['Subject: re : gas daily options revaluation \nthis is to inform you that we are rolling out changes to the gas daily option pricing model . currently the system is not properly pricing index puts and calls at locations with gas daily index premiums or discounts ( puts and calls are priced at the same level no matter what the index ) . the change will result in raising call values / lowering put values at locations with index premiums and the opposite at locations with index discounts .\nin addition , index plus / minus option deals ( for example index - 1 . 00 puts ) - which are currently incorrectly priced flat to the index option ( the index - 1 . 00 put is priced flat to the index put ) - will be accurately priced to reflect the difference in strikes .\nif anyone has any questions please call me at 3 - 6731 .\nthank you ,\nlarry may']
['Subject: revised : organizational changes \nto : enron north america corp .\nfrom : cliff baxter and kevin hannon\nin july , as part of the enron north america ( ena ) reorganization , the\nimplementation of several objectives were highlighted as critical to the\ncontinued growth of ena including : 1 ) accelerate the development of our\npeople , 2 ) significantly expand our customer network and associated markets ,\nand 3 ) accelerate and enhance the information flow between groups , both\nwithin ena and across enron . consistent with these objectives and with the\ncorporate goal of fostering \x01\nb ) the downstream coverage / origination groups which focus on delivering a\nbroad range of products and services to the heavy industrial customers\nincluding pulp and paper , chemicals , plastics , refined products , metals and\nmining , heavy manufacturing , industrial gases , fertilizers , transportation ,\ntextiles and glass manufacturing the eastern and western u . s . midstream\ncoverage / origination groups which focus on energy , finance and industries .\ndownstream coverage / origination\nas energy deregulation continues in north america , it is becoming clear that\nthe heavy industrial segment will be an important customer market for both\nena and enron corp . further , it is clear that ena can significantly expand\nits industrial customer network and create more innovative industrial\nsolutions by having a group that can deploy all the capabilities of enron\ncorp . against this backdrop , the downstream coverage / origination function\nwill expand its product offering to include not only ena \x01 , s existing energy\ncommodities , energy services , finance , assets and pulp and paper capabilities\nbut also ees \x01 , s energy outsourcing capability and global fuel \x01 , s chemicals ,\nplastics and refined products risk management capability . these additional\ncapabilities will be offered in conjunction with ees and the global fuels\ngroups . given the size and importance of this enron initiative , greg piper\nwill be returning from portland to manage this business . under greg \x01 , s\nleadership , the downstream origination effort will be segmented into three\nsub - groups given the nature of these industries and our product offering :\na ) pulp and paper \x01 ) edward ondarza will continue to manage the coverage\nactivities in the pulp and paper business . this group will be responsible for\nthe provision of innovative\nproducts and services in the pulp and paper industry including the provision\nof paper risk management products ;\nb ) chemicals , plastics and refined products \x01 ) we have asked jim ajello to\nlead the coverage activities in this business . this group will be\nresponsible for the provision of innovative products and services in the\nchemicals and refined products industries ;\nc ) non - integrated industrials \x01 ) bruce garner , formerly leader of bankers\ntrust \x01 , s global metals and mining group in london , has joined ena to lead the\ncoverage activities in this business . this group will be responsible for the\nprovision of innovative products and services for the metals and mining ,\nheavy manufacturing , industrial gases , fertilizers , transportation , textiles\nand glass manufacturing industries .\nmidstream coverage / origination\na ) eastern coverage / origination \x01 ) this group \x01 , activities will focus on\nenergy , finance and power development solutions for electric and gas\nutilities , municipals , co - ops and energy service companies in the eastern\ninterconnect . we have asked janet dietrich to assume the leadership of this\ngroup ;\nb ) western coverage / origination \x01 ) this group \x01 , s activities will focus on\nenergy , finance and power development solutions for electric and gas\nutilities , municipals , co - ops and energy service companies in the wscc . they\nwill also continue to manage all qualified facilities ( qf ) restructuring\nopportunities in the western u . s . we have asked chris calger to assume the\nleadership of this coverage group . chris will relocate to portland from\ncalgary where he currently leads the canadian downstream origination efforts ;\nc ) ipp merchant coverage / origination \x01 ) this group \x01 , s activities will focus on\nthe provision of structured energy , finance and asset solutions for the\nemerging merchant power generators who control large portfolio \x01 , s of merchant\npower generation either through development or acquisition . we have asked\nmike miller to assume the leadership of this group . in addition , mike will\ncontinue to manage the power development activities in the eastern\ninterconnect ;\nd ) eastern qf restructuring \x01 ) this group will focus on the qf restructuring\nopportunities in the eastern interconnect including the existing\nrestructuring and re - capitalization of the east coast power assets . we have\nasked dave duran to assume the leadership of this business . greg blair ,\nformerly of enron asia \x01 , s development group , doug clifford , formerly of\ncitizens power , and dick lydecker , formerly of cogen technology , will join\nthis newly formed business .\n2 ) commercial transactions :\nthe commercial transactions group ( ctg ) , co - headed by ray bowen and jeff\ndonahue , was formed to provide a centralized resource for the execution of\ntransactions within ena \x01 ) and thereby , improve ena \x01 , s efficiency in executing\ntransactions and free - up the origination groups to increase their intensity\nof client coverage . ctg consists of six primary functions : transaction\ndevelopment , capital structuring and portfolio management , commodity\nstructuring and transportation , transactional support / accounting , technical\nanalysis and upstream asset management .\nthe transaction development group will be responsible for deal leadership ,\nexecution and optimization of all aspects of a transaction in conjunction\nwith the originator . the function will be divided into four teams , each of\nwhich will be dedicated to between two and four origination groups . this\ndedication to specific groups should provide a closer link , better service\nand greater accountability with the origination groups ; however , the ctg\nresources are designed to be a fungible and flexible resource allocated to\nthe highest value transactions across the coverage functions :\na ) midstream transaction development will be dedicated to the eastern and\nwestern coverage / origination groups . the senior members of this group\ninclude billy lemmons , george mccormick , erin norris and russ porter . billy\nlemmons joined enron in 1992 . most recently , he was the vice - president of\ncapital structuring and risk management for ees . russ porter joins us today\nfrom dynegy where he was a manager with responsibilities for power\norigination .\nb ) downstream transaction development will be dedicated to ena \x01 , s industrial\norigination efforts in pulp and paper , petrochemicals and refining ,\nenvironmental energy , metals and mining and other industries as coverage is\nestablished . the senior members of this team include rodney malcolm , jay\nboudreaux , finley biggerstaff and chris helfrich . we anticipate announcing\ntwo to four more additions to this team within the next few weeks .\nc ) generation transaction development will be dedicated to the ipp merchant\nservices and power plant development and qf restructuring groups . the senior\nmembers of this team include thomas suffield , andy kelemen , kelly mahmoud and\njohn house . thomas suffield joined enron in 1996 . most recently , he was the\nvice - president of origination for the latin american group in azurix . we\nanticipate announcing two more additions to this team within the next few\nweeks .\nd ) upstream transaction development will be dedicated to the producer\nfinance , coal and gas assets groups . the senior members of this team include\nbrad dunn , john curtin and chris hilgert . we hope to announce the addition\nof at least one vp to this group prior to yearend .\nray bowen will have primary oversight responsibilities for the upstream and\ndownstream transaction development teams with jeff donahue having primary\nresponsibilities for the midstream and generation teams . andrea reed will\ncontinue to head capital structuring and portfolio management : all junior\ncommercial resources within the transaction development teams will have dual\nresponsibilities to both their transaction development teams and to the\ncapital structuring group . the remaining four groups within ctg will remain\nlargely unchanged . in addition , the origination and the transaction\ndevelopment teams and their respective origination groups will be located\ntogether .\nwe believe that these changes will significantly enhance our market coverage\nand industry knowledge in all ena \x01 , s markets particularly in the industrial\nmarkets . it will also provide a closer partnership and accountability between\nthe coverage / origination groups and the ctg groups .\nplease help us in continuing to build on the success we have enjoyed in north\namerica by working with us to implement these changes .']
["Subject: re : meter 1428 oct 99 - beaumont methanol \ni ' m sorry , did we discuss bmc ? ? ? .\nlee can confirm the accuracy of this , but bmc bought 20 , 000 from us and\nintended no swing and no buyback . brandywine ( dorcheus ) controlled the meter ,\ntherefore it is their responsibility to make up the overs and unders . i\nbelieve a deal is in place with brandywine to cover that very issue for\nnovember . if not please let me know .\nlee , if this is not your understanding for nov . business please let us all\nknow .\nthanks\nken\nhoward b camp\n12 / 20 / 99 07 : 36 pm\nto : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : thu nguyen / hou / ect @ ect , kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect , howard b\ncamp / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect , stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect ,\njulie meyers / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : meter 1428 oct 99 - beaumont methanol\nlee ,\ni need you to answer a few questions to resolve this issue .\nfirst , you show a deal volume of 20 , 000 on nov . 7 and the pipeline confirmed\nthis volume . is this the volume you agreed to sell beaumont methanol ? this\nvolume is in agreement what the deal ticket says , the volume confirmed by\nhpl , and dorcheus ' s volume .\nsecond , the buyback issue is that a buyback is set up until june 2000 per\njulie meyers notes she sends out every month ( last note sent dec 3 and you\nare on distribution list ) . brandywine has nothing to do with this issue . it\nis an issue between hpl and beaumont methanol .\ndo we have an active buyback in place and how do you decide to use the\nbuyback ?\nthis is a commercial issue that i need further clarification from you if you\nhave a buyback in place or not . if not , please notify julie and note on the\ndeal ticket that this buyback is no longer effective .\nif it is still active , please contact chyral and resolve .\nlet me know the final resolution .\nhc\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by howard b camp / hou / ect on 12 / 20 / 99 07 : 15\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : thu nguyen 12 / 20 / 99 03 : 38 pm\nto : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : meter 1428 oct 99 - beaumont methanol\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by thu nguyen / hou / ect on 12 / 20 / 99 03 : 36 pm\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : lee l papayoti on 12 / 20 / 99 02 : 01 pm\nto : thu nguyen / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : meter 1428 oct 99 - beaumont methanol\ni don ' t have all the data that you have in front of you and so am not in a\nposition to call bob dorcheus . . . . please call him directly at 281 - 293 - 1789\n. . . . this is an issue between brandywine and beaumont methanol . . . . please\nreference the fax from chyral hankins of beaumont methanol when you call bob\ndorcheus .\nalso , chryal tells me there is a problem on november 13 , 14 , and 15 . . . . our\ninvoice shows us buying gas back from beaumont methanol on those three days ,\nsomething that was a surprise to her . again , this an allocation issue\nbetween beaumont methanol and brandywine . . . . please call chyral at\n712 - 233 - 6558 before calling bob dorcheus .\nthanks\nfrom : thu nguyen 12 / 20 / 99 01 : 39 pm\nto : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : meter 1428 oct 99 - beaumont methanol\nlee ,\nstella tells me she does have a nom of 20 , 000 on day 7 . could you please get\nback with dorcheus and find out why there is a discrecpancy in the noms ?\nthanks\nthu\n3 - 7159\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by thu nguyen / hou / ect on 12 / 20 / 99 01 : 33 pm\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : thu nguyen 12 / 15 / 99 09 : 45 am\nto : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : meter 1428 oct 99 - beaumont methanol\nstella ,\ncould you please verify your confirmations for beaumont methanol for oct 99\nprod . there is a discrepancy on day 7 , where we have confirmed nom of 20 , 000\nand they show zero . i will send you a fax copy from chyral hankins . please\nlet me know .\nthanks\nthu\n3 - 7159"]
['Subject: new incorporation \neim holdings ( canada ) co . was incorporated in nova scotia on january 9 , 2001 . particulars are :\nparent company : eim holdings ii ( netherlands ) b . v . - 100 %\nbusiness : to own canadian pulp and paper assets to be acquired from daishowa .\nshares : authorized - 100 , 000 ordinary , no par value ;\nissued - 1\ndirectors and officers : attached\nemployees : none\ncompany no . : 1469 eimhc\nnote : sylvia hu - evidence to follow by hand .\nkate b . cole\ndirector , corporate services\nenron corp .\ntel : ( 713 ) 853 - 1624\nfax : ( 713 ) 646 - 8007\nemail : kate . cole @ enron . com']
['Subject: re : invitation to speak at power 2000 \nhi vince\nthat \' s great - delighted you \' ll be participating . i \' ve put you down as the\nchairman for stream 1 , day 1 on 9 may 2000 .\nby the way , is your job title still vp , head of research at enron north\namerica ? i need to know for the brochure .\nif i don \' t speak to you before the new year , i wish you a very merry xmas\nand a happy new millennium !\nemma\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : vince j kaminski\nto : emma wolfin\ncc : vince j kaminski\ndate : thursday , december 16 , 1999 9 : 02 am\nsubject : re : invitation to speak at power 2000\n>\n>\n> emma ,\n>\n> mergers and acquisitions are not my cup of tea .\n>\n> chairing stream 1 on day 1 seems to be a better match .\n>\n> vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> " emma wolfin " on 12 / 15 / 99 10 : 51 : 34 am\n>\n> to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\n> cc :\n> subject : re : invitation to speak at power 2000\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> hi vince\n>\n> thanks for getting back to me quickly ! as it happens , all of the sessions\n> you suggested are already taken !\n>\n> so , would you be interested in chairing either stream 1 on day 1 of the\n> conference - " pricing and trading in the us power market " or stream 3 on\n> day 2 of the conference - " latest developments in the us energy industry " .\n> for your information , the people presenting on day 1 in stream 1 include :\n>\n> - spyros maragos , dynegy on volatility\n> - sanjeev khanna , pg & e on correlation\n> - gary morsches , southern on optimising information to accurately price and\n> trade electricity\n> - blake johnson , stanford university on modelling power prices\n> - craig pirrong , olin school of business , washington university on building\n> the optimal forward curve\n>\n> on day 2 , stream 3 , there are only 3 talks in that stream , as after lunch\nwe\n> will be breaking for plenary sessions and the industry briefing sessions\n> too . but the people who will be speaking in that stream are :\n>\n> - venu nagali , stanford university on real options\n> - ram challa , sithe energies ( he was formerly at bankers trust ) on\n> generation assets\n>\n> i have the slot on mergers and acquisitions in stream 3 on day 2 as still\n> available but i \' m not sure if that session is your area of speciality ? let\n> me know .\n>\n> thanks vince and very much looking forward to working with you again .\n>\n> emma\n>\n>\n> - - - - - original message - - - - -\n> from : vince j kaminski\n> to : emma wolfin\n> cc : vince j kaminski\n> date : wednesday , december 15 , 1999 11 : 36 am\n> subject : re : invitation to speak at power 2000\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > emma ,\n> >\n> > it \' s your choice . i can chair the session of day 2 or speak on one of\nthese\n> > topics .\n> > please , let me know what works for you .\n> >\n> > possible presentations :\n> >\n> > evaluating the effectiveness of insurance as a risk management tool\n> >\n> > or\n> >\n> > applying real option theory to value power plants\n> >\n> > or\n> >\n> > overcoming the difficulties of accurately estimating volatility\n> >\n> >\n> > vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > " emma wolfin " on 12 / 14 / 99 04 : 08 : 03 pm\n> >\n> > to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\n> > cc :\n> > subject : invitation to speak at power 2000\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > hi vince\n> >\n> > it is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at power 2000 which will be\n> > in houston on 9 & 10 may 2000 .\n> >\n> > would you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\n> > conference ? or making a full presentation on one of the days ? please let\nme\n> > know which talks interest you . obviously , some of the talks are no longer\n> > available but i would like to give you a choice as much as possible .\nplease\n> > could you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 ext 151 or by return email .\n> >\n> > i very much hope you can make the dates as i \' m very keen to have you\n> > participate at power . not to flatter you unnecessarily , but i know that a\n> > lot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say .\n> >\n> > best regards\n> >\n> > emma\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>']
['Subject: re : evergreen deals \nno that is a gtc firm that will expire when the contract does .\njulie\ndaren j farmer\n12 / 20 / 99 04 : 05 pm\nto : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : evergreen deals\nvintage should be 93730 .\njulie meyers\n12 / 20 / 99 02 : 27 pm\nto : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : evergreen deals\nlook at comments below .\njulie\ndaren j farmer\n12 / 20 / 99 01 : 43 pm\nto : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : evergreen deals\njulie ,\ni need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into\njan 2000 .\ncokinos / 9676 95912 - no this is a gtc firm contract , deal expires with\ncontract\ncokinos / 6373 128952 - this is a gtc spot\ncoral / 4120 93883 - this is on a single transaction contract , we would need\nto check with the trader\nencina / 6392 93487 - yes , this is a committed reserve . i marked the\nevergreen flag .\nmidcoast / 5097 92956 - no , gtc lst purchaser , deal expires with contract .\nunited o & m / 5053 93728 - no , this deal was moved to the wellhead portfolio\nfor january , but the deal was terminated per legal .\nvintage / 2540 93750 - not the right deal number .\nthanks .\nd']
['Subject: global risk management operations \nhello sally , and congratulations .\ni manage the technology development effort on bandwidth trading for enron\ncommunications . the area that you are managing are very interesting . i hope\nto meet with you soon and learn about your techniques on risk management . i\nam located on the 44 th floor .\nagain , congratulations and good luck on the new assignment .\nbest regards ,\npeter ghavami\n- - - - - forwarded by peter ghavami / enron communications on 01 / 18 / 00 01 : 02 am\n- - - - -\nrick causey @ enron\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\n01 / 17 / 00 04 : 04 pm\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: re : european energy 2000 , april , amsterdam \nangela ,\nno problem . i shall be glad to do it .\nhappy holidays if i don \' t hear from you .\nvince\n" angela adedeji " on 12 / 14 / 99 12 : 00 : 40 pm\nplease respond to " angela adedeji "\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : european energy 2000 , april , amsterdam\nhi vince\nre : european energy 2000 , 3 & 4 april , amsterdam\ni hope all is well . i wondered whether or not you would be interested in\nchairing the stream of your talk ?\ni look forward to hearing from you soon .\nkind regards\nangela\n- attl . htm']
['Subject: re : evergreen deals \nlook at comments below .\njulie\ndaren j farmer\n12 / 20 / 99 01 : 43 pm\nto : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : evergreen deals\njulie ,\ni need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into\njan 2000 .\ncokinos / 9676 95912 - no this is a gtc firm contract , deal expires with\ncontract\ncokinos / 6373 128952 - this is a gtc spot\ncoral / 4120 93883 - this is on a single transaction contract , we would need\nto check with the trader\nencina / 6392 93487 - yes , this is a committed reserve . i marked the\nevergreen flag .\nmidcoast / 5097 92956 - no , gtc lst purchaser , deal expires with contract .\nunited o & m / 5053 93728 - no , this deal was moved to the wellhead portfolio\nfor january , but the deal was terminated per legal .\nvintage / 2540 93750 - not the right deal number .\nthanks .\nd']
['Subject: thoughts on upcoming visit \nlouise ,\ni thoroughly enjoyed our telephone conversation several weeks ago . as\npromised , i am following up with some thoughts on how we might best use the\ntime i have on your calendar next week . i am very much looking forward to\nthe visit with you and some of your team members . joining me on the visit\nwill be yoko sugiura selden . she works with me in my consulting business\nand is also helping me with the course . she is a former investment banker\nand joined my firm after we were married . i thought i might indicate some\nof the discussion areas i would like to explore .\njust to remind you , i have launched a brand new course at columbia\nuniversity , graduate school of business , titled internet financial\nmanagement . the theme of the course is how companies can use the internet\nto create sustained excess shareowner returns . this theme applies equally\nto pure - play b 2 b and b 2 c companies as well as to the bulk of traditional\ncompanies that are trying to figure out how best to leverage the internet in\ntheir " normal " course of business . to describe this process i have used the\nterm " e - tizing " . by that i mean the total transformation of a firm \' s\nbusiness processes such that all relevant operations and communications ,\nwhether they are internal ( i . e . , among operating units and functions ) or\nexternal ( i . e . , between a firm and its customers , suppliers and alliance\npartners ) , are performed on the internet . obviously the decision of where\nto " e - tize " and where not to is ultimately an roi question . ( by the way , ge\nuses the term " digitizing " for roughly the same notion . )\nin order to make the course experience for the students especially valuable\nand to provide a much broader exposure for columbia in the internet area , i\nhave departed from the typical course format in two key ways . first , since\neverything is moving too quickly for a textbook to exist , i have assembled a\nworld - class group of lecturers who have kindly agreed to make the time to\njoin us . second , the students are grouped in teams to work on specific\naction learning projects with corporate sponsors . in addition , geoff colvin\nof fortune and i are writing up the lecturers and will craft them into a\nseries of fortune articles . so far we have been very fortunate , the\nspeakers have been extremely accommodating and absolutely outstanding in\nboth content and delivery - not to create any pressure ! ! to give you a\nfeel , terry jones , the ceo of travelocity , will be spending a good deal of\ntime on this coming monday discussing the implications of what he has\nlearned , in creating one of the most effective internet sales and marketing\nmachines , for traditional companies that sell to consumers .\nas further background , the student teams are working with applied materials ,\ntravelocity , trilogy and barnes & noble . com . this small set of companies\nrepresents a nice cross section of b 2 b , b 2 c and more traditional brick and\nmortar companies . irrespective of the company setting , each student team\nwill be focusing on projects that deal with using the internet to create\nsustained excess shareowner returns . the target fortune audience will also\ncover a broad cross section of companies , but with an emphasis on\ntraditional non - pure play internet enterprises .\nlouise , with respect to your presentation , i would like for you to explore a\nfairly specific set of issues so that ( a ) the student teams will be able to\nuse the learnings to leverage their projects with their sponsor companies\nand ( b ) the series of lectures will mesh together very effectively for our\nwriting for fortune .\nfor the non - pure play internet companies , i want to use ge and enron as best\npractice examples . i have been meeting extensively with the ge folks and am\nbeginning to get a pretty good handle on what they are doing today and what\nthey are likely to be doing over the next few years . in the same vein , i\nview my visit to enron as having three primary goals : ( i ) getting to know\nyou and some of the enron management team , ( ii ) getting a good understanding\nof how your business is using the internet to create shareowner value and\n( iii ) establishing a working outline for your session in april . clearly ( i )\nand especially ( ii ) will form the basis for ( iii ) .\ni have scheduled the following times with tammie to meet with you and / or\nyour team :\nfebruary 21 : 12 : 00 - 3 : 30 - - louise ( work on ( ii ) and plan for feb . 22 )\nfebruary 22 : 8 : 00 - 2 : 30 - - work with other team members\nfebruary 22 : 2 : 30 - 5 : 30 - - louise ( review learnings and plan ( iii ) )\na sampling of the kinds of questions i would like to investigate would be\nthe following :\n- is the essence of what you have accomplished the creation of a totally new\nbusiness or " e - tizing " a pre - existing business ?\n- how pervasive is the use of the internet in the day - to - day running of\nenron ? for example , has enron gone the route of cisco and ge in trying to\ne - tize sufficiently to close your books globally on a daily basis ?\n- to what extent is the approach of your business to the internet creating\nor forcing compatibility of technology / information systems between you and\nyour " customers " ( i . e . , trading partners ? ) and " suppliers " ( participants in\nthe physical value chain ? ) ?\n- we discussed the critical role of process definition and detailed mapping\nto your success . could you outline for us the process and what are the 5 - 10\nmajor success factors and 5 - 10 " failure " factors ?\n- from a technology perspective , i believe you mentioned that you first\nlooked outside for a solution and found that typical erp type approaches\nwould have required such massive modifications , that you felt " starting from\nscratch " would be more valuable . i would like to discuss that in more\ndetail . also , how did you systematically tackle the task ? what was the\ntimeline ? having been through the experience , what are the key learnings\nfor next time - - - what not to do , what to do more off and how to go faster ?\n- also , on the technology level i would be very interested in learning about\nthe full set of technology building blocks - - including telecom , hardware\n( servers , routers , etc . ) , storage ( software and hardware ) , content software .\nalso along those lines , what are the costs - - capital , set - up and\nmaintenance ? ( should this be 2 % or 10 % of revenue ? )\n- how is the overall technology investment managed so as to get optimal\nsynergies and yet not impinge on the distinctive diverse needs of various\ndifferent businesses in enron ?\n- how are you measuring " customer , " " supplier , " and operational metrics\ndifferently due to your internet efforts ? how has this change the form ,\ncontent and use of your financials ?\nafter reading this e - mail , if you have any thoughts please don \' t hesitate to\ngive me a call ( 212 - 688 - 2034 ) or send an e - mail message .\nyoko and i are really looking forward to our visit ! !\nthanks in advance . best regards ,\nlarry']
["Subject: re : weights ? nice . \ni completely forgot about your trip to vegas . i bet you didn ' t ! ha ha . anyhow , i ' m bummed that you are going to gone thursday and we won ' t be able to hang out at the happy hour . you ' ll be having a blast in vegas though , so no biggie . anyhow , i guess i ' ll see you tomorrow . maybe we can go get a beer after work tomorrow night if you don ' t leave too early . if not , there will be much beer to drink when you get back into town next week .\nbye"]
['Subject: re : invitation to speak at power 2000 \nemma ,\nmergers and acquisitions are not my cup of tea .\nchairing stream 1 on day 1 seems to be a better match .\nvince\n" emma wolfin " on 12 / 15 / 99 10 : 51 : 34 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : invitation to speak at power 2000\nhi vince\nthanks for getting back to me quickly ! as it happens , all of the sessions\nyou suggested are already taken !\nso , would you be interested in chairing either stream 1 on day 1 of the\nconference - " pricing and trading in the us power market " or stream 3 on\nday 2 of the conference - " latest developments in the us energy industry " .\nfor your information , the people presenting on day 1 in stream 1 include :\n- spyros maragos , dynegy on volatility\n- sanjeev khanna , pg & e on correlation\n- gary morsches , southern on optimising information to accurately price and\ntrade electricity\n- blake johnson , stanford university on modelling power prices\n- craig pirrong , olin school of business , washington university on building\nthe optimal forward curve\non day 2 , stream 3 , there are only 3 talks in that stream , as after lunch we\nwill be breaking for plenary sessions and the industry briefing sessions\ntoo . but the people who will be speaking in that stream are :\n- venu nagali , stanford university on real options\n- ram challa , sithe energies ( he was formerly at bankers trust ) on\ngeneration assets\ni have the slot on mergers and acquisitions in stream 3 on day 2 as still\navailable but i \' m not sure if that session is your area of speciality ? let\nme know .\nthanks vince and very much looking forward to working with you again .\nemma\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : vince j kaminski\nto : emma wolfin\ncc : vince j kaminski\ndate : wednesday , december 15 , 1999 11 : 36 am\nsubject : re : invitation to speak at power 2000\n>\n>\n> emma ,\n>\n> it \' s your choice . i can chair the session of day 2 or speak on one of these\n> topics .\n> please , let me know what works for you .\n>\n> possible presentations :\n>\n> evaluating the effectiveness of insurance as a risk management tool\n>\n> or\n>\n> applying real option theory to value power plants\n>\n> or\n>\n> overcoming the difficulties of accurately estimating volatility\n>\n>\n> vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> " emma wolfin " on 12 / 14 / 99 04 : 08 : 03 pm\n>\n> to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\n> cc :\n> subject : invitation to speak at power 2000\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> hi vince\n>\n> it is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at power 2000 which will be\n> in houston on 9 & 10 may 2000 .\n>\n> would you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\n> conference ? or making a full presentation on one of the days ? please let me\n> know which talks interest you . obviously , some of the talks are no longer\n> available but i would like to give you a choice as much as possible . please\n> could you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 ext 151 or by return email .\n>\n> i very much hope you can make the dates as i \' m very keen to have you\n> participate at power . not to flatter you unnecessarily , but i know that a\n> lot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say .\n>\n> best regards\n>\n> emma\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>']
['Subject: potential well head - january 2000 \ndarren :\nthe following is the potential new wellhead volume for january 2000 that i\nam currently aware of . this was not included in the production estimate\nnumber given by vance .\neog - hortense # 1 , polk county , new meter , 5 , 000 mmbtu / day\nbrayton operating - brayton - drushell # 1 , jackson county , possibly new\nmeter or meter 9720 , 3 , 000 mmbtu / day\nlet me know if you have any questions ,\nsusan x 33321']
['Subject: california 02 / 16 / 01 pt . 2 \nour source reports the following regarding today \' s developments . in sum , due to the governor \' s sudden panic and resultant willingness to negotiate , all parties are in a wait - and - see mode that makes it unclear whether or not there will be an involuntary bankruptcy filing early next week . our consensus view is that bankruptcy is still the most likely outcome , but the timing is subject to the ups and downs of these negotiations over the weekend . creditors , especially the small ipps are close to the end on forbearance and highly frustrated with the erratic nature of the negotiations .\nthe events given in this report are chronological :\n- the original plan proposed by governor davis to the utilities this morning contained the following points :\nthe parent companies of the utilities would have to return to their subsidiaries $ 1 . 5 billion . this money was originally tranferred to the parent companies ostensibly so that the parents could use it to pay taxes . however , as was revealed in the audit , this money was in excess of what was needed for taxes in reality .\nthe state would purchase the transmission assets for $ 3 . 5 billion .\nit was proposed that the utilities would issue bonds to pay for the utilities \' undercollection . these bonds would be secured against a " distribution charge " added to power bills . this money would be collected by dwr and transferred to the utilities , thereby involving the state , but with less than a " full faith and credit " commitment .\n- in contradiction to preliminary reports that appeared in the press , this plan was rejected by the utilities . one reason for this rejection was the low price on the transmission assets .\n- while the bondholders pressed for further negotiations at this point in order to see if a deal could be reached ; this is because the bondholders are less impaired than the generators . the generators , however , demanded that they be paid the money they are owed and threatened to move quickly toward an involuntary bankrtupcy filing .\n- local sources report that governor davis " panicked " at this point . he then offered to purchase the transmission assets for $ 6 billion ( almost twice the earlier offer ) and pay the generators \' undercollection ( which amounts to $ 9 to $ 12 billion ) . reportedly , the suggested term of the bonds that would be used to pay for this bail - out was 15 years , which would nearly double the actual cost of the bail - out . this plan would be put forward as a emergency legislative bill .\n- at this point , consumer advocate harvey rosenfield entered into negotiations with the state treasurer \' s office . rosenfield threatened that if the governor managed to pass this plan , he would start a referendum to counter it . rosenfield would have up to 90 days after the emergency bill was passed to put his referendum in place . knowledgeable sources advise that it would be " very difficult " for the bonds in the plan to be issued in less than 90 days ; therefore , rosenfield poses a credible threat .\n- in subsequent negotiations , governor davis has offered to purchase the transmission assets for a price of at least $ 6 billion , but possibly as high as $ 12 billion .\n- senator president pro tem john burton is \' very upset \' with the governor for giving in on his negotiations so easily .\n- mike florio , another consumer advocate , contacted gov . davis and said that the idea of negotiating a bail - out , as it appeared davis intended to do , was " ridiculous . " florio and the other consumer advocates threatened to ally themselves with rosenfield and support the referendum if davis pursued such a course of action . the consumer advocates strongly feel that the generators have to " take a hair cut " as part of the solution , as well .\n- the governor will announce later this afternoon a " framework " solution identical to that we have reported previously - a state purchase of transmission assets and an issuance of bonds by the utilities , but with state support through the dwr . however , the state government has yet to reach consensus on the numbers in this framework , and it remains unclear whether the framework will be acceptable to all parties .\n- with this announcement , the bondholders may refrain from an involuntary filing in order to see what the terms of the final agreement will be . the generators , while more inclined to file themselves , may feel that they have put enough pressure on the governor that it may be worthwhile to wait and see , as well . they are interested not only in the terms of the agreement ( and particularly the amount paid for the undercollect ) , but also in the terms of the long - term power contracts that the state must negotiate . for example , if the state is willing to purchase power at high prices in order to placate the generators , they would be very likely to go along with the plan .\n-']
["Subject: yummy frappachino \nhey let ' s go get coffee again that was really fun . i ' m so much more awake now . when will you be back from vegas ? sunday night right ? i ' m sure you told me but i have a terrible memory ."]
['Subject: re : presentation in seoul \nanthony duenner @ enron _ development on 12 / 15 / 99 01 : 46 : 35 pm\nto : mark ruane @ ect , zimin lu @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : presentation in seoul\nbetter late than never - - i again wanted to thank both of you for taking the\ntime and making the effort to make the raroc and real options presentations\nin seoul earlier this month . both presentations were well received and i had\na number of favorable comments and expressions of thanks form our hosts after\nthe presentations . i know you both have very busy schedules - - especially\naround this time of year - - and very much appreciate your help . regards .\nanthony duenner']
["Subject: january production estimate \ndaren / carlos :\ni did not receive any more customer nominations . therefore , the attached\nfile should not have changed from what was provided to carlos last week .\nplease let me know if you have any questions ,\nthanks , scs x 33321\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan smith / hou / ect on 12 / 20 / 99 11 : 23 am\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nvance l taylor\n12 / 17 / 99 04 : 07 pm\nto : susan smith / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : january production estimate\nsusan ,\nplease see the attached file for january ' s production estimate . this is\npretty much the final estimate except that i have calls in to costilla &\nwalter ( superior ) . they both said that they would fax their nom once it was\ncomplete . hopefully this will be by monday . if not , all of the traders have\nreviewed the estimate and made their changes . i feel pretty confident that\nthis is a good number . however , if your should receive any noms before\nmonday at noon , please update the file and send it to carlos and daren .\nthanks and merry christmas to you and yours !\nvlt\nx 3 - 6353"]
['Subject: account assignment list \nattached is the revised customer account list for the long term marketers .\nmichelle , christine , jeff and i took a first shot at re - distributing accounts\nto incorporate michelle . if anyone has any questions please let me know .']
['Subject: new website for an exciting conference \napplications of physics in financial analysis 2\nliege , belgium\n13 to 15 july 2000\nthe website for this conference is now available at\nwww . eps . org / apfa\nfor further details on all eps conferences contact : christine bastian ,\nconferences , european physical society , 34 rue marc seguin , bp 2136 , f - 68060\nmulhouse cedex , france\ntel + 33 389 32 94 42 fax + 33 389 32 94 49\nemail eps . conf @ univ - mulhouse . fr\nthis conference is a europhysics conference . it is organised by the european\nphysical society and its division of statistical and non - linear physics .\n- attl . htm']
["Subject: re : pennzoil avails \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 20 / 99 03 : 05\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndscottl @ . com on 12 / 20 / 99 02 : 46 : 42 pm\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re : pennzoil avails\nhere are the january 1999 devon south texas volumes . you may notice that some\nif them are not different from december ' s . . . but i reviewed their list and\nthese are the january numbers .\ndavid\n- devon stx . xls"]
["Subject: urgent - california update 2 / 16 \nnegotiations between governor davis and california utilities may be faltering :\nnegotiations between governor gray davis and california ' s three major utilities appear to be taking a significant turn . sources report that the proposal by governor davis that was splashed in the press this morning is reported to have been rejected by pg & e , and socal ed . the proposal to purchase debt ridden utilities ' transmission lines was outlined in sb 33 x\nthe governor is expected to revise sb 33 x and approach the utilities with the following new terms :\n1 ) raise the states transmission pruchase bid from $ 3 . 5 billion to roughly $ 6 billion\n2 ) finance a $ 9 to $ 12 billion payment for the utilities ' under - collected debt to generators\n3 ) allow the utilities to issue 15 year bonds to repay the state , resulting in surcharges on consumer utility bills .\nconsumer groups led by harvey rosenfield could provide strong opposition to davis ' plan and it is possible rosenfield could launch a referendum to kill the bill .\ndavis is scheduled to give a press conference today and 2 : 00 pm ( pac . time ) to comment on negotiations ."]
['Subject: valero 8018 and 1394 \nit is my understanding the outages valero incurred at the above locations are\nforce majure situations during december and should not trigger the buyback\nfeature of the contract .\ngary , i have not seen any documentation of this from valero . please follow up\nwith your counterpart to secure the letter of notice or we will need to\nprocess the deal as if the buyback is active .\nthanks\nken']
['Subject: re : global risk management operations \nhi :\ni am the newly hired safety and environmental supervisor at egeminsa ,\npanama . please let us know if we can be of assistance to you or sally in any\nway .\ngreetings .']
["Subject: invitation \non tuesday , february 27 , we have been invited to a cocktail party in honor of vincent viola of pioneer futures . vince is currently running for chairman of the nymex . his competitor in the upcoming election is joe rafferty of rafferty and associates . personally , i have no preference who is the next chairman , but due to the adversarial nature of enron ' s recent relationship with dan rappaport and the nymex this may us an opportunity to meet and talk to vince . rumor has it that vince is the current frontrunner for the position . the party will be held at 5 : 00 - 7 : 00 pm at sambuca jazz cafe , 909 texas , ( 713 ) 224 - 5299 . let me know if you are interested in attending ."]
["Subject: last day , contact numbers , etc . \nhi guys !\nas most of you know by now today is my last day at enron north america . it\nhas been really great few months and maureen has most graciously put up with\nmy school and exam schedule . as today is also my graduation from the\nuniversity of houston , i don ' t have any formal reasons to remain in houston\nand will be heading to the misty albion to work for enron europe as soon as\nmy work permit for the uk is ready . the latter is still a mystery but is\nanticipated some time in early february . right now i am planning to come back\nto houston middle of january to wait for the work permit and sell my car ,\nsome furniture , etc . ( stay tuned for great deals : - ) so , i will be back to\nsee you guys . if you miss me too much try to find consolation in miss yana\nkristal , a u of h student of slavic origin , who will be taking over my\nresponsibilities starting early january . i know i will miss you and am\nplanning to sneak in the video conferencing room during the thursday\nmeetings . i know it won ' t be the same , but it ' s better than nothing . or you\ncan start planning that trip to london . . .\nbelow are the numbers where if you can ' t reach me there will be information\nwhere i might be .\nphone numbers :\nhouston : 713 - 213 - 7733 - cell\ncome back to houston january 15 ( depending on how the work permit is coming ) .\nhave very , very happy holidays and a great millenium !\nmartina"]
['Subject: re : no java ? \nyou are cracking me up . basically you are the only thing keeping me awake today . .']
['Subject: re : new copier information for 55 , 60 & 65 cpm digital machines \niain :\nwe went and looked at the toshiba copier on the 32 nd floor and while it\ndoes not appear to be extremely fast , i believe it will work for the 19 th\nfloor . i spoke with vince kaminski and he agreed with our getting this\ncopier .\nwe noticed this copier has a button that says " network connection "\nand were wondering it this copier could be hooked up to the network and\nwe could run copies from our computer ? please let us know .\nthanks for all your help and have a wonderful christmas and new\nyear !\nshirley\nco # 0011\nrc # 100038\ncopier information including pictures & weblinks\nfrom : iain russell on 12 / 17 / 99 10 : 47 am\nto : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : new copier information for 55 , 60 & 65 cpm digital machines\nshirley ,\nfollowing up on the telephone conversation , please see the attached\nspreadsheet for pricing information plus important information about " true\nworld " copy speeds .\npricing was centered on the 42 . 315 k per month volume band so that you can get\na good feel for copier expenditure based on average month volumes . i have\nleft the spreadsheet " unprotected " so that you can play with the volume\nfigures and see how this changes the price overall + how the " cost per image "\nis affected by volume changes .\n? pricing spreadsheet : under " notes " towards under the pictures .\nthe " true world " copy speed information has been supplied by buyers lab\nincorporated , which is an independent testing house that rates office\nequipment , including copiers and publishes their findings on a quarterly\nbasis . unfortunately they have not released their findings on the canon ir 550\nas testing is not yet complete .\n? copier speeds : @ the end of the notes - mail\n{ these include 1 - 1 , 1 - 2 and duplexing + detail on completion of " sets " }\nas you will see , duplexing speeds are widely different across the various\nmanufacturers equipment & the " true world " copy speeds are a soft $ expense\nwhich impacts the true cost of running a copier .\nlisted below are the url \' s for the different 55 , 60 & 65 cpm b / w copiers .\na ) overview\nb ) specifications\nfrom lanier\nricoh equipment\n55 copies per minute\na ) & b ) weblink for machine specifications - - > click here - - - >\n65 copies per minute\na ) & b ) weblink for machine specifications - - > click here - - - >\nfrom danka\ncanon equipment { ir 550 }\n55 copies per minute\nlooks like : - - - >\nweblink for machine specifications - - > click below :\na ) http : / / www . usa . canon . com / corpoffice / netofficesys / ir 550 / ir 550 fea . html\nb ) http : / / www . usa . canon . com / corpoffice / netofficesys / ir 550 / ir 550 spec . html\ncanon equipment { ir 600 } > > currently on 45 day backorder\nweblink for machine specifications - - > click below :\na ) http : / / www . usa . canon . com / corpoffice / netofficesys / ir 600 / ir 600 fea . html\nb ) http : / / www . usa . canon . com / corpoffice / netofficesys / ir 600 / ir 600 spec . html\ntoshiba equipment\n55 copies per minute\nweblink for machine specifications - - > click below :\na ) http : / / www . toshiba . com / taiseid / copiers / 5570 / features . htm\nb ) http : / / www . toshiba . com / taiseid / copiers / 5570 / spec . htm\n65 copies per minute\nweblink for machine specifications - - > click here - - >\na ) http : / / www . toshiba . com / taiseid / copiers / 6570 / features . htm\nb ) http : / / www . toshiba . com / taiseid / copiers / 6570 / spec . htm\nnotes\nhere is the pricing spreadsheet for your records : - - >\nthe highlighted rows on the spreadsheet reflect you current average monthly\nvolume .\nfyi - - > target cpi or cost per image is in the region $ 0 . 017 up to and\nincluding $ 0 . 023 .\ncopier model monthly volume capacities\nmodel manufacturer max rec / level realistic level { up to }\ntoshiba 5570 340 k 115 k\ntoshiba 6570 400 k 135 k\nlanier 5255 { per rep . } 200 k 100 k\nlanier 5265 { per rep . } 200 k 100 k\ncanon ir 550 200 k 100 k\ncanon ir 600 250 k 100 k\nfyi : we currently have a toshiba 6570 @ eb 32 kl that is averaging 69 , 332\nimages per month with the top month producing 86 , 673 images and a toshiba\n5570 @ eb 3080 area that is averaging 39 , 309 per month . both of these machines\nare in the enron north america trading environment .\nthe copiers quoted are all " digital " .\ndigital : scan once print many = 99 copies of one sheet ? 1 scan !\nanalog : scan for every image made = 99 copies of 1 sheet ? 99 scans = possible\nnoise issue .\ncopier speeds = total print time\nthis comparison gives the speed @ which the document set is printed\n{ no staple , no 3 - hole punch }\n> > > > > 60 & 65 copy per minute machines > > > > 55 copy per minute machines < < < < <\nplease call me with any questions .\nthanks , iain russell @ 713 - 853 - 6861\ncontracts supervisor administration\nenron property & services corp .\nprivileged / confidential information may be contained in this message . if\nyou are not the addressee indicated in this message ( or responsible for\ndelivery of the message to such person ) , you may not copy or deliver this\nmessage to anyone . in such case , you should destroy this message , and\nnotify us immediately . if you or your employer does not consent to internet\nemail messages of this kind , please advise us immediately . opinions ,\nconclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given\nor endorsed by my department or employer unless otherwise indicated by an\nauthorized representative independent of this message .\n']
['Subject: clyde drexler on espeak today ! \njoin clyde drexler on espeak at ethink . enron . com , wednesday , june 14 at 10\na . m . houston time . clyde , an nba legend , will conduct an " open mike " session\nto answer whatever questions you have for him .\nare you at a remote location or can \' t make the event ? go into espeak now and\npre - submit your question ( s ) for clyde to answer during the scheduled event .\nwe want to answer everyone \' s questions , but due to the high volume of\nquestions we anticipate on this session , it would be helpful if you can keep\nyour questions short and simple . this will increase the opportunity for your\nquestion to be answered .\nethink : invest your mind']
['Subject: merry xmas and a happy new year ! \nhi all\nmerry xmas and a happy new year !\nles .']
["Subject: hl & p \ndaren . sorry i forgot to include you\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 33\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkimberly vaughn\n12 / 21 / 99 02 : 01 pm\nto : janet h wallis / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : hl & p\njanet . i am back from vacation . i have updated the hl & p flow mtd . jill\ntold me that on the 18 th , 19 th and 20 th the san jac . nom should be 29 , 209 .\nis this correct ? we ' ll need to change sitara . i have had scada problems at\nmeter 1401 . gas control has given me a verbal from the 14 th on . i will\nmonitor scada and adjust as necessary . let me know if there is anything else\nthat i can do . thanks ."]
['Subject: draft press release : kcs energy \nthis press release for kcs energy has a reference to ena . call me if you have any problems with the attached . it is scheduled to go out today .\neric\n- press release 2 - 20 - 01 final . doc']
['Subject: re : european energy 2000 \nvince ,\ni \' ve been invited to speak at the conference below in amsterdam in april .\nthis is along with the monte carlo conference a week later which stinson has\nforwarded my name for . both are by eprm , and shouldn \' t take too much time to\nprepare as will be on similar topics to the previous conference at which i\nspoke . should i go to both , or start prioritising these events ?\nben\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by benjamin parsons / lon / ect on 20 / 12 / 99\n17 : 03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron capital & trade resources corp .\nfrom : " angela adedeji "\n20 / 12 / 99 11 : 57\nplease respond to " angela adedeji "\nto : benjamin parsons / lon / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : european energy 2000\ndear ben\nre : european energy 2000 , 3 & 4 april , amsterdam\nit is with great pleasure that i enclose details of eprm \' s 3 rd annual\ncongress . i would like to invite you to become involved as a speaker on the\nprogramme and / or on either of the two seminars on modelling power prices and\nvar .\nthe following sessions are currently available on the main programme :\n- trouble shooting roundtables -\nvar\nforward curve\nelectricity derivatives\nheding\n- developing and implementing enterprise wide risk management\n- quantifying and minimising operational risk\nunfortunately this project needs to be signed off before christmas . i would\ntherefore appreciate receiving a response from at your earliest convenience .\ni hope we can work together on this event and i look forward to hearing from\nyou soon .\nkind regards\nangela adedeji\nsenior producer , energy conferences & courses\ntel - 0171 484 9886\nfax - 0171 484 9888\nemail - aadedeji @ risk . co . uk\n- attl . htm\n- fgrid . doc\n- seminar . doc\n- seminar 2 . doc']
["Subject: phillips petroleum \ni wanted to update you on those phillips deals that the counterparty is\nsaying are booked wrong . i have left gary l . a voice mail , but i have a\nfeeling i won ' t be hearing from him . so , we might not be getting an answer\nuntil next week on these deals . the deals are ; 131054 & 131048 .\nif i hear from gary i ' ll let you know . i ' m hoping that they are ok .\njulie"]
['Subject: congratulations \ncongratulations on your expanded role . i hope this means you get lots more\nmoney and fewer hours !']
['Subject: palm pilot request \njean , would your group have the responsibility now of purchasing and\ninstalling the needed software for a palm pilot for our new staff member ,\nmichelle lokay ?\nplease forward the necessary forms for this purchase .\nthanks in advance ,\nadr']
['Subject: california update 2 / 20 / 01 \nbankruptcy\ntoday , california energy operating corporation sued southern california edison seeking payment for november and december power sales , totalling $ 45 m . this move is likely a sign of things to come . it shows that generators do not believe that there will be a viable solution from the governor . calenergy is positioning themselves as a primary creditor . past experience dictates that lawsuits are often used as a means of communication in bankruptcy situations . in the case of a judgement in calenergy \' s favor , calenergy would be able to seize edison \' s bank assets assuming there is no bankruptcy in the meantime . it is another strategy for getting paid without actually filing an involuntary bankruptcy . however , if there are enough of these suits or if edison ignores a judgement in calenergy \' s favor , it will very likely be enough to trigger an involuntary bankruptcy filing , followed closely by a voluntary filing . the generators are stating that they will not subscribe to any deal until their past bills are paid . there currently is no arrangement to pay the generators for power they are supplying to the iso . thus , the generators are beginning to see the utilities and the state as one and the same .\nthe governor is reportedly trying to come up with a plan that will result in the lowest possible rate increase in order to minimize the public \' s reaction . the governor has stated that he will put a plan in place in accordance with the " existing rate structure . " according to rosenfield , he is considering a 19 % rate increase . this number was arrived at by combining the 9 % temporary , emergency increase passed by the puc and a 10 % rate reduction imposed by the legislature under bill ab 1890 that is scheduled to expire next month . this increase would be put in place for as long as necessary to pay back the utilities \' debt . this plan contrasts enacting a 30 % or 40 % rate increase over a period of a few years . a lower increase over a longer period of time , coupled with the financing charges over that same period , is likely to have a detrimental effect on the california economy in comparison to its neighbors .\nconsumer advocacy group\nthe consumer groups continue to insist that the generators give something up as part of any deal . according to a source close to harvey rosenfield , head of a leading consumer advocacy group in california , rosenfield feels the longer it takes the governor to flesh out a deal with the utilities , the lower the price offered for the transmission assets will be . this is due to public pressure on elected officials not to enter into a bailout agreement ; the pressure will only increase as time passes']
['Subject: p . c . \nwe spoke about the p . c . for trisha tlapek .\nlocation eb 3132 b .\nco . # 0011\nr . c . 100038\nthanks\nkevin moore\nx 34710']
['Subject: re : meter # 1512 \nno one resolved this . it still needs to be done . you , robert , and volume\nmanagement need to be involved for november . you and robert can take care of\ndec . if you need more input let me know .\nthanks\nken\nkimberly vaughn\n12 / 21 / 99 04 : 17 pm\nto : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : meter # 1512\ni was on vacation the week that sent this note out . i was just wondering if\nanyone helped you resolve this ? and if not do you need help ?\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 03 : 15\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkenneth seaman 12 / 21 / 99 03 : 28 pm\nto : kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : meter # 1512\ni think i know what you are asking , but not for sure . what does do this while\ni was out mean ? ?\nkimberly vaughn\n12 / 21 / 99 02 : 12 pm\nto : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : meter # 1512\nken . did anyone do this while i was out ? do you need anthing ?\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 10\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkenneth seaman 12 / 13 / 99 02 : 19 pm\nto : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , robert e\nlloyd / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : meter # 1512\nin november volume was applied to deal # 92963 when , in fact , all volume\nshould be on 125066 . please effect this change asap and insure december is\nset up for 125066 . deal # 92963 should have been terminated at the end of\noctober .\nthanks\nken']
["Subject: no java ? \nbill ,\nhow ' s your day going ? you seem busy and / or pre - occupied . do you still wanna go get some coffee ? if you are too busy , don ' t worry about it . i just need to drink some coffee whether it is here or there . . .\nbye"]
['Subject: flat screens \nhello ,\nplease call or contact regarding the other flat screens requested .\ntrisha tlapek - eb 3132 b\nmichael sergeev - eb 3132 a\nalso the sun blocker that was taken away from eb 3131 a .\ntrisha should two monitors also michael .\nthanks\nkevin moore']
['Subject: 98 - 1052 ( pasadena plant phillips ) and 98 - 6614 ( lehrer " c " # 1 ) \n98 - 1052 ( del . meter ) has flow for 11 / 10 / 99 and 11 / 11 / 99 . maxey walters\n( field guy ) informed me that he rec \' d a call from our mktg . people asking him\nto flow gas these two days due to problems ocurring at phillips on these two\ndays . can you please look into this for me and see if you can provide me\nwith a k # to assess this business to ? thanks .\n98 - 6614 ( rec . meter ) has flow for every day this month but no k . last month\nit was on the 215 k , sitara # 93035 . the start date on this deal is 7 / 1 / 99 and\nthe stop date is 11 / 30 / 99 . sitara # 130917 \' s start and stop date is 10 / 1 / 99\nand 1 / 31 / 00 but the expected vols for 12 / 99 are " 0 " . can you look into this\nand tell me is the expected vols . for 12 / 99 should be different ?\nthanks again .\n- jackie -\n3 - 9497']
["Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !\nit ' s time they realise just how good a manager you are .\ncall me later for lunch when you have time .\nthanks\nbob\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bob m hall / fgt / enron on 01 / 18 / 2000 09 : 00\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : rick causey 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 05 pm\nsent by : enron announcements\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations ."]
["Subject: agenda california call 2 - 20 - 01 \n1 . governor ' s proposal - what do we know / enron ' s response\n2 . legislative update\n3 . uc / csu customer problem w / ablx\n4 . other"]
['Subject: volleyball \nwe are in need of additional volleyball fans to play tonight @ 7 pm @ wilson high school .\nplease see paul choi or me if you are available !']
['Subject: p . c . \nwhat do i need to do in order to get this\np . c . early a . m .\nplease let me know .\nthanks\nkevin moore\nvery important\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 22 / 99 06 : 30\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 20 / 99 11 : 28 am\nto : lyn malina / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , vince j\nkaminski / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : p . c .\nwe spoke about the p . c . for trisha tlapek .\nlocation eb 3132 b .\nco . # 0011\nr . c . 100038\nthanks\nkevin moore\nx 34710']
["Subject: 01 / 00 natural gas nomination \nenron methanol company nominates the following requirements for the methanol\nplant for january 2000 :\n35 , 000 mmbtu per day\negpfc nominates the following requirements for the mtbe plant at morgan ' s\npoint for january 2000 :\n2 , 000 mmbtu per day from 01 / 01 / 00 through 01 / 04 / 00\n5 , 000 mmbtu per day from 01 / 05 / 00 through 01 / 08 / 00\n8 , 500 mmbtu per day from 01 / 09 / 00 through 01 / 31 / 00"]
['Subject: re : new color printer \ngoodmorning lyn ,\nplease inform me on the status of the color printer for\nthe 19 th floor .\nwe need this printer a . s . a . p .\nthis printer should be placed where the black and white printer\nis located on the same counter .\nco . 0011\nr . c . 100038\nlet me know !\nmerry christmas\nkevin moore\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 22 / 99 06 : 23\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 09 : 21 am\nto : lyn malina / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 09 : 17\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 08 : 13 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\nyes ! right away , please\nalso let me know the e . t . a .\nthanks , lyn\nkevin moore']
["Subject: re : lt fundamentals / transport 2001 goals and objectives \nper your request . . . .\njulie : - )\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by julie a gomez / hou / ect on 02 / 21 / 2001 05 : 44 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nstephanie strong\n02 / 08 / 2001 08 : 53 am\nto : julie a gomez / hou / ect @ ect , jackie nelson / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : lt fundamentals / transport 2001 goals and objectives\nenron north america corp . from : jackie nelson 02 / 07 / 2001 03 : 30 pm\nto : stephanie strong / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : carol carter / hou / ect @ ect , susie orsak / corp / enron @ enron\nsubject : lt fundamentals / transport 2001 goals and objectives\nstephanie ,\nfor the long - term fundamentals / transport 2001 goals and objectives please replace the items under strategy with julie ' s comments below . thanks , i ' ll review a final copy when you ' re done and then we can forward to julie by e - mail . thanks as always steph .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie nelson / hou / ect on 02 / 07 / 2001 03 : 29 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : julie a gomez 02 / 07 / 2001 03 : 22 pm\nto : jackie nelson / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : lt fundamentals / transport 2001 goals and objectives\nstrategy\n* detail out key product and market strategies necessary to grow our existing business\n* develop a trading platform for pipelines to post and transact primary natural gas capacity\n* provide origination and trading groups with energy related geographic information ( gis )\n* develop a regulatory position to present to the ferc proposing fundamental changes to current transportation trading rules\neverything else can be left as is ( though i do not know where you got the 2000 forecast numbers since this group did not exist until this year )\njulie : - )\n"]
["Subject: misc . questions \nhhere are some questions for david that i already sent . do you have anything\nelse ?\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 49\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : ami chokshi 12 / 21 / 99 12 : 35 pm\nto : dscottl @ . com\ncc :\nsubject : misc . questions\nquestions :\n1 . at agua dulce , which pipe can the gp plant go into ? can it go into hpl ?\n2 . do you have nom forms for any plant nominations we may need ?\n3 . for gemc , is the tejas plant at thompsonville ? do you know how any of\nthose points tie into hpl ?\n4 . do you have avails for mops production ? the gas that is transported to\ntivoli - - what contract do you use ?\n5 . for kerr mcgee , do you have the entex contacts you speak with ?\n6 . is there a waskom nom form ? with whom do you speak over there ?\n7 . for the avails sheet you sent , the first row of column titles is blacked\nout . can you tell me what the row reads ?\n8 . what volumes will come from koch gathering into carthage for next month ?\nwe show conflicting numbers .\nthanks ,\nami\n713 / 853 - 9272\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 49\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : ami chokshi 12 / 21 / 99 01 : 48 pm\nto : dscottl @ . com\ncc :\nsubject : more questions\n1 . at carthage , the deliveries to koch ? what is that 15000 on your\nwhiteboard for . who is it to ? are the volumes termed up ?\n2 . at midcon texas , you usually sell all the supply to its marketing\naffiliate , correct ? is so , is that gas termed up or do you sell it month to\nmonth ?\n3 . is the gas to entex off tomcat sold as base or swing ? don ' t they change\nthe volume occasionally ? has anadarko given you any avails for jan ?\nthanks ,\nami"]
['Subject: please approve : application request ( wsmh - 4 esnva ) \nsecurity resource request wsmh - 4 esnva has been submitted for your approval .\nto view the request , double click your left mouse button on the notes\ndocument link below .\nquick steps to approve or reject request form :\n1 . click the button to view details of the requests .\n2 . click the button to approve or reject the requests .\n3 . to edit the request form , double - click anywhere on the form .\nsee the online help for instructions or call ect security .']
['Subject: invoice processing \nas you are aware , the sap financial systems will be implemented for the enron\ngas pipeline group , enron north america and enron energy services companies\non july 1 , 2000 . to effectively transfer the invoice processing from the\nlegacy msa system to the sap system , the following dates should be followed :\njune 23 : invoice processing on the msa system will stop except for emergency\npayments , wire transfers and achs .\njune 26 : invoice processing on the sap system will begin for the gpg , ena and\nees companies . accounts payables will input invoices into the sap system\nstarting on this date , but checks will not be printed until the first payment\nrun is processed on july 5 .\njune 28 : last day to input employee expense reports with ach in the msa\nsystem .\njune 29 : last day to input emergency payments and wire transfers in the msa\nsystem .\njune 30 : accounts payable to clean up outstanding open balances in the msa\nsystem .\njuly 5 : all invoices will be entered into sap and the first payment run is\nprocessed .\nplease remember , all invoices sent to accounts payable on or after june 23\nmust have sap general ledger coding applied to the invoice .\nif you have any questions , please contact larry dallman , 713 . 853 . 7222 , ben\ngwaltney , 713 . 853 . 1550 , andy zabriskie , 713 . 853 . 6892 or linda martin ,\n713 . 853 . 7038 .']
['Subject: daily california call moved to weekly call \nas a reminder , the daily call on california has ended .\nwe will now have a single weekly call on monday at 10 : 30 am houston time .\nupdates will be provided through e - mail as required .\njim steffes']
["Subject: kerr mcgee : tomcat \nhey joe ,\nhere ' s the response i got with regards to tomcat . i ' ve place another call\ninto david and let him know that the information we received included most\npoints except for tomcat . i ' ll keep you informed .\nwhat i know is that the gas is sourced at mi 587 and moved on km ' s firm\ncontract . for as long as ces remembers , they sell the gas to entex . entex\nchooses the pipe off which they take - - usually midcon - - also , hpl channel , or\ntejas . km is invoiced directly . volume is approx . 2395 . the deal with entex\nis written up monthly . km pays on a basket of indices . entex pays on the\nhighest index .\nami\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 21 / 99 09 : 32\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndscottl @ . com on 12 / 21 / 99 09 : 18 : 12 am\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re :\nthe response i got from our risk desk was that your structuring group has\nalready been provided all of this information . . . so you probably need to\ncheck\nwith them . my guess would be tetco stx is where the tomcat gas belongs .\ndavid"]
["Subject: real options for mothballed plant \ni ' m off for my xmas break , so happy holidays to you all !\nsteve"]
['Subject: charter review - final version \nattached is the final version of the charter review for our meeting with skilling tomorrow . i intended to get this out sooner , but preparations for our energy tech conference tomorrow kept me fairly occupied this afternoon .\ni need to go through one last time with my calculator , but do not anticipate there will be any additional revisions . i need to speak at the conference from 8 : 30 to 9 : 00 a . m . tomorrow and will come directly to the 33 rd floor thereafter . i believe we meet at 9 : 45 a . m . with skilling .\nif you need to reach me this evening , my cell number is ( 713 ) 854 5232 .\nregards ,\nmlm']
['Subject: celebrate responsibly \nover the last couple of years we have had numerous social events including holiday parties , company - sponsored outings to edgefield , post - quarterly meeting outings , and going away parties . while i hope that people thoroughly enjoy themselves , i ask that you keep in mind that we all have to act professionally and responsibly during and after these events . i have been working with chris calger and amy fitzpatrick to put together some guidelines for company - sponsored social events :\nthe company will provide soft drinks , beer , and wine . you may choose to order other beverages at your expense .\nfunctions will run for a specified period of time . if there is an open bar , we will establish a time certain after which enron will not pay for any additional drinks .\nif you require assisance getting home , please contact a taxi and submit the fare for expense reimbursement with no questions asked . the last thing in the world we want is to have people break the law or put their safety and the safety of others in jeopardy .\nlet me know if you have any questions . thanks for your cooperation .']
["Subject: ceraweek 2000 update ! \ndear ceraweek 2000 registrant ,\nthank you for your recent registration to ceraweek 2000 , cera ' s 19 th annual\nexecutive conference and related events , february 8 - 10 , 2000 in houston , tx .\nceraweek 2000 promises to be a premier international event offering senior\nenergy executives new ideas , insight , and strategic thinking , as well as\nopportunities for discussion on the major issues facing the global energy\nindustries .\nto keep abreast of new speakers and agenda changes , we recommend that you\nvisit our website at http : / / www . cera . com / ceraweek / . please note that there\nhave been slight changes to the agenda and schedule .\nif you have questions or concerns regarding ceraweek 2000 please contact\ncera registration at register @ cera . com or 800 879 - 2372 ext . 800 ( outside\nthe u . s . ( 617 ) 497 - 6446 ext . 800 . )\nwe look forward to seeing you in houston .\nsincerely ,\ncera registration\n- attl . htm"]
['Subject: holiday on - call data \npipeline contact phone fax pager\nblack marlin blair lichentwalter 713 853 - 7367 713 646 - 3201 ( h )\n281 370 - 1866\ndebbie thompson 713 853 - 3144 713 646 - 3201\n( noms due today for 23 rd through 27 th )\nchannel jim tobacco 713 420 - 2159\ngas control 1 505 599 - 2333\n( open thursday . noms will be due through monday )\ncentana william spekels 713 627 - 6290 713 762 - 3450\ndonna spencer 713 627 - 6255\ngas control 1 888 204 - 1718\n( noms due today for 23 rd through 27 th )\nduke energy annette anderson 713 260 - 8603 713 949 - 3026\n( on call ) bob moseman 713 - 260 - 8698 ( thursday )\nopen tomorrow - noms will be due thru the 27 th )\nlonestar gary gafford 214 670 - 2674 214 875 - 3810\ngas control 214 875 - 2455 or 2456\n( noms due today , 23 rd thru 27 th )\nnorthern natural ben markey 853 - 7581 cell 713 446 - 9404 800 931 - 0398\n( on call ) charlie mosey 853 - 1520\ngas control 853 -\n( open thursday - noms due thru 27 th . )\neast trans - east texas\ntejas gas control 713 767 - 5366\npaula svehla 713 230 - 3569\nmickey chapman 713 230 - 3546\n( open thursday - noms due thru 27 th )\nmidcon ( y 2 k ) ken nachlinger 713 369 - 9284 713 369 - 9375 888 733 - 5954\n( on call ) steven 888 790 - 0255\n( y 2 k ) don 888 733 - 4602\ngas control 713 369 - 9200\n( noms due today , 23 rd thru 27 th )\nmoss bluff no current business']
["Subject: re : global risk management operations \nrick ,\ni read your memo regarding global risk management initiative . i am sending\nyou the\ninformation regarding a related initiative on which i have been working last\nyear and which\nis moving now into the implementation stage . it ' s enterprise - wide risk\nmanagement\nand it ' s really an effort to measure business risks consistently across the\ncompany .\ni hope my group can be helpful in designing the general approach to this\nproblem .\nplease , let me know what your thoughts are .\nvince\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : rick causey @ enron 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations ."]
['Subject: north baja project \naccording to jeff dasovich , the ceo of sempra has referred to the project\npublicly as a " bypass pipeline . " the pipe will drop down through imperial\nirrigation , follow the border on the mexico side , go through mexicali and\nserve the new sempra ldc there , go back across the border to south of san\ndiego to the pg & e \' s otay mesa ipp , then proceed on to rosarita .\nas we discussed , the " genie is out of the bottle " with respect to all future\nbypass projects in california . the only significant opposition that could be\nmounted here is the cpuc and / or other customer groups like turn or ora\nbemoaning the project \' s " cherrypicking " of gas loads .']
['Subject: re : arcor transaction completed \ncongrats\nplease put a plan together for me .\njohn\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : guerriero , michael\nsent : wednesday , february 21 , 2001 11 : 43 am\nto : calo , andrea ; waingortin , carolina ; folgar , cristian ; mestre , erica ; valle , fabian ; aguilar , gabriela ; canovas , guillermo ; bertocchi , gustavo ; kabel , jeff ; shoobridge , john ; feldman , laura ; juarros , luis ; salvador , maria belen ; beccaccini , maria pia ; benitez , mario aguilar ; pardellas , marisa ; ortiz , marta ; guerriero , michael ; cordoba , miguel ; rodriguez , nadia ; porta , santiago ; dorfman , sara ; leppez , veronica ; ramos , julie ; ueckert , allen w . ; guidry , john ; ham , roshena ; daniels , roberto ; johnson , dirk ; votaw , waymon ; veariel , robin ; miceli , keith ; ambler , john ; wagner , kathleen ; sassatani , ricardo ; young , randy ; haedicke , mark ; atenor , guillermo ; hollweck , diego ; black , don ; poole , julian ; collonges , remi ; wiggs , brett ; granado , maria ines ; padron , miguel ; freyre , rodolfo ; weidler , peter ; hansen , patrick ; gay , rob ; phan , thach c . ; blackham , roderick ; beaven fernandes @ enron communications ; hendry , brent ; lamar frazier / enron _ development @ enron _ development ; popkin , michael ; estrems , connie ; tribolet , michael ; mckone , bill ; andrews , bernardo ; castleman , kent ; aven , lynn ; moehlman , cathy ; radous , paul ; majom @ sinectis . com . ar ; cmbastos @ ssdnet . com . ar ; taylor , mark\ncc : kishkill , joe ; gonzalez , orlando ; lavorato , john\nsubject : arcor transaction completed\nas of this moment the acquisition of the arcor modesto maranzana power facility has been completed . all documents and assets have been executed and / or transferred .\ncongratulations to the deal team and all those who have diligently worked on this project over the past eighteen months . your efforts our are greatly appreciated and you have achieved bottom line results for enron .\nmichael f . guerriero']
['Subject: re : 12 / 17 churn - - eb 29 to ebl 9 \njob done !\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 22 / 99 05 : 59\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nlupe rodriguez @ enron\n12 / 21 / 99 04 : 08 pm\nto : move - team / epsc / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect , dolores sustaita / epsc / hou / ect @ ect , janelle\nduree / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : 12 / 17 churn - - eb 29 to ebl 9\ni have guys up there now to complete this request . we don " t move the plants\nbut we will this time . any thing else just let me know . lupe\nmove - team @ ect\n12 / 21 / 99 02 : 26 pm\nsent by : linda richard @ ect\nto : lupe rodriguez / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect , dolores sustaita / epsc / hou / ect @ ect , janelle\nduree / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : 12 / 17 churn - - eb 29 to ebl 9\nhi lupe !\nthere are approximately 25 boxes , several small file cabinets and 2 plants ( a\n3 ft and a 9 ft plant ) that are ready to be moved from 29 to 19 . this is part\nof the 29 th floor 12 / 17 churn .\nthe items are located in various offices of the " fishbowl " area on the 29 th\nfloor . they are labeled with the 19 th floor designated location .\nthere are 2 larger file cabinets that are located in the hallway .\nthe 2 plants need to be taken to ebl 944 .\nis there anyway to work this in your schedule on tommorrow ?\nthanks\nlinda']
['Subject: new nat gas delivery location \npursuant to our recent confirmation i have drafted some suggested language\nfor the houston ship channel pooling point :\nabbreviation : hpl - hsc\nsort code : [ tbd ]\ndescription : the transaction is for delivery via the houston pipe line\ncompany to the houston ship channel , zone 10 .\nelsa and darren ; please approve or offer comments regarding the content of\ndescription .']
["Subject: elektro short position \nfor our discussion this afternoon we will use the first and third files . you do not need the elektro free customer analysis .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by orlando gonzalez / sa / enron on 02 / 21 / 2001 01 : 41 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nluis henriques\n02 / 21 / 2001 01 : 32 pm\nto : orlando gonzalez / sa / enron @ enron , joao carlos albuquerque / sa / enron @ enron , brett r wiggs / sa / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : elektro short position\nsee attached 3 files : one with graphics about elektro and ece book , one with an update and one with elektro ' s sensitive from free customers .\nlet me know if you need anything else for your next week presentation .\nluiz otavio"]
['Subject: congratulations \nsally ,\nwell it seems you will never get away from the credit game ! but you are now\njust at a global level . i know lucien is proud for all you have accomplished\nhere at enron . it has been quite a journey from the clothing business to\nwhere you are now ! congratulations .\ntim']
['Subject: long term outlook \nfyi . i understand you are going to this meeting .\nsteve\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by steven harris / et & s / enron on 06 / 14 / 2000\n08 : 20 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nsarabeth smith\n06 / 13 / 2000 04 : 37 pm\nto : mike mcgowan / et & s / enron @ enron , john goodpasture / ots / enron @ enron , steven\nharris / et & s / enron @ enron , dave neubauer / et & s / enron @ enron , rockey\nstorie / et & s / enron @ enron , john dushinske / et & s / enron @ enron , kent\nmiller / et & s / enron @ enron , robert hayes / fgt / enron @ enron , robert\nhill / npng / enron @ enron , lorna brennan / et & s / enron @ enron , steve\nklimesh / et & s / enron @ enron , kristen hand / et & s / enron @ enron , kimberly\nwatson / et & s / enron @ enron , martha janousek / et & s / enron @ enron , vasant\nshanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , clayton vernon / corp / enron @ enron , michael\nratner / ots / enron\ncc :\nsubject : long term outlook\nadditionally , here is the long term outlook from wefa that accompanies the\nshort term outlook forwarded in the previous message .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sarabeth smith / et & s / enron on 06 / 13 / 2000\n04 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" denhardt , ron " on 06 / 12 / 2000 04 : 00 : 21 pm\nto : sarabeth . smith @ enron . com\ncc :\nsubject : long term outlook\nron denhardt\nvice president\nenergy services\nwefa , inc .\n34 crosby drive\nbedford , ma 01730\ntel : 781 685 5442\nfax : 781 280 5052\n> >\n- houston _ lterm . pdf\n- houston _ lterm . zip']
['Subject: igcc comparison \nlouise -\nthe attached is a very rough summary of the technology comparison . we should be able to provide more information depending on your desired level of detail .\nregards ,\nmitch robinson\nx 33957']
["Subject: out of the office \ni will be out of the office beginning thursday , 12 / 24 , returning on tuesday ,\n1 / 4 . in my absence , i have asked steve venturatos to be the point person for\ntexas operations .\ni realize that many of you will be working over the new year ' s week - end to\nensure a smooth transaction into the new year . in advance , i truly\nappreciate all of the efforts . additionally , i would like to be kept\ninformed on any critical issues , mainly so that i have no surprises when i\nreturn . therefore , i have provided numbers below where i can be reached . i\nwill leave it to your discretion as to whether you call me or leave me a\nvoice mail in the office . as you all know , i would rather be informed than\nsurprised !\npager 877 - 497 - 3757\ncellular 713 - 417 - 2995\nhome 970 - 920 - 2293 &\n970 - 920 - 2294\nthanks to each of you for your dedication . i hope each of you have a\nwonderful and safe holiday !"]
['Subject: re : working gas price model \nvince -\ni have a simplified version of brad \' s model in mind .\nthe " no arbitrage " condition equates trading margins across the country .\ncosts of transmission rise with congestion on the network . wellhead supply is\nalmost completely price - elastic , while burner - tip demand is almost\ncompletely price inelastic . storage is rationalized as a perpetual call\noption .\nthe least time - variant parameters are the costs of injecting and withdrawing\ngas from storage to the pipeline , followed by the costs of delivering gas\nfrom the wellhead to the pipeline . the intermediate - variant parameters are\nthe capacity - dependent costs paid to the pipeline ( above shrinkage ) for\ntransmission . the most time - variant parameters are the trading margins and\nthe valuations of the storage option .\nthere are 8 parameters to be estimated at each major node of the betwork .\nthey are identifiable in either of two straightforward ways : using a short\ntime series of the last 3 days prices based on the assumed variability\nmentioned above , or point - estimates ( " calibrations " ) using only today \' s data\nbased on a node - based model of competition between pipelines where pipes with\nthe same region of origination , albeit markedly different terminus , price\nversus capacity similarly , " competing " for outflows .\ni will write this up for you in scientific word and present it to you at your\nearliest convenience .\nclayton']
['Subject: account assignment list \ni took the liberty of reformatting it to better fit the page . see if you\nlike it as revised .\nlorraine lindberg\n06 / 13 / 2000 05 : 38 pm\nto : kevin hyatt , jeffery fawcett / et & s / enron @ enron , tk\nlohman / et & s / enron @ enron , michele lokay / et & s / enron @ enron , christine\nstokes / et & s / enron @ enron\ncc : steven harris / et & s / enron @ enron\nsubject : account assignment list\nattached is the revised customer account list for the long term marketers .\nmichelle , christine , jeff and i took a first shot at re - distributing accounts\nto incorporate michelle . if anyone has any questions please let me know .']
["Subject: gas customers \nlouise ,\nattached is the customer list . enovate and mw gas both roll into laura luce , do you wish to treat them as separate regions . in the mean time , i ' ll begin working through the changes you requested .\ntammy"]
["Subject: ncpa br is back \nhey guys .\ni had a long talk with ncpa today and set up so that we again can do the zp 26 / npl 5 buy - resale on a realtime basis . we are not doing a profit split this time , we are paying them $ 25 / mw instead . this basically enables us to shift 21 mw across pathl 5 and not be subject to congestion as ncpa has grandfather rights across the path . this is a sweet strategy when the spl 5 / npl 5 spread is there and pathl 5 is congested . ncpa ' s capacity is 21 mw , but i would not recommend doing more than 20 mw . there are others who know about this opportunity but are not currently using it ( wesco especially ) . so by doing only 20 mw we do not remind them of ncpa .\nthe way this works is that we call ncpa and ask their capacity across pathl 5 . and tell them you want to schedule the br through whatever hour .\nin caps :\nwe sell to ncpa in zp 26 .\nwe buy from ncpa in npl 5 .\nwe can buy spl 5 to fill our zp 26 sale ( we just shift the load from spl 5 to zp 26 , so enter a epmi calpool ) .\npg & e is ncpa ' s sc , so if you are not passing phase two give them a call .\nncpa ' s tel # : ( 916 ) 786 - 3520\npg & e tel # : ( 415 ) 973 - 1969\nif you guys have any questions just ask me .\ngeir"]
["Subject: new volatility curve generator for uk power \nwe have established a set of power volatility curves down to the efa / monthly\nlevel of detail that can be marked to market up to 6 years out . beyond this ,\nthe volatility decays to what we understand to be the long - term level for\npower volatility , given our understanding of the behaviour of forward prices\nover large time - scales .\nthe swaption traders can now fit the first 5 - 6 years of the volatility curve\nto the market - observed baseload swaption implied volatilities ( typically 3 to\n12 months duration for the underlying swap ) and then be in a good position to\nprice other swaptions ( including swaptions on individual efa slots )\nconsistent with the curve . there may also be an impact on the daily var\ncalculation .\nan illustration of the current volatility curves is pasted below : -\nthese curves will be reset as the market moves , and allow a mark - to - market\napproach to be followed for our volatility book . the spreadsheet model is\nsaved in t : \\ readwrte \\ elec _ uk \\ models \\ . xls and also\nattached below for houston staff to review .\n[ stinson - i ' d be grateful if you could offer an opinion / audit to ensure that\ni haven ' t missed anything , thanks . ]\nregards ,\nanjam\nx 35383"]
["Subject: re : misc . questions \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 22 / 99 08 : 19\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndscottl @ . com on 12 / 21 / 99 08 : 06 : 49 pm\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re : misc . questions\nquestions :\n1 . at agua dulce , which pipe can the gp plant go into ? can it go into hpl ?\n2 . do you have nom forms for any plant nominations we may need ?\n3 . for gemc , is the tejas plant at thompsonville ? do you know how any of\nthose points tie into hpl ?\n4 . do you have avails for mops production ? the gas that is transported to\ntivoli - - what contract do you use ?\n5 . for kerr mcgee , do you have the entex contacts you speak with ?\n6 . is there a waskom nom form ? with whom do you speak over there ?\n7 . for the avails sheet you sent , the first row of column titles is blacked\nout . can you tell me what the row reads ?\n8 . what volumes will come from koch gathering into carthage for next month ?\nwe show conflicting numbers .\nthanks ,\nami\n713 / 853 - 9272\nhere goes . . .\n1 . i know tennessee , hpl , and tejas are at the tailgate of the plant , and i\nsuspect midcon texas is there as well .\n2 . i ' ll fax you a copy of the nomination form that steve locke uses for agua\ndulce and carthage . . . those are the only ones in texas that we nominate .\n3 . the tejas plant as well as all of the other gulf energy receipt points\nfrom\npennzenergy are exclusively tejas / gulf energy points , and it takes transport\ncharges to move the gas through gulf energy to interconnects , such as\nthompsonville . the jennings plant does have a split connect with delhi , but\noperationally pennzenergy much prefers to flow into gulf energy ( lower\npressure\n= higher volumes ) .\n4 . mustang island 759 for january is again 1 , 903 mmbtu / d , which peoples will\npick up at the wellhead . mustang island 785 is 4 , 100 / d , which leaves 2 , 200 / d\navailable to sell assuming we continue to transport 1 , 895 / d to fgt / tivoli for\npeoples . our it agreement on nng is # 78581 to move gas from the wellhead to\nonshore .\n5 . the tomcat gas has been sold to entex into midcon texas for so long that i\ndon ' t think maria even talks to them anymore each month . tammi provides them\nwith the volume when she does the deal each month . but we can certainly\nprovide an entex contact if the gas is sold to them again in january .\n6 . there isn ' t a waskom nomination form . the trader for this gas , mike\nlandolt , talks to ben britten ( president of new waskom gas gathering and\nwaskom\ngas marketing ) .\n7 . you must be referring to the page of offshore avails that begins with\nsabine pass 13 . the 6 columns that appear blacked out read as follows : pvr ,\npvr , avail , dbq , dbq , and remainder .\n8 . the koch - gathered volumes behind the carthage plant for 1 / 00 are 12 , 443\nmmbtu / d .\ndavid\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 22 / 99 08 : 19\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndscottl @ . com on 12 / 21 / 99 08 : 20 : 28 pm\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re : more questions\n1 . at carthage , the deliveries to koch ? what is that 15000 on your\nwhiteboard for . who is it to ? are the volumes termed up ?\n2 . at midcon texas , you usually sell all the supply to its marketing\naffiliate , correct ? is so , is that gas termed up or do you sell it month to\nmonth ?\n3 . is the gas to entex off tomcat sold as base or swing ? don ' t they change\nthe volume occasionally ? has anadarko given you any avails for jan ?\nround 2 :\n1 . the 15 , 000 @ carthage for koch is an estimate of what we anticipate we\nwill\nwant to sell into koch . . . and it shows up on the koch whiteboard as a supply\n( from carthage ) . during bidweek the traders will decide how much they\nactually\nwant to show going to koch , and how much will be labeled base and swing . mike\nlandolt has been our sole koch trader and he typically takes some carthage gas\ninto koch , but i wouldn ' t say a particular volume is termed - up .\n2 . other than very rarely shippling the jennings ranch volume over to ngpl ,\nwe ' ve always sold all of the midcon texas volumes to the affiliate . . .\ncurrently done one month at a time . john hymel has been the trader for these\nvolumes .\n3 . the entex sale @ tomcat has always been gas daily because that is the way\nkerr - mcgee prices the supply . . . and entex has taken all the swings . the\njanuary volume is 2 , 312 / d .\ndavid\np . s . i still don ' t know my schedule for wednesday . . . everyone who is being\nasked to work transition is meeting individually with management on wednesday\nand the schedules haven ' t been provided yet . as soon as i know more i ' ll let\nyou know , but i ' ll understand if you make other lunch arrangements ."]
["Subject: re : thank you for the e - mail . \njoe ,\nhe is a research assistant of prof . darrell duffie from stanford\nand i met him in this capacity . a very bright fellow .\ni could not assess his commercial skills but he has enough common\nsense to identify the winner ( as his interest in enron demonstrates ) .\nvince\njoseph p hirl @ enron _ development\n12 / 17 / 99 08 : 05 pm\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : thank you for the e - mail .\nvince , thanks for the note and the voice mail this morning . do you have any\nthoughts / comments on this person ' s abilities ?\njoe\nvince j kaminski @ ect\n12 / 18 / 99 07 : 25 am\nto : joseph p hirl / enron _ development @ enron _ development\ncc :\nsubject : re : thank you for the e - mail .\njoe ,\ni am forwarding you the information about the student from stanford of\njapanese ancestry interested in enron .\nhe lives currently in california .\nvince kaminski\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 12 / 17 / 99\n03 : 23 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nvince j kaminski\n10 / 20 / 99 07 : 07 am\nto : hoshino @ leland . stanford . edu\ncc : celeste roberts / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , greg\nwhalley / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : thank you for the e - mail .\ntaiichi ,\nthank you for your messsage . i shall forward to our analyst / associate\nprogram and a few other units of enron .\nvince kaminski\nhoshino @ leland . stanford . edu on 10 / 19 / 99 09 : 14 : 05 am\nplease respond to hoshino @ leland . stanford . edu\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , vkaminski @ aol . com\ncc :\nsubject : thank you for the e - mail .\ndear vince kaminski\nthank you so much for the kind invitation for the meeting .\ni have been always inspired by and having respect for the\nrecent revolutionary achievements of enron in the energy markets\nmy former employer mckinsey tokyo in fact featured\nyour company * s success in the last quarterly , and it clearly states\n( in japanese though ) that the quantitative research capability at enron\nis now at the world * s top level , which has been always behind the scene .\ni am extremely honored to receive the email from you and in fact\ninterested in knowing the opportunity of working in the energy field ;\nhowever , very unfortunately i will have to come back to japan , or at\nleast to the east asian region , upon graduation due to an inevitable\nfamily reason . my wife * s father passed away recently and an old\nmother - in - law is now left alone without relatives . i understand that\nenron has not yet embarked on the next big project of freeing\nthe outdated japanese energy market , ( which by the way i strongly\nhope ) so i may not have a very good chance of making contribution\nat your company right now .\nlastly , if you need a staff in tokyo in some future who understands\nboth the risk management analytics at the f 622 level and the local\nlanguage and business custome better than average , please contact\nme any time . i will be happy to assist as much as possible .\nyours sincerely ,\n/ ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~\ntaiichi hoshino\nph . d . candidate\nengineering economic systems & operations research\ngraduate school of engineering\nstanford university\nthe shadows apt # 171\n750 north shoreline blvd .\nmountain view ca 94043\ntel / fax ) 650 - 960 - 1993\n/ ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~"]
['Subject: re : update - waterdesk \nplease respond to thank you louise . i will follow up with greg asap .\n- karen .\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : louise . kitchen @ enron . com [ mailto : louise . kitchen @ enron . com ]\nsent : wednesday , february 21 , 2001 6 : 29 pm\nto : kwelsch @ waterdesk . com\nsubject : re : update - waterdesk\n>\nthank you for your email i would think you should talk to greg piper as\nsoon as possible . greg , apart from running the origination group of enron\nnet works , is also its coo . greg does currently have a lot of\nopportunities in his group which may suit your skill set .\nregards\nlouise\n( embedded enron capital & trade resources corp .\nimage moved\nto file : from : " karen welsch "\npico 2625 . pcx )\n02 / 21 / 2001 03 : 48 pm\nplease respond to\nto :\ncc :\nsubject : update - waterdesk\nlouise -\nfirst , congratulations on your resent position change . sounds like an\nexciting and challenging opportunity for you .\nsecond , you may have already heard but i just wanted to touch base with you\nand give you an update on waterdesk . american water works on friday\nnotified\nus that they have decided to pass on the acquisition of waterdesk . this is\nunfortunate for both the industry and waterdesk as a whole . we are\nimmediately positioning wd to sell the individual assets as feasible and\nhave severed the team effective 3 / 16 / 01 . thank you for providing the names\nof your directors within networks , the team has been in contact with the\nvarious names you provided us . alex and myself will be remaining to work\nwith various systems integrators and any other potential purchasers\ninterested in the " parts " of waterdesk during the next several weeks .\nand finally on a personal note , i was incredibly impressed with you and the\nway you carried yourself during our meeting last month . it was refreshing\nto speak to someone as high energetic as you and to talk to someone who\nreally " get \' s it " at enron . i \' d be interested if you had any opportunities\nand / or suggestions for an individual such as myself given my background in\ndeveloping and executing new business strategies for clients in the\nconsulting arena and most recently leading the waterdesk from a product to\na\nservices focused company .\ni look forward to any suggestions you may have . regards , karen welsch .']
['Subject: 23 rd noms \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 23 / 99 10 : 30\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nroyal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 12 / 22 / 99 11 : 32 : 52 am\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : 23 rd noms\nhow could i ever be mad at someone so nice as you . . . . just real busy . . .\n( see attached file : hpldecl 999 . xls )\n- hpldecl 999 . xls']
['Subject: pg & e deliveries \nhere \' s the calcs i used for purposes of evaluating proposals for july - oct ,\neot to pg & e ( mojave values should be similar ) :\ncurrent basis\nepng permian - $ 0 . 41\nsocal border + $ 0 . 12\ngross spread + $ 0 . 53\nfuel 5 % - $ 0 . 18 nymex , $ 4 . 10 minus $ . 41 basis = $ 3 . 49 / mmbtu\nsocal spread net fuel + $ 0 . 35\ncurrent market diff . socal v . pg & e - $ 0 . 20 ( + / - ) * variable according to market\nmaker\nspread value ( financial ) + $ 0 . 15\nphysical v . financial diff . - $ 0 . 03 ( + / - )\nspread value ( physical ) + $ 0 . 12\nusgt called back and said they \' d be willing to do th $ 0 . 12 . i told them we \' d\nheard higher , maybe as high as something with a " two " in it . she called back\nand said they could maybe get to a mid - teens number , but certainly not 20 \' s .']
['Subject: david pope \nfyi\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david w delainey / hou / ect on 02 / 22 / 2001 07 : 53 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nron james @ ees\n02 / 21 / 2001 10 : 30 am\nto : marty sunde / hou / ees @ ees , harold g buchanan / hou / ees @ ees , dan leff / hou / ees @ ees\ncc : kalen pieper / hou / ees @ ees , judy gray / hou / ees @ ees , david w delainey / hou / ect @ ect , elizabeth tilney / hou / ees @ ees\nsubject : david pope\nfyi\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ron james / hou / ees on 02 / 21 / 2001 10 : 23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndawn doucet @ ect\n02 / 20 / 2001 06 : 31 pm\nto : ron james / hou / ees @ ees\ncc : patricia henry / cal / ect @ ect\nsubject : david pope\ndavid pope has " officially " given us his termination notice . his last day at enron is march 6 th , his last day in the office is feb 21 . let me know if you have any questions . . . . .']
['Subject: re : best guess right now . . . . should go up but a little to soon to \nbe sure . . .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 23 / 99 10 : 30\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nroyal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 12 / 22 / 99 02 : 31 : 09 pm\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re : best guess right now . . . . should go up but a little to soon to\nbe sure . . .\n( see attached file : hpl - jan . xls )\n- hpl - jan . xls']
["Subject: gpcm summary 1999 \nthis has been a great year for rbac and gpcm .\nduring the year we have doubled to 10 the number of gpcm licensees .\nthis means we ' ve also doubled the number of wonderful people we ' ve trained\nand are supporting .\nand , i sincerely mean it when i say it has been a real pleasure working\nwith you all .\none of the things we stress when we are selling gpcm is that it takes a\nstrong commitment on the part of the licensee , a commitment to find skilled\nand dedicated people to make optimal use of this sophisticated tool . and ,\ni ' m happy to report that we have that quality in the gpcm teams we work\nwith .\nnext year we have some big challenges . we will be converting the system\nfrom office 97 to office 2000 and will also need to make sure it will run\nin the windows 2000 environment .\nwe will be adding new flexibility in defining our transportation zone price\ncurves to enable users , especially pipeline users , to test variations of\npricing strategies for their impacts on basis and utilization .\nwe will be adding a capability for modeling future ft contracting .\nwe will upgrade our existing database comparison program to allow you to\nselect those items you want to have automatically updated in your own\ndatabases .\nwe will continue to work with rdi to improve pipeline and storage\ninfrastructure representations , to provide interfaces between gasdat and\ngpcm , and to give you regular optional updates for your own databases .\nwe are beginning to plan out a new website dedicated to gpcm licensees ( and\npossibly prospects ) . we have acquired gpcm . rbac . com and gpcm . net for this\npurpose .\nin making these various changes , we look also to you , our existing\nlicensees , for enhancement and improvement ideas . we are planning to\nconduct interviews of our licensees during the next 30 - 60 days to find\nout what you like , but also what you would like to see improved , as well as\nsome new ideas for gpcm .\ni would like to thank the following people for their contributions to gpcm\nduring 1999 .\no liam leahy for his excellent marketing , sales , and planning support\no charles carr for his quality work on our website and support with subtle\nvisual basic programming issues\no richard berman for thorough research on design tools and skilled windows\nprogramming\no richard mcbride for continuing support and development of his emnet\noptimization program\no aaron and james brooks for design and production of the powerpoint\npipeline maps now available in gpcm\no mike farina and rdi for their continuing improvement of the gpcm data and\ngasdat database\no gpcm users who have found data bugs and reported them to use so that we\ncould get them corrected\no gpcm users who have suggested new features which would make gpcm a better\nproduct\no gpcm users who have given us sales leads during the year\no gpcm users who have used gpcm to help their companies make better plans\nand decisions , which is , after all , the purpose for which it was designed\nwe hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and look forward to an\neven better year 2000 .\nbob brooks"]
['Subject: 2001 plan \nlouise , the $ 10 . 9 million negative in the plan as presented to you consists of :\ninland $ 4 . 6 mm\nmasada $ 2 . 9 mm\nlinder $ 3 . 4 mm\ntotal $ 10 . 9 mm\nthese assets had been scheduled originally to go into raptor 2 . without a raptor hedge , these represent the difference between estimated valuein a monetization and carrying value .\nin addition to the above , the following items are incorporated into the $ 20 . 7 mm delta ena exposure vs . base value\nnoram rig $ 0 . 9 mm - - the purchaser defaulted on purchase . our expectation for value is now lower .\necogas $ 2 . 4 mm - - we acquired this asset after the budget .\ncanfibre loc $ 4 . 5 mm - - this contingent liability may or may not be paid depending upon certain performance tests at the lackawanna plant\ncalpine $ 2 . 0 mm - - this is a drilling commitment . i always view these on a dry hole basis .\ntotal $ 9 . 8 mm\ni hope this clarifies the numbers . dick .']
['Subject: dave porter \nwas dave porter able to attend the last new hire dinner in january ? amy requested that i check to see if we need to include him on the next dinner .\nlet me know .\nthanks !\n- grace']
['Subject: revised customer list \nattached is the revised list with changes you requested . i spoke with frank vickers about a few of the entries to ensure they were not duplicates with regards to cities and their departs . he advised that we would consider them two customers .\nexample : talahassee , city of\ntalahassee electric this would greatly assist with sorting the information . after your review i can send back to the gas teams and ask them to populate some of the missing data if you wish .\nregards ,\ntammy']
['Subject: revision \nhuntsville / woodlands / conroe 11500 by 8 days = 92 , 000\nbig ticket 120000 @ 4 days = 480 , 000\n50000 @ 4 days = 200 , 000\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 23 / 99 09 : 16\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : ami chokshi 12 / 23 / 99 08 : 27 am\nto : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject :\nentex increase rom :\nhuntsville / woodlands / conroe 11500 by 8 days = 92 , 000\nbig ticket 50000 by 8 days = 400 , 000\nami']
["Subject: re : firm power sale from phase i - issues \nvince / vasant ,\nit has been some time since we spoke at the san antonio conference .\nunfortunately , as soon as i got to india i was diagnosed wih a slip disc and\nhad to be in bed for a long time .\nin the mean time the team continued to work on the concept of a sale to\nanother state out of the dabhol plant . i have developed the concept whereby\nwe are now looking at a firm component ( over peak period ) , and an infirm\npower sale during the monsoon .\nthe series of quesions and comments from my team in te attachment below\nshould help you a bit to get a feel for the proposal . i am currently in\nhouston and reachable at 281 - 345 - 9870 . i maybe needing a surgery for the\nslip disc but am currently on medication hoping that surgery won ' t be needed .\ni would like to wis you all a very happy x ' mas and a great new year , and will\ncatch you in the new year in houston to discuss this wit you further . i can\nsee that soem structuring help will be needed on this , and would like to get\nsome help from your end .\nregards ,\nsandeep .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sandeep kohli / enron _ development on\n12 / 25 / 99 10 : 17 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nsandeep kohli\n12 / 25 / 99 10 : 06 pm\nto : rajesh sivaraman / enron _ development\ncc : vivek kejriwal / enron _ development @ enron _ development , shubh\nshrivastava / enron _ development @ enron _ development , anshuman\nsubject : re : firm power sale from phase i - issues\nteam ,\nplease find my comments in the word document attached .\nplease go through this and run the sensitivities and get a good idea of way\nto structure thsi . having gone through the comments , i feel that it maybe\nnecessary to get some help on the structuring side . i will try to get you\nsome structuring expertise asap . in the mean time , i would like you all to\nfocus on getting resources together and working this to the next pass .\nlets see where we can get with this .\nregards ,\nsandeep .\nrajesh sivaraman\n12 / 24 / 99 10 : 06 pm\nto : sandeep kohli / enron _ development @ enron _ development\ncc : vivek kejriwal / enron _ development @ enron _ development , shubh\nshrivastava / enron _ development @ enron _ development , anshuman\nsubject : firm power sale from phase i - issues\nas discussed , please find enclosed a word document which essentially\ndiscusses most of the issues involved with a firm power sale of 50 mw from\nphase i , which would have to be sorted out with mseb .\nvivek\nwill put the tariff formula in the next mail )\nthe tariff structure & the issue list obviously need further refinement ,\nbefore we discuss it with mseb .\nlooking forward to your comments on both the issue list as well as the tariff\ncomputation .\nregards ,\nrajesh s"]
['Subject: entex increase rom : \nhuntsville / woodlands / conroe 11500 by 8 days = 92 , 000\nbig ticket 50000 by 8 days = 400 , 000\nami']
['Subject: research intelligence \nstinson ,\nplease , take a look at this memo and forward with changes , if any , to ross\nprevat .\nenron corp . research group publishes weekly newsletter , " research\nintelligence , " available to the internal users on the intranet , at the\nfollowing location : xxx . xxx . xxx . this site contains not only the new issues\nof the newsletter as they become available , but also the archived copies of\nthe previous editions .\neach issue of " research intelligence " contains a regular feature called\ntechnical corner which is devoted to discussion of various quantitative\ntechniques that can be applied across different business units of enron .\ni am sending you a binder with the archive copies of the technical corner\narticles . please , review these articles and let us know whether some of the\ntechniques discussed in them could find application in your area . we shall be\nglad to use our technical expertise to support your business .\nbinders would go to skilling , sutton , hannon , baxter , delainey , bowen , w .\ncurry , buy , bowen , overdyke , whalley , shankman , pai , etc . this is a partial\nlist . i think we should ask the head of each unit to make recommendations .\nthanks .\nvince']
['Subject: global risk management operations \nsally\ncongratulations on your new role .\nif you were not already aware , i am now in rac in houston and i suspect our\nresponsibilities will mean we will talk on occasion .\ni look forward to that .\nbest regards\ndavid\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david port / lon / ect on 18 / 01 / 2000 14 : 16\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron capital & trade resources corp .\nfrom : rick causey @ enron 18 / 01 / 2000 00 : 04\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: vacation payback \nleaf -\ni just received a call from payroll - they miscalculated your vacation payback .\nrather than the $ 1 , 113 . 66 , you actually only owe $ 957 . 04 ( they forgot to take away your or state taxes in the first calculation ) .\ncan you please write another check and we will void the first one ? do you want the check returned to you ?\nsorry for the inconvenience . please let me know if you have any questions .\namy']
['Subject: system requirements \nplease let me know if i can help in any way .']
['Subject: natural gas production \nvince -\ni spoke with roy kass of the energy information agency this morning . apart\nfrom clarifying the timeliness , or lack thereof , of the published\nstate - specific wellhead production estimates , he indicates their scientists\nfind severe weather in the fields ( freezes , hurricanes ) to be a far more\nsignificant issue in production , and in wellhead prices , than is severe\nweather in the northeast , for instance . also , he agrees with you as to there\nbeing strictly increasing marginal costs in production , there being a rich\ntexture of wells in terms of their efficiency , technologies , maintenance and\ninvestment issues .\nclayton']
['Subject: travel announcement \nenron global travel management ( a division of global strategic sourcing ) is\npleased to announce that american express corporate cardholders can now view\naccount details online .\nhighlights of this service include :\nreview previously billed , current , and unbilled charges\nreview corporate direct payments and personal payments applied to your\naccount\ndispute a charge online , if needed\naccess customer service 24 hours a day , 7 days a week\nto log on to american express online services :\ngss has prepared a special registration / log on page for corporate cardmembers\nfor your convenience . to access it , go to http : / / travel . enron . com and click\non the corporate card button .\ncardmembers with cards issued within the last 45 days , need to call american\nexpress customer service to enroll . the number is 1 - 800 - 297 - 1234 .\nif you have already registered your personal american express card in the\namerican express online services program :\nplease click on the " check your bill " link and login using your existing user\nid and password . you will be able to add your american express corporate\ncard to your existing registration by clicking on the " update your online\nprofile " link which appears on the left hand menu bar once you are logged in .\nwe hope you enjoy using american express online services .\nfor questions or additional information , contact tracy ramsey ( director ,\nglobal travel management ) at 713 / 853 - 6457 .']
['Subject: gas trading vision inception document \nlouise ,\nhere is a soft copy of the original inception document from 10 / 30 / 2000 .\ncheers , d . n .']
["Subject: re : counties / meter types for gemc and midcon tx \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 23 / 99 12 : 42\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfaye ellis @ ect\n12 / 23 / 99 12 : 37 pm\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re : counties / meter types for gemc and midcon tx\nfyi . . .\nthe online notification will go back to stacy , since she submitted the\nrequests , therefore i am sending you the following :\ngulf energy meters :\nmeter # facility type flow direction description\n19 - 1043 - 00 pool both e . mcfaddin\n29320 pool both tejas plant\n31 - 504 - 04 pool both trevino plant\n440 - 552 pool both garza plant\n440 - 557 pool both haynes plant\n440 - 559 pool both comitas south\n440 - 565 pdc receipt jennings 63 plant\nmidcon texas meters :\nmeter # facility type flow direction description\n446 pool both jennings ranch\n5553 pdc receipt greta / roc\n5576 gpo receipt hall plant\nfaye\nfrom : ami chokshi @ enron 12 / 23 / 99 11 : 34 am\nto : faye ellis / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : counties / meter types for gemc and midcon tx\ngulf energy counties\nall of the gulf energy meters are in zapata county .\nmidcon tx\nhall plant and jennings are in zapata county\ngreta / tom o ' connor is in refugio county"]
['Subject: ljm put valuation \nwes :\nattached is a spreadsheet for the valuation of the rthm put position . i\nshould be in on tuesday , so feel free to give me a call at x 34748 .\n- - stinson']
["Subject: re : as expected ! \nlouise ,\nno hi how are you doing ? no how is it going up there in portland ? you just come in and go right for the west desk ' s eol jugular .\nas everyone knows , the west power desk has a spotty record , at best , on maintaining eol volumes . there are some good reasons for this and some lame , tired excuses which i ' m sure we will discuss in great detail in the near future .\ni currently don ' t get the ice reports and will make sure i am on the distribution . from what our traders tell me and what the report that you sent indicates , ice is having an even harder time in the west than we are . it looked like there were two one - month deals on ice that day totalling 20 , 000 mwh . in contrast , we had 87 transactions totalling 269 , 000 mwh . if i ' m reading it right , the ice report actually makes us look good by comparison !\ntim\nenron capital & trade resources corp . from : kevin m presto 02 / 23 / 2001 12 : 18 pm\nto : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : tim belden / hou / ect @ ect , john j lavorato / enron @ enronxgate\nsubject : re : as expected !\nwe look at ice volume reports every day and they are doing about 10 - 20 % of the volumes ( and # transactions ) we are doing on eol . we are doing 300 - 350 transactions per day in east power and ice does approx . 45 - 50 transactions per day .\n"]
['Subject: drug test \nbill -\nas i am not sure whether or not craig gets his e - mails , can you please pass this along .\nthere is a first for everything !\namy\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by amy fitzpatrick / pdx / ect on 04 / 09 / 2001 12 : 16 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\namy fitzpatrick\n04 / 02 / 2001 08 : 24 am\nto : craig dean / pdx / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : drug test\ncraig -\ni just received notice that there was a collector error on your sample . can you please contact emsi to reschedule a drug test at 1 - 800 - 522 - 3674 ? sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you .\nkind regards -\namy']
["Subject: jan net position - revised \n- - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 23 / 99 11 : 38 am\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : ami chokshi 12 / 23 / 99 11 : 32 am\nto : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , bryan hull / hou / ect @ ect , o ' neal d\nwinfree / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : jan net position"]
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations sally !\npeter\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by peter crilly / lon / ect on 18 / 01 / 2000 13 : 45\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron capital & trade resources corp .\nfrom : rick causey @ enron 18 / 01 / 2000 00 : 04\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']