1 value
2 values
What causes the shaking of the mountain?
[ " The awakening of the Ryzgas", " Machines", " Earthquakes and tremors", " Dreams spun by the Ryzgas" ]
Why were the Ryzgas not afraid that someone might enter their mountain?
They were convinced that no one would be able to penetrate the mountain without advanced technology
[ " They did not believe that anyone would want to return to a terrifying society that the Ryzgas left behind", " They commissioned the Watcher to spin dreadful dreams about what might happen if people attempted to do so", " They thought that their descendants would eventually die out without access to raw materials", " They were convinced that no one would be able to penetrate the mountain without advanced technology" ]
How is the Ryzga different from Var and Neena?
He cannot spin dreams
[ " He ages backwards", " He cannot spin dreams", " He is immortal", " He is a zombie" ]
The four men are ranked according to:
[ " experience", " strength", " health", " age" ]
What fuels Russell's loathing of Dunbar?
Dunbar's optimism
[ " Dunbar's optimism", " Dunbar's age", " Dunbar's delusions", " Dunbar's laugh" ]
What do the four men seek/value most in a star? That no one had ever heard of it before
obscurity of location
[ " obscurity of location", " population of women", " geographical features", " prevalence of riches" ]
What does Dunbar mean in calling the other stars 'Jezebels' of stars?
They are seductive, but ultimately, unworthy of pursuit
[ " They are uncomely on the exterior, but thriving within", " They are designed to lure men to their deaths", " They are meant to distract travelers from their main focus", " They are seductive, but ultimately, unworthy of pursuit" ]
What is ironic about Russell's decision to kill Dunbar?
If the four men had followed Dunbar, they all would have survived.
[ " After killing Dunbar, Russell became just as delusional as Dunbar", " If Russell had not killed Dunbar, the three men would have never reached their ultimate paradise", " The four men were all going to die anyway, but they could have died together.", " If the four men had followed Dunbar, they all would have survived." ]
Why does Dunbar continue to tell stories of an enchanting paradise?
To motivate them to keep persisting until they arrive
[ " To motivate them to keep persisting until they arrive", " To convince himself that he is choosing the correct star", " To assuage his crewmen's minds before they inevitably die", " To lure the Johnson, Alvar, and Russell into a trap" ]
What is Russell's greatest fear?
Being lost and alone
[ " Being disappointed", " Losing his mind", " Being lost and alone", " Living forever" ]
Which terms best describe the narrator's tone?
congenial and self-aware
[ " authoritative and oblivious", " manipulative and meticulous", " congenial and self-aware", " hostile and condescending" ]
Why didn't the narrator provide the leprechauns with the correct equation?
He believes humans need to believe in things like leprechauns in order to sustain their own race
[ " He knows that the leprechauns are preventing humans from destroying the Earth", " He wants to take credit for the equation and is concerned they will try to get credit first", " In swearing their allegiance to him, they are bound to him for eternity", " He believes humans need to believe in things like leprechauns in order to sustain their own race" ]
What is the narrator's ethnicity?
[ " Irish", " American", " Leprechaun", " Japanese" ]
Why do the leprechauns prefer poets to scientists?
Poets are less likely than scientists to want to capture and experiment with the leprechauns
[ " Poets are more likely than scientists to collaborate with leprechauns without expecting compensation", " Poets are less likely than scientists to want to capture and experiment with the leprechauns", " Poets are less likely than scientists to understand the leprechauns' mission", " Poets are more likely than scientists to show compassion to non-human species" ]
What motivated the leprechauns to build a spaceship?
They believe that humans' obsession with technology will make the world inhabitable
[ " They desire to seek and add more riches to their already expansive collection", " They believe that humans' obsession with technology will make the world inhabitable", " They fear that their race will soon become extinct due to population decline", " They wish to transport their riches to another location where humans will never steal it" ]
Why is the narrator unafraid to work openly in the park among the leprechauns? Others aren't believers
He knows that it is rare to find believers among his colleagues and fellow humans
[ " He feels that he and the leprechauns can protect themselves through cunning ways and physical strength", " He doubts that his colleagues at the Center would ever venture outdoors to the park area", " He knows that it is rare to find believers among his colleagues and fellow humans", " He believes strongly in the importance of his collaboration with the leprechauns and is willing to take the risk of being discovered" ]
What helps Houlihan to focus more intently on his own problem?
collaborating with the leprechauns, who speak his same language
[ " collaborating with the leprechauns, who speak his same language", " imagining the pot of gold that awaits him if he is able to solve the equation", " being outdoors, where his creativity is stimulated", " venturing outside of the Center, where he is not worried about competition among colleagues" ]
What is the purpose of the article?
To explain how physiognomy has evolved over time and affected society in harmful ways
[ " To explain how physiognomy has evolved over time and affected society in harmful ways", " To provide an impartial historical account of physiognomy, a once popular branch of science", " To predict how physiognomy could be manipulated to worsen current social inequities", " To convince an audience of the benefits of physiognomy as a criminal justice tool" ]
What terms best describes the author's attitude toward hunches of perceived criminality based on one's physical appearance?
skeptical and dismissive
[ " skeptical and dismissive", " neutral and hypothetical", " incredulous and antagonistic", " curious and imaginative" ]
Historical figures have proposed all of the following theories regarding physiognomy EXCEPT for the idea that:
humans will never be able to eliminate the effects of physiognomy from their decision-making
[ " humans share similar characteristics to animals based on their facial features and mannerisms", " humans can use physiognomy to select which employees, slaves, and mates may be most compatible with them", " humans are constantly influenced by physiognomy on a daily basis", " humans will never be able to eliminate the effects of physiognomy from their decision-making" ]
What is one halo effect of physiognomy?
It has created a bias that favors more attractive people
[ " It has morphed to become something more credible than its original version", " It has morphed to become something less credible than its original version", " It has created a trend that imprisons innocent people", " It has created a bias that favors more attractive people" ]
According to the author, what drives our decisions to publish certain content on social media platforms?
awareness of being judged
[ " awareness of being judged", " potential for monetization", " rejection of conformity", " fear of not fitting in" ]
What is the danger of using certain pictures to represent people in court?
The pictures can elicit negative or guilty connotations, which can influence a jury or the public before a trial.
[ " The pictures can cause further emotional distress for families who have been affected by a perpetrator.", " The pictures can elicit negative or guilty connotations, which can influence a jury or the public before a trial.", " The pictures may have been edited in order to make the defendant look more guilty of criminal behavior.", " The pictures may not represent what the person look like during the time they were accused of committing the crime." ]
Which type of person is likely to receive the most brutal treatment in the legal system, compared to the other response options?
suspicious faces
[ " masculine faces", " sharp-featured faces", " overfamiliar faces", " suspicious faces" ]
According to the author, what are people actually judging when they believe they're detecting a proclivity for delinquent behavior?
[ " media filtering", " prejudice", " intelligence", " demographics" ]
Which statement best describes the purpose of this text?
To explain how industries are approaching collaboration and making decisions in AI with regard to social responses
[ " To propose potential pathways that AI could take to eliminate social and environmental problems in the near future", " To explain how industries are approaching collaboration and making decisions in AI with regard to social responses", " To demonstrate how humans are taking advantages of AI-related opportunities while dodging the risks", " To make an argument in support of more checks and balances within the institution of AI development" ]
Which term best describes the approach Cave supports with regard to AI development?
[ " multifaceted", " reductionist", " isolationist", " divergent" ]
According to Cave, what must happen before different disciplines converge to guide AI development?
establishing dialogue
[ " government support", " signing a treatise", " creating shared policies", " establishing dialogue" ]
According to Cave, what issue does AI development share with climate change threats?
Those in charge of climate change threats and AI don't experience societal costs sustained from negative outcomes
[ " Western industries rely too much on certain materials and technology to abandon use of AI and things like fossil fuels", " Those in charge of climate change threats and AI don't experience societal costs sustained from negative outcomes", " They inevitably contribute to a widening income disparity among the wealthy and those living in poverty", " At a certain point, AI and responses to climate change will eradicate job positions that many humans currently fill" ]
Cave acknowledges all of the potential concerns regarding AI EXCEPT:
mass casualties from AI-related accidents
[ " contribution to a more apathetic society", " mass casualties from AI-related accidents", " tendency for use toward escapism", " public reaction toward human job losses" ]
Cave suggests all of the following ways for preventing a loss of control over AI EXCEPT:
developing an automatic shutdown option for AI that goes awry
[ " developing an automatic shutdown option for AI that goes awry", " maintaining a system of accountable design", " engaging in interdisciplinary conversations", " anticipating problems that may arise from technology" ]
What does the author view as the purpose of AI
To amplify social improvement
[ " To eliminate natural selection", " To achieve ultimate convenience", " To amplify social improvement", " To mitigate climate threats" ]
To what does Cave attribute general human skepticism of AI?
evolutionary biases
[ " fear of domestication", " evolutionary biases", " media portrayals", " loss of autonomy" ]
GP most likely stands for?
general practitioner
[ " generic pharmaceutical", " ghost publisher", " geriatric patient", " general practitioner" ]
Which term best describes Sara's relationship with her parents?
[ " inflammatory", " tenuous", " strained", " obligatory" ]
Why have Sara and her father not spoken in over a year?
They have intense disagreements on most political issues.
[ " Sara attended college in New York and stayed there after graduating.", " They have intense disagreements on most political issues.", " Sara and her father voted for different presidential candidates.", " Sara's father was an authoritative presence during her high school years." ]
At what point did Sara's relationship with her father sharply transition?
When she began high school
[ " When she remained in New York after graduating from NYU", " When she pierced her nose", " When she began high school", " When she moved to New York" ]
Describe Sara's attitude toward Fox:
[ " disgusted", " irked", " confused", " ambivalent" ]
What is ironic about Sara's father's justification for the ads on his page?
He claims to value entities that create jobs, and ignores the potential for solar energy to do the same.
[ " He claims to value entities that create jobs, and ignores the potential for solar energy to do the same.", " He accuses Sara of hating advertising, when her job involves advertising.", " He accuses Sara of hating America, when most of his ads are from other countries.", " He dislikes modern ads for companies like Lyft, but supports them if they benefit him personally." ]
To what commonality are Sara and her father oblivious?
Their realities both stem from limited, biased media spheres.
[ " Their realities both stem from limited, biased media spheres.", " They both take Sara's mother for granted.", " They both claim to support job generation, but invest in companies and entities that eliminate jobs.", " The advertisements they watch are driving them apart, versus bringing them together." ]
In Sara's version of the Chevrolet ad, what is implied as the thing that makes America great?
diverse inhabitants
[ " freedom of speech", " freedom of religion", " diverse inhabitants", " affordable vehicles" ]
Which statement best represents the central theme of the text?
While social media purports to bring us together, it more often drives us apart.
[ " The media is ultimately responsible for the breakdown of the American family.", " People will be happy as long as the status quo is maintained.", " Humans have much more in common than they have in difference.", " While social media purports to bring us together, it more often drives us apart." ]
Why did Nancy allow the man claiming to be her brother to take her child?
She is hypnotized by Arvid 6, who is posing as her nonexistent brother.
[ " She believes that she can trust her brother with Reggie.", " She knows that Reggie is actually Kanad, and feels no attachment toward him.", " She is hypnotized by Arvid 6, who is posing as her nonexistent brother.", " She is being bribed by Tendal 13 and Arvid 6 to give Reggie away." ]
Why are Arvid 6 and Tendal 13 attempting to steal Reggie?
Kanad was accidentally sent transformed to Reggie's body by mistake in the Ultroom.
[ " Kanad was accidentally sent transformed to Reggie's body by mistake in the Ultroom.", " They need infants for experiments they are conducting in the Ultroom.", " They are competing to become the next heads of the galactic system.", " There is a bounty for Reggie, who is actually a warlord in a future world." ]
Why didn't the man posing as Dr. Tompkins die?
He was able to escape and heal back in his time period
[ " He was able to escape and heal back in his time period", " He was wearing a bulletproof vest", " There was never a man named Dr. Tompkins", " The bullet in his leg caused a non-life-threatening injury" ]
Who murdered Nancy and Reggie?
Arvid 6
[ " Tendal 13", " Kanad", " Martin Laughton", " Arvid 6" ]
Why did the driver who killed Nancy and Reggie Laughton pretend to be drunk?
The driver did not have enough time to make up a more convincing story
[ " The driver did not have enough time to make up a more convincing story", " To confuse the authorities so it would take longer for them to figure out his identity", " To get a manslaughter charge instead of a murder charge", " The driver was not pretending -- he was actually intoxicated" ]
Where will Arvid 6 and Tendal 13 go after the end of the text?
To steal Phullam from his parents and get closer to recovering Kanad.
[ " To go back 6,000 years to re-attempt a Kanad recovery mission", " To return to the Laughton's home in order to alter the crime scene", " To travel to the Ultroom for Arvid 6 to face his consequences", " To steal Phullam from his parents and get closer to recovering Kanad." ]
Which term best describes the relationship between Arvid 6 and Tendal 13?
[ " compulsory", " symbiotic", " complicated", " predatory" ]
What is the purpose of the Ultroom?
It can relocate someone to a different body
[ " It can alter someone's DNA to give them more desirable attributes", " It can change someone's original birth date", " It can relocate someone to a different body", " It can disrupt catastrophic events before they occur" ]
Which term best describes Tendal 13's perception of Arvid 6's work ethic?
[ " reckless", " audacious", " uninspiring", " meritorious" ]
Arvid 6 and Tendal 13 can perform all of the following abilities EXCEPT:
[ " hypnosis", " dematerialization", " time travel", " mind-reading" ]
Relationship between Harry Zeckler and Paul Meyeroff?
Meyeroff is an official sent to extradite Zeckler
[ " Meyeroff is Zeckler's legal representation", " Meyeroff is an official sent to extradite Zeckler", " Zeckler is a con man for Meyeroff", " Zeckler abetted in a crime that Meyeroff perpetrated" ]
What crime has Zeckler committed to warrant imprisonment?
[ " embezzlement", " fraud", " encroachment", " indecent exposure" ]
What motivates people like Zeckler to commit such crimes as he committed?
New interplanetary laws created more incentive to commit crimes in vulnerable areas than they offered protection from such crimes.
[ " New interplanetary laws created more incentive to commit crimes in vulnerable areas than they offered protection from such crimes.", " Representatives from the Trading Commission set up an operation to hire and arrest con men in order to secure resources without being indicted.", " The interplanetary laws made it easy for wealthy corporations and entities to prey upon those they considered less civilized and intelligent.", " The Trading Commission offered monetary compensation for whoever was willing to secure unexploited trading ground on neighboring planets." ]
Why was Altair regarded at once by the Trading Commission as a commercial prize of tremendous value?
They have a large reservoir of 'unclaimed' uranium
[ " They do not understand the loopholes in the trading laws", " They have a large amount of 'unclaimed' land", " They were an ideal location for an interplanetary prison system", " They have a large reservoir of 'unclaimed' uranium" ]
The proceedings of Altairian trial defy which tenet of the modern western legal system?
a defendant is innocent until proven guilty
[ " a defendant is innocent until proven guilty", " a defendant has a right to due process", " no warrant shall be issued without just cause", " no one shall be subject to self-incrimination" ]
Altairian's economy is most likely representative of which system:
laissez faire
[ " capitalism", " laissez faire", " socialism", " Keynesian" ]
What does the outcome of Zeckler's trial suggest about the modern legal system?
The better lawyer a defendant has, the more likely they are to clear their names.
[ " The legal system is set up to benefit those with more power and wealth.", " For a defendant in the legal system, there is no desirable outcome.", " The better lawyer a defendant has, the more likely they are to clear their names.", " Sometimes it is more optimal to lie and make a guilty plea, than to tell the truth and be found guilty." ]
What makes the far side of the moon intolerable?
extreme temperatures
[ " extreme temperatures", " loud noises from the mines", " social isolation", " vicious predators" ]
What motivates Pop Young to live on the far side of the moon?
He is close to Sattell's location, which enhances his memories of his wife and children
[ " He is being compensated for a wrongful death suit that occurred back on Earth", " He is close to Sattell's location, which enhances his memories of his wife and children", " If he left his post, there would be no one to monitor the mines in the Big Crack", " If he returned to Earth, he would be arrested for the murder of his family" ]
Which item would most likely be shared by Sattell and Pop?
[ " hatchet", " pencil", " lighter", " screwdriver" ]
What is the relationship between Sattell and Pop Young?
Sattell is trying to escape Pop, who believes he killed his family
[ " Sattell uses methods to help Pop recover his memories", " Sattell is trying to escape Pop, who believes he killed his family", " Sattell was Pop's neighbor back on Earth", " Sattell is Pop's son and the only witness who saw Pop murder his wife and other children" ]
What do the colony inhabitants share?
fear of open spaces
[ " traumatic brain injuries", " criminal backgrounds", " fear of open spaces", " aversion to sunlight" ]
What effect does Sattell's proximity have on Pop?
It restores Pop's memories of his wife and children
[ " It brings Pop's memory of the murder of his family into clarity", " It motivates him to plot his revenge against his family's murderer", " It amplifies the pain of his Pop's head injury", " It restores Pop's memories of his wife and children" ]
Which of the following describes Pop's attitude toward Sattell?
[ " obsessive", " delirious", " ambivalent", " vengeful" ]
Which term best describes Pop's attitude toward his lunar occupation?
[ " methodical", " unselfish", " passionate", " resentful" ]
Which term best describes Sattell's attitude toward Pop?
[ " condescending", " frenetic", " aggrieved", " repugnant" ]
How does Sattell hope to get rid of Pop?
Escaping on board a secondhand lunar tour vessel
[ " Luring him down into the Big Crack and killing him", " Hiring an assassin from a neighboring planet", " Blowing up the shack near the edge of the Big Crack", " Escaping on board a secondhand lunar tour vessel" ]
What is Prantera referring to when he mentions 'Quentin'?
a prison
[ " a target", " an asylum", " an associate", " a prison" ]
What is Prantera referring to when he mentions a 'mouthpiece'?
a lawyer
[ " a lawyer", " a weapon", " a disguise", " a crime boss" ]
What is Prantera referring to when he mentions a 'pressure cooker'?
a mental asylum
[ " a courtroom", " an interrogation room", " a mental asylum", " a set-up" ]
What central theme of the story is revealed in the conclusion?
If someone is willing to take a life, you cannot trust them to make moral decisions
[ " The more good you do for others, the more opportunity for them to criticize you", " If someone is willing to take a life, you cannot trust them to make moral decisions", " When cornered, threatened creatures will do anything to survive", " The prosperity of a nation is more important than any individual life" ]
How does Prantera initially gain trust with Temple-Tracy?
Speaking to him in Amer-English
[ " Giving him information about his opponents", " Speaking to him in Amer-English", " Revealing his potential assassins", " Giving him a 1925 Old Calendar" ]
Why are Reston-Farrell and Brett-James not willing to assassinate Temple-Tracy themselves?
They do not possess hatred in their genetic sequence and are incapable of committing vile acts
[ " They would feel such guilt after taking a fellow human's life as to cause them long-lasting anguish", " They are fearful of Temple-Tracy's followers using him as a martyr to strengthen their cause", " They are afraid of what might happen if they are forced to receive psychiatric treatment", " They do not possess hatred in their genetic sequence and are incapable of committing vile acts" ]
All of the following motivate Prantera to accept the proposal from Brett-James and Reston-Ferrell EXCEPT:
He does not need to worry about Temple-Tracy's followers seeking revenge
[ " He does not need to worry about Temple-Tracy's followers seeking revenge", " He does not have to fear being arrested by the police", " He is unlikely to encounter someone with weapons during the job", " He does not have a chance of being sent back to 1960" ]
Which term best describes the narrator's attitude toward writing up the first trip to Mars?
[ " ambivalent", " apprehensive", " resentful", " downtrodden" ]
After they landed, how were the crewmen viewed by the general public?
with admiration
[ " with admiration", " with curiosity", " with fear", " with disdain" ]
What is the central theme of the story?
Curiosity can cross dangerous boundaries, and lack of curiosity can blind one's self to those boundaries
[ " Curiosity can cross dangerous boundaries, and lack of curiosity can blind one's self to those boundaries", " Whatever we are addicted to will end up consuming us, if we allow it", " Working together as a team is more advantageous than taking an individualistic approach", " People, in general, are only interested in content if they find relevance or opportunity for personal gain" ]
What is the Martians' orientation toward water?
They fear it due to its ability to disintegrate their bodies
[ " They fear it due to its ability to disintegrate their bodies", " They utilize it to grow an army within their population", " They desire it to fuel their underground Martian ecosystem", " They are both curious and reluctant to understand its potential" ]
Who is the 'dope' on Mars?
The narrator
[ " Kroger, the biochemist", " Jones, the co-pilot", " The narrator", " Desmond, the pilot" ]
What does the last line indicate about modern society, in general?
Humans in the modern age have been desensitized to crises
[ " Humans in the modern age have been desensitized to crises", " Creating a solution sometimes requires people to return to the source from which the problem originated", " Quality is just as, if not more important, than quantity when it comes to armed forces", " The preference for intrigue over information has the potential to destroy a society" ]
What's ironic about the narrator's and Kroger's decision to sign on for the flight scheduled to Venus?
They were permitted to attend due to their 'experience,' but their experience created a major crisis on Earth
[ " The narrator is going to fabricate more events to make his story sound appealing to the general public", " They have the least amount of technical experience compared to the other members of the Martian crew", " They were permitted to attend due to their 'experience,' but their experience created a major crisis on Earth", " The narrator's deadpan tone is not likely to convey the true excitement of the Venusian journey" ]
What is the symbolism of the title?
The monkey represents Zarwell's pattern of joining resistance movements, only to watch them turn corrupt
[ " The monkey represents the series of false memories implanted in Zarwell's mind", " The monkey represents Zarwell's affliction with ennui after becoming a civilian and living a more mundane existence", " The monkey represents Dr. Bergstrom's manipulative influence on Zarwell's psyche", " The monkey represents Zarwell's pattern of joining resistance movements, only to watch them turn corrupt" ]
What motivates Zarwell to take on the 'missions' he leads?
He is not consciously aware of why he agrees to participate in the missions
[ " He desires to eradicate the galaxy of authoritarian regimes", " He is not consciously aware of why he agrees to participate in the missions", " He enjoys the adrenaline rush of the precarious situations his missions place him in", " He wishes to prevent Earth from being destroyed by man-made climate change" ]
What is the purpose of a comanalysis?
It gives more direct access to the plagues of the human mind
[ " It paralyzes patients in order to restore their nervous systems to equilibrium", " It gives more direct access to the plagues of the human mind", " It allows a manipulator to implant false memories", " It permits a psychoanalyst to remove traumatic memories" ]
Why did Zarwell deliberately inject himself?
To forget memories that influence him to join more missions
[ " To forget memories that influence him to join more missions", " To prevent a psychoanalyst from probing his memories", " To disguise himself among civilians in a new society", " To protect himself from corrupt government officials" ]
What do the settings of Zarwell's comanalyses have in common?
[ " deception", " captivity", " pursuits", " weapons" ]
For what reason is Zarwell seeking treatment with Bergstrom?
He is experiencing symptoms of memory loss
[ " He is experiencing symptoms of memory loss", " He struggles with night terrors on a regular basis", " He feels paranoid that someone is controlling his thoughts", " He wishes to rid himself of the ennui that stems from his depression" ]
Which term best describes the sequencing of Zarwell's dreams under comanalysis?
[ " arbitrary", " prophetic", " misleading", " regressive" ]
What is the purpose of the reclam crews?
To establish habitable human settlements after the destruction of Earth
[ " To imprison anyone who breaks the Meninger oath of inviolate confidence", " To establish habitable human settlements after the destruction of Earth", " To search for minerals that could be used to produce serum for comanalyses", " To reclaim fugitives from resistance movements and force them into captivity" ]
According to the author, what made open trade so accessible in the 14th century?
Settlement along geographically accessible areas
[ " Prevalence of natural resources in concentrated areas", " Agreement on shared principles of commerce", " Settlement along geographically accessible areas", " Inclusion of both rural and urban community members" ]
Which terms most likely describe how the author views Brexit?
ill-conceived and quixotic
[ " perplexing and disturbing", " ambitious and progressive", " ill-conceived and quixotic", " haphazard and inequitable" ]
What is the primary purpose of the article?
To propose a model for international commerce in nation-states with divided populations
[ " To share a historical account of 14th century commerce practices and why they were replaced", " To propose a model for international commerce in nation-states with divided populations", " To lament and decry Britain's misguided decision to abandon the European Union", " To entertain readers with an ironic predicament that has resulted from western globalization" ]
According to the author, how should progressive urban cities function differently than states?
They should partner and contend with other cities to form international networks of commerce
[ " They should expand their operations into more rural areas to bring economic prosperity to those regions", " They should maintain an isolationist approach from other cities as well as rural areas within their own nations", " They should partner and contend with other cities to form international networks of commerce", " They should work establish a symbiotic relationship with their states to ensure longevity of both entities" ]
According to the author, what do some of the most thriving modern cities have in common?
They look beyond their borders for economic possibility
[ " They are established in geographically appealing areas", " They are determined to learn from the mistakes of their forebearers", " They look beyond their borders for economic possibility", " They are ruled by democratic governments" ]
The Hanseatic League is most closely aligned with which form of government?
[ " democracy", " confederation", " socialism", " anarchy" ]
For the author, the Hanseatic League represents all of the following EXCEPT:
booming industrialization
[ " open commerce", " flexible governing bodies", " booming industrialization", " a pragmatic approach" ]
According to the author, what is the major factor that will determine if modern nations will adopt a replica of the Hanseatic League?
Whether a model can exist without creating further disparities among citizens
[ " Whether a model can exist without creating further disparities among citizens", " Whether citizens can avoid war and hording of resources without permanent borders", " Whether urban areas can accommodate the preferences of rural areas", " Whether urban and rural denizens can orient goals based on shared values" ]
Which term best describes the author's tone toward delivering a 'baby' by C-section for the first time?
[ " befuddled", " petrified", " apprehensive", " confident" ]