{ "en": "According to statistics, there are approx. 5 books on person.", "hr": "Prema statistikama na u Braču je prosječno 5 knjiga po glavi stanovnika." }
{ "en": "At Vetropack Straža, the only glass container factory in Croatia, there is a plant for the processing of cullet (crushed glass that is ready to be melted) in which previously used glass containers from the entire territory of Croatia can be recycled.", "hr": "U Vetropack Straži, jedinoj tvornici staklene ambalaže u Hrvatskoj, postoji pogon za preradu staklenog krša u kojem se može preraditi otpadno ambalažno staklo s područja čitave Hrvatske." }
{ "en": "As active participants in the glass recycling cycle, let's make sure that discarded glass ends up in the only suitable place – the glass factory.", "hr": "Pobrinimo se, kao aktivni sudionici \"kružnog toka proizvoda\", da stakleni otpad završi na jedinom primjerenom mjestu - u tvornici stakla." }
{ "en": "As one of the oldest settlements on Pelješac peninsula, Trpanj, a village of labourers and fishermen, grew into a tourist oasis on this part of Mediterranean.", "hr": "Kao jedno od najstarijih mjesta na Polotoku Pelješcu, Trpanj je iz mjesta ribara i težaka prerastao u turističku oazu ovog djela Mediterana." }
{ "en": "If you wish to spend unforgetable moments of your life, visiting this little paradise will be right thing to do.", "hr": "Želite li provesti nezaboravne trenutke svog života dovoljno je posjetiti naš mali raj." }
{ "en": "A picture is worth thousand words.", "hr": "Slika vrijedi za tisuću riječi..." }
{ "en": "Trpanj is a place of rich history, numerous cultural and historical monuments.", "hr": "Trpanj je mjesto duge povijesti i brojnih kulturno-povijesnih spomenika." }
{ "en": "Apartments 'Lalic' are located on the eastern side of Bol, only 50 m from the sea and 300 m from the centar.", "hr": "Kuća je udaljena 50 m od mora, od centra je udaljena 300 m, a u neposrednoj blizini nalaze se dvije ljepe plaže." }
{ "en": "The owners speak german, english and italian.", "hr": "Vlasnici pričaju njemački, engleski i taljanski jezik." }
{ "en": "An annual review of the past season's best Croatian theatre productions, it is organised by the Gavella Municipal Dramatic Arts Theatre at the launch of the new theatre season.", "hr": "Godišnja smotra najboljih ostvarenja hrvatskih kazališta iz protekle sezone, održava se u organizaciji Gradskog dramskog kazališta \"Gavella\" na početku nove kazališne sezone." }
{ "en": "The best Croatian theatre productions from the 2005/2006 season, as selected by Zoran Mužić, will be presented to Zagreb audiences at the 21st Gavella Evenings.", "hr": "Na 21. Gavellinim večerima zagrebačkoj će publici biti predstavljene najbolje predstave hrvatskih kazališta iz sezone 2005/2006, po odabiru izbornika Zorana Mužića." }
{ "en": "A committee of judges will present the Dr. Branko Gavella award, named after the founder of the Gavella Municipal Dramatic Arts Theatre, for the best play.", "hr": "Najuspjelijoj predstavi prosudbeno vijeće dodjelit će nagradu koja nosi ime osnivača Gradskog dramskog kazališta \"Gavella\", dr Branka Gavelle." }
{ "en": "The Gavella Evenings theatre review was been held every year from 1973 to 1991.", "hr": "Kazališna smotra Gavelline večeri održavala se u kontinuitetu od 1973. do 1991. godine." }
{ "en": "After a fourteen-year pause, the jubilee 20th Gavella Evenings were organised last year.", "hr": "Nakon četrnaestgodišnje stanke, prošle su godine organizirane jubilarne, 20. Gavelline večeri." }
{ "en": "Agency rents a Kayak to their guests for entertainments and recreation.", "hr": "Agencija iznajmljuje gostima sandoline za rekreaciju i razonodu." }
{ "en": "It's for just one person suitable for getting physical condition and refresh himself..Depending on the person , you can use it for sailing to the beaches and sightseeing.", "hr": "Ona služi jednom članu da se fizički osvjezi i stiče kondiciju. Namijenjena je razonodi i rekreaciji. U ovisnosti od osobe može poslužiti za odlak na plažu ili razgledavanje okoliša te sticanje fizičke kondicije.." }
{ "en": "\"I’m like a caterpillar tank, wherever I go, I leave my mark\", is how Vlatko Markovic (68), President of the Croatian Football Federation (HNS), described his work as a player, coach and president.", "hr": "\"Ja sam poput tenka s gusjenicama, kuda god prođem, ostavim trag\", tako je Vlatko Marković (68), predsjednik Hrvatskoga nogometnog saveza, opisao svoje igračko, trenersko i predsjedničko djelovanje." }
{ "en": "In one part of his career, in the second half of the 1970s, he left his mark while working as a coach in France. For his work there, last week he received the National Merit Order (L'Ordre National du Mérite) from French President Jacques Chirac.", "hr": "U jednom dijelu svoje karijere, u drugoj polovici sedamdesetih, svoj je trag ostavio radeći kao trener u Francuskoj, te je zbog toga prošlog tjedna dobio Nacionalni orden za zasluge (L'Ordre National du Mérite) francuskog predsjednika Jacquesa Chiraca." }
{ "en": "The Order was personally handed to him in Zagreb by Michel Platini, the best French football player of all time and Markovic's colleague from UEFA.", "hr": "Orden mu je u Zagrebu osobno uručio Michel Platini, najbolji francuski nogometaš svih vremena i Markovićev suradnik iz UEFA-e." }
{ "en": "Vlatko Markovic has been President of HNS for the past seven years and over that period, the Federation has become very stable; showing that Markovic knows his way with money.", "hr": "Vlatko Marković već je sedam godina predsjednik HNS-a i u to vrijeme Savez je financijski postao vrlo stabilan, te se ističe kako Marković i te kako zna s novcem." }
{ "en": "The Croatian National Team regularly, with the exception of the European Championships in 2000, competes in world and European championships, and Croatia and Hungary have submitted a joint bid for the candidacy of host country of the 2012 European Football Championships.", "hr": "Reprezentacija Hrvatske i dalje, osim na Europskom prvenstvu 2000., stalno nastupa na svjetskom i europskom prvenstvu, a Hrvatska je zajedno s Mađarskom ozbiljan kandidat da postane domaćin Europskog prvenstva u nogometu 2012. godine." }
{ "en": "Markovic is very influential in UEFA and FIFA, the main world and European football organizations.", "hr": "Marković je jako utjecajan u UEFA-i i FIFA-i, čelnoj svjetskoj i europskoj nogometnoj organizaciji." }
{ "en": "On the other hand, those who think differently believe that all these successes are damaging national clubs and the result is a weaker national league and lower quality football.", "hr": "S druge strane, njegovi neistomišljenici smatraju da na štetu svih tih uspjeha trpe domaći klubovi i domaće prvenstvo koje je sve slabije, a kvaliteta nogometa je sve niža." }
{ "en": "Markovic, a former player for Dinamo, the Yugoslav National Team and Dinamo coach, as well as a brief stint as coach of the Croatian National Team disregards these objections constantly claiming that this is an issue of a power struggle.", "hr": "Marković, bivši igrač Dinama, jugoslavenski reprezentativac i trener Dinama te, kratkotrajno, hrvatske reprezentacije, sve to odbacuje stalno tvrdeći kako je u pitanju borba za vlast." }
{ "en": "- As a 17 year old from Nancy, Platini came to St. Etienne and immediately became the star player.", "hr": "- Platini je kao 17-godišnjak iz Nancyja došao u St. Etienne i odmah postao glavni igrač." }
{ "en": "I was then coach of Nice which was fighting for first place, as was St. Etienne.", "hr": "Ja sam tada bio trener Nice koja se borila za prvo mjesto kao i St. Etienne." }
{ "en": "When you need to weaken the competitor's best player, each coach uses his weakest player for that task.", "hr": "Kada treba onemogućiti protivničkog najboljeg igrača, svaki trener koristi za taj posao svog najslabijeg igrača." }
{ "en": "In the club there was a player called Capadona who played quite poorly, but was a specialist for \"bandages\".", "hr": "U klubu je bio momak koji se zvao Capadona, koji je jako loše igrao, ali je bio specijalist za \"flastere\"." }
{ "en": "In the championship games between Nice and St. Etienne, Platini rarely ever touched the ball.", "hr": "U prvenstvenim utakmicama između Nice i St. Etiennea Platini gotovo nije dirnuo loptu." }
{ "en": "Once it occurred that, in front of my bench, Capadona slid in to Platini, after which Platini came to me and said: \"Mr. Markovic, I would kindly ask that next time you do not put Capadona in my vicinity.\" I laughed at that and said: \"Mr. Platini, I'll never do that to you again.\" That's how it was.", "hr": "Jednom se dogodilo da je, pred mojom klupom, Capadona uklizao Platiniju, nakon čega je Platini došao do mene i rekao: \"Gospodine Markoviću, molio bih vas da sljedeći put ne stavljate Capadonu u moju blizinu.\" Ja sam se na to nasmijao i rekao: \"Gospodine Platini, nikada vam to više neću učiniti.\" Tako je i bilo." }
{ "en": "At one of our next games, St. Etienne beat us; Platini played perfectly and he said to me: \"Now see, this is how we should play all of our games\", to which I said: \"I'll return Capadona to you.\" That's how we got close.", "hr": "Na jednom od naših idućih utakmica St. Etienne nas je pobijedio, Platini je igrao odlično i rekao mi: \"Eto vidite, ovako bismo trebali igrati sve utakmice\", na što sam mu rekao: \"Vratit ću ti ja Capadonu.\" Tako smo se zbližili." }
{ "en": "- French President Jacques Chirac personally asked Platini to hand me the Order as the Mayor of Nice, when I was coach of Nice, was a great friend of Chirac, then French Premier.", "hr": "- Francuski predsjednik Jacques Chirac osobno je zatražio od Platinija da mi uruči orden jer je gradonačelnik Nice, dok sam bio trener Nice, bio veliki prijatelj sa Chiracom, tada francuskim premijerom." }
{ "en": "When I came to France in 1974 to be coach, we went on a trip to Paris and played against PSG, and I saw that instead of 16 players, only 12 players went on the trip.", "hr": "Kada sam 1974. došao u Francusku za trenera, išli smo na put u Pariz, igrali smo protiv PSG-a, i vidio sam da umjesto 16 igrača na put ide 12." }
{ "en": "Young, curious and careless as I was, I made quite a commotion in the newspapers; afterwards the presidents of the clubs, at an internal meeting, said that they knew that the foreign coach would cause problems and implement new ideas that would cost them.", "hr": "Mlad, nadobudan i nepažljiv, kakav sam bio, napravio sam gužvu preko novina, nakon čega su predsjednici klubova na internom sastanku rekli kako su znali da će strani trener, kada dođe, prouzročiti probleme i uvoditi novotarije koje će njih koštati." }
{ "en": "When the goalie would be injured, a player would stand in front of the goal, can you believe that?", "hr": "Kada bi se golman ozlijedio, igrač bi stao na gol, možete li vi to zamisliti?" }
{ "en": "They calculated how much they could save on the transportation expenses with four players less.", "hr": "Oni su računali koliko mogu uštedjeti na troškovima prijevoza s četiri igrača manje." }
{ "en": "The main editor of France Football wanted to speak with me about these novelties, and I told him that this was nothing new and that this was done throughout the entire world.", "hr": "Glavi urednik France Footballa želio je razgovarati sa mnom zbog tih novosti, a ja sam mu rekao da to nije nikakva novost nego da se tako to radi u cijelom svijetu." }
{ "en": "I was the first coach in France to have a recognized diploma to work in that country.", "hr": "Bio sam prvi strani trener u Francuskoj koji je imao priznatu diplomu za rad u toj zemlji." }
{ "en": "But there the coach and player unions were the law and I had problems.", "hr": "No tamo je sindikat trenera i igrača zakon i ja sam imao problema." }
{ "en": "- No coach, especially foreign, has received this Order.", "hr": "- Niti jedan trener, pogotovo inozemni, nije dobio taj orden." }
{ "en": "That is a step towards the Legion of Honour which I, without a doubt, will receive in several years, if I am alive.", "hr": "To je korak do Legije časti koju ću ja, nema sumnje, dobiti za nekoliko godina, ako budem živ." }
{ "en": "- I said that in a joke, which does not mean that this could not be for real.", "hr": "- Rekao sam to u šali, što ne znači da to ne može biti zbilja." }
{ "en": "I am 69 years old and fatigue is taking its toll, as is my life rhythm and the rhythm that the Federation has.", "hr": "Imam 69 godina pa polako umor radi svoje, kao i ritam mog života odnosno ritam koji je nametnut Savezu." }
{ "en": "It was not difficult for me.", "hr": "Meni nije bilo teško." }
{ "en": "Not to praise myself, I am a hardworking man.", "hr": "Da se ne hvalim, ja sam marljiv čovjek." }
{ "en": "It is not hard for me to sit in my car and go to Kamcatka if that was important for the Federation.", "hr": "Nije mi problem sjesti u automobil i otići na Kamčatku ako je to bitno za Savez." }
{ "en": "Pilots do not pass as many kilometers as I do during flights.", "hr": "Piloti ne prelaze toliko milja koliko ja prelazim tijekom letova avionom." }
{ "en": "Every reporter has asked me when I'll leave because certain football mediocrities would love to sit in my place because they have not done anything in their lives.", "hr": "Svaki novinar me pita kada ću otići jer pojedini nogometni nikogovići i mediokriteti vrlo bi rado sjeli u moj stolac jer u svom poslu nisu ništa napravili." }
{ "en": "I did everything in my job, as a player, coach and president of the HNS. They would like to lead the Federation on the side so that people who write about them in newspapers; I don’t give interviews often and I cannot be found on television.", "hr": "Ja sam sve napravio u svom poslu, i kao igrač i kao trener i kao predsjednik HNS-a. Oni bi Savez rado vodili sa strane pa da se o njima često piše u novinama, a ja ne dajem često intervjue i nema me na televiziji." }
{ "en": "At one point, I said that I would surely withdraw if we won the bid to organize the European Championship.", "hr": "U jednom sam trenutku rekao da bih se, ako dobijemo organizaciju Europskog prvenstva, vrlo rado povukao." }
{ "en": "Looking at the year, it might be smart that I live the next several years living more normally than I do now.", "hr": "Gledajući na godine, možda bi bilo pametno da ovih još nekoliko godina proživim normalnije nego što ih sada živim." }
{ "en": "It is interesting that people have been asking me that since day one, as they are used to having people sit in the Federation who consider the position to be a spin-off; this position means everything to me in my life.", "hr": "Zanimljivo je da mi to pitanje postavljaju od prvog dana jer su u Savezu navikli sjediti ljudi kojima je to uzgredna stvar, a meni je ovo sve u životu." }
{ "en": "No one expected that I would be here for eight years, and fairly successfully at that.", "hr": "Nitko nije ni mislio da ću ovdje biti osam godina, i to prilično uspješno." }
{ "en": "- I have been President of the UEFA Technical Commission, the most important Commission for the development of football, for the third year in a row.", "hr": "- Ja sam već treću godinu predsjednik UEFA-ine Tehničke komisije, najvažnije komisije za razvoj nogometa." }
{ "en": "I am the boss of former football stars Platini, Faccheti, Simmonsen, Czech national team coach Venglos, and if someone else was their boss, that would be published everywhere.", "hr": "Šef sam bivšim nogometnim zvijezdama Platiniju, Facchetiju, Simmonsenu, češkom izborniku Venglošu, a da je netko drugi njihov šef, to bi se objavilo na sva zvona." }
{ "en": "I believe this to be something normal because I was never greedy.", "hr": "Ja to smatram nečim normalnim jer nikada nisam bio pohlepan." }
{ "en": "On the other hand, I come from a wealthy family and am a good worker.", "hr": "S druge strane, iz bogate sam obitelji, ali jako dobar radnik." }
{ "en": "I never did anything bad to anyone in my life.", "hr": "Nikada u životu nisam nikome ništa loše napravio." }
{ "en": "I was a FIFA instructor for 15 years and I never said that anywhere.", "hr": "Bio sam 15 godina instruktor FIFA-e a da to nisam nigdje trubio." }
{ "en": "Sepp Blatter, President of FIFA, has been my friend for 40 years.", "hr": "Sa Seppom Blatterom, predsjednikom FIFA-e, prijatelj sam 40 godina." }
{ "en": "He was also my ˝kitchen helper˝ because when I would pass through Zürich, Blatter would carry my bags to transfer them because I would immediately travel further.", "hr": "On je svojedobno meni bio \"mali od kužine\", kada bih prolazio kroz Zürich, Blatter bi mi nosio torbe da ih zamijenim jer sam odmah putovao dalje." }
{ "en": "Therefore, my status did not emerge just yesterday; I have been in FIFA for 38 years and the UEFA for 12.", "hr": "Dakle, ja svoj status nisam sagradio jučer, u FIFA-i sam 38 godina a u UEFA-i 12." }
{ "en": "I guess you can say that I did not construct my influence, I had it from before.", "hr": "Može se reći da ja nisam gradio svoj utjecaj, nego sam ga imao otprije." }
{ "en": "Apart from Platini and 2-3 more, I am one of the rare former football players there.", "hr": "Osim Platinija i još dvojice-trojice, jedan sam od rijetkih bivših nogometaša tamo." }
{ "en": "Everything else in the Executive Board is the same as in Croatia, through contacts.", "hr": "Sve ostalo po izvršnim odborima je kao i kod nas, veze i meze." }
{ "en": "- I am sure that we will win and that's that.", "hr": "- Nema govora, mi ćemo pobijediti, za mene je to završena priča." }
{ "en": "After the announcement by UEFA President Lennart Johansson that it is time for small countries to be the host, which nothing significant ever happened in this region, that HNS and the representation is constantly among the 20 most important in the world, there is no way that we will not receive the championships.", "hr": "Nakon izjave predsjednika UEFA-e Lennarta Johanssona da je došlo vrijeme za male zemlje, da se na ovim prostorima nikada ništa značajno nije dogodilo, da su HNS i reprezentacija stalno među 20 najvažnijih na svijetu, nema šanse da ne dobijemo domaćinstvo." }
{ "en": "Our influence is large because we attempted to increase our presence in all parts of Europe.", "hr": "Naš utjecaj je velik jer smo nastojali omasoviti svoju prisutnost u svim dijelovima Europe." }
{ "en": "Apart from being President of the Technical Commission of FIFA, I am one of five members of the Financial Committee.", "hr": "Osim što sam predsjednik Tehničke komisije FIFA-e, član sam peteročlane financijske komisije." }
{ "en": "Sheik Al-Hamman from Qatar is President, Platini and I are the only members from Europe, and there are representatives from the Bahamas and Argentina.", "hr": "Šeik Al-Hamman iz Katara je predsjednik, Platini i ja smo jedini iz Europe, a tu su još predstavnici Bahama i Argentine." }
{ "en": "We decide who will get the money, and we have given $240 million USD to date.", "hr": "Mi odlučujemo tko će dobiti novac, a do sada smo podijelili 240 milijuna dolara." }
{ "en": "- That is one of the most important criticisms.", "hr": "- To je jedan od najvažnijih prigovora." }
{ "en": "Until there is a Sports Act and the issue of player selling is resolved, the Croatian league will have problems.", "hr": "Dok se ne donese zakon o sportu i ne riješi pitanje prodaje igrača, hrvatska liga imat će problema." }
{ "en": "These objections are only a front for what is really going on.", "hr": "Ti prigovori su samo kulise za ono što se događa." }
{ "en": "Young players do not have the appropriate working conditions here in the country.", "hr": "Mladi igrači kod nas nemaju prikladne uvjete rada." }
{ "en": "I do not even want to talk about club finances.", "hr": "Da o klupskim financijama i ne govorimo." }
{ "en": "I told Minister Primorac that Slovak President Gasparovic, at the initiative of President of Slovak Football Federation, met with coaches in the younger groups.", "hr": "Rekao sam ministru Primorcu da se slovački predsjednik Gašparović, na inicijativu predsjednika slovačkog nogometnog saveza, sastao s trenerima mlađih kategorija." }
{ "en": "They told them that the issue that, as it is in Croatia, coaches of younger groups have catastrophic wages.", "hr": "Rekli su mu da je stvar u tome što su, kao i kod nas, treneri nižih kategorija katastrofalno plaćeni." }
{ "en": "The problem is due to poverty, we cannot pay the coaches so they leave to do other jobs.", "hr": "Problem je što zbog siromaštva ne možemo plaćati trenere pa oni odlaze raditi druge poslove." }
{ "en": "Gasparovic changed that, the coaches for younger groups are paid nearly the same as the first clubs, and neighboring Czechs were the example because they do an excellent job.", "hr": "Gašparović je to promijenio, treneri mlađih kategorija plaćeni su gotovo kao treneri prvih momčadi, a susjedi Česi su im bili primjer jer oni rade genijalno." }
{ "en": "- Šuker was right.", "hr": "- Šuker je točno rekao." }
{ "en": "In HNS, from that generation, Bilic, Asanovic and goalie Mrmic are included, and from previous generations we have Kranjcar, Novoselac and myself.", "hr": "U HNS-u iz te generacije rade Bilić, Asanović i golman Mrmić, a od prijašnjih generacija igrača rade Kranjčar, Novoselac i ja." }
{ "en": "They do not come to the Federation because of their names but because of their work.", "hr": "U Savez se ne dolazi po imenu nego po poslu." }
{ "en": "Regarding Šuker's comment, there is a question of whether HNS operates financially in the correct fashion.", "hr": "Što se tiče Šukerove izjave, u HNS-u je pitanje posluje li se financijski na pravi način." }
{ "en": "From there, it’s easy to work.", "hr": "Nakon toga je sve lako raditi." }
{ "en": "- At that time, it was tradition that people from the committee sat in the Federation. Important people from Zagreb or someone who was selected by the committee.", "hr": "- U ona vremena bila je tradicija da u Savezu sjede ljudi iz komiteta, veliki ljudi iz grada Zagreba ili netko koga je komitet odredio." }
{ "en": "The situation changed when Croatia became independent.", "hr": "Situacija se promijenila stvaranjem Hrvatske." }
{ "en": "- You said it but they were excellent presidents.", "hr": "- Dobro ste rekli, ali oni su bili odlični predsjednici." }
{ "en": "There were workers and actors in HNS. The workers left a clean situation after they left, and the actors were always actors.", "hr": "U HNS-u je bilo folera i radnika. Radnici su iza sebe ostavljali sve čisto, a prodavači magle uvijek su bili prodavači magle." }
{ "en": "- No one knows about that incident.", "hr": "- Za taj incident se ne zna." }
{ "en": "Under the influence of football mediocrity, Mikša defined the schedule of games for the qualification of the European Championships in 2000.", "hr": "Pod utjecajem nogometnih mediokriteta, Mikša je na određivanje redoslijeda utakmica za kvalifikacije za Europsko prvenstvo 2000. u Skoplje poveo Duška Grabovca, koji misli da lopta skače jer je žaba u njoj, pokojnog novinara Darka Tironija i ljude koji s nogometom nemaju veze osim što su u HNS-u." }
{ "en": "In Skoplje Duško Grabovac led, who thought that the ball bounced because there was a frog in it, as well as since passed reporter Darko Tironi and people who had nothing to do with football except for the tact that they were in HNS. There were not led by the person who should have led them, me.", "hr": "Nije poveo jednog koji je za sve njih magistar magistara, a to je moja malenkost." }
{ "en": "I am convinced that Mikša is not to blame for this; we have been friends for 30 years.", "hr": "Uvjeren sam da Mikša nije kriv za to, prijatelji smo već 30 godina." }
{ "en": "I was always a free man because I was settled financially and no one could influence me.", "hr": "Ja sam oduvijek bio slobodan čovjek jer sam bio materijalno osiguran i na mene se nije moglo i ne može utjecati." }
{ "en": "I come from a family that worked in hospitality and trade, and as a Dinamo player I earned as much as all the other players put together.", "hr": "Dolazim iz ugostiteljsko-trgovačke obitelji i još kao igrač Dinama zarađivao sam kao svi ostali igrači zajedno." }
{ "en": "To return to the meeting in Skoplje, they were the most difficult two days.", "hr": "Da se vratim na sastanak u Skoplju, oni su se natezali dva dana." }
{ "en": "When I took my colleagues to Malta to set the game schedule for the World Championships in 2006, everything was done in an hour.", "hr": "Kada sam ja poveo svoje suradnike na Maltu gdje se dogovarao raspored utakmica za Svjetsko prvenstvo 2006., sve se završilo za sat vremena." }
{ "en": "My great friend Dražan Jerković spoke of a fairy tale when Miljan Miljanić agreed on the game schedule for Yugoslavia in the qualifications of the World Championships in Italy in 1990 in half a day, and when we completed the meeting on Malta in 45 minutes, in a fashion that suits us, that is a normal thing.", "hr": "Moj vrli prijatelj Dražan Jerković pričao je bajke o tome kako je Miljan Miljanić za pola dana dogovorio raspored utakmica Jugoslavije u kvalifikacijama za SP u Italiji 1990., a kada mi na Malti završimo sastanak za 45 minuta, i to onako kako nama odgovara, onda je to normalna stvar." }
{ "en": "- I was never expelled from any club; I am the only coach that left Standard from Liège on his own terms.", "hr": "- Nisam ni iz jednog kluba otjeran, jedini sam trener koji je iz Standarda iz Liègea otišao svojom voljom." }
{ "en": "I left Dinamo in the same fashion.", "hr": "Sâm sam otišao iz Dinama." }