Ian has over 20 years’ experience in the ICT sector and, has led organisations with more than 300 people, delivering products and outcomes that have impacted hundreds of millions of people globally. He has held senior management roles in Europe and Australia as Director for Radio Access Performance at Nokia, Global Head of Sales Partnering (network software) at Nokia Siemens Networks, and then Divisional Chief and Flagship Director at CSIRO. Ian is considered a thought leader in the area of the Digital Economy and is a regular speaker on “Big Data”, broadband enabled services and the impact of technology on society. He has contributed to 6 books and co-authored more than 120 papers which have been cited more than 3200 times. Ian has an MBA from the University of London and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mobile Telecommunications from Sydney University. Ian is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, a Senior Member of the Australian Computer Society, and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Wherever we are collecting these above information, we may provide a link to this terms and conditions. Fix91 will store the information collected in our database and will be maintained by our officials. The Services may use such information and pool it with other information on an anonymised and generalised basis to track, for example, the total number of users of our Services, the number of visitors to each page of our Site and the domain names of our visitors' Internet service providers. It is important to note that no Personal Data is available or used in this process. To provide you information about our products, packages, services that we offer and which we feel that may help you.
Google's contest offering ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations in the US set off a pandemonium of municipalities seeking to be chosen. The desire for better internet access is strong throughout the country, as the US lags behind many other parts of the word in broadband access. Google’s contest offering ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations in the US set off a pandemonium of municipalities seeking to be chosen. The desire for better internet access is strong throughout the country, as the US lags behind many other parts of the word in broadband access. We discuss the digital divide, why it matters, and plans to increase broadband access, this hour with technology advocate and fellow WEAA host Mario Armstrong, former Mayor of Atlanta and Senior Advisor to the Alliance for Digital Equality Shirley Franklin, and Campaign Director for Free Press Tim Karr.
Join us at MacTech Pro Washington DC About the Event Date: May 2, 2018 Time: All Day. See Detailed Schedule. Registration at 8:30am Sessions start at 9am. Day ends by 6pm. Location: Westin Alexandria Sessions Chair: Will O’Neal The post MacTech Pro Washington, D.C. Copy appeared first on MacTech.com.
Vigilance Required: Yearbook advisers Donald Watson and Stephen Arnold of Prince George's County, Md., accepted 10-day suspensions and agreed to publicly apologize for failing to catch racist and sexist remarks written in code in their school annuals. Tenure Rights: A federal judge has struck down a Florida law that allowed school districts to strip teachers of tenure after their 70th birthdays. U.S. District Judge William Castagna ruled that the Pinellas County school board discriminated against Salvatore Maffei, a 73-year-old vocational-education instructor, when it revoked his tenure. Church And State: Another federal judge, this one in New York, has ordered the Schuylerville Central School District to remove a student painting of a crucified Jesus that has been hanging in a high school auditorium for 25 years because it violates the constitutional separation between church and state. The state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit on behalf of two parents who said they felt "discomfort'' whenever they entered the auditorium and saw the 12-foot-by-6-foot painting. Wedding-Bell Blues: Several members of the Detroit school board have come under fire for allowing Scott, Foresman & Company, an Illinois textbook publisher, to cover many of their expenses during a business visit to Chicago that included the wedding of one of the board members to a company employee. L.A. Violence: The number of students attacked with deadly weapons in Los Angeles Unified School District buildings surged 36 percent during the last school year, from 278 in 1988-89 to 379. The number of guns found on school grounds last year totaled 354, up 29 percent over the previous year. On the positive side, serious assaults on school employees decreased 11 percent over the same period. Independent Schools Gain: Despite a slight decrease in the number of school-age children in the United States in the 1980s, the enrollment in private independent schools rose 2.2 percent, from 305,144 in 1981-82 to 311,948 in 1989-90.
The end our lease was looming and the hunt for a new location was on. Quite by chance, but mainly by Gods design, Colin drove past a house on Marshland Road with a 'for sale sign' newly posted. One thing led to another and soon the house was his. Pencils poised over plans and eraser handy, minds pouring out ideas the collation of these sessions saw the dawn of the new clinic. Enter Cloud 9 construction crew. First came destruction then the resurrection. Precision and care brought forth our cheerful, light and spacious practice. Friday May 23rd 2014, Moving day - mayhem and chaos in the form of sawdust, paint and people was the order of the day. Our dental equipment lay basking in the sun while the finishing touches were applied and dental chair moved to its position. As each item found its home a sense of order and completion was visible. Sunday afternoon final polish and opening celebration, now all ready for business Monday.
We are a group of mothers that are worried about the well-being of our children. We have witnessed the growing number of children as young as four years of age who do not know the true value of nutrition. And because of this, many parents are wondering why their children are not growing healthy. It is important for children to learn about what is healthy and what is not. As early as parents can, the children must be taught the habit of eating the right food that will make them stronger each day. And this site’s main purpose is to share to everyone, especially parents, on how they can instill proper eating habits to their children. Losing hair can be a very traumatizing experience. However, bad as it may be me, nothing can be as terrifying as noticing your kid losing hair. But did you know that your kid’s hair loss might just be the result of using the wrong kind of shampoo? Picking the most suitable shampoo is probably one of the best things you could do for your child. Nonetheless, choosing that shampoo for hair loss is not always an easy task, given how many shampoos and hair types, there are out there. This guide shows you how to do it. Strength – If your kid is losing hair, you should check to ascertain the strength of their hair. Oily hair works best with a mild shampoo. Since oily hair needs to be washed often to get that oily glow and shine, having a shampoo that is too harsh may be the reason for the hair loss. pH balance – Get a shampoo that is not only mild on the hair but also one that is not too acidic as acidic hair strips away the oil and makes the hair brittle. Normal hair: If you have determined that your child has normal hair yet is still losing a lot of hair, then maybe you need to go the root of the problem, the scalp. Many children will lose hair if their scalp is irritated by their shampoo. Scalp issues can often be treated by going for tea tree oil medicated shampoos. These are typically mild shampoos, which will reduce or even completely eliminate scalp irritation to stop the hair loss. For kids with dry hair, a moisturizing shampoo is what you need to go for. Get a shampoo that contains a lot of moisture and combined with frequent washing you may just get rid of the hair loss. Avoid harsh shampoos or any with a lot of chemicals as these may dry out the hair and scalp even further. Curly Hair Kids look good in curly hair, but naturally curly hair is also one of the hardest to maintain, leading to hair loss. For this kind of hair, what you need is a moisturizing shampoo with a lot of deep root conditioning ingredients. What you are looking for in these shampoos are ingredients that contain a lot of protein content. If your kid is losing hair the first stop should be the scalp. You can treat the hair all you want but if you do not balance it with the scalp, you will not solve anything. Determine the type of scalp on your child whether dry or oily and then find a shampoo that is suitable for both their hair and scalp type. Sometimes we may be tempted to use the same shampoo for our own hair on our kids. This is a huge mistake as what works for you may not necessarily work for the child. You need to determine the pH level of your kid’s hair and their scalp before you put them on a shampoo regimen. Brittle and weak hair oftentimes results from higher pH levels in the shampoos that typically result in weakened hair follicles. Try out a few different shampoos while checking the acidity levels until you find one that is a good fit for the child. Since you are using these shampoos on children, you may have to use them more often as children are more active. Given frequent use, go for weaker and lighter shampoos whose effect lasts for a shorter period. Shampoos that recommend weekly or biweekly application are stronger and may weaken hair, and hence should not be used on the child. Sometimes hair loss may be as a result of not following the instructions of use of your shampoos. Read and carefully follow all the instructions given by the manufacturer of the shampoo to get desirable results. Some shampoos recommend hot or cold water depending on the type of skin, and only doing as recommended will stop hair loss. If your kid has been losing hair yet you have tried all the touted brands out there, maybe going natural is what you need. Shampoos made of natural products such as jojoba oil, green tea, and Aloe Vera are surprisingly good for both scalp and hair. Other ingredients that have proven great for preventing hair loss include shea butter, soy protein, and egg. Since they are natural, they are not too harsh on the hair and scalp, yet they provide much-needed conditioning and nourishment for the child’s hair. While finding the best shampoo for your child could take some time, the dividends are worth it. Start by determining the type of hair and scalp your child has, determine the type of shampoo that would be most suitable, and then find the brand that works for them. Sometimes you may have to do some trial and error but once you find one that works, it is always better to stick to it. If you follow the steps set out in this guide, it should not be too hard to find a shampoo that works to stop your child’s hair loss. Having a baby is one of the most fulfilling yet challenging part of one’s life. It brings new experiences that are definitely life changing. From learning how to prepare milk and changing diapers to staying up late at night, there’s just too many things to do as a parent. Perhaps one of the most exciting part of being a parent is the time when a baby starts feeding. It just brings out unexplainable joy when you see that adorable little tot munching on their first solid meal. For first time parents, there might be tons of questions lingering in your mind as to what food to give your baby. Fortunately, there are tons of easy and healthy recipes out there that will make your child’s first meal a fun experience for both of you. Made by Real Baby Food, the butternut squash puree is one of the most delightful foods that your baby can eat. It is filled with vitamins that are essential for your growing baby. It can also be prepared within just a few minutes. If you are in a hurry, then the butternut squash puree is one of your best choices. Preheat the oven to 425F. Wash and trim the squash, then halve it lengthwise. Scrape out the seeds with a spoon. Start making a line in a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the halve squash cut-side down on the baking sheet. Roast for at least 40 minutes until cooked. Let it cool and put in a processor. Blend it until smooth enough to be eaten by your baby. If you think it’s too thick, then you can add water. The sweet pea puree made by Real Baby Food, will bring a refreshing taste that your baby will like. A few servings are enough to keep your baby full and energized. The first thing you need to do is to defrost the peas according to its directions on the package. Drain off with at least 1 to 2 tablespoons of water remaining. After that, transfer the peas and water into the blender. Blend until smooth enough for your baby. This recipe made by Real Baby Food can be prepared within a few minutes. It also doesn’t cost a lot, making it a cheap yet healthy snack for your growing baby. Start simmering at least 2 inches of water in a medium pan. After that, place the steamer basket over the water. Add a few apple chunks and cover it. Steam it for at least 12 to 15 minutes and let it cool. Transfer all the apples in the processor or blender. Puree until smooth enough and add water if needed. Made by Real Baby Food, the red lentil puree is a tasty meal that can be enjoyed by your baby. Make sure to make it smooth enough so that your baby can digest it properly. Start boiling water into a medium heat saucepan. Add the lentils and let it simmer until it become tender. Stir it occasionally for at least 12 to 15 minutes. Use a ladle or measuring cup to spoon off and reserve at least ¼ cup of water. Drain it and let it cool. After that, transfer that lentils to a blender and blend until smooth enough to be eaten by your baby. Add the reserved cooking water if desired. The savory beef and broccoli made by the Real Baby Food can make your baby full in just a few spoons. It is also filled with vitamins, thanks to the broccoli. Make sure that you know how much your baby can eat so that you can prepare the right amount. If you want your baby to start eating vegetables, then starting it off with this recipe is the perfect idea. Bring the beef broth to boil in a medium saucepan. Start adding the steak and make sure it is fully covered by the broth. After that, place the florets on top of the steak but do not submerged it. Cover the pan and reduce heat to medium-low. Let it simmer for 15 minutes or until the steak is cooked through and broccoli is tender enough. Let it cool. Start using the blender or the food processor and puree the beef and broccoli until smooth enough to be eaten by your baby. Serve it for at least 2 cups. If it is thick, you can add water. Having a second child is one of the happiest moments in a couples’ lives. However, for the older child, it might be a different story. Things may start to be a bit complicated, especially if the first born used to be the only child in the family. There will be times that the kid might feel the lack of attention once the new baby arrives. In fact, most new parents find this as a big problem. However, there are a lot of things you can do to make your older child feel important the same way as your infant. One of the best ways to do that is by bonding. It’s common knowledge that spending quality time with the family is a good way of making them feel important. It’s inevitable to be so busy when you have a newborn child at home. You will start to lose time on different things in life, especially with your older child. Your older child will start to feel neglected and isolated. This can easily get solved by setting some time aside for your big boy or girl. If you and your older child often play before your infant was born, then try to continue doing it. It is best to bond with your older child when your infant is sleeping or together with your relatives. When you start to feel comfortable with leaving your baby to his/her mother or father, then you can have more time with your older child. Take him/her to a park or go shopping together. Spend quality time and make him/her feel special. This makes your older child thinks that he/she is not alone, and you have a lot of time for him/her. When you and your older child have a natural habit, like playing, exercising or doing different activities together, try to continue doing it as much as possible, even if you have a newborn baby. This will help remove the idea that you have forgotten the older kid. It will also help you build a stronger relationship. If you happen to read books to your older child before the infant was born, then you might want to read a book about new babies. It helps them understand that having a baby is a fun experience for the whole family. It will also help them grasp the idea that they should take care of their younger sibling. Try to answer your kid’s questions as much as possible and make a way for him/her to like the newest addition to the family. This is one of the best solutions when you are difficulties on taking care of your newborn baby and your older child. Letting your older child take care of the baby will create a stronger relationship for them. Your growing child might also end up volunteering to take care of your newborn child throughout the day. The arrival of your newborn baby is like a threat to your older child. It will make your older child feel like he/she is not the only child in the family anymore. It’s also possible that the kid will think that the toys or things that was given to him/her will now be transferred to the newborn baby. When these things start to happen, do not scold your child. It will only make things worse. As much as possible, try to talk to your older child like the way you used to, even before the arrival of the baby. It is also best to instill the idea that your older child is your first-born. It will give the idea that they are special and remove any fear of being replaced. Always remember that older kids need more understanding, especially with newborn baby in the family. As much as possible, keep your kid by your side while taking care of the baby. It is the best way to bond with your growing family. Pool time is a fun activity where you jump in the cool water to release the heat or for leisure exercising. It’s even a great way to get your kids moving and out of that sofa and away from gadgets. However, this does not change the fact that a pool can become a scary and horrifying place if you don’t pay enough attention to the danger it can pose. It is parents’ job to protect their children from imminent dangers and although pools are fun places to spend the summer, there are rules to be followed. You don’t know the extent to which these “don’ts” can protect your child now and in the future. You see that accidents are one of the biggest children killer. It ranges from accidents on the street, playgrounds, home, school and of course, the pool. What kind of accidents can happen in a pool? Drowning, slipping, falling. Drowning is one of the biggest issue and parents are sometimes late in realizing this. It also happens to be the 2nd biggest accident that kills children according to KidsHealth. The difference between adults and children when experiencing drowning is that kids aren’t used to the condition and when panic strikes, they are unable to stay calm and due to their small body size, it’s hard for people to notice. If you have your own pool, it’s good to write this up in a Word document and print it out in big size and stick it there. Even if you only have a mini pool, these rules and Don’ts are still important and vital. Especially on their first trip to a pool, never let them jump in right after they change their clothes. Teach them to always stick to certain rules and guides before swimming. They might not even understand why they had to (which they will later when they are older). If they feel uncomfortable, do not falter. There’s also the fact that shallow water is not meant for diving. Although some kids will enjoy jumping in, encourage them to enter the pool in a mannerly way. If they want to jump, always jump with feet first. Community pools typically have depth markers. This is a marker to tell you the depth of the pool and it is good that you pay attention to this. Depending on the location, sometimes they split the pool into two sections: one kiddy pool and another for the adults. On the other hand, some mix the pool and the depth will slide down from the shallowest to the deepest. At this kind of pool, always warn your kids to never go beyond a certain point. You can do this by telling them to only swim where they can stand or not to go beyond a certain mark that is visible, such as decoration or light. Drowning accidents can be quickly prevented if adults are attentive enough to realize this issue soon. What happens a lot, as we see on the internet, on the news and newspapers, are parents who are too busy chatting, playing with their gadgets or even leaving the site for a moment’s break. It takes only a moment’s break to turn a fun activity into a deadly one. Do not teach your children to panic when their face is totally dipped in the water. Instead, have a fun, underwater activity, such as holding your breath, to get them used to the condition so as to reduce panic when they are drowning. Calm victims are always easier to save and they survive longer. Can babies learn to swim? Yes! Studies and even an actual proof of a baby trained to save herself from drowning is a big eye-opener. A mother who trained her baby girl to protect herself from drowning was once heartbroken when her baby boy drowned in the lake behind her home, reported by Parenting. If your kids love to go to the pool, it won’t hurt to give them lessons on swimming and even self-protection in water. This way, wherever they play with water, whether it’s a lake, the beach or a pool, they’ll at least have smaller chances of drowning. Compared to being oblivious of the danger of water, this is a better step to take. If your babies and children are still unable to swim, having them wear jackets and floats around their arms. Boards, floatation devices and wings are not safety measures. They create a wrong sense of safety. Although it is rare, there have been several cases of children injured and killed by this. Parenting has an article on Abbey, an 8-year-old girl suffered from disembowelment and passed away 9 months later after a series of internal organs transplantation, due to entanglements with a suction drain. It isn’t enough to tell your kids to eat the veggies on their plate. If you don’t explain it to them what they are for, they will just brush it off and eat what is most visually appealing to them. As a parent, it is your responsibility to know which nutrients your children needs and the amounts of it. The nutrition for children is based on similar principles as the nutrition designed for adults. Each person needs the same kind of nutrients, such as carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fats, and protein. When it comes to children’s diet, the amount they need to take in of those above is different between ages. At this point, you’ve got to ask what the best formula that will fuel your kid’s development and growth is? Below are some nutrition basics both for boys and girls of varying ages. Keep in mind that they are based on the diet for Americans. This means that it will be your responsibility in adjusting your child’s nutrition depending on where you live.  Fruits – Encourage your kid to eat different fruits daily. It doesn’t have to be fresh all the time. It should be varied from fresh, dried or canned fruits. As much as possible, avoid feeding them fruit juices. If you want to let them drink fruit juice, make sure they are made fresh from the fruit. This means that it is 100 percent juice and that there are no added sugars. Make sure you limit the servings, too. Find a canned fruit that says it is packed with its juice or has light juice. This means that it has low sugar content. Take note that one-fourth cup of dried fruit is equivalent to one cup of fruit. When they are consumed excessively, they can transform into added calories.  Protein – go for lean meat, poultry, seafood, beans, eggs, peas, soy products, seeds and unsalted nuts.  Grains – go for whole grains like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, quinoa, popcorn, wild rice, or brown rice. Limit your child’s intake with grains such as white bread, rice, and pasta.  Vegetables – Serve your child a variety of frozen, dried, canned or fresh vegetables. Your main aim here is to give them a variety of vegetables, like orange, red and dark green peas and beans, starchy and many others every week. When you choose frozen or canned vegetables, go for those with low sodium content.  Dairy – Encourage your kid to drink and eat low-fat or fat-free dairies such as cheese, yogurt, milk or fortified soy drinks.  Trans and saturated fats – limit the intake of saturated fats. These are fats coming from animal sources such as full-fat dairy products, poultry, and red meat. Find ways or alternatives to saturated fats with nut and vegetable oils, which give vitamin E and essential fatty acids. The healthier fats are present naturally in seafood, avocados, nuts, and olives. Limit the number of trans fats by avoiding those that contain hydrogenated oil. If you are confused as to how much is the amount that you should give your kid in every food suggested above, there are dedicated websites that provide information on the right amount children should get in every meal. But the best source is the nutritionists since every person has their own needs when it comes to proper nutrition. Have you seen children these days, especially the ones living in the cities? They’ve grown so accustomed to eating instant and fast food that they do not have any awareness about the food that they eat. The bad thing about this is that the useless “benefits” that these instant foods, fast foods, and processed foods promises are not going to help the children grow up. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children how to eat healthily. This can be quite a challenge, but it is worth it when teaching to the children and make it into a habit as they grow up.
This skills focuses on the development of a clear understanding of the synthesis of organic chemical compounds. It is important for the students to learn how to convert their theoretical knowledge on chemical reactivity to actual design and execution of synthetic chemical reactions. Typical topics, which will be covered in this skills training are: • Safe handling of organic reagents and safe execution of organic experiments. • Commonly used organic synthetic laboratory techniques. • Synthetic chemistry of various organic reaction types (e.g. nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations, electrophilic reactions and radical chemistry). • Stereochemistry in organic synthesis. • Purifications and separations in chemistry. • Spectroscopy and characterization of organic compounds. • To be able to perform organic synthetic experiments in a structured and safe manner. • To understand specific separation and purification techniques commonly used in organic chemistry. • To gain a practical understanding of the impact of the choice of reagents, solvents and conditions on the outcome of an organic reaction. • To gain further skills in scientific research reporting. • Practical laboratory instructions. • For students intending on continuing and specializing in organic chemistry, a practical book, such as “Multiscale Operational Organic Chemistry” by John W. Lehman (Pearson, 2nd edition, 2009) may be interesting.
If your down payment on a home is less than 20%, you will have to pay for mortgage insurance. Your lender must automatically cancel PMI when your outstanding loan balance drops to 78% of the home’s original value. This probably will take several years.
Mark Lorello of Budd Lake, NJ won the male masters division. Tracey Wade, Dalton, GA won the female masters division. Sergio Bianchini, Chattanooga, TN. won the male grand masters division. Susan Gallo, Chattanooga, TN won the female grand masters division. This year marks the 43rd running of the Chattanooga Chase, one of the oldest races in the area. The event had 196 participants completing the 8k. The event also featured a 1 mile fun run and walk.
Africa is home to between 450,000 to 500,000 elephants, but more than 30,000 are killed every year on the continent mainly to satisfy demand for ivory in Asia, where tusks sell for around $1,000 a kilo. DR Congo’s Virunga National Park, covering 7,800 km² along a swathe of eastern DR Congo abutting the border with Uganda and Rwanda, is also one of the world’s most important conservation sites. Established in 1925, it is home to about a quarter of the world’s population of critically endangered mountain gorillas, as well as to eastern lowland gorillas, chimpanzees, okapis, lions, elephants and hippos.
The predator-prey relationship is an ancient tale, and in Isle Royale National Park, on an island far from shore in Lake Superior, scientists have watched wolves hunt moose for over five decades, in the longest such study in the world. But as Michigan Technological University ecologist, Rolf Peterson, the study leader tells host Steve Curwood, the predator population is now tiny, jeopardizing the study. CURWOOD: Now Doug Smith was telling Jennifer that his first close encounter with a wolf was on Isle Royale, an isolated island in Lake Superior, where wolves have been closely studied. Indeed, scientists have followed the wolves and the moose they prey on at Isle Royale National Park for over five decades, the longest study of its kind in the world. But now the study is threatened by the dwindling number of predators, and the wolves could be gone as early as next year. One of the study leaders, Rolf Peterson, is an ecologist at Michigan Technological University, and he joins us to explain what is happening. Welcome back to Living on Earth! CURWOOD: Isle Royale is an island, so how do wolves and moose get there? PETERSON: The present moose population became established over 100 years ago, probably by an individual swimming from the mainland 15 to 20 miles away. Lake Superior is so cold that only a very large animal like a moose could survive the cold water. Wolves came about 50 years later, in probably the late 1940s and they would've come across the ice in the winter. CURWOOD: Now, Rolf, you been observing this interaction between the wolf and the moose for decades now. What did the wolf-moose relationship look like back when the project started? PETERSON: Well in 1958 when the project began, no one had any idea what was going happen at Isle Royale. Some people thought quite seriously that the wolves would kill off all the moose and then start in on people, and what initially seemed to be the case was that there was some sort of static balance between wolves and moose. But after 15 years or more it's quite clear that the wolf-moose system, the predator-prey relationship, is very dynamic and these populations are in motion all the time. Actually now we realize that the whole system is driven by fairly rare events that are relatively unpredictable, for example, new genetic renewal. CURWOOD: A wolf makes it over from the mainland and changes the genetic pool? PETERSON: Yeah, a wolf wanders over from mainland and becomes a breeding individual on the island and we have one very good example of that that began in 1997. His genes quickly went through the whole population and fundamentally changed the wolf-moose vegetation dynamics. The wolf population was rejuvenated rather spectacularly and then amazingly the wolves killed moose at a higher rate than we've ever seen before, and they were just better at preying on moose. And that led to an extended number of years when moose were at a low level and that resulted in a major release of vegetation that the moose typically eat. So it was a three-level response. CURWOOD: Now, what other factors can change that balance between the wolf and the moose. PETERSON: Well, we've seen certainly that new disease in the wolf fundamentally changes everything. In 1981, a mutant virus called Canine Parvovirus got to Isle Royale and the wolf population crashed and then the immigrant in 1997 resolved that. You sort have to look at the system as a historian would look at it and realize it's just one big event after another. CURWOOD: But how did you track this predator-prey interaction over the years and its effects on the rest of the Isle Royale ecosystem? PETERSON: Each winter since 1959 there's been a small airplane at Isle Royale for up to seven weeks and all the wolves are counted. The moose are sampled and censused counting about 15 to 20 percent of the island. That gives us basically moose-wolf numbers every year. Vegetation has been a harder thing to track. Actually we've had some luck tracking back in time looking at tree rings. And wolves, although they feed primarily on moose, there's a secondary prey species, the beaver, and the beavers are a great animal engineer who totally renovates habitats by flooding them and creating lakes so as wolves prey on beaver, so goes the beaver activities. CURWOOD: Now, tell me, today about how many moose and how many wolves are on the island and what does the interaction look like right now? PETERSON: Well, in 2015 we just wrapped up our studies a few weeks ago and there were three wolves, which is the lowest we've ever seen it and the moose are increasing pretty quickly. They stand at 1,250 animals right now and have doubled in the last four years. CURWOOD: And what's been the high of the wolf population there? PETERSON: Oh, we've had as many as 50 wolves in 1980 and the average is 20 to 30, roughly two dozen wolves. CURWOOD: So why are there so few wolves there? PETERSON: That's a product of close inbreeding. After the arrival of this new wolf in 1997 while things were really good for a while, eventually his genes were so successful that everybody was finally a descendent of his. CURWOOD: So how does the current population show its inbreeding? PETERSON: The most obvious sign of inbreeding is the fact that they have spinal abnormalities. That means extra vertebrae or asymmetrical vertebrae. It started off low, a few percentage in 1994 that has risen to the point were 100 percent of the wolves had spinal abnormalities. CURWOOD: With a warmer world, less often there's an ice bridge, so less often as a chance for some fresh wolf DNA to make it on an ice bridge over there. How accurate is that picture do you think? PETERSON: That's pretty accurate. Back in the ’60s, when observations were first being made of wolves and moose, ice would be the typical situation in winter. You'd have an ice bridge four years out of five. Now it's more like one year out of 10. CURWOOD: Well, at just three wolves, how sustainable is this population, do you think? PETERSON: Well, given the genetic makeup of the current three that are left, I wouldn't give it a chance at all of survival. Without new genetic material, I'd say it's a doomed population. I'd recommended the last four years to do a genetic rescue, in other words, drop a couple wolves off from the mainland that would breed with the resident wolves. That should lead to a masking of deleterious or ‘bad’ genes, we could call them. At this point now in 2015 with only three wolves left the opportunities to do a genetic rescue are mostly gone. CURWOOD: So what's the future of this longest predator-prey study in the world right now? PETERSON: Well, the predator-prey study could become just a prey study and that loses a lot of its significance. CURWOOD: Rolf Peterson is an Ecologist at Michigan Technological University and one of the wolf-moose project leaders at Isle Royal. Thank you so much, Rolf. PETERSON: Thanks, Steve, it's been great to talk with you again.
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Spike TV sent a press release today with its January TV highlights. TNA will have a one-hour special on Thursday, Jan. 17 entitled "TNA Wrestling: Global Impact". The show will air at 11:00 p.m. EST following Impact. Replay of the Global Impact show will air on Friday, Jan. 18 at 9:00 p.m. EST and Saturday, Jan. 19 at 2:00 p.m. EST. The show will feature matches involving TNA wrestlers at New Japan's Tokyo Dome show on January 4. They key match noted in the press release is Kurt Angle defending his version of the IWGP Title against Yuji Nagata. Spike TV also announced they will begin airing select shows in High Definition starting January 1, but the press release does not indicate Impact will be in HD.
Meetings are scheduled at 6:00PM on the second Tuesday of each month at 216 Metro Drive in Aspen Springs Unit #5. Just turn left off of Highway 160 at the Turkey Springs Trading Post and cross the bridge on Hurt Drive. Follow Hurt Drive to the top of the hill and turn left on Ute Drive. The second right turn will be Metro Drive. We are located at the end of Metro Drive. Total distance from Highway 160 is about 1 1/4 miles. Meeting notices are posted at the Buttercup Water Depot, the District Shop, and the bus kiosk on Hurt Drive. Applications to request permanent mail-in voter status may be obtained from and returned to the Archuleta County Clerk and Recorder or online from the Secretary of State. Pursuant to 24-6-402(2), C.R.S., notice is hereby given to the members of the Board of Directors Aspen Springs Metropolitan District and to the general public that the Board of Directors Aspen Springs Metropolitan District will hold monthly meetings, open to the public, on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at the Metropolitan District building located on Metro Drive in Unit 5 Aspen Springs Subdivision. If you are unable to view the Transparency Notice below please contact the website manager at info@aspenspringsmetro.org for an alternate file type view this notice on line with the Colorado Special Districts Association at SDACO.org . Thank You. Please click below for links to MSDS reports for both magnesium chloride which is used to help stabilize our roads and reduce dust and the herbicide which the state requires we use to spray to reduce noxious weeds. Warning: Large file may take a while to load. The District's Road Crews will be spraying the roadsides with herbicide for weed control this Spring. Please refer to the Herbicide MSDS below for more information.
2009-12-19T09:59:45-05:00https://images.c-span.org/Files/861/290810-m.jpgSenator Ben Nelson talked about his provisional agreement to the health care legislation on the floor of the Senate. He responded to questions from reporters. Senator Ben Nelson talked about his provisional agreement to the health care legislation on the floor of the Senate. He responded to questions from reporters. Senator Chris Dodd spoke on health care legislation. Senator Nelson talked about passage of a health care reform bill in the Senate. Senators spoke about health care reform legislation. Senator Nelson spoke on amendments to the health care reform.
This is what we call “A Capella” in case people din know what it means. All pure vocals, instruments are sang out instead of played. First days we shop around KK town, buy supplies and equipments etc. Went to pulau pulau, 晒到 red red shy shy haha. I’ll be sharing some photos I took, but not all. You can find more in my multiply. I think I’m quite good in photo shooting. Sunset gotten from the seaport after returning from pulau pulau visiting. Oh ya, we went to pulau pulau snorkelling. One day before climbing, we went to KK park, look see look see along the way. At first we didn’t even notice, but after someone pointed it out, so damn shocked and impressed. So that’s the highest peak huh~ Our target of this trip. See the peak above the cloud? It’s near the center of the photo. The mountain climbing team. Our team. Please be advice that due to dry season and current low water pressure, we experiencing water shortage for that reason. NOT during the middle of the mountain. What if people saw this when they are “near-death”? he has a GPS with him. He said the actual reading is much further than the 8km. So… the 5km there, we may actually climbed 8km liao. We didn’t climb up to the peak in one day. We climb halfway, and sleep on the mid-mountain, Raban Rata. Damn cold, I can’t even sleep well. Received a call from baobei in the middle of the night. I though I already told you my battery’s flat, and can’t sms you these days. Next day… well, it’s 2am in the morning. I didn’t sleep, so doesn’t have to problem of waking up. These last few kilometers are very very tough. Dark, steep, and most challenging is the temperature. Failed to reach the peak before sunrise… So I’ll have to watch the sunrise in the middle. People are climbing down, I’m still climbing up. But not as tiring though. The top part of mt. kk. It was damn cold before, but after sunrise there become very hot. No grass no trees, only rocks. One of the hardest part. We have to climb over this kind of ledge, for about 1km.
This paper proposes an adaptive motion mode selection method in H.264 frame skipping transcoding. In order to reduce the high complexity arising from variable block sizes in H.264, the proposed method exploits original motion information from incoming bitstreams. In addition, the paper also adopts Forward Dominant Vector Selection approach in MV composition of H.264 transcoding, in comparison with Bilinear Interpolation method. The simulation results show that the proposed method achieves good trade-off between computational complexity and video quality.
Captain Eric Thomas has been fishing the waters in and around Newport for all of his adult life. He has been guiding clients from shore and boat for the past 15 years. His culmination of time on the water and at the fly tying vise is evident in the details of his commercially tied locally favorite patterns. I started fishing with my father as a youngster for sunfish in a local pond. Fishing was fun then and is still fun now. I pride myself on being able to teach anyone to fish; I can say this because I been in education all of my adult life. Education is a passion in my life, whether I ‘m in front of a class or on the boat with clients, I am always teaching something. Along with catching tons of fish, one of the goals of my guided charters is to teach the client something that he or she might be able to use where they fish. The lesson might be a new knot, a fly tying technique, or an in-depth discussion on why I positioned the boat for a particular drift. The number one goal of course, is to have fun. Teezer-V: Our Hydra Sports Vector 2796- boat has been set up for Big Game fishing for groups or families to provide clients with a secure and efficient fishing platform. Full refunds will be given if we are notified no later than 7 days in advance. The captain reserves the right to cancel trips if weather poses any type of safety risk in his opinion. If weather is unfavorable, we will try to discuss options 24 hours in advance whenever possible.
Vintage Teacup with just the perfect slogan. Food safe please hand wash. This is a handmade item and patterns will vary.
For the most common form of heart irregularity, atrial fibrillation, new anticoagulants have been developed that are better than the traditional Coumadin. A study by US cardiologists showed that people with higher cardiovascular fitness can have up to 500% greater chances of having a longer life than people who do not exercise. Is coconut oil really “pure poison”? In a short time, coconut oil changed from a superfood to a dietary villain. It is not a poison, but it does not have many health benefits. Smoking a hookah can be more harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system than ordinary cigarettes. A typical session of 1 hour of hookah involves inhaling 100-200 times the volume of smoke inhaled with a single cigarette. A study presented at the Annual International Conference of the Alzheimer’s Association showed that more aggressive treatment of hypertension significantly reduced the risk of “mild cognitive impairment,” a condition that usually leads to dementia over time. Current health guidelines state that to significantly reduce the risk of premature death and many chronic diseases, we need at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous exercise. Here is the best way to divide that time. Even when consumed by healthy people, energy drinks can lead to heart rhythm disturbances and elevated blood pressure. A study from the Mayo Clinic showed the best exercise to rejuvenate aging muscles is HIIT—High Intensity Interval Training.
Having spent the morning enjoying a second landing in front of the glacier, Tunabreen, we all got back on board the ship ready to head north. Unfortunately the weather was not in our favour with strong winds preventing us from making our journey north. With our plans scuppered the crew instead sought out a location for us to make land for the afternoon. We were boat bound for a good couple of hours across the middle of the day as we sailed in search of a location to make a landing. My fellow explorers Ellis O’Connor and Janette Kerr, both landscape painters, set themselves up with a makeshift ‘studio’ on the deck of the ship. They set about vigorously recording the passing landscapes with charcoal, pencil, and watercolours amongst other things. The geology of the mountains that we sailed past was astonishing. The layers of rock were so clear and distinct. The mountains looked magnificent as the clouds enveloped them as in the photograph at the top of the page. The clouds and the light around Svalbard were constantly changing – you could look at the same mountain for half an hour and catch sight of it in 30 different states! Eventually, late in the afternoon, we dropped anchor at a location called Gipsvika (above) from where we caught sight of some Svalbard reindeer traipsing across the landscape. From here we were able to make land at Gipshukodden. It was a fairly barren location . There was lots of flotsam and jetsam along the pebbled beach at which we landed providing some useful materials for some of the other artists with us. They took their pick of the rubbish and we did our best to clean up what we could of the rest. I wandered up the hill to where one of our guides was standing guard. At this spot were the remnants of a trap left by hunters. She estimated that it could have been as old as 100 years. With the temperatures being so cold throughout the most of the year the wood is, for the most part, frozen and so doesn’t suffer from decay! From the way in which our guide described how it worked, this otherwise innocuous collection of wood and stone would have been a rather brutal animal trap!