<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack<filename>src/main.ts import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; import { VersioningType } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AppModule } from './app.module'; import { NestExpressApplication } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; import { NestFastifyApplication, FastifyAdapter } from '@nestjs/platform-fastify'; import { join } from 'path'; var express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); async function bootstrap() { // const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule); const app = await NestFactory.create<NestExpressApplication>( AppModule, { cors: true } ); app.use(bodyParser.json({ extended: true, limit: '50mb' })); app.use(express.static('public')); app.use('/public', express.static('public')); app.enableVersioning({ type: VersioningType.URI, }); await app.listen(3000); //console.log(process.env.MONGODB_URL); } bootstrap();
<filename>dist/src/payment/payment.controller.d.ts import { PaymentService } from './payment.service'; import { UpdatePaymentDto } from './dto/update-payment.dto'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; export declare class PaymentController { private readonly paymentService; private readonly usersService; private helperService; constructor(paymentService: PaymentService, usersService: UsersService, helperService: HelperService); create(body: any): Promise<any>; findAll(): string; findOne(id: string): string; update(id: string, updatePaymentDto: UpdatePaymentDto): string; remove(id: string): string; }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack /// <reference types="multer" /> import { DocumentService } from './document.service'; import { CreateDocumentDto } from './dto/create-document.dto'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; export declare class DocumentController { private readonly documentService; private jwtService; private helperService; constructor(documentService: DocumentService, jwtService: JwtService, helperService: HelperService); create(createDocumentDto: CreateDocumentDto): string; accountStatus(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: {}; } | { status: boolean; data: { user_status: string; driver_status: string; }; }>; updateStatus(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; }>; uploadFile(body: any, files: Array<Express.Multer.File>): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; }
import { SingupService } from './singup.service'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { CreateUserDto } from '../users/dto/create-user.dto'; import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; export declare class SingupController { private readonly singupService; private readonly usersService; private jwtService; private helperService; constructor(singupService: SingupService, usersService: UsersService, jwtService: JwtService, helperService: HelperService); create(createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<{ status: boolean; id: any; message: string; } | { status: boolean; message: any; id?: undefined; }>; createMomoAccountAndSaveCredential(user_id: any): Promise<void>; verifyotp(req: Request, res: Response, data: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; token?: undefined; data?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; token: string; data: any; message: string; }>; }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack<gh_stars>0 import { CreateLiftDto } from './dto/create-lift.dto'; import { UpdateLiftDto } from './dto/update-lift.dto'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; export declare class LiftService { private liftModel; private liftRequestModel; private liftBookingModel; private liftNotification; private virtualLift; private virtualBufferModel; constructor(liftModel: Model<CreateLiftDto>, liftRequestModel: Model<{}>, liftBookingModel: Model<{}>, liftNotification: Model<{}>, virtualLift: Model<{}>, virtualBufferModel: Model<{}>); create(createLiftDto: CreateLiftDto): any; findAll(): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; myAllList(id: any): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; findOne(id: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; }>; activeBooking(id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; fetchTodayBooking(user_id: any, date: any): import("mongoose").Aggregate<any[]>; deleteLift(id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateLiftDto>; searchLift(query: any, user_id: any): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; update(id: any, updateLiftDto: UpdateLiftDto): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateLiftDto>; checkRequestExits(data: any): any; createdLiftRequest(data: any): any; myLiftUserRequest(id: any): any; myVirtualLiftRequest(id: any): any; myLiftDriverRequest(id: any): any; actionLiftRequest(query: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; createdLiftBooking(query: any): any; cancleBooking(data: any): any; myBookingData(id: any, role: any): any; createdNotification(data: any): any; fetchNotificationUser(userid: any): any; fetchNotificationDriver(driverid: any): any; deleteAllNotification(notification_id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongodb").DeleteResult, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; createVirtualLift(data: any): any; getVirtualLiftDetails(id: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }>; updateVirtualLiftDetails(id: any, data: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; getVirtualLift(user_id: any): any; acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver(lift_id: any, data: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; removeVirtualLiftFromuser(lift_id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongodb").UpdateResult, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; approvalVirtualLift(lift_id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; addAmountInVirtualBuffer(data: any): any; getVirtualBuffer(id: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }>; removeBufferData(id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }, {}, {}>; }
<filename>dist/src/address/schemas/address.schema.d.ts import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type AddressDocument = Address & Document; export declare class Address { user_id: User; type: string; lat: string; long: string; address: string; landmark: string; country: string; state: string; city: string; pin_Code: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const AddressSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<Address, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<Address, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
export class CreateSingupDto {}
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DocumentService } from './document.service'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { DocumentController } from './document.controller'; import { Documents, DocumentsSchema } from './schemas/document.schema'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { MulterModule } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; @Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name:, schema: DocumentsSchema }]), JwtModule.register({ secret: 'secretKey', signOptions: { expiresIn: '365d' }, }), MulterModule.register({ dest: './public/uploads/document/', }) ], controllers: [DocumentController], providers: [DocumentService,HelperService] }) export class DocumentModule {}
<filename>packages/@vuepress/types/index.d.ts import { UserConfig, ThemeConfig, PluginOptions, DefaultThemeConfig, Theme, Plugin, } from './src' export * from './src' /** * A helper function to define VuePress config file. * * @see */ export function defineConfig(config: UserConfig<DefaultThemeConfig>): void; /** * A helper function to define VuePress config file, for custom theme. * * @see */ export function defineConfig4CustomTheme<T extends ThemeConfig = ThemeConfig>( config: UserConfig<T> ): void; /** * A helper function to define VuePress theme entry file. * * @see */ export function defineTheme<T extends ThemeConfig = ThemeConfig>(config: Theme<T>): void; /** * A helper function to define VuePress theme entry file. * * @see */ export function definePlugin<T extends PluginOptions = PluginOptions>(config: Plugin<T>): void;
<reponame>Ch4m0/cursoUdemy import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'home', templateUrl: './../views/home.html' }) export class HomeComponent{ public titulo: string; constructor(){ this.titulo = 'pagina principal'; } ngOnInit(){ console.log("cargo el componente home"); } }
// tests go here; this will not be compiled when this package is used as a library lamponi.showFunFace() basic.forever(function () {})
<gh_stars>0 /** * MakeCode extension di test lamponi */ //% color=#009b5b icon="\f025" block="Lamponi" namespace lamponi { /** * Show FunFace */ //% block="Show Fun Face" export function showFunFace() { basic.showLeds(` . . . . . . # . # . . . # . . # . . . # . # # # . `); return } }
// @flow /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ import * as React from 'react' import { step, createStore, createNode, createEvent, createEffect, createApi, createStoreObject, createDomain, clearNode, restoreEffect, combine, sample, Effect, Store, Event, //ComputedStore, //ComputedEvent, /*::type*/ kind, forward, launch, split, } from 'effector' import {createComponent, createGate, useGate} from 'effector-react' import {createFormApi} from '@effector/forms' describe('Unit', () => { describe('split', () => { describe('split infer result', () => { test('split result no false-negative', () => { { const source: Event<string[]> = createEvent() const {emptyList, oneElement, __: commonList} = split(source, { emptyList: list => list.length === 0, oneElement: list => list.length === 1, }) const split_result__nofneg__user_defined: Event<string[]> = emptyList } { const source: Event<string[]> = createEvent() const {emptyList, oneElement, __} = split(source, { emptyList: list => list.length === 0, oneElement: list => list.length === 1, }) const split_result__nofneg__defaults: Event<string[]> = __ } }) test('split result no false-positive', () => { { const source: Event<string[]> = createEvent() const {emptyList, oneElement} = split(source, { emptyList: list => list.length === 0, oneElement: list => list.length === 1, }) const split_result__nofpos__user_defined_1: Event<number> = emptyList const split_result__nofpos__user_defined_2: null = oneElement } { const source: Event<string[]> = createEvent() const {__} = split(source, { emptyList: list => list.length === 0, oneElement: list => list.length === 1, }) const split_result__nofpos__defaults_1: Event<number> = __ } { const source: Event<string[]> = createEvent() const {__} = split(source, { emptyList: list => list.length === 0, oneElement: list => list.length === 1, }) const split_result__nofpos__defaults_2: null = __ } }) }) test('split arguments no false-positive', () => { const source: Event<string[]> = createEvent() split(source, { wrongResult: list => null, wrongArg_1: (list: null) => true, wrongArg_2: (list: number[]) => true, }) }) }) describe('sample', () => { test('event by event', () => { const a = createEvent<number>() const b = createEvent<boolean>() const c = sample(a, b) const sample_ee_check1: Event<number> = c const sample_ee_check2: Event<string> = c }) test('event by event with handler', () => { const a = createEvent<string>() const b = createEvent<boolean>() const c = sample(a, b, (a, b) => ({a, b})) const sample_eeh_check1: Event<{a: string, b: boolean}> = c const sample_eeh_check2: Event<string> = c }) test('store by event', () => { const d = createStore(0) const b = createEvent<boolean>() const e = sample(d, b) const sample_se_check1: Event<number> = e const sample_se_check2: Event<string> = e }) test('store by event with handler', () => { const d = createStore('') const b = createEvent<boolean>() const e = sample(d, b, (a, b) => ({a, b})) const sample_seh_check1: Event<{a: string, b: boolean}> = e const sample_seh_check2: Event<string> = e }) test('effect by event', () => { const f = createEffect<string, any, any>() const b = createEvent<boolean>() const g = sample(f, b) const sample_efe_check1: Event<string> = g const sample_efe_check2: Event<number> = g }) test('effect by event with handler', () => { const f = createEffect<string, any, any>() const b = createEvent<boolean>() const g = sample(f, b, (a, b) => ({a, b})) const sample_efeh_check1: Event<{a: string, b: boolean}> = g const sample_efeh_check2: Event<number> = g }) test('store by store', () => { const a = createStore(false) const b = createStore(0) const c = sample(a, b) const sample_ss_check1: Store<boolean> = c const sample_ss_check2: Store<string> = c }) test('store by store with handler', () => { const a = createStore('') const b = createStore(true) const c = sample(a, b, (a, b) => ({a, b})) const sample_ssh_check1: Store<{a: string, b: boolean}> = c const sample_ssh_check2: Store<string> = c }) describe('sample(Store<T>):Store<T>', () => { test('correct case', () => { const a = createStore('') const sample_s_correct: Store<string> = sample(a) }) test('incorrect case', () => { const a = createStore('') const sample_s_incorrect: Store<number> = sample(a) }) describe('edge case', () => { test('correct case', () => { const a = createStore('') const clock = createEvent() const sample_s_edge_correct: Event<string> = sample(a, clock) }) test('incorrect case', () => { const a = createStore('') const clock = createEvent() const sample_s_edge_incorrect: Event<number> = sample(a, clock) }) }) }) }) }) describe('Event', () => { test('createEvent', () => { const createEvent_event1: Event<number> = createEvent() const createEvent_event2: Event<number> = createEvent('event name [1]') const createEvent_event3: Event<number> = createEvent({ name: 'event name [2]' }) }) test('#map', () => { const event: Event<number> = createEvent() const computed = => 'foo') //const check1: Event<string> = computed const event_map_check2: Event<number> = computed event(2) computed('') }) test('#watch', () => { const event: Event<number> = createEvent() => { const check1: number = state return state }) => 'foo') => { return }) => {}) }) describe('#filter', () => { test('#filter ok', () => { const event: Event<number> = createEvent() const filteredEvent_ok: Event<string> = event.filter(n => { if (n % 2) return n.toString() }) }) test('#filter incorrect', () => { const event: Event<number> = createEvent() const filteredEvent_error: Event<number> = event.filter(n => { if (n % 2) return n.toString() }) }) }) }) describe('Effect', () => { test('createEffect', () => { const createEffect_effect1: Effect<number, string> = createEffect() const createEffect_effect2 = createEffect('', { handler: createEffect_effect1, }) const createEffect_effect3 = createEffect('', { handler() { return 'foo' }, }) const createEffect_effect4: Effect<number, string> = createEffect('fx 4') const createEffect_effect5: Effect<number, string> = createEffect({ name: 'fx 5', }) }) test('#use', () => { const effect1 = createEffect() const foo = createEffect<number, string, any>() effect1.use(params => Promise.resolve('foo')) effect1.use(foo) }) describe('void params', () => { test('with handler', () => { const handler = () => {} const effect = createEffect('', {handler}) effect() }) test('with use', () => { const handler = () => {} const effect = createEffect('').use(handler) effect() }) }) describe('nested effects', () => { describe('with handler', () => { test('no false-positive (should be type error)', () => { const nestedEffect: Effect<string, string> = createEffect() const parentEffect: Effect<number, number> = createEffect( 'should not throw', { handler: nestedEffect, }, ) }) }) test('with use', () => {}) }) }) describe('Store', () => { test('createStore', () => { const createStore_store1: Store<number> = createStore(0) const createStore_store2: Store<string> = createStore(0) }) test('createStoreObject', () => { const ev = createEvent() const a = createStore('') const b = createStore(0) const c = createStoreObject({a, b}) c.on(ev, (state, payload) => state) c.reset(ev) }) test('createApi', () => { const store: Store<number> = createStore(0) { const {event} = createApi(store, { event: (n, x: number) => x, }) const createApi_check1: Event<number> = event } { const {event} = createApi(store, { event: (n, x: number) => x, }) const createApi_check2: Event<string> = event } { const {event} = createApi(store, { event: (n, x) => x, }) const createApi_check3: Event<string> = event } }) test('createApi voids', () => { const store = createStore(0) const api = createApi(store, { increment: count => count + 1, decrement: count => count - 1, double: count => count * 2, multiply: (count, mp = 2) => count * mp, }) api.double() // Expected 1 arguments, but got 0. api.multiply() // Expected 1 arguments, but got 0. }) test('setStoreName', () => {}) test('combine', () => { const ev = createEvent() const a = createStore('') const b = createStore(0) const c = combine(a, b, (a, b) => a + b) c.on(ev, (state, payload) => state) c.reset(ev) }) test('restore', () => { const eff = createEffect<{foo: number}, {bar: string}, any>() const foo = restoreEffect(eff, {bar: ''}) }) test('#(properties)', () => { const store = createStore(0) const kind: kind = store.kind const shortName: string = store.shortName const defaultState: number = store.defaultState const computed = => 'hello') const kind1: kind = computed.kind const shortName1: string = computed.shortName const defaultState1: string = computed.defaultState }) test('#getState', () => { const store = createStore(0) const state: number = store.getState() const computed = => 'hello') const state1: string = computed.getState() }) test('#map', () => { const store = createStore(0) const computed = => 'hello') const map_check1: Store<string> = computed const map_check2: Store<number> = computed }) test('#reset', () => { const event = createEvent() const store = createStore(0) store.reset(event) const computed = => 'hello') computed.reset(event) }) test('#on', () => { const event = createEvent() const store = createStore(0) store.on(event, (state, payload) => state) const computed = => 'hello') computed.on(event, (state, payload) => state) }) test('#off', () => { const event = createEvent() const store = createStore(0) const computed = => 'hello') }) test('#subscribe', () => { const event = createEvent() const store = createStore(0) // @ts-ignore I don't know type store.subscribe(() => {}) const computed = => 'hello') // @ts-ignore I don't know type computed.subscribe(() => {}) }) test('#watch', () => { const event: Event<number> = createEvent() const store = createStore(0), payload) => { const store_watch_check1: number = state const store_watch_check2: typeof undefined = payload }), (state, payload) => { const store_watchBy_check1: number = state const store_watchBy_check2: number = payload }) const computed = => 'hello'), payload) => { const store_watchComputed_check1: string = state const store_watchComputed_check2: typeof undefined = payload }), (state, payload) => { const store_watchByComputed_check1: string = state const store_watchByComputed_check2: number = payload }) }) test('#thru', () => { const event = createEvent() const store = createStore(0) const result = store.thru(store => { const thru_check1: Store<number> = store return thru_check1 }) const computed = => 'hello') const result1 = computed.thru(store => { const thru_computed_check1: Store<string> = store return thru_computed_check1 }) }) }) describe('Domain', () => { test('createDomain', () => { const domain = createDomain() const domain2 = createDomain('hello') const domain3 = createDomain(234) const domain4 = createDomain({foo: true}) }) test('#event', () => { const domain = createDomain() const event = domain.event<string>() }) test('#effect', () => { const domain = createDomain() const effect1: Effect<string, number, Error> = domain.effect() const effect2 = domain.effect('', { handler(params: string) { return 256 }, }) effect2(20) const effect3 = domain.effect('', { handler: effect1, }) effect3(20) }) test('#onCreateStore', () => { const root = createDomain('root') root.onCreateStore(store => { const snapshot = localStorage.getItem(store.shortName) if (typeof snapshot === 'string') store.setState(JSON.parse(snapshot)) let isFirstSkiped = false => { if (isFirstSkiped) { localStorage.setItem(store.shortName, JSON.stringify(newState)) } isFirstSkiped = true }) return store }) root.onCreateStore(foo => { const object = createStoreObject({foo}) => { }) clearNode(foo) }) }) }) describe('Graph', () => { describe('forward', () => { test('forward between events', () => { const forward_event1 = createEvent<number>() const forward_event2 = createEvent<number>() forward({ from: forward_event1, to: forward_event2, }) }) describe('forward between effects', () => { test('start in parallel with the same payload', () => { const forward_effect_par1 = createEffect<number, string, string>() const forward_effect_par2 = createEffect<number, string, string>() forward({ from: forward_effect_par1, to: forward_effect_par2, }) }) test('start sequentially', () => { const forward_effect_seq1 = createEffect<number, string, string>() const forward_effect_seq2 = createEffect<string, boolean, boolean>() forward({ from:{result}) => result), to: forward_effect_seq2, }) }) }) test('forward between stores', () => { const e = createStore(0) const f = createStore(0) forward({from: e, to: f}) }) }) test('launch', () => { const foo = createEvent<number>() const customNode = createNode({ scope: {max: 100, lastValue: -1, add: 10}, child: [foo], node: [ step.compute({ fn: (arg, {add}) => arg + add, }), step.filter({ fn: (arg, {max, lastValue}) => arg < max && arg !== lastValue, }), step.compute({ fn(arg, scope) { scope.lastValue = arg return arg }, }), ], }) launch(foo, '') launch(foo, 0) launch(customNode, 100) }) }) describe('effector-react', () => { test('createComponent', () => { const ImplicitObject = createComponent( { a: createStore<number>(0), b: createStore<number>(1), }, (props, state) => { const createComponent_implicitObject_check1: number = state.a const createComponent_implicitObject_check2: number = state.b return null }, ) const Store = createComponent(createStore(0), (props, state) => { const createComponent_createStore_check1: number = state return null }) const list = createStore<{ [key: number]: { text: string, }, }>({}) const InitialProps = createComponent( (initialProps: {id: number}) => { const createComponent_initialProps_check1: number = const createComponent_initialProps_check2: string = const createComponent_initialProps_check3: string = initialProps.unknownProp return => list[] || {text: 'Loading...'}) }, (_, state) => { const createComponent_initialProps_check4: string = state.text const createComponent_initialProps_check5: number = state.text return null }, ) }) test('createGate', () => { const Foo = createGate<number>('foo') const Bar = createGate<{a: number}>('bar') const Baz = createGate<number | null>('baz', null) const Component = () => { useGate(Foo, 1) useGate(Bar, 1) useGate(Bar, {a: 1}) useGate(Bar, {}) useGate(Baz, null) useGate(Baz, 1) } }) }) describe('effector-vue', () => {}) describe('@effector/forms', () => { describe('createFormApi', () => { const form = createFormApi({ fields: { firstName: '', lastName: '', }, }) }) })
import { FormatType, Type } from '../TypeDefs'; import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import ISharedSchema from './ISharedSchema'; import IXml from './IXml'; /** * The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types. * * These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays. This object is * based on the JSON Schema Specification Draft 4 and uses a predefined subset * of it. On top of this subset, there are extensions provided by this * specification to allow for more complete documentation. * * @see */ interface ISchema extends ISharedSchema { /** * A JSON Reference. * * @see */ $ref?: string; /** * A title for the schema object. */ title?: string; /** * A short description of the schema object. * * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Required if type is "array". Describes the type of items in the array. */ items?: ISchema; /** * Required if type is "object". A recursive structure, * ie: each property of a schema is defined by another schema. * * @see */ properties?: { [name: string]: ISchema }; /** * Use this to describe objects with dynamic keys, much the same * as the above typescript definition of the properties key. * * @see */ additionalProperties?: boolean|ISchema; /** * Adds support for polymorphism. The discriminator is the schema property * name that is used to differentiate between other schema that inherit * this schema. * * The property name used MUST be defined at this schema and it MUST be in * the required property list. When used, the value MUST be the name of this * schema or any schema that inherits it. */ discriminator?: string; /** * Relevant only for Schema "properties" definitions. * Declares the property as "read only". * * This means that it MAY be sent as part of a response but MUST NOT be sent * as part of the request. Properties marked as readOnly being true SHOULD * NOT be in the required list of the defined schema. * * Default value is false. */ readOnly?: boolean; /** * Adds Additional metadata to describe the * XML representation format of this property. * * This MAY be used only on properties schemas. * It has no effect on root schemas. */ xml?: IXml; /** * Additional external documentation. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; /** * A free-form property to include an example of an instance for this schema. */ example?: any; /** * An object instance is valid against "maxProperties" if its number * of properties is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ maxProperties?: number; /** * An object instance is valid against "minProperties" if its number * of properties is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ minProperties?: number; /** * An object instance is valid against this keyword if its property * set contains all elements in this keyword's array value. * * @see */ required?: string[]; /** * An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates * successfully against all schemas defined by this keyword's value. * * @see */ allOf?: ISchema[]; } export default ISchema;
<gh_stars>1-10 import IExternalDocs from "./IExternalDocs"; import IInfo from "./IInfo"; import IParameter from "./IParameter"; import IPath from "./IPath"; import IResponses from './IResponses'; import ISchema from "./ISchema"; import ISecurityRequirment from './ISecurityRequirment'; import ISecuritySchema from "./ISecuritySchema"; import ITag from "./ITag"; import { Schemes } from '../TypeDefs'; /** * This is the root document object for the API specification. * It combines what previously was the Resource Listing and API Declaration * (version 1.2 and earlier) together into one document. * * @see */ interface ISpec { /** * Required. Specifies the Swagger Specification version being used. * * It can be used by the Swagger UI and other clients to interpret * the API listing. The value MUST be "2.0". */ swagger: '2.0'; /** * Required. Provides metadata about the API. * * The metadata can be used by the clients if needed. * * @see */ info: IInfo; /** * The host (name or ip) serving the API. * * This MUST be the host only and does not include the scheme nor sub-paths. * It MAY include a port. If the host is not included, the host serving the * documentation is to be used (including the port). * * > NOTE: The host does not support path templating. */ host?: string; /** * The base path on which the API is served, which is relative to the host. * * If it is not included, the API is served directly under the host. * The value MUST start with a leading slash (/). * * > NOTE: The basePath does not support path templating. */ basePath?: string; /** * The transfer protocol of the API. * * Values MUST be from the list: "http", "https", "ws", "wss". * If the schemes is not included, the default scheme to be used * is the one used to access the Swagger definition itself. */ schemes?: Schemes[]; /** * A list of MIME types the APIs can consume. * * This is global to all APIs but can be overridden on specific API calls. * Value MUST be as described under Mime Types. * * @see */ consumes?: string[]; /** * A list of MIME types the APIs can produce. * * This is global to all APIs but can be overridden on specific API calls. * Value MUST be as described under Mime Types. * * @see */ produces?: string[]; /** * Required. The available paths and operations for the API. * * @see */ paths: { [name: string]: IPath }; /** * An object to hold data types produced and consumed by operations. * * @see */ definitions?: { [name: string]: ISchema }; /** * An object to hold parameters that can be used across operations. * This property does not define global parameters for all operations. * * @see */ parameters?: { [name: string]: IParameter }; /** * An object to hold responses that can be used across operations. * This property does not define global responses for all operations. * * @see */ responses?: IResponses; /** * Security scheme definitions that can be used across the specification. * * This does not enforce the security schemes on the operations * and only serves to provide the relevant details for each scheme. * * @see */ securityDefinitions?: { [name: string]: ISecuritySchema }; /** * A declaration of which security schemes are applied for the API as a whole. * * The list of values describes alternative security schemes that can be * used (that is, there is a logical OR between the security requirements). * Individual operations can override this definition. * * @see */ security?: ISecurityRequirment[]; /** * A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata. * * The order of the tags can be used to reflect on their order by the * parsing tools. Not all tags that are used by the Operation Object must * be declared. The tags that are not declared may be organized randomly * or based on the tools' logic. Each tag name in the list MUST be unique. * * @see */ tags?: ITag[]; /** * Additional external documentation. * * @see */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; } export default ISpec;
<gh_stars>1-10 import { FormatType } from '../TypeDefs'; import ISharedSchema from './ISharedSchema'; /** * A limited subset of JSON-Schema's items object. * * It is used by parameter definitions that are not * located in "body" as well as header definitions. * * @see */ interface IItems extends ISharedSchema { /** * Required. The type of the object. * * The value MUST be one of "string", "number", "integer", "boolean", * or "array". Files and models are not allowed. */ type: 'string' | 'number' | 'integer' | 'boolean' | 'array'; /** * Required if type is "array". Describes the type of items in the array. */ items?: IItems; /** * Determines the format of the array if type array is used. * * Possible values are: * - csv - comma separated values foo,bar. * - ssv - space separated values foo bar. * - tsv - tab separated values foo\tbar. * - pipes - pipe separated values foo|bar. * * Default value is csv. */ collectionFormat?: 'csv' | 'ssv' | 'tsv' | 'pipes'; } export default IItems;
/** * Allows sharing examples for operation responses. * * @see */ interface IExample { /** * The name of the property MUST be one of the Operation * produces values (either implicit or inherited). * * The value SHOULD be an example of what such a response would look like. */ [name: string]: any; } export default IExample;
import ITag from './ITag'; import IInfo from './IInfo'; import IPath from './IPath'; import IServer from './IServer'; import IComponent from './IComponent'; import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import ISecurityRequirement from './ISecurityRequirement'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * OpenAPI Document * * This is the root document object of the OpenAPI document. * * @see */ export default interface IOpenAPI extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * This string __MUST__ be the semantic version number of the OpenAPI * Specification version that the OpenAPI document uses. * * The openapi field __SHOULD__ be used by tooling specifications and * clients to interpret the OpenAPI document. This is not related to the * API `info.version` string. * * __REQUIRED__ */ openapi: string; /** * Provides metadata about the API. * * The metadata MAY be used by tooling as required. * * __REQUIRED__ */ info: IInfo; /** * Provide connectivity information to a target server. * * If the servers property is not provided, or is an empty array, * the default value would be a Server Object with a url value of `/`. */ servers?: IServer[]; /** * The available paths and operations for the API. * * __REQUIRED__ */ paths: IPath; /** * An element to hold various schemas for the specification. */ components?: IComponent; /** * A declaration of which security mechanisms can be used across the API. * * The list of values includes alternative security requirement objects * that can be used. Only one of the security requirement objects need to * be satisfied to authorize a request. Individual operations can override * this definition. */ security?: ISecurityRequirement; /** * A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata. * * The order of the tags can be used to reflect on their order by the * parsing tools. Not all tags that are used by the Operation Object must * be declared. The tags that are not declared MAY be organized randomly * or based on the tools' logic. Each tag name in the list MUST be unique. */ tags?: ITag[]; /** * Additional external documentation. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; }
import { ParameterLocation, SerializationStyle } from '../TypeDefs'; import ISchema from './ISchema'; import IExample from './IExample'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IMediaType from './IMediaType'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Describes a single operation parameter. * * A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. * * There are four possible parameter locations specified by the in field: * * - path: Used together with Path Templating, where the parameter value is * actually part of the operation's URL. This does not include the * host or base path of the API. For example, in /items/{itemId}, * the path parameter is itemId. * * - query: Parameters that are appended to the URL. * For example, in /items?id=###, the query parameter is id. * * - header: Custom headers that are expected as part of the request. * Note that RFC7230 states header names are case insensitive. * * - cookie: Used to pass a specific cookie value to the API. * * @see */ export default interface IParameter extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The name of the parameter. * * Parameter names are case sensitive. * * If in is `path`, the name field __MUST__ correspond to the associated * path segment from the path field in the Paths Object. * See [Path Templating]( for further information. * * If in is `header` and the name field is `Accept`, `Content-Type` or * `Authorization`, the parameter definition SHALL be ignored. * * For all other cases, the name corresponds to the parameter name used by the in property. * * __REQUIRED__ */ name: string; /** * The location of the parameter. * * __REQUIRED__ */ in: ParameterLocation; /** * A brief description of the parameter. * * This could contain examples of use. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Determines whether this parameter is mandatory. * * If the parameter location is `path`, this property is __REQUIRED__ and * its value __MUST__ be true. * * Otherwise, the property MAY be included and its default value is false. */ required?: boolean; /** * Specifies that a parameter is deprecated and SHOULD be transitioned out of usage. */ deprecated?: boolean; /** * Sets the ability to pass empty-valued parameters. * * This is valid only for query parameters and allows * sending a parameter with an empty value. * * Default value is false. * * If style is used, and if behavior is n/a (cannot be serialized), * the value of allowEmptyValue SHALL be ignored. */ allowEmptyValue?: boolean; /** * Describes how the parameter value will be serialized * depending on the type of the parameter value. * * Default values (based on value of in): * - for query = form; * - for path = simple; * - for header = simple; * - for cookie = form. * * @see * * TODO: Ensure the rules defined in the above link are validated at runtime. */ style?: SerializationStyle; /** * When this is true, parameter values of type array or object generate * separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of * the map. * * For other types of parameters this property has no effect. * * When style is form, the default value is true. * * For all other styles, the default value is false. */ explode?: boolean; /** * Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, * as defined by RFC3986 `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without * percent-encoding. * * This property only applies to parameters with an `in` value of `query`. * * The default value is false. */ allowReserved?: boolean; /** * The schema defining the type used for the parameter. */ schema?: ISchema | IReference; /** * Example of the media type. * * The example SHOULD match the specified schema and encoding properties * if present. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples * object. * * Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains an example, * the example value SHALL override the example provided by the schema. * * To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally be represented * in JSON or YAML, a string value can contain the example with escaping * where necessary. */ example?: any; /** * Examples of the media type. * * Each example SHOULD contain a value in the correct format as specified * in the parameter encoding. The examples object is mutually exclusive of * the example object. * * Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains an example, * the examples value SHALL override the example provided by the schema. */ examples?: { [key: string]: IExample | IReference }; /** * For more complex scenarios, the content property can define the * media type and schema of the parameter. * * A parameter __MUST__ contain either a schema property, * or a content property, but not both. * * When example or examples are provided in conjunction with the * schema object, the example __MUST__ follow the prescribed * serialization strategy for the parameter. * * The key is the media type and the value describes it. * * The map __MUST__ only contain one entry. */ content?: { [key: string]: IMediaType }; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/IExternalDocs.ts<gh_stars>1-10 import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation. * * @see */ export default interface IExternalDocs extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A short description of the target documentation. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * The URL for the target documentation. * * Value __MUST__ be in the format of a URL. * * __REQUIRED__ */ url: string; }
import IExample from "./IExample"; import IHeader from "./IHeader"; import ISchema from "./ISchema"; /** * Describes a single response from an API Operation. * * @see */ interface IResponse { /** * Required. A short description of the response. * * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description: string; /** * A definition of the response structure. * * It can be a primitive, an array or an object. If this field does not * exist, it means no content is returned as part of the response. * As an extension to the Schema Object, its root type value may also * be "file". This SHOULD be accompanied by a relevant produces mime-type. */ schema?: ISchema; /** * A list of headers that are sent with the response. * * @see */ headers?: { [name: string]: IHeader }; /** * An example of the response message. */ examples?: IExample; } export default IResponse;
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder import { SecuritySchemeType, SecuritySchemeIn } from '../TypeDefs'; import IOAuthFlows from './IOAuthFlows'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Defines a security scheme that can be used by the operations. * * Supported schemes are HTTP authentication, an API key (either as a header or * as a query parameter), OAuth2's common flows (implicit, password, application * and access code) as defined in [RFC6749](, * and [OpenID Connect Discovery]( * * @see */ export default interface ISecurityScheme extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The type of the security scheme. * * __REQUIRED__ */ type: SecuritySchemeType; /** * A short description for security scheme. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * __MAY__ be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * The name of the header, query or cookie parameter to be used. * * __REQUIRED__ only when `type` is set to `apiKey`. */ name?: string; /** * The location of the API key. * * __REQUIRED__ only when `type` is set to `apiKey`. */ in?: SecuritySchemeIn; /** * The name of the HTTP Authorization scheme to be used in the Authorization * header as defined in [RFC7235]( * * __REQUIRED__ only when `type` is set to `http`. */ scheme?: string; /** * A hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is formatted. * * Bearer tokens are usually generated by an authorization server, * so this information is primarily for documentation purposes. * * Applies only when `type` is set to `http`. */ bearerFormat?: string; /** * An object containing configuration information for the flow types supported. * * __REQUIRED__ only when `type` is set to `oauth2`. */ flow?: IOAuthFlows; /** * OpenId Connect URL to discover OAuth2 configuration values. * * This __MUST__ be in the form of a URL. * * __REQUIRED__ only when `type` is set to `openIdConnect`. */ openIdConnectUrl?: string; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/ISchema.ts<gh_stars>1-10 import { DataType, DataFormat } from '../TypeDefs'; import IXml from './IXml'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import IDiscriminator from './IDiscriminator'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types. * * These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays. This object is * an extended subset of the JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00. * * For more information about the properties, see [JSON Schema Core]( * and [JSON Schema Validation]( * Unless stated otherwise, the property definitions follow the JSON Schema. * * @see */ export default interface ISchema extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a string. * * It can be used to decorate a user interface with information about the * data produced by this user interface. A title will preferably be short. * * @see */ title?: string; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a string. * * It can be used to decorate a user interface with information about the * data produced by this user interface. A description will provide * explanation about the purpose of the instance described by this schema. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * __MAY__ be used for rich text representation. * * @see */ description?: string; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a number, strictly greater than `0`. * * A numeric instance is valid only if division * by this keyword's value results in an integer. * * @see */ multipleOf?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a number, * representing an upper limit for a numeric instance. * * If the instance is a number, then this keyword validates if * `exclusiveMaximum` is true and instance is less than the provided * value, or else if the instance is less than or exactly equal to the * provided value. * * @see */ maximum?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a boolean, representing whether * the limit in `maximum` is exclusive or not. An undefined value is the * same as `false`. * * If this keyword is `true`, then a numeric instance __SHOULD NOT__ be * equal to the value specified in `maximum`. If this keyword is `false` * (or not specified), then a numeric instance __MAY__ be equal to the * value of `maximum`. * * @see */ exclusiveMaximum?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a number, * representing a lower limit for a numeric instance. * * If the instance is a number, then this keyword validates if * `exclusiveMinimum` is `true` and instance is greater than the * provided value, or else if the instance is greater than or * exactly equal to the provided value. * * @see */ minimum?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a boolean, representing * whether the limit in `minimum` is exclusive or not. An undefined * value is the same as `false`. * * If this keyword is `true`, then a numeric instance __SHOULD NOT__ be * equal to the value specified in `minimum`. If this keyword is `false` * (or not specified), then a numeric instance MAY be equal to the value * of `minimum`. * * @see */ exclusiveMinimum?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a non-negative integer. * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an integer. * This integer __MUST__ be greater than, or equal to, `0`. * * A string instance is valid against this keyword if its length is less * than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * The length of a string instance is defined as the number of its * characters as defined by [RFC 7159]( * * @see */ maxLength?: number; /** * A string instance is valid against this keyword if its length is * greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * The length of a string instance is defined as the number of its * characters as defined by [RFC 7159]( * * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an integer. * This integer __MUST__ be greater than, or equal to, 0. * * This keyword, if absent, may be considered as being present with * integer value `0`. * * @see */ minLength?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a string. This string __SHOULD__ * be a valid regular expression, according to the [ECMA 262 regular * expression dialect]( * * A string instance is considered valid if the regular expression * matches the instance successfully. Recall: regular expressions are * not implicitly anchored. * * @see */ pattern?: string; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an integer. * This integer __MUST__ be greater than, or equal to, 0. * * An array instance is valid against `maxItems` if its size is less * than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ maxItems?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an integer. * This integer __MUST__ be greater than, or equal to, 0. * * An array instance is valid against `minItems` if its size is greater * than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * If this keyword is not present, it may be considered present with a * value of `0`. * * @see */ minItems?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a boolean. * * If this keyword has boolean value `false`, the instance validates * successfully. If it has boolean value `true`, the instance validates * successfully if all of its elements are unique. * * If not present, this keyword may be considered present with boolean * value `false`. * * @see */ uniqueItems?: boolean; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an integer. * This integer __MUST__ be greater than, or equal to, `0`. * * An object instance is valid against `maxProperties"` if its number of * properties is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ maxProperties?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an integer. * This integer __MUST__ be greater than, or equal to, `0`. * * An object instance is valid against `minProperties` if its number of * properties is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * If this keyword is not present, it may be considered present with a * value of `0`. * * @see */ minProperties?: number; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an array. * This array __MUST__ have at least one element. * Elements of this array __MUST__ be strings, and __MUST__ be unique. * * An object instance is valid against this keyword if its property set * contains all elements in this keyword's array value. * * @see */ required?: string[]; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be an array. * This array __SHOULD__ have at least one element. * Elements in the array __SHOULD__ be unique. * * Elements in the array __MAY__ be of any type, including `null`. * * An instance validates successfully against this keyword if its value * is equal to one of the elements in this keyword's array value. * * @see */ enum?: any[]; /** * The value of this keyword __MUST__ be a string. * Multiple types via an array are not supported. * * String values __MUST__ be one of the seven * primitive types defined by the core specification. * * An instance matches successfully if its primitive type is one of the * types defined by keyword. Recall: `number` includes `integer`. * * @see */ type?: DataType; /** * This keyword's value __MUST__ be an array. * This array __MUST__ have at least one element. * * Elements of the array __MUST__ be objects. Each object __MUST__ be a * valid Reference Object or Schema Object and not a standard JSON Schema. * * An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates * successfully against all schemas defined by this keyword's value. * * @see */ allOf?: (ISchema | IReference)[]; /** * This keyword's value __MUST__ be an array. * This array __MUST__ have at least one element. * * Elements of the array __MUST__ be objects. Each object __MUST__ be a * valid Reference Object or Schema Object and not a standard JSON Schema. * * An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates * successfully against at least one schema defined by this keyword's value. * * @see */ anyOf?: (ISchema | IReference)[]; /** * This keyword's value __MUST__ be an array. * This array __MUST__ have at least one element. * * Elements of the array __MUST__ be objects. Each object __MUST__ be a * valid Reference Object or Schema Object and not a standard JSON Schema. * * An instance validates successfully against this keyword if it validates * successfully against exactly one schema defined by this keyword's value. * * @see */ oneOf?: (ISchema | IReference)[]; /** * This keyword's value __MUST__ be an object. This object __MUST__ be a * valid Reference Object or Schema Object and not a standard JSON Schema. * * An instance is valid against this keyword if it fails to validate * successfully against the schema defined by this keyword. * * @see */ not?: ISchema | IReference; /** * Value __MUST__ be an object and not an array. * * Inline or referenced schema __MUST__ be of a Schema Object * and not a standard JSON Schema. * * `items` __MUST__ be present if the `type` is `array`. * * @see */ items?: ISchema | IReference; /** * Property definitions __MUST__ be a Schema Object * and not a standard JSON Schema (inline or referenced). * * If absent, it can be considered the same as an empty object. * * @see */ properties?: {[propertyName: string]: (ISchema | IReference)}; /** * Value can be boolean or object. * * Inline or referenced schema __MUST__ be of a Schema Object * and not a standard JSON Schema. * * @see */ additionalProperties?: (ISchema | IReference)[]; /** * While relying on JSON Schema's defined formats, the OAS offers a * few additional predefined formats. * * @see */ format?: string | DataFormat; /** * The default value represents what would be assumed by the consumer of * the input as the value of the schema if one is not provided. * * Unlike JSON Schema, the value __MUST__ conform to the defined type for * the Schema Object defined at the same level. For example, if `type` is * `string`, then `default` can be `"foo"` but cannot be `1`. * * @see */ default?: any; /** * Allows sending a null value for the defined schema. * * Default value is `false`. */ nullable?: boolean; /** * Adds support for polymorphism. The discriminator is an object name that * is used to differentiate between other schemas which may satisfy the * payload description. * * @see */ discriminator?: IDiscriminator; /** * Relevant only for Schema `properties` definitions. * * Declares the property as _"read only"_. This means that it __MAY__ be * sent as part of a response but __SHOULD NOT__ be sent as part of the * request. * * If the property is marked as `readOnly` being `true` and is in the * required list, the required will take effect on the response only. * * A property __MUST NOT__ be marked as both `readOnly` * and `writeOnly` being `true`. * * Default value is `false`. */ readOnly?: boolean; /** * Relevant only for Schema `properties` definitions. * * Declares the property as _"write only"_. Therefore, it __MAY__ be sent as * part of a request but __SHOULD NOT__ be sent as part of the response. * * If the property is marked as `writeOnly` being `true` and is in the * required list, the required will take effect on the request only. * * A property __MUST NOT__ be marked as both `readOnly` * and `writeOnly` being `true`. * * Default value is `false`. */ writeOnly?: boolean; /** * This __MAY__ be used only on properties schemas. * * It has no effect on root schemas. * * Adds additional metadata to describe the XML representation of this property. */ xml?: IXml; /** * Additional external documentation for this schema. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; /** * A free-form property to include an example of an instance for this schema. * * To represent examples that cannot be naturally represented in JSON or YAML, * a string value can be used to contain the example with escaping where necessary. */ example?: any; /** * Specifies that a schema is deprecated and __SHOULD__ * be transitioned out of usage. * * Default value is `false`. */ deprecated?: boolean; }
import ISchema from './ISchema'; import IExample from './IExample'; import IEncoding from './IEncoding'; import IReference from './IReference'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Each Media Type Object provides schema and examples * for the media type identified by its key. * * @see */ export default interface IMediaType extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The schema defining the type used for the request body. */ schema?: ISchema | IReference; /** * Example of the media type. * * The example object SHOULD be in the correct format as specified by the * media type. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples * object. * * Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains an example, * the example value SHALL override the example provided by the schema. */ example?: any; /** * Examples of the media type. * * Each example object SHOULD match the media type and specified schema * if present. The examples object is mutually exclusive of the example * object. * * Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains an example, * the examples value SHALL override the example provided by the schema. */ examples?: { [key: string]: IExample | IReference }; /** * A map between a property name and its encoding information. * * The key, being the property name, __MUST__ exist in the schema as a * property. The encoding object SHALL only apply to requestBody objects * when the media type is `multipart` or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. */ encoding?: { [key: string]: IEncoding }; }
import ILink from './ILink'; import IHeader from './IHeader'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IMediaType from './IMediaType'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Describes a single response from an API Operation, * including design-time, static links to operations * based on the response. * * @see */ export default interface IResponse extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A short description of the response. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. * * __REQUIRED__ */ description: string; /** * Maps a header name to its definition. * * RFC7230 states header names are case insensitive. * * If a response header is defined with the name "Content-Type", * it SHALL be ignored. */ headers?: { [header: string]: IHeader | IReference }; /** * A map containing descriptions of potential response payloads. * * The key is a media type or media type range and the value describes it. * For responses that match multiple keys, only the most specific key is * applicable. e.g. `text/plain` overrides `text/*` */ content?: { [header: string]: IMediaType }; /** * A map of operations links that can be followed from the response. * * The key of the map is a short name for the link, following the naming * constraints of the names for Component Objects. */ links?: { [header: string]: ILink | IReference }; }
import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Adds metadata to a single tag that is used by the Operation Object. * * It is not mandatory to have a Tag Object per tag defined in the Operation Object instances. * * @see */ export default interface ITag extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The name of the tag. * * __REQUIRED__ */ name: string; /** * A short description for the tag. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * __MAY__ be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Additional external documentation for this tag. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; }
<filename>src/v2/Strict/IPath.ts import IOperation from './IOperation'; import IParameter from './IParameter'; import IReference from './IReference'; /** * Describes the operations available on a single path. A Path Item may be * empty, due to ACL constraints. The path itself is still exposed to the * documentation viewer but they will not know which operations and * parameters are available. * * @see */ interface IPath { /** * A JSON Reference. * * @see */ $ref?: string; /** * A definition of a GET operation on this path. */ get?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a PUT operation on this path. */ put?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a POST operation on this path. */ post?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a DELETE operation on this path. */ delete?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a OPTIONS operation on this path. */ options?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a HEAD operation on this path. */ head?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a PATCH operation on this path. */ patch?: IOperation; /** * A list of parameters that are applicable for * all the operations described under this path. * * These parameters can be overridden at the operation level, * but cannot be removed there. The list MUST NOT include duplicated * parameters. A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a * name and location. There can be one "body" parameter at most. */ parameters?: Array<IParameter | IReference>; } export default IPath;
import IServerVariable from './IServerVariable'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * An object representing a Server. * * @see */ export default interface IServer extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A URL to the target host. * * This URL supports Server Variables and MAY be relative, to indicate that * the host location is relative to the location where the OpenAPI document * is being served. * * Variable substitutions will be made when a variable is named in `{brackets}`. * * __REQUIRED__ */ url: string; /** * An optional string describing the host designated by the URL. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * A map between a variable name and its value. * * The value is used for substitution in the server's URL template. */ variables?: { [v: string]: IServerVariable }; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder /** * A metadata object that allows for more fine-tuned XML model definitions. * * When using arrays, XML element names are not inferred (for singular/plural * forms) and the name property should be used to add that information. * * @see */ interface IXml { /** * Replaces the name of the element/attribute * used for the described schema property. * * When defined within the Items Object (items), it will affect the name of * the individual XML elements within the list. When defined alongside type * being array (outside the items), it will affect the wrapping element and * only if wrapped is true. If wrapped is false, it will be ignored. */ name?: string; /** * The URL of the namespace definition. Value SHOULD be in the form of a URL. */ namespace?: string; /** * The prefix to be used for the name. */ prefix?: string; /** * Declares whether the property definition translates * to an attribute instead of an element. * * Default value is false. */ attribute?: boolean; /** * MAY be used only for an array definition. Signifies whether the array is * wrapped (for example, <books><book/><book/></books>) or unwrapped (<book/><book/>). * * Default value is false. * * The definition takes effect only when defined * alongside type being array (outside the items). */ wrapped?: boolean; } export default IXml;
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder /** * The transfer protocol of the API. * * Values MUST be from the list: "http", "https", "ws", "wss". * If the schemes is not included, the default scheme to be used * is the one used to access the Swagger definition itself. * * @see */ export type Schemes = 'http' | 'https' | 'ws' | 'wss' ; /** * Primitive data types in the Swagger Specification are based on the types * supported by the JSON-Schema Draft 4. Models are described using the Schema * Object which is a subset of JSON Schema Draft 4. * * An additional primitive data type "file" is used by the Parameter Object * and the Response Object to set the parameter type or the response as * being a file. * * @see */ export type Type = 'array' | 'boolean' | 'integer' | 'number' | 'null' | 'object' | 'string' | 'file' ; /** * Swagger uses several known formats to more finely define the data type * being used. However, the format property is an open string-valued property, * and can have any value to support documentation needs. Formats such as * "email", "uuid", etc., can be used even though they are not defined by * this specification. * * @see */ export type FormatType = 'int32' | 'int64' | 'float' | 'double' | 'byte' | 'binary' | 'date' | 'date-time' | 'password' ;
<gh_stars>1-10 interface IReference { /** * A JSON Reference. * * @see */ $ref?: string; } export default IReference;
<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/IEncoding.ts import { SerializationStyle } from '../TypeDefs'; import IHeader from './IHeader'; import IReference from './IReference'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * A single encoding definition applied to a single schema property. * * @see */ export default interface IEncoding extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The Content-Type for encoding a specific property. * * Default value depends on the property type: * * - for string with format being binary = `application/octet-stream`; * - for other primitive types = `text/plain`; * - for object = `application/json`; * - for array = the default is defined based on the inner type. * * The value can be a specific media type (e.g. `application/json`), * a wildcard media type (e.g. `image/*`), or a comma-separated list * of the two types. */ contentType?: string; /** * A map allowing additional information to be provided as headers, * for example Content-Disposition. * * Content-Type is described separately and SHALL be ignored in this section. * * This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is not a multipart. */ headers?: { [key: string]: IHeader | IReference }; /** * Describes how a specific property value will be * serialized depending on its type. * * See Parameter Object for details on the style property. * * The behavior follows the same values as query parameters, * including default values. * * This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type * is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. * * TODO: Instead of inline string literals we should * create some more shared types. */ style?: SerializationStyle; /** * When this is true, property values of type array or object generate * separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair * of the map. * * For other types of properties this property has no effect. * * When style is `form`, the default value is `true`. * For all other styles, the default value is `false`. * * This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type * is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. */ explode?: boolean; /** * Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, * as defined by RFC3986 `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without * percent-encoding. * * The default value is `false`. * * This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type * is not `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. */ allowReserved?: boolean; }
import IOAuthFlow from './IOAuthFlow'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Allows configuration of the supported OAuth Flows. * * @see */ export default interface IOAuthFlows extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * Configuration for the OAuth Implicit flow */ implicit?: IOAuthFlow; /** * Configuration for the OAuth Resource Owner Password flow */ password?: IOAuthFlow; /** * Configuration for the OAuth Client Credentials flow. * * Previously called `application` in OpenAPI 2.0. */ clientCredentials?: IOAuthFlow; /** * Configuration for the OAuth Authorization Code flow. * * Previously called `accessCode` in OpenAPI 2.0. */ authorizationCode?: IOAuthFlow; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder /** * License information for the exposed API. * * @ */ interface ILicense { /** * Required. The license name used for the API. */ name?: string; /** * A URL to the license used for the API. * * MUST be in the format of a URL. */ url?: string; } export default ILicense;
<filename>examples/pet-store/pet-store.ts import IEndpoint from '../../src/v2/Modified/IEndpoint'; import IParameter from '../../src/v2/Modified/IParameter'; import IResponse from '../../src/v2/Modified/IResponse'; import ISchema from '../../src/v2/Modified/ISchema'; import OpenApiSpecBuilder from '../../src/OpenApiSpecBuilder'; let pet: ISchema = { type: 'object', required: ['id', 'name'], properties: { id: { type: 'integer', format: 'int64' }, name: { type: 'string' }, tag: { type: 'string' } } }; let pets: ISchema = { type: 'array', items: pet }; let defaultResponse: IResponse = { statusCode: 0, description: 'unexpected error', schema: { type: 'object', required: ['code', 'message'], properties: { code: { type: 'integer', format: 'int32' }, message: { type: 'string' } } } }; let parameter: IParameter = { name: 'limit', in: 'query', description: 'How many items to return at one time (max 100)', required: false, type: 'integer', format: 'int32' }; let endpoint: IEndpoint = { path: '/pets', method: 'get', summary: 'List all pets', operationId: 'listPets', tags: ['pets'], parameters:[ parameter ], responses: [ defaultResponse, { statusCode: 200, description: 'An paged array of pets', headers: [ { name: 'x-next', type: 'string', description: 'A link to the next page of responses' } ], schema: pets } ] }; let petstore = new OpenApiSpecBuilder ({ info: { version: '1.0.0', title: 'Swagger Petstore', license: { name: 'MIT' } }, host: '', basePath: '/v1', schemes: ['https'], consumes:[ 'application/json' ], produces:[ 'application/json' ], endpoints: [ endpoint, { path: '/pets', method: 'post', summary: 'Create a pet', operationId: 'createPets', tags: ['pets'], parameters:[ parameter ], responses: [ defaultResponse, { statusCode: 201, description: 'Null response' } ] }, { path: '/pets/{petId}', method: 'get', summary: 'Info for a specific pet', operationId: 'showPetById', tags: ['pets'], parameters: [ parameter, { name: 'petId', in: 'path', required: true, description: 'The id of the pet to retrieve', type: 'string' } ], responses: [ defaultResponse, { statusCode: 200, description: 'Expected response to a valid request', schema: pets } ] } ] }); petstore.toJson().then(v => console.log(v)).catch(e => console.error(JSON.stringify(e)));
import IMediaType from './IMediaType'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Describes a single request body. * * @see */ export default interface IRequestBody extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A brief description of the request body. * * This could contain examples of use. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * The content of the request body. * * The key is a media type or media type range and the value describes it. * * For requests that match multiple keys, only the most specific key is * applicable. e.g. `text/plain` overrides `text/*` * * __REQUIRED__ */ content: { [key: string]: IMediaType }; /** * Determines if the request body is required in the request. * * Defaults to false. */ required?: boolean; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder import IContact from './IContact'; import ILicense from './ILicense'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * The object provides metadata about the API. * * The metadata MAY be used by the clients if needed, and MAY be presented in * editing or documentation generation tools for convenience. * * @see */ export default interface IInfo extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The title of the application. * * __REQUIRED__ */ title: string; /** * A short description of the application. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * __MAY__ be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. * * __MUST__ be in the format of a URL. */ termsOfService?: string; /** * The contact information for the exposed API. */ contact?: IContact; /** * The license information for the exposed API. */ license?: ILicense; /** * The version of the OpenAPI document. * * Which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification * version or the API implementation version. * * __REQUIRED__ */ version: string; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder import IPathItem from './IPathItem'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Holds the relative paths to the individual endpoints and their operations. * * The path is appended to the URL from the Server Object in order to construct * the full URL. The Paths MAY be empty, due to ACL constraints. * * @see */ export default interface IPath extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A relative path to an individual endpoint. * * The field name __MUST__ begin with a slash. * * The path is appended (no relative URL resolution) to the expanded URL * from the Server Object's url field in order to construct the full URL. * * Path templating is allowed. When matching URLs, concrete (non-templated) * paths would be matched before their templated counterparts. * * Templated paths with the same hierarchy but different templated names * __MUST NOT__ exist as they are identical. In case of ambiguous matching, * it's up to the tooling to decide which one to use. */ [path: string]: IPathItem; }
import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Contact information for the exposed API. * * @see */ export default interface IContact extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The identifying name of the contact person/organization. */ name?: string; /** * The URL pointing to the contact information. * * __MUST__ be in the format of a URL. */ url?: string; /** * The email address of the contact person/organization. * * __MUST__ be in the format of an email address. */ email?: string; }
<gh_stars>1-10 import { FormatType } from '../TypeDefs'; import IItems from './IItems'; import ISchema from './ISchema'; import ISharedSchema from './ISharedSchema'; /** * Describes a single operation parameter. * * A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. * There are five possible parameter types, "path", "query", "header", * "body", "form". * * @see */ interface IParameter extends ISharedSchema { /** * Required. The name of the parameter. Parameter names are case sensitive. * * If in is "path", the name field MUST correspond to the associated path * segment from the path field in the Paths Object. * * @see * * For all other cases, the name corresponds to the parameter name used * based on the in property. */ name: string; /** * Required. The location of the parameter. * * Possible values are "query", "header", "path", "formData" or "body". */ in: 'query' | 'header' | 'path' | 'formData' | 'body'; /** * A brief description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use. * * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Determines whether this parameter is mandatory. * * If the parameter is in "path", this property is required and its value * MUST be true. Otherwise, the property MAY be included and its default * value is false. */ required?: boolean; /** * The schema defining the type used for the body parameter. * * > NOTE: Required when `in` is set to `body`. */ schema?: ISchema; /** * Required when `in` is not set to `body`. The type of the parameter. * * Since the parameter is not located at the request body, it is limited to * simple types (that is, not an object). The value MUST be one of "string", * "number", "integer", "boolean", "array" or "file". * * If type is "file", the consumes MUST be either "multipart/form-data", * "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or both and the parameter MUST * e in "formData". */ type?: 'string' | 'number' | 'integer' | 'boolean' | 'array' | 'file'; /** * Sets the ability to pass empty-valued parameters. * * This is valid only for either query or formData parameters and allows you * to send a parameter with a name only or an empty value. * * Default value is false. */ allowEmptyValue?: boolean; /** * Required if type is "array". Describes the type of items in the array. */ items?: IItems; /** * Determines the format of the array if type array is used. * * Possible values are: * - csv - comma separated values foo,bar. * - ssv - space separated values foo bar. * - tsv - tab separated values foo\tbar. * - pipes - pipe separated values foo|bar. * - multi - corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of * multiple values for a single instance foo=bar&foo=baz. * This is valid only for parameters in "query" or "formData". * * Default value is csv. */ collectionFormat?: 'csv' | 'ssv' | 'tsv' | 'pipes' | 'multi'; } export default IParameter;
/** * A simple object to allow referencing other components in the specification, * internally and externally. * * The Reference Object is defined by JSON Reference * and follows the same structure, behavior and rules. * * For this specification, reference resolution is accomplished as defined by * the JSON Reference specification and not by the JSON Schema specification. * * @see */ export default interface IReference { /** * The reference string. * * __REQUIRED__ */ $ref: string; }
<gh_stars>1-10 import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * An object representing a Server Variable for server URL template substitution. * * @see */ export default interface IServerVariable { /** * An enumeration of string values to be used if the * substitution options are from a limited set. */ enum?: string[]; /** * The default value to use for substitution, and to send, * if an alternate value is not supplied. * * Unlike the Schema Object's default, this value * __MUST__ be provided by the consumer. * * __REQUIRED__ */ default: string; /** * An optional description for the server variable. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; }
import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import IParameter from './IParameter'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IResponses from './IResponses'; import ISecurityRequirment from './ISecurityRequirment'; import { Schemes } from '../TypeDefs'; /** * Describes a single API operation on a path. * * @see */ interface IOperation { /** * A list of tags for API documentation control. * * Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations * by resources or any other qualifier. */ tags?: string[]; /** * A short summary of what the operation does. * * For maximum readability in the swagger-ui, * this field SHOULD be less than 120 characters. */ summary?: string; /** * A verbose explanation of the operation behavior. * * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Additional external documentation for this operation. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; /** * Unique string used to identify the operation. * * The id MUST be unique among all operations described in the API. * Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely identify * an operation, therefore, it is recommended to follow common * programming naming conventions. */ operationId?: string; /** * A list of MIME types the operation can consume. * * This overrides the consumes definition at the Swagger Object. * An empty value MAY be used to clear the global definition. * Value MUST be as described under Mime Types. */ consumes?: string[]; /** * A list of MIME types the operation can produce. * * This overrides the produces definition at the Swagger Object. * An empty value MAY be used to clear the global definition. * Value MUST be as described under Mime Types. */ produces?: string[]; /** * A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation. * * If a parameter is already defined at the Path Item, the new definition * will override it, but can never remove it. The list MUST NOT include * duplicated parameters. * * A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. * There can be one "body" parameter at most. */ parameters?: Array<IParameter | IReference>; /** * Required. The list of possible responses as they are returned from * executing this operation. */ responses: IResponses; /** * The transfer protocol for the operation. * * Values MUST be from the list: "http", "https", "ws", "wss". * The value overrides the Swagger Object schemes definition. */ schemes?: Schemes[]; /** * Declares this operation to be deprecated. * * Usage of the declared operation should be refrained. * * Default value is false. */ deprecated?: boolean; /** * A declaration of which security schemes are applied for this operation. * * The list of values describes alternative security schemes that can be * used (that is, there is a logical OR between the security requirements). * * This definition overrides any declared top-level security. * To remove a top-level security declaration, an empty array can be used. */ security?: ISecurityRequirment[]; } export default IOperation;
import IServer from './IServer'; import ICallback from './ICallback'; import IResponses from './IResponses'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IParameter from './IParameter'; import IRequestBody from './IRequestBody'; import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import ISecurityRequirement from './ISecurityRequirement'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Describes a single API operation on a path. * * @see */ export default interface IOperation extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A list of tags for API documentation control. * * Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier. */ tags?: string[]; /** * A short summary of what the operation does. */ summary?: string; /** * A verbose explanation of the operation behavior. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Additional external documentation for this operation. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; /** * Unique string used to identify the operation. * * The id __MUST__ be unique among all operations described in the API. * * Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely identify an operation, * therefore, it is RECOMMENDED to follow common programming naming conventions. */ operationId?: string; /** * A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation. * * If a parameter is already defined at the Path Item, the new definition * will override it but can never remove it. * * The list __MUST NOT__ include duplicated parameters. * * A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. * * The list can use the Reference Object to link to parameters that are * defined at the OpenAPI Object's components/parameters. */ parameters?: (IParameter | IReference)[]; /** * The request body applicable for this operation. * * The requestBody is only supported in HTTP methods where the HTTP 1.1 * specification RFC7231 has explicitly defined semantics for request bodies. * * In other cases where the HTTP spec is vague, * requestBody SHALL be ignored by consumers. */ requestBody?: IRequestBody | IReference; /** * The list of possible responses as they are returned from executing this operation. * * __REQUIRED__ */ responses: IResponses; /** * A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation. * * The key is a unique identifier for the Callback Object. * * Each value in the map is a Callback Object that describes a request that * may be initiated by the API provider and the expected responses. * * The key value used to identify the callback object is an expression, * evaluated at runtime, that identifies a URL to use for the callback operation. */ callbacks?: { [callback: string]: ICallback | IReference }; /** * Declares this operation to be deprecated. * * Consumers SHOULD refrain from usage of the declared operation. * * Default value is false. */ deprecated?: boolean; /** * A declaration of which security mechanisms can be used for this operation. * * The list of values includes alternative security requirement * objects that can be used. * * Only one of the security requirement objects need to be * satisfied to authorize a request. * * This definition overrides any declared top-level security. * * To remove a top-level security declaration, an empty array can be used. */ security?: ISecurityRequirement[]; /** * An alternative server array to service this operation. * * If an alternative server object is specified at the Path Item Object * or Root level, it will be overridden by this value. */ servers?: IServer[]; }
import ILink from './ILink'; import ISchema from './ISchema'; import IHeader from './IHeader'; import IExample from './IExample'; import IResponse from './IResponse'; import ICallback from './ICallback'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IParameter from './IParameter'; import IRequestBody from './IRequestBody'; import ISecurityScheme from './ISecurityScheme'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the OAS. * * All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the * API unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the * components object. * * > NOTE: All the fixed fields declared, are objects that __MUST__ use keys * that match the regular expression: `^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$` * * TODO: Implement this regex check in the builder at runtime. * * @see */ export default interface IComponent extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * An object to hold reusable Schema Objects. */ schemas?: { [schema: string]: ISchema | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Response Objects. */ responses?: { [response: string]: IResponse | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Parameter Objects. */ parameters?: { [parameter: string]: IParameter | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Example Objects. */ examples?: { [example: string]: IExample | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Request Body Objects. */ requestBodies?: { [request: string]: IRequestBody | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Header Objects. */ headers?: { [header: string]: IHeader | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Security Scheme Objects. */ securitySchemes?: { [securityScheme: string]: ISecurityScheme | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Link Objects. */ links?: { [link: string]: ILink | IReference }; /** * An object to hold reusable Callback Objects. */ callbacks?: { [callback: string]: ICallback | IReference }; }
/** * When request bodies or response payloads may be one of a number of different * schemas, a discriminator object can be used to aid in serialization, * deserialization, and validation. * * The discriminator is a specific object in a schema which is used to inform * the consumer of the specification of an alternative schema based on the value * associated with it. * * When using the discriminator, inline schemas will not be considered. * @see */ export default interface IDiscriminator { /** * The name of the property in the payload that will hold the discriminator value. * * __REQUIRED__ */ propertyName: string; /** * An object to hold mappings between payload values and schema names or references. */ mapping?: {[key: string]: string }; }
import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * A metadata object that allows for more fine-tuned XML model definitions. * * When using arrays, XML element names are not inferred (for singular/plural * forms) and the name property __SHOULD__ be used to add that information. * @see */ export default interface IXml extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * Replaces the name of the element/attribute used for the described schema property. * * When defined within `items`, it will affect the name of the individual * XML elements within the list. When defined alongside `type` being `array` * (outside the `items`), it will affect the wrapping element and only if * `wrapped` is `true`. If `wrapped` is `false`, it will be ignored. */ name?: string; /** * The URI of the namespace definition. * * Value __MUST__ be in the form of an absolute URI. */ namespace?: string; /** * The prefix to be used for the [name]( */ prefix?: string; /** * Declares whether the property definition translates * to an attribute instead of an element. * * Default value is `false`. */ attribute?: boolean; /** * __MAY__ be used only for an array definition. Signifies whether the array * is wrapped (for example, `<books><book/><book/></books>`) or unwrapped * (`<book/><book/>`). * * Default value is `false`. * * The definition takes effect only when defined alongside `type` being * `array` (outside the `items`). */ wrapped?: boolean; }
<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/IPathItem.ts import IServer from './IServer'; import IOperation from './IOperation'; import IParameter from './IParameter'; import IReference from './IReference'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Describes the operations available on a single path. * * A Path Item MAY be empty, due to ACL constraints. * * The path itself is still exposed to the documentation viewer but they will * not know which operations and parameters are available. * * @see */ export default interface IPathItem extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * Allows for an external definition of this path item. * * The referenced structure __MUST__ be in the format of a Path Item Object. * If there are conflicts between the referenced definition and this Path * Item's definition, the behavior is undefined. */ $ref?: string; /** * An optional, string summary, intended to apply to all operations in this path. */ summary?: string; /** * An optional, string description, intended to apply to all operations in this path. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * A definition of a GET operation on this path. */ get?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a PUT operation on this path. */ put?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a POST operation on this path. */ post?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a DELETE operation on this path. */ delete?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a OPTIONS operation on this path. */ options?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a HEAD operation on this path. */ head?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a PATCH operation on this path. */ patch?: IOperation; /** * A definition of a TRACE operation on this path. */ trace?: IOperation; /** * An alternative server array to service all operations in this path. */ servers?: IServer[]; /** * A list of parameters that are applicable for all the * operations described under this path. * * These parameters can be overridden at the operation level, * but cannot be removed there. * * The list __MUST NOT__ include duplicated parameters. * * A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. * * The list can use the Reference Object to link to parameters that are * defined at the OpenAPI Object's components/parameters. */ parameters?: (IParameter | IReference)[]; }
/** * Lists the required security schemes to execute this operation. * * The name used for each property __MUST__ correspond to a security scheme * declared in the Security Schemes under the Components Object. * * Security Requirement Objects that contain multiple schemes require that all * schemes __MUST__ be satisfied for a request to be authorized. This enables * support for scenarios where multiple query parameters or HTTP headers are * required to convey security information. * * When a list of Security Requirement Objects is defined on the Open API object * or Operation Object, only one of Security Requirement Objects in the list * needs to be satisfied to authorize the request. * @see */ export default interface ISecurityRequirement { /** * Each name __MUST__ correspond to a security scheme which is declared in * the Security Schemes under the Components Object. * * If the security scheme is of type `oauth2` or `openIdConnect`, then the * value is a list of scope names required for the execution. * * For other security scheme types, the array __MUST__ be empty. */ [name: string]: [string]; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder<filename>src/OpenApiSpecBuilder.ts<gh_stars>1-10 import deepEqual = require('deep-equal'); import * as swagger from 'swagger-tools'; import IHeader from './v2/Strict/IHeader'; import IParameter from './v2/Strict/IParameter'; import IReference from './v2/Strict/IReference'; import IResponses from './v2/Strict/IResponses'; import ISchema from './v2/Strict/ISchema'; import Modifiedv2ISpec from './v2/Modified/ISpec'; import Strictv2ISpec from './v2/Strict/ISpec'; import traverse = require('traverse'); import md5 = require('md5'); export default class OpenApiSpecBuilder { /** * After the spec builder has worked it's magic, * this property will contain a strict open api specification. */ protected strictSpec: Strictv2ISpec; /** * Give us a typescript friendly version of the OpenAPI Spec * and we will convert it into a Strict version 2.0 Spec Document. */ public constructor(protected modifiedSpec: Modifiedv2ISpec) {} /** * Perform the conversion between a Modified Spec & a Strict Spec. */ public async getStrictSpec(): Promise<Strictv2ISpec> { return new Promise<Strictv2ISpec>((resolve, reject) => { // Resolve straight away if we have already done the conversion. if (this.strictSpec != null) return resolve(this.strictSpec); // Run our conversion methods over the modified spec. this.addSwaggerVersion(); this.convertModifiedEndpointsToStrictPaths(); this.convertModifiedResponsesToStrictResponses(); this.convertModifiedHeadersToStrictHeaders(); //this.deDuplicateAndMinify(); // While the typescript interfaces go along way to helping provide // a valid open api specification, there are certain rules & edge // cases that can only be validated at RunTime. (<any>swagger.specs.v2).validate(this.modifiedSpec, (error, result) => { if (error) return reject(error); if (typeof result !== 'undefined') return reject(result); this.strictSpec = <any>this.modifiedSpec; resolve(this.strictSpec); }); }); } /** * Converts the strict spec to a JSON String, * ready to be consumed by swagger-ui or other tools. */ public async toJson(): Promise<string> { return JSON.stringify(await this.getStrictSpec()); } /** * Our modified spec does not define the swagger version, * it's static anyway so we automatically add it in. */ protected addSwaggerVersion() { // Here we create a new object where the swagger key is first. // It's purely a visual thing to make the final JSON output look familiar. let spec = this.modifiedSpec; this.modifiedSpec = <any>{swagger:'2.0'}; for (let key in spec) this.modifiedSpec[key] = spec[key]; } protected convertModifiedEndpointsToStrictPaths() { let endpoints = this.modifiedSpec.endpoints; delete this.modifiedSpec.endpoints; this.modifiedSpec['paths'] = {}; for (let endpoint of endpoints) { if (this.modifiedSpec['paths'][endpoint.path] == null) { this.modifiedSpec['paths'][endpoint.path] = {}; } let newOperation = Object.assign({}, endpoint); delete newOperation.path; delete newOperation.method; this.modifiedSpec['paths'][endpoint.path][endpoint.method] = newOperation; } } /** * Replace our modified responses array with a strict responses object. */ protected convertModifiedResponsesToStrictResponses() { for (let path in this.modifiedSpec['paths']) { for (let method in this.modifiedSpec['paths'][path]) { // Grab the operation, ie: GET, POST, PUT, etc... let operation = this.modifiedSpec['paths'][path][method]; // Create a new object to hold our responses, // where the keys are HTTP status codes. let responses: IResponses = {}; operation.responses.forEach(response => { // NOTE: Status Codes of 0 get converted to a "default" response. let key: any = response.statusCode === 0 ? 'default' : response.statusCode; // Remove the status code from our modified response // object to turn it into a strict response object. let newResponse = Object.assign({}, response); delete newResponse.statusCode; // Make sure we don't override a response. if (responses[key] != null) { throw new Error ( 'Duplicate Response Found @ paths.'+path+ '.'+method+'.responses.'+key ); } // And add the response to our new list responses[key] = newResponse; }); // Overwrite the responses array with a responses object. operation.responses = <any>responses; } } } /** * Replace our modified headers array with a strict headers object. */ protected convertModifiedHeadersToStrictHeaders() { for (let path in this.modifiedSpec['paths']) { for (let method in this.modifiedSpec['paths'][path]) { // Grab the operation, ie: GET, POST, PUT, etc... let operation = this.modifiedSpec['paths'][path][method]; // Create a new object to hold our headers, // where the keys are HTTP header names. for (let response in operation.responses) { if (operation.responses[response].headers == null) continue; let headers: { [name:string]:IHeader } = {}; operation.responses[response].headers.forEach(header => { // Remove the header name from our modified header // object to turn it into a strict header object. let newHeader = Object.assign({}, header); delete; // Make sure we don't override a header. if (headers[] != null) { throw new Error ( 'Duplicate Header Found @ paths.'+path+'.'+ method+'.responses.'+response+'.headers.'+ ); } // And add the header to our new list headers[] = newHeader; }); // Overwrite the headers array with a headers object. operation.responses[response].headers = <any>headers; } } } } /* protected deDuplicateAndMinify() { let allSchemas = this.findAllSchemas(); console.log(allSchemas); let allParameters = this.findAllParameters(); console.log(allParameters); // Now look for any duplicates in our list. let duplicatedSchemas = this.findDuplicatesOfType<ISchema>(allSchemas); let duplicatedParameters = this.findDuplicatesOfType<IParameter>(allParameters); this.modifiedSpec['parameters'] = {}; for (let parameterName in duplicatedParameters) { for (let keyPath of duplicatedParameters[parameterName].keyPaths) { spec.set(keyPath, {$ref:'#/parameters/'+parameterName}); } this.modifiedSpec['parameters'][parameterName] = duplicatedParameters[parameterName].parameter; } } protected findAllParameters(): { keyPath: string[], value: IParameter }[] { let parameters: { keyPath: string[], value: IParameter }[] = []; traverse(this.modifiedSpec).forEach(function(node) { if (this.notRoot && this.parent.key === 'parameters') { parameters.push({keyPath: this.path, value: node}); } }); return parameters; } protected findAllSchemas(): { keyPath: string[], value: ISchema }[] { let schemas: { keyPath: string[], value: ISchema }[] = []; traverse(this.modifiedSpec).forEach(function(node) { if (this.notRoot && (this.key === 'schema' || this.key === 'items')) { if (this.path.indexOf('parameters') == -1 && this.path.indexOf('headers') == -1) { schemas.push({keyPath: this.path, value: node}); } } }); return schemas; } protected findDuplicatesOfType<T>(values: { keyPath: string[], value: T }[]): { [name: string]: { keyPaths: string[][], value: T } } { let duplicates: { [name: string]: { keyPaths: string[][], value: T } } = {}; for (let value1 of values) { for (let value2 of values) { // Ignore the case where both values are from the same place. if (deepEqual(value1.keyPath, value2.keyPath)) { continue; } // Check to see if we have 2 values that describe the same thing. if (deepEqual(value1.value, value2.value)) { let key: string = null; if (value1.value['name'] != null) { // Parameters have name properties. key = value1.value['name']; } else if (value1.value['title'] != null) { // Schemas have title properties but they are optional. key = value1.value['title']; } else { // As a last restore we make hash of the value. key = md5(JSON.stringify(value1.value)); } if (duplicates[key] == null) { // The duplicated value does not already exist so lets add it. duplicates[key] = { keyPaths: [value1.keyPath, value2.keyPath], value: value1.value }; } else { // The duplicated value already exists in our list // so all we need to do is append to it's array of keyPaths. let keyPaths = duplicates[key].keyPaths; if (keyPaths.find(v => deepEqual(v, value1.keyPath)) == null) { keyPaths.push(value1.keyPath); } if (keyPaths.find(v => deepEqual(v, value2.keyPath)) == null) { keyPaths.push(value2.keyPath); } } } } } return duplicates; } */ }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder import IServer from './IServer'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * The Link object represents a possible design-time link for a response. * * The presence of a link does not guarantee the caller's ability to * successfully invoke it, rather it provides a known relationship and * traversal mechanism between responses and other operations. * * Unlike dynamic links (i.e. links provided in the response payload), * the OAS linking mechanism does not require link information in the * runtime response. * * For computing links, and providing instructions to execute them, * a runtime expression is used for accessing values in an operation * and using them as parameters while invoking the linked operation. * @see */ export default interface ILink extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A relative or absolute reference to an OAS operation. * * This field is mutually exclusive of the `operationId` field, * and __MUST__ point to an Operation Object. * * Relative `operationRef` values __MAY__ be used to locate an existing * Operation Object in the OpenAPI definition. */ operationRef?: string; /** * The name of an existing, resolvable OAS operation, * as defined with a unique `operationId`. * * This field is mutually exclusive of the `operationRef` field. */ operationId?: string; /** * A map representing parameters to pass to an operation as specified * with operationId or identified via `operationRef`. * * The key is the parameter name to be used, whereas the value can be a * constant or an expression to be evaluated and passed to the linked * operation. * * The parameter name can be qualified using the parameter location * `[{in}.]{name}` for operations that use the same parameter name * in different locations (e.g. */ parameters?: { [key: string]: any | string }; /** * A literal value or [{expression}]( * to use as a request body when calling the target operation. */ requestBody?: any | string; /** * A description of the link. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * __MAY__ be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * A server object to be used by the target operation. */ server?: IServer; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * Configuration details for a supported OAuth Flow * * @see */ export default interface IOAuthFlow extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The authorization URL to be used for this flow. * * This __MUST__ be in the form of a URL. * * __REQUIRED__ */ authorizationUrl: string; /** * The token URL to be used for this flow. * * This __MUST__ be in the form of a URL. * * __REQUIRED__ */ tokenUrl: string; /** * The URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens. * * This __MUST__ be in the form of a URL. */ refreshUrl?: string; /** * The available scopes for the OAuth2 security scheme. * * A map between the scope name and a short description for it. * * __REQUIRED__ */ scopes: { [key: string]: string }; }
import IReference from './IReference'; import IResponse from './IResponse'; interface IResponses { /** * The documentation of responses other than the ones declared for * specific HTTP response codes. * * It can be used to cover undeclared responses. * * Reference Object can be used to link to a response that is * defined at the Swagger Object's responses section. */ default?: IResponse | IReference; /** * Any HTTP status code can be used as the property name * (one property per HTTP status code). * * Describes the expected response for that HTTP status code. * Reference Object can be used to link to a response that is * defined at the Swagger Object's responses section. */ [name: number]: IResponse | IReference; } export default IResponses;
import { SerializationStyle } from '../TypeDefs'; import ISchema from './ISchema'; import IExample from './IExample'; import IReference from './IReference'; import IMediaType from './IMediaType'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * The Header Object follows the structure of the Parameter Object * with the following changes: * * - `name` __MUST NOT__ be specified, it is given in the corresponding headers map. * - `in` __MUST NOT__ be specified, it is implicitly in header. * - All traits that are affected by the location __MUST__ be applicable to a location of header (for example, style). * * @see */ export default interface IHeader extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * A brief description of the parameter. * * This could contain examples of use. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Determines whether this parameter is mandatory. * * If the parameter location is `path`, this property is __REQUIRED__ and * its value __MUST__ be true. * * Otherwise, the property MAY be included and its default value is false. */ required?: boolean; /** * Specifies that a parameter is deprecated and SHOULD be transitioned out of usage. */ deprecated?: boolean; /** * Sets the ability to pass empty-valued parameters. * * This is valid only for query parameters and allows * sending a parameter with an empty value. * * Default value is false. * * If style is used, and if behavior is n/a (cannot be serialized), * the value of allowEmptyValue SHALL be ignored. */ allowEmptyValue?: boolean; /** * Describes how the parameter value will be serialized * depending on the type of the parameter value. * * Default values (based on value of in): * - for query = form; * - for path = simple; * - for header = simple; * - for cookie = form. * * @see * * TODO: Ensure the rules defined in the above link are validated at runtime. */ style?: SerializationStyle; /** * When this is true, parameter values of type array or object generate * separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of * the map. * * For other types of parameters this property has no effect. * * When style is form, the default value is true. * * For all other styles, the default value is false. */ explode?: boolean; /** * Determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved characters, * as defined by RFC3986 `:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=` to be included without * percent-encoding. * * This property only applies to parameters with an `in` value of `query`. * * The default value is false. */ allowReserved?: boolean; /** * The schema defining the type used for the parameter. */ schema?: ISchema | IReference; /** * Example of the media type. * * The example SHOULD match the specified schema and encoding properties * if present. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples * object. * * Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains an example, * the example value SHALL override the example provided by the schema. * * To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally be represented * in JSON or YAML, a string value can contain the example with escaping * where necessary. */ example?: any; /** * Examples of the media type. * * Each example SHOULD contain a value in the correct format as specified * in the parameter encoding. The examples object is mutually exclusive of * the example object. * * Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains an example, * the examples value SHALL override the example provided by the schema. */ examples?: { [key: string]: IExample | IReference }; /** * For more complex scenarios, the content property can define the * media type and schema of the parameter. * * A parameter __MUST__ contain either a schema property, * or a content property, but not both. * * When example or examples are provided in conjunction with the * schema object, the example __MUST__ follow the prescribed * serialization strategy for the parameter. * * The key is the media type and the value describes it. * * The map __MUST__ only contain one entry. */ content?: { [key: string]: IMediaType }; }
<filename>src/v2/Modified/ISharedSchema.ts import { FormatType, Type } from '../TypeDefs'; interface ISharedSchema { /** * The type that the schema is describing. * * > NOTE: In some cases the type can be omitted and it will be inferred * based on other properties values. However good practise would * suggest the type is defined regardless. * * @see */ type?: Type; /** * The extending format for the previously mentioned type. * * @see */ format?: FormatType; /** * Used to supply a default JSON value associated with a particular schema. * * > NOTE: Unlike JSON Schema this value MUST conform * to the defined type for the data type. * * @see */ default?: any; /** * Successful validation depends on the presence * and value of "exclusiveMaximum": * * - if "exclusiveMaximum" is not present, or has boolean value false, * then the instance is valid if it is lower than, or equal to, * the value of "maximum"; * * - if "exclusiveMaximum" has boolean value true, * the instance is valid if it is strictly lower * than the value of "maximum". * * @see */ maximum?: number; /** * If "exclusiveMaximum" is present, "maximum" MUST also be present. * "exclusiveMaximum", if absent, may be considered as being present * with boolean value false. * * @see */ exclusiveMaximum?: boolean; /** * Successful validation depends on the presence * and value of "exclusiveMinimum": * * - if "exclusiveMinimum" is not present, or has boolean value false, * then the instance is valid if it is greater than, or equal to, * the value of "minimum"; * * - if "exclusiveMinimum" is present and has boolean value true, * the instance is valid if it is strictly greater than the value * of "minimum". * * @see */ minimum?: number; /** * If "exclusiveMinimum" is present, "minimum" MUST also be present. * "exclusiveMinimum", if absent, may be considered as being present * with boolean value false. * * @see */ exclusiveMinimum?: boolean; /** * A string instance is valid against this keyword if its length * is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ maxLength?: number; /** * A string instance is valid against this keyword if its length * is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ minLength?: number; /** * This string SHOULD be a valid regular expression, * according to the ECMA 262 regular expression dialect. * * @see */ pattern?: string; /** * An array instance is valid against "maxItems" if its size * is less than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ maxItems?: number; /** * An array instance is valid against "minItems" if its size * is greater than, or equal to, the value of this keyword. * * @see */ minItems?: number; /** * If it has boolean value true, the instance validates successfully * if all of its elements are unique. * * @see */ uniqueItems?: boolean; /** * An instance validates successfully against this keyword if its value * is equal to one of the elements in this keyword's array value. * * @see */ enum?: any[]; /** * A numeric instance is valid against "multipleOf" if the result of the * division of the instance by this keyword's value is an integer. * * @see */ multipleOf?: number; } export default ISharedSchema;
import IItems from './IItems'; /** * @see */ interface IHeader extends IItems { /** * A short description of the header. */ description?: string; } export default IHeader;
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/IExample.ts import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * @see */ export default interface IExample extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * Short description for the example. */ summary?: string; /** * Long description for the example. * * [CommonMark syntax]( * MAY be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Embedded literal example. * * The value field and externalValue field are mutually exclusive. * * To represent examples of media types that cannot naturally represented * in JSON or YAML, use a string value to contain the example, * escaping where necessary. */ value?: any; /** * A URL that points to the literal example. * * This provides the capability to reference examples that * cannot easily be included in JSON or YAML documents. * * The value field and externalValue field are mutually exclusive. */ externalValue?: string; }
import IResponse from './IResponse'; import IReference from './IReference'; import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * A container for the expected responses of an operation. * The container maps a HTTP response code to the expected response. * * The documentation is not necessarily expected to cover all possible HTTP * response codes because they may not be known in advance. However, * documentation is expected to cover a successful operation response * and any known errors. * * The default MAY be used as a default response object for all HTTP codes * that are not covered individually by the specification. * * The Responses Object __MUST__ contain at least one response code, * and it __SHOULD__ be the response for a successful operation call. * * @see */ export default interface IResponses extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The documentation of responses other than the ones declared * for specific HTTP response codes. * * Use this field to cover undeclared responses. * * A Reference Object can link to a response that the OpenAPI Object's * components/responses section defines. */ default?: IResponse | IReference; /** * Any HTTP status code can be used as the property name, * but only one property per code, to describe the expected * response for that HTTP status code. * * A Reference Object can link to a response that is defined in the * OpenAPI Object's components/responses section. * * This field __MUST__ be enclosed in quotation marks (for example, "200") * for compatibility between JSON and YAML. * * To define a range of response codes, this field MAY contain the * uppercase wildcard character X. For example, 2XX represents all * response codes between [200-299]. * * The following range definitions are allowed: 1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX. * * If a response range is defined using an explicit code, the explicit code * definition takes precedence over the range definition for that code. */ [statusCode: string]: IResponse | IReference; }
<gh_stars>1-10 /** * Lists the required security schemes to execute this operation. * * The object can have multiple security schemes declared in it which are * all required (that is, there is a logical AND between the schemes). * * The name used for each property MUST correspond to a * security scheme declared in the Security Definitions. * * @see */ interface ISecurityRequirment { /** * Each name must correspond to a security scheme * which is declared in the Security Definitions. * * If the security scheme is of type "oauth2", then the value is a list of * scope names required for the execution. For other security scheme types, * the array MUST be empty. */ [name: string]: string[]; } export default ISecurityRequirment;
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder import IContact from "./IContact"; import ILicense from "./ILicense"; /** * The object provides metadata about the API. * * The metadata can be used by the clients if needed, * and can be presented in the Swagger-UI for convenience. * * @see */ interface IInfo { /** * Required. The title of the application. */ title: string; /** * A short description of the application. * * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * The Terms of Service for the API. */ termsOfService?: string; /** * The contact information for the exposed API. */ contact?: IContact; /** * The license information for the exposed API. */ license?: ILicense; /** * Required Provides the version of the application API. * * > NOTE: Not to be confused with the specification version. */ version: string; } export default IInfo;
<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/ILicense.ts import ISpecificationExtension from './ISpecificationExtension'; /** * License information for the exposed API. * * @see */ export default interface ILicense extends ISpecificationExtension { /** * The license name used for the API. * * __REQUIRED__ */ name: string; /** * A URL to the license used for the API. * * __MUST__ be in the format of a URL. */ url?: string; }
<filename>src/v3.0.0/Strict/ISpecificationExtension.ts<gh_stars>1-10 /** * Specification Extensions * * While the OpenAPI Specification tries to accommodate most use cases, * additional data can be added to extend the specification at certain points. * The extensions properties are implemented as patterned fields that are * always prefixed by "x-". * * @see */ export default interface ISpecificationExtension { // NOTE: It is impossible for us to constraint the key to "^x-". // This will be done by the builder at runtime. [extensionName: string]: any; }
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder /** * Contact information for the exposed API. * * @see */ interface IContact { /** * The identifying name of the contact person/organization. */ name?: string; /** * The URL pointing to the contact information. * * MUST be in the format of a URL. */ url?: string; /** * The email address of the contact person/organization. * * MUST be in the format of an email address. */ email?: string; } export default IContact;
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder<filename>src/v2/Strict/ITag.ts import IExternalDocs from "./IExternalDocs"; /** * Allows adding meta data to a single tag that is used by the Operation Object. * It is not mandatory to have a Tag Object per tag used there. * * @see */ interface ITag { /** * Required. The name of the tag. */ name: string; /** * A short description for the tag. * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Additional external documentation for this tag. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; } export default ITag;
import IExternalDocs from './IExternalDocs'; import IParameter from './IParameter'; import IResponse from './IResponse'; import ISecurityRequirment from './ISecurityRequirment'; import { Schemes } from '../TypeDefs'; /** * Describes a single API operation on a path. * * @see */ interface IEndpoint { /** * The path to the endpoint, relative to the host and basePath. */ path: string; /** * The method the endpoint will response to. */ method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'delete' | 'options'; /** * A list of tags for API documentation control. * * Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations * by resources or any other qualifier. */ tags?: string[]; /** * A short summary of what the operation does. * * For maximum readability in the swagger-ui, * this field SHOULD be less than 120 characters. */ summary?: string; /** * A verbose explanation of the operation behavior. * * GFM syntax can be used for rich text representation. */ description?: string; /** * Additional external documentation for this operation. */ externalDocs?: IExternalDocs; /** * Unique string used to identify the operation. * * The id MUST be unique among all operations described in the API. * Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely identify * an operation, therefore, it is recommended to follow common * programming naming conventions. */ operationId?: string; /** * A list of MIME types the operation can consume. * * This overrides the consumes definition at the Swagger Object. * An empty value MAY be used to clear the global definition. * Value MUST be as described under Mime Types. */ consumes?: string[]; /** * A list of MIME types the operation can produce. * * This overrides the produces definition at the Swagger Object. * An empty value MAY be used to clear the global definition. * Value MUST be as described under Mime Types. */ produces?: string[]; /** * A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation. * * If a parameter is already defined at the Path Item, the new definition * will override it, but can never remove it. The list MUST NOT include * duplicated parameters. * * A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. * There can be one "body" parameter at most. */ parameters?: IParameter[]; /** * Required. The list of possible responses as they are returned from * executing this operation. */ responses: IResponse[]; /** * The transfer protocol for the operation. * * Values MUST be from the list: "http", "https", "ws", "wss". * The value overrides the Swagger Object schemes definition. */ schemes?: Schemes[]; /** * Declares this operation to be deprecated. * * Usage of the declared operation should be refrained. * * Default value is false. */ deprecated?: boolean; /** * A declaration of which security schemes are applied for this operation. * * The list of values describes alternative security schemes that can be * used (that is, there is a logical OR between the security requirements). * * This definition overrides any declared top-level security. * To remove a top-level security declaration, an empty array can be used. */ security?: ISecurityRequirment[]; } export default IEndpoint;
<reponame>brad-jones/openapi-spec-builder /** * Allows the definition of a security scheme that can be used by the operations. * * Supported schemes are basic authentication, an API key (either as a header * or as a query parameter) and OAuth2's common flows (implicit, password, * application and access code). * * @see */ interface ISecuritySchema { /** * Required. The type of the security scheme. * Valid values are "basic", "apiKey" or "oauth2". */ type: 'base' | 'apiKey' | 'oauth2'; /** * A short description for security scheme. */ description?: string; /** * The name of the header or query parameter to be used. * * > NOTE: Required when type is set to "apiKey". */ name?: string; /** * The location of the API key. * * Valid values are "query" or "header". * * > NOTE: Required when type is set to "apiKey". */ in?: 'query' | 'header'; /** * The flow used by the OAuth2 security scheme. * * Valid values are "implicit", "password", "application" or "accessCode". * * > NOTE: Required when type is set to "oauth2". */ flow?: 'implicit' | 'password' | 'application' | 'accessCode'; /** * The authorization URL to be used for this flow. * * This SHOULD be in the form of a URL. * * > NOTE: Required when type is set to "oauth2" and the flow * is set to implicit" or "accessCode". */ authorizationUrl?: string; /** * The token URL to be used for this flow. * * This SHOULD be in the form of a URL. * * > NOTE: Required when type is set to "oauth2" and the flow * is set to "password", "application" or "accessCode". */ tokenUrl?: string; /** * The available scopes for the OAuth2 security scheme. * * > NOTE: Required when type is set to "oauth2". * * @see */ scopes?: { [name: string]: string }; } export default ISecuritySchema;
<gh_stars>1-10 /** * There are four possible parameter locations specified by the in field: * * - __path:__ Used together with Path Templating, where the parameter value * is actually part of the operation's URL. This does not include the host * or base path of the API. For example, in `/items/{itemId}`, the path * parameter is `itemId`. * * - __query:__ Parameters that are appended to the URL. For example, * in `/items?id=###`, the query parameter is `id`. * * - __header:__ Custom headers that are expected as part of the request. * Note that [RFC7230]( states * header names are case insensitive. * * - __cookie:__ Used to pass a specific cookie value to the API. * * @see */ export type ParameterLocation = 'query' | 'header' | 'path' | 'cookie'; /** * In order to support common ways of serializing simple parameters, * a set of style values are defined. * * - __matrix:__ Path style parameters defined by [RFC6570]( * * - __label:__ Label style parameters defined by [RFC6570]( * * - __form:__ Form style parameters defined by [RFC6570]( * This option replaces `collectionFormat` with a `csv` (when `explode` is false) * or `multi` (when `explode` is true) value from OpenAPI 2.0. * * - __simple:__ Simple style parameters defined by [RFC6570]( * This option replaces `collectionFormat` with a `csv` value from OpenAPI 2.0. * * - __spaceDelimited:__ Space separated array values. * This option replaces `collectionFormat` equal to `ssv` from OpenAPI 2.0. * * - __pipeDelimited:__ Pipe separated array values. * This option replaces `collectionFormat` equal to `pipes` from OpenAPI 2.0. * * - __deepObject:__ Provides a simple way of rendering nested objects using form parameters. * * @see */ export type SerializationStyle = 'matrix' | 'label' | 'form' | 'simple' | 'spaceDelimited' | 'pipeDelimited' | 'deepObject'; /** * Primitive data types in the OAS are based on the types supported by the * [JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00]( * * Note that `integer` as a type is also supported and is defined as a * JSON number without a fraction or exponent part. * * `null` is not supported as a type (see [nullable]( for an alternative solution). * * @see */ export type DataType = 'boolean' | 'object' | 'array' | 'number' | 'integer' | 'string'; /** * OAS uses several known formats to define in fine detail the data type being used. * * However, to support documentation needs, the format property is an open * `string`-valued property, and can have any value. Formats such as * `"email", "uuid"`, and so on, __MAY__ be used even though undefined by * this specification. * * Types that are not accompanied by a format property follow the type * definition in the JSON Schema. * * Tools that do not recognize a specific `format` __MAY__ default back to the * `type` alone, as if the `format` is not specified. * * @see */ export type DataFormat = 'date' | 'date-time' | 'email' | 'hostname' | 'ipv4' | 'ipv6' | 'uri' | 'uriref' | 'int32' | 'int64' | 'float' | 'double' | 'byte' | 'binary' | 'password'; /** * Security scheme types that can be used by the operations. * * Supported schemes are HTTP authentication, an API key (either as a header or * as a query parameter), OAuth2's common flows (implicit, password, application * and access code) as defined in [RFC6749](, * and [OpenID Connect Discovery]( * * @see */ export type SecuritySchemeType = 'apiKey' | 'http' | 'oauth2' | 'openIdConnect'; /** * Valid locations for `apiKey`'s. * * __REQUIRED__ only when the `SecuritySchemeType` is set to `apiKey`. * * @see */ export type SecuritySchemeIn = 'query' | 'header' | 'cookie';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { RestObservableService } from './rest-observable.service'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; @Component({ selector: 'app-rest-observable', templateUrl: './rest-observable.component.html', styles: ['li { list-style-type: none; padding: 20px 0; }'] }) export class RestObservableComponent implements OnInit { // getPosts = []; <--- Without async pipe getPosts: Observable<any>; getComments: Observable<any>; getUsers: Observable<any>; getUsersPosts: Observable<any>; postPosts: string; putPosts: string; patchPosts: string; deletePosts: string; errorMessage: string; constructor(private roservice: RestObservableService) { } ngOnInit() { } // GET onGetPosts() { this.getPosts = this.roservice.getPosts() // .subscribe( // data => this.getComments = data, // error => this.errorMessage = <any>error, // () => console.log('Get specific comments finished') // ); } onGetSpecificComments() { this.getComments = this.roservice.getSpecificComments() } onGetUsers() { this.getUsers = this.roservice.getUsers() } onGetUsersPosts() { this.getUsersPosts = this.roservice.getUsersPosts() } // POST onPostPosts() { this.roservice.postPosts({userId: '49', id: '48', title: 'new title', body: 'new body text'}) .subscribe( data => this.postPosts = JSON.stringify(data), error => this.errorMessage = <any>error, () => console.log('Post posts finished') ); } // PUT onPutPosts() { this.roservice.putPosts({userId: '23', id: '9', title: 'new title 2', body: 'new body text 2'}) .subscribe( data => this.putPosts = JSON.stringify(data), error => this.errorMessage = <any>error, () => console.log('Put posts finished') ); } // PATCH onPatchPosts() { this.roservice.patchPosts({userId: '43', id: '12', title: 'new title 3', body: 'new body text 3'}) .subscribe( data => this.patchPosts = JSON.stringify(data), error => this.errorMessage = <any>error, () => console.log('Patch posts finished') ); } // DELETE onDeletePosts() { this.roservice.deletePosts() .subscribe( data => this.deletePosts = JSON.stringify(data), error => this.errorMessage = <any>error, () => console.log('Delete post finished') ); } }
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpResponse, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch'; @Injectable() export class RestObservableService /* implements HttpInterceptor */ { headers: HttpHeaders; options: any; /* intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) { const headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'q=0.8;application/json;q=0.9' }); const clone = req.clone({ headers }); return next.handle(clone); } */ baseUrl = ''; constructor(private http: HttpClient) { this.headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'q=0.8;application/json;q=0.9' }); this.options = ({ headers: this.headers }); } private handleError (error: any) { const errMsg = (error.message) ? error.message : error.status ? `${error.status} - ${error.statusText}` : 'Server error'; console.error(errMsg); return Observable.throw(errMsg); } // GET getPosts(): Observable<any> { return this.http .get(this.baseUrl + '/posts', this.options) // With the new HttpClient, .map is no more. .catch(this.handleError); } getSpecificComments(): Observable<any> { return this.http .get(this.baseUrl + '/posts/3/comments', this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } getUsers(): Observable<any> { return this.http .get(this.baseUrl + '/users', this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } getUsersPosts(): Observable<any> { return this.http .get(this.baseUrl + '/users/1/posts', this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } // POST postPosts(param: any): Observable<any> { const body = JSON.stringify(param); return this.http .post(this.baseUrl + '/posts', body,this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } // PUT putPosts(param: any): Observable<any> { const body = JSON.stringify(param); return this.http .put(this.baseUrl + '/posts/1', body, this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } // PATCH patchPosts(param: any): Observable<any> { const body = JSON.stringify(param); return this.http .patch(this.baseUrl + '/posts/2', body, this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } // DELETE deletePosts(): Observable<any> { return this.http .delete(this.baseUrl + "/posts/1", this.options) .catch(this.handleError); } }
<reponame>NekoMoYi/dev2dev import { defineConfig } from 'windicss/helpers' export default defineConfig({ theme: { fontFamily: { sans: ['Noto Sans SC'], serif: ['ui-serif', 'Georgia'], mono: ["'Cascadia Code'"], display: ["'Cascadia Code'"], body: ["'Cascadia Code'"] } } })
<reponame>NekoMoYi/dev2dev declare module 'virtual:dev2dev-dataset' { export interface ISite { host: string name: string owner: string logo: string } const sites: ISite[] export default sites }
<gh_stars>1-10 export function wait(ms: number) { return new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } export function useAsync(fn: () => Promise<any>) { fn() }
import fs from 'fs-extra' import path from 'path' import yaml from 'yaml' import Ajv from 'ajv' const ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '..') const ajv = new Ajv() const validator = ajv.compile( fs.readJSONSync(path.join(ROOT, 'schema', 'site.json')) ) const DATA_DIR = path.join(ROOT, 'data') const sites = [] const files = fs.readdirSync(DATA_DIR).filter((x) => x.endsWith('.yml')) for (const file of files) { const content = fs.readFileSync(path.join(DATA_DIR, file)).toString() try { const parsed = yaml.parse(content) const valid = validator(parsed) if (!valid) { throw new Error( => x.message).join(',')) } sites.push(parsed) } catch (e) { console.warn(`Site config ${file} is invalid: ${e.message}`) } } const script = `export default ${JSON.stringify(sites)}` export default function datasetPlugin() { const virtualFileId = 'virtual:dev2dev-dataset' return { name: 'dev2dev-dataset', resolveId(id) { if (id === virtualFileId) return virtualFileId }, load(id) { if (id === virtualFileId) return script } } }
<filename>src/utils/sites.ts import sites, { ISite } from 'virtual:dev2dev-dataset' const siteMap = new Map<string, ISite>( => [, x])) function strip(url: string) { const i = url.indexOf('.') if (i === -1) return '' return url.substr(i + 1) } function match(url: string) { let result: ISite | undefined = undefined do { result = siteMap.get(url) url = strip(url) } while (url && !result) return result } function random(skip?: ISite) { for (;;) { const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * sites.length) const site = sites[i] if (!skip || !== return site } } export async function recommend(referrer: string) { const cur = match(referrer) const next = random(cur) return { cur, next } } export async function list() { return sites }
import { NativeModules } from 'react-native' const { RNPlatform } = NativeModules import { isHuawei, isXiaomi, isVIVO, isOPPO, isMeizu } from './DeviceUtil' export function isBackgroundSettingSupported() { return isHuawei() || isXiaomi() || isVIVO() || isOPPO() || isMeizu() } export function openBackgroundSettings(): Promise<boolean> { return RNPlatform.openBackgroundSettings() } export function backgroudSettingTip() { if (isHuawei()) { return '应用启动管理 -> 关闭应用开关 -> 打开允许自启动' } else if (isXiaomi()) { return '授权管理 -> 自启动管理 -> 允许应用自启动' } else if (isVIVO()) { return '权限管理 -> 自启动 -> 允许应用自启动' } else if (isOPPO()) { return '权限隐私 -> 自启动管理 -> 允许应用自启动' } else if (isMeizu()) { return '权限管理 -> 后台管理 -> 点击应用 -> 允许后台运行' } return '' }
import React from 'react'; export default function TSX(){ return( <h1>TSX Page</h1> ) }
import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as util from 'util' import {inspect} from 'util' import fetch from 'node-fetch' async function run() { const inputs = { token: core.getInput('postman-key'), apiId: core.getInput('postman-api-id'), apiVersionId: core.getInput('postman-api-version'), schemaId: core.getInput('postman-api-schema-id'), schemaType: core.getInput('postman-schema-type'), schemaLanguage: core.getInput('postman-schema-language'), contentFilepath: core.getInput('schema-filepath') } core.debug(`Inputs: ${inspect(inputs)}`) // Check the file exists if (await util.promisify(fs.exists)(inputs.contentFilepath)) { // Fetch the file content const fileContent = await fs.promises.readFile(inputs.contentFilepath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) // Send the request to the Postman API const url = `${inputs.apiId}/versions/${inputs.apiVersionId}/schemas/${inputs.schemaId}` const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Api-Key': inputs.token }, body: JSON.stringify({ schema: { type: inputs.schemaType, language: inputs.schemaLanguage, schema: fileContent } }) }) const json = await response.json()`Update postman schema ${url} response: ${inspect(json)}`) if (response.status !== 200) { core.setFailed('The schema was not updated') } // Set output // core.setOutput('issue-number', issueNumber) } else {`File not found at path '${inputs.contentFilepath}'`) core.setFailed('The schema was not updated') } } run()
<reponame>h-o-t/entente import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { Expression } from "./Expression"; export class VariableDeclaration { constructor(private _node: ts.VariableDeclaration) {} /** The initializer (value) of the variable declaration. */ get initializer(): Expression { return new Expression(this._node.getInitializerOrThrow()); } /** Assert that the variable name matches the expected value. */ name( expected: string | RegExp, msg = `Expected name to match "${expected}"` ): this { const actual = this._node.getName(); if (!actual.match(expected)) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual, expected, showDiff: false, }, ); } return this; } }
<filename>src/nodes/ClassMethod.ts import { FunctionLikeDeclaration } from "./FunctionLikeDeclaration"; export class ClassMethod extends FunctionLikeDeclaration {}
import { extname } from "path"; import { CompilerOptions, Project } from "ts-morph"; /** Returns `true` if it appears to be a configuration file, versus a JavaScript * or TypeScript file. Otherwise `false`. */ function isConfig(value: string): boolean { return extname(value) === ".json"; } /** Create a project that can be used to run assertions against. */ export function createProject(root: string): Project { const compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = { allowJs: true, checkJs: true, noEmit: true, resolveJsonModule: true, }; if (isConfig(root)) { return new Project({ compilerOptions, tsConfigFilePath: root }); } const project = new Project({ compilerOptions }); project.addSourceFileAtPath(root); project.resolveSourceFileDependencies(); return project; }
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { TypeArray } from "./TypeArray"; export class Properties { constructor(private _symbols: ts.Symbol[][]) {} /** Assert that property exists in the object type. If true, returns the * object properties. */ has( expected: string | RegExp, msg = `Expected property to match "${expected}".` ): this { for (const sa of this._symbols) { for (const s of sa) { if (s.getName().match(expected)) { return this; } } } throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.has); } /** * Get the type interfaces for properties that match the `name`. * * @param name A string or a regular expression. */ getTypes(name: string | RegExp): TypeArray { const types: ts.Type[] = []; for (const sa of this._symbols) { for (const s of sa) { if (s.getName().match(name)) { types.push(s.getValueDeclarationOrThrow().getType()); } } } return new TypeArray(types); } }
<reponame>h-o-t/entente<gh_stars>10-100 import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { Properties } from "./Properties"; export class Type<T extends ts.ts.Type = ts.ts.Type> { private _properties?: Properties; private _types: ts.Type[]; constructor(private _type: ts.Type<T>) { this._types = _type.isUnion() ? _type.getUnionTypes() : [_type]; } /** Assert the type is an array type. */ isArray(msg?: string): this { if (!this._types.every((t) => t.isArray())) { const actual = this._type.getText(); throw new AssertionError( `Expected an array type, actual "${actual}".` ?? msg, { actual, expected: "Array<any>", showDiff: false, }, this.isArray ); } return this; } /** Assert the type is an object type. */ isObject(msg?: string): this { if (!this._types.every((t) => t.isObject())) { const actual = this._type.getText(); throw new AssertionError( `Expected an object type, actual "${this._type.getText()}".` ?? msg, { actual, expected: "object", showDiff: false, }, this.isObject ); } return this; } /** Properties associated with the type. */ get properties(): Properties { if (!this._properties) { this._properties = new Properties( => t.getProperties()) ); } return this._properties; } /** The type associated with the array element. If the type is not an array * type, accessing this property will throw. */ get arrayElementType(): Type { return new Type(this._type.getArrayElementTypeOrThrow()); } }
import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ParameterDeclarationArray } from "./ParameterDeclarationArray"; import { Type } from "./Type"; export class FunctionLikeDeclaration { private _parameterDeclarations?: ParameterDeclarationArray; constructor(private _node: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration) {} /** The parameters associated with the function like declaration. */ get parameters(): ParameterDeclarationArray { if (!this._parameterDeclarations) { this._parameterDeclarations = new ParameterDeclarationArray( this._node.getParameters() ); } return this._parameterDeclarations; } /** The return type of the function like declaration. */ get return(): Type { return new Type(this._node.getReturnType()); } }
import { foo } from "./mod1"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(foo);
import { assert } from "chai"; import { test } from "./harness"; import { assertSourceFile, createProject } from "../src"; test({ name: "can assert classes in source file", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]).classes.length(1); }, }); test({ name: "can assert class is default export", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]).classes.declarations[0].isDefaultExport(); }, }); test({ name: "can assert class member exists", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const members = assertSourceFile( sourceFiles[0] ).classes.declarations[0].member("qux"); assert.lengthOf(members, 1, "should have only one member named 'qux'"); }, }); test({ name: "can assert member is method like", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const members = assertSourceFile( sourceFiles[0] ).classes.declarations[0].member("qux"); members[0].isMethodLike(); }, }); test({ name: "can assert member is property", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const members = assertSourceFile( sourceFiles[0] ).classes.declarations[0].member("qux"); members[0].isProperty(); }, }); test({ name: "can assert member is method", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const members = assertSourceFile( sourceFiles[0] ).classes.declarations[0].member("quux"); members[0].isMethod(); }, }); test({ name: "can get property intializer", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exportClass.js"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const members = assertSourceFile( sourceFiles[0] ).classes.declarations[0].member("qux"); members[0].isProperty().hasInitializer().isFunctionLike(); }, });
<gh_stars>10-100 import { sep as DEFAULT_SEPARATOR } from "path"; /** Try to detect the path seperator from a set of paths. */ function determineSeperator(paths: string[]): string { for (const path of paths) { const match = /(\/|\\)/.exec(path); if (match !== null) { return match[0]; } } return DEFAULT_SEPARATOR; } /** Determine the most common root path for a given set of paths. */ export function commonPath( paths: string[], sep = determineSeperator(paths) ): string { const [first = "", ...remaining] = paths; if (first === "" || remaining.length === 0) { return ""; } const parts = first.split(sep); let endOfPrefix = parts.length; for (const path of remaining) { const compare = path.split(sep); for (let i = 0; i < endOfPrefix; i++) { if (compare[i] !== parts[i]) { endOfPrefix = i; } } if (endOfPrefix === 0) { return ""; } } const prefix = parts.slice(0, endOfPrefix).join(sep); return prefix.endsWith(sep) ? prefix : `${prefix}${sep}`; }
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ClassMethod } from "./ClassMethod"; import { ClassProperty } from "./ClassProperty"; export class ClassMember { constructor(private _node: ts.ClassInstanceMemberTypes) {} /** Asserts that the member is a method, not a property. */ isMethod( msg = `Expected class member to be a method, found property.` ): ClassMethod { if (!ts.TypeGuards.isMethodDeclaration(this._node)) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.isMethod); } return new ClassMethod(this._node); } /** Asserts that the member is method like. For example properties which are * initialized with arrow functions would be method like. */ isMethodLike(msg = `Expected class member to be a method like.`): this { if (!ts.TypeGuards.isMethodDeclaration(this._node)) { let initializer: ts.Expression | undefined; if (ts.TypeGuards.isParameterDeclaration(this._node)) { initializer = this._node.getInitializer(); } else if (ts.TypeGuards.isPropertyDeclaration(this._node)) { initializer = this._node.getInitializer(); } if (initializer) { if (ts.TypeGuards.isFunctionLikeDeclaration(initializer)) { return this; } } throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.isMethodLike); } return this; } /** Asserts that the member is a property. */ isProperty( msg = `Expected class member to be a property, found method.` ): ClassProperty { if (ts.TypeGuards.isMethodDeclaration(this._node)) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.isProperty); } return new ClassProperty(this._node); } }
<reponame>h-o-t/entente /* eslint-disable */ const foo = () => {}; export default foo; export function bar() {} export const baz = 1; export const qux = "qux"; export const quux = "quux"; export const quuux = "quuux";
import { assert } from "chai"; import { test } from "./harness"; import { assertSourceFile, createProject } from "../src"; test({ name: "can assert against a source file", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exports.ts"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assert(assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0])); }, }); test({ name: "can assert against file path", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exports.ts"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]).filePath(/\/fixtures\/exports\.ts$/); }, }); test({ name: "can assert against a default export", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exports.ts"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const sourceFile = assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]); sourceFile.exports .default() .length(1) .declarations[0].isVariableDeclaration(); }, }); test({ name: "can assert against a named export via string", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exports.ts"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const sourceFile = assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]); sourceFile.exports .namedExport("bar") .length(1) .declarations[0].isFunctionLike(); }, }); test({ name: "can assert against a named export via a regular expression", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exports.ts"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const sourceFile = assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]); sourceFile.exports .namedExport(/qu+x/) .length(1) .declarations[0].isVariableDeclaration(); }, }); test({ name: "exports are iterable", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/exports.ts"); const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); const sourceFile = assertSourceFile(sourceFiles[0]); const exports = [...sourceFile.exports]; assert(exports.length === 6); }, });
export * from "./assert"; export * from "./harness"; export * from "./project";
<reponame>h-o-t/entente<gh_stars>10-100 import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { FunctionLikeDeclaration } from "./FunctionLikeDeclaration"; export class Expression { constructor(private _node: ts.Expression) {} /** Assert the expression is function like, and return the function like * declaration if true. */ isFunctionLike(msg?: string): FunctionLikeDeclaration { if (!ts.Node.isFunctionLikeDeclaration(this._node)) { const actual = this._node.getKindName(); throw new AssertionError( msg ?? `Expected a function like declaration, actual ${actual}.`, { actual, expected: "FunctionLikeDeclaration", showDiff: false, }, this.isFunctionLike ); } return new FunctionLikeDeclaration(this._node); } }
import { assert } from "chai"; import { test } from "./harness"; import { assertSourceFile, createProject } from "../src"; test({ name: "can return import specifiers", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/imports.ts"); const sourceFile = project.getSourceFiles()[0]; assert.deepEqual(assertSourceFile(sourceFile).imports.specifiers, [ "./mod3", "./mod4", ]); }, }); test({ name: "can assert import specifiers - string", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/imports.ts"); const sourceFile = project.getSourceFiles()[0]; assertSourceFile(sourceFile).imports.includes("mod").length(2); }, }); test({ name: "can assert import specifiers - regex", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/imports.ts"); const sourceFile = project.getSourceFiles()[0]; assertSourceFile(sourceFile).imports.includes(/\/mod/).length(2); }, }); test({ name: "throw on failed import specifier assertion", fn() { const project = createProject("./tests/fixtures/imports.ts"); const sourceFile = project.getSourceFiles()[0]; assert.throws( () => assertSourceFile(sourceFile).imports.includes("bar"), `Expected an import to match "bar".` ); }, });
import { format } from "assertion-error-formatter"; import * as chalk from "chalk"; /* eslint-disable no-console */ export interface RunReturn { /** An array of the results of each of the tests. */ tests: TestResult[]; /** The total number of tests executed. */ count: number; /** The total number of tests that failed. */ fail: number; } export interface RunOptions { /** If `true` then no output will be logged. Defaults to `false`. */ silent?: boolean; } /** A test function. The name of the function will be used for the name of the * test. */ export type TestFn = () => Promise<void> | void; export interface TestSpec { /** The name of the test. */ name: string; /** The test function, which can return nothing. */ fn: TestFn; } export interface TestResult { /** The name of the test. */ name: string; /** If the test failed or not. */ fail: boolean; /** If failed, a rich formatted string of the error that occured. */ errorString?: string; } /** Queue of tests. */ const testQueue: TestSpec[] = []; /** A unique ID used when generating names for tests where one isn't * supplied. */ let uid = 0; /** Formatting options for assertion errors. */ const formatOptions = { colorFns: { diffAdded: chalk.greenBright, diffRemoved: chalk.redBright, errorMessage: chalk.yellowBright, errorStack: chalk.cyanBright, }, }; /** A guard for return values from tests. */ function isPromiseLike<T>(value: unknown): value is PromiseLike<T> { return Boolean(typeof value === "object" && value && "then" in value); } /** Default run options. */ const defaultRunOptions: RunOptions = { silent: false }; /** * Execute any queued tests, resolving with a summary of the test results. * * import { run } from "entente"; * * (async () => { * const results = await run({ silent: true }); * console.log(results); * })(); */ export async function run(options: RunOptions = {}): Promise<RunReturn> { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-object-spread const { silent } = Object.assign({}, defaultRunOptions, options); const { length } = testQueue; if (!silent) { console.log(`\n${"Starting...")}\n\n${length} tests to run.\n`); } let spec: TestSpec | undefined; let count = 0; let fail = 0; const tests: TestResult[] = []; while ((spec = testQueue.shift())) { count++; try { const result = spec.fn(); if (isPromiseLike(result)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await result; } if (!silent) { console.log( `[${count}/${length}] - ${chalk.greenBright("pass")} - ${chalk.yellow( )}` ); } tests.push({ name:, fail: false, }); } catch (e) { fail++; const errorString = format(e, formatOptions); tests.push({ name:, fail: true, errorString, }); if (!silent) { console.log( `[${count}/${length}] - ${chalk.redBright("fail")} - ${chalk.yellow( )}\n` ); console.log(`${errorString}\n`); } } } if (!silent) { console.log( `\n${chalk.yellow( "Finished." )}\n\n${fail} failures out of ${count} tests.\n` ); for (const result of tests) { if ( { console.log(`${}:\n`)); console.log(result.errorString); } } } return { tests, count, fail }; } /** * Queue up a test to be run. * * import { test } from "entente"; * * test({ * name: "an example test", * fn() { * throw new Error("test fail!"); * } * }); * * @param item Either a test function or test specification */ export function test(item: TestFn | TestSpec): void { testQueue.push( typeof item === "function" ? { name: ?? `test ${++uid}`, fn: item, } : item ); }
<gh_stars>10-100 // there are no `@types` for this module, so providing here declare module "assertion-error-formatter" { export function format( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any error: any, options?: { colorFns?: { diffAdded?: (str: string) => string; diffRemoved?: (str: string) => string; errorMessage?: (str: string) => string; errorStack?: (str: string) => string; }; inlineDiff?: boolean; } ): string; }
<gh_stars>10-100 import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ClassDeclarations } from "./ClassDeclarations"; import { Exports } from "./Exports"; import { Imports } from "./Imports"; export class SourceFile { constructor(private _node: ts.SourceFile) {} /** The class declarations for the source file. */ get classes(): ClassDeclarations { return new ClassDeclarations(this._node.getClasses()); } /** The export interfaces for the source file. */ get exports(): Exports { return new Exports(this._node.getExportedDeclarations()); } /** The imports for the source file. */ get imports(): Imports { return new Imports(this._node.getImportDeclarations()); } /** The underlying AST node. */ get node(): ts.SourceFile { return this._node; } /** Assert the file path of the source file matches the expected value. */ filePath(expected: string | RegExp, msg = "Unexpected file path."): this { const actual = this._node.getFilePath(); if (!actual.match(expected)) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual, expected, showDiff: false, }, this.filePath ); } return this; } }
import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; export class TypeArray { constructor(private _types: ts.Type[]) {} /** Assert that there are at least a number of types in the type array. */ atLeast(expected: number, msg?: string): this { const actual = this._types.length; if (!(actual >= expected)) { throw new AssertionError( msg ?? `Expected at least ${expected} type(s), actual is ${actual}.`, { actual, expected, showDiff: false, }, this.atLeast ); } return this; } /** Assert that every type in the type array is an object type. */ isObject(msg = "Expected types to be an object."): this { if (!this._types.every((t) => t.isObject())) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: this._types[0].getText(), expected: "object", showDiff: false, }, this.isObject ); } return this; } /** Assert that every type in the type array is a string type. */ isString(msg = "Expected types to be a string."): this { if (!this._types.every((t) => t.isString())) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual: this._types[0].getText(), expected: "string", showDiff: false, }, this.isString ); } return this; } }
<reponame>h-o-t/entente<gh_stars>10-100 import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { ImportDeclaration } from "./ImportDeclaration"; export class Imports { constructor(private _declarations: ts.ImportDeclaration[]) {} get declarations(): ImportDeclaration[] { return => new ImportDeclaration(id)); } get sourceFileNodes(): Record<string, ts.SourceFile | undefined> { const result: Record<string, ts.SourceFile | undefined> = {}; for (const id of this._declarations) { result[ id.getModuleSpecifier().getLiteralText() ] = id.getModuleSpecifierSourceFile(); } return result; } get specifiers(): string[] { return => id.getModuleSpecifier().getLiteralText() ); } includes( value: string | RegExp, msg = `Expected an import to match "${String(value)}".` ): Imports { const includeArray = this._declarations.filter((id) => { const specifier = id.getModuleSpecifier().getLiteralText(); return typeof value === "string" ? specifier.includes(value) : specifier.match(value); }); if (!includeArray.length) { throw new AssertionError(msg, undefined, this.includes); } return new Imports(includeArray); } length(expected: number, msg = "Unexpected number of imports."): this { const actual = this._declarations.length; if (this._declarations.length !== expected) { throw new AssertionError( msg, { actual, expected, showDiff: true, }, this.length ); } return this; } *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<ImportDeclaration> { for (const importDeclaration of this._declarations) { yield new ImportDeclaration(importDeclaration); } } }
<reponame>h-o-t/entente import { run } from "./harness"; import "./project"; import "./assert"; import "./imports"; import "./classes"; (async () => { const fails = await run(); process.exit(fails); })();
export const foo = "foo"; export const bar = 1; export const baz = (): void => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log("baz"); }; export function qat(): boolean { return true; }
<filename>src/nodes/ExportedDeclaration.ts import * as AssertionError from "assertion-error"; import * as ts from "ts-morph"; import { FunctionLikeDeclaration } from "./FunctionLikeDeclaration"; import { VariableDeclaration } from "./VariableDeclaration"; export class ExportedDeclaration< T extends ts.ExportedDeclarations = ts.ExportedDeclarations > { constructor(private _declaration: T) {} get declaration(): T { return this._declaration; } /** Assert the export declaration function like. */ isFunctionLike(msg?: string): FunctionLikeDeclaration { if (!ts.Node.isFunctionLikeDeclaration(this._declaration)) { const actual = this._declaration.getKindName(); throw new AssertionError( msg ?? `Expected FunctionLikeDeclaration, actual ${actual}.`, { actual, expected: "FunctionLikeDeclaration", showDiff: false, }, this.isFunctionLike ); } return new FunctionLikeDeclaration(this._declaration); } /** Assert the export declaration is a variable declaration. */ isVariableDeclaration(msg?: string): VariableDeclaration { if (!ts.Node.isVariableDeclaration(this._declaration)) { const actual = this._declaration.getKindName(); throw new AssertionError( msg ?? `Expected VariableDeclaration, actual ${actual}.`, { actual, expected: "VariableDeclaration", showDiff: false, }, this.isVariableDeclaration ); } return new VariableDeclaration(this._declaration); } }