Think about how much time you spend away from a screen -- if it’s zero, you may have a problem. - You always have many tabs and applications open. At any given point of your workday, how many tabs and apps are open? If you’re focusing on one thing at a time, this number should be in the single digits. If your screen is a chaotic cluster of half-forgotten tasks, that could mean you have a major distraction problem. - You check newsfeeds frequently. How often do you check your social media newsfeeds? Daily? Hourly? There’s not much reason to check in more than once or twice a day, so if you find yourself stuck in loops of constant scrolling, it’s time to take a step back. - You feel like you've worked hard, but haven't gotten much done. At the end of the day, how much do you feel that you have accomplished? Does the answer seem disproportionately low, compared to the effort you exerted? If so, you probably aren’t spending your time efficiently, which often points back to a technological distraction problem. - Set time limits. Checking your newsfeed? Don’t spend more than five minutes doing it. Gearing up to complete a report to send your team? Don’t give yourself more than an hour to complete it. Setting time limits keeps you on task and helps remind you what your goals are. - Use distraction-busters. If you want a more automated way to keep yourself from getting distracted, consider using an add-on like StayFocusd to control your browsing activity and prevent you from getting off course. - Segment your technology use. Don’t bounce back and forth between your apps, such as constantly going back to check your email. Set established periods for things like communication, heads-down work, collaboration and research. The more you compartmentalize your tasks, the less likely they’ll bleed into each other. - When engaging in person, eliminate all technology. If you’re talking to another person, talk to another person. Put your phone and laptop away. Even if you’re on the phone, close down everything else and really listen to what the other person has to say. There’s a reason you aren’t just emailing. Recognizing that you have a problem with overusing or chronically getting distracted by technology is the first step to solving the problem. It’s a dilemma most entrepreneurs face to some degree, by sheer virtue of the demands placed on them. Desperation to keep up and maximize productivity ironically may prevent you from doing what needs to be done. But if you follow these strategies and work actively to control your reliance on technology, you shouldn’t have a problem finding a healthy balance.
Now that Bill has been chosen as The Apprentice and he has chosen to oversee the construction of a building in Chicago, one question has been going through my mind. When exactly does this project start? What The Donald ? didn't bother to tell his TV audience during the finale was that his Chicago construction project has yet to secure financing. The spinmeister swears up and down the project will happen, and that he has money people lining up outside his door waiting to get started. In addition to the little detail about the project not getting off the ground, it is extremely unlikely that Bill, who has no real estate experience, will be given any significant responsibility. He had better hope his purported $250,000 annual salary is written down in a contract somewhere. Otherwise, that trademark smile of his may be diminishing over the next few months. I'm starting to become more interested in Mark Burnett's other show, The Restaurant. How can you go wrong with a reality show (oops... unscripted drama) about a business that's being run straight into the ground? As the recent success of William Hung proves, Americans will take screw-ups over success stories any day of the week. For now.
Waking up with back pain can be very frustrating and confusing as there are multiple causes of a backache. Poor posture, a physically intensive workload, and stress are just a few sources of a sore back. Even the simple act of sleeping can cause you pain if your mattress is the culprit. If your back is hurting when you first wake up but seems to get better with stretching or just the act of moving around throughout your day, the pain is most likely being caused by your mattress. Frequent tossing and turning during the night is also a key indicator that your mattress is making your back sore. Older innerspring mattresses can loose their shape as they age, causing the springs to come loose and poke up into the top layer of the mattress, becoming lumps that can be causing you to seek out a more comfortable position away from the lumps while you sleep. This is one of the main reasons that mattress experts recommend replacing your mattress every 8 years, even if you’re not usually plagued by back pain. A visit to a chiropractor for an adjustment can be very helpful in eliminating back pain, as it will not only readjust your spine to relieve your current aches and pains, but it will also encourage proper posture and body support while you’re sleeping. You should also seek your chiropractor’s advice on which sleep positions will help to prevent further back pain, as well as looking into purchasing a body pillow which will help keep your spine in alignment while you sleep. Stretching throughout the day can help to keep you limber, which will help relieve and prevent back pain. Try adding a short stretching routine to your day during your breaks at work or at lunch time, as well as making sure to stretch before going to bed every night. The number one way to stop back pain (and keep it at bay) is by investing in a new mattress that is right for your body type and will help you to get a good pain-free night’s rest. When shopping for your new mattress, you should look for one that is just right. It shouldn’t be too firm, but also shouldn’t be too soft. A mattress that is too firm can push on various pressure points throughout your body and cause your spine to be thrown out of alignment, which will increase the likelihood of tossing, turning, and a return of your back pain. If the mattress is too soft, it will allow your body to sink into the bed, causing poor sleep posture and even more pressure on your spine, which will lead to back pain. Choosing the right mattress for your sleep needs can go a long way toward preventing back pain, allowing you to wake up pain-free and ready to take on your day.
Please use https://github.com/robske110/BanWarn/issues/1 for feature requests! Why did I submit this really old plugin? I want to see if people are still interested in it, and if that is the case, rewrite it. This currently doesn't ban player names or xbox identifiers, due to it being very old. I really like this plugin, and I still use it, would love to see a rewrite with tempban, more customization ect. Yea, this is a very old plugin and I just wanted to see how many would still use it, and it appears it is still well received. So I guess I'll start to rewrite this soon(ish).
I thought I was on top of my acid indigestion. I thought that chewing gum had saved me. After dreading the social engagements of the weekend for fear that all the food provided would set it off and then some and discovering that the chewing kept me sane, I thought that I had found the panacea. Then last night happened. Hubs had had a bad day at work and, unusually for him, chose to talk it out which I was very pleased about. We went to the local pub. They were out of dandelion and burdock, which has become my tipple of choice since rose lemonade became a recipe for disaster. I figured ginger beer would be a good plan. I was wrong. The heartburn started in the car. It wasn’t too bad at first and when I got home and started to empty the dishwasher in preparation for cooking the dinner. The bending set me off. The acid rushed up and I started coughing. I reached for some chewing gum, hoping that that would settle me down but it must have been too little too late. My stomach turned over and I was sick. There wasn’t much food in there and most of the fluid must have been absorbed already, it felt like I was bringing up chunky acid. My throat was on fire. I gulped down water which, after what I’d been subjected to, tasted sweet. I stuck some gum in my mouth and got on with cooking the dinner. As the time ticked by I became fairly sure that I wouldn’t be able to eat it. I crunched through four gaviscon tablets. They dealt with the worst of the burning and, at first, brought my appetite back but within half an hour, the acid had started to come back. I ate as much as I could. By bedtime water and chewing gum had brought the acid mostly under control and has become habit, I slept propped up. This morning I woke up feeling a little bruised and sorry for myself. I went on line. Sometimes my husband has threatened to turn off the internet. I have a habit of researching. I can see why he would think that’s a bad thing. We know too much and it does make pregnancy more stressful than it needs to be. Knowledge can however be useful. Yes, I discover scary stuff sometimes but very often I find that I am reassured by what I find out. The unlikelihood of disaster is comforting and I am fully equipped with reams of statistics. What really helps however is discovering how alone I’m not. I lay in bed this morning reading women’s accounts of their experiences, so similar to mine. Symptoms that leave them scared to eat and feeling miserable. I had tears of sympathy in my eyes and tears of relief that it’s not just me. Women are often told that they should enjoy being pregnant. An exciting time of anticipation just ahead of the full responsibility of parenthood. A calm before the storm. It’s just not that easy for everyone. Some women breeze through pregnancy with barely a symptom of morning sickness. That is the image we like to picture: glowing, happy pregnancy. Some women, however, vomit all the way through. Some women suffer with headaches and backaches and problems with their hips. Some women become incredibly depressed. Pregnancy is very hard on the body and it exposes us to a whole world of worry that we may not have fully anticipated. Pregnancy can be very, very hard. While the cultural perception is steadfast in viewing pregnancy in a certain light you can begin to feel like a bad mother and a bad person for not loving every minute of it. It’s at times like that, that you really need the Internet.
I am a sophisticated, energetic and very active person. I have a lot of hobbies, but most of all I like to spend my time actively. I like dancing, swimming. I adore travelling and discovering new places. I live a healthy life and always try to keep my body in a good shape. I like sport, listening to music, reading books. I am a fighter by my nature, but at the same time I am a tender woman who needs love, support and care. I am a young widow, my husband passed away 5 years ago, but I have the biggest gift in my life. It`s my son. I want to find my man who will make our family the happiest one in the world. I am satisfied with my job. I work as a doctor. Which one? I bet you would love to do my job (lol). I am a gynaecologist. So, don`t you mind meeting a doctor? Do you need an injection of love? I am a very faithful and open-hearted woman, who wants to share all her passion and love. Maybe you are that lucky man, who knows? I am really tired of being alone. I am looking for a man to share my life with. I hope we will find that mutual understanding and deep complicity in our future relationships, because an ability to find a compromise is important for both of us. I respect intelligence, honesty and kindness. I think that my ideal man is a man who can love me and my son with all his heart.
The Nuttiest 3d Artists EVER! Hi folks, it's been ages since I posted here, and I really don't want my DA account to die completely, so please enjoy this render I did a few months ago. Well today I finally joined the DeviantArt community, I know I'll really enjoy my time here. I won't be extremely active, but I hope to do some nice artworks and upload them from time to time. My name is Rico Cilliers, I am 21 years old, and I live in Pretoria, South Africa. I'm a freelance CG Artist, amateur animator, fantasy & sci-fi fanboy, and professional Goofer :v ..... I'm also with the KGB. Hey Rico thanks for the Fav! Thats fine hope you had a good day! Thanks! sorry for not replying sooner!
We all need to have an understanding that inside sales are whereby the transactions do not take place face to face or in other words known as virtual sales. Also inside sales are achieved by computers or mobile devices. A lot of the companies have found the reason for turning to inside sales since they have several of the benefits. In this case, having found the purpose of turning in the inside sales majorly is budget true meaning that the companies have managed to cut all the unnecessary operating costs in this economic times by seeing the use of inside sales. Many of the companies are involved in traveling activities and thus travel will use the part of the budgeting and finding the reason of turning to the inside sales helps in not only cutting the cost to make the purchases but also results in substantial profits. Turning in to the inside sales is way eco-friendly, and it explains well in more benefits resulting the business to be efficient, and many of them cannot afford to ignore it rather join the inside sales. The other advantage of turning in to the inside sales is the fact that it is customer friendly meaning that a lot of the companies have as well recognized that their customers prefer it so to them. You may also watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MgNLPxt9DY and gather more ideas about sales. These are strategies can easily conduct through the calls or the internet and as a result of many of the business owners also finds it very efficient and convenient to transact the business. We now need to keep in mind that the transaction involving itself in the inside sales it will eventually gain a significant profit as well as the targeted audiences. We also need to remember that it helps in selling success. The main reason of inside sales is for the company to get the work done appropriately an also the experts have come to find out that that the company in the inside sales have benefited a lot more compared to the outside sales. Know about predictive dialer software here! The next reason we need to have an understanding about turning in to the inside sales from https://blog.insidesales.com/lead-response-management/ is that it enhances technology. With the advanced technology it is more convenient for any the business to conduct the sale online, and in this case, it has made it favorable too. There is also a broad reach when the business turns itself in the inside sales since they will eventually conduct their business across the nation and continents and in this way the sales will grow by them collaborating.
My husband has been stealing my mail. Well, not stealing it, but intercepting it. He knew we'd be getting something that would upset me unnecessarily. It wasn't something I needed in any way to know about or deal with. So he checked the mail ahead me, took care of the matter...and then told me about it. My husband knows me well, and in our relationship, I find acceptance and security, because his knowledge of me is preceded by his love for me. God's knowledge of us is a thread woven throughout Psalm 139. David praises God's intimate knowledge of him, but there is no sense of unease or discomfort. Rather, we feel David's trust and confidence. And this confidence can be ours too, because we are known and loved by the One who knows all and loves most. We can say to this God, "You have searched me, and you know me...You are familiar with all my ways"—and find in that knowledge and familiarity the full assurance of our Abba Father's love and protection.
This is the pretty fan-leaved shrubby tree that most people think of as a Palmetto. With a casual glance, they are hard to tell from the Sabal, but the Sabal’s leaves are not so round. I am really loving painting these trees in misty vague landscapes. I hope you are enjoying them too. The area of Florida which includes Tallahassee has 4 native Palmettos. They are really hard to tell apart. They all have wonderful fans and catch the light in so many different ways, I want to make a study of them. Here is an attempt at the Sabal Palmetto. This little painting is for sale, $35.00. All proceeds go to endangered species conservation.
30 minutes a day keeps the doctor away! 9 things you can do to improve your health NOW. The Howell Foundation will be hosting Dr. Sears on May 20th with the presentation "Simple Lifestyle Changes for Improving Women's Health"; where she will be talking about the latest research on the effects sedentary behavior has on chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. We believe that exercising IS a simple lifestyle change that can help your overall health. Even though tons of research strongly suggests that exercise benefits practically every single part of your body, the statistics continue to be staggering: only 3 of 10 Americans do enough exercise to keep healthy; 4 of 10 confess they do not exercise at all! Here are some of the most important benefits of exercise. So let's get moving already!
Tomorrow, many people in the United States will celebrate their independence, but Independence Day in this country has always raised a lot of questions for me. Are we truly independent? And if so, at whose expense? These are exactly the kinds of questions that have led US soldiers, sailors, and marines out of the military and into Iraq Veterans Against the War, and this is why I have been supporting them for the past 10 years. Join me - be a part of a movement to end US Militarism in our streets, our country, and our world. Make a contribution to IVAW today. There is nothing more corageous than a soldier willing to stand up against an unjust war. While most veterans' organizations will talk about victories and conquests, IVAW will remind us that more than a million people have been displaced in the Middle East because of US military operations. Our government continues to ignore their demand for accountability, and instead threatens airstrikes and other forms of escalation and terror. This is why IVAW continues to be so important. We must challenge assumptions, and we must listen to the voices of those who were there and who continue to follow though with their commitment to the freedom of those living under the threat of US militarism. Let's make a commitment to IVAW. As long as Iraqis are living under the gun, as long as soldiers are dying for the profit of corporations, and as long as our government fails to be held to account, none of us are free. Let's change that. Join me in supporting the work of IVAW. Donate today.
Have you Hired an INTERN for Your Business? A couple of goals for my company for 2010 were; I wanted to make a video and add plus size to my size chart. I also thought I would hire an intern for the summer when we were scheduled to work on these 2 goals. My thoughts were that a design or business major or recent college graduate might get something out of being an intern to a start up successful small business. I spoke with other business people I knew and got a mixed bag of reactions. Some had great experiences and some did not. I heard from several sources to be sure to check the applicant’s Facebook pages, references and be very thorough in the interview process with your and the candidate’s expectations. I called a couple of colleges and made my requests and told everyone I knew that I was looking for in an intern. I got several responses and did my homework on pre-screening and set my interview questions. I set up interview times and called and emailed the candidates that passed the pre-screening. Two did not show. One never got back to me and the other gave an excuse. One came 20 minutes late, another chewed gum and told me she was not willing to work many hours and needed extreme flexibility. I did not hire an intern. I was discouraged and now wonder about other business owners and their experiences with an intern? A big non-profit organization I volunteer with always has a few summer interns. I asked one of the interns about her experience and got exactly the ideal. She loved the experience, learned more than she expected and was able to clarify her career goals from her experience. With her enthusiasm in the back of my mind, I may try again next summer for a summer intern. Who has advise? A goal I set for my business for 2010 was to make a video. We did it and I was the director, and I have to say it was great fun! “Lights, Camera, Action”, what a blast! I used a friend I used before for a photo shoot last year, because she is a doll and of course gorgeous. When I had her in an old huge night shirt, she rolled up the sleeves to try to cute it up a bit. She just couldn’t help herself. I hired a local company that was a dream to work with, and did a great job. I have watched the director’s commentary on Movies before so I made my own director’s input. On the nightstand I have 2 books that my company is mentioned. It is a blink to see them but they are there. When our star talent is working on the computer, she is clicking the image of herself from last year’s photo shoot. The roses on the last scene are from my garden and indicate that life is coming up roses after a good night sleep. Can you say “Rosebud”? I wanted the video to be funny, short and to the point. I think we achieved it. Give it a view and let me know. We’re very happy to share some exciting news for you! to include only the services that matter to you. I am an ‘Ambassador’ for the Susan G Komen for the Cure organization for Oregon and SW Washington. I represent Komen and talk about breast health and the charity at women health fairs, women related charity events, corporate health fairs, etc. Often after I do one of these events, I feel I get so much more than I give. I get the volunteer rush and glow! Corporate health fairs are rising. It makes perfect sense to have healthy employees if the company is picking up the cost of their health insurance. Charities like Komen are volunteer and have trained speakers to talk about the disease, prevention, treatment, and knowledge. I prefer to do a health fair rather than a power point presentation or a lunch and learn because it is more a one on one conversation. Much of the conversation is the attendee sharing his or her story about how breast cancer touched their lives. Sooner or later, I am welling up with tears listening to their stories. At the most recent health fair I attended, a woman told me her story. Her family fled their homeland during the Vietnam War and went to France, Belgium and the United States. A family of four children, parents and grandparents were separated and scattered. Financially it was difficult to reconnect. Years later when this woman became a Mother and her children wanted to do a family tree she discovered breast cancer had killed her Mother and sister, and possibly her Grand Mother. She is a survivor. She is an advocate for her children. Her philosophy is death is a part of life and we must enjoy life while we are able. I was truly moved by her courage. Meeting and listening to this remarkable woman was just one of the honors I share with being a volunteer. video every single day. We’ve been very fortunate to have our videos featured on YouTube! Desktop 2 marks the next generation of our popular Windows and Mac desktop applications. Mutual of Omaha has a series of commercials called “Aha Moments”. You may have seen these 30-60 second spots on TV shows sponsored by the company. They are usually heartwarming and inspirational. The campaign was so successful that they continued it with new AHA moment stories from people across the country. You can imagine my surprise and pleasure when I was asked to record my AHA story moment! The recording was done in an Airstream hauled around the country by 4 people over 3 months. It was a very fun experience. Please take a look and I welcome your comments. The most views get a better chance for their AHA moment to be aired on national TV. What a hoot!
One of the most iconic toy designs turns 40. Can you guess what it is? product it can stand the test of time and become one of the most iconic figures. Take a look at the visual history of this iconic figure here!
Kara Goucher is racing the Rock 'N' Roll Philly Half Marathon this Sunday, 9/21! For her first race back this season and her Oiselle kit debut, we know you will be fan girling with us. If you're in Philly, head to Cowbell Corner (aka: Oiselle cheer station) at Arch and 16th Street, 7am Eastern. If you're like us cheering from afar, follow @oiselle on Twitter for updates and sign up for Runner Tracking to follow your favorite runners. Read our Q&A with Kara to get the excitement started. You decided to race the NYC Marathon, congrats on the announcement! What was the deciding factor between NYC and Chicago? I really wanted to run the NYC Marathon last year and wasn't able to because I broke my foot. Even though I was leaning towards Chicago at the beginning of the year, when I got injured again it was kind of a blessing in disguise because New York gave me three more weeks to get ready. I haven't run there since my very first marathon and I've always wanted to go back as an accomplished marathoner. All the stars aligned for me to go back this year. Take us back to 2008, your marathon debut in NYC. You had never run over 23 miles, yet you made the podium being the first female American in over a decade. What was that experience like? What is it about the 26.2 that you love most? It’s hard to describe to someone who's never done one. Running 26.2 miles is such a rush and is the biggest thrill, it gives me goose bumps. Some people don't get it and think you're a little crazy, but it really is such a rush. The fans, the ability to run 26.2 miles, having people lined up and cheering - it's amazing. Anyone that has run one gets it. Do you feel that rush throughout the whole race or is it after you’ve finished? I've learned to temper my excitement. The first time I ran Boston and also at the Olympics I took in the crowd a little too much and it cost me a bit. I've learned that wearing sunglasses and not making too much eye contact with the crowd helps me focus. But when I have a low moment in a race, I use the crowd to my own advantage. Every time I have a dip in my own energy, I try to take some from the crowd. Coming up next for you is Rock 'n' Roll Philly, one week away! How has your training felt the past few weeks? Training has been great. This week has been a little up in the air. I had a great workout in New York but then I went to Los Angeles to shoot a commercial and it was a lot more tiring then I anticipated. My last two workouts have been solid but nothing crazy. When I look back at everything I've done leading up to this, I know things are coming along really well. I'm not ready to PR but I'm ready for a good solid race and I want to just get back out there. I know I will be so nervous as it gets closer because it’s been so long but right now I'm more excited then anything. Have you mapped out racing goals? Yes, I think something around that 71-minute mark would be solid but of course I hope to have more than just a solid day. I think it will depend on what the leaders do. If they're running sub 70 pace I'm going to have to let go. I'm hoping they will slow down around mile 8 or 9 and I can kind of reel them back in. For me it’s not so much about the time as it is a successful return to racing so I'll be conservative through the half way point, then let the reins off for the second half. We know the ultimate goal is Rio '16. What will it take to get there? I think to make that Rio team and be competitive I need to get back to my fast. After the NYC Marathon I am going to totally switch gears, lower my mileage and really focus on a track season next year. I plan to race some indoor races, the US Championship and hopefully the World Championship. I need to get back to running 31 minutes for the 10K and right around 15 minutes for the 5K. I think if I can get my legs back to that turnover, when I go to run 5:20 pace it will feel easier, or it should anyway. I would like to do one more marathon before the Trials so I'm looking at Chicago Marathon or Berlin Marathon next year. After that it will be a short break so I can give it everything I have for the Olympic Trials on February 13th. Off the subject of running…you just rocked the runway at Nolcha New York Fashion Week! What 3 words would you use to describe that experience? Oh wow. Exhilarating, nerve-racking and empowering. Obviously the big part was walking with Oiselle and seeing how excited we were for each other. I was surprised with how it made me feel empowered about myself afterwards. I think we all are self-conscious about our bodies, how we look and how we walk. Walking on the runway is the ultimate of that. Everyone can judge you because you are so exposed and they see every angle. I am insecure about my body just like very other woman out there and to feel that empowered after the show was a relief. I’m no supermodel but I could say, “Yah I'm pretty hot" after it was over! It made me feel good about myself, which I was happy about. Lastly, give us a few hot spots in Boulder now that you've had some time to settle in. Good eats? Trails? Boulder is all about working out and brunching. That's what we do! A few trail heads you can't miss: Coot Lake, The Reservoir, Mesa Trail, Teller Farms. They are beautiful, easy runs with varied terrain that you can't get lost at. After your workout you have to go to brunch, it's a way of life here. My favorite places are Snooze, The Buff and Tangerine. Lastly, you have to go to Whole Foods and get Kombucha – the Kombucha aisle is ridiculous. I go back and forth between brands but right now I'm jiving on Health-Ade. There are so many to choose from, it’s quite the experience. Now that your base mileage is built and you've added some speed work, increase your endurance with 800-meter repeats on the track. This is a simple workout to push your body and get comfortable with your marathon pace. Throughout your training, the number of 800-meter repeats at goal pace should increase - 10 being the max. Hope to see you at the Philly RNR expo. Will you be there? If so when? Wishing you the best in your comeback! So excited to see Kara racing again! Oiselle looks good on you, girl! <3 much love from Oklahoma. Loved reading about your comeback to the NYC Marathon. You will do great and you definitely seem to have a good handle on how to tackle that race. Good luck on your race this weekend! It's a fast course.
Update your bedroom decor with this curtain that comes in an individual pattern. This 3d curtain brings both incredible versatility and extraordinary texture to any space. Ferocious panther lying on the ground design, creating a simple-yet-stylish look that complements any room for the perfect price. I accidentally purchased this curtain by mistake while browsing and it was too late to cancel the order. Turns out I quite like it although it does scare the living daylights out of me when I turn the bathroom light on at night. It's probably going to be the death of me. I love this shower curtain and it is so much healthier than buying plastic. The colors are vibrant... it is a little blurry looking but the color pop was what i wanted to make the bathroom space come alive without spending money on decorating. It transforms and livens up the space. Also, it is a very lightweight fabric but doesn't fly around when showering. OMG! It's beautiful!!! I love it and my bathroom is complete now. 🤗beyond my expectations. Love Love them Thank you very much! I really like this curtain. I recently got rid of a dry erase board at work and because I don't know if I'll need to replace it, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a large piece of art. So, I bought this and attached it to a frame I made and hung it up. I get compliments on it all the time. If you need to add that special look to your rest room, get this shower curtain. It is a statement within itself. I highly recommend it.
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As with all other classes that a student will take, testing plays a large role in determining the level of knowledge and skill a student has acquired in their field of study. These usually occur twice per semester, once in the middle of a term and once at the term's conclusion. There may be an additional aptitude or skills test at the beginning of each course to make sure that the student is qualified to learn the information that will be presented throughout the class, although if a student has passed prerequisite classes it is assumed that the student is ready to learn the material that is to follow. Tests may take a number of forms that depend on the material that has been covered throughout the course. The way a student is tested also varies between instructors. Generally, a test will involve a student's understanding of basic skills, vocabulary, and problem solving skills. Some tests will be conducted in class, although in advanced computer courses, the student is sometimes given days or weeks to work on a complex problem or series of problems at home at his own pace. The submission of the students’ final product will then conclude the course on the final day and students will learn of the results of their efforts via email when the instructor has finished grading. The grading of tests varies as well. Some professors prefer to use a bell curve where the most outstanding test result is given the highest score and all other students are graded in relation to the quality of this result. Others prefer to use their own grading scale which may be unique to the professor or may operate on a standardized system of points that a student can gain independent of the performance of his or her peers. Regardless of the method, testing is a stressful but significant part of the education process and will be encountered many times throughout a student's educational career. To help students prepare for upcoming tests, some instructors provide practice tests. These tests may be graded, but scores rarely affect a student's final grade. If this is the case, they may not be required although they are often very useful when a student is studying for a real test. A good practice test will be very similar to the actual test and will be handed out one or more weeks prior to the actual test. The questions and problems involved on it should seek to challenge a student's understanding of the course material just as a normal test would. Generally, in many computer course practice tests, a student will be asked to explain or solve a problem that is related to the problems on the real test. If a student is required to define vocabulary words on a practice test, then vocabulary of a similar level can be expected on the real test as well. Bad practice tests are the logical opposite of that and bear little in common with the final exam. They are too easy, too hard, or unrelated to the content of the actual test. Their format may be different as well. A student should not immediately assume that a good score on a practice test will translate to a good score on the real test. An instructor's motivations for creating a test such as this could be to ensure that his or her students have a deep understanding of the subject matter at hand despite what the students' expectations are. Some students don't think this is fair, but it is a common practice. To ensure that students get the most out of a practice test, they need to read between the lines. They should make note of the general areas covered in the practice test, and see how thoroughly the instructor wishes them to show knowledge in these areas. They should also consult their classroom notes. If there are large sections of notes that aren't represented on a practice test, it would be good to study those as well. There's a chance that the professor may focus on them for the actual test. Notes are often more useful than practice tests when it comes to passing actual tests. A student who takes and reviews good notes should have little problem when final exams come along. Although advancements in technology have changed many of the aspects of education, the fact that students will be required to study if they wish to do well and pass their classes remains unchanged. Students, especially those taking advanced computer courses, should study at least one to two hours per class session if they want to fully understand the material. Additional studying and review is also recommended before exams and tests. Some professors like to make the process of studying easier for students. They may hand out study guides to their students so they will know what areas of a subject the instructor feels are most important, and are therefore likely to be included on a test. They may also issue practice tests that may be helpful to their students when it comes to determining the style and content of a real test. The best material for a student to study is the course material such as books and handouts, and the student’s own notes, which should be written in detail during every class. The key to good studying is to do it with as few distractions as possible. Schools have libraries and computer labs for this purpose. If students find themselves having trouble staying focused while studying in their living quarters, these places might be helpful. Students should also avoid “cramming” or making up for lost study time by intensely studying for a short time before a test. While some students feel it works for them, it has been shown to be ineffective when it comes to retaining knowledge over the long term. It also produces unnecessary stress for the student, who would be more comfortable with the course material if he spent time trying to understand it from the beginning of the class. Test anxiety is a common form of stress that affects almost all students before a test no matter how well they understand the subject matter of the course. Regular studying can help make a student feel more comfortable before a test. Unfortunately, even if a student knows the material well, he may be anxious about not knowing how the instructor will want him to communicate his knowledge. Sometimes this anxiety affects how well a student performs on a test. The best way to make sure that test anxiety doesn't affect a student's test score is for that student to be familiar with the method and style that the instructor uses and wants on tests. This can be done by taking a practice test if one is offered before an exam. If a practice test isn't available to a student, he may find out about an instructor's testing style by consulting online reviews of a course, or by talking with students who have taken similar computer courses that were taught by the same instructor. If these options are not available to a student, the best way to feel confident before a test is to have good study methods and practice them throughout the course. Students should be aware that the purpose of testing is to show that a student knows the course material and that most instructors want students to succeed, so they generally won't try to trick students or make them spend time on sections of the course that are not important or that will not be tested. The best way to beat test anxiety is simply to spend enough time with the subject matter so as to feel confident in all the aspects of a course's general content.
Keep this multi-utility stool from the French country furniture collection. It is made up of steel with a glossy nickel finish. It will stand test of time as it is made up of robust material.
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We are happy that you are visiting our website. I would welcome an opportunity to talk with you personally about becoming involved in the fellowship of Union Bethel A.M.E. Church. You can become a member of Union Bethel by attending our 9am Sunday School and 10am Worship Service and coming forward when the Invitation to join the church is extended. If you are without a church home, a new resident of the area, a student, or residing in the area on a temporary basis, you are invited to share in the ministry of Union Bethel. Historical AME Church in the NEW Orleans area. Come Worship with us!! Praise and Worship begins every Sunday at 10 a.m.. Union Bethel A.M.E. Church is a historic African Methodist Church at 2321 Thalia in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Gothic Revival building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007. Copyright Union Bethel AME Church. Praise and Worship begins every Sunday at 10 a.m. Bible Study is every Wednesday 6:30 p.m. If you are without a church home, a new resident of the area, a student, or residing in the area on a temporary basis, you are invited to share in the ministry of Union Bethel.
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Talking Housing Segregation And Chicago With WBEZ's Natalie Y. Moore : Code Switch A longtime Chicago reporter, a native of the black South Side, digs into the ways segregation continues to shape the politics of her hometown, as well as her own life. While other neighborhoods in Chicago have gentrified, the South Side has seen far less new investment — particularly from retailers. There's a strong argument to be made that Chicago's South Side is the cultural capital of black America, a place that a far-reaching who's who of black luminaries have called home — Mahalia Jackson, Louis Armstrong, Ida B. Wells, Barack Obama. But even as the South Side has played a key role in the Great Migration, it was and continues to be shaped by entrenched segregation that has choked it off from resources and development. In her new book, The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation, Natalie Y. Moore, a longtime reporter for WBEZ in Chicago and a native of the Chatham neighborhood on the South Side, digs into the ways that segregation continues to shape the politics of her hometown, as well as her own life. Block associations on the South Side have long pushed to make their neighborhoods cleaner and safer, but investment from developers and retailers has been slow to follow. So this is complicated history, but could you explain how segregation in Chicago got so entrenched? This is actually the 100th anniversary of the Great Migration. From 1916 to 1970, 500,000 blacks moved to Chicago. The black population here at the start was around 43,000 and by the end it was around 1 million. As soon as black migrants came here, real estate forces conspired to keep them contained. A lot of people may remember The Black Belt, but the Black Belt had to expand because the population kept growing. But at the same time, blacks couldn't live in other places here. The real estate commission adopted language that endorsed racially restrictive covenants, which said that a white person could not sell or lease their property to a black person. These were written into the deeds. Homeowner improvement associations enforced those [covenants]. And you had institutions like the University of Chicago that supported those associations. And then on the federal level, you had redlining. This was not unique to Chicago — you had this playing out all over the country, particularly in the Midwest. In Chicago, most people don't know the story of the Hansberrys. In 1937, Carl Hansberry bought a house in West Woodlawn, which is a white neighborhood just south of the University of Chicago. And a woman named Anna Lee, who was white, protested and said: "You're not supposed to be here. We have covenants." That makes A Raisin In The Sun read so much differently, now that I know her father was at the center of this case. The whites in the neighborhood threw bricks at the home, and one of those bricks almost hit 8-year-old Lorraine. And now that we know that the character Karl Linder was supposed to represent the white homeowners association! That play is about a family, not about restrictive covenants, but the way that she wrote it is much milder than it played out in her family life. When they moved in, her mother had to patrol the house at night with a shotgun. The whites in the neighborhood threw bricks at the home, and one of those bricks almost hit 8-year-old Lorraine. But the Illinois courts agreed with Anna Lee and the other white homeowners that the Hansberrys didn't belong and had to move. But Carl Hansberry was a savvy businessman, and he liked to sue the federal government, and he wasn't going to accept this decision. So in 1940, this went to the Supreme Court and the Hansberrys won, but not because the court decided discrimination was bad. It was on a technicality — the court ruled that the white homeowners didn't have enough signatures. So what happened next was white flight — about 500 homes opened up in the West Woodlawn area. And that affects my family because my grandparents on my mother's side moved here after World War II and they moved to West Woodlawn. By the time they got here, the covenants were about to be lifted, so you had black migration to other South Side neighborhoods that had been all white. In 1950, 100 percent white, and by 1970 it was 0.2 percent white. What's disheartening about this is, our country has decided that the way you build wealth is through homeownership. And there have been all these wrenches that have been thrown at black people as soon as they came to the North. Your own story of homeownership in the South Side of Chicago is a good illustration of this. You wrote that you bought your condo in Bronzeville in 2008 for $175,000 and watched it depreciate in five years — it lost more than two-thirds of its value. By 2013, it was worth $55,000. You say in that same chapter that there was this influx of black professionals who were buying in that neighborhood because they thought there was going to be this big resurgence in development. But it never came. It's very vexing. On one hand, maybe the expectations were too high. I joke that folks were waiting for the artisan olive oil shop to come. But a lot of people continue to work in the neighborhood, beyond block clubs. And there has been improvement — the UIC data shows that the neighborhood has improved, but it hasn't gentrified. It may seem simplisitic to say race, because there's still a large population of lower income residents in the neighborhood. It's a mixed-income community. But you know, it's taken 20 years for a new grocery store to be built. There were no grocery stores in Bronzeville before? There was one, but everyone tells you not to shop there as soon as you move in. But we're talking about a pretty big geographic area, and one of the complaints has always been that there needs to be more retail. Bronzeville people — at least the middle class people who have cars — we all leave the neighborhood to grocery shop. You write that everyone in Chicago understands that "North Side" is racially coded for white and "South Side" is racially coded for black. Does that ever become explicit in the political conversation in Chicago? No, it doesn't. Steve Bogira, a great journalist at the Chicago Reader, wrote in the 2011 election that this is the mayoral issue that should be talked about. And then he did it again in 2015 [laughs]. And what you hear will be pretty boilerplate. You know, from Chicago Public Schools: "We want a quality education for every child." I'm glad you brought up schools, since that seems to be where the rubber hits the road when it comes to policy around race and integration. What is the makeup of the Chicago Public Schools? It's mostly Latino, followed by black, and it's about 9 percent white. I actually did a story about this for WBEZ not long ago. So Chicago is about a third, a third, a third: black, white and Latino. So I had assumed that one-third white would include young people, but it doesn't. There actually aren't many school-age white people in the city to begin with. I see this anecdotally: a white couple moves to the city, and by the time they're ready to start a family, they move to the suburbs. Half of the eligible white, school-age children — I looked at ages 5 to 18 — who are in the city do go to the public schools, though. I think there are a lot of missed opportunities in Chicago Public Schools. This has been a big story in the news, but white parents don't send their kids to majority-black schools in the city. You make the point early on, jokingly, that you're a black gentrifier to Bronzeville, a black neighborhood on the South Side, and then you proceed to show all the ways that an influx of middle-class black people can't gentrify a neighborhood. Yeah. Technically, it is class — where you have displacement and replacement. So in Bronzeville, you had displacement of low-income people with the demolition of the high-rise housing projects, but all that land sat empty. There was no replacement. All that land is empty. You know Robert Sampson, you've blogged about his study. (In Chicago, Neighborhoods That Are More Black Don't Gentrify.) They're all saying the same thing. But [gentrification] is just shorthand for development, good or bad, and the uncertainty. So yeah, we often misuse "gentrification," particularly in Chicago. Yes, there are neighborhoods that are gentrifying, but that's not exactly what's happening. What you're seeing is the hollowing out of the middle class. Because there's been such depopulation in black neighborhoods, there's a way to add a population without displacing people. There are ways you can be pushed out in different ways — maybe your taxes are too high or you have a speculator who comes and wants to buy your home. But there's enough land for everybody. I actually came out of this process feeling more optimistic because there is a roadmap. There's no one solution, but I think there are a lot of things that can be looked at to remediate some of these problems. Some are low-hanging fruit. Some are way more lofty. I think trying to get regional government would be hard. But there are examples — the Twin Cities has been noted for planning well, for thinking about housing and thinking about schools. You know, there are things that can be done to open up choice to people. One example ... if you're a developer, if you build an apartment building and you receive some sort of city assistance, whether that's land or something else, you have to commit to 10 percent of your units as affordable housing. So either you build the 10 percent, or you pay into a fund. But the developers here routinely opt to pay into a fund rather than provide affordable housing. So we mapped out where those buildings were. They weren't on the South and West side — they were in the richest, most exclusive areas in the city that were also considered opportunity areas. So you have money for development going to places where there's already plenty of money. Right. But there are things like that, that could help, but the language could be stronger so developers can't weasel out of that. Natalie Moore's book, The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation, is out this month from St. Martin's Press. Follow her on Twitter.
they taste delish but i ended up making them into balls rather than squares as it was hard to get them thick and into a rectangle. I couldn’t get my processor to work for the dates so I tried to do the best I could and replaced almond butter with peanut butter. There wasn’t as much as the picture but it still was enough for a snack when hungry!
You have applied the 'override' directive to a method, but the compiler is unable to find a procedure of the same name in the base class. A common cause of this error is a simple typographical error in your source code. Make sure that the name used as the 'override' procedure is spelled the same as it is in the base class. In other situations, the base class will not provide the desired procedure: it is those situations which will require much deeper analysis to determine how to solve the problem. The solution (in this example) was to correct the spelling of the procedure name in Derived.
Home » FAQ » Do I have to be involved? The short answer is yes. Ultimately the decisions need to be made by you. For best results, we work in partnership with you on the day. In certain cases, where a client is just unable to be present 100% of the time, we can always arrange a ‘check-in’ system.
Faulty electrical wiring is the leading cause of residential fires according to the National Fire Prevention Association. Although changing the electrical wiring in your entire home may not be an ideal home project, it is vital to the safety of your home and your family. At All Pro, our licensed and trained electricians are experts when it comes to upgrading electrical wiring. Whether you need to rewire your home or unsure of the condition of your electrical wiring, we can perform a thorough inspection and provide you with detailed information in order to help you make an informed decision. While updating your home’s wiring seems like a daunting task, we can help you devise a plan that is cost-effective and cause minimum disruptions. Checking your home’s electrical wiring is one of the most effective ways to prevent residential electrical fires. But how do you know that your house needs rewiring? Old home – The age of your house is an important factor that you should consider when evaluating the need to rewire. If you live in an older home with an electrical system that is more than 25 years old, it may be time to consider an upgrade. Wires deteriorate with age, which can increase the odds of a fire. Burnt odor – If you smell something burning that is unidentifiable, it should be investigated. If there is no discoloration on the outlets, then it could mean that something is going on behind the walls. Power fluctuations – Although flickering lights may not seem like a big deal during a storm, but when it constantly happens and you notice your lights flickering several times a day or for long periods of time, perhaps your electrical wiring requires servicing. Buzzing sounds – Buzzing or sizzling noises should not be emanating from your electrical outlets. If you hear these sounds coming from your outlets, this could mean that your electrical system is experiencing a failure. Frequent circuit breaker trips – Circuit breakers are made to shut off or “trip” when the electrical load is greater than the limit. If a circuit breaker frequently trips, this could mean that you have a significant electrical wiring problem.
On Friday, I headed down to the Davis Printers' building (not to be confused with Davis Advertising!) to see the art show. There were a lot of people! Erika did my author photos, like the one in the header on this blog. :) See the doggies in the background? Awesome.
Jury Delivers Guilty Verdict In College Basketball Corruption Case A federal jury in New York found three people guilty of fraud for paying top-tier basketball recruits to choose certain colleges. NPR's David Greene speaks with sports columnist Kevin Blackistone. A federal jury in New York found three people guilty of fraud for paying top-tier basketball recruits to choose certain colleges. NPR's David Greene speaks with sports columnist Kevin Blackistone. A federal jury in New York has found three people guilty of fraud. They were convicted yesterday of paying tens of thousands of dollars to the families of top-flight basketball recruits. One of those convicted, James Gatto, worked for Adidas and steered certain students to Adidas-sponsored colleges, schools with storied basketball programs such as the universities of Kansas and Louisville are among them. Louisville's longtime coach Rick Pitino was forced out of a job over all this, but he was not even brought on trial. Now joining us to talk about this case and what the NCAA can do to clean up corruption in college athletics is Washington Post sports columnist Kevin Blackistone, also a familiar voice on our program. Hey there, Kevin. KEVIN BLACKISTONE: Hey. How you doing, David? GREENE: I'm good. Thank you. So what does all this mean for college basketball as a whole? What happened yesterday? BLACKISTONE: You know, I'm not sure it means anything for college basketball in total because what happened here was a pretty isolated incident. But what it does is it exposes the recruiting practices that have been going on in big-time college athletics and football and particularly in basketball for as long as I can remember. And that is basically the channeling of money from one source to the families of talent to ensure that that talent goes to a particular school. And what has happened over the years is that the manufacturers of basketball shoes - Adidas, Nike - those operations have gotten people in the middle of them to help transfer that money. So the surprise here is that it has been criminalized by the federal government, as opposed to be policed by the NCAA as it's been done for years. And it used to be that the worst thing that would happen in this situation is that someone would be banned from the NCAA, a coach was who was caught funneling money or some middleman. GREENE: Now it's actually going to trial, which is a step. BLACKISTONE: Absolutely. Now, you could possibly go behind bars, which is what these three men are facing. GREENE: Well, you have these three men facing that you say. But I wonder, your colleague at The Washington Post, Sally Jenkins, wrote recently that the real defendant here should be a university, but the universities are actually considered victims in all of this. Do you see it the same way that she does? BLACKISTONE: I don't see it that way, but that was the way that the federal government decided to get involved in this. Basically, they said that the universities were being defrauded by this system because by funneling this money to players or players' families, these people knew that they were making these players ineligible under NCAA rules and therefore that, at some point, it would all be found out and they wouldn't be allowed to play to the universities that had given them scholarships. And therefore, they had defrauded the universities of value. Which is a very strange thing to me because I still don't know how that's fraud. I mean, universities - university basketball programs and football programs are still going to get these talented players under their very low level of remuneration for athletic talent that brings them tens of million dollars in revenue every year. GREENE: Which speaks to what you said, this is something that - this is just a drop in the bucket in terms of potential real change here. GREENE: Kevin Blackistone, sports columnist for The Washington Post, also teaches journalism at the University of Maryland. Thanks, as always. GREENE: You heard him on MORNING EDITION from NPR News. I'm David Greene.
Home :: Personal Trainer Blog :: Why You're Not Losing Weight On Your Diet? Weight loss is always a problem for most people. The more you try the harder it becomes, even with reputable weight loss programs and exercise. However, that does not mean that you give up, as there might be some other reasons slowing you down apart from your diet. You can check out more information here, but for now, let us see some of the other reasons why you are not losing weight on your diet. Sleep, as mundane as it seems is very important in one’s life. The more you sleep, the better your health. Moreover, research has found out that the less you sleep the more likely you will gain weight. Besides, losing sleep also makes you hungry even if you are not. Likewise, when you are tired you might lose time, move around less and even skip your exercise routines thus making it hard to burn more calories as expected. Therefore, enough sleep 7-8 hours is highly recommendable if you want to lose weight, as it affects your physical well-being as well as mental health. If you deprive yourself of it, then be ready to feel confused, cranky, depressed and even angry all the time. Stress and weight gain often go hand in hand. This is because when you are under too much stress your appetite increases and you end up eating a lot, thus making it hard to keep your weightin check. In relation, you are likely to crave for sweet sugary food better known as comfort foods to make you feel better. This can make you skip your well-elaborated weight loss diet and even exercise routine. Therefore, it is better to stay stress-free, be calm, breathe, meditate once a while, and choose a stress-relieving exercise to keep you occupied. Even though, you might be on a weight loss diet. At times, it can be hard to know how many calories you are eating versus the calories you are burning. It is easy to underestimate how many calories you are eating. As keeping track of your daily meals can be hard, especially for those who love to eat out. However, you can quickly hack this by analyzing your diet and determining how many calories you actually need for a healthy life, or just keep a food diary. Otherwise, you might end up eating everything and anything just because it is labeled organic and healthy. Exercising is also another important aspect of losing weight. You need the right one and you need to follow it to the end. Otherwise, nothing will work out and you will end up moving from one diet plan to the other. Experts always recommend a 60-90 minute daily workout, but for the high-intensity workouts, you can give it 30 minutes a day. However, you should start lower if you are a newbie, there is no way you will make any progress by starting to workout 2 hours a day, you will just tire yourself for nothing. Therefore, for a perfect workout out a routine that can help you lose weight, start small and increase your time and intensity by weeks and months. Enjoying yourself during the weekends or special occasions is not a bad idea. However, what matters is what you eat, as you might end up treating yourself too much thus hurting your workout and your weight loss goal. Nonetheless, you can plan for your weekend getaways withproper diet and workout routines or sports. The point is you should try to avoid rewarding yourself withfood every now and then just because you feel you have sacrificed a lot and you need the treat. Likewise, avoid free for all weekend treats and choose a healthy treat. This way you keep track of your diet very well, at home or on the road. Conclusively, you need a proper diet and workout routine, in order to achieve your weight loss goal. However, you still need to keep your life intact and this involves physical and mental health. You cannot just go on a diet to lose weight without evaluating the other parts of your life from sleep, exercise routine, leisure time, and even friends your keep. So now, you know why you might not be losing weight, it is not about the diet only but much more. You can research more bad habits that are inhibiting your weight loss diet.
"Function of Attention in Cognition" The aim of the research training group is to investigate the role of attention in higher cognitive function, beyond perception. The scientific background is provided by eight groups from three institutions, namely the University of Leipzig and the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. The graduate program is a class of the "Graduate Center for the Life Sciences" of the Research Academy Leipzig. GRK 1182 "Function of attention in cognition"
If you are caught up in a cycle of debt, and don't see any way to get out, you may be in over your head. If you are slowly but surely falling behind on your payments, or using one card to pay off another card, you are not actually paying off your debt, just transferring it back and forth, while becoming further in debt due to interest charges, monthly fees, and penalties. If you need help getting your debt under control, without having to file for bankruptcy and seriously mar your credit record, it is recommended that you get in touch with a qualified attorney immediately. Price Law Group has helped over 100,000 clients over 20 years in practice. The firm is comprised of legal professionals who understand the complex processes that are required in debt settlement. An attorney from the legal team can arrange to stop the penalties, late fees, and interest charges that have been accruing and making your debt grow bigger and bigger. Settling your debt is the best way to take care of your debt with doing only minimal damage to your credit score, which can take months or even years to repair.
"I AM NOW A NON-SMOKER! I have smoked for 42 years. I've quit for short periods of time, but I've never been able to totally kick it. I've tried everything, patch, gum, lozenges, hypnosis, psychologist and the latest, the new prescription Chantix. Nothing worked! A few months ago, a friend was visiting from out of town and told me about Laser Treatment. I went online and read all about the wonderful results and decided to call. With much anxiety, I made an appointment; the anxiety was because I didn't want to fail again. I just didn't believe I would ever be able to get this monkey off my back. The worst part was I liked smoking, but I didn't like what it was doing to me. I didn't like the look in the grandchildren's eyes as they told me, "please quit so you can stay with us longer." Thanks for your wonderful Therapy, it really works!" I gave it a try and it has worked great for me not one smoke since.(2+ pack aday habit) I thank you so much for making laser therapy possible for me. Thank You For Saving Me, Quit smoking after 40 years. "I have gotten over 99.9% of my cravings, all sorts of food tastes better and I haven't gained weight either." "I am so happy to have discovered the laser therapy treatment center for smoking cessation. After just two sessions I had no craving for a cigarette and my temperament remained on an even keel. The sessions are harmless and actually quite relaxing. Not smoking will make such an impact on my life. "When I first heard that a co-worker had successfully undergone the laser therapy, it piqued my interest as a 28 year long smoker who desired (but had not attempted) to quit. It appeared to be a passive, painless process and was certainly worth the modest investment to try to finally quit. I smoked my last cigarette right before walking in for my appointment and left my lighter and pack in their familiar place in the passenger side of my car in plain sight for me to see when I got in the car. After undergoing my session with Mary (who cares so much you don't want to disappoint her) and having the therapy, I returned to my car and looked at my cigarettes in their familiar place and left them there for two days until it was clear that I was an official EX-smoker!! That was over three months ago and have not had a desire to smoke since then. I have tried to explain the technology to those who have asked, and joked that as far as I was concerned, they had shined a flashlight on my ear and the voodoo kicked in and it worked! I have recommended to those interested and I have not heard of any failed attempts myself. The nicest part is the follow-up calls on my anniversary dates from Mary who is genuinely happy for my success. I smell better, feel better, have more money and have the satisfaction of overcoming something that I thought would carry with me to an early grave." "I didn't think I could do it! I didn't feel those awful cravings and I am so proud of myself. This is amazing--- Easier than I thought. On my way to a better Life." "I've done acupuncture, hypnotism... nothing helped until this." "I was a smoker for 26 years, smoking almost a pack a day or 20 cigarettes per day. I have tried all different ways to quit with no success. I thought I would be a smoker for life until I was given the opportunity to try the laser therapy program. After my treatment, it was as if I was never a smoker. I had no cravings or side effects. I am very proud to say that I am a non-smoker and have been for 6 months now." "Prior to trying Laser Therapy, I had been a pack a day smoker. I smoked cigarettes all my adult life. Amazingly, after my treatment I have been smoke free for two months! And I feel great. Not only am I proud of myself but my family, co-workers and friends are extremely proud of me." "I was a smoker for 25 years averaging about 1-2 packs per day. I had tried various other methods to quit such as nicotine gum and patches with no success. I am now smoke free for 6 months. I have more energy now than ever and have improved my overall health. I would suggest to anyone that wants to stop smoking - It is a quick and painless procedure." "Best thing I ever did" "After smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 35 years, I now feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders. It was fast, painless, and the results immediate." "I am amazed that I could actually go without cigarettes. I now feel stronger and cleaner and am so grateful." "I never thought I could go a day without a cigarette! It was easier than I ever thought. I was sure there was a cigarette embedded in my brain, but there’s not!" "After the first day, I had no desire for a cigarette!" "I’ve done acupuncture, hypnotism…nothing helped until this." "I’m surprised that I can have my morning coffee without a cigarette. My friends are glad that we can now sit in the non-smoking section when we go out to eat. I am no longer “chained to cigarettes!" "This was my only hope since I had tried everything else. It has been much easier and quicker than I expected. My doctor congratulated me and says I may be a candidate for a lung transplant. Thank you". "When I smoked I was out of breath, tired all the time, and lonely because none of my friends smoked. Now I feel more alive and very happy. I’m surprised that I never climbed the wall for a smoke and I liked that there was a telephone number to call if I needed help." "It works! I feel like a new person and my grandchildren call me “awesome�. And I am! My skin has a new color and I believe I look better. I know I smell better – no more smoke breath!" "I feel great now, and can breathe so much better. The laser treatment has helped me so much where other things have failed!" "Over the years I have tried the patch, nicotine gum and even hypnotism and none have been effective as the laser therapy. If this is the kind of results a two pack a day smoker like me has seen, I’m sure you have many other happy ex-smokers to count among your satisfied customers. I thank you, my fiancé thanks you and my lungs thank you!" "I was relaxed and did not have any mood swings! My friends are so proud of me and I feel wonderful. Every smoker should try laser therapy."
"Art is: My escape from my day to day life, my awakening daydream, my reminder to myself that I am more than I am." Bob and I did a ten day trek to see my family in Washington (plus all points in between). We saw so many wonderful places I don't have room to share all the pictures, but here are some. Now it's time to get back to work creating again, with my image storehouse full of great memories!
My June column for Mediatel’s Newsline is now online. In two weeks I am on a panel at their ‘Connected Consumer’ event as well as being a judge at the Awards ceremony, and this got me wondering whether TV and Radio are words that still have meaning. I think they do, but we need to be careful to use them correctly to reflect the cross-plaftform media that they are now, as opposed to just as delivery platforms. You can read the article here.
 Nutrients in milk | Arla Food Inc. Did you know that there are more vitamins and minerals in milk than you can find in almost any other food source? It’s full of lots of things that helps make you stronger and help you grow, learn, play and meet your daily challenges – all throughout your life. Milk contain many nutrients that are needed by the body to be able to function and build new cells. Think of it as millions of tiny building blocks. Some of these wear out and they continuously need to be renewed to make you feel well and get the most out of life. Construction of cells is happening all day, every day and the need for the right nutrition is almost the same throughout your life. Milk’s nutrients can be found in many of dairy products. Fruit yogurt for example contains 85-90 per cent milk and provides a good source of vitamins and minerals. Cheese is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin B12, and many of them does not contain lactose. Some of the vitamins and minerals available in dairy products are difficult to obtain from other foods. So why not drink a glass of milk or eat a slice of cheese? Remember: Good health is a combination of a balanced nutritious diet and frequent exercise. Calcium has several important functions in the body. It's good for your bones, it's also important for muscle and nerve function and for blood pressure and blood clotting.
Here is a fun set of owls in 1 circles, ideal for bottle caps, scrapbooking, stickers, charms, centers for bows or anything else you can dream up. I have created this collage from my original artwork in a high resolution, digital image (JPEG) to be printed onto 4 x 6 paper. You may print them out and use them as many times as you need! You may use these images for personal and commercial use. However, for commercial use it must be an item made from my collage, i.e. a bottle cap charm made with one of the images.
Being a Type A person means a lot of planning. A five year plan? Yep. Had that. The means to actually fulfill that five year plan? Yep. Had that too. The hardest part about being a planner is that plans almost never go according to plan. You would think that after a lifetime of this, one would get the picture and give it up. That is not so. So, instead thoughts about the past swarm around in my mind and “what ifs” play over and over again. Here’s the thing, I have never once doubted my decisions. There has never been a moment where I wanted to go back in time and choose a different path. However, there is the part of me that wishes things had just been different altogether. It has been two and a half years and it just does not really seem to get any easier. Talking about it no longer serves a purpose. Family and friends have heard enough about it and honestly talking about it never really helped. So, I sit here writing about it before work because this blog has become my greatest outlet. This year marks the end of what was my five year plan. To be more exact, May 2016 marked the end of the five year plan. Want to know what went according to plan in those five years? Absolutely nothing. Everything changed and nothing was in the plan. Here’s to not just getting through this season, but to overcoming and enjoying this season. “Plans almost never go as planned” is the story of my life too, but in retrospect, it’s because God had a much better plan. I know He has more amazing things in store for you than you cannot even imagine or think.
Yesterday I had an encounter that would have seemed like nothing, once upon a time. I was at lunch with a new(ish) friend. Perhaps that’s not a fair label anymore, as we met over a year ago—during my yearlong search—and have become good pals in the months since. When she got to lunch, she told me had a favor to ask. My friend, lets call her Mia, was heading to the train in a few hours, at about 4 pm. She knew I work from home, so my schedule was flexible enough to give her a quick ride, and asked if I would mind. Like I said, it’s not that interesting of a story. I took special notice, though, because asking someone for a ride to the airport has become one of my measures of friendship. Back when I spoke to GirlfriendCircles founder Shasta Nelson for the first time, she told me that the reason she started her site is that she was the life coach for a handful of women who all were missing the same thing: a nearby support system. It wasn’t that they didn’t have someone to call crying in the middle of the night if necessary, it was that they didn’t have someone to ask for a ride to the airport. “And a ride to the airport’s not that big a deal!” Nelson told me. She was right. The airport-ride test is an interesting one. It’s not that big of a request, really. It’s just a ride. From my Chicago apartment, it’s about a 30 minute drive each way to O’Hare. So an hour out of your day, half of which you get to spend gossiping with a friend. And yet, asking someone you don’t feel especially close to for a ride feels like a monumental request. Not quite a kidney, but you know… not not like a kidney, either. Of course, what Mia asked for was an airport-ride divided by, like, 10. Or, actually, 6. But still, the fact she asked made me feel swell. Friendy. Like this search is continuing to move forward. One small step for man, one giant leap for… Mia. Or something. Have your friends performed any small favors, or asked any of you, that showed you your friendship was moving forward? Oh, and Happy 4th of July, friends. See you on Tuesday! It’s sort of weird to be deconstructing things like this. In college I didn’t drive (still don’t) and so asking people—my sorority sisters for instance–for rides places was commonplace and often ended in new bonds (lI got one of my best friends from that one time I needed to be picked up from the hospital, and we got lost…) But it never seemed like a big deal. Recently, a guy we hadn’t seen in years drove my friend to the airport after she put out a Facebook all-call. So I guess I never thought of it as a huge thing. The “favor” is one of the quickest ways I made a few of my friendships. I don’t drive either. While in school in Texas, a lot of my classmates would volunteer to drive me around. It first started as a favor, but then we started to study, eat, and hang out together. If i had my own car, then I would not have needed a favor. Then I would have missed out on getting to know some pretty awesome individuals. The favor is a HUGE play in making new friends. One of my friends, whom I have known for maybe ten years, asks what I call “family favors”. He doesn’t have any family in this town, and he and I have become like a brother and sister. When he is out of town, I take care of his animals (I have my own key to his place). I also have taken him to and picked him up from the airport which is two hours one way. I always love doing this for him. Last night, he asked his biggest “family favor” yet. He asked if he could give my phone number to his mother, and her number to me, just in event something happened to him. This almost brought tears to my eyes. I feel that this favor is the ultimate sign of true friendship. I know some other moms will relate, the airport ride equal is ‘can you pick up my kid from school?’ It is not a huge inconvenience, but you must have enough of friendship in place, or it can make the other mom think you are gonna start asking for ‘favors’ with the kids all the time. It seems these sorts of favors are just the perks of having friends. I have been the ride giver most of the time since I got my license and it definitely made me closer with one of my college friends. Driving someone somewhere is one of those favours where, it’s virtually no inconvenience to the person doing it, and it can be a really big help to the other person, saving them time on switching buses, waiting in the rain and cold, cost of a taxi etc.. The world would be a nicer place if we all did everyone such favours. 🙂 However I have offered a ride before and had the other person turn me down, even after assuring them it’s no trouble!! Perhaps it’s a big step for some people to take. Maybe they feel the favour is expected to be returned? This is an amazing observation. The car ride thingy is a big indicator of where your friendship is at. I once had a friend who asked for a ride to the grocery store while her car was in the shop. I was excited, I felt like our friendship was evolving and I was happy to help. Until she only called me for rides here and there as her car couldn’t be fixed and then I started to feel used. So, while I agree that giving a friend a ride or doing a favor is a great way to cement a friendship, doing it too much too soon is a great way to destroy a potential friendship. This is so interesting! I just discovered your blog from a tweet and I am in love! My husband is an Air Force pilot which means constant moving and the constant search for a new BFF at a new base. Adult friendships are weird and hard to find. It is so funny because I think I finally have one (and of course we’ll probably move soon). I came to that conclusion based on the fact that she volunteered to pick me up from the airport even when I said I’d get a car service. She insisted and said that since our other friends always ask me to pick them up and never return the favor, that it was about time I get the favor returned. BFFs! Love the “family favors” concept mentioned in the comments. When you live far from home, your friends have to become your family. I will totally admit to being touched when a new friend put me as her child’s emergency contact. Thanks Allison! You’re so right. Adult friendship ARE weird. And from what I hear from military wives, the constant moving only makes it harder. I can’t imagine..
Using the right skin care products is not the only thing that you have to do in order to keep your skin healthy. In fact, a good skin care routine will be in vain if you are not eating healthy. Eating well is one of the keys to healthy living. There are a number of foods that can help you with your skin hydration. Because spinach is made up of 92 percent water, it is great for natural skin hydration and rejuvenation. Spinach is also loaded with antioxidants that can reduce wrinkles and inflammation. Additionally, spinach helps flush out toxins and give you a clear, glowing complexion. Celery is also great for natural skin hydration because it is made up of 95 percent water. It is also a great source of selenium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous. This can help keep your skin elastic. Cucumbers are another food that can help with skin hydration. They are made up of 95 percent water. Cucumbers are also high in potassium and vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for skin health because it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is also found in many skin care products. Additionally, many people use cucumbers as a part of their skincare routine. Applying cucumbers to the eyes can reduce the bags around the eyes. Applying cucumbers to the skin may also reduce cellulite. Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants that nourish your skin and bring out its natural radiance. You only have to eat a handful of strawberries to reap the benefits of it. Not only can strawberries be included in a healthy living diet, but you also use them to make a mask. You can mash the strawberries up and mix them with yogurt and honey. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
Children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. The worst thing about Europe is that you can't go out in the middle of the night and get a Slurpee. Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness, and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions.
Looking for a fun way to spend time with your family outdoors? Join the Prospect Park Alliance for its monthly family birdwatching tours. After learning how to use binoculars, join our naturalists to identify some of the 250 species of birds that call Prospect Park home.
If you're looking for a place to get away, look no further than Bassan. Whether you're planning to stay for a night or for the week, the area around Bassan has accommodations to fit every need. Search for hotels in Bassan with Hotels.com by checking our online map. Our map displays the areas and neighborhoods around all Bassan hotels so you can see how close you are from landmarks and attractions, and then refine your search within the larger area. The best Bassan hotel deals are here with our lowest price guarantee. When Is the Best Time to Visit Bassan?
I went back to my old college last week to view the Degree show that the students had put on there was a mix of Textiles, Ceramics, Graphics and 3D design. It was great to see the students work and what had inspired them. Degree shows are going on all around the county at the moment to check out your local college or university look on there website.
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As part of the Sealed Knot Society we help to recreate the battles of the English Civil War 1642-1651. Our Regiment has been built over many years and is a faithful representation of the Lincolnshire men who joined up for the cause of the King in 1642. Assembling in Nottingham in August of that year those initial ranks were swollen by Derbyshire miners and The Guard (as we know it) eventually became part of the King’s Oxford Army. Today we appear all over the country, re-enacting battles and bringing to life a tragic period in our history. If you look around you will find news of our activities and an event section where you can keep up to date with where we are and what we are doing. Feel free to come to any of our ‘musters’ and talk to me or any member of the regiment. We are very approachable and nice to everyone (apart from the Roundheads). With any luck you could be our next recruit. Our website can give you an insight into what it means to become a member of our society, with detailed descriptions of the types of troops involved and also a breakdown on how you can contact your local company. The regiment currently boasts a membership of around 200, recruited from all over the UK by the 7 companies within our Regiment. Take the tour through our site and don’t hesitate to contact me for any information. The Banners of the Seven Companies that currently make up the King’s Lifeguard.
Planning a trip to Niagara-On-The-Lake? A great time to come would be between July 29-31. During this time, the Niagara Jazz Festival is taking place. All weekend, for just $15, you and your family can enjoy a wide variety of live jazz artists. For guests that are of legal drinking age, there are also options where you can enjoy wine and craft beers while taking in the tunes. For more information, check out the link on our Facebook Page.
Please pray for the mission team as they travel to Haiti for a week of pastor training, evangelistic work, and medical service. They will be working in the Carrefour area, in churches led by the Senior Pastor Henri Louis. Pastor Henri has worked with us for several years in pastor training. He is the author of an authoritative book on voodoo in Haiti, and has spearheaded efforts to win the lost to Christ. Carrefour in southwestern Haiti was the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake, and many people lost their lives and their homes in the region. There is still much destruction apparent in that area. On this trip, the team will also be visiting the Christian School near Hinche in the Central Plateau. This area of Haiti is higher in elevation, and is very beautiful, but also very impoverished. Jemps Maignan, a Haitian-American, has led the development of this project through his organization God's Planet for Haiti. Radio Bible Hour helps Jemps with a monthly stipend, and he has accomplished a lot for the people of that region. Jemps believes, as we do, that we should not do something for someone that they can do for themselves. In the school which he established, parents and families of the children are required to participate in the building projects, and in the maintenance and operation of the school. Radio Bible Hour helps out with supplies, and materials, as needed, but the labor is provided by the people. The medical services will be rendered by the Carson-Newman University Nursing Program. Their leader and coordinator for this trip is Sue McBee, of the Nursing School at C-N. Sue is a faithful Christian, teacher, and skilled nurse. The group is honored to have Dr. Randall O'Brien, President of Carson-Newman, accompanying them on this trip. Dr. O'Brien is a true servant-leader, and will be helping in pastor training, and serving with the medical team. Please pray for the group as they seek to serve Christ by serving those who are in need of Him. The will be in Haiti, working, through the 28th of May.
Solano Print Plus is family-owned and operated right here in Vallejo, California. Since our company opened its doors in 1987 to the printing industry as Sir Speedy Printing #03490 , we've decided that going into our 30th year, it was time to give our customers more of what we can do with a new name and new look with the same great customer service and quality we've provided for over 3 decades. We treat every customer like they are a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but what we offer comes with the entire package with one on one customer service from start to finish. We look forward to continuing this journey with you all and seeing each of you at the shop.
Did you know that 90% of the bugs in our gardens are actually good bugs eating bad bugs? Let's learn about these most wanted allies and how to invite them to stay. Suzanne Bontempo, a 20+ year horticulture specialist, will discuss how to identify the bugs in your garden, how to keep the good ones around, and which plants are good bug magnets. Courtesy of Mid-Peninsula Water District, a complimentary group activity will be provided at the end of the lecture to take home and enjoy. This is a fun program for the whole family.
You can depend on Local Pool Service Specialists to offer the most suitable expert services when it comes to Pool Service in Shunk, PA. Our company has a crew of skilled professional contractors and the most impressive technology in the industry to present everything that you are looking for. We make certain that you get the very best services, the ultimate price tag, and the finest quality products. We will help you put together choices for your own work, respond to your questions, and prepare an appointment with our specialists once you call us by dialing 800-217-2490. You will have a budget to abide by, and you need to get lower rates. In the process, you will want the very best and finest quality of services when it comes to Pool Service in Shunk, PA. We ensure our cash conserving efforts don't mean a reduced standard of craftsmanship. We utilize the best supplies and practices to make sure that the project is going to stand up to the test of time, and save you money with strategies that won't impact the quality of the work. For instance, we take care to prevent costly errors, get the job done efficiently to conserve time, and ensure that you are given the best discounts on materials and work. Connect with Local Pool Service Specialists when you want the finest solutions at the best price. You are able to connect with our business by dialing 800-217-2490 to start. To come up with the very best decisions for Pool Services in Shunk, PA, you should be knowledgeable. We will never let you make ill advised judgments, because we know exactly what we are doing, and we make sure you know exactly what to look forward to with the work. You won't encounter any unexpected surprises whenever you deal with Local Pool Service Specialists. Start out by calling 800-217-2490 to discuss your work. We'll resolve all of your questions and set up the initial appointment. We work closely with you all through the entire project, and our staff can appear promptly and organized. You have a lot of good reasons to choose Local Pool Service Specialists for Pool Service in Shunk, PA. Our company has the highest client satisfaction scores, the highest quality supplies, and the most useful and reliable cash saving practices. We will be available to help you with the most practical knowledge and expertise available. Call 800-217-2490 when you need Pool Services in Shunk, and we're going to work closely with you to properly carry out your task.
Is It Ever Too Early To Develop An Estate Plan? It is never too early to plan and everybody should have some type of planning put in place. Something catastrophic might happen to anyone at any age, so even having preliminary documents specifically a healthcare proxy, a power of attorney, a living will and even a simple will is all very important. Planning needs to be done regardless of how old or healthy a person is. An individual could have a stroke, a heart attack or they could be involved in a catastrophic accident, which is something I have seen firsthand in my practice. The power of attorney and the healthcare proxy are very important documents to have in place, because they contain advanced directives in case the person becomes incapacitated; meaning there is a person in a position to make medical decisions on a healthcare proxy and make financial decisions with a power of attorney. Health care proxy, also called a health care surrogate, or durable medical power of attorney is a durable power of attorney specifically designed to cover medical treatment. The person is appointed and given authority to make medical decisions for you in the event you are unable to express your wishes. If a person becomes incapacitated which means they are alive but lack the legal ability to make decisions regarding their medical care or financial decisions because of a medical or mental defect, and has no advance directives in place, a family member would have to file for guardianship if these documents are not in place when the person became incapacitated. A family member will have to petition the court and go through a full-blown legal proceeding which is quite expensive, time consuming and involves the court system getting involved in family affairs in order to get the legal authority to act on that incapacitated person’s behalf. There is no need to go through all of that if the proper advance directives have been put in place. With the use of the power of attorney, financial decisions can be made, whether it has to do with banking or IRA accounts, 401(k)s or real estate transactions. Any financial issues that need to be addressed can be handled by an agent if the person is incapacitated. Whatever medical decisions have to be made can be done by the person who is appointed as an agent. This is why the advance directives are very important regardless of age. Obviously, having either a simple will or maybe even a revocable trust is important if, the person happens to pass away in order to deal with their estate. Elder law is actually a very complex field and it is mine-ridden. There is a lot of misinformation out there and as the saying goes, sometimes a little information can cause a lot of damage; meaning that if someone down the street tells an individual something, they may end up thinking they understand or know how their particular situation will go. It does not hurt to do some research and read about it, but it is not easily digestible or understandable because it is so very complex. So using the research to get educated about the issues is good, so long as it used to cause the individual to actually pick up the phone and call to set up the meeting with my office to get the proper advice. Contacting an elder law attorney is the best you can do to avoid any problems. The early you get in touch with an elder law lawyer in New York, the better it is for you. I recommend for an individual to call me if they have done some research or heard varying accounts from other people on what happened in their circumstance. I am the one who really understands what is going on and how to help. I am a qualified elder law lawyer based in New York, with offices in Manhattan, White Plains, Bronx, Long Island, Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Queens, NY. Simply relying on whatever information received from those scenarios, whether it was through a social worker, a friend or another family member and then using that as a guide for what could result in the individual’s particular situation is very dangerous. I come across these situations often and, unfortunately, these people who are giving out the information are not elder law attorneys who know how to protect assets or how the Medicaid laws work. They may act and advice like an elder law lawyer would do, but they are not licensed to provide legal counsel as an elder law attorney in NY would do. Elder law planning is ultimately a function of the practice of law whereas most people who may be in the health care field, for example social workers or nursing homes, are not the correct people to be listening to in order to protect your assets as they don’t necessarily know how assets protection works. They are not in a position to give legal advice on such issues, and even attorneys who are not well versed in it might not understand how the law works. The Elder Law Bar should really be an individual’s point of contact and they should be the people to discuss these issues with. It is a good thing that if by talking to these other people it resulted in the individual thinking about these issues and sparking them to call me. However, it would be very dangerous if the person only relied on the information from these other sources as the be-all, end-all and made a decision based on such information. Make the call today to my office for the correct advice and information. For more information on Importance Of Planning Early, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you’re seeking by calling (718) 475-9639 today or visit us. Our offices are located in Staten Island, New York, Brooklyn, Bronx, White Plains, Garden City, Melville, NY. Home > Elder Law > Is It Ever Too Early To Plan?
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Two women’s empowerment movements have gained significant traction in the past year: #MeToo and Time’s Up. Both are focused on the issues women face in their personal and professional lives. While inequities and harassment in the workplace are not new, they have gained much attention recently as numerous women have come forward, and very public figures have been named. I have listened to the news stories with interest and was amazed by the intensity of the Time’s Up theme at the 2018 Golden Globes and Academy Awards. However, as a female CEO, I have still been reluctant to write about this issue. I’ve reflected on why I’m reluctant, especially given what I’ve faced in my nearly 30-year career. Honestly, I still have fear from the past that speaking up is taboo and negatively labels you. I didn’t say anything decades ago because I worked so hard and didn’t want to damage my chances of a successful career path. Thirty years ago was not the time to stand out as a “disgruntled feminist” if I wanted to continue my career untarnished. So why speak up now? A discussion with my husband drove me to broach this sensitive topic. I’ve been fortunate to have a husband who has been supportive of my career. He knows what I’ve experienced in the workplace. That’s why his recent question surprised me. We were listening to the news about yet another sexual harassment allegation from a past experience. He asked why so many women were coming forward now—were they jumping on the bandwagon? I’ve thought about his question and believe it’s because the environment is safer and more receptive today for women to speak out. I believe those coming forward want to bring about change and accountability as well as closure. We have some healing to do. While companies have made significant improvements in the last 30 years, there’s still room to improve, as recent stories demonstrate. The environment today is such that victims can go public without becoming the target of extreme criticism. How often in the past did we villainize the victims? I told my husband that if someone went public today about a former boss or colleague, and he denied it, and she was publicly criticized, I believe others, including myself, would come out of the woodwork to tell our story to support her. I don’t see it as women jumping on the bandwagon. Some very public scandals have shown how many people have been impacted across many different industries. The public is not only listening but expecting accountability and change. The first time I heard the term “sexual harassment” was in 1991 when Anita Hill accused her boss, then U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, of sexual harassment. I was in the restaurant industry and dealing with some uncomfortable situations. Keep in mind, this was a time when women were told to dress and act more like men in the workplace (my female mentor told me this). I was told by other women that to prove myself, I had to work harder than the men. I saw what the women before me had to face in the workplace. I remember seeing a cartoon in the early 1990s that showed one woman near the top of the ladder, kicking the other women off the ladder. The cartoon next to it showed a bunch of men at the top of the ladder, pulling other men up to join them. It was a time when few women made it to the top, and other women were the competition. I love the restaurant business, but like most industries, it hasn’t always been the kindest environment for women. I faced many uncomfortable situations in corporate offices, so you can imagine how tough it has been for women working inside the restaurants, especially in the kitchens. Can you imagine fearing that you’ll lose your job if you tell your boss to stop touching or hitting on you? Or being told today as a female manager that you were expected to work at your desk while the men spent the day playing flag football? Or even worse, one of my sales directors once interrupted me during a discussion, and told me to get up on his desk and dance for him. It didn’t help that the guys I worked with would frequently visit the “girlie joints” and expense their excursions to the company. Fortunately, this type of behavior is not and would not be tolerated today. I recently had lunch with a male friend and a former boss. He told me he and his wife were discussing all the stories in the news about workplace issues and asked me if I had faced any situations. I shared a few examples, and while he was initially shocked, he wasn’t completely surprised. He knew the environment and the players. He happened to be one of the many amazing people at this company, but sadly, some of the bad behaviors were among the higher-level people, who set the tone for those who were not amazing to work with. I told him that was why I finally left the company and the industry. Fortunately, I didn’t face this environment at my next few companies. However, a decade later, I re-entered the restaurant world at a senior level. At my first annual conference, I watched the CEO and COO use pictures of scantily clad models to make their “points” in presentations in front of a few thousand people. I was nearly 20 years into my career and was disappointed to see this behavior, especially from the executives. I’m happy to say that, a decade later, that same company has a female CEO and COO and no longer has a culture of heavy drinking and womanizing. So, the good news is that the restaurant industry is improving and becoming more female friendly. Recently, nine female chefs were recognized with major awards by the James Beard Foundation. I share these stories because I experienced a lot of situations during my career but did little to bring about change, fearing a negative impact on my career. (Ironically, it did impact my career: I ran from the company for a lower-paying job and left valuable unvested options on the table.) I am proud of the people who didn’t ignore or run away from issues. Because of the “silence breakers” from the past and today, people are not just being held accountable, but companies have and continue to implement change. Today we have online sexual harassment and diversity training. HR departments require managers to know what behaviors are expected or unaccepted, and they provide safe ways for people to report situations in which they feel uncomfortable. Victims aren’t jumping on the bandwagon. Workplace environments, especially in a few lagging industries, are improving thanks to some very brave people who stepped up and risked their reputation and careers to say “enough is enough.” I didn’t impact change in the past, but I can help drive awareness and be a part of creating a culture today that ensures everyone has a safe and equitable work environment.
Situated on the southeastern shore of the Atlantic Ocean, Hialeah, Florida is a popular destination for those who are interested in enjoying beautiful stretches of beaches and tropical weather. This city is home to several notable attractions, including the Hialeah Park Race Track, the Amelia Earhart Park, Tom Sawyer’s Play Island and Bill Graham Farm Village. It is also home to the new Miami Watersports Complex. Investment opportunities are on the rise in Hialeah, especially investments in precious metals. Thanks to their ever growing demand, the values of these metals have reached new heights, making them a wise investment for anyone. If you like to jet ski, and who doesn’t, you should put your money in something you can trust today.
Finding your dream job can be an uphill task. The good news is that today, the internet comes in handy. Nevertheless, having an internet connection alone does not make online job search a smooth run. One needs to have the tools specifically designed for the job search. Luckily enough, a number of companies have invested their resources in designing tools that work to suit online job searches. There is a wide range of careers available worldwide; these jobs are posted on the internet on a daily basis. Whether you are looking for an online essay writing job on this website, design, or any other job, you need to have the right tools. I have compiled a list of the best tools that will come in handy in your online job search. Switch is one of the best online job search applications. Upon installation, this app notifies users of new jobs by sending the updates to their phones. One can then apply if interested. There is a swipe left and right option that allows users to browse for more available jobs. Switch also notifies companies whose jobs you are interested in. Should they approve you, then there is a chat provision through which interview dates can be scheduled. This is another popular search engine. It is known to have many job listings. This means that users have a collection of jobs to choose from. Using indeed can seem challenging at first, but users find it very convenient after learning how to use it. With experience, one can get job listings that suit their careers and preference. This saves the amount of time that would be spent going through numerous job postings that do not fit you. JobMo is an application that links postings with Google maps. Google map helps detect the exact location of an item in question. As such, job seekers get to know the exact location of a job before sending out an application. Applicants can keep off jobs in places they would not like, and this also helps save time. LinkedIn is one of the popular websites. This is a networking site that purposes to expand one’s career. Not only is LinkedIn a good site for job seekers, but it is also a great site to help build social connections and meeting same career professionals. There is always something to learn from someone who you work with in the same field. For instance, it is easy to get online essay writing jobs from other writers through referrals on LinkedIn. Jobcase usually has many job postings. It is possible for one to find work that is paid on an hourly basis. The best thing about Jobcase is that it does not require what most companies ask for; experience. This allows users to explore new job avenues and follow new career paths. As seen above, Internet tools have made online job searching very easy. Today many people are engaging in online essay writing and other online jobs to make a living. Just choose the right website, application or program, acquaint yourself, and before you know it, the Internet will have helped you get your dream job.
Here's a short riddle I came up with--easy, I know, but I wasn't trying very hard. P.S. Can you solve the riddle of my name?
When we look out the window We can see very nice mountains. Some people do not have mountains. But if you look out your window In your mind You can see a lot of beauty.
Jank-a-stank what's going on guy? From what I hear it is. I wouldn't mind to keep hosting our exchange server if Microsoft could give me a definitive answer as why it keeps going down. My hubby does servers and networking and all that stuff, he says 365 is a lot easier to deal with. Yay. That's what I want to hear. Do you slap them around when they break things?
differently. There are some of us that react more to stress while others are able to push it down and are still productive. Either way, ignoring or coping with stress is dangerous and could manifest in ways that you least expect. Stress management starts with identifying the source of your stress, which could be work, family or financial difficulties. These can all be solvable or even managed so that we are able to achieve some semblance of serenity. This book is all about shedding away bad habits and picking on new ones. The narrator asks us to pick a few things that we want to achieve with the book and this is a very important stress management strategy. the seven-day startup plan is a great way to ease into the process of changing your life. The seven-day plan allows you to ease yourself into living a stress-free like. One of the most important points that this book recommends is making a plan with your partner. This is important because if you are living with someone who you spend plenty of time with, chances are they will be crucial to help you achieve your goals or be serious stumbling blocks to your startup plan. Also, starting your seven-day plan on a weekend also helps you to start off easy with minimal distractions. One section of this book that I am grateful for is the chapter that focuses on online health. Social media is now a critical part of most people’s lives and can be a serious source of stress for us today. You should make sure that your use of social media does not cause you undue harm, self-esteem issues or stress. Try your best not to follow toxic people that are either abusive or make you unduly stressed out. If you need to be continuously online and posting updates of your life, you should bear in mind that you will also see things that you wish you didn’t, things that will affect your mood. Do your best to decide how best you want to use social media and stick to it. If it means reducing your activity only, you should do that. Just make sure you shape it in such a way that you can take positive things. These include funny pictures and videos (not those rooted in meanness). Stay away from negative things like distressing videos and blogs that are famous for bad news. Remember that your input into your system and mind is very important to your well-being. Take time to celebrate activities and milestones. One of the most helpful books on confidence ever! the most famous actresses in history for her role in Titanic also suffered from self-confidence issues at some point in her life. It was quite an eye-opener as most of this book was. The funny thing was that the book also opened my eyes to another issue related to confidence which is over-confidence which is apparently as severe a problem as self-confidence deficits. I think this appealed a lot to me because I never really saw myself as someone that had self-esteem problems. This was the most important thing that I learned from this book. One of the things I have learned to do less of is self-criticism. Instead of paying so much attention to negative feedback, now I try my best to be the best that I can and be honest in my assessment of my performance. An advantage of that is that I now find more satisfaction in my work and efforts and I do not wait for people to comment before I feel good about myself. It helped me to start hurting myself less by driving towards unrealistic expectations. By not pressurizing myself too much and expending so much energy focusing on negative people. to be assertive. This is an important skill that we all need to master, especially those who are in managerial and other leadership positions. I can add to the list. I typically kept a personal journal right from when I was a teenager and now the book has shown me how to use that as a way to boost my self-confidence. Being my own cheerleader isn’t always easy when it seems like everyone is critical unnecessarily but thanks to the book, I can ignore them better and just be myself. This book is universal, I recommend it for everyone that wants to improve their lives. I sure found it extremely useful. There have been many books written about procrastination, and they all seem to pass across the same message. This is one that I’ve learnt tips that make a positive difference in the way I manage my time. The author is right to indicate that a lot of procrastination comes from the lack of the willpower to do things that we are otherwise not compelled to do otherwise. Once the willpower is in place, productivity increases and more work gets done. The author also gives the readers twenty tips that I think are even too much to do. If you can commit to at least 10 of them, you will see a definite change in your work ethic. The flow of the book is awesome. The chapters flow well into each other and it makes an easy read from start to finish. The narration is nice, even-toned and an easy listen. If you could sum up Self-Discipline in three words, what would they be? My favorite chapter was the one that talked about ways to set goals and how to make them achievable. It was very practical and easy to follow. What did you learn from Self-Discipline that you would use in your daily life? One key learning that I took from this book is knowing that getting perspective on time is important in goal achievement. By being smart with goal setting, breaking bad habits is easier done. When the goals are realistic, time bound and small, you have a higher chance to succeed which helps increase self confidence and determination to do bigger things. Every year, we all make New Year's resolutions. These plans mostly do not see the beginning of February. This book addresses how we can make better goals and have the self-discipline to see them through. You will learn the reasons why you find it hard to achieve personal goals and breaking bad habits. Excuses and procrastination are two major things you will learn to curb from your life if you want to make better goals. You will also learn to stop playing the blame game and other bad habits that prevent effectiveness in your personal life. When it comes to making good habits that help you complete your set goals, the book offers a lot of tips and help. Effective goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, recordable and time bound. The author goes deep into how to make goals that can be achieved and getting the necessary motivation, self-confidence and discipline to follow through. I highly recommend this book to everyone because it will help you improve as a person no matter which sector you find yourself in. The advice and tips are very easy to follow. The book is also well narrated and will not take too much of your time. What did you love best about Panic Attacks & Anxiety? What was one of the most memorable moments of Panic Attacks & Anxiety? The chapter on identifying triggers of your panic attack was my favorite. It is something that has to be done before one can start working on getting better. The chapter also talked about finding relaxation mechanisms which would help people cope well with panic attacks and anxious moments. The Path to a stressless life. My first panic attack was right after a really important exam. I remember getting really scared about it happening again. My aunt was at home at the time and she helped talk me through it and got me breathing normally again. Not everyone is lucky to have someone experienced close by. If I had to go back to that point in my life and I did not have her near, I think this book would suffice. It is that good. I would recommend this book because it is filled with potentially lifesaving tips and information. The exercises if followed carefully can make a difference in understanding and reducing panic attacks in a sufferer. I know some people that will benefit immensely from the author's work. I liked the way the book offered practical advice to problems. Most of the solutions that the author recommended for the anxiety and panic attacks were very realistic. I have tried some of them and recommended to friends and all were really helpful. I also liked the case studies that the audiobook used to make examples and drive home salient points. It made it really easy to relate with. Personally, I learn easier when there are clear examples so I really enjoyed the book. Lastly, it appeals to everyone, not just shy people. The tips also work with people who are already comfortable socially and can help make them better conversationalists. This I think makes it a book everyone can learn from. There's a lot to glean from no matter what your personality is, shy or outgoing. Her narrations is very engaging. I learnt several ways to improve my self esteem and make better conversations. The part about making relationships and keeping them. Also about managing social media. It seems to be a major part of our lives now. Texts, twitter, Facebook, there is a lot of pressure to keep up appearances. Nowadays, I take time to switch off for prolonged periods and not take everything too serious or let nasty comments get to me. If I don't like what you're posting or I'm getting negative vibes, I know I don't have to cope with it. I just unfollow them or block them. Life is easier that way. Highly recommended to everyone. One of the best books on social anxiety I've read. What did you love best about Let Go of Worry, Embarrassment and Regret? I liked the fact that it was so practical. It offers real life solutions to real life problems. It was a reminder for me to let go of things in the past and just face the new days as they come. One thing I did after reading the book was go sign up for salsa classes. One of my worst memories was falling in High school during a group dancing class, I really want to replace it with happier memories. What about Sorrel Brigman’s performance did you like? Sorrel Brigman's performance was very natural and professional. Great job. Yes it was. I actually finished it in two long stretches that were interrupted by a phone call. Even while taking notes, it was fun to listen to. One thing I learnt from the book is not to be so hard on myself when I make mistakes. Loving myself more takes effort. I didn't grow up being ok with average and I guess now, I have to accept that I can't control everything in my life at work and also accept that I have done my best. Regret is toxic and when it stays in the mind too much, it affects our confidence. This book was a breath of fresh air and I can safely say I will try as many tips as possible from this book and improve my life. You should listen to this. It's going to change your life. If you could sum up Self-Esteem: Fast Proven Treatment for Recovery from Low Self-Esteem in three words, what would they be? What does Heather Tuya bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book? It was very down-to-earth narration. Simple language, very clear and easy to understand. It also deals with life issues that everyone can relate to. There were some signs of self-esteem issues that even confident people like me miss and attribute to something else. I now take note of these signs better after I read the book. Setting realistic goals and not keeping up with the person next door. Trying not to focus on things I have no control over and accepting the results regardless as far as I know I did the best I could. It was a surprisingly good read for people who do not believe they have any self-esteem. Once you read the first few chapters and go through the exercises, you would see that there are a lot of areas of your life you can improve. Trying too hard to please people can be interpreted as being a hard worker whereas it could mask a deep-rooted insufficiency and need to be loved. The book went through the chapter, steadily providing cause and effect as well as solutions. when they fail to close a client, you’d think it was their fault whereas the person might just not be ready for a change of vendor at that time. I think this book would come handy during our team building activities. There are many self-development exercises to pick from that will make a difference in their lives. What does Rachel Austin bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book? This is my first listen of a Rachel Austin narration. I liked the flow, the conversational tone made it easy for me to listen for long periods. The information is presented in a down-to-earth manner. Rachel Austin delivered a professional and engaging effort that kept the conversation fresh. Her audio cues were also on-point. The book has made me more interested in going out. I am also less inclined to ignore phone calls in lieu of messages. I think over time, it had become very easy for me to hide behind text messages and emails especially with family because I didn’t get along too well with my siblings. Now I try my best to talk more and text less. I am still getting the hang of talking to strangers but at least now I’m less likely to brush off an advance from someone new. There might yet be hope for my love life! The author also talked about issues that were very personal to me. Being a person of above average intelligence, I’ve always had problems reading social cues and wondered why conversations seem to do on the downtrend once I get involved. Eventually I began to consciously avoid group discussions except at work where it is unavoidable. One change I made to the way I talk to people was to reduce the way I critiqued their ideas and inadvertently correct people’s grammar and language. I also tried to minimize gesticulations and body language that may indicate irritations. I was so surprised at the results these seemingly little changes brought about to my conversations at work and at home. I’m being giving more time during group sessions and I don’t see the smirks I used to get from my colleagues when I talked or tried to get a message across. This has made me feel more confident and less apprehensive about team sessions. I also noticed it’s easier for me to hold confrontational discussions with my boss without either of us flaring up. I also try to make eye contact more lately than before and at least I now understand that I glared in the past which made people feel like I was judging them, making them defensive. What I liked the most about this book is that I can see that my relationship with others and my conversations have greatly improved. I now look forward to meetings and people smile at me more than before which is a very good feeling that I find that I enjoy a lot. It makes me feel more confident and I owe that to the book. I would gladly recommend this book to everyone. It was a very interesting read for those seeking to improve themselves, great tips for work, family life and even dating and relationships.
The Lutheran Hour, which began in 1930, is the world's oldest Gospel radio program. This weekly half-hour program, airs weekly on more than 1,800 radio stations and the American Forces Network. Click here to listen to this week's program!
I am so excited for tonight. We are having college and career at our place, and it being St. Patrick's day I have some pretty sweet plans. Not that St. Patt's day is extra special or meaningful or anything to me, but I like to have fun! Everything we are going to eat tonight is going to be green. EVERYTHING! I think I am even going to go get green napkins and cups and plates after work, if the dollar store is still open. I was goingpost what kind of food I am making, but I don't want to ruin the suprise for everyone today so I changed my mind. Tomorrow I shall let everyone know what it was and how everyone liked it! Make sure you post pics too...would love to see ALL the green...we sure need some of it this time of year! Sounds like it's going to be a great time! Really, really wish I could be there!!! I want to hear all the details later, OK? I just have to say the green ood Lindsey made was AWESOME!! We had green cake, green cookies, green drinks, green veggies, and green dip all on green plates and in green cups, with green straws! Plus there were very few of us so we got to enjoy LOTS of green food1 YUMMY!
The largest urban bat colony in North America roosts beneath the Congress Avenue Bridge in the heart of Austin, Texas. More than 1.5 million bats reside under the bridge in the summer. We asked one of the area’s leading experts about some of the common misconceptions surrounding the species.