LEDs were chosen because they were viewed as the lowest maintenance option of the possible color changing fixtures . LEDs fit into an electrical circuit , causing illumination by the movement of electrons in the semiconductor material and making a filament unnecessary , so the bulbs never burn out and do not get too hot . Fins were added to the screens to keep direct sunlight from hitting the LEDs . Color Kinetics ( now part of Philips Solid @-@ State Lighting Solutions , which is now called Philips Color Kinetics ) ColorBlast 12 LEDs fixtures are used to illuminate the tower structures and glass in an attempt to meet Plensa 's objective that the towers have a light and translucent appearance , with their internal structures reflecting light from behind the glass surface . The electronics were designed to be adaptable to the time of day , weather and season and to meet the desired century @-@ long longevity and dependability objectives set by the design team in response to the thirty @-@ year directive .
In February 2001 , Mosley announced his intention to stand again for the presidency in October of that year , saying that if successful this third term would be his last .
Her father 's low and variable income meant that she could not afford to pursue her aspiration to become a teacher , and became a domestic worker at the age of 15 . Her father was a founder member of the Independent Labour Party ( ILP ) when it was established in 1893 . She described her mother as being " so quiet and the very opposite of dad " .
Innis 's role as an artillery signaller gave him firsthand experience of life ( and death ) on the front lines as he participated in the successful Canadian attack on Vimy Ridge . Signallers , or spotters , watched where each artillery shell landed , then sent back aiming corrections so that the next shells could hit their targets more accurately . On July 7 , 1917 , Innis received a serious shrapnel wound in his right thigh that required eight months of hospital treatment in England .
Franjo Klein , a Vienna @-@ born Zagreb architect , was commissioned to build the synagogue . Klein , a representative of romantic historicism , modeled the building on the Viennese Leopoldstädter Tempel ( 1858 ) , a Moorish Revival temple designed by Ludwig Förster . It became a prototype for synagogue design in Central Europe . Zagreb Synagogue used the already developed round arch style ( Rundbogenstil ) , but did not adopt Förster 's early oriental motifs .
In the ball @-@ room , the long card @-@ room , the octagonal card @-@ room , the staircases , and the passages , the hum of many voices , and the sound of many feet , were perfectly bewildering . Dresses rustled , feathers waved , lights shone , and jewels sparkled . There was the music — not of the quadrille band , for it had not yet commenced ; but the music of soft tiny footsteps , with now and then a clear merry laugh — low and gentle , but very pleasant to hear in a female voice , whether in Bath or elsewhere .
Honey has been used since ancient times to aid wound healing and may be beneficial in first- and second @-@ degree burns . There is tentative evidence that honey helps heal partial thickness burns . The evidence for aloe vera is of poor quality . While it might be beneficial in reducing pain , and a review from 2007 found tentative evidence of improved healing times a subsequent review from 2012 did not find improved healing over silver sulfadiazine . There were only three randomized controlled trials for the use of plants for burns , two for aloe vera and one for oatmeal .
Wagner 's idea of music drama ... was originally developed by way of grand opera ... his ideas could never have been realised in their particular form without the pioneering development [ s ] ... that Meyerbeer 's operas were the first to demand .
Parry ( 1975 ) described how this species has a wider range of eye movement than other snakes . Along a horizontal plane , eye movement can be maintained even if the head is rotated up or down to an angle of up to 45 ° . If the head is rotated 360 ° , one eye will tilt up and the other down , depending on the direction of rotation . Also , if one eye looks forward , the other looks back , as if both are connected to a fixed position on an axis between them . In general , the eyes often flick back and forth in a rapid and jerky manner . When asleep , there is no eye movement and the pupils are strongly contracted . The pupils dilate suddenly and eye movement resumes when the animal wakes up .
Over most of the last millennium , the city was known as Banaras . In the 1950s , Indian government decided to return to the Sanskrit form Varanasi ; however , Banaras is still the predominant form used locally .
During the Russian war of 1788 – 1790 , Sweden built three hemmemas of a new design . They were considerably larger , 44 @.@ 5 by 11 m ( 146 by 36 ft ) , and the number of oars were increased to 20 pairs . They also had some of the heaviest broadsides , even when compared with the much larger frigates of the high seas navy . The artillery officer Carl Fredrik Aschling had cooperated with Chapman to increase the main armament to twenty @-@ two 36 @-@ pounders and two 12 @-@ pounders , which increased the draft by about 30 cm ( 1 ft ) . The addition of diagonal bracers to reinforce the hull allowed the later hemmemas to carry guns more powerful even than those on the largest sailing frigates of the high seas navy . Due to their considerable firepower and relative size , naval historian Jan Glete has described the hemmemas as " super archipelago frigates " .
Looking after the young is communal , with males of the coterie bringing food to the nestlings and removing faecal sacs . Communal feeding increases after fledging , when males from nearby coteries may even bring food to the young birds if not driven off . Roosting is usually communal , with two to six adults and juveniles roosting in contact with each other , usually near the end of a hanging branch up to 20 metres ( 66 ft ) above ground , within their activity space . They select a new site each evening , often selecting and rejecting several sites , and engaging in aggressive calling and chasing as other birds attempt to join the group . They are often the last birds to roost at night , but appear to sleep soundly , undisturbed by torchlight . Noisy miners drink together at the edge of lakes and dams , and from cattle troughs , often perching on a submerged branch . They bathe by diving head first into water and , when almost totally submerged , flapping their wings vigorously and ducking their heads under the water . They shake excess water off and then fly to a nearby branch to preen . They have been observed using rain- or dew @-@ soaked foliage to bathe , and in dry weather will dust @-@ bathe in dry soil or fine litter such as grass clippings . Bathing is communal , with birds stimulated to participate by observing others . They are occasionally observed anting .
Toirdelbach 's subsequent capture of Donnchad in Dublin suggests that the latter was not only the leading Uí Chennselaig dynast , but was also in the process of using the town as the capital of Leinster . Although the list of Leinster kings in the Book of Leinster declares that Domnall had succeeded his grandfather as King of Leinster , it is apparent that Donnchad was indeed the more powerful claimant . In fact , the king @-@ list of Uí Chennselaig in the same source makes no notice of Domnall , and states that it was Donnchad who succeeded Diarmait as King of Uí Chennselaig . Domnall , therefore , may not have reigned in Leinster , and could well have been King of Leinster in name only .
One of the first details noted about Iguanodon was that it had the teeth of a herbivorous reptile , although there has not always been consensus on how it ate . As Mantell noted , the remains he was working with were unlike any modern reptile , especially in the toothless , scoop @-@ shaped form of the lower jaw symphysis , which he found best compared to that of the two @-@ toed sloth and the extinct ground sloth Mylodon . He also suggested that Iguanodon had a prehensile tongue which could be used to gather food , like a giraffe . More complete remains have shown this to be an error ; for example , the hyoid bones that supported the tongue are heavily built , implying a muscular , non @-@ prehensile tongue used for moving food around in the mouth . The giraffe @-@ tongue idea has also been incorrectly attributed to Dollo via a broken lower jaw .
Noisy miners make louder alarm calls in noisier sections of urban environments , such as main roads . The most common initial response to alarm calls is to stay in the area and scan for threats , rather than withdraw . A study conducted in Melbourne and a nearby rural area found that noisy miners in urban areas were less likely to take flight , and when they did they flew shorter distances . It is unclear whether this is an adaptation or bolder miners had been the ones to settle in the city . A field study in Canberra found that superb fairywrens ( Malurus cyaneus ) that lived in areas frequented by noisy miners recognised miner alarm calls and took flight , and had learnt to ignore their non @-@ alarm calls , while those that live in areas not frequented by noisy miners did not respond to miner alarm calls . This suggests the species has adapted and learnt to discriminate and respond to another species ' vocalisations .
Since early 1792 France had been at war with four of its neighbours on two fronts , battling Austria and Prussia in the Austrian Netherlands , and the Austrians and Piedmontese in Italy . On 2 January 1793 , almost one year into the French Revolutionary War , republican @-@ held forts at Brest in Brittany fired on the British brig HMS Childers . [ Note B ] A few weeks later , following the execution of the imprisoned King Louis XVI , diplomatic ties between Britain and France were broken . On 1 February France declared war on both Britain and the Dutch Republic .
1996 : The Rise and Fall of Palestine : A Personal Account of the Intifada Years . Minneapolis : U of Minnesota P , ISBN 0 @-@ 8166 @-@ 2859 @-@ 9 .
The nuclear envelope allows the nucleus to control its contents , and separate them from the rest of the cytoplasm where necessary . This is important for controlling processes on either side of the nuclear membrane . In most cases where a cytoplasmic process needs to be restricted , a key participant is removed to the nucleus , where it interacts with transcription factors to downregulate the production of certain enzymes in the pathway . This regulatory mechanism occurs in the case of glycolysis , a cellular pathway for breaking down glucose to produce energy . Hexokinase is an enzyme responsible for the first the step of glycolysis , forming glucose @-@ 6 @-@ phosphate from glucose . At high concentrations of fructose @-@ 6 @-@ phosphate , a molecule made later from glucose @-@ 6 @-@ phosphate , a regulator protein removes hexokinase to the nucleus , where it forms a transcriptional repressor complex with nuclear proteins to reduce the expression of genes involved in glycolysis .
The Action of 13 September 1810 was an inconclusive frigate engagement during the Napoleonic Wars between British Royal Navy and French Navy frigates during which a British frigate was defeated by two French vessels near Isle de France ( now Mauritius ) , but British reinforcements were able to recapture the ship before the French could secure her . The British frigate was HMS Africaine , a new arrival to the Indian Ocean . She was under the command of Captain Robert Corbet , who had served there the previous year . Corbet was a notoriously unpopular officer and his death in the battle provoked a storm of controversy in Britain over claims that Corbet had either committed suicide at the shame of losing his ship , been murdered by his disaffected crew , or been abandoned by his men , who were said to have refused to load their guns while he remained in command . Whether any of these rumours were accurate has never been satisfactorily determined , but the issue has been discussed in several prominent naval histories and was the subject of at least one lawsuit .
Alice in Chains is an American rock band formed in Seattle , Washington , in 1987 by guitarist and songwriter Jerry Cantrell and original lead vocalist Layne Staley . The initial lineup was rounded out by drummer Sean Kinney and bassist Mike Starr , who was replaced in 1993 by Mike Inez .
" The Wave " only charted on the Flemish Ultratip chart in Belgium ; it debuted at number 84 in the issue dated 30 June 2012 . The following week , the single rose 12 positions to number 72 , and to number 54 the next . In the issue dated 28 July 2012 , its fifth and final week on the chart , it obtained its peak position of number 43 .
Later , Charlie finds Liam high on heroin with groupies . Charlie kicks the groupies out , and tells Liam that he 's done with the band . Liam says to Charlie that he , Liam , is Drive Shaft , and that nobody knows who the bass player ( Charlie ) is . He goes on to tell Charlie that without the band , Charlie is nothing , which spurs Charlie to use heroin for the first time . Years later , Charlie visits Liam 's house in Australia and wants Liam to rejoin Drive Shaft for a comeback tour . Liam declines , but the band can 't do the tour without him . He criticizes Charlie for still using drugs , and Charlie blames Liam for getting him started with drugs . Liam asks Charlie to stay with him for a few weeks , saying that Sydney has some good rehab programs and that he can get Charlie help . Charlie angrily leaves , saying he has a plane to catch .
To monitor the kakapo population continuously , each bird is equipped with a radio transmitter . Every known kakapo , barring some young chicks , has been given a name by Kakapo Recovery Programme officials . It is an affectionate way for conservation staff to refer to individual birds , and a stark reminder of how few remain . Artificial incubation of eggs and hand @-@ raising of chicks have often been used to improve the condition of the eggs and chicks . In November 2005 , the population comprised 41 females and 45 males , including four fledglings ( 3 females and 1 male ) bred in 2005 . The oldest known kakapo , " Richard Henry " , was thought to be 80 years old at the time of his death in December 2010 .
In 1928 , the first M @-@ 108 designation was commissioned along a rare three @-@ legged route connecting the State Highway Ferry Docks with the Fort Michilimackinac State Historic Park and US 31 . At one point while traveling westbound on M @-@ 108 , motorists could turn right onto northbound M @-@ 108 or left onto southbound M @-@ 108 . In preparation for the opening of the Mackinac Bridge , the Michigan State Highway Department transferred all of M @-@ 108 to local control in late 1957 , decommissioning the designation at the same time . In 1960 , the current M @-@ 108 was commissioned along the current routing .
Emperor Gaozong supported settling a peace treaty with the Jurchens and sought to rein in the assertiveness of the military . The military expeditions of Yue Fei and other generals were an obstacle to peace negotiations . The government weakened the military by rewarding Yue Fei , Han Shizhong , and Zhang Jun ( 1086 – 1154 ) with titles that relieved them of their command over the Song armies . Han Shizhong , a critic of the treaty , retired . Yue Fei also announced his resignation as an act of protest . In 1141 Qin Hui had him imprisoned for insubordination . Charged with treason , Yue Fei was poisoned in jail on Qin 's orders in early 1142 . Jurchen diplomatic pressure during the peace talks may have played a role , but Qin Hui 's alleged collusion with the Jin has never been proven .
Falling back to a secure position on Monument Hill , the Americans repulsed several vigorous British assaults , although Colonel Francis was hit in the arm by a shot . He soldiered on , directing troops to a perceived weakness on Fraser 's left . The tide of the battle turned when , after more than an hour of battle , Riedesel 's grenadiers arrived . These disciplined forces entered the fray singing hymns to the accompaniment of a military band to make them appear more numerous than they actually were . The American flanks were turned , and they were forced to make a desperate race across an open field to avoid being enveloped . Colonel Francis fell in a volley of musket fire as the troops raced away from the advancing British and scattered into the countryside .
The Ancient Olympic pentathlon ( comprising long jump , javelin , discus , the stadion race and wrestling ) was a precursor to the track and field combined events and this ancient event was restored at the 1906 Summer Olympics ( Intercalated Games ) . A men 's all @-@ around was held at the 1904 Summer Olympics , contested between five American and two British athletes .
Cobby served as AOC NEA until November 1943 , handing over to Air Commodore John Summers , who held command for the remainder of the war . By the end of November , NEA headquarters staff numbered 499 , including ninety @-@ seven officers . NEA 's Catalinas joined aircraft of No. 9 Group in support of the US invasion of New Britain in December 1943 and January 1944 . The Catalinas also conducted mine @-@ laying operations around the Timor Sea in the lead @-@ up to the landings at Hollandia and Aitape in April 1944 . In August , No. 76 Wing headquarters , formed at Townsville in January and subsequently based at Cairns , was transferred to Darwin , Northern Territory . There it came under the control of NWA headquarters and oversaw operations by three Catalina squadrons , including No. 20 . The same month , No. 75 Wing was disbanded and its units became the direct responsibility of NEA headquarters . No. 42 Wing disbanded in October 1944 , following a decision to assign control of RAAF radar stations to mobile fighter control units or similar formations . By the end of February 1945 , NEA headquarters staff numbered 743 , including 127 officers . No. 72 Wing headquarters transferred to Townsville in May that year , and disbanded the following month .
Outside the city of Bath most of the Grade I listed buildings are Norman- or medieval @-@ era churches . Manor houses such as Claverton Manor , which now houses the American Museum in Britain , and the 18th @-@ century Newton Park , which has a landscape garden designed by Capability Brown , also appear in the list ; Newton Park now forms part of the Bath Spa University . The most recent building is the agricultural Eastwood Manor Farm Steading , completed in 1860 .
Fossils have been found in the upper Oldman Formation and lower Dinosaur Park Formation of Canada . The Oldman Formation dates to the Campanian , about 77 @.@ 5 to 76 @.@ 5 million years ago , and the Dinosaur Park Formation dates from 76 @.@ 6 to 74 @.@ 8 million years ago . Corythosaurus lived from ~ 77 – 75 @.@ 7 million years ago . In the Dinosaur Park Formation C. casuarius lived from 76 @.@ 6 to 75 @.@ 9 mya , with C. intermedius living from 75 @.@ 8 to 75 @.@ 7 mya . In the Oldman Formation C. casuarius , the only species of Corythosaurus from the deposits , lived about 77 to 76 @.@ 5 mya . The holotype specimen was clearly a carcass that had floated up on a beach , as Unio shells , water @-@ worn bones , and a baenid turtle were preserved all around . Corythosaurus probably lived in a woodland forest , and might have occasionally wandered into swampy areas .
During most of this era Native Americans outnumbered European / U.S. settlers in what is now Minnesota . Significant Dakota Sioux settlements in the Minnesota area included Kaposia , located in what is now Saint Paul before being moved by the 1837 treaty . Significant Ojibwe settlements included Misizaaga 'igan ( Mille Lacs ) and Nagaajiwanaang ( Fond du Lac ) , as well as the community that had developed around the Grand Portage commerce .
In addition to the naming of the National Theatre 's largest auditorium in Olivier 's honour , he is commemorated in the Laurence Olivier Awards , bestowed annually since 1984 by the Society of West End Theatre . In 1991 Gielgud unveiled a memorial stone commemorating Olivier in Poets ' Corner at Westminster Abbey . In 2007 , the centenary of Olivier 's birth , a life @-@ sized statue of him was unveiled on the South Bank , outside the National Theatre ; the same year the BFI held a retrospective season of his film work .
Ceratopsia or Ceratopia ( / ˌsɛrəˈtɒpsiə / or / ˌsɛrəˈtoʊpiə / ; Greek : " horned faces " ) is a group of herbivorous , beaked dinosaurs that thrived in what are now North America , Europe , and Asia , during the Cretaceous Period , although ancestral forms lived earlier , in the Jurassic . The earliest known ceratopsian , Yinlong downsi , lived between 161 @.@ 2 and 155 @.@ 7 million years ago . The last ceratopsian species , Triceratops prorsus , became extinct during the Cretaceous – Paleogene extinction event , 66 million years ago .
Laurence Levine , the former president of the U.S.-Argentine Chamber of Commerce , writes that in contrast to Nazi ideology , the Peróns were not anti @-@ Semitic . In the book Inside Argentina from Perón to Menem : 1950 – 2000 from an American Point of View , Levine writes :
Cooksey had started his career as a trainee with Colchester United , prior to moving onto a number of non @-@ League clubs . His first move was to Heybridge Swifts before joining Bishop 's Stortford in 1998 . He then moved onto Chesham United in 2000 , leaving in 2002 to have a brief spell at Bromley .
First , they proved that there were , in fact , limits to what mathematical logic could accomplish . But second ( and more important for AI ) their work suggested that , within these limits , any form of mathematical reasoning could be mechanized . The Church @-@ Turing thesis implied that a mechanical device , shuffling symbols as simple as 0 and 1 , could imitate any conceivable process of mathematical deduction . The key insight was the Turing machine — a simple theoretical construct that captured the essence of abstract symbol manipulation . This invention would inspire a handful of scientists to begin discussing the possibility of thinking machines .
Sil was designed by Swiss artist H. R. Giger , who also created the creatures in the Alien films . Donaldson thought Giger was the best man for the film after reading his compendium Necronomicon , and eventually he and Mancuso flew to Switzerland to meet the artist . What attracted Giger was the opportunity to design " a monster in another way — an aesthetic warrior , also sensual and deadly , like the women look in [ his ] paintings . " While Giger opted to stay in Switzerland to take care of his dying mother instead of flying to Los Angeles to accompany production , he built some puppets in his own studio , and later faxed sketches and airbrush paintings as production went through . The practical models were made by Steve Johnson and his company XFX , which had already worked with Giger 's designs in Poltergeist II . Giger had envisioned more stages of Sil 's transformation , but the film only employed the last one , where she is " transparent outside and black inside — like a glass body but with carbon inside , " with XFX doing the translucent skin based on what they had done for the aliens of The Abyss . Sil 's alien form had both full @-@ body animatronics with replaceable arms , heads and torsos , and a body suit . Richard Edlund 's Boss Film Studios was hired for over 50 shots of computer @-@ generated imagery , which included one of the earliest forms of motion capture effects . Using a two @-@ foot @-@ high ( 60 cm ) electric puppet that had sensors translating its movements to a digital Sil , Boss Films managed to achieve in one day what would have once taken as much as three weeks with practical effects .
As explained below , chess theorists in recent decades have continued to debate the size and nature of White 's advantage , if any . Apart from Berliner , they have rejected the idea that White has a forced win from the opening position . Many also reject the traditional paradigm that Black 's objective should be to neutralize White 's initiative and obtain equality .
The French @-@ American @-@ British ( FAB ) classification system divides AML into eight subtypes , M0 through to M7 , based on the type of cell from which the leukemia developed and its degree of maturity . This is done by examining the appearance of the malignant cells with light microscopy and / or by using cytogenetics to characterize any underlying chromosomal abnormalities . The subtypes have varying prognoses and responses to therapy . Although the WHO classification ( see above ) may be more useful , the FAB system is still widely used .
This common species has been collected in eastern North America , in the area extending from Quebec to Florida and west to the Great Lakes , Iowa , and Texas . In Europe , it has been reported from Netherlands and in Asia , it has been collected in Japan .
On a live performance at the Tokyo Dome in July 2015 commemorating the 20 @-@ year anniversary of Chrono Trigger , Mitsuda announced that the long requested Chrono series arrangement album , entitled To Far Away Times : Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross Arrangement Album would be released . This was eventually released by Square Enix Music on October 14 , 2015 . The album was released on the Square Enix website . A number of the tracks had vocalists to go on top of the score . All tracks were composed by Yasunori Mitsuda .
On 5 February , ten Baptist missionaries from Idaho led by Laura Silsby were charged with criminal association and kidnapping for trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti . The missionaries claimed they were rescuing orphaned children but investigations revealed that more than 20 of the children had been taken from their parents after they were told the children would have a better life in America . In an interview , the United States Ambassador to Haiti Kenneth Merten , stated that the US justice system would not interfere and that " the Haitian justice system will do what it has to do . " By 9 March 2010 , all but Silsby were deported and she remained incarcerated .
The defeat of Ammuladi and Yauta after they mounted Qedarite forces to march against the kings of the Amurru is recorded by Ashurbanipal . Yauta is said to have " roused the people of Arabia to revolt with him . " His wife , Adiya , is the only woman mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions as both a Qedarite queen and the wife of a Qedarite king , and is thought to be the only woman who was not a ruler in her own right . The inscriptions record how Adiya was sent by Yauta to accompany Ammuladi and the Qedarite forces , and their subsequent defeat and capture in 604 BCE by the forces of Kamushaltu , king of Moab and a loyal vassal of the Assyrian empire . Yauta is said to have " fled to the Nabataeans . " His subsequent capture and sentencing in Nineveh are recorded by Ashurbanipal who relates that , " I put a dog chain upon him and made him guard a kennel . " Abiyate was appointed as Yauta 's successor , and soon joined with the Nabataeans to revolt against Assyria again , prompting Ashurbanipal to launch a three @-@ month campaign to end it , beginning in Palmyra , continuing on to Damascus and ending in the southern part of al @-@ Leja .
On the half @-@ domed ceiling of the apse is a large oil @-@ painted mural depicting a scene in Heaven . In the center , God the Father and Jesus are enthroned on a cloud ; a stained @-@ glass skylight at the top of the dome depicting the Holy Spirit completes the Trinity . Flanking the Father and Son are the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist . Below the cloud is Satan in torment . At the left and right of the scene is an assemblage of 18 Catholic saints and 10 angels .
The ship mounted four 45 @-@ calibre 4 @.@ 7 @-@ inch Mk IX guns in single mounts , designated ' A ' , ' B ' , ' X ' , and ' Y ' from front to rear . For anti @-@ aircraft ( AA ) defence , Comet had a single QF 3 @-@ inch 20 cwt AA gun between her funnels , and two 40 @-@ millimetre ( 1 @.@ 6 in ) QF 2 @-@ pounder Mk II AA guns mounted on the aft end of her forecastle deck . The 3 @-@ inch ( 76 mm ) AA gun was removed in 1936 and the 2 @-@ pounders were relocated to between the funnels . She was fitted with two above @-@ water quadruple torpedo tube mounts for 21 @-@ inch torpedoes . Three depth @-@ charge chutes were fitted , each with a capacity of two depth charges . After World War II began this was increased to 33 depth charges , delivered by one or two rails and two throwers .
Hakim is also a documentary filmmaker . She has made a documentary on the Indonesian UNESCO World Heritage Sites , and in 2011 produced a documentary on autism to " educate the public " that was released to coincide with World Autism Awareness Day . As of May 2011 , she is producing a documentary on the Dayak people of Kalimantan . She is considering making a fiction film based on their culture .
Seabrook , Andrea ( January 27 , 2008 ) . " Hackers Target Scientology Web Sites " . All Things Considered ( NPR ) . ( Radio broadcast )
Busch was ravaged by disease , and for five months spent time painting and collecting folk tales , legends , songs , ballads , rhymes and fragments of regional superstitions . Busch 's biographer Joseph Kraus saw these collections as useful additions to folklore , as Busch noted the narrative background to tales and the idiosyncrasies of storytellers . Busch tried to release the collections , but as a publisher could not be found at the time they were issued after his death . During the Nazi era Busch was known as an " ethnic seer " .
Erard II joined the Third Crusade and died in the Holy Land in 1191 . His oldest son , Walter III , succeeded him in Brienne . John was first mentioned in an 1192 ( or 1194 ) charter issued by his brother , indicating that he was a prominent figure in Walter 's court . According to a version of Ernoul 's chronicle , John participated in a war against Peter II of Courtenay . Although the Tales of the Minstrel of Reims claimed that he was called " John Lackland " , according to contemporary charters John held Jessains , Onjon , Trannes and two other villages in the County of Champagne around 1200 . In 1201 , Theobald III granted him additional estates in Mâcon , Longsols and elsewhere . After Theobald 's death his widow Blanche of Navarre persuaded John to sell his estate at Mâcon , saying that it was her dowry .
From April to June 1966 , the 2 / 9 Marines were caught in crossfire of the Buddhist Uprising , when much of the forces of I Corps rebelled against Prime Minister and Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky , the head of the ruling junta , who had dismissed their commander , General Nguyen Chanh Thi .
The Illinoisemaker Choir – backing vocals and clapping on " The Black Hawk War , or , How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning , or , We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You 're Going to Have to Leave Now , or , ' I Have Fought the Big Knives and Will Continue to Fight Them Until They Are Off Our Lands ! ' " , " Chicago " , " The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts " , " They Are Night Zombies ! ! They Are Neighbors ! ! They Have Come Back from the Dead ! ! Ahhhh ! " , and " The Tallest Man , the Broadest Shoulders "
According to three 13th @-@ century authors ( Matthew Paris , Salimbene di Adam and Bernard of Besse ) , John became a Franciscan friar before his death . They agree that John 's declining health contributed to his conversion , but Bernard also described a recurring vision of an old man urging the emperor to join the Franciscans . Most 13th @-@ century sources suggest that John died between 19 and 23 March 1237 , the only Latin emperor to die in Constantinople .
Meanwhile , at The Forge , Captain Archer , Commander T 'Pol , and T 'Pau , having found the sacred Kir 'Shara ( which the Syrrannites believe will usher a Vulcan enlightenment ) , endeavor to take it to the capital . En route , T 'Pol and T 'Pau discuss the taboo of mind @-@ melds , and T 'Pau offers to mind @-@ meld with T 'Pol . She states the meld is safe when performed by those trained in the art , and that Pa 'nar Syndrome is merely the by @-@ product of an improperly conducted meld . The trio are then attacked by Major Talok and Vulcan commandos , and T 'Pol is captured while the others escape . She tells her captors that they are headed to Mount Seleya in order to mislead them from their true destination .
The armor of the casemate was angled at 30 ° from the horizontal and made from two layers of railroad rails , rolled into plates 2 inches ( 51 mm ) thick and 7 inches ( 180 mm ) wide . The outer layer ran vertically and the inner layer horizontally . Her armor was backed by 3 inches ( 76 mm ) of oak , vertically oriented , and two layers of 7 @.@ 5 inches ( 191 mm ) of pine , alternating in direction . The bottom of the casemate was some 20 inches ( 508 mm ) from the waterline and its top was 8 feet 6 inches ( 2 @.@ 59 m ) above the waterline . The pyramidal pilothouse was armored in the same way and had room for two men . The upper portion of Atlanta 's hull received two inches of armor .
When the Enterprise arrives at the lost colony of Mariposa in " Up the Long Ladder " , the Mariposans kidnap Pulaski and Commander William Riker ( Jonathan Frakes ) and steal their DNA to clone new members of their colony . Although technologically advanced , the Mariposans lack genetic diversity . When Pulaski and Riker discover the clones , they destroy them . Picard helps resolve the dispute by suggesting the Mariposans allow the Bringloidi , a preindustrial , rural people whose colony was destroyed , to migrate to their world . The Mariposans , however , have relied on cloning for 300 years , and no longer sexually reproduce . Pulaski notes that with time , they will become familiar with the practice once again , and recommends that the Mariposans form large , group marriages with the Bringloidi to create a healthy population .
The film Valkyrie , starring and produced by Tom Cruise , premiered in New York City on December 17 . Entertainment reporter Roger Friedman noted that it was held " in the private screening room at the Time Warner Center . Not the Ziegfield [ sic ] or Loews Lincoln Square , where most premieres are held in public . " The venue was chosen in part to minimize the exposure to Scientology protestors gathered at the Time Warner Center . For the same reason , Cruise arrived at the December 18 Los Angeles screening through an underground tunnel . There were also Scientology protests at the European premiere in Berlin , where one protester got his V for Vendetta mask autographed by Tom Cruise . Chanology participants shared the limelight with a person in a bunny suit protesting against the hero worship of Claus von Stauffenberg .
After returning to England in November 1360 , he fell ill early the next year , and died at Leicester Castle on 23 March . It is likely that the cause of death was the plague , which that year was making a second visitation of England . He was buried in the Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady of the Newarke , Leicester , the church which he had built within the religious and charitable institution founded by his father next to Leicester Castle , and where he had re @-@ buried his father some years previously .
The main focus of Voyage is puzzle @-@ solving . The player can move by clicking , and can swivel the camera 360 degrees . There are several types of puzzle in Voyage including those involving native plant life on the moon , mechanical puzzles , audio puzzles , and mathematical puzzles . Many of these puzzles require the player to decipher and use the native language of the moon .
The 1973 Atlantic hurricane season was the first season to use the Saffir – Simpson hurricane scale , a scale developed in 1971 by Herbert Saffir and Robert Simpson to rate the intensity of tropical cyclones . The season produced 24 tropical and subtropical cyclones , of which only 8 reached storm intensity , 4 became hurricanes , and only 1 reached major hurricane status . Although more active than the 1972 season , 1973 brought few storms of note . Nearly half of the season 's storms affected land , one of which resulted in severe damage .
Thus , Innis travelled extensively beginning in the summer of 1924 when he and a friend paddled an 18 @-@ foot ( 5 @.@ 5 m ) canvas @-@ covered canoe hundreds of miles down the Peace River to Lake Athabasca ; then down the Slave River to Great Slave Lake . They completed their journey down the Mackenzie , Canada 's longest river , to the Arctic Ocean on a small Hudson 's Bay Company tug . During his travels , Innis supplemented his fur research by gathering information on other staple products such as lumber , pulp and paper , minerals , grain and fish . He travelled so extensively that by the early 1940s , he had visited every part of Canada except for the Western Arctic and the east side of Hudson Bay .
The game was successful in both sales and popularity , it was ranked as the best @-@ selling PC game sold in Japan at the time of its release , and charted in the national top 50 several more times afterwards . Snow was voted as the twenty @-@ sixth best bishōjo game by the readers of Dengeki G 's Magazine in 2007 . A manga titled Snow : Pure White based on the visual novel was serialized in Comptiq between the September and December 2003 issues . Five light novels and several comic anthologies were also released , as were audio dramas .
Contact or social facilitation calls are low @-@ pitched sounds that carry long distances . ' Chip ' calls are given by individual birds when foraging , and a similar call is given by nestlings that call at an increased rate as the mother approaches the nest . Where there is a high level of social activity , such as during territorial disputes with conspecifics , calls are a series of quick , regular , single notes . The noisy miner has a mating display flight song , a soft warble of low @-@ frequency notes , given during short undulating flights by the male , and responded to by the female with a low @-@ frequency whistle . The noisy miner is found in open woodland habitats , where it is an advantage to call from the air so as to overcome sound attenuation . Another display call , described as ' yammer ' , is a rapid rhythmical series of notes that is uttered during open @-@ bill , wing @-@ waving displays . The noisy miner has a song described as the ' dawn song ' — a communal song of clear whistled notes emitted in chorus in the early hours of the morning from May through January . The dawn song , which is also sung at dusk , is audible over long distances and features duets that often involve antiphony .
In 1924 Ernest Hemingway wrote into a short story a comparison of G K Chesterton and Walpole , concluding that the former was the better man , the latter a better writer and both were classics . Walpole could be sensitive about his literary reputation and often took adverse criticism badly . When Hilaire Belloc praised P G Wodehouse as the best English writer of their day , Walpole took it amiss , to the amusement of Wodehouse who regarded Belloc 's plaudit as " a gag , to get a rise out of serious @-@ minded authors whom he disliked " . Wodehouse was not a great admirer of Walpole ; his own scrupulous craftsmanship , with drafts polished over and over again , was the opposite of Walpole 's hastily written and seldom @-@ revised prose . He also viewed Walpole 's sensitivity to criticism as absurd . Walpole was not always as oversensitive as Wodehouse supposed . The critic James Agate was a friend despite his regular rude remarks about Walpole 's prose , and when Walpole discovered that Agate had written a spoof of the Herries " Lakeland " style , he made him promise to print it in the next published volume of his diaries .
Other eastern sightings since 2010 have occurred in locations such as Greene County , Indiana , Greenwich and Milford , Connecticut , Morgan County Pike County , and Whiteside County , Illinois , and Bourbon County , Kentucky .
Caesar 's niece , Atia , was portrayed by actress Polly Walker . According to Heller , while most auditioning actresses assumed that the character was the series ' villainess , Walker made " [ Atia ] bigger than life but completely real ... She could read the phone book with that kind of brio and joy . " Rather than a villain , Heller wrote her to be " a real life force . Everything she 's doing is for the good of her family , her children . No matter how evil it gets , it 's always for good reason . " Walker was pleased with her " very complex character . I found it exciting to play such massive emotions and deal with such interesting , to say the least , situations . I saw it as a huge challenge , and I have huge admiration for this character . A lot of people might consider her to be sort of evil or bad , but I think she 's wonderful . She 's just a survivor , doing what she 's got to do . "
The diagram illustrates the orbits of Ceres ( blue ) and several planets ( white and gray ) . The segments of orbits below the ecliptic are plotted in darker colors , and the orange plus sign is the Sun 's location . The top left diagram is a polar view that shows the location of Ceres in the gap between Mars and Jupiter . The top right is a close @-@ up demonstrating the locations of the perihelia ( q ) and aphelia ( Q ) of Ceres and Mars . In this diagram ( but not in general ) , the perihelion of Mars is on the opposite side of the Sun from those of Ceres and several of the large main @-@ belt asteroids , including 2 Pallas and 10 Hygiea . The bottom diagram is a side view showing the inclination of the orbit of Ceres compared to the orbits of Mars and Jupiter .
On October 31 , 2000 , the crew of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 mistakenly used a closed runway for departure from Chiang Kai @-@ shek International Airport , Taipei . The Boeing 747 @-@ 400 collided with construction equipment during the takeoff roll , resulting in the deaths of 83 of the 179 passengers and crew on board .
The Battle of Romani was the first large @-@ scale mounted and infantry victory by the British Empire in the First World War . It occurred at a time when the Allied nations had experienced nothing but defeat , in France , at Salonika and at the capitulation of Kut in Mesopotamia . The battle has been widely acknowledged as a strategic victory and a turning point in the campaign to restore Egypt 's territorial integrity and security , and marked the end of the land campaign against the Suez Canal .
Black Prince displaced 12 @,@ 590 long tons ( 12 @,@ 790 t ) as built and 13 @,@ 965 long tons ( 14 @,@ 189 t ) fully loaded . The ship had an overall length of 505 feet 6 inches ( 154 @.@ 1 m ) , a beam of 73 feet 6 inches ( 22 @.@ 4 m ) and a draught of 27 feet ( 8 @.@ 2 m ) . She was powered by four @-@ cylinder triple @-@ expansion steam engines , driving two shafts , which produced a total of 23 @,@ 000 indicated horsepower ( 17 @,@ 000 kW ) and gave a maximum speed of 23 knots ( 43 km / h ; 26 mph ) . The engines were powered by 20 Babcock & Wilcox water @-@ tube boilers and six cylindrical boilers . The ship carried a maximum of 2 @,@ 150 long tons ( 2 @,@ 180 t ) of coal and an additional 600 long tons ( 610 t ) of fuel oil that was sprayed on the coal to increase its burn rate . At full capacity , she could steam for 8 @,@ 130 nautical miles ( 15 @,@ 060 km ; 9 @,@ 360 mi ) at a speed of 10 knots ( 19 km / h ; 12 mph ) . The ship 's complement was 789 officers and enlisted men .
Nike created a signature shoe for him , called the Air Jordan . One of Jordan 's more popular commercials for the shoe involved Spike Lee playing the part of Mars Blackmon . In the commercials Lee , as Blackmon , attempted to find the source of Jordan 's abilities and became convinced that " it 's gotta be the shoes " . The hype and demand for the shoes even brought on a spate of " shoe @-@ jackings " where people were robbed of their sneakers at gunpoint . Subsequently , Nike spun off the Jordan line into its own division named the " Jordan Brand " . The company features an impressive list of athletes and celebrities as endorsers . The brand has also sponsored college sports programs such as those of North Carolina , Cal , Georgetown , and Marquette .
Federer started his season by participating in the Brisbane International as the defending champion , despite having a flu when the tournament started . However , in a rematch of the previous year final , he lost in the final to Milos Raonic in straight sets . Federer then participated at the 2016 Australian Open and rebounded from his third round defeat by Andreas Seppi in 2015 by reaching the semifinals but lost to eventual champion Novak Djokovic in four sets . The day after his loss to Djokovic , Federer sustained a knee injury and in early February , he underwent arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his knee and missed the tournaments in Rotterdam and Dubai in February and in Indian Wells in March . He was scheduled to return to action in Miami . Due to a stomach flu he had to withdraw from Miami thus prolonging his time on the sidelines . He did however , make his comeback at the Monte @-@ Carlo Masters with straight set wins over Guillermo García @-@ López and Roberto Bautista Agut before losing in the quarterfinals to Jo @-@ Wilfried Tsonga in three sets . Federer then announced that he would be entering the Madrid Open . However , he suffered a back injury during practice and withdrew shortly after arriving . Although the season had been plagued with injuries , Federer regained the # 2 ranking in the world for a brief moment following Madrid . He then participated in the Internazionali BNL d 'Italia where he defeated Alexander Zverev in straight sets , but lost in the third round to Dominic Thiem . He subsequently missed the Madrid Open , before withdrawing from the French Open , breaking a run of 65 consecutive participations in the main @-@ draw of Grand Slam tournaments , stretching back to the 2000 Australian Open . On 6 July , he came back from two sets down to defeat Marin Čilić in five sets in the 2016 Wimbledon quarterfinals , equalling Jimmy Connors ' all @-@ time records of eleven Wimbledon semifinals and 84 match wins . He suffered his first ever defeat in a Wimbledon semifinal two days later , in five set loss to Raonic .
According to the Office for National Statistics , at the time of the United Kingdom Census 2001 , Partington had a population of 7 @,@ 723 . The 2001 population density was 5 @,@ 348 inhabitants per square mile ( 2 @,@ 065 / km2 ) , with a 100 to 93 @.@ 1 female @-@ to @-@ male ratio . Of those over 16 years old , 34 @.@ 7 % were single ( never married ) , 34 @.@ 9 % married , and 10 @.@ 5 % divorced . Partington 's 3 @,@ 354 households included 33 @.@ 5 % one @-@ person , 28 @.@ 7 % married couples living together , 8 @.@ 8 % were co @-@ habiting couples , and 16 @.@ 3 % single parents with their children . Of those aged 16 – 74 , 38 @.@ 9 % had no academic qualifications , significantly higher than the averages of Trafford ( 24 @.@ 7 % ) and England ( 28 @.@ 9 % ) . It has been described as one of the most deprived places in the Greater Manchester conurbation .
The Goat Puzzle , also known as The Infamous Goat Puzzle , The Infamous Goat , The Wretched Goat , The Goat of Lochmarne , or simply The Goat , is a puzzle featured in Revolution Software 's 1996 classic point and click adventure game Broken Sword : The Shadow of the Templars . In the puzzle , protagonist George Stobbart must gain access to an underground dig located in a castle in Lochmarne , Ireland , by avoiding getting butted by a fierce goat . It is often explained to be difficult due to challenging the player in a way different from previous puzzles in the game . It is also noted by many gamers and various publications as one of the hardest video game puzzles of all time . The puzzle was simplified in The Shadow of the Templars ' 2009 director 's cut .
Before 1856 there was minimal discussion of statehood within Minnesota . However , as discussion of a potential transcontinental railroad in the U.S. became serious , leaders in Minnesota recognized that a territory was in a weak position to lobby for this economic opportunity .
The call is mostly uttered in flight and is a harsh " tsak tsak tsuk " . The same sound , but softer , is made more conversationally when individuals gather in trees . When angry or alarmed they emit various warning sounds reminiscent of the mistle thrush ( Turdus viscivorous ) . The male has a rather feeble song that he sings in the breeding season . It is a mixture of a few phrases like those of the common blackbird ( Turdus merula ) interspersed with whistles , guttural squeaks and call notes . This is sung on the wing and also from a tree and a subdued version of this song with more warbling notes is sung by a group of birds at communal roosts .
The writings of Madhvacharya and Vidyatirtha ( author of Rudraprshnabhashya ) may have been absorbed by Sayanacharya , brother of Vidyaranya , the patron saint of the founders of the Vijayanagara empire in the 14th century . Bharatasvamin ( who was patronised by Hoysala King Ramanatha ) wrote a commentary on Samaveda , Shadgurusishya wrote commentary on Aitareya Brahmana and Aranyaka , and Katyayana wrote Sarvanukramani . A family of hereditary poets whose names have not been identified held the title " Vidyachakravarti " ( poet laureate ) in the Hoysala court . One of them wrote Gadyakarnamrita , a description of the war between Hoysala king Vira Narasimha II and the Pandyas , in the early 13th century . His grandson with the same title , in the court of king Veera Ballala III , composed a poem called Rukminikalyana in 16 kandas ( chapters ) and wrote commentaries ( on poetics ) on the Alankarasarvasva and Kavyaprakasa . Kalyani Devi , a sister of Madhvacharya , and Trivikrama , his disciple , wrote commentaries on the Dvaita philosophy . To Trivikrama is ascribed a poem narrating the story of Usha and Aniruddha called Ushaharana . Narayana Pandita composed Madhwavijaya , Manimanjari and a poem called Parijataharana . The Jain writer Ramachandra Maladhari authored Gurupanchasmriti .
The episode was broadcast online by Netflix on February 1 , 2013 as part of the simultaneous release of all 13 episodes of season 1 of the series . The debut date was a weekend when there was little competition on television other than Super Bowl XLVII and a new episode of Downton Abbey on PBS . Netflix broadcast " Chapter 1 " and " Chapter 2 " to critics several days in advance of the release .
Today , Oldham has large communities with heritage from Bangladesh , India , Pakistan and parts of the Caribbean . At the time of the 2001 census , over one in four of its residents identified themselves as from a South Asian or British Asian ethnic group . Cultural divisions along ethnic backgrounds are strong within the town , with poor cross @-@ community integration and cohesion along Asian and white backgrounds .
Plunketts Creek is named for Colonel William Plunkett , a physician , who was the first president judge of Northumberland County after it was formed in 1772 . During conflicts with Native Americans , he treated wounded settlers and fought the natives . Plunkett led a Pennsylvania expedition in the Pennamite @-@ Yankee War to forcibly remove settlers from Connecticut , who had claimed and settled on lands also claimed by Pennsylvania . For his services , Plunkett was granted six tracts of land totaling 1 @,@ 978 acres ( 8 @.@ 00 km2 ) on November 14 , 1776 , although the land was not actually surveyed until September 1783 . Plunkett 's land included the creek 's mouth , so Plunketts Creek was given his name .
Cadmium is created via the long s @-@ process in low @-@ medium mass stars with masses of 0 @.@ 6 to 10 solar masses , taking thousands of years . In that process , a silver atom captures a neutron and then undergoes beta decay .
Alabama opened the second half by scoring on their first two possessions . Eddie Lacy scored on a 37 @-@ yard run and Foster hit a 24 @-@ yard field goal to extend the Crimson Tide lead to 41 – 3 . Lacy scored the final points of the game with a 10 @-@ yard run to make the final score 48 – 3 . Both McElroy and McCarron combined to pass for 334 yards on 22 completions and a pair of touchdowns . For the game , the Alabama outgained San Jose in total offense by a margin of 591 – 175 . The 101 @,@ 821 in attendance marked the first crowd of over 100 @,@ 000 to attend a football game in the state of Alabama .
Intractability and the combinatorial explosion . In 1972 Richard Karp ( building on Stephen Cook 's 1971 theorem ) showed there are many problems that can probably only be solved in exponential time ( in the size of the inputs ) . Finding optimal solutions to these problems requires unimaginable amounts of computer time except when the problems are trivial . This almost certainly meant that many of the " toy " solutions used by AI would probably never scale up into useful systems .
Flights from Earth to other planets in the Solar System have a high energy cost . It requires almost the same amount of energy for a spacecraft to reach Jupiter from Earth 's orbit as it does to lift it into orbit in the first place . In astrodynamics , this energy expenditure is defined by the net change in the spacecraft 's velocity , or delta @-@ v. The energy needed to reach Jupiter from an Earth orbit requires a delta @-@ v of about 9 km / s , compared to the 9 @.@ 0 – 9 @.@ 5 km / s to reach a low Earth orbit from the ground . Gravity assists through planetary flybys ( such as by Earth or Venus ) can be used to reduce the energetic requirement ( i.e. the fuel ) at launch , at the cost of a significantly longer flight duration to reach a target such as Jupiter when compared to the direct trajectory . Ion thrusters capable of a delta @-@ v of more than 10 kilometers / s were used on the Dawn spacecraft . This is more than enough delta @-@ v to do a Jupiter fly @-@ by mission from a solar orbit of the same radius as that of Earth without gravity assist .
Their study also found an equal consensus cladogram finding Ajkaceratops not as a neoceratopsian but a protoceratopsid . Nothing else about the cladograms changed .
Three singles were released from the album . The lead single , " Through the Rain " was released on September 24 , 2002 . It received mixed reviews from critics , some of whom said it was too similar to her earlier ballads , such as " Hero " and " Outside " , while others praised Carey 's vocals in the song . It was one of Carey 's poorest @-@ selling US singles , reaching number 81 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart . However , it topped the Hot Dance Club Play charts and reached the top twenty of the Adult Contemporary chart . Outside the US , the single performed moderately , peaking within the top ten in Canada , Switzerland , Sweden , Italy and the UK , and within the top 20 in Ireland , Australia , Norway and Denmark . The music video of " Through the Rain " , directed by Daver Meyers , is based on the courtship and eloping of Carey 's parents . Scenes of Carey singing in a street when rain starts to fall are juxtaposed with the story of a mixed @-@ race couple who run away from their families , who oppose their relationship .
The baseball team was also recognized by the NCAA as ranking in the Top 10 in five team categories . The team was also ranked third in the nation in home runs per game ( 1 @.@ 66 ) and in slugging percentage ( .563 ) . In 2010 , the Owls baseball team was 37 – 24 ( 21 – 9 ) and claimed their first Sun Belt Conference regular @-@ season title .
Other public bills could no longer be vetoed ; instead , they could be delayed for up to two years . This two @-@ year period meant that legislation introduced in the fourth or fifth years of a parliament could be delayed until after the next election , which could prove an effective measure to prevent it being passed . Specifically , two years had to elapse between the second reading in the House of Commons in the first session and the passing of the bill in the House of Commons in the third session . The Speaker has to also certify that the conditions of the bill had been complied with . Significant restrictions on amendments are made to ensure that it is the same bill that has been rejected twice . The 1911 Act made clear that the life of a parliament could not be extended without the consent of the Lords .
He retained his place in the England team following his club move to Notts County , and in doing so became the first Third Division footballer to represent England when he scored from the penalty spot in a 4 – 2 win over Sweden on 19 November . However he only won three further caps in 1948 , his final appearance coming in a 0 – 0 draw with Denmark in Copenhagen on 26 September . He had become increasingly disillusioned with the England set @-@ up , and told Walterbottom that " if you think you can teach Stanley Matthews to play on the wing and me how to score goals , you 've got another think coming ! " Walterbottom was also frustrated by Lawton 's smoking habit , and preferred Jackie Milburn ahead of Lawton . Hopes of any future comeback were ended by the emergence of powerful centre @-@ forward Nat Lofthouse , who made his England debut in November 1950 .
The battleship Tirpitz never entered the Atlantic . She remained in Norwegian fjords to threaten Allied shipping until she was destroyed by the RAF on 12 November 1944 .
Jordan 's athletic leaping ability , highlighted in his back @-@ to @-@ back slam dunk contest championships in 1987 and 1988 , is credited by many with having influenced a generation of young players . Several current NBA All @-@ Stars have stated that they considered Jordan their role model while growing up , including LeBron James and Dwyane Wade . In addition , commentators have dubbed a number of next @-@ generation players " the next Michael Jordan " upon their entry to the NBA , including Anfernee " Penny " Hardaway , Grant Hill , Allen Iverson , Kobe Bryant , LeBron James , Vince Carter , and Dwyane Wade . Although Jordan was a well @-@ rounded player , his " Air Jordan " image is also often credited with inadvertently decreasing the jump shooting skills , defense , and fundamentals of young players , a fact Jordan himself has lamented .
Matt Groening first conceived Maggie and the rest of the Simpson family in 1986 in the lobby of James L. Brooks 's office . Groening had been called in to pitch a series of animated shorts for The Tracey Ullman Show , and had intended to present an adaptation of his Life in Hell comic strip . When he realized that animating Life in Hell would require him to rescind publication rights for his life 's work , Groening decided to go in another direction , and hurriedly sketched out his version of a dysfunctional family and named the characters after members of his own family . The baby of the family was named Maggie after Groening 's youngest sister . Maggie then made her debut with the rest of the Simpsons family on April 19 , 1987 in the short " Good Night " . In 1989 , the shorts were adapted into The Simpsons , a half @-@ hour series that would air on the Fox Broadcasting Company . Maggie and the rest of the family remained the main characters on this new show .
The modern Arabic word for a castle is Kalaa ( قلعة ) , but Krak des Chavaliers is known as a " Hosn " ( حصن ) , or " fort " . This derives from the name of an earlier fortification on the same site called Ḥoṣn al @-@ Akrād ( حصن الأكراد ) , meaning " fort of the Kurds " . It was called by the Franks Le Crat and then by a confusion with karak ( fortress ) , Le Crac . Crat was probably the Frankish version of Akrād , the word for Kurds . After the Knights Hospitaller took control of the castle , it became known as Crac de l 'Ospital ; the name Crac des Chevaliers ( alternatively spelt Krak des Chevaliers ) was introduced by Guillaume Rey in the 19th century .
On June 7 , 1911 , Madero entered Mexico City . In October 1911 he was elected president , under the banner of the Partido Constitucional Progresista , along with José María Pino Suárez , his new running mate as vice @-@ president . Madero pushed aside Francisco Vázquez Gómez , the vice presidential candidate for the Anti @-@ Reelectionist Party in 1910 , as being too moderate .
Sully 's main armament consisted of two 194 @-@ millimeter ( 7 @.@ 6 in ) 45 @-@ caliber guns were mounted in single gun turrets fore and aft . Her intermediate armament was eight 45 @-@ caliber Canon de 164 mm Modèle 1893 guns . Four of these were in single gun turrets on the sides of the ship and the other four were in casemates . For anti @-@ torpedo boat defence she carried six 45 @-@ caliber 100 @-@ millimeter ( 3 @.@ 9 in ) guns in casemates and eighteen 47 @-@ millimeter ( 1 @.@ 9 in ) Hotchkiss guns . She was also armed with five 450 @-@ millimeter ( 18 in ) torpedo tubes ; two of these were submerged and the others were above water .
The ordinance was nevertheless seen as ambiguous in that it did not specifically address the slaves already in the territories , and it discussed the " free " population of the territories seemingly implying that a slave population would exist . French traders in the territories , and later even American army officers ( including Josiah Snelling who commanded his namesake fort ) , continued to hold slaves with the blessings of many in Congress .
The robed figure wears a trailing magical scarf which allows the player to briefly fly ; doing so uses up the scarf 's magical charge , represented visually by glowing runes on the scarf . The scarf 's runes are recharged by walking , or a variety of other means . Touching glowing symbols scattered throughout the levels lengthens the initially vestigial scarf , allowing the player to remain airborne longer . Larger strips of cloth are present in the levels and can be transformed from a stiff , dull gray to vibrant red by singing near them . Doing so may have effects on the world such as releasing bits of cloth , forming bridges , or levitating the player . This in turn allows the player to progress in the level by opening doors or allowing them to reach previously inaccessible areas . The robed figure does not have visible arms to manipulate the game world directly . Along the way , the player encounters flying creatures made of cloth , some of which help the player along . In later levels , the player also encounters hostile creatures made of stone , which upon spotting the player rip off parts of the figure 's scarf .
It was also part of the set list on the I Am ... World Tour . When Beyoncé performed the song in Sunrise , Florida on June 29 , 2009 , she was wearing a glittery gold leotard . As she sang , animated graphics of turntables , faders and other club equipment were projected behind Beyoncé , her dancers and musicians . Beyoncé was accompanied by her two drummers , two keyboardists , a percussionist , a horn section , three imposing backup vocalists called the Mamas and a lead guitarist , Bibi McGill . During the performance , she bent backwards at her guitarist 's feet . Jonathon Moran of The Sunday Telegraph praised Beyoncé 's dancing during the performance of the song on the I Am ... World Tour . " Freakum Dress " was included as the fourth track on the deluxe edition of I Am ... World Tour ( 2010 ) . According to Andy Kellman of Allmusic , the performance has a " hard rock overhaul " .
Over the years , nearly three @-@ quarters of the Polish people have emphasized the importance of World War II to the Polish national identity . Many Polish works of art created since the war have centered on events of the war . Books by Tadeusz Borowski , Adolf Rudnicki , Henryk Grynberg , Miron Białoszewski , Hanna Krall and others ; films , including those by Andrzej Wajda ( A Generation , Kanał , Ashes and Diamonds , Lotna , A Love in Germany , Korczak , Katyń ) ; TV series ( Four Tank Men and a Dog and Stakes Larger than Life ) ; music ( Powstanie Warszawskie ) ; and even comic books – all of these diverse works have reflected those times . Polish historian Tomasz Szarota wrote in 1996 :
The European Union 's Interinstitutional Style Guide ( 2008 ) indicates that single sentence spacing is to be used in all European Union publications — encompassing 23 languages . For the English language , the European Commission 's English Style Guide ( 2010 ) states that sentences are always single @-@ spaced . The Style Manual : For Authors , Editors and Printers ( 2007 ) , first published in 1966 by the Commonwealth Government Printing Office of Australia , stipulates that only one space is used after " sentence @-@ closing punctuation " and that " Programs for word processing and desktop publishing offer more sophisticated , variable spacing , so this practice of double spacing is now avoided because it can create distracting gaps on a page . "
The storyline concerning the assassination primarily follows the four conspirators who directly participate in Trujillo 's death . Antonio Imbert Barrera is one of the few conspirators who survives the violent reprisals that follow Trujillo 's assassination . Imbert is a politician who becomes disillusioned with the deception and cruelty of the Trujillo regime . His first plan to kill Trujillo was foiled by the unsuccessful attempted overthrow of the regime by Cuban paramilitary forces . Now convinced of the difficulty of his task , Imbert joins the other conspirators in plotting Trujillo 's death . Among the others is Antonio de la Maza , one of Trujillo 's personal guards . Antonio 's brother is killed as part of a government cover @-@ up and Antonio swears revenge upon Trujillo . Salvador Estrella Sadhalá , known as " Turk " , is a devout Catholic who , in indignation at the regime 's many crimes against God , swears an oath against Trujillo . Turk eventually turns himself in for fear that the regime was torturing his family . Both Turk and his innocent brother are then tortured for months . His father remains loyal to Trujillo and disowns Turk to his face . Despite all of this , Turk refuses to commit suicide and does not lose faith in God . He is later executed by Ramfis and other high level government men . Turk 's close friend , Amado García Guerrero , known as Amadito , is a Lieutenant in the army who gave up his beloved as proof of his loyalty to Trujillo , and then later was forced to kill her brother to prove himself to Trujillo . Amadito 's disgust with himself and disillusionment with the regime lead to his decision to help to kill Trujillo . Following the assassination he hides out with de la Maza and dies fighting . In the aftermath of the assassination , Amadito and Antonio de la Maza choose to fight the members of SIM who come to arrest them , opting to die in battle rather than be captured and tortured .