import * as mod3 from "./mod3"; import { qux, quux, quuux } from "./mod4"; mod3.baz(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(qux, quux, quuux);
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ParameterDeclaration } from "./ParameterDeclaration"; export class ParameterDeclarationArray { constructor(private _parameters: ts.ParameterDeclaration[]) {} /** Assert there is a parameter at the given index. If true, return an * interface to the parameter. */ parameter( idx: number, msg = `Expected parameter to exist at index ${idx}.` ): ParameterDeclaration { if (!this._parameters[idx]) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: undefined, expected: true, showDiff: false, }, this.parameter ); } return new ParameterDeclaration(this._parameters[idx]); } /** Assert the length of the number of parameters accepted by the function. * If true, return the parameter list. */ length(expected: number, msg?: string): this { const actual = this._parameters.length; if (actual !== expected) { throw new AssertionError( msg ?? `Expected length of ${expected}, actual ${actual}.`, { actual, expected, showDiff: false, }, this.length ); } return this; } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<ParameterDeclaration> { let idx = 0; while (this._parameters[idx]) { yield new ParameterDeclaration(this._parameters[idx]); idx++; } } }
export const qux = "qux"; export const quux = 1; export const quuux = (): boolean => true;
<reponame>h-o-t/entente import { assert } from "chai"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { test } from "./harness"; import { createProject } from "../src"; test({ name: "able to create TS project", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/ts.ts"); assert(project instanceof ts.Project); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assert(sourceFiles.length === 2); }, }); test({ name: "able to create JS project", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/js.js"); assert(project instanceof ts.Project); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assert(sourceFiles.length === 2); }, }); test({ name: "able to create mixed JS/TS project", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/mixed.js"); assert(project instanceof ts.Project); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assert(sourceFiles.length === 2); }, }); test({ name: "able to create from tsconfig.json", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/tsconfig.json"); assert(project instanceof ts.Project); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assert(sourceFiles.length === 2); }, });
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ExportedDeclaration } from "./ExportedDeclaration"; export class ExportedDeclarationsArray { private _declarations?: ExportedDeclaration[]; constructor(private _exportedDeclarations: ts.ExportedDeclarations[]) {} /** The declarations associated with an export statement. */ get declarations(): ExportedDeclaration[] { if (!this._declarations) { this._declarations = (ed) => new ExportedDeclaration(ed) ); } return this._declarations; } /** Assert the length (number) of export declarations associated with an * export statement. Typically this is 1. */ length(expected: number, msg = "Unexpected length."): this { const actual = this._exportedDeclarations.length; if (expected !== actual) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual, expected, showDiff: true, }, this.length ); } return this; } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<ExportedDeclaration> { let idx = 0; while (this._exportedDeclarations[idx]) { yield new ExportedDeclaration(this._exportedDeclarations[idx]); idx++; } } }
import { format } from "assertion-error-formatter"; import * as chalk from "chalk"; /* eslint-disable no-console */ interface TestSpec { name: string; skip?: boolean | string; fn(): Promise<void> | void; } const testQueue: TestSpec[] = []; function isPromiseLike<T>(value: unknown): value is PromiseLike<T> { return Boolean(typeof value === "object" && value && "then" in value); } const formatOptions = { colorFns: { diffAdded: chalk.greenBright, diffRemoved: chalk.redBright, errorMessage: chalk.yellowBright, errorStack: chalk.cyanBright, }, }; export async function run(): Promise<number> { const { length } = testQueue; console.log(`\n${"Starting...")}\n\n${length} tests to run.\n`); let spec: TestSpec | undefined; let count = 0; let fail = 0; while ((spec = testQueue.shift())) { count++; if (spec.skip) { console.log( `[${count}/${length}] - ${chalk.yellowBright("skip")}${ typeof spec.skip === "string" ? ` (${spec.skip})` : "" } - ${chalk.yellow(}` ); } else { try { const result = spec.fn(); if (isPromiseLike(result)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await result; } console.log( `[${count}/${length}] - ${chalk.greenBright("pass")} - ${chalk.yellow( )}` ); } catch (e) { fail++; const errorString = format(e, formatOptions); console.log( `[${count}/${length}] - ${chalk.redBright("fail")} - ${chalk.yellow( )}\n` ); console.log(`${errorString}\n`); } } } console.log( `\n${chalk.yellow( "Finished." )}\n\n${fail} failures out of ${count} tests.\n` ); return fail; } export function test(spec: TestSpec): void { testQueue.push(spec); }
<reponame>h-o-t/entente import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ExportedDeclarationsArray } from "./ExportedDeclarationArray"; export class Exports { constructor( private _declarations: ReadonlyMap<string, ts.ExportedDeclarations[]> ) {} /** Assert there is a default export from the module and return the export * declarations related to the default export. */ default(msg = "No default export."): ExportedDeclarationsArray { return this.namedExport("default", msg); } /** * Assert there is a named export that matches the `key` and return the export * declarations related to that named export. When `key` is a regular * expression, the first named export to match the `key` is returned. * * @param key A string or a regular expression to match. * @param msg An optional message to associate with the error if the assertion * fails. */ namedExport( key: string | RegExp, msg = `No export named "${key}".` ): ExportedDeclarationsArray { let values: ts.ExportedDeclarations[] | undefined; if (typeof key === "string") { if (!this._declarations.has(key)) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: false, expected: true, showDiff: false, }, this.namedExport ); } values = this._declarations.get(key)!; } else { for (const namedExport of this._declarations.keys()) { if (namedExport.match(key)) { values = this._declarations.get(namedExport); break; } } if (!values) { throw new AssertionError( `No export matches "${key.toString()}".`, { actual: false, expected: true, showDiff: false, }, this.namedExport ); } } return new ExportedDeclarationsArray(values); } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, ExportedDeclarationsArray]> { for (const [key, value] of this._declarations) { yield [key, new ExportedDeclarationsArray(value)]; } } }
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { Expression } from "./Expression"; export class ClassProperty { constructor(private _node: ts.ClassInstancePropertyTypes) {} /** Provides the initializer for the property if there is one. */ get initializer(): Expression | undefined { let value: ts.Expression | undefined; if (ts.TypeGuards.isParameterDeclaration(this._node)) { value = this._node.getInitializer(); } else if (ts.TypeGuards.isPropertyDeclaration(this._node)) { value = this._node.getInitializer(); } return value ? new Expression(value) : undefined; } /** Asserts the property has an inializer and returns the expression. */ hasInitializer(msg = "Expected property to have intializer."): Expression { const { initializer } = this; if (!initializer) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.hasInitializer); } return initializer; } }
<filename>src/nodes/ClassDeclarations.ts import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ClassDeclaration } from "./ClassDeclaration"; export class ClassDeclarations { constructor(private _declarations: ts.ClassDeclaration[]) {} /** The declarations of classes as an array. */ get declarations(): ClassDeclaration[] { return => new ClassDeclaration(cd)); } /** Asserts that there is a class with a name that matches the supplied * value */ includes( value: string | RegExp, msg = `Expected a class to match "${String(value)}".` ): ClassDeclarations { const includeArray = this._declarations.filter((cd) => { const name = cd.getName(); if (!name) { return false; } return typeof value === "string" ? name.includes(value) : name.match(value); }); if (!includeArray.length) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.includes); } return new ClassDeclarations(includeArray); } /** Asserts the number of classes. */ length(expected: number, msg = "Unexpected number of classes."): this { const actual = this._declarations.length; if (this._declarations.length !== expected) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual, expected, showDiff: true, }, this.length ); } return this; } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<ClassDeclaration> { for (const importDeclaration of this._declarations) { yield new ClassDeclaration(importDeclaration); } } }
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; export class ParameterDeclaration { constructor(private _node: ts.ParameterDeclaration) {} /** Assert the parameter is an object type. If true, return the parameter. */ isObject(msg = "Expected parameter accept an object type."): this { if (!this._node.getType().isObject()) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: this._node.getType().getText(this._node), expected: "object", showDiff: false, }, this.isObject ); } return this; } /** Assert the parameter is optional. If true, return the parameter. */ isOptional(msg = "Expected parameter to be optional."): this { if (!this._node.isOptional()) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: false, expected: true, showDiff: false, }, this.isOptional ); } return this; } /** Assert the parameter is not optional. If true, return the parameter. */ isNotOptional(msg = "Expected parameter to not be optional."): this { if (this._node.isOptional()) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: true, expected: false, showDiff: false, }, this.isNotOptional ); } return this; } }
<filename>src/assert.ts import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ClassDeclaration } from "./nodes/ClassDeclaration"; import { FunctionLikeDeclaration } from "./nodes/FunctionLikeDeclaration"; import { SourceFile } from "./nodes/SourceFile"; import { Type } from "./nodes/Type"; /** Throws if the condition is not trueish. */ export function assert(cond: unknown, msg = "Failed assertion."): asserts cond { if (!cond) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, assert); } } /** Returns an interfact to make assertions against a class. */ export function assertClass(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): ClassDeclaration { return new ClassDeclaration(node); } /** Returns an interface to make assertions against a function like * declaration. */ export function assertFunctionLike( node: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration ): FunctionLikeDeclaration { return new FunctionLikeDeclaration(node); } /** Returns an interface to make assertions against a source file. */ export function assertSourceFile(node: ts.SourceFile): SourceFile { return new SourceFile(node); } /** Returns an interface to make assertions against a type. */ export function assertType(type: ts.Type): Type { return new Type(type); }
<reponame>h-o-t/entente<filename>src/nodes/ImportDeclaration.ts import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { SourceFile } from "./SourceFile"; export class ImportDeclaration { constructor(private _node: ts.ImportDeclaration) {} sourceFile(): SourceFile { return new SourceFile(this._node.getModuleSpecifierSourceFileOrThrow()); } }
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ClassMember } from "./ClassMember"; export class ClassDeclaration { constructor(private _node: ts.ClassDeclaration) {} /** Asserts that the class is the default export of the source file. */ isDefaultExport(msg = `Expected class to be the default export.`): this { if (!this._node.getExportKeyword() || !this._node.getDefaultKeyword()) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.isDefaultExport); } return this; } /** Asserts that the class is exported from the source file. */ isExported(msg = `Expected class to be exported.`): this { if (!this._node.getExportKeyword()) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.isExported); } return this; } /** Asserts that the class has an instance member that matches the supplied * value. */ member( value: string | RegExp, msg = `Expected the class to have a member that matches "${String(value)}".` ): ClassMember[] { const includeArray = this._node.getInstanceMembers().filter((im) => { const name = im.getName(); if (!name) { return false; } return typeof value === "string" ? name.includes(value) : name.match(value); }); if (!includeArray.length) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.member); } return => new ClassMember(im)); } /** Asserts that the class has an static member that matches the supplied * value. */ staticMember( value: string | RegExp, msg = `Expected the class to have a static member that matches "${String( value )}".` ): ClassMember[] { const includeArray = this._node.getStaticMembers().filter((im) => { const name = im.getName(); if (!name) { return false; } return typeof value === "string" ? name.includes(value) : name.match(value); }); if (!includeArray.length) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.member); } return => new ClassMember(im)); } }
<gh_stars>1-10 import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const deploymentError = actionSlasher.event('deployment-error', { description: 'An event triggered when a deployment has an error', async handler() { const {repository, deploymentId} = chatops.context if (!deploymentId) { chatops.setFailed('No deployment ID available...') return } await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeploymentStatus({ ...repository, deployment_id: deploymentId, state: 'error' }) chatops.error( `There was an error with the deployment... ${chatops.Icon.Cry}` ) } })
<reponame>crqra/chatops-action<filename>src/chatops/index.ts<gh_stars>1-10 import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as github from '@actions/github' import {Context} from './context' import {Log} from './log' export {Icon} from './log' export const octokit = github.getOctokit( core.getInput('token', {required: true}), {previews: ['flash', 'ant-man']} ) export const context = new Context(octokit) const log = new Log(context, octokit) export const debug = log.debug.bind(log) export const error = log.error.bind(log) export const info = export const warn = log.warning.bind(log) export const setFailed = log.setFailed.bind(log)
<reponame>crqra/chatops-action import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const deploymentLog = actionSlasher.event('deployment-log', { description: 'An event triggered when a deployment has emitted some log', async handler() { } })
import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const cancelDeployment = actionSlasher.command('cancel-deployment', { description: 'Cancels an active deployment', definition(c) { c.arg('id', { type: String, description: 'The ID of the deployment' }) }, async handler(args) { // @ts-expect-error FIXME const deploymentId = if (!deploymentId) { chatops.setFailed('You did not provide any deployment ID...') return } const {repository} = chatops.context const deployment = await chatops.octokit.repos.getDeployment({ ...repository, deployment_id: deploymentId }) await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeploymentStatus({ ...repository, deployment_id: deploymentId, state: 'error', description: 'Deployment cancelled' }) ` ${chatops.Icon.BlackCircle} Deployment with ID ${deploymentId} to ${} was cancelled... If you also want do delete the deployment, use the command: \`\`\` /delete-deployment --id ${deploymentId} \`\`\` `, {icon: undefined, shouldUpdateComment: true} ) } })
import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' const query = ` query ListRepositoryDeployments($owner: String!, $repo: String!) { repository(owner: $owner, name: $repo) { deployments(last: 100) { nodes { id ref { name } databaseId environment state creator { login } } } } } ` export const listDeployments = actionSlasher.command('list-deployments', { description: 'Lists all deployments for a specific reference', definition(c) { c.arg('ref', { type: String, description: 'The reference of the deployment' }) c.arg('env', { type: String, description: 'Only list deployments for this environment' }) c.arg('state', { type: String, description: 'Only list deployments in this state' }) }, async handler(args) { // @ts-expect-error FIXME const ref = args.ref || (await chatops.context.fetchRef()) // @ts-expect-error FIXME const {env, state} = args const {repository} = chatops.context // const envs = env // ? [env] // :{name}) => name) const { repository: { deployments: {nodes: deployments} } } = await chatops.octokit.graphql(query, {...repository}) if (deployments.length === 0) {` _No deployments found for ${ env ? `environment ${env}` : 'any environment' }, reference ${ref} and ${state ? `state ${state}` : 'any state'}._ You can trigger a new deployment with the command: \`\`\` /deploy --env <${chatops.context.environments .map(({name}) => name) .join(' | ')}> \`\`\` `) return } const table = ` | ID | Environment | Ref | State | Created by | | -- | ----------- | --- | ----- | ---------- | ${deployments .map( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (deployment: any) => `| ${deployment.databaseId} | ${deployment.environment} | ${} | ${deployment.state} | @${deployment.creator?.login} |` ) .join('\n')} `, { icon: undefined, shouldUpdateComment: true }) } })
<filename>src/chatops/log.ts import * as core from '@actions/core' import {GitHub} from '@actions/github/lib/utils' import {Context} from './context' export interface LogOptions { icon?: string shouldUpdateComment: boolean } export interface Comment { id: number body?: string } export enum Icon { Clock = '🕐', Rocket = '🚀', ArrowRight = '➡️', Check = '✅', HourGlass = '⏳', FastForward = '⏩', Cry = '😢', Error = '❌', BlackCircle = '⚫', Info = 'ℹ️', Warning = '⚠️', Magnifier = '🔍' } const defaultOptions = {shouldUpdateComment: true} export class Log { private _context: Context private _octokit: InstanceType<typeof GitHub> constructor(context: Context, octokit: InstanceType<typeof GitHub>) { this._context = context this._octokit = octokit } debug( message: string, options: LogOptions = {...defaultOptions, icon: Icon.Magnifier} ): void { if (options.shouldUpdateComment) { this.updateComment(message, options) } core.debug(message) } info( message: string, options: LogOptions = {...defaultOptions, icon: Icon.Info} ): void { if (options.shouldUpdateComment) { this.updateComment(message, options) } } warning( message: string, options: LogOptions = {...defaultOptions, icon: Icon.Warning} ): void { if (options.shouldUpdateComment) { this.updateComment(message, options) } core.warning(message) } error( message: string, options: LogOptions = {...defaultOptions, icon: Icon.Error} ): void { if (options.shouldUpdateComment) { this.updateComment(message, options) } core.error(message) } setFailed( message: string, options: LogOptions = {...defaultOptions, icon: Icon.Error} ): void { if (options.shouldUpdateComment) { this.updateComment(message, options) } core.setFailed(message) } private async updateComment( message: string, options?: LogOptions ): Promise<Comment | undefined> { try { if (!this._context.commentId || !options?.shouldUpdateComment) { return } const reqOptions = { ...this._context.repository, comment_id: this._context.commentId } const getResp = await this._octokit.issues.getComment(reqOptions) if (getResp.status !== 200) { return } const body = this.appendBody( || '', `${options?.icon ? `${options.icon} ` : ''} ${message}` ) const updateResp = await this._octokit.issues.updateComment({ ...reqOptions, body }) return { id:, body: } } catch (error) { this.setFailed( `Failed to update comment: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`, {shouldUpdateComment: false} ) } } private trimBody(body: string): string { return body .split('\n') .map(l => l.trimStart()) .join('\n') } private appendBody(original: string, body: string): string { return this.trimBody(`${original}\n${body}`) } }
<gh_stars>1-10 import {ghPolls} from 'gh-polls' import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const poll = actionSlasher.command('poll', { description: 'Creates a poll using [GitHub Polls](', definition(c) { c.arg('question', { type: String, description: 'Subject of the poll' }) c.arg('option', { type: [String], description: 'The options available' }) }, async handler(args) { if (!chatops.context.commentId) { return } // @ts-expect-error FIXME if (args.option.length === 0) { chatops.error('You did not specified any options for the poll') return } // @ts-expect-error FIXME const ghPoll = await ghPolls( => o.replace(/^"|"$/g, ''))) ` ${ // @ts-expect-error FIXME args.question ? `#### ${args.question.replace(/^"|"$/g, '')}` : '' } ${ => `[![](${o.image})](${})`).join('\n')} `, {icon: undefined, shouldUpdateComment: true} ) } })
<filename>src/commands/index.ts export * from './cancelDeployment' export * from './deleteDeployment' export * from './deploy' export * from './listDeployments' export * from './poll'
<reponame>crqra/chatops-action import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const deploymentPending = actionSlasher.event('deployment-pending', { description: 'An event triggered when a deployment is pending', async handler() { const {repository, deploymentId} = chatops.context if (!deploymentId) { chatops.setFailed('No deployment ID available...') return } await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeploymentStatus({ ...repository, deployment_id: deploymentId, state: 'pending' })'Deployment starting soon...', { icon: chatops.Icon.HourGlass, shouldUpdateComment: true }) } })
import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as actionSlasher from './action-slasher' import * as commands from './commands' import * as chatops from './chatops' import * as events from './events' const run = async (): Promise<void> => { core.debug(`Payload: ${JSON.stringify(chatops.context.payload, null, 2)}`) core.debug(`Project: ${chatops.context.project}`) core.debug( `Repository: ${JSON.stringify(chatops.context.repository, null, 2)}` ) core.debug(`Comment ID: ${chatops.context.commentId}`) core.debug(`Deployment ID: ${chatops.context.deploymentId}`) core.debug( `Issue Number: ${chatops.context.issueNumber} (pr? ${chatops.context.isPullRequest})` ) try { await{commands, events}) } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message || error) } } run()
<filename>src/action-slasher/event.ts export interface EventOptions { description?: string handler(): Promise<void> | void } export class Event implements Event { name: string description?: string handler: EventOptions['handler'] constructor(name: string, options: EventOptions) { = name this.description = options.description // FIXME // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method this.handler = options.handler } match(str: string): boolean { return === str } } export function event(name: string, options: EventOptions): Event { return new Event(name, options) }
import arg from 'arg' export interface CommandOptions { description?: string definition?(c: Command): void handler(args: unknown): Promise<void> | void } export interface CommandArg { name: string type: CommandArgType description?: string } export interface CommandArgOptions { type: CommandArgType description?: string } export type CommandArgType = string | arg.Handler | [arg.Handler] export class Command implements Command { name: string description?: string args: {[key: string]: CommandArg} handler: CommandOptions['handler'] constructor(name: string, options: CommandOptions) { = name this.description = options.description this.args = {} // FIXME // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method this.handler = options.handler } arg(name: string, options: CommandArgOptions): void { this.args[name] = { name, type: options.type, description: options.description } } match(str: string): unknown | undefined { const argv = str.match(/(?:[^\s"]+|"[^"]*")+/g) || [] if (argv[0] !== { return } const args = arg(this.argSpec, {argv}) return Object.keys(args) .filter(a => a !== '_') .reduce( (normalizedArgs, argFlag) => ({ ...normalizedArgs, [`${argFlag.replace('--', '')}`]: args[argFlag] }), {} ) } private get argSpec(): arg.Spec { return Object.keys(this.args).reduce( (spec, argName) => ({...spec, [`--${argName}`]: this.args[argName].type}), {} ) } } export function command(name: string, options: CommandOptions): Command { const cmd = new Command(name, options) if (options.definition) { options.definition(cmd) } return cmd }
<gh_stars>1-10 export * from './deploymentError' export * from './deploymentFailure' export * from './deploymentInProgress' export * from './deploymentLog' export * from './deploymentPending' export * from './deploymentSuccess'
<filename>src/action-slasher/help.ts import * as github from '@actions/github' import * as octokit from './octokit' import {Command, command} from './command' const getArgumentsList = (cmd: Command): string => Object.keys(cmd.args) .map(argName => { const arg = cmd.args[argName] return `* \`--${}\` -- ${arg.description}` }) .join('\n') const getCommandUsageText = (cmd: Command): string => { return ` #### Name _${}_ -- ${cmd.description} #### Arguments ${getArgumentsList(cmd)} ` } const getCommandNotFoundText = ( name: string, availableCommands: Command[] ): string => { return ` The command \`${name}\` doesn't exist. Here's a list of commands available: ${availableCommands .map(cmd => `* \`${}\` -- ${cmd.description}`) .join('\n')} Comment \`/help [command]\` to get help for a particular command or \`/help\` for general usage. ` } const getGeneralUsageText = (availableCommands: Command[]): string => { return ` Comment an issue or Pull Request with a command prefixed with a slash (i.e. \`/help\`) to run it. #### Commands available: ${availableCommands .map(cmd => `* \`${}\` -- ${cmd.description}`) .join('\n')} ` } export const buildHelpCommand = (commands: Command[]): Command => command('help', { description: 'Displays usage information and commands available', definition(c) { c.arg('cmd', { type: String, description: 'A command to get information about' }) }, async handler(args) { if (!github.context.payload.comment?.id) { return } const updateCommentOptions = { ...github.context.repo, comment_id:, body: '' } // @ts-expect-error FIXME if (args.cmd) { // @ts-expect-error FIXME const cmd = commands.find(c => === args.cmd) updateCommentOptions.body = cmd ? getCommandUsageText(cmd) : // @ts-expect-error FIXME getCommandNotFoundText(args.cmd, commands) } else { updateCommentOptions.body = getGeneralUsageText(commands) } await octokit.octokit.issues.updateComment(updateCommentOptions) } })
import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const deleteDeployment = actionSlasher.command('delete-deployment', { description: 'Deletes a deployment', definition(c) { c.arg('id', { type: String, description: 'The ID of the deployment' }) }, async handler(args) { // @ts-expect-error FIXME const deploymentId = if (!deploymentId) { chatops.setFailed('You did not provide any deployment ID...') return } const {repository} = chatops.context await chatops.octokit.repos.deleteDeployment({ ...repository, deployment_id: deploymentId })`Deployment with ID ${deploymentId} has been deleted...`, { icon: chatops.Icon.BlackCircle, shouldUpdateComment: true }) } })
<filename>src/chatops/context.ts import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as github from '@actions/github' import {GitHub} from '@actions/github/lib/utils' export interface Environment { id: string url?: string name: string description: string default: boolean } export interface Repository { owner: string repo: string } export interface Payload { environments: Environment[] project: string processor: Repository repository: Repository issueNumber: number commentId?: number deploymentId?: number } export class Context { issueNumber: number commentId?: number deploymentId?: number repository: Repository project: string message: string isPullRequest: boolean environments: Environment[] payload: Payload private _octokit: InstanceType<typeof GitHub> constructor(octokit: InstanceType<typeof GitHub>) { const {repo} = github.context this.payload = this.inputFromJSON('payload', { environments: this.inputFromJSON('environments', [], { required: false }), issueNumber: github.context.issue.number, commentId: github.context.payload.comment?.id, repository: repo, processor: this.processor, project: core.getInput('project') || `${repo.owner}/${repo.repo}` }) this.environments = this.payload.environments this.project = this.payload.project this.repository = this.payload.repository this.deploymentId = this.payload.deploymentId this.issueNumber = this.payload.issueNumber this.commentId = this.payload.commentId this.message = core.getInput('message') this.isPullRequest = !!github.context.payload.issue?.pull_request this._octokit = octokit } get processor(): Repository { const [processorOwner, processorRepo] = core .getInput('processor') .split('/') if (!processorOwner || !processorRepo) { return github.context.repo } return {owner: processorOwner, repo: processorRepo} } async fetchRef(): Promise<string> { const input = core.getInput('ref') if (input) { return input } if (this.isPullRequest) { const pr = await this._octokit.pulls.get({ ...this.repository, pull_number: this.issueNumber }) return } return github.context.ref } findEnvironment(idOrName: string): Environment | undefined { return this.environments.find( env => === idOrName || === idOrName ) } findDefaultEnvironment(): Environment | undefined { return this.environments.find(env => env.default) } private inputFromJSON<T>( name: string, fallback: T, options?: core.InputOptions ): T { return JSON.parse(core.getInput(name, options) || JSON.stringify(fallback)) } }
import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const deploymentSuccess = actionSlasher.event('deployment-success', { description: 'An event triggered when a deployment is successful', async handler() { const {repository, deploymentId} = chatops.context if (!deploymentId) { chatops.setFailed('No deployment ID available...') return } await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeploymentStatus({ ...repository, deployment_id: deploymentId, state: 'success' })'Deployment finished with success!', { icon: chatops.Icon.Check, shouldUpdateComment: true }) } })
<filename>src/action-slasher/run.ts import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as github from '@actions/github' import * as command from './command' import * as event from './event' import * as help from './help' export function run({ commands, events }: { commands: command.Command[] | {[key: string]: command.Command} events?: event.Event[] | {[key: string]: event.Event} }): Promise<void> | void { if (github.context.eventName === 'repository_dispatch') { if (!events) { return } const eventsList = ('length' in events ? events : Object.keys(events).map(key => events[key])) as event.Event[] for (const evt of eventsList) { if (evt.match(core.getInput('event', {required: true}))) { evt.handler() return } } return } let commandsList = ('length' in commands ? commands : Object.keys(commands).map(key => commands[key])) as command.Command[] const helpCommand = help.buildHelpCommand(commandsList) // Inject help command to the list commandsList.push(helpCommand) // Inject help arg in all commands commandsList = => { cmd.arg('help', { type: Boolean, description: `Shows usage information for \`${}\` command` }) return cmd }) const commentBody = github.context.payload.comment?.body if (!commentBody) { return } const commentFirstLine = commentBody.split(/\r?\n/)[0].trim() if (commentFirstLine.length < 2 || commentFirstLine.charAt(0) !== '/') { return } for (const cmd of commandsList) { const args = cmd.match(commentFirstLine.replace('/', '')) if (!args) { continue } // @ts-expect-error FIXME if ( { helpCommand.handler({cmd:}) return } try { cmd.handler(args) } catch (err) { core.error(`Error caught in ActionSlasher: ${err.message}`) core.setFailed(err.message) } return } // If no command has matched, display help information helpCommand.handler({cmd: commentFirstLine.split(' ')[0]}) }
import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as github from '@actions/github' export const octokit = github.getOctokit( core.getInput('token', {required: true}), {previews: ['flash', 'ant-man']} )
<gh_stars>1-10 export * from './command' export * from './event' export * from './run'
<filename>src/commands/deploy.ts import * as actionSlasher from '../action-slasher' import * as chatops from '../chatops' export const deploy = actionSlasher.command('deploy', { description: 'Deploys the project to the specified environment', definition(c) { c.arg('env', { type: String, description: 'The target environment for the deployment' }) }, async handler(args) { if (!chatops.context.isPullRequest) { chatops.setFailed(`ChatOps doesn't support deploying from issues yet`) return } let environment = chatops.context.findDefaultEnvironment() // @ts-expect-error FIXME if (args.env) { // @ts-expect-error FIXME environment = chatops.context.findEnvironment(args.env) } if (!environment) { chatops.setFailed( // @ts-expect-error FIXME `The target environment "${args.env}" is not configured.` ) return } const {repository} = chatops.context const activeDeployment = ( await Promise.all( ( await chatops.octokit.repos.listDeployments({ ...repository, environment: }) ) deployment => { const status = ( await chatops.octokit.repos.listDeploymentStatuses({ ...repository, deployment_id: }) ).data[0] return { deployment, status, active: ['queued', 'pending', 'in_progress'].includes(status.state) } }) ) ).find(({active}) => active) if (activeDeployment) { chatops.setFailed( `\n${chatops.Icon.Error} A deployment for ${} environment is already ${activeDeployment.status.state}. Wait for its completion before triggering a new deployment to this environment. If you want to cancel the active deployment, use the command: \`\`\` /cancel-deployment --id ${} \`\`\` `, {icon: undefined, shouldUpdateComment: true} ) return } const deploymentOptions = { ...repository, ref: await chatops.context.fetchRef(), environment:, environment_url: environment.url, description: `Triggered in PR #${chatops.context.issueNumber}` } chatops.debug(`DeploymentOptions: ${JSON.stringify(deploymentOptions)}`) let deployment = await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeployment( deploymentOptions ) // Status code === 202 means GitHub performed an auto-merge // and we have to attempt creating the deployment again if (deployment.status === 202) { || '') deployment = await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeployment( deploymentOptions ) } // When status code is something else than 201, even if it's an // auto-merge again, we stop execution if (deployment.status !== 201) { chatops.setFailed( `Could not start a deployment... Endpoint returned ${ deployment.status }: ${JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}` ) return } // Set the status of the deployment to queued as it'll be triggered // by another workflow which will start in the same state await chatops.octokit.repos.createDeploymentStatus({ ...repository, deployment_id:, state: 'queued' }) await chatops.octokit.repos.createDispatchEvent({ ...chatops.context.processor, event_type: 'chatops-deploy', client_payload: { ...chatops.context.payload, deploymentId: } }) `\n${chatops.Icon.Clock} Deployment of \`${deploymentOptions.ref}\` to \`${}\` has been queued (ID: ${})...`, {icon: undefined, shouldUpdateComment: true} ) } })
// @ts-ignore let app = new Vue({ el: "#app", mixins:[ // @ts-ignore MergeUrls, ], data: { ids:[], // it is shown when the duplicate models were load name: '', // it is shown when the duplicate models were load loading: { all: true, // controls were duplicate models are loaded modal: true, // controls when to show the loading animation on the modal form fusion:false, // it indicates if the fusion process has been initialiced result:false, }, modelFilter:{ projectId:'', countryCode:'', organizationId:'', nameSearch:'' }, modalState:'select', // stores the state of the modal view [select, resolve, fusion] modelsAll:[], // stores all the data from all the duplicate models by name models:[], // stores all the data from all the duplicate models by name modelSelected:null, modelsResolve:{}, modelLabels:{}, modelEmpty:{}, modelMerge:{}, // stores all the data from all the duplicate models by name list_organizations:{}, // stores the organizations listData ( id => name ) list_projects:{}, // stores the projects listData ( id => name ) list_types:{}, // stores the types data_list ( id => name ) values list_countries:{}, // stores the countries data_list ( id => name ) values list_education:{}, // stores the countries data_list ( id => name ) values noShowAttributes:[ 'id', 'organizationName', 'created', 'modified', 'errors', ], noShowFields:[ 'id', 'country', 'organization_id', 'education_id', 'type_id', 'created', 'modified', 'errors', ], fusionResult:null, fusionFlags:{ result:false }, errorFlags:{ fusion:false, finish:false, }, errorMessage: { fusion:null, finish:null, }, }, methods: { load: function () { let self = this; self.loading.all = true; self.loadBaseUrl(self.$el); /* var modelFilter is global */ // @ts-ignore if(typeof modelFilter !== 'undefined') // @ts-ignore self.modelFilter = modelFilter; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting label information // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlModelLabels(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelLabels = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar las etiquetas"); console.log("Error al cargar la información de los etiquetas"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Empty Model // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlModelEmpty(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelEmpty = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de guardado"); console.log("Error al cargar la información del modelo vacío"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Organization List // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlOrganizations(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_organizations = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de organizaciones"); console.log("Error al cargar la información de las organizaciones"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Countries List // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlCountries(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_countries = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de los países"); console.log("Problema al cargar la información de los países"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Projects List // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlProjects(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_projects = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de los proyectos"); console.log("Problema al cargar los datos de los proyectos"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlTypes(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_types = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de los tipos de beneficiarios"); console.log("Problema al cargar los datos de los tipos de beneficiarios"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlEducation(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_education= data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar el catalogo de tipo de educacion"); console.log("Problema al cargar el catalogo de tipo de educacion"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Models // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlAllDocs(), self.modelFilter, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelsAll = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al "); console.log("Error al cargar la información de los contactos"); }) .always(() => { self.loading.all = false; }); }, loadModels:function(){ let self = this; self.loading.all = true; // @ts-ignore $.get(self.getUrlAllDocs(), self.modelFilter, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelsAll = data; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al "); console.log("Error al cargar la información de los contactos"); }) .always(() => { self.loading.all = false; }); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODAL URL FUNCTIONS fusionCancelar: function (modalName){ let self = this; self.load.modal = false; self.load.fusion = false; switch (self.modalState){ case 'resolve': self.modalState = 'select'; break; case 'fusion': self.modalState = 'resolve'; break; case 'finish': default: // @ts-ignore $(modalName).modal('hide'); } }, fusionExclude: function (model) { let self = this; self.models.splice(self.models.indexOf(model), 1); }, fusionSelect: function () { let self = this; self.loading.modal = true; self.modalState = 'resolve'; self.ids = []; for (let i=0; i < self.models.length; i++){ self.ids.push(self.models[i].id); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List // @ts-ignore $.post(self.getUrlDocValues(), { ids: self.ids}, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelMerge = data.values; let resolve = data.resolve; for(var attr in resolve){ self.modelMerge[attr] = resolve[attr][0]; } self.modelsResolve = resolve; self.loading.modal = false; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al cargar los registros"); }); }, fusionResolve: function () { let self = this; self.modalState = 'fusion'; }, fusionStart: function () { let self = this; self.loading.modal = true; self.loading.fusion = true; let data = { id: self.modelSelected, ids: self.ids, values: self.modelMerge, }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List // @ts-ignore $.post(self.getUrlFusion(), data, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.fusionResult = data.result; self.fusionFlags.result = false; self.loading.modal = false; self.loading.fusion = false; self.modalState = 'finish'; }) .fail(() => { // @ts-ignore alertify.error("Problema al fusionar los registros de contacto."); self.loading.modal = false; self.loading.fusion = false; }); }, fusionFinish: function (){ let self = this; self.load(); }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING DATA showAttribute: function(field){ let self = this; return self.noShowAttributes.indexOf(field) != -1 ? false : true; }, showField: function(field){ let self = this; return self.noShowFields.indexOf(field) != -1 ? false : true; }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING DATA preparingFusionForm: function (model) { let self = this; self.ids = []; self.models = []; self.modelMerge = {}; self.modelsResolve = {}; self.modelSelected = null; self.fusionResult = null; self.fusionFlags.result = false; self.loading.modal = true; = model.document; self.modalState = 'select'; let url = self.getUrlDoc(; if (!url) { self.loading.modal = false; console.log("No se logró generar la URL para obtener la información del contacto"); } else{ // @ts-ignore $.get(url, (data, textStatus, jqXHR)=>{ if(textStatus !== 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.models = data.models; }) .fail(()=>{ console.log("No se logró generar la URL para obtener la información del contacto"); }) .always(() => { self.loading.modal = false; }); } return false; }, btnFiltrarClick: function () { var self = this; self.loadModels(); }, btnLimpiarFiltroClick: function () { var self = this; self.modelFilter.nameSearch = ''; self.loadModels(); } }, mounted: function () { this.load(); } });
let MergeUrls = { data:{ baseurl:'' }, methods:{ loadBaseUrl: function(elem){ let self = this; // @ts-ignore self.baseurl = $(elem).data('baseurl'); }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL FUNCTIONS createUrl : function (append) { return this.baseurl + append; }, getUrlAll: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-names') }, getUrlModelLabels: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-labels') }, getUrlModelEmpty: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-empty') }, getUrlId: function (id) { if(!id) return null; return this.createUrl('opt/api-contact?id=' + id) }, getUrlName: function (name) { if(!name) return null; return this.createUrl('opt/api-name?name=' + name) }, getUrlNameValues: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-name-values') }, getUrlFusion: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-fusion') }, getUrlAllDocs: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-docs') }, getUrlDoc: function (doc) { if(!doc) return null; return this.createUrl('opt/api-doc?doc=' + doc) }, getUrlDocValues: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-doc-values') }, getUrlOrganizations: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-organizations') }, getUrlProjects: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-projects') }, getUrlCountries: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-countries') }, getUrlTypes: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-types') }, getUrlEducation: function () { return this.createUrl('opt/api-education') }, } };
let appVue = new Vue({ el: "#app", mixins:[ MergeUrls, ], data: { loading: true, filter:'', projectId:null, project:null, models:[], count:{ contact:0, projectContact:0 }, labels:{ contact:{}, projectContact:{} }, new:{ contact:null, projectContact:null }, modal:{ loading:false, model:{}, contactIndex:null, contact:{}, errors:{} } }, filters: { uppercase: function(v) { return v.toUpperCase(); } } methods: { search: function(q){ let self = this; self.loading = true; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Models $.get(self.getUrlAll(), {projectId:self.projectId, q:q}, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.models = data.models; self.labels = data.labels; self.count = data.count; =; self.project = data.project; }) .fail(() => { let msg = "Error al cargar la información de los contactos"; alertify.error(msg); console.log(msg); }) .always(() => { self.loading = false; }); }, load: function () { let self = this; self.projectId = $(self.$el).data('project-id'); self.loadBaseUrl(self.$el);''); }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING DATA modalCancel:function(modalName){ let self = this; $(modalName).modal('hide'); }, modalSave:function(modalName){ let self = this; self.modal.loading = true; self.modal.errors = {}; let url = self.getUrlSaveProjectContact({ projectId:self.projectId, }); if (!{ alertify.error("No se consiguió cargar el modelo de Beneficiario"); return; } if (self.modal.contactIndex < 0){ alertify.error("No se consiguió cargar el índice del Beneficiario"); return; } if (!url) { self.modal.loading = false; alertify.error("No se logró generar la URL para obtener la información del contacto"); } else{ let dataPost = { ProjectContact: self.modal.model }; $.post(url, dataPost, ( data, textStatus, jqXHR) =>{ if(textStatus !== 'success' ) console.log([data, textStatus, jqXHR]); let contactIndex = self.modal.contactIndex; self.models[contactIndex].projectContactOne = self.modal.model; $(modalName).modal('hide'); alertify.success('Los datos se han guardado correctamente'); }) .fail((jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)=>{ alertify.error('Se ha producido un error. Favor revisar los datos introducidos.'); if (errorThrown == 'error_registro_dato'){ self.modal.errors = jqXHR.responseJSON.projectContact.errors; } }) .always(() => { self.modal.loading = false; self.modalLoadDatepicker(null); }); } }, modalLoadDatepicker: function(event){ let self = this; let jq = $('.datepicker'); if('kvDatepicker')) jq.kvDatepicker('destroy'); jq.kvDatepicker({ format:"yyyy-mm-dd", language:"es" }); $('#date_end').kvDatepicker('setDate', self.modal.model.date_end_project); $('#date_entry').kvDatepicker('setDate', self.modal.model.date_entry_project); $('#date_end').on('changeDate', function (event) { self.modal.model.date_end_project = $('#date_end').val(); }); $('#date_entry').on('changeDate', function (event) { self.modal.model.date_entry_project = $('#date_entry').val(); }); }, modalEdit: function (contact, index) { let self = this; if(contact && (index >= 0)){ = contact; self.modal.contactIndex = index; self.modal.errors = {}; if(!contact.projectContactOne) self.modal.model = Object.assign({},; else self.modal.model = Object.assign({}, contact.projectContactOne); } return false; } }, mounted: function () { this.load(); } });
let app = new Vue({ el: "#app", mixins:[ MergeUrls, ], data: { ids:[], // it is shown when the duplicate models were load name: '', // it is shown when the duplicate models were load loading: { all: true, // controls were duplicate models are loaded modal: true, // controls when to show the loading animation on the modal form fusion:false, // it indicates if the fusion process has been initialiced result:false, }, modelFilter:{ projectId:'', countryCode:'', organizationId:'', }, modalState:'select', // stores the state of the modal view [select, resolve, fusion] modelsNames:[], // stores all the data from all the duplicate models by name models:[], // stores all the data from all the duplicate models by name modelSelected:null, modelCurrent:null, modelsResolve:{}, modelLabels:{}, modelEmpty:{}, modelMerge:{}, // stores all the data from all the duplicate models by name list_organizations:{}, // stores the organizations listData ( id => name ) list_projects:{}, // stores the projects listData ( id => name ) list_types:{}, // stores the types data_list ( id => name ) values list_countries:{}, // stores the countries data_list ( id => name ) values list_education:{}, // stores the countries data_list ( id => name ) values noShowAttributes:[ 'id', 'organizationName', 'created', 'modified', 'errors', ], noShowFields:[ 'id', 'country', 'organization_id', 'education_id', 'type_id', 'created', 'modified', 'errors', ], fusionResult:null, fusionFlags:{ result:false }, errorFlags:{ fusion:false, finish:false, }, errorMessage: { fusion:null, finish:null, }, }, methods: { load: function () { let self = this; self.loading.all = true; self.loadBaseUrl(self.$el); /* var modelFilter is global */ if(typeof modelFilter !== 'undefined') self.modelFilter = modelFilter; /* var modelFilter is global */ if(typeof gModels !== 'undefined') self.modelsNames = gModels; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting label information $.get(self.getUrlModelLabels(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelLabels = data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar las etiquetas"); console.log("Error al cargar la información de los etiquetas"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Empty Model $.get(self.getUrlModelEmpty(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelEmpty = data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de guardado"); console.log("Error al cargar la información del modelo vacío"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Organization List $.get(self.getUrlOrganizations(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_organizations = data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de organizaciones"); console.log("Error al cargar la información de las organizaciones"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Countries List $.get(self.getUrlCountries(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_countries = data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de los países"); console.log("Problema al cargar la información de los países"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Projects List $.get(self.getUrlProjects(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_projects = data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de los proyectos"); console.log("Problema al cargar los datos de los proyectos"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List $.get(self.getUrlTypes(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_types = data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar los datos de los tipos de beneficiarios"); console.log("Problema al cargar los datos de los tipos de beneficiarios"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List $.get(self.getUrlEducation(), (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.list_education= data; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar el catalogo de tipo de educacion"); console.log("Problema al cargar el catalogo de tipo de educacion"); }); }, removingFromDuplicateListImported:function(ids){ let self = this; let indexes = []; let models = self.modelsNames.filter(function (model, index) { if (ids.indexOf(model.contact_id * 1) !== -1){ indexes.push(index); return true; } return false; }); console.log([models, ids, indexes, self.modelsNames]); $.each(models, function (index, model) { let i = self.modelsNames.indexOf(model); console.log(self.modelsNames.splice(i, 1)); }); }, //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODAL URL FUNCTIONS fusionCancelar: function (modalName){ let self = this; self.load.modal = false; self.load.fusion = false; switch (self.modalState){ case 'resolve': self.modalState = 'select'; break; case 'fusion': self.modalState = 'resolve'; break; case 'finish': default: $(modalName).modal('hide'); } }, fusionExclude: function (model) { let self = this; self.models.splice(self.models.indexOf(model), 1); }, fusionSelect: function () { let self = this; self.loading.modal = true; self.modalState = 'resolve'; self.ids = []; for (let i=0; i < self.models.length; i++){ self.ids.push(self.models[i].id); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List $.post(self.getUrlNameValues(), { ids: self.ids}, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.modelMerge = data.values; let resolve = data.resolve; for(var attr in resolve){ self.modelMerge[attr] = resolve[attr][0]; } self.modelsResolve = resolve; self.loading.modal = false; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al cargar los registros"); }); }, fusionResolve: function () { let self = this; self.modalState = 'fusion'; }, fusionStart: function () { let self = this; self.loading.modal = true; self.loading.fusion = true; let data = { id: self.modelSelected, ids: self.ids, values: self.modelMerge, }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Types List $.post(self.getUrlFusion(), data, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { if(textStatus != 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); else{ self.removingFromDuplicateListImported(self.ids); } self.fusionResult = data.result; self.fusionFlags.result = false; self.loading.modal = false; self.loading.fusion = false; self.modalState = 'finish'; }) .fail(() => { alertify.error("Problema al fusionar los registros de contacto."); self.loading.modal = false; self.loading.fusion = false; }); }, fusionFinish: function (){ let self = this; if (self.modelCurrent) { // var index = self.modelsNames.indexOf(self.modelCurrent); // self.modelsNames.splice(index, 1); self.modelCurrent = null; } }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING DATA showAttribute: function(field){ let self = this; return self.noShowAttributes.indexOf(field) != -1 ? false : true; }, showField: function(field){ let self = this; return self.noShowFields.indexOf(field) != -1 ? false : true; }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING DATA preparingFusionForm: function (model) { let self = this; self.ids = []; self.models = []; self.modelMerge = {}; self.modelsResolve = {}; self.modelSelected = null; self.fusionResult = null; self.fusionFlags.result = false; self.modelCurrent = model; self.loading.modal = true; = model.contact_name; self.modalState = 'select'; let url = self.getUrlId(model.contact_id); if (!url) { self.loading.modal = false; console.log("No se logró generar la URL para obtener la información del contacto"); } else{ $.get(url, (data, textStatus, jqXHR)=>{ if(textStatus !== 'success' ) console.log([textStatus, jqXHR]); self.models = data.models; }) .fail(()=>{ console.log("No se logró generar la URL para obtener la información del contacto"); }) .always(() => { self.loading.modal = false; }); } return false; } }, mounted: function () { this.load(); } });
<filename>web/js/vue/ let MergeUrls = { data:{ baseurl:'' }, methods:{ loadBaseUrl: function(elem){ let self = this; self.baseurl = $(elem).data('baseurl'); }, //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL FUNCTIONS createUrl : function (append, params) { let url = this.baseurl + append; if (params) url += '?' + $.param(params); return url; }, getUrlAll: function (params) { return this.createUrl('project/api-contacts', params) }, getUrlSaveProjectContact: function (params) { return this.createUrl('project/api-contact', params) }, } };
<reponame>nobrayner/raid-stats-poc<filename>types/queries.d.ts interface PullStats { createdAt: string additions: number deletions: number changedFiles: number commits: { totalCount: number } } interface CommitResult { pageInfo: { hasNextPage: boolean endCursor: string | null } nodes: Commit[] } interface Commit { oid: string additions: number deletions: number author: { user: { avatarUrl: string login: string } } parents: { totalCount } associatedPullRequests: { totalCount: number nodes: { baseRef: { repository: { nameWithOwner: string } } }[] } }
<gh_stars>0 export const getStatsFromCommits = (raidRepoWithOwner: string, commits: Commit[] | undefined): UserStats[] => { if (!commits) return [] return Object.values(commits.reduce<{ [key: string]: UserStats }>((stats, commit) => { if ( ! // Exclude null users || commit.parents.totalCount > 1 // Exclude Merge commits || commit.associatedPullRequests.nodes.filter( node => node.baseRef?.repository?.nameWithOwner !== raidRepoWithOwner ).length > 0 // Exclude commits from PRs not to the raid repo ) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(commit)) return stats } if ( in stats) { stats[].additions += commit.additions stats[].deletions += commit.deletions stats[].commits += 1 } else { stats[] = { user:, avatarUrl:, additions: commit.additions, deletions: commit.deletions, commits: 1, } } return stats }, {})) }
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/svelte' import App from '../App.svelte' describe('<App>', () => { it('renders learn svelte link', () => { render(App) expect(screen.getByText(/learn svelte/i)).toBeInTheDocument() }) })
<filename>types/stats.d.ts interface UserStats { user: string avatarUrl: string additions: number deletions: number commits: number }
<gh_stars>0 import { GraphQLClient, gql } from 'graphql-request' const client = new GraphQLClient('', { headers: { authorization: `bearer ${import.meta.env.SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_GITHUB_PAT}` } }) export const getRepoDetails = async (owner: string, repo: string, prid: number) => { const result = await client.request( gql` query pr($repo: String!, $owner: String!, $prid: Int!) { repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) { pullRequest(number: $prid) { createdAt additions deletions changedFiles commits { totalCount } } } } `, { repo, owner, prid, } ) return result.repository.pullRequest as PullStats } export const getAllUserStatsFromRepoSince = async(owner: string, repo: string, since: string, after: string | null): Promise<Commit[]> => { const result: CommitResult = (await client.request( gql` query commits($since: GitTimestamp!, $repo: String!, $owner: String!) { repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) { defaultBranchRef { target { ... on Commit { history(since: $since${after ? `, after: "${after}"` : ''}) { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } nodes { oid message additions deletions author { user { avatarUrl login } } parents { totalCount } associatedPullRequests(first: 100) { totalCount nodes { baseRef { repository { nameWithOwner } } } } } } } } } } } `, { since, repo, owner, } )) return result.pageInfo.hasNextPage ? [...result.nodes, ...(await getAllUserStatsFromRepoSince(owner, repo, since, result.pageInfo.endCursor))] : result.nodes }
import test from 'ava'; import { joinBrowsers } from '../../src/utils/browsers'; test('disjoint', (t) => { t.deepEqual( joinBrowsers({ browsers: ['chrome 74', 'chrome 76'], details: new Map([ ['chrome 74', { versionAdded: '77' }], ['chrome 76', { versionAdded: '77' }] ]) }), 'Chrome < 77' ); }); test('range', (t) => { t.deepEqual( joinBrowsers({ browsers: ['firefox 65', 'firefox 66', 'and_ff 66'], details: new Map([ ['firefox 65', { versionAdded: '67' }], ['firefox 66', { versionAdded: '67' }], ['and_ff 66', { versionAdded: '67' }] ]) }), 'Firefox < 67, Firefox Android < 67' ); }); test('removed then re-added', (t) => { t.deepEqual( joinBrowsers({ browsers: ['opera 16'], details: new Map([ ['opera 16', { versionAdded: '30', versionRemoved: '15'}] ]) }), 'Opera 15-30' ); }); test('removed', (t) => { t.deepEqual( joinBrowsers({ browsers: ['opera 15'], details: new Map([ ['opera 15', { versionRemoved: '15' }] ]) }), 'Opera 15+' ); });
import test from 'ava'; import { Identifier } from 'mdn-browser-compat-data/types'; import { getUnsupportedBrowsers } from '../../src/compat/browsers'; test('Handles complex support', (t) => { /* eslint-disable */ const keyframes: Identifier = { __compat: { support: { opera: [ { version_added: "30" }, { prefix: "-webkit-", version_added: "15" }, { version_added: "12.1", version_removed: "15" }, { prefix: "-o-", version_added: "12", version_removed: "15" } ] } } } as any; /* eslint-enable */ t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 12'])!.browsers, ['opera 12'], 'Before first unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 12.1']), null, 'At first unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 13']), null, 'During first unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 15'])!.browsers, ['opera 15'], 'After first unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 29'])!.browsers, ['opera 29'], 'Before second unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 30']), null, 'At second unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 31']), null, 'After second unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-o-', ['opera 11'])!.browsers, ['opera 11'], 'Before -o- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-o-', ['opera 12']), null, 'At -o- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-o-', ['opera 12']), null, 'During -o- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-o-', ['opera 15'])!.browsers, ['opera 15'], 'After -o- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-webkit-', ['opera 14'])!.browsers, ['opera 14'], 'Before -webkit- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-webkit-', ['opera 15']), null, 'At -webkit- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-webkit-', ['opera 16']), null, 'During -webkit- support'); }); test('Handles supported prefix', (t) => { /* eslint-disable */ const maxContent: Identifier = { __compat: { support: { firefox: [ { version_added: "66" }, { prefix: "-moz-", version_added: "41", } ] } } } as any; /* eslint-enable */ t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '', ['firefox 66']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '', ['firefox 65'])!.browsers, ['firefox 65']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '', ['firefox 41'])!.browsers, ['firefox 41']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '', ['firefox 40'])!.browsers, ['firefox 40']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '-moz-', ['firefox 66']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '-moz-', ['firefox 65']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '-moz-', ['firefox 41']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(maxContent, '-moz-', ['firefox 40'])!.browsers, ['firefox 40']); }); test('Handles unsupported prefix', (t) => { /* eslint-disable */ const appearance: Identifier = { __compat: { support: { firefox: { prefix: "-moz-", version_added: "1" }, } } } as any; /* eslint-enable */ t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(appearance, '', ['firefox 1'])!.browsers, ['firefox 1']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(appearance, '-webkit-', ['firefox 1'])!.browsers, ['firefox 1']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(appearance, '-moz-', ['firefox 1']), null); }); test('Handles multiple supported prefixes', (t) => { /* eslint-disable */ const boxFlex: Identifier = { __compat: { support: { firefox: [ { prefix: "-moz-", version_added: true }, { prefix: "-webkit-", version_added: "49" } ], } } } as any; /* eslint-enable*/ t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxFlex, '', ['firefox 48'])!.browsers, ['firefox 48']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxFlex, '-moz-', ['firefox 48']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxFlex, '-webkit-', ['firefox 48'])!.browsers, ['firefox 48']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxFlex, '', ['firefox 49'])!.browsers, ['firefox 49']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxFlex, '-moz-', ['firefox 49']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxFlex, '-webkit-', ['firefox 49']), null); }); test('Handles removed features', (t) => { /* eslint-disable */ const boxLines: Identifier = { __compat: { support: { chrome: { version_added: true, version_removed: "67", prefix: "-webkit-" }, } } } as any; /* eslint-enable */ t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxLines, '-webkit-', ['chrome 66']), null); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxLines, '-webkit-', ['chrome 67'])!.browsers, ['chrome 67']); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(boxLines, '-webkit-', ['chrome 66', 'chrome 67'])!.browsers, ['chrome 67']); }); test('Includes accurate details', (t) => { /* eslint-disable */ const keyframes: Identifier = { __compat: { support: { opera: [ { version_added: "30" }, { prefix: "-webkit-", version_added: "15" }, { version_added: "12.1", version_removed: "15" }, { prefix: "-o-", version_added: "12", version_removed: "15" } ] } } } as any; /* eslint-enable */ t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 12'])!.details.get('opera 12'), { versionAdded: '12.1' }, 'Before first unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 15'])!.details.get('opera 15'), { versionAdded: '30', versionRemoved: '15' }, 'After first unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '', ['opera 29'])!.details.get('opera 29'), { versionAdded: '30', versionRemoved: '15' }, 'Before second unprefixed support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-o-', ['opera 11'])!.details.get('opera 11'), { versionAdded: '12' }, 'Before -o- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-o-', ['opera 15'])!.details.get('opera 15'), { versionRemoved: '15' }, 'After -o- support'); t.deepEqual(getUnsupportedBrowsers(keyframes, '-webkit-', ['opera 14'])!.details.get('opera 14'), { versionAdded: '15' }, 'Before -webkit- support'); });
<reponame>coliff/hint import * as proxyquire from 'proxyquire'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import anyTest, { TestInterface, ExecutionContext } from 'ava'; import * as utils from '@hint/utils'; import { Problem, Severity } from '@hint/utils/dist/src/types/problems'; import { AnalyzeOptions, AnalyzerError, AnalyzerResult, CLIOptions, CreateAnalyzerOptions, Endpoint, UserConfig, HintsConfigObject } from '../../../src/lib/types'; import { AnalyzerErrorStatus } from '../../../src/lib/enums/error-status'; const actions = { _: ['http://localhost/'], language: 'en-US' } as CLIOptions; const actionsFS = { _: ['./'], language: 'en-US' } as CLIOptions; class FakeAnalyzer { public constructor() { } public analyze(endpoints: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options: AnalyzeOptions = {}): Promise<AnalyzerResult[]> { return Promise.resolve([]); } public async format() { } public resources() { } public static create() { } } type AskQuestion = () => any; type Logger = { error: (text: string) => any; log: (text: string) => any; }; type Spinner = { fail: () => void; start: () => void; succeed: () => void; text: string; }; type Ora = { default: () => Spinner; }; type Analyzer = { Analyzer: () => void; } type AppInsight = { disable: () => void; enable: () => void; isConfigured: () => boolean; isEnabled: () => boolean; trackEvent: (event: string, data: any) => void; }; type ConfigStore = { get: (key: string) => any; set: (key: string, value: any) => void; }; type AnalyzeContext = { analyzer: Analyzer; appInsight: AppInsight; askQuestion: AskQuestion; configStore: ConfigStore; errorSpy: sinon.SinonSpy<[string]>; failSpy: sinon.SinonSpy<[]>; getHintsFromConfiguration: (userConfig: UserConfig) => HintsConfigObject; logger: Logger; logSpy: sinon.SinonSpy<[string]>; ora: Ora; sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox; spinner: Spinner; startSpy: sinon.SinonSpy<[]>; succeedSpy: sinon.SinonSpy<[]>; }; const test = anyTest.serial as TestInterface<AnalyzeContext>; const initContext = (t: ExecutionContext<AnalyzeContext>) => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const spinner = { fail() { }, start() { }, succeed() { }, text: '' }; t.context.logger = { error(text: string) { }, log(text: string) { } }; t.context.logSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.logger, 'log'); t.context.errorSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.logger, 'error'); t.context.spinner = spinner; t.context.ora = { default() { return spinner; } }; t.context.startSpy = sandbox.spy(spinner, 'start'); t.context.failSpy = sandbox.spy(spinner, 'fail'); t.context.succeedSpy = sandbox.spy(spinner, 'succeed'); t.context.askQuestion = () => { }; t.context.sandbox = sandbox; t.context.getHintsFromConfiguration = (userConfig: UserConfig) => { return {}; }; const analyzer: Analyzer = { Analyzer: function Analyzer() { } }; analyzer.Analyzer.prototype.create = (userConfiguration: UserConfig, options: CreateAnalyzerOptions) => { }; analyzer.Analyzer.prototype.getUserConfig = (filePath?: string): UserConfig | null => { return null; }; t.context.analyzer = analyzer; (t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any).create = (userConfiguration: UserConfig, options: CreateAnalyzerOptions): Analyzer => { return {} as Analyzer; }; (t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any).getUserConfig = (filePath?: string): UserConfig | null => { return null; }; t.context.appInsight = { disable() { }, enable() { }, isConfigured() { return false; }, isEnabled() { return false; }, trackEvent(event: string, data: any) { } }; t.context.configStore = { get(key: string) { return false; }, set(key: string, value: any) { } }; }; const loadScript = (context: AnalyzeContext, isCi: boolean = false) => { const script = proxyquire('../../../src/lib/cli/analyze', { '../': { createAnalyzer: (context.analyzer.Analyzer as any).create, getUserConfig: (context.analyzer.Analyzer as any).getUserConfig }, '@hint/utils': { appInsights: context.appInsight, configStore: utils.configStore, debug: utils.debug, getHintsFromConfiguration: context.getHintsFromConfiguration, logger: context.logger, misc: { askQuestion: context.askQuestion, cutString: utils.misc.cutString, mergeEnvWithOptions: (options: any) => { return options; } }, network:, npm: utils.npm, packages: utils.packages }, 'is-ci': isCi, ora: context.ora }); return script.default; }; test.beforeEach(initContext); test.afterEach.always((t) => { t.context.sandbox.restore(); }); test('If there is no valid user config, it should use `web-recommended` as default configuration', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const createAnalyzerStub = sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(new FakeAnalyzer()); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns(null as any); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); t.true(createAnalyzerStub.calledOnce); t.deepEqual(createAnalyzerStub.args[0][0], { extends: ['web-recommended'], language: 'en-US' }); }); test('If there is no valid user config, it should use `web-recommended` as default configuration and use formatters `stylish` and `html` if it is running in CI', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const createAnalyzerStub = sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(new FakeAnalyzer()); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns(null as any); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); const analyze = loadScript(t.context, true); await analyze(actions); t.true(createAnalyzerStub.calledOnce); t.deepEqual(createAnalyzerStub.args[0][0], { extends: ['web-recommended'], formatters: ['html', 'stylish'], language: 'en-US' }); }); test('If there is no valid user config and the target is an existing filesystem path, it should use `development` as default configuration', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const createAnalyzerStub = sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(new FakeAnalyzer()); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns(null as any); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actionsFS); t.true(createAnalyzerStub.calledOnce); t.deepEqual(createAnalyzerStub.args[0][0], { extends: ['development'], language: 'en-US' }); }); test('If there is no valid user config and the target is an existing filesystem path, it should use `development` as default configuration and use formatters `stylish` and `html` if it is running in CI', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const createAnalyzerStub = sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(new FakeAnalyzer()); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns(null as any); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); const analyze = loadScript(t.context, true); await analyze(actionsFS); t.true(createAnalyzerStub.calledOnce); t.deepEqual(createAnalyzerStub.args[0][0], { extends: ['development'], formatters: ['html', 'stylish'], language: 'en-US' }); }); test('If there is no valid user config and user refuses to use the default or to create a configuration file, it should exit with code 1', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns(null as any); const createAnalyzerStub = sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create') .onFirstCall() .throws(new AnalyzerError('Missed configuration', AnalyzerErrorStatus.ConfigurationError)); const askQuestionDefaultStub = sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); const result = await analyze(actions); t.true(askQuestionDefaultStub.calledOnce); t.false(result); t.true(createAnalyzerStub.calledOnce); }); test('If configuration file exists, it should use it', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const createAnalyzerSpy = sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create'); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const customConfigOptions = ({ _: ['http://localhost'], config: 'configfile.cfg' } as CLIOptions); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(customConfigOptions); t.true(createAnalyzerSpy.called); }); test('If the scan returns an error, it should exit with code 1 and call to analyzer.format', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').callsFake(async (targets: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options?: AnalyzeOptions) => { await options!.targetEndCallback!({ problems: [{ severity: Severity.error } as Problem], url: '' }); return []; }); const analyzerFormatSpy = sandbox.spy(fakeAnalyzer, 'format'); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); const exitCode = await analyze(actions); t.false(exitCode); t.true(analyzerFormatSpy.calledOnce); }); test('If the scan returns an error, it should call to', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').callsFake(async (targets: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options?: AnalyzeOptions) => { await options!.targetEndCallback!({ problems: [{ severity: Severity.error } as Problem], url: '' }); return []; }); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); t.true(t.context.failSpy.calledOnce); }); test('If the scan throws an exception, it should exit with code 1', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').rejects(new Error()); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); const result = await analyze(actions); t.false(result); }); test('If the scan throws an exception, it should call to', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').rejects(new Error()); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); t.true(t.context.failSpy.calledOnce); }); test('If the scan returns no errors, it should exit with code 0 and call analyzer.format', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').callsFake(async (targets: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options?: AnalyzeOptions) => { await options!.targetEndCallback!({ problems: [{ severity: 0 } as Problem], url: '' }); return []; }); const analyzerFormatSpy = sandbox.spy(fakeAnalyzer, 'format'); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); const exitCode = await analyze(actions); t.true(exitCode); t.true(analyzerFormatSpy.calledOnce); }); test('If there is no errors analyzing the url, it should call to spinner.succeed()', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').callsFake(async (targets: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options?: AnalyzeOptions) => { await options!.targetEndCallback!({ problems: [{ severity: 0 } as Problem], url: '' }); return []; }); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); t.true(t.context.succeedSpy.calledOnce); }); test('updateCallback should write a message in the spinner', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').callsFake(async (targets: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options?: AnalyzeOptions) => { await options!.updateCallback!({ message: 'Downloading http://localhost/', url: '' }); return []; }); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions);, 'Downloading http://localhost/'); }); test('If there is missing or incompatible packages, they should be tracked', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').throws(new AnalyzerError('error', AnalyzerErrorStatus.ResourceError, { connector: null, formatters: [], hints: [], incompatible: ['hint2'], missing: ['hint1'], parsers: [] })); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').callsFake(async (targets: Endpoint | Endpoint[], options?: AnalyzeOptions) => { await options!.updateCallback!({ message: 'Downloading http://localhost/', url: '' }); return []; }); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(false); const appInsightTrackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.appInsight, 'trackEvent'); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({}); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); try { await analyze(actions); } catch { // empty } t.true(appInsightTrackEventSpy.calledTwice);[0][0], 'missing'); t.deepEqual(appInsightTrackEventSpy.args[0][1], ['hint1']);[1][0], 'incompatible'); t.deepEqual(appInsightTrackEventSpy.args[1][1], ['hint2']); }); test('If no sites are defined, it should return false', async (t) => { const analyze = loadScript(t.context); const result = await analyze({ _: [] } as any); t.false(result); }); test('If there is no errors analyzing the url, and it is the second time running a scan, and the user confirm telemetry, telemetry should be enabled', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').resolves(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({ connector: { name: 'puppeteer' } }); sandbox.stub(t.context.appInsight, 'isConfigured').returns(false); sandbox.stub(t.context.configStore, 'get').returns(true); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(true); const appInsightEnableSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.appInsight, 'enable'); const appInsightTrackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.appInsight, 'trackEvent'); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); const args = appInsightTrackEventSpy.args; t.true(appInsightEnableSpy.calledOnce); t.true(appInsightTrackEventSpy.calledThrice);[1][0], 'SecondRun');[2][0], 'analyze'); }); test('Telemetry should trim options from a connector', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').resolves(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({ connector: { name: 'puppeteer', options: { auth: { password: '<PASSWORD>', submit: 'submitButton', user: 'userInput' } } } }); const appInsightTrackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.appInsight, 'trackEvent'); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); t.falsy(appInsightTrackEventSpy.args[0][1].connector.options); }); test('Telemetry should remove properties from rules', async (t) => { const sandbox = t.context.sandbox; const fakeAnalyzer = new FakeAnalyzer(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'create').returns(fakeAnalyzer); sandbox.stub(fakeAnalyzer, 'analyze').resolves(); sandbox.stub(t.context.analyzer.Analyzer as any, 'getUserConfig').returns({ connector: { name: 'puppeteer' }, hints: {} }); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'getHintsFromConfiguration').returns({ hint1: ['error', { options1: 'value1', options2: 'value2' }], hint2: ['warning', { option: false }] }); sandbox.stub(t.context.appInsight, 'isConfigured').returns(false); sandbox.stub(t.context.configStore, 'get').returns(true); sandbox.stub(t.context, 'askQuestion').resolves(true); const appInsightTrackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(t.context.appInsight, 'trackEvent'); const analyze = loadScript(t.context); await analyze(actions); const hints = appInsightTrackEventSpy.args[0][1].hints;, 'error');, 'warning'); });
<gh_stars>0 import { UnsupportedBrowsers } from '@hint/utils/dist/src/compat'; import { getFriendlyName } from '@hint/utils/dist/src/compat/browsers'; /** * Apply temporary filters to the list of target browsers to reduce * false-positives due to incorrect/outdated data. Each of these * should be removed once the affected data sources have been updated. */ export const filterBrowsers = (browsers: string[]): string[] => { return browsers.filter((browser) => { // Ignore Android WebView due to outdated data in both browserslist and MDN. if (browser.startsWith('android')) { return false; } // Ignore Samsung 4 due to outdated data in MDN. if (browser === 'samsung 4') { return false; } // Ignore Safari 5.1 due to `caniuse` reporting incorrect usage data. if (browser === 'safari 5.1') { return false; } return true; }); }; /** * Serialize summarized support ranges for provided browsers. * * ```js * joinBrowsers({ browsers: ['edge 15'], browserDetails: new Map([['edge 15', { versionAdded: '18' }]])); * // returns 'Edge < 18'; * ``` */ export const joinBrowsers = (unsupported: UnsupportedBrowsers): string => { const summaries = => { const name = getFriendlyName(browser); const details = unsupported.details.get(browser); if (!details) { throw new Error(`No details provided for browser: ${name}`); } if (details.versionAdded && details.versionRemoved) { return `${name} ${details.versionRemoved}-${details.versionAdded}`; } else if (details.versionAdded) { return `${name} < ${details.versionAdded}`; } else if (details.versionRemoved) { return `${name} ${details.versionRemoved}+`; } return name; }); return [ Set(summaries)].sort().join(', '); };
import { URL } from 'url'; import { Engine } from 'hint'; import { getElementByUrl, HTMLDocument, HTMLElement, traverse } from '@hint/utils/dist/src/dom'; import { createHelpers, restoreReferences } from '@hint/utils/dist/src/dom/snapshot'; import { DocumentData } from '@hint/utils/dist/src/types/snapshot'; import { ConnectorOptionsConfig, IConnector, FetchEnd, NetworkData } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types'; import { browser, document, eval, location, MutationObserver, window } from '../shared/globals'; import { Events } from '../shared/types'; import { Fetcher } from './fetcher'; import { setFetchType } from './set-fetch-type'; export default class WebExtensionConnector implements IConnector { private _document: HTMLDocument | undefined; private _originalDocument: HTMLDocument | undefined; private _engine: Engine; private _fetcher = new Fetcher(); private _fetchEndQueue: FetchEnd[] = []; private _onComplete: (err: Error | null, resource?: string) => void = () => { }; private _options: ConnectorOptionsConfig; public static schema = { additionalProperties: false, properties: { waitFor: { minimum: 0, type: 'number' } } }; public constructor(engine: Engine, options?: ConnectorOptionsConfig) { this._engine = engine; this._options = options || {}; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!this._options.waitFor) { this._options.waitFor = 1000; } (engine as Engine<import('@hint/parser-html').HTMLEvents>).on('parse::end::html', (event) => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (event.resource === location.href) { this._originalDocument = event.document; } }); browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (events: Events) => { try { /** Extension resources cause overhead and noise to the user so they are ignored. */ if (this.isExtensionResource(events)) { return; } if (this._fetcher.handle(events)) { return; } if (events.fetchEnd) { await this.notifyFetch(events.fetchEnd); } if (events.fetchStart) { await this._engine.emitAsync('fetch::start', events.fetchStart); } // TODO: Trigger 'fetch::start::target'. } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { this._onComplete(err); } }); const onLoad = () => { const resource = location.href; setTimeout(async () => { try { await this.evaluateInPage(`(${createHelpers})()`); const snapshot: DocumentData = await this.evaluateInPage('__webhint.snapshotDocument(document)'); restoreReferences(snapshot); this._document = new HTMLDocument(snapshot, location.href, this._originalDocument); await this.sendFetchEndEvents(); await traverse(this._document, this._engine, resource); /* * Evaluate after the traversing, just in case something goes wrong * in any of the evaluation and some scripts are left in the DOM. */ await this._engine.emitAsync('can-evaluate::script', { resource }); this._onComplete(null, resource); } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { this._onComplete(err); } }, this._options.waitFor); }; if (document.readyState === 'complete') { setTimeout(onLoad, 0); } else { window.addEventListener('load', onLoad); } } private isExtensionResource(events: Events) { /** Only chromium resources seem to get tracked but just in case we add the Firefox protocol as well. */ const event = events.fetchStart || events.fetchEnd; if (!event) { return false; } const resource = event.resource; return resource.startsWith('chrome-extension:') || resource.startsWith('moz-extension:'); } private sendMessage(message: Events) { browser.runtime.sendMessage(message); } private async sendFetchEndEvents() { for (const event of this._fetchEndQueue) { await this.notifyFetch(event); } } private setFetchElement(event: FetchEnd) { const url = event.request.url; if (this._document) { event.element = getElementByUrl(this._document, url); } } private async notifyFetch(event: FetchEnd) { /* * Delay dispatching FetchEnd until we have the DOM snapshot to populate `element`. * But immediately process target's FetchEnd to populate `originalDocument`. */ if (!this._document && event.response.url !== location.href) { this._fetchEndQueue.push(event); return; } this.setFetchElement(event); const type = setFetchType(event); await this._engine.emitAsync(`fetch::end::${type}` as 'fetch::end::*', event); } /* istanbul ignore next */ public fetchContent(target: string, headers?: any): Promise<NetworkData> { return this._fetcher.fetch(target, headers); } public async collect(target: URL) { const resource = target.href; await this._engine.emitAsync('scan::start', { resource }); this.sendMessage({ ready: true }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onComplete = async (err: Error | null, resource = '') => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) { reject(err); return; } try { await this._engine.emitAsync('scan::end', { resource }); resolve(); this.sendMessage({ done: true }); } catch (e) /* istanbul ignore next */ { reject(e); } }; }); } private needsToRunInPage(source: string) { return source.includes('/*RunInPageContext*/'); } /** * Runs a script in the website context. * * By default, `eval` runs the scripts in a different context * but, some scripts, needs to run in the same context * of the website. */ private evaluateInPage(source: string): Promise<any> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const script = document.createElement('script'); const config = { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: false }; const injectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('Cannot run analysis scripts. Page may have CSP restrictions.')); }, 100); const callback = (mutationsList: MutationRecord[], observer: MutationObserver) => { try { mutationsList.forEach((mutation: MutationRecord) => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (mutation.type !== 'attributes' || !(/^data-(error|result|start)$/).test(mutation.attributeName || '')) { return; } if (mutation.attributeName === 'data-start') { clearTimeout(injectTimeout); return; } const error = script.getAttribute('data-error'); const result = script.getAttribute('data-result'); document.body.removeChild(script); observer.disconnect(); if (error) { reject(JSON.parse(error)); /* istanbul ignore else*/ } else if (result) { resolve(JSON.parse(result)); } else { reject(new Error('No error or result returned from evaluate.')); } }); } catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ { reject(err); } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(script, config); script.textContent = `(async () => { const scriptElement = document.currentScript; try { scriptElement.setAttribute('data-start', 'true'); const result = await ${source} scriptElement.setAttribute('data-result', JSON.stringify(result) || null); } catch (err) { scriptElement.setAttribute('data-error', JSON.stringify({ message: err.message, stack: err.stack })); } })();`; document.body.appendChild(script); }); } public evaluate(source: string): Promise<any> { /* * TODO: another option here is changing the interface of IConnector * to allow another parameter in evaluate to indicate if we should run * the script in the page context or if eval is enough. */ if (this.needsToRunInPage(source)) { return this.evaluateInPage(source); } // `eval` will run the code inside the browser. return Promise.resolve(eval(source)); // eslint-disable-line no-eval } public querySelectorAll(selector: string): HTMLElement[] { return this._document ? this._document.querySelectorAll(selector) : []; } /* istanbul ignore next */ public close() { return Promise.resolve(); } public get dom(): HTMLDocument | undefined { return this._document; } /* istanbul ignore next */ public get html(): string { return this._document ? this._document.pageHTML() : ''; } }
#!/usr/bin/env node /** * @fileoverview Main CLI that is run via the hint command. Based on ESLint. */ /* eslint-disable no-process-exit, no-process-env */ /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Helpers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ const tracking = (/--tracking[=\s]+([^\s]*)/i).exec(process.argv.join(' ')); import { configStore, appInsights } from '@hint/utils'; const trackingEnv = process.env.HINT_TRACKING; let enableTracking; if (tracking) { enableTracking = tracking[1] === 'on'; } else if (trackingEnv) { enableTracking = trackingEnv === 'on'; } if (typeof enableTracking !== 'undefined') { if (enableTracking) { const alreadyRun: boolean = configStore.get('run'); const configured = appInsights.isConfigured(); appInsights.enable(); if (!configured) { if (!alreadyRun) { appInsights.trackEvent('FirstRun'); } else { appInsights.trackEvent('SecondRun'); } } } else { appInsights.disable(); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Requirements * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Now we can safely include the other modules that use debug. */ import * as cli from '../lib/cli'; const { trackException, sendPendingData } = appInsights; /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Execution * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ process.once('uncaughtException', async (err) => { console.error(err.message); console.error(err.stack); trackException(err); await sendPendingData(true); process.exit(1); }); process.once('unhandledRejection', async (r) => { // TODO: remove once is fixed const reason = r as any; const source = reason && reason instanceof Error ? reason : reason.error; trackException(source); await sendPendingData(true); console.error(`Unhandled rejection promise: uri: ${source.uri} message: ${source.message} stack: ${source.stack}`); process.exit(1); }); const run = async () => { process.exitCode = await cli.execute(process.argv); process.exit(process.exitCode); }; run();
<filename>packages/extension-vscode/tests/utils/analytics.ts import * as proxyquire from 'proxyquire'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import test from 'ava'; import { IHintConstructor, Problem } from 'hint'; const stubContext = () => { const stubs = { './app-insights': {} as typeof import ('../../src/utils/app-insights') }; const module = proxyquire('../../src/utils/analytics', stubs) as typeof import('../../src/utils/analytics'); return { module, stubs }; }; test('It tracks when telemetry is first enabled', (t) => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const { module, stubs } = stubContext(); const trackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(stubs['./app-insights'], 'trackEvent'); module.trackOptIn('ask', true); t.true(trackEventSpy.notCalled); module.trackOptIn('ask', false); t.true(trackEventSpy.notCalled); module.trackOptIn('disabled', true); t.true(trackEventSpy.notCalled); module.trackOptIn('disabled', false); t.true(trackEventSpy.notCalled); module.trackOptIn('enabled', true); t.true(trackEventSpy.notCalled); module.trackOptIn('enabled', false); t.true(trackEventSpy.calledOnce);[0], 'vscode-telemetry'); sandbox.restore(); }); test('It tracks the first result for each document when opened', (t) => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const { module, stubs } = stubContext(); const trackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(stubs['./app-insights'], 'trackEvent'); // First result should be tracked. module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [ { hintId: 'foo', message: 'This should not be logged' } as Problem ] }); // Second result should not be tracked (will be cached for 'onSave'). module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [] }); // First result for another document should be tracked. module.trackResult('test.css', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'bar' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [] }); t.true(trackEventSpy.calledTwice);[0], 'vscode-open'); t.deepEqual(trackEventSpy.firstCall.args[1], { 'hint-foo': 'failed' });[0], 'vscode-open'); t.deepEqual(trackEventSpy.secondCall.args[1], { 'hint-bar': 'passed' }); sandbox.restore(); }); test('It tracks the delta between the first and last results on save', (t) => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const { module, stubs } = stubContext(); const trackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(stubs['./app-insights'], 'trackEvent'); // First result should be tracked. module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'bar' } } as IHintConstructor, { meta: { id: 'baz' } } as IHintConstructor, { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [ { hintId: 'bar' } as Problem, { hintId: 'bar' } as Problem, { hintId: 'foo' } as Problem, { hintId: 'foo' } as Problem, { hintId: 'foo' } as Problem ] }); // Second result should not be tracked (will be cached for 'onSave'). module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'bar' } } as IHintConstructor, { meta: { id: 'baz' } } as IHintConstructor, { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [ { hintId: 'bar' } as Problem, { hintId: 'bar' } as Problem ] }); // First result for another document should be tracked. module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'bar' } } as IHintConstructor, { meta: { id: 'baz' } } as IHintConstructor, { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [ { hintId: 'foo' } as Problem ] }); module.trackSave('test.html'); // Verify multiple saves only submit once with no new results. module.trackSave('test.html'); t.true(trackEventSpy.calledTwice);[0], 'vscode-open'); t.deepEqual(trackEventSpy.firstCall.args[1], { 'hint-bar': 'failed', 'hint-baz': 'passed', 'hint-foo': 'failed' });[0], 'vscode-save'); t.deepEqual(trackEventSpy.secondCall.args[1], { 'hint-bar': 'fixed', 'hint-baz': 'passed', 'hint-foo': 'fixing' }); sandbox.restore(); }); test('It tracks results again for a document when re-opened', (t) => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const { module, stubs } = stubContext(); const trackEventSpy = sandbox.spy(stubs['./app-insights'], 'trackEvent'); // First result should be tracked. module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [ { hintId: 'foo', message: 'This should not be logged' } as Problem ] }); // Closing the document should clear the internal result cache. module.trackClose('test.html'); // Second result should be tracked because document was re-opened. module.trackResult('test.html', { hints: [ { meta: { id: 'foo' } } as IHintConstructor ], problems: [] }); t.true(trackEventSpy.calledTwice);[0], 'vscode-open'); t.deepEqual(trackEventSpy.firstCall.args[1], { 'hint-foo': 'failed' });[0], 'vscode-open'); t.deepEqual(trackEventSpy.secondCall.args[1], { 'hint-foo': 'passed' }); });
import { fs, test } from '@hint/utils'; import { testHint } from '@hint/utils-tests-helpers'; const { generateHTMLPage, getHintPath } = test; const { readFile } = fs; const hintPath = getHintPath(__filename, true); const generateCSSConfig = (fileName: string) => { const path = 'fixtures/css'; const styles = readFile(`${__dirname}/${path}/${fileName}.css`); return { '/': generateHTMLPage(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/${fileName}">`), [`/styles/${fileName}`]: { content: styles, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/css' } } }; }; const targetBrowsers = ['chrome 73-74', 'edge 15-16', 'firefox 65-66', 'ie 9-11']; testHint(hintPath, [ { name: 'Reports unsupported CSS at-rules', reports: [ { message: '@keyframes is not supported by Internet Explorer < 10.', position: { match: '@keyframes' } } ], serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('atrules') }, { name: 'Does not report ignored CSS features by default', serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('ignore') }, { name: 'Reports unsupported properties, respecting prefixes and fallback', reports: [ { message: 'appearance is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'appearance: button; /* Report 1 */' } }, { message: 'appearance is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'appearance: button; /* Report 2 */' } }, { message: '-webkit-appearance is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: '-webkit-appearance: button; /* Report 3 */' } }, { message: '-moz-appearance is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: '-moz-appearance: button; /* Report 4 */' } }, { message: '-webkit-appearance is not supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer.', position: { match: '-webkit-appearance: button; /* Report 5 */' } }, { message: 'appearance is not supported by Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'appearance: button; /* Report 6 */' } } ], serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('properties') }, /* * TODO: Uncomment after re-enabling CSS selector support. * * { * name: 'Reports unsupported CSS selectors', * reports: [ * { * message: ':valid is not supported by Internet Explorer < 10.', * position: { match: ':valid' } * } * ], * serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('selectors') * }, */ { name: 'Respects CSS @supports rules when generating reports', reports: [ { message: 'display: grid is not supported by Edge < 16.', position: { match: 'display: grid; /* Report */' } } ], serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('supports') }, { name: 'Reports unsupported CSS property values, respecting prefixes and fallback', reports: [ { message: 'display: grid is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'display: grid; /* Report 1 */' } }, { message: 'display: grid is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'display: grid; /* Report 2 */' } }, { message: 'display: -ms-grid is not supported by Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer < 10.', position: { match: 'display: -ms-grid; /* Report 3 */' } }, { message: 'display: grid is not supported by Edge < 16, Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'display: grid; /* Report 4 */' } } ], serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('values') } ], { browserslist: targetBrowsers, parsers: ['css'] } ); testHint(hintPath, [ { name: 'Does not report prefixed CSS at-rules if unprefixed support exists', serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('atrules') } ], { browserslist: ['ie 11'], parsers: ['css'] } ); testHint(hintPath, [ { name: 'Reports overridden ignored CSS features', reports: [ { message: 'appearance is not supported by Internet Explorer.', position: { match: 'appearance: none; /* unprefixed */' } } ], serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('ignore') }, { name: 'Does not report manually ignored CSS features', serverConfig: generateCSSConfig('values') } ], { browserslist: targetBrowsers, hintOptions: { enable: ['-moz-appearance: none', '-webkit-appearance: none', 'appearance: none'], ignore: ['display: grid', 'display: -ms-grid'] }, parsers: ['css'] } );
<gh_stars>0 import { hasFile, mkdir } from './fs'; import { installPackages, loadPackage, InstallOptions } from './packages'; const installWebhint = (options: InstallOptions) => { return installPackages(['hint', '@hint/configuration-development'], options); }; /** * Install or update a shared copy of webhint to the provided global storage * path reserved for the extension. */ /* istanbul ignore next */ export const updateSharedWebhint = async (globalStoragePath: string) => { /* * Per VS Code docs globalStoragePath may not exist but parent folder will. * */ if (!await hasFile(globalStoragePath)) { await mkdir(globalStoragePath); await updateSharedWebhint(globalStoragePath); } try { await installWebhint({ cwd: globalStoragePath }); } catch (err) { console.warn('Unable to install shared webhint instance', err); } }; /** * Load a shared copy of webhint from the provided global storage path * reserved for the extension. Installs a shared copy if none exists. */ /* istanbul ignore next */ const loadSharedWebhint = async (globalStoragePath: string): Promise<typeof import('hint') | null> => { try { return loadPackage('hint', { paths: [globalStoragePath] }); } catch (err) { await updateSharedWebhint(globalStoragePath); console.error('Unable to load shared webhint instance', err); return null; } }; /** * Load webhint, installing it if needed. * Will prompt to install a local copy if `.hintrc` is present. */ export const loadWebhint = async (directory: string, globalStoragePath: string, promptToInstall?: (install: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>): Promise<typeof import('hint') | null> => { try { return loadPackage('hint', { paths: [directory] }); } catch (e) { if (promptToInstall && await hasFile('.hintrc', directory)) { await promptToInstall(async () => { await installWebhint({ cwd: directory }); }); return loadWebhint(directory, globalStoragePath); } return loadSharedWebhint(globalStoragePath); } };
import { HookFunc, WrappedHooks } from "./types"; declare type Subscriber<T> = (data: T) => void; export declare class Store<T = unknown> { constructor(); subscribers: Set<Subscriber<T>>; model: T; notify(): void; setModel(newModel: T): void; } export declare function createHooks<T, P>(hook: HookFunc<T, P>): WrappedHooks<T>; export {};
<gh_stars>1-10 export declare type HookFunc<T = any, P = any> = (args: P) => T; declare type Deps<T> = (model: T) => unknown[]; export interface UseHook<T> { (depsFn?: Deps<T>): T; } export interface WrappedHooks<T> { wrapped: HookFunc<T>; standin: HookFunc<T>; } export interface UseHook<T> { (depsFn?: Deps<T>): T; } export declare type UseHookFunc<T> = (depsFn?: Deps<T>) => T; export {};
<reponame>acteq/mook export type HookFunc<T = any, P = any> = (args: P) => T; export type StandInHook<T> = (depsFn?: Deps<T>) => T; type Deps<T> = (model: T) => unknown[]; export interface WrappedHooks<T> { wrapped : HookFunc<T>; standin : StandInHook<T>; }
<reponame>acteq/mook<filename>src/index.tsx export { createHooks } from "./create-hooks";
<filename>src/__tests__/create-hooks.test.tsx import { createHooks } from ".."; import { useState } from "react"; // import "@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect"; import { renderHook,act } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'; function useCounter(initalValue: number) { const [count, setCount] = useState(initalValue??0); const decrement = () => setCount(count - 1); const increment = () => setCount(count + 1); return { count, decrement, increment }; } test('should use counterModel', () => { const {wrapped:useCounterModel, standin: useRefCounterModel} = createHooks(useCounter); const { result } = renderHook(useCounterModel,{initialProps: 5}) expect(result.current.count).toBe(5) expect(typeof result.current.increment).toBe('function') }) test('should increment counter', () => { const {wrapped:useCounterModel, standin: useRefCounterModel} = createHooks(useCounter); const { result } = renderHook(useCounterModel) act(() => { result.current.increment() }) expect(result.current.count).toBe(1) }) /* test('should use refCounterModel', () => { const {wrapped:useCounterModel, standin: useRefCounterModel} = createHooks(useCounter); const { result } = renderHook((initialProps) => useCounterModel(initialProps), {initialProps: 5}) const { result:result2 } = renderHook(useRefCounterModel) expect(result2.current.count).toBe(result.current.count) expect(typeof result2.current.increment).toBe('function') }) test('should increment counter', () => { const {wrapped:useCounterModel, standin: useRefCounterModel} = createHooks(useCounter); const { result } = renderHook((initialProps) => useCounterModel(initialProps), {initialProps: 5}) const { result:result2 } = renderHook(useRefCounterModel) act(() => { result2.current.increment() }) expect(result2.current.count).toBe(6) expect(result2.current.count).toBe(result.current.count) }) */
import { HookFunc, StandInHook, WrappedHooks } from "./types"; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; type Subscriber<T> = (data: T) => void; export class Store<T = unknown> { constructor() {} subscribers = new Set<Subscriber<T>>(); model!: T; notify() { for (const subscriber of this.subscribers) { subscriber(this.model); } } setModel(newModel:T) { this.model = newModel; setTimeout(()=>{ this.notify(); },0 ); } } export function createHooks<T, P>(hook: HookFunc<T, P>): WrappedHooks<T> { const store = new Store(); const wrapped: HookFunc<T> = (args:any) => { const model = hook(args); store.setModel(model); return store.model! as T; }; const standin: StandInHook<T> = depsFn => { const [state, setState] = useState<Object>(); const depsFnRef = useRef(depsFn); depsFnRef.current = depsFn; const depsRef = useRef<unknown[]>([]); useEffect(() => { if (!store) return; function subscriber(val: T) { if (!depsFnRef.current) { setState({}); } else { const oldDeps = depsRef.current; const newDeps = depsFnRef.current(val); if (hasChanged(oldDeps, newDeps)) { setState({}); } depsRef.current = newDeps; } } store.subscribers.add(subscriber); return () => { store.subscribers.delete(subscriber); }; }, [store]); //if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ) // throw new Error(message) return store ? (store.model as T) : undefined; }; return {wrapped, standin}; } function hasChanged(oldDeps: unknown[], newDeps: unknown[]) { if (oldDeps.length !== newDeps.length) { return true; } for (const index in newDeps) { if (oldDeps[index] !== newDeps[index]) { return true; } } return false; }
<reponame>ctx-core/email<filename>src/email_valid_.ts<gh_stars>0 export function email_valid_(email:string):boolean { const re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ return re.test(email) } export { email_valid_ as _email_valid, email_valid_ as _valid__email, email_valid_ as validate_email, email_valid_ as validate__email, }
<gh_stars>0 export * from './email_valid_.js'
<reponame>kevans2226/HRV import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { AppComponent } from '../app.component'; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: './home.component.html', }) export class HomeComponent { constructor(public app: AppComponent, private router: Router) { console.log(`Home Componet UserSignedIn ${}`); if(app.userSignedIn) { this.router.navigate(['/hrv']); } } }
<gh_stars>0 import { DatePipe, formatDate } from '@angular/common'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { HRVRecordService } from '../Services/hrvrecord.service'; import { hrvOutput, hrvRecord } from '../Structures/structures'; @Component({ selector: 'app-hrv', templateUrl: './hrv.component.html', styleUrls: ['./hrv.component.scss'] }) export class HRVComponent implements OnInit { public formHRV: FormGroup ; public hrvs: hrvOutput[] = []; public PanelEnum = Panel; public panelValue: Panel; public hrvDelete: hrvOutput; constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private hrvService: HRVRecordService, private activedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { this.panelValue = Panel.Loading; this.formHRV ={}); var idString = this.activedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get("id"); if(idString == null) { this.hrvService.GetHrv().subscribe(result => { this.hrvs = result; console.log(this.hrvs); this.panelValue = Panel.List; console.log(this.panelValue); }, error => { console.log(error); if(error.status == 401) { this.router.navigate(['/home']); } }); } else { if(idString === "0") { this.formHRV ={ date: [new Date().toLocaleString(), [Validators.required]], hrv: ['', [Validators.required]], id: [0, [Validators.required]] }); this.panelValue = Panel.Form; } else { this.hrvService.GetAHrv(parseInt(idString)).subscribe(result => { var lang = navigator.language; var pipe = new DatePipe(lang); var dateFormat = pipe.transform(, 'medium'); this.formHRV ={ date: [dateFormat, [Validators.required]], hrv: [result.hrv, [Validators.required]], id: [, [Validators.required]] }); this.panelValue = Panel.Form; }); } } } ngOnInit(): void { } addHrv() : void { this.router.navigate(['/hrv/0']); } editHrv(id: number) : void { this.router.navigate([`/hrv/${id}`]); } submit() : void { var dateString = this.formHRV.get("date")?.value; console.log(dateString); var d = new Date(Date.parse(dateString)); console.log(d); var offset = d.getTimezoneOffset(); console.log(`offset ${offset}`); // Build Date String var year = d.getFullYear(); var month = (d.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? `0${(d.getMonth() + 1)}` : (d.getMonth() + 1); var day = d.getDate() < 10 ? `0${d.getDate()}` : d.getDate(); var hour = d.getHours() < 10 ? `0${d.getHours()}` : d.getHours(); var minute = d.getMinutes() < 10 ? `0${d.getMinutes()}` : d.getMinutes(); var second = d.getSeconds() < 10 ? `0${d.getSeconds()}` : d.getSeconds(); var offSetHours = Math.abs(Math.floor(offset / 60)); var offSetMinutes = offset % 60; var offHours = offSetHours < 10 ? `0${offSetHours}` : offSetHours; var offMinutes = offSetMinutes < 10 ? `0${offSetMinutes}` : offSetMinutes; var sign = offset < 0 ? '+' : '-'; var dString = `${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:${second}${sign}${offHours}:${offMinutes}`; var hrvReading = parseInt(this.formHRV.get("hrv")?.value); var record = { date: dString, hrv: hrvReading } as hrvRecord var id = parseInt(this.formHRV.get("id")?.value); if(id === 0) { console.log("Adding"); console.log(record); this.hrvService.AddHrv(record).subscribe(r => { this.hrvs.push(r); this.router.navigate(['/hrv']); }); } else { console.log("Updating"); console.log(record); this.hrvService.UpdateHrv(record, id).subscribe(r => { this.router.navigate(['/hrv']); }) } } showForm(panel: Panel) : boolean { if((panel & this.panelValue) === panel) return true; else return false; } cancel() : void { this.router.navigate(['/hrv']); this.panelValue = Panel.List; } public showDeleteForm(id: number) { this.hrvDelete = this.hrvs.find(h =>; this.panelValue = this.PanelEnum.DeleteForm; } public deleteRecord(id: number) { this.panelValue = this.PanelEnum.Loading; this.hrvService.DeleteHRV(id).subscribe(result => { console.log(result) var index = this.hrvs.findIndex(f => == id); this.hrvs.splice(index, 1); this.panelValue = Panel.List; }, error => { console.error(error); }) } } export enum Panel { Loading = 1, List = 2, Form = 4, DeleteForm = 8 }
<reponame>kevans2226/HRV<gh_stars>0 import { FormGroup } from "@angular/forms"; export class LoginModel { userName!: string; password!: string; } export class Token { token!: string; expiration! : Date; userName!: string; } export class newUser { emailAddress!: string; password!: string; firstName!: string; lastName!: string; userName!: string; } export class hrvRecord { date!: string; hrv!: number; } export class hrvOutput extends hrvRecord { id!: number; } export class hrvList extends hrvOutput { range: string; } export class passwordChange { oldPassword: string; newPassword: string; } export function ComparePassword(controlName: string, matchingControlName: string) { return (formGroup: FormGroup) => { const control = formGroup.controls[controlName]; const matchingControl = formGroup.controls[matchingControlName]; if (matchingControl.errors && !matchingControl.errors.mustMatch) { return; } if (control.value !== matchingControl.value) { matchingControl.setErrors({ mustMatch: true }); } else { matchingControl.setErrors(null); } }; }
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { LoginModel, newUser, passwordChange, Token } from '../Structures/structures'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class LoginService { constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } public login(login: LoginModel) : Observable<Token> { return<Token>("/api/Authenticate/login", login); } public createUser(user: newUser) : Observable<any> { return<any>('/api/Authenticate/createUser', user); } public checkUser() : Observable<any> { return this.http.get<any>('/api/Authenticate/check'); } public refreshToken(): Observable<Token> { return this.http.get<Token>("/api/Authenticate/refresh"); } public passwordChange(pwdChange: passwordChange): Observable<any> { return this.http.put<any>("/api/Authenticate/passwordChange", pwdChange); } }
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { LoginService } from '../Services/login.service'; import { ComparePassword, passwordChange } from '../Structures/structures'; @Component({ selector: 'app-password-change', templateUrl: './password-change.component.html', styleUrls: ['./password-change.component.css'] }) export class PasswordChangeComponent implements OnInit { public passwordChange: FormGroup; public showForm: boolean = true; public showSuccessMessage: boolean = false; public showErrorMessage: boolean = false; public errorMessage: string; constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private loginService: LoginService) { this.passwordChange ={ oldPassword: ['', [Validators.required]], newPassword: ['', [Validators.required]], confirmPassword: ['', [Validators.required]] }, { validator: ComparePassword("newPassword", "confirmPassword") }); } ngOnInit(): void { } public changePassword() : void { var pwdChange = { newPassword: this.passwordChange.get("newPassword").value, oldPassword: this.passwordChange.get("oldPassword").value } as passwordChange; this.loginService.passwordChange(pwdChange).subscribe(result => { console.log("Accepted"); this.showForm = false; this.showSuccessMessage = true; }, error => { console.log(error); this.showForm = true; this.showErrorMessage = true; this.showSuccessMessage = false; this.errorMessage = error.error; }) } }
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { AppComponent } from '../app.component'; import { LoginService } from '../Services/login.service'; import { LoginModel } from '../Structures/structures'; @Component({ selector: 'app-signin', templateUrl: './signin.component.html', styleUrls: ['./signin.component.scss'] }) export class SigninComponent implements OnInit { signInForm: FormGroup; loginFailed: boolean = false; constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private loginService: LoginService, private router: Router, private parent: AppComponent) { this.signInForm ={ email: ['', Validators.required], password: ['', Validators.required] }); } ngOnInit(): void { } login(): void { var email = this.signInForm.get("email")?.value; var password = this.signInForm.get("password")?.value; var l = { userName: email, password: password } as LoginModel; this.loginService.login(l).subscribe(result => { localStorage.setItem("HRV_TOKEN", result.token); localStorage.setItem("HRV_TOKEN_EXP", result.expiration.toString()); localStorage.setItem("USER_ID", result.userName); localStorage.setItem("LAST_REFRESH", (new Date()).toString()); this.parent.checkToken(); this.parent.userSignedIn = true; this.router.navigate(['hrv']); this.loginFailed = false; }, error => { console.log(error); localStorage.removeItem("HRV_TOKEN"); localStorage.removeItem("HRV_TOKEN_EXP"); localStorage.removeItem("USER_ID"); localStorage.removeItem("LAST_REFRESH"); this.loginFailed = true; }); } }
<filename>ClientApp/src/app/Services/hrvrecord.service.ts import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { hrvList, hrvOutput, hrvRecord } from '../Structures/structures'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class HRVRecordService { constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } public AddHrv(record: hrvRecord) : Observable<hrvOutput> { return<hrvOutput>("/api/HRV", record); } public GetHrv() : Observable<hrvList[]> { return this.http.get<hrvList[]>("/api/HRV"); } public UpdateHrv(record: hrvRecord, id: number) : Observable<hrvOutput> { return this.http.put<hrvOutput>(`/api/HRV/${id}`, record); } public GetAHrv(id: number) : Observable<hrvOutput> { return this.http.get<hrvOutput>(`/api/HRV/${id}`); } public DeleteHRV(id: number) : Observable<any> { return this.http.delete<any>(`/api/HRV/${id}`); } }
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http'; import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component'; import { HRVRecordService } from './Services/hrvrecord.service'; import { LoginService } from './Services/login.service'; import { NewUserComponent } from './new-user/new-user.component'; import { MatFormFieldModule } from '@angular/material/form-field'; import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module'; import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon'; import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button'; import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input'; import { MatDatepickerModule } from '@angular/material/datepicker'; import { NgxMatDatetimePickerModule, NgxMatNativeDateModule, NgxMatTimepickerModule } from '@angular-material-components/datetime-picker'; import { MatNativeDateModule } from '@angular/material/core'; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; import { SigninComponent } from './signin/signin.component'; import { AuthInterceptor } from './auth-interceptor'; import { HRVComponent } from './hrv/hrv.component'; import { PasswordChangeComponent } from './password-change/password-change.component'; import {MatMenuModule} from '@angular/material/menu'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, HomeComponent, NewUserComponent, SigninComponent, HRVComponent, PasswordChangeComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule.withServerTransition({ appId: 'ng-cli-universal' }), HttpClientModule, FormsModule, MatFormFieldModule, AppRoutingModule, MatIconModule, MatButtonModule, ReactiveFormsModule, HttpClientModule, MatInputModule, MatDatepickerModule, NgxMatDatetimePickerModule, NgxMatTimepickerModule, MatNativeDateModule, NgxMatNativeDateModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, MatMenuModule ], providers: [ HRVRecordService, LoginService, AuthInterceptor, { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: AuthInterceptor, multi: true } ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, ValidationErrors, ValidatorFn, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { LoginService } from '../Services/login.service'; import { newUser, ComparePassword } from '../Structures/structures'; @Component({ selector: 'app-new-user', templateUrl: './new-user.component.html', styleUrls: ['./new-user.component.scss'] }) export class NewUserComponent implements OnInit { public formNewUser: FormGroup; constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private login: LoginService, private route: Router) { this.formNewUser ={ email: ['', [Validators.required,]], userName: ['', Validators.required], firstName: ['', Validators.required], lastName: ['', Validators.required], password: ['', Validators.required], confirmPassword: ['', Validators.required] }, { // Used custom form validator name validator: ComparePassword("password", "confirmPassword") }); } ngOnInit(): void { } submitNewUser() : void { var u = { emailAddress: this.formNewUser.get("email")?.value, firstName: this.formNewUser.get("firstName")?.value, lastName: this.formNewUser.get("lastName")?.value, userName: this.formNewUser.get("userName")?.value, password: this.formNewUser.get("password")?.value } as newUser console.log(u); this.login.createUser(u).subscribe(result => { this.route.navigate(['/signin']); }) } }
<filename>ClientApp/src/app/app.component.ts import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { LoginService } from './Services/login.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html' }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { title = 'HRV'; public userSignedIn: boolean = false; public loading: boolean = false; public userId: string; constructor(private login: LoginService, private router: Router) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.loading = true; var jwt = localStorage.getItem("HRV_TOKEN"); if (jwt) { this.login.checkUser().subscribe(result => { if (!result.tokenValiden) { this.clearLocalStorage(); this.userSignedIn = false; } else { this.userSignedIn = true; this.userId = localStorage.getItem("USER_ID"); var lastRefresh = Date.parse(localStorage.getItem("LAST_REFRESH")); var currentDate = new Date().valueOf() var dif = currentDate - lastRefresh; var bolRefresh = (14400000 < dif); console.log(`${lastRefresh} - ${currentDate} = ${dif} [${bolRefresh}]`); if(bolRefresh) { this.login.refreshToken().subscribe(result => { localStorage.setItem("HRV_TOKEN", result.token); localStorage.setItem("HRV_TOKEN_EXP", result.expiration.toString()); localStorage.setItem("USER_ID", result.userName); localStorage.setItem("LAST_REFRESH", (new Date()).toString()); console.log("Token Refreshed"); }, error => { console.error(error); }); } } this.loading = false; }, error => { this.clearLocalStorage(); this.loading = false; }) } else { console.log("No JWT"); this.clearLocalStorage(); this.loading = false; this.userSignedIn = false; } } private clearLocalStorage() { localStorage.removeItem("HRV_TOKEN"); localStorage.removeItem("HRV_TOKEN_EXP"); localStorage.removeItem("USER_ID"); localStorage.removeItem("LAST_REFRESH"); } public checkToken(): void { var jwt = localStorage.getItem("HRV_TOKEN"); if (jwt) { console.log("Checking Token"); this.userSignedIn = false; this.userId = localStorage.getItem("USER_ID"); var bolLoggedIn = false; this.login.checkUser().subscribe(result => { console.log(result); if (!result.tokenValiden) { this.clearLocalStorage(); this.userSignedIn = false; this.userId = ""; bolLoggedIn = false; } else { this.userSignedIn = true; this.userId = localStorage.getItem("USER_ID"); } }, error => { console.error(error) }); } else { this.userSignedIn = false; this.userId = ""; } } public logOff(): void { console.log("logging off...") this.clearLocalStorage(); this.userSignedIn = false; this.router.navigate(["/home"]); } public logIn(): void { this.clearLocalStorage(); this.router.navigate(['/signin']); } public signUp() : void { this.clearLocalStorage(); this.router.navigate(["/newUser"]); } public passwordChange() : void { this.router.navigate(['/passwordChange']); } }
<reponame>typoon/coc-rust-analyzer<gh_stars>0 import { spawnSync, spawn } from 'child_process'; import readline from 'readline'; import { commands, Documentation, FloatFactory, Terminal, TerminalOptions, Uri, workspace } from 'coc.nvim'; import { Location, Position, Range, TextDocumentEdit, TextDocumentPositionParams, TextEdit, WorkspaceEdit } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'; import { Cmd, Ctx, isRustDocument } from './ctx'; import * as ra from './lsp_ext'; let terminal: Terminal | undefined; class RunnableQuickPick { label: string; constructor(public runnable: ra.Runnable) { this.label = runnable.label; } } function isInRange(range: Range, position: Position): boolean { const lineWithin = range.start.line <= position.line && range.end.line >= position.line; const charWithin = range.start.character <= position.character && range.end.line >= position.character; return lineWithin && charWithin; } function codeFormat(expanded: ra.ExpandedMacro): string { let result = `// Recursive expansion of ${}! macro\n`; result += '// ' + '='.repeat(result.length - 3); result += '\n\n'; result += expanded.expansion; return result; } function parseSnippet(snip: string): [string, [number, number]] | undefined { const m = snip.match(/\$(0|\{0:([^}]*)\})/); if (!m) return undefined; const placeholder = m[2] ?? ''; const range: [number, number] = [m.index!, placeholder.length]; const insert = snip.replace(m[0], placeholder); return [insert, range]; } function countLines(text: string): number { return (text.match(/\n/g) || []).length; } export function analyzerStatus(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const params: ra.AnalyzerStatusParams = { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, }; const ret = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.analyzerStatus, params); workspace.echoLines(ret.split('\n')); }; } export function memoryUsage(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const ret = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.memoryUsage); workspace.echoLines(ret.split('\n')); }; } export function matchingBrace(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const params: ra.MatchingBraceParams = { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, positions: [position], }; const response = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.matchingBrace, params); if (response.length > 0) { workspace.jumpTo(document.uri, response[0]); } }; } export function joinLines(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const doc = await workspace.document; if (!isRustDocument(doc.textDocument)) return; const mode = await'visualmode'); const range = await workspace.getSelectedRange(mode, doc); if (!range) { return; } const param: ra.JoinLinesParams = { textDocument: { uri: doc.uri }, ranges: [range], }; const items = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.joinLines, param); await doc.applyEdits(items); }; } export function parentModule(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const param: TextDocumentPositionParams = { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, position, }; const response = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.parentModule, param); if (response.length > 0) { const uri = response[0].targetUri; const range = response[0].targetRange; workspace.jumpTo(uri, range?.start); } }; } export function ssr(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const input = await workspace.callAsync<string>('input', ['Enter request like this: foo($a, $b) ==>> ($a).foo($b): ']); workspace.nvim.command('normal! :<C-u>', true); if (!input) { return; } if (!input.includes('==>>')) { return; } const selections: Range[] = []; const mode = await'visualmode'); if (mode) { const doc = await workspace.document; const range = await workspace.getSelectedRange(mode, doc); if (range) selections.push(range); } const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); const param: ra.SsrParams = { query: input, parseOnly: false, textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, position, selections, }; const edit = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.ssr, param); await workspace.applyEdit(edit); }; } export function serverVersion(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const bin = ctx.resolveBin(); if (!bin) { const msg = `Rust Analyzer is not found`; workspace.showMessage(msg, 'error'); return; } const version = spawnSync(bin, ['--version'], { encoding: 'utf-8' }).stdout; workspace.showMessage(version); }; } export function run(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; workspace.showMessage(`Fetching runnable...`); const params: ra.RunnablesParams = { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, position, }; const runnables = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.runnables, params); const items: RunnableQuickPick[] = []; for (const r of runnables) { items.push(new RunnableQuickPick(r)); } const idx = await workspace.showQuickpick( => o.label)); if (idx === -1) { return; } const runnable = items[idx].runnable; const cmd = `${runnable.kind} ${runnable.args.cargoArgs.join(' ')}`; const opt: TerminalOptions = { name: runnable.label, cwd: runnable.args.workspaceRoot, }; if (terminal) { terminal.dispose(); terminal = undefined; } terminal = await workspace.createTerminal(opt); terminal.sendText(cmd); }; } export function debugSingle(): Cmd { return async (runnable: ra.Runnable) => { const { document } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!runnable || !isRustDocument(document)) return; const args = [...runnable.args.cargoArgs]; if (runnable.args.cargoExtraArgs.length > 0) { args.push(...runnable.args.cargoExtraArgs); } // do not run tests, we will run through gdb if (args[0] === 'test') { args.push('--no-run'); } // output as json args.push('--message-format=json'); // remove noise args.push('-q'); if (runnable.args.executableArgs.length > 0) { args.push('--', ...runnable.args.executableArgs); } if (args[0] === 'run') { args[0] = 'build'; } console.debug(`${runnable.kind} ${args}`); const proc = spawn(runnable.kind, args, { shell: true }); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: proc.stdout, crlfDelay: Infinity, }); let executable = null; for await (const line of rl) { if (!line) { continue; } let cargoMessage = {}; try { cargoMessage = JSON.parse(line); } catch (e) { console.error(e); continue; } if (!cargoMessage) { console.debug(`Skipping cargo message: ${cargoMessage}`); } if (cargoMessage['reason'] !== 'compiler-artifact') { console.debug(`Not artifact: ${cargoMessage['reason']}`); continue; } if (!executable && cargoMessage['executable']) { executable = cargoMessage['executable']; } } if (!executable) { throw new Error('Could not find executable'); } const executableArgs = runnable.args.executableArgs.join(' ');`Debugging executable: ${executable} ${executableArgs}`); const debugConfig = workspace.getConfiguration('rust-analyzer.debug'); if (debugConfig.get<string>('runtime') == 'termdebug') { await workspace.nvim.command(`TermdebugCommand ${executable} ${executableArgs}`); return; } if (debugConfig.get<string>('runtime') == 'vimspector') { const name = workspace.getConfiguration('rust-analyzer.debug.vimspector.configuration').get<string>('name'); const configuration = { configuration: name, Executable: executable, Args: executableArgs }; await'vimspector#LaunchWithSettings', configuration); return; } throw new Error(`Invalid debug runtime: ${debugConfig.get<string>('runtime')}`); }; } export function runSingle(): Cmd { return async (runnable: ra.Runnable) => { const { document } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!runnable || !isRustDocument(document)) return; const args = [...runnable.args.cargoArgs]; if (runnable.args.cargoExtraArgs.length > 0) { args.push(...runnable.args.cargoExtraArgs); } if (runnable.args.executableArgs.length > 0) { args.push('--', ...runnable.args.executableArgs); } const cmd = `${runnable.kind} ${args.join(' ')}`; const opt: TerminalOptions = { name: runnable.label, cwd: runnable.args.workspaceRoot, }; if (terminal) { terminal.dispose(); terminal = undefined; } terminal = await workspace.createTerminal(opt); terminal.sendText(cmd); }; } export function syntaxTree(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const doc = await workspace.document; if (!isRustDocument(doc.textDocument)) return; const mode = await'visualmode'); let range: Range | null = null; if (mode) { range = await workspace.getSelectedRange(mode, doc); } const param: ra.SyntaxTreeParams = { textDocument: { uri: doc.uri }, range, }; const ret = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.syntaxTree, param); await workspace.nvim.command('tabnew').then(async () => { const buf = await workspace.nvim.buffer; buf.setLines(ret.split('\n'), { start: 0, end: -1 }); }); }; } export function expandMacro(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const param: TextDocumentPositionParams = { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, position, }; const expanded = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.expandMacro, param); if (!expanded) { return; } await workspace.nvim.command('tabnew').then(async () => { const buf = await workspace.nvim.buffer; buf.setLines(codeFormat(expanded).split('\n'), { start: 0, end: -1 }); }); }; } export function explainError(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const diagnostic = ctx.client.diagnostics?.get(workspace.uri)?.find((diagnostic) => isInRange(diagnostic.range, position)); if (diagnostic?.code) { const explaination = spawnSync('rustc', ['--explain', `${diagnostic.code}`], { encoding: 'utf-8' }).stdout; const docs: Documentation[] = []; let isCode = false; for (const part of explaination.split('```\n')) { docs.push({ content: part, filetype: isCode ? 'rust' : 'markdown' }); isCode = !isCode; } const factory: FloatFactory = new FloatFactory(workspace.nvim, workspace.env); await factory.create(docs); } }; } export function reloadWorkspace(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.reloadWorkspace); }; } export function showReferences(): Cmd { return async (uri: string, position: Position, locations: Location[]) => { if (!uri) { return; } await commands.executeCommand('editor.action.showReferences', Uri.parse(uri), position, locations); }; } export function upgrade(ctx: Ctx) { return async () => { await ctx.checkUpdate(false); }; } export function toggleInlayHints(ctx: Ctx) { return async () => { if (!ctx.config.inlayHints.chainingHints) { workspace.showMessage(`Inlay hints for method chains is disabled. Toggle action does nothing;`, 'warning'); return; } await ctx.toggleInlayHints(); }; } export async function applySnippetWorkspaceEdit(edit: WorkspaceEdit) { if (!edit?.documentChanges?.length) { return; } let selection: Range | undefined = undefined; let position: Position | undefined = undefined; let lineDelta = 0; const change = edit.documentChanges[0]; if ( { const newEdits: TextEdit[] = []; for (const indel of change.edits) { let { newText } = indel; const parsed = parseSnippet(indel.newText); if (parsed) { const [insert, [placeholderStart, placeholderLength]] = parsed; const prefix = insert.substr(0, placeholderStart); const lastNewline = prefix.lastIndexOf('\n'); const startLine = indel.range.start.line + lineDelta + countLines(prefix); const startColumn = lastNewline === -1 ? indel.range.start.character + placeholderStart : prefix.length - lastNewline - 1; if (placeholderLength) { selection = Range.create(startLine, startColumn, startLine, startColumn + placeholderLength); } else { position = Position.create(startLine, startColumn); } newText = insert; } else { lineDelta = countLines(indel.newText) - (indel.range.end.line - indel.range.start.line); } newEdits.push(TextEdit.replace(indel.range, newText)); } const wsEdit: WorkspaceEdit = { changes: { [change.textDocument.uri]: newEdits, }, }; await workspace.applyEdit(wsEdit); const current = await workspace.document; if (current.uri !== change.textDocument.uri) { await workspace.loadFile(change.textDocument.uri); await workspace.jumpTo(change.textDocument.uri); } if (selection) { await workspace.selectRange(selection); } else if (position) { await workspace.moveTo(position); } } } export function applySnippetWorkspaceEditCommand(): Cmd { return async (edit: WorkspaceEdit) => { await applySnippetWorkspaceEdit(edit); }; } export function resolveCodeAction(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async (params: ra.ResolveCodeActionParams) => { const edit: WorkspaceEdit = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.resolveCodeAction, params); if (!edit) return; await applySnippetWorkspaceEdit(edit); }; } export function openDocs(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document, position } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const param: TextDocumentPositionParams = { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, position, }; const doclink = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.openDocs, param); if (doclink) { await commands.executeCommand('', Uri.parse(doclink)); } }; } export function openCargoToml(ctx: Ctx): Cmd { return async () => { const { document } = await workspace.getCurrentState(); if (!isRustDocument(document)) return; const location = await ctx.client.sendRequest(ra.openCargoToml, { textDocument: { uri: document.uri }, }); if (!location) return; await workspace.jumpTo(location.uri); }; }
<filename>test/cases/destructure.ts import 'babel-polyfill'; import { delay } from 'bluebird'; async function main() { const { foo } = await getStuff(); console.log(foo); } async function getStuff() { await delay(100); return { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }; } main().catch(err => console.log(err.stack));
<filename>test/cases/supports.tsx<gh_stars>10-100 process.stdout.write('testing\n');
<filename>test/cases/custom-babel/test.ts console.log('this should not appear'); process.stdout.write('this is the only thing that should appear\n');
<filename>test/cases/sync-throw.ts import 'babel-polyfill'; function main() { throwError(); } function throwError() { throw new Error('test error'); } try { main(); } catch (err) { console.log(err.stack); }
import { LitElement } from 'lit'; /** * This is the element that presents the list under * the dropdown button */ export declare class DropdownItemList extends LitElement { static styles: import("lit").CSSResultGroup; /** * Items to be presented in this list */ items: string[]; dropdownItemTemplate(item: string, index: number): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-dropdown-item-list': DropdownItemList; } } //#
<filename>components/search-input.element.d.ts<gh_stars>0 import { LitElement } from 'lit'; import './magnifier-icon.element'; /** * this is the search input element wich shows a magnifier on its left */ export declare class SearchInput extends LitElement { static styles: import("lit").CSSResultGroup; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-search-input': SearchInput; } } //#
import { LitElement } from 'lit'; /** * This is the element that contains the SVG * for the magnifier icon */ export declare class MagnifierIcon extends LitElement { static styles: import("lit").CSSResultGroup; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-magnifier-icon': MagnifierIcon; } } //#
<reponame>jruipinto/search-dropdown-filter-wc import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import {customElement} from 'lit/decorators.js'; /** * This is the element that contains the SVG * for the dropdown icon on its rigt side */ @customElement('app-dropdown-icon') export class DropdownIcon extends LitElement { static styles = css` :host { display: block; } `; render() { return html` <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" fill="#000000" > <path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M7 10l5 5 5-5H7z" /> </svg> `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-dropdown-icon': DropdownIcon; } }
<filename>components/dropdown-icon.element.d.ts<gh_stars>0 import { LitElement } from 'lit'; /** * This is the element that contains the SVG * for the dropdown icon on its rigt side */ export declare class DropdownIcon extends LitElement { static styles: import("lit").CSSResultGroup; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-dropdown-icon': DropdownIcon; } } //#
import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import {customElement} from 'lit/decorators.js'; import './magnifier-icon.element'; /** * this is the search input element wich shows a magnifier on its left */ @customElement('app-search-input') export class SearchInput extends LitElement { static styles = css` :host { display: block; position: relative; } input[type='search'] { width: 100%; padding: 0.5em 1em; padding-left: 2.5em; } app-magnifier-icon { position: absolute; top: 0.2em; left: 0.2em; } `; render() { return html` <app-magnifier-icon></app-magnifier-icon> <input type="search" @input=${(e: Event) => { const searchInputEvt = new CustomEvent('searchinput', { detail: { value: ( as HTMLInputElement).value, }, }); this.dispatchEvent(searchInputEvt); }} /> `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-search-input': SearchInput; } }
<gh_stars>0 import { LitElement } from 'lit'; import './dropdown-icon.element'; /** * This is the dropdown button with dropdown icon * in its right side */ export declare class DropdownButton extends LitElement { static styles: import("lit").CSSResultGroup; /** * Search input option (default). */ inp: string; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-dropdown-button': DropdownButton; } } //#
<reponame>jruipinto/search-dropdown-filter-wc<gh_stars>0 /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ import {SearchDropdownFilter} from '../search-drop-down-filter-wc.element.js'; import {fixture, html} from '@open-wc/testing'; const assert = chai.assert; suite('search-drop-down-filter-wc', () => { test('is defined', () => { const el = document.createElement('search-drop-down-filter-wc'); assert.instanceOf(el, SearchDropdownFilter); }); test('renders with default values', async () => { const el = await fixture( html`<search-drop-down-filter-wc></search-drop-down-filter-wc>` ); assert.shadowDom.equal( el, ` <h1>Hello, World!</h1> <button part="button">Click Count: 0</button> <slot></slot> ` ); }); test('renders with a set name', async () => { const el = await fixture( html`<search-drop-down-filter-wc ?search=${true} ?dropdown=${true} .datalist=${['one', 'two', 'three']} ></search-drop-down-filter-wc>` ); assert.shadowDom.equal( el, ` <search-drop-down-filter-wc> <app-search-input> <app-magnifier-icon> <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" fill="#000000" > <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M15.5 14h-.79l-.28-.27C15.41 12.59 16 11.11 16 9.5 16 5.91 13.09 3 9.5 3S3 5.91 3 9.5 5.91 16 9.5 16c1.61 0 3.09-.59 4.23-1.57l.27.28v.79l5 4.99L20.49 19l-4.99-5zm-6 0C7.01 14 5 11.99 5 9.5S7.01 5 9.5 5 14 7.01 14 9.5 11.99 14 9.5 14z" /> </svg> </app-magnifier-icon> </app-search-input> </search-drop-down-filter-wc> ` ); }); test('handles a click', async () => { const el = (await fixture( html`<search-drop-down-filter-wc></search-drop-down-filter-wc>` )) as SearchDropdownFilter; const button = el.shadowRoot!.querySelector('button')!;; await el.updateComplete; assert.shadowDom.equal( el, ` <h1>Hello, World!</h1> <button part="button">Click Count: 1</button> <slot></slot> ` ); }); test('styling applied', async () => { const el = (await fixture( html`<search-drop-down-filter-wc></search-drop-down-filter-wc>` )) as SearchDropdownFilter; await el.updateComplete; assert.equal(getComputedStyle(el).paddingTop, '16px'); }); });
<reponame>jruipinto/search-dropdown-filter-wc<gh_stars>0 //#
<reponame>jruipinto/search-dropdown-filter-wc import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js'; /** * This is the element that presents the list under * the dropdown button */ @customElement('app-dropdown-item-list') export class DropdownItemList extends LitElement { static styles = css` * { box-sizing: border-box; } :host { display: block; } .item-list { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .item { display: block; position: relative; } .item input[type='radio'] { display: none; } .item label { display: inline-block; font-family: sans-serif; background-color: #ddd; padding: 0.5em 1em; width: 100%; border: solid 1px gray; } .item input[type='radio']:checked + label { background-color: #bbb; } `; /** * Items to be presented in this list */ @property({type: Array}) items: string[] = []; dropdownItemTemplate(item: string, index: number) { return html` <div class="item"> <input type="radio" id="item${index}" name="search-item" .value=${item} /> <label for="item${index}">${item}</label> </div> `; } render() { return html` <div class="item-list"> ${} </div> `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-dropdown-item-list': DropdownItemList; } }
/** * @license * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js'; import './components/dropdown-item-list.element'; import './components/search-input.element'; import './components/dropdown-button.element'; /** * This is a WebComponent made with lit with configurable option * to show a search input, dropdown or search with dropdown filter * * - if property **search** is set then it looks like a normal input with magnifier icon on left. * - if property **dropdown** is set then it behaves like dropdown (with some dummy radio group) with drop-down icon on right * - if both **search** and **dropdown** property are set then it will be a drop-down search filtering */ @customElement('search-drop-down-filter-wc') export class SearchDropdownFilter extends LitElement { static styles = css` :host { display: block; } `; /** * Search input option (default). */ @property({type: Boolean}) search = true; /** * Dropdown option. */ @property({type: Boolean}) dropdown = true; /** * Datalist to be presented by dropdown. * It has a default value for demo purposes */ @property({type: Array}) datalist = ['one', 'two', 'three']; /** * Datalist to be presented by dropdown when "search filter mode". */ @property({type: Array}) filteredDatalist: string[] = []; /** * Item list option. */ @property({type: Boolean}) isItemListOpen = false; render() { return html` ${this.getDropdownButton(this.dropdown,} ${this.getSearchInput(} ${this.getDropdownItemList(this.isItemListOpen)} `; } toogleDropdownItemList(): void { this.isItemListOpen = !this.isItemListOpen; this.filteredDatalist = this.datalist; } filterDropdownItemList({detail}: CustomEvent) { const searchInputValue = detail.value; this.isItemListOpen = this.dropdown && ? true : false; if (searchInputValue.length) { this.filteredDatalist = this.datalist.filter((item) => item.includes(searchInputValue) ); return; } this.filteredDatalist = []; } getDropdownItemList(isItemListOpen: boolean) { if (isItemListOpen) { return html` <app-dropdown-item-list .items=${this.filteredDatalist} ></app-dropdown-item-list> `; } return ''; } getDropdownButton(dropdown: boolean, search: boolean) { if (dropdown && !search) { return html` <app-dropdown-button @click=${this.toogleDropdownItemList} ></app-dropdown-button> `; } return ''; } getSearchInput(search: boolean) { if (search) { return html` <app-search-input @searchinput=${this.filterDropdownItemList} ></app-search-input> `; } return ''; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'search-drop-down-filter-wc': SearchDropdownFilter; } }
<reponame>jruipinto/search-dropdown-filter-wc<gh_stars>0 import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import {customElement} from 'lit/decorators.js'; /** * This is the element that contains the SVG * for the magnifier icon */ @customElement('app-magnifier-icon') export class MagnifierIcon extends LitElement { static styles = css` :host { display: block; } `; render() { return html` <svg xmlns="" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24px" fill="#000000" > <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M15.5 14h-.79l-.28-.27C15.41 12.59 16 11.11 16 9.5 16 5.91 13.09 3 9.5 3S3 5.91 3 9.5 5.91 16 9.5 16c1.61 0 3.09-.59 4.23-1.57l.27.28v.79l5 4.99L20.49 19l-4.99-5zm-6 0C7.01 14 5 11.99 5 9.5S7.01 5 9.5 5 14 7.01 14 9.5 11.99 14 9.5 14z" /> </svg> `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-magnifier-icon': MagnifierIcon; } }
/** * @license * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ import { LitElement } from 'lit'; import './components/dropdown-item-list.element'; import './components/search-input.element'; import './components/dropdown-button.element'; /** * This is a WebComponent made with lit with configurable option * to show a search input, dropdown or search with dropdown filter * * - if property **search** is set then it looks like a normal input with magnifier icon on left. * - if property **dropdown** is set then it behaves like dropdown (with some dummy radio group) with drop-down icon on right * - if both **search** and **dropdown** property are set then it will be a drop-down search filtering */ export declare class SearchDropdownFilter extends LitElement { static styles: import("lit").CSSResultGroup; /** * Search input option (default). */ search: boolean; /** * Dropdown option. */ dropdown: boolean; /** * Datalist to be presented by dropdown. * It has a default value for demo purposes */ datalist: string[]; /** * Datalist to be presented by dropdown when "search filter mode". */ filteredDatalist: string[]; /** * Item list option. */ isItemListOpen: boolean; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; toogleDropdownItemList(): void; filterDropdownItemList({ detail }: CustomEvent): void; getDropdownItemList(isItemListOpen: boolean): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1> | ""; getDropdownButton(dropdown: boolean, search: boolean): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1> | ""; getSearchInput(search: boolean): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1> | ""; } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'search-drop-down-filter-wc': SearchDropdownFilter; } } //#
<gh_stars>0 import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js'; import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import './dropdown-icon.element'; /** * This is the dropdown button with dropdown icon * in its right side */ @customElement('app-dropdown-button') export class DropdownButton extends LitElement { static styles = css` :host { display: block; border: solid 1px gray; position: relative; } button { text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; border: 0; background-color: gray; padding: 0.5em 1em; } button:hover { filter: brightness(1.2); } app-dropdown-icon { position: absolute; top: 0.2em; right: 0.2em; } `; /** * Search input option (default). */ @property() inp = ''; render() { return html` <button>dropdown</button> <app-dropdown-icon></app-dropdown-icon> `; } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'app-dropdown-button': DropdownButton; } }
<gh_stars>0 import { Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogTitle } from "@material-ui/core"; import React from "react"; import { useAppState } from "../../../../providers/AppStateProvider"; type LeaveMeetingDialogProps = { open:boolean, onClose:()=>void } export const LeaveMeetingDialog = (props:LeaveMeetingDialogProps) =>{ const {setStage, leaveMeeting} = useAppState() return( <Dialog disableBackdropClick disableEscapeKeyDown open={} onClose={props.onClose} > <DialogTitle>Leave meeting</DialogTitle> <DialogContent> You are leaving meeting. </DialogContent> <DialogActions> <Button onClick={(e)=>{props.onClose();leaveMeeting();setStage("SIGNIN")}} color="primary"> Ok </Button> <Button onClick={props.onClose} color="secondary"> Cancel </Button> </DialogActions> </Dialog> ) }
<gh_stars>0 import React, { useEffect, useMemo } from "react" import { Divider, Typography } from '@material-ui/core' import { VideoTileState } from "amazon-chime-sdk-js"; import { useAppState } from "../../../../providers/AppStateProvider"; import { RendererForRecorder } from "./helper/RendererForRecorder"; export type FocustTarget = "SharedContent" | "Speaker" type Props = { width: number height: number setRecorderCanvas?: (c:HTMLCanvasElement|null)=>void }; export const RecorderView = ({ width, height, setRecorderCanvas }: Props) => { const { videoTileStates, activeSpeakerId, meetingSession } = useAppState() const renderer = useMemo(()=>{return new RendererForRecorder(meetingSession!)},[]) // eslint-disable-line const contentsTiles = Object.values(videoTileStates).filter(tile=>{return tile.isContent}) const activeSpekerTile = activeSpeakerId && videoTileStates[activeSpeakerId] ? videoTileStates[activeSpeakerId] : null const targetTiles = (contentsTiles.length > 0 ? contentsTiles : [activeSpekerTile]).filter(tile=>{return tile!==null}) as VideoTileState[] const targetTilesId = targetTiles.reduce<string>((sum,cur)=>{return `${sum}-${cur.boundAttendeeId}`},"") //// setup renderer useEffect(() => { const dstCanvas = document.getElementById("recorderCanvas") as HTMLCanvasElement renderer.init(dstCanvas) renderer.start() return () => { console.log("destroy renderer", renderer) renderer.destroy() } }, []) // eslint-disable-line //// setTargetTileNum useEffect(()=>{ console.log("TARGET CHANGE!", targetTilesId) const videoElems = [...Array(targetTiles.length)].map((v,i)=>{return document.getElementById(`video${i}`) as HTMLVideoElement}) console.log(videoElems) targetTiles.forEach((tile,index)=>{ if(tile.tileId){ meetingSession?.audioVideo.bindVideoElement(tile.tileId, videoElems[index]) } }) renderer.setSrcVideoElements(videoElems) },[targetTilesId]) // eslint-disable-line // notify recorder canvas to parent (to access from sidebar pane) useEffect(() => { console.log("set recorder canvas") const dstCanvas = document.getElementById("recorderCanvas") as HTMLCanvasElement setRecorderCanvas!(dstCanvas) return () => { console.log("remove recorder canvas") setRecorderCanvas!(null) } }, []) // eslint-disable-line return ( <div style={{ width: width, height: height }}> <div style={{ width: "100%", height: "70%", objectFit: "contain", background:"#bbbbbb"}}> <canvas width="1920" height="1080" id="recorderCanvas" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", border: "medium solid #ffaaaa"}} /> </div> <div style={{ width: "100%", height: "20%", objectFit: "contain" }}> <Divider /> <Typography variant="body2" color="textSecondary"> resources </Typography> <video id="video0" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video1" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video2" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video3" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video4" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video5" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video6" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video7" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video8" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> <video id="video9" style={{width:50, height:50}}/> </div> </div> ) }
import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { Link, Typography } from '@material-ui/core'; import { useStyles } from './css'; import { useAppState } from '../../../../providers/AppStateProvider'; import { generateOnetimeCode } from '../../../../api/api'; var QRCode = require('qrcode.react'); export const OnetimeCodePanel = () => { const classes = useStyles(); const { meetingName, attendeeId, idToken, accessToken, refreshToken} = useAppState() const [url, setURL] = useState<string>() const [onetimeCode, setOnetimeCode] = useState<string>() const qrcode = useMemo(()=>{ return url ? <QRCode value={url} />:<></> },[url]) const handleGenerateOnetimeCode = async () =>{ const res = await generateOnetimeCode(meetingName!, attendeeId!, idToken!, accessToken!, refreshToken!) const url = `${window.location.href}?stage=MEETING_MANAGER_SIGNIN&uuid=${res.uuid}&meetingName=${meetingName}&attendeeId=${attendeeId}` console.log("generatecode",res, url) setURL(url) setOnetimeCode(res.code) } return ( <div className={classes.root}> <Typography variant="body1" color="textSecondary"> One Time Code </Typography> <Link onClick={(e: any) => { handleGenerateOnetimeCode() }}> generateCode </Link> <Typography variant="body1" color="textSecondary"> <a href={url} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{url}</a> </Typography> {qrcode} <div> {onetimeCode} </div> </div> ); }
<reponame>diitalk/flect-chime-sdk-demo import { Avatar, Box, Button, CircularProgress, Container, CssBaseline, Grid, Link, makeStyles, TextField, Typography, withStyles } from "@material-ui/core"; import React, { useState } from "react"; import { useAppState } from "../../providers/AppStateProvider"; import { Lock } from '@material-ui/icons'; import { Copyright } from "../000_common/Copyright"; const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({ root: { background: 'white', }, root_amongus: { background: 'black' }, paper: { marginTop: theme.spacing(8), display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', }, avatar: { margin: theme.spacing(1), backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main, }, form: { width: '100%', marginTop: theme.spacing(1), }, submit: { margin: theme.spacing(3, 0, 2), }, margin: { margin: theme.spacing(1), }, input: { color: 'black', }, input_amongus: { color: 'blue' } })); const CustomTextField = withStyles({ root: { '& input:valid + fieldset': { borderColor: 'blue', borderWidth: 1, }, '& input:invalid + fieldset': { borderColor: 'blue', borderWidth: 1, }, '& input:valid:focus + fieldset': { borderColor: 'blue', borderLeftWidth: 6, // padding: '4px !important', }, '& input:valid:hover + fieldset': { borderColor: 'blue', borderLeftWidth: 6, // padding: '4px !important', }, '& input:invalid:hover + fieldset': { borderColor: 'blue', borderLeftWidth: 6, color: 'blue' // padding: '4px !important', }, '& label.Mui-focused': { color: 'blue', }, '& label.MuiInputLabel-root': { color: 'blue', }, }, })(TextField); export const RequestChangePassword = () => { const classes = useStyles(); const { userId: curUserId, handleSendVerificationCodeForChangePassword, setMessage, setStage, mode } = useAppState() const [userId, setUserId] = useState(curUserId || "") const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false) const onSendVerificationCodeForChangePasswordClicked = () => { setIsLoading(true) handleSendVerificationCodeForChangePassword(userId || "").then(()=>{ console.log("send verify code fo changing password") setMessage("Info", "Send Verification Code success ", [`Verification is accepted.`] ) setIsLoading(false) setStage("NEW_PASSWORD") }).catch(e=>{ console.log(e) setMessage("Exception", "request change password error", [`${e.message}`, `(code: ${e.code})`] ) setIsLoading(false) }) } return ( <Container maxWidth="xs" className={mode === "amongus" ? classes.root_amongus : classes.root}> <CssBaseline /> <div className={classes.paper}> <Avatar className={classes.avatar}> <Lock /> </Avatar> <Typography variant="h4" color={mode === "amongus" ? "secondary":"primary"} > Send Verification Code </Typography> <Typography variant="h4" color={mode === "amongus" ? "secondary":"primary"} > for Change Password </Typography> <form className={classes.form} noValidate> <CustomTextField required variant="outlined" margin="normal" fullWidth id="email" name="email" label="Email Address" autoComplete="email" autoFocus value={userId} onChange={(e) => setUserId(} InputProps={{ className: mode === "amongus" ? classes.input_amongus : classes.input, }} /> <Grid container direction="column" alignItems="center" > { isLoading ? <CircularProgress /> : <Button fullWidth variant="contained" color="primary" className={classes.submit} onClick={onSendVerificationCodeForChangePasswordClicked} > Send verification code </Button> } </Grid> <Grid container direction="column" > <Grid item xs> <Link onClick={(e: any) => { setStage("SIGNIN") }}> return to home </Link> </Grid> </Grid> <Box mt={8}> <Copyright /> </Box> </form> </div> </Container> ) }
import { AppBar, createMuiTheme, CssBaseline, ThemeProvider, Toolbar } from "@material-ui/core" import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react" import { useAppState } from "../../providers/AppStateProvider" import { DialogOpener } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/appbars/DialogOpener" import { FeatureEnabler } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/appbars/FeatureEnabler" import { AttendeesTable } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/sidebars/AttendeesTable" import { BGMPanel } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/sidebars/BGMPanel" import { ChatArea } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/sidebars/ChatArea" import { CreditPanel } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/sidebars/CreditPanel" import { CustomAccordion } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/sidebars/CustomAccordion" import { RecorderPanel } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/sidebars/RecorderPanel" import { useStyles } from "../023_meetingRoom/css" import clsx from 'clsx'; import { Title } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/appbars/Title" import { LeaveMeetingDialog } from "../023_meetingRoom/components/dialog/LeaveMeetingDialog" const toolbarHeight = 20 const theme = createMuiTheme({ mixins: { toolbar: { minHeight: toolbarHeight, } }, }); export const MeetingManager = () => { const classes = useStyles() const { meetingName, audioOutputDeviceSetting, isShareContent, startShareScreen, stopShareScreen, audioOutputList} = useAppState() const [leaveDialogOpen, setLeaveDialogOpen] = useState(false); const enableShareScreen = (val:boolean) =>{ if(val){ startShareScreen() }else{ stopShareScreen() } } useEffect(()=>{ const audioOutput = (audioOutputList && audioOutputList!.length > 0) ? audioOutputList[0].deviceId:null audioOutputDeviceSetting!.setAudioOutput(audioOutput).then(()=>{ const audioElement = document.getElementById("for-speaker")! as HTMLAudioElement audioElement.autoplay=false audioElement.volume = 0 audioOutputDeviceSetting!.setOutputAudioElement(audioElement) }) },[]) // eslint-disable-line return ( <ThemeProvider theme={theme}> <CssBaseline /> aaa <div className={classes.root}> <AppBar position="absolute" className={clsx(classes.appBar)}> <Toolbar className={classes.toolbar}> <div className={classes.toolbarInnnerBox}> </div> <div className={classes.toolbarInnnerBox}> <Title title={meetingName||""} /> </div> <div className={classes.toolbarInnnerBox}> <div className={classes.toolbarInnnerBox}> <span className={clsx(classes.menuSpacer)}> </span> <FeatureEnabler type="ShareScreen" enable={isShareContent} setEnable={(val:boolean)=>{enableShareScreen(val)}}/> <span className={clsx(classes.menuSpacer)}> </span> <span className={clsx(classes.menuSpacer)}> </span> <DialogOpener type="LeaveMeeting" onClick={()=>setLeaveDialogOpen(true)}/> </div> <div className={classes.toolbarInnnerBox}> </div> </div> </Toolbar> </AppBar> <LeaveMeetingDialog open={leaveDialogOpen} onClose={()=>setLeaveDialogOpen(false)} /> <div style={{display:"flex", flexDirection:"column"}}> <CustomAccordion title="Member"> <AttendeesTable/> </CustomAccordion> <CustomAccordion title="Chat"> <ChatArea/> </CustomAccordion> <CustomAccordion title="RecordMeeting (exp.)"> <RecorderPanel /> </CustomAccordion> <CustomAccordion title="BGM/SE"> <BGMPanel /> </CustomAccordion> <CustomAccordion title="About"> <CreditPanel /> </CustomAccordion> </div> </div> {/* ************************************** */} {/* ***** Hidden Elements ***** */} {/* ************************************** */} <div> <audio id="for-speaker" style={{display:"none"}}/> </div> </ThemeProvider> ) }
import { CanvasVideoFrameBuffer, VideoFrameBuffer, VideoFrameProcessor } from "amazon-chime-sdk-js"; import { BodypixWorkerManager, generateBodyPixDefaultConfig, generateDefaultBodyPixParams, ModelConfigMobileNetV1_05, SemanticPersonSegmentation } from "@dannadori/bodypix-worker-js" import { generateGoogleMeetSegmentationDefaultConfig, generateDefaultGoogleMeetSegmentationParams, GoogleMeetSegmentationWorkerManager, GoogleMeetSegmentationSmoothingType } from '@dannadori/googlemeet-segmentation-worker-js' import { generateDefaultGoogleMeetSegmentationTFLiteParams, generateGoogleMeetSegmentationTFLiteDefaultConfig, GoogleMeetSegmentationTFLiteWorkerManager } from "@dannadori/googlemeet-segmentation-tflite-worker-js" export type VirtualBackgroundSegmentationType = "None" | "BodyPix" | "GoogleMeet" | "GoogleMeetTFLite" export type BackgroundMode = "Image" | "Blur" | "Color" interface VirtualBackgroundConfig { frontPositionX: number, // ratio (position and size of front image) frontPositionY: number, // ratio (position and size of front image) frontWidth: number, // ratio (position and size of front image) frontHeight: number, // ratio (position and size of front image) width: number, // pixel (output size. If =<0, fit the background canvas size ) height: number, // pixel (output size. If =<0, fit the background canvas size ) type: VirtualBackgroundSegmentationType, backgroundMode: BackgroundMode, backgroundImage: HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLImageElement | null, backgroundColor: string, } export class VirtualBackground implements VideoFrameProcessor { canvasFront = document.createElement('canvas') canvasFrontResized = document.createElement("canvas") canvasBackground = document.createElement("canvas") inputCanvas = document.createElement("canvas") personCanvas = document.createElement("canvas") personMaskCanvas = document.createElement("canvas") lightWrapCanvas = document.createElement("canvas") private config: VirtualBackgroundConfig = { frontPositionX: 0, // ratio (position and size of front image) frontPositionY: 0, // ratio (position and size of front image) frontWidth: 1, // ratio (position and size of front image) frontHeight: 1, // ratio (position and size of front image) width: -1, // pixel (output size. If =<0, fit the background canvas size ) height: -1, // pixel (output size. If =<0, fit the background canvas size ) type: "None", backgroundMode: "Color", backgroundImage: null, backgroundColor: "#000000" } ////////////////////////////// // Video Processing API RSC // ////////////////////////////// targetCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') targetCanvasCtx = this.targetCanvas!.getContext('2d') canvasVideoFrameBuffer = new CanvasVideoFrameBuffer(this.targetCanvas!); ///////////////////// // WorkerManagers // ///////////////////// bodyPixModelReady = false bodyPixConfig = (() => { const c = generateBodyPixDefaultConfig() c.model = ModelConfigMobileNetV1_05 c.processOnLocal = true return c })() bodyPixParams = (() => { const p = generateDefaultBodyPixParams() p.processWidth = 640 p.processHeight = 480 return p })() bodyPixManager = (() => { const m = new BodypixWorkerManager() m.init(this.bodyPixConfig).then( ()=>{ this.bodyPixModelReady=true } ) return m })() googlemeetModelReady = false googlemeetConfig = (() => { const c = generateGoogleMeetSegmentationDefaultConfig() c.processOnLocal = true return c })() googlemeetParams = (() => { const p = generateDefaultGoogleMeetSegmentationParams() p.processWidth = 128 p.processHeight = 128 p.smoothingR = 1 p.smoothingS = 1 p.jbfWidth = 256 p.jbfHeight = 256 p.lightWrapping = true p.smoothingType = GoogleMeetSegmentationSmoothingType.JS return p })() googlemeetManager = (() => { console.log("GOOGLE!") const m = new GoogleMeetSegmentationWorkerManager() m.init(this.googlemeetConfig).then( ()=>{ this.googlemeetModelReady=true } ) return m })() googleMeetLightWrappingEnable = true googlemeetTFLiteModelReady = false googlemeetTFLiteConfig = (() => { const c = generateGoogleMeetSegmentationTFLiteDefaultConfig() c.processOnLocal = true c.modelPath = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/models/96x160/segm_lite_v681.tflite` // c.modelPath = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/models/128x128/segm_lite_v509.tflite` // c.modelPath = ${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/models/144x256/segm_full_v679.tflite` return c })() googlemeetTFLiteParams = (() => { const p = generateDefaultGoogleMeetSegmentationTFLiteParams() p.processWidth = 256 p.processHeight = 256 p.kernelSize = 0 p.useSoftmax = true p.usePadding = false p.interpolation = 1 return p })() googlemeetTFLiteManager = (() => { console.log("GOOGLE!") const m = new GoogleMeetSegmentationTFLiteWorkerManager() m.init(this.googlemeetTFLiteConfig).then( ()=>{ this.googlemeetTFLiteModelReady=true } ) return m })() lwBlur = 30 //////////////////////////// // constructor & destory /// //////////////////////////// constructor() { console.log("NEWVBGP!!!") const bg = new Image(); bg.src = "/bg1.jpg" bg.onload = () => { this.canvasBackground.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, this.canvasBackground.width, this.canvasBackground.height) } } async destroy() { this.targetCanvasCtx = null; this.canvasVideoFrameBuffer.destroy(); return; } /////////////////////// // Parameter Setter /// /////////////////////// setVirtualBackgroundType(type: VirtualBackgroundSegmentationType) { this.config.type = type } setBackgroundMode(mode: BackgroundMode) { this.config.backgroundMode = mode } setBackgroundImage(path: string) { const bg = new Image(); bg.src = path bg.onload = () => { this.canvasBackground.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, this.canvasBackground.width, this.canvasBackground.height) } } setBackgroundColor(color: string) { this.config.backgroundColor = color } //////////////// // Processor // //////////////// async process(buffers: VideoFrameBuffer[]) { if (buffers.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(buffers); } // @ts-ignore const canvas = buffers[0].asCanvasElement() const frameWidth = canvas!.width; const frameHeight = canvas!.height; if (frameWidth === 0 || frameHeight === 0) { return Promise.resolve(buffers); } for (const f of buffers) { try { // @ts-ignore const canvas = f.asCanvasElement() as HTMLCanvasElement // let result: any switch (this.config.type) { case "BodyPix": // result = await this.bodyPixManager!.predict(canvas, this.bodyPixParams!) if(this.bodyPixModelReady){ const result = await this.bodyPixManager!.predict(canvas, this.bodyPixParams!) this.convert_bodypix(canvas, this.canvasBackground, result, this.config) } break case "GoogleMeet": // result = await this.googleMeetManager!.predict(canvas, this.googleMeetParams!) if(this.googlemeetModelReady){ const result = await this.googlemeetManager!.predict(canvas, this.googlemeetParams!) this.convert_googlemeet(canvas, this.canvasBackground, result, this.config) } break case "GoogleMeetTFLite": // result = await this.googleMeetManager!.predict(canvas, this.googleMeetParams!) if(this.googlemeetTFLiteModelReady){ const result = await this.googlemeetTFLiteManager!.predict(canvas, this.googlemeetTFLiteParams!) this.convert_googlemeet_tflite(canvas, this.canvasBackground, result, this.config) } break default: this.convert_none(canvas) } } catch (err) { console.log("Exception:: ", err) } } buffers[0] = this.canvasVideoFrameBuffer; return Promise.resolve(buffers) } convert_bodypix = (foreground: HTMLCanvasElement, background: HTMLCanvasElement, segmentation: any, conf: VirtualBackgroundConfig) => { // (1) resize output canvas and draw background if (conf.width <= 0 || conf.height <= 0) { conf.width = foreground.width > background.width ? foreground.width : background.width conf.height = foreground.height > background.height ? foreground.height : background.height } this.targetCanvas.width = conf.width this.targetCanvas.height = conf.height this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(background, 0, 0, conf.width, conf.height) if (conf.type === "None") { // Depends on timing, bodypixResult is null this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) return this.targetCanvas } // (2) generate foreground transparent const bodypixResult = segmentation as SemanticPersonSegmentation this.canvasFront.width = bodypixResult.width this.canvasFront.height = bodypixResult.height const frontCtx = this.canvasFront.getContext("2d")! frontCtx.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, bodypixResult.width, bodypixResult.height) const imageData = frontCtx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvasFront.width, this.canvasFront.height) const pixelData = for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < bodypixResult.height; rowIndex++) { for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < bodypixResult.width; colIndex++) { const seg_offset = ((rowIndex * bodypixResult.width) + colIndex) const pix_offset = ((rowIndex * bodypixResult.width) + colIndex) * 4 if ([seg_offset] === 0) { pixelData[pix_offset] = 0 pixelData[pix_offset + 1] = 0 pixelData[pix_offset + 2] = 0 pixelData[pix_offset + 3] = 0 } else { pixelData[pix_offset] = 255 pixelData[pix_offset + 1] = 255 pixelData[pix_offset + 2] = 255 pixelData[pix_offset + 3] = 255 } } } const fgImageDataTransparent = new ImageData(pixelData, bodypixResult.width, bodypixResult.height); frontCtx.putImageData(fgImageDataTransparent, 0, 0) this.canvasFrontResized.width = foreground.width this.canvasFrontResized.height = foreground.height this.canvasFrontResized.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(this.canvasFront, 0, 0, this.canvasFrontResized.width, this.canvasFrontResized.height) this.canvasFrontResized.getContext("2d")!.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in'; this.canvasFrontResized.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.canvasFrontResized.width, this.canvasFrontResized.height) // (3) merge Front into Bacground const frontPositionX = conf.width * conf.frontPositionX const frontPositionY = conf.height * conf.frontPositionY const frontWidth = conf.width * conf.frontWidth const frontHeight = conf.height * conf.frontHeight this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(this.canvasFrontResized, frontPositionX, frontPositionY, frontWidth, frontHeight) } convert_googlemeet = (foreground: HTMLCanvasElement, background: HTMLCanvasElement, segmentation: any, conf: VirtualBackgroundConfig) => { // (1) resize output canvas and draw background if (conf.width <= 0 || conf.height <= 0) { conf.width = foreground.width > background.width ? foreground.width : background.width conf.height = foreground.height > background.height ? foreground.height : background.height } this.targetCanvas.width = conf.width this.targetCanvas.height = conf.height this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(background, 0, 0, conf.width, conf.height) if (conf.type === "None") { // Depends on timing, bodypixResult is null this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) return this.targetCanvas } // (2) generate foreground transparent const prediction = segmentation as number[][] // console.log(prediction) // Person Canvas Mask this.personMaskCanvas.width = prediction[0].length this.personMaskCanvas.height = prediction.length const maskCtx = this.personMaskCanvas.getContext("2d")! maskCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.personMaskCanvas.width, this.personMaskCanvas.height) const imageData = maskCtx.getImageData(0, 0, this.personMaskCanvas.width, this.personMaskCanvas.height) const data = for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.personMaskCanvas.height; rowIndex++) { for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < this.personMaskCanvas.width; colIndex++) { const pix_offset = ((rowIndex * this.personMaskCanvas.width) + colIndex) * 4 if (prediction[rowIndex][colIndex] >= 128) { data[pix_offset + 0] = 0 data[pix_offset + 1] = 0 data[pix_offset + 2] = 0 data[pix_offset + 3] = 0 } else { data[pix_offset + 0] = 255 data[pix_offset + 1] = 255 data[pix_offset + 2] = 255 data[pix_offset + 3] = 255 } } } const imageDataTransparent = new ImageData(data, this.personMaskCanvas.width, this.personMaskCanvas.height); maskCtx.putImageData(imageDataTransparent, 0, 0) // Person Canvas this.personCanvas.width = this.targetCanvas.width this.personCanvas.height = this.targetCanvas.height const personCtx = this.personCanvas.getContext("2d")! personCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.personCanvas.width, this.personCanvas.height) personCtx.drawImage(this.personMaskCanvas, 0, 0, this.personCanvas.width, this.personCanvas.height) personCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop"; personCtx.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.personCanvas.width, this.personCanvas.height) this.personCanvas.getContext("2d")!.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; // light wrapping if(this.googleMeetLightWrappingEnable){ this.lightWrapCanvas.width = prediction[0].length this.lightWrapCanvas.height = prediction.length const lightWrapImageData = this.lightWrapCanvas.getContext("2d")!.getImageData(0, 0, this.lightWrapCanvas.width, this.lightWrapCanvas.height) const lightWrapdata = for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.lightWrapCanvas.height; rowIndex++) { for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < this.lightWrapCanvas.width; colIndex++) { const pix_offset = ((rowIndex * this.lightWrapCanvas.width) + colIndex) * 4 if (prediction[rowIndex][colIndex] > 140) { lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 0] = 0 lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 1] = 0 lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 2] = 0 lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 3] = 0 } else { lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 0] = 255 lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 1] = 255 lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 2] = 255 lightWrapdata[pix_offset + 3] = 255 } } } const lightWrapimageDataTransparent = new ImageData(lightWrapdata, this.lightWrapCanvas.width, this.lightWrapCanvas.height); this.lightWrapCanvas.getContext("2d")!.putImageData(lightWrapimageDataTransparent, 0, 0) } // Background // (3) merge Front into Bacground const targetCtx = this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")! targetCtx.drawImage(this.canvasBackground, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) if(this.googleMeetLightWrappingEnable){ targetCtx.filter = 'blur(2px)'; targetCtx.drawImage(this.lightWrapCanvas, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) targetCtx.filter = 'none'; } this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(this.personCanvas, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) } convert_googlemeet_tflite = (foreground: HTMLCanvasElement, background: HTMLCanvasElement, prediction: number[]|Uint8Array|null, conf: VirtualBackgroundConfig) => { // (1) resize output canvas and draw background if (conf.width <= 0 || conf.height <= 0) { conf.width = foreground.width > background.width ? foreground.width : background.width conf.height = foreground.height > background.height ? foreground.height : background.height } this.targetCanvas.width = conf.width this.targetCanvas.height = conf.height this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(background, 0, 0, conf.width, conf.height) if (conf.type === "None") { // Depends on timing, result is null this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) return this.targetCanvas } // (2) generate foreground transparent if(!prediction){ return this.targetCanvas } const res = new ImageData(this.googlemeetTFLiteParams.processWidth, this.googlemeetTFLiteParams.processHeight) for(let i = 0;i < this.googlemeetTFLiteParams.processWidth * this.googlemeetTFLiteParams.processHeight; i++){ //[i * 4 + 0] = prediction![i] >128 ? 255 : prediction![i] //[i * 4 + 1] = prediction![i] >128 ? 255 : prediction![i] //[i * 4 + 2] = prediction![i] >128 ? 255 : prediction![i] //[i * 4 + 3] = prediction![i] > 128 ? 255 : prediction![i][i * 4 + 3] = prediction![i] > 128 ? 255 : 0 //[i * 4 + 3] = prediction![i] < 64 ? 0 : prediction[i] } this.personMaskCanvas.width = this.googlemeetTFLiteParams.processWidth this.personMaskCanvas.height = this.googlemeetTFLiteParams.processHeight this.personMaskCanvas.getContext("2d")!.putImageData(res, 0, 0) // (3) generarte Person Canvas this.personCanvas.width = conf.width this.personCanvas.height = conf.height const personCtx = this.personCanvas.getContext("2d")! personCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.personCanvas.width, this.personCanvas.height) personCtx.drawImage(this.personMaskCanvas, 0, 0, this.personCanvas.width, this.personCanvas.height) personCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop"; personCtx.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.personCanvas.width, this.personCanvas.height) this.personCanvas.getContext("2d")!.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; // (4) apply LightWrapping const dstCtx = this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")! dstCtx.filter = `blur(${this.lwBlur}px)`; dstCtx.drawImage(this.personMaskCanvas, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) dstCtx.filter = 'none'; // (5) draw personcanvas dstCtx.drawImage(this.personCanvas, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) } convert_none = (foreground: HTMLCanvasElement) => { // TODO: Width and Height this.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")!.drawImage(foreground, 0, 0, this.targetCanvas.width, this.targetCanvas.height) } }
export const BACKEND_STACK_NAME = 'f-BackendStack' export const FRONTEND_LOCAL_DEV = false export const USE_DOCKER = false
<gh_stars>0 import { UserPoolId, UserPoolClientId, RestAPIEndpoint } from "./BackendConfig" export const awsConfiguration = { region: 'us-east-1', userPoolId: UserPoolId, clientId: UserPoolClientId, } export const BASE_URL = RestAPIEndpoint export const DEFAULT_USERID = "" export const DEFAULT_PASSWORD = ""
<gh_stars>0 import { IconButton, Tooltip } from "@material-ui/core" import {Mic, MicOff, Videocam, VideocamOff, VolumeUp, VolumeOff} from '@material-ui/icons' import React, { useMemo } from "react" import clsx from 'clsx'; import { useStyles } from "../../css"; type DeviceType = "Mic" | "Camera" | "Speaker" type DeviceEnablerProps = { type: DeviceType enable:boolean setEnable:(val:boolean)=>void } export const DeviceEnabler = (props:DeviceEnablerProps) =>{ const classes = useStyles() const icon = useMemo(()=>{ const index = props.enable? 0 : 1 switch(props.type){ case "Mic": return [<Mic />, <MicOff />][index] case "Camera": return [<Videocam/>, <VideocamOff/>][index] case "Speaker": return [<VolumeUp/>, <VolumeOff/>][index] } },[props.enable, props.type]) const tooltip = useMemo(()=>{ const index = props.enable? 0 : 1 switch(props.type){ case "Mic": return ["Mic Off", "Mic On"][index] case "Camera": return ["Camera Off", "Camera On"][index] case "Speaker": return ["Speaker Off", "Speaker On"][index] } },[props.enable, props.type]) const enabler = useMemo(()=>{ return( <Tooltip title={tooltip}> <IconButton color="inherit" className={clsx(classes.menuButton)} onClick={()=>{props.setEnable(!props.enable)}}> {icon} </IconButton> </Tooltip> ) },[props.enable, props.type]) // eslint-disable-line return( <> {enabler} </> ) }
import React, { useMemo } from "react"; import { FocustTarget, PictureInPictureType } from "./const"; import { FullScreenView } from "./FullScreenView"; import { LineView } from "./LineView"; type FeatureViewProps = { pictureInPicture: PictureInPictureType focusTarget: FocustTarget width:number height:number }; export const FeatureView = ({ pictureInPicture, focusTarget, width, height}: FeatureViewProps) => { const lineViewOffset = height * 0.7 const mainView = useMemo(()=>{ return <FullScreenView height={height * 0.7} width={width} pictureInPicture={"None"} focusTarget={"SharedContent"}/> },[width, height]) const attendeeView = useMemo(()=>{ return <LineView height={height * 0.3} width={width} excludeSharedContent={false} excludeSpeaker={false} viewInLine={5}/> },[width, height]) return( <> <div> {mainView} </div> <div style={{position:"relative", top:lineViewOffset }}> {attendeeView} </div> </> ) }