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Why do the webfoots only wear skirts?
The Sand God burned everything, except for the skirts.
[ " Skirts are traditionally worn by prisoners. The webfoots on this planet are all criminals or descendants of criminals.", " The people from the sixth planet only sent skirts, when it was communicated that the Sand God had burned everything else.", " The Sand God burned everything, except for the skirts.", " Skirts are the traditional dress for the webfoots culture." ]
Why does the Sand God keep the webfoots around?
It amuses the Sand God to watch the webfoots evolution.
[ " It amuses the Sand God to watch the webfoots evolution.", " It amuses the Sand God to play with the webfoots.", " The webfoots worship him like a God even though he is not one.", " The webfoots fear of the Sand God amuses him." ]
Where is Stinson from?
[ " Montana", " Missouri", " Mississippi", " Michigan" ]
Why is the Sand God causing a terrible storm?
He is angry because he doesn't understand Stinson.
[ " He knows he can't control Stinson.", " He is angry because Stinson figured out he is a child.", " He is angry Stinson took Sybtl away from the webfoots.", " He is angry because he doesn't understand Stinson." ]
Why didn't the Lieutenant know she was pregnant?
She has an irregular cycle.
[ " She has an irregular cycle.", " She had her tubes tied before going into space.", " She wasn't keeping track of her cycle.", " Women don't have periods in space." ]
Why can't Lieutenant Britton go back to Earth?
The G-forces the body is subjected to during space travel would affect the fetus.
[ " There are no ships available to go to Earth at this time.", " There is no one else trained to replace her as Chief Radar Technician on the space station.", " The replacement Radar Technician was killed in a car wreck on his way to White Sands. A new technician will have to be trained.", " The G-forces the body is subjected to during space travel would affect the fetus." ]
Why did the Lieutenant go into labor early?
A slight depressurization in the space station shocked her body into labor.
[ " A slight depressurization in the space station shocked her body into labor.", " Major Banes induced labor early because the baby was unusually large.", " The stress of living in outer space caused her body to go into pre-term labor.", " An asteroid crashed into the space station causing it to jerk unexpectedly. The Lieutenant fell and her water broke." ]
Why do they need an incubator?
The baby is two months early.
[ " The baby is one month early.", " The baby is three months early.", " The baby is two months early.", " The baby is four months early." ]
Why can't they build an incubator?
There are no spare parts aboard the space station.
[ " They don't have the right kind of lights aboard the space station.", " It does not occur to them to build an incubator.", " None of them no how to build an incubator and the asteroid knocked out communications.", " There are no spare parts aboard the space station." ]
What is White Sands?
A rocket base in New Mexico.
[ " A city in New Mexico.", " A rocket base in New Mexico.", " An obstetrics facility in New Mexico.", " A mission control base in New Mexico." ]
Why is Alice so relaxed when she finds out there is no incubator aboard the space station?
Alice knows any room in the space station can be made into a giant incubator with minor adjustments.
[ " Alice knows any room in the space station can be made into a giant incubator with minor adjustments.", " Alice is feeling delirious due to the pains of natural childbirth and is only concerned with getting the baby out, and getting the pain to stop at the moment.", " Alice is feeling the effects of the morphine they gave her for the contractions and is not concerned with much of anything right now.", " Alice is feeling the effects of the Demerol they gave her for the contractions and is not concerned with much of anything right now." ]
How does Alice feel about delivering the baby on the space station?
She is confident in Major Barnes. She feels he's perfectly competent, though obstetrics is not his field.
[ " She is confident in Major Barnes. She feels he's perfectly competent, though obstetrics is not his field.", " She is excited. She's going to be famous. No one has ever had a baby in space before.", " She is terrified. No one has ever had a baby in space before.", " She is scared because the baby is so early and there is no incubator onboard the space station." ]
What is the Farm?
The Farm is a compound where they research the psionic abilities of children.
[ " The Farm is Dr. Lessing's home in the country.", " The Farm is a compound where they research the psionic abilities of children.", " The Farm is where they train CIA agents with telekinetic abilities.", " The Farm is where they do genetic testing on children to give them psychic abilities." ]
Why will adult psi contact hurt the children?
Adult psi contact dampens the children's natural psionic abilities. Eventually, adult psi contact will snuff out a child's abilities altogether.
[ " Adult psi contact increases a child's psionic ability so much it can cause a psychotic break.", " Adult psi contact overwhelms the children's brains. It gives them migraines.", " Adult psi contact overwhelms the children's nervous systems. It gives them nose bleeds.", " Adult psi contact dampens the children's natural psionic abilities. Eventually, adult psi contact will snuff out a child's abilities altogether." ]
Why doesn't Tommy want to go back to the Farm?
He doesn't feel good at the farm.
[ " Tommy misses his family and he wants to go home.", " Tommy is tired of being experimented on.", " Tommy is slowly going insane at the farm.", " He doesn't feel good at the farm." ]
Where is the Hoffman Medical Center?
[ " Newark", " Westchester", " Philadelphia", " Trenton" ]
Where is the Farm?
[ " New Jersey", " Illinois", " Pennsylvania", " Connecticut" ]
Where is the conference next month?
[ " Illinois", " New Jersey", " Connecticut", " Pennsylvania" ]
Why are the grey helmets necessary?
The helmets block external psionic forces.
[ " The helmets block external psionic forces.", " The helmets improve the reception of external psionic forces.", " The helmets are for safety, as the children are heavily medicated and at high risk for falling.", " The helmets amplify the childrens' psychic abilities." ]
Why is Melrose so opposed to Lessing publishing his book?
The field of psionics is new. If Lessing turns out to be wrong, the whole field of study could be discredited.
[ " The field of psionics is new. If Lessing turns out to be wrong, the whole field of study could be discredited.", " Lessing is Melrose's closest friend. He doesn't want to see Lessing embarrassed if his theory is proved wrong.", " Melrose runs a task force against the publishing of junk science.", " Melrose is also studying psionics and wants to delay Lessing by any means so that he can publish first." ]
How did the children come to be at the Farm?
Some children are sent to the Farm by their parents for boarding school. Others are orphans and runaways.
[ " Dr. Lessing bought them from their parents.", " Some children are sent to the Farm by their parents for boarding school. Others are orphans and runaways.", " The children come from migrant and refugee camps.", " Dr. Lessing bought them from human traffickers." ]
Why does the block tower fall down?
Unknown. It is too early in the field of psi research to accurately determine the answer.
[ " Lessing removed his helmet.", " The children used their psi powers to influence Lessing into removing his helmet.", " The children removed their helmets.", " Unknown. It is too early in the field of psi research to accurately determine the answer." ]
How is Lane able to hover over the buildings?
He has anti-gravity devices implanted in his body.
[ " He has anti-gravity boots.", " He is in a helicopter.", " He has a jet pack.", " He has anti-gravity devices implanted in his body." ]
Why are the police willing to risk the life of Gerri to kill Lane?
Lane is too dangerous to be left alive. They can't risk him escaping just so they can rescue Gerri.
[ " Lane is too dangerous to be left alive. They can't risk him escaping just so they can rescue Gerri.", " They think Lane may be infected with a biological weapon.", " The police don't care if they kill Martians.", " They don't believe that Gerri is in the room with Lane." ]
How does Gerri feel about Earth?
She does not like Earth. She thinks the people are uncivilized.
[ " Gerri does not like the Earth. The climate is terrible.", " She does not like Earth. She thinks the people are uncivilized.", " She loves Earth. She is going to move to Earth permanently.", " Gerri likes the Earth, it's the Earthlings she's not sure about." ]
Why is Lane so child-like?
Lane was never given a proper education, only fighting instruction.
[ " All men are child-like.", " Lane was never given a proper education, only fighting instruction.", " Lane is controlled by the Cybrain. His own brain never had the chance to develop properly.", " Lane has been a Trooper since he was seven years old." ]
What is a cybrain?
A cybrain is a cybernetic brain. Cybrains are implanted in soldiers to make them the ultimate weapons.
[ " A cybrain is a cybernetic brain. The cybrain is in control of the Newyork Special Troops, like a hive mind.", " A cybrain is a dispatch system that sends the Newyork Special Troops on their assignments.", " A cybrain is a cybernetic brain. Cybrains are implanted in soldiers to make them the ultimate weapons.", " A cybrain is an AI handler. Each of the Newyork Specail Troops has a cybrain which is their only contact to the command center." ]
Why can't Lane read or write?
Lane has only been schooled in soldiering since he was seven. He was taught to fight, nothing else.
[ " When the cybrain was installed, Lane's own brain was wiped clean.", " Lane is dyslexic. He got frustrated trying to learn and gave up.", " Teaching the soldiers how to read and write would only lead to rational thinking. The soldiers might start to question orders. Therefore, they are only taught fighting.", " Lane has only been schooled in soldiering since he was seven. He was taught to fight, nothing else." ]
Why does Gerri kiss Lane?
She pities him.
[ " She pities him.", " She is terrified he'll kill her if she doesn't.", " She likes Lane.", " He is trying to save her life." ]
Why do the police believe the analogue computer can defeat Lane?
The analogue computer is much larger and more powerful than the cybrain.
[ " The police are fooling themselves. The analogue computer cannot hope to compete with the cybrain.", " The analogue computer is much larger and more powerful than the cybrain.", " The cybrains are an extension of the analogue computer.", " The cybrains do not have the advanced processor the analogue computer does." ]
What was the solution for increased complexity in the late 19th, early 20th century?
The increased role of structure and improved design
[ " Assembly lines", " The increased role of structure and improved design", " Complex managed systems", " Child labor laws" ]
What state bureaucracy development saved Europe after WWII?
The Marshall Plan
[ " Frederick Taylor's Scientific Management", " The New Deal", " The Marshall Plan", " The Tennessee Valley Authority" ]
What does Google do for their employees to foster innovation?
One day a week, they can pursue whatever ideas they like.
[ " They use Segways on the Google campus and in the buildings.", " They have a relaxed dress code.", " One day a week, they can pursue whatever ideas they like.", " They have a culture of play." ]
How did Wikipedia eclipse all commercial encyclopedias except Britannica?
They built an open and inviting system that lets people learn together.
[ " They engaged the human and social.", " They built an open and inviting system that lets people learn together.", " They hired the smartest guys in the room.", " They issued a large IPO." ]
What typified Taylorism?
The ambition to measure and specify all human and material elements of the production system.
[ " Identifying opportunities and challenges to action and acting upon them.", " Location of authority and practical capacity to act at the edges of the system.", " Loosely-coupled systems.", " The ambition to measure and specify all human and material elements of the production system." ]
Why did AT&T originally retain ownership of the phones at the endpoints?
To ensure the proper functioning of the networking and monitoring of customer behavior.
[ " To prohibit customers from connecting unlicensed phones at the endpoints.", " To exclude competitors.", " To ensure the proper functioning of the networking and monitoring of customer behavior.", " To make the most profit." ]
How did the Internet allow for a breathtaking rate of innovation?
It was designed to be as general as possible.
[ " By re-engineering the entire network.", " By building security into the technical system.", " By being a fully managed system.", " It was designed to be as general as possible." ]
What is a "trusted computer"?
A computer that will not run a program without authorization from some other locus, such as a copyright owner.
[ " A computer system that implements the belief that machines are trustworthy, while human users are malevolent and or incompetent.", " A computer system that is well-designed and tightly bound.", " A computer that will not run a program without authorization from some other locus, such as a copyright owner.", " A computer system where human beings are located and can make decisions about what is worthwhile." ]
What is something that gives us real proof that human-centric systems can thrive?
[ " Taylorism", " Google", " Wikipedia", " The New Deal" ]
What is the access revolution?
Authors can share their work with a worldwide audience at essentially no cost.
[ " Globally more homes than ever before have access to the internet.", " Free global sharing.", " Authors are giving away their work for free.", " Authors can share their work with a worldwide audience at essentially no cost." ]
How could selling their work actually harm some authors' interests?
The cost to read the work could result in a smaller audience.
[ " It could steer them toward writing about popular topics rather than writing about their expertise.", " Libraries may decide not to purchase the work because of the cost involved for multiple copies.", " They may never reach a global audience.", " The cost to read the work could result in a smaller audience." ]
What does removing price barriers mean for readers?
Readers are not limited by their own ability to pay.
[ " Readers are not limited by the budgets of libraries.", " Readers can translate and redistribute work.", " Readers can reuse literature for scholarly purposes.", " Readers are not limited by their own ability to pay." ]
What does removing permission barriers mean for readers?
Readers can reuse literature for scholarly purposes.
[ " Readers can reuse literature for scholarly purposes.", " Readers can translate and redistribute work.", " Readers are not limited by their own ability to pay.", " Readers are not limited by the budgets of libraries." ]
What is the open-access delivered by repositories called?
Green OA
[ " Green OA", " Libre OA", " Gold OA", " Gratis OA" ]
What is one limit all kinds of OA put on user freedom?
There is an obligation to credit the work to the author.
[ " A constraint on library privileges.", " A limit on text mining.", " A constraint on reproduction and distribution.", " There is an obligation to credit the work to the author." ]
What is the main premise of OA?
To make research literature available online without price barriers or without most permission barriers.
[ " To make research literature available online without price barriers or without most permission barriers.", " To allow researchers to reuse literature for scholarly purposes.", " To allow reproduction and distribution by readers.", " To allow readers to write derivative works." ]
In which chapter can we find more on OA policies?
Chapter 4
[ " Chapter 4", " Chapter 5", " Chapter 9", " Chapter 2" ]
In which section can we find more about peer review?
Section 5.1
[ " Section 5.1", " Section 5.3", " Section 5.7", " Section 5.5" ]
In which chapter can we find out more about OA economics?
Chapter 7
[ " Chapter 7", " Chapter 5", " Chapter 9", " Chapter 3" ]
What is a working example of a complementary currency?
The Brixton Pound
[ " The Brixton Pound", " The Eko Pound", " The Liverpool Pound", " The Glasgow Pound" ]
Which complementary currency didn't work out?
The Stroud Pound
[ " The Stroud Pound", " The Totnes Pound", " The Liverpool Pound", " The Brixton Pound" ]
What percent goes toward a Brixton Fund when a Brixton Pound is spent?
1.5 percent
[ " 2.0 percent", " 0.5 percent", " 1.0 percent", " 1.5 percent" ]
Who came up with the Stroud Pound?
Molly Scott Cato
[ " Ciaran Mundy", " Duncan McCann", " Stephen Clarke", " Molly Scott Cato" ]
Who is the CFO of the Bristol Pound
Stephen Clarke
[ " Stephen Clarke", " Molly Scott Cato", " Duncan McCann", " Ciaran Mundy" ]
When did people start using the Bristol Pound?
[ " 2012", " 2015", " 2016", " 2010" ]
What is a big obstacle for the Glasgow Pound?
More than a third of the families grow up in poverty. A local currency makes shopping a little more expensive.
[ " There is a ten-year life expectancy gap between different parts of the city.", " More than a third of the families grow up in poverty. A local currency makes shopping a little more expensive.", " They must be used at independent shops, instead of big supermarket chains.", " In deprived areas, people cannot afford time and money to put into their communities." ]
Who is the CEO of the Bristol Pound?
Ciaran Mundy
[ " Ciaran Mundy", " Stephen Clarke", " Peter Ferry", " Duncan McCann" ]
Who would look great on a Glasgow Pound?
Billy Connolly
[ " Karen Gillian", " Billy Connolly", " Gerard Butler", " Sean Connery" ]
The Captain is characterized in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
[ " melodramatic", " sardonic", " exasperating", " acrimonious" ]
What is the narrator's profession?
[ " astronaut", " doctor", " sailor", " cook" ]
The Pequod, Nimitz, and Triton are all references to?
seafaring men or ships from literature
[ " crewmen aboard the Charles Partlow Sale", " seafaring men or ships from literature", " names of scientists who invented food recycling techniques", " the most palatable strains of algae" ]
According to the narrator, who is the most important figure onboard a spacecraft?
the chef
[ " the Captain", " the chef", " the waste manager", " the 'doctor'" ]
All of the following is 'recycled' to create extra 'food' EXCEPT for:
[ " urine", " hair", " algae", " bones" ]
How do the crewmen view the tension between Winkelmann and Bailey?
They are thankful that the Captain's cruelty influences Bailey to create more palatable food
[ " They are repulsed by the Captain's condescending remarks", " They are thankful that the Captain's cruelty influences Bailey to create more palatable food", " They are determined to stay out of the conflict, for fear of being punished by the Captain", " They are concerned that Bailey will mutiny by refusing to fulfill his job responsibilities" ]
How does Winkelmann justify his critical stance towards Bailey's cooking?
It compels Bailey to be more creative with his resources
[ " It motivates Bailey to seek the approval of his shipmates", " It prevents Bailey from becoming apathetic in the kitchen", " It compels Bailey to be more creative with his resources", " It builds Bailey's character and makes him more resilient" ]
What was Winkelmann's greatest insult to Bailey?
Slathering ketchup on Bailey's most proud concoction
[ " Slathering ketchup on Bailey's most proud concoction", " Reducing his compensation", " Refusing to eat the steaks that Bailey innovated", " Remarking that the food in which he invested the least effort in making was the most delicious" ]
How did Bailey achieve the meal that tasted like barbeque?
He added the Captain's entrails
[ " He added the Captain's entrails", " He allowed the chlorella to ferment longer", " He used actual pork products", " He added his own refuse" ]
What is the central theme of February Strawberries?
Just because technology has the means to accomplish great feats does not mean it should cross certain lines
[ " Death, while tragic, should be permanent", " Just because technology has the means to accomplish great feats does not mean it should cross certain lines", " It is better to have all the details before making a life-changing and costly decision", " The value of a human life cannot transfer once one is resurrected" ]
Why does Howell not want Linton to approach Snead in the restaurant?
Howell does not want Linton to learn about resurrection after what he did to become institutionalized
[ " Howell imagines that Snead has likely been resurrected and will try to go after Linton", " Howell knows that Linton has been resurrected and does not want him to be embarrassed if Linton commits a social faux pas", " Howell does not want Linton to learn about resurrection after what he did to become institutionalized", " Howell knows that Linton attempted to murder Snead before he suffered from a nervous breakdown" ]
Howell offers all of the following reasons why resurrection is problematic EXCEPT:
It is extremely costly
[ " It is illegal", " It conflicts with many people's religious beliefs", " It compromises the death industry", " It is extremely costly" ]
According to Howell, all of the following issues might arise from resurrecting people EXCEPT for?
android takeover
[ " overpopulation", " unskilled practitioners", " insurance fraud", " android takeover" ]
Why did Linton spend time in an asylum?
he committed murder
[ " he invested in bad stocks", " he committed murder", " suffers from delusions and hallucinations", " his wife died from cancer" ]
Which of the following risks are explicitly associated with bringing someone back to life?
They may desire to seek revenge on the person who killed them
[ " They may desire to seek revenge on the person who killed them", " They may not recognize the person who resurrected them", " The person who received their insurance settlement will have to return it", " They may suffer from cell deterioration" ]
Why does Linton murder Greta after just resurrecting her?
Greta attempted to kill him
[ " Greta wants him to relieve her of her suffering", " He desires the rest of her insurance money", " He realized he resurrected the wrong person", " Greta attempted to kill him" ]
What will likely happen after Mr. Linton killed Greta?
He will be re-institutionalized
[ " He will attempt to resurrect her again", " He will be re-institutionalized", " No one will ever find out what happened", " He will lose all of his money" ]
What is the most likely identity of the man Linton believes to be Mr. Snead?
A resurrected Snead
[ " Snead's twin brother", " A complete stranger", " Snead (who never died)", " A resurrected Snead" ]
Why does Linton initially believe that Greta attempted to murder him after he resurrected her?
She had a brain malfunction
[ " She wants the rest of his fortune", " She had a brain malfunction", " She is suffering from hallucinations", " She is part of an android cult" ]
Val and Ron's geiger is programmed to identify:
[ " The Sandcat", " The Dome", " Uranium", " humans" ]
Why have Val and Ron joined a mission on Mars?
to restore Earth's depleted fuel reserves
[ " to locate a new source of fuel", " to restore Earth's depleted fuel reserves", " to determine if the planet can be colonized", " to identify the source of recent astronaut murders" ]
According to Ron, what motivated him and Val to join the Geigs?
desire to maintain their present way of life
[ " desire to maintain their present way of life", " monetary compensation", " opportunity for a new life on Mars", " heroic reputational status upon returning to Earth" ]
Which term best describes Mars' population?
[ " congested", " meager", " sustainable", " uninhabited" ]
How will finding uranium on Mars aid the problem on Earth?
It can hopefully sustain Earth's industries until the underwater project yields results
[ " In combination with the underwater project, it will give Earth at least 300 more years of fuel", " It will cause more problems, because neighboring countries will fight over the small amount of fuel", " It will render the underwater project unnecessary", " It can hopefully sustain Earth's industries until the underwater project yields results" ]
What is Ledman's relation to UranCo?
He was their CEO prior to the Sadlerville blast
[ " He was a civilian injured by them in the Sadlerville blast", " He was their CEO prior to the Sadlerville blast", " He was the CEO of a competing company, Ledman Atomics", " He was a member of the Board" ]
What is ironic about Ledman's quick departure to Mars?
Inventors discovered a way to create prosthetics using atomic power
[ " Victims of the Sadlerville blast received a large settlement and were culturally recognized as heroes", " Inventors discovered a way to create prosthetics using atomic power", " In hunting Geigs, Ledman is killing the only people with the power to help him walk again", " He needs uranium in order to survive and went to a place where there is scant uranium" ]
Why did Val become so tired during her trek across the desert?
She did not have the technology that enabled Ron to persist
[ " She did not have the technology that enabled Ron to persist", " She became consumed with resentment for having traveled to Mars", " She had trouble adjusting to the Martian climate and terrain", " Uranium was seeping through her space suit" ]
What is ironic about Sias' view of those who 'cling tenaciously, and ignorantly to the old religion'?
Sias' reactions to Rocsates' ideas suggest that he is ignorant in a similar way
[ " Sias' reactions to Rocsates' ideas suggest that he is ignorant in a similar way", " Sias' refusal to adhere to any set of principles will get him imprisoned", " Sias subscribes to an iteration of the same religion many of the elders do", " Sias does not realize that the Conclave is ruled by that same religion" ]
What is the significance of the Maternite?
It determines how many children will be born in the span of a year
[ " It determines how many children will be born in the span of a year", " It reduces the prevalence of female biological sex organs", " It produces enough breastmilk to sustain newborn infants", " It decides which of the elders will be sacrificed to the gods" ]
Since humans stopped reproducing among themselves, what has been the greatest impact on human biology?
significant reduction of the appearance and function of sex organs
[ " significant reduction of the appearance and function of sex organs", " more predictable measures for increasing the global population", " gradual decrease in the overall intellectual quotient of a society", " a lower prevalence of birth defects and learning disabilities" ]
All of the following terms describe the people's reaction to the destruction of the Maternite EXCEPT for:
[ " perplexed", " panicked", " obtuse", " accusatory" ]
Which sentence describes the central theme of this story?
The death of curiosity, combined with overreliance on technology, will lead to an ignorant society.
[ " History is doomed to repeat itself because humans fail to learn from their mistakes.", " A society that does not include younger generations in its governing bodies will fail to evolve.", " The death of curiosity, combined with overreliance on technology, will lead to an ignorant society.", " Too much emphasis on masculine ways of thinking and innovating will ruin a society." ]
The overall reaction to Rocsates' suggestions is symbolic of:
Resistance to intellectualism
[ " Inefficiency of government", " Resistance to intellectualism", " Potential of innovation", " Overzealousness for power" ]
In describing the Conclave's reaction to the Maternite emergency, the author is making a comparison to:
how modern leaders revert to ceremony and argument instead of problem-solving
[ " how authoritarian governments, though less humane, are often more effective in executing policies", " how modern leaders revert to ceremony and argument instead of problem-solving", " how the filibuster prevents governments from making real progress for its people", " how young members and elder members of governments typically reach an impasse" ]
What is ironic about keeping their books stored away in an airtight compartment?
There is little use in preserving something if the meaning is lost upon those preserving it
[ " There is nothing in the books that can help Melopolis repair the Maternite or save its population", " The books were already designed with technology that would keep them intact forever", " There is little use in preserving something if the meaning is lost upon those preserving it", " The books contain antiquated knowledge that will only set Melopolis back further" ]
Why does Sias believe that the ancients declared 70 as the minimum age for a member of the Conclave?
They do not have the energy to riot amongst themselves
[ " They are the ones who remember things from previous generations that get lost to time", " They do not have the energy to riot amongst themselves", " They are closest in lineage to the predecessors that generated the machines", " They have had sufficient life experience at that point" ]
Var and Neena most likely belong to which group:
Descendants of the slaves of the Ryzgas
[ " A mutated strain between the slaves and masters of the Ryzgas", " Descendants of the slaves of the Ryzgas", " Members of an alien group that destroyed the Ryzgas", " Descendants of the Ryzga masters" ]
What power does Var possess?
the ability to communicate telepathically
[ " the ability to change his appearance", " the ability to travel through air", " the ability to communicate telepathically", " the ability to change the form of physical objects" ]
What message for humanity does the author wish to communicate, regarding the fate of the Ryzgas?
We should be grateful for natural gifts bestowed by the Earth, and not try to seek more beyond life's simple pleasures
[ " While social stratification may benefit one group temporarily, eventually it will shatter social institutions", " Humans are doomed to repeat history until they wipe out their entire race", " We should be grateful for natural gifts bestowed by the Earth, and not try to seek more beyond life's simple pleasures", " Actions and decisions made in the name of love can breed destructive hatred" ]
Which lingering effect of the Ryzgas' downfall makes life challenging for people like Var and Neena?
The Ryzgas destroyed or used up all of their materials, so Var and Neena's people can only construct things with their dreams
[ " The Ryzgas littered the planet with wreckage of their old creations, which renders it inhabitable", " The Ryzgas destroyed or used up all of their materials, so Var and Neena's people can only construct things with their dreams", " The Ryzgas manipulate the entire planet through their Control Center, so all outcomes are predestined", " The Ryzgas toxified the environment, which has caused a genetic mutation among their descendants" ]
What is the Watcher's purpose in spinning the vision of when the Ryzgas fell?
To persuade Var and Neena not to go further in their journey without understanding the potential consequences
[ " To tell a story of human selfishness and evil in order to arm Var and Neena against the Ryzgas", " To instill a sensible amount of fear in Var and Neena before they sacrifice the world for their romance", " To persuade Var and Neena not to go further in their journey without understanding the potential consequences", " To convey a neutral account of history in order to inform Var and Neena of what they're up against" ]
What is ironic about the conclusion of the story?
The slave masters of the Ryzgas were ultimately eradicated by their own slaves
[ " The slave masters of the Ryzgas were ultimately eradicated by their own slaves", " Humans seem to feel they have no other alternative than to kill and cause suffering before they can establish peace", " Var will likely be killed or imprisoned for life, and Neena will bear the mark of shame for eternity", " Despite the Watcher's message, Var continued his journey to the mountain in pursuit of personal gain" ]