Experian, the global information services company, today announced the appointment of Paul Rout as Commercial Director for their Collections Bureau and National Property Database. In his new role, Paul will be responsible for the development and overall strategic direction of Experian’s Collections Bureau, a new service which will be launched later this year with the aim of improving data accuracy in the collections marketplace. Paul’s key focus will be to bring data sources together to help organisations adhere to changing Office of Fair Trading (OFT) debt collection guidelines, consolidate customer contact and minimise stress of the customer. Experian’s industry wide solution will ensure that the most recent and appropriate information about a debtor is used with a goal to increase efficiency, improve customer relationships and increase data accuracy in debt collection practices. Paul’s primary expertise is focused on Strategic and Operational Marketing, Credit Risk and Customer Relationship Management, gained in a variety of industry and consulting roles, including Bank of Scotland, AMP, Accenture and PA Consulting Group. Paul previously spent five years as a product director at Experian where he played an instrumental role in developing and implementing customer and marketing strategy as well as driving forward product and proposition development.
In the current market there is no such thing as a "job for life" and the only thing we can be certain of is change. We understand it is difficult to manage the process of downsizing teams, departments and at times the business as a whole. During this process it is important you consider your "employer brand" and the reputation of your business as an employer in the market. When employees are being made redundant the majority will find new roles in similar businesses and sometimes your competitors. In order for your company to retain a good name as an employer you will need to manage this process in a sensitive and comprehensive manner by offering support to employees leaving the business. This will ensure employees know everything has been done to offer them support during this process and will also have a positive impact on the morale of remaining employees. If there are a number of employees being made redundant a Radley Green consultant can visit your offices and offer advice in a group format. If the number is relatively small then we can contact your employees individually and offer this support on a one to one basis. Advice for preparing and writing a CV. Advice on how to prepare for and start a job search. Provide up to date information on the current market. Provide information regarding the latest relevant vacancies available with Radley Green. Once registered as a candidate Radley Green can approach potential employers on behalf of employees being made redundant. To find out more information on our Outplacement service please do not hesitate to contact us.
When one partner in a couple is infected with HIV and the other is not, treatment with antiretroviral drugs can dramatically lower the chances of the infected partner passing along the disease to his or her mate, a new evidence review finds. Patients with HIV receive a combination of drugs is given as part of antiretroviral therapy (ART) to stop progression of the disease. The new review discovered that when patients with HIV are on ART, their partners had more than a five-fold lower risk of getting the virus than in couples without treatment. In 2009, an estimated 33.3 million people were living with HIV, most in low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). More than 5 million were receiving ART. The Cochrane reviewers evaluated seven studies conducted in foreign countries, including Brazil, China and seven African countries. There were 436 total HIV transmissions from all seven studies—365 transmissions in untreated couples and 71 among ART-treated couples. One study, for instance, evaluated 2,993 couples in Rwanda and Zambia from 2002 to 2008 and found 175 new infections of HIV—only four of which were from partners on ART. This equaled an incidence of 3.4 percent per 100 uninfected partners per year for those whose partners were not taking ART and 0.7 percent for those whose partners were on ART. Another major question the reviewers hoped to answer was, at what CD4 T-cell count could ART be shown to lower the risk of HIV transmission? CD4 cells help the body fight infection. The WHO recommends that all patients begin ART when their CD4 count goes below 350 cells per microliter of blood. Rutherford and his colleagues could not find conclusive evidence to show that beginning treatment at greater than at a CD4 count above 350 stops transmission of the virus. A large randomized trial that might be more definitive is taking place in several African nations and due for completion in 2015. Whether you are prescribed ART depends on where you live, Rutherford said. “In most of the world, ART is not given to asymptomatic patients with greater than 350 CD4 cells per microliter to prevent transmission,” he said. However, in the United States., clinicians frequently start HIV patients on ART with CD4 counts above 350 to prevent some of the chronic changes associated with long-term HIV infection, Rutherford said. Some experts warn, though, that despite the well-documented benefits of ART, access to the drugs in the United States is a major concern. “About half the people living with HIV in the United States have sporadic and irregular access to care and treatment, and the antiretroviral therapy drugs are very costly. We in the United States pay the most of anyone in the world,” said Jim Pickett, director of Prevention Advocacy and Gay Men’s Health at AIDS Foundation of Chicago. Programs to help people gain access to HIV drugs are under strain — with 7,873 people currently on waiting lists in 11 states, for drugs supplied through the federal/state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, according to Pickett.
The difference in the esthetic appearance that is achieved by setting teeth up differently is illustrated by means of four different sample setups of anterior teeth. It's amazing how a different setup of the anterior teeth can change the overall appearance of the dentition, even if the same tooth moulds are used! A slight rotation of the central incisors, for example, will increase their prominence and add a personal touch to the denture – and to its wearer. No denture off the shelf, but one that is as individual as the patients themselves.. Patients are usually very sure of what their dentures should look like. But how should they convey their ideas to their dentist? Words alone are usually not enough – they leave considerable room for misinterpretation, and disappointment is inevitable when the denture is delivered. Demo models with different tooth setups are a very useful tool during patient consultation. They help patients describe in detail what they want. If this information is also passed on to the dental technician, there is a high probability that the final tooth replacement will meet the patient's expectations. The Smile Finder brochure rounds out the assortment. It shows the sample setups mentioned in conjunction with different types of denture teeth on paper. The brochure can be added to the order together with the respective notes or given to the patients to take home with them.
On a lake that is almost like a mirror this morning, two loons swim peacefully over to the west. Are they "our loons"? I don't know. One can only hope. So far I have not seen them come up to the nesting platform. They have been in the area but I have not seen them on it yet. How could they ignore something that is so perfect for them? The thought is but one indication of the "paranoia" that now begins to set in. Will they use it again this year? Or will they find some other place to nest? Or will they nest at all? Will we be able to watch them on cam? The questions are endless and normal. Based on past experience, it is not unusual for them to not spend much time around the nest or on the nest at this stage. In another week or two, they should start to become more interested in finding a place to nest and then actually beginning the process of building a nest. So for now we just watch and wait. There is nothing else we can do. But it is a good sign that there is a pair of loons on the lake. Only time will tell if it is "our loons" and if they will nest.
A “dangerously large” avalanche was trigger by a snowboarder in a closed area within the boundaries of Whitefish Mountain Resort on Thursday. According to a report from the Flathead Avalanche Center, the snowboarder triggered the avalanche in the Haskill Slide area, which was closed due to heightened avalanche danger. The avalanche was large enough to easily bury and kill a person, the center stated. It was triggered at the top of the slope and ran though the trees to the bottom of the black-diamond rated terrain. The incident was called in by the group of people who triggered and witnessed the event about 2:30 p.m., resort spokesperson Riley Polumbus said. The group said no one was caught in the slide, however ski patrol responded and conducted a search using transceivers, spot probing and an avalanche rescue K-9 as a precaution. The search, combined with witness interviews, allowed patrol to call the area clear. According to the avalanche center, large explosives had been used the previous day in the same area in an effort to mitigate the avalanche hazard. Polumbus noted that the Haskill Slide area was closed Wednesday afternoon. Signs were posted at the summit of Big Mountain and in the Haskill area noting the closure. It was also listed on the snow report as closed. A number of areas at the resort were closed Friday due to the continued risk of avalanches, including Hellroaring Basin, all of East Rim, Evan’s Heaven, Moose, Haskill Slide, Movie Land, and Cal’s Country. Polumbus said ski patrol added more closed signs as well as some “redline” rope and a sign at the bottom of Chair 1 warning of the closures. Polumbus said ski patrol continued to monitor the snowpack Friday, even in areas below slopes that could slide. An avalanche warning was issued by the Flathead Avalanche Center through Friday evening for the Fathead Range, Whitefish Range, Swan Range and Glacier National Park. The avalanche danger was rated as considerable rising to high throughout the day as temperatures warmed. Backcountry travel on and below steep slopes was not recommended. Wet slab avalanche can fail in unpredictable ways and entrain surprisingly large amounts of debris, the center warned. South, west, and even north facing slopes have seen recent slide activity. A cool down is expected this weekend, with snow levels falling to around 5,000 feet by Sunday morning.
There are many ways that we have found to honor those who have chosen to serve in our armed forces. Some throw celebrations, such as parades, parties, or other festivities tend to be the typical way of accomplishing this. Others think it better to present them with gifts or objects to show their gratitude for what they have done. This form of appreciation for our country’s brave soldiers can be demonstrated with a plaque or naming of a small local, but one of the best ways of accomplishing this is with an engraved brick. Using an engraved brick to show your gratitude is not only a long-lasting tribute but can also show respect to the branch in which they served. You can include their rank, time of service, and the branch they served. There is an unfortunate aspect of joining the military that no one wants to think about when it comes to soldiers returning home. There are sometimes when soldiers lose their lives in battle, and they come back to their family can have relief. The home community from which these soldiers grew up in can show their appreciation for them by dedicating a statue, structure, or location to them. This can be acknowledged by the inclusion of a memorial brick holding their name and information. With the precision and durability made available from Bricks R Us, you can rest assured that the brick, and therefore this info it holds, will stand the test of time.
A fifth talk has been added to the already great line-up of speakers and talks for the Scottish ViC. Craig Statham, the Maps Reading Room manager at the National Library of Scotland will be helping us to learn about the incredibly vast collection in the NLS holdings. As well, Craig will show us the wonderful resource of the Maps website and talk about how it can enhance our family history research. Craig's talk will take place at 12:00 noon on Saturday January 27th, 2018.
On Friday, December 26th, National Public Radio aired two superbly done pieces of anti-Russia propaganda, which could as well have been written by the U.S. CIA, or by Voice of America, it was so skillfully deceiving. One of these propaganda-pieces, on “Morning Edition,” presented Eleanor Beardsley alleging that the anti-immigrant political parties in Britain and France are anti-U.S. and pro-Russian because they are supposedly all “far right”; and the other piece, on “All Things Considered,” presented Corey Flintoff alleging that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “seized Crimea” (as if he hadn’t actually rescued it) and thereby caused U.S. President Barack Obama and the EU to respond with economic sanctions as punishment for the ‘seizure’ (actually, as we’ll show, rescue). What she was trying to get across is more like the opposite of the truth than the truth, because what Putin and Europe’s anti-immigrant parties actually share is not extreme conservatism (which they don’t share at all; Putin isn’t that) but is instead more like the very opposite of that: they share a rejection of U.S. global supremacy or “hegemony”: they reject the U.S. as having a right to control their country’s policies and destinies – in other words: they reject U.S. imperialism, and this is a rejection that all of them share also with progressives in America, hardly with America’s champions of imperialism, such as are, for example, in the U.S., Bill Kristol’s and Robert Kagan’s Project for a New American Century, which was the actually far-right, Rupert-Murdoch-funded, movement that George W. Bush adhered to, that beat the drums incessantly for his “regime change in Iraq,” and for invading Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Obama was saying there that any nation, such as Russia, which challenges the right of the U.S. Government to determine the appropriate parameters for all other nations’ policies, must be crushed, because the U.S. is superior. By contrast, anti-imperialists argue that no nation possesses any such right of being “world policeman” – the international judge, jury, and executioner – as Obama claims for America. None: not the U.S., not Russia, none at all. This is an extremely different reality from the lie, the PR hoax, that Eleanor Beardsley was selling to listeners on NPR. (2) Gallup polled 500 Crimeans during May 16-30 in 2013, and found that only 15% considered themselves “Ukrainian.” 24% considered themselves “Crimean.” But 40% considered themselves “Russian.” Even before Obama’s February 2014 coup which overthrew the Ukrainian President whom 80% of Crimeans had voted for, the Crimean people overwhelmingly wanted to secede from Ukraine – and, especially now they did, right after the President for whom they had overwhelmingly voted, Viktor Yanukovych, had been overthrown in this extremely bloody coup. Furthermore, in April 2014, Gallup again polled Crimea, and they found that 71.3% of Crimeans viewed as “Mostly positive” the role of Russia there, and 4.0% viewed it as “Mostly negative”; by contrast, only 2.8% viewed the role of the United States there as “Mostly positive,” and a whopping 76.2% viewed it as “Mostly negative.” During the intervening year, Crimeans’ favorability toward America had plunged down to 2.8%, from its year-earlier 6%. Clearly, what Obama had done in Ukraine (his violent coup in Kiev) had antagonized the Crimeans. And, as if that weren’t enough, the 2014 poll provided yet more evidence: “The 500 people that were sampled in Crimea were asked [and this is crucial] ‘Please tell me if you agree or disagree: The results of the referendum on Crimea’s status [whether to rejoin Russia] reflect the views of most people here.’ 82.8% said ‘Agree.’ 6.7% said ‘Disagree.’” In the hearts of the local residents, Crimea was still Russian territory, after an involuntary hiatus of 60 years; and so the Russian Government accepted them back again, into Russia – this was not as Corey Flintoff droned, “Russia’s seizure of Crimea.” It was Russia’s protection of them from the invasion of Ukraine by the United States in a bloody coup. (3) Ever since 1783, Russia’s core national security asset, its Black Sea Fleet, was stationed in Crimea, but Obama’s Ukrainian coup-Government wanted to kick them out (and this is one of the reasons why Obama perpetrated his coup). The aggression here was entirely on the American side. Russia wasn’t responding only in order to protect Crimeans; Russia was especially responding in order to protect its core naval base. The Obama regime overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected leader in February 2014 in a brazen act of military aggression against Russia; and National Public Radio (like so many ‘news’ media) is trying to fool the American public into thinking what the Administration wants them to think: that the aggression is instead by Russia, and is against the rest of the world, so that the already bloated U.S. military should get involved in yet another war, this one that’s now building, against Russia. In closing, the key fact should be mentioned that it is Obama and not Putin who is following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler. The extreme-conservative, at least in foreign policy, is Obama, not Putin. So, Eleanor Beardsley’s falsehood was just about as egregious as can possibly be imagined.
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Description A database showing the location of badger setts. Purpose of data capture To record the location of badger setts to support the national strategy towards eradication of Tuberculosis in cattle in Ireland. Methods of data capture Staff members of the Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, as part of their duties relating to follow-up of herd breakdowns due to tuberculosis, carry out surveys of lands for badger setts. The data contains the location of any badger setts collected as part of this process. Geographical coverage Island of Ireland, excluding Northern Ireland. Data quality All of the data is collected by qualified fieldworkers, who are all Dept of Agriculture staff and who follow a Standard Operating Procedure laid down for the task. Dataset status The dataset is current as of 30 June 2016. The data presented form a subset of a larger database maintained by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Address Agriculture House, Floor I East, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Rep. of Ireland.
ICC Twenty20 world cup 2016 is being played in India during the month of March 2016. The important match of England vs Afghanistan is being played on 23 March 2016 and the teams of Afghanistan vs England will show their performance in the match. The team squad of the teams of England v Afghanistan will be announced before the start of the match. The viewers can get the list of the players, who will play in this match of Eng vs AFG and it will be provided to the players. The names of the players of the teams of Afghanistan v England are given and the match result will lead the winner to the top of the group and it can also qualify in the semi final of the ICC T20 world cup 2016. The match between AFG v ENG will be interesting as both teams can perform well and they show the good performance in the match.
How many annoying fights can we have through the streets of Athens. All of the annoying fights. Follow Xavier as he completes God of War (original), with much swearing.
The S.M. Group International Inc. is committed to the fundamental concepts of respect, integrity and excellence and our employees are a reflection of this. They represent our quest for quality, performance and excellence for a barrier-free society where all individuals respect and help each other and where the protection of the environment is at the forefront. Our multicultural team which represents the main source and strength of our company contributes daily to build our future. Together we share the same challenge: to improve the quality of life of our communities through our commitment and by our social and environmental actions. All right reserved, The S.M. Group International Inc.
Being a member of the LGBTQ community has its challenges, even once you’re comfortable with your identity. What about when you’re growing up? What does loneliness look like? When we picture loneliness, many of us picture a cowering kid at school sitting alone at lunch, not speaking to anyone. That’s loneliness, right? More than one out of five students in the United States has experienced bullying. But what about the students who are hurting whose experiences don’t fit exactly into this definition? Most people spend 4th of July outside with their flag raised honoring both the holiday itself as well as those serving in the military. What many may not consider is how this display of patriotism may affect a veteran.
supposed to resemble the starry night sky. Right now there are many coloring ideas with similar hues like mermaid, unicorn and opal hair. From ombre to highlights, this look can be created in a variety of different ways. Just check!
SkillGate's 'Traffic Light' System is probably one of the most advanced compliance training management systems in the world. The Traffic Light System is designed to make it simple for a single administrator to manage multiple mandatory training requirements for large numbers of delegates. By ensuring all instructions and reports are handled in one place, the trainer is free to focus on what training is required – rather than what can be delivered. Traffic Light delivers prompts and reminders automatically and warns managers of staff non-compliance. Customers will normally see above 95% compliance levels on Traffic Light systems. advise managers of staff non compliance.
Issue #21201028 • Assigned to Zachariah L. IE Edge 41 above version carousel scrolling image and background color not loading properly. I have attached screenshots what we see. It works fine on version 40, but it does not work on 41 above versions. Thank you for contacting us about this issue! Based on the information provided, I am unable to identify this as an issue with Microsoft Edge. In order to resolve this issue, I need to be able to reproduce this problem locally. Could you provide me with a link to the site reproducing the problem and your version of Microsoft Edge? Thanks for your replay. Edge bowser vision Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0, Microsoft EdgeHTML 17.17134. I am not able to provide the link it’s internal website. smiley codes we developed. Other bowser are work fine. Image and background color not loading properly when scrolling. I tested the link you sent me and I was getting identical functionality to both Chrome and Firefox using Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0 Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17763. Please update Microsoft Edge to the most recent version and see if you are still experiencing this problem.
The From Above with Marble is a variant of the From Above collection with the addition of a marble circular piece that nests between the lacquered wooden pieces. The construction of the table holds the pieces from above, the structure becomes an integral part of the design, allowing both the form and functionality to become one. White carrera marble, lacquered wood and brass. Custom sizing and color ways are available upon request.
Northwest United is proud to be an Adidas partner! all our players and coaches are part of the Adidas family, and the brand helps us represent our red, black and green colors! We are also very lucky to have Soccer City help provide orders and apparel for our club! For the 2018-2019 season, the club will be entering a new uniform cycle. Our uniform cycle changes every two years, and with the quality of Adidas uniform, it means they will last! See below for the breakdown of what players will be required to wear next season. Prices are shown below for both required and individual items. Northwest United is Proud to Partner with Soccer City for All Our Soccer Needs! Soccer City help provide all of our club uniform and apparel. As well as the required uniform above, you can also order a number of additional items for players, as well as parents and families! Hats, hoodies, blankets and other training items can be found on the Soccer City website under youth clubs and NWU.
Over the last several years, the purchasing habits of consumers have been adapting to the multiple forms of payment that have come available. There was a time, (not so long ago), when we would ask our patrons if they wanted to pay with cash or charge. But the relationship with our money has evolved as more and newer options hit the market. Is your business ready to accommodate the multitudes of ways people choose to pay? Of course, using cash for purchases isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. But over the last several years, the increase in the number of credit and debit cards in consumer’s wallets has been drastic. Too many people have shifted away from using cash for almost every sales transaction. This increase is evidenced in the number of traditionally cash-based businesses, (taxi companies, vending machines, etc.), that have had to install card reading devices to meet the rise in use of plastic over paper money. New on the financial horizon is the virtual wallet. Both Google and Apple offer a product that encrypts all user and card identification information, allowing for faster and safer in-person transactions. While both of these platforms are scoring big wins by being accepted at larger retailers, they are still lagging behind in the world of smaller businesses. As more virtual wallet products are all but assured to be introduced in the coming years, it is likely that small and mid-sized businesses will accede to customer demand and begin accommodating the tech-savvy consumer. The financial landscape has been changing rapidly over the last several years. Your business and its success or failure will rest on how well you adapt to the changes, providing consumers the choice they so obviously crave when it comes to payment options. Which Credit Card Processing Company Is Right For Me?
On a matrix consisting of pyroxene "fassaite", green in color, we can see in the upper right hand corner of the picture a perfect, small, light brown crystal of vesuvianite, with equal development of faces, while at the center of the picture a crystal with distorted faces for a different development of the same. Collection and photo by Gianfranco Ciccolini. Nikon D750, bellows, Luminar 25 mm.
TreeHugger's affinity for transformer furniture goes beyond a simple delight with being able to play with our furnishings; transformers offer slick solutions for getting the most out of living or work space by performing multiple tasks with a simple fold or flip. If you can get one piece of furniture to do more than one thing, then that's at least one less thing you need to have. When done right, transformers present the possibility of replacing many objects with just a few, which is an idea we really like. The Flip Table, by UK-based designers flipfurniture, does it right. The coffee/dining table combination "flips" back and forth with just a few moves, using a slick sliding mechanism to transform from sleek coffee table height to a spacious dining table. The table earns bonus points for its smart storage of the available cork dining stools -- six can be stored underneath the coffee table (above, top left) and popped out for seating at the dining table -- and for its sustainable materials; it employs cork for the stools and Forest Stewardship Council-certified European walnut or oak for the table. The combination of materials and multi-functional design makes it one of the better options we've seen for sustainable seating.
This barn will soon be gone. I was happy to be able to showcase it in a setting with blue sky and puffy white clouds. Shot in the Palouse region of Washington State.
On February 24, 2012, the Judge in a Girones Lawyers-filed lawsuit in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice opined that a birth injury victim’s family is allowed their claim against Victoria Hospital. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a birth injury victim who suffered “an intrapartum asphyxia exposure” injury on February 4, 1991. As a result of the birth injury, the baby sustained, and continues to deal with neurological injures. According to the Judge in the case, the neurological injuries to the infant were the result of negligence on the part of the nurses in attendance during labour and delivery. Expected to monitor fetal heart rate (FHR) and the progress of the mother’s contractions, nurses are supposed to know when to alert attending physicians when a problem is detected that requires the doctor’s attention. In the case of Alecia, the nurses failed to give this proper standard of care. In the case of this particular birth, two nurses monitored the birth of baby Alecia. The issue that the judge in this case had to examine was whether or not the two nurses checked the baby’s heart rate often enough and if the method they used (auscultation, which is manually listening to sounds of fetal heart rate using a fetone or stethoscope) was sufficient to detect when baby Alecia was in distress. The lawsuit against the hospital, or actually the nurses who worked at the hospital, involved the care given to Alecia’s mother preceding delivery. Alecia’s mother entered the hospital in active labour, which triggered a protocol at Victoria Hospital for nurses to conduct a FHR assessment every 30 minutes. According to the complaint as well as the nurses involved in the delivery, Alecia’s mother was not properly checked every 30 minutes from 6PM until 7:30PM, meaning that the nurses missed two opportunities to determine that Alecia was in distress. Had they checked the FHR, they could have alerted the doctor and a caesarian section could have been performed. And, while Alecia may have still been delivered with some form of birth injury, the likelihood of her condition being less debilitating was also high. Alecia’s family is just one of the many birth injury victims that Girones Lawyers has successfully represented in medical malpractice lawsuits. With compassion for families that deal with birth injuries, Girones Lawyers zealously represents their clients. If you believe you have been injured as the result of a medical professional’s negligence and wish to consult with us about a possible medical malpractice lawsuit, we invite you to contact us for a free consultation.
Remember to choose the right size of the drain you would like to unclog. To start with, you have to select a new drain with similar diameter as the old one. By obeying the easy steps given previously can easily put in a new bathroom sink drain in Lee, SE12 all on your own. For the large part, sinks in Lee, SE12 are among the simplest to replace of all plumbing projects. The sink ought to have an overflow drain. If it is very full, you may want to remove some of it with the bucket first. Then you can take away of the sink Lee, SE12 . It’s important that you adhere to the actions to make certain that the sink will get the job done properly. The kitchen sink is a fundamental area of the kitchen. In addition, it goes extremely nicely with the stainless faucets and dAcor we’ve got around the kitchen. There are a number of valves that are found in the kitchen and they’re prone to leaking. Before going on and attempt to replace a water heater hose, you better have some overall plumbing Lee, SE12 knowledge, and should you do not stick to the right actions to do so you can flood your home in the issue of minutes. Fortunately, with just a little planning and creativity, you should have the ability to cover the pipes and produce the room a great deal more attractive. Plumbing Lee, SE12 is not something which can be achieved by just anyone. The plumbing in Lee, SE12 is a crucial area of the home. It is an important thing to inspect within the home you are considering purchasing. Kitchen plumbing Lee, SE12 is a significant region of the home. Installing kitchen sink plumbing Lee, SE12 isn’t as hard as you believe. Some plumbers offer emergency water extraction solutions, together with mold remediation and restoration. Your plumber in Lee, SE12 will be able to help you determine what sink to buy as there are so many types available at the local plumbing supply shop. A plumber will see to it that the plumbing Lee, SE12 process is installed correctly, identify potential difficulties, and inspect the full system to ensure it is working correctly. If you’re not a skilled plumber, you ought to avoid tackling more serious plumbing problems since this can lead to additional damages and cost you far more than fixing the original issue. Industrial plumbers in Lee, SE12 know, tools, equipment, and the know-how to deal with an industrial plumbing problem and supply the ideal service for enterprise to resolve the issue in a timely and professional method. Obtaining an expert plumber to do it isn’t a terrible idea whatsoever, since you may not have enough time to do it or you’re unsure you’re able to do it correctly. Therefore, it would be best to try to find a trained and reliable expert plumber who can repair your problems without a lot of hassle. In the event of critical plumbing difficulties, it is recommended that you get the service of capable professionals, like a Lee, SE12 plumber or plumbers. Other sorts of plumbing companies incorporate general plumbing repairs and preventive maintenance. You don’t need to call expert plumbing service to do this since it can result in a bundle. An experienced, professional and effective plumbing service will provide you excellent services at reasonable expenses. Commercial plumbing services provided by plumbers are crucial to business and industry. Because the plumbing process is necessary to a company or industry, is critical to employ a certified business plumber. The industrial plumbing process is both complicated, extensive, and fragile which is the reason why it has to be handled by a specialist. Plumbing Lee, SE12 systems in our offices and homes are vital for our security and wellness, and thus they must be maintained on a normal basis. Your Plumbing Lee, SE12 problem can encompass a number of unique issues. If you’re really confident you can fix plumbing issues, you might be able to finish a number of these projects by yourself. It’s very possible that the majority of people have dealt with some type of plumbing issues at some point or another. Now it’s time to eliminate the sink. It is because of this that we turn to them again and again to supply all sorts of plumbing solutions, from maintenance to emergency difficulties. In the event the plumbing work in Lee, SE12 isn’t attended punctually, even the most ordinary task can soon come to be an important issue. Additionally it is wise to have the plumber install shut-offs at every fixture, to allow for fast and effortless repair, without disabling the full supply to the building.
The campsite LES AUCHES is located in Ancelle in the Hautes-Alpes, in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, a popular destination in France thanks to its high levels of sunshine, the diversity of its landscapes and its cultural heritage. It is located at 300 m from the river, at the mountain, at 5 km from a nature parc, at 150 m from the forest, at 500 m from a leisure center. For sport, the campsite has hikes, a horse riders welcome or paragliding on site, as well as white water sports (5 km), canoe/kayak (5 km), pedalos (5 km), rafting (5 km). or horse-riding (300 m). The campsite has various activities on site : table tennis and mountain biking. Your are looking for a campsite in Ancelle ?
Last month, Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Richard Winchester gave a public lecture to a capacity crowd at the invitation of the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia. Offering his personal perspectives on race relations in the U.S., Professor Winchester described how his views partly reflected his status as the son of slaves from the deep south. His story proved to be an eye opening revelation to many members of the audience, who may not have been aware of how the country treated blacks after slavery was abolished. Professor Winchester's presentation took place while he was in Tunisia teaching a course on U.S. Corporate Law at the University of Carthage. The university first hosted him in 2012 when he was a Fulbright Scholar.
Americans remember the Battle of the Little Bighorn as Custer’s Last Stand. But the shocking defeat of U.S. forces in 1876 represents the last stand of the Lakota nation. The greatest American Indian victory ever would be one of their last. How would it affect their lives and change the United States?
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This article was first published in Solar Today in the Nov/Dec 2011 issue. For most people, “solar energy” invokes the technologies of photovoltaics (PV) and, more generally, active solar systems that use electrical or mechanical systems, like most solar water-heating systems. Unfortunately, these strategies are “high-hanging fruit” in that they are expensive ways to enjoy the on-site, pollution-free benefits of solar energy. Should we not first pick the low-hanging fruit, such as passive solar techniques? Although not always recognized as such, the following strategies are all directly solar: the form and orientation of a building; the size, number and location of windows; the solar heat gain coefficient of the glazing; daylighting; shading; the landscaping around a building; green roofs and walls; and the color of the roof and walls. All of these strategies utilize solar-responsive design to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. These are the low-hanging fruit (figure 1). Although some of these strategies do not collect solar energy, they save energy by designing with the sun in mind. Just as a dollar saved is a dollar earned, energy saved is equivalent to energy produced. not only is it cheaper to save energy, it is also much more sustainable. Some of these low-hanging-fruit strategies are a “free lunch,” in that they cost nothing and yet save much energy. Some are even what Amory Lovins has called, “better than a free lunch, it’s a lunch you get paid to eat,” in that they save energy while reducing the initial cost of the building. For example, rotating a certain building 90 degrees during the design stage can not only save up to 50 percent of the energy needed for heating, cooling and lighting, but it can also lower the initial cost because the size of the cooling system can be reduced (figure 2). Figure 2: Some low-hanging-fruit strategies are free or can even save money by reducing the initial cost of a building. For instance, in certain cases, rotating a building 90 degrees can reduce the energy required for heating, cooling and lighting by up to 50 percent. Though not usually free, a strategy that is usually cost-effective is shading. It may well be the solar strategy with the most benefit now and in the near future because shading can greatly reduce the energy consumed by air-conditioning systems. mechanical cooling is no longer limited to developed countries — it is widely used in China, Southeast Asia and increasingly in India. In hot and humid climates, where most of the world’s people live, shading can reduce both the need for cooling equipment and the energy needed to run the equipment. even places fairly far north get hot. In cloudy London, at 51 degrees north latitude, shading devices are used to minimize the use of air-conditioning systems (see photos above). Germany, at 51 degrees north latitude, may be the developed country with the most use of shading devices, a strategy Germans use to avoid the environmental consequences of air conditioning. Shading may be the solar strategy with the most immediate benefit because it can greatly reduce air-conditioning needs — an issue even in far-north climates. The Chiswick Park office complex in London makes extensive use of shading systems. Not only would shading benefit most people in the world, but it also provides benefits when solar radiation is most plentiful. Passive solar, on the other hand, is needed by fewer people on earth and is collected when solar radiation is at its minimum. This point is not an argument against passive solar but in favor of using all solar strategies, and especially shading. Who promotes the low-hanging solar strategies? because orientation, color of roof and walls, some shading strategies and so on are ideas that cannot be sold for money, they tend not to be promoted by the market. Instead, they must be promoted by nonprofit organizations such as the American Solar Energy Society (ASES). New and “cool” ideas are usually more popular than tried-and-true ones. but new ideas typically can’t beat the time-tested ones, and more often they complement rather than replace existing ideas. For example, PV should be seen as a complementary solar strategy rather one that displaces the existing solar strategies. This school in London uses dynamic awnings to maximize shading, daylighting and passive solar heating. For example, fixed-south-facing overhangs are widely promoted in the architectural literature even though they perform poorly in climates that require summer shade and winter sun. Skylights are also widely promoted even though they collect the most sun in the summer and least sun in the winter, which is the exact opposite of what is required. And the literature promotes vertical fins on the east and west, even though they don’t work well and are terrible for daylighting. I recommend that ASES strongly promote solar-responsive design that includes all of the solar strategies and especially the low-hanging ones. I further recommend that the 2012 ASES National Solar Conference, World Renewable Energy Forum 2012, place a priority on selecting papers and keynote speakers on the subject and holding workshops on solar-responsive design. Another way to exchange the latest practices and research is through these pages. In upcoming issues of SOLAR TODAY, look for my articles on passive solar, shading and daylighting techniques. After all, this low-hanging fruit is our best strategy for improving health and productivity and reducing energy usage, associated carbon emissions and even building costs. Norbert M. Lechner (lechnnm@auburn.edu) is an architect, professor emeritus in the College of Architecture, Design, and Construction at Auburn University, LEED-accredited professional and ASES Fellow. He is an expert in energy-responsive architectural design with an emphasis on solar-responsive design. Lechner’s book, Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Design Methods for Architects, (4th edition available soon) is used by more than a third of all architecture schools in the United States and in architecture schools worldwide. He is also a sought-after speaker, giving keynote lectures and workshops at universities and conferences around the world.
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After meeting with marine biologists all over the world, it became evident to our Founder and CEO Lydia Sarfati, that seaweed was an excellent natural source for health, beauty, and wellness. Here are the reasons why we love seaweed and believe it should be part of your everyday life! Generally, seaweed is grown without pesticides and is not genetically modified, so you’re getting just what Mother Nature intended. Far from discouraging other creatures from foraging and interacting with the plants, seaweed farming is sometimes used to increase the biodiversity in oceans and can even have the added benefit of protecting coral reef environments. Seaweed has been found to be connected to our health and the human brain. Seaweed is loaded with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. One liter of seaweed contains the same concentration of elements found in 10,000 liters of seawater. Seaweeds have no roots, stems or leaves but rather have parallel structures including holdfasts, stipes and blades. The seaweed plant thus feeds through osmosis, absorbing minerals and vitamins from the seawater. Because of its feeding process, seaweed becomes a dense concentration of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, macro elements, phytohormones, amino acids, proteins and lipids. By using a proprietary extraction process, our chemists expel the intracellular fluid to retain vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids to create our pure seaweed filtrate. Seaweed has multiple cosmetic benefits. Seaweed can be sustainably harvested. Through mindful farming practices, seaweed can be sustainably harvested to minimize impact on the environment. Grown and cut in such a manner as to leave part of the seaweed intact for regrowth, there are seaweed beds today that are over 50 years old still producing! In fact, we have worked with scientists and farmers to sustainably harvest several species of nutrient-rich seaweed for use in our products. We partner with sustainable harvest farmers off the Maine coast, and with consult with Repêchage Board Member Charles Yarish, Ph.D., professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut, Stamford, CT, to ensure we have the least ecological impact possible! There are so many kinds of seaweed with so many different purposes. A green seaweed anchored to rocks from 1 cm to a few many meters in size found in the intertidal to shallow subtidal marine environments with branched cylindrical fronds. Known to instantly help boost moisture. A brown seaweed, which thrives in the upper intertidal and shallow subtidal marine environments in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is often called knotted wrack or rockweed. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acid, fucoidan and alginic acid. Helps skin look smooth and soft. Green sheet and tubular seaweed found in many near shore environments around the globe. This helps skin look and feel firmer. A subtidal red marine algae from the coast of the Hawaiian Islands and now found along the coasts of the North Atlantic Ocean. Helps to restore moisture and renew the appearance of the skin. A green seaweed found in the intertidal and shallow subtidal marine environments all over the world. This helps reduce the appearance of visible signs of aging, diminishing the appearance of fine lines. This brown seaweed is known as the sugar kelp. It found in the shallow subtidal cold water environments in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It too is rich in many vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, and alginic acid. This helps reduce the appearance of oil on the skin. This brown macroalgae is often called rockweed. It found in the intertidal to shallow subtidal marine environments of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is rich in vitamins, contains fucoidan, and alginic acidic. This seaweed helps with deep cleansing and reducing the appearance of oil. A red, unicellular seaweed that is high in essential fatty acids as well as Vitamins B and C. Helps improve the appearance of oily skin. A red algae whose main feature is the formation of calcium carbonate in its cell walls. Helps skin look and feel firmer, more toned. A brown algae found attached to rocks of the upper intertidal rocky shores in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Helps reduce the appearance of dark spots. Seaweed and humans are very alike. Researchers have found that seawater and human plasma, our intercellular fluid, are similar. The sea covers over two-thirds of our planet, and, perhaps as no coincidence, the human body is made of two-thirds water as well. Seaweed is one of our most important resources. ¹C Yarish and R Pereira, “Mass Production of Marine Macroalgae,” The Encyclopedia of Ecology, Sven Erik Jergensen and Brian D. Fath. Seaweed has been used therapeutically for centuries. Thalassotherapy, stemming from the Greek word for sea, “thalassos”, is a term coined to describe the usage of seawater for therapeutic purposes and preventative measures based on the belief that immersion in seawater helps promote wellbeing and cleanses the system. Bathing in seawater is one of the deepest rooted bathing traditions. Seaweed has stood the test of time. The first form of life was derived from unicellular marine microalgae, which appeared in the ocean over 3.5 billion years ago. There are over 40,000 different species of marine micro-and macroalgae worldwide. The oldest of the marine macroalgae with fossils being found are at least 1.2 billion years old. Scientists believe that marine algae may produce over 70% of the earth’s oxygen. With all these wonderful points, is it any wonder why Lydia made this ingredient her life’s work and is now known as the Queen of Seaweed? We take our seaweed passion very seriously, and you can be sure that with every skin care product you use, our commitment to quality ingredients will shine through. Wonderful article.Great information describing the different types of seaweed!
The 17 half-floor and corner penthouses are priced from $3 million to $8.8 million. The Harrison, a 49-story residential building designed by Ken Fulk and located on Rincon Hill in San Francisco’s SoMa neighborhood, is launching its Signature Collection this week. Spread across the building’s top six floors, the 17 half-floor and corner penthouses soar 500 feet above the neighborhood. Residents will have access to amenities, including a 49th-floor penthouse lounge and speakeasy, a private dining room, a swimming pool, and a fitness center. AT&T park and multiple restaurants, shops, and bars are within easy walking distance.
a. Stephen Hawking - Earlier this year, my wife Yaani and I went to see a remarkable movie, as had many of you, “The Theory of Everything”. The movie chronicled the life of the brilliant professor of theoretical physics and mathematics at Cambridge University, Stephen Hawking, who is still very much alive some 50 years after he was supposed to die from his debilitating illness. He's now in his seventies, has three kids and some grand kids and two marriages. All these past 50 years or so, he has been without any control of his extrinsic musculature anywhere in his body, has been totally wheel-chair ridden and able to communicate only, although quite magically, through a synthesized electronic device. And, amazingly, with a great sense of humor, he is able to keep doing original cutting-edge physics, on a blackboard, which, I take it, is wholly within his head. b. Unified Force Field - Hawking and an international band of cosmologists now believe that they have come up with the holy grail that evaded Einstein for over thirty years, which was to mathematically combine the four basic forces shaping the universe, the gravitational, the electro-magnetic, the nuclear strong force, and the nuclear weak force. Einstein never succeeded in coming up with a ‘unified field theory'. But using a combined quantum/relativistic formulation of gravity, including 'inflation', super-symmetry, and string theory, a group of world-wide theoretical physicists including Hawking, believe they have managed the job decades later, and they now call their brilliant achievement the ‘Theory of Everything'; hence the name of the popular movie mentioned above. (Their physics formulation is called ‘M Theory’ and descriptions of it can be found on Wikipedia and various YouTube postings.) Before I express my opinions on this, I would like to say a few words here about myself that relates to the subject. I have a background in engineering and physics, having at different times been a ballistic missile designer and a university science professor. But I’ve also been deeply immersed for nearly fifty years in the eastern teachings of the non-dual Advaita Vedanta, with its unambiguous view of ultimate Reality. c. The Neglected Field - What I will show in what follows, is that theoretical physicists, in their careful avoidance of spiritual and religious themes, have totally ignored to account for the single most important factor, which is the eternally-unchanging, energizing field in which everything is embedded, and on which any concept of the universe must be based. They have ignored what in Sanskrit is called the SatChitAnanda, which makes up the basis of all that is. (SatChitAnanda is also known as Brahman or Atma, as well as other terms such as the ‘Supreme Ultimate’. These all speak of the same one true Reality, seen from different perspectives.) In the absence of the empowering factor of SatChitAnanda, the observed universe with its complex structure and history could not exist. The SatChitAnanda field is present and active now, whether we know it or not; but when we consciously take it into account, the world as we know it and our place in the greater scheme of things, appears very different and much more cheery. For then a true theory of everything emerges, in which the mind and heart of man plays a much more important role than the physics of inchoate matter. Sat Chit Ananda - The underlying basis of whatever is, because it is the fundamental essence of what you yourself are. a. What is SatChitAnanda? - To begin with, I want to point out that SatChitAnanda is not the Creator-God of the Judeo/Christian belief, nor is it the Allah of the Muslim belief, nor is it some aspect of the Buddhist belief. SatChitAnanda is not related to any religious belief. It is not an objective entity that we can study or exalt to super-human status and pray to. Nor is it something arcane, abstruse, esoteric, unreachable. Quite to the contrary. It is totally ubiquitous and common. It is the underlying basis of whatever is, because it is the fundamental essence of what you yourself are. Since SatChitAnanda is the inherent, intrinsic foundation of who you are, then whatever you touch, whatever you see, whatever you think, will necessarily be painted by either the unseen brush of SatChitAnanda within you or by what has been imposed by maya (illusion) to cover, supplant and suppress the knowledge of SatChitAnanda in your mind. So, although SatChitAnanda is always natively present in you as your true immortal Self and can never be expunged from you, it can be hidden and overriden with a false reality which takes the form of the illusory world we all believe ourselves to be in as separate individual beings, with no hint of the SatChitAnanda's presence within us. But parenthetically, it is SatChitAnanda, our true Reality, whether known or not, that provides all the energy for the illusion of world and separate selves to appear in our deluded minds. Much more will be said on this subject further on in this discussion, but for now I want to point out that SatChitAnanda is the one Reality and absolutely nothing can exist without it. Because it is present in you as you, SatChitAnanda will be present everywhere that you believe yourself to be. This is the radical discovery being presented here: Nothing can appear to be anywhere outside of you that isn't first already within you. Therefore whatever is being perceived by you had to have been projected there by you, or have otherwise come from you. From that it follows that to properly study the universe you need to study the man. Being one with the SatChitAnanda, it is you, the immortal, eternal 'real you' that determines the ground of all being, the very isness of all that is, the one incomparable, indivisible, background field that provides sentience to all beings and energizes all apparent activity. As such you are wholly beyond time, space and situation, and yet you are inclusive of everything in time and space that can be perceived, and without exception everything that can be thought of. SatChitAnanda cannot be directly perceived by your gross senses; but, nevertheless, it can be known, not in the usual way of perception or analysis, but intuitively, as we’ll see further on. b. Take Everything Away And Still It Is There - When we remove whatever is divisible, changeable, time-dependent or position-dependent, anything that appears or disappears, anything that is individually identifiable, anything that is remembered from the past or expected in the future, anything that can be thought of or has not yet been thought of… when all this is removed, then what is left is the SatChitAnanda. In other words, when there is nothing left, when everything inside and outside perceivable or conceivable by you is gone, your world, your body, your mind, your knowledge, your history, your identity, your self-awareness... all totally gone... in that apparent emptiness and absence there still remains a permanent, subjective, subtle, undisturbable and incorruptible awareness, the eternally existing 'I' beingness, which is you; and although it can be covered and hidden from your awareness, in Reality it can never be reduced. That is the unchanging field of SatChitAnanda. c. Subject Not Object - The key factor about SatChitAnada is that it is purely subjective. It is the ‘I am’ of being (Sat). It is the ‘I’ that is aware (Chit). It is the ‘I’ that delights in itself, independent of anything in its field of awareness (Ananda). Being the subject it is never an object. In other words, it is not an entity to be studied and known, nor is it something that can be lost, like your keys or your smart phone or your health or your memory, and then be searched for and perhaps newly found or acquired. It is just ‘I’, the true ‘I’, without any reference to anything else or another. It is not a something that is aware of itself, it just is itself being itself. As subject it is always center stage and the source of all awareness. It cannot be destroyed or blown away, or changed. However, it can be hidden deep within layers of occluding superstructure of make-belief, covered by a seemingly impenetrable fog bank, somewhat like a nuclear winter that seems to have permanently extinguished the sun. Yet, even then, the sun of SatChitAnada is not in any way affected. It is always present and ready to shine forth and reveal itself. At that moment of revelation its powerful presence is realized along with the realization that it has always been there. d. Equivalence of Brahman, SatchitAnanda, Atma - From the relative viewpoint of the worldly perspective, Brahman, the eternal macrocosm, is spoken of as SatChitAnanda. Just as surely, Brahman is also the microcosm, the one eternal Self. As such it is known as Atma. As has already been indicated, the Sat of SatChitAnanda refers to pure being, Chit refers to pure consciousness or awareness, and Ananda refers to pure joy, love, delight. The terms ‘Brahman’, ‘Sat’, ‘Chit’, ‘Ananda’, ‘Atma’, ‘Self, 'real you', all mean exactly the same. They are eternal, unchanging, subtle, subjective and independent of time or space. They are one, the one Reality. Behind your worldly identity of name and form, and the many characteristics, physical, mental, emotional, subtle and biographical, by which you define the ‘I’ that you use (and unknowingly misuse) to represent yourself… right behind that personal ‘I’, empowering it, is the true ‘I’, the Atma, which is one with SatChitAnanda, and which we've also referred to here as the 'real you'. The whole world and everything in it may totally disappear, along with the familiar ‘I’ character that you believe you are, but the true ‘I' (or the 'real you') will remain untouched. It cannot disappear. It may have been hidden and then newly revealed in your awareness, but it will always have already been present there, wholly unaffected by anything else that might have previously appeared to have been there, and have come and gone. But that which always is, never comes or goes. To repeat what has been mentioned above, when you apply the process of detachment to everything that is in any way connected with yourself, by removing all that is time-bound or space-bound and all that is special or different, then what is left is the immortal Self, the Atma, the true Self, always one with SatChitAnada. It is this Self that energizes, motivates, and underlies all manifestation, sentience, beingness, and consciousness. That is the ‘real you’, the one who alone is who you truly are, have been, and will always be. But being subject and not object, we will probably never be able to study it and scientifically prove its existence or non-exisence. e. Reality and the Mind - These ideas set out above are very difficult to comprehend from the point of view of a time-bound, space-bound individual, trying to make sense of it all. It is near impossible to describe the indescribable and attempt to make it comprehensible. It is no wonder that so few have any notion of its presence here and everywhere at all times. It may be strange to hear of it, and yet it is closer to you than even you yourself, while you still believe this individual which you call ‘I’, ‘me’, with its body, mind and name, to be who you are. For, who you really are is the Atma, the SatChitAnanda, the Brahman, call it what you will. It is the nearest of the near, even when it seems to be the farthest of the far, hidden as it is and unreachable by our most trusted tool for understanding, namely, the human mind. Unfortunately, minds are trained to see differences but not to see what is always the same, never changing, always equally-present everywhere. Consequently, the mind is totally inadequate for apprehending the SatChitAnanda, the true Reality. But I’m sure that by the time you make it through this article you will have a pretty good intuitive sense of that one eternal Reality, which we’re speaking of here. a. The Two Conundrums - Physics tends to avoid the supernatural, that which is not readily describable or understandable through established physical principles. So, it is only because it could not otherwise be accounted for, that physicists had to acknowledge that something unexplainable and far beyond their equations appears to be happening in the Cosmos. Two conundrums immediately come to mind, namely, one, the need to make the universal laws of physics and the history of the universe comply with the requirements for the existence of human life on this planet, and two, the need to account in the physicists’ ‘Theory of Everything’ for dark mass and dark energy, which together account for over 95% of the as yet unknown mass of the universe. Dark matter and dark energy are a total enigma about which little or nothing is known, but which are totally unlike any of the known atomic matter that conforms to the ‘standard model’ of physical particles and which applies to all the known physical, atomic-based matter in the universe. Dark matter and dark energy, which are not directly visible but have been detected by their gravitational effects, appear to be totally outside of physics as we know it. There is almost universal consensus based on a wide variety of measurements of accelerating universe expansion, and observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, infra-red observations of satellite and ground-based telescopes, that dark matter and energy exist. But unfortunately for physicists, our known physics is of little value in understanding them or knowing their origin. It turns out that our known physics applies only to less than one-twentieth of the visible observed or inferred universe. b. DarkMatter and Dark Energy - I will take up the second of these conundrums first and hopefully dispatch it quickly here, since so little can be said about dark matter and dark energy, considering how little is known about them. In respect to dark matter and dark energy, there are many quandaries that need to be dealt with, but have not yet been adequately understood: As has already been mentioned, the laws of physics that we use and believe to exist, including the ‘standard model’ of particle physics recently completed by the discovery of the Higgs field and boson, which describe the organization of atomic matter in the known universe, applies to less than 5% of the gravitational mass in the universe (called ‘ordinary matter’). As for the rest, a little over 25% of the total mass of the universe is in the form of dark matter, which is subject to gravitational attraction, but is invisible to us since it doesn’t exhibit any of the other familiar properties of atomic matter, such as being subject to the electromagnetic force or the nuclear forces, which permit us to hypothesize their makeup. And then, overriding both ordinary and dark matter there is about 70% of the total mass of the universe which is in the form of dark energy that inhabits all the previously believed empty vacuum of space. Parenthetically, dark energy is subject to gravity because of Einstein’s special relativity (E=mc2) energy-mass equivalence. c. Mysteries - This dark energy mysteriously appears to have been present in the universe for only about half of the total 13.8 billion years of the existence of the universe. And it mysteriously has the effect of accelerating the expansion of the universe by applying a pressure in the opposite direction to the attractive force of gravity. But the dark energy continues to accelerate the expansion of the universe even when the density of matter has become vanishingly small. In other words, although the density of ordinary matter and dark matter in any fixed volume of the expanding universe is constantly decreasing, and therefore gets diluted with time, the dark energy, unlike anything else we know of, appears to be unaffected by the expansion, and remains undiluted and constant with time, i.e., it appears to be independent of both time and the density of ordinary matter. So, as ordinary matter gets further and further apart from each other, and our nearest stars retreat increasingly from our view, and even the planets and the Sun in our solar system move increasingly further and further apart from each other, and as the gravitational attraction between all these various bodies decreases more and more with exponentially increasing distances between them, the density of the dark energy is unaffected and continues to accelerate the expansion of space. As we will see further on in this discussion, the only field I know of that acts independent of time, position, and density of matter, and is ever unchanging, is SatChitAnanda. So, there are a host of questions left unanswered by modern physics, and the principal one, as I see it, is the presence of the SatChitAnanda background field, which will not even be found on physicists’ list of questions that need to be studied. d. Totally Improbable Synchonicities - We will leave the curious subject of dark matter and dark energy behind now, and go back to the first and principal conundrum facing theoretical physicists mentioned above, which was involved with coming up with a unified understanding of the universe. The first thing theoretical physics had to deal with was the inescapable need to come up with a universe that permits the existence of intelligent human life. Specifically, physicists recognize that there is a totally improbable and unbelievably vast number of synchronous events (ranging literally into many of orders of magnitude) that all had to somehow come together, in order to select this particular universe with its particular physical laws and dimensions, out of a megaverse of innumerable other like universes. This is necessary and supported by their formulations, because it is this particular universe that alone has the favorable parameters for the existence of intelligent human life on this particular planet, revolving around our mid-sized star at just the right distance and in just the right elliptical orbit, to permit the formation of life. e. Planetary Evolution - Our star, the Sun, being a later-generation star, has just the right mass and range of internal temperatures, and, fortuitously, is in a part of the galaxy that escapes the disruptive field effects of other nearby stars and the galaxy’s massive central black hole. Furthermore, it is in a region where it can initially arise from the gaseous ejecta of much more massive, much hotter, shorter-lived stars of an earlier period of the universe, which finished their existence by exploding as supernova. In their super-hot explosive fireball, which was an order of magnitude hotter than the interior of our Sun, the conditions were ripe for nuclear fusion to produce the higher elements beyond the primordial hydrogen and helium that were the first elements to form after the big-bang. Also, the physical organizing forces and parameters of this universe were such, that the Solar system, as we know it today, could be forged from previous generations of exploding stars, that would then support the eventual emergence of life on this perfectly positioned planet. f. Evolution of Life - After billions of years of volcanic activity forming the intersecting plates of oceans and land-masses on the surface of our planet, these finally cooled and stabilized into something close to the topographic formation of the earth we have today, which provides conditions to appear in which single-celled prokaryote bacteria could emerge. Then after a further millions upon millions of years of primitive one-celled life, sufficient O2 appeared in the air to support more advanced single celled eukaryote, DNA-containing life forms, which could mutate into multi-celled plant and animal life. In this way, life progressed on the evolutionary tree to ever-more massive life forms, and as their empowerment rose and waned, other types of higher life forms appeared, leading eventually to this relatively momentary pinprick of time, which culminated in intelligent human life. And that intelligence was capable of hypothesizing the progression of vastly improbable synchronicities and conditions that brought us to this point in time. It’s a marvelous story, but it ain’t true! g. Creator-Designer? - Before I go much further, I want to point out that this article is not intended as an argument for ‘intelligent design’. An intelligent designer would certainly be an obvious conclusion from this story, looking at the totally unfathomable number of factors which all had to come together for us to appear here and give meaning to what we seem to be discovering here. Surely there must have been a super-super intelligent architect (do I dare call him God, or perhaps a genius alien from a super-advanced ‘other’ world?) who would tie all this together and make out of all these improbable parts, a home for us to be in. A designer or creator might provide some answers that satisfy, but eventually that would raise many more questions than it answers. And no, that is not the direction this article will take us. ‘Intelligent design’ or a creation story with a divine creator is not the argument I will advance here. h. Time Space Unreality - The principal argument that this article will advance is the recognition of the illusory nature of the world and questioning the universally unchallenged beliefs in the reality of time, the reality of space, the reality of evolution, the possibility of individual separative life, the reality of birth and death, and a few others. In other words I challenge you, or more correctly I invite you, to be open to question just about every firmly-ensconced belief you’ve held about yourself, about everyone else, and about the world around you… beliefs you may never before have opened to doubt. I will show that we believe ourselves to be creatures locked into time and space. And as such, it seems quite natural to come up with an evolutionary time story involving the cosmos and biological evolution which starts with the dramatic beginnings of the big-bang, and through a succession of evolutionary happenings, ascents to ever greater levels of order and organization, leading from the ancient birth of the universe through successive exploding stars to synthesize the higher elements such as carbon, oxygen, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, iron, etc., all necessary for life, then forming our solar system and our particular planet, and step by step providing the favorable conditions for organic molecules to come together and for life to evolve, despite all the pitfalls along the way. This then would lead to the present expression of intellectual human life. But this story is a work of fiction that is made up. It is not the true history of life. i. Maya and the Multiverse - Using their sharp mental acumen, theoretical physicists have come up with some of the most brilliant mental constructions, not realizing that maya, illusion, and its ego thought system, which they (humans) themselves originally installed, are orders of magnitude even more brilliant than they. Unknown to them, maya continues to have them completely flummoxed while it continues to spin out illusions that are universally believed to be real. These then raise questions, which only tortuously yield to analytical understanding. And these scientific understandings are then seen as great victories, when, in truth, both the questions and solutions are devoid of meaning and have little or no relation to Reality. For example, physicists now hypothesize that as a result of applying quantum mechanical and relativistic principles to a vacuum, the universe, as we know it, got going with a stupendous explosion of incredibly hot, incredibly dense space. This ‘big bang’ explosion was not unique to our universe but occurred, and is presumably still occurring, over and over again millions upon millions of times in hyper-space, with each primeval explosion creating a separate universe with its own laws of physics and space-time characteristics. One of the countless universes that resulted from all this activity is ours, which had the right parameters and force fields for just the right size star and the rightly positioned planet, to create molecules of water, a blanket of oxygenated air, stable chemical conditions and all the other myriad details, including a mild range of temperatures, food, and air, for molecules of life to appear, and eventually morph into human life, as we know it. As already mentioned, this evolutionary history starting with the beginning of the universe which evolved all the way to advanced human life, makes an awesome, incredible story. But, nothing could be further from the truth! j. You Are Not in the Universe. The Universe is in You - What the cosmologists do not realize is that pure being, expressing itself here and now in human existence, is not the end product of the universe's long evolutionary history. What that story does not account for is that pure being is eternal, ever unchanging and independent of time, space, physical laws and universes. This particular universe which happens to conform in its history and characteristics to the particular evolutionary story being currently entertained in 21st century cosmology, is contained within being, and not vice versa. In other words, it is not that there developed a favorable universe from scratch that set the stage in a linear evolutionary progression over 13.8 billion years for humans to be here, but that you, not as body but as pure Self, are already here and were always already here. And this universe is merely a grand story concocted by maya and its ego henchman, along with space and time, to give meaning to a phony world and false entities that have insinuated themselves into awareness, much as dream does in sleep. As the product of maya and its ego thought system, this hypothesized universe manages to totally hide the unchanging Reality, replacing It with a world of untruth, characterized by subterfuge and false creation, that is posing as truth. This chimera is empowered and given sentience by the very Reality whose existence it ignores or denies. But there’s nothing really happening here. The world we know, with its complex and exquisite history appears to arise, but it is just an illusion of truth. It has no real existence by itself. The only presence that exists here and everywhere, is you, the one eternal Consciousness, i.e., the Atma, the SatChitAnanda, the one Reality, in which time, space and universe play at the game of reality. More on this, below.
Tombstone conservator Jonathan Appell places mortar to hold the "Knights Tomb" stone in its place in the floor of the Jamestown Church Thursday April 11, 2019. The church is being prepared to open to the public again after two years of excavating the floor leading to several landmark discoveries including the possible burial site of Sir George Yeardley the first governor of Virginia. New exhibits at the Jamestown Voorhees Archaearium feature the stories of the first Africans, and the everyday lives of the average colonist at the settlement as well as the Native Americans. The Jamestown Church is set to reopen to the public after two years of digging and discovery in the floor of the structure.
Round dining table having armless seatings are the optimal/optimally idea ever. It’s possible to set the dining table in the center of the place or in front of the wood island. The round shape table will produce an allusion of room, particularly when you keep the chairs beneath the table. In the this time, you can also provide a rug under the dining table. Instead of separating the space which is likely to make your diningroom painting or smaller the walls which is more high priced, placing a rug underneath the wood floor stain is far easier. Additionally, it may stop the slipper seats out of slip over. Supper timing would be the opportunity to receive close with your family members. With around table, you can easily see each other’s faces so it is not difficult to engage in conversation. However, round table is only fantastic to be utilized in little surroundings to host small bunch of individuals. In case the table is way far too large, it’s going to soon be difficult that you speak to each other and you also won’t accomplish the heat you long for at the table. Thus, ensure to also think about the size of the wood floor stain. When you get a package deal, the appliances have similar coloring and design so those ideas will readily combine together using the total decoration. You are able to fit with the color and type of the appliances with the cabinets in order you will complement the following. The absolute most crucial thing of all is that the purchase price. Whenever you purchase a bundle, then you may unquestionably receive far better deals compared to obtaining the appliances you by one. Therefore, buying wood floor stain will help save you much prized dollars. Why using picture gallery and the way to do with it? Well, it won’t be too difficult. You simply have to see the photo gallery and accumulate it. With so many wood floor stain, it is going to create the thoughts of this wood design to overwhelm and will be easy to find the best and suitable wood design for new wood. When you find the photo gallery, you are able to find any type of themes and ideas. Then, the upcoming things are taking the theme of each photograph and pick the one which you like the most. However, it is going to stay of some thing. Thus, blend the creative thought and combine some details of item that makes you feel better from mixing one idea to another and get a lot of thoughts that is needed and begin to pointed out the newest thoughts.
Two teenagers and a cop were shot and hospitalized following a police, gunmen clash in shoot-out on Highway 2000 in Jamaica. There was a devastating shootout on the East-West leg of Highway 2000 in Jamaica on October 10, which left a police constable and two teenagers hospitalised. Reports from the police are that about 1:00 pm, a police team was conducting vehicle checkpoint operations on the toll road when they signalled the driver of a Toyota Corolla motor car to stop. The driver complied and the officers reportedly approached the motor car. It is alleged that two men came out of the motor car and opened gunfire, which resulted in a shoot-out. A policeman was shot in the leg. The police say when the shooting subsided, it was discovered that one of the officers along with a 17-year-old female and a 14-year-old boy who were passengers in the vehicle sustained bullet wounds. Their injuries are not life-threatening. All three are now being treated at hospital. The two attacker escaped in a nearby community. However, the driver who fled the scene was later accosted and is now in police custody.
Board Amtrak's® Coast Starlight® for a spectacular journey down the scenic Pacific Coast. Starting off in Seattle you will enjoy two days in the “Emerald City”. Admission to the Space Needle is included where you will soar to the top of the tower and take in magnificent views of the surrounding city. Next you will journey south to San Francisco where you will be able to tour the city, cruise the harbor, and visit a number of attractions. Next you will continue your journey on to Hollywood where a full day tour of Los Angeles will encompass all of the best of the city's attractions such as beautiful Santa Monica beach, a guided tour of the Star's Homes, as well as stops at the Chinese Theatre and the Walk of Fame. A complete West Coast experience will be enjoyed on this tour. *The Pier 39 Pass provides access to a multi-day hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tour, admission to the Aquarium of the Bay, a Blue and Gold Bay Cruise, and a booklet of discounts for games, shops, and restaurants on Pier 39. When you stay with us, you will find that while you are at the heart of the cultural, finance, and entertainment hub of Los Angeles Downtown, our hotel offers you a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city transforming into your home away from home.
Over 3 years before Atlantic 252 began test transmissions on Long Wave 254kHz (now 252kHz following international frequency changes), the pioneering Radio Nova had already beaten them to it. During December 1985 and January 1986, Radio Nova attempted its final high powered medium from Dublin. In the years previous, Radio Nova had broadcast on Medium Wave, FM and Short Wave, as well as successfully testing television for a short period in 1983. By the Summer of 1985 it had become clear that although Radio Nova was putting in a good signal to North West England with their 50kW transmitter, the expected advertising revenue had not materialised. Despite reception being good along the coast, in the larger cities such as Liverpool and especially Manchester, the signal was not of saleable quality. Here, on a 'normal' radio, 738kHz was weaker, and especially during the winter months suffered from foreign intereference. By December 1985, the 50kW RCA transmitter had been replaced by the standby 10kW CSI for 738kHz. When the original idea of transmitting to England was discussed about at Radio Nova in the early 1980's, Long Wave was to be the preferred band. This was due to the large areas that can be covered on Long Wave. A location at Mosney, on the East coast just North of Dublin was said to have been chosen as a suitable site. However, this fell through and Long Wave was dropped in favour of MW from Nova Park, Rathfarnham (formerly the Greenacres Country Club). The raids of May 1983 (ironically, which were probably caused by the threat of this new station) delayed the start of this high powered service until 1984. In fact, split programmes for England only lasted several hours in the form of XIDY 738kHz in May 1984. Breakthrough onto the 819kHz Dublin service was the reason for the cessation of the second service. Radio Nova itself began to make use of the 50kW transmitter and programming was altered slightly to aim at both the English and Irish audiences. The disappointing results of 738kHz, and lack of any other suitable frequency on medium wave may well have been the reason for the resumption of the Long Wave idea in late 1985. The first report of Radio Nova being on 254kHz Long Wave was on Radio Nederland's 'Media Network' programme of 12th December 1985. At this point the channel carried a relay of the 738kHz service, and the signals were variable and intermittent. Only short tests were monitored until the middle of January. The signal level and audio quality of these short tests gradually improved during the first two weeks of January 1986. There were still no reports of seperate programmes, and the relay of Radio Nova never mentioned any tests on Longwave. As a result, very few local listeners in Dublin probably knew what was going on. A further report on 'Media Network' 23rd January edition reported an increase in signal strength and it was also around this time that the transmitter was left on permanently. The first split tests were heard on Tuesday 28th January 1986. Normal Radio Nova programmes were relayed until after 2pm, when Chris Barry then began announcing test transmissions on 254kHz and requesting reception reports. He continued with mainly country music until 6pm, when normal Radio Nova programmes were once again relayed. A similar schedule operated on both Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January. Thursday was to be the final transmission, as at around 2215, owner Chris Cary had the transmitter switched off. The reason for the sudden termination of the tests is unknown, but 6 weeks later Radio Nova was forced to closedown altogether. Power at the time of the LW switch off was thought to be in the region of 15kW. Unfortunately we have no photographs of the Long Wave studio or aerial system (which needed to be vast for this frequency) due to the short time the station was on the air. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Seven months after the Radio Nova tests on 254kHz, a report on Media Network of 21st August 1986 gave the first indication of a proposed RTE / Radio Luxembourg venture on the same frequency. According to the interview, the station was to be called Radio Tara, but when it eventually arrived on the air in 1989, it was known as Atlantic 252. The initial frequency was actually 254kHz, but following International frequency changes, it moved to the announced 252kHz. The only press coverage we have of the Radio Nova Long Wave experiment was the one below from 'Broadcast' Magazine of 14th February 1986, some two weeks after the tests had ceased.
Quite simply, they were amazing. They've expressed no shame in being compared to the greats of the 80s and 90s, but tonight, they stood on their own two feet as peers. They played several new songs which I haven't heard previously. I don't want to blab on much, but PLEASE visit the Mexican Summer site to order their stuff if you like what you hear. Last but certainly NOT least is Hether Fortune and cohorts playing as Wax Idols. My thoughts are with Dan Treacey right now, I'm hoping he makes a full recovery! Nice work. Looking forward to catching Wax Idols at the end of the week!
This expansion can cause the pipe to grind against its hanger, which can cause damage. To avoid damaging your pipes, layer the ends of the pipe with tape to ensure that they will stay securely connected to the hanger. To help you save time and money, you should group all of your plumbing problems for one visit. Check all of your plumbing fixtures, note any problems and write them down so you don't forget anything. Once you have your list, you are then ready to call the plumber. This way, there's only one charge for the service, instead of the plumber needing to make multiple trips. Check your flooring for loose tiles or any water damage. Loose tiles are often the first indication that you have a leak. To find out, simply press gently on the tiles to feel if they move or feel out of place. The tiles may be your first sign and will let you handle the problem quickly if need be. Plumbing, while at first it may seem intimidating, doesn't have to be complicated at all. Registered Plumbing Services Park Ridge IL Plumbing is not only related to water, there are many other skills required to be a good plumber. Choosing the cheapest shower head in the store can end up costing you more in the long run. Cheap shower heads can break much more easily. Frozen pipes can do very extensive and expensive damage. Fortunately, it's usually an avoidable problem. First, you need to check your outside pipe to make sure it has the proper insulation. Once the temperature starts to drop, disconnect your hoses after you have drained them out, and make sure the outside faucet is turned off. You can save a bunch on your plumbing bills this way. Don't run the water while putting food through your garbage disposal. People think that things will go more smoothly down the disposal if water is used at the same time, but it does nothing to help. Water can cause food to stick to the moving parts, and this could create damage. To extend the life of your pipes, try to stay away from drain cleaners if you can. Emergency Plumbing Company If your pipes make squeaking and hammering noises, it may be very simple to fix. Do not give a plumber the entire payment for a job until the whole job is completed. , The hose from your sink to your dishwasher needs to go upward before going back down so that there is no mixing between fixtures. Frozen pipes can lead to a large plumbing bill. Fortunately, it's usually an avoidable problem. Start by insulating the outside pipes fully. When it gets colder, disconnect and drain the hoses and turn the outside faucet off. This will keep you from paying too much to your plumber. If you need a plumber, be certain to do some research first. Make sure the plumber is qualified to handle the job or more problems may occur. Always look at plumber reviews, or ask friends and family if they can recommend one. Choose which drain cleaners you use with care. A number of them have strong chemical ingredients that damage pipes. Cheap shower heads have a tendency to break easily, so make sure you get what you pay for. Inexpensive Plumbers Near Me Bloomington IL, Two key advantages to doing so are the fulfillment and satisfaction of passing on your knowledge to the next generation, and having inexpensive labor on hand. Bananas, chicken skin and other food particles can become trapped in the blades of the disposal and block the drain. Throw out hard-to-grind things in a garbage can first, and then place the rest of the food in the disposal. When a situation may call for it, everyone in your household should be capable of turning off the water connections throughout your home. You definitely want everyone to be able to stop excess water from flooding your home and damaging flooring and baseboards. Everyone can stop the flow of water if they are aware of the shut-off valve. If you need to repair your home plumbing, you have a lot of options as to what to do. If you use the tips you've read here, you'll be able to solve any emergency and even install your own plumbing for new fixtures without the aid of a professional! Tips On How To Handle Any Plumbing Situation Even a simple plumbing problem can be a total pain for someone who doesn't know how to fix it. Sometimes, you may have to wait if you are calling a plumber, and it can be expensive as well. Continue on for information to help simply your plumbing problems! Noisy pipes are actually a lot easier to fix than you would imagine. Exposed pipes need to be anchored. No matter how much you know about plumbing, you can always get better, and the suggestions you read can help you do just that.
With the national water treatment equipment related requirements, in recent years, energy conservation and environmental protection has become the trend of the times. With the gradual enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, filtration equipment enterprises developed rapidly, through technological innovation, improve product structure, and seek long-term development. At present, the filtration equipment which plays a decisive role in water treatment has a good development prospect. In the pharmaceutical water treatment, filtration equipment has become an indispensable role. Most of our filter factory enterprises are small in scale, low in production concentration, high level repetitive construction phenomenon and excess production capacity of low-end products. Whether it is the original filter enterprise scale of production expansion, or the establishment of a new filter production enterprises, process equipment and product technology is mostly not improved, low-end product capacity is obviously excess. Filtration equipment industry in China, although the development time is not long, but everyone for the filter equipment enthusiasm is growing, this is definitely a good trend, I believe that the domestic market will slowly to the international market closer. Therefore, the domestic filtration equipment industry should establish a special research and development center, improve the ability of self-development, filtration equipment production can not always blindly copy foreign technology, but should be directed at our market situation, the development of the people applicable products.
Hopefully browsing our website has inspired some ideas for your own building project, now the next step is to contact us and begin the planning process. To make the process more efficient there are some questions we like to ask ahead of time to better understand what our customers are looking for. What purpose will the building serve? What style building are you looking for? What total square footage will be desired? What is the timeline you are looking to work with for this project? Consider your budget, and have a carefully thought out financial plan. There are many options with our frame kits and they are often dictated by the project’s budget. What are the local building codes and regulations? If you're not a robot, what is 100 + 70?
In medicine, ANAVAR is often used to improve the growth of children and prevent the onset of osteoporosis in women. . Bodybuilders and cyclists use anavar to gain strength, which is produced by stimulating the synthesis of creatine phosphate without causing water retention. There are many fake anavar producet in black markets. It is difficult to get a reliable seller.
Finger labyrinths are great for all ages; we have used them as part of worship kits for little ones, as part of explaining prayer to elementary age children, in our Confirmation program, and for adult retreats and prayer stations. We have used them in a class learning about prayer and also will be including them in prayer on the go bags for families to take home. They could also be used in worship boxes to have at the entrances to a church for use by young children during the service, as a “quiet” item. They are simple to make with whatever solid color fabric you have on hand; patterns are too distracting and make the lines of the labyrinth hard to see. You can see in the photo above that I used a flannel fabric that was blue but had splashes of a different color on it. In the future, I will use a fabric that is totally solid to make it easier to see the pattern. Center the top fabric (face up), batting and backing (face down). Pine together, leaving 1 inch extra of the backing around all the edges. Center the paper design (face up) on the right side of the top, and pin the paper pattern to all three layers. Using a straight stitch, sew all four pieces together, following the labyrinth design. Shorten the stitch length on your machine which will help the paper tear away easily. Tear away the stitch pattern. To finish the edges, begin with the corners, and fold the backing over itself at 45-degree angles towards the quilt top, covering the raw corners. Stitch each mitered corner in place. Then fold the backing of each of the four sides in halfway, then fold again, over the raw edge. Finish by topstitching with a ¼ inch-3/8 inch seam allowance. If you don’t sew, this is a simple project that could engage the sewers in your congregation! Put out a request for sewing volunteers in our weekly bulletin or monthly newsletter or on Facebook and you will be surprised how many are willing to do this project; most sewers have extra fabric pieces laying around that they would be willing to donate as well. It’s a great intergenerational way for older people to create for younger ones. Click here to download the Circle Pattern and the Heart Pattern.
Are you an up and coming football receiver that seems to always fumble the football, during a play? Well, you are in luck, because the Cutters Rev Pro is available on the market, today. With these high quality receiver gloves, you will be able to catch the ball and keep it in your grip, without worrying about dropping the ball. One thing that football receivers worry about, when they are buying receiver gloves is the longevity. Of course, you do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on a glove that will not last throughout the season. Football is a rough and tough sport that requires a glove that will offer a greater longevity. The glove’s C-TACK performance material combined with cabretta leather offers an extended life period like no other. Cabretta leather is created from sheep’s skin that grows hair, which we all know is very tough and if you do not believe it, just watch how a farmer’s sheers runs across the sheep’s skin, without doing damage. When you are sporting a pair of Cutters Pro gloves, you never have to worry about them being too tight, bunching up, or being non-flexible, which comes with other receiver gloves. The C-TACK offers great flexibility, which is exactly what you need. It is always important that you can flex your wrist, before a catch and during a throw. These gloves are so comfortable to wear that it will feel like you are not wearing gloves, at all. All of the materials are very lightweight, with the synthetic, mesh panels, which are located on the dorsal side of the hand, and offers more support, controls moisture, and ventilation. The etched cabretta leather is very soft, comfortable, and smooth, which is exactly what you need to become a better receiver. The Cutter Pro gloves offer a high endurance, damage resistance, and longevity. The synthetic material has been embossed to provide a better feel and allows for machine washing and drying, without becoming damaged. The most important thing about these gloves is the fact that they are capable of withstanding sweat, rain, and mud, without loosing their “sticky power”. If at any time, you are caught out in the rain, just grab a towel and dry them off, then you will be ready to continue catching and gripping the football, without any hesitation. The manufacturers of the Cutter Pro gloves know how important it is to find and purchase a glove that fits. With their high tech designed sizing chart, you will be able to select the perfect size for your needs. The many different sized gloves offer a wide range of sizes to choose from, which is important to a footballer. Many glove manufacturers do not offer such a wide array of sizes to choose from, which can make it difficult for something that has an odd sized hand. With Cutters Pro, you will never have to worry about finding the perfect glove, with the perfect fit.
The great and majestic Sea King who is in charge of all the waters around the mainland. He will occasionally appear in the depths of the sea. Just like the waves of the sea, his character is unruly. And his artifact Trident has an amazing destructive power and can even trigger a tsunami.
Happy Leap Day! Today’s brief covers the social consumers, Apple’s iPad event, design influencing behavior, mobile evolution for 2012, Facebook Timeline comes to Pages, Ridley Scott’s latest film, and more. Read on! That’s all from me today. Submissions and comments below please!
Engineering plastics is one of plastic molding materials which is type of plastics that is produced by using various plastic material having better mechanical thermal properties which are not found in the commonly used plastics that is used for daily use products such as polystyrene plastic molding parts, PVC plastic molding parts, ABS injection molding, Polypropylene and so on. Since engineering plastics are very expensive type of plastic molding material, which is the very reason why they are produced in a very limited quantity depending upon the requirement of a particular company, manufacturers of plastics manufacture engineer plastics in order that they do not have to face any type of loss. Engineering Plastics are used for various objects, but for those objects that happen to be small in size or for low-volume applications like turned parts or machined partsthat are used only at industrial level. They are not produced for bulk and high volume objects such as containers or packaging and so on. Plastics basically happens to be very different from thermosetting and is basically referred to as being thermoplastic. For example, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, which is also known as ABS can be included into engineering plastic, which is basically used for various daily products, such as bumpers, dashboard trim, so on and so forth. In past there used to be used various engineering material, like wood or metal, as it must have been noted that in past most of the products were only made up of wood or metal but after the advancement of technology things have rapidly changed and the place of wood and metal for engineering materials has been taken over by plastics. There are various reasons as to what made engineers choose engineering plastic as being the best and the most suited material for daily use products manufacturing. like PP injection molding parts, transparent plastic injection molding parts etc. go to https://www.plasticmold.net/transparent-plastic-injection-molding/ to know more. Some of the properties of plastics were are not found in any other material type, such as the weight of engineering plastic happens to be lesser in comparison to the other engineering material mentioned in the above paragraph. As a matter of fact with the help of injection molding machinery, the production of process has in actuality become very easy. The materials which were being used in all over the world traditionally have been replaced by. The usage of this material has increased to a very noticeable extent, and the market value has of engineering plastic has been estimated to be worth $45.2 Billion according to some of the reports that were presented in 2011, and by 2017 the market of this material is expected to reach upto $76.8 billion. Down below is a list showing various engineering plastics types. By the above mentioned facts, the conclusion that can be derived is that the future of engineering plastic industry is going to play a vital role in making various types of daily use products easy to be manufactured, since plastic happens to be very light in weight and is easy to produce. Furthermore, there as discussed above that there are various properties in of engineering plastics that makes it the very appealing products for the manufacturers as compare to other type of products. Want to know more about plastic mold resin? Go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resin to take a look.
It is said that water is life, and that is 100% truth because 70% of our beloved earth is covered in water, no one can deny that this is not our greatest resource. We are being taught in school how to save water, we are using it daily, it is part of our routine from morning to bedtime. Water is needed everywhere, from our homes to factories. But if we look closer, we might have a heart attack because of how much we use it and how we treat it. Polluted fresh water pools now are flooded with plastic, harmful chemicals and they turned into poison for us. Any kind of water pool, like river, ocean, pond and etc., infested with waste is water pollution. It means that water becomes undrinkable or we are not able to safely swim in it because it can get you sick, all that is caused by pollution. It is a huge problem all around the world. All life in water suffer if water is polluted because there is not enough oxygen, food for organism like fish, plants or even good bacteria to survive. To mention humans – people die each day because they consume polluted water. Industrial waste is especially dangerous. Factories are producing uncountable amount of waste in which you can find harmful chemicals, of course, that are polluting our air and environment. These kinds of waste contain mercury, lead, nitrates and more pollutants. Most of the industries don’t even have waste management system. All the polluted waste is being drained to our clean water system, then it goes to seas and rivers, where we fish or swim. They can change color, temperature of water and kill organisms living in it. As society, we are responsible for these factors because they are produced in our homes. We clean with chemicals, shower using chemicals and they are being released into clean water pools. This kind of used water with chemicals in it carry viruses and bacteria which are the cause of people and animals and even plants getting sick, and not just that, they can carry diseases that are causing death. The perfect example is Malaria. Malaria spreads through mosquitos which are being infected from water which grows this disease because it is polluted with harmful chemicals. Growing population and economy requires more cities to be developed. That means that need for clothing and food grows too. Because of these needs, environment suffers. People are cutting forests and, surprising or not, that kills a lot of fish and they do not have enough time to breed, and with more trash being produced, chemicals from soil filling fresh water pools, industries releasing unused materials into the water without government noticing, the areas which the wildlife can inhabit are dwindling. Current situation clearly shows that people are trying to do something about water pollution because it was noticed how important water is, as well as understanding the threat of global warming; not to mention that because of industrialization, freshwater supply is getting lower. Governments are restricting water contamination to water pools. People are creating all kind of projects to save clean water, with the goal to save life on earth.
Many family business owners spend years nurturing their companies with the goal of providing a livelihood for their heirs. But often their estates don’t have enough cash to pay estate taxes and other expenses after they die, which can force the family to sell the business. If you’re concerned that your heirs will face this predicament, ask your financial advisor about Internal Revenue Code Section 6166. It allows a portion of the estate tax to be deferred. If you’re an owner of a closely held business and a citizen or resident of the United States at the time of your death, your estate can potentially qualify for Sec. 6166 treatment. The test is whether the value of the interest in your business exceeds 35% of your adjusted gross estate, which is calculated by subtracting certain deductions, such as mortgages, funeral expenses, debts and administrative costs from your gross estate. There are a few rules to consider when applying the 35% test. If you’re a sole proprietorship, only the assets used in the company are considered when valuing the business. And the value of passive assets held by your business can’t be included in the valuation. If you have multiple companies, you must have owned at least 20% of each to combine the businesses for the 35% test. There’s also a general rule that businesses with more than 45 owners won’t qualify, although there are exceptions. If your estate qualifies for Sec. 6166 treatment, your heirs can pay the estate tax in two or more (but not exceeding 10) equal installments over 10 years. Plus, they can defer payment of the first tax installment for up to five years beyond the date it would have ordinarily been due. During the deferral period, interest must be paid annually. The first principal installment is due at the same time that the last interest-only payment is due. A special interest rate of 2% is available on the first $1 million in taxable value, which is adjusted annually for inflation. (For 2013, the deferral amount was $1.43 million.) Interest on any balance of the tax is assessed at 45% of the annual interest rate charged on the underpayment of tax. Sec. 6166 doesn’t apply to the entire amount owed on the estate. The amount of estate tax that may be paid in installments is the proportional amount attributable to the business’s value as compared to the amount of your adjusted gross estate. The remaining estate tax is due nine months after your death. Real estate qualifies as long as there’s been active management of the property — that is, if those assets are more than passive real estate investments. To minimize taxes and maximize cash flow, make sure your heirs understand the potential disadvantages of tax deferral under Sec. 6166. First, keep an eye on tax liens. To ensure that installment payments are made, the IRS will place a tax lien on your family business, and your estate will remain open and unresolved during the installment period. The greater the debt, the more likely it will adversely affect the company’s credit and hinder its ability to raise funds. Nonbusiness interest is another hotspot with the IRS. Deferred payments can’t be used to cover federal estate taxes for such interests. Your estate will need enough cash to pay for administrative expenses and accounting and legal fees for 14 years. It also will need sufficient liquidity to cover cash bequests, state death taxes, additional federal estate taxes, and interest and principal for the deferred estate tax. The business is sold to someone who isn’t considered a “qualified” heir. There is distribution, exchange, withdrawal, or disposition of at least 50% of the decedent’s interest in the business. It’s important to note that there is no acceleration of unpaid tax should the business redeem the decedent’s shares to pay funeral and administrative expenses or estate tax. If you are concerned about your estate’s ability to have the necessary cash flow for the annual payments, life insurance could help relieve your worries. Your beneficiaries pay no income tax on your death benefit proceeds, so the entire cash proceeds are immediately available. In addition, if the policy is owned by an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT), the proceeds are exempt from estate tax. It is important to work with your professional advisor. They can help you compare the costs for paying the premiums with the interest and professional fees associated with an installment note to the IRS. John has more than 20 years of experience consulting with successful individuals, families and closely held businesses.
For 17-year-old Sam Girian of Manchester, Mass., the 2016 Millard Fuller Legacy Build in Vanadzor, Armenia, wasn’t just another service trip. It was an opportunity to learn about himself and the world around him. Eager to experience his Armenian heritage firsthand, Sam did a simple Internet search and found himself on the Fuller Center for Housing website. “I liked the authenticity of the organization. It’s an organization that is close to its roots and has a clear purpose for what it wants to achieve,” Sam said of his first exposure to the Fuller Center. Soon, both he and his mother were registered for the weeklong build. The build focused on a 12-family apartment building, in which no family knew which apartment would ultimately be theirs. Families worked diligently all week to better their building as a whole, participating in a drawing at the end of the week that assigned their home. While Sam did mention construction skills as something learned, he is most thankful for the real-world lessons the build taught him. “I learned about people. I learned about how other people live and other people’s culture.” The high school junior had never been to Armenia and left feeling a deeper sense of understanding of his own heritage, especially after visiting the Genocide Museum in Yerevan. Just more reasons why I love The Fuller Center! Glad the trip was successful!
All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are a popular recreational off road vehicle, especially here in North Carolina. ATVs, also called four wheelers, can be a lot of fun. However, things can go wrong and injury-causing accidents up to and including death can result. Many more ATV accidents happen every year in America. As more people purchase ATVs, more accidents can be expected. Proper safety precautions should always be taken while operating ATVs. Sometimes even if you have worn all the recommended safety gear, including the most important helmet, injury-causing accidents happen. One of the worst injuries that can occur to people who are injured in a four wheeler accident is spinal cord injury or head injury. These are crippling accidents that can take one afternoon of fun and turn it into a lifelong disability. There have been incidents of severed spinal cords, dislocated vertebrae and punctured lungs or organs. Even if the victim of the four wheeler accident survives, he or she may be unable to recover from their injury or resulting medical conditions. They may be disfigured for the rest of their lives. Because many off road vehicle accidents take place while the four wheeler is carrying passengers, there is a chance of many ensuing liability issues related to the injuries of the passenger or passengers. At times, passengers of off road vehicle accidents sustain worse injuries than the drivers. When the passengers are young, it’s of course much worse. If your child or loved one was injured in an ATV accident, it could be the faulty machinery was to blame. It could be the result of the driver of the off road vehicle, or it could be another ATV driver speeding recklessly who caused the accident. If so, you may have a legitimate claim. You won’t know how to proceed until you’ve spoken to an ATV accident attorney. Choosing a Raleigh ATV accident attorney doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience. One of the things you should look for in choosing any personal injury attorney is whether or not the lawyer has extensive experience handling personal injury cases. Any personal injury attorney who has had extensive experience working with car accident victims would be a good choice as your ATV accident lawyer. You’ll have to consider whether a big or a small firm would be the best choice for you. At some bigger firms, you will be an anonymous case and may rarely see or hear from your attorney. Finally, you will have to consider if you should you choose a local Raleigh ATV accident attorney or a law firm from some other area. Eric Kassor is a local Raleigh ATV accident attorney with a wealth of knowledge acquired from many years of experience handling all type of personal injury cases. He will work to protect your best interests after you or a loved one has been injured in an ATV accident. He has won many favorable settlements for his past clients and will aggressively pursue compensation on your behalf. Your case will have the personal attention and compassionate legal representation that you and your family deserve.
Find the best barn wood wide planks and material to build your wall panel in your home, retail store, or business in Albany City. Shop online and get fast shipping everywhere in the United States. We ship to Albany City, New York, and everywhere in the United States. Come meet us in our showroom and we will be happy to provide all materials for your unique reclaimed wood panels that will surpass all your expectations.
This will be a short post, but hopefully it will come in handy if you’re not aware of the new methods provided in ES6 to search through strings easier. I’ll show you a few of them in the examples below. You can also see per example how you could do it with a regular expression. To check if a string begins with a particular set of characters, you can use the startsWith method. To check if a string ends with a particular set of characters, you can use the endsWidth method. To check if a string includes a word, you can use the includes method.
The trailer and gameplay footage help provide an insight into a previously untold and unknown side of the Second World War. The battle takes places on the new Rotterdam map, with action on the Dutch roads and city as the German Wehrmacht tries to capture it. As the trailer progresses, it becomes very clear how the dynamic destruction is changing the environment. Collapsing buildings and battles in confined spaces seem to be a big feature in the upcoming game, serving to make every battle unpredictable and different. Furthermore, after the main part of the video finishes, we are shown some scenes from the upcoming Battle Royale mode for the first time. We get to see the battlefield from the air, where a huge wall of fire, which is most likely representing the Zone, is constantly approaching the few survivors. Although nothing has yet been confirmed about the inclusion of vehicles in the game mode, there is also a tank moving alongside the soldiers on foot. DICE has emphasized several times in the past, that the mode should play differently than what players have come to know from today's Battle Royale games. An advanced movement system including jumping, sliding and vaulting will allow players to better navigate the battlegrounds and feel even more immersed. Advancing and playing objectives will earn your squad reinforcements, like the V-1 rocket with its devastating blast. A map set during the initial invasion of France, featuring countrysides and open marches. The giant bridge in the middle of the map plays an important role. This is one of the two North Africa maps that will be available at launch. The trailer makes it look like vehicles play an important role here. Players will be able to customise their vehicles to fit their unique play style. This not only includes performance upgrades, but also visual customizations. The game will be released on October 19 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. If you are excited about the game and want to preorder it, you can find Battlefield 5 cheap through our price comparison tables.
If you're getting your child interested in deer hunting and will soon take him or her on a bow hunting excursion with you, one of the best investments that you can make is to get an archery target shaped like a deer for your property. Your child can practice shooting arrows at this target to get into the mindset of aiming at a deer, and you can accompany him or her during these practice sessions by offering a number of tips and ensuring that your son or daughter uses proper techniques. Here are some lessons that you need to make sure that your child understands. When your child takes aim at a deer, he or she isn't simply trying to hit the animal. Rather, the child needs to know where to aim at the prey for a quick and merciful kill. Some deer-shaped targets are marked, but others are not. If yours isn't, teach your child to aim approximately at the top of the deer's front leg. This area, which is essentially the deer's chest, is a good spot to hit a deer because the deer's heart and lungs are immediately in this vicinity. A well-placed shot in this area will drop the deer quickly. Any adolescent who has played video games, including those that focus on hunting, will often be tempted to take daring shots. For example, a headshot is always appealing in video games, but your young hunter needs to know that deer hunting is not a game. Don't allow him or her to practice taking headshots at the archery target. This type of shot is inadvisable because the deer's head is small, which means that there's a high chance of missing the animal altogether. You can teach your child a lot about when to wait for the right shot by moving the archery target around the property and using different obstacles to set up challenging scenarios for your child. He or she may want to shoot as soon as it's possible to see the deer, but you can set up the target in different ways and then offer some teaching points. For example, if you partially obscure the animal-shaped target behind a tree or a bush, you can teach your child how it's best to refrain from shooting until he or she can see the entire animal. Failing to see the whole animal could lead to a misplaced shot, resulting in unnecessary and prolonged suffering for the prey. Once they've learned these skills, you can take them to an Axis deer trophy hunting ranch for some real practice. A few months ago, I realized I didn't really enjoy my vacation time that much. Instead of getting outside and doing something fun, I found myself chilling in front of the television and trying to figure out what to do with my free time. Fortunately, a friend of mine mentioned joining a local sports league and trying out a few new hobbies. I was nervous at first, but I knew that she was right. I started playing in a sports league, and it was a great time. I was able to lose a little weight and enjoy the great outdoors. Check out this blog for more information about recreation and sports.
Excellent Fluking today with our crew that came up from Charleston, SC to get in some of our great Summer Flounder fishing. We had some big Fluke come to the net today and it was a picture perfect day on the water with a light West wind. all told we had 9 fish in the cooler at the end of the trip and here’s the best part, they have to get on a flight now and I got to keep all of the fillets! All of the fish were taken on Berkeley Gulp and Peruvian Silversides. We caught a LOT of fish today and some quality fish at that………..
Green Maeng Da Kratom is without a doubt a unique strain of Kratom that possesses some very unique qualities. Its powerful combination of mood and energy enhancing properties really make this strain stand out amongst the other strains. It is true that there are limited studies around this strain, but many users attest that it is extremely potent and can deliver those desired effects in a very short time. Whenever users invest in the Green Maeng Da Kratom strain they can rest assured that they are investing in quality. What Really Makes The Green Maeng Da Kratom Strain So Special? You can probably tell from the name that this strain depicts feelings of clam and peace. That being said, most users aren’t really familiar with this strain. They are familiar with the Red Vein version of this strain, but most don’t know about the Green version. The Green Maeng Da Kratom strain is probably one of the most potent strains in the Green Vein family and it originates in Thailand. It has visible green veins in the leaves and this is part of where it gets its name. It really is the strong stimulatory effects that are making this strain grow more popular, but that should not be the only thing that it is recognized for. This strain should also be highly recognized for it analgesic and psychological properties. One of the things that the Green Maeng Da Kratom strain should be noted for is that it is really smooth. The effects might come on fast, but unlike the other Maeng Da strains, the Green strain is milder. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t effective. Using higher and super active strains like the Red Vein version might come along with some disadvantages. You might not be able to control yourself once the effects kick in and you might even experience some harsher side effects like nausea and vomiting. That won’t be the case with the Green strain because it is much smoother. Blabbering is also a common effect that many people report with stronger strains of the Maeng Da family. The mental alertness is also another quality that makes this strain stand out. This alertness won’t be present in the other strains. When it comes to pain management this strain is very effective. When consuming this strain is are some of the things that you can expect. It is no doubt that the Green Maeng Da Kratom strain is considered the mildest but most effective of all the Maeng Da strains. It is mostly used for its powerful therapeutic properties, which include stimulation and uplifting of the spirits. However, it is sometimes also used for its sedation, analgesic and anti-anxiety properties. When you consume this strain in the morning it can act as an excellent energy enhancer. It will provide the motivation and boost in confidence that you need to start the day out right. Another great thing about this strain is that it will provide you with these benefits without leaving you all jittery like the other Maeng Da strains. Being such a moderate strain you will have the stimulating properties that you need to carry out your daily duties. With the boost in confidence you will probably also be more talkative and outgoing, which might be just the thing you need. Proper dosing is always essential when it comes to any strain of Kratom. Too little and you won’t get the desired effects. Too much and you might experience unwanted side effects. This is why it is imperative to make sure that you are using an accurate scale and the accurate dosage. A digital scale is often times your best option, but they are hard to find and expensive. You can always use a teaspoon. Anyone just starting out should consume anywhere from 1.5 to 2 grams of this strain. An expert dose would be right around eight grams. It’s also recommended to take it capsule form, you can read more about the dosage in my Maeng Da Kratom capsule review. The duration of the effects can vary depending on the user and how much they have consumed. At a 1.5 to 2 gram dosage the effects can last two hours. On much higher doses the effects might last eight hours. When you really compare Green Maeng Da Kratom to Green Malay it can be hard to determine which is better. However, they both do offer the user some amazing benefits. The Green Malay strain is highly known for its ability to boost energy, enhance the immune system, provide pain relief and calm the mind. The Green Maeng Da Kratom strain can boost your overall confidence, help fight anxiety, promote you with a sense of well-being, boost the energy, provide slight pain relief and it does all this without leaving you all jittery. While the two strains do possess some similar qualities, they are certainly different due to the fact that the Green Maeng Da strain is much smoother. Whichever you choose, make sure you buy quality kratom from trusted vendor! The Green Maeng Da strain is a must for anyone who wants to deal with depression. With this strain, you’ll be able to boost your mood and get yourself out of your slump. Just make sure that you’re taking the correct dosage or you may regret it.
The Best Trucking School for You A lot of people are not in favor of working inside a cubicle for the whole day, five days a week. Getting sick of all the rubbish that your coworkers are always spouting like lies that are just so clear to see through but they still keep on telling it even if it is the tenth time. This will mean that you need to change your job because you are not happy with what you are doing right now. This will be the start of your venture, you will have to choose the path that you will love to be in, a job that will make you happy, not thinking about anything else. This will hit you hard and instantly when it happens, imagine coming home late from work and you see a letter that the food is inside the microwave and then you notice that your family is also unhappy with the way you are working these days, you have no time for them. And you think about pursuing the dream job you had when you were a kid which is being a truck driver. The question right now is how will you become a truck driver. No need to worry because their is a solution to that problem. Now, you have to look for a school that will be able to give you everything that you need. You will see that there are a lot of trucking schools in the world. You will not worry about a thing because no matter where you live, there will be a trucking school that will be near your area. You need to look for a trucking school that will be the best for you. You need to consider certain factors before you choose a trucking school for you. Before choosing a trucking school, you need to consider this important factor first. You need to consider he location of the trucking school that you chose. Will the trucking school be near to the place where you are living in? You should look for a trucking school that will be near your place, if it takes hours to reach to your school, that will be a bad idea. If you want to maximize the time you have to learn in becoming a good truck driver, you will seriously need a school that will be near your home because waking up late and ending up skipping school will be a bad thing, this will make the entire task a bit harder. By following this guide, you will be able to get the best result and after a couple of months, you will be able to become a good truck driver and you will finally make that dream come true.
According to the Companies Act of 2008 your Pty Company should keep a strict track record of Share Transfers. The statutory regulations required to track the shares are very rigid. How does Shares Management work in South Africa? Every company needs to initially make an amount of shares available to the current and future shareholders. This is done during the company registration process and shown on the MOI Certificate of a company. Normally the total Share Allocation amounts to 1000. Normally a company would issue about 100 of a 1000 shares to shareholder. This is called ‘Issued Shares’. Depending on the growth plans of a new company, it is wise to issue a limited amount of shares to the current shareholders / investors. This leaves space for future growth. For example, if the MOI allotted 1 000 shares, the Directors should authorise only a small percentage initially – say 100 shares (10% of the total). If the two shareholders each wants 50% stake holding, each will own 50 shares. This allows the company to take on new partners easily if required in the future. The Share Certificate is basically the legal document which acts as legal evidence that a specific person owns an amount of shares in a company. Get your Share Certificates here. If a company wants to sell shares to a new shareholder, you have to follow a legal process called a “Transfer of Shares”. If a company wants to take new shareholders / investors on board they need to process the “Allotment of Shares” which also constitutes a legal process. This process ensures the new owner that he / she legitimately owns a specific amount of shares in the applicable company, for example 250 of the 1000 authorized shares. In case a company needs to have more authorised shares for new investors / partners after initiation, it can be increased by the process of increasing the “Authorised Shares”. For example, according to the Company’s MOI it can only authorise up to 1000 shares. If that amount is reached and the company wants to allot another 1000 shares, they need to increase the “Authorised Shares”. How do I keep track of Shares? You need to keep track of all the changes by using a specific Share Register Hardcover book. This book is viewed as a legal document in court. Make sure you keep it up to date, or you can use our services for that as per below. Every company should have a professional (such as a lawyer, company secretary or compliance officer) update their Share Register to make sure it meets all legal standards. In case yours is behind or empty, we can assist as we have an in-house ‘Compliance Officer’.
Full face tunnel boring machine "TBM" performance during the excavation of 6 tunnels in sedimentary rock is considered in terms of utilization, penetration rates and cutter wear. The construction records are analyzed and the results are used to investigate 21 downtime classes. Recommendations are made for modifications in excavation system design. Correlations between rock index properties and penetration rates are achieved when maximum TBM thrust and torque are developed. It is shown that the predicting capabilities of index tests are significantly improved when the penetration rate is normalized with respect to thrust. The interrelationship of penetration thrust and rolling forces is analyzed with a 3-dimensional model which provides a rational basis for explaining variations in cutter forces and penetration rates as a function of rock type. Rock abrasiveness is shown to be a useful parameter to predict rates of cutter abrasion wear. A fracture mechanics approach to the process of the cutting tool-chip formation is proposed as an empirical prediction of TBM performance. Seismic records of TBM's are presented in terms of peak velocity, frequency and attenuation rates. The technical and non-technical aspects of TBM planning activites are discussed. Use of 4 TBM's on a major transit project is presented as a case history for TBM planning. Recommendations are made for future work and observation records required for future performance evaluations are summarized.
At Morada Bay Beach Cafe, brightly colored tables and chairs festoon the pristine sand with swaying palms completing the idyllic setting. Their menu features a blend of Caribbean and American cuisine, showcasing the fresh local seafood and produce. Start with a refreshing watermelon salad topped with fresh basil from their own garden. Follow with tapas to share such as Cracked Conch Tidbits and Mahi Fish Tacos. Entrees are an eclectic mix from Whole Fried Snapper to Hickory Smoked Brisket. For families traveling with young ones, they offer a kid's menu with favorites like chicken fingers and grilled cheese. On weekend nights, the live music starts at 6:00 p.m. with laid-back island sounds on the Beach Cafe Surf Stage, followed by a dazzling sunset over the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. You'll want to have your camera ready for the colorful show across the sky, and their iconic curved palm tree makes the perfect perch for selfies. Once a month, they throw a Full Moon Party that's bound to be the highlight of any Florida Keys vacation.
At the beginning of the year 1990, the painter Miquel Barceló took off for a season in the Alps. He did so willing to interpret the ice, perceiving in the Alpine glaciers the inevitable passage of time. He was little more than 30 years old, when, in his eyes, the glaciers became memory deposits; metaphors that were completed in the frozen glass of its surface, apparently immobile, giving rise to a rhetorical figure where the real term of ice is identified with the imaginary term of death, or what is the same, with the end of a road contained in a distant point, where the view does not reach. Because well looked, the glaciers are relics of the last age of the virgin nature, of when the human beings lived submerged in their uncertainty. With this perception, the Mallorcan painter submerges himself in the canvas to represent the shapes of the ice and with that invite us to a journey through time that reaches remote times, when the low temperatures forced the human beings to go to other latitudes, looking for warmer climates. Observing nature is nothing more than talking to her and Miquel Barceló has had a constant conversation with nature for decades. Anyone who looks at his work will realize the painter's need to provoke dialogue. In each of his paintings, Barceló reflects the wild encounter with space and he brings it to a cloth that he places on the floor, before starting to stain it without truce between one question and the next. Because to ask is to rebel and the glaciers are part of the rebellious nature of the ice; an atmospheric question that originates crystal structures and generates amazing forms, capable of making us see that science is nothing other than a thought reality. When the snow increases its density and with it its weight, then, it begins to slide. In this way it forms a river of ice with cracks in the places where it flows the most and with moraines of sediments on its edges; a seemingly simple phenomenon but one that represents great complexity when it comes to transmitting it with all its ice load, which is like putting with all its load of current reality. Its displacement is very slow, leaving evidence of the time traveled in its path. The movement of the glacier is called flow and, due to its solidity, this term is contradictory, but nothing further, then, the ice behaves like a fragile solid that flows due to its weight, achieving a slow mobility that is known as basal slip. This is where the liquid water that all glacial contains in its deepest layers comes into play, acting as a lubricant that makes the glacier meander between the valleys, giving rise to a vast icy path that, so clear, seems invented by a Cosmic joker who wanted to bring to the painter's eyes the reality concentrated in the ice and thereby stimulate his conversation with nature. When Miquel Barceló came to the Alps determined to paint glaciers, he noticed something very curious, because in the language of one of them someone had pointed out the imperceptible movement of ice in the last hundred years. Then Barceló set out to look for the year of his birth, 1957. Once located, he advanced until 1990 and, thus, walking on the ice, he traveled the space of his life until then, knowing that on that ice road was not only contained all his life, past and present, but also his future and of course, also his death, behind the mountains. With such ideas in his head, Barceló began to paint large masses of movements that are imperceptible of so slow and that give rise to the metaphor that underlies all his work, that is, the inevitable passage of time.
If you love pie—okay, who doesn’t love pie???—driving over to Centerville is definitely something you want to do. That’s where you’ll find the Centerville Pie Company, a local pastry shop that has won the hearts and taste buds of legions of fans. The company was founded in 2009 by long-time friends, Laurie Brown and Kristin Broadley, affectionately called, “The Pie Ladies.” Not long after opening, Oprah Winfrey discovered their pies and put the place on the culinary map. But it hasn’t lost its local charm and counts locals among its most fervent supporters. Stop by the shop or restaurant and you can indulge in one of their savory or sweet creations. A favorite is the chicken pie, as comforting as you’d want, with meat in a homemade gravy. This is one of a variety of savory pies and quiches with meat, fish or veggies tucked inside the shop’s superb flaky crust. On the sweet side, there are fruit pies, such as a traditional apple and lattice-crust cherry, as well as delectable cream pies. Swoon-worthy banana with fresh whipped cream topping is a favorite. Centerville Pie Company’s slogan is “Hand Baked with Love on Cape Cod,” and the loving they put into each pie is evident in the loyal locals and visitors who visit the shop or purchase the pies, which are now available in some retail outlets too. Shop Hours: Monday – Saturday, 8;00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Sunday, 9;00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Restaurant Hours (seasonal and subject to change): Wednesday – Sunday, 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Delicious pies are just a tasting of all the wonderful foods to try here on Cape Cod. Come stay at the Inn and we’ll make sure you enjoy a delicious visit! This entry was posted in Restaurants and tagged Dining, Local foods by admin. Bookmark the permalink.
As winter is fast approaching again (much to our dismay!) we are soon going to be facing the many challenges that this soggy, cold and icy season brings to the UK. One of these challenges is the risk of flooding, which seems to be occurring increasingly over time. Flooding is not something to take lightly – it ruins businesses, destroys homes and turns the lives of the people that live and work within them completely upside down. Last winter, the UK faced a series of major storms and some of the heaviest rainfall on record. This tested our defences against what seemed to be a furious and relentless Mother Nature yet sadly proved that our country wasn’t prepared for the extent of the damage and that our nation’s resilience needs to be improved dramatically if we have any chance of reducing the damage caused by flooding in the winter months. People that reside in flood-prone areas can try to prepare themselves for the wet winter ahead. If this sounds you like you, we’d recommend making yourself aware of the government’s ‘Get Ready for Winter’ initiative, which is hosted by the Met Office and offers advice and useful information to people across the UK. You can sign up to the Met Office National Severe Weather Warning Service and receive alerts as to which part of the country is under threat of flooding or storms. Sewers throughout the UK flood due to a whole variety of reasons, from climate change to pressure on sewer networks caused by lack of natural drainage. One of the common causes of flooded sewers is blockages that are the result of people placing unsuitable items down drains. These unsuitable items come in the form of sanitary towels, tampons, wet wipes and harden fat. If people were to refrain from doing this, then the amount of floods experienced as a result of blocked sewers would drop significantly! If you live in an area that is notorious for flooding in the wet winter months, then take action as soon as possible. It may be a good idea to stock up your emergency kit, which should contain a torch, a copy of your insurance policy, first aid kit and water. Be sure to place important documents in a sealed container to prevent damage. When a threat of flooding is on high alert, sand bags will be in high demand, so it’s a good idea to stock up on these beforehand so you are fully prepared. Use the sandbags to place on top of toilets and sinks to prevent backflow. Take as many pictures of your home as possible, too – these may come in handy when it comes to claiming on your home insurance. There are many other ways to make sure you’re prepared for potential floods. You can find out more on what to do once your home has been flooded at the British Red Cross website.
One of the pearls presented by Renzo Borgatti at this year's ClojuTRE was the little-known javadoc function. For what it's worth, I installed the Java 8 apidocs with pacman. and up pops a browser with the javadoc. Thanks Renzo! The advantage of using ~/.lein/profiles.clj rather than project.clj is that it doesn't affect other users of the project, who may be using other operating systems or distros. For most of my projects, the first thing I do when launching the JVM is switch to a dev namespace. This means that if there are any compilation issues with dev, I can fix them with a working REPL. However, what becomes of our javadoc function? It is no longer present. Therefore I've added the following to the dev namespaces of my projects. Fortunately, the local javadoc location persists I don't have to set it again. This means that I can set it once, with clojure.java.javadoc/add-local-javadoc, in my local Leiningen profiles.clj, and it will set things up for me without affecting those working in other operating systems and distros.
The final day, and the final table, has just started at the Galway UKIPT. By the end of the day there will be a new Irish Poker Champion crowned, and all Irish fans are hoping that Padriag Parkinson can claim the title. The biggest threat to the Irish Poker Championship moving away from Ireland is English born Paul Marrow. However, if you talk to Paul Marrow he will tell you he is as much Irish as he is English, and still thinks when he plays in Ireland it’s home soil. This entry was posted on Monday, December 14th, 2009 at 9:29 am and is filed under Poker News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
If you have owned or used a computer for any length of time, then there is a very good probability that you have faced issues with the speed of your computer at some point. There are many issues that a computer can encounter which causes it to slow down significantly and not work as well or as fast as it should. Fortunately, there are types of software that can help with such speed and performance issues. One such program is PC Cleaner Pro 2012.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is planning a large-scale epidemiologic study to determine whether Vietnam-era veterans stationed in Southeast Asia are more likely to develop an aggressive liver cancer linked to common parasites from the area. The study follows a small pilot program by researchers at the Northport VA Medical Center, which tested 50 local Vietnam combat veterans and found 12 had a history of liver fluke parasite infestation. When results of the smaller study were released, VA spokesman Curt Cashour wrote in an email “VA is not aware of any studies that show that bile-duct cancer occurs more often in U.S. Vietnam War Veterans than in other groups of people.” Yet, veteran John Ball, who served in Vietnam from July 1966 to August 1967, said he agreed to do the study because his friend Jim Delgiorno, a fellow veteran, had been diagnosed with a rare liver cancer linked to flukes and had died shortly thereafter. Ball entered the study and tested positive for past infestation. Other veterans who served with Delgiorno are also concerned, including one suffering from cirrhosis, who says he seldom drinks. The Newsday article also mentions that one vet who tested positive in the study had recently undergone surgery to remove cancerous cysts from his liver. At Marcari, Russotto, Spencer & Balaban, we are encouraged to see the VA take proactive steps to determine whether a link exists. On its face, this seems to be the “delay, deny, defend” approach the VA took to the problems with Agent Orange and Camp Lejeune water. But time will tell. And getting answers is going to take time. Results of the larger study are expected in two years. In the meantime, the VA must do more to inform Vietnam-era vets of the risks and get them the health screenings and care they need. The VA benefits attorneys at Marcari, Russotto, Spencer & Balaban have more than 200 years of combined legal experience. For more information on how we can help with your appeal, call 866-866-VETS or contact our office online.
By any measure, Salesforce seems to be on the right track. Its most recent earnings report was another huge win, as it hit $1.44 billion in quarterly sales and $6.5 billion in full year estimates. Those numbers sent its stock to record-high levels of over $68 a share. But every company goes through growing pains, and a recent report by Forrester Research suggests Salesforce is dealing with its share. Some clients are complaining about its pricing model. The report says Salesforce customers see a lot of hidden costs that could turn them away from renewing their contracts. For example, to create a sandbox environment, a popular feature for testing applications, Salesforce charges an additional 15% or more on top of its annual subscription fee. There are extra charges for additional integration and API usage too, Forrester says. In fact, in a recent Forrester survey, 52% of the respondents picked "high cost of ownership over time" as the one thing they most dislike about Salesforce's Sales Cloud, followed by "rigid and inflexible pricing model" at 42% of total. As a result, 43% of the respondents said they will "renegotiate our contract with Salesforce when it comes up for renewal," while 8% said they will move to a different vendor. It isn't doing a good enough job integrating its marketing product. The report also claims that Salesforce is having trouble converting its biggest set of customers, who use its sales and customer service products, to its newer marketing product, which came into the company through its $2.5 billion acquisition of ExactTarget in 2013. More than a quarter of Salesforce's sales come from its core products, Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, while Marketing Cloud makes up only about 10% of its sales. Part of the reason for the disparity is that Salesforce hasn't fully integrated its marketing and sales products, the report says. They have different user interfaces and customer databases, leading to higher levels of customer dissatisfaction. Almost half of the survey respondents (47%) said they plan to renegotiate their Marketing Cloud contracts when they expire (versus 43% for Salesforce overall) while 20% of the Marketing Cloud users say they will move to a different SaaS vendor (versus only 4% for Salesforce overall). That's not to say Salesforce is in serious danger. The survey was based on a small sample size — only 105 Salesforce users — and a lot of them expressed high satisfaction in other areas, especially compared to other big companies like Oracle and SAP. But these are big issues as Salesforce continues to expand its business, and as Forrester points out, Salesforce will have to address them to join the ranks of one of the "big four" enterprise software companies: Oracle, SAP, IBM, and Microsoft. The report concludes that the most likely path for Salesforce to take is to continue increasing the number of apps built on top of its platforms, especially on the sales side, including its latest product in data analytics. This could create more pricing pressure for customers, but overall would create more cross-selling and upselling opportunities for Salesforce to reach $20 billion in revenues, it says.
From our wide range of quality bulbs comes the modern classic 'Irish Luck'. Like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow these long-flowering daffodils are true heralds of Spring time and brighter days to come. Unlike the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow though, these daffodils are dependable and solid of substance - guaranteed to rise. With strong stems and faultless form to their blooms these plants are tough enough to withstand the most of bracing of British Springs. Appearing during late winter all the way through to early summer (January until May), these flowers will brighten your garden, no doubt. As with all daffodils, 'Irish Luck' makes for an ideal cut bouquet to decorate the home. These bulbs are available to be bought alone, or in our 'Exotic Daffodils Mix' for an even more exciting and unusual springtime display! Reaching around 35cm (14") in height, these flowers will stand out well in any display. The hardiness and unmistakable appearance of 'Irish Luck' makes it the perfect all-rounder: whether naturalised in lawn drifts, set in borders or potted or hung. Its versatility and hardiness truly lends to its use in all kinds of locations, from city courtyards, to patio containers all the way to traditional wildflower meadows. See the full range of narcissus and daffodil bulbs we have available for sale. These bulbs are suitable for almost all types of soil and should be planted any time during autumn (from August to November) at around 10-15cm (4-6") deep, spaced around 13cm (5") apart, and preferably in full sun (no more than half shade). These flowers are susceptible to few pests and diseases, but those to look for in particular are: slugs; narcissus bulb fly; and basal rot.
Which of the following can the Environmental Protection Agencydo? What dysfunctions can you identify in your work placefamily? How are they affecting you? How are they affectingothers in your work family? Do the three levels of prevention programs adequately servegroups in need? What changes would you make to prevention programs?Base your response on both research and personalopinion.
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Ductless Air Conditioning | Aspen Aire Inc. If your AC has recently kicked the bucket you’re probably scrambling to find replacement options before this Midwest summer melts your face off. Maybe you’re just tired of paying the insane energy bills we all rack up this time of year. Or, you’re allergic to literally everything and not looking forward to the hassle and expense of getting your ducts cleaned. Whatever the reason may be, there are several reasons and things to consider when looking at installing a ductless unit. But first….what is a ductless unit? A ductless air conditioner, or “mini-split air conditioner” is essentially a unit that consists of an outdoor condenser, a small indoor unit, and a conduit that connects the two. The unit is fairly simple to install since it doesn’t require installing ducts and the indoor unit can be mounted almost anywhere on the wall or ceiling. First, these units give you more control when it comes to cooling your home. You can choose to cool one room or all rooms, and have the ability to control the temperature of each. This can especially be a nice feature for saving on cooling costs. If you have a spare room or if your mother-in-law is in town, you can simply turn the air off in that bedroom but keep the rest of the house cool. Many units also have a programmable timer to keep certain areas at certain temperatures throughout the day, much like a standard programmable thermostat. These units tend to use significantly less energy than standard units, and Energy Star-certified units can save you even more on your electric bill. Probably one of the best things about these units is that they are easy to install. Even if you already have central air, you can have a ductless system installed in your home. While the upfront cost of these units may run high, in the long run they can save you a lot of money and time spent maintaining a traditional unit.
http://www.nuruelitenyc.com nuru massage ny new york nuru massage. Qingdao International Foreign Language School is invested by the famous American Chinese scholar, Mr. Liang Shuncai, president of the board of directors of Langshi Educational Group which owns Morlegen University U.S.A., Silicon University China and Suzhou International School besides Qingdao International Foreign Language School. Qingdao International Foreign Language School is a large boarding private school ranging from kindergarten, primary school, middle school to senior school. It is Mr. Liang’s another masterpiece after a great success in founding Suzhou International :Foreign Language School. Qingdao International Foreign Language School locates in the vicinity of Qingdao city, very close to the famous scenic area, Laoshang Mountains, and also Aushangwan Bay which boasts scenic beauty. The school project of the first period covers 40 hectares with the total architectural area of 50,000 square meters and can accommodate 3,000 students. The school is highly computerized in education. The school network is the largest among all the private schools all over the country. The school is facilitated with separated piano rooms, art and physical training gymnasium, ceramic art center, handcraft art room, library, track and field runway and so on besides the 14-storeyed main building. Each of these is built facing the sea with its own special feature. It provides students with advanced and special curriculum while achieving the set standard of courses the nation requires. The school is committed to first level and high quality education for all students. The school has established very good relationship with Nanjing Foreign Language School , Shanghai Xiangming Middle School and more than ten schools in America, Britain, Australia, Japan etc. Basic monthly salary is RMB 3,000 yuan with living subside of RMB 700 yuan, Master's degree bonus RMB 500yuan and teacher’s certificate bonus RMB 500 yuan. If both parties are satisfied with each other and continue the second year contract, the school will raise 500 yuan in monthly salary year by year. If the teacher completes half-year contract, he or she will be reimbursed for half of his or her roundtrip economic-class international airfare not exceeding$400 (to be paid in RMB or US dollars). If the teacher completes a one-year contract, he or she will be reimbursed for his or her roundtrip economic-class international trip airfare up to $800 (to be paid in RMB or US dollars). If the teacher didn't purchase a roundtrip ticket, the school will provide the teacher with a one-way economic-class international air ticket before the expiration of the contract up to $400. The teacher is responsible for providing the evidence of fare payment to the school. The school also shall pay for the teacher's travel expenses back and forth between the entry city and the place of work. Within the duration of the contract, basic salary shall be paid in vocation, but no payment of bonus. The teacher is entitled to his/her country's holidays as follows: Christmas for two days, if the teacher requests to celebrate his/her National Day, he/she is entitled to a one-day holiday. The school shall provide the teacher a separate apartment with kitchen utensil, separate washroom, bedroom, waiting room, furniture, Color TV, refrigerator, microwave oven, air-conditioner equipment. The is responsible for the loss of the equipment and utensil, and should compensate for a loss or damage according to the cost. The electricity bill for the teacher’s own apartment and long-distance phone calls shall be paid by the teacher. The school shall provide the teacher with three meals in campus dinning hall three times a day free of charge, home cooking is possible at the teacher’s own cost. An insurance allowance of US$100 per year. A medical allowance of RMB 1.000yuan per year, but no allowance for daily medical treatment. 7.Two Chinese classes will be arranged for foreign teachers once a week free of charge.
Thursday, April 23, 2015. Glass Blasting Media is quickly becoming a direct replacement for many sandblasting abrasives. Made from crushed recycled glass bottles it is silica free and great for the environment. Feldspars occur in many rock types, but one rock type is composed of nearly pure feldspar – anorthosite.Very large feldspar crystals occur in pegmatites and well-developed crystals are found in hydrothermal veins. Asteroid Miners: A major occupation for Belters, with the poorest of them living as "rock-hoppers" who spend their lives moving from asteroid to asteroid struggling to harvest enough valuable material to survive while corporations like Pur-N-Kleen use freighters like the Canterbury to harvest ice from Saturn's rings. Jordan Sandstone map: Many of the rock units that are currently being mined for frac sand are also aquifers. This makes groundwater research publications, such as the groundwater atlas series of the United States Geological Survey, valuable prospecting documents for determining the presence, thickness and structure of sandstone rock units. uses 95% less energy than it takes to make aluminium from the ore. 20 recycled cans can be made using the same energy needed to make a single can from bauxite. Chunks of rock and frozen liquids in orbit around the newly forming Sun converged and melted together to form the planets. Each time a planetisimal (see the Introduction) hit the rotating chunk of material that was to become Earth it melted in to the existing mass. For example, if you fuse two hydrogen atoms together, you have an atom with two protons—or helium. Fuse three hydrogens together and you get an atom with three protons—lithium, the first and lightest metal. Arkansas (/ ˈ ɑːr k ən s ɔː / AR-kən-saw) is a state in the southern region of the United States, home to over 3 million people as of 2017. Its name is of Siouan derivation from the language of the Osage denoting their related kin, the Quapaw Indians. Sandstone is a consolidated sand.It is a very widespread and well-known sedimentary rock. It should be no surprise because sandstones make up 10…20% of all sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks are by far the most common rocks at the surface (see more interesting numbers pertaining to sand in a post brain games with sand grains).
Find out organic cosmetics carrying the Cosmebio label. For information, it is not possible to buy on the website of our association. If you are interested in a product, a purchase button gives you one-click access to the brand's commercial site. Absolu nectar - body & hair oil 49.3% shea butter - 1.76 fl.oz.
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Every Thursday, DeSales Weekly provides our subscribers with some fresh material to aid them in efforts to live Jesus, which is the motto of our patron, St. Francis de Sales. He sought to integrate the sacred and the secular to make the ordinary events of our lives extraordinary by bringing virtue, grace, and Jesus to all we do. Frequently, we may not be able to see the window through which the Spirit may enter a given moment or activity of our day. With reflections on a panoply of topics and experiences by the Oblates, as well as resources to help prepare for Sunday Mass, and other updates from the Oblate world, this weekly email offers a regular, concise resource to life the spirit and help it soar into the weekend.
Watch TV3 Puls free live tv online. More info about TV3 Puls, program guide and shows can be found on the TV3 Puls website. TV3 Puls Stream is not hosted by our site, it is provided by the tv station itself. So please wait to connect to TV3 Puls broadcast. TV3 Puls Channel can be offline sometimes.
Please read this important post-operative information for adherence after the exposure of an impacted tooth. If you are undergoing this procedure, it is important to follow these instructions exactly to ensure optimal healing and quick recovery. After surgery, leave the surgical site alone. You may have a small gold chain that is attached to your braces. Leave the chain alone as your orthodontist will use this chain to help position the tooth. A small amount of bleeding is common for up to 24 hours. If you experience excessive bleeding (your mouth fills up rapidly with blood), place a gauze pad directly over the extraction site and hold it in place with firm biting pressure for around 30 minutes or until the bleeding can be controlled. If your bleeding does not slow, please call our office. Swelling is normal after surgery and is a major cause of post-extraction discomfort. Swelling can be reduced by applying an ice pack to the side of your face for 10 minutes; transfer it to the opposite side for another 10 minutes. Continue icing the face as tolerated for the first 1–2 days. If you went to sleep for surgery, it is important to start drinking again right after surgery. Start with water, PowerAde®, Gatorade®, or juices. Once you can tolerate fluids, you may start to eat soft foods like mashed potatoes, eggs, and oatmeal. Begin brushing your teeth and cleaning your mouth the day after surgery. It is important to brush all of your teeth, even if the teeth and gums are sensitive. Bacterial plaque and food accumulation near the site will delay healing. Begin saltwater rinses the day after surgery and continue until the surgical site heals. Rinse with warm saltwater rinses 3–4 times daily. To make the saltwater solution, dissolve a ½ teaspoon of salt in a small glass of warm tap water.
Due to the recent media attention given to concussions and the risk of long-term brain damage, many parents question whether they should allow their children to play football. What steps can parents and coaches take to decrease the risk of football injuries? Parents of young athletes are more concerned than ever about long-term risks of playing Youth football linemen copyfootball. In response, many health experts have proposed radical changes aimed to make football safer. Is playing football hazardous in terms of long-term brain damage? Research continues to look at the long-term effects of concussions in football, but repetitive blows to the head could be just as harmful. How long, then, does it take for a player’s brain to fully return to normal after a season of these head impacts? A concussion is a complex pathophysiologic process resulting from a traumatic brain injury that often occurs in contact and collision sports. While the term often describes seemingly mild brain injuries in sports, it is also used as a group of injuries with different levels of severity. Injury to the brain in sports can occur with blows to the head. They can also occur with hits to other parts of the body that cause a sudden change of direction of the head and neck, causing the brain to forcefully contact the skull. Symptoms can vary depending on the extent of injury. An athlete might exhibit headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, loss of balance or coordination, memory loss, loss of consciousness, and more. All brain injuries — even those that seem mild — warrant neurologic evaluation of the athlete. Most sports have adopted policies mandating the removal of any athlete who suffers a concussion from the game. +What is chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)? -What is chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)? Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain that is being increasingly diagnosed in athletes and former athletes with a history of repetitive brain trauma. The trauma to the brain includes not only symptomatic concussions but also repetitive subconcussive blows to the head. These brain injuries lead to a progressive degeneration within the brain months or years later. Symptoms can include depression, personality changes, memory loss, and dementia. Buying an expensive new helmet with the latest technology might not be a bad idea, but no helmet can eliminate the risk for a concussion completely. In fact, these fancy helmets don’t appear to have better results in terms of concussion symptoms than other new helmets or even reconditioned helmets. If an athlete is going to wear a used helmet, he and his parents and coaches should ensure that it has been fully inspected for damage and properly reconditioned. Athletes should work with coaches and athletic trainers or equipment managers to get a helmet that fits correctly for the size of their heads. +Should parents allow their kids to play football? -Should parents allow their kids to play football? Parents must evaluate the risks and benefits of football. Sports offer many benefits for our kids, including health improvements, social interactions, leadership opportunities and much more. Football also presents possibly rare but real risks of later memory loss, critical thinking problems, mood disturbance and even suicide. We need much more research to learn just how likely those risks are. Until we have those answers, parents will have to determine if the benefits of football are worth those risks.
Gears of War 3 is one of the most anticipated of this year and we have some more gameplay to show you, which you can see in the video below. Gears of war 3 is a third-person action shooter in development at Epic games exclusively for Xbox 360. Gears of War 3 is one of the most anticipated games of this year. Here is some new gameplay for the game that we got to play during PAX EAST 2011. Gears of War 3 is a third-person action shooter in development at Epic Games exclusively for Xbox 360.
The highest temperature will reach 22 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 14 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, and the mean air pressure will be 1017 mb. Relative humidity will be high. 25 Apr will be with comfortable temperatures and the weather will be slightly unstable, thunderstorms possible. The highest temperature will reach 26 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 12 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, and the mean air pressure will be 1019 mb. Relative humidity will be high. The highest temperature will reach 29 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 13 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, and the mean air pressure will be 1015 mb. Relative humidity will be high. The highest temperature will reach 16 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 9 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, fog will form, and the mean air pressure will be 1014 mb. Relative humidity will be very high. The highest temperature will reach 18 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 8 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, and the mean air pressure will be 1014 mb. Relative humidity will be high. There is a 70% probability of moderate rainfall and showers. The highest temperature will reach 15 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 9 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, fog will form, and the mean air pressure will be 1011 mb. Relative humidity will be very high. The highest temperature will reach 17 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 6 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a moderate breeze, fog will form, and the mean air pressure will be 1011 mb. Relative humidity will be very high. The highest temperature will reach 16 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 6 degrees Celsius. The wind will be a gentle breeze, fog will form, and the mean air pressure will be 8120 mb. Relative humidity will be .
Carry all you need to carry for work or travel with ease with this large rolling briefcase with telescopic handles and plenty of room. And it is lightweight! Made from the best possible materials and providing a great value. This briefcase is roomy, well designed and sturdy. You will also enjoy a 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty for this item to be completely free of any manufacturer or material defects. Please contact us to get a free copy of the written warranty. Measures: 18.75" x 15.5" x 8.5" Laptop Sleeve fits up to 17" screens - Measures 16.5" x 10" x 2" Carry Handle in case you prefer not to roll it. 1 Year Mfg's Warranty from Alpine Swiss for materials and workmanship to be free from defects. It is a nice bag. It is well made. It isn't exactly the style I wanted, but I kept it anyway. I would have liked the biggest opening to be more of an open area to be used for carryon clothes and such. However, I am able to make it work so far. I like the way it fits under the seat in the airplane and doesn't take away all my leg room. The one time I had a window seat, I needed to put the bag in the overhead compartment. I don't know if it was the plane I was on or if that would be the case all the time on a window seat. It is great for my 17inch laptop and Ipad as well as a note pads. I carry a lot from business to home. This briefcase has many departments in it, so it helps me stay organized. It is very sturdy and made with great material. It will be able to take the beating I will be givng it; I am sure. I had one similar to this but the quality was not as great as this one.
Our house is below road level, being on the low side of the gully we live in (with a creek at the back). The slope down to the front of the house was originally a mess of cement over chicken wire made to look like rock, and filled with venomous looking succulents (with a real bite, as I found out when I attacked them 28 years ago with a steel cutter on the end of a petrol powered trimmer - the sap that sprayed me burnt my skin and sent me howling to the shower, and left a red rash). We had the basic idea of focussing on the lovely little Japanese Maple we planted 30 years ago and that great gum (eucalypt) tree on the other corner, with a pebble ("Cowra Gold") garden setting of the maple and a native garden around the gum, with a sweeping curve of ground-covering juniper separating the two areas. Chris worked out all the detail and the plantings, and the whole job was done in just 3.5 days. The photo doesn't do it justice, making it look barer than in reality. Once new plants have developed it will look much softer. See at the bottom of the page for a list of the plants used. This is the mess as it was, between the gum-tree and the house. The treated pine logs and rubble at the lower right are part of the drainage work I had done around the front of the house. All cleared off and fresh soil added - the soil is a mix of sand, soil, blood-and-bone fertiliser and manure. The retaining wall is made of treated pine sleepers (200x50mm) set vertically in quick-set concrete, with horizontal sleepers fastened to them with large galvanized screws. The ditch along my prior drainage work has now been filled. ...and all looking open and airy now. ...and what it now looks like, with access steps. The fill in the steps is compacted "decomposed granite", a great material, so easy to work with. Just for interest here is the base of the gum-tree. Notice the chain! I used to chain my box-trailer to the tree when it was smaller, and the tree grew around the chain. I'm leaving the chain there as a warning to any future tree-loppers - you wouldn't want to hit that with a chainsaw! I did part of the walkway down the side of the house, but left the rest for the guys to do - I'm not built for digging, and I'm getting too old to change. It now looks like this, with a section of the Cowra Gold pebbles (the base for a "pot garden" outside a full-length window) and more decomposed granite down past the far end of the house.
This unit covers the governmental system that was established by the United States Constitution. We will be looking at the actual document in class and be exploring how our government works. We will study the Articles that makeup the Constitution, as well as the amendments, or changes, to the Constitution - especially the 1st 10 that are known as the Bill of Rights. A principle is “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.” (Oxford American Dictionary) The Constitution of the United States was written to outline the shape of a new nation. It was ratified when the rights of the people were explicitly protected with the addendum of the Bill of Rights. The Constitution placed restraints on the powers of the central government by dividing the government into three branches (legislative, executive, judicial) each with the responsibility of limiting the powers of the other branches, creating a system of checks and balances. By dividing the powers of government among the state and national governments, federalism identifies specific powers reserved for the national government and implied powers reserved for the states, as well as concurrent powers that reside in both levels of government. Popular sovereignty insures that the power of chosen representatives in the Senate and House of Representative serve the will of the people. 10-22 : How does the term "popular sovereignty" apply to the Legislative Branch? 10-29 : Summarize Articles 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the Constitution. The following videos are found on Youtube and are part of the School House Rocks series from I believe the 1970's (before I was born!). They are very informational and we will be watching some of them in class. Limited government – the Constitution and laws define the limits of those in power so they cannot take advantage of their elected, appointed, or inherited positions. Everyone, including all authority figures, must obey the laws (rule of law). Government is restricted in what it may do. Checks and balances – system that does not allow any one branch of the government to have too much power. Example: The President can veto legislation passed by Congress, but Congress can override the veto. The Senate confirms major appointments made by the President, and the courts may declare acts passed by Congress as unconstitutional. Federalism – the distribution of power between a federal government and the states within a union. In the Constitution, certain powers are delegated to only states, others only the federal government and others are shared powers. Separation of powers – The branches included the legislative branch know as "Congress" made up of a "House of Representatives" and a "Senate," the executive branch known as the "President," and the judicial branch known as the "Supreme Court." The powers of the legislative branch are outlined in Article I of the U.S. Constitution. The President would lead the executive branch, which carried out the laws and ensured their just application. These powers are outlined in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. The judicial branch, consisting of all courts of the United States including the highest court, the Supreme Court, would interpret and apply the laws, ensuring that they are just. Its powers are outlined in Article III. Judicial Review - The ability of the Supreme Court to review a law brought before it in a case and determine its 'constitutionality' - whether it is in line with the Constitution or not. Individual rights - Many opposed the Constitution in 1787 because they believed it did not offer adequate protection of individual rights. The Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, was created to correct this. The individual rights protected in the Bill of Rights include economic rights related to property, political rights related to freedom of speech and press, and personal rights related to bearing arms and maintaining private residences. Rank the 6 principles of government that we studied this week in order from most important (#1) to least important (#6) - in your opinion. Then, in 3 to 5 sentences, explain the reasoning behind your ranking of the principles. This lesson will take us through the Preamble, 7 Articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and Amendments. I will have, as they are completed in class, the answer keys to the notes that we have taken. This is very important to helping you with the website project that you are also doing.
I had the original bracelet that was given to family members and wore it every day. It made me feel as though my brother was with me. The bracelet broke in half and I brought it to a friend who was a jeweler. He found the web site for me and felt that this would be the best way to duplicate the bracelet. Now I have another bracelet that I can touch when I think of him.
Jordan River is a river with the lowest elevation of any river in the world, which runs through Jordan, Israel and Palestine, and flows into the Dead Sea. This 251 kilometers (156 miles) long river runs through the land and history of the Bible, giving its waters a spiritual significance that sets aside from other rivers. Rising of the slopes of Mount Hermon, on the border between Syria and Lebanon, flows southward through northern Israel to the Sea of Galilee, where it exits the sea, through the West Bank, then Jordan to be emptied finally into the Dead Sea. Throughout history, the Jordan has been an essential natural feature in a land marked by political and religious conflict. In modern times, the river serves as both a geopolitical boundary and a source of religious fascination, especially for Christians. It is significant for Christians because John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the waters of the Jordan. Because its waters are a vital resource for the dry lands of the region, the river has been a great source of contention among Israel, Jordan, and Palestine. Nowadays, more than 90% of the natural flow has been diverted for domestic and agricultural use, where the lower part of the river is heavily polluted by sewage and industrial run-off. The Jordan River is a great source of water for the population of Israel, being the second largest water source, as well as important source for Jordan. Due to the conflict about the waters of the river in 1965, the Six-Day War began in 1967 between Egypt, Jordan and Syria against Israel. At first Syria wanted to divert some of the waters from the Sea of Galilee, which would have reduced Israel’s water source to 35%, Israel was forced to take measures against this problem. Inscribed in the Bible and many other religious and scientific papers, the Jordan River will remain one of the many apples of discord in the Middle East, with hope that the pollution will be reduced, and the water flow increased.
The critically acclaimed masterpiece “Arcadia,” an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Goloshes of Fortune,” and the dramatic comedy “She Kills Monsters” are among the classics headlining the Stagehouse Theatre’s 2018-19 season at Grossmont College. Season and individual tickets are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased by calling (619) 644-7234 or by visiting www.grossmont.edu/theatrebrochure . Parking is free. The new season opens with a production of “Arcadia,” a 1993 play written by Tom Stoppard delves into the relationship between past and present, order and disorder, certainty and uncertainty. Directed by Beth Duggan, “Arcadia” will be performed Oct. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 6 and 13 at 2 p.m. “The Goloshes of Fortune,” adapted by Elizabeth Wong and directed by Brian Rickel, will be performed the evenings of Nov. 2 and 3 at 7:30 p.m., and at 2 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Stagehouse Theatre. It also will be on tour at 15 San Diego County elementary schools from October through the first week of December. Set in Copenhagen, “The Galoshes of Fortune” centers on a set of time-traveling boots that underscores the importance of living in the present. “She Kills Monsters,” a dramatic comedy by Qui Nguyen, first debuted in 2011 and details how a woman, through the game Dungeons & Dragons, learns more about her deceased younger sister than she never really knew. Directed by Jason Heil, “She Kills Monsters” will be performed Nov. 29 and 30, Dec. 1, 6, 7 and 8 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 1 and 8 at 2 p.m. The Stagehouse Theatre’s 14th annual Inside the Actors Process features “Monsters, Magic, and Mischief,” a production that will be appearing at more than a dozen local high schools throughout the region as part of an ongoing effort at exposing teen audiences to the art of acting. Coordinated by Ben Cole, “Monsters, Magic, and Mischief” also will be performed at the Stagehouse Theatre on Feb. 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. The spring, 2019, season continues with a production of “Spring Awakening,” which takes a critical look at the sexually oppressive culture of 19th century Germany and is considered a seminal work in the modern history of theatre. Directed by Meg DeBoard, “Spring Awakening” will be performed March 14, 15, 16, 21, 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. and March 16 and 23 at 2 p.m. The 2018-19 season concludes with “Failure: A Love Story,” written by Philip Dawkins and directed by Brian Rickel. “Failure: A Love Story” is set in 1928, the last year of each of the Fail sisters’ lives. This funny, moving and profoundly wise play reminds us that in the end, all that remains is love. “Failure: A Love Story” will be performed May 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 and 18 at 7:30 p.m. and May 11 and 18 at 2 p.m. For those wishing to purchase tickets in person, construction of a new performing and visual arts center is taking place adjacent to the Stagehouse Theatre, and that has resulted in the Theatre Arts Department office moving to a portable building at the southeast corner of Lot 1.
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When temperatures fall, feet can be the first to suffer. Ordinary thermal socks or wearing many pairs of socks will let you down. To be confident in the cold you need a sock with high insulation. Heat Holders have been tested to achieve a tog rating of 2.34. The unique 3 stage process using heavy bulk yarn, patented knitting technology and intense brushing holds more warm air close to the skin, ensuring your feet stay warmer for longer.
Victoria White will be speaking about the John Forster Collection at the V&A, one of the largest and most significant bequests made to the museum. Comprising of over 18,000 printed books, manuscripts, paintings and objects, the collection provides an unrivalled glimpse into the literary entreprenuership of John Forster (1812-1876), and to the heart of the changes that took place in the Victorian literary marketplace. A major figure in nineteenth century literary culture, Forster's network of friendships with Dickens and Browning, his influential editorship of The Examiner, and his role as literary advisor to the publishers Chapman and Hall made him one of the most influential writers, biographers and collectors of the nineteenth century, changing decisively the possibilities and ethos of the modern literary profession. Victoria will consider how such literary entrepreneurship negotiates and speaks through the wealth of material within the collection.
The ideal way to summarize an essay is to start reading it quickly for the first time. If you have to write a personal essay, you should find useful examples that will help you do your own work. If you intend to publish such essays so that everyone can read them, make sure that your words do not lead anyone to follow the wrong path of treatment, medication or exercise. Just make sure that your essay does not simply sound like a fact. The essay is the initial impression and possibly the only time you will have the opportunity to give an impression of who you are. Reflection essays are not merely a school exercise. Anything less is too weak and the thesis can not stand on its own. There are many forms of essays and each of them has a particular format. The first exact step in writing a descriptive essay is to select your topic. Before you start, there are a couple of things you should know about writing an essay. Interview essays allow you to use people as your sources as an alternative to books. To begin, choose what you want to do with your paper. An exploratory document is normal in companies when they try to locate a remedy to a problem and will need to receive all the potential perspectives and available data. The personal statement is your opportunity to convince admission tutors to provide you a place. Some personal statements ask you to answer a specific question, while others will ask a general question, which gives you more opportunities to inform readers about you. Make sure you have written a very clear and complete personal statement with a robust beginning and a solid ending. With some easy strategies and tricks, you can make your private statement simpler than you thought. Your own personal statement is an important part of your application to the mesm program. Personal statements are among the most. An exceptional personal statement is often the crucial difference between candidates. On the other hand, you can also find a sample personal undergraduate statement on the site of some expert drafting services that could show your final examples on your site. You’ll probably trust some kind of math, even if you’re doing something as easy as painting a room. In order to evaluate something, you will have to compare it with the best example of that specific. Speaking of the essay instructions that you should know before writing your personal degree statement, it is also advisable to make sure to include some references or the people who have influenced you at 1 point or another in your life, especially when it relates to history about what that made you exactly what you are now. A good example of my personal meditative growth comes from daily life for a freshman. Examples of private mission statements that you discover on the Internet may be ideal for another medical student or related to your law school application. You can discover great examples of private trials on the site.
Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - Everyone around the globe air conditioner repairs 4 seasons every year. Because of the continuous changes in climate, it is not always easy for people there to adapt, particularly when severe weather condition can be found in such as extremely hot days throughout summertime and freezing solid cold during winter new heating and air - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - In order to make the proper changes, people need to have appropriate knowledge about each season. furnace repairs and summertime are the seasons where there is a lot of rains. Spring has both hot and cool temperatures depending upon the time of the day. Cold temperature levels throughout this air conditioning come throughout the months of March and April when the midday temperature can drop to 30 degrees. Warm days, with the temperature level reaching 86 degrees Fahrenheit, are also normal - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - Naturally, summer season is heating and cooling most popular season among the 4 and this spells for the people lots of things particularly spending on electricity costs for cooling system. With the most popular days, temperatures can rise to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and can even reach 95 degrees Fahrenheit. This weather is frequently unsafe, especially to the senior people since they have lower new furnace tolerance. During heat waves, lots of suffer from heat stroke and some even suffer from heart attack - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - Fall is the season with pleasant weather condition. This is the heat and ac when people do not need to use cooling or heating systems. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - Winter season is the furnace repair season of the year. Much like summer, the severe weather condition can be harmful to people also. Individuals can get sick easily throughout this ac replacement and some can have numerous disorders due to the fact that of the extreme cold - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - Due to the fact that of these realities, individuals need to air conditioner the very best A/C (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) units set up for their security. During the winter, people will have to have efficient heating unit. Throughout the hot season, they will need better suited cooling systems that can relax cooling and heating minds and bodies - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - It might sound pricey for individuals to purchase their ac repair A/C systems, but if they wish to have convenience during the extreme temperatures then it is a should that they purchase their heating and furnace systems. They should likewise understand that it is much better to invest in A/C units than to suffer as a result from having heat strokes, heart attacks, and many other disorders brought about by repeating extreme climate condition - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa - People need to understand which heating repair system and which heater to select in order for them to have the very best comfort they can get without having to spend a lot. They should contact or visit A/C installers in their area about the best systems for their houses - Heating And Air Service Ben Avon Pa. For the cooling system, the traditional ac system are the typical ones. They can be the air cooling type or portable. They can also be the huge ones which are used in buildings to cool offices. For house use, the big air conditioners can be used to cool the entire house. These a/c unit are readily available in shopping malls or straight from the outlets of the production business. For the heating unit, there are many types readily available in the market. There is the conventional heating system that runs by fuel, oil, electrical energy, wood or coal. There is the Radiant Baseboard heating system that utilizes metal units with electrical aspects inside to provide heat. Another type is the glowing ceiling or floor heater that utilizes electrical radiant elements. There are also portable heating systems called area heating units. They can be installed to make them permanent heating units. Picking amongst the types of HVAC can be rather tough so it is advised that before purchasing of a particular HVAC, individuals should speak with the viewpoint of specialists or they need to research more about each type so that they can have a much better understanding about these units. With information that they have collected, people can make the ideal option. Individuals need to work with electrical contractors or experts if they wish to set up A/C. This is to make sure that the setup is done effectively because errors in setting up the device can lead to incidents or mishaps. There is another HVAC system that people need to know of. It is called geothermal heating and air conditioning system. This is the non-conventional A/C. This is an unit that combines the functions of cooling and heating into one unit. It works by harnessing geothermal energy and uses this energy to move heat rather of changing it. This makes this innovation more efficient and flexible at the same time. During the winter season, it moves the heat from the ground to your house. During the hot season, it does the opposite. It moves the heat from your house to the ground. Geothermal cooling and heating system utilizes the device called geothermal heatpump which is responsible for moving the heat. Nevertheless, individuals ought to initially have their house place examined if geothermal heatpump can be set up. If their area fulfills the requirements, then they should hire qualified contractors to do the task of setting up the geothermal heatpump. Individuals need to bear in mind that they must not put their comfort and life at stake during the severe seasons simply to save loan. They should have their own HEATING AND COOLING in order to fight the severe cold during winter and the extreme heat during summertime.