I would recommend this course as it really helped to dispel myths and preconceived ideas. SRtRC staff in Wales are delighted to be delivering Equality training to staff at Newport City Council as part of their staff development training programme. We successfully tendered to deliver their on-going Equalities training programme for the next 12 months, with one course per month. The half-day training sessions are focused on the Equality Act 2010 and how to apply it as an employee and when dealing with members of the public who access services. So far, we have delivered 4 sessions as part of the organisations proactive commitment to creating a positive working environment and improving their customers’ experience. One of the key elements of the training was breaking down the stereotypes that persist around people with certain protected characteristics and how these can lead to prejudice. Each of the delegates received a comprehensive training pack at the end of the course for future reference. There have been some fantastic discussions and debates as part of the course in a safe, non-judgemental environment. The feedback from the delegates at the end of the course has been outstanding with 100% of delegates rating the content and usefulness as Excellent or Very Good. We are looking forward to delivering the remaining courses in the partnership and will continue to improve the course. For more information about our equality training or any other training we provide email –ian@theredcardwales.org or call 029 2035 1616.
The use of this antibody in the following application has been tested. Optimal concentrations should be determined by the end user. The product may be used in other not-yet-tested applications. Competitive ELISA No difference between Biotin-conjugated and unconjugated SAH molecules in their capabilities to competitively bind anti-SAH antibody.
A Special Event is a transitory public gathering that takes place at a given location for a specific purpose. It has a defined start and stop date, with the given event not exceeding 14 consecutive days. An Event Coordinator (EC) is a designated person or the person assigned by the event sponsor who is responsible for the coordination of the food vendors and health related services at the Special Event. The special event is being conducted on property not owned or operated by the Event Coordinator, with outside vendors providing food or beverage. If the special event occurs on private property, a permission letter from the property owner shall be obtained and submitted to the health district as part of the application process. A tasting event where an entrance fee entitles the consumer to food or beverage service in conjunction with the event and where there may be no point of sale directly at the booths. Examples include wine tastings, chili cook-offs and tastings associated with trade shows.
Integrated Recycling, a PPG company, was recently featured in two Mildura Weekly articles in their June 22, 2018 and June 29, 2018 editions. Integrated Recycling has been awarded a state government grant of $130,000. This grant will be used to upgrade their Mildura plant and be "used to improve the company's production line capacity and efficiency, also allow it to upgrade its raw material storage area, and improve the process to prepare recycled plastics for new products". “The funding comes as part of the State Government’s investment in waste reduction and improving infrastructure. Integrated Recycling Pty Ltd General Manager, Stephen Webster, said his company was delighted to receive the funding which was going to enhance their operations in the Mildura recycled plastics manufacturing centre. Integrated Recycling produce a composite, recycled plastic product, which is used as a substitute for timber and other material, in a variety of applications” such as outdoor furniture, boardwalks,decking and bollards.
Without climate change mitigation policies, half of the world could face extreme water scarcity before the end of the century, a study has found. However, researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) also warned that poorly planned policies could exacerbate the crisis. The study, which was carried out with the help of the Joint Global Change Research Institute, is comprehensive and used unique modelling technology. The model linked economic, energy, land-use and climate systems to demonstrate impacts on water scarcity. The findings show that without any climate policy to curb carbon greenhouse gas emissions, half of the world could be living with extreme water scarcity by 2095. The scientists also found that some climate policies could make water scarcity worse, such as increasing the use of biofuels, which require a lot of water to grow. Mohamad Hejazi, lead author and climate scientist at PNNL, said, “All high-resolution global integrated assessment models lack any representation of water systems. The researchers explained that factoring in water scarcity is vital when considering climate change policies, because many technology strategies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions rely on plentiful water. As a result, availability could impose severe limits on both emissions mitigation and climate adaption. Previous studies have also warned of the risks around climate change and water resources. One study predicted that a changing climate could put 40% more people across the world at risk of water scarcity because of changes in rainfall and evaporation.
Orange County is located in the central piedmont region and home of Montpelier and the estate of James Madison the Father of the Constitution. Orange has gentle rolling hills, which increase in altitude and slope as they move westward towards the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Orange has a population of over 33,000.
Plot: Summer 2018. As the tension between Greece and Turkey escalates, a big earthquake brings a small island to the surface of the Aegean sea. Both Greeks and Turks rush in to conquer the island, but since none of the countries wish to disrupt the summer, both sides are left alone on the island.
Which of the following is an influence on a person's political beliefs and ideology. All of the other answers. A person's political beliefs, being multifaceted and complicated, are shaped by a variety of factors, including religious background, education, employment history, and income level. In fact, almost anything, from homeownership to family size, has a direct influence on a person's voting behavior and political involvement. Which of these election issues is most likely to demonstrate a gender gap in voting? The issue of gun ownership and gun rights is most likely to create a massive gender gap in the pattern of voting. Women are generally against gun ownership, whereas men are generally in favor of it; of course, this is a broad generalization. Perhaps surprisingly, there is a small, but not massive, gender gap on issues such as women’s rights and gay rights. Followers of which of these religions are most likely to have liberal attitudes in contemporary America? Followers of Judaism are by far the most likely religious group in contemporary America to have liberal opinions on issues and to vote for liberal candidates. The religious right, predominantly Southern Protestants, are the most likely group to vote conservatively on issues. Which of these statements about the gender gap is true? Men are less likely to support foreign intervention by the United States military. Women are more likely to support gun ownership rights. Women are more likely to support increased social spending. Women are more likely to vote for reducing government involvement in higher education. Men are more likely to support prohibition of drugs or alcohol. "Gender gap," refers to the consistent differences between the voting patterns of men and women. For example, women are much more likely to vote for increased restrictions on gun ownership. Women are also, particularly in contemporary times, less likely to vote conservative than men. The only statement above that is true is that women are more likely to support an increase in government spending on social welfare. African-American voters have recently been more likely to support __________. African-American votes have shown a strong tendency in recent years to support Democratic Party candidates who lean heavily to the left. Unlike white Democratic Party voters, who are more likely to support a moderate candidate. Women are currently more likely than men to support all of the following issues EXCEPT __________. Women are more likely to support all of these issues. There is a growing gender gap in American politics. To oversimplify, women are more likely to vote Democratic and support liberal positions on economic and social issues, while men are more likely to vote Republican and support conservative positions on economic and social issues. The greatest gender gap can be evidenced in the large majority of women who favor major restrictions on gun ownerships, versus far fewer men. Which of these statements about the voting gender gap is most true? In recent elections women have been much more likely than men to vote for the Democratic Party. Men vote roughly equally for Republicans and Democrats, whereas women’s voting patterns change dramatically every election cycle. Men are more likely to vote for gun ownership rights, whereas women are more likely to vote for decreased role of government. Men are more likely to support affirmative action to encourage racial and social equality. In recent elections women have been much less likely than men to vote for the Democratic Party. Since the 1980 election, there has been a very clear voting pattern in American general elections, where women are much more likely than men to vote for a candidate from the Democratic Party. The two largest gender discrepancies in American history have occurred during the successful elections of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Men are more likely to vote for gun ownership rights, but men are also more likely to vote for a decreased role of government. Women are more likely to support affirmative action to encourage racial and social equality. The term, Solid South, historically refers to __________. The term, Solid South, was historically used, from the end of the Civil War until the middle of the 1960s, to refer to the fact that the South almost always voted for the Democratic Party. This was born, in part, out of the South’s response to the Republican party’s northern associations during the Civil War and its aftermath. These days, the "Solid South" could just as easily be applied to the fact that the South very consistently votes Republican. Fiscal conservatives favor which of the following? Modern fiscal conservatives favor reducing spending, reducing taxation and regulation, lowering national debt, and lowering and balancing budgets. John Locke wrote in the Second Treatise on Government (1689) that “Whoever has the…supreme power…is bound to govern by established standing laws," reinforcing the idea that? This question is designed to test reading skills as well as subject knowledge. John Locke wrote extensively about the legitimacy of government as well as ways in which it should operate. All information needed is contained within the question. Locke is clearly stating his views regarding a rulers place within the law.
Bulk Candy for a delicious candy bar! Huer Fangs are yummy gummy candy that is perfect for a themed candy buffet or for a Halloween party. Eat some soon. Always happy with the quality of the products and the speed at which the orders arrive!
WWF Australia is asking you to make your voice heard and help them tell the Australian government that their Strategic Assessment for Perth must be used to protect the endangered species that call this area home. With it’s huge range of animals and plants that can only be found in this South West corner of Western Australia, it is imperative that this area of bushland is preserved. The wetland system in south Perth is one of the most important area for waterbirds in the whole of Australia, giving home to some of the countries most unique animals and plants. Between 2001 to 2009, bushland in Perth has been cleared at a rate of over ten cricket fields a week and it needs to stop before it becomes too late.
Brief Synopsis – An intimate view of how one of the most influential men in the world advises the President of the US. My Take on it – Having always been fascinated by the Presidency and its history, I knew I had to see this as soon as I heard about it. This documentary interviews all 20 living presidential chiefs of staff and gives us an insider’s perspective on many of the pivotal presidential decisions and events over the past 50 years. This movie clocks in at close to 3 hours and despite it telling us so much about the events depicted, it is still clear that they dont even scratch the surface of the position of the president’s right hand man. For any fan of US history and the Presidency, there are so many interesting facts of the behind the scenes action in some of the most pivotal events facing the Presidency since the 1960’s. Bottom Line – Amazing movie that chronicles some of the most powerful events in US history over the last 50 years. Despite its length, it doesn’t even come close to being as comprehensive as it could be. Has some great behind the scenes information about the Presidency and its decisions over the years. Highly recommended!
Plastipak, an international producer of plastic bottles, has extended its lease of industrial and administrative space in hall 12. Plastipak has been active on the Czech market for 9 years and has been successfully operating from Business Park Rudná for the same amount of time. We recently informed about the closure of two other lease agreements with VAFO PRAHA and Transped-SOC. The agreement with Plastipak is the third successful transaction in Business Park Rudná over the last few weeks. This confirms that Rudná continues to be a popular production and logistic location. The first warehouses of Business Park Rudná were completed in 1997. Over the past 16 years, the park has grown to 20 halls offering a total of 150,000 m2 of modern industrial premises. Its main tenants include logistics, production and retail companies. Business Park Rudná is owned by Heitman global property fund and is managed by Jones Lang LaSalle.
The apartment with sea views in the superb holiday complex Vigo Panorama Beach, Nessebar. The beachfront property is located near the park and adjoins the pearl of the Bulgaria, which is the museum town of Old Nesebar (protected by UNESCO). A free sandy beach, playground, shops, restaurants, currency exchange services, 3 pools on site — all at your service.
Energy positive means that the solar panels on the roof of the vehicle can actually produce more energy than the vehicle consumes while driving. To achieve positive energy output, Solar Team Eindhoven designed the Stella Lux to be extremely aerodynamic and used lightweight materials such as carbon fiber and aluminium. The vehicle is also equipped with a battery pack. When the solar panels are producing more electricity than the vehicle needs, the energy is stored in the battery pack to increase the range of the vehicle. Later this month, the team will put the Stella to the test through the World Solar Challenge. Solar Team Eindhoven will compete in the Cruiser Class and travel 3000 km (1864 miles) from Darwin to Adelaide through the desert of Australia. Teams participating in the “Cruiser Class” can only charge their battery packs once along the trip, meaning that they must travel 1500 km (930 miles) only on solar energy and a full battery pack. The team will need to reach seven checkpoints along the way and they are only allowed to travel between 8am and 5pm. Solar Team Eindhoven won the competition in 2013 and now they are defending their tittle with the new and improved Stella Lux. You can follow their progress on Twitter via @SolarEHV.
Colour and style play such an important part in our everyday lives. Standing out and shining with your own style and personality has never been more important than it is today. There is a demand these days for professional women and men to find out what their best or “true” colour palette is for personal and branding purposes. Colour analysis is not just about the clothes and make up you wear. It is a smart move to consult a personal stylist for a colour analysis before selecting website, business card and business logo and stationery colours. For many small businesses today the owner’s personality does shine through as part of their business. A personal stylist can assist with this. It is an investment in your business as well as yourself. B Styled for Life is based in Brisbane and Moana Robinson is a qualified Beauty Therapist and Personal Stylist. Every aspect of Image and Personal Styling is considered from Colour Analysis, body shape analysis, style personality assessment and all areas of personal and business branding. Consultations can be carried out in the Hillcrest Studio, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast or the Gold Coast. The best way to find out which personal styling service is right for you is to contact Moana for an obligation free discovery chat. If you are ready to find out more please select a time that suits you here and Moana will contact you with details and confirmation.
The yellow belly turtle is one of the many turtle species out there. Generally this type of turtle is found in the Eastern United States, but, is also found in the UK. They have different names according to the region including Slider and Yellow Bellied Terrapin. Its scientific name or Latin name is Trachemys scripta elegans. Female yellow bellied turtles are normally larger than the males thus making it a bit easier when identifying the gender of these animals. The adult males are generally in a range between about 5 to 8 inches long while the adult females are around 8 to 13 inches long. This particular species can live for 100 years and up, especially when properly cared for. Their average lifespan is currently around 25 years or so. Yellow bellied turtles, eating habits vary depending on the age and their environment. These turtles are omnivorous. In the case of young turtles, they tend to feed more on meat as the protein is important for early development. As they age and grow to become adults vegetation tends to become their preference. Some of the varieties of things they feed on are amphibian larvae, snails, insect larvae, fish fry and small crustaceans along with the land and water plants. In addition to these things, crickets, meal worms, wax worms, blood worms, and daphnia are also a nice addition to their pallet. Keeping a Yellow Belly Turtle as a pet requires a bit of focus on their diet. Providing them with commercial food is generally enough, but a variety surely would be appreciated. Serving some meat and fish in small portions and on occasion is good for them as there are a lot of nutrients in them. Veggies and commercial food will be fine to fill the remaining gap. Adult males are normally more carnivorous and adult females are more herbivorous. It is an aquatic freshwater turtle species and hence normally prefers to live in warmer waters found in the UK. Even though they are good at swimming, they want to spend most of their time by basking in the sun on logs and rocks for relaxation. These turtles are normally social, but can still bite. If bitten, there is no danger as the turtles don’t have any poison but you may have a sore finger. Small groups of turtles can be kept together. But, it is necessary to consider the size of tank and filtration systems. As they grow, they will produce more waste and require more space to exercise as well as have their own place for basking. If you are planning to have multiple turtles, a custom setup would be the best choice. It is important to keep this in mind, imaging if you had kept the same shirt or pair of shoes from when you were 12 years old. Some final thoughts on the habitat are: size of the tank, diet, lighting, water filtration and climate. Adding decor such as live pond plants can be very good not just from an asthetics point of view but also from a filtration standpoing as well as maybe a snack too. You can see a few different types in our turtle habitat section. The young turtles can be easily consumed by herons, big fish and large turtles. This is due to the imbalanced shell, which doesn’t close all the way. But, in the case of adults it provides little protection from the mammalian predators including domestic dogs, raccoon’s and foxes.
Concept: Wind cool your car faster. Detail: One of the prime effects of wind is to lower the temperature of an object...including that of your car's engine...to the air temperature at a much faster rate, therefore, if the temperature of the air is zero degrees on a calm night, your car will cool down relatively slow. However, with a 40 mph wind howling, the car's engine will cool to zero degrees at a rate appropriate to a temperature of -30�F (in calm air). Thus, while it cannot cool below 0�F, it can get there much faster. The bottom line? Either be sure to get your car in a garage, have a dip tick heater, or plan to make several extra trips outside to start your car up and warm the engine during the night. In winter...what joy...running outside into a cold car at 3:00 A.M. just to war it up! And windy nights are the worst!
W. Lewis Barlow and Architects, Inc. Help us spread the word about Christmas in Salem. Share info with your group or club. All of the following downloaded, emailed or printed out. Advertising and sponsorship information for the 2016 Christmas in Salem season will be posted in late spring 2016.
Little news again this week BUT, it’s all good because the one and only Jason’s back. We catch up with Jason, talk about the way figures are captured in the game and added to your account, with the most recent update. We also get Jason’s thoughts on 4.0, Disney Infinity Next, and the continued support of 3.0 through 2016.
I love rain. I live for rainy days, constantly checking the 10-day forecast for even the slightest of chances. It has been pouring down rain in Lubbock since yesterday. Most of the streets are flooded because a drainage system in Lubbock doesn't exist. Even though the driving has been frustrating, it's been a lot of fun! We never get this much rain!! how frustrating! Maybe ya'll can bust out some umbrellas and galoshes and get some cute pictures of you hanging out in the rain? hope it all works out! Too bad the rain comes on the exact weekend for planned outdoor activities. I think all will work out even so. Have tons of fun.
One of the drawbacks of living in London (and most other major metropolises) is that the ambient light from the buildings, street lamps, etc, make it impossible to see the stars in the sky at night. So when designer Oscar Lhermitte applied to the London chapter of the Awesome Foundation, of which I am a proud trustee, with the proposal “to recreate the missing stars in London”, we knew we had something Awesome to consider. Oscar’s The Big Dipper project is an ongoing project which uses a combination of balloons, LEDs, and various control mechanisms to recreate stars and constellations in the night time sky over London. He presented his project at the Awesome Foundation London award ceremony earlier this month along with four other strong contenders, and at the end of the evening, walked away with the Awesome Fellowship to advance his work. If you were unable to make it to the awards, you can see his presentation here on slideshare, and view his video overview of the project below on vimeo here. Congratulations to Oscar for an inspiring and Awesome idea.
The Scottish Clan Territories and DNA map was reconstructed based on the location of nearly 1,000 castles that are associated with nearly 400 Clans and families. The territories are colour-coded based on the ethnicity of each Clan or family. The map also details the location of the predominant DNA genetic markers found within Scotland.
316 stainless steel push to connect fittings - male banjo is constructed in all stainless steel. Tightened on the top of the fitting by use of a flat wrench or a socket wrench. Accommodates metric tubing O.D ranging from 4mm to 16mm, inch tubing O.D ranging from 1/8" to 1/2".
Talking about women like this is considered normal. Talking about another man’s wife like this is considered a compliment – to the man. Talking about a woman as though she is an object there to please a man is normal conversation. This is Malta – and I can’t even say we’re stuck in the 19th century, because back then if you had said in public or anywhere else that another man’s wife is worth a f**k, you would find yourself at the wrong end of a gun. And if you said it about a senior figure’s wife, you would probably find yourself behind bars. As for the rest, we’re stuck firmly in the 19th century.
The iPhone arguably is the most loved consumer product in the world. It’s iconic design, powerful capabilities and hassle free ownership experience puts the iPhone in a different stratosphere. Nothing against Android phones, but as a product and an ecosystem, the iPhone universe is unique and extremely satisfying, just like the work we do. We love iPhones and just can’t live without them. Being one of the most coveted website design companies of India, we can instantly connect to the master craftsmanship that is required to build an iPhone. You May Also Like This How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Web Design and Web Development?
282 pp., ISBN: 978-1-933251-44-8, Softcover. $24.95. Climb every mountain... or fifty state highpoints. Douglas Butler set out on a quest - a long-held dream - to hike, trek or climb to the highest geographical point of each state. His, however, was not a rushed excursion from state summit to state summit instead a journey of discovery along “blue highways” and secondary roads, exploring our nation and meeting its people. He carried a journal and camera along with an innate curiosity and love of adventure. A Walk Atop America - Fifty State Summits and a Dream to Reach Them All details that journey. In this book, author Douglas Butler vividly describes the challenges he faced trying to reach each state’s highest point, difficulties that ranged from blizzards and forest fires to obtaining permission from private landowners and forest service managers. He also recounts the people he met, the sites visited and the events that made this a life-changing adventure. Twenty-four black-and-white photographs and eight pages of color images taken by the author, an award-winning photographer, complement the text. Write Your Personalization in the Order Notes. The fifty state summits vary greatly in popularity, accessibility and difficulty. Four million people stand atop Tennessee’s Clingmans Dome each year - many without realizing that this Great Smoky Mountains attraction is a state highpoint - while hundreds of thousands of tourists reach Mt. Washington’s windy summit annually. Florida’s state highpoint is a sandy knoll, Delaware’s a street intersection. Yet state summits such as Mt. McKinley, also known as Denali (20,320 feet), Mt. Rainier (14,410 feet) and Mt. Hood (11,239 feet) challenge even the most experienced mountaineers. Thousands of “highpointers,” as these hikers and climbers call themselves, are members of the The Highpointers Club. However, reaching all fifty state summits is not easy. Since 1966 when John Hoeman became the first “completer,” fewer than 170 individuals have stood atop each of the fifty states. Douglas Butler is an adventure travel writer and award-winning photographer whose hiking, trekking and climbing journeys have taken him to five continents. A love of people, sensitivity to native cultures and joy in exploring remote and pristine areas are shared through his prose and photography, work that has appeared in numerous regional and national publications. He has also published Ashe County - Discovering the Lost Province, a book about the North Carolina mountain region he calls home. An emergency and family medicine physician, Dr. Butler continues to work with underserved populations on American Indian reservations. Thursday September 7, 2017; 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Monday September 18, 2017; 6:00 p.m. Wednesday February 28, 2018; 11:00 a.m. Thursday June 28, 2018; 5:30 p.m. Saturday August 4, 2018; 2:00 p.m. Saturday September 22, 2018; 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
After a successful first year in North America, Toyota Material Handling North America has announced the second year of its Toyota Material Handling North America University Research Program. The purpose of the program is to encourage full-time professors and researchers in North American universities to develop innovations in the field of material handling including virtual or augmented reality, energy infrastructure, Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, ADAS systems and machine learning. The Toyota Material Handling North America University Research Program is a sponsored research project created to drive the next generation of technology for the material handling trade. · Contribute to the field of material handling. · Be significant, innovative and have a positive impact on the future of material handling. · Must be well planned and feasible within the time period specified and budget requested. · Principal investigators must be qualified in the proposed field of research. Selected proposals will receive financial support of up to $500,000 per year and it is expected that multiple awards will be made. Faculty that receives financial support through the University Research Program may be invited to renew the contract for up to three years based on the outcome of the research. Stacker. The stacker includes adjustable base legs to accommodate various pallet sizes and aisle widths.
In my old Honda Civic the high beams would come on every time it rained. Whether I was in the car or not. If it rained overnight, I would come out of the house to a dead battery. I never could figure out what caused it, so eventually I put a quick-release clamp on one of the terminals and started disconnecting the battery every night.
For the last few weeks, the children have been learning about how our bodies digest their food. Using the correct scientific language, they explained how our digestive system works using a model of the digestive system. They had a fantastic yet messy time acting out how the digestive system works and were especially pleased when they created enough waste to need to go to the toilet!
If you are looking to sell your property and wish to find out how much it is worth simply contact us here for a free home valuation. By coming out to your property we can provide the most accurate valuation. We'll inspect your home and take into account its unique features, the area and market conditions.
Shake your sillies, play games, and indulge in funny movies with your kids. A team of French scientists has discovered that using humor appears to help toddlers learn new tasks, reports a new study in the journal Cognition and Emotion. Building on the knowledge that making older children laugh can enhance many aspects of cognition, Rana Esseily and her colleagues designed an experiment to see whether using humor could also have an effect on the ability of infants to learn. Each of the 18-month-olds selected to participate in the final part of the study observed an adult using a tool to grab an out-of-reach toy. In one group the adult simply played with the toy after retrieving it; but in the other group, the adult threw the toy immediately on the floor, which made half the children in that group laugh. When Esseily and her colleagues studied their data, they found that the children who laughed at the antics of the adults were able to repeat the action themselves more successfully than those who didn’t laugh, as well as those who were included in the ‘humorless’ control group. Parents such as myself, about to embark on the un-funny business of toilet training might want to keep laughing – no matter what!!
Choose the day of your visit! Regular Season 10:00 a.m. - 6/7:00 p.m. Regular Season 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Come before Aprile 19th and come back for free in May! Notti Magiche 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. HalLEOween 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Natale Incantato 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Book your table and buy your dinner with fun! Adults can enjoy dinner at the table-service restaurant and see their kids play and make friends in the large indoor playground! Seats are limited! Babies aged 0-24 months, can enjoy the experience with an adult for free, excluding menu. For further information or dietary requirements, please call us on +39 02 99 99 11 62*. *Saturday from 10.30a.m. to 10:30p.m. You can you can only choose one season pass option for the entire family. Season tickets are non-transferrable, so each family member must have his own personal pass. Tickets will not be refunded or changed. Tickets are not transferable. N.B. Please remember to measure your children’s heights with their shoes. Opening hours and entertainment programmes may vary. Open date tickets are valid for two days: use your ticket on an open day of your choice and you can come back for free on one of green days, within 60 days after your first visit to Leolandia! Check out our calendar and learn when you can return for free. This ticket will not be refunded or changed. N.B. Please remember to measure your children’s heights with their shoes. If you buy open date tickets online, full price ticket (120cm and over) costs € 38.50 and reduced price ticket (children from 90 to 119 cm) € 33.50. Open date ticket at the ticket office is available for full price at € 39.50 and reduced price ticket at €34.50. N.B. Remember to measure your baby with your shoes. If you buy open date tickets for 2018 online, full price tickets (120cm and above) are available at €38.50 and reduced price tickets (children from 90 to 119 cm) at €33.50. Open date tickets at the ticket office are available for full price at € 39.50 and reduced price ticket at €34.50. Ticket is valid for the entire day and you can make a round-trip with it. You secure your seat by booking your ticket online. Please note seating is not guaranteed if you decide to buy the ticket on the spot or at the bus stop. Before booking your ticket, please read our travel rules here. Please note that you must bring a child car seat appropriate to their weight. You will find the instructions needed for your travel (departure time and point) on the ticket you will get in your confirmation email.
This paper proposes a new algorithm that is able to smoothly and realistically transit the scene from one viewpoint to another in the panorama based navigation system. The proposed algorithm is divided into two steps: one is the prewarping that aligns the viewing direction in two panorama images, and the other is the bidirectional disparity morphing(BDM) that generates the intermediate scene with the prewarped panorama images. In the prewarping, we first analyze the phase relation of two images using the fast Fourier transform (FFT), and then compute the scale, the rotational movement, and the translation between two images. These information make two images to be aligned. In the BDM, we estimate the block based disparity vector (DV) and use two occluding patterns in order to correct the DV for the occluded block. We make an experiment on the proposed algorithm with the panorama images and as a result, the user can move naturally from one panorama image to another.
Frank Spiteri on the days final climb. Photo by Loren Henry. “A stage for the sprinters” is how Columbia Hills Road Race, Stage 1 of the 2011 Mt. Hood Cycling Classic was advertised to us. As soon as we hit the first climb of the day, it was obvious that this was not going to be the case. With me sitting at 12th overall after the prologue, and Jesse Miller-Smith our obvious choice for GC leader, the two of us went into the stage as the protected riders. The team did a great job cover attacks, helping each other bridge across any missed splits, and some even sacrificing themselves as water carriers. A few miles before the final big climb of the stage, some riders countered a move by Lunner and I jumped on. I did what I could to drive the pace of the break to establish a sizeable gap before hitting the base of the climb. We hit the bottom of the climb with a 1:20 gap on the chasing field. Nearing the top of the 7-mile climb, Nate English, who had attacked out of the peloton, caught and passed our group like we were sitting still. At this point, I knew Jesse would be coming from behind shortly. Once I was able to see Jesse from behind, realizing he wouldn’t be able to make it onto the back of our group before the top of the climb, I dropped off the back of the lead group and waited for Jesse’s group to catch me. As soon as he made contact, I drilled it as hard as I could on the descent to bring Jesse up to the leaders. Finally by the bottom of the grade, we were on the front group which was now about 30 riders. Our split was able to stay away to the finish line, where I was able to sprint for 5th place on the day. For me it was more exciting to cross the line knowing that our tactics had worked, and we had placed two riders in the front split, including our team GC leader Jesse.
Many people who have been infected with HIV display no signs and symptoms of the infection. The only way to confirm an HIV infection is by doing an HIV test. HIV testing can be done in Sexual health clinics (Genito Urinary Medicine Clinics), contraception and young people’s clinics, or antenatal clinics for pregnant women. An HIV test requires the collection of a blood sample from the individual under test. Though the HIV test can be done using a saliva or urine sample, a standard blood test is a must for confirmation of the infection. HIV test results must be confirmed with a follow up test to avoid the chances of false positives as well as false negatives. Once an individual gets exposed to an HIV infection, he may take a few weeks to a few months to develop antibodies. This period is called the window period. During this period, an HIV test shows negative results for antibodies even when the patient has an HIV infection. It is important to remember that patient can transmit the virus to others at this stage. ELISA is a test that detects the presence of antibodies, which are developed by the immune system to fight against HIV, in the blood (serum). ELISA is a highly sensitive test i.e. it detects the antibodies even if they are very few in number. But there are chances that the test might a give false positive result. This makes it necessary that a positive ELISA test be confirmed by another HIV test like the Western Blot or Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay. During the window period of the infection, the test gives negative results. For this reason, in case of a negative result the first time, the ELISA test should be repeated after 1- 3 months before ruling out the infection. Western blot is an HIV test similar to ELISA. It detects antibodies in the serum sample. It is used to double check the results of a positive ELISA test. In this HIV test, HIV proteins are separated and immobilized. If the patient’s serum has anti-HIV antibodies, they bind to the immobilized antigen. This indicates a positive test result that can be visualized in an electrified slab of gel. PCR detects the genetic material of HIV. A PCR test gives a positive result sooner than an antibody test, usually within two to three weeks of infection. It is expensive but more specific or definitive. Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), branched DNA (bDNA), and Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification assay (NASBA) are some of the PCR tests that measure HIV viral load in the blood. The basic principle here is to detect HIV using DNA sequences that bind specifically to those in the virus. This test is also used to monitor treatment. The viral load test should be done two to four weeks after starting treatment, then every four to eight weeks. If the treatment is effective, the viral load should decrease to undetectable levels in the blood. This test is highly reliable during the early stages of exposure to HIV, around the time the antibody tests appear negative. This test is used for diagnosis as well as monitoring treatment. An antigen of HIV named P 24 is detected by ELISA Techniques, using monoclonal antibodies (synthesized antibodies) that bind specifically to P 24. The antigen detection test is not generally used for diagnosis as it is not very sensitive and is effective only before the patient starts developing anti-p24 antibodies. Rapid tests detect antibodies in the blood or saliva much faster than other tests, often within 20 minutes or so. They work on the same principle as other antibody tests. It is important to remember that the results of rapid tests have to be confirmed with a different follow up test. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a home test called the Home Access Express Test (the Home Access HIV-1 Test System). This test requires you to prick your finger with a special needle, put a few drops of blood on a collection card, and mail the card to a laboratory. In about a week, you can get the results of the test by calling a toll-free number specified by the USFDA. This test is used to measure the count of CD4 cells in the blood. HIV destroys CD4 cells during the course of the infection. When the cell count falls below 200, HIV progresses to AIDS. CD4 count ranges from 500 to 1000 cells per cubic millimetre of blood, in a normal healthy individual. If the CD4 cell count is below this range, it could indicate an HIV infection. This blood test is used to determine whether the HIV strain is resistant to the anti-HIV medications that are prescribed. It also helps the physician decide which medication may be more effective for treatment. When HIV has progressed to AIDS, the doctor might recommend certain tests to check for other infections or complications, including tuberculosis, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, toxoplasmosis, urinary tract infections, and liver or kidney damage. The home HIV test has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. In addition to the tests listed above, here are some of the other tests that are used to monitor the health of the patient. Complete Blood Count Test – It is performed to measure the count of white and red blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets and to check for anemia and other blood-related conditions. Blood Chemistry Tests – They are used to measure the levels of sodium, potassium, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and albumin in the blood. Urine Tests – These are done to check for abnormal kidney function and for infections. Diagnosing an HIV infection at its early stages is very important to start medication. This can delay the progression of HIV to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). For this reason, an HIV test must be done at the earliest when an HIV infection is suspected. This entry was posted in AIDS and tagged hiv test results, home hiv test by Dhanya V C. Bookmark the permalink.
The course covers topics from the recent developments in high-frequency econometrics. We will review the econometrics of non-parametric estimation of the variation of asset prices. This very active literature has been stimulated by the recent advent of complete records of transaction prices, quote data and order books. The interaction of the new data sources with new econometrics methodology is leading to a paradigm shift in one of the most important areas in econometrics: Volatility measurement, modeling and forecasting using high-frequency data. Careful data cleaning is one of the most important aspects of volatility estimation from high-frequency data. The most challenging problem in this context is dealing with various forms of market frictions, which obscure the latent price from the econometrician. We will characterize types of statistical models of friction and discuss how econometricians have been attempting to overcome them. The main data focus will be on the TAQ data base.
What You Need to Know When it Comes to Motorcycle Helmets The main purpose motorcycle helmets is to protect the head from injuries or trauma that it can obtain in case an accident happens. In earlier times, a lot of people do not like to use helmets due to the fact that they were not really that good looking and stylish. Nonetheless, the advancements made with technology, as well as the latest sleek designs caused more people to wear helmets these days. Moreover, motorcycles are also not complete if not coupled with helmets. There are different shapes and styles when it pertains to motorcycle helmets and they are full lace, bell, scorpion and flip-up. A flip-up type helmet was made so that riders can properly communicate with others without the need to raise his or her entire helmet. By pushing a certain button, the thin plastic shield that it contains will raise and the face will be shown as a result. There are a lot of riders who consider this particular kind of helmet as very useful, especially when they are greeting each other as a sort of tradition that they follow. Another type of helmet is the full-lace which is commonly made of aluminum even though there are other materials that are also used to construct it. Since the design of this type of helmet comes with modern bells and whistles, it also more expensive than the others. The design of this particular helmet is an oval shape which can make the face fir perfectly. You can even wear this kind of helmet for a long period of time without being annoyed or feeling uncomfortable because it has a brow and face ventilation. Moreover, the face shield it has can also protect the rider from UV rays and can help in having a better vision for driving. It cannot be denied that most riders are having fogging problems that occurs when they breath while they are driving. Thus, if you want to prevent fogging in your helmet, you must use the full-face type because it contains removable breath guards.
Churns are structures in the game which allow you to make Butter and Cheese. To make a churn, combine a piece of wood with a bucket. Place a bucket of milk inside the churn to make Butter and Cheese. You must double click the churn 30 times to make butter, and 50 times to make cheese.
Compared with seamless pipes, high frequency welded pipes are characterized by high continuity, high efficiency and low cost. At the same time, the production of raw material strip is developing rapidly, and the proportion of welded pipes in the whole pipe is increasing. The production of high frequency welded pipe mill line has the characteristics of no pollution and low noise, and does not produce waste water and waste gas. Circulating water cooling is used in production, which is energy-saving, environmental protection and labor-saving. Only 5-8 people are needed for one shift. In application, with the improvement of weld quality and non-destructive testing reliability of welded pipe, the use of welded pipe is more and more widely. It replaces seamless pipe in more fields and uses. High frequency welding can not only improve the welding speed, but also obtain small heat affected zone and good burn-through weld. In terms of quality, the high frequency welded pipe mill line has the advantages of good weld quality, small internal and external burrs, high welding speed and low power consumption, which can be widely used and promoted. High-frequency welded pipe unit can normally produce round pipes, while also square and rectangular pipes are produced. Because square and rectangular pipes have large section modulus, can withstand greater bending force, can save a lot of metal, save processing time and reduce the weight of components, etc., so they are widely used in industry and agriculture area. For the maintenance of high frequency welded pipe mill line, we should learn three points as below. First of all, in the process of use, we must strictly operate according to the operating procedures in the instruction manual, not to overload and operate the machine. And we have to check the machinery before complaining about production or mechanical operation. Whether the parts can work normally, whether there is any fault, only when the various parts and indicators of the machine are normal, the machine can be started up and put into production, otherwise it will cause mechanical loss. Secondly, after checking all parts of the high pipe mill line, we should start running again. In the process of production, we should ensure the stability of the temperature and production condition of the mill line equipment. If the equipment fails, we must stop production and check which part of the mill line is out of order to avoid causing greater losses. The main faults include the unstable operation of mill line, the grinding of equipment, and whether there are abnormal noises in the operation process. If there are any problems, they should be checked in time. Thirdly, after the mill line has been used for a period of time, we should pay attention to the regular lubrication and cleaning of the mill line to ensure its cleanliness. Only in this way can the machine run normally and be more portable in its production. For the aging parts of the mill line, we must replace them in time to ensure that the whole line can run normally at any time.
While it is one of the most important milestones in your life, planning your marriage is sure to be one the most taxing events ever. It is true that there are wedding planners who can organize the entire event from beginning to end but there are still things that need your opinion; from the interior decoration to the outfit that needs to be designed for the bridesmaid. There is also the problem of a high living cost that makes people try to cut down the overall cost of weddings which means most couples tend to avoid hiring wedding planners and instead organize the whole event by themselves. On paper it does seem like an overwhelming event and it actually with the potential for multiple things to go wrong but by planning ahead and developing a basic idea of how the process is supposed to go, you can take steps and measures to ensure the event finishes flawlessly. The first course of action should be to finalize the guest list. Most people would call you out reasoning that it is premature but many decisions regarding the wedding depend on the guest list. For an instance the amount of guests you are planning to invite will help you decide on suitable wedding location and also help you finalize the quantity of the meals. Pay attention to the location of the venue. Think about the distance for the majority of the people and plan the venue accordingly. On the same leaf, you should keep in mind that not everyone you invite is bound to come to the wedding. You can make a rough estimate by thinking carefully about each person and the likelihood of him or her making it to the wedding. Many miss out on weddings due to work commitments, sickness or that the distance might be too long. While it is understandable that you might want to do everything by yourself to keep down costs, a wedding stylist is absolutely necessary to ensure you are looking your best at your memorable moment. An amateur stylist or your best friend will not be able to replicate the professional look that you desire especially in an event of such a magnitude. Music is an absolute necessity at any wedding. One of the easiest ways to up the prevailing atmosphere present in the party, it does not matter if you have a band playing on stage or you are just playing music from your smartphone. It is important though that you play music that goes along with the mood and the type of guests you are inviting.
This fungi culture (rank: Ascomycetes) is a source of penicillin (high yield). It is cultured on potato dextrose agar at 25° C on a plate. Each culture contains enough material for a class of 30 students. Cultures are guaranteed as to genera and purity. Fungi cultures are labeled by name and media on which they are cultivated. Fungi should be incubated at room temperature (26° C). Special packaging and transportation costs are extra.
Women in STEM Brewing has become a vast, technical, automated process and in doing so offers huge opportunities for STEM students to create a unique career. We hear from two women working at one of the world's largest drinks producers, Diageo. "I work in the fermentation brewing plant as a process brewer, looking after the maturation and the clarification of the beer. It is a large-scale process, the opposite of craft beer, and fully automated, so I am also responsible for the cleaning and hygiene of the plant, and I control the intake of chemicals used to clean the plant. People tend to think my job is just sitting stirring a pot of Guinness! "After my education, I joined as an intern, went on to work in the science lab and am now a brewer, as there are so many opportunities for career progression. People tend to think my job is on a smaller scale than it is: they think I’m sitting stirring a pot of Guinness! But everything is automated. "In my daily life, no two days are the same; each is unique. We start with a handover from the previous team, which is the most important part, as it sets you up for the day. We talk to the different departments, such as engineering, so it’s a social role too. "Organising decisions is a priority, as is problem solving. For example, at 4am, a piece of plant equipment may stop working. We use root cause analysis and root cause problem solving to boost our efficiency and I am currently doing a Master of Tasting course. "The coolest thing about the job is that the brewery is iconic, and we distribute to 150 countries so, no matter where I go in the world, people know the brand. The scale is such that we brew over three million pints of Guinness a day." "I am an apprentice instrumentation electrician, traditionally a male-dominated role, which involves commissioning, testing and maintaining various systems. I shadow a qualified electrician to know what to expect in my future career. People immediately think of the stereotype: changing light sockets. "When people hear I’m an electrician, they think of the stereotype: changing light sockets in a domestic setting. It is a biased view, completely different from what I actually do, which is to control the whole process of brewing from brew to ferment to keg. All the plants I work in are completely different and my job involves recording temperature, pressure and so on. When we are walking around the plants, part of the job is to check that there are no breakdowns and the process can be continued. "It’s an exciting role. I start the day with a morning meeting and we have a long list to go through, assigning jobs for the day. Then I go to the relevant plant to work on the system, checking temperature, calibrations and pressure flow. When I am calibrating temperature, there are two of us: one on the plant floor and a second upstairs on a computer to bring up the details of the machine we are working on. We calibrate at varying temperatures and record the measurements. If a machine breaks down we get it up and running again, although it’s a temporary fix. "The apprenticeship also involves going to college. The best part of the job is that that the company is a huge part of Irish history and I’m part of that."
Ethan studies how climate change is affecting extreme weather and what impacts these changes will have on human societies and natural ecosystems. His tools are climate models, which enable investigation of the behavior of the climate system both in the past and the future. He strives to understand the physical mechanisms driving changes in the climate and to present climate information and its uncertainty clearly to facilitate adaptation planning. He has a PhD from Columbia University, where he studied extreme heat and its impacts on human health and infrastructure.
This event is the cornerstone of the annual Nanticoke Riverfest. It is a tradition for some so you are encouraged to come out and make it yours too. The launch site is at First State OMS on Riverside Drive adjacent to southbound Route 13 across from Seaford Ice Plant. Shuttle service will be available from Water Street to the launch site. There is no return-shuttle service for cars left at the launch site. Floaters are encouraged to park downtown and take advantage of the pre-float shuttle service. All floaters under the age of 16 must wear a life jacket. The Seaford Volunteer Fire Department and Blades Volunteer Fire Company will have divers and boats in the water for safety. A limited number of tubes and lifejackets will be on sale the day of the float-in. The cost of the float-in is $1. The take-out point will be the canoe launch near Water Street. Come join the fun and you can bring your most creative floatation device for this event. Bring exact change. The cost to float is $1. No credit/debit cards or personal checks will be accepted. Please bring cash only. Register early and bring your own floating device. A limited number of tubes will be available for sale on a first-come, first-serve basis. Children under the age of 16 must have a life jacket. ID’s will be checked. If a child’s age is in question and does not have ID, they will not be able to participate without a life jacket. A limited number of life jackets will be available for sale for $10 - (CASH ONLY) on a first-come, first-serve basis but participants are encouraged to bring their own. Wear a pair of shoes (water shoes are best) that you don’t mind getting wet and muddy. Let the current carry you – take your time and actually enjoy the float. Drink lots of water before you start if it’s a hot day. Should you leave your car at the launch site, you must have your own transportation back to the launch site after the float.
Amazon Price: $0.69 (as of April 21, 2019 1:20 pm - Details). Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on the Amazon site at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
Qitec sensors and sensor solutions are designed to your product and business. We start by looking at your need, objectives and the practical requirements at deployment. Our sensors combine reliability and high accuracy throughout the operating temperature and pressure range and throughout the product life cycle. They consume very little power and have the smallest smallest form factor. Depending on customer requirements, the sensors embed communications, security and processing power. The packaging is chosen to optimize product performance. As a result, the sensors offer unique advantages and are easiest to design in and deploy. We deliver products that maximise the benefits of most advanced pressure sensors.
Marinate chicken in Wickers for 2 hours. Remove chicken from marinade and inject it with more Wickers. Rub outside of chicken with a mixture of honey, salt and pepper. Place the chicken on the poultry stand and place inside the cooker. Then, fire up your Orion Cooker. Cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes, or until done. Use a meat thermometer placed in the middle of the breast to ensure the chicken is thoroughly cooked. Great if cooked with apple chips, which add a splendid flavor and crispiness to the skin!
8 foot Artificial Outdoor Cycas Palm Tree: Ribbed Synthetic Trunk & 24 Fronds is a ruggedly designed commercial grade outdoor palm tree. The fronds on this tree can be removed and stored for the winter months. This tree comes with a 5 year limited warranty for defects and fading.
We are sorry, but product MW15007 is currently unavailable. A skillet is a pan with slanted sides. Its slanted sides make the pan perfect for stir-frying and quick cooking techniques where you are moving ingredients around alot in the pan. It is also good for dishes like frittatas that are served straight from the pan. Our personalized skillet ornament is made of glass, and has a copper-like shiny finish on it. We can write the name of your favorite chef on the pan for you! This is a great gift for a student who is studying to become a chef, or for someone who just loves to spend much of their time in the kitchen cooking meals.
Steaming is a great way to cook a whole fish and capture the unique tastes a given species has to offer. Pro tip – the juice from your steamed fish is perfect for pouring over rice. Rinse fish with cold water and pat dry. Salt and pepper the inside and outside of the fish and add half the sliced ginger to the stomach. Prepare your steamer. Fill a large pot with an inch of water, and place a heatproof plate in the middle. Place fish on the plate. If you need to trim the tail off the fish to make it fit, that’s fine. Place the rest of the ginger on top of the fish. Bring water to a boil over high heat, then lower to medium heat (a steady simmer). Cover pot with a tight lid and steam for 8 minutes or until the fish flakes away from the bones easily with a fork. Carefully remove fish from steamer and place on a large plate or platter. Top with scallions. Heat neutral oil until it shimmers, then pour gently over the scallions and fish. Pour soy sauce over that. Serve with rice or by itself.
It got up to 65F today, which is actually warmer than it got in Vista, California, and a record for this date. However, a cold front is moving into the area, so the temperature is expected to keep falling all night and all day tomorrow, finally dropping to about 10F Thursday morning. Yikes.
A 25-year-old man was arrested after police saw him in a car with a woman who had an order of protection against him. East Hampton Town police said Cristian A. Vasquez Rios of Springs was in the passenger seat of a 2013 Nissan in Maidstone Park around 11:15 p.m. on Nov. 11. Leydy Parrado was behind the wheel, police said. Mr. Rios was charged with misdemeanor criminal contempt and held for arraignment in the morning. Town Justice Steven Tekulsky released him on his own recognizance.
C3 is a rationally designed buckminsterfullerene derivative of about 1 nanometer in diameter that can be used as a catalytic antioxidant and as a neuroprotective agent. It is non-toxic, water soluble and many times more powerful than the most active natural antioxidants, such as Vitamin C or Vitamin E. C3 is not a nanoparticle. It is similar in size to other small molecule drugs with a molecular size less than 1 nanometer. Nearly all of the drugs that are currently used to treat CNS diseases are either limited in effectiveness or do not work. Many have unpleasant side effects or can produce their own immune responses, which greatly limit or impair what little effectiveness they have. C3 is an ongoing therapeutic treatment designed to prevent further damage or deterioration of tissue. C3 has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of inflammation.
Introducing non-native species into Kentucky waters can upset the balance of the ecosystem, thereby harming the environment. Aquatic nuisance species, such as zebra mussels, quagga mussels, milfoil, and hydrilla, most often spread between waterways by hitching a ride on vessels and trailers. When transplanted into new waters, these organisms proliferate, displacing native species and damaging the water resource.
Does anyone have a method to systematically visit all systems in a Sector? I would like to help with the search for a suitable planet to act as a hub for Sol Invictus as describe by RAM in the Politics Forum. However, I find that trying to systematically survey all the systems in a Sector to be impossible. I have only surveyed my own systems up to now, but if we want exploration to be a viable 'career' for pilots, then I would think that a method to do a systematic survey of a Sector would be vital. I start at the bottom of the sector and work my way up. Seems to make it easy to see and jumping within the sector doesn't take a lot of fuel. RAM wrote: I start at the bottom of the sector and work my way up. Seems to make it easy to see and jumping within the sector doesn't take a lot of fuel. I guess that it my eyes then 'cos no matter where I am in the Sector I find it difficult to determine whether or not a system is in the same Sector and I find it very frustrating when I click on a system which I think is in the same Sector and it jumps to another one. I try and move the grid. but I just cannot see if the grid lines move behind or in front of the star. I do have to do some rotating of the grid to make sure I am in the same sector. It can be a little tricky. I often rotate it 360 degrees to find the next system to jump into.
The ancient oasis city of Palmyra was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world, but now bears the scars violence and looting. – AFP pic, March 17, 2014.Syria's fabled desert Greco-Roman oasis of Palmyra saw its last tourist in September 2011, six months after the uprising began. Its most recent visitors are violence and looting. The Unesco-listed "pearl of the desert" world heritage site in Homs province, just over 200km northeast of Damascus, was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world.
In front of us there is Zijlroede bridge over the channel in the city of Lemmer, which is located on the shores of the artificial freshwater lake of IJsselmeer. It was created at the beginning of the last century on the place of the former Zuiderzee Bay as part of a comprehensive plan of the land reclamation of the country. Lemmer, with a population of only 10 thousand people, is the largest water sports center in the whole of Friesland province. There is a World Heritage Site, Ir.DF Woudagemaal steam pumping station open almost a hundred years ago, and today it is the largest operating plant of this type. On the camera, we see the entrance to Schirm Lemmer B.V. clothing store. Basically business suits of prestigious European brands are sold here. We can say that this is a typical pattern of a Dutch urban road: cyclists are in priority, there are very few cars, and the active life of water transport can be seen on the channels adjacent to the road.
One of the major problems that modern materialistic civilization faces is that of diminishing resources. How and from where to get more for the ever hungry world? Will the civilization die off for want of resources? Can we (the West) maintain our position if the earth’s belly is emptied?
This simply classic true A true two tone wedding band has two different colors of solid gold. This means that it is not plated.two-tone mens wedding band has a brushed satin finish center design, center precision cut groove and is completed with polished edges. It is made of solid 10k gold and is made in the USA.
As both a recreational sport and thrilling adventure scuba diving is the best way to exploring the enchanting underwater world and enjoy in an unforgettable experience. To ensure you fully enjoy your scuba diving experience and safely explore and discover the beauties and hidden treasures of the mysterious and captivating ocean proper equipment is essential. In this article we will go through all the thing you should consider before you buy scuba gear in Australia and what are the essential accessories you will need to have a great start at this amazing sport. First things first before you hit the stores or search the online shops to buy scuba gear in Australia, it is important to determine the diving conditions, will you be diving at night or during the day? Make a list of all the features you want your scuba gear to have and when shopping take you time and compare prices and specific features like size and material. When it comes to quality and affordable price in this case it is essential to make a purchase from a reliable retailer. You would probably want something that will not only be efficient but long-lasting as well. Size is one of the features that plays a major role I terms of efficiency. Your equipment should not only be comfortable and suit your body shape, but also provide the necessary protection. Therefore make sure you choose tools and accessories that will best fit you and are made from durable and high-quality materials. When talking about scuba diving accessories and tools let's take a look at some of the essential equipment pieces that any diver should have. A quality scuba mask should be at the top of your shopping list just because it has a great influence on the overall diving experience. A high-quality mask allows you to see clearly when exploring the vivid marine life while protecting your eyes at the same time. It should be comfortable to wear and seal properly around your head. As an important part of the safety scuba gear snorkels function as an efficient breathing tool that can save divers from many dangerous situations and allow them to dive a little bit longer. It is best to get snorkels that feature a purge valve on the bottom that is designed to keep the snorkel clean and make diving a much more enjoyable experience. Choosing the right suit is essential for having comfortable and safe dives. Probably the most important feature to look out for is the suit's thickness. Wet suits are quite thin ideal for diving in warm water, however these will not keep you warm in colder conditions. The best option when diving in colder water is to get a combination of dry suit with an undersuit.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every three individuals aged 65 or older will fall at least each year. Unfortunately, this can lead to broken bones, head trauma and other injuries. While a fall can occur anywhere within a home, they commonly occur in bathrooms. This is because it can be hard to get in and out of a bathtub, a floor can be slippery when wet, or their legs give out after sitting on the toilet. It can be nerve wracking to have an elderly parent living on their own. However, there are things that can be done to make the bathroom safer for them. Here are three ways a bathroom can be made safer for your elderly parent or parents who live on their own.
This year Lampo Group allows its guests the new opportunity of guided tours to discover the beautiful villages of the hinterland lagoon. A trip to the town of Portogruaro and their narrow streets, charming squares, pretty markets and monuments. At the end of the tour, participants will travel on a small motor boat down the Lemene River to Concordia Sagittaria. There they will disembark and visit the Municipal Museum, before continuing the guided tour on foot along the archaeological trail through the ancient Roman colony. At the end of the guided tour, there will be a chance to sample local products during a tasting session.
You may think that buying a home air conditioner is simple, but there are more things to consider than just the size and the horsepower. First, you have to consider the size of the room the you want to cool and the air conditioner. If the air conditioner is too small, it may not be able to cool the space. On the other hand, if it is too large, it will cool the room so fast that the unit’s built-in thermostat will shut the air conditioner down before it can adjust the room’s humidity. It may result to a cool room that feels damp or clammy. There are also other details that you have to consider such as the installation type, potability, available settings, chassis type, and BTU output. The BTU is probably one detail that is often overlooked. Room air conditioners are measured according to the capacity to cool a given space and it is expressed in BTU per hour. BTUs determine how much cold air comes out of the unit. Problems occur when the air conditioner is oversized for the space. The more cold air that comes out of the air conditioning unit, the more space it will need to circulate. For an Air Conditioner How Many BTU? Cold air bouncing off walls because of the small space gives the thermostat a false reading. You may be asking now how much BTU and room size you need. For a calculation of the air conditioner’s cooling capacity a space will require, you can use an air conditioning calculator that is available online. There is also BTU measurement guide that shows the room size per square foot, square meter, and the BTU needed on the chart. This will be very helpful in helping you find the right air conditioning unit for your house as well as specific rooms. Remember this vital principle as you choose the right air conditioning unit for your home. It will save you time because you will no longer have to spend time looking for a replacement. You will save yourself some money, not for more maintenance, but also for repairs in case it gets broken. Most of all, you will save yourself from the headaches of making a mistake because you were misinformed. Have a happy home and make it cooler with the right choices when buying an air conditioning unit.
Abstract: Uncertainty about the future rises in recessions. But is uncertainty a source of business cycle fluctuations or an endogenous response to them, and does the type of uncertainty matter? To address these questions we pursue a novel identification strategy that restricts the behavior of the structural shocks. We find that sharply higher uncertainty about real economic activity in recessions is often an endogenous response to other shocks, while uncertainty about financial markets is a likely source of the fluctuations. These findings point to the need for a better understanding of how uncertainties in financial markets are transmitted to the macroeconomy.
No Deposit, No Return | Movie4Cast - The Most Complete Movie Community Platform! Two rich children devise a way to escape their grandfather and visit their mother. Unfortunately for two hapless safe crackers, they become part of the plan.
Tomball is a city in Harris County in the U.S. state of Texas, a part of the Houston metropolitan area. The population was 10,753 at the 2010 census. In 1907, the community of Peck was renamed Tomball for local congressman Thomas Henry Ball, who had a major role in the development of the Port of Houston.
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We love Wake and Shake. Here are some of the year 2s taking part in a Wake and Shake Festival. They performed their dances and then went on to learn two new ones. Everyone was impressed with their enthusiam and stamina. Well done Year 2! Sunworld class really enjoyed their topic on Castles. They worked very hard to make beautiful castle paintings and information posters. They learnt how to name the different parts of a castle and many facts about medieval life. At the end of the topic we all enjoyed a banquet fit for a King! Drama is very important to us. It gives us a chance to explore stories and characters and perform to our friends. We practise using loud confident voices and good actions.
1. Make about ten little incisions in each piece of beef fillet. Push the olive quarters into the incisions and season the beef well with salt and pepper. 2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the beef over a high heat for 2 minutes each side. While the beef is cooking, chop the orange zest and basil finely and mix the two together. 3. Once the beef is cooked, roll it in the orange zest and basil mixture and set aside. 4. Deglaze the pan with the orange juice and the balsamic vinegar. Scrape off all of the caramelised goodies on the bottom of the pan and boil for a minute. 5. Add the olive oil, the spring onions, the sunblush tomatoes and the broad beans to the pan. Toss for about 30 seconds, season well and turn off the heat. 6. To serve, spread the rocket over a large platter, slice each fillet of beef into four and put it onto the rocket. Spoon over the vegetables with all of the juices and serve.
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp has revealed how he deals with problem players after reports of Daniel Sturridge’s unhappiness. All seems well between the player and his manager now, with the German praising the striker following his brilliant performance against Villarreal in their Europa League semi-final, but this has not always been the case. And the 48-year-old warned his squad against causing problems in the future during his press conference on Friday. ‘I am a really nice guy but if you complain in the wrong moment you will have a problem with me,’ said Klopp. ‘It’s all about the team’. This comes a week after Sturridge appeared to warn the club that he may look to move if he doesn’t get enough game time. Liverpool players will be looking to keep on the good side of their manager until the end of the season, with the chance to play in the Europa League final at the end of the month.
animal type evolved into different types over time. indicated by the following examples. are eaten quickly by grazing animals. trees in which they feed. evolution are rooted in population genetics. this is the frequency of homozygous recessives (q2). 2. What is the frequency of p? • Populations evolve not individuals! into a new species without a physical barrier. sometimes caused by polyploidy in plants. less alike as they adapt, resulting in new species.
Life at Hammond Park Estate will also ensure you're close to a range of established infrastructure. This includes Cockburn Gateway Shopping City, boasting Coles, Target, Big W, Woolworths and a huge range of specialty stores - all just 8km from home. Two primary schools are located within walking distance of the community, including Hammond Park Primary School and Hammond Park Catholic Primary School. A vet, bulk billing medical centre, football club and a range of cafés can also be found within a short drive of Hammond Park Estate. With so much on offer, and even more planned for the future, there's no doubt Hammond Park Estate will be the ideal place for your family to grow. Don't miss your chance to be part of this exciting new community, developed by the expert team at Spatial Property Group.
Some people refer to these as ‘spiderweb’ cracks but the technical name is ‘mapping cracks’. That’s because they can look like a street map. Generally they are much more obvious after rain as water seeps doown into the cracks. These cracks are typically only 2-3mm deep and are as a result of the surface concrete shrinking more, and sometimes faster, than the underlying concrete. ■ Adding water to the mix, when the delivery truck arrives on site, to improve concrete workability. ■ Sprinkling cement powder to soak up ‘bleed water’. ■ Letting the surface dry without Proper Curing . Although the cracking does spoil the look, it is a cosmetic issue and it doesn’t significantly affect the strength of the concrete. See Concrete for more posts.
Call us to today to learn more about our Roseville .Net (dotnet) consulting services. Our consultants are some of the most experienced .Net (dotnet) experts and work directly with you. Let us help you ensure that you have a successful project, our process will save you time, money and headaches.
Daily low temperatures decrease by 5°F, from 49°F to 44°F, rarely falling below 38°F or exceeding 54°F. The month of October in Castlebar experiences gradually increasing cloud cover, with the percentage of time that the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy increasing from 60% to 68%. A wet day is one with at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. In Castlebar, the chance of a wet day over the course of October is very rapidly increasing, starting the month at 40% and ending it at 48%. The average sliding 31-day rainfall during October in Castlebar is increasing, starting the month at 3.3 inches, when it rarely exceeds 5.6 inches or falls below 1.3 inches, and ending the month at 4.2 inches, when it rarely exceeds 6.5 inches or falls below 1.9 inches. Over the course of October in Castlebar, the length of the day is very rapidly decreasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of the day decreases by 2 hours, 5 minutes, implying an average daily decrease of 4 minutes, 10 seconds, and weekly decrease of 29 minutes, 7 seconds. The latest sunrise of the month in Castlebar is 8:25 AM on October 26 and the earliest sunrise is 58 minutes earlier at 7:26 AM on October 27. The latest sunset is 7:14 PM on October 1 and the earliest sunset is 2 hours, 8 minutes earlier at 5:06 PM on October 31. The chance that a given day will be muggy in Castlebar is essentially constant during October, remaining around 0% throughout. The average hourly wind speed in Castlebar is increasing during October, increasing from 13.1 miles per hour to 14.2 miles per hour over the course of the month. The wind direction in Castlebar during October is predominantly out of the south from October 1 to October 28 and the west from October 28 to October 31. The average surface water temperature in Castlebar is gradually decreasing during October, falling by 3°F, from 57°F to 54°F, over the course of the month. The month of October in Castlebar is more likely than not fully within the growing season, with the chance that a given day is in the growing season decreasing from 100% to 85% over the course of the month. The average accumulated growing degree days in Castlebar are gradually increasing during October, increasing by 74°F, from 1,009°F to 1,083°F, over the course of the month. The average daily incident shortwave solar energy in Castlebar is decreasing during October, falling by 1.3 kWh, from 2.4 kWh to 1.2 kWh, over the course of the month.
BAU International University (BAUI) is offering scholarships to three students referred by HasNa. If you are finishing your undergraduate studies or have recently graduated from college, you might be eligible to apply for a scholarship at BAU International University in Washington, D.C. best gaming laptop under 600HasNa can recommend three students per academic year for BAUI’s EMBA program, which has concentrations in Entrepreneurship, Global Affairs, and International Law and Economics. All you need to do is contact HasNa, and we will tell you the requirements for receiving a recommendation letter from HasNa. You may contact us via phone or email.
I’m no different really to all my fellow coaches; I am similarly convinced of my genius, but in the depth of the night, when noone is listening, I know it hasn’t got anywhere near as much to do with my talents as I like to make out. As a small business owner, you are passionate about the work of your business. Whether that’s designing buildings or websites, being a great plumber, building houses, selling bicycles, or cutting hair. But how do you balance that passion with business sense to build your unique Beautiful Business and Life?
Since Goodyear’s founding in 1898, our standard for success has been based on a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. We’ve since grown into one of the world’s largest tire companies, with one of the most recognized brand names. We employ about 66,000 associates in locations around the world—all working hard to deliver the highest quality in everything that we do. It starts with the way we conduct our business.
McDonald’s loves to tell its poverty-wage employees that they are valuable team members who are a part of a family. It’s going to have a hard time keeping up that line with its new announcement. “As McDonald’s seeks to modernize its business, the company is placing a big bet on mobile and other tech platforms. In fact, the company plans to upgrade 1,000 stores with this technology every quarter for the next eight to nine quarters. For the rest of the story, visit CNBC here.
BEST TIME TO VISIT: Anytime COMMENTS: Many residents on outlying farms, no town anymore except for a grange and old schoolhouse. That old building must be one of the oldest in the county, wooden, still standing and very picturesque. From Tualatin Valley Highway in Hillsboro, take SW River Road until it becomes Scholl�s Ferry Rd. Stop and see the old wooden schoolhouse at the intersection of Tile Flat Rd, next to the Grange. REMAINS: An old, marvelous schoolhouse. Fenced off on private property, but clearly visible and very close to the road. Park at the grange parking lot next door for admiration and photographs, to avoid standing on the busy highway. Twenty million years ago, lava flows from eastern Oregon snaked down the Columbia River and deposited a bed of basalt lava in the area known today as Washington County. During the last ice age, the region was engulfed repeatedly by the raging Missoula Floods, which deposited rich silt and topsoil.
A solid change management process plan will help make any change that is needed during the course of a project to be done as smoothly as possible. This will prevent any possible negative effects on the daily business activities of the business. To create an effective change management process plan a project management template should be used as an effective tool of management. This will allow for the creation of the formal document to be done quickly as possible while still ensuring the path it takes is correct. It is also the best way to ensure all of the details are included to make it an effective plan. The reason a change management process plan has to be created in the first place is so the scope and goals of the project plan as stated in the business case are always followed.
March 22, 2017 - A discovery of three damselflies in amber from Myanmar has given researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences a rare view into the way these tiny 100 million-year-old animals lived. Modern damselflies, close relatives of dragonflies, have a complicated courtship ritual. As reported by the scientists, in these fossil specimens, large spotted structures on the males’ legs would have been an aid in signaling for a mate, in a function similar to a bird’s showy plumage or a deer’s antlers.
Take a rusty pot, add a handful of leaves with a sprinkle of chance and what do you get?.... Magic! Learn how to harvest and use materials found in your garden and.kitchen to plant dye paper and fabric for a bespoke book . Bring an old piece of natural fibre clothing or fabric, like cotton, silk or linen. Participants will make a plant dyed book and a series of samples from several food and native plant dyes. Includes drinks at the end of the workshop.
Today is the first day of autumn. For many people, fall is their favorite season, but fall makes me a little sad because it means the end to summer—my favorite season. However, now that I live in Florida, I’m not quite as sad because we never get snow during our autumn, but it does mean that the water in the pool is sometimes too cold for swimming unless I want to run up the electric bill to heat it. This summer I didn’t have as much time to swim or walk on the beach, so the end of summer hits especially hard this year. I know, I know. I have lots of warm days left to walk on the beach, so I shouldn’t complain. The only thing I miss about living a little further north is the changing color of the leaves. This year we aren’t going to get to take a trip to see any leaves, but here are a few photos I’ve taken of trips we have made in other years. What would fall be without college football? here in Indonesia, we just have two seasons. the spring and summer rains and I like both. in my place, Jayapura, Papua there is no time limit for single season. we enjoy a balanced heat and rain. Theana, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Sometimes I forget that there are people who read my blog from all over the world. The people in the southern hemisphere are starting spring. The world is a much bigger place now that we can all connect through the internet. Thanks for reminding me about other parts of the world. Those are beautiful photos. The drawback to living in Florida is not getting the fall colors, but the winters there are a definite plus! Living in North Carolina, fall is my second favorite season because of the beautiful colors. Spring is my favorite. Thanks, Connie. Spring is beautiful because of all the flowering trees and shrubs. I know when we lived near Atlanta I loved the dogwood trees. Thanks for your comment.
Directions: Take 17 to S Port Way. Make a left. Somersby Pointe on the left. Make first right onto Wellington Place. House is at the end of the road on the right. Hello, I have a question about 375 Wellington Place Brunswick GA 31523.
At Vedmay, we offer robust solutions at competitive prices. Our products and solutions are backed with performance guarantee that ensures highest ROI. We have vast expertise of working in diverse business environments which allows them to utilize business best practices and proven methodologies. PHP Hypertext Processor, that is widely known as PHP, is designed specifically for server-side programming. PHP web application development is considered to be one of the best options while looking for exceptional quality functional website. PHP simply lets you build interactive and innovative websites. With its ability to support several platforms, PHP has been widely used by developers and users from around the globe. Vedmay offers dynamic PHP web development services and solutions. The experienced team of PHP developers at Vedmay have the ability to bring the best to the table while dealing with latest technologies, user interface and methodologies. PHP is considered to be a robust platform for building feature-rich websites and database access.
About 466 million years ago, there was a giant collision in outer space. Something hit an asteroid and broke it apart, sending chunks of rock falling to Earth as meteorites. But what kinds of meteorites were making their way to Earth before that collision? In a study published Jan. 23 in Nature Astronomy, scientists tackled that question by creating the first reconstruction of the distribution of meteorite types before the collision. They discovered that most of the meteorites falling to Earth today are rare, while many meteorites that are rare today were common before the collision. Meteorites are pieces of rock that have fallen to Earth from outer space. They’re formed from the debris of collisions between bodies like asteroids, moons and even planets. There are many different types of meteorites, which reflect the different compositions of their parent bodies. By studying the different meteorites that have made their way to Earth, scientists can develop a better understanding of how the basic building blocks of the solar system formed and evolved. To learn what the meteorite flux was like before the big collision event, Heck and his colleagues analyzed meteorites that fell more than 466 million years ago. Such finds are rare, but the team was able to look at micrometeorites—tiny specks of space-rock less than 2 millimeters in diameter that fell to Earth. They are less rare. Heck’s Swedish and Russian colleagues retrieved samples of rock from an ancient seafloor exposed in a Russian river valley that contained micrometeorites. They then dissolved almost 600 pounds of the rocks in acid so that only microscopic chromite crystals remained. Not having changed during hundreds of millions of years, the crystals revealed the nature of meteorites over time. Analysis of their chemical makeup showed that the meteorites and micrometeorites that fell earlier than 466 million years ago are different from the ones that have fallen since. A full 34 percent of the pre-collision meteorites belong to a meteorite type called primitive achondrites; today, only 0.45 percent of the meteorites that land on Earth are this type. Other micrometeorites sampled turned out to be relics from Vesta—the brightest asteroid visible from Earth, which underwent its own collision event over a billion years ago. —Adapted from a story first published by the Field Museum of Natural History. Citation: “Rare meteorites common in the Ordovician period,” Nature Astronomy, Jan. 23, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41550-016-0035.
Considering a skunk as a pet? Some of the skunk's personality traits can make them a challenge to live with - they are active and curious, and will get into everything. They are also prone to stealing items to make their beds softer. They can be stubborn and headstrong. Fortunately they are also friendly, loving and very entertaining and playful. Skunks are members of the weasel family (Mustelidae). There are four species of skunk in North America: striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), hooded skunks (M. macroura), spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius), and scarce hognosed skunks (Conepatus mesoleucus). They also dig for insects, especially beetles, larvae, and earthworms. Their diet includes black widow spiders and scorpions. Being carrion eaters, they help keep roadways and neighborhoods clean. An estimated 70 percent of a skunk's diet consists of insects considered harmful to humans. There are four different kinds of skunks found in the United States. The spotted and striped skunks are the most widely distributed and therefore more likely to come into contact with people. The hooded and hog-nosed skunks are rarer and found mostly in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The spotted skunk prefers the country and spends most of its life near farms. The striped skunk is more adaptable and lives in a variety of habitats. Skunks are placid, retiring and non-aggressive. They try very hard not to get in harm’s way. They have a home range of a few hundred acres at most. They are primarily nocturnal and usually solitary – except when mothers are raising their babies. They are active throughout the year, but in northern areas, they spend the coldest parts of the winter in their dens. Want more information about skunks? Browse our library of articles below.
In a similar vein, the Vatican press hall will not immediately issue an official bulletin, email alert, SMS or tweet to tell the 5,000 accredited journalists and other observers whether "Habemus papam." Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman and head of the press office, said he would prefer people "live the moment" and try to figure out on their own what color the smoke is "rather than have a communique from the press hall." "Therefore, I won't be spending time sending SMSs at that moment; I believe we should be living it," he said to a round of applause from journalists during a news briefing March 9. It was a surprising response from media whose 24/7 schedules and digital demands have long clashed with the Vatican, which still uses faxes, conducts almost all news conferences in Italian and most often closes shop between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. When to see the smoke - Expected "Smoke Schedule" If a pope is elected on the first ballot of the MORNING, the white smoke would billow forth between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. in Rome (4:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. CDT). If the pope is elected on the first ballot of the AFTERNOON, the white smoke would be seen between 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. (11:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. CDT). Vatican television will be broadcasting the "fumate" (smoke) live with a camera positioned about 10 yards away from the chapel chimney, giving people a shot that's "right in front of your nose." "When the smoke goes up, you'll know what's going down". Sign up and be notified as soon as the smoke turns white! Source: Based on CNS article, "In digital age, Vatican sticks with smoke, bells to announce results"
The Fyrtex SK is a smaller version of the Fyrtex SB nozzle and one of the smallest of its kind. The yield is relatively low compared to the other nozzle series. The Fyrtex SK is available in four body and adapter models, each with different design features. The nozzle consists of two tungsten carbide wear parts (core and insert). The cores and inserts are available in a variety of types and sizes. Each part is available in two different types of tungsten carbide (Y or M). The stainless steel part is made of SS 316. For more information, download the Fyrtex SK product guide.
New Delhi, May 13: Lieutenant General Dalbir Singh is likely to be the successor of General Bikram Singh who is scheduled to retire on July 31. The defence ministry sent his name to the Appointments Committee of Cabinet (ACC) for approval. The 59-year old general's name was sent to the PM-headed ACC, just hours after the Election Commission allowed the government to go ahead with the appointment. Though the decision was under the scanner, especially when BJP had opposed the appointment, things softened down later on. It was being speculated whether the UPA government at the end of its tenure would appoint the new chief in accordance with seniority. The Election Commission had given government the permission to name the senior official on March 27. However, the ministry sought the poll panel's opinion to make the case watertight.
Argentina dentist Dr. Samuel Pelcman and his staff have found that the best way to fight all of these is through communication. A fluent communication relies not only on us, but also on you. It is our responsibility to make you feel comfortable so that you let us know your doubts and fears related to the dental treatment. It is an obligation from the professional to explain and make emphasis on your specific fears, before and during the treatment. The fewer feelings the patient hides from the professional, the softer the tension between both will be. This will diminish the uncertainty, will improve your trusting, and there will consequently be a lower level of stress during the treatment.
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The internet is built on IP addresses. However to make it easier to access a server, the domain name implemented. To record who owns what domain name all information is stored in a large database generally referred to as the WHOIS database. You can run your own search by typing whois. WHOIS look ups can also be done on IP addresses to see who they are registered to for things like reporting spam or abuse. Simply use the same command but replace it with the IP address to query instead. This is one example of a referral server and you can query it and find our more information generally even reseller names and details.
For more information or to arrange an appointment, please call 734.595.1166. Our friendly and efficient office staff will be happy to assist you. Additional information about each of our locations, including our address, fax number, and a map link, can be found at the bottom of this page.
There are seven Local History Centres in Surrey libraries. Each provides a collection of research materials relating to the surrounding area. You can use the resources of the local history centres at any time that these libraries are open. Better still, visit when enthusiastic volunteers with local knowledge are there to help you use the resources and equipment. Please follow the links below to find out what each centre offers.
Humidity is the amount of water vapor (water that has turned from a liquid to an invisible gas) in the air. Absolute humidity is the actual amount of water vapor in a specified volume of air. Relative humidity is the ratio of moisture in the air as compared to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold, which varies depending on the air temperature. Hotter air, for example, can hold more moisture. The dew point is the temperature the air needs to be cooled to (at constant pressure) in order to achieve a relative humidity (RH) of 100%. At this point the air cannot hold anymore water in the gas form. If the air were to be cooled even more, water vapor would have to come out of the atmosphere in the liquid form, usually as fog or precipitation. The higher the dew point rises, the greater the amount of moisture in the air. This directly effects how "comfortable" it will feel outside. Many times, relative humidity can be misleading. For example, a temperature of 30 and a dew point of 30 will give you a relative humidity of 100%, but a temperature of 80 and a dew point of 60 produces a relative humidity of 50%. It would feel much more "humid" on the 80 degree day with 50% relative humidity than on the 30 degree day with a 100% relative humidity. This is because of the higher dew point. So if you want a real judge of just how "dry" or "humid" it will feel outside, look at the dew point instead of the RH. The higher the dew point, the muggier it will feel.
A major achievement for design engineers is building precise control mechanisms for active processes. Lives depend on the precision in which certain processes are maintained, such as the manufacture of drugs. Even more vital to survival is the human body's complex, integrated system that maintains precise control over the body's temperature even when it generates tremendous quantities of internal heat through strenuous activity or is exposed to wide-ranging external temperatures. The organs in the skull, chest, and abdomen are the most temperature-sensitive organs in the human body. Biochemical processes, particularly enzyme activities, within these organs are essential for life and function best in a narrow temperature range of 96 to 101°F, which is called the "core" body temperature range. For most people, average temperature is 98.6°F, which is the "set point" established by the master temperature regulator within the brain--the hypothalamus. If core body temperature varies by about 10°F above or below this range, it poses a high risk of being lethal. Why? For every 1.8°F increase in the core, crucial chemical reaction rates in organs are deranged and increase by 10 percent. Also, as temperatures rise outside the normal range, proteins--particularly enzymes--start losing both their shape and function, while nerve tissue activity is increasingly depressed. Small children risk going into seizures at about 106°F and most people will be dead if the core reaches 109°F. Conversely, if the core is chilled to below 87°F, electrochemical activity in the heart starts becoming so disrupted that most people will die of cardiac arrest. It is critical to balance the body temperature within the core range. However, the difficulty of that task cannot be fully appreciated without considering the quantity of heat energy the body needs to manage. How much heat does a person generate? Even while sleeping, with skeletal muscles totally relaxed, heat is still produced as a byproduct of basic metabolism. In fact, about 60 percent of daily energy needs--enough heat to raise the temperature of 20 pounds of water about 2°F every hour--is expended just staying alive. Now add on activities. For every one hour of hard work or exercise, the heat generated could raise the temperature of the same water almost 20°F--and well-trained athletes can produce almost twice as much heat. An increased level of heat production lasts several hours even after activity ceases. Some engineers assert that offices built to optimal energy efficiency could be heated through the winter using only the body heat of the occupants themselves. Depending on the external environment surrounding a person, this generated heat can be a friend or foe--but it must be precisely regulated. The whole brain helps regulate body temperature, but the main thermoregulatory center is the hypothalamus (located midline in the brain behind the eyes), which possesses two specialized sections: a heat-losing center and a heat-promoting center. Just like in man-made systems designed to modulate temperature, a means of sensing the actual temperatures must be in place. The body has two distinct specialized cells--heat sensors and cold sensors called "thermoreceptors"--that are capable of detecting a temperature change as low as 0.4°F. To keep surveillance on the outside world, hundreds of thermoreceptors are optimally located in the skin, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, the eyes, and in some muscles. Sensors send impulses to the brain depending on both how fast and how much the temperature changes--as many as 240 impulses per second for each receptor. Data from these sensors is kept organized by being segregated from other input sent to the brain via exclusive pathways in the nervous system. The data is continuously analyzed by the hypothalamus and converted to information that is compared to a preset bank of information that was present from birth. This allows the hypothalamus to anticipate external temperature changes that may affect core temperature and begin processes to adjust body temperature accordingly. The actual core temperature is monitored by the hypothalamus itself using thermoreceptors that measure the temperature of blood within this core organ. The heat-losing center and heat-promoting center each have body systems under its control that can be regulated to keep heat production equal to heat loss. When one center is stimulated, a concurrent inhibitory signal is sent to the other. So when it is hot outside or increased physical exertion raises the body temperature above the set point, the activated heat-losing center first inhibits the signal to tiny muscle fibers lining blood vessels in the skin. This decreases muscle tone, allowing the vessels to dilate and become flush with warm blood shunted away from the core. The skin acts as a giant radiator that offloads body heat to air currents that carry it away, directly transfers it to cooler objects, or radiates it away as electromagnetic energy. Using body heat to convert liquid water to a vapor is used continuously to maintain the core. The lungs and the skin each exchange almost a half a quart of water per day to cool the body just for basic needs. When a large heat transfer is needed, sweat glands on the skin can be massively recruited to cover the skin in very tiny droplets that can be easily evaporated. This method works best, because evaporating water removes up to ten times more heat than water that simply runs off in large drops from the skin. When heat-stressed, a person could potentially evaporate off up to two quarts of sweat per hour from the skin. When cold conditions threaten to lower the core temperature, the heat-promoting center initiates actions to conserve the heat that is made and produce more heat if it is needed. First, a signal is sent to the muscle fibers around the blood vessels in the skin to constrict and decrease flow. This reduces a large amount of heat loss and warm blood is kept in the deep body areas. Skin temperature begins to approach that of the external environment. If more heat is needed, internal metabolic rates are increased. A rapid increase in cellular metabolism is begun when the hypothalamus sends a nerve signal to the adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. A quick infusion of hormones from these glands, commonly called "adrenaline," increases cellular "burning" of sugars to make heat. A slower process is started when the thyroid gland is stimulated with a subsequent release of thyroid hormone to increase overall metabolism. Heat can be produced rapidly through an increase in muscle tone. By sending the right neurological signals, the muscle fibers rapidly pull against each another in an involuntary repetitive cycle known as shivering. In just a few minutes this process can raise the heat production rate to over four times the normal rate. Incredibly, all of these processes working together keep a person's core temperature within 2°F of the set point over a 24-hour period. People groups also have some innate genetic capability to adapt over several generations to different climates through selection of variable traits such as basic metabolism, skin color, subcutaneous fat thickness, and behavior modification. The information for these traits and all of the thermoregulatory process could never have been built up gradually through some long evolutionary route of trial and error. For survival's sake, thermoregulation has to be 100 percent in place and functioning. This process incorporates nearly every system in the body--which themselves have to be fully functional. The Lord Jesus' understanding of the human body He created and the magnificent complexities of His design are truly beyond description! * Dr. Guliuzza is National Representative at the Institute for Creation Research. Cite this article: Guliuzza, R. J. 2009. Made in His Image: Balancing Body Temperature. Acts & Facts. 38 (4): 8.
This is a nice looking little gun. It is the gun known to collectors as the .32 caliber Whitney Model No. 1-1/2 revolver. These were made from 1871 until 1879. According to Flayderman’s guide they only made about 15,000 of this model. This one has the serial number of 424 on the bottom of the handle. The 2-piece rosewood grips are intact and they have a great look. The brass frame still retains some of the original silvered finish in the protected areas. The barrel is full-length at 2-5/8ths inches and across the top you can read the "WHITNEYVILLE ARMORY CT. U.S.A. PAR. MAY 23, 1871”. The action works just as it should. This is the version that fires five shots. This is a lot of gun from the famous Whitney Company.