1 value
Re-elected in the 2007 election, she was re-named the Minister of International Relations, La Francophonie and for the Estrie Region as well as the Vice-Chair of the Treasury Board. Following her 2008 re-election, Gagnon-Tremblay gave up for portfolio of International Relations to Pierre Arcand but was given the position of President of the Treasury Board previously occupied by Monique Jerome-Forget who was also responsible for the portfolio of finances. She was given Jerome-Forget's government administration portfolio duties until 2010.
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Ralph Inzunza was a San Diego City Council District Eight representative elected in February 2001 who resigned in 2005 along with Councilman Michael Zucchet after being involved in a corruption scandal. They were convicted of extortion, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud for taking campaign contributions from a strip club owner and his associates, allegedly in exchange for trying to repeal the city's ``no touch'' laws at strip clubs.
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Donald P. Kanak is non-executive Chairman of Prudential Corporation Asia, the Asian division of Prudential plc. Until 2006 he was a senior executive at American International Group, and was at one time considered to succeed Hank Greenberg as CEO. After beginning his career in management consulting, Kanak entered the insurance and financial services industry in 1986.
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His work as an arranger, producer and songwriter throughout the subsequent decades has brought him into contact with the leading Latin artists of the day, including Roc*o D*rcal and Isabel Pantoja. In addition to recording numerous hits on his own, Gabriel has produced albums for D*rcal, Lucha Villa, Lola Beltran and Paul Anka.
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Eliza Simmons Bryant (1827 -- May 13, 1907) was an American humanitarian. She was the daughter of a freed slave and helped former slaves as a benefactor after the American Civil War. Eliza Bryant was born in North Carolina to Polly Simmons, a slave, and her master.
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Reviewer Peter Travers wrote in Rolling Stone that ``Streep--at her brilliant, beguiling best--is the spice that does the trick for the yummy Julie & Julia.'' Similarly, Stephanie Zacharek of Salon concluded that ``Streep isn't playing Julia Child here, but something both more elusive and more truthful--she's playing our idea of Julia Child.''
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Asha Randall Asha Randall (born 6 April 1990) is an English synchronised swimmer who represented Great Britain in the team event at the 2012 London Olympics. Asha is the younger sister of synchronized swimmer Jenna Randall. Since announcing her retirement in 2013 from the sport along with her sister and other member of the London 2012 team, Asha has been performing as part Aquabatix, a synchronized swimming act which featured on Britain's Got Talent.
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The next day HMS Fawn, under the command of Captain Thomas Fellowes, encountered Rachel and captured her, together with the 12-man prize crew of Americans. The British took the Americans on board Fawn and put a six-man prize crew on board Rachel, which they sent her into Jamaica, where the Vice admiralty court condemned her as a prize.
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At the emergency room, the baby was pronounced dead. Suspicion mounted against Tinning, who was always alone when the children died, but there wasn't any evidence of wrongdoing. However, after a police interrogation, Tinning confessed to smothering Tami Lynne, Nathan, and Timothy (which she later retracted).
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Towards the end of Edward's reign, Alice was accused of making his life a misery and of luring him with her charms only to further her own personal ambitions. According to Charles Cawley, Perrers had three illegitimate children by King Edward, all while their relationship was a secret from his wife, Queen Philippa and the public.
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Alice Perrers is the protagonist of Emma Campion's novel, The King's Mistress. She appears in Anya Seton's novel, Katherine.
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Danny Goldman is an American actor, voice artist, and, more recently, casting director. Among his many notable credits include a small role in Young Frankenstein, the voice of Brainy Smurf and Ozzie the Answer in the 1980s detective drama Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Aki and Mitsuko's homeroom teacher begins class, but suddenly brandishes a machine gun and opens fire, killing all the girls except Mitsuko. Before she can fire another round, Sur and Taeko burst in, grab Mitsuko, and the three hide. Another homeroom teacher, who has just killed her own entire class, finds and kills Taeko and Sur.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
He informs Blackadder and Baldrick, ``For us, a toilet is a mundane, functional item. For you it is the basis of an entire culture!'' Before retiring to his chateau, Richthofen comments that, ``Gallant Lord Flashheart still eludes me.'' Soon after, Flashheart and Lieutenant George arrive to rescue their fellow flyers. At last facing his greatest adversary, Richthofen launches into a tedious soliloquy about chivalry and honor.
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The babies have an awards show, and the awards go to all of the others (Stu, Fluffy, and almost Angelica). The babies fear Dil is stronger than they are. Chas thinks of a name for the puppy. Phil and Lil think a visiting friend is a disaster. Tommy, Angelica, and Susie compete in a pet show. Tommy misunderstands Taffy when he hears her say she doesn't want pickles on her burger, thinking that she is referring to Dil when she says ``I don't like dill pickles''.
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Her world is perfectly ordered until young working-class girl, Sharon Wilkes (Beverley) is hired as the new office secretary. Initially prone to be snobbish, Elsie soon learns to appreciate Sharon and the two become friends. Many episodes revolve around the family life of either Sharon or Elsie, with Sharon's brother Elvis (Lee Daley) and her boyfriend Wayne (John Wild) and Elsie's husband Roland (Bruce Montague) making regular appearances.
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Although he has an ugly appearance, he is very fit, agile and nimble. He goes to Jizhou (**) and steals for a living. He is nicknamed ``Flea on a Drum'' for his excellent thieving skills. Shi Qian runs into some trouble in Jizhou (present-day Ji County, Tianjin) and Yang Xiong helps him.
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She appeared in a campaign for Aquascutum, Hermes for two seasons, Jigsaw A/W 2011, Sportsgirl and was the face of Links of London for a season. She has shot editorial for UK and American Glamour, Dazed & Confused, Italian Vogue, Japanese Vogue, Hercules, Plastique and Russian Vogue. Anna Brewster is from Moseley, Birmingham. She attended St Bernard's RC School, Kings Heath Junior School and Queensbridge School in Moseley before studying for her A levels at Solihull Sixth Form College.
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Heightened political pressure and illness pushed Gordillo out from public life for about a year, though she did hold on to her post as the PRI secretary general. In early 2005 Gordillo returned to public life and Roberto Madrazo greeted her with open arms. According to PRI rules, Gordillo, as secretary general of the party, should have replaced Madrazo when he stepped down; but, in a surprise move, Mariano Palacios Alcocer took Madrazo's position instead of Gordillo, who publicly broke with Madrazo just few days before Palacios Alcocer's election.
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Oliveira would take a major step forward with a dramatic come-from-behind win against undefeated prospect (8--0 with 8 knockouts) Phil Williams. In that fight Oliveira was knocked down twice but rallied to knock Williams out in the seventh round. In January 2009 Oliveira defeated veteran Rayco Saunders by majority decision. In his most recent bout Oliveira defeated Otis Griffin by second-round knockout on June 5 at Grand Casino Hinckley in Minnesota.
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The series was recorded in front of a live audience and each 30 minute episode was broadcast on BBC Radio 2 at 1pm, making some of the rude, and occasionally crude, jokes rather risqu* for the time of day. Hudd, Emmett, and Whitfield had all worked together on the very long-running radio series The News Huddlines. Holland is a familiar voice in British comedy series, probably best known for his role as Spike Dixon, the camp comic at Maplin's holiday camp, Crimpton-on-Sea, in the BBC sitcom Hi-de-Hi!
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University of Minnesota professor; author and National Book Award Winner for The Feast of Love Leo J. Enright - World Press Institute Fellow; Irish broadcaster Mary Karr -- bestselling author, The Liars' Club (attended for one year) Wade Keller -- Pro Wrestling Torch editor Ismail Khalidi -- playwright Walter Kirn -- author of Up in the Air (attended for his freshman year) Corina Knoll -- sports writer Chris Kobin -- motion picture and television writer/producer Alex Lemon (2000) -- poet; writer; creative writing professor at Texas Christian University Tim O'Brien (1968) -- bestselling author, The Things They Carried and Going After Cacciato Paul Raushenbush - Religious Editor for The Huffington Post Mark Strauss --
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Enright - World Press Institute Fellow; Irish broadcaster Mary Karr -- bestselling author, The Liars' Club (attended for one year) Wade Keller -- Pro Wrestling Torch editor Ismail Khalidi -- playwright Walter Kirn -- author of Up in the Air (attended for his freshman year) Corina Knoll -- sports writer Chris Kobin -- motion picture and television writer/producer Alex Lemon (2000) -- poet; writer; creative writing professor at Texas Christian University Tim O'Brien (1968) -- bestselling author, The Things They Carried and Going After Cacciato Paul Raushenbush - Religious Editor for The Huffington Post Mark Strauss --", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": 1, "lemma": "University", "start_char": 0, "text": "University", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 13, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "of", "start_char": 11, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "end_char": 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At the same time, Lady Elle secretly meets with the Council of Waya to tell them about her conviction that Lyka's the ``last protector'' they have been waiting for to save their clan when the next lunar eclipse occurs. As it is, some of the members are already tired of running away from their normal lives because of the curse. Unbeknownst to them, Lyka is slowly transforming into a wolf by then! After picking up her moonstone from Lady's Elle's office, she suddenly feels a searing pain in her head and body.
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That was the time when the raja (A prince, chief, or ruler in India) of Sheeroo Dynasty was disobeying the authority of King of Delhi, King Feroz Shah Tughlaq. When King Feroz Shah ascended the throne in 752 AH 1351 AD, Sheikh Pahar was well known as a man of sword with Arab blood, a warrior and a strategist. When the King came to know the extraordinary qualities of Sheikh Pahar, he awarded the Hari Sing & Hans Singh District to Sheikh Saheb through an edict or decree in 762 AH/1362 AD.
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Other people whose names were cited as possible candidates were MPPs Patrick Reid, Jim Bullbrook, Jim Breithaupt and MPs Norman Cafik, John Roberts and Anthony Abbott. Some Liberals including Donald Deacon tried to recruit former federal finance minister John Turner for the leadership election, but he declined.
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Indeed, Jamestown produced ads for four winning gubernatorial campaigns in four years--Christie in 2013, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker in 2014, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin in 2015 and New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu in 2016. Jamestown also produced ads for the losing gubernatorial primary effort of businessman Bruce Lisman in Vermont. Baker, a moderate running in liberal Massachusetts, hired Jamestown in the final months of 2014. His closing 90-second spot, ''Remarkable State,`` was dubbed ''the selfie ad`` and was described as '' of the best campaign ads I saw ... featuring clip after clip of the candidate posing for selfies with voters across the state`` by political author Kristin Soltis Anderson.
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Smile, sometimes typeset with the idiosyncratic partial capitalization SMiLE, is a solo album by Brian Wilson, with lyrics by Van Dyke Parks released on September 28, 2004 on CD and two-disc vinyl LP. Wilson, Parks and Darian Sahanaja completed the legendary unfinished album project, started in 1966 for Wilson's former band, The Beach Boys. It was released in September 2004 with back-up from members of his touring band, including three members of Wondermints.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Smith played an active role in JFK's 1960 campaign, and was working as Kennedy's campaign manager for re-election at the time of President Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963. Smith served as Robert Kennedy 's (RFK) campaign manager during his abbreviated 1968 presidential run.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Indrajith's role is that of a police officer who was tagged as a ``loser'' and hence different from other traditional cop roles. Asha Sarath was signed to play a journalist named Haritha, with the actress stating that Haritha was ``as unscrupulous as Geetha'', her character in Drishyam.
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He has also acknowledged that the Legislative Service Commission confirmed that the bill would allow JobsOhio to spend DOD funding without Controlling Board approval or seeking further approval from the legislature. Carney is against Kasich's biennium budget plan, and has stated that he believes the cuts made to local government will lead to an increase in local property taxes.
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He hosted the William B. Williams Show in the morning hours, and Music in a Sentimental Mood in the afternoon from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. In 1954, the originator of the Make Believe Ballroom program in New York, Martin Block, left WNEW for a new job at ABC Radio. Jerry Marshall took over the show for three years, after which Williams was tapped to host the program. He marked the broadcast as his own, using the distinctive sign-on, ``Hello, world'', and occasionally identifying himself as ``Guilliermo B. Guilliermos'' or ``Wolfgang B. Wolfgang,'' although to listeners and friends he was known simply as ``Willie B.''
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Then he persuades future son-in-law Ben to bet on a sure thing, Leadpipe, but gets a tip on another horse just before the race, bets Ben's money on that instead, then watches Leadpipe win. In danger of losing his business, if not his family, Jimmy delays paying off Ben, who excitedly believes his horse was the winner.
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Jones, along with Frank Shorter, provided the voices of the TV announcers for a fictionalized staging of the U.S. Olympic Track and Field trials in the 1982 film Personal Best. In 1997, Jones was awarded the Pro Football Hall of Fame 's Pete Rozelle Radio-Television Award. He also received an Emmy Award in 1973 for his part as writer, producer and host of the documentary Is Winning the Name of the Game?
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Alexander Windsor, Earl of Ulster, born 24 October 1974. He married Claire Booth on 22 June 2002. The couple have two children: Xan Richard Anders Windsor, Lord Culloden (born 12 March 2007) Lady Cosima Rose Alexandra Windsor (born 20 May 2010) Lady Davina Lewis, born 19 November 1977. She married Gary Lewis on 31 July 2004.
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The leader of the Legnano--Pirelli team, Graziano Battistini, was listed on the start list, but he withdrew from the Tour before stage one and was not replaced. Although he was cleared to race by the Tour's doctor, Pierre Dumas, Battistini thought he was suffering from azotemia.
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Miller is also currently serving as the producing artistic director at Surflight Theatre in Beach Haven, New Jersey, on Long Beach Island. Miller may be new to the leadership of Surflight Theatre, but he is no stranger to the landmark theatre's 450-seat venue. While performing in a high school production of Funny Girl in his hometown of Irvington, NJ, Miller was offered an apprenticeship at Surflight by the show's director and Surflight founder Joseph P. Hayes.
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The reissue was produced by Al Quaglieri, with Laura Grover as project director. The reissue featured three previously unreleased demos recorded on November 29, 1967. The 20-year-old Nyro performed the spare, solo demos of ``Lu,'' ``Stoned Soul Picnic,'' and ``Emmie'' on piano and multi-tracked her own voice to add harmonies.
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The group then moved on to their AWA run, returned to World Class, and then started a stint in the UWF where Gordy became the promotion's champion, Roberts held its TV title, and Hayes usually acted as their manager or served as a heel commentator on television broadcasts. After JCP purchased UWF in 1987, Hayes wrestled in World Class and several independent promotions, sometimes with Gordy, who began spending most of his time in Japan, and Roberts began to wind down his career.
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The film was on the ``Best Films'' list of over 20 national critics and was nominated for a Spirit Award for Best Screenplay by Savoca and Guay. Savoca cast many favorite New York City actors for the film which was shot in DeLaurentis/Carolco (now EUE Screen Gems) Studios in Wilmington, North Carolina. The film reunited Lili Taylor with Savoca, with whom she'd previously worked on Dogfight, and Vincent D'Onofrio, with whom she'd appeared in 1988's Mystic Pizza.
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The film follows the courtship and marriage of Catherine Falconetti (Ullman) to local butcher Joseph Santangelo (D'Onofrio), as well as Catherine's relationship with her overbearing Old World mother-in-law (Judith Malina). The film also focuses on Catherine and Joseph's daughter Teresa (Taylor), a devout Catholic more similar to her superstitious grandmother than with her modernized and secularized parents.
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Isabel Walker is a twenty-something American film-school dropout who decides to visit her step-sister Roxanne, a poet who now lives in France. Isabel believes that she is there to help Roxanne during her pregnancy with her toddler infant, but later realizes that her father and step-mother sent her there so that Roxanne would help the shiftless Isabel gain some direction in life. Shortly after she arrives, Roxanne confides in Isabel that her French husband, Claude-Henri has left her.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Learning the news they return home only to find from Roxanne that Claude-Henri has decided to agree with Roxanne's wishes that the painting be left out of the divorce and instead be willed to their children. The rest of the family is incensed at Roxanne and demand she sell the painting. Shortly after Isabel joins her step-mother, Margeeve, Roxanne's mother-in-law Suzanne and their grandchildren take a trip to Euro Disney where Isabel is accosted by Magda's husband.
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[ [ [ 2, 11, 12 ] ], [ [ 2, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 2, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
In 1997, Yukiko Shinozaki came to Belgium to work for Damaged Goods (Brussels), the dance company of the American choreographer Meg Stuart. She was a dancer in Splayed Mind Out (Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods and Gary Hill, 1997), Appetite (Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods and Ann Hamilton, 1998), Sand Table (Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods and Magali Desbazeille, 2000) and Highway 101 (Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods, 2000), and the assistant choreographer on Remote (Meg Stuart / Damaged Goods, 1997).
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When her husband, Henry II, died in 1559, she forced his mistress, Diane de Poitiers, to exchange Ch*teau de Chaumont for Ch*teau de Chenonceau, which Henry had given to de Poitiers. Diane de Poitiers only lived at Chaumont for a short while. In 1594, at the death of Diane's granddaughter Charlotte de la Marck, the ch*teau passed to her husband, Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Duke of Bouillon, who sold it to a tax farmer Largentier, who had grown rich on gathering in the salt tax called the gabelle.
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Rocky travels to Dubai, where his friend Babloo (Vijay Raaz) has already tracked down Tanya, who has become Natasha, a successful singer and performer. Rocky and Babloo stakeout Natasha's villa to make sure they are on the right track, but as soon as Rocky spots Natasha, it's love at first sight. While he has Natasha under surveillance, Karan and Murugan arrive at the Dubai airport from India.
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[ [ [ 2, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 2, 1, 1 ], [ 1, 21, 21 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Rocky intervenes, and after seemingly beating the living daylights out of the supposed thugs (the scene is similar to Jean-Claude Van Damme's introductory action sequence from Hard Target (1993)), introduces himself to Natasha, and proceeds to show himself off as a charming professional with a heart of gold. Somewhat awed, Natasha offers Rocky an invitation for tea later in the evening, which he accepts. When Rocky arrives at her villa later in the evening, he is confronted by several obstacles, Natasha's sister Sweety (Supriya Pilgaonkar), the jealous Tommy and the family's pet dog.
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He quoted extensively from Scottish jurist Baron Hume, and American psychiatrist Isaac Ray. Witnesses were produced from Glasgow to give evidence about M'Naghten's odd behaviour and complaints of persecution. The defence then called on a number of medical witnesses, including Dr Edward Monro, Sir Alexander Morison, and Dr Forbes Winslow, who testified that M'Naghten's delusions had deprived him of ``all restraint over his actions''.
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Another brother, Dr. Aswin W. Sastrowardoyo, is a physician who was formerly a guitarist and vocalist with the music group Chaseiro from 1979 to 1983, and a younger sister, Lisa Damayanti Sastrowardoyo (b. 1962). The actress Dian Sastrowardoyo is a niece of Ms. Joesoef. She is married to Mr. Iwan V. Joesoef, a businessman, and has two sons Marwan Arie Joesoef (born 26/5/1976), Nurfahd S. Joesoef (born 4/3/1979) and one daughter Tiara R. Joesoef (born 5/7/1999)
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As described by Brittany Spanos of Rolling Stone, ``The video opens on an art gallery filled with photos of Bieber's silhouette before shifting to the singer offering an emotional delivery of the track in a dark room. Bieber eventually becomes covered in animated paint, drawings and caricatures. Back in the gallery, Jack * fans are providing the illustrations that are appearing over or surrounding Bieber's body as he sings and dances to the track.''
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On 4 July 2011 at 9 am, Robinson brought 'The New Castle FM' back to life with Starship's ``Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now''; the station enjoyed success over the following two weeks attracting interviews with members of the local community and even Siva from 'The Wanted' called to show his support.
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He was commissioned into the Royal Artillery and by the end of the Second World War he was a Lieutenant-Colonel. After the war he served in the Territorial Army and was promoted to Colonel in 1956. Colonel Palmer married, May 6, 1950, in Duns, Lorna Eveline Hope, daughter of Charles William Hugh Bailie, of Manderston, Berwickshire, by which marriage the Palmer family came into possession of Manderston. At the time of his marriage he was resident at 'Fernhurst', Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Dorothy Moore (born 13 October 1946, Jackson, Mississippi ) is an American pop, R&B, and soulsinger best known for her 1976 hit song, ``Misty Blue''. Born to Mary Moore and Melvin Hendrex Snr., aka Melvin Henderson of the Mississippi Blind Boys, Dorothy was raised by her great grandmother.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The administration of Jewish communal affairs in Jerusalem had fallen into the hands of iniquitous officials. The poor were harshly taxed for the Muslim government; the rich were similarly treated and driven from the city by exorbitant demands upon them, so that the Jewish community was on the brink of ruin. In a letter written to his brother from Jerusalem on 24 August 1489, Obadiah mentions that Jews flock to Jerusalem from Egypt, Damascus, Aleppo and other places in order to worship God.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
She begins a relationship with him, unaware he is also seeing Gloria Todd (Sue Jenkins), a barmaid at the Rovers Return Inn. When Rita discovers his infidelity, she issues him an ultimatum. Although Alan chooses Gloria over Rita, Gloria changes her mind about being with him and ends their affair.
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The official first single, ``Fallin''', was written solely by Keys, and topped the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. ``A Woman's Worth'', written by Keys and Erika Rose, is a ``jazz-tinged'' song with lyrics which speak of how men should treat and respect women. Keys released her second album, The Diary of Alicia Keys, in December 2003.
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Homer's epics stand at the beginning of the western canon of literature, exerting enormous influence on the history of fiction and literature in general. Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC) was a Greek king of Macedon and the creator of one of the largest empires in ancient history. He was tutored by the philosopher Aristotle and, as ruler, broke the power of Persia, overthrew the Persian king Darius III and conquered the Persian Empire.
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As tempting as it can be to think of Liszt as the father of modern music on the basis of his late music, looking at his achievements in these works as ends in themselves would be erroneous. Liszt's technical achievements in his late music are one side of a more complex picture. Along with the increasing interest in Hungarian and other national schools of composition already mentioned, essential parts of this picture are tragedy in Liszt's personal life and developments in his friendship with Wagner. In his later years Liszt's problems with health, both physical and mental, affected his ability to complete compositions.
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On 17 June 2005, after 12 years at Birmingham, Bennett transferred to Leeds United who already had Scottish international goalkeeper Neil Sullivan as first-choice goalkeeper. Despite playing the pre-season friendlies, he was limited to four league appearances during the 2005-06 season, obtained deputising for the injured Sullivan. In July 2006, Bennett transferred for an undisclosed fee to newly promoted Premiership club Sheffield United, signing on a two-year deal to provide competition to the Blades first-choice goalkeeper, Paddy Kenny. He played the first game of his second spell at the club at Bramall Lane against Reading on 16 September 2006.
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He chose not to participate with guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor in the Queen + Paul Rodgers collaboration, but did give them his support. Deacon was also absent from Queen's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001. John Deacon grew up in Oadby with father Arthur, mother Lilian and younger sister Julie. His father worked for the Norwich Union insurance company, but died of a heart attack in 1962, when John was eleven.
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He was promoted to major on 14 August 1790, and to lieutenant-colonel on 9 December 1793. On 4 July 1785 at Barnes in Surrey, he married Henrietta Anne Hoare, a daughter of Sir Richard Hoare, 1st Baronet of Barn Elms, a partner in the City of London banking firm C. Hoare & Co, and Frances Anne Acland. She survived him and in 1795 remarried to Captain the Hon. Matthew Fortescue (1754--1842), Royal Navy, younger brother of Hugh Fortescue, 1st Earl Fortescue of Castle Hill, Filleigh, Devon.
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I would never write a book about the bad parts. I would mostly revel in the fantastic parts, of which there were so many.'' In early 2007, reports surfaced concerning Lindsay Lohan's interest in buying the rights to Nicks' life story and developing a motion picture in which she planned to play her.
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Henry Wallis (1830--1916) was an English Pre-Raphaelite painter, writer and collector. Born in London on 21 February 1830, his father's name and occupation are unknown. When in 1845 his mother, Mary Anne Thomas, married Andrew Wallis, a prosperous London architect, Henry took his stepfather's surname.
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Also, the twin roles of The Corsican Brothers at the Abbey in Dublin, and the lead role of Fridays at Seven at the Court Theatre in West Hollywood. His more notable television appearances include UK soap Coronation Street, JAG for NBC, Monk for USA Network, and Alias for ABC. Riotta's film credits include the independent mafia film Al Capone, for which he won the Best Actor award at the 1995 Barcelona Film Festival for his portrayal of the title character.
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But as the day wears on signs and premonitions of Odysseus'' return grow more ominous and they formulate a plan to work together in order that one of them may succeed in winning Penelope, thus saving the others from Odysseus'' revenge. In a final sequence Quinn performs a quick-change cabaret routine to the music of ``Spanish Flea'' and ``A Taste of Honey'' by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass as the others aid his performance.
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In 1854, in order to live less expensively, Soule moved her family to a log cabin in Boonsboro, Iowa. In 1856 Soule married Ardon Benjamin Holcomb (Born June 23, 1804 in North Granby, Hartford, Connecticut; died September 29, 1879), a lawyer, and they had one son, Sumner White Holcomb (born August 29, 1857). In 1856 Henry Bacon, editor of the Ladies' Repository (published by Tompkins), made her corresponding editor. Bacon's successor, Carolyn Sawyer, appointed Soule assistant editor, 1861-65.
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The meaning of the earth being divided is usually taken to refer to a patriarchal division of the world, or possibly just the eastern hemisphere, into allotted portions among the three sons of Noah for future occupation, as specifically described in the Book of Jubilees, Biblical Antiquities of Philo, Kitab al-Magall, Flavius Josephus, and numerous other antiquarian and mediaeval sources, even as late as Archbishop Ussher, in his Annals of the World.
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Geller is reckoned to have been among the best ten players in the world for around twenty years. He was awarded the International Master title in 1951, and the International Grandmaster title the following year. Geller played in 23 USSR Chess Championship s, a record equalled by Mark Taimanov, achieving good results in many. He won in 1955 at Moscow (URS-ch22) when, despite losing five games, he finished with 12/19, then defeated Smyslov in the playoff match by the score of +1 =6.
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Noble ``Thin Man'' Watts (February 17, 1926 -- August 28, 2004) was an American blues, jump blues and rhythm and blues saxophonist. He primarily played tenor saxophone. Allmusic journalist Bill Dahl considered Watts ``one of the most incendiary ... fire-breathing tenor sax honkers'' of the 1950s. Born in DeLand, Florida, Watts studied violin and trumpet in his youth, later switching to sax.
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Bollinger was listed as the third string QB, backing up starter Tony Romo and his backup Brad Johnson. During week 6 of the season, Romo injured a finger on his throwing hand, leaving him out for a few games. After some failed performances by the veteran Brad Johnson, Bollinger made his first appearance for the Cowboys in the second half of the week 9 game against the New York Giants.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The list certainly needs updating. Please help with the on-going process of updating. * * A number of Wain's poetry appeared in various anthologies, including the following: * Being an educationist with a pronounced bend towards the western model of democracy ), Wain's early philosophy was very much influenced by John Dewey. His later philosophy also draws on the works of poststructuralist philosophers such as Michel Foucault, J*rgen Habermas and Richard Rorty.
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He was born in New York City, studied in Paris, and after returning to the United States worked for Leslie's, Harper's Weekly and similar publications. He also contributed to the humorous weekly magazine Vanity Fair. The Mark Twain book A Tramp Abroad contains more than 20 pictures by Day. He married Maria Theresa Miller around 1859, who died in 1875.
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He sold off the boy's brothers and sisters in preparation for moving to Pennsylvania; he traded 10-year-old Hayden for two carriage horses to a man who traveled the state selling clocks. The travels with his new master allowed Hayden to hear varying opinions of slavery, including its classification as a crime by some people. When he was 14, the American Revolutionary War soldier Marquis de Lafayette tipped his hat to Hayden while visiting Kentucky, which helped inspire Hayden to believe he was worthy of respect and to hate slavery.
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On March 21, 2006, Murray was fired by the Kings and was replaced on an interim basis by John Torchetti. He provided colour commentary for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation during their Hockey Night in Canada telecasts of the 2006 Stanley Cup playoffs. On December 11, 2006, the Blues hired Murray to replace Mike Kitchen as head coach after a seven game losing streak. He coached the Blues to a record of 33--36--13 in his first full season as coach in 2007--2008.
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Sarah Wigglesworth MBE RDI is a British award-winning architect and Professor of Architecture at the University of Sheffield. Wigglesworth founded Sarah Wigglesworth Architects in 1994. Her practice has a reputation for sustainable architecture and an interest in using alternative, low energy materials.
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During that time he was part of an ABC News team that came under sniper fire in Sarajevo, Bosnia in August 1992. David Kaplan, a veteran ABC News Washington producer, was killed in the incident. In 1997, Sherwood joined NBC 's Nightly News with Tom Brokaw as a producer, then senior producer, and ultimately senior broadcast producer, where he was present during coverage of the September 11th attacks.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
When Herman and Fred are arrested and imprisoned for petty theft charges, Ma takes over the group and leads Arthur and Lloyd on a bank robbery spree to gain enough money to get her sons out of jail. The gang is joined by a gunman named Kevin (Bruce Dern) who was Fred's cellmate during his incarceration (and his strongly implied lover).
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[ [ [ 1, 10, 11 ] ], [ [ 1, 19, 19 ], [ 1, 15, 16 ] ] ]
{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
The organization of the household was so efficient that it alone could fully satisfy the needs of the tsar's court. One of the biggest zoos in Europe at that time could also be found in Izmaylovo manor. Unfortunately, after the death of Aleksey Mikhailovich the estates were abandoned and a lot of the buildings and facilities fell into decline. When he was a child, Peter the Great used the territory and the gardens for his war games; the remains of the redoubts he built are still partially preserved.
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He won a pair of tune-up fights, then faced contender Oba Carr in February 1999 for a chance to fight for a welterweight title. But Carr beat him on a 10-round unanimous decision. The loss to Carr was the end of Randall's time as a contender, but he's continued to fight with mixed results over the years since.
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She played as one of the children of Carding (played by Ronald Corveau) and Luisa (played by Marianne dela Riva) of Gulong Ng Palad on television. She became a famous child star of the '80s along with Lady Lee, RR Herrera, Chuckie Dreyfus, Jaypee de Guzman, Rose Ann Gonzales, Glaiza Herradura, Matet de Leon, and Aiza Seguerra, among others. Her other projects were Barbi: Maid In The Philippines (1989) with Joey de Leon and Petrang Kabayo And Pilyang Kuting (1990) with Roderick Paulate, among others.
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M states they leave and anyone who wants to, can come with him. Mr. M leads the mutants to a nearby island in the middle of a lake where they are joined by the O*N*E and the X-Men. Johnny Dee, under the command of General Demetrius Lazer, uses his ``voodoo dolls'' to make Leech depower Mr.
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Yuan Sijun (born 29 May 2000 in Fujian) is a Chinese snooker player. Yuan started to play snooker at the age of 10 and first drew attention in 2016 when, at the age of 15, he defeated world number 13 Martin Gould in a 5--0 whitewash in the opening round of the 2016 China Open before losing 5--2 to Graeme Dott. In 2015, Yuan entered the 2015 ACBS Asian Under-21 Snooker Championship where he reached the final, but lost eventually to Akani Songsermsawad.
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He is also chair of the editorial board for the journal of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences ' Television Quarterly and a faculty associate at the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. Pavlik was formerly a professor and executive director of the Center for New Media at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He also previously served as the founding director of the School of Communication at San Diego State University.
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It is documented that Charlemagne's court exploited the rose as a perfume. The rose was also appreciated for its medical value and was utilized in countless medical remedies. The Red Rose of Lancaster derives from the gold rose badge of Edward I of England. Other members of his family used variants of the royal badge, with the king's brother, the Earl of Lancaster, using a red rose.
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In 2010 Ella Kabambe was not the official Miss Malawi; this was Faith Chibale, but Kabambe represented the country in the Miss World pageant. At the 2012 Miss World, Susan Mtegha pushed Miss New Zealand, Collette Lochore, during the opening headshot of the pageant, claiming that Miss New Zealand was in her space.
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Critics have compared her to Avril Lavigne and Pink. Parol toured with acts such as White Tie Affair, A Rocket to the Moon, The Audition, Cash Cash, Friday Night Boys, Kelsey and the Chaos, Mercy Mercedes, and Forever the Sickest Kids! She will also be performing at the 98 PXY Summer Jam Concert in Rochester, NY with artists such as Flo Rida and Boys Like Girls.
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For her artist days, Parol cited artists such as Shirley Manson, Steven Tyler, Pat Benatar, Chrissie Hynde, Joan Jett and Debbie Harry as her biggest influences.
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First George Holley beat both amateur wing halves to open the scoring, the second came from Harold Fleming's ``splendid left-foot shot'', and Harry Hampton converted a corner. The half finished 4--0, after Hampton converted a penalty awarded against Arthur Knight for handball when Fleming's powerful shot struck his arm.
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{ "comment": "detokenizer=source", "source": "" }
Attempting to drown his sorrows, Peter visits his local bar, The Drunken Clam, with his guide dog, unaware that the bar is on fire (caused by God trying to impress a woman). Discovering the bartender Horace trapped under debris, Peter saves his life and is proclaimed a hero by local newsman Tom Tucker. When told that he saved Horace from a burning building, Peter replied with disbelief, ``That freakin' place was on fire?!''
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Latin under Professor Lamb, botany under Professor Tate, and Physiology under Professor Stirling. In 1879 she was seconded to the about-to-be-opened Advanced School for Girls in Franklin Street as deputy to Jane Stanes. Stanes retired at the end of 1880, and Edith was appointed her successor, though a Government regulation, stipulating that a head of a school must be aged 25, had to be waived by the Minister of Education J. Langdon Parsons.
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`` ''Thanks to the efforts of many of those great makers (which began with Gaetano Antoniazzi) and later with support of people like Simone Fernando Sacconi, the glory of Cremona was re-established with the opening of the School of Violin Making (officially in 1938, Cremona). `` ''Ceruti's work is rather cleaner and more precise than Storioni's, but his choice of wood was often somewhat plain.
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In order to get hold of Bobby Z after all, Don Huertero takes a colleague of Tad Gruzsa as hostage and proposes an exchange. Bobby Z knows Don Huertero won't rest until he believes him dead. Being worried sick, he bribes Tad Gruzsa. Now Tad Gruzsa conceives a plan to deceive Don Huertero. He wants to make Don Huertero believe Bobby Z was dead without harming the real Bobby Z. When the exchange is supposed to take place, Tad Gruzsa replaces Bobby Z. In his stead the clueless doppelg*nger Tim Kearney (Paul Walker) crosses the border.
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His decision in 1868 to retain control over the city's water rights and reserves is considered one of the most important in Los Angeles' history. In 1868, Aguilar lost re-election to Joel Turner and was subsequently appointed as Water Overseer once again. After resigning his post, Aguilar challenged Joel Turner again in 1870, defeating him this time.
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However, before he was able to arrive Mr. Fontayne stopped by, to tell Margie how well she did on her latest paper. Margie, who did not know who was replacing Roy as her date, mistook Mr. Fontayne for being the substitute. When Fontayne explained he is merely stopping by for the compliment and that he is actually taking Miss Palmer, who works at the school library, to the dance, Margie burst out in tears. In the end, she decided to attend the dance anyways, escorted by her father.
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She appears in a bathtub towards the end of Red Robin #11 as one of Ra's Al Ghul 's targets, identified as Bruce's first love, until she was rescued by Man-Bat, which shocks and scares her. A version of Julie Madison appeared in the 1997 film Batman & Robin, played by Elle Macpherson. Many of her scenes were edited out of the film's final cut, thus she is the only film love interest of Batman's to not have a prominent role.
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King Mongkut then presents the fifteen children she will tutor, aside from the other sixty-seven - among them his eldest son and heir Prince Chulalongkorn. Anna agrees to stay and tutor the King's children, prompting formality to break down. Later that night, Lady Thiang and the other wives assist Anna in unpacking, and when an old photograph of her late husband Tom is discovered, the wives start to deride the unhappy Tuptim because she is in love with another man named Lun Tha, the same man who brought her to Siam.
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Lewis Hamilton went past Romain Grosjean for sixth place on lap 67, closing on Fernando Alonso, but was eventually unable to catch him, who scored McLaren's best finish of the season up to that point. The race was also Honda's 350th Grand Prix as an engine supplier and the first time that the renewed partnership with McLaren scored a double points finish. By winning his first Hungarian Grand Prix, and 41st Grand Prix overall, Vettel matched Ayrton Senna for third-most Formula One career wins.
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His North American appearances have included Hoffmann in The Tales of Hoffmann (Washington National Opera 2001), Gustavo in Un ballo in maschera (Boston Lyric Opera 2007), and Dick Johnson in La fanciulla del West (Op*ra de Montr*al 2008). In October 2010, he made his role debut as Radames in Verdi's Aida for Opera Queensland. The title role in Verdi's Don Carlos has been an important one in Gavin's career. He made his Royal Opera House debut in the role in 1996 when he took over from Roberto Alagna in Luc Bondy's production and sang it at the Edinburgh International Festival in 1998 as well as in productions at The New Israeli Opera, Opera North, and Minnesota Opera.
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However, they do manage to get into the festival vibe in one sense, when experimenting with drugs leads to some surprising results. Get on Downer - Lacking excitement in her social life, Dolly plans to throw a party - but after mentally crossing Belle, Nobby and her family off the guest list, realises she doesn't really know anyone else.
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Boyfriend - Dolly bumps into an old friend from school, Sid, and the two get along well. However, when Belle points out that Sid fancies Dolly, she becomes incredibly nervous and makes a mess of things.
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