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Mind meets machine: Unravelling GPT-4's cognitive psychology
Sifatkaur Dhingra, Manmeet Singh, Vaisakh SB, Neetiraj Malviya, Sukhpal Singh Gill
Cognitive psychology delves on understanding perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, decision-making, and reasoning. Large language models (LLMs) are emerging as potent tools increasingly capable of performing human-level tasks. The recent development in the form of GPT-4 and its demonstrated success in tasks complex to humans exam and complex problems has led to an increased confidence in the LLMs to become perfect instruments of intelligence. Although GPT-4 report has shown performance on some cognitive psychology tasks, a comprehensive assessment of GPT-4, via the existing well-established datasets is required. In this study, we focus on the evaluation of GPT-4's performance on a set of cognitive psychology datasets such as CommonsenseQA, SuperGLUE, MATH and HANS. In doing so, we understand how GPT-4 processes and integrates cognitive psychology with contextual information, providing insight into the underlying cognitive processes that enable its ability to generate the responses. We show that GPT-4 exhibits a high level of accuracy in cognitive psychology tasks relative to the prior state-of-the-art models. Our results strengthen the already available assessments and confidence on GPT-4's cognitive psychology abilities. It has significant potential to revolutionize the field of AI, by enabling machines to bridge the gap between human and machine reasoning.
cs.CL, cs.AI
eP-ALM: Efficient Perceptual Augmentation of Language Models
Mustafa Shukor, Corentin Dancette, Matthieu Cord
Large Language Models (LLMs) have so far impressed the world, with unprecedented capabilities that emerge in models at large scales. On the vision side, transformer models (i.e., ViT) are following the same trend, achieving the best performance on challenging benchmarks. With the abundance of such unimodal models, a natural question arises; do we need also to follow this trend to tackle multimodal tasks? In this work, we propose to rather direct effort to efficient adaptations of existing models, and propose to augment Language Models with perception. Existing approaches for adapting pretrained models for vision-language tasks still rely on several key components that hinder their efficiency. In particular, they still train a large number of parameters, rely on large multimodal pretraining, use encoders (e.g., CLIP) trained on huge image-text datasets, and add significant inference overhead. In addition, most of these approaches have focused on Zero-Shot and In Context Learning, with little to no effort on direct finetuning. We investigate the minimal computational effort needed to adapt unimodal models for multimodal tasks and propose a new challenging setup, alongside different approaches, that efficiently adapts unimodal pretrained models. We show that by freezing more than 99% of total parameters, training only one linear projection layer, and prepending only one trainable token, our approach (dubbed eP-ALM) significantly outperforms other baselines on VQA and Captioning across Image, Video, and Audio modalities, following the proposed setup. The code is available here: https://github.com/mshukor/eP-ALM.
cs.CV, cs.CL, cs.LG
Context-faithful Prompting for Large Language Models
Wenxuan Zhou, Sheng Zhang, Hoifung Poon, Muhao Chen
Large language models (LLMs) encode parametric knowledge about world facts and have shown remarkable performance in knowledge-driven NLP tasks. However, their reliance on parametric knowledge may cause them to overlook contextual cues, leading to incorrect predictions in context-sensitive NLP tasks (e.g., knowledge acquisition tasks). In this paper, we seek to assess and enhance LLMs' contextual faithfulness in two aspects: knowledge conflict and prediction with abstention. We demonstrate that LLMs' faithfulness can be significantly improved using carefully designed prompting strategies. In particular, we identify opinion-based prompts and counterfactual demonstrations as the most effective methods. Opinion-based prompts reframe the context as a narrator's statement and inquire about the narrator's opinions, while counterfactual demonstrations use instances containing false facts to improve faithfulness in knowledge conflict situations. Neither technique requires additional training. We conduct experiments on three datasets of two standard NLP tasks, machine reading comprehension and relation extraction, and the results demonstrate significant improvement in faithfulness to contexts. Code and data are released at https://github.com/wzhouad/context-faithful-llm.
Capabilities of GPT-4 on Medical Challenge Problems
Harsha Nori, Nicholas King, Scott Mayer McKinney, Dean Carignan, Eric Horvitz
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in natural language understanding and generation across various domains, including medicine. We present a comprehensive evaluation of GPT-4, a state-of-the-art LLM, on medical competency examinations and benchmark datasets. GPT-4 is a general-purpose model that is not specialized for medical problems through training or engineered to solve clinical tasks. Our analysis covers two sets of official practice materials for the USMLE, a three-step examination program used to assess clinical competency and grant licensure in the United States. We also evaluate performance on the MultiMedQA suite of benchmark datasets. Beyond measuring model performance, experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of test questions containing both text and images on model performance, probe for memorization of content during training, and study probability calibration, which is of critical importance in high-stakes applications like medicine. Our results show that GPT-4, without any specialized prompt crafting, exceeds the passing score on USMLE by over 20 points and outperforms earlier general-purpose models (GPT-3.5) as well as models specifically fine-tuned on medical knowledge (Med-PaLM, a prompt-tuned version of Flan-PaLM 540B). In addition, GPT-4 is significantly better calibrated than GPT-3.5, demonstrating a much-improved ability to predict the likelihood that its answers are correct. We also explore the behavior of the model qualitatively through a case study that shows the ability of GPT-4 to explain medical reasoning, personalize explanations to students, and interactively craft new counterfactual scenarios around a medical case. Implications of the findings are discussed for potential uses of GPT-4 in medical education, assessment, and clinical practice, with appropriate attention to challenges of accuracy and safety.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Revisiting the Plastic Surgery Hypothesis via Large Language Models
Chunqiu Steven Xia, Yifeng Ding, Lingming Zhang
Automated Program Repair (APR) aspires to automatically generate patches for an input buggy program. Traditional APR tools typically focus on specific bug types and fixes through the use of templates, heuristics, and formal specifications. However, these techniques are limited in terms of the bug types and patch variety they can produce. As such, researchers have designed various learning-based APR tools with recent work focused on directly using Large Language Models (LLMs) for APR. While LLM-based APR tools are able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on many repair datasets, the LLMs used for direct repair are not fully aware of the project-specific information such as unique variable or method names. The plastic surgery hypothesis is a well-known insight for APR, which states that the code ingredients to fix the bug usually already exist within the same project. Traditional APR tools have largely leveraged the plastic surgery hypothesis by designing manual or heuristic-based approaches to exploit such existing code ingredients. However, as recent APR research starts focusing on LLM-based approaches, the plastic surgery hypothesis has been largely ignored. In this paper, we ask the following question: How useful is the plastic surgery hypothesis in the era of LLMs? Interestingly, LLM-based APR presents a unique opportunity to fully automate the plastic surgery hypothesis via fine-tuning and prompting. To this end, we propose FitRepair, which combines the direct usage of LLMs with two domain-specific fine-tuning strategies and one prompting strategy for more powerful APR. Our experiments on the widely studied Defects4j 1.2 and 2.0 datasets show that FitRepair fixes 89 and 44 bugs (substantially outperforming the best-performing baseline by 15 and 8), respectively, demonstrating a promising future of the plastic surgery hypothesis in the era of LLMs.
cs.SE, cs.LG
SPDF: Sparse Pre-training and Dense Fine-tuning for Large Language Models
Vithursan Thangarasa, Abhay Gupta, William Marshall, Tianda Li, Kevin Leong, Dennis DeCoste, Sean Lie, Shreyas Saxena
The pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm has contributed to a number of breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Instead of directly training on a downstream task, language models are first pre-trained on large datasets with cross-domain knowledge (e.g., Pile, MassiveText, etc.) and then fine-tuned on task-specific data (e.g., natural language generation, text summarization, etc.). Scaling the model and dataset size has helped improve the performance of LLMs, but unfortunately, this also lead to highly prohibitive computational costs. Pre-training LLMs often require orders of magnitude more FLOPs than fine-tuning and the model capacity often remains the same between the two phases. To achieve training efficiency w.r.t training FLOPs, we propose to decouple the model capacity between the two phases and introduce Sparse Pre-training and Dense Fine-tuning (SPDF). In this work, we show the benefits of using unstructured weight sparsity to train only a subset of weights during pre-training (Sparse Pre-training) and then recover the representational capacity by allowing the zeroed weights to learn (Dense Fine-tuning). We demonstrate that we can induce up to 75% sparsity into a 1.3B parameter GPT-3 XL model resulting in a 2.5x reduction in pre-training FLOPs, without a significant loss in accuracy on the downstream tasks relative to the dense baseline. By rigorously evaluating multiple downstream tasks, we also establish a relationship between sparsity, task complexity and dataset size. Our work presents a promising direction to train large GPT models at a fraction of the training FLOPs using weight sparsity, while retaining the benefits of pre-trained textual representations for downstream tasks.
cs.LG, cs.CL
LLMSecEval: A Dataset of Natural Language Prompts for Security Evaluations
Catherine Tony, Markus Mutas, Nicolás E. Díaz Ferreyra, Riccardo Scandariato
Large Language Models (LLMs) like Codex are powerful tools for performing code completion and code generation tasks as they are trained on billions of lines of code from publicly available sources. Moreover, these models are capable of generating code snippets from Natural Language (NL) descriptions by learning languages and programming practices from public GitHub repositories. Although LLMs promise an effortless NL-driven deployment of software applications, the security of the code they generate has not been extensively investigated nor documented. In this work, we present LLMSecEval, a dataset containing 150 NL prompts that can be leveraged for assessing the security performance of such models. Such prompts are NL descriptions of code snippets prone to various security vulnerabilities listed in MITRE's Top 25 Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) ranking. Each prompt in our dataset comes with a secure implementation example to facilitate comparative evaluations against code produced by LLMs. As a practical application, we show how LLMSecEval can be used for evaluating the security of snippets automatically generated from NL descriptions.
cs.SE, cs.IR, cs.LG
SelfCheckGPT: Zero-Resource Black-Box Hallucination Detection for Generative Large Language Models
Potsawee Manakul, Adian Liusie, Mark J. F. Gales
Generative Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 are capable of generating highly fluent responses to a wide variety of user prompts. However, LLMs are known to hallucinate facts and make non-factual statements which can undermine trust in their output. Existing fact-checking approaches either require access to the output probability distribution (which may not be available for systems such as ChatGPT) or external databases that are interfaced via separate, often complex, modules. In this work, we propose "SelfCheckGPT", a simple sampling-based approach that can be used to fact-check the responses of black-box models in a zero-resource fashion, i.e. without an external database. SelfCheckGPT leverages the simple idea that if an LLM has knowledge of a given concept, sampled responses are likely to be similar and contain consistent facts. However, for hallucinated facts, stochastically sampled responses are likely to diverge and contradict one another. We investigate this approach by using GPT-3 to generate passages about individuals from the WikiBio dataset, and manually annotate the factuality of the generated passages. We demonstrate that SelfCheckGPT can: i) detect non-factual and factual sentences; and ii) rank passages in terms of factuality. We compare our approach to several baselines and show that our approach has considerably higher AUC-PR scores in sentence-level hallucination detection and higher correlation scores in passage-level factuality assessment compared to grey-box methods.
Automated Query Generation for Evidence Collection from Web Search Engines
Nestor Prieto-Chavana, Julie Weeds, David Weir
It is widely accepted that so-called facts can be checked by searching for information on the Internet. This process requires a fact-checker to formulate a search query based on the fact and to present it to a search engine. Then, relevant and believable passages need to be identified in the search results before a decision is made. This process is carried out by sub-editors at many news and media organisations on a daily basis. Here, we ask the question as to whether it is possible to automate the first step, that of query generation. Can we automatically formulate search queries based on factual statements which are similar to those formulated by human experts? Here, we consider similarity both in terms of textual similarity and with respect to relevant documents being returned by a search engine. First, we introduce a moderate-sized evidence collection dataset which includes 390 factual statements together with associated human-generated search queries and search results. Then, we investigate generating queries using a number of rule-based and automatic text generation methods based on pre-trained large language models (LLMs). We show that these methods have different merits and propose a hybrid approach which has superior performance in practice.
cs.CL, cs.IR
Large Language Model Is Not a Good Few-shot Information Extractor, but a Good Reranker for Hard Samples!
Yubo Ma, Yixin Cao, YongChing Hong, Aixin Sun
Large Language Models (LLMs) have made remarkable strides in various tasks. Whether LLMs are competitive few-shot solvers for information extraction (IE) tasks, however, remains an open problem. In this work, we aim to provide a thorough answer to this question. Through extensive experiments on nine datasets across four IE tasks, we demonstrate that current advanced LLMs consistently exhibit inferior performance, higher latency, and increased budget requirements compared to fine-tuned SLMs under most settings. Therefore, we conclude that LLMs are not effective few-shot information extractors in general. Nonetheless, we illustrate that with appropriate prompting strategies, LLMs can effectively complement SLMs and tackle challenging samples that SLMs struggle with. And moreover, we propose an adaptive filter-then-rerank paradigm to combine the strengths of LLMs and SLMs. In this paradigm, SLMs serve as filters and LLMs serve as rerankers. By prompting LLMs to rerank a small portion of difficult samples identified by SLMs, our preliminary system consistently achieves promising improvements (2.4% F1-gain on average) on various IE tasks, with an acceptable time and cost investment.
cs.CL, cs.AI
How Many Demonstrations Do You Need for In-context Learning?
Jiuhai Chen, Lichang Chen, Chen Zhu, Tianyi Zhou
Large language models (LLMs) are capable to perform complex reasoning by in-context learning (ICL) when provided with a few input-output demonstrations (demos) and more powerful when intermediate reasoning steps ("chain of thoughts (CoT)") of the demos are given. Is it necessary to use multi-demo in ICL? In this paper, we study ICL using fewer demos for each test query on the tasks in~\cite{wei2022chain}. Surprisingly, we do not observe significant degradation when using only one randomly chosen demo. To study this phenomenon, for each test query, we categorize demos into "correct demos" leading to the correct answer, and "wrong demos" resulting in wrong answers. Our analysis reveals an inherent bias in those widely studied datasets: most demos are correct for a majority of test queries, which explains the good performance of using one random demo. Moreover, ICL (with and w/o CoT) using only one correct demo significantly outperforms all-demo ICL adopted by most previous works, indicating the weakness of LLMs in finding correct demo(s) for input queries, which is difficult to evaluate on the biased datasets. Furthermore, we observe a counterintuitive behavior of ICL using multi-demo, i.e., its accuracy degrades(improves) when given more correct(wrong) demos. This implies that ICL can be easily misguided by interference among demos and their spurious correlations. Our analyses highlight several fundamental challenges that need to be addressed in LLMs training, ICL, and benchmark design.
Can ChatGPT Replace Traditional KBQA Models? An In-depth Analysis of the Question Answering Performance of the GPT LLM Family
Yiming Tan, Dehai Min, Yu Li, Wenbo Li, Nan Hu, Yongrui Chen, Guilin Qi
ChatGPT is a powerful large language model (LLM) that covers knowledge resources such as Wikipedia and supports natural language question answering using its own knowledge. Therefore, there is growing interest in exploring whether ChatGPT can replace traditional knowledge-based question answering (KBQA) models. Although there have been some works analyzing the question answering performance of ChatGPT, there is still a lack of large-scale, comprehensive testing of various types of complex questions to analyze the limitations of the model. In this paper, we present a framework that follows the black-box testing specifications of CheckList proposed by Ribeiro et. al. We evaluate ChatGPT and its family of LLMs on eight real-world KB-based complex question answering datasets, which include six English datasets and two multilingual datasets. The total number of test cases is approximately 190,000. In addition to the GPT family of LLMs, we also evaluate the well-known FLAN-T5 to identify commonalities between the GPT family and other LLMs. The dataset and code are available at https://github.com/tan92hl/Complex-Question-Answering-Evaluation-of-GPT-family.git
Query2doc: Query Expansion with Large Language Models
Liang Wang, Nan Yang, Furu Wei
This paper introduces a simple yet effective query expansion approach, denoted as query2doc, to improve both sparse and dense retrieval systems. The proposed method first generates pseudo-documents by few-shot prompting large language models (LLMs), and then expands the query with generated pseudo-documents. LLMs are trained on web-scale text corpora and are adept at knowledge memorization. The pseudo-documents from LLMs often contain highly relevant information that can aid in query disambiguation and guide the retrievers. Experimental results demonstrate that query2doc boosts the performance of BM25 by 3% to 15% on ad-hoc IR datasets, such as MS-MARCO and TREC DL, without any model fine-tuning. Furthermore, our method also benefits state-of-the-art dense retrievers in terms of both in-domain and out-of-domain results.
cs.IR, cs.CL
InferFix: End-to-End Program Repair with LLMs
Matthew Jin, Syed Shahriar, Michele Tufano, Xin Shi, Shuai Lu, Neel Sundaresan, Alexey Svyatkovskiy
Software development life cycle is profoundly influenced by bugs: their introduction, identification, and eventual resolution account for a significant portion of software cost. This has motivated software engineering researchers and practitioners to propose different approaches for automating the identification and repair of software defects. Large language models have been adapted to the program repair task through few-shot demonstration learning and instruction prompting, treating this as an infilling task. However, these models have only focused on learning general bug-fixing patterns for uncategorized bugs mined from public repositories. In this paper, we propose InferFix: a transformer-based program repair framework paired with a state-of-the-art static analyzer to fix critical security and performance bugs. InferFix combines a Retriever -- transformer encoder model pretrained via contrastive learning objective, which aims at searching for semantically equivalent bugs and corresponding fixes; and a Generator -- a large language model (Codex Cushman) finetuned on supervised bug-fix data with prompts augmented via bug type annotations and semantically similar fixes retrieved from an external non-parametric memory. To train and evaluate our approach, we curated InferredBugs, a novel, metadata-rich dataset of bugs extracted by executing the Infer static analyzer on the change histories of thousands of Java and C# repositories. Our evaluation demonstrates that InferFix outperforms strong LLM baselines, with a top-1 accuracy of 65.6% for generating fixes in C# and 76.8% in Java. We discuss the deployment of InferFix alongside Infer at Microsoft which offers an end-to-end solution for detection, classification, and localization of bugs, as well as fixing and validation of candidate patches, integrated in the continuous integration pipeline to automate the software development workflow.
ChatGPT Asks, BLIP-2 Answers: Automatic Questioning Towards Enriched Visual Descriptions
Deyao Zhu, Jun Chen, Kilichbek Haydarov, Xiaoqian Shen, Wenxuan Zhang, Mohamed Elhoseiny
Asking insightful questions is crucial for acquiring knowledge and expanding our understanding of the world. However, the importance of questioning has been largely overlooked in AI research, where models have been primarily developed to answer questions. With the recent advancements of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, we discover their capability to ask high-quality questions when provided with a suitable prompt. This discovery presents a new opportunity to develop an automatic questioning system. In this paper, we introduce ChatCaptioner, a novel automatic-questioning method deployed in image captioning. Here, ChatGPT is prompted to ask a series of informative questions about images to BLIP-2, a strong vision question-answering model. By keeping acquiring new visual information from BLIP-2's answers, ChatCaptioner is able to generate more enriched image descriptions. We conduct human-subject evaluations on common image caption datasets such as COCO, Conceptual Caption, and WikiArt, and compare ChatCaptioner with BLIP-2 as well as ground truth. Our results demonstrate that ChatCaptioner's captions are significantly more informative, receiving three times as many votes from human evaluators for providing the most image information. Besides, ChatCaptioner identifies 53% more objects within the image than BLIP-2 alone measured by WordNet synset matching. Code is available at https://github.com/Vision-CAIR/ChatCaptioner
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG
Weakly-Supervised HOI Detection from Interaction Labels Only and Language/Vision-Language Priors
Mesut Erhan Unal, Adriana Kovashka
Human-object interaction (HOI) detection aims to extract interacting human-object pairs and their interaction categories from a given natural image. Even though the labeling effort required for building HOI detection datasets is inherently more extensive than for many other computer vision tasks, weakly-supervised directions in this area have not been sufficiently explored due to the difficulty of learning human-object interactions with weak supervision, rooted in the combinatorial nature of interactions over the object and predicate space. In this paper, we tackle HOI detection with the weakest supervision setting in the literature, using only image-level interaction labels, with the help of a pretrained vision-language model (VLM) and a large language model (LLM). We first propose an approach to prune non-interacting human and object proposals to increase the quality of positive pairs within the bag, exploiting the grounding capability of the vision-language model. Second, we use a large language model to query which interactions are possible between a human and a given object category, in order to force the model not to put emphasis on unlikely interactions. Lastly, we use an auxiliary weakly-supervised preposition prediction task to make our model explicitly reason about space. Extensive experiments and ablations show that all of our contributions increase HOI detection performance.
cs.CV, cs.AI
ChatGPT may Pass the Bar Exam soon, but has a Long Way to Go for the LexGLUE benchmark
Ilias Chalkidis
Following the hype around OpenAI's ChatGPT conversational agent, the last straw in the recent development of Large Language Models (LLMs) that demonstrate emergent unprecedented zero-shot capabilities, we audit the latest OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model, `gpt-3.5-turbo', the first available ChatGPT model, in the LexGLUE benchmark in a zero-shot fashion providing examples in a templated instruction-following format. The results indicate that ChatGPT achieves an average micro-F1 score of 47.6% across LexGLUE tasks, surpassing the baseline guessing rates. Notably, the model performs exceptionally well in some datasets, achieving micro-F1 scores of 62.8% and 70.2% in the ECtHR B and LEDGAR datasets, respectively. The code base and model predictions are available for review on https://github.com/coastalcph/zeroshot_lexglue.
ICL-D3IE: In-Context Learning with Diverse Demonstrations Updating for Document Information Extraction
Jiabang He, Lei Wang, Yi Hu, Ning Liu, Hui Liu, Xing Xu, Heng Tao Shen
Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT, have demonstrated remarkable results in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks with in-context learning, which involves inference based on a few demonstration examples. Despite their successes in NLP tasks, no investigation has been conducted to assess the ability of LLMs to perform document information extraction (DIE) using in-context learning. Applying LLMs to DIE poses two challenges: the modality and task gap. To this end, we propose a simple but effective in-context learning framework called ICL-D3IE, which enables LLMs to perform DIE with different types of demonstration examples. Specifically, we extract the most difficult and distinct segments from hard training documents as hard demonstrations for benefiting all test instances. We design demonstrations describing relationships that enable LLMs to understand positional relationships. We introduce formatting demonstrations for easy answer extraction. Additionally, the framework improves diverse demonstrations by updating them iteratively. Our experiments on three widely used benchmark datasets demonstrate that the ICL-D3IE framework enables Davinci-003/ChatGPT to achieve superior performance when compared to previous pre-trained methods fine-tuned with full training in both the in-distribution (ID) setting and in the out-of-distribution (OOD) setting. Code is available at https://github.com/MAEHCM/ICL-D3IE.
Data-Efficient Learning of Natural Language to Linear Temporal Logic Translators for Robot Task Specification
Jiayi Pan, Glen Chou, Dmitry Berenson
To make robots accessible to a broad audience, it is critical to endow them with the ability to take universal modes of communication, like commands given in natural language, and extract a concrete desired task specification, defined using a formal language like linear temporal logic (LTL). In this paper, we present a learning-based approach for translating from natural language commands to LTL specifications with very limited human-labeled training data. This is in stark contrast to existing natural-language to LTL translators, which require large human-labeled datasets, often in the form of labeled pairs of LTL formulas and natural language commands, to train the translator. To reduce reliance on human data, our approach generates a large synthetic training dataset through algorithmic generation of LTL formulas, conversion to structured English, and then exploiting the paraphrasing capabilities of modern large language models (LLMs) to synthesize a diverse corpus of natural language commands corresponding to the LTL formulas. We use this generated data to finetune an LLM and apply a constrained decoding procedure at inference time to ensure the returned LTL formula is syntactically correct. We evaluate our approach on three existing LTL/natural language datasets and show that we can translate natural language commands at 75\% accuracy with far less human data ($\le$12 annotations). Moreover, when training on large human-annotated datasets, our method achieves higher test accuracy (95\% on average) than prior work. Finally, we show the translated formulas can be used to plan long-horizon, multi-stage tasks on a 12D quadrotor.
cs.CL, cs.RO
nl2spec: Interactively Translating Unstructured Natural Language to Temporal Logics with Large Language Models
Matthias Cosler, Christopher Hahn, Daniel Mendoza, Frederik Schmitt, Caroline Trippel
A rigorous formalization of desired system requirements is indispensable when performing any verification task. This often limits the application of verification techniques, as writing formal specifications is an error-prone and time-consuming manual task. To facilitate this, we present nl2spec, a framework for applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to derive formal specifications (in temporal logics) from unstructured natural language. In particular, we introduce a new methodology to detect and resolve the inherent ambiguity of system requirements in natural language: we utilize LLMs to map subformulas of the formalization back to the corresponding natural language fragments of the input. Users iteratively add, delete, and edit these sub-translations to amend erroneous formalizations, which is easier than manually redrafting the entire formalization. The framework is agnostic to specific application domains and can be extended to similar specification languages and new neural models. We perform a user study to obtain a challenging dataset, which we use to run experiments on the quality of translations. We provide an open-source implementation, including a web-based frontend.
cs.LO, cs.AI, cs.LG
Exploiting Asymmetry for Synthetic Training Data Generation: SynthIE and the Case of Information Extraction
Martin Josifoski, Marija Sakota, Maxime Peyrard, Robert West
Large language models (LLMs) have great potential for synthetic data generation. This work shows that useful data can be synthetically generated even for tasks that cannot be solved directly by LLMs: for problems with structured outputs, it is possible to prompt an LLM to perform the task in the reverse direction, by generating plausible input text for a target output structure. Leveraging this asymmetry in task difficulty makes it possible to produce large-scale, high-quality data for complex tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on closed information extraction, where collecting ground-truth data is challenging, and no satisfactory dataset exists to date. We synthetically generate a dataset of 1.8M data points, establish its superior quality compared to existing datasets in a human evaluation, and use it to finetune small models (220M and 770M parameters), termed SynthIE, that outperform the prior state of the art (with equal model size) by a substantial margin of 57 absolute points in micro-F1 and 79 points in macro-F1. Code, data, and models are available at https://github.com/epfl-dlab/SynthIE.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Exploring the Feasibility of ChatGPT for Event Extraction
Jun Gao, Huan Zhao, Changlong Yu, Ruifeng Xu
Event extraction is a fundamental task in natural language processing that involves identifying and extracting information about events mentioned in text. However, it is a challenging task due to the lack of annotated data, which is expensive and time-consuming to obtain. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT provides an opportunity to solve language tasks with simple prompts without the need for task-specific datasets and fine-tuning. While ChatGPT has demonstrated impressive results in tasks like machine translation, text summarization, and question answering, it presents challenges when used for complex tasks like event extraction. Unlike other tasks, event extraction requires the model to be provided with a complex set of instructions defining all event types and their schemas. To explore the feasibility of ChatGPT for event extraction and the challenges it poses, we conducted a series of experiments. Our results show that ChatGPT has, on average, only 51.04% of the performance of a task-specific model such as EEQA in long-tail and complex scenarios. Our usability testing experiments indicate that ChatGPT is not robust enough, and continuous refinement of the prompt does not lead to stable performance improvements, which can result in a poor user experience. Besides, ChatGPT is highly sensitive to different prompt styles.
CoTEVer: Chain of Thought Prompting Annotation Toolkit for Explanation Verification
Seungone Kim, Se June Joo, Yul Jang, Hyungjoo Chae, Jinyoung Yeo
Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting enables large language models (LLMs) to solve complex reasoning tasks by generating an explanation before the final prediction. Despite it's promising ability, a critical downside of CoT prompting is that the performance is greatly affected by the factuality of the generated explanation. To improve the correctness of the explanations, fine-tuning language models with explanation data is needed. However, there exists only a few datasets that can be used for such approaches, and no data collection tool for building them. Thus, we introduce CoTEVer, a tool-kit for annotating the factual correctness of generated explanations and collecting revision data of wrong explanations. Furthermore, we suggest several use cases where the data collected with CoTEVer can be utilized for enhancing the faithfulness of explanations. Our toolkit is publicly available at https://github.com/SeungoneKim/CoTEVer.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Large Language Models as Zero-Shot Human Models for Human-Robot Interaction
Bowen Zhang, Harold Soh
Human models play a crucial role in human-robot interaction (HRI), enabling robots to consider the impact of their actions on people and plan their behavior accordingly. However, crafting good human models is challenging; capturing context-dependent human behavior requires significant prior knowledge and/or large amounts of interaction data, both of which are difficult to obtain. In this work, we explore the potential of large-language models (LLMs) -- which have consumed vast amounts of human-generated text data -- to act as zero-shot human models for HRI. Our experiments on three social datasets yield promising results; the LLMs are able to achieve performance comparable to purpose-built models. That said, we also discuss current limitations, such as sensitivity to prompts and spatial/numerical reasoning mishaps. Based on our findings, we demonstrate how LLM-based human models can be integrated into a social robot's planning process and applied in HRI scenarios. Specifically, we present one case study on a simulated trust-based table-clearing task and replicate past results that relied on custom models. Next, we conduct a new robot utensil-passing experiment (n = 65) where preliminary results show that planning with a LLM-based human model can achieve gains over a basic myopic plan. In summary, our results show that LLMs offer a promising (but incomplete) approach to human modeling for HRI.
cs.RO, cs.CL, cs.HC, cs.LG
On Extracting Specialized Code Abilities from Large Language Models: A Feasibility Study
Zongjie Li, Chaozheng Wang, Pingchuan Ma, Chaowei Liu, Shuai Wang, Daoyuan Wu, Cuiyun Gao, Yang Liu
Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) significantly boost their usage in software engineering. However, training a well-performing LLM demands a substantial workforce for data collection and annotation. Moreover, training datasets may be proprietary or partially open, and the process often requires a costly GPU cluster. The intellectual property value of commercial LLMs makes them attractive targets for imitation attacks, but creating an imitation model with comparable parameters still incurs high costs. This motivates us to explore a practical and novel direction: slicing commercial black-box LLMs using medium-sized backbone models. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of launching imitation attacks on LLMs to extract their specialized code abilities, such as"code synthesis" and "code translation." We systematically investigate the effectiveness of launching code ability extraction attacks under different code-related tasks with multiple query schemes, including zero-shot, in-context, and Chain-of-Thought. We also design response checks to refine the outputs, leading to an effective imitation training process. Our results show promising outcomes, demonstrating that with a reasonable number of queries, attackers can train a medium-sized backbone model to replicate specialized code behaviors similar to the target LLMs. We summarize our findings and insights to help researchers better understand the threats posed by imitation attacks, including revealing a practical attack surface for generating adversarial code examples against LLMs.
xCodeEval: A Large Scale Multilingual Multitask Benchmark for Code Understanding, Generation, Translation and Retrieval
Mohammad Abdullah Matin Khan, M Saiful Bari, Xuan Long Do, Weishi Wang, Md Rizwan Parvez, Shafiq Joty
Recently, pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive abilities in generating codes from natural language descriptions, repairing buggy codes, translating codes between languages, and retrieving relevant code segments. However, the evaluation of these models has often been performed in a scattered way on only one or two specific tasks, in a few languages, at a partial granularity (e.g., function) level, and in many cases without proper training data. Even more concerning is that in most cases the evaluation of generated codes has been done in terms of mere lexical overlap with a reference code rather than actual execution. We introduce xCodeEval, the largest executable multilingual multitask benchmark to date consisting of $25$M document-level coding examples ($16.5$B tokens) from about $7.5$K unique problems covering up to $11$ programming languages with execution-level parallelism. It features a total of $7$ tasks involving code understanding, generation, translation and retrieval. xCodeEval adopts an execution-based evaluation and offers a multilingual code execution engine, ExecEval that supports unit test based execution in all the $11$ languages. To address the challenge of balancing the distributions of text-code samples over multiple attributes in validation/test sets, we propose a novel data splitting and a data selection schema based on the geometric mean and graph-theoretic principle. Our experiments with OpenAI's LLMs (zero-shot) and open-LLMs (zero-shot and fine-tuned) on the tasks and languages demonstrate **xCodeEval** to be quite challenging as per the current advancements in language models.
OpenICL: An Open-Source Framework for In-context Learning
Zhenyu Wu, YaoXiang Wang, Jiacheng Ye, Jiangtao Feng, Jingjing Xu, Yu Qiao, Zhiyong Wu
In recent years, In-context Learning (ICL) has gained increasing attention and emerged as the new paradigm for large language model (LLM) evaluation. Unlike traditional fine-tuning methods, ICL instead adapts the pre-trained models to unseen tasks without any parameter updates. However, the implementation of ICL is sophisticated due to the diverse retrieval and inference methods involved, as well as the varying pre-processing requirements for different models, datasets, and tasks. A unified and flexible framework for ICL is urgently needed to ease the implementation of the aforementioned components. To facilitate ICL research, we introduce OpenICL, an open-source toolkit for ICL and LLM evaluation. OpenICL is research-friendly with a highly flexible architecture that users can easily combine different components to suit their needs. It also provides various state-of-the-art retrieval and inference methods to streamline the process of adapting ICL to cutting-edge research. The effectiveness of OpenICL has been validated on a wide range of NLP tasks, including classification, QA, machine translation, and semantic parsing. As a side-product, we found OpenICL to be an efficient yet robust tool for LLMs evaluation. OpenICL is released at https://github.com/Shark-NLP/OpenICL
The Contribution of Knowledge in Visiolinguistic Learning: A Survey on Tasks and Challenges
Maria Lymperaiou, Giorgos Stamou
Recent advancements in visiolinguistic (VL) learning have allowed the development of multiple models and techniques that offer several impressive implementations, able to currently resolve a variety of tasks that require the collaboration of vision and language. Current datasets used for VL pre-training only contain a limited amount of visual and linguistic knowledge, thus significantly limiting the generalization capabilities of many VL models. External knowledge sources such as knowledge graphs (KGs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are able to cover such generalization gaps by filling in missing knowledge, resulting in the emergence of hybrid architectures. In the current survey, we analyze tasks that have benefited from such hybrid approaches. Moreover, we categorize existing knowledge sources and types, proceeding to discussion regarding the KG vs LLM dilemma and its potential impact to future hybrid approaches.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CV
MathPrompter: Mathematical Reasoning using Large Language Models
Shima Imani, Liang Du, Harsh Shrivastava
Large Language Models (LLMs) have limited performance when solving arithmetic reasoning tasks and often provide incorrect answers. Unlike natural language understanding, math problems typically have a single correct answer, making the task of generating accurate solutions more challenging for LLMs. To the best of our knowledge, we are not aware of any LLMs that indicate their level of confidence in their responses which fuels a trust deficit in these models impeding their adoption. To address this deficiency, we propose `MathPrompter', a technique that improves performance of LLMs on arithmetic problems along with increased reliance in the predictions. MathPrompter uses the Zero-shot chain-of-thought prompting technique to generate multiple Algebraic expressions or Python functions to solve the same math problem in different ways and thereby raise the confidence level in the output results. This is in contrast to other prompt based CoT methods, where there is no check on the validity of the intermediate steps followed. Our technique improves over state-of-the-art on the MultiArith dataset ($78.7\%\rightarrow92.5\%$) evaluated using 175B parameter GPT-based LLM.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Domain Specific Question Answering Over Knowledge Graphs Using Logical Programming and Large Language Models
Navid Madani, Rohini K. Srihari, Kenneth Joseph
Answering questions over domain-specific graphs requires a tailored approach due to the limited number of relations and the specific nature of the domain. Our approach integrates classic logical programming languages into large language models (LLMs), enabling the utilization of logical reasoning capabilities to tackle the KGQA task. By representing the questions as Prolog queries, which are readable and near close to natural language in representation, we facilitate the generation of programmatically derived answers. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we evaluate it using a well-known benchmark dataset, MetaQA. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves accurate identification of correct answer entities for all test questions, even when trained on a small fraction of annotated data. Overall, our work presents a promising approach to addressing question answering over domain-specific graphs, offering an explainable and robust solution by incorporating logical programming languages.
cs.LG, cs.CL
Prophet: Prompting Large Language Models with Complementary Answer Heuristics for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering
Zhou Yu, Xuecheng Ouyang, Zhenwei Shao, Meng Wang, Jun Yu
Knowledge-based visual question answering (VQA) requires external knowledge beyond the image to answer the question. Early studies retrieve required knowledge from explicit knowledge bases (KBs), which often introduces irrelevant information to the question, hence restricting the performance of their models. Recent works have resorted to using a powerful large language model (LLM) as an implicit knowledge engine to acquire the necessary knowledge for answering. Despite the encouraging results achieved by these methods, we argue that they have not fully activated the capacity of the blind LLM as the provided textual input is insufficient to depict the required visual information to answer the question. In this paper, we present Prophet -- a conceptually simple, flexible, and general framework designed to prompt LLM with answer heuristics for knowledge-based VQA. Specifically, we first train a vanilla VQA model on a specific knowledge-based VQA dataset without external knowledge. After that, we extract two types of complementary answer heuristics from the VQA model: answer candidates and answer-aware examples. Finally, the two types of answer heuristics are jointly encoded into a formatted prompt to facilitate the LLM's understanding of both the image and question, thus generating a more accurate answer. By incorporating the state-of-the-art LLM GPT-3, Prophet significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on four challenging knowledge-based VQA datasets. To demonstrate the generality of our approach, we instantiate Prophet with the combinations of different VQA models (i.e., both discriminative and generative ones) and different LLMs (i.e., both commercial and open-source ones).
cs.CV, cs.CL, cs.LG
UDAPDR: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via LLM Prompting and Distillation of Rerankers
Jon Saad-Falcon, Omar Khattab, Keshav Santhanam, Radu Florian, Martin Franz, Salim Roukos, Avirup Sil, Md Arafat Sultan, Christopher Potts
Many information retrieval tasks require large labeled datasets for fine-tuning. However, such datasets are often unavailable, and their utility for real-world applications can diminish quickly due to domain shifts. To address this challenge, we develop and motivate a method for using large language models (LLMs) to generate large numbers of synthetic queries cheaply. The method begins by generating a small number of synthetic queries using an expensive LLM. After that, a much less expensive one is used to create large numbers of synthetic queries, which are used to fine-tune a family of reranker models. These rerankers are then distilled into a single efficient retriever for use in the target domain. We show that this technique boosts zero-shot accuracy in long-tail domains and achieves substantially lower latency than standard reranking methods.
cs.IR, cs.CL
Automatic Scoring of Dream Reports' Emotional Content with Large Language Models
Lorenzo Bertolini, Valentina Elce, Adriana Michalak, Giulio Bernardi, Julie Weeds
In the field of dream research, the study of dream content typically relies on the analysis of verbal reports provided by dreamers upon awakening from their sleep. This task is classically performed through manual scoring provided by trained annotators, at a great time expense. While a consistent body of work suggests that natural language processing (NLP) tools can support the automatic analysis of dream reports, proposed methods lacked the ability to reason over a report's full context and required extensive data pre-processing. Furthermore, in most cases, these methods were not validated against standard manual scoring approaches. In this work, we address these limitations by adopting large language models (LLMs) to study and replicate the manual annotation of dream reports, using a mixture of off-the-shelf and bespoke approaches, with a focus on references to reports' emotions. Our results show that the off-the-shelf method achieves a low performance probably in light of inherent linguistic differences between reports collected in different (groups of) individuals. On the other hand, the proposed bespoke text classification method achieves a high performance, which is robust against potential biases. Overall, these observations indicate that our approach could find application in the analysis of large dream datasets and may favour reproducibility and comparability of results across studies.
GLM-Dialog: Noise-tolerant Pre-training for Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Generation
Jing Zhang, Xiaokang Zhang, Daniel Zhang-Li, Jifan Yu, Zijun Yao, Zeyao Ma, Yiqi Xu, Haohua Wang, Xiaohan Zhang, Nianyi Lin, Sunrui Lu, Juanzi Li, Jie Tang
We present GLM-Dialog, a large-scale language model (LLM) with 10B parameters capable of knowledge-grounded conversation in Chinese using a search engine to access the Internet knowledge. GLM-Dialog offers a series of applicable techniques for exploiting various external knowledge including both helpful and noisy knowledge, enabling the creation of robust knowledge-grounded dialogue LLMs with limited proper datasets. To evaluate the GLM-Dialog more fairly, we also propose a novel evaluation method to allow humans to converse with multiple deployed bots simultaneously and compare their performance implicitly instead of explicitly rating using multidimensional metrics.Comprehensive evaluations from automatic to human perspective demonstrate the advantages of GLM-Dialog comparing with existing open source Chinese dialogue models. We release both the model checkpoint and source code, and also deploy it as a WeChat application to interact with users. We offer our evaluation platform online in an effort to prompt the development of open source models and reliable dialogue evaluation systems. The additional easy-to-use toolkit that consists of short text entity linking, query generation, and helpful knowledge classification is also released to enable diverse applications. All the source code is available on Github.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Summarization via Large Language Models
Jiaan Wang, Yunlong Liang, Fandong Meng, Beiqi Zou, Zhixu Li, Jianfeng Qu, Jie Zhou
Given a document in a source language, cross-lingual summarization (CLS) aims to generate a summary in a different target language. Recently, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3.5, ChatGPT and GPT-4, has attracted wide attention from the computational linguistics community. However, it is not yet known the performance of LLMs on CLS. In this report, we empirically use various prompts to guide LLMs to perform zero-shot CLS from different paradigms (i.e., end-to-end and pipeline), and provide a preliminary evaluation on the generated summaries. We find that ChatGPT and GPT-4 originally prefer to produce lengthy summaries with detailed information. These two LLMs can further balance informativeness and conciseness with the help of an interactive prompt, significantly improving their CLS performance. Experimental results on three widely-used CLS datasets show that GPT-4 achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot CLS performance, and performs competitively compared with the fine-tuned mBART-50. Moreover, we also find some multi-lingual and bilingual LLMs (i.e., BLOOMZ, ChatGLM-6B, Vicuna-13B and ChatYuan) have limited zero-shot CLS ability. Due to the composite nature of CLS, which requires models to perform summarization and translation simultaneously, accomplishing this task in a zero-shot manner is even a challenge for LLMs. Therefore, we sincerely hope and recommend future LLM research could use CLS as a testbed.
cs.CL, cs.AI
The (ab)use of Open Source Code to Train Large Language Models
Ali Al-Kaswan, Maliheh Izadi
In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant popularity due to their ability to generate human-like text and their potential applications in various fields, such as Software Engineering. LLMs for Code are commonly trained on large unsanitized corpora of source code scraped from the Internet. The content of these datasets is memorized and emitted by the models, often in a verbatim manner. In this work, we will discuss the security, privacy, and licensing implications of memorization. We argue why the use of copyleft code to train LLMs is a legal and ethical dilemma. Finally, we provide four actionable recommendations to address this issue.
cs.SE, cs.AI
Automatic Prompt Augmentation and Selection with Chain-of-Thought from Labeled Data
KaShun Shum, Shizhe Diao, Tong Zhang
Chain-of-thought (CoT) advances the reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) and achieves superior performance in complex reasoning tasks. However, most CoT studies rely on carefully designed human-annotated rational chains to prompt LLMs, posing challenges for real-world applications where labeled data is available without rational chains. This paper proposes a new strategy, Automate-CoT (Automatic Prompt Augmentation and Selection with Chain-of-Thought), that can bypass human engineering of CoT by automatically augmenting rational chains from a small labeled dataset, and then pruning low-quality chains to construct a candidate pool of machine-generated rationale chains based on the labels. Finally, it selects the optimal combination of several rationale chains from the pool for CoT prompting by employing a variance-reduced policy gradient strategy to estimate the significance of each example. Automate-CoT enables a quick adaptation of the CoT technique to different tasks. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, where competitive results are achieved on arithmetic reasoning (+2.7%), commonsense reasoning (+3.4%), symbolic reasoning (+3.2%), and non-reasoning tasks (+2.5%). The code is available at https://github.com/SHUMKASHUN/Automate-CoT.
An Independent Evaluation of ChatGPT on Mathematical Word Problems (MWP)
Paulo Shakarian, Abhinav Koyyalamudi, Noel Ngu, Lakshmivihari Mareedu
We study the performance of a commercially available large language model (LLM) known as ChatGPT on math word problems (MWPs) from the dataset DRAW-1K. To our knowledge, this is the first independent evaluation of ChatGPT. We found that ChatGPT's performance changes dramatically based on the requirement to show its work, failing 20% of the time when it provides work compared with 84% when it does not. Further several factors about MWPs relating to the number of unknowns and number of operations that lead to a higher probability of failure when compared with the prior, specifically noting (across all experiments) that the probability of failure increases linearly with the number of addition and subtraction operations. We also have released the dataset of ChatGPT's responses to the MWPs to support further work on the characterization of LLM performance and present baseline machine learning models to predict if ChatGPT can correctly answer an MWP. We have released a dataset comprised of ChatGPT's responses to support further research in this area.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Guiding Large Language Models via Directional Stimulus Prompting
Zekun Li, Baolin Peng, Pengcheng He, Michel Galley, Jianfeng Gao, Xifeng Yan
We introduce Directional Stimulus Prompting, a novel framework for guiding black-box large language models (LLMs) toward specific desired outputs. Instead of directly adjusting LLMs, our method employs a small tunable policy model (e.g., T5) to generate an auxiliary directional stimulus prompt for each input instance. These directional stimulus prompts act as nuanced, instance-specific hints and clues to guide LLMs in generating desired outcomes, such as including specific keywords in the generated summary. Our approach sidesteps the challenges of direct LLM tuning by optimizing the policy model to explore directional stimulus prompts that align LLMs with desired behaviors. The policy model can be optimized through 1) supervised fine-tuning using labeled data and 2) reinforcement learning from offline or online rewards based on the LLM's output. We assess our method across summarization, dialogue response generation, and chain-of-thought reasoning tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that the framework consistently improves LLMs' (e.g., ChatGPT, Codex, InstructGPT) performance on these supervised tasks using minimal labeled data. Notably, using just 80 dialogues on the MultiWOZ dataset, our approach enhances ChatGPT's performance by an impressive 41.4%, matching or surpassing some fully supervised start-of-the-art models. Additionally, the instance-specific chain-of-thought prompt generated by our approach improves InstructGPT's reasoning accuracy compared to human-crafted or automatically generated prompts. The code and data are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/Leezekun/Directional-Stimulus-Prompting}.
On the Robustness of ChatGPT: An Adversarial and Out-of-distribution Perspective
Jindong Wang, Xixu Hu, Wenxin Hou, Hao Chen, Runkai Zheng, Yidong Wang, Linyi Yang, Haojun Huang, Wei Ye, Xiubo Geng, Binxin Jiao, Yue Zhang, Xing Xie
ChatGPT is a recent chatbot service released by OpenAI and is receiving increasing attention over the past few months. While evaluations of various aspects of ChatGPT have been done, its robustness, i.e., the performance to unexpected inputs, is still unclear to the public. Robustness is of particular concern in responsible AI, especially for safety-critical applications. In this paper, we conduct a thorough evaluation of the robustness of ChatGPT from the adversarial and out-of-distribution (OOD) perspective. To do so, we employ the AdvGLUE and ANLI benchmarks to assess adversarial robustness and the Flipkart review and DDXPlus medical diagnosis datasets for OOD evaluation. We select several popular foundation models as baselines. Results show that ChatGPT shows consistent advantages on most adversarial and OOD classification and translation tasks. However, the absolute performance is far from perfection, which suggests that adversarial and OOD robustness remains a significant threat to foundation models. Moreover, ChatGPT shows astounding performance in understanding dialogue-related texts and we find that it tends to provide informal suggestions for medical tasks instead of definitive answers. Finally, we present in-depth discussions of possible research directions.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
$k$NN-Adapter: Efficient Domain Adaptation for Black-Box Language Models
Yangsibo Huang, Daogao Liu, Zexuan Zhong, Weijia Shi, Yin Tat Lee
Fine-tuning a language model on a new domain is standard practice for domain adaptation. However, it can be infeasible when it comes to modern large-scale language models such as GPT-3, which can only be accessed through APIs, making it difficult to access the internal parameters of the model. In this paper, we propose $k$NN-Adapter, a method to effectively adapt these black-box large language models (LLMs) to a new domain. The $k$NN-Adapter builds on top of the retrieval-augmented language model, and adaptively learns to interpolate the output of the language model with retrieval results from a datastore consisting of the target domain data. Our experiments on four different domains demonstrate that $k$NN-Adapter significantly improves perplexity, and works particularly well in settings with limited access to LLMs. Additionally, we show that $k$NN-Adapter is more effective than fine-tuning when the amount of training data is limited. We also release a dataset to encourage further study.
Zero-Shot Information Extraction via Chatting with ChatGPT
Xiang Wei, Xingyu Cui, Ning Cheng, Xiaobin Wang, Xin Zhang, Shen Huang, Pengjun Xie, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Meishan Zhang, Yong Jiang, Wenjuan Han
Zero-shot information extraction (IE) aims to build IE systems from the unannotated text. It is challenging due to involving little human intervention. Challenging but worthwhile, zero-shot IE reduces the time and effort that data labeling takes. Recent efforts on large language models (LLMs, e.g., GPT-3, ChatGPT) show promising performance on zero-shot settings, thus inspiring us to explore prompt-based methods. In this work, we ask whether strong IE models can be constructed by directly prompting LLMs. Specifically, we transform the zero-shot IE task into a multi-turn question-answering problem with a two-stage framework (ChatIE). With the power of ChatGPT, we extensively evaluate our framework on three IE tasks: entity-relation triple extract, named entity recognition, and event extraction. Empirical results on six datasets across two languages show that ChatIE achieves impressive performance and even surpasses some full-shot models on several datasets (e.g., NYT11-HRL). We believe that our work could shed light on building IE models with limited resources.
LEVER: Learning to Verify Language-to-Code Generation with Execution
Ansong Ni, Srini Iyer, Dragomir Radev, Ves Stoyanov, Wen-tau Yih, Sida I. Wang, Xi Victoria Lin
The advent of large language models trained on code (code LLMs) has led to significant progress in language-to-code generation. State-of-the-art approaches in this area combine LLM decoding with sample pruning and reranking using test cases or heuristics based on the execution results. However, it is challenging to obtain test cases for many real-world language-to-code applications, and heuristics cannot well capture the semantic features of the execution results, such as data type and value range, which often indicates the correctness of the program. In this work, we propose LEVER, a simple approach to improve language-to-code generation by learning to verify the generated programs with their execution results. Specifically, we train verifiers to determine whether a program sampled from the LLMs is correct or not based on the natural language input, the program itself and its execution results. The sampled programs are reranked by combining the verification score with the LLM generation probability, and marginalizing over programs with the same execution results. On four datasets across the domains of table QA, math QA and basic Python programming, LEVER consistently improves over the base code LLMs(4.6% to 10.9% with code-davinci-002) and achieves new state-of-the-art results on all of them.
cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.PL, cs.SE
Exploring the Limits of ChatGPT for Query or Aspect-based Text Summarization
Xianjun Yang, Yan Li, Xinlu Zhang, Haifeng Chen, Wei Cheng
Text summarization has been a crucial problem in natural language processing (NLP) for several decades. It aims to condense lengthy documents into shorter versions while retaining the most critical information. Various methods have been proposed for text summarization, including extractive and abstractive summarization. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) like GPT3 and ChatGPT has recently created significant interest in using these models for text summarization tasks. Recent studies \cite{goyal2022news, zhang2023benchmarking} have shown that LLMs-generated news summaries are already on par with humans. However, the performance of LLMs for more practical applications like aspect or query-based summaries is underexplored. To fill this gap, we conducted an evaluation of ChatGPT's performance on four widely used benchmark datasets, encompassing diverse summaries from Reddit posts, news articles, dialogue meetings, and stories. Our experiments reveal that ChatGPT's performance is comparable to traditional fine-tuning methods in terms of Rouge scores. Moreover, we highlight some unique differences between ChatGPT-generated summaries and human references, providing valuable insights into the superpower of ChatGPT for diverse text summarization tasks. Our findings call for new directions in this area, and we plan to conduct further research to systematically examine the characteristics of ChatGPT-generated summaries through extensive human evaluation.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Fuzzy Knowledge Distillation from High-Order TSK to Low-Order TSK
Xiongtao Zhang, Zezong Yin, Yunliang Jiang, Yizhang Jiang, Danfeng Sun, Yong Liu
High-order Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy classifiers possess powerful classification performance yet have fewer fuzzy rules, but always be impaired by its exponential growth training time and poorer interpretability owing to High-order polynomial used in consequent part of fuzzy rule, while Low-order TSK fuzzy classifiers run quickly with high interpretability, however they usually require more fuzzy rules and perform relatively not very well. Address this issue, a novel TSK fuzzy classifier embeded with knowledge distillation in deep learning called HTSK-LLM-DKD is proposed in this study. HTSK-LLM-DKD achieves the following distinctive characteristics: 1) It takes High-order TSK classifier as teacher model and Low-order TSK fuzzy classifier as student model, and leverages the proposed LLM-DKD (Least Learning Machine based Decoupling Knowledge Distillation) to distill the fuzzy dark knowledge from High-order TSK fuzzy classifier to Low-order TSK fuzzy classifier, which resulting in Low-order TSK fuzzy classifier endowed with enhanced performance surpassing or at least comparable to High-order TSK classifier, as well as high interpretability; specifically 2) The Negative Euclidean distance between the output of teacher model and each class is employed to obtain the teacher logits, and then it compute teacher/student soft labels by the softmax function with distillating temperature parameter; 3) By reformulating the Kullback-Leibler divergence, it decouples fuzzy dark knowledge into target class knowledge and non-target class knowledge, and transfers them to student model. The advantages of HTSK-LLM-DKD are verified on the benchmarking UCI datasets and a real dataset Cleveland heart disease, in terms of classification performance and model interpretability.
Learning Performance-Improving Code Edits
Alexander Shypula, Aman Madaan, Yimeng Zeng, Uri Alon, Jacob Gardner, Milad Hashemi, Graham Neubig, Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Osbert Bastani, Amir Yazdanbakhsh
With the decline of Moore's law, optimizing program performance has become a major focus of software research. However, high-level optimizations such as API and algorithm changes remain elusive due to the difficulty of understanding the semantics of code. Simultaneously, pretrained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong capabilities at solving a wide range of programming tasks. To that end, we introduce a framework for adapting LLMs to high-level program optimization. First, we curate a dataset of performance-improving edits made by human programmers of over 77,000 competitive C++ programming submission pairs, accompanied by extensive unit tests. A major challenge is the significant variability of measuring performance on commodity hardware, which can lead to spurious "improvements." To isolate and reliably evaluate the impact of program optimizations, we design an environment based on the gem5 full system simulator, the de facto simulator used in academia and industry. Next, we propose a broad range of adaptation strategies for code optimization; for prompting, these include retrieval-based few-shot prompting and chain-of-thought, and for finetuning, these include performance-conditioned generation and synthetic data augmentation based on self-play. A combination of these techniques achieves a mean speedup of 6.86 with eight generations, higher than average optimizations from individual programmers (3.66). Using our model's fastest generations, we set a new upper limit on the fastest speedup possible for our dataset at 9.64 compared to using the fastest human submissions available (9.56).
cs.SE, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.PF
Level Generation Through Large Language Models
Graham Todd, Sam Earle, Muhammad Umair Nasir, Michael Cerny Green, Julian Togelius
Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful tools, capable of leveraging their training on natural language to write stories, generate code, and answer questions. But can they generate functional video game levels? Game levels, with their complex functional constraints and spatial relationships in more than one dimension, are very different from the kinds of data an LLM typically sees during training. Datasets of game levels are also hard to come by, potentially taxing the abilities of these data-hungry models. We investigate the use of LLMs to generate levels for the game Sokoban, finding that LLMs are indeed capable of doing so, and that their performance scales dramatically with dataset size. We also perform preliminary experiments on controlling LLM level generators and discuss promising areas for future work.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.NE
A Multitask, Multilingual, Multimodal Evaluation of ChatGPT on Reasoning, Hallucination, and Interactivity
Yejin Bang, Samuel Cahyawijaya, Nayeon Lee, Wenliang Dai, Dan Su, Bryan Wilie, Holy Lovenia, Ziwei Ji, Tiezheng Yu, Willy Chung, Quyet V. Do, Yan Xu, Pascale Fung
This paper proposes a framework for quantitatively evaluating interactive LLMs such as ChatGPT using publicly available data sets. We carry out an extensive technical evaluation of ChatGPT using 23 data sets covering 8 different common NLP application tasks. We evaluate the multitask, multilingual and multi-modal aspects of ChatGPT based on these data sets and a newly designed multimodal dataset. We find that ChatGPT outperforms LLMs with zero-shot learning on most tasks and even outperforms fine-tuned models on some tasks. We find that it is better at understanding non-Latin script languages than generating them. It is able to generate multimodal content from textual prompts, via an intermediate code generation step. Moreover, we find that ChatGPT is 63.41% accurate on average in 10 different reasoning categories under logical reasoning, non-textual reasoning, and commonsense reasoning, hence making it an unreliable reasoner. It is, for example, better at deductive than inductive reasoning. ChatGPT suffers from hallucination problems like other LLMs and it generates more extrinsic hallucinations from its parametric memory as it does not have access to an external knowledge base. Finally, the interactive feature of ChatGPT enables human collaboration with the underlying LLM to improve its performance, i.e, 8% ROUGE-1 on summarization and 2% ChrF++ on machine translation, in a multi-turn "prompt engineering" fashion. We also release codebase for evaluation set extraction.
cs.CL, cs.AI
CodeLMSec Benchmark: Systematically Evaluating and Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Black-Box Code Language Models
Hossein Hajipour, Keno Hassler, Thorsten Holz, Lea Schönherr, Mario Fritz
Large language models (LLMs) for automatic code generation have achieved breakthroughs in several programming tasks. Their advances in competition-level programming problems have made them an essential pillar of AI-assisted pair programming, and tools such as GitHub Copilot have emerged as part of the daily programming workflow used by millions of developers. The training data for these models is usually collected from the Internet (e.g., from open-source repositories) and is likely to contain faults and security vulnerabilities. This unsanitized training data can cause the language models to learn these vulnerabilities and propagate them during the code generation procedure. While these models have been extensively assessed for their ability to produce functionally correct programs, there remains a lack of comprehensive investigations and benchmarks addressing the security aspects of these models. In this work, we propose a method to systematically study the security issues of code language models to assess their susceptibility to generating vulnerable code. To this end, we introduce the first approach to automatically find generated code that contains vulnerabilities in black-box code generation models. To achieve this, we present an approach to approximate inversion of the black-box code generation models based on few-shot prompting. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach by examining code language models in generating high-risk security weaknesses. Furthermore, we establish a collection of diverse non-secure prompts for various vulnerability scenarios using our method. This dataset forms a benchmark for evaluating and comparing the security weaknesses in code language models.
cs.CR, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG, cs.SE
Is ChatGPT a General-Purpose Natural Language Processing Task Solver?
Chengwei Qin, Aston Zhang, Zhuosheng Zhang, Jiaao Chen, Michihiro Yasunaga, Diyi Yang
Spurred by advancements in scale, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the ability to perform a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks zero-shot -- i.e., without adaptation on downstream data. Recently, the debut of ChatGPT has drawn a great deal of attention from the natural language processing (NLP) community due to the fact that it can generate high-quality responses to human input and self-correct previous mistakes based on subsequent conversations. However, it is not yet known whether ChatGPT can serve as a generalist model that can perform many NLP tasks zero-shot. In this work, we empirically analyze the zero-shot learning ability of ChatGPT by evaluating it on 20 popular NLP datasets covering 7 representative task categories. With extensive empirical studies, we demonstrate both the effectiveness and limitations of the current version of ChatGPT. We find that ChatGPT performs well on many tasks favoring reasoning capabilities (e.g., arithmetic reasoning) while it still faces challenges when solving specific tasks such as sequence tagging. We additionally provide in-depth analysis through qualitative case studies.
cs.CL, cs.AI
ZipLM: Inference-Aware Structured Pruning of Language Models
Eldar Kurtic, Elias Frantar, Dan Alistarh
The breakthrough performance of large language models (LLMs) comes with major computational footprints and high deployment costs. In this paper, we progress towards resolving this problem by proposing a novel structured compression approach for LLMs, called ZipLM. ZipLM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy-vs-speedup, while matching a set of desired target runtime speedups in any given inference environment. Specifically, given a model, a dataset, an inference environment, as well as a set of speedup targets, ZipLM iteratively identifies and removes components with the worst loss-runtime trade-off. Unlike prior methods that specialize in either the post-training/one-shot or the gradual compression setting, and only for specific families of models such as BERT (encoder) or GPT (decoder), ZipLM produces state-of-the-art compressed models across all these settings. Furthermore, ZipLM achieves superior results for a fraction of the computational cost relative to prior distillation and pruning techniques, making it a cost-effective approach for generating an entire family of smaller, faster, and highly accurate models, guaranteed to meet the desired inference specifications. In particular, ZipLM outperforms all prior BERT-base distillation and pruning techniques, such as CoFi, MiniLM, and TinyBERT. Moreover, it matches the performance of the heavily optimized MobileBERT model, obtained via extensive architecture search, by simply pruning the baseline BERT-large model. When compressing GPT2, ZipLM outperforms DistilGPT2 while being 60% smaller and 30% faster. Our code is available at: https://github.com/IST-DASLab/ZipLM.
cs.LG, cs.CL
Learning Translation Quality Evaluation on Low Resource Languages from Large Language Models
Amirkeivan Mohtashami, Mauro Verzetti, Paul K. Rubenstein
Learned metrics such as BLEURT have in recent years become widely employed to evaluate the quality of machine translation systems. Training such metrics requires data which can be expensive and difficult to acquire, particularly for lower-resource languages. We show how knowledge can be distilled from Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve upon such learned metrics without requiring human annotators, by creating synthetic datasets which can be mixed into existing datasets, requiring only a corpus of text in the target language. We show that the performance of a BLEURT-like model on lower resource languages can be improved in this way.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Chat2VIS: Generating Data Visualisations via Natural Language using ChatGPT, Codex and GPT-3 Large Language Models
Paula Maddigan, Teo Susnjak
The field of data visualisation has long aimed to devise solutions for generating visualisations directly from natural language text. Research in Natural Language Interfaces (NLIs) has contributed towards the development of such techniques. However, the implementation of workable NLIs has always been challenging due to the inherent ambiguity of natural language, as well as in consequence of unclear and poorly written user queries which pose problems for existing language models in discerning user intent. Instead of pursuing the usual path of developing new iterations of language models, this study uniquely proposes leveraging the advancements in pre-trained large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-3 to convert free-form natural language directly into code for appropriate visualisations. This paper presents a novel system, Chat2VIS, which takes advantage of the capabilities of LLMs and demonstrates how, with effective prompt engineering, the complex problem of language understanding can be solved more efficiently, resulting in simpler and more accurate end-to-end solutions than prior approaches. Chat2VIS shows that LLMs together with the proposed prompts offer a reliable approach to rendering visualisations from natural language queries, even when queries are highly misspecified and underspecified. This solution also presents a significant reduction in costs for the development of NLI systems, while attaining greater visualisation inference abilities compared to traditional NLP approaches that use hand-crafted grammar rules and tailored models. This study also presents how LLM prompts can be constructed in a way that preserves data security and privacy while being generalisable to different datasets. This work compares the performance of GPT-3, Codex and ChatGPT across a number of case studies and contrasts the performances with prior studies.
ANTM: An Aligned Neural Topic Model for Exploring Evolving Topics
Hamed Rahimi, Hubert Naacke, Camelia Constantin, Bernd Amann
This paper presents an algorithmic family of dynamic topic models called Aligned Neural Topic Models (ANTM), which combine novel data mining algorithms to provide a modular framework for discovering evolving topics. ANTM maintains the temporal continuity of evolving topics by extracting time-aware features from documents using advanced pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) and employing an overlapping sliding window algorithm for sequential document clustering. This overlapping sliding window algorithm identifies a different number of topics within each time frame and aligns semantically similar document clusters across time periods. This process captures emerging and fading trends across different periods and allows for a more interpretable representation of evolving topics. Experiments on four distinct datasets show that ANTM outperforms probabilistic dynamic topic models in terms of topic coherence and diversity metrics. Moreover, it improves the scalability and flexibility of dynamic topic models by being accessible and adaptable to different types of algorithms. Additionally, a Python package is developed for researchers and scientists who wish to study the trends and evolving patterns of topics in large-scale textual data.
cs.IR, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.NE, cs.SI
Large Language Models are Versatile Decomposers: Decompose Evidence and Questions for Table-based Reasoning
Yunhu Ye, Binyuan Hui, Min Yang, Binhua Li, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li
Table-based reasoning has shown remarkable progress in combining deep models with discrete reasoning, which requires reasoning over both free-form natural language (NL) questions and structured tabular data. However, previous table-based reasoning solutions usually suffer from significant performance degradation on huge evidence (tables). In addition, most existing methods struggle to reason over complex questions since the required information is scattered in different places. To alleviate the above challenges, we exploit large language models (LLMs) as decomposers for effective table-based reasoning, which (i) decompose huge evidence (a huge table) into sub-evidence (a small table) to mitigate the interference of useless information for table reasoning; and (ii) decompose complex questions into simpler sub-questions for text reasoning. Specifically, we first use the LLMs to break down the evidence (tables) involved in the current question, retaining the relevant evidence and excluding the remaining irrelevant evidence from the huge table. In addition, we propose a "parsing-execution-filling" strategy to alleviate the hallucination dilemma of the chain of thought by decoupling logic and numerical computation in each step. Extensive experiments show that our method can effectively leverage decomposed evidence and questions and outperforms the strong baselines on TabFact, WikiTableQuestion, and FetaQA datasets. Notably, our model outperforms human performance for the first time on the TabFact dataset.
Skill Decision Transformer
Shyam Sudhakaran, Sebastian Risi
Recent work has shown that Large Language Models (LLMs) can be incredibly effective for offline reinforcement learning (RL) by representing the traditional RL problem as a sequence modelling problem (Chen et al., 2021; Janner et al., 2021). However many of these methods only optimize for high returns, and may not extract much information from a diverse dataset of trajectories. Generalized Decision Transformers (GDTs) (Furuta et al., 2021) have shown that utilizing future trajectory information, in the form of information statistics, can help extract more information from offline trajectory data. Building upon this, we propose Skill Decision Transformer (Skill DT). Skill DT draws inspiration from hindsight relabelling (Andrychowicz et al., 2017) and skill discovery methods to discover a diverse set of primitive behaviors, or skills. We show that Skill DT can not only perform offline state-marginal matching (SMM), but can discovery descriptive behaviors that can be easily sampled. Furthermore, we show that through purely reward-free optimization, Skill DT is still competitive with supervised offline RL approaches on the D4RL benchmark. The code and videos can be found on our project page: https://github.com/shyamsn97/skill-dt
Numeracy from Literacy: Data Science as an Emergent Skill from Large Language Models
David Noever, Forrest McKee
Large language models (LLM) such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and GPT-3 offer unique testbeds for exploring the translation challenges of turning literacy into numeracy. Previous publicly-available transformer models from eighteen months prior and 1000 times smaller failed to provide basic arithmetic. The statistical analysis of four complex datasets described here combines arithmetic manipulations that cannot be memorized or encoded by simple rules. The work examines whether next-token prediction succeeds from sentence completion into the realm of actual numerical understanding. For example, the work highlights cases for descriptive statistics on in-memory datasets that the LLM initially loads from memory or generates randomly using python libraries. The resulting exploratory data analysis showcases the model's capabilities to group by or pivot categorical sums, infer feature importance, derive correlations, and predict unseen test cases using linear regression. To extend the model's testable range, the research deletes and appends random rows such that recall alone cannot explain emergent numeracy.
Red teaming ChatGPT via Jailbreaking: Bias, Robustness, Reliability and Toxicity
Terry Yue Zhuo, Yujin Huang, Chunyang Chen, Zhenchang Xing
Recent breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) have permitted the synthesis and comprehension of coherent text in an open-ended way, therefore translating the theoretical algorithms into practical applications. The large language models (LLMs) have significantly impacted businesses such as report summarization software and copywriters. Observations indicate, however, that LLMs may exhibit social prejudice and toxicity, posing ethical and societal dangers of consequences resulting from irresponsibility. Large-scale benchmarks for accountable LLMs should consequently be developed. Although several empirical investigations reveal the existence of a few ethical difficulties in advanced LLMs, there is little systematic examination and user study of the risks and harmful behaviors of current LLM usage. To further educate future efforts on constructing ethical LLMs responsibly, we perform a qualitative research method called ``red teaming'' on OpenAI's ChatGPT\footnote{In this paper, ChatGPT refers to the version released on Dec 15th.} to better understand the practical features of ethical dangers in recent LLMs. We analyze ChatGPT comprehensively from four perspectives: 1) \textit{Bias} 2) \textit{Reliability} 3) \textit{Robustness} 4) \textit{Toxicity}. In accordance with our stated viewpoints, we empirically benchmark ChatGPT on multiple sample datasets. We find that a significant number of ethical risks cannot be addressed by existing benchmarks, and hence illustrate them via additional case studies. In addition, we examine the implications of our findings on AI ethics and harmal behaviors of ChatGPT, as well as future problems and practical design considerations for responsible LLMs. We believe that our findings may give light on future efforts to determine and mitigate the ethical hazards posed by machines in LLM applications.
cs.CL, cs.SE
Large Language Models for Biomedical Knowledge Graph Construction: Information extraction from EMR notes
Vahan Arsenyan, Spartak Bughdaryan, Fadi Shaya, Kent Small, Davit Shahnazaryan
The automatic construction of knowledge graphs (KGs) is an important research area in medicine, with far-reaching applications spanning drug discovery and clinical trial design. These applications hinge on the accurate identification of interactions among medical and biological entities. In this study, we propose an end-to-end machine learning solution based on large language models (LLMs) that utilize electronic medical record notes to construct KGs. The entities used in the KG construction process are diseases, factors, treatments, as well as manifestations that coexist with the patient while experiencing the disease. Given the critical need for high-quality performance in medical applications, we embark on a comprehensive assessment of 12 LLMs of various architectures, evaluating their performance and safety attributes. To gauge the quantitative efficacy of our approach by assessing both precision and recall, we manually annotate a dataset provided by the Macula and Retina Institute. We also assess the qualitative performance of LLMs, such as the ability to generate structured outputs or the tendency to hallucinate. The results illustrate that in contrast to encoder-only and encoder-decoder, decoder-only LLMs require further investigation. Additionally, we provide guided prompt design to utilize such LLMs. The application of the proposed methodology is demonstrated on age-related macular degeneration.
cs.CL, cs.LG
Understanding the Effectiveness of Very Large Language Models on Dialog Evaluation
Jessica Huynh, Cathy Jiao, Prakhar Gupta, Shikib Mehri, Payal Bajaj, Vishrav Chaudhary, Maxine Eskenazi
Language models have steadily increased in size over the past few years. They achieve a high level of performance on various natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as question answering and summarization. Large language models (LLMs) have been used for generation and can now output human-like text. Due to this, there are other downstream tasks in the realm of dialog that can now harness the LLMs' language understanding capabilities. Dialog evaluation is one task that this paper will explore. It concentrates on prompting with LLMs: BLOOM, OPT, GPT-3, Flan-T5, InstructDial and TNLGv2. The paper shows that the choice of datasets used for training a model contributes to how well it performs on a task as well as on how the prompt should be structured. Specifically, the more diverse and relevant the group of datasets that a model is trained on, the better dialog evaluation performs. This paper also investigates how the number of examples in the prompt and the type of example selection used affect the model's performance.
Large Language Models Are Latent Variable Models: Explaining and Finding Good Demonstrations for In-Context Learning
Xinyi Wang, Wanrong Zhu, Michael Saxon, Mark Steyvers, William Yang Wang
In recent years, pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable efficiency in achieving an inference-time few-shot learning capability known as in-context learning. However, existing literature has highlighted the sensitivity of this capability to the selection of few-shot demonstrations. Current understandings of the underlying mechanisms by which this capability arises from regular language model pretraining objectives remain disconnected from the real-world LLMs. This study aims to examine the in-context learning phenomenon through a Bayesian lens, viewing real-world LLMs as latent variable models. On this premise, we propose an algorithm to select optimal demonstrations from a set of annotated data with a small LM, and then directly generalize the selected demonstrations to larger LMs. We demonstrate significant improvement over baselines, averaged over eight GPT models on eight real-world text classification datasets. We also demonstrate the real-world usefulness of our algorithm on GSM8K, a math word problem dataset. Our empirical findings support our hypothesis that LLMs implicitly infer a latent variable containing task information.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
ThoughtSource: A central hub for large language model reasoning data
Simon Ott, Konstantin Hebenstreit, Valentin Liévin, Christoffer Egeberg Hother, Milad Moradi, Maximilian Mayrhauser, Robert Praas, Ole Winther, Matthias Samwald
Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have recently demonstrated impressive results across a wide range of tasks. LLMs are still limited, however, in that they frequently fail at complex reasoning, their reasoning processes are opaque, they are prone to 'hallucinate' facts, and there are concerns about their underlying biases. Letting models verbalize reasoning steps as natural language, a technique known as chain-of-thought prompting, has recently been proposed as a way to address some of these issues. Here we present ThoughtSource, a meta-dataset and software library for chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. The goal of ThoughtSource is to improve future artificial intelligence systems by facilitating qualitative understanding of CoTs, enabling empirical evaluations, and providing training data. This first release of ThoughtSource integrates seven scientific/medical, three general-domain and five math word question answering datasets.
cs.CL, cs.AI
DetectGPT: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection using Probability Curvature
Eric Mitchell, Yoonho Lee, Alexander Khazatsky, Christopher D. Manning, Chelsea Finn
The increasing fluency and widespread usage of large language models (LLMs) highlight the desirability of corresponding tools aiding detection of LLM-generated text. In this paper, we identify a property of the structure of an LLM's probability function that is useful for such detection. Specifically, we demonstrate that text sampled from an LLM tends to occupy negative curvature regions of the model's log probability function. Leveraging this observation, we then define a new curvature-based criterion for judging if a passage is generated from a given LLM. This approach, which we call DetectGPT, does not require training a separate classifier, collecting a dataset of real or generated passages, or explicitly watermarking generated text. It uses only log probabilities computed by the model of interest and random perturbations of the passage from another generic pre-trained language model (e.g., T5). We find DetectGPT is more discriminative than existing zero-shot methods for model sample detection, notably improving detection of fake news articles generated by 20B parameter GPT-NeoX from 0.81 AUROC for the strongest zero-shot baseline to 0.95 AUROC for DetectGPT. See https://ericmitchell.ai/detectgpt for code, data, and other project information.
cs.CL, cs.AI
ExaRanker: Explanation-Augmented Neural Ranker
Fernando Ferraretto, Thiago Laitz, Roberto Lotufo, Rodrigo Nogueira
Recent work has shown that inducing a large language model (LLM) to generate explanations prior to outputting an answer is an effective strategy to improve performance on a wide range of reasoning tasks. In this work, we show that neural rankers also benefit from explanations. We use LLMs such as GPT-3.5 to augment retrieval datasets with explanations and train a sequence-to-sequence ranking model to output a relevance label and an explanation for a given query-document pair. Our model, dubbed ExaRanker, finetuned on a few thousand examples with synthetic explanations performs on par with models finetuned on 3x more examples without explanations. Furthermore, the ExaRanker model incurs no additional computational cost during ranking and allows explanations to be requested on demand.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR
Generating High-Precision Feedback for Programming Syntax Errors using Large Language Models
Tung Phung, José Cambronero, Sumit Gulwani, Tobias Kohn, Rupak Majumdar, Adish Singla, Gustavo Soares
Large language models (LLMs), such as Codex, hold great promise in enhancing programming education by automatically generating feedback for students. We investigate using LLMs to generate feedback for fixing syntax errors in Python programs, a key scenario in introductory programming. More concretely, given a student's buggy program, our goal is to generate feedback comprising a fixed program along with a natural language explanation describing the errors/fixes, inspired by how a human tutor would give feedback. While using LLMs is promising, the critical challenge is to ensure high precision in the generated feedback, which is imperative before deploying such technology in classrooms. The main research question we study is: Can we develop LLMs-based feedback generation techniques with a tunable precision parameter, giving educators quality control over the feedback that students receive? To this end, we introduce PyFiXV, our technique to generate high-precision feedback powered by Codex. The key idea behind PyFiXV is to use a novel run-time validation mechanism to decide whether the generated feedback is suitable for sharing with the student; notably, this validation mechanism also provides a precision knob to educators. We perform an extensive evaluation using two real-world datasets of Python programs with syntax errors and show the efficacy of PyFiXV in generating high-precision feedback.
cs.PL, cs.AI, cs.CL
Opportunities and Challenges in Neural Dialog Tutoring
Jakub Macina, Nico Daheim, Lingzhi Wang, Tanmay Sinha, Manu Kapur, Iryna Gurevych, Mrinmaya Sachan
Designing dialog tutors has been challenging as it involves modeling the diverse and complex pedagogical strategies employed by human tutors. Although there have been significant recent advances in neural conversational systems using large language models (LLMs) and growth in available dialog corpora, dialog tutoring has largely remained unaffected by these advances. In this paper, we rigorously analyze various generative language models on two dialog tutoring datasets for language learning using automatic and human evaluations to understand the new opportunities brought by these advances as well as the challenges we must overcome to build models that would be usable in real educational settings. We find that although current approaches can model tutoring in constrained learning scenarios when the number of concepts to be taught and possible teacher strategies are small, they perform poorly in less constrained scenarios. Our human quality evaluation shows that both models and ground-truth annotations exhibit low performance in terms of equitable tutoring, which measures learning opportunities for students and how engaging the dialog is. To understand the behavior of our models in a real tutoring setting, we conduct a user study using expert annotators and find a significantly large number of model reasoning errors in 45% of conversations. Finally, we connect our findings to outline future work.
cs.CL, cs.AI
The Next Chapter: A Study of Large Language Models in Storytelling
Zhuohan Xie, Trevor Cohn, Jey Han Lau
To enhance the quality of generated stories, recent story generation models have been investigating the utilization of higher-level attributes like plots or commonsense knowledge. The application of prompt-based learning with large language models (LLMs), exemplified by GPT-3, has exhibited remarkable performance in diverse natural language processing (NLP) tasks. This paper conducts a comprehensive investigation, utilizing both automatic and human evaluation, to compare the story generation capacity of LLMs with recent models across three datasets with variations in style, register, and length of stories. The results demonstrate that LLMs generate stories of significantly higher quality compared to other story generation models. Moreover, they exhibit a level of performance that competes with human authors, albeit with the preliminary observation that they tend to replicate real stories in situations involving world knowledge, resembling a form of plagiarism.
CodeScore: Evaluating Code Generation by Learning Code Execution
Yihong Dong, Jiazheng Ding, Xue Jiang, Ge Li, Zhuo Li, Zhi Jin
A proper code evaluation metric (CEM) profoundly impacts the evolution of code generation, which is an important research field in NLP and software engineering. Prevailing match-based CEMs (e.g., BLEU, Accuracy, and CodeBLEU) suffer from two significant drawbacks. 1. They primarily measure the surface differences between codes without considering their functional equivalence. However, functional equivalence is pivotal in evaluating the effectiveness of code generation, as different codes can perform identical operations. 2. They are predominantly designed for the Ref-only input format. However, code evaluation necessitates versatility in input formats. Aside from Ref-only, there are NL-only and Ref\&NL formats, which existing match-based CEMs cannot effectively accommodate. In this paper, we propose CodeScore, a large language model (LLM)-based CEM, which estimates the functional correctness of generated code on three input types. To acquire CodeScore, we present UniCE, a unified code generation learning framework, for LLMs to learn code execution (i.e., learning PassRatio and Executability of generated code) with unified input. Extensive experimental results on multiple code evaluation datasets demonstrate that CodeScore absolutely improves up to 58.87% correlation with functional correctness compared to other CEMs, achieves state-of-the-art performance, and effectively handles three input formats.
Transfer Knowledge from Natural Language to Electrocardiography: Can We Detect Cardiovascular Disease Through Language Models?
Jielin Qiu, William Han, Jiacheng Zhu, Mengdi Xu, Michael Rosenberg, Emerson Liu, Douglas Weber, Ding Zhao
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have drawn increasing attention since the learned embeddings pretrained on large-scale datasets have shown powerful ability in various downstream applications. However, whether the learned knowledge by LLMs can be transferred to clinical cardiology remains unknown. In this work, we aim to bridge this gap by transferring the knowledge of LLMs to clinical Electrocardiography (ECG). We propose an approach for cardiovascular disease diagnosis and automatic ECG diagnosis report generation. We also introduce an additional loss function by Optimal Transport (OT) to align the distribution between ECG and language embedding. The learned embeddings are evaluated on two downstream tasks: (1) automatic ECG diagnosis report generation, and (2) zero-shot cardiovascular disease detection. Our approach is able to generate high-quality cardiac diagnosis reports and also achieves competitive zero-shot classification performance even compared with supervised baselines, which proves the feasibility of transferring knowledge from LLMs to the cardiac domain.
Batch Prompting: Efficient Inference with Large Language Model APIs
Zhoujun Cheng, Jungo Kasai, Tao Yu
Performing inference on large volumes of samples with large language models (LLMs) can be computationally and financially costly in industry and real-world use. We propose batch prompting, a simple yet effective prompting approach that enables the LLM to run inference in batches, instead of one sample at a time. Our method reduces both token and time costs while retaining downstream performance. We theoretically demonstrate that under a few-shot in-context learning setting, the inference costs decrease almost inverse linearly with the number of samples in each batch. We extensively validate the effectiveness of batch prompting on ten datasets across commonsense QA, arithmetic reasoning, and NLI/NLU: batch prompting significantly~(up to 5x with six samples in batch) reduces the LLM (Codex) inference token and time costs while achieving better or comparable performance. For state-of-the-art Chat-based LLMs, e.g., GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, we show the benefits of batch prompting also hold. Further analysis shows that the number of samples in each batch and the complexity of tasks affect its performance. Moreover, batch prompting can be applied across different reasoning methods using LLMs. Our code can be found at the site https://github.com/xlang-ai/batch-prompting.
cs.CL, cs.AI
How Close is ChatGPT to Human Experts? Comparison Corpus, Evaluation, and Detection
Biyang Guo, Xin Zhang, Ziyuan Wang, Minqi Jiang, Jinran Nie, Yuxuan Ding, Jianwei Yue, Yupeng Wu
The introduction of ChatGPT has garnered widespread attention in both academic and industrial communities. ChatGPT is able to respond effectively to a wide range of human questions, providing fluent and comprehensive answers that significantly surpass previous public chatbots in terms of security and usefulness. On one hand, people are curious about how ChatGPT is able to achieve such strength and how far it is from human experts. On the other hand, people are starting to worry about the potential negative impacts that large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT could have on society, such as fake news, plagiarism, and social security issues. In this work, we collected tens of thousands of comparison responses from both human experts and ChatGPT, with questions ranging from open-domain, financial, medical, legal, and psychological areas. We call the collected dataset the Human ChatGPT Comparison Corpus (HC3). Based on the HC3 dataset, we study the characteristics of ChatGPT's responses, the differences and gaps from human experts, and future directions for LLMs. We conducted comprehensive human evaluations and linguistic analyses of ChatGPT-generated content compared with that of humans, where many interesting results are revealed. After that, we conduct extensive experiments on how to effectively detect whether a certain text is generated by ChatGPT or humans. We build three different detection systems, explore several key factors that influence their effectiveness, and evaluate them in different scenarios. The dataset, code, and models are all publicly available at https://github.com/Hello-SimpleAI/chatgpt-comparison-detection.
TikTalk: A Video-Based Dialogue Dataset for Multi-Modal Chitchat in Real World
Hongpeng Lin, Ludan Ruan, Wenke Xia, Peiyu Liu, Jingyuan Wen, Yixin Xu, Di Hu, Ruihua Song, Wayne Xin Zhao, Qin Jin, Zhiwu Lu
To facilitate the research on intelligent and human-like chatbots with multi-modal context, we introduce a new video-based multi-modal dialogue dataset, called TikTalk. We collect 38K videos from a popular video-sharing platform, along with 367K conversations posted by users beneath them. Users engage in spontaneous conversations based on their multi-modal experiences from watching videos, which helps recreate real-world chitchat context. Compared to previous multi-modal dialogue datasets, the richer context types in TikTalk lead to more diverse conversations, but also increase the difficulty in capturing human interests from intricate multi-modal information to generate personalized responses. Moreover, external knowledge is more frequently evoked in our dataset. These facts reveal new challenges for multi-modal dialogue models. We quantitatively demonstrate the characteristics of TikTalk, propose a video-based multi-modal chitchat task, and evaluate several dialogue baselines. Experimental results indicate that the models incorporating large language models (LLM) can generate more diverse responses, while the model utilizing knowledge graphs to introduce external knowledge performs the best overall. Furthermore, no existing model can solve all the above challenges well. There is still a large room for future improvements, even for LLM with visual extensions. Our dataset is available at \url{https://ruc-aimind.github.io/projects/TikTalk/}.
cs.CL, cs.AI
See, Think, Confirm: Interactive Prompting Between Vision and Language Models for Knowledge-based Visual Reasoning
Zhenfang Chen, Qinhong Zhou, Yikang Shen, Yining Hong, Hao Zhang, Chuang Gan
Large pre-trained vision and language models have demonstrated remarkable capacities for various tasks. However, solving the knowledge-based visual reasoning tasks remains challenging, which requires a model to comprehensively understand image content, connect the external world knowledge, and perform step-by-step reasoning to answer the questions correctly. To this end, we propose a novel framework named Interactive Prompting Visual Reasoner (IPVR) for few-shot knowledge-based visual reasoning. IPVR contains three stages, see, think and confirm. The see stage scans the image and grounds the visual concept candidates with a visual perception model. The think stage adopts a pre-trained large language model (LLM) to attend to the key concepts from candidates adaptively. It then transforms them into text context for prompting with a visual captioning model and adopts the LLM to generate the answer. The confirm stage further uses the LLM to generate the supporting rationale to the answer, verify the generated rationale with a cross-modality classifier and ensure that the rationale can infer the predicted output consistently. We conduct experiments on a range of knowledge-based visual reasoning datasets. We found our IPVR enjoys several benefits, 1). it achieves better performance than the previous few-shot learning baselines; 2). it enjoys the total transparency and trustworthiness of the whole reasoning process by providing rationales for each reasoning step; 3). it is computation-efficient compared with other fine-tuning baselines.
cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
InPars-v2: Large Language Models as Efficient Dataset Generators for Information Retrieval
Vitor Jeronymo, Luiz Bonifacio, Hugo Abonizio, Marzieh Fadaee, Roberto Lotufo, Jakub Zavrel, Rodrigo Nogueira
Recently, InPars introduced a method to efficiently use large language models (LLMs) in information retrieval tasks: via few-shot examples, an LLM is induced to generate relevant queries for documents. These synthetic query-document pairs can then be used to train a retriever. However, InPars and, more recently, Promptagator, rely on proprietary LLMs such as GPT-3 and FLAN to generate such datasets. In this work we introduce InPars-v2, a dataset generator that uses open-source LLMs and existing powerful rerankers to select synthetic query-document pairs for training. A simple BM25 retrieval pipeline followed by a monoT5 reranker finetuned on InPars-v2 data achieves new state-of-the-art results on the BEIR benchmark. To allow researchers to further improve our method, we open source the code, synthetic data, and finetuned models: https://github.com/zetaalphavector/inPars/tree/master/tpu
cs.IR, cs.AI
Large Language Models Encode Clinical Knowledge
Karan Singhal, Shekoofeh Azizi, Tao Tu, S. Sara Mahdavi, Jason Wei, Hyung Won Chung, Nathan Scales, Ajay Tanwani, Heather Cole-Lewis, Stephen Pfohl, Perry Payne, Martin Seneviratne, Paul Gamble, Chris Kelly, Nathaneal Scharli, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Philip Mansfield, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Dale Webster, Greg S. Corrado, Yossi Matias, Katherine Chou, Juraj Gottweis, Nenad Tomasev, Yun Liu, Alvin Rajkomar, Joelle Barral, Christopher Semturs, Alan Karthikesalingam, Vivek Natarajan
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, but the quality bar for medical and clinical applications is high. Today, attempts to assess models' clinical knowledge typically rely on automated evaluations on limited benchmarks. There is no standard to evaluate model predictions and reasoning across a breadth of tasks. To address this, we present MultiMedQA, a benchmark combining six existing open question answering datasets spanning professional medical exams, research, and consumer queries; and HealthSearchQA, a new free-response dataset of medical questions searched online. We propose a framework for human evaluation of model answers along multiple axes including factuality, precision, possible harm, and bias. In addition, we evaluate PaLM (a 540-billion parameter LLM) and its instruction-tuned variant, Flan-PaLM, on MultiMedQA. Using a combination of prompting strategies, Flan-PaLM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on every MultiMedQA multiple-choice dataset (MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, MMLU clinical topics), including 67.6% accuracy on MedQA (US Medical License Exam questions), surpassing prior state-of-the-art by over 17%. However, human evaluation reveals key gaps in Flan-PaLM responses. To resolve this we introduce instruction prompt tuning, a parameter-efficient approach for aligning LLMs to new domains using a few exemplars. The resulting model, Med-PaLM, performs encouragingly, but remains inferior to clinicians. We show that comprehension, recall of knowledge, and medical reasoning improve with model scale and instruction prompt tuning, suggesting the potential utility of LLMs in medicine. Our human evaluations reveal important limitations of today's models, reinforcing the importance of both evaluation frameworks and method development in creating safe, helpful LLM models for clinical applications.
From Images to Textual Prompts: Zero-shot VQA with Frozen Large Language Models
Jiaxian Guo, Junnan Li, Dongxu Li, Anthony Meng Huat Tiong, Boyang Li, Dacheng Tao, Steven C. H. Hoi
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated excellent zero-shot generalization to new language tasks. However, effective utilization of LLMs for zero-shot visual question-answering (VQA) remains challenging, primarily due to the modality disconnection and task disconnection between LLM and VQA task. End-to-end training on vision and language data may bridge the disconnections, but is inflexible and computationally expensive. To address this issue, we propose \emph{Img2Prompt}, a plug-and-play module that provides the prompts that can bridge the aforementioned modality and task disconnections, so that LLMs can perform zero-shot VQA tasks without end-to-end training. In order to provide such prompts, we further employ LLM-agnostic models to provide prompts that can describe image content and self-constructed question-answer pairs, which can effectively guide LLM to perform zero-shot VQA tasks. Img2Prompt offers the following benefits: 1) It can flexibly work with various LLMs to perform VQA. 2)~Without the needing of end-to-end training, it significantly reduces the cost of deploying LLM for zero-shot VQA tasks. 3) It achieves comparable or better performance than methods relying on end-to-end training. For example, we outperform Flamingo \cite{Deepmind:Flamingo2022} by 5.6\% on VQAv2. On the challenging A-OKVQA dataset, our method even outperforms few-shot methods by as much as 20\%.
cs.CV, cs.MM
ZEROTOP: Zero-Shot Task-Oriented Semantic Parsing using Large Language Models
Dheeraj Mekala, Jason Wolfe, Subhro Roy
We explore the use of large language models (LLMs) for zero-shot semantic parsing. Semantic parsing involves mapping natural language utterances to task-specific meaning representations. Language models are generally trained on the publicly available text and code and cannot be expected to directly generalize to domain-specific parsing tasks in a zero-shot setting. In this work, we propose ZEROTOP, a zero-shot task-oriented parsing method that decomposes a semantic parsing problem into a set of abstractive and extractive question-answering (QA) problems, enabling us to leverage the ability of LLMs to zero-shot answer reading comprehension questions. For each utterance, we prompt the LLM with questions corresponding to its top-level intent and a set of slots and use the LLM generations to construct the target meaning representation. We observe that current LLMs fail to detect unanswerable questions; and as a result, cannot handle questions corresponding to missing slots. To address this problem, we fine-tune a language model on public QA datasets using synthetic negative samples. Experimental results show that our QA-based decomposition paired with the fine-tuned LLM can correctly parse ~16% of utterances in the MTOP dataset without requiring any annotated data.
Re-evaluating the Need for Multimodal Signals in Unsupervised Grammar Induction
Boyi Li, Rodolfo Corona, Karttikeya Mangalam, Catherine Chen, Daniel Flaherty, Serge Belongie, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Jitendra Malik, Trevor Darrell, Dan Klein
Are multimodal inputs necessary for grammar induction? Recent work has shown that multimodal training inputs can improve grammar induction. However, these improvements are based on comparisons to weak text-only baselines that were trained on relatively little textual data. To determine whether multimodal inputs are needed in regimes with large amounts of textual training data, we design a stronger text-only baseline, which we refer to as LC-PCFG. LC-PCFG is a C-PFCG that incorporates em-beddings from text-only large language models (LLMs). We use a fixed grammar family to directly compare LC-PCFG to various multi-modal grammar induction methods. We compare performance on four benchmark datasets. LC-PCFG provides an up to 17% relative improvement in Corpus-F1 compared to state-of-the-art multimodal grammar induction methods. LC-PCFG is also more computationally efficient, providing an up to 85% reduction in parameter count and 8.8x reduction in training time compared to multimodal approaches. These results suggest that multimodal inputs may not be necessary for grammar induction, and emphasize the importance of strong vision-free baselines for evaluating the benefit of multimodal approaches.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Parsel: Algorithmic Reasoning with Language Models by Composing Decompositions
Eric Zelikman, Qian Huang, Gabriel Poesia, Noah D. Goodman, Nick Haber
Despite recent success in large language model (LLM) reasoning, LLMs struggle with hierarchical multi-step reasoning tasks like generating complex programs. For these tasks, humans often start with a high-level algorithmic design and implement each part gradually. We introduce Parsel, a framework enabling automatic implementation and validation of complex algorithms with code LLMs. With Parsel, we automatically decompose algorithmic tasks into hierarchical natural language function descriptions and then search over combinations of possible function implementations using tests. We show that Parsel can be used across domains requiring hierarchical reasoning, including program synthesis and robotic planning. We find that, using Parsel, LLMs solve more competition-level problems in the APPS dataset, resulting in pass rates over 75\% higher than prior results from directly sampling AlphaCode and Codex, while often using a smaller sample budget. Moreover, with automatically generated tests, we find that Parsel can improve the state-of-the-art pass@1 performance on HumanEval from 67\% to 85\%. We also find that LLM-generated robotic plans using Parsel are more than twice as likely to be considered accurate than directly generated plans. Lastly, we explore how Parsel addresses LLM limitations and discuss how Parsel may be useful for human programmers. We release our code at https://github.com/ezelikman/parsel
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for Knowledge-Intensive Multi-Step Questions
Harsh Trivedi, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal
Prompting-based large language models (LLMs) are surprisingly powerful at generating natural language reasoning steps or Chains-of-Thoughts (CoT) for multi-step question answering (QA). They struggle, however, when the necessary knowledge is either unavailable to the LLM or not up-to-date within its parameters. While using the question to retrieve relevant text from an external knowledge source helps LLMs, we observe that this one-step retrieve-and-read approach is insufficient for multi-step QA. Here, \textit{what to retrieve} depends on \textit{what has already been derived}, which in turn may depend on \textit{what was previously retrieved}. To address this, we propose IRCoT, a new approach for multi-step QA that interleaves retrieval with steps (sentences) in a CoT, guiding the retrieval with CoT and in turn using retrieved results to improve CoT. Using IRCoT with GPT3 substantially improves retrieval (up to 21 points) as well as downstream QA (up to 15 points) on four datasets: HotpotQA, 2WikiMultihopQA, MuSiQue, and IIRC. We observe similar substantial gains in out-of-distribution (OOD) settings as well as with much smaller models such as Flan-T5-large without additional training. IRCoT reduces model hallucination, resulting in factually more accurate CoT reasoning. Code, data, and prompts are available at \url{https://github.com/stonybrooknlp/ircot}
Visconde: Multi-document QA with GPT-3 and Neural Reranking
Jayr Pereira, Robson Fidalgo, Roberto Lotufo, Rodrigo Nogueira
This paper proposes a question-answering system that can answer questions whose supporting evidence is spread over multiple (potentially long) documents. The system, called Visconde, uses a three-step pipeline to perform the task: decompose, retrieve, and aggregate. The first step decomposes the question into simpler questions using a few-shot large language model (LLM). Then, a state-of-the-art search engine is used to retrieve candidate passages from a large collection for each decomposed question. In the final step, we use the LLM in a few-shot setting to aggregate the contents of the passages into the final answer. The system is evaluated on three datasets: IIRC, Qasper, and StrategyQA. Results suggest that current retrievers are the main bottleneck and that readers are already performing at the human level as long as relevant passages are provided. The system is also shown to be more effective when the model is induced to give explanations before answering a question. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/neuralmind-ai/visconde}.
cs.CL, cs.IR
Large Language Models are Better Reasoners with Self-Verification
Yixuan Weng, Minjun Zhu, Fei Xia, Bin Li, Shizhu He, Shengping Liu, Bin Sun, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao
Recently, with the chain of thought (CoT) prompting, large language models (LLMs), e.g., GPT-3, have shown strong reasoning ability in several natural language processing tasks such as arithmetic, commonsense, and logical reasoning. However, LLMs with CoT require multi-step prompting and multi-token prediction, which is highly sensitive to individual mistakes and vulnerable to error accumulation. The above issues make the LLMs need the ability to verify the answers. In fact, after inferring conclusions in some thinking decision tasks, people often check them by re-verifying steps to avoid some mistakes. In this paper, we propose and prove that LLMs also have similar self-verification abilities. We take the conclusion obtained by CoT as one of the conditions for solving the original problem. By performing a backward verification of the answers that LLM deduced for itself, we can obtain interpretable answer validation scores to select the candidate answer with the highest score. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the reasoning performance on various arithmetic, commonsense, and logical reasoning datasets. Our code is publicly available at: https://github.com/WENGSYX/Self-Verification.
cs.AI, cs.CL
Sentence-level Feedback Generation for English Language Learners: Does Data Augmentation Help?
Shabnam Behzad, Amir Zeldes, Nathan Schneider
In this paper, we present strong baselines for the task of Feedback Comment Generation for Writing Learning. Given a sentence and an error span, the task is to generate a feedback comment explaining the error. Sentences and feedback comments are both in English. We experiment with LLMs and also create multiple pseudo datasets for the task, investigating how it affects the performance of our system. We present our results for the task along with extensive analysis of the generated comments with the aim of aiding future studies in feedback comment generation for English language learners.
Self-Prompting Large Language Models for Zero-Shot Open-Domain QA
Junlong Li, Jinyuan Wang, Zhuosheng Zhang, Hai Zhao
Open-Domain Question Answering (ODQA) aims to answer questions without explicitly providing specific background documents. This task becomes notably challenging in a zero-shot setting where no data is available to train tailored retrieval-reader models. While recent Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have demonstrated their effectiveness in zero-shot ODQA using direct prompting methods, these methods still fall short of fully harnessing the potential of LLMs when implicitly invoked. In this paper, we propose a Self-Prompting framework to explicitly utilize the massive knowledge encoded in the parameters of LLMs and their strong instruction understanding abilities. Concretely, we prompt LLMs step by step to generate multiple pseudo QA pairs with background passages and explanations entirely from scratch. These generated elements are then utilized for in-context learning. Experimental results show that our method significantly surpasses previous state-of-the-art zero-shot methods on three widely-used ODQA datasets and even achieves comparable performance with various customized fine-tuned models on full training data. Our code is available at https://github.com/lockon-n/self-prompting.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Revisiting the Gold Standard: Grounding Summarization Evaluation with Robust Human Evaluation
Yixin Liu, Alexander R. Fabbri, Pengfei Liu, Yilun Zhao, Linyong Nan, Ruilin Han, Simeng Han, Shafiq Joty, Chien-Sheng Wu, Caiming Xiong, Dragomir Radev
Human evaluation is the foundation upon which the evaluation of both summarization systems and automatic metrics rests. However, existing human evaluation studies for summarization either exhibit a low inter-annotator agreement or have insufficient scale, and an in-depth analysis of human evaluation is lacking. Therefore, we address the shortcomings of existing summarization evaluation along the following axes: (1) We propose a modified summarization salience protocol, Atomic Content Units (ACUs), which is based on fine-grained semantic units and allows for a high inter-annotator agreement. (2) We curate the Robust Summarization Evaluation (RoSE) benchmark, a large human evaluation dataset consisting of 22,000 summary-level annotations over 28 top-performing systems on three datasets. (3) We conduct a comparative study of four human evaluation protocols, underscoring potential confounding factors in evaluation setups. (4) We evaluate 50 automatic metrics and their variants using the collected human annotations across evaluation protocols and demonstrate how our benchmark leads to more statistically stable and significant results. The metrics we benchmarked include recent methods based on large language models (LLMs), GPTScore and G-Eval. Furthermore, our findings have important implications for evaluating LLMs, as we show that LLMs adjusted by human feedback (e.g., GPT-3.5) may overfit unconstrained human evaluation, which is affected by the annotators' prior, input-agnostic preferences, calling for more robust, targeted evaluation methods.
Benchmarking Large Language Models for Automated Verilog RTL Code Generation
Shailja Thakur, Baleegh Ahmad, Zhenxing Fan, Hammond Pearce, Benjamin Tan, Ramesh Karri, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, Siddharth Garg
Automating hardware design could obviate a significant amount of human error from the engineering process and lead to fewer errors. Verilog is a popular hardware description language to model and design digital systems, thus generating Verilog code is a critical first step. Emerging large language models (LLMs) are able to write high-quality code in other programming languages. In this paper, we characterize the ability of LLMs to generate useful Verilog. For this, we fine-tune pre-trained LLMs on Verilog datasets collected from GitHub and Verilog textbooks. We construct an evaluation framework comprising test-benches for functional analysis and a flow to test the syntax of Verilog code generated in response to problems of varying difficulty. Our findings show that across our problem scenarios, the fine-tuning results in LLMs more capable of producing syntactically correct code (25.9% overall). Further, when analyzing functional correctness, a fine-tuned open-source CodeGen LLM can outperform the state-of-the-art commercial Codex LLM (6.5% overall). Training/evaluation scripts and LLM checkpoints are available: https://github.com/shailja-thakur/VGen.
cs.PL, cs.LG, cs.SE
Despite "super-human" performance, current LLMs are unsuited for decisions about ethics and safety
Joshua Albrecht, Ellie Kitanidis, Abraham J. Fetterman
Large language models (LLMs) have exploded in popularity in the past few years and have achieved undeniably impressive results on benchmarks as varied as question answering and text summarization. We provide a simple new prompting strategy that leads to yet another supposedly "super-human" result, this time outperforming humans at common sense ethical reasoning (as measured by accuracy on a subset of the ETHICS dataset). Unfortunately, we find that relying on average performance to judge capabilities can be highly misleading. LLM errors differ systematically from human errors in ways that make it easy to craft adversarial examples, or even perturb existing examples to flip the output label. We also observe signs of inverse scaling with model size on some examples, and show that prompting models to "explain their reasoning" often leads to alarming justifications of unethical actions. Our results highlight how human-like performance does not necessarily imply human-like understanding or reasoning.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Evaluation of Synthetic Datasets for Conversational Recommender Systems
Harsh Lara, Manoj Tiwari
For researchers leveraging Large-Language Models (LLMs) in the generation of training datasets, especially for conversational recommender systems - the absence of robust evaluation frameworks has been a long-standing problem. The efficiency brought about by LLMs in the data generation phase is impeded during the process of evaluation of the generated data, since it generally requires human-raters to ensure that the data generated is of high quality and has sufficient diversity. Since the quality of training data is critical for downstream applications, it is important to develop metrics that evaluate the quality holistically and identify biases. In this paper, we present a framework that takes a multi-faceted approach towards evaluating datasets produced by generative models and discuss the advantages and limitations of various evaluation methods.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR, cs.LG
Learning Video Representations from Large Language Models
Yue Zhao, Ishan Misra, Philipp Krähenbühl, Rohit Girdhar
We introduce LaViLa, a new approach to learning video-language representations by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs). We repurpose pre-trained LLMs to be conditioned on visual input, and finetune them to create automatic video narrators. Our auto-generated narrations offer a number of advantages, including dense coverage of long videos, better temporal synchronization of the visual information and text, and much higher diversity of text. The video-text embedding learned contrastively with these additional auto-generated narrations outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on multiple first-person and third-person video tasks, both in zero-shot and finetuned setups. Most notably, LaViLa obtains an absolute gain of 10.1% on EGTEA classification and 5.9% Epic-Kitchens-100 multi-instance retrieval benchmarks. Furthermore, LaViLa trained with only half the narrations from the Ego4D dataset outperforms baseline models trained on the full set, and shows positive scaling behavior on increasing pre-training data and model size.
LLM-Planner: Few-Shot Grounded Planning for Embodied Agents with Large Language Models
Chan Hee Song, Jiaman Wu, Clayton Washington, Brian M. Sadler, Wei-Lun Chao, Yu Su
This study focuses on using large language models (LLMs) as a planner for embodied agents that can follow natural language instructions to complete complex tasks in a visually-perceived environment. The high data cost and poor sample efficiency of existing methods hinders the development of versatile agents that are capable of many tasks and can learn new tasks quickly. In this work, we propose a novel method, LLM-Planner, that harnesses the power of large language models to do few-shot planning for embodied agents. We further propose a simple but effective way to enhance LLMs with physical grounding to generate and update plans that are grounded in the current environment. Experiments on the ALFRED dataset show that our method can achieve very competitive few-shot performance: Despite using less than 0.5% of paired training data, LLM-Planner achieves competitive performance with recent baselines that are trained using the full training data. Existing methods can barely complete any task successfully under the same few-shot setting. Our work opens the door for developing versatile and sample-efficient embodied agents that can quickly learn many tasks. Website: https://dki-lab.github.io/LLM-Planner
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO
I2MVFormer: Large Language Model Generated Multi-View Document Supervision for Zero-Shot Image Classification
Muhammad Ferjad Naeem, Muhammad Gul Zain Ali Khan, Yongqin Xian, Muhammad Zeshan Afzal, Didier Stricker, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari
Recent works have shown that unstructured text (documents) from online sources can serve as useful auxiliary information for zero-shot image classification. However, these methods require access to a high-quality source like Wikipedia and are limited to a single source of information. Large Language Models (LLM) trained on web-scale text show impressive abilities to repurpose their learned knowledge for a multitude of tasks. In this work, we provide a novel perspective on using an LLM to provide text supervision for a zero-shot image classification model. The LLM is provided with a few text descriptions from different annotators as examples. The LLM is conditioned on these examples to generate multiple text descriptions for each class(referred to as views). Our proposed model, I2MVFormer, learns multi-view semantic embeddings for zero-shot image classification with these class views. We show that each text view of a class provides complementary information allowing a model to learn a highly discriminative class embedding. Moreover, we show that I2MVFormer is better at consuming the multi-view text supervision from LLM compared to baseline models. I2MVFormer establishes a new state-of-the-art on three public benchmark datasets for zero-shot image classification with unsupervised semantic embeddings.
Explicit Knowledge Transfer for Weakly-Supervised Code Generation
Zhangir Azerbayev, Ansong Ni, Hailey Schoelkopf, Dragomir Radev
Large language models (LLMs) can acquire strong code-generation capabilities through few-shot learning. In contrast, supervised fine-tuning is still needed for smaller models to achieve good performance. Such fine-tuning demands a large number of task-specific NL-code pairs, which are expensive to obtain. In this paper, we attempt to transfer the code generation ability of an LLM to a smaller model with the aid of weakly-supervised data. More specifically, we propose explicit knowledge transfer (EKT), which uses the few-shot capabilities of a teacher LLM to create NL-code pairs that we then filter for correctness and fine-tune the student on. We evaluate EKT on the task of generating code solutions to math word problems from the GSM8k dataset. We find that EKT not only yields better performance than training with expert iteration, but also outperforms knowledge distillation, another form of knowledge transfer. A GPT-Neo 1.3B model trained using EKT with a GPT-J teacher achieves a 12.4% pass@100 on GSM8k, while the same student and teacher trained with knowledge distillation yield only a 3.7% pass@100. We also show that it is possible for a student model to outperform the teacher using EKT.
Action-GPT: Leveraging Large-scale Language Models for Improved and Generalized Action Generation
Sai Shashank Kalakonda, Shubh Maheshwari, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla
We introduce Action-GPT, a plug-and-play framework for incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) into text-based action generation models. Action phrases in current motion capture datasets contain minimal and to-the-point information. By carefully crafting prompts for LLMs, we generate richer and fine-grained descriptions of the action. We show that utilizing these detailed descriptions instead of the original action phrases leads to better alignment of text and motion spaces. We introduce a generic approach compatible with stochastic (e.g. VAE-based) and deterministic (e.g. MotionCLIP) text-to-motion models. In addition, the approach enables multiple text descriptions to be utilized. Our experiments show (i) noticeable qualitative and quantitative improvement in the quality of synthesized motions, (ii) benefits of utilizing multiple LLM-generated descriptions, (iii) suitability of the prompt function, and (iv) zero-shot generation capabilities of the proposed approach. Project page: https://actiongpt.github.io
cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.MM
Understanding BLOOM: An empirical study on diverse NLP tasks
Parag Pravin Dakle, SaiKrishna Rallabandi, Preethi Raghavan
We view the landscape of large language models (LLMs) through the lens of the recently released BLOOM model to understand the performance of BLOOM and other decoder-only LLMs compared to BERT-style encoder-only models. We achieve this by evaluating the smaller BLOOM model variants (\textit{350m/560m} and \textit{1b3/1b7}) on several NLP benchmark datasets and popular leaderboards. We make the following observations: (1) BLOOM performance does not scale with parameter size, unlike other LLMs like GPT and BERT. Experiments fine-tuning BLOOM models show that the 560m variant performs similarly to or better than the 1b7 variant, (2) Zero-shot cross-lingual and multi-lingual fine-tuning experiments show that BLOOM is at par or worse than monolingual GPT-2 models, and (3) Toxicity analysis of prompt-based text generation using the RealToxicityPrompts dataset shows that the text generated by BLOOM is at least 17\% less toxic than GPT-2 and GPT-3 models.
The Stack: 3 TB of permissively licensed source code
Denis Kocetkov, Raymond Li, Loubna Ben Allal, Jia Li, Chenghao Mou, Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis, Yacine Jernite, Margaret Mitchell, Sean Hughes, Thomas Wolf, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Leandro von Werra, Harm de Vries
Large Language Models (LLMs) play an ever-increasing role in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)--not only for natural language processing but also for code understanding and generation. To stimulate open and responsible research on LLMs for code, we introduce The Stack, a 3.1 TB dataset consisting of permissively licensed source code in 30 programming languages. We describe how we collect the full dataset, construct a permissively licensed subset, present a data governance plan, discuss limitations, and show promising results on text2code benchmarks by training 350M-parameter decoders on different Python subsets. We find that (1) near-deduplicating the data significantly boosts performance across all experiments, and (2) it is possible to match previously reported HumanEval and MBPP performance using only permissively licensed data. We make the dataset available at https://hf.co/BigCode, provide a tool called "Am I in The Stack" (https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/in-the-stack) for developers to search The Stack for copies of their code, and provide a process for code to be removed from the dataset by following the instructions at https://www.bigcode-project.org/docs/about/the-stack/.
cs.CL, cs.AI
An FNet based Auto Encoder for Long Sequence News Story Generation
Paul K. Mandal, Rakeshkumar Mahto
In this paper, we design an auto encoder based off of Google's FNet Architecture in order to generate text from a subset of news stories contained in Google's C4 dataset. We discuss previous attempts and methods to generate text from autoencoders and non LLM Models. FNET poses multiple advantages to BERT based encoders in the realm of efficiency which train 80% faster on GPUs and 70% faster on TPUs. We then compare outputs of how this autencoder perfroms on different epochs. Finally, we analyze what outputs the encoder produces with different seed text.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG, 68T07, 68T50, I.2.6; I.2.7
UGIF: UI Grounded Instruction Following
Sagar Gubbi Venkatesh, Partha Talukdar, Srini Narayanan
Smartphone users often find it difficult to navigate myriad menus to perform common tasks such as "How to block calls from unknown numbers?". Currently, help documents with step-by-step instructions are manually written to aid the user. The user experience can be further enhanced by grounding the instructions in the help document to the UI and overlaying a tutorial on the phone UI. To build such tutorials, several natural language processing components including retrieval, parsing, and grounding are necessary, but there isn't any relevant dataset for such a task. Thus, we introduce UGIF-DataSet, a multi-lingual, multi-modal UI grounded dataset for step-by-step task completion on the smartphone containing 4,184 tasks across 8 languages. As an initial approach to this problem, we propose retrieving the relevant instruction steps based on the user's query and parsing the steps using Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate macros that can be executed on-device. The instruction steps are often available only in English, so the challenge includes cross-modal, cross-lingual retrieval of English how-to pages from user queries in many languages and mapping English instruction steps to UI in a potentially different language. We compare the performance of different LLMs including PaLM and GPT-3 and find that the end-to-end task completion rate is 48% for English UI but the performance drops to 32% for other languages. We analyze the common failure modes of existing models on this task and point out areas for improvement.
Are Hard Examples also Harder to Explain? A Study with Human and Model-Generated Explanations
Swarnadeep Saha, Peter Hase, Nazneen Rajani, Mohit Bansal
Recent work on explainable NLP has shown that few-shot prompting can enable large pretrained language models (LLMs) to generate grammatical and factual natural language explanations for data labels. In this work, we study the connection between explainability and sample hardness by investigating the following research question - "Are LLMs and humans equally good at explaining data labels for both easy and hard samples?" We answer this question by first collecting human-written explanations in the form of generalizable commonsense rules on the task of Winograd Schema Challenge (Winogrande dataset). We compare these explanations with those generated by GPT-3 while varying the hardness of the test samples as well as the in-context samples. We observe that (1) GPT-3 explanations are as grammatical as human explanations regardless of the hardness of the test samples, (2) for easy examples, GPT-3 generates highly supportive explanations but human explanations are more generalizable, and (3) for hard examples, human explanations are significantly better than GPT-3 explanations both in terms of label-supportiveness and generalizability judgements. We also find that hardness of the in-context examples impacts the quality of GPT-3 explanations. Finally, we show that the supportiveness and generalizability aspects of human explanations are also impacted by sample hardness, although by a much smaller margin than models. Supporting code and data are available at https://github.com/swarnaHub/ExplanationHardness
cs.CL, cs.AI
Large Language Models Meet Harry Potter: A Bilingual Dataset for Aligning Dialogue Agents with Characters
Nuo Chen, Yan Wang, Haiyun Jiang, Deng Cai, Yuhan Li, Ziyang Chen, Longyue Wang, Jia Li
In recent years, Dialogue-style Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT4 have demonstrated immense potential in constructing open-domain dialogue agents. However, aligning these agents with specific characters or individuals remains a considerable challenge due to the complexities of character representation and the lack of comprehensive annotations. In this paper, we introduce the Harry Potter Dialogue (HPD) dataset, designed to advance the study of dialogue agents and character alignment. The dataset encompasses all dialogue sessions (in both English and Chinese) from the Harry Potter series and is annotated with vital background information, including dialogue scenes, speakers, character relationships, and attributes. These extensive annotations may empower LLMs to unlock character-driven dialogue capabilities. Furthermore, it can serve as a universal benchmark for evaluating how well can a LLM aligning with a specific character. We benchmark LLMs on HPD using both fine-tuning and in-context learning settings. Evaluation results reveal that although there is substantial room for improvement in generating high-quality, character-aligned responses, the proposed dataset is valuable in guiding models toward responses that better align with the character of Harry Potter.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Large Language Models with Controllable Working Memory
Daliang Li, Ankit Singh Rawat, Manzil Zaheer, Xin Wang, Michal Lukasik, Andreas Veit, Felix Yu, Sanjiv Kumar
Large language models (LLMs) have led to a series of breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP), owing to their excellent understanding and generation abilities. Remarkably, what further sets these models apart is the massive amounts of world knowledge they internalize during pretraining. While many downstream applications provide the model with an informational context to aid its performance on the underlying task, how the model's world knowledge interacts with the factual information presented in the context remains under explored. As a desirable behavior, an LLM should give precedence to the context whenever it contains task-relevant information that conflicts with the model's memorized knowledge. This enables model predictions to be grounded in the context, which can then be used to update or correct specific model predictions without frequent retraining. By contrast, when the context is irrelevant to the task, the model should ignore it and fall back on its internal knowledge. In this paper, we undertake a first joint study of the aforementioned two properties, namely controllability and robustness, in the context of LLMs. We demonstrate that state-of-the-art T5 and PaLM (both pretrained and finetuned) could exhibit poor controllability and robustness, which do not scale with increasing model size. As a solution, we propose a novel method - Knowledge Aware FineTuning (KAFT) - to strengthen both controllability and robustness by incorporating counterfactual and irrelevant contexts to standard supervised datasets. Our comprehensive evaluation showcases the utility of KAFT across model architectures and sizes.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG