1 value
He established public works, a bank, churches, and charitable institutions and sought good relations with the Aborigines. In 1813 he sent Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson on an expedition across the Blue Mountains, where they found the great plains of the interior. Central, however to Macquarie's policy was his treatment of the emancipists, whom he decreed should be treated as social equals to free-settlers in the colony.
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Artigas, who thought that the gauchos were not treated well, supported the new ideas. Buenos Aires deposed the viceroy in 1810, during the May Revolution, who was replaced by the Primera Junta. Mariano Moreno, secretary of war, wrote at the Operations plan that Artigas would be a descisive ally against the royalists in Montevideo, and called him for an interview.
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Groucutt began his musical career at 15 as Rikki Storm of Rikki Storm and the Falcons. He went on to sing with various outfits during the '60s, picking up the guitar as he went along. Groucutt was also a member of a band called ``Sight and Sound'', and later with a band called ``Barefoot''. It was while playing with Barefoot in Birmingham that he was spotted by ELO's Jeff Lynne; and after Lynne, Bev Bevan and Richard Tandy had watched him play, he was invited to join ELO, to replace Mike de Albuquerque, who had recently left the band.
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Nearly two-thirds of these students once lived and worked in Steung Meanchey, picking plastic and metal out of the mountains of burning, hazardous waste and selling them to local recycling centers. CCF also welcomes many children in need from impoverished rural regions of Cambodia. In 2007, Quincy Jones awarded Neeson the inaugural Harvard School of Public Health ``Q Prize'' in recognition of his extraordinary leadership in advocacy for children, calling Neeson's ``selfless, remarkable commitment to the children of Cambodia'' a ``genuine profile in courage.''
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On January 26, 1913, 18 year-old waitress Jennie Canady Parker shot and killed her old boyfriend, Dan Danielson. According to Glenn Snow, an Arizona historian, Danielson and Parker had gotten into an argument about another woman in the former's saloon, during which Danielson pulled out his revolver and fired it at the corner of a liquor cabinet Parker was standing near.
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Blige won a Soul Train Music Award for Best R&B/Soul Album, Female (Mary) and was also nominated for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Album. Blige also won 2 Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards for Solo R&B/Soul Album of the Year for Mary and R&B/Soul or Rap Song of the Year for ``All That I Can Say''. She was also nominated for Best Solo R&B/Soul Single for ``All That I Can Say''.
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Throughout his education at Marborough and Cambridge he seems to have led a reclusive life. At Cambridge he had one close friend, John McCowan, with whom he shared an interest in motor cars. It was during a stay at the McCowan family farm that Petter met his future wife Claude, the daughter of Louis Munier a Swiss official at the League of Nations in Geneva.
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Because of its convenient size and its proximity to the earlier royal castle and the present royal palace it has frequently been the site of major events in Swedish history, such as coronations, royal wedding and royal funerals. The last Swedish king to be crowned here was Oscar II in 1873. Crown Princess Victoria, oldest daughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, was married to Daniel Westling on 19 June 2010 at the Storkyrkan, the same date on which her parents were also married in Storkyrkan in 1976.
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Giggs played in a match for Salford Boys against a United Under-15s side at The Cliff and scored a hat trick, with Ferguson watching from his office window. On 29 November 1987 (his 14th birthday), Ferguson turned up at Giggs's house with United scout Joe Brown and offered him two years on associate schoolboy forms.
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In 1851 Barlow was in England, where he published a short work ``Industry on Christian Principles, London, 1851. He published at London ``Letteratura Dantesca: Remarks on the Reading of the 114th Verse of the 7th Canto of the Paradise of the ``Divina Commedia'''' (1857), and two years afterwards ``Francesca da Rimini, her Lament and Vindication; with a brief Notice of the Malatesti'' (1859, 2nd edition, 1875). An Italian translation, ``Francesca da Rimini, suo Lamento e Difesa,'' &c., in Filippo Scolari's ``Esercitazioni Dantesche,'' appeared at Venice in 1865. Barlow published in 1862 ``Il Gran Rifiuto, what it was, who made it, and how fatal to Dante Allighieri,'' on verses 58 to 63 of the 3rd canto of the Inferno; an Italian translation by G. G(uiscardi) appeared at Naples in 1864. Barlow also issued in 1862 ``Il Conte Ugolino e l'Arcivescovo Ruggieri: a Sketch from the Pisan Chronicles,'' and a fragment of English history, entitled ``The Young King and Bertrand de Born,'' from which the author deduced an amended reading in line 135 of the 28th canto of the ``Inferno.'' In 1864 Barlow published the final result of his work on the ``Divina Commedia,'' ``Critical, Historical, and Philosophical Contributions to the Study of the ``Divina Commedia.''''
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Janet McLuckie Brown was born in Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, and educated at Rutherglen Academy. Early in her performing career, she presented Picture Book on BBC Television in the 1950s. Beginning with Margaret Thatcher's election as the leader of the Conservative Party in 1975, Brown gained increasing prominence because of her realistic impression of the Tory politician.
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He came back every year to Le Mans, fourteen times in total, where he won in 1968 with Belgian driver Lucien Bianchi in a Ford GT40 of the Wyer -- Gulf team. In 1962, Ricardo died in a horrific accident while practicing for the Mexican Grand Prix, and Pedro considered retiring from racing. However, in 1963 he won at Daytona International Speedway and took part in his first Grand Prix for Lotus in the USA and Mexico.
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She returned for a guest appearance from April to September 1997. She then returned to the show as a series regular again in April 1999, signing a two-year contract. She again exited the role in the fall 1999 when then head writer, Bradley Bell informed Teri Ann Linn that Kristen was no longer needed in the show's current storylines and that she would be let go.
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The story takes place in a mysterious underworld of swanky nightclubs where armed criminals listen to Rat Pack music and hold shootouts from a seated position, behind desks. Mickey Holliday is the top enforcer for Vic, the mob boss, who is about to be released from a psychiatric facility. In his absence, Ben London has been running Vic's nightclub while Mickey has been romancing both Rita and Grace Everly, which is doubly dangerous inasmuch as they are sisters and Grace was previously Vic's girl.
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Before the situation can escalate, the 4400 start to become seriously ill, and are ordered back into quarantine, a move resisted by Richard who has taken over the 4400 Center following Shawn's illness. When the crisis is resolved due to Isabelle's blood being used to develop a cure, Lily discovers Isabelle is missing. After discovering that Isabelle is missing, Lily is found unconscious by Richard. As she awakes she is horrified to discover she has aged around fifty years.
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It is around this time that Lily is visited by Heidi at the center; Carol and Brian are arguing, and Heidi has learned that Lily is her birth mother. The two begin to form a relationship, but Isabelle becomes distressed at the sight of Heidi. Lily is later told by Brian that Heidi is now in hospital after her spleen ruptured, though she is recovering and asking to see Lily.
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It was built about 1838, and is a large 2 1/2-story, five bay by four bay, frame dwelling in a transitional Federal / Greek Revival style. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. George H. Throop lived at Scotch Hall for a time in 1849 and served as tutor to the children of the family who lived there. His experiences were the basis for two novels, Nag's Head and Bertie, in which Scotch Hall is depicted as the plantation ``Cypress Shore''.
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Marty Allen -- stand-up comedian and actor Mel Bochner -- artist Richard Caliguiri -- former Mayor of Pittsburgh Willa Cather -- author Myron Cope -- sports journalist, radio personality, and sportscaster Bob Filner - Politician, congressman and San Diego mayor, Howard Fineman -- journalist Bernard Fisher -- physician, scientist, and a pioneer in the biology and treatment of breast cancer Gary Graff -- music journalist and author Evelyn Kozak -- world's oldest living Jewish person until her death in 2013 Maxine Lapiduss -- television producer, television writer, and comedian Sally Lapiduss -- television producer and writer Steve Lieber -- comic book illustrator Larry Lucchino --
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On 27 September 2014, Toshney signed for Ross County and made his debut the same day as they beat Dundee 2--1. Having been released by Ross County, Toshney signed for Cowdenbeath on 3 February 2015, signing a contract until the end of the 2014--15 season. On 11 June 2015, Toshney signed for Raith Rovers. Following his move to Scottish Championship rivals Dundee United, former Raith Rovers manager Ray McKinnon expressed an interest in bringing Toshney to Tannadice.
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Byas led a small group for several sessions for Savoy during 1945--46. He was second-place winner in tenor sax of the Esquire All-American Awards in January 1946, and in February, he recorded again with Gillespie on ``52nd Street Theme'' and ``Night in Tunisia''. Despite his bebop associations, Byas remained deeply rooted in the sounds of swing.
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About two years later, on May 20, 1998, Muriel Patterson, a member of the Western Australian Legislative Council, read excerpts of Jessen's 1995 biography to the Western Australian Legislative Council during the then-pending Acts Amendment (Abortion) Bill. In his speech at the 2002 signing of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act President George W. Bush mentioned Jessen, acknowledging her presence and extending his appreciation.
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Rubenfeld was a summa cum laude graduate of Princeton University (A.B., 1980) and a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School (J.D., 1986). He also studied theater in the Drama Division of the Juilliard School between 1980-1982. Rubenfeld clerked for Judge Joseph T. Sneed on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in 1986-1987. After his clerkship, he worked as an associate at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and as an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York.
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Bored with her life and with Don, her lawyer boyfriend, waitress Ellen Ward craves excitement. She accepts an invitation from Ritchie and Mike, a couple of petty crooks, and ends up giving them an alibi for a crime. Ritchie rewards her with $100. Ellen catches the eye racketeer Charles Blake, irking his moll Vivian, who attacks her with a pair of scissors.
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On arrival *thelwald found her in company with her father Ordgar, whom she completely controlled by her personality, playing at chess, which they had learned from the Danes. *thelwald instead took *lfthryth for his own wife and married her in about 956. *thelwald died in 962, and Dunstan suspected that he was murdered by his wife *lfthryth who thereafter, according to Dunstan, seduced King Edgar and murdered his son Prince Edward the Martyr in order to pave the way for the crowning of her son *thelred as king.
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John Nixon (May 10, 1815 - June 3, 1899), English mining engineer and colliery proprietor, was born at Barlow, Durham, the son of a farmer. He was educated at the village school, and at an academy in Newcastle-on-Tyne, where he distinguished himself in mathematics.
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Director of Public Affairs for the Children's Defense Fund; and Communications Director for the National Urban Coalition. She was also a director of the Trust for Early Education, an advocacy group devoted to ensuring that children in America receive pre-Kindergarten preparation for education. Lieberman first joined the White House in 1993 as Assistant to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's Chief of Staff. She rose to the rank of Deputy Assistant to the President with the job title of Deputy Press Secretary.
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She completed her Higher School Certificate in 1995, her highest mark being eighty-five percent in music and at the age of 18, became the lead singer of a cover band ``Quiver''. They performed a wide range of songs including Tracey Chapman, Pearl Jam, Shania Twain, Alanis Morissette, 80's rock and more and Wood recorded original songs with the band. She then moved to Sydney where she enrolled in the Australian Institute of Music choosing vocal as her major, which she completed successfully, and joined another cover band ``The Anthill Mob''.
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Despite this, it failed to chart in any other country. Bonnie Tyler (then known as Gaynor Hopkins) spent seven years performing in local pubs and clubs around South Wales between 1969 and 1976, first as part of Bobbie Wayne & the Dixies, and then with her own band Imagination.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The Princess of Nebraska and the title story, which Li adapted herself. She lives in Oakland, California, with her husband and their two sons, and teaches at University of California, Davis. * * Stephanie Merritt of The Observer wrote, Yiyun Li's 2005 debut story collection A Thousand Years of Good Prayers earned her comparisons with Chekhov and Alice Munro.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
So after this act was born the municipal library of Besan*on, under the control of the Benedictines of St. Vincent. The question of the influence that the Mazarine library had in the legacy of Jean Baptiste Boisot is legitimate, since it has visited. Jean Baptiste Boisot is a passionate knowledge of the study, a bibliophile, as evidenced by his correspondence miss Scuderi and Paul Pellisson.Il would be possible to have more information about the legacy of Father Boisot, however the letters that could provide more information are those sent to the abbot of St. Vincent which remain lost.
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[ [ [ 2, 22, 25 ] ], [ [ 2, 17, 17 ], [ 2, 37, 38 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Sahara Smith (born September 26, 1988) is an American singer-songwriter who released her debut album in 2010. Sahara (her father hiccuped while suggesting ``Sara,'' and both parties liked the mistake) Smith was born in Austin, Texas and spent her youth in Wimberley, Texas.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Father Joseph savors the power which he possesses on the fate of Cinq-Mars (``Tu t'en vas''). He confronts Marie with the announcement of the execution of Cinq-Mars, for betraying the country by dealing independently with a foreign power. Further, he tells her, the Polish ambassador will return soon from a hunt with the King, and Father Joseph advises Marie to answer him favorably; in exchange, Cinq-Mars will be spared.
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Zane was born Elizabeth Frances Zane in Chicago, Illinois, the daughter of Thalia and William George Zane, Sr., founders of a medical technical school. Her family's original surname, ``Zanetakos'', was anglicized to ``Zane'' by her parents.
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He died just over two months after arriving. Charismatic was a chestnut horse with four white stockings on his legs and a white stripe on his forehead. He was bred under a foal-sharing arrangement between William S. Farish and the Parrish Hill Farm of Dr. Ben and Tom Roach. His sire was Summer Squall, who had won the 1990 Preakness Stakes.
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There was also a great deal of domestic pressure on him at the time which he found unbearable. His wife Sarah had proved to be an unsuitable partner for a high ranking politician as she was prone to outburst of hysteria and hypochondria. There exist letters written by Sarah's aunt Emily Eden which frequently describes her niece's strange behaviour.
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When his father died in 1376 Edmund quarreled with his half-siblings, the children of his father's second marriage, over inheritance rights. Edmund was imprisoned in the Tower of London until he was released in 1377 by request of his brothers-in-law. After their father was executed for treason in 1326, Isabel and her youngest sister Elizabeth were the only daughters of Hugh the Younger to escape being confined in nunneries, Isabel because she was already married and Elizabeth because of her youth.
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Edmund was imprisoned in the Tower of London until he was released in 1377 by request of his brothers-in-law. After their father was executed for treason in 1326, Isabel and her youngest sister Elizabeth were the only daughters of Hugh the Younger to escape being confined in nunneries, Isabel because she was already married and Elizabeth because of her youth.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": ",_Countess_of_Arundel" }
Isabel retired to several manors in Essex that were given to her by her ex-husband. After receiving a papal dispensation, Richard married Isabel's first cousin Eleanor of Lancaster, with whom he had apparently been having an affair. Richard and Isabel's only child, Edmund Fitzalan, was rendered illegitimate by this annulment and so was unable to inherit his father's earldom.
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Crummell was raised in the town of Gander in central Newfoundland. He moved to St. John's to pursue his post-secondary education at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), and completed an Arts degree with a major in Political Science and minors in English and History. During his time at MUN, Crummell served as the Executive Vice-President and later President of Memorial University's Council of the Students'' Union.
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Sima Dan was born in 343, during the reign of his father Emperor Kang, by Empress Chu Suanzi, Emperor Kang's wife. He was his father's only son. When he was only one year old in 344, Emperor Kang grew seriously ill. His granduncles from his paternal grandmother's side, the key officials Yu Bing (**) and Yu Yi (**), wanted to support his granduncle, the son of his great-grandfather Emperor Yuan, Sima Yu the Prince of Kuaiji, as the new emperor, but Emperor Kang accepted the advice of another key official, He Chong (**), and decided to pass the throne to Sima Dan despite his young age.
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Suspecting Cilla was having another affair, Les kicked her out and Cilla came clean to Fiz about her illness, who told Chesney and Les. The family were reunited by Cilla's hospital bed, and Cilla then returned home. On finding out that husband Les and best mate Yana had slept together, Cilla hatched a plan to get her own back.
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He has barely entered the door to the office before he is already thrown into a new investigation. A man has been found murdered in his apartment, with a bullet in his head. The victim is Mats Sverin, financial manager of the local council, a very friendly and beloved man. No one has anything bad to say about him. With his coworkers, Patrick starts to redraw Mat's life, which contains more secrets than anyone would ever have suspected.
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Madonna reciprocated the feelings saying that she liked Solveig's way of working: ``He's very organised and methodical in his thinking so I like his work process''. The singer also stated that she was able to disapprove something which she did not like without hurting his feelings. Regarding having Minaj feature as a guest vocalist, Madonna explained that she wanted to collaborate with female singers she believed had a ``strong sense of themselves''.
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Most important of four books was her first, To Make My Bread (1932), which won the Gorky Prize in 1933. Grace Lumpkin was born on March 3, 1891, in Milledgeville, Georgia, the ninth of eleven children born to Annette Caroline Morris and William Wallace Lumpkin. In around 1900 she moved with her family to South Carolina.
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Before Fanny knew Sasha was back, she hired a professional dancer from San Francisco, CA, ``The Ringer,'' to play ``Clara.'' This creates hostility between the two lead dancers. Michelle helps Ginny, Melanie, and Boo make up from their argument. Boo is still pining for Carl, and Sasha meets a boy from the basketball team when she was a cheerleader.
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He brings her to his small hometown, where she is not exactly greeted with open arms. Hubbell's overbearing mother, Fanny, is appalled by the news of their marriage and frowns upon the idea of Michelle's moving in with them. Fanny hosts a wedding reception, where Michelle interacts with the colorful locals, who all seem to despise her.
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As Emperor Taizong of Tang wanted to enter into an alliance with Xueyantuo against Eastern Tujue, he sent the general Qiao Shiwang (***) as an envoy to Yi'nan, recognizing him the Zhenzhupiqie Khan (or Zhenzhu Khan in short), and awarding him with drums and banners. Yi'nan was very pleased, and he offered tribute to Emperor Taizong. It was said that by this point, his territory stretched from the Mohe to the east, Western Tujue to the west, and Gobi Desert to the south, and that many tribes, including Huige, Bayegu, Adie (**), Tongluo (**), Pugu (**), and Xi (*), all submitted to him.
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Haggard had enjoyed an immensely successful artistic and commercial run with Capitol and producer Ken Nelson, accumulating twenty-four #1 country singles since 1966. According to music journalist Daniel Cooper's essay for the 1994 Haggard retrospective Down Every Road, there was no animosity or disillusionment with the Capitol brass, and the change was made simply because MCA had made a better offer. In his 2013 Haggard biography The Running Kind, David Cantwell notes that by the latter half of the 1970s the singer had placed forty-three singles on Billboard's country charts, had won the Country Music Association's top prize, ``Entertainer of the Year,'' had been pardoned by California governor Ronald Reagan, had performed for President Richard Nixon, and had made the cover of Time magazine, and in response, ``He ran.
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Lee Roy Martin, also known as the Gaffney Strangler, was an American serial killer from Gaffney, South Carolina. He murdered 4 girls in 1967-1968. On Feb. 8, 1968 Leroy Martin called Bill Gibbons the editor of The Gaffney Ledger. Martin gave Gibbons a list of names and locations of the 3 women he had killed so far.
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[ [ [ 3, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 3, 13, 13 ], [ 3, 0, 0 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
There is a contemporary tract, Altercatio inter Urbanum et Clementum, arguing the two popes claims should be adjudicated by a council. In March 1095 Conrad attended the Council of Piacenza and confirmed his stepmother Eupraxia's accusations that Henry IV was a member of a Nicolaitan sect, participated in orgies and had offered Eupraxia to Conrad, stating that this was the reason for his turning against his father.
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[ [ [ 1, 17, 18 ] ], [ [ 1, 44, 44 ], [ 1, 35, 35 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Gabriella expresses her loss of trust with Troy (``Gotta Go My Own Way'') and leaves Lava Springs, and gives him the necklace back. It also seems that they broke up. Troy returns to work the next day to find that his friends refuse to talk to him. Kelsi silently shows Troy the notice from Mr. Fulton, causing Troy to question his own motivations (``Bet On It'').
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Shortly after announcing she would be candidate, a poll for the RTL 4 News estimated that 56% of the people preferred Verdonk as the leader of the VVD. Rita Verdonk was advised by Kay van de Linde, who also played a part in anti-immigration politician Pim Fortuyn 's 2002 election campaign, which was cut short by his assassination on May 6. Several of her statements and policies seem to exploit xenophobic emotions in the country, according to her opponents.
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Celia had lost her father shortly before coming to school. They immediately bonded and asked to share a room together since Celia was alone in a private room and Mandie was stuck in a full room. Celia has thick auburn hair, fair skin and green eyes and is much quieter than Mandie. She has a crush on Robert, who she met at a school tea.
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In the present day, Emma looks happy and sees Mary Margaret holding her baby boy as she prepares for the upcoming coronation even though they haven't named him yet.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Emma then walks out and Hook follows her, taking the fairytale book with him. Meanwhile, Regina, David, Belle, Gold, Robin, and Mary Margaret visit the jail to see if Zelena had died around the same time as the portal's opening. They see on the jail's surveillance video that she committed suicide, but are unaware that Gold altered the video to make it look like she killed herself.
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She escapes to Glasgow, where she comes across a wide variety of characters, who all help her to solve the mystery of where her grandparents are. Donaldson has spoken openly about how the character of Mary, who suffers from a mental illness, was inspired by the people she met while her son was in hospital.
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James Brougham (16 January 1780 -- 22 December 1833) was a British Whig politician. Brougham was the second son of Henry Brougham and his wife Eleanor. She was the daughter of James Syme and the niece of William Robertson. His older brother was Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, who served as Lord Chancellor, and one of his younger brothers was William Brougham, 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux, who sat also in the Parliament of the United Kingdom as well as succeeded in the barony.
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Trentini and Orville Harrold appeared in 136 performances before the production was taken on the road. A dispute between Herbert and Trentini arose when Herbert requested that Trentini perform an encore of the Street Song. Trentini ignored him because she wished to save her voice for the rest of the performance. The feud between Herbert and Trentini gave composer Rudolf Friml his first big opportunity.
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The press release was coincidental with the chair of the All-party parliamentary group on Russia being due for renewal. Shortly afterwards, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, who had served as a minister under Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major, and was then chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, resigned from the group, saying he had been unhappy for some time about the group's behaviour and ``political direction''.
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By the end of 2002, Dyer engineered Schumacher at the tests, and after the championships had been won, at the last three races at Monza, Indianapolis and Suzuka. Dyer then race engineered Michael Schumacher to his 2003 and 2004 world titles, famously appearing with the German on the podium after his triumph at the 2003 Canadian Grand Prix.
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The FBI headquarters chief questioned Leung's handler Smith, who denied the allegations and successfully convinced his superior that she would never do such a thing without his authorization. Smith privately confronted Leung on May 31, 1991 about the unauthorized disclosure of information. In response, she told him that her Chinese handler ``Mao'' had discovered her double-agent identity and had coerced her into giving additional information.
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Young leaders continued to emerge as the first half of the decade ended. Sigma Alpha Rho saw Eric Matisoff, who was one of the leading figures in Sigma Alpha Rho's growth in Central New Jersey take over to run Sigma Alpha Rho as Supreme Exalted Ruler in 2004. True to his reputation as one of the Current Generation's most dedicated brothers, Brother Saylor returned to the top post in Sigma Alpha Rho in 2005 and continued in that role up to the election of Matt Bagell as SER on June 20, 2007.
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The notions of culture, power and gender/subject formation that dominate Bordo's writing arise in some degree from poststructuralist thought. Susan Hekman points out that ``(l)ike an increasing number of contemporary feminist theorists (Bordo) argues for a selective use of postmodern theories'' and one way Bordo's work can be seen in a poststructuralist/postmodernist light is through her usage of Foucauldian methodology.
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The offering, though Isaac does not know this, is to be Isaac himself. ``Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps'', which suggests imagery relating to a young soldier being sent, possibly against his will, in a uniform to fight. When he makes to sacrifice his son, an angel calls from heaven, and tells Abram not to harm Isaac.
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Suanna Wallumr*d has cooperated with exceptional baroque harpist Giovanna Pessi, who has previously made herself known with a variety of ECM recordings. Pessi's collaboration with pianist Christian Wallumr*d brought her regularly to Oslo, where she met and became friends with Susanna, the pianist's sister. Susanna invited Pessi to play on her solo album Sonata Mix Dwarf Cosmos (2008), and four years later, the Norwegian vocalist's turn to take guest role.
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As early as the age of six, he began watching Steve Rickard's NWA-affiliated promotion All Star Pro-Wrestling and its wrestling programme On the Mat. He became an avid fan of the show and was encouraged to begin drawing some of the wrestlers he saw such as Baron Von Krupp. After On the Mat was cancelled in 1984, Conlan started reading Pro Wrestling Illustrated and began following professional wrestling in the United States. Though he enjoyed WWF Superstars of Wrestling when it debuted in New Zealand in 1987, the country's first regular American wrestling show, Conlan favoured the National Wrestling Alliance, specifically Jim Crockett Promotions, partly due to being a fan of the NWA-friendly ``Apter mags'' and found its wrestlers more interesting to draw.
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In her mainly positive review of Haythornthwaite's paper 'Learning, Culture and Community in Online Education: Research and Practice', Nora Wright of the University of California found one problem with the paper, in that it appears less approachable to students and researchers than the content would suggest.
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Drum grows up to be a fighter and is often forced to bare-knuckle-box other slaves for the entertainment of the owners, one of whom is a gay Frenchman named Bernard DeMarigny (Colicos). DeMarigny wants to sleep with Drum, but his advances are rejected by the slave and DeMarigny vows revenge against Drum. Drum and his friend Blaise (Kotto) are eventually sold to plantation owner Hammond Maxwell (Oates) and are both taken to his plantation to work.
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She was awarded 14 Honorary Doctor of Science degrees and an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. In 1986 she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. During her final years, McClintock led a more public life, especially after Evelyn Fox Keller's 1983 book A feeling for the organism brought McClintock's story to the public. She remained a regular presence in the Cold Spring Harbor community, and gave talks on mobile genetic elements and the history of genetics research for the benefit of junior scientists.
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Crawford died, on 3 July 1875, the three women'' -- Isabella, her mother, and her sister Emma, all who were left in the household -- ``became dependent on Isabella's literary earnings.'' After Emma died of tuberculosis, ``Isabella and her mother moved in 1876 to Toronto, which was the centre of the publishing world in Canada.''
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Ultimately, Pratap was able to liberate all of Mewar except the fort of Chittor. In the Battle of Haldighati, despite exaggerated figures, it is estimated that Rana Pratap had 3000 horsemen, some elephants and 400 Bhil warriors under Rao Poonja. A small artillery unit was also with him under Hakim Khan Sur.
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Rod Gilmore, the game's analyst, described Jackson's prospects for the 2014 NFL Draft as follows: ``Gabe Jackson will be playing on Sundays, guaranteed. The only question is how high he goes in the NFL Draft.'' Chris Low commented, ``The top guard in the SEC going into the season, the 6-foot-4, 335-pound Jackson is a true road-grader. He combines size, power and strength and has been a fixture at left guard for the Bulldogs since his redshirt freshman season.''
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They had two sons, Laurence and Rupert, both actors . In the BBC programme Who Do You Think You Are? featuring son Rupert, broadcast in August 2010, it was revealed that Thorne's father William had served with the Indian Medical Corps at the Battle of Monte Cassino and that his preceding ancestors had a long-standing connection with the Indian Army.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The first caution came out on lap 9 when Aric Almirola got tapped from behind by David Ragan and spun near the entrance to pit road, nearly collecting Travis Kvapil. The race restarted on lap 11, with Busch still leading; Busch would remain there until lap 53, when Dale Earnhardt, Jr. passed him for the lead. With the help of his Busch (his former teammate), Tony Stewart passed Earnhardt, Jr. for the led while entering turn 4.
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Homer follows one of the raccoons into the family's home under a tree stump and prepares to take them out, despite Bart warning him that he always loses fights with animals, as his battle with the earthworms proved--but Homer claims that that was phased withdrawal, but after seeing that their family is basically the raccoon version of his family, Homer cannot bring himself to do it. During a windy break, Lisa can't inhale any smoke. She realizes her only alternative is to actually smoke a cigarette, and picks one up. Right as she is about to smoke it, her father arrives and takes it away, by throwing it on the ground, squishing it with his foot, and then shooting it with a gun several times, and he is shown to be putting the gun away into his jacket. (which is also filled with other guns and weapons) Appalled, he goes to tell Marge that Lisa needs to be taken out of the ballet academy, but discovers how proud she is of Lisa; Homer is unable bear to destroy Marge's happiness.
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Right as she is about to smoke it, her father arrives and takes it away, by throwing it on the ground, squishing it with his foot, and then shooting it with a gun several times, and he is shown to be putting the gun away into his jacket. (which is also filled with other guns and weapons) Appalled, he goes to tell Marge that Lisa needs to be taken out of the ballet academy, but discovers how proud she is of Lisa; Homer is unable bear to destroy Marge's happiness.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 30, 2008, and was written by Billy Kimball (the only sole writing credit he has received for the show to date), and directed by Lance Kramer. Lisa becomes a ballerina at an academy and discovers her natural talent is enhanced by second hand cigarette smoke. Meanwhile, Homer shows Bart his secret room where he has secretly been making beef jerky and is torn when a family of raccoons steal it.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The four-second fall from the Golden Gate Bridge sends a person plunging 245 feet (75 m) at 75 miles per hour (121 km/h) to hit the waters of the San Francisco Bay ``with the force of a speeding truck meeting a concrete building.'' Jumping off the bridge holds a 98 percent fatality rate; some die instantly from internal injuries, while others drown or die of hypothermia. In his article for The New Yorker, Tad Friend wrote, ``Survivors often regret their decision in midair, if not before,'' supported by survivor Ken Baldwin explaining, ``I instantly realized that everything in my life that I'd thought was unfixable was totally fixable--except for having just jumped.''
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At age 17, Rinker moved to Seattle and worked as a sheet music demonstrator at Woolworth's. She married and divorced Ted Bailey, keeping his last name because she thought it sounded more ``American'' than Rinker, which was of Swiss (German) origin. With the help of her second husband Benny Stafford, Bailey became an established blues and jazz singer on the west coast of the United States.
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When Gao received this news, he became even more respectful of Liang. In the aftermaths of Emperor Zhuangzong's death, Emperor Zhuangzong's adoptive brother Li Siyuan claimed imperial title (as Emperor Mingzong). Meanwhile, Gao Jixing prepared his fleet and wanted to attack Chu. His official Sun Guangxian, whom Liang Zhen had recommended to him to be his scribe, pointed out that Jingnan had barely recovered from the wars, and if it were engaged in a war with Chu, other states might take advantage and attack Jingnan.
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Born in Graz and like all of her siblings, Eleanor suffered of the famous Habsburg inferior lip. She was regarded as intelligent but moody, mainly for her frail health after suffered from smallpox in her childhood. Together with her sisters Gregoria Maximiliana and Margaret, Eleanor was a prospective bride for the future King Philip III of Spain.
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With the game deep into stoppage time and seemingly destined for extra time (the aggregate score was 2--2), Diarra received the ball in the England penalty area. A challenge from Kieran Richardson saw Diarra go down, and a penalty was given. His French teammate Jimmy Briand scored the penalty past Scott Carson and France qualified.
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Bissett received a bye past the first round on 7 August, while Hall defeated William Walther of Germany on a points decision. The second round took place on the following day, with both Rhodesians competing. Hall was knocked out of the tournament by Kintaro Usuda of Japan, while Bissett progressed following a victory in his first bout of the games against Carlos Orellana of Mexico.
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Michael Moorcock, E. C. Tubb, Brian Stableford, Barrington Bayley, Michael Coney -- a new American audience. He published translations of international sf as well as anthologies of translated stories, Best From the Rest of the World. With the help of Arthur W. Saha, Wollheim also edited and published the popular ``Annual World's Best Science Fiction'' anthology from 1971 until his death in 1990.
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His best result was winning U.S.A. F11 at Harbour Island, Florida without dropping a set, where he beat unseeded Barbadian Haydn Lewis in the final, 6-2, 7-6. This result, securing him 17 ATP points, saw his ranking soar by exactly 100 places. In doubles, Bester and compatriot Vasek Pospisil reached the quarter-finals of U.S.A. F5. The following week he and another Canadian, Kamil Pajkowski, also reached the quarters, this time of Canada F1.
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[ [ [ 2, 6, 7 ] ], [ [ 3, 3, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The first building in Richwood was a one-room log cabin on the north side of Ottawa Street occupied by Dr. John P. Brookins and his family. Dr. Brookins was a friend of Philip's from Mt. Vernon and had been looking for a place to practice his medicine.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": ",_Ohio" }
The Miller family of the first three seasons was dropped from the plot and a young couple, the Martins, brought in to buy the Miller farm and adopt the Miller foster child, Timmy. Uncle Petrie is Paul Martin's uncle and debuts in the fourth season episode ``The Ring''. There, he joins the family on the farm when Ruth Martin summons him from Millvale, Pennsylvania to help with the work.
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Her struggles at Oldfields greatly prepared Goodale for her future education, career, and especially mentorship that she would face later on in life. Goodale was able to get through her years at Oldfields with the help of her teacher Miss Anderson who acted as Goodale's mentor during her time in school.
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Kudryavsteva returned to competition at the 2014 Corbeil-Essonnes World Cup where she won the all-around silver behind Mamun, she qualified to 3 event finals: she won gold in ribbon and silver medals in clubs, hoop. Kudryavtseva won another all-around silver medal behind Mamun at the 2014 Tashkent World Cup with an overall score of 74.250 points. In event finals, she won 2 gold medals (ball, hoop), finished 6th in clubs and 7th in ribbon.
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The Lloyd expedition in 1844 found several giant tortoises surviving on Round island, and one of the explorers, Mr Corby, ``captured a female land tortoise in one of the caves on Round Island and brought it to Mauritius, where it produced numerous progeny, which distributed among his acquaintance.''
[ { "end_char": 298, "id": 1, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "The Lloyd expedition in 1844 found several giant tortoises surviving on Round island, and one of the explorers, Mr Corby, ``captured a female land tortoise in one of the caves on Round Island and brought it to Mauritius, where it produced numerous progeny, which distributed among his acquaintance.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "the", "start_char": 0, "text": "The", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Lloyd", "start_char": 4, "text": "Lloyd", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 3, "lemma": "expedition", "start_char": 10, "text": "expedition", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 23, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "in", 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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Llewellyn failed to take a wicket in this first Test and was promptly omitted from the remainder of the series but responded by performing impressively in the 1897--98 and 1898--99 Currie Cups, which led to his recall to the national team for the first Test of the 1898--99 series against England. Llewellyn impressed by taking five wickets but was surprisingly left out of the second Test. At the end of the 1898--99 series Llewellyn, perturbed by the actions of the selectors and seeking financial security, left South Africa to play for English county side Hampshire County Cricket Club as a professional, on the recommendation of South African team-mate Major Robert Poore, an ex-Hampshire cricketer on military assignment. He would star for Hampshire for over a decade, scoring 8772 runs at 27.58 and snaring 711 wickets at 24.66.
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A woman comes to Mel's shop to sell antiques from a house she's moving from after the death of her daughter (from an illness). Melinda very quickly discovers that the house is haunted by violent spirits after Ned gets hurt there-which doesn't go down well with Delia- and she realizes that the ghost of the little girl (Cassidy) is being trapped there.
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Much contemporary poetry fits into one of the many aesthetic categories that lie between the polar opposites of the radically ``experimental'' poem and the ``traditional,'' often formal, poem. Dorothy Barresi's work, however, is singular in its resistance, better yet, rejection, of current poetic camps. Part Sylvia Plath, part John Donne, Barresi handles both surprise and expectation with deftness, displaying uncommon verbal ingenuity and intelligence of investigation. Her third book, Rouge Pulp, spins poems of startling metaphysical image shot through with slang and pop culture.
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On May 23, 2009, O'Neal defeated the debuting Jayme Jameson after Krissy Vaine switched with her to become the first NWA Charlotte Women's Champion. She would turn out to be the the title's only holder due to NWA Charlotte folding in late 2009. O'Neal debuted for Women Superstars Uncensored (WSU) on August 22, 2009 in a victorious effort against Annie Social. Later in the night she got another victory over ``The Definition of Technician'' Cindy Rogers.
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Because Dante scholars have failed to recognize this systematic allegorical function of Dante's epic, Seung maintains, they have reduced it to a grand Human Comedy, in which the mass of humanity Dante encounters in his journey can hardly leave any room for the presence of God. By his trinitarian reading, Seung securely installs the Holy Trinity as the epic hero of Dante poem.
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In an interview conducted with FightLockdown prior to his UFC debut, Villefort stated, ``The greatest moment my career would have to be when I was in the IFL, when I fought Mike Massenzio. At the time I had only recently opened up my first gym and wasn't training enough for that fight. Everyone was saying Massenzio was ``gonna kill me'', but I believed in God, in my Judo, and in my Jiu-Jitsu skills, accepted the fight and I did what I did. Massenzio is very strong guy!'' When asked about his post-fight celebration which entails firing an invisible arrow at his opponents, Villefort stated that ``it is just a way to do tribute for my Dad, he deserves more than that, but when I shoot the arrow I make him happy!
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A complete filmography of John Wayne from 1926 to 1976, which also includes those films that Wayne only produced, and results pertaining to his long-running box office popularity between 1949 and 1973, during the height of his career after a decade of starring in a succession of low-budget B-movies. John Wayne began working in films in 1926 as an extra, prop man, and stuntman, mainly for the Fox Film Corporation. He frequently worked in minor roles with director John Ford and when Raoul Walsh suggested him for the lead in The Big Trail (1930), an epic Western shot in an early widescreen process called Fox Grandeur, Ford vouched for him.
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He later starred in other films such as Sawan Ko Aane Do (1979), Saanch Ko Aanch Nahin (1979), Ayaash (1982) and Itni Si Baat (1981). Ramanand Sagar cast Govil as Vikramaditya in his television series Vikram Aur Betaal and Ram in his highly successful television series Ramayan, for which he won the Uptron Award for ``Best Actor in a Leading Role'' in 1988.
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Granell was one of those exiles from a very early age. France, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Guatemala and New York were his places of residence. In 1955, Granell travelled with Zanetti Candle to New York and built a strong friendship with Marcel Duchamp. Between 1957 and 1985 he lived mainly on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York, and was Professor Emeritus of Spanish Literature at City University of New York (CUNY).
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He wintered in 1836-1837 at New Orleans, where he speculated again in cotton. He learned that his childless older brother John was dying of cancer. William Stewart would become the seventh baronet of Murthly and have ample money. For the rendezvous of 1837, Stewart took along an American artist, Alfred Jacob Miller, whom he hired in New Orleans.
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