1 value
4 values
4 values
Continue writing the following text. Michael always wanted to go on a cruise and Adam wanted to help pick the right cruise because
Adam had recently been on a cruise.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? He didn't appreciate the trumpet as much as the violin because he thought the [A]: trumpet made shrill music. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The new blue basketball would not fit through the hoop because the [A]: basketball is too wide. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The vegetable wasn't cooking fast enough in the water with fire because the [A]:
water was too much.
Complete the following sentence. The vegetable wasn't cooking fast enough in the water with fire because the Available options: 1). water was too much. 2). fire was too much.
Continue writing the following text. Jeffrey showed Michael how to cook since Choose your answer from: A). Jeffrey was a teacher at a culinary school.. B). Michael was a teacher at a culinary school..
QUES: Continue writing. Felicia loves cats but Megan is allergic to cat fur. +++++++++ ANS: Megan went to the pound and adopted a dog. QUES: Continue writing. She didn't care about being as popular at school as she was at church, so at the +++++++++ ANS: church she had many friends. QUES: Continue writing. The planks for the house were taken out and replaced with tiles as the +++++++++ ANS: tiles were brand new. QUES: Continue writing. Jeffrey showed Michael how to cook since +++++++++ ANS:
Jeffrey was a teacher at a culinary school.
How does the sentence end? The woman took the clothes from the dryer and placed them in the basket until the
basket was full.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end After trying on a dress with polka dots and a dress with stripes, Madison decided to buy the latter because she thought the Select from the following. 1). polka dots made her look fat.. 2). stripes made her look fat..
Write the next sentence. Samantha was a student and asked Christine for help with their history and english homework because Choose your answer from: [a]. Samantha was a professor.; [b]. Christine was a professor.; Answer:
Problem: How does the sentence end? I was easy for Amy but not Lindsey to build muscle because Answer: Lindsey had not worked out and had not eaten a diet full of protein. Problem: How does the sentence end? The infection prone patient was moved from the ward to the private room, since the Answer: room was cleaner. Problem: How does the sentence end? Joseph was replaced by Kyle in the play, because Answer: Joseph had done a poor job learning their lines. Problem: How does the sentence end? After trying on a dress with polka dots and a dress with stripes, Madison decided to buy the latter because she thought the Answer:
polka dots made her look fat.
Write the next sentence. Craig irrationally screamed at Robert because
Craig needed his razor in the morning before work.
Choose your story that continues the following story. I didn't want to take care of my work because it was taking more time away from my play, because the Pick your answer from: (I). work was fun.. (II). play was fun..
sentence: The money that I received from the bank was a lot cleaner than the currency from the shop because the OPTIONS: - money was new. - currency was new. complete: money was new. Jan wanted to make lemonade by squeezing the lemon with the squeezer and it worked great although the OPTIONS: - lemon was a bit rigid. - squeezer was a bit rigid. squeezer was a bit rigid. Input: Continue writing. He wished he'd brought the brown shoes instead of the black shoes because the OPTIONS: - black shoes were less comfortable. - brown shoes were less comfortable. Continued: black shoes were less comfortable. Story needs to be completed: Mary hollered at Monica because OPTIONS: - Mary was so mad about the blocks falling over into the lake. - Monica was so mad about the blocks falling over into the lake. My choice: Mary was so mad about the blocks falling over into the lake. Problem: Continue the following story. Kyle crowded in on Lawrence, trying to intimidate them with their size, because OPTIONS: - Kyle was a pushover. - Lawrence was a pushover. Here's how I want to continue it: Lawrence was a pushover. Rachel asked to borrow Maria's dress, because OPTIONS: - Rachel realized jeans weren't appropriate for the occassion. - Maria realized jeans weren't appropriate for the occassion.
Rachel realized jeans weren't appropriate for the occassion.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Amy asked Christine to take care of her children for the day, because OPTIONS: - Amy was busy with work. - Christine was busy with work. [A]: Amy was busy with work. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Matthew honored their father's passing and Brian did not because OPTIONS: - Matthew had a bad father.. - Brian had a bad father.. [A]: Brian had a bad father.. [Q]: How does the sentence end? In Japan, a superhighway was scheduled to be built over the span of ten years, but the budget ran out. The OPTIONS: - superhighway was never realized. - budget was never realized. [A]:
superhighway was never realized.
Continue the following story. The box would not fit through the door in my house, because the
box was too wide.
sentence: Mabel is a nurse and she helps her patients take their medicine before they eat food, even though the complete: food is good on an empty stomach. sentence: Craig saw a UFO and asked if Donald had seen it but complete: Donald didn’t give a positive answer. sentence: Samantha was a student and asked Christine for help with their history and english homework because complete:
Christine was a professor.
Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey was more liekly to become a model than Nick, because most people thought
Jeffrey was beautiful.
Continue writing the following text. We went with a blue carpet instead of doing the hard wood floor, because the
carpet was cleaner.
How does the sentence end? Amy found crocheting relaxing, but it just frustrated Carrie.
Amy was a patient and creative person.
Write the next sentence. John removed the molding from the window, but left the molding around the door, because he wanted to preserve the look of the
door .
Question: To water the plant, the gardener poured water from the watering pot into the vase until the Answer: Continue the sentence -- vase was filled. Question: John could not finish watching the movie within the time his mom gave him because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- time is short. Question: Logan told Adam that he could design a stage set for him. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Adam was grateful. Question: I didn't want to take care of my work because it was taking more time away from my play, because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- play was fun.
Mary asked Natalie to do renovations on the house, then Mary tried to haggle the price down. Patricia knits more than Felicia, so Patricia has a larger collection of thread to choose from. Jessica went prospecting and found some gold ore, while Angela went prospecting and found iron ore.
Jessica was able to cash out with big money.
Input: Continue writing. The vegetarian meal seemed very unappealing to Monica although Tanya loved it, because Continued: Monica was a carnivore. Input: Continue writing. Carrie thought Samantha was a horrible driver because Continued: Carrie witnessed the multi-car pileup on the freeway. Input: Continue writing. I bought a pack of soda, but it all would not fit in the fridge because the Continued: fridge was too full. Input: Continue writing. The shoe salesman tried to fit the shoe onto the heel but the Continued:
shoe was too small.
Continue the following story. Jennifer was able to make a juice smoothie less quickly than Victoria, because
Victoria owned a juicer.
Problem: We had to remove the bureau and replace it with a dresser, as the OPTIONS: - bureau was an appropriate fit for the room now. - dresser was an appropriate fit for the room now. My choice: dresser was an appropriate fit for the room now. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Michael was building a snowman when Donald walked by and knocked it over. OPTIONS: - Michael was amused. - Donald was amused. [A]: Donald was amused. QUES: Continue writing. His two biggest problems were his consumption of cookies and potatoes. The OPTIONS: - cookies were often crumbling. - potatoes were often crumbling. +++++++++ ANS: cookies were often crumbling. Problem: How does the sentence end? When it comes to growing plants, Elena is better than Cynthia because OPTIONS: - Elena is a gardener. - Cynthia is a gardener. Answer: Elena is a gardener. sentence: Joseph purchased the house from Randy. OPTIONS: - Joseph had to give the keys away to the new owner. - Randy had to give the keys away to the new owner. complete: Randy had to give the keys away to the new owner. Input: Continue writing. Jeffrey was delighted to tell Adam that he was in love with the girl next door, as OPTIONS: - Jeffrey knew he would be in favor of the match. - Adam knew he would be in favor of the match. Continued:
Jeffrey knew he would be in favor of the match.
Question: Bill returned Jim twenty dollars because he borrowed money. he OPTIONS: - Bill - Jim Answer: Bill The Disney characters at Disney World entertain the audience since they are paying good money to having an enjoyable experience. Who is "they" in this prior sentence? OPTIONS: - The Disney characters - the audience the audience Question: The kidnapper will not return Trent Reznor until he agrees to a private performance. Who is he referring to in this sentence? OPTIONS: - The kidnapper - Trent Reznor --- Answer: Trent Reznor Q: The wolves ate the cows because they were hungry. Who they is? OPTIONS: - The wolves - the cows A: The wolves QUESTION: Obama had a meeting with Cantor, where he attempted to secure his support of the jobs bill. Who is "he"? OPTIONS: - Obama - Cantor ANS: Obama QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? Neil Patrick Harris is a better singer than Dave Chappelle,since he does not have time to become a good singer due to his comedy career. OPTIONS: - Neil Patrick Harris - Dave Chappelle ANS:
Dave Chappelle
Choose your answer from: [i] Jessica was able to cash out with big money. [ii] Angela was able to cash out with big money. Complete the following sentence. Jessica went prospecting and found some gold ore, while Angela went prospecting and found iron ore.
Complete the following sentence. He had the choice of getting paid by cash or check. Ben chose to get paid by the
check because he loved the bank.
Continue writing the following text. The shoe salesman tried to fit the shoe onto the heel but the (1). heel was too small. (2). shoe was too small.
Story needs to be completed: James preferred sitting down in his room with his cat rather than taking a walk in the neighborhood. The My choice: neighborhood is rowdy. Story needs to be completed: The cook poured the honey from the jar into the saucepan until the My choice: saucepan was nearly full. Story needs to be completed: Kevin had to help Adam move around on their crutches because My choice: Adam wasn't able to move well. Story needs to be completed: Stewart preferred taking a bus over a cab because the My choice:
bus was far less expensive.
There was only so much Angela could endure from Mary before OPTIONS: - Angela pushed them far. - Mary pushed them far. Mary pushed them far. Input: Continue writing. Derrick found butterflies to be a nuisance but Ian like them a lot. OPTIONS: - Derrick planted some flowers around their house. - Ian planted some flowers around their house. Continued: Ian planted some flowers around their house. Story needs to be completed: George was commissioned to paint the mural on the wall of the library, because the OPTIONS: - wall was bright. - mural was bright. My choice: mural was bright. Problem: Continue the following story. I always think that dust is worse than dirt because the OPTIONS: - dust will not get in the air. - dirt will not get in the air. Here's how I want to continue it: dirt will not get in the air. Problem: Sarah was able to get a car payment reduction without a refinanced loan unlike Kayla because OPTIONS: - Sarah had a worse credit score. - Kayla had a worse credit score. My choice: Kayla had a worse credit score. Story needs to be completed: I prefer slow dance to fast dance as I can get closer to my partner with the OPTIONS: - slow dance . - fast dance . My choice:
slow dance .
QUES: Continue writing. Neil thought the singing of Hunter was really bad, but OPTIONS: - Neil did not care for peace and quiet. - Hunter did not care for peace and quiet. +++++++++ ANS: Hunter did not care for peace and quiet. QUES: Continue writing. Victoria organized their room neatly while Erin threw their clothes on the ground, and OPTIONS: - Victoria felt chaotic at home. - Erin felt chaotic at home. +++++++++ ANS: Erin felt chaotic at home. QUES: Continue writing. Rebecca asked Monica to help them find the best makeup at the dollar store, and OPTIONS: - Rebecca was led to the right eyeshadow. - Monica was led to the right eyeshadow. +++++++++ ANS: Rebecca was led to the right eyeshadow. QUES: Continue writing. Kenneth thoughts gnats were a nuisance but Aaron did not. OPTIONS: - Kenneth swatted at the gnats flying around. - Aaron swatted at the gnats flying around. +++++++++ ANS:
Kenneth swatted at the gnats flying around.
Problem: Continue the following story. Natalie always ate more eggs than Christine because Here's how I want to continue it: Natalie lived a healthy lifestyle and needed a lot of protein. Problem: Continue the following story. Matthew drinks five days a week while William sticks to just one because Here's how I want to continue it: William likes to party less. Problem: Continue the following story. Natalie did not forgive Cynthia for the crime because Here's how I want to continue it:
Cynthia did not have a very contrite attitude.
How does the sentence end? Stewart preferred taking a bus over a cab because the Select from the following. (1). bus was far less expensive.; (2). cab was far less expensive.;
Write the next sentence. Natalie did not forgive Cynthia for the crime because Choose from: A). Natalie did not have a very contrite attitude.. B). Cynthia did not have a very contrite attitude..
Continue writing the following text. Christopher but not William would make a good babysitter because
William did not know how to handle small children.
Continue the following story. James was happy to perform the dance in sweatpants rather than a leotard, as he thought the Pick from: (I) sweatpants looked very good on him.. (II) leotard looked very good on him..
Problem: How does the sentence end? My cousin did not like his phone as much as his tablet, because the OPTIONS: - phone had a smaller screen. - tablet had a smaller screen. Answer: phone had a smaller screen. Problem: How does the sentence end? Handle brakes are more comfortable for me to use over pedal brakes because the OPTIONS: - handle allow me to use my hands where I feel I have more control. - pedal allow me to use my hands where I feel I have more control. Answer: handle allow me to use my hands where I feel I have more control. Problem: How does the sentence end? Kayla would pick a fight with Christine and always lose, never realizing that OPTIONS: - Kayla was just weak. - Christine was just weak. Answer: Kayla was just weak. Problem: How does the sentence end? The lawsuit had to distinguished the ladder as the cause of harm, not the rope, as the OPTIONS: - ladder was so dangerous. - rope was so dangerous. Answer:
ladder was so dangerous.
How does the sentence end? The food in Robert's pantry is plentiful, but this is not so for Ian because
Ian is poor.
Complete the following sentence. The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as the Possible answers: (a). bed turned out to be accommodating.; (b). floor turned out to be accommodating.;
Continue writing the following text. Because Laura wanted a lot of kids but Betty only wanted one child, Options are: [a]. Laura tried to get pregnant many times.. [b]. Betty tried to get pregnant many times..
sentence: The jack ended up being helpful, but the tire wasn't, because the OPTIONS: - jack was the right size. - tire was the right size. complete: jack was the right size. sentence: Maria could do more advanced skateboard tricks than Megan because OPTIONS: - Maria was a novice at the sport. - Megan was a novice at the sport. complete: Megan was a novice at the sport. sentence: Eric bought Ian a skateboard for his birthday because OPTIONS: - Eric could skateboard and really wanted one. - Ian could skateboard and really wanted one. complete:
Ian could skateboard and really wanted one.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Lori wore her hair in a braid instead of a ponytail because she thought the Choose from: 1). ponytail was cute. 2). braid was cute.
Write the next sentence. Rats infested Aaron's attic but not Hunter's because OPT: [a]. Aaron lived in a very old house. [b]. Hunter lived in a very old house. Answer:
Choose your story that continues the following story. After being caught speeding, Mike had to go to court, but not jail because the Options: i. jail was for major offenses. ii. court was for major offenses.
Problem: Elena liked the beautiful design work of the artist but Rebecca didn't like it, so My choice: Elena hired the artist. Problem: Having a relationship is hard work but I prefer that I receive letters rather than gifts since the My choice: gifts are manufactured. Problem: Justin could talk to elderly people better than Leslie because My choice: Leslie enjoyed visiting young people at living centers. Problem: James was happy to perform the dance in sweatpants rather than a leotard, as he thought the My choice:
sweatpants looked very good on him.
Write the next sentence. The stone that Emily bought turned out to be fake unlike Megan's stone, due to
Emily being a spontaneous buyer.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Jason but not Jeffrey went to the animal shelter to adopt a cat because OPTIONS: - Jason loves cats. - Jeffrey loves cats. [A]: Jason loves cats. QUES: Continue writing. Derrick blew up their balloon with their breath while Joel used a helium tank, and OPTIONS: - Derrick finished slower. - Joel finished slower. +++++++++ ANS: Derrick finished slower. Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie confided in Jessica that her boss was hostile to her. OPTIONS: - Natalie was furious. - Jessica was furious. Answer: Natalie was furious. sentence: Sarah used their foot to trip Emily, which made OPTIONS: - Sarah cry because it was so painful. - Emily cry because it was so painful. complete: Emily cry because it was so painful. During the contest, Steven was able to handstand a whole minute longer than Jason, and OPTIONS: - Steven won the trophy. - Jason won the trophy. Steven won the trophy. Problem: Continue the following story. The dirty steamer wouldn't fit all the way in the kitchen sink, because the OPTIONS: - steamer was much narrower than it. - sink was much narrower than it. Here's how I want to continue it:
sink was much narrower than it.
Continue the following story. Nick pushed Joel's upper back gently with his hand during the stretch, because
Joel has stiff muscle.
Complete the following sentence. The classical concerto conductor saw that the violins weren't ready but the cellos were because the
cellos were in tune.
Continue writing the following text. Pat transferred all the potato from the bag into the bowl until the
bowl was full.
How does the sentence end? Kenneth went to hike in the vast Canadian wilderness without Robert because
Robert doesn't like outdoors.
QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? God created Adam for good but he could not control his creation. ANS: God QUES: Who is they in the following sentence? The Philadelphia Eagles lost to the St. Louis Rams, but it was because they had the home field advantage. ANS: St. Louis Rams QUES: Who is he in the following sentence? Neil Patrick Harris is a better singer than Dave Chappelle,since he does not have time to become a good singer due to his comedy career. ANS:
Dave Chappelle
Pick your answer from: (I) paper was too heavy .; (II) ink was too heavy .; Complete the following sentence. the paper could not hold the ink as it was too much at at time, the
Write the next sentence. The alarm sounding in the other room got the birds quacking but james can only hear the quack because the
alarm is farther.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Megan was annoyed as Laura had shrunk [A]: Megan 's favorite jersey in the dryer as it had been raining. [Q]: How does the sentence end? It was taking a long time for Emily to heal, so Jennifer gave her some antibiotics. [A]: Jennifer is has a medical degree. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as the [A]:
floor turned out to be accommodating.
Input: Continue writing. Jennifer had many more friends than Megan had because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was a much more introverted person. - Megan was a much more introverted person. Continued: Megan was a much more introverted person. Story needs to be completed: Carrie offends Rebecca with the language they use at dinner because OPTIONS: - Carrie is vey crude. - Rebecca is vey crude. My choice: Carrie is vey crude. Problem: Continue the following story. The cuts the laser can do are better than the machine sine the OPTIONS: - laser is inaccurate in doing so. - machine is inaccurate in doing so. Here's how I want to continue it: machine is inaccurate in doing so. Problem: I prefer to use a spray rather than a trap to kill cockroaches as the OPTIONS: - spray is slow and ineffective. - trap is slow and ineffective. My choice: trap is slow and ineffective. [Q]: How does the sentence end? She wanted to go fishing but her rod was broken but had gotten a lure as a gift so the OPTIONS: - rod was new. - lure was new. [A]: lure was new. Problem: Jan wanted to make lemonade by squeezing the lemon with the squeezer and it worked great although the OPTIONS: - lemon was a bit rigid. - squeezer was a bit rigid. My choice:
squeezer was a bit rigid.
Question: Ryan ran over Ian's guinea pig with his car, causing OPTIONS: - Ryan to feel a great deal of pain. - Ian to feel a great deal of pain. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Ian to feel a great deal of pain. Question: Amy bought a brand new car last weekend while Kayla didn't, because OPTIONS: - Amy is very wealthy. - Kayla is very wealthy. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Amy is very wealthy. Question: Rebecca asked Erin to put something different on, because OPTIONS: - Rebecca preferred more complex music. - Erin preferred more complex music. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Rebecca preferred more complex music. Question: Craig relies on public assistance, and Jeffrey does not. OPTIONS: - Craig is living a more stable life. - Jeffrey is living a more stable life. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Jeffrey is living a more stable life.
Continue the following story. Felicia loved going to the lake with friends but Samantha was not fond of it, since
Felicia was a huge extrovert.
QUES: Continue writing. Matthew used the blender in the kitchen a lot more often than Joel because OPTIONS: - Matthew hated drinking smoothies. - Joel hated drinking smoothies. +++++++++ ANS: Joel hated drinking smoothies. Problem: How does the sentence end? I transferred my new photos from the memory card into the hard drive until the OPTIONS: - memory card was empty. - hard drive was empty. Answer: memory card was empty. sentence: Carrie wants to learn how to drive on snow and asks for Megan's help, because OPTIONS: - Carrie is an experienced driver. - Megan is an experienced driver. complete: Megan is an experienced driver. Julia got a tattoo of a bell instead of a heart, because she thought the OPTIONS: - heart would be too tacky. - bell would be too tacky. heart would be too tacky. Input: Continue writing. The children decided not to play video games, but read books instead, because the OPTIONS: - video games were enjoyable. - books were enjoyable. Continued: books were enjoyable. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I bought an object for my school but I wasn't able to use it, so instead I used the thing because the OPTIONS: - object was correct. - thing was correct. [A]:
thing was correct.
QUES: Continue writing. Nelson excitedly told Neil about how green tea got rid of his flu. +++++++++ ANS: Neil was skeptical. QUES: Continue writing. The songs sounded better in the hall than in the auditorium because the speakers in the +++++++++ ANS: auditorium were smaller. QUES: Continue writing. I really enjoyed the mangos that I got from the store more than the pears, because the +++++++++ ANS: pears were less sweet. QUES: Continue writing. Because Laura wanted a lot of kids but Betty only wanted one child, +++++++++ ANS:
Laura tried to get pregnant many times.
Complete the following sentence. Erin was injured during the event but not Laura because
Laura was right in the middle of the safe area.
Story needs to be completed: William liked to keep the house clean, but Robert was filthy, so OPTIONS: - William was always leaving things lay around. - Robert was always leaving things lay around. My choice: Robert was always leaving things lay around. Problem: Continue the following story. She ordered the slate to replace the wood on the patio because the OPTIONS: - slate was more worn. - wood was more worn. Here's how I want to continue it: wood was more worn. Problem: Lindsey gained a little weight so she gave Rebecca a few tank tops because they fit OPTIONS: - Lindsey poorly. - Rebecca poorly. My choice: Lindsey poorly. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya's homemade bird food was better than Jennifer because OPTIONS: - Tanya remembered to include sunflower seeds. - Jennifer remembered to include sunflower seeds. [A]: Tanya remembered to include sunflower seeds. QUES: Continue writing. Brian wanted a meat lovers pizza but Lawrence would only eat one with vegetables because OPTIONS: - Brian is a vegetarian. - Lawrence is a vegetarian. +++++++++ ANS: Lawrence is a vegetarian. QUES: Continue writing. The child got itchy when wearing the shirt but it went away when he applied oil, because the OPTIONS: - shirt was soothing to him. - oil was soothing to him. +++++++++ ANS:
oil was soothing to him.
Continue writing the following text. Michael always wanted to go on a cruise and Adam wanted to help pick the right cruise because OPT: [+] Michael had recently been on a cruise. [+] Adam had recently been on a cruise.
Adam had recently been on a cruise.
Eric asked Hunter to help them pick out a new piece of jewelry for their wife, because OPTIONS: - Eric had no sense of what women liked. - Hunter had no sense of what women liked. Eric had no sense of what women liked. Kenneth told Joel to try some of his home made rice wine. OPTIONS: - Kenneth was reluctant. - Joel was reluctant. Joel was reluctant. Emily sanded, painted and sealed the outdoor patio furniture for Kayla since OPTIONS: - Emily was disabled. - Kayla was disabled.
Kayla was disabled.
How does the sentence end? The woman took the clothes from the dryer and placed them in the basket until the Choose from: [1]. dryer was full. [2]. basket was full.
Write the next sentence. Craig irrationally screamed at Robert because OPTIONS: [-] Craig needed his razor in the morning before work.; [-] Robert needed his razor in the morning before work.;
Craig needed his razor in the morning before work.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Fergie built her sandcastle by the pier instead of by the shore, because the waves were lower near the Answer: pier . Problem: How does the sentence end? Joseph asked Brett to cut and color their hair because Answer: Joseph wanted a change of hairstyle. Problem: How does the sentence end? Chopping wood to make a fire was easy for William but not Jason because Answer: William had a sharp ax. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lori wore her hair in a braid instead of a ponytail because she thought the Answer:
braid was cute.
Continue the following story. The box would not fit through the door in my house, because the Available choices: (a). box was too wide.. (b). door was too wide..
Input: Continue writing. The bunny spat out the carrots and nibbled on the beans instead because the OPTIONS: - carrots were rotten . - beans were rotten . Continued: carrots were rotten . Input: Continue writing. Christine went to yoga less than Monica because the yoga studio was farther from OPTIONS: - Christine . - Monica . Continued: Christine . Input: Continue writing. The house was a lot easier to spot on the road than the farmhouse. The OPTIONS: - house must be brighter in color. - farmhouse must be brighter in color. Continued: house must be brighter in color. Input: Continue writing. Jason enjoys helping as many people as he can unlike Brian because OPTIONS: - Jason has a great heart. - Brian has a great heart. Continued:
Jason has a great heart.
Continue writing the following text. Lawrence made a bowl at the pottery store and Randy accidentally broke it.
Randy offered to make another.
Problem: Do "Lily" and "her" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Lily spoke to Donna , breaking *her* silence. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: yes Problem: Do "The trophy" and "it" point to the same thing in the following sentence? The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because *it* is too small. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: no Problem: Do "the girl" and "her" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Stretching *her* back, the woman smiled at the girl . OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: no Problem: Do "the worm" and "It" point to the same thing in the following sentence? The fish ate the worm . *It* was hungry. OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A:
Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey was more liekly to become a model than Nick, because most people thought (a). Jeffrey was beautiful.; (b). Nick was beautiful.;
Story needs to be completed: James put a headphone over his head to cancel out the noise from the radio. It was possible because the OPTIONS: - headphone is farther. - radio is farther. My choice: radio is farther. Story needs to be completed: Ian had a great credit history but Benjamin did not, so OPTIONS: - Ian had to buy the house alone. - Benjamin had to buy the house alone. My choice: Ian had to buy the house alone. Story needs to be completed: While Hunter had poor handwriting, Joseph had neat handwriting, so it was difficult to read the writing of OPTIONS: - Hunter sometimes. - Joseph sometimes. My choice: Hunter sometimes. Story needs to be completed: Nelson got a lien put on his house so Eric lent him some money which OPTIONS: - Nelson expected to be paid back as soon as possible. - Eric expected to be paid back as soon as possible. My choice:
Eric expected to be paid back as soon as possible.
How does the sentence end? Derrick knew William loved freshly squeezed juice in the morning.
Derrick gave him a juicer for his birthday.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The wallet wouldn't fit into David's back pocket, because the OPTIONS: - pocket was much too broad. - wallet was much too broad. Answer: wallet was much too broad. sentence: The dye on the cloth was faded when it was soaked in a bleach. The OPTIONS: - bleach is strong. - dye is strong. complete: bleach is strong. I want to plant vegetables in my garden and decided against corn and chose to plant squash instead because the OPTIONS: - corn is easier to grow. - squash is easier to grow. squash is easier to grow. Input: Continue writing. Patricia is more introverted than Natalie is, so it is very likely that OPTIONS: - Patricia has more friends. - Natalie has more friends. Continued: Natalie has more friends. Story needs to be completed: No one could eat the salad without their face frowning and they all want a cup of juice after because the OPTIONS: - salad is sour. - juice is sour. My choice: salad is sour. Problem: How does the sentence end? Erin was itching all over so Jessica carefully applied ointment and calamine to the areas. OPTIONS: - Erin got poison ivy. - Jessica got poison ivy. Answer:
Erin got poison ivy.
Write the next sentence. Benjamin was happy to show Adam a trick to sew, since
Benjamin had been doing it for a very long time.
Continue the following story. When getting flowers most people would get their wife roses but I know to get mine orchids. The
roses are too mainstream.
Problem: Continue the following story. Joel was having a hard time mustering up the energy to visit Samuel, so OPTIONS: - Joel was disappointed when they cancelled. - Samuel was disappointed when they cancelled. Here's how I want to continue it: Samuel was disappointed when they cancelled. Problem: Laura took their car to Christine's shop for an oil change, and OPTIONS: - Laura was pleased to give great service. - Christine was pleased to give great service. My choice: Christine was pleased to give great service. [Q]: How does the sentence end? During the game it was Jeffrey's call to put Jason into position so the team could win because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey was the wide receiver. - Jason was the wide receiver. [A]: Jason was the wide receiver. QUES: Continue writing. The boss said that Natalie was unable to type as fast as Lindsey due to OPTIONS: - Natalie having minimal training. - Lindsey having minimal training. +++++++++ ANS: Natalie having minimal training. Problem: How does the sentence end? More people bought the music CD than bought the album because the OPTIONS: - CD was older. - album was older. Answer: album was older. sentence: Logan was so sore after the long hike but Derrick felt just fine, OPTIONS: - Logan is active much of the time. - Derrick is active much of the time. complete:
Derrick is active much of the time.
Problem: Continue the following story. I got sap in my hair and had a bad time getting it out, so we had to shave the OPTIONS: - hair off my head. - sap off my head. Here's how I want to continue it: hair off my head. Problem: Continue the following story. Lindsey always cleans her jewelry, but Rachel doesn't own much jewelry, due to OPTIONS: - Lindsey being the wealthier person. - Rachel being the wealthier person. Here's how I want to continue it: Lindsey being the wealthier person. Problem: Continue the following story. Randy kept digging into the past of Matthew against their will, because OPTIONS: - Randy was trying to hide the truth. - Matthew was trying to hide the truth. Here's how I want to continue it:
Matthew was trying to hide the truth.
Complete the following sentence. Playing Scrabble is fun for Joel but not Hunter because
Hunter knows a lot of simple words.
Continue writing the following text. Lindsey liked to go home for the holidays but Elena did not because
Lindsey had a very warm relationship with their family.
sentence: Leslie studied to become an auto body repair technician but not Robert, because complete: Leslie was enthusiastic about cars. sentence: The brother shared his toys, though kept his books to himself, because the complete: books were the most important thing to him. sentence: Rats infested Aaron's attic but not Hunter's because complete:
Aaron lived in a very old house.
Question: William asked Hunter to drop the charges against his client because Answer: Continue the sentence -- William is a criminal defense attorney and wants him to be free. Question: The geese prefer to nest in the fields rather than the forests because in the Answer: Continue the sentence -- forests predators are more hidden. Question: Her boyfriend gave her the scarf to wear but hid the hat, since he thought the Answer: Continue the sentence -- scarf looked prettier on her. Question: After being caught speeding, Mike had to go to court, but not jail because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- jail was for major offenses.
Continue writing the following text. We went with a blue carpet instead of doing the hard wood floor, because the Options are: --floor was cleaner. --carpet was cleaner.
carpet was cleaner.
Problem: The woman covered the carpet in the living room with a rug, because the OPTIONS: - carpet was clean. - rug was clean. My choice: rug was clean. Problem: Brian always takes care of his guests a lot better than Jason, by reason that OPTIONS: - Brian is hospitable. - Jason is hospitable. My choice: Brian is hospitable. Problem: Joel likes to plant flowers more than Lawrence because OPTIONS: - Joel does not have a green thumb. - Lawrence does not have a green thumb. My choice: Lawrence does not have a green thumb. Problem: More people bought the music CD than bought the album because the OPTIONS: - CD was older. - album was older. My choice:
album was older.
How does the sentence end? She bought a notebook computer instead of laptop for her university lectures, because the
notebook computer is more portable.
Write the next sentence. William showed Randy how to replace the paneling in his home.
Randy was grateful.
sentence: Emily wanted to pretend to be rich so he went to Sarah 's house and borrowed his wardrobe because OPTIONS: - Emily dressed rich typically. - Sarah dressed rich typically. complete: Sarah dressed rich typically. Christine was able to lose more weight than Laura because OPTIONS: - Christine ate a lot of healthy food. - Laura ate a lot of healthy food. Christine ate a lot of healthy food. Input: Continue writing. Dennis was stuck with very thin hair while Adam's hair was thick and fluffy. OPTIONS: - Dennis felt a little guilty. - Adam felt a little guilty. Continued: Adam felt a little guilty. Story needs to be completed: The doves flew away from the tree and into the bush, since the OPTIONS: - tree was safe at that time. - bush was safe at that time. My choice: bush was safe at that time. Problem: Continue the following story. The miscarriage caused Amy to feel depressed while Sarah stayed positive. OPTIONS: - Amy was naturally a pessimist. - Sarah was naturally a pessimist. Here's how I want to continue it: Amy was naturally a pessimist. On a group trip to China, Victoria fainted from exhaustion and Amy carried her to her room OPTIONS: - Victoria is fragile. - Amy is fragile.
Victoria is fragile.
Continue the following story. I was easy for Amy but not Lindsey to build muscle because
Lindsey had not worked out and had not eaten a diet full of protein.
Emily had to pay for the water damage to their house out of pocket, but the same damage was covered for Jessica, because Jessica had full home owner's insurance. Justin made a knotted ribbon necklace for Donald because Justin knew how to make them. the paper could not hold the ink as it was too much at at time, the
ink was too heavy .
Problem: The chocolate that Matthew makes is way worse than Lawrence's because OPTIONS: - Matthew takes more time. - Lawrence takes more time. My choice: Lawrence takes more time. [Q]: How does the sentence end? To keep it an elegant affair, the event organizers forbade hats but allowed scarfs, as the OPTIONS: - hats were perceived as unseemly. - scarfs were perceived as unseemly. [A]: hats were perceived as unseemly. QUES: Continue writing. Glass cups are better than plastic cups because the OPTIONS: - glass cups are weaker and flimsier. - plastic cups are weaker and flimsier. +++++++++ ANS: plastic cups are weaker and flimsier. Problem: How does the sentence end? The pot on james table fell on the floor and broke because the OPTIONS: - pot is hard. - floor is hard. Answer: floor is hard. sentence: Erin thought the house was haunted but Natalie disagreed. OPTIONS: - Erin had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. - Natalie had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. complete: Erin had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. Input: Continue writing. After completely totaling the car, Neil, but not Ian, was arrested because OPTIONS: - Neil did not cause a fatality in the crash. - Ian did not cause a fatality in the crash. Continued:
Ian did not cause a fatality in the crash.
The man was rapping in the club louder than he was rapping in the bar because the speakers at the OPTIONS: - bar were bigger. - club were bigger. club were bigger. Input: Continue writing. Joel was more tired at the end of the day than Steven because OPTIONS: - Joel had spent the day loading bricks. - Steven had spent the day loading bricks. Continued: Joel had spent the day loading bricks. Story needs to be completed: Frustration was a daily part of Robert's life and not Lawrences, since OPTIONS: - Robert was a patient person. - Lawrence was a patient person. My choice: Lawrence was a patient person. Problem: Continue the following story. Kayla drove the car into Monica 's home. OPTIONS: - Kayla made him pay for the damages. - Monica made him pay for the damages. Here's how I want to continue it: Monica made him pay for the damages. Problem: I am pretty good at drawing curves on paper, unlike lines, because the OPTIONS: - curves are fluid. - lines are fluid. My choice: curves are fluid. Story needs to be completed: Robert is a new to baking and wants to make a chocolate frosting so he asks Dennis to help her, because OPTIONS: - Robert is ready to learn. - Dennis is ready to learn. My choice:
Robert is ready to learn.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Amy found crocheting relaxing, but it just frustrated Carrie. Choices: - Amy was a patient and creative person.; - Carrie was a patient and creative person.;
Amy was a patient and creative person.
Complete the following sentence. Emily wanted to pretend to be rich so he went to Sarah 's house and borrowed his wardrobe because
Sarah dressed rich typically.
"Carol believed that Rebecca suspected that she had stolen the watch." is a true sentence. Does this mean that "Carol believed that Rebecca suspected that Rebecca had stolen the watch."? pick from the following. --no; --yes;
Write the next sentence. John removed the molding from the window, but left the molding around the door, because he wanted to preserve the look of the Options: [i] window .. [ii] door .. Answer:
Continue writing the following text. Alice decided not to grow a vegetable garden in her backyard because the
garden is too large.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Jennifer was able to make a juice smoothie less quickly than Victoria, because Select from the following. (A). Jennifer owned a juicer.; (B). Victoria owned a juicer.;
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Janice wanted to pick up some sticks by the river but wanted to keep her dress looking nice, so she picked up some stones instead because the OPTIONS: - stones were dirty. - sticks were dirty. [A]: sticks were dirty. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jerry was making pancakes for breakfast but realized he had eggs but he didn’t have milk. It was unnecessary to go to the store for the OPTIONS: - eggs . - milk . [A]: eggs . [Q]: How does the sentence end? Donald accidentally pierced Michael's skin with an arrow so OPTIONS: - Donald took him to the emergency room. - Michael took him to the emergency room. [A]:
Donald took him to the emergency room.
How does the sentence end? Kyle complained to Lawrence as
Lawrence had hit him on the head with a golf ball.