The social workers have named a new syndrome. It’s called “compassion fatigue.” Why does it sound so familiar? For most of my life I have always cared for others, and have always been in the caring professions. I didn’t think that was a bad thing until I was brought to my knees and arrived at my first program meeting. One of the character defects that I found I had was people pleasing. Because I was always trying to help and fix others, I also knew that I had a problem with control and lack of acceptance. One of the things I am learning in the program is that, because for so many years I had hidden my emotions in food, there are still many layers of the onion that I haven’t even begun to peel away. The amazing thing is that it is only when I reach a rock bottom of some sort that I am forced to look deeper at many issues that I have blocked for years. What I realize now is that I have spent so many years of my life taking care of others that I have forgotten to take care of me. No wonder I feel so overwhelmed! I’m a compulsive caregiver, but in doing that, I have often neglected to see to my own needs. I am so grateful that I have become open to looking further into why I have always put others’ needs before mine, and to being able to detach with love from many issues over which I am powerless, so that I can take better care of me. I will remember that in order to be able to care for and love others, I must first learn to care for and love myself.
A unique sense of freedom is found in the process of remodeling when homeowners are aware that there are many different options that are available to address their particular issue with their home. Needing more space in a family room doesn’t always mean that there has to been an additional room created for the house. Unused space within the existing home can be re-purposed to help meet the needs of the family instead. Many homeowners with older homes tend to be controlled by their houses. Every weekend is dedicated to repairing something. They are not choosing to do these projects - the projects are being done out of necessity. These types of homeowners spend more time working on their home than they actually do enjoying it. Although houses take maintenance, they shouldn’t require so much upkeep that it dictates the amount of time that homeowners can enjoy their own free time. While a large remodeling project does manage to tie up the house for a couple of months, when it is finally finished, the homeowners can spend more time enjoying these changes instead of having to wonder what would require repair next. It’s easier to maintain a freshly remodeled home than it is to be in repair mode all of the time. Homeowners should consider remodeling before their homes reach a state where it would become a physical necessity however. Remodeling because you can instead of because you ‘have’ to is one of the main reasons that can determine whether you get any enjoyment out of your remodel or if it becomes another stressful household chore for you to take care of in your spare time. Most homeowners want to enjoy the time they spend remodeling their homes. Often times, when homeowners come to contractor companies with ideas, they don’t realize that there are a range of options available that would allow them to solve the existing problems. They see walls or stairs as an absolute that can be worked around. The truth is generally that walls can actually be moved and stairs can be relocated if they want them to be. It is very liberating for these homeowners to realize that there are other options available to them that may be more reasonable to consider. This is especially true when these options actually help them to save money on their remodel in the long run. Every house has limitations, however. These are structural and also present themselves in code restrictions and building ordinances. However, an architect can generally find more options within a house than the average homeowner would be able to. Architects are trained to see the potential of a house - but is also has to do with looking at the house with a different perspective. Even architects have a difficult time seeing past the barriers in their own homes, but that is because they spend their time constantly in that space, which provides them with more of a homeowners perspective.
My oldest two boys decided it was time they learned how to snowski. I used to love skiing so I was thrilled to take them. My sweetheart kept the younger boys, I shoved my coat full of treats and a wad of cash (a big wad, skiing is spendy!) and we hit the slopes. My 10yo fell coming off the ski lift and it got worse from there, half an hour of him sprawled on the side of the slope saying, "I can't." My 14yo fared a little better, but everytime he came within hearing distance he would tell me, "I hate this, when I get to the bottom of the hill, I am done." I guess I was due for some patience testing. I was pretty proud of myself as I kept trying to be positive and coach them through. My 14yo told me later he was about ready to lose it when I kept saying, "Nice," everytime he didn't fall making a turn. Luckily we were on a really long run. It took us an hour and a half to get down the first time, but they both caught on, changed their attitudes, and by the end of the day I was getting hugs and the sweet, "I love you Mom, thanks for bringing us." So worth it. I started thinking how many things in life are like learning how to ski - hard to learn at first, but so worth it when you catch on. So my inspiration for the day is - don't beat your child with a ski pole (I didn't, I promise) and if you want to learn something new, Don't Give Up! affaіr, еѕpeсially for younger men. Sounds like such a fun time...after they got used to it. I've never gone skiing but would love to some day! I love the feeling of flying down a beautiful mountain, the sun is so close, the air crisp, and the scenery amazing. Plus, my boys are hilarious, I wish I had pictures of them tangled in the trees and laughing about it!
When Clay Hutson started giving people a chance to try different things with their sound, he knew it would mean a lot to them. He knew the artists needed someone to help them along with the experiences they had. He also knew the artists had to have a chance to use the best sound stages possible and he knew it would mean a lot to them to make sure they had what they were looking for in the way they performed. While Clay Hutson didn’t make the performance for the artists, he added to it with an additional level of opportunity. It was important to Clay Hutson to make sure he could show artists what they could do with a variety of sound stage options. As long as he felt good about giving them a positive experience, he could make things easier for them. He also felt he had a chance to work on the vision they had for their shows. As someone who practices the fine arts, Clay Hutson believes he can make sure the performers get what they’re looking for when it comes to the way they handle their stage presence. He starts out with the blank canvas that is the stage when he originally uses it. From there, he designs what the performers want to see. It’s important to Clay Hutson to include his vision and the vision the performers have so they can all try to do things differently. As long as Clay Hutson knows what people want to see and what he can do to help them with their vision, he is doing his job the best way possible. It’s not always easy to stay on top of the demands he gets from artists, but Clay Hutson has a way to keep up with them. He wants to always show artists he’s working hard on their stages and on the ideas he has for them. By staying three steps ahead of where he has to be, Clay Hutson knows he can make things better for all the artists. It helps him keep up with busy schedules and demands for the performances.
In a world of regret, of sadness and shame we are prone to experiencing a myriad of pain before we find our way. Each way is a road leading to another path of pain. It is a never-ending journey, but with each step we discover more about how to be, how to live, how to exist. I am not the master of anything, or a jack of all, I am just a person looking inward and trying to express himself outward. I love you, even though we may have never met, I love you and you are loved. If I don’t like you, or you don’t like me, I still love you. Perhaps we crossed each other, I wronged you or you wronged me, no matter I still love you. We all do things that we might not be proud of, we all have emotions and we express them. No matter what we may believe we are never the master of our own emotions. Eventually they will escape from their crate and run amuck. It is a matter of knowing which emotions we want to let free, which we need to take for a walk and which we need to leave in a crate. The “bad” ones need to be crate trained, fed a certain kind of diet, but ultimately, loved the same as any other. Life is love, perhaps not beyond the boundaries of the world I know, but beyond what I know, I cannot know. We cannot be in each other’s vulnerable moments, but at these times, search for love, search for goodness. Accept nothing less than those who will love us unconditionally. Who will accept us for who we are because they love everything about us. We may at times feel powerful, but when we desire to have power over another, we are focused on the “me” instead of the we. We are love, we are life, we are the journey.
Chronic stress is a silent assassin that can lead to a number of health and mental health issues, such as anxiety, weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. In this book, holistic health expert Julie Lusk offers readers a powerful Yoga Nidra program to stop stress in its tracks. If you feel stressed out, you aren't alone. Stress is a modern-day epidemic, and if you don't make healthy changes to keep it under control, you could end up with a weakened immune system or a number of health and mental health issues. This book offers the solution: Yoga Nidra-a practice based on a lucid, sleep-like state of relaxation-focuses specifically on alleviating both the mental and physical manifestations of stress, so you can live a better life. Packed with meditations, relaxation skills, and visualization techniques, the ancient practices in this book will help you relax, reflect, and revitalize for unshakable peace and joy.
This weekend was the first really nice weekend in NYC in about 6 months. I made the most of it by going outside almost all day on Saturday and Sunday. I ended up walking about 10 miles, and got to hang out at a few of NYC’s great parks, including Central Park. I kicked around a ball, meet up with a few friends, and really got to enjoy the outdoors. It was so hot that I even got a sunburn! Lots of other people had the same idea too, and everywhere was crowded. These increased crowds also drew out a lot of interesting people and of course spurred on lots of spontaneous artistic performances. Everyone was so happy just to be able to go outside and play - and you could see it on their faces. This winter has been long, cold, and very snowy. Despite being awesome in so many ways - the kind of harsh winter we had this year makes living in NYC much less pleasant. Over the last few months I’ve been lucky to go on a bunch of trips to warmer climates such as Seattle, The Philippines, and The Bay Area. These trips made the winter much more tolerable - but still it’s really nice that spring is finally here. I’m really looking forward to the next 6 months because when the weather is nice there’s no place quite like New York.
Hello, and welcome back to my favorite place to rattle about dog stuff. A while back when I ran a poll asking you, my readers, what you'd like to see on this blog, I got some of the input I anticipated. The top 2 requests were for columns such as Ask the Trainer and Ask the Vet. You asked for it, and I'm working on it. Dr. Jacki has been on board since last Fall, answering all sorts of interesting dog health questions. Your letters and comments have been very encouraging to me. By the way, if you would like to look up her posts, they are all listed with links at ASK THE VET ARCHIVES. Thanks for participating. Just this week I have had good discussions with a trainer who is interested in doing the same type of column here on All Things Dog Blog. We'll be running a post tomorrow, in which she will answer a question that one of you sent to me. Quite honestly, it's one of those training questions that I was not positive how to handle. I'm glad to find a professional who is willing to take it on. Your letters and comments to this upcoming post will be most helpful. After all, before I bring on new "staff", I want to be sure you guys approve. You're my bread and butter, so to speak. So speak up! Remember, the comment link is at the bottom of EVERY post, and you can always email me at LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com. Watch for our trainer trial run tomorrow!
I don't think I could take another day at work so thank God is Friday. I'm feeling exhausted and run down for some reason. Our refi loan seems to be on the right track. I sent all of the documents the loan officer needed to continue with the process. It looks like we won't have to make a mortgage payment in December, but I think I'll put that towards the principal any way. On another note, my son did not have school or today. I came home from work and the whole house was cleaned including bathrooms. I felt blessed and lucky to have such a thoughtful young man. What a nice way to end the week! A clean house cleaned by your boy! Life is good! OMGosh. You are so lucky. I have a friend like that whose kids LIKE to clean house. I should have been so lucky. Sounds like some extra allowance may be in order. Leads me to think that kid's mama is raising him right! =) I'm glad that the week would end on such a positive note for you... it's always nice to have some insurance of a positive to start the weekend on. Enjoy!
Kurt's boss recently had a birthday party at Riverside Park South--an early project he worked on after arriving in the US from New Zealand. It was one of those all-day camp outs with a generous supply of food and drinks and a revolving cast of characters throughout the day. The weather also went through many phases, including sunny and hot, then cloudy with sprinkles, and finally clearing up a bit for a lovely sunset over the Hudson. With the recent heat wave, it's hard to remember what winter is like here. I enjoy the annual process of forgetting. I like to believe NYC hosts 365 days of sunshine, bike rides, picnics, and sunburns, but somewhere in the back of my mind I know it's too good to be true. So until the cold and snow inevitably return, I'm going to enjoy the summer for all it's worth!
I was born and raised in Boyle Co. KY. In the small town of Junction City. I was always into art doing pin stripping, acrylics, and airbrushing. A friend of mine was friends with a local tattoo artist. Whom seen some of my artwork and asked if I was interested in learning to tattoo. Artist Tom Thomen owned a local shop and I started my apprenticeship under him, but couple months later he closed his shop. Leaving me to learn the rest on my own. Yes, it was actually on a childhood friend of mine, it was a piece of tribal with fire around it. I would say that I’m definitely a new school tattoo artist. I enjoy mainly anything with bright bold colors that pop. Most of my clients request that type of work. I had actually just turned down a managing position at the local Winn Dixie, when I decided to become an artist. I had always known I wanted to do something with art, but was unsure of what direction to take. Everything does. Mainly my influences come from other great artists, but also just things in everyday life. I’m very intrigued by bold colors. It honestly is a great pleasure to know that my clients or anyone who gets tattooed by me trust me to permanently mark their body with my artwork. Mainly to make sure it’s something that you are going to like for the rest of your life. You can cover them up, but they are still there to some extent. Also think about the position of where you are putting it. Is it something you might wanna add to? Lots of people think, I just want this for now and later wanna come back with a better idea and have this tattoo in the way of a potential great piece. No. I often think if for some reason something happens and I can’t tattoo anymore, what would I do? First thing would obviously be to provide for my family, but there isn’t anything else that comes to mind that I don’t think, "Well if I can do that then I could find a way to tattoo." My family, they are always there for me and they are what keep me pushing to better myself. That the grass is not always greener on the other side. Honestly I have no idea. When I first got into the industry I would have never thought tattoos would be at the level they are now. So who knows what the next ten years have to bring, hopefully for the good but who knows. 813 S. 4th St. Danville, KY 40422.
Review: I'm not usually someone who reds an awful lot of poetry, I don't know why because when I do I really enjoy it, but someone recommended Amanda's last book to me and so I picked it up and when I heard she had a new one coming out I knew I had to read it. Now I love the titles of these books, they are incredibly intriguing and a great signpost as to what you;re going to find inside. I also love that both of these books are collections of poems but a collection which has a theme running through it. Some of these poems are shorter, some are longer. Some look like more traditional verse that we will have all seen in school and some are very different looking and I just love the variety of poems in this book. Now this book is just so passionate about female empowerment and that includes from ourselves. This book is inclusive of all kinds of women as well regardless of gender, sexuality, race or disability and makes it clear throughout all of the poems. I love the fact that there are poems written in the first, second and third person. Some which are calls to action and some which are calls to inaction. There is of course language which some may find offensive and so this writer has included a trigger warning in the front of the book so as to support self-care in all situations. i really enjoyed this collection of poems. I have flagged several to come back to again and to share with others and after reading I feel incredibly empowered and motivated to continue being fearless.
Hello to everyone in internet land and welcome to my website! Here you'll find all you need to get to know me and my love for drumming better. Lots of videos and recordings are on here and there are plenty of pics showcasing some silly haircuts that seemed good at the time! Have a look around and let me know what you think....but be gentle as I've never designed a webpage before (gulp!) Rock on!
One of our primary goals is to spread the word about human trafficking. Modern day slavery is a HUGE worldwide problem and is growing by the day. The more people that know, the more we can inspire others to do something to help save lives right here in our state and beyond. Eastside Women of Purpose is looking for opportunities to share what we've learned about human trafficking with others--including first-hand experiences from the ground in Thailand with amazing photos taken from unbelievable professional photographers in our group. If you would like us to come & do a presentation for your school, youth group, MOPS program, life group etc. we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at EastsideWOP@gmail.com.
Everyone at a certain point of time fall in love with someone. The same thing happened to me at the age of 16. Though I fell in love with Yoga rather than with a human being. My father was working with Odisha Fire Service as a constable at that time and I had just started pursuing Diploma in Civil engineering. One day I was discussing with my neighbourhood uncle and suddenly he started talking about yoga and breathing practice. I had no idea about what this yoga is all about? The way he gave me the insights about yoga, I got motivated and started doing research about the yogic practice. The first yoga book I purchased from the store was of Ramdev’s Patanjali Yoga. Because I was not fortunate enough to find a yoga teacher at that time. I started reading the book and was trying to understand every aspect of it. At that time I used to practice yoga whenever and wherever it’s possible. I was totally fell in love with yoga and she was calling me again and again. I usually suffered from fever, cough, and cold once I bath in those days. But, when I started doing yoga and breathing practice, things started to be normal and it helped me to improve my metabolism capacity. Practising yoga and meditation motivated me to do daily prayer in my home. I started learning mantras, shlokas and reading Hindu scriptures. It helped me to unite my mind, body, and soul and at the same time, I had an inclination towards spirituality. I believe that those days of yoga practice really changed the way I was looking at my life. My first sight with yoga helped me to discover my inner potential and to know this gadget pretty efficiently. Now, my mission is to reach the benefits of yoga and breathing practice in every part of our life!!! Next HUNGER- A STARVATION OR FOOD WASTAGE?
Does alternative healing really work? Read these case studies to find out! "I first came to Morgan because I was struggling with everyday things in life. I was feeling depressed. I was lost. I wasn't 100% sure of what I was getting into. The fear of the "unknown" was there, but my desperation for help and change was greater. I had recently ended a marriage of 19 years and I felt as if I was out of control in every aspect of my life. The little things in life were becoming overwhelming. I felt as if I was not functioning well at work and I was making mistakes that were out of character. I was not functioning well at home with my daughter and I could feel a strain in my relationship with her. I had always put everyone else first in my life and I no longer had the energy or mental capability to do so. I knew something had to change but I didn't know where to start or how to start. I couldn't understand why I was still "stuck" in this circle pattern of frustration that I desperately wanted to break free from, it was life consuming. With the guidance and knowledge that Morgan shared I became aware of the realization and understanding that I never really processed my feelings and energy in a way that would allow me to let them pass, which in turn, would allow me to move forward in my life. With Morgan's help I have learned that when you take care of yourself, it benefits everyone in your life. Taking care of yourself is not a selfish act (as I once thought) it is a gift to yourself and your loved ones, as it allows you to love them on a deeper level. It has been like cleaning out that closet of emotions that I thought I had already given away, but when I looked again, they were hidden in the back of the closet. They are now gone! After working with Morgan I find that I am much more at peace with my life- the good and the bad. I feel as if I am in control and I am able to handle "life" in a more positive way. This also reflects in my day to day relationships with people, especially my daughter. I now look forward to starting a new day each day. The little things don't seem to bother me anymore. Peace is the biggest change I have noticed. I have re-discovered the true me! I am now more confident in every aspect of my life. My career has improved and continues to improve. My relationship with my daughter is wonderful. I am enjoying the little things life has to offer and I never realized how many of them there are. I did not "see" them before as I was too busy being out of control. I have even begun to start dating again and that is something I NEVER thought I would be doing at this point. I would not be where I am today without Morgan's help." "I was at a point in my life where I really felt stuck even though I had been doing work to heal and better myself and life situation for a few years. I needed someone who could help me see/correct what I was missing. I was very unhappy in my life situation. I was looking for healing and direction. I felt so trapped. I was overwhelmed, extremely angry, feeling guilty if I wasn't pleasing everyone in my life, and so tired! Tired to the point I was shutting down. My marriage was falling apart, I was burying myself in my kids and they were suffering (they needed boundaries) and then I resented them because they were so much work. I was gaining weight rapidly...18 lbs in 6 months. I had no identity other than mom/household manager. I was so unhappy! After reading thru Morgan's website I was instantly drawn to go for a session. I did wonder if it would work for me? Morgan is a highly intuitive and wise facilitator. She is excellent at digging for the heart of the issue and providing a safe and sacred place for you to heal. Many times, I experienced deep healing after going down what felt like a deep dark path with Morgan as my guide. I have lost the 18 lbs. My husband and I are connected and in a real and authentic place...we are on the road to healing...both of us learning to trust love again. My children have more structure and I have and am setting new boundaries. I am much more connected to my creator, this planet and others. My new identity is emerging more and more everyday! I see people differently. Each of us has a path and we are all doing the best we can! The experience with Morgan's work is truly amazing! She teaches you to be in charge of your emotional health in a responsible, self empowering and healthy way. A wise teacher of mine once said when dealing with what troubles us..."You can't go over it, you can't go under it, you can't go around it...You must go Through it!" That is exactly what one will do with Morgan's help!" "I originally sought out Morgan's help because I felt I was just not as happy as I thought I should be. People who knew me would never know I was ever depressed or sensitive- I have mastered the art at putting on a happy face and going about my life. But when alone I would cry – sometimes for hours or days even. Very small issues would pop up and I could find myself in crying bouts easily lasting hours. And I could sometimes go days without talking to anyone or leaving the house. And yet I could not determine why I was feeling this way. I have what most would consider a comfortable life style – not too much financial pressure, good friends, budding yoga/meditation practice. But, somewhere deep inside, I knew I was still not genuinely happy. I was skeptical about the work being effective. I was unfamiliar with what to expect and so I had no expectations of receiving any relief. I was also hesitant to sign up for any type of talk-based therapy as I was not interested in hashing and rehashing the specific events of my unstable and often violent childhood. But I was relieved when I experienced that Morgan’s work released things at a very deep level and went much deeper than what I have experienced in other approaches. During some of my sessions I even felt physical sensations which I describe as things leaving my body. After my work with Morgan I can now have objective, non-upsetting conversations about the things that used to trigger me. I can communicate to my husband more clearly what my needs and desires are. It is easier for me to say "no" and I no longer feel hyper-sensitive. Nor do I stay inside for days at a time with the blinds closed crying. At some level it feels “magic and I can tell you that my mental health is like night and day. The sessions are not painful or difficult. Morgan absolutely has a gift and I am so thankful she followed a call to share her gift with me. She has a very gentle presence and if you can open yourself up – truly open up to any possibility, well, I am not sure there is anything she would not be able to help you improve, release, and manage. My happiness now feels much deeper, genuine."
Don: Patrolling the beach for me really is a community service. On the out-going tide, you really have to be on your mark because as the tide goes out, it becomes very rippy, and patrolling members need to observe quite closely. Phil: You have to be involved in patrols because that is what lifesaving is all about to start with. Keesha: On a regular patrol day we start at about quarter to nine. We get our equipment ready, all the flags and everything and take them down to the beach. After we have set up the flags, we have to stand guard, people are moving around, and we always have to watch out to sea. John: The equipment is the priority item to be put on the beach, and the location of your flags, obviously. Pat: They're always out there and it gives you much more confidence. I know, I don't like to swim unless there is a patrol on the weekends.
Whether a management company or an individual, we make it easy for you to post your listings on our network. We have competitive pricing and an extensive reach online. Thank you for your interest. We will be with you shortly.
Goji berries, also known as the wolfberry, have been popular in Asian herbal medicine for over 5,000 years. Goji berries are native to Asia and are from the same family as the tomato and chilli. Goji berries taste a little like prunes and they are slightly bitter with a sweet berry aftertaste.
I'm driving down the road. I come to a bridge, and then, for whatever reason, I lose control of the car. In what seems like just seconds, I'm in the water. Panic ensues, but somehow, I get out and swim to safety. I have had this reoccurring dream off and on since I was a teenager, and I had it again last night. It always freaks me out. I awake nervous, anxious, and wondering why in the world I keep dreaming about driving off bridges?! Needless to say, as a result, I hate driving over bridges. When I awoke this morning after having the above dream narrative, I instantly thought of the biblical Joseph and wished he was here. Joseph could interpret dreams. You remember, he did it for the Cupbearer and the Baker, and he did it for Pharaoh. If we want answers, really want them, God will give them! I know why I have this dream every so often. It is a reminder from my God that when I am in the driver's seat of my life instead of Him, things don't go well. I'm a bit of a control freak, so this happens often. And with this reoccurring dream, God takes another minute to warn me that if I persist in this I will end up overwhelmed by life. I will feel as if I'm drowning. Cry out to Him, and He will answer. Then swim in the direction of His voice! But, oh, how much better would it be if I just got out of the driver's seat in the first place and let Him drive the car - always? For certain, He would never swerve me off course! Today's forget-me-not: Jesus, take the wheel!
DotNetCurry magazine published today an article that I wrote. The article introduces the APIs that form one of the most powerful HTML5 specifications – Web Components. Here is were you can find the article. Enjoy! and let me know what do you think about it.
Please feel free to contact us at: funforall@thedisabilityexpressgroup.org We look forward to hearing from you! My name is Brian Nobles, and I am the founder of the Group. First, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I started the Group in 2013 when I was 17 years old, and I have Autism. I have an identical twin brother, Bob who also has Autism. I live at home with my parents, my brother and my two (2) big goofy dogs named Honey and Rocky. I graduated high school in June 2014, and am currently working to assist adults with disabilities. In the spring of 2013 I was looking for a group to join that had social and recreational activities for teens with disabilities. Upon looking for this type of group, I discovered there were groups of this type for young children and for adults (over 21), but nothing for us teens. Therefore, I created this group so that teens with disabilities would have a group that they could meet new people, have fun, and be social. We started with just myself, my brother and two (2) friends. Over the years our Group has grown to well over fifty (50) members, and accomplished more than I could have ever hoped for. My hope is in the coming year we can welcome new friends, and become even more active in the communities we all live in...all while having fun and being social. I believe that everyone with or without a disability deserves a voice and to be heard. Therefore, in this group, most things are voted upon by the group, and that's how we decide what we do. Everyone has an equal say, no matter who you are, or what your disability is. I feel the more you work hard at something, and put yourself into it, the more you will get out of it. I hope you check out our "Calendar" page, or check us out on Facebook, or you can email me directly at funforall@thedisabilityexpressgroup.org to find out where we will be next. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Back in 1995, Brittney Husbyn and Briggs Fussy of Mankato, Minnesota were the flower girl and ring bearer at a wedding, and walked down the aisle together. One of them was related to the bride, and the other was related to the groom. About five years ago, they randomly reconnected when they both ended up at the same college, in the same class together. Brittney turned around in her seat to talk to Briggs, and said, "I think I have a picture of you on my wall at home." Briggs didn't know what she was talking about, but it turned out she was right. Her parents had a picture from the wedding on their wall and Briggs' parents had a picture on their wall that Brittney was in. After that, they started dating and this past Saturday, they walked down the aisle again at their own wedding this time. Unfortunately, history won't be repeating itself the flower girl and ring bearer at this wedding happen to be cousins.
Since when did I become unimportant? Since when what I want doesn’t matter? Since when I only care about pleasing others? Since when I decided to compromise on what I want? I forgot what it’s like to give myself what I want. To give myself what I want when I want it. I forgot how it is like to stand on my own. I forgot what it’s like to be me around other people. When I’m around other people there’s no real me anymore. There is only the crowd pleaser the compromiser and the obedient one. How can I go back to being me? Sometimes I get glimpses of what is like to be me, here and there. when I’m alone, surrounded by nature. When I’m distracted from the world around me, from my worries. But somehow I’m not able to stay in that state, because that state is not familiar to me anymore. It feels good, but at the same time, it scares me. Because I don’t know that place. I’m used to my current place that gives me safety. I’m used to be who I’m right now. The one who is already accustomed to, behaving, talking, thinking a certain way, that makes him feel safe, the one that is prepared for anything. And that place where I can be me is long forgotten and unfamiliar to me. I’m afraid to stay there afraid of the dangers that might be lurking out there. I don’t know if I can be safe there. And still, I want to be there, but I don’t know how. I guess I can say that being there is very familiar to a sensation I get when I think about dying. Thinking about dying is not like any other thought, not because it scares you, many things scares us, but because you cannot prepare yourself for that event of dying. All the other things that scare us usually, we can prepare ourselves for them mentally, strategically, emotionally. When something scares you other than dying, you can come up with some strategy to go around it, to solve it, to ignore it. But when I think about dying it is different. Nobody knows what is out there, so you can’t prepare yourself. You leave everything behind, you can’t take anything with you to protect you. No GPS, no weapons, nothing. So it’s kind of like that when I get a glimpse of who I am, it feels great but scary at the same time. I feel I need to leave everything familiar behind in order to stay in that place, and that scares me, naturally. Being somewhere, unprepared. So let me ask you something. Are you ready to die? Are you ready to die right now? Instinctively you’ll think I don’t want to die, and you will answer I’m not ready to die. Let me tell you that you are ready to die right now. Why you may ask. That is simple, dying requires no preparation no strategic plans no figuring things out, nothing. You just simply go, realize that you are ready to die right now. You’re ready to go right now. Whether or not you want to, that’s another question. But we are ready, each and every one of us is ready to go right now. When you find yourself in that beautiful place of being that feels good. If you find yourself existing somewhere unfamiliar for a few seconds. Know that in order to stay in that place requires no effort from you, no preparation, absolutely nothing. Think about it, it is just like dying, but only you get to stay here. You get to have a new life. If you try to pull some of your old-self into that new life, some of your fears, worries, addictions, it wouldn’t feel new. So don’t be scared, when you’re there, because that is how a new beginning feels like.
No day can be compared to a good old Sunday. It is the only day that lets you spend as much time on yourself as possible – it is the official holiday you are lucky to get every week and no one can deprive you of the right to spend it however you would like to! Especially if you had been working all week. Our mind needs to be calm and peaceful – just like our bodies need some rest so that it can regain that strength. Having some rest is crucial when it comes to looking after your mind and soul. A Sunday lets you have a tiny break from whatever you have been paying attention to for the past few days, so embrace it to the fullest with this collection of Sunday quotes! It does not really matter if you are working the full 9-to-5 in a grey office or are a freelancer that stays at home – every Sunday is still an opportunity to have a bit of a rest. You tend to have a special routine – perhaps, it’s in buying a chocolate croissant from a local bakery or in the endless sleeping and watching Netflix. Who knows? The only thing we know for sure is that Sunday is usually considered a happy day. Doubt that? Then take a look at these quotes! Sunday was always the best of days for being the self you had intended to be, but were not, for one reason or another. The goal of Sunday is to leave my home as little as possible. Some people often like to say that Sunday is just another day of the week, yet we cannot quite agree with that. We are adamant that if you spend it the best way possible it will give you a certain level of assurance that you are able to go through practically anything that might come your way the following week! Make sure that your Sunday is a funny one, and if you don’t know how to do that, then you might take some inspiration from this list of quotes we have here for you! Only god can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trail into a triumph, a victim into a victory. A girl and her bed on Sundays are an endless love affair.Do not let Sunday be taken from you, if your soul has me Sunday, it becomes an orphan. This is Sunday evening reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you. Sunday is the only day that makes me happy at the morning but worst after evening all thanks to Monday. For those who are all about achieving things in life, there seem to be no holidays, yet such people also tend to get caught up in the routine and completely lose themselves. Please do not forget that your body and mind need to take a day off in order to heal and be ready for all the new challenges. If you are feeling completely drained and are currently lost, then you would find these quotes about a Sunday incredibly inspirational! We think that we could all agree that Sunday is the best day of the week. It’s a true blessing to have that one day that is perfect for sleeping in, recharging your batteries, and getting ready for the next week and everything that comes along with it! And if you are still in two minds about this particular day of the week, then you should definitely take a look at these quotes we have here for you! Take some inspiration from them and don’t forget to let us know what you think!
my morning cup of coffee...: No word, no resolution.Just taking it one day at a time. No word, no resolution.Just taking it one day at a time. I'm such a rebel. No resolutions, no special word for the year - nothing - NADA! I try and take the 365 days, one day at a time. All that NEVER works for me. Recently I had been having dreams about an old friend of mine. We met at a company we both worked for in San Francisco, when I was 19 and she was 20. We had so much in common that we went on to be best friends through our marriages and 7 children. Then we slowly drifted apart which was probably more me, than her. The dreams were that she had moved and I had to find her before it was too late. I slept on that for a few days; told my husband and decided maybe I should contact her. I decided that if I do re-connect, I better make sure I don't flake out on her again. Nobody deserves that kind of friendship. Sure enough, she had moved and I did an online search for her and found her new address. I wasn't 100% sure it was her but had a good feeling since one of the residents in her home was her sister. I recognized her name. I sent off a letter, with my phone number and waited. While I was waiting, I thought maybe she doesn't want to reconnect. How would I feel about that? I knew we would not get back like we used to be because we have changed and gone through many years apart growing in different directions. But she was a very important person in my formative young adult years and I wanted to touch bases and let whatever happens, happen. On Saturday, she called! We talked for over 6 hours on the phone and it was wonderful. She now lives about 2-3 hours from me, in the Gold Country. We caught up with our families, our children and she has 4 grandchildren, with another one on the way. She babysits 2 of her young grandchildren, Monday-Friday - while her daughter and son-in-law work. She lives with her sister who just retired from teaching. They both went in together to buy their home. Our renewing of friendship will be gradual. She has her life and I have mine but I do look forward to this year and many more, of continued friendship, so yeah...I'm kinda excited! Maybe I do have a New Year word for 2018. RECONNECT. TOUCHING BASES. Maybe it's not just a word, it's a theme. To touch bases with those friends and family from my past. Glad you took a chance and reconnected. Oh my goodness!!! Yes, that is definitely your word for the year! Great post. Can't wait to hear more about this. I have several friends like this. Two of my old high school buddies and I are now traveling partners. We've gone on annual trips four years in a row now and it has been a fantastic reunion for us. One lives in Alaska, the other in Montana and I live in Washington. Happy New Year! I look forward to reading more of your posts this year. TRaveling buddies- that sounds like fun. I don't have resolutions or a new word for the new year either, Debby. I just try to be the best me I can. That's great that you reconnected with your friend after all these years. You really went out of your way to try to find her, so I hope you both are able to get together sometime. That's cute - younger with more energy! Wow. It is almost like a post I could have written. I have never made resolutions or chosed a word for the year. But last month I sent a Christmas card to someone I worked with in the 70's. We stayed in touch until the mid-80's- she was even my youngest's godmother- but then we drifted apart. I also found her online. She now lives a few towns over and we hope to get together this month. I am looking forward to it. Oh gosh- this old friend I wrote about, I am her youngest daughters God-mother and a lousy one at that. I feel guilty and I am not even Catholic! We just for whatever reasons, had to take a few seasons off from each other. I think a lot about the people I used to work with that were good work friends at the time. I'm not so sure I would ever reconnect with them, though. I have two old and very close friends and that's enough for me! THis friend and I met at work, but we remained friends after we both had left the company because we really clicked. And we lived in the same town.
House of Fraser has launched their very own Foundation and Action for Children are delighted to have been selected as the lead beneficiary. The House of Fraser Foundation is committed to making a real difference within the communities in which House of Fraser stores and offices are based. The launch of the House of Fraser Foundation is an intrinsic part of our Vision and Values, a pioneering step forward for us and an amazing opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves within the communities we work. House of Fraser stores, support and distribution centres, will be providing vital support to their local Action for Children project. This means that every House of Fraser colleague and customer will be able to make a real difference in the communities where they live and work. We are delighted to have been chosen as the national headline charity partner for the House of Fraser Foundation and very much look forward to working with you. With your support, we will work together to make a real difference to the lives of the children in local communities who need help the most. We are incredibly proud to be working in partnership with House of Fraser and are excited to see what we can achieve together.
Don't be scared of the special fashion of Lagoona Blue, actually she is very friendly, and pals with almost everyone at Monster High. She has a pet named Neptuna, she loves it very much and bring it along almost all the time. Let's give her a nice dress up in easygoing nature style.
Home > I WILL add extra to savings! I WILL add extra to savings! One of my goals for this month is to add extra to savings. I'm determined to do this. When I look at everyone else's savings, mine is pathetic. Well that will change soon. I'm going to find money, which is already there, and add it to savings. There's �20 there, for a start, that I can add since I'm not paying for Love Film until July. I'm sure I can find some more to add. Congrats on your saving resolve. One day at a time you will make it!
It was a very interesting night. Jamie loved giving a speech and we loved eating the treats. I am so proud of our girls and the caregivers. They are so brave under such difficult sisuations. I thank the Girl Scout leadership for the care given to our girls. It takes a village and I am so happy to be a part of that village for the past 18 years. It has been a blessing to me to share my time, resources and talent. It has enriched my life.
During Christmas Break my family and I were invited over to my parents' home for lunch with some of their friends. Unbeknownst to me, one of their friends, Mike, had spent over 40 years in education. Of those 40 plus years, he spent about 10 years in the classroom and the remainder in various leadership positions working with curriculum, instruction, and technology integration. We "talked shop" for well over an hour, and I mostly just listened. Even though Mike had "retired three times in three different states" he was still full of passion for his profession and the changes he had worked so hard to make over the years. Somewhere during the conversation I mentioned that I had completed an independent study on constructivism a number of years ago. Mike's face lit up. "Did you know that constructivism has been around for over 30 years?" he asked. "So why do you think it has taken so long to catch on despite research to support its effectiveness?" I replied. Without hesitation Mike replied, "constructivism is a student-centered approach to learning. The teaching profession is and has been teacher-centered. That's the status quo. Changing the status quo is difficult." I've spent the past month pondering the idea of changing the status quo. I was first introduced to the idea of inquiry (a constructivist teaching practice) a decade ago by the Building Science Leaders program at the Regional Math and Science Center. Over the past ten years as I've experimented with moving towards a more student-centered classroom I've had many successes, and just as many failures. I know it is working well when my students are excited, engaged, and motivated to learn, to prove, to share their learning. One of the huge challenges of inquiry-based learning I've experienced over the years is having materials available for students on-demand. If I had a dollar for every time I've told my students "now, if you each had a computer sitting in front of you, this is what we'd do..." I could have bought my own class set of laptops. The most exciting thing about our 1:1 initiative is that this will now be a reality. Students will have instant access to information, the ability to discuss their learning and questions with their peers -- locally and globally, and the ability to share the products of their learning with the world. Do these reflections bring us any closer to changing the status quo? I don't know. However, I am hopeful that as teachers and students start to see the benefits of student-centered learning made possible by 1:1 technologies, we will be able to finally transform teaching and learning for the benefit of all.
Well, I recently got the "Transformers: 25th Anniversary Matrix Of Leadership Edition" from Shout!, and I have to admit, I am happy to get the series, but a little disappointed in the set. The Matrix of Leadership box looks cool, and the functionality of it opening isn't bad, but it is cheap, flimsy cardboard. As I said about the GI Joe set I got, I worry about the longevity of it but now even more. If you are interested, you can find the set on this site: http://www.transformerscollectorsset.com. If you have watched any of it yourself, please tell us what you think.
Love is, one of my favorite TVs shows right now. This is based on the real-life relationship of the producers, Mara Brock Akil, and Salim Akil. I love the storyline because it reminds of my relationship. There is a lot of similarities and a lot of differences. Every love story is different and I dig a great love story. You should definitely check it out on the OWN Network. Watching “Love is” made me want to tell my story of love. I hope you’re ready to join me on this journey. This new series of post will be called “Love On Fire”. The first edition will be featured in a week. So, I will see you on October 8th. Excited to read about your journey! I like romance stories too. I’m going to check it out. I also think it’s great that you’re in a realtionship that you are happy to share with the world.
Migle can host up to 4 dogs per night. Migle can host up to 4 dogs per day for day care. Dogs adore me a lot. I’ve always known how to love and take care of dogs, I love taking long walks with dogs, feeding them, bathing them and playing with them. I would love to get to know your dog and provide a good care to your dog. My mom has taught me since I was little on how to take care of a dog, we used to have an old dog of hers and she would teach me on how long should I walk the dog, how to feed and when, how to bathe the dog, play with it. Later on in life, I’ve met my friends that had dogs and of course I would take care of them too, when they needed help, it was a fun experience. I do not have any breed preferences, I love any type of dogs. 10 years, 10 mo. old, 45 lbs. 7 years, 3 mo. old, 17 lbs. I live in a big neighberhood with a park that I love going to all the time.
Since 1994, National Scrapbook Day has been celebrated on the first Saturday in May. ​I started working with people and their photos the next year in 1995. Think about how much your photo taking has changed in more than 20 years! I discovered the company Creative Memories after the short life of our first daughter and realized that documenting her life was something that would help me. I also found a community of other people there who were scapbooking the joys and sorrows of life. You might even find yourself or someone you know here! We spent a dozen or so first Saturdays in May scrapbooking at places from homes to the library to bed and breakfasts in different places. We had fun, but digital photography started to make scrapbooking more complicated. Which photos should I print out of the hundreds I took at a birthday party? Scrapbooking sales were dropping off and I knew that I needed to try something different. What if I could teach people how to get past this overwhelm or even organize their photos for them? That's when I joined the Association of Personal Photo Organizers and met many other people who loved helping people as much as I did. It has been fun and challenging to make this shift in my business, but I'm glad I did. Still today on National Scrapbook Day, I'll set aside some time to remember how this all began and do some scrapbooking. I'd love to hear from you about your photo journey, too.
Whether summer is officially over or not, I am very glad. I am not glad, however, that the last time I blogged on here was in APRIL! Well, I'm making a resolution that I will blog on my knitting blog every other day until at least Thanksgiving. It's very good that I do this, too, since I need to do a stash countdown and birthday/Christmas blow-out. Before I post about all of that (next blog, I swear), I must say that I am very disappointed in the dirth of hip cross-stitch patterns. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to stitch country crafts, but I also don't want to stitch swear words either (a la Subersive Cross Stitch). When I try to create something I come up blank. Maybe I should just start cross-stitching a random design. That sometimes works for my knitting.
She’s a girl in this world... she’s lost and confuse, she needs some help, but she don’t have no-one to turn to. People see her like a trust and responsible person, a confident, someone who’s always there for everything. However, no-one seems to care about her feelings. She’s not angry with that, because she knows that people only do that because they really don’t realise how bad she is. And because deep inside she knows that she’s the only guilty for that, she is the one who always hided her feelings, the one who always seemed to be o.k. And now, even if she tries very hard she can’t change the way that people see her. All she wants is that people realise that she’s also just a little girl, so confuse and so scare like everyone else... All she wants is someone to understand her, someone to helper to find the right way. She wants to live her life like everybody else, and she knows that she need to make some mistakes to learn who she is, the problem is that she doesn’t know how to do that without disappoint the ones who surround her.
How can I learn more about my children’s ministry? At the Children’s Ministry Parent Meeting. Come learn about our curriculum, upcoming events and how you can grow and support your children’s ministry. Please join us on Wednesday, April 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Parents with children up to 6th grade are invited to attend.
"Here's our other all-star Dominique Sanchez. Dominique Sanchez is our Junior Miss Pascua Yaqui so she's already driven, in order to become our royalty. She is the youth representative of the Pascua Yaqui tribe and she is not in this position by putting your name in something and hoping that you're the one. She knows the language. She knows our culture. She knows our history. She has ambition. She does well in school and she has dreams and aspirations. So, I'm looking forward to what you are going to learn in this opportunity. I met Dominique last year and Dominique had shared with me that she had an interest in becoming a pediatrician, so we talked about that and we talked about opportunities for her to learn about science. You know “science” is a key in order to understand the body and how it is to heal, so I'm glad to see you here. I'm glad you decided to put in your application and I'm glad that you're going. Thank you and thank you for continuing to represent the Pascua Yaqui tribe." I want to see how other female leaders reached their goals, so I can learn from them. I expect to learn communication skills as well as ways to network. I have a number of people who inspire me. I gain inspiration from my family and community leaders. Also my career goal inspires me to work hard everyday to on day achieve it. Something that I will need to make my dreams come true are the support of my family. I know they will not let me forget why I choose this field of work. They will continue to motivate me to work hard everyday. Do you want to get involved in My Girl Power Projects? Tell us about yourself here!
Gabon, officially the Gabonese Republic, is a sovereign state on the west coast of Central Africa. It has an area of nearly 100,000 sq miles. Its population is estimated at 1.5 million people. The capital and largest city is Libreville. We stopped by this church, only to discover a funeral in progress. We didn't stay, but did manage to see the facade. It's a strange thing to see colored tiles and Roman-style lettering on a church. It is not beautiful and the priest was European.
So I did not see this on this site and not everyone checks both "Kansas" sites. So here is a link to the topic on BTK. BUMP to remind folks about this excellent ride opportunity coming up in a few days. Be sure to check the Calendar. I'm thinking about it. Are you going Troy? Unfortunately, no. I have a family commitment in Wichita that Saturday. It's been postponed 1 week since we have had rain for 40 days and 40 nights. If you are watching the weather you know it's going to be really soggy this weekend. I know it's difficult to postpone an event because the ripple effect is unknown. But, that's what we have decided to do. We are going to postpone the event one week. So, the Roads and Trails Rally will be September 14th through 16th. It will be at the same place and the timing of activities remains the same. Just one week later. The long-range forecast indicates a much better riding weekend. I know that will cause problems for some but it could likely free up others to attend. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but honestly, none of us like wrestling our bikes through the mud all day!! If you have any questions or concerns send me a PM. The Backroads Touring Kansas Team. I updated the RideForum Calendar and the topic title.
My oldest daughter is five years old. Because of her level of comprehension (stellar, as far as 5-year-olds go), my wife and I have made a conscious effort to pour a lot of reality into her head. We've taught her that there is no Easter Bunny, no Santa Claus, no Tooth Fairy, and in the process of doing so, we've taught her to be conscious of behaviors built around imaginary figures -- figures she can't touch or feel. While she still embraces imagination (we often play "adventure," which is basically like playing a tabletop role-playing game, but without the paper and dice), she's very good about understanding the difference between reality and fantasy. This, of course, makes conversations about God rather strange. I can't help but think that the mental myth-filter we've instilled in our daughter to rule out Santa and the Easter Bunny can be applied to a deity she cannot touch and cannot see. And it's around this deity that we base much of our lives - we attend a church service, we facilitate a mid-week bible study, we pray regularly at home, and as one might expect, a crisis of belief eventually surfaced. In our home, we are quick to apply some negative reinforcement around particular behaviors. One of the things we've been teaching our children is that lying is unacceptable, and that it merits quick and stiff consequences. In a recent event, our daughter exclaimed, "I asked God to help me to not lie, but it's hard, because I can't hear God!" How do you explain the presence of an intangible deity to a child? Or to an adult, even? Perhaps the way we read God's references to Himself in the text is enough. The text describes God as a rushing wind... as light... as a consuming fire. We can't see the wind, but we can see its effect on things. We can't see light, but with light, we can see the things around us. We can't hold a flame, but we can feel it when it is near. And while these don't "prove" the existence of God to anyone, for the ones who already believe, it accurately describes the way we relate to this God who eludes our senses. So I explained to my child that God lets us lie. He doesn't stop us from doing things we shouldn't to do. Often, He lets us suffer the consequences of our actions so we will understand why our actions might be wrong. Sometimes, we have to see that our words and actions can hurt people. From that, we can learn to work towards strengthening relationships instead of tearing them down. And in fact, the scriptures are not a summary of people who made good and moral decisions. It is not a book of righteous people; quite the contrary. It is a summary of God's relationship with people who make terrible decisions, and a demonstration of God's faithfulness in spite of their sinfulness. And that is the heart of the Gospel. And I think that's the heart of parenting as well -- we know our children will make poor choices, and we choose to care for them and love them unconditionally, regardless of those choices. And it's only in such a relationship that faith and trust make any sense. This is the childlike faith Jesus longs for from His people. To be honest, it's because I felt bad that I had been taking a lot of pictures of Hayden lately, and not enough of Moe, so I wanted to include Moe in a blog post that was meaningful, so I was giving her fair treatment.
I talked to a second cousin before I chose a high school, and he influenced me to choose economy and law at Nordstrand gymnas. I wanted to study something in the same area, so after high school I talked to him again. He had finished 2.5 of 4 years at NHH, and after 10 minutes of talking to him, I was ready to apply. He focused a bit more on the social than the academic aspects. He also tried to scare me a bit by talking about the requirements the first semester, but I wasn’t scared, and at 19 I left for Bergen and NHH. It was an amazing sense of freedom to move to “another country”, and be able to do it all by myself. Do you have a favorite lecturer? Viktor Normann was, and still is I understand, an amazing lecturer. «A small open economy” is an expression I still use. The start was simple. After graduating I went in to the military. I worked at “Håkonsvern” at the submarine squadron and lived at Hatleberg student housing with my wife who still studied at NHH and our newborn son. It was great, but also challenging, to be new parents with a playpen in the shared kitchen and with Karens supervisor who did not understand that anyone could have kids while studying. I actually heard a funny story from my son and his fiancé, who is now studying at NHH. She told Stian about the time there was born a little boy who lived in a kitchen drawer at Hatleberg. Stian could tell her that that boy was him. There is no better chat-up line. In the end of 1987 I applied for my first real job. There was only one job to apply for in the newspaper, in Vesta Insurance, and I got it. After two years there, a small Swedish guy walked in to the cantina and told us that he had bought the company. That was Bjørn Wolrath from Skandia, and I have worked in the Skandia group since. In the end of 1998 we knocked on the door of Skandiabanken in Sweden and asked if they wanted to start up in Norway as well. They did, and I was asked to be in charge. As an entrepreneur, that was a dream job. In 2010 I was asked if I wanted to take charge of Skandiabanken in borth countries, and I said yes. These days I use most of time in Sweden, and I am moving there this fall. That will be a new chapter in my Skandia-story, and I am very grateful for the opportunities I have gotten. What has your education at NHH meant for your choice of career? As I mentioned, I didn’t have many choices when I graduated. When I think back now, the thing that has had the biggest influence is the fantastic social training I got from NHH. In Skandia we had a saying in the 90s that has a lot of truth to it: hire for attitude and train for skills. I don’t think about what my next step should be career wise. I focus on whether I have energy, drive and motivation. The day I don’t anymore, it’s time for the next step. That’s how my career has developed, and I still haven’t reached that stage. Do you keep in touch with the people you studied with at NHH? Absolutely, but not very many. But we are five families with at least one person from NHH in each who spend a week at the same house in Tuscany every summer. That is great. And the funny thing is that some of the “kids” are now at NHH, probably influenced by us. We all have a common identity from the time at NHH, which I think stays with you. Especially for us who didn’t come from Bergen. That has to be the night of November 4th 1986, when Stian was born. Karen had been at a gig with BBB and I was at a birthday party. From the time Karen woke me up at 3.30am at Hatleberg and until Stian was born at 0840am, I don’t remember much. Do you have any good advice to give NHH students about getting a job? I am careful with giving advice, but will gladly be a sparring partner. The most important thing for me is to use both head and heart, but let the heart count the most. Ask yourself the question of what is most important to you. Don’t think about how you should advance career wise. You should consider which criteria matter most to you. What kind of a culture you want to work in, whether it should be a big or a small company, if you seek comfort or constant changes. And no matter what, get a good leader that you can report to. Seek tasks that motivate you. In a good environment you will perform better, and then your career will advance without you having to worry about it. skandiabanken.no and skandiabanken.se as a good number two. No, I am more interested in good conversations and discussions with interesting people who know thing that I do not. I love learning like that, and it triggers my own creativity. And what's on your bedside table? What kind of career would you choose if you could choose again? I wouldn’t have chosen any different. But I recommend everyone to get a job before you have kids, even though it is possible that NHH is better organized for parents today.
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The movie that I like the most is Full House ( Thailand). The male character is Mike, and he is a famous single. The female character is Aom-am. This film about Aom-am’s friend needs money, so they stole her estate house paper for sale when Aom-am was traveling. Aom-am did not know about it, and the buyer this house is Mike. When Aom-am comes back home, she realizes that the new owner is living in her house. She is very surprised and hates him. Mike allows her to live with him, but she must pay money for him. In the end, they love each other, and they get married. I’ve seen this movie, it’s a Korean adaptation. Even though the Korean version shows many years ago, I like that.
This is me, trying to do the impossible. Assemble a fajita without making a mess. Hi, I’m Olle. Welcome to With Olle – a recipe/training/everything blog with a growing number of plant-based recipes. My goal is to inspire you to take on more plant-based foods in your diet, as well as a more active lifestyle, without feeling deprived at all. The recipes are great for meat-eaters as well, and most of them can also be served to picky kids (I let my son taste almost all of them). I’m no cook and no photographer so all meals and photos are self-taught and the result of hard work and a lot of testing. In 2014, I started my own company Dosito, to be able to work as a freelance web developer. At the time, my wife, our son and I were living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was here that my fondness for cooking really started. I believe it has a lot to do with all the flavours and spices that are used on the Indian subcontinent. Prior to moving to Bangladesh, we spent almost two years in New Delhi, India, and we were then vegetarians. When moving to Bangladesh we had a discussion and we couldn’t really find the reason why we didn’t eat meat, so we went back and included meat in our diet. In August 2015 the whole family moved to Hong Kong, and as a new year’s resolution, we said that we should go the entire 2016 on a plant-based diet. The decision came naturally after we had a lot of talks and discussions with my wife’s sister, who has been eating plant-based foods for a long time. I really embraced this and started to search and read a lot about plant-based recipes, nutritional values and how to prepare different plants in different ways. At the same time, I also decided that my lifestyle was a bit too sedentary (as a web developer I’m literally in front of the computer the entire working day), and started to read up on different workouts and workout plans. 2017 began with me having some down time on the freelancing so I came up with the idea to collect all the information I had read up upon regarding plant-based foods and workouts and share it with all the people who wanted to read it. Since I’m a web developer I started to develop it as a project for my freelance company, and in March 2017 witholle.com saw the day of light. Facebook: Check out my Facebook page. Here I will post recipes on a regular basis so be sure to hit like. Instagram: I will post food pics, recipes, and some pictures from when I’m making (or failing to make) some of my creations on my Instagram page. Pinterest: Follow me on Pinterest for more inspiration. Twitter: Every time there is an update on the blog I will tweet it out.
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Easy, fun way to teach piano lessons. My daughter loves Miss Music and she sings all the time. It makes me happy to see her happy. My 6 year old is captivated by Miss Music Lessons. He always wants to play the piano keys after he hears the songs.
Chattanooga is a beautiful city and appeals to nature lovers. There are plenty of great places to eat and interesting things to do. The heart of downtown is between 5th Street and 2nd Street on Market Street and Broad Street, along the south side of the river, and a lot of restaurants are located here. There are many more restaurants that are not listed here!
Interests: I like active way of living. I like nature very much and going on picnics. In my spare time I visit dancing lessons, gym, read a lot and I like drawing. Character: I am pretty, sincere, kind, and calm. I can say that I am a very open-hearted person and try to help everyone.
BOOK TWO OF THE DARK DUET The exciting, titillating, and action-filled conclusion to Captive in the Dark. What is the price of redemption? Rescued from sexual slavery by a mysterious Pakistani officer, Caleb carries the weight of a debt that must be paid in blood. The road has been long and fraught with uncertainty, but for Caleb and Livvie, it’s all coming to an end. Can he surrender the woman he loves for the sake of vengeance? Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice? Quote: It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human beings revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie. Caleb is a man with a singular interest in revenge. Kidnapped as a young boy and sold into slavery by a power-hungry mobster, he has thought of nothing but vengeance. For twelve years he has immersed himself in the world of pleasure slaves searching for the one man he holds ultimately responsible. Finally, the architect of his suffering has emerged with a new identity, but not a new nature. If Caleb is to get close enough to strike, he must become the very thing he abhors and kidnap a beautiful girl to train her to be all that he once was. Eighteen-year-old Olivia Ruiz has just woken up in a strange place. Blindfolded and bound, there is only a calm male voice to welcome her. His name is Caleb, though he demands to be called Master. Olivia is young, beautiful, naïve and willful to a fault. She has a dark sensuality that cannot be hidden or denied, though she tries to accomplish both. Although she is frightened by the strong, sadistic, and arrogant man who holds her prisoner, what keeps Olivia awake in the dark is her unwelcome attraction to him. WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious consent, strong language, and graphic violence. ilo read online - I'm writing this because you begged. You know how I love the begging. In fact, you probably know too many things and know them far too well. Who am I? Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. I was a whore in my youth, a killer since my adolescence, and a monster as a man. I am the man who kidnapped Livvie. I am the man who held her in a dark room for weeks. But, most importantly, I am the man she loves. She loves me. It's quite sick, isn't it? Of course, there's more to our story than can be surmised in a few short sentences, but I'm at a loss for justifying my behavior back then. I assume if you're reading this, I don't need to make those justifications. You've already made your own. You're reading this because you want to know about the rest of the story. You want to know what happened that warm summer night in September of 2010, the night I met Livvie at The Paseo. It was the night my life changed all over again. It didn't happen exactly as Livvie said. She's been very kind to me in the retelling of our story. The truth is far more. . . complicated.
Well, the house was clean...for a little while. I swept and mopped and vacuumed and dusted. There's nothing like having guests arriving to ramp up my motivation. I was even able to repair the pool and the kids are enjoying it. Now I'm trying to keep the house from getting too sticky and in disarray. They will be staying all week. Tomorrow we are celebrating Labor Day at my house with Mexican food and ice cream sundaes. I think hot dogs and hamburgers are the usual menu but we don't have any barbeque-ers in the house at the moment so burritos and tacos are easier. Today we briefly went to the mall because one of the teenagers wanted to buy a pair of jeans. I haven't been in a mall in a long time and I don't miss it. All that over-priced clothing and accessories made me want to go thrift store shopping. Maybe we will do that later in the week. Clean when they first arrive is good enough, within a half day you wonder why you bothered. Have a lovely week all together. At least cleaning up after they left was much easier than cleaning the house before they arrived. They were pretty good guests.
Minecraft developers Mojang say that they're planning to start co-publishing other indie games as early as November. The studio has come a long way since Notch single-handedly started work on Minecraft. Mojang now has multiple staff members, and are thinking about using their success to promote and publish other upcoming indie titles. Speaking to GI.biz , Mojang business director Daniel Kaplan explains that Minecraft's success has opened up plenty of opportunities for the new studio. "The hardest thing for us right now," he says, "is to say 'no' to all the deals we're being offered." "We get requests every week, it's quite hard to sort them out, to figure out, okay, this is what we're going to do. If you take one path then you can't take the other, you know?" The studio is currently hard at work on a November release for Minecraft, and are also developing Scrolls for release in 2012. On top of that, they're hoping to co-publish another unnamed indie game later this year. For an insight into life at Mojang, check out the latest edition of the Minecraft dev diary . If you're playing Minecraft, have a look at our pick of the top ten Minecraft mods .
I read this book looking for details regarding one of the most controversial conflicts in history. I was not disappointed the book do offer a lot of information about the conflict and the events leading up to a full scale war. It tries to do justice by two sides which sometimes feels a bit forced. However the fact that the authors made an effort to include the north Vietnamese side makes the book more plausible. This is a book about America's Vietnam, which can be an issue especially if you are looking for one collected book covering the war in all its nuances. The narrative is logical and you do get a good sense of time which I think is extremly important in this kind of historical literature. Overall I think this was a good introduction to the American war in Vietnam and what effect it had on both the US and Vietnamese politics.
I'll show you that next November [wink]). A week ago I hung the final print for this wall. Also for the first time I hung artwork I created in my home. It is complete, and I LOVE it. I am calling it my inspiration wall (well one of them). I spend about 70% of my day in my kitchen so it's fitting to have all this inspiring work hung there. It is also the first thing you see when you walk in the back door where most people enter our home. I think it's a good first impression.
I am so impressed with everything your team accomplished over the weekend. I can't wait to see this film. Get some rest. Sounds fantastic! Looking forward to seeing the film. Good luck! Mother Reader, I love reading about how things were at your end. Sounds exhausting, but also like such a blast. I wish so much I lived in your part of the world so I could have seen the whole thing unfold. Can't wait to watch the finished product!
First of all you do not sound like a failure--it is vey hard to be a mother and wife, maid,accountant,I mean you name it--we do it all!!! Are you still IN love with your husband or do you love him--there is a big difference. Is this something the two of you are willing to work out or do you think you would be better off seperated? Every marriage goes through its hard times--having a new baby adds a lot of stress to both people and maybe he is just feeling overwhelmed with work and lo. I know sometimes it seems we do it all and the men have it made but I guess sometimes it takes awhile for them to adjust also. Talk to him and see what is going on with him--keep the lines of communication open. Maybe the two of you can go out to a nice dinner--alone!! Good luck! EVERY book says that you and he have to let the expectation go about the house being spotless. Its just impossible with a newborn, and if you have to watch him for bp problems, that is even less time. This expectation on you should not even exist! I got a little upset reading your post, I will be honest. I would've kicked my husbands b___t if he expected the same from me because he knows our son is the most important thing, and when they need you, you are lucky to put laundry in or unload the dishwasher in a day, heck, even get lunch or take a shower! I would recommend couple's counselling for the two of you if he is willing. You don't want to throw away your marriage for an obvious misunderstanding on your husband's part. Your baby will pick up on the stressors in the household so you both need to find a solution for his sake. I had couple's counselling with my husband before and after we got married as a maintenence thing and it was very beneficial for both of us. Look into solution focused therapy. And do the best you can, thats all you can do. It sounds like you are being a superwoman already! Good luck, keep us posted. Oh, and stay at home moms have the HARDEST JOBS IN THE WORLD with the worst pay, tell him that :) Most rewarding though, but not for the faint of heart. I have been married for over 10 years and we just had a baby, it is hard, and my husband and I have what most ppl think is a really good marriage. Anyone who tells you marriage is easy is lying, all marriages go through hard times. Many times it is because one person is having problem within themselves, it sounds like your husband may be having some of his own emotional and/or physical problems, his stress because of the financial aspects could be coming out in his demeanor w/ you and the housekeeping. Many times when someone is picking at you for something(in your case the house) they actually are trying to say something else that they are unsatisfied with. I think that some counseling would be beneficial, my husband and I have good communication skills with each other and we still have had problems in the past, out last big problem was to have a baby, it put a big rift between us, we were having major problems and I was ready to leave because my husband didn't understand the driving force behind my wanting a child. We had a huge heart to heart and realized we both wanted this, he just thought I was being all whimsical and unreal, but once we talked about it it became apparent that it was time for us. I think for your family's sake you should try to work through this rough patch(esp. for your son), but if it is not working then you may have to rea__sess the situation, being together for they sake of the kids is not always the best idea. Kids need parents who love each other not just parents who are together for the sake of being together. Good luck. You are not alone. Just about every woman on this forum struggles with a point at which their marriage feels as if it can't get worse, or that married life with children isn't what you thought it would be b/c your man just can't get the "family" jist. I'm with Missy, you are not a failure. Have your two tried counseling? My husband and I go to counseling just to keep our marriage healthy and on track. It gives both of us a way to express our feelings in a less vulgar way, yes, we have pa__sed the D word around ourselves. We realized that it was a healthy way to respond to our needs and each others needs along with being an example for our children. Your hubby needs to be more appreciative of you, maybe a few days away from him would give him a good glance at the work you do do. AND, if he is tired of a messy house, HE can help out a little! B4 he leaves for work he can make sure that he throws in a load of laundry or b4 he going to bed make sure the dishwasher is unloaded so dirty ones can be put in there for the following day. I know, it is hard keeping house and spending time with your lo as well as having a few minutes for yourself's sanity. Good Luck!! Man... I'd hate to see what he'd say to me if he came to my house!!! Sometimes I will do laundry, and it will sit in the basket for a week before I get around to folding it an putting it away!!! You are definitely not a failure!!! There are days when i don't get to the dishes until after the kids are in bed, or I just leave them for the next morning. It sounds to me like your husband is stressing over his medical discharge, and he's taking that frustration out on you. They say that the ones we love the most, are often the ones we hurt the most. Maybe he feels that because of his discharge, he has failed you, and he wants to make you feel the same way so he's not alone. I don't mean to pry, but is his medical issue something that will interfere with him working in the future? If so, that could be a big part of it also. Is he the type that would consider counseling? I think it would definitely help him get to the root of his issues and it may just open his mind to your point of view a little bit. I wish you the best and hope everything works out the way you want it to!! In am sorry you are going through such a hard time. My dh and I went through a really hard time when our first son was born. We literally HATED eachother. It was a horrible time but luckily we got through it. We both went on antidepressants and that helped tremendously. Ironically it was the birth of our son that "caused" the problems and it was only because of him that we didn't walk out on eachother. I hope you can find your way back to eachother if that is what you want. im going to go and talk to someone tommorrow about marraige counseling. he talked to his lt. colonel today, who went through the same thing we are going through, and told him counseling helped his relationship tremendously. he is getting out becuase of his back. his training, which is an electrician , working on helicopters, is something he wont be able to do for long periods at a time, so he is having to go back to school for something different. that. he's also constantly on me because i do not get along with my MIL whatsoever and he is close to her. my mom and i dont have the greatest relationship and he thinks thats why i dont like his mom because im jealous. it has nothing to do with that. i have to go for a blood pressure check on monday, and im sure it will be up because of everything going on,and im going to talk to my dr. aout getting on antidepressents. DH thinks it will help me. Sounds to me like he needs antidepressants as well. New mom's can't do it all - you are doing just fine! That's a good sign that he talked to another guy about it. It shows he WANTS to know what to do, he just doesn't know on his own. I hope he will go to couselling with you. He needs to realize that it's unfair to expect that you could possibly do everything the way you used to do it while taking care of a baby!!! Maybe in a moment when emotions are more settled you could tell him that if he backs off on his expectations of how the house should look... that some of that time that you AREN'T cleaning could be time that he gets you to himself... to put a positive spin on it. I hope things get better. I've been married 8 years and have had kids for 6 1/2 of those. We've had MANY very hard times!!! Tell him that if he's so worried about the housework being done to do it his d__n self! My fiance is the one telling me not to worry about doing laundry every few days or cleaning. Mosley12, what he is expecting of you is comletely UNREASONABLE. You should make him stay home the whole day alone with your baby and see how much he gets done. I'm sorry but what does he think you are-superwoman? Don't clean out of guilt-you did nothing wrong. He is totally stressing about all of his life changes. He does need to stop picking at you, though, and the stressors need to be reduced in the household for your baby. I still recommend counselling, as I said before. My husband and I were together 8 years before we got married because we needed to work some stuff out and we were all over the place, but with counselling and support, we have a VERY strong marriage. It is amazing that he asked his colonel for help and very encouraging. I am thinking of you, good luck, keep us posted. I'm going to say something out of Dr. Phil - he said one of the best things he did in his marriage was sticking to two words: "Love it!" - whether it was a hole in the middle of the living room when he came home, or everything in the house was pink etc. My dh absolutely does not care about small things. I guess I got lucky. The person who makes me feel guilty about the cleaningness is myself - I feel that I've been loosing the cleaning battle since my kids were born. I get that one has to let go some things with the kids. IF my dh was demanding and picking about the house - that would have been hard for me, to the point of impossibility of being together. **** It comes across that he's got a bit of more power in your relationship? The fact that you would clean your house spotless after hours - not because you think it's necessary, but because he wants it? He compares his mother unfavorably to you? You are the one in fear of seeing divorce papers? There is definitely an imbalance, and the baby adds on top of that. He needs to change his ways, but you, too, need to spread your shoulders a bit with pride. is it just the house ? divorce over cleaning the house.... tell him to do it, or hire a maid.
Are you happy? Today I want to share an exercise with you which I trust will give you a better understanding of what true happiness is. To begin……..how would you rate your level of happiness on a scale of 1 to 10. Using this scale, a score of 1 is you are definitely not happy with life, and a score of 10 means you are deliriously happy with your life. For some reason my personal growth reading lately has been around the topic of happiness and fulfillment. I’m also watching a daily series of videos which is currently exploring this topic. So, why this is showing up on my radar, I’m not really sure – I’m feeling in a great place in my life right now, and have felt this way for some time now. Perhaps it has something to do with the time of year. In Western society it is a short time for holidays for many people. It is the festive season where we celebrate Christmas and the arrival of a new calendar year. For many people this is often a time for reflecting on the year past, and for making resolutions and plans for the coming New Year. The reason we make New Year’s resolutions is of course an attempt to change our lives for the better in some way. One way of looking at this is that we want take action to be happier with our lives. Therefore, I thought it would be useful to share some of the things I have been reading and watching lately about this topic of happiness. And in particular, where we might find true happiness. “It is a natural human inclination for us to strive to achieve happiness in our lives. Fulfillment on the other hand is a more enduring emotion. It is not about experiencing a mood boosting event. Instead, feelings of fulfillment are closely related to the things we have identified as being the most important in our life. If you think about it carefully, feelings of fulfillment are to occur, and endure, when we are doing something that is related to helping or enhancing the lives of other people. Now, for the next week, twice a day – at lunch time and also before you go to sleep make some notes on your page. Reflect on the day’s happenings and make a note of things that made you feel either happy, or fulfilled. When you look at the results it is quite possible that you will realise there is a difference between feeling happy, and feeling fulfilled. If you end up doing the exercise you will realise there is a difference between being happy, and being fulfilled. So, in this time of reflection, make the time to clarify what the important things in your life are, and evaluate if you are directing your attention and effort appropriately. And don’t get me wrong…..happiness is a hugely important factor in our lives. But understanding that happiness is a fleeting state, if all we are doing is chasing those fleeting moments our lives may seem hollow and unfulfilled.
Weight loss was not an issue for me growing up. I have always fluctuated from around 205 to 215 as an adult. I am 6 foot tall with a fairly nice build. I have stayed active in the gym and made sure to watch what I ate on a daily basis. I watched as peers began to gain weight and some were even out of shape who did exercise. I started working out of town more often and the hours seemed to get longer and longer. The gym started to become a place I was too tired to go to instead of it being a priority. I began going out to eat more and fast food became a staple for my busy work schedule. I felt pretty good for about three months and I finally got some time off. I missed my family and had only got to contact them through phone calls and video chat while on the road. The first place I went was to pick up my 11 year old son. I was so excited to see him and as soon as we got into the truck he said “dad you’re fat”. I laughed it off and said no way son I’ve never been fat. Later that night we were up watching a movie, the first avengers to be exact. I went to the bathroom and I decided to step on the scale to see about this fat comment. The 205-215 me was gone. I looked down to see 245, I was shocked to not even really notice that much weight gain. I knew then and there that I had to get back on track. I am currently at 220 and I am feeling good again. My girlfriend helps with the healthy meal choices and I make a point to be active and make the gym a priority in my life again. I am glad my son could be so brutally honest with me as other people had not mentioned it at all. That was the turning point for me and what made me want to lose weight and keep it off. What made you want to lose weight? It’s really as easy as that. Drinking more water can help you lose weight overtime. It’s healthy for you and has zero calories. Your body needs water everyday…some say an ounce per pound of body weight daily. I love drinking water everyday. It keeps you hydrated which makes you feel better and your body will thank you for it. It can help you eat less if you drink it before meal times and make you feel more full throughout the day. Some people seem to struggle with cutting out the soda or other drinks that are not so healthy for you. Others do not like the plain taste water has to offer. I completely understand this point of view. I like to add lemon juice to my water to give it some flavor once in awhile. I know other people who enjoy putting different fruit in their water or even infusing it. You always want to maintain hydration for a healthy you. Drink more water today and cut back on your favorite soda or beverage. It could help you lose weight and it will definitely make you healthier and feel better. Have you heard of the Fat Decimator System? It’s a new weight loss program with a scientific approach for great results. You can lose 21 pounds in 21 days!!! But does it work? Is it legit? I like this system more than others because it peels the layers back on all the hype and takes a realistic scientific approach to weight loss. It takes all of the guess work out of it for you. The diet in this program is focused on detoxifying your body prior to losing weight. It also provides you with food ideas that are rich in energy to keep you going. Some of the foods that are so called bad are even included in a way that helps you burn fat faster. Who doesn’t like to eat what they want and lose weight? CLICK HERE FOR A DISCOUNT!!! Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset: The last part of the program dives into some of the most common myths about willpower and how truly understanding the underlying realities of motivation can revolutionize your weight loss and even your life. It’s a vital part of this program and, for many, has helped them lose weight fast and keep it off for good. I like the FAT DECIMATOR SYSTEM overall and believe it is one of the better weight loss programs out there.
It was the first time that newly married Meghan, who was wearing a Givenchy dress,has accompanied the Queen without Prince Harry. And as it was such a significant event for the new royal, we wanted to know what was really going on in her mind, so we asked body language expert, Judi James, what she made of the occasion. Fair enough, to be honest. The Queen looked 'delighted' to have Meghan with her. Meghan got more into her stride as the visit went on. The Queen and Meghan have 'fun' together.
This weekend my mommy and I went out and found me a Halloween costume. She said the Power Ranger costumes were too big and maybe next year I could be one. I picked out a dinosuar costume instead. I have been practicing my ROAR all week long and by Halloween, I will be the biggest dinosaur on the block! My mommy and daddy want to make sure that I am a well rounded child so they put me in charge of our family blog. I am not sure when I will have time to fill it in, they drag me all over the place! I am very excited to keep everyone updated about our adventures and our lives here in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. Welcome!
The emblem of the city of London, River Thames, which embraces the city tightly through the centuries, is known as the River of central London. It is worth a ride on the banks just to admire the view. See how it paints the city of London, giving it a unique look. Previously, Thames had a very important commercial significance for the city, one that transported most of the goods to London. The picture today has changed a lot, and once there were large warehouses and docks, nowadays one can see stunning restaurants and bars. Do not miss the chance to get to know it nearby. Thames is an English gentleman who will surely never forget! 'The famous Courage dray horses were built on this site from early 19th century and delivered beer around London from the brewery in Horselydown Lane by Tower Bridge. 'In the 16th century, the area became known as Horselydown, which derives from' Horse-lie-down ', and a description of working horses resting before crossing the London Bridge into the City of London. So there is another "icon" and moment of London and its inhabitants that I did not know! The view from Mediterranean Cosmos, Thessaloniki, Greece! It's time for a greek coffee! A sunny walk in London! A few weeks ago, I traveled in the charming city of London, for business. Although I had a lot of business meetings, I found the opportunity to take a moment off and take a walk in the city! The days were sunny, unlike most of the times I've traveled to London. The sun was very pleasant and gave its own color to the city! So I enjoyed the blue sky and the sunny day, while I walked in the neighborhoods of the city, staring at the beautiful buildings! London is a big city and people move fast in the streets. A lot of people are moving around and most of the shops are full. On the other hand, it is a city full of tourists, who give their own color to London and its sights! If you have not been to London so far, you are really losing a great experience! The city is unique! So, plan a visit immediately and enjoy it! A few weeks ago I visited London. During my visit there, I needed a company that would provide transfer services in the city, but also from - to the airport. I booked online all my transfers with Carrot Cars and I was absolutely satisfied from the quality of their services. Their cars were all new, very clean and tidy, and they arrived always on time. The drivers were gentle and willing to serve us, and all these in a very good price.
It is a good school, but very expensive. The culture is ok, but many people hide what they feel until some figure brings it to light then they are ready to talk. It is also a clique school in that people pair off into what makes them comfortable. The campus is beautiful though. All in all, I love being a student at MSU. Despite its flaws and recent controversies, it is a wonderful college to attend. Its wide variety of majors, huge offering of extracurriculars, amazing diversity, and beautiful campus are worth boasting about. My overall opinion on Michigan State University is that this is one of the best schools in the country. We are full spirited and no matter what you're never alone in any type of situation. There are always people to talk to and get advice from whether it's in class, outside the class, about clothes, parties etc, the list is never ending. I love my school so much, I have great pride for Michigan State because I have found where I belong. No matter what goes on with the current events that are happening, the students have so much pride and will stand up for what is right. In conclusion, my overall opinion on Michigan State is that no matter where you are around the world, you will always be a spartan. i really like it at MSU and i would recommend attending this school. there is a lot to do on campus and you will never be bored and many activities happen off campus as well. i live off campus so it is kind a relief to get away and be able to just be on my own every once in a while. It is the best college to go to. Michigan State University and truly an incredible school. One thing that was important to me in my search for colleges was the opportunities that would be presented to me while I attended it. At MSU, I have had the privilege to build a diverse friend group from across the globe, our goals are similar in size in that we are all striving to be the very best in our fields. MSU has given me the opportunity to develop as more than a student, but as a professional that will succeed as an adult. I will forever be a Spartan, Go Green. I came to Michigan State my sophomore year as a transfer student from another large four-year university. This school can be overwhelming at first since it's so big and more than 50,00 people go here. But, after a while you get adjusted to this environment and it becomes easier. There are a lot of resources on campus, you just have to find them for yourself. People are semi-friendly, I would suggest making friends with people in your classes and joining and organization on campus. The food on campus is amazing, there are so many options of places to eat and stations to go to. My favorite dining hall is Akers because they have amazing breakfast and a lot of options during lunch and dinner. Housing on campus isn't the best, since all halls (except those in Brody) use well water, and most dorms don't have air conditioning. I live off campus and only have to take one bus to get to class, which is a plus. This school is a solid 7.5 out of 10, but that rating would probably be higher if I went here my freshman year. Michigan State University is a wonderful higher education facility. There are so many opportunities to become involved in a variety of different groups that you are interested in. There is learning opportunities all over the campus, so you are never not learning while you're here. It is very easy to make new friends while on campus as there are tons of people with similar interests as yourself. Overall, I love Michigan State University. It presents a great atmosphere with lots of friendly individuals that look out for each other. I have that most students are willingly to help one another. Furthermore, this university provides lots of opportunities and resources for students. Michigan state university is my dream school. Since I was a little girl I hoped some day to become a spartan. Michigan state holds and amazing academic status and athletic department. The professors at Michigan state thrive to help their students graduate in 4 years with outstanding transcripts. Michigan state has the students futures in mind.
Thomas and Jasmine don’t write much. They don’t need to, they are only 5. I don’t push them either because I know they will do it when they are ready. I know this because already, when they do want to write, they will go and get a pencil and paper and just get on with it! Today they both wanted to write. Our Elf hid from us last night and wrote a note telling us where to find him! Thomas loves this sort of thing so, once we’d found Pepper hiding in a Duplo house, he went and got his pencil and paper and wrote another note. And there is my proof that I have nothing to worry about. Today they both found a “need” to write and they just got on with it. Every time they write they surprise me with how much better they have got since the last time. As long as they have a need to write, a purpose, they will write and they will improve, all by themselves, because they want to. Just so I don’t leave Ben out, today he did some drawing and made a reindeer bead bracelet! Truly wonderful – lucky kids having so much fun and an elf of their very own to top it off. Thank you Gabi 🙂 Every day my children amaze me with what they have learnt. They want to learn; they love learning. I just need to provide the materials and they get on with it!
The second Empire State Comic Con is in the books. Overall, I had a great time Sunday walking the floor talking to the creators. It was great to chat with the ones that I had met at last year’s show and getting to talk to those who I missed last year or were at the show for the first time. The staff were very helpful and accommodating and made the experience enjoyable. I was glad that I got to do a 20 min interview with Denny O’Neil and wish that I would have had more time to talk with him longer but I didn’t want to take up all his time. I was unable to do a few of the interviews that I was hoping to do but it was more due to time constraints than anything else. I think that this show has potential to continue to grow as it finds the pulse and voice of the Albany/Capital District comic and entertainment community fan base.
My Brothers Journey through the Ultimate Reset Cleanse. Recently my brother has hit some unexpected road bumps. He lost his partner of 10 years, got laid off from his job, and had to move cross country all in a 3 month span. Needless to say he was pretty down. Not only was he down, but his health was suffering. He needed something to lift his spirits and health at the same time. I did the Ultimate Reset Cleanse in October of 2012 and felt amazing after. I had bought another Ultimate Reset Cleanse with the intention of doing it again, but I hadn't. When I first started noticing my brothers health decline (before any of his road bumps hit), I had decided that I was going to give it to him to do. It sat there for a long time. Finally about 3 weeks ago he was ready. I was so excited for him, because I knew it was the kick start he needed to get himself back together. This blog post is a little look into his journey. I knew I had to get Jason mentally prepared for what was about to go down. This isn't a walk in the park cleanse. The next 21 days were going to be hard. He was going to need to be disciplined and patient with myself. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but it was going to be worth it. We spent the night before doing food shopping. Right off the bat he told me that if I hadn't been there in the store with him that he would have already quit. The first week shopping list is pretty intense. There are LOTS of things on it and many of them he had never even heard of before. Would you know where to find seaweed in your super market? Luckily because I had done this in the past I knew what to expect, and where to find the ingredients. It took us about 1 1/2 hours to get the shopping done and then it was home to prep for the next day. The reclaim phase focuses on gradually removing animal products and refined from your diet while adding a boat load of veggies. This phase actually went pretty well for Jay. He loved the meals and didn't mind the supplements. At first he kept forgetting to take them, but once we set reminders in his phone he got the hang of it. If you plan on doing this cleanse, setting a schedule in your phone with a reminder to when to take your supplements and what supplements to take is very helpful. Jason loved the breakfasts, and the microgreen salads for lunch. I for one really enjoyed the baked salmon recipe. Highlight of week one was that we got to roll our own sushi and have it with miso soup. Now my brother and I want to have a sushi party! Here are some pictures of some of the week one meals. Week 2 groceries. We have never had this much fruit at once! The release phase completely eliminates animal products, including dairy, eggs, and meat. The diet moves toward more vegetable, fruit, and whole grains. This week the food shopping was soooo much easier. We went in with a plan, worked as a team, and got in and out really quickly. The cost of groceries also went down significantly. In the release phase the detox supplement is introduced. He didn't mind the detox or any of the supplements for that matter and by the second week he was remembering to take them all. They say that during this phase you start to release toxins as well as built up emotion. This week was a tad more difficult for Jay. He was still liking all the food especially the big fruit bowls for breakfast, but I think reality set in that he still had two weeks of this cleanse. I absolutely loved the Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque recipe from this week. Some highlights from week two were that Jay had lost 3 inches from his waist, and he was feeling like he had a lot more energy. I noticed that he appeared to be happier and in an overall better state of mind. These are the supplements involved with the cleanse. During the restore phase you eliminate grains and legumes. This focuses on a simple, cleansing, fruit and veggie based diet. The portion sizes of meals during this phase are significantly larger because the meals are only veggies. Every breakfast consisted of a huge fresh fruit plate which Jay LOVED...sometimes he couldn't even finish it. Jay had developed some awesome habits by this point. He now loves eating his food slowly and focusing on every bite. This helps him recognize when his body is full, as well as appreciate the food aka fuel that he puts into his body. I was really impressed with Jay at this point because I remember during my third week of the cleanse I was ready for it to be DONE. He was really enjoying the food, and was actually sad that it was ending. This week had some really good recipes such as the Moroccan Carrot Salad, the Asian Cabbage Salad, and the Avocado-Cucumber Soup. Jason completed his cleanse and I could not be more proud of him. Overall, I would say this experience was a success. Even if his body did not change, the ultimate goal was for him to feel better. BUT...his body did change. He feels better in his own clothing, as well as in his own skin. I am extremely proud of my brother. It took a lot of discipline, time, and energy to complete this. The whole experience brought us closer together, and I know this is only the beginning. He is excited to now more on to a Beachbody workout, and add Shakeology to his diet! Below is a comparison from day 1 to day 21. I for one think he looks amazing, but am more happy about the way he feels! Comments from Jason: Best part about hard work...RESULTS. Ok, looking at this pic I can't believe how fat I was 21 days ago. I was sad, depressed and the last thing I wanted to do is work out or look good for anyone. I think I was binge eating too..I have to give a HUGE THANK YOU to my sister Jaime Messina, who got me to change direction. Her words of encouragement cooking meals and daily checking on me were the only reason this happened. I don't know how you did it Jaime, but I am forever grateful. i don't think I will go back at this point..I feel motivated and hopeful, which I haven't in months. And I know for a fact Justin would be proud. A lot of why I'm doing this is for him. I will always love you babe R.I.P. If you are interested in doing the Ultimate Reset Cleanse and would like my help, please message me at Messina1892@gmail.com ! I would love to coach, and support you through the process. If you would like to join any of my fitness challenge groups, or think coaching might be for you I would love to hear from you as well!
I became a caregiver because of my love for helping others. It makes me happy to see others smile when you do something for them. It also makes me happy to assist them with the things that they can no longer do for themselves. A big achievment that I am proud of was when I completed my certification. I am a young mother of an 11 month old little boy and I felt so proud to be able to manage working a full time job, taking care of my son, and also going to class everyday. I love to have the opportunity to get to know people and their families. I am an easygoing person and I love to make others smile. Cleaning and organizing children's department, putting out incoming merchandise, assisting customers in checking out and also finding anything they need. Helping customers, process and input customer information, answering phones, taking payments, managing customer accounts, pricing and cleaning showroom floor. Taking care of customers and assisting them with finding what they need, helpingv with other issues such as returns, processing western unions, money orders, lottery, answering telephones.
The LiveFit Cancer Exercise Program at UNC Wellness Centers is designed to help cancer survivors ease their way back into physical activity with the help of trained fitness professionals. The program is a 10-week exercise program for cancer survivors whom have been treated within the last year. The program is limited to 6-12 participants.
Friends list is amusing me a lot today. Somehow it seems that I'm the only person who does not hate the new Facebook connection. So much panic around... On the other hand, for me it's exactly what I've been wanting for months now. Since I don't really use Facebook for anything, this will help me to have something over there for people who don't use LJ. Don't really see a point in the comment reposting feature, though. Nor do I really appreciate the link to my Fakebook Facebook account on my profile here, but whatever, let it be there, then. Personally I find it to be a very ridiculous idea. I was planning to get my own Facebook and I want to keep my LJ things separate for it, so. You're right about the comment reposting feature not having a point. I wouldn't say it's ridiculous. No-one's forced to use it, but it's there for people like me who would like to crosspost their entries to Facebook as well. If you don't activate it / connect your LJ and Facebook accounts, nothing will really change for you.
A huge thank you to all those who attended the Leaders’ Meeting on Tuesday—for your time and thoughtfulness I am grateful. It is exciting to be part of a group of people who a longing for God to do a new thing among us for the sake of the world around us. One of the decisions we made on Tuesday was to adopt a passage of Scripture that the Leaders’ Meeting feel called not only to read and reflect on, but to live out. The Scripture we chose is the story of Jesus’ transformative encounter with the Samaritan woman at the Well, recorded in John’s Gospel chapter 4.
Noblecollection.com is a site in which you can find recreations of props from some of the most popular movies, or other upper quality items with the theme of that movie. Before I go on, it should be noted that I have ordered other items from this site and have been VERY satisfied, so the problem may be only with this product. Anyway, when I saw this item in the catalog, I thought it looked awesome, and I think Lucius Malfoy is cool, so I saved up some money, and had it ordered. When it arrived, I was excited and ran for the door, I opened it and just by looking at it, I was sure that I was gonna love it! I was so sure, that I threw out the box for it, but for some reason kept the styrofoam. Anyway, it looked so nice with it's snake head in sterling silver and emerald eyes. I was surprised how they could afford to sell a product with such high value things, and still only charge $95.00 for it. This surprise, didn't last too long. At first, owning this almost made me feel like I was a bit wealthy, and I walked around the house with it, but I was still careful of where I kept it, and where I was walking with it. The real reason I wanted this though, was the wand it came with. Yeah, pull on the snake head, and it separates from the walking stick and has Lucius Malfoy's wand attached! Man, this was so cool, I thought. The thing about the wand though, was that, as I said, the snake head was attached to it. This doesn't sound like much of a problem, but the snake's mouth is open and baring it's fangs, and it's fangs are actually sharp, so you had to be careful when gripping the wand because the snake head was the handle. This doesn't seem to make sense, the handle of the wand has two sharp points? They could have easily made the fangs dull, but whatever. The quality of the walking stick was what I noticed next, I looked inside, and it looked like it was made of cork! CORK! Why such a low quality product? Well, I got over this, as I didn't buy it to actually put weight on it, I was only 15 at the time and didn't need a cane to help me walk yet, and being 17 now, I still dont. Well, after these problems, I noticed that the wand was wiggling as I waved it. I wasn't waving it that hard, in fact I wasn't waving it hard at all, and the wand was shaking in the handle. I looked at the handle, and saw that the wand can screw out! Well, that in itself isn't a problem for me, but the fact that it can loosen just with some light waving? Come on! I screwed it back in tightly, or what I thought was tightly, as soon it was loosening again. I wasn't running around the house waving it around crazily like a small child would, as I realized it was a collectors item, and should be treated with more care than a toy, and it was loosening so quickly. I put it back in it's cane whenever it wasn't in use. Anyway, later I noticed that the wand paint was chipped, yeah, the walking stick was only in my possession for a few days and the wand paint was already chipping. I own other wands from this company, and had them much longer and have never had any problems with coloring chipping off, so I guess they're not painted, or they use a higher quality paint. Anyway, it is at this point that I'm seriously considering returning the item. My mom tells me to think about it, so I do. There are two elastics on the part of the handle that goes into the cane in order to create resistance to hold the wand in the cane and soon after one of them broke and now there was barely any resistance at all, and the wand was barely held in. It was at this point that there was absolutely no more reason to keep this. This wasn't the end of my problems with the item though. As I said earlier, I threw out the box, but I was lucky enough to have kept the styrofoam. However, the post office won't ship just styrofoam, and we didn't have a box big enough. We went to the post office, and even they didn't have a box big enough! We had to go to a grocery store and get several paper bags and I had to cut them up and tape them together. Noble Collections, though, accepted it with no problems and gave me a full refund. I have ordered from them after this and as I said, I was satisfied with their other products, so this is in no way a reflection on all their products, just the walking stick. The only way I could possible see this item being of any use, is if you locked it up in a display case and never touched it..... ever, but then you'd have to have the wand out it order to display it all, and the walking stick without the snake's head doesn't look all that great.
Hate feeling like a tourist? Do you want to get a more personal feel of the city than through viewing monuments and museums? Then experience DC like a local. Hop on the metro to all sorts of destinations. We’ll guide you through Old Town, Georgetown, Adams Morgan, DuPont Circle, and much more. Show Me Tours will lead you through the neighborhoods of D.C., and of course, they’ll show you their local coffee shop.
Join Derrick Story for an in-depth discussion in this video Create a reference library, part of Photos for OS X Essential Training. - We are going to journey into the world of the referenced library. What does that mean? Well that means that instead of the images that we import being stored inside the Photos for OS X library, inside your pictures folder, they will be stored in a folder on an external hard drive right here, just like this, that is connected to your Mac. so that Photos can read these images and display them in the application, but they are not taking up space on your Mac itself. This is very important if you have a small-ish hard drive in your Mac or if your hard drive is almost full. So the concept is wonderful. Lightroom uses it. Aperture gave you that option, and Photos for OS X gives you that option too, although it's not very intuitive. I'm going to show you how it works right now. Now the first thing that you want to do is create a new Photos library. I've already done that. This library is a referenced library. In other words, I don't want to use my system library for this. Let me show you how I do that. I'll quit Photos. I'm going to hold down the Option key and go to Photos, and you'll see that I created a new referenced library. And the way that I did that is by holding down Option and launching, I use the Create New, and I put it in my Pictures folder. I don't want to confuse the referenced images in this library with my main library, my system photo library, so I create a new one instead. Up the road you can decide how you want to manage it. In the beginning, I recommend you go this route. We'll start with the new library here. Now, I cannot insert a memory card into my computer and use the regular Import dialog, the reason being is that Photos for OS X will ignore my preference that I set here, for not storing them, and will go ahead and put the images inside my library anyway, and I don't want that. So we have to go a different route. When the card goes into your computer, if you're bringing them in from a memory card, which you will be a lot of the time, instead of saying Import All New Photos, ignore that. (laughter) Copy them to your external drive. The way that I did that is I just literally opened up the memory card, I took the folder and I dragged it into the external hard drive, and then I re-named it, right here. So all the images are in there, I just had to manually copy them onto the external drive first and not go through the Import dialog here. Just ignore this. I'm actually going to get rid of this card right now so we don't confuse things. We'll eject it. There we go. Now here's the way you bring them in so that they stay referenced, so that Photos honors your command. Instead, we go to File, Import. You navigate to your external drive right here. There are the images that are on my external drive. Then I go ahead and click Review for Import. I want to bring them all in. Right up here we can see the progress, Photos doing its thing. Now you'll notice a new icon here. This is-let me make these a little bit bigger so you can see it- this is the referenced file icon. I turn that on up here at View, Metadata, Show Referenced File: right there. There it is. Now these images are in here, so I can do all the normal things that I'd like to do. For instance, if I wanted to export it to my Mac, on the desktop, I can do that. Choose Export, go to Desktop, Export Originals. There they are. Remember we have JPEG plus RAW pairs here. We talked about that in an earlier movie. And there they are. I can do all that sort of stuff right now. I'll go ahead and just move these to the trash. If I want to see where these files are located, I'll go ahead and pull up a picture there, and then I can ask Photos to Show Referenced File in Finder, and it will take me right here to my cat portraits folder on my external hard drive and show me where that file is located. So now I can do all of my normal Photos things. Of course, this isn't a system library, so you can't do the iCloud stuff, but I can image edit and I can print and that kind of stuff, as long as this hard drive is connected. If I eject this hard drive, you'll start to see these little red lines on my referenced file. That means that the drive is not connected where the master image is. It will tell me that it cannot find it, and it won't let me do a lot of the things that I want to do. For instance, if I try to export it, now I'm going to get a message because it cannot find the original because the hard drive has been disconnected. In the next movie I'm going to show you how to consolidate those images if you decide that you want to bring them in to your Photos library. That way, you don't have to have the drive connected. We'll cover that following this movie, but right now this is the way that you set up a referenced library in this version of Photos for OS X.
"Function of Attention in Cognition" The aim of the research training group is to investigate the role of attention in higher cognitive function, beyond perception. The scientific background is provided by eight groups from three institutions, namely the University of Leipzig and the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. The graduate program is a class of the "Graduate Center for the Life Sciences" of the Research Academy Leipzig. GRK 1182 "Function of attention in cognition"
"Art is: My escape from my day to day life, my awakening daydream, my reminder to myself that I am more than I am." Bob and I did a ten day trek to see my family in Washington (plus all points in between). We saw so many wonderful places I don't have room to share all the pictures, but here are some. Now it's time to get back to work creating again, with my image storehouse full of great memories!
differently. There are some of us that react more to stress while others are able to push it down and are still productive. Either way, ignoring or coping with stress is dangerous and could manifest in ways that you least expect. Stress management starts with identifying the source of your stress, which could be work, family or financial difficulties. These can all be solvable or even managed so that we are able to achieve some semblance of serenity. This book is all about shedding away bad habits and picking on new ones. The narrator asks us to pick a few things that we want to achieve with the book and this is a very important stress management strategy. the seven-day startup plan is a great way to ease into the process of changing your life. The seven-day plan allows you to ease yourself into living a stress-free like. One of the most important points that this book recommends is making a plan with your partner. This is important because if you are living with someone who you spend plenty of time with, chances are they will be crucial to help you achieve your goals or be serious stumbling blocks to your startup plan. Also, starting your seven-day plan on a weekend also helps you to start off easy with minimal distractions. One section of this book that I am grateful for is the chapter that focuses on online health. Social media is now a critical part of most people’s lives and can be a serious source of stress for us today. You should make sure that your use of social media does not cause you undue harm, self-esteem issues or stress. Try your best not to follow toxic people that are either abusive or make you unduly stressed out. If you need to be continuously online and posting updates of your life, you should bear in mind that you will also see things that you wish you didn’t, things that will affect your mood. Do your best to decide how best you want to use social media and stick to it. If it means reducing your activity only, you should do that. Just make sure you shape it in such a way that you can take positive things. These include funny pictures and videos (not those rooted in meanness). Stay away from negative things like distressing videos and blogs that are famous for bad news. Remember that your input into your system and mind is very important to your well-being. Take time to celebrate activities and milestones. One of the most helpful books on confidence ever! the most famous actresses in history for her role in Titanic also suffered from self-confidence issues at some point in her life. It was quite an eye-opener as most of this book was. The funny thing was that the book also opened my eyes to another issue related to confidence which is over-confidence which is apparently as severe a problem as self-confidence deficits. I think this appealed a lot to me because I never really saw myself as someone that had self-esteem problems. This was the most important thing that I learned from this book. One of the things I have learned to do less of is self-criticism. Instead of paying so much attention to negative feedback, now I try my best to be the best that I can and be honest in my assessment of my performance. An advantage of that is that I now find more satisfaction in my work and efforts and I do not wait for people to comment before I feel good about myself. It helped me to start hurting myself less by driving towards unrealistic expectations. By not pressurizing myself too much and expending so much energy focusing on negative people. to be assertive. This is an important skill that we all need to master, especially those who are in managerial and other leadership positions. I can add to the list. I typically kept a personal journal right from when I was a teenager and now the book has shown me how to use that as a way to boost my self-confidence. Being my own cheerleader isn’t always easy when it seems like everyone is critical unnecessarily but thanks to the book, I can ignore them better and just be myself. This book is universal, I recommend it for everyone that wants to improve their lives. I sure found it extremely useful. There have been many books written about procrastination, and they all seem to pass across the same message. This is one that I’ve learnt tips that make a positive difference in the way I manage my time. The author is right to indicate that a lot of procrastination comes from the lack of the willpower to do things that we are otherwise not compelled to do otherwise. Once the willpower is in place, productivity increases and more work gets done. The author also gives the readers twenty tips that I think are even too much to do. If you can commit to at least 10 of them, you will see a definite change in your work ethic. The flow of the book is awesome. The chapters flow well into each other and it makes an easy read from start to finish. The narration is nice, even-toned and an easy listen. If you could sum up Self-Discipline in three words, what would they be? My favorite chapter was the one that talked about ways to set goals and how to make them achievable. It was very practical and easy to follow. What did you learn from Self-Discipline that you would use in your daily life? One key learning that I took from this book is knowing that getting perspective on time is important in goal achievement. By being smart with goal setting, breaking bad habits is easier done. When the goals are realistic, time bound and small, you have a higher chance to succeed which helps increase self confidence and determination to do bigger things. Every year, we all make New Year's resolutions. These plans mostly do not see the beginning of February. This book addresses how we can make better goals and have the self-discipline to see them through. You will learn the reasons why you find it hard to achieve personal goals and breaking bad habits. Excuses and procrastination are two major things you will learn to curb from your life if you want to make better goals. You will also learn to stop playing the blame game and other bad habits that prevent effectiveness in your personal life. When it comes to making good habits that help you complete your set goals, the book offers a lot of tips and help. Effective goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, recordable and time bound. The author goes deep into how to make goals that can be achieved and getting the necessary motivation, self-confidence and discipline to follow through. I highly recommend this book to everyone because it will help you improve as a person no matter which sector you find yourself in. The advice and tips are very easy to follow. The book is also well narrated and will not take too much of your time. What did you love best about Panic Attacks & Anxiety? What was one of the most memorable moments of Panic Attacks & Anxiety? The chapter on identifying triggers of your panic attack was my favorite. It is something that has to be done before one can start working on getting better. The chapter also talked about finding relaxation mechanisms which would help people cope well with panic attacks and anxious moments. The Path to a stressless life. My first panic attack was right after a really important exam. I remember getting really scared about it happening again. My aunt was at home at the time and she helped talk me through it and got me breathing normally again. Not everyone is lucky to have someone experienced close by. If I had to go back to that point in my life and I did not have her near, I think this book would suffice. It is that good. I would recommend this book because it is filled with potentially lifesaving tips and information. The exercises if followed carefully can make a difference in understanding and reducing panic attacks in a sufferer. I know some people that will benefit immensely from the author's work. I liked the way the book offered practical advice to problems. Most of the solutions that the author recommended for the anxiety and panic attacks were very realistic. I have tried some of them and recommended to friends and all were really helpful. I also liked the case studies that the audiobook used to make examples and drive home salient points. It made it really easy to relate with. Personally, I learn easier when there are clear examples so I really enjoyed the book. Lastly, it appeals to everyone, not just shy people. The tips also work with people who are already comfortable socially and can help make them better conversationalists. This I think makes it a book everyone can learn from. There's a lot to glean from no matter what your personality is, shy or outgoing. Her narrations is very engaging. I learnt several ways to improve my self esteem and make better conversations. The part about making relationships and keeping them. Also about managing social media. It seems to be a major part of our lives now. Texts, twitter, Facebook, there is a lot of pressure to keep up appearances. Nowadays, I take time to switch off for prolonged periods and not take everything too serious or let nasty comments get to me. If I don't like what you're posting or I'm getting negative vibes, I know I don't have to cope with it. I just unfollow them or block them. Life is easier that way. Highly recommended to everyone. One of the best books on social anxiety I've read. What did you love best about Let Go of Worry, Embarrassment and Regret? I liked the fact that it was so practical. It offers real life solutions to real life problems. It was a reminder for me to let go of things in the past and just face the new days as they come. One thing I did after reading the book was go sign up for salsa classes. One of my worst memories was falling in High school during a group dancing class, I really want to replace it with happier memories. What about Sorrel Brigman’s performance did you like? Sorrel Brigman's performance was very natural and professional. Great job. Yes it was. I actually finished it in two long stretches that were interrupted by a phone call. Even while taking notes, it was fun to listen to. One thing I learnt from the book is not to be so hard on myself when I make mistakes. Loving myself more takes effort. I didn't grow up being ok with average and I guess now, I have to accept that I can't control everything in my life at work and also accept that I have done my best. Regret is toxic and when it stays in the mind too much, it affects our confidence. This book was a breath of fresh air and I can safely say I will try as many tips as possible from this book and improve my life. You should listen to this. It's going to change your life. If you could sum up Self-Esteem: Fast Proven Treatment for Recovery from Low Self-Esteem in three words, what would they be? What does Heather Tuya bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book? It was very down-to-earth narration. Simple language, very clear and easy to understand. It also deals with life issues that everyone can relate to. There were some signs of self-esteem issues that even confident people like me miss and attribute to something else. I now take note of these signs better after I read the book. Setting realistic goals and not keeping up with the person next door. Trying not to focus on things I have no control over and accepting the results regardless as far as I know I did the best I could. It was a surprisingly good read for people who do not believe they have any self-esteem. Once you read the first few chapters and go through the exercises, you would see that there are a lot of areas of your life you can improve. Trying too hard to please people can be interpreted as being a hard worker whereas it could mask a deep-rooted insufficiency and need to be loved. The book went through the chapter, steadily providing cause and effect as well as solutions. when they fail to close a client, you’d think it was their fault whereas the person might just not be ready for a change of vendor at that time. I think this book would come handy during our team building activities. There are many self-development exercises to pick from that will make a difference in their lives. What does Rachel Austin bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book? This is my first listen of a Rachel Austin narration. I liked the flow, the conversational tone made it easy for me to listen for long periods. The information is presented in a down-to-earth manner. Rachel Austin delivered a professional and engaging effort that kept the conversation fresh. Her audio cues were also on-point. The book has made me more interested in going out. I am also less inclined to ignore phone calls in lieu of messages. I think over time, it had become very easy for me to hide behind text messages and emails especially with family because I didn’t get along too well with my siblings. Now I try my best to talk more and text less. I am still getting the hang of talking to strangers but at least now I’m less likely to brush off an advance from someone new. There might yet be hope for my love life! The author also talked about issues that were very personal to me. Being a person of above average intelligence, I’ve always had problems reading social cues and wondered why conversations seem to do on the downtrend once I get involved. Eventually I began to consciously avoid group discussions except at work where it is unavoidable. One change I made to the way I talk to people was to reduce the way I critiqued their ideas and inadvertently correct people’s grammar and language. I also tried to minimize gesticulations and body language that may indicate irritations. I was so surprised at the results these seemingly little changes brought about to my conversations at work and at home. I’m being giving more time during group sessions and I don’t see the smirks I used to get from my colleagues when I talked or tried to get a message across. This has made me feel more confident and less apprehensive about team sessions. I also noticed it’s easier for me to hold confrontational discussions with my boss without either of us flaring up. I also try to make eye contact more lately than before and at least I now understand that I glared in the past which made people feel like I was judging them, making them defensive. What I liked the most about this book is that I can see that my relationship with others and my conversations have greatly improved. I now look forward to meetings and people smile at me more than before which is a very good feeling that I find that I enjoy a lot. It makes me feel more confident and I owe that to the book. I would gladly recommend this book to everyone. It was a very interesting read for those seeking to improve themselves, great tips for work, family life and even dating and relationships.
Numerous studies show that cognitive decline is common among people over 40 years of age. Whether it’s the inability to recall memories quickly and correctly, a lapse of judgment, or a struggle with critical thinking, this decline is often simply expected by those approaching a senior age. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to accept memory loss and other issues as you grow older. There are, in fact, a wide range of ways to fight against the mental aging process. You can take several different approaches when figuring out how to keep your brain sharp. Some of them are physical changes, some are mental exercises, and all of them are aimed at keeping your mind at the top of its game in the coming years. One of the leading causes of memory loss in aging individuals is the failure of the senses. The ability to interact with the world around you using your hearing and sight is imperative to keep your brain functioning at all levels. Therefore, the loss of one or both of these abilities over time seriously harms your ability to retain and recall information about what you experience throughout your everyday life. Each of these steps – particularly the use of hearing aids – have been shown to make a world of difference when it comes to enhancing and rebuilding failing senses. Considering the link between hearing and cognitive abilities, it stands to reason that these activities and tools also provide an excellent solution to the question of how to keep your brain healthy in later years. If you’ve been wondering how to use more of your brain on a daily basis, you might be surprised to find that the answer is simply to challenge your mind. Presenting your brain with challenges that you wouldn’t ordinarily have to think your way through keeps neurons firing and mental passageways open, making thinking, recalling, and planning easier over time. Jobs that challenge the brain, for instance, keep minds sharp even after an individual retires. This is likely because working in those jobs creates a habit of mental maneuvering that builds brain strength much in the way that a daily workout routine builds the body. Brains are used to retaining and using information on a day to day basis and continue to do so even after the job is done. Accessing memory-building tools is now easier than ever thanks to the internet and smartphones. There are a number of free apps anyone can use that implement modern, conventional approaches to help build critical thinking and memory abilities in people of all ages. Much like your eyes and ears have a physical impact on how well your memory functions, the health of other parts of your body are directly linked to your cognitive abilities. Issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes can impact the flow of blood to the brain, slowing down a number of different functions all at once. Exercising and keeping your physical body in shape is as effective for keeping your mind sharp as doing mental exercises every single day, and is crucial for keeping your brain in top form. Studies have shown that the right dose of daily exercise enhances global cognition, information retention and recall, processing speed, and overall executive function. The good thing about choosing an exercise routine is that you can make it as easy or as complex as you’re comfortable with. Each and every step you take counts, after all. Taking a midday stroll or stretching are excellent, easy ways to get a bit of exercise in when heavy workouts aren’t an option. If you’re looking for something a bit more advanced, heading to a gym, using resistance weights, or even taking a tai chi class are excellent ways to keep your blood pumping and build that brain power alongside muscles. If you’re serious about keeping your brain in tip-top shape as you age, take the initiative to reach out to specialists for further recommendations. Contact Metro Hearing to take control of your hearing and get more information about how hearing loss can impact your cognition in the coming years for a great start at keeping your mind keen and ready for anything.
Hi boys! I love to tease, I love to be spoiled, but I can also be sweet! I am the girl that you look forward to having sessions with as I do love to tease and taunt you and wrap you around my precious little finger. I want to lead you around through my own imagination and make you do what I want you to do. Are you ready for me? Come and play.
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As the iPhone gets older and its naming scheme spirals into marketing nonsense, I thought it might be a good time to give people a better way to describe each generation. iPhone (2007) iPhone No Keyboard. $500?!?
Britain’s jobs recovery has continued to soar as the latest data showed that London vacancies jumped by 52% since the beginning of the year. Research by CV-Library, which analysed the job postings and applications for all roles within 12.5 miles of London, found that the number of jobs posted or renewed in the London area has increased by 52% over the last year, with a 20% boost in the last month alone. London jobseekers have been applying to even more jobs, with a six per cent increase between August and September and a three per cent increase year on year. Circle Managing Director Steve Ricketts was pleased with the increase in vacancies: "There is certainly an increase in the amount of vacancies, in London and across the whole of the UK. However, it is important not to read too much into these statistics. As the economy is better this year, more recruitment agencies will be choosing to use CV Library and posting their adverts to that particular site, when perhaps last year they didn't want to pay for CV Library. This will certainly account for some of the 50%, in my view".
This week I will be heading off to Denver to attend the 2013 American Institute of Architects National Convention. It will be the only break I have between leaving my last job and starting my new on this coming Monday. I have accepted a position as Principal with Michael Malone Architects – a firm I first worked at 21 years ago. In fact, it was my first job coming out of school in 1992 … talk about not burning any bridges. Michael and I go way back, all the way back to the beginning. He was my first employer and I was his first employee – my first day on the job was moving him out of his house and into some temporary offices. I was 24 years old and he was 34 – and what we both lacked in experience we more than made up for with effort and enthusiasm. Even though things have changed significantly for both of us, I am expecting that a lot of that old chemistry is still in place, just measured with a bit more knowledge and patience (and in Michael’s case, Icy-Hot patches). The work we do is very similar to the type of work I’ve been doing for the last 11 years – we have a nice balance of residential, commercial and retail work. And now that I am a Principal, I can take on whatever projects I want. And it only took 21 years to get exactly what I wanted. ps – if you are going to be at the National Convention, send me an email. We are going to get everyone together Wednesday night. Exactly where am I again?
I've heard it's bad to have several short-lived jobs, but what about staying at the same company for a very long time? Does that look bad on my resume, and, if so, how long is too long to stay at any one job? Back in the day, it was considered a sign of loyalty and longevity to stick with one employer for decades and then retire (maybe with a fat pension or a gold watch in return). With today's job environment, that's no longer a viable option for many of us. How long you stay at a company can still say much about you as a potential employee, however: Stay too short a time at several jobs and you'll be deemed a job hopper; too long, and you might be considered unmotivated or set in your ways. I talked to a couple of career experts for advice on this part of your career planning, and this is what they had to say. Most people change jobs for better opportunities: a higher salary, more benefits, and/or a better title with more challenging work. You can often get that in the same company through promotions, but in this era of raise freezes and "you're lucky you even have a job" mentality, advancement doesn't always happen and we might end up stagnant in the same position for years because of the job security. Switching jobs may be the clearest way to get a higher salary and boost your future earning potential. Research suggests you could earn 18 to 20 percent more as an external hire than through moving up in a company via a promotion. The other thing to consider is how old you are. In LearnVest's profiles of workers who have stayed put for many years, the financial advice site notes that salaries tend to hit their plateau when people are in their forties—and finding a new opportunity gets harder past the age of 45. That means if you're approaching forty, the next few years could be the best time to go for a higher paying, higher position job. There’s a point at which staying too long at one job—around eight to 10 years—can raise questions about how a professional will adapt to a new environment. There's no hard and fast "time cap" for when you, as an individual, should jump ship, however. Length of employment at previous jobs is only one part of your career picture. As long as you're advancing your skills, can show you are great at adapting to new situations, and keep building a solid professional network, there isn't a "too long" limit. In fact, staying for ten years or more on a job can also be a positive thing, if you've gained seniority and leadership opportunities and have more say in the company. It might say to potential employers that you're dependable and loyal—two qualities employers love. I don't think there is a timeframe that is too long to stay in a job. The key is staying up to date in your area of expertise and networking with people in the field. I have seen job seekers that were let go after 20 years and where basically on an island in their fields and they had a really hard time finding a job. On the other end I have seen people who had been in their jobs over a decade who had stayed on top of changes and maintained a great professional network and found jobs really quickly. If you're happy at your job there is no reason to leave because you've been there too long, just make sure you are keeping yourself and your skills marketable. The better question is probably how long is too long to work for the same boss. Every time you have a manager change you have a significant culture change you have to adapt to. If someone has been at the same company for more than seven years they should find a way to signal their adaptability on their resume. It might be mentioning their different reporting relationships, participation in a joint venture, leadership of, or participation in, a significant change initiative, etc. You need to show that you know how to enter a new culture and operate successfully in it. Whether you're thinking of looking for a new job or not, it pays to continue your own learning and development and look for ways you can grow in your current work. As far as short job stints, you really don't want to have too many jobs that lasted less than a year, it throws up red flags. However, it all depends on the person you are talking to, some baby boomer managers think anything less than five years is job hopping. But as the Gen Yrs become managers, one to three years at one place isn't generally frowned upon. In the end, when looking for a new job, the advice for job hoppers and long-time employees seems to be the same: Position and explain your career history in a way that sounds good to the company and puts you in the best light. If you have a series of short jobs, string them together to show your focus and accomplishments. If you've been loyal to one place, show how you've evolved and continue to keep growing. As with other job searching situations, it's all about the story you tell about your work. Photos by David Blackwell, Stephen Cobern (Shutterstock), PublicDomainPictures.
Yes! We are happy to accept reservations for reservations of 8 or more guests. In order to efficiently serve our walk-in guests, we are unable to accept reservations Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 4pm and 8pm. Do you have a private event room? Yes, we have a private event room that can accommodate up to 50 guests. We offer a wide selection of packages to fit your needs. Our dedicated coordinator will work with you to customize your private event. If you are interested in reserving our private event room, please fill out a request on our homepage, e-mail us at customer.outreach@bigfredspizza.com or call us at 402-333-4414. Do you support local schools and charities? We have a tradition of being very involved in our community for over 50 years. Each year we are proud to sponsor dozens of charities and school events. If you would like Big Fred's Pizza Garden & Lounge to support your organization, please e-mail us at customer.outreach@bigfredspizza.com. In your e-mail, please include the name of the organization, the organization's tax ID (to confirm non-profit status), the nature of the request and your timeline. We do our best to commit as many resources as we are able to great causes in our community. Do you sell your salad dressing? We sell our dressings in the restaurant both by the bottle and case. If you would like a case of dressing shipped directly to you, please visit our order page. Are you able to ship pizzas? Unfortunately, we do not currently have a means to ship pizzas in a way that guarantees food quality and safety. Therefore, we are currently unable to directly ship our in-store products. We hope to provide this offering in the future. We are often looking for talented individuals to join our staff. If you are interested, please check out our employment portal.
Opening a letter from my penpals always feels like a little version of Christmas. I always get very excited and I want my penpals to feel the same when I reply. This is why I always want to include something special in my letter but sometimes finding ideas can be hard. I know many people feel the same so I decided to share a list of some of my favorite things to include in a penpal letter. Do you have a penpal and if you do, what do you love to include in your letters? Setting up a new journal can be very intimidating because you want the first page to look good. At least I do. I hope this video gives you a little bit of inspiration for your next first page. My 2019 Bujo Flip Through is finally here. I have been wanting to film this video for three weeks but the move had me completely occupied and I still don’t have Wifi in my room. Anyways, I hope you like this video. With christmas around the corner 2018 is slowly coming to an end. For me it is totally crazy to look back to where I was in January and where I am now. 2018 has been a very eventful year. I have been going through my journals from this year a lot lately and I came across a list I made at the end of 2017 with things I wanted to accomplis this year and I am proud to say that I accomplished everything on this list except for one little thing. It is also crazy to look back at all the journals I filled this year. My forest app tells me I have spent more than 230 hours journaling this year. That is a lot of time. Today I want to show you all the different journals I have been working in this year. How many journals have you filled? In 2018 I filled 5 and a half journals so far if you count all my inserts as seperate journals. I had a little “wow-Moment” when I was holding up all these journals. I can’t believe I wrote this much this year. This is the journal I started with in 2018 but most of the pages are in here are from 2017. I was already at the end of this Journal in January. It is a Leuchtturm 1917. The Leuchtturm paper is my favorite paper to write on but since I stick a lot of stuff in my journal the journal gets very chunky pretty fast which makes it very hard to write in it. I wish Leuchtturm would make journal inserts as well. In 2018 I fell in love with traveler’s notebooks but they were super expensive. I thought about it a long time and ended up making one myself. I am actually very proud of it. I started with two inserts. A Morning page insert and the insert with the boat on the cover. As part of my miracle morning I wrote a page in my morning page journal for about 100 days but then I gave up. It became more of a duty than something I enjoy. My second insert is the black one and the one with the flowers is my current one. There are so many things I love about inserts but I think the major argument is that they don’t get too chunky to write in them and I get to decorate ever cover. If you would like so see how I create the covers please take a look at my YouTube channel. For a closer look inside you can also take a look at my Instagram. I share most of my pages on there. In 2018 my art journal style changed a lot. I started with the dark blue one. I made it myself from an old notebook I had by replacing the paper inside and I still love it. I also fell in love with the smaller size. In this journal I drew a lot myself using my watercolors most of the time. The second art journal I worked in this year is completely hand made by me. I even made the cover myself. In this journal I mostly worked on collages. I don’t know why but I don’t journal that much in my art journal anymore and I don’t draw much as well. Most of the time it is the lack of ideas. This journal is a Leuchtturm 1917 as well but this one is dotted. I started using in in August 2017 and it worked out perfectly because I have just enough space to fill in this December until I have to move into a new one. I have been carrying this journal around with me for one and a half years and it is still in perfect condition. I love it to pieces and I am so excited to choose a new color. I just can’t decide though. Without my bullet journal my life would be more than chaotic and I believe without it I wouldn’t have made it through school with grades as good as I did. My penpal journal is a traveler’s notebook as well. It actually was my first attempt at making one myself and I used an old shirt from my dad and a fabric bag I had. I use this journal to put in all the letters I get from my penpals and just moved into my second insert. If you want to take a look inside my first insert make sure to check out my flip through here. This junk journal was inspired by @megjournals. I have been wanting to start an junk journal after watching her series so I made this journal. In it I collect magical words. I have been collecting magical words for a while now on Pinterest but I love turning this little collection into something physical. As a kid I used to collect magical words as well but I always lost the snippets of paper I wrote them on. The cover got wet though and now is wrinkled which annoys me every time I look at it. The last journal I started this year is this Inktober journal. I started a little Inktober Projekt but didn’t go through with it. Now I am planning to keep using this journal to write my poems in. These are all my journals from 2018. I am still amazed by how much journals I actually filled. I don’t know what I would do without journaling. My life would probably be a lot more boring.
Grails User (Old Archive) - grails 2 book just received! grails 2 book just received! Re: grails 2 book just received! Well done. I won't even have any of those myself until Wednesday. There is a box full of them en route to my house now. > Well done. I won't even have any of those myself until Wednesday. There is a box full of them en route to my house now. I think it was more intended by Amazon to be a surprise, so you would find yourself with a copy of it in time to do a last-minute review for next month’s issue of GroovyMag. >> Well done. I won't even have any of those myself until Wednesday. There is a box full of them en route to my house now.
The Progress-Focused Approach: Question: can hard work be good for you? On her SolutionsAcademy blog, solutionist Kirsten Dierolf wrote the post Let them eat cake about the ethos of not-working, the ethics of whatever you want to do it shouldn't feel like work. In it, she writes about her observation that hard work - once an admirable quality- is 'out' and a life of doing what you want is 'in'. She objects to the presumption that it is only natural that people do not want to work and that work is in some way bad for you. She also objects to advice in books like The Four our work week and in a newsletter she read to develop location-free and time-free income, income that does not require your presence and much of your time investment. Kirsten says: "If you just think of the consequences if everyone suddenly turns an independent fortune seeker, the advice no longer seems to lead to an attractive picture of the world." Over long stretches of time, slowly but surely, for most people around the world the quality of their work has improved, at least to some degree. Centuries ago hard work, in the sense of unskilled physical work in very poor working environments, was the norm. Gradually, through the industrial revolution manual labor has been replaced by more skilled and higher quality working conditions. This process has been given another boost by the advent of information revolution which is still upon us. In this sense, the slow demise of hard work seems to be good thing and we can only hope the process will continue. But there is another meaning of the term hard work. It can also refer to really making an effort, giving it your best, putting in much time. Hard work in this sense should not have a bad name. Insoo Kim Berg, pioneer of the solution-focused approach was known for her hard work. Yvonne Dolan wrote: "Once, shortly after her seventieth birthday, when I marveled at the fact that she was in better shape than many people half her age, she explained, 'I have to stay in shape so I can keep up with my schedule. And what a schedule it was! It seemed that every time we spoke or exchanged an e-mail over the years, Insoo was either just putting the finishing touches on a journal article or working on yet another book, including two on which we have collaborated. To my knowledge, she never missed a deadline." She had a schedule that would have wearied most mortals, but Insoo's energy and enthusiasm seem never to wane. I used to teas her that rather than having simply joie de vivre, she had joie de travail (joy of work), and she would laugh and say, "That's right, I do!" Another example of such a remarkable person is Paul McCartney. At age 67, he denied claims that he is set to retire after completing his next world tour: "All I can say is that I'm not retiring. [..] I did talk about retirement in one sentence in one story and only to say "No way, Jose. But someone must have only read part of that one sentence."McCartney added that he currently wants to continue playing live for as long as possible. He said: "As long as people want to come and hear me, I'll probably be doing this. It's just so easy to start rumours." Guitarist in his band Brian Ray wrote on his website: "Paul is as happy as he can be and singing his heart out, doing 2 hr 45 min shows and then hanging together, toasting and laughing as if he had merely had a walk in the park." (Read more on this). Like Insoo Kim Berg, McCartney also claims he loves his work (read my post Sheer love of what I do). You may wonder what the examples of such exceptional people might say about the rest of us. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , the Hungarian born writer of the bestseller Flow has written about the meaning of work. He says that although many people view work primarily negatively, it can actually contribute importantly to your well being, more so that gaining more and more possessions. And because work is so important, it is vital that managers and employees create conditions in which good work can happen. He defines good work as work in which you enjoy doing your best while at the same time contributing to something beyond yourself. He thinks this can be achieved through two processes: 1) doing tasks that demand the full involvement of the person so that there is a good fit between the challenge of the task and the skills of the person, and 2) following a trajectory that results in the development of increasing emotional, cognitive and social complexity. In this article you can find some suggestions for how these principles can be applied. Back to the question Kirsten asked. Is the bad rep of hard work justified? Is the 'doing what you want as long as it is not work' ethic wise? It seems the answers have to be no and no. Thinking that a life without work would be great seems to be a false illusion. As the examples I mentioned show, there are even indications that working really, really hard can lead to a quite fulfilling and happy life. I think work can be fulfilling for many and that there are often many things you can do to improve your work to make it more fulfilling. I also think that working hard will often be wiser than trying to work as little as possible. But there remain some questions. Is all of this true? Isn't it too idealistic? How broadly applicable is it? Is this line of working-hard-and-loving-it mainly applicable to people who are self-employed (or could everyone become self-employed?) or for the happy few? Of for those in creative jobs? Or is it also relevant if you are working in an organization, in a relatively standardized job, in which you have to work according to a tight schedule, for instance? Hi Coert -- do you think interviewing a few people who love their work (self-employed or employed) and work a lot might give us some insight? I was also thinking about why it is that I love doing what I do and don't mind the work and what puts me off (I've also worked in situations where I did NOT like to work). I decide what to do, get feedback (by the marketplace) and am responsible for the results without having to justify my decisions. My time and efforts are valued (in my case by myself but also by the people I work with): situations that were very frustrating to me were those where I was hired, there was nothing to do and people paid me for staring holes into the ceiling. I like around 63% of the activities that I do -- I don't mind 21% and the rest is ok 'cause it's necessary to be able to do the 63%. I'm proud of what I do. Nobody necesarily has to praise me, but I look at a website or an article or some coaching minutes and think: a yes. that's nice. I can play, try out new things, risk things. I tell my partners: "Ok, this is a wacky idea, but why not?" and they might roll their eyes but that's also the fun part. When my work is done, it's done and I don't have to continue pretending that I work. There is a constant flow of new and exciting things and I have great people around the world I can talk to and bounce ideas off. My work means something to me. Hi Kirsten, I think interviewing people who love their work is a wonderful idea. I like what you write about what you love about your work. Like you, I like the autonomy I have in my work. Without anyone pushing me to do anything, I feel I am pretty productive most of the time. I'm discovering plenty of things every week and I feel I'm building something up. I would love to hear more people about what they love about their work too.
“I can’t go on. I will go on.” Those eight words are a quotation from the Irish playwright, Samuel Beckett, a writer who is known for his terse and paradoxical statements. How can you go on, if you can’t go on? The two statements contradict one another. Yet it is in the middle of that contradiction that Beckett invites us to find meaning. Many of us here have been in a situation where we felt we could not go on. In grieving the loss of a loved one in death, in coping with a progressive disease, we can come to the point where our energy is depleted and we feel we need to stop. Consumed by depression because of some failure, rejection, or even the advancing of age may lead us to think we must sit down and quit. We can’t go on. Yet we do go on. Another day begins and we are in it. Responsibilities arise and we meet them. We go on even though we can’t go on. We end up living in the middle of this contradiction, and living there is not easy. This is why our reading today from 1 Kings is helpful, for it shows us how we can soften the transition from where we can’t go to where we do go. The prophet Elijah has come to the end of his rope. His enemies have driven him into the desert. He believes that his life is over. He says, “It is enough.” I can’t go on. But then the prophet does two things that we are called to imitate, if we find ourselves in a similar situation: He prays and he eats. In his prayer to God, Elijah tells God exactly how he feels. He tells God that he is finished. He even asks God to end his life. God does not end his life. But the expression of hopelessness is the beginning of Elijah’s healing. In the same way when we feel we cannot go on, we need to have the freedom to tell God exactly how we feel. We need to speak our pain from our hearts without filter. The honest expression of our pain can begin to lessen the despair and allow hope to grow. But Elijah does not only pray, he also eats. Two times he eats the food that the angel of God brings to him. When we feel that we cannot go on, we too must eat the food that God offers, and God offers food to us in at least two ways. The first way that God offers us food is by the people in our lives who love us. The family and friends who know our pain and who help us carry it are God’s food for us. When we receive their love, it is nourishment for our soul. The second food that God offers us is the ability to give. God has entrusted every one of us with talents and abilities. It might be the talent of sewing, listening, teaching, or making other people laugh. When we give to others from the gifts we have received, that giving nourishes us. It is food that allows us to continue our journey. I can’t go on. I will go on. I will tell God exactly how desperate and crushed I am, and I will surround myself with the people who love me and use my gifts for the good of others. By this prayer and this food I will go on, by God’s grace.
Our next afternoon at Capuchin is coming up 1/29/14. We are looking forward to visiting with some members of the community again! MST spent another afternoon at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen giving back to the community. We met some wonderful people again and look forward to going back soon!
The Old Slave Mart Museum, located at 6 Chalmers Street, recounts the story of Charleston's role in this inter-state slave trade by focusing on the history of this particular building and site and the slave sales that occurred here. The 1808 ban on the United States' participation in the international slave trade led to a renewed demand for slave labor, which was satisfied, in part, by the creation of a domestic slave-trading system in which Charleston functioned as a major slave collecting and reselling center. The Old Slave Mart Museum, located at 6 Chalmers Street, recounts the story of Charleston's role in this inter-state slave trade by focusing on the history of this particular building and site and the slave sales that occurred here. If you don't like to read, or aren't that interested in history, don't come here. I hate to see people give bad reviews just because they aren't truly interested in a subject. I had this on my must see list for my vacation. Going in I thought I knew about slavery. I was wrong. My husband took a course in college and he knew what we were about to experience. What we learn in school is just glazed over bits. If you want to know what's it's really like this the spot to go. It is a lot of reading, but that's really the only way to understand what happened. The downstairs exhibit showcases slavery, and what it was like to be sold. Upstairs was supposed to highlight African slave culture and what it was like after slavery. There really was no corilation between the downstairs and upstairs exhibits. It lost me, it felt like they were trying to utilize the space and didn't have enough info. My wife and I are museum junkies. We see a museum and if it’s remotely related to something we’re interested in, we have to visit. And there we were, stumbling our way through Charleston and we happened upon the Old Slave Mart Museum. It’s located in this amazing old building that was, aptly, the old slave mart. Inside, the museum documents the plight of slaves in the South and has a few pretty interesting artifacts from the time. However, the price of entry was a little steep for a pretty short musuem that only took about half an hour to an hour to experience. This is a small museum that is unfortunately over looked . They have an incredible collection, though small they are very picky about what they have. There are several interactive exhibits. showcasing what life was like for slaves. My children really did not understand the true horrors of slave life until we went through it. It is only a few blocks from the market. It will only take an hour or so to go through it but it is well worth the time. Mostly pictures and reading, and the reason you don't see photos of the interior is that they're not allowed, but still worth a visit. This was one of many locations in Charleston where slaves were marketed in the years following the outlawing of the international trade. A stop here will drive home what a vile practice this was. Love love this place! This is a must when rolling through Charleston!! Be the first to add a review to the Old Slave Mart Museum.
I worked with a woman who struggled to create a close relationship with her partner. She grew up with a single mom and little contact with her father. She felt neglected and alone as a child. She vowed that as an adult, she would have the family she longed for. She knew what she wanted, she could envision the relationship she desired with her husband, and yet, she could not seem to create it. She felt disconnected and lonely. Our work together took her through her early experiences and the mistaken beliefs she internalized as a child about herself and others. She learnt in her family of origin that relying on others is risky. She became versed in hiding her feelings to keep from being a burden. These beliefs and skills insured her emotional survival as a child. As an adult they kept her from connecting to her husband. When she began to understand these mistaken beliefs and where they came from, her life began to change. Rather than simply reacting, she began to question her thoughts, feelings and behaviors. She became intentional. When we understand our mistaken beliefs, we take back our power. We begin to understand that we can choose to question the script that runs through our minds and in doing so change the way we interact with ourselves and others. There are many ways to get to know yourself better. If time is an issue, try setting aside just a few minutes each day to work on one of the following suggestions. Start with the one that resonates most with you. Write your life story as a fairy tale with yourself as the hero/heroine. Create a collage. Gather old magazines and a large piece of paper, cut out whatever appeals to you and attach to your paper. Journal about what you picked and why. Write a letter to your younger self. Meditate. Leo Babauta of Zen Habits offers a great guide to getting started here. Consider the types of stories (art, books, blogs, shows, music) you are drawn to. What about them appeals to you? Therapy can be an important part of the process if you are feeling stuck or unsure of how to create what you want in your life. You can learn more about finding the right therapist for you here. *Sometimes exploring who you are brings up painful memories of trauma or abuse. If this happens to you, it can be overwhelming. You may require help to get through it. Look to a therapist, spiritual adviser or other trusted professional for help. Let today be the beginning of your journey. I would love to hear from you. Music can be an especially powerful link to the unconscious. What kind of music do you really connect with? What feelings come up when you listen?
I’m Liz. I create with hellbent determination, a feverish curiosity, and empathy for others. And I love making people laugh along the way. I grew up outside of New Orleans and, at 17, I moved into the city for college. Despite having spent most of my youth drawing my feelings and writing across 20 journals, I didn't think I was "good enough" for a career in the arts. So, I studied my second love: Spanish. Fours years and a semester in Argentina later, I graduated with a B.A. in Spanish and a minor in Latin American Studies, but my soul was still aching to make stuff. I spent the next three years studying design, working what felt like a thousand part-time jobs, soul-searching, and teaching English as a Second Language to some of the best humans in the world. At the tail end of 2016, I moved to Texas in pursuit of my dream to be a graphic designer and illustrator. I've been designing, illustrating, teaching (when I can) and loving life in the Big D since.
I hear the coyotes too and hopeRuby can save us! I admire your strength on this very cold winter day. I found you somewhat unintentionally and want you to know you are not alone. I also don’t like what is going on. I feel so fortunate to live in California where I have so many friends who agree and who openly express their dismay.
Raising kids is full of ups and downs and there are definitely things I wish I could have done differently along the way. If I could, for example, I would have changed the way I handled video games at an earlier age. But even though I have some regrets about that, it’s nothing I couldn’t change now if I wanted to. There is one thing, though, I didn’t handle well and now that it is done, I cannot undo the consequences. My middle son, most likely had undiagnosed sleep apnea for 4 years. I noticed the first symptoms at 1 year of age and his tonsils and adenoids were removed at 5. In between, he was chronically unrested which led to behavior issues and academic delays that I believe still haunt us to this day. Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do about his journey. But, with my youngest just being ordered a sleep apnea test, I thought I would tell our story so others may avoid all the difficulties we had. I would like a copy of your article about sleep apnea affecting ADHD so I can discuss it with my son’s dr.
Number 43, Friern Barnet Road, a listed building: once a pub called theTurrets, latterly a night club, now looking rather a sorry sight….close by New Southgate railway station in north London. Wow at Kings Cross Station ~ I haven’t been there for so many years. The last time I was there, I was going down a giant escalator with Donna, aged about 3, when she let go of my hand and sat down on one of the top stairs, because she was scared of the height we were. She started screaming at the top of her voice and crying and I started panicking, as I had my hands full of bags too! In what seemed like slow motion, a man leap frogged over to us from the adjoining staircase and picked her up and carried her the rest of the way down with me ~ phew!! ~ so scary!! As for King’s Cross, to be sure, it is a very different station now, to even what it was when I was living further west along the Euston/Marylebone Road, near Baker Street, in the early 1990s. As for your experience there with poor Donna, I can imagine what a drama that must’ve been for you both at the time, and thank goodness for that knight in shining armour on the adjacent staircase, eh? ;). Actually, from my FB days, I still have an image of Donna in my head, and I’d guess she’s in that family photo you had done that I saw on H’s blog a few weeks ago :). And the bloke playing on the pink piano was a good sport; someone asked him if they could video him on their camcorder, and he was happy to oblige :).
Today Year 3/4 went to the Lakes Aquarium in Newby Bridge. The whole trip has been researched and planned by them. From choosing the Aquarium, writing a letter to their parents to explain the details of the trip, working out the price for the trip and the journey time. A great experience and lots of learning throughout. Well done Year 3/4!
Its about a blind girl Ashley and her dog lucky was taking a walk on the beach when out of the darkness she heard a voice calling out for help. Surprised by the voice she got frightened until the stranger assures her who he was and he was hurt and stranded. This man Steve Lowe was a detective who was on a case and had witnessed a murder. The journey between these two people was a dangerous from the moment they met. As they travel to the dangerous part, they found each other and fell in love.
Unforgiveness ties us to a person forever. Forgiveness releases. I spoke to so many people afterwards and learned that a lot of them went through this sexual abuse themselves. Sadly, more often than not, it was internal (family) that did the abusing. Some still have to be in the same room with the ones who did this to them. I cannot fathom. Their quest to forgive seems immeasurable. I've read a lot about forgiveness recently. When we refuse to forgive someone, we still want something from them, even if it's revenge that we want, it keeps us tied to the person forever. Unforgiveness destroys a good life. Forgiveness creates it. To forgive means we will never get from that person what was owed us. What's done is done and can't be undone. But the result of forgiveness is freedom from that reality and the chance to have a future unaffected by resentment and grudges from the past. It takes the power away from others (the ones that hurt you), and we get our lives back. Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred and the waste of energy. When we read through God's Word, we read of so many examples of incredible forgiveness starting with the most amazing one of all: Jesus. In the most horrific setting, nailed to a cross, beaten and bloodied, mocked and ridiculed, spit at and whipped, Jesus says, "Father forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." Luke 23:34. This sets the bar high. He's the example we should follow in our own lives. We left that Sunday with a call to action. We left writing initials of someone that we know we should, at the very least, start a process of forgiving. I hope and pray that all of you who took part in this are making progress. For those who were not there, who is it that you need to start forgiving today?
The nursery and reception classes are spacious, stimulating areas each with a secure outside learning area. In addition, we have the access to the extensive school grounds and are able to use the school hall for P.E. sessions and assemblies. During the summer term, children in the nursery have the opportunity to have group lessons in the school swimming pool. The reception children also have swimming lessons as part of their curriculum time.
It is a heart wrenching thing to leave the hospital without your baby. After a 9 day stay in the hospital, it was time to go home. But my baby was staying behind. At just 2.5lbs and attached to a multitude of wires and cables, he would remain in the NICU for a long time to come. I remember leaving the hospital feeling bitterness and failure. I wondered why my body had betrayed me and put us in this situation. Of course I could not share these feelings with anyone, I was supposed to be happy! I was a mom! God forbid they might think I had postpartum depression or suspect that I wasn’t actually as strong as I was pretending to be. As I walked out of the maternity ward, I passed by other new moms in their wheel chairs holding their healthy babies in hand and balloons at their side. I couldn’t help but feel what I describe as “happy ending envy.” I wanted nothing more than to be like them. It felt like a knife in my heart that day and quite frankly every day that I visited my son in the NICU and had to leave him behind. I was grieving for the experience that I thought I was going to have, the one I had always dreamed of. On the day that my son was born I was very sick. My blood pressure was ridiculously high and they were pumping me with medication to prevent me from having seizures or a stroke. Not to mention the spinal tap that I had to get before the C-section. When he was born, they immediately took him to check vitals before brining him to me briefly. He was then whisked away to the NICU. I remember giving him a kiss on his head, but it’s all very blurry. My husband went to the NICU with the baby and to update our family, but I was left alone, alone and feeling terrible. Since they were not able to get my blood pressure under control I remained in post-op for hours and hours on end! There are no visitors allowed there so I remained all alone, except for occasional checkups from my husband who was busy in the NICU. Doctors came in and out to check that I was getting feeling back in my legs, of course this took longer than usual, causing even more panic and worry. When I was finally taken to a room, the anesthesia started wearing off and I started to feel pain. I never knew that a C-section was this difficult, I always kind of saw it as an “easier way out.” I was not even able to get up to go to the bathroom by myself. My husband came back and forth between my room and the NICU, but I felt extremely alone in my despair. I had not even gotten a chance to hold my baby yet. I was a mom, but I didn’t feel like one. I thought that something must be wrong with me. Wasn’t I supposed to feel this immediate amazing connection with my baby? It was almost as though he was just someone made up in a far away place. I finally fell asleep, but when I awoke the next day things weren’t any better. I could barely move or talk, my speech was slurred and my vision was blurry. I felt that I must have had a stroke. I kept telling the nurse that something was wrong, but I couldn't quite verbalize what that was. When the doctor finally came he ordered blood tests and discovered that the level of medication in my blood was way too high. He immediately discontinued the medication that was causing me to feel so dreadful and said that I would be able to visit my baby in the NICU later that day. But first they had to remove all of the iv's etc and I had to be strong enough. Later on my mom and sisters came to visit. While I was happy to see them, it was difficult. They didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t know how to tell them how I felt. I didn’t want to let them know how terribly sick and awful I was feeling, so sick that I couldn’t even think clearly. I couldn’t convey in words how traumatized I was. How could I sit and chat with people when I hadn’t even had a chance to see my baby. I thought that if I tried to explain I would break apart into a million pieces and I didn’t want them to see me so vulnerable and so weak. I didn't want them to worry, especially my mom. So shockingly I asked them to leave, most definitely hurting feelings, but I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t last another minute without breaking down. I cried after they left, until my husband came and finally I was going to the NICU. My husband wheeled me up and when we got there we had to scrub our hands from fingers to forearms for two minutes and put on fresh gowns. It was then that my germophobia was born as everything and I mean everything was considered contaminated. Then the moment came. There he was this tiny little thing wriggling around. His eyes were covered with a mask and he was in what they call an isolette. It was an amazing but scary moment. He was hooked up to so many things, it was evident that the road ahead of us was long. The truth is I was so exhausted, emotionally drained and ill at the time, I couldn’t really enjoy our first visit. I still felt disconnected. In some way I felt that he wasn’t yet truly mine. He belonged to this place and I was on the outside looking in. I slowly began getting back to health of mind and body. It took a while and I am definitely still healing emotionally. I never got to sit in a wheelchair with my baby and balloons at the door, but that’s okay! I realize now that life is messy. Things don’t always go according to the typical societal plan and that’s alright. Everyone’s experience is different. Thinking about it now i’m sure almost every mom finds some part of their birthing experience traumatic, the degrees just vary. We had so many happy moments that are “unique;” changing his diaper for the first time and caressing his little pea sized head through the holes of the isolette. Finally, five days after he was born, I got to hold him….best.moment.ever! When we finally got our “happy ending” 3 months later, I didn’t need to be carried out in a wheel chair with balloons. He was all I needed. We walked out nervously with our little miracle in his car seat. He looked so happy, I think he knew he was going home too!