[ "AT", "▁Tele", "com", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁the", "▁b", "ills", "▁of", "▁a", "▁major", "▁supp", "lier", "▁.", "▁Th", "ai", "▁Mobile", "▁had", "▁accum", "ulated", "▁significant", "▁losses", "▁and", "▁the", "▁company", "▁was", "▁not", "▁able", "▁to", "▁make", "▁its", "▁deb", "t", "▁pay", "ments", "▁or", "▁supp", "lier", "▁pay", "ments", "▁.", "▁The", "▁partners", "▁had", "▁stopped", "▁pay", "ments", "▁to", "▁the", "▁supp", "lier", "▁,", "▁Sam", "art", "▁Corporation", "▁,", "▁for", "▁nearly", "▁a", "▁year", "▁,", "▁until", "▁Sam", "art", "▁threatened", "▁to", "▁susp", "end", "▁services", "▁within", "▁three", "▁days", "▁.", "▁After", "▁no", "▁payment", "▁,", "▁it", "▁delivered", "▁on", "▁its", "▁threat", "▁.", "▁T", "OT", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁able", "▁to", "▁negoti", "ate", "▁with", "▁Sam", "art", "▁to", "▁restart", "▁the", "▁service", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Air", "ports", "▁of", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "urg", "ing", "▁of", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁management", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁week", "▁after", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁hint", "ed", "▁at", "▁a", "▁res", "h", "uffle", "▁of", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁top", "▁management", "▁,", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁President", "▁Ch", "ot", "is", "ak", "▁As", "ap", "av", "iri", "ya", "▁was", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁res", "ign", "▁,", "▁cit", "ing", "▁health", "▁reasons", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁Direct", "ors", "▁of", "▁Su", "var", "nab", "h", "umi", "▁Airport", "▁and", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁Com", "mer", "cial", "▁Oper", "ations", "▁were", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁.", "▁Police", "▁Commission", "er", "▁General", "▁Ser", "ip", "is", "ut", "▁Tem", "iy", "ave", "j", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁as", "▁an", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁Director", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Su", "var", "nab", "h", "umi", "▁Airport", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁Chair", "man", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁spe", "ar", "head", "ed", "▁an", "▁effort", "▁to", "▁re", "open", "▁Don", "▁Mu", "ang", "▁Airport", "▁in", "▁parallel", "▁with", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁opened", "▁Su", "var", "nab", "h", "umi", "▁Airport", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁ob", "jections", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Civil", "▁A", "viation", "▁Department", "▁,", "▁air", "lines", "▁,", "▁and", "▁internal", "▁studies", "▁within", "▁Air", "ports", "▁of", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁.", "▁", "6", "0", "▁air", "lines", "▁threatened", "▁to", "▁halt", "▁fl", "ights", "▁to", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁if", "▁they", "▁were", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁move", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Don", "▁Mu", "ang", "▁air", "port", "▁.", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁also", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁author", "ize", "▁ur", "gent", "▁rep", "airs", "▁on", "▁the", "▁air", "port", "▁t", "arm", "ac", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁warnings", "▁from", "▁engine", "ers", "▁.", "▁Kar", "un", "▁Ch", "and", "rar", "ang", "su", "▁,", "▁president", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Engineering", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁noted", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Su", "var", "nab", "h", "umi", "▁is", "▁like", "▁a", "▁patient", "▁in", "▁a", "▁com", "a", "▁who", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁suffer", "▁from", "▁severe", "▁ble", "eding", "▁.", "▁Sto", "pping", "▁the", "▁blood", "▁flow", "▁now", "▁is", "▁more", "▁ur", "gent", "▁and", "▁important", "▁than", "▁deb", "ating", "▁what", "▁caused", "▁the", "▁injury", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Engineering", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁sent", "▁a", "▁formal", "▁warning", "▁to", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁about", "▁the", "▁ur", "gent", "▁need", "▁to", "▁d", "rain", "▁water", "▁from", "▁beneath", "▁the", "▁t", "arm", "ac", "▁,", "▁and", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁immediate", "▁action", "▁should", "▁be", "▁taken", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁A", "OT", "▁did", "▁nothing", "▁about", "▁the", "▁problem", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁Sue", "bs", "ak", "▁Prom", "bo", "on", "▁of", "▁the", "▁E", "IT", "▁noted", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁situation", "▁might", "▁not", "▁have", "▁become", "▁this", "▁bad", "▁if", "▁the", "▁water", "▁had", "▁been", "▁dra", "ined", "▁then", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Sue", "bs", "ak", "▁Prom", "bo", "on", "▁,", "▁a", "▁senior", "▁foundation", "▁engineer", "▁and", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "ort", "rak", "ul", "▁Y", "om", "nak", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁led", "▁air", "port", "▁t", "arm", "ac", "▁ins", "pection", "▁panel", "▁,", "▁accused", "▁the", "▁A", "OT", "▁of", "▁ref", "using", "▁to", "▁take", "▁any", "▁actions", "▁to", "▁solve", "▁the", "▁problems", "▁at", "▁the", "▁air", "port", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁air", "port", "▁faced", "▁on", "going", "▁oper", "ational", "▁challeng", "es", "▁,", "▁including", "▁a", "▁computer", "▁virus", "▁that", "▁shut", "▁down", "▁the", "▁autom", "ated", "▁lug", "g", "age", "▁bomb", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sc", "anning", "▁system", "▁in", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁A", "▁study", "▁by", "▁the", "▁International", "▁Air", "▁Transport", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁I", "ATA", "▁)", "▁released", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁found", "▁the", "▁air", "port", "▁unsafe", "▁,", "▁cit", "ing", "▁numerous", "▁sp", "ots", "▁where", "▁checked", "▁passengers", "▁can", "▁meet", "▁people", "▁who", "▁have", "▁not", "▁passed", "▁through", "▁security", "▁check", "points", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ser", "ious", "▁security", "▁g", "aps", "▁at", "▁Su", "var", "nab", "h", "umi", "▁Airport", "▁became", "▁known", "▁to", "▁the", "▁public", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁International", "▁Air", "▁Transport", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁I", "ATA", "▁)", "▁found", "▁that", "▁there", "▁were", "▁many", "▁sp", "ots", "▁in", "▁the", "▁passenger", "▁terminal", "▁where", "▁checked", "▁passengers", "▁can", "▁meet", "▁people", "▁who", "▁have", "▁not", "▁passed", "▁through", "▁security", "▁checks", "▁and", "▁could", "▁receive", "▁un", "checked", "▁objects", "▁and", "▁then", "▁carry", "▁them", "▁on", "▁board", "▁aircraft", "▁.", "▁The", "▁I", "ATA", "▁also", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁deploy", "▁its", "▁own", "▁security", "▁staff", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁contract", "ing", "▁out", "▁the", "▁job", "▁to", "▁the", "▁L", "ox", "ley", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁I", "CT", "S", "▁cons", "ort", "ium", "▁.", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁threatened", "▁the", "▁cons", "ort", "ium", "▁with", "▁contract", "▁term", "ination", "▁,", "▁but", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁follow", "▁through", "▁with", "▁its", "▁threat", "▁,", "▁even", "▁though", "▁the", "▁cons", "ort", "ium", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁live", "▁up", "▁to", "▁its", "▁contract", "▁.", "▁Six", "▁months", "▁later", "▁,", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁it", "▁still", "▁couldn", "▁'", "t", "▁make", "▁up", "▁its", "▁mind", "▁on", "▁how", "▁it", "▁should", "▁improve", "▁air", "port", "▁security", "▁.", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁said", "▁it", "▁was", "▁open", "▁to", "▁all", "▁possible", "▁options", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁taken", "▁no", "▁action", "▁to", "▁upgrade", "▁the", "▁problem", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "rip", "▁to", "▁Europe", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁T", "ues", "day", "▁", "2", "7", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁led", "▁a", "▁", "1", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁member", "▁deleg", "ation", "▁to", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁on", "▁what", "▁was", "▁claimed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁week", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁long", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁study", "▁safety", "▁and", "▁security", "▁measures", "▁at", "▁major", "▁European", "▁air", "ports", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁deleg", "ates", "▁and", "▁accomp", "any", "ing", "▁members", "▁shared", "▁the", "▁same", "▁surname", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁trip", "▁,", "▁which", "▁cost", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁million", "▁ba", "ht", "▁was", "▁attacked", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁squ", "and", "ering", "▁\"", "▁state", "▁funds", "▁for", "▁personal", "▁pleasure", "▁,", "▁dis", "b", "urs", "ing", "▁un", "real", "istic", "▁exp", "enses", "▁,", "▁and", "▁infl", "ating", "▁costs", "▁.", "▁The", "▁travel", "▁agent", "▁along", "▁received", "▁a", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁ba", "ht", "▁commission", "▁fee", "▁for", "▁book", "ing", "▁the", "▁trip", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁denied", "▁any", "▁wrong", "do", "ing", "▁and", "▁claimed", "▁he", "▁was", "▁the", "▁victim", "▁of", "▁a", "▁sm", "ear", "▁campaign", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁If", "▁you", "▁knew", "▁my" ]
AT Telecom failed to pay the bills of a major supplier . Thai Mobile had accumulated significant losses and the company was not able to make its debt payments or supplier payments . The partners had stopped payments to the supplier , Samart Corporation , for nearly a year , until Samart threatened to suspend services within three days . After no payment , it delivered on its threat . TOT was subsequently able to negotiate with Samart to restart the service . = = = Airports of Thailand = = = = = = = Purging of AoT management = = = = A week after Saprang hinted at a reshuffle of AoT top management , AoT President Chotisak Asapaviriya was forced to resign , citing health reasons , while the Directors of Suvarnabhumi Airport and AoT Commercial Operations were dismissed . Police Commissioner General Seripisut Temiyavej was appointed as an AoT Director . = = = = Suvarnabhumi Airport = = = = As AoT Chairman , Saprang spearheaded an effort to reopen Don Muang Airport in parallel with the newly opened Suvarnabhumi Airport , despite objections from the Civil Aviation Department , airlines , and internal studies within Airports of Thailand . 60 airlines threatened to halt flights to Thailand if they were forced to move back to Don Muang airport . Saprang also refused to authorize urgent repairs on the airport tarmac , despite warnings from engineers . Karun Chandrarangsu , president of the Engineering Institute of Thailand noted , " Suvarnabhumi is like a patient in a coma who continues to suffer from severe bleeding . Stopping the blood flow now is more urgent and important than debating what caused the injury . " The Engineering Institute of Thailand sent a formal warning to AoT in November 2006 about the urgent need to drain water from beneath the tarmac , and noted that immediate action should be taken . " The AOT did nothing about the problem " , Suebsak Promboon of the EIT noted . " The situation might not have become this bad if the water had been drained then . " Suebsak Promboon , a senior foundation engineer and a member of the Tortrakul Yomnak @-@ led airport tarmac inspection panel , accused the AOT of refusing to take any actions to solve the problems at the airport . The airport faced ongoing operational challenges , including a computer virus that shut down the automated luggage bomb @-@ scanning system in June 2007 . A study by the International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) released in July 2007 found the airport unsafe , citing numerous spots where checked passengers can meet people who have not passed through security checkpoints . Serious security gaps at Suvarnabhumi Airport became known to the public beginning in early 2007 . The International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) found that there were many spots in the passenger terminal where checked passengers can meet people who have not passed through security checks and could receive unchecked objects and then carry them on board aircraft . The IATA also suggested that AoT deploy its own security staff instead of contracting out the job to the Loxley @-@ ICTS consortium . AoT threatened the consortium with contract termination , but didn 't follow through with its threat , even though the consortium failed to live up to its contract . Six months later , AoT stated that it still couldn 't make up its mind on how it should improve airport security . AoT said it was open to all possible options , and has taken no action to upgrade the problem . = = = = Trip to Europe = = = = On Tuesday 27 February 2007 , Saprang led a 13 @-@ member delegation to Europe , on what was claimed to be a week @-@ long trip to study safety and security measures at major European airports . Many delegates and accompanying members shared the same surname , and the trip , which cost 7 @.@ 2 million baht was attacked for " squandering " state funds for personal pleasure , disbursing unrealistic expenses , and inflating costs . The travel agent along received a 500 @,@ 000 baht commission fee for booking the trip . Saprang denied any wrongdoing and claimed he was the victim of a smear campaign . He also noted that " If you knew my
[ "▁character", "▁,", "▁you", "▁would", "▁know", "▁that", "▁even", "▁if", "▁a", "▁relative", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁trip", "▁he", "▁should", "▁have", "▁real", "ised", "▁that", "▁he", "▁should", "▁work", "▁hard", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁also", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁being", "▁a", "▁viewed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁def", "endant", "▁,", "▁he", "▁should", "▁be", "▁viewed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁hero", "▁for", "▁bringing", "▁down", "▁the", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁government", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁then", "▁sum", "mon", "ed", "▁the", "▁leader", "▁of", "▁the", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁labor", "▁union", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁identify", "▁who", "▁le", "aked", "▁information", "▁about", "▁the", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁his", "▁acc", "users", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fin", "an", "cial", "▁performance", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁quarter", "▁after", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁Chair", "man", "▁,", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁prof", "its", "▁pl", "ung", "ed", "▁", "9", "0", "▁%", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁year", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁higher", "▁traffic", "▁volumes", "▁and", "▁increased", "▁passenger", "▁service", "▁char", "ters", "▁and", "▁air", "line", "▁fe", "es", "▁.", "▁Oper", "ating", "▁exp", "enses", "▁sur", "ged", "▁", "1", "3", "7", "▁%", "▁,", "▁contrib", "uting", "▁to", "▁the", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁'", "s", "▁worst", "▁quarter", "ly", "▁ear", "nings", "▁report", "▁since", "▁it", "▁was", "▁listed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Stock", "▁Exchange", "▁of", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁board", "▁also", "▁granted", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁million", "▁ba", "ht", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Army", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁requested", "▁a", "▁financial", "▁don", "ation", "▁.", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁also", "▁l", "ent", "▁some", "▁of", "▁its", "▁explos", "ives", "▁detect", "ors", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Army", "▁for", "▁use", "▁in", "▁the", "▁South", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁ins", "urre", "ction", "▁.", "▁", "▁Fin", "an", "cial", "▁performance", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁spir", "al", "▁down", "wards", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁quarter", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁Net", "▁profit", "▁for", "▁the", "▁period", "▁ending", "▁June", "▁fell", "▁by", "▁", "8", "4", "▁%", "▁from", "▁a", "▁year", "▁before", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁higher", "▁traffic", "▁and", "▁a", "▁", "1", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁%", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁re", "venue", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fall", "▁in", "▁profit", "▁was", "▁attributed", "▁to", "▁A", "o", "T", "▁'", "s", "▁court", "▁case", "▁against", "▁King", "▁Power", "▁,", "▁the", "▁operator", "▁of", "▁duty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁free", "▁sh", "ops", "▁within", "▁Su", "var", "nab", "h", "umi", "▁Airport", "▁.", "▁King", "▁Power", "▁'", "s", "▁con", "cess", "ion", "▁was", "▁susp", "ended", "▁while", "▁the", "▁case", "▁was", "▁in", "▁court", "▁,", "▁forcing", "▁A", "OT", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁reporting", "▁ear", "nings", "▁from", "▁the", "▁con", "cess", "ion", "aire", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁Sh", "ina", "w", "atra", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁had", "▁long", "▁been", "▁a", "▁fier", "ce", "▁critic", "▁of", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁Sh", "ina", "w", "atra", "▁,", "▁and", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁coup", "▁had", "▁even", "▁called", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁'", "s", "▁supp", "or", "ters", "▁within", "▁the", "▁military", "▁\"", "▁evil", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁After", "▁the", "▁coup", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁called", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁tra", "itor", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁said", "▁that", "▁he", "▁should", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁ban", "ished", "▁to", "▁live", "▁forever", "▁in", "▁the", "▁j", "ung", "le", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁He", "▁also", "▁accused", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁of", "▁sp", "ying", "▁on", "▁the", "▁military", "▁while", "▁he", "▁was", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁.", "▁", "▁Although", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁and", "▁General", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁accused", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁of", "▁ins", "ult", "ing", "▁and", "▁dis", "res", "pect", "ing", "▁King", "▁B", "hum", "ib", "ol", "▁,", "▁he", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁jun", "ta", "▁did", "▁not", "▁purs", "ue", "▁l", "èse", "▁maj", "est", "é", "▁charges", "▁against", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁because", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁police", "▁cor", "rupted", "▁the", "▁evidence", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁delivered", "▁such", "▁a", "▁weak", "▁case", "▁that", "▁the", "▁att", "orney", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁general", "▁could", "▁not", "▁file", "▁a", "▁law", "suit", "▁.", "▁A", "▁vocal", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁proc", "laimed", "▁royal", "ist", "▁,", "▁he", "▁ins", "isted", "▁that", "▁various", "▁groups", "▁act", "ively", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁challenge", "▁the", "▁mon", "archy", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁couldn", "▁'", "t", "▁stand", "▁it", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁noted", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁am", "▁a", "▁soldier", "▁,", "▁born", "▁to", "▁protect", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁.", "▁They", "▁could", "▁only", "▁challenge", "▁the", "▁mon", "archy", "▁over", "▁my", "▁dead", "▁body", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁also", "▁sus", "pected", "▁that", "▁Oliver", "▁Ju", "fer", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Swiss", "▁man", "▁who", "▁was", "▁ja", "iled", "▁for", "▁l", "èse", "▁maj", "est", "é", "▁for", "▁sp", "ray", "ing", "▁paint", "▁on", "▁a", "▁portrait", "▁of", "▁image", "▁of", "▁King", "▁B", "hum", "ib", "ol", "▁,", "▁was", "▁h", "ired", "▁by", "▁somebody", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁his", "▁v", "andal", "ism", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁ordered", "▁a", "▁military", "▁investigation", "▁into", "▁the", "▁matter", "▁.", "▁The", "▁results", "▁have", "▁not", "▁been", "▁made", "▁public", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁New", "▁Years", "▁bomb", "ings", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁had", "▁a", "▁public", "▁confront", "ation", "▁with", "▁former", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Ch", "aval", "it", "▁Y", "ong", "ch", "ai", "y", "ud", "h", "▁regarding", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁New", "▁Year", "▁'", "s", "▁E", "ve", "▁bomb", "ings", "▁after", "▁Ch", "aval", "it", "▁accused", "▁him", "▁of", "▁in", "comp", "et", "ence", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁evidence", "▁and", "▁intelligence", "▁information", "▁proves", "▁that", "▁the", "▁bomb", "s", "▁were", "▁the", "▁dirty", "▁work", "▁of", "▁polit", "icians", "▁who", "▁lost", "▁power", "▁and", "▁benefits", "▁.", "▁Bad", "▁soldiers", "▁loyal", "▁to", "▁bad", "▁polit", "icians", "▁collabor", "ated", "▁with", "▁them", "▁with", "▁the", "▁intention", "▁to", "▁to", "pp", "le", "▁this", "▁government", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁However", "▁,", "▁his", "▁claim", "▁was", "▁contrad", "icted", "▁just", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁later", "▁by", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Sur", "ay", "ud", "▁Ch", "ul", "an", "ont", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁information", "▁regarding", "▁the", "▁se", "iz", "ure", "▁of", "▁instruction", "al", "▁manual", "▁on", "▁terror", "ism", "▁in", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁from", "▁a", "▁London", "▁a", "partment", "▁by", "▁English", "▁soldiers", "▁and", "▁police", "▁.", "▁He", "▁said", "▁he", "▁could", "▁not", "▁disc", "lose", "▁any", "▁further", "▁information", "▁,", "▁but", "▁told", "▁the", "▁public", "▁to", "▁connect", "▁the", "▁d", "ots", "▁themselves", "▁.", "▁Days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁a", "▁bomb", "▁expl", "oded", "▁outside", "▁of", "▁Ch", "it", "rl", "ada", "▁Palace", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁later", "▁clar", "ified", "▁his", "▁remark", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁the", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁terror", "ism", "▁manual", "▁discovery", "▁had", "▁been", "▁made", "▁in", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁Deput", "y", "▁Chief", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Mission", "▁in", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁Andy", "▁Pier", "ce", "▁said", "▁he", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁concerned", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁remarks", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁ins", "isted", "▁were", "▁\"", "▁bas", "eless", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Res", "ignation", "▁of", "▁Pr", "idi", "y", "ath", "orn", "▁Dev", "ak", "ula", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang" ]
character , you would know that even if a relative joined the trip he should have realised that he should work hard . " He also noted that instead of being a viewed as a defendant , he should be viewed as a hero for bringing down the Thaksin government . Saprang then summoned the leader of the AoT labor union in order to identify who leaked information about the trip to his accusers . = = = = Financial performance = = = = The first quarter after Saprang was appointed Chairman , AoT profits plunged 90 % compared to the previous year , despite higher traffic volumes and increased passenger service charters and airline fees . Operating expenses surged 137 % , contributing to the AoT 's worst quarterly earnings report since it was listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand . The AoT board also granted 200 million baht to the Army , which had requested a financial donation . AoT also lent some of its explosives detectors to the Army for use in the South Thailand insurrection . Financial performance continued to spiral downwards in the 3rd quarter of 2007 . Net profit for the period ending June fell by 84 % from a year before , despite higher traffic and a 17 @.@ 9 % increase in revenue . The fall in profit was attributed to AoT 's court case against King Power , the operator of duty @-@ free shops within Suvarnabhumi Airport . King Power 's concession was suspended while the case was in court , forcing AOT to stop reporting earnings from the concessionaire . = = = Thaksin Shinawatra = = = Saprang had long been a fierce critic of Thaksin Shinawatra , and prior to the coup had even called Thaksin 's supporters within the military " evil . " After the coup , Saprang called Thaksin a " traitor " and said that he should be " banished to live forever in the jungle . " He also accused Thaksin of spying on the military while he was Prime Minister . Although Saprang and General Sonthi accused Thaksin of insulting and disrespecting King Bhumibol , he noted that the junta did not pursue lèse majesté charges against Thaksin because " the police corrupted the evidence " , and delivered such a weak case that the attorney @-@ general could not file a lawsuit . A vocal self @-@ proclaimed royalist , he insisted that various groups actively tried to challenge the monarchy , and that he " couldn 't stand it . " He noted , " I am a soldier , born to protect the Crown . They could only challenge the monarchy over my dead body . " Saprang also suspected that Oliver Jufer , a Swiss man who was jailed for lèse majesté for spraying paint on a portrait of image of King Bhumibol , was hired by somebody to perform his vandalism . Saprang ordered a military investigation into the matter . The results have not been made public . = = = 2007 New Years bombings = = = Saprang had a public confrontation with former Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh regarding the 2006 Bangkok New Year 's Eve bombings after Chavalit accused him of incompetence . Saprang claimed that " the evidence and intelligence information proves that the bombs were the dirty work of politicians who lost power and benefits . Bad soldiers loyal to bad politicians collaborated with them with the intention to topple this government . " However , his claim was contradicted just an hour later by Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont . In May 2007 , Saprang claimed that he had information regarding the seizure of instructional manual on terrorism in Bangkok from a London apartment by English soldiers and police . He said he could not disclose any further information , but told the public to connect the dots themselves . Days later , a bomb exploded outside of Chitrlada Palace . Saprang later clarified his remark , saying the Bangkok terrorism manual discovery had been made in the early 1990s . Deputy Chief of the British Mission in Bangkok Andy Pierce said he was " concerned " by Saprang 's remarks , which he insisted were " baseless " . = = = Resignation of Pridiyathorn Devakula = = = Saprang
[ "▁was", "▁imp", "licated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁res", "ignation", "▁of", "▁Fin", "ance", "▁Minister", "▁Pr", "idi", "y", "ath", "orn", "▁Dev", "ak", "ula", "▁on", "▁", "2", "8", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁Post", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Pr", "idi", "y", "ath", "orn", "▁res", "igned", "▁in", "▁protest", "▁after", "▁a", "▁C", "NS", "▁member", "▁lo", "bb", "ied", "▁him", "▁to", "▁sell", "▁shares", "▁of", "▁IR", "PC", "▁(", "▁formerly", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Th", "ai", "▁Pet", "ro", "chem", "ical", "▁Indust", "ry", "▁)", "▁back", "▁to", "▁a", "▁former", "▁share", "holder", "▁.", "▁The", "▁newspaper", "▁identified", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁as", "▁the", "▁un", "named", "▁C", "NS", "▁member", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁,", "▁Ch", "ien", "ch", "u", "ang", "▁,", "▁was", "▁a", "▁key", "▁financial", "▁ad", "visor", "▁to", "▁Pra", "ch", "ai", "▁L", "ia", "oph", "air", "at", "▁,", "▁the", "▁est", "r", "anged", "▁founder", "▁of", "▁T", "PI", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ch", "ien", "ch", "u", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁relations", "▁with", "▁the", "▁jun", "ta", "▁came", "▁under", "▁further", "▁public", "▁scr", "ut", "iny", "▁when", "▁it", "▁was", "▁revealed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁h", "ired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁jun", "ta", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁lead", "▁a", "▁campaign", "▁to", "▁dis", "cred", "it", "▁de", "posed", "▁premier", "▁Th", "ak", "sin", "▁Sh", "ina", "w", "atra", "▁.", "▁Polit", "icians", "▁h", "ired", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "NS", "▁campaign", "▁included", "▁Ch", "at", "▁P", "att", "ana", "▁party", "▁leader", "▁K", "orn", "▁D", "ab", "bar", "ans", "i", "▁,", "▁Democr", "ats", "▁K", "orn", "▁Ch", "at", "ik", "avan", "ij", "▁,", "▁Al", "ong", "k", "orn", "▁Pal", "ab", "ut", "r", "▁and", "▁Kor", "bs", "ak", "▁Sab", "avas", "u", "▁,", "▁P", "rap", "at", "▁P", "anya", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁chat", "ra", "ks", "a", "▁,", "▁a", "▁key", "▁Th", "ai", "▁Rak", "▁Th", "ai", "▁member", "▁who", "▁defect", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Ch", "at", "▁Th", "ai", "▁party", "▁,", "▁plus", "▁ex", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sen", "ator", "▁Kra", "is", "ak", "▁Ch", "oon", "hav", "an", "▁.", "▁Academ", "ics", "▁h", "ired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁C", "NS", "▁included", "▁W", "utt", "ip", "ong", "▁P", "ieb", "j", "ri", "ya", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wat", "▁,", "▁Soph", "on", "▁Sup", "ap", "ong", "▁,", "▁Nar", "ong", "▁Ph", "et", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pr", "as", "ert", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Som", "ki", "at", "▁Os", "ot", "sp", "a", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mad", "▁dogs", "▁and", "▁machine", "▁guns", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁was", "▁an", "▁extremely", "▁vocal", "▁critic", "▁of", "▁those", "▁who", "▁he", "▁perce", "ived", "▁as", "▁his", "▁political", "▁oppon", "ents", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁Th", "ai", "▁R", "ath", "▁(", "▁Th", "ailand", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁newspaper", "▁)", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁called", "▁an", "▁un", "spec", "ified", "▁enemy", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁mad", "▁dog", "▁\"", "▁who", "▁he", "▁claimed", "▁was", "▁destroy", "ing", "▁the", "▁mon", "archy", "▁.", "▁He", "▁said", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁necessary", "▁to", "▁shoot", "▁the", "▁dog", "▁with", "▁a", "▁machine", "▁gun", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁same", "▁interview", "▁,", "▁he", "▁threatened", "▁violent", "▁response", "▁to", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁bold", "▁words", "▁that", "▁came", "▁from", "▁the", "▁mouth", "s", "▁of", "▁evil", "▁people", "▁who", "▁did", "▁not", "▁know", "▁rest", "raint", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁ur", "ged", "▁decis", "ive", "▁action", "▁,", "▁so", "▁that", "▁the", "▁public", "▁would", "▁believe", "▁that", "▁good", "▁had", "▁triumph", "ed", "▁over", "▁evil", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁coup", "▁role", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁cont", "ender", "▁to", "▁lead", "▁the", "▁jun", "ta", "▁given", "▁the", "▁mand", "atory", "▁ret", "irement", "▁of", "▁Army", "▁commander", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁chief", "▁and", "▁C", "NS", "▁President", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁Bo", "ony", "ar", "at", "kal", "in", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁He", "▁uno", "fficial", "ly", "▁competed", "▁with", "▁fellow", "▁Ass", "istant", "▁Army", "▁Commander", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁Pa", "och", "inda", "▁,", "▁who", "▁,", "▁as", "▁", "1", "st", "▁Army", "▁Area", "▁Commander", "▁,", "▁secured", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁on", "▁the", "▁night", "▁of", "▁the", "▁coup", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁Post", "▁reported", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁that", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁was", "▁gro", "oming", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁to", "▁be", "▁his", "▁successor", "▁by", "▁giving", "▁him", "▁respons", "ib", "ilities", "▁over", "▁coup", "▁log", "istics", "▁,", "▁a", "▁greater", "▁task", "▁than", "▁had", "▁been", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Asia", "▁Times", "▁quoted", "▁a", "▁former", "▁MP", "▁as", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁is", "▁seen", "▁as", "▁the", "▁real", "▁force", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁coup", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁is", "▁more", "▁vocal", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁has", "▁no", "▁real", "▁base", "▁.", "▁The", "▁only", "▁way", "▁he", "▁could", "▁be", "▁seen", "▁as", "▁a", "▁prom", "ising", "▁leader", "▁is", "▁by", "▁pushing", "▁the", "▁country", "▁to", "▁the", "▁br", "ink", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁war", "ned", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁three", "▁pill", "ars", "▁of", "▁society", "▁-", "▁the", "▁nation", "▁,", "▁the", "▁religion", "▁and", "▁the", "▁mon", "archy", "▁-", "▁might", "▁cr", "umble", "▁...", "▁If", "▁ro", "gue", "▁polit", "icians", "▁return", "▁to", "▁power", "▁following", "▁the", "▁next", "▁[", "▁post", "▁coup", "▁]", "▁general", "▁election", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁also", "▁held", "▁the", "▁opinion", "▁that", "▁military", "▁cou", "ps", "▁against", "▁the", "▁government", "▁\"", "▁should", "▁never", "▁be", "▁ruled", "▁out", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁ab", "rog", "ated", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁constitution", "▁had", "▁out", "la", "wed", "▁cou", "ps", "▁.", "▁A", "▁replacement", "▁constitution", "▁was", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁being", "▁draft", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁military", "▁appointed", "▁panel", "▁.", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁was", "▁s", "idel", "ined", "▁in", "▁security", "▁plans", "▁preceding", "▁the", "▁Constitution", "al", "▁Trib", "unal", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁r", "uling", "▁on", "▁the", "▁dissol", "ution", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "ai", "▁Rak", "▁Th", "ai", "▁and", "▁Dem", "ocrat", "▁Part", "ies", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁coup", "▁,", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁had", "▁deleg", "ated", "▁the", "▁task", "▁of", "▁se", "cur", "ing", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁to", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁.", "▁The", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "uling", "▁plan", "▁put", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁directly", "▁in", "▁charge", "▁of", "▁Bang", "k", "ok", "▁crowd", "▁security", "▁,", "▁al", "lying", "▁him", "▁with", "▁al", "um", "▁of", "▁AF", "PS", "▁Class", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Army", "▁Chief", "▁of", "▁Staff", "▁General", "▁Mont", "ri", "▁Sang", "k", "has", "ap", "▁and", "▁First", "▁Army", "▁Region", "▁commander", "▁L", "t", "▁General", "▁P", "ray", "uth", "▁Chan", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁och", "a", "▁.", "▁", "▁Pan", "itan", "▁W", "attan", "ay", "ag", "orn", "▁,", "▁a", "▁military", "▁scholar", "▁at", "▁Ch", "ul", "al", "ong", "k", "orn", "▁University", "▁and", "▁a", "▁personal", "▁advis", "er", "▁to", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Sur", "ay", "ud", "▁Ch", "ul", "an", "ont", "▁noted", "▁in", "▁early", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁if", "▁the", "▁army", "▁is", "▁going", "▁to", "▁take", "▁a" ]
was implicated in the resignation of Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula on 28 February 2007 . The Bangkok Post reported that Pridiyathorn resigned in protest after a CNS member lobbied him to sell shares of IRPC ( formerly known as Thai Petrochemical Industry ) back to a former shareholder . The newspaper identified Saprang as the unnamed CNS member . Saprang 's brother , Chienchuang , was a key financial advisor to Prachai Liaophairat , the estranged founder of TPI . Chienchuang 's relations with the junta came under further public scrutiny when it was revealed that he was hired by the junta in order to lead a campaign to discredit deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra . Politicians hired as part of the CNS campaign included Chat Pattana party leader Korn Dabbaransi , Democrats Korn Chatikavanij , Alongkorn Palabutr and Korbsak Sabavasu , Prapat Panya @-@ chatraksa , a key Thai Rak Thai member who defected to the Chat Thai party , plus ex @-@ senator Kraisak Choonhavan . Academics hired by the CNS included Wuttipong Piebjriya @-@ wat , Sophon Supapong , Narong Phet @-@ prasert , and Somkiat Osotspa . = = = Mad dogs and machine guns = = = Saprang was an extremely vocal critic of those who he perceived as his political opponents . In an interview with Thai Rath ( Thailand 's most popular newspaper ) on 8 April 2007 , he called an unspecified enemy a " mad dog " who he claimed was destroying the monarchy . He said that it was necessary to shoot the dog with a machine gun . In the same interview , he threatened violent response to the " bold words that came from the mouths of evil people who did not know restraint " . He urged decisive action , so that the public would believe that good had triumphed over evil . = = = Post @-@ coup role = = = Saprang was considered a strong contender to lead the junta given the mandatory retirement of Army commander @-@ in @-@ chief and CNS President Sonthi Boonyaratkalin in September 2007 . He unofficially competed with fellow Assistant Army Commander Anupong Paochinda , who , as 1st Army Area Commander , secured Bangkok on the night of the coup . The Bangkok Post reported in October 2006 that Sonthi was grooming Anupong to be his successor by giving him responsibilities over coup logistics , a greater task than had been assigned to Saprang . The Asia Times quoted a former MP as saying that " Anupong is seen as the real force behind the coup . Saprang is more vocal , but he has no real base . The only way he could be seen as a promising leader is by pushing the country to the brink . " In an interview , Saprang warned that " the three pillars of society - the nation , the religion and the monarchy - might crumble ... If rogue politicians return to power following the next [ post coup ] general election . " Saprang also held the opinion that military coups against the government " should never be ruled out . " The abrogated 1997 constitution had outlawed coups . A replacement constitution was , at the time of Saprang 's statement , being drafted by a military appointed panel . Saprang was sidelined in security plans preceding the Constitutional Tribunal 's 20 May 2007 ruling on the dissolution of the Thai Rak Thai and Democrat Parties . After the 2006 coup , Sonthi had delegated the task of securing Bangkok to Saprang . The pre @-@ ruling plan put Sonthi directly in charge of Bangkok crowd security , allying him with alum of AFPS Class 9 , including Army Chief of Staff General Montri Sangkhasap and First Army Region commander Lt General Prayuth Chan @-@ ocha . Panitan Wattanayagorn , a military scholar at Chulalongkorn University and a personal adviser to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont noted in early September 2007 that " if the army is going to take a
[ "▁full", "▁step", "▁into", "▁politics", "▁,", "▁then", "▁it", "▁will", "▁be", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁.", "▁If", "▁only", "▁a", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁step", "▁,", "▁then", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁.", "▁And", "▁if", "▁it", "▁int", "ends", "▁to", "▁beat", "▁a", "▁full", "▁retre", "at", "▁or", "▁take", "▁one", "▁step", "▁back", "▁,", "▁it", "▁will", "▁be", "▁[", "▁Army", "▁chief", "▁of", "▁staff", "▁]", "▁Mont", "ri", "▁[", "▁Sang", "k", "has", "ap", "▁]", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "9", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁rival", "▁,", "▁Ass", "istant", "▁Army", "▁Commander", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Chief", "▁Gen", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁Pa", "och", "inda", "▁,", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁as", "▁the", "▁new", "▁commander", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁chief", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Army", "▁,", "▁replacing", "▁the", "▁ret", "iring", "▁General", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁.", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁'", "s", "▁mand", "atory", "▁ret", "irement", "▁occurred", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Son", "th", "i", "▁was", "▁,", "▁after", "▁res", "ignation", "▁,", "▁appointed", "▁Deput", "y", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁was", "▁transferred", "▁to", "▁become", "▁Deput", "y", "▁P", "erman", "ent", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Def", "ense", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁al", "ly", "▁,", "▁Def", "ence", "▁Ministry", "▁Deput", "y", "▁P", "erman", "ent", "▁Secretary", "▁Admir", "al", "▁B", "ann", "aw", "it", "▁K", "eng", "rien", "▁,", "▁called", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁transfer", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁dem", "otion", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁pun", "ishment", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁However", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁himself", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁feel", "▁slight", "ed", "▁for", "▁being", "▁passed", "▁over", "▁,", "▁not", "ing", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁everything", "▁is", "▁over", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁him", "▁.", "▁B", "ann", "aw", "it", "▁himself", "▁was", "▁later", "▁transferred", "▁from", "▁Def", "ence", "▁Ministry", "▁Deput", "y", "▁P", "erman", "ent", "▁Secretary", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁Chief", "▁Ad", "vis", "er", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ministry", "▁,", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁Chief", "▁Ad", "visor", "▁General", "▁To", "os", "ar", "at", "▁Mu", "ang", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁am", "▁.", "▁B", "ann", "aw", "it", "▁denied", "▁that", "▁his", "▁own", "▁transfer", "▁was", "▁the", "▁result", "▁of", "▁his", "▁criticism", "▁of", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁transfer", "▁.", "▁B", "ann", "aw", "it", "▁then", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁res", "ign", "▁from", "▁the", "▁military", "▁and", "▁enter", "▁politics", "▁.", "▁There", "▁was", "▁also", "▁r", "amp", "ant", "▁spec", "ulation", "▁that", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁himself", "▁would", "▁res", "ign", "▁and", "▁enter", "▁politics", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁Ky", "odo", "▁News", "▁Agency", "▁noted", "▁spec", "ulation", "▁that", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁would", "▁stage", "▁a", "▁coup", "▁against", "▁An", "up", "ong", "▁,", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁denied", "▁coup", "▁rum", "ors", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁another", "▁coup", "▁would", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁suic", "ide", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Family", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁is", "▁the", "▁young", "est", "▁of", "▁", "9", "▁children", "▁of", "▁Lieutenant", "▁Colonel", "▁Sri", "▁(", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "ศ", "ร", "ี", "▁", "ก", "ั", "ล", "ย", "า", "ณ", "ม", "ิ", "ต", "ร", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ph", "en", "ka", "ew", "▁Kal", "ay", "an", "am", "it", "r", "▁(", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "เ", "พ", "▁", "็", "▁", "ญ", "แ", "ก", "▁", "้", "▁", "ว", "▁", "ก", "ั", "ล", "ย", "า", "ณ", "ม", "ิ", "ต", "ร", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Sri", "▁was", "▁the", "▁el", "dest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "8", "▁children", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ray", "a", "▁Such", "ar", "it", "ra", "ks", "a", "▁,", "▁r", "uler", "▁(", "▁Ch", "ao", "▁Mu", "ang", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁border", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Tak", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Kal", "ay", "an", "am", "it", "rs", "▁are", "▁a", "▁military", "▁arist", "ocr", "atic", "▁family", "▁with", "▁Chinese", "▁(", "▁H", "ok", "k", "ien", "▁)", "▁-", "N", "or", "thern", "▁Th", "ai", "▁roots", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁'", "s", "▁ancest", "or", "▁,", "▁Lu", "ang", "▁Ph", "ich", "ai", "▁W", "are", "e", "▁(", "▁original", "▁name", "▁Ung", "▁Mang", "▁,", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "ห", "ล", "ว", "ง", "พ", "ิ", "ไ", "ช", "ย", "ว", "า", "ร", "ี", "▁,", "▁", "ม", "ั", "▁", "่", "▁", "ง", "▁", "แ", "<0xE0>", "<0xB8>", "<0x8B>", "▁", "่", "▁", "อ", "<0xE0>", "<0xB8>", "<0xB6>", "▁", "้", "▁", "ง", "▁)", "▁migr", "ated", "▁to", "▁S", "iam", "▁during", "▁the", "▁reign", "▁of", "▁King", "▁Tak", "sin", "▁p", "lying", "▁the", "▁sam", "pha", "o", "▁trade", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁given", "▁a", "▁fe", "ud", "al", "▁title", "▁during", "▁the", "▁reign", "▁of", "▁King", "▁R", "ama", "▁I", ".", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁has", "▁ev", "oked", "▁his", "▁arist", "ocr", "atic", "▁background", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁his", "▁cred", "ibility", "▁in", "▁public", "▁confront", "ations", "▁.", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁is", "▁married", "▁to", "▁Vi", "ph", "ada", "▁(", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "ว", "ิ", "ภ", "า", "ด", "า", "▁)", "▁and", "▁has", "▁", "3", "▁sons", "▁:", "▁Army", "▁Cad", "et", "▁E", "ka", "we", "e", "▁(", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "เ", "อ", "ก", "ว", "ี", "ร", "▁", "์", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁Cad", "et", "▁Ak", "har", "aw", "at", "▁(", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "อ", "ั", "ค", "ร", "ว", "ั", "ต", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁Cad", "et", "▁Ek", "war", "it", "▁(", "▁Th", "ai", "▁:", "▁", "เ", "อ", "ก", "ว", "ร", "ิ", "ษ", "<0xE0>", "<0xB8>", "<0x90>", "▁", "์", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "riv", "ia", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "ap", "r", "ang", "▁stands", "▁", "1", "6", "1", "▁cent", "im", "eters", "▁tall", "▁and", "▁as", "▁of", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁we", "ighed", "▁", "5", "2", "▁kil", "og", "rams", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Con", "cept", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Con", "cept", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁was", "▁an", "▁award", "▁that", "▁was", "▁presented", "▁to", "▁recording", "▁artists", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "3", "0", "th", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Awards", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "3", "1", "st", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Awards", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁for", "▁quality", "▁,", "▁concept", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Awards", "▁(", "▁Gr", "amm", "ys", "▁)", "▁is", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁ceremony", "▁that", "▁was", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "8", "▁and", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Gram", "oph", "one", "▁Awards", "▁;", "▁awards", "▁are", "▁presented", "▁by", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Academy", "▁of", "▁Rec", "ording", "▁Arts", "▁and", "▁Sciences", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁honor", "▁art", "istic", "▁achiev", "ement", "▁,", "▁technical", "▁prof", "ic", "iency", "▁and", "▁overall", "▁excell", "ence", "▁in", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁industry", "▁,", "▁without", "▁regard", "▁to", "▁album", "▁sales", "▁or", "▁chart", "▁position", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Begin", "ning", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁began", "▁to", "▁honor", "▁quality", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Video", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁category", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁dis", "cont", "in", "ued", "▁with", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁MTV", "▁Video", "▁Music", "▁Awards" ]
full step into politics , then it will be Saprang . If only a half @-@ step , then Anupong . And if it intends to beat a full retreat or take one step back , it will be [ Army chief of staff ] Montri [ Sangkhasap ] . " On 19 September 2007 , Saprang 's rival , Assistant Army Commander @-@ in @-@ Chief Gen Anupong Paochinda , was appointed as the new commander @-@ in @-@ chief of the Army , replacing the retiring General Sonthi . Anupong 's mandatory retirement occurred 2010 . Sonthi was , after resignation , appointed Deputy Prime Minister . Saprang was transferred to become Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense . Saprang 's ally , Defence Ministry Deputy Permanent Secretary Admiral Bannawit Kengrien , called Saprang 's transfer a " demotion " and a " punishment . " However , Saprang himself claimed that he did not feel slighted for being passed over , noting that " everything is over " for him . Bannawit himself was later transferred from Defence Ministry Deputy Permanent Secretary to be a Chief Adviser of the Ministry , replaced by Chief Advisor General Toosarat Muang @-@ am . Bannawit denied that his own transfer was the result of his criticism of Saprang 's transfer . Bannawit then announced that he would resign from the military and enter politics . There was also rampant speculation that Saprang himself would resign and enter politics . Although the Kyodo News Agency noted speculation that Saprang would stage a coup against Anupong , Saprang denied coup rumors , saying that another coup would be " suicide . " = = Family = = Saprang is the youngest of 9 children of Lieutenant Colonel Sri ( Thai : ศรี กัลยาณมิตร ) and Phenkaew Kalayanamitr ( Thai : เพ ็ ญแก ้ ว กัลยาณมิตร ) . Sri was the eldest of the 8 children of Phraya Sucharitraksa , ruler ( Chao Muang ) of the northern border city of Tak . The Kalayanamitrs are a military aristocratic family with Chinese ( Hokkien ) -Northern Thai roots . Saprang 's ancestor , Luang Phichai Waree ( original name Ung Mang , Thai : หลวงพิไชยวารี , มั ่ ง แซ ่ อึ ้ ง ) migrated to Siam during the reign of King Taksin plying the samphao trade , and was given a feudal title during the reign of King Rama I. Saprang has evoked his aristocratic background in order to increase his credibility in public confrontations . Saprang is married to Viphada ( Thai : วิภาดา ) and has 3 sons : Army Cadet Ekawee ( Thai : เอกวีร ์ ) , Air Force Cadet Akharawat ( Thai : อัครวัต ) , Air Force Cadet Ekwarit ( Thai : เอกวริษฐ ์ ) . = = Trivia = = Saprang stands 161 centimeters tall and as of March 2007 , weighed 52 kilograms . = Grammy Award for Best Concept Music Video = The Grammy Award for Best Concept Music Video was an award that was presented to recording artists at the 30th Grammy Awards in 1988 , and the 31st Grammy Awards in 1989 , for quality , concept music videos . The Grammy Awards ( Grammys ) is an annual ceremony that was established in 1958 and was originally called the Gramophone Awards ; awards are presented by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States to " honor artistic achievement , technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry , without regard to album sales or chart position " . Beginning in 1982 , the Academy began to honor quality music videos with the Video of the Year category , which was discontinued with the establishment of the MTV Video Music Awards
[ "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁and", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁two", "▁awards", "▁;", "▁Best", "▁Video", "▁,", "▁Short", "▁Form", "▁and", "▁Best", "▁Video", "▁Album", "▁.", "▁C", "riteria", "▁changes", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁cer", "emon", "ies", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Best", "▁Con", "cept", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁award", "▁being", "▁presented", "▁alongside", "▁the", "▁award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Performance", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁.", "▁Best", "▁Con", "cept", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁award", "▁recip", "ients", "▁were", "▁the", "▁English", "▁rock", "▁band", "▁Gen", "esis", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Land", "▁of", "▁Conf", "usion", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁the", "▁American", "▁singer", "▁\"", "▁We", "ird", "▁Al", "▁\"", "▁Y", "ank", "ov", "ic", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁F", "at", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Academy", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁format", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "▁,", "▁though", "▁the", "▁categories", "▁are", "▁now", 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"▁Video", "▁,", "▁Short", "▁Form", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Best", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁,", "▁Long", "▁Form", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁categories", "▁were", "▁ret", "itled", "▁Best", "▁Short", "▁Form", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Best", "▁Long", "▁Form", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "cip", "ients", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁For", "▁the", "▁", "3", "0", "th", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Awards", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Best", "▁Con", "cept", "▁Music", "▁Video", "▁nom", "ine", "es", "▁included", "0", "▁David", "▁B", "owie", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁In", "▁Day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Out", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁Kate", "▁Bush", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Wh", "ole", "▁Story", "▁,", "▁the", "▁English", "▁rock", "▁band", "▁Gen", "esis", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Land", "▁of", "▁Conf", "usion", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁David", "▁Lee", "▁Roth", "▁for", "▁David", "▁Lee", "▁Roth", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jan", "et", "▁Jackson", "▁for", "▁Control", "▁–", "▁The", "▁Videos", "▁Part", "▁II", "▁.", "▁The", "▁music", "▁video", "▁for", "▁B", "owie", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁Day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁In", "▁Day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Out", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Jul", "ien", "▁Temple", "▁,", "▁included", "▁\"", "▁off", "ending", "▁\"", "▁scenes", "▁such", "▁as", "▁a", "▁man", "▁ur", "in", "ating", "▁on", "▁Ron", "ald", "▁Re", "agan", "▁'", "s", "▁Hollywood", "▁Walk", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁star", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁edited", "▁out", "▁for", "▁television", "▁broadcast", "▁.", "▁Bush", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁imag", "in", "ative", "▁\"", "▁video", "▁sam", "pler", "▁accompan", "ies", "▁her", "▁greatest", "▁hits", "▁album", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁and", "▁includes", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁for", "▁songs", "▁throughout", "▁her", "▁career", "▁to", "▁that", "▁point", "▁.", "▁The", "▁music", "▁video", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Land", "▁of", "▁Conf", "usion", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁song", "▁included", "▁on", "▁the", "▁band", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "6", "▁album", "▁In", "visible", "▁Touch", "▁,", "▁contained", "▁Sp", "itting", "▁Image", "▁pu", "ppets", "▁of", "▁Ron", "ald", "▁Re", "agan", "▁,", "▁Margaret", "▁Th", "atch", "er", "▁and", "▁other", "▁notable", "▁individuals", "▁.", "▁David", "▁Lee", "▁Roth", "▁'", "s", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁titled", "▁video", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁cli", "ps", "▁created", "▁for", "▁his", "▁debut", "▁solo", "▁EP", "▁Cra", "zy", "▁from", "▁the", "▁He", "at", "▁and", "▁album", "▁E", "at", "▁'", "▁Em", "▁and", "▁Sm", "ile", "▁.", "▁Jackson", "▁'", "s", "▁video", "▁collection", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁cert", "ified", "▁gold", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁contained", "▁six", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁videos", "▁recorded", "▁for", "▁singles", "▁from", "▁her", "▁album", "▁Control", "▁.", "▁Awards", "▁were", "▁presented", "▁to", "▁members", "▁of", "▁Gen", "esis", "▁(", "▁Tony", "▁B", "anks", "▁,", "▁Phil", "▁Collins", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Mike", "▁R", "uther", "ford", "▁)", "▁as", "▁the", "▁performing", "▁artists", "▁,", "▁Jim", "▁Y", "uk", "ich", "▁and", "▁John", "▁Lloyd", "▁as", "▁the", "▁video", "▁direct", "ors", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jon", "▁Bla", "ir", "▁as", "▁the", "▁video", "▁producer", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nom", "ine", "es", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "3", "1", "st", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Awards", "▁were", "▁the", "▁Ham", "pton", "▁String", "▁Quart", "et", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Get", "▁a", "▁Job", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁George", "▁Harrison", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁When", "▁We", "▁Was", "▁Fab", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁American", "▁rock", "▁band", "▁T", "alk", "ing", "▁He", "ads", "▁for", "▁Story", "t", "elling", "▁Gi", "ant", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁We", "ird", "▁Al", "▁\"", "▁Y", "ank", "ov", "ic", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁F", "at", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Neil", "▁Young", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁Note", "▁'", "s", "▁for", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Get", "▁a", "▁Job", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁song", "▁recorded", "▁originally", "▁by", "▁the", "▁American", "▁group", "▁The", "▁Sil", "hou", "ettes", "▁,", "▁appears", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Ham", "pton", "▁String", "▁Quart", "et", "▁'", "s", "▁album", "▁What", "▁If", "▁Moz", "art", "▁W", "rote", "▁\"", "▁Roll", "▁Over", "▁Be", "eth", "oven", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁R", "▁&", "▁B", "▁and", "▁pop", "▁music", "▁songs", "▁performed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁styles", "▁of", "▁Be", "eth", "oven", "▁,", "▁Deb", "uss", "y", "▁,", "▁Moz", "art", "▁,", "▁and", "▁other", "▁compos", "ers", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁When", "▁We", "▁Was", "▁Fab", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁song", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁Cloud", "▁N", "ine", "▁,", "▁is", "▁constructed", "▁from", "▁quot", "ations", "▁written", "▁when", "▁The", "▁Beat", "les", "▁were", "▁at", "▁the", "▁height", "▁of", "▁their", "▁fame", "▁and", "▁features", "▁Harrison", "▁playing", "▁a", "▁s", "itar", "▁.", "▁The", "▁music", "▁video", "▁shows", "▁El", "ton", "▁John", "▁dressed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁wal", "rus", "▁,", "▁a", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Am", "▁the", "▁Wal", "rus", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Story", "t", "elling", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁is", "▁a", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁T", "alk", "ing", "▁He", "ads", "▁'", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁and", "▁additional", "▁material", "▁linking", "▁them", "▁together", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁of", "▁the", "▁nominated" ]
in 1984 and was replaced with two awards ; Best Video , Short Form and Best Video Album . Criteria changes for the 1988 and 1989 ceremonies resulted in the Best Concept Music Video award being presented alongside the award for Best Performance Music Video . Best Concept Music Video award recipients were the English rock band Genesis for " Land of Confusion " and the American singer " Weird Al " Yankovic for " Fat " . The Academy returned to the previous format in 1990 , though the categories are now known as Best Short Form Music Video and Best Long Form Music Video . = = Background = = The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences began to honor quality music videos with the Grammy Award for Video of the Year category in 1982 . The first two award recipients were former member of The Monkees Michael Nesmith for the hour @-@ long video Elephant Parts ( also known as Michael Nesmith in Elephant Parts ) and Olivia Newton @-@ John for Olivia Physical . The Video of the Year category was discontinued in 1984 when MTV established the MTV Video Music Awards whose top award is also presented for Video of the Year . For the 26th Grammy Awards the Academy replaced the category with awards for Best Video , Short Form , and Best Video Album . For the awards held in 1988 and 1989 , the criteria changed and awards for the categories Best Concept Music Video , and Best Performance Music Video were presented . The Academy returned to the previous format in 1990 , though the categories were renamed Best Music Video , Short Form , and Best Music Video , Long Form . In 1998 , the categories were retitled Best Short Form Music Video , and Best Long Form Music Video , respectively . = = Recipients = = For the 30th Grammy Awards ( 1988 ) , Best Concept Music Video nominees included0 David Bowie for " Day @-@ In Day @-@ Out " , Kate Bush for The Whole Story , the English rock band Genesis for " Land of Confusion " , David Lee Roth for David Lee Roth , and Janet Jackson for Control – The Videos Part II . The music video for Bowie 's " Day @-@ In Day @-@ Out " , directed by Julien Temple , included " offending " scenes such as a man urinating on Ronald Reagan 's Hollywood Walk of Fame star , which was edited out for television broadcast . Bush 's " imaginative " video sampler accompanies her greatest hits album of the same name and includes music videos for songs throughout her career to that point . The music video for " Land of Confusion " , a song included on the band 's 1986 album Invisible Touch , contained Spitting Image puppets of Ronald Reagan , Margaret Thatcher and other notable individuals . David Lee Roth 's self @-@ titled video consisted of promotional clips created for his debut solo EP Crazy from the Heat and album Eat ' Em and Smile . Jackson 's video collection , which was certified gold in the United States , contained six promotional videos recorded for singles from her album Control . Awards were presented to members of Genesis ( Tony Banks , Phil Collins , and Mike Rutherford ) as the performing artists , Jim Yukich and John Lloyd as the video directors , and Jon Blair as the video producer . Nominees for the 31st Grammy Awards were the Hampton String Quartet for " Get a Job " , George Harrison for " When We Was Fab " , the American rock band Talking Heads for Storytelling Giant , " Weird Al " Yankovic for " Fat " , and Neil Young for " This Note 's for You " . " Get a Job " , a song recorded originally by the American group The Silhouettes , appears on the Hampton String Quartet 's album What If Mozart Wrote " Roll Over Beethoven " , a collection of 1950s R & B and pop music songs performed in the styles of Beethoven , Debussy , Mozart , and other composers . " When We Was Fab " , a song from the album Cloud Nine , is constructed from quotations written when The Beatles were at the height of their fame and features Harrison playing a sitar . The music video shows Elton John dressed as a walrus , a reference to the 1967 song " I Am the Walrus " . Storytelling Giants is a collection of Talking Heads ' music videos and additional material linking them together . Two of the nominated
[ "▁music", "▁videos", "▁had", "▁connections", "▁to", "▁Michael", "▁Jackson", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁F", "at", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁a", "▁par", "ody", "▁of", "▁Jackson", "▁'", "s", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Bad", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁video", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁Note", "▁'", "s", "▁for", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁a", "▁Jackson", "▁look", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁al", "ike", "▁'", "s", "▁hair", "▁catch", "ing", "▁fire", "▁;", "▁a", "▁par", "ody", "▁of", "▁an", "▁incident", "▁that", "▁occurred", "▁during", "▁a", "▁shoot", "▁for", "▁a", "▁Pe", "psi", "▁television", "▁advert", "is", "ement", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁F", "at", "▁\"", "▁video", "▁,", "▁Y", "ank", "ov", "ic", "▁becomes", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁gross", "ly", "▁over", "weight", "▁gu", "y", "▁\"", "▁through", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁cos", "met", "ics", "▁and", "▁special", "▁effects", "▁,", "▁and", "▁leads", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁over", "weight", "▁people", "▁on", "▁a", "▁para", "de", "▁.", "▁The", "▁award", "▁was", "▁presented", "▁to", "▁Y", "ank", "ov", "ic", "▁as", "▁the", "▁performing", "▁artist", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Jay", "▁Le", "vey", "▁as", "▁the", "▁video", "▁director", "▁and", "▁Susan", "▁Z", "wer", "man", "▁as", "▁the", "▁video", "▁producer", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Had", "ji", "▁Ali", "▁=", "▁", "▁Had", "ji", "▁Ali", "▁(", "▁c", "▁.", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁–", "▁", "9", "2", "▁–", "▁November", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁)", "▁was", "▁a", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁performance", "▁artist", "▁,", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁be", "▁of", "▁Egypt", "ian", "▁descent", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁famous", "▁for", "▁acts", "▁of", "▁controlled", "▁reg", "urg", "itation", "▁.", "▁His", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁fe", "ats", "▁included", "▁water", "▁sp", "out", "ing", "▁,", "▁smoke", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁,", "▁and", "▁nut", "▁and", "▁hand", "ker", "ch", "ief", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁dis", "g", "org", "ement", "▁in", "▁an", "▁order", "▁chosen", "▁by", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁st", "unt", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁highlight", "▁of", "▁his", "▁act", "▁,", "▁was", "▁drink", "ing", "▁cop", "ious", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁water", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁k", "eros", "ene", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁acting", "▁by", "▁turns", "▁as", "▁a", "▁human", "▁fl", "am", "eth", "ro", "wer", "▁and", "▁fire", "▁ex", "ting", "u", "isher", "▁as", "▁he", "▁exp", "elled", "▁the", "▁two", "▁liqu", "ids", "▁onto", "▁a", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁prop", "▁.", "▁While", "▁these", "▁st", "un", "ts", "▁were", "▁performed", "▁,", "▁a", "▁panel", "▁of", "▁audience", "▁members", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁watch", "▁the", "▁show", "▁up", "▁close", "▁to", "▁verify", "▁that", "▁no", "▁trick", "ery", "▁was", "▁employed", "▁.", "▁", "▁Although", "▁never", "▁gain", "ing", "▁wide", "▁fame", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁had", "▁a", "▁dedicated", "▁following", "▁on", "▁the", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁circuit", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁He", "▁performed", "▁for", "▁heads", "▁of", "▁state", "▁including", "▁Ts", "ar", "▁Nicholas", "▁II", "▁of", "▁Russia", "▁.", "▁Jud", "y", "▁Gar", "land", "▁named", "▁him", "▁her", "▁favorite", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ill", "ian", "▁and", "▁David", "▁Bla", "ine", "▁identified", "▁Ali", "▁as", "▁his", "▁favorite", "▁mag", "ician", "▁.", "▁Port", "ions", "▁of", "▁his", "▁act", "▁were", "▁captured", "▁in", "▁the", "▁short", "▁film", "▁Str", "ange", "▁as", "▁It", "▁Seems", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁)", "▁and", "▁in", "▁Pol", "iti", "quer", "ias", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Spanish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁language", "▁version", "▁of", "▁La", "ure", "l", "▁and", "▁Hard", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁Ch", "ick", "ens", "▁Come", "▁Home", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁document", "aries", "▁contain", "▁foot", "age", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁Pol", "iti", "quer", "ias", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁'", "s", "▁G", "iz", "mo", "▁!", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁'", "s", "▁V", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁unusual", "▁g", "astr", "ic", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁led", "▁to", "▁rum", "ors", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Rock", "ef", "eller", "▁Institute", "▁had", "▁offered", "▁a", "▁large", "▁sum", "▁of", "▁money", "▁to", "▁obtain", "▁his", "▁st", "om", "ach", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mort", "em", "▁.", "▁After", "▁he", "▁died", "▁in", "▁England", "▁,", "▁his", "▁body", "▁was", "▁offered", "▁to", "▁Joh", "ns", "▁Hop", "kins", "▁University", "▁for", "▁study", "▁,", "▁though", "▁the", "▁offer", "▁was", "▁decl", "ined", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Had", "ji", "▁Ali", "▁was", "▁born", "▁into", "▁a", "▁working", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁class", "▁family", "▁in", "▁approximately", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁or", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁depending", "▁on", "▁the", "▁source", "▁consult", "ed", "▁,", "▁probably", "▁in", "▁Egypt", "▁.", "▁His", "▁fame", "▁was", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pract", "ition", "er", "▁of", "▁a", "▁recognized", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁sub", "gen", "re", "▁known", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁reg", "urg", "itation", "▁act", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁involving", "▁the", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁of", "▁material", "▁or", "▁objects", "▁and", "▁their", "▁reg", "urg", "itation", "▁in", "▁various", "▁ways", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁became", "▁aware", "▁as", "▁a", "▁child", "▁that", "▁he", "▁possessed", "▁an", "▁unusual", "▁g", "astr", "ic", "▁ability", "▁.", "▁He", "▁explained", "▁in", "▁response", "▁to", "▁audience", "▁questions", "▁at", "▁a", "▁performance", "▁held", "▁at", "▁St", ".", "▁Mary", "▁'", "s", "▁Hospital", "▁in", "▁Ni", "ag", "ara", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁,", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁that", "▁while", "▁sw", "imming", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "ile", "▁as", "▁a", "▁ten", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁boy", "▁,", "▁he", "▁naturally", "▁discovered", "▁that", "▁he", "▁could", "▁sw", "allow", "▁a", "▁large", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁water", "▁and", "▁blow", "▁it", "▁out", "▁like", "▁a", "▁wh", "ale", "▁sp", "out", "ing", "▁.", "▁He", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁and", "▁ref", "ine", "▁the", "▁ability", "▁as", "▁he", "▁grew", "▁older", "▁.", "▁A", "▁more", "▁dram", "atic", "▁version", "▁of", "▁these", "▁events", "▁was", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁daughter", "▁,", "▁Al", "mina", "▁Ali", "▁,", "▁in", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁in", "▁England", "▁after", "▁his", "▁death", "▁.", "▁She", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁his", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁were", "▁first", "▁learned", "▁through", "▁a", "▁single", "▁incident", "▁:", "▁while", "▁bath", "ing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "ile", "▁,", "▁he", "▁in", "ad", "vert", "ently", "▁sw", "allowed", "▁a", "▁fish", "▁and", "▁an", "▁am", "ple", "▁volume", "▁of", "▁water", "▁.", "▁Instead", "▁of", "▁dying", "▁,", "▁as", "▁those", "▁present", "▁thought", "▁he", "▁might", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁simply", "▁reg", "urg", "itated", "▁the", "▁liquid", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fish", "▁without", "▁ill", "▁effect", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ali", "▁learned", "▁that", "▁his", "▁reg", "urg", "itation", "▁tal", "ents", "▁had", "▁the", "▁potential", "▁to", "▁entertain", "▁and", "▁to", "▁ear", "n", "▁money", "▁through", "▁performance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁fifteen", "▁:", "▁", "▁I", "▁tried", "▁out", "▁my", "▁tr", "icks", "▁first", "▁of", "▁all", "▁in", "▁the", "▁street", "▁,", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁many", "▁glass", "es", "▁of", "▁water", "▁and", "▁then", "▁pour", "ing", "▁forth", "▁a", "▁great", "▁f", "ount", "ain", "▁from", "▁one", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁road", "▁to", "▁the", "▁other", "▁...", "▁A", "▁ca", "fe", "▁propriet", "or", "▁saw", "▁me", "▁doing", "▁this", "▁one", "▁day", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ch", "ased", "▁me", "▁down", "▁the", "▁street", "▁.", "▁I", "▁thought", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁beat", "▁me", "▁up", "▁,", "▁but", "▁no", "▁—", "▁all", "▁he", "▁did", "▁was", "▁to", "▁put", "▁a", "▁coin", "▁in", "▁my", "▁hand", "▁and", "▁ask", "▁me", "▁to", "▁repeat", "▁the", "▁trick", "▁.", "▁Finally", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁so", "▁delight", "ed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁asked", "▁me", "▁to", "▁come", "▁to", "▁his", "▁ca", "fe", "▁and", "▁entertain", "▁the", "▁customers", "▁." ]
music videos had connections to Michael Jackson ; " Fat " is a parody of Jackson 's song " Bad " , and the video for " This Note 's for You " depicts a Jackson look @-@ alike 's hair catching fire ; a parody of an incident that occurred during a shoot for a Pepsi television advertisement in 1984 . In the " Fat " video , Yankovic becomes a " grossly overweight guy " through the use of cosmetics and special effects , and leads a group of overweight people on a parade . The award was presented to Yankovic as the performing artist , along with Jay Levey as the video director and Susan Zwerman as the video producer . = Hadji Ali = Hadji Ali ( c . 1887 – 92 – November 5 , 1937 ) was a vaudeville performance artist , thought to be of Egyptian descent , who was famous for acts of controlled regurgitation . His best @-@ known feats included water spouting , smoke swallowing , and nut and handkerchief swallowing followed by disgorgement in an order chosen by the audience . Ali 's most famous stunt , and the highlight of his act , was drinking copious amounts of water followed by kerosene , and then acting by turns as a human flamethrower and fire extinguisher as he expelled the two liquids onto a theatrical prop . While these stunts were performed , a panel of audience members was invited to watch the show up close to verify that no trickery was employed . Although never gaining wide fame , Ali had a dedicated following on the vaudeville circuit in the United States . He performed for heads of state including Tsar Nicholas II of Russia . Judy Garland named him her favorite vaudevillian and David Blaine identified Ali as his favorite magician . Portions of his act were captured in the short film Strange as It Seems ( 1930 ) and in Politiquerias ( 1931 ) , the Spanish @-@ language version of Laurel and Hardy 's Chickens Come Home . Two documentaries contain footage of Ali taken from Politiquerias : 1977 's Gizmo ! , and 1999 's Vaudeville . Ali 's unusual gastric abilities led to rumors that the Rockefeller Institute had offered a large sum of money to obtain his stomach post @-@ mortem . After he died in England , his body was offered to Johns Hopkins University for study , though the offer was declined . = = Background = = Hadji Ali was born into a working @-@ class family in approximately 1887 or 1892 , depending on the source consulted , probably in Egypt . His fame was as a practitioner of a recognized vaudeville subgenre known as a " regurgitation act " , involving the swallowing of material or objects and their regurgitation in various ways . Ali became aware as a child that he possessed an unusual gastric ability . He explained in response to audience questions at a performance held at St. Mary 's Hospital in Niagara Falls , New York , in May 1926 , that while swimming in the Nile as a ten @-@ year @-@ old boy , he naturally discovered that he could swallow a large amount of water and blow it out like a whale spouting . He continued to develop and refine the ability as he grew older . A more dramatic version of these events was provided by Ali 's daughter , Almina Ali , in an interview in England after his death . She stated that his abilities were first learned through a single incident : while bathing in the Nile , he inadvertently swallowed a fish and an ample volume of water . Instead of dying , as those present thought he might , Ali simply regurgitated the liquid and the fish without ill effect . Ali learned that his regurgitation talents had the potential to entertain and to earn money through performance at the age of fifteen : I tried out my tricks first of all in the street , swallowing many glasses of water and then pouring forth a great fountain from one side of the road to the other ... A cafe proprietor saw me doing this one day , and chased me down the street . I thought he wanted to beat me up , but no — all he did was to put a coin in my hand and ask me to repeat the trick . Finally , he was so delighted that he asked me to come to his cafe and entertain the customers .
[ "▁", "▁T", "aking", "▁his", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁on", "▁the", "▁road", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁met", "▁an", "▁Italian", "▁man", "▁in", "▁C", "airo", "▁who", "▁signed", "▁him", "▁to", "▁a", "▁contract", "▁for", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁performances", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁performed", "▁under", "▁contract", "▁throughout", "▁Europe", "▁and", "▁at", "▁times", "▁for", "▁heads", "▁of", "▁state", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Ali", "▁,", "▁in", "▁or", "▁about", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁he", "▁was", "▁sum", "mon", "ed", "▁by", "▁Ts", "ar", "▁Nicholas", "▁II", "▁of", "▁Russia", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Winter", "▁Palace", "▁in", "▁Saint", "▁Petersburg", "▁,", "▁Russia", "▁.", "▁He", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Ts", "ar", "▁\"", "▁must", "▁have", "▁liked", "▁my", "▁performance", "▁because", "▁he", "▁awarded", "▁me", "▁a", "▁special", "▁decor", "ation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁now", "▁one", "▁of", "▁my", "▁most", "▁tre", "as", "ured", "▁poss", "essions", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Following", "▁World", "▁War", "▁I", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁began", "▁man", "aging", "▁his", "▁own", "▁affairs", "▁and", "▁tou", "red", "▁the", "▁world", "▁,", "▁learning", "▁more", "▁tr", "icks", "▁as", "▁he", "▁went", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ali", "▁came", "▁to", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁with", "▁Al", "mina", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁They", "▁performed", "▁together", "▁at", "▁fair", "s", "▁,", "▁car", "n", "iv", "als", "▁and", "▁in", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁,", "▁sometimes", "▁advert", "ised", "▁under", "▁the", "▁collect", "ive", "▁name", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Had", "ji", "▁Ali", "▁&", "▁Co", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Al", "mina", "▁played", "▁the", "▁part", "▁of", "▁assistant", "▁in", "▁her", "▁father", "▁'", "s", "▁act", "▁,", "▁bil", "led", "▁in", "▁his", "▁shows", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Princess", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁alone", "▁had", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁stage", "▁names", "▁,", "▁including", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Great", "▁Egypt", "ian", "▁Mi", "racle", "▁Man", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Ama", "zing", "▁Reg", "urg", "it", "ator", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Egypt", "ian", "▁En", "igma", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Human", "▁Aqu", "arium", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Human", "▁Vol", "cano", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Wonder", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Scient", "ific", "▁World", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁large", "▁,", "▁bar", "rel", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ch", "ested", "▁and", "▁be", "arded", "▁man", "▁...", "▁[", "▁that", "▁cut", "▁]", "▁an", "▁impos", "ing", "▁figure", "▁in", "▁his", "▁Arab", "▁cost", "ume", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Although", "▁Ali", "▁spoke", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁languages", "▁and", "▁became", "▁a", "▁natural", "ized", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁citiz", "en", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Al", "mina", "▁acted", "▁as", "▁his", "▁interpreter", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁and", "▁other", "▁places", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁speak", "▁English", "▁and", "▁was", "▁ill", "iter", "ate", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁he", "▁had", "▁gained", "▁some", "▁not", "or", "iety", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁took", "▁on", "▁as", "▁his", "▁manager", "▁Hub", "ert", "▁Julian", "▁,", "▁a", "▁former", "▁colon", "el", "▁in", "▁the", "▁A", "by", "ss", "in", "ian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁significant", "▁following", "▁,", "▁even", "▁being", "▁named", "▁Jud", "y", "▁Gar", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁favorite", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ill", "ian", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁\"", "▁remained", "▁more", "▁a", "▁sides", "how", "▁curiosity", "▁than", "▁a", "▁true", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁head", "lin", "er", "▁\"", "▁according", "▁to", "▁at", "▁least", "▁one", "▁source", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁Julian", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁Ali", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁earned", "▁big", "▁money", "▁in", "▁America", "▁—", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁a", "▁week", "▁sometimes", "▁.", "▁I", "▁was", "▁building", "▁him", "▁up", "▁here", "▁[", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁]", "▁and", "▁had", "▁a", "▁Cont", "inental", "▁tour", "▁arranged", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Performance", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁main", "st", "ay", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁act", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁water", "▁sp", "out", "ing", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁After", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁large", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁water", "▁,", "▁", "6", "0", "▁to", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁glass", "es", "▁at", "▁a", "▁time", "▁,", "▁he", "▁sp", "out", "ed", "▁the", "▁water", "▁in", "▁a", "▁continuous", "▁stream", "▁for", "▁a", "▁sust", "ained", "▁period", "▁of", "▁time", "▁,", "▁sometimes", "▁approaching", "▁one", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁Another", "▁common", "▁trick", "▁was", "▁to", "▁sw", "allow", "▁", "3", "0", "▁to", "▁", "5", "0", "▁un", "sh", "elled", "▁ha", "z", "eln", "uts", "▁(", "▁although", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁post", "ers", "▁advert", "ised", "▁", "4", "0", "▁pec", "ans", "▁)", "▁,", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁another", "▁nut", "▁of", "▁a", "▁different", "▁variety", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁an", "▁al", "mond", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁then", "▁brought", "▁them", "▁up", "▁one", "▁by", "▁one", "▁with", "▁the", "▁odd", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nut", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "▁produced", "▁at", "▁a", "▁mark", "▁called", "▁out", "▁by", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁In", "▁another", "▁trick", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁sw", "allowed", "▁three", "▁to", "▁six", "▁hand", "ker", "ch", "ief", "s", "▁of", "▁different", "▁h", "ues", "▁and", "▁then", "▁produced", "▁them", "▁in", "▁a", "▁color", "▁order", "▁requested", "▁by", "▁audience", "▁members", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁article", "▁appearing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Low", "ell", "▁Sun", "▁newspaper", "▁,", "▁phys", "ician", "▁Morris", "▁Fish", "be", "in", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁that", "▁for", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁nut", "▁fe", "at", "▁,", "▁the", "▁one", "▁nut", "▁of", "▁a", "▁different", "▁variety", "▁was", "▁held", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mouth", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁sw", "allowed", "▁,", "▁thus", "▁allowing", "▁him", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁it", "▁on", "▁c", "ue", "▁.", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Fish", "be", "in", "▁also", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁un", "named", "▁\"", "▁investig", "ators", "▁\"", "▁were", "▁convinced", "▁that", "▁for", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁hand", "ker", "ch", "ief", "▁st", "unt", "▁,", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁them", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sequence", "▁st", "ip", "ulated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁Ali", "▁flav", "ored", "▁the", "▁cloth", "▁,", "▁and", "▁could", "▁therefore", "▁taste", "▁for", "▁the", "▁correct", "▁one", "▁as", "▁he", "▁brought", "▁them", "▁up", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁also", "▁sw", "allowed", "▁live", "▁gold", "fish", "▁,", "▁watch", "es", "▁,", "▁co", "ins", "▁,", "▁cost", "ume", "▁j", "ew", "el", "ry", "▁,", "▁paper", "▁money", "▁,", "▁pe", "ach", "▁p", "its", "▁,", "▁stones", "▁,", "▁live", "▁m", "ice", "▁,", "▁buttons", "▁,", "▁pool", "▁balls", "▁and", "▁other", "▁odd", "▁objects", "▁.", "▁In", "▁another", "▁standard", "▁performance", "▁segment", "▁,", "▁he", "▁placed", "▁eight", "▁or", "▁more", "▁lit", "▁c", "igare", "tt", "es", "▁in", "▁his", "▁mouth", "▁but", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁in", "hal", "ing", "▁,", "▁he", "▁sw", "allowed", "▁the", "▁smoke", "▁and", "▁,", "▁after", "▁a", "▁significant", "▁time", "▁had", "▁passed", "▁,", "▁issued", "▁it", "▁forth", "▁in", "▁a", "▁steady", "▁stream", "▁like", "▁an", "▁er", "upt", "ing", "▁vol", "cano", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁long", "standing", "▁finale", "▁was", "▁the", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁of", "▁cop", "ious", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁water", "▁again", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁time", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁pint", "▁of", "▁k", "eros", "ene", "▁.", "▁A", "▁prop", "▁was", "▁then", "▁produced", "▁,", "▁typically", "▁a", "▁model", "▁castle", "▁or", "▁house", "▁made", "▁of", "▁metal", "▁set", "▁on", "▁a", "▁table", "▁,", "▁within", "▁which", "▁a", "▁small", "▁fl", "ame", "▁burn", "ed", "▁.", "▁L", "ighter", "▁than", "▁water", "▁and", "▁imm", "is", "cible", "▁with", "▁it", "▁,", "▁the", "▁k", "eros", "ene", "▁flo", "ated", "▁above", "▁the", "▁liquid", "▁in", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁gut", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁him", "▁to", "▁dis", "g", "orge", "▁it", "▁first", "▁.", "▁The", "▁stage", "▁thus", "▁set", "▁,", "▁and", "▁to", "▁a" ]
Taking his abilities on the road , Ali met an Italian man in Cairo who signed him to a contract for music hall performances . Ali performed under contract throughout Europe and at times for heads of state . According to Ali , in or about 1914 he was summoned by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia to perform at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg , Russia . He stated that the Tsar " must have liked my performance because he awarded me a special decoration , which is now one of my most treasured possessions . " Following World War I , Ali began managing his own affairs and toured the world , learning more tricks as he went . Ali came to the United States with Almina in the mid @-@ 1920s . They performed together at fairs , carnivals and in vaudeville , sometimes advertised under the collective name , " Hadji Ali & Co . " Almina played the part of assistant in her father 's act , billed in his shows as " The Princess " . Ali alone had a variety of stage names , including : " The Great Egyptian Miracle Man " , " The Amazing Regurgitator " , " The Egyptian Enigma " , " The Human Aquarium " , " The Human Volcano " and " The 9th Wonder of the Scientific World " . Ali has been described as a " large , barrel @-@ chested and bearded man ... [ that cut ] an imposing figure in his Arab costume . " Although Ali spoke a number of languages and became a naturalized U.S. citizen , it was reported that Almina acted as his interpreter in the United States and other places , as he did not speak English and was illiterate . Once he had gained some notoriety , Ali took on as his manager Hubert Julian , a former colonel in the Abyssinian Air Force . Although he developed a significant following , even being named Judy Garland 's favorite vaudevillian , Ali " remained more a sideshow curiosity than a true vaudeville headliner " according to at least one source . Nevertheless , at the time of his death in 1937 , Julian commented that Ali had " earned big money in America — $ 1 @,@ 000 a week sometimes . I was building him up here [ in Europe ] and had a Continental tour arranged . " = = Performance = = The mainstay of Ali 's act was " water spouting " . After swallowing large amounts of water , 60 to 100 glasses at a time , he spouted the water in a continuous stream for a sustained period of time , sometimes approaching one minute . Another common trick was to swallow 30 to 50 unshelled hazelnuts ( although one of his posters advertised 40 pecans ) , followed by another nut of a different variety , such as an almond . Ali then brought them up one by one with the odd @-@ nut @-@ out produced at a mark called out by the audience . In another trick , Ali swallowed three to six handkerchiefs of different hues and then produced them in a color order requested by audience members . In a 1929 article appearing in the Lowell Sun newspaper , physician Morris Fishbein speculated that for Ali 's nut feat , the one nut of a different variety was held in the mouth rather than swallowed , thus allowing him to produce it on cue . Dr. Fishbein also stated that unnamed " investigators " were convinced that for Ali 's handkerchief stunt , to produce them in the sequence stipulated by the audience Ali flavored the cloth , and could therefore taste for the correct one as he brought them up . Ali also swallowed live goldfish , watches , coins , costume jewelry , paper money , peach pits , stones , live mice , buttons , pool balls and other odd objects . In another standard performance segment , he placed eight or more lit cigarettes in his mouth but instead of inhaling , he swallowed the smoke and , after a significant time had passed , issued it forth in a steady stream like an erupting volcano . Ali 's longstanding finale was the swallowing of copious amounts of water again , but this time followed by a pint of kerosene . A prop was then produced , typically a model castle or house made of metal set on a table , within which a small flame burned . Lighter than water and immiscible with it , the kerosene floated above the liquid in Ali 's gut , allowing him to disgorge it first . The stage thus set , and to a
[ "▁drum", "▁roll", "▁or", "▁an", "▁im", "itation", "▁of", "▁fire", "▁b", "ells", "▁,", "▁Ali", "▁became", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁human", "▁fl", "am", "eth", "ro", "wer", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁spe", "wing", "▁the", "▁acceler", "ant", "▁in", "▁a", "▁long", "▁stream", "▁over", "▁the", "▁sacrific", "ial", "▁prop", "▁,", "▁setting", "▁it", "▁ab", "la", "ze", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁the", "▁k", "eros", "ene", "▁was", "▁exha", "usted", "▁,", "▁the", "▁water", "▁followed", "▁,", "▁streaming", "▁out", "▁his", "▁mouth", "▁in", "▁a", "▁long", "▁flow", "▁from", "▁up", "▁to", "▁six", "▁feet", "▁away", "▁,", "▁ex", "ting", "u", "ishing", "▁the", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁", "▁At", "▁some", "▁performances", "▁,", "▁a", "▁panel", "▁or", "▁\"", "▁j", "ury", "▁\"", "▁from", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁to", "▁verify", "▁that", "▁no", "▁trick", "▁mechanism", "▁was", "▁being", "▁employed", "▁—", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁actually", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁the", "▁items", "▁in", "▁question", "▁and", "▁deliver", "ing", "▁them", "▁back", "▁through", "▁acts", "▁of", "▁reg", "urg", "itation", "▁.", "▁Sometimes", "▁Ali", "▁would", "▁st", "roll", "▁into", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁during", "▁his", "▁nut", "▁sw", "allow", "ing", "▁trick", "▁.", "▁His", "▁st", "om", "ach", "▁exposed", "▁by", "▁his", "▁standard", "▁cost", "ume", "▁,", "▁he", "▁invited", "▁audience", "▁members", "▁to", "▁pat", "▁his", "▁st", "om", "ach", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁them", "▁to", "▁hear", "▁the", "▁n", "uts", "▁r", "att", "ling", "▁within", "▁.", "▁One", "▁newspaper", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁fe", "ats", "▁,", "▁essentially", "▁controlled", "▁vom", "iting", "▁,", "▁were", "▁performed", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁manner", "▁without", "▁the", "▁least", "▁bit", "▁of", "▁un", "ple", "asant", "ness", "▁or", "▁anything", "▁border", "ing", "▁on", "▁rep", "uls", "iveness", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Not", "▁everyone", "▁felt", "▁the", "▁same", "▁:", "▁at", "▁least", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁engag", "ements", "▁was", "▁cut", "▁short", "▁once", "▁the", "▁propriet", "or", "▁realized", "▁that", "▁the", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁act", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁killing", "▁their", "▁supp", "er", "▁shows", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁F", "amed", "▁esc", "ap", "ologist", "▁and", "▁mag", "ician", "▁Harry", "▁H", "oud", "ini", "▁remarked", "▁in", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁work", "▁Mi", "racle", "▁Mong", "ers", "▁and", "▁Their", "▁Method", "s", "▁that", "▁water", "▁sp", "out", "ing", "▁was", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁performance", "▁that", "▁could", "▁not", "▁fail", "▁to", "▁dis", "g", "ust", "▁a", "▁modern", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁fasc", "in", "ated", "▁the", "▁public", "▁and", "▁medical", "▁authorities", "▁.", "▁As", "▁reported", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁She", "bo", "yg", "an", "▁Press", "▁article", "▁,", "▁at", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁acts", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁do", "ctors", "▁attended", "▁and", "▁thoroughly", "▁exam", "ined", "▁him", "▁during", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁They", "▁came", "▁away", "▁satisfied", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁actually", "▁im", "bib", "ing", "▁and", "▁reg", "urg", "it", "ating", "▁the", "▁material", "▁and", "▁objects", "▁as", "▁claimed", "▁,", "▁but", "▁remained", "▁\"", "▁myst", "ified", "▁over", "▁his", "▁extraordinary", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁According", "▁to", "▁an", "▁article", "▁appearing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "aug", "at", "uck", "▁Daily", "▁News", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Phys", "icians", "▁of", "▁three", "▁contin", "ents", "▁have", "▁puzz", "led", "▁over", "▁the", "▁g", "astr", "onom", "ical", "▁mechanism", "▁of", "▁this", "▁human", "▁o", "str", "ich", "▁without", "▁success", "▁.", "▁X", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁experiments", "▁have", "▁been", "▁made", "▁during", "▁his", "▁exhibition", "▁without", "▁a", "▁pla", "us", "ible", "▁explanation", "▁forth", "coming", "▁that", "▁satisfies", "▁the", "▁critical", "▁,", "▁in", "▁fact", "▁,", "▁the", "▁profession", "▁of", "▁surg", "ery", "▁has", "▁thrown", "▁up", "▁its", "▁hands", "▁in", "▁amaz", "ement", "▁over", "▁this", "▁human", "▁o", "str", "ich", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Film", "▁appearances", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁act", "▁was", "▁captured", "▁in", "▁two", "▁films", "▁:", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁short", "▁Str", "ange", "▁as", "▁It", "▁Seems", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Pol", "iti", "quer", "ias", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁expanded", "▁Spanish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁language", "▁version", "▁of", "▁La", "ure", "l", "▁and", "▁Hard", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁Ch", "ick", "ens", "▁Come", "▁Home", "▁.", "▁Ali", "▁also", "▁had", "▁a", "▁bit", "▁part", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Turkish", "▁land", "l", "ord", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁Warner", "▁B", "ros", ".", "▁'", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁film", "▁Sc", "ar", "let", "▁Da", "wn", "▁st", "arring", "▁Douglas", "▁Fair", "b", "anks", "▁,", "▁Jr", ".", "▁and", "▁Nancy", "▁Car", "roll", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁document", "aries", "▁contain", "▁foot", "age", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁Pol", "iti", "quer", "ias", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁'", "s", "▁G", "iz", "mo", "▁!", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁'", "s", "▁V", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁,", "▁a", "▁document", "ary", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁K", "CT", "S", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁TV", "▁that", "▁exhib", "its", "▁", "9", "0", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁acts", "▁over", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁running", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁document", "ary", "▁has", "▁since", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Public", "▁Broadcast", "ing", "▁Service", "▁'", "s", "▁American", "▁Masters", "▁series", "▁numerous", "▁times", "▁.", "▁", "▁Spe", "aking", "▁about", "▁the", "▁dem", "ocr", "atic", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁performance", "▁circuit", "▁,", "▁V", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁'", "s", "▁writer", "▁and", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁said", "▁in", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁Ali", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁\"", "▁emb", "rac", "ed", "▁everything", "▁from", "▁Car", "uso", "▁to", "▁a", "▁gu", "y", "▁who", "▁threw", "▁up", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁By", "▁contrast", "▁,", "▁in", "▁episode", "▁", "3", "0", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sund", "ance", "▁Channel", "▁television", "▁program", "▁Icon", "oc", "last", "s", "▁,", "▁mag", "ician", "▁David", "▁Bla", "ine", "▁speak", "s", "▁enthus", "iast", "ically", "▁of", "▁Ali", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁Bla", "ine", "▁shows", "▁artist", "▁Ch", "uck", "▁Close", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁k", "eros", "ene", "▁and", "▁water", "▁finale", "▁foot", "age", "▁from", "▁Pol", "iti", "quer", "ias", "▁and", "▁comments", "▁that", "▁Ali", "▁is", "▁his", "▁\"", "▁favorite", "▁mag", "ician", "▁...", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁real", "▁but", "▁nobody", "▁'", "s", "▁been", "▁able", "▁to", "▁do", "▁it", "▁since", "▁...", "▁his", "▁name", "▁was", "▁Had", "ji", "▁Ali", "▁...", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁my", "▁favorite", "▁of", "▁all", "▁time", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Death", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ali", "▁died", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Wol", "ver", "ham", "pton", "▁,", "▁England", "▁,", "▁from", "▁heart", "▁failure", "▁during", "▁a", "▁bout", "▁of", "▁bron", "ch", "itis", "▁.", "▁Even", "▁before", "▁his", "▁death", "▁,", "▁a", "▁rum", "or", "▁had", "▁circul", "ated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Rock", "ef", "eller", "▁Institute", "▁sought", "▁to", "▁proc", "ure", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁st", "om", "ach", "▁upon", "▁his", "▁death", "▁,", "▁and", "▁would", "▁pay", "▁as", "▁much", "▁as", "▁$", "▁", "5", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁for", "▁it", "▁.", "▁This", "▁claim", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁a", "▁poster", "▁advert", "ising", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁imp", "ending", "▁appearance", "▁at", "▁a", "▁the", "ater", "▁during", "▁his", "▁lifetime", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁,", "▁the", "▁rum", "or", "▁res", "ur", "fac", "ed", "▁as", "▁an", "▁active", "▁offer", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁When", "▁a", "▁Rock", "ef", "eller", "▁Institute", "▁manager", "▁was", "▁interview", "ed", "▁about", "▁the", "▁story", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁the", "▁offer", "▁had", "▁never", "▁been", "▁made", "▁but", "▁that", "▁never", "theless", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁we", "▁should", "▁very", "▁much" ]
drum roll or an imitation of fire bells , Ali became a " human flamethrower " , spewing the accelerant in a long stream over the sacrificial prop , setting it ablaze . Once the kerosene was exhausted , the water followed , streaming out his mouth in a long flow from up to six feet away , extinguishing the fire . At some performances , a panel or " jury " from the audience was invited on stage to verify that no trick mechanism was being employed — that he was actually swallowing the items in question and delivering them back through acts of regurgitation . Sometimes Ali would stroll into the audience during his nut swallowing trick . His stomach exposed by his standard costume , he invited audience members to pat his stomach , allowing them to hear the nuts rattling within . One newspaper reported that Ali 's feats , essentially controlled vomiting , were performed in " a manner without the least bit of unpleasantness or anything bordering on repulsiveness . " Not everyone felt the same : at least one of Ali 's engagements was cut short once the proprietor realized that the nature of the act " was killing their supper shows " . Famed escapologist and magician Harry Houdini remarked in his 1920 work Miracle Mongers and Their Methods that water spouting was a " performance that could not fail to disgust a modern audience . " The abilities of Ali fascinated the public and medical authorities . As reported in a 1928 Sheboygan Press article , at one of Ali 's acts a number of doctors attended and thoroughly examined him during the performance . They came away satisfied that he was actually imbibing and regurgitating the material and objects as claimed , but remained " mystified over his extraordinary performance . " According to an article appearing in the Naugatuck Daily News , " Physicians of three continents have puzzled over the gastronomical mechanism of this human ostrich without success . X @-@ ray experiments have been made during his exhibition without a plausible explanation forthcoming that satisfies the critical , in fact , the profession of surgery has thrown up its hands in amazement over this human ostrich . " = = Film appearances = = Ali 's act was captured in two films : the 1930 short Strange as It Seems , and Politiquerias ( 1931 ) , the expanded Spanish @-@ language version of Laurel and Hardy 's Chickens Come Home . Ali also had a bit part as the " Turkish landlord " in Warner Bros. ' 1932 film Scarlet Dawn starring Douglas Fairbanks , Jr. and Nancy Carroll . Two documentaries contain footage of Ali taken from Politiquerias : 1977 's Gizmo ! , and 1999 's Vaudeville , a documentary produced by KCTS @-@ TV that exhibits 90 vaudeville acts over a two @-@ hour running time . The documentary has since aired on the Public Broadcasting Service 's American Masters series numerous times . Speaking about the democratic nature of the vaudeville performance circuit , Vaudeville 's writer and executive producer said in reference to Ali that the film " embraced everything from Caruso to a guy who threw up . " By contrast , in episode 30 of the Sundance Channel television program Iconoclasts , magician David Blaine speaks enthusiastically of Ali . During the episode , Blaine shows artist Chuck Close Ali 's kerosene and water finale footage from Politiquerias and comments that Ali is his " favorite magician ... it 's real but nobody 's been able to do it since ... his name was Hadji Ali ... he 's my favorite of all time . " = = Death = = Ali died on November 5 , 1937 , in Wolverhampton , England , from heart failure during a bout of bronchitis . Even before his death , a rumor had circulated that the Rockefeller Institute sought to procure Ali 's stomach upon his death , and would pay as much as $ 50 @,@ 000 for it . This claim appeared in a poster advertising Ali 's impending appearance at a theater during his lifetime . After Ali 's death was reported , the rumor resurfaced as an active offer of $ 10 @,@ 000 . When a Rockefeller Institute manager was interviewed about the story , he said the offer had never been made but that nevertheless , " we should very much
[ "▁like", "▁to", "▁see", "▁the", "▁body", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Al", "mina", "▁and", "▁Julian", "▁transport", "ed", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁board", "▁the", "▁Queen", "▁Mary", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁a", "▁November", "▁", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁article", "▁in", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Post", "▁,", "▁upon", "▁their", "▁arrival", "▁,", "▁Al", "mina", "▁offered", "▁her", "▁father", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁to", "▁Maryland", "▁'", "s", "▁Joh", "ns", "▁Hop", "kins", "▁University", "▁for", "▁investigation", "▁by", "▁sur", "ge", "ons", "▁,", "▁after", "▁which", "▁it", "▁would", "▁be", "▁transport", "ed", "▁to", "▁Egypt", "▁for", "▁inter", "ment", "▁in", "▁a", "▁ma", "us", "ole", "um", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Af", "ro", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁American", "▁newspaper", "▁reported", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁that", "▁Joh", "ns", "▁Hop", "kins", "▁'", "▁officials", "▁had", "▁decl", "ined", "▁the", "▁offer", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁was", "▁a", "▁naval", "▁action", "▁fought", "▁off", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁port", "▁of", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁between", "▁British", "▁and", "▁French", "▁war", "ships", "▁on", "▁", "1", "8", "▁November", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "1", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Third", "▁Ang", "lo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁War", "▁.", "▁Britain", "▁and", "▁France", "▁were", "▁not", "▁at", "▁war", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁the", "▁eng", "agement", "▁,", "▁but", "▁French", "▁support", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Kingdom", "▁of", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁in", "▁the", "▁conflict", "▁with", "▁the", "▁British", "▁East", "▁India", "▁Company", "▁had", "▁led", "▁to", "▁Royal", "▁Navy", "▁pat", "rol", "s", "▁stopping", "▁and", "▁searching", "▁French", "▁ships", "▁sail", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Mys", "ore", "an", "▁port", "▁of", "▁Mang", "al", "ore", "▁.", "▁When", "▁a", "▁French", "▁con", "voy", "▁from", "▁Mah", "é", "▁passed", "▁the", "▁British", "▁port", "▁of", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "1", "▁,", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁William", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁sent", "▁a", "▁small", "▁squad", "ron", "▁to", "▁intercept", "▁the", "▁French", "▁ships", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁the", "▁British", "▁force", "▁under", "▁Captain", "▁Sir", "▁Richard", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁approached", "▁the", "▁con", "voy", "▁,", "▁the", "▁esc", "ort", "ing", "▁fr", "ig", "ate", "▁Rés", "ol", "ue", "▁opened", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁A", "▁general", "▁action", "▁followed", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁succeed", "ing", "▁in", "▁forcing", "▁the", "▁French", "▁ship", "▁to", "▁surrender", "▁within", "▁twenty", "▁minutes", "▁and", "▁both", "▁sides", "▁suffering", "▁damage", "▁and", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁.", "▁All", "▁of", "▁the", "▁French", "▁vessels", "▁were", "▁searched", "▁and", "▁subsequently", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁Mah", "é", "▁,", "▁the", "▁local", "▁French", "▁authorities", "▁react", "ing", "▁fur", "iously", "▁at", "▁what", "▁they", "▁perce", "ived", "▁as", "▁a", "▁viol", "ation", "▁of", "▁their", "▁neutral", "▁position", "▁.", "▁Mess", "ages", "▁were", "▁sent", "▁back", "▁to", "▁France", "▁reporting", "▁the", "▁action", "▁from", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Saint", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁F", "éli", "x", "▁but", "▁they", "▁ev", "oked", "▁little", "▁response", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁under", "▁normal", "▁circumstances", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁might", "▁have", "▁prov", "oked", "▁a", "▁diplom", "atic", "▁incident", "▁,", "▁the", "▁up", "he", "av", "als", "▁of", "▁the", "▁on", "going", "▁French", "▁Revolution", "▁meant", "▁that", "▁the", "▁des", "patch", "es", "▁had", "▁little", "▁effect", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁after", "▁five", "▁years", "▁of", "▁diplom", "atic", "▁wr", "ang", "ling", "▁about", "▁the", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Tre", "aty", "▁of", "▁Mang", "al", "ore", "▁that", "▁had", "▁ended", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁Ang", "lo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁War", "▁,", "▁the", "▁r", "uler", "▁of", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁T", "ip", "u", "▁Sultan", "▁again", "▁declared", "▁war", "▁on", "▁the", "▁British", "▁East", "▁India", "▁Company", "▁and", "▁their", "▁al", "lies", "▁in", "▁Southern", "▁India", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁next", "▁two", "▁years", "▁the", "▁war", "▁continued", "▁as", "▁British", "▁forces", "▁and", "▁their", "▁al", "lies", "▁drove", "▁the", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁arm", "ies", "▁back", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁capital", "▁of", "▁Ser", "ing", "apat", "am", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁sides", "▁were", "▁reli", "ant", "▁on", "▁supply", "▁by", "▁sea", "▁to", "▁maintain", "▁their", "▁campaign", "s", "▁in", "land", "▁:", "▁the", "▁British", "▁forces", "▁were", "▁supported", "▁from", "▁their", "▁major", "▁ports", "▁at", "▁Bomb", "ay", "▁and", "▁Mad", "ras", "▁,", "▁later", "▁station", "ing", "▁additional", "▁forces", "▁at", "▁the", "▁small", "▁port", "▁of", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁inside", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁territory", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Mys", "ore", "an", "▁forces", "▁were", "▁supplied", "▁through", "▁Mang", "al", "ore", "▁by", "▁French", "▁ships", "▁.", "▁France", "▁had", "▁been", "▁an", "▁al", "ly", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "ip", "u", "▁Sultan", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁Hy", "der", "▁Ali", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁Ang", "lo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁War", "▁and", "▁although", "▁the", "▁political", "▁inst", "ability", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁the", "▁French", "▁Revolution", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁prevent", "ed", "▁active", "▁invol", "vement", "▁,", "▁they", "▁ens", "ured", "▁that", "▁their", "▁ships", "▁kept", "▁up", "▁a", "▁supply", "▁of", "▁equipment", "▁to", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁war", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁an", "▁effort", "▁to", "▁eliminate", "▁French", "▁support", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁William", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁naval", "▁commander", "▁in", "▁the", "▁region", "▁,", "▁station", "ed", "▁a", "▁squad", "ron", "▁of", "▁fr", "ig", "ates", "▁at", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁were", "▁ide", "ally", "▁situated", "▁to", "▁block", "ade", "▁Mang", "al", "ore", "▁and", "▁prevent", "▁the", "▁passage", "▁of", "▁sh", "ipping", "▁into", "▁Mys", "ore", "an", "▁territory", "▁.", "▁The", "▁squad", "ron", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁in", "▁HMS", "▁Min", "erva", "▁,", "▁Captain", "▁Sir", "▁Richard", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁in", "▁HMS", "▁Phoenix", "▁and", "▁HMS", "▁Per", "se", "ver", "ance", "▁under", "▁Captain", "▁Isaac", "▁Smith", "▁.", "▁The", "▁French", "▁operated", "▁a", "▁squad", "ron", "▁of", "▁their", "▁own", "▁on", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁,", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Saint", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁F", "éli", "x", "▁and", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁two", "▁fr", "ig", "ates", "▁based", "▁at", "▁Mah", "é", "▁,", "▁a", "▁small", "▁French", "▁port", "▁", "7", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "1", "1", "▁km", "▁)", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁.", "▁The", "▁French", "▁had", "▁communic", "ated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁British", "▁at", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁that", "▁they", "▁would", "▁not", "▁submit", "▁to", "▁any", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁search", "▁their", "▁vessels", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁and", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁replied", "▁that", "▁they", "▁would", "▁en", "force", "▁the", "▁block", "ade", "▁of", "▁Mang", "al", "ore", "▁whatever", "▁the", "▁consequences", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Battle", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁November", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "1", "▁,", "▁a", "▁French", "▁con", "voy", "▁sa", "iled", "▁from", "▁Mah", "é", "▁on", "▁the", "▁short", "▁journey", "▁to", "▁Mang", "al", "ore", "▁.", "▁The", "▁con", "voy", "▁included", "▁two", "▁merchant", "▁vessels", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fr", "ig", "ate", "▁Rés", "ol", "ue", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "3", "6", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gun", "▁war", "ship", "▁under", "▁Captain", "▁Call", "am", "and", "▁.", "▁Pass", "ing", "▁north", "wards", "▁,", "▁the", "▁con", "voy", "▁soon", "▁passed", "▁Tell", "icher", "ry", "▁and", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁sent", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁with", "▁Phoenix", "▁and", "▁Per", "se", "ver", "ance", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁and", "▁inspect", "▁the", "▁French", "▁ships", "▁to", "▁ensure", "▁they", "▁were", "▁not", "▁carrying", "▁military", "▁supplies", "▁.", "▁As", "▁Smith", "▁halt", "ed", "▁the", "▁merchant", "▁ships", "▁and", "▁sent", "▁boats", "▁to", "▁inspect", "▁them", "▁,", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁did", "▁the", "▁same", "▁to", "▁Rés", "ol", "ue", "▁,", "▁ha", "iling", "▁the", "▁French", "▁captain" ]
like to see the body . " Almina and Julian transported Ali 's body back to the United States on board the Queen Mary . According to a November 29 , 1937 article in the New York Post , upon their arrival , Almina offered her father 's body to Maryland 's Johns Hopkins University for investigation by surgeons , after which it would be transported to Egypt for interment in a mausoleum . However , The Afro @-@ American newspaper reported on December 11 , 1937 , that Johns Hopkins ' officials had declined the offer . = Battle of Tellicherry = The Battle of Tellicherry was a naval action fought off the Indian port of Tellicherry between British and French warships on 18 November 1791 during the Third Anglo @-@ Mysore War . Britain and France were not at war at the time of the engagement , but French support for the Kingdom of Mysore in the conflict with the British East India Company had led to Royal Navy patrols stopping and searching French ships sailing for the Mysorean port of Mangalore . When a French convoy from Mahé passed the British port of Tellicherry in November 1791 , Commodore William Cornwallis sent a small squadron to intercept the French ships . As the British force under Captain Sir Richard Strachan approached the convoy , the escorting frigate Résolue opened fire . A general action followed , with Strachan succeeding in forcing the French ship to surrender within twenty minutes and both sides suffering damage and casualties . All of the French vessels were searched and subsequently returned to Mahé , the local French authorities reacting furiously at what they perceived as a violation of their neutral position . Messages were sent back to France reporting the action from Commodore Saint @-@ Félix but they evoked little response . Although under normal circumstances the battle might have provoked a diplomatic incident , the upheavals of the ongoing French Revolution meant that the despatches had little effect . = = Background = = In December 1789 , after five years of diplomatic wrangling about the terms of the Treaty of Mangalore that had ended the Second Anglo @-@ Mysore War , the ruler of Mysore Tipu Sultan again declared war on the British East India Company and their allies in Southern India . For the next two years the war continued as British forces and their allies drove the Mysore armies back towards the capital of Seringapatam . Both sides were reliant on supply by sea to maintain their campaigns inland : the British forces were supported from their major ports at Bombay and Madras , later stationing additional forces at the small port of Tellicherry inside Mysore territory . The Mysorean forces were supplied through Mangalore by French ships . France had been an ally of the Tipu Sultan 's father Hyder Ali during the Second Anglo @-@ Mysore War and although the political instability caused by the French Revolution in Europe prevented active involvement , they ensured that their ships kept up a supply of equipment to Mysore throughout the war . In an effort to eliminate French support Commodore William Cornwallis , the British naval commander in the region , stationed a squadron of frigates at Tellicherry , where they were ideally situated to blockade Mangalore and prevent the passage of shipping into Mysorean territory . The squadron consisted of Cornwallis in HMS Minerva , Captain Sir Richard Strachan in HMS Phoenix and HMS Perseverance under Captain Isaac Smith . The French operated a squadron of their own on the coast , led by Commodore Saint @-@ Félix and consisting of two frigates based at Mahé , a small French port 7 miles ( 11 km ) south of Tellicherry . The French had communicated to the British at Tellicherry that they would not submit to any attempts to search their vessels , but Strachan and Cornwallis replied that they would enforce the blockade of Mangalore whatever the consequences . = = Battle = = In November 1791 , a French convoy sailed from Mahé on the short journey to Mangalore . The convoy included two merchant vessels and the frigate Résolue , a 36 @-@ gun warship under Captain Callamand . Passing northwards , the convoy soon passed Tellicherry and Cornwallis sent Strachan with Phoenix and Perseverance to stop and inspect the French ships to ensure they were not carrying military supplies . As Smith halted the merchant ships and sent boats to inspect them , Strachan did the same to Résolue , hailing the French captain
[ "▁and", "▁placing", "▁an", "▁officer", "▁in", "▁a", "▁small", "▁boat", "▁to", "▁board", "▁the", "▁fr", "ig", "ate", "▁.", "▁The", "▁French", "▁captain", "▁was", "▁out", "rag", "ed", "▁at", "▁this", "▁viol", "ation", "▁of", "▁his", "▁neutral", "ity", "▁,", "▁and", "▁respond", "ed", "▁by", "▁opening", "▁fire", "▁:", "▁British", "▁sources", "▁suggest", "▁that", "▁his", "▁initial", "▁target", "▁was", "▁the", "▁small", "▁boat", "▁,", "▁although", "▁Phoenix", "▁was", "▁the", "▁ship", "▁most", "▁immediately", "▁dam", "aged", "▁.", "▁", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁was", "▁un", "sur", "pr", "ised", "▁at", "▁the", "▁French", "▁reaction", "▁,", "▁and", "▁returned", "▁fire", "▁immediately", "▁,", "▁the", "▁proxim", "ity", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ships", "▁prevent", "ing", "▁any", "▁man", "oe", "uv", "res", "▁.", "▁Within", "▁twenty", "▁minutes", "▁the", "▁combat", "▁was", "▁decided", "▁,", "▁the", "▁French", "▁captain", "▁ha", "uling", "▁down", "▁his", "▁colours", "▁with", "▁his", "▁ship", "▁batter", "ed", "▁and", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "6", "0", "▁men", "▁wounded", "▁or", "▁dead", "▁.", "▁The", "▁French", "▁ship", "▁carried", "▁significantly", "▁we", "aker", "▁can", "non", "▁than", "▁Phoenix", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "6", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "▁p", "ound", "er", "▁guns", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "9", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "▁p", "ound", "ers", "▁ab", "o", "ard", "▁the", "▁British", "▁squad", "ron", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁Rés", "ol", "ue", "▁was", "▁heavily", "▁out", "number", "ed", "▁:", "▁no", "▁other", "▁French", "▁war", "ships", "▁were", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁while", "▁the", "▁British", "▁had", "▁three", "▁large", "▁fr", "ig", "ates", "▁within", "▁sight", "▁.", "▁French", "▁losses", "▁eventually", "▁total", "led", "▁", "2", "5", "▁men", "▁killed", "▁and", "▁", "6", "0", "▁wounded", "▁,", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁suffering", "▁just", "▁six", "▁killed", "▁and", "▁", "1", "1", "▁wounded", "▁in", "▁return", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁After", "math", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁With", "▁the", "▁enemy", "▁sub", "du", "ed", "▁,", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁ordered", "▁a", "▁thorough", "▁search", "▁of", "▁the", "▁captured", "▁vessels", "▁,", "▁but", "▁could", "▁find", "▁no", "▁cont", "rab", "and", "▁and", "▁returned", "▁control", "▁to", "▁the", "▁French", "▁commander", "▁.", "▁The", "▁French", "▁officer", "▁however", "▁refused", "▁,", "▁ins", "isting", "▁that", "▁he", "▁and", "▁his", "▁ship", "▁were", "▁treated", "▁as", "▁prisoners", "▁of", "▁war", "▁.", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁ordered", "▁the", "▁merchant", "▁ships", "▁released", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁their", "▁journey", "▁and", "▁for", "▁the", "▁fr", "ig", "ate", "▁to", "▁be", "▁to", "wed", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Mah", "é", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁was", "▁anch", "ored", "▁in", "▁the", "▁roads", "▁with", "▁its", "▁s", "ails", "▁and", "▁top", "m", "asts", "▁struck", "▁.", "▁Pro", "vision", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁made", "▁at", "▁Mah", "é", "▁by", "▁Stra", "chan", "▁for", "▁the", "▁wounded", "▁French", "▁sail", "ors", "▁.", "▁So", 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"▁taken", "▁of", "▁events", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁Histor", "ian", "▁William", "▁James", "▁notes", "▁that", "▁under", "▁normal", "▁political", "▁circumstances", "▁the", "▁action", "▁would", "▁have", "▁had", "▁more", "▁significant", "▁ram", "ifications", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Edward", "▁Pel", "ham", "▁Br", "ent", "on", "▁claims", "▁that", "▁the", "▁French", "▁deliber", "ately", "▁ignored", "▁the", "▁report", "▁out", "▁of", "▁fear", "▁of", "▁ant", "agon", "ising", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Britain", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Admir", "alty", "▁approved", "▁of", "▁Corn", "wall", "is", "▁'", "▁actions", "▁,", "▁suggesting", "▁that", "▁the", "▁French", "▁were", "▁deliber", "ately", "▁using", "▁the", "▁gu", "ise", "▁of", "▁trade", "▁to", "▁support", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁against", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁The", "▁action", "▁had", "▁no", "▁effect", "▁on", "▁the", "▁on", "going", "▁war", "▁in", "▁India", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁now", "▁cent", "red", "▁on", "▁the", "▁in", "land", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Ser", "ing", 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"▁Records", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁Universal", "▁Music", "▁Group", "▁would", "▁ac", "quire", "▁Dream", "Work", "s", "▁Records", "▁,", "▁the", "▁later", "▁was", "▁fol", "ded", "▁into", "▁the", "▁In", "ters", "cope", "▁Ge", "ffen", "▁A", "▁&", "▁M", "▁um", "bre", "lla", "▁where", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁would", "▁release", "▁any", "▁new", "▁music", "▁.", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁and", "▁his", "▁prot", "ég", "é", "▁Dan", "ja", "▁produced", "▁the", "▁bulk", "▁of", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁which", "▁incorpor", "ates", "▁influ", "ences", "▁of", "▁dance", "▁,", "▁R", "▁&", "▁B", "▁and", "▁hip", "▁hop", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁expl", "ores", "▁the", "▁theme", "▁of", "▁female", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁intros", "pective", "▁or", "▁even", "▁sad", "▁in", "▁parts", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁album", "▁received", "▁criticism", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sexual", "▁image", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁adopted", "▁for", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁,", "▁as", "▁some", "▁critics", "▁felt", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁p", "loy", "▁to", "▁sell", "▁more", "▁records", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁controvers", "y", "▁rose", "▁over", "▁accus", "ations", "▁of", "▁pl", "ag", "iar", "ism", "▁on", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁'", "s", "▁part", "▁in", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Do", "▁It", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁which", "▁contained", "▁the", "▁mel", "ody", "▁from", "▁Finn", "ish", "▁music", "ian", "▁Jan", "ne", "▁S", "uni", "▁'", "s", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Ac", "id", "j", "azz", "ed", "▁Even", "ing", "▁\"", "▁without", "▁proper", "▁authorization", "▁)", "▁when", "▁record" ]
and placing an officer in a small boat to board the frigate . The French captain was outraged at this violation of his neutrality , and responded by opening fire : British sources suggest that his initial target was the small boat , although Phoenix was the ship most immediately damaged . Strachan was unsurprised at the French reaction , and returned fire immediately , the proximity of the ships preventing any manoeuvres . Within twenty minutes the combat was decided , the French captain hauling down his colours with his ship battered and more than 60 men wounded or dead . The French ship carried significantly weaker cannon than Phoenix , with 6 and 12 pounder guns to the 9 and 18 pounders aboard the British squadron . In addition , Résolue was heavily outnumbered : no other French warships were in the area while the British had three large frigates within sight . French losses eventually totalled 25 men killed and 60 wounded , Strachan suffering just six killed and 11 wounded in return . = = Aftermath = = With the enemy subdued , Strachan ordered a thorough search of the captured vessels , but could find no contraband and returned control to the French commander . The French officer however refused , insisting that he and his ship were treated as prisoners of war . Cornwallis ordered the merchant ships released to continue their journey and for the frigate to be towed back to Mahé , where it was anchored in the roads with its sails and topmasts struck . Provision was subsequently made at Mahé by Strachan for the wounded French sailors . Soon afterwards Saint @-@ Félix arrived at Mahé in his frigate Cybèle and reacted furiously at the discovery that one of his neutral ships had been attacked and captured by the British . When Cornwallis insisted that his ships had been acting within their orders , Saint @-@ Félix promised reprisals if any of his vessels were attacked again and withdrew with both Cybèle and Résolue later in the day , followed by Minerva and Phoenix . One account reported that Saint @-@ Félix actually ordered his crew to fire on Cornwallis but that they refused . The British shadowed the French for several days , openly stopping and searching French merchant ships but without provoking a response from Saint @-@ Félix . Résolue and Phoenix were subsequently detached by their commanders , Cornwallis and Saint @-@ Félix remaining in contact for several more days before finally separating . News of the encounter was conveyed back to France , but the country was at this time in one of the most turbulent eras of the ongoing Revolution and little notice was taken of events in India . Historian William James notes that under normal political circumstances the action would have had more significant ramifications , while Edward Pelham Brenton claims that the French deliberately ignored the report out of fear of antagonising Britain . In Britain , the Admiralty approved of Cornwallis ' actions , suggesting that the French were deliberately using the guise of trade to support Mysore against Britain . The action had no effect on the ongoing war in India , which was now centred on the inland city of Seringapatam . As British forces closed on the city in February 1792 , the Tipu Sultan initiated peace talks which brought the war to an end in exchange for concessions to the Company and its Indian allies . = Loose ( Nelly Furtado album ) = Loose is the third studio album by Canadian singer and songwriter Nelly Furtado , released on 6 June 2006 by Geffen Records and the Mosley Music Group . Following the release of Furtado 's second album , Folklore ( 2003 ) through DreamWorks Records , it was announced that Universal Music Group would acquire DreamWorks Records , the later was folded into the Interscope Geffen A & M umbrella where Furtado would release any new music . Timbaland and his protégé Danja produced the bulk of the album , which incorporates influences of dance , R & B and hip hop . The album explores the theme of female sexuality and has been described as introspective or even sad in parts . The album received criticism because of the sexual image Furtado adopted for the recording , as some critics felt it was a ploy to sell more records . Further controversy rose over accusations of plagiarism on Timbaland 's part in the song " Do It " ( which contained the melody from Finnish musician Janne Suni 's song " Acidjazzed Evening " without proper authorization ) when record
[ "ings", "▁were", "▁le", "aked", "▁onto", "▁YouTube", "▁.", "▁The", "▁record", "▁was", "▁seen", "▁generally", "▁as", "▁crit", "ically", "▁and", "▁commer", "cially", "▁successful", "▁.", "▁It", "▁reached", "▁high", "▁positions", "▁on", "▁charts", "▁across", "▁the", "▁world", "▁,", "▁and", "▁according", "▁to", "▁an", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁press", "▁release", "▁,", "▁it", "▁had", "▁sold", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "1", "2", "▁million", "▁copies", "▁world", "wide", "▁,", "▁making", "▁it", "▁the", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "elling", "▁album", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁–", "▁", "0", "7", "▁and", "▁the", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁second", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "elling", "▁album", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁album", "▁was", "▁heavily", "▁promoted", "▁,", "▁released", "▁in", "▁several", "▁ed", "itions", "▁and", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Get", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁Tour", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁the", "▁concert", "▁DVD", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Con", "cert", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁\"", "▁deb", "uted", "▁at", "▁number", "▁one", "▁,", "▁making", "▁it", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁album", "▁to", "▁top", "▁the", "▁chart", "▁along", "▁with", "▁eight", "▁singles", "▁were", "▁released", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁US", "▁number", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁one", "▁singles", "▁\"", "▁Prom", "is", "cu", "ous", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Say", "▁It", "▁Right", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁received", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Award", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Pop", "▁Coll", "abor", "ation", "▁with", "▁V", "oc", "als", "▁and", "▁Best", "▁Fem", "ale", "▁Pop", "▁V", "ocal", "▁Performance", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁successful", "▁singles", "▁include", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁number", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁one", "▁single", "▁\"", "▁M", "ane", "ater", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁the", "▁European", "▁number", "▁one", "▁single", "▁\"", "▁All", "▁Good", "▁Things", "▁(", "▁Come", "▁to", "▁an", "▁End", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁album", "▁,", "▁Fol", "kl", "ore", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lead", "▁single", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁Power", "less", "▁(", "▁Say", "▁What", "▁You", "▁W", "ant", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁the", "▁second", "▁single", "▁is", "▁the", "▁ball", "ad", "▁\"", "▁Try", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁was", "▁not", "▁as", "▁successful", "▁as", "▁her", "▁debut", "▁,", "▁partly", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁album", "▁'", "s", "▁less", "▁\"", "▁po", "ppy", "▁\"", "▁sound", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Power", "less", "▁(", "▁Say", "▁What", "▁You", "▁W", "ant", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁later", "▁rem", "ixed", "▁,", "▁featuring", "▁Colomb", "ian", "▁ro", "cker", "▁Juan", "es", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁on", "▁his", "▁track", "▁\"", "▁Fot", "ografía", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁Phot", "ograph", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁two", "▁would", "▁collabor", "ate", "▁again", "▁on", "▁\"", "▁Te", "▁Bus", "qué", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁searched", "▁for", "▁you", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁single", "▁from", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁album", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁was", "▁under", "prom", "oted", "▁from", "▁her", "▁label", "▁Dream", "Work", "s", "▁Records", "▁;", "▁it", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁on", "▁", "1", "1", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁that", "▁Universal", "▁Music", "▁Group", "▁reached", "▁an", "▁agreement", "▁to", "▁ac", "quire", "▁Dream", "Work", "s", "▁Records", "▁from", "▁Dream", "Work", "s", "▁SK", "G", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁about", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁million", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁purchase", "▁came", "▁at", "▁a", "▁time", "▁when", "▁the", "▁music", "▁business", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁going", "▁through", "▁major", "▁changes", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁it", "▁strugg", "led", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁counter", "▁falling", "▁sales", "▁and", "▁the", "▁impact", "▁of", "▁uno", "fficial", "▁online", "▁music", "▁sales", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Dream", "Work", "s", "▁Records", "▁was", "▁fol", "ded", "▁into", "▁the", "▁In", "ters", "cope", "▁Ge", "ffen", "▁A", "▁&", "▁M", "▁um", "bre", "lla", "▁label", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁recording", "▁contract", "▁was", "▁then", "▁absor", "bed", "▁into", "▁Ge", "ffen", "▁Records", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rec", "ording", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁began", "▁work", "▁on", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁by", "▁holding", "▁with", "▁em", "ce", "e", "▁J", "elly", "stone", "▁what", "▁she", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁hip", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hop", "▁work", "shop", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁they", "▁would", "▁\"", "▁write", "▁rh", "ym", "es", "▁,", "▁dis", "sect", "▁them", "▁,", "▁and", "▁try", "▁different", "▁flows", "▁over", "▁be", "ats", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁first", "▁produ", "cers", "▁she", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁were", "▁Track", "▁&", "▁Field", "▁—", "▁who", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁produced", "▁her", "▁first", "▁two", "▁albums", "▁,", "▁Who", "a", "▁,", "▁Nel", "ly", "▁!", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Fol", "kl", "ore", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁)", "▁—", "▁and", "▁by", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁she", "▁had", "▁collabor", "ated", "▁with", "▁Sw", "ol", "len", "▁M", "embers", "▁and", "▁K", "▁'", "na", "an", "▁.", "▁She", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁N", "elle", "e", "▁Ho", "oper", "▁in", "▁London", "▁on", "▁reg", "ga", "e", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁material", "▁and", "▁with", "▁L", "ester", "▁M", "ende", "z", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁on", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tracks", "▁M", "ende", "z", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁create", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁Te", "▁Bus", "qué", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁written", "▁by", "▁and", "▁features", "▁Juan", "es", "▁,", "▁who", "▁collabor", "ated", "▁with", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁on", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Fot", "ografía", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁During", "▁her", "▁time", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁,", "▁she", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁Rick", "▁Now", "els", "▁,", "▁who", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wrote", "▁and", "▁produced", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁God", "▁'", "s", "▁H", "ands", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Some", "body", "▁to", "▁Love", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁Miami", "▁,", "▁Florida", "▁,", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁collabor", "ated", "▁with", "▁Ph", "ar", "rell", "▁(", "▁who", "▁introduced", "▁her", "▁to", "▁reg", "ga", "eton", "▁and", "▁who", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁shout", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁single", "▁\"", "▁Can", "▁I", "▁Have", "▁It", "▁Like", "▁That", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Scott", "▁St", "orch", "▁(", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁she", "▁recorded", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁straight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁rap", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁before", "▁entering", "▁the", "▁studio", "▁with", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁.", "▁He", "▁and", "▁his", "▁prot", "ég", "é", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁Dan", "ja", "▁,", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁produced", "▁eight", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tracks", "▁,", "▁with", "▁another", "▁produced", "▁sole", "ly", "▁by", "▁Dan", "ja", "▁.", "▁For", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁be", "ats", "▁on", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁,", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁finished", "▁work", "▁on", "▁ones", "▁already", "▁present", "▁in", "▁the", "▁studio", "▁that", "▁were", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁developed", "▁or", "▁just", "▁\"", "▁nucle", "uses", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁were", "▁completely", "▁re", "work", "ed", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁recorded", "▁around", "▁forty", "▁tracks", "▁for", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁,", "▁dec", "iding", "▁which", "▁she", "▁would", "▁include", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁son", "ics", "▁of", "▁the", "▁album", "▁—", "▁she", "▁called", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁son", "ic", "▁extr", "ater", "rest", "rial", "▁\"", "▁who", "▁came", "▁up", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sequence", "▁of", "▁songs", "▁that", "▁flow", "ed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁said" ]
ings were leaked onto YouTube . The record was seen generally as critically and commercially successful . It reached high positions on charts across the world , and according to an August 2009 press release , it had sold more than 12 million copies worldwide , making it the best @-@ selling album of 2006 – 07 and the twenty @-@ second best @-@ selling album of the 2000s . The album was heavily promoted , released in several editions and supported by the Get Loose Tour , which is the subject of the concert DVD Loose : The Concert . " Loose " debuted at number one , making it Furtado 's first album to top the chart along with eight singles were released from the album , including the US number @-@ one singles " Promiscuous " and " Say It Right " , which received Grammy Award nominations for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance , respectively . Other successful singles include the UK number @-@ one single " Maneater " and the European number one single " All Good Things ( Come to an End ) " . = = Background = = Furtado 's second album , Folklore , was released in November 2003 . The lead single is " Powerless ( Say What You Want ) " and the second single is the ballad " Try " . The album was not as successful as her debut , partly due to the album 's less " poppy " sound . " Powerless ( Say What You Want ) " was later remixed , featuring Colombian rocker Juanes , who had previously worked with Furtado on his track " Fotografía " ( " Photograph " ) . The two would collaborate again on " Te Busqué " ( " I searched for you " ) , the single from Furtado 's album Loose . The album was underpromoted from her label DreamWorks Records ; it was announced on 11 November 2003 that Universal Music Group reached an agreement to acquire DreamWorks Records from DreamWorks SKG for " about $ 100 million " . The purchase came at a time when the music business was " going through major changes " as it struggled to " counter falling sales and the impact of unofficial online music sales " . DreamWorks Records was folded into the Interscope Geffen A & M umbrella label in January 2004 . Furtado 's recording contract was then absorbed into Geffen Records . = = Recording = = Furtado began work on Loose by holding with emcee Jellystone what she referred to as a " hip @-@ hop workshop " , in which they would " write rhymes , dissect them , and try different flows over beats . " The first producers she worked with were Track & Field — who co @-@ produced her first two albums , Whoa , Nelly ! ( 2000 ) and Folklore ( 2003 ) — and by May 2005 , she had collaborated with Swollen Members and K 'naan . She worked with Nellee Hooper in London on reggae @-@ oriented material and with Lester Mendez in Los Angeles on acoustic songs . One of the tracks Mendez helped to create is " Te Busqué " , which is co @-@ written by and features Juanes , who collaborated with Furtado on his 2002 song " Fotografía " . During her time in Los Angeles , she worked with Rick Nowels , who co @-@ wrote and produced " In God 's Hands " and " Somebody to Love " . In Miami , Florida , Furtado collaborated with Pharrell ( who introduced her to reggaeton and who gave her a " shout @-@ out " in his 2005 single " Can I Have It Like That " ) and Scott Storch ( with whom she recorded a " straight @-@ up rap song " ) before entering the studio with Timbaland . He and his protégé at the time , Danja , co @-@ produced eight of the tracks , with another produced solely by Danja . For some of the beats on the songs , Timbaland finished work on ones already present in the studio that were half @-@ developed or just " nucleuses " ; the rest were completely reworked . Furtado recorded around forty tracks for Loose , deciding which she would include based on the sonics of the album — she called Timbaland " a sonic extraterrestrial " who came up with a sequence of songs that flowed , and said
[ "▁that", "▁the", "▁one", "▁she", "▁had", "▁de", "vised", "▁was", "▁supposed", "ly", "▁uns", "atisf", "actory", "▁.", "▁She", "▁recorded", "▁an", "▁un", "re", "leased", "▁collaboration", "▁with", "▁Justin", "▁Tim", "ber", "la", "ke", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Crow", "d", "▁Control", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁se", "xy", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁c", "ute", "▁,", "▁club", "by", "▁,", "▁up", "be", "at", "▁,", "▁fun", "▁track", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁songs", "▁considered", "▁for", "▁inclusion", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁include", "▁\"", "▁Ch", "ill", "▁Boy", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Friend", "▁of", "▁Mine", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Go", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁H", "ands", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Pre", "tty", "▁Boy", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Vice", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁We", "ak", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁in", "▁her", "▁di", "ary", "▁on", "▁her", "▁official", "▁website", "▁that", "▁she", "▁recorded", "▁a", "▁rem", "ix", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁M", "ane", "ater", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁ra", "pper", "▁Lil", "▁Wayne", "▁;", "▁it", "▁was", "▁only", "▁released", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁compilation", "▁album", "▁,", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁'", "s", "▁Rem", "ix", "▁&", "▁Sound", "track", "▁Collection", "▁,", "▁she", "▁also", "▁used", "▁the", "▁instrument", "al", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁during", "▁many", "▁television", "▁performances", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁M", "ane", "ater", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁A", "▁version", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁All", "▁Good", "▁Things", "▁(", "▁Come", "▁to", "▁an", "▁End", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁featuring", "▁vocals", "▁by", "▁Cold", "play", "▁lead", "▁singer", "▁Chris", "▁Martin", "▁,", "▁who", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wrote", "▁the", "▁song", "▁,", "▁was", "▁not", "▁released", "▁after", "▁a", "▁request", "▁from", "▁Martin", "▁'", "s", "▁label", "▁,", "▁E", "MI", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁but", "▁only", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁vocals", "▁are", "▁featured", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁explained", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁was", "▁", "9", "0", "▁percent", "▁written", "▁with", "▁a", "▁beat", "▁first", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁I", "▁’", "▁d", "▁write", "▁my", "▁mel", "od", "ies", "▁and", "▁songs", "▁to", "▁the", "▁beat", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁\"", "▁off", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cu", "ff", "▁\"", "▁conclusion", "▁to", "▁production", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁reasons", "▁the", "▁album", "▁was", "▁titled", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁named", "▁partly", "▁after", "▁the", "▁sp", "ont", "aneous", "▁dec", "isions", "▁she", "▁made", "▁when", "▁creating", "▁the", "▁album", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁is", "▁also", "▁called", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁because", "▁it", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁opposite", "▁of", "▁calculated", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁came", "▁naturally", "▁to", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁and", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁;", "▁she", "▁called", "▁him", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁distant", "▁musical", "▁cousin", "▁because", "▁he", "▁was", "▁always", "▁pushing", "▁boundaries", "▁and", "▁always", "▁car", "ving", "▁out", "▁his", "▁own", "▁path", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁believed", "▁she", "▁was", "▁doing", "▁with", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁think", "▁you", "▁have", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁surprising", "▁people", "▁as", "▁an", "▁artist", "▁,", "▁and", "▁I", "▁like", "▁that", "▁—", "▁I", "▁love", "▁doing", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁she", "▁said", "▁.", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁was", "▁also", "▁named", "▁partly", "▁for", "▁the", "▁R", "▁&", "▁B", "▁girl", "▁group", "▁T", "LC", "▁,", "▁who", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁she", "▁adm", "ires", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁taking", "▁back", "▁their", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁,", "▁showing", "▁they", "▁were", "▁complete", "▁women", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁said", "▁she", "▁wanted", "▁the", "▁album", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁assert", "ive", "▁and", "▁cool", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁se", "xy", "▁but", "▁fun", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁like", "▁T", "LC", "▁,", "▁MC", "▁Ly", "te", "▁,", "▁Queen", "▁Lat", "if", "ah", "▁and", "▁Jan", "et", "▁Jackson", "▁,", "▁who", "▁inspired", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁because", "▁,", "▁as", "▁she", "▁put", "▁it", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁comfortable", "▁in", "▁her", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁and", "▁woman", "hood", "▁\"", "▁when", "▁her", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁single", "▁\"", "▁That", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "▁Way", "▁Love", "▁Go", "es", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁released", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁of", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁,", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁listened", "▁to", "▁several", "▁electro", "▁and", "▁rock", "▁mus", "icians", "▁,", "▁including", "▁B", "loc", "▁Party", "▁,", "▁System", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Down", "▁,", "▁M", ".", "I", ".", "A", ".", "▁,", "▁Fe", "ist", "▁,", "▁Queens", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Stone", "▁Age", "▁,", "▁Met", "ric", "▁and", "▁Death", "▁from", "▁A", "bove", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁,", "▁some", "▁of", "▁whom", "▁influenced", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁rock", "▁sound", "▁\"", "▁present", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁and", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁c", "ough", "ing", "▁,", "▁la", "ughing", "▁,", "▁dist", "orted", "▁bass", "lines", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁were", "▁kept", "▁in", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁deliber", "ately", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁her", "▁,", "▁music", "▁by", "▁such", "▁bands", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁very", "▁loud", "▁and", "▁has", "▁a", "▁gar", "age", "▁theme", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁it", "▁,", "▁some", "▁of", "▁which", "▁she", "▁felt", "▁she", "▁captured", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁has", "▁said", "▁rock", "▁music", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁rh", "yth", "mic", "▁again", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁hip", "▁hop", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁influenced", "▁after", "▁it", "▁had", "▁become", "▁\"", "▁so", "▁ch", "urn", "ing", "▁and", "▁b", "oring", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Because", "▁the", "▁mixing", "▁engine", "ers", "▁were", "▁aware", "▁of", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁and", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁rock", "▁influ", "ences", "▁,", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁were", "▁mixed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁mixing", "▁board", "▁in", "▁the", "▁studio", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁fancy", "▁mix", "er", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁she", "▁preferred", "▁the", "▁l", "ou", "der", "▁volume", "▁that", "▁process", "▁gave", "▁to", "▁the", "▁album", "▁because", "▁she", "▁wanted", "▁it", "▁to", "▁sound", "▁like", "▁her", "▁demo", "▁t", "apes", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁pre", "fers", "▁to", "▁her", "▁finished", "▁albums", "▁.", "▁She", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁have", "▁that", "▁final", "▁was", "h", "▁over", "▁it", "▁;", "▁it", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁have", "▁the", "▁final", "▁pressing", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁,", "▁save", "▁for", "▁a", "▁couple", "▁sounds", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁and", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁that", "▁with", "▁the", "▁release", "▁of", "▁her", "▁albums", "▁before", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁,", "▁she", "▁had", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁prove", "▁herself", "▁as", "▁a", "▁music", "ian", "▁and", "▁ear", "n", "▁respect", "▁from", "▁listen", "ers", "▁through", "▁using", "▁many", "▁different", "▁instruments", "▁on", "▁an", "▁album", "▁,", "▁which", "▁most", "▁hip", "▁hop", "▁mus", "icians", "▁did", "▁not", "▁do", "▁.", "▁After", "▁she", "▁believed", "▁she", "▁had", "▁accomplished", "▁that", "▁,", "▁she", "▁felt", "▁she", "▁had", "▁freedom", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁type", "▁of", "▁music", "▁she", "▁\"", "▁really", "▁love", "▁[", "▁d", "▁]", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁her", "▁previous", "▁problem", "▁with", "▁hip", "▁hop", "▁was", "▁that", "▁she", "▁did", "▁not", "▁think", "▁it", "▁was", "▁good", "▁enough", "▁to", "▁base", "▁one", "▁of", "▁her", "▁albums", "▁on", "▁,", "▁but", "▁that", "▁she", "▁then", "▁asked", "▁herself", "▁why", "▁she", "▁was", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁pret", "ent", "ious", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁represents", "▁her", "▁separ", "ating", "▁from", "▁such", "▁not", "ions", "▁and", "▁,", "▁in", "▁her", "▁words", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁jump", "ing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁deep", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁pool", "▁—", "▁'", "▁Ah", "h", "▁,", "▁sc", "rew", "▁it", "▁,", "▁this", "▁is", "▁fun", "▁!", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁she", "▁cons", "iders", "▁herself", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁over", "▁the", "▁map" ]
that the one she had devised was supposedly unsatisfactory . She recorded an unreleased collaboration with Justin Timberlake , " Crowd Control " , which she described as " kind of sexy " and " a cute , clubby , upbeat , fun track " . Other songs considered for inclusion on the album include " Chill Boy " , " Friend of Mine " , " Go " , " Hands in the Air " , " Pretty Boy " , " Vice " and " Weak " . Furtado said in her diary on her official website that she recorded a remix of " Maneater " with rapper Lil Wayne ; it was only released as part of a compilation album , Timbaland 's Remix & Soundtrack Collection , she also used the instrumental of the song during many television performances of " Maneater " . A version of " All Good Things ( Come to an End ) " featuring vocals by Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin , who co @-@ wrote the song , was not released after a request from Martin 's label , EMI . The song was released on the album , but only Furtado 's vocals are featured . Furtado explained that " Loose was 90 percent written with a beat first , and then I ’ d write my melodies and songs to the beat . " = = Post @-@ production = = The " off @-@ the @-@ cuff " conclusion to production was one of the reasons the album was titled Loose . It was named partly after the spontaneous decisions she made when creating the album . The album is also called Loose because it is " the opposite of calculated " and came naturally to Furtado and Timbaland ; she called him her " distant musical cousin because he was always pushing boundaries and always carving out his own path " , which she believed she was doing with Loose . " I think you have to keep surprising people as an artist , and I like that — I love doing that " , she said . Loose was also named partly for the R & B girl group TLC , who Furtado said she admires for " taking back their sexuality , showing they were complete women . " She said she wanted the album to be " assertive and cool " and " sexy but fun " , like TLC , MC Lyte , Queen Latifah and Janet Jackson , who inspired Furtado because , as she put it , she was " comfortable in her sexuality and womanhood " when her 1993 single " That 's the Way Love Goes " was released . During the recording of Loose , Furtado listened to several electro and rock musicians , including Bloc Party , System of a Down , M.I.A. , Feist , Queens of the Stone Age , Metric and Death from Above 1979 , some of whom influenced the " rock sound " present on the album and the " coughing , laughing , distorted basslines " that were kept in the songs deliberately . According to her , music by such bands is " very loud and has a garage theme " to it , some of which she felt she captured on the album . Furtado has said rock music is " rhythmic again " and hip hop @-@ influenced after it had become " so churning and boring . " Because the mixing engineers were aware of Timbaland and Furtado 's rock influences , the songs were mixed on a mixing board in the studio instead of " the fancy mixer at the end " . Furtado said she preferred the louder volume that process gave to the album because she wanted it to sound like her demo tapes , which she prefers to her finished albums . She said , " It didn 't have that final wash over it ; it didn 't have the final pressing at the end , save for a couple sounds " . = = Music and lyrics = = Furtado said that with the release of her albums before Loose , she had wanted to prove herself as a musician and earn respect from listeners through using many different instruments on an album , which most hip hop musicians did not do . After she believed she had accomplished that , she felt she had freedom to make the type of music she " really love [ d ] " . Furtado said her previous problem with hip hop was that she did not think it was good enough to base one of her albums on , but that she then asked herself why she was being " pretentious " . The album represents her separating from such notions and , in her words , " jumping in the deep end of the pool — ' Ahh , screw it , this is fun ! ' " . Furtado said she considers herself " all over the map
[ "▁\"", "▁and", "▁prom", "is", "cu", "ous", "▁mus", "ically", "▁because", "▁she", "▁is", "▁not", "▁faithful", "▁to", "▁one", "▁style", "▁.", "▁", "▁For", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁,", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁record", "▁produ", "cers", "▁and", "▁followed", "▁a", "▁more", "▁collabor", "ative", "▁approach", "▁in", "▁creating", "▁the", "▁album", "▁.", "▁Produ", "ced", "▁primarily", "▁by", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁and", "▁Dan", "ja", "▁,", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁show", "cases", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁experiment", "ing", "▁with", "▁a", "▁more", "▁R", "▁&", "▁B", "▁–", "▁hip", "▁hop", "▁sound", "▁and", "▁,", "▁as", "▁she", "▁put", "▁it", "▁,", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁sur", "real", "▁,", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁'", "▁", "8", "0", "s", "▁music", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁has", "▁categor", "ized", "▁the", "▁album", "▁'", "s", "▁sound", "▁as", "▁punk", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hop", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁describes", "▁as", "▁Eur", "ythm", "ics", "▁@", 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"▁,", "▁which", "▁features", "▁Latin", "▁singer", "▁Juan", "es", "▁,", "▁is", "▁about", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁experiences", "▁with", "▁de", "pression", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁said", "▁she", "▁has", "▁had", "▁period", "ically", "▁since", "▁she", "▁was", "▁around", "▁sevent", "een", "▁years", "▁old", "▁.", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁said", "▁she", "▁was", "▁uns", "ure", "▁what", "▁\"", "▁Say", "▁It", "▁Right", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁about", "▁,", "▁but", "▁that", "▁it", "▁enc", "aps", "ul", "ates", "▁her", "▁feeling", "▁when", "▁she", "▁wrote", "▁it", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁t", "aps", "▁into", "▁this", "▁other", "▁sphere", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁in", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Sunday", "▁Times", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁mentioned", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁about", "▁her", "▁break", "up", "▁with", "▁DJ", "▁Jas", "per", "▁G", "ah", "un", "ia", "▁,", "▁the", "▁father", "▁of", "▁her", "▁daughter", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁God", "▁'", "s", "▁H", "ands", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁another", "▁song", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁was", "▁also", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Singles", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁a", "▁rem", "ix", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁No", "▁Hay", "▁Ig", "ual", "▁\"", "▁featuring", "▁Cal", "le", "▁", "1", "3", "▁was", "▁issued", "▁as", "▁a", "▁club", "▁single", "▁in", "▁the", "▁US", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁same", "▁period", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Prom", "is", "cu", "ous", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁featuring", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁)", "▁was", "▁released", "▁for", "▁digital", "▁download", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁.", "▁Prom", "is", "cu", "ous", "▁became", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁single", "▁to", "▁top", "▁the", "▁US", "▁Billboard", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁and", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁top", "▁five", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lead", "▁single", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁and", "▁Latin", "▁America", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁M", "ane", "ater", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁late", "▁May", "▁to", "▁early", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁.", "▁It" ]
" and promiscuous musically because she is not faithful to one style . For the first time , Furtado worked with a variety of record producers and followed a more collaborative approach in creating the album . Produced primarily by Timbaland and Danja , Loose showcases Furtado experimenting with a more R & B – hip hop sound and , as she put it , the " surreal , theatrical elements of ' 80s music " . She has categorized the album 's sound as punk @-@ hop , which she describes as Eurythmics @-@ influenced " modern , poppy , spooky music " and stated that " there 's a mysterious , after @-@ midnight vibe to [ it ] that 's extremely visceral " . Furtado has described the album as " more urban , more American , more hip @-@ hop , [ and ] more simplified " than her earlier work , which she said was more layered and textured because she " tend [ s ] to overthink things " . In contrast , during her studio time with Timbaland , she said she was " in the VIP boys club of just letting go " and being more impulsive . According to Furtado , instead of " pristine stuff " , the album features " really raw " elements such as distorted bass lines , laughter from studio outtakes and general " room for error " . Furtado has said Loose is not as much about the lyrics , which are not included in the liner notes , as it is about " indulging in pleasures — whether it 's dancing or lovemaking . " According to her , she wasn 't trying to be sexy with the album — " I think I just am sexy now " , she said . = = Songs = = The opening track , " Afraid " ( featuring rapper Attitude ) , is a description of Furtado 's fear of what people think of her , and she has said the chorus reminds her of " walking down the hall in high school ... because you live from the outside in . Now that I 'm an adult , I care about the inside of me ... Before I said I didn 't care about what people thought about me , but I really did . " " Maneater " is an uptempo electro rock song that combines 1980s electro synths and a more dance @-@ oriented beat . The up @-@ tempo song has prominent electropop and synthpop influences and is lyrically related to how people become " hot on themselves " when dancing in their underwear in front of a mirror . " Promiscuous " ( featuring Timbaland ) was inspired by a flirting exchange Furtado had with Attitude , who co @-@ wrote the song She has characterised the fifth track , " Showtime " , as " a proper R & B slow jam " . " No Hay Igual " is a hip hop and reggaeton song , that has a Spanglish tongue twister over " future @-@ tropic " beats . The song contains a " sharp mix " of percussion and " empowered chanting " . In " No Hay Igual " , Furtado sings in Spanish and raps in Portuguese over a reggaeton rhythm . The album also features more introspective songs , and The Sunday Times wrote that it " has a surprising sadness to it . " The seventh track , " Te Busqué " , which features Latin singer Juanes , is about Furtado 's experiences with depression , which she said she has had periodically since she was around seventeen years old . Furtado said she was unsure what " Say It Right " is about , but that it encapsulates her feeling when she wrote it and " taps into this other sphere " ; in an interview for The Sunday Times , it was mentioned that it is about her breakup with DJ Jasper Gahunia , the father of her daughter . " In God 's Hands " , another song on the album , was also inspired by the end of their relationship . = = Singles = = In April 2006 , a remix of " No Hay Igual " featuring Calle 13 was issued as a club single in the US . During the same period , " Promiscuous " ( featuring Timbaland ) was released for digital download in North America . Promiscuous became Furtado 's first single to top the US Billboard Hot 100 and was released in Australia , where it reached the top five . The lead single in Europe and Latin America , " Maneater " , was released in late May to early June 2006 . It
[ "▁became", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁single", "▁to", "▁top", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁Singles", "▁Chart", "▁and", "▁made", "▁the", "▁top", "▁ten", "▁in", "▁other", "▁countries", "▁;", "▁it", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁top", "▁five", "▁in", "▁Germany", "▁and", "▁the", "▁top", "▁twenty", "▁in", "▁France", "▁and", "▁Latin", "▁America", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁single", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Prom", "is", "cu", "ous", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁late", "▁August", "▁to", "▁early", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁but", "▁it", "▁did", "▁not", "▁perform", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁M", "ane", "ater", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁pe", "aked", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁top", "▁five", "▁in", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁and", "▁the", "▁top", "▁ten", "▁in", "▁other", "▁countries", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Germany", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁top", "▁twenty", "▁in", "▁France", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁same", "▁period", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁M", "ane", "ater", "▁\"", 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became Furtado 's first single to top the UK Singles Chart and made the top ten in other countries ; it reached the top five in Germany and the top twenty in France and Latin America . The second single in Europe , " Promiscuous " , was released in late August to early September 2006 but it did not perform as well as " Maneater " . It peaked inside the top five in the UK and the top ten in other countries , including Germany , and it reached the top twenty in France . During the same period , " Maneater " began its run as the second single in North America ; it was not as successful as " Promiscuous " , reaching number twenty @-@ two in Canada and the top twenty in the US , though it became a top five single on the ARIA Singles Chart . Releases of the third North American single , " Say It Right " , and the third Europe single , " All Good Things ( Come to an End ) " , took place in November and December , and the third Latin American single , " Promiscuous " , was released in January 2007 . " Say It Right " went to number one in the US and on the Nielsen BDS airplay chart in Canada ( where it was not given a commercial release ) , and it reached the top five in Australia . " All Good Things ( Come to an End ) " reached number one on the pan @-@ European singles chart and the top five in the UK , and it was the album 's most successful single in Germany , where it topped the chart , and in France , where it became a top ten hit . After the release of " Say It Right " in Europe in March 2007 , the single reached the top five in Germany and the top ten in the UK , where it was a download @-@ only release . The video for " All Good Things ( Come to an End ) " was released in North America during this period . " All Good Things ( Come to an End ) " peaked in the top five in Canada and in the top twenty in Australia , though it only reached the lower half of the US Hot 100 . The album 's fifth and final UK single was " In God 's Hands " , and the fifth and final single in North America was " Do It " . In May 2007 , Furtado mentioned the possibility of a sixth or seventh single , mentioning the examples of Nickelback 's All the Right Reasons and The Pussycat Dolls ' PCD as albums that were being supported by seven singles at the time . Furtado said she liked the possibility because she thought Loose was good and " want [ ed ] people to hear as much of it as possible " before she took time off . Two other songs , " Te Busqué " and " No Hay Igual " , were released as singles in other regions of the world . " Te Busqué " was the lead single in Spain because of the limited success hip @-@ hop / R & B @-@ influenced songs in the style of " Promiscuous " and " Maneater " achieved in the country . It was not released in the United States , but it was given airplay on Latin music radio stations and reached the top forty on Billboard 's Latin Pop Airplay chart . The " No Hay Igual " remix featuring Calle 13 was released in Latin America , and the music video debuted in September . = = Release and promotion = = The album was first released in Japan on 7 June 2006 through Universal Music Group before being released two days later in Germany . In the United Kingdom Loose was released on 12 June 2006 via Geffen Records and was released eight days later on 20 June 2006 in Canada and the United States . In 2007 the album was re @-@ released in Germany . The re @-@ release included bonus content . During the promotion of Loose , Furtado performed at major music festivals and award shows . In Europe , she appeared at Rock am Ring and Rock @-@ im @-@ Park in Germany and the Pinkpop Festival in the Netherlands in June 2006 . She performed in Canada at the Calgary Stampede , the Ottawa Bluesfest in July , and at the Ovation Music Festival in September . Shortly after her August 2006 performance at the Summer Sonic in Japan , she sang at the Teen Choice Awards . In November , she contributed to the entertainment during the World Music Awards , the American Music Awards and the 94th Grey Cup halftime show . She performed at the 2007 NRJ Music Awards , held in January 2007
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. Furtado embarked on a world concert tour , the Get Loose Tour , on 16 February 2007 in the UK , in support of the album ; the tour included thirty @-@ one dates in Europe and Canada , with additional shows in the US , Japan , Australia and Latin America . Furtado described the show as a " full sensory experience " with " a beginning , middle and end ... [ it ] takes you on a journey " , also stressing the importance of crowd involvement and " spontaneity and rawness , because those are my roots , you know ? I started by doing club shows , and that 's the energy I love , the raw club energy of just feeling like you 're rocking out . " Though Furtado said choreographed dance routines were to be included in the show , she described it as " music @-@ based ... Everything else is just to keep it sophisticated and sensual and fun . " Furtado said she hoped to have Chris Martin , Juanes , Justin Timberlake , Timbaland and Calle 13 to guest on the tour , and have a " revolving door " of opening acts with Latin musicians opening in the US . = = Commercial performance = = Loose debuted at number one on the Canadian Albums Chart , selling more than 34 @,@ 000 copies in its first week , at that time the year 's strongest debut for a Canadian artist . In late July , after Furtado embarked on a short tour of Canada and made a guest appearance on the television show Canadian Idol , the album returned to number one . It subsequently stayed near the top of the album chart until late January 2007 , when it reached number one again for two weeks . It was the third best @-@ selling album of 2006 in Canada , and the highest selling by a female solo artist , with 291 @,@ 700 copies sold . The Canadian Recording Industry Association ( CRIA ) certified Loose five times platinum in May 2007 for shipments of more than 500 @,@ 000 copies . It stayed in the top twenty for fifty @-@ seven weeks . The album debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart , making it Furtado 's first album to top the chart with first @-@ week sales of 219 @,@ 000 ; it was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) and ranked sixty @-@ fourth on the Billboard 2006 year @-@ end chart . Loose exited the US top ten in August 2006 but re @-@ entered it in March 2007 , and according to Nielsen SoundScan in October 2007 , it had sold two million units . The album ranked thirty @-@ second on the Billboard 2007 year @-@ end chart . In the United Kingdom , Loose entered the albums chart at number five ; in its forty @-@ third week , it reached number four , and it was certified double platinum for shipments to retailers of more than 600 @,@ 000 copies . As of July 2007 , it had sold roughly 827 @,@ 000 copies in the UK . The record was certified two times platinum in Australia for more than 140 @,@ 000 units shipped ; it reached number four there and was placed forty @-@ fourth on the Australian Australian Recording Industry Association ( ARIA ) list of 2006 bestsellers . The album entered the chart in Germany at number one , spent a record forty @-@ nine weeks in the German top ten , and was certified five times platinum . Loose reached number one on the European Top 100 Albums chart in early 2007 , spending ten non @-@ consecutive weeks at number one . By March 2007 , it had been certified gold or platinum in twenty @-@ five countries . According to a Geffen Records press release , Loose had sold more than seven million copies by November 2007 . = = Critical reception = = Loose received generally positive reviews from music critics ; it holds an average score of 71 out of 100 at aggregate website Metacritic . AllMusic and musicOMH cited the " revitalising " effect of Timbaland on Furtado 's music , and The Guardian called
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"▁song", "▁\"", "▁Do", "▁It", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁produced", "▁ring", "t", "one", "▁\"", "▁Block", "▁Party", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁inspired", "▁it", "▁,", "▁used", "▁—" ]
it " slick , smart and surprising . " Q found most of it to be " an inventive , hip @-@ hop @-@ inflected delight . " Kelefa Sanneh of The New York Times wrote that " the music and the lyrics are mainly aimed at dance floors , and yet this album keeps reminding listeners that a dance floor is one of the most complicated places on earth . " In its review , AllMusic wrote " It 's on this final stretch of the album that the Furtado and Timbaland pairing seems like a genuine collaboration , staying true to the Nelly of her first two albums , but given an adventurous production that helps open her songs up ... Timbaland has revitalized Nelly Furtado both creatively and commercially with Loose " . She won her first BRIT Award — Best International Female — in 2007 . In a mixed review , Nick Catucci of The Village Voice felt that Furtado " sauces up a bit too luridly " and lacks " chemistry " with Timbaland , writing that Loose " isn 't a love child , but a bump @-@ and @-@ grind that never finds a groove " . Vibe stated , " she loses herself in Gwen Stefani – like posturing , as on “ Glow , ” and ethnic fusions like “ No Hay Igual ” or “ Te Busqué . " In his consumer guide for The Village Voice , Robert Christgau gave the album a " B " and named it " dud of the month " , indicating " a bad record whose details rarely merit further thought . " Christgau viewed that its dance @-@ oriented tracks " might accomplish God 's great plan on the dance @-@ floor . But as songs they 're not much " . = = Impact = = Considerable attention was generated by the more sexual image of Furtado presented in promotion and publicity for the album , and in particular the music videos for " Promiscuous " and " Maneater " , in which she dances around with her midriff exposed . According to Maclean 's magazine , some said that Furtado 's progression was a natural transformation of a pop singer ; others believed that she had " sold out " in an effort to garner record sales , particularly after her second album was a commercial failure in comparison to her first . Maclean 's wrote that her makeover " seems a bit forced " and contrasted her with singers such as Madonna and Emily Haines of Metric : " [ they ] seem to be completely in control , even somewhat intimidating in their sexuality : they 've made a calculated decision for commercial and feminist reasons . In contrast , Furtado 's new , overt sexuality comes off as unoriginal — overdone by thousands of pouty pop stars with a quarter of Furtado 's natural talent ... the revamping feels as if it 's been imposed rather than chosen by the unique , articulate singer we 've seen in the past . " Dose magazine wrote that Furtado 's new " highly sexualized " image was manufactured , and noted the involvement in the album 's development of Geffen 's Jimmy Iovine , who helped to develop the Pussycat Dolls , a girl group known for their sexually suggestive dance routines . The writer also criticised Furtado 's discussion of her buttocks and apparent rejection of feminism in a Blender magazine interview , writing : " Girls , do you hear that churning ? Those are the ideas of Gloria Steinem turning in their grave . " A writer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation said that cynics could attribute Furtado 's commercial success with Loose to her " amped @-@ up sex appeal . " The writer added that , the failure of Janet Jackson 's album Damita Jo ( 2004 ) indicated such a move was not infallible . Furtado was " still demure compared to many of her competitors " — she avoided sporting lingerie or performing " Christina Aguilera @-@ style gyrations or calisthenics " in the " Promiscuous " and " Maneater " videos . " Despite its dramatic arrival ... Furtado 's new image doesn ’ t feel calculated " , he said . " [ She ] seems to be thinking less and feeling more , to the benefit of her music . " In early 2007 , a video hosted on YouTube led to reports that the song " Do It " , and the Timbaland @-@ produced ringtone " Block Party " that inspired it , used —
[ "▁without", "▁authorization", "▁—", "▁the", "▁mel", "ody", "▁from", "▁Finn", "ish", "▁dem", "osc", "ene", "▁music", "ian", "▁Jan", "ne", "▁\"", "▁Temp", "est", "▁\"", "▁S", "uni", "▁'", "s", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Ac", "id", "j", "azz", "ed", "▁Even", "ing", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁winner", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Assembly", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁old", "sk", "ool", "▁music", "▁competition", "▁.", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁used", "▁the", "▁record", "▁of", "▁C", "6", "4", "▁adaptation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Gl", "enn", "▁R", "une", "▁G", "alle", "f", "oss", "▁(", "▁GR", "G", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁admitted", "▁sampling", "▁the", "▁song", "▁,", "▁but", "▁said", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁no", "▁time", "▁to", "▁research", "▁its", "▁intellectual", "▁owner", "▁.", "▁Hann", "u", "▁S", "orm", "un", "en", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Finn", "ish", "▁representative", "▁of", "▁Universal", "▁which", "▁represents", "▁Nel", "ly", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁in", "▁Finland", "▁,", "▁commented", "▁the", "▁controvers", "y", "▁as", "▁follows", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁Il", "t", "ale", "ht", "i", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁case", "▁that", "▁the", "▁artist", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁purs", "ue", "▁the", "▁matter", "▁further", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁on", "▁him", "▁to", "▁go", "▁to", "▁America", "▁and", "▁confront", "▁them", "▁with", "▁the", "▁local", "▁use", "▁of", "▁law", "▁.", "▁It", "▁will", "▁require", "▁a", "▁considerable", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁faith", "▁and", "▁,", "▁of", "▁course", "▁,", "▁money", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁On", "▁", "9", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Tim", "bal", "and", "▁commented", "▁on", "▁the", "▁issue", "▁in", "▁an", "▁MTV", "▁interview", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁makes", "▁me", "▁laugh", "▁.", "▁The", "▁part", "▁I", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁understand", "▁,", "▁the", "▁du", "de", "▁is", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁act", "▁like", "▁I", "▁went", "▁to", "▁his", "▁house", "▁and", "▁took", "▁it", "▁from", "▁his", "▁computer", "▁.", "▁I", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁know", "▁him", "▁from", "▁a", "▁can", "▁of", "▁paint", "▁.", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁", "1", "5", "▁years", "▁deep", "▁.", "▁That", "▁'", "s", "▁how", "▁you", "▁attack", "▁a", "▁king", "▁?", "▁You", "▁attack", "▁moi", "▁?", "▁Come", "▁on", "▁,", "▁man", "▁.", "▁You", "▁got", "▁to", "▁come", "▁correct", "▁.", "▁You", "▁the", "▁la", "ughing", "▁stock", "▁.", "▁People", "▁are", "▁like", "▁,", "▁'", "▁You", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁be", "▁serious", "▁.", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "2", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Mik", "ko", "▁V", "ä", "lim", "ä", "ki", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁legal", "▁coun", "s", "els", "▁of", "▁K", "ernel", "▁Records", "▁,", "▁the", "▁owner", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sound", "▁recording", "▁rights", "▁,", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁the", "▁case", "▁had", "▁been", "▁file", "d", "▁in", "▁Florida", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁Turkish", "▁newsp", "apers", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Kal", "an", "▁M", "ü", "zik", "▁,", "▁the", "▁record", "▁label", "▁that", "▁released", "▁Turkish", "▁folk", "▁singer", "▁Mu", "hl", "is", "▁Ak", "ars", "u", "▁'", "s", "▁album", "▁Ya", "▁D", "ost", "▁Ya", "▁D", "ost", "▁,", "▁pressed", "▁charges", "▁against", "▁F", "urt", "ado", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁track", "▁\"", "▁Wait", "▁for", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁label", "▁officials", "▁said", "▁features", "▁the", "▁ba", "ğ", "l", "ama", "▁instrument", "al", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Ak", "ars", "u", "▁'", "s", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Al", "lah", "▁Al", "lah", "▁Des", "em", "▁G", "els", "em", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Track", "▁listing", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "issues", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Notes", "▁", "▁^", "▁a", "▁sign", "ifies", "▁a", "▁vocal", "▁producer", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Person", "nel", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Cred", "its", "▁adapted", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Lo", "ose", "▁l", "iner", "▁notes", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ch", "arts", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cert", "ifications", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Release", "▁history", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁York", "▁City", "▁F", ".", "C", ".", "▁season", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁season", "▁was", "▁the", "▁", "9", "2", "nd", "▁season", "▁of", "▁compet", "itive", "▁association", "▁football", "▁and", "▁", "7", "7", "th", "▁season", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁played", "▁by", "▁York", "▁City", "▁Football", "▁Club", "▁,", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁football", "▁club", "▁based", "▁in", "▁York", "▁,", "▁North", "▁York", "shire", "▁,", "▁England", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁place", "▁finish", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "3", "▁meant", "▁it", "▁was", "▁their", "▁second", "▁consecutive", "▁season", "▁in", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁.", "▁The", "▁season", "▁ran", "▁from", "▁", "1", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁to", "▁", "3", "0", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "ig", "el", "▁Wor", "thing", "ton", "▁,", "▁starting", "▁his", "▁first", "▁full", "▁season", "▁as", "▁York", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁made", "▁eight", "▁permanent", "▁summer", "▁sign", "ings", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁turn", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁York", "▁were", "▁only", "▁above", "▁the", "▁re", "leg", "ation", "▁zone", "▁on", "▁goal", "▁difference", "▁,", "▁before", "▁a", "▁", "1", "7", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁match", "▁un", "be", "aten", "▁run", "▁saw", "▁the", "▁team", "▁finish", "▁in", "▁sevent", "h", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁place", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁team", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁.", "▁This", "▁meant", "▁York", "▁qualified", "▁for", "▁the", "▁play", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁were", "▁elimin", "ated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁final", "▁by", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁Town", "▁.", "▁York", "▁were", "▁knock", "ed", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁FA", "▁Cup", "▁,", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Cup", "▁and", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁in", "▁their", "▁opening", "▁round", "▁matches", "▁.", "▁", "▁", "3", "5", "▁players", "▁made", "▁at", "▁least", "▁one", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁nation", "ally", "▁organ", "ised", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁team", "▁competition", "▁,", "▁and", "▁there", "▁were", "▁", "1", "2", "▁different", "▁goals", "cor", "ers", "▁.", "▁Def", "ender", "▁Ben", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁missed", "▁only", "▁five", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fifty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁two", "▁compet", "itive", "▁matches", "▁played", "▁over", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁Wes", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁finished", "▁as", "▁leading", "▁sc", "orer", "▁with", "▁", "1", "3", "▁goals", "▁,", "▁of", "▁which", "▁", "1", "0", "▁came", "▁in", "▁league", "▁competition", "▁and", "▁three", "▁came", "▁in", "▁the", "▁FA", "▁Cup", "▁.", "▁The", "▁winner", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Club", "man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁award", "▁,", "▁voted", "▁for", "▁by", "▁the", "▁club", "▁'", "s", "▁supp", "or", "ters", "▁,", "▁was", "▁Lan", "re", "▁O", "y", "eb", "an", "jo", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁and", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁season", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "3", "▁season", "▁was", "▁York", "▁City", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁season", "▁back", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁,", "▁having", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Conference", "▁Premier", "▁play", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "s", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "▁after", "▁e", "ights", "▁years", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Football", "▁Conference", "▁.", "▁Manager", "▁Gary", "▁M", "ills", "▁was", "▁s", "ack", "ed", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁following", "▁an", "▁", "1" ]
without authorization — the melody from Finnish demoscene musician Janne " Tempest " Suni 's song " Acidjazzed Evening " , winner of the Assembly 2000 oldskool music competition . Timbaland used the record of C64 adaptation of the song written by Glenn Rune Gallefoss ( GRG ) . Timbaland admitted sampling the song , but said that he had no time to research its intellectual owner . Hannu Sormunen , a Finnish representative of Universal which represents Nelly Furtado in Finland , commented the controversy as follows in the 15 January 2007 issue of Iltalehti ; " In case that the artist decides to pursue the matter further , it 's on him to go to America and confront them with the local use of law . It will require a considerable amount of faith and , of course , money . " On 9 February 2007 , Timbaland commented on the issue in an MTV interview : " It makes me laugh . The part I don 't understand , the dude is trying to act like I went to his house and took it from his computer . I don 't know him from a can of paint . I 'm 15 years deep . That 's how you attack a king ? You attack moi ? Come on , man . You got to come correct . You the laughing stock . People are like , ' You can 't be serious . ' " On 12 June 2009 , Mikko Välimäki , who is one of the legal counsels of Kernel Records , the owner of the sound recording rights , reported that the case had been filed in Florida . In January 2008 , Turkish newspapers reported that Kalan Müzik , the record label that released Turkish folk singer Muhlis Akarsu 's album Ya Dost Ya Dost , pressed charges against Furtado for the Loose track " Wait for You " , which label officials said features the bağlama instrumental part of Akarsu 's song " Allah Allah Desem Gelsem . " = = Track listing = = = = = Reissues = = = Notes ^ a signifies a vocal producer = = Personnel = = = = = Production = = = Credits adapted from the Loose liner notes . = = Charts = = = = Certifications = = = = Release history = = = 2013 – 14 York City F.C. season = The 2013 – 14 season was the 92nd season of competitive association football and 77th season in the Football League played by York City Football Club , a professional football club based in York , North Yorkshire , England . Their 17th @-@ place finish in 2012 – 13 meant it was their second consecutive season in League Two . The season ran from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 . Nigel Worthington , starting his first full season as York manager , made eight permanent summer signings . By the turn of the year York were only above the relegation zone on goal difference , before a 17 @-@ match unbeaten run saw the team finish in seventh @-@ place in the 24 @-@ team 2013 – 14 Football League Two . This meant York qualified for the play @-@ offs , and they were eliminated in the semi @-@ final by Fleetwood Town . York were knocked out of the 2013 – 14 FA Cup , Football League Cup and Football League Trophy in their opening round matches . 35 players made at least one appearance in nationally organised first @-@ team competition , and there were 12 different goalscorers . Defender Ben Davies missed only five of the fifty @-@ two competitive matches played over the season . Wes Fletcher finished as leading scorer with 13 goals , of which 10 came in league competition and three came in the FA Cup . The winner of the Clubman of the Year award , voted for by the club 's supporters , was Lanre Oyebanjo . = = Background and pre @-@ season = = The 2012 – 13 season was York City 's first season back in the Football League , having won the Conference Premier play @-@ offs in 2011 – 12 after eights years in the Football Conference . Manager Gary Mills was sacked in March 2013 following an 1
[ "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁match", "▁run", "▁without", "▁a", "▁victory", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁former", "▁Northern", "▁Ireland", "▁manager", "▁N", "ig", "el", "▁Wor", "thing", "ton", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁being", "▁in", "▁the", "▁re", "leg", "ation", "▁zone", "▁with", "▁three", "▁matches", "▁remaining", "▁,", "▁Wor", "thing", "ton", "▁led", "▁the", "▁team", "▁to", "▁safety", "▁from", "▁re", "leg", "ation", "▁after", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁win", "▁away", "▁to", "▁D", "agen", "ham", "▁&", "▁Red", "bridge", "▁on", "▁the", "▁final", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁York", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁season", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁place", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "3", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁table", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁season", "▁'", "s", "▁conclusion", "▁Lee", "▁Bul", "lock", "▁,", "▁Jon", "▁Ch", "all", "in", "or", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁Do", "ig", "▁,", "▁Ben", "▁E", "vers", "on", "▁,", "▁Scott", "▁K", "err", "▁,", "▁David", "▁Mc", "Da", "id", "▁,", "▁Patrick", "▁Mc", "L", "augh", "lin", "▁,", "▁Michael", "▁Pot", "ts", "▁,", "▁Jam", "ie", "▁Re", "ed", "▁and", "▁Jason", "▁Walker", "▁were", "▁released", "▁by", "▁York", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Mat", "ty", "▁Bla", "ir", "▁depart", "ed", "▁for", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁Town", "▁.", "▁David", "▁McG", "urk", "▁,", "▁Lan", "re", "▁O", "y", "eb", "an", "jo", "▁,", "▁D", "anny", "▁Par", "slow", "▁,", "▁Tom", "▁Pl", "att", "▁and", "▁Chris", "▁Smith", "▁signed", "▁new", "▁contract", "s", "▁with", "▁the", "▁club", "▁.", "▁New", "▁players", "▁signed", "▁ahead", "▁of", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁were", "▁goal", "keeper", "▁Chris", "▁K", "ettings", "▁on", "▁a", "▁season", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁long", "▁loan", "▁from", "▁Black", "pool", "▁,", "▁def", "ender", "▁Ben", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁on", "▁loan", "▁from", "▁Pr", "eston", "▁North", "▁End", "▁,", "▁mid", "field", "ers", "▁Craig", "▁Clay", "▁from", "▁Ch", "ester", "field", "▁and", "▁Lewis", "▁Mont", "rose", "▁from", "▁G", "illing", "ham", "▁,", "▁w", "inger", "▁S", "ander", "▁P", "uri", "▁from", "▁St", "▁Mir", "ren", "▁and", "▁strik", "ers", "▁Ryan", "▁Bow", "man", "▁from", "▁Here", "ford", "▁United", "▁,", "▁Richard", "▁C", "ress", "well", "▁from", "▁She", "ff", "ield", "▁United", "▁,", "▁Wes", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁from", "▁Burn", "ley", "▁and", "▁Ryan", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁from", "▁Tor", "qu", "ay", "▁United", "▁.", "▁Def", "ender", "▁Mike", "▁At", "kin", "son", "▁and", "▁stri", "ker", "▁Chris", "▁Dick", "inson", "▁entered", "▁the", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁team", "▁squad", "▁from", "▁the", "▁youth", "▁team", "▁after", "▁agree", "ing", "▁professional", "▁contract", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁York", "▁retained", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁season", "▁'", "s", "▁home", "▁and", "▁away", "▁k", "its", "▁.", "▁The", "▁home", "▁k", "it", "▁compr", "ised", "▁red", "▁sh", "ir", "ts", "▁with", "▁white", "▁sle", "e", "ves", "▁,", "▁light", "▁blue", "▁short", "s", "▁and", "▁white", "▁so", "cks", "▁.", "▁The", "▁away", "▁k", "it", "▁included", "▁light", "▁blue", "▁sh", "ir", "ts", "▁with", "▁white", "▁sle", "e", "ves", "▁,", "▁white", "▁short", "s", "▁and", "▁light", "▁blue", "▁so", "cks", "▁.", "▁Ben", "enden", "▁Health", "▁continued", "▁as", "▁sh", "irt", "▁spons", "ors", "▁for", "▁the", "▁second", "▁success", "ive", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Review", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁August", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁York", "▁began", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁home", "▁win", "▁over", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁season", "▁'", "s", "▁play", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "▁final", "ists", "▁,", "▁North", "am", "pton", "▁Town", "▁,", "▁with", "▁debut", "ant", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁scoring", "▁the", "▁winning", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "9", "0", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁defeat", "▁came", "▁in", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁match", "▁against", "▁Championship", "▁side", "▁Burn", "ley", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁round", "▁of", "▁the", "▁League", "▁Cup", "▁,", "▁going", "▁down", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁at", "▁home", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁end", "ured", "▁their", "▁first", "▁league", "▁defeat", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁in", "▁the", "▁following", "▁game", "▁after", "▁being", "▁be", "aten", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁away", "▁by", "▁D", "agen", "ham", "▁&", "▁Red", "bridge", "▁,", "▁the", "▁home", "▁team", "▁scoring", "▁in", "▁each", "▁half", "▁.", "▁York", "▁then", "▁held", "▁Hart", "le", "pool", "▁United", "▁to", "▁a", "▁", "0", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁home", "▁draw", "▁,", "▁before", "▁being", "▁be", "aten", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁away", "▁by", "▁Br", "istol", "▁Ro", "vers", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁scored", "▁twice", "▁before", "▁John", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Joe", "▁O", "▁'", "To", "ole", "▁scored", "▁the", "▁winning", "▁goal", "▁for", "▁the", "▁home", "▁team", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "6", "7", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁sign", "ings", "▁were", "▁made", "▁shortly", "▁before", "▁the", "▁transfer", "▁dead", "line", "▁;", "▁def", "ender", "▁George", "▁T", "aft", "▁was", "▁signed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁loan", "▁from", "▁Le", "ic", "ester", "▁City", "▁,", "▁while", "▁M", "idd", "les", "br", "ough", "▁mid", "f", "iel", "der", "▁Ryan", "▁Bro", "bb", "el", "▁joined", "▁on", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁loan", "▁.", "▁Mid", "f", "iel", "der", "▁John", "▁Mc", "Ready", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁told", "▁he", "▁had", "▁no", "▁future", "▁with", "▁the", "▁club", "▁,", "▁depart", "ed", "▁after", "▁signing", "▁for", "▁FC", "▁Hal", "if", "ax", "▁Town", "▁.", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁gave", "▁York", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁away", "▁at", "▁Ex", "eter", "▁City", "▁before", "▁Alan", "▁G", "ow", "▁scored", "▁in", "▁each", "▁half", "▁to", "▁see", "▁the", "▁home", "▁team", "▁win", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁September", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁York", "▁suffered", "▁their", "▁first", "▁home", "▁league", "▁defeat", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁after", "▁A", "FC", "▁W", "im", "ble", "don", "▁won", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Michael", "▁Smith", "▁scoring", "▁in", "▁each", "▁half", "▁.", "▁Form", "er", "▁I", "ps", "wich", "▁Town", "▁mid", "f", "iel", "der", "▁Josh", "▁Car", "son", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁a", "▁spell", "▁on", "▁loan", "▁with", "▁York", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁season", "▁,", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁contract", "▁until", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁and", "▁She", "ff", "ield", "▁United", "▁mid", "f", "iel", "der", "▁Elli", "ott", "▁White", "house", "▁signed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁loan", "▁.", "▁Bro", "bb", "el", "▁opened", "▁the", "▁scoring", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁minute", "▁of", "▁his", "▁home", "▁debut", "▁against", "▁Mans", "field", "▁Town", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁away", "▁team", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁score", "▁twice", "▁to", "▁win", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁run", "▁of", "▁four", "▁defe", "ats", "▁ended", "▁following", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁draw", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Wy", "com", "be", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁McG", "urk", "▁gave", "▁York", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁before", "▁the", "▁home", "▁team", "▁level", "led", "▁through", "▁Dean", "▁Morgan", "▁.", "▁T", "aft", "▁was", "▁sent", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Le", "ic", "ester", "▁after", "▁he", "▁fell", "▁behind", "▁McG", "urk", "▁,", "▁Par", "slow", "▁and", "▁Smith", "▁in", "▁the", "▁pe", "ck", "ing", "▁order", "▁for", "▁a", "▁central", "▁def", "ensive", "▁ber", "th", "▁.", "▁York", "▁achieved", "▁their", "▁first", "▁win", "▁since", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁after", "▁be", "ating", "▁Port", "sm", "outh", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁at", "▁home", "▁,", "▁with", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Mont", "rose", "▁and", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁scoring", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁October", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Def", "ender", "▁Luke" ]
1 @-@ match run without a victory , and was replaced by former Northern Ireland manager Nigel Worthington . Despite being in the relegation zone with three matches remaining , Worthington led the team to safety from relegation after a 1 – 0 win away to Dagenham & Redbridge on the final day of the season . York finished the season in 17th @-@ place in the 2012 – 13 League Two table . Following the previous season 's conclusion Lee Bullock , Jon Challinor , Chris Doig , Ben Everson , Scott Kerr , David McDaid , Patrick McLaughlin , Michael Potts , Jamie Reed and Jason Walker were released by York , while Matty Blair departed for Fleetwood Town . David McGurk , Lanre Oyebanjo , Danny Parslow , Tom Platt and Chris Smith signed new contracts with the club . New players signed ahead of the start of the season were goalkeeper Chris Kettings on a season @-@ long loan from Blackpool , defender Ben Davies on loan from Preston North End , midfielders Craig Clay from Chesterfield and Lewis Montrose from Gillingham , winger Sander Puri from St Mirren and strikers Ryan Bowman from Hereford United , Richard Cresswell from Sheffield United , Wes Fletcher from Burnley and Ryan Jarvis from Torquay United . Defender Mike Atkinson and striker Chris Dickinson entered the first @-@ team squad from the youth team after agreeing professional contracts . York retained the previous season 's home and away kits . The home kit comprised red shirts with white sleeves , light blue shorts and white socks . The away kit included light blue shirts with white sleeves , white shorts and light blue socks . Benenden Health continued as shirt sponsors for the second successive season . = = Review = = = = = August = = = York began the season with a 1 – 0 home win over the previous season 's play @-@ off finalists , Northampton Town , with debutant Jarvis scoring the winning goal in the 90th @-@ minute . However , defeat came in York 's match against Championship side Burnley in the first round of the League Cup , going down 4 – 0 at home . The team endured their first league defeat of the season in the following game after being beaten 2 – 0 away by Dagenham & Redbridge , the home team scoring in each half . York then held Hartlepool United to a 0 – 0 home draw , before being beaten 3 – 2 away by Bristol Rovers , in which Jarvis scored twice before John @-@ Joe O 'Toole scored the winning goal for the home team in the 67th @-@ minute . Two signings were made shortly before the transfer deadline ; defender George Taft was signed on a one @-@ month loan from Leicester City , while Middlesbrough midfielder Ryan Brobbel joined on a one @-@ month loan . Midfielder John McReady , who had been told he had no future with the club , departed after signing for FC Halifax Town . Jarvis gave York the lead away at Exeter City before Alan Gow scored in each half to see the home team win 2 – 1 . = = = September = = = York suffered their first home league defeat of the season after AFC Wimbledon won 2 – 0 , with Michael Smith scoring in each half . Former Ipswich Town midfielder Josh Carson , who had a spell on loan with York the previous season , signed a contract until the end of 2013 – 14 and Sheffield United midfielder Elliott Whitehouse signed on a one @-@ month loan . Brobbel opened the scoring in the second minute of his home debut against Mansfield Town , although the away team went on to score twice to win 2 – 1 . York 's run of four defeats ended following a 1 – 1 draw away to Wycombe Wanderers , in which McGurk gave York the lead before the home team levelled through Dean Morgan . Taft was sent back to Leicester after he fell behind McGurk , Parslow and Smith in the pecking order for a central defensive berth . York achieved their first win since the opening day of the season after beating Portsmouth 4 – 2 at home , with Fletcher ( 2 ) , Montrose and Jarvis scoring . = = = October = = = Defender Luke
[ "▁O", "▁'", "Ne", "ill", "▁was", "▁signed", "▁from", "▁Burn", "ley", "▁on", "▁a", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁emer", "gency", "▁loan", "▁.", "▁He", "▁made", "▁his", "▁debut", "▁in", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁win", "▁away", "▁at", "▁Tor", "qu", "ay", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁the", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁success", "ive", "▁win", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁York", "▁were", "▁knock", "ed", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁round", "▁after", "▁being", "▁be", "aten", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁at", "▁home", "▁by", "▁League", "▁One", "▁team", "▁R", "other", "ham", "▁United", "▁,", "▁before", "▁their", "▁winning", "▁stre", "ak", "▁in", "▁the", "▁league", "▁was", "▁ended", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁defeat", "▁away", "▁to", "▁New", "port", "▁County", "▁.", "▁York", "▁drew", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Ch", "ester", "field", "▁,", "▁having", "▁taken", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁goal", "▁lead", "▁through", "▁O", "▁'", "Ne", "ill", "▁and", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁home", "▁team", "▁fought", "▁back", "▁through", "▁Arm", "and", "▁G", "n", "and", "u", "illet", "▁and", "▁Jay", "▁O", "▁'", "She", "a", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁then", "▁hosted", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁Town", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁visitors", "▁won", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁with", "▁goals", "▁scored", "▁in", "▁each", "▁half", "▁by", "▁G", "are", "th", "▁Evans", "▁and", "▁J", "amil", "le", "▁Matt", "▁.", "▁Sc", "un", "th", "or", "pe", "▁United", "▁were", "▁be", "aten", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁at", "▁home", "▁to", "▁end", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁match", "▁run", "▁without", "▁a", "▁win", "▁,", "▁with", "▁all", "▁the", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁goals", "▁coming", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁half", "▁from", "▁Car", "son", "▁,", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁and", "▁Bro", "bb", "el", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁November", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Bow", "man", "▁scored", "▁his", "▁first", "▁goals", "▁for", "▁York", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Ch", "el", "ten", "ham", "▁Town", "▁,", "▁as", "▁York", "▁twice", "▁fought", "▁back", "▁from", "▁behind", "▁to", "▁draw", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁York", "▁drew", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Br", "istol", "▁Ro", "vers", "▁to", "▁ear", "n", "▁a", "▁first", "▁round", "▁re", "play", "▁in", "▁the", "▁FA", "▁Cup", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁through", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁before", "▁Eli", "ot", "▁Rich", "ards", "▁equal", "ised", "▁for", "▁the", "▁home", "▁team", "▁.", "▁Car", "son", "▁scored", "▁a", "▁", "3", "0", "▁yard", "▁vol", "ley", "▁to", "▁put", "▁York", "▁back", "▁in", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁,", "▁and", "▁after", "▁Br", "istol", "▁Ro", "vers", "▁goals", "▁from", "▁Matt", "▁Har", "ro", "ld", "▁and", "▁Chris", "▁Be", "ards", "ley", "▁,", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁scored", "▁an", "▁", "8", "6", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁equal", 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O 'Neill was signed from Burnley on a 28 @-@ day emergency loan . He made his debut in York 's 3 – 0 win away at Torquay , which was the team 's first successive win of the season . York were knocked out of the Football League Trophy in the second round after being beaten 3 – 0 at home by League One team Rotherham United , before their winning streak in the league was ended with a 3 – 0 defeat away to Newport County . York drew 2 – 2 away to Chesterfield , having taken a two @-@ goal lead through O 'Neill and Jarvis , before the home team fought back through Armand Gnanduillet and Jay O 'Shea . The team then hosted Fleetwood Town , and the visitors won 2 – 0 with goals scored in each half by Gareth Evans and Jamille Matt . Scunthorpe United were beaten 4 – 1 at home to end York 's three @-@ match run without a win , with all the team 's goals coming in the first half from Carson , Fletcher and Brobbel ( 2 ) . = = = November = = = Bowman scored his first goals for York away to Cheltenham Town , as York twice fought back from behind to draw 2 – 2 . York drew 3 – 3 away to Bristol Rovers to earn a first round replay in the FA Cup , taking the lead through Jarvis before Eliot Richards equalised for the home team . Carson scored a 30 yard volley to put York back in the lead , and after Bristol Rovers goals from Matt Harrold and Chris Beardsley , Fletcher scored an 86th @-@ minute equaliser for York . Bowman scored with a header from an O 'Neill cross to open the scoring at home to Plymouth Argyle , which was the first goal the visitors had conceded in 500 minutes of action . However , Plymouth equalised 11 minutes later through Tope Obadeyi and the match finished a 1 – 1 draw . York were knocked out of the FA Cup after losing 3 – 2 at home to Bristol Rovers in a first round replay ; the visitors were 3 – 0 up by 50 @-@ minutes before Fletcher pulled two back for York with a penalty and a long @-@ range strike . Defender Keith Lowe , of Cheltenham , and goalkeeper Nick Pope , of Charlton Athletic , were signed on loan until January 2014 . They both played in York 's first league defeat in four weeks , 2 – 1 away , to Southend United . Kevan Hurst gave Southend the lead early into the match and Bowman equalised for York with a low strike during the second half , before Luke Prosser scored the winning goal for the home side in stoppage time . With Pope preferred in goal , Kettings returned to Blackpool on his own accord , although his loan agreement would stay in place until January 2014 . York then drew 0 – 0 away to Morecambe . After Pope was recalled from his loan by Charlton , York signed Wolverhampton Wanderers goalkeeper Aaron McCarey on loan until January 2014 . McCarey kept a clean sheet in York 's 0 – 0 home draw with Rochdale . = = = December = = = Cresswell retired from playing as a result of an eye complaint and a knee injury . York drew 1 – 1 away to Burton Albion , with an own goal scored by Shane Cansdell @-@ Sherriff giving York the lead in the 64th @-@ minute before the home team equalised eight minutes later through Billy Kee . Atkinson was released after failing to force himself into the first team and signed for Scarborough Athletic , with whom he had been on loan . York drew 0 – 0 at home with second @-@ placed Oxford United , in which Carson came closest to scoring with a volley that flashed across the face of the goal . This was followed by another draw after the match away to Accrington Stanley finished 1 – 1 , with the home team equalising 10 minutes after a Fletcher penalty had given York the lead in the 35th @-@ minute . Striker Shaq McDonald , who had been released by Peterborough United , was signed on a contract until the end of the season . York 's last match of 2013 was a 2 –
[ "1", "▁defeat", "▁away", "▁at", "▁B", "ury", "▁,", "▁a", "▁result", "▁that", "▁ended", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁run", "▁of", "▁consecutive", "▁draw", "s", "▁at", "▁five", "▁.", "▁The", "▁home", "▁team", "▁were", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁up", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁,", "▁before", "▁Michael", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁scored", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "7", "3", "rd", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁This", "▁result", "▁meant", "▁York", "▁would", "▁begin", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁in", "▁", "2", "2", "nd", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁position", "▁in", "▁the", "▁table", "▁,", "▁only", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁re", "leg", "ation", "▁zone", "▁on", "▁goal", "▁difference", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁January", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁scored", "▁the", "▁only", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁win", "▁since", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁home", "▁victory", "▁over", "▁More", "cam", "be", "▁on", "▁New", "▁Year", "▁'", "s", "▁Day", "▁.", "▁McC", "are", "y", "▁was", "▁re", "called", "▁by", "▁Wol", "ver", "ham", "pton", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁due", "▁to", "▁an", "▁injury", "▁to", "▁one", "▁of", "▁their", "▁goal", "keep", "ers", "▁,", "▁while", "▁O", "▁'", "Ne", "ill", "▁was", "▁re", "called", "▁by", "▁Burn", "ley", "▁to", "▁take", "▁part", "▁in", "▁their", "▁FA", "▁Cup", "▁match", "▁.", "▁York", "▁achieved", "▁back", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁to", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁back", "▁wins", "▁for", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁since", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁after", "▁D", "agen", "ham", "▁&", "▁Red", "bridge", "▁were", "▁be", "aten", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁at", "▁home", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Bow", "man", "▁opening", "▁the", "▁scoring", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁half", "▁before", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁scored", "▁twice", "▁.", "▁Adam", "▁Re", "ed", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁a", "▁spell", "▁on", "▁loan", "▁with", "▁York", "▁in", "▁the", 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"▁match", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁left", "▁the", "▁club", "▁by", "▁mut", "ual", "▁consent", "▁to", "▁purs", "ue", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁team", "▁football", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁February", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁scored", "▁a", "▁", "9", "0", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁winner", "▁for", "▁York", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁win", "▁,", "▁a", "▁result", "▁that", "▁ended", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁'", "s", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁match", "▁un", "be", "aten", "▁run", "▁.", "▁York", "▁then", "▁drew", "▁", "0", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁at", "▁home", "▁to", "▁fellow", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁table", "▁team", "▁Ch", "el", "ten", "ham", "▁,", "▁before", "▁be", "ating", "▁P", "ly", "mouth", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁away", "▁with", "▁goals", "▁from", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁,", "▁Mc", "Com", "be", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Car", "son", "▁as", "▁the", "▁team", "▁achieved", "▁success", "ive", "▁away", 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"▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁having", "▁im", "pressed", "▁in", "▁his", "▁six", "▁appearances", "▁for", "▁the", "▁club", "▁.", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁scored", "▁again", "▁with", "▁the", "▁only", "▁goal", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "4", "1", "st", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁header", "▁,", "▁in", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁away", "▁win", "▁over", "▁A", "FC", "▁W", "im", "ble", "don", "▁.", "▁Bow", "man", "▁scored", "▁the", "▁only", "▁goal", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "3", "2", "nd", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁penalty", "▁as", "▁York", "▁won", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁away", "▁against", "▁Mans", "field", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁missed", "▁the", "▁opportunity", "▁to", "▁extend", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁when", "▁his", "▁sto", "pp", "age", "▁time", "▁penalty", "▁was", "▁saved", "▁by", "▁Alan", "▁Mar" ]
1 defeat away at Bury , a result that ended York 's run of consecutive draws at five . The home team were 2 – 0 up by the 19th @-@ minute , before Michael Coulson scored York 's goal in the 73rd @-@ minute . This result meant York would begin 2014 in 22nd @-@ position in the table , only out of the relegation zone on goal difference . = = = January = = = Jarvis scored the only goal in York 's first win since October 2013 , a 1 – 0 home victory over Morecambe on New Year 's Day . McCarey was recalled by Wolverhampton Wanderers due to an injury to one of their goalkeepers , while O 'Neill was recalled by Burnley to take part in their FA Cup match . York achieved back @-@ to @-@ back wins for the first time since October 2013 after Dagenham & Redbridge were beaten 3 – 1 at home , with Bowman opening the scoring in the second half before Fletcher scored twice . Adam Reed , who had a spell on loan with York in the previous season , was signed on a contract until the end of the season after parting company with Burton . Davies ' loan was extended , while Brobbel and Whitehouse returned to their parent clubs . Cheltenham club captain Russell Penn , a midfielder , was signed on a two @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half @-@ year contract for an undisclosed fee . Lowe was subsequently signed permanently from Cheltenham on a two @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half @-@ year contract for an undisclosed fee . Having been allowed to leave the club on a free transfer , Ashley Chambers signed for Conference Premier club Cambridge United . York achieved three successive wins for the first time in 2013 – 14 after beating Northampton 2 – 0 away , with Bowman and Fletcher scoring in three @-@ second half minutes . Defender John McCombe was signed on a two @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half @-@ year contract following his release from Mansfield , before Clay and Jamal Fyfield left York by mutual consent . Pope returned to York on loan from Charlton for the remainder of the season . York 's run of wins ended with a 0 – 0 draw at home to Bristol Rovers , before their first defeat of the year came after losing 2 – 0 away to Hartlepool . Preston winger Will Hayhurst , a Republic of Ireland under @-@ 21 international , was signed on a one @-@ month loan . York fell to a successive defeat for the first time since September 2013 after being beaten 2 – 0 at home by Chesterfield . Shortly after the match , Smith left the club by mutual consent to pursue first @-@ team football . = = = February = = = Fletcher scored a 90th @-@ minute winner for York away to Fleetwood in a 2 – 1 win , a result that ended Fleetwood 's five @-@ match unbeaten run . York then drew 0 – 0 at home to fellow mid @-@ table team Cheltenham , before beating Plymouth 4 – 0 away with goals from Fletcher , McCombe ( 2 ) and Carson as the team achieved successive away wins for the first time in 2013 – 14 . York went without scoring for a fourth consecutive home match after drawing 0 – 0 with Southend . Having worn the armband since an injury to McGurk , Penn was appointed captain for the rest of the season , a position that had earlier been held by Smith and Parslow . = = = March = = = York achieved their first home win in five matches after beating Exeter 2 – 1 , with first half goals scored by McCombe and Coulson . Hayhurst 's loan was extended to the end of the season , having impressed in his six appearances for the club . Coulson scored again with the only goal , a 41st @-@ minute header , in York 's 1 – 0 away win over AFC Wimbledon . Bowman scored the only goal with a 32nd @-@ minute penalty as York won 1 – 0 away against Mansfield , in which Fletcher missed the opportunity to extend the lead when his stoppage time penalty was saved by Alan Mar
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"▁by", "▁Mans", "field", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁was", "▁signed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁contract", "▁for", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁He", "▁made", "▁his", "▁debut", "▁as", "▁a", "▁substitute", "▁in", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁home", "▁win", "▁over", "▁bottom", "▁of", "▁the", "▁table", "▁Tor", "qu", "ay", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Hay", "h", "urst", "▁scored", "▁the", "▁only", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁with", "▁an", "▁", "1", "8", "▁yard", "▁shot", "▁that", "▁def", "lect", "ed", "▁off", "▁A", "aron", "▁Down", "es", "▁.", "▁M", "idd", "les", "br", "ough", "▁w", "inger", "▁Bro", "bb", "el", "▁rejo", "ined", "▁on", "▁loan", "▁until", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁following", "▁an", "▁injury", "▁to", "▁Car", "son", "▁.", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁run", "▁of", "▁success", "ive", "▁wins", "▁ended", "▁on", "▁six", "▁matches", "▁after", "▁a", "▁", "0", "▁–", 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"▁league", "▁season", "▁concluded", "▁with", "▁an", "▁away", "▁match", "▁against", "▁divis", "ional", "▁run", "ners", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁Sc", "un", "th", "or", "pe", "▁;", "▁having", "▁gone", "▁two", "▁goals", "▁down", "▁York", "▁fought", "▁back", "▁to", "▁draw", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁with", "▁goals", "▁scored", "▁by", "▁Bro", "bb", "el", "▁and", "▁Andrew", "▁.", "▁This", "▁result", "▁meant", "▁York", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁season", "▁in", "▁sevent", "h", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁place", "▁in", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁,", "▁and", "▁would", "▁thus", "▁play", "▁fourth", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁placed", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁in", "▁the", "▁play", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁final", "▁on", "▁the", "▁back", "▁of", "▁a", "▁", "1", "7", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁match", "▁un", "be", "aten", "▁run", "▁.", "▁York", "▁lost", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁to", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁leg", "▁at", "▁Bo", "oth", "am", "▁C", "res", "cent", "▁;", "▁the", "▁goal", "▁came", "▁from", "▁former", "▁York", "▁player", "▁Mat", "ty", "▁Bla", "ir", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "5", "0", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁,", "▁who", "▁scored", "▁from", "▁close", "▁range", "▁after", "▁Anton", "i", "▁Sar", "ce", "vic", "▁'", "s", "▁shot", "▁was", "▁blocked", "▁on", "▁the", "▁line", "▁.", "▁A", "▁", "0", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁draw", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Fle", "et", "wood", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁leg", "▁meant", "▁York", "▁were", "▁elimin", "ated", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁on", "▁aggregate", "▁,", "▁ending", "▁the", "▁prospect", "▁of", "▁a", "▁second", "▁promotion", "▁in", "▁three", "▁seasons", "▁.", "▁At", "▁an", "▁awards", "▁night", "▁held", "▁at", "▁York", "▁Race", "course", "▁,", "▁O", "y", "eb", "an", "jo", "▁was", "▁voted", "▁Club", "man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁for", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sum", "mary", "▁and", "▁after", "math", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁York", "▁mostly", "▁occupied", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁table", "▁before", "▁the", "▁turn", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dropped", "▁as", "▁low", "▁as", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁During", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁the", "▁team", "▁broke", "▁into", "▁the", "▁top", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁table", "▁and", "▁with", "▁one", "▁match", "▁left", "▁were", "▁in", "▁sixth", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁place", "▁.", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁def", "ensive", "▁record", "▁was", "▁the", "▁third", "▁best", "▁in", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁with", "▁", "4", "1", "▁goals", "▁conced", "ed", "▁,", "▁better", "ed", "▁only", "▁by", "▁South", "end", "▁(", "▁", "3", "9", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ch", "ester", "field", "▁(", "▁", "4", "0", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁made", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁number", "▁of", "▁appearances", "▁over", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁appearing", "▁in", "▁", "4", "7", "▁of" ]
riott . York moved one place outside the play @-@ offs with a 2 – 0 home win over Wycombe , courtesy of a second Bowman penalty in as many matches and a Carson goal from the edge of the penalty area . Coulson scored York 's only goal in a 1 – 0 away win over struggling Portsmouth with a low volley in the fifth @-@ minute ; this result meant York moved into the play @-@ offs in seventh @-@ place with eight fixtures remaining . Striker Calvin Andrew , who had been released by Mansfield in January 2014 , was signed on a contract for the remainder of the season . He made his debut as a substitute in York 's 1 – 0 home win over bottom of the table Torquay , in which Hayhurst scored the only goal in the 11th @-@ minute with an 18 yard shot that deflected off Aaron Downes . Middlesbrough winger Brobbel rejoined on loan until the end of the season , following an injury to Carson . York 's run of successive wins ended on six matches after a 0 – 0 home draw with Burton , and this result saw York drop out of the play @-@ offs in eighth @-@ place . With the team recording six wins and one draw in March 2014 , including six clean sheets , Worthington was named League Two Manager of the Month . = = = April = = = Pope made a number of saves as York held league leaders Rochdale to a 0 – 0 away draw , with a point being enough to lift the team back into seventh @-@ place . York were prevented from equalling a club record of eight consecutive clean sheets when Accrington scored a stoppage time equaliser in a 1 – 1 home draw , in which York had taken earlier taken the lead with a Coulson penalty . A 1 – 0 win away win over Oxford , which was decided by a second half Coulson penalty , resulted in York moving one place above their opponents and back into seventh @-@ place . York consolidated their place in a play @-@ off position after beating Bury 1 – 0 at home with a fifth @-@ minute goal scored by Lowe from a Hayhurst corner . The result meant York opened up a five @-@ point lead over eighth @-@ placed Oxford with two fixtures remaining . A place in the League Two play @-@ offs was secured following a 1 – 0 win over Newport at home , in which Coulson scored the only goal in the 77th @-@ minute with a 25 yard free kick . Pope earned a nomination for League Two Player of the Month for April 2014 , having conceded only one goal in five matches in that period . = = = May = = = The league season concluded with an away match against divisional runners @-@ up Scunthorpe ; having gone two goals down York fought back to draw 2 – 2 with goals scored by Brobbel and Andrew . This result meant York finished the season in seventh @-@ place in League Two , and would thus play fourth @-@ placed Fleetwood in the play @-@ off semi @-@ final on the back of a 17 @-@ match unbeaten run . York lost 1 – 0 to Fleetwood in the first leg at Bootham Crescent ; the goal came from former York player Matty Blair in the 50th @-@ minute , who scored from close range after Antoni Sarcevic 's shot was blocked on the line . A 0 – 0 draw away to Fleetwood in the second leg meant York were eliminated 1 – 0 on aggregate , ending the prospect of a second promotion in three seasons . At an awards night held at York Racecourse , Oyebanjo was voted Clubman of the Year for 2013 – 14 . = = Summary and aftermath = = York mostly occupied the bottom half of the table before the turn of the year , and dropped as low as 23rd in September 2013 . During February 2014 the team broke into the top half of the table and with one match left were in sixth @-@ place . York 's defensive record was the third best in League Two with 41 goals conceded , bettered only by Southend ( 39 ) and Chesterfield ( 40 ) . Davies made the highest number of appearances over the season , appearing in 47 of
[ "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁", "5", "2", "▁matches", "▁.", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁was", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁top", "▁sc", "orer", "▁in", "▁the", "▁league", "▁and", "▁in", "▁all", "▁compet", "itions", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "1", "0", "▁league", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁", "1", "3", "▁in", "▁total", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁player", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁double", "▁figures", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁with", "▁nine", "▁goals", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁the", "▁season", "▁ended", "▁York", "▁released", "▁Tom", "▁All", "an", "▁,", "▁Andrew", "▁,", "▁Dick", "inson", "▁,", "▁Mc", "Donald", "▁,", "▁P", "uri", "▁and", "▁Re", "ed", "▁,", "▁while", "▁McG", "urk", "▁retired", "▁from", "▁professional", "▁football", "▁.", "▁Bow", "man", "▁and", "▁O", "y", "eb", "an", "jo", "▁left", "▁to", "▁sign", "▁for", "▁Tor", "qu", "ay", "▁and", "▁C", "raw", "ley", "▁Town", "▁respectively", "▁while", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁new", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁the", "▁club", "▁.", "▁York", "▁'", "s", "▁summer", "▁sign", "ings", "▁included", "▁goal", "keeper", "▁Jason", "▁Mo", "oney", "▁from", "▁T", "ran", "m", "ere", "▁Ro", "vers", "▁,", "▁def", "enders", "▁F", "emi", "▁I", "les", "an", "mi", "▁from", "▁D", "agen", "ham", "▁,", "▁Mar", "vin", "▁Mc", "Co", "y", "▁from", "▁Wy", "com", "be", "▁and", "▁Dave", "▁Win", "field", "▁from", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁Town", "▁,", "▁mid", "field", "ers", "▁Lind", "on", "▁Me", "ik", "le", "▁from", "▁Mans", "field", "▁,", "▁Anthony", "▁Stra", "ker", "▁from", "▁South", "end", "▁and", "▁Luke", "▁Summer", "field", "▁from", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁and", "▁stri", "ker", "▁J", "ake", "▁Hy", "de", "▁from", "▁Bar", "net", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Match", "▁details", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁League", "▁positions", "▁are", "▁s", "our", "ced", "▁by", "▁Stat", "to", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁remaining", "▁information", "▁is", "▁referenced", "▁individually", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁League", "▁table", "▁(", "▁part", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁FA", "▁Cup", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁League", "▁Cup", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Football", "▁League", "▁Two", "▁play", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trans", "fers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Bra", "ckets", "▁around", "▁club", "▁names", "▁denote", "▁the", "▁player", "▁'", "s", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁that", "▁club", "▁had", "▁exp", "ired", "▁before", "▁he", "▁joined", "▁York", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Out", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Bra", "ckets", "▁around", "▁club", "▁names", "▁denote", "▁the", "▁player", "▁joined", "▁that", "▁club", "▁after", "▁his", "▁York", "▁contract", "▁exp", "ired", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Lo", "an", "▁in", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Lo", "an", "▁out", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁App", "ear", "ances", "▁and", "▁goals", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Source", "▁:", "▁", "▁Num", "bers", "▁in", "▁parentheses", "▁denote", "▁appearances", "▁as", "▁substitute", "▁.", "▁", "▁Play", "ers", "▁with", "▁names", "▁struck", "▁through", "▁and", "▁marked", "▁left", "▁the", "▁club", "▁during", "▁the", "▁playing", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁Play", "ers", "▁with", "▁names", "▁in", "▁ital", "ics", "▁and", "▁marked", "▁*", "▁were", "▁on", "▁loan", "▁from", "▁another", "▁club", "▁for", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁of", "▁their", "▁season", "▁with", "▁York", "▁.", "▁", "▁Play", "ers", "▁listed", "▁with", "▁no", "▁appearances", "▁have", "▁been", "▁in", "▁the", "▁match", "day", "▁squad", "▁but", "▁only", "▁as", "▁un", "used", "▁subst", "it", "utes", "▁.", "▁", "▁Key", "▁to", "▁positions", "▁:", "▁G", "K", "▁–", "▁Go", "al", "keeper", "▁;", "▁D", "F", "▁–", "▁Def", "ender", "▁;", "▁M", "F", "▁–", "▁Mid", "f", "iel", "der", "▁;", "▁F", "W", "▁–", "▁For", "ward", "▁", "▁=", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁a", "▁chemical", "▁element", "▁with", "▁symbol", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁from", "▁Latin", "▁:", "▁st", "ib", "ium", "▁)", "▁and", "▁atomic", "▁number", "▁", "5", "1", "▁.", "▁A", "▁l", "ustr", "ous", "▁gray", "▁metal", "lo", "id", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁found", "▁in", "▁nature", "▁mainly", "▁as", "▁the", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁min", "eral", "▁st", "ib", "n", "ite", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "2", "S", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁have", "▁been", "▁known", "▁since", "▁ancient", "▁times", "▁and", "▁were", "▁used", "▁for", "▁cos", "met", "ics", "▁;", "▁met", "all", "ic", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁was", "▁also", "▁known", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁was", "▁err", "one", "ously", "▁identified", "▁as", "▁lead", "▁upon", "▁its", "▁discovery", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁West", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁first", "▁isolated", "▁by", "▁V", "ann", "oc", "cio", "▁B", "iring", "uc", "cio", "▁and", "▁described", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁although", "▁in", "▁primitive", "▁cult", "ures", "▁its", "▁pow", "der", "▁has", "▁been", "▁used", "▁to", "▁c", "ure", "▁eye", "▁a", "il", "ments", "▁,", "▁as", "▁also", "▁for", "▁eye", "▁shadow", "▁,", "▁since", "▁time", "▁imm", "em", "orial", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁often", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁by", "▁its", "▁Arab", "ic", "▁name", "▁,", "▁k", "ohl", "▁.", "▁", "▁For", "▁some", "▁time", "▁,", "▁China", "▁has", "▁been", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁producer", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁and", "▁its", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁,", "▁with", "▁most", "▁production", "▁coming", "▁from", "▁the", "▁X", "iku", "ang", "sh", "an", "▁Mine", "▁in", "▁Hun", "an", "▁.", "▁The", "▁industrial", "▁methods", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁are", "▁ro", "ast", "ing", "▁and", "▁reduction", "▁using", "▁carbon", "▁or", "▁direct", "▁reduction", "▁of", "▁st", "ib", "n", "ite", "▁with", "▁iron", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁largest", "▁applications", "▁for", "▁met", "all", "ic", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁are", "▁as", "▁al", "loy", "ing", "▁material", "▁for", "▁lead", "▁and", "▁tin", "▁and", "▁for", "▁lead", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁pl", "ates", "▁in", "▁lead", "▁–", "▁acid", "▁batter", "ies", "▁.", "▁Al", "loy", "ing", "▁lead", "▁and", "▁tin", "▁with", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁impro", "ves", "▁the", "▁properties", "▁of", "▁the", "▁allo", "ys", "▁which", "▁are", "▁used", "▁in", "▁sold", "ers", "▁,", "▁bul", "lets", "▁and", "▁plain", "▁bear", "ings", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁prominent", "▁add", "it", "ives", "▁for", "▁ch", "lor", "ine", "▁and", "▁b", "rom", "ine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁containing", "▁fire", "▁ret", "ard", "ants", "▁found", "▁in", "▁many", "▁commercial", "▁and", "▁domestic", "▁products", "▁.", "▁An", "▁emer", "ging", "▁application", "▁is", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁in", "▁micro", "elect", "ron", "ics", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Character", "istics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Properties", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁in", "▁the", "▁nit", "ro", "gen", "▁group", "▁(", "▁group", "▁", "1", "5", "▁)", "▁and", "▁has", "▁an", "▁electron", "eg", "ativity", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁As", "▁expected", "▁from", "▁periodic", "▁tr", "ends", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁more", "▁electron", "eg", "ative", "▁than", "▁tin", "▁or", "▁b", "ism", "uth", "▁,", "▁and", "▁less", "▁electron", "eg", "ative", "▁than", "▁tell", "ur", "ium", "▁or", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁stable", "▁in", "▁air", "▁at", "▁room", "▁temperature", "▁,", "▁but", "▁react", "s", "▁with", "▁o", "xygen", "▁if", "▁he", "ated", "▁,", "▁to", "▁form", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁,", "▁S", "b", "2", "O", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sil", "very", "▁,", "▁l", "ustr", "ous", "▁gray", "▁metal", "lo", "id", "▁that", "▁has", "▁a", "▁Moh", "s", "▁scale", "▁hard", "ness", "▁of", "▁", "3", "▁.", "▁Thus", "▁pure" ]
York 's 52 matches . Fletcher was York 's top scorer in the league and in all competitions , with 10 league goals and 13 in total . He was the only player to reach double figures , and was followed by Jarvis with nine goals . After the season ended York released Tom Allan , Andrew , Dickinson , McDonald , Puri and Reed , while McGurk retired from professional football . Bowman and Oyebanjo left to sign for Torquay and Crawley Town respectively while Coulson signed a new contract with the club . York 's summer signings included goalkeeper Jason Mooney from Tranmere Rovers , defenders Femi Ilesanmi from Dagenham , Marvin McCoy from Wycombe and Dave Winfield from Shrewsbury Town , midfielders Lindon Meikle from Mansfield , Anthony Straker from Southend and Luke Summerfield from Shrewsbury and striker Jake Hyde from Barnet . = = Match details = = League positions are sourced by Statto , while the remaining information is referenced individually . = = = Football League Two = = = = = = League table ( part ) = = = = = = FA Cup = = = = = = League Cup = = = = = = Football League Trophy = = = = = = Football League Two play @-@ offs = = = = = Transfers = = = = = In = = = Brackets around club names denote the player 's contract with that club had expired before he joined York . = = = Out = = = Brackets around club names denote the player joined that club after his York contract expired . = = = Loan in = = = = = = Loan out = = = = = Appearances and goals = = Source : Numbers in parentheses denote appearances as substitute . Players with names struck through and marked left the club during the playing season . Players with names in italics and marked * were on loan from another club for the whole of their season with York . Players listed with no appearances have been in the matchday squad but only as unused substitutes . Key to positions : GK – Goalkeeper ; DF – Defender ; MF – Midfielder ; FW – Forward = Antimony = Antimony is a chemical element with symbol Sb ( from Latin : stibium ) and atomic number 51 . A lustrous gray metalloid , it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite ( Sb2S3 ) . Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were used for cosmetics ; metallic antimony was also known , but it was erroneously identified as lead upon its discovery . In the West , it was first isolated by Vannoccio Biringuccio and described in 1540 , although in primitive cultures its powder has been used to cure eye ailments , as also for eye shadow , since time immemorial , and is often referred to by its Arabic name , kohl . For some time , China has been the largest producer of antimony and its compounds , with most production coming from the Xikuangshan Mine in Hunan . The industrial methods to produce antimony are roasting and reduction using carbon or direct reduction of stibnite with iron . The largest applications for metallic antimony are as alloying material for lead and tin and for lead antimony plates in lead – acid batteries . Alloying lead and tin with antimony improves the properties of the alloys which are used in solders , bullets and plain bearings . Antimony compounds are prominent additives for chlorine and bromine @-@ containing fire retardants found in many commercial and domestic products . An emerging application is the use of antimony in microelectronics . = = Characteristics = = = = = Properties = = = Antimony is in the nitrogen group ( group 15 ) and has an electronegativity of 2 @.@ 05 . As expected from periodic trends , it is more electronegative than tin or bismuth , and less electronegative than tellurium or arsenic . Antimony is stable in air at room temperature , but reacts with oxygen if heated , to form antimony trioxide , Sb2O3 . Antimony is a silvery , lustrous gray metalloid that has a Mohs scale hardness of 3 . Thus pure
[ "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁too", "▁soft", "▁to", "▁make", "▁hard", "▁objects", "▁;", "▁co", "ins", "▁made", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁were", "▁issued", "▁in", "▁China", "▁'", "s", "▁Gu", "iz", "hou", "▁province", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁but", "▁because", "▁of", "▁their", "▁rapid", "▁wear", "▁,", "▁their", "▁mint", "ing", "▁was", "▁dis", "cont", "in", "ued", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁resist", "ant", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁by", "▁ac", "ids", "▁.", "▁", "▁Four", "▁all", "otrop", "es", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁are", "▁known", "▁:", "▁a", "▁stable", "▁met", "all", "ic", "▁form", "▁and", "▁three", "▁met", "ast", "able", "▁forms", "▁(", "▁explos", "ive", "▁,", "▁black", "▁and", "▁yellow", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Element", "al", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁a", "▁brit", "t", "le", "▁,", "▁silver", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁white", "▁sh", "iny", "▁metal", "lo", "id", "▁.", "▁When", "▁slowly", "▁co", "o", "led", "▁,", "▁mol", "ten", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁cry", "st", "all", "izes", "▁in", "▁a", "▁trig", "onal", "▁cell", "▁,", "▁is", "omorphic", "▁with", "▁the", "▁gray", "▁all", "ot", "ro", "pe", "▁of", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁.", "▁A", "▁rare", "▁explos", "ive", "▁form", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁can", "▁be", "▁formed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁electro", "ly", "s", "is", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁tr", "ich", "lor", "ide", "▁.", "▁When", "▁scratch", "ed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sharp", "▁implement", "▁,", "▁an", "▁ex", "oth", "erm", "ic", "▁reaction", "▁occurs", "▁and", "▁white", "▁f", "umes", "▁are", "▁given", "▁off", "▁as", "▁met", "all", "ic", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁formed", "▁;", "▁when", "▁rub", "bed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁p", "est", "le", "▁in", "▁a", "▁mort", "ar", "▁,", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁det", "on", "ation", "▁occurs", "▁.", "▁Black", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁formed", "▁upon", "▁rapid", "▁cool", "ing", "▁of", "▁v", "apor", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁met", "all", "ic", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁the", "▁same", "▁cry", "stal", "▁structure", "▁as", "▁red", "▁ph", "osph", "orus", "▁and", "▁black", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁,", "▁it", "▁ox", "id", "izes", "▁in", "▁air", "▁and", "▁may", "▁ign", "ite", "▁sp", "ont", "ane", "ously", "▁.", "▁At", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁°", "▁C", "▁,", "▁it", "▁gradually", "▁transform", "s", "▁into", "▁the", "▁stable", "▁form", "▁.", "▁The", "▁yellow", "▁all", "ot", "ro", "pe", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁un", "stable", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁only", "▁been", "▁generated", "▁by", "▁ox", "id", "ation", "▁of", "▁st", "ib", "ine", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "H", "3", "▁)", "▁at", "▁−", "▁", "9", "0", "▁°", "▁C", ".", "▁A", "bove", "▁this", "▁temperature", "▁and", "▁in", "▁ambient", "▁light", "▁,", "▁this", "▁met", "ast", "able", "▁all", "ot", "ro", "pe", "▁transform", "s", "▁into", "▁the", "▁more", "▁stable", "▁black", "▁all", "ot", "ro", "pe", "▁.", "▁", "▁Element", "al", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁adopt", "s", "▁a", "▁layer", "ed", "▁structure", "▁(", "▁space", "▁group", "▁R", "3", "m", "▁No", ".", "▁", "1", "6", "6", "▁)", "▁in", "▁which", "▁layers", "▁consist", "▁of", "▁f", "used", "▁r", "uff", "led", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁member", "ed", "▁rings", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nearest", "▁and", "▁next", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nearest", "▁neighb", "ors", "▁form", "▁an", "▁irregular", "▁oct", "ah", "ed", "ral", "▁complex", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁three", "▁atoms", "▁in", "▁the", "▁same", "▁double", "▁layer", "▁being", "▁slightly", "▁closer", "▁than", "▁the", "▁three", "▁atoms", "▁in", "▁the", "▁next", "▁.", "▁This", "▁relatively", "▁close", "▁pack", "ing", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁a", "▁high", "▁density", "▁of", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "9", "7", "▁g", "▁/", "▁cm", "3", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁weak", "▁bond", "ing", "▁between", "▁the", "▁layers", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁the", "▁low", "▁hard", "ness", "▁and", "▁brit", "t", "len", "ess", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Is", "ot", "op", "es", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁has", "▁two", "▁stable", "▁is", "ot", "op", "es", "▁:", "▁", "1", "2", "1", "S", "b", "▁with", "▁a", "▁natural", "▁abund", "ance", "▁of", "▁", "5", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "6", "▁%", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "3", "S", "b", "▁with", "▁a", "▁natural", "▁abund", "ance", "▁of", "▁", "4", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "4", "▁%", "▁.", "▁It", "▁also", "▁has", "▁", "3", "5", "▁radio", "is", "ot", "op", "es", "▁,", "▁of", "▁which", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁lived", "▁is", "▁", "1", "2", "5", "S", "b", "▁with", "▁a", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁life", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "5", "▁years", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁", "2", "9", "▁met", "ast", "able", "▁states", "▁have", "▁been", "▁character", "ized", "▁.", "▁The", "▁most", "▁stable", "▁of", "▁these", "▁is", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "m", "1", "S", "b", "▁with", "▁a", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁life", "▁of", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "6", "▁days", "▁.", "▁Is", "ot", "op", "es", "▁that", "▁are", "▁l", "ighter", "▁than", "▁the", "▁stable", "▁", "1", "2", "3", "S", "b", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁decay", "▁by", "▁", "β", "▁+", "▁decay", "▁,", "▁and", "▁those", "▁that", "▁are", "▁heav", "ier", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁decay", "▁by", "▁", "β", "▁−", "▁decay", "▁,", "▁with", "▁some", "▁exceptions", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Occ", "urrence", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁abund", "ance", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Earth", "▁'", "s", "▁cr", "ust", "▁is", "▁estimated", "▁at", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁to", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁parts", "▁per", "▁million", "▁,", "▁compar", "able", "▁to", "▁th", "al", "li", "um", "▁at", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁parts", "▁per", "▁million", "▁and", "▁silver", "▁at", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "7", "▁p", "pm", "▁.", "▁Even", "▁though", "▁this", "▁element", "▁is", "▁not", "▁abund", "ant", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁found", "▁in", "▁over", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁min", "eral", "▁species", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁sometimes", "▁found", "▁n", "atively", "▁(", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁on", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁Pe", "ak", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁more", "▁frequently", "▁it", "▁is", "▁found", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁st", "ib", "n", "ite", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "2", "S", "3", "▁)", "▁which", "▁is", "▁the", "▁pre", "domin", "ant", "▁ore", "▁min", "eral", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Comp", "ounds", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁often", "▁class", "ified", "▁according", "▁to", "▁their", "▁ox", "id", "ation", "▁state", "▁:", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁and", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁V", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁+", "▁", "5", "▁ox", "id", "ation", "▁state", "▁is", "▁more", "▁stable", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ox", "ides", "▁and", "▁hydro", "x", "ides", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "4", "O", "▁", "▁", "6", "▁)", "▁is", "▁formed", "▁when", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁bur", "nt", "▁in", "▁air", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁gas", "▁phase", "▁,", "▁this", "▁comp", "ound", "▁exists", "▁as", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "4", "O", "▁", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁polym", "er", "izes", "▁upon", "▁cond", "ens", "ing", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁pent", "ox", "ide", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "4", "O", "▁", "▁", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁can", "▁only", "▁be", "▁formed", "▁by", "▁ox", "id", "ation", "▁by", "▁concentr", "ated", "▁nit", "ric", "▁acid", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁also", "▁forms", "▁a", "▁mixed", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁val", "ence" ]
antimony is too soft to make hard objects ; coins made of antimony were issued in China 's Guizhou province in 1931 , but because of their rapid wear , their minting was discontinued . Antimony is resistant to attack by acids . Four allotropes of antimony are known : a stable metallic form and three metastable forms ( explosive , black and yellow ) . Elemental antimony is a brittle , silver @-@ white shiny metalloid . When slowly cooled , molten antimony crystallizes in a trigonal cell , isomorphic with the gray allotrope of arsenic . A rare explosive form of antimony can be formed from the electrolysis of antimony trichloride . When scratched with a sharp implement , an exothermic reaction occurs and white fumes are given off as metallic antimony is formed ; when rubbed with a pestle in a mortar , a strong detonation occurs . Black antimony is formed upon rapid cooling of vapor derived from metallic antimony . It has the same crystal structure as red phosphorus and black arsenic , it oxidizes in air and may ignite spontaneously . At 100 ° C , it gradually transforms into the stable form . The yellow allotrope of antimony is the most unstable . It has only been generated by oxidation of stibine ( SbH3 ) at − 90 ° C. Above this temperature and in ambient light , this metastable allotrope transforms into the more stable black allotrope . Elemental antimony adopts a layered structure ( space group R3m No. 166 ) in which layers consist of fused ruffled six @-@ membered rings . The nearest and next @-@ nearest neighbors form an irregular octahedral complex , with the three atoms in the same double layer being slightly closer than the three atoms in the next . This relatively close packing leads to a high density of 6 @.@ 697 g / cm3 , but the weak bonding between the layers leads to the low hardness and brittleness of antimony . = = = Isotopes = = = Antimony has two stable isotopes : 121Sb with a natural abundance of 57 @.@ 36 % and 123Sb with a natural abundance of 42 @.@ 64 % . It also has 35 radioisotopes , of which the longest @-@ lived is 125Sb with a half @-@ life of 2 @.@ 75 years . In addition , 29 metastable states have been characterized . The most stable of these is 120m1Sb with a half @-@ life of 5 @.@ 76 days . Isotopes that are lighter than the stable 123Sb tend to decay by β + decay , and those that are heavier tend to decay by β − decay , with some exceptions . = = = Occurrence = = = The abundance of antimony in the Earth 's crust is estimated at 0 @.@ 2 to 0 @.@ 5 parts per million , comparable to thallium at 0 @.@ 5 parts per million and silver at 0 @.@ 07 ppm . Even though this element is not abundant , it is found in over 100 mineral species . Antimony is sometimes found natively ( e.g. on Antimony Peak ) , but more frequently it is found in the sulfide stibnite ( Sb2S3 ) which is the predominant ore mineral . = = Compounds = = Antimony compounds are often classified according to their oxidation state : Sb ( III ) and Sb ( V ) . The + 5 oxidation state is more stable . = = = Oxides and hydroxides = = = Antimony trioxide ( Sb 4O 6 ) is formed when antimony is burnt in air . In the gas phase , this compound exists as Sb 4O 6 , but it polymerizes upon condensing . Antimony pentoxide ( Sb 4O 10 ) can only be formed by oxidation by concentrated nitric acid . Antimony also forms a mixed @-@ valence
[ "▁ox", "ide", "▁,", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁t", "etro", "x", "ide", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "2", "O", "▁", "▁", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁features", "▁both", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁and", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁V", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁ox", "ides", "▁of", "▁ph", "osph", "orus", "▁and", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁,", "▁these", "▁various", "▁ox", "ides", "▁are", "▁am", "ph", "oter", "ic", "▁,", "▁do", "▁not", "▁form", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁defined", "▁ox", "o", "ac", "ids", "▁and", "▁react", "▁with", "▁ac", "ids", "▁to", "▁form", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁sal", "ts", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "imon", "ous", "▁acid", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁O", "H", "▁)", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁is", "▁unknown", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁conjug", "ate", "▁base", "▁sod", "ium", "▁ant", "imon", "ite", "▁(", "▁[", "▁Na", "▁", "▁", "3", "S", "b", "O", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁]", "▁", "▁", "4", "▁)", "▁forms", "▁upon", "▁f", "using", "▁sod", "ium", "▁ox", "ide", "▁and", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "4", "O", "▁", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁Trans", "ition", "▁metal", "▁ant", "imon", "ites", "▁are", "▁also", "▁known", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "onic", "▁acid", "▁exists", "▁only", "▁as", "▁the", "▁hyd", "rate", "▁H", "S", "b", "▁(", "▁O", "H", "▁)", "▁", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁forming", "▁sal", "ts", "▁containing", "▁the", "▁ant", "imon", "ate", "▁an", "ion", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁O", "H", "▁)", "▁−", "▁", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁De", "h", "yd", "rating", "▁metal", "▁sal", "ts", "▁containing", "▁this", "▁an", "ion", "▁yields", "▁mixed", "▁ox", "ides", "▁.", "▁", "▁Many", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁or", "es", "▁are", "▁sul", "f", "ides", "▁,", "▁including", "▁st", "ib", "n", "ite", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "2", "S", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁p", "yr", "arg", "y", "rite", "▁(", "▁Ag", "▁", "▁", "3", "S", "b", "S", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁z", "ink", "en", "ite", "▁,", "▁j", "ames", "on", "ite", "▁,", "▁and", "▁bou", "lang", "er", "ite", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁pent", "as", "ulf", "ide", "▁is", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sto", "ichi", 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"▁", "2", "▁S", "b", "Cl", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁+", "▁", "3", "▁H", "▁", "▁", "2", "S", "▁", "▁The", "▁pent", "ah", "al", "ides", "▁S", "b", "F", "▁", "▁", "5", "▁and", "▁S", "b", "Cl", "▁", "▁", "5", "▁have", "▁trig", "onal", "▁b", "ip", "y", "ram", "idal", "▁mole", "cular", "▁geometry", "▁in", "▁the", "▁gas", "▁phase", "▁,", "▁but", "▁in", "▁the", "▁liquid", "▁phase", "▁,", "▁S", "b", "F", "▁", "▁", "5", "▁is", "▁polym", "er", "ic", "▁,", "▁whereas", "▁S", "b", "Cl", "▁", "▁", "5", "▁is", "▁mon", "omer", "ic", "▁.", "▁S", "b", "F", "▁", "▁", "5", "▁is", "▁a", "▁powerful", "▁Lewis", "▁acid", "▁used", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁super", "ac", "id", "▁flu", "oro", "ant", "im", "onic", "▁acid", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁H", "2", "S", "b", "F", "7", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁O", "xy", "hal", "ides", "▁are", "▁more", "▁common", "▁for", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁than", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁and", "▁ph", "osph", "orus", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁dissol", "ves", "▁in", "▁concentr", "ated", "▁acid", "▁to", "▁form", "▁ox", "o", "ant", "im", "ony", "l", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁such", "▁as", "▁S", "b", "O", "Cl", "▁and", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "O", "▁)", "▁", "▁", "2", "SO", "▁", "▁", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ant", "imon", "ides", "▁,", "▁hyd", "rides", "▁,", "▁and", "▁org", "ano", "ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Comp", "ounds", "▁in", "▁this", "▁class", "▁generally", "▁are", "▁described", "▁as", "▁derivatives", "▁of", "▁S", "b", "3", "▁−", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁forms", "▁ant", "imon", "ides", "▁with", "▁met", "als", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁ind", "ium", "▁ant", "imon", "ide", "▁(", "▁In", "S", "b", "▁)", "▁and", "▁silver", "▁ant", "imon", "ide", "▁(", "▁Ag", "▁", "▁", "3", "S", "b", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁alk", "ali", "▁metal", "▁and", "▁z", "inc", "▁ant", "imon", "ides", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Na", "3", "S", "b", "▁and", "▁Z", "n", "3", "S", "b", "2", "▁,", "▁are", "▁more", "▁re", "active", "▁.", "▁Tre", "ating", "▁these", "▁ant", "imon", "ides", "▁with", "▁acid", "▁produces", "▁the", "▁un", "stable", "▁gas", "▁st", "ib", "ine", "▁,", "▁S", "b", "H", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁:", "▁", "▁S", "b", "3", "▁−", "▁+", "▁", "3", "▁H", "▁+", "▁→", "▁S", "b", "H", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁", "▁St", "ib", "ine", "▁can", "▁also", "▁be", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁tre", "ating", "▁S", "b", "3", "▁+", "▁sal", "ts", "▁with", "▁hyd", "ride", "▁re", "ag", "ents", "▁such", "▁as", "▁sod", "ium", "▁bor", "oh", "yd", "ride", ".", "St", "ib", "ine", "▁decom", "poses", "▁sp", "ont", "ane", "ously", "▁at", "▁room", "▁temperature", "▁.", "▁Because", "▁st", "ib", "ine", "▁has", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁heat", "▁of", "▁formation", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁therm", "od", "ynam", "ically", "▁un", "stable", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁does", "▁not", "▁react", "▁with", "▁hydro", "gen", "▁directly", "▁.", "▁", "▁Or", "g", "ano", "ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁typically", "▁prepared", "▁by", "▁alk", "yl", "ation" ]
oxide , antimony tetroxide ( Sb 2O 4 ) , which features both Sb ( III ) and Sb ( V ) . Unlike oxides of phosphorus and arsenic , these various oxides are amphoteric , do not form well @-@ defined oxoacids and react with acids to form antimony salts . Antimonous acid Sb ( OH ) 3 is unknown , but the conjugate base sodium antimonite ( [ Na 3SbO 3 ] 4 ) forms upon fusing sodium oxide and Sb 4O 6 . Transition metal antimonites are also known . Antimonic acid exists only as the hydrate HSb ( OH ) 6 , forming salts containing the antimonate anion Sb ( OH ) − 6 . Dehydrating metal salts containing this anion yields mixed oxides . Many antimony ores are sulfides , including stibnite ( Sb 2S 3 ) , pyrargyrite ( Ag 3SbS 3 ) , zinkenite , jamesonite , and boulangerite . Antimony pentasulfide is non @-@ stoichiometric and features antimony in the + 3 oxidation state and S @-@ S bonds . Several thioantimonides are known , such as [ Sb 6S 10 ] 2 − and [ Sb 8S 13 ] 2 − . = = = Halides = = = Antimony forms two series of halides : SbX 3 and SbX 5 . The trihalides SbF 3 , SbCl 3 , SbBr 3 , and SbI 3 are all molecular compounds having trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry . The trifluoride SbF 3 is prepared by the reaction of Sb 2O 3 with HF : Sb 2O 3 + 6 HF → 2 SbF 3 + 3 H 2O It is Lewis acidic and readily accepts fluoride ions to form the complex anions SbF − 4 and SbF2 − 5 . Molten SbF 3 is a weak electrical conductor . The trichloride SbCl 3 is prepared by dissolving Sb 2S 3 in hydrochloric acid : Sb 2S 3 + 6 HCl → 2 SbCl 3 + 3 H 2S The pentahalides SbF 5 and SbCl 5 have trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry in the gas phase , but in the liquid phase , SbF 5 is polymeric , whereas SbCl 5 is monomeric . SbF 5 is a powerful Lewis acid used to make the superacid fluoroantimonic acid ( " H2SbF7 " ) . Oxyhalides are more common for antimony than arsenic and phosphorus . Antimony trioxide dissolves in concentrated acid to form oxoantimonyl compounds such as SbOCl and ( SbO ) 2SO 4 . = = = Antimonides , hydrides , and organoantimony compounds = = = Compounds in this class generally are described as derivatives of Sb3 − . Antimony forms antimonides with metals , such as indium antimonide ( InSb ) and silver antimonide ( Ag 3Sb ) . The alkali metal and zinc antimonides , such as Na3Sb and Zn3Sb2 , are more reactive . Treating these antimonides with acid produces the unstable gas stibine , SbH 3 : Sb3 − + 3 H + → SbH 3 Stibine can also be produced by treating Sb3 + salts with hydride reagents such as sodium borohydride.Stibine decomposes spontaneously at room temperature . Because stibine has a positive heat of formation , it is thermodynamically unstable and thus antimony does not react with hydrogen directly . Organoantimony compounds are typically prepared by alkylation
[ "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁hal", "ides", "▁with", "▁Gr", "ign", "ard", "▁re", "ag", "ents", "▁.", "▁A", "▁large", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁known", "▁with", "▁both", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁and", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁V", "▁)", "▁cent", "ers", "▁,", "▁including", "▁mixed", "▁ch", "lor", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁organ", "ic", "▁derivatives", "▁,", "▁an", "ions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁c", "ations", "▁.", "▁Ex", "amples", "▁include", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁C", "6", "H", "5", "▁)", "▁", "3", "▁(", "▁tri", "phen", "yl", "st", "ib", "ine", "▁)", "▁,", "▁S", "b", "2", "▁(", "▁C", "6", "H", "5", "▁)", "▁", "4", "▁(", "▁with", "▁an", "▁S", "b", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁S", "b", "▁bond", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁cy", "clic", "▁[", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁C", "6", "H", "5", "▁)", "▁]", "▁n", "▁.", "▁Pent", "aco", "ordin", "ated", "▁org", "ano", "ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁common", "▁,", "▁examples", "▁being", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁C", "6", "H", "5", "▁)", "▁", "5", "▁and", "▁several", "▁related", "▁hal", "ides", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁,", "▁S", "b", "2", "S", "3", "▁,", "▁was", "▁recognized", "▁in", "▁pred", "yn", "astic", "▁Egypt", "▁as", "▁an", "▁eye", "▁cos", "met", "ic", "▁(", "▁k", "ohl", "▁)", "▁as", "▁early", "▁as", "▁about", "▁", "3", "1", "0", "0", "▁BC", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁cos", "met", "ic", "▁p", "alette", "▁was", "▁invent", "ed", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "▁artifact", "▁,", "▁said", "▁to", "▁be", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁v", "ase", "▁,", "▁made", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁d", "ating", "▁to", "▁about", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "0", "▁BC", "▁was", "▁found", "▁at", "▁T", "ello", "h", "▁,", "▁Chal", "de", "a", "▁(", "▁part", "▁of", "▁present", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁Ira", "q", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁co", "pper", "▁object", "▁pl", "ated", "▁with", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁d", "ating", "▁between", "▁", "2", "5", "0", "0", "▁BC", "▁and", "▁", "2", "2", "0", 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"▁it", "▁were", "▁authentic", "▁,", "▁which", "▁it", "▁is", "▁not", "▁,", "▁it", "▁would", "▁pre", "date", "▁B", "iring", "uc", "cio", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁metal", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁was", "▁known", "▁to", "▁German", "▁chem", "ist", "▁Andreas", "▁Lib", "av", "ius", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "1", "5", "▁who", "▁obtained", "▁it", "▁by", "▁adding", "▁iron", "▁to", "▁a", "▁mol", "ten", "▁mixture", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁,", "▁salt", "▁and", "▁pot", "ass", "ium", "▁tart", "rate", "▁.", "▁This", "▁procedure", "▁produced", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁with", "▁a", "▁cry", "st", "all", "ine", "▁or", "▁star", "red", "▁surface", "▁.", "▁", "▁With", "▁the", "▁advent", "▁of", "▁challeng", "es", "▁to", "▁ph", "log", "ist", "on", "▁theory", "▁it", "▁was", "▁recognized", "▁that", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁an", "▁element", "▁forming", "▁sul", "f", "ides", "▁,", "▁ox", "ides", "▁,", "▁and", "▁other", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁,", "▁as", "▁is", "▁the", "▁case", "▁with", "▁other", "▁met", "als", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁natural", "▁occurrence", "▁of", "▁pure", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Earth", "▁'", "s", "▁cr", "ust", "▁was", "▁described", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Swedish", "▁scient", "ist", "▁and", "▁local", "▁mine", "▁district", "▁engineer", "▁Anton", "▁von", "▁Sw", "ab", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "3", "▁;", "▁the", "▁type", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sample", "▁was", "▁collected", "▁from", "▁the", "▁S", "ala", "▁Silver", "▁Mine", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Berg", "sl", "agen", "▁min", "ing", "▁district", "▁of", "▁S", "ala", "▁,", "▁V", "äst", "man", "land", "▁,", "▁Sweden", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Et", "ym", "ology", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁ancient", "▁words", "▁for", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁mostly", "▁have", "▁,", "▁as", "▁their", "▁chief", "▁meaning", "▁,", "▁k", "ohl" ]
of antimony halides with Grignard reagents . A large variety of compounds are known with both Sb ( III ) and Sb ( V ) centers , including mixed chloro @-@ organic derivatives , anions , and cations . Examples include Sb ( C6H5 ) 3 ( triphenylstibine ) , Sb2 ( C6H5 ) 4 ( with an Sb @-@ Sb bond ) , and cyclic [ Sb ( C6H5 ) ] n . Pentacoordinated organoantimony compounds are common , examples being Sb ( C6H5 ) 5 and several related halides . = = History = = Antimony ( III ) sulfide , Sb2S3 , was recognized in predynastic Egypt as an eye cosmetic ( kohl ) as early as about 3100 BC , when the cosmetic palette was invented . An artifact , said to be part of a vase , made of antimony dating to about 3000 BC was found at Telloh , Chaldea ( part of present @-@ day Iraq ) , and a copper object plated with antimony dating between 2500 BC and 2200 BC has been found in Egypt . Austen , at a lecture by Herbert Gladstone in 1892 commented that " we only know of antimony at the present day as a highly brittle and crystalline metal , which could hardly be fashioned into a useful vase , and therefore this remarkable ' find ' ( artifact mentioned above ) must represent the lost art of rendering antimony malleable . " Moorey was unconvinced the artifact was indeed a vase , mentioning that Selimkhanov , after his analysis of the Tello object ( published in 1975 ) , " attempted to relate the metal to Transcaucasian natural antimony " ( i.e. native metal ) and that " the antimony objects from Transcaucasia are all small personal ornaments . " This weakens the evidence for a lost art " of rendering antimony malleable . " The Roman scholar Pliny the Elder described several ways of preparing antimony sulfide for medical purposes in his treatise Natural History . Pliny the Elder also made a distinction between " male " and " female " forms of antimony ; the male form is probably the sulfide , while the female form , which is superior , heavier , and less friable , has been suspected to be native metallic antimony . The Roman naturalist Pedanius Dioscorides mentioned that antimony sulfide could be roasted by heating by a current of air . It is thought that this produced metallic antimony . The first description of a procedure for isolating antimony is in the book De la pirotechnia of 1540 by Vannoccio Biringuccio ; this predates the more famous 1556 book by Agricola , De re metallica . In this context Agricola has been often incorrectly credited with the discovery of metallic antimony . The book Currus Triumphalis Antimonii ( The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony ) , describing the preparation of metallic antimony , was published in Germany in 1604 . It was purported to have been written by a Benedictine monk , writing under the name Basilius Valentinus , in the 15th century ; if it were authentic , which it is not , it would predate Biringuccio . The metal antimony was known to German chemist Andreas Libavius in 1615 who obtained it by adding iron to a molten mixture of antimony sulfide , salt and potassium tartrate . This procedure produced antimony with a crystalline or starred surface . With the advent of challenges to phlogiston theory it was recognized that antimony is an element forming sulfides , oxides , and other compounds , as is the case with other metals . The first natural occurrence of pure antimony in the Earth 's crust was described by the Swedish scientist and local mine district engineer Anton von Swab in 1783 ; the type @-@ sample was collected from the Sala Silver Mine in the Bergslagen mining district of Sala , Västmanland , Sweden . = = = Etymology = = = The ancient words for antimony mostly have , as their chief meaning , kohl
[ "▁,", "▁the", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Egypt", "ians", "▁called", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁m", "ś", "d", "mt", "▁;", "▁in", "▁hier", "og", "lyph", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁v", "ow", "els", "▁are", "▁uncertain", "▁,", "▁but", "▁there", "▁is", "▁an", "▁Arab", "ic", "▁tradition", "▁that", "▁the", "▁word", "▁is", "▁", "م", "ي", "س", "د", "ي", "م", "ي", "ت", "▁mes", "dem", "et", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Greek", "▁word", "▁,", "▁", "σ", "τ", "ί", "μ", "μ", "ι", "▁stim", "mi", "▁,", "▁is", "▁probably", "▁a", "▁loan", "▁word", "▁from", "▁Arab", "ic", "▁or", "▁from", "▁Egypt", "ian", "▁st", "m", "▁", "▁and", "▁is", "▁used", "▁by", "▁Att", "ic", "▁trag", "ic", "▁po", "ets", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "5", "th", "▁century", "▁BC", "▁;", "▁later", "▁Gree", "ks", "▁also", "▁used", "▁", "σ", "τ", "ἰ", "β", "ι", "▁st", "ib", "i", "▁,", "▁as", "▁did", "▁C", "els", "us", "▁and", "▁Pl", "iny", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁in", "▁Latin", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁century", "▁AD", "▁.", "▁Pl", "iny", "▁also", "▁gives", "▁the", "▁names", "▁st", "imi", "▁[", "▁sic", "▁]", "▁,", "▁lar", "bar", "is", "▁,", "▁al", "ab", "aster", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁very", "▁common", "▁\"", "▁pl", "aty", "oph", "th", "al", "mos", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁wide", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁eye", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁from", "▁the", "▁effect", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cos", "met", "ic", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁Latin", "▁authors", "▁adapted", "▁the", "▁word", "▁to", "▁Latin", "▁as", "▁st", "ib", "ium", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Arab", "ic", "▁word", "▁for", "▁the", "▁subst", "ance", "▁,", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁cos", "met", "ic", "▁,", "▁can", "▁appear", "▁as", "▁", "إ", "ث", "م", "د", "▁it", "h", "mid", "▁,", "▁a", "thm", "oud", "▁,", "▁o", "th", "mod", "▁,", "▁or", "▁u", "th", "mod", "▁.", "▁Lit", "tr", "é", "▁suggests", "▁the", "▁first", "▁form", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁the", "▁earliest", "▁,", "▁der", "ives", "▁from", "▁st", "imm", "ida", "▁,", "▁an", "▁accus", "ative", "▁for", "▁stim", "mi", "▁.", "▁", 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"▁production", "▁volumes", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁British", "▁Ge", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁(", "▁B", "GS", "▁)", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁China", "▁was", "▁the", "▁top", "▁producer", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁with", "▁an", "▁approximately", "▁", "8", "4", "▁%", "▁world", "▁share", "▁,", "▁followed", "▁at", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁by", "▁South", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁Boliv", "ia", "▁and", "▁T", "aj", "ik", "istan", "▁.", "▁X", "iku", "ang", "sh", "an", "▁Mine", "▁in", "▁Hun", "an", "▁province", "▁has", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁depos", "its", "▁in", "▁China", "▁with", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁depos", "it", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁metric", "▁tons", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁the", "▁US", "▁Ge", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁,", "▁China", "▁account", "ed", "▁for", "▁", "8", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁%", "▁of", "▁total", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁production", "▁with", "▁South", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁Boliv", "ia", "▁and", "▁Russia", "▁sharing", "▁the", "▁second", "▁place", "▁.", "▁", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Ros", "kill", "▁Cons", "ult", "ing", "▁estimates", "▁for", "▁primary", "▁production", "▁show", "▁that", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁China", "▁held", "▁a", "▁", "7", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "5", "▁%", "▁share", "▁of", "▁world", "▁supply", "▁with", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "6", "2", "▁t", "onnes", "▁(", "▁", "9", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁of", "▁reported", "▁and", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "6", "4", "▁t", "onnes", "▁of", "▁un", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁reported", "▁production", "▁)", "▁,", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁Russia", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "4", "▁%", "▁share", "▁,", "▁", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁of", "▁production", "▁)", "▁,", "▁My", "an", "mar", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "6", "▁%", "▁share", "▁,", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "9", "7", "▁t", "onnes", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Canada", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "1", "▁%", "▁share", "▁,", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "6", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁)", "▁,", "▁T", "aj", "ik", "istan", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "2", "▁%", "▁share", "▁,", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "7", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Boliv", "ia", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "7", "▁%", "▁share", "▁,", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "8", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ros", "kill", "▁estimates", "▁that" ]
, the sulfide of antimony . The Egyptians called antimony mśdmt ; in hieroglyphs , the vowels are uncertain , but there is an Arabic tradition that the word is ميسديميت mesdemet . The Greek word , στίμμι stimmi , is probably a loan word from Arabic or from Egyptian stm and is used by Attic tragic poets of the 5th century BC ; later Greeks also used στἰβι stibi , as did Celsus and Pliny , writing in Latin , in the first century AD . Pliny also gives the names stimi [ sic ] , larbaris , alabaster , and the " very common " platyophthalmos , " wide @-@ eye " ( from the effect of the cosmetic ) . Later Latin authors adapted the word to Latin as stibium . The Arabic word for the substance , as opposed to the cosmetic , can appear as إثمد ithmid , athmoud , othmod , or uthmod . Littré suggests the first form , which is the earliest , derives from stimmida , an accusative for stimmi . The use of Sb as the standard chemical symbol for antimony is due to Jöns Jakob Berzelius , who used this abbreviation of the name stibium . The medieval Latin form , from which the modern languages and late Byzantine Greek take their names for antimony , is antimonium . The origin of this is uncertain ; all suggestions have some difficulty either of form or interpretation . The popular etymology , from ἀντίμοναχός anti @-@ monachos or French antimoine , still has adherents ; this would mean " monk @-@ killer " , and is explained by many early alchemists being monks , and antimony being poisonous . Another popular etymology is the hypothetical Greek word ἀντίμόνος antimonos , " against aloneness " , explained as " not found as metal " , or " not found unalloyed " . Lippmann conjectured a hypothetical Greek word ανθήμόνιον anthemonion , which would mean " floret " , and cites several examples of related Greek words ( but not that one ) which describe chemical or biological efflorescence . The early uses of antimonium include the translations , in 1050 – 1100 , by Constantine the African of Arabic medical treatises . Several authorities believe antimonium is a scribal corruption of some Arabic form ; Meyerhof derives it from ithmid ; other possibilities include athimar , the Arabic name of the metalloid , and a hypothetical as @-@ stimmi , derived from or parallel to the Greek . = = Production = = = = = Top producers and production volumes = = = The British Geological Survey ( BGS ) reported that in 2005 , China was the top producer of antimony with an approximately 84 % world share , followed at a distance by South Africa , Bolivia and Tajikistan . Xikuangshan Mine in Hunan province has the largest deposits in China with an estimated deposit of 2 @.@ 1 million metric tons . In 2010 , according to the US Geological Survey , China accounted for 88 @.@ 9 % of total antimony production with South Africa , Bolivia and Russia sharing the second place . However , Roskill Consulting estimates for primary production show that in 2010 China held a 76 @.@ 75 % share of world supply with 120 @,@ 462 tonnes ( 90 @,@ 000 tonnes of reported and 30 @,@ 464 tonnes of un @-@ reported production ) , followed by Russia ( 4 @.@ 14 % share , 6 @,@ 500 tonnes of production ) , Myanmar ( 3 @.@ 76 % share , 5 @,@ 897 tonnes ) , Canada ( 3 @.@ 61 % share , 5 @,@ 660 tonnes ) , Tajikistan ( 3 @.@ 42 % share , 5 @,@ 370 tonnes ) and Bolivia ( 3 @.@ 17 % share , 4 @,@ 980 tonnes ) . Roskill estimates that
[ "▁secondary", "▁production", "▁glob", "ally", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁was", "▁", "3", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "5", "4", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁first", "▁in", "▁a", "▁R", "isk", "▁List", "▁published", "▁by", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Ge", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁half", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁list", "▁provides", "▁an", "▁indic", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁relative", "▁risk", "▁to", "▁the", "▁supply", "▁of", "▁chemical", "▁elements", "▁or", "▁element", "▁groups", "▁required", "▁to", "▁maintain", "▁the", "▁current", "▁British", "▁economy", "▁and", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁.", "▁", "▁Also", "▁,", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁was", "▁identified", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁", "1", "2", "▁critical", "▁raw", "▁materials", "▁for", "▁the", "▁EU", "▁in", "▁a", "▁report", "▁published", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁primarily", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁supply", "▁outside", "▁China", "▁.", "▁", "▁Report", "ed", "▁production", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁in", "▁China", "▁fell", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁and", "▁is", "▁unlikely", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁the", "▁coming", "▁years", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Ros", "kill", "▁report", "▁.", "▁No", "▁significant", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁depos", "its", "▁in", "▁China", "▁have", "▁been", "▁developed", "▁for", "▁about", "▁ten", "▁years", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁remaining", "▁economic", "▁res", "erves", "▁are", "▁being", "▁rapidly", "▁de", "ple", "ted", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁world", "▁'", "s", "▁largest", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁produ", "cers", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁Ros", "kill", "▁,", "▁are", "▁listed", "▁below", "▁:", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Res", "erves", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁statistics", "▁from", "▁the", "▁US", "GS", "▁,", "▁current", "▁global", "▁res", "erves", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁will", "▁be", "▁de", "ple", "ted", "▁in", "▁", "1", "3", "▁years", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁US", "GS", "▁expects", "▁more", "▁resources", "▁will", "▁be", "▁found", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁process", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁extra", "ction", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁from", "▁or", "es", "▁depends", "▁on", "▁the", "▁quality", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ore", "▁and", "▁composition", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ore", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁m", "ined", "▁as", "▁the", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁;", "▁lower", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grade", "▁or", "es", "▁are", "▁concentr", "ated", "▁by", "▁fro", "th", "▁fl", "ot", "ation", "▁,", "▁while", "▁higher", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grade", "▁or", "es", "▁are", "▁he", "ated", "▁to", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁°", "▁C", "▁,", "▁the", "▁temperature", "▁at", "▁which", "▁st", "ib", "n", "ite", "▁mel", "ts", "▁and", "▁is", "▁separated", "▁from", "▁the", "▁gang", "ue", "▁min", "er", "als", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁can", "▁be", "▁isolated", "▁from", "▁the", "▁cru", "de", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁by", "▁a", "▁reduction", "▁with", "▁sc", "rap", "▁iron", "▁:", "▁", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "2", "S", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁+", "▁", "3", "▁Fe", "▁→", "▁", "2", "▁S", "b", "▁+", "▁", "3", "▁Fe", "S", "▁", "▁The", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁is", "▁converted", "▁to", "▁an", "▁ox", "ide", "▁and", "▁advantage", "▁is", "▁often", "▁taken", "▁of", "▁the", "▁vol", "at", "ility", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁ox", "ide", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁recovered", "▁from", "▁ro", "ast", "ing", "▁.", "▁This", "▁material", "▁is", "▁often", "▁used", "▁directly", "▁for", "▁the", "▁main", "▁applications", "▁,", "▁imp", "ur", "ities", "▁being", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁and", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁.", "▁Is", "ol", "ating", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁from", "▁its", "▁ox", "ide", "▁is", "▁performed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁car", "both", "erm", "al", "▁reduction", "▁:", "▁", "▁", "2", "▁S", "b", "▁", "▁", "2", "O", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁+", "▁", "3", "▁C", "▁→", "▁", "4", "▁S", "b", "▁+", "▁", "3", "▁CO", "▁", "▁", "2", "▁", "▁The", "▁lower", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grade", "▁or", "es", "▁are", "▁reduced", "▁in", "▁bl", "ast", "▁furn", "aces", "▁while", "▁the", "▁higher", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grade", "▁or", "es", "▁are", "▁reduced", "▁in", "▁rever", "ber", "atory", "▁furn", "aces", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁App", "lications", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁About", "▁", "6", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁consum", "ed", "▁in", "▁fl", "ame", "▁ret", "ard", "ants", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "▁%", "▁is", "▁used", "▁in", "▁allo", "ys", "▁for", "▁batter", "ies", "▁,", "▁plain", "▁bear", "ings", "▁and", "▁sold", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fl", "ame", "▁ret", "ard", "ants", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁mainly", "▁used", "▁as", "▁its", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁in", "▁making", "▁fl", "ame", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁proof", "ing", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁nearly", "▁always", "▁used", "▁in", "▁combination", "▁with", "▁hal", "ogen", "ated", "▁fl", "ame", "▁ret", "ard", "ants", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁only", "▁exception", "▁being", "▁in", "▁hal", "ogen", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁containing", "▁polym", "ers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁formation", "▁of", "▁hal", "ogen", "ated", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁is", "▁the", "▁cause", "▁for", "▁the", "▁fl", "ame", "▁ret", "arding", "▁effect", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁,", "▁due", "▁to", "▁reaction", "▁of", "▁these", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁with", "▁hydro", "gen", "▁atoms", "▁and", "▁probably", "▁also", "▁with", "▁o", "xygen", "▁atoms", "▁and", "▁O", "H", "▁radical", "s", "▁,", "▁thus", "▁in", "hib", "iting", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁Mark", "ets", "▁for", "▁these", "▁fl", "ame", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ret", "ard", "ant", "▁applications", "▁include", "▁children", "▁'", "s", "▁cl", "othing", "▁,", "▁to", "ys", "▁,", "▁aircraft", "▁and", "▁autom", "obile", "▁seat", "▁covers", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁also", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fi", "berg", "lass", "▁compos", "ites", "▁industry", "▁as", "▁an", "▁add", "itive", "▁to", "▁poly", "ester", "▁res", "ins", "▁for", "▁such", "▁items", "▁as", "▁light", "▁aircraft", "▁engine", "▁covers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁res", "in", "▁will", "▁burn", "▁while", "▁a", "▁fl", "ame", "▁is", "▁held", "▁to", "▁it", "▁but", "▁will", "▁ex", "ting", "u", "ish", "▁itself", "▁as", "▁soon", "▁as", "▁the", "▁fl", "ame", "▁is", "▁removed", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Al", "lo", "ys", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁forms", "▁a", "▁highly", "▁useful", "▁al", "loy", "▁with", "▁lead", "▁,", "▁increasing", "▁its", "▁hard", "ness", "▁and", "▁mechanical", "▁strength", "▁.", "▁For", "▁most", "▁applications", "▁involving", "▁lead", "▁,", "▁varying", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁are", "▁used", "▁as", "▁al", "loy", "ing", "▁metal", "▁.", "▁In", "▁lead", "▁–", "▁acid", "▁batter", "ies", "▁,", "▁this", "▁addition", "▁impro", "ves", "▁the", "▁charg", "ing", "▁characteristics", "▁and", "▁reduces", "▁generation", "▁of", "▁unw", "anted", "▁hydro", "gen", "▁during", "▁charg", "ing", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁used", "▁in", "▁ant", "if", "riction", "▁allo", "ys", "▁(", "▁such", "▁as", "▁B", "abb", "itt", "▁metal", "▁)", "▁,", "▁in", "▁bul", "lets", "▁and", "▁lead", "▁shot", "▁,", "▁cable", "▁she", "ath", "ing", "▁,", "▁type", "▁metal", "▁(", "▁for", "▁example", "▁,", "▁for", "▁lin", "ot", "ype", "▁printing", "▁machines", "▁)", "▁,", "▁sol", "der", "▁(", "▁some", "▁\"", "▁lead", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁free", "▁\"", "▁sold", "ers", "▁contain", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁S", "b", "▁)", "▁,", "▁in", "▁p", "ew", "ter", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁hard", "ening", "▁allo", "ys", "▁with", "▁low", "▁tin", "▁content", "▁in", "▁the", "▁manufact", "uring", "▁of", "▁organ", "▁pip", "es", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Other", "▁applications", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Three", "▁other", "▁applications", "▁make", "▁up", "▁nearly", "▁all", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁consumption", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁these", "▁uses", "▁is", "▁as", "▁a", "▁stabil", "izer", "▁and" ]
secondary production globally in 2010 was 39 @,@ 540 tonnes . Antimony was ranked first in a Risk List published by the British Geological Survey in the second half of 2011 . The list provides an indication of the relative risk to the supply of chemical elements or element groups required to maintain the current British economy and lifestyle . Also , antimony was identified as one of 12 critical raw materials for the EU in a report published in 2011 , primarily due to the lack of supply outside China . Reported production of antimony in China fell in 2010 and is unlikely to increase in the coming years , according to the Roskill report . No significant antimony deposits in China have been developed for about ten years , and the remaining economic reserves are being rapidly depleted . The world 's largest antimony producers , according to Roskill , are listed below : = = = Reserves = = = According to statistics from the USGS , current global reserves of antimony will be depleted in 13 years . However , the USGS expects more resources will be found . = = = Production process = = = The extraction of antimony from ores depends on the quality of the ore and composition of the ore . Most antimony is mined as the sulfide ; lower @-@ grade ores are concentrated by froth flotation , while higher @-@ grade ores are heated to 500 – 600 ° C , the temperature at which stibnite melts and is separated from the gangue minerals . Antimony can be isolated from the crude antimony sulfide by a reduction with scrap iron : Sb 2S 3 + 3 Fe → 2 Sb + 3 FeS The sulfide is converted to an oxide and advantage is often taken of the volatility of antimony ( III ) oxide , which is recovered from roasting . This material is often used directly for the main applications , impurities being arsenic and sulfide . Isolating antimony from its oxide is performed by a carbothermal reduction : 2 Sb 2O 3 + 3 C → 4 Sb + 3 CO 2 The lower @-@ grade ores are reduced in blast furnaces while the higher @-@ grade ores are reduced in reverberatory furnaces . = = Applications = = About 60 % of antimony is consumed in flame retardants , and 20 % is used in alloys for batteries , plain bearings and solders . = = = Flame retardants = = = Antimony is mainly used as its trioxide in making flame @-@ proofing compounds . It is nearly always used in combination with halogenated flame retardants , with the only exception being in halogen @-@ containing polymers . The formation of halogenated antimony compounds is the cause for the flame retarding effect of antimony trioxide , due to reaction of these compounds with hydrogen atoms and probably also with oxygen atoms and OH radicals , thus inhibiting fire . Markets for these flame @-@ retardant applications include children 's clothing , toys , aircraft and automobile seat covers . It is also used in the fiberglass composites industry as an additive to polyester resins for such items as light aircraft engine covers . The resin will burn while a flame is held to it but will extinguish itself as soon as the flame is removed . = = = Alloys = = = Antimony forms a highly useful alloy with lead , increasing its hardness and mechanical strength . For most applications involving lead , varying amounts of antimony are used as alloying metal . In lead – acid batteries , this addition improves the charging characteristics and reduces generation of unwanted hydrogen during charging . It is used in antifriction alloys ( such as Babbitt metal ) , in bullets and lead shot , cable sheathing , type metal ( for example , for linotype printing machines ) , solder ( some " lead @-@ free " solders contain 5 % Sb ) , in pewter , and in hardening alloys with low tin content in the manufacturing of organ pipes . = = = Other applications = = = Three other applications make up nearly all the rest of the consumption . One of these uses is as a stabilizer and
[ "▁a", "▁catal", "yst", "▁for", "▁the", "▁production", "▁of", "▁poly", "eth", "y", "len", "et", "ere", "ph", "th", "al", "ate", "▁.", "▁Another", "▁application", "▁is", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁a", "▁fin", "ing", "▁agent", "▁to", "▁remove", "▁micro", "scop", "ic", "▁b", "ub", "bles", "▁in", "▁glass", "▁,", "▁mostly", "▁for", "▁TV", "▁screens", "▁;", "▁this", "▁is", "▁achieved", "▁by", "▁the", "▁interaction", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁", "ions", "▁with", "▁o", "xygen", "▁,", "▁inter", "fer", "ing", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁from", "▁forming", "▁b", "ub", "bles", "▁.", "▁The", "▁third", "▁major", "▁application", "▁is", "▁the", "▁use", "▁as", "▁p", "ig", "ment", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁being", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sem", "icon", "duct", "or", "▁industry", "▁as", "▁a", "▁dop", "ant", "▁for", "▁heavily", "▁do", "ped", "▁n", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁type", "▁sil", "icon", "▁w", "af", "ers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁production", "▁of", "▁di", "odes", "▁,", "▁inf", "ra", "red", "▁detect", "ors", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Hall", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁effect", "▁devices", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁tiny", "▁be", "ads", "▁of", "▁a", "▁lead", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁al", "loy", "▁were", "▁used", "▁to", "▁do", "pe", "▁the", "▁emit", "ters", "▁and", "▁collect", "ors", "▁of", "▁n", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁p", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁n", "▁al", "loy", "▁j", "unction", "▁trans", "ist", "ors", "▁with", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁.", "▁Ind", "ium", "▁ant", "imon", "ide", "▁is", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁material", "▁for", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁inf", "ra", "red", "▁detect", "ors", "▁.", "▁", "▁F", "ew", "▁bi", "ological", "▁or", "▁medical", "▁applications", "▁exist", "▁for", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁.", "▁Tre", "at", "ments", "▁princip", "ally", "▁containing", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁are", "▁known", "▁as", "▁ant", "imon", "ial", "s", "▁and", "▁are", "▁used", "▁as", "▁em", "et", "ics", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁used", "▁as", "▁ant", "ip", "ro", "to", "zo", "an", "▁dru", "gs", "▁.", "▁Pot", "ass", "ium", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "l", "▁tart", "rate", "▁,", "▁or", "▁tart", "ar", "▁em", "etic", "▁,", "▁was", "▁once", "▁used", "▁as", "▁an", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sch", "ist", "os", "om", "al", "▁drug", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁on", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁pra", "zi", "quant", "el", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁and", "▁its", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁used", "▁in", "▁several", "▁veter", "inary", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁like", "▁anth", "iom", "al", "ine", "▁or", "▁l", "ith", "ium", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁th", "iom", "al", "ate", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁skin", "▁condition", "er", "▁in", "▁r", "umin", "ants", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁has", "▁a", "▁n", "our", "ishing", "▁or", "▁condition", "ing", "▁effect", "▁on", "▁ker", "atin", "ized", "▁t", "issues", "▁,", "▁at", "▁least", "▁in", "▁animals", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁dru", "gs", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁meg", "l", "um", "ine", "▁ant", "im", "oni", "ate", "▁,", "▁are", "▁also", "▁considered", "▁the", "▁dru", "gs", "▁of", "▁choice", "▁for", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁le", "ish", "man", "ias", "is", "▁in", "▁domestic", "▁animals", "▁.", "▁Unfortunately", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁having", "▁low", "▁th", "era", "pe", "ut", "ic", "▁indices", "▁,", "▁the", "▁dru", "gs", "▁are", "▁poor", "▁at", "▁pen", "etr", "ating", "▁the", "▁b", "one", "▁mar", "row", "▁,", "▁where", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Le", "ish", "mania", "▁am", "ast", "ig", "otes", "▁res", "ide", "▁,", "▁and", "▁so", "▁c", "ure", "▁of", "▁the", "▁disease", "▁–", "▁especially", "▁the", "▁vis", "cer", "al", "▁form", "▁–", "▁is", "▁very", "▁difficult", "▁.", "▁Element", "al", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁as", "▁an", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁pill", "▁was", "▁once", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁medicine", "▁.", "▁It", "▁could", "▁be", "▁re", "used", "▁by", "▁others", "▁after", "▁ing", "estion", "▁and", "▁elim", "ination", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁heads", "▁of", "▁some", "▁safety", "▁matches", "▁,", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁sul", "f", "ide", "▁is", "▁used", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "2", "4", "▁is", "▁used", "▁together", "▁with", "▁b", "ery", "l", "li", "um", "▁in", "▁neut", "ron", "▁sources", "▁;", "▁the", "▁g", "amma", "▁ray", "s", "▁em", "itted", "▁by", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "2", "4", "▁initi", "ate", "▁the", "▁phot", "od", "is", "integration", "▁of", "▁b", "ery", "l", "li", "um", "▁.", "▁The", "▁em", "itted", "▁neut", "rons", "▁have", "▁an", "▁average", "▁energy", "▁of", "▁", "2", "4", "▁ke", "V", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁sul", "f", "ides", "▁have", "▁been", "▁shown", "▁to", "▁help", "▁stabil", "ize", "▁the", "▁fr", "iction", "▁coefficient", "▁in", "▁autom", "ot", "ive", "▁bra", "ke", "▁pad", "▁materials", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁also", "▁is", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁making", "▁of", "▁bul", "lets", "▁and", "▁bullet", "▁trac", "ers", "▁.", "▁This", "▁element", "▁is", "▁also", "▁used", "▁in", "▁paint", "▁and", "▁glass", "▁art", "▁craft", "s", "▁and", "▁as", "▁op", "ac", "ifier", "▁in", "▁en", "am", "el", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pre", "ca", "utions", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁effects", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁and", "▁its", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁on", "▁human", "▁and", "▁environmental", "▁health", "▁differ", "▁widely", "▁.", "▁The", "▁massive", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁metal", "▁does", "▁not", "▁affect", "▁human", "▁and", "▁environmental", "▁health", "▁.", "▁In", "hal", "ation", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁(", "▁and", "▁similar", "▁poor", "ly", "▁sol", "ub", "le", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁dust", "▁particles", "▁such", "▁as", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁dust", "▁)", "▁is", "▁considered", "▁harm", "ful", "▁and", "▁sus", "pected", "▁of", "▁causing", "▁cancer", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁these", "▁effects", "▁are", "▁only", "▁observed", "▁with", "▁female", "▁r", "ats", "▁and", "▁after", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁high", "▁dust", "▁concentr", "ations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁effects", "▁are", "▁hypoth", "es", "ized", "▁to", "▁be", "▁attributed", "▁to", "▁in", "hal", "ation", "▁of", "▁poor", "ly", "▁sol", "ub", "le", "▁S", "b", "▁particles", "▁leading", "▁to", "▁imp", "a", "ired", "▁lung", "▁clear", "ance", "▁,", "▁lung", "▁over", "load", "▁,", "▁infl", "amm", "ation", "▁and", "▁ultimately", "▁tum", "our", "▁formation", "▁,", "▁not", "▁to", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁", "ions", "▁(", "▁O", "E", "CD", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁ch", "lor", "ides", "▁are", "▁cor", "ros", "ive", "▁to", "▁skin", "▁.", "▁The", "▁effects", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁are", "▁not", "▁compar", "able", "▁to", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁;", "▁this", "▁might", "▁be", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁the", "▁significant", "▁differences", "▁of", "▁u", "pt", "ake", "▁,", "▁met", "abol", "ism", "▁and", "▁ex", "cret", "ion", "▁between", "▁ar", "sen", "ic", "▁and", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁.", "▁", "▁For", "▁or", "al", "▁absor", "ption", "▁,", "▁I", "CR", "P", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁)", "▁recommended", "▁values", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁%", "▁for", "▁tart", "ar", "▁em", "etic", "▁and", "▁", "1", "▁%", "▁for", "▁all", "▁other", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁.", "▁D", "erm", "al", "▁absor", "ption", "▁for", "▁met", "als", "▁is", "▁estimated", "▁at", "▁most", "▁", "1", "▁%", "▁(", "▁H", "ER", "AG", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁)", "▁.", "▁In", "hal", "ation", "▁absor", "ption", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁tri", "ox", "ide", "▁and", "▁other", "▁poor", "ly", "▁sol", "ub", "le", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁subst", "ances", "▁(", "▁such", "▁as", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁dust", "▁)", "▁is", "▁estimated", "▁at", "▁", "6" ]
a catalyst for the production of polyethyleneterephthalate . Another application is to serve as a fining agent to remove microscopic bubbles in glass , mostly for TV screens ; this is achieved by the interaction of antimony ions with oxygen , interfering the latter from forming bubbles . The third major application is the use as pigment . Antimony is being increasingly used in the semiconductor industry as a dopant for heavily doped n @-@ type silicon wafers in the production of diodes , infrared detectors , and Hall @-@ effect devices . In the 1950s , tiny beads of a lead @-@ antimony alloy were used to dope the emitters and collectors of n @-@ p @-@ n alloy junction transistors with antimony . Indium antimonide is used as a material for mid @-@ infrared detectors . Few biological or medical applications exist for antimony . Treatments principally containing antimony are known as antimonials and are used as emetics . Antimony compounds are used as antiprotozoan drugs . Potassium antimonyl tartrate , or tartar emetic , was once used as an anti @-@ schistosomal drug from 1919 on . It was subsequently replaced by praziquantel . Antimony and its compounds are used in several veterinary preparations like anthiomaline or lithium antimony thiomalate , which is used as a skin conditioner in ruminants . Antimony has a nourishing or conditioning effect on keratinized tissues , at least in animals . Antimony @-@ based drugs , such as meglumine antimoniate , are also considered the drugs of choice for treatment of leishmaniasis in domestic animals . Unfortunately , as well as having low therapeutic indices , the drugs are poor at penetrating the bone marrow , where some of the Leishmania amastigotes reside , and so cure of the disease – especially the visceral form – is very difficult . Elemental antimony as an antimony pill was once used as a medicine . It could be reused by others after ingestion and elimination . In the heads of some safety matches , antimony ( III ) sulfide is used . Antimony @-@ 124 is used together with beryllium in neutron sources ; the gamma rays emitted by antimony @-@ 124 initiate the photodisintegration of beryllium . The emitted neutrons have an average energy of 24 keV . Antimony sulfides have been shown to help stabilize the friction coefficient in automotive brake pad materials . Antimony also is used in the making of bullets and bullet tracers . This element is also used in paint and glass art crafts and as opacifier in enamel . = = Precautions = = The effects of antimony and its compounds on human and environmental health differ widely . The massive antimony metal does not affect human and environmental health . Inhalation of antimony trioxide ( and similar poorly soluble Sb ( III ) dust particles such as antimony dust ) is considered harmful and suspected of causing cancer . However , these effects are only observed with female rats and after long @-@ term exposure to high dust concentrations . The effects are hypothesized to be attributed to inhalation of poorly soluble Sb particles leading to impaired lung clearance , lung overload , inflammation and ultimately tumour formation , not to exposure to antimony ions ( OECD , 2008 ) . Antimony chlorides are corrosive to skin . The effects of antimony are not comparable to arsenic ; this might be caused by the significant differences of uptake , metabolism and excretion between arsenic and antimony . For oral absorption , ICRP ( 1994 ) recommended values of 10 % for tartar emetic and 1 % for all other antimony compounds . Dermal absorption for metals is estimated at most 1 % ( HERAG , 2007 ) . Inhalation absorption of antimony trioxide and other poorly soluble Sb ( III ) substances ( such as antimony dust ) is estimated at 6
[ "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁%", "▁(", "▁O", "E", "CD", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁whereas", "▁a", "▁value", "▁<", "▁", "1", "▁%", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁for", "▁S", "b", "▁(", "▁V", "▁)", "▁subst", "ances", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁(", "▁V", "▁)", "▁is", "▁not", "▁quant", "it", "atively", "▁reduced", "▁to", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁(", "▁III", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁cell", "▁,", "▁and", "▁both", "▁species", "▁exist", "▁simultaneously", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁mainly", "▁ex", "cret", "ed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁human", "▁body", "▁via", "▁ur", "ine", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁and", "▁its", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁do", "▁not", "▁cause", "▁ac", "ute", "▁human", "▁health", "▁effects", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁exception", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁pot", "ass", "ium", "▁tart", "rate", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁tart", "ar", "▁em", "etic", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁prod", "rug", "▁that", "▁is", "▁intention", "ally", "▁used", "▁to", "▁treat", "▁le", "ish", "man", "ias", "is", "▁patients", "▁.", "▁", "▁Pro", "long", "ed", "▁skin", "▁contact", "▁with", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁dust", "▁may", "▁cause", "▁der", "mat", "itis", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁agreed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁European", "▁Union", "▁level", "▁that", "▁the", "▁skin", "▁r", "ash", "es", "▁observed", "▁are", "▁not", "▁subst", "ance", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁specific", "▁,", "▁but", "▁most", "▁probably", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁physical", "▁blocking", "▁of", "▁swe", "at", "▁du", "ct", "s", "▁(", "▁E", "CH", "A", "▁/", "▁PR", "▁/", "▁", "0", "9", "▁/", "▁", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Hels", "ink", "i", "▁,", "▁", "6", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁dust", "▁may", "▁also", "▁be", "▁explos", "ive", "▁when", "▁dispers", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁air", "▁;", "▁when", "▁in", "▁a", "▁bulk", "▁solid", "▁it", "▁is", "▁not", "▁comb", "ust", "ible", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁in", "compatible", "▁with", "▁strong", "▁ac", "ids", "▁,", "▁hal", "ogen", "ated", "▁ac", "ids", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ox", "id", "izers", "▁;", "▁when", "▁exposed", "▁to", "▁newly", "▁formed", "▁hydro", "gen", "▁it", "▁may", "▁form", "▁st", "ib", "ine", "▁(", "▁S", "b", "H", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁", "8", "▁hour", "▁time", "▁weight", "ed", "▁average", "▁(", "▁T", "WA", "▁)", "▁is", "▁set", "▁at", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁m", "g", "▁/", "▁m", "3", "▁by", "▁the", "▁American", "▁Conference", "▁of", "▁Government", "al", "▁Indust", "rial", "▁H", "yg", "ien", "ists", "▁and", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Occ", "up", "ational", "▁Saf", "ety", "▁and", "▁Health", "▁Administration", "▁(", "▁OS", "HA", "▁)", "▁as", "▁a", "▁legal", "▁perm", "iss", "ible", "▁expos", "ure", "▁limit", "▁(", "▁P", "EL", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁work", "place", "▁.", "▁The", "▁National", "▁Institute", "▁for", "▁Occ", "up", "ational", "▁Saf", "ety", "▁and", "▁Health", "▁(", "▁N", "IOS", "H", "▁)", "▁has", "▁set", "▁a", "▁recommended", "▁expos", "ure", "▁limit", "▁(", "▁RE", "L", "▁)", "▁of", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁m", "g", "▁/", "▁m", "3", "▁as", "▁an", "▁", "8", "▁hour", "▁T", "WA", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁are", "▁used", "▁as", "▁catal", "yst", "s", "▁for", "▁poly", "eth", "yl", "ene", "▁t", "ere", "ph", "th", "al", "ate", "▁(", "▁P", "ET", "▁)", "▁production", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁studies", "▁report", "▁minor", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁le", "aching", "▁from", "▁P", "ET", "▁bott", "les", "▁into", "▁liqu", "ids", "▁,", "▁but", "▁levels", "▁are", "▁below", "▁drink", "ing", "▁water", "▁gu", "idel", "ines", "▁.", "▁Ant", "im", "ony", "▁concentr", "ations", "▁in", "▁fruit", "▁ju", "ice", "▁concentr", "ates", "▁were", "▁somewhat", "▁higher", "▁(", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "4", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁", "µ", "g", "▁/", "▁L", "▁of", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁ju", "ices", "▁do", "▁not", "▁fall", "▁under", "▁the", "▁drink", "ing", "▁water", "▁reg", "ulations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁drink", "ing", "▁water", "▁gu", "idel", "ines", "▁are", "▁:", "▁", "▁World", "▁Health", "▁Organ", "ization", "▁:", "▁", "2", "0", "▁", "µ", "g", "▁/", "▁L", "▁", "▁Japan", "▁:", "▁", "1", "5", "▁", "µ", "g", "▁/", "▁L", "▁", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Environment", "al", "▁Prote", "ction", "▁Agency", "▁,", "▁Health", "▁Canada", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Ontario", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Environment", "▁:", "▁", "6", "▁", "µ", "g", "▁/", "▁L", "▁", "▁EU", "▁and", "▁German", "▁Federal", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Environment", "▁:", "▁", "5", "▁", "µ", "g", "▁/", "▁L", "▁", "▁The", "▁T", "DI", "▁proposed", "▁by", "▁W", "HO", "▁is", "▁", "6", "▁", "µ", "g", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁per", "▁kil", "ogram", "▁of", "▁body", "▁weight", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ID", "L", "H", "▁(", "▁immediately", "▁dangerous", "▁to", "▁life", "▁and", "▁health", "▁)", "▁value", "▁for", "▁ant", "im", "ony", "▁is", "▁", "5", "0", "▁m", "g", "▁/", "▁m", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁=", "▁", "▁Sir", "▁Robert", "▁Eric", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁CH", "▁,", "▁C", "IE", "▁,", "▁MC", "▁,", "▁T", "D", "▁,", "▁F", "SA", "▁,", "▁F", "RS", "▁,", "▁F", "BA", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "▁September", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "▁–", "▁", "2", "2", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁)", "▁was", "▁a", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁and", "▁officer", "▁in", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Army", "▁.", "▁Over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁his", "▁career", "▁,", "▁he", "▁served", "▁as", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁both", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁,", "▁Director", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁General", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁of", "▁India", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁founder", "▁and", "▁Honor", "ary", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁further", "▁writing", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁four", "▁books", "▁on", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁subjects", "▁.", "▁", "▁Born", "▁in", "▁Glasgow", "▁to", "▁a", "▁middle", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁class", "▁family", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁raised", "▁largely", "▁in", "▁York", "shire", "▁before", "▁re", "loc", "ating", "▁to", "▁London", "▁in", "▁his", "▁te", "en", "age", "▁years", "▁.", "▁After", "▁studying", "▁Class", "ics", "▁at", "▁University", "▁College", "▁London", "▁(", "▁U", "CL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁he", "▁began", "▁working", "▁profession", "ally", "▁in", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁special", "izing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁British", "▁period", "▁.", "▁During", "▁World", "▁War", "▁I", "▁he", "▁volunte", "ered", "▁for", "▁service", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Art", "illery", "▁,", "▁being", "▁station", "ed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Front", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁rose", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rank", "▁of", "▁major", "▁and", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Military", "▁Cross", "▁.", "▁Return", "ing", "▁to", "▁Britain", "▁,", "▁he", "▁obtained", "▁his", "▁doctor", "ate", "▁from", "▁U", "CL", "▁before", "▁taking", "▁on", "▁a", "▁position", "▁at", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁first", "▁as", "▁K", "ee", "per", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁and", "▁then", "▁as", "▁Director", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁time", "▁he", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁for", "ts", "▁of", "▁Seg", "ont", "ium", "▁,", "▁Y", "▁Ga", "er", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Is", "ca", "▁August", "a", "▁with", "▁the", "▁aid", "▁of", "▁his", "▁first", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁T", "essa", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁.", "▁In", "fl", "uen", "ced", "▁by", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁August", "us", "▁Pitt", "▁R", "ivers", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁argued", "▁that", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁and", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁of", "▁strat", "ig", "raph", "ic", "▁context", "▁required", "▁an", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁scientific", "▁and", "▁method", "ical", "▁approach", "▁,", "▁developing", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁Method", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was" ]
@.@ 8 % ( OECD , 2008 ) , whereas a value < 1 % is derived for Sb ( V ) substances . Antimony ( V ) is not quantitatively reduced to antimony ( III ) in the cell , and both species exist simultaneously . Antimony is mainly excreted from the human body via urine . Antimony and its compounds do not cause acute human health effects , with the exception of antimony potassium tartrate ( " tartar emetic " ) , a prodrug that is intentionally used to treat leishmaniasis patients . Prolonged skin contact with antimony dust may cause dermatitis . However , it was agreed at the European Union level that the skin rashes observed are not substance @-@ specific , but most probably due to a physical blocking of sweat ducts ( ECHA / PR / 09 / 09 , Helsinki , 6 July 2009 ) . Antimony dust may also be explosive when dispersed in the air ; when in a bulk solid it is not combustible . Antimony is incompatible with strong acids , halogenated acids , and oxidizers ; when exposed to newly formed hydrogen it may form stibine ( SbH3 ) . The 8 hour time weighted average ( TWA ) is set at 0 @.@ 5 mg / m3 by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) as a legal permissible exposure limit ( PEL ) in the workplace . The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( NIOSH ) has set a recommended exposure limit ( REL ) of 0 @.@ 5 mg / m3 as an 8 hour TWA . Antimony compounds are used as catalysts for polyethylene terephthalate ( PET ) production . Some studies report minor antimony leaching from PET bottles into liquids , but levels are below drinking water guidelines . Antimony concentrations in fruit juice concentrates were somewhat higher ( up to 44 @.@ 7 µg / L of antimony ) , but juices do not fall under the drinking water regulations . The drinking water guidelines are : World Health Organization : 20 µg / L Japan : 15 µg / L United States Environmental Protection Agency , Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment : 6 µg / L EU and German Federal Ministry of Environment : 5 µg / L The TDI proposed by WHO is 6 µg antimony per kilogram of body weight . The IDLH ( immediately dangerous to life and health ) value for antimony is 50 mg / m3 . = Mortimer Wheeler = Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler CH , CIE , MC , TD , FSA , FRS , FBA ( 10 September 1890 – 22 July 1976 ) was a British archaeologist and officer in the British Army . Over the course of his career , he served as Director of both the National Museum of Wales and London Museum , Director @-@ General of the Archaeological Survey of India , and the founder and Honorary Director of the Institute of Archaeology in London , further writing twenty @-@ four books on archaeological subjects . Born in Glasgow to a middle @-@ class family , Wheeler was raised largely in Yorkshire before relocating to London in his teenage years . After studying Classics at University College London ( UCL ) , he began working professionally in archaeology , specializing in the Romano @-@ British period . During World War I he volunteered for service in the Royal Artillery , being stationed on the Western Front , where he rose to the rank of major and was awarded the Military Cross . Returning to Britain , he obtained his doctorate from UCL before taking on a position at the National Museum of Wales , first as Keeper of Archaeology and then as Director , during which time he oversaw excavation at the Roman forts of Segontium , Y Gaer , and Isca Augusta with the aid of his first wife , Tessa Wheeler . Influenced by the archaeologist Augustus Pitt Rivers , Wheeler argued that excavation and the recording of stratigraphic context required an increasingly scientific and methodical approach , developing the " Wheeler Method " . In 1926 , he was
[ "▁appointed", "▁K", "ee", "per", "▁of", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁;", "▁there", "▁,", "▁he", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁a", "▁re", "organisation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁collection", "▁,", "▁successfully", "▁lo", "bb", "ied", "▁for", "▁increased", "▁fund", "ing", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁lect", "uring", "▁at", "▁U", "CL", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁he", "▁established", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁federal", "▁University", "▁of", "▁London", "▁,", "▁adopt", "ing", "▁the", "▁position", "▁of", "▁Honor", "ary", "▁Director", "▁.", "▁In", "▁this", "▁period", "▁,", "▁he", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁sites", "▁at", "▁L", "yd", "ney", "▁Park", "▁and", "▁Ver", "ul", "am", "ium", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁hill", "▁fort", "▁of", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁Castle", "▁.", "▁During", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁,", "▁he", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁Ar", "med", "▁Forces", "▁and", "▁rose", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rank", "▁of", "▁brig", "ad", "ier", "▁,", "▁serving", "▁in", "▁the", "▁North", "▁African", "▁Camp", "aign", "▁and", "▁then", "▁the", "▁Al", "lied", "▁invasion", "▁of", "▁Italy", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁he", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁Director", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁General", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁of", "▁India", "▁,", "▁through", "▁which", "▁he", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁of", "▁sites", "▁at", "▁Har", "appa", "▁,", "▁A", "rik", "amed", "u", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Bra", "hm", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁and", "▁implemented", "▁re", "forms", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁'", "s", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁establishment", "▁.", "▁Return", "ing", "▁to", "▁Britain", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁divided", "▁his", "▁time", "▁between", "▁lect", "uring", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁and", "▁acting", "▁as", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁advis", "er", "▁to", "▁Pakistan", "▁'", "s", "▁government", "▁.", "▁In", "▁later", "▁life", "▁,", "▁his", "▁popular", "▁books", "▁,", "▁cru", "ise", "▁ship", "▁lect", "ures", "▁,", "▁and", "▁appearances", "▁on", "▁radio", "▁and", "▁television", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁the", "▁BBC", "▁series", "▁Animal", "▁,", "▁Veg", "et", "able", "▁,", "▁Min", "eral", "▁?", "▁,", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁to", "▁a", "▁mass", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁App", "oint", "ed", "▁Honor", "ary", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Academy", "▁,", "▁he", "▁raised", "▁large", "▁sums", "▁of", "▁money", "▁for", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁projects", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁British", "▁representative", "▁for", "▁several", "▁UN", "ES", "CO", "▁projects", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁is", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁important", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tw", "enti", "eth", "▁century", "▁,", 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"▁Em", "ily", "▁,", "▁shared", "▁her", "▁husband", "▁'", "s", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁English", "▁literature", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁the", "▁nie", "ce", "▁of", "▁Thomas", "▁Sp", "encer", "▁Bay", "nes", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Shakespeare", "an", "▁scholar", "▁at", "▁St", ".", "▁Andrew", "s", "▁University", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁marriage", "▁was", "▁em", "otion", "ally", "▁stra", "ined", "▁,", "▁a", "▁situation", "▁ex", "ac", "erb", "ated", "▁by", "▁their", "▁financial", "▁in", "security", "▁.", "▁Within", "▁two", "▁years", "▁of", "▁their", "▁son", "▁'", "s", "▁birth", "▁,", "▁the", "▁family", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Edinburgh", "▁,", "▁where", "▁a", "▁daughter", "▁named", "▁Amy", "▁was", "▁born", "▁.", "▁The", "▁couple", "▁gave", "▁their", "▁two", "▁children", "▁nick", "names", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁Bo", "ber", "ic", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁Amy", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁T", "ots", "y", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁When", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁four", "▁,", "▁his", "▁father", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁chief", "▁leader", "▁writer", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Brad", "ford", "▁Ob", "server", "▁.", "▁The", "▁family", "▁re", "located", "▁to", "▁Sal", "taire", "▁,", "▁a", "▁village", "▁north", "west", "▁of", "▁Brad", "ford", "▁,", "▁a", "▁cosm", "opol", "itan", "▁city", "▁in", "▁York", "shire", "▁,", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁England", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁then", "▁in", "▁the", "▁midst", "▁of", "▁the", "▁w", "ool", "▁trade", "▁bo", "om", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁mo", "ors", "▁surrounding", "▁Sal", "taire", "▁and", "▁fasc", "in", "ated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁area", "▁'", "s", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁He", "▁later", "▁wrote", "▁about", "▁discover", "ing", "▁a", "▁late", "▁pre", "histor", "ic", "▁cup", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁marked", "▁stone", "▁,", "▁searching", "▁for", "▁l", "ith", "ics", "▁on", "▁Il", "k", "ley", "▁Mo", "or", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dig", "ging", "▁into", "▁a", "▁bar", "row", "▁on", "▁B", "ail", "don", "▁Mo", "or", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁suffering", "▁from", "▁ill", "▁health", "▁,", "▁Em", "ily", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁taught", "▁her", "▁two", "▁children", "▁with", "▁the", "▁help", "▁of", "▁a", "▁ma", "id", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁seven", "▁or", "▁eight", "▁.", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁remained", "▁em", "otion", "ally", "▁distant", "▁from", "▁his", "▁mother", "▁,", "▁instead", "▁being", "▁far", "▁closer", "▁to", "▁his", "▁father", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁company", "▁he", "▁fav", "oured", "▁over", "▁that", "▁of", "▁other", "▁children", "▁.", "▁His", "▁father", "▁had", "▁a", "▁keen", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁natural", "▁history", "▁and", "▁a", "▁love", "▁of", "▁fish", "ing", "▁and", "▁shooting", "▁,", "▁rural", "▁purs", "uits", "▁in", "▁which", "▁he", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁to", "▁take", "▁part", "▁.", "▁Robert", "▁acquired", "▁many", "▁books", "▁for", "▁his", "▁son", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁on", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁art", "▁history", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁lov", "ing", "▁to", "▁both", "▁read", "▁and", "▁paint", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "9", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁joined", "▁Brad", "ford", "▁Gram", "mar", "▁School", "▁shortly", "▁before", "▁his", "▁nin", "th", "▁birth", "day", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁proceeded", "▁straight", "▁to", "▁the", "▁second", "▁form", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "2", "▁Robert", "▁and", "▁Em", "ily", "▁had", "▁a", "▁second", "▁daughter", "▁,", "▁whom", "▁they", "▁named", "▁Betty", "▁;", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁showed", "▁little", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁this", "▁younger", "▁sister", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9" ]
appointed Keeper of the London Museum ; there , he oversaw a reorganisation of the collection , successfully lobbied for increased funding , and began lecturing at UCL . In 1934 , he established the Institute of Archaeology as part of the federal University of London , adopting the position of Honorary Director . In this period , he oversaw excavations of the Roman sites at Lydney Park and Verulamium and the Iron Age hill fort of Maidan Castle . During World War II , he re @-@ joined the Armed Forces and rose to the rank of brigadier , serving in the North African Campaign and then the Allied invasion of Italy . In 1944 he was appointed Director @-@ General of the Archaeological Survey of India , through which he oversaw excavations of sites at Harappa , Arikamedu , and Brahmagiri , and implemented reforms to the subcontinent 's archaeological establishment . Returning to Britain in 1948 , he divided his time between lecturing for the Institute of Archaeology and acting as archaeological adviser to Pakistan 's government . In later life , his popular books , cruise ship lectures , and appearances on radio and television , particularly the BBC series Animal , Vegetable , Mineral ? , helped to bring archaeology to a mass audience . Appointed Honorary Secretary of the British Academy , he raised large sums of money for archaeological projects , and was appointed British representative for several UNESCO projects . Wheeler is recognised as one of the most important British archaeologists of the twentieth century , responsible for successfully encouraging British public interest in the discipline and advancing methodologies of excavation and recording . Further , he is widely acclaimed as a major figure in the establishment of South Asian archaeology . However , many of his specific interpretations of archaeological sites have been discredited or reinterpreted , and he was often criticised for bullying colleagues and sexually harassing young women . = = Early life = = = = = Childhood : 1890 – 1907 = = = Mortimer Wheeler was born on 10 September 1890 in the city of Glasgow , Scotland . He was the first child of the journalist Robert Mortimer Wheeler and his second wife Emily Wheeler ( née Baynes ) . The son of a tea merchant based in Bristol , in youth Robert had considered becoming a Baptist minister , but instead became a staunch freethinker while studying at the University of Edinburgh . Initially working as a lecturer in English literature , Robert turned to journalism after his first wife died in childbirth . His second wife , Emily , shared her husband 's interest in English literature , and was the niece of Thomas Spencer Baynes , a Shakespearean scholar at St. Andrews University . Their marriage was emotionally strained , a situation exacerbated by their financial insecurity . Within two years of their son 's birth , the family moved to Edinburgh , where a daughter named Amy was born . The couple gave their two children nicknames , with Mortimer being " Boberic " and Amy being " Totsy " . When Wheeler was four , his father was appointed chief leader writer for the Bradford Observer . The family relocated to Saltaire , a village northwest of Bradford , a cosmopolitan city in Yorkshire , northeast England , which was then in the midst of the wool trade boom . Wheeler was inspired by the moors surrounding Saltaire and fascinated by the area 's archaeology . He later wrote about discovering a late prehistoric cup @-@ marked stone , searching for lithics on Ilkley Moor , and digging into a barrow on Baildon Moor . Although suffering from ill health , Emily Wheeler taught her two children with the help of a maid up to the age of seven or eight . Mortimer remained emotionally distant from his mother , instead being far closer to his father , whose company he favoured over that of other children . His father had a keen interest in natural history and a love of fishing and shooting , rural pursuits in which he encouraged Mortimer to take part . Robert acquired many books for his son , particularly on the subject of art history , with Wheeler loving to both read and paint . In 1899 , Wheeler joined Bradford Grammar School shortly before his ninth birthday , where he proceeded straight to the second form . In 1902 Robert and Emily had a second daughter , whom they named Betty ; Mortimer showed little interest in this younger sister . In 19
[ "0", "5", "▁,", "▁Robert", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁take", "▁over", "▁as", "▁head", "▁of", "▁the", "▁London", "▁office", "▁of", "▁his", "▁newspaper", "▁,", "▁by", "▁then", "▁renamed", "▁the", "▁York", "shire", "▁Daily", "▁Ob", "server", "▁,", "▁and", "▁so", "▁the", "▁family", "▁re", "located", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁in", "▁December", "▁,", "▁sett", "ling", "▁into", "▁a", "▁house", "▁named", "▁Carl", "ton", "▁L", "odge", "▁on", "▁South", "▁Cro", "yd", "on", "▁Road", "▁,", "▁West", "▁D", "ul", "wich", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁they", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁", "1", "4", "▁Rol", "les", "court", "▁Avenue", "▁in", "▁nearby", "▁Her", "ne", "▁Hill", "▁.", "▁R", "ather", "▁than", "▁being", "▁sent", "▁for", "▁a", "▁conventional", "▁education", "▁,", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁", "1", "5", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁instruct", "ed", "▁to", "▁educ", "ate", "▁himself", "▁by", "▁sp", "ending", "▁time", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁frequ", "ented", "▁The", "▁National", "▁Gallery", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Victoria", "▁and", "▁Albert", "▁Museum", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁University", "▁and", "▁early", "▁career", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁passing", "▁the", "▁entrance", "▁exam", "▁on", "▁his", "▁second", "▁attempt", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁a", "▁scholar", "ship", "▁to", "▁read", "▁classical", "▁studies", "▁at", "▁University", "▁College", "▁London", "▁(", "▁U", "CL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁comm", "uting", "▁daily", "▁from", "▁his", "▁parent", "al", "▁home", "▁to", "▁the", "▁university", "▁campus", "▁in", "▁Blo", "oms", "bury", "▁,", "▁central", "▁London", "▁.", "▁At", "▁U", "CL", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁taught", "▁by", "▁the", "▁prominent", "▁classic", "ist", "▁A", ".", "▁E", ".", "▁H", "ous", "man", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁under", "grad", "uate", "▁studies", "▁,", "▁he", "▁became", "▁editor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Union", "▁Magazine", "▁,", "▁for", "▁which", "▁he", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁illustrated", "▁cart", "o", "ons", "▁.", "▁In", "cre", "asing", "ly", "▁interested", "▁in", "▁art", "▁,", "▁he", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁switch", "▁from", "▁classical", "▁studies", "▁to", "▁a", "▁course", "▁at", "▁U", "CL", "▁'", "s", "▁art", "▁school", "▁,", "▁the", "▁S", "lade", "▁School", "▁of", "▁Fine", "▁Art", "▁;", "▁he", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁subject", "▁after", "▁coming", "▁to", "▁the", "▁opinion", "▁that", "▁–", "▁in", "▁his", "▁words", "▁–", "▁he", "▁never", "▁became", "▁more", "▁than", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁convention", "ally", "▁accomplished", "▁picture", "▁mak", "er", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁This", "▁inter", "l", "ude", "▁had", "▁advers", "ely", "▁affected", "▁his", "▁classical", "▁studies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁received", "▁a", "▁second", "▁class", "▁B", "A", "▁on", "▁gradu", "ating", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁began", "▁studying", "▁for", "▁a", "▁Master", "▁of", "▁Arts", "▁degree", "▁in", "▁classical", "▁studies", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁att", "ained", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁During", "▁this", "▁period", "▁,", "▁he", "▁also", "▁gained", "▁employ", "ment", "▁as", "▁the", "▁personal", "▁secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁U", "CL", "▁Prov", "ost", "▁Gregory", "▁F", "oster", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁later", "▁critic", "ised", "▁F", "oster", "▁for", "▁transform", "ing", "▁the", "▁university", "▁from", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁college", "▁in", "▁the", "▁truly", "▁academic", "▁sense", "▁[", "▁into", "▁]", "▁a", "▁hy", "pert", "roph", "ied", "▁mon", "st", "ros", "ity", "▁as", "▁little", "▁like", "▁a", "▁college", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pl", "es", "ios", "aur", "us", "▁is", "▁like", "▁a", "▁man", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁also", "▁at", "▁this", "▁time", "▁of", "▁life", "▁that", "▁he", "▁met", "▁and", "▁began", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁T", "essa", "▁Ver", "ney", "▁,", "▁a", "▁student", "▁then", "▁studying", "▁history", "▁at", "▁U", "CL", "▁,", "▁when", "▁they", "▁were", "▁both", "▁serving", "▁on", "▁the", "▁committee", "▁of", "▁the", "▁University", "▁College", "▁Liter", "ary", "▁Society", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁his", "▁studies", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁developed", "▁his", "▁love", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁having", "▁joined", "▁an", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁of", "▁V", "iro", "con", "ium", "▁Corn", "ov", "ior", "um", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁British", "▁settlement", "▁in", "▁W", "ro", "x", "eter", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁Consider", "ing", "▁a", "▁profession", "▁in", "▁the", "▁discipline", "▁,", "▁he", "▁won", "▁a", "▁student", "ship", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁established", "▁joint", "ly", "▁by", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁London", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁in", "▁memory", "▁of", "▁August", "us", "▁W", "oll", "ast", "on", "▁Fran", "ks", "▁.", "▁The", "▁prominent", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Sir", "▁Arthur", "▁Evans", "▁double", "d", "▁the", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁money", "▁that", "▁went", "▁with", "▁the", "▁student", "ship", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁proposed", "▁project", "▁had", "▁been", "▁to", "▁analy", "se", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "hen", "ish", "▁pot", "tery", "▁,", "▁and", "▁with", "▁the", "▁grant", "▁he", "▁fund", "ed", "▁a", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Rh", "in", "eland", "▁in", "▁Germany", "▁,", "▁there", "▁studying", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁pot", "tery", "▁hous", "ed", "▁in", "▁local", "▁museum", "s", "▁;", "▁his", "▁research", "▁into", "▁this", "▁subject", "▁was", "▁never", "▁published", "▁.", "▁", "▁At", "▁this", "▁period", "▁,", "▁there", "▁were", "▁very", "▁few", "▁jobs", "▁available", "▁within", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁;", "▁as", "▁the", "▁later", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Stuart", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁related", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁young", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁looking", "▁for", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁job", "▁where", "▁the", "▁profession", "▁had", "▁yet", "▁to", "▁be", "▁created", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁secured", "▁a", "▁position", "▁as", "▁junior", "▁investig", "ator", "▁for", "▁the", "▁English", "▁Royal", "▁Commission", "▁on", "▁Historical", "▁Mon", "uments", "▁,", "▁who", "▁were", "▁emb", "ark", "ing", "▁on", "▁a", "▁project", "▁to", "▁assess", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁all", "▁structures", "▁in", "▁the", "▁nation", "▁that", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dated", "▁", "1", "7", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁As", "▁part", "▁of", "▁this", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁first", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁Ste", "bb", "ing", "▁in", "▁Es", "sex", "▁to", "▁assess", "▁Late", "▁Med", "ieval", "▁buildings", "▁,", "▁although", "▁once", "▁that", "▁was", "▁accomplished", "▁he", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁studying", "▁the", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁British", "▁remains", "▁of", "▁that", "▁county", "▁.", "▁In", "▁summer", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁he", "▁married", "▁T", "essa", "▁in", "▁a", "▁low", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁key", "▁,", "▁sec", "ular", "▁wed", "ding", "▁ceremony", "▁,", "▁before", "▁they", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁parent", "al", "▁home", "▁in", "▁Her", "ne", "▁Hill", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁First", "▁World", "▁War", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁'", "s", "▁entry", "▁into", "▁World", "▁War", "▁I", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁volunte", "ered", "▁for", "▁the", "▁armed", "▁forces", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁prefer", "ring", "▁solit", "ary", "▁to", "▁group", "▁activities", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁found", "▁that", "▁he", "▁greatly", "▁enjoyed", "▁soldier", "ing", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁next", "▁seven", "▁months", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁posted", "▁as", "▁an", "▁instruct", "or", "▁in", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁London", "▁Officer", "▁Training", "▁Corps", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁during", "▁this", "▁period", "▁,", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁that", "▁a", "▁son", "▁was", "▁born", "▁to", "▁the", "▁W", "heel", "ers", "▁,", "▁and", "▁named", "▁Michael", "▁.", "▁Michael", "▁was", "▁their", "▁only", "▁child", "▁,", "▁something", "▁that", "▁was", "▁a", "▁social", "▁anom", "aly", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁is", "▁unknown", "▁if", "▁this", "▁was", "▁by", "▁choice", "▁or", "▁not", "▁.", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁transferred", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Royal" ]
05 , Robert agreed to take over as head of the London office of his newspaper , by then renamed the Yorkshire Daily Observer , and so the family relocated to the southeast of the city in December , settling into a house named Carlton Lodge on South Croydon Road , West Dulwich . In 1908 they moved to 14 Rollescourt Avenue in nearby Herne Hill . Rather than being sent for a conventional education , when he was 15 Wheeler was instructed to educate himself by spending time in London , where he frequented The National Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum . = = = University and early career : 1907 – 14 = = = After passing the entrance exam on his second attempt , in 1907 Wheeler was awarded a scholarship to read classical studies at University College London ( UCL ) , commuting daily from his parental home to the university campus in Bloomsbury , central London . At UCL , he was taught by the prominent classicist A. E. Housman . During his undergraduate studies , he became editor of the Union Magazine , for which he produced a number of illustrated cartoons . Increasingly interested in art , he decided to switch from classical studies to a course at UCL 's art school , the Slade School of Fine Art ; he returned to his previous subject after coming to the opinion that – in his words – he never became more than " a conventionally accomplished picture maker " . This interlude had adversely affected his classical studies , and he received a second class BA on graduating . Wheeler began studying for a Master of Arts degree in classical studies , which he attained in 1912 . During this period , he also gained employment as the personal secretary of the UCL Provost Gregory Foster , although he later criticised Foster for transforming the university from " a college in the truly academic sense [ into ] a hypertrophied monstrosity as little like a college as a plesiosaurus is like a man " . It was also at this time of life that he met and began a relationship with Tessa Verney , a student then studying history at UCL , when they were both serving on the committee of the University College Literary Society . During his studies , Wheeler had developed his love of archaeology , having joined an excavation of Viroconium Cornoviorum , a Romano @-@ British settlement in Wroxeter , in 1913 . Considering a profession in the discipline , he won a studentship that had been established jointly by the University of London and the Society of Antiquaries in memory of Augustus Wollaston Franks . The prominent archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans doubled the amount of money that went with the studentship . Wheeler 's proposed project had been to analyse Romano @-@ Rhenish pottery , and with the grant he funded a trip to the Rhineland in Germany , there studying the Roman pottery housed in local museums ; his research into this subject was never published . At this period , there were very few jobs available within British archaeology ; as the later archaeologist Stuart Piggott related , " the young Wheeler was looking for a professional job where the profession had yet to be created . " In 1913 Wheeler secured a position as junior investigator for the English Royal Commission on Historical Monuments , who were embarking on a project to assess the state of all structures in the nation that pre @-@ dated 1714 . As part of this , he was first sent to Stebbing in Essex to assess Late Medieval buildings , although once that was accomplished he focused on studying the Romano @-@ British remains of that county . In summer 1914 he married Tessa in a low @-@ key , secular wedding ceremony , before they moved into Wheeler 's parental home in Herne Hill . = = = First World War : 1914 – 18 = = = After the United Kingdom 's entry into World War I in 1914 , Wheeler volunteered for the armed forces . Although preferring solitary to group activities , Wheeler found that he greatly enjoyed soldiering . For the next seven months , he was posted as an instructor in the University of London Officer Training Corps . It was during this period , in January 1915 , that a son was born to the Wheelers , and named Michael . Michael was their only child , something that was a social anomaly at the time , although it is unknown if this was by choice or not . In May 1915 , Wheeler transferred to the Royal
[ "▁Field", "▁Art", "illery", "▁(", "▁Territ", "orial", "▁Force", "▁)", "▁and", "▁shortly", "▁there", "after", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁captain", "▁.", "▁In", "▁this", "▁position", "▁he", "▁was", "▁station", "ed", "▁at", "▁various", "▁bases", "▁across", "▁Britain", "▁,", "▁often", "▁bringing", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁and", "▁child", "▁with", "▁him", "▁;", "▁his", "▁responsibility", "▁was", "▁as", "▁a", "▁battery", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁initially", "▁of", "▁field", "▁guns", "▁and", "▁later", "▁of", "▁how", "itz", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "7", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁posted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "7", "6", "th", "▁Army", "▁Field", "▁Art", "illery", "▁Brigade", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Field", "▁Art", "illery", "▁brig", "ades", "▁under", "▁the", "▁direct", "▁control", "▁of", "▁the", "▁General", "▁Officer", "▁Command", "ing", "▁,", "▁Third", "▁Army", "▁.", "▁The", "▁brig", "ade", "▁was", "▁then", "▁station", "ed", "▁in", "▁Belg", "ium", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁had", "▁been", "▁engaged", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Pass", "ch", "end", "ae", "le", "▁against", "▁German", "▁troops", "▁along", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Front", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁immediately", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁command", "▁of", "▁an", "▁art", "illery", "▁battery", "▁,", "▁replacing", "▁a", "▁major", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁poison", "ed", "▁by", "▁must", "ard", "▁gas", "▁.", "▁Being", "▁promoted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rank", "▁of", "▁acting", "▁major", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Left", "▁Group", "▁of", "▁art", "illery", "▁covering", "▁the", "▁adv", "ancing", "▁Al", "lied", "▁inf", "antry", "▁in", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁,", "▁he", "▁maintained", "▁correspond", "ences", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁his", "▁sister", "▁Amy", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁parents", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁Al", "lied", "▁victory", "▁in", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁,", "▁the", "▁brig", "ade", "▁was", "▁transferred", "▁to", "▁Italy", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁the", "▁brig", "ade", "▁arrived", "▁in", "▁Italy", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "▁November", "▁,", "▁and", "▁proceeded", "▁through", "▁the", "▁Italian", "▁Riv", "iera", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁Cap", "or", "etto", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁had", "▁been", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁bol", "ster", "▁the", "▁Italian", "▁troops", "▁against", "▁a", "▁German", "▁and", "▁Aust", "ro", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁advance", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁Russian", "▁Republic", "▁removed", "▁itself", "▁from", "▁the", "▁war", "▁,", "▁the", "▁German", "▁Army", "▁ref", "oc", "used", "▁its", "▁efforts", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Front", "▁,", "▁and", "▁so", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁brig", "ade", "▁was", "▁ordered", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁Italy", "▁,", "▁getting", "▁a", "▁train", "▁from", "▁Cast", "elf", "ran", "co", "▁to", "▁V", "ieux", "▁Rou", "en", "▁in", "▁France", "▁.", "▁Back", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Front", "▁,", "▁the", "▁brig", "ade", "▁was", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Division", "▁,", "▁again", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Julian", "▁By", "ng", "▁'", "s", "▁Third", "▁Army", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁a", "▁stable", "▁area", "▁of", "▁the", "▁front", "▁in", "▁April", "▁.", "▁Here", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁engaged", "▁in", "▁art", "illery", "▁fire", "▁for", "▁several", "▁months", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁British", "▁went", "▁on", "▁the", "▁off", "ensive", "▁in", "▁August", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "4", "▁August", "▁,", "▁in", "▁between", "▁the", "▁ru", "ined", "▁villages", "▁of", "▁Ach", "iet", "▁and", "▁S", "ap", "ign", "ies", "▁,", "▁he", "▁led", "▁an", "▁expedition", "▁which", "▁captured", "▁two", "▁German", "▁field", "▁guns", "▁while", "▁under", "▁heavy", "▁fire", "▁from", "▁a", "▁castle", "▁m", "ound", "▁;", "▁he", "▁was", "▁later", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Military", "▁Cross", "▁for", "▁this", "▁action", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁continued", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁forces", "▁pushing", "▁west", "ward", "▁until", "▁the", "▁German", "▁surrender", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁not", "▁dem", "obil", "ised", "▁for", "▁several", "▁months", "▁,", "▁instead", "▁being", "▁station", "ed", "▁at", "▁Pul", "heim", "▁in", "▁Germany", "▁until", "▁March", "▁;", "▁during", "▁this", "▁time", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁up", "▁his", "▁earlier", "▁research", "▁on", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "hen", "ish", "▁pot", "tery", "▁,", "▁making", "▁use", "▁of", "▁access", "▁to", "▁local", "▁museum", "s", "▁,", "▁before", "▁returning", "▁to", "▁London", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁–", "▁", "2", "6", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁returning", "▁to", "▁London", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁a", "▁top", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁floor", "▁flat", "▁near", "▁Gordon", "▁Square", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁and", "▁child", "▁.", "▁He", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁working", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Commission", "▁,", "▁exam", "ining", "▁and", "▁catalog", "uing", "▁the", "▁historic", "▁structures", "▁of", "▁Es", "sex", "▁.", "▁In", "▁doing", "▁so", "▁,", "▁he", "▁produced", "▁his", "▁first", "▁publication", "▁,", "▁an", "▁academic", "▁paper", "▁on", "▁Col", "chester", "▁'", "s", "▁Roman", "▁B", "alk", "erne", "▁Gate", "▁which", "▁was", "▁published", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Trans", "actions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Es", "sex", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Society", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁soon", "▁followed", "▁this", "▁with", "▁two", "▁papers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Journal", "▁of", "▁Roman", "▁Studies", "▁;", "▁the", "▁first", "▁offered", "▁a", "▁wider", "▁analysis", "▁of", "▁Roman", "▁Col", "chester", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁out", "lined", "▁his", "▁discovery", "▁of", "▁the", "▁v", "ault", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁Temple", "▁of", "▁Claud", "ius", "▁which", "▁was", "▁destroyed", "▁by", "▁B", "oud", "ica", "▁'", "s", "▁revol", "t", "▁.", "▁In", "▁doing", "▁so", "▁,", "▁he", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁reputation", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Roman", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁submitted", "▁his", "▁research", "▁on", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "hen", "ish", "▁p", "ots", "▁to", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁London", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁which", "▁he", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁his", "▁Doctor", "ate", "▁of", "▁Let", "ters", "▁;", "▁th", "ence", "for", "th", "▁until", "▁his", "▁kn", "ighth", "ood", "▁he", "▁sty", "led", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁Dr", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁uns", "atisf", "ied", "▁with", "▁his", "▁job", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Commission", "▁,", "▁unh", "appy", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁receiving", "▁less", "▁pay", "▁and", "▁a", "▁lower", "▁status", "▁than", "▁he", "▁had", "▁had", "▁in", "▁the", "▁army", "▁,", "▁and", "▁so", "▁began", "▁to", "▁seek", "▁out", "▁alternative", "▁employ", "ment", "▁.", "▁", "▁He", "▁obtained", "▁a", "▁post", "▁as", "▁the", "▁K", "ee", "per", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁at", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁a", "▁job", "▁that", "▁also", "▁ent", "a", "iled", "▁becoming", "▁a", "▁lect", "urer", "▁in", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁at", "▁the", "▁University", "▁College", "▁of", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁Mon", "mouth", "shire", "▁.", "▁T", "aking", "▁up", "▁this", "▁position", "▁,", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Card", "iff", "▁with", "▁his", "▁family", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁initially", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁The", "▁museum", "▁was", "▁in", "▁dis", "array", "▁;", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁war", "▁,", "▁construction", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁on", "▁a", "▁new", "▁purpose", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁built", "▁building", "▁to", "▁house", "▁the", "▁collections", "▁.", "▁This", "▁had", "▁ceased", "▁during", "▁the", "▁conflict", "▁and", "▁the", "▁ed", "ifice", "▁was", "▁left", "▁abandoned", "▁during", "▁Card", "iff", "▁'", "s", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁war", "▁economic", "▁sl", "ump", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁that", "▁Wales", "▁was", "▁very", "▁divided", "▁region", "ally", "▁,", "▁with", "▁many", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁people", "▁having", "▁little", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁to", "▁Card", "iff", "▁;", "▁thus", "▁,", "▁he", "▁made", "▁a", "▁point", "▁of", "▁tour", "ing", "▁the", "▁country", "▁,", "▁lect", "uring", "▁to", "▁local", "▁soci", "eties", "▁about", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to" ]
Field Artillery ( Territorial Force ) and shortly thereafter was appointed captain . In this position he was stationed at various bases across Britain , often bringing his wife and child with him ; his responsibility was as a battery commander , initially of field guns and later of howitzers . In October 1917 Wheeler was posted to the 76th Army Field Artillery Brigade , one of the Royal Field Artillery brigades under the direct control of the General Officer Commanding , Third Army . The brigade was then stationed in Belgium , where it had been engaged in the Battle of Passchendaele against German troops along the Western Front . There , he was immediately placed in command of an artillery battery , replacing a major who had been poisoned by mustard gas . Being promoted to the rank of acting major , he was part of the Left Group of artillery covering the advancing Allied infantry in the battle . Throughout , he maintained correspondences with his wife , his sister Amy , and his parents . After the Allied victory in the battle , the brigade was transferred to Italy . Wheeler and the brigade arrived in Italy on 20 November , and proceeded through the Italian Riviera to reach Caporetto , where it had been sent to bolster the Italian troops against a German and Austro @-@ Hungarian advance . As the Russian Republic removed itself from the war , the German Army refocused its efforts on the Western Front , and so in March 1918 Wheeler 's brigade was ordered to leave Italy , getting a train from Castelfranco to Vieux Rouen in France . Back on the Western Front , the brigade was assigned to the 2nd Division , again part of Julian Byng 's Third Army , reaching a stable area of the front in April . Here , Wheeler was engaged in artillery fire for several months , before the British went on the offensive in August . On 24 August , in between the ruined villages of Achiet and Sapignies , he led an expedition which captured two German field guns while under heavy fire from a castle mound ; he was later awarded the Military Cross for this action . Wheeler continued as part of the British forces pushing westward until the German surrender in November 1918 . He was not demobilised for several months , instead being stationed at Pulheim in Germany until March ; during this time he wrote up his earlier research on Romano @-@ Rhenish pottery , making use of access to local museums , before returning to London in July 1919 . = = Career = = = = = National Museum of Wales : 1919 – 26 = = = On returning to London , Wheeler moved into a top @-@ floor flat near Gordon Square with his wife and child . He returned to working for the Royal Commission , examining and cataloguing the historic structures of Essex . In doing so , he produced his first publication , an academic paper on Colchester 's Roman Balkerne Gate which was published in the Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society in 1920 . He soon followed this with two papers in the Journal of Roman Studies ; the first offered a wider analysis of Roman Colchester , while the latter outlined his discovery of the vaulting for the city 's Temple of Claudius which was destroyed by Boudica 's revolt . In doing so , he developed a reputation as a Roman archaeologist in Britain . He then submitted his research on Romano @-@ Rhenish pots to the University of London , on the basis of which he was awarded his Doctorate of Letters ; thenceforth until his knighthood he styled himself as Dr Wheeler . He was unsatisfied with his job in the Commission , unhappy that he was receiving less pay and a lower status than he had had in the army , and so began to seek out alternative employment . He obtained a post as the Keeper of Archaeology at the National Museum of Wales , a job that also entailed becoming a lecturer in archaeology at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire . Taking up this position , he moved to Cardiff with his family in August 1920 , although he initially disliked the city . The museum was in disarray ; prior to the war , construction had begun on a new purpose @-@ built building to house the collections . This had ceased during the conflict and the edifice was left abandoned during Cardiff 's post @-@ war economic slump . Wheeler recognised that Wales was very divided regionally , with many Welsh people having little loyalty to Cardiff ; thus , he made a point of touring the country , lecturing to local societies about archaeology . According to
[ "▁the", "▁later", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁L", "yd", "ia", "▁C", ".", "▁Car", "r", "▁,", "▁the", "▁W", "heel", "ers", "▁'", "▁work", "▁for", "▁the", "▁cause", "▁of", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁wider", "▁\"", "▁cultural", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁national", "ist", "▁movement", "▁\"", "▁linked", "▁to", "▁growing", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁national", "ism", "▁during", "▁this", "▁period", "▁;", "▁for", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁national", "ist", "▁party", "▁Pla", "id", "▁C", "ym", "ru", "▁was", "▁founded", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁imp", "at", "ient", "▁to", "▁start", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "1", "▁started", "▁a", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁week", "▁project", "▁to", "▁exc", "av", "ate", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁fort", "▁of", "▁Seg", "ont", "ium", "▁;", "▁accompanied", "▁by", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁he", "▁used", "▁up", "▁his", "▁hol", "iday", "▁to", "▁over", "see", "▁the", "▁project", "▁.", "▁A", "▁second", "▁season", "▁of", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁the", "▁site", "▁followed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁.", "▁Great", "ly", "▁influenced", "▁by", "▁the", "▁writ", "ings", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁August", "us", "▁Pitt", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "ivers", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁emphas", "ised", "▁the", "▁need", "▁for", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁,", "▁developed", "▁method", "ology", "▁when", "▁undert", "aking", "▁an", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁,", "▁bel", "ieving", "▁in", "▁the", "▁need", "▁for", "▁strateg", "ic", "▁planning", "▁,", "▁or", "▁what", "▁he", "▁term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁controlled", "▁discovery", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁with", "▁clear", "▁object", "ives", "▁in", "▁mind", "▁for", "▁a", "▁project", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁emphas", "ising", "▁the", "▁importance", "▁of", "▁prompt", "▁publication", "▁of", "▁research", "▁results", "▁,", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁full", "▁season", "al", "▁reports", "▁for", "▁Arch", "ae", "ologia", "▁Camb", "r", "ensis", "▁before", "▁publishing", "▁a", "▁full", "▁report", "▁,", "▁Seg", "ont", "ium", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁Occ", "up", "ation", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁keen", "▁on", "▁training", "▁new", "▁gener", "ations", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁,", "▁and", "▁two", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁prominent", "▁students", "▁to", "▁exc", "av", "ate", "▁with", "▁him", "▁at", "▁Seg", "ont", "ium", "▁were", "▁Victor", "▁Nash", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Williams", "▁and", "▁Ian", "▁Richmond", "▁.", "▁", "▁Over", "▁the", "▁field", "▁seasons", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁ran", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁fort", "▁of", "▁Y", "▁Ga", "er", "▁near", "▁Bre", "con", "▁,", "▁a", "▁project", "▁a", "ided", "▁by", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁and", "▁two", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁students", "▁,", "▁Now", "ell", "▁My", "res", "▁and", "▁Christopher", "▁Haw", "kes", "▁.", "▁During", "▁this", "▁project", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁visited", "▁by", "▁the", "▁prominent", "▁Egypt", "ologist", "▁Sir", "▁Fl", "ind", "ers", "▁Pet", "rie", "▁and", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁H", "ilda", "▁Pet", "rie", "▁;", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁greatly", "▁adm", "ired", "▁Pet", "rie", "▁'", "s", "▁emphas", "is", "▁on", "▁strong", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁method", "ologies", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁published", "▁the", "▁results", "▁of", "▁his", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Roman", "▁Fort", "▁Near", "▁Bre", "con", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁began", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁Is", "ca", "▁August", "a", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Roman", "▁site", "▁in", "▁Ca", "er", "le", "on", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁reve", "aling", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁am", "ph", "it", "he", "atre", "▁.", "▁Intent", "▁on", "▁attract", "ing", "▁press", "▁attention", "▁to", "▁both", "▁raise", "▁public", "▁aw", "aren", "ess", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁and", "▁attract", "▁new", "▁sources", "▁of", "▁fund", "ing", "▁,", "▁he", "▁contact", "ed", "▁the", "▁press", "▁and", "▁organ", "ised", "▁a", "▁spons", "or", "ship", "▁of", "▁the", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁by", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁market", "▁newspaper", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁Mail", "▁.", "▁In", "▁doing", "▁so", "▁,", "▁he", "▁emphas", "ised", "▁the", "▁folk", "lor", "ic", "▁and", "▁legend", "ary", "▁associations", "▁that", "▁the", "▁site", "▁had", "▁with", "▁King", "▁Arthur", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁Oxford", "▁University", "▁Press", "▁published", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁book", "▁for", "▁a", "▁general", "▁audience", "▁,", "▁Pre", "histor", "ic", "▁and", "▁Roman", "▁Wales", "▁;", "▁he", "▁later", "▁expressed", "▁the", "▁opinion", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁a", "▁good", "▁book", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁William", "▁Evans", "▁Ho", "yle", "▁,", "▁res", "igned", "▁amid", "▁ill", "▁health", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁applied", "▁to", "▁take", "▁on", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁his", "▁replacement", "▁,", "▁providing", "▁support", "ive", "▁test", "imon", "ial", "s", "▁from", "▁Charles", "▁Re", "ed", "▁Pe", "ers", "▁,", "▁Robert", "▁Bos", "an", "quet", "▁,", "▁and", "▁H", ".", "▁J", ".", "▁Fle", "ure", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁had", "▁no", "▁prior", "▁museum", "▁experience", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁successful", "▁in", "▁his", "▁application", "▁and", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁Director", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁employed", "▁a", "▁close", "▁friend", "▁,", "▁Cy", "ril", "▁Fox", "▁,", "▁to", "▁take", "▁on", "▁the", "▁vac", "ated", "▁position", "▁of", "▁K", "ee", "per", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁proposed", "▁re", "forms", "▁included", "▁extending", "▁the", "▁institution", "▁'", "s", "▁reach", "▁and", "▁influence", "▁throughout", "▁Wales", "▁by", "▁building", "▁affili", "ations", "▁with", "▁regional", "▁museum", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁foc", "using", "▁on", "▁fund", "ra", "ising", "▁to", "▁fin", "ance", "▁the", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁new", "▁museum", "▁prem", "ises", "▁.", "▁He", "▁obtained", "▁a", "▁£", "▁", "2", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "6", "7", "▁don", "ation", "▁from", "▁the", "▁wealth", "y", "▁ship", "owner", "▁William", "▁Re", "ardon", "▁Smith", "▁and", "▁appointed", "▁Smith", "▁to", "▁be", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁'", "s", "▁tre", "as", "urer", "▁,", "▁and", "▁also", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁White", "hall", "▁,", "▁London", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁successfully", "▁ur", "ged", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁further", "▁fund", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁construction", "▁on", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁'", "s", "▁new", "▁building", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁was", "▁officially", "▁opened", "▁by", "▁King", "▁George", "▁V", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁–", "▁", "3", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Upon", "▁the", "▁ret", "irement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁K", "ee", "per", "▁of", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁,", "▁Harm", "on", "▁O", "ates", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁fill", "▁the", "▁vac", "ancy", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁been", "▁considering", "▁a", "▁return", "▁to", "▁London", "▁for", "▁some", "▁time", "▁and", "▁eager", "ly", "▁agreed", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁on", "▁the", "▁post", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁based", "▁at", "▁Lanc", "aster", "▁House", "▁in", "▁the", "▁St", "▁James", "▁'", "s", "▁area", "▁,", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁many", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁simply", "▁taken", "▁the", "▁director", "ship", "▁of", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁his", "▁own", "▁career", "▁prospect", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁abandoned", "▁them", "▁when", "▁a", "▁better", "▁offer", "▁came", "▁along", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁himself", "▁disag", "re", "ed", "▁,", "▁bel", "ieving", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁left", "▁Fox", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Museum", "▁as", "▁his", "▁obvious", "▁successor", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁the", "▁re", "forms", "▁he", "▁had", "▁implemented", "▁would", "▁therefore", "▁continue", "▁.", "▁The", "▁position", "▁initially", "▁provided", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁with", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁sal", "ary" ]
the later archaeologist Lydia C. Carr , the Wheelers ' work for the cause of the museum was part of a wider " cultural @-@ nationalist movement " linked to growing Welsh nationalism during this period ; for instance , the Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru was founded in 1925 . Wheeler was impatient to start excavations , and in July 1921 started a six @-@ week project to excavate at the Roman fort of Segontium ; accompanied by his wife , he used up his holiday to oversee the project . A second season of excavation at the site followed in 1922 . Greatly influenced by the writings of the archaeologist Augustus Pitt @-@ Rivers , Wheeler emphasised the need for a strong , developed methodology when undertaking an archaeological excavation , believing in the need for strategic planning , or what he termed " controlled discovery " , with clear objectives in mind for a project . Further emphasising the importance of prompt publication of research results , he wrote full seasonal reports for Archaeologia Cambrensis before publishing a full report , Segontium and the Roman Occupation of Wales . Wheeler was keen on training new generations of archaeologists , and two of the most prominent students to excavate with him at Segontium were Victor Nash @-@ Williams and Ian Richmond . Over the field seasons of 1924 and 1925 , Wheeler ran excavations of the Roman fort of Y Gaer near Brecon , a project aided by his wife and two archaeological students , Nowell Myres and Christopher Hawkes . During this project , he was visited by the prominent Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie and his wife Hilda Petrie ; Wheeler greatly admired Petrie 's emphasis on strong archaeological methodologies . Wheeler published the results of his excavation in The Roman Fort Near Brecon . He then began excavations at Isca Augusta , a Roman site in Caerleon , where he focused on revealing the Roman amphitheatre . Intent on attracting press attention to both raise public awareness of archaeology and attract new sources of funding , he contacted the press and organised a sponsorship of the excavation by the middle @-@ market newspaper the Daily Mail . In doing so , he emphasised the folkloric and legendary associations that the site had with King Arthur . In 1925 , Oxford University Press published Wheeler 's first book for a general audience , Prehistoric and Roman Wales ; he later expressed the opinion that it was not a good book . In 1924 , the Director of the National Museum of Wales , William Evans Hoyle , resigned amid ill health . Wheeler applied to take on the role of his replacement , providing supportive testimonials from Charles Reed Peers , Robert Bosanquet , and H. J. Fleure . Although he had no prior museum experience , he was successful in his application and was appointed Director . He then employed a close friend , Cyril Fox , to take on the vacated position of Keeper of Archaeology . Wheeler 's proposed reforms included extending the institution 's reach and influence throughout Wales by building affiliations with regional museums , and focusing on fundraising to finance the completion of the new museum premises . He obtained a £ 21 @,@ 367 donation from the wealthy shipowner William Reardon Smith and appointed Smith to be the museum 's treasurer , and also travelled to Whitehall , London , where he successfully urged the British Treasury to provide further funding for the museum . As a result , construction on the museum 's new building was able to continue , and it was officially opened by King George V in 1927 . = = = London Museum : 1926 – 33 = = = Upon the retirement of the Keeper of the London Museum , Harmon Oates , Wheeler was invited to fill the vacancy . He had been considering a return to London for some time and eagerly agreed , taking on the post , which was based at Lancaster House in the St James 's area , in July 1926 . In Wales , many felt that Wheeler had simply taken the directorship of the National Museum to advance his own career prospects , and that he had abandoned them when a better offer came along . Wheeler himself disagreed , believing that he had left Fox at the Museum as his obvious successor , and that the reforms he had implemented would therefore continue . The position initially provided Wheeler with an annual salary
[ "▁of", "▁£", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁which", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁a", "▁decl", "ine", "▁in", "▁living", "▁standards", "▁for", "▁his", "▁family", "▁,", "▁who", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁a", "▁flat", "▁near", "▁to", "▁Victoria", "▁Station", "▁.", "▁", "▁T", "essa", "▁'", "s", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁L", ".", "C", ".", "▁Car", "r", "▁later", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁together", "▁,", "▁the", "▁W", "heel", "ers", "▁\"", "▁professional", "ized", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁expressed", "▁his", "▁opinion", "▁that", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁\"", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁clean", "ed", "▁,", "▁exp", "urg", "ated", "▁,", "▁and", "▁catalog", "ued", "▁;", "▁in", "▁general", "▁,", "▁turned", "▁from", "▁a", "▁j", "unk", "▁shop", "▁into", "▁a", "▁toler", "ably", "▁rational", "▁institution", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁F", "oc", "using", "▁on", "▁re", "organ", "ising", "▁the", "▁exhib", "its", "▁and", "▁developing", "▁a", "▁more", "▁efficient", "▁method", "▁of", "▁catalog", "uing", "▁the", "▁arte", "fact", "s", "▁,", "▁he", "▁also", "▁author", "ed", "▁A", "▁Short", "▁Guide", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Col", "lections", "▁,", "▁before", "▁using", "▁the", "▁items", "▁in", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁to", "▁write", "▁three", "▁books", "▁:", "▁London", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Vik", "ings", "▁,", "▁London", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Sax", "ons", "▁,", "▁and", "▁London", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Rom", "ans", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁his", "▁arrival", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁allocated", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁budget", "▁of", "▁£", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁de", "emed", "▁ins", "u", "fficient", "▁for", "▁its", "▁needs", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁persu", "aded", "▁them", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁that", "▁budget", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁highlight", "ed", "▁increasing", "▁visitor", "▁numbers", "▁,", "▁publications", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ac", "quis", "itions", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁rise", "▁in", "▁the", "▁number", "▁of", "▁educational", "▁projects", "▁.", "▁With", "▁this", "▁additional", "▁fund", "ing", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁employ", "▁more", "▁staff", "▁and", "▁increase", "▁his", "▁own", "▁annual", "▁sal", "ary", "▁to", "▁£", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁So", "on", "▁after", "▁joining", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁elected", "▁to", "▁the", "▁council", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁.", "▁Through", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁,", "▁he", "▁became", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁the", "▁debate", "▁as", "▁to", "▁who", "▁should", "▁fin", "ance", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁super", "vision", "▁of", "▁building", "▁projects", "▁in", "▁Gre", "ater", "▁London", "▁;", "▁his", "▁argument", "▁was", "▁that", "▁the", "▁City", "▁of", "▁London", "▁Corporation", "▁should", "▁provide", "▁the", "▁fund", "ing", "▁,", "▁although", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁it", "▁was", "▁agreed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁itself", "▁would", 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"▁which", "▁he", "▁attract", "ed", "▁much", "▁press", "▁attention", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁keen", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁field", "work", "▁outside", "▁London", "▁,", "▁undert", "aking", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁every", "▁year", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁.", "▁After", "▁comple", "ting", "▁his", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Car", "la", "e", "on", "▁am", "ph", "it", "he", "atre", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁began", "▁field", "work", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁settlement", "▁and", "▁temple", "▁in", "▁L", "yd", "ney", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁Gl", "ouc", "esters", "hire", "▁,", "▁having", "▁been", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁do", "▁so", "▁by", "▁the", "▁arist", "ocr", "atic", "▁land", "owner", "▁,", "▁Charles", "▁Bath", "urst", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁during", "▁these", "▁investig", "ations", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁personally", "▁discovered", "▁the", "▁L", "yd", "ney", "▁Ho", "ard", "▁of", "▁coin", "age", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁joint", "ly", "▁published", "▁their", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁report", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁as", "▁Report", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Ex", "c", "av", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pre", "histor", "ic", "▁,", "▁Roman", "▁and", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Roman", "▁Site", "▁in", "▁L", "yd", "ney", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁Gl", "ouc", "esters", "hire", "▁,", "▁which", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁noted", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁set", "▁the", "▁pattern", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁all", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁future", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁reports", "▁.", "▁", "▁From", "▁there", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁direct", "▁a", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁settlement", "▁of", "▁Ver", "ul", "am", "ium", "▁,", "▁which", "▁existed", "▁on", "▁land", "▁recently", "▁acquired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Corporation", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Alb", "ans", "▁.", "▁He", "▁took", "▁on", "▁this", "▁role", "▁for", "▁four", "▁seasons", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁,", "▁before", "▁leaving", "▁a", "▁fifth", "▁season", "▁of", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁under", "▁the", "▁control", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Kath", "le", "en", "▁Ken", "y", "on", "▁and", "▁the", "▁architect", "▁A", ".", "▁W", ".", "▁G", ".", "▁Low", "ther", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁enjoyed", "▁the", "▁opportunity", "▁to", "▁exc", "av", "ate", "▁at", "▁a", "▁civil", "ian", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁military", "▁site", "▁,", "▁and", "▁also", "▁liked", "▁its", "▁proxim", "ity", "▁to", "▁his", "▁home", "▁in", "▁London", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁particularly", "▁interested", "▁in", "▁searching", "▁for", "▁a", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Roman", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁opp", "id", "um", "▁at", "▁the", "▁site", "▁,", "▁not", "ing", "▁that", "▁the", "▁existence", "▁of", "▁a", "▁nearby", "▁C", "atu", "vel", "la", "uni", "▁settlement", "▁was", "▁att", "ested", "▁to", "▁in", "▁both", "▁classical", "▁texts", "▁and", "▁num", "ism", "atic", "▁evidence", "▁.", "▁With", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁foc", "using", "▁his", "▁attention", "▁on", "▁potential", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁evidence", "▁,", "▁T", "essa", "▁concentr", "ated", "▁on", "▁exc", "av", "ating", "▁the", "▁inside", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁walls", "▁;", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁affairs", "▁with", "▁at", "▁least", "▁three", "▁assist", "ants", "▁during", "▁the", "▁project", "▁.", "▁After", "▁T", "essa", "▁wrote", "▁two", "▁inter", "im", "▁reports", "▁,", "▁the", "▁final", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁report", "▁was", "▁finally", "▁published", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁as", "▁Ver", "ul", "am", "ium", "▁:", "▁A", "▁Belg", "ic", "▁and", "▁Two", "▁Roman", "▁C", "ities", "▁,", "▁joint", "ly", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁.", "▁The", "▁report", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁major", "▁published", "▁criticism", "▁of", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁,", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁the", "▁young", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Now", "ell", "▁My", "res", "▁in", "▁a", "▁review", "▁for", "▁Anti", "qu", "ity", "▁;", "▁although", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁there", "▁was", "▁much", "▁to", "▁pra", "ise", "▁about", "▁the", "▁work", "▁,", "▁he", "▁crit", "iqu", "ed", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁select", "ive", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁,", "▁dub", "ious", "▁d", "ating", "▁,", "▁and", "▁guess" ]
of £ 600 , which resulted in a decline in living standards for his family , who moved into a flat near to Victoria Station . Tessa 's biographer L.C. Carr later commented that together , the Wheelers " professionalized the London Museum " . Wheeler expressed his opinion that the museum " had to be cleaned , expurgated , and catalogued ; in general , turned from a junk shop into a tolerably rational institution " . Focusing on reorganising the exhibits and developing a more efficient method of cataloguing the artefacts , he also authored A Short Guide to the Collections , before using the items in the museum to write three books : London and the Vikings , London and the Saxons , and London and the Romans . Upon his arrival , the Treasury allocated the museum an annual budget of £ 5 @,@ 000 , which Wheeler deemed insufficient for its needs . In 1930 , Wheeler persuaded them to increase that budget , as he highlighted increasing visitor numbers , publications , and acquisitions , as well as a rise in the number of educational projects . With this additional funding , he was able to employ more staff and increase his own annual salary to £ 900 . Soon after joining the museum , Wheeler was elected to the council of the Society of Antiquaries . Through the Society , he became involved in the debate as to who should finance archaeological supervision of building projects in Greater London ; his argument was that the City of London Corporation should provide the funding , although in 1926 it was agreed that the Society itself would employ a director of excavation based in Lancaster House to take on the position . Also involved in the largely moribund Royal Archaeological Institute , Wheeler organised its relocation to Lancaster House . In 1927 , Wheeler took on an unpaid lectureship at University College London , where he established a graduate diploma course on archaeology ; one of the first to enroll was Stuart Piggott . In 1928 , Wheeler curated an exhibit at UCL on " Recent Work in British Archaeology " , for which he attracted much press attention . Wheeler was keen to continue archaeological fieldwork outside London , undertaking excavations every year from 1926 to 1939 . After completing his excavation of the Carlaeon amphitheatre in 1928 , he began fieldwork at the Roman settlement and temple in Lydney Park , Gloucestershire , having been invited to do so by the aristocratic landowner , Charles Bathurst . It was during these investigations that Wheeler personally discovered the Lydney Hoard of coinage . Wheeler and his wife jointly published their excavation report in 1932 as Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric , Roman and Post @-@ Roman Site in Lydney Park , Gloucestershire , which Piggott noted had " set the pattern " for all Wheeler 's future excavation reports . From there , Wheeler was invited to direct a Society of Antiquaries excavation at the Roman settlement of Verulamium , which existed on land recently acquired by the Corporation of St Albans . He took on this role for four seasons from 1930 to 1933 , before leaving a fifth season of excavation under the control of the archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon and the architect A. W. G. Lowther . Wheeler enjoyed the opportunity to excavate at a civilian as opposed to military site , and also liked its proximity to his home in London . He was particularly interested in searching for a pre @-@ Roman Iron Age oppidum at the site , noting that the existence of a nearby Catuvellauni settlement was attested to in both classical texts and numismatic evidence . With Wheeler focusing his attention on potential Iron Age evidence , Tessa concentrated on excavating the inside of the city walls ; Wheeler had affairs with at least three assistants during the project . After Tessa wrote two interim reports , the final excavation report was finally published in 1936 as Verulamium : A Belgic and Two Roman Cities , jointly written by Wheeler and his wife . The report resulted in the first major published criticism of Wheeler , produced by the young archaeologist Nowell Myres in a review for Antiquity ; although stating that there was much to praise about the work , he critiqued Wheeler 's selective excavation , dubious dating , and guess
[ "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁–", "▁", "3", "9", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁long", "▁desired", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁an", "▁academic", "▁institution", "▁devoted", "▁to", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁that", "▁could", "▁be", "▁based", "▁in", "▁London", "▁.", "▁He", "▁hoped", "▁that", "▁it", "▁could", "▁become", "▁a", "▁centre", "▁in", "▁which", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁the", "▁professional", "isation", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁as", "▁a", "▁discipline", "▁,", "▁with", "▁system", "atic", "▁training", "▁of", "▁students", "▁in", "▁method", "ological", "▁techniques", "▁of", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁and", "▁conservation", "▁and", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁professional", "▁standards", "▁;", "▁in", "▁his", "▁words", "▁,", "▁he", "▁hoped", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁convert", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁into", "▁a", "▁discipline", "▁worthy", "▁of", "▁that", "▁name", "▁in", "▁all", "▁sens", "es", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁further", "▁described", "▁his", "▁intention", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁should", "▁become", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁labor", "atory", "▁:", "▁a", "▁labor", "atory", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁science", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁shared", "▁his", "▁hopes", "▁,", "▁and", "▁to", "▁this", "▁end", "▁Pet", "rie", "▁had", "▁don", "ated", "▁much", "▁of", "▁his", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁Near", "▁Eastern", "▁arte", "fact", "s", "▁to", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁hope", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁be", "▁included", "▁in", "▁such", "▁an", "▁institution", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁later", "▁able", "▁to", "▁persu", "ade", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁London", "▁,", "▁a", "▁feder", "ation", "▁of", "▁institutions", "▁across", "▁the", "▁capital", "▁,", "▁to", "▁support", "▁the", "▁vent", "ure", "▁,", "▁and", "▁both", "▁he", "▁and", "▁T", "essa", "▁began", "▁raising", "▁funds", "▁from", "▁wealth", "y", "▁back", "ers", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁was", "▁officially", "▁opened", "▁,", "▁al", "beit", "▁at", "▁this", "▁point", "▁without", "▁prem", "ises", "▁or", "▁academic", "▁staff", "▁;", "▁the", "▁first", "▁students", "▁to", "▁en", "roll", "▁were", "▁Rach", "el", "▁Clay", "▁and", "▁Barbara", "▁Parker", "▁,", "▁who", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁have", "▁care", "ers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁discipline", "▁.", "▁While", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁–", "▁who", "▁was", "▁still", "▁K", "ee", "per", "▁of", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁–", "▁took", "▁on", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁Honor", "ary", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁,", "▁he", "▁installed", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Kath", "le", "en", "▁Ken", "y", "on", "▁as", "▁secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Management", "▁Committee", "▁,", "▁describing", "▁her", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁level", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁head", "ed", "▁person", "▁,", "▁with", "▁useful", "▁experience", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁ending", 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"▁had", "▁been", "▁conducted", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁up", "▁to", "▁that", "▁point", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁organ", "ising", "▁week", "ly", "▁meet", "ings", "▁with", "▁the", "▁press", "▁to", "▁inform", "▁them", "▁about", "▁any", "▁discover", "ies", "▁.", "▁His", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁report", "▁was", "▁published", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁as", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁Castle", "▁,", "▁Dor", "set", "▁.", "▁The", "▁report", "▁'", "s", "▁publication", "▁allowed", "▁further", "▁criticism", "▁to", "▁be", "▁vo", "iced", "▁of", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁approach", "▁and", "▁interpret", "ations", "▁;", "▁in", "▁his", "▁review", "▁of", "▁the", "▁book", "▁,", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁W", ".", "▁F", ".", "▁Gr", "imes", "▁critic", "ised", "▁the", "▁highly", "▁select", "ive", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁,", "▁not", "ing", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁not", "▁asked", "▁questions", "▁regarding", "▁the", "▁so", "cio", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁economic", "▁issues", "▁of", "▁the", "▁community", "▁at", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁Castle", "▁,", "▁aspects", "▁of", "▁past", "▁soci", "eties", "▁that", "▁had", "▁come", "▁to", "▁be", "▁of", "▁increasing", "▁interest", "▁to", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁Over", "▁coming", "▁dec", "ades", "▁,", "▁as", "▁further", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁were", "▁carried", "▁out", "▁at", "▁the", "▁site", "▁and", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁greater", "▁knowledge", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁Britain", "▁,", "▁much", "▁of", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁interpretation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁site", "▁and", "▁its", "▁development", "▁was", "▁shown", "▁to", "▁be", "▁wrong", "▁,", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁by", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Ni", "all", "▁Sh", "ar", "ples", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁emb", "ark", "ed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁visit", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Near", "▁East", "▁,", "▁sail", "ing", "▁from", "▁Marse", "illes", "▁to", "▁Port", "▁Sa", "id", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁Old", "▁Kingdom", "▁tomb", "s", "▁of", "▁Sak", "k", "ara", "▁.", "▁From", "▁there", "▁he", "▁went", "▁via", "▁S", "ina", "i", "▁to", "▁Palest", "ine", "▁,", "▁Leb", "anon", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁.", "▁During", "▁this", "▁trip", "▁,", "▁he", "▁visited", "▁various", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁projects", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁dis", "may", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁quality", "▁of", "▁their", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁;", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁,", "▁he", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁American", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁run", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁Tel", "▁Meg", "id", "do", "▁was", "▁adopt", "ing", "▁standards", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁rejected", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁five", "▁years", "▁previously", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁away", "▁for", "▁six", "▁weeks", "▁,", "▁and", "▁upon", "▁his", "▁return", "▁to", "▁Europe", "▁discovered", "▁that", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁T", "essa", "▁had", "▁died", "▁of", "▁a", "▁pul", "mon", "ary", "▁em", "bol", "ism", "▁after", "▁a", "▁minor", "▁operation", "▁on", "▁her", "▁toe", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁T", "essa", "▁'", "s", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁,", "▁for", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁this", "▁discovery", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁peak", "▁of", "▁mental", "▁mis", "ery", "▁,", "▁and", "▁marked", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁his", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁feel", "▁a", "▁certain", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁love", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁That", "▁winter", "▁,", "▁his", "▁father", "▁also", "▁died", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁emb", "ark", "ed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁new", "▁rom", "ance", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁young", "▁woman", "▁named", "▁M", "av", "is", "▁de", "▁Vere", "▁Cole", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁first", "▁met", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁when", "▁visit", "ing", "▁the", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁Castle", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁with", "▁her", "▁then", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁lo", "ver", "▁,", "▁the", "▁painter", "▁August", "us", "▁John", "▁.", "▁After", "▁she", "▁eventually", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁his", "▁repeated", "▁requests", "▁for", "▁marriage", "▁,", "▁the", "▁two", "▁were", "▁wed", "ded", "▁early", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁in", "▁a", "▁ceremony", "▁held", "▁at", "▁Ca", "xt", "on", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁reception", "▁at", "▁Sh", "elle", "y", "▁House", "▁.", "▁They", "▁proceeded", "▁on", "▁a", "▁h", "one", "ym", "oon", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Middle", "▁East", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁a", "▁search" ]
= = = Institute of Archaeology : 1934 – 39 = = = Wheeler had long desired to establish an academic institution devoted to archaeology that could be based in London . He hoped that it could become a centre in which to establish the professionalisation of archaeology as a discipline , with systematic training of students in methodological techniques of excavation and conservation and recognised professional standards ; in his words , he hoped " to convert archaeology into a discipline worthy of that name in all senses " . He further described his intention that the Institute should become " a laboratory : a laboratory of archaeological science " . Many archaeologists shared his hopes , and to this end Petrie had donated much of his collection of Near Eastern artefacts to Wheeler , in the hope that it would be included in such an institution . Wheeler was later able to persuade the University of London , a federation of institutions across the capital , to support the venture , and both he and Tessa began raising funds from wealthy backers . In 1934 , the Institute of Archaeology was officially opened , albeit at this point without premises or academic staff ; the first students to enroll were Rachel Clay and Barbara Parker , who went on to have careers in the discipline . While Wheeler – who was still Keeper of the London Museum – took on the role of Honorary Director of the Institute , he installed the archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon as secretary of the Management Committee , describing her as " a level @-@ headed person , with useful experience " . After ending his work at Verulamium , Wheeler turned his attention to the late Iron Age hill @-@ fort of Maidan Castle near to Dorchester , Dorset , where he excavated for four seasons from 1934 to 1937 . Co @-@ directed by Wheeler , Tessa , and the Curator of Dorset County Museum , Charles Drew , the project was carried out under the joint auspices of the Society of Antiquaries and the Dorset Field Club . With around 100 assistants each season , the dig constituted the largest excavation that had been conducted in Britain up to that point , with Wheeler organising weekly meetings with the press to inform them about any discoveries . His excavation report was published in 1943 as Maidan Castle , Dorset . The report 's publication allowed further criticism to be voiced of Wheeler 's approach and interpretations ; in his review of the book , the archaeologist W. F. Grimes criticised the highly selective nature of the excavation , noting that Wheeler had not asked questions regarding the socio @-@ economic issues of the community at Maidan Castle , aspects of past societies that had come to be of increasing interest to British archaeology . Over coming decades , as further excavations were carried out at the site and archaeologists developed a greater knowledge of Iron Age Britain , much of Wheeler 's interpretation of the site and its development was shown to be wrong , in particular by the work of the archaeologist Niall Sharples . In 1936 , Wheeler embarked on a visit to the Near East , sailing from Marseilles to Port Said , where he visited the Old Kingdom tombs of Sakkara . From there he went via Sinai to Palestine , Lebanon , and Syria . During this trip , he visited various archaeological projects , but was dismayed by the quality of their excavations ; in particular , he noted that the American @-@ run excavation at Tel Megiddo was adopting standards that had been rejected in Britain twenty @-@ five years previously . He was away for six weeks , and upon his return to Europe discovered that his wife Tessa had died of a pulmonary embolism after a minor operation on her toe . According to Tessa 's biographer , for Wheeler this discovery was " the peak of mental misery , and marked the end of his ability to feel a certain kind of love " . That winter , his father also died . By the summer of 1937 , he had embarked on a new romance , with a young woman named Mavis de Vere Cole , who had first met Wheeler when visiting the Maidan Castle excavations with her then @-@ lover , the painter Augustus John . After she eventually agreed to his repeated requests for marriage , the two were wedded early in 1939 in a ceremony held at Caxton Hall , with a reception at Shelley House . They proceeded on a honeymoon to the Middle East . After a search
[ "▁that", "▁had", "▁taken", "▁several", "▁years", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁a", "▁prem", "ises", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁:", "▁St", ".", "▁John", "▁'", "s", "▁L", "odge", "▁in", "▁Reg", "ent", "▁'", "s", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁central", "▁London", "▁.", "▁Left", "▁empty", "▁since", "▁its", "▁use", "▁as", "▁a", "▁hospital", "▁during", "▁the", "▁First", "▁World", "▁War", "▁,", "▁the", "▁building", "▁was", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁and", "▁was", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁the", "▁First", "▁Commission", "er", "▁of", "▁Works", "▁,", "▁William", "▁Or", "ms", "by", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁G", "ore", "▁;", "▁he", "▁was", "▁very", "▁sympath", "etic", "▁to", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁and", "▁le", "ased", "▁the", "▁building", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁at", "▁a", "▁low", "▁rent", "▁.", "▁The", "▁St", ".", "▁John", "▁'", "s", "▁L", "odge", "▁prem", "ises", "▁were", "▁officially", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "2", "9", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁speech", "▁at", "▁the", "▁ceremony", "▁,", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁London", "▁'", "s", "▁Vice", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Chan", "cell", "or", "▁Charles", "▁Re", "ed", "▁Pe", "ers", "▁made", "▁it", "▁clear", "▁that", "▁the", "▁building", "▁was", "▁only", "▁intended", "▁as", "▁a", "▁temporary", "▁home", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁,", "▁which", "▁it", "▁was", "▁hoped", "▁would", "▁be", "▁able", "▁to", "▁move", "▁to", "▁Blo", "oms", "bury", "▁,", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁academic", "▁hub", "▁.", "▁In", "▁his", "▁speech", "▁,", "▁the", "▁university", "▁'", "s", "▁Chan", "cell", "or", "▁,", "▁Alexander", "▁Cambridge", "▁,", "▁", "1", "st", "▁Earl", "▁of", "▁Ath", "l", "one", "▁,", "▁compared", "▁the", "▁new", "▁institution", "▁to", "▁both", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Historical", "▁Research", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Cour", "ta", "uld", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Art", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁also", "▁become", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Museum", "s", "▁Association", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁a", "▁president", "ial", "▁address", "▁given", "▁in", "▁B", "elf", "ast", "▁talked", "▁on", "▁the", "▁topic", "▁of", "▁pres", "erving", "▁museum", "▁collections", "▁in", "▁war", "▁time", "▁,", "▁bel", "ieving", "▁that", "▁Britain", "▁'", "s", "▁invol", "vement", "▁in", "▁a", "▁second", "▁European", "▁conflict", "▁was", "▁im", "min", "ent", "▁.", "▁In", "▁anticip", "ation", "▁of", "▁this", "▁event", "▁,", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁he", "▁arranged", "▁for", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁to", "▁place", "▁many", "▁of", "▁its", "▁most", "▁important", "▁collections", "▁into", "▁safe", "▁keeping", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁also", "▁awarded", "▁an", "▁honor", "ary", "▁doctor", "ate", "▁from", "▁Br", "istol", "▁University", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁the", "▁award", "▁ceremony", "▁met", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁Party", "▁politician", "▁W", "inst", "on", "▁Church", "ill", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁then", "▁engaged", "▁in", "▁writing", "▁his", "▁multi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁volume", "▁A", "▁History", "▁of", "▁the", "▁English", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Spe", "aking", "▁Pe", "op", "les", "▁;", "▁Church", "ill", "▁asked", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁to", "▁aid", "▁him", "▁in", "▁writing", "▁about", "▁late", "▁pre", "histor", "ic", "▁and", "▁early", "▁medieval", "▁Britain", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁agreed", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁Castle", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁turned", "▁his", "▁attention", "▁to", "▁France", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁investigation", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁sites", "▁had", "▁lag", "ged", "▁behind", "▁develop", "ments", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁surve", "ys", "▁and", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁with", "▁the", "▁aid", "▁of", "▁Les", "lie", "▁Scott", "▁,", "▁beginning", "▁with", "▁a", "▁survey", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁Brit", "t", "any", "▁in", "▁the", "▁winter", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁–", "▁", "3", "7", "▁.", "▁After", "▁this", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁exc", "av", "ate", "▁the", "▁opp", "id", "um", "▁at", "▁Camp", "▁d", "▁'", "Art", "us", "▁,", "▁near", "▁H", "uel", "go", "at", "▁,", "▁Fin", "ist", "ère", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁bringing", "▁many", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁to", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁site", "▁,", "▁he", "▁h", "ired", "▁six", "▁local", "▁Bre", "ton", "▁work", "men", "▁to", "▁assist", "▁the", "▁project", "▁,", "▁coming", "▁to", "▁the", "▁belief", "▁that", "▁the", "▁opp", "id", "um", "▁had", "▁been", "▁ere", "cted", "▁by", "▁local", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁tribes", "▁to", "▁defend", "▁themselves", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁invasion", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Julius", "▁Ca", "esar", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁Scott", "▁had", "▁been", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁charge", "▁of", "▁an", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁the", "▁smaller", "▁nearby", "▁hill", "▁fort", "▁of", "▁Ker", "car", "ade", "c", "▁,", "▁near", "▁Qu", "imper", "▁.", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁project", "▁focused", "▁its", "▁attention", "▁on", "▁Norm", "andy", "▁,", "▁with", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁beginning", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁hill", "▁for", "ts", "▁of", "▁Camp", "▁de", "▁Canada", "▁and", "▁Duc", "la", "ir", "▁.", "▁They", "▁were", "▁brought", "▁to", "▁an", "▁ab", "rupt", "▁halt", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁World", "▁War", "▁broke", "▁out", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁team", "▁ev", "acu", "ated", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁report", "▁,", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁written", "▁with", "▁K", "atherine", "▁Richard", "son", "▁,", "▁was", "▁eventually", "▁published", "▁as", "▁Hill", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁for", "ts", "▁of", "▁Northern", "▁France", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Second", "▁World", "▁War", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁–", "▁", "4", "5", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁been", "▁expecting", "▁and", "▁open", "ly", "▁hoping", "▁for", "▁war", "▁with", "▁Naz", "i", "▁Germany", "▁for", "▁a", "▁year", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁out", "break", "▁of", "▁host", "ilities", "▁;", "▁he", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁'", "s", "▁invol", "vement", "▁in", "▁the", "▁conflict", "▁would", "▁rem", "edy", "▁the", "▁shame", "▁that", "▁he", "▁thought", "▁had", "▁been", "▁brought", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁country", "▁by", "▁its", "▁signing", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mun", "ich", "▁Ag", "re", "ement", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁.", "▁Vol", "unte", "ering", "▁for", "▁the", "▁armed", "▁services", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁assemble", "▁the", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Light", "▁Anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁A", "ircraft", "▁B", "atter", "y", "▁at", "▁En", "field", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁set", "▁about", "▁rec", "ruit", "ing", "▁volunte", "ers", "▁,", "▁including", "▁his", "▁son", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁sw", "elled", "▁in", "▁size", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁converted", "▁into", "▁the", "▁", "4", "2", "nd", "▁Mobile", "▁Light", "▁Anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁A", "ircraft", "▁Regiment", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Art", "illery", "▁,", "▁which", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁four", "▁batter", "ies", "▁and", "▁was", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁–", "▁now", "▁promoted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rank", "▁of", "▁colon", "el", "▁–", "▁as", "▁Command", "ing", "▁Officer", "▁.", "▁Given", "▁the", "▁nick", "name", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Flash", "▁Alf", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁those", "▁serving", "▁under", "▁him", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁by", "▁colle", "agues", "▁as", "▁a", "▁r", "uth", "less", "▁discipl", "in", "arian", "▁and", "▁was", "▁bl", "amed", "▁by", "▁many", "▁for", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁soldiers", "▁from", "▁influen", "za", "▁during", "▁training", "▁.", "▁Having", "▁been", "▁appointed", "▁secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁and", "▁then", "▁director", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁he", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁London", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁society", "▁affairs", "▁on", "▁various", "▁occasions", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁a", "▁Fellow", "ship" ]
that had taken several years , Wheeler was able to secure a premises for the Institute of Archaeology : St. John 's Lodge in Regent 's Park , central London . Left empty since its use as a hospital during the First World War , the building was owned by the Crown and was controlled by the First Commissioner of Works , William Ormsby @-@ Gore ; he was very sympathetic to archaeology , and leased the building to the Institute at a low rent . The St. John 's Lodge premises were officially opened on 29 April 1937 . During his speech at the ceremony , the University of London 's Vice @-@ Chancellor Charles Reed Peers made it clear that the building was only intended as a temporary home for the Institute , which it was hoped would be able to move to Bloomsbury , the city 's academic hub . In his speech , the university 's Chancellor , Alexander Cambridge , 1st Earl of Athlone , compared the new institution to both the Institute of Historical Research and the Courtauld Institute of Art . Wheeler had also become President of the Museums Association , and in a presidential address given in Belfast talked on the topic of preserving museum collections in war time , believing that Britain 's involvement in a second European conflict was imminent . In anticipation of this event , in August 1939 he arranged for the London Museum to place many of its most important collections into safe keeping . He was also awarded an honorary doctorate from Bristol University , and at the award ceremony met the Conservative Party politician Winston Churchill , who was then engaged in writing his multi @-@ volume A History of the English @-@ Speaking Peoples ; Churchill asked Wheeler to aid him in writing about late prehistoric and early medieval Britain , to which the latter agreed . After Maidan Castle , Wheeler turned his attention to France , where the archaeological investigation of Iron Age sites had lagged behind developments in Britain . There , he oversaw a series of surveys and excavations with the aid of Leslie Scott , beginning with a survey tour of Brittany in the winter of 1936 – 37 . After this , Wheeler decided to excavate the oppidum at Camp d 'Artus , near Huelgoat , Finistère . In addition to bringing many British archaeologists to work on the site , he hired six local Breton workmen to assist the project , coming to the belief that the oppidum had been erected by local Iron Age tribes to defend themselves from the Roman invasion led by Julius Caesar . Meanwhile , Scott had been placed in charge of an excavation at the smaller nearby hill fort of Kercaradec , near Quimper . In July 1939 , the project focused its attention on Normandy , with excavations beginning at the Iron Age hill forts of Camp de Canada and Duclair . They were brought to an abrupt halt in September 1939 as the Second World War broke out in Europe , and the team evacuated back to Britain . Wheeler 's excavation report , co @-@ written with Katherine Richardson , was eventually published as Hill @-@ forts of Northern France in 1957 . = = = Second World War : 1939 – 45 = = = Wheeler had been expecting and openly hoping for war with Nazi Germany for a year prior to the outbreak of hostilities ; he believed that the United Kingdom 's involvement in the conflict would remedy the shame that he thought had been brought upon the country by its signing of the Munich Agreement in September 1938 . Volunteering for the armed services , he was assigned to assemble the 48th Light Anti @-@ Aircraft Battery at Enfield , where he set about recruiting volunteers , including his son . As the 48th swelled in size , it was converted into the 42nd Mobile Light Anti @-@ Aircraft Regiment in the Royal Artillery , which consisted of four batteries and was led by Wheeler – now promoted to the rank of colonel – as Commanding Officer . Given the nickname of " Flash Alf " by those serving under him , he was recognised by colleagues as a ruthless disciplinarian and was blamed by many for the death of one of his soldiers from influenza during training . Having been appointed secretary of the Society of Antiquaries in 1939 and then director in 1940 , he travelled to London to deal with society affairs on various occasions . In 1941 Wheeler was awarded a Fellowship
[ "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Academy", "▁.", "▁Cole", "▁had", "▁mean", "while", "▁entered", "▁into", "▁an", "▁affair", "▁with", "▁a", "▁man", "▁named", "▁C", "live", "▁Ent", "w", "ist", "le", "▁,", "▁who", "▁l", "amb", "asted", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁wh", "isk", "ered", "▁b", "ab", "oon", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁discovered", "▁Ent", "w", "ist", "le", "▁in", "▁bed", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁he", "▁initi", "ated", "▁divor", "ce", "▁proceed", "ings", "▁that", "▁were", "▁final", "ised", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁three", "▁of", "▁his", "▁batter", "ies", "▁were", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁fight", "▁against", "▁German", "▁and", "▁Italian", "▁forces", "▁in", "▁the", "▁North", "▁African", "▁Camp", "aign", "▁.", "▁In", "▁September", "▁,", "▁they", "▁set", "▁sail", "▁from", "▁Glasgow", "▁ab", "o", "ard", "▁the", "▁R", "MS", "▁Em", "press", "▁of", "▁Russia", "▁;", "▁because", "▁the", "▁Mediter", "rane", "an", "▁was", "▁controlled", "▁largely", "▁by", "▁enemy", "▁naval", "▁forces", "▁,", "▁they", "▁were", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁travel", "▁via", "▁the", "▁Cape", "▁of", "▁Good", "▁Hope", "▁,", "▁before", "▁taking", "▁shore", "▁leave", "▁in", "▁Dur", "ban", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁local", "▁kra", "als", "▁to", "▁compare", "▁them", "▁with", "▁the", "▁settlement", "s", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ship", "▁dock", "ed", "▁in", "▁A", "den", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁his", "▁men", "▁again", "▁took", "▁shore", "▁leave", "▁.", "▁They", "▁soon", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁British", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁controlled", "▁S", "uez", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁dis", "emb", "ark", "ed", "▁and", "▁were", "▁station", "ed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁sh", "ores", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁B", "itter", "▁Lake", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁took", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁leave", "▁of", "▁absence", "▁to", "▁travel", "▁to", "▁Jerusalem", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁visited", "▁Pet", "rie", "▁on", "▁his", "▁hospital", "▁death", "bed", "▁.", "▁Back", "▁in", "▁Egypt", "▁,", "▁he", "▁gained", "▁permission", "▁to", "▁fly", "▁as", "▁a", "▁front", "▁gun", "ner", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Well", "ington", "▁bom", "ber", "▁on", "▁a", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁ra", "id", "▁against", "▁A", "xis", "▁forces", "▁,", "▁to", "▁better", "▁understand", "▁what", "▁it", "▁was", "▁like", "▁for", "▁air", "cre", "w", "▁to", "▁be", "▁fired", "▁on", "▁by", "▁an", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁aircraft", "▁battery", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ser", "ving", "▁with", "▁the", "▁E", "ighth", "▁Army", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁present", "▁in", "▁North", "▁Africa", "▁when", "▁the", "▁A", "xis", "▁arm", "ies", "▁pushed", "▁the", "▁Al", "lies", "▁back", "▁to", "▁El", "▁Al", "ame", "in", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁also", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Al", "lied", "▁counter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁push", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁part", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁El", "▁Al", "ame", "in", "▁and", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁on", "▁A", "xis", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁held", "▁Tri", "pol", "i", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁way", "▁he", "▁became", "▁concerned", "▁that", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁sites", "▁of", "▁North", "▁Africa", "▁were", "▁being", "▁threatened", "▁both", "▁by", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁and", "▁the", "▁occup", "ying", "▁forces", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁British", "▁secured", "▁control", "▁of", "▁Lib", "ya", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁visited", "▁Tri", "pol", "i", "▁and", "▁Le", "pt", "is", "▁Mag", "na", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁found", "▁that", "▁Roman", "▁remains", "▁had", "▁been", "▁dam", "aged", "▁and", "▁v", "andal", "ised", "▁by", "▁British", "▁troops", "▁;", "▁he", "▁brought", "▁about", "▁re", "forms", "▁to", "▁prevent", "▁this", "▁,", "▁lect", "uring", "▁to", "▁the", "▁troops", "▁on", "▁the", "▁importance", "▁of", "▁pres", "erving", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁making", "▁many", "▁monuments", "▁out", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁of", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bounds", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ens", "uring", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁changed", "▁its", "▁plans", "▁to", "▁construct", "▁a", "▁rad", "ar", "▁station", "▁in", "▁the", "▁midst", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Roman", "▁settlement", "▁.", "▁A", "ware", "▁that", "▁the", "▁British", "▁were", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁in", "va", "de", "▁and", "▁occup", "y", "▁the", "▁Italian", "▁island", "▁of", "▁Sic", "ily", "▁,", "▁he", "▁ins", "isted", "▁that", "▁measures", "▁be", "▁introduced", "▁to", "▁preserve", "▁the", "▁historic", "▁and", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁monuments", "▁on", "▁the", "▁island", "▁.", "▁", "▁Prom", "oted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rank", "▁of", "▁brig", "ad", "ier", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁German", "▁surrender", "▁in", "▁North", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁Al", "gi", "ers", "▁where", "▁he", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁staff", "▁committee", "▁planning", "▁the", "▁invasion", "▁of", "▁Italy", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁learned", "▁that", "▁the", "▁India", "▁Office", "▁had", "▁requested", "▁that", "▁the", "▁army", "▁rel", "ieve", "▁him", "▁of", "▁his", "▁duties", "▁to", "▁permit", "▁him", "▁to", "▁be", "▁appointed", "▁Director", "▁General", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁had", "▁never", "▁been", "▁to", "▁the", "▁country", "▁,", "▁he", "▁agreed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁take", "▁the", "▁job", "▁on", "▁the", "▁condition", "▁that", "▁he", "▁be", "▁permitted", "▁to", "▁take", "▁part", "▁in", "▁the", "▁invasion", "▁of", "▁Italy", "▁first", "▁.", "▁As", "▁intended", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁his", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁Anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁A", "ircraft", "▁Brigade", "▁then", "▁took", "▁part", "▁in", "▁the", "▁invasion", "▁of", "▁Sic", "ily", "▁and", "▁then", "▁main", "land", "▁Italy", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁were", "▁ordered", "▁to", "▁use", "▁their", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁aircraft", "▁guns", "▁to", "▁protect", "▁the", "▁British", "▁", "1", "0", "th", "▁Corps", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁Al", "lies", "▁advanced", "▁north", "▁through", "▁Italy", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁spent", "▁time", "▁in", "▁Nap", "les", "▁and", "▁then", "▁Cap", "ri", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁met", "▁various", "▁arist", "ocr", "ats", "▁who", "▁had", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fasc", "ist", "▁sympath", "ies", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁left", "▁Italy", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁and", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁London", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁res", "igned", "▁as", "▁the", "▁director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Museum", "▁and", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁organ", "ising", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁prepar", "ing", "▁it", "▁for", "▁its", "▁ad", "option", "▁of", "▁a", "▁new", "▁director", "▁,", "▁V", ".", "▁Gordon", "▁Ch", "ilde", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁war", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁res", "igned", "▁as", "▁director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁the", "▁group", "▁'", "s", "▁representative", "▁to", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁formed", "▁Council", "▁for", "▁British", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁He", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁named", "▁Kim", "▁Col", "ling", "ridge", "▁,", "▁and", "▁asked", "▁her", "▁to", "▁marry", "▁him", "▁.", "▁As", "▁she", "▁was", "▁a", "▁dev", "out", "▁Roman", "▁Catholic", "▁,", "▁he", "▁officially", "▁converted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁religion", "▁,", "▁something", "▁which", "▁shock", "ed", "▁many", "▁of", "▁his", "▁friends", "▁,", "▁who", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁being", "▁d", "ish", "on", "est", "▁because", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁genu", "in", "ely", "▁believe", "▁in", "▁the", "▁do", "ctr", "ines", "▁of", "▁the", "▁faith", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁set", "▁sail", "▁for", "▁Bomb", "ay", "▁ab", "o", "ard", "▁a", "▁transport", "▁ship", "▁,", "▁the", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Ex", "eter", "▁,", "▁in", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁of", "▁India", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁–", "▁", "4", "8", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁arrived", "▁in", "▁Bomb", "ay", "▁in", "▁the", "▁spring", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁wel", "com", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁governor", "▁,", "▁John", "▁Col", "ville", "▁,", "▁before", "▁heading", "▁by", "▁train", "▁to", "▁Del", "hi", "▁and" ]
of the British Academy . Cole had meanwhile entered into an affair with a man named Clive Entwistle , who lambasted Wheeler as " that whiskered baboon " . When Wheeler discovered Entwistle in bed with his wife , he initiated divorce proceedings that were finalised in March 1942 . In the summer of 1941 , Wheeler and three of his batteries were assigned to fight against German and Italian forces in the North African Campaign . In September , they set sail from Glasgow aboard the RMS Empress of Russia ; because the Mediterranean was controlled largely by enemy naval forces , they were forced to travel via the Cape of Good Hope , before taking shore leave in Durban . There , Wheeler visited the local kraals to compare them with the settlements of Iron Age Britain . The ship docked in Aden , where Wheeler and his men again took shore leave . They soon reached the British @-@ controlled Suez , where they disembarked and were stationed on the shores of the Great Bitter Lake . There , Wheeler took a brief leave of absence to travel to Jerusalem , where he visited Petrie on his hospital deathbed . Back in Egypt , he gained permission to fly as a front gunner in a Wellington bomber on a bombing raid against Axis forces , to better understand what it was like for aircrew to be fired on by an anti @-@ aircraft battery . Serving with the Eighth Army , Wheeler was present in North Africa when the Axis armies pushed the Allies back to El Alamein . He was also part of the Allied counter @-@ push , taking part in the Second Battle of El Alamein and the advance on Axis @-@ held Tripoli . On the way he became concerned that the archaeological sites of North Africa were being threatened both by the fighting and the occupying forces . After the British secured control of Libya , Wheeler visited Tripoli and Leptis Magna , where he found that Roman remains had been damaged and vandalised by British troops ; he brought about reforms to prevent this , lecturing to the troops on the importance of preserving archaeology , making many monuments out @-@ of @-@ bounds , and ensuring that the Royal Air Force changed its plans to construct a radar station in the midst of a Roman settlement . Aware that the British were planning to invade and occupy the Italian island of Sicily , he insisted that measures be introduced to preserve the historic and archaeological monuments on the island . Promoted to the rank of brigadier , after the German surrender in North Africa , Wheeler was sent to Algiers where he was part of the staff committee planning the invasion of Italy . There , he learned that the India Office had requested that the army relieve him of his duties to permit him to be appointed Director General of Archaeology in India . Although he had never been to the country , he agreed that he would take the job on the condition that he be permitted to take part in the invasion of Italy first . As intended , Wheeler and his 12th Anti @-@ Aircraft Brigade then took part in the invasion of Sicily and then mainland Italy , where they were ordered to use their anti @-@ aircraft guns to protect the British 10th Corps . As the Allies advanced north through Italy , Wheeler spent time in Naples and then Capri , where he met various aristocrats who had anti @-@ fascist sympathies . Wheeler left Italy in November 1943 and returned to London . There , he resigned as the director of the London Museum and focused on organising the Institute of Archaeology , preparing it for its adoption of a new director , V. Gordon Childe , after the war . He also resigned as director of the Society of Antiquaries , but was appointed the group 's representative to the newly formed Council for British Archaeology . He developed a relationship with a woman named Kim Collingridge , and asked her to marry him . As she was a devout Roman Catholic , he officially converted to the religion , something which shocked many of his friends , who believed that he was being dishonest because he did not genuinely believe in the doctrines of the faith . He then set sail for Bombay aboard a transport ship , the City of Exeter , in February 1944 . = = = Archaeological Survey of India : 1944 – 48 = = = Wheeler arrived in Bombay in the spring of 1944 . There , he was welcomed by the city 's governor , John Colville , before heading by train to Delhi and
[ "▁then", "▁Sim", "la", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁headquarters", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁of", "▁India", "▁were", "▁located", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁been", "▁suggested", "▁for", "▁the", "▁job", "▁by", "▁Arch", "ib", "ald", "▁W", "av", "ell", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Vic", "ero", "y", "▁of", "▁India", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁acting", "▁on", "▁the", "▁recommend", "ations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Leonard", "▁W", "ool", "ley", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁author", "ed", "▁a", "▁report", "▁l", "ament", "ing", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁establishment", "▁in", "▁the", "▁British", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁controlled", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁this", "▁state", "▁of", "▁affairs", "▁,", "▁in", "▁a", "▁letter", "▁to", "▁a", "▁friend", "▁compla", "ining", "▁about", "▁the", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁fin", "ances", "▁and", "▁equipment", "▁,", "▁comment", "ing", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁'", "re", "▁back", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁initially", "▁found", "▁much", "▁to", "▁dis", "like", "▁in", "▁India", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁his", "▁letters", "▁to", "▁friends", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁expressed", "▁der", "og", "atory", "▁and", "▁rac", "ist", "▁sent", "iments", "▁toward", "▁Indians", "▁:", "▁he", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁they", "▁feed", "▁wrong", "ly", "▁and", "▁think", "▁wrong", "ly", "▁and", "▁live", "▁wrong", "ly", "▁...", "▁I", "▁already", "▁find", "▁myself", "▁regarding", "▁them", "▁as", "▁ill", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁made", "▁clock", "work", "▁to", "ys", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁as", "▁human", "▁be", "ings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁I", "▁find", "▁myself", "▁bul", "lying", "▁them", "▁most", "▁brut", "ally", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁exp", "elled", "▁those", "▁staff", "▁members", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁de", "emed", "▁too", "▁idle", "▁,", "▁and", "▁phys", "ically", "▁beat", "▁others", "▁in", "▁an", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁motiv", "ate", "▁them", "▁.", "▁", "▁From", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁his", "▁ten", "ure", "▁,", "▁he", "▁sought", "▁to", "▁distance", "▁himself", "▁from", "▁previous", "▁Director", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Gener", "als", "▁and", "▁their", "▁administr", "ations", "▁by", "▁critic", "ising", "▁them", "▁in", "▁print", "▁and", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁introduce", "▁new", "▁staff", "▁who", "▁had", "▁no", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁to", "▁his", "▁prede", "cess", "ors", "▁.", "▁Ass", "igned", "▁with", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁contract", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁rec", "ruit", "▁two", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁from", "▁Britain", "▁,", "▁G", "lyn", "▁Daniel", "▁and", "▁Stuart", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁,", "▁to", "▁aid", "▁him", "▁in", "▁reform", "ing", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁,", "▁although", "▁they", "▁decl", "ined", "▁the", "▁offer", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁tou", "red", "▁the", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁,", "▁seeking", "▁to", "▁meet", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Survey", "▁'", "s", "▁staff", "▁members", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁drawn", "▁up", "▁a", "▁prospect", "us", "▁containing", "▁research", "▁questions", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁the", "▁Survey", "▁to", "▁focus", "▁on", "▁;", "▁these", "▁included", "▁understanding", "▁the", "▁period", "▁between", "▁the", "▁Bron", "ze", "▁Age", "▁Ind", "us", "▁Valley", "▁Civil", "ization", "▁and", "▁the", "▁A", "cha", "emen", "id", "▁Empire", "▁,", "▁disc", "ern", "ing", "▁the", "▁so", "cio", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cultural", "▁background", "▁to", "▁the", "▁V", "ed", "as", "▁,", "▁d", "ating", "▁the", "▁A", "ry", "an", "▁invasion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁establish", "ing", "▁a", "▁d", "ating", "▁system", "▁for", "▁southern", "▁India", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sixth", "▁century", "▁CE", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁time", "▁in", "▁office", "▁he", "▁also", "▁achieved", "▁a", "▁", "2", "5", "▁per", "▁cent", "▁budget", "▁increase", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁,", "▁and", "▁convinced", "▁the", "▁government", "▁to", "▁agree", "▁to", "▁the", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁a", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁to", "▁be", "▁built", "▁in", "▁New", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁,", "▁he", "▁opened", "▁his", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁field", "▁school", "▁in", "▁Tax", "ila", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁instruct", "ed", "▁various", "▁students", "▁from", "▁across", "▁India", "▁in", "▁the", "▁method", "ologies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁discipline", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁became", "▁very", "▁fond", "▁of", "▁his", "▁students", "▁,", "▁with", "▁one", "▁of", "▁them", "▁,", "▁B", ".", "▁B", ".", "▁L", "al", "▁,", "▁later", "▁comment", "ing", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁gru", "ff", "▁exterior", "▁,", "▁Sir", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁had", "▁a", "▁very", "▁kind", "▁and", "▁sympath", "etic", "▁heart", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁his", "▁period", "▁in", "▁India", "▁,", "▁his", "▁students", "▁were", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁only", "▁individuals", "▁to", "▁whom", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁war", "med", "▁;", "▁more", "▁widely", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁anno", "yed", "▁by", "▁what", "▁he", "▁saw", "▁as", "▁the", "▁id", "len", "ess", "▁,", "▁in", "comp", "et", "ence", "▁and", "▁cor", "ruption", "▁of", "▁Indian", "▁society", "▁.", "▁Initial", "ly", "▁foc", "using", "▁on", "▁the", "▁north", "west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁particularly", "▁fasc", "in", "ated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Bron", "ze", "▁Age", "▁Ind", "us", "▁Valley", "▁Civil", "ization", "▁.", "▁On", "▁his", "▁initial", "▁ins", "pection", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ind", "us", "▁Valley", "▁sites", "▁of", "▁Moh", "en", "jo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dar", "o", "▁and", "▁Har", "appa", "▁,", "▁he", "▁organ", "ised", "▁a", "▁very", "▁brief", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁which", "▁revealed", "▁fort", "ifications", "▁around", "▁both", "▁settlement", "s", "▁.", "▁He", "▁later", "▁led", "▁a", "▁more", "▁detailed", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁Har", "appa", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁exposed", "▁further", "▁fort", "ifications", "▁and", "▁established", "▁a", "▁strat", "ig", "raph", "y", "▁for", "▁the", "▁settlement", "▁.", "▁", "▁Turn", "ing", "▁his", "▁attention", "▁to", "▁southern", "▁India", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁discovered", "▁rem", "n", "ants", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Roman", "▁am", "ph", "ora", "▁in", "▁a", "▁museum", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁A", "rik", "amed", "u", "▁,", "▁reve", "aling", "▁a", "▁port", "▁from", "▁the", "▁first", "▁century", "▁CE", "▁which", "▁had", "▁trad", "ed", "▁in", "▁goods", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁Empire", "▁.", "▁The", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁had", "▁been", "▁pl", "ag", "ued", "▁by", "▁severe", "▁ra", "ins", "▁and", "▁tropical", "▁heat", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁was", "▁during", "▁the", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁that", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁ended", "▁;", "▁in", "▁celebr", "ation", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁gave", "▁all", "▁his", "▁workers", "▁an", "▁extra", "▁ru", "pe", "e", "▁for", "▁the", "▁day", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁since", "▁been", "▁alleg", "ed", "▁that", "▁while", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁took", "▁credit", "▁for", "▁discover", "ing", "▁the", "▁significance", "▁of", "▁this", "▁site", "▁,", "▁it", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁been", "▁established", "▁by", "▁A", ".", "▁A", "iy", "app", "an", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Super", "int", "endent", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁Museum", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ras", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁French", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁J", "ouve", "au", "▁D", "ubre", "uil", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁intention", "ally", "▁ign", "oring", "▁their", "▁contribution", "▁.", "▁He", "▁later", "▁under", "to", "ok", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁of", "▁six", "▁meg", "al", "ith", "ic", "▁tomb", "s", "▁in", "▁Bra", "hm", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁,", "▁which", "▁enabled", "▁him", "▁to", "▁gain", "▁a", "▁chron", "ology", "▁for", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁much", "▁of", "▁southern", "▁India", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁established", "▁a", "▁new", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁journal", "▁,", "▁An", "cient", "▁India", "▁,", "▁planning", "▁for", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁published", "▁twice", "▁a", "▁year", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁trouble", "▁se", "cur", "ing", "▁printing", "▁paper", "▁and", "▁faced", "▁various", "▁del", "ays", "▁;", "▁the", "▁first", "▁issue", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁would", "▁release", "▁three", "▁further", "▁volumes", "▁during", "▁his", "▁stay", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁married", "▁Kim", "▁Col", "ling", "ridge" ]
then Simla , where the headquarters of the Archaeological Survey of India were located . Wheeler had been suggested for the job by Archibald Wavell , the Viceroy of India , who had been acting on the recommendations of the archaeologist Leonard Woolley , who had authored a report lamenting the state of the archaeological establishment in the British @-@ controlled subcontinent . Wheeler recognised this state of affairs , in a letter to a friend complaining about the lack of finances and equipment , commenting that " We 're back in 1850 " . He initially found much to dislike in India , and in his letters to friends in Britain expressed derogatory and racist sentiments toward Indians : he stated that " they feed wrongly and think wrongly and live wrongly ... I already find myself regarding them as ill @-@ made clockwork toys rather than as human beings , and I find myself bullying them most brutally . " He expelled those staff members whom he deemed too idle , and physically beat others in an attempt to motivate them . From the beginning of his tenure , he sought to distance himself from previous Director @-@ Generals and their administrations by criticising them in print and attempting to introduce new staff who had no loyalty to his predecessors . Assigned with a four @-@ year contract , Wheeler attempted to recruit two archaeologists from Britain , Glyn Daniel and Stuart Piggott , to aid him in reforming the Archaeological Survey , although they declined the offer . He then toured the subcontinent , seeking to meet all of the Survey 's staff members . He had drawn up a prospectus containing research questions that he wanted the Survey to focus on ; these included understanding the period between the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization and the Achaemenid Empire , discerning the socio @-@ cultural background to the Vedas , dating the Aryan invasion , and establishing a dating system for southern India prior to the sixth century CE . During his time in office he also achieved a 25 per cent budget increase for the Archaeological Survey , and convinced the government to agree to the construction of a National Museum of Archaeology , to be built in New Delhi . In October 1944 , he opened his six @-@ month archaeological field school in Taxila , where he instructed various students from across India in the methodologies of the discipline . Wheeler became very fond of his students , with one of them , B. B. Lal , later commenting that " behind the gruff exterior , Sir Mortimer had a very kind and sympathetic heart " . Throughout his period in India , his students were some of the only individuals to whom Wheeler warmed ; more widely , he was annoyed by what he saw as the idleness , incompetence and corruption of Indian society . Initially focusing on the northwest of the subcontinent , Wheeler was particularly fascinated by the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization . On his initial inspection of the Indus Valley sites of Mohenjo @-@ daro and Harappa , he organised a very brief excavation which revealed fortifications around both settlements . He later led a more detailed excavation at Harappa , where he exposed further fortifications and established a stratigraphy for the settlement . Turning his attention to southern India , Wheeler discovered remnants of a Roman amphora in a museum , and began excavations at Arikamedu , revealing a port from the first century CE which had traded in goods from the Roman Empire . The excavation had been plagued by severe rains and tropical heat , although it was during the excavation that World War II ended ; in celebration , Wheeler gave all his workers an extra rupee for the day . It has since been alleged that while Wheeler took credit for discovering the significance of this site , it had previously been established by A. Aiyappan , the Superintendent of the Government Museum in Madras , and the French archaeologist Jouveau Dubreuil , with Wheeler intentionally ignoring their contribution . He later undertook excavations of six megalithic tombs in Brahmagiri , Mysore , which enabled him to gain a chronology for the archaeology of much of southern India . Wheeler established a new archaeological journal , Ancient India , planning for it to be published twice a year . He had trouble securing printing paper and faced various delays ; the first issue was released in January 1946 , and he would release three further volumes during his stay . Wheeler married Kim Collingridge
[ "▁in", "▁Sim", "la", "▁,", "▁before", "▁he", "▁and", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁took", "▁part", "▁in", "▁an", "▁Indian", "▁Cultural", "▁Mission", "▁to", "▁Iran", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Indian", "▁government", "▁had", "▁de", "emed", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁ideal", "▁to", "▁lead", "▁the", "▁group", "▁,", "▁which", "▁depart", "ed", "▁via", "▁train", "▁to", "▁Z", "ah", "idan", "▁before", "▁visit", "ing", "▁Per", "se", "pol", "is", "▁,", "▁Te", "h", "ran", "▁,", "▁Is", "fah", "an", "▁,", "▁Sh", "ira", "z", "▁,", "▁Pas", "arg", "ada", "e", "▁,", "▁and", "▁K", "ash", "an", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁enjoyed", "▁the", "▁trip", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁en", "vious", "▁of", "▁Te", "h", "ran", "▁'", "s", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁museum", "▁and", "▁library", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁far", "▁in", "▁advance", "▁of", "▁anything", "▁then", "▁found", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁Cross", "ing", "▁into", "▁Ira", "q", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Bag", "hd", "ad", "▁the", "▁team", "▁caught", "▁a", "▁flight", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁a", "▁second", "▁cultural", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁this", "▁time", "▁to", "▁Afghan", "istan", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁expressed", "▁a", "▁particular", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁the", "▁kingdom", "▁of", "▁ancient", "▁B", "act", "ria", "▁and", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁B", "alk", "h", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁present", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁Part", "ition", "▁of", "▁India", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Domin", "ion", "▁of", "▁Pakistan", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Union", "▁of", "▁India", "▁and", "▁the", "▁accomp", "any", "ing", "▁eth", "nic", "▁violence", "▁between", "▁H", "indu", "▁and", "▁Muslim", "▁communities", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁unh", "appy", "▁with", "▁how", "▁these", "▁events", "▁had", "▁affected", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁,", "▁compla", "ining", "▁that", "▁some", "▁of", "▁his", "▁fin", "est", "▁students", "▁and", "▁staff", "▁were", "▁now", "▁citizens", "▁of", "▁Pakistan", "▁and", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁able", "▁to", "▁work", "▁for", "▁him", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁based", "▁in", "▁New", "▁Del", "hi", "▁when", "▁the", "▁city", "▁was", "▁rock", "ed", "▁by", "▁sect", "arian", "▁violence", "▁,", "▁and", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁help", "▁many", "▁of", "▁his", "▁Muslim", "▁staff", "▁members", "▁escape", "▁from", "▁the", "▁H", "indu", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁majority", "▁city", "▁un", "har", "med", "▁.", "▁He", "▁further", "▁helped", "▁sm", "ug", "gle", "▁Muslim", "▁families", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁hospital", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁had", "▁taken", "▁refuge", "▁from", "▁a", "▁violent", "▁H", "indu", "▁mob", "▁.", "▁As", "▁India", "▁ne", "ared", "▁independence", "▁from", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Empire", "▁,", "▁the", "▁political", "▁situation", "▁had", "▁changed", "▁significantly", "▁;", "▁by", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁he", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁last", "▁British", "▁individuals", "▁in", "▁a", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁position", "▁within", "▁the", "▁country", "▁'", "s", "▁gover", "ning", "▁establishment", "▁,", "▁and", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁that", "▁many", "▁Indian", "▁national", "ists", "▁wanted", "▁him", "▁to", "▁also", "▁leave", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁had", "▁become", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁stra", "ined", "▁,", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁had", "▁left", "▁and", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁hoping", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁his", "▁post", "▁in", "▁India", "▁several", "▁months", "▁early", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁concerned", "▁for", "▁his", "▁economic", "▁prospect", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁des", "per", "ately", "▁searched", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁job", "▁position", "▁.", "▁Through", "▁friends", "▁in", "▁the", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁community", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁offered", "▁a", "▁job", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Commission", "▁on", "▁An", "cient", "▁Mon", "uments", "▁for", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁was", "▁ups", "et", "▁that", "▁this", "▁would", "▁mean", "▁a", "▁drop", "▁in", "▁his", "▁professional", "▁status", "▁and", "▁income", "▁and", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁turn", "▁it", "▁down", "▁.", "▁Instead", "▁,", "▁he", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁take", "▁up", "▁a", "▁chair", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁Provin", "ces", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Pak", "ist", "ani", "▁Minister", "▁of", "▁Education", "▁invited", "▁him", "▁to", "▁become", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Ad", "vis", "er", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Pak", "ist", "ani", "▁government", "▁;", "▁he", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁also", "▁take", "▁up", "▁this", "▁position", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁condition", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁only", "▁spend", "▁several", "▁months", "▁in", "▁the", "▁country", "▁each", "▁year", "▁over", "▁the", "▁next", "▁three", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Between", "▁Britain", "▁and", "▁Pakistan", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁–", "▁", "5", "2", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Return", "ing", "▁to", "▁London", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Hall", "am", "▁Street", "▁flat", "▁where", "▁his", "▁son", "▁and", "▁daughter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁law", "▁were", "▁living", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁each", "▁other", "▁,", "▁and", "▁so", "▁in", "▁summer", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁out", "▁and", "▁began", "▁rent", "ing", "▁an", "▁a", "partment", "▁in", "▁Mount", "▁Street", "▁.", "▁A", "▁year", "▁later", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁'", "s", "▁house", "▁in", "▁Mall", "ord", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁in", "▁an", "▁un", "success", "ful", "▁hope", "▁of", "▁reign", "iting", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁T", "aking", "▁up", "▁his", "▁part", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁professor", "ship", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁he", "▁began", "▁to", "▁lecture", "▁to", "▁students", "▁almost", "▁every", "▁day", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁found", "▁that", "▁he", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁of", "▁mut", "ual", "▁respect", "▁with", "▁the", "▁director", "▁,", "▁Ch", "ilde", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁their", "▁strong", "▁personal", "▁and", "▁professional", "▁differences", "▁.", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁ret", "irement", "▁of", "▁Cy", "ril", "▁Fox", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Pres", "iden", "cy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁,", "▁but", "▁lost", "▁to", "▁James", "▁Mann", "▁;", "▁many", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Ch", "ilde", "▁and", "▁O", ".", "▁G", ".", "▁S", ".", "▁C", "raw", "ford", "▁,", "▁res", "igned", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁in", "▁protest", "▁,", "▁de", "em", "ing", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁a", "▁far", "▁more", "▁appropriate", "▁candidate", "▁for", "▁the", "▁position", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁never", "theless", "▁elected", "▁director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁he", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Pet", "rie", "▁Medal", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2", "▁was", "▁kn", "ight", "ed", "▁.", "▁That", "▁same", "▁year", "▁he", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁give", "▁the", "▁N", "orton", "▁lect", "ures", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁America", "▁,", "▁and", "▁while", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁was", "▁also", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Lucy", "▁Wh", "art", "on", "▁Dre", "x", "el", "▁medal", "▁at", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁.", "▁He", "▁never", "theless", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁the", "▁country", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁later", "▁life", "▁exhib", "ited", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁American", "ism", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁spent", "▁three", "▁months", "▁in", "▁Pakistan", "▁during", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁was", "▁engaged", "▁in", "▁organ", "ising", "▁the", "▁fled", "g", "ling", "▁Pak", "ist", "ani", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Department", "▁with", "▁the", "▁aid", "▁of", "▁former", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁and", "▁new", "▁students", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁rec", "ru", "ited", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Minister", "▁of", "▁Education", "▁,", "▁F", "az", "l", "ur", "▁Rah", "man", "▁,", "▁was", "▁sympath", "etic", "▁to", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁plans", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁government", "▁agreed" ]
in Simla , before he and his wife took part in an Indian Cultural Mission to Iran . The Indian government had deemed Wheeler ideal to lead the group , which departed via train to Zahidan before visiting Persepolis , Tehran , Isfahan , Shiraz , Pasargadae , and Kashan . Wheeler enjoyed the trip , and was envious of Tehran 's archaeological museum and library , which was far in advance of anything then found in India . Crossing into Iraq , in Baghdad the team caught a flight back to Delhi . In 1946 , he was involved in a second cultural mission , this time to Afghanistan , where he expressed a particular interest in the kingdom of ancient Bactria and visited the archaeology of Balkh . Wheeler was present during the 1947 Partition of India into the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India and the accompanying ethnic violence between Hindu and Muslim communities . He was unhappy with how these events had affected the Archaeological Survey , complaining that some of his finest students and staff were now citizens of Pakistan and no longer able to work for him . He was based in New Delhi when the city was rocked by sectarian violence , and attempted to help many of his Muslim staff members escape from the Hindu @-@ majority city unharmed . He further helped smuggle Muslim families out of the city hospital , where they had taken refuge from a violent Hindu mob . As India neared independence from the British Empire , the political situation had changed significantly ; by October 1947 he was one of the last British individuals in a high @-@ up position within the country 's governing establishment , and recognised that many Indian nationalists wanted him to also leave . As their relationship had become increasingly strained , his wife had left and returned to Britain . Although hoping to leave his post in India several months early , he was concerned for his economic prospects , and desperately searched for a new job position . Through friends in the British archaeological community , he was offered a job as the Secretary of the Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments for Wales , although he was upset that this would mean a drop in his professional status and income and decided to turn it down . Instead , he agreed to take up a chair in the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the Institute of Archaeology . In addition , the Pakistani Minister of Education invited him to become the Archaeological Adviser to the Pakistani government ; he agreed to also take up this position , on the condition that he would only spend several months in the country each year over the next three . = = Later life = = = = = Between Britain and Pakistan : 1948 – 52 = = = Returning to London , Wheeler moved into the Hallam Street flat where his son and daughter @-@ in @-@ law were living . Wheeler and the latter disliked each other , and so in summer 1950 he moved out and began renting an apartment in Mount Street . A year later he moved into his wife 's house in Mallord Street , in an unsuccessful hope of reigniting their relationship . Taking up his part @-@ time professorship at the Institute of Archaeology , he began to lecture to students almost every day . There , he found that he developed a relationship of mutual respect with the director , Childe , despite their strong personal and professional differences . In April 1949 , after the retirement of Cyril Fox , Wheeler was nominated for the Presidency of the Society of Antiquaries , but lost to James Mann ; many archaeologists , including Childe and O. G. S. Crawford , resigned from the Society in protest , deeming Wheeler to have been a far more appropriate candidate for the position . Wheeler was nevertheless elected director of the Society . In 1950 he was awarded the Petrie Medal , and in 1952 was knighted . That same year he was invited to give the Norton lectures for the Archaeological Institute of America , and while in the United States was also awarded the Lucy Wharton Drexel medal at Pennsylvania . He nevertheless disliked the country , and in later life exhibited anti @-@ Americanism . Wheeler spent three months in Pakistan during early 1949 , where he was engaged in organising the fledgling Pakistani Archaeological Department with the aid of former members of the Archaeological Survey and new students whom he recruited . The Minister of Education , Fazlur Rahman , was sympathetic to Wheeler 's plans , and the government agreed
[ "▁to", "▁establish", "▁a", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Pakistan", "▁in", "▁Kar", "achi", "▁,", "▁which", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁himself", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁the", "▁first", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pak", "ist", "ani", "▁Museum", "s", "▁Association", "▁,", "▁and", "▁found", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁a", "▁medi", "ator", "▁in", "▁the", "▁arguments", "▁between", "▁India", "▁and", "▁Pakistan", "▁over", "▁the", "▁red", "ist", "ribution", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁and", "▁historic", "▁arte", "fact", "s", "▁following", "▁the", "▁partition", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁wrote", "▁a", "▁work", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁propag", "anda", "▁for", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁formed", "▁state", "▁,", "▁Five", "▁Th", "ous", "and", "▁Years", "▁of", "▁Pakistan", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁To", "▁instruct", "▁new", "▁Pak", "ist", "ani", "▁students", "▁in", "▁the", "▁methods", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁in", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁ran", "▁a", "▁training", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁Moh", "en", "jo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dar", "o", "▁;", "▁there", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁joined", "▁by", "▁the", "▁British", "▁student", "▁Les", "lie", "▁Al", "cock", "▁,", "▁who", "▁spoke", "▁both", "▁P", "un", "j", "abi", "▁and", "▁Ur", "du", "▁and", "▁who", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁a", "▁site", "▁super", "visor", "▁by", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁.", "▁This", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁be", "▁the", "▁only", "▁one", "▁for", "▁which", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁would", "▁not", "▁write", "▁and", "▁publish", "▁a", "▁full", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁report", "▁.", "▁Instead", "▁,", "▁he", "▁made", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁its", "▁find", "ings", "▁in", "▁his", "▁book", "▁The", "▁Ind", "us", "▁Civil", "ization", "▁,", "▁published", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁The", "▁Cambridge", "▁History", "▁of", "▁India", "▁.", "▁His", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Pak", "ist", "ani", "▁government", "▁had", "▁become", "▁stra", "ined", "▁,", "▁and", "▁so", "▁he", "▁decl", "ined", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁work", "▁for", "▁them", "▁for", "▁a", "▁third", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁been", "▁keen", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁Based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁one", "▁he", "▁had", "▁organ", "ised", "▁in", "▁India", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁developed", "▁an", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁training", "▁course", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁ran", "▁at", "▁Ver", "ul", "am", "ium", "▁in", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁to", "▁instruct", "▁British", "▁students", "▁in", "▁the", "▁method", "ologies", "▁of", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁.", "▁In", "▁summer", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Commission", "▁on", "▁Historical", "▁Mon", "uments", "▁to", "▁direct", "▁a", "▁trial", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁at", "▁Bind", "on", "▁Hill", "▁in", "▁Dor", 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"▁join", "▁and", "▁propos", "ing", "▁that", "▁those", "▁over", "▁", "7", "5", "▁years", "▁of", "▁age", "▁not", "▁be", "▁permitted", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁on", "▁the", "▁organisation", "▁'", "s", "▁council", "▁;", "▁this", "▁latter", "▁measure", "▁was", "▁highly", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁,", "▁and", "▁though", "▁defeated", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "1", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁Web", "ster", "▁were", "▁able", "▁to", "▁push", "▁it", "▁through", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁doing", "▁so", "▁,", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁stated", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁helped", "▁rid", "▁the", "▁society", "▁of", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁perpet", "u", "ating", "▁ger", "onto", "c", "racy", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁To", "▁aid", "▁him", "▁in", "▁these", "▁projects", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁employed", "▁a", "▁personal", "▁assistant", "▁,", "▁Mol", "ly", "▁My", "ers", "▁,", "▁who", "▁remained", "▁with", "▁him", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁his", "▁life", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Popular", "▁fame", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2", "▁–", "▁", "6", "9", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "6", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁retired", "▁from", "▁his", "▁part", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁professor", "ship", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁Ch", "ilde", "▁was", "▁also", "▁ret", "iring", "▁from", "▁his", "▁position", "▁of", "▁director", "▁that", "▁year", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁involved", "▁himself", "▁in", "▁the", "▁arguments", "▁surrounding", "▁who", "▁should", "▁replace", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁voc", "ally", "▁opposed", "▁the", "▁nom", "ination", "▁of", "▁W", ".", "F", ".", "▁Gr", "imes", "▁,", "▁de", "em", "ing", "▁his", "▁career", "▁und", "ist", "ingu", "ished", "▁;", "▁instead", "▁,", "▁he", "▁champion", "ed", "▁G", "lyn", "▁Daniel", "▁as", "▁a", "▁candidate", "▁,", "▁although", "▁ultimately", "▁Gr", "imes", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁.", "▁That", "▁year", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁marriage", "▁broke", "▁down", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁from", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁'", "s", "▁house", "▁to", "▁a", "▁former", "▁bro", "th", "el", "▁at", "▁", "2", "7", "▁Whit", "comb", "▁Street", "▁in", "▁central", "▁London", "▁.", "▁From", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁he", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "aries", "▁,", "▁and", "▁after", "▁res", "ign", "ing", "▁supported", "▁Ian", "▁Richmond", "▁as", "▁his", "▁replacement", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁Joan", "▁Evans", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁.", "▁From", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁he", "▁served", "▁as", "▁Chair", "man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁An", "cient", "▁Mon", "uments", "▁Board", "▁,", "▁ste", "pping", "▁down", "▁when", "▁he", "▁concluded", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁too", "▁old", "▁for", "▁the", "▁role", "▁.", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "3", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁a", "▁pro", "state", "▁operation", "▁that", "▁went", "▁wrong", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁hospital", "ised", "▁for", "▁over", "▁a", "▁month", "▁.", "▁In", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁became", "▁a", "▁Comp", "an", "ion", "▁of", "▁Hon", "our", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6" ]
to establish a National Museum of Pakistan in Karachi , which opened in April 1950 . Wheeler himself was appointed the first President of the Pakistani Museums Association , and found himself as a mediator in the arguments between India and Pakistan over the redistribution of archaeological and historic artefacts following the partition . He also wrote a work of archaeological propaganda for the newly formed state , Five Thousand Years of Pakistan ( 1950 ) . To instruct new Pakistani students in the methods of archaeology , in early 1950 Wheeler ran a training excavation at Mohenjo @-@ daro ; there , he was joined by the British student Leslie Alcock , who spoke both Punjabi and Urdu and who was appointed a site supervisor by Wheeler . This excavation proved to be the only one for which Wheeler would not write and publish a full excavation report . Instead , he made reference to its findings in his book The Indus Civilization , published as part of the series The Cambridge History of India . His relationship with the Pakistani government had become strained , and so he declined to return to work for them for a third year . Wheeler had been keen to return to excavation in Britain . Based on the one he had organised in India , Wheeler developed an archaeological training course , which he ran at Verulamium in the summer of 1949 to instruct British students in the methodologies of excavation . In summer 1950 , he was invited by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments to direct a trial excavation at Bindon Hill in Dorset . It was a leisurely project which he treated as a seaside holiday . He was invited by the Ancient Monuments Department of the Ministry of Works to excavate the Stanwick Iron Age Fortifications in North Riding , Yorkshire , which he proceeded to do over the summers of 1951 and 1952 . Aided by many old friends and colleagues from within the British archaeological scene , he was joined by Alcock and Alcock 's wife , among others . Wheeler published his report on the site in 1954 . In 1949 Wheeler was appointed Honorary Secretary of the British Academy after Frederic G. Kenyon stepped down from the position . According to Piggott , the institution had " unhappily drifted into senility without the excuse of being venerable " , and Wheeler devoted much time attempting to revitalise the organisation and ensured that Charles Webster was appointed President . Together , Wheeler and Webster sought to increase the number of younger members of the Academy , increasing the number of Fellows who were permitted to join and proposing that those over 75 years of age not be permitted to serve on the organisation 's council ; this latter measure was highly controversial , and though defeated in 1951 , Wheeler and Webster were able to push it through in 1952 . In doing so , Piggott stated , Wheeler helped rid the society of its " self @-@ perpetuating gerontocracy " . To aid him in these projects , Wheeler employed a personal assistant , Molly Myers , who remained with him for the rest of his life . = = = Popular fame : 1952 – 69 = = = In 1956 , Wheeler retired from his part @-@ time professorship at the Institute of Archaeology . Childe was also retiring from his position of director that year , and Wheeler involved himself in the arguments surrounding who should replace him . Wheeler vocally opposed the nomination of W.F. Grimes , deeming his career undistinguished ; instead , he championed Glyn Daniel as a candidate , although ultimately Grimes was selected . That year , Wheeler 's marriage broke down , and he moved from his wife 's house to a former brothel at 27 Whitcomb Street in central London . From 1954 to 1959 , he served as the President of the Society of Antiquaries , and after resigning supported Ian Richmond as his replacement ; however , Joan Evans was selected . From 1964 to 1966 he served as Chairman of the Ancient Monuments Board , stepping down when he concluded that he was too old for the role . In December 1963 , Wheeler underwent a prostate operation that went wrong , and was hospitalised for over a month . In November 1967 , Wheeler became a Companion of Honour , and in 196
[ "8", "▁he", "▁became", "▁a", "▁Fellow", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Society", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Media", "▁fame", "▁and", "▁public", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁became", "▁famous", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁emb", "od", "iment", "▁of", "▁popular", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁through", "▁the", "▁medium", "▁of", "▁television", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁panel", "ist", "▁on", "▁the", "▁new", "▁BBC", "▁television", "▁series", "▁,", "▁Animal", "▁,", "▁Veg", "et", "able", "▁,", "▁Min", "eral", "▁?", "▁.", "▁Based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁American", "▁qu", "iz", "▁programme", "▁What", "▁in", "▁the", "▁World", "▁?", "▁,", "▁the", "▁show", "▁was", "▁hosted", "▁by", "▁G", "lyn", "▁Daniel", "▁and", "▁featured", "▁three", "▁exper", "ts", "▁in", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁anth", "rop", "ology", "▁,", "▁and", "▁natural", "▁history", "▁being", "▁asked", "▁to", "▁identify", "▁arte", "fact", "s", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁selected", "▁from", "▁various", "▁museum", "s", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁is", "▁alleg", "ed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁prepared", "▁for", "▁the", "▁show", "▁by", "▁checking", "▁before", "hand", "▁which", "▁objects", "▁had", "▁been", "▁tempor", "arily", "▁removed", "▁from", "▁display", "▁.", "▁The", "▁show", "▁proved", "▁popular", "▁with", "▁British", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁,", "▁and", "▁would", "▁air", "▁for", "▁six", "▁more", "▁years", "▁.", "▁It", "▁brought", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁to", "▁public", "▁attention", "▁,", "▁resulting", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Television", "▁Person", "ality", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁award", "▁for", "▁him", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁an", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁Bur", "ied", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁,", "▁an", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁show", "▁also", "▁hosted", "▁by", "▁Daniel", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁pair", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁Den", "mark", "▁to", "▁discuss", "▁T", "oll", "und", "▁Man", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁a", "▁second", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁Bur", "ied", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁,", "▁for", "▁which", "▁he", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁Pakistan", "▁to", "▁discuss", "▁that", "▁nation", "▁'", "s", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "8", "▁again", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁an", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁this", "▁time", "▁on", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁Great", "▁Z", "imb", "ab", "we", "▁in", "▁Southern", "▁Rh", "odes", "ia", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁he", "▁presented", "▁his", "▁own", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁part", "▁series", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Grande", "ur", "▁That", "▁Was", "▁Rome", "▁,", "▁for", "▁which", "▁he", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁Had", "rian", "▁'", "s", "▁Wall", "▁,", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Le", "pt", "is", "▁Mag", "na", "▁;", "▁the", "▁show", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁high", "▁ratings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁last", "▁major", "▁for", "ay", "▁into", "▁television", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁he", "▁also", "▁made", "▁appearances", "▁on", "▁BBC", "▁radio", "▁,", "▁initially", "▁featuring", "▁on", "▁the", "▁John", "▁Ir", "ving", "▁series", "▁The", "▁Arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁,", "▁but", "▁later", "▁present", "ing", "▁his", "▁own", "▁eight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁part", "▁series", "▁on", "▁Roman", "▁Britain", "▁and", "▁also", "▁appearing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁series", "▁Asian", "▁Club", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁aim", "ed", "▁primarily", "▁at", "▁newly", "▁arrived", "▁migr", "ants", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁.", "▁", "▁From", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁on", "ward", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁began", "▁to", "▁dev", "ote", "▁an", "▁increasing", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁his", "▁time", "▁to", "▁encourag", "ing", "▁greater", "▁public", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁was", "▁in", "▁that", "▁year", "▁that", "▁he", "▁obtained", "▁an", "▁agent", "▁.", "▁Oxford", "▁University", "▁Press", "▁also", "▁published", "▁two", "▁of", "▁his", "▁books", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁was", "▁a", "▁book", "▁on", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁method", "ologies", "▁,", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Earth", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁translated", "▁into", "▁various", "▁languages", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁was", "▁Rome", "▁Bey", "ond", "▁the", "▁Imperial", "▁Front", "ier", "▁,", "▁discuss", "ing", "▁evidence", "▁for", "▁Roman", "▁activity", "▁at", "▁sites", "▁like", "▁A", "rik", "amed", "u", "▁and", "▁Seg", "ont", "ium", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "5", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁released", "▁his", "▁epis", "od", "ic", "▁aut", "obi", "ography", "▁,", "▁Still", "▁Dig", "ging", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁sold", "▁over", "▁", "7", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁copies", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁wrote", "▁Early", "▁India", "▁and", "▁Pakistan", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁published", "▁as", "▁part", "▁as", "▁Daniel", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁An", "cient", "▁Pe", "op", "les", "▁and", "▁Places", "▁\"", "▁series", "▁for", "▁Th", "ames", "▁and", "▁Hudson", "▁;", "▁as", "▁with", "▁many", "▁earlier", "▁books", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁critic", "ised", "▁for", "▁r", "ushing", "▁to", "▁conclus", "ions", "▁.", "▁", "▁He", "▁author", "ed", "▁the", "▁section", "▁entitled", "▁\"", "▁An", "cient", "▁India", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁'", "s", "▁edited", "▁volume", "▁The", "▁Da", "wn", "▁of", "▁Civil", "isation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁published", "▁by", "▁Th", "ames", "▁and", "▁Hudson", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "1", "▁,", "▁before", "▁writing", "▁an", "▁introduction", "▁for", "▁Roger", "▁Wood", "▁'", "s", "▁phot", "ography", "▁book", "▁Roman", "▁Africa", "▁in", "▁Col", "our", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁also", "▁published", "▁by", "▁Th", "ames", "▁and", "▁Hudson", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁edit", "▁a", "▁series", "▁for", "▁the", "▁publish", "er", "▁,", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁New", "▁As", "pect", "s", "▁of", "▁Anti", "qu", "ity", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁through", "▁which", "▁they", "▁released", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁works", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rival", "▁publish", "er", "▁We", "iden", "feld", "▁&", "▁Nicol", "son", "▁had", "▁also", "▁persu", "aded", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁to", "▁work", "▁for", "▁them", "▁,", "▁se", "cur", "ing", "▁him", "▁to", "▁write", "▁many", "▁sections", "▁of", "▁their", "▁book", "▁,", "▁S", "pl", "end", "ours", "▁of", "▁the", "▁East", "▁.", "▁They", "▁also", "▁published", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁book", "▁Fl", "ames", "▁Over", "▁Pers", "opol", "is", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁discussed", "▁Pers", "opol", "is", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Pers", "ian", "▁Empire", "▁in", "▁the", "▁year", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁conquer", "ed", "▁by", "▁Alexander", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁tour", "▁company", "▁R", ".", "K", ".", "▁Sw", "an", "▁invited", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁lect", "ures", "▁on", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁ancient", "▁Greece", "▁ab", "o", "ard", "▁their", "▁H", "ellen", "ic", "▁cru", "ise", "▁line", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁did", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "5", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁then", "▁gave", "▁a", "▁gu", "ided", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rival", "▁tour", "▁company", "▁Fair", "ways", "▁and", "▁Sw", "in", "ford", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Sw", "ans", "▁appointed", "▁him", "▁to", "▁the", "▁position", "▁of", "▁chairman", "▁of", "▁their", "▁H", "ellen", "ic", "▁Cru", "ise", "▁division", "▁,", "▁he", "▁made", "▁two", "▁fort", "night", "▁t", "ours", "▁a", "▁year", "▁,", "▁in", "▁spring", "▁and", "▁summer", "▁.", "▁In", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁he", "▁conducted", "▁the", "▁Sw", "ans", "▁tour", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁,", "▁visit", "ing", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁republic", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁C", "ey", "lon", "▁.", "▁During", "▁this", "▁period", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁kept", "▁in", "▁contact", "▁with" ]
8 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society . = = = = Media fame and public archaeology = = = = Wheeler became famous in Britain as " the embodiment of popular archaeology through the medium of television " . In 1952 , Wheeler was invited to be a panelist on the new BBC television series , Animal , Vegetable , Mineral ? . Based on the American quiz programme What in the World ? , the show was hosted by Glyn Daniel and featured three experts in archaeology , anthropology , and natural history being asked to identify artefacts which had been selected from various museums . However , Wheeler is alleged to have prepared for the show by checking beforehand which objects had been temporarily removed from display . The show proved popular with British audiences , and would air for six more years . It brought Wheeler to public attention , resulting in a Television Personality of the Year award for him in 1954 . He also appeared in an episode of Buried Treasure , an archaeology show also hosted by Daniel , in which the pair travelled to Denmark to discuss Tollund Man . In 1957 , he appeared in a second episode of Buried Treasure , for which he travelled to Pakistan to discuss that nation 's archaeology , and in 1958 again appeared in an episode , this time on the site of Great Zimbabwe in Southern Rhodesia . In 1959 he presented his own three @-@ part series on The Grandeur That Was Rome , for which he travelled to Hadrian 's Wall , Pompeii , and Leptis Magna ; the show failed to secure high ratings , and was Wheeler 's last major foray into television . Meanwhile , he also made appearances on BBC radio , initially featuring on the John Irving series The Archaeologist , but later presenting his own eight @-@ part series on Roman Britain and also appearing on the series Asian Club , which was aimed primarily at newly arrived migrants from the Indian subcontinent . From 1954 onward , Wheeler began to devote an increasing amount of his time to encouraging greater public interest in archaeology , and it was in that year that he obtained an agent . Oxford University Press also published two of his books in 1954 . The first was a book on archaeological methodologies , Archaeology from the Earth , which was translated into various languages . The second was Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontier , discussing evidence for Roman activity at sites like Arikamedu and Segontium . In 1955 Wheeler released his episodic autobiography , Still Digging , which had sold over 70 @,@ 000 copies by the end of the year . In 1959 , Wheeler wrote Early India and Pakistan , which was published as part as Daniel 's " Ancient Peoples and Places " series for Thames and Hudson ; as with many earlier books , he was criticised for rushing to conclusions . He authored the section entitled " Ancient India " for Piggott 's edited volume The Dawn of Civilisation , which was published by Thames and Hudson in 1961 , before writing an introduction for Roger Wood 's photography book Roman Africa in Colour , which was also published by Thames and Hudson . He then agreed to edit a series for the publisher , known as " New Aspects of Antiquity " , through which they released a variety of archaeological works . The rival publisher Weidenfeld & Nicolson had also persuaded Wheeler to work for them , securing him to write many sections of their book , Splendours of the East . They also published his 1968 book Flames Over Persopolis , in which Wheeler discussed Persopolis and the Persian Empire in the year that it was conquered by Alexander the Great . In 1954 , the tour company R.K. Swan invited Wheeler to provide lectures on the archaeology of ancient Greece aboard their Hellenic cruise line , which he did in 1955 . In 1957 , he then gave a guided tour of the archaeology of the Indian subcontinent for the rival tour company Fairways and Swinford . After Swans appointed him to the position of chairman of their Hellenic Cruise division , he made two fortnight tours a year , in spring and summer . In late 1969 he conducted the Swans tour to the Indian subcontinent , visiting the south and east of the republic as well as Ceylon . During this period , Wheeler had kept in contact with
[ "▁many", "▁of", "▁his", "▁friends", "▁and", "▁colle", "agues", "▁in", "▁India", "▁and", "▁Pakistan", "▁,", "▁helping", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁them", "▁work", "▁and", "▁fund", "ing", "▁where", "▁possible", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁continued", "▁his", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁investig", "ations", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁led", "▁an", "▁expedition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Som", "me", "▁and", "▁Pas", "▁de", "▁Cal", "ais", "▁where", "▁he", "▁sought", "▁to", "▁obtain", "▁more", "▁information", "▁on", "▁the", "▁French", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁to", "▁supp", "lement", "▁that", "▁gathered", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁Pakistan", "▁'", "s", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Education", "▁invited", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁their", "▁country", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "6", "▁.", "▁Here", "▁,", "▁he", "▁under", "to", "ok", "▁test", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁Ch", "ars", "ada", "▁to", "▁determine", "▁a", "▁chron", "ology", "▁of", "▁the", "▁site", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁,", "▁he", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁take", "▁on", "▁the", "▁position", "▁of", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cam", "el", "ot", "▁Research", "▁Committee", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁established", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁the", "▁find", "ings", "▁of", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁Cad", "bury", "▁Castle", "▁in", "▁Som", "erset", "▁run", "▁by", "▁his", "▁friends", "▁R", "ale", "gh", "▁Rad", "ford", "▁and", "▁Al", "cock", "▁;", "▁the", "▁project", "▁ended", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁sit", "▁as", "▁Chair", "man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Committee", "▁over", "see", "ing", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁York", "▁Min", "ster", "▁,", "▁work", "▁which", "▁occupied", "▁him", "▁into", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁also", "▁continued", "▁his", "▁work", "▁with", "▁museum", "s", "▁,", "▁campaign", "ing", "▁for", "▁greater", "▁state", "▁fund", "ing", "▁for", "▁them", "▁.", "▁While", "▁he", "▁had", "▁become", "▁a", "▁trust", "ee", "▁of", "▁the", "▁institution", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "3", "▁,", "▁he", "▁achieved", "▁public", "ity", "▁for", "▁voc", "ally", "▁critic", "ising", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Museum", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁mountain", "ous", "▁cor", "pse", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁l", "amb", "ast", "ing", "▁it", "▁as", "▁being", "▁poor", "ly", "▁managed", "▁and", "▁over", "c", "row", "ded", "▁with", "▁arte", "fact", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁BBC", "▁st", "aged", "▁a", "▁public", "▁debate", "▁with", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁director", "▁Frank", "▁Francis", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁British", "▁Academy", "▁and", "▁UN", "ES", "CO", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁Honor", "ary", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Academy", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁increasing", "▁the", "▁organisation", "▁'", "s", "▁reven", "ues", "▁,", "▁thus", "▁en", "abling", "▁it", "▁to", "▁expand", "▁its", "▁rem", "it", "▁.", "▁He", "▁developed", "▁personal", "▁relationships", "▁with", "▁various", "▁employees", "▁at", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁,", "▁and", "▁offered", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁'", "s", "▁services", "▁as", "▁an", "▁inter", "medi", "ary", "▁in", "▁dealing", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Egypt", "▁Ex", "pl", "oration", "▁Society", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁at", "▁Ath", "ens", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁at", "▁Rome", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁at", "▁An", "k", "ara", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁in", "▁Ira", "q", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁at", "▁Jerusalem", "▁,", "▁all", "▁of", "▁which", "▁were", "▁then", "▁directly", "▁fund", "ed", "▁independently", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁.", "▁Accept", "ing", "▁this", "▁offer", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁double", "▁its", "▁fund", "ing", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁to", "▁£", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁a", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Appro", "aching", "▁various", "▁char", "itable", "▁found", "ations", "▁,", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "5", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁also", "▁secured", "▁fund", "ing", "▁from", "▁both", "▁the", "▁Pil", "gr", "im", "▁Trust", "▁and", "▁the", "▁N", "uff", "ield", "▁Foundation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "7", "▁then", "▁secured", "▁additional", "▁fund", "ing", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Rock", "ef", "eller", "▁Foundation", "▁.", "▁", "▁With", "▁this", "▁additional", "▁money", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁organ", "ise", "▁a", "▁survey", "▁of", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁the", "▁human", "ities", "▁and", "▁social", "▁sciences", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁,", "▁author", "ing", "▁a", "▁report", "▁that", "▁was", "▁published", "▁by", "▁Oxford", "▁University", "▁Press", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "1", "▁as", "▁Research", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Human", "ities", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Social", "▁Sciences", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁this", "▁report", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁a", "▁dram", "atic", "▁rise", "▁in", "▁fund", "ing", "▁from", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁;", "▁they", "▁increased", "▁their", "▁annual", "▁grant", "▁to", "▁£", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁promised", "▁that", "▁this", "▁would", "▁increase", "▁to", "▁£", "▁", "5", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁shortly", "▁after", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁his", "▁later", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁Jac", "qu", "etta", "▁Haw", "kes", "▁,", "▁in", "▁doing", "▁so", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁raised", "▁the", "▁position", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁to", "▁that", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁main", "▁source", "▁of", "▁official", "▁patron", "age", "▁for", "▁the", "▁human", "ities", "▁\"", "▁within", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁,", "▁while", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁set", "▁the", "▁organisation", "▁upon", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁modern", "▁course", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁To", "▁improve", "▁Britain", "▁'", "s", "▁cultural", "▁influence", "▁abroad", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁been", "▁ur", "ging", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁a", "▁British", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁History", "▁and", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁in", "▁East", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁tour", "ing", "▁East", "▁Africa", "▁itself", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "5", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "6", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁requested", "▁£", "▁", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁to", "▁fund", "▁this", "▁new", "▁institution", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁they", "▁eventually", "▁agreed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Institute", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁established", "▁in", "▁Dar", "▁es", "▁S", "ala", "am", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "1", "▁,", "▁although", "▁later", "▁re", "located", "▁to", "▁N", "airo", "bi", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁also", "▁been", "▁campaign", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁a", "▁British", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Pers", "ian", "▁Studies", "▁,", "▁a", "▁project", "▁which", "▁was", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Emb", "ass", "y", "▁in", "▁Te", "h", "ran", "▁;", "▁they", "▁hoped", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁rival", "▁the", "▁successful", "▁French", "▁Institute", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁agreed", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁new", "▁institution", "▁being", "▁hous", "ed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁prem", "ises", "▁of", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Te", "h", "ran", "▁.", "▁He", "▁further", "▁campaign", "ed", "▁for", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁a", "▁British", "▁Institute", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁although", "▁these", "▁ideas", "▁were", "▁scra", "pped", "▁amid", "▁the", "▁British", "▁financial", "▁crisis", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁retained", "▁an", "▁active", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁the", "▁running", "▁of", "▁these", "▁British", "▁institutions", "▁abroad", "▁;", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁he", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁in", "▁Jerusalem", "▁amid", "▁the", "▁Six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Day", "▁War", "▁between", "▁Israel", "▁and", "▁its", "▁Arab", "▁neighb", "ours", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁Pers", "ian", "▁inst", "itute", "▁with", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Max", "▁M", "allow" ]
many of his friends and colleagues in India and Pakistan , helping to secure them work and funding where possible . Wheeler had continued his archaeological investigations , and in 1954 led an expedition to the Somme and Pas de Calais where he sought to obtain more information on the French Iron Age to supplement that gathered in the late 1930s . Pakistan 's Ministry of Education invited Wheeler to return to their country in October 1956 . Here , he undertook test excavations at Charsada to determine a chronology of the site . In 1965 , he agreed to take on the position of President of the Camelot Research Committee , which had been established to promote the findings of excavations at Cadbury Castle in Somerset run by his friends Ralegh Radford and Alcock ; the project ended in 1970 . He also agreed to sit as Chairman of the Archaeological Committee overseeing excavations at York Minster , work which occupied him into the 1970s . Wheeler had also continued his work with museums , campaigning for greater state funding for them . While he had become a trustee of the institution in 1963 , he achieved publicity for vocally criticising the British Museum as " a mountainous corpse " , lambasting it as being poorly managed and overcrowded with artefacts . The BBC staged a public debate with the museum director Frank Francis . = = = = British Academy and UNESCO = = = = As Honorary Secretary of the British Academy , Wheeler focused on increasing the organisation 's revenues , thus enabling it to expand its remit . He developed personal relationships with various employees at the British Treasury , and offered the Academy 's services as an intermediary in dealing with the Egypt Exploration Society , the British School at Athens , the British School at Rome , the British School at Ankara , the British School in Iraq , and the British School at Jerusalem , all of which were then directly funded independently by the Treasury . Accepting this offer , the Treasury agreed to double its funding of the Academy to £ 5 @,@ 000 a year . Approaching various charitable foundations , from 1955 Wheeler also secured funding from both the Pilgrim Trust and the Nuffield Foundation , and in 1957 then secured additional funding from the Rockefeller Foundation . With this additional money , the Academy was able to organise a survey of the state of the humanities and social sciences in the United Kingdom , authoring a report that was published by Oxford University Press in 1961 as Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences . On the basis of this report , Wheeler was able to secure a dramatic rise in funding from the British Treasury ; they increased their annual grant to £ 25 @,@ 000 , and promised that this would increase to £ 50 @,@ 000 shortly after . According to his later biographer Jacquetta Hawkes , in doing so Wheeler raised the position of the Academy to that of " the main source of official patronage for the humanities " within the United Kingdom , while Piggott stated that he set the organisation upon its " modern course " . To improve Britain 's cultural influence abroad , Wheeler had been urging the establishment of a British Institute of History and Archaeology in East Africa , touring East Africa itself in August 1955 . In 1956 the Academy requested £ 6 @,@ 000 from the Treasury to fund this new institution , to which they eventually agreed in 1959 . The Institute was initially established in Dar es Salaam in 1961 , although later relocated to Nairobi . Meanwhile , Wheeler had also been campaigning for the establishment of a British Institute of Persian Studies , a project which was supported by the British Embassy in Tehran ; they hoped that it would rival the successful French Institute in the city . In 1960 , the Treasury agreed , with the new institution being housed on the premises of the University of Tehran . He further campaigned for the establishment of a British Institute in Japan , although these ideas were scrapped amid the British financial crisis of 1967 . Wheeler retained an active interest in the running of these British institutions abroad ; in 1967 he visited the British School in Jerusalem amid the Six @-@ Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbours , and in January 1968 visited the Persian institute with the archaeologist Max Mallow
[ "an", "▁and", "▁M", "allow", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁wife", "▁Ag", "ath", "a", "▁Christ", "ie", "▁,", "▁there", "▁inspect", "ing", "▁the", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁Si", "raf", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁he", "▁proceeded", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Italian", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Rome", "▁to", "▁inspect", "▁the", "▁British", "▁School", "▁there", "▁.", "▁That", "▁year", "▁,", "▁he", "▁res", "igned", "▁as", "▁Honor", "ary", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁.", "▁The", "▁position", "▁became", "▁a", "▁sal", "ar", "ied", "▁,", "▁professional", "▁one", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁num", "ism", "at", "ist", "▁D", "erek", "▁Allen", "▁taking", "▁on", "▁the", "▁position", "▁.", "▁", "▁Rec", "ogn", "ising", "▁his", "▁stat", "ure", "▁within", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁establishment", "▁,", "▁the", "▁government", "▁appointed", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁as", "▁the", "▁British", "▁representative", "▁on", "▁a", "▁UN", "ES", "CO", "▁project", "▁to", "▁undert", "ake", "▁a", "▁programme", "▁of", "▁rescue", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "ile", "▁Valley", "▁ahead", "▁of", "▁the", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁As", "wan", "▁Dam", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁going", "▁to", "▁flo", "od", "▁large", "▁areas", "▁of", "▁Egypt", "▁and", "▁Sud", "an", "▁.", "▁Person", "ally", "▁se", "cur", "ing", "▁UK", "▁fund", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁project", "▁,", "▁he", "▁de", "emed", "▁it", "▁an", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁national", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁shame", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁persu", "ade", "▁the", "▁British", "▁government", "▁to", "▁supply", "▁additional", "▁fund", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁re", "location", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ab", "u", "▁Sim", "bel", "▁tem", "ples", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁took", "▁part", "▁in", "▁a", "▁UN", "ES", "CO", "▁visit", "▁to", "▁Pakistan", "▁to", "▁assess", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁Moh", "en", "jo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dar", "o", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁the", "▁project", "▁'", "s", "▁report", "▁on", "▁how", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁site", "▁could", "▁best", "▁be", "▁preserved", "▁.", "▁His", "▁invol", "vement", "▁with", "▁UN", "ES", "CO", "▁continued", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁his", "▁life", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "3", "▁he", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁the", "▁organisation", "▁'", "s", "▁conference", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Final", "▁years", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁–", "▁", "7", "6", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁During", "▁his", "▁final", "▁years", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁remained", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁various", "▁activities", "▁,", "▁for", "▁instance", "▁sitting", "▁on", "▁the", "▁advis", "ory", "▁panel", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Anti", "qu", "ity", "▁journal", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Management", "▁Committee", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Institute", "▁.", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Barry", "▁C", "un", "l", "iffe", "▁and", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁his", "▁under", "grad", "uate", "▁students", "▁at", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁South", "am", "pton", "▁organ", "ised", "▁a", "▁conference", "▁on", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Iron", "▁Age", "▁and", "▁its", "▁Hill", "fort", "s", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁celebr", "ate", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁eight", "i", "eth", "▁birth", "day", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁attended", "▁the", "▁event", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁conference", "▁proceed", "ings", "▁were", "▁published", "▁as", "▁a", "▁fest", "schrift", "▁for", "▁the", "▁oct", "ogen", "arian", "▁.", "▁In", "▁spring", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "3", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁BBC", "▁television", "▁for", "▁two", "▁episodes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁them", "ed", "▁series", "▁Chron", "icle", "▁in", "▁which", "▁he", "▁discussed", "▁his", "▁life", "▁and", "▁career", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episodes", "▁were", "▁well", "▁received", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁became", "▁a", "▁close", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁producer", "▁,", "▁David", "▁Coll", "ison", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁became", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁forget", "ful", "▁and", "▁came", "▁to", "▁rely", "▁largely", "▁on", "▁his", "▁assistant", "▁,", "▁Mol", "ly", "▁My", "res", "▁,", "▁to", "▁organ", "ise", "▁his", "▁affairs", "▁.", "▁Am", "id", "▁increasing", "▁ill", "▁health", "▁,", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "3", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁into", "▁My", "res", "▁'", "s", "▁house", "▁in", "▁Le", "ather", "head", "▁,", "▁Sur", "rey", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁use", "▁his", "▁central", "▁London", "▁flat", "▁during", "▁day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁tri", "ps", "▁to", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁There", "▁,", "▁he", "▁author", "ed", "▁a", "▁final", "▁book", "▁,", "▁My", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Mission", "▁to", "▁India", "▁and", "▁Pakistan", "▁,", "▁although", "▁much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁text", "▁was", "▁cul", "led", "▁from", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁publications", "▁;", "▁it", "▁was", "▁published", "▁by", "▁Th", "ames", "▁and", "▁Hudson", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁.", "▁After", "▁suffering", "▁a", "▁stroke", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁died", "▁at", "▁My", "ers", "▁'", "▁home", "▁on", "▁", "2", "2", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁.", "▁In", "▁memor", "iam", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Academy", "▁,", "▁Royal", "▁Academy", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Royal", "▁Society", "▁fle", "w", "▁their", "▁flags", "▁at", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁m", "ast", "▁.", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁fun", "eral", "▁was", "▁held", "▁with", "▁military", "▁tra", "ppings", "▁at", "▁a", "▁local", "▁cre", "m", "ator", "ium", "▁,", "▁while", "▁a", "▁larger", "▁mem", "orial", "▁service", "▁was", "▁held", "▁in", "▁St", "▁James", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁Pic", "c", "ad", "illy", "▁in", "▁November", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Personal", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁R", "ik", "▁\"", "▁among", "▁friends", "▁.", "▁He", "▁divided", "▁opinion", "▁among", "▁those", "▁who", "▁knew", "▁him", "▁,", "▁with", "▁some", "▁lov", "ing", "▁and", "▁others", "▁des", "pis", "ing", "▁him", "▁,", "▁and", "▁during", "▁his", "▁lifetime", "▁he", "▁was", "▁often", "▁critic", "ised", "▁on", "▁both", "▁scholar", "ly", "▁and", "▁moral", "▁grounds", "▁.", "▁The", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Max", "▁M", "allow", "an", "▁assert", "ed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁a", "▁delight", "ful", "▁,", "▁light", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁heart", "ed", "▁and", "▁am", "using", "▁companion", "▁,", "▁but", "▁those", "▁close", "▁to", "▁him", "▁knew", "▁that", "▁he", "▁could", "▁be", "▁a", "▁dangerous", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁if", "▁threatened", "▁with", "▁fr", "ustration", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁His", "▁charm", "▁off", "ens", "ives", "▁were", "▁often", "▁condem", "ned", "▁as", "▁being", "▁ins", "inc", "ere", "▁.", "▁During", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁known", "▁as", "▁an", "▁author", "itar", "ian", "▁leader", "▁,", "▁but", "▁fav", "oured", "▁those", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁thought", "▁exhib", "ited", "▁bra", "very", "▁by", "▁standing", "▁up", "▁to", "▁his", "▁authority", "▁.", "▁Hence", "▁,", "▁he", "▁has", "▁been", "▁term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁bene", "vol", "ent", "▁dict", "ator", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁met", "icul", "ous", "▁in", "▁his", "▁writ", "ings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁would", "▁repeatedly", "▁rev", "ise", "▁and", "▁rewrite", "▁both", "▁pieces", "▁for", "▁publication", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁letters", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁his", "▁life", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁a", "▁heavy", "▁sm", "oker", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁expressed", "▁the", "▁view", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁least", "▁political", "▁of", "▁mort", "als", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁not", "▁taking", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁politics", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁described", "▁by", "▁his", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁natural", "▁conserv", "ative", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁for", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁during", "▁his", "▁youth", "▁he", "▁was", "▁strongly", "▁critical", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Su", "ff", "ra", "get", "tes", "▁and", "▁their", "▁cause", "▁of", "▁greater", "▁legal", "▁rights", "▁for", "▁women", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁usually", "▁happy", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁young", "▁women", "▁profession", "ally", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁something", "▁that" ]
an and Mallowan 's wife Agatha Christie , there inspecting the excavations at Siraf . In 1969 he proceeded to the Italian city of Rome to inspect the British School there . That year , he resigned as Honorary Secretary of the Academy . The position became a salaried , professional one , with the numismatist Derek Allen taking on the position . Recognising his stature within the archaeological establishment , the government appointed Wheeler as the British representative on a UNESCO project to undertake a programme of rescue archaeology in the Nile Valley ahead of the construction of the Aswan Dam , which was going to flood large areas of Egypt and Sudan . Personally securing UK funding for the project , he deemed it an issue of national and personal shame when he was unable to persuade the British government to supply additional funding for the relocation of the Abu Simbel temples . In October 1968 , he took part in a UNESCO visit to Pakistan to assess the state of Mohenjo @-@ daro , writing the project 's report on how the archaeological site could best be preserved . His involvement with UNESCO continued for the rest of his life , and in March 1973 he was invited to the organisation 's conference in Paris . = = = Final years : 1970 – 76 = = = During his final years , Wheeler remained involved in various activities , for instance sitting on the advisory panel of the Antiquity journal and the Management Committee of the Royal Archaeological Institute . In March 1971 , the archaeologist Barry Cunliffe and a number of his undergraduate students at the University of Southampton organised a conference on the subject of " The Iron Age and its Hillforts " to celebrate Wheeler 's eightieth birthday . Wheeler attended the event , whose conference proceedings were published as a festschrift for the octogenarian . In spring 1973 , Wheeler returned to BBC television for two episodes of the archaeology @-@ themed series Chronicle in which he discussed his life and career . The episodes were well received , and Wheeler became a close friend of the show 's producer , David Collison . In the 1970s , Wheeler became increasingly forgetful and came to rely largely on his assistant , Molly Myres , to organise his affairs . Amid increasing ill health , in September 1973 he moved full @-@ time into Myres 's house in Leatherhead , Surrey , although he continued to use his central London flat during day @-@ trips to the city . There , he authored a final book , My Archaeological Mission to India and Pakistan , although much of the text was culled from his previous publications ; it was published by Thames and Hudson in 1976 . After suffering a stroke , Wheeler died at Myers ' home on 22 July 1976 . In memoriam , the British Academy , Royal Academy , and Royal Society flew their flags at half @-@ mast . Wheeler 's funeral was held with military trappings at a local crematorium , while a larger memorial service was held in St James 's Church , Piccadilly in November . = = Personal life = = Wheeler was known as " Rik " among friends . He divided opinion among those who knew him , with some loving and others despising him , and during his lifetime he was often criticised on both scholarly and moral grounds . The archaeologist Max Mallowan asserted that he " was a delightful , light @-@ hearted and amusing companion , but those close to him knew that he could be a dangerous opponent if threatened with frustration " . His charm offensives were often condemned as being insincere . During excavations , he was known as an authoritarian leader , but favoured those whom he thought exhibited bravery by standing up to his authority . Hence , he has been termed " a benevolent dictator " . He was meticulous in his writings , and would repeatedly revise and rewrite both pieces for publication and personal letters . Throughout his life , he was a heavy smoker . Wheeler expressed the view that he was " the least political of mortals " . Despite not taking a strong interest in politics , Wheeler was described by his biographer as " a natural conservative " ; for instance , during his youth he was strongly critical of the Suffragettes and their cause of greater legal rights for women . Nevertheless , he was " usually happy to advance young women professionally " , something that
[ "▁may", "▁have", "▁been", "▁based", "▁largely", "▁on", "▁his", "▁sexual", "▁att", "raction", "▁toward", "▁them", "▁.", "▁He", "▁expressed", "▁little", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁his", "▁relatives", "▁;", "▁in", "▁later", "▁life", "▁he", "▁saw", "▁no", "▁reason", "▁to", "▁have", "▁a", "▁social", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁people", "▁purely", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁family", "▁t", "ies", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁married", "▁three", "▁times", "▁.", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁married", "▁T", "essa", "▁Ver", "ney", "▁.", "▁T", "essa", "▁became", "▁an", "▁accomplished", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁collabor", "ated", "▁until", "▁she", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁only", "▁child", "▁,", "▁a", "▁son", "▁Michael", "▁,", "▁was", "▁born", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁;", "▁he", "▁became", "▁a", "▁bar", "r", "ister", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁T", "essa", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁married", "▁M", "av", "is", "▁de", "▁Vere", "▁Cole", "▁,", "▁although", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁was", "▁stra", "ined", "▁;", "▁Cole", "▁'", "s", "▁di", "aries", "▁revealed", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁phys", "ically", "▁hit", "▁her", "▁when", "▁she", "▁anno", "yed", "▁him", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁married", "▁his", "▁third", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁Margaret", "▁\"", "▁Kim", "▁\"", "▁Col", "ling", "ridge", "▁,", "▁although", "▁they", "▁became", "▁est", "r", "anged", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "6", "▁;", "▁they", "▁never", "▁divor", "ced", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁her", "▁dev", "out", "▁Catholic", "ism", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁well", "▁known", "▁for", "▁his", "▁consp", "ic", "uous", "▁prom", "is", "cu", "ity", "▁,", "▁favour", "ing", "▁young", "▁women", "▁for", "▁one", "▁night", "▁stands", "▁,", "▁many", "▁of", "▁whom", "▁were", "▁his", "▁students", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁further", "▁known", "▁for", "▁having", "▁cas", "ual", "▁sex", "▁in", "▁public", "▁places", "▁.", "▁This", "▁behaviour", "▁led", "▁to", "▁much", "▁emot", "ional", "▁suffering", "▁among", "▁his", "▁various", "▁w", "ives", "▁and", "▁mist", "ress", "es", "▁,", "▁of", "▁which", "▁he", "▁was", "▁aware", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁this", "▁behaviour", "▁,", "▁later", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Gabriel", "▁Mos", "h", "enska", "▁informed", "▁a", "▁rep", "orter", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁Mail", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁reputation", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁bit", "▁of", "▁a", "▁gro", "per", "▁and", "▁a", "▁sex", "▁p", "est", "▁and", "▁an", "▁incred", "ible", "▁bul", "ly", "▁as", "▁well", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁and", "▁legacy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁has", "▁been", "▁term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁British", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tw", "enti", "eth", "▁century", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁Gabriel", "▁Mos", "h", "enska", "▁and", "▁Tim", "▁Sch", "ad", "la", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hall", "▁.", "▁High", "light", "ing", "▁his", "▁key", "▁role", "▁in", "▁encourag", "ing", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁throughout", "▁British", "▁society", "▁,", "▁they", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁his", "▁\"", "▁master", "y", "▁of", "▁public", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁was", "▁founded", "▁on", "▁his", "▁keen", "▁eye", "▁for", "▁value", "▁and", "▁a", "▁show", "man", "▁'", "s", "▁willing", "ness", "▁to", "▁package", "▁and", "▁sell", "▁the", "▁past", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁an", "▁issue", "▁about", "▁which", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁felt", "▁very", "▁strongly", "▁;", "▁writing", "▁his", "▁ob", "itu", "ary", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Bi", "ographical", "▁Mem", "oir", "s", "▁of", "▁F", "ell", "ows", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Society", "▁,", "▁the", "▁English", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Stuart", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁placed", "▁\"", "▁great", "▁importance", "▁to", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁'", "s", "▁oblig", "ation", "▁to", "▁the", "▁public", "▁,", "▁on", "▁whose", "▁support", "▁the", "▁pro", "sec", "ution", "▁of", "▁his", "▁subject", "▁ultimately", "▁dep", "ended", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁greatest", "▁impact", "▁was", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁great", "▁innov", "ator", "▁in", "▁field", "▁techniques", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁comparing", "▁him", "▁in", "▁this", "▁respect", "▁to", "▁Pitt", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "ivers", "▁.", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁importance", "▁of", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁contribution", "▁to", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁technique", "▁,", "▁enorm", "ous", "▁and", "▁far", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁reaching", "▁,", "▁lies", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁in", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁he", "▁not", "▁only", "▁appreciated", "▁and", "▁understood", "▁what", "▁Pitt", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "ivers", "▁had", "▁done", "▁,", "▁but", "▁saw", "▁that", "▁his", "▁work", "▁could", "▁be", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁basis", "▁for", "▁adaptation", "▁,", "▁development", "▁and", "▁improvement", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁L", ".", "▁C", ".", "▁Car", "r", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁for", "▁his", "▁method", "ological", "▁develop", "ments", "▁,", "▁oft", "▁term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁Method", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁best", "▁known", "▁;", "▁in", "▁this", "▁she", "▁contrast", "ed", "▁him", "▁with", "▁those", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁who", "▁were", "▁best", "▁known", "▁for", "▁their", "▁associations", "▁with", "▁a", "▁specific", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁site", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Arthur", "▁Evans", "▁and", "▁Kn", "oss", "os", "▁or", "▁Leonard", "▁W", "ool", "ley", "▁and", "▁Ur", "▁.", "▁", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁well", "▁known", "▁for", "▁his", "▁publications", "▁on", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁matters", "▁;", "▁Car", "r", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁both", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁and", "▁his", "▁first", "▁wife", "▁emphas", "ised", "▁\"", "▁technical", "▁rig", "our", "▁and", "▁a", "▁full", "▁presentation", "▁of", "▁materials", "▁un", "ear", "th", "ed", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁literary", "▁discussion", "▁of", "▁their", "▁meaning", "▁calculated", "▁to", "▁appeal", "▁to", "▁a", "▁larger", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁F", "oc", "using", "▁on", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁publications", "▁regarding", "▁South", "▁Asian", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁,", "▁S", "udes", "h", "na", "▁Gu", "ha", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁produced", "▁an", "▁assemb", "lage", "▁of", "▁image", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁objects", "▁that", "▁emb", "od", "ied", "▁the", "▁precision", "▁he", "▁demanded", "▁from", "▁exc", "av", "ation", "▁phot", "ography", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁M", "allow", "an", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Im", "mediate", "▁and", "▁swift", "▁presentation", "▁of", "▁results", "▁was", "▁more", "▁important", "▁to", "▁him", "▁than", "▁prof", "ound", "▁scholar", "ship", "▁,", "▁although", "▁his", "▁critical", "▁sense", "▁made", "▁him", "▁conscious", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁necessary", "▁to", "▁maintain", "▁high", "▁standards", "▁and", "▁he", "▁would", "▁appro", "ve", "▁of", "▁nothing", "▁that", "▁was", "▁sli", "ps", "hod", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Jac", "qu", "etta", "▁Haw", "kes", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁he", "▁made", "▁errors", "▁in", "▁his", "▁interpretation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁evidence", "▁because", "▁he", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁sometimes", "▁too", "▁sure", "▁of", "▁being", "▁right", "▁,", "▁too", "▁ready", "▁to", "▁accept", "▁his", "▁own", "▁authority", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁assert", "ed", "▁that", "▁while", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁was", "▁not", "▁an", "▁original", "▁think", "er", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁vision", "▁of", "▁human", "▁history", "▁that", "▁enabled", "▁him", "▁to", "▁see", "▁each", "▁discovery", "▁of", "▁its", "▁traces", "▁,", "▁however", "▁small", "▁,", "▁in", "▁its", "▁wid", "est", "▁significance", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁P", "igg", "ott", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁appointment", "▁as", "▁Director", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁General", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Survey", "▁of", "▁India", "▁represented", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁most", "▁remarkable", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁achiev", "ement", "▁of", "▁his", "▁career", "▁,", "▁an", "▁enorm", "ous", "▁challenge", "▁accepted", "▁and", "▁sur", "mount", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁aut", "ocr", "atic", "▁and", "▁author", "itar", "ian", "▁terms", "▁within", "▁which", "▁he", "▁could", "▁best" ]
may have been based largely on his sexual attraction toward them . He expressed little interest in his relatives ; in later life he saw no reason to have a social relationship with people purely on the basis of family ties . Wheeler was married three times . In May 1914 , Wheeler married Tessa Verney . Tessa became an accomplished archaeologist , and they collaborated until she died in 1936 . Their only child , a son Michael , was born in January 1915 ; he became a barrister . Following Tessa 's death , in 1939 , Wheeler married Mavis de Vere Cole , although their relationship was strained ; Cole 's diaries revealed that Wheeler physically hit her when she annoyed him . In 1945 Mortimer Wheeler married his third wife , Margaret " Kim " Collingridge , although they became estranged in 1956 ; they never divorced as a result of her devout Catholicism . Meanwhile , Wheeler was well known for his conspicuous promiscuity , favouring young women for one night stands , many of whom were his students . He was further known for having casual sex in public places . This behaviour led to much emotional suffering among his various wives and mistresses , of which he was aware . As a result of this behaviour , later archaeologist Gabriel Moshenska informed a reporter from the Daily Mail that Wheeler had developed a reputation as " a bit of a groper and a sex pest and an incredible bully as well " . = = Reception and legacy = = Wheeler has been termed " the most famous British archaeologist of the twentieth century " by archaeologists Gabriel Moshenska and Tim Schadla @-@ Hall . Highlighting his key role in encouraging interest in archaeology throughout British society , they stated that his " mastery of public archaeology was founded on his keen eye for value and a showman 's willingness to package and sell the past " . This was an issue about which Wheeler felt very strongly ; writing his obituary for the Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society , the English archaeologist Stuart Piggott noted that Wheeler placed " great importance to the archaeologist 's obligation to the public , on whose support the prosecution of his subject ultimately depended . " Piggott believed that Wheeler 's greatest impact was as " the great innovator in field techniques " , comparing him in this respect to Pitt @-@ Rivers . Piggott stated that the " importance of Wheeler 's contribution to archaeological technique , enormous and far @-@ reaching , lies in the fact that in the early 1920s he not only appreciated and understood what Pitt @-@ Rivers had done , but saw that his work could be used as a basis for adaptation , development and improvement . " L. C. Carr stated that it was for his methodological developments , oft termed " the Wheeler Method " , that Wheeler was best known ; in this she contrasted him with those archaeologists who were best known for their associations with a specific archaeological site , such as Arthur Evans and Knossos or Leonard Woolley and Ur . Wheeler was well known for his publications on archaeological matters ; Carr stated that both Wheeler and his first wife emphasised " technical rigour and a full presentation of materials unearthed , as well as a literary discussion of their meaning calculated to appeal to a larger audience . " Focusing on Wheeler 's publications regarding South Asian archaeology , Sudeshna Guha noted that he " produced an assemblage of image @-@ objects that embodied the precision he demanded from excavation photography . " Mallowan noted that " Immediate and swift presentation of results was more important to him than profound scholarship , although his critical sense made him conscious that it was necessary to maintain high standards and he would approve of nothing that was slipshod . " Jacquetta Hawkes commented that he made errors in his interpretation of the archaeological evidence because he was " sometimes too sure of being right , too ready to accept his own authority " . She asserted that while Wheeler was not an original thinker , he had " a vision of human history that enabled him to see each discovery of its traces , however small , in its widest significance . " Piggott claimed that Wheeler 's appointment as Director @-@ General of the Archaeological Survey of India represented " the most remarkable archaeological achievement of his career , an enormous challenge accepted and surmounted in the autocratic and authoritarian terms within which he could best
[ "▁deploy", "▁his", "▁powers", "▁as", "▁administrator", "▁and", "▁exc", "av", "ator", "▁.", "▁No", "▁other", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁of", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁it", "▁seems", "▁fair", "▁to", "▁remark", "▁,", "▁could", "▁have", "▁come", "▁near", "▁to", "▁att", "aining", "▁his", "▁command", "▁of", "▁in", "cis", "ive", "▁strategy", "▁and", "▁often", "▁r", "uth", "less", "▁tact", "ics", "▁which", "▁won", "▁him", "▁the", "▁bew", "ilder", "ed", "▁adm", "iration", "▁and", "▁touch", "ing", "▁dev", "otion", "▁of", "▁his", "▁Indian", "▁staff", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Indian", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁D", "il", "ip", "▁K", ".", "▁Ch", "ak", "rab", "art", "i", "▁later", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁accomplish", "ments", "▁while", "▁in", "▁India", "▁were", "▁\"", "▁considerable", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁given", "▁the", "▁so", "cio", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁political", "▁tur", "mo", "il", "▁of", "▁independence", "▁and", "▁partition", "▁.", "▁Ch", "ak", "rab", "art", "i", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁contributed", "▁to", "▁South", "▁Asian", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁in", "▁various", "▁ways", "▁:", "▁by", "▁establish", "ing", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁total", "▁view", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁region", "▁'", "s", "▁development", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Pala", "e", "ol", "ith", "ic", "▁on", "ward", "▁,", "▁by", "▁introdu", "cing", "▁new", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁techniques", "▁and", "▁method", "ologies", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁,", "▁and", "▁by", "▁encourag", "ing", "▁Indian", "▁univers", "ities", "▁to", "▁begin", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁research", "▁.", "▁Ult", "imately", "▁,", "▁Ch", "ak", "rab", "art", "i", "▁was", "▁of", "▁the", "▁opinion", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁prepared", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁for", "▁its", "▁transition", "▁to", "▁modern", "ity", "▁in", "▁the", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Part", "ition", "▁period", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Similarly", "▁,", "▁Peter", "▁Joh", "ansen", "▁pra", "ised", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁for", "▁system", "at", "ising", "▁and", "▁profession", "alis", "ing", "▁Indian", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁and", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁inst", "itut", "ing", "▁a", "▁clearly", "▁defined", "▁body", "▁of", "▁techniques", "▁and", "▁methods", "▁for", "▁field", "▁and", "▁labor", "atory", "▁work", "▁and", "▁training", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁On", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁,", "▁H", ".", "D", ".", "▁Sank", "alia", "▁of", "▁De", "cc", "an", "▁College", "▁,", "▁P", "une", "▁,", "▁described", "▁him", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁well", "▁known", "▁among", "▁Old", "▁World", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁for", "▁his", "▁book", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Earth", "▁and", "▁his", "▁studies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ind", "us", "▁Valley", "▁Civil", "isation", "▁.", "▁In", "▁its", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁ob", "itu", "ary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁English", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁M", "ick", "▁A", "ston", "▁,", "▁British", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁magazine", "▁–", "▁the", "▁publication", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Council", "▁for", "▁British", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁–", "▁described", "▁A", "ston", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁of", "▁our", "▁times", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁despite", "▁the", "▁strong", "▁differences", "▁between", "▁their", "▁personal", "ities", "▁,", "▁both", "▁had", "▁done", "▁much", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁to", "▁the", "▁British", "▁public", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Mos", "h", "enska", "▁and", "▁Sch", "ad", "la", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hall", "▁assert", "ed", "▁that", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁reputation", "▁has", "▁not", "▁under", "g", "one", "▁significant", "▁revision", "▁among", "▁arch", "ae", "olog", "ists", "▁,", "▁but", "▁that", "▁instead", "▁he", "▁had", "▁come", "▁to", "▁be", "▁remembered", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁cart", "oon", "ish", "▁and", "▁slightly", "▁ecc", "ent", "ric", "▁figure", "▁\"", "▁whom", "▁they", "▁term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁N", "aught", "y", "▁Mort", "y", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Car", "r", "▁described", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁[", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁]", "▁couple", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁permanent", "▁mem", "orial", "s", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Bi", "ograph", "ies", "▁and", "▁studies", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁Ron", "ald", "▁William", "▁Clark", "▁published", "▁a", "▁bi", "ography", "▁titled", "▁Sir", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁.", "▁Fitz", "Ro", "y", "▁Som", "erset", "▁,", "▁", "4", "th", "▁Baron", "▁R", "ag", "lan", "▁review", "ed", "▁the", "▁volume", "▁for", "▁the", "▁journal", "▁Man", "▁,", "▁describing", "▁\"", "▁this", "▁very", "▁readable", "▁little", "▁book", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁ad", "ul", "atory", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁tone", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁but", "▁hardly", "▁more", "▁so", "▁than", "▁its", "▁subject", "▁deser", "ves", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ologist", "▁Jac", "qu", "etta", "▁Haw", "kes", "▁published", "▁a", "▁second", "▁bi", "ography", "▁,", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁:", "▁Advent", "urer", "▁in", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁.", "▁Haw", "kes", "▁admitted", "▁she", "▁had", "▁developed", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁very", "▁great", "▁lik", "ing", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁,", "▁having", "▁first", "▁met", "▁him", "▁when", "▁she", "▁was", "▁an", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁student", "▁at", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Cambridge", "▁.", "▁She", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁da", "em", "onic", "▁energy", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁with", "▁his", "▁accomplish", "ments", "▁in", "▁India", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁almost", "▁super", "human", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Ult", "imately", "▁,", "▁she", "▁thought", "▁of", "▁him", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁ep", "ic", "▁hero", "▁in", "▁an", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hero", "ic", "▁age", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁which", "▁growing", "▁social", "▁eg", "al", "itar", "ian", "ism", "▁had", "▁st", "if", "led", "▁and", "▁condem", "ned", "▁aspects", "▁of", "▁his", "▁great", "ness", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁film", "▁Hey", "▁Ram", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁character", "▁,", "▁Sak", "et", "▁Ram", "▁(", "▁played", "▁by", "▁Kam", "al", "▁Ha", "as", "an", "▁)", "▁and", "▁his", "▁friend", "▁,", "▁Am", "j", "ad", "▁Khan", "▁(", "▁played", "▁by", "▁Shah", "▁R", "uk", "h", "▁Khan", "▁)", "▁are", "▁shown", "▁as", "▁employees", "▁of", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁port", "rayed", "▁by", "▁Lewis", "▁K", ".", "▁El", "b", "inger", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁H", "indu", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Muslim", "▁ri", "ots", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁volume", "▁of", "▁the", "▁South", "▁Asian", "▁Studies", "▁journal", "▁,", "▁S", "udes", "h", "na", "▁G", "ush", "a", "▁published", "▁a", "▁research", "▁article", "▁exam", "ining", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁use", "▁of", "▁phot", "ography", "▁in", "▁his", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁and", "▁publications", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁sub", "cont", "inent", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁academic", "▁journal", "▁Public", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁published", "▁a", "▁research", "▁paper", "▁by", "▁Mos", "h", "enska", "▁and", "▁Sch", "ad", "la", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hall", "▁that", "▁anal", "ys", "ed", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁role", "▁in", "▁present", "ing", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁to", "▁the", "▁British", "▁public", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁years", "▁later", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Pap", "ers", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Arch", "ae", "ology", "▁issued", "▁a", "▁short", "▁com", "ic", "▁strip", "▁by", "▁Mos", "h", "enska", "▁and", "▁Alex", "▁Sal", "am", "un", "ov", "ich", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁Whe", "eler", "▁'", "s", "▁activities", "▁in", "▁studying", "▁the", "▁arch", "ae", "ology", "▁of", "▁Lib", "ya", "▁during", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Species", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁=", "▁", "▁There", "▁have", "▁been", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁potential", "▁species", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁car", "n", "osa", "ur", "ian", "▁din", "osa", "ur", "▁genus", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁since", "▁its", "▁description", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8" ]
deploy his powers as administrator and excavator . No other archaeologist of the time , it seems fair to remark , could have come near to attaining his command of incisive strategy and often ruthless tactics which won him the bewildered admiration and touching devotion of his Indian staff . " The Indian archaeologist Dilip K. Chakrabarti later stated that Wheeler 's accomplishments while in India were " considerable " , particularly given the socio @-@ political turmoil of independence and partition . Chakrabarti stated that Wheeler had contributed to South Asian archaeology in various ways : by establishing a " total view " of the region 's development from the Palaeolithic onward , by introducing new archaeological techniques and methodologies to the subcontinent , and by encouraging Indian universities to begin archaeological research . Ultimately , Chakrabarti was of the opinion that Wheeler had " prepared the archaeology of the subcontinent for its transition to modernity in the post @-@ Partition period . " Similarly , Peter Johansen praised Wheeler for systematising and professionalising Indian archaeology and for " instituting a clearly defined body of techniques and methods for field and laboratory work and training . " On Wheeler 's death , H.D. Sankalia of Deccan College , Pune , described him as " well known among Old World archaeologists in the United States " , particularly for his book Archaeology from the Earth and his studies of the Indus Valley Civilisation . In its 2013 obituary of the English archaeologist Mick Aston , British Archaeology magazine – the publication of the Council for British Archaeology – described Aston as " the Mortimer Wheeler of our times " because despite the strong differences between their personalities , both had done much to bring archaeology to the British public . However , writing in 2011 , Moshenska and Schadla @-@ Hall asserted that Wheeler 's reputation has not undergone significant revision among archaeologists , but that instead he had come to be remembered as " a cartoonish and slightly eccentric figure " whom they termed " Naughty Morty " . Carr described the Institute of Archaeology as " one of the [ Wheeler ] couple 's most permanent memorials . " = = = Biographies and studies = = = In 1960 , Ronald William Clark published a biography titled Sir Mortimer Wheeler . FitzRoy Somerset , 4th Baron Raglan reviewed the volume for the journal Man , describing " this very readable little book " as being " adulatory " in tone , " but hardly more so than its subject deserves . " In 1982 , the archaeologist Jacquetta Hawkes published a second biography , Mortimer Wheeler : Adventurer in Archaeology . Hawkes admitted she had developed " a very great liking " for Wheeler , having first met him when she was an archaeology student at the University of Cambridge . She believed that he had " a daemonic energy " , with his accomplishments in India being " almost superhuman " . Ultimately , she thought of him as being " an epic hero in an anti @-@ heroic age " in which growing social egalitarianism had stifled and condemned aspects of his greatness . In the 2000 film Hey Ram , the lead character , Saket Ram ( played by Kamal Haasan ) and his friend , Amjad Khan ( played by Shah Rukh Khan ) are shown as employees of Wheeler , who was portrayed by Lewis K. Elbinger , before the 1947 Hindu @-@ Muslim riots . In a 2003 volume of the South Asian Studies journal , Sudeshna Gusha published a research article examining Wheeler 's use of photography in his excavations and publications in the Indian subcontinent . In 2011 , the academic journal Public Archaeology published a research paper by Moshenska and Schadla @-@ Hall that analysed Wheeler 's role in presenting archaeology to the British public . Two years later , the Papers from the Institute of Archaeology issued a short comic strip by Moshenska and Alex Salamunovich depicting Wheeler 's activities in studying the archaeology of Libya during World War II . = Species of Allosaurus = There have been a number of potential species assigned to the carnosaurian dinosaur genus Allosaurus since its description in 18
[ "7", "7", "▁by", "▁O", "th", "n", "iel", "▁Charles", "▁Marsh", "▁,", "▁but", "▁only", "▁a", "▁hand", "ful", "▁are", "▁still", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁valid", "▁.", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁described", "▁from", "▁material", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Upper", "▁Jur", "ass", "ic", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁Form", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁western", "▁United", "▁States", "▁of", "▁America", "▁;", "▁the", "▁type", "▁species", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁became", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁species", "▁of", "▁din", "osa", "ur", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁genus", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Marsh", "▁/", "▁C", "ope", "▁\"", "▁B", "one", "▁Wars", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁and", "▁its", "▁tax", "onomy", "▁became", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁confused", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁competition", "▁,", "▁with", "▁several", "▁gener", "a", "▁and", "▁species", "▁named", "▁by", "▁C", "ope", "▁and", "▁Marsh", "▁now", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁syn", "onym", "s", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁or", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁the", "▁description", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁scient", "ists", "▁have", "▁proposed", "▁additional", "▁species", "▁from", "▁such", "▁far", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fl", "ung", "▁local", "es", "▁as", "▁Portugal", "▁,", "▁Si", "ber", "ia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁T", "anz", "ania", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Query", "▁about", "▁type", "▁spec", "imen", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁syn", "onym", "s", "▁is", "▁complicated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁type", "▁spec", "imen", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁frag", "ill", "is", "▁(", "▁catalog", "ue", "▁number", "▁Y", "PM", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁)", "▁being", "▁extremely", "▁fragment", "ary", "▁,", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁a", "▁few", "▁incomplete", "▁verte", "bra", "e", "▁,", "▁lim", "b", "▁b", "one", "▁fragments", "▁,", "▁rib", "▁fragments", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁to", "oth", "▁.", "▁Because", "▁of", "▁this", "▁,", "▁several", "▁scient", "ists", "▁have", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁type", "▁spec", "imen", "▁,", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁itself", "▁or", "▁at", "▁least", "▁the", "▁species", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ill", "is", "▁,", "▁is", "▁techn", "ically", "▁a", "▁nom", "en", "▁dub", "ium", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁dub", "ious", "▁name", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁spec", "imen", "▁too", "▁incomplete", "▁to", "▁compare", "▁to", "▁other", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁or", "▁to", "▁class", "ify", "▁)", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁fix", "▁this", "▁situation", "▁,", "▁Gregory", "▁S", ".", "▁Paul", "▁and", "▁Kenneth", "▁Car", "p", "enter", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁submitted", "▁a", "▁pet", "ition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁IC", "Z", "N", "▁to", "▁have", "▁the", "▁name", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ill", "is", "▁officially", "▁transferred", "▁to", "▁the", "▁more", "▁complete", "▁spec", "imen", "▁US", "N", "M", "4", "7", "3", "4", 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"ax", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁is", "▁the", "▁type", "▁species", "▁and", "▁was", "▁named", "▁by", "▁Marsh", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁known", "▁from", "▁the", "▁remains", "▁of", "▁at", "▁least", "▁si", "xty", "▁individuals", "▁,", "▁all", "▁found", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Kim", "mer", "id", "g", "ian", "▁–", "▁T", "ith", "onian", "▁Upper", "▁Jur", "ass", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁age", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁Form", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁spread", "▁across", "▁the", "▁states", "▁of", "▁Colorado", "▁,", "▁Mont", "ana", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁Oklahoma", "▁,", "▁South", "▁Dak", "ota", "▁,", "▁Ut", "ah", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Wy", "oming", "▁.", "▁Details", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hum", "er", "us", "▁(", "▁upper", "▁arm", "▁)", "▁of", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁have", "▁been", "▁used", "▁as", "▁di", "agnostic", "▁among", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁ther", "op", "ods", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁discovery", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁A", ".", "▁j", "imm", "ad", "sen", "i", "▁\"", "▁indicates", "▁that", "▁this", "▁will", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁be", "▁the", "▁case", "▁at", "▁the", "▁species", "▁level", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", ".", "▁am", "plex", "us", "▁was", "▁named", "▁by", "▁Gregory", "▁S", ".", "▁Paul", "▁for", "▁giant", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁all", "osa", "ur", "▁remains", "▁,", "▁and", "▁included", "▁in", "▁his", "▁conception", "▁Sau", "roph", "ag", "us", "▁maxim", "us", "▁(", "▁later", "▁Sau", "roph", "agan", "ax", "▁)", "▁.", "▁A", ".", "▁am", "plex", "us", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁co", "ined", "▁by", "▁C", "ope", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "8", "▁as", "▁the", "▁type", "▁species", "▁of", "▁his", "▁new", "▁genus", "▁E", "pan", "ter", "ias", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁based", "▁on", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁AM", "N", "H", "▁", "5", "7", "6", "7", "▁,", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁three", "▁verte", "bra", "e", "▁,", "▁a", "▁cor", "ac", "oid", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁met", "at", "ars", "al", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁Paul", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁,", "▁this", "▁species", "▁has", "▁been", "▁accepted", "▁as", "▁a", "▁syn", "onym", "▁of", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁.", "▁", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁material", "▁from", "▁Portugal", "▁was", "▁first", "▁reported", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁M", "H", "NU", "L", "▁/", "▁AND", ".", "0", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁a", "▁partial", "▁ske", "leton", "▁including", "▁a", "▁quadr", "ate", "▁,", "▁verte", "bra", "e", "▁,", "▁rib", "s", "▁,", "▁g", "astr", "alia", "▁,", "▁che", "v", "rons", "▁,", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁h", "ips", "▁,", "▁and", "▁h", "ind", "lim", "bs", "▁.", "▁This", "▁spec", "imen", "▁was", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁subsequent", "▁discovery", "▁of", "▁a", "▁partial", "▁sk", "ull", "▁and", "▁neck", "▁(", "▁ML", "▁", "4", "1", "5", "▁)", "▁near", "▁L", "our", "in", "h", "ã", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Kim", "mer", "id", "g", "ian", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁age", "▁Porto", "▁Nov" ]
77 by Othniel Charles Marsh , but only a handful are still regarded as valid . Allosaurus was originally described from material from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of the western United States of America ; the type species A. fragilis became one of the best @-@ known species of dinosaur . The genus Allosaurus was part of the Marsh / Cope " Bone Wars " of the late 19th century , and its taxonomy became increasingly confused due to the competition , with several genera and species named by Cope and Marsh now regarded as synonyms of Allosaurus or A. fragilis . Since the description of Allosaurus , scientists have proposed additional species from such far @-@ flung locales as Portugal , Siberia , and Tanzania . = = Query about type specimen = = The issue of synonyms is complicated by the type specimen of Allosaurus fragillis ( catalogue number YPM 1930 ) being extremely fragmentary , consisting of a few incomplete vertebrae , limb bone fragments , rib fragments , and a tooth . Because of this , several scientists have noted that the type specimen , and thus the genus Allosaurus itself or at least the species A. fragillis , is technically a nomen dubium ( " dubious name " , based on a specimen too incomplete to compare to other specimens or to classify ) . In an attempt to fix this situation , Gregory S. Paul and Kenneth Carpenter ( 2010 ) submitted a petition to the ICZN to have the name A. fragillis officially transferred to the more complete specimen USNM4734 ( as a neotype ) . This request is currently pending review . = = Potentially valid species = = It is unclear how many species of Allosaurus there were . Eight species have been considered potentially valid since 1988 ( A. amplexus , A. atrox , A. europaeus , the type species A. fragilis , the as @-@ yet not formally described " A. jimmadseni " , A. lucasi , A. maximus , and A. tendagurensis ) , although only about half are usually considered valid at any given time . There are also at least ten dubious or undescribed species that have been assigned to Allosaurus over the years , along with the species belonging to genera now sunk into Allosaurus . In the most recent review of basal tetanuran theropods , only A. fragilis ( including A. amplexus and A. atrox ) , " A. jimmadseni " ( as an unnamed species ) , and A. tendagurensis were accepted as potentially valid species , with A. europaeus not yet proposed and A. maximus assigned to Saurophaganax . A. fragilis is the type species and was named by Marsh in 1877 . It is known from the remains of at least sixty individuals , all found in the Kimmeridgian – Tithonian Upper Jurassic @-@ age Morrison Formation of the United States , spread across the states of Colorado , Montana , New Mexico , Oklahoma , South Dakota , Utah , and Wyoming . Details of the humerus ( upper arm ) of A. fragilis have been used as diagnostic among Morrison theropods , but the discovery of " A. jimmadseni " indicates that this will no longer be the case at the species level . A. amplexus was named by Gregory S. Paul for giant Morrison allosaur remains , and included in his conception Saurophagus maximus ( later Saurophaganax ) . A. amplexus was originally coined by Cope in 1878 as the type species of his new genus Epanterias , and is based on what is now AMNH 5767 , parts of three vertebrae , a coracoid , and a metatarsal . Following Paul 's work , this species has been accepted as a synonym of A. fragilis . Allosaurus material from Portugal was first reported in 1999 on the basis of MHNUL / AND.001 , a partial skeleton including a quadrate , vertebrae , ribs , gastralia , chevrons , part of the hips , and hindlimbs . This specimen was assigned to A. fragilis , but the subsequent discovery of a partial skull and neck ( ML 415 ) near Lourinhã , in the Kimmeridgian @-@ age Porto Nov
[ "o", "▁Member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁L", "our", "in", "h", "ã", "▁Form", "ation", "▁,", "▁sp", "ur", "red", "▁the", "▁naming", "▁of", "▁the", "▁new", "▁species", "▁A", ".", "▁europ", "ae", "us", "▁.", "▁It", "▁diff", "ers", "▁from", "▁other", "▁species", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁in", "▁c", "ran", "ial", "▁details", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁more", "▁material", "▁may", "▁show", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁,", "▁as", "▁originally", "▁described", "▁.", "▁", "▁Daniel", "▁Ch", "ure", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁on", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁all", "osa", "ur", "id", "▁remains", "▁has", "▁been", "▁responsible", "▁,", "▁directly", "▁or", "▁indirect", "ly", "▁,", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁A", ".", "▁j", "imm", "ad", "sen", "i", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁A", ".", "▁maxim", "us", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁A", ".", "▁j", "imm", "ad", "sen", "i", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁proposed", "▁name", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁species", "▁of", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁all", "osa", "ur", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", 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"▁Young", "▁University", "▁'", "s", "▁D", "ry", "▁M", "esa", "▁Qu", "ar", "ry", "▁(", "▁Colorado", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁shapes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "ones", "▁themselves", "▁did", "▁not", "▁vary", "▁between", "▁the", "▁sites", "▁.", "▁A", "▁later", "▁study", "▁by", "▁Smith", "▁incorpor", "ating", "▁Garden", "▁Park", "▁(", "▁Colorado", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Din", "osa", "ur", "▁National", "▁Monument", "▁(", "▁Ut", "ah", "▁)", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁found", "▁no", "▁just", "ification", "▁for", "▁multiple", "▁species", "▁based", "▁on", "▁ske", "let", "al", "▁variation", "▁;", "▁sk", "ull", "▁variation", "▁was", "▁most", "▁common", "▁and", "▁was", "▁grad", "ational", "▁,", "▁suggesting", "▁individual", "▁variation", "▁was", "▁responsible", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁work", "▁on", "▁size", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁related", "▁variation", "▁again", "▁found", "▁no", "▁consistent", "▁differences", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁D", "ry", "▁M", "esa", "▁material", "▁t", "ended", "▁to", "▁cl", "ump", "▁together", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ast", "rag", "alus", "▁,", "▁an", "▁an", "k", "le", "▁b", "one", "▁.", "▁Kenneth", "▁Car", "p", "enter", "▁,", "▁using", "▁sk", "ull", "▁elements", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Cleveland", "▁Lloyd", "▁site", "▁,", "▁found", "▁wide", "▁variation", "▁between", "▁individuals", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁into", "▁question", "▁previous", "▁species", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁level", "▁dist", "in", "ctions", "▁based", "▁such", "▁features", "▁as", "▁the", "▁shape", "▁of", "▁the", "▁horn", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁proposed", "▁different", "iation", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁A", ".", "▁j", "imm", "ad", "sen", "i", "▁\"", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁shape", "▁of", "▁the", "▁jug", "al", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Invalid", "▁and", "▁syn", "onymous", "▁species", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁species", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁are", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁recognized", "▁as", "▁valid", "▁,", "▁for", "▁one", "▁reason", "▁or", "▁another", "▁.", "▁Species", "▁\"", "▁A", ".", "▁ag", "ilis", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁Z", "ittel", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Os", "born", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁typ", "ographical", "▁error", "▁for", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁.", "▁Marsh", "▁'", "s", "▁A", ".", "▁f", "ero", "x", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁;", "▁not", "▁to", "▁be", "▁confused", "▁with", "▁his", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "4", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁f", "ero", "x", "▁,", "▁also", "▁part", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁tax", "onomy", "▁)", "▁was", "▁co", "ined", "▁for", "▁a", "▁partial", "▁sk", "ull", "▁in", "▁a", "▁foot", "note", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁recognized", "▁as", "▁a", "▁spec", "imen", "▁of", "▁A", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁.", "▁A", ".", "▁luc", "aris", "▁,", "▁another", "▁Marsh", "▁name", "▁,", "▁was", "▁given", "▁to", "▁a", "▁partial", "▁ske", "leton", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "8", "▁.", "▁He", "▁later", "▁decided", "▁it", "▁war", "r", "anted", "▁its", "▁own", "▁genus", "▁,", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁has", "▁not" ]
o Member of the Lourinhã Formation , spurred the naming of the new species A. europaeus . It differs from other species of Allosaurus in cranial details . However , more material may show it to be A. fragilis , as originally described . Daniel Chure 's work on Morrison allosaurid remains has been responsible , directly or indirectly , for " A. jimmadseni " and A. maximus . " A. jimmadseni " is the proposed name for a new species of Morrison allosaur , based on a nearly complete skeleton and skull . A. sp . 2 , as it is also known , differs from A. fragilis in several anatomical details including a jugal or cheekbone with a straight lower margin , and is also found only in the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation , with A. fragilis only present in the higher Brushy Basin Member . A. maximus was coined by David K. Smith for Chure 's Saurophaganax maximus , a taxon created by Chure in 1995 for giant allosaurid remains from the Morrison of Oklahoma . These remains had been known as Saurophagus , but that name was already in use , leading Chure to propose a substitute . Smith , in his 1998 analysis of variation , concluded that S. maximus was not different enough from Allosaurus to be a separate genus , but did warrant its own species , A. maximus . This reassignment was rejected in the most recent review of basal tetanurans . = = Biological variation , A. atrox , and A. fragilis = = The perception that there were two common Allosaurus species in the Morrison Formation was popularized in Gregory S. Paul 's 1988 book Predatory Dinosaurs of the World . Paul proposed that A. fragilis had tall pointed horns and a slender build compared to a postulated second species A. atrox , and was not a different gender due to rarity . Allosaurus atrox was originally named by Marsh in 1878 as the type species of its own genus , Creosaurus , and is based on YPM 1890 , an assortment of bones including a couple of pieces of the skull , portions of nine tail vertebrae , two hip vertebrae , an illium , and ankle and foot bones . Although the idea of two common Morrison allosaur species has had support in semi @-@ technical and popular works , it has generally been rejected in the technical literature . David K. Smith , examining Allosaurus fossils by quarry , found that the Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry ( Utah ) specimens are generally smaller than those from Como Bluff ( Wyoming ) or Brigham Young University 's Dry Mesa Quarry ( Colorado ) , but the shapes of the bones themselves did not vary between the sites . A later study by Smith incorporating Garden Park ( Colorado ) and Dinosaur National Monument ( Utah ) specimens found no justification for multiple species based on skeletal variation ; skull variation was most common and was gradational , suggesting individual variation was responsible . Further work on size @-@ related variation again found no consistent differences , although the Dry Mesa material tended to clump together on the basis of the astragalus , an ankle bone . Kenneth Carpenter , using skull elements from the Cleveland Lloyd site , found wide variation between individuals , calling into question previous species @-@ level distinctions based such features as the shape of the horns , and the proposed differentiation of " A. jimmadseni " based on the shape of the jugal . = = Invalid and synonymous species = = A number of species assigned to Allosaurus are no longer recognized as valid , for one reason or another . Species " A. agilis " , seen in Zittel , 1887 , and Osborn , 1912 , is a typographical error for A. fragilis . Marsh 's A. ferox ( 1896 ; not to be confused with his 1884 Labrosaurus ferox , also part of Allosaurus taxonomy ) was coined for a partial skull in a footnote , and has been recognized as a specimen of A fragilis . A. lucaris , another Marsh name , was given to a partial skeleton in 1878 . He later decided it warranted its own genus , Labrosaurus , but this has not
[ "▁been", "▁accepted", "▁,", "▁and", "▁A", ".", "▁luc", "aris", "▁is", "▁also", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁another", "▁spec", "imen", "▁of", "▁A", ".", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁.", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁luc", "aris", "▁,", "▁is", "▁known", "▁mostly", "▁from", "▁verte", "bra", "e", "▁,", "▁sharing", "▁characters", "▁with", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁.", "▁Paul", "▁and", "▁Car", "p", "enter", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁type", "▁spec", "imen", "▁of", "▁this", "▁species", "▁,", "▁Y", "PM", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁was", "▁from", "▁a", "▁younger", "▁age", "▁than", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁and", "▁might", "▁represent", "▁a", "▁different", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁they", "▁found", "▁that", "▁the", "▁spec", "imen", "▁was", "▁und", "i", "agnostic", "▁,", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁A", ".", "▁luc", "aris", "▁was", "▁a", "▁nom", "en", "▁dub", "ium", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁A", ".", "▁white", "i", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁an", "▁inform", "ally", "▁described", "▁species", "▁co", "ined", "▁by", "▁Pick", 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"▁described", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "0", "▁by", "▁Gre", "pp", "in", "▁as", "▁a", "▁species", "▁of", "▁Meg", "al", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁to", "oth", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Late", "▁Jur", "ass", "ic", "▁of", "▁Switzerland", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁occasionally", "▁been", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁but", "▁recent", "▁reviews", "▁have", "▁listed", "▁it", "▁as", "▁dub", "ious", "▁ther", "op", "od", "▁species", "▁Meg", "al", "osa", "urus", "▁mer", "iani", "▁,", "▁or", "▁included", "▁it", "▁in", "▁Cer", "at", "osa", "urus", "▁sp", "▁.", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁ste", "ch", "owi", "▁was", "▁described", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁by", "▁Jan", "ensch", "▁as", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁ste", "ch", "owi", "▁for", "▁isolated", "▁Cer", "at", "osa", "urus", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁teeth", "▁from", "▁the", "▁T", "end", "ag", "uru", "▁b", "eds", "▁of", "▁T", "anz", "ania", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁syn", "onym", "ization", "▁of", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁and", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁Donald", "▁F", ".", "▁Gl", "ut", "▁listed", "▁it", "▁as", "▁a", "▁species", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁is", "▁now", "▁either", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁Cer", "at", "osa", "urus", "▁sp", ".", "▁or", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁dub", "ious", "▁cer", "at", "osa", "ur", "ian", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁also", "▁several", "▁species", "▁left", "▁over", "▁from", "▁the", "▁syn", "onym", "izations", "▁of", "▁Cre", "osa", "urus", "▁and", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁with", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁.", "▁Cre", "osa", "urus", "▁pot", "ens", "▁was", "▁named", "▁by", "▁L", "ull", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁for", "▁a", "▁verte", "bra", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Early", "▁C", "ret", "ace", "ous", "▁of", "▁Maryland", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁now", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁a", "▁dub", "ious", "▁ther", "op", "od", "▁.", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁frag", "ilis", "▁is", "▁a", "▁typ", "ographical", "▁error", "▁by", "▁Marsh", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁)", "▁for", "▁Lab", "ros", "aur", "us", "▁f", "ero", "x", "▁.", "▁L", ".", "▁sul", "c", "atus", "▁,", "▁named", "▁by", "▁Marsh", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁for", "▁a", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁ther", "op", "od", "▁to", "oth", "▁,", "▁which", "▁like", "▁L", ".", "▁ste", "ch", "owi", "▁is", "▁now", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁either", "▁Cer", "at", "osa", "urus", "▁sp", ".", "▁or", "▁a", "▁dub", "ious", "▁cer", "at", "osa", "ur", "ian", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", ".", "▁tend", "ag", "ur", "ensis", "▁was", "▁named", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁by", "▁Werner", "▁Jan", "ensch", "▁for", "▁a", "▁partial", "▁sh", "in", "▁(", "▁H", "M", "▁", "6", "7", "▁)", "▁found", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Kim", "mer", "id", "g", "ian", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁age", "▁rocks", "▁of", "▁T", "end", "ag", "uru", "▁,", "▁in", "▁M", "tw", "ara", "▁,", "▁T", "anz" ]
been accepted , and A. lucaris is also regarded as another specimen of A. fragilis . Allosaurus lucaris , is known mostly from vertebrae , sharing characters with Allosaurus . Paul and Carpenter stated that the type specimen of this species , YPM 1931 , was from a younger age than Allosaurus , and might represent a different genus . However , they found that the specimen was undiagnostic , and thus A. lucaris was a nomen dubium . " A. whitei " , an informally described species coined by Pickering in 1996 , is a recasting of the A. atrox versus A. fragilis debate using a better specimen to represent the A. atrox form , and has not been recognized . Several species coined in genera other than Allosaurus are also now thought to be synonymous with A. fragilis . Labrosaurus ferox was named in 1884 by Marsh for an oddly formed partial lower jaw , with a prominent gap in the tooth row at the tip of the jaw , and a rear section greatly expanded and turned down . Later researchers suggested that the bone was pathologic , showing an injury to the living animal , and that part of the unusual form of the rear of the bone was due to plaster reconstruction . It is recognized as most likely a specimen of A. fragilis . Allosaurus valens is a typo for Antrodemus valens accidentally used by Friedrich von Huene in 1932 ; Antrodemus valens itself may also pertain to Allosaurus fragilis , as Gilmore suggested in 1920 . Apatodon mirus , based on a scrap of vertebra Marsh first thought to be a mammalian jaw , may or may not be the same as Allosaurus . = = Misassigned species = = Several species initially classified within or referred to Allosaurus do not belong within the genus . A. medius was named by Marsh in 1888 for " various specimens " from the Early Cretaceous of Maryland , although most of the remains were removed by Richard Swann Lull to the new ornithopod species Dryosaurus grandis , except for a tooth . Gilmore considered the tooth nondiagnostic but transferred it to a new species , Dryptosaurus medius . The referral was not accepted in the most recent review , and Allosaurus medius was simply listed as a dubious species of theropod . Allosaurus sibiricus was described in 1914 by A. N. Riabinin on the basis of a bone , later identified as a partial fourth metatarsal , from the Early Cretaceous of Buryatia , Russia . It was transferred to Chilantaisaurus in 1990 . Allosaurus meriani was described in 1870 by Greppin as a species of Megalosaurus , based on a tooth from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland . It has occasionally been referred to Allosaurus , but recent reviews have listed it as dubious theropod species Megalosaurus meriani , or included it in Ceratosaurus sp . Allosaurus stechowi was described in 1920 by Janensch as Labrosaurus stechowi for isolated Ceratosaurus @-@ like teeth from the Tendaguru beds of Tanzania . With the synonymization of Labrosaurus and Allosaurus , Donald F. Glut listed it as a species of Allosaurus , but it is now either assigned to Ceratosaurus sp. or considered a dubious ceratosaurian . There are also several species left over from the synonymizations of Creosaurus and Labrosaurus with Allosaurus . Creosaurus potens was named by Lull in 1911 for a vertebra from the Early Cretaceous of Maryland . It is now regarded as a dubious theropod . Labrosaurus fragilis is a typographical error by Marsh ( 1896 ) for Labrosaurus ferox . L. sulcatus , named by Marsh in 1896 for a Morrison theropod tooth , which like L. stechowi is now regarded as either Ceratosaurus sp. or a dubious ceratosaurian . A. tendagurensis was named in 1925 by Werner Janensch for a partial shin ( HM 67 ) found in the Kimmeridgian @-@ age rocks of Tendaguru , in Mtwara , Tanz
[ "ania", "▁.", "▁This", "▁species", "▁has", "▁not", "▁had", "▁strong", "▁support", "▁in", "▁recent", "▁years", "▁,", "▁with", "▁opinions", "▁on", "▁its", "▁identity", "▁r", "anging", "▁from", "▁a", "▁tent", "atively", "▁valid", "▁species", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁to", "▁a", "▁bas", "al", "▁t", "et", "an", "ur", "an", "▁.", "▁The", "▁most", "▁recent", "▁analysis", "▁has", "▁placed", "▁it", "▁in", "▁C", "arch", "arod", "ont", "osa", "ur", "idae", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁obsc", "ure", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁large", "▁ther", "op", "od", "▁,", "▁possibly", "▁around", "▁", "1", "0", "▁meters", "▁long", "▁(", "▁", "3", "3", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁metric", "▁tons", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁short", "▁tons", "▁)", "▁in", "▁weight", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Spec", "im", "ens", "▁mis", "ass", "igned", "▁to", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁though", "▁not", "▁described", "▁as", "▁new", "▁species", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Kur", "zan", "ov", "▁and", "▁colle", "agues", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁designated", "▁six", "▁teeth", "▁from", "▁Si", "ber", "ia", "▁as", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁sp", "▁.", "▁(", "▁meaning", "▁the", "▁authors", "▁found", "▁the", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁to", "▁be", "▁most", "▁like", "▁those", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁but", "▁did", "▁not", "▁or", "▁could", "▁not", "▁assign", "▁a", "▁species", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁,", "▁reports", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁in", "▁Sh", "an", "xi", "▁,", "▁China", "▁go", "▁back", "▁to", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "▁ast", "rag", "alus", "▁(", "▁an", "k", "le", "▁b", "one", "▁)", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁belong", "▁to", "▁a", "▁species", "▁of", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁was", "▁found", "▁at", "▁Cape", "▁Pat", "erson", "▁,", "▁Victoria", "▁in", "▁Early", "▁C", "ret", "ace", "ous", "▁b", "eds", "▁in", "▁sout", "he", "astern", "▁Australia", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁evidence", "▁that", "▁Australia", "▁was", "▁a", "▁ref", "ug", "ium", "▁for", "▁animals", "▁that", "▁had", "▁gone", "▁ext", "inct", "▁elsewhere", "▁.", "▁This", "▁identification", "▁was", "▁challeng", "ed", "▁by", "▁Samuel", "▁W", "elles", "▁,", "▁who", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁more", "▁res", "emble", "d", "▁that", "▁of", "▁an", "▁orn", "ith", "om", "im", "id", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁original", "▁authors", "▁def", "ended", "▁their", "▁identification", "▁.", "▁With", "▁fifteen", "▁years", "▁of", "▁new", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁and", "▁research", "▁to", "▁look", "▁at", "▁,", "▁Daniel", "▁Ch", "ure", "▁re", "ex", "am", "ined", "▁the", "▁b", "one", "▁and", "▁found", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁,", "▁but", "▁could", "▁represent", "▁an", "▁all", "os", "au", "roid", "▁.", "▁Similarly", "▁,", "▁Y", "o", "ichi", "▁Az", "uma", "▁and", "▁Phil", "▁C", "urr", "ie", "▁,", "▁in", "▁their", "▁description", "▁of", "▁F", "uk", "ui", "ra", "pt", "or", "▁,", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁b", "one", "▁closely", "▁res", "emble", "d", "▁that", "▁of", "▁their", "▁new", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁This", "▁spec", "imen", "▁is", "▁sometimes", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁All", "osa", "urus", "▁robust", "us", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁an", "▁inform", "al", "▁museum", "▁name", "▁.", "▁It", "▁may", "▁have", "▁belonged", "▁to", "▁something", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁same", "▁as", "▁,", "▁Austral", "oven", "ator", "▁,", "▁or", "▁it", "▁may", "▁represent", "▁an", "▁ab", "el", "is", "aur", "▁.", "▁A", "▁spec", "ulative", "▁\"", "▁polar", "▁\"", "▁or", "▁\"", "▁d", "war", "f", "▁all", "osa", "ur", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁used", "▁for", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Sp", "ir", "its", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ice", "▁Forest", "▁\"", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁Walk", "ing", "▁with", "▁Din", "osa", "urs", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁,", "▁commonly", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁h", "yg", "ro", "scop", "ic", "▁earth", "star", "▁,", "▁the", "▁bar", "ometer", "▁earth", "star", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁false", "▁earth", "star", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁species", "▁of", "▁fung", "us", "▁in", "▁the", "▁D", "ip", "loc", "yst", "aceae", "▁family", "▁.", "▁Young", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁res", "emble", "▁a", "▁pu", "ff", "ball", "▁when", "▁young", "▁and", "▁un", "open", "ed", "▁.", "▁In", "▁m", "atur", "ity", "▁,", "▁the", "▁m", "ush", "room", "▁displays", "▁the", "▁characteristic", "▁earth", "star", "▁shape", "▁that", "▁is", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁the", "▁outer", "▁layer", "▁of", "▁fruit", "▁body", "▁t", "issue", "▁splitting", "▁open", "▁in", "▁a", "▁star", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁manner", "▁.", "▁The", "▁false", "▁earth", "star", "▁is", "▁an", "▁e", "ct", "omy", "cor", "rh", "iz", "al", "▁species", "▁that", "▁grows", "▁in", "▁association", "▁with", "▁various", "▁trees", "▁,", "▁especially", "▁in", "▁sand", "y", "▁so", "ils", "▁.", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁has", "▁a", "▁cosm", "opol", "itan", "▁distribution", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁common", "▁in", "▁temper", "ate", "▁and", "▁tropical", "▁regions", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁common", "▁names", "▁refer", "▁to", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁h", "yg", "ro", "scop", "ic", "▁(", "▁water", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁absor", "bing", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁can", "▁open", "▁up", "▁its", "▁ray", "s", "▁to", "▁expose", "▁the", "▁sp", "ore", "▁sac", "▁in", "▁response", "▁to", "▁increased", "▁hum", "id", "ity", "▁,", "▁and", "▁close", "▁them", "▁up", "▁again", "▁in", "▁d", "rier", "▁conditions", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ray", "s", "▁have", "▁an", "▁irregular", "ly", "▁crack", "ed", "▁surface", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁sp", "ore", "▁case", "▁is", "▁pale", "▁brown", "▁and", "▁smooth", "▁with", "▁an", "▁irregular", "▁sl", "it", "▁or", "▁te", "ar", "▁at", "▁the", "▁top", "▁.", "▁The", "▁gle", "ba", "▁is", "▁white", "▁initially", "▁,", "▁but", "▁turns", "▁brown", "▁and", "▁pow", "der", "y", "▁when", "▁the", "▁sp", "ores", "▁m", "ature", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sp", "ores", "▁are", "▁re", "dd", "ish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁brown", "▁,", "▁roughly", "▁spher", "ical", "▁with", "▁minute", "▁w", "arts", "▁,", "▁meas", "uring", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "▁mic", "rom", "eters", "▁in", "▁diameter", "▁.", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁overall", "▁appearance", "▁,", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁is", "▁not", "▁related", "▁to", "▁the", "▁true", "▁earth", "st", "ars", "▁of", "▁genus", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁,", "▁although", "▁histor", "ically", "▁,", "▁they", "▁have", "▁been", "▁tax", "onom", "ically", "▁confused", "▁.", "▁The", "▁species", "▁was", "▁first", "▁described", "▁by", "▁Christ", "ia", "an", "▁Hend", "rik", "▁Pers", "oon", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "1", "▁as", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁Andrew", "▁P", ".", "▁Morgan", "▁proposed", "▁that", "▁differences", "▁in", "▁micro", "scop", "ic", "▁characteristics", "▁war", "r", "anted", "▁the", "▁creation", "▁of", "▁a", "▁new", "▁genus", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁distinct", "▁from", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁;", "▁this", "▁opinion", "▁was", "▁not", "▁univers", "ally", "▁accepted", "▁by", "▁later", "▁authorities", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁Asian", "▁populations", "▁formerly", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁be", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁were", "▁renamed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "s", "▁once", "▁ph", "y", "log", "en", "etic", "▁anal", "ys", "es", "▁revealed", "▁they", "▁were", "▁unique", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁species", "▁,", "▁including", "▁A", ".", "▁asi", "atic", "us", "▁and", "▁A", ".", "▁od", "or", "atus", "▁.", "▁Research", "▁has", "▁revealed", "▁the", "▁presence", "▁of", "▁several", "▁bio", "active", "▁chemical", "▁comp", "ounds", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fruit", "▁bodies", "▁.", "▁North", "▁American", "▁field", "▁gu", "ides", "▁typically", "▁rate", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁as", "▁in", "ed", "ible", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tax", "onomy", "▁,", "▁naming", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ph", "y", "log", "eny", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Because" ]
ania . This species has not had strong support in recent years , with opinions on its identity ranging from a tentatively valid species of Allosaurus , to a basal tetanuran . The most recent analysis has placed it in Carcharodontosauridae . Although obscure , it was a large theropod , possibly around 10 meters long ( 33 ft ) and 2 @.@ 5 metric tons ( 2 @.@ 8 short tons ) in weight . = = Specimens misassigned to Allosaurus though not described as new species = = Kurzanov and colleagues in 2003 designated six teeth from Siberia as Allosaurus sp . ( meaning the authors found the specimens to be most like those of Allosaurus , but did not or could not assign a species ) . Also , reports of Allosaurus in Shanxi , China go back to at least 1982 . An astragalus ( ankle bone ) thought to belong to a species of Allosaurus was found at Cape Paterson , Victoria in Early Cretaceous beds in southeastern Australia . It was thought to provide evidence that Australia was a refugium for animals that had gone extinct elsewhere . This identification was challenged by Samuel Welles , who thought it more resembled that of an ornithomimid , but the original authors defended their identification . With fifteen years of new specimens and research to look at , Daniel Chure reexamined the bone and found that it was not Allosaurus , but could represent an allosauroid . Similarly , Yoichi Azuma and Phil Currie , in their description of Fukuiraptor , noted that the bone closely resembled that of their new genus . This specimen is sometimes referred to as " Allosaurus robustus " , an informal museum name . It may have belonged to something similar to , or the same as , Australovenator , or it may represent an abelisaur . A speculative " polar " or " dwarf allosaur " was used for the " Spirits of the Ice Forest " episode of Walking with Dinosaurs . = Astraeus hygrometricus = Astraeus hygrometricus , commonly known as the hygroscopic earthstar , the barometer earthstar , or the false earthstar , is a species of fungus in the Diplocystaceae family . Young specimens resemble a puffball when young and unopened . In maturity , the mushroom displays the characteristic earthstar shape that is a result of the outer layer of fruit body tissue splitting open in a star @-@ like manner . The false earthstar is an ectomycorrhizal species that grows in association with various trees , especially in sandy soils . A. hygrometricus has a cosmopolitan distribution , and is common in temperate and tropical regions . Its common names refer to the fact that it is hygroscopic ( water @-@ absorbing ) , and can open up its rays to expose the spore sac in response to increased humidity , and close them up again in drier conditions . The rays have an irregularly cracked surface , while the spore case is pale brown and smooth with an irregular slit or tear at the top . The gleba is white initially , but turns brown and powdery when the spores mature . The spores are reddish @-@ brown , roughly spherical with minute warts , measuring 7 @.@ 5 – 11 micrometers in diameter . Despite a similar overall appearance , A. hygrometricus is not related to the true earthstars of genus Geastrum , although historically , they have been taxonomically confused . The species was first described by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1801 as Geastrum hygrometricus . In 1885 , Andrew P. Morgan proposed that differences in microscopic characteristics warranted the creation of a new genus Astraeus distinct from Geastrum ; this opinion was not universally accepted by later authorities . Several Asian populations formerly thought to be A. hygrometricus were renamed in the 2000s once phylogenetic analyses revealed they were unique Astraeus species , including A. asiaticus and A. odoratus . Research has revealed the presence of several bioactive chemical compounds in the fruit bodies . North American field guides typically rate A. hygrometricus as inedible . = = Taxonomy , naming , and phylogeny = = Because
[ "▁this", "▁species", "▁res", "emb", "les", "▁the", "▁earth", "star", "▁fung", "i", "▁of", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁that", "▁genus", "▁by", "▁early", "▁authors", "▁,", "▁starting", "▁with", "▁Christian", "▁Hend", "rik", "▁Pers", "oon", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "1", "▁(", "▁as", "▁Ge", "aster", "▁,", "▁an", "▁alternate", "▁sp", "elling", "▁of", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁)", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁American", "▁botan", "ist", "▁Andrew", "▁P", ".", "▁Morgan", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁species", "▁differ", "ed", "▁from", "▁those", "▁of", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁in", "▁not", "▁having", "▁open", "▁ch", "amb", "ers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁young", "▁gle", "ba", "▁,", "▁having", "▁larger", "▁and", "▁branch", "ed", "▁cap", "ill", "it", "ium", "▁threads", "▁,", "▁not", "▁having", "▁a", "▁true", "▁h", "ym", "enium", "▁,", "▁and", "▁having", "▁larger", "▁sp", "ores", "▁.", "▁According", "ly", "▁,", "▁Morgan", "▁set", "▁Pers", "oon", "▁'", "s", "▁Ge", "aster", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "um", "▁as", "▁the", "▁type", "▁species", "▁of", "▁his", "▁new", "▁genus", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "9", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁Morgan", "▁'", "s", "▁publication", "▁,", "▁some", "▁authorities", "▁in", "▁the", "▁following", "▁dec", "ades", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁class", "ify", "▁the", "▁species", "▁in", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁.", "▁The", "▁New", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Zealand", "▁based", "▁my", "colog", "ist", "▁Gordon", "▁Her", "ri", "ot", "▁C", "unning", "ham", "▁explicitly", "▁transferred", "▁the", "▁species", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁,", "▁explaining", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁this", "▁species", "▁by", "▁certain", "▁tax", "onom", "ists", "▁well", "▁illustr", "ates", "▁the", "▁pit", "falls", "▁that", "▁lie", "▁in", "▁wait", "▁for", "▁those", "▁who", "▁worship", "▁at", "▁the", "▁shr", "ine", "▁of", "▁ont", "ogen", "ic", "▁classification", "▁...", "▁The", "▁only", "▁feature", "▁of", "▁those", "▁out", "lined", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁species", "▁diff", "ers", "▁from", "▁others", "▁of", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁is", "▁the", "▁somewhat", "▁primitive", "▁h", "ym", "enium", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁developing", "▁plant", "▁the", "▁gle", "bal", "▁cav", "ities", "▁are", "▁separated", "▁by", "▁tram", "al", "▁pl", "ates", "▁so", "▁ten", "uous", "▁as", "▁to", "▁be", "▁over", "look", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁un", "crit", "ical", "▁worker", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁cav", "ity", "▁is", "▁filled", "▁with", "▁bas", "idia", "▁somewhat", "▁irregular", "ly", "▁arranged", "▁in", "▁clusters", "▁(", "▁like", "▁those", "▁of", "▁S", "cler", "oder", "ma", "▁)", "▁and", "▁not", "▁in", "▁the", "▁definite", "▁pal", "is", "ade", "▁of", "▁the", "▁species", "▁which", "▁have", "▁been", "▁studied", "▁.", "▁This", "▁difference", "▁disapp", "ears", "▁as", "▁m", "atur", "ity", "▁is", "▁reached", "▁,", "▁when", "▁plants", "▁res", "emble", "▁closely", "▁the", "▁f", "ruct", "ification", "▁of", "▁any", "▁other", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tax", "onom", "ist", "▁is", "▁then", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁indicate", "▁any", "▁point", "▁of", "▁difference", "▁by", "▁which", "▁\"", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁\"", "▁may", "▁be", "▁separated", "▁from", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁,", "▁which", "▁indicates", "▁that", "▁the", "▁name", "▁should", "▁be", "▁disc", "arded", "▁.", "▁", "▁C", "unning", "ham", "▁'", "s", "▁treatment", "▁was", "▁not", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁later", "▁authorities", "▁,", "▁who", "▁largely", "▁considered", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁a", "▁distinct", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁tax", "onom", "ical", "▁authority", "▁My", "co", "B", "ank", "▁,", "▁syn", "onym", "s", "▁of", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁include", "▁Ly", "cop", "erd", "on", "▁stell", "atus", "▁Sc", "op", "▁.", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "7", "2", "▁)", "▁;", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁f", "ibr", "ill", "os", "um", "▁Schwe", "in", "▁.", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "2", "▁)", "▁;", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁stell", "atum", "▁(", "▁Sc", "op", "▁.", "▁)", "▁W", "ett", "st", "▁.", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁)", "▁;", "▁and", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁stell", "atus", "▁E", ".", "F", "isch", ".", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁has", "▁been", "▁given", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁col", "lo", "qu", "ial", "▁names", "▁that", "▁all", "ude", "▁to", "▁its", "▁h", "yg", "ro", "scop", "ic", "▁behavior", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "eter", "▁earth", "star", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁h", "yg", "ro", "scop", "ic", "▁earth", "star", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁bar", "ometer", "▁earth", "star", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁water", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁measure", "▁earth", "star", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁res", "embl", "ance", "▁to", "▁Ge", "astr", "um", "▁species", "▁(", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁true", "▁earth", "st", "ars", "▁)", "▁accounts", "▁for", "▁the", "▁common", "▁name", "▁\"", "▁false", "▁earth", "star", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁specific", "▁name", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Greek", "▁words", "▁", "ὑ", "γ", "ρ", "ό", "ς", "▁(", "▁h", "yg", "ros", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁wet", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁", "μ", "έ", "τ", "ρ", "ο", "ν", "▁(", "▁met", "ron", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁measure", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁German", "▁My", "colog", "ical", "▁Society", "▁selected", "▁the", "▁species", "▁as", "▁their", "▁\"", "▁M", "ush", "room", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁Studies", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "s", "▁showed", "▁that", "▁several", "▁species", "▁from", "▁Asian", "▁collection", "▁sites", "▁label", "led", "▁under", "▁the", "▁specific", "▁ep", "ith", "et", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁were", "▁actually", "▁consider", "ably", "▁variable", "▁in", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁macro", "scop", "ic", "▁and", "▁micro", "scop", "ic", "▁characteristics", "▁.", "▁M", "ole", "cular", "▁studies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁DNA", "▁sequences", "▁of", "▁the", "▁I", "TS", "▁region", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rib", "os", "om", "al", "▁DNA", "▁from", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁A", "stra", "eus", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁from", "▁around", "▁the", "▁world", "▁have", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁clarify", "▁ph", "y", "log", "en", "etic", "▁relationships", "▁within", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁Based", "▁on", "▁these", "▁results", "▁,", "▁two", "▁Asian", "▁\"", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁\"", "▁populations", "▁have", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁new", "▁species", "▁:", "▁A", ".", "▁asi", "atic", "us", "▁and", "▁A", ".", "▁od", "or", "atus", "▁(", "▁syn", "onymous", "▁with", "▁Pet", "char", "at", "▁'", "s", "▁A", ".", "▁th", "ailand", "icus", "▁described", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Pre", "lim", "inary", "▁DNA", "▁anal", "ys", "es", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁the", "▁European", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁described", "▁by", "▁Pers", "oon", "▁is", "▁a", "▁different", "▁species", "▁than", "▁the", "▁North", "▁American", "▁version", "▁described", "▁by", "▁Morgan", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁the", "▁European", "▁population", "▁may", "▁be", "▁divided", "▁into", "▁two", "▁distinct", "▁ph", "yl", "ot", "ypes", "▁,", "▁from", "▁France", "▁and", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Mediter", "rane", "an", "▁.", "▁A", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁study", "▁identified", "▁a", "▁Japanese", "▁species", "▁,", "▁previously", "▁identified", "▁as", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁,", "▁as", "▁gen", "et", "ically", "▁distinct", "▁;", "▁it", "▁has", "▁yet", "▁to", "▁be", "▁officially", "▁named", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁form", "▁of", "▁the", "▁species", "▁found", "▁in", "▁Korea", "▁and", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁var", ".", "▁k", "ore", "anus", "▁,", "▁was", "▁named", "▁by", "▁V", ".", "J", ".", "▁Stan", "ĕ", "k", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "8", "▁;", "▁it", "▁was", "▁later", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁)", "▁published", "▁as", "▁a", "▁distinct", "▁species", "▁—", "▁A", ".", "▁k", "ore", "anus", "▁—" ]
this species resembles the earthstar fungi of Geastrum , it was placed in that genus by early authors , starting with Christian Hendrik Persoon in 1801 ( as Geaster , an alternate spelling of Geastrum ) . According to the American botanist Andrew P. Morgan , however , the species differed from those of Geastrum in not having open chambers in the young gleba , having larger and branched capillitium threads , not having a true hymenium , and having larger spores . Accordingly , Morgan set Persoon 's Geaster hygrometricum as the type species of his new genus Astraeus in 1889 . Despite Morgan 's publication , some authorities in the following decades continued to classify the species in Geastrum . The New @-@ Zealand based mycologist Gordon Herriot Cunningham explicitly transferred the species back to the genus Geastrum in 1944 , explaining : The treatment of this species by certain taxonomists well illustrates the pitfalls that lie in wait for those who worship at the shrine of ontogenic classification ... The only feature of those outlined in which the species differs from others of Geastrum is the somewhat primitive hymenium . In the developing plant the glebal cavities are separated by tramal plates so tenuous as to be overlooked by the uncritical worker . Each cavity is filled with basidia somewhat irregularly arranged in clusters ( like those of Scleroderma ) and not in the definite palisade of the species which have been studied . This difference disappears as maturity is reached , when plants resemble closely the fructification of any other member of the genus . The taxonomist is then unable to indicate any point of difference by which " Astraeus " may be separated from Geastrum , which indicates that the name should be discarded . Cunningham 's treatment was not followed by later authorities , who largely considered Astraeus a distinct genus . According to the taxonomical authority MycoBank , synonyms of Astraeus hygrometricus include Lycoperdon stellatus Scop . ( 1772 ) ; Geastrum fibrillosum Schwein . ( 1822 ) ; Geastrum stellatum ( Scop . ) Wettst . ( 1885 ) ; and Astraeus stellatus E.Fisch. ( 1900 ) . Astraeus hygrometricus has been given a number of colloquial names that allude to its hygroscopic behavior , including the " hygrometer earthstar " , the " hygroscopic earthstar " , the " barometer earthstar " , and the " water @-@ measure earthstar " . The resemblance to Geastrum species ( also known as true earthstars ) accounts for the common name " false earthstar " . The specific name is derived from the Greek words ὑγρός ( hygros ) " wet " and μέτρον ( metron ) " measure " . The German Mycological Society selected the species as their " Mushroom of the Year " in 2005 . Studies in the 2000s showed that several species from Asian collection sites labelled under the specific epithet hygrometricus were actually considerably variable in a number of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics . Molecular studies of the DNA sequences of the ITS region of the ribosomal DNA from a number of Astraeus specimens from around the world have helped to clarify phylogenetic relationships within the genus . Based on these results , two Asian " hygrometricus " populations have been described as new species : A. asiaticus and A. odoratus ( synonymous with Petcharat 's A. thailandicus described in 2003 ) . Preliminary DNA analyses suggests that the European A. hygrometricus described by Persoon is a different species than the North American version described by Morgan , and that the European population may be divided into two distinct phylotypes , from France and from the Mediterranean . A 2010 study identified a Japanese species , previously identified as A. hygrometricus , as genetically distinct ; it has yet to be officially named . A form of the species found in Korea and Japan , A. hygrometricus var. koreanus , was named by V.J. Stanĕk in 1958 ; it was later ( 1976 ) published as a distinct species — A. koreanus —
[ "▁by", "▁Hann", "s", "▁Kreis", "el", "▁.", "▁As", "▁pointed", "▁out", "▁by", "▁F", "ang", "f", "uk", "▁and", "▁colle", "agues", "▁,", "▁clar", "ification", "▁of", "▁the", "▁proper", "▁name", "▁for", "▁this", "▁tax", "on", "▁must", "▁await", "▁analysis", "▁of", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁var", ".", "▁k", "ore", "anus", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁from", "▁the", "▁type", "▁local", "ity", "▁in", "▁North", "▁Korea", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Young", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁of", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁have", "▁roughly", "▁spher", "ical", "▁fruit", "▁bodies", "▁that", "▁typically", "▁start", "▁their", "▁development", "▁partially", "▁embedded", "▁in", "▁the", "▁substr", "ate", "▁.", "▁A", "▁smooth", "▁wh", "it", "ish", "▁my", "cel", "ial", "▁layer", "▁covers", "▁the", "▁fruit", "▁body", "▁,", "▁and", "▁may", "▁be", "▁partially", "▁enc", "r", "usted", "▁with", "▁de", "br", "is", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁fruit", 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"▁is", "▁made", "▁of", "▁several", "▁different", "▁layers", "▁of", "▁t", "issue", "▁;", "▁the", "▁inn", "erm", "ost", "▁,", "▁f", "ibr", "ous", "▁layer", "▁is", "▁h", "yg", "ro", "scop", "ic", "▁,", "▁and", "▁curl", "s", "▁or", "▁un", "curl", "s", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁ray", "▁as", "▁it", "▁los", "es", "▁or", "▁g", "ains", "▁mo", "ist", "ure", "▁from", "▁its", "▁surr", "ound", "ings", "▁.", "▁This", "▁adaptation", "▁enables", "▁the", "▁fruit", "▁body", "▁to", "▁dis", "per", "se", "▁sp", "ores", "▁at", "▁times", "▁of", "▁optim", "um", "▁mo", "ist", "ure", "▁,", "▁and", "▁reduce", "▁ev", "ap", "oration", "▁during", "▁dry", "▁periods", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁,", "▁dry", "▁fruit", "▁bodies", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ray", "s", "▁cur", "led", "▁up", "▁may", "▁be", "▁readily", "▁blow", "n", "▁about", "▁by", "▁the", "▁wind", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁them", "▁to", "▁scatter", "▁sp", "ores", "▁from", "▁the", "▁p", "ore", "▁as", "▁they", "▁roll", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁fruit", "▁body", "▁is", "▁", "1", "▁–", 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by Hanns Kreisel . As pointed out by Fangfuk and colleagues , clarification of the proper name for this taxon must await analysis of A. hygrometricus var. koreanus specimens from the type locality in North Korea . = = Description = = Young specimens of A. hygrometricus have roughly spherical fruit bodies that typically start their development partially embedded in the substrate . A smooth whitish mycelial layer covers the fruit body , and may be partially encrusted with debris . As the fruit body matures , the mycelial layer tears away , and the outer tissue layer , the exoperidium , breaks open in a star @-@ shaped ( stellate ) pattern to form 4 – 20 irregular " rays " . This simultaneously pushes the fruit body above ground to reveal a round spore case enclosed in a thin papery endoperidium . The rays open and close in response to levels of moisture in the environment , opening up in high humidity , and closing when the air is dry . This is possible because the exoperidium is made of several different layers of tissue ; the innermost , fibrous layer is hygroscopic , and curls or uncurls the entire ray as it loses or gains moisture from its surroundings . This adaptation enables the fruit body to disperse spores at times of optimum moisture , and reduce evaporation during dry periods . Further , dry fruit bodies with the rays curled up may be readily blown about by the wind , allowing them to scatter spores from the pore as they roll . The fruit body is 1 – 8 cm ( 0 @.@ 4 – 3 @.@ 1 in ) in diameter from tip to tip when expanded . The exoperidium is thick , and the rays are typically areolate ( divided into small areas by cracks and crevices ) on the upper surface , and are dark grey to black . The spore case is sessile ( lacking a stalk ) , light gray to tan color and 1 to 3 cm ( 0 @.@ 4 to 1 @.@ 2 in ) broad with a felt @-@ like or scurfy ( coated with loose scaly crust ) surface ; the top of the spore case is opened by an irregular slit , tear or pore . The interior of the spore case , the gleba , is white and solid when young , and divided into oval locules — a characteristic that helps to distinguish it from Geastrum . The gleba becomes brown and powdery as the specimen matures . Small dark hairlike threads ( rhizomorphs ) extend from the base of the fruit body into the substrate . The rhizomorphs are fragile , and often break off after maturity . The spores are spherical or nearly so , reddish @-@ brown , thick @-@ walled and verrucose ( covered with warts and spines ) . The spores ' dimensions are 7 – 11 µm ; the warts are about 1 µm long . The spores are non @-@ amyloid , and will not stain with iodine from Melzer 's reagent . The use of scanning electron microscopy has shown that the spines are 0 @.@ 90 – 1 @.@ 45 µm long , rounded at the tip , narrow , tapered , and sometime joined together at the top . The capillitia ( masses of thread @-@ like sterile fibers dispersed among the spores ) are branched , 3 @.@ 5 – 6 @.@ 5 µm in diameter , and hyaline ( translucent ) . The basidia ( spore @-@ bearing cells ) are four- to eight @-@ spored , with very short sterigmata . The basidia are arranged in long strings of clusters ; individual basidia measure 11 – 15 by 18 – 24 µm . The threads of the capillitia arise from the inner surface of the peridium , and are thick @-@ walled , long , interwoven , and branched , measuring 3 – 5 @.@ 5 µm thick . The exoperidium ( the outer layer of tissue , comprising the rays ) is made of four distinct layers of tissue : the mycelial layer contains branched hyphae that are 4 – 6 μm in diameter ; the hyphae of the fibrous layer
[ "▁are", "▁", "6", "▁–", "▁", "8", "▁", "μ", "m", "▁diameter", "▁and", "▁branch", "ed", "▁;", "▁the", "▁col", "len", "chy", "ma", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁type", "▁layer", "▁has", "▁branch", "ed", "▁hy", "pha", "e", "▁of", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁", "μ", "m", "▁diameter", "▁;", "▁the", "▁soft", "▁layer", "▁contains", "▁hy", "pha", "e", "▁that", "▁are", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "6", "▁", "μ", "m", "▁in", "▁diameter", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ed", "ibility", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁North", "▁American", "▁sources", "▁describe", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁as", "▁being", "▁of", "▁either", "▁unknown", "▁ed", "ibility", "▁,", "▁or", "▁too", "▁t", "ough", "▁to", "▁be", "▁ed", "ible", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁they", "▁are", "▁regularly", "▁consum", "ed", "▁in", "▁Asia", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Nep", "al", "▁and", "▁South", "▁Beng", "al", "▁,", "▁where", "▁\"", "▁local", "▁people", "▁consume", "▁them", "▁as", "▁del", "icious", "▁food", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁They", "▁are", 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"▁pron", "ounced", "▁are", "olate", "▁pattern", "▁on", "▁the", "▁inner", "▁surface", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ray", "s", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁found", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Can", "ary", "▁Islands", "▁.", "▁A", ".", "▁asi", "atic", "us", "▁and", "▁A", ".", "▁od", "or", "atus", "▁are", "▁two", "▁similar", "▁species", "▁known", "▁from", "▁throughout", "▁Asia", "▁and", "▁S", "out", "heast", "▁Asia", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁A", ".", "▁od", "or", "atus", "▁is", "▁distinguished", "▁from", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁by", "▁a", "▁smooth", "▁outer", "▁my", "cel", "ial", "▁layer", "▁with", "▁few", "▁ad", "her", "ing", "▁soil", "▁particles", "▁,", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "9", "▁broad", "▁ray", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁fresh", "▁od", "or", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁mo", "ist", "▁soil", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sp", "ore", "▁orn", "ament", "ation", "▁of", "▁A", ".", "▁od", "or", "atus", "▁is", "▁also", "▁distinct", "▁from", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", 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are 6 – 8 μm diameter and branched ; the collenchyma @-@ type layer has branched hyphae of 3 – 4 μm diameter ; the soft layer contains hyphae that are 3 – 6 μm in diameter . = = = Edibility = = = North American sources describe A. hygrometricus as being of either unknown edibility , or too tough to be edible . However , they are regularly consumed in Asia , including Nepal and South Bengal , where " local people consume them as delicious food " . They are collected from the wild and sold in the markets of India . A study of a closely related southeast Asian Astraeus species concluded that the fungus contained an abundance of volatile eight @-@ carbon compounds ( including 1 @-@ octanol , 1 @-@ octen @-@ 3 @-@ ol , and 1 @-@ octen @-@ 3 @-@ one ) that imparted a " mushroom @-@ like , earthy , and pungent odor that was evident as an oily and moss @-@ like smell upon opening the caps " . The study 's authors further noted that the fruit bodies after cooking have a " roasted , maillard , herbal , and oily flavor " . Volatile compounds detected after cooking the mushroom samples included furfural , benzaldehyde , cyclohexenone , and furanyl compounds . The regional differences in opinions on edibility are from sources published before it was known that North American and Asian versions of A. hygrometricus were not always the same ; in some cases Asian specimens have been identified as new species , such as A. asiaticus and A. odoratus . = = Similar species = = Although A. hygrometricus bears a superficial resemblance to member of the " true earthstars " Geastrum , it may be readily differentiated from most by the hygroscopic nature of its rays . Hygroscopic earthstars include G. arenarium , G. corollinum , G. floriforme , G. recolligens , and G. kotlabae . Unlike Geastrum , the young fruit bodies of A. hygrometricus do not have a columella ( sterile tissue in the gleba , at the base of the spore sac ) . Geastrum tends to have its spore sac opening surrounded by a peristome or a disc , in contrast with the single lacerate slit of A. hygrometricus . There are also several microscopic differences : in A. hygrometricus , the basidia are not arranged in parallel columns , the spores are larger , and the threads of the capillitia are branched and continuous with the hyphae of the peridium . Despite these differences , older specimens can be difficult to distinguish from Geastrum in the field . One species of Geastrum , G. mammosum , does have thick and brittle rays that are moderately hygroscopic , and could be confused with A. hygrometricus ; however , its spores are smaller than A. hygrometricus , typically about 4 µm in diameter . Astraeus pteridis is larger , 5 to 15 cm ( 2 @.@ 0 to 5 @.@ 9 in ) or more when expanded , and often has a more pronounced areolate pattern on the inner surface of the rays . It is found in North America and the Canary Islands . A. asiaticus and A. odoratus are two similar species known from throughout Asia and Southeast Asia , respectively . A. odoratus is distinguished from A. hygrometricus by a smooth outer mycelial layer with few adhering soil particles , 3 – 9 broad rays , and a fresh odor similar to moist soil . The spore ornamentation of A. odoratus is also distinct from A. hygrometricus , with longer and narrower spines that often joined together . A. asiaticus has an outer peridial surface covered with small granules , and a gleba that is purplish @-@ chestnut in color , compared to the smooth peridial surface and brownish gleba of A. hygrometricus . The upper limit of the spore size of A. asiaticus is larger than that of its more common relative , ranging from
[ "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁", "μ", "m", "▁.", "▁A", ".", "▁k", "ore", "anus", "▁(", "▁sometimes", "▁named", "▁as", "▁the", "▁variety", "▁A", ".", "▁h", "yg", "rom", "et", "ric", "us", "▁var", ".", "▁k", "ore", "anus", "▁;", "▁see", "▁Tax", "onomy", "▁)", "▁diff", "ers", "▁from", "▁the", "▁more", "▁common", "▁form", "▁in", "▁its", "▁smaller", "▁size", "▁,", "▁pal", "er", "▁fruit", "▁body", "▁,", "▁and", "▁greater", "▁number", "▁of", "▁ray", "s", "▁;", "▁micro", "scop", "ically", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁smaller", "▁sp", "ores", "▁(", "▁between", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁and", "▁", "9", "▁", "μ", "m", "▁in", "▁diameter", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁sp", "ines", "▁on", "▁the", "▁sp", "ores", "▁differ", "▁in", "▁length", "▁and", "▁morph", "ology", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁known", "▁from", "▁Korea", "▁and", "▁Japan", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Hab", "itat", "▁,", "▁distribution", "▁,", "▁and", "▁e", "col", "ogy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", 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"o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁la", "ct", "one", "▁)", "▁,", "▁have", "▁", "δ", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁la", "ct", "one", "▁(", "▁a", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁member", "ed", "▁ring", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁side", "▁chain", "▁—", "▁a", "▁chemical", "▁feature", "▁previously", "▁unknown", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Bas", "idi", "om", "yc", "etes", "▁.", "▁A", "▁previously", "▁unknown", "▁ster", "yl", "▁est", "er", "▁(", "▁", "3", "β", "▁,", "▁", "5", "α", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁di", "h", "ydro", "xy", "-", "▁(", "▁", "2", "2", "E", "▁,", "▁", "2", "4", "R", "▁)" ]
8 @.@ 75 – 15 @.@ 2 μm . A. koreanus ( sometimes named as the variety A. hygrometricus var. koreanus ; see Taxonomy ) differs from the more common form in its smaller size , paler fruit body , and greater number of rays ; microscopically , it has smaller spores ( between 6 @.@ 8 and 9 μm in diameter ) , and the spines on the spores differ in length and morphology . It is known from Korea and Japan . = = Habitat , distribution , and ecology = = Astraeus hygrometricus is an ectomycorrhizal fungus and grows in association with a broad range of tree species . The mutualistic association between tree roots and the mycelium of the fungus helps the trees extract nutrients ( particularly phosphorus ) from the earth ; in exchange , the fungus receives carbohydrates from photosynthesis . In North America , associations with oak and pine are usual , while in India , it has been noted to grow commonly with chir pine ( Pinus roxburghii ) and sal ( Shorea robusta ) . The false earthstar is found on the ground in open fields , often scattered or in groups , especially in nutrient @-@ poor , sandy or loamy soils . It has also been reported to grow on rocks , preferring acid substrates like slate and granite , while avoiding substrates rich in lime . In Nepal , fruit bodies have been collected at elevations of 3 @,@ 000 m ( 9 @,@ 800 ft ) . Fruit bodies typically appear in autumn , although the dry fruit bodies are persistent and may last up to several years . Gelatinipulvinella astraeicola is a leotiaceous fungus with minute , gelatinous , pulvinate ( cushion @-@ shaped ) apothecia , known to grow only on the inner surface of the rays of dead Astraeus species , including A. hygrometricus . The species has a cosmopolitan distribution except for arctic , alpine and cold temperate regions ; it is common in temperate and tropical regions of the world . It has been collected in Africa , Asia , Australia , Europe , North America , and South America . = = Bioactive compounds = = Mushroom polysaccharides from a number of species have attracted research interest for their immunomodulatory and antitumor properties . Extracts from A. hygrometricus containing the polysaccharide named AE2 were found to inhibit the growth of several tumor cell lines in laboratory tests , and stimulated the growth of splenocytes , thymocytes , and bone marrow cells from mice . The extract also stimulated mouse cells associated with the immune system ; specifically , it enhanced the activity of mouse natural killer cells , stimulated macrophages to produce nitric oxide , and enhanced production of cytokines . The activation of macrophages by AE2 might be mediated by a mitogen @-@ activated protein kinase pathway of signal transduction . AE2 is made of the simple sugars mannose , glucose , and fucose in a 1 : 2 : 1 ratio . In addition to the previously known steroid compounds ergosta @-@ 7 @,@ 22 @-@ diene @-@ 3 @-@ ol acetate and ergosta @-@ 4,6,8- ( 14 ) , 22 @-@ tetraene @-@ 3 @-@ one , three unique triterpenes — derivatives of 3 @-@ hydroxy @-@ lanostane — have been isolated from fruit bodies of A. hygrometricus . The compounds , named astrahygrol , 3 @-@ epi @-@ astrahygrol , and astrahygrone ( 3 @-@ oxo @-@ 25S @-@ lanost @-@ 8 @-@ eno @-@ 26 @,@ 22 @-@ lactone ) , have δ @-@ lactone ( a six @-@ membered ring ) in the side chain — a chemical feature previously unknown in the Basidiomycetes . A previously unknown steryl ester ( 3β , 5α @-@ dihydroxy- ( 22E , 24R )
[ "▁-", "erg", "osta", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "7", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁di", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "α", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁y", "l", "▁pal", "mit", "ate", "▁)", "▁has", "▁been", "▁isolated", "▁from", "▁my", "cel", "ia", "▁grown", "▁in", "▁liquid", "▁culture", "▁.", "▁The", "▁comp", "ound", "▁has", "▁a", "▁poly", "h", "ydro", "x", "yl", "ated", "▁erg", "ost", "ane", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁type", "▁nucle", "us", "▁.", "▁", "▁Eth", "an", "ol", "▁extract", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fruit", "▁body", "▁are", "▁high", "▁in", "▁ant", "io", "x", "id", "ant", "▁activity", "▁,", "▁and", "▁have", "▁been", "▁shown", "▁in", "▁labor", "atory", "▁tests", "▁to", "▁have", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁infl", "am", "mat", "ory", "▁activity", "▁compar", "able", "▁to", "▁the", "▁drug", "▁dic", "lo", "fen", "ac", "▁.", "▁Studies", "▁with", "▁mouse", "▁models", "▁have", "▁also", "▁demonstrated", "▁he", "pat", "op", "rote", "ct", "ive", "▁(", "▁li", "ver", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁protect", "ing", "▁)", "▁ability", "▁,", "▁possibly", "▁by", "▁rest", "oring", "▁dimin", "ished", "▁levels", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ant", "io", "x", "id", "ant", "▁en", "zym", "es", "▁super", "ox", "ide", "▁dis", "mut", "ase", "▁and", "▁catal", "ase", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁experimental", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁the", "▁li", "ver", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dam", "aging", "▁chemical", "▁carbon", "▁t", "et", "rach", "lor", "ide", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trad", "itional", "▁belief", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁This", "▁earth", "star", "▁has", "▁been", "▁used", "▁in", "▁traditional", "▁Chinese", "▁medicine", "▁as", "▁a", "▁hem", "ost", "atic", "▁agent", "▁;", "▁the", "▁sp", "ore", "▁dust", "▁is", "▁applied", "▁extern", "ally", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁w", "ound", "▁ble", "eding", "▁and", "▁reduce", "▁ch", "il", "bla", "ins", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁Indian", "▁forest", "▁tribes", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ba", "iga", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Bh", "aria", "▁of", "▁Mad", "h", "ya", "▁Pr", "adesh", "▁,", "▁have", "▁been", "▁reported", "▁to", "▁use", "▁the", "▁fruit", "▁bodies", "▁medic", "in", "ally", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sp", "ore", "▁mass", "▁is", "▁bl", "ended", "▁with", "▁must", "ard", "▁seed", "▁oil", "▁,", "▁and", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁sal", "ve", "▁against", "▁burn", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Black", "foot", "▁of", "▁North", "▁America", "▁called", "▁the", "▁fung", "us", "▁\"", "▁fallen", "▁stars", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁considering", "▁them", "▁to", "▁be", "▁stars", "▁fallen", "▁to", "▁the", "▁earth", "▁during", "▁super", "natural", "▁events", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Paul", "▁Thomas", "▁Anderson", "▁=", "▁", "▁Paul", "▁Thomas", "▁Anderson", "▁(", "▁born", "▁June", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁)", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁P", ".", "T", ".", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁is", "▁an", "▁American", "▁film", "▁director", "▁,", "▁screen", "writer", "▁and", "▁producer", "▁.", "▁Inter", "ested", "▁in", "▁film", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁making", "▁at", "▁a", "▁young", "▁age", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁by", "▁his", "▁father", "▁Er", "nie", "▁Anderson", "▁(", "▁a", "▁disc", "▁j", "ockey", "▁,", "▁and", "▁television", "▁and", "▁radio", "▁announ", "cer", "▁/", "▁voice", "over", "▁artist", "▁)", "▁to", "▁become", "▁a", "▁film", "maker", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁,", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁a", "▁short", "▁film", "▁titled", "▁C", "igare", "tt", "es", "▁&", "▁C", "off", "ee", "▁on", "▁a", "▁budget", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁After", "▁he", "▁attended", "▁the", "▁Sund", "ance", "▁Institute", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁had", "▁a", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁Ry", "sh", "er", "▁Entertainment", "▁to", "▁direct", "▁his", "▁first", "▁feature", "▁film", "▁,", "▁a", "▁ne", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁no", "ir", "▁crime", "▁thr", "iller", "▁titled", "▁Hard", "▁E", "ight", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁received", "▁critical", "▁and", "▁commercial", "▁success", "▁for", "▁his", "▁film", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁)", "▁,", "▁set", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Golden", "▁Age", "▁of", "▁P", "orn", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁His", "▁third", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁received", "▁wide", "▁acc", "laim", "▁despite", "▁struggling", "▁at", "▁the", "▁box", "▁office", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁rom", "antic", "▁comedy", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁drama", "▁P", "unch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Dr", "unk", "▁Love", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁fourth", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁to", "▁generally", "▁favor", "able", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁absence", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ep", "ic", "▁drama", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁was", "▁released", "▁to", "▁critical", "▁acc", "laim", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁sixth", "▁film", "▁,", "▁the", "▁drama", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁to", "▁critical", "▁acc", "laim", "▁.", "▁His", "▁sevent", "h", "▁film", "▁,", "▁the", "▁crime", "▁comedy", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁drama", "▁In", "her", "ent", "▁Vice", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁novel", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁by", "▁Thomas", "▁P", "yn", "ch", "on", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁to", "▁general", "▁acc", "laim", "▁.", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁has", "▁been", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁six", "▁Academy", "▁Awards", "▁over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁his", "▁career", "▁,", "▁while", "▁his", "▁films", "▁have", "▁earned", "▁a", "▁further", "▁four", "teen", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁for", "▁cast", "▁and", "▁crew", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁born", "▁June", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Studio", "▁City", "▁,", "▁California", "▁,", "▁to", "▁Ed", "w", "ina", "▁(", "▁n", "ée", "▁G", "ough", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Er", "nie", "▁Anderson", "▁.", "▁Er", "nie", "▁was", "▁an", "▁actor", "▁who", "▁was", "▁the", "▁voice", "▁of", "▁ABC", "▁and", "▁a", "▁Cleveland", "▁television", "▁late", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁night", "▁horror", "▁movie", "▁host", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Gh", "oul", "ardi", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁after", "▁whom", "▁Anderson", "▁later", "▁named", "▁his", "▁production", "▁company", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁grew", "▁up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Fernando", "▁Valley", "▁.", "▁He", "▁is", "▁third", "▁young", "est", "▁of", "▁nine", "▁children", "▁,", "▁and", "▁had", "▁a", "▁trouble", "d", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁his", "▁mother", "▁but", "▁was", "▁close", "▁with", "▁his", "▁father", "▁,", "▁who", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁him", "▁to", "▁become", "▁a", "▁writer", "▁or", "▁director", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁attended", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁schools", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Buck", "ley", "▁in", "▁Sh", "erman", "▁O", "aks", "▁,", "▁John", "▁Thomas", "▁D", "ye", "▁School", "▁,", "▁Campbell", "▁Hall", "▁School", "▁,", "▁C", "ushing", "▁Academy", "▁and", "▁Mont", "cla", "ir", "▁P", "rep", "▁.", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁film", "making", "▁at", "▁a", "▁young", "▁age", "▁and", "▁never", "▁really", "▁had", "▁an", "▁alternative", "▁plan", "▁to", "▁direct", "ing", "▁films", "▁.", "▁He", "▁made", "▁his", "▁first", "▁movie", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁eight", "▁years", "▁old", "▁and", "▁started", "▁making", "▁mov", "ies", "▁on", "▁a", "▁Bet", "am", "ax", "▁video", "▁camera", "▁which", "▁his", "▁d", "ad", "▁bought", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁twelve", "▁years", "▁old", "▁.", "▁He", "▁later", "▁started", "▁using", "▁", "8", "▁mm", "▁film", "▁but", "▁realized", "▁that", "▁video", "▁was", "▁easier", "▁.", "▁He", "▁began", "▁writing", "▁in", "▁ad", "oles", "c", "ence", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁", "1", "7", "▁years", "▁old", "▁he", "▁began", "▁experiment", "ing", "▁with", "▁a", "▁B", "ole", "x", "▁six", "teen", "▁millimeter", "▁camera", "▁.", "▁After", "▁years", "▁of", "▁experiment", "ing", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁standard", "▁fare", "▁\"" ]
-ergosta @-@ 7 @,@ 22 @-@ dien @-@ 6α @-@ yl palmitate ) has been isolated from mycelia grown in liquid culture . The compound has a polyhydroxylated ergostane @-@ type nucleus . Ethanol extracts of the fruit body are high in antioxidant activity , and have been shown in laboratory tests to have anti @-@ inflammatory activity comparable to the drug diclofenac . Studies with mouse models have also demonstrated hepatoprotective ( liver @-@ protecting ) ability , possibly by restoring diminished levels of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase caused by experimental exposure to the liver @-@ damaging chemical carbon tetrachloride . = = Traditional beliefs = = This earthstar has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a hemostatic agent ; the spore dust is applied externally to stop wound bleeding and reduce chilblains . Two Indian forest tribes , the Baiga and the Bharia of Madhya Pradesh , have been reported to use the fruit bodies medicinally . The spore mass is blended with mustard seed oil , and used as a salve against burns . The Blackfoot of North America called the fungus " fallen stars " , considering them to be stars fallen to the earth during supernatural events . = Paul Thomas Anderson = Paul Thomas Anderson ( born June 26 , 1970 ) also known as P.T. Anderson , is an American film director , screenwriter and producer . Interested in film @-@ making at a young age , Anderson was encouraged by his father Ernie Anderson ( a disc jockey , and television and radio announcer / voiceover artist ) to become a filmmaker . In 1993 , he wrote and directed a short film titled Cigarettes & Coffee on a budget of $ 20 @,@ 000 . After he attended the Sundance Institute , Anderson had a deal with Rysher Entertainment to direct his first feature film , a neo @-@ noir crime thriller titled Hard Eight , in 1996 . Anderson received critical and commercial success for his film Boogie Nights ( 1997 ) , set during the Golden Age of Porn in the 1970s and 1980s . His third feature , Magnolia ( 1999 ) , received wide acclaim despite struggling at the box office . In 2002 , the romantic comedy @-@ drama Punch @-@ Drunk Love , Anderson 's fourth feature , was released to generally favorable reviews . After a five @-@ year absence , the epic drama There Will Be Blood was released to critical acclaim in 2007 . In 2012 , Anderson 's sixth film , the drama The Master , was released to critical acclaim . His seventh film , the crime comedy @-@ drama Inherent Vice , based on the novel of the same name by Thomas Pynchon , was released in 2014 , to general acclaim . Anderson has been nominated for six Academy Awards over the course of his career , while his films have earned a further fourteen Academy Award nominations for cast and crew . = = Early life = = Anderson was born June 26 , 1970 , in Studio City , California , to Edwina ( née Gough ) and Ernie Anderson . Ernie was an actor who was the voice of ABC and a Cleveland television late @-@ night horror movie host known as " Ghoulardi " ( after whom Anderson later named his production company ) . Anderson grew up in the San Fernando Valley . He is third youngest of nine children , and had a troubled relationship with his mother but was close with his father , who encouraged him to become a writer or director . Anderson attended a number of schools , including Buckley in Sherman Oaks , John Thomas Dye School , Campbell Hall School , Cushing Academy and Montclair Prep . Anderson was involved in filmmaking at a young age and never really had an alternative plan to directing films . He made his first movie when he was eight years old and started making movies on a Betamax video camera which his dad bought in 1982 when he was twelve years old . He later started using 8 mm film but realized that video was easier . He began writing in adolescence , and at 17 years old he began experimenting with a Bolex sixteen millimeter camera . After years of experimenting with " standard fare "
[ "▁,", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁and", "▁fil", "med", "▁his", "▁first", "▁real", "▁production", "▁as", "▁a", "▁senior", "▁in", "▁high", "▁school", "▁at", "▁Mont", "cla", "ir", "▁P", "rep", "▁using", "▁money", "▁he", "▁earned", "▁clean", "ing", "▁c", "ages", "▁at", "▁a", "▁pet", "▁store", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁a", "▁thirty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁mock", "ument", "ary", "▁shot", "▁on", "▁video", "▁called", "▁The", "▁D", "irk", "▁Dig", "g", "ler", "▁Story", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁about", "▁a", "▁por", "n", "ography", "▁star", "▁;", "▁the", "▁story", "▁was", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁John", "▁Hol", "mes", "▁,", "▁who", "▁also", "▁served", "▁as", "▁a", "▁major", "▁insp", "iration", "▁for", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁spent", "▁two", "▁sem", "esters", "▁as", "▁an", "▁English", "▁major", "▁at", "▁Em", "erson", "▁College", "▁,", "▁and", "▁only", "▁two", "▁days", "▁at", "▁New", "▁York", "▁University", "▁before", "▁he", "▁began", "▁his", "▁career", "▁as", "▁a", "▁production", "▁assistant", "▁on", "▁television", "▁films", "▁,", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁and", "▁game", "▁shows", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁and", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁.", "▁Fe", "eling", "▁that", "▁the", "▁material", "▁shown", "▁to", "▁him", "▁at", "▁film", "▁school", "▁turned", "▁the", "▁experience", "▁into", "▁\"", "▁home", "work", "▁or", "▁a", "▁ch", "ore", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁film", "▁that", "▁would", "▁be", "▁his", "▁\"", "▁college", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁For", "▁$", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁made", "▁up", "▁of", "▁g", "amb", "ling", "▁w", "inn", "ings", "▁,", "▁his", "▁girl", "friend", "▁'", "s", "▁credit", "▁card", "▁,", "▁and", "▁money", "▁his", "▁father", "▁set", "▁aside", "▁for", "▁him", "▁for", "▁college", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁made", "▁C", "igare", "tt", "es", "▁&", "▁C", "off", "ee", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁short", "▁film", "▁connecting", "▁multiple", "▁story", "▁lines", "▁with", "▁a", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doll", "ar", "▁bill", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁screen", "ed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁Sund", "ance", "▁Festival", "▁Short", "s", "▁Program", "▁.", "▁He", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁expand", "▁the", "▁film", "▁into", "▁a", "▁feature", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁length", "▁film", "▁and", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁Sund", "ance", "▁Fe", "ature", "▁Film", "▁Program", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁Sund", "ance", "▁Fe", "ature", "▁Film", "▁Program", "▁,", "▁Michael", "▁Cat", "on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Jones", "▁served", "▁as", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁ment", "or", "▁;", "▁he", "▁saw", "▁Anderson", "▁as", "▁someone", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁talent", "▁and", "▁a", "▁fully", "▁formed", "▁cre", "ative", "▁voice", "▁but", "▁not", "▁much", "▁hands", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁on", "▁experience", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁gave", "▁him", "▁some", "▁hard", "▁and", "▁practical", "▁less", "ons", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Hard", "▁E", "ight", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁While", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Sund", "ance", "▁Fe", "ature", "▁Film", "▁Program", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁already", "▁had", "▁a", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁Ry", "sh", "er", "▁Entertainment", "▁to", "▁direct", "▁his", "▁first", "▁feature", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁made", "▁his", "▁first", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁length", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁Sydney", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁ret", "itled", "▁Hard", "▁E", "ight", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁Ry", "sh", "er", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁edited", "▁it", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁who", "▁still", "▁had", "▁the", "▁work", "print", "▁of", "▁his", "▁original", "▁cut", "▁,", "▁submitted", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁accepted", "▁and", "▁screen", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Un", "▁C", "ertain", "▁Reg", "ard", "▁section", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁C", "annes", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁get", "▁his", "▁version", "▁released", "▁but", "▁only", "▁after", "▁he", "▁ret", "itled", "▁the", "▁film", "▁and", "▁raised", "▁the", "▁$", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁necessary", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁it", "▁-", "▁he", "▁,", "▁Philip", "▁Baker", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁G", "w", "yn", "eth", "▁P", "alt", "row", "▁and", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁Re", "illy", "▁contributed", "▁the", "▁fund", "ing", "▁.", "▁The", "▁version", "▁that", "▁was", "▁released", "▁was", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁and", "▁the", "▁acc", "laim", "▁from", "▁the", "▁film", "▁launched", "▁his", "▁career", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁began", "▁working", "▁on", "▁the", "▁script", "▁for", "▁his", "▁next", "▁feature", "▁film", "▁during", "▁his", "▁troubles", "▁with", "▁Hard", "▁E", "ight", "▁,", "▁comple", "ting", "▁the", "▁script", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁.", "▁The", "▁result", "▁was", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁break", "out", "▁for", "▁the", "▁drama", "▁film", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁based", "▁on", "▁his", "▁short", "▁The", "▁D", "irk", "▁Dig", "g", "ler", "▁Story", "▁.", "▁The", "▁script", "▁was", "▁noticed", "▁by", "▁New", "▁Line", "▁Cinema", "▁'", "s", "▁president", "▁,", "▁Michael", "▁De", "▁Lu", "ca", "▁,", "▁who", "▁felt", "▁\"", "▁totally", "▁g", "aga", "▁\"", "▁reading", "▁it", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁and", "▁was", "▁a", "▁critical", "▁and", "▁commercial", "▁success", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁rev", "ived", "▁the", "▁career", "▁of", "▁B", "urt", "▁Reyn", "olds", "▁,", "▁and", "▁provided", "▁break", "out", "▁roles", "▁for", "▁Mark", "▁Wahl", "berg", "▁and", "▁Julian", "ne", "▁Moore", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁", "7", "0", "th", "▁Academy", "▁Awards", "▁ceremony", "▁,", "▁the", "▁film", "▁received", "▁three", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁,", "▁including", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Support", "ing", "▁A", "ctor", "▁(", "▁B", "urt", "▁Reyn", "olds", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Best", "▁Support", "ing", "▁Act", "ress", "▁(", "▁Julian", "ne", "▁Moore", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Best", "▁Original", "▁Screen", "play", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁the", "▁success", "▁of", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Line", "▁told", "▁Anderson", "▁that", "▁he", "▁could", "▁do", "▁whatever", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁for", "▁his", "▁next", "▁film", "▁and", "▁granted", "▁him", "▁cre", "ative", "▁control", "▁.", "▁Though", "▁Anderson", "▁initially", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁film", "▁that", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁int", "imate", "▁and", "▁small", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁scale", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁script", "▁\"", "▁kept", "▁bl", "oss", "oming", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁resulting", "▁film", "▁was", "▁the", "▁ensemble", "▁piece", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁tells", "▁the", "▁story", "▁of", "▁the", "▁peculiar", "▁interaction", "▁of", "▁several", "▁individuals", "▁in", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Fernando", "▁Valley", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁used", "▁the", "▁music", "▁of", "▁A", "ime", "e", "▁Mann", "▁as", "▁a", "▁basis", "▁and", "▁insp", "iration", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁commission", "ing", "▁her", "▁to", "▁write", "▁eight", "▁new", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁", "7", "2", "nd", "▁Academy", "▁Awards", "▁,", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁received", "▁three", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁,", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁A", "ctor", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Support", "ing", "▁Ro", "le", "▁(", "▁Tom", "▁Cru", "ise", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Best", "▁Original", "▁Song", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Save", "▁Me", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁A", "ime", "e", "▁Mann", "▁and", "▁Best", "▁Original", "▁Screen", "play", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁stated", "▁after", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁release", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁what" ]
, he wrote and filmed his first real production as a senior in high school at Montclair Prep using money he earned cleaning cages at a pet store . The film was a thirty @-@ minute mockumentary shot on video called The Dirk Diggler Story ( 1988 ) , about a pornography star ; the story was inspired by John Holmes , who also served as a major inspiration for Boogie Nights . = = Career = = = = = Early career = = = Anderson spent two semesters as an English major at Emerson College , and only two days at New York University before he began his career as a production assistant on television films , music videos and game shows in Los Angeles and New York City . Feeling that the material shown to him at film school turned the experience into " homework or a chore " , Anderson decided to make a twenty @-@ minute film that would be his " college " . For $ 20 @,@ 000 , made up of gambling winnings , his girlfriend 's credit card , and money his father set aside for him for college , Anderson made Cigarettes & Coffee ( 1993 ) , a short film connecting multiple story lines with a twenty @-@ dollar bill . The film was screened at the 1993 Sundance Festival Shorts Program . He decided to expand the film into a feature @-@ length film and was subsequently invited to the 1994 Sundance Feature Film Program . At the Sundance Feature Film Program , Michael Caton @-@ Jones served as Anderson 's mentor ; he saw Anderson as someone with " talent and a fully formed creative voice but not much hands @-@ on experience " and gave him some hard and practical lessons . = = = 1990s = = = = = = = Hard Eight = = = = While at the Sundance Feature Film Program , Anderson already had a deal with Rysher Entertainment to direct his first feature . In 1996 , Anderson made his first full @-@ length feature , Sydney , which was retitled Hard Eight ( 1996 ) . Upon completion of the film , Rysher re @-@ edited it . Anderson , who still had the workprint of his original cut , submitted the film , which was accepted and screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival . Anderson was able to get his version released but only after he retitled the film and raised the $ 200 @,@ 000 necessary to finish it - he , Philip Baker Hall , Gwyneth Paltrow and John C. Reilly contributed the funding . The version that was released was Anderson 's and the acclaim from the film launched his career . = = = = Boogie Nights = = = = Anderson began working on the script for his next feature film during his troubles with Hard Eight , completing the script in 1995 . The result was Anderson 's breakout for the drama film Boogie Nights ( 1997 ) , which is based on his short The Dirk Diggler Story . The script was noticed by New Line Cinema 's president , Michael De Luca , who felt " totally gaga " reading it . It was released on October 10 , 1997 and was a critical and commercial success . The film revived the career of Burt Reynolds , and provided breakout roles for Mark Wahlberg and Julianne Moore . At the 70th Academy Awards ceremony , the film received three Academy Award nominations , including for Best Supporting Actor ( Burt Reynolds ) , Best Supporting Actress ( Julianne Moore ) and Best Original Screenplay . = = = = Magnolia = = = = After the success of Boogie Nights , New Line told Anderson that he could do whatever he wanted for his next film and granted him creative control . Though Anderson initially wanted to make a film that was " intimate and small @-@ scale " , the script " kept blossoming " . The resulting film was the ensemble piece Magnolia ( 1999 ) , which tells the story of the peculiar interaction of several individuals in the San Fernando Valley . Anderson used the music of Aimee Mann as a basis and inspiration for the film , commissioning her to write eight new songs . At the 72nd Academy Awards , Magnolia received three nominations , for Best Actor in a Supporting Role ( Tom Cruise ) , Best Original Song for " Save Me " by Aimee Mann and Best Original Screenplay . Anderson stated after the film 's release that " what
[ "▁I", "▁really", "▁feel", "▁is", "▁that", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁is", "▁,", "▁for", "▁better", "▁or", "▁worse", "▁,", "▁the", "▁best", "▁movie", "▁I", "▁'", "ll", "▁ever", "▁make", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "unch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Dr", "unk", "▁Love", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁the", "▁release", "▁of", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁like", "▁to", "▁work", "▁with", "▁com", "edic", "▁actor", "▁Adam", "▁Sand", "ler", "▁in", "▁the", "▁future", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁determined", "▁to", "▁make", "▁his", "▁next", "▁film", "▁", "9", "0", "▁minutes", "▁long", "▁.", "▁His", "▁next", "▁feature", "▁was", "▁the", "▁rom", "antic", "▁comedy", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁drama", "▁film", "▁P", "unch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Dr", "unk", "▁Love", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁)", "▁,", "▁st", "arring", "▁Sand", "ler", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Em", "ily", "▁Watson", "▁port", "ray", "ing", "▁his", "▁love", "▁interest", "▁.", "▁The", "▁story", "▁cent", "ers", "▁on", "▁a", "▁be", "le", "ag", "uer", "ed", "▁small", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁business", "▁owner", "▁(", "▁Sand", "ler", "▁)", "▁with", "▁anger", "▁issues", "▁and", "▁seven", "▁em", "as", "cul", "ating", "▁sister", "s", "▁.", "▁A", "▁sub", "plot", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁partly", "▁based", "▁on", "▁David", "▁Phill", "ips", "▁(", "▁also", "▁called", "▁The", "▁P", "ud", "ding", "▁Guy", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Sand", "ler", "▁received", "▁critical", "▁pra", "ise", "▁for", "▁his", "▁role", "▁in", "▁his", "▁first", "▁major", "▁departure", "▁from", "▁the", "▁main", "stream", "▁com", "ed", "ies", "▁that", "▁had", "▁made", "▁him", "▁a", "▁star", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁C", "annes", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Best", "▁Director", "▁Award", "▁and", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Pal", "me", "▁d", "▁'", "Or", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁)", "▁was", "▁lo", "os", "ely", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁U", "pton", "▁S", "inc", "la", "ir", "▁novel", "▁O", "il", "▁!", "▁.", "▁The", "▁budget", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁$", "▁", "2", "5", "▁million", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁earned", "▁$", "▁", "7", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁world", "wide", "▁.", "▁Daniel", "▁Day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Lewis", "▁star", "red", "▁and", "▁won", "▁an", "▁Oscar", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Le", "ading", "▁A", "ctor", "▁for", "▁his", "▁role", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁received", "▁eight", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁overall", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Academy", "▁Awards", "▁.", "▁Paul", "▁D", "ano", "▁received", "▁a", "▁B", "AF", "TA", "▁nom", "ination", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Support", "ing", "▁A", "ctor", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Director", "▁from", "▁the", 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"▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "her", "ent", "▁Vice", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Production", "▁of", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁adaptation", "▁of", "▁Thomas", "▁P", "yn", "ch", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁novel", "▁In", "her", "ent", "▁Vice", "▁began", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁and", "▁ended", "▁in", "▁August", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁year", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁marked", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁that", "▁P", "yn", "ch", "on", "▁allowed", "▁his", "▁work", "▁to", "▁be", "▁adapted", "▁for", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁and", "▁saw", "▁Anderson", "▁work", "▁with", "▁Phoenix", "▁for", "▁a", "▁second", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁supporting", "▁cast", "▁includes", "▁O", "wen", "▁Wilson", "▁,", "▁Re", "ese", "▁With", "ers", "po", "on", "▁,", "▁J", "ena", "▁Mal", "one", "▁,", "▁Martin", "▁Short", "▁,", "▁Ben", "icio", "▁Del", "▁Tor", "o", "▁,", "▁K", "atherine", "▁Water", "ston", "▁,", "▁Josh", "▁B", "rol", "in", "▁,", "▁Peter", "▁Mc", "Rob", "bie", "▁,", "▁Michael", "▁K", ".", "▁Williams", "▁and", "▁Eric", "▁Roberts", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁received", "▁two", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "8", "7", "th", "▁Academy", "▁Awards", "▁:", "▁Anderson", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Ada", "pt", "ed", "▁Screen", "play", "▁and", "▁Mark", "▁Br", "id", "ges", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Cost", "ume", "▁Design", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Jun", "un", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁directed", "▁a", "▁", "5", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁document", "ary", "▁,", "▁Jun", "un", "▁,", "▁about", "▁the", "▁making", "▁of", "▁an", "▁album", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁by", "▁Jon", "ny", "▁Green", "wood", "▁,", "▁Isra", "eli", "▁composer", "▁Sh", "ye", "▁Ben", "▁T", "z", "ur", "▁and", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁Indian", "▁mus", "icians", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁performances", "▁were", "▁recorded", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁Me", "hr", "ang", "ar", "h", "▁Fort", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁state", "▁of", "▁Raj", "as", "than", "▁.", "▁Jun", "un", "▁premier", "ed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁" ]
I really feel is that Magnolia is , for better or worse , the best movie I 'll ever make . " = = = 2000s = = = = = = = Punch @-@ Drunk Love = = = = After the release of Magnolia , Anderson stated that he would like to work with comedic actor Adam Sandler in the future and that he was determined to make his next film 90 minutes long . His next feature was the romantic comedy @-@ drama film Punch @-@ Drunk Love ( 2002 ) , starring Sandler , with Emily Watson portraying his love interest . The story centers on a beleaguered small @-@ business owner ( Sandler ) with anger issues and seven emasculating sisters . A subplot in the film was partly based on David Phillips ( also called The Pudding Guy ) . Sandler received critical praise for his role in his first major departure from the mainstream comedies that had made him a star . At the 2002 Cannes Film Festival , Anderson won the Best Director Award and was nominated for the Palme d 'Or . = = = = There Will Be Blood = = = = There Will Be Blood ( 2007 ) was loosely based on the Upton Sinclair novel Oil ! . The budget of the film was $ 25 million , and it earned $ 76 @.@ 1 million worldwide . Daniel Day @-@ Lewis starred and won an Oscar for Best Leading Actor for his role . The film received eight nominations overall at the 80th Academy Awards . Paul Dano received a BAFTA nomination for Best Supporting Actor . Anderson was nominated for Best Director from the Directors Guild of America . The film also received eight Academy Award nominations , tying with No Country for Old Men for the most nominations . Anderson received nominations for Best Picture , Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay , losing all three to the Coen Brothers for No Country for Old Men . There Will Be Blood was regarded by some critics as one of the greatest films of the decade , some parties further declaring it one of the most accomplished American films of the modern era ; David Denby of The New Yorker wrote " the young writer @-@ director Paul Thomas Anderson has now done work that bears comparison to the greatest achievements of Griffith and Ford " , while Richard Schickel proclaimed it " one of the most wholly original American movies ever made " . = = = 2010s = = = = = = = The Master = = = = In December 2009 , Anderson was working on a new script tentatively titled The Master , about a " charismatic intellectual " who starts a new religion in the 1950s . An associate of Anderson stated that the idea for the film had been in Anderson 's head for about twelve years . Though the film makes no reference to the movement , it has " long been widely assumed to be based on Scientology . " The Master was released on September 14 , 2012 by The Weinstein Company in the United States and Canada to critical acclaim . The film received three nominations at the 85th Academy Awards : Joaquin Phoenix for Best Leading Actor , Philip Seymour Hoffman for Best Supporting Actor and Amy Adams for Best Supporting Actress . = = = = Inherent Vice = = = = Production of Anderson 's adaptation of Thomas Pynchon 's 2009 novel Inherent Vice began in May 2013 and ended in August of the same year . The film marked the first time that Pynchon allowed his work to be adapted for the screen and saw Anderson work with Phoenix for a second time . The supporting cast includes Owen Wilson , Reese Witherspoon , Jena Malone , Martin Short , Benicio Del Toro , Katherine Waterston , Josh Brolin , Peter McRobbie , Michael K. Williams and Eric Roberts . The film received two nominations at the 87th Academy Awards : Anderson for Best Adapted Screenplay and Mark Bridges for Best Costume Design . = = = = Junun = = = = In 2015 , Anderson directed a 54 @-@ minute documentary , Junun , about the making of an album of the same name by Jonny Greenwood , Israeli composer Shye Ben Tzur and a group of Indian musicians . Most of the performances were recorded at the 15th @-@ century Mehrangarh Fort in the Indian state of Rajasthan . Junun premiered at the
[ "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Future", "▁projects", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁working", "▁on", "▁a", "▁drama", "▁about", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁fashion", "▁industry", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁expected", "▁to", "▁star", "▁Daniel", "▁Day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Lewis", "▁in", "▁his", "▁first", "▁acting", "▁role", "▁since", "▁Lincoln", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Other", "▁work", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁a", "▁stand", "by", "▁director", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁film", "ing", "▁of", "▁Robert", "▁Alt", "man", "▁'", "s", "▁A", "▁Pra", "irie", "▁Home", "▁Comp", "an", "ion", "▁for", "▁ins", "urance", "▁purposes", "▁,", "▁as", "▁Alt", "man", "▁was", "▁", "8", "0", "▁years", "▁old", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁films", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁has", "▁directed", "▁several", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁,", "▁including", "▁several", "▁for", "▁music", "ian", "▁F", "iona", "▁Apple", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wrote", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁a", "▁", "7", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁play", "▁at", "▁the", "▁L", "argo", "▁Theatre", "▁,", "▁compr", "ising", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁v", "ign", "ettes", "▁st", "arring", "▁May", "a", "▁Rud", "olph", "▁and", "▁Fred", "▁Arm", "isen", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁live", "▁musical", "▁score", "▁by", "▁Jon", "▁Br", "ion", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "flu", "ences", "▁and", "▁style", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "flu", "ences", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁only", "▁attended", "▁film", "▁school", "▁for", "▁two", "▁days", "▁,", "▁prefer", "ring", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁the", "▁craft", "▁by", "▁watching", "▁films", "▁by", "▁the", "▁film", "m", "akers", "▁he", "▁liked", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁watching", "▁films", "▁accompanied", "▁by", "▁director", "▁'", "s", "▁audio", "▁comment", "ary", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁has", "▁c", "ited", "▁Martin", "▁Sc", "ors", "ese", "▁,", "▁Robert", "▁Alt", "man", "▁,", "▁Jonathan", "▁Dem", "me", "▁,", "▁Stanley", "▁Kub", "rick", "▁,", "▁Or", "son", "▁W", "elles", "▁and", "▁Max", "▁O", "ph", "ü", "ls", "▁,", "▁as", "▁his", "▁main", "▁influ", "ences", "▁as", "▁a", "▁film", "maker", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Th", "emes", "▁and", "▁style", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁is", "▁known", "▁for", "▁films", "▁set", "▁in", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Fernando", "▁Valley", "▁with", "▁real", "ist", "ically", "▁fla", "wed", "▁and", "▁des", "perate", "▁characters", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁the", "▁them", "es", "▁de", "alt", "▁with", "▁in", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁films", "▁are", "▁d", "ys", "function", "al", "▁famil", "ial", "▁relationships", "▁,", "▁al", "ien", "ation", "▁,", "▁sur", "rog", "ate", "▁families", "▁,", "▁regret", "▁,", "▁l", "onel", "iness", "▁,", "▁dest", "iny", "▁,", "▁the", "▁power", "▁of", "▁forg", "iveness", "▁,", "▁and", "▁g", "hosts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁past", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁makes", "▁frequent", "▁use", "▁of", "▁repet", "ition", "▁to", "▁build", "▁emphas", "is", "▁and", "▁them", "atic", "▁consist", "ency", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁,", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁P", "unch", "▁Dr", "unk", "▁Love", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁,", "▁the", "▁phrase", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁do", "▁anything", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁used", "▁at", "▁least", "▁once", "▁,", "▁developing", "▁them", "es", "▁of", "▁responsibility", "▁and", "▁den", "ial", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁films", "▁are", "▁known", "▁for", "▁their", "▁bold", "▁visual", "▁style", "▁which", "▁includes", "▁sty", "list", "ic", "▁tra", "dem", "arks", "▁such", "▁as", "▁constantly", "▁moving", "▁camera", "▁,", "▁ste", "adic", "am", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁long", "▁takes", "▁,", "▁memor", "able", "▁use", "▁of", "▁music", "▁,", "▁and", "▁mult", "il", "ayer", "ed", "▁audi", "ovis", "ual", "▁imag", "ery", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁also", "▁tends", "▁to", "▁reference", "▁the", "▁Book", "▁of", "▁Ex", "od", "us", "▁,", "▁either", "▁explicitly", "▁or", "▁subt", "ly", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁in", "▁rec", "urr", "ing", "▁references", "▁to", "▁Ex", "od", "us", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁which", "▁chron", "icles", "▁the", "▁pl", "ague", "▁of", "▁fro", "gs", "▁,", "▁cul", "min", "ating", "▁with", "▁the", "▁literal", "▁ra", "ining", "▁of", "▁fro", "gs", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁clim", "ax", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁title", "▁and", "▁them", "es", "▁in", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁,", "▁a", "▁phrase", "▁that", "▁can", "▁be", "▁found", "▁in", "▁Ex", "od", "us", "▁", "7", "▁:", "▁", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁which", "▁details", "▁the", "▁pl", "ague", "▁of", "▁blood", "▁.", "▁", "▁Within", "▁his", "▁first", "▁three", "▁films", "▁,", "▁Hard", "▁E", "ight", "▁,", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁and", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁expl", "ored", "▁them", "es", "▁of", "▁d", "ys", "function", "al", "▁families", "▁,", "▁al", "ien", "ation", "▁and", "▁l", "onel", "iness", "▁.", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁and", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁were", "▁noted", "▁for", "▁their", "▁large", "▁ensemble", "▁cast", "s", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Anderson", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁in", "▁In", "her", "ent", "▁Vice", "▁.", "▁In", "▁P", "unch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Dr", "unk", "▁Love", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁expl", "ored", "▁similar", "▁them", "es", "▁but", "▁expressed", "▁a", "▁different", "▁visual", "▁style", "▁,", "▁shed", "ding", "▁the", "▁influ", "ences", "▁and", "▁references", "▁of", "▁his", "▁earlier", "▁films", "▁,", "▁being", "▁more", "▁sur", "real", "▁and", "▁having", "▁a", "▁height", "ened", "▁sense", "▁of", "▁reality", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁also", "▁short", "▁,", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁two", "▁films", "▁,", "▁at", "▁", "9", "0", "▁minutes", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁stood", "▁apart", "▁from", "▁his", "▁first", "▁four", "▁films", "▁but", "▁shared", "▁similar", "▁them", "es", "▁and", "▁style", "▁such", "▁as", "▁fla", "wed", "▁characters", "▁,", "▁moving", "▁camera", "▁,", "▁memor", "able", "▁music", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁length", "y", "▁running", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁more", "▁over", "t", "ly", "▁engaged", "▁with", "▁politics", "▁than", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁films", "▁had", "▁been", "▁,", "▁exam", "ining", "▁capital", "ism", "▁and", "▁them", "es", "▁such", "▁as", "▁sav", "ag", "ery", "▁,", "▁optim", "ism", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ob", "session", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁de", "alt", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁ideas", "▁about", "▁American", "▁person", "ality", "▁,", "▁success", "▁,", "▁root", "less", "ness", "▁,", "▁master", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dis", "ci", "ple", "▁dynamics", "▁,", "▁and", "▁father", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁son", "▁mut", "ually", "▁assured", "▁destruction", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁All", "▁of", "▁his", "▁films", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁American", "▁them", "es", "▁with", "▁business", "▁versus", "▁art", "▁in", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁,", "▁amb", "ition", "▁in", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁,", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁rein", "vention", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fre", "quent", "▁collabor", "ators", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁frequently", "▁collabor", "ates", "▁with", "▁many", "▁actors", "▁and", "▁crew", "▁,", "▁carrying", "▁them", "▁over", "▁from", "▁film", "▁to", "▁film", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁has", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁his", "▁regular", "▁actors", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁my", "▁little", "▁rep", "▁company", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁has", "▁included", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁Re", "illy", "▁,", "▁Philip", "▁Baker", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁Julian", "ne", "▁Moore", "▁,", "▁William", "▁H", ".", "▁M", "acy", "▁,", "▁Mel", "ora", "▁Wal", "ters", "▁,", "▁and", "▁most", "▁prom", "in", "ently", "▁,", "▁the", "▁late", "▁Philip", "▁Se", "ym", "our", "▁Hoff", "man", "▁.", "▁Luis", "▁Gu", "zm", "án", "▁is", "▁also", "▁considered", "▁an", "▁Anderson", "▁regular", "▁.", "▁Hoff", "man", "▁acted", "▁in", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁four", "▁films", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁.", "▁Ex", "cept", "▁for", "▁Paul", "▁F", ".", "▁Tom", "p", "kins", "▁,", "▁Kevin", "▁Bre", "zn", "ah" ]
2015 New York Film Festival . = = = = Future projects = = = = Anderson is currently working on a drama about the New York fashion industry in the 1950s , which is expected to star Daniel Day @-@ Lewis in his first acting role since Lincoln in 2012 . = = = Other work = = = Anderson was a standby director during the 2005 filming of Robert Altman 's A Prairie Home Companion for insurance purposes , as Altman was 80 years old at the time . In addition to films , Anderson has directed several music videos , including several for musician Fiona Apple . In 2008 , Anderson co @-@ wrote and directed a 70 @-@ minute play at the Largo Theatre , comprising a series of vignettes starring Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen , with a live musical score by Jon Brion . = = Influences and style = = = = = Influences = = = Anderson only attended film school for two days , preferring to learn the craft by watching films by the filmmakers he liked , as well as watching films accompanied by director 's audio commentary . Anderson has cited Martin Scorsese , Robert Altman , Jonathan Demme , Stanley Kubrick , Orson Welles and Max Ophüls , as his main influences as a filmmaker . = = = Themes and style = = = Anderson is known for films set in the San Fernando Valley with realistically flawed and desperate characters . Among the themes dealt with in Anderson 's films are dysfunctional familial relationships , alienation , surrogate families , regret , loneliness , destiny , the power of forgiveness , and ghosts of the past . Anderson makes frequent use of repetition to build emphasis and thematic consistency . In Boogie Nights , Magnolia , Punch Drunk Love and The Master , the phrase " I didn 't do anything " is used at least once , developing themes of responsibility and denial . Anderson 's films are known for their bold visual style which includes stylistic trademarks such as constantly moving camera , steadicam @-@ based long takes , memorable use of music , and multilayered audiovisual imagery . Anderson also tends to reference the Book of Exodus , either explicitly or subtly , such as in recurring references to Exodus 8 : 2 in Magnolia , which chronicles the plague of frogs , culminating with the literal raining of frogs in the film 's climax , or the title and themes in There Will Be Blood , a phrase that can be found in Exodus 7 : 19 , which details the plague of blood . Within his first three films , Hard Eight , Boogie Nights and Magnolia , Anderson explored themes of dysfunctional families , alienation and loneliness . Boogie Nights and Magnolia were noted for their large ensemble casts , which Anderson returned to in Inherent Vice . In Punch @-@ Drunk Love , Anderson explored similar themes but expressed a different visual style , shedding the influences and references of his earlier films , being more surreal and having a heightened sense of reality . It was also short , compared to his previous two films , at 90 minutes . There Will Be Blood stood apart from his first four films but shared similar themes and style such as flawed characters , moving camera , memorable music , and a lengthy running time . The film was more overtly engaged with politics than his previous films had been , examining capitalism and themes such as savagery , optimism , and obsession . The Master dealt with " ideas about American personality , success , rootlessness , master @-@ disciple dynamics , and father @-@ son mutually assured destruction . " All of his films deal with American themes with business versus art in Boogie Nights , ambition in There Will Be Blood , self @-@ reinvention in The Master . = = = Frequent collaborators = = = Anderson frequently collaborates with many actors and crew , carrying them over from film to film . Anderson has referred to his regular actors as " my little rep company " that has included John C. Reilly , Philip Baker Hall , Julianne Moore , William H. Macy , Melora Walters , and most prominently , the late Philip Seymour Hoffman . Luis Guzmán is also considered an Anderson regular . Hoffman acted in Anderson 's first four films as well as The Master . Except for Paul F. Tompkins , Kevin Breznah
[ "an", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jim", "▁M", "esk", "imen", "▁,", "▁who", "▁all", "▁had", "▁equally", "▁minor", "▁roles", "▁in", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁had", "▁an", "▁entirely", "▁new", "▁cast", "▁.", "▁Robert", "▁El", "sw", "it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁cinemat", "ograph", "er", "▁for", "▁all", "▁of", "▁Anderson", "▁'", "s", "▁films", "▁except", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁which", "▁was", "▁shot", "▁by", "▁Mih", "ai", "▁M", "ă", "laim", "are", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁Jon", "▁Br", "ion", "▁served", "▁as", "▁composer", "▁for", "▁Hard", "▁E", "ight", "▁,", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁P", "unch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Dr", "unk", "▁Love", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jon", "ny", "▁Green", "wood", "▁of", "▁Radio", "head", "▁for", "▁There", "▁Will", "▁Be", "▁Blood", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁,", "▁and", "▁In", "her", "ent", "▁Vice", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁also", "▁regularly", "▁works", "▁with", "▁producing", "▁partners", "▁Jo", "An", "ne", "▁S", "ell", "ar", "▁,", "▁Scott", "▁Rud", "in", "▁,", "▁Michael", "▁De", "▁Lu", "ca", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Daniel", "▁L", "up", "i", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁casting", "▁director", "▁Cass", "andra", "▁K", "ul", "uk", "und", "is", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Personal", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁dated", "▁(", "▁and", "▁frequently", "▁collabor", "ated", "▁with", "▁)", "▁singer", "▁F", "iona", "▁Apple", "▁for", "▁several", "▁years", "▁during", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁and", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁He", "▁has", "▁been", "▁in", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁actress", "▁and", "▁com", "ed", "ian", "▁May", "a", "▁Rud", "olph", "▁since", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁.", "▁They", "▁live", "▁together", "▁in", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Fernando", "▁Valley", "▁with", "▁their", "▁four", "▁children", "▁:", "▁daughters", "▁Pear", "l", "▁Ba", "iley", "▁(", "▁born", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Luc", "ille", "▁(", "▁born", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Minn", "ie", "▁I", "da", "▁(", "▁born", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁)", "▁and", "▁son", "▁Jack", "▁(", "▁born", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Film", "ography", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Awards", "▁and", "▁recognition", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁has", "▁been", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁exc", "iting", "▁tal", "ents", "▁to", "▁come", "▁along", "▁in", "▁years", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁among", "▁the", "▁supre", "me", "▁tal", "ents", "▁of", "▁today", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁After", "▁the", "▁release", "▁of", "▁Bo", "og", "ie", "▁N", "ights", "▁and", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁pra", "ised", "▁as", "▁a", "▁w", "under", "kind", "▁.", "▁In", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁Jan", "▁Ag", "hed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁director", "▁Ing", "mar", "▁Berg", "man", "▁referenced", "▁Magn", "olia", "▁as", "▁an", "▁example", "▁of", "▁the", "▁strength", "▁of", "▁American", "▁cinema", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁first", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Guardian", "▁'", "s", "▁list", "▁of", "▁the", "▁forty", "▁best", "▁living", "▁film", "m", "akers", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Total", "▁Film", "▁named", "▁him", "▁the", "▁tw", "enti", "eth", "▁greatest", "▁director", "▁of", "▁all", "▁time", "▁and", "▁the", "▁American", "▁Film", "▁Institute", "▁regarded", "▁him", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁American", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁modern", "▁master", "s", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Guardian", "▁ranked", "▁him", "▁number", "▁one", "▁on", "▁its", "▁list", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁", "2", "3", "▁Best", "▁Film", "▁Direct", "ors", "▁in", "▁the", "▁World", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁writing", "▁\"", "▁his", "▁dedic", "ation", "▁to", "▁his", "▁craft", "▁has", "▁intens", "ified", "▁,", "▁with", "▁his", "▁dis", "d", "ain", "▁for", "▁PR", "▁and", "▁celebr", "ity", "▁mark", "ing", "▁him", "▁out", "▁as", "▁the", "▁most", "▁dev", "out", "▁film", "maker", "▁of", "▁his", "▁generation", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁named", "▁him", "▁the", "▁e", "ighth", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁greatest", "▁working", "▁director", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁him", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁dynamic", "▁direct", "ors", "▁to", "▁emer", "ge", "▁in", "▁the", "▁last", "▁", "2", "0", "▁years", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁a", "▁pod", "cast", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁critic", "▁El", "vis", "▁Mitchell", "▁,", "▁director", "▁Sam", "▁M", "endes", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁Anderson", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁true", "▁aute", "ur", "▁–", "▁and", "▁there", "▁are", "▁very", "▁few", "▁of", "▁those", "▁who", "▁I", "▁would", "▁class", "ify", "▁as", "▁genius", "es", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ben", "▁Aff", "le", "ck", "▁in", "▁his", "▁accept", "ance", "▁speech", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Golden", "▁Glo", "be", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Director", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Paul", "▁Thomas", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁who", "▁I", "▁think", "▁is", "▁like", "▁Or", "son", "▁W", "elles", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Peter", "▁Tra", "vers", "▁of", "▁Rol", "ling", "▁Stone", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Master", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sixth", "▁film", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "4", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁writer", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁director", "▁,", "▁aff", "ir", "ms", "▁his", "▁position", "▁as", "▁the", "▁for", "em", "ost", "▁film", "making", "▁talent", "▁of", "▁his", "▁generation", "▁.", "▁Anderson", "▁is", "▁a", "▁rock", "▁star", "▁,", "▁the", "▁artist", "▁who", "▁knows", "▁no", "▁limits", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁Anderson", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁person", "▁to", "▁win", "▁all", "▁three", "▁director", "▁pri", "zes", "▁from", "▁the", "▁three", "▁major", "▁international", "▁film", "▁festiv", "als", "▁(", "▁C", "annes", "▁,", "▁Berlin", "▁,", "▁Ven", "ice", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁The", "▁Fox", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Wolf", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Hus", "band", "man", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Fox", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Wolf", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Hus", "band", "man", "▁is", "▁a", "▁poem", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁Scottish", "▁poet", "▁Robert", "▁Henry", "son", "▁and", "▁part", "▁of", "▁his", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁moral", "▁f", "ables", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Mor", "all", "▁Fab", "ill", "is", "▁of", "▁E", "so", "pe", "▁the", "▁Ph", "ry", "g", "ian", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁written", "▁in", "▁Middle", "▁Sc", "ots", "▁.", "▁As", "▁with", "▁the", "▁other", "▁tales", "▁in", "▁the", "▁collection", "▁,", "▁app", "ended", "▁to", "▁it", "▁is", "▁a", "▁moral", "itas", "▁which", "▁elabor", "ates", "▁on", "▁the", "▁moral", "▁that", "▁the", "▁f", "able", "▁is", "▁supposed", "▁to", "▁contain", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁appropri", "aten", "ess", "▁of", "▁the", "▁moral", "itas", "▁for", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁itself", "▁has", "▁been", "▁question", "ed", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁tale", "▁comb", "ines", "▁two", "▁mot", "ifs", "▁.", "▁First", "ly", "▁,", "▁a", "▁husband", "man", "▁till", "ing", "▁the", "▁fields", "▁with", "▁his", "▁new", "▁ox", "en", "▁makes", "▁a", "▁r", "ash", "▁o", "ath", "▁al", "oud", "▁to", "▁give", "▁them", "▁to", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁;", "▁when", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁over", "he", "ars", "▁this", "▁,", "▁he", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁make", "▁sure", "▁that", "▁the", "▁man", "▁ful", "fill", "s", "▁his", "▁promise", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fo", "x", "▁medi", "ates", "▁a", "▁solution", "▁by", "▁speaking", "▁to", "▁them", "▁individually", "▁;", "▁eventually", "▁he", "▁f", "ools", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁into", "▁following", "▁him", "▁to", "▁claim", "▁his", "▁supposed", "▁reward", "▁for", "▁dro", "pping", "▁the", "▁case", "▁,", "▁and", "▁tr", "icks", "▁him", "▁into", "▁a", "▁draw", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁well", "▁.", "▁The", "▁moral", "itas", "▁connect", "s", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁to", "▁the", "▁w", "icked", "▁man", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fo", "x", "▁to", "▁the", "▁devil", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁husband", "man", "▁to", "▁the", "▁god", "ly", "▁man", "▁.", "▁A", "▁probable", "▁source", "▁for", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁is", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁Alf" ]
an , and Jim Meskimen , who all had equally minor roles in Magnolia , There Will Be Blood had an entirely new cast . Robert Elswit has been cinematographer for all of Anderson 's films except The Master which was shot by Mihai Mălaimare Jr . Jon Brion served as composer for Hard Eight , Magnolia , and Punch @-@ Drunk Love , and Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead for There Will Be Blood , The Master , and Inherent Vice . Anderson also regularly works with producing partners JoAnne Sellar , Scott Rudin , Michael De Luca , and Daniel Lupi as well as casting director Cassandra Kulukundis . = = Personal life = = Anderson dated ( and frequently collaborated with ) singer Fiona Apple for several years during the late 1990s and early 2000s . He has been in a relationship with actress and comedian Maya Rudolph since 2001 . They live together in the San Fernando Valley with their four children : daughters Pearl Bailey ( born October 2005 ) , Lucille ( born November 2009 ) , and Minnie Ida ( born August 2013 ) and son Jack ( born July 2011 ) . = = Filmography = = = = Awards and recognition = = Anderson has been called " one of the most exciting talents to come along in years " and " among the supreme talents of today . " After the release of Boogie Nights and Magnolia , Anderson was praised as a wunderkind . In his 2002 interview with Jan Aghed , the director Ingmar Bergman referenced Magnolia as an example of the strength of American cinema . In 2004 , Anderson was ranked twenty @-@ first on The Guardian 's list of the forty best living filmmakers . In 2007 , Total Film named him the twentieth greatest director of all time and the American Film Institute regarded him as " one of American film 's modern masters . " In 2012 , The Guardian ranked him number one on its list of " The 23 Best Film Directors in the World , " writing " his dedication to his craft has intensified , with his disdain for PR and celebrity marking him out as the most devout filmmaker of his generation . " In 2013 , Entertainment Weekly named him the eighth @-@ greatest working director , calling him " one of the most dynamic directors to emerge in the last 20 years . " In a podcast interview with critic Elvis Mitchell , director Sam Mendes referred to Anderson as " a true auteur – and there are very few of those who I would classify as geniuses " , and Ben Affleck in his acceptance speech for the Golden Globe Award for Best Director said " Paul Thomas Anderson , who I think is like Orson Welles . " Peter Travers of Rolling Stone wrote that " The Master , the sixth film from the 42 @-@ year @-@ old writer @-@ director , affirms his position as the foremost filmmaking talent of his generation . Anderson is a rock star , the artist who knows no limits . " As of 2016 , Anderson is the only person to win all three director prizes from the three major international film festivals ( Cannes , Berlin , Venice ) . = The Fox , the Wolf and the Husbandman = The Fox , the Wolf and the Husbandman is a poem by the 15th @-@ century Scottish poet Robert Henryson and part of his collection of moral fables known as the Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian . It is written in Middle Scots . As with the other tales in the collection , appended to it is a moralitas which elaborates on the moral that the fable is supposed to contain . However , the appropriateness of the moralitas for the tale itself has been questioned . The tale combines two motifs . Firstly , a husbandman tilling the fields with his new oxen makes a rash oath aloud to give them to the wolf ; when the wolf overhears this , he attempts to make sure that the man fulfills his promise . The fox mediates a solution by speaking to them individually ; eventually he fools the wolf into following him to claim his supposed reward for dropping the case , and tricks him into a draw @-@ well . The moralitas connects the wolf to the wicked man , the fox to the devil , and the husbandman to the godly man . A probable source for the tale is Petrus Alf
[ "ons", "i", "▁'", "s", "▁Dis", "cipl", "ina", "▁C", "ler", "ical", "is", "▁,", "▁containing", "▁the", "▁same", "▁mot", "ifs", "▁,", "▁and", "▁William", "▁Ca", "xt", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁A", "es", "op", "▁'", "s", "▁F", "ables", "▁—", "▁though", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁is", "▁a", "▁be", "ast", "▁f", "able", "▁,", "▁not", "▁A", "es", "op", "ic", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Source", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁probable", "▁source", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁is", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁Alf", "ons", "i", "▁'", "s", "▁Dis", "cipl", "ina", "▁cler", "ical", "is", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁the", "▁same", "▁three", "▁mot", "ifs", "▁:", "▁the", "▁r", "ash", "▁promise", "▁of", "▁the", "▁husband", "man", "▁;", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁mist", "aking", "▁the", "▁moon", "▁for", "▁che", "ese", "▁;", "▁and", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁that", "▁desc", "ends", "▁into", "▁the", "▁well", "▁via", "▁a", "▁bucket", "▁,", "▁thereby", "▁tra", "pping", "▁himself", "▁and", "▁free", "ing", "▁the", "▁fo", "x", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", 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"▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁well", "▁,", "▁but", "▁that", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁is", "▁at", "▁an", "▁end", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mor", "al", "itas", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁w", "olf", "▁is", "▁li", "ken", "ed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁w", "icked", "▁man", "▁who", "▁opp", "ress", "es", "▁others", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fo", "x", "▁is", "▁li", "ken", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁devil", "▁.", "▁The", "▁far", "mer", "▁is", "▁li", "ken", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁god", "ly", "▁man", "▁,", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁the", "▁fi", "end", "▁finds", "▁fault", "▁.", "▁The", "▁woods", "▁where", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁was", "▁che", "ated", "▁are", "▁cor", "rupt", "ing", "▁goods", "▁that", "▁man", "▁long", "s", "▁to", "▁get", "▁.", "▁The", "▁che", "ese", "▁represents", "▁cov", "et", "ous", "ness", "▁;", "▁the", "▁well", "▁that", "▁contains", "▁it", "▁is", "▁fra", "ud", "▁and", "▁fant", "asy", "▁,", "▁which", "▁draw", "s", "▁men", "▁down", "wards", "▁into", "▁hell", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Analysis", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁with", "▁other", "▁tales", "▁in", "▁the", "▁collection" ]
onsi 's Disciplina Clericalis , containing the same motifs , and William Caxton 's Aesop 's Fables — though the tale is a beast fable , not Aesopic . = = Source = = A probable source of the tale is Petrus Alfonsi 's Disciplina clericalis , which has the same three motifs : the rash promise of the husbandman ; the wolf mistaking the moon for cheese ; and the wolf that descends into the well via a bucket , thereby trapping himself and freeing the fox . However , the discussion of legality and the questioning of language that take place alongside these motifs are entirely Henryson 's invention . Whereas the moral of Alfonsi 's tale explains that the wolf lost both the oxen and the cheese because he " relinquished what was present for what was to come " ( Latin : pro futuro quod presens erat dimisit ) , Henryson 's moralitas more fully involves the husbandman . Another source may be Aesop 's Fables as published by William Caxton — scholar John MacQueen considers this more likely than Disciplina clericalis — although the tale itself is not Aesopic but rather of the beast fable ( also beast @-@ epic ) genre . The plots of such works are more complicated than their Aesopic counterpart , tend more towards ribaldry , and feature the fox making a victim of the wolf . = = Synopsis = = = = = Tale = = = A husbandman tilling the fields with his new , untrained oxen is made furious by their wrecking of the land . In his anger he makes the rash oath that the wolf " mot have you all at anis ! [ may , at once ] " . However , the wolf is lying nearby with the fox , and , overhearing it , promises to make him stay true to his word . Eventually the oxen calm down , but on the way back home the wolf jumps into their path . The wolf asks where the husbandman is driving them , since they are not his , to which he confirms that they are and asks why he is being stopped since he never offended the wolf before . The wolf reminds the husbandman of his earlier declaration , to which he replies that a man may say things that do not mean anything . They argue , and the husbandman reproaches the wolf for not having a witness ; in response , he produces the fox . The creature takes it upon himself to mediate the dispute , and takes each aside in turn . To the husbandman he says that he would lend his expertise to help him were it not for the " grit coist and expence " of doing so ; the husbandman offers him half a dozen of the fattest hens he has , to which the fox acedes and goes off . To the wolf he says that the husbandman has offered an unparalleled block of cheese in exchange for him dropping the case . The wolf , after some complaint , agrees to this and the two proceed through the woods after the prize — all the while the fox considers how to trick the wolf . Eventually , as the wolf complains of the fruitlessness of their quest , they arrive at a draw @-@ well with buckets on each end of a rope . Seeing the reflection of the moon in the water at the bottom of the well , the wolf believes there to be cheese down there and lowers the fox down to pick it up . When he complains that it is too heavy for him to lift alone , the wolf jumps into the other bucket and descends to help . However , this pulls up the other bucket , into which the fox has jumped , and so the two swap places ; the wolf at the bottom of the well and the fox safely escaped . The narrator professes that he does not know who helped the wolf out of the well , but that the tale is at an end . = = = Moralitas = = = The wolf is likened to a wicked man who oppresses others . The fox is likened to the devil . The farmer is likened to the godly man , with whom the fiend finds fault . The woods where the wolf was cheated are corrupting goods that man longs to get . The cheese represents covetousness ; the well that contains it is fraud and fantasy , which draws men downwards into hell . = = Analysis = = As with other tales in the collection
[ "▁,", "▁the", "▁moral", "itas", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Fox", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Wolf", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Hus", "band", "man", "▁can", "▁be", "▁considered", "▁at", "▁odd", "s", "▁with", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁itself", "▁.", "▁L", "ian", "ne", "▁Far", "ber", "▁highlight", "s", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁these", "▁dis", "cre", "pan", "cies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁says", "▁that", "▁the", "▁alleg", "ory", "▁\"", "▁does", "▁not", "▁hold", "▁true", "▁in", "▁any", "▁traditional", "▁sense", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Among", "st", "▁the", "▁incons", "isten", "cies", "▁is", "▁that", "▁the", "▁fo", "x", "▁,", "▁not", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁,", "▁is", "▁the", "▁figure", "▁that", "▁arg", "ues", "▁with", "▁and", "▁finds", "▁fault", "▁in", "▁the", "▁husband", "man", "▁;", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁woods", "▁of", "▁the", "▁world", "▁\"", "▁are", "▁not", "▁travers", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁husband", "man", "▁,", "▁in", "▁spite", "▁of", "▁the", "▁moral", "itas", "▁suggesting", "▁it", "▁is", "▁applicable", "▁to", "▁all", "▁men", "▁;", "▁Far", "ber", "▁arg", "ues", "▁that", "▁even", "▁assuming", "▁the", "▁moral", "▁to", "▁be", "▁true", "▁is", "▁problem", "atic", "▁,", "▁since", "▁it", "▁apparently", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁the", "▁god", "ly", "▁man", "▁must", "▁b", "ri", "be", "▁the", "▁figure", "▁of", "▁the", "▁judge", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁this", "▁does", "▁not", "▁affect", "▁his", "▁god", "ly", "▁status", "▁.", "▁Furthermore", "▁,", "▁the", "▁absence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁legal", "▁discussion", "▁and", "▁the", "▁binding", "▁quality", "▁of", "▁words", "▁from", "▁the", "▁moral", "itas", "▁suggests", "▁to", "▁Far", "ber", "▁that", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁intr", "icate", "▁legal", "▁framework", "▁…", "▁has", "▁no", "▁impact", "▁what", "so", "ever", "▁in", "▁resol", "ving", "▁the", "▁issues", "▁with", "▁which", "▁it", "▁is", "▁supposed", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁contrast", "▁,", "▁Philipp", "a", "▁M", ".", "▁Bright", "▁cons", "iders", "▁that", "▁the", "▁moral", "itas", "▁of", "▁this", "▁tale", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁several", "▁others", "▁,", "▁create", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁additional", "▁sense", "▁which", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁exists", "▁with", "▁the", "▁literal", "▁narr", "ative", "▁and", "▁extends", "▁and", "▁comple", "ments", "▁it", "▁them", "atically", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁tre", "ating", "▁literal", "▁details", "▁symbol", "ically", "▁and", "▁establish", "ing", "▁the", "▁sense", "▁through", "▁direct", "▁compar", "isons", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Dor", "othy", "▁Yam", "am", "oto", "▁,", "▁the", "▁significant", "▁them", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁are", "▁\"", "▁solid", "ity", "▁and", "▁vac", "ancy", "▁,", "▁subst", "ance", "▁and", "▁ill", "usion", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁che", "ese", "▁that", "▁apparently", "▁res", "ides", "▁in", "▁the", "▁well", "▁is", "▁only", "▁an", "▁ill", "usion", "▁,", "▁not", "▁a", "▁solid", "▁object", "▁,", "▁and", "▁similarly", "▁the", "▁fo", "x", "▁creates", "▁a", "▁surface", "▁recon", "c", "ili", "ation", "▁between", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁and", "▁the", "▁husband", "man", "▁,", "▁but", "▁which", "▁bet", "ray", "s", "▁his", "▁real", "▁intent", "ions", "▁.", "▁Through", "▁their", "▁frequent", "▁mis", "use", "▁,", "▁words", "▁that", "▁should", "▁convey", "▁real", "▁value", "▁are", "▁em", "pt", "ied", "▁of", "▁meaning", "▁.", "▁As", "▁an", "▁example", "▁,", "▁Yam", "am", "oto", "▁highlight", "s", "▁the", "▁fo", "x", "▁'", "s", "▁ta", "ill", "▁on", "▁which", "▁the", "▁w", "olf", "▁and", "▁husband", "man", "▁make", "▁their", "▁p", "ledge", "▁—", "▁which", "▁body", "▁part", "▁she", "▁says", "▁is", "▁used", "▁by", "▁the", "▁fo", "x", "▁in", "▁other", "▁tales", "▁to", "▁blind", "▁his", "▁fo", "es", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁thereby", "▁a", "▁highly", "▁in", "app", "ropri", "ate", "▁object", "▁to", "▁use", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Modern", "▁edition", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Henry", "son", "▁,", "▁Robert", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Testament", "▁of", "▁C", "resse", "id", "▁&", "▁seven", "▁f", "ables", "▁.", "▁Trans", ".", "▁by", "▁Se", "am", "us", "▁He", "an", "ey", "▁.", "▁London", "▁:", "▁Fab", "er", "▁and", "▁Fab", "er", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "9", "7", "8", "0", "5", "7", "1", "2", "4", "9", "2", "8", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Joe", "▁Nathan", "▁=", "▁", "▁Joseph", "▁Michael", "▁\"", "▁Joe", "▁\"", "▁Nathan", "▁(", "▁born", "▁November", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁)", "▁is", "▁an", "▁American", "▁professional", "▁baseball", "▁pitch", "er", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁C", "ubs", "▁of", "▁Major", "▁League", "▁Baseball", "▁(", "▁ML", "B", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁started", "▁out", "▁his", "▁baseball", "▁career", "▁as", "▁a", "▁short", "stop", "▁in", "▁high", "▁school", "▁and", "▁while", "▁at", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁University", "▁,", "▁but", "▁converted", "▁to", "▁a", "▁pitch", "er", "▁after", "▁being", "▁draft", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁.", "▁He", "▁worked", "▁his", "▁way", "▁through", "▁the", "▁minor", "▁le", "agues", "▁,", "▁altern", "ating", "▁between", "▁sp", "ots", "▁in", "▁the", "▁rotation", "▁and", "▁the", "▁b", "ull", "pen", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁few", "▁years", "▁of", "▁splitting", "▁time", "▁between", "▁the", "▁maj", "ors", "▁and", "▁the", "▁min", "ors", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁had", "▁a", "▁break", "out", "▁season", "▁as", "▁a", "▁setup", "▁man", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁That", "▁off", "season", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁trad", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁and", "▁became", "▁their", "▁closer", "▁.", "▁", "▁From", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁to", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁top", "▁clos", "ers", "▁in", "▁ML", "B", "▁with", "▁four", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁appearances", "▁and", "▁a", "▁league", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁leading", "▁", "2", "4", "6", "▁saves", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁Tommy", "▁John", "▁surg", "ery", "▁to", "▁repair", "▁a", "▁torn", "▁u", "ln", "ar", "▁coll", "ater", "al", "▁lig", "ament", "▁in", "▁his", "▁throwing", "▁el", "bow", "▁and", "▁missed", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁season", "▁.", "▁On", "▁April", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁recorded", "▁his", "▁first", "▁save", "▁since", "▁his", "▁injury", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Toronto", "▁Blue", "▁J", "ays", "▁and", "▁later", "▁that", "▁year", "▁in", "▁July", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁reg", "ained", "▁the", "▁role", "▁as", "▁closer", "▁.", "▁On", "▁August", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁he", "▁became", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁leader", "▁in", "▁saves", "▁with", "▁his", "▁", "2", "5", "5", "th", "▁in", "▁a", "▁game", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Red", "▁So", "x", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁left", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁via", "▁free", "▁ag", "ency", "▁to", "▁sign", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Texas", "▁R", "angers", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁an", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁again", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁On", "▁April", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁he", "▁earned", "▁his", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "th", "▁save", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁left", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁via", "▁free", "▁ag", "ency", "▁to", "▁sign", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Detroit", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁", "8", "th", "▁on", "▁the", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁saves", "▁list", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁graduated", "▁from", "▁P", "ine", "▁Bush", "▁High", "▁School", "▁in", "▁P", "ine", "▁Bush", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁played", "▁basketball", "▁and", "▁baseball", "▁and", "▁ran", "▁track", "▁.", "▁Only", "▁Division", "▁III", "▁colleg", "es", "▁showed", "▁minimal", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁him", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁ended", "▁up", "▁at", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁University", "▁largely", "▁because", "▁his", "▁high", "▁school", "▁assistant", "▁coach", "▁Jeff", "▁M", "asion" ]
, the moralitas of The Fox , the Wolf and the Husbandman can be considered at odds with the tale itself . Lianne Farber highlights a number of these discrepancies , and says that the allegory " does not hold true in any traditional sense " . Amongst the inconsistencies is that the fox , not the wolf , is the figure that argues with and finds fault in the husbandman ; the " woods of the world " are not traversed by the husbandman , in spite of the moralitas suggesting it is applicable to all men ; Farber argues that even assuming the moral to be true is problematic , since it apparently suggests that the godly man must bribe the figure of the judge , and that this does not affect his godly status . Furthermore , the absence of the legal discussion and the binding quality of words from the moralitas suggests to Farber that the " intricate legal framework … has no impact whatsoever in resolving the issues with which it is supposed to deal " . In contrast , Philippa M. Bright considers that the moralitas of this tale , as well as several others , create " an additional sense which co @-@ exists with the literal narrative and extends and complements it thematically " ; treating literal details symbolically and establishing the sense through direct comparisons . According to Dorothy Yamamoto , the significant themes in the tale are " solidity and vacancy , substance and illusion " . The cheese that apparently resides in the well is only an illusion , not a solid object , and similarly the fox creates a surface reconciliation between the wolf and the husbandman , but which betrays his real intentions . Through their frequent misuse , words that should convey real value are emptied of meaning . As an example , Yamamoto highlights the fox 's taill on which the wolf and husbandman make their pledge — which body part she says is used by the fox in other tales to blind his foes , and is thereby a highly inappropriate object to use . = = = Modern edition = = = Henryson , Robert ( 2009 ) . The Testament of Cresseid & seven fables . Trans. by Seamus Heaney . London : Faber and Faber . ISBN 9780571249282 . = Joe Nathan = Joseph Michael " Joe " Nathan ( born November 22 , 1974 ) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Chicago Cubs of Major League Baseball ( MLB ) . Nathan started out his baseball career as a shortstop in high school and while at Stony Brook University , but converted to a pitcher after being drafted by the San Francisco Giants . He worked his way through the minor leagues , alternating between spots in the rotation and the bullpen . After a few years of splitting time between the majors and the minors , Nathan had a breakout season as a setup man for the Giants in 2003 . That offseason , Nathan was traded to the Minnesota Twins and became their closer . From 2004 to 2009 , Nathan was considered one of the top closers in MLB with four All @-@ Star appearances and a league @-@ leading 246 saves . In 2010 , Nathan underwent Tommy John surgery to repair a torn ulnar collateral ligament in his throwing elbow and missed the entire season . On April 3 , 2011 , Nathan recorded his first save since his injury against the Toronto Blue Jays and later that year in July , Nathan regained the role as closer . On August 10 , 2011 , he became the Twins all @-@ time leader in saves with his 255th in a game against the Boston Red Sox . After the 2011 season , Nathan left the Twins via free agency to sign with the Texas Rangers , becoming an All @-@ Star again in 2012 and 2013 . On April 8 , 2013 , he earned his 300th save . After the 2013 season , Nathan left the Rangers via free agency to sign with the Detroit Tigers . Nathan is currently 8th on the all @-@ time saves list . = = Early career = = Nathan graduated from Pine Bush High School in Pine Bush , New York in 1992 , where he played basketball and baseball and ran track . Only Division III colleges showed minimal interest in him , and he ended up at Stony Brook University largely because his high school assistant coach Jeff Masion
[ "et", "▁and", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁baseball", "▁coach", "▁Matt", "▁Sen", "k", "▁knew", "▁each", "▁other", "▁as", "▁former", "▁team", "m", "ates", "▁in", "▁the", "▁State", "▁University", "▁of", "▁New", "▁York", "▁at", "▁Cort", "land", "▁baseball", "▁program", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁College", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁He", "▁first", "▁played", "▁short", "stop", "▁for", "▁the", "▁then", "▁Division", "▁III", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁Patri", "ots", "▁(", "▁now", "▁Division", "▁I", "▁and", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Se", "aw", "ol", "ves", "▁)", "▁,", "▁at", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁University", "▁in", "▁Long", "▁Island", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁became", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁Academ", "ic", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁American", "▁and", "▁gradu", "ating", "▁as", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Golden", "▁Key", "▁International", "▁Hon", "our", "▁Society", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁ten", "ure", "▁there", "▁,", "▁professional", "▁baseball", "▁sc", "outs", "▁began", "▁to", "▁notice", "▁his", "▁good", "▁arm", "▁and", "▁pitch", "er", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁a", "▁rain", "out", "▁,", "▁unfortunately", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁literally", "▁someone", "▁from", "▁every", "▁organization", "▁\"", "▁came", "▁to", "▁watch", "▁him", "▁pitch", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁draft", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sixth", "▁round", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "9", "th", "▁overall", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁amateur", "▁draft", "▁by", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁signed", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁June", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁His", "▁college", "▁j", "er", "sey", "▁number", "▁has", "▁since", "▁been", "▁retired", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁University", "▁Medal", "▁,", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁recognition", "▁given", "▁by", "▁S", "UN", "Y", "▁/", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁played", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Fair", "field", "▁St", "all", "ions", "▁in", "▁the", "▁New", "▁England", "▁Colleg", "iate", "▁Baseball", "▁League", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁S", "UN", "Y", "▁/", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁athlet", "ics", "▁department", "▁$", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁baseball", "▁facility", "▁.", "▁In", "▁recognition", "▁of", "▁this", "▁\"", "▁lead", "▁gift", "▁\"", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Joe", "▁Nathan", "▁Char", "itable", "▁Foundation", "▁,", "▁the", "▁college", "▁named", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁Joe", "▁Nathan", "▁Field", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Professional", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Minor", "▁Le", "agues", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁He", "▁began", "▁his", "▁minor", "▁league", "▁career", "▁in", "▁Class", "▁A", "▁for", "▁the", "▁B", "elling", "ham", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁.", "▁After", "▁an", "▁un", "success", "ful", "▁year", "▁at", "▁the", "▁plate", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁convert", "▁Nathan", "▁into", "▁a", "▁pitch", "er", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁refused", "▁and", "▁left", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁St", "ony", "▁Brook", "▁for", "▁a", "▁year", "▁,", "▁gradu", "ating", "▁with", "▁a", "▁degree", "▁in", "▁business", "▁management", "▁.", "▁He", "▁gave", "▁more", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁his", "▁future", "▁in", "▁baseball", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁and", "▁after", "▁gradu", "ation", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁organization", "▁and", "▁developed", "▁into", "▁a", "▁stand", "out", "▁pitch", "ing", "▁prospect", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁season", "▁with", "▁the", "▁S", "alem", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ke", "izer", "▁Vol", "cano", "es", "▁,", "▁he", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁for", "▁both", "▁the", "▁A", "▁and", "▁AA", "▁levels", "▁for", "▁(", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Jose", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁and", "▁Sh", "re", "ve", "port", "▁Capt", "ains", "▁)", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁as", "▁a", "▁st", "arter", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁ten", "ure", "▁with", "▁San", "▁Jose", "▁he", "▁started", "▁", "2", "2", "▁games", "▁with", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "2", "▁and", "▁", "1", "1", "8", "▁strike", "outs", "▁,", "▁leading", "▁the", "▁Class", "▁A", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁to", "▁the", "▁California", "▁League", "▁championship", "▁.", "▁Prom", "oted", "▁to", "▁AA", "▁Sh", "re", "ve", "port", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁,", "▁he", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁in", "▁only", "▁two", "▁games", "▁before", "▁being", "▁promoted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁parent", "▁club", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁promoted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁the", "▁ro", "ster", "▁spot", "▁of", "▁super", "star", "▁sl", "ug", "ger", "▁Barry", "▁B", "onds", "▁,", "▁who", "▁went", "▁on", "▁the", "▁disabled", "▁list", "▁after", "▁left", "▁el", "bow", "▁surg", "ery", "▁.", "▁He", "▁made", "▁his", "▁major", "▁league", "▁debut", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁pitch", "ing", "▁seven", "▁shut", "out", "▁inn", "ings", "▁and", "▁winning", "▁his", "▁first", "▁major", "▁league", "▁decision", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Florida", "▁Mar", "l", "ins", "▁,", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁divided", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁between", "▁the", "▁A", "AA", "▁F", "res", "no", "▁G", "ri", "zz", "lies", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁,", "▁going", "▁", "6", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁with", "▁the", "▁G", "riz", "▁and", "▁", "7", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁and", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "8", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁,", "▁ear", "ning", "▁his", "▁first", "▁career", "▁save", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "1", "6", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Houston", "▁Ast", "ros", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁a", "▁short", "▁st", "int", "▁in", "▁the", "▁min", "ors", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁spent", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁in", "▁the", "▁maj", "ors", "▁,", "▁finishing", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁even", "▁hitting", "▁two", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁.", "▁But", "▁he", "▁strugg", "led", "▁with", "▁his", "▁control", "▁,", "▁walking", "▁", "6", "3", "▁in", "▁", "9", "3", "1", "▁", "⁄", "▁", "3", "▁inn", "ings", "▁and", "▁ending", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "1", "▁E", "RA", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁on", "▁the", "▁disabled", "▁list", "▁twice", "▁:", "▁from", "▁May", "▁", "1", "7", "▁to", "▁June", "▁", "6", "▁for", "▁right", "▁shoulder", "▁tend", "init", "is", "▁and", "▁from", "▁July", "▁", "1", "4", "▁to", "▁August", "▁", "1", "8", "▁for", "▁an", "▁infl", "amed", "▁right", "▁shoulder", "▁,", "▁necess", "it", "ating", "▁ar", "th", "ro", "scop", "ic", "▁surg", "ery", "▁on", "▁the", "▁aff", "lic", "ted", "▁shoulder", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁divided", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁between", "▁the", "▁A", "AA", "▁F", "res", "no", "▁G", "ri", "zz", "lies", "▁and", "▁AA", "▁Sh", "re", "ve", "port", "▁both", "▁starting", "▁and", "▁rel", "ieving", "▁,", "▁finishing", "▁with", "▁a", "▁disappoint", "ing", "▁combined", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "▁record", "▁and", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁over", "▁", "7", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁improved", "▁slightly", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁to", "▁", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "▁with", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁over", "▁", "5", "▁at", "▁F", "res", "no", "▁,", "▁but", "▁finally", "▁over", "c", "ame", "▁his", "▁posts", "urg", "ical", "▁strugg", "les", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁in", "▁September", "▁with", "▁", "3", "2", "▁", "⁄", "▁", "3", "▁sc", "or", "eless", "▁inn", "ings", "▁in", "▁relief", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁spent", "▁all", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁in" ]
et and Stony Brook baseball coach Matt Senk knew each other as former teammates in the State University of New York at Cortland baseball program . = = College career = = He first played shortstop for the then Division III Stony Brook Patriots ( now Division I and called the Seawolves ) , at Stony Brook University in Long Island , New York . Nathan became a two @-@ time Academic All @-@ American and graduating as a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society . During his tenure there , professional baseball scouts began to notice his good arm and pitcher 's body , and on the day of a rainout , unfortunately , " literally someone from every organization " came to watch him pitch . He was drafted in the sixth round ( 159th overall ) of the amateur draft by the San Francisco Giants in 1995 , and signed the next day , June 2 . His college jersey number has since been retired , and he was awarded the University Medal , the highest recognition given by SUNY / Stony Brook . He also played for the Fairfield Stallions in the New England Collegiate Baseball League in 1994 . In August 2008 , he gave the SUNY / Stony Brook athletics department $ 500 @,@ 000 for a new baseball facility . In recognition of this " lead gift " from the Joe Nathan Charitable Foundation , the college named it " Joe Nathan Field . " = = Professional career = = = = = Minor Leagues = = = He began his minor league career in Class A for the Bellingham Giants . After an unsuccessful year at the plate the Giants tried to convert Nathan into a pitcher , but he refused and left to return to Stony Brook for a year , graduating with a degree in business management . He gave more thought to his future in baseball , however , and after graduation decided to return to the Giants organization and developed into a standout pitching prospect . After a season with the Salem @-@ Keizer Volcanoes , he pitched for both the A and AA levels for ( the San Jose Giants and Shreveport Captains ) in 1998 as a starter . During his tenure with San Jose he started 22 games with an ERA of 3 @.@ 32 and 118 strikeouts , leading the Class A Giants to the California League championship . Promoted to AA Shreveport in 1999 , he pitched in only two games before being promoted to the parent club in 1999 . = = = San Francisco Giants ( 1999 – 2003 ) = = = Nathan was promoted to the San Francisco Giants on April 20 , 1999 , taking the roster spot of superstar slugger Barry Bonds , who went on the disabled list after left elbow surgery . He made his major league debut the next day , pitching seven shutout innings and winning his first major league decision against the Florida Marlins , 4 – 0 . He then divided the rest of the season between the AAA Fresno Grizzlies and the Giants , going 6 – 4 with the Griz and 7 – 4 and 4 @.@ 18 with the Giants , earning his first career save on May 16 against the Houston Astros . After a short stint in the minors in 2000 , Nathan spent most of the season in the majors , finishing 5 – 2 and even hitting two home runs . But he struggled with his control , walking 63 in 931 ⁄ 3 innings and ending the season with a 5 @.@ 21 ERA . He was on the disabled list twice : from May 17 to June 6 for right shoulder tendinitis and from July 14 to August 18 for an inflamed right shoulder , necessitating arthroscopic surgery on the afflicted shoulder at the end of the season . Nathan divided 2001 between the AAA Fresno Grizzlies and AA Shreveport both starting and relieving , finishing with a disappointing combined 3 – 11 record and an ERA over 7 . Nathan improved slightly in 2002 to 6 – 12 with an ERA of over 5 at Fresno , but finally overcame his postsurgical struggles to return to the Giants in September with 32 ⁄ 3 scoreless innings in relief . Nathan spent all of 2003 with the Giants in
[ "▁the", "▁b", "ull", "pen", "▁after", "▁marry", "ing", "▁Lisa", "▁Lem", "on", "cel", "li", "▁,", "▁his", "▁girl", "friend", "▁of", "▁five", "▁years", "▁,", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁a", "▁break", "out", "▁year", "▁for", "▁Nathan", "▁,", "▁starting", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁", "2", "3", "▁sc", "or", "eless", "▁inn", "ings", "▁en", "▁route", "▁to", "▁a", "▁", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁record", "▁in", "▁his", "▁first", "▁full", "▁year", "▁as", "▁a", "▁rel", "ie", "ver", "▁.", "▁His", "▁", "7", "8", "▁appearances", "▁put", "▁him", "▁high", "▁on", "▁the", "▁list", "▁of", "▁most", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁used", "▁pitch", "ers", "▁for", "▁the", "▁season", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁setup", "▁men", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "L", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁no", "▁runs", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "▁appearances", "▁from", "▁July", "▁", "1", "8", "▁to", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "▁.", "▁His", "▁", "1", "2", "▁wins", "▁in", "▁relief", "▁led", "▁the", "▁maj", "ors", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁won", "▁the", "▁National", "▁League", "▁West", "▁by", "▁", "1", "5", "1", "▁", "⁄", "▁", "2", "▁games", "▁and", "▁drew", "▁the", "▁Florida", "▁Mar", "l", "ins", "▁,", "▁the", "▁National", "▁League", "▁'", "s", "▁wild", "▁card", "▁winner", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "L", "DS", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁hit", "▁hard", "▁in", "▁that", "▁series", "▁,", "▁blow", "ing", "▁his", "▁only", "▁save", "▁opportunity", "▁.", "▁His", "▁team", "▁f", "ared", "▁no", "▁better", "▁,", "▁winning", "▁Game", "▁", "1", "▁behind", "▁Jason", "▁Schmidt", "▁'", "s", "▁complete", "▁game", "▁shut", "out", "▁before", "▁dro", "pping", "▁the", "▁next", "▁three", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Minnesota", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁trad", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁in", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁more", "▁l", "ops", "ided", "▁tr", "ades", "▁in", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁history", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Gi", "ants", "▁sent", "▁Nathan", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁along", "▁with", "▁pitch", "ers", "▁Bo", "of", "▁Bon", "ser", "▁and", "▁Francisco", "▁Li", "ri", "ano", "▁for", "▁catch", "er", "▁A", ".", "▁J", ".", "▁Pier", "z", "yn", "ski", "▁and", "▁c", "ash", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁make", "▁Nathan", "▁their", "▁closer", "▁starting", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁ris", "ky", "▁move", "▁considering", "▁that", "▁Nathan", "▁had", "▁not", "ched", "▁only", "▁one", "▁save", "▁in", "▁six", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Gi", "ant", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁won", "▁the", "▁job", "▁over", "▁J", ".", "▁C", ".", "▁Rom", "ero", "▁and", "▁J", "esse", "▁C", "rain", "▁in", "▁spring", "▁training", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁signed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁three", 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"2", "4", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "9", "▁E", "RA", "▁in", "▁", "2", "6", "▁appearances", "▁,", "▁earned", "▁him", "▁his", "▁first", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁ML", "B", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁Game", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁T", "win", "▁on", "▁the", "▁squad", "▁and", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁a", "▁perfect", "▁sevent", "h", "▁in", "ning", "▁,", "▁getting", "▁Bobby", "▁A", "bre", "u", "▁to", "▁strike", "▁out", "▁,", "▁Mike", "▁Low", "ell", "▁to", "▁fly", "▁out", "▁and", "▁Miguel", "▁Cab", "rera", "▁to", "▁strike", "▁out", "▁.", "▁His", "▁numbers", "▁were", "▁impress", "ive", "▁through", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁no", "▁runs", "▁between", "▁June", "▁", "9", "▁and", "▁August", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁between", "▁August", "▁", "2", "5", "▁and", "▁September", "▁", "1", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁and", "▁finishing", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁with", "▁", "4", "4", "▁saves", "▁in", "▁", "4", "7", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁and", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁won", "▁the", "▁AL", "▁Central", "▁division", "▁and", "▁faced", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Yan", "ke", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁AL", "DS", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁picked", "▁up", "▁his", "▁first", "▁post", "season", "▁save", "▁in", "▁Game", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁but", "▁ble", "w", "▁his", "▁second", "▁opportunity", "▁in", "▁Game", "▁", "2", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁lose", "▁the", "▁en", "su", "ing", "▁three", "▁games", "▁.", "▁His", "▁out", "standing", "▁season", "▁earned", "▁him", "▁M", "VP", "▁and", "▁Cy", "▁Young", "▁votes", "▁,", "▁finishing", "▁fourth", "▁for", "▁Cy", "▁Young", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁for", "▁M", "VP", "▁.", "▁His", "▁first", "▁child", "▁,", "▁a", "▁son", "▁named", "▁Cole", "▁,", "▁was", "▁born", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁During", "▁spring", "▁training", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁deal", "▁that", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁club", "▁option", "▁for", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁He", "▁picked", "▁up", "▁from", "▁where", "▁he", "▁left", "▁off", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁no", "▁earned", "▁runs", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "▁appearances", "▁from", "▁April", "▁", "5", "▁to", "▁May", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁had", "▁stre", "aks", "▁of", "▁", "1", "3", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "▁consecutive", "▁save", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁converted", "▁between", "▁April", "▁and", "▁July", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁named", "▁the", "▁American", "▁League", "▁Player", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Week", "▁for", "▁the", "▁week", "▁of", "▁June", "▁", "2", "7", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁earned", "▁another", "▁All", "▁@", 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the bullpen after marrying Lisa Lemoncelli , his girlfriend of five years , in November 2002 . This was a breakout year for Nathan , starting the season with 23 scoreless innings en route to a 12 – 4 record in his first full year as a reliever . His 78 appearances put him high on the list of most @-@ used pitchers for the season as one of the best setup men in the NL , allowing no runs in 15 appearances from July 18 to August 20 . His 12 wins in relief led the majors . The Giants won the National League West by 151 ⁄ 2 games and drew the Florida Marlins , the National League 's wild card winner , in the NLDS . Nathan was hit hard in that series , blowing his only save opportunity . His team fared no better , winning Game 1 behind Jason Schmidt 's complete game shutout before dropping the next three . = = = Minnesota Twins ( 2004 – 2011 ) = = = = = = = 2004 = = = = Nathan was traded to the Minnesota Twins on November 16 , 2003 , in one of the more lopsided trades in San Francisco Giants history . The Giants sent Nathan to the Twins along with pitchers Boof Bonser and Francisco Liriano for catcher A. J. Pierzynski and cash . The Twins decided to make Nathan their closer starting in 2004 , risky move considering that Nathan had notched only one save in six opportunities as a Giant , but he won the job over J. C. Romero and Jesse Crain in spring training . He was signed to a three @-@ year deal on March 4 , 2004 and agreed to an incentive @-@ laden contract with a base salary of $ 440 @,@ 000 . He started off the season strong , allowing no runs in 20 appearances and earning 14 saves from April 15 to June 4 . He was named AL Co @-@ Player of the Week starting on May 10 with four saves in four innings and four appearances , facing the minimum number of batters each time . His credentials for the first half of the season , 23 saves in 24 opportunities with a 1 @.@ 19 ERA in 26 appearances , earned him his first All @-@ Star appearance in the 2004 MLB All @-@ Star Game . He was the only Twin on the squad and pitched a perfect seventh inning , getting Bobby Abreu to strike out , Mike Lowell to fly out and Miguel Cabrera to strike out . His numbers were impressive through the rest of the season , allowing no runs between June 9 and August 18 , and between August 25 and September 16 @.@ and finishing 2004 with 44 saves in 47 opportunities and an ERA of 1 @.@ 62 . The Twins won the AL Central division and faced the New York Yankees in the ALDS . Nathan picked up his first postseason save in Game 1 , but blew his second opportunity in Game 2 as the Twins went on to lose the ensuing three games . His outstanding season earned him MVP and Cy Young votes , finishing fourth for Cy Young and 12th for MVP . His first child , a son named Cole , was born on November 9 , 2004 . = = = = 2005 = = = = During spring training in 2005 , Nathan signed a two @-@ year deal that includes a club option for 2008 . He picked up from where he left off in 2004 , allowing no earned runs in 15 appearances from April 5 to May 10 . He also had streaks of 13 and 12 consecutive save opportunities converted between April and July . As a result , Nathan was named the American League Player of the Week for the week of June 27 . Nathan earned another All @-@ Star appearance in 2005 for his pitching in the first half of the season . Although his record was 1 – 3 with a 3 @.@ 57 ERA in 37 appearances , he had struck out 43 batters in 351 ⁄ 3 innings pitched , and lead the AL with 23 saves in 25 opportunities . Nathan pitched in the 200
[ "5", "▁ML", "B", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁Game", "▁alongside", "▁fellow", "▁pitch", "er", "▁Johan", "▁Sant", "ana", "▁.", "▁P", "itch", "ing", "▁the", "▁e", "ighth", "▁in", "ning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁,", "▁he", "▁got", "▁Morgan", "▁Ens", "berg", "▁to", "▁pop", "▁out", "▁for", "▁the", "▁first", "▁out", "▁,", "▁then", "▁gave", "▁out", "▁a", "▁double", "▁to", "▁Mo", "is", "és", "▁Al", "ou", "▁.", "▁F", "eli", "pe", "▁López", "▁sing", "led", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁get", "▁Miguel", "▁Cab", "rera", "▁and", "▁Luis", "▁Cast", "illo", "▁out", "▁,", "▁but", "▁not", "▁before", "▁Al", "ou", "▁scored", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁had", "▁a", "▁brilliant", "▁second", "▁half", "▁as", "▁he", "▁went", "▁", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁with", "▁", "1", "8", "▁saves", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "▁ch", "ances", "▁,", "▁and", "▁posted", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "6", "▁.", "▁He", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "7", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁record", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "0", "▁E", "RA", "▁,", "▁", "4", "3", "▁saves", "▁in", "▁", "4", "8", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "9", "4", "▁strike", "outs", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁also", "▁became", "▁the", "▁third", "▁pitch", "er", "▁in", "▁club", "▁history", "▁to", "▁post", "▁consecutive", "▁", "4", "0", "▁save", "▁seasons", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁however", "▁missed", "▁the", "▁play", "offs", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Before", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁season", "▁began", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁participated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁World", "▁Baseball", "▁Classic", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "3", "0", "▁players", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Team", "▁USA", "▁ro", "ster", "▁.", "▁He", "▁played", "▁the", "▁first", "▁game", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁win", "▁against", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁striking", "▁out", "▁the", "▁side", "▁while", "▁allowing", "▁one", "▁hit", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁the", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁victory", "▁against", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁again", "▁throwing", "▁a", "▁shut", "out", "▁in", "ning", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁pitch", "▁the", "▁last", "▁game", "▁for", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁in", "▁the", "▁nin", "th", "▁in", "ning", "▁against", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁again", "▁not", "▁allowing", "▁a", "▁run", "▁and", "▁striking", "▁out", "▁two", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁the", "▁regular", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁season", "▁began", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁started", "▁off", "▁strong", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁no", "▁runs", "▁from", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁to", "▁April", "▁", "2", "5", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁converted", "▁", "1", "0", "▁straight", "▁save", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁from", "▁April", "▁", "1", "1", "▁to", "▁June", "▁", "1", "7", "▁.", "▁On", "▁June", "▁", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁recorded", "▁his", "▁one", 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"▁stretch", "▁between", "▁July", "▁and", "▁August", "▁where", "▁he", "▁gave", "▁up", "▁just", "▁two", "▁earned", "▁runs", "▁and", "▁converted", "▁all", "▁", "1", "2", "▁save", "▁ch", "ances", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁again", "▁despite", "▁Nathan", "▁'", "s", "▁numbers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁not", "▁picked", "▁for", "▁the", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁team", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁year", "▁by", "▁converting", "▁", "3", "7", "▁of", "▁", "4", "1", "▁save", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁with", "▁a", "▁record", "▁of", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "8", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁however", "▁had", "▁a", "▁disappoint", "ing", "▁season", "▁and", "▁missed", "▁the", "▁play", "offs", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁September", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁named", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁final", "ists", "▁for", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁D", "HL", "▁D", "elivery", "▁Man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁Award", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁third", "▁year", "▁in", "▁a", "▁row", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁been", "▁a", "▁final", "ist", "▁.", "▁On", "▁October", "▁", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁exerc", "ised", "▁Nathan", "▁'", "s", "▁club", "▁option", "▁for", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Though", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁sl", "ated", "▁to", "▁make", "▁$", "▁", "6", "▁million", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁signed", "▁Nathan", "▁to", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁,", "▁$", "▁", "4", "7", "▁million", "▁contract", "▁through", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁deal" ]
5 MLB All @-@ Star Game alongside fellow pitcher Johan Santana . Pitching the eighth inning of the game , he got Morgan Ensberg to pop out for the first out , then gave out a double to Moisés Alou . Felipe López singled , and Nathan was able to get Miguel Cabrera and Luis Castillo out , but not before Alou scored . Nathan had a brilliant second half as he went 6 – 1 with 18 saves in 20 chances , and posted an ERA of 1 @.@ 76 . He finished the season with a 7 – 4 record , a 2 @.@ 70 ERA , 43 saves in 48 opportunities , and 94 strikeouts . Nathan also became the third pitcher in club history to post consecutive 40 save seasons . The Twins however missed the playoffs . = = = = 2006 = = = = Before the 2006 season began , Nathan participated in the 2006 World Baseball Classic as one of the 30 players selected for the Team USA roster . He played the first game , a 2 – 0 win against Mexico , striking out the side while allowing one hit . He also pitched the 4 – 3 victory against Japan , again throwing a shutout inning . Nathan went on to pitch the last game for the United States in the ninth inning against Mexico , again not allowing a run and striking out two . As the regular 2006 season began for the Twins , Nathan started off strong , allowing no runs from the start of the season to April 25 . He also converted 10 straight save opportunities from April 11 to June 17 . On June 24 , Nathan recorded his one hundredth career save against the Chicago Cubs , and 99th save with Minnesota . Four days later he got save number 101 , his hundredth save with Minnesota against the Los Angeles Dodgers , becoming the fifth pitcher in Twins history to achieve that mark . Despite putting up great numbers during the 2006 season , Nathan was not selected to the All @-@ Star Game . He continued to pitch well throughout the season , passing Eddie Guardado for second on the Twins ' all @-@ time save list when he earned his 117th save against the Detroit Tigers on September 9 . Nathan was also given the Major League Baseball Delivery Man of the Month award for July , going nine for nine in save opportunities and posting a 0 @.@ 75 ERA for the month . He finished the season with some of his best numbers to date : a 7 – 0 record , a 1 @.@ 58 ERA , 95 strikeouts , 36 saves , an 18th @-@ place finish in MVP voting , and a fifth @-@ place finish in Cy Young voting . His 61 games finished were also good for the AL lead and opponents batted just .158 against him , a career high . With 36 saves in 38 opportunities , Nathan also became the first pitcher for the organization to earn 35 saves in three straight seasons . The Twins won the division on the last day of the regular season , but were swept by the Oakland Athletics in the ALDS as Nathan made one scoreless appearance . = = = = 2007 = = = = Nathan continued as the Twins ' closer for the 2007 season . He had a stretch between July and August where he gave up just two earned runs and converted all 12 save chances . Once again despite Nathan 's numbers , he was not picked for the All @-@ Star team . Nathan finished the year by converting 37 of 41 save opportunities with a record of 4 – 2 and an ERA of 1 @.@ 88 . The Twins however had a disappointing season and missed the playoffs . On September 25 , 2007 , Nathan was named as one of 10 finalists for the " DHL Delivery Man of the Year Award " , the third year in a row that he has been a finalist . On October 29 , the Twins exercised Nathan 's club option for 2008 . = = = = 2008 = = = = Though Nathan was slated to make $ 6 million in 2008 , on March 24 , 2008 , the Minnesota Twins re @-@ signed Nathan to a four @-@ year , $ 47 million contract through 2011 . The deal
[ "▁also", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁$", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁club", "▁option", "▁for", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁with", "▁a", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁million", "▁buy", "out", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁started", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁", "1", "3", "▁consecutive", "▁saves", "▁but", "▁ble", "w", "▁his", "▁first", "▁save", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "2", "7", "▁by", "▁giving", "▁up", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁run", "▁inside", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁park", "▁home", "▁run", "▁on", "▁a", "▁mis", "play", "ed", "▁fly", "▁ball", "▁by", "▁team", "mate", "▁Del", "mon", "▁Young", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁got", "▁two", "▁out", "s", "▁to", "▁end", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁in", "ning", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁win", "▁the", "▁game", "▁.", "▁By", "▁converting", "▁", "2", "7", "▁of", "▁", "2", "9", "▁save", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", 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"▁Met", "rod", "ome", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Nathan", "▁had", "▁a", "▁te", "ar", "▁in", "▁his", "▁u", "ln", "ar", "▁coll", "ater", "al", "▁lig", "ament", "▁.", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁after", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁pitch", "▁without", "▁having", "▁surg", "ery", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁under", "go", "▁Tommy", "▁John", "▁surg", "ery", "▁,", "▁missing", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁earned", "▁his", "▁first", "▁save", "▁at", "▁Target", "▁Field", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁He", "▁em", "pt", "ied", "▁the", "▁container", "▁of", "▁d", "irt", "▁he", "▁took", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Met", "rod", "ome", "▁on", "▁the", "▁m", "ound", "▁at", "▁Target", "▁Field", "▁before", "▁pitch", "ing", "▁.", "▁On", "▁April", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁at", "▁closer", "▁by", "▁Matt", "▁C", "apps", "▁after", "▁going", "▁", "3", "▁for", "▁", "5", "▁in", "▁save", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁.", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁placed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁disabled", "▁list", "▁with", "▁a", "▁right", "▁flex", "or", "▁mus", "cle", "▁stra", "in", "▁.", "▁Ch", "uck", "▁James", "▁was", "▁called", "▁up", "▁to", "▁take", "▁his", "▁place", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁August", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Red", "▁So", "x", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁became", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁saves", "▁leader", "▁with", "▁", "2", "5", "5", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁Rick", "▁Agu", "il", "era", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁decl", "ined", "▁his", "▁$", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁club", "▁option", "▁and", "▁exerc", "ised", "▁a", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁million", "▁buy", "out", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁became", "▁a", "▁free", "▁agent", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁leader", "▁in", "▁career", "▁saves", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Texas", "▁R", "angers", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁terms", "▁on", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Texas", "▁R", "angers", "▁worth", "▁$", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁guaranteed", "▁with", "▁an", "▁option", "▁for", "▁a", "▁third", "▁year", "▁at", "▁$", "▁", "9", "▁million", "▁or", "▁a", "▁$", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁buy", "out", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁had", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁first", "▁season", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁to", "▁the", "▁represent", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁ML", "B", "▁All", "▁Star", "▁Game", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁all", "▁star", "▁selection", "▁of", "▁his", "▁career", "▁.", "▁He", "▁finished", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁campaign", "▁with", "▁", "3", "7", "▁saves", "▁and", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "0", "▁.", "▁During", "▁a", "▁game" ]
also includes a $ 12 @.@ 5 million club option for 2012 with a $ 2 million buyout . Nathan started the season with 13 consecutive saves but blew his first save of the season on May 27 by giving up a three @-@ run inside @-@ the @-@ park home run on a misplayed fly ball by teammate Delmon Young ; however , Nathan got two outs to end the 9th inning and the Twins went on to win the game . By converting 27 of 29 save opportunities prior to the All @-@ Star break , Nathan was selected as a reserve player for the American League in the 2008 Major League Baseball All @-@ Star Game . Nathan finished the year with 39 saves and a career best 1 @.@ 33 ERA . He also had a career high six blown saves and surrendered his first career walk @-@ off home run to Victor Martinez on September 16 . Nathan ranked seventh in the majors in saves and had the lowest ERA of the top 30 save leaders in 2008 . = = = = 2009 = = = = Nathan had a strong season , as he was selected as an All @-@ Star for the 2009 MLB All Star Game , and he finished the year with 2 @.@ 10 ERA with 47 saves in 52 opportunities , which was a franchise record . He shared honors for the AL Rolaids Relief Man award with Mariano Rivera . However , Nathan did not fare as well in the postseason ; in Game 2 of the American League Division Series against the New York Yankees , with the Twins leading 3 – 1 in the bottom of the ninth inning , Nathan blew the save when he surrendered a game @-@ tying two @-@ run home run to Alex Rodriguez . It was the first home run Nathan had allowed with men on base all year . The Yankees later won the game in the 11th inning and swept the series . On October 11 , 2009 , after the Twins lost the final game at the Metrodome ( a 4 – 1 playoff loss to the Yankees that eliminated them ) , Nathan took a pile of dirt from the mound as a keepsake from the Metrodome . = = = = 2010 = = = = On March 9 , 2010 , it was reported that Nathan had a tear in his ulnar collateral ligament . On March 21 , after attempting to pitch without having surgery , Nathan decided to undergo Tommy John surgery , missing the entire 2010 season . = = = = 2011 = = = = Nathan earned his first save at Target Field on April 8 , 2011 . He emptied the container of dirt he took from the Metrodome on the mound at Target Field before pitching . On April 18 , Nathan was replaced at closer by Matt Capps after going 3 for 5 in save opportunities . On May 28 , 2011 , Nathan was placed on the 15 @-@ day disabled list with a right flexor muscle strain . Chuck James was called up to take his place . On August 10 , 2011 , against the Boston Red Sox , Nathan became the Twins all @-@ time saves leader with 255 , passing Rick Aguilera . After the Twins declined his $ 12 @.@ 5 million club option and exercised a $ 2 million buyout , Nathan became a free agent at the end of the 2011 season . Nathan is currently the Minnesota Twins leader in career saves . = = = Texas Rangers ( 2012 – 2013 ) = = = On November 21 , 2011 , Nathan agreed to terms on a two @-@ year deal with the Texas Rangers worth $ 14 @.@ 5 million guaranteed with an option for a third year at $ 9 million or a $ 500 @,@ 000 buyout . Nathan had a strong first season with the Rangers , as he was selected to the represent the Rangers at the 2012 MLB All Star Game , the fifth all star selection of his career . He finished his 2012 campaign with 37 saves and an ERA of 2 @.@ 80 . During a game
[ "▁against", "▁the", "▁T", "ampa", "▁Bay", "▁R", "ays", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁earned", "▁his", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "th", "▁career", "▁save", "▁after", "▁striking", "▁out", "▁Ben", "▁Zob", "rist", "▁looking", "▁on", "▁a", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁strike", "▁call", "▁made", "▁by", "▁home", "▁plate", "▁u", "mp", "ire", "▁Mart", "y", "▁F", "oster", "▁.", "▁TV", "▁cam", "eras", "▁captured", "▁Nathan", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁W", "ow", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁after", "▁the", "▁call", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁to", "▁his", "▁sixth", "▁All", "▁Star", "▁Game", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁earned", "▁the", "▁save", "▁for", "▁the", "▁American", "▁League", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁improved", "▁on", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁campaign", "▁,", "▁finishing", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁season", "▁with", "▁", "4", "3", "▁saves", "▁and", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "9", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁finished", "▁his", "▁R", "angers", "▁career", "▁with", "▁an", "▁overall", "▁record", "▁of", "▁", "9", "▁–", "▁", "7", "▁,", "▁", "8", "0", "▁saves", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "8", "▁E", "RA", "▁and", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "8", "▁WH", "IP", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Detroit", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁December", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁signed", "▁Nathan", "▁to", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁,", "▁$", "▁", "2", "0", "▁million", "▁contract", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁club", "▁option", "▁for", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁This", "▁reun", "ited", "▁him", "▁with", "▁former", "▁team", "mate", "▁and", "▁fellow", "▁ex", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁great", "▁,", "▁Tor", "ii", "▁Hunter", "▁along", "▁with", "▁R", "angers", "▁team", "mate", "▁Ian", "▁K", "ins", "ler", "▁.", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁recorded", "▁his", "▁", "3", "4", "7", "th", "▁career", "▁save", "▁,", "▁t", "ying", "▁him", "▁with", "▁R", "andy", "▁My", "ers", "▁for", "▁nin", "th", "▁on", "▁the", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁saves", "▁list", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁recorded", "▁career", "▁save", "▁number", "▁", "3", "4", "8", "▁,", "▁putting", "▁him", "▁alone", "▁at", "▁nin", "th", "▁on", "▁the", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁saves", "▁list", "▁.", "▁On", "▁June", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁recorded", "▁career", "▁save", "▁", "3", "5", "8", "▁,", "▁t", "ying", "▁him", "▁with", "▁T", "roy", "▁Per", "c", "ival", "▁for", "▁", "8", "th", "▁on", "▁the", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁saves", "▁list", "▁.", "▁On", "▁August", "▁", "2", "3", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁recorded", "▁his", "▁", "3", "6", "8", "th", "▁career", "▁save", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁up", "▁Jeff", "▁Re", "ardon", "▁for", "▁", "7", "th", "▁place", "▁on", "▁the", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁saves", "▁list", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁September", "▁", "1", "6", "▁game", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁ble", "w", "▁his", "▁sevent", "h", "▁save", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁sur", "pass", "ing", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁career", "▁high", "▁of", "▁six", "▁blow", "n", "▁saves", "▁when", "▁he", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Tw", "ins", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁finished", "▁his", "▁first", "▁season", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁making", "▁", "6", "2", "▁appearances", "▁and", "▁recording", "▁", "3", "5", "▁saves", "▁in", "▁", "4", "2", "▁ch", "ances", "▁,", "▁while", "▁posting", "▁an", "▁E", "RA", "▁of", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "1", "▁.", "▁He", "▁made", "▁one", "▁post", "season", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁ret", "iring", "▁all", "▁three", "▁bat", "ters", "▁he", "▁faced", "▁in", "▁a", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁save", "▁situation", "▁in", "▁Game", "▁", "2", "▁of", "▁the", "▁AL", "DS", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Baltimore", "▁Ori", "oles", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁were", "▁swe", "pt", "▁in", "▁the", "▁series", "▁,", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁April", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁was", "▁placed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁disabled", "▁list", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁stra", "ined", "▁right", "▁el", "bow", "▁.", "▁During", "▁a", "▁re", "hab", "▁start", "▁with", "▁the", "▁To", "led", "o", "▁M", "ud", "▁H", "ens", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁injured", "▁his", "▁el", "bow", "▁after", "▁throwing", "▁only", "▁", "1", "0", "▁pitch", "es", "▁.", "▁The", "▁same", "▁night", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁MR", "Is", "▁,", "▁which", "▁tested", "▁positive", "▁reve", "aling", "▁tears", "▁in", "▁his", "▁u", "ln", "ar", "▁coll", "ater", "al", "▁lig", "ament", "▁of", "▁the", "▁el", "bow", "▁and", "▁his", "▁pron", "ator", "▁ter", "es", "▁mus", "cle", "▁,", "▁and", "▁would", "▁under", "go", "▁Tommy", "▁John", "▁surg", "ery", "▁,", "▁ending", "▁Nathan", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁season", "▁.", "▁S", "ources", "▁project", "ed", "▁that", "▁this", "▁surg", "ery", "▁could", "▁end", "▁Nathan", "▁'", "s", "▁career", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁was", "▁not", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁ret", "ire", "▁yet", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁off", "season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁decl", "ined", "▁the", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "▁million", "▁club", "▁option", "▁for", "▁Nathan", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁season", "▁,", "▁and", "▁exerc", "ised", "▁a", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁buy", "out", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Chicago", "▁C", "ubs", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁–", "▁present", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁Nathan", "▁signed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁C", "ubs", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁immediately", "▁placed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "6", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁disabled", "▁list", "▁upon", "▁signing", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁recovery", "▁from", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁Tommy", "▁John", "▁surg", "ery", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁made", "▁his", "▁C", "ubs", "▁debut", "▁on", "▁July", "▁", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Mil", "w", "au", "kee", "▁B", "rew", "ers", "▁.", "▁He", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁one", "▁in", "ning", "▁and", "▁struck", "▁out", "▁the", "▁side", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁one", "▁hit", "▁and", "▁one", "▁walk", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Records", "▁and", "▁notable", "▁statistics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Personal", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁is", "▁married", "▁to", "▁Lisa", "▁(", "▁ne", "e", "▁Lem", "on", "cel", "li", "▁)", "▁.", "▁They", "▁have", "▁two", "▁children", "▁.", "▁Nathan", "▁'", "s", "▁foundation", "▁,", "▁Joe", "▁Nathan", "▁Char", "itable", "▁Foundation", "▁,", "▁also", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁Save", "▁It", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁helps", "▁raise", "▁money", "▁and", "▁aw", "aren", "ess", "▁for", "▁many", "▁different", "▁char", "ities", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Nathan", "▁'", "s", "▁res", "ide", "▁in", "▁Kno", "x", "ville", "▁,", "▁Tennessee", "▁in", "▁the", "▁off", "season", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "itch", "ing", "▁style", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Nathan", "▁throws", "▁a", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁four", "▁pitch", "es", "▁.", "▁His", "▁main", "▁pitch", "▁,", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁se", "am", "▁fast", "ball", "▁was", "▁once", "▁thrown", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁to", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁upper" ]
against the Tampa Bay Rays on April 8 , 2013 , Nathan earned his 300th career save after striking out Ben Zobrist looking on a controversial strike call made by home plate umpire Marty Foster . TV cameras captured Nathan saying " Wow ! " after the call . Nathan was selected to his sixth All Star Game in 2013 , and earned the save for the American League . Nathan improved on his 2012 campaign , finishing his 2013 season with 43 saves and an ERA of 1 @.@ 39 . Nathan finished his Rangers career with an overall record of 9 – 7 , 80 saves , a 2 @.@ 08 ERA and 0 @.@ 98 WHIP . = = = Detroit Tigers ( 2014 – 2015 ) = = = On December 4 , 2013 , the Tigers signed Nathan to a two @-@ year , $ 20 million contract , with a club option for 2016 . This reunited him with former teammate and fellow ex @-@ Twins great , Torii Hunter along with Rangers teammate Ian Kinsler . On May 5 , 2014 , Nathan recorded his 347th career save , tying him with Randy Myers for ninth on the all @-@ time saves list . Two days later , Nathan recorded career save number 348 , putting him alone at ninth on the all @-@ time saves list . On June 9 , Nathan recorded career save 358 , tying him with Troy Percival for 8th on the all @-@ time saves list . On August 23 , 2014 , Nathan recorded his 368th career save , passing up Jeff Reardon for 7th place on the all @-@ time saves list . In a September 16 game against the Minnesota Twins , Nathan blew his seventh save of the season , surpassing his previous career high of six blown saves when he pitched for the Twins in 2008 . Nathan finished his first season with the Tigers making 62 appearances and recording 35 saves in 42 chances , while posting an ERA of 4 @.@ 81 . He made one postseason appearance in 2014 , retiring all three batters he faced in a non @-@ save situation in Game 2 of the ALDS against the Baltimore Orioles . The Tigers were swept in the series , 3 – 0 . On April 8 , 2015 , Nathan was placed on the 15 @-@ day disabled list due to a strained right elbow . During a rehab start with the Toledo Mud Hens on April 22 , Nathan re @-@ injured his elbow after throwing only 10 pitches . The same night , Nathan underwent MRIs , which tested positive revealing tears in his ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow and his pronator teres muscle , and would undergo Tommy John surgery , ending Nathan 's 2015 season . Sources projected that this surgery could end Nathan 's career , but he was not planning to retire yet . During the 2015 offseason , the Tigers declined the $ 10 million club option for Nathan for the 2016 season , and exercised a $ 1 million buyout . = = = Chicago Cubs ( 2016 – present ) = = = On May 17 , 2016 , Nathan signed with the Chicago Cubs . He was immediately placed on the 60 @-@ day disabled list upon signing to continue recovery from his previous Tommy John surgery . Nathan made his Cubs debut on July 24 , 2016 against the Milwaukee Brewers . He pitched one inning and struck out the side , allowing one hit and one walk . = = Records and notable statistics = = = = Personal life = = Nathan is married to Lisa ( nee Lemoncelli ) . They have two children . Nathan 's foundation , Joe Nathan Charitable Foundation , also called " Save It " , helps raise money and awareness for many different charities . The Nathan 's reside in Knoxville , Tennessee in the offseason . = = Pitching style = = Nathan throws a mix of four pitches . His main pitch , a four @-@ seam fastball was once thrown in the mid @-@ to @-@ upper
[ "▁", "9", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁but", "▁now", "▁sett", "les", "▁between", "▁", "9", "1", "▁and", "▁", "9", "4", "▁m", "ph", "▁.", "▁His", "▁main", "▁breaking", "▁ball", "▁is", "▁a", "▁hard", "▁slider", "▁in", "▁the", "▁upper", "▁", "8", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁occasionally", "▁even", "▁touch", "ing", "▁", "9", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁uses", "▁the", "▁slider", "▁less", "▁frequently", "▁against", "▁left", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁handed", "▁hit", "ters", "▁,", "▁prefer", "ring", "▁to", "▁use", "▁a", "▁curve", "ball", "▁in", "▁the", "▁low", "▁", "8", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁uses", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁se", "am", "▁fast", "ball", "▁against", "▁left", "ies", "▁.", "▁His", "▁slider", "▁is", "▁his", "▁best", "▁swing", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁miss", "▁pitch", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁wh", "iff", "▁rate", "▁of", "▁", "4", "2", "▁%", "▁since", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Art", "▁Ross", "▁=", "▁", "▁Arthur", "▁How", "ey", "▁\"", "▁Art", "▁\"", "▁Ross", "▁(", "▁January", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁–", "▁August", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁)", "▁was", "▁a", "▁Canadian", "▁professional", "▁ice", "▁hockey", "▁player", "▁and", "▁executive", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁.", "▁Reg", "arded", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁def", "enders", "▁of", "▁his", "▁era", "▁by", "▁his", "▁pe", "ers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁to", "▁sk", "ate", "▁with", "▁the", "▁pu", "ck", "▁up", "▁the", "▁ice", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁pass", "▁it", "▁to", "▁a", "▁forward", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁on", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁championship", "▁teams", "▁twice", "▁in", "▁a", "▁playing", "▁career", "▁that", "▁last", "ed", "▁th", "ir", "teen", "▁seasons", "▁;", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Ken", "ora", "▁Th", "ist", "les", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁other", "▁players", "▁of", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁played", "▁for", "▁several", "▁different", "▁teams", "▁and", "▁le", "agues", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁most", "▁notable", "▁for", "▁his", "▁time", "▁with", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁while", "▁they", "▁were", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Hockey", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁N", "HA", "▁)", "▁and", "▁its", "▁successor", "▁,", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁N", "HL", "▁)", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁he", "▁led", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁organized", "▁player", "▁strik", "es", "▁over", "▁increased", "▁pay", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁'", "▁home", "▁ar", "ena", "▁burn", "ed", "▁down", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁team", "▁ceased", "▁operations", "▁and", "▁Ross", "▁retired", "▁as", "▁a", "▁player", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁several", "▁years", "▁as", "▁an", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ice", "▁official", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁named", "▁head", "▁coach", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hamilton", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁for", "▁one", "▁season", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁were", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁was", "▁h", "ired", "▁as", "▁the", "▁first", "▁coach", "▁and", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁of", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁He", "▁would", "▁go", "▁on", "▁to", "▁coach", "▁the", "▁team", "▁on", "▁three", "▁separate", "▁occasions", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁and", "▁stayed", "▁as", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁until", "▁his", "▁ret", "irement", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁helped", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁finish", "▁first", "▁place", "▁in", "▁the", "▁league", "▁ten", "▁times", "▁and", "▁to", "▁win", "▁the", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁three", "▁times", "▁;", "▁Ross", "▁personally", "▁co", "ached", "▁the", "▁team", "▁to", "▁two", "▁of", "▁those", "▁vict", "ories", "▁.", "▁After", "▁being", "▁h", "ired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁and", "▁two", "▁sons", "▁,", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁a", "▁sub", "urb", "▁of", "▁Boston", "▁,", "▁and", "▁became", "▁an", "▁American", "▁citiz", "en", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁.", "▁He", "▁died", "▁near", "▁Boston", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁Out", "side", "▁of", "▁his", "▁association", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁also", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁the", "▁game", "▁.", "▁He", "▁created", "▁a", "▁style", "▁of", "▁hockey", "▁pu", "ck", "▁still", "▁used", "▁today", "▁,", "▁and", "▁advoc", "ated", "▁an", "▁improved", "▁style", "▁of", "▁goal", "▁n", "ets", "▁,", "▁a", "▁change", "▁that", "▁last", "ed", "▁forty", "▁years", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁Ross", "▁don", "ated", "▁the", "▁Art", "▁Ross", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁,", "▁awarded", "▁to", "▁the", "▁leading", "▁sc", "orer", "▁of", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁regular", "▁season", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁was", "▁induct", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Hockey", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ross", "▁was", "▁born", "▁January", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁in", "▁N", "aught", "on", "▁,", "▁Ontario", "▁.", "▁His", "▁father", "▁,", "▁Thomas", "▁Bar", "n", "ston", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁head", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Hudson", "▁'", "s", "▁Bay", "▁Company", "▁trad", "ing", "▁post", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nin", "th", "▁of", "▁ten", "▁children", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁grew", "▁up", "▁speaking", "▁both", "▁English", "▁and", "▁O", "j", "ib", "we", "▁,", "▁a", "▁native", "▁Canadian", "▁language", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Montreal", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "2", "▁to", "▁play", "▁in", "▁organized", "▁hockey", "▁le", "agues", "▁,", "▁living", "▁in", "▁the", "▁aff", "lu", "ent", "▁West", "mount", "▁district", "▁.", "▁He", "▁played", "▁high", "▁school", "▁and", "▁junior", "▁hockey", "▁with", "▁L", "ester", "▁and", "▁Frank", "▁Patrick", "▁,", "▁both", "▁of", "▁whom", "▁were", "▁later", "▁induct", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Hockey", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁and", "▁L", "ester", "▁had", "▁a", "▁finan", "cially", "▁successful", "▁ticket", "▁res", "ale", "▁business", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Arena", "▁,", "▁bu", "ying", "▁tick", "ets", "▁for", "▁thirty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁five", "▁c", "ents", "▁and", "▁s", "elling", "▁them", "▁for", "▁up", "▁to", "▁a", "▁doll", "ar", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Play", "ing", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁–", "▁", "0", "9", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁best", "▁hockey", "▁players", "▁on", "▁their", "▁high", "▁school", "▁team", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Patrick", "▁brothers", "▁were", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁play", "▁occas", "ional", "▁games", "▁for", "▁local", "▁league", "▁teams", "▁in", "▁Montreal", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁first", "▁played", "▁in", "▁an", "▁organized", "▁league", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁joining", "▁Montreal", "▁West", "mount", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Am", "ateur", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁CA", "HL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁top", "▁amateur", "▁league", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁.", "▁He", "▁scored", "▁ten", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁eight", "▁games", "▁during", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁His", "▁oppon", "ents", "▁regarded", "▁him", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁r", "ushing", "▁def", "enc", "emen", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁def", "enders", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁either", "▁shot", "▁the", "▁pu", "ck", "▁down", "▁the", "▁ice", "▁or", "▁passed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁forward", "▁;", "▁in", "▁contrast", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁sk", "ated", "▁up", "▁the", "▁ice", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁the", "▁pu", "ck", "▁into", "▁the", "▁off", "ensive", "▁zone", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁that", "▁year", "▁,", "▁wish", "ing", "▁to", "▁purs", "ue", "▁a", "▁career", "▁in", "▁bank", "ing", "▁,", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Br", "andon", "▁,", "▁Man", "it", "oba", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁Br", "andon", "▁El", "ks", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Man", "it", "oba", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁,", "▁the", "▁senior", "▁league", "▁in" ]
90s , but now settles between 91 and 94 mph . His main breaking ball is a hard slider in the upper 80s , occasionally even touching 90 . He uses the slider less frequently against left @-@ handed hitters , preferring to use a curveball in the low 80s . He also uses a two @-@ seam fastball against lefties . His slider is his best swing @-@ and @-@ miss pitch , with a whiff rate of 42 % since 2007 . = Art Ross = Arthur Howey " Art " Ross ( January 13 , 1885 – August 5 , 1964 ) was a Canadian professional ice hockey player and executive from 1905 until 1954 . Regarded as one of the best defenders of his era by his peers , he was one of the first to skate with the puck up the ice rather than pass it to a forward . He was on Stanley Cup championship teams twice in a playing career that lasted thirteen seasons ; in January 1907 with the Kenora Thistles and 1908 with the Montreal Wanderers . Like other players of the time , Ross played for several different teams and leagues , and is most notable for his time with the Wanderers while they were members of the National Hockey Association ( NHA ) and its successor , the National Hockey League ( NHL ) . In 1911 he led one of the first organized player strikes over increased pay . When the Wanderers ' home arena burned down in January 1918 , the team ceased operations and Ross retired as a player . After several years as an on @-@ ice official , he was named head coach of the Hamilton Tigers for one season . When the Boston Bruins were formed in 1924 , Ross was hired as the first coach and general manager of the team . He would go on to coach the team on three separate occasions until 1945 and stayed as general manager until his retirement in 1954 . Ross helped the Bruins finish first place in the league ten times and to win the Stanley Cup three times ; Ross personally coached the team to two of those victories . After being hired by the Bruins , Ross , along with his wife and two sons , moved to a suburb of Boston , and became an American citizen in 1938 . He died near Boston in 1964 . Outside of his association with the Bruins , Ross also helped to improve the game . He created a style of hockey puck still used today , and advocated an improved style of goal nets , a change that lasted forty years . In 1947 Ross donated the Art Ross Trophy , awarded to the leading scorer of the NHL regular season . Ross was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1949 . = = Early life = = Ross was born January 13 , 1885 , in Naughton , Ontario . His father , Thomas Barnston Ross , was the head of a Hudson 's Bay Company trading post in the area . The ninth of ten children , Ross grew up speaking both English and Ojibwe , a native Canadian language . Ross moved to Montreal in 1902 to play in organized hockey leagues , living in the affluent Westmount district . He played high school and junior hockey with Lester and Frank Patrick , both of whom were later inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame . Ross and Lester had a financially successful ticket resale business at the Montreal Arena , buying tickets for thirty @-@ five cents and selling them for up to a dollar . = = Playing career = = = = = 1905 – 09 = = = The best hockey players on their high school team , Ross and the Patrick brothers were invited to play occasional games for local league teams in Montreal . Ross first played in an organized league in 1905 , joining Montreal Westmount of the Canadian Amateur Hockey League ( CAHL ) , the top amateur league in Canada . He scored ten goals in eight games during the season . His opponents regarded him as one of the best rushing defencemen . Most defenders at the time either shot the puck down the ice or passed to a forward ; in contrast , Ross skated up the ice , taking the puck into the offensive zone . Later that year , wishing to pursue a career in banking , he moved to Brandon , Manitoba , where he joined the Brandon Elks of the Manitoba Hockey League , the senior league in
[ "▁the", "▁province", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁his", "▁first", "▁season", "▁,", "▁he", "▁scored", "▁six", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁seven", "▁games", "▁while", "▁he", "▁recorded", "▁six", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁ten", "▁games", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁this", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ken", "ora", "▁Th", "ist", "les", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Man", "it", "oba", "▁League", "▁champions", "▁,", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁strength", "en", "▁their", "▁team", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁challenge", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁in", "▁Montreal", "▁during", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁They", "▁paid", "▁Ross", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁play", "▁both", "▁matches", "▁,", "▁a", "▁common", "▁practice", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Th", "ist", "les", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Cup", "▁.", "▁While", "▁failing", "▁to", "▁score", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁started", "▁many", "▁plays", "▁and", "▁proved", "▁an", "▁important", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁played", "▁for", "▁the", "▁oppos", "ing", "▁team", "▁,", "▁he", "▁received", "▁a", "▁good", "▁reception", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁crowd", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁did", "▁not", "▁play", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Th", "ist", "les", "▁when", "▁the", "▁two", "▁teams", "▁played", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Cup", "▁again", "▁in", "▁March", "▁,", "▁which", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁won", "▁to", "▁take", "▁back", "▁the", "▁Cup", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁Ross", "▁moved", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Montreal", "▁.", "▁He", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁the", "▁team", "▁he", "▁had", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁defeat", "▁,", "▁who", "▁played", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Eastern", "▁Canada", "▁Am", "ateur", "▁Hockey", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁E", "CA", "HA", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁successor", "▁league", "▁to", "▁the", "▁CA", "HL", "▁as", "▁the", "▁premier", "▁league", "▁in", "▁the", "▁country", "▁.", "▁He", "▁scored", "▁eight", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁ten", "▁games", "▁over", "▁the", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁season", "▁that", "▁last", "ed", "▁from", "▁January", "▁to", "▁March", "▁.", "▁He", "▁helped", "▁the", "▁team", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁first", "▁in", "▁the", "▁E", "CA", "HA", "▁and", "▁retain", "▁the", "▁Cup", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁with", "▁challeng", "es", "▁from", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁,", "▁W", "inn", "ip", "eg", "▁and", "▁Toronto", "▁.", "▁The", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁were", "▁Cup", "▁champions", "▁throughout", "▁these", "▁challeng", "es", "▁,", "▁so", "▁Ross", "▁became", "▁the", "▁second", "▁player", "▁to", "▁win", "▁the", "▁Cup", "▁with", "▁different", "▁teams", "▁in", "▁consecutive", "▁years", "▁,", "▁after", "▁Jack", "▁Marshall", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁participated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁star", "▁game", "▁in", "▁sports", "▁history", "▁,", "▁a", "▁benefit", "▁for", "▁the", "▁family", "▁of", "▁former", "▁W", "ander", "er", "▁def", "ender", "▁H", "od", "▁Stuart", "▁,", "▁who", "▁died", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁summer", "▁.", "▁As", "ide", "▁from", "▁his", "▁time", "▁with", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁repeated", "▁his", "▁practice", "▁of", "▁playing", "▁for", "▁other", "▁teams", "▁who", "▁paid", "▁for", "▁his", "▁services", "▁in", "▁important", "▁matches", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁season", "▁Ross", "▁demanded", "▁a", "▁sal", "ary", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁settled", "▁for", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁average", "▁sal", "ary", "▁of", "▁hockey", "▁players", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁was", "▁$", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁received", "▁a", "▁c", "ash", "▁bonus", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁play", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁challenge", "▁against", "▁a", "▁team", "▁from", "▁Ed", "mont", "on", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁won", "▁the", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁,", "▁total", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁goal", "▁series", "▁", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁two", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁nine", "▁games", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁new", "▁league", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Hockey", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁CH", "A", "▁)", "▁,", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁late", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁teams", "▁,", "▁the", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Montreal", "▁Hockey", "▁Club", "▁,", "▁h", "ired", "▁Ross", "▁as", "▁a", "▁playing", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁league", "▁only", "▁last", "ed", "▁to", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁before", "▁dis", "band", "ing", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁who", "▁scored", "▁four", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁four", "▁games", "▁in", "▁the", "▁CH", "A", "▁,", "▁then", "▁signed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Ha", "iley", "bury", "▁Com", "ets", "▁of", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Hockey", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁N", "HA", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁league", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁which", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁be", "▁the", "▁stronger", "▁replacement", "▁to", "▁the", "▁E", "CA", "HA", "▁as", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁level", "▁of", "▁hockey", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁.", "▁He", "▁received", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁play", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁season", "▁,", "▁which", "▁last", "ed", "▁from", "▁January", "▁to", "▁March", "▁,", "▁playing", "▁twelve", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁team", "▁and", "▁finishing", "▁with", "▁six", "▁goals", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁the", "▁following", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁im", "posed", "▁a", "▁sal", "ary", "▁cap", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁per", "▁team", "▁.", "▁The", "▁players", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁were", "▁unh", "appy", "▁as", "▁this", "▁would", "▁result", "▁in", "▁a", "▁pay", "▁decrease", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁looking", "▁to", "▁form", "▁their", "▁own", "▁league", "▁without", "▁a", "▁cap", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁wrote", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Her", "ald", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁the", "▁players", "▁want", "▁is", "▁a", "▁fair", "▁deal", "▁...", "▁The", "▁players", "▁are", "▁not", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁bul", "ld", "o", "ze", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁,", "▁but", "▁we", "▁want", "▁to", "▁know", "▁where", "▁we", "▁get", "▁off", "▁at", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁plans", "▁were", "▁abandoned", "▁when", "▁they", "▁realized", "▁all", "▁the", "▁suitable", "▁aren", "as", "▁would", "▁be", "▁un", "available", "▁as", "▁they", "▁were", "▁owned", "▁or", "▁le", "ased", "▁by", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁scored", "▁four", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁eleven", "▁games", "▁with", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁who", "▁finished", "▁fourth", "▁in", "▁the", "▁five", "▁team", "▁league", "▁.", "▁During", "▁a", "▁match", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Quebec", "▁Bul", "ld", "ogs", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁knock", "ed", "▁out", "▁Edd", "ie", "▁O", "at", "man", "▁in", "▁a", "▁fight", "▁,", "▁prov", "oking", "▁a", "▁massive", "▁b", "raw", "l", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁teams", "▁,", "▁which", "▁the", "▁police", "▁had", "▁to", "▁break", "▁up", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fight", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁the", "▁reputation", "▁Ross", "▁had", "▁as", "▁a", "▁t", "ough", "▁player", "▁unw", "illing", "▁to", "▁back", "▁down", "▁from", "▁any", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁season", "▁Ross", "▁had", "▁eleven", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁nin", "ete", "en", "▁games", "▁as", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁improved", "▁to", "▁second", "▁in", "▁the", "▁league", "▁.", "▁", "▁Prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁N", "HA", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁sign", "▁a", "▁contract" ]
the province . In 1906 , his first season , he scored six goals in seven games while he recorded six goals in ten games in 1907 . Around this time , the Kenora Thistles , the Manitoba League champions , wanted to strengthen their team for the Stanley Cup challenge against the Montreal Wanderers in Montreal during January 1907 . They paid Ross $ 1 @,@ 000 to play both matches , a common practice at the time , and the Thistles won the Cup . While failing to score , Ross started many plays and proved an important part of the team . Although he played for the opposing team , he received a good reception from the Montreal crowd . Ross did not play for the Thistles when the two teams played for the Cup again in March , which the Wanderers won to take back the Cup . The following year Ross moved back to Montreal . He joined the Wanderers , the team he had helped to defeat , who played in the Eastern Canada Amateur Hockey Association ( ECAHA ) , the successor league to the CAHL as the premier league in the country . He scored eight goals in ten games over the two @-@ month season that lasted from January to March . He helped the team to finish first in the ECAHA and retain the Cup in 1908 with challenges from Ottawa , Winnipeg and Toronto . The Wanderers were Cup champions throughout these challenges , so Ross became the second player to win the Cup with different teams in consecutive years , after Jack Marshall in 1901 and 1902 . In January 1908 , he participated in the first all @-@ star game in sports history , a benefit for the family of former Wanderer defender Hod Stuart , who died the previous summer . Aside from his time with the Wanderers , Ross repeated his practice of playing for other teams who paid for his services in important matches . For the 1909 season Ross demanded a salary of $ 1 @,@ 600 . Although he settled for $ 1 @,@ 200 , the average salary of hockey players at the time was $ 600 . Ross received a cash bonus of $ 400 to play in a Stanley Cup challenge against a team from Edmonton in December 1908 , in which the Wanderers won the two @-@ game , total @-@ goal series 13 – 10 . He finished the season with two goals in nine games . = = = 1909 – 18 = = = A new league , the Canadian Hockey Association ( CHA ) , was formed in late November 1909 . One of the teams , the All @-@ Montreal Hockey Club , hired Ross as a playing @-@ manager , but the league only lasted to mid @-@ January 1910 before disbanding . Ross , who scored four goals in four games in the CHA , then signed with the Haileybury Comets of the National Hockey Association ( NHA ) , a league formed in December 1909 , which proved to be the stronger replacement to the ECAHA as the highest level of hockey in Canada . He received $ 2 @,@ 700 to play in the 1910 season , which lasted from January to March , playing twelve games for the team and finishing with six goals . Before the following season , the NHA imposed a salary cap of $ 5 @,@ 000 per team . The players , including Ross , were unhappy as this would result in a pay decrease , and began looking to form their own league without a cap . Ross wrote to the Montreal Herald , stating " all the players want is a fair deal ... The players are not trying to bulldoze the NHA , but we want to know where we get off at . " The plans were abandoned when they realized all the suitable arenas would be unavailable as they were owned or leased by the NHA . Ross scored four goals in eleven games with the Wanderers , who finished fourth in the five team league . During a match against the Quebec Bulldogs on February 25 , 1911 , Ross knocked out Eddie Oatman in a fight , provoking a massive brawl between the two teams , which the police had to break up . The fight helped to increase the reputation Ross had as a tough player unwilling to back down from any opponent . The following season Ross had eleven goals in nineteen games as the Wanderers improved to second in the league . Prior to the 1913 – 14 NHA season , Ross refused to sign a contract
[ "▁for", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁request", "ing", "▁a", "▁sal", "ary", "▁increase", "▁.", "▁As", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁top", "▁players", "▁on", "▁the", "▁team", "▁,", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁his", "▁dem", "ands", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁for", "▁the", "▁forth", "coming", "▁season", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁he", "▁finished", "▁with", "▁four", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁nine", "▁points", "▁in", "▁eigh", "teen", "▁games", "▁.", "▁The", "▁next", "▁season", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁again", "▁concerned", "▁with", "▁his", "▁sal", "ary", "▁,", "▁began", "▁negoti", "ating", "▁with", "▁other", "▁players", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁their", "▁teams", "▁and", "▁form", "▁a", "▁new", "▁league", "▁that", "▁would", "▁offer", "▁higher", "▁w", "ages", "▁.", "▁These", "▁actions", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁his", "▁susp", "ension", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁by", "▁Em", "m", "ett", "▁Qu", "inn", "▁,", "▁president", "▁of", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁respond", "ed", "▁by", "▁declaring", "▁himself", "▁a", "▁free", "▁agent", "▁and", "▁claim", "ing", "▁his", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁was", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁valid", "▁.", "▁Con", "sequently", "▁,", "▁although", "▁having", "▁no", "▁technical", "▁power", "▁to", "▁do", "▁so", "▁,", "▁Qu", "inn", "▁susp", "ended", "▁Ross", "▁from", "▁all", "▁organized", "▁hockey", "▁.", "▁The", "▁proposed", "▁new", "▁league", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁material", "ize", "▁and", "▁Ross", "▁applied", "▁for", "▁re", "inst", "at", "ement", "▁to", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁granted", "▁at", "▁a", "▁meeting", "▁of", "▁the", "▁team", "▁own", "ers", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁own", "ers", "▁realized", "▁if", "▁they", "▁susp", "ended", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁they", "▁would", "▁also", "▁have", "▁to", "▁susp", "end", "▁all", "▁those", "▁he", "▁signed", "▁,", "▁hur", "ting", "▁the", "▁league", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁'", "s", "▁actions", "▁led", "▁to", "▁his", "▁release", "▁by", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁.", "▁At", "▁first", "▁he", "▁trained", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁,", "▁then", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁Sen", "ators", "▁.", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁conclusion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Sen", "ators", "▁and", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁finished", "▁with", "▁identical", "▁records", "▁of", "▁four", "teen", "▁wins", "▁and", "▁six", "▁losses", "▁.", "▁A", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁,", "▁total", "▁goal", "▁series", "▁was", "▁played", "▁to", "▁determine", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁league", "▁champion", "▁who", "▁would", "▁contest", "▁the", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁Coast", "▁Hockey", "▁Association", "▁winner", "▁,", "▁the", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁Mill", "ion", "aires", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁who", "▁finished", "▁with", "▁three", "▁goals", "▁in", "▁six", "teen", "▁games", "▁in", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁scored", "▁one", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁match", "▁against", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Sen", "ators", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁victory", "▁,", "▁and", "▁though", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁lost", "▁the", "▁second", "▁game", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁they", "▁won", "▁the", "▁series", "▁,", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁To", "▁help", "▁the", "▁Sen", "ators", "▁stop", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁who", "▁were", "▁known", "▁for", "▁their", "▁speed", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁created", "▁a", "▁new", "▁system", "▁of", "▁defence", "▁.", "▁Term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁k", "itt", "y", "▁bar", "▁the", "▁door", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁it", "▁required", "▁three", "▁def", "enders", "▁to", "▁align", "▁themselves", "▁across", "▁the", "▁ice", "▁", "3", "0", "▁feet", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁the", "▁go", "alt", "ender", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁off", "ensive", "▁r", "ush", "es", "▁.", "▁This", "▁style", "▁of", "▁defence", "▁would", "▁later", "▁be", "▁used", "▁in", "▁a", "▁modified", "▁version", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁neutral", "▁zone", "▁trap", "▁,", "▁later", "▁used", "▁widely", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁opposition", "▁off", "ensive", "▁ch", "ances", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁Ross", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁eight", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁eight", "▁ass", "ists", "▁in", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁one", "▁games", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁second", "▁highest", "▁paid", "▁player", "▁on", "▁the", "▁team", "▁;", "▁his", "▁sal", "ary", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁was", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁less", "▁than", "▁Frank", "▁N", "igh", "bor", "▁made", "▁.", "▁Even", "▁so", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁left", "▁the", "▁team", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁returning", "▁to", "▁Montreal", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁look", "▁after", "▁his", "▁sport", "ing", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁goods", "▁store", "▁,", "▁and", "▁rejo", "ining", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁.", "▁He", "▁scored", "▁six", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁had", "▁two", "▁ass", "ists", "▁in", "▁six", "teen", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁The", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁,", "▁Toronto", "▁Ar", "enas", "▁,", "▁Quebec", "▁Bul", "ld", "ogs", "▁and", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁Sen", "ators", "▁dissol", "ved", "▁the", "▁N", "HA", "▁and", "▁founded", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁N", "HL", "▁)", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "7", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁became", "▁coach", "▁of", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁but", "▁a", "▁fire", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁destroyed", "▁their", "▁home", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Arena", "▁,", "▁and", "▁forced", "▁them", "▁to", "▁fol", "d", "▁after", "▁four", "▁games", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁ins", "isted", "▁the", "▁team", "▁continue", "▁to", "▁play", "▁,", "▁and", "▁recorded", "▁two", "▁additional", "▁scheduled", "▁matches", "▁as", "▁default", "ed", "▁losses", "▁for", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁,", "▁even", "▁though", "▁the", "▁matches", "▁were", "▁not", "▁played", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁W", "ander", "ers", "▁dis", "band", "ed", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁retired", "▁as", "▁a", "▁player", "▁.", "▁His", "▁N", "HL", "▁career", "▁yield", "ed", "▁one", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁three", "▁games", "▁played", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Manager", "ial", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁–", "▁", "3", "6", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ross", "▁began", "▁his", "▁career", "▁as", "▁a", "▁hockey", "▁coach", "▁in", "▁the", "▁midst", "▁of", "▁his", "▁playing", "▁days", "▁,", "▁when", "▁at", "▁age", "▁", "2", "4", "▁he", "▁led", "▁the", "▁McG", "ill", "▁University", "▁Red", "men", "▁to", "▁a", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁record", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "▁season", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁his", "▁playing", "▁career", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁became", "▁a", "▁N", "HL", "▁ref", "eree", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁h", "ired", "▁to", "▁coach", "▁the", "▁Hamilton", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁–", "▁", "2", "3", "▁season", "▁,", "▁and", "▁adopted", "▁new", "▁methods", "▁in", "▁training", "▁camp", "▁that", "▁emphas", "ized", "▁physical", "▁fit", "ness", "▁,", "▁including", "▁work", "▁off", "▁the", "▁ice", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁finished", "▁with", "▁a", "▁record", "▁of", "▁six", "▁wins", "▁and", "▁eigh", "teen", "▁losses", "▁,", "▁last", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁for", "▁the", "▁third", "▁success", "ive", "▁year", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ross", "▁did", "▁not", "▁return", "▁the", "▁next", "▁season", "▁.", "▁His", "▁next", "▁co", "aching", "▁appointment", "▁arose", "▁from", "▁meeting", "▁Boston", "▁gro", "c", "ery", "▁store", "▁magn", "ate", "▁Charles", "▁Adams", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁Final", "s", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁awarded", "▁Adams", "▁an", "▁expansion", "▁team", "▁.", "▁Adams", "▁'", "▁first", "▁move", "▁was", "▁to", "▁h", "ire", "▁Ross", "▁as", "▁vice", "▁president", "▁,", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁coach", "▁and" ]
for the Wanderers , requesting a salary increase . As one of the top players on the team , the Wanderers agreed to his demands of $ 1 @,@ 500 for the forthcoming season , in which he finished with four goals and nine points in eighteen games . The next season Ross , again concerned with his salary , began negotiating with other players in the NHA to leave their teams and form a new league that would offer higher wages . These actions resulted in his suspension in November 1914 by Emmett Quinn , president of the NHA . Ross responded by declaring himself a free agent and claiming his contract with the Wanderers was no longer valid . Consequently , although having no technical power to do so , Quinn suspended Ross from all organized hockey . The proposed new league failed to materialize and Ross applied for reinstatement to the NHA , which was granted at a meeting of the team owners on December 18 , 1914 . The owners realized if they suspended Ross , they would also have to suspend all those he signed , hurting the league . However , Ross 's actions led to his release by the Wanderers . At first he trained with the Montreal Canadiens , then joined the Ottawa Senators . At the conclusion of the 1914 – 15 season , the Senators and Wanderers finished with identical records of fourteen wins and six losses . A two @-@ game , total goal series was played to determine the NHA league champion who would contest the Stanley Cup with the Pacific Coast Hockey Association winner , the Vancouver Millionaires . Ross , who finished with three goals in sixteen games in the season , scored one goal in the first match against the Wanderers , a Senators 4 – 0 victory , and though Ottawa lost the second game 1 – 0 , they won the series , 4 – 1 . To help the Senators stop the Wanderers , who were known for their speed , Ross created a new system of defence . Termed " kitty bar the door " , it required three defenders to align themselves across the ice 30 feet in front of the goaltender to stop offensive rushes . This style of defence would later be used in a modified version known as the neutral zone trap , later used widely to stop opposition offensive chances . The following year Ross , who had eight goals and eight assists in twenty @-@ one games , was the second highest paid player on the team ; his salary of $ 1 @,@ 400 was $ 100 less than Frank Nighbor made . Even so , Ross left the team in 1916 , returning to Montreal in order to look after his sporting @-@ goods store , and rejoining the Wanderers . He scored six goals and had two assists in sixteen games for the team . The Wanderers , along with the Montreal Canadiens , Toronto Arenas , Quebec Bulldogs and Ottawa Senators dissolved the NHA and founded the National Hockey League ( NHL ) in November 1917 . Ross became coach of the Wanderers , but a fire on January 2 , 1918 , destroyed their home , the Montreal Arena , and forced them to fold after four games . However , the NHL insisted the team continue to play , and recorded two additional scheduled matches as defaulted losses for the Wanderers , even though the matches were not played . With the Wanderers disbanded , Ross retired as a player . His NHL career yielded one goal in three games played . = = Managerial career = = = = = 1918 – 36 = = = Ross began his career as a hockey coach in the midst of his playing days , when at age 24 he led the McGill University Redmen to a 4 – 2 – 1 record during the 1910 – 11 season . Following his playing career , Ross became a NHL referee . He was hired to coach the Hamilton Tigers for the 1922 – 23 season , and adopted new methods in training camp that emphasized physical fitness , including work off the ice . However , the Tigers finished with a record of six wins and eighteen losses , last in the NHL for the third successive year , and Ross did not return the next season . His next coaching appointment arose from meeting Boston grocery store magnate Charles Adams during the 1924 Stanley Cup Finals . Before the 1924 season , the NHL awarded Adams an expansion team . Adams ' first move was to hire Ross as vice president , general manager , coach and
[ "▁sc", "out", "▁.", "▁Adams", "▁instruct", "ed", "▁Ross", "▁to", "▁come", "▁up", "▁with", "▁a", "▁nick", "name", "▁port", "ray", "ing", "▁an", "▁un", "t", "amed", "▁animal", "▁displaying", "▁speed", "▁,", "▁ag", "ility", "▁and", "▁c", "unning", "▁.", "▁With", "▁this", "▁in", "▁mind", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁named", "▁the", "▁team", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Old", "▁English", "▁word", "▁for", "▁a", "▁bear", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁nick", "name", "▁went", "▁perfectly", "▁with", "▁the", "▁original", "▁colours", "▁of", "▁brown", "▁and", "▁yellow", "▁,", "▁which", "▁were", "▁the", "▁same", "▁colours", "▁of", "▁Adams", "▁'", "▁gro", "c", "ery", "▁chain", "▁,", "▁First", "▁National", "▁St", "ores", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ross", "▁util", "ized", "▁his", "▁many", "▁hockey", "▁connections", "▁throughout", "▁Canada", "▁and", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁to", "▁sign", "▁players", "▁.", "▁Even", "▁so", "▁,", "▁the", "▁team", "▁started", "▁poor", "ly", "▁.", "▁Early", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁season", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Toronto", "▁hockey", "▁team", "▁was", "▁in", "▁Boston", "▁for", "▁matches", "▁against", "▁local", "▁univers", "ities", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁Con", "n", "▁S", "my", "the", "▁,", "▁who", "▁later", "▁owned", "▁and", "▁managed", "▁the", "▁Toronto", "▁Map", "le", "▁Le", "af", "s", "▁,", "▁said", "▁that", "▁his", "▁team", "▁could", "▁easily", "▁defeat", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁—", "▁Ross", "▁'", "s", "▁team", "▁had", "▁won", "▁only", "▁two", "▁of", "▁their", "▁first", "▁fifteen", "▁N", "HL", "▁games", "▁.", "▁This", "▁began", "▁a", "▁fe", "ud", "▁between", "▁S", "my", "the", "▁and", "▁Ross", "▁which", "▁last", "ed", "▁for", "▁over", "▁", "4", "0", "▁years", "▁,", "▁until", "▁Ross", "▁'", "▁death", "▁;", "▁while", "▁mostly", "▁conf", "ined", "▁to", "▁newspaper", "▁reports", "▁,", "▁they", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁speak", "▁to", "▁each", "▁other", "▁at", "▁N", "HL", "▁Board", "▁of", "▁Governor", "▁meet", "ings", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁finished", "▁their", "▁first", "▁season", "▁with", "▁six", "▁wins", "▁in", "▁thirty", "▁games", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁worst", "▁records", "▁in", "▁the", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁league", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁records", "▁were", "▁set", "▁over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁;", "▁the", "▁three", "▁home", "▁wins", "▁are", "▁tied", "▁for", "▁the", "▁second", "▁few", "est", "▁ever", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁eleven", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁losing", "▁stre", "ak", "▁from", "▁December", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁until", "▁February", "▁", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁set", "▁a", "▁record", "▁for", "▁longest", "▁losing", "▁stre", "ak", "▁,", "▁sur", "pass", "ed", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁and", "▁now", "▁second", "▁longest", "▁in", "▁history", "▁.", "▁With", "▁", "1", "7", "▁wins", "▁in", "▁", "3", "6", "▁games", "▁the", "▁following", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁team", "▁greatly", "▁improved", "▁,", "▁and", "▁finished", "▁one", "▁point", "▁out", "▁of", "▁a", "▁play", "off", "▁spot", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁,", "▁the", "▁other", "▁top", "▁professional", "▁hockey", "▁league", "▁,", "▁was", "▁in", "▁decl", "ine", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Patrick", "▁brothers", "▁,", "▁who", "▁controlled", "▁the", "▁league", "▁,", "▁offered", "▁to", "▁sell", "▁the", "▁remaining", "▁five", "▁teams", "▁for", "▁$", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁realized", "▁the", "▁potential", "▁talent", "▁available", "▁and", "▁convinced", "▁Adams", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁the", "▁money", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁acquired", "▁the", "▁rights", "▁to", "▁several", "▁future", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁players", "▁,", "▁the", "▁most", "▁notable", "▁being", "▁def", "ender", "▁Edd", "ie", "▁Sh", "ore", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁signed", "▁go", "alt", "ender", "▁Cec", "il", "▁\"", "▁T", "iny", "▁\"", "▁Thompson", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁with", "▁a", "▁team", "▁in", "▁Minnesota", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁never", "▁watching", "▁him", "▁play", "▁;", "▁Ralph", "▁\"", "▁Co", "oney", "▁\"", "▁We", "il", "and", "▁was", "▁also", "▁brought", "▁over", "▁from", "▁Minnesota", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁acquired", "▁Cy", "▁D", "enn", "eny", "▁from", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁and", "▁made", "▁him", "▁a", "▁player", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁assistant", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁coach", "▁while", "▁he", "▁assumed", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁coach", "▁and", "▁team", "▁manager", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁a", "▁new", "▁ar", "ena", "▁when", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Garden", "▁opened", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁played", "▁the", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁who", "▁won", "▁the", "▁match", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁", "1", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁fans", "▁.", "▁The", "▁players", "▁signed", "▁by", "▁Ross", "▁helped", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁quickly", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁.", "▁D", "enn", "eny", "▁retired", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Cup", "▁win", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁gu", "iding", "▁the", "▁team", "▁to", "▁several", "▁league", "▁records", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁–", "▁", "3", "0", "▁season", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁won", "▁", "3", "8", "▁of", "▁", "4", "4", "▁games", "▁for", "▁an", "▁.", "8", "7", "5", "▁winning", "▁percentage", "▁,", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁in", "▁league", "▁history", "▁;", "▁the", "▁five", "▁losses", "▁tied", "▁a", "▁record", "▁for", "▁few", "est", "▁ever", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁four", "▁road", "▁losses", "▁tied", "▁a", "▁record", "▁for", "▁second", "▁few", "est", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁also", "▁only", "▁finished", "▁one", "▁game", "▁in", "▁a", "▁tie", "▁,", "▁a", "▁record", "▁for", "▁few", "est", "▁t", "ies", "▁in", "▁a", "▁season", "▁since", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁began", "▁recording", "▁the", "▁record", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁winning", "▁stre", "aks", "▁was", "▁also", "▁set", "▁during", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁From", "▁December", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁until", "▁January", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁team", "▁won", "▁four", "teen", "▁games", "▁in", "▁a", "▁row", "▁,", "▁a", "▁record", "▁that", "▁last", "ed", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁and", "▁now", "▁tied", "▁for", "▁third", "▁longest", "▁,", "▁as", "▁of", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁A", "▁home", "▁winning", "▁stre", "ak", "▁began", "▁the", "▁same", "▁day", "▁and", "▁last", "ed", "▁for", "▁twenty", "▁games", "▁,", "▁until", "▁March", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁tied", "▁for", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁of", "▁its", "▁kind", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁–", "▁", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁again", "▁lost", "▁only", "▁one", "▁home", "▁game", "▁,", "▁which", "▁equ", "alled", "▁their", "▁previous", "▁record", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁subst", "it", "uted", "▁a", "▁sixth", "▁sk", "ater", "▁for", "▁go", "alt", "ender", "▁T", "iny", "▁Thompson", "▁in", "▁the", "▁final", "▁minute", "▁of", "▁play", "▁in", "▁a", "▁play", "off", "▁game", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁lost", "▁the", "▁game", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁became", "▁the", "▁first", "▁coach", "▁to", "▁replace", "▁his", "▁go", "alt", "ender", "▁with", "▁an", "▁extra", "▁attack", "er", "▁,", "▁a", "▁t", "actic", "▁which", "▁became", "▁w", "ides", "p", "read", "▁practice", "▁in", "▁hockey", "▁.", "▁Ste", "pping", "▁aside", "▁as", "▁coach", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁to", "▁focus", "▁on", "▁man", "aging", "▁the", "▁team", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁h", "ired", "▁Frank", "▁Patrick", "▁as", "▁coach", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sal", "ary", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0" ]
scout . Adams instructed Ross to come up with a nickname portraying an untamed animal displaying speed , agility and cunning . With this in mind , Ross named the team the Boston Bruins , after the Old English word for a bear . The team 's nickname went perfectly with the original colours of brown and yellow , which were the same colours of Adams ' grocery chain , First National Stores . Ross utilized his many hockey connections throughout Canada and the United States to sign players . Even so , the team started poorly . Early in the first season the University of Toronto hockey team was in Boston for matches against local universities . The team 's manager , Conn Smythe , who later owned and managed the Toronto Maple Leafs , said that his team could easily defeat the Bruins — Ross 's team had won only two of their first fifteen NHL games . This began a feud between Smythe and Ross which lasted for over 40 years , until Ross ' death ; while mostly confined to newspaper reports , they refused to speak to each other at NHL Board of Governor meetings . The Bruins finished their first season with six wins in thirty games , one of the worst records in the history of the league . Several records were set over the course of the season ; the three home wins are tied for the second fewest ever , and an eleven @-@ game losing streak from December 8 , 1924 , until February 17 , 1925 , set a record for longest losing streak , surpassed in 2004 and now second longest in history . With 17 wins in 36 games the following season , the team greatly improved , and finished one point out of a playoff spot . In 1926 the Western Hockey League , the other top professional hockey league , was in decline . The Patrick brothers , who controlled the league , offered to sell the remaining five teams for $ 300 @,@ 000 . Ross realized the potential talent available and convinced Adams to pay the money . As a result , the Bruins acquired the rights to several future Hall of Fame players , the most notable being defender Eddie Shore . Ross signed goaltender Cecil " Tiny " Thompson in 1928 , who was with a team in Minnesota , despite never watching him play ; Ralph " Cooney " Weiland was also brought over from Minnesota . Ross acquired Cy Denneny from Ottawa and made him a player @-@ assistant @-@ coach while he assumed the role of coach and team manager . On November 20 , 1928 , the Bruins moved to a new arena when the Boston Garden opened . The team played the Canadiens who won the match 1 – 0 in front of 16 @,@ 000 fans . The players signed by Ross helped the Bruins to improve quickly , and they won the Stanley Cup in 1929 . Denneny retired after the Cup win , Ross guiding the team to several league records in the 1929 – 30 season . The team won 38 of 44 games for an .875 winning percentage , the highest in league history ; the five losses tied a record for fewest ever , and the four road losses tied a record for second fewest . The Bruins also only finished one game in a tie , a record for fewest ties in a season since the NHL began recording the record in 1926 . One of the longest winning streaks was also set during the season . From December 3 , 1929 , until January 9 , 1930 , the team won fourteen games in a row , a record that lasted until 1982 and now tied for third longest , as of October 2010 . A home winning streak began the same day and lasted for twenty games , until March 18 , 1930 , which was tied for the longest of its kind in 1976 . In 1930 – 31 , the Bruins again lost only one home game , which equalled their previous record . On March 26 , 1931 , Ross substituted a sixth skater for goaltender Tiny Thompson in the final minute of play in a playoff game against the Montreal Canadiens . Although the Bruins lost the game 1 – 0 , Ross became the first coach to replace his goaltender with an extra attacker , a tactic which became widespread practice in hockey . Stepping aside as coach in 1934 to focus on managing the team , Ross hired Frank Patrick as coach with a salary of $ 10
[ "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁high", "▁for", "▁such", "▁a", "▁role", "▁.", "▁However", "▁rum", "ours", "▁spread", "▁during", "▁the", "▁season", "▁that", "▁Patrick", "▁was", "▁drink", "ing", "▁heavily", "▁and", "▁not", "▁being", "▁as", "▁strict", "▁with", "▁the", "▁players", "▁as", "▁Ross", "▁wanted", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁lost", "▁their", "▁play", "off", "▁series", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Toronto", "▁Map", "le", "▁Le", "af", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁play", "offs", "▁,", "▁the", "▁result", "▁of", "▁an", "▁", "8", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁score", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁game", "▁,", "▁a", "▁newspaper", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁Patrick", "▁had", "▁been", "▁drink", "ing", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁and", "▁had", "▁trouble", "▁cont", "rolling", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁rel", "ieved", "▁Patrick", "▁of", "▁his", "▁duties", "▁and", "▁once", "▁again", "▁assumed", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁coach", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁–", "▁", "5", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ross", "▁took", "▁over", "▁an", "▁improved", "▁team", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁recently", "▁signed", "▁three", "▁players", "▁,", "▁M", "ilt", "▁Schmidt", "▁,", "▁Bobby", "▁B", "auer", "▁and", "▁Wo", "ody", "▁Dum", "art", "▁,", "▁who", "▁all", "▁grew", "▁up", "▁together", "▁in", "▁K", "itch", "ener", "▁,", "▁Ontario", "▁,", "▁and", "▁had", "▁them", "▁play", "▁on", "▁the", "▁same", "▁line", "▁,", "▁soon", "▁nick", "named", "▁the", "▁Kra", "ut", "▁Line", "▁in", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁the", "▁German", "▁her", "itage", "▁of", "▁all", "▁three", "▁.", "▁Al", "ong", "▁with", "▁them", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁had", "▁acquired", "▁a", "▁new", "▁go", "alt", "ender", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁,", "▁Frank", "▁Br", "im", "se", "k", "▁;", "▁after", "▁Br", "im", "se", "k", "▁earned", "▁six", "▁shut", "outs", "▁in", "▁his", "▁first", "▁eight", "▁games", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bru", 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"▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁–", "▁", "2", "8", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁adopted", "▁a", "▁new", "▁style", "▁of", "▁goal", "▁net", "▁created", "▁by", "▁Ross", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁back", "▁m", "old", "ed", "▁into", "▁a", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁shape", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁better", "▁designed", "▁to", "▁catch", "▁pu", "cks", "▁and", "▁the", "▁net", "▁was", "▁used", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁,", "▁when", "▁a", "▁modified", "▁version", "▁was", "▁adopted", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁improved", "▁the", "▁design", "▁of", "▁the", "▁pu", "ck", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁'", "▁design", "▁had", "▁be", "vel", "▁edges", "▁,", "▁which", "▁prevent", "ed", "▁it", "▁b", "oun", "cing", "▁too", "▁much", "▁,", "▁and", "▁used", "▁synth", "etic", "▁rub", "ber", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁the", "▁natural", "▁rub", "ber", "▁previously", "▁in", "▁v", "og", "ue", "▁.", "▁Al", "ong", "▁with", "▁New", "▁York", "▁R", "angers", "▁coach", "▁Frank", "▁B", "ouch", "er", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁red", "▁line" ]
@,@ 500 , which was high for such a role . However rumours spread during the season that Patrick was drinking heavily and not being as strict with the players as Ross wanted . After the Bruins lost their playoff series with the Toronto Maple Leafs in the 1936 playoffs , the result of an 8 – 1 score in the second game , a newspaper claimed that Patrick had been drinking the day of the game and had trouble controlling the team . Several days later , Ross relieved Patrick of his duties and once again assumed the role of coach . = = = 1936 – 54 = = = Ross took over an improved team . He had recently signed three players , Milt Schmidt , Bobby Bauer and Woody Dumart , who all grew up together in Kitchener , Ontario , and had them play on the same line , soon nicknamed the Kraut Line in reference to the German heritage of all three . Along with them , Ross had acquired a new goaltender in 1938 , Frank Brimsek ; after Brimsek earned six shutouts in his first eight games , the Bruins traded away Tiny Thompson to allow Brimsek to play . With these players the Bruins finished first in the league in 1937 – 38 ; Ross was named as the second best coach in the league , selected for the end of season All @-@ Star Second Team . The next season the Bruins won 36 of 48 games , and won the Stanley Cup in the playoffs ; Ross was named to the First All @-@ Star Team as the best coach in the league for the season and the team only tied two games , which is tied for the second fewest in a season . He hired the recently retired Cooney Weiland to coach the Bruins for the 1939 – 40 NHL season . The Bruins would win the Cup again in 1941 , and tied their record of only four away losses all season . Ross once again took over as coach of the team before the 1941 – 42 season began , as Weiland became coach of the Hershey Bears of the American Hockey League , and led the team to 25 wins in 48 games , which was enough to earn third place in the league . By this time the Second World War had caused several Bruins players , including the entire Kraut Line and goaltender Brimsek , to enlist in their respective armed forces . The Bruins finished second in the NHL during the 1942 – 43 season with 24 wins in 50 games and Ross was again named in the Second NHL All @-@ Star Team as second best coach in the league . The Bruins missed the playoffs in 1943 – 44 , the first time in ten years they failed to qualify , but returned to the playoffs the next season , something they did for five straight years . In 1949 , Ross had signed Georges Boucher as coach , but Boucher did not work well with Ross and team president Weston Adams . Looking to hire a new coach in the summer of 1950 , Ross phoned Lynn Patrick , the son of Lester , who had just resigned from the New York Rangers after coaching the team to the Stanley Cup Final . Lynn had moved his family back to Victoria , British Columbia , where he grew up as a child , with the intention of coaching the Victoria Cougars , a team in the minor professional Pacific Coast Hockey League . Though reluctant to move back to the eastern United States , Lynn was hired by Ross after he was offered a salary of $ 12 @,@ 000 . He would coach the team for the next four seasons and become the second general manager of the Bruins when Ross retired at the end of October 1954 . = = = Legacy = = = Aside from his career in hockey , Ross was interested in improving the game . Prior to the start of the 1927 – 28 season , the NHL adopted a new style of goal net created by Ross . With the back molded into a B @-@ shape , it was better designed to catch pucks and the net was used until 1984 , when a modified version was adopted . He also improved the design of the puck . Ross ' design had bevel edges , which prevented it bouncing too much , and used synthetic rubber , rather than the natural rubber previously in vogue . Along with New York Rangers coach Frank Boucher , Ross helped to create the red line
[ "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁introduced", "▁to", "▁help", "▁speed", "▁up", "▁the", "▁game", "▁by", "▁removing", "▁the", "▁ability", "▁for", "▁def", "enders", "▁to", "▁pass", "▁the", "▁pu", "ck", "▁from", "▁the", "▁def", "ensive", "▁to", "▁off", "ensive", "▁zone", "▁;", "▁until", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁it", "▁was", "▁against", "▁the", "▁rules", "▁of", "▁hockey", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁two", "▁line", "▁pass", "▁.", "▁More", "▁scoring", "▁ch", "ances", "▁resulted", "▁as", "▁teams", "▁could", "▁not", "▁simply", "▁send", "▁the", "▁pu", "ck", "▁down", "▁the", "▁ice", "▁with", "▁imp", "unity", "▁.", "▁In", "▁order", "▁to", "▁help", "▁tell", "▁the", "▁red", "▁line", "▁and", "▁blue", "▁lines", "▁apart", "▁on", "▁television", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁the", "▁red", "▁line", "▁be", "▁strip", "ed", "▁.", "▁", "▁Reg", "arded", "▁throughout", "▁his", "▁playing", "▁career", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁def", "enders", "▁in", "▁hockey", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁was", "▁named", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Hockey", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁his", "▁playing", "▁career", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁his", "▁work", "▁as", "▁an", "▁executive", "▁.", "▁A", "▁ceremony", "▁for", "▁his", "▁induction", "▁was", "▁held", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁a", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁game", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁was", "▁given", "▁his", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁scroll", "▁and", "▁a", "▁silver", "▁t", "ray", "▁with", "▁the", "▁em", "blem", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁six", "▁N", "HL", "▁teams", "▁on", "▁it", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁he", "▁was", "▁induct", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Sports", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁.", "▁Al", "ong", "▁with", "▁his", "▁two", "▁sons", "▁he", "▁don", "ated", "▁the", "▁Art", "▁Ross", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁to", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁,", "▁to", "▁be", "▁awarded", "▁to", "▁the", "▁leading", "▁sc", "orer", "▁in", "▁the", "▁league", "▁'", "s", "▁regular", "▁season", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁he", "▁was", "▁post", "hum", "ously", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁L", "ester", "▁Patrick", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁for", "▁service", "▁to", "▁hockey", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁descript", "ive", "▁bi", "ography", "▁entitled", "▁Art", "▁Ross", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Hockey", "▁Leg", "end", "▁who", "▁Bu", "ilt", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁by", "▁Eric", "▁Zwe", "ig", "▁was", "▁published", "▁by", "▁D", "und", "urn", "▁Press", "▁in", "▁Sept", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Personal", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ross", "▁also", "▁excel", "led", "▁in", "▁baseball", "▁,", "▁football", "▁,", "▁lac", "ros", "se", "▁and", "▁motor", "cycle", "▁racing", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁he", "▁became", "▁a", "▁hockey", "▁executive", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁a", "▁career", "▁as", "▁a", "▁bank", "▁cl", "erk", "▁and", "▁ran", "▁a", "▁sport", "ing", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁goods", "▁store", "▁in", "▁Montreal", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁had", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Br", "andon", "▁,", "▁Man", "it", "oba", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁at", "▁the", "▁advice", "▁of", "▁his", "▁parents", "▁so", "▁he", "▁could", "▁get", "▁a", "▁job", "▁with", "▁a", "▁bank", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sal", "ary", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁per", "▁year", "▁.", "▁He", "▁gave", "▁that", "▁career", "▁up", "▁when", "▁he", "▁began", "▁playing", "▁hockey", "▁profession", "ally", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁married", "▁to", "▁Mur", "iel", "▁,", "▁a", "▁native", "▁of", "▁Montreal", "▁,", "▁and", "▁had", "▁two", "▁sons", "▁,", "▁Art", "▁and", "▁John", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁World", "▁War", "▁,", "▁both", "▁sons", "▁served", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Canadian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁war", "▁Ross", "▁made", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Art", "▁the", "▁business", "▁manager", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁.", "▁Ross", "▁was", "▁named", "▁coach", "▁and", "▁manager", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁his", "▁family", "▁to", "▁Brook", "line", "▁,", "▁Massachusetts", "▁,", "▁a", "▁sub", "urb", "▁of", "▁Boston", "▁,", "▁after", "▁being", "▁h", "ired", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁travel", "ing", "▁secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Bra", "ves", "▁baseball", "▁team", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁Bru", "ins", "▁owner", "▁Charles", "▁Adams", "▁.", "▁He", "▁became", "▁a", "▁natural", "ized", "▁American", "▁citiz", "en", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁.", "▁On", "▁August", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁,", "▁Ross", "▁died", "▁at", "▁a", "▁n", "urs", "ing", "▁home", "▁in", "▁Med", "ford", "▁,", "▁Massachusetts", "▁,", "▁a", "▁sub", "urb", "▁of", "▁Boston", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "7", "9", "▁.", "▁A", "▁sister", "▁,", "▁both", "▁his", "▁sons", "▁,", "▁and", "▁three", "▁grand", "children", "▁surv", "ived", "▁him", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Career", "▁statistics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Reg", "ular", "▁season", "▁and", "▁play", "offs", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁*", "▁Play", "ing", "▁stats", "▁from", "▁Total", "▁Hockey", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Co", "aching", "▁record", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁*", "▁Co", "aching", "▁stats", "▁from", "▁Total", "▁Hockey", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Awards", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁N", "HL", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁*", "▁Awards", "▁from", "▁Leg", "ends", "▁of", "▁Hockey", "▁", "▁=", "▁Saint", "▁Leonard", "▁Catholic", "▁Church", "▁(", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁,", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁Saint", "▁Leonard", "▁Catholic", "▁Church", "▁is", "▁a", "▁Roman", "▁Catholic", "▁church", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mid", "western", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁Bu", "ilt", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁out", "standing", "▁example", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Roman", "es", "que", "▁Rev", "ival", "▁style", "▁of", "▁architecture", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁parish", "▁,", "▁named", "▁after", "▁Saint", "▁Leonard", "▁of", "▁Port", "▁Maurice", "▁,", "▁was", "▁organized", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "9", "▁.", "▁A", "▁wood", "▁frame", "▁church", "▁was", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "1", "▁on", "▁the", "▁out", "sk", "ir", "ts", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁,", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁the", "▁city", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "8", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁bas", "ement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁current", "▁church", "▁was", "▁built", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁moved", "▁into", "▁it", "▁,", "▁converting", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁to", "▁a", "▁school", "▁.", "▁When", "▁funds", "▁allowed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁bas", "ement", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁current", "▁brick", "▁church", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁its", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁rect", "ory", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁rect", "ory", "▁'", "s", "▁gar", "age", "▁were", "▁listed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Register", "▁of", "▁Historic", "▁Places", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁noted", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁architect", "▁Jacob", "▁M", ".", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁.", "▁A", "▁pup", "il", "▁of", "▁Thomas", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁Kim", "ball", "▁,", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁designed", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁Catholic", "▁churches", "▁and", "▁other", "▁buildings", "▁in", "▁the", "▁state", "▁,", "▁several", "▁of", "▁which", "▁are", "▁also", "▁listed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Register", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁white", "▁sett", "lers", "▁to", "▁occup", "y", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁were", "▁a", "▁party", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Henry", "▁Mitchell", "▁Bar", "nes", "▁,", "▁who", "▁settled", "▁near", "▁the", "▁j", "unction", "▁of", "▁Union", "▁and" ]
, which was introduced to help speed up the game by removing the ability for defenders to pass the puck from the defensive to offensive zone ; until 2006 it was against the rules of hockey to make a two line pass . More scoring chances resulted as teams could not simply send the puck down the ice with impunity . In order to help tell the red line and blue lines apart on television , Ross suggested that the red line be striped . Regarded throughout his playing career as one of the best defenders in hockey , Ross was named to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1949 , selected for his playing career rather than his work as an executive . A ceremony for his induction was held prior to a Bruins game on December 2 , 1949 , where he was given his Hall of Fame scroll and a silver tray with the emblems of the six NHL teams on it . In 1975 he was inducted into the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame . Along with his two sons he donated the Art Ross Trophy to the NHL in 1947 , to be awarded to the leading scorer in the league 's regular season . In 1984 he was posthumously awarded the Lester Patrick Trophy for service to hockey in the United States . A descriptive biography entitled Art Ross : The Hockey Legend who Built the Bruins by Eric Zweig was published by Dundurn Press in Sept 2015 . = = Personal life = = Ross also excelled in baseball , football , lacrosse and motorcycle racing . Before he became a hockey executive , he had a career as a bank clerk and ran a sporting @-@ goods store in Montreal . Ross had moved to Brandon , Manitoba , in 1905 at the advice of his parents so he could get a job with a bank , with a salary of $ 600 per year . He gave that career up when he began playing hockey professionally . He was married to Muriel , a native of Montreal , and had two sons , Art and John . During the Second World War , both sons served in the Royal Canadian Air Force . After the war Ross made his son Art the business manager for the Bruins . Ross was named coach and manager of the Boston Bruins in 1924 and moved his family to Brookline , Massachusetts , a suburb of Boston , after being hired . In 1928 , he served as the traveling secretary of the Boston Braves baseball team , which was owned by Bruins owner Charles Adams . He became a naturalized American citizen on April 22 , 1938 . On August 5 , 1964 , Ross died at a nursing home in Medford , Massachusetts , a suburb of Boston , at the age of 79 . A sister , both his sons , and three grandchildren survived him . = = Career statistics = = = = = Regular season and playoffs = = = * Playing stats from Total Hockey = = = Coaching record = = = * Coaching stats from Total Hockey = = Awards = = = = = NHL = = = * Awards from Legends of Hockey = Saint Leonard Catholic Church ( Madison , Nebraska ) = Saint Leonard Catholic Church is a Roman Catholic church in the city of Madison , in the state of Nebraska in the Midwestern United States . Built in 1913 , it has been described as " an outstanding example of the Romanesque Revival style of architecture . " St. Leonard 's parish , named after Saint Leonard of Port Maurice , was organized in 1879 . A wood frame church was built in 1881 on the outskirts of Madison , and moved into the city in 1898 . In 1902 , the basement of the current church was built , and the congregation moved into it , converting the old church to a school . When funds allowed , the basement was extended , and the current brick church completed in 1913 . In 1989 , the church , its 1912 rectory , and the rectory 's garage were listed in the National Register of Historic Places , as the work of noted Nebraska architect Jacob M. Nachtigall . A pupil of Thomas Rogers Kimball , Nachtigall designed a number of Catholic churches and other buildings in the state , several of which are also listed in the National Register . = = History = = The first white settlers to occupy the site of Madison were a party led by Henry Mitchell Barnes , who settled near the junction of Union and
[ "▁Taylor", "▁C", "ree", "ks", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "7", "▁.", "▁G", "row", "th", "▁of", "▁the", "▁new", "▁settlement", "▁was", "▁rapid", "▁;", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁,", "▁there", "▁was", "▁an", "▁infl", "ux", "▁of", "▁German", "▁families", "▁from", "▁Wisconsin", "▁.", "▁The", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁was", "▁officially", "▁pl", "atted", "▁by", "▁Bar", "nes", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "0", "▁or", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁,", "▁it", "▁became", "▁the", "▁county", "▁seat", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁County", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "6", "▁it", "▁was", "▁incorpor", "ated", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Union", "▁Pacific", "▁Rail", "road", "▁reached", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "9", "▁;", "▁by", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁town", "▁had", "▁a", "▁population", "▁of", "▁about", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁Christian", "▁services", "▁held", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁were", "▁Pres", "by", "ter", "ian", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁place", "▁in", "▁Bar", "nes", "▁'", "s", "▁and", "▁other", "▁homes", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Pres", "by", "ter", "ian", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁was", "▁organized", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁church", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Method", "ist", "▁circuit", "▁en", "comp", "ass", "ing", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁and", "▁Ant", "el", "ope", "▁count", "ies", "▁was", "▁organized", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁;", "▁a", "▁par", "son", "age", "▁was", "▁built", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁ca", "▁.", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁church", "▁begun", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Luther", "an", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁may", "▁have", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁in", "▁about", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁,", "▁although", "▁early", "▁records", "▁are", "▁incomplete", "▁;", "▁the", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁served", "▁by", "▁the", "▁past", "or", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Luther", "an", "▁church", "▁in", "▁Green", "▁Garden", "▁P", "rec", "inct", "▁,", "▁located", "▁about", "▁seven", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "1", "1", "▁km", "▁)", "▁south", "west", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁formally", "▁organized", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁church", "▁built", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁Catholic", "▁sett", "lers", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁County", "▁hom", "est", "ead", "ed", "▁near", "▁present", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁Battle", "▁Creek", "▁,", "▁north", "west", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "4", "▁,", "▁they", "▁organized", "▁a", "▁parish", "▁;", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "4", "▁–", "▁", "7", "5", "▁,", "▁they", "▁built", "▁St", ".", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁the", "▁county", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁Catholic", "▁church", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁,", "▁they", "▁wrote", "▁to", "▁Bishop", "▁James", "▁O", "▁'", "Con", "nor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Dioc", "ese", "▁of", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁,", "▁asking", "▁that", "▁a", "▁priest", "▁be", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁visit", "▁the", "▁church", "▁at", "▁intervals", "▁until", "▁a", "▁permanent", "▁priest", "▁could", "▁be", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁;", "▁in", "▁apparent", "▁response", "▁to", "▁this", "▁,", "▁Francis", "can", "▁mission", "aries", "▁based", "▁in", "▁Columb", "us", "▁were", "▁given", "▁the", "▁responsibility", "▁of", "▁providing", "▁for", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁County", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "9", "▁,", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁Catholic", "▁residents", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁area", "▁met", "▁to", "▁plan", "▁the", "▁building", "▁of", "▁a", "▁church", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁meeting", "▁,", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "4", "2", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "5", "▁was", "▁subscri", "bed", "▁;", "▁additional", "▁contributions", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "3", "2", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "6", "▁were", "▁obtained", "▁from", "▁citizens", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁church", "▁'", "s", "▁trust", "ees", "▁spent", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁for", "▁five", "▁acres", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁on", "▁a", "▁hill", "▁at", "▁the", "▁sout", "he", "astern", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁town", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁spring", "▁,", "▁a", "▁party", "▁of", "▁parish", "ion", "ers", "▁drove", "▁their", "▁ox", "▁teams", "▁to", "▁Wis", "ner", "▁,", "▁about", "▁", "3", "0", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "▁km", "▁)", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁first", "▁load", "▁of", "▁l", "umber", "▁for", "▁the", "▁new", "▁church", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁by", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "4", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "9", "▁m", "▁×", "▁", "1", "2", "▁m", "▁)", "▁frame", "▁structure", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁capacity", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "1", "▁;", "▁the", "▁total", "▁cost", "▁was", "▁$", "▁", "9", "5", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "1", "▁,", "▁leaving", "▁$", "▁", "2", "0", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "0", "▁ow", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁car", "p", "enter", "▁.", "▁The", "▁new", "▁church", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁to", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁of", "▁Port", "▁Maurice", "▁,", "▁an", "▁", "1", "8", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁Francis", "can", "▁priest", "▁,", "▁pre", "acher", "▁,", "▁asc", "etic", "▁,", "▁and", "▁writer", "▁v", "ener", "ated", "▁as", "▁the", "▁patron", "▁saint", "▁of", "▁parish", "▁miss", "ions", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁a", "▁par", "cel", "▁of", "▁land", "▁sout", "heast", "▁of", "▁the", "▁church", "▁was", "▁purchased", "▁for", "▁a", "▁c", "emetery", "▁;", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁child", "▁buried", "▁in", "▁September", "▁of", "▁that", "▁year", "▁became", "▁its", "▁first", "▁occup", "ant", "▁.", "▁The", "▁c", "emetery", "▁was", "▁f", "enced", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "3", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁church", "▁was", "▁en", "larg", "ed", "▁:", "▁a", "▁sac", "rist", "y", "▁and", "▁a", "▁room", "▁for", "▁the", "▁priest", "▁were", "▁added", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁end", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁ste", "e", "ple", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁end", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁'", "s", "▁population", "▁grew", "▁,", "▁the", "▁church", "▁became", "▁too", "▁small", "▁for", "▁the", "▁expand", "ing", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁its", "▁location", "▁outside", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁was", "▁incon", "ven", "ient", "▁for", "▁many", "▁parish", "ion", "ers", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "8", "▁,", "▁a", "▁tract", "▁of", "▁land", "▁inside", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁was", "▁bought", "▁.", "▁R", "ather", "▁than", "▁building", "▁a", "▁new", "▁church", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁elected", "▁to", "▁move", "▁the", "▁old", "▁one", "▁to", "▁the", "▁new", "▁site", "▁.", "▁The", "▁church", "▁was", "▁moved", "▁in", "▁two", "▁parts", "▁;", "▁when", "▁it", "▁was", "▁re", "construct", "ed", "▁,", "▁another", "▁section", "▁was", "▁added", "▁between", "▁them", "▁,", "▁increasing", "▁the", "▁building", "▁'", "s", "▁se", "ating", "▁capacity", "▁to", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁church", "▁on", "▁the", "▁new", "▁site", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "8", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "0" ]
Taylor Creeks in 1867 . Growth of the new settlement was rapid ; in particular , there was an influx of German families from Wisconsin . The town of Madison was officially platted by Barnes in 1870 or 1871 . In 1875 , it became the county seat of Madison County , and in 1876 it was incorporated . The Union Pacific Railroad reached Madison in 1879 ; by 1880 , the town had a population of about 300 . The first Christian services held in Madison were Presbyterian , taking place in Barnes 's and other homes . A Presbyterian congregation was organized in 1870 , and a church built in 1872 . A Methodist circuit encompassing Madison and Antelope counties was organized in 1871 ; a parsonage was built in Madison ca . 1875 , and a church begun in 1877 . A Lutheran congregation may have formed in Madison in about 1875 , although early records are incomplete ; the congregation was initially served by the pastor of a Lutheran church in Green Garden Precinct , located about seven miles ( 11 km ) southwest of Madison . It was formally organized in 1885 , and a church built in Madison in 1887 . The first Catholic settlers in Madison County homesteaded near present @-@ day Battle Creek , northwest of Madison , in the late 1860s . In 1874 , they organized a parish ; in 1874 – 75 , they built St. Patrick 's Church , the county 's first Catholic church . In 1877 , they wrote to Bishop James O 'Connor of the Diocese of Omaha , asking that a priest be assigned to visit the church at intervals until a permanent priest could be assigned to the parish ; in apparent response to this , Franciscan missionaries based in Columbus were given the responsibility of providing for Madison County . = = = 1879 – 1900 = = = In 1879 , a group of Catholic residents of the Madison area met to plan the building of a church . At the meeting , a total of $ 426 @.@ 75 was subscribed ; additional contributions of $ 322 @.@ 86 were obtained from citizens of Madison . In January 1880 , the church 's trustees spent $ 100 for five acres ( 2 @.@ 0 ha ) on a hill at the southeastern edge of town . In the spring , a party of parishioners drove their ox teams to Wisner , about 30 miles ( 50 km ) northeast of Madison , for the first load of lumber for the new church . The 30 @-@ by @-@ 40 @-@ foot ( 9 m × 12 m ) frame structure , with a capacity of 100 , was completed in November 1881 ; the total cost was $ 957 @.@ 61 , leaving $ 208 @.@ 00 owed to the carpenter . The new church was dedicated to St. Leonard of Port Maurice , an 18th @-@ century Franciscan priest , preacher , ascetic , and writer venerated as the patron saint of parish missions . In 1882 , a parcel of land southeast of the church was purchased for a cemetery ; a one @-@ year @-@ old child buried in September of that year became its first occupant . The cemetery was fenced in 1883 . In 1884 , the church was enlarged : a sacristy and a room for the priest were added to the east end , and a steeple to the west end . As Madison 's population grew , the church became too small for the expanding congregation . In addition , its location outside of the city was inconvenient for many parishioners . In 1898 , a tract of land inside Madison was bought . Rather than building a new church at the time , the parish elected to move the old one to the new site . The church was moved in two parts ; when it was reconstructed , another section was added between them , increasing the building 's seating capacity to 180 . The church on the new site was dedicated in November 1898 . = = = 190
[ "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁decided", "▁that", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁should", "▁be", "▁rem", "od", "elled", "▁into", "▁a", "▁school", "▁and", "▁a", "▁convent", "▁for", "▁the", "▁teachers", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁a", "▁new", "▁church", "▁should", "▁be", "▁built", "▁.", "▁Bro", "ther", "▁Leonard", "▁Dar", "scheid", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Francis", "can", "▁architect", "▁,", "▁drew", "▁up", "▁plans", "▁for", "▁a", "▁church", "▁;", "▁but", "▁financial", "▁constraints", "▁pre", "cluded", "▁its", "▁construction", "▁.", "▁Instead", "▁,", "▁a", "▁temporary", "▁bas", "ement", "▁church", "▁was", "▁built", "▁just", "▁west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁building", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁not", "▁known", "▁whether", "▁the", "▁design", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bas", "ement", "▁used", "▁Dar", "scheid", "▁'", "s", "▁plans", "▁.", "▁Const", "ruction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bas", "ement", "▁church", "▁began", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "2", "▁,", "▁services", "▁were", "▁held", "▁there", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁in", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁school", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁with", "▁two", "▁class", "rooms", "▁staff", "ed", "▁by", "▁two", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sister", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pres", "entation", "▁of", "▁Dub", "u", "que", "▁,", "▁Iowa", "▁.", "▁", "6", "6", "▁students", "▁were", "▁en", "rolled", "▁,", "▁including", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁C", "athol", "ics", "▁,", "▁ow", "ing", "▁to", "▁over", "c", "row", "ding", "▁in", "▁the", "▁public", "▁schools", "▁.", "▁To", "▁make", "▁more", "▁space", "▁available", "▁,", "▁a", "▁bas", "ement", "▁was", "▁d", "ug", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "4", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁a", "▁third", "▁class", "room", "▁was", "▁added", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Francis", "c", "ans", "▁turned", "▁the", "▁management", "▁of", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁over", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Dioc", "ese", "▁of", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁of", "▁that", "▁year", "▁,", "▁Edward", "▁S", ".", "▁M", "uen", "ich", "▁became", "▁the", "▁first", "▁dioc", "es", "an", "▁past", "or", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁M", "uen", "ich", "▁emb", "ark", "ed", "▁upon", "▁an", "▁extensive", "▁building", "▁campaign", "▁,", "▁for", "▁which", "▁he", "▁retained", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁architect", "▁Jacob", "▁M", ".", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁.", "▁Born", "▁in", "▁Germany", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "4", "▁,", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁had", "▁imm", "igr", "ated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁with", "▁his", "▁family", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "3", "▁.", "▁Initial", "ly", "▁working", "▁as", "▁a", "▁labor", "er", "▁in", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁served", "▁as", "▁a", "▁draft", "s", "man", "▁for", "▁that", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "8", "▁Trans", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Mississippi", "▁and", "▁International", "▁Ex", "position", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁then", "▁worked", "▁as", "▁a", "▁draft", "s", "man", "▁for", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁architect", "▁Thomas", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁Kim", "ball", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁;", "▁during", "▁this", "▁time", "▁,", "▁Kim", "ball", "▁had", "▁designed", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁St", ".", "▁Cec", "ilia", "▁'", "s", "▁C", "athedral", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁had", "▁opened", "▁his", "▁own", "▁architect", "ural", "▁office", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁story", "▁eight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁room", "▁brick", "▁rect", "ory", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁was", "▁begun", "▁;", "▁it", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁and", "▁furn", "ished", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁at", "▁a", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "7", "4", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁fall", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁church", "▁bas", "ement", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁by", "▁over", "▁", "5", "0", "▁percent", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Roman", "es", "que", "▁Rev", "ival", "▁church", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁was", "▁built", "▁on", "▁the", "▁existing", "▁bas", "ement", "▁.", "▁The", "▁corner", "stone", "▁was", "▁laid", "▁and", "▁construction", "▁begun", "▁in", "▁May", "▁;", "▁the", "▁church", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁November", "▁,", "▁and", "▁formally", "▁dedicated", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁construction", "▁was", "▁about", "▁$", "▁", "7", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁church", "▁was", "▁under", "▁construction", "▁,", "▁Catholic", "▁services", "▁were", "▁held", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁'", "s", "▁arm", "ory", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁new", "▁church", "▁had", "▁a", "▁se", "ating", "▁capacity", "▁of", "▁", "7", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁In", "▁its", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "3", "4", "▁m", "▁)", "▁tower", "▁was", "▁a", "▁clock", "▁with", "▁four", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "▁)", "▁d", "ial", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁pe", "al", "▁of", "▁three", "▁b", "ells", "▁,", "▁contributed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁citizens", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁;", "▁beside", "▁sum", "mon", "ing", "▁the", "▁parish", "ion", "ers", "▁to", "▁Mass", "▁,", "▁these", "▁rang", "▁the", "▁quarter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hours", "▁,", "▁mark", "ing", "▁time", "▁for", "▁the", "▁residents", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁and", "▁the", "▁surrounding", "▁rural", "▁areas", "▁.", "▁", "▁While", "▁the", "▁urban", "▁United", "▁States", "▁experienced", "▁an", "▁economic", "▁bo", "om", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁sector", "▁of", "▁the", "▁country", "▁experienced", "▁a", "▁de", "pression", "▁.", "▁Dis", "ruption", "▁of", "▁European", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁by", "▁World", "▁War", "▁I", "▁had", "▁produced", "▁high", "▁prices", "▁for", "▁farm", "▁comm", "od", "ities", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁had", "▁been", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁Europe", "▁'", "s", "▁recovery", "▁would", "▁be", "▁slow", "▁and", "▁that", "▁the", "▁high", "▁prices", "▁would", "▁persist", "▁.", "▁This", "▁gave", "▁rise", "▁to", "▁a", "▁b", "ubble", "▁in", "▁far", "ml", "and", "▁prices", "▁,", "▁which", "▁burst", "▁when", "▁the", "▁rapid", "▁post", "war", "▁recovery", "▁of", "▁European", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁drove", "▁comm", "od", "ity", "▁prices", "▁down", "▁again", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁,", "▁increasing", "▁mechan", "ization", "▁reduced", "▁the", "▁need", "▁for", "▁farm", "▁labor", "▁,", "▁pushing", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁w", "ages", "▁down", "ward", "▁and", "▁rural", "▁un", "emp", "loyment", "▁up", "ward", "▁.", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁and", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁parish", "▁suffered", "▁from", "▁this", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁de", "pression", "▁and", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁De", "pression", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁During", "▁this", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁'", "s", "▁population", "▁remained", "▁more", "▁or", "▁less", "▁stable", "▁:", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁it", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁", "4", "4", "0", "▁individuals", "▁;", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁", "4", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁was", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁close", "▁its", "▁school", "▁,", "▁since", "▁the", "▁Pres", "entation", "▁Sister", "s", "▁were", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁able", "▁to", "▁staff" ]
0 – 1913 = = = In the early 20th century , the parish decided that the old church should be remodelled into a school and a convent for the teachers , and that a new church should be built . Brother Leonard Darscheid , a Franciscan architect , drew up plans for a church ; but financial constraints precluded its construction . Instead , a temporary basement church was built just west of the old church building . It is not known whether the design of the basement used Darscheid 's plans . Construction of the basement church began in July 1902 , services were held there beginning in September 1902 , and it was dedicated in February 1903 . The school opened in September 1903 , with two classrooms staffed by two members of the Sisters of the Presentation of Dubuque , Iowa . 66 students were enrolled , including a number of non @-@ Catholics , owing to overcrowding in the public schools . To make more space available , a basement was dug in 1904 . In 1910 , a third classroom was added . In 1910 , the Franciscans turned the management of the parish over to the Diocese of Omaha . In October of that year , Edward S. Muenich became the first diocesan pastor of St. Leonard 's . Muenich embarked upon an extensive building campaign , for which he retained Omaha architect Jacob M. Nachtigall . Born in Germany in 1874 , Nachtigall had immigrated to the United States with his family in 1883 . Initially working as a laborer in Omaha , he had served as a draftsman for that city 's 1898 Trans @-@ Mississippi and International Exposition . He had then worked as a draftsman for Omaha architect Thomas Rogers Kimball from 1900 to 1908 ; during this time , Kimball had designed the city 's St. Cecilia 's Cathedral . In 1909 , Nachtigall had opened his own architectural office . In 1911 , a two @-@ story eight @-@ room brick rectory designed by Nachtigall was begun ; it was completed and furnished in 1912 , at a cost of $ 10 @,@ 374 . In the fall of 1912 , the church basement was extended by over 50 percent . = = = 1913 – 1946 = = = In 1913 , a Romanesque Revival church designed by Nachtigall was built on the existing basement . The cornerstone was laid and construction begun in May ; the church was completed by the end of November , and formally dedicated on December 4 . The cost of construction was about $ 75 @,@ 000 . While the church was under construction , Catholic services were held in Madison 's armory . The new church had a seating capacity of 700 . In its 110 @-@ foot ( 34 m ) tower was a clock with four six @-@ foot ( 1 @.@ 8 m ) dials , and a peal of three bells , contributed by the citizens of Madison ; beside summoning the parishioners to Mass , these rang the quarter @-@ hours , marking time for the residents of the city and the surrounding rural areas . While the urban United States experienced an economic boom during the 1920s , the agricultural sector of the country experienced a depression . Disruption of European agriculture by World War I had produced high prices for farm commodities , and it had been thought that Europe 's recovery would be slow and that the high prices would persist . This gave rise to a bubble in farmland prices , which burst when the rapid postwar recovery of European agriculture drove commodity prices down again . At the same time , increasing mechanization reduced the need for farm labor , pushing agricultural wages downward and rural unemployment upward . Madison and St. Leonard 's parish suffered from this agricultural depression and from the Great Depression of the 1930s . During this time , the parish 's population remained more or less stable : in 1918 , it consisted of 440 individuals ; in 1929 , 452 . In 1926 , the parish was forced to close its school , since the Presentation Sisters were no longer able to staff
[ "▁it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁school", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "6", "0", "▁pup", "ils", "▁taught", "▁by", "▁Mission", "ary", "▁Bened", "ict", "ine", "▁Sister", "s", "▁based", "▁in", "▁Nor", "folk", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁on", "set", "▁of", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁once", "▁again", "▁brought", "▁prosper", "ity", "▁to", "▁rural", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁pers", "isted", "▁into", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁paid", "▁off", "▁its", "▁remaining", "▁deb", "t", "▁,", "▁held", "▁a", "▁mort", "g", "age", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁burning", "▁ceremony", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁raising", "▁funds", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁school", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁–", "▁present", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁corner", "stone", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁school", "▁was", "▁laid", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "3", "▁.", "▁A", "▁property", "▁ad", "jo", "ining", "▁the", "▁new", "▁school", "▁site", "▁was", "▁bought", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁house", "▁standing", "▁upon", "▁it", "▁converted", "▁to", "▁a", "▁convent", "▁for", "▁the", "▁n", "uns", "▁staff", "ing", "▁the", "▁school", "▁.", "▁The", "▁new", "▁building", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁and", "▁opened", "▁for", "▁classes", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁;", "▁the", "▁old", "▁school", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁life", "▁as", "▁the", "▁first", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁was", "▁demol", "ished", "▁that", "▁fall", "▁,", "▁and", "▁its", "▁site", "▁became", "▁a", "▁par", "king", "▁lot", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Bened", "ict", "ine", "▁Sister", "s", "▁with", "d", "rew", "▁from", "▁the", "▁school", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "8", "▁,", "▁prompt", "ing", "▁the", "▁closing", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sevent", "h", "▁and", "▁e", "ighth", "▁gr", "ades", "▁.", "▁The", "▁school", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁offer", "▁gr", "ades", 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"▁at", "▁a", "▁b", "iling", "ual", "▁Mass", "▁conducted", "▁by", "▁E", "ld", "en", "▁Curt", "iss", "▁,", "▁arch", "bishop", "▁emer", "it", "us", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "di", "oc", "ese", "▁of", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Architecture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁three", "▁of", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁'", "s", "▁buildings", "▁—", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁the", "▁rect", "ory", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁rect", "ory", "▁'", "s", "▁gar", "age", "▁—", "▁were", "▁added", "▁to", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Register", "▁of", "▁Historic", "▁Places", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁distinguished", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁architect", "▁Jacob", "▁M", ".", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁.", "▁Bes", "ide", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁,", "▁Nach", "t", "ig", "all", "▁designed", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁other", "▁notable", "▁buildings", "▁in", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁,", "▁many", "▁of", "▁them", "▁Catholic", "▁;", "▁these", "▁include", "▁St", ".", "▁Mary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ass", "umption", "▁Church", "▁in", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁St", ".", "▁Anthony", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁in", "▁C", "ed", "ar", "▁Rap", "ids", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁St", ".", "▁Bon", "av", "ent", "ure", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁in", "▁R", "ae", "ville", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Im", "mac", "ulate", "▁Con", "ception", "▁Church", "▁in", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Father", "▁Fl", "an", "agan", "▁'", "s", "▁House", "▁at", "▁Boys", "▁Town", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Church", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁church", "▁is", "▁orient", "ed", "▁east", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁main", "▁entrance", "▁facing", "▁west", "ward", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁just", "▁over", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "4", "7", "▁m", "▁)", "▁long", "▁from", "▁east", "▁to", "▁west", "▁;", "▁", "5", "2", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "▁m", "▁)", "▁wide", "▁from", "▁north", "▁to", "▁south", "▁.", "▁The", "▁walls", "▁are", "▁made", "▁of", "▁m", "osa", "ic", "▁gray", "▁pressed", "▁brick", "▁trim", "med", "▁with", "▁Bed", "ford", "▁stone", "▁,", "▁rising", "▁from", "▁a", "▁rock", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁faced", "▁lim", "estone", "▁foundation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁are", "▁about", "▁", "4", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "▁m", "▁)", "▁high", "▁.", "▁The", "▁peak", "▁of", "▁the", "▁roof", "▁is", "▁about", "▁", "7", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "2", "1", "▁m", "▁)", "▁above", "▁ground", "▁level", "▁.", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁west", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "3", "4", "▁m", "▁)", "▁b", "ellt", "ower", "▁r", "ises", "▁above", "▁the", "▁main", "▁entrance", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tower", "▁is", "▁to", "pped", "▁with", "▁a", "▁co", "pper", "▁d", "ome", "▁,", "▁c", "apped", "▁with", "▁a", "▁cross", "▁.", "▁It", "▁contains", "▁three", "▁b", "ells", "▁,", "▁we", "igh", "ing", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁pounds", "▁(", "▁", "4", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁", "7", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "3", "0", "▁kg", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tower", "▁'", "s", "▁clock", "▁has", "▁four", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "▁)", "▁d", "ial", "s", "▁.", "▁Below", "▁the", "▁tower", "▁," ]
it . The school re @-@ opened in 1931 , with 60 pupils taught by Missionary Benedictine Sisters based in Norfolk . The onset of World War II once again brought prosperity to rural Nebraska , and it persisted into the 1950s . St. Leonard 's paid off its remaining debt , held a mortgage @-@ burning ceremony in 1946 , and began raising funds for a new school . = = = 1946 – present = = = The cornerstone for a new school was laid in November 1953 . A property adjoining the new school site was bought , and the house standing upon it converted to a convent for the nuns staffing the school . The new building was completed and opened for classes in August 1954 ; the old school , which had begun life as the first St. Leonard 's Church , was demolished that fall , and its site became a parking lot . The Benedictine Sisters withdrew from the school in 1978 , prompting the closing of the seventh and eighth grades . The school continued to offer grades 1 – 6 , taught by three lay instructors . Beginning in the early 1990s , Madison experienced a large influx of Hispanics . In 1990 , Madison County 's population was 2 % Hispanic ; by 2010 , the number had increased to 13 % . In the city of Madison , whose single largest employer was a meatpacking plant with over 1000 employees , operated by IBP and then by Tyson Foods , the increase was far greater : the Hispanic fraction of the population rose from less than 1 % in 1980 to 48 @.@ 8 % in 2010 , as the Spanish @-@ speaking population increased and the white non @-@ Hispanic population fell . By 2011 , an estimated two @-@ thirds of St. Leonard 's parishioners were Hispanic . Beginning in 1991 , the archdiocese assigned Spanish @-@ speaking priests to the parish , and both English- and Spanish @-@ language services were offered . The centennial of the church building was celebrated in December 2013 , at a bilingual Mass conducted by Elden Curtiss , archbishop emeritus of the Archdiocese of Omaha . = = Architecture = = In 1989 , three of the parish 's buildings — the church , the rectory , and the rectory 's garage — were added to the National Register of Historic Places , as the work of distinguished Nebraska architect Jacob M. Nachtigall . Beside St. Leonard 's , Nachtigall designed a number of other notable buildings in Nebraska , many of them Catholic ; these include St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Dwight ( 1914 ) , St. Anthony 's Church in Cedar Rapids ( 1919 ) , St. Bonaventure 's Church in Raeville ( 1919 ) , Immaculate Conception Church in Omaha ( 1926 ) , and Father Flanagan 's House at Boys Town ( 1927 ) . = = = Church = = = The church is oriented east @-@ west , with the main entrance facing westward . It is just over 153 feet ( 47 m ) long from east to west ; 52 feet ( 16 m ) wide from north to south . The walls are made of mosaic gray pressed brick trimmed with Bedford stone , rising from a rock @-@ faced limestone foundation , and are about 40 feet ( 12 m ) high . The peak of the roof is about 70 feet ( 21 m ) above ground level . At the west end of the church , a 110 @-@ foot ( 34 m ) belltower rises above the main entrance . The tower is topped with a copper dome , capped with a cross . It contains three bells , weighing 900 , 1 @,@ 600 , and 2 @,@ 500 pounds ( 410 , 730 , and 1 @,@ 130 kg ) . The tower 's clock has four six @-@ foot ( 1 @.@ 8 m ) dials . Below the tower ,
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"@", "▁car", "ved", "▁wood", "▁decor", "ated", "▁with", "▁small", "▁on", "y", "x", "▁columns", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁base", "▁is", "▁a", "▁relief", "▁sculpt", "ure", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Last", "▁Su", "pper", "▁;", "▁above", "▁that", "▁is", "▁a", "▁mar", "ble", "▁alt", "ar", "▁table", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tab", "ern", "acle", "▁is", "▁just", "▁above", "▁that", "▁;", "▁to", "▁either", "▁side", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sculpt", "ed", "▁ang", "el", "▁,", "▁kne", "eling", "▁to", "▁the", "▁tab", "ern", "acle", "▁and", "▁holding", "▁the", "▁san", "ctu", "ary", "▁l", "amps", "▁.", "▁A", "bove", "▁the", "▁tab", "ern", "acle", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sculpt", "ed", "▁Cru", "c", "if", "ix", "ion", "▁of", "▁Jesus", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Virgin", "▁Mary", "▁and", "▁the", "▁apost", "le", "▁John", "▁on", "▁either", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cross", "▁.", "▁In", "▁separate", "▁nich", "es", "▁on", "▁either", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cru", "c", "if", "ix", "ion", "▁scene", "▁are", "▁stat", "ues", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁Bon", "if", "ace", "▁and", "▁St", ".", "▁Patrick", "▁,", "▁representing", "▁the", "▁German", "▁and", "▁Irish", "▁eth", "nic", "ity", "▁of", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁in", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁A", "bove", "▁their", "▁nich", "es", "▁are", "▁figures", "▁of", "▁ang", "els", "▁blow", "ing", "▁tr", "ump", "ets", "▁;", "▁at", "▁the", "▁top", "▁of", "▁the", "▁alt", "ar", "▁is", "▁a", "▁statue", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁Leonard", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁the", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dom", "ed", "▁ce", "iling", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ap", "se", "▁is", "▁a", "▁large", "▁oil", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁painted", "▁m", "ural", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁Heaven", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁center", "▁,", "▁God", "▁the", "▁Father", "▁and", "▁Jesus", "▁are", "▁ent", "hr", "oned", "▁on", "▁a", "▁cloud", "▁;", "▁a", "▁st", "ained" ]
a flight of seventeen steps ascends to the church 's main entrance , via a set of double doors through a semicircular archway . The church 's north and south walls are supported by a series of buttresses . Seven windows run along each wall . A line of brick corbels runs along the walls below the eaves . Near the east end of the church , a short transept extends a short distance outward . At the church 's east end , beyond the transept , is a semicircular apse with a conical roof , topped with a six @-@ paned conical skylight . = = = = Interior = = = = The interior plan of the church consists of a nave , a short transept , and a semicircular apse . At the west end of the nave is a narthex . At the center of this is a vestibule leading to the church 's main entrance ; at the church 's northwest corner is a reconciliation room , formerly a baptistry ; at the southwest corner is a short passage from which a staircase descends to the basement and another rises to the choir loft . In the loft is the church 's organ , a tracker model manufactured by the Hinners Organ Company in 1879 ; the organ was not originally built for St. Leonard 's . The nave measures 98 feet ( 30 m ) between the entrance and the communion rail . An aisle passes down its center ; narrower aisles follow the north and south walls . Two rows of seven circular columns run along the nave . The columns are made of wood , plastered to conceal the material , and decorated with Corinthian capitals . The rib @-@ vaulted ceiling rises 30 feet ( 9 @.@ 1 m ) above the floor . Fourteen stained @-@ glass windows , depicting scenes from the life of Christ , occupy the nave 's walls . The 13 @.@ 5 @-@ by @-@ 5 @-@ foot ( 4 @.@ 1 m × 1 @.@ 5 m ) windows were produced by the Muenich Art Studio of Chicago . Between the windows are sculpted stations of the cross . In three spandrels above columns on each side are fresco paintings . Two marble steps rise from the nave to the chancel . At the top of the steps is a hand @-@ carved white wood communion rail , decorated with miniature onyx columns and topped with marble . At the northwest and southwest corners of the chancel are two side altars : to the north , a Marian altar ; to the south , an altar of St. Joseph . The original image on the Marian altar depicts Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception ; more recently , an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been added . The St. Joseph altar includes a bone relic of St. Leonard of Port Maurice . On the Gospel side of the chancel is a large hand @-@ carved wood pulpit , decorated with carved figures of the four Evangelists . The chancel is dominated by the high altar , which stands over 20 feet ( 6 @.@ 1 m ) tall , and which cost its donors $ 2 @,@ 080 in 1913 . Like the communion rail , the side altars , and the pulpit , it is made of hand @-@ carved wood decorated with small onyx columns . At the base is a relief sculpture of the Last Supper ; above that is a marble altar table . The tabernacle is just above that ; to either side is a sculpted angel , kneeling to the tabernacle and holding the sanctuary lamps . Above the tabernacle is a sculpted Crucifixion of Jesus , with the Virgin Mary and the apostle John on either side of the cross . In separate niches on either side of the crucifixion scene are statues of St. Boniface and St. Patrick , representing the German and Irish ethnicity of the parish in the early 20th century . Above their niches are figures of angels blowing trumpets ; at the top of the altar is a statue of St. Leonard . On the half @-@ domed ceiling of the apse is a large oil @-@ painted mural depicting a scene in Heaven . In the center , God the Father and Jesus are enthroned on a cloud ; a stained
[ "▁@", "-", "@", "▁glass", "▁sk", "yl", "ight", "▁at", "▁the", "▁top", "▁of", "▁the", "▁d", "ome", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁the", "▁Holy", "▁Spirit", "▁comple", "tes", "▁the", "▁Tr", "inity", "▁.", "▁Fl", "ank", "ing", "▁the", "▁Father", "▁and", "▁Son", "▁are", "▁the", "▁Virgin", "▁Mary", "▁and", "▁John", "▁the", "▁Bapt", "ist", "▁.", "▁Below", "▁the", "▁cloud", "▁is", "▁Sat", "an", "▁in", "▁tor", "ment", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁left", "▁and", "▁right", "▁of", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁is", "▁an", "▁assemb", "lage", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "▁Catholic", "▁sain", "ts", "▁and", "▁", "1", "0", "▁ang", "els", "▁.", "▁", "▁Bes", "ide", "▁the", "▁four", "teen", "▁large", "▁windows", "▁in", "▁the", "▁nave", "▁,", "▁there", "▁are", "▁", "2", "5", "▁st", "ained", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁glass", "▁windows", "▁in", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁sain", "ts", "▁and", "▁symbols", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Catholic", "▁Church", "▁.", "▁These", "▁include", "▁St", ".", "▁Cec", "ilia", "▁,", "▁patron", "▁saint", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arch", "di", "oc", "ese", "▁of", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁pair", "▁of", "▁windows", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁St", ".", "▁Bon", "if", "ace", "▁and", "▁St", ".", "▁Patrick", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁form", "▁nomin", "ating", "▁it", "▁for", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Register", "▁of", "▁Historic", "▁Places", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁church", "▁had", "▁under", "g", "one", "▁only", "▁minor", "▁alter", "ations", "▁,", "▁including", "▁an", "▁interior", "▁re", "decor", "ation", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁replacement", "▁of", "▁roof", "▁sl", "ates", "▁with", "▁as", "ph", "alt", "▁sh", "ing", "les", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁addition", "▁of", "▁a", "▁concrete", "▁r", "amp", "▁for", "▁access", "▁by", "▁the", "▁hand", "ic", "apped", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rect", "ory", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁rect", "ory", "▁,", "▁located", "▁just", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁in", "▁Ne", "oc", "lass", "ical", "▁style", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Roman", "es", "que", "▁Rev", "ival", "▁elements", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁rect", "angular", "▁house", "▁meas", "uring", "▁", "4", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "▁m", "▁)", "▁wide", "▁by", "▁", "5", "7", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "▁m", "▁)", "▁long", "▁,", "▁with", "▁eight", "▁rooms", "▁in", "▁two", "▁stories", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁made", "▁of", "▁m", "osa", "ic", "▁gray", "▁brick", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "▁open", "▁por", "ch", "▁occup", "ies", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁of", "▁the", "▁west", "▁front", "age", "▁,", "▁facing", "▁the", "▁street", "▁,", "▁and", "▁wra", "ps", "▁around", "▁to", "▁cover", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁south", "▁side", "▁.", "▁The", "▁port", "ico", "▁is", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁circular", "▁columns", "▁with", "▁Dor", "ic", "▁capit", "als", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁base", "▁of", "▁the", "▁por", "ch", "▁is", "▁brick", "▁lattice", "work", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁small", "▁en", "closed", "▁por", "ch", "▁with", "▁a", "▁door", "way", "▁on", "▁the", "▁east", "▁side", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁three", "▁row", "lock", "▁arch", "es", "▁above", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁windows", "▁on", "▁the", "▁first", "▁floor", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁west", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁facing", "▁windows", "▁on", "▁the", "▁second", "▁floor", "▁has", "▁two", "▁row", "lock", "▁arch", "es", "▁above", "▁it", "▁;", "▁the", "▁other", "▁second", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁floor", "▁windows", "▁are", "▁rect", "angular", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁two", "▁circular", "▁window", "▁open", "ings", "▁in", "▁the", "▁att", "ic", "▁,", "▁one", "▁facing", "▁west", "▁and", "▁the", "▁other", "▁south", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁rect", "ory", "▁has", "▁a", "▁s", "lop", "ing", "▁roof", "▁with", "▁over", "h", "anging", "▁e", "aves", "▁and", "▁wood", "▁corn", "ices", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁south", "▁wall", "▁is", "▁a", "▁tym", "pan", "um", "▁,", "▁filled", "▁in", "▁with", "▁s", "iding", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Gar", "age", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁original", "▁rect", "ory", "▁gar", "age", "▁is", "▁located", "▁sout", "heast", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rect", "ory", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁rect", "angular", "▁structure", "▁facing", "▁west", "ward", "▁,", "▁meas", "uring", "▁", "1", "6", "▁feet", "▁", "2", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁m", "▁)", "▁north", "▁to", "▁south", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "2", "6", "▁feet", "▁", "4", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁east", "▁to", "▁west", "▁.", "▁The", "▁interior", "▁is", "▁a", "▁single", "▁room", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁front", "▁(", "▁west", "▁side", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁gar", "age", "▁is", "▁made", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁m", "osa", "ic", "▁gray", "▁brick", "▁that", "▁was", "▁used", "▁for", "▁the", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁church", "▁and", "▁the", "▁rect", "ory", "▁.", "▁The", "▁north", "▁and", "▁south", "▁walls", "▁are", "▁both", "▁made", "▁of", "▁two", "▁different", "▁materials", "▁:", "▁the", "▁western", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁third", "s", "▁of", "▁them", "▁is", "▁red", "▁brick", "▁,", "▁possibly", "▁from", "▁the", "▁br", "icky", "ard", "▁that", "▁once", "▁operated", "▁in", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁;", "▁the", "▁eastern", "most", "▁third", "▁is", "▁pl", "aster", "ed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁layer", "▁of", "▁c", "ement", "▁,", "▁painted", "▁red", "▁to", "▁match", "▁the", "▁br", "icks", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rear", "▁(", "▁east", "▁)", "▁wall", "▁is", "▁also", "▁pl", "aster", "ed", "▁with", "▁red", "▁c", "ement", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁gar", "age", "▁was", "▁either", "▁length", "ened", "▁to", "▁fit", "▁a", "▁longer", "▁car", "▁,", "▁or", "▁that", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁third", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁re", "built", "▁;", "▁the", "▁building", "▁'", "s", "▁hip", "▁roof", "▁shows", "▁no", "▁signs", "▁of", "▁having", "▁been", "▁length", "ened", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁gar", "age", "▁has", "▁two", "▁doors", "▁and", "▁two", "▁windows", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁the", "▁doors", "▁and", "▁windows", "▁have", "▁two", "▁row", "lock", "▁brick", "▁arch", "es", "▁over", "▁them", "▁.", "▁The", "▁car", "▁entrance", "▁is", "▁on", "▁the", "▁west", "▁side", "▁;", "▁a", "▁passage", "▁door", "▁is", "▁on", "▁the", "▁north", "▁side", "▁.", "▁A", "▁clear", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁glass", "▁window", "▁with", "▁", "1", "6", "▁pan", "es", "▁is", "▁on", "▁the", "▁east", "▁side", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁west", "▁side", "▁,", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁car", "▁entrance", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁window", "▁with", "▁be", "ve", "led", "▁lead", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁glass", "▁pan", "es", "▁,", "▁which", "▁appear", "▁clear", "▁from", "▁the", "▁outside", "▁but", "▁red", "▁from", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁building", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁been", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁that", "▁this", "▁window", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁church", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Portuguese", "▁iron", "cl", "ad", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁=", "▁", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁a", "▁central", "▁battery", "▁iron", "cl", "ad", "▁which", "▁entered", "▁service", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Portuguese", "▁Navy", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "6", "▁,", "▁serving", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁built", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Th", "ames", "▁Iron", "▁Works", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁launched", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "8", "▁.", "▁She", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁flags", "hip", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Portuguese", "▁fleet", "▁for", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁her", "▁long", "▁and", "▁peace", "ful", "▁career", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁re", "built", "▁and", "▁heavily", "▁modern", "ized", "▁between", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁Long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁since", "▁ob", "sole", "te", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da" ]
@-@ glass skylight at the top of the dome depicting the Holy Spirit completes the Trinity . Flanking the Father and Son are the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist . Below the cloud is Satan in torment . At the left and right of the scene is an assemblage of 18 Catholic saints and 10 angels . Beside the fourteen large windows in the nave , there are 25 stained @-@ glass windows in the church , depicting saints and symbols of the Catholic Church . These include St. Cecilia , patron saint of the Archdiocese of Omaha , and a pair of windows depicting St. Boniface and St. Patrick . In the 1989 form nominating it for the National Register of Historic Places , it was noted that the church had undergone only minor alterations , including an interior redecoration in 1964 , the replacement of roof slates with asphalt shingles in 1977 , and the addition of a concrete ramp for access by the handicapped in 1986 . = = = Rectory = = = The rectory , located just south of the church , was designed in Neoclassical style , with Romanesque Revival elements . It is a rectangular house measuring 40 feet ( 12 m ) wide by 57 feet ( 17 m ) long , with eight rooms in two stories . Like the church , it is made of mosaic gray brick . An open porch occupies the whole of the west frontage , facing the street , and wraps around to cover half of the south side . The portico is supported by circular columns with Doric capitals . At the base of the porch is brick latticework . There is a small enclosed porch with a doorway on the east side . There are three rowlock arches above all of the windows on the first floor . One of the west @-@ facing windows on the second floor has two rowlock arches above it ; the other second @-@ floor windows are rectangular . There are two circular window openings in the attic , one facing west and the other south . The rectory has a sloping roof with overhanging eaves and wood cornices . On the south wall is a tympanum , filled in with siding . = = = = Garage = = = = The original rectory garage is located southeast of the rectory . It is a rectangular structure facing westward , measuring 16 feet 2 inches ( 4 @.@ 9 m ) north to south , and 26 feet 4 inches ( 8 @.@ 0 m ) east to west . The interior is a single room . The front ( west side ) of the garage is made of the same mosaic gray brick that was used for the construction of the church and the rectory . The north and south walls are both made of two different materials : the western two @-@ thirds of them is red brick , possibly from the brickyard that once operated in Madison ; the easternmost third is plastered with a layer of cement , painted red to match the bricks . The rear ( east ) wall is also plastered with red cement . It is speculated that the garage was either lengthened to fit a longer car , or that the eastern third had to be rebuilt ; the building 's hip roof shows no signs of having been lengthened . The garage has two doors and two windows . Both the doors and windows have two rowlock brick arches over them . The car entrance is on the west side ; a passage door is on the north side . A clear @-@ glass window with 16 panes is on the east side . On the west side , north of the car entrance , is a window with beveled lead @-@ glass panes , which appear clear from the outside but red from inside the building . It has been speculated that this window was part of the parish 's first church . = Portuguese ironclad Vasco da Gama = Vasco da Gama was a central battery ironclad which entered service with the Portuguese Navy in 1876 , serving until 1935 . She was built by the Thames Iron Works in London , launched in 1876 , and completed in 1878 . She served as the flagship of the Portuguese fleet for the majority of her long and peaceful career . She was rebuilt and heavily modernized between 1901 and 1903 . Long @-@ since obsolete by the 1930s , Vasco da
[ "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁finally", "▁sold", "▁for", "▁scra", "pping", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Design", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "6", "1", "▁m", "▁)", "▁long", "▁between", "▁per", "pend", "icular", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁had", "▁a", "▁beam", "▁of", "▁", "4", "0", "▁ft", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "▁m", "▁)", "▁,", "▁though", "▁at", "▁the", "▁main", "▁battery", "▁guns", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ship", "▁was", "▁", "4", "6", "▁ft", "▁", "6", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "7", "▁m", "▁)", "▁wide", "▁.", "▁She", "▁had", "▁a", "▁maximum", "▁draft", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "▁ft", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "▁)", "▁.", "▁She", "▁disp", "la", "ced", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "8", "4", "▁metric", "▁tons", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "4", "6", "▁long", "▁tons", "▁;", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "2", "8", "▁short", "▁tons", "▁)", "▁as", "▁originally", "▁built", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁fitted", "▁with", "▁a", "▁bar", "quent", "ine", "▁rig", "▁and", "▁a", "▁steam", "▁engine", "▁r", "ated", "▁at", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁indicated", "▁horse", "power", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁kW", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁top", "▁speed", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁kn", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁;", "▁", "1", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁She", "▁had", "▁a", "▁crew", "▁of", "▁", "2", "3", "2", "▁officers", "▁and", "▁men", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁built", "▁,", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁armed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁main", "▁battery", "▁of", "▁two", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "2", "6", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁guns", "▁,", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁individual", "▁bar", "b", "ettes", "▁side", "▁by", "▁side", "▁amid", "ships", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁also", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁a", "▁single", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁gun", "▁mounted", "▁on", "▁her", "▁stern", "▁,", "▁and", "▁four", "▁", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁p", "ound", "er", "▁guns", "▁for", "▁close", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁range", "▁defense", "▁against", "▁tor", "ped", "o", "▁boats", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁protected", "▁with", "▁a", "▁complete", "▁iron", "▁arm", "ored", "▁bel", "t", "▁that", "▁was", "▁", "4", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁thick", "▁on", "▁either", "▁end", "▁and", "▁", "9", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁thick", "▁amid", "ships", "▁.", "▁The", "▁main", "▁battery", "▁guns", "▁were", "▁protected", "▁by", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "ch", "▁(", "▁", "2", "5", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁thick", "▁bar", "b", "ettes", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Service", "▁history", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁laid", "▁down", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Th", "ames", "▁Iron", "▁Works", "▁ship", "yard", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁Britain", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁launched", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁December", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ship", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "8", "▁.", "▁She", "▁served", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁coast", "al", "▁defense", "▁force", "▁that", "▁protected", "▁Lis", "bon", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Portuguese", "▁capital", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁mouth", "▁of", "▁the", "▁river", "▁Tag", "us", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "6", "▁June", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "7", "▁,", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁participated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Fle", "et", "▁Review", "▁at", "▁Sp", "it", "head", "▁celebr", "ating", "▁Queen", "▁Victoria", "▁'", "s", "▁Diam", "ond", "▁J", "ub", "ile", "e", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ship", "▁was", "▁commanded", "▁by", "▁Captain", "▁Bar", "re", "to", "▁de", "▁Vas", "com", "ell", "os", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁taken", "▁into", "▁dry", "d", "ock", "▁at", "▁Or", "lando", "▁ship", "yard", "▁in", "▁Liv", "orno", "▁,", "▁Italy", "▁,", "▁for", "▁a", "▁major", "▁reconst", "ruction", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁cut", "▁in", "▁half", "▁and", "▁length", "ened", "▁by", "▁a", "▁", "3", "2", "▁ft", "▁", "6", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "1", "▁m", "▁)", "▁long", "▁section", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁fitted", "▁with", "▁new", "▁engines", "▁and", "▁more", "▁powerful", "▁water", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁t", "ube", "▁bo", "ilers", "▁r", "ated", "▁at", "▁", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁ih", "p", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁kW", "▁)", "▁;", "▁this", "▁increased", "▁her", "▁speed", "▁to", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁kn", "▁(", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁;", "▁", "1", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁sail", "ing", "▁rig", "▁also", "▁was", "▁removed", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁main", "▁battery", "▁guns", "▁were", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁new", "▁", "8", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁L", "▁/", "▁", "4", "0", "▁guns", "▁in", "▁spons", "ons", "▁,", "▁the", "▁short", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "ch", "▁gun", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁a", "▁new", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bar", "re", "led", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "ch", "▁L", "▁/", "▁", "4", "5", "▁gun", "▁,", "▁and", "▁six", "▁", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁p", "ound", "ers", "▁augment", "ed", "▁her", "▁close", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁range", "▁defense", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁iron", "▁bel", "t", "▁arm", "or", "▁was", "▁removed", "▁and", "▁stronger", "▁steel", "▁arm", "or", "▁was", "▁installed", "▁in", "▁its", "▁place", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ship", "▁'", "s", "▁crew", "▁increased", "▁to", "▁", "2", "6", "0", "▁officers", "▁and", "▁men", "▁.", "▁All", "▁of", "▁the", "▁changes", "▁caused", "▁her", "▁disp", "lacement", "▁to", "▁rise", "▁to", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "7", "2", "▁metric", "▁tons", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "2", "5", "▁long", "▁tons", "▁;", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "7", "6", "▁short", "▁tons", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Work", "▁on", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁by", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "2", "7", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁a", "▁gas", "▁explos", "ion", "▁ab", "o", "ard", "▁the", "▁ship", "▁injured", "▁several", "▁crew", "men", "▁.", "▁During", "▁political", "▁un", "rest", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁crew", "▁of", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁removed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁ship", "▁,", "▁as", "▁they", "▁had", "▁been", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁a", "▁planned", "▁ult", "ra", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Rad", "ical", "▁coup", "▁d", "▁'", "état", "▁against", "▁the", "▁First", "▁Portuguese", "▁Republic", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "4", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁crew", "▁again", "▁participated", "▁in", "▁un", "rest", "▁;", "▁they", "▁mut", "in", "ied", "▁and", "▁killed", "▁the", "▁ship", "▁'", "s", "▁captain", "▁and", "▁bomb", "arded", "▁Lis", "bon", "▁,", "▁killing", "▁around", "▁one" ]
Gama was finally sold for scrapping in 1935 . = = Design = = Vasco da Gama was 200 feet ( 61 m ) long between perpendiculars , and she had a beam of 40 ft ( 12 m ) , though at the main battery guns , the ship was 46 ft 6 in ( 14 @.@ 17 m ) wide . She had a maximum draft of 19 ft ( 5 @.@ 8 m ) . She displaced 2 @,@ 384 metric tons ( 2 @,@ 346 long tons ; 2 @,@ 628 short tons ) as originally built . She was fitted with a barquentine rig and a steam engine rated at 3 @,@ 000 indicated horsepower ( 2 @,@ 200 kW ) , which produced a top speed of 10 @.@ 3 kn ( 19 @.@ 1 km / h ; 11 @.@ 9 mph ) . She had a crew of 232 officers and men . As built , Vasco da Gama was armed with a main battery of two 10 @.@ 2 in ( 260 mm ) guns , placed in individual barbettes side by side amidships . She was also equipped with a single 5 @.@ 9 in ( 150 mm ) gun mounted on her stern , and four 9 @-@ pounder guns for close @-@ range defense against torpedo boats . She was protected with a complete iron armored belt that was 4 inches ( 100 mm ) thick on either end and 9 in ( 230 mm ) thick amidships . The main battery guns were protected by 10 @-@ inch ( 250 mm ) thick barbettes . = = Service history = = Vasco da Gama was laid down at the Thames Iron Works shipyard in London , Britain in 1875 , and was launched on 1 December 1876 . The ship was completed in 1878 . She served as part of the coastal defense force that protected Lisbon , the Portuguese capital , and the mouth of the river Tagus . On 26 June 1897 , Vasco da Gama participated in the Fleet Review at Spithead celebrating Queen Victoria 's Diamond Jubilee . At the time , the ship was commanded by Captain Barreto de Vascomellos . In 1901 , Vasco da Gama was taken into drydock at Orlando shipyard in Livorno , Italy , for a major reconstruction . She was cut in half and lengthened by a 32 ft 6 in ( 9 @.@ 91 m ) long section . She was fitted with new engines and more powerful water @-@ tube boilers rated at 6 @,@ 000 ihp ( 4 @,@ 500 kW ) ; this increased her speed to 15 @.@ 5 kn ( 28 @.@ 7 km / h ; 17 @.@ 8 mph ) . Her sailing rig also was removed . Her main battery guns were replaced with new 8 in ( 200 mm ) L / 40 guns in sponsons , the short 5 @.@ 9 @-@ inch gun was replaced by a new long @-@ barreled 5 @.@ 9 @-@ inch L / 45 gun , and six 3 @-@ pounders augmented her close @-@ range defense . Her iron belt armor was removed and stronger steel armor was installed in its place . The ship 's crew increased to 260 officers and men . All of the changes caused her displacement to rise to 2 @,@ 972 metric tons ( 2 @,@ 925 long tons ; 3 @,@ 276 short tons ) . Work on Vasco da Gama was completed by 1903 . On 27 August 1907 , a gas explosion aboard the ship injured several crewmen . During political unrest in April 1913 , part of the crew of Vasco da Gama had to be removed from the ship , as they had been involved in a planned ultra @-@ Radical coup d 'état against the First Portuguese Republic . On 14 May 1915 , the crew again participated in unrest ; they mutinied and killed the ship 's captain and bombarded Lisbon , killing around one
[ "▁hundred", "▁people", "▁.", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁remained", "▁the", "▁flags", "hip", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Portuguese", "▁Navy", "▁at", "▁least", "▁as", "▁late", "▁as", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Portuguese", "▁naval", "▁budget", "▁was", "▁ins", "u", "fficient", "▁to", "▁fund", "▁a", "▁suitable", "▁replacement", "▁vessel", "▁.", "▁Thor", "ough", "ly", "▁ob", "sole", "te", "▁,", "▁she", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Portuguese", "▁fleet", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁,", "▁when", "▁she", "▁was", "▁sold", "▁for", "▁scra", "pping", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁N", "icole", "▁Franklin", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁Franklin", "▁is", "▁a", "▁fict", "ional", "▁character", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁Channel", "▁Seven", "▁soap", "▁opera", "▁Home", "▁and", "▁A", "way", "▁,", "▁played", "▁by", "▁T", "essa", "▁James", "▁.", "▁She", "▁deb", "uted", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁during", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁air", "ing", "▁on", "▁", "1", "8", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁introduced", "▁by", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁Camer", "on", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁mentioned", "▁various", "▁times", "▁before", "▁appearing", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁,", "▁James", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁the", "▁role", "▁and", "▁described", "▁by", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁as", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁exc", "iting", "▁talent", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁predicted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁view", "ers", "▁would", "▁respond", "▁\"", "▁really", "▁well", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁her", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁port", "rayed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁shall", "ow", "▁\"", "▁party", "▁girl", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁wild", "▁ways", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁described", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁high", "▁maintenance", "▁\"", "▁female", "▁,", "▁she", "▁has", "▁been", "▁shown", "▁to", "▁dress", "▁constantly", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sty", "lish", "▁manner", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁also", "▁become", "▁notable", "▁for", "▁her", "▁many", "▁relationships", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁first", "▁prominent", "▁rom", "ance", "▁was", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁Campbell", "▁.", "▁Descri", "bed", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁complete", "▁oppos", "ites", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁Geoff", "▁is", "▁cred", "ited", "▁as", "▁a", "▁catal", "yst", "▁in", "▁N", "icole", "▁m", "ellow", "ing", "▁her", "▁br", "ash", "▁attitude", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁story", "line", "▁allowed", "▁the", "▁actors", "▁to", "▁take", "▁part", "▁in", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁biggest", "▁ever", "▁location", "▁sho", "ots", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁couple", "▁became", "▁str", "and", "ed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁remote", "▁desert", "▁island", "▁.", "▁In", "▁one", "▁story", "line", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁a", "▁same", "▁sex", "▁kiss", "▁with", "▁fellow", "▁character", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁Dur", "ic", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁brand", "ed", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁by", "▁various", "▁media", "▁sources", "▁.", "▁The", "▁plot", "▁saw", "▁N", "icole", "▁question", "▁her", 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"icole", "▁.", "▁Executive", "▁producer", "▁Camer", "on", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁said", "▁'", "▁She", "▁is", "▁an", "▁exc", "iting", "▁talent", "▁and", "▁I", "▁think", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁are", "▁going", "▁to", "▁love", "▁her", "▁character", "▁and", "▁respond", "▁really", "▁well", "▁to", "▁her", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁James", "▁then", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Sydney", "▁especially", "▁for", "▁the", "▁role", "▁.", "▁Spe", "aking", "▁of", "▁working", "▁on", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁James", "▁stated", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Working", "▁on", "▁a", "▁series", "▁like", "▁this", "▁[", "▁Home", "▁and", "▁A", "way", "▁]", "▁is", "▁the", "▁best", "▁training", "▁you", "▁can", "▁get", "▁,", "▁I", "▁look", "▁at", "▁it", "▁like", "▁an", "▁app", "rent", "ices", "hip", "▁and", "▁never", "▁forget", "▁how", "▁luck", "y", "▁I", "▁am", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Fellow", "▁cast", "▁member", "▁Cel", "este", "▁D", "od", "well", "▁who", "▁plays", "▁Mel", "ody", "▁Jones", "▁originally", "▁aud", "ition", "ed", "▁for", "▁the", "▁part", "▁of", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Cole", "by", "▁who", "▁plays", "▁Roman", "▁quit", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁,", "▁James", "▁'", "▁time", "▁with", "▁the", "▁show", "▁was", "▁in", "▁doubt", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁James", "▁confirmed", "▁that", "▁she", "▁had", "▁left", "▁Home", "▁and", "▁A", "way", "▁.", "▁She", "▁has", "▁already", "▁fil", "med", "▁her", "▁final", "▁scenes", "▁and", "▁N", "icole", "▁will", "▁leave", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁later", "▁in", "▁the", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Of", "▁her", "▁departure", "▁,", "▁James", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁I" ]
hundred people . Vasco da Gama remained the flagship of the Portuguese Navy at least as late as 1914 , as the Portuguese naval budget was insufficient to fund a suitable replacement vessel . Thoroughly obsolete , she remained in the Portuguese fleet until 1935 , when she was sold for scrapping . = Nicole Franklin = Nicole Franklin is a fictional character from the Australian Channel Seven soap opera Home and Away , played by Tessa James . She debuted on @-@ screen during the episode airing on 18 April 2008 . Nicole was introduced by executive producer Cameron Welsh . Nicole was mentioned various times before appearing on @-@ screen , James was cast in the role and described by Welsh as an " exciting talent " . He predicted that the viewers would respond " really well " to her . Nicole was initially portrayed as a shallow " party girl " with " wild ways " . Also described as a " high maintenance " female , she has been shown to dress constantly in a stylish manner . Nicole is also become notable for her many relationships . Her first prominent romance was with Geoff Campbell . Described as " complete opposites " , Geoff is credited as a catalyst in Nicole mellowing her brash attitude . Their storyline allowed the actors to take part in one of the serial 's " biggest ever location shoots " , when the couple became stranded on a remote desert island . In one storyline Nicole was involved in a same sex kiss with fellow character Freya Duric , which was branded controversial by various media sources . The plot saw Nicole question her persona , believing Geoff had transformed her into a boring person . Another relationship Nicole pursued was with Aden Jefferies , her longtime closest friend . Aden had a strong fanbase from his previous relationship with Belle Taylor . This resulted in the audience being divided over their relationship . Nicole has also been featured in various other romantic storylines , such as a brief fling with Liam Murphy , James said that he was compatible with Nicole because he had " the edge she was after " . She also dated Trey Palmer and they became involved in sex tape storyline , many newspapers reported on the plot because it " echoed " co @-@ star Lewis ' real life sex tape scandal . Producer Welsh once stated he believed Nicole was destined to become " full circle " and Nicole began behaving erratic and wild once more , due to her failed romances and the death of her friend Belle . She also had an affair with an older male character , Sid Walker . James liked the fact Nicole had so many romances because she got to kiss many of her co @-@ stars . James announced her departure from Home and Away in March 2011 . One of her final storylines was a pregnancy plot . Nicole felt she was too young and unable to offer a child stability , so she agreed to let Marilyn Chambers adopt the baby upon its birth . James and the writing team took the storyline " very seriously " and conducted research to portray the issue sensitively . Nicole has received critical analysis from various sources , with perception being mixed to positive . TV Week were neutral to aspects of her pregnancy plot but opined James was one of the serials best actress ' . The Daily Record said that being single was good for the character . She has also been likened to celebrities because of her glamorous image . = = Creation and casting = = Nicole is Roman Harris ' ( Conrad Coleby ) daughter and she was often mentioned on @-@ screen before producers decided to introduce her into the serial . In January 2008 it was announced that ex @-@ Neighbours star Tessa James had been cast as Nicole . Executive producer Cameron Welsh said ' She is an exciting talent and I think audiences are going to love her character and respond really well to her . " James then moved to Sydney especially for the role . Speaking of working on the serial James stated : " Working on a series like this [ Home and Away ] is the best training you can get , I look at it like an apprenticeship and never forget how lucky I am . " Fellow cast member Celeste Dodwell who plays Melody Jones originally auditioned for the part of Nicole . After Coleby who plays Roman quit the serial , James ' time with the show was in doubt . In March 2011 , James confirmed that she had left Home and Away . She has already filmed her final scenes and Nicole will leave on @-@ screen later in the year . Of her departure , James said " I
[ "▁was", "▁at", "▁Home", "▁and", "▁A", "way", "▁for", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁years", "▁,", "▁so", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁good", "▁to", "▁be", "▁finished", "▁and", "▁get", "▁to", "▁be", "▁who", "▁I", "▁am", "▁,", "▁and", "▁do", "▁what", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁do", "▁for", "▁so", "▁long", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Character", "▁development", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Character", "isation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁has", "▁been", "▁port", "rayed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁party", "▁girl", "▁,", "▁fe", "ist", "y", "▁and", "▁has", "▁had", "▁many", "▁boy", "fri", "ends", "▁in", "▁a", "▁short", "▁space", "▁of", "▁time", "▁.", "▁James", "▁has", "▁described", "▁N", "icole", "▁stating", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁love", "▁playing", "▁N", "icole", "▁because", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁fe", "ist", "y", "▁and", "▁fun", "▁,", "▁and", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁mind", "▁pushing", "▁the", "▁boundaries", "▁.", "▁And", "▁she", "▁dress", "es", "▁sty", "lish", "ly", "▁–", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁very", "▁high", "▁maintenance", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁fun", "▁to", "▁play", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁serial", "▁'", "s", "▁official", "▁website", "▁describe", "▁her", "▁as", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁might", "▁come", "▁off", "▁as", "▁a", "▁b", "itch", "y", "▁prin", "cess", "▁to", "▁some", "▁people", "▁,", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁not", "▁mal", "icious", "▁.", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁simply", "▁as", "▁shall", "ow", "▁as", "▁a", "▁p", "ud", "d", "le", "▁,", "▁and", "▁while", "▁she", "▁might", "▁cause", "▁others", "▁emot", "ional", "▁pain", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁totally", "▁un", "intent", "ional", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁also", "▁state", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁a", "▁girl", "▁who", "▁lives", "▁to", "▁have", "▁fun", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁is", "▁fun", "▁if", "▁you", "▁accept", "▁her", "▁for", "▁who", "▁she", "▁is", "▁.", "▁And", "▁,", "▁of", "▁course", "▁,", "▁she", "▁thinks", "▁you", "▁'", "re", "▁worth", "▁her", "▁attention", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁a", "▁girl", "▁who", "▁knows", "▁exactly", "▁who", "▁she", "▁is", "▁and", "▁where", "▁she", "▁stands", "▁:", "▁at", "▁the", "▁centre", "▁of", "▁the", "▁universe", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁So", "ap", "▁opera", "▁reporting", "▁website", "▁Holy", "▁So", "ap", "▁described", "▁N", "icole", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁label", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁lov", "ing", "▁pam", "per", "ed", "▁prin", "cess", "▁,", "▁armed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sharp", "▁w", "ard", "ro", "be", "▁and", "▁an", "▁even", "▁sh", "ar", "per", "▁tongue", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁They", "▁also", "▁added", "▁she", "▁was", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁s", "ult", "ry", "▁\"", "▁type", "▁character", "▁.", "▁", "▁Wh", "ilst", "▁interview", "ed", "▁by", "▁The", "▁Daily", "▁Te", "legraph", "▁,", "▁James", "▁stated", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁think", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "▁best", "▁character", "▁,", "▁I", "▁get", "▁to", "▁have", "▁so", "▁much", "▁fun", "▁being", "▁a", "▁prin", "cess", "▁and", "▁a", "▁prima", "▁donna", "▁.", "▁She", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁mind", "▁pushing", "▁the", "▁boundaries", "▁.", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁very", "▁high", "▁maintenance", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁fun", "▁to", "▁play", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁also", "▁stated", "▁she", "▁enjo", "ys", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁prom", "is", "cu", "ous", "▁side", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁she", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁have", "▁another", "▁boy", "friend", "▁every", "▁week", "▁.", "▁James", "▁also", "▁enjo", "ys", "▁the", "▁role", "▁because", "▁of", "▁this", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁she", "▁gets", "▁so", "▁many", "▁\"", "▁p", "ash", "▁\"", "▁scenes", "▁with", "▁other", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁.", "▁", "▁Series", "▁producer", "▁Camer", "on", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁brand", "ed", "▁N", "icole", "▁as", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁interesting", "▁character", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁his", "▁opinion", "▁on", "▁her", "▁development", "▁stating", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁came", "▁in", "▁with", "▁really", "▁strong", "▁opinions", "▁and", "▁a", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁mor", "ality", "▁that", "▁was", "▁different", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁group", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁also", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁dest", "ined", "▁to", "▁come", "▁\"", "▁full", "▁circle", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Of", "▁her", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁story", "lines", "▁he", "▁comments", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁poor", "▁jud", "g", "ements", "▁make", "▁her", "▁real", "ise", "▁and", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁evaluate", "▁her", "▁life", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rel", "ations", "hip", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁Campbell", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁emb", "arks", "▁on", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁Campbell", "▁,", "▁not", "▁before", "▁they", "▁are", "▁em", "bro", "iled", "▁in", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁s", "ord", "id", "▁love", "▁triangle", "▁\"", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Mel", "ody", "▁.", "▁In", "▁one", "▁story", "line", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁became", "▁str", "and", "ed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁desert", "ed", "▁island", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁nearly", "▁die", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episodes", "▁were", "▁fil", "med", "▁on", "▁Box", "▁Beach", "▁located", "▁at", "▁Sho", "al", "▁Bay", "▁,", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁location", "▁shoot", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁nearly", "▁d", "row", "ns", "▁in", "▁scenes", "▁which", "▁a", "ired", "▁for", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁cl", "iff", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁h", "anger", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁James", "▁and", "▁Lewis", "▁took", "▁sc", "uba", "▁div", "ing", "▁less", "ons", "▁in", "▁prepar", "ation", "▁for", "▁the", "▁story", "line", "▁.", "▁Fil", "ming", "▁the", "▁story", "line", "▁was", "▁comprom", "ised", "▁by", "▁log", "ist", "ical", "▁challeng", "es", "▁.", "▁The", "▁crew", "▁had", "▁to", "▁move", "▁camera", "▁equipment", "▁between", "▁boats", "▁and", "▁the", "▁crew", "▁walked", "▁around", "▁the", "▁per", "im", "eters", "▁of", "▁the", "▁beach", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁avoid", "▁leaving", "▁foot", "print", "s", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁the", "▁authentic", "ity", "▁of", "▁a", "▁desert", "ed", "▁location", "▁.", "▁The", "▁story", "line", "▁was", "▁also", "▁given", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁big", "▁budget", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁featured", "▁hel", "ic", "op", "ters", "▁and", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁ad", "ver", "ts", "▁were", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁Seven", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁story", "line", "▁began", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁when", "▁N", "icole", "▁started", "▁d", "ating", "▁Elli", "ot", "▁Gill", "en", "▁(", "▁Paul", "▁P", "ant", "ano", "▁)", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁a", "▁vend", "etta", "▁against", "▁Roman", "▁and", "▁kid", "n", "apped", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁and", "▁left", "▁them", "▁str", "and", "ed", "▁out", "▁at", "▁sea", "▁.", "▁They", "▁was", "hed", "▁up", "▁on", "▁a", "▁desert", "ed", "▁island", "▁and", "▁were", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁surv", "ive", "▁without", "▁food", "▁and", "▁cl", "othing", "▁.", "▁Descri", "bing", "▁the", "▁effect", "▁it", "▁had", "▁on", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁,", "▁James", "▁stated", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁have", "▁no", "▁food", "▁,", "▁shelter", "▁or", "▁cl", "othing", "▁.", "▁[", "▁...", "▁]", "▁They", "▁find", "▁moments", "▁to", "▁make", "▁each", "▁other", "▁laugh", "▁,", "▁though", "▁,", "▁and", "▁real", "ise", "▁how", "▁much", "▁they", "▁mean", "▁to", "▁one", "▁another", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Geoff", "▁had", "▁strong", "▁religious", "▁views", "▁and", "▁did", "▁not", "▁believe", "▁in", "▁pre", "mar", "ital", "▁sex", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁environment", "▁they", "▁were", "▁in", "▁caused", "▁him", "▁to", "▁let", "▁his", "▁guard", "▁down", "▁and", "▁they", "▁sle", "pt", "▁together", "▁.", "▁Lewis", "▁told", "▁TV", "▁Week", "▁that", "▁all", "▁the", "▁pair", "▁could", "▁think", "▁of", "▁whilst", "▁tra", "pped", "▁was", "▁being", "▁res", "cu", "ed", "▁and", "▁their", "▁feelings", "▁for", "▁one", "▁an", "▁other", "▁.", "▁He", "▁added", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁they", "▁were", "▁both", "▁pretty", "▁much", "▁n", "aked", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁help", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁concluded", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁they", "▁were", "▁both", "▁k", "ids", "▁,", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁warm", "▁-", "▁that", "▁then" ]
was at Home and Away for three @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half @-@ years , so it 's good to be finished and get to be who I am , and do what I 've wanted to do for so long . " = = Character development = = = = = Characterisation = = = Nicole has been portrayed as a party girl , feisty and has had many boyfriends in a short space of time . James has described Nicole stating : " I love playing Nicole because she 's feisty and fun , and doesn 't mind pushing the boundaries . And she dresses stylishly – she 's very high maintenance , which is fun to play . " The serial 's official website describe her as : " Nicole might come off as a bitchy princess to some people , she 's not malicious . She 's simply as shallow as a puddle , and while she might cause others emotional pain , it 's totally unintentional . " They also state : " Nicole is a girl who lives to have fun , and she is fun if you accept her for who she is . And , of course , she thinks you 're worth her attention . Nicole is a girl who knows exactly who she is and where she stands : at the centre of the universe . " Soap opera reporting website Holy Soap described Nicole as " a label @-@ loving pampered princess , armed with a sharp wardrobe and an even sharper tongue " . They also added she was a " sultry " type character . Whilst interviewed by The Daily Telegraph , James stated : " I think she 's the best character , I get to have so much fun being a princess and a prima donna . She doesn 't mind pushing the boundaries . She 's very high maintenance , which is fun to play . " She also stated she enjoys Nicole 's " promiscuous side " because she seems to have another boyfriend every week . James also enjoys the role because of this and the fact she gets so many " pash " scenes with other cast members . Series producer Cameron Welsh branded Nicole as an " interesting character " , adding his opinion on her development stating : " She came in with really strong opinions and a kind of morality that was different to the rest of the group " . Welsh also believes that Nicole is destined to come " full circle " . Of her 2010 storylines he comments that Nicole poor judgements make her realise and re @-@ evaluate her life . = = = Relationship with Geoff Campbell = = = Nicole embarks on a relationship with Geoff Campbell , not before they are embroiled in a " sordid love triangle " along with Melody . In one storyline Nicole and Geoff became stranded on a " deserted island " and nearly die . The episodes were filmed on Box Beach located at Shoal Bay , New South Wales as part of a two @-@ day location shoot . Nicole nearly drowns in scenes which aired for the serial 's " cliff @-@ hanger " in 2008 . James and Lewis took scuba diving lessons in preparation for the storyline . Filming the storyline was compromised by logistical challenges . The crew had to move camera equipment between boats and the crew walked around the perimeters of the beach in order to avoid leaving footprints . This was to keep the authenticity of a deserted location . The storyline was also given a " big budget " , featured helicopters and a number of promotional adverts were aired on Seven . The storyline began on @-@ screen when Nicole started dating Elliot Gillen ( Paul Pantano ) . He had a vendetta against Roman and kidnapped Nicole and Geoff and left them stranded out at sea . They washed up on a deserted island and were forced to survive without food and clothing . Describing the effect it had on Nicole and Geoff , James stated : " They have no food , shelter or clothing . [ ... ] They find moments to make each other laugh , though , and realise how much they mean to one another . " Geoff had strong religious views and did not believe in premarital sex . However , the environment they were in caused him to let his guard down and they slept together . Lewis told TV Week that all the pair could think of whilst trapped was being rescued and their feelings for one an other . He added that " the fact they were both pretty much naked didn 't help " . He concluded the fact they were both kids , trying to keep warm - that then
[ "▁\"", "▁stuff", "▁happens", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Geoff", "▁was", "▁left", "▁\"", "▁gu", "ilt", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "idden", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁he", "▁gave", "▁into", "▁tempt", "ation", "▁.", "▁He", "▁did", "▁not", "▁regret", "▁it", "▁,", "▁but", "▁acknowled", "ged", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁save", "▁his", "▁vir", "gin", "ity", "▁until", "▁marriage", "▁.", "▁Therefore", "▁,", "▁Geoff", "▁saw", "▁no", "▁other", "▁option", "▁but", "▁to", "▁propose", "▁to", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁Lewis", "▁stated", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁'", "s", "▁not", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁%", "▁sure", "▁about", "▁that", "▁either", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁feels", "▁that", "▁if", "▁they", "▁'", "re", "▁going", "▁to", "▁have", "▁sex", "▁,", "▁a", "▁wed", "ding", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁solution", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Descri", "bing", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁reaction", "▁he", "▁said", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁d", "um", "bf", "ounded", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁his", "▁offer", "▁,", "▁as", "▁she", "▁had", "▁believed", "▁he", "▁was", "▁acting", "▁strange", "▁because", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁dump", "▁her", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁refused", "▁when", "▁she", "▁real", "ised", "▁his", "▁reasons", "▁for", "▁propos", "ing", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁James", "▁,", "▁the", "▁moment", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁ru", "in", "▁their", "▁passion", "▁,", "▁she", "▁also", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁has", "▁liked", "▁Geoff", "▁for", "▁ages", "▁and", "▁was", "▁so", "▁happy", "▁to", "▁have", "▁got", "▁together", "▁with", "▁him", "▁-", "▁but", "▁now", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁spo", "iled", "▁it", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁James", "▁also", "▁admitted", "▁she", "▁was", "▁tr", "illed", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁N", "icole", "▁would", "▁turn", "▁down", "▁his", "▁proposal", "▁.", "▁James", "▁later", "▁op", "ined", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁one", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁Geoff", "▁,", "▁but", "▁did", "▁not", "▁believe", "▁that", "▁Geoff", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁one", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁'", "s", "▁relationship", "▁became", "▁stra", "ined", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁plan", "▁a", "▁return", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁the", "▁island", "▁,", "▁bel", "ieving", "▁it", "▁would", "▁solve", "▁their", "▁problems", "▁and", "▁bring", "▁them", "▁closer", "▁together", "▁.", "▁James", "▁said", "▁that", "▁Geoff", "▁loved", "▁the", "▁surprise", "▁,", "▁but", "▁found", "▁N", "icole", "▁\"", "▁very", "▁se", "xy", "▁and", "▁tempt", "ing", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁added", "▁that", "▁everything", "▁about", "▁N", "icole", "▁forced", "▁Geoff", "▁to", "▁question", "▁his", "▁religious", "▁belief", "s", "▁and", "▁he", "▁felt", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁needed", "▁to", "▁back", "▁away", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁trip", "▁soon", "▁turned", "▁dis", "astr", "ous", "▁when", "▁a", "▁man", "▁named", "▁Der", "rick", "▁Qu", "a", "id", "▁(", "▁John", "▁At", "kin", "son", "▁)", "▁st", "ole", "▁their", "▁food", "▁and", "▁int", "im", "id", "ated", "▁the", "▁couple", "▁.", "▁He", "▁admitted", "▁he", "▁were", "▁a", "▁murder", "er", "▁and", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁Geoff", "▁with", "▁a", "▁kn", "ife", "▁.", "▁James", "▁said", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁put", "▁himself", "▁in", "▁har", "ms", "▁way", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁save", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁James", "▁told", "▁Inside", "▁So", "ap", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁had", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁friendship", "▁under", "ne", "ath", "▁their", "▁rom", "ance", "▁.", "▁She", "▁also", "▁described", "▁their", "▁compatibility", "▁stating", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁'", "re", "▁complete", "▁oppos", "ites", "▁,", "▁which", "▁works", "▁well", "▁for", "▁them", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁bit", "▁of", "▁a", "▁fier", "y", "▁relationship", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁'", "ve", "▁been", "▁through", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁together", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Wh", "ilst", "▁Lewis", "▁added", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁'", "re", "▁also", "▁very", "▁similar", "▁in", "▁some", "▁of", "▁their", "▁strong", "est", "▁tra", "its", "▁.", "▁Geoff", "▁and", "▁N", "icole", "▁are", "▁both", "▁stub", "born", "▁and", "▁opinion", "ated", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁some", "▁ways", "▁they", "▁'", "re", "▁na", "ive", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁weird", "▁way", "▁they", "▁show", "▁a", "▁side", "▁to", "▁each", "▁other", "▁nobody", "▁else", "▁gets", "▁to", "▁see", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁James", "▁op", "ined", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁wild", "▁behaviour", "▁was", "▁often", "▁to", "▁much", "▁for", "▁Geoff", "▁to", "▁co", "pe", "▁with", "▁.", "▁In", "▁public", "▁,", "▁Lewis", "▁initially", "▁had", "▁negative", "▁feedback", "▁from", "▁older", "▁view", "ers", "▁because", "▁they", "▁felt", "▁Geoff", "▁was", "▁better", "▁su", "ited", "▁to", "▁Mel", "ody", "▁.", "▁He", "▁revealed", "▁they", "▁felt", "▁like", "▁she", "▁was", "▁a", "▁bad", "▁influence", "▁for", "▁Geoff", "▁because", "▁she", "▁often", "▁played", "▁games", "▁.", "▁However", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁he", "▁felt", "▁per", "ception", "▁had", "▁changed", "▁due", "▁to", "▁view", "ers", "▁having", "▁a", "▁better", "▁understanding", "▁of", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁persona", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Other", "▁relationships", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁emb", "ark", "ed", "▁on", "▁two", "▁les", "bian", "▁story", "lines", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁which", "▁involved", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁It", "▁featured", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁Dur", "ic", "▁(", "▁Soph", "ie", "▁H", "ens", "ser", "▁)", "▁kiss", "ing", "▁N", "icole", "▁,", "▁which", "▁spark", "ed", "▁compla", "ints", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁for", "▁N", "icole", "▁it", "▁wasn", "▁'", "t", "▁about", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁finding", "▁herself", "▁the", "▁center", "▁of", "▁attention", "▁.", "▁James", "▁described", "▁their", "▁dynamic", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁'", "s", "▁exactly", "▁what", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁like", "▁when", "▁she", "▁first", "▁arrived", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bay", "▁,", "▁that", "▁is", "▁why", "▁they", "▁click", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁rel", "ates", "▁to", "▁the", "▁wild", "▁side", "▁of", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁,", "▁but", "▁has", "▁no", "▁idea", "▁how", "▁far", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁is", "▁going", "▁to", "▁take", "▁it", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Through", "▁her", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁she", "▁had", "▁m", "ellow", "ed", "▁,", "▁however", "▁her", "▁van", "ity", "▁was", "▁still", "▁present", "▁.", "▁James", "▁said", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁angry", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁she", "▁was", "▁on", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁not", "▁hot", "▁list", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁kiss", "ed", "▁her", "▁to", "▁prove", "▁she", "▁thinks", "▁she", "▁is", "▁hot", "▁,", "▁James", "▁op", "ined", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁did", "▁not", "▁enjoy", "▁the", "▁kiss", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁just", "▁\"", "▁happy", "▁to", "▁be", "▁center", "▁of", "▁attention", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁happy", "▁that", "▁people", "▁were", "▁talking", "▁about", "▁her", "▁again", "▁.", "▁The", "▁incident", "▁eventually", "▁brought", "▁her", "▁to", "▁the", "▁real", "isation", "▁that", "▁she", "▁had", "▁become", "▁b", "oring", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁denied", "▁it", "▁was", "▁to", "▁do", "▁with", "▁her", "▁invol", "vement", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁,", "▁however", "▁James", "▁said", "▁Geoff", "▁was", "▁the", "▁reason", "▁she", "▁became", "▁b", "ored", "▁.", "▁", "▁Later", "▁that", "▁year", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁included", "▁a", "▁story", "line", "▁which", "▁was", "▁brand", "ed", "▁\"", "▁b", "izar", "re", "▁\"", "▁after", "▁it", "▁mirror", "ed", "▁a", "▁real", "▁life", "▁sc", "andal", "▁that", "▁had", "▁occurred", "▁weeks", "▁earlier", "▁.", "▁Lewis", "▁who", "▁plays", "▁love", "▁interest", "▁Geoff", "▁had", "▁been", "▁caught", "▁up", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sex", "▁t", "ape", "▁sc", "andal", "▁which", "▁le", "aked", "▁onto", "▁the", "▁internet", "▁,", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁include", "▁N", "icole", "▁making", "▁a", "▁sex", "▁t", "ape", "▁with", "▁Tre", "y", "▁Pal", "mer", "▁(", "▁Luke", "▁Bra", "ce", "y", "▁)", "▁and", "▁having", "▁it", "▁le", "aked", "▁.", "▁Tre", "y", "▁fil", "med", "▁without", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁consent", "▁,", "▁when", "▁she", "▁found", "▁out", "▁the", "▁truth", "▁she", "▁ended", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁Tre", "y", "▁thought", "▁she", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁were", "▁getting", "▁back", "▁together", "▁so", "▁a", "ired", "▁the", "▁t", "ape", "▁at", "▁a", "▁local", "▁film", "▁festival", "▁to", "▁gain", "▁reven", "ge", "▁.", "▁James", "▁described", "▁N" ]
" stuff happens " . Geoff was left " guilt @-@ ridden " because he gave into temptation . He did not regret it , but acknowledged that he wanted to save his virginity until marriage . Therefore , Geoff saw no other option but to propose to Nicole . Lewis stated , " He 's not 100 % sure about that either , but he feels that if they 're going to have sex , a wedding is the only solution . " Describing Nicole 's reaction he said that she was " dumbfounded " by his offer , as she had believed he was acting strange because he wanted to dump her . Nicole refused when she realised his reasons for proposing . According to James , the moment managed to ruin their passion , she also commented that : " Nicole has liked Geoff for ages and was so happy to have got together with him - but now he 's spoiled it . " James also admitted she was trilled to learn Nicole would turn down his proposal . James later opined that Nicole was " the one " for Geoff , but did not believe that Geoff was " the one " for Nicole . Nicole and Geoff 's relationship became strained . Nicole decided to plan a return trip to the island , believing it would solve their problems and bring them closer together . James said that Geoff loved the surprise , but found Nicole " very sexy and tempting " . She added that everything about Nicole forced Geoff to question his religious beliefs and he felt he " needed to back away " . Their trip soon turned disastrous when a man named Derrick Quaid ( John Atkinson ) stole their food and intimidated the couple . He admitted he were a murderer and tried to attack Geoff with a knife . James said he " put himself in harms way " to save Nicole . In 2009 , James told Inside Soap that Nicole and Geoff had a strong friendship underneath their romance . She also described their compatibility stating : " They 're complete opposites , which works well for them . It 's a bit of a fiery relationship , and they 've been through a lot together . " Whilst Lewis added : " They 're also very similar in some of their strongest traits . Geoff and Nicole are both stubborn and opinionated , and in some ways they 're naive . In a weird way they show a side to each other nobody else gets to see . " James opined Nicole 's wild behaviour was often to much for Geoff to cope with . In public , Lewis initially had negative feedback from older viewers because they felt Geoff was better suited to Melody . He revealed they felt like she was a bad influence for Geoff because she often played games . However towards the end of their relationship he felt perception had changed due to viewers having a better understanding of Nicole 's persona . = = = Other relationships = = = In 2009 , the serial embarked on two lesbian storylines , one of which involved Nicole . It featured Freya Duric ( Sophie Hensser ) kissing Nicole , which sparked complaints . However , for Nicole it wasn 't about sexuality , rather finding herself the center of attention . James described their dynamic , stating : " Freya 's exactly what Nicole was like when she first arrived in the bay , that is why they click . Nicole relates to the wild side of Freya , but has no idea how far Freya is going to take it . " Through her relationship with Geoff she had mellowed , however her vanity was still present . James said Nicole was " angry " because she was on Freya 's " not hot list " . Freya kissed her to prove she thinks she is hot , James opined that Nicole did not enjoy the kiss , but was just " happy to be center of attention " and happy that people were talking about her again . The incident eventually brought her to the realisation that she had become boring . Nicole denied it was to do with her involvement with Geoff , however James said Geoff was the reason she became bored . Later that year the serial included a storyline which was branded " bizarre " after it mirrored a real life scandal that had occurred weeks earlier . Lewis who plays love interest Geoff had been caught up in a sex tape scandal which leaked onto the internet , the serial decided to include Nicole making a sex tape with Trey Palmer ( Luke Bracey ) and having it leaked . Trey filmed without Nicole 's consent , when she found out the truth she ended their relationship . Trey thought she and Geoff were getting back together so aired the tape at a local film festival to gain revenge . James described N
[ "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁state", "▁of", "▁mind", "▁adding", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁quite", "▁vulner", "able", "▁at", "▁the", "▁moment", "▁,", "▁with", "▁her", "▁d", "ad", "▁,", "▁Roman", "▁,", "▁in", "▁prison", "▁.", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "lying", "▁on", "▁Tre", "y", "▁,", "▁so", "▁this", "▁is", "▁the", "▁last", "▁thing", "▁she", "▁needs", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁best", "▁friend", "▁during", "▁her", "▁initial", "▁story", "lines", "▁was", "▁A", "den", "▁J", "ef", "fer", "ies", "▁(", "▁Tod", "d", "▁Las", "ance", "▁)", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Br", "end", "an", "▁Austin", "▁(", "▁K", "ain", "▁O", "▁'", "K", "ee", "ffe", "▁)", "▁caused", "▁Roman", "▁to", "▁go", "▁blind", "▁,", "▁he", "▁took", "▁his", "▁anger", "▁out", "▁on", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁A", "den", "▁.", "▁Sub", "sequently", "▁they", "▁became", "▁\"", "▁each", "▁other", "▁'", "s", "▁support", "▁network", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁Las", "ance", "▁said", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁long", "▁after", "ward", "▁that", "▁they", "▁\"", "▁sli", "pped", "▁between", "▁the", "▁sheets", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁conditions", "▁of", "▁A", "den", "▁'", "s", "▁ten", "ancy", "▁was", "▁to", "▁never", "▁sleep", "▁with", "▁N", "icole", "▁,", "▁this", "▁made", "▁the", "▁pair", "▁feel", "▁guilty", "▁that", "▁they", "▁had", "▁dece", "ived", "▁Roman", "▁.", "▁Las", "ance", "▁felt", "▁the", "▁story", "line", "▁was", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁as", "▁he", "▁had", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁fan", "▁base", "▁for", "▁his", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁Belle", "▁Taylor", "▁(", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁T", "ove", "y", "▁)", "▁-", "▁which", "▁meant", "▁he", "▁knew", "▁it", "▁would", "▁\"", "▁cause", "▁a", "▁stir", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁divide", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁A", "den", "▁\"", "▁get", "▁up", "▁close", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁they", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁spend", "▁A", "den", "▁'", "s", "▁remaining", "▁time", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Bay", "▁together", "▁.", "▁They", "▁shared", "▁a", "▁kiss", "▁and", "▁James", "▁told", "▁TV", "▁Week", "▁that", "▁there", "▁are", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁comp", "lications", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁them", "▁.", "▁She", "▁said", "▁that", "▁no", "▁one", "▁knew", "▁what", "▁was", "▁going", "▁to", "▁happen", "▁with", "▁Li", "am", "▁Mur", "phy", "▁(", "▁Ax", "le", "▁White", "head", "▁)", "▁and", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁felt", "▁guilty", "▁for", "▁bet", "ray", "ing", "▁Belle", "▁because", "▁she", "▁was", "▁her", "▁friend", "▁.", "▁James", "▁explained", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁pair", "ing", "▁with", "▁A", "den", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁bit", "▁more", "▁serious", "▁and", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁depth", "▁than", "▁her", "▁usual", "▁relationships", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁James", "▁op", "ined", "▁that", "▁A", "den", "▁was", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁nic", "er", "▁gu", "y", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁N", "icole", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Li", "am", "▁may", "▁have", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁edge", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁after", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁A", "den", "▁then", "▁emb", "ark", "ed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁James", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁A", "den", "▁'", "s", "▁relationship", "▁was", "▁great", "▁and", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁started", "▁out", "▁having", "▁a", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁brother", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sister", "▁relationship", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁developed", "▁into", "▁something", "▁more", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁declared", "▁her", "▁love", "▁for", "▁A", "den", "▁,", "▁however", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁reci", "proc", "ate", "▁.", "▁Las", "ance", "▁described", "▁the", "▁moment", "▁whilst", "▁interview", "ed", "▁by", "▁TV", "▁Week", "▁stating", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁'", "ve", "▁always", "▁had", "▁an", "▁awesome", "▁connection", "▁and", "▁N", "icole", "▁gets", "▁into", "▁a", "▁bit", "▁of", "▁a", "▁comfortable", "▁state", "▁and", "▁bl", "ur", "ts", "▁out", "▁that", "▁she", "▁lov", "es", "▁A", "den", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁A", "den", "▁appreciated", "▁her", "▁love", "▁for", "▁him", "▁,", "▁however", "▁cannot", "▁say", "▁it", "▁back", "▁until", "▁he", "▁felt", "▁the", "▁same", "▁way", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁this", "▁that", "▁made", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁\"", "▁awk", "ward", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁N", "icole", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁withdraw", "▁her", "▁declaration", "▁and", "▁hide", "▁her", "▁hurt", "▁feelings", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Down", "ward", "▁spir", "al", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁produ", "cers", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁take", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁story", "line", "▁into", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁turn", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁when", "▁she", "▁revert", "ed", "▁to", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁wild", "▁ways", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁N", "icole", "▁had", "▁end", "ured", "▁repet", "itive", "▁personal", "▁tra", "uma", "▁including", "▁failed", "▁relationships", "▁,", "▁Roman", "▁being", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁prison", "▁and", "▁her", "▁best", "▁friend", "▁Belle", "▁was", "▁dying", "▁of", "▁cancer", "▁.", "▁James", "▁explained", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁all", "▁too", "▁much", "▁for", "▁her", "▁and", "▁she", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁handle", "▁it", "▁,", "▁so", "▁she", "▁rever", "ts", "▁to", "▁her", "▁wild", "▁ways", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Geoff", "▁not", "ices", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁err", "atic", "▁behaviour", "▁and", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁help", "▁her", "▁.", "▁She", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁l", "ure", "▁him", "▁into", "▁bed", "▁\"", "▁after", "▁he", "▁comfort", "ed", "▁her", "▁,", "▁however", "▁he", "▁turned", "▁her", "▁down", "▁.", "▁James", "▁said", "▁she", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁had", "▁rom", "antic", "▁feelings", "▁for", "▁Geoff", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁actually", "▁in", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁vulner", "able", "▁state", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁then", "▁started", "▁re", "lying", "▁on", "▁alco", "hol", "▁more", "▁,", "▁and", "▁part", "ied", "▁with", "▁fellow", "▁\"", "▁wild", "▁child", "▁\"", "▁Ind", "igo", "▁Walker", "▁(", "▁Sam", "ara", "▁We", "aving", "▁)", "▁at", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁row", "dy", "▁\"", "▁ven", "ue", "▁.", "▁James", "▁explained", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁saw", "▁alco", "hol", "▁as", "▁an", "▁answer", "▁to", "▁her", "▁problems", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁too", "▁many", "▁things", "▁\"", "▁saw", "▁N", "icole", "▁transform", "▁into", "▁a", "▁mess", "ed", "▁up", "▁and", "▁de", "pressed", "▁person", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁became", "▁more", "▁ir", "respons", "ible", "▁with", "▁the", "▁more", "▁she", "▁d", "rank", "▁and", "▁was", "▁in", "▁the", "▁company", "▁of", "▁many", "▁men", "▁.", "▁Geoff", "▁arrived", "▁and", "▁saved", "▁her", "▁from", "▁danger", "▁,", "▁Lewis", "▁said", "▁there", "▁was", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Geoff", "▁that", "▁still", "▁loved", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁However", "▁they", "▁did", "▁not", "▁start", "▁anything", "▁again", "▁,", "▁James", "▁said", "▁she", "▁understood", "▁why", "▁because", "▁of", "▁their", "▁complicated", "▁back", "story", "▁.", "▁However", "▁Geoff", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁support", "▁N", "icole", "▁as", "▁he", "▁real", "ised", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁people", "▁she", "▁was", "▁closest", "▁to", "▁have", "▁desert", "ed", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁un", "predict", "able", "▁behaviour", "▁continued", "▁there", "after", "▁.", "▁All", "▁that", "▁Geoff", "▁could", "▁offer", "▁was", "▁to", "▁be", "▁there", "▁for", "▁her", "▁because", "▁ultimately", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁one", "▁that", "▁can", "▁save", "▁her", "▁from", "▁herself", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "reg", "n", "ancy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁had", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁P", "enn", "▁Graham", "▁(", "▁Christian", "▁Clark", "▁)", "▁and", "▁after", "▁he", "▁was", "▁murder", "ed", "▁,", "▁she", "▁discovered", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁pre", "gn", "ant", "▁with", "▁his", "▁child", "▁.", "▁James", "▁told", "▁Sun", "r", "ise", "▁that", "▁view", "ers", "▁could", "▁expect", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁real", "istic", "▁port", "ray", "al", "▁of", "▁te", "en", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁she", "▁explained", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁important", "▁to", "▁respect", "▁the", "▁issue", "▁.", "▁She", "▁added", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁took", "▁it", "▁very", "▁seriously", "▁with", "▁the", "▁writers", "▁,", "▁and", "▁you", "▁do", "▁a", "▁lot" ]
icole 's state of mind adding , " She 's quite vulnerable at the moment , with her dad , Roman , in prison . She 's relying on Trey , so this is the last thing she needs . " Nicole 's best friend during her initial storylines was Aden Jefferies ( Todd Lasance ) . After Brendan Austin ( Kain O 'Keeffe ) caused Roman to go blind , he took his anger out on Nicole and Aden . Subsequently they became " each other 's support network " and Lasance said it was not long afterward that they " slipped between the sheets " . One of the conditions of Aden 's tenancy was to never sleep with Nicole , this made the pair feel guilty that they had deceived Roman . Lasance felt the storyline was controversial as he had a strong fan base for his relationship with Belle Taylor ( Jessica Tovey ) - which meant he knew it would " cause a stir " and divide the audience . In January 2010 , Nicole and Aden " get up close and personal " and they decided to spend Aden 's remaining time in the Bay together . They shared a kiss and James told TV Week that there are " a lot of complications " for them . She said that no one knew what was going to happen with Liam Murphy ( Axle Whitehead ) and that Nicole felt guilty for betraying Belle because she was her friend . James explained that Nicole 's pairing with Aden was " a bit more serious and in @-@ depth than her usual relationships . " James opined that Aden was the " nicer guy " for Nicole , but Liam may have had " the edge she 's after . " Nicole and Aden then embarked on a relationship . James thought that Nicole and Aden 's relationship was great and said " They started out having a kind of brother @-@ sister relationship , and that developed into something more . " Nicole declared her love for Aden , however he did not reciprocate . Lasance described the moment whilst interviewed by TV Week stating : " They 've always had an awesome connection and Nicole gets into a bit of a comfortable state and blurts out that she loves Aden . " Aden appreciated her love for him , however cannot say it back until he felt the same way . It is this that made their relationship " awkward " , Nicole tried to withdraw her declaration and hide her hurt feelings . = = = Downward spiral = = = In mid @-@ 2009 , producers decided to take Nicole 's storyline into a " u @-@ turn " , when she reverted to her " wild ways " . At the time Nicole had endured repetitive personal trauma including failed relationships , Roman being sent to prison and her best friend Belle was dying of cancer . James explained : " It 's all too much for her and she can 't handle it , so she reverts to her wild ways . " Geoff notices Nicole 's erratic behaviour and attempts to help her . She tried to " lure him into bed " after he comforted her , however he turned her down . James said she no longer had romantic feelings for Geoff , but was actually in a " vulnerable state " . She then started relying on alcohol more , and partied with fellow " wild child " Indigo Walker ( Samara Weaving ) at a " rowdy " venue . James explained that Nicole saw alcohol as an answer to her problems . The fact that " she 's trying to deal with too many things " saw Nicole transform into a messed up and depressed person . Nicole became more irresponsible with the more she drank and was in the company of many men . Geoff arrived and saved her from danger , Lewis said there was a part of Geoff that still loved Nicole . However they did not start anything again , James said she understood why because of their complicated backstory . However Geoff continued to support Nicole as he realised that " a lot of people she was closest to have deserted her " . Nicole 's unpredictable behaviour continued thereafter . All that Geoff could offer was to be there for her because ultimately " Nicole is the only one that can save her from herself . " = = = Pregnancy = = = Nicole had a brief relationship with Penn Graham ( Christian Clark ) and after he was murdered , she discovered that she was pregnant with his child . James told Sunrise that viewers could expect a " realistic portrayal of teen pregnancy " and she explained that it was important to respect the issue . She added " We took it very seriously with the writers , and you do a lot
[ "▁of", "▁research", "▁and", "▁things", "▁like", "▁that", "▁.", "▁You", "▁can", "▁only", "▁do", "▁your", "▁best", "▁,", "▁I", "▁guess", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁later", "▁told", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁Ch", "amb", "ers", "▁(", "▁Em", "ily", "▁Sym", "ons", "▁)", "▁about", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁and", "▁she", "▁offered", "▁to", "▁adopt", "▁it", "▁.", "▁James", "▁later", "▁revealed", "▁that", "▁when", "▁she", "▁joined", "▁Home", "▁and", "▁A", "way", "▁she", "▁told", "▁the", "▁writers", "▁that", "▁they", "▁can", "▁do", "▁anything", "▁with", "▁her", "▁character", "▁,", "▁except", "▁make", "▁her", "▁pre", "gn", "ant", "▁.", "▁Of", "▁the", "▁moment", "▁she", "▁was", "▁told", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁going", "▁to", "▁have", "▁a", "▁baby", "▁,", "▁James", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁went", "▁in", "▁to", "▁see", "▁our", "▁producer", "▁later", "▁and", "▁he", "▁said", "▁,", "▁'", "▁Okay", "▁,", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁going", "▁to", "▁apolog", "ise", "▁in", "▁advance", "▁-", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁making", "▁N", "icole", "▁pre", "gn", "ant", "▁!", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁initially", "▁did", "▁not", "▁want", "▁to", "▁port", "ray", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁typical", "▁soap", "▁te", "en", "age", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁she", "▁thought", "▁N", "icole", "▁should", "▁be", "▁different", "▁.", "▁However", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁was", "▁explained", "▁to", "▁her", "▁and", "▁she", "▁became", "▁excited", "▁at", "▁the", "▁challeng", "ing", "▁story", "line", "▁ahead", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁later", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁let", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁and", "▁Sid", "▁Walker", "▁(", "▁Robert", "▁M", "amm", "one", "▁)", "▁adopt", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁upon", "▁its", "▁birth", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁was", "▁des", "perate", "▁to", "▁mother", "▁a", "▁child", "▁and", "▁her", "▁ob", "session", "▁with", "▁that", "▁and", "▁her", "▁cont", "rolling", "▁behaviour", "▁became", "▁too", "▁much", "▁for", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁Of", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁,", "▁Sym", "ons", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁is", "▁in", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁face", "▁every", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁doing", "▁it", "▁out", "▁of", "▁love", "▁,", "▁but", "▁she", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁real", "ise", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁becoming", "▁obs", "essed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁still", "▁question", "ing", "▁whether", "▁she", "▁is", "▁making", "▁the", "▁right", "▁decision", "▁about", "▁her", "▁un", "born", "▁baby", "▁'", "s", "▁future", "▁and", "▁she", "▁argued", "▁with", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁began", "▁d", "ating", "▁a", "▁student", "▁from", "▁university", "▁,", "▁Ang", "us", "▁McC", "ath", "ie", "▁(", "▁Tim", "▁P", "oc", "ock", "▁)", "▁,", "▁they", "▁got", "▁along", "▁well", "▁on", "▁their", "▁first", "▁dates", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁was", "▁left", "▁wor", "ried", "▁about", "▁their", "▁agreement", "▁and", "▁she", "▁felt", "▁\"", "▁dist", "anced", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Sym", "ons", "▁explained", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁is", "▁sc", "ared", "▁of", "▁being", "▁replaced", "▁.", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁sc", "ared", "▁of", "▁losing", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁,", "▁which", "▁could", "▁happen", "▁because", "▁there", "▁isn", "▁'", "t", "▁a", "▁legal", "▁agreement", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Ro", "o", "▁Stewart", "▁(", "▁Georg", "ie", "▁Parker", "▁)", "▁helped", "▁N", "icole", "▁by", "▁convin", "cing", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁to", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁evaluate", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁.", "▁Sym", "ons", "▁added", "▁that", "▁there", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁still", "▁a", "▁long", "▁way", "▁to", "▁go", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁the", "▁arrangement", "▁,", "▁but", "▁there", "after", "▁she", "▁was", "▁support", "ive", "▁and", "▁offered", "▁construct", "ive", "▁help", "▁to", "▁N", "icole", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁final", "▁few", "▁weeks", "▁of", "▁her", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁N", "icole", "▁began", "▁to", "▁receive", "▁increasing", "▁support", "▁from", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁Ros", "etta", "▁(", "▁Luke", "▁Jacob", "z", "▁)", "▁.", "▁James", "▁said", "▁it", "▁was", "▁clear", "▁to", "▁see", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁friendship", "▁could", "▁be", "▁bl", "urr", "ing", "▁into", "▁something", "▁more", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁the", "▁pair", "▁.", "▁Wh", "ilst", "▁Jacob", "z", "▁op", "ined", "▁\"", "▁They", "▁'", "ve", "▁been", "▁sp", "ending", "▁time", "▁together", "▁and", "▁have", "▁real", "ised", "▁how", "▁comfortable", "▁they", "▁are", "▁together", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁was", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁help", "▁N", "icole", "▁give", "▁birth", "▁to", "▁a", "▁baby", "▁boy", "▁,", "▁George", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁handed", "▁him", "▁over", "▁to", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁immediately", "▁as", "▁agreed", "▁.", "▁She", "▁then", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁away", "▁,", "▁however", "▁it", "▁became", "▁obvious", "▁he", "▁needed", "▁her", "▁when", "▁he", "▁strugg", "led", "▁without", "▁her", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁then", "▁became", "▁obs", "essed", "▁with", "▁N", "icole", "▁having", "▁the", "▁power", "▁to", "▁take", "▁her", "▁new", "▁son", "▁back", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁then", "▁revealed", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁would", "▁struggle", "▁to", "▁switch", "▁off", "▁her", "▁mother", "ing", "▁instinct", "▁after", "▁giving", "▁George", "▁away", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁came", "▁to", "▁visit", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁and", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁caught", "▁her", "▁breast", "feed", "ing", "▁George", "▁,", "▁while", "▁she", "▁was", "▁alone", "▁with", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Sym", "ons", "▁called", "▁the", "▁scenes", "▁\"", "▁vol", "atile", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁una", "ware", "▁that", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁has", "▁res", "erv", "ations", "▁about", "▁her", "▁sp", "ending", "▁time", "▁with", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁.", "▁Of", "▁the", "▁breast", "feed", "ing", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁Sym", "ons", "▁stated", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁is", "▁shock", "ed", "▁and", "▁off", "ended", "▁,", "▁and", "▁this", "▁cut", "s", "▁to", "▁the", "▁very", "▁core", "▁of", "▁her", "▁wor", "ries", "▁-", "▁that", "▁she", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁have", "▁the", "▁same", "▁natural", "▁mother", "ing", "▁instinct", "s", "▁as", "▁George", "▁'", "s", "▁birth", "▁mother", "▁.", "▁Without", "▁a", "▁doubt", "▁,", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁thinks", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁over", "ste", "pping", "▁the", "▁mark", "▁.", "▁She", "▁feels", "▁that", "▁a", "▁boundary", "▁has", "▁been", "▁over", "ste", "pped", "▁and", "▁it", "▁could", "▁put", "▁a", "▁big", "▁stra", "in", "▁on", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁After", "▁the", "▁incident", "▁,", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁asked", "▁by", "▁Mary", "lin", "▁,", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁away", "▁from", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁.", "▁James", "▁def", "ended", "▁N", "icole", "▁stating", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁think", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁hard", "▁to", "▁not", "▁bond", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁is", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁'", "s", "▁baby", "▁,", "▁and", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁so", "▁young", "▁and", "▁wants", "▁very", "▁much", "▁to", "▁give", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁and", "▁Sid", "▁this", "▁gift", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Story", "lines", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁bi", "ological", "▁parents", "▁were", "▁the", "▁te", "en", "age", "▁Roman", "▁Harris", "▁(", "▁Con", "rad", "▁Cole", "by", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Natal", "ie", "▁Franklin", "▁(", "▁Adri", "enne", "▁Pick", "ering", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁she", "▁was", "▁raised", "▁by", "▁her", "▁mat", "ernal", "▁grand", "par", "ents", "▁and", "▁considered", "▁her", "▁mother", "▁,", "▁Natal", "ie", "▁,", "▁as", "▁an", "▁older", "▁sister", "▁.", "▁She", "▁did", "▁not", "▁meet", "▁her", "▁father", "▁until", "▁her", "▁early", "▁te", "en", "age", "▁years", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁arriv", "es", "▁in", "▁Summer", "▁Bay", "▁in", "▁a", "▁flash", "y", "▁car", "▁.", "▁She", "▁initially", "▁makes", "▁herself", "▁un", "pop", "ular", "▁with", "▁her", "▁b", "itch", "y", "▁care", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁free", "▁nature", "▁.", "▁She", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁sleep", "▁with", "▁A", "den", "▁but", "▁he", "▁re", "buff", "s", "▁her", "▁.", "▁She", "▁makes", "▁a", "▁bet", "▁with", "▁A", "den", "▁that", "▁she", "▁can", "▁sleep", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁Campbell", "▁(", "▁Lincoln", "▁Lewis", "▁)", "▁within", "▁two", "▁weeks", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Geoff", "▁and", "▁Belle", "▁public", "ly", "▁hum", "ili", "ate", "▁her", "▁when", "▁they", "▁find", "▁out", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁starts", "▁d", "ating", "▁Roman", "▁'", "s", "▁old", "▁S", "AS", "▁friend", "▁Mark", "▁'" ]
of research and things like that . You can only do your best , I guess ! " Nicole later told Marilyn Chambers ( Emily Symons ) about the baby and she offered to adopt it . James later revealed that when she joined Home and Away she told the writers that they can do anything with her character , except make her pregnant . Of the moment she was told that Nicole was going to have a baby , James said " I went in to see our producer later and he said , ' Okay , I 'm going to apologise in advance - we 're making Nicole pregnant ! ' " She initially did not want to portray a " typical soap teenage pregnancy " as she thought Nicole should be different . However the situation was explained to her and she became excited at the challenging storyline ahead . Nicole later decided to let Marilyn and Sid Walker ( Robert Mammone ) adopt the baby upon its birth . Marilyn was desperate to mother a child and her obsession with that and her controlling behaviour became too much for Nicole . Of the situation , Symons said " Marilyn is in Nicole 's face every minute . She 's doing it out of love , but she doesn 't realise she 's becoming obsessed with the baby . " Nicole was still questioning whether she is making the right decision about her unborn baby 's future and she argued with Marilyn . Nicole began dating a student from university , Angus McCathie ( Tim Pocock ) , they got along well on their first dates . Marilyn was left worried about their agreement and she felt " distanced . " Symons explained , " Marilyn is scared of being replaced . She 's scared of losing the baby , which could happen because there isn 't a legal agreement . " Roo Stewart ( Georgie Parker ) helped Nicole by convincing Marilyn to re @-@ evaluate the situation . Symons added that there is " still a long way to go " with the arrangement , but thereafter she was supportive and offered constructive help to Nicole . During the final few weeks of her pregnancy Nicole began to receive increasing support from Angelo Rosetta ( Luke Jacobz ) . James said it was clear to see that " the lines of friendship could be blurring into something more " for the pair . Whilst Jacobz opined " They 've been spending time together and have realised how comfortable they are together . " Angelo was forced to help Nicole give birth to a baby boy , George , and she handed him over to Marilyn immediately as agreed . She then tried to stay away , however it became obvious he needed her when he struggled without her . Marilyn then became obsessed with Nicole having the power to take her new son back . It was then revealed that Nicole would struggle to switch off her mothering instinct after giving George away . Nicole came to visit the baby and Marilyn caught her breastfeeding George , while she was alone with him . Symons called the scenes " volatile . " Nicole was unaware that Marilyn has reservations about her spending time with the baby . Of the breastfeeding scene , Symons stated : " Marilyn is shocked and offended , and this cuts to the very core of her worries - that she doesn 't have the same natural mothering instincts as George 's birth mother . Without a doubt , Marilyn thinks Nicole is overstepping the mark . She feels that a boundary has been overstepped and it could put a big strain on their relationship . " After the incident , Nicole is asked by Marylin , to stay away from the baby . James defended Nicole stating : " I think it 's hard to not bond , but this is Marilyn 's baby , and Nicole is so young and wants very much to give Marilyn and Sid this gift . " = = Storylines = = Nicole 's biological parents were the teenage Roman Harris ( Conrad Coleby ) and Natalie Franklin ( Adrienne Pickering ) , but she was raised by her maternal grandparents and considered her mother , Natalie , as an older sister . She did not meet her father until her early teenage years . Nicole arrives in Summer Bay in a flashy car . She initially makes herself unpopular with her bitchy care @-@ free nature . She tries to sleep with Aden but he rebuffs her . She makes a bet with Aden that she can sleep with Geoff Campbell ( Lincoln Lewis ) within two weeks , but Geoff and Belle publicly humiliate her when they find out . Nicole starts dating Roman 's old SAS friend Mark '
[ "s", "▁brother", "▁Elli", "ot", "▁Gill", "en", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁Roman", "▁'", "s", "▁disapp", "ro", "val", "▁.", "▁After", "▁breaking", "▁up", "▁with", "▁Elli", "ot", "▁,", "▁he", "▁takes", "▁her", "▁div", "ing", "▁where", "▁he", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁kill", "▁her", "▁,", "▁Geoff", "▁and", "▁later", "▁Roman", "▁.", "▁Geoff", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁save", "▁N", "icole", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Elli", "ot", "▁leaves", "▁the", "▁pair", "▁str", "and", "ed", "▁at", "▁sea", "▁.", "▁They", "▁was", "h", "▁up", "▁on", "▁a", "▁remote", "▁island", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁and", "▁N", "icole", "▁grow", "▁close", "▁to", "▁each", "▁other", "▁.", "▁Geoff", "▁,", "▁who", "▁has", "▁strong", "▁religious", "▁views", "▁,", "▁sle", "eps", "▁with", "▁N", "icole", "▁as", "▁they", "▁cannot", "▁fight", "▁tempt", "ation", "▁.", "▁When", "▁res", "cu", "ed", "▁Geoff", "▁propos", "es", "▁to", "▁N", "icole", "▁out", "▁of", "▁gu", "ilt", "▁,", "▁she", "▁turns", "▁him", "▁down", "▁.", "▁She", "▁later", "▁has", "▁a", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁sc", "are", "▁but", "▁is", "▁happy", "▁to", "▁discover", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁false", "▁alarm", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁later", "▁dec", "ides", "▁she", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁should", "▁return", "▁to", "▁the", "▁island", "▁to", "▁repair", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁They", "▁ch", "ased", "▁through", "▁wood", "land", "▁by", "▁a", "▁murder", "er", "▁,", "▁Der", "rick", "▁who", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁kill", "▁them", "▁both", "▁.", "▁However", "▁they", "▁manage", "▁to", "▁escape", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁try", "▁her", "▁best", "▁to", "▁make", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁work", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁after", "▁Fre", "ya", "▁kiss", "es", "▁her", "▁they", "▁enter", "▁a", "▁few", "▁rock", "y", "▁periods", "▁and", "▁later", "▁break", "▁up", "▁.", "▁", "▁She", "▁starts", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁troubles", "ome", "▁Tre", "y", "▁.", "▁He", "▁films", "▁them", "▁having", "▁sex", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁later", "▁le", "aked", "▁at", "▁the", "▁town", "▁'", "s", "▁movie", "▁festival", "▁.", "▁She", "▁has", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁Li", "am", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁good", "▁friend", "▁Belle", "▁,", "▁N", "icole", "▁goes", "▁on", "▁a", "▁down", "ward", "▁spir", "al", "▁.", "▁She", "▁starts", "▁part", "ying", "▁and", "▁b", "inge", "▁drink", "ing", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Ind", "igo", "▁.", "▁Geoff", "▁not", "ices", "▁her", "▁behaviour", "▁and", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁help", "▁her", "▁.", "▁After", "▁pushing", "▁him", "▁away", "▁she", "▁sle", "eps", "▁with", "▁drug", "▁add", "ict", "▁Li", "am", "▁.", "▁She", "▁then", "▁purs", "ues", "▁older", "▁man", "▁Sid", "▁.", "▁She", "▁kiss", "es", "▁him", "▁and", "▁Ind", "igo", "▁sees", "▁them", "▁,", "▁which", "▁ru", "ins", "▁their", "▁friendship", "▁.", "▁She", "▁later", "▁moves", "▁in", "▁with", "▁Mil", "es", "▁Cop", "eland", "▁(", "▁Josh", "▁Qu", "ong", "▁T", "art", "▁)", "▁who", "▁agre", "es", "▁to", "▁look", "▁after", "▁her", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "icole", "▁starts", "▁d", "ating", "▁P", "enn", "▁who", "▁manip", "ul", "ates", "▁her", "▁.", "▁He", "▁makes", "▁her", "▁believe", "▁she", "▁has", "▁accident", "ally", "▁stepped", "▁on", "▁a", "▁need", "le", "▁and", "▁she", "▁has", "▁tests", "▁for", "▁H", "IV", "▁.", "▁She", "▁later", "▁finds", "▁out", "▁she", "▁has", "▁the", "▁all", "▁clear", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁reve", "als", "▁to", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁that", "▁she", "▁is", "▁pre", "gn", "ant", "▁with", "▁P", "enn", "▁'", "s", "▁child", "▁.", "▁She", "▁initially", "▁cho", "oses", "▁to", "▁have", "▁an", "▁abort", "ion", "▁,", "▁but", "▁changes", "▁her", "▁mind", "▁and", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁give", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁to", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁goes", "▁on", "▁a", "▁date", "▁with", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁and", "▁she", "▁takes", "▁him", "▁to", "▁her", "▁anten", "atal", "▁class", "▁.", "▁When", "▁he", "▁lear", "ns", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁is", "▁giving", "▁her", "▁baby", "▁away", "▁,", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁ends", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁become", "▁friends", "▁with", "▁Ro", "o", "▁and", "▁asks", "▁her", "▁to", "▁be", "▁at", "▁the", "▁birth", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Ro", "o", "▁turns", "▁her", "▁down", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁apolog", "ises", "▁to", "▁N", "icole", "▁when", "▁she", "▁starts", "▁to", "▁take", "▁over", "▁and", "▁begins", "▁leaving", "▁her", "▁out", "▁of", "▁her", "▁plans", "▁for", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁becomes", "▁fed", "▁up", "▁when", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁is", "▁late", "▁and", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁help", "▁her", "▁start", "▁labour", "▁.", "▁They", "▁go", "▁for", "▁a", "▁walk", "▁on", "▁the", "▁beach", "▁and", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁water", "▁breaks", "▁.", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁is", "▁then", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁deliver", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁later", "▁dec", "ides", "▁that", "▁she", "▁wants", "▁her", "▁baby", "▁back", "▁and", "▁tells", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁dev", "ast", "ated", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁takes", "▁the", "▁baby", "▁,", "▁but", "▁later", "▁returns", "▁him", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁then", "▁leaves", "▁Summer", "▁bay", "▁with", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁and", "▁George", "▁.", "▁She", "▁later", "▁contacts", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁and", "▁they", "▁meet", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁talk", "▁things", "▁through", "▁and", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁shows", "▁up", "▁with", "▁George", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Holy", "▁So", "ap", "▁said", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁memor", "able", "▁moment", "▁was", "▁when", "▁she", "▁\"", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁desert", "▁island", "▁with", "▁Geoff", "▁to", "▁re", "kind", "le", "▁their", "▁love", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁she", "▁was", "▁held", "▁host", "age", "▁by", "▁D", "erek", "▁the", "▁murder", "er", "▁,", "▁before", "▁her", "▁father", "▁came", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rescue", "▁.", "▁When", "▁N", "icole", "▁began", "▁d", "ating", "▁Li", "am", "▁,", "▁Caroline", "▁F", "it", "ton", "▁writing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁Mail", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁think", "▁this", "▁reform", "ing", "▁wild", "▁child", "▁–", "▁a", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁less", "▁mo", "ody", "▁Pe", "aches", "▁G", "eld", "of", "▁–", "▁has", "▁struck", "▁luck", "y", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Inside", "▁So", "ap", "▁op", "ined", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁was", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁flight", "y", "▁min", "x", "▁from", "▁the", "▁city", "▁who", "▁pray", "s", "▁at", "▁the", "▁alt", "ar", "▁of", "▁Paris", "▁Hil", "ton", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Sunday", "▁Mail", "▁said", "▁it", "▁seemed", "▁like", "▁no", "▁one", "▁could", "▁stop", "▁her", "▁down", "ward", "▁spir", "al", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Daily", "▁Record", "▁said", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Geoff", "▁'", "s", "▁relationship", "▁ending", "▁was", "▁good", "▁for", "▁her", "▁character", "▁.", "▁They", "▁later", "▁brand", "ed", "▁her", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁fier", "y", "▁favour", "ite", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁when", "▁she", "▁started", "▁d", "ating", "▁P", "enn", "▁,", "▁they", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Im", "pression", "able", "▁N", "icole", "▁looks", "▁set", "▁to", "▁fall", "▁for", "▁the", "▁wrong", "▁man", "▁all", "▁over", "▁again", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁When", "▁N", "icole", "▁had", "▁her", "▁H", "IV", "▁sc", "are", "▁Holy", "▁So", "ap", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁As", "▁if", "▁def", "ending", "▁her", "▁man", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Bay", "▁'", "s", "▁critics", "▁wasn", "▁'", "t", "▁enough", "▁for", "▁one", "▁girl", "▁to", "▁take", "▁,", "▁poor", "▁Nic", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Inside", "▁So", "ap", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁N", "icole", "▁Franklin", "▁isn", "▁'", "t", "▁exactly", "▁back", "ward", "▁in", "▁coming", "▁forward", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Ja", "ci", "▁Stephen", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁Mail", "▁op", "ined", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁seemed", "▁in", "cap", "able", "▁of", "▁decision", "▁making", "▁when", "▁it", "▁came", "▁to", "▁dec", "iding", "▁on", "▁a", "▁bir", "thing", "▁partner", "▁.", "▁TV", "▁Week", "▁chose", "▁James", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁serial", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁prom", "ising", "▁actress", "es", "▁op", "ining", "▁she", "▁was", "▁ready", "▁for", "▁roles", "▁in", "▁Hollywood", "▁.", "▁", "▁TV", "▁Week", "▁often", "▁commented", "▁on", "▁her", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁story", "line", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁plot", "▁was", "▁half", "▁way", "▁through", "▁Er", "in", "▁Miller", "▁of", "▁TV", "▁Week", "▁said", "▁that", "▁N", "icole", "▁had", "▁changed" ]
s brother Elliot Gillen , despite Roman 's disapproval . After breaking up with Elliot , he takes her diving where he tries to kill her , Geoff and later Roman . Geoff tries to save Nicole , but Elliot leaves the pair stranded at sea . They wash up on a remote island and Geoff and Nicole grow close to each other . Geoff , who has strong religious views , sleeps with Nicole as they cannot fight temptation . When rescued Geoff proposes to Nicole out of guilt , she turns him down . She later has a pregnancy scare but is happy to discover it was a false alarm . Nicole later decides she and Geoff should return to the island to repair their relationship . They chased through woodland by a murderer , Derrick who tries to kill them both . However they manage to escape . Nicole decides to try her best to make their relationship work . However , after Freya kisses her they enter a few rocky periods and later break up . She starts a relationship with troublesome Trey . He films them having sex , which is later leaked at the town 's movie festival . She has a brief relationship with Liam . After the death of good friend Belle , Nicole goes on a downward spiral . She starts partying and binge drinking along with Indigo . Geoff notices her behaviour and attempts to help her . After pushing him away she sleeps with drug addict Liam . She then pursues older man Sid . She kisses him and Indigo sees them , which ruins their friendship . She later moves in with Miles Copeland ( Josh Quong Tart ) who agrees to look after her . Nicole starts dating Penn who manipulates her . He makes her believe she has accidentally stepped on a needle and she has tests for HIV . She later finds out she has the all clear . Nicole reveals to Marilyn that she is pregnant with Penn 's child . She initially chooses to have an abortion , but changes her mind and decides to give the baby to Marilyn . Nicole goes on a date with Angelo and she takes him to her antenatal class . When he learns that Nicole is giving her baby away , Angelo ends their relationship . Nicole become friends with Roo and asks her to be at the birth , but Roo turns her down . Marilyn apologises to Nicole when she starts to take over and begins leaving her out of her plans for the baby . Nicole becomes fed up when the baby is late and Angelo tries to help her start labour . They go for a walk on the beach and Nicole 's water breaks . Angelo is then forced to deliver the baby . Nicole later decides that she wants her baby back and tells Marilyn , who is devastated . Marilyn takes the baby , but later returns him . Nicole then leaves Summer bay with Angelo and George . She later contacts Marilyn and they meet in the city . Nicole and Marilyn talk things through and Angelo shows up with George . = = Reception = = Holy Soap said that Nicole 's most memorable moment was when she " returned to the desert island with Geoff to rekindle their love " and she was held hostage by Derek the murderer , before her father came to the rescue . When Nicole began dating Liam , Caroline Fitton writing for the Daily Mail said " I think this reforming wild child – a kind of less moody Peaches Geldof – has struck lucky " . Inside Soap opined that Nicole was a " flighty minx from the city who prays at the altar of Paris Hilton " . The Sunday Mail said it seemed like no one could stop her downward spiral . The Daily Record said that Nicole and Geoff 's relationship ending was good for her character . They later branded her a " fiery favourite " and when she started dating Penn , they said " Impressionable Nicole looks set to fall for the wrong man all over again " . When Nicole had her HIV scare Holy Soap said " As if defending her man against the Bay 's critics wasn 't enough for one girl to take , poor Nic " . Inside Soap said " Nicole Franklin isn 't exactly backward in coming forward " . Jaci Stephen of the Daily Mail opined that Nicole seemed incapable of decision making when it came to deciding on a birthing partner . TV Week chose James as one of the serial 's most promising actresses opining she was ready for roles in Hollywood . TV Week often commented on her pregnancy storyline . After the plot was half way through Erin Miller of TV Week said that Nicole had changed
[ "▁her", "▁mind", "▁about", "▁adopt", "ing", "▁her", "▁baby", "▁\"", "▁more", "▁times", "▁that", "▁Julia", "▁Gill", "ard", "▁has", "▁utter", "ed", "▁the", "▁phrase", "▁'", "▁moving", "▁forward", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁watching", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁beach", "▁birth", "▁scenes", "▁,", "▁the", "▁magazine", "▁website", "▁editor", "▁qui", "pped", "▁\"", "▁Who", "▁knew", "▁sand", "▁had", "▁bir", "thing", "▁properties", "▁?", "▁!", "▁Well", "▁,", "▁maybe", "▁not", "▁...", "▁but", "▁you", "▁could", "▁forg", "ive", "▁pre", "gn", "ant", "▁te", "en", "▁N", "icole", "▁for", "▁thinking", "▁that", "▁after", "▁a", "▁cas", "ual", "▁st", "roll", "▁along", "▁the", "▁Bay", "▁'", "s", "▁beach", "▁ends", "▁with", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁deliver", "ing", "▁her", "▁new", "born", "▁son", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁Comment", "ing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁real", "ism", "▁of", "▁the", "▁story", "line", "▁they", "▁added", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Only", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Bay", "▁would", "▁a", "▁baby", "▁be", "▁born", "▁on", "▁the", "▁beach", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁Miller", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁odd", "▁she", "▁had", "▁then", "▁\"", "▁mi", "rac", "ul", "ously", "▁lost", "▁any", "▁signs", "▁that", "▁she", "▁even", "▁had", "▁a", "▁baby", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁qui", "pped", "▁\"", "▁already", "▁the", "▁te", "en", "▁is", "▁back", "▁to", "▁we", "aring", "▁skin", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁tight", "▁dress", "es", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁They", "▁later", "▁described", "▁N", "icole", "▁and", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁'", "s", "▁argument", "▁over", "▁George", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁all", "▁rif", "ts", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁exhaust", "ing", "▁just", "▁thinking", "▁about", "▁it", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁Miller", "▁later", "▁critic", "ised", "▁N", "icole", "▁'", "s", "▁career", "▁in", "▁fashion", "▁,", "▁after", "▁John", "▁told", "▁her", "▁he", "▁h", "ated", "▁her", "▁designs", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Sur", "f", "▁Club", "▁.", "▁She", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁had", "▁to", "▁agree", "▁with", "▁him", "▁-", "▁putting", "▁lif", "esa", "vers", "▁in", "▁p", "ink", "▁pol", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁neck", "▁sw", "imm", "ers", "▁is", "▁a", "▁terrible", "▁idea", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁Liv", "in", "▁'", "▁the", "▁Dream", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Liv", "in", "▁'", "▁the", "▁Dream", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁first", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁nin", "th", "▁season", "▁of", "▁the", "▁American", "▁comedy", "▁television", "▁series", "▁The", "▁Office", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "th", "▁episode", "▁overall", "▁.", "▁It", "▁originally", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁N", "BC", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁guest", "▁stars", "▁Michael", "▁Imper", "i", "oli", "▁as", "▁S", "ense", "i", "▁Billy", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁air", "▁in", "▁its", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁times", "lot", "▁,", "▁before", "▁being", "▁expanded", "▁to", "▁a", "▁full", "▁hour", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁series", "▁—", "▁presented", "▁as", "▁if", "▁it", "▁were", "▁a", "▁real", "▁document", "ary", "▁—", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁the", "▁every", "day", "▁lives", "▁of", "▁office", "▁employees", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Sc", "r", "anton", "▁,", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁,", "▁branch", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fict", "ional", "▁D", "under", "▁M", "if", "fl", "in", "▁P", "aper", "▁Company", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁Andy", "▁Bernard", "▁(", "▁Ed", "▁Hel", "ms", "▁)", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁purs", "ue", "▁a", "▁career", "▁as", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁actor", "▁,", "▁and", "▁qu", "its", "▁his", "▁job", "▁at", "▁D", "under", "▁M", "if", "fl", "in", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁Sch", "r", "ute", "▁(", "▁Rain", "n", "▁Wilson", "▁)", "▁finally", "▁receives", "▁his", "▁black", "▁bel", "t", "▁in", "▁kar", "ate", "▁from", "▁his", "▁new", "▁sense", "i", "▁(", "▁Imper", "i", "oli", "▁)", "▁and", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁recommendation", "▁of", "▁Jim", "▁Hal", "pert", "▁(", "▁John", "▁K", "ras", "in", "ski", "▁)", "▁,", "▁is", "▁promoted", "▁to", "▁Regional", "▁Manager", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sc", "r", "anton", "▁branch", "▁.", "▁Jim", "▁re", "connect", "s", "▁with", "▁Pam", "▁Hal", "pert", "▁(", "▁Jen", "na", "▁Fischer", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁makes", "▁it", "▁clear", "▁that", "▁he", "▁will", "▁choose", "▁her", "▁over", "▁Philadelphia", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁viewed", "▁by", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁and", "▁received", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁/", "▁", "5", "▁percent", "▁share", "▁among", "▁adult", "s", "▁between", "▁the", "▁ages", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "▁and", "▁", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁ranking", "▁third", "▁in", "▁its", "▁first", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁times", "lot", "▁and", "▁fourth", "▁in", "▁its", "▁second", "▁,", "▁mark", "ing", "▁a", "▁slight", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ratings", "▁from", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Liv", "in", "▁'", "▁the", "▁Dream", "▁\"", "▁received", "▁mostly", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁television", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁pra", "ise", "▁mainly", "▁went", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁dynamic", "▁between", "▁Jim", "▁,", "▁Pam", "▁and", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁for", "▁the", "▁former", "▁two", "▁'", "s", "▁recon", "c", "ili", "ation", "▁and", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁'", "s", "▁promotion", "▁.", "▁Andy", "▁'", "s", "▁sub", "plot", "▁,", "▁mean", "while", "▁,", "▁received", "▁more", "▁mixed", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁CE", "O", "▁David", "▁Wal", "lace", "▁(", "▁Andy", "▁Buck", "ley", "▁)", "▁plans", "▁on", "▁firing", "▁Andy", "▁Bernard", "▁(", "▁Ed", "▁Hel", "ms", "▁)", "▁due", "▁to", "▁his", "▁missing", "▁work", "▁for", "▁acting", "▁gig", "s", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Andy", "▁tells", "▁David", "▁he", "▁is", "▁res", "ign", "ing", "▁to", "▁purs", "ue", "▁his", "▁dream", "s", "▁of", "▁st", "ard", "om", "▁full", "▁time", "▁,", "▁and", "▁David", "▁is", "▁rel", "ieved", "▁to", "▁not", "▁have", "▁to", "▁fire", "▁him", "▁.", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁Sch", "r", "ute", "▁(", "▁Rain", "n", "▁Wilson", "▁)", "▁receives", "▁his", "▁black", "▁bel", "t", "▁in", "▁kar", "ate", "▁from", "▁his", "▁new", "▁sense", "i", "▁(", "▁Michael", "▁Imper", "i", "oli", "▁)", "▁.", "▁See", "ing", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁'", "s", "▁ten", "acity", "▁and", "▁dev", "otion", "▁,", "▁David", "▁is", "▁inspired", "▁to", "▁make", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁Andy", "▁'", "s", "▁replacement", "▁.", "▁", "▁Jim", "▁Hal", "pert", "▁(", "▁John", "▁K", "ras", "in", "ski", "▁)", "▁has", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁Sc", "r", "anton", "▁full", "▁time", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁he", "▁has", "▁realized", "▁that", "▁he", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁dev", "ote", "▁himself", "▁to", "▁both", "▁his", "▁family", "▁and", "▁his", "▁new", "▁job", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁go", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁on", "▁his", "▁family", "▁since", "▁that", "▁is", "▁what", "▁makes", "▁him", "▁most", "▁happy", "▁.", "▁David", "▁asks", "▁Jim", "▁his", "▁opinion", "▁on", "▁prom", "oting", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jim", "▁says", "▁that", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁deser", "ves", "▁the", "▁job", "▁and", "▁will", "▁be", "▁a", "▁great", "▁manager", "▁.", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁then", "▁appoint", "s", "▁Jim", "▁the", "▁new", "▁assistant", "▁to", "▁the", "▁regional", "▁manager", "▁.", "▁Dar", "ry", "l", "▁Phil", "bin", "▁(", "▁Craig", "▁Robinson", "▁)", "▁inform", "s", "▁Jim", "▁that", "▁Ath", "le", "ad", "▁has", "▁found", "▁a", "▁bu", "yer", "▁and", "▁wants", "▁them", "▁to", "▁do", "▁a", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁tour", "▁around", "▁the", "▁country", "▁for", "▁three", "▁months", "▁.", "▁With", "▁und", "is", "gu", "ised", "▁regret", "▁,", "▁Jim", "▁says", "▁he", "▁will", "▁not", "▁do", "▁the", "▁tour", "▁because", "▁he", "▁cannot", "▁put", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁Pam", "▁(", "▁Jen", "na", "▁Fischer", "▁)", "▁through", "▁that", "▁,", "▁una", "ware", "▁that", "▁Pam", "▁is", "▁listening", "▁in", "▁.", "▁", "▁Every", "one", "▁in", "▁the", "▁office", "▁tells", "▁Andy", "▁that", "▁qu", "itting", "▁is", "▁a", "▁fool", "ish", "▁move", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁no", "▁chance", "▁of", "▁ach", "ieving", "▁st", "ard", "om", "▁.", "▁Andy", "▁eventually", "▁goes", "▁back", "▁on", "▁his", "▁decision", "▁,", "▁and", "▁David", "▁allows" ]
her mind about adopting her baby " more times that Julia Gillard has uttered the phrase ' moving forward ' " . Upon watching Nicole 's beach birth scenes , the magazine website editor quipped " Who knew sand had birthing properties ? ! Well , maybe not ... but you could forgive pregnant teen Nicole for thinking that after a casual stroll along the Bay 's beach ends with Angelo delivering her newborn son ! " Commenting on the realism of the storyline they added : " Only in the Bay would a baby be born on the beach ! " Miller thought it was odd she had then " miraculously lost any signs that she even had a baby . " She quipped " already the teen is back to wearing skin @-@ tight dresses ! " . They later described Nicole and Marilyn 's argument over George as " the mother of all rifts " and said " It 's exhausting just thinking about it ! " Miller later criticised Nicole 's career in fashion , after John told her he hated her designs for the Surf Club . She said " I had to agree with him - putting lifesavers in pink polo @-@ neck swimmers is a terrible idea . " = Livin ' the Dream = " Livin ' the Dream " is the twenty @-@ first episode of the ninth season of the American comedy television series The Office and the 197th episode overall . It originally aired on NBC on May 2 , 2013 . The episode guest stars Michael Imperioli as Sensei Billy , and was initially scheduled to air in its half @-@ hour timeslot , before being expanded to a full hour . The series — presented as if it were a real documentary — depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton , Pennsylvania , branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company . In the episode , Andy Bernard ( Ed Helms ) decides to pursue a career as a professional actor , and quits his job at Dunder Mifflin . Meanwhile , Dwight Schrute ( Rainn Wilson ) finally receives his black belt in karate from his new sensei ( Imperioli ) and , on the recommendation of Jim Halpert ( John Krasinski ) , is promoted to Regional Manager of the Scranton branch . Jim reconnects with Pam Halpert ( Jenna Fischer ) , and makes it clear that he will choose her over Philadelphia . The episode was viewed by an estimated and received a 1 @.@ 8 / 5 percent share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49 , ranking third in its first half @-@ hour timeslot and fourth in its second , marking a slight increase in the ratings from the previous episode . " Livin ' the Dream " received mostly positive reviews from television critics . Critical praise mainly went towards the dynamic between Jim , Pam and Dwight , particularly for the former two 's reconciliation and the latter 's promotion . Andy 's subplot , meanwhile , received more mixed reviews . = = Plot = = CEO David Wallace ( Andy Buckley ) plans on firing Andy Bernard ( Ed Helms ) due to his missing work for acting gigs . However , Andy tells David he is resigning to pursue his dreams of stardom full time , and David is relieved to not have to fire him . Dwight Schrute ( Rainn Wilson ) receives his black belt in karate from his new sensei ( Michael Imperioli ) . Seeing Dwight 's tenacity and devotion , David is inspired to make Dwight Andy 's replacement . Jim Halpert ( John Krasinski ) has returned to Scranton full time , saying he has realized that he can 't devote himself to both his family and his new job , and has decided to go " all in " on his family since that is what makes him most happy . David asks Jim his opinion on promoting Dwight , and Jim says that Dwight deserves the job and will be a great manager . Dwight then appoints Jim the new assistant to the regional manager . Darryl Philbin ( Craig Robinson ) informs Jim that Athlead has found a buyer and wants them to do a promotional tour around the country for three months . With undisguised regret , Jim says he will not do the tour because he cannot put his wife Pam ( Jenna Fischer ) through that , unaware that Pam is listening in . Everyone in the office tells Andy that quitting is a foolish move and that he has no chance of achieving stardom . Andy eventually goes back on his decision , and David allows
[ "▁him", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁on", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sales", "▁position", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁mere", "▁hours", "▁later", "▁Andy", "▁feels", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁only", "▁stick", "ing", "▁with", "▁his", "▁D", "und", "ler", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁M", "if", "fl", "in", "▁job", "▁because", "▁it", "▁is", "▁safe", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁to", "▁take", "▁a", "▁shot", "▁at", "▁ach", "ieving", "▁fame", "▁.", "▁F", "ear", "ing", "▁his", "▁conv", "iction", "▁will", "▁fal", "ter", "▁a", "▁second", "▁time", "▁,", "▁he", "▁dec", "ides", "▁he", "▁cannot", "▁simply", "▁quit", "▁,", "▁but", "▁get", "▁fired", "▁.", "▁This", "▁proves", "▁difficult", "▁as", "▁he", "▁is", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁make", "▁himself", "▁go", "▁through", "▁with", "▁any", "▁off", "ense", "▁more", "▁serious", "▁than", "▁def", "ec", "ating", "▁on", "▁David", "▁'", "s", "▁car", "▁.", "▁Andy", "▁b", "ids", "▁fare", "well", "▁to", "▁his", "▁cow", "ork", "ers", "▁with", "▁an", "▁unexpected", "ly", "▁moving", "▁rend", "ition", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Will", "▁Remember", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁prompt", "ing", "▁them", "▁to", "▁comment", "▁to", "▁the", "▁document", "ary", "▁crew", "▁that", "▁he", "▁may", "▁have", "▁star", "▁potential", "▁after", "▁all", "▁.", "▁", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁Ang", "ela", "▁Martin", "▁(", "▁Ang", "ela", "▁Kin", "sey", "▁)", "▁is", "▁ev", "icted", "▁from", "▁her", "▁studio", "▁a", "partment", "▁after", "▁her", "▁c", "ats", "▁were", "▁taken", "▁away", "▁by", "▁Animal", "▁Control", "▁.", "▁She", "▁cons", "iders", "▁living", "▁in", "▁a", "▁tent", "▁in", "▁the", "▁woods", "▁,", "▁prompt", "ing", "▁Oscar", "▁Mart", "ine", "z", "▁(", "▁Oscar", "▁N", "une", "z", "▁)", "▁to", "▁offer", "▁her", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁with", "▁him", "▁until", "▁she", "▁gets", "▁back", "▁on", "▁her", "▁feet", "▁.", "▁She", "▁finally", "▁accepts", "▁with", "▁grat", "itude", "▁.", "▁As", "▁they", "▁set", "▁off", "▁to", "▁take", "▁Ang", "ela", "▁'", "s", "▁things", "▁to", "▁Oscar", "▁'", "s", "▁place", "▁,", "▁Oscar", 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"▁originally", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁air", "▁in", "▁its", "▁regular", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁time", "▁slot", "▁,", "▁but", "▁N", "BC", "▁later", "▁announced", "▁it", "▁would", "▁be", "▁expanded", "▁to", "▁fill", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁time", "▁slot", "▁beginning", "▁a", "▁half", "▁hour", "▁early", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁still", "▁counts", "▁as", "▁one", "▁official", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁earlier", "▁season", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁Mov", "ing", "▁On", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁we", "▁knew", "▁the", "▁last", "▁two", "▁episodes", "▁would", "▁be", "▁hour", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁long", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Finale", "▁might", "▁even", "▁end", "▁up", "▁running", "▁longer", "▁,", "▁but", "▁we", "▁still", "▁had", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁great", "▁story", "t", "elling", "▁to", "▁do", "▁leading", "▁up", "▁to", "▁them", "▁,", "▁and", "▁'", "▁Liv", "in", "▁'", "▁the", "▁Dream", "▁'", "▁was", "▁one", "▁that", "▁ultimately", 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"▁this", "▁super", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "ized", "▁episode", "▁I", "▁was", "▁left", "▁,", "▁once", "▁again", "▁,", "▁truly", "▁looking", "▁forward", "▁to", "▁seeing", "▁what", "▁these", "▁next", "▁few", "▁weeks", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁final", "▁hour", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Office", "▁,", "▁will", "▁bring", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Cor", "net", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ensemble", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Ph", "yll", "is", "▁and", "▁Stanley", "▁Lil", "▁'", "▁Rome", "o", "▁mini", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁debate", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁Cre", "ed", "▁'", "s", "▁confused", "▁m", "im", "ick", "ing", "▁of", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁'", "s", "▁declaration", "▁.", "▁Cor", "net", "▁also", "▁called", "▁the", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁story", "line", "▁\"", "▁perfectly", "▁executed", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Jim", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pam", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁D", "w", "ight", "▁dynamic", "▁featured", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁their", "▁companion", "ship", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁entirely", "▁earned", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁also", "▁pra", "ised", "▁Kin", "sey", "▁'" ]
him to stay on in a sales position . However , mere hours later Andy feels that he is only sticking with his Dundler @-@ Mifflin job because it is safe and that he has to take a shot at achieving fame . Fearing his conviction will falter a second time , he decides he cannot simply quit , but get fired . This proves difficult as he is unable to make himself go through with any offense more serious than defecating on David 's car . Andy bids farewell to his coworkers with an unexpectedly moving rendition of " I Will Remember You " , prompting them to comment to the documentary crew that he may have star potential after all . Meanwhile , Angela Martin ( Angela Kinsey ) is evicted from her studio apartment after her cats were taken away by Animal Control . She considers living in a tent in the woods , prompting Oscar Martinez ( Oscar Nunez ) to offer her to stay with him until she gets back on her feet . She finally accepts with gratitude . As they set off to take Angela 's things to Oscar 's place , Oscar mentions her marriage to Robert Lipton and she breaks down into tears , saying " I love him . " However , she denies she still has feelings for Robert and claims she was talking about Dwight . = = Production = = " Livin ' the Dream " was written by story editor Niki Schwartz @-@ Wright , marking her second writing credit for the series , after the earlier season episode " Lice " . It was directed by regular Office director Jeffrey Blitz , who last directed season eight 's " Gettysburg " . The episode was originally scheduled to air in its regular half @-@ hour time slot , but NBC later announced it would be expanded to fill an hour time slot beginning a half hour early , although it still counts as one official episode , similar to the earlier season episode " Moving On " . Rogers noted that " we knew the last two episodes would be hour @-@ longs , and The Finale might even end up running longer , but we still had a lot of great storytelling to do leading up to them , and ' Livin ' the Dream ' was one that ultimately deserved to be an hour long episode as well ! " = = Reception = = = = = Ratings = = = " Livin ' the Dream " originally aired on May 2 , 2013 on NBC . In its original American broadcast , " Livin ' the Dream " was viewed by an estimated 3 @.@ 51 million viewers and received a 1 @.@ 8 rating / 5 % share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49 . This means that it was seen by 1 @.@ 8 percent of all 18- to 49 @-@ year @-@ olds , and 5 percent of all 18- to 49 @-@ year @-@ olds watching television at the time of the broadcast . This marked a slight increase in the ratings from the previous episode , " Paper Airplane " . The episode ranked third in its first half @-@ hour timeslot , being beaten by an episode of the CBS comedy series Two and a Half Men which received a 3 @.@ 2 / 10 rating and an entry of the Fox reality series American Idol which scored a 2 @.@ 6 / 9 rating . The second half @-@ hour ranked fourth in its timeslot , being beaten by an episode of the ABC series Grey 's Anatomy which scored a 3 @.@ 0 / 9 rating , an entry of the CBS series Person of Interest which garnered a 2 @.@ 4 / 7 rating , and installment of the Fox series Glee which received a 1 @.@ 9 / 5 rating . = = = Reviews = = = " Livin ' the Dream " received positive reviews from television critics . Roth Cornet of IGN wrote that " it pleases me greatly that at the conclusion of this super @-@ sized episode I was left , once again , truly looking forward to seeing what these next few weeks , and that final hour of The Office , will bring . " Cornet praised the full @-@ use of the ensemble , particularly the " Phyllis and Stanley Lil ' Romeo mini @-@ debate " and Creed 's confused mimicking of Dwight 's declaration . Cornet also called the Dwight storyline " perfectly executed " , as well as the Jim @-@ Pam @-@ Dwight dynamic featured throughout the episode , calling their companionship to be " entirely earned " . She also praised Kinsey '
[ "s", "▁performance", "▁during", "▁her", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁story", "line", "▁,", "▁and", "▁said", "▁her", "▁final", "▁scenes", "▁with", "▁Oscar", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁t", "ug", "ged", "▁]", "▁at", "▁my", "▁heart", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁string", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁an", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁out", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁Great", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁M", ".", "▁Gi", "ant", "▁of", "▁Television", "▁Without", "▁P", "ity", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁–", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁almost", "▁everybody", "▁is", "▁having", "▁their", "▁best", "▁day", "▁in", "▁a", "▁long", "▁time", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁best", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Office", "▁in", "▁an", "▁even", "▁longer", "▁time", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Nick", "▁Campbell", "▁of", "▁TV", ".", "com", "▁compl", "iment", "ed", "▁the", "▁sentiment", "al", "▁story", "lines", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁specifically", 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"▁in", "▁Col", "onial", "▁times", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "8", "▁,", "▁featured", "▁a", "▁group", "▁called", "▁the", "▁po", "▁'", "▁win", "ik", "ob", "▁'", "▁(", "▁People", "▁of", "▁Po", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Early", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁em", "blem", "▁g", "lyph", "▁bore", "▁a", "▁double", "d", "▁po", "▁g", "lyph", "▁and", "▁the", "▁term", "▁Pop", "o", "▁is", "▁also", "▁found", "▁in", "▁Col", "onial", "▁records", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁double", "▁sounds", "▁were", "▁often", "▁abbre", "vi", "ated", "▁in", "▁hier", "og", "lyph", "ic", "▁texts", "▁,", "▁Pop", "o", "▁may", "▁represent", "▁the", "▁original", "▁name", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Location", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁is", "▁located", "▁at", "▁an", "▁alt", "itude", "▁of", "▁", "8", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁above", "▁mean", "▁sea", "▁level", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ch" ]
s performance during her character 's storyline , and said her final scenes with Oscar " [ tugged ] at my heart @-@ string " . She gave the episode an 8 @.@ 5 out of 10 , calling it " Great " . M. Giant of Television Without Pity awarded the episode an " A – " and wrote that " almost everybody is having their best day in a long time , in the best episode of The Office in an even longer time " . Nick Campbell of complimented the sentimental storylines in the episode , specifically between Jim , Pam and Dwight . He was positive towards Jim and Pam 's reconciliation , but felt " something hollow about their reunion " . He also noted that the Jim @-@ Pam storyline caused the Dwight @-@ Angela relationship to go " darker " . Alan Sepinwall of HitFix gave the episode a slightly more mixed review writing that " the non @-@ Andy parts of " Livin ' the Dream " were fairly interesting " . He appreciated the drama coming from Angela 's desperation , despite disagreeing with the logic in the situation . Sepinwall praised the Jim @-@ Dwight dynamic in the episode , considering it an enjoyable payoff , and also praised Jim and Pam 's reconciliation , particularly them annoying their co @-@ workers with their flirting . Joshua Alton of The A.V. Club was more negative towards the episode , saying it felt " padded @-@ out " to fill the full hour timeslot , and that " this episode might be the nadir for the show ’ s hour @-@ long installments " . He was complimentary towards the Jim @-@ Pam storyline , but felt " there wasn ’ t much happening " beyond Pam overhearing Jim 's talk with Darryl . Alton praised the Dwight storyline and his dynamic with Jim and Pam , calling it " the true fan service " . Alton gave the episode a " C – " . = Toniná = Tonina ( or Toniná in Spanish orthography ) is a pre @-@ Columbian archaeological site and ruined city of the Maya civilization located in what is now the Mexican state of Chiapas , some 13 km ( 8 @.@ 1 mi ) east of the town of Ocosingo . The site is medium to large , with groups of temple @-@ pyramids set on terraces rising some 71 metres ( 233 ft ) above a plaza , a large court for playing the Mesoamerican ballgame , and over 100 carved monuments , most dating from the 6th century through the 9th centuries AD , during the Classic period . Toniná is distinguished by its well preserved stucco sculptures and particularly by its in @-@ the @-@ round carved monuments , produced to an extent not seen in Mesoamerica since the end of the much earlier Olmec civilization . Toniná was an aggressive state in the Late Classic , using warfare to develop a powerful kingdom . For much of its history , Toniná was engaged in sporadic warfare with Palenque , its greatest rival and one of the most important polities in the west of the Maya region , although Toniná eventually became the dominant city in the west . The city is notable for having the last known Long Count date on any Maya monument , marking the end of the Classic Maya period in AD 909 . = = Etymology = = Toniná means house of stone in the Tzeltal language of the local Maya inhabitants , an alternate interpretation is the place where stone sculptures are raised to honour time . However , this is a modern name and the original name was either Po or Popo , appearing in Classic Maya texts in the title used for the kings of Toniná , k 'uhul po ' ajaw ( Divine Lord of Po ) . A Maya rebellion in Colonial times , in 1558 , featured a group called the po ' winikob ' ( People of Po ) . Early versions of the Toniná emblem glyph bore a doubled po glyph and the term Popo is also found in Colonial records . Since double sounds were often abbreviated in hieroglyphic texts , Popo may represent the original name of the city . = = Location = = Toniná is located at an altitude of 800 to 900 metres ( 2 @,@ 600 to 3 @,@ 000 ft ) above mean sea level in the Ch
[ "ia", "pas", "▁high", "lands", "▁of", "▁southern", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁some", "▁", "4", "0", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "6", "4", "▁km", "▁)", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁contemporary", "▁May", "a", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁,", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁'", "s", "▁greatest", "▁rival", "▁throughout", "▁its", "▁recorded", "▁history", "▁.", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁is", "▁separated", "▁from", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁by", "▁mountain", "ous", "▁terrain", "▁and", "▁the", "▁site", "▁core", "▁is", "▁located", "▁along", "▁an", "▁easily", "▁def", "ended", "▁asc", "ending", "▁lim", "estone", "▁r", "idge", "▁immediately", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁of", "▁a", "▁season", "al", "▁trib", "ut", "ary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Río", "▁J", "at", "at", "é", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁two", "▁rivers", "▁forming", "▁the", "▁O", "cos", "ingo", "▁Valley", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁R", "ul", "ers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "ul", "ers", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁the", "▁May", "a", "▁script", "▁on", 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"▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁'", "s", "▁power", "▁with", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁military", "▁vict", "ories", "▁over", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁reign", "▁was", "▁domin", "ated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁struggle", "▁against", "▁the", "▁rival", "▁city", "▁for", "▁regional", "▁power", "▁.", "▁Ball", "court", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁larger", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁'", "s", "▁two", "▁ball", "c", "our", "ts", "▁,", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁in", "▁", "6", "9", "9", "▁to", "▁celebr", "ate", "▁three", "▁vict", "ories", "▁over", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁arch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁rival", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ball", "court", "▁originally", "▁had", "▁six", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁of", "▁bound", "▁capt", "ives", "▁,", "▁all", "▁v", "ass", "als", "▁of", "▁the", "▁enemy", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁king", "▁from", "▁the", "▁U", "sum", "ac", "inta", "▁region", "▁.", "▁The", "▁date", "▁of", "▁the", "▁king", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁is", "▁unknown", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "4", "▁came", "▁to", "▁power", "▁in", "▁", "7", "0", "8", "▁at", "▁a", "▁very", "▁young", "▁age", "▁.", "▁Three", "▁years", "▁later", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "7", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁while", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "4", "▁was", "▁still", "▁a", "▁child", "▁,", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁gained", "▁an", "▁important", "▁victory", "▁over", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁.", "▁The", "▁battle", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁Kan", "▁Joy", "▁Ch", "it", "am", "▁II", "▁of", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁and", "▁made", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁the", "▁dominant", "▁centre", "▁in", "▁the", "▁lower", "▁U", "sum", "ac", "inta", "▁region", "▁.", "▁The", "▁victory", "▁was", "▁so", "▁complete", "▁that", "▁it", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁a", "▁ten", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁gap", "▁in", "▁the", "▁d", "yn" ]
iapas highlands of southern Mexico , some 40 miles ( 64 km ) south of the contemporary Maya city of Palenque , Toniná 's greatest rival throughout its recorded history . Toniná is separated from Palenque by mountainous terrain and the site core is located along an easily defended ascending limestone ridge immediately to the west of a seasonal tributary of the Río Jataté , one of the two rivers forming the Ocosingo Valley . = = Rulers = = Rulers of Toniná recorded in the Maya script on Toniná monuments include : The last known recorded date at the site is featured on Monument 101 as 15 January 909 CE . = = History = = = = = Early Classic = = = Toniná had a particularly active Early Classic presence , although the Early Classic remains lie entirely buried under later construction . Due to this , early texts are scarce and only offer a glimpse of the early history of the site . An 8th @-@ century text refers to a king ruling in AD 217 , although it only mentions his title , not his name . Ruler 1 is depicted on a couple of Early Classic monuments , the better preserved of which is an altar that dates to 514 . A ruler known as Jaguar Bird Peccary is represented on a 6th @-@ century stela , which describes him acceding to the throne in 568 . The first mention of Toniná in a record from a foreign state is from the site of Chinikiha , located 72 kilometres ( 45 mi ) to the northeast on the Usumacinta River , the text is from a throne and describes the capture of a person from Toniná in 573 . = = = Late Classic = = = = = = = K 'inich Hix Chapat = = = = Toniná 's history comes into focus in the Late Classic , when its historical record is more fully represented by hieroglyphic texts . In 633 K 'inich Hix Chapat is recorded as installing two subordinate lords but little else is known of his reign , although he was probably enthroned in 595 . The last mention of K 'inich Hix Chapat is in a monument dated to 665 that appears to be a memorial stone . = = = = Ruler 2 = = = = Ruler 2 acceded to the throne of Toniná in 668 . His rule is marked by warfare and the frequent depiction of bound captives on his monuments . Ruler 2 established the use of in @-@ the @-@ round sculptural style that came to typify the stelae of Toniná . A monument dated to 682 depicts three naked prisoners with their arms bound , one of them is identified as a lord from Annak ' , an as yet unidentified site . His reign may have ended with his defeat and capture by K 'inich Kan Balam II of Palenque in September 687 , as described in a glyphic text from Temple 17 in the rival city , an event that probably culminated in his sacrifice . = = = = K 'inich B 'aaknal Chaak = = = = K 'inich B 'aaknal Chaak was enthroned in 688 , twenty years after Ruler 2 , and reigned for twenty @-@ seven years . During his reign he restored Toniná 's power with a number of military victories over Palenque , and his reign was dominated by the struggle against the rival city for regional power . Ballcourt 1 , the larger of Toniná 's two ballcourts , was dedicated in 699 to celebrate three victories over the city 's arch @-@ rival . The ballcourt originally had six sculptures of bound captives , all vassals of the enemy Palenque king from the Usumacinta region . The date of the king 's death is unknown . = = = = Ruler 4 = = = = Ruler 4 came to power in 708 at a very young age . Three years later , in 711 , while Ruler 4 was still a child , Toniná gained an important victory over Palenque . The battle resulted in the capture of Kan Joy Chitam II of Palenque and made Toniná the dominant centre in the lower Usumacinta region . The victory was so complete that it resulted in a ten @-@ year gap in the dyn
[ "astic", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁defeated", "▁city", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁the", "▁captured", "▁r", "uler", "▁may", "▁have", "▁been", "▁held", "▁host", "age", "▁.", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "4", "▁continued", "▁in", "▁power", "▁to", "▁celebr", "ate", "▁the", "▁period", "▁end", "ings", "▁of", "▁", "7", "1", "6", "▁and", "▁", "7", "2", "1", "▁.", "▁A", "▁capt", "ive", "▁dep", "icted", "▁on", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁monuments", "▁is", "▁identified", "▁as", "▁being", "▁from", "▁the", "▁distant", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Cal", "ak", "mul", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁two", "▁May", "a", "▁\"", "▁super", "pow", "ers", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Ich", "▁'", "a", "ak", "▁Chap", "at", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "4", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Ich", "▁'", "a", "ak", "▁Chap", "at", "▁in", "▁", "7", "2", "3", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁", "7", "2", "5", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁fought", "▁a", "▁war", "▁against", "▁P", "ied", "ras", "▁Neg", "ras", "▁,", "▁a", "▁city", "▁on", "▁the", "▁north", "▁bank", "▁of", "▁the", "▁U", "sum", "ac", "inta", "▁River", "▁,", "▁now", "▁in", "▁Gu", "atem", "ala", "▁.", "▁A", "▁series", "▁of", "▁events", "▁during", "▁his", "▁reign", "▁were", "▁marked", "▁on", "▁monuments", "▁between", "▁", "7", "2", "6", "▁and", "▁", "7", "2", "9", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "7", "3", "0", "▁he", "▁red", "edic", "ated", "▁the", "▁tomb", "▁of", "▁his", "▁prede", "cess", "or", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁B", "▁'", "a", "ak", "nal", "▁Cha", "ak", "▁.", "▁The", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Ich", "▁'", "a", "ak", "▁Chap", "at", "▁is", "▁named", "▁as", "▁Lady", "▁Win", "ik", "▁Tim", "an", "▁K", "▁'", "aw", "i", "il", "▁and", "▁his", "▁father", "▁may", "▁well", "▁have", "▁been", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁B", "▁'", "a", "ak", "nal", "▁Cha", "ak", "▁himself", "▁.", "▁The", "▁reign", "▁of", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Ich", "▁'", "a", "ak", "▁Chap", "at", "▁is", "▁notable", "▁for", "▁the", "▁absence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁usual", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁bound", "▁war", "▁capt", "ives", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁reason", "▁for", "▁this", "▁is", "▁unknown", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Little", "▁is", "▁known", "▁of", "▁the", "▁next", "▁two", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁,", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "6", "▁is", "▁named", "▁as", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Tu", "un", "▁Chap", "at", "▁,", "▁he", "▁celebrated", "▁the", "▁period", "▁ending", "▁of", "▁", "7", "3", "6", "▁and", "▁may", "▁have", "▁died", "▁", "7", "6", "2", "▁.", "▁A", "▁dam", "aged", "▁text", "▁accomp", "any", "ing", "▁the", "▁image", "▁of", "▁a", "▁bound", "▁capt", "ive", "▁indicates", "▁renew", "ed", "▁war", "fare", "▁with", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁during", "▁his", "▁reign", "▁,", "▁however", "▁the", "▁name", "▁of", "▁the", "▁prisoner", "▁is", "▁lost", "▁and", "▁it", "▁is", "▁unclear", "▁if", "▁it", "▁is", "▁the", "▁actual", "▁king", "▁of", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁or", "▁merely", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁v", "ass", "als", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "7", "▁,", "▁about", "▁whom", "▁even", "▁less", "▁is", "▁known", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁", "7", "6", "4", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁defeated", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁in", "▁battle", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "7", "7", "5", "▁a", "▁text", "▁recorded", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁Lord", "▁W", "ak", "▁Chan", "▁K", "▁'", "ak", "▁'", "▁,", "▁a", "▁prince", "▁who", "▁appears", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁the", "▁he", "ir", "▁to", "▁the", "▁throne", "▁and", "▁who", "▁died", "▁before", "▁he", "▁could", "▁take", "▁power", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "8", "▁was", "▁the", "▁last", "▁of", "▁the", "▁successful", "▁war", "rior", "▁k", "ings", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁.", "▁He", "▁celebrated", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁events", "▁between", "▁", "7", "8", "9", "▁and", "▁", "8", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁defeat", "▁of", "▁P", "omo", "y", "▁in", "▁", "7", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁the", "▁r", "uler", "▁U", "cha", "▁'", "an", "▁A", "j", "▁Ch", "ih", "▁,", "▁who", "▁appears", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁the", "▁v", "ass", "al", "▁of", "▁B", "▁'", "ol", "on", "▁K", "▁'", "aw", "i", "il", "▁of", "▁Cal", "ak", "mul", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "7", "9", "9", "▁he", "▁red", "edic", "ated", "▁the", "▁tomb", "▁of", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "8", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁an", "▁extensive", "▁rem", "od", "elling", "▁of", "▁the", "▁upper", "▁levels", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ac", "ropol", "is", "▁.", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "8", "▁ere", "cted", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁of", "▁bound", "▁prisoners", "▁of", "▁war", "▁and", "▁adopted", "▁the", "▁title", "▁aj", "▁b", "▁'", "ol", "on", "▁b", "▁'", "a", "ak", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁of", "▁Many", "▁Capt", "ives", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁less", "er", "▁extent", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁'", "s", "▁power", "▁is", "▁evident", "▁from", "▁its", "▁victory", "▁over", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁Sak", "▁T", "z", "▁'", "i", "▁'", "▁(", "▁White", "▁Dog", "▁)", "▁,", "▁an", "▁important", "▁city", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Lac", "andon", "▁region", "▁,", "▁an", "▁area", "▁which", "▁had", "▁once", "▁been", "▁domin", "ated", "▁by", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁.", "▁", "▁By", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "8", "▁'", "s", "▁successor", "▁,", "▁U", "h", "▁Chap", "at", "▁,", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁was", "▁clearly", "▁in", "▁decl", "ine", "▁.", "▁Only", "▁a", "▁single", "▁event", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "8", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁can", "▁be", "▁dated", "▁to", "▁his", "▁reign", "▁,", "▁although", "▁a", "▁st", "u", "cco", "▁m", "ural", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁capt", "ives", "▁with", "▁gar", "rott", "es", "▁at", "▁their", "▁thro", "ats", "▁may", "▁belong", "▁to", "▁his", "▁period", "▁of", "▁rule", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁history", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁continued", "▁after", "▁most", "▁other", "▁Classic", "▁May", "a", "▁cities", "▁had", "▁fallen", "▁,", "▁perhaps", "▁a", "ided", "▁by", "▁the", "▁site", "▁'", "s", "▁relative", "▁isol", "ation", "▁.", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "1", "0", "▁is", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁a", "▁monument", "▁d", "ating", "▁to", "▁", "9", "0", "4", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Terminal", "▁Classic", "▁and", "▁a", "▁monument", "▁d", "ating", "▁to", "▁", "9", "0", "9", "▁be", "ars", "▁the", "▁last", "▁known", "▁Long", "▁Count", "▁date", "▁although", "▁the", "▁name", "▁of", "▁the", "▁king", "▁has", "▁not", "▁surv", "ived", "▁.", "▁Cer", "am", "ic", "▁fragments", "▁indicate", "▁that", "▁occupation", "▁at", "▁the", "▁site", "▁continued", "▁for", "▁another", "▁century", "▁or", "▁more", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Modern", "▁history", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁published", "▁account", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ru", "ins", "▁was", "▁made", "▁by", "▁F", "ray", "▁Jac", "into", "▁G", "arr", "ido", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁visitors", "▁investig", "ated", "▁the", "▁ru", "ins", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁being", "▁an", "▁expedition", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Guillaume", "▁Dup", "a", "ix", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁John", "▁Lloyd", "▁Steph", "ens", "▁and", "▁Frederick", "▁C", "ather", "wood", "▁visited", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Steph", "ens", "▁wrote", "▁an", "▁extensive", "▁description", "▁of", "▁the", "▁site", "▁.", "▁Edu", "ard", "▁S", "eler", "▁and", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ie", "▁S", "eler", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Sach", "s", "▁investig", "ated", "▁the", "▁monuments", "▁at", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁,", "▁publishing", "▁their", "▁reports", "▁at", "▁the", "▁turn", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0" ]
astic history of the defeated city , during which the captured ruler may have been held hostage . Ruler 4 continued in power to celebrate the period endings of 716 and 721 . A captive depicted on one of his monuments is identified as being from the distant city of Calakmul , one of the two Maya " superpowers " . = = = = K 'inich Ich 'aak Chapat = = = = Ruler 4 was succeeded by K 'inich Ich 'aak Chapat in 723 . Around 725 Toniná fought a war against Piedras Negras , a city on the north bank of the Usumacinta River , now in Guatemala . A series of events during his reign were marked on monuments between 726 and 729 and in 730 he rededicated the tomb of his predecessor K 'inich B 'aaknal Chaak . The mother of K 'inich Ich 'aak Chapat is named as Lady Winik Timan K 'awiil and his father may well have been K 'inich B 'aaknal Chaak himself . The reign of K 'inich Ich 'aak Chapat is notable for the absence of the usual sculptures depicting bound war captives , although the reason for this is unknown . = = = = Later rulers = = = = Little is known of the next two rulers , Ruler 6 is named as K 'inich Tuun Chapat , he celebrated the period ending of 736 and may have died 762 . A damaged text accompanying the image of a bound captive indicates renewed warfare with Palenque during his reign , however the name of the prisoner is lost and it is unclear if it is the actual king of Palenque or merely one of his vassals . He was succeeded by Ruler 7 , about whom even less is known . Around 764 Toniná defeated Palenque in battle . In 775 a text recorded the death of Lord Wak Chan K 'ak ' , a prince who appears to have been the heir to the throne and who died before he could take power . Ruler 8 was the last of the successful warrior kings of Toniná . He celebrated a series of events between 789 and 806 , including the defeat of Pomoy in 789 , and the capture of the ruler Ucha 'an Aj Chih , who appears to have been the vassal of B 'olon K 'awiil of Calakmul . In 799 he rededicated the tomb of Ruler 1 . Ruler 8 oversaw an extensive remodelling of the upper levels of the Acropolis . Ruler 8 erected a number of sculptures of bound prisoners of war and adopted the title aj b 'olon b 'aak , " He of Many Captives " . However , the lesser extent of Toniná 's power is evident from its victory over the site of Sak Tz 'i ' ( White Dog ) , an important city in the Lacandon region , an area which had once been dominated by Toniná . By the time of Ruler 8 's successor , Uh Chapat , Toniná was clearly in decline . Only a single event , in 837 , can be dated to his reign , although a stucco mural depicting captives with garrottes at their throats may belong to his period of rule . The history of Toniná continued after most other Classic Maya cities had fallen , perhaps aided by the site 's relative isolation . Ruler 10 is associated with a monument dating to 904 in the Terminal Classic and a monument dating to 909 bears the last known Long Count date although the name of the king has not survived . Ceramic fragments indicate that occupation at the site continued for another century or more . = = = Modern history = = = The first published account of the ruins was made by Fray Jacinto Garrido at the end of the 17th century . A number of visitors investigated the ruins of Toniná in the 19th century , the first being an expedition led by Guillaume Dupaix in 1808 . John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood visited in 1840 , and Stephens wrote an extensive description of the site . Eduard Seler and Caecilie Seler @-@ Sachs investigated the monuments at Toniná , publishing their reports at the turn of the 20
[ "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁Karl", "▁S", "apper", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁site", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "5", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁.", "▁Fr", "ans", "▁Bl", "om", "▁and", "▁Oliver", "▁La", "▁Far", "ge", "▁investig", "ated", "▁the", "▁site", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁for", "▁Tul", "ane", "▁University", "▁,", "▁publishing", "▁their", "▁reports", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁—", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁French", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁Project", "▁began", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "2", "▁which", "▁continued", "▁through", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁,", "▁then", "▁res", "umed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁under", "▁the", "▁direction", "▁of", "▁Pierre", "▁B", "ec", "quel", "in", "▁and", "▁Claude", "▁Bau", "de", "z", "▁.", "▁The", "▁National", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Anth", "rop", "ology", "▁and", "▁History", "▁of", "▁Mexico", "▁(", "▁IN", "A", "H", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Instituto", "▁Nacional", "▁de", "▁Ant", "rop", "ologia", "▁e", "▁Historia", "▁)", "▁began", "▁their", "▁own", "▁exc", "av", "ations", "▁at", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁site", "▁is", "▁accessible", "▁for", "▁tour", "ism", "▁and", "▁has", "▁a", "▁small", "▁museum", "▁that", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁on", "▁", "1", "5", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Site", "▁description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁site", "▁was", "▁built", "▁on", "▁a", "▁platform", "▁covering", "▁", "6", "▁hect", "ares", "▁(", "▁", "6", "5", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁sq", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁principal", "▁architecture", "▁is", "▁located", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ac", "ropol", "is", "▁,", "▁which", "▁occup", "ies", "▁seven", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁facing", "▁terra", "ces", "▁on", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁platform", "▁,", "▁rising", "▁", "7", "1", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "3", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁over", "▁the", 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"▁most", "▁distinguished", "▁vict", "ims", "▁,", "▁do", "z", "ens", "▁of", "▁fragments", "▁of", "▁this", "▁fr", "ie", "ze", "▁were", "▁discovered", "▁in", "▁the", "▁pla", "za", "▁below", "▁.", "▁This", "▁fr", "ie", "ze", "▁was", "▁car", "ved", "▁from", "▁the", "▁local", "▁sand", "stone", "▁but", "▁its", "▁style", "▁is", "▁that", "▁of", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁,", "▁suggesting", "▁that", "▁captured", "▁artists", "▁carried", "▁out", "▁the", "▁work", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁the", "▁abandon", "ment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Classic", "▁Period", "▁,", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁fell", "▁down", "▁the", "▁ste", "ep", "▁emb", "ank", "ment", "▁supporting", "▁the", "▁seven", "▁terra", "ces", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Struct", "ures", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ball", "court", "▁", "1", "▁(", "▁the", "▁Sun", "ken", "▁Ball", "court", "▁)", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁in", "▁", "6", "9", "9", "▁by", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁B", "▁'", "a", "ak", "nal", "▁Cha", "ak", "▁to", "▁mark", "▁three", "▁vict", "ories", "▁over", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Kan", "▁Bal", "am", "▁II", "▁of", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁.", "▁S", "cul", "pt", "ures", "▁of", "▁the", "▁t", "ors", "os", "▁of", "▁six", "▁captured", "▁v", "ass", "als", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁king", "▁were", "▁used", "▁as", "▁ball", "court", "▁markers", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁these", "▁v", "ass", "als", "▁is", "▁named", "▁as", "▁Y", "ax", "▁Ah", "k", "▁(", "▁Green", "▁T", "urt", "le", "▁)", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁the", "▁lord", "▁of", "▁Ann", "ay", "▁Te", "▁'", "▁,", "▁a", "▁site", "▁that", "▁probably", "▁lay", "▁on", "▁the", "▁south", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁U", "sum", "ac", "inta", "▁between", "▁P", "ied", "ras", "▁Neg", "ras", "▁and", "▁Y", "ax", "ch", "il", "án", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ball", "court", "▁", "2", "▁is", "▁the", "▁smaller", "▁of", "▁the", "▁two", "▁ball", "c", "our", "ts", "▁and", "▁lies", "▁in", "▁the", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁pla", "za", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁foot", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ac", "ropol", "is", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Palace", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Under", "world", "▁is", "▁entered", "▁via", "▁three", "▁step", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁v", "ault", "ed", "▁arch", "es", "▁on", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁second", "▁terra", "ce", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ac", "ropol", "is", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Palace", "▁of", "▁Fre", "ts", "▁is", "▁located", "▁on", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁terra", "ce", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ac", "ropol", "is", "▁.", "▁The", "▁south", "▁fac", "ade", "▁of", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁is", "▁decor", "ated", "▁with", "▁four", "▁large", "▁stepped", "▁fre", "ts", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁east", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁a", "▁st", "air", "way", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁a", "▁decor", "ated", "▁throne", "▁of", "▁stone", "▁and", "▁st", "u", "cco", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rooms", "▁of", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁contains", "▁a", "▁st", "u", "cco", "▁decor", "ation", "▁representing", "▁fe", "ather", "ed", "▁ser", "p", "ents", "▁and", "▁crossed", "▁b", "ones", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mon", "uments", "▁and", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁monuments", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁be", "▁smaller", "▁than", "▁those", "▁at", "▁other", "▁May", "a", "▁sites", "▁,", "▁with", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁st", "ela", "e", "▁meas", "uring", "▁less", "▁than", "▁", "2", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁tall", "▁.", "▁The", "▁most", "▁important", "▁difference", "▁from", "▁monuments", "▁at", "▁other", "▁May", "a", "▁sites", "▁is", "▁that", "▁they", "▁are", "▁car", "ved", "▁in", "▁the", "▁round", "▁like", "▁stat", "ues", "▁,", "▁often", "▁with", "▁hier", "og", "lyph", "ic", "▁text", "▁running", "▁down", "▁the", "▁sp", "ine", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁terra", "ce", "▁,", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁round", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁'", "s", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁domin", "ated", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dimensional", "▁representations", "▁of", "▁defeated", "▁enemies", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁dated", "▁monuments", "▁at", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁span", "▁the", "▁period", "▁from", "▁AD", "▁", "4", "9", "5", "▁to", "▁", "9", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Classic", "▁Period", "▁.", "▁", "▁Monument", "▁", "3", "▁is", "▁broken", "▁into", "▁various", "▁fragments", "▁,", "▁five", "▁of", "▁which", "▁were", "▁recovered", "▁from", "▁various", "▁locations", "▁in", "▁O", "cos", "ingo", "▁and", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁through", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁and", "▁most", "▁of", "▁which", "▁were", "▁reun", "ited", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁site", "▁museum", "▁.", "▁As", "ide", "▁from", "▁being", "▁broken", "▁,", "▁the", "▁st", "ela", "▁is", "▁largely", "▁complete", "▁and", "▁only", "▁light", "ly", "▁er", "oded", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁a", "▁statue", "▁of", "▁a", "▁r", "uler", "▁with" ]
th century . Karl Sapper visited the site in 1895 and 1896 . Frans Blom and Oliver La Farge investigated the site in 1920s for Tulane University , publishing their reports in 1926 — 1927 . The French Toniná Project began excavations in 1972 which continued through 1975 , then resumed in 1979 to 1980 , under the direction of Pierre Becquelin and Claude Baudez . The National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico ( INAH , the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia ) began their own excavations at Toniná the following year . The site is accessible for tourism and has a small museum that was inaugurated on 15 July 2000 . = = Site description = = The site was built on a platform covering 6 hectares ( 650 @,@ 000 sq ft ) . The principal architecture is located in the acropolis , which occupies seven south @-@ facing terraces on the northern side of the platform , rising 71 metres ( 233 ft ) over the plaza below . It has a more distinct geometry than at most Maya sites , with a right @-@ angle relationship between most structures . Much of the public imagery of the site details the ruthless manner in which the city dealt with its enemies . A 16 by 4 metres ( 52 by 13 ft ) stucco sculpture rising from the fourth to fifth terraces depicts a skeletal death god carrying the severed head of a lord of Palenque in one hand . A frieze on the fifth terrace probably displayed Toniná 's most distinguished victims , dozens of fragments of this frieze were discovered in the plaza below . This frieze was carved from the local sandstone but its style is that of Palenque , suggesting that captured artists carried out the work . After the abandonment of the city at the end of the Classic Period , many of the sculptures fell down the steep embankment supporting the seven terraces . = = = Structures = = = Ballcourt 1 ( the Sunken Ballcourt ) was dedicated in 699 by K 'inich B 'aaknal Chaak to mark three victories over K 'inich Kan Balam II of Palenque . Sculptures of the torsos of six captured vassals of the Palenque king were used as ballcourt markers . One of these vassals is named as Yax Ahk ( Green Turtle ) , who was the lord of Annay Te ' , a site that probably lay on the south side of the Usumacinta between Piedras Negras and Yaxchilán . Ballcourt 2 is the smaller of the two ballcourts and lies in the north of the plaza , at the foot of the Acropolis . The Palace of the Underworld is entered via three step @-@ vaulted arches on the eastern side of the second terrace of the Acropolis . The Palace of Frets is located on the fourth terrace of the Acropolis . The south facade of the palace is decorated with four large stepped frets . On the east side of the palace a stairway leads to a decorated throne of stone and stucco . One of the rooms of the palace contains a stucco decoration representing feathered serpents and crossed bones . = = = Monuments and sculptures = = = The monuments of Toniná tend to be smaller than those at other Maya sites , with most of the stelae measuring less than 2 metres ( 6 @.@ 6 ft ) tall . The most important difference from monuments at other Maya sites is that they are carved in the round like statues , often with hieroglyphic text running down the spine . On the fifth terrace , in @-@ the @-@ round sculptures of Toniná 's rulers dominated two @-@ dimensional representations of defeated enemies . The dated monuments at Toniná span the period from AD 495 to 909 , covering most of the Classic Period . Monument 3 is broken into various fragments , five of which were recovered from various locations in Ocosingo and Toniná through the course of the 20th century and most of which were reunited in the Toniná site museum . Aside from being broken , the stela is largely complete and only lightly eroded , it is a statue of a ruler with
[ "▁ins", "cri", "ptions", "▁describing", "▁the", "▁acc", "ession", "▁of", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Ba", "ak", "nal", "▁Cha", "ak", "▁and", "▁the", "▁promotion", "▁to", "▁the", "▁priest", "hood", "▁of", "▁A", "j", "▁Ch", "▁'", "a", "aj", "▁Na", "ah", "▁.", "▁", "▁Monument", "▁", "5", "▁was", "▁recovered", "▁from", "▁a", "▁school", "▁in", "▁O", "cos", "ingo", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁site", "▁museum", "▁of", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁badly", "▁er", "oded", "▁life", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁size", "▁human", "▁statue", "▁with", "▁the", "▁head", "▁missing", "▁.", "▁", "▁Monument", "▁", "7", "▁is", "▁car", "ved", "▁from", "▁yellow", "▁sand", "stone", "▁and", "▁has", "▁suffered", "▁only", "▁minor", "▁damage", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁st", "ela", "▁base", "▁with", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁preserved", "▁hier", "og", "lyph", "s", "▁on", "▁all", "▁four", "▁vertical", "▁sides", "▁and", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁by", "▁K", "▁'", "in", "ich", "▁Ich", "▁'", "a", "ak", "▁Chap", "at", "▁in", "▁", "7", "2", "8", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Museo", "▁Regional", "▁in", "▁Tu", "xt", "la", "▁G", "uti", "ér", "rez", "▁.", "▁", "▁Monument", "▁", "8", "▁dates", "▁to", "▁the", "▁reign", "▁of", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁It", "▁marks", "▁the", "▁period", "▁ending", "▁of", "▁", "6", "8", "2", "▁and", "▁shows", "▁the", "▁presentation", "▁of", "▁three", "▁war", "▁capt", "ives", "▁.", "▁", "▁Monument", "▁", "1", "2", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sculpt", "ure", "▁car", "ved", "▁in", "▁the", "▁round", "▁,", "▁representing", "▁R", "uler", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁It", "▁dates", "▁to", "▁AD", "▁", "6", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁Monument", "▁", "2", "7", "▁is", "▁a", "▁car", "ved", "▁step", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁K", "▁'", "aw", "i", "il", "▁Mo", "▁'", "▁,", "▁a", "▁lord", "▁from", "▁Pal", "en", "que", "▁,", "▁as", "▁an", "▁elder", "ly", "▁prisoner", "▁,", "▁bound", "▁and", "▁lying", "▁on", "▁his", "▁back", "▁with", "▁his", "▁profile", "▁position", "ed", "▁in", 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"esses", "▁", "2", "▁exhibition", "▁rooms", "▁and", "▁a", "▁conference", "▁room", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁room", "▁explains", "▁the", "▁py", "ram", "idal", "▁form", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ac", "ropol", "is", "▁and", "▁how", "▁it", "▁rel", "ates", "▁to", "▁May", "a", "▁myth", "ology", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁main", "▁room", "▁contains", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁Arte", "fact", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁collection", "▁include", "▁stone", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁,", "▁cer", "am", "ics", "▁and", "▁arte", "fact", "s", "▁sculpt", "ed", "▁from", "▁b", "one", "▁,", "▁shell", "▁,", "▁obs", "id", "ian", "▁and", "▁fl", "int", "▁.", "▁The", "▁pieces", "▁in", "▁the", "▁museum", "▁graph", "ically", "▁dep", "ict", "▁the", "▁two", "▁sides", "▁of" ]
inscriptions describing the accession of K 'inich Baaknal Chaak and the promotion to the priesthood of Aj Ch 'aaj Naah . Monument 5 was recovered from a school in Ocosingo and moved to the site museum of Toniná . It is a badly eroded life @-@ size human statue with the head missing . Monument 7 is carved from yellow sandstone and has suffered only minor damage . It is a stela base with well @-@ preserved hieroglyphs on all four vertical sides and was dedicated by K 'inich Ich 'aak Chapat in 728 . It is currently in the Museo Regional in Tuxtla Gutiérrez . Monument 8 dates to the reign of Ruler 2 . It marks the period ending of 682 and shows the presentation of three war captives . Monument 12 is a sculpture carved in the round , representing Ruler 2 . It dates to AD 672 . Monument 27 is a carved step depicting K 'awiil Mo ' , a lord from Palenque , as an elderly prisoner , bound and lying on his back with his profile positioned in such a way as to be trodden on time and again . Monument 99 is an undated fragment that depicts a female captive , which is rare in Maya art . Monument 101 has the last Long Count date from any Maya monument , it marks the K 'atun ending of AD 909 . Monument 106 is the earliest securely dated monument at the site , dating to AD 593 . It depicts Ruler 1 . Monument 113 depicts Ruler 2 participating in a scattering ritual . Monument 114 was dedicated in 794 by Ruler 8 . It commemorates the death of an important noble , apparently a relative or vassal of Ruler 8 's predecessor Tuun Chapat . Monument 122 is a low relief sculpture marking the defeat of Palenque by Ruler 4 in 711 and the capture of Kan Joy Chitam II , who is depicted as a bound captive . Monument 141 is a very well preserved hieroglyphic panel carved from fine grained white limestone with almost the whole inscription intact . It describes the dedication of a ballcourt by K 'inich B 'aaknal Chaak . Monument 154 dates to the reign of K 'inich Hix Chapat and records his installing of two subordinate lords in 633 . Monument 158 has a very late date , in AD 904 , at the very end of the Classic Period . It was erected during the reign of Ruler 10 . The Frieze of the Dream Lords ( also known as the Frieze of the Four Suns or Frieze of the Four Eras ) was uncovered by archaeologists during excavations in 1992 . It is a stucco mural located at the east end of the 5th terrace . It represents a complex supernatural scene divided into four by a feather @-@ covered scaffold from which hang the severed heads of sacrificial victims . Among the scaffold partitions are depicted the wayob ( spirit companions ) of the Maya elite . The most well @-@ preserved section of the sculpture depicts a skeletal supernatural way named Ak Ok Kimi ( " Turtle Foot Death " ) wearing turtleshells on its feet and carrying a severed head in one hand , interpreted as the way of a lord from the site of Pipa ' . The frieze was once brightly painted in red , blue and yellow . This frieze has strong stylistic parallels with mural paintings at the great Early Classic metropolis of Teotihuacan in the distant Valley of Mexico . = = = The site museum = = = The site museum is located 300 metres ( 980 ft ) outside of the Toniná archaeological zone . It possesses 2 exhibition rooms and a conference room . The first room explains the pyramidal form of the acropolis and how it relates to Maya mythology , while the main room contains sculptures of the city 's rulers . Artefacts in the collection include stone sculptures , ceramics and artefacts sculpted from bone , shell , obsidian and flint . The pieces in the museum graphically depict the two sides of
[ "▁the", "▁power", "▁exerc", "ised", "▁by", "▁Ton", "in", "á", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁one", "▁hand", "▁with", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁and", "▁on", "▁the", "▁other", "▁with", "▁its", "▁dep", "ict", "ions", "▁of", "▁bound", "▁prisoners", "▁of", "▁war", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁(", "▁RA", "AF", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁several", "▁ge", "ograph", "ically", "▁based", "▁commands", "▁raised", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Australian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁(", "▁RA", "AF", "▁)", "▁during", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁covered", "▁the", "▁central", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁.", "▁Head", "qu", "arter", "ed", "▁at", "▁Sydney", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁primarily", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁air", "▁defence", "▁,", "▁aer", "ial", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁and", "▁protection", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sea", "▁lan", "es", "▁within", "▁its", "▁boundaries", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁dis", "band", "ed", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁and", "▁control", "▁of", "▁its", "▁units", "▁taken", "▁over", "▁by", "▁other", "▁RA", "AF", "▁form", "ations", "▁.", "▁Pro", "pos", "als", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁–", "▁", "4", "4", "▁to", "▁raise", "▁a", "▁new", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁did", "▁not", "▁come", "▁to", "▁f", "ru", "ition", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Prior", "▁to", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Australian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁was", "▁small", "▁enough", "▁for", "▁all", "▁its", "▁elements", "▁to", "▁be", "▁directly", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Head", "quarters", "▁in", "▁Melbourne", "▁.", "▁After", "▁war", "▁broke", "▁out", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁began", "▁to", "▁implement", "▁a", "▁decent", "ral", "ised", "▁form", "▁of", "▁command", "▁,", "▁comm", "ens", "ur", "ate", "▁with", "▁expected", "▁increases", "▁in", "▁man", "power", "▁and", "▁units", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁initial", "▁move", "▁in", "▁this", "▁direction", "▁was", "▁to", "▁create", "▁N", "os", ".", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁Gr", "oups", "▁to", "▁control", "▁units", "▁in", "▁Victoria", "▁and", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁Then", "▁,", "▁between", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁and", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁divided", "▁Australia", "▁and", "▁New", "▁Guinea", "▁into", "▁four", "▁ge", "ograph", "ically", "▁based", "▁command", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁control", "▁zones", "▁:", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Western", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁.", "▁The", "▁roles", "▁of", "▁these", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁were", "▁air", "▁defence", "▁,", "▁protection", "▁of", "▁adjacent", "▁sea", "▁lan", "es", "▁,", "▁and", "▁aer", "ial", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁was", "▁led", "▁by", "▁an", "▁Air", "▁Officer", "▁Command", "ing", "▁(", "▁A", "OC", "▁)", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁the", "▁administration", "▁and", "▁operations", "▁of", "▁all", "▁air", "▁bases", "▁and", "▁units", "▁within", "▁his", "▁boundary", "▁.", "▁", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "▁Group", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁established", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁,", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁formed", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁two", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁on", "▁", "7", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁.", "▁Head", "qu", "arter", "ed", "▁in", "▁Sydney", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁given", "▁control", "▁of", "▁all", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁units", "▁in", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁except", "▁those", "▁in", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁River", "ina", "▁and", "▁the", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁state", "▁.", "▁Units", "▁in", "▁Queensland", "▁were", "▁also", "▁tempor", "arily", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁its", "▁control", "▁,", "▁pending", "▁the", "▁formation", "▁of", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁.", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁'", "s", "▁inaug", "ural", "▁A", "OC", "▁was", "▁Air", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Ad", "rian", "▁\"", "▁King", "▁\"", "▁Cole", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁also", "▁led", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "▁Group", "▁.", "▁His", "▁senior", "▁air", "▁staff", "▁officer", "▁was", "▁Wing", "▁Commander", "▁Alan", "▁Charles", "worth", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁the", "▁area", "▁'", "s", "▁headquarters", "▁building", "▁would", "▁change", "▁from", "▁\"", "▁Mont", "▁Lo", "ana", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁Point", "▁Pi", "per", "▁to", "▁the", "▁m", "ansion", "▁\"", "▁Kil", "m", "ory", "▁\"", "▁nearby", "▁.", "▁Cole", "▁handed", "▁over", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁to", "▁Air", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Bill", "▁Anderson", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁.", "▁By", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁expand", "ing", "▁instruction", "al", "▁program", "▁necess", "itated", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁over", "arch", "ing", "▁training", "▁organis", "ations", "▁on", "▁a", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁functional", "▁,", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ge", "ographical", "▁basis", "▁.", "▁According", "ly", "▁,", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "▁(", "▁Training", "▁)", "▁Group", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁Sydney", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁the", "▁training", "▁units", "▁then", "▁under", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁dis", "band", "ed", "▁.", "▁Control", "▁of", "▁other", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁units", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁divided", "▁as", "▁convenient", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁the", "▁official", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁war", "▁,", "▁between", "▁Northern", "▁and", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁Comm", "ands", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁After", "math", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁area", "▁command", "▁structure", "▁was", "▁re", "vised", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁following", "▁the", "▁out", "break", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁War", "▁:", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁was", "▁split", "▁into", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁and", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Western", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁new", "▁command", "▁covering", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁was", "▁created", "▁,", "▁making", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁five", "▁commands", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Board", "▁proposed", "▁car", "ving", "▁a", "▁new", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁out", "▁of", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁which", "▁by", "▁then", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁too", "▁large", "▁to", "▁be", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁one", "▁headquarters", "▁and", "▁therefore", "▁ri", "pe", "▁for", "▁sub", "div", "ision", "▁.", "▁This", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁would", "▁have", "▁been", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁training", "▁and", "▁oper", "ational", "▁units", "▁in", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁.", "▁The", "▁War", "▁Cab", "inet", "▁de", "ferred", "▁its", "▁decision", "▁on", "▁the", "▁proposal", "▁.", "▁The", "▁concept", "▁was", "▁raised", "▁again", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁,", "▁and", "▁this", "▁time", "▁the", "▁new", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁to", "▁control", "▁maintenance", "▁units", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁training", "▁and", "▁operations", "▁,", "▁in", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁again", "▁,", "▁nothing", "▁came", "▁of", "▁the", "▁proposal", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁,", "▁cor", "nc", "ra", "ke", "▁or", "▁land", "ra", "il", "▁(", "▁Cre", "x", "▁cre", "x", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁bird", "▁in", "▁the", "▁rail", "▁family", "▁.", "▁It", "▁bre", "eds", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁and", "▁Asia", "▁as", "▁far", "▁east", "▁as", "▁western", "▁China", "▁,", "▁and", "▁migr", "ates", "▁to", "▁Africa", "▁for", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁hem", "is", "phere", "▁'", "s", "▁winter", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁medium", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "ized", "▁cra", "ke", "▁with", "▁buff", "-", "▁or", "▁grey", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stre", "aked", "▁brown", "ish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁black", "▁upper", "parts", "▁,", "▁ch", "est", "nut", "▁mark", "ings", "▁on", "▁the", "▁wings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁blue", "▁@" ]
the power exercised by Toniná , on the one hand with sculptures of the city 's rulers and on the other with its depictions of bound prisoners of war . = Central Area Command ( RAAF ) = Central Area Command was one of several geographically based commands raised by the Royal Australian Air Force ( RAAF ) during World War II . It was formed in March 1940 , and covered the central portion of New South Wales . Headquartered at Sydney , Central Area Command was primarily responsible for air defence , aerial reconnaissance and protection of the sea lanes within its boundaries . It was disbanded in August 1941 and control of its units taken over by other RAAF formations . Proposals in 1943 – 44 to raise a new Central Area Command did not come to fruition . = = History = = Prior to World War II , the Royal Australian Air Force was small enough for all its elements to be directly controlled by RAAF Headquarters in Melbourne . After war broke out in September 1939 , the RAAF began to implement a decentralised form of command , commensurate with expected increases in manpower and units . Its initial move in this direction was to create Nos. 1 and 2 Groups to control units in Victoria and New South Wales , respectively . Then , between March 1940 and May 1941 , the RAAF divided Australia and New Guinea into four geographically based command @-@ and @-@ control zones : Central Area , Southern Area , Western Area , and Northern Area . The roles of these area commands were air defence , protection of adjacent sea lanes , and aerial reconnaissance . Each was led by an Air Officer Commanding ( AOC ) responsible for the administration and operations of all air bases and units within his boundary . No. 2 Group , which had been established on 20 November 1939 , was re @-@ formed as one of the first two area commands , Central Area , on 7 March 1940 . Headquartered in Sydney , Central Area Command was given control of all Air Force units in New South Wales except those in the southern Riverina and the north of the state . Units in Queensland were also temporarily assigned to its control , pending the formation of Northern Area . Central Area 's inaugural AOC was Air Commodore Adrian " King " Cole , who had also led No. 2 Group . His senior air staff officer was Wing Commander Alan Charlesworth . In May 1940 it was reported that the area 's headquarters building would change from " Mont Loana " in Point Piper to the mansion " Kilmory " nearby . Cole handed over command of Central Area to Air Commodore Bill Anderson in December 1940 . By August 1941 , the RAAF 's expanding instructional program necessitated the establishment of overarching training organisations on a semi @-@ functional , semi @-@ geographical basis . Accordingly , No. 2 ( Training ) Group was formed in Sydney , taking responsibility for the training units then under Central Area , which was disbanded . Control of other Central Area units was " divided as convenient " , according to the official history of the war , between Northern and Southern Area Commands . = = Aftermath = = The RAAF 's area command structure was revised in 1942 , following the outbreak of the Pacific War : Northern Area was split into North @-@ Eastern Area and North @-@ Western Area , and a new command covering New South Wales and southern Queensland , Eastern Area , was created , making a total of five commands . In October 1943 , the Air Board proposed carving a new Central Area Command out of Eastern Area , which by then was considered too large to be controlled by one headquarters and therefore ripe for subdivision . This Central Area Command would have been responsible for training and operational units in southern Queensland . The War Cabinet deferred its decision on the proposal . The concept was raised again in August 1944 , and this time the new Central Area Command was to control maintenance units , as well as training and operations , in southern Queensland . Once again , nothing came of the proposal . = Corn crake = The corn crake , corncrake or landrail ( Crex crex ) is a bird in the rail family . It breeds in Europe and Asia as far east as western China , and migrates to Africa for the northern hemisphere 's winter . It is a medium @-@ sized crake with buff- or grey @-@ streaked brownish @-@ black upperparts , chestnut markings on the wings , and blue @
[ "-", "@", "▁grey", "▁under", "parts", "▁with", "▁rust", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁col", "oured", "▁and", "▁white", "▁bars", "▁on", "▁the", "▁fl", "anks", "▁and", "▁undert", "ail", "▁.", "▁The", "▁strong", "▁bill", "▁is", "▁flesh", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ton", "ed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ir", "is", "▁is", "▁pale", "▁brown", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁legs", "▁and", "▁feet", "▁are", "▁pale", "▁grey", "▁.", "▁Ju", "ven", "iles", "▁are", "▁similar", "▁in", "▁pl", "um", "age", "▁to", "▁adult", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁down", "y", "▁ch", "icks", "▁are", "▁black", "▁,", "▁as", "▁with", "▁all", "▁rails", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁no", "▁sub", "species", "▁,", "▁although", "▁individuals", "▁from", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁range", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁be", "▁slightly", "▁pal", "er", "▁than", "▁their", "▁western", "▁counter", "parts", "▁.", "▁The", "▁male", "▁'", "s", "▁call", "▁is", "▁a", "▁loud", "▁kre", "k", "▁kre", "k", "▁,", "▁from", "▁which", "▁the", "▁scientific", "▁name", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁.", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁larger", "▁than", "▁its", "▁closest", "▁relative", "▁,", "▁the", "▁African", "▁cra", "ke", "▁,", "▁which", "▁shares", "▁its", "▁winter", "ing", "▁range", "▁;", "▁that", "▁species", "▁is", "▁also", "▁dark", "er", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pl", "um", "aged", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁a", "▁pla", "iner", "▁face", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁'", "s", "▁bre", "eding", "▁habitat", "▁is", "▁grass", "land", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁hay", "fields", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁uses", "▁similar", "▁environments", "▁on", "▁the", "▁winter", "ing", "▁grounds", "▁.", "▁This", "▁secret", "ive", "▁species", "▁builds", "▁a", "▁nest", "▁of", "▁grass", "▁leaves", "▁in", "▁a", "▁h", "ollow", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁and", "▁l", "ays", "▁", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁cre", "am", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁col", "oured", "▁eggs", "▁which", "▁are", "▁covered", "▁with", "▁r", "uf", "ous", "▁bl", "ot", "ches", "▁.", "▁These", "▁h", "atch", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "▁days", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁black", "▁pre", "co", "cial", "▁ch", "icks", "▁f", "ledge", "▁after", "▁about", "▁five", "▁weeks", "▁.", "▁This", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁in", "▁ste", "ep", "▁decl", "ine", "▁across", "▁much", "▁of", "▁its", "▁former", "▁bre", "eding", "▁range", "▁because", "▁modern", "▁far", "ming", "▁practices", "▁often", "▁destroy", "▁n", "ests", "▁before", "▁bre", "eding", "▁is", "▁completed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁om", "n", "iv", "orous", "▁but", "▁mainly", "▁fe", "eds", "▁on", "▁in", "verte", "br", "ates", "▁,", "▁the", "▁occas", "ional", "▁small", "▁f", "rog", "▁or", "▁m", "amm", "al", "▁,", "▁and", "▁plant", "▁material", "▁including", "▁grass", "▁seed", "▁and", "▁c", "ere", "al", "▁gra", "in", "▁.", "▁Natural", "▁thre", "ats", "▁include", "▁introduced", "▁and", "▁fer", "al", "▁m", "amm", "als", "▁,", "▁large", "▁birds", "▁,", "▁various", "▁par", "as", "ites", "▁and", "▁dise", "ases", "▁.", "▁", "▁Although", "▁numbers", "▁have", "▁decl", "ined", "▁ste", "ep", "ly", "▁in", "▁western", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁this", "▁bird", "▁is", "▁class", "ed", "▁as", "▁least", "▁concern", "▁on", "▁the", "▁IU", "CN", "▁Red", "▁List", "▁because", "▁of", "▁its", "▁huge", "▁range", "▁and", "▁large", "▁,", "▁apparently", "▁stable", "▁,", "▁populations", "▁in", "▁Russia", "▁and", "▁Kaz", "akh", "stan", "▁.", "▁Num", "bers", "▁in", "▁western", "▁China", "▁are", "▁more", "▁significant", "▁than", "▁previously", "▁thought", "▁,", "▁and", "▁conservation", "▁measures", "▁have", "▁facil", "itated", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁population", "▁in", "▁some", "▁countries", "▁which", "▁had", "▁suffered", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁losses", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁its", "▁el", "us", "ive", "▁nature", "▁,", "▁the", "▁loud", "▁call", "▁has", "▁ens", "ured", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁has", "▁been", "▁noted", "▁in", "▁literature", "▁,", "▁and", "▁gar", "ner", "ed", "▁a", "▁range", "▁of", "▁local", "▁and", "▁dialect", "▁names", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tax", "onomy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁rails", "▁are", "▁a", "▁bird", "▁family", "▁compr", "ising", "▁nearly", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁species", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁orig", "ins", "▁of", "▁the", "▁group", "▁are", "▁lost", "▁in", "▁anti", "qu", "ity", "▁,", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁number", "▁of", "▁species", "▁and", "▁least", "▁special", "ised", "▁forms", "▁are", "▁found", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Old", "▁World", "▁,", "▁suggesting", "▁this", "▁family", "▁origin", "ated", "▁there", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tax", "onomy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁small", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁is", "▁complicated", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁closest", "▁relative", "▁of", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁the", "▁African", "▁cra", "ke", "▁,", "▁C", ".", "▁e", "greg", "ia", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁sometimes", "▁been", "▁given", "▁its", "▁own", "▁genus", "▁,", "▁C", "rec", "opsis", "▁,", "▁but", "▁is", "▁now", "▁more", "▁usually", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁Cre", "x", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁species", "▁are", "▁short", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bil", "led", "▁brown", "▁birds", "▁with", "▁a", "▁preference", "▁for", "▁grass", "land", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁wet", "land", "▁habit", "ats", "▁typical", "▁of", "▁rails", "▁.", "▁Por", "z", "ana", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁the", "▁ash", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁thro", "ated", "▁cra", "ke", "▁(", "▁Por", "z", "ana", "▁alb", "ic", "oll", "is", "▁)", "▁are", "▁near", "▁relatives", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cre", "x", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁", "▁Corn", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁were", "▁first", "▁described", "▁by", "▁Lin", "na", "eus", "▁in", "▁his", "▁System", "a", "▁Natur", "ae", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "5", "8", "▁as", "▁R", "all", "us", "▁cre", "x", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁Cre", "x", "▁,", "▁created", "▁by", "▁German", "▁natural", "ist", "▁and", "▁orn", "ith", "ologist", "▁Johann", "▁Matth", "ä", "us", "▁Be", "ch", "stein", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁named", "▁Cre", "x", "▁pr", "at", "ensis", "▁.", "▁The", "▁earlier", "▁use", "▁of", "▁cre", "x", "▁gives", "▁it", "▁priority", "▁over", "▁Be", "ch", "stein", "▁'", "s", "▁specific", "▁name", "▁pr", "at", "ensis", "▁,", "▁and", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁the", "▁current", "▁name", "▁of", "▁Cre", "x", "▁cre", "x", "▁.", "▁The", "▁bin", "omial", "▁name", "▁,", "▁Cre", "x", "▁cre", "x", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁An", "cient", "▁Greek", "▁\"", "▁", "κ", "ρ", "ε", "ξ", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁is", "▁on", "om", "at", "op", "oe", "ic", "▁,", "▁referring", "▁to", "▁the", "▁cra", "ke", "▁'", "s", "▁repet", "itive", "▁gr", "ating", "▁call", "▁.", "▁The", "▁common", "▁name", "▁was", "▁formerly", "▁sp", "elt", "▁as", "▁a", "▁single", "▁word", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁cor", "nc", "ra", "ke", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁official", "▁version", "▁is", "▁now", "▁\"", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁English", "▁names", "▁refer", "▁to", "▁the", "▁species", "▁habit", "▁of", "▁nest", "ing", "▁in", "▁dry", "▁hay", "▁or", "▁c", "ere", "al", "▁fields", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁mar", "sh", "es", "▁used", "▁by", "▁most", "▁members", "▁of", "▁this", "▁family", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁a", "▁medium", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "ized", "▁rail", "▁,", "▁", "2", "7", "▁–", "▁", "3", "0", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "1", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "▁in", "▁)", "▁long", "▁with", "▁a", "▁wings", "pan", "▁of", "▁", "4", "2", "▁–", "▁", "5", "3", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "▁–", "▁", "2", "1", "▁in", "▁)", "▁.", "▁M", "ales", "▁we", "igh", "▁", "1", "6", "5", "▁g", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁o", "z", "▁)", "▁on", "▁average", "▁and", "▁females", "▁", "1", "4", "5", "▁g", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁o", "z", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁adult", "▁male", "▁has", "▁the", "▁crown", "▁of", "▁its", "▁head", "▁and", "▁all", "▁of", "▁its", "▁upper", "parts", "▁brown", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁black", "▁in", "▁colour", "▁,", "▁stre", "aked", "▁with", "▁buff", "▁or", "▁grey", "▁.", "▁The", "▁wing", "▁cover", "ts", "▁are", "▁a", "▁distinct", "ive", "▁ch", "est", "nut", "▁colour", "▁with", "▁some", "▁white", "▁bars", "▁.", "▁The", "▁face", "▁," ]
-@ grey underparts with rust @-@ coloured and white bars on the flanks and undertail . The strong bill is flesh @-@ toned , the iris is pale brown , and the legs and feet are pale grey . Juveniles are similar in plumage to adults , and downy chicks are black , as with all rails . There are no subspecies , although individuals from the east of the breeding range tend to be slightly paler than their western counterparts . The male 's call is a loud krek krek , from which the scientific name is derived . The corn crake is larger than its closest relative , the African crake , which shares its wintering range ; that species is also darker @-@ plumaged , and has a plainer face . The corn crake 's breeding habitat is grassland , particularly hayfields , and it uses similar environments on the wintering grounds . This secretive species builds a nest of grass leaves in a hollow in the ground and lays 6 – 14 cream @-@ coloured eggs which are covered with rufous blotches . These hatch in 19 – 20 days , and the black precocial chicks fledge after about five weeks . This crake is in steep decline across much of its former breeding range because modern farming practices often destroy nests before breeding is completed . The corn crake is omnivorous but mainly feeds on invertebrates , the occasional small frog or mammal , and plant material including grass seed and cereal grain . Natural threats include introduced and feral mammals , large birds , various parasites and diseases . Although numbers have declined steeply in western Europe , this bird is classed as least concern on the IUCN Red List because of its huge range and large , apparently stable , populations in Russia and Kazakhstan . Numbers in western China are more significant than previously thought , and conservation measures have facilitated an increased population in some countries which had suffered the greatest losses . Despite its elusive nature , the loud call has ensured the corn crake has been noted in literature , and garnered a range of local and dialect names . = = Taxonomy = = The rails are a bird family comprising nearly 150 species . Although origins of the group are lost in antiquity , the largest number of species and least specialised forms are found in the Old World , suggesting this family originated there . The taxonomy of the small crakes is complicated , but the closest relative of the corn crake is the African crake , C. egregia , which has sometimes been given its own genus , Crecopsis , but is now more usually placed in Crex . Both species are short @-@ billed brown birds with a preference for grassland rather than wetland habitats typical of rails . Porzana crakes , particularly the ash @-@ throated crake ( Porzana albicollis ) are near relatives of the Crex genus . Corn crakes were first described by Linnaeus in his Systema Naturae in 1758 as Rallus crex , but was subsequently moved to the genus Crex , created by German naturalist and ornithologist Johann Matthäus Bechstein in 1803 , and named Crex pratensis . The earlier use of crex gives it priority over Bechstein 's specific name pratensis , and leads to the current name of Crex crex . The binomial name , Crex crex , from the Ancient Greek " κρεξ " , is onomatopoeic , referring to the crake 's repetitive grating call . The common name was formerly spelt as a single word , " corncrake " , but the official version is now " corn crake " . The English names refer to the species habit of nesting in dry hay or cereal fields , rather than marshes used by most members of this family . = = Description = = The corn crake is a medium @-@ sized rail , 27 – 30 cm ( 11 – 12 in ) long with a wingspan of 42 – 53 cm ( 17 – 21 in ) . Males weigh 165 g ( 5 @.@ 8 oz ) on average and females 145 g ( 5 @.@ 1 oz ) . The adult male has the crown of its head and all of its upperparts brown @-@ black in colour , streaked with buff or grey . The wing coverts are a distinctive chestnut colour with some white bars . The face ,
[ "▁neck", "▁and", "▁breast", "▁are", "▁blue", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grey", "▁,", "▁apart", "▁from", "▁a", "▁pale", "▁brown", "▁stre", "ak", "▁from", "▁the", "▁base", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bill", "▁to", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁eye", "▁,", "▁the", "▁bel", "ly", "▁is", "▁white", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fl", "anks", "▁,", "▁and", "▁undert", "ail", "▁are", "▁bar", "red", "▁with", "▁ch", "est", "nut", "▁and", "▁white", "▁.", "▁The", "▁strong", "▁bill", "▁is", "▁flesh", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁col", "oured", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ir", "is", "▁is", "▁pale", "▁brown", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁legs", "▁and", "▁feet", "▁are", "▁pale", "▁grey", "▁.", "▁Comp", "ared", "▁to", "▁the", "▁male", "▁,", "▁the", "▁female", "▁has", "▁war", "mer", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ton", "ed", "▁upper", "parts", "▁and", "▁a", "▁nar", "ro", "wer", "▁d", "ull", "er", "▁eye", "▁stre", "ak", "▁.", "▁Out", "side", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁upper", "parts", "▁of", "▁both", "▁sex", "es", "▁become", "▁dark", "er", "▁and", "▁the", "▁under", "parts", "▁less", "▁grey", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ju", "ven", "ile", "▁is", "▁like", "▁the", "▁adult", "▁in", "▁appearance", "▁,", "▁but", "▁has", "▁a", "▁yellow", "▁tone", "▁to", "▁its", "▁upper", "parts", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁grey", "▁of", "▁the", "▁under", "parts", "▁is", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁buff", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁brown", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ch", "icks", "▁have", "▁black", "▁down", "▁,", "▁as", "▁with", "▁all", "▁rails", "▁.", "▁While", "▁there", "▁are", "▁no", "▁sub", "species", "▁,", "▁all", "▁populations", "▁show", "▁great", "▁individual", "▁variation", "▁in", "▁colour", "ing", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁birds", "▁gradually", "▁become", "▁pal", "er", "▁and", "▁gre", "yer", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁range", "▁.", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁under", "go", "▁a", "▁complete", "▁mou", "lt", "▁after", "▁bre", "eding", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁normally", "▁finished", "▁by", "▁late", "▁August", "▁or", "▁early", "▁September", "▁,", "▁before", "▁migration", "▁to", "▁south", "▁eastern", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bre", "eding", "▁partial", "▁mou", "lt", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁return", "▁from", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁mainly", "▁involving", "▁the", "▁pl", "um", "age", "▁of", "▁the", "▁head", "▁,", "▁body", "▁and", "▁tail", "▁.", "▁Young", "▁birds", "▁have", "▁a", "▁head", "▁and", "▁body", "▁mou", "lt", "▁about", "▁five", "▁weeks", "▁after", "▁h", "atch", "ing", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁sym", "pat", "ric", "▁with", "▁the", "▁African", "▁cra", "ke", "▁on", "▁the", "▁winter", "ing", "▁grounds", "▁,", "▁but", "▁can", "▁be", "▁distinguished", "▁by", "▁its", "▁larger", "▁size", "▁,", "▁pal", "er", "▁upper", "parts", "▁,", "▁ta", "wn", "y", "▁upper", "wing", "▁and", "▁different", "▁under", "parts", "▁pattern", "▁.", "▁In", "▁flight", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁longer", "▁,", "▁less", "▁rounded", "▁wings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁shall", "ower", "▁wing", "be", "ats", "▁than", "▁its", "▁African", "▁relative", "▁,", "▁and", "▁shows", "▁a", "▁white", "▁leading", "▁edge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁inner", "▁wing", "▁.", "▁In", "▁both", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁and", "▁winter", "ing", "▁ranges", "▁it", "▁is", "▁unlikely", "▁to", "▁be", "▁confused", "▁with", "▁any", "▁other", "▁rails", "▁,", "▁since", "▁sym", "pat", "ric", "▁species", "▁are", "▁smaller", "▁,", "▁with", "▁white", "▁mark", "ings", "▁on", "▁the", "▁upper", "parts", "▁,", "▁different", "▁under", "parts", "▁patterns", "▁and", "▁shorter", "▁b", "ills", "▁.", "▁A", "▁flying", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁can", "▁res", "emble", "▁a", "▁game", "bird", "▁,", "▁but", "▁its", "▁ch", "est", "nut", "▁wing", "▁pattern", "▁and", "▁d", "ang", "ling", "▁legs", "▁are", "▁di", "agnostic", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Vo", "ice", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁grounds", "▁,", "▁the", "▁male", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁'", "s", "▁advert", "ising", "▁call", "▁is", "▁a", "▁loud", "▁,", "▁repet", "itive", "▁,", "▁gr", "ating", "▁kre", "k", "▁kre", "k", "▁normally", "▁delivered", "▁from", "▁a", "▁low", "▁per", "ch", "▁with", "▁the", "▁bird", "▁'", "s", "▁head", "▁and", "▁neck", "▁almost", "▁vertical", "▁and", "▁its", "▁bill", "▁wide", "▁open", "▁.", "▁The", "▁call", "▁can", "▁be", "▁heard", "▁from", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "3", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁away", "▁,", "▁and", "▁serves", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁territory", "▁,", "▁attract", "▁females", "▁,", "▁and", "▁challenge", "▁intr", "ud", "ing", "▁males", "▁.", "▁S", "light", "▁differences", "▁in", "▁voc", "alis", "ations", "▁mean", "▁that", "▁individual", "▁males", "▁can", "▁be", "▁distinguished", "▁by", "▁their", "▁calls", "▁.", "▁Early", "▁in", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁call", "▁is", "▁given", "▁almost", "▁continu", "ously", "▁at", "▁night", "▁,", "▁and", "▁often", "▁during", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁too", "▁.", "▁It", "▁may", "▁be", "▁repeated", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁times", "▁a", "▁night", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁peak", "▁between", "▁mid", "night", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁am", "▁.", "▁The", "▁call", "▁has", "▁evol", "ved", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁singing", "▁male", "▁'", "s", "▁location", "▁clear", "▁,", "▁as", "▁this", "▁species", "▁h", "ides", "▁in", "▁veget", "ation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁frequency", "▁of", "▁calling", "▁reduces", "▁after", "▁a", "▁few", "▁weeks", "▁but", "▁may", "▁intens", "ify", "▁again", "▁near", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁lay", "ing", "▁period", "▁before", "▁falling", "▁away", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁season", "▁.", "▁To", "▁attract", "▁males", "▁,", "▁mechanical", "▁im", "itations", "▁of", "▁their", "▁call", "▁can", "▁be", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁rub", "bing", "▁a", "▁piece", "▁of", "▁wood", "▁down", "▁a", "▁not", "ched", "▁stick", "▁,", "▁or", "▁by", "▁f", "lick", "ing", "▁a", "▁credit", "▁card", "▁against", "▁a", "▁comb", "▁or", "▁zip", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fast", "ener", "▁.", "▁The", "▁male", "▁also", "▁has", "▁a", "▁grow", "ling", "▁call", "▁,", "▁given", "▁with", "▁the", "▁bill", "▁shut", "▁and", "▁used", "▁during", "▁ag", "gress", "ive", "▁interactions", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁female", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁may", "▁give", "▁a", "▁call", "▁that", "▁is", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁that", "▁of", "▁the", "▁male", "▁;", "▁it", "▁also", "▁has", "▁a", "▁distinct", "ive", "▁b", "ark", "ing", "▁sound", "▁,", "▁similar", "▁in", "▁rh", "ythm", "▁to", "▁the", "▁main", "▁call", "▁but", "▁without", "▁the", "▁gr", "ating", "▁quality", "▁.", "▁The", "▁female", "▁also", "▁has", "▁a", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁che", "ep", "▁call", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁o", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁o", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁o", "o", "▁sound", "▁to", "▁call", "▁the", "▁ch", "ick", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ch", "icks", "▁make", "▁a", "▁quiet", "▁pe", "e", "ick", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pe", "e", "ick", "▁contact", "▁call", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁ch", "ir", "p", "▁used", "▁to", "▁beg", "▁for", "▁food", "▁.", "▁Because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁difficulty", "▁in", "▁seeing", "▁this", "▁species", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁usually", "▁cens", "used", "▁by", "▁counting", "▁males", "▁calling", "▁between", "▁", "1", "1", "▁pm", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁am", "▁;", "▁the", "▁birds", "▁do", "▁not", "▁move", "▁much", "▁at", "▁night", "▁,", "▁whereas", "▁they", "▁may", "▁w", "ander", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "6", "6", "0", "▁y", "d", "▁)", "▁during", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁which", "▁could", "▁lead", "▁to", "▁double", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁counting", "▁if", "▁monitor", "ed", "▁then", "▁.", "▁Ident", "ifying", "▁individual", "▁males", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁just", "▁counting", "▁calling", "▁birds", "▁under", "est", "im", "ates", "▁the", "▁true", "▁count", "▁by", "▁nearly", "▁", "3", "0", "▁%", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁dis", "cre", "p", "ancy", "▁is", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁be", "▁greater", "▁,", "▁since", "▁only", "▁", "8", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁males", "▁may", "▁call", "▁at", "▁all", "▁on", "▁a", "▁given", "▁night", "▁.", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁silent", "▁in", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Distribution", "▁and", "▁habitat", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁bre", "eds", "▁from", "▁Britain", "▁and", "▁Ireland", "▁east", "▁through", "▁Europe", "▁to", "▁central", "▁Si" ]
neck and breast are blue @-@ grey , apart from a pale brown streak from the base of the bill to behind the eye , the belly is white , and the flanks , and undertail are barred with chestnut and white . The strong bill is flesh @-@ coloured , the iris is pale brown , and the legs and feet are pale grey . Compared to the male , the female has warmer @-@ toned upperparts and a narrower duller eye streak . Outside the breeding season , the upperparts of both sexes become darker and the underparts less grey . The juvenile is like the adult in appearance , but has a yellow tone to its upperparts , and the grey of the underparts is replaced with buff @-@ brown . The chicks have black down , as with all rails . While there are no subspecies , all populations show great individual variation in colouring , and the birds gradually become paler and greyer towards the east of the range . Adults undergo a complete moult after breeding , which is normally finished by late August or early September , before migration to south eastern Africa . There is a pre @-@ breeding partial moult prior to the return from Africa , mainly involving the plumage of the head , body and tail . Young birds have a head and body moult about five weeks after hatching . The corn crake is sympatric with the African crake on the wintering grounds , but can be distinguished by its larger size , paler upperparts , tawny upperwing and different underparts pattern . In flight , it has longer , less rounded wings , and shallower wingbeats than its African relative , and shows a white leading edge to the inner wing . In both the breeding and wintering ranges it is unlikely to be confused with any other rails , since sympatric species are smaller , with white markings on the upperparts , different underparts patterns and shorter bills . A flying corn crake can resemble a gamebird , but its chestnut wing pattern and dangling legs are diagnostic . = = = Voice = = = On the breeding grounds , the male corn crake 's advertising call is a loud , repetitive , grating krek krek normally delivered from a low perch with the bird 's head and neck almost vertical and its bill wide open . The call can be heard from 1 @.@ 5 km ( 0 @.@ 93 mi ) away , and serves to establish the breeding territory , attract females , and challenge intruding males . Slight differences in vocalisations mean that individual males can be distinguished by their calls . Early in the season , the call is given almost continuously at night , and often during the day , too . It may be repeated more than 20 @,@ 000 times a night , with a peak between midnight and 3 am . The call has evolved to make a singing male 's location clear , as this species hides in vegetation . The frequency of calling reduces after a few weeks but may intensify again near the end of the laying period before falling away towards the end of the breeding season . To attract males , mechanical imitations of their call can be produced by rubbing a piece of wood down a notched stick , or by flicking a credit card against a comb or zip @-@ fastener . The male also has a growling call , given with the bill shut and used during aggressive interactions . The female corn crake may give a call that is similar to that of the male ; it also has a distinctive barking sound , similar in rhythm to the main call but without the grating quality . The female also has a high @-@ pitched cheep call , and a oo @-@ oo @-@ oo sound to call the chick . The chicks make a quiet peeick @-@ peeick contact call , and a chirp used to beg for food . Because of the difficulty in seeing this species , it is usually censused by counting males calling between 11 pm and 3 am ; the birds do not move much at night , whereas they may wander up to 600 m ( 660 yd ) during the day , which could lead to double @-@ counting if monitored then . Identifying individual males suggests that just counting calling birds underestimates the true count by nearly 30 % , and the discrepancy is likely to be greater , since only 80 % of males may call at all on a given night . The corn crake is silent in Africa . = = Distribution and habitat = = The corn crake breeds from Britain and Ireland east through Europe to central Si
[ "ber", "ia", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁it", "▁has", "▁van", "ished", "▁from", "▁much", "▁of", "▁its", "▁historic", "▁range", "▁,", "▁this", "▁bird", "▁was", "▁once", "▁found", "▁in", "▁suitable", "▁habit", "ats", "▁in", "▁E", "uras", "ia", "▁everywhere", "▁between", "▁lat", "itudes", "▁", "4", "1", "▁°", "▁N", "▁and", "▁", "6", "2", "▁°", "▁N", ".", "▁There", "▁is", "▁also", "▁a", "▁s", "izable", "▁population", "▁in", "▁western", "▁China", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁species", "▁n", "ests", "▁only", "▁rarely", "▁in", "▁northern", "▁Spain", "▁and", "▁in", "▁Turkey", "▁.", "▁Old", "▁claims", "▁of", "▁bre", "eding", "▁in", "▁South", "▁Africa", "▁are", "▁incorrect", "▁,", "▁and", "▁result", "▁from", "▁mis", "ident", "ification", "▁of", "▁eggs", "▁in", "▁a", "▁museum", "▁collection", "▁which", "▁are", "▁actually", "▁those", "▁of", "▁the", "▁African", "▁rail", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁winter", "s", "▁mainly", "▁in", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Democratic", "▁Republic", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Congo", "▁and", "▁central", "▁T", "anz", "ania", "▁south", "▁to", "▁eastern", "▁South", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁North", "▁of", "▁this", "▁area", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁mainly", "▁seen", "▁on", "▁migration", "▁,", "▁but", "▁occasionally", "▁winter", "s", "▁in", "▁North", "▁Africa", "▁and", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁and", "▁north", "▁of", "▁its", "▁core", "▁area", "▁in", "▁sout", "heast", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁South", "▁African", "▁population", "▁of", "▁about", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁birds", "▁occurs", "▁in", "▁K", "wa", "Z", "ulu", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Natal", "▁and", "▁the", "▁former", "▁Trans", "va", "al", "▁Province", "▁,", "▁and", "▁numbers", "▁elsewhere", "▁in", "▁Africa", "▁are", "▁uncertain", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁several", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁records", "▁,", "▁when", "▁populations", "▁were", "▁much", "▁higher", "▁than", "▁now", "▁,", "▁of", "▁birds", "▁being", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁western", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁mainly", "▁Britain", "▁and", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁between", "▁December", "▁and", "▁February", "▁.", "▁", "▁This", "▁cra", "ke", "▁migr", "ates", "▁to", "▁Africa", "▁along", "▁two", "▁main", "▁routes", "▁:", "▁a", "▁western", "▁route", "▁through", "▁Mor", "oc", "co", "▁and", "▁Al", "ger", "ia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁more", "▁important", "▁fly", "way", "▁through", "▁Egypt", "▁.", "▁On", "▁passage", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁most", "▁countries", "▁between", "▁its", "▁bre", "eding", "▁and", "▁winter", "ing", "▁ranges", "▁,", "▁including", "▁much", "▁of", "▁West", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁Bird", "s", "▁from", "▁Coll", "▁following", "▁the", "▁western", "▁route", "▁paused", "▁in", "▁West", "▁Africa", "▁on", "▁their", "▁way", "▁further", "▁south", "▁,", "▁and", "▁again", "▁on", "▁the", "▁return", "▁flight", "▁,", "▁when", "▁they", "▁also", "▁rest", "ed", "▁in", "▁Spain", "▁or", "▁North", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁Eastern", "▁migr", "ants", "▁have", "▁been", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁those", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁southern", "▁Asia", "▁that", "▁lie", "▁between", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁range", "▁and", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁af", "ield", "▁,", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁has", "▁been", "▁recorded", "▁as", "▁a", "▁v", "agrant", "▁to", "▁Sri", "▁L", "anka", "▁,", "▁Vietnam", "▁and", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Se", "ych", "elles", "▁,", "▁B", "erm", "uda", "▁,", "▁Canada", "▁,", "▁the", "▁US", "▁,", "▁Green", "land", "▁,", "▁I", "cel", "and", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Far", "o", "es", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Az", "ores", "▁,", "▁Made", "ira", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Can", "ary", "▁Islands", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁mainly", "▁a", "▁low", "land", "▁species", "▁,", "▁but", "▁bre", "eds", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁alt", "itude", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Al", "ps", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "0", "0", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁in", "▁China", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "0", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Russia", "▁.", "▁When", "▁bre", "eding", "▁in", "▁E", "uras", "ia", "▁,", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁'", "s", "▁habit", "ats", "▁would", "▁originally", "▁have", "▁included", "▁river", "▁me", "adows", "▁with", "▁tall", "▁grass", "▁and", "▁me", "adow", "▁plants", "▁including", "▁sed", "ges", "▁and", "▁ir", "ises", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁now", "▁mainly", "▁found", "▁in", "▁cool", "▁mo", "ist", "▁grass", "land", "▁used", "▁for", "▁the", "▁production", "▁of", "▁hay", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁mo", "ist", "▁traditional", "▁far", "ml", "and", "▁with", "▁limited", "▁cutting", "▁or", "▁fert", "il", "iser", "▁use", "▁.", "▁It", "▁also", "▁util", "ises", "▁other", "▁tre", "eless", "▁grass", "lands", "▁in", "▁mountains", "▁or", "▁ta", "iga", "▁,", "▁on", "▁coast", "s", "▁,", "▁or", "▁where", "▁created", "▁by", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁Mo", "ister", "▁areas", "▁like", "▁wet", "land", "▁edges", "▁may", "▁be", "▁used", "▁,", "▁but", "▁very", "▁wet", "▁habit", "ats", "▁are", "▁avoided", "▁,", "▁as", "▁are", "▁open", "▁areas", "▁and", "▁those", "▁with", "▁veget", "ation", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "5", "0", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "▁in", "▁)", "▁tall", "▁,", "▁or", "▁too", "▁dense", "▁to", "▁walk", "▁through", "▁.", "▁The", "▁odd", "▁bush", "▁or", "▁h", "edge", "▁may", "▁be", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁calling", "▁post", "▁.", "▁Gr", "ass", "land", "▁which", "▁is", "▁not", "▁m", "own", "▁or", "▁gra", "zed", "▁becomes", "▁too", "▁m", "atted", "▁to", "▁be", "▁suitable", "▁for", "▁nest", "ing", "▁,", "▁but", "▁locally", "▁cro", "ps", "▁such", "▁as", "▁c", "ere", "als", "▁,", "▁pe", "as", "▁,", "▁ra", "pe", "▁,", "▁clo", "ver", "▁or", "▁pot", "atoes", "▁may", "▁be", "▁used", "▁.", "▁After", "▁bre", "eding", "▁,", "▁adult", "s", "▁move", "▁to", "▁t", "aller", "▁veget", "ation", "▁such", "▁as", "▁common", "▁re", "ed", "▁,", "▁ir", "is", "▁,", "▁or", "▁n", "ett", "les", "▁to", "▁mou", "lt", "▁,", "▁returning", "▁to", "▁the", "▁hay", "▁and", "▁sil", "age", "▁me", "adows", "▁for", "▁the", "▁second", "▁bro", "od", "▁.", "▁In", "▁China", "▁,", "▁fla", "x", "▁is", "▁also", "▁used", "▁for", "▁nest", "▁sites", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁males", "▁often", "▁sing", "▁in", "▁intens", "ively", "▁managed", "▁grass", "▁or", "▁c", "ere", "al", "▁cro", "ps", "▁,", "▁successful", "▁bre", "eding", "▁is", "▁un", "common", "▁,", "▁and", "▁n", "ests", "▁in", "▁the", "▁field", "▁marg", "ins", "▁or", "▁nearby", "▁fall", "ow", "▁ground", "▁are", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁succeed", "▁.", "▁", "▁When", "▁winter", "ing", "▁in", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁occup", "ies", "▁dry", "▁grass", "land", "▁and", "▁sav", "anna", "▁habit", "ats", "▁,", "▁occurr", "ing", "▁in", "▁veget", "ation", "▁", "3", "0", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "8", "▁–", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "6", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁tall", "▁,", "▁including", "▁season", "ally", "▁bur", "nt", "▁areas", "▁and", "▁occasionally", "▁sed", "ges", "▁or", "▁re", "ed", "▁b", "eds", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁also", "▁found", "▁on", "▁fall", "ow", "▁and", "▁abandoned", "▁fields", "▁,", "▁un", "cut", "▁grass", "▁on", "▁air", "fields", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁edges", "▁of", "▁cro", "ps", "▁.", "▁It", "▁occurs", "▁at", "▁up", "▁to", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "5", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "4", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁alt", "itude", "▁in", "▁South", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁bird", "▁stays", "▁within", "▁a", "▁fairly", "▁small", "▁area", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁it", "▁sometimes", "▁occurs", "▁with", "▁the", "▁African", "▁cra", "ke", "▁,", "▁that", "▁species", "▁normally", "▁pre", "fers", "▁mo", "ister", "▁and", "▁shorter", "▁grass", "land", "▁habit", "ats", "▁than", "▁does", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁.", "▁On", "▁migration", "▁,", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁may", "▁also", "▁occur", "▁in", "▁whe", "at", "fields", "▁and", "▁around", "▁golf", "▁courses", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Be", "hav" ]
beria . Although it has vanished from much of its historic range , this bird was once found in suitable habitats in Eurasia everywhere between latitudes 41 ° N and 62 ° N. There is also a sizable population in western China , but this species nests only rarely in northern Spain and in Turkey . Old claims of breeding in South Africa are incorrect , and result from misidentification of eggs in a museum collection which are actually those of the African rail . The corn crake winters mainly in Africa , from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and central Tanzania south to eastern South Africa . North of this area , it is mainly seen on migration , but occasionally winters in North Africa and to the west and north of its core area in southeast Africa . Most of the South African population of about 2 @,@ 000 birds occurs in KwaZulu @-@ Natal and the former Transvaal Province , and numbers elsewhere in Africa are uncertain . There are several nineteenth @-@ century records , when populations were much higher than now , of birds being seen in western Europe , mainly Britain and Ireland , between December and February . This crake migrates to Africa along two main routes : a western route through Morocco and Algeria , and a more important flyway through Egypt . On passage , it has been recorded in most countries between its breeding and wintering ranges , including much of West Africa . Birds from Coll following the western route paused in West Africa on their way further south , and again on the return flight , when they also rested in Spain or North Africa . Eastern migrants have been recorded in those parts of southern Asia that lie between the east of the breeding range and Africa . Further afield , the corn crake has been recorded as a vagrant to Sri Lanka , Vietnam and Australia , the Seychelles , Bermuda , Canada , the US , Greenland , Iceland , the Faroes , the Azores , Madeira , and the Canary Islands . The corn crake is mainly a lowland species , but breeds up to 1 @,@ 400 m ( 4 @,@ 600 ft ) altitude in the Alps , 2 @,@ 700 m ( 8 @,@ 900 ft ) in China and 3 @,@ 000 m ( 9 @,@ 800 ft ) in Russia . When breeding in Eurasia , the corn crake 's habitats would originally have included river meadows with tall grass and meadow plants including sedges and irises . It is now mainly found in cool moist grassland used for the production of hay , particularly moist traditional farmland with limited cutting or fertiliser use . It also utilises other treeless grasslands in mountains or taiga , on coasts , or where created by fire . Moister areas like wetland edges may be used , but very wet habitats are avoided , as are open areas and those with vegetation more than 50 cm ( 20 in ) tall , or too dense to walk through . The odd bush or hedge may be used as a calling post . Grassland which is not mown or grazed becomes too matted to be suitable for nesting , but locally crops such as cereals , peas , rape , clover or potatoes may be used . After breeding , adults move to taller vegetation such as common reed , iris , or nettles to moult , returning to the hay and silage meadows for the second brood . In China , flax is also used for nest sites . Although males often sing in intensively managed grass or cereal crops , successful breeding is uncommon , and nests in the field margins or nearby fallow ground are more likely to succeed . When wintering in Africa , the corn crake occupies dry grassland and savanna habitats , occurring in vegetation 30 – 200 cm ( 0 @.@ 98 – 6 @.@ 56 ft ) tall , including seasonally burnt areas and occasionally sedges or reed beds . It is also found on fallow and abandoned fields , uncut grass on airfields , and the edges of crops . It occurs at up to at least 1 @,@ 750 metres ( 5 @,@ 740 ft ) altitude in South Africa . Each bird stays within a fairly small area . Although it sometimes occurs with the African crake , that species normally prefers moister and shorter grassland habitats than does the corn crake . On migration , the corn crake may also occur in wheatfields and around golf courses . = = Behav
[ "iour", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁a", "▁difficult", "▁bird", "▁to", "▁see", "▁in", "▁its", "▁bre", "eding", "▁sites", "▁,", "▁usually", "▁being", "▁hidden", "▁by", "▁veget", "ation", "▁,", "▁but", "▁will", "▁sometimes", "▁emer", "ge", "▁into", "▁the", "▁open", "▁.", "▁Occ", "asion", "ally", "▁,", "▁individuals", "▁may", "▁become", "▁very", "▁trust", "ing", "▁;", "▁for", "▁five", "▁consecutive", "▁sum", "mers", "▁,", "▁an", "▁individual", "▁cra", "ke", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Scottish", "▁island", "▁of", "▁T", "ire", "e", "▁entered", "▁a", "▁kitchen", "▁to", "▁feed", "▁on", "▁scra", "ps", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁,", "▁a", "▁winter", "ing", "▁Bar", "ra", "▁bird", "▁would", "▁come", "▁for", "▁p", "oul", "try", "▁feed", "▁once", "▁the", "▁ch", "ick", "ens", "▁had", "▁finished", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Africa", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁more", "▁secret", "ive", "▁than", "▁the", "▁African", "▁cra", "ke", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁unlike", "▁its", "▁relative", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁rarely", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁the", "▁open", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁occasionally", "▁fe", "eds", "▁on", "▁tracks", "▁or", "▁road", "▁sides", "▁.", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁most", "▁active", "▁early", "▁and", "▁late", "▁in", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁after", "▁heavy", "▁rain", "▁and", "▁during", "▁light", "▁rain", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁typical", "▁flight", "▁is", "▁weak", "▁and", "▁flutter", "ing", "▁,", "▁although", "▁less", "▁so", "▁than", "▁that", "▁of", "▁the", "▁African", "▁cra", "ke", "▁.", "▁For", "▁longer", "▁fl", "ights", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁migration", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁a", "▁stead", "ier", "▁,", "▁stronger", "▁action", "▁with", "▁legs", "▁drawn", "▁up", "▁.", "▁It", "▁wal", "ks", "▁with", "▁a", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ste", "pping", "▁action", "▁,", "▁and", "▁can", "▁run", "▁swift", "ly", "▁through", "▁grass", "▁with", "▁its", "▁body", "▁held", "▁horizontal", "▁and", "▁later", "ally", "▁fl", "atten", "ed", "▁.", "▁It", "▁will", "▁sw", "im", "▁if", "▁essential", "▁.", "▁When", "▁fl", "ushed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁dog", "▁,", "▁it", "▁will", "▁fly", "▁less", "▁than", "▁", "5", "0", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁,", "▁frequently", "▁landing", "▁behind", "▁a", "▁bush", "▁or", "▁th", "icket", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁cr", "ouch", "▁on", "▁landing", "▁.", "▁If", "▁dist", "urbed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁open", "▁,", "▁this", "▁cra", "ke", "▁will", "▁often", "▁run", "▁in", "▁a", "▁cr", "ouch", "▁for", "▁a", "▁short", "▁distance", "▁,", "▁with", "▁its", "▁neck", "▁stretch", "ed", "▁forward", "▁,", "▁then", "▁stand", "▁u", "pr", "ight", "▁to", "▁watch", "▁the", "▁intr", "uder", "▁.", "▁When", "▁captured", "▁it", "▁may", "▁fe", "ign", "▁death", "▁,", "▁recover", "ing", "▁at", "▁once", "▁if", "▁it", "▁sees", "▁a", "▁way", "▁out", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁solit", "ary", "▁on", "▁the", "▁winter", "ing", "▁grounds", "▁,", "▁where", "▁each", "▁bird", "▁occup", "ies", "▁", "4", "▁@", 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"▁capt", "ivity", "▁for", "▁ten", "▁gener", "ations", "▁were", "▁able", "▁to", "▁migr", "ate", "▁to", "▁Africa", "▁and", "▁return", "▁with", "▁similar", "▁success", "▁to", "▁wild", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁b", "red", "▁young", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Bre", "eding", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Until", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁assumed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁mon", "og", "am", "ous", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁trans", "p", "ires", "▁that", "▁a", "▁male", "▁may", "▁have", "▁a", "▁sh", "ifting", "▁home", "▁range", "▁,", "▁and", "▁mate", "▁with", "▁two", "▁or", "▁more", "▁females", "▁,", "▁moving", "▁on", "▁when", "▁lay", "ing", "▁is", "▁almost", "▁complete", "▁.", "▁The", "▁male", "▁'", "s", "▁territory", "▁can", "▁vary", "▁from", "▁", "3", "▁to", "▁", "5", "1", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁to", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁aver", "ages", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "3", "9", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁female", "▁has", "▁a", "▁much", "▁smaller", "▁range", "▁,", "▁aver", "aging", "▁only", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁.", "▁A", "▁male", "▁will", "▁challenge", "▁an", "▁intr", "uder", "▁by", "▁calling", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wings", "▁dro", "oped", "▁and", "▁his", "▁head", "▁pointing", "▁forward", "▁.", "▁Usually", "▁the", "▁stranger", "▁moves", "▁off", "▁;", "▁if", "▁it", "▁stays", "▁,", "▁the", "▁two", "▁birds", "▁square", "▁up", "▁with", "▁heads", "▁and", "▁ne", "cks", "▁raised", "▁and", "▁the", "▁wings", "▁touch", "ing", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁.", "▁They", "▁then", "▁run", "▁around", "▁giving", "▁the", "▁grow", "ling", "▁call", "▁and", "▁lung", "ing", "▁at", "▁each", "▁other", "▁.", "▁A", "▁real", "▁fight", "▁may", "▁ens", "ue", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁birds", "▁le", "aping", "▁at", "▁each", "▁other", "▁and", "▁pe", "ck", "ing", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sometimes", "▁kick", "ing", "▁.", "▁Fem", "ales", "▁play", "▁no", "▁part", "▁in", "▁def", "ending", "▁the", "▁territory", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁female", "▁may", "▁be", "▁offered", "▁food", "▁by", "▁the", "▁male", "▁during", "▁court", "ship", "▁.", "▁He", "▁has", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁court", "ship", "▁display", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁neck", "▁is", "▁extended", "▁and", "▁the", "▁head", "▁held", "▁down", "▁,", "▁the", "▁tail", "▁is", "▁f", "anned", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁wings", "▁are", "▁spread", "▁with", "▁the", "▁tips", "▁touch", "ing", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁.", "▁He", "▁will", "▁then", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁approach", "▁the", "▁female", "▁from", "▁behind", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁le", "ap", "▁on", "▁her", "▁back", "▁to", "▁cop", "ulate", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nest", "▁is", "▁typically", "▁in", "▁grass", "land", "▁,", "▁sometimes", "▁in", "▁sa", "fer", "▁sites", "▁along", "▁a", "▁h", "edge", "▁,", "▁or", "▁near", "▁an", "▁isolated", "▁tree", "▁or", "▁bush", "▁,", "▁or", "▁in", "▁over", "g", "rown", "▁veget", "ation", "▁.", "▁Where", "▁grass", "▁is", "▁not", "▁tall", "▁enough", "▁at", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁nest", "▁may", "▁be", "▁constructed", "▁in", "▁her", "by", "▁or", "▁mar", "sh", "▁veget", "ation", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁second", "▁bro", "od", "▁in", "▁hay", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁nest", "▁may", "▁also", "▁be", "▁at", "▁a", "▁higher", "▁alt", "itude", "▁that", "▁the", "▁first", "▁,", "▁to", "▁take", "▁advantage", "▁of", "▁the", "▁later", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁developing", "▁grass", "es", "▁further", "▁up", "▁a", "▁hill", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nest", "▁,", "▁well", "▁hidden", "▁in", "▁the", "▁grass", "▁,", "▁is", "▁built", "▁in", "▁a", "▁scra", "pe", "▁or", "▁h", "ollow", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁made", "▁of", "▁w", "oven", "▁co", "arse", "▁dry", "▁grass", "▁and", "▁other", "▁plants", "▁,", "▁and", "▁l", "ined", "▁with", "▁fin", "er", "▁grass", "es", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁nest", "▁construction", "▁is", "▁usually", "▁described", "▁as", "▁undert", "aken", "▁by", "▁the", "▁female", "▁,", "▁a", "▁recent", "▁av", "i", "ary", "▁study", "▁found", "▁that", "▁in", "▁the", "▁capt", "ive", "▁population", "▁the", "▁male", "▁always", "▁built", "▁the", "▁nest", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁nest", "▁is", "▁", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁" ]
iour = = The corn crake is a difficult bird to see in its breeding sites , usually being hidden by vegetation , but will sometimes emerge into the open . Occasionally , individuals may become very trusting ; for five consecutive summers , an individual crake on the Scottish island of Tiree entered a kitchen to feed on scraps , and , in 1999 , a wintering Barra bird would come for poultry feed once the chickens had finished . In Africa , it is more secretive than the African crake , and , unlike its relative , it is rarely seen in the open , although it occasionally feeds on tracks or road sides . The corn crake is most active early and late in the day , after heavy rain and during light rain . Its typical flight is weak and fluttering , although less so than that of the African crake . For longer flights , such as migration , it has a steadier , stronger action with legs drawn up . It walks with a high @-@ stepping action , and can run swiftly through grass with its body held horizontal and laterally flattened . It will swim if essential . When flushed by a dog , it will fly less than 50 m ( 160 ft ) , frequently landing behind a bush or thicket , and then crouch on landing . If disturbed in the open , this crake will often run in a crouch for a short distance , with its neck stretched forward , then stand upright to watch the intruder . When captured it may feign death , recovering at once if it sees a way out . The corn crake is solitary on the wintering grounds , where each bird occupies 4 @.@ 2 – 4 @.@ 9 ha ( 10 – 12 acres ) at one time , although the total area used may be double that , since an individual may move locally due to flooding , plant growth , or grass cutting . Flocks of up to 40 birds may form on migration , sometimes associating with common quails . Migration takes place at night , and flocks resting during the day may aggregate to hundreds of birds at favoured sites . The ability to migrate is innate , not learned from adults . Chicks raised from birds kept in captivity for ten generations were able to migrate to Africa and return with similar success to wild @-@ bred young . = = = Breeding = = = Until 1995 , it was assumed that the corn crake is monogamous , but it transpires that a male may have a shifting home range , and mate with two or more females , moving on when laying is almost complete . The male 's territory can vary from 3 to 51 ha ( 7 @.@ 4 to 126 @.@ 0 acres ) , but averages 15 @.@ 7 ha ( 39 acres ) . The female has a much smaller range , averaging only 5 @.@ 5 ha ( 14 acres ) . A male will challenge an intruder by calling with his wings drooped and his head pointing forward . Usually the stranger moves off ; if it stays , the two birds square up with heads and necks raised and the wings touching the ground . They then run around giving the growling call and lunging at each other . A real fight may ensue , with the birds leaping at each other and pecking , and sometimes kicking . Females play no part in defending the territory . The female may be offered food by the male during courtship . He has a brief courtship display in which the neck is extended and the head held down , the tail is fanned , and the wings are spread with the tips touching the ground . He will then attempt to approach the female from behind , and then leap on her back to copulate . The nest is typically in grassland , sometimes in safer sites along a hedge , or near an isolated tree or bush , or in overgrown vegetation . Where grass is not tall enough at the start of the season , the first nest may be constructed in herby or marsh vegetation , with the second brood in hay . The second nest may also be at a higher altitude that the first , to take advantage of the later @-@ developing grasses further up a hill . The nest , well hidden in the grass , is built in a scrape or hollow in the ground . It is made of woven coarse dry grass and other plants , and lined with finer grasses . Although nest construction is usually described as undertaken by the female , a recent aviary study found that in the captive population the male always built the nest . The nest is 12 –
[ "1", "5", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁–", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁in", "▁)", "▁in", "▁diameter", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁in", "▁)", "▁deep", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cl", "utch", "▁is", "▁", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁usually", "▁", "8", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "▁eggs", "▁;", "▁these", "▁are", "▁o", "val", "▁,", "▁slightly", "▁gl", "oss", "y", "▁,", "▁cre", "amy", "▁or", "▁t", "int", "ed", "▁with", "▁green", "▁,", "▁blue", "▁or", "▁grey", "▁,", "▁and", "▁bl", "ot", "ched", "▁red", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁brown", "▁.", "▁They", "▁average", "▁", "3", "7", "▁mm", "▁×", "▁", "2", "6", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁in", "▁×", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁in", "▁)", "▁and", "▁we", "igh", "▁about", "▁", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "6", "▁g", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "6", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "6", "▁o", "z", "▁)", "▁,", "▁of", "▁which", "▁", "7", "▁%", "▁is", "▁shell", "▁.", "▁The", "▁eggs", "▁are", "▁laid", "▁at", "▁daily", "▁intervals", "▁,", "▁but", "▁second", "▁cl", "ut", "ches", "▁may", "▁sometimes", "▁have", "▁two", "▁eggs", "▁added", "▁per", "▁day", "▁.", "▁Inc", "ub", "ation", "▁is", "▁by", "▁the", "▁female", "▁only", "▁;", "▁her", "▁t", "endency", "▁to", "▁sit", "▁tight", "▁when", "▁dist", "urbed", "▁,", "▁or", "▁wait", "▁until", "▁the", "▁last", "▁moment", "▁to", "▁fle", "e", "▁,", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁many", "▁death", "s", "▁during", "▁hay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cutting", "▁and", "▁har", "vest", "ing", "▁.", "▁The", "▁eggs", "▁h", "atch", "▁together", "▁after", "▁", "1", "9", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "▁days", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁pre", "co", "cial", "▁ch", "icks", "▁leave", "▁the", "▁nest", "▁within", "▁a", "▁day", "▁or", "▁two", "▁.", "▁They", "▁are", "▁fed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁female", "▁for", "▁three", "▁or", "▁four", "▁days", "▁,", "▁but", "▁can", "▁find", "▁their", "▁own", "▁food", "▁there", "after", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ju", "ven", "iles", "▁f", "ledge", "▁after", "▁", "3", "4", "▁–", "▁", "3", "8", "▁days", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁bro", "od", "▁is", "▁started", "▁about", "▁", "4", "2", "▁days", "▁after", "▁the", "▁first", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁inc", "ub", "ation", "▁period", "▁is", "▁slightly", "▁shorter", "▁at", "▁", "1", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "▁days", "▁.", "▁The", "▁grown", "▁young", "▁may", "▁stay", "▁with", "▁the", "▁female", "▁until", "▁departure", "▁for", "▁Africa", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "est", "▁success", "▁in", "▁und", "ist", "urbed", "▁sites", "▁is", "▁high", "▁,", "▁at", "▁", "8", "0", "▁–", "▁", "9", "0", "▁%", "▁,", "▁but", "▁much", "▁lower", "▁in", "▁fert", "il", "ised", "▁me", "adows", "▁and", "▁on", "▁a", "rable", "▁land", "▁.", "▁The", "▁method", "▁and", "▁timing", "▁of", "▁m", "ow", "ing", "▁is", "▁cru", "cial", "▁;", "▁mechan", "ized", "▁m", "ow", "ing", "▁can", "▁kill", "▁", "3", "8", "▁–", "▁", "9", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁ch", "icks", "▁in", "▁a", "▁given", 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"▁in", "▁large", "▁bro", "ods", "▁.", "▁The", "▁annual", "▁adult", "▁surv", "ival", "▁rate", "▁is", "▁under", "▁", "3", "0", "▁%", "▁,", "▁although", "▁some", "▁individuals", "▁may", "▁live", "▁for", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "7", "▁years", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fe", "eding", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁om", "n", "iv", "orous", "▁,", "▁but", "▁mainly", "▁fe", "eds", "▁on", "▁in", "verte", "br", "ates", "▁,", "▁including", "▁earth", "w", "orm", "s", "▁,", "▁sl", "ugs", "▁and", "▁sn", "ails", "▁,", "▁sp", "iders", "▁,", "▁be", "et", "les", "▁,", "▁drag", "on", "f", "lies", "▁,", "▁grass", "ho", "ppers", "▁and", "▁other", "▁insect", "s", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁areas", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁a", "▁pred", "ator", "▁of", "▁Sit", "ona", "▁we", "ev", "ils", "▁,", "▁which", "▁inf", "est", "▁leg", "ume", "▁cro", "ps", ".", "▁and", "▁in", "▁the", "▁past", "▁consum", "ed", "▁large", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁former", "▁grass", "land", "▁p", "ests", "▁,", "▁le", "ather", "jack", "ets", "▁and", "▁wire", "w", "orm", "s", "▁.", "▁This", "▁cra", "ke", "▁will", "▁also", "▁eat", "▁small", "▁fro", "gs", "▁and", "▁m", "amm", "als", "▁,", "▁and", "▁plant", "▁material", "▁including", "▁grass", "▁seed", "▁and", "▁c", "ere", "al", "▁gra", "in", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁di", "et", "▁on", "▁the", "▁winter", "ing", "▁grounds", "▁is", "▁generally", "▁similar", "▁,", "▁but", "▁includes", "▁locally", "▁available", "▁items", "▁such", "▁as", "▁term", "ites", "▁,", "▁co", "ck", "ro", "aches", "▁and", "▁d", "ung", "▁be", "et", "les", "▁.", "▁Food", "▁is", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁,", "▁low", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁growing", "▁plants", "▁and", "▁from", "▁inside", "▁grass", "▁t", "us", "so", "cks", "▁;", "▁the", "▁cra", "ke", "▁may", "▁search", "▁leaf", "▁l", "itter", "▁with", "▁its", "▁bill", "▁,", "▁and", "▁run", "▁in", "▁purs", "uit", "▁of", "▁active", "▁pre", "y", "▁.", "▁Hun", "ting", "▁is", "▁normally", "▁in", "▁cover", "▁,", "▁but", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁in", "▁the", "▁winter", "ing", "▁areas", "▁,", "▁it", "▁will", "▁occasionally", "▁feed", "▁on", "▁grass", "y", "▁tracks", "▁or", "▁d", "irt", "▁roads", "▁.", "▁Ind", "ig", "est", "ible", "▁material", "▁is", "▁reg", "urg", "itated", "▁as", "▁", "1", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "9", "▁in", "▁)", "▁pel", "lets", "▁.", "▁Ch", "icks", "▁are", "▁fed", "▁mainly", "▁on", "▁animal", "▁food", "▁,", "▁and", "▁when", "▁fully", "▁grown", "▁they", "▁may", "▁fly", "▁with", "▁the", "▁parents", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁to", "▁visit", "▁supp", "lement", "ary", "▁feed", "ing", "▁areas", "▁.", "▁As", "▁with", "▁other", "▁rails", "▁,", "▁g", "rit", "▁is", "▁sw", "allowed", "▁to", "▁help", "▁break", "▁up", "▁food", "▁in", "▁the", "▁st", "om", "ach", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pred", "ators", "▁and", "▁par", "as", "ites", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Pred", "ators", "▁on", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁grounds", "▁include", "▁fer", "al", "▁and", "▁domestic", "▁c", "ats", "▁,", "▁introduced", "▁American", "▁m", "ink", "▁,", "▁fer", "al", "▁fer", "rets", "▁,", "▁ot", "ters", "▁and", "▁red", "▁fo", "xes", "▁,", "▁and", "▁birds", "▁including", "▁the", "▁common", "▁bu", "zz", "ard", "▁and", "▁h", "ood", "ed", "▁crow", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Lith", "u", "ania", "▁,", "▁the", "▁introduced", "▁racc", "oon", "▁dog", "▁has", "▁also", "▁been", "▁recorded", "▁as", "▁taking", "▁corn", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁.", "▁When", "▁ch", "icks", "▁are", "▁exposed", "▁by", "▁rapid", "▁m", "ow", "ing", "▁,", "▁they", "▁may", "▁be", "▁taken", "▁by", "▁large", "▁birds", "▁including", "▁the", "▁white", "▁st", "ork", "▁,", "▁har", "riers", "▁and", "▁other", "▁birds", "▁of", "▁pre", "y", "▁,", "▁g", "ull", "s" ]
15 cm ( 4 @.@ 7 – 5 @.@ 9 in ) in diameter and 3 – 4 cm ( 1 @.@ 2 – 1 @.@ 6 in ) deep . The clutch is 6 – 14 , usually 8 – 12 eggs ; these are oval , slightly glossy , creamy or tinted with green , blue or grey , and blotched red @-@ brown . They average 37 mm × 26 mm ( 1 @.@ 5 in × 1 @.@ 0 in ) and weigh about 13 – 16 g ( 0 @.@ 46 – 0 @.@ 56 oz ) , of which 7 % is shell . The eggs are laid at daily intervals , but second clutches may sometimes have two eggs added per day . Incubation is by the female only ; her tendency to sit tight when disturbed , or wait until the last moment to flee , leads to many deaths during hay @-@ cutting and harvesting . The eggs hatch together after 19 – 20 days , and the precocial chicks leave the nest within a day or two . They are fed by the female for three or four days , but can find their own food thereafter . The juveniles fledge after 34 – 38 days . The second brood is started about 42 days after the first , and the incubation period is slightly shorter at 16 – 18 days . The grown young may stay with the female until departure for Africa . Nest success in undisturbed sites is high , at 80 – 90 % , but much lower in fertilised meadows and on arable land . The method and timing of mowing is crucial ; mechanized mowing can kill 38 – 95 % of chicks in a given site , and losses average 50 % of first brood chicks and somewhat less than 40 % of second brood chicks . The influence of weather on chick survival is limited ; although chick growth is faster in dry or warm weather , the effects are relatively small . Unlike many precocial species , chicks are fed by their mother to a greater or lesser extent until they become independent , and this may cushion them from adverse conditions . The number of live chicks hatched is more important than the weather , with lower survival in large broods . The annual adult survival rate is under 30 % , although some individuals may live for 5 – 7 years . = = = Feeding = = = The corn crake is omnivorous , but mainly feeds on invertebrates , including earthworms , slugs and snails , spiders , beetles , dragonflies , grasshoppers and other insects . In the breeding areas , it is a predator of Sitona weevils , which infest legume crops. and in the past consumed large amounts of the former grassland pests , leatherjackets and wireworms . This crake will also eat small frogs and mammals , and plant material including grass seed and cereal grain . Its diet on the wintering grounds is generally similar , but includes locally available items such as termites , cockroaches and dung beetles . Food is taken from the ground , low @-@ growing plants and from inside grass tussocks ; the crake may search leaf litter with its bill , and run in pursuit of active prey . Hunting is normally in cover , but , particularly in the wintering areas , it will occasionally feed on grassy tracks or dirt roads . Indigestible material is regurgitated as 1 cm ( 0 @.@ 39 in ) pellets . Chicks are fed mainly on animal food , and when fully grown they may fly with the parents up to 6 @.@ 4 km ( 4 @.@ 0 mi ) to visit supplementary feeding areas . As with other rails , grit is swallowed to help break up food in the stomach . = = Predators and parasites = = Predators on the breeding grounds include feral and domestic cats , introduced American mink , feral ferrets , otters and red foxes , and birds including the common buzzard and hooded crow . In Lithuania , the introduced raccoon dog has also been recorded as taking corn crakes . When chicks are exposed by rapid mowing , they may be taken by large birds including the white stork , harriers and other birds of prey , gulls
[ "▁and", "▁cor", "v", "ids", "▁.", "▁At", "▁und", "ist", "urbed", "▁sites", "▁n", "ests", "▁and", "▁bro", "ods", "▁are", "▁rarely", "▁attacked", "▁,", "▁as", "▁reflected", "▁in", "▁a", "▁high", "▁bre", "eding", "▁success", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁record", "▁of", "▁a", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁on", "▁migration", "▁through", "▁Gab", "on", "▁being", "▁killed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁black", "▁sp", "arrow", "h", "awk", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁w", "ides", "p", "read", "▁flu", "ke", "▁Pro", "st", "h", "og", "on", "im", "us", "▁ov", "atus", "▁,", "▁which", "▁lives", "▁in", "▁the", "▁o", "vid", "uct", "s", "▁of", "▁birds", "▁,", "▁has", "▁been", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁,", "▁as", "▁have", "▁the", "▁par", "as", "it", "ic", "▁w", "orm", "▁Pl", "ag", "ior", "ch", "is", "▁eleg", "ans", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lar", "va", "e", "▁of", "▁par", "as", "it", "ic", "▁f", "lies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁hard", "▁t", "icks", "▁of", "▁the", "▁gener", "a", "▁Ha", "em", "aph", "ys", "alis", "▁and", "▁I", "x", "odes", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁re", "int", "roduction", "▁of", "▁corn", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁to", "▁England", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁bre", "eding", "▁season", "▁,", "▁enter", "itis", "▁and", "▁ill", "▁health", "▁in", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁release", "▁birds", "▁was", "▁due", "▁to", "▁b", "acter", "ia", "▁of", "▁a", "▁path", "ogen", "ic", "▁Camp", "y", "lob", "acter", "▁species", "▁.", "▁Sub", "sequently", "▁,", "▁micro", "bi", "ology", "▁tests", "▁were", "▁done", "▁to", "▁detect", "▁inf", "ected", "▁individuals", "▁and", "▁to", "▁find", "▁the", "▁source", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "acter", "ia", "▁in", "▁their", "▁environment", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Status", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Until", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁a", "▁bre", "eding", "▁range", "▁estimated", "▁at", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁km", "2", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁sq", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁was", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁near", "▁threatened", "▁on", "▁the", "▁IU", "CN", "▁Red", "▁List", "▁because", "▁of", "▁serious", "▁decl", "ines", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁but", "▁improved", "▁monitoring", "▁in", "▁Russia", "▁indicates", "▁that", "▁anticip", "ated", "▁losses", "▁there", "▁have", "▁not", "▁occurred", "▁and", "▁numbers", "▁have", "▁remained", "▁stable", "▁or", "▁possibly", "▁increased", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁therefore", "▁now", "▁class", "ed", "▁as", "▁least", "▁concern", "▁,", "▁since", "▁the", "▁major", "▁populations", "▁in", "▁Russia", "▁and", "▁Kaz", "akh", "stan", "▁are", "▁not", "▁expected", "▁to", "▁change", "▁much", "▁in", "▁the", "▁short", "▁term", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁million", "▁bre", "eding", "▁pairs", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁qu", "arters", "▁of", "▁which", 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"▁exposed", "▁to", "▁potential", "▁animal", "▁pred", "ators", "▁.", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁can", "▁often", "▁escape", "▁the", "▁m", "ow", "ers", "▁,", "▁although", "▁some", "▁inc", "ub", "ating", "▁females", "▁sit", "▁tight", "▁on", "▁the", "▁nest", "▁,", "▁with", "▁fatal", "▁results", "▁.", "▁", "▁L", "oss", "▁of", "▁habitat", "▁is", "▁the", "▁other", "▁major", "▁threat", "▁to", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁.", "▁A", "part", "▁from", "▁the", "▁reduced", "▁suit", "ability", "▁of", "▁dra", "ined", "▁and", "▁fert", "il", "ised", "▁sil", "age", "▁fields", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁traditional", "▁hay", "▁me", "adows", "▁,", "▁in", "▁western", "▁Europe", "▁the", "▁conversion", "▁of", "▁grass", "land", "▁to", "▁a", "rable", "▁has", "▁been", "▁a", "ided", "▁by", "▁subs", "id", "ies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁further", "▁east", "▁the", "▁collapse", "▁of", "▁collect", "ive", "▁far", "ming", "▁has", "▁led", "▁to", "▁the", "▁abandon", "ment", "▁and", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁management", "▁of", "▁much", "▁land", "▁in", "▁this", "▁important", "▁bre", "eding", "▁area", "▁.", "▁More", "▁local", "ised", "▁thre", "ats", "▁include", "▁flo", "ods", "▁in", "▁spring", "▁,", "▁and", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁by", "▁roads", "▁or", "▁wind", "▁far", "ms", "▁.", "▁This", "▁bird", "▁is", "▁good", "▁e", "ating", "▁;", "▁when", "▁they", "▁were", "▁common", "▁in", "▁England", "▁,", "▁Mrs", "▁Be", "eton", "▁recommended", "▁ro", "ast", "ing", "▁four", "▁on", "▁a", "▁ske", "wer", "▁.", "▁More", "▁significant", "▁than", "▁direct", "▁hunting", "▁is", "▁the", "▁loss", "▁of", "▁many", "▁birds", "▁,", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁a", "▁year", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Egypt", "▁,", "▁where", "▁migr", "ating", "▁birds", "▁are", "▁captured", "▁in", "▁n", "ets", "▁set", "▁for", "▁the", "▁qu", "ail", "▁with", "▁which", "▁they", "▁often", "▁migr", "ate", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁this", "▁may", "▁account", "▁for", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁European", "▁population", "▁,", "▁the", "▁losses", "▁to", "▁this", "▁form", "▁of", "▁hunting", "▁are", "▁less", "▁than", "▁when", "▁the", "▁target", "ed" ]
and corvids . At undisturbed sites nests and broods are rarely attacked , as reflected in a high breeding success . There is a record of a corn crake on migration through Gabon being killed by a black sparrowhawk . The widespread fluke Prosthogonimus ovatus , which lives in the oviducts of birds , has been recorded in the corn crake , as have the parasitic worm Plagiorchis elegans , the larvae of parasitic flies , and hard ticks of the genera Haemaphysalis and Ixodes . During the reintroduction of corn crakes to England in the 2003 breeding season , enteritis and ill health in pre @-@ release birds was due to bacteria of a pathogenic Campylobacter species . Subsequently , microbiology tests were done to detect infected individuals and to find the source of the bacteria in their environment . = = Status = = Until 2010 , despite a breeding range estimated at 12 @,@ 400 @,@ 000 km2 ( 4 @,@ 800 @,@ 000 sq mi ) , the corn crake was classified as near threatened on the IUCN Red List because of serious declines in Europe , but improved monitoring in Russia indicates that anticipated losses there have not occurred and numbers have remained stable or possibly increased . It is therefore now classed as least concern , since the major populations in Russia and Kazakhstan are not expected to change much in the short term . There are an estimated 1 @.@ 3 – 2 @.@ 0 million breeding pairs in Europe , three @-@ quarters of which are in European Russia , and a further 515 @,@ 000 – 1 @,@ 240 @,@ 000 pairs in Asiatic Russia ; the total Eurasian population has been estimated at between 5 @.@ 45 and 9 @.@ 72 million individuals . In much of the western half of its range , there have been long @-@ term declines that are expected to continue , although conservation measures have enabled numbers to grow in several countries , including a five @-@ fold increase in Finland , and a doubling in the UK . In the Netherlands , there were 33 breeding territories in 1996 , but this number had increased to at least 500 by 1998 . The breeding corn crake population had begun to decline in the 19th century , but the process gained pace after World War II . The main cause of the steep declines in much of Europe is the loss of nests and chicks from early mowing . Haymaking dates have moved forward in the past century due to faster crop growth , made possible by land drainage and the use of fertilisers , and the move from manual grass @-@ cutting using scythes to mechanical mowers , at first horse @-@ drawn and later pulled by tractors . Mechanisation also means that large areas can be cut quickly , leaving the crake with no alternative sites to raise either a first brood if suitable habitat has gone , or a replacement brood if the first nest is destroyed . The pattern of mowing , typically in a circular pattern from the outside of a field to its centre , gives little chance of escape for the chicks , which are also exposed to potential animal predators . Adults can often escape the mowers , although some incubating females sit tight on the nest , with fatal results . Loss of habitat is the other major threat to the corn crake . Apart from the reduced suitability of drained and fertilised silage fields compared to traditional hay meadows , in western Europe the conversion of grassland to arable has been aided by subsidies , and further east the collapse of collective farming has led to the abandonment and lack of management of much land in this important breeding area . More localised threats include floods in spring , and disturbance by roads or wind farms . This bird is good eating ; when they were common in England , Mrs Beeton recommended roasting four on a skewer . More significant than direct hunting is the loss of many birds , up to 14 @,@ 000 a year , in Egypt , where migrating birds are captured in nets set for the quail with which they often migrate . Although this may account for 0 @.@ 5 – 2 @.@ 7 % of the European population , the losses to this form of hunting are less than when the targeted
[ "▁species", "▁were", "▁more", "▁numerous", "▁and", "▁predict", "able", "▁.", "▁", "▁Most", "▁European", "▁countries", "▁have", "▁taken", "▁steps", "▁to", "▁con", "serve", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁and", "▁produce", "▁national", "▁management", "▁policies", "▁;", "▁there", "▁is", "▁also", "▁an", "▁overall", "▁European", "▁action", "▁plan", "▁.", "▁The", "▁focus", "▁of", "▁conservation", "▁effort", "▁is", "▁to", "▁monitor", "▁populations", "▁and", "▁e", "col", "ogy", "▁and", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁surv", "ival", "▁,", "▁princip", "ally", "▁through", "▁changing", "▁the", "▁timing", "▁and", "▁method", "▁of", "▁hay", "▁har", "vest", "ing", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁cutting", "▁gives", "▁time", "▁for", "▁bre", "eding", "▁to", "▁be", "▁completed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁leaving", "▁un", "cut", "▁stri", "ps", "▁at", "▁the", "▁edges", "▁of", "▁fields", "▁and", "▁cutting", "▁from", "▁the", "▁centre", "▁out", "wards", "▁reduces", "▁the", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁from", "▁m", "ow", "ing", "▁.", "▁Im", "plement", "ing", "▁these", "▁changes", "▁is", "▁predicted", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁the", "▁population", "▁decl", "ine", "▁if", "▁the", "▁measures", "▁are", "▁applied", "▁on", "▁a", "▁sufficiently", "▁large", "▁scale", "▁.", "▁Red", "u", "ction", "▁of", "▁illegal", "▁hunting", "▁,", "▁and", "▁protection", "▁in", "▁countries", "▁where", "▁hunting", "▁is", "▁still", "▁allowed", "▁,", "▁are", "▁also", "▁conservation", "▁a", "ims", "▁.", "▁Re", "int", "roduction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁is", "▁being", "▁attempted", "▁in", "▁England", "▁,", "▁and", "▁bre", "eding", "▁sites", "▁are", "▁scheduled", "▁for", "▁protection", "▁in", "▁many", "▁other", "▁countries", "▁.", "▁Where", "▁bre", "eding", "▁sites", "▁imp", "inge", "▁on", "▁urban", "▁areas", "▁,", "▁there", "▁are", "▁cost", "▁imp", "lications", "▁,", "▁estimated", "▁in", "▁one", "▁German", "▁study", "▁at", "▁several", "▁million", "▁eu", "ros", "▁per", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁.", "▁The", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁does", "▁not", "▁appear", "▁to", "▁be", "▁seriously", "▁threatened", "▁on", "▁its", "▁winter", "ing", "▁grounds", "▁and", "▁may", "▁benefit", "▁from", "▁def", "or", "est", "ation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁creates", "▁more", "▁open", "▁habit", "ats", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "▁culture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Most", "▁rails", "▁are", "▁secret", "ive", "▁wet", "land", "▁birds", "▁that", "▁have", "▁made", "▁little", "▁cultural", "▁impression", "▁,", "▁but", "▁as", "▁a", "▁formerly", "▁common", "▁far", "ml", "and", "▁bird", "▁with", "▁a", "▁loud", "▁no", "ct", "urn", "al", "▁call", "▁that", "▁sometimes", "▁led", "▁to", "▁dist", "urbed", "▁sleep", "▁for", "▁rural", "▁dwell", "ers", "▁,", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁has", "▁acquired", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁folk", "▁names", "▁and", "▁some", "▁comm", "em", "oration", "▁in", "▁literature", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Names", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fav", "oured", "▁name", "▁for", "▁this", "▁species", "▁among", "▁natural", "ists", "▁has", "▁changed", "▁over", "▁the", "▁years", "▁,", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁land", "ra", "il", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁variants", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁cor", "nc", "ra", "ke", "▁\"", "▁being", "▁preferred", "▁at", "▁various", "▁times", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Cra", "ke", "▁gall", "in", "ule", "▁\"", "▁also", "▁had", "▁a", "▁period", "▁of", "▁popular", "ity", "▁between", "▁", "1", "7", "6", "8", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁originally", "▁Old", "er", "▁Sc", "ots", "▁\"", "▁cor", "ne", "cra", "ke", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁popular", "ised", "▁by", "▁Thomas", "▁Bew", "ick", "▁,", "▁who", "▁used", "▁this", "▁term", "▁in", "▁his", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "7", "▁A", "▁History", "▁of", "▁British", "▁Bird", "s", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁Sc", "ots", "▁names", "▁include", "▁\"", "▁corn", "▁sc", "rack", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁qu", "ail", "zie", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁term", "▁,", "▁like", "▁\"", "▁king", "▁of", "▁the", "▁qu", "ail", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁grass", "▁qu", "ail", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁French", "▁\"", "▁roi", "▁de", "▁c", "aille", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁German", "▁\"", "▁W", "acht", "el", "k", "önig", "▁\"", "▁refer", "▁to", "▁the", "▁association", "▁with", "▁the", "▁small", "▁game", "bird", "▁.", "▁Another", "▁name", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁d", "aker", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁has", "▁been", "▁various", "ly", "▁interpreted", "▁as", "▁on", "om", "at", "op", "oe", "ic", "▁,", "▁or", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Old", "▁Nor", "se", "▁a", "ger", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ho", "ene", "▁,", "▁meaning", "▁\"", "▁co", "ck", "▁of", "▁the", "▁field", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁variants", "▁include", "▁\"", "▁dra", "ke", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁dra", "ke", "▁Hen", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁g", "or", "se", "▁dra", "ke", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "▁literature", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Corn", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁are", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁three", "▁st", "anz", "as", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sevent", "e", "enth", "▁century", "▁poet", "▁Andrew", "▁Mar", "v", "ell", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁Upon", "▁App", "leton", "▁House", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁written", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "5", "1", "▁about", "▁the", "▁North", "▁York", "shire", "▁country", "▁estate", "▁of", "▁Thomas", "▁Fair", "f", "ax", "▁.", "▁The", "▁narr", "ator", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁of", "▁a", "▁m", "ower", "▁cutting", "▁the", "▁grass", "▁,", "▁before", "▁his", "▁\"", "▁wh", "ist", "ling", "▁Sit", "he", "▁\"", "▁un", "know", "ingly", "▁\"", "▁car", "ves", "▁the", "▁Rail", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁farm", "hand", "▁draw", "s", "▁out", "▁the", "▁sc", "y", "the", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁blo", "ody", "▁from", "▁its", "▁breast", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁does", "▁the", "▁stroke", "▁det", "est", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁continues", "▁with", "▁a", "▁st", "anza", "▁that", "▁demonstr", "ates", "▁the", "▁problem", "atic", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁'", "s", "▁nest", "ing", "▁hab", "its", "▁:", "▁", "▁John", "▁Cla", "re", "▁,", "▁the", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁English", "▁poet", "▁based", "▁in", "▁North", "am", "pt", "ons", "hire", "▁,", "▁wrote", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Land", "ra", "il", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁com", "ic", "▁piece", "▁which", "▁is", "▁primarily", "▁about", "▁the", "▁difficulty", "▁of", "▁seeing", "▁corn", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁–", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁hearing", "▁them", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁verse", "▁he", "▁exc", "laim", "s", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁T", "is", "▁like", "▁a", "▁fancy", "▁everywhere", "▁/", "▁A", "▁sort", "▁of", "▁living", "▁doubt", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Cla", "re", "▁wrote", "▁about", "▁corn", "▁c", "rak", "es", "▁in", "▁his", "▁pro", "se", "▁works", "▁too", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁writ", "ings", "▁help", "▁to", "▁clarify", "▁the", "▁distribution", "▁of", "▁this", "▁rail", "▁when", "▁it", "▁was", "▁far", "▁more", "▁w", "ides", "p", "read", "▁than", "▁now", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Finn", "ish", "▁poet", "▁E", "ino", "▁Le", "ino", "▁also", "▁wrote", "▁about", "▁the", "▁bird", "▁in", "▁his", "▁poem", "▁\"", "▁No", "ct", "ur", "ne", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁pro", "verb", "ial", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁corn", "▁cra", "ke", "▁'", "s", "▁call", "▁to", "▁describe", "▁someone", "▁with", "▁a", "▁gr", "ating", "▁or", "▁un", "mel", "od", "ious", "▁voice", "▁is", "▁illustrated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁quot", "ation", "▁\"", "▁thanks", "▁to", "▁a", "▁we", "e", "▁woman", "▁with", "▁a", "▁voice", "▁like", "▁a", "▁cor", "nc", "ra", "ke", "▁who", "▁believed", "▁she", "▁was", "▁an", "▁app", "rent", "ice", "▁ang", "el", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁This", "▁usage", "▁dates", "▁from", "▁at", "▁least", "▁the", "▁first", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁century", "▁,", "▁and", "▁continues", "▁through", "▁to", "▁the", "▁present", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Ac", "ute", "▁my", "el", "oid", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ac", "ute", "▁my", "el", "oid", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁(", "▁A", "ML", "▁)", "▁,", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁ac", "ute", "▁my", "el", "ogen", "ous", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁or", "▁ac", "ute", "▁non", "ly", "m", "ph", "oc", "yt", "ic", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁(", "▁AN", "LL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁cancer", "▁of", "▁the", "▁my", "el", "oid", "▁line", "▁of", "▁blood", "▁cells", "▁,", "▁character", "ized", "▁by", "▁the", "▁rapid", "▁growth", "▁of", "▁ab", "normal", "▁white", "▁blood", "▁cells", "▁that", "▁accum", "ulate", "▁in", "▁the", "▁b", "one" ]
species were more numerous and predictable . Most European countries have taken steps to conserve the corn crake and produce national management policies ; there is also an overall European action plan . The focus of conservation effort is to monitor populations and ecology and to improve survival , principally through changing the timing and method of hay harvesting . Later cutting gives time for breeding to be completed , and leaving uncut strips at the edges of fields and cutting from the centre outwards reduces the casualties from mowing . Implementing these changes is predicted to stop the population decline if the measures are applied on a sufficiently large scale . Reduction of illegal hunting , and protection in countries where hunting is still allowed , are also conservation aims . Reintroduction of the corn crake is being attempted in England , and breeding sites are scheduled for protection in many other countries . Where breeding sites impinge on urban areas , there are cost implications , estimated in one German study at several million euros per corn crake . The corn crake does not appear to be seriously threatened on its wintering grounds and may benefit from deforestation , which creates more open habitats . = = In culture = = Most rails are secretive wetland birds that have made little cultural impression , but as a formerly common farmland bird with a loud nocturnal call that sometimes led to disturbed sleep for rural dwellers , the corn crake has acquired a variety of folk names and some commemoration in literature . = = = Names = = = The favoured name for this species among naturalists has changed over the years , with " landrail " and variants of " corncrake " being preferred at various times . " Crake gallinule " also had a period of popularity between 1768 and 1813 . The originally Older Scots " cornecrake " was popularised by Thomas Bewick , who used this term in his 1797 A History of British Birds . Other Scots names include " corn scrack " and " quailzie " ; the latter term , like " king of the quail " , " grass quail " , the French " roi de caille " , and the German " Wachtelkönig " refer to the association with the small gamebird . Another name , " daker " , has been variously interpreted as onomatopoeic , or derived from the Old Norse ager @-@ hoene , meaning " cock of the field " ; variants include " drake " , " drake Hen " and " gorse drake " . = = = In literature = = = Corn crakes are the subject of three stanzas of the seventeenth century poet Andrew Marvell 's " Upon Appleton House " , written in 1651 about the North Yorkshire country estate of Thomas Fairfax . The narrator depicts the scene of a mower cutting the grass , before his " whistling Sithe " unknowingly " carves the Rail " . The farmhand draws out the scythe " all bloody from its breast " and " does the stroke detest " . It continues with a stanza that demonstrates the problematic nature of the corn crake 's nesting habits : John Clare , the nineteenth @-@ century English poet based in Northamptonshire , wrote " The Landrail " , a semi @-@ comic piece which is primarily about the difficulty of seeing corn crakes – as opposed to hearing them . In the fourth verse he exclaims : " Tis like a fancy everywhere / A sort of living doubt " . Clare wrote about corn crakes in his prose works too , and his writings help to clarify the distribution of this rail when it was far more widespread than now . The Finnish poet Eino Leino also wrote about the bird in his poem " Nocturne " . The proverbial use of the corn crake 's call to describe someone with a grating or unmelodious voice is illustrated in the quotation " thanks to a wee woman with a voice like a corncrake who believed she was an apprentice angel " . This usage dates from at least the first half of the nineteenth century , and continues through to the present . = Acute myeloid leukemia = Acute myeloid leukemia ( AML ) , also known as acute myelogenous leukemia or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia ( ANLL ) , is a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells , characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone
[ "▁mar", "row", "▁and", "▁inter", "f", "ere", "▁with", "▁the", "▁production", "▁of", "▁normal", "▁blood", "▁cells", "▁.", "▁A", "ML", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁common", "▁ac", "ute", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁affect", "ing", "▁adult", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁its", "▁inc", "idence", "▁increases", "▁with", "▁age", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁A", "ML", "▁is", "▁a", "▁relatively", "▁rare", "▁disease", "▁,", "▁account", "ing", "▁for", "▁roughly", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁%", "▁of", "▁cancer", "▁death", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁its", "▁inc", "idence", "▁is", "▁expected", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁as", "▁the", "▁population", "▁ages", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁are", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁replacement", "▁of", "▁normal", "▁b", "one", "▁mar", "row", "▁with", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁cells", "▁,", "▁which", "▁causes", "▁a", "▁drop", "▁in", "▁red", "▁blood", "▁cells", "▁,", "▁plate", "lets", "▁,", "▁and", "▁normal", "▁white", "▁blood", "▁cells", "▁.", "▁These", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁include", "▁fat", "igue", "▁,", "▁short", "ness", "▁of", "▁breath", "▁,", "▁easy", "▁bru", "ising", "▁and", "▁ble", "eding", "▁,", "▁and", "▁increased", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁in", "fection", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁risk", "▁factors", "▁and", "▁chrom", "os", "om", "al", "▁ab", "normal", "ities", "▁have", "▁been", "▁identified", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁specific", "▁cause", "▁is", "▁not", "▁clear", "▁.", "▁As", "▁an", "▁ac", "ute", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁,", "▁A", "ML", "▁progress", "es", "▁rapidly", "▁and", "▁is", "▁typically", "▁fatal", "▁within", "▁weeks", "▁or", "▁months", "▁if", "▁left", "▁un", "tre", "ated", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "ML", "▁has", "▁several", "▁sub", "types", "▁;", "▁treatment", "▁and", "▁pro", "gn", "osis", "▁vary", "▁among", "▁sub", "types", "▁.", "▁A", "ML", "▁is", "▁c", "ured", "▁in", "▁", "3", "5", "▁–", "▁", "4", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁people", "▁less", "▁than", "▁", "6", "0", "▁years", "▁old", "▁and", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁%", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "6", "0", "▁years", "▁old", "▁.", "▁Old", "er", "▁people", "▁who", "▁are", "▁not", "▁able", "▁to", "▁with", "stand", "▁int", "ensive", "▁chem", "other", "apy", "▁have", "▁an", "▁average", "▁surv", "ival", "▁of", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "▁months", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "ML", "▁is", "▁treated", "▁initially", "▁with", "▁chem", "other", "apy", "▁aim", "ed", "▁at", "▁indu", "cing", "▁a", "▁rem", "ission", "▁;", "▁people", "▁may", "▁go", "▁on", "▁to", "▁receive", "▁additional", "▁chem", "other", "apy", "▁or", "▁a", "▁h", "emat", "opo", "iet", "ic", "▁stem", "▁cell", "▁trans", "plant", "▁.", "▁Rec", "ent", "▁research", "▁into", "▁the", "▁gen", "et", "ics", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁has", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁avail", "ability", "▁of", "▁tests", "▁that", "▁can", "▁predict", "▁which", "▁drug", "▁or", "▁dru", "gs", "▁may", "▁work", "▁best", "▁for", "▁a", "▁particular", "▁person", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁how", "▁long", "▁that", "▁person", "▁is", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁surv", "ive", "▁.", "▁The", "▁treatment", "▁and", "▁pro", "gn", "osis", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁differ", "▁from", "▁those", "▁of", "▁chron", "ic", "▁my", "el", "ogen", "ous", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁(", "▁C", "ML", "▁)", "▁in", "▁part", "▁because", "▁the", "▁cell", "ular", "▁different", "iation", "▁is", "▁not", "▁the", "▁same", "▁;", "▁A", "ML", "▁involves", "▁higher", "▁percent", "ages", "▁of", "▁ded", "iffer", "enti", "ated", "▁and", "▁und", "iffer", "enti", "ated", "▁cells", "▁,", "▁including", "▁more", "▁bl", "asts", "▁(", "▁my", "el", "ob", "last", "s", "▁,", "▁mon", "ob", "last", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁meg", "ak", "ary", "ob", "last", "s", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sign", "s", "▁and", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Most", "▁signs", "▁and", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁are", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁the", "▁replacement", "▁of", "▁normal", "▁blood", "▁cells", "▁with", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁cells", "▁.", "▁A", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁normal", "▁white", "▁blood", "▁cell", "▁production", "▁makes", "▁people", "▁more", "▁sus", "cept", "ible", "▁to", "▁in", "fe", "ctions", "▁;", "▁while", "▁the", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁cells", "▁themselves", "▁are", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁white", "▁blood", "▁cell", "▁prec", "urs", "ors", "▁,", "▁they", "▁have", "▁no", "▁in", "fection", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fighting", "▁capacity", "▁.", "▁A", "▁drop", "▁in", "▁red", "▁blood", "▁cell", "▁count", "▁(", "▁an", "emia", "▁)", "▁can", "▁cause", "▁fat", "igue", "▁,", "▁pal", "eness", "▁,", "▁and", "▁short", "ness", "▁of", "▁breath", "▁.", "▁A", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁plate", "lets", "▁can", "▁lead", "▁to", "▁easy", "▁bru", "ising", "▁or", "▁ble", "eding", "▁with", "▁minor", "▁tra", "uma", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁early", "▁signs", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁are", "▁often", "▁vague", "▁and", "▁n", "ons", "pec", "ific", "▁,", "▁and", "▁may", "▁be", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁those", "▁of", "▁influen", "za", "▁or", "▁other", "▁common", "▁ill", "ness", "es", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁generalized", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁include", "▁fe", "ver", "▁,", "▁fat", "igue", "▁,", "▁weight", "▁loss", "▁or", "▁loss", "▁of", "▁app", "et", "ite", "▁,", "▁short", "ness", "▁of", "▁breath", "▁,", "▁an", "emia", "▁,", "▁easy", "▁bru", "ising", "▁or", "▁ble", "eding", "▁,", "▁p", "ete", "chia", "e", "▁(", "▁flat", "▁,", "▁pin", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁head", "▁s", "ized", "▁sp", "ots", "▁under", "▁the", "▁skin", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁ble", "eding", "▁)", "▁,", "▁b", "one", "▁and", "▁joint", "▁pain", "▁,", "▁and", "▁persistent", "▁or", "▁frequent", "▁in", "fe", "ctions", "▁.", "▁", "▁En", "larg", "ement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁s", "ple", "en", "▁may", "▁occur", "▁in", "▁A", "ML", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁is", "▁typically", "▁m", "ild", "▁and", "▁asympt", "om", "atic", "▁.", "▁L", "ym", "ph", "▁node", "▁sw", "elling", "▁is", "▁rare", "▁in", "▁A", "ML", "▁,", "▁in", "▁contrast", "▁to", "▁ac", "ute", "▁l", "ym", "ph", "ob", "last", "ic", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁.", "▁The", "▁skin", "▁is", "▁involved", "▁about", "▁", "1", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁time", "▁in", "▁the", "▁form", "▁of", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁cut", "is", "▁.", "▁R", "are", "ly", "▁,", "▁S", "weet", "▁'", "s", "▁synd", "rome", "▁,", "▁a", "▁par", "ane", "op", "last", "ic", "▁infl", "amm", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁skin", "▁,", "▁can", "▁occur", "▁with", "▁A", "ML", "▁.", "▁", "▁Some", "▁people", "▁with", "▁A", "ML", "▁may", "▁experience", "▁sw", "elling", "▁of", "▁the", "▁g", "ums", "▁because", "▁of", "▁in", "fil", "tr", "ation", "▁of", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁cells", "▁into", "▁the", "▁g", "um", "▁t", "issue", "▁.", "▁R", "are", "ly", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁sign", "▁of", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁may", "▁be", "▁the", "▁development", "▁of", "▁a", "▁solid", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁mass", "▁or", "▁tum", "or", "▁outside", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "one", "▁mar", "row", "▁,", "▁called", "▁a", "▁ch", "lor", "oma", "▁.", "▁Occ", "asion", "ally", "▁,", "▁a", "▁person", "▁may", "▁show", "▁no", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁le", "uk", "emia", "▁may", "▁be", "▁discovered", "▁incident", "ally", "▁during", "▁a", "▁routine", "▁blood", "▁test", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁R", "isk", "▁factors", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁risk", "▁factors", "▁for", "▁developing", "▁A", "ML", "▁have", "▁been", "▁identified", "▁,", "▁including", "▁:", "▁other", "▁blood", "▁dis", "orders", "▁,", "▁chemical", "▁expos", "ures", "▁,", "▁ion", "izing", "▁radiation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁gen", "et", "ics", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pre", "le", "uk", "emia", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Pre", "le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁\"", "▁blood", "▁dis", "orders", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁my", "el", "od", "ys", "pl", "astic", "▁synd", "rome", "▁(", "▁M", "DS", "▁)", "▁or", "▁my", "el", "op", "rol", "ifer", "ative", "▁disease", "▁(", "▁M", "PS", "▁)", "▁,", "▁can", "▁evol", "ve", "▁into", "▁A", "ML", "▁;", "▁the", "▁exact", "▁risk", "▁depends", "▁on", "▁the", "▁type", "▁of", "▁M", "DS", "▁/", "▁M", "PS", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Chem", "ical", "▁expos", "ure", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ex", "pos", "ure", "▁to", "▁ant", "ican" ]
marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells . AML is the most common acute leukemia affecting adults , and its incidence increases with age . Although AML is a relatively rare disease , accounting for roughly 1 @.@ 2 % of cancer deaths in the United States , its incidence is expected to increase as the population ages . The symptoms of AML are caused by replacement of normal bone marrow with leukemic cells , which causes a drop in red blood cells , platelets , and normal white blood cells . These symptoms include fatigue , shortness of breath , easy bruising and bleeding , and increased risk of infection . Several risk factors and chromosomal abnormalities have been identified , but the specific cause is not clear . As an acute leukemia , AML progresses rapidly and is typically fatal within weeks or months if left untreated . AML has several subtypes ; treatment and prognosis vary among subtypes . AML is cured in 35 – 40 % of people less than 60 years old and 5 – 15 % more than 60 years old . Older people who are not able to withstand intensive chemotherapy have an average survival of 5 – 10 months . AML is treated initially with chemotherapy aimed at inducing a remission ; people may go on to receive additional chemotherapy or a hematopoietic stem cell transplant . Recent research into the genetics of AML has resulted in the availability of tests that can predict which drug or drugs may work best for a particular person , as well as how long that person is likely to survive . The treatment and prognosis of AML differ from those of chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ) in part because the cellular differentiation is not the same ; AML involves higher percentages of dedifferentiated and undifferentiated cells , including more blasts ( myeloblasts , monoblasts , and megakaryoblasts ) . = = Signs and symptoms = = Most signs and symptoms of AML are caused by the replacement of normal blood cells with leukemic cells . A lack of normal white blood cell production makes people more susceptible to infections ; while the leukemic cells themselves are derived from white blood cell precursors , they have no infection @-@ fighting capacity . A drop in red blood cell count ( anemia ) can cause fatigue , paleness , and shortness of breath . A lack of platelets can lead to easy bruising or bleeding with minor trauma . The early signs of AML are often vague and nonspecific , and may be similar to those of influenza or other common illnesses . Some generalized symptoms include fever , fatigue , weight loss or loss of appetite , shortness of breath , anemia , easy bruising or bleeding , petechiae ( flat , pin @-@ head sized spots under the skin caused by bleeding ) , bone and joint pain , and persistent or frequent infections . Enlargement of the spleen may occur in AML , but it is typically mild and asymptomatic . Lymph node swelling is rare in AML , in contrast to acute lymphoblastic leukemia . The skin is involved about 10 % of the time in the form of leukemia cutis . Rarely , Sweet 's syndrome , a paraneoplastic inflammation of the skin , can occur with AML . Some people with AML may experience swelling of the gums because of infiltration of leukemic cells into the gum tissue . Rarely , the first sign of leukemia may be the development of a solid leukemic mass or tumor outside of the bone marrow , called a chloroma . Occasionally , a person may show no symptoms , and the leukemia may be discovered incidentally during a routine blood test . = = Risk factors = = A number of risk factors for developing AML have been identified , including : other blood disorders , chemical exposures , ionizing radiation , and genetics . = = = Preleukemia = = = " Preleukemic " blood disorders , such as myelodysplastic syndrome ( MDS ) or myeloproliferative disease ( MPS ) , can evolve into AML ; the exact risk depends on the type of MDS / MPS . = = = Chemical exposure = = = Exposure to antican
[ "cer", "▁chem", "other", "apy", "▁,", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁alk", "yl", "ating", "▁agents", "▁,", "▁can", "▁increase", "▁the", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁subsequently", "▁developing", "▁A", "ML", "▁.", "▁The", "▁risk", "▁is", "▁highest", "▁about", "▁three", "▁to", "▁five", "▁years", "▁after", "▁chem", "other", "apy", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁chem", "other", "apy", "▁agents", "▁,", "▁specifically", "▁ep", "ip", "od", "oph", "yll", "ot", "ox", "ins", "▁and", "▁anth", "racy", "cl", "ines", "▁,", "▁have", "▁also", "▁been", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁treatment", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁related", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ias", "▁,", "▁which", "▁are", "▁often", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁specific", "▁chrom", "os", "om", "al", "▁ab", "normal", "ities", "▁in", "▁the", "▁le", "uk", "em", "ic", "▁cells", "▁.", "▁", "▁Occ", "up", "ational", "▁chemical", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁ben", "z", "ene", "▁and", "▁other", "▁a", "rom", "atic", "▁organ", "ic", "▁sol", "vent", "s", "▁is", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁as", "▁a", "▁cause", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁.", "▁Ben", "z", "ene", "▁and", "▁many", "▁of", "▁its", "▁derivatives", "▁are", "▁known", "▁to", "▁be", "▁car", "cin", "ogen", "ic", "▁in", "▁vit", "ro", "▁.", "▁While", "▁some", "▁studies", "▁have", "▁suggested", "▁a", "▁link", "▁between", "▁occup", "ational", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁ben", "z", "ene", "▁and", "▁increased", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁,", "▁others", "▁have", "▁suggested", "▁the", "▁att", "rib", "utable", "▁risk", "▁,", "▁if", "▁any", "▁,", "▁is", "▁slight", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rad", "iation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁High", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁ion", "izing", "▁radiation", "▁expos", "ure", "▁can", "▁increase", "▁the", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁.", "▁Sur", "viv", "ors", "▁of", "▁the", "▁atomic", "▁bomb", "ings", "▁of", "▁H", "iro", "sh", "ima", "▁and", "▁Nag", "as", "aki", "▁had", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁rate", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁,", "▁as", "▁did", "▁radi", "olog", "ists", "▁exposed", "▁to", "▁high", "▁levels", "▁of", "▁X", "▁@", 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"ization", "▁(", "▁W", "HO", "▁)", "▁system", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁widely", "▁used", "▁W", "HO", "▁criteria", "▁,", "▁the", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁of", "▁A", "ML", "▁is", "▁established", "▁by", "▁demonstr", "ating", "▁invol", "vement", "▁of", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "2", "0", "▁%", "▁of" ]
cer chemotherapy , in particular alkylating agents , can increase the risk of subsequently developing AML . The risk is highest about three to five years after chemotherapy . Other chemotherapy agents , specifically epipodophyllotoxins and anthracyclines , have also been associated with treatment @-@ related leukemias , which are often associated with specific chromosomal abnormalities in the leukemic cells . Occupational chemical exposure to benzene and other aromatic organic solvents is controversial as a cause of AML . Benzene and many of its derivatives are known to be carcinogenic in vitro . While some studies have suggested a link between occupational exposure to benzene and increased risk of AML , others have suggested the attributable risk , if any , is slight . = = = Radiation = = = High amounts of ionizing radiation exposure can increase the risk of AML . Survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had an increased rate of AML , as did radiologists exposed to high levels of X @-@ rays prior to the adoption of modern radiation safety practices . People treated with ionizing radiation after treatment for prostate cancer , non @-@ Hodgkin lymphoma , lung cancer and breast cancer have the highest chance of acquiring AML , but this increased risk returns to the background risk observed in the general population after 12 years . = = = Genetics = = = A hereditary risk for AML appears to exist . Multiple cases of AML developing in a family at a rate higher than predicted by chance alone have been reported . Several congenital conditions may increase the risk of leukemia ; the most common is probably Down syndrome , which is associated with a 10- to 18 @-@ fold increase in the risk of AML . = = Diagnosis = = The first clue to a diagnosis of AML is typically an abnormal result on a complete blood count . While an excess of abnormal white blood cells ( leukocytosis ) is a common finding , and leukemic blasts are sometimes seen , AML can also present with isolated decreases in platelets , red blood cells , or even with a low white blood cell count ( leukopenia ) . While a presumptive diagnosis of AML can be made by examination of the peripheral blood smear when there are circulating leukemic blasts , a definitive diagnosis usually requires an adequate bone marrow aspiration and biopsy . Marrow or blood is examined under light microscopy , as well as flow cytometry , to diagnose the presence of leukemia , to differentiate AML from other types of leukemia ( e.g. acute lymphoblastic leukemia - ALL ) , and to classify the subtype of disease . A sample of marrow or blood is typically also tested for chromosomal abnormalities by routine cytogenetics or fluorescent in situ hybridization . Genetic studies may also be performed to look for specific mutations in genes such as FLT3 , nucleophosmin , and KIT , which may influence the outcome of the disease . Cytochemical stains on blood and bone marrow smears are helpful in the distinction of AML from ALL , and in subclassification of AML . The combination of a myeloperoxidase or Sudan black stain and a nonspecific esterase stain will provide the desired information in most cases . The myeloperoxidase or Sudan black reactions are most useful in establishing the identity of AML and distinguishing it from ALL . The nonspecific esterase stain is used to identify a monocytic component in AMLs and to distinguish a poorly differentiated monoblastic leukemia from ALL . The diagnosis and classification of AML can be challenging , and should be performed by a qualified hematopathologist or hematologist . In straightforward cases , the presence of certain morphologic features ( such as Auer rods ) or specific flow cytometry results can distinguish AML from other leukemias ; however , in the absence of such features , diagnosis may be more difficult . The two most commonly used classification schemata for AML are the older French @-@ American @-@ British ( FAB ) system and the newer World Health Organization ( WHO ) system . According to the widely used WHO criteria , the diagnosis of AML is established by demonstrating involvement of more than 20 % of