1 value
4 values
4 values
Problem: Continue the following story. Elena had a stronger immune system than Rebecca , so OPTIONS: - Elena ended up getting pneumonia that year. - Rebecca ended up getting pneumonia that year. Here's how I want to continue it: Rebecca ended up getting pneumonia that year. Problem: The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety. OPTIONS: - Justin had terrible nerves recently. - Robert had terrible nerves recently. My choice: Robert had terrible nerves recently. [Q]: How does the sentence end? John was mad because he waited so long for the cab and had to run after the train. The OPTIONS: - cab arrived early. - train arrived early. [A]: train arrived early. QUES: Continue writing. Brittany clicked on the file with her cursor, causing the OPTIONS: - file to open up so she was able to access the information. - cursor to open up so she was able to access the information. +++++++++ ANS: file to open up so she was able to access the information. Problem: How does the sentence end? Airports are where Jeffrey works, and Hunter works on an army base. OPTIONS: - Jeffrey is the soldier. - Hunter is the soldier. Answer: Hunter is the soldier. sentence: The lawsuit had to distinguished the ladder as the cause of harm, not the rope, as the OPTIONS: - ladder was so dangerous. - rope was so dangerous. complete:
ladder was so dangerous.
Write the next sentence. Steven was healthier than Kyle because Select from: 1). Steven drank oatmeal water each morning to stay full during exercising.. 2). Kyle drank oatmeal water each morning to stay full during exercising.. Answer:
Continue the following story. Craig told Jeffrey that he would help him form an LLC.
Craig was generous.
Problem: Her look was made perfect when she wore earrings together with two watches. The OPTIONS: - earrings were synced. - watches were synced. My choice: watches were synced. Problem: Making play dough only required two ingredients which Kyle had on hand, but not Eric, so OPTIONS: - Kyle finished the project quickly. - Eric finished the project quickly. My choice: Kyle finished the project quickly. Problem: Dennis had to answer to their boss at work but not Lawrence because OPTIONS: - Dennis is working. - Lawrence is working. My choice: Dennis is working. Problem: We did crochet for a hat and a blanket but only the blanket came out since the OPTIONS: - hat was difficult to make. - blanket was difficult to make. My choice:
hat was difficult to make.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Angela loved shopping for shoes but Tanya dreaded doing so, so Pick your answer from: I. Angela had only a couple of shoes in their closet.; II. Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet.;
sentence: Angela was better at training the new puppy than Lindsey, because OPTIONS: - Angela is a new dog owner. - Lindsey is a new dog owner. complete: Lindsey is a new dog owner. Kenneth cooked for Hunter on the smoker because OPTIONS: - Kenneth liked smoked fish on the grill. - Hunter liked smoked fish on the grill. Hunter liked smoked fish on the grill. Input: Continue writing. Pets are something Michael hates, while Neil is the opposite, so OPTIONS: - Michael is a people person. - Neil is a people person. Continued: Michael is a people person. Story needs to be completed: James had his shirt stained with blood and he wore a jacket over it because the OPTIONS: - shirt is clean. - jacket is clean. My choice: jacket is clean. Problem: Continue the following story. The man lost weight after he burned fat and lost some muscle, the OPTIONS: - muscle was heavier. - fat was heavier. Here's how I want to continue it: muscle was heavier. Eric bought Ian a skateboard for his birthday because OPTIONS: - Eric could skateboard and really wanted one. - Ian could skateboard and really wanted one.
Ian could skateboard and really wanted one.
Complete the following sentence. Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun.
Matthew stabbed the mugger who assualted them.
Problem: The sushi rotted on the counter unless it was put in the cooler, as the My choice: cooler protected it from contamination. Problem: Katrina yelled at Laura for wearing their muddy boots inside the house. My choice: Katrina was angry. Problem: More people turned out for the event held by Betty but not Maria because My choice: Betty really knew how to promote the concert. Problem: Rachel reread her favorite book and finished it in one day, so Emily bought her another book. My choice:
Rachel was excited to read the new book.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The car windshield cracked when Lawrence slammed Adam into it, because [A]: Adam was very heavy.. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya has agreed to clean and brush Angela's matted fur, because [A]: Tanya wants to help him. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The German food was very fattening whereas the French food was slimming so James avoided the [A]:
fattening food.
Options are: - Brett is very concerned about getting hurt.. - Brian is very concerned about getting hurt.. Complete the following sentence. Brett is better at breaking up a fight than Brian because
Brian is very concerned about getting hurt.
Continue writing the following text. Sarah approached Katrina to discuss taking leave after the birth of the baby, because Choices: (A). Sarah was going to be short staffed. (B). Katrina was going to be short staffed.
Continue writing the following text. I tried to put the dogs new toy into the basket, but the
toy was too large.
How does the sentence end? Matthew grinds their teeth a lot in their sleep, and Hunter does not, so Available choices: 1). Matthew is likely more relaxed.. 2). Hunter is likely more relaxed..
Context:The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we punished *them* . Is "them" the same as "The older students"?
[Q]: How does the sentence end? We gave up on the couch but it was worth it to reupholster the chair, as the OPTIONS: - couch was terminal. - chair was terminal. [A]: couch was terminal. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I could not draw the figure, so I drew the landscape instead, because the OPTIONS: - figure was so effortless to reproduce on paper. - landscape was so effortless to reproduce on paper. [A]: landscape was so effortless to reproduce on paper. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Cynthia's hair was more silky than Emily's because OPTIONS: - Cynthia spent little time on her hair care routine. - Emily spent little time on her hair care routine. [A]:
Emily spent little time on her hair care routine.
Write the next sentence. I poured cow's milk from the bottle into the cup until the Options: (a). bottle was empty.. (b). cup was empty..
How does the sentence end? Megan said it would be liberating to go out without makeup like Elena does.
Megan always wore makeup when she left the house.
Continue the following story. Rachel reread her favorite book and finished it in one day, so Emily bought her another book. OPTIONS: [-] Rachel was excited to read the new book.. [-] Emily was excited to read the new book..
Rachel was excited to read the new book.
QUES: Continue writing. Getting into medical school was more likely for Victoria than Mary because +++++++++ ANS: Mary did not study hard in college. QUES: Continue writing. Steven dropped out of marathon training while Derrick trained harder. +++++++++ ANS: Derrick had never suffered a bad ACL injury. QUES: Continue writing. Mary decided to negotiate the price of the house but Natalie just accepted the first offer, since +++++++++ ANS: Mary was an experienced businessperson. QUES: Continue writing. Laura can only do 10 push ups, while Emily can do 50, so +++++++++ ANS:
Emily is a heavy weight lifter.
Complete the following sentence. The German food was very fattening whereas the French food was slimming so James avoided the OPT: (I). slimming food. (II). fattening food.
Write the next sentence. Samantha was unable to balance work and motherhood as well as Christine because
Christine was very organized.
Continue the following story. Ammunition plant owners prefer wartime over peacetime because orders for their products increase during the
wartime periods.
QUES: Continue writing. When anemia devastated Alberta, her family rallied around her and it was the OPTIONS: - anemia that was weak. - family that was weak. +++++++++ ANS: anemia that was weak. QUES: Continue writing. The circus was in town and Brian wanted to go but Aaron didn’t because OPTIONS: - Brian was really spooked by clowns. - Aaron was really spooked by clowns. +++++++++ ANS: Aaron was really spooked by clowns. QUES: Continue writing. Betty had more trust from their parents than Amy since OPTIONS: - Betty regularly came home on time for their curfew. - Amy regularly came home on time for their curfew. +++++++++ ANS: Betty regularly came home on time for their curfew. QUES: Continue writing. Erin went to go visit Arlington Veterans Memorial with Elena because OPTIONS: - Erin felt sorry for her. - Elena felt sorry for her. +++++++++ ANS:
Erin felt sorry for her.
Consider this sentence: Susan knows all about Ann 's personal problems because *she* is nosy. Are "she" and "Ann" the same?
Continue writing the following text. Laura can only do 10 push ups, while Emily can do 50, so Options are: [A]. Laura is a heavy weight lifter.. [B]. Emily is a heavy weight lifter..
Problem: How does the sentence end? We often cleaned up with vinegar instead of cleaner because the OPTIONS: - vinegar was much too pricey. - cleaner was much too pricey. Answer: cleaner was much too pricey. Problem: How does the sentence end? James wanted to get a new pillow and mattress for his bedroom. He got the OPTIONS: - pillow first even though it was more expensive. - mattress first even though it was more expensive. Answer: mattress first even though it was more expensive. Problem: How does the sentence end? Percy goes to the park on his bike instead of on the train, because the OPTIONS: - train gets him there slower. - bike gets him there slower. Answer: train gets him there slower. Problem: How does the sentence end? Derrick paid for their dinner but Steven wanted their's for free because OPTIONS: - Derrick was generous. - Steven was generous. Answer:
Derrick was generous.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end At school on Monday, Adam put the book in his backpack instead of the locker because the Pick your answer from: (1). locker was too full.. (2). backpack was too full..
Multi-select: Let's say that "Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, so she told her about it." Can we now say that "Susan told her about it."? Pick from: + no; + yes;
Write the next sentence. Kenneth cooked for Hunter on the smoker because Select from: (A). Kenneth liked smoked fish on the grill. (B). Hunter liked smoked fish on the grill. Answer:
sentence: Dennis was able to pronounce Irish names with ease, but Nelson had a hard time, because Gaelic was a foreign language for OPTIONS: - Dennis . - Nelson . complete: Nelson . sentence: Randy was truly and madly in love with Dennis due to OPTIONS: - Randy being a wonderful lover. - Dennis being a wonderful lover. complete: Dennis being a wonderful lover. sentence: The soldier tried to put the harness on the chest of the dummy but the OPTIONS: - chest was too small. - harness was too small. complete:
harness was too small.
Question: Mary poured the entire bottle of nail polish in to a paint bowl until the OPTIONS: - bottle was full. - bowl was full. Answer: Continue the sentence -- bowl was full. Question: Nelson was inside the teepee, while Jason stayed outside, so OPTIONS: - Nelson ended up getting drenched in the rainstorm. - Jason ended up getting drenched in the rainstorm. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Jason ended up getting drenched in the rainstorm. Question: Laura enjoyed tossing football with Betty, who always missed it, even though OPTIONS: - Laura was trying so hard. - Betty was trying so hard. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Betty was trying so hard. Question: Tanya likes to garden while Katrina does not, because OPTIONS: - Tanya shows neglect in her garden. - Katrina shows neglect in her garden. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Katrina shows neglect in her garden.
Choose your story that continues the following story. The sound decayed so much that the drum could not be heard by the recorder, as the Select from the following. [I] drum could not hear enough sound.. [II] recorder could not hear enough sound..
Problem: Mary would rather swim in the pool and not the lake because the OPTIONS: - pool was dirty. - lake was dirty. My choice: lake was dirty. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Amy found crocheting relaxing, but it just frustrated Carrie. OPTIONS: - Amy was a patient and creative person. - Carrie was a patient and creative person. [A]: Amy was a patient and creative person. QUES: Continue writing. Monica got orchids for Megan for their birthday, and OPTIONS: - Monica thought that was thoughtful of them. - Megan thought that was thoughtful of them. +++++++++ ANS: Megan thought that was thoughtful of them. Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie never checks the air in the tires while Tanya does and you just knew OPTIONS: - Natalie would have full tires. - Tanya would have full tires. Answer: Tanya would have full tires. sentence: Randy didn't think Kenneth was showing enough affection during their date so OPTIONS: - Randy started to pout. - Kenneth started to pout. complete: Randy started to pout. Input: Continue writing. Craig relies on public assistance, and Jeffrey does not. OPTIONS: - Craig is living a more stable life. - Jeffrey is living a more stable life. Continued:
Jeffrey is living a more stable life.
Complete the following sentence. The vegetable wasn't cooking fast enough in the water with fire because the
water was too much.
OPTIONS: (A). Jeffrey knows how to hem and sew. (B). Ryan knows how to hem and sew. Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey takes his trousers to Ryan for tailoring, because
Problem: Do "Lily" and "her" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Lily spoke to Donna , breaking *her* silence. **** A: yes Problem: Do "The trophy" and "it" point to the same thing in the following sentence? The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because *it* is too small. **** A: no Problem: Do "the girl" and "her" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Stretching *her* back, the woman smiled at the girl . **** A: no Problem: Do "the worm" and "It" point to the same thing in the following sentence? The fish ate the worm . *It* was hungry. **** A:
Continue writing the following text. Jeffrey showed Michael how to cook since
Jeffrey was a teacher at a culinary school.
The scratches were deep on the table but did not harm the door, as the OPTIONS: - table was impervious to damage. - door was impervious to damage. door was impervious to damage. I did not have enough money to buy the car from my friend, because the OPTIONS: - car was too little. - money was too little. money was too little. Matthew used the blender in the kitchen a lot more often than Joel because OPTIONS: - Matthew hated drinking smoothies. - Joel hated drinking smoothies.
Joel hated drinking smoothies.
How does the sentence end? After trying on a dress with polka dots and a dress with stripes, Madison decided to buy the latter because she thought the
polka dots made her look fat.
Write the next sentence. Samantha was a student and asked Christine for help with their history and english homework because
Christine was a professor.
Let's say that "Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, so she told her about it." Can we now say that "Susan told her about it."?
Continue writing the following text. Samantha gave Mary vocal lessons for the upcoming school concert because Possible answers: 1). Samantha had untapped vocals.; 2). Mary had untapped vocals.;
Input: Continue writing. Lindsey had a sloppy resume, while Laura's was impressive, so OPTIONS: - Lindsey had a more difficult time finding a job. - Laura had a more difficult time finding a job. Continued: Lindsey had a more difficult time finding a job. Input: Continue writing. Laura was dry when they came back from practice but Maria was wet. OPTIONS: - Laura had been out in the rain. - Maria had been out in the rain. Continued: Maria had been out in the rain. Input: Continue writing. James wanted to draw the cross on the paper, but there is no space for the horizontal arms. The OPTIONS: - cross is wide. - paper is wide. Continued: cross is wide. Input: Continue writing. Joel crawled on his knees to Jason to cure his mother because OPTIONS: - Joel is a famous doctor. - Jason is a famous doctor. Continued:
Jason is a famous doctor.
IN: Multi-choice problem: [he] William enforced a mandatory choir practice for Ryan since he is a mean teacher. OUT: William IN: Multi-choice problem: [he] The hippo ate the food the trainer brought when he was hungry. OUT: The hippo IN: Multi-choice problem: [he] Obama had a meeting with Cantor, where he showed his disapproval of his jobs bill. OUT: Cantor IN: Multi-choice problem: [she] Snooki got angry at Kendra since she is upset that her friend would not comfort her. OUT:
Problem: How does the sentence end? Doctor gave some medicine to Betty but gave none to Tanya as Answer: Tanya was showing none of the symptoms of illness. Problem: How does the sentence end? The parents of Joel forgot to pick them up from school but the parents of Eric were on time. Answer: Joel was standing alone at the school. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lindsey was not known to recycle at all compared to Christine, since Answer: Lindsey neglected the environment. Problem: How does the sentence end? At school on Monday, Adam put the book in his backpack instead of the locker because the Answer:
locker was too full.
sentence: Removal of the furniture took forever, but we got the appliance out quickly. The complete: appliance was much easier to carry out. sentence: Brian put Lawrence in charge of preparing the baby's bottle, because complete: Lawrence knew how to do it. sentence: Kenneth cooked for Hunter on the smoker because complete:
Hunter liked smoked fish on the grill.
Continue the following story. I didn't want to take care of my work because it was taking more time away from my play, because the
play was fun.
How does the sentence end? Jeffrey always used the main road, but Derrick didn't because pick from the following. * Jeffrey lived farther from it. * Derrick lived farther from it.
Derrick lived farther from it.
Question: William asked Hunter to drop the charges against his client because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Hunter is a criminal prosecutor and wants him to be imprisoned. Question: Katrina was teaching French to Erin however Answer: Continue the sentence -- Katrina had never been to France on vacation. Question: Christopher liked a calmer dog while Donald favored an energetic dog. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Christopher rescued an aging dog from the animal shelter. Question: The sound decayed so much that the drum could not be heard by the recorder, as the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- recorder could not hear enough sound.
Since Joseph wanted to cure their headaches naturally while Ryan wanted to use more traditional methods, Joseph tried aromatherapy. Kayla was tired of being bullied and freaked Amy out when Amy saw them bring a gun to school. Jeffrey takes his trousers to Ryan for tailoring, because
Ryan knows how to hem and sew.
Complete the following sentence. Jessica went prospecting and found some gold ore, while Angela went prospecting and found iron ore.
Jessica was able to cash out with big money.
At the workplace, Miguel likes a bagel in the morning, but not toast. The OPTIONS: - bagel is just more upsetting to his stomach. - toast is just more upsetting to his stomach. toast is just more upsetting to his stomach. Input: Continue writing. After finishing the exams, the teacher graded the papers with blue ink instead of red ink because the OPTIONS: - blue was used up. - red was used up. Continued: red was used up. Story needs to be completed: Hunter's finger got smashed while playing ball with Brian. OPTIONS: - Hunter felt a lot of pain. - Brian felt a lot of pain. My choice: Hunter felt a lot of pain. Problem: Continue the following story. The jewelry Kayla wore made quite an impression on Rachel although OPTIONS: - Kayla is less stylish than she is, usually. - Rachel is less stylish than she is, usually. Here's how I want to continue it: Kayla is less stylish than she is, usually. Problem: The planted seedlings weren't growing as quickly in the backyard like in the front yard because the OPTIONS: - backyard has little sunlight. - front yard has little sunlight. My choice: backyard has little sunlight. Story needs to be completed: Emily sanded, painted and sealed the outdoor patio furniture for Kayla since OPTIONS: - Emily was disabled. - Kayla was disabled. My choice:
Kayla was disabled.
Write the next sentence. Brittany clicked on the file with her cursor, causing the pick from the following. A). file to open up so she was able to access the information. B). cursor to open up so she was able to access the information.
Continue writing the following text. The shoe salesman tried to fit the shoe onto the heel but the
shoe was too small.
Input: Continue writing. It was easier for Laura to write a book than Patricia because Continued: Laura had a better imagination. Input: Continue writing. Natalie liked gardening better than Rachel liked it because Continued: Natalie liked dealing with the plants. Input: Continue writing. It was easier to reach high places with the stool instead of the chair, because the Continued: chair was short. Input: Continue writing. Samantha gave Mary vocal lessons for the upcoming school concert because Continued:
Mary had untapped vocals.
Story needs to be completed: Elena asked Erin if she could borrow her deodorant, but OPTIONS: - Elena had forgotten to bring some. - Erin had forgotten to bring some. My choice: Erin had forgotten to bring some. Story needs to be completed: Nelson was mad that Robert had their editorial accepted over theirs, but it was because OPTIONS: - Nelson had written a better one. - Robert had written a better one. My choice: Robert had written a better one. Story needs to be completed: The musician wanted to create the optimal sound and picked the guitar but not the piano because the OPTIONS: - guitar was out of place. - piano was out of place. My choice: piano was out of place. Story needs to be completed: Leslie gave their cold to Ian who ended up with a fever so OPTIONS: - Leslie felt angry. - Ian felt angry. My choice:
Ian felt angry.
Story needs to be completed: Carving a pumpkin every Halloween is a must for Megan but not for Katrina because My choice: Megan loves to follow tradition. Story needs to be completed: Growing vegetables was a success for the man, but he could never grow fruits. My choice: vegetables were just easier for him. Story needs to be completed: Miranda checked her daughter's hair for lice instead of her shoulders since lice like to live in the My choice: hair of someone. Story needs to be completed: Jeffrey always used the main road, but Derrick didn't because My choice:
Derrick lived farther from it.
Problem: Continue the following story. The child asked William to hem the shirts instead of Justin because Here's how I want to continue it: Justin did not have a sewing machine. Problem: Continue the following story. English was Monica 's best subject, but was a challenge for Victoria , so Here's how I want to continue it: Monica had no problem constructing elegant sentences . Problem: Continue the following story. Brittany clicked on the file with her cursor, causing the Here's how I want to continue it:
file to open up so she was able to access the information.
Problem: Derrick had two hundred more followers on social media than Kenneth, so My choice: Kenneth felt less popular. Problem: The artist tried to write the poem down on the napkin but the My choice: poem was too large. Problem: Mary was planing to get married and have Katrina be a flower girl because My choice: Mary wanted someone who was young. Problem: Maria cooked less of a variety of foods than Samantha although My choice:
Maria was taking cooking classes.
Continue the following story. Maria cooked less of a variety of foods than Samantha although Choices: [a]. Maria was taking cooking classes.. [b]. Samantha was taking cooking classes..
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Kayla is jealous of Cynthia because [A]: Cynthia created a new rocket to fly into space. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Charlie decided to quit smoking so he threw away his carton but not his lighter because the [A]: carton wasn't a gift. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The pollen was giving Adam a runny nose but not Randy, as [A]:
Adam is sensitive to tree pollen.
QUES: Continue writing. Kyle brought a book for the bus ride because he found the +++++++++ ANS: book to be interesting. QUES: Continue writing. Felicia worked out more than Emily so it was no coincidence that +++++++++ ANS: Emily was sweating less daily. QUES: Continue writing. Elena is a more efficient teacher than Tanya because +++++++++ ANS: Elena takes the time to teach the students. QUES: Continue writing. The truck slipped crossing the bridge but the car held on fine, although the +++++++++ ANS:
truck had better traction.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Angela loved shopping for shoes but Tanya dreaded doing so, so OPTIONS: - Angela had only a couple of shoes in their closet. - Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet. [A]: Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet. QUES: Continue writing. I flipped the coin from the table to the floor until the OPTIONS: - floor had no longer covered in pennies. - table had no longer covered in pennies. +++++++++ ANS: table had no longer covered in pennies. Problem: How does the sentence end? The shoe store had the right size shoes for Derrick but not Craig because OPTIONS: - Derrick has normal size feet. - Craig has normal size feet. Answer: Derrick has normal size feet. sentence: Jennifer was able to make a juice smoothie less quickly than Victoria, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer owned a juicer. - Victoria owned a juicer. complete: Victoria owned a juicer. Rebecca has several pets but Rachel has none as OPTIONS: - Rebecca is a huge animal lover. - Rachel is a huge animal lover. Rebecca is a huge animal lover. Problem: Continue the following story. Jason enjoys helping as many people as he can unlike Brian because OPTIONS: - Jason has a great heart. - Brian has a great heart. Here's how I want to continue it:
Jason has a great heart.
Complete the following sentence. The pollen was giving Adam a runny nose but not Randy, as Pick your answer from: * Adam is sensitive to tree pollen. * Randy is sensitive to tree pollen.
Adam is sensitive to tree pollen.
Input: Continue writing. He found it difficult to build with wood, but easy with metal, because he found the OPTIONS: - wood to be confusing. - metal to be confusing. Continued: wood to be confusing. Story needs to be completed: Going to the farm after school excited Steven but not Adam because OPTIONS: - Steven adored horses. - Adam adored horses. My choice: Steven adored horses. Problem: Continue the following story. Jenny washed her sweaters for the trip but not the pants, because the OPTIONS: - sweaters were less dirty. - pants were less dirty. Here's how I want to continue it: pants were less dirty. Problem: Wanting a new experience, the man took his date to the garden instead of the theater because they had never been to the OPTIONS: - garden before. - theater before. My choice: garden before. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Megan wore a white dress to the event, but not Lindsey, because OPTIONS: - Megan knew that that it was inappropriate for a funeral. - Lindsey knew that that it was inappropriate for a funeral. [A]: Lindsey knew that that it was inappropriate for a funeral. Problem: Nelson got a lien put on his house so Eric lent him some money which OPTIONS: - Nelson expected to be paid back as soon as possible. - Eric expected to be paid back as soon as possible. My choice:
Eric expected to be paid back as soon as possible.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Felicia managed to avoid an upper respiratory infection that year, but not Betty, because Answer: Felicia had made sure to get a flu shot. Problem: How does the sentence end? The activity wore out Dennis while Joel was hyper afterwards. Answer: Dennis lacks energy and strength. Problem: How does the sentence end? Matthew made sure to use an oil lubricant when expanding his piercing, unlike Jeffrey, so the painful experience from Answer: Jeffrey made a lot of sense. Problem: How does the sentence end? Jack was going to make a tuna sandwich but ended up eating a tuna salad. After burning the bread the Answer:
sandwich was unappetizing.
sentence: The attorney needed the cloak to cover his whole body but it didn't so he went with a trenchcoat since the complete: cloak was short. sentence: Derrick always lost the key to his car when at home unlike Hunter, due to complete: Derrick being forgetful. sentence: Victoria was always ahead on her bills but Elena was not because complete:
Victoria knew how to budget.
Question: Sarah always had more color than Maria, as Answer: Continue the sentence -- Maria spent very little time in the sun. Question: The coffee that Kayla made was tastier than that of Felicia because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Felicia used lower quality beans. Question: Pam liked reading the fiction book more than reading the magazine because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- book was far more interesting. Question: Craig told Jeffrey that he would help him form an LLC. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Craig was generous.
Paul made fun of Henry since he knew everyone else did. Tell me who he is.
Continue writing the following text. The truck slipped crossing the bridge but the car held on fine, although the [1]. truck had better traction.. [2]. car had better traction..
How does the sentence end? Stewart preferred taking a bus over a cab because the
bus was far less expensive.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Jack was going to make a tuna sandwich but ended up eating a tuna salad. After burning the bread the Select from: (a). salad was unappetizing. (b). sandwich was unappetizing.
QUES: Continue writing. The theraband that Jill purchased for herself would not fit around her leg, the OPTIONS: - theraband was too narrow. - leg was too narrow. +++++++++ ANS: theraband was too narrow. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lindsey tried to train their puppy on their own but Elena hired a pro. OPTIONS: - Lindsey had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. - Elena had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. Answer: Elena had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. sentence: The 12:15 interview required nice clothes and I was worried about the sweater I was wearing but remembered a shirt in my closet. The OPTIONS: - shirt was fancy. - sweater was fancy. complete: shirt was fancy. Erin but not Rachel was looked at funny because OPTIONS: - Erin did not have a huge eyebrow piercing. - Rachel did not have a huge eyebrow piercing. Rachel did not have a huge eyebrow piercing. Input: Continue writing. Joshua was going to skip the concert because he had homework; luckily, the OPTIONS: - homework was quick so he could go. - concert was quick so he could go. Continued: homework was quick so he could go. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Randy kept digging into the past of Matthew against their will, because OPTIONS: - Randy was trying to hide the truth. - Matthew was trying to hide the truth. [A]:
Matthew was trying to hide the truth.
The cabinets provide more shelf space than the closets, because the closets are quite diminutive. My friend loved her laptop a lot more than her computer, because the computer is stationary. Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun.
Matthew stabbed the mugger who assualted them.
Write the next sentence. Natalie did not forgive Cynthia for the crime because
Cynthia did not have a very contrite attitude.
Write the next sentence. Victoria was always ahead on her bills but Elena was not because Select from the following. A). Victoria knew how to budget.. B). Elena knew how to budget.. Answer:
Problem: Continue the following story. In college, Brett needed a tutor for calculus while Kevin did not because OPTIONS: - Brett was challenged by the material. - Kevin was challenged by the material. Here's how I want to continue it: Brett was challenged by the material. Problem: Continue the following story. Dennis was better at expressing their feelings than Benjamin because OPTIONS: - Dennis thought it was unnecessary. - Benjamin thought it was unnecessary. Here's how I want to continue it: Benjamin thought it was unnecessary. Problem: Continue the following story. Rebecca had a heartache when Sarah happily moved on from their marriage. OPTIONS: - Rebecca was peaceful all the time. - Sarah was peaceful all the time. Here's how I want to continue it:
Sarah was peaceful all the time.
Continue the following story. James was happy to perform the dance in sweatpants rather than a leotard, as he thought the
sweatpants looked very good on him.
Complete the following sentence. The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as the
floor turned out to be accommodating.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Craig told Jeffrey that he would help him form an LLC. pick from the following. 1. Craig was generous.; 2. Jeffrey was generous.;
Story needs to be completed: John thought his hand was broken, but it was actually his foot because the OPTIONS: - foot was straight. - hand was straight. My choice: hand was straight. Problem: Continue the following story. I used the cream on my belly but not on my face because the OPTIONS: - face was more sensitive. - belly was more sensitive. Here's how I want to continue it: face was more sensitive. Problem: Kyle loves cats of all kinds, but Lawrence is allergic to them, so OPTIONS: - Kyle has 5 cats. - Lawrence has 5 cats. My choice: Kyle has 5 cats. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The dirty steamer wouldn't fit all the way in the kitchen sink, because the OPTIONS: - steamer was much narrower than it. - sink was much narrower than it. [A]: sink was much narrower than it. QUES: Continue writing. At school, Kayla was interested in Betty's news that she had got a pet canary, because OPTIONS: - Kayla wasn't allowed to have pets. - Betty wasn't allowed to have pets. +++++++++ ANS: Kayla wasn't allowed to have pets. QUES: Continue writing. More people bought the music CD than bought the album because the OPTIONS: - CD was older. - album was older. +++++++++ ANS:
album was older.
pick from the following. (a). Matthew stabbed the mugger who assualted them.; (b). Benjamin stabbed the mugger who assualted them.; Complete the following sentence. Matthew carried a knife with them for protection but Benjamin carried a gun.
Problem: Betty has a lot more money than Rebecca because OPTIONS: - Betty just won the huge jackpot. - Rebecca just won the huge jackpot. My choice: Betty just won the huge jackpot. Problem: The sink looked moldy, but the bathtub was sparkling, because John had neglected the OPTIONS: - sink . - bathtub . My choice: sink . Problem: Christopher always just winged his labs for his science class, which upset the more studious Craig. OPTIONS: - Christopher just had a more impromptu approach to things. - Craig just had a more impromptu approach to things. My choice: Christopher just had a more impromptu approach to things. Problem: Since Nick loved animals while Kevin was afraid of them, OPTIONS: - Nick had several pets at home. - Kevin had several pets at home. My choice:
Nick had several pets at home.
Continue writing the following text. I tried to put the dogs new toy into the basket, but the Pick your answer from: [I] basket was too large.; [II] toy was too large.;
Question: When Tommy dropped his ice cream, Timmy giggled, so father gave *him* a sympathetic look. Timmy him OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer: no Q: The dog chased the cat , which ran up a tree. *It* waited at the top. Are "the cat" and "It" the same? OPTIONS: - no - yes ======= A: yes Question: Given context:The man couldn't lift his son because *he* was so heavy. 1: The man; 2: he OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Thomson visited Cooper 's grave in 1765. At that date *he* had been travelling for five years. Do "he" and "Thomson" mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: Do "poodle" and "his" point to the same thing in the following sentence? Equally swoon-worthy is C.K. Dexter Haven , a pallid young dandy holding a jade-handled walking stick, with a poodle asleep at *his* feet OPTIONS: - no - yes **** A: no Question: Joe paid the detective after *he* received the final report on the case. the detective he OPTIONS: - no - yes ----- Answer:
Input: Continue writing. Susan was making a cake for a party and she had an egg but didn't have milk. It was unnecessary to go to the store for the Continued: egg . Input: Continue writing. Sarah wanted to keep the squash in her garden and pick all the pumpkin so she worked until the Continued: pumpkin patch was empty. Input: Continue writing. Ryan offered condolences to Joseph although Continued: Ryan was more upset about the death of their friend. Input: Continue writing. I tried to put the dogs new toy into the basket, but the Continued:
toy was too large.
Continue writing the following text. Because Laura wanted a lot of kids but Betty only wanted one child,
Laura tried to get pregnant many times.
How does the sentence end? Lori wore her hair in a braid instead of a ponytail because she thought the
braid was cute.
Write the next sentence. Rats infested Aaron's attic but not Hunter's because
Aaron lived in a very old house.
Continue the following story. After being caught speeding, Mike had to go to court, but not jail because the
jail was for major offenses.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The frosting slid off the cake but stayed on the cupcake, as the OPTIONS: - cake had a poor surface to apply it on. - cupcake had a poor surface to apply it on. Answer: cake had a poor surface to apply it on. sentence: Joseph had a bad memory, so he asked Craig who was in the movie they saw last week. OPTIONS: - Joseph was frustrated he always had to answer things. - Craig was frustrated he always had to answer things. complete: Craig was frustrated he always had to answer things. I liked the shirt of Nick better than the shirt of Eric since OPTIONS: - Nick 's shirt was older. - Eric 's shirt was older. Eric 's shirt was older. Input: Continue writing. At the computers, Natalie was working on logo designs and Samantha was analyzing data in spreadsheets, because OPTIONS: - Natalie was a graphic design major. - Samantha was a graphic design major. Continued: Natalie was a graphic design major. Story needs to be completed: Her foot wouldn't fit into the shoe no matter how hard she tried because OPTIONS: - foot was too big. - shoe was too big. My choice: foot was too big. Problem: How does the sentence end? Donald accidentally pierced Michael's skin with an arrow so OPTIONS: - Donald took him to the emergency room. - Michael took him to the emergency room. Answer:
Donald took him to the emergency room.
How does the sentence end? Megan said it would be liberating to go out without makeup like Elena does. Select from: -Megan always wore makeup when she left the house.; -Elena always wore makeup when she left the house.;
Megan always wore makeup when she left the house.
Problem: Continue the following story. I took my cat to a vet the cat was given drugs for a cold but the OPTIONS: - cold was too weak. - drug was too weak. Here's how I want to continue it: drug was too weak. Problem: For better muscle tone, discard the machines and use barbells, as the OPTIONS: - machines will give you an ineffective workout for this. - barbells will give you an ineffective workout for this. My choice: machines will give you an ineffective workout for this. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The woman thought essential oils would cure her illness better than medicines because she believed the OPTIONS: - oils were ineffective. - medicines were ineffective. [A]: medicines were ineffective. QUES: Continue writing. The police would not let Leslie drive anymore, so Christopher had to do all the driving because OPTIONS: - Leslie was considered a safe driver. - Christopher was considered a safe driver. +++++++++ ANS: Christopher was considered a safe driver. Problem: How does the sentence end? Mark bought a turkey to make for dinner, but it did not fit in his new oven. The OPTIONS: - turkey was too wide. - oven was too wide. Answer: turkey was too wide. sentence: The introduction to the book fell flat and people liked the ending better because the OPTIONS: - book was exciting. - ending was exciting. complete:
ending was exciting.
Complete the following sentence. the paper could not hold the ink as it was too much at at time, the
ink was too heavy .
IN: Which person is they? The police arrested the criminals since they break the law. OPTIONS: - The police - the criminals OUT: the criminals Who is he? Seth is a smarter than Sai, and consequently he did worse in the job interview. OPTIONS: - Seth - Sai A: Sai IN: Multi-choice problem: [he] Tiger Woods dropped Randy as his caddy because he was not satisfied with his work. OPTIONS: - Tiger Woods - Randy OUT: Tiger Woods QUES: Who is they in the following sentence? American Airlines offers upgrades for their preferred passengers so they continue choosing their airlines over others. OPTIONS: - American Airlines - their preferred passengers ANS: their preferred passengers Question: The teachers failed the students because they answered the test incorrectly. Based on this sentence, who is they? OPTIONS: - The teachers - the students Answer: the students IN: Multi-choice problem: [she] Snooki got angry at Kendra since she is upset that her friend would not comfort her. OPTIONS: - Snooki - Kendra OUT:
Story needs to be completed: Playing darts was a favorite pastime of Cynthia but not Sarah, so My choice: Sarah was excited to see the bar had a pool table. Story needs to be completed: Neil bought Randy a fish tank for Christmas. My choice: Neil gave help setting up the new habitat. Story needs to be completed: Carrie was helpful when Victoria's car was broke down. My choice: Carrie offered rides to work each day. Story needs to be completed: Megan said it would be liberating to go out without makeup like Elena does. My choice:
Megan always wore makeup when she left the house.
Problem: Continue the following story. Megan was always following in the steps of Sarah since Here's how I want to continue it: Sarah provided effective leadership . Problem: Continue the following story. Jeffrey received a call from Michael when he was in jail as Here's how I want to continue it: Michael couldn’t come up with bail money. Problem: Continue the following story. Samantha was unable to balance work and motherhood as well as Christine because Here's how I want to continue it:
Christine was very organized.
Write the next sentence. Samantha was unable to balance work and motherhood as well as Christine because Options: +Samantha was very organized.; +Christine was very organized.;
Christine was very organized.
Continue the following story. Ammunition plant owners prefer wartime over peacetime because orders for their products increase during the pick from the following. (a). wartime periods. (b). peacetime periods.
Problem: The woman followed the online map instead of the drawing because the My choice: drawing was confusing. Problem: Jeffrey is a renowned pathologist, Ryan is a teacher therefore My choice: Ryan does not examine dead human bodies. Problem: The serum was given to Neil from Dennis, so My choice: Neil must be the patient at the hospital. Problem: Ammunition plant owners prefer wartime over peacetime because orders for their products increase during the My choice:
wartime periods.