What happens to a rare butterfly when their favorite plants lose habitat? They move to a national park of course! Follow us to San Juan Island National Historic Park where we study the Island Marble butterfly. Filmed and edited by Jesse Grace, Colorado State University.
Beyond Nova Scotia’s ocean shore lies the world of inner space. This marvelous world is seen by few except divers, who brave our cold waters for just a glimpse of its wildlife inhabitants. The rest of us only see evidence of undersea life when it is washed ashore or edible forms appear on our dinnerplate. Yet, how far these experiences remove us from the pulse of life beneath the surface of the waves. Crustaceans, such as this spider crab, are also found on the sea floor, scavenging for food. Hermit crabs search the sea floor for empty shells that they may use to protect their vulnerable bodies from predators. They don’t possess the hard exoskeleton common to most true crabs. The seafood section in Nova Scotia’s grocery stores often hold live lobsters in a tank. The trapped lobster, shown above, seems destined for such a place. Like many crustaceans, it possesses the magical ability to regrow its asymmetrical claws. Among the most attractive creatures to be found off our coasts are the carnivorous sea anemones, which look deceptively like plants. Many thanks to Wayne Joy and my son Simon Bell for granting permission to share these beautiful photos taken on a recent dive. Both Wayne and Simon are members of the Shearwater Scuba Club. Images copyright Wayne T. Joy / Simon Bell.
This is a model of reversible reactions, Le Chatelier's Principle and the Haber process (used for the manufacture of ammonia). This is an equilibrium reaction, where specific conditions favor the forward reaction and other conditions favor the reverse reaction. Increasing the pressure causes the equilibrium position to move to the right resulting in a higher yield of ammonia since there are more gas molecules on the left hand side of the equation (4 in total) than there are on the right hand side of the equation (2). Increasing the pressure means the system adjusts to reduce the effect of the change, that is, to reduce the pressure by having fewer gas molecules. Decreasing the temperature causes the equilibrium position to move to the right resulting in a higher yield of ammonia since the reaction is exothermic (releases heat). Reducing the temperature means the system will adjust to minimize the effect of the change, that is, it will produce more heat since energy is a product of the reaction, and will therefore produce more ammonia gas as well. However, the rate of the reaction at lower temperatures is extremely slow, so a higher temperature must be used to speed up the reaction, which results in a lower yield of ammonia. -- A high temperature increases the rate of attaining equilibrium. -- The forward reaction is exothermic; therefore a low temperature moves the equilibrium to the right giving a higher yield of ammonia. -- A medium temperature is used as a compromise to maximize the combined but canceling effects of going to too high or too low a temperature, yielding a high amount of product, but also doing so quickly. Also in the Haber process, a pressure of around 200 atm is recommended, again for the competing effects that come into ply with increasing or decreasing the pressure too much. -- The forward reaction results in a reduction in volume, therefore a high pressure moves the equilibrium to the right giving a higher yield of ammonia. Thus, a medium pressure is used as a compromise to maximize the combined but canceling effects of going to too high or too low a pressure, yielding a high amount of product, but also doing so quickly. For a reaction to occur, nitrogen (N<sub>2</sub>) and hydrogen (H<sub>2</sub>) must have enough energy to break the atomic bonds in nitrogen and hydrogen and allow the atoms to rearrange to make NH<sub>3</sub>. This bond breaking energy threshold is called the activation energy. This excess energy is called the DIFFERENCE-BOND-ENERGY. When the bond energy is released the products speed up due to an increased transfer of bond-energy to kinetic energy in the chemical reaction. When bond energy is absorbed the products slow down from the chemical reaction. #-N2 determines the initial number of nitrogen (N<sub>2</sub>) molecules in the simulation. #-H2 determines the initial number of hydrogen (H<sub>2</sub>) molecules in the simulation. #-NH3 determines the initial number of ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) molecules in the simulation. FORWARD-REACT? controls whether the forward reaction can occur. Similarly, REVERSE-REACT? controls whether the reverse reaction can occur. With both turned on, an equilibrium reaction is modeled. INITIAL-WALL-POSITION changes the initial volume of the container by moving the right hand side of the wall on SETUP. MOVE WALL OUT when pressed allows the user to click at a location to move the wall to the right (from its current location, thereby increasing the volume of the container). The simulation will stop after this occurs. The user should press GO/STOP again to resume the model run. INSULATED-WALLS? when turned on, no energy exchange occurs with the walls. When turned off, molecules can speed up or slow down, depending on whether the energy level of the walls is higher or lower than that of the molecules. When turned off, this models an isothermal boundary for the system. Insulated walls appear brown, isothermal walls appear a shade of red. WARM WALLS increases the isothermal energy level of the wall. COOL WALLS decreases the isothermal energy level of the wall. The color of the wall reflects its energy, the darker the red wall, the colder it is; the warm, the brighter red it will be. RESET REACTION COUNTS sets the counters for number of forward reactions and number of reverse reactions to 0. This is useful to do when you think you have reached a stable state in the system. After resetting the reaction counts, the % FORWARD REACTIONS and % REVERSE REACTIONS should stabilize at around 50%. Le Chatelier's Principle can be understood as competing effects between two different contributions to when and how often certain reaction occur. Explore high and low temperatures and high and low pressures, and try to understand why the system tends to respond to "increase the pressure" when the volume is increased. Try running the model with FORWARD-REACTIONS set to "on" and REVERSE-REACTIONS set to "off". Then try REVERSE-REACTIONS set to "on" and FORWARD-REACTIONS set to "off". Try running the model starting only with ammonia molecules. Try running the model with only hydrogen and nitrogen molecules to start with. Try to find the settings for the highest yield of ammonia. What temperature and volume combination is optimal? In the Haber process in real life the inclusion of the catalyst of iron is often used. A similar catalyst could be added here (using the same code and modeling assumption as used for the water catalyst in the iron rusting model). The model could be extended to represent a reversible reaction of A + B &harr; C + D. Uses transparency in the color of the flashes, so that the underlying patch color of the walls can still be seen. Wilensky, U. (1998). NetLogo GasLab Gas in a Box model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/GasLabGasinaBox. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Novak, M. and Wilensky, U. (2012). NetLogo Connected Chemistry Reversible Reaction model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/ConnectedChemistryReversibleReaction. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Tonsil stones are caused by an accumulation of sulfur-producing debris and bacteria that become lodged in the tonsils. A part from expensive medicines, there are many natural and effective home remedies to cure tonsil stones. Do you want to know which home remedy will help you treat of tonsil stones? In this article, VKool.com will show you top 37 natural & effective home remedies for tonsil stones. The writing is collected from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose. Keep reading this writing to learn more! This is actually one of the most effective home remedies for tonsil stones. This is because water keeps our body hydrated, and then creates an environment that does not get the conditions for the bacteria’s survival. Additionally, drinking water regularly can support the cleaning up of debris as well as other materials. It prevents them from accumulating at the tonsils, causing the occurring of tonsil stones. In fact, tonsils are a vital part of the immunity system and if any foreign object passes through the lymphatic system, it often tends to be stored inside it. You should drink 8-10 cups of water daily. Besides, you should also try to drink at least 1 cup of water first in the morning. Using cotton swabs is a simply home remedy that is done to push off the tonsil from the tonsils’ walls. Before using them, you should make both ends wet in order to make it gentle on your tonsils. To get the best result, you should do this method in front of a mirror. Also, use a flashlight in order to locate the stones. You use wet cotton swabs in order to loosen the stones and remove them from the walls of the tonsils. Once done, you should use salt water or mouthwash to gargle your mouth. This will remove remaining particles as well as other debris. This is also one of the most amazingly useful home remedies for tonsil stones that people can make use at home without meeting any difficulty. A toothbrush can be a great weapon against tonsil stones, but you should be careful not to trigger the gag reflex. You can use an ordinary toothbrush or an electric toothbrush. When using a soft bristle toothbrush, have a flashlight in order to locate the tonsil stones’ position. Using the toothbrush bristles can make pressure on the tonsil until they loosen. You push them off and then get a mouthwash in order to remove the small stones. If you use an electric toothbrush, make pressure on the places where you can locate your stones. Using the backside of your toothbrush, scrub the stones lightly in order to break them up. After you have done, you should use a mouthwash to get rid of the remaining particles. You should be cautious not to scrape at the tissue in the surrounding areas as this will cause a throat sore. You can use your tongue to relax the tonsil stones and clear them out. You push on the tonsils and try to separate them or push them free. The fact that the back of the mouth works hard can help you relax the stones. This exercise may need you to be patient, as the stones are installed in the tonsils’ cleft. More importantly, remember to wash with salt water or clean water to keep the tissues wet and to remove the stones. In fact, this is also among the best and most effective natural home remedies for tonsil stones that we would like to introduce in the article today and want readers to learn and make use for good! When you are trying to remove the stones by using your finger, firstly, you need to wash your hands with sudsy water and rinse them off. Next, you open the mouth and then use your finger to discover the tonsils. Remember not to reach further back with your finger. Next, apply weight and then push up so that the stones pop up. Finally, wash the mouth with salt water. Many women have bobby pins in their bathroom. And you do the same, you can consider using one of them to remove the tonsil stones. The black-colored pins work well as they are flexible and thin, yet firm enough to remove the stones. Remember to wash your pins with soap water before placing them in the mouth. A dirty pin can transfer infectious bacteria into your mouth, causing more serious throat problems. You stroke the stones with slight but steady pressure in one direction. Do not poke it further into the tonsil as if you are having a sore throat, this action can lead to more irritation. Failure to keep a good oral hygiene is one of the main causes for the occurrence of tonsil stones. In the mouth, the bacteria cause the occurrence of tonsil stones from accumulated particles as well as other debris. The bacteria are able to be reduced by frequently brushing your teeth with recommended toothpaste. Besides, you should change toothbrush regularly, scrap the tongue and gargle the mouth with salt water or mouthwash. You use a medicine dropper, pressing the rubber bulb and then carefully put your tip next to the tonsil stone. When it gets in contact, lightly release the rubber bulb and then remove the tonsil stones. After that, gargle with antiseptic mouthwash to clear any debris. Be careful when doing this as you can trigger the gag reflex. Coughing has been considered as an effective way to dislodge tonsil stones. It is a good idea for you to drink warm water first as this will help you reflex the throat’s tissue. Remember to cough when your mouth closed, and then check whether the tonsil stones are still there. On the first attempt, it may not work, so you need to repeat this exercise a couple of times. Mouthwash is a good way to prevent tonsil stones. Once you use mouthwash that contains alcohol in it, it will kill any bacteria growth. You can use products that kill viruses and bacteria, or you can also gargle the mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Ensure to gargle at least once a day to get rid of tonsil stones or to prevent new stones from forming. Lime has been used for long and it is famous for its medicinal properties, so the juice of lime can be used to get rid of the tonsil stones. You simply mix the juice of lime with a cup of water. Also, you can add your favorite flavors. You slowly drink the diluted lime juice so that it may get in touch with the areas the tonsil stones located. This will clean the mouth, remove the bacteria and prevent its occurrence in the future. Honey is an antiseptic material that may help you boost the immune system. Tonsil stones can turn up as a result of an infection in the throat, and treating it with honey can be effective. To use honey for removing tonsil stones, you dissolve honey in a cup of warm water, and then gargle the mouth with this solution a couple of times a day. Compounds containing in the honey will work as an antibiotic, and you can see that the tonsil stones disappear quickly. A good micro- circulation will transfer more oxygen-rich blood to the infected areas, and this may make microbial-based materials including tonsil stones reduce their size, and even clear up. If there is a health food store near your house, it may be a good idea for you to find out f it can provide you with homeopathy treatments. There are a large number of homeopathy treatments that are good for tonsil stones, and these treatments take a couple of factors into account. There is a treatment that can treat many conditions affecting the mouth and throat. It is called Rhus Tox, and it is used to treat blisters and mouth ulcers. Besides, this treatment can improve the throat health and dissolve the tonsil stones. This treatment will also help you ease the pain linked to tonsil stones. Rhus tox will reduce the response of the body to any kind of inflammation, and then you will see that the tonsil stone clear up within days. It is really important to know the way on how to take this treatment, Most of the homeopathy treatments should be taken in the morning, and for tonsil stone treatment, you need to take two 30C tablets before you tend to drink or eat anything. Let the tablets be underneath the tongue as soon as you get up. Allow them to dissolve and remember not to eat or drink anything or brush the teeth in one hour. You should avoid drinking coffee, tea, and acid drinks for the next several hours for the better results. Besides, when taking any homeopathy treatments, you do not use mint-based toothpaste or drink peppermint tea. It is because this will break the effect of treatments. It is a garden flower, which is one of the best herbal remedies for the tonsil stones. It is used as a cream, and this tea can support the body to solve with throat infections. You can either use this tea as a gargle or drink it. In case the tonsil stones are situated further down in your throat, this tea may help you effectively. When drinking a herbal tea, it is important to consume it before mealtime. — Gargle the mouth with this solution while it is still warm twice a day. You can flush the tonsil stones out with a syringe and salt water. This remedy is so simple. You just need to get a medicine dispenser syringe and then fill it up with lukewarm salt water. Then place this syringe as far into your tonsil stones as possible and then flush them out. Also, you can try other ways to make water pressure. The power of the water is able to flush the tonsil stones out. It is another one of the most effective home remedies for tonsil stones due to its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Also, its soothing and healing properties will help the body reduce pain and swelling and speed up the process of healing. — Strain it and then add lemon juice to this solution. You can optionally add 1 tsp of honey to it. — Drink this solution 3 times daily for 2-3 days. Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can help you fight against tonsil stones and ease irritating symptoms. — You add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to a cup of boiling water or salt water. You gargle the mouth with this mixture a couple of times daily, especially before sleeping. It will help the body get rid of the soreness and inflammation. — Alternatively, you add 1 tsp of turmeric powder and ground black pepper to a cup of warm milk. You drink it for 2-3 days to speed up the process of healing. It can be used to treat tonsil stones. Being high in antimicrobial abilities, cinnamon can inhibit the development of bacteria as well as other micro- organisms and help you reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. — When it is still warm, you drink it 203 times daily for 7 days. It contains a gel-like substance that can relieve soreness, pain and inflammation. When taken internally, this material can soothe and heal inflamed tissues, including the throat’s mucus membranes. — You add 1 tsp of the slippery elm’s inner bark to 2 cups of hot water. Let it steep for 5 minutes and strain this solution. While it is warm, drink it slowly twice a day for several days. — Alternatively, you mix 3 tsp of the powder of slippery elm bark, 1 tsp of cayenne pepper powder, 2 tsp of honey and 4 tsp of lukewarm water. You take 1 tsp of this mixture daily for 2-3 days. Fenugreek contains antibacterial abilities that make it become one of the best home remedies for tonsil stones as it can kill off the bacteria. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties contain in fenugreek will help you relieve the pain and inflammation. — Gargle the mouth with this solution for more than 30 seconds. Then, you spit it out. — Do this home remedy twice daily until the tonsil stones clear away. They are effective for removing tonsil stones at home. Due to their high mucilage content, they can relieve soreness and pain caused by tonsil stones. — You boil 3 dried figs in water and then mash them. Eat it with 1 tbsp of honey 2-3 times daily for several days. — Alternatively, you boil and then mash some of the figs. Mash them in the water that you have used to boil them. — Apply this paste on your infected areas. Allow it to dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy once daily to ease pain from tonsil stones. Their nutritional value is helpful in treating tonsil stones. The seeds are high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that help you improve the immune system in order to fight the infection. — You add turmeric powder and then stir it for a couple of seconds. Then, you add 1 cup of warm milk and then mix it well. — You remove it from the heat. — Drink the solution when it is still warm. Enjoy it twice a day for 2-3 days. Aloe vera juice is often sold over the counter in supermarkets and pharmacies. Some studies show that this juice can help you remove tonsil stones by cleansing the mouth of bacteria that cause stones. — You take 1 tsp of aloe vera juice in the mouth, and then swirl it around the tonsil stones. — Let it stay in your mouth for a couple of minutes 2-3 times daily. — Gargle the mouth with water. Swirl it and then spit it out. You can try gargling the mouth with extra virgin olive oil in order to remove your current tonsil stones and reduce the risk of new tonsil stones forming. Consider gargling a couple of times each day with a tsp of olive oil. After that, you gargle the mouth with water to remove the viscous residue. The logic behind this home remedy is that olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it can help you reduce the pain and swelling of tonsil stones and thus reducing the stones forming. However, it is not clear whether olive oil works when applied directly onto the stones. As you know, garlic has a lot benefits for health care. Simply, you can chew on garlic to remove stones naturally and effectively. You should chew on garlic a few times each day. In addition, the garlic will help fight any bacteria that might be contributing to the solidification of the materials in your tonsils. Lemon juice is one of natural home remedies for tonsil stones. Lemon juice contains a lot vitamin C which will help to remove your tonsil stones effectively. To use lemon juice for treating tonsil stones, you can mix several tablespoons of lemon juice with a cup of warm water. You can add a little bit of salt to the lemon water and drink. As you know, essential oils contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that are beneficial for curing tonsil stones. Some of these essential oils you should consider using include theives oil, lemongrass and myrrh. To see good results, you should add a few drops of the essential oil on your toothbrush each day as you brush your teeth and tongue. You could also get these essential oils in a spray bottle and then apply it by spraying it on the affected area. You should eat organic, unsweetened to remove tonsil stones. Yogurt contains probiotic which is friendly bacteria your body. Therefore, it will help remove tonsil stones and keep them from coming back. Eating probiotic yogurt will help clean out the bacteria and other materials in your tonsils responsible for the development of this problem. One of natural home remedies for treating tonsil stones is using apple cider vinegar. This vinegar contains acid that will help remove tonsil stones. You should remember to use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Make sure you dilute the vinegar with a small amount of water first before you begin gargling. As you see, carrots are great for the eyes due to their beta-carotene content. Besides, carrot is an effective home remedy for tonsil stones. Chewing carrots can help remove stones by destroying bacteria. Eating raw onions will help improve your oral health, prevent oral infections and get rid of bacteria because of their potent anti-bacteria properties. You should chew on raw onions for two to three minutes daily to help remove and prevent tonsil stones. In addition, onions can help get rid of bad breath, which is a common symptom of tonsil stones. Eating vegetables are an effective way to getting rid of tonsil stones. Their tough surface can scrape away at tonsil stones, loosen them from their nooks, and get them out of your mouth altogether. You should try eating more carrots, celery and radishes to remove your tonsil stone problem. Nasal rinse is a good way to remove tonsil stones naturally and effectively. You can do it as below. Simply, you can mix 1 cup of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt. Afterwards, you stir until the salt dissolves. Get a syringe or dropper full of the salt water. Lean over the sink and release the salt water into one nostril. Let it drain. You should repeat nightly to clear out mucus and prevent tonsil stones. Grapefruit is a good source of a variety of nutrients including vitamin C, pectin, fiber and potassium. These nutrients work together to protect the body from cellular damage and to prevent buildup of calcium in the arteries as well as the tonsils. This extract also serves as an antioxidant. Peppermint oil assists in treatment of tonsil stones in several ways. The active ingredients in peppermint promote digestion as well as circulation, preventing the buildup of materials in the body. Peppermint is also an antibacterial agent that eliminates any underlying infection associated with the condition. Salt water is a natural way to eliminate buildup in the tonsils. Gargling with salt water helps slough mucous cells and bacteria from the oral cavity. The salt also helps eliminate and prevent infection. To get more information about effective home remedies for health problems, go to our main Home Remedies page. These were some of natural and effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of your tonsil stones. After reading the writing of 37 home remedies for tonsil stones, hope that this writing helps you find out the best solution to cure tonsil stones effectively. However, the writing is solely for the informational purpose, so you need to get advice from your doctor before applying any natural home remedy. If you have any question, or you know other natural home remedies for tonsil stones, please leave them below.
Stunningly beautiful, this 13" silk mini mum flower bush is designed to be inserted into a medium and resemble a real plant. The flowers can be used in a variety of floral arrangements either on their own or blended with other types of flowers, greenery and fruits. Let your imagination and creativity run wild with our faux flower bushes as you explore a multitude of stunning floral centerpieces.
Excess amount of fat on the outer thighs is a common problem for many women. This does not necessarily be overweight or obese. This feature is characteristic for the structure of the female figure. To solve this problem helps to liposuction breeches. Under breeches commonly understood as the outer part of the thighs, which isn’t very appealing because of fat deposits. They often develop cellulite, whereby the skin becomes bumpy surface. To cope with this feature of the structure of figures is quite difficult. Systematic exercise and proper diet can slightly improve the situation. However, fundamentally solve the problem is possible only with the help of liposuction. In the area of the outer thighs there is a layer of fat that is localized pretty deep. The amount of such deposits is influenced by genetic factors. In addition, for adipose tissue is characterized by special type of metabolic processes. She is slow to react to the process and the overall slimming of the body. In such cases liposuction is performed and breeches. Depending on the amount of body fat surgery can be performed in one or two stages. The doctor must not only get rid of the optimal amount of fat and make the circuit breeches smooth, but also to prevent the emergence of excess skin. Liposuction of the outer thighs belongs to the category of simple operations. In the area of natural creases, the doctor performs small incisions, which will be almost invisible. Then damaged cells is removed by the aspiration method using a vacuum device. Subsequently, they do not appear in the treated place. However, if the person is not going to control body weight, there is a risk of formation of fat in other areas. This will break the proportions of the figure and make it unattractive. Because it is so important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle. Since liposuction in the area of the breeches is included in the category of cosmetic surgery, the main indication for its implementation is the desire to improve your appearance. It is important to note that liposuction cannot be called a treatment for obesity. The main purpose of such intervention is to eliminate excess fat and contouring the body. This surgery can be performed only in case if there are no serious health problems. Liposuction will produce the desired results if the person is not a obesity of endocrine origin. Therefore contraindications for the procedure are diseases such as hypofunction of the thyroid gland and diabetes. The procedure can not be performed in the presence of complex diseases of internal organs – liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Also in the category of prohibitions include cancer pathology, infectious diseases, the presence of built-in implants in the body. It is impossible for liposuction in disorders of blood clotting and mental pathologies. Also, this procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindication is the presence of hyperthermia – elevated temperature. It can be observed in the form of viral infections and other pathologies. Of great importance for the efficiency of surgical intervention is the condition of the skin in problem areas. Special attention should be paid to its elasticity and turgor. It is quite difficult to get rid of an impressive amount of adipose tissue in women, having flabby skin. In this case, one can hardly expect a good result. In this situation, most likely, there will be excess skin, which subsequently have to excise. This will negatively affect the complexity and cost of surgery. To the operation was the most successful, it is very important to properly prepare for it. To speak with a plastic surgeon. It is very important to get a clear idea about the volume and characteristics of the operation. It is at this stage it is necessary to resolve all issues. A few weeks before the procedure should be to pass all the necessary tests. The surgeon should be informed about their disease and / or allergies. On the day of the procedure you need to abstain from food and drink. To take a standard tests and receive necessary research. In some cases, doctors prescribe additional examinations. Inform the specialist about medications and allergies. To stop the use of anticoagulants that cause thinning of the blood. Adhere to a diet, to abandon the consumption of heavy products and large amounts of salt. To eliminate Smoking and alcohol consumption. General analysis of blood. At this stage it is important to determine the number of red cells, platelets, hemoglobin and white blood cells. Coagulation. Done to assess thrombin time, fibrinogen, PTI and INR. The biochemical analysis. Need to evaluate total protein, sugar, bilirubin and other indicators. Electrocardiogram. Must be accompanied by a transcript. At the discretion of the plastic surgeon, the patient may be referred for consultation to the therapist and other specialists. The most popular and affordable method of liposuction in the area of breeches is the tumescent procedure. Any kind of this procedure is to pre-destruction of fat and their subsequent removal. In the case of the tumescent surgery to damage the fat cells use a special solution. He shares this tissue and constricts blood vessels. Then the fat is removed by vacuum suction. To determine the number of input solution is necessary to calculate the approximate volume of tissue to be removed. Using this technique manages to minimize trauma and blood loss during the operation. In addition, there are other methods of liposuction areas breeches. They are based on destruction of fat deposits by ultrasound, radiofrequency waves and laser effects. A number of these methods has an additional lifting effect. It is achieved through local heating of the tissues and activate the production of collagen and elastin, because these proteins are the skin and are responsible for maintaining its tone. By applying these types of interventions are able to perform liposuction, even in people with reduced elasticity of the skin. The result should not be afraid of sagging skin. Loss of sensation of the skin. This violation is associated with damage to blood vessels and nerve fibers. Similar symptoms may be present for several months. Jagged. If it is wrong to perform an operation and remove the uneven fatty tissue, there is the risk of seals and failures. The appearance of scars. Such changes may be the result of edema, hematoma and suppuration associated with cuts and punctures on the skin. Thromboembolism and fat embolism. In this case, clogged blood vessels, which can result in death. However, this significant result is extremely rare. Pain. This result is considered a normal variant, because the wounds must hurt. To cope with the unpleasant sensations help pain relievers. Sagging of the skin. This is due to the sharp reduction in volume of adipose tissue. The area of the skin remains the same. To cope with the complication helps compression. After the operation the patient on the same day or the next day discharged home. At this point begins the period of restoration. From strict adherence to medical recommendations depends on the result of surgical intervention. In operating on a person should wear a compression garment, which you need to wear at least 1 month. The size and model of this garment have to pick up the doctor. To remove underwear allowed only during dressings and perform hygienic procedures. Due to compression possible to quickly restore the affected tissue to tighten the skin and improve the metabolism in the treated area. During the first days the patient may experience General weakness, malaise, pain. Sometimes slightly increased body temperature. These symptoms gradually decrease. By the end of the recovery period from them no trace remains. Your doctor may prescribe a course of hardware massage or other physiotherapy treatments that will help to accelerate the recovery process. With regard to physical activity, it must be present, however, it is important to remember moderation. The sports activities will have to be postponed, while walking and household chores will be very useful. Liposuction allows to obtain an immediate effect, since during the operation of the troubled region are siphoned off stored fat. It is important to understand that the poor elasticity of the epidermis will create a need for surgery to remove the flabby skin. For the duration of achieved results will directly affect adherence. To prevent the emergence of excess weight, you need to diet and exercise. Lead an active lifestyle. More walk in the fresh air and run home to do. Take a course of massage and physiotherapy. Using these techniques will be able to improve the body contour. To abandon the pool, sauna, Solarium. Drink as much liquid as possible. To abandon soul within 10 days after the intervention. To reduce the consumption coffee, alcoholic beverages, large amounts of salt. It is also very important to quit Smoking the first time after the surgery. To clearly observe all doctor’s instructions to take medications the right amount of time in the required dosage. Liposuction price breeches depends on different factors – in particular, the figure affects the volume of surgical intervention and the qualification of the surgeon. The average fat removal in this area will cost 55 thousand rubles. Liposuction in the area of breeches is quite simple and effective way of dealing with fatty deposits. The result makes you happy as long as possible, you need to strictly follow medical recommendations.
The Apex Duty/Carry Kit is engineered to provide the M&P M2.0 pistol owner with a smooth, consistent trigger pull with the advantages of shorter over-travel and shortened trigger reset. All of the components work together to provide a pull weight within the acceptable range for a top end, service pistol. The kit itself is designed to be drop-in and should not require further gunsmithing, however, armorer or gunsmith installation is recommended.
Vietnam’s shrimp export value to the U.S. rose 17 percent year on year. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam on July 18 signed an agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) on anti-dumping duties on imported Vietnamese shrimp, the Vietnamplus reported Tuesday. The deal was reached to settle two World Trade Organization (WTO) disputes, in which Vietnam sued the U.S. for violating WTO regulations by imposing anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese shrimp. Previously on May 20, DOC had reviewed prior administrative determinations to bring those decisions into compliance with the WTO dispute findings. As a result, leading Vietnamese exporter of frozen warmwater shrimp, Minh Phu Seafood Corporation, will no longer be subject to the antidumping duty order. Certain domestic litigation will also be resolved and duty deposits will be refunded to Minh Phu, which is estimated at several million U.S. dollars. Vietnam’s shipment value of shrimp to the U.S. during January-May reached $249.3 million, rising 17.4 percent from the same period in 2015, according to data from Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP). Should the Vietnamese government invest in start-ups?
Make the brownie cookie: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix the brownie mix, egg, water, and oil. Mixture should be doughy. Place cookie-sized dough on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes or when the middle of the cookies begin to rise. Make the frosting: Beat softened butter on medium speed with an electric or stand mixer. Beat for 2-3 minutes until smooth and creamy. You want a very creamy base before adding anything else. See my extensive notes about this in the post above. Add 2 cups of powdered sugar and continue to beat on medium speed. The mixture will be fairly thick. Add the Nutella and continue to beat on medium speed. Add 3 Tablespoons of heavy cream and the vanilla extract. If the frosting is too thick, add more heavy cream (1 Tablespoon measurements at a time). If the frosting is too thin, add more powdered sugar (1/4 cup measurements at a time). Taste the frosting and add salt to cut the sweetness. I added about 1/4 teaspoon of salt to mine. Just some notes on the frosting: Not as much Nutella was used since the cookies themselves were already going to be rich. Another suggestion is to serve these cookies cold from the fridge. For another tasty treat with fillings, see the recipe for milk chocolate cookies with malted fillings.
Grand Teton National Park in northwestern Wyoming includes the major peaks of the 40-mile-long (64 km) Teton Range as well as most of the northern sections of the valley known as Jackson Hole. It is 10 miles (16 km) south of Yellowstone National Park. Along with surrounding National Forests, these three protected areas constitute the almost 18,000,000-acre (7,300,000 ha) Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of the largest intact mid-latitude temperate ecosystems in the world.
The total balance is high on your accounts with at least 30 days late payments and/or on which a lender has reported a derogatory status. Late payments are a proven indicator of risk. When credit line balances approach credit limits, risk is further increased because you don’t have much credit available should it be needed, creating a greater chance of becoming overextended. Paying bills on time every month is important to maintaining a good credit score. If you remain behind with any payments, bring them current as soon as possible, and then make future payments on time. Whenever possible, pay down balances on your accounts. Over time these actions will have a positive impact on your score.
Before upgrading Logstash, remember to read the breaking changes. To work around this problem in Logstash 6.0.0, add the setting document_type => doc to the Elasticsearch output configuration. We will issue a patch to address this issue soon in a new version of Logstash. Logstash has historically used the value of the type field to set the Elasticsearch type by default. Elasticsearch 6.0 no longer supports more than one type per index. This is why the new behavior will only be applied to Elasticsearch 6.0+ clusters with our upcoming fixes. As of Elasticsearch 6.0, document types are on the way out, and only a single mapping type per index is supported. For Logstash users this means transitioning to using the type field inside of the document instead of the document type. The effect is the same, but the usage is slightly different. This may mean reconfiguring existing Kibana dashboards to use the new type field instead of the document type. If you are using the default mapping templates in Logstash, you will need to upgrade your mapping templates. To do this, after migrating Elasticsearch to 6.0, you must override the existing template with the 6.x template. This can be done by ensuring that all configured Elasticsearch outputs have the following setting specified: template_overwrite => true. Elasticsearch 6.0 does not require Logstash 6.0. An Elasticsearch 6.0 cluster will happily receive data from a Logstash 5.x instance via the default HTTP communication layer. This provides some flexibility to decide when to upgrade Logstash relative to an Elasticsearch upgrade. It may or may not be convenient for you to upgrade them together, and it is not required to be done at the same time as long as Elasticsearch is upgraded first. You should upgrade in a timely manner to get the performance improvements that come with Logstash 6.0, but do so in the way that makes the most sense for your environment. If any Logstash plugin that you require is not compatible with Logstash 6.0, then you should wait until it is ready before upgrading. Although we make great efforts to ensure compatibility, Logstash 6.0 is not completely backwards compatible. As noted in the Elastic Stack upgrade guide, Logstash 6.0 should not be upgraded before Elasticsearch 6.0. This is both practical and because some Logstash 6.0 plugins may attempt to use features of Elasticsearch 6.0 that did not exist in earlier versions.
At Salem Elementary School we are STARS, but what does that really mean? It is more than just the symbol of a star, it actually stands for something: Students and Staff that are Responsible, Respectiful, and Successful. To help our STARS really shine this year, the whole student body rotated through various stations where they reviewed how to be responsible, respectful, and successful in different routines and areas of the school. We know we have a great year ahead of us and our STARS will shine.
Kenneth Bruland, professor of ocean sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has spent more than 25 years studying the chemistry of the ocean and the ways in which trace amounts of certain elements influence marine ecosystems. Bruland was a pioneer in the development of the demanding techniques needed to measure trace elements in seawater. His appointment this month to the Ida Benson Lynn Endowed Chair in Ocean Health recognizes Bruland's important contributions in this area and provides support for his ongoing research. The Ida Benson Lynn Endowed Chair in Ocean Health was established in 1998 and is intended for an outstanding scholar with research interests in the area of ocean health. Bruland's five-year appointment to the chair brings with it $15,000 per year to support his teaching, public service, and research, and an additional $40,000 to support graduate student fellowships. Bruland said he has several ideas for using the funds that come with the endowed chair. "I am especially excited about the idea of being able to use this endowment to help recruit and support outstanding graduate students," he said. With fellowship support from the endowment, rather than being funded under a specific research grant, the graduate students will have more flexibility to collaborate with other faculty and to undertake interdisciplinary projects, Bruland said. "I work with other marine science faculty who are more biologically oriented, while I provide the expertise in ocean chemistry, and I'd like to see students working in areas that bridge those different disciplines," he said. Bruland said he would use some of the funds from the endowment to make his research accessible to a wider audience through articles, lectures, and web sites. He also has plans to develop a display on his research for the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, the public education center at UCSC's Long Marine Laboratory. Much of Bruland's current research focuses on the chemical factors that allow extensive blooms of single-celled algae, or phytoplankton, to occur in coastal waters. Periodic algal blooms provide the food that ultimately supports productive fisheries and abundant marine life in places like Monterey Bay. Major nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are key factors in stimulating algal blooms, but trace elements such as iron and zinc also play an important role as micronutrients, Bruland said. In many parts of the ocean, for example, the availability of iron is the limiting factor that determines the abundance of phytoplankton. By converting sunlight into food energy, phytoplankton provide most of the "primary production" at the base of the marine food chain. In that sense, they are the foundation on which healthy marine ecosystems are built. But there is a dark side to phytoplankton, too--they sometimes produce harmful toxins such as domoic acid. Harmful algal blooms can poison marine birds and mammals, and can even pose a health threat to humans. Bruland's research suggests that trace metals such as iron and copper may play a role in the production of algal toxins. "In most cases, the algal blooms are good things that help make this region so productive. But sometimes the organisms are harmful, so we're trying to understand what factors trigger the toxin production," he said. Some trace metals themselves can be toxic to phytoplankton if present in high concentrations. Copper, for example, is a potentially toxic trace metal that is a significant contaminant in some coastal environments, including San Francisco Bay. But the toxicity of copper depends on its chemical form, Bruland said. He and his students have found that copper in San Francisco Bay is primarily bound to organic compounds in a nontoxic form. They are currently studying the sources and characteristics of these copper-binding organic compounds. There may be a connection between the toxicity of trace metals such as copper and the production of toxic compounds by certain algae. Bruland's group has found that the algal toxin domoic acid, which causes amnesic shellfish poisoning in humans, binds both iron and copper in ways that affect their biological availability--detoxifying the copper and making iron, an essential micronutrient, more available. This suggests a physiological role for domoic acid in the species of algae that produce it. "The production of domoic acid may be triggered when a bloom of this species is stressed by either copper toxicity or iron limitation," Bruland said. Bruland's research includes investigations of how trace metals influence the growth of phytoplankton in a wide range of ocean environments. During the summer of 2003, he was chief scientist on a major research expedition to the Bering Sea to investigate the influence of trace metals on phytoplankton productivity in the Bering Sea ecosystem. He is currently involved in a large multidisciplinary effort to study the influence of the vast plume of nutrient-rich water that pours out of the mouth of the Columbia River and mixes into the coastal waters off Oregon and Washington. Research cruises to study the Columbia River plume are planned for the next three summers, and Bruland plans to develop a web site where he and his coworkers can post reports from the field during the cruises. "Most of my research gets published in specialized journals, and I'd like to reach out to more general audiences and spread the word about what we're doing. A web site is one way for us to do that," Bruland said. Bruland is the second faculty member to hold the Ida Benson Lynn Endowed Chair in Ocean Health, succeeding Terrie Williams, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, who held the first appointment to the chair. Bruland received his B.A. in chemistry from Western Washington University and his Ph.D. in oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. He came to UCSC in 1974 as an assistant professor of marine studies and is currently chair of the Department of Ocean Sciences. He received the Outstanding Faculty Award for 2001-02 from the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences in recognition of his distinguished research career, excellence in teaching, and commitment to service. Note to reporters: You may contact Bruland at (831) 459-4587 or bruland@ucsc.edu.
If you’re a snowbird who owns a winter home in the U.S., sooner or later you’ll ask yourself whether it would make sense to keep a car there permanently. It might be that you’re tired of the expense and time spent driving back and forth – or it might be that you want an extra vehicle for all your visiting family and friends. Whatever the reason, you may decide to leave one of your cars at your U.S. home year-round, in which case you will have to take the following steps in order to be compliant with U.S. law. Remember, you can only have your Canadian licensed car in the U.S. for up to one year at a time without importing it permanently. If you keep your car in the U.S. for more than a year, it can be seized for non-payment of duty, so if you do decide to keep your car there permanently, it’s important to complete the import process before the 365 days are up. Before you decide to import your car to the U.S. from Canada, we suggest you read these import requirements and this overview on importing a vehicle to the U.S. from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Depending on your situation, exporting your car can be a confusing, time consuming and sometimes impossible process, so it’s not for everyone. If you intend to keep your car in the U.S. beyond a year and convert it to a U.S. registration, be sure to declare this to the customs officer at the border when you cross into the United States. You’ll need to provide the officer with your vehicle registration as well as completed DOT Form H7 and EPA Form 3520-1 and any supplemental documentation to prove that your car meets safety and emissions standards (see Step 1 below). If everything is in order, you will receive written approval that you have met all the requirements from the customs officer, which you must then take with you to your final destination where you will register your car and convert it to a U.S. registration and ownership. Make sure to ask the customs officer to stamp your passport at the border so you can prove when you entered the U.S., as this may be helpful later on in the process when you register your vehicle. Automobiles are generally subject to duty of 2.5% of their current value when they are imported to the United States. However, vehicles manufactured in NAFTA countries (Canada, U.S. and Mexico) are usually exempt from this duty. Please note that while this article provides helpful information on the steps needed to import your car to the U.S. from Canada, regulations can change without notice and you should always consult the relevant agencies for complete guidelines and up to date information. In addition, keep in mind that some procedures may differ depending on which State you reside in, so you may want to check State requirements as well. All vehicles less than 25 years old must meet all U.S. FMVSS standards to be imported into the United States. You can determine if your vehicle is compliant by looking for a FMVSS certificate label (usually inside the car door or under the hood). If your vehicle has this label, you should have no problem importing it to the U.S. from a safety standards standpoint. However, in many cases you will find that your vehicle only has a label certifying it complies with all Canadian motor vehicle safety standards (CMVSS). If you have foreign car, it may not have a safety certificate label for Canada or the U.S. If your vehicle is only certified to meet CMVSS standards, you can still import your vehicle to the United States as long as you get a letter from the vehicle’s original manufacturer (not dealer) on the manufacturer’s letterhead stating that your vehicle conforms to all applicable FMVSS standards - you can find a list of manufacturer contacts here. It’s important to note that some car manufacturers are refusing to issue such a letter, so make sure you check with them before doing anything else. If your car isn’t certified to meet FMVSS or CMVSS standards, you will want to look at the regulations to explore your other options. However, you’ll probably find that it just isn’t worth the time, expense and hassle in this case, as you’ll generally be required to engage a Registered Importer to import your car into the United States and make the necessary modifications (you can find a list of Registered Importers here) and post a bond for 1.5 X the current dutiable value of your car until it is modified and certified. For complete DOT safety standard guidelines and procedures related to importing a vehicle from Canada to the United States, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website. All vehicles that are imported to the U.S. must conform to the EPA’s emission standards requirements. If your vehicle has a label stating that it is certified to United States EPA federal emission standards, then you shouldn’t have an issue importing your vehicle. To see if your vehicle has been certified, look under the hood of your car or in the engine compartment for a label that reads “Vehicle Emission Control Information” and includes the certification. More often than not, your Canadian vehicle won’t have a label indicating it is EPA certified. However, in many cases your car will have an emission control system that is identical to an emission control system that has been certified in the United States. In both situations you can still import your vehicle to the U.S., but you will need to obtain a letter of compliance from the vehicle manufacturer’s U.S. representative stating that the vehicle complies with all U.S. EPA regulations. You can find a list of U.S. Auto Manufacturer’s Representatives here. Note that some manufacturers may refuse to issue a letter. If your vehicle does not have an EPA certification label and does not have an emission control system that is identical to one certified by the EPA, you will want to look at the regulations to explore your other options, as you may be eligible to apply for a written letter of exemption from the EPA which must be obtained prior to importing your vehicle. Outside of an exemption, you’ll likely have to use an Independent Commercial Importer to bring your vehicle south of the border and modify it, as well as post a bond. Once again, if you find yourself in this situation you’ll probably find that it just isn’t worth all the added time, expense and hassle to export your car from Canada to the U.S. Complete emission standard requirements and guidelines for importing a car to the U.S. can be found on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website. The rules keep changing regarding Canadians who have residences in the U.S. as to whether they need – or indeed are even entitled to obtain – a U.S. driver’s license or I.D. card. You should check with your State of residence what the rules are-- and whether you can just use your Canadian driving license on an ongoing basis. If you do need to apply for a license and/or I.D. card, you will have to provide your Canadian driver’s license, your passport for a second photo I.D. and a property tax bill or other utility bill with your name and U.S. address on it. There will be a fee and you will have to renew it each year. Also they may take a photo of you and an eye scan. It is possible that they may require proof of the day you entered the U.S. to ensure you have not gone over the allowable time (180 days). If your passport was stamped when you entered, it is helpful. You must arrange for U.S. auto insurance before your car is transferred to a U.S. registration, as you cannot keep your Canadian insurance once you do this. Accordingly, you will need to find a U.S. auto insurance broker or company. They will require your Canadian ownership details and a copy of your driver record in Canada. Shop around as the market is quite competitive for U.S. auto insurance. Be sure to mention if the car will not be driven for 6 months of the year. Your car will be inspected in order to get a new registration and ownership. Check locally to see where your nearest car registration office is and make an appointment. You must bring all your paperwork that was approved at the border. They will verify your serial number and your odometer reading. Make sure that you are at a location that is authorized to verify vehicles for aliens. (that’s you!) You will have to pay a one-time fee for the first time you are issued your new plates. If all of the above sounds like a lot of running around (and it is!) then you might want to consider purchasing a new or used vehicle in the U.S. instead to avoid some of steps and potential issues outlined above.
Peel the pumpkin and cut it into quarters. With the side of a spoon, scrape off the seeds and the fibers. Cut the pumpkin into 1-inch cubes. Put the cannabis olive oil in a wok and set it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the pumpkin to the wok along with the fish sauce. Cover it with plain water and boil until the pumpkin is soft enough for you to pierce the tip of a knife into it easily, yet still firm enough to hold the shape (about 10-15 minutes). The goal is to use the water to soften the pumpkin and let it evaporate, so there’s no need to replenish the water. Once the pumpkin is soft, make a well in the middle and crack the eggs right into it and stir. Once the eggs are cooked, remove the wok from heat. Sprinkle the ground pepper on top. Serve warm with rice.
Located about 14 kilometers north from Byblos and 55 kilometers from Beirut, Rachana - meaning "me, the head" in Aramaic - is known as the museum village. Entering the village, you will find sculptures, as well as other art forms, everywhere; on the road, in front of the houses, in the gardens, and on squares. Welcoming sculptors from all over the world for fifteen days every year, the International Park of Sculpture in Rachana displays over 50 sculptures. To reach Rachana by public transport from Beirut or Byblos, take a bus from the coastal highway in the direction of Batroun and Tripoli. Ask the bus driver to drop you off at the side of the highway near Rachana (just before the checkpoint of Batroun). From there, you can either walk in eastward direction (1 hour) or take a taxi for about 10,000 LBP. To reach Rachana by car from Beirut or Byblos, take the coastal highway to the north and turn left just before the large checkpoint in Batroun (there are signs indicating a wine route).
As part of our website service, we work to develop templates to be used on your website. Most of the templates used on our custom projects are made by us, a few may be obtained from other sources, it just depends on your needs. As our customer, you give us an idea on what you are looking for in a template and we will create one for you. If you have images that you would like to use in the template itself, you are welcome to send them to us and we will incorporate them into your finished product. Below are some sample images of templates we have created or modified. Please click on an image to view the actual template in use.
What’s all the fuss about energy? Do we really need it? For the past century we have been getting this power from fossil fuels which is a limited resources , expert can’t guarantee that they will discover enough fossil fuels to keep us going for the next 40 0r 200 years. Even if we had unlimited supply of fossil fuels using solar energy and other renewable is better for our environment.
You probably know there's a plastic problem in the world's oceans. Estimates put the total weight of ocean plastic at millions of tons. Most of us try to do our part to cut down on the mess, perhaps by bringing reusable bags to the grocery store and toting your own water bottle instead of buying a disposable plastic one. Luckily, there are ways to help, and a pair of surfers is leading the way. Since humans started creating plastic on a large scale, we've cranked out 8.3 billion metric tons of it. By 2050, that number will be 12 billion metric tons (that's the weight of 35,000 Empire State Buildings). By that same year, it's estimated 99 percent of all sea birds will have eaten plastic at least once. The problem with plastic is that the huge majority ends up as waste. Of the plastic we've thrown away, only nine percent was recycled, 12 percent was incinerated and 79 percent accumulated in landfills or the natural environment. Researchers at the University of Georgia found that in 2010 alone, 8 million metric tons of plastic ended up in the ocean. Currently, plastic kills more than 100,000 sea turtles and sea birds every year when they eat it or get tangled in it. One of the companies leading the charge to save the seas is 4Ocean. It started when two surfers took matters into their own hands, pulling trash off the ocean floor. Now, it organizes regular coastal and ocean cleanups that remove plastic and other trash from global waterways. If you'd like to help, pick up on of their beaded bracelets made from recycled glass and plastic bottles. Every bracelet you buy funds the removal of one pound of trash from the ocean. Since January 2017, the company has hauled more than 80,500 pounds of trash from the water. That's nearly the weight of 2,684 cinder blocks. Sure, you could try hauling that out on your own, but it's simpler to support the cause. Beyond the big trash, you may be contributing to pollution with every load of laundry. Every time you wash synthetic clothing — think polyester, nylon, and acrylic — microscopic fibers shed from the fabric, travel out with the wastewater from your washing machine, and into public waterways. According to Mermaids, a European project aiming to fix this problem, a single fleece jacket releases nearly a million fibers every time it's washed. A 2016 study found that wastewater treatment plants release 56 million particles of microplastics into the San Francisco Bay every day, and most of them are microfibers. Think about that: facilities that thoroughly filter and treat wastewater to make it safe to put back into the environment still can't prevent microfibers from being released into the oceans. Researchers have found these microfibers everywhere from the ocean's surface to deep-sea sediments to aquatic animals themselves. Around 65 percent of shrimp in the North Sea, for example, contain synthetic fibers. That means that the fibers in your clothes are ending up on your plate. Ecological organizations are pushing hard to get the apparel industry to tackle the problem by creating fabrics that shed less, but so far companies have been dragging their feet. But consumers can do their part, too. Try washing large loads to reduce the amount of friction between clothes, and using liquid detergent and fabric softener instead of powder. You can also avoid the problem altogether by opting for clothes made of natural fabrics like cotton and wool. THESE TWO SURFERS ARE SAVING THE OCEAN!
Your FlagSource® flag from Belson Outdoors® will provide the most attractive and best flying U.S. Flag available from any manufacturer in the United States. FlagSource flags from Belson Outdoors make a statement. Because they look better and last longer, they give any business, institution or home a cost-effective means for displaying national pride with a great flying flags for the longest period of time.
Last year on Black Friday I ordered this amazing St. Patrick’s Day inspired fabric and can’t wait to make a button down shirt out of it. It’s funny how I skipped over all the other holidays that’s approaching and jumped right to St. Patrick’s Day, but the rainbows won me over. Tags: hauls, rainbow fabric, sewing, st patricks day fabric. Bookmark the permalink.
The increased traffic at this intersection as a result of the Timber Trail Cycleway opening has been significant. However, the signage is aged (note the fingerboards), the directional signs are scratched with graffiti and the black and white chevron is now longer compliant. In general the signs are shabby and unattractive. Can they please be updated. Someone has piled up some rubbish on the top of the hill off South St and has set it alight. The remains are still there. Some has fallen onto the zig zag. The street light directly outside of Ngakonui Valley School is not working.
I’m on a roll, I made it to week number four. If you have any questions about photography please feel to comment or contact me and I’ll do my best to answer any questions. Find out as much as you can about your subject before the day of the session. I ask all my high school seniors to fill out a questionnaire when they first book me. This way I get to know a little more about them ahead of time. This also give me a chance to bring their favorite drink on the day of their photo shoot. The more you know about the subject you’re photographing the better the shoot will go. This is not only for photo shoots involving people, knowing your subject works for all type of photography. Landscape photographers have to know where the sun is going to be at the time of the session so they will have the best light. Well that’s it for now; and remember if you have any question please don’t hesitate to send them in.
Humanities/Cultural Studies - 3 terms in Second Form Personal Development Seminar I for all Second Form students All Second Form students take 6 classes in the winter and spring (Foundation to the Arts). Personal Development Seminar II (2 non-credit terms in the Third Form) Third Form Students take 6 classes in the fall, winter and spring. Typically they will take one art and two religion courses. Humanities/Cultural Studies - 3 terms in II Form Personal Development Seminar II (2 non-credit terms in the Third Form) Third Formers take 6 classes in the fall, winter and spring. Typically they will take one art and two religion courses. Although coursework from a prior school can be used to determine placement in Lawrenceville courses, it cannot be applied toward meeting Lawrenceville Graduation Requirements.
Lake Bled is located in northwestern Slovenia, in the Julian Alps. This glacial body of wated covers the area of 1.44 km2 and has an exceptionally high temperature reaching up to 26 Celsius degrees. A small natural island of Blejski Otok is located at the western side of the lake. Its surface is occupied by the complex of religious architecture, which includes the church with the15th-century bell tower, the chapel and presbytery. The island can be reached only by water, but it does not discourage numerous tourists and pilgrims.
A Chinese surgeon has discovered a practical application for augmented reality in the medical field. Using the same technology by which a Pokemon character is layered onto a real-life setting, two surgical images can be combined into a single view, eliminating the need for surgeons to watch two separate screens simultaneously. Catherine Chan Po-ling, a surgeon in Hong Kong and co-founder of MedEXO Robotics, says that the use of augmented reality technology in keyhole, or minimally invasive, surgery can solve one of the biggest problems for surgeons performing these procedures. Currently, surgeons in keyhole procedures must create and view two images simultaneously. In Chan’s example, when checking for cancerous cells in the liver, the surgeon operates a regular camera showing a view of the surface of the liver, and at the same time operates an ultrasound probe to check beneath the surface of the liver. The new process pioneered by Chan uses augmented reality technology to layer one view over the other, allowing the surgeon to review both types of images on the same screen at the same time. Images from the regular camera and the ultrasound probe are combined using computer tracking technology. MedEXO, the UK robotics company that Chan co-founded, recently won acclaim and a $2M HK prize for the creation of an exoskeleton glove that minimizes shaking and hand tremors of patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Get yourself a cup of coffee, plug into 'intellectual' mode, and prepare yourself for some thinking action. Don't let the small, convenient size of this book deceive you. It is a veritable powerhouse of thought-provoking discussion-stimulating nuggets, opening up the world of Judaism to everyone. Explores such issues as true friendship, love, intermarriage, moral responsibility, and the value of life. Essential for youth groups, campus meets, and anywhere you want to start up a lively, gratifying, Jewish discussion.
If you have not previously registered, please click one of the links under Create a User Account to create a new User ID. To view MWEJobs with limited access, click the Guest Access link. In the Already Registered section, the username and password are required for login. If you would like to become a fully registered user with MWEJobs and have access to all of our online services, select one of the following account types. If you are not sure if you need to register on the system, learn more about the benefits of registering on page: Why Register?.
Canada, a North American country with its vibrant cities and a welcoming atmosphere has become one of the popular tourist destinations. Canada also offers a lot of benefits and opportunities for students worldwide so it has also become student’s favourite country. This country is considered to be number one in the best places to study.
Question: A recent study indicated that women took an average of 8.6 weeks of unpaid leave from their jobs after the birth of a child. Assume that this distribution follows the normal probability distribution with a standard deviation of 2.0 weeks. We select a sample of 35 women who recently returned to work after the birth of a child. What is the likelihood that the mean of this sample is at least 8.8 weeks?
It’s the beginning of a beautiful fall weekend . . . the air is crisp, but not too cold; and for the time being, the government is up and running. Sounds like a great time to relax and enjoy this Brown Sugar Pecan Coffee Cake. The mix of brown sugar cake topped with lots of crunchy pecans is heavenly. It’s so easy to put together – what are you waiting for? Note: You’ll want to keep this recipe on-hand – it’s perfect for holiday entertaining. Stir together flour and brown sugar in a large bowl. Cut 3/4 cup butter into flour mixture with a pastry blender or fork until crumbly. Press 2 3/4 cups crumb mixture evenly on the bottom of a lightly greased 13- x 9-inch pan. Serve for breakfast, brunch, dessert, or just because you can!
All classes and administrative offices will resume normal schedules on Tuesday, September 28. University officials are very aware of the many individual situations that students, faculty and staff may be facing as a result of the recent storm. University employees are urged to contact their supervisor as soon as possible in the event they are unable to report for work due to extreme circumstances.
If you are thinking of moving to Crake or just want to know a what the area is like, the statistics on this page should give you a good introduction. They cover a range of socio-economic factors so you can compare Crake to figures for Cumbria and nationally. These statistics can tell you if Crake is an economically deprived area and how hard it might be to get a job. These statistics are for the highest level education obtained by the residents of Crake and are from the UK Census of 2011. Crake has a lower level of residents with either no qualifications or qualifications equal to 1 or more GCSE at grade D or below, than the national average. Crake also has a high level of residents with a higher education qualification (level 4) than the national average, suggesting that the residents of Crake are better educated than the average England citizen. The population of Crake as a whole, is older than the national average. The population of Crake is also older than the Cumbria average, making Crake a older persons location. The respondents of the 2011 Census were asked to rate their health. These are the results for Crake. The percentage of residents in Crake rating their health as 'very good' is less than the national average. These figures for Country of Birth for the residents of Crake are from the UK Census of 2011. Since Crake has a higher level of residents born in the UK than the national average and a lower rate of residents either born in other EU countries or outside the EU, it does not have a significant immigrant population. These figures on the claiming of benefits in Crake come from the Department for Work & Pensions and are dated . They can often be a good indicator of the prosperity of the town and possible indicator of how hard it would be to get employment in the area. The rate of unemployment in Crake is both lower than the average for Cumbria and lower than the national average, suggesting that finding a job in this area maybe easier than most places. The rate of claiming any benefit (which includes in work benefits) is more than 10% lower in Crake than the national average, suggesting higher salaries than the average in the area. Do you live in Crake? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Messenger spacecraft orbits 100km from planet's surface to send back data, a decade after launch of ambitious mission. Ten years ago, NASA launched its most ambitious mission yet - to explore the mysteries of Mercury. The spacecraft Messenger is now orbiting less than 100km from the surface and is sending back information. It promises to give scientists new insight into the evolution of the solar system. Al Jazeera's Tom Ackerman reports from Laurel, Maryland.
The project conducted feasibilities studies in grain and oilseed production and marketing in Tanzania. The feasibility study conclude that there is an opportunity for investors to invest in, a project in the agricultural sector in one of the most stable country of Africa – The United Republic of Tanzania. This project will allow astute investors to participate in agriculture on a global scale to meet the increased demand for food, while mitigating the effects of rising food costs.
24 spacious units, 28 parking space; 31,512 total sq. ft., 14,360 lot sq. ft. Sunset Strip adjacent and contiguous to new luxury mixed use 8150 Sunset development. Call (310) 963-4358 now to receive more information or view the property website or brochure by clicking either button on the right.
With so many health issues springing up from left to right these days, a lot of people are trying their best to find possible solutions and remedies to these conditions. Many are hoping too that they can find solutions that are more on the herbal side. After all, relying constantly on medicines may have this own risks in the long run, most herbal remedies these days do not really have any side-effects on them whatsoever. Turmeric has since been used in ancient times due to the health benefits and medicinal properties that it possesses. Its healing properties have made it a very well known solution to a wide range of medical conditions and diseases all over the world. It has indeed remained a previous commodity through the ages thanks to the fact that it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. If there is one key to effectiveness of the turmeric to have the healing power that it is now known for, it is the curcumin. This is a chemical compound that is found in the plant. Thousands of scientific articles have been published that were all focused on evaluating the effectiveness of curcumin. Sure, there have been side effects that were found, but if there is one resounding feedback that these researches revealed, it is that turmeric is indeed able to have such profound effects to the human body. Drinking tea that is made from turmeric is known to offer relief from chronic pain and inflammation. There were studies that show how the plant happens to have a number or anti-inflammatory compounds making curcumin as a very potent anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory agent. It is not only great when handling chronic pain. It is expected to have less side effect too when compared to other medications. Plus, it is also expected to help provide the person with long lasting effects. It is also a known cure for depression. Curcumin has been evaluated when it comes to its capacity to battle depression. It has been found out in these studies that it can be a great remedy for depression. The best thing about it is that the use of turmeric ginger tea does not carry any of the usual side effects and possible dangerous effects that many anti-repressive drugs tend to cause. This is a plant that have been known for it properties to help lower the glucose levels of people suffering from diabetes. It is even known for its properties to help those people who are resistant to insulin and reverse it. Curcumin has since been discovered to suppress the glucose production ion the liver. It can act as an antioxidant and anti-diabetic for those suffering for type 1 diabetes. It can help in improving the metabolic function and reduce the buildup of plaque in arteries of people suffering from type 2 diabetes too. Also, turmeric has been noted for its ability to improve the skin and keep aging at bay. It possesses a lot of healing properties that the skin can benefit from. It can reduce the redness in the skin and it can reduce skin irritations too. Since it is anti-bacterial, it is great to be use for skin balance, blemished, as well as acne.
This Warning Stick is a great solution for rear back deck lighting and can also perfect for installation on front headliners, mounting in your grill or anywhere else you would like to have slim line discreet lighting. It is a very low profile unit, which produces high intensity lighting using Generation 4 3W TIR Technology designed with an outstanding and most up to date microprocessor circuit that facilitates low power consumption. Using the state-of-the-art Gen4 3W LED technology it illuminates a powerful ray of light, which can be seen in any direction even in clear daylight. The Traffic advisor comes standard with 2″ Brackets, suction cups, ON/OFF switch on the cigarette plug as well as a sync wire, to sync more than one unit together. They have the ability to synchronize with or without the cigarette plug and can be hardwired to your own switch box as well. They are Waterproof and can be used for interior or exterior use. Additionally, it has been tested against Vibration, moisture, and corrosion.
This talk is about reverse engineering a proprietary network protocol, and then creating my own implementation. The talk will cover the tools used to take binary data apart, capture the data, and techniques I use for decoding unknown formats. The protocol covered is the RTMP protocol used by Adobe flash, and this new implementation is part of the Gnash project.
What heating should we install? In any house the effectiveness and efficiency of space heaters is a function heat lost (through walls, floors, ceilings, windows etc.), the amount of solar heat gain, the size of the space to be heated, the age of the system and the availability of the various fuels. Affordability is a big factor. A ground-source heat pump might be very efficient but it is also very expensive to install. Ease of use also affects people’s choices. A heat pump is much easier to use than a woodburner. Unfortunately a guide like this cannot factor in all of these variables, however it does give an indication of the relative merits of each system in terms of cost-efficiency and sustainability. This guide has data for modern (2008) systems. Energy prices and system prices vary so the figures in the guide are indicative only.
2-3bd 2ba • 1,248 sq. ft. 3bd 2.5ba • 1,959 sq. ft. 3bd 2.5ba • 1,555 sq. ft. 4bd 3ba • 1,896 sq. ft. 3bd 2.5ba • 1,855 sq. ft. The city of Dalton is located in the valley close to Chatsworth and Lafayette. A large number of manufacturing industries bring opportunity to the area. Further, there are plenty of family-fun activities through the recreational department, school systems, privately-owned businesses, natural trails and exhibits. Dalton State College offers degrees in Business, Communication, Psychology, Education and Political Science. Dalton has been credited as one of the few places in the country where business and education combine to enhance long-term learning. It's business opportunities, small-town feel and educational systems make Dalton a great place for families who are looking at homes for rent. The city was named after its founder Edward Dalton White. The railroad helped pave the way for the city and one of the structures from 1847 still stands today. It's one of few pieces of architecture in the state that pre-dates the American Civil War. The trains also transported soldiers during the Civil War and contributed to the city's economic growth and transportation of goods. Learn about its history at the Dalton Freight Depot Visitor Center. Admission is free-of-charge for visitors. But before the Civil War, Dalton was known for its association with Andrew Jackson's "Trail of Tears". The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave the area by American settlers. Signs around the city make it possible to walk the same path that the Native Americans did when they were migrating. Visit the city's official website for information on public schools, the state college, city budget, administration and a deeper look at the history of Dalton. The Chamber of Commerce has extensive data on economic development, quality of life and information specific to new residents.
LIMPET Self-Sink Air Hose is a brand new, reinforced air delivery hose, made here in the UK. It eliminates the need to add additional weights to an air hose in order to keep it on the bottom of the tank, pond or lake. Made from a reinforced PVC compound, it is very strong whilst remaining flexible. LIMPET comes in four sizes to suit most applications - from the smallest garden pond to the largest aquaculture or wastewater facility. (Sizes below indicate the internal diameter). Traditionally when installing diffused aeration systems, the task of how to deliver the air from the land-based air blower out to the lake bed diffusers has posed a problem. Until now it usually involved the use of standard braided air hose, which needed additional weights to pin it down to the bed of the pond or lake. This is a time consuming process and not ideal when the hose has to be as unobtrusive as possible, such as in a Koi pond or on a fishery. Now the task can be completed quickly and easily, leaving a neat and tidy installation. As well as supplying the LIMPET hose, we can also supply a wide range of industry recognised blowers, manifolds and diffusers to complete the system.
Spice up your online education and take the Department of Transportation (DOT) Video online training courses. Watch and learn as experts show you how to practice safe driving in these fun and informative videos. Our courses come in high quality audio-video format that will keep you entertained while learning at the same time.
We have made these planes before and they were a huge hit with the kids. My son and I were testing out different-shaped wings and came up with the triangle wing which flew quite well. Make them, launch them, race them! First, cut two strips of paper, one 21cm x 2cm and the other 11cm x 2cm. Glue the ends of the longer piece together and shape into a triangle. Glue the ends of the smaller piece together and shape into a triangle. Attach the large triangle to the end of the straw with sticky tape. Attach the smaller triangle to the other end of the straw to make the plane.Throw the plane into the air and watch it fly!
To read Part 1 of this blog post, click here. Icons have become a mainstay for interacting with the world around us, and have become especially prevalent in business technology. We see these pictorial representations on computers, phones, signage, and a variety of other items every single day. Icons are meant to fit seamlessly into the environment around you, providing easy access to the things and information you need the most. As usability becomes a key differentiator when building applications for the enterprise, the proper design and implementation of icons is key. Here are five importance considerations when designing icons. When you sit down to create (or choose) icons, you should always consider the final outcome first. Will it be used in an app? In a (responsive) website? Will it be printed? Perhaps it will be used in more than one of these situations? The place(s) an icon will be seen are important to take into account since it will save you the time and hassle of reformatting or reworking your icons later. Once you have your final format in mind, you can start making considerations on what kind of process you will use to create and save your icons. Some of the common formats you can look into include images (such as JPEGs or PNGs), vector based formats (like glyph fonts and SVGs), and ICO files. Each of these has its uses and its drawbacks, so I would recommend doing some research into what would work best for your needs. If you are designing for a mobile ecosystem, try looking at the styling guidelines for the OS. Android, Apple, and Microsoft all have some excellent tips and resources. Scale is important for a lot of reasons, but mainly it’s important to determine the level of detail that you’ll be able to include. You should always design for the smallest possible size that the icon will viewed at. The smaller the intended size, the less detail you will be able to show clearly. If you try and put a bunch of detail into a very small icon, you may make it harder to recognize. If you are designing for a responsive or mobile device, you should also remember that people will need to be able to touch your icon with their fingers. Most sources recommend a minimum area of 44pts x 44pts, but the larger the icon is the less trouble the users will have in selecting what they intend to touch. You’ll probably notice that even though the styling may differ, a lot of the icons used have a common root (for instance, the use of a floppy disc for save). These familiar shapes allow users to easily recognize and interact with icons. Since users have become accustom to seeing certain icons, deviating from those commonly-accepted shapes can be incredibly frustrating to users. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but you should make sure that the pay-off for using a non-standard icon significantly outweighs the risk you take deviating from the norm. The image of the lock on the left is one of the most popular choices for ‘lock’ or ‘security’ icons. Keys also pertain to locks, but it’s more difficult to differentiate this icon from its other uses (key icons are sometimes used for passcodes or the security measures needed to lock or unlock something). So now that you have your format, scale, and icon ideas chosen, you need to make sure that they look consistent as a set. Even the most well thought out icons suffer when one or two variants stick out from the rest. Line weight, fill, color, and graphical style all play a big role in a set looking cohesive. Take this set of icons below- you’ll notice a few icons that stick out from the set as a whole. The coffee cup doesn’t follow the same dark on light convention, the strawberry has dimension and gradient which isn’t present elsewhere, the donuts lines are thicker than any others are, and the apple is a hollowed icon. You’ll notice the set here looks significantly more consistent. All icons are dark on light, the majority of the icon is ”filled” (filled icons may have some hollow elements, but the majority of the icon itself is filled), and the line thicknesses are consistent across the board. Make sure your icons play nicely with one another for a consistent, cohesive look. The overall style you choose for your set should be based on the system in which it’s being used. Even the most elegant of icon sets will look out of place if it doesn’t match the setting. For instance, the heavily treated icons look out of place in the super modern look of the background on the left, and look much more at home on the right. This is a very extreme example, but icons designed with the style of the system as a whole will be more successful. These five considerations are just a small part of designing a successful icon. If you are developing an application, website, or signage that use icons, I would suggest looking a good hard look at them. Do they really mean what you want them to mean? Do they fit in with the rest of the system? Are they the right size and consistent throughout? Make sure your icons add to your user’s experience.
Lesley's "gang" improves their HQ with the aid of a 2 and sixpenny banger! Alma Road was pulled down to make way for the new town. In these four short clips she talks about what Hemel was like before the new town, the people who lived and worked there, and the mischief she got up to. Lesley’s gang improves their HQ with the aid of a two and sixpenny banger! Listen to the clip to find out what happens next! At the end of the road, on the Parade, was the Pretty Polly Flinders factory. Lesley’s neighbour, who worked there, provided her with a constant supply of small shiny treasures.
We'll discuss the benefits of creating a deeply aerated soil and touch briefly on the importance of microbes in the soil. We will also be demonstrating the technique we use in deep soil preparation: double digging! After demonstration participants will have the opportunity to practice the technique.
Securiton GmbH is part of the Swiss Securitas Group. It offers a broad spectrum of security solutions as well as high-quality and professional customer care. It is a system provider in the field of electronic security technology and also a manufacturer of high-end alarm and security systems. Its IPS video-division provides software development for high-end security applications such as nuclear power plants, military sites, airports, railway providers, prisons, industrial applications and many more.
Bring affordable, reliable efficient renewable energy production down to earth. ENGIE Distributed Solar’s Development Team focuses on ground-mounted solar and storage, with a particular focus on distribution-scale installations, community solar gardens (CSG) and utility-scale projects. ENGIE’s team of regionally-focused project developers work in concert with electric cooperatives, municipalities and communities to bring your ground-mounted solar projects to fruition. We currently have operating or development relationships with dozens of cooperatives and municipalities across the United States. ENGIE signs a long-term lease with the land owner to use the land, with annual rent payments, which brings long-term, reliable revenue to the land owner. ENGIE will acquire all necessary permits and approvals needed to build the project. ENGIE’s project management team designs and builds the project, following all applicable safety and building codes. ENGIE’s Operations & Maintenance team maintains the panels for the life of the project, typically 25+ years.
Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases. With regard to the importance of blood glucose regulation in prevention of diabetic complications, glycemic and insulinemic response determination of foods containing carbohydrates is greatly important. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to determine the effect of low glycemic index foods taken at dinner on fasting blood glucose and subsequent breakfast glycemic and insulinemic responses in patients with type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: The study was a randomized, cross-over clinical trial in which 8 diabetic patients (4 male and 4 female), were randomly allocated to one of the following two diet regimens: 1) Dinner with high glycemic foods: Potato puree, egg white, "Lavash" bread, and oil. 2) Dinner with low glycemic foods: cooked lentils, "Sangak" bread, and oil. The following day, fasting venous blood samples were collected, then the two groups received standard breakfast which included toast bread, cheese, and tea. Venous blood samples were collected at 60, 120 and 180 minutes following breakfast. Serum glucose was measured by enzymatic methods (glucose oxidase) and serum insulin by ELISA. The washout period was 7 days and then the order of the study was reversed. The data were statistically analyzed by paired t- test. Results: Characteristics of the patients were as follows: age 60.25±10.3 years, duration of diabetes 11.5±3.5 years, body mass index 27.123 kg/m² and fasting blood glucose 159.3837.5 mg/dL. Fasting blood glucose differences with postprandial breakfast levels were significantly lower in low glycemic group than the high glycemic group at 120 (277.9± 67.2 vs. 226.7±54.8 mg/dL, p<0.03) and 180 minutes (229.5±75.3 vs. 159.8± 57.7 mg/dL, p<0.05). The post-breakfast IUAC (area under incremental curve) for glucose was lower after consumption of low glycemic foods (21187.5±6607.9 vs. 13605±1979.9 mg.min/dL, p<0.01). 3) Differences between serum insulin levels at zero, 60, 120 and 180 minutes after starting breakfast with the fasting level were similar in the two groups. The post-breakfast IUAC for insulin was similar in the two groups. Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of low glycemic foods at dinner can decrease fasting glucose and insulin levels, as well as glycemic and insulinemic responses after breakfast in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This can possibly have a great role in regulating blood glucose in these patients.
Where V is the voltage source, VLED is the LED voltage and I the LED current. This way you can find the right resistor for LED. LEDs are also available in an integrated package with the correct resistor for LED operation. This simple circuit might be used as a power-on indicator for a DVD player or a computer monitor. Although this simple circuit is widely used in consumer electronics, it is not very efficient since the surplus of energy of the voltage source is dissipated by the ballast resistor. Therefore, sometimes more complex circuits are applied with better energy efficiency. The resistor must have a resistance of 333 ohm. If the precise value is not available, choose the next value that is higher. Often multiple LEDs are connected to a single voltage source with a series connection. In this way multiple resistors can share the same current. Because the current through all LEDs in series is equal, they should be of the same type. Note that lighting one LED in this circuit uses just as much power as multiple LEDs in series. The voltage source must provide a large enough voltage for the sum of voltage drops of the LEDs plus the resistor. Typically the voltage source is 50 percent higher than the sum of LED voltages. In contradiction, sometimes is chosen to have a lower voltage source. In this strategy, the lower brightness is compensated by the larger number of LEDs. Furthermore, there is less thermal loss and the LEDs have a higher lifespan due to the lower load. The resistor must have a value of at least 183.3 ohms. Note that the voltage drop is 5.5 volts. It would have been possible to connect additional LEDs in the circuit. It is possible to connect LEDs in parallel, but it gives more problems than series circuits. The forward voltages of the LEDs must closely match, otherwise only the lowest voltage LED lights up and possibly burn by the larger current. Even if the LEDs have the same specification, they can have bad matching I-V characteristics due to variations in the production process. This causes the LEDs to pass a different current. To minimize the difference in current, LEDs in parallel normally have a ballast resistor for each branch. An LED (Light Emitting Diode) is semiconductor device; it is essentially a P-N junction with a lead attached to each side. An ideal diode has zero resistance when forward biased and infinite resistance when reversed biased. In real diodes however, a small amount of voltage must be present across the diode to make it conduct. This voltage along with other characteristics is determined by the materials and construction of the diode. When the forward bias voltage becomes large enough, excess electrons from one side of the junction start to combine with holes from the other side. When this occurs, the electrons fall into a less energetic state and release energy. In LEDs this energy is released in the form of photons. The materials from which the LED is made determine the wavelength, and therefore the color of the emitted light. The first LEDs were made with gallium arsenide and gave off a red light. Today an LED can be made from a variety of materials and can emit a range of colors. Voltages vary from about 1.6 volts for red LEDs to about 4.4 volts for ultraviolet ones. Knowing the correct voltage is important because applying too much voltage across the diode can cause more current than the LED can safely handle. LEDs today are available in low and high power. LEDs typically give off less heat and use less power than in incandescent bulb of equal brightness. They last longer than equivalent light bulbs. LEDs are used in a wide range of lighting and light sensing applications. LEDs can be used as photodiodes. Photodiodes are semiconductors that behave in the opposite manner from LEDs. Whereas an LED will emit light as it conducts, a photodiode will generate current when exposed to the correct wavelength of light. An LED will act exhibit this characteristic when exposed to light at a wavelength below its normal operational wavelength. This allows LEDs to be used in circuits like light sensors and fiber optic communication circuits.
Trade-in appraisals are a great first step to take when thinking about leasing a Hyundai in NY, NJ, or PA. Our appraisals are easy, and will let you know how much your current vehicle is worth as a trade-in. This will give you the information you need to determine what type of vehicle you want to buy or lease. Most people will use the value of their current vehicle as a down payment when they lease a Hyundai, or even to apply more money to the principal so they can have lower monthly payments. Whatever your intentions, we will help make them a reality. All of our trade-in appraisals are free and come with no obligation to move forward with the deal or lease a car from us. With this in mind, it is clear that there is no real reason not to get an appraisal as you are just gathering information about all your options. Many people are surprised at just how much their vehicle is worth, and decide to lease a Hyundai from us, though this is not required. You can look at getting the appraisal as just a first step in the process of leasing a new car. If you do decide you want to lease a car, it is important to get the best Hyundai lease deals in the area. Our team has helped many people lease new vehicles, and we’ll be happy to help you too. In addition to accepting your trade-in (and paying top dollar for it) we can also set you up with great financing deals, and find you the perfect vehicle. To schedule a free, no-obligation trade-in appraisal in New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania please give us a call at 347-584-4567 today.
General information about the lake Feresjön can be found on Wikipedia (in Swedish).There is a wheather station monitoring climate variables from a float in the middle of the lake, as well as the in- and outflow. Chemical samples are analysed regularly. CO2 flux are monitored in small chambers in campains during the ice-free period.The lake hosts a platform with 20 mesocosms, aimed for eperimental research on lake water and lake communities.
Since 1976 ItsEasy Visa Services has assisted travelers in the The Hammocks, Florida area with obtaining expedited passports and rush visas for travel. For assistance with your US passport or visa in The Hammocks, Florida, please use the links at the top of the page or contact us. The Hammocks may have Foreign Consulates and/or Passport Agencies, but probably not. Consulates and Passport Agencies tend to be in major cities like New York and Washington, DC. If you live in or near The Hammocks or in the state of Florida, there may be a Passport Agency near you, or a consulate of the country that you wish to visit with a travel visa. Via FedEx, ItsEasy Passport & Visa can help all of the residents of The Hammocks to obtain Passports and Travel Visas. In order to use ItsEasy, you can place an order here on our website, and then utilize our FedEx airbills to send us your documents for obtaining your passport and visas. In this way, New York City and The Hammocks, Florida are just next door - via FedEx! Each day we receive hundreds of packets via FedEx from customers just like you, from all points of the United States.
The first seafood café in Pärnu is situated in the old market building and it is connected to Kalamajakas nearby; for this reason, the fish that is used as a raw ingredient is always fresh. The café has a novel solution for an exciting interior and serves food that is pleasing to the eye and palate. Here, you find fish sandwiches for breakfast to accompany your coffee, as well as the filling and varied fish entrees, pastas and soups for lunch and dinner. In addition to fish, the menu includes scallops, crustaceans and molluscs - everything that the sea and rivers can offer! The food is decent and delicious - it's definitely worth a try!
Can You Escape The Color Line Switch? “Can You Escape The Color Line Switch?” is one of the best casual game. Here all you need to do is to pass through in between the incoming geometry lines and escape through this hard maze. Avoid the collision with the lines as well as the geometry colorful circles. Cool gameplay for your casual hours!!
Blood lactate offers endurance athletes a crucial look at their current fitness and athletic potential. This test will provide the necessary components to assess current form and fitness and create training zones based on heart rate, speed and power. This test was once only available to elite athletes, but now all athletes can obtain this data to increase the effectiveness of their training. If you use a structured training program based on training zones, this is the best measure to accurately create your zones. Lactate is a metabolic product, which is produced in the muscle cells during exercise, that can be measured by taking a drop of blood at a fingertip the same way diabetics monitor their blood sugar level. The blood lactate level increases with exercise intensity and shows clearly the transition from aerobic to anaerobic activity. Blood Lactate Test: Lactate balance point is the intensity ( Heart rate , wattage or pace) at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood faster than it can be metabolized by your body. The accumulation of blood lactate begins when the body can no longer meet energy demands aerobically and increases its reliance on the glycogen energy source which correlates with fatigue in the body. The only way to measure this is by blood analysis. A: The Performance Line (or step test) is used to compare performance changes over time. It can also be used to determine the effectiveness of a particular training program and allow the athlete to make necessary changes to continue improve their performance. B: The LBP (lactate balance point) is the determination of the body’s ability to balance the production of lactate in working muscles, with its clearance by the body. Using the FaCT protocol, the blood lactate test may be performed on a Computrainer for cycling or on a treadmill for running athletes. For the cycle test, wattage and heart rate at threshold will be provided. For running, speed and heart rate at threshold will be provided. Hydrate well before test, no big meals 3 hours prior to the test. Be well rested, adequate sleep (6-8 hours) and no strenuous physical activity the day before. Record weight, age and resting heart rate. Wear appropriate clothing for the test.
This is a great chance to learn more about horse care and horsemanship, as well as improving your riding. Only $60 for 3 hours! It's also a chance for you to obtain your Equestrian Australia certificates.
This grande front entrance and backyard terrace were designed and created to match the scale of the house. The bold lines, rectilinear form and natural stone materials were taken from the building architecture and were mirrored into the design. Deep natural stone window wells were installed on the side of the house to allow more natural light into the basement. The hardscaping is complimented by multi-seasonal gardens with mass plantings to provide a striking impact of colour and texture.
Today is a special episode because we have captured one of our live coaching calls for our online program Manifesting Made Easy. There are many questions about how to use the Law of Attraction “better” in order to manifest more of what we want instead of so much of what we don’t want. Today we made sure to answer some of the most important manifesting questions. We wanted you to have all of the juicy tidbits we shared in this coaching call, so that’s exactly what we did… made it our podcast for this week. Jump in, take a spin, and see what you think. There are so many good things happening every where. We’re here to remind you that you to get to enjoy a life of lavish abundance and we’ll help you do exactly that.
Bike seats or saddles have a huge impact on your comfort whilst riding. The most important feature is the width of the saddle, it should just cover the width of your sit bones, no preferably no larger. This is not dependant on body weight as often thought. The type of riding that you do will then dictate the shape of the saddle, the more aggressive position, the narrower the nose of the saddle needs to be to ensure your thighs don't rub against the saddle. Cushioning is usually comfortable for short rides. However, the more often you ride you will find less cushioning more desirable.
Protect your gear from wet weather with this lightweight rain cover that fits securely over the ZÜCA Backpack Cart and comes with a convenient storage pouch. The Backpack Cart Rain Fly secures from the base of the cart, with a zippered door for quick access to bag contents. Compatible with ZÜCA Backpack Cart model only.
The sensations of hot and cold are fundamental to the human experience, yet how to measure temperature has challenged many great minds. It’s unclear if the ancient Greeks or Chinese had ways to measure temperature, so as far as we know, the history of temperature measurement began during the Renaissance. Heat is a measure of the energy in a body or material — the more energy, the hotter it is. But unlike physical properties of mass and length, it’s been difficult to measure. Most methods or temperature sensors have been indirect, observing the effect that heat has on something and deducing temperature from this. Creating a scale of measurement has been a challenge, too. In 1664, Robert Hooke proposed the freezing point of water be used as a zero point, with temperatures being measured from this. Around the same time, Ole Roemer saw the need for two fixed points, allowing interpolation between them. The points he chose were Hooke’s freezing point and also the boiling point of water. This, of course, leaves open the question of how hot or cold things can get. That was answered by Gay-Lussac and other scientists working on the gas laws. During the 19th century, while investigating the effect of temperature on gas at a constant pressure, they observed that volume rises by the fraction of 1/267 per degree Celsius, (later revised to 1/273.15). This led to the concept of absolute zero at minus 273.15°C. Galileo is reported to have built a device that showed changes in temperature sometime around 1592. This appears to have used the contraction of air in a vessel to draw up a column of water, the height of the column indicating the extent of cooling. However, this was strongly influenced by air pressure and was little more than a novelty. The thermometer as we know it was invented in 1612 in what is now Italy by Santorio Santorii. He sealed liquid inside a glass tube, observing how it moved up the tube as it expanded. A scale on the tube made it easier to see changes, but this temperature measuring device lacked precise units. Working with Roemer was Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. He began manufacturing thermometers, using both alcohol and mercury as the liquid. Mercury is ideal, as it has a very linear response to temperature change over a large range, but concerns over toxicity have led to reduced use. Other liquids have now been developed to replace it. Liquid thermometers are still widely used, although it is important to control the depth at which the bulb is immersed. Using a thermowell helps ensure good heat transfer to the temperature sensor. The bimetallic temperature sensor was invented late in the 19th century. This takes advantage of the differential expansion of two metal strips bonded together. Temperature changes create bending that can be used to activate a thermostat or a gauge similar to those used in gas grills. Accuracy is low — perhaps plus or minus 2 degrees — but these sensors are inexpensive, so they have many applications. Fluid-expansion devices, as the household thermometer, generally have two classifications: the mercury type and the organic-liquid type. However some gas versions are also available. Fluid-expansion sensors do not require electric power, do not pose explosion hazards, and are stable even after repeated cycling. Bimetallic thermometers have strips of two metals bonded together. When heated, one side will expand more than the other, and the resulting bending is translated into a temperature reading by mechanical linkage to a pointer. Early in the 19th century, electricity was an exciting area of scientific investigation, and scientists soon discovered that metals varied in their resistance and conductivity. In 1821, Thomas Johann Seebeck discovered that a voltage is created when the ends of dissimilar metals are joined and placed at different temperatures. Peltier discovered that this thermocouple effect is reversible and can be used for cooling. In the same year, Humphrey Davey demonstrated how the electrical resistivity of a metal is related to temperature. Five years later, Becquerel proposed using a platinum-platinum thermocouple for temperature measurement, but it took until 1829 for Leopoldi Nobili to actually create the temperature sensor. Platinum is also used in the resistance temperature detector invented in 1932 by C.H. Meyers. This measures the electrical resistance of a length of platinum wire and is generally considered the most accurate type of temperature sensor. RTDs using wire are by nature fragile and unsuitable for industrial applications. Recent years have seen the development of film RTDs, which are less accurate but more robust. The 20th century also saw the invention of semiconductor temperature measuring devices. These respond to temperature changes with good accuracy but until recently lacked linearity. In this other article we cover the main differences of those temperature sensors. Thermocouples consist essentially of two strips or wires made of different metals and joined at one end. Changes in the temperature at that juncture induce a change in electromotive force (emf) between the other ends. RTDs rely on resistance change in a metal, with the resistance rising more or less linearly with temperature. These type of sensors are one of the most accurate temperature sensors and are broadly used in industry and labs. Thermistor probes are thermistor elements embedded in metal tubes. Since thermistors are non-linear, the instrument used to read the temperature must linearize the reading. Very hot and molten metals glow, giving off heat and visible light. They radiate heat at lower temperatures, too, but at longer wavelengths. English astronomer William Herschel was the first to recognize, around 1800, that this “dark” or infrared light causes heating. Working with his compatriot Melloni, Nobili found a way to detect this radiated energy by connecting thermocouples in a series to make a thermopile. This was followed in 1878 by the bolometer sensor. Invented by American Samuel Langley, it used two platinum strips, one of which was blackened, in a Wheatstone bridge arrangement. Heating by infrared radiation caused a measurable change in resistance. Bolometers are sensitive to infrared light across a wide range of wavelengths. In contrast, the photon detector-type devices developed since the 1940s tend to respond only to infrared in a limited wave band. Lead sulphide detectors are sensitive to wavelengths up to 3 microns while the discovery of HgCdTe ternary alloy in 1959 opened the door to detectors tailored to specific wavelengths. Today, inexpensive infrared pyrometers are used widely, and thermal cameras are finding more applications as their prices drop. Infrared sensors are non-contacting devices. They convert the energy to an electrical signal that can be displayed in units of temperature after being compensated for ambient temperature variation. When Fahrenheit was making thermometers, he realized he needed a temperature scale. He set the freezing point of salt water at 30 degrees and its boiling point 180 degrees higher. Subsequently it was decided to use pure water, which freezes at a slightly higher temperature, giving us freezing at 32°Fand boiling at 212°F. A quarter century later, Anders Celsius proposed the 0 to 100 scale, which today bears his name. Later, seeing the benefit in a fixed point at one end of the scale, William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, proposed using absolute zero as the starting point of the Celsius system. That led to the Kelvin scale, used today in the scientific field. Today, temperature measurement scales are defined in a document titled International Temperature System 90, or ITS-90 for short. Readers wishing to check or better understand their measurement units should obtain a copy.
In many ways the Mesabi Range is the most wonderful of any mountains in the world. The range is low, most of the mountains being mere hills. But a large part of these hills is made up of free iron ore. This ore, as you see, is scooped up in some places by steam shovels just as gravel is removed from pits. In most places it is necessary to remove an overlay of several feet of clay. You can see this clay banked in the extreme background. Once the layers of ore are reached, they are removed on different levels. The steam shovel working in the foreground is cutting a trench several yards wide. The ore that it removes is dumped into ore cars that stand on tracks near by. Directly behind the steam shovel another track is being laid. As soon as the ore has been shoveled the full length of the track that is now being made, the ore cars will run on the track in the foreground. The present Mesabi Range is the foot of an old mountain ridge worn down by glaciers. It is by far the most important iron-ore producing section in the whole world. Annually it produces almost 30,000,000 tons of ore, one-third of the supply of the world. This range, taken with the Vermilion and the Cuyuna rangers, all in northern Minnesota, make the United States the leading nation of the world in the iron and steel industry. In recent years, iron smelters have sprung up in this section of Minnesota. The coal and coke needed for fuel are brought by the ore ships on their return trip from the east. But, generally speaking, it is far more profitable to take the iron ore to the coal district than to bring the coal to the iron district. Keystone ID: 6965, Note: All titles, descriptions, and location coordinates are from the original Keystone Slide documentation as supplied by the Keystone View Company. No text has been edited or changed.
Research conducted at a leading U.S. university identified that there was no real evidence that brushing teeth extra hard with a toothbrush led to cleaner and whiter teeth. In fact, the opposite was found to be true. Brushing too hard could well damage the layer on the surface of the teeth that would otherwise protect the teeth. Damage to the gums could also occur as well. A scientific method was designed that discovered that while brushing for the recommended 120 seconds, the pressure that should be applied by the toothbrush should be equal to an average sized orange. It was found that if the pressure went beyond this, the amount of plaque remaining on the teeth was about the same. Powered toothbrushes were used by the participants in the study, but the conclusion drawn indicated that the same would be true when using an ordinary toothbrush. Overall, don’t expect better plaque removal results if you exert too much pressure. Worse still, you could end up damaging the surface layer of your teeth just because you tried too hard. Putting an orange in your mouth to get the pressure right may not be a smart idea, but you can imagine the right amount of pressure with a little bit of thought. At present, the American Dental Association recommends that a twice a day, 120 second teeth cleaning exercise, is more than sufficient to maintain oral hygiene. Any more brushing than that could disturb the teeth’s roots and too much harsh brushing could cause enamel erosion. If you are not certain about how hard you should clean your teeth and you require advice, then arrange a consultation with Team Demas Orthodontics to discuss your needs. Contact us today!
The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) is a common species of beetle. It is about 15 mm (0.6 in) long and 10 mm (0.4 in) wide, with iridescent copper-colored elytra and green thorax and head. It is not very destructive in Japan, where it is controlled by natural predators, but in North America, it is a noted pest of about 200 species of plants including rose bushes, grapes, hops, canna, crape myrtles, birch trees, linden trees, and others.
The classic natural sheepskin rug created by sewing together different pelts and trimming into this rectangular shape. These natural rugs and very light, and are only slightly an off white. The rugs are finished off with lining to make this the perfect addition to your home. Sizes: 200cm x 140cm 78" x 55" Q: Is this rug lined? A: Yes, our lined Sheepskin Rugs and made from a number of Sheepskins sewn together and then lining is attached to the bottom of the rug.
Backyard ponds are magical. There are so many different things that can be done with a backyard pond… A backyard pond is a great place to create your own educational ecosystem. Additionally, a backyard pond can be a great home to showcase your exotic plant life. You can improve the ambiance of your existing backyard pond by adding one or two backyard water features. A back yard pond is an exotic accessory to any landscape, it encourages the positive vibrations common to feng shui landscape and is great for hosting intimate or family events. With a backyard pond, your objective should be to enhance the existing natural resources. A backyard pond is the ideal home for many species of animals, fish, and plants. Creating an ecosystem with your own backyard pond is not a far-fetched idea. Basically, an eco system is the way an environment and the various residents of that environment interact with each other. If you take a closer look at your pond, you may find that an ecosystem may already exist. In any case, one option that can be considered is introducing some goldfish to your garden pond. Goldfish come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. One thing to keep in mind when opting to stock your fish pond with fish is to make sure your selection of fish is compatible with each other. Remember, fish do eat other fish. Another great idea for your garden pond is the introduction of exotic plant life . There are so many choices of plants that thrive in a watery environment, like a fish pond. Plants for ponds can be the kind that develops roots underneath the water’s surface and the plant itself sits above or on top of the water. Plants like these include water lilies or even arrowheads. You can also introduce plant life to your backyard pond whose dual purpose is to regulate and maintain the oxygen levels of your backyard pond, while still beautifying. These types of plants keep the water transparent and clean. There are even some plants that are completely free floating, like water lettuce . Water fountains are a great complement to backyard ponds. There’s just about every size and shape of water fountains available on the market. You can opt for a whole dramatic water fountain kit or a really small elegant component that moves the water in your backyard pond ever so slightly and gently. The decision on the style or type of water fountain is entirely yours. The biggest benefit of using or introducing a water fountain to your backyard pond is the fact that it encourages movement in the water. According to feng shui, stagnant water attracts negative not positive energy and creates an unhealthy environment. A backyard pond adds amazing ambiance to any property. People of all ages find that they are positively affected by backyard ponds. It is an ideal environment for many species of animals, fish, and plants. It can be a source of education as its self contained ecosystem begins to thrive. Not to mention, there is great enchantment and whimsy to be had with a functional backyard pond.
The first animal life may have emerged from a planetary deep-freeze 635 million years ago to eventually become a small part of those gallons of regular or high test that we pump into our gas tanks each week. A team of scientists financed by Petroleum Development Oman, NASA’s Exobiology Program and its Astrobiology Institute, the National Science Foundation and the Agouron Institute and led by UCR scientist Gordon Love discovered the oldest evidence of animals in the fossil record in sedimentary rocks of south Oman. Love’s team discovered “an anomalously high amount of distinctive steroids” dating from 635 million years ago to the end of the last immense ice age. The steroids are products of sponges, one of the simplest forms of multicellular animals, Love said, and have the potential for development into such valuable substances as antiviral and anticancer medicines. About all that oil in the Middle East, Love said most of it developed from “plankton (plants) which developed significantly earlier than animals.” Profusions of plankton covered the surface waters of shallow tropical seas in the area and as it died and was covered by sediment it was the genesis of petroleum. When the sponges came along, they grew on the bottom of the same shallow seas and contributed a small amount to all that Arab oil. As oil companies drilled for the black gold in Oman, Love and his team took custody of the rocky core the drill brought to the surface. It gave them a vertical time window as much as 4½ kilometers deep, which they could date using radioisotopes. The core was a “large cylinder of compacted rock. The stuff on top is younger,” Love said. “We had an unusually complete rock record,” he said, “We found them (the sponges) in all strata. “Oman rocks are pretty well preserved,” the scientist added. The search is continuing for other strains of the sponges. “I’m pretty sure there will be more than one,” Love said. An assistant professor of biogeochemistry in the Department of Earth Sciences at UCR for two years, his team made its discovery while he was a postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He wrote his paper, which was published Friday in the journal Nature, after moving to UCR.
As you can see, I am are very nimble but not very nice (indeed this is not the truth, are the others who do not understand me!). My Ability is Fluttering, so the presence of other characters in the squares I am moving through does not hinder my movement. As Advantage I have drawn Wealth, which allows me to replenish the cards in my hand up to a maximum of 5 instead of 4 at the end of the turn. It is a great advantage, that will surely attract the wrath of the other playmates so I will probably be an easy target for their revenge. These are the 4 starting cards in my hand.
Building a great swing: A good takeaway can be the difference between the tall grass and the middle of the fairway. Alternatively, they might even push and lift the club outside as they swing away from the ball. (See Photo 2.) Either of these movements in the takeaway makes it dif­ficult to achieve an “on-plane” club position at the top of the swing. Lay a club on the ground about a foot behind the ball. Make sure the grip end of the club points through the ball and directly at your target. The club will help you visualize the target line and set-up to the ball. More importantly, it serves as a reference point to help you make a proper movement away from the ball. As you commence the take­away, you are aiming to have the club head travel over the shaft and gradually move to the inside. (See Photo 3.) If your normal takeaway is to the inside, it will feel like the club is moving outside the target line. If you start the club back on an outside path, it will feel as if the club is moving inside the target Line. During the backswing, the goal is to have an imaginary line always extending to the shaft on the ground. (See Photo 4.) If you take the club back on an inside path, your club won’t be able to go over the shaft on the ground.
If someone says that it’s her truth that the British won the American Revolutionary War, anyone with even a cursory knowledge of history would realize that she is wrong. Likewise, if someone says that it’s his truth that hydrogen and oxygen can’t react with each other, and therefore water doesn’t exist, we would recognize that he, too, is wrong. It doesn’t matter how much they believe in what they think about history or chemistry. It doesn’t matter how convinced they are that they are right. They do not have the authority to determine the truth of historical fact or the natural world for themselves. In order to be in the truth, they have to be united with the scientific or historical community. Even breakthroughs in science come as the result of using clearly established principals and demonstrating that they support a different conclusion than the one previously held. When it comes to religion, however, we seem to forget that truth is not just about our opinion. We tend to treat religious truth the way we treat preferences. It might be my truth that cookie dough ice cream is the best, but your truth that mint chip is. Likewise, it might be my truth that God exists, but your truth that God does not. However, the question about whether one thing is better than another is much less black and white than the question about whether someone or something exists. Either God exists or God does not exist. There is a truth to the matter. Even if, as agnostics say, we cannot know the truth of whether God exists, there is a truth. God cannot both exist and not exist. All of these questions have answers. There is a truth about God, the Church, salvation, and how grace comes to us. If there is a truth, then there is a wrong answer to each of these questions. The Church welcomes a diversity of opinions about things that are not matters of truth (favorite saints, different types of prayer, different ways of explaining the same theological truths, etc.). But a diversity of opinions about matters of fact weakens the Church’s witness. It is an indication that the community that holds these diverse opinions does not know the truth. For the Church to be a teacher of truth, it must be one. Because truth is essential to knowing Christ (how can we know someone without knowing the truth about him?) the Church must be one if she is going to carry out Christ’s mission.
Large commercial trucks can be found on virtually all of America’s major roadways. While these vehicles are an important part of our nation’s transportation system and allow our businesses to thrive, they can also pose a very real risk to other drivers on the road. Not only can the size and handling difficulties associated with these types of vehicles make an accident more likely to occur, but also the force involved in these types of accidents can make the injuries that other motorists sustain far more severe than those that would occur in a normal car accident. All of these types of injuries can have a devastating effect on an individual’s life. Aside from the physical pain and emotional trauma that may occur as a result, there may be serious financial consequences with which a trucking accident injury victim may have to contend. Some of these costs can include income lost from time spent recovering from the injury, the costs of medical bills arising from the injury, and even reduced earnings potential for those whose injuries are so severe that they cannot return to their previous job. Fortunately, those who have suffered damage as a result of an accident with a large commercial truck may be able to pursue compensation through a lawsuit. If you have been injured in a truck accident and are wondering where you may be able to find further help, whether medical or legal, fill out the contact form at the top of this page.
Last year, the state of Texas funded a program to build 22 seismic monitoring stations around the state, in addition to the 17 they already had there. The goal was to record more consistent and objective data about seismic activity. Why Texas? Well there’s been a significant increase in the number of earthquakes there, especially since 2008, when the number of quakes of magnitude 3 or more jumped from one per year to 12 per year. Why the increase? According to Cliff Frohlich of the Institute for Geophysics at the University of Texas at Austin, it’s been cause by human activity. That activity dates back to the early 20th Century though, and has been caused by all forms of oil and gas operations. As the methods used to remove oil have changed, they’ve brought with them different causes of earthquakes. Early pumps pulled out out so quickly that the earth would shake as the oil volume dropped. Later systems used water to drive oil up, and pumping that water down there cause seismic activity. New operations create a lot of waste water which is pumped into the ground and causes quakes. Frohlich took a look at historical data and posed a number of questions to those data, to determine if they were caused by human activity. Things like how close the epicenter was to oil operations, or how close in time, as well as how deep the epicenter was. Only relatively shallow quakes could have been caused by human activity. Frohlich and his colleagues hope this new information will get the Texas legislature to take the idea of human caused earthquakes more seriously. As recently as last year some state officials maintain that there is no way human activity can cause earthquakes, which isn’t surprising considering how important oil is to the Texas economy. But ignoring the problem won’t make it go away, and could make it worse.
New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration – but that partying can backfire the next day. If your New Year’s celebrations are continuing into the next day – let’s say for brunch – ease your hangover with “hair of the dog” at the New Year’s Day Pajama Brunch at any of the three White Dog Cafe locations (Haverford, Wayne or University City). When: January 1, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
High end country chairs with solid walnut frames and leather also available and sold separately. Description: 64-84 solid walnut extra-large round dining table with self-storing leaves. This is a heavy solid walnut table. Factory distressed and finished to the color of maple, which is a honey brown. Factory distressed finish can best be described as an antique country or reclaimed barn wood style. A great choice for a large casual dining room or for the second home or cottage style living spaces. This table is so easy to use. Just slide the pizza shape quarter sections out to reveal the hidden leaves which fold out and fall into place with ease. Great concept and easy to handle. We show many pictures of this table here, but these pictures were actually taken from a different size table. Operation, style and color are identical across all three sizes. This table is available in the following sizes 64 to 74, 64 to 84, 82 to 100 so choose a size that works for you. Condition: showroom sample, never been in house yet.
Travel Zoo’s new offices project a polished yet inviting feel. PC350 Architectural glass walls were used in this space to give the environment a visually open-concept feel that maximizes the flow of natural light. With beautiful panoramic views of the city skyline, the use of glass walls allows the views to be enjoyed by everyone in the office.
Excellent design, ice bag is directly fixed on the body. Let the benefits of an ice compress no longer be inconvenient. Product is directly fixed to the body. Would you like a callback from Matrix Surgical if you don't get through?
Network topology design. The design of the new network topology needs to consider both the LANs to be implemented in any offices, as well as the WAN links interconnecting locations. Both the physical and logical elements of the proposed network should be documented, with appropriate diagrams for each. For equipment, a physical diagram would show the interconnection of network elements, while a logical diagram would display the layout of elements like VLANs, network modules, and so on. Network technology design. The technologies associated with the new network also need to be planned at diagrams. For example, the design may specify that Fast Ethernet is to be used for client connection at the access layer, while the links connecting different layers use redundant fiber-optic Gigabit Ethernet in a redundant design. For WAN links, the technologies to be used should be specified, along with information about key elements such as link speeds. Network protocol design. The network protocols to be implemented on the new network needs to be specified, along with their scope. For example, the entire network may run TCP/IP as its primary protocol, but certain portions of the network may require the use of other protocols such as IPX/SPX or NetBEUI. Logical addressing design. The network design needs to include information about the design of logical addressing on the network. For example, a network may use public or private IP addresses internally, along with different hierarchical addressing schemes like VLSM or CIDR. In the case of private IP addressing, connectivity through the use of services like network address translation (NAT) or proxy servers must also be addressed. Security design. The security design of the network can encompass a variety of hardware and software features. The need for and placement of elements like firewalls and intrusion detection systems much be documented, as should the particular hardware and software that will carry out these functions. Advanced features design. Any advanced features to be implemented on the new or upgraded network need to be carefully documented, ensuring that any proposed equipment provides the capabilities that these features require. For example, a new network might require QoS features for a VoIP implementation, or need to include IP Multicasting capabilities in order to support a streaming media application. Although most of the network applications, features, and equipment required in a network design fall into one of the categories listed above, these are not the only possibilities that exist. The general rule of thumb to be followed is to be sure that any new or upgraded network element that falls into the scope of the project should be fully documented and diagrammed as appropriate. This information will ultimately be provided to the customer as part of the network design document that will be developed as part of step 6 in the structured network design process.
Chlorine, a disinfectant commonly used in most wastewater treatment plants, may be failing to completely eliminate pharmaceuticals from wastes. As a result, trace levels of these substances get discharged from the plants to the nation’s waterways. And now, scientists are reporting preliminary studies that show chlorine treatment may encourage the formation of new, unknown antibiotics that could also enter the environment, potentially contributing to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. The research, which will be presented March 23 at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), suggests that a re-evaluation of wastewater treatment and disinfection practices is needed. “Pharmaceuticals that get out into the environment can harm aquatic life, making them react slowly in the wild and disrupting their hormone systems,” notes Olya Keen, PhD. She adds that increased antibiotic exposure, even at low levels in the environment, can lead to development of antibiotic-resistant microbes and a general weakening of antibiotics’ abilities to fight bacterial infections in humans.
Butterfly House, a remodelled 1930s timber-clad family home, was developed as an architectural study in zoomorphic design, a sculpture inspired by the life cycle of a butterfly to demonstrate experimental environmental design on a liveable scale. The larval stage is represented by the steel bridge with curved balustrades that hint at the segmented body of a caterpillar leading to the house, the chrysalis is captured by the staircase, enclosed areas of the house and a conservatory, and the final winged insect is represented by retractable winged external canopies spread as sun shades over a paved garden space. The interior of the house is ‘alive’ with colour, with a web of fibres, wires and cables cocooning its inhabitants.
Be assured most offers do earn Bonus Box Tops. But every now and then, there’s a situation where they can’t be awarded. The reason no Bonus Box Tops were able to be awarded for your offer will be noted next to the offer on the “My Activity” tab in the App. The items for the offer you selected could not be found on the receipt you scanned (which might mean that it is there, but the system wasn’t able to identify it). A single product purchase cannot be used to qualify for multiple offers. Offer requirements must be met individually for each offer. We cannot honor ‘Stacked’ offers – where two offers rely on the same item purchase. Why don’t I see any earnings in “My Activity” if I’ve uploaded a receipt? How long does it take for my receipt to be processed?
According to the Big Bang theory, what happened when the universe began? The Big Bang theory does not explain why the Big Bang actually happened. A well-established hypothesis is that the universe began in a “quantum foam”—a formless void where bubbles of matter, far smaller than atoms, were fluctuating in and out of existence on timescales far shorter than a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. In our universe today, such quantum fluctuations are thought to occur, but they happen so quickly that they never affect what happens in the cosmos. But if, 13.7 billion years ago, one particular fluctuation appeared but did not disappear, suddenly ballooning outward into a gigantic, explosive expansion, then it is possible that something like today’s universe could have been the eventual result. In another, more recently proposed hypothesis, the universe is a four-dimensional spacetime that exists at the intersection of two five-dimensional structures called membranes. Picture two soap bubbles that come in contact with one another and stick together: The “skin” where the bubbles intersect is a two-dimensional result of the interaction between two three-dimensional structures. If the membrane hypothesis is correct, then the Big Bang event marked the moment the two membranes made contact. Neither of these models has any kind of experimental or observational confirmation yet.
Is designed for manual setting (bending out) the teeth of blade type wood. It has a counter of setting teeth amount type MLC-02, and manual measurement instrument for measure the separation of teeth of saw blades. teeth of blade pitch 22mm.
One of the most important lessons of 2005 for me, was understanding how does stress affect health. I had incredible stress in my life, but my doctor always told me that I thrived on stress and I handled it better than most. Big mistake for me was thinking that stress was part of life and I should just get used to it, because it wasn't going to change any time soon. Until October, 2005 when I was rushed to hospital thinking I was having a heart attack! Here is an example of a healthy artery vs an artery with a build up of plaque to help illustrate how stress can create a blockage, with subsequent tragedies. When we have stress in our lives (and everyone has stress!) we produce a hormone called cortisol.Women when stressed produce twice the amount than men!Cortisol creates plaque in the arteries, and when you have enough buildup of plaque in your arteries you can eventually have be in danger of a stroke or heart attack. This is one of the most important questions I will try to answer, and my passion to help educate and inform people on disease prevention. What Does a Full Blown Heart Attack look like? If you or anyone you love has any stress in their lives, and you find yourself constantly waking up at 2:00 or 3:00 A.M., night sweats, palpitations, numbness in your left arm then please do not hesitate and go immediately to your doctor to get checked out.
The Queen Soda cocktail is bubbly, sweet and delicious. It’s hard to imagine a more mellow pairing than butterscotch and the vanilla of cream soda. Enjoy a Queen Soda whenever you’re in the mood for something that’s ridiculously easy to drink. It’s particularly nice on a hot day, since it’s iced and fizzy. This is a great drink to serve at parties too, because hello, who’s going to reject this? Put a handful of ice cubes into a highball glass. Pour the butterscotch schnapps in. Fill the rest of the way with the cream soda. Stir and serve.
Lockheed Leamington became Automotive Products (AP) Leamington as the Lockheed company changed name. At the end of the 1982/83 season AP announced plans to sell the ground and effectively ended its assocation with the Football Club. Leamington Football Club was formed during the 1983/84 season.
Whenever you see a man with beard and turban, there are more than ninety percent chances that he is a Sikh from India. In order to create public awareness about the Sikhs and Sikh Religion, this book is published and is being distributed among the general public. Sikh Religion is the Fifth largest religion now in the world. There are about 22 to 25 million Sikhs living all over the world of which more than half million are living in the U.S.A.
New year, new you! This month we have our eye on colors and patterns that inspire us to redecorate, throw a dinner party, or hop on a plane. We are ready to kick off 2013 with a beautiful bang, including everything from gorgeous greens to a new take on blue-and-white china patterns. See what’s got us excited for January. Click here for the Facebook album!
We know our most precious asset is our committed employees. We see Vastas community as a big family with all its stakeholders; employees, shareholders, suppliers and subcontractors. Our activities start with own employees. It is our priority to improve both working and living conditions of our staff. We are aware that employees are our key resources and their success is the major guarantee of the corporate success, the quality of the product and the quality of the service. Improving our employees, our subcontractors and suppliers is the secret of our success and sustainability. Being responsive to the needs of our dedicated members and supporting them in the time of need is a heritage passed from generation to generation in Vastas management. This is not just an ethical workplace but a safe, trusted environment where people look out for each other, respected and recognized. View current jobs to see if there is something for you too.
I kind of like history and think that seeing the historical military sites is kind of neat. About 10 days ago I was up in Northern California to visit family. My Uncle and Aunt took my parents and me over to the Golden Gate area where there are a bunch of old sites from the early 1900’s to the late 60’s. Some of these sites we stopped at and walked around them and look at them. One of the most impressive thing was actually going into a Nike Missile site and riding on the missile elevator. A trip I would love to go on in the future is to go to Pearl Harbor and just walk around some of the sites (if its allowed) to see some of the damage from the attack. Does anyone else like visiting these kind of sites?
Perhaps one of the big mistakes has been to view nature’s reserves as ecological havens of species other than the human. In part, this is the doing of NGOs that concentrate on the ecosystem aspect of nature, leaving the existence of native peoples to the anthropologists. When National Parks are created, they are usually created on the basis of the existing biodiversity, and some ecological movements would rather keep the protected areas free of human presence, or so it seems. Considering this as a quirk of the movement for the protection of nature, let’s look at the focus of those studies which have come to declare the Yasuni National Park one of the most biodiverse in the world. In the film, we could include only a few facts, chosen by their impact. But those few statistical facts presented on screen pale in comparison to the actual numbers that have made the Yasuni National Park, even with the oil companies present, perhaps the area in the world with the greatest diversity of plants and animals. There exist 1.852 classified trees and bushes in the Yasuni National Park, with another 300 or more still to be classified. This gives us a total of over 2.300 trees and bushes in the reserve, a per-hectare count that accounts for more species than in all of North America put together. If one considers that both the ITT Block and the ITT Zone are still unexplored and have a different ecosystem than the area of Yasuni that has already been studied, then the count could increase considerably. These trees and bushes, it should be added, have been an integral part of the livelihood of native peoples inhabiting the area. They use the fruits of certain trees as food, or those fruits are in fact the food of animals that the people of the Yasuni feed on. Also, various types of trees, palm trees, and other bushes are used as materials for their houses, their weapons, their tools. For example, there are 50 different species of palms registered, which amounts to almost 10 percent of the palm species of the 550 palm species registered in all of the Americas. Nevermind statistics. The bottom line for the people living there is that, without the jungle, without the rainforest, the cultures living there would basically cease to exist in their current form. The forest is their house, so it’s not just a matter of protecting them, as native people, but their home as well. People may not like the look of reptiles, but they play an important part in the balance of the ecosystem and the genetic pool. They seem to have appeared about 310 million years ago, and as the Yasuni National Park area did not freeze over during the last ice age —it’s considered one of the world’s Pleistocene refuges, with species dating from before the ice age—, the park holds the greatest number of species of reptiles and amphibians in all of South America, with 105 species of amphibians and 83 to 121 known species of reptiles. Will any more be found in the ITT Block and the Intangible Zone? The park is one of the fifth top world bat reserves, with over 80 known species of bats. There are about 1.100 species worldwide, which amount to about 20% of the world’s registered mammals. Bats carry out the very vital role of pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds of the fruits that they eat, and help maintain a balance of insects, as around 70% of the bats are insectivores. Insects are one of the most diverse groups of animals in the world, with over one million registered worldwide, amounting to half the number of all living organisms. The number of insect species that is presumed to exist in the Yasuni National Park alone is around 100 thousand per hectare. This is the highest documented insect biodiversity in the world. Scientists calculate that there are around 6 trillion insect individuals per hectare in the Yasuni. Social bees alone account for 64 identified species, which is another world record. How many insects cease to exist when one hectare of Yasuni gets cut down? How many species will never be known about when the jungle in this part of the world gets destroyed? Ornithology, the study of birds, is one of the oldest natural sciences, as birds have fascinated humanity for eons, providing us with key concepts of evolution and ecology. Charles Darwin used the Galapagos finches as one of his key studies to develop his theory of evolution. The use of telescopes and field glasses brought the hobby and study of ornithology to the forefront, oddly enough being one of the most influential reasons for the improvements achieved in optics. Ornithology is an important subdivision of ecotourism, Ecuador being one of the favorite attractions in the world for birdwatchers. The Yasuni National Park, not much visited yet by tourists as it is quite far downriver and not easy to access, could become one of the main tourist attractions for amateur and professional ornithologists alike. 44% of the bird species of the entire Amazon basin can be found in the Yasuni, that is, this relatively small area of jungle, is one of the world’s most diverse when it comes to birds, with a total of between 567 and 630 bird species currently documented (depending on the study), and probably with more to come as the ITT Block becomes a tourist attraction, as so many of the other Ecuadorian national parks, including the Galapagos Islands. It is clear that the Yasuni National Park holds many world records as well as regional records of biodiversity. It couldn’t be any different with life found in the water or intimately dependent on it as the main environment for many species. Current calculations set the number of fish species at 540 per 5 Km. of waterways, and about 141 species of frogs and toads, which is 40% more than what can be found in all of USA and Canada combined. In case of an oil spill, the water is the most affected environment, and the ITT Block is made up of large areas of still waters, lakes, flood zones, meaning that an accident in one of the oil wells or pipelines crossing its territory would be catastrophic. Knowing the oil industry’s success in preventing such events, it would be impossible to avoid a catastrophe should the Yasuni-ITT Initiative be unsuccessful forcing Ecuador to resort to their first plan: to exploit the oil in the ITT Block. These facts of record breaking numbers in biodiversity hide the other side of the story, that other species abound in the Yasuni, not necessarily record-breaking compared to what has been mentioned, but nevertheless still there, and still in astounding numbers, while others are on the near-extinction lists. 43 endemic vertebrates species, 280 species of vines, 164 species of mammals, 272 endemic plant species, these are but statistics that hide the essential fact that the Upper Amazon, of which the Yasuni is a part of, is perhaps one of the areas that will find the least dramatic changes due to climate change, and thus could help preserve the existence of ecosystems being destroyed in the rest of the Amazon basin by human activities combined with massive extinction caused by changes in the weather. Thus the Yasuni, but more specifically the apparently insignificant ITT Block, compared to the rest of the Amazon, has become the arrow head for a campaign, not only to find new ways of protecting the environment, but of new strategies to escape our society’s addiction to oil. Many webpages exist now where the Yasuni National Park and the Yasuni-ITT Initiative are being mentioned. An area that was virtually unknown to the world, has suddenly sprung to the forefront in the fight for ecological preservation and the struggle to find a way out of fossil fuel dependency. Putting the two against each other, oil extraction vs. preservation of nature, “development” vs. “preservation,” whichever way we look at it, has made the world more aware that a battle is being fought, here, today, in our world, a battle akin to that portrayed in the film Avatar.
The Kopitiam chair is a South-East Asian classic design that’s popular in the 1960s. This chair is still popular today thanks to its nostalgic charm that will alway stay beautiful in our memories. For a modern take on this chair, consider re-varnishing it to a funky color (additional charges apply).
You need to see the last fifteen lines of the files dog, cat and horse. What command should you use? Who owns the data dictionary in Linux? You suspect that you have two commands with the same name as the command is not producing the expected results. What command can you use to determine the location of the command being run? You wish to create a link to the /data directory in bob's home directory so you issue the command ln /data /home/bob/datalink but the command fails. What option should you use in this command line to be successful.
You have to do replacement of top rail for above ground pool when they rusted or corroded. The Rust is caused by rain and the sun, or from corrosive chemicals like salt, chlorine, acid, etc. Over time the effects damage on the coatings protecting the metal parts of the average above ground pool including top rail. You can buy the top rail to do replacement by yourself or hire professional for your above ground pool. You need to know exactly size and type of your above ground pool top rails or your new rail will be unused. Maybe you will find your pool type is no longer produced, and your rail type is no longer available. Take a picture and send it to an experienced pool dealer and see if there are still available or suitable types is the simple and easy way. You need to do top rail replacement when you see your top rails rusted with pieces falling into the pool. A quick and cheap way is to take rails off and clean grid with your drill and the spray a coat of the trench liner in a container. It turns into a sheet of rubber.
If you were to hear or read the term "instant orthodontics," what would you think of? You most likely have some sort of special braces technology in mind. While that's a good guess, that's not what instant orthodontics refers to. In reality, instant orthodontics is a nickname for porcelain veneers, one of the most versatile and effective options for advanced cosmetic dentistry care. Why the term "instant orthodontics"? Traditional orthodontic care usually requires several months to perform. This is because the teeth and the dental arch cannot be shifted overnight. With porcelain veneers, issues with various dental problems can be addressed immediately after the veneers are in place. In other words, the porcelain veneers can achieve the aesthetic results of traditional orthodontics in far less time. Hence the nickname "instant orthodontics." So that covers the nickname, but what are porcelain veneers? Porcelain dental veneers are thin, semi-translucent, tooth-colored shells that are affixed to the front portions of a person's teeth. When in place, the porcelain veneers mask aesthetic problems from view. Since the veneers are semi-translucent, both natural light and artificial light will affect them just like normal tooth structure. They blend in seamlessly with your smile. The best candidates for porcelain veneers are people who differ from the aesthetic problems mentioned above. Patients should be in good overall dental health and have realistic expectation about what can be achieved through the use of dental veneers. Our dentists want to stress that porcelain veneers are a cosmetic procedure in nature. If a patient suffers from a serious dental problem rather than one that is predominantly aesthetic in nature, it is a better idea to look into restorative care, such as inlays, onlays, or dental crowns. During the porcelain veneers procedure, a small amount of tooth structure is carefully removed from the front portion of the tooth. An impression is then taken of the prepped tooth from which the final porcelain veneer is crafted. Once the veneer is ready, it is checked one last time for fit and appearance before being adhered in place. There are a number of different alternatives to consider for people who are poor candidates for porcelain veneers. To address aesthetic issues with teeth, the most common solutions are teeth whitening treatment and dental bonding. For cases of serious tooth misalignment/malocclusion, traditional orthodontic care tends to be better. During your dental visit, we will be sure to discuss all of these matters in great detail, providing you with the information that you need to make the best dental health decisions possible. If you would like to learn more about advanced dental care treatments, be sure to contact our Lake Jackson cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. Our entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve excellent dental health in the process.
Bulrush in Piedra, CA can be a real problem for municipal and home owners ponds and lakes as well as golf course ponds throughout the State of California. Now there is help with controlling and removing Bulrush in Piedra. View our machines by clicking here. Water plants are plants that have adjusted to dwelling in aquatic locations (salt water as well as fresh water). Also, they are called hydrophytes and / or macrophytes. Some of these plants need special variations with regard to existing submerged in water, and / or at the water’s surface. The most widespread variation is aerenchyma, but floating leaves and very finely dissected leaves are also normal. Aquatic plants are only able to grow in water and in mud which is entirely soaked with water. They are subsequently a frequent component of wetlands. Aquatic vegetation is typically a good aspect of the water body, be it a lake or simply a fish-pond. The water plants are a resource of food, cover and oxygen to the creatures located in the pond or body of water. Yet unfortunately remaining uncontrolled these aquatic plants could very well propagate rather quickly and restrict the activities within the pond or body of water. That is when these particular aquatic plants become water weeds. An uncomplicated definition of an aquatic weed is a plant which grows (generally too densely) within an area such that it impedes the value as well as enjoyment of the particular area. Numerous prevalent types of water plants which could become undesirable weeds are water milfoil, duck weed, pondweed, Bulrush, Bulrush, cattail, bulrush, ludwigia, and many more. They’ll flourish in ponds, lakes, streams, streams, navigation channels, storm water basins and channels, wetlands and lagoons. Typically the growth may be due to a wide variety of variables which include surplus nutrients within the water or the arrival of rapidly-growing exotic species. The issues caused by water undesirable weeds are numerous, which range from unpleasant growth and nuisance odors to blockage of waterways, flood damage, watercraft damage, as well as drowning and impairment of water quality. In many instances it’s more practical as well as economical to hire a qualified professional aquatic weed control organization to eradicate and manage your water weed problems. In California the most competent company is DK Environmental. DK Environmental can be found in the San Francisco Bay area however works aquatic weed extraction all around the State of California. The equipment that DK Environmental employs is incredibly unique to the western U . S. With its fleet of DK can access any type of water system.
Anyone can get the flu (even healthy people), and serious problems from influenza can happen at any age. People age 65 years and older, people of any age with chronic medical conditions, and very young children are more likely to get complications from influenza. Most people who get influenza will recover in one to two weeks, but some people will develop life-threatening complications (such as pneumonia) as a result of the flu. Each flu season is unique, but it is estimated that, on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 200,000 persons are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of flu. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinus and ear infections are three examples of complications from flu. The flu can make chronic health problems worse. For example, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks while they have the flu, and people with chronic congestive heart failure may have worsening of this condition that is triggered by the flu. •People with any condition that can compromise respiratory function or the handling of respiratory secretions (i.e., a condition that makes it hard to breathe or swallow, such as brain injury or disease, spinal cord injuries, seizure disorders, or other nerve or muscle disorders).
The United States Lake RV Parks listed on this page and in the following locations are Campgrounds located near a lake. Below you'll find some great United States Lake Campgrounds and RV Parks. You can browse the places to stay by clicking on a destination. Use the left side links to find more parks and resorts, hotels, bed and breakfast inns, tourist attractions, restaurants, and more.