["Subject: proposal \ndear sir ,\nfirst i must solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction and\ni\npray that my contacting you will be given genuine approval considering\nthe\nfact that we don ' t know each other before . i wish to use this\nopportunity to\nintroduce myself to you . i am mike kamokai , i am writing to inform you\nof my\ndesire to invest , and to buy a house in your country .\ni am the first son of chief joseph kamokai who was the former para\nmonth\nruler of saradungu village of sierra - leone . my father was attacked by\nthe r\nu f rebels on his way to lucia a northern part of sierra - leone and my\nfather\nsustained injuries and he died three days .\nbefore he died he revealed to me about the two boxes containing $ 50\nmillion\nu s dollars . which he deposited with a security company in ghana for\nsafe\nkeeping . my father did not disclose the content of the boxes to the\nsecurity\ncompany . to avoid the officials from raising eye brows .\npresently i and my mother are here in ghana to notify the security\ncompany\nof the claims , and we are staying in the refugee camp .\ntherefore i want you to lecture me on how best we can invest this money\nin\nyour country , because my father told me that it is dangerous to invest\nin\nafrica to avoid suspicions , and due to market instabilities coupled\nwith\neconomic and political situation facing africa for your assistance\nmyself\nand my mother have agreed to offer you 20 % of the total amount of the\nmoney .\nwe have all the vital documents covering the deposit and the ownership\nwhich\ni can send to you .\n.\nnote , i have never disclosed this transaction to anybody apart from\nyou . so\nplease keep it very very confidential . call me on this number line\n00233244774480 .\nthanks .\nbest regards .\nmike kamokai"]
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