<gh_stars>1-10 /* * File: ApiSeasocksServer */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_APISEASOCKSSERVER_H #define OPENHABAI_APISEASOCKSSERVER_H #include <Catflow.h> #include "ApiServer.h" #ifdef USE_SEASOCKS #include <seasocks/Server.h> #include <seasocks/PrintfLogger.h> /** * identifier for client who send a request */ class SeasocksClient: public Client { public: WebSocket* websocket = nullptr; SeasocksClient(WebSocket* webSocket) { this->websocket = webSocket; } WebSocket* getWebsocket() const { return websocket; } string toString() { if (websocket != nullptr) return string(inet_ntoa(websocket->getRemoteAddress().sin_addr)) + ":" + to_string(websocket->getRemoteAddress().sin_port); else return "??"; } bool operator<(const Client &other) const { const SeasocksClient *oth = dynamic_cast<const SeasocksClient*>(&other); if (oth != nullptr) return websocket < oth->websocket; return false; } }; /** * own logger for seaSocks */ class SeasocksLogger : public seasocks::Logger { public: SeasocksLogger(string name, Level _minLevelToLog = Level::DEBUG) : Logger(), minLevelToLog(_minLevelToLog) { l.setLogName(name); } ~SeasocksLogger() = default; virtual void log(Level level, const char* message) { if (level >= minLevelToLog) { if (level == Level::DEBUG) l.debug(message); if (level == Level::INFO); if (level == Level::ACCESS)"ACCESS: " + string(message)); if (level == Level::WARNING) l.warn(message); if (level == Level::ERROR) l.err(message); if (level == Level::SEVERE)"SEVERE: " + string(message)); } } Level minLevelToLog; Log l; }; class ApiSeasocksServer: public ApiServer { public: ApiSeasocksServer() : serverWebsocket(make_shared<SeasocksLogger>("SeasocksServer", Logger::Level::INFO)) { setLogName("SeasocksServer"); } void start() override { // start server threads thread serverWebsocketThread(serverWebsocketThreadFunction, this); serverWebsocketThread.detach(); ok("created serverWebsocket thread"); } void startBlocking() override { ok("will start serverWebsocket blocking"); serverWebsocketThreadFunction(this); } void send(Json packet, Client &destination, PacketIdentifier &packetIdentifier) override { SeasocksClient *dest = dynamic_cast<SeasocksClient*>((Client*)&destination); serverWebsocket.execute([=]() mutable { dest->websocket->send(packet.dump()); packetIdentifier.sendDone(); }); } void sendBroadcast(Json packet) override { serverWebsocket.execute([=]() { for (auto s : webSockConnections) s.first->send(packet.dump()); }); } static void serverWebsocketThreadFunction(ApiSeasocksServer *s) { s->serverWebsocket.addWebSocketHandler("/", make_shared<WebSocketHandler>(s)); s->ok("listen for webSocket connection on port " + to_string(Catflow::port)); s->serverWebsocket.serve("", Catflow::port); s->info("stop listening to webSocket on port " + to_string(Catflow::port) + " [stopped serverWebsocketThread]"); } private: Server serverWebsocket; map<WebSocket *, SeasocksClient *> webSockConnections; struct WebSocketHandler : WebSocket::Handler { ApiSeasocksServer *server; WebSocketHandler(ApiSeasocksServer *server) { this->server = server; } void onConnect(WebSocket *socket) override { SeasocksClient *client = new SeasocksClient(socket); server->webSockConnections.emplace(socket, client); Catflow::onClientConnect(*client); } void onData(WebSocket *webSocket, const char *data) override { auto client = server->webSockConnections.find(webSocket); Catflow::onData(*client->second, string(data)); } void onDisconnect(WebSocket *socket) override { auto client = server->webSockConnections.find(socket); Catflow::onClientDisconnect(*client->second); server->webSockConnections.erase(client); delete client->second; } }; }; #endif #endif //OPENHABAI_APISEASOCKSSERVER_H
<filename>catflow/cpp/include/ApiSubscribable.h<gh_stars>1-10 /* * File: ApiSubscribable.h * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_APISUBSCRIBABLE_H #define OPENHABAI_APISUBSCRIBABLE_H #include <util/Log.h> #include <Catflow.h> #include "ApiProcessible.h" /** * provides api command: 'subscribe' and 'unsubscribe' * @warning do not create object of this class before the main function, because the ApiSubscribable constructor calls a static function of Catflow (its static members have to be constructed before) */ class ApiSubscribable: public virtual ApiProcessible { public: ApiSubscribable(); ~ApiSubscribable() { Catflow::unRegisterClientList(this->subscribers); } ApiRespond *processApi(ApiRequest request) override; /** * send api message to each subscriber * @param request */ void sendToSubscribers(ApiRequest request); /** * send api message to each subscriber * @param request * @param skipSendUpdateTo not send update to this client */ void sendToSubscribers(ApiRequest request, Client &skipSendUpdateTo); protected: set<Client*> subscribers; static Log l; }; #endif //OPENHABAI_APISUBSCRIBABLE_H
<gh_stars>1-10 /* * File: Util * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_CATFLOW_UTIL_H #define OPENHABAI_CATFLOW_UTIL_H #include <exception> #include <string> class JsonObjectException: public std::exception { private: std::string message; public: explicit JsonObjectException(const std::string& message) : message(message) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return message.c_str(); } }; #endif //OPENHABAI_CATFLOW_UTIL_H
/* * Catflow.h */ #ifndef CATFLOW_H #define CATFLOW_H #include <thread> #include <json.hpp> #include <util/Log.h> #include <ApiMessage.h> #include <queue> #include "ApiProcessible.h" #include <server/ApiServer.h> #include <set> using namespace std; using Json = nlohmann::json; class Catflow { public: /** * start catflow * @param port listen for incoming api connections at this port * @param httpServerPath path to http root dir to serve */ template <class SERVER> static void start(int port, string httpServerPath = "") { if (Catflow::apiRoot == nullptr) l.warn("you have to set apiRoute!"); Catflow::port = port; Catflow::httpServerPath = httpServerPath; // create server server = new SERVER(); // connect server->start(); } /** * set api root object * @note do this before calling start() * @param apiRoot */ static void setApiRootRoute(ApiProcessible &apiRoot){ Catflow::apiRoot = &apiRoot; } static void sendData(Json data); static void send(ApiRespond message); static void send(ApiRequest message); static void send(ApiRespond message, Client &destination); static void send(ApiRequest message, Client &destination); static void onClientConnect(Client &client); static void onClientDisconnect(Client &client); static void onData(Client &sender, string data); /** * @param list always is subset of connected websockets */ static void registerClientList(set<Client*> &list); static void unRegisterClientList(set<Client*> &list); /** * @deprecated use Chart from Chart.h * chart */ class Chart { public: Chart(string name); Chart &setGraphData(string graph, vector<float> xVals, vector<float> yVals); Chart &setGraphData(string graph, initializer_list<float> xVals, initializer_list<float> yVals); void changeApply(); // send and update chart void addApply(); // send and add to chart private: void apply(string type); Json tmpGraphs; string name; }; static Chart &getChart(string name); /* track packages to send, for testing * pair<destination for message, message> */ static list<pair<Client*, ApiRequest>> requestsToSend; static list<pair<Client*, ApiRespond>> responsesToSend; static int port; static string httpServerPath; private: static ApiProcessible* apiRoot; static ApiServer* server; static Log l; static set<Client *> webSockConnections; static set<set<Client*>*> linkedWebSockConnections; }; struct PacketIdentifier { virtual void sendDone() {}; }; template <typename T> struct PacketIdentifierT: public PacketIdentifier { T packId; PacketIdentifierT(T packId) { this->packId = packId; } virtual void sendDone() {} }; template <> struct PacketIdentifierT<list<pair<Client*, ApiRespond>>::const_iterator>: public PacketIdentifier { list<pair<Client*, ApiRespond>>::const_iterator packId; PacketIdentifierT(list<pair<Client*, ApiRespond>>::const_iterator packId) { this->packId = packId; } void sendDone() { Catflow::responsesToSend.erase(packId); } }; template <> struct PacketIdentifierT<list<pair<Client*, ApiRequest>>::const_iterator>: public PacketIdentifier { list<pair<Client*, ApiRequest>>::const_iterator packId; PacketIdentifierT(list<pair<Client*, ApiRequest>>::const_iterator packId) { this->packId = packId; } void sendDone() { Catflow::requestsToSend.erase(packId); } }; #endif //CATFLOW_H
<reponame>PancakeSoftware/openHabAI<filename>catflow/cpp/include/server/ApiuWebsocketsServer.h /* * File: ApiSeasocksServer */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_APISUWEBSOCKETSSERVER_H #define OPENHABAI_APISUWEBSOCKETSSERVER_H #include "../Catflow.h" #include "ApiServer.h" #include <uWS.h> #include <thread> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> /** * identifier for client who send a request */ class UWebsocketsClient: public Client { public: uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER>* websocket = nullptr; UWebsocketsClient(uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER>* webSocket) { this->websocket = webSocket; } uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER>* getWebsocket() const { return websocket; } string toString() { if (websocket != nullptr) return string(websocket->getAddress().address) + " :" + to_string(websocket->getAddress().port); else return "??"; } bool operator<(const Client &other) const { const UWebsocketsClient *oth = dynamic_cast<const UWebsocketsClient*>(&other); if (oth != nullptr) return websocket < oth->websocket; return false; } }; class ApiuWebsocketsServer: public ApiServer { public: ApiuWebsocketsServer() { setLogName("uWebsocketServer"); // set callbacks hub.onMessage([this](uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER> *ws, char *message, size_t length, uWS::OpCode opCode) { auto client = webSockConnections.find(ws); Catflow::onData(*client->second, string(message).substr(0, length)); }); hub.onConnection([this](uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER> *ws, uWS::HttpRequest request){ UWebsocketsClient *client = new UWebsocketsClient(ws); webSockConnections.emplace(ws, client); Catflow::onClientConnect(*client); }); hub.onDisconnection([this](uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER> *ws, int code, char *message, size_t length){ auto client = webSockConnections.find(ws); Catflow::onClientDisconnect(*client->second); webSockConnections.erase(client); delete client->second; }); // http if (Catflow::httpServerPath != "") hub.onHttpRequest([this](uWS::HttpResponse *res, uWS::HttpRequest req, char *data, size_t, size_t) { // on Http request auto doc = webDocs.find(req.getUrl().toString()); if (doc != webDocs.end()) res->end(doc->, doc->second.size()); else { trace("got http request for " + req.getUrl().toString() + " -> redirect to index.html "); doc = webDocs.find("/index.html"); if (doc != webDocs.end()) res->end(doc->, doc->second.size()); else { string s = "can't find index.html :("; res->end(, s.size()); } } }); hub.onError([this](int type){ err("err on port " + to_string(type)); }); } void start() override { // start server threads serverThread = new thread([this](){ if (hub.listen(Catflow::port)) { // run is blocking ok("listen for webSocket/http connection on port " + to_string(Catflow::port)); // cache web files if (Catflow::httpServerPath.size() > 0) { int filesAmount = 0; int filesTotalSize = 0; try { auto path = boost::filesystem::path(Catflow::httpServerPath); int cutFromPath = (Catflow::httpServerPath.back() == '/') ? path.size()-1 : path.size(); for (boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator i(path), end; i != end; ++i) { if (!is_directory(i->path())) { string webDocPath = i->path().string().substr(cutFromPath, i->path().size() - cutFromPath); boost::filesystem::ifstream infile{i->path()}; string str{istreambuf_iterator<char>(infile), istreambuf_iterator<char>()}; webDocs.emplace(webDocPath, str); filesTotalSize+= str.size(); filesAmount++; // trace("cached file: " + webDocPath); } } } catch (std::exception &e) { err("can't read cache web files: " + string(e.what())); } info("cached " + to_string(filesAmount) + " files ("+ to_string((float)filesTotalSize/(1024*1024)) +" Mbyte) from webserver root '" + Catflow::httpServerPath +"'"); }; } else { fatal("listen for webSocket/http connection on port " + to_string(Catflow::port)); } }); ok("created serverWebsocket thread"); } void startBlocking() override { ok("will start serverWebsocket blocking"); if (hub.listen(Catflow::port)) { // run is blocking ok("listen for webSocket connection on port " + to_string(Catflow::port));; } else { } } void send(Json packet, Client &destination, PacketIdentifier &packetIdentifier) override { UWebsocketsClient *dest = dynamic_cast<UWebsocketsClient*>((Client*)&destination); string msg = packet.dump(); dest->websocket->send(, msg.size(), uWS::TEXT); packetIdentifier.sendDone(); } void sendBroadcast(Json packet) override { for (auto s : webSockConnections) { string msg = packet.dump(); s.first->send(, msg.size(), uWS::TEXT); } } private: uWS::Hub hub; thread *serverThread; map<uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER> *, UWebsocketsClient *> webSockConnections; map<string, string> webDocs; }; #endif //OPENHABAI_APISUWEBSOCKETSSERVER_H
<reponame>PancakeSoftware/openHabAI<filename>catflow/cpp/include/JsonList.h<gh_stars>1-10 /* * File: JsonList.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_JSONLIST_H #define OPENHABAI_JSONLIST_H #include <json.hpp> #include <string> #include <list> #include <boost/static_assert.hpp> #include "ApiJsonObject.h" #include "ApiMessage.h" #include "ApiProcessible.h" using Json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; class __JsonList {}; template<class T> /** * JsonList class * elements updatable via json (get, getAll, create) * @param T extends JsonObject * @note if derived objects of T are inserted into JsonList, T needs a virtual destructor because on destruction JsonList also deletes all its items */ class JsonList : public ApiJsonObject, public __JsonList { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(is_base_of<ApiProcessible, T>::value, "JsonList<T> T has to be derivative of ApiProcessible to provide necessary functionality"); // @TODO list for every type public: string folder; int defaultIdAutoIncrement = 0; JsonList(); JsonList(int &idAutoIncrement); ~JsonList(); /** * progress ApiRequest, will forward request to children if necessary * @param request.route defines something similar to rest url, in this example you want to access * @param request.what defines action to perform, allowed values depend on route * @param contains data that is necessary to perform action */ virtual ApiRespond* processApi(ApiRequest request); /** * get by id * @param id * @return NULL if not found */ T &get(int id); /** * replace element at id in list, it is created if not exists * @note element is copied into list * @param id * @param element */ void set(int id, T element); /** * add element to list, id is set automatic * @param element */ void add(T element); /** * remove element at index i, element is deleted too * @param id * @return */ bool remove(int id); /** * @return amount of items in list */ int length(); /** * items list * @param first id * @param second T */ map<int, T *> items; /** * set function to create item instance * @param createItemFunc */ void setCreateItemFunction(function<T *(Json params)> createItemFunc); void restore() override; void store() override; void remove() override; void setRoute(ApiMessageRoute route) override; void params() override { JsonObject::params(); paramWithFunction("length", [this] (Json val) {throw JsonObjectException("can't set length of list");}, [this] () { return items.size(); }); } private: int &idAutoIncrement; function<T *(Json params)> createItemFunc = [](Json params) -> T * { auto *t = new T(); return t; }; }; #include "../source/JsonList.tpp" #endif //OPENHABAI_JSONLIST_H
/* * File: ApiJsonObject.h * Author: <NAME> */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_APIJSONOBJECT_H #define OPENHABAI_APIJSONOBJECT_H #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; #include <util/Log.h> #include <json.hpp> #include <string> #include <list> #include <memory> #include <boost/any.hpp> #include <unordered_map> #include "ApiProcessible.h" #include "Util.h" #include "ApiSubscribable.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include "JsonObject.h" /* * JsonObject class * bind variables to json keys * supported data types: int, float, double, bool */ class ApiJsonObject : protected virtual Log, public virtual ApiSubscribable, public virtual JsonObject { public: ApiJsonObject(); ApiJsonObject(Json params); /** * set configured class attributes to values in params * , save changes and send updates to subscribers * @see JsonObject::params() * @return vector of changed param names */ vector<string> fromJson(Json params, bool catchParameterErrors = false) override; /** * set configured class attributes to values in params * , save changes and send updates to subscribers * @param skipSendUpdateTo not send update to this client * @see JsonObject::params() * @return vector of changed param names */ vector<string> fromJson(Json params, Client &skipSendUpdateTo); /** * store toJson output in file * @param path * @param fileName * @return true if successful */ virtual bool save(string path, string fileName); /** * load json from file and apply to object * @param path * @param fileName * @return true if successful */ virtual bool load(string path, string fileName); /** * send changed object params to all subscribers * @param param... changed json object params */ void notifyParamsChanged(vector<string> param); //void notifyParamsChanged(string param, ...); ApiRespond *processApi(ApiRequest request) override; void restore() override; void store() override; void remove() override; void storeMe() override; void setRoute(ApiMessageRoute route) override; private: template <typename T> vector<T> flatten(T t) { vector<T> v; v.push_back(t); return v; } template<typename T, typename... Args> vector<T> flatten(T t, Args... args) // recursive variadic function { vector<T> v = {t}; vector<T> before = flatten(args...); v.insert(before.begin(), before.end()); return v; } }; /** * helper */ #endif // OPENHABAI_APIJSONOBJECT_H
/* * File: Chart.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_CHART_H #define OPENHABAI_CHART_H #include <util/util.h> #include "ApiJsonObject.h" #include "Catflow.h" class RangeParam; class ValueParam; class ChartDataPoint; class ChartDataPointSimple; /* * Chart class */ class Chart: public ApiJsonObject { public: Chart(); /* * Json keys */ void params() override { ApiJsonObject::params(); paramReadOnly("inputNames", inputNames); paramReadOnly("outputNames", outputNames); } /** * set input/output names and their Id * @param inputNames * @param outputNames */ void setInputOutputNames(map<int, string> inputNames, map<int, string> outputNames) { this->inputNames = inputNames; this->outputNames = outputNames; } void setInputNames(map<int, string> inputNames) { this->inputNames = inputNames; } void setOutputNames(map<int, string> outputNames) { this->outputNames = outputNames; } /** * set input/output names, id is set automatic * @param inputNames * @param outputNames */ void setInputOutputNames(vector<string> inputNames, vector<string> outputNames) { this->inputNames.clear(); this->outputNames.clear(); int i = 0; for (string name : inputNames) this->inputNames.emplace(i++, name); i = 0; for (string name : outputNames) this->outputNames.emplace(i++, name); } ApiRespond *processApi(ApiRequest request) override; /** * send change data to subscribers */ void pushUpdate(); protected: map<int, string> inputNames; map<int, string> outputNames; }; /* * chart for multidimensional data * all is updated */ class ParameterChart: public Chart { public: ParameterChart(); /* * Json keys */ void params() override { Chart::params(); param("fixedInputs", fixedInputs); param("rangeInputs", rangeInputs); param("outputs", outputs); } /** * set the function for generating chart data * @param func generates for given inputValue( map<inputID, value> ) outputValue( map<outputID, value> ) */ void setUpdateFunction(function<map<int, float> (const map<int, float> &inputValues, const vector<int> &outputIds)> func) { this->updateFunc = func; } /** * set the function for generating chart data * @param func returns outputValues( map<outputID, value> ) by given ranges * @note input and outputId represented by index */ void setUpdateFunctionRanged(function<map<int, vector<ChartDataPoint>> (const vector<RangeParam> &inputRanges, vector<ValueParam> &fixedInputs, const vector<int> &outputIds)> func) { this->updateFuncRanged = func; } /** * execute update function * @note blocking */ void recalcData(); ApiRespond *processApi(ApiRequest request) override; private: vector<ValueParam> fixedInputs; vector<RangeParam> rangeInputs; vector<int> outputs; map<int, vector<ChartDataPoint>> data; function<map<int, float> (const map<int, float> &inputValue, const vector<int> &outputIds)> updateFunc{nullptr}; function<map<int, vector<ChartDataPoint>> (const vector<RangeParam> &inputRanges, vector<ValueParam> &fixedInputs, const vector<int> &outputIds)> updateFuncRanged{nullptr}; }; /* * chart for 2D data * x-axis = * add dataPoints over time */ class SeriesChart: public Chart { public: SeriesChart(); /** * add dataPoint to chart * @param outputId * @param inputValues * @param outputValue */ void addDataPoint(int outputId, vector<float> inputValues, float outputValue); /** * add dataPoint to chart * @param outputName * @param inputValues * @param outputValue */ void addDataPoint(string outputName, vector<float> inputValues, float outputValue);; /** * delete all data form chart */ void clearData(); protected: map<int, vector<ChartDataPointSimple>> data; }; class ChartDataPoint: public JsonObject{ public: float value; map<int, float> inputs; ChartDataPoint(float value, map<int, float> inputs) : value(value), inputs(inputs) {} ChartDataPoint(float value, vector<float> inputsVec) : value(value), inputs() { int i=0; for (auto input = inputsVec.begin(); input != inputsVec.end(); input++) { inputs.emplace(i, *input); i++; } } void params() override { param("value", value); paramReadOnly("inputs", inputs); } }; class ChartDataPointSimple: public JsonObject{ public: float value; vector<float> inputs; ChartDataPointSimple(float value, vector<float> inputs) : value(value), inputs(inputs) {} void params() override { param("value", value); paramReadOnly("inputs", inputs); } }; #endif //OPENHABAI_CHART_H
/* * File: Log.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_LOG_H #define OPENHABAI_LOG_H // include #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; /* * Log class */ class Log { public: Log(); Log(string nameShort); static void setLogLevel(char log_level_mask); static void setLogMask(char log_mask); static void setUseLongLogNames(bool use); static void setUseColor(bool use); void setLogName(string nameShort); // set log name example: class name void setLogName(string nameShort, string nameLong); // set log name example: class name void fatal(string text); // error message void fatal(string text, string error); // error message void err(string text); // error message void err(string text, string error); // error message void warn(string text); // warning message void ok(string text); // ok message void debug(string text);// debug message void info(string text) const; // information message void trace(string text);// trace info message void outErr(string text, bool error, string errorText); // ok/err - print error if error=true void outErr(string text, bool error); // ok/err - print error if error=true void outFat(string text, bool error, string errorText); // ok/fatal - print error if error=true void outFat(string text, bool error); // ok/fatal - print error if error=true static const char LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = 0b00000000, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0b00000001, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 0b00000010, LOG_LEVEL_OK = 0b00000100, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 0b00001000, LOG_LEVEL_INFORMATION = 0b00010000, LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = 0b00100000, LOG_LEVEL_ALL = 0b11111111; private: string logNameShort, logNameLong; static int logNameShortLongest; static char logLevelMask; static bool useLongLogNames, useColors; static int maxNameLongLen; void print(string tag, string text, char tagMask) const; }; #endif //OPENHABAI_LOG_H
// // Created by <NAME> on 07.06.18. // #ifndef OPENHABAI_SELECTORVIEW_H #define OPENHABAI_SELECTORVIEW_H #include <stdlib.h> #include <ApiJsonObject.h> using namespace std; class SelectorView : public ApiJsonObject { public: vector<string> options; SelectorView() = default; SelectorView(vector<string> options) : options(options), optionsValue(options.size()) { // Is already set somewhere (implemented for radio buttons) bool hasValue = false; for (bool b : optionsValue) hasValue |= b; // First option is selected if (optionsValue.size() > 0 && !hasValue) optionsValue[0] = true; } void params() override { ApiJsonObject::params(); param("options", options); param("optionValues", optionsValue).onChanged([this] () { if (onChange != nullptr) onChange(optionsValue, optionsValue); }); } /** * A function to trigger a on change function for the selection view * @param onChange.values True on every selected value * @param onChange.changeValues True on every changed index of options */ void onSelectionChange(function<void(vector<bool> values, vector<bool> changedValues)> onChange) { this->onChange = onChange; } vector<bool> getCurrentValues() { return optionsValue; } private: vector<bool> optionsValue; function<void(vector<bool>, vector<bool>)> onChange = nullptr; }; #endif //OPENHABAI_SELECTORVIEW_H
/* * File: ApiRoot.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef APIROOT_H #define APIROOT_H #include <json.hpp> #include <ApiRoute.h> #include <dataStructures/DataStructure.h> #include "Catflow.h" #include "Settings.h" using namespace std; using Json = nlohmann::json; class DataStructure; /* * ApiRoot class * holds dataStructures List */ class ApiRoot: public ApiRoute { public: JsonList<DataStructure> datastructures{}; Settings settings{}; ApiRoot() { setSubRoutes({ {"dataStructures", &datastructures}, {"settings", &settings} }); datastructures.setCreateItemFunction(DataStructure::create); } }; #endif //APIROOT_H
/* * File: ApiRoute.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_APIROUTE_H #define OPENHABAI_APIROUTE_H #include <json.hpp> #include <string> #include <list> #include <ApiMessage.h> #include <util/Log.h> #include <boost/optional.hpp> #include <JsonList.h> #include <ApiJsonObject.h> #include <ApiProcessible.h> using Json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; /* * ApiRoute class * represents one route object in route list * expl.: here {"Component-A": "entityID-A"} * "route": [ * {"Component-A": "entityID-A"}, * {"Sub-Component": "entityID-B"}, * ] */ class ApiRoute : public virtual ApiProcessible, protected virtual Log { public: ApiRoute(); /** * @deprecated * @warning this crashes if object that is inserted into routes in not fully constructed * @note use setSubRoutes() instead * @param subRoutes set 'static' sub routes * @see setSubRoutes(vector<ApiRoute*>& routes) */ ApiRoute(map<string, ApiProcessible*> subRoutes); /** * progress first route-object in route list * @param route route list, defines something similar to rest url, in this example you want to access * @param what defines action to perform, allowed values depend on route * @param data contains data that is necessary to perform action */ virtual ApiRespond* processApi(ApiRequest request); /** * set 'static' sub routes * @param routes pair.first = the ApiRoute object, * pair.second = name of route */ void setSubRoutes(map<string, ApiProcessible*> routes); void restore() override; void store() override; void remove() override; void setRoute(ApiMessageRoute route) override; private: map<string, ApiProcessible*> routes; }; class ApiJsonObject; class ApiRouteJson: public ApiRoute, public ApiJsonObject { public: ApiRouteJson() : ApiRoute(){} /** * @deprecated * @warning this crashes if object that is inserted into routes in not fully constructed * @note use setSubRoutes() instead * @param subRoutes set 'static' sub routes * @see setSubRoutes(vector<ApiRoute*>& routes) */ ApiRouteJson(map<string, ApiProcessible*> subRoutes) : ApiRoute(subRoutes) {} ApiRespond *processApi(ApiRequest request) override { auto resp = ApiRoute::processApi(request); if (resp == nullptr && request.route.isEmpty()) // for me return ApiJsonObject::processApi(request); else return resp; } void restore() override { ApiJsonObject::restore(); ApiRoute::restore(); } void store() override { ApiJsonObject::store(); ApiRoute::store(); } void storeMe() override { ApiJsonObject::storeMe(); } void remove() override { ApiRoute::remove(); ApiJsonObject::remove(); } void setRoute(ApiMessageRoute route) override { ApiJsonObject::setRoute(route); ApiRoute::setRoute(route); } }; #endif //OPENHABAI_APIROUTE_H
<gh_stars>1-10 /* * File: ApiProcessible.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_APIPROCESSIBLE_H #define OPENHABAI_APIPROCESSIBLE_H #include <json.hpp> #include <string> #include <list> #include "ApiMessage.h" #include <boost/optional.hpp> using Json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; /* * Apiprocessible class * object than is able to process api requests * -> via processApi */ class ApiProcessible { public: /** * progress ApiRequest, will forward request to children if necessary * @param request.route defines something similar to rest url, in this example you want to access * @param request.what defines action to perform, allowed values depend on route * @param contains data that is necessary to perform action */ virtual ApiRespond* processApi(ApiRequest request) { auto el = processWhats.find(request.what); if (el != processWhats.end()) return el->second(request); return nullptr; }; /** * restore saved state of self and subObjects */ virtual void restore() {}; /** * store state of self and subObjects */ virtual void store() {}; /** * removes all persistent saved data of this object and subObjects */ virtual void remove() {}; /** * store state of self * @TODO merge with store() */ virtual void storeMe() {}; /* * set full path to store this * this calls setStorePath of subObject recursively * example: /students/0/courses/0 */ virtual void setRoute(ApiMessageRoute route) { this->route = route; routeString = route.toString(); } /** * set full path to store this and defines routes of all children * @example ./my/file/path/to/store/root/of/api/ * @param path has to end with '/' */ virtual void setStorePath(const string path) { ApiMessageRoute myRoute; myRoute.pathPrefix = path; this->setRoute(myRoute); } protected: boost::optional<ApiMessageRoute> route; string routeString; void addAction(string what, function<ApiRespond *(ApiRequest request)> action) {processWhats.insert({what, action});}; private: map<string, function<ApiRespond*(ApiRequest request)>> processWhats; }; /* * from and to json for RoutePath */ /* using nlohmann::json; void to_json(json& j, const RoutePath& p) { j = Json{}; for (auto item : p) j.push_back({{item.first, item.second}}); }*/ /* void from_json(const Json& j, RoutePath& p) { for (auto item : j) p.push_back({item.begin().key(), item.begin().value()}); } */ #endif //OPENHABAI_APIPROCESSIBLE_H
<reponame>PancakeSoftware/openHabAI /* * File: Filesystem.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef FILESYSTEM_H #define FILESYSTEM_H #include <string> #include <functional> using namespace std; /* * Filesystem */ namespace Filesystem { bool lsFor(string path, function<void (string, bool)> onEntry); // list contend of folder, call onEntry function bool createDirIfNotExists(string path); }; #endif //FILESYSTEM_H
<reponame>PancakeSoftware/openHabAI<gh_stars>1-10 /* * File: util.h * Author: <NAME> * */ #ifndef OPENHABAI_UTIL_H #define OPENHABAI_UTIL_H #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <JsonObject.h> using namespace std; inline vector<string> intersect(vector<string> &v1, vector<string> &v2) { vector<string> v3; sort(v1.begin(), v1.end()); sort(v2.begin(), v2.end()); set_intersection(v1.begin(),v1.end(),v2.begin(),v2.end(),back_inserter(v3)); return v3; } /** * contians vector1 minimal one element of vector2 * @param vector1 * @param vector2 * @return */ inline bool contains(vector<string> &vector1, vector<string> vector2) { return intersect(vector1, vector2).size() >= 1; } class Range: public JsonObject{ public: float from = 0; float to = 0; int steps = 1; void params() override { param("from", from); param("to", to); param("steps", steps); } }; class RangeParam: public Range{ public: int id; void params() override { Range::params(); param("id", id); } }; class ValueParam: public JsonObject{ public: int id; float value; float tolerance; void params() override { param("id", id); param("value", value); param("tolerance", tolerance); } }; /** * interpolate n-dimensional data-grid by given ranges for each dimension * @param inputRanges ranges for each dimension (from, to, steps) * @param inputData to this vector the data for each dimension is appended, via this param you can set initial dimension data * @return list of points(has in each dimension a value) in the grid */ inline vector<vector<float>> &_createInputDataGrid(vector<RangeParam>::const_iterator input, vector<RangeParam>::const_iterator inputEnd, vector<vector<float>> &inputDataList, vector<float> inputPoint) { if (input == inputEnd) { //debug("create dataPoint at "+ Json{inputData}.dump()); if (!inputPoint.empty()) inputDataList.push_back(inputPoint); // add new point return inputDataList; } // calc increase step for rangeInput float step; if (input->steps > 0) step = ((input->to - input->from) / input->steps); else step = 0; step = (step > 0) ? step : 0; //debug("progress input (perStep+="+to_string(step)+")"+ input->toJson().dump()); // for each point of range for (float i = input->from; i <= input->to; i += step) { vector<float> nInputPoint = inputPoint; nInputPoint[input->id] = i; _createInputDataGrid(input+1, inputEnd, inputDataList, nInputPoint); if (step == 0) break; } }; /** * interpolate n-dimensional data-grid by given ranges for each dimension * @param inputRanges ranges for each dimension (from, to, steps) * @return list of points(has in each dimension a value) in the grid */ inline vector<vector<float>> createInputDataGrid(const vector<RangeParam> &inputRanges) { vector<vector<float>> inputDataList{}; _createInputDataGrid(inputRanges.begin(), inputRanges.end(), inputDataList, vector<float>(inputRanges.size())); return inputDataList; } /** * interpolate n-dimensional(=inputRanges.size + fixedInputs.size) data-grid by given ranges for each dimension * @param inputRanges ranges for each dimension (from, to, steps) * @param fixedInputs appended to each point * @return list of points(has in each dimension a value) in the grid */ inline vector<vector<float>> createInputDataGrid(const vector<RangeParam> &inputRanges, vector<ValueParam> fixedInputs) { vector<vector<float>> inputDataList{}; vector<float> pointInitInputs(inputRanges.size()+fixedInputs.size()); // fill fixed inputs for (auto fixed : fixedInputs) pointInitInputs[] = fixed.value; _createInputDataGrid(inputRanges.begin(), inputRanges.end(), inputDataList, pointInitInputs); return inputDataList; } /** * make 2d vector to flat 1d vector * @tparam T * @param orig * @return */ template<typename T> inline std::vector<T> flatten2DVec(const std::vector<std::vector<T>> &orig) { std::vector<T> ret; for(const auto &v: orig) ret.insert(ret.end(), v.begin(), v.end()); return ret; } #endif //OPENHABAI_UTIL_H
<filename>weChat/weChat/Classes/Model/Person.h // // Person.h // weChat // // Created by jnl on 2018/1/8. // Copyright © 2018年 newenergy. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Person : NSObject @end
<reponame>eilerstim/system-monitor #ifndef PROCESSOR_H #define PROCESSOR_H #include<vector> #include<string> class Processor { public: Processor() : prevTotal(0.0), prevIdle(0.0) {}; float Utilization(); std::vector<long> toLong(std::vector<std::string> values); private: long prevTotal; long prevIdle; }; #endif
#ifndef PROCESS_H #define PROCESS_H #include <string> #include "linux_parser.h" /* Basic class for Process representation It contains relevant attributes as shown below */ class Process { public: Process (int pid); int Pid(); std::string User(); std::string Command(); float CpuUtilization(); std::string Ram(); long int UpTime(); float getCpuUsage() const { return _cpuUsage;}; private: int _pid; float _cpuUsage; enum States { kUtime = 0, kStime, kCutime, kCstime, kStarttime }; }; #endif
<filename>src/modules/engine/stat.c /* * stat.c -- source file for engine statistics * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on April 16, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * This file defines the routines for collecting and displaying * engine statistics. */ #include "stat.h" #include <sys/time.h> stat_t gStat = { 0 }; /* * Starts a new frame. */ void stat_start_frame() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); /* * Get the microseconds since the epoch. * * The interesting array index increments the * frame count, and bounds it to not exceed * the maximum number of averaging frames. */ gStat.aFrameTimes[ gStat.aFrames++ % FRAMES_AVG_COUNT ] = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec; /* * Calculate the fps. */ gStat.aFrameRate = 0; for ( u64 i = 0; i <= FRAMES_AVG_COUNT; i++ ) { /* * Divide out the microsecond precision, and subtract from previous time. * The use of the modulo operator is to prevent the frame rate from * going negative. */ gStat.aFrameRate += ( gStat.aFrameTimes[ ( gStat.aFrames + i + 1 ) % FRAMES_AVG_COUNT ] - gStat.aFrameTimes[ ( gStat.aFrames + i ) % FRAMES_AVG_COUNT ] ) / 100000.0f; } gStat.aFrameRate /= ( FRAMES_AVG_COUNT - 1 ); gStat.aFrameRate = 1.0f / gStat.aFrameRate; } /* * Returns the engine statistics. * * @return stat_t * The engine statistics. */ stat_t *stat_get() { return &gStat; } /* * Returns the frame rate. * * @return f32 The frame rate. */ f32 stat_get_frame_rate() { return gStat.aFrameRate; } /* * Returns the number of frames. * * @return s64 The number of frames. */ s64 stat_get_frames() { return gStat.aFrames; } /* * Returns the start time. * * @return s64 The start time. */ s64 stat_get_start_time() { return gStat.aStartTime; }
/* * abstract.h -- header file for declaring abstract functions * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included here are the abstract functions used by the Chik engine. * These functions are used to abstract the underlying graphics * library used by the engine. */ #pragma once #include "libchik.h" /* * Initialize libraries used for drawing. */ void platform_init( void ); /* * Renders buffer to the screen. */ void platform_draw_frame( void );
<filename>src/modules/engine/engine.h<gh_stars>1-10 /* * engine.h -- header for engine module * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on April 16, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The brain of Chik Engine resides in this module. At * her current state, this module will handle the loading * of all the other modules, and the act as an interface * between the modules that the game code will use. */ #pragma once #define ENGINE_MAX_MODULES 16 #include "libchik.h" typedef struct { dl_handle_t aHandle; const s8 *apName; } module_t; /* * Initializes the engine with the specified modules. * * @param const s8 * The name of the modules to initialize. * @param ... The other modules to initialize. * * @return u32 Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success. */ u32 engine_init( const s8 *spModules, ... ); /* * Loads a function from the engine for external use. * * @param const s8 * The name of the function to load. * * @return void * Returns a pointer to the function. */ void *engine_load_function( const s8 *spName ); /* * Frees the engine. */ void engine_free();
/* * stat.h -- header file for engine statistics * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on April 16, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The following declares the types and functions used * for taking engine statistics, such as the number of * frames rendered, the start time, etc. */ #pragma once #define FRAMES_AVG_COUNT 10 #include "libchik.h" typedef struct { s64 aFrames; s64 aFrameTimes[ FRAMES_AVG_COUNT ]; f32 aFrameRate; s64 aStartTime; } stat_t; /* * Starts a new frame. */ void stat_start_frame(); /* * Returns the engine statistics. * * @return stat_t * The engine statistics. */ stat_t *stat_get(); /* * Returns the frame rate. * * @return f32 The frame rate. */ f32 stat_get_frame_rate(); /* * Returns the number of frames. * * @return s64 The number of frames. */ s64 stat_get_frames(); /* * Returns the start time. * * @return s64 The start time. */ s64 stat_get_start_time();
/* * engine.c -- source for engine module * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on April 16, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The brain of Chik Engine resides in this module. This * file will define how the engine will do module handling. */ #include "engine.h" #include <time.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "stat.h" mempool_t *gpEnginePool = nullptr; module_t gpModules[ ENGINE_MAX_MODULES ] = { 0 }; /* * Initializes the engine with the specified modules. * * @param const s8 * The name of the modules to initialize. * @param ... The other modules to initialize. * * @return u32 Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success. */ u32 engine_init( const s8 *modules, ... ) { /* * Set the start time. */ stat_t *pStat = stat_get(); pStat->aStartTime = time( nullptr ); /* * Initialize the engine modules. */ va_list args; u32 result = 1; u32 moduleIndex = 0; va_start( args, modules ); while ( modules ) { dl_handle_t h = dl_open( modules ); if ( h == nullptr ) { log_fatal( "u32 engine_init( const s8 *, ... ): Unable to open module: %s\n", modules ); result = 0; break; } u32 ( *entry )( void * ) = dl_sym( h, "chik_module_entry" ); if ( entry == nullptr || !entry( &engine_load_function ) ) { log_warn( "u32 engine_init( const s8 *, ... ): Unable to load module entry: %s\n", modules ); } gpModules[ moduleIndex++ ] = ( module_t ){ h, modules }; modules = va_arg( args, const s8 * ); } va_end( args ); return result; } /* * Loads a function from the engine for external use. * * @param const s8 * The name of the function to load. * * @return void * Returns a pointer to the function. */ void *engine_load_function( const s8 *spName ) { void *pFunc = nullptr; for ( u64 i = 0; i < ENGINE_MAX_MODULES; i++ ) { /* * If the module isn't null, we'll try to load the function. */ if ( gpModules[ i ].apName && gpModules[ i ].aHandle ) { pFunc = dl_sym( gpModules[ i ].aHandle, spName ); if ( pFunc ) { break; } } } return pFunc; } /* * Frees the engine. */ __attribute__( ( destructor ) ) void engine_free() { for ( u64 i = 0; i < ENGINE_MAX_MODULES; ++i ) { if ( gpModules[ i ].aHandle ) { dl_close( gpModules[ i ].aHandle ); } } }
/* * camera.h -- header for camera functions * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included in the Chik engine is the camera, which is used to * render the scene. */ #pragma once #include "libchik.h" typedef struct { vec3_t aPosition; vec2_t aDirection; float aFOV; float aNear; float aFar; float aAspect; } camera_t; extern camera_t *gpCamera; /* * Creates a view matrix for the camera. * * @param camera_t * The camera. * * @return mat4_t The view matrix. */ mat4_t camera_view( camera_t *spCamera ); /* * Creates a projection matrix for the camera. * * @param camera_t * The camera. * * @return mat4_t The projection matrix. */ mat4_t camera_projection( camera_t *spCamera );
<reponame>p0lyh3dron/chik<filename>src/modules/gfx/abstract.c /* * abstract.c -- header file for declaring abstract functions * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included here are the definitions for the abstract functions used by the Chik engine. */ #include "abstract.h" #include "libchik.h" #include "surface.h" #include "rendertarget.h" chik_surface_t *gpSurface = NULL; rendertarget_t *gpRenderTarget = NULL; /* * Initialize libraries used for drawing. */ __attribute__( ( constructor ) ) void platform_init( void ) { s32 width = args_get_int( "-w" ); s32 height = args_get_int( "-h" ); if ( width == -1 || height == -1 ) { width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } #if USE_SDL gpSurface = surface_create( width, height, 32 ); if( gpSurface == NULL ) { log_fatal( "Could not create surface." ); } s8 *pTitle = app_get_name(); if ( pTitle == NULL ) { pTitle = WINDOW_TITLE; } SDL_Window *pWindow = SDL_CreateWindow( pTitle, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, gpSurface->aWidth, gpSurface->aHeight, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE ); if( pWindow == NULL ) { log_fatal( "Window could not be created! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); } SDL_Renderer *pRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer( pWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED ); if( pRenderer == NULL ) { log_fatal( "Renderer could not be created! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); } SDL_Texture *pTexture = SDL_CreateTexture( pRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, gpSurface->aWidth, gpSurface->aHeight ); if( pTexture == NULL ) { log_fatal( "Texture could not be created! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); } gpSurface->apWindow = pWindow; gpSurface->apRenderer = pRenderer; gpSurface->apTexture = pTexture; #endif /* USE_SDL */ } #if USE_SDL /* * Returns the SDL window. * * @return SDL_Window * The SDL window. */ SDL_Window *get_window( void ) { return gpSurface->apWindow; } #endif /* USE_SDL */ /* * Renders buffer to the screen. */ void platform_draw_frame( void ) { gpRenderTarget = rendertarget_get_backbuffer(); #if USE_SDL SDL_RenderClear( gpSurface->apRenderer ); SDL_UpdateTexture( gpSurface->apTexture, NULL, gpRenderTarget->apTarget->apData, gpSurface->aWidth * sizeof( u32 ) ); SDL_RenderCopy( gpSurface->apRenderer, gpSurface->apTexture, NULL, NULL ); SDL_RenderPresent( gpSurface->apRenderer ); #endif /* USE_SDL */ image_clear( gpRenderTarget->apTarget, 0xFF000000 ); }
/* * surface.c -- header file to interface with the draw surface * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included here are the functions used to interface with the * draw surface. */ #include "surface.h" static chik_surface_t *gpSurface = NULL; /* * Create a new surface. * * @param u32 The width of the surface. * @param u32 The height of the surface. * @param u32 The number of bits per pixel. * * @return chik_surface_t * The new surface. * NULL on failure. */ chik_surface_t *surface_create( u32 sWidth, u32 sHeight, u32 sBpp ) { chik_surface_t *pSurface = NULL; pSurface = ( chik_surface_t * )malloc( sizeof( chik_surface_t ) ); if( pSurface == NULL ) { log_fatal( "Could not allocate memory for surface." ); return NULL; } pSurface->aWidth = sWidth; pSurface->aHeight = sHeight; pSurface->aBPP = sBpp; gpSurface = pSurface; return pSurface; } /* * Gets the surface. * * @return chik_surface_t * The surface. * NULL on failure. */ chik_surface_t *surface_get( void ) { return gpSurface; } /* * Destroy a surface. * * @param chik_surface_t * The surface to destroy. */ void surface_destroy( chik_surface_t *spSurface ) { free( spSurface ); }
/* * vertexasm.c -- source for the vertex assembler * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 12, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The definitions for the vertex assembler are in here. */ #include "vertexasm.h" #include "cull.h" v_layout_t gLayout = { .aAttribs = { 0 }, .aCount = 0 }; void *gpUniform = nullptr; /* * Sets the vertex assembler's vertex layout. * * @param v_layout_t The layout of the vertex data. */ void vertexasm_set_layout( v_layout_t sLayout ) { gLayout = sLayout; cull_set_vertex_size( gLayout.aStride ); } /* * Extracts the position from a vertex. * * @param void * The raw vertex data. * * @return vec4_t The position of the vertex. */ vec4_t vertex_get_position( void *spV ) { s64 i; for ( i = 0; i < gLayout.aCount; i++ ) { if ( gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aUsage == V_POS ) { break; } } if ( i == gLayout.aCount ) { return ( vec4_t ){ 0, 0, 0, 0 }; } return *( vec4_t * )( ( u8 * )spV + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset ); } /* * Sets the position of a vertex. * * @param void * The raw vertex data. * @param vec4_t The position of the vertex. */ void vertex_set_position( void *spV, vec4_t sPosition ) { s64 i; for ( i = 0; i < gLayout.aCount; i++ ) { if ( gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aUsage == V_POS ) { break; } } if ( i == gLayout.aCount ) { return; } *( vec4_t * )( ( u8 * )spV + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset ) = sPosition; } /* * Builds a new vertex given two vertices and a normalized difference. * * @param void * The raw vertex data of the first vertex. * @param void * The raw vertex data of the second vertex. * @param f32 The normalized difference between the two vertices. * * @return void * The raw vertex data of the new vertex. */ void *vertex_build_interpolated( void *spV1, void *spV2, f32 sDiff ) { static u8 buf[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; s64 i; for ( i = 0; i < gLayout.aCount; i++ ) { vec_interp( buf + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, spV1 + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, spV2 + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, sDiff, gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aFormat ); } return buf; } /* * Scales a vertex by a scalar. * * @param void * The raw vertex data. * @param f32 The scalar to scale the vertex by. * @param u32 A usage flag that determines how to scale the vertex. * * @return void * The raw vertex data of the scaled vertex. */ void *vertex_scale( void *spV, f32 sScale, u32 sFlags ) { static u8 buf[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; s64 i; for ( i = 0; i < gLayout.aCount; i++ ) { if ( !( gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aUsage & sFlags ) ) { vec_scale( buf + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, spV + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, sScale, gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aFormat ); } else { memcpy( buf + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, spV + gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aOffset, gLayout.aAttribs[ i ].aStride ); } } return buf; } /* * Binds the fragment shader's uniform data to the vertex assembler. * * @param void * The raw uniform data. */ void vertexasm_bind_uniform( void *spUniform ) { gpUniform = spUniform; } /* * Applies the fragments of a fragment shader to a pixel. * * @param void * The raw fragment data. * @param fragment_t * The pixel to apply the fragment to. */ void fragment_apply( void *spF, fragment_t *spP ) { gLayout.apFunc( spP, spF, gpUniform ); }
<reponame>p0lyh3dron/chik /* * surface.h -- header file to interface with the draw surface * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included here are the functions used to interface with the * draw surface. */ #pragma once #define DEFAULT_WIDTH 640 #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 480 #define WINDOW_TITLE "Chik ( Version 1.0 )" #if USE_SDL #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #endif /* USE_SDL */ #include "libchik.h" typedef struct { u32 aWidth; u32 aHeight; u32 aBPP; #if USE_SDL SDL_Window *apWindow; SDL_Renderer *apRenderer; SDL_Texture *apTexture; #endif /* USE_SDL */ } chik_surface_t; /* * Create a new surface. * * @param u32 The width of the surface. * @param u32 The height of the surface. * @param u32 The number of bits per pixel. * * @return chik_surface_t * The new surface. * NULL on failure. */ chik_surface_t *surface_create( u32 sWidth, u32 sHeight, u32 sBpp ); /* * Gets the surface. * * @return chik_surface_t * The surface. * NULL on failure. */ chik_surface_t *surface_get( void ); /* * Destroy a surface. * * @param chik_surface_t * The surface to destroy. */ void surface_destroy( chik_surface_t *spSurface );
/* * vertexasm.h -- header for the vertex assembler * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 12, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The declarations in this file are for the vertex assembler. * The vertex assembler is used to manage raw vertex data, such as * position for rasterization. It will also create new vertex data for * interpolation during rasterization. */ #ifndef CHIK_GFX_VERTEXASM_H #define CHIK_GFX_VERTEXASM_H #include "libchik.h" #define VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ( 1024 ) /* * Sets the vertex assembler's vertex layout. * * @param v_layout_t The layout of the vertex data. */ void vertexasm_set_layout( v_layout_t sLayout ); /* * Extracts the position from a vertex. * * @param void * The raw vertex data. * * @return vec4_t The position of the vertex. */ vec4_t vertex_get_position( void *spV ); /* * Sets the position of a vertex. * * @param void * The raw vertex data. * @param vec4_t The position of the vertex. */ void vertex_set_position( void *spV, vec4_t sPosition ); /* * Builds a new vertex given two vertices and a normalized difference. * * @param void * The raw vertex data of the first vertex. * @param void * The raw vertex data of the second vertex. * @param f32 The normalized difference between the two vertices. * * @return void * The raw vertex data of the new vertex. */ void *vertex_build_interpolated( void *spV1, void *spV2, f32 sDiff ); /* * Scales a vertex by a scalar. * * @param void * The raw vertex data. * @param f32 The scalar to scale the vertex by. * @param u32 A usage flag that determines how to scale the vertex. * * @return void * The raw vertex data of the scaled vertex. */ void *vertex_scale( void *spV, f32 sScale, u32 sFlags ); /* * Binds the fragment shader's uniform data to the vertex assembler. * * @param void * The raw uniform data. */ void vertexasm_bind_uniform( void *spUniform ); /* * Applies the fragments of a fragment shader to a pixel. * * @param void * The raw fragment data. * @param fragment_t * The pixel to apply the fragment to. */ void fragment_apply( void *spF, fragment_t *spP ); #endif /* CHIK_GFX_VERTEXASM_H */
/* * cull.h -- header for culling/clipping routines * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 12, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * As of now, the culling routines consist of just frustum culling, * which tests a line segment against a plane, and interpolates a new * point on the line segment if it intersects the plane. */ #ifndef CHIK_GFX_CULL_H #define CHIK_GFX_CULL_H #include "libchik.h" /* * Sets the current vertex size. * * @param u32 The size of the vertex data. */ void cull_set_vertex_size( u32 sSize ); /* * Clips a pair of vertices. * * @param plane_t * The plane to clip against. * @param void * The first vertex. * @param void * The second vertex. * @param void * The clipped vertex. * @param u32 True if this is the first vertex. * * @return u32 Bitmask of the clip flags. * 0x0 = keep the first vertex. * 0x1 = modify first vertex with the clipped. * */ u32 cull_clip_vertex( plane_t *spP, void *spV0, void *spV1, void *spRet, u32 sFirst ); /* * Inserts a vertex into a clipped vertex list. * * @param void * The vertex to insert. * @param void ** The list of vertices. * @param u32 The target index. * @param u32 The number of vertices in the list. * @param u32 The list size. */ void cull_insert_vertex( void *spV, void **spList, u32 sIndex, u32 sCount, u32 sSize ); /* * Removes a vertex from a clipped vertex list. * * @param u32 The index to remove. * @param void ** The list of vertices. * @param u32 The number of vertices in the list. * @param u32 The list size. */ void cull_remove_vertex( u32 sIndex, void **spList, u32 sCount, u32 sSize ); /* * Creates the view frustum. */ void cull_create_frustum(); /* * Clips a triangle. * * Reference: * * @param void * The first vertex. * @param void * The second vertex. * @param void * The third vertex. * @param s32 * The number of new vertices. * * @return chik_vertex_t * The new vertices. */ chik_vertex_t *cull_clip_triangle( void *spV0, void *spV1, void *spV2, s32 *spNumVertices ); #endif /* CHIK_GFX_CULL_H */
<gh_stars>1-10 /* * drawable.h -- header for general drawable functionality * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 7, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The drawables refer to objects such as vertex buffers, textures, * shaders, and so on. In it's primitive state, we'll allow for loading * vertex buffers, and drawing a texture on to them. */ #pragma once #include "libchik.h" #include "image.h" typedef struct { void *apData; u32 aVStride; u32 aSize; v_layout_t aLayout; } vbuffer_t; typedef struct { handle_t aVBuf; /* * Will be replaced with material_t * */ handle_t aTex; } mesh_t; /* * Initializes resources for below functions. * * @return u32 Whether or not the initialization was successful. * 1 = success, 0 = failure. */ u32 init_drawable_resources(); /* * Creates a vertex buffer. * * @param void * The vertex data. * @param u32 The size of the vertex data. * @param u32 The stride of the vertex data. * @param v_layout_t The layout of the vertex data. * * @return handle_t The vertex buffer. * INVALID_HANDLE if the vertex buffer could not be created. * The mesh should be freed with vbuffer_free(). */ handle_t vbuffer_create( void *spVerts, u32 sSize, u32 sVStride, v_layout_t sLayout ); /* * Frees a vertex buffer. * * @param handle_t The vertex buffer to free. */ void vbuffer_free( handle_t sVBuffer ); /* * Creates a texture from a file. * * @param s8 * The path to the texture file. * @param u32 The format of the texture. * * @return handle_t The texture. */ handle_t texture_create_from_file( s8 *spPath, u32 sFormat ); /* * Frees a texture. * * @param handle_t The texture to free. */ void texture_free( handle_t sTex ); /* * Creates a mesh. * * @param handle_t The vertex buffer. * @param handle_t The texture. * * @return handle_t The mesh. */ handle_t mesh_create( handle_t sVBuffer, handle_t sTex ); /* * Sets the vertex buffer of a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh. * @param handle_t The vertex buffer. */ void mesh_set_vertex_buffer( handle_t sMesh, handle_t sVBuffer ); /* * Sets the texture of a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh. * @param handle_t The texture. */ void mesh_set_texture( handle_t sMesh, handle_t sTex ); /* * Translates a mesh. * * @param vec3_t The translation vector. */ void mesh_translate( vec3_t sTranslation ); /* * Rotates a mesh. * * @param vec3_t The rotation vector. */ void mesh_rotate( vec3_t sRotation ); /* * Draws a vertex buffer. * * @param handle_t The handle to the vertex buffer. */ void vbuffer_draw( handle_t sBuffer ); /* * Draws a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh. */ void mesh_draw( handle_t sMesh ); /* * Frees a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh to free. */ void mesh_free( handle_t sMesh );
<filename>src/modules/gfx/rendertarget.c /* * rendertarget.c -- source for using render targets * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Here are the functions used for creating and using render targets. */ #include "rendertarget.h" #include "surface.h" rendertarget_t **gpRenderTargets = NULL; rendertarget_t *gpBackBuffer = NULL; /* * Creates a render target. * * @param u32 The width of the render target. * @param u32 The height of the render target. * @param u32 The format of the render target. * * @return rendertarget_t * The render target. * NULL if the render target could not be created. * The render target should be freed with rendertarget_free(). */ rendertarget_t *rendertarget_create( u32 sWidth, u32 sHeight, u32 sFormat ) { rendertarget_t *pRenderTarget = malloc( sizeof( rendertarget_t ) ); if( pRenderTarget == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not allocate memory for render target." ); } image_t *pImage = image_create( sWidth, sHeight, sFormat ); if( pImage == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not allocate memory for render target image." ); } pRenderTarget->apTarget = pImage; /* * Make a new list of render targets if there is none. */ if ( gpRenderTargets == NULL ) { gpRenderTargets = malloc( sizeof( rendertarget_t * ) * 2 ); if( gpRenderTargets == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not allocate memory for render target list." ); } gpRenderTargets[ 0 ] = pRenderTarget; gpRenderTargets[ 1 ] = NULL; } else { u32 i = 0; while ( gpRenderTargets[ i ] != NULL ) { i++; } gpRenderTargets[ i ] = pRenderTarget; gpRenderTargets = realloc( gpRenderTargets, sizeof( rendertarget_t * ) * ( i + 1 ) ); if( gpRenderTargets == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not reallocate memory for render target list." ); } } return pRenderTarget; } /* * Frees a render target. * * @param rendertarget_t * The render target to free. */ void rendertarget_free( rendertarget_t *spRenderTarget ) { if( spRenderTarget == NULL ) { log_error( "Render target is NULL.\n" ); return; } image_free( spRenderTarget->apTarget ); free( spRenderTarget ); } /* * Gets a list of render targets. * * @return rendertarget_t * The list of render targets. * NULL if the list could not be created. */ rendertarget_t **rendertarget_get_list( void ) { return gpRenderTargets; } /* * Create backbuffer render target. * * @return rendertarget_t * The render target. * NULL if the render target could not be created. * The render target should be freed with rendertarget_free(). */ __attribute__( ( constructor ) ) rendertarget_t *rendertarget_create_backbuffer( void ) { chik_surface_t *pSurface = surface_get(); rendertarget_t *pRenderTarget = rendertarget_create( pSurface->aWidth, pSurface->aHeight, 69 ); if( pRenderTarget == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not create backbuffer render target." ); return NULL; } gpBackBuffer = pRenderTarget; return pRenderTarget; } /* * Gets the backbuffer render target. * * @return rendertarget_t * The render target. * NULL if the render target could not be created. * The render target should be freed with rendertarget_free(). */ rendertarget_t *rendertarget_get_backbuffer( void ) { return gpBackBuffer; } /* * Frees all render targets. */ __attribute__( ( destructor ) ) void rendertarget_free_all( void ) { if ( gpRenderTargets == NULL ) { return; } u32 i = 0; while ( gpRenderTargets[ i ] != NULL ) { rendertarget_free( gpRenderTargets[ i ] ); i++; } free( gpRenderTargets ); gpRenderTargets = NULL; }
/* * image.c -- source for image functionality * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * This file declares the functions used for loading and manipulating images. */ #include "image.h" #include <malloc.h> #include <string.h> /* * Creates an image. * * @param u32 The width of the image. * @param u32 The height of the image. * @param u32 The format of the image. * * @return image_t * The image. * NULL if the image could not be created. * The image should be freed with image_free(). */ image_t *image_create( u32 sWidth, u32 sHeight, u32 sFormat ) { image_t *pImage = malloc( sizeof( image_t ) ); if( pImage == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not allocate memory for image." ); } pImage->aWidth = sWidth; pImage->aHeight = sHeight; pImage->aFormat = sFormat; /* * In the future, image data may not be just width * height * format. * For now, we just allocate the amount of memory we need. */ pImage->apData = malloc( sWidth * sHeight * sizeof( u32 ) ); if( pImage->apData == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not allocate memory for image buffer." ); } return pImage; } /* * Deduces a file format from a file. * * @param const s8 * The file to deduce the format from. * * @return file_type_e The file format. * FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN if the file could not be deduced. */ file_type_e file_type( const s8 *spFile ) { /* * We'll be lazy and just check the file extension. * In the future, we'll need to check the file header. */ if( strstr( spFile, ".bmp" ) != NULL ) { return FILE_TYPE_BMP; } else if( strstr( spFile, ".png" ) != NULL ) { return FILE_TYPE_PNG; } else if( strstr( spFile, ".jpg" ) != NULL ) { return FILE_TYPE_JPG; } else { return FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } /* * Loads a bmp image from a file. * * @param const s8 * The file to load the image from. * * @return image_t * The image. * NULL if the image could not be loaded. * The image should be freed with image_free(). */ image_t *image_load_bmp( const s8 *spFile ) { FILE *pFile = fopen( spFile, "rb" ); if( pFile == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not open file %s.", spFile ); return NULL; } /* * Read the file contents into a buffer. */ fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END ); u32 len = ftell( pFile ); fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_SET ); u8 *pBuffer = malloc( len ); if( pBuffer == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not allocate memory for file %s.", spFile ); fclose( pFile ); return NULL; } fread( pBuffer, 1, len, pFile ); fclose( pFile ); /* * Read the header. */ bmp_header_t header = *( bmp_header_t * )pBuffer; header.aWidth = *( u32 * )( pBuffer + 0x12 ); header.aHeight = *( u32 * )( pBuffer + 0x16 ); header.aOffset = *( u32 * )( pBuffer + 0x0A ); if ( *( u16* )header.aMagic != 0x4D42 ) { log_error( "File %s is not a bmp file.", spFile ); free( pBuffer ); return NULL; } /* * Read the image data. */ u8 *pData = ( u8 * )( pBuffer + header.aOffset ); /* * Create the image. */ image_t *pImage = image_create( header.aWidth, header.aHeight, 32 ); if( pImage == NULL ) { log_error( "Could not create image." ); free( pBuffer ); return NULL; } /* * Copy the data into the image without the padding. */ u32 padding = 0; s64 i; for ( i = 0; i < header.aHeight; i++ ) { /* * Don't touch. */ memcpy( ( u8 * )pImage->apData + ( header.aWidth * i ) * 3, pData + ( header.aWidth * i ) * 3 + i * padding, header.aWidth * 3 ); /* * Literal magic. */ padding += ( ( header.aWidth * 3 ) + padding ) % 4; } /* * Free the buffer. */ free( pBuffer ); return pImage; } /* * Creates an image from a file. * * @param s8 * The path to the image file. * @param u32 The format of the image. * * @return image_t * The image. * NULL if the image could not be created. * The image should be freed with image_free(). */ image_t *image_create_from_file( s8 *spPath, u32 sFormat ) { file_type_e type = file_type( spPath ); if( type == FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN ) { log_error( "Could not determine file type of image file." ); return NULL; } else if ( type == FILE_TYPE_BMP ) { return image_load_bmp( spPath ); } } /* * Sets a pixel in an image. * * @param image_t * The image. * @param u32 The x coordinate of the pixel. * @param u32 The y coordinate of the pixel. * @param u32 The color of the pixel. * * @return u32 1 if the pixel was set, 0 if the pixel could not be set. */ u32 image_set_pixel( image_t *image, u32 x, u32 y, u32 color ) { if( x >= image->aWidth || y >= image->aHeight ) { return 0; } image->apData[ y * image->aWidth + x ] = color; return 1; } /* * Clears an image. * * @param image_t * The image. * @param u32 The color to clear the image with. * * @return u32 1 if the image was cleared, 0 if the image could not be cleared. */ u32 image_clear( image_t *spImage, u32 sColor ) { if ( spImage == NULL ) { return 0; } /* * Fastest way to clear is to memset the entire buffer. */ memset( spImage->apData, sColor, spImage->aWidth * spImage->aHeight * sizeof( u32 ) ); return 1; } /* * Frees an image. * * @param image_t * The image to free. */ void image_free( image_t *pImage ) { if ( pImage == NULL ) { log_error( "Tried to free a NULL image." ); return; } free( pImage->apData ); free( pImage ); }
<gh_stars>1-10 /* * rendertarget.h -- header for declaring render targets * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included is functionality for creating render targets. * Render targets are individual surfaces that can be rendered to. */ #pragma once #include "libchik.h" #include "image.h" #include "camera.h" typedef struct { image_t *apTarget; } rendertarget_t; /* * Creates a render target. * * @param u32 The width of the render target. * @param u32 The height of the render target. * @param u32 The format of the render target. * * @return rendertarget_t * The render target. * NULL if the render target could not be created. * The render target should be freed with rendertarget_free(). */ rendertarget_t *rendertarget_create( u32 sWidth, u32 sHeight, u32 sFormat ); /* * Frees a render target. * * @param rendertarget_t * The render target to free. */ void rendertarget_free( rendertarget_t *spRenderTarget ); /* * Gets a list of render targets. * * @return rendertarget_t ** The list of render targets. * NULL if the list could not be created. */ rendertarget_t **rendertarget_get_list( void ); /* * Create backbuffer render target. * * @return rendertarget_t * The render target. * NULL if the render target could not be created. * The render target should be freed with rendertarget_free(). */ rendertarget_t *rendertarget_create_backbuffer( void ); /* * Gets the backbuffer render target. * * @return rendertarget_t * The render target. * NULL if the render target could not be created. * The render target should be freed with rendertarget_free(). */ rendertarget_t *rendertarget_get_backbuffer( void ); /* * Frees all render targets. */ void rendertarget_free_all( void );
<filename>src/modules/gfx/camera.c /* * camera.c -- source for camera functions * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 25, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * This file defines the camera functionality. */ #include "camera.h" #include <math.h> camera_t *gpCamera = NULL; /* * Creates a view matrix for the camera. * * @param camera_t * The camera. * * @return mat4_t The view matrix. */ mat4_t camera_view( camera_t *spCamera ) { mat4_t view = m4_identity(); view = m4_mul_m4( view, camera_projection( spCamera ) ); view = m4_mul_m4( view, m4_rotate( spCamera->aDirection.x, ( vec3_t ){ 1, 0, 0 } ) ); view = m4_mul_m4( view, m4_rotate( spCamera->aDirection.y, ( vec3_t ){ 0, 1, 0 } ) ); view = m4_mul_m4( view, m4_translate( spCamera->aPosition ) ); return view; } /* * Creates a projection matrix for the camera. * * @param camera_t * The camera. * * @return mat4_t The projection matrix. */ mat4_t camera_projection( camera_t *spCamera ) { float fov = 0.5f / tanf( spCamera->aFOV * 0.5f * 3.14159265358979323846f / 180.0f ); /* * We'll be using the Vulkan projection matrix. * * This matrix uses reverse z, so we'll hardcode the * farz to 0, and nearz to 1. * * Stolen from: */ mat4_t projection = { fov / spCamera->aAspect, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -fov, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }; return projection; }
/* * image.h -- header for declaring images * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * Included is functionality for creating images to be drawn to. */ #pragma once #include "libchik.h" typedef enum { FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, FILE_TYPE_BMP, FILE_TYPE_PNG, FILE_TYPE_JPG, } file_type_e; typedef struct { s8 aMagic[ 2 ]; u32 aSize; u32 aReserved; u32 aOffset; u32 aHeaderSize; u32 aWidth; u32 aHeight; u16 aPlanes; u16 aBitsPerPixel; u32 aCompression; u32 aImageSize; u32 aXPixelsPerMeter; u32 aYPixelsPerMeter; u32 aColorsUsed; u32 aColorsImportant; u32 aRedMask; u32 aGreenMask; u32 aBlueMask; u32 aAlphaMask; } bmp_header_t; /* * Creates an image. * * @param u32 The width of the image. * @param u32 The height of the image. * @param u32 The format of the image. * * @return image_t * The image. * NULL if the image could not be created. * The image should be freed with image_free(). */ image_t *image_create( u32 sWidth, u32 sHeight, u32 sFormat ); /* * Deduces a file format from a file. * * @param const s8 * The file to deduce the format from. * * @return file_type_e The file format. * FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN if the file could not be deduced. */ file_type_e file_type( const s8 *spFile ); /* * Loads a bmp image from a file. * * @param const s8 * The file to load the image from. * * @return image_t * The image. * NULL if the image could not be loaded. * The image should be freed with image_free(). */ image_t *image_load_bmp( const s8 *spFile ); /* * Creates an image from a file. * * @param s8 * The path to the image file. * @param u32 The format of the image. * * @return image_t * The image. * NULL if the image could not be created. * The image should be freed with image_free(). */ image_t *image_create_from_file( s8 *spPath, u32 sFormat ); /* * Sets a pixel in an image. * * @param image_t * The image. * @param u32 The x coordinate of the pixel. * @param u32 The y coordinate of the pixel. * @param u32 The color of the pixel. * * @return u32 1 if the pixel was set, 0 if the pixel could not be set. */ u32 image_set_pixel( image_t *spImage, u32 sX, u32 sY, u32 sColor ); /* * Clears an image. * * @param image_t * The image. * @param u32 The color to clear the image with. * * @return u32 1 if the image was cleared, 0 if the image could not be cleared. */ u32 image_clear( image_t *spImage, u32 sColor ); /* * Frees an image. * * @param image_t * The image to free. */ void image_free( image_t *pImage );
<reponame>p0lyh3dron/chik /* * raster.h -- header for graphics rasterization stage * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 9, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik Engine. * * The rasterization stage is responsible for rasterizing the * geometry into a 2D bitmap. Currently, the rasterization stage * clips the geometry to the viewing frustum, and then rasterizes * the geometry into a bitmap by drawing scanlines. The clipping * algorithm should probably be put into another stage/file, * but it is currently implemented here. */ #ifndef CHIK_GFX_RASTER_H #define CHIK_GFX_RASTER_H #include "libchik.h" #include "rendertarget.h" /* * Sets the rasterization stage's bitmap. * * @param rendertarget_t * The rendertarget to use for rasterization. */ void raster_set_rendertarget( rendertarget_t *spTarget ); /* * Draw a scanline. * * @param s32 The screen x coordinate of the start of the scanline. * @param s32 The screen x coordinate of the end of the scanline. * @param s32 The screen y coordinate of the scanline. * @param void * The first vertex of the scanline. * @param void * The second vertex of the scanline. */ void raster_draw_scanline( s32 sX1, s32 sX2, s32 sY, void *spV1, void *spV2 ); /* * Rasterizes a single triangle. * * @param void * The raw vertex data for the first vertex. * @param void * The raw vertex data for the second vertex. * @param void * The raw vertex data for the third vertex. */ void raster_rasterize_triangle( void *spV1, void *spV2, void *spV3 ); #endif /* CHIK_GFX_RASTER_H */
<reponame>p0lyh3dron/chik /* * cull.h -- header for culling/clipping routines * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 12, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * This file defines the culling/clipping routines. */ #include "cull.h" #include "camera.h" #include "vertexasm.h" frustum_t gFrustum; u32 gVertexSize = 0; /* * Sets the current vertex size. * * @param u32 The size of the vertex data. */ void cull_set_vertex_size( u32 sSize ) { gVertexSize = sSize; } /* * Clips a pair of vertices. * * @param plane_t * The plane to clip against. * @param void * The first vertex. * @param void * The second vertex. * @param void * The clipped vertex. * @param u32 True if this is the first vertex. * * @return u32 Bitmask of the clip flags. * 0x0 = keep the first vertex. * 0x1 = modify first vertex with the clipped. * 0x2 = modify the first vertex of the array. * */ u32 cull_clip_vertex( plane_t *spP, void *spV0, void *spV1, void *spRet, u32 sFirst ) { vec4_t p0 = vertex_get_position( spV0 ); vec4_t p1 = vertex_get_position( spV1 ); f32 outside = plane_distance( spP, &p0 ); f32 nextOutside = plane_distance( spP, &p1 ); /* * Check if the triangle is outside the frustum. */ if ( outside > 0.f ^ nextOutside > 0.f ) { f32 t = outside / ( outside - nextOutside ); /* * Generate a new vertex. */ memcpy( spRet, vertex_build_interpolated( spV0, spV1, t ), gVertexSize ); /* * If our initial vertex is inside, append the new vertex. */ if ( outside >= 0.f ) { return 0b00000011; } /* * Remove the first vertex. */ else if ( sFirst ) { return 0b00000111; } /* * If our initial vertex is outside, replace the first vertex. */ else { return 0b00000010; } } /* * If both points are inside, keep the vertices, otherwise * discard them. */ else { if ( outside >= 0.f ) { /* * Keep. */ return 0b00000001; } /* * Discard the first vertex. */ else if ( sFirst ) { return 0b00000101; } else { /* * Discard. */ return 0b00000000; } } } /* * Inserts a vertex into a clipped vertex list. * * @param void * The vertex to insert. * @param void ** The list of vertices. * @param u32 The target index. * @param u32 The number of vertices in the list. * @param u32 The list size. */ void cull_insert_vertex( void *spV, void **spList, u32 sIndex, u32 sCount, u32 sSize ) { if ( sIndex >= sSize ) { log_error( "Index out of bounds.\n" ); return; } if ( sCount >= sSize ) { log_error( "List is full.\n" ); return; } /* * Shift the vertices down. */ for ( u32 i = sCount; i > sIndex; i-- ) { memcpy( ( u8 * )spList + i * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, ( u8 * )spList + ( i - 1 ) * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, gVertexSize ); } /* * Insert the vertex. */ memcpy( ( u8 * )spList + sIndex * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, spV, gVertexSize ); } /* * Removes a vertex from a clipped vertex list. * * @param u32 The index to remove. * @param void ** The list of vertices. * @param u32 The number of vertices in the list. * @param u32 The list size. */ void cull_remove_vertex( u32 sIndex, void **spList, u32 sCount, u32 sSize ) { if ( sIndex >= sSize ) { log_error( "Index out of bounds.\n" ); return; } if ( sCount <= 0 ) { log_error( "List is empty.\n" ); return; } /* * Shift the vertices up. */ for ( u32 i = sIndex; i < sCount - 1; i++ ) { /* * The scope doesn't seem to know that void **spList is a u8[][], so we'll * use direct memory access. I hope this works on other platforms. */ memcpy( ( u8 * )spList + i * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, ( u8 * )spList + ( i + 1 ) * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, gVertexSize ); } } /* * Creates the view frustum. */ void cull_create_frustum() { f32 n; f32 f; if ( !gpCamera ) { n = 0.1f; f = 100.f; } else { n = gpCamera->aNear; f = gpCamera->aFar; } vec2_t nsw = { -n, -n }; vec2_t nse = { n, -n }; vec2_t nne = { n, n }; vec2_t nnw = { -n, n }; vec2_t fsw = { -f, -f }; vec2_t fse = { f, -f }; vec2_t fne = { f, f }; vec2_t fnw = { -f, f }; /* * Plane 0: Near. * This plane consists of the three points: * the top-left, bottom-left, and bottom-right. */ vec3_t nearTop = { nnw.x, nnw.y, n }; vec3_t nearBot = { nsw.x, nsw.y, n }; vec3_t nearRight = { nne.x, nne.y, n }; plane_from_points( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ 0 ], &nearTop, &nearBot, &nearRight ); /* * Plane 1: Left. * This plane consists of the three points ( when directly facing this plane from outside the frustum as if looking through the game camera ): * the bottom-right, top-right, and top-left. */ vec3_t leftCloseBottom = { nsw.x, nsw.y, n }; vec3_t leftCloseTop = { nnw.x, nnw.y, n }; vec3_t leftFarTop = { fnw.x, fnw.y, f }; plane_from_points( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ 1 ], &leftCloseBottom, &leftCloseTop, &leftFarTop ); /* * Plane 2: Right. * This plane consists of the three points ( same conditions as above, same for below ): * the bottom-left, bottom-right, and top-right. */ vec3_t rightCloseBottom = { nse.x, nse.y, n }; vec3_t rightFarBottom = { fse.x, fse.y, f }; vec3_t rightFarTop = { fne.x, fne.y, f }; plane_from_points( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ 2 ], &rightCloseBottom, &rightFarBottom, &rightFarTop ); /* * Plane 3: Top. * This plane consists of the three points: * the bottom-left, bottom-right, and top-left. */ vec3_t topCloseLeft = { nnw.x, nnw.y, n }; vec3_t topCloseRight = { nne.x, nne.y, n }; vec3_t topFarLeft = { fnw.x, fnw.y, f }; plane_from_points( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ 3 ], &topCloseLeft, &topCloseRight, &topFarLeft ); /* * Plane 4: Bottom. * This plane consists of the three points: * the bottom-right, bottom-left, and top-left. */ vec3_t bottomFarRight = { fse.x, fse.y, f }; vec3_t bottomCloseLeft = { nsw.x, nsw.y, n }; vec3_t bottomFarLeft = { fsw.x, fsw.y, f }; plane_from_points( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ 4 ], &bottomFarRight, &bottomCloseLeft, &bottomFarLeft ); /* * Plane 5: Far. * This plane consists of the three points: * the top-left, top-right, bottom-left. */ vec3_t farTop = { fnw.x, fnw.y, f }; vec3_t farRight = { fne.x, fne.y, f }; vec3_t farBot = { fsw.x, fsw.y, f }; plane_from_points( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ 5 ], &farTop, &farRight, &farBot ); } /* * Clips a triangle. * * Reference: * * @param void * The first vertex. * @param void * The second vertex. * @param void * The third vertex. * @param s32 * The number of new vertices. * * @return chik_vertex_t * The new vertices. */ chik_vertex_t *cull_clip_triangle( void *spV0, void *spV1, void *spV2, s32 *spNumVertices ) { static u8 vertices[ 8 * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 v [ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u32 numVertices = 3; u32 removeFirst = 0; /* * Copy the vertices into the array. */ memcpy( vertices + 0 * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, spV0, gVertexSize ); memcpy( vertices + 1 * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, spV1, gVertexSize ); memcpy( vertices + 2 * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, spV2, gVertexSize ); for ( u64 i = 0; i < ARR_LEN( gFrustum.aPlanes ); ++i ) { removeFirst = 0; for ( u64 j = 0; j < numVertices; ) { u32 ret = cull_clip_vertex( &gFrustum.aPlanes[ i ], &vertices[ j * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ], &vertices[ ( ( j + 1 ) % numVertices ) * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ], &v, j == 0 ); /* * Remove the first vertex once we are at the end of the loop. */ if ( ret & 0b00000100 ) { removeFirst = 1; } /* * Keep the first vertex. */ if ( ret & 0b00000001 ) { /* * Insert the new clipped vertex. */ if ( ret & 0b00000010 ) { cull_insert_vertex( &v, &vertices, ++j, numVertices, ARR_LEN( vertices ) ); numVertices++; } /* * No need to insert the new vertex. */ ++j; } else if ( ret & 0b00000010 ) { /* * Replace the first vertex. */ memcpy( vertices + j * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, &v, gVertexSize ); ++j; } else { /* * Erase the first vertex. */ cull_remove_vertex( j, &vertices, numVertices--, ARR_LEN( vertices ) ); } } /* * Since we are doing this in place, we need to remove the first vertex occasionally. */ if ( removeFirst ) { cull_remove_vertex( 0, &vertices, numVertices--, ARR_LEN( vertices ) ); } } *spNumVertices = numVertices; return vertices; }
/* * raster.c -- source for graphics rasterization stage * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 9, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik Engine. * * The rasterization stage is defined here. */ #include "raster.h" #include "vertexasm.h" rendertarget_t *gpRasterTarget; /* * Sets the rasterization stage's bitmap. * * @param rendertarget_t * The rendertarget to use for rasterization. */ void raster_set_rendertarget( rendertarget_t *spTarget ) { gpRasterTarget = spTarget; } #ifdef GFX_THREADED typedef struct { s32 aX1; s32 aX2; s32 aY; void *apV1; void *apV2; } scanline_args_t; void *raster_scanline_thread( void *apArgs ) { scanline_args_t *pArgs = ( scanline_args_t * )apArgs; raster_scanline( pArgs->aX1, pArgs->aX2, pArgs->aY, pArgs->apV1, pArgs->apV2 ); return NULL; } #endif /* GFX_THREADED */ /* * Draw a scanline. * * @param s32 The screen x coordinate of the start of the scanline. * @param s32 The screen x coordinate of the end of the scanline. * @param s32 The screen y coordinate of the scanline. * @param void * The first vertex of the scanline. * @param void * The second vertex of the scanline. */ void raster_draw_scanline( s32 sX1, s32 sX2, s32 sY, void *spV1, void *spV2 ) { /* * Early out if the scanline is outside the render target, * or if the line is a degenerate. */ if ( sY < 0 || sY >= gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aHeight || ( sX1 < 0 && sX2 < 0 ) ) { return; } if ( sX1 > sX2 ) { s32 temp = sX1; sX1 = sX2; sX2 = temp; vec_t *tempv = spV1; spV1 = spV2; spV2 = tempv; } s32 x = MAX( sX1, 0 ); s32 endX = sX2; vec4_t p1 = vertex_get_position( spV1 ); vec4_t p2 = vertex_get_position( spV2 ); f32 iz1 = p1.z; f32 iz2 = p2.z; if ( p1.z == 0.0f || p2.z == 0.0f ) { return; } vec_t v[ MAX_VECTOR_ATTRIBUTES ]; /* * Make a temporary because there's a coefficient that doesn't * need to be recalculated. */ f32 izs1 = iz1 / ( sX2 - sX1 ); f32 izs2 = iz2 / ( sX2 - sX1 ); fragment_t f = { .aPos = { x, sY }, }; while ( x < endX && x < ( s32 )gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aWidth ) { /* * Interpolate the vector values, and apply to the fragment. */ vec_t *pV = vertex_build_interpolated( spV1, spV2, ( f32 )( x - sX1 ) / ( sX2 - sX1 ) ); pV = vertex_scale( pV, 1 / ( ( iz1 - izs1 * ( f32 )( x - sX1 ) ) + izs2 * ( f32 )( x - sX1 ) ), V_POS ); fragment_apply( pV, &f ); /* * Draw the vertex. */ memcpy( gpRasterTarget->apTarget->apData + ( sY * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aWidth + x ), &f.aColor, sizeof( f.aColor ) ); x++; } } /* * Rasterizes a single triangle. * * @param void * The raw vertex data for the first vertex. * @param void * The raw vertex data for the second vertex. * @param void * The raw vertex data for the third vertex. */ void raster_rasterize_triangle( void *spV1, void *spV2, void *spV3 ) { /* * Extract position data and rasterize it. */ vec4_t p1 = vertex_get_position( spV1 ); vec4_t p2 = vertex_get_position( spV2 ); vec4_t p3 = vertex_get_position( spV3 ); /* * Map the normalized coordinates to screen coordinates. */ vec2u_t v1 = { .x = ( u32 )( ( p1.x + 1.0f ) * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aWidth / 2 ), .y = ( u32 )( ( p1.y + 1.0f ) * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aHeight / 2 ), }; vec2u_t v2 = { .x = ( u32 )( ( p2.x + 1.0f ) * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aWidth / 2 ), .y = ( u32 )( ( p2.y + 1.0f ) * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aHeight / 2 ), }; vec2u_t v3 = { .x = ( u32 )( ( p3.x + 1.0f ) * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aWidth / 2 ), .y = ( u32 )( ( p3.y + 1.0f ) * gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aHeight / 2 ), }; /* * In order to perform perspective correction, we need to know the * z-coordinates of the vertices. */ f32 z1 = p1.z; f32 z2 = p2.z; f32 z3 = p3.z; /* * Sort the vertices by y-coordinate. * * y0 at the top, y1 at the middle, y2 at the bottom. */ if ( v1.y < v2.y ) { vec2u_t temp = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = temp; f32 tempf = z1; z1 = z2; z2 = tempf; void *pTemp = spV1; spV1 = spV2; spV2 = pTemp; } if ( v2.y < v3.y ) { vec2u_t temp = v2; v2 = v3; v3 = temp; f32 tempf = z2; z2 = z3; z3 = tempf; void *pTemp = spV2; spV2 = spV3; spV3 = pTemp; } if ( v1.y < v2.y ) { vec2u_t temp = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = temp; f32 tempf = z1; z1 = z2; z2 = tempf; void *pTemp = spV1; spV1 = spV2; spV2 = pTemp; } /* * If the triangle is flat, return. */ if ( v1.y == v3.y ) { return; } /* * Rasterize the starting y position. */ int y = MAX( v1.y, 0 ); y = MIN( y, gpRasterTarget->apTarget->aHeight ); /* * Calculate the slopes of the lines. */ float dy0 = ( ( float )v2.x - v1.x ) / ( v2.y - v1.y ); float dy1 = ( ( float )v3.x - v1.x ) / ( v3.y - v1.y ); float dy2 = ( ( float )v3.x - v2.x ) / ( v3.y - v2.y ); u8 v0[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 v [ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 pIA[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 pIB[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 pIC[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; /* * Scale vertex attributes by their inverse z-coordinates. * In the drawing process, we will then divide by the inverse * z-coordinate again to perform perspective correction. */ memcpy( pIA, vertex_scale( spV1, 1 / z1, V_POS ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( pIB, vertex_scale( spV2, 1 / z2, V_POS ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( pIC, vertex_scale( spV3, 1 / z3, V_POS ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); /* * We'll also interpolate the z coordinate by the inverse z-coordinates. */ vec4_t pa = vertex_get_position( pIA ); vec4_t pb = vertex_get_position( pIB ); vec4_t pc = vertex_get_position( pIC ); pa.z = 1 / pa.z; pb.z = 1 / pb.z; pc.z = 1 / pc.z; vertex_set_position( pIA, pa ); vertex_set_position( pIB, pb ); vertex_set_position( pIC, pc ); /* * Check for flat top. */ if ( v1.y == v2.y ) { /* * Sort top two vertices by x-coordinate, * y0 at the left, y1 at the right. */ if ( v1.x < v2.x ) { vec2u_t temp = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = temp; f32 tempf = z1; z1 = z2; z2 = tempf; tempf = dy1; dy1 = dy2; dy2 = tempf; u8 pTemp[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; memcpy( pTemp, pIA, VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( pIA, pIB, VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( pIB, pTemp, VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); } while ( y >= v3.y ) { memcpy( v0, vertex_build_interpolated( pIB, pIC, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( v, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIC, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); raster_draw_scanline( v2.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy2, v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy1, y, v0, v ); y--; } return; } /* * Check for flat bottom. */ else if ( v2.y == v3.y ) { /* * Sort bottom two vertices by x-coordinate, * y1 at the left, y2 at the right. */ if ( v2.x < v3.x ) { vec2u_t temp = v2; v2 = v3; v3 = temp; f32 tempf = z2; z2 = z3; z3 = tempf; tempf = dy1; dy1 = dy0; dy0 = tempf; u8 pTemp[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; memcpy( pTemp, pIB, VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( pIB, pIC, VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( pIC, pTemp, VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); } while ( y >= v3.y ) { memcpy( v0, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIB, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); memcpy( v, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIC, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); raster_draw_scanline( v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy0, v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy1, y, v0, v ); y--; } return; } while ( y >= v3.y ) { /* * Bend is on the left. */ if ( v2.x < v3.x ) { memcpy( v, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIC, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); if ( y >= v2.y ) { memcpy( v0, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIB, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v2.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); raster_draw_scanline( v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy0, v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy1, y, v0, v ); } else { memcpy( v0, vertex_build_interpolated( pIB, pIC, ( f32 )( v2.y - y ) / ( v2.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); raster_draw_scanline( v2.x + ( y - v2.y ) * dy2, v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy1, y, v0, v ); } } /* * Bend is on the right. */ else { memcpy( v0, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIC, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); if ( y >= v2.y ) { memcpy( v, vertex_build_interpolated( pIA, pIB, ( f32 )( v1.y - y ) / ( v1.y - v2.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); raster_draw_scanline( v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy1, v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy0, y, v0, v ); } else { memcpy( v, vertex_build_interpolated( pIB, pIC, ( f32 )( v2.y - y ) / ( v2.y - v3.y ) ), VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ); raster_draw_scanline( v1.x + ( y - v1.y ) * dy1, v2.x + ( y - v2.y ) * dy2, y, v0, v ); } } y--; } }
<filename>src/modules/gfx/gfx.c /* * gfx.c -- source file for the main graphics functions. * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on March 20, 2022 * * This file is part of the Chik Engine. * * This file defines the main graphics functions. These functions * don't require a header file, as they will compiled into the dll * and exported to the game. */ #include "libchik.h" CHIK_MODULE( graphics_init ) #include <string.h> #include "abstract.h" #include "rendertarget.h" #include "drawable.h" #include "raster.h" #include "vertexasm.h" #include "cull.h" extern rendertarget_t *gpBackBuffer; resource_t *gpVBuffer = NULL; resource_t *gpGResources = NULL; /* * Creates a camera. * * @return handle_t The handle to the camera. */ handle_t create_camera( void ) { camera_t cam; cam.aPosition.x = 0.0f; cam.aPosition.y = 0.0f; cam.aPosition.z = 0.0f; cam.aDirection.x = 0.0f; cam.aDirection.y = 0.0f; cam.aNear = 0.1f; cam.aFar = 1000.f; cam.aFOV = 90.0f; cam.aAspect = ( float )gpBackBuffer->apTarget->aWidth / ( float )gpBackBuffer->apTarget->aHeight; handle_t handle = resource_add( gpGResources, &cam, sizeof( camera_t ) ); if ( handle == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Failed to add camera resource.\n" ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } return handle; } /* * Sets camera position. * * @param handle_t The handle to the camera. * @param vec3_t The position of the camera. */ void set_camera_position( handle_t sCamera, vec3_t sPosition ) { camera_t *pCamera = resource_get( gpGResources, sCamera ); if ( pCamera == NULL ) { log_error( "Failed to get camera resource.\n" ); return; } pCamera->aPosition = sPosition; } /* * Sets camera direction. * * @param handle_t The handle to the camera. * @param vec2_t The direction of the camera. */ void set_camera_direction( handle_t sCamera, vec2_t sDirection ) { camera_t *pCamera = resource_get( gpGResources, sCamera ); if ( pCamera == NULL ) { log_error( "Failed to get camera resource.\n" ); return; } pCamera->aDirection = sDirection; } /* * Sets camera FOV. * * @param handle_t The handle to the camera. * @param float The FOV of the camera. */ void set_camera_fov( handle_t sCamera, float sFov ) { camera_t *pCamera = resource_get( gpGResources, sCamera ); if ( pCamera == NULL ) { log_error( "Failed to get camera resource.\n" ); return; } pCamera->aFOV = sFov; } /* * Sets the global camera. * * @param handle_t The handle to the camera. */ void set_camera( handle_t sCamera ) { gpCamera = resource_get( gpGResources, sCamera ); if ( gpCamera == NULL ) { log_error( "Failed to get camera resource.\n" ); return; } } /* * Returns the camera's view matrix. * * @param handle_t The handle to the camera. * * @return mat4_t The view matrix. */ mat4_t get_camera_view( handle_t sCamera ) { camera_t *pCamera = resource_get( gpGResources, sCamera ); if ( pCamera == NULL ) { log_error( "Failed to get camera resource.\n" ); return m4_identity(); } return camera_view( pCamera ); } /* * Returns the width and height of the screen. * * @return vec2_t The width and height of the screen. */ vec2_t get_screen_size( void ) { vec2_t size; size.x = gpBackBuffer->apTarget->aWidth; size.y = gpBackBuffer->apTarget->aHeight; return size; } static float theta = 0.f; /* * Draws the current frame. */ void draw_frame( void ) { platform_draw_frame(); } /* * Creates the graphics context. */ void graphics_init( void ) { gpGResources = resource_new( 1024 * 1024 ); if ( gpGResources == NULL ) { log_error( "Failed to create graphics resource.\n" ); return; } cull_create_frustum(); init_drawable_resources(); raster_set_rendertarget( gpBackBuffer ); } /* * Cleans up the graphics subsystem. */ __attribute__( ( destructor ) ) void cleanup_graphics( void ) { }
<reponame>p0lyh3dron/chik /* * drawable.c -- source for general drawable functionality * * Authored by Karl "p0lyh3dron" Kreuze on June 7, 2022. * * This file is part of the Chik engine. * * The usage defined here is for drawables defined in the header. */ #include "drawable.h" #include "camera.h" #include "vertexasm.h" #include "raster.h" #include "cull.h" resource_t *gpResources = nullptr; mempool_t *gpMempool = nullptr; /* * Initializes resources for below functions. * * @return u32 Whether or not the initialization was successful. * 1 = success, 0 = failure. */ u32 init_drawable_resources() { gpResources = resource_new( 64 * 1024 * 1000 ); gpMempool = mempool_new( 64 * 1024 * 1000 ); if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { return 0; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { return 0; } return 1; } /* * Creates a vertex buffer. * * @param void * The vertex data. * @param u32 The size of the vertex data. * @param u32 The stride of the vertex data. * @param v_layout_t The layout of the vertex data. * * @return handle_t The vertex buffer. * INVALID_HANDLE if the vertex buffer could not be created. * The mesh should be freed with vbuffer_free(). */ handle_t vbuffer_create( void *spVerts, u32 sSize, u32 sVStride, v_layout_t sLayout ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } if ( spVerts == nullptr ) { log_error( "Vertex data is null." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } if ( sSize == 0 ) { log_error( "Vertex data size is zero." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } if ( sVStride == 0 ) { log_error( "Vertex data stride is zero." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } vbuffer_t buf = {}; buf.apData = mempool_alloc( gpMempool, sSize ); buf.aSize = sSize; buf.aVStride = sVStride; buf.aLayout = sLayout; if ( buf.apData == nullptr ) { log_error( "Could not allocate vertex buffer." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } memcpy( buf.apData, spVerts, sSize ); handle_t h = resource_add( gpResources, &buf, sizeof( vbuffer_t ) ); if ( h == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Could not add vertex buffer to resource list." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } return h; } /* * Frees a vertex buffer. * * @param handle_t The vertex buffer to free. */ void vbuffer_free( handle_t sVBuffer ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return; } if ( sVBuffer == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Vertex buffer is null." ); return; } vbuffer_t *pVBuffer = resource_get( gpResources, sVBuffer ); if ( pVBuffer == nullptr ) { log_error( "Vertex buffer is null." ); return; } mempool_free( gpMempool, pVBuffer->apData ); resource_remove( gpResources, sVBuffer ); } /* * Creates a texture from a file. * * @param s8 * The path to the texture file. * @param u32 The format of the texture. * * @return handle_t The texture. */ handle_t texture_create_from_file( s8 *spPath, u32 sFormat ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } if ( spPath == nullptr ) { log_error( "Texture path is null." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } texture_t tex = {}; tex.apImage = image_create_from_file( spPath, sFormat ); if ( tex.apImage == nullptr ) { log_error( "Could not create texture from file." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } handle_t h = resource_add( gpResources, &tex, sizeof( texture_t ) ); if ( h == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Could not add texture to resource list." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } return h; } /* * Frees a texture. * * @param handle_t The texture to free. */ void texture_free( handle_t sTex ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return; } if ( sTex == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Texture is null." ); return; } texture_t *pTex = resource_get( gpResources, sTex ); if ( pTex == nullptr ) { log_error( "Texture is null." ); return; } image_free( pTex->apImage ); resource_remove( gpResources, sTex ); } /* * Creates a mesh. * * @param handle_t The vertex buffer. * @param handle_t The texture. * * @return handle_t The mesh. */ handle_t mesh_create( handle_t sVBuffer, handle_t sTex ) { mesh_t mesh = {}; mesh.aVBuf = sVBuffer; mesh.aTex = sTex; handle_t h = resource_add( gpResources, &mesh, sizeof( mesh_t ) ); if ( h == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Could not add mesh to resource list." ); return INVALID_HANDLE; } return h; } /* * Sets the vertex buffer of a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh. * @param handle_t The vertex buffer. */ void mesh_set_vertex_buffer( handle_t sMesh, handle_t sVBuffer ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return; } if ( sMesh == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Mesh is null." ); return; } if ( sVBuffer == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Vertex buffer is null." ); return; } mesh_t *pMesh = resource_get( gpResources, sMesh ); if ( pMesh == nullptr ) { log_error( "Mesh is null." ); return; } vbuffer_t *pVBuffer = resource_get( gpResources, sVBuffer ); if ( pVBuffer == nullptr ) { log_error( "Vertex buffer is null." ); return; } pMesh->aVBuf = sVBuffer; } /* * Sets the texture of a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh. * @param handle_t The texture. */ void mesh_set_texture( handle_t sMesh, handle_t sTex ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized.\n" ); return; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized.\n" ); return; } if ( sMesh == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Mesh is null.\n" ); return; } if ( sTex == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Texture is null.\n" ); return; } mesh_t *pMesh = resource_get( gpResources, sMesh ); if ( pMesh == nullptr ) { log_error( "Mesh is null.\n" ); return; } pMesh->aTex = sTex; } vec3_t gMeshTranslate = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }; vec3_t gMeshRotate = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }; /* * Translates a mesh. * * @param vec3_t The translation vector. */ void mesh_translate( vec3_t sTranslation ) { gMeshTranslate = sTranslation; } /* * Rotates a mesh. * * @param vec3_t The rotation vector. */ void mesh_rotate( vec3_t sRotation ) { gMeshRotate = sRotation; } /* * Draws a vertex buffer. * * @param handle_t The handle to the vertex buffer. */ void vbuffer_draw( handle_t sBuffer ) { if ( gpCamera == nullptr ) { log_error( "No camera.\n" ); return; } vbuffer_t *pBuf = resource_get( gpResources, sBuffer ); if ( pBuf == nullptr ) { log_error( "Failed to get vertex resource.\n" ); return; } mat4_t view = camera_view( gpCamera ); u32 numVerts = pBuf->aSize / pBuf->aVStride; vertexasm_set_layout( pBuf->aLayout ); for ( u32 i = 0; i < numVerts; i += 3 ) { u8 a0[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 b0[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; u8 c0[ VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE ]; /* * Copy the vertex data into a buffer. */ memcpy( a0, pBuf->apData + ( i + 0 ) * pBuf->aVStride, pBuf->aVStride ); memcpy( b0, pBuf->apData + ( i + 1 ) * pBuf->aVStride, pBuf->aVStride ); memcpy( c0, pBuf->apData + ( i + 2 ) * pBuf->aVStride, pBuf->aVStride ); /* * Get the positions of the vertices. */ vec4_t pa = vertex_get_position( a0 ); vec4_t pb = vertex_get_position( b0 ); vec4_t pc = vertex_get_position( c0 ); /* * Transform the positions. * * If we have an active translation/rotation, apply it. */ mat4_t ta = m4_mul_v4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.x, ( vec3_t ){ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f } ), pa ); ta = m4_mul_m4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.y, ( vec3_t ){ 0.f, 1.f, 0.f } ), ta ); ta = m4_mul_m4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.z, ( vec3_t ){ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f } ), ta ); ta = m4_mul_m4( m4_translate( gMeshTranslate ), ta ); mat4_t tb = m4_mul_v4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.x, ( vec3_t ){ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f } ), pb ); tb = m4_mul_m4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.y, ( vec3_t ){ 0.f, 1.f, 0.f } ), tb ); tb = m4_mul_m4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.z, ( vec3_t ){ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f } ), tb ); tb = m4_mul_m4( m4_translate( gMeshTranslate ), tb ); mat4_t tc = m4_mul_v4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.x, ( vec3_t ){ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f } ), pc ); tc = m4_mul_m4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.y, ( vec3_t ){ 0.f, 1.f, 0.f } ), tc ); tc = m4_mul_m4( m4_rotate( gMeshRotate.z, ( vec3_t ){ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f } ), tc ); tc = m4_mul_m4( m4_translate( gMeshTranslate ), tc ); mat4_t ma = m4_mul_m4( view, ta ); mat4_t mb = m4_mul_m4( view, tb ); mat4_t mc = m4_mul_m4( view, tc ); /* * Update the vertex data. */ vertex_set_position( a0, ( vec4_t ){ ma.v[ 0 ], ma.v[ 4 ], ma.v[ 8 ], ma.v[ 12 ] } ); vertex_set_position( b0, ( vec4_t ){ mb.v[ 0 ], mb.v[ 4 ], mb.v[ 8 ], mb.v[ 12 ] } ); vertex_set_position( c0, ( vec4_t ){ mc.v[ 0 ], mc.v[ 4 ], mc.v[ 8 ], mc.v[ 12 ] } ); /* * If the vertex is outside of the view frustum, use * linear interpolation to find the point on the triangle * that is inside the view frustum. */ s32 numVertices = 0; u8 *pVerts = cull_clip_triangle( a0, b0, c0, &numVertices ); /* * Draw the clipped vertices. */ for ( s64 i = 0; i < numVertices - 2; ++i ) { memcpy( a0, pVerts + ( 0 + 0 ) * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, pBuf->aVStride ); memcpy( b0, pVerts + ( i + 1 ) * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, pBuf->aVStride ); memcpy( c0, pVerts + ( i + 2 ) * VERTEX_ASM_MAX_VERTEX_SIZE, pBuf->aVStride ); /* * Transform the vertex to screen space. */ pa = vertex_get_position( a0 ); pb = vertex_get_position( b0 ); pc = vertex_get_position( c0 ); pa.x /= pa.w; pa.y /= pa.w; pb.x /= pb.w; pb.y /= pb.w; pc.x /= pc.w; pc.y /= pc.w; vertex_set_position( a0, pa ); vertex_set_position( b0, pb ); vertex_set_position( c0, pc ); /* * Draw the triangle. */ raster_rasterize_triangle( a0, b0, c0 ); } } } /* * Draws a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh. */ void mesh_draw( handle_t sMesh ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return; } if ( sMesh == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Mesh is null.\n" ); return; } mesh_t *pMesh = resource_get( gpResources, sMesh ); if ( pMesh == nullptr ) { log_error( "Mesh is null." ); return; } texture_t *pTex = resource_get( gpResources, pMesh->aTex ); if ( pTex == nullptr ) { log_error( "Texture is null." ); return; } image_t *pImage = pTex->apImage; if ( pImage == nullptr ) { log_error( "Image is null." ); return; } vertexasm_bind_uniform( pTex ); vbuffer_draw( pMesh->aVBuf ); } /* * Frees a mesh. * * @param handle_t The mesh to free. */ void mesh_free( handle_t sMesh ) { if ( gpResources == nullptr ) { log_error( "Resources not initialized." ); return; } if ( gpMempool == nullptr ) { log_error( "Memory pool not initialized." ); return; } if ( sMesh == INVALID_HANDLE ) { log_error( "Mesh is null." ); return; } resource_remove( gpResources, sMesh ); }
<gh_stars>0 /* Copyright 2021, <NAME> All rights reserved. licence: see LICENCE file */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "FreeRTOSConfig.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "semphr.h" #include "task.h" /* private objects */ uartMap_t uart_used; SemaphoreHandle_t new_frame_signal; char* buffer; uint16_t max_idx; uint16_t index; //<-- index of the buffer. It points to the next free position /** @brief RX handler for SAPI UART Driver @param not_used */ void protocol_rx_event( void *not_used ) { ( void* ) not_used; BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; bool signal_app = false; /* read the received byte */ char c = uartRxRead( UART_USB ); uint32_t mask = taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(); /* do something with if the app is waiting for a frame. If not, do not nothing. */ if( buffer != NULL ) { if( max_idx - 1 == index ) { /* restarts the frame */ index = 0; } if( c=='>' ) { if( index==0 ) { /* 1st byte */ } else { /* restarts the frame (discarding the current progress)*/ index = 0; } buffer[index] = c; index++; } else if( c=='<' ) { /* close the frame just if at least one byte was received */ if( index >=1 ) { /* frame ended - store the byte */ buffer[index] = c; index++; /* mark to signal the app */ signal_app = true; } else { /* byte discarded */ } } else { /* close the frame just if at least one byte was received */ if( index>=1 ) { /* keep the data */ buffer[index] = c; index++; } else { /* byte discarded */ } } } taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR( mask ); if( signal_app ) { /* signal the app */ xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( new_frame_signal, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); } portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); } /** @brief Inicializa el stack @param uart @param baudRate */ void procotol_x_init( uartMap_t uart, uint32_t baudRate ) { taskENTER_CRITICAL(); uart_used = uart; /* Inicializar la UART_USB junto con las interrupciones de Tx y Rx */ uartConfig( uart, baudRate ); /* Habilito todas las interrupciones de UART_USB */ uartInterrupt( uart, true ); max_idx = 0; buffer = NULL; index = 0; taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); new_frame_signal = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); } /** @brief Waits for a new frame to be received. Blocks the caller task. */ uint16_t protocol_wait_frame( char* data, uint16_t max_size ) { /* configure the private data to allo the RX processs. */ taskENTER_CRITICAL(); max_idx = max_size; buffer = data; index = 0; /* limpio cualquier interrupcion que hay ocurrido durante el procesamiento */ uartClearPendingInterrupt( uart_used ); /* habilito isr rx de UART_USB */ uartCallbackSet( uart_used, UART_RECEIVE, protocol_rx_event, NULL ); taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); /* waits for the isr signalling */ xSemaphoreTake( new_frame_signal, portMAX_DELAY ); taskENTER_CRITICAL(); /* disable the isr until the app releases it again waiting for a new frame */ uartCallbackClr( uart_used, UART_RECEIVE ); /* prepare the return value */ uint16_t rv = index; max_idx = 0; buffer = NULL; index = 0; taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); return rv; }
<filename>inc/protocol.h<gh_stars>0 /* Copyright 2021, <NAME> All rights reserved. licence: see LICENCE file */ #ifndef PROTOCOL_H_ #define PROTOCOL_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "sapi.h" void procotol_x_init( uartMap_t uart, uint32_t baudRate ); uint16_t protocol_wait_frame( char* data, uint16_t max_size ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
<reponame>osadalakmal/hyperscan-cpp-wrapper<filename>hs_wrapper.h #ifndef HS_WRAPPER_H_DEFINED #define HS_WRAPPER_H_DEFINED #include <hs/hs.h> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> class HyperScanDatabase { public: typedef match_event_handler EventHandler; enum class ScanMode { BLOCK, STREAM }; HyperScanDatabase(ScanMode scanMode); ~HyperScanDatabase(); int addPattern(const char* pattern, int flags); int scan(const char* data, size_t dataSize, EventHandler); private: std::vector<char*> m_patterns; std::vector<unsigned int> m_flags; std::vector<unsigned int> m_ids; bool m_compiled = false; ScanMode m_scanMode; hs_database_t* m_database; hs_scratch_t* m_scratch; }; #endif // HS_WRAPPER_H_DEFINED
<filename>include/swift/SIL/SILWitnessVisitor.h //===--- SILWitnessVisitor.h - Witness method table visitor -----*- C++ -*-===// // // This source file is part of the open source project // // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors // Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception // // See for license information // See for the list of Swift project authors // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines the SILWitnessVisitor class, which is used to generate and // perform lookups in witness method tables for protocols and protocol // conformances. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef SWIFT_SIL_SILWITNESSVISITOR_H #define SWIFT_SIL_SILWITNESSVISITOR_H #include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h" #include "swift/AST/Decl.h" #include "swift/AST/ProtocolAssociations.h" #include "swift/AST/Types.h" #include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" namespace swift { /// A CRTP class for visiting the witnesses of a protocol. /// /// The design here is that each entry (or small group of entries) /// gets turned into a call to the implementation class describing /// the exact variant of witness. For example, for member /// variables, there should be separate callbacks for adding a /// getter/setter pair, for just adding a getter, and for adding a /// physical projection (if we decide to support that). /// /// You must override the following methods: /// - addOutOfLineBaseProtocol() /// - addMethod() /// - addConstructor() /// - addAssociatedType() template <class T> class SILWitnessVisitor : public ASTVisitor<T> { T &asDerived() { return *static_cast<T*>(this); } public: void visitProtocolDecl(ProtocolDecl *protocol) { // The protocol conformance descriptor gets added first. asDerived().addProtocolConformanceDescriptor(); for (const auto &reqt : protocol->getRequirementSignature()) { switch (reqt.getKind()) { // These requirements don't show up in the witness table. case RequirementKind::Superclass: case RequirementKind::SameType: case RequirementKind::Layout: continue; case RequirementKind::Conformance: { auto type = reqt.getFirstType()->getCanonicalType(); assert(type->isTypeParameter()); auto requirement = cast<ProtocolType>(reqt.getSecondType()->getCanonicalType()) ->getDecl(); // ObjC protocols do not have witnesses. if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(requirement)) continue; // If the type parameter is 'self', consider this to be protocol // inheritance. In the canonical signature, these should all // come before any protocol requirements on associated types. if (auto parameter = dyn_cast<GenericTypeParamType>(type)) { assert(type->isEqual(protocol->getSelfInterfaceType())); assert(parameter->getDepth() == 0 && parameter->getIndex() == 0 && "non-self type parameter in protocol"); asDerived().addOutOfLineBaseProtocol(requirement); continue; } // Otherwise, add an associated requirement. AssociatedConformance assocConf(protocol, type, requirement); asDerived().addAssociatedConformance(assocConf); continue; } } llvm_unreachable("bad requirement kind"); } // Add the associated types. for (auto *associatedType : protocol->getAssociatedTypeMembers()) { // If this is a new associated type (which does not override an // existing associated type), add it. if (associatedType->getOverriddenDecls().empty()) asDerived().addAssociatedType(AssociatedType(associatedType)); } if (asDerived().shouldVisitRequirementSignatureOnly()) return; // Visit the witnesses for the direct members of a protocol. for (Decl *member : protocol->getMembers()) { ASTVisitor<T>::visit(member); } } /// If true, only the base protocols and associated types will be visited. /// The base implementation returns false. bool shouldVisitRequirementSignatureOnly() const { return false; } /// Fallback for unexpected protocol requirements. void visitDecl(Decl *d) { llvm_unreachable("unhandled protocol requirement"); } void visitAbstractStorageDecl(AbstractStorageDecl *sd) { sd->visitOpaqueAccessors([&](AccessorDecl *accessor) { // SWIFT_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW addMethodAndAutoDiffAssociatedMethodsIfRequired(accessor, SILDeclRef::Kind::Func); }); } void visitConstructorDecl(ConstructorDecl *cd) { // SWIFT_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW addMethodAndAutoDiffAssociatedMethodsIfRequired( cd, SILDeclRef::Kind::Allocator); } void visitAccessorDecl(AccessorDecl *func) { // Accessors are emitted by visitAbstractStorageDecl, above. } void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *func) { assert(!isa<AccessorDecl>(func)); // SWIFT_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW addMethodAndAutoDiffAssociatedMethodsIfRequired(func, SILDeclRef::Kind::Func); } void visitMissingMemberDecl(MissingMemberDecl *placeholder) { asDerived().addPlaceholder(placeholder); } void visitAssociatedTypeDecl(AssociatedTypeDecl *td) { // We already visited these in the first pass. } void visitTypeAliasDecl(TypeAliasDecl *tad) { // We don't care about these by themselves for witnesses. } void visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *pbd) { // We only care about the contained VarDecls. } void visitIfConfigDecl(IfConfigDecl *icd) { // We only care about the active members, which were already subsumed by the // enclosing type. } void visitPoundDiagnosticDecl(PoundDiagnosticDecl *pdd) { // We don't care about diagnostics at this stage. } // SWIFT_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW private: void addMethodAndAutoDiffAssociatedMethodsIfRequired( AbstractFunctionDecl *func, SILDeclRef::Kind kind) { if (!SILDeclRef::requiresNewWitnessTableEntry(func)) return; auto funcDeclRef = SILDeclRef(func, kind); asDerived().addMethod(funcDeclRef); for (auto *DA : func->getAttrs().getAttributes<DifferentiableAttr>()) { asDerived().addMethod(funcDeclRef.asAutoDiffAssociatedFunction( AutoDiffAssociatedFunctionIdentifier::get( AutoDiffAssociatedFunctionKind::JVP, /*differentiationOrder*/ 1, DA->getParameterIndices(), func->getASTContext()))); asDerived().addMethod(funcDeclRef.asAutoDiffAssociatedFunction( AutoDiffAssociatedFunctionIdentifier::get( AutoDiffAssociatedFunctionKind::VJP, /*differentiationOrder*/ 1, DA->getParameterIndices(), func->getASTContext()))); } } }; } // end namespace swift #endif
<reponame>eaplatanios/swift-language //===--- Differentiation.h - SIL Automatic Differentiation ----*- C++ -*---===// // // This source file is part of the open source project // // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors // Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception // // See for license information // See for the list of Swift project authors // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // SWIFT_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW // // Reverse-mode automatic differentiation utilities. // // NOTE: Although the AD feature is developed as part of the Swift for // TensorFlow project, it is completely independent from TensorFlow support. // // TODO: Move definitions here from Differentiation.cpp. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef SWIFT_SILOPTIMIZER_MANDATORY_DIFFERENTIATION_H #define SWIFT_SILOPTIMIZER_MANDATORY_DIFFERENTIATION_H #include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/DominanceAnalysis.h" #include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/Local.h" namespace swift { using llvm::DenseMap; using llvm::SmallDenseMap; using llvm::SmallDenseSet; using llvm::SmallMapVector; using llvm::SmallSet; /// Helper class for visiting basic blocks in post-order post-dominance order, /// based on a worklist algorithm. class PostOrderPostDominanceOrder { SmallVector<DominanceInfoNode *, 16> buffer; PostOrderFunctionInfo *postOrderInfo; size_t srcIdx = 0; public: /// Constructor. /// \p root The root of the post-dominator tree. /// \p postOrderInfo The post-order info of the function. /// \p capacity Should be the number of basic blocks in the dominator tree to /// reduce memory allocation. PostOrderPostDominanceOrder(DominanceInfoNode *root, PostOrderFunctionInfo *postOrderInfo, int capacity = 0) : postOrderInfo(postOrderInfo) { buffer.reserve(capacity); buffer.push_back(root); } /// Get the next block from the worklist. DominanceInfoNode *getNext() { if (srcIdx == buffer.size()) return nullptr; return buffer[srcIdx++]; } /// Pushes the dominator children of a block onto the worklist in post-order. void pushChildren(DominanceInfoNode *node) { pushChildrenIf(node, [](SILBasicBlock *) { return true; }); } /// Conditionally pushes the dominator children of a block onto the worklist /// in post-order. template <typename Pred> void pushChildrenIf(DominanceInfoNode *node, Pred pred) { SmallVector<DominanceInfoNode *, 4> children; for (auto *child : *node) children.push_back(child); llvm::sort(children.begin(), children.end(), [&](DominanceInfoNode *n1, DominanceInfoNode *n2) { return postOrderInfo->getPONumber(n1->getBlock()) < postOrderInfo->getPONumber(n2->getBlock()); }); for (auto *child : children) { SILBasicBlock *childBB = child->getBlock(); if (pred(childBB)) buffer.push_back(child); } } }; } // end namespace swift #endif // SWIFT_SILOPTIMIZER_MANDATORY_DIFFERENTIATION_H
/* File: example.c Author: <NAME> (<EMAIL>) Desc: Example file to demonstrate usage of colour.h (ccolour) License: MIT License (../LICENSE) */ #include "colour.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void rainbow() { const char COLOURS[8][7] = { "BLACK", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "PURPLE", "CYAN", "WHITE" }; for (int fg = 0; fg < 8; fg++) { for (int bg = 0; bg < 8; bg++) { char msg[18]; snprintf(msg, 18, "%s ON %s\n", COLOURS[fg], COLOURS[bg]); ChangeColour(msg, bg + 40, fg + 30, true); } } } int main() { ChangeColour( "ERROR: This is a big scary error\n", RED_FOREGROUND, DEFAULT_COLOR, true ); ChangeColour( "Yellow warning text\n", YELLOW_FOREGROUND, DEFAULT_COLOR, true ); ChangeColour( "White text on blue background\n", WHITE_FOREGROUND, BLUE_BACKGROUND, true ); char choice[16]; printf("Are you ready for the rainbow? [HELL YEAH / NO IM SCARED]\n"); fgets(choice, 16, stdin); // strcmp returns false (0) when a match IS found if (!strcmp(choice, "HELL YEAH\n")) { rainbow(); } else if (!strcmp(choice, "NO IM SCARED\n")) { ChangeColour("YOU COWARD\n", RED_FOREGROUND, DEFAULT_COLOR, true); } return 0; }
/* File: colour.h Author: <NAME> (<EMAIL>) Desc: Contains function for manipulating colour on ANSI terminals License: MIT License (../LICENSE) */ #pragma once #define DEFAULT_COLOR 0 #define BLACK_FOREGROUND 30 #define RED_FOREGROUND 31 #define GREEN_FOREGROUND 32 #define YELLOW_FOREGROUND 33 #define BLUE_FOREGROUND 34 #define PURPLE_FOREGROUND 35 #define CYAN_FOREGROUND 36 #define WHITE_FOREGROUND 37 #define BLACK_BACKGROUND 40 #define RED_BACKGROUND 41 #define GREEN_BACKGROUND 42 #define YELLOW_BACKGROUND 43 #define BLUE_BACKGROUND 44 #define PURPLE_BACKGROUND 45 #define CYAN_BACKGROUND 46 #define WHITE_BACKGROUND 47 #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <Windows.h> #endif // _WIN32 #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> /* Structure of colour change string: 1. Escape sequence for changing colour (\33) 2. Opening bracket ( [ ) 3. Foreground colour (%d, fg) 4. Semicolon (;) 5. Background colour (%d, bg) 6. Character to end colour changing (m) 7. Message passed to function (%s, msg) 8. Newline (\n) If only one colour is being changed then the semicolon is left out Example for red text on black background: "\33[31;40m" */ static void ChangeColour(const char* msg, int fg, int bg, bool revert) { // Enable ANSI support on Windows #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD dwMode = 0; GetConsoleMode(hOut, &dwMode); dwMode |= ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING; SetConsoleMode(hOut, dwMode); #endif // _WIN32 if (!bg) { printf("\33[%dm%s", fg, msg); } else if (!fg) { printf("\33[%dm%s", bg, msg); } else { printf("\33[%d;%dm%s", fg, bg, msg); } if (revert) printf("\33[%dm", DEFAULT_COLOR); }
Skype AdBlocker/Utils.h
#ifndef _UTILS_H #define _UTILS_H #include <Windows.h> void *DetourFunction( void *pLocation, void *pDetour, size_t ulLength ); #endif
<filename>raygame/Enemy.h #pragma once #include "Actor.h" class Enemy : public Actor { public: Enemy() : Actor() {}; Enemy(float x, float y, float health, float collisionRadius, const char* spriteFilePath, float maxSpeed, Actor* target); bool detectTarget(float maxAngle, float maxDistance); void update(float deltatime) override; void debug() override; void draw() override; static void createEnemies(int enemyCount, Actor* target); void setEnemyCounter(int count); void setTarget(Actor* target); void onCollision(Actor* other) override; void takeDamage(); protected: void updateFacing() override; //Enemy** m_enemies; private: Actor* m_target; };
<reponame>JosephPena1/Battle-Arena #pragma once #include "Actor.h" class Bullet : public Actor { public: Bullet() : Actor() {}; Bullet(float x, float y, float collisionRadius, const char* spriteFilePath, float maxSpeed, MathLibrary::Vector2 velocity); void update(float deltaTime) override; void draw() override; protected: void updateFacing() override; void onCollision(Actor* other) override; };
<reponame>JosephPena1/Battle-Arena #pragma once #include "Actor.h" class Player : public Actor { public: Player() : Actor() {}; Player(float x, float y, float health, float collisionRadius, const char* spriteFilePath, float maxSpeed); void update(float deltatime) override; void debug() override; void draw() override; void onCollision(Actor* other) override; void takeDamage(); protected: void updateFacing() override; private: float m_immuneFrames; float m_immuneTime; };
#include <stdio.h> const void *ptrprintf = printf; #pragma section(".exre", execute, read) __declspec(allocate(".exre")) int main[] = { 0x646C6890, 0x20680021, 0x68726F57, 0x2C6F6C6C, 0x48000068, 0x24448D65, 0x15FF5002, &ptrprintf, 0xC314C483 };
<reponame>kajun1337/libft<filename>ft_memcpy.c /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_memcpy.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:12:41 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:19:20 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" void *ft_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) { unsigned char *str1; const unsigned char *str2; if (!dest && !src) return (0); str1 = dest; str2 = src; while (n-- > 0) { *str1++ = *str2++; } return (dest); } /* src hafıza bölgesinden n byte ı dst hafıza bölgesine kopyalar. dst ve src çakışırsa tanımsız olur. */
<filename>ft_calloc.c /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_calloc.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:08:27 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:28:51 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" void *ft_calloc(size_t count, size_t size) { void *mem; mem = malloc(count * size); if (!mem) return (NULL); ft_memset(mem, 0, (count * size)); return (mem); } /* count nesneleri için bitişik olarak yeterli hafıza tahsis eder ve bir pointer döndürür. bu alan sıfır değeri byte ı ile doldurulur. size atayacağımız değişkenin türüne göre değişir. mesela charsa size 1 olur int ise size 2 olur.count ise sayısı yani iki tane char tipi değişken için ayıracağımız alan 2*1 olacak. ayırdığımız hafıza alanını byte a attık ve bu alanları null ile doldurduk. bize null ile doldurulmuş byte pointerının adresini dönüş yaptı. malloc sadece yer ayırır , ayırdığı yerin null olduğu garantisini vermez. calloc yer ayırır ve orayı null yapar */
<reponame>kajun1337/libft /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strmapi.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:17:16 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:34:35 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_strmapi(char const *s, char (*f)(unsigned int, char)) { char *res; int i; if (!s) return (NULL); i = 0; res = ft_strdup(s); if (!res) return (NULL); while (res[i]) { res[i] = f(i, res[i]); i++; } return (res); } /* /f fonksiyonunu s stringinin her bir karakterine uygular ve mallocla yer ayırdığımız str ye bu elemanları gönderir str ye s nin elemanlarının f fonksiyonu uygulanmış halini gönderiyoruz 28 */
<gh_stars>1-10 /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_lstnew.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:11:55 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/19 16:11:58 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" t_list *ft_lstnew(void *content) { t_list *new_list; new_list = malloc(sizeof(t_list)); if (!new_list) return (NULL); new_list->content = content; new_list->next = NULL; return (new_list); } //new_list->content = content yapmamızın sebebi // fonksiyonda content'e gelen şeyi yazdırmak
<gh_stars>1-10 /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_itoa.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:10:21 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:36:43 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" static int ft_ff(long n) { size_t karakter; karakter = 0; if (n < 0) { karakter++; n = -n; } while (n >= 1) { karakter++; n = n / 10; } return (karakter); } static char *ft_zz(char *rtn, long nbr, int len, int neg) { if (nbr != 0) rtn = malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1)); else return (rtn = ft_strdup ("0")); if (!rtn) return (0); if (nbr < 0) { neg++; nbr = -nbr; } rtn[len] = '\0'; while (--len) { rtn[len] = (nbr % 10) + '0'; nbr = nbr / 10; } if (neg == 1) rtn[0] = '-'; else rtn[0] = (nbr % 10) + '0'; return (rtn); } char *ft_itoa(int n) { int len; char *rtn; long nbr; int neg; nbr = n; len = ft_ff(nbr); rtn = 0; neg = 0; rtn = ft_zz(rtn, nbr, len, neg); if (!rtn) return (0); return (rtn); } // int to ascii
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_memcmp.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:12:30 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:35:53 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" int ft_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) { size_t i; unsigned char *us1; unsigned char *us2; if (n == 0) return (0); us1 = (unsigned char *)s1; us2 = (unsigned char *)s2; i = 0; while (i < n) { if (us1[i] != us2[i]) return (us1[i] - us2[i]); i++; } return (0); } /* s1 string byte ını s2 string byte ı ile karşılaştırır. İki string uzunluğu da n byte uzunluğunda farz edilir. İki string aynıysa sıfır döndürür aksi takdirde ilk iki byte arasındaki farkı döndürür. Unsigned char değerleri gibi davranır. */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strlcat.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:16:10 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 22:16:21 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" size_t ft_strlen(const char *str); size_t ft_strlcat(char *dest, char *src, size_t size) { unsigned int i; unsigned int j; unsigned int dlen; unsigned int slen; i = 0; j = 0; while (dest[j] != '\0') { j++; } dlen = j; slen = ft_strlen(src); if (size == 0 || size <= dlen) return (slen + size); while (src[i] != '\0' && i < size - dlen - 1) { dest[j] = src[i]; i++; j++; } dest[j] = '\0'; return (dlen + slen); } /* dst nin sonuna src stringini ekler. en fazla dstsize -strlen(dst)-1 karakter ekler. * dstsize ın 0 olması ve dst string in dstsizedan uzun olması (pratikte böyle bir şey olamaz ya dstsize yanlıştır ya da dst düzgün bir string değildir)durumları hariç NULL sonlanır. * return de destin son uzunluğu + src nin birleştiremediği kısmının uzunluğunu dönüyor yani ikisinin en baştaki toplam uzunluğunu dönüyor. */
<reponame>kajun1337/libft /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strtrim.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:17:58 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:33:58 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" static int ft_trim_start(const char *s, const char *set) { int i; int j; j = 0; while (s[j]) { i = 0; while (set[i]) { if (s[j] == set[i]) { j++; break ; } i++; } if (!set[i]) break ; } return (j); } static int ft_trim_end(const char *s, const char *set) { int i; int j; i = ft_strlen(s) - 1; while (s[i]) { j = 0; while (set[j]) { if (s[i] == set[j]) { i--; break ; } j++; } if (!set[j]) break ; } return (i); } char *ft_strtrim(const char *s, const char *set) { int i; int j; int index; char *ptr; ptr = NULL; if (s && set) { i = ft_trim_end(s, set); j = ft_trim_start(s, set); if (i < j) return (ft_strdup("")); ptr = malloc(sizeof(char) * ((i + 1) - j + 1)); if (!ptr) return (NULL); index = 0; while (j <= i) { ptr[index] = s[j]; index++; j++; } ptr[index] = '\0'; } return (ptr); } /* s stringini başındaki ve sonundaki (set içinde belirtilen) karakterler olmadan yazar. s stringine hafızada yer tahsis eder. * eğer başta ve sonda set yoksa direkt s stringi kopyasını döner. * yeterli bellek yoksa fonksiyon NULL döner. */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strjoin.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:15:57 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:35:10 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_strjoin(char const *s1, char const *s2) { size_t index; size_t j; char *s3; index = 0; j = 0; if (!s1 || !s2) return (NULL); s3 = malloc(ft_strlen(s1) + ft_strlen(s2) + 1); if (!s3) return (NULL); while (s1[index]) { s3[index] = s1[index]; index++; } while (s2[j]) { s3[index++] = s2[j]; j++; } s3[index] = '\0'; return (s3); } //iki ayri stringi bir stringde birlestirir
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strchr.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:15:24 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:35:22 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_strchr(const char *str, int c) { size_t index; index = 0; while (str[index]) { if (str[index] == (char)c) return ((char *)&str[index]); index++; } if (c == '\0') return ((char *)(str + index)); return (NULL); } /* Stringte int c yerine verdiğimiz karakterin ilk göründüğü yeri belirler ve oradan sonra çıktı verir. */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* libft.h :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/17 11:50:11 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/17 11:50:22 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #ifndef LIBFT_H # define LIBFT_H # include <stdio.h> # include <unistd.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> // int int ft_isalpha(int c); int ft_isdigit(int c); int ft_isalnum(int c); int ft_isascii(int c); int ft_isprint(int c); int ft_tolower(int ch); int ft_toupper(int ch); int ft_atoi(const char *str); int ft_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); int ft_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); //size_t size_t ft_strlen(const char *c); size_t ft_strlcat(char *dest, char *src, size_t size); size_t ft_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t size); //void void *ft_memset(void *word, int latter, size_t length); void *ft_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); void *ft_memchr(const void *ptr, int c, size_t n); void ft_bzero(void *word, size_t length); void *ft_calloc(size_t count, size_t size); void *ft_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); void ft_putchar_fd(char c, int fd); void ft_putstr_fd(char const *s, int fd); void ft_putendl_fd(char const *s, int fd); void ft_putnbr_fd(int n, int fd); void ft_striteri(char *s, void (*f)(unsigned int, char *)); //char char *ft_strchr(const char *str, int c); char *ft_strrchr(const char *str, int c); char *ft_strnstr(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); char *ft_strdup(const char *str); char *ft_substr(char const *s, unsigned int start, size_t len); char *ft_strjoin(char const *s1, char const *s2); char *ft_strmapi(char const *s, char (*f) (unsigned int, char)); char *ft_strtrim(char const *s, char const *set); char *ft_itoa(int n); char **ft_split(char const *s, char c); typedef struct s_list { void *content; struct s_list *next; } t_list; t_list *ft_lstnew(void *content); t_list *ft_lstlast(t_list *lst); void ft_lstadd_front(t_list **lst, t_list *new); void ft_lstadd_back(t_list **lst, t_list *new); void ft_lstclear(t_list **lst, void (*del)(void *)); void ft_lstdelone(t_list *lst, void (*del)(void*)); void ft_lstiter(t_list *lst, void (*f)(void *)); int ft_lstsize(t_list *lst); t_list *ft_lstmap(t_list *lst, void *(*f)(void*), void (*del)(void *)); #endif
<filename>ft_strdup.c /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strdup.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:15:36 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/23 14:26:32 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_strdup(const char *str) { size_t i; char *p1; size_t index; index = 0; i = ft_strlen(str); p1 = malloc(sizeof(char) * (i + 1)); if (!p1) return (NULL); while (str[index]) { p1[index] = str[index]; index++; } p1[index] = '\0'; return (p1); } // sonuna '\0' koyabilmek icin + 1 ekledik /* s1 stringi için hafızada yeterli alan tahsis eder, kopyalamayı yapar ve ona bir pointer döndürür. * * yeterli hafıza yoksa NULL döner. * duplicate edilecek alan için yer ayırt eder * s1 in eleman sayısı +1 kadar. * s1 i dup içine kopylara ve s1 in aynısından oluşmuş olur */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_split.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:15:11 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:35:28 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" static int ft_count_words(char const *s, char c) { int i; int count; i = 0; count = 0; while (s[i]) { if (s[i] == c) i++; else { count++; while (s[i] && s[i] != c) i++; } } return (count); } static char *ft_make_words(char *word, char const *s, int j, int word_ln) { int i; i = 0; while (word_ln > 0) word[i++] = s[j - word_ln--]; word[i] = 0; return (word); } static char **ft_split_words(char **res, char const *s, char c, int word_ct) { int i; int j; int word_ln; i = 0; j = 0 ; word_ln = 0; while (s[j] && i < word_ct) { while (s[j] && s[j] == c) j++; while (s[j] && s[j] != c) { j++; word_ln++; } res[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (word_ln + 1)); if (!res[i]) return (0); ft_make_words (res[i], s, j, word_ln); word_ln = 0; i++; } res[i] = 0; return (res); } char **ft_split(char const *s, char c) { int word_ct; char **res; if (s == 0) return (0); word_ct = ft_count_words(s, c); res = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (word_ct + 1)); if (!res) return (0); ft_split_words (res, s, c, word_ct); return (res); } /* her elemanı yazdırmasını burada a yı arttırarak sağladık. böyle yazmazsak sadece fatma yazıp bıraktı */
<filename>ft_memchr.c /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_memchr.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:12:17 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/23 14:25:09 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" void *ft_memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n) { size_t i; unsigned char *pts; unsigned char cc; pts = (void *)s; cc = c; i = 0; while (i < n) { if ((pts[i] - cc) == 0) return ((void *)s + i); i++; } return (NULL); } /* int main(void) { printf("%s", ft_memchr("fatma", 'm', 5)); } verilen byte kadar kısmı kontrol edip orada aradığımız karakter var mı diye bakar. * aradığımız karakterden sonrasını çıktı veriri bir stringdeki bir kelimenin bellekteki değerini döndürür */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strrchr.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:17:46 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:34:06 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_strrchr(const char *str, int c) { int i; i = 0; while (str[i]) { i++; } while (i >= 0) { if (str[i] == c) { return (((char *)str) + i); } i--; } return (NULL); } // sagdan baslayarak istedigimiz harfi bulur ve kelimeyi döndürür /* int c yerine yazdığımız karakterin son göründüğü yeri belirler. * s nin point ettiği ilk karakteri kaybetmemek için oraya b pointerını atıyoruz. syi de s nin son elemanını point edecek şekilde atıyoruz. * s pointerını c karakterine rastlayana kadar sondan başa doğru gezdiriyoruz. * c yi bulduğunda point ettiği yerden itibaren outpu verir. * */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strnstr.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:17:37 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:34:16 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_strnstr(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) { size_t i; size_t j; size_t s2_len; i = 0; s2_len = ft_strlen(s2); if (!s2_len) return ((char *)s1); if (n != 0) { while (s1[i] && i <= n - s2_len) { j = 0; while (s2[j] && s2[j] == s1[i + j]) j++; if (j == s2_len) return ((char *)&s1[i]); i++; } } return (NULL); } // n kadar bolgede bir kelimede istenilen kelimeyi döndürür // str kelime // to_find aranılacak olan kelime
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_memset.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:13:05 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:35:41 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" void *ft_memset(void *word, int latter, size_t length) { size_t index; char *new_word; index = 0; new_word = (char *) word; while (index < length) { new_word[index] = latter; index++; } return (new_word); } /* verdiğimiz uzunluğa kadar olan kısmı verdiğimiz karakter ile değiştirir */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strdup_main.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/25 23:47:41 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:47:41 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include <stdio.h> char *ft_strdup(const char *str); int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { char orjinal_string[100] = "Fenito Cagare Resulte importante/ yani haticeye degil neticeye bak"; char *kopya_pointer; kopya_pointer = ft_strdup(orjinal_string); printf("%s\n", kopya_pointer); printf("----------\n"); return 0; }
<reponame>kajun1337/libft /* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_strlcpy.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:16:51 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/23 14:26:55 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" size_t ft_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t size) { size_t index; index = 0; if (size > 0) { while (src[index] && index < (size - 1)) { dest[index] = src[index]; index++; } dest[index] = '\0'; } while (src[index]) index++; return (index); } /* strlcpy ve strlcat; strncat ve strncpy fonksiyonlarına göre daha güvenli, tutarlı ve hataya daha az meyilli olduğu için dizayn edilmiştir. * strlcpy destsize -1 karakteri src den dst ye kopyalar. */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_memmove.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:12:54 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:14:21 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" void *ft_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) { unsigned char *d; const unsigned char *s; if (dest == src) return (dest); else if (dest < src) dest = ft_memcpy(dest, src, n); else { d = (unsigned char *)dest; s = (const unsigned char *)src; while (n--) d[n] = s[n]; } return (dest); } // memcpy'den farkı çakışmaları önler /* src stringinin len byte ını dst stringine kopyalar. Stringler çakışırsa kopyalamaya sondan başlar böylece src yi destroy etmemiş olur. dst - src < len derken aslında normalde kaybolacak karaktere kadar kopyalamakta sorun yok. mesela src +3 ten itibaren src nin 2 karakterini alırsak src yi bozmadan zaten kopyalama yapmış oluyoruz. src + 3 ten itibaren 4 karakter alsak src + 3 ten sonrasını değiştireceği için aradakiler bozulmaya uğrar. */
/* ************************************************************************** */ /* */ /* ::: :::::::: */ /* ft_substr.c :+: :+: :+: */ /* +:+ +:+ +:+ */ /* By: muhozkan <<EMAIL>> +#+ +:+ +#+ */ /* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */ /* Created: 2022/02/19 16:18:07 by muhozkan #+# #+# */ /* Updated: 2022/02/25 23:33:49 by muhozkan ### */ /* */ /* ************************************************************************** */ #include "libft.h" char *ft_substr(char const *s, unsigned int start, size_t len) { size_t i; size_t j; char *final; if (s) { if (start >= ft_strlen(s) || len == 0 || ft_strlen(s) == 0) return (ft_strdup("")); i = 0; while (i < len && s[i + start] != '\0') i++; final = (char *) malloc((sizeof(char) * i) + 1); if (!(final)) return (NULL); j = 0; while (j < i) { final[j] = s[start + j]; j++; } final[j] = '\0'; return (final); } return (NULL); } /* start indexi ile başlayan ve len uzunluğundaki alt stringi s stringinden ayırır ve hafıza alanına atar. */
// // TopView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/21. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface TopView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *returnButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *topLabel; @end
// // PicLoadEnableSharedClass.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/16. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface PicLoadEnableSharedClass : NSObject @property BOOL WWANLoadPicEnabled; @property BOOL MobileNetLoadEnabled; @property BOOL isWifi; @property BOOL isNightMode; + (PicLoadEnableSharedClass*)newInstance; @end
// // ListTableViewCell.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/1/30. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ListTableViewCell : UITableViewCell @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *titleLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *cityLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *priceLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *publishTimeLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *roomLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *clickButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIImageView *houseImageView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIScrollView *titleScrollView; @end
// // HouseEntity+CoreDataProperties.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/3/1. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // // Choose "Create NSManagedObject Subclass…" from the Core Data editor menu // to delete and recreate this implementation file for your updated model. // #import "HouseEntity.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface HouseEntity (CoreDataProperties) @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *address; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *broker_name; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *broker_tel; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *config; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *house_description; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *house_type; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *id; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) id pic_urls; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *price; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *publish_time; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *title_detail; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *xiaoqu; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END
// // RadarSearchToolsView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/1/31. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface RadarSearchToolsView : UIView<UITextFieldDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *locationBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *radiusTF; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *radiusLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *searchBtn; @end
<filename>AMapDemo/SegmentView.h // // SegmentView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/10. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @protocol SegmentDelegate <NSObject> - (void)buttonClick:(NSInteger)sender; - (void)topButtonClick:(NSString*)sender; @end @interface SegmentView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *segmentArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSArray *array; @property(strong,nonatomic)id<SegmentDelegate>myDelegate; -(void)updateSegmentStates:(NSUInteger)index; -(void)changeColor; @end
// // HouseEntity.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/3/1. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <CoreData/CoreData.h> NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface HouseEntity : NSManagedObject // Insert code here to declare functionality of your managed object subclass @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #import "HouseEntity+CoreDataProperties.h"
// // FeedBackView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/21. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <MessageUI/MessageUI.h> @interface FeedBackView : UIView<MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *label; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextView *textView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *button; @end
<reponame>yrq110/HouseRadar<filename>AMapDemo/ViewController.h // // ViewController.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/1/22. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <MAMapKit/MAMapKit.h> #import <AMapSearchKit/AMapSearchKit.h> #import "AppDelegate.h" #import "ExactSearchToolsView.h" #import "RadarSearchToolsView.h" #import "SegmentView.h" #import "SettingView.h" #import "FavoriteView.h" #import "HistoryView.h" #import "PinCallOutTappedView.h" #import "ZFProgressView.h" #import "QQButton.h" #import "TopView.h" #import "ListButtonView.h" @interface ViewController : UIViewController<UITextFieldDelegate,MAMapViewDelegate,AMapSearchDelegate,CLLocationManagerDelegate,SegmentDelegate,UIAlertViewDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)MAMapView *mapView; @property(strong,nonatomic)AMapSearchAPI *search; @property(strong,nonatomic)AMapPOI *MIP; @property(strong,nonatomic)AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest *poiRequest; @property(strong,nonatomic)CLLocationManager *userLocationManager; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *cityTextField; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *searchTextField; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *searchButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *listButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *radarSearchButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *exactSearchButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)ExactSearchToolsView *esView; @property(strong,nonatomic)ListButtonView *listBtnView; @property int shiListOut; @property int ListOutNo; @property(strong,nonatomic)RadarSearchToolsView *rsView; @property(strong,nonatomic)PinCallOutTappedView *pcotView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIView *toolView; @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UIView *topView; @property BOOL isSearch; +(id)shareViewController; - (void)searchExcute:(NSString*)keyword city:(NSString*)city title:(NSString*)title price:(NSString*)price brokerName:(NSString*)brokerName brokerTel:(NSString*)brokerTel publishTime:(NSString*)publishTime description:(NSString*)description config:(NSString*)config type:(NSString*)type address:(NSString*)address; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSArray *longArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSArray *latiArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)SegmentView *segmentView; @property(strong,nonatomic)SettingView *settingView; @property(strong,nonatomic)FavoriteView *favoriteView; @property(strong,nonatomic)HistoryView *historyView; @property(strong,nonatomic)ZFProgressView *rsProgress; @property(strong,nonatomic)QQButton *mapTypeBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)QQButton *trafficBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSTimer *timer; @end
// // CompareEntity.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/3/1. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <CoreData/CoreData.h> NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface CompareEntity : NSManagedObject // Insert code here to declare functionality of your managed object subclass @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #import "CompareEntity+CoreDataProperties.h"
<reponame>yrq110/HouseRadar // // HouseListViewController.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/1/30. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" @interface HouseListViewController : UIViewController<UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate> +(id)shareHouseListViewController; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITableView *tableView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIRefreshControl *refresh; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIView *infiniteScrollView; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *titleArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *addressArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *priceArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *roomArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *picURLArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *configArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *descriptionArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *publishTimeArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *brokerNameArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *brokerTelArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *xiaoquArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *outXiaoqu; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *outPrice; @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UIView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *returnButton; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *topLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIImageView *loadingImageView; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSTimer *loadingTimer; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSTimer *GETTimer; @end
<filename>AMapDemo/ExactSearchToolsView.h // // ExactSearchToolsView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/1/31. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ExactSearchToolsView : UIView<UITextFieldDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *priceLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *priceTF; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *roomLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *shiTF; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *shiLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *tingTF; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *tingLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITextField *weiTF; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *weiLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *detailButton; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *shiBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *tingBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *weiBtn; @end
// // FavoriteView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/10. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" @interface FavoriteView : UIView<UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *titleString; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITableView *tableView; @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UIView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *topLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *titleArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *addressArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *priceArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *roomArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *picURLArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *configArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *descriptionArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *publishTimeArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *brokerNameArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *brokerTelArray; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableArray *xiaoquArray; - (void)reloadTableViewData:(NSMutableArray*)titleArray address:(NSMutableArray*)addressArray price:(NSMutableArray*)priceArray room:(NSMutableArray*)roomArray priURL:(NSMutableArray*)picURLArray config:(NSMutableArray*)configArray description:(NSMutableArray*)descriptionArray publishTime:(NSMutableArray*)publishTimeArray brokerName:(NSMutableArray*)brokerNameArray brokerTel:(NSMutableArray*)brokerTelArray xiaoqu:(NSMutableArray*)xiaoquArray; + (FavoriteView*)sharedFavoriteView; @end
// // CompareView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/29. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface CompareView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *priceLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *xiaoquLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *typeLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIImageView *houseImageView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIScrollView *typeScrollView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIScrollView *mainScrollView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *deleteBtn; @end
<reponame>yrq110/HouseRadar // // HouseAnnotationView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/6. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <MAMapKit/MAMapKit.h> #import "HouseCalloutView.h" @interface HouseAnnotationView : MAPinAnnotationView @property (nonatomic, readonly) HouseCalloutView *calloutView; @end
<reponame>yrq110/HouseRadar // // PinCallOutTappedView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/11. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface PinCallOutTappedView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *goBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *detailBtn; @end
// // HouseCalloutView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/6. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface HouseCalloutView : UIView @property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *image; //商户图 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title; //商户名 @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *subtitle; //地址 @property (nonatomic, strong) UIImageView *portraitView; @property (nonatomic, strong) UILabel *subtitleLabel; @property (nonatomic, strong) UILabel *titleLabel; @property (strong,nonatomic)UIButton *btn; @end
// // VersionDetailView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/21. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" @interface VersionDetailView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *versionNum; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *versionTime; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *introduction; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *detail; @end
// // QQButton.h // QQBtn // // Created by MacBook on 15/6/25. // Copyright (c) 2015年 维尼的小熊. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface QQButton : UIButton /** 大圆脱离小圆的最大距离 */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat maxDistance; /** 小圆 */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *samllCircleView; @end
<gh_stars>1-10 // // StaffView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/29. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" @interface StaffView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; @end
// // ListButtonView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/3/2. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ListButtonView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)UIScrollView *scrollView; @end
<filename>AMapDemo/HouseDetailView.h // // HouseDetailView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/1/31. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" @interface HouseDetailView : UIView<UIScrollViewDelegate> //0-list 1-mainMap 2-collect @property int typeInt; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *goToMapBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *collectBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *deleteBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *titleLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *priceLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *brokerNameLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *brokerTelLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *publishTimeLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *descriptionLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *configLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *typeLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *addressLabel; @property id imageURL; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIScrollView *imageScrollView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIImageView *houseImageView; @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIScrollView *scrollView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *price; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *type; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *config; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *house_description; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *address; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *publishTime; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *brokerName; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *brokerTel; @property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *xiaoqu; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *addCompareBtn; -(void)transTitle:(NSString*)title price:(NSString*)price type:(NSString*)type config:(NSString*)config description:(NSString*)description address:(NSString*)address publishTime:(NSString*)publishTime imageURL:(id)imageURL broker_name:(NSString*)broker_name broker_tel:(NSString*)broker_tel xiaoqu:(NSString*)xiaoqu; @end
// // SettingView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/10. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" #import "SegmentView.h" #import <MessageUI/MFMailComposeViewController.h> @interface SettingView : UIView<UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate,UIAlertViewDelegate,MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate,SegmentDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UIView *topView; //@property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *topLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *PicLoadLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UISwitch *PicLoadSwitch; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *netLoadLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UISwitch *netLoadSwitch; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *clearFavoriteLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *clearFavoriteBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *nightModeLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UISwitch *nightModeSwitch; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *feedbackLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *feedbackBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *versionLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *versionNo; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *appDetailLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *appDetailBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *staffLabel; @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *staffBtn; @property(strong,nonatomic)UITableView *tableView; @end
// // ContactView.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/23. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "TopView.h" @interface ContactView : UIView @property(strong,nonatomic)TopView *topView; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *email; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *emailDetail; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *qq; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *qqDetail; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *weibo; @property(strong,nonatomic)UILabel *weiboDetail; @end
// // CompareEntity+CoreDataProperties.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/3/1. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // // Choose "Create NSManagedObject Subclass…" from the Core Data editor menu // to delete and recreate this implementation file for your updated model. // #import "CompareEntity.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface CompareEntity (CoreDataProperties) @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *house_type; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *pic_url; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *price; @property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSString *xiaoqu; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END
<gh_stars>1-10 // // TipViewController.h // AMapDemo // // Created by yrq_mac on 16/2/24. // Copyright © 2016年 yrq_mac. All rights reserved. // #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface TipViewController : UIViewController<UIScrollViewDelegate> @property(strong,nonatomic)UIButton *enterBtn; @end