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StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation
Anton Lozhkov, Raymond Li, Loubna Ben Allal, Federico Cassano, Joel Lamy-Poirier, Nouamane Tazi, Ao Tang, Dmytro Pykhtar, Jiawei Liu, Yuxiang Wei, Tianyang Liu, Max Tian, Denis Kocetkov, Arthur Zucker, Younes Belkada, Zijian Wang, Qian Liu, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Indraneil Paul, Zhuang Li, Wen-Ding Li, Megan Risdal, Jia Li, Jian Zhu, Terry Yue Zhuo, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Nii Osae Osae Dade, Wenhao Yu, Lucas Krauß, Naman Jain, Yixuan Su, Xuanli He, Manan Dey, Edoardo Abati, Yekun Chai, Niklas Muennighoff, Xiangru Tang, Muhtasham Oblokulov, Christopher Akiki, Marc Marone, Chenghao Mou, Mayank Mishra, Alex Gu, Binyuan Hui, Tri Dao, Armel Zebaze, Olivier Dehaene, Nicolas Patry, Canwen Xu, Julian McAuley, Han Hu, Torsten Scholak, Sebastien Paquet, Jennifer Robinson, Carolyn Jane Anderson, Nicolas Chapados, Mostofa Patwary, Nima Tajbakhsh, Yacine Jernite, Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis, Lingming Zhang, Sean Hughes, Thomas Wolf, Arjun Guha, Leandro von Werra, Harm de Vries
The BigCode project, an open-scientific collaboration focused on the responsible development of Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs), introduces StarCoder2. In partnership with Software Heritage (SWH), we build The Stack v2 on top of the digital commons of their source code archive. Alongside the SWH repositories spanning 619 programming languages, we carefully select other high-quality data sources, such as GitHub pull requests, Kaggle notebooks, and code documentation. This results in a training set that is 4x larger than the first StarCoder dataset. We train StarCoder2 models with 3B, 7B, and 15B parameters on 3.3 to 4.3 trillion tokens and thoroughly evaluate them on a comprehensive set of Code LLM benchmarks. We find that our small model, StarCoder2-3B, outperforms other Code LLMs of similar size on most benchmarks, and also outperforms StarCoderBase-15B. Our large model, StarCoder2- 15B, significantly outperforms other models of comparable size. In addition, it matches or outperforms CodeLlama-34B, a model more than twice its size. Although DeepSeekCoder- 33B is the best-performing model at code completion for high-resource languages, we find that StarCoder2-15B outperforms it on math and code reasoning benchmarks, as well as several low-resource languages. We make the model weights available under an OpenRAIL license and ensure full transparency regarding the training data by releasing the SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs) of the source code data.
cs.SE, cs.AI
Unveiling Typographic Deceptions: Insights of the Typographic Vulnerability in Large Vision-Language Model
Hao Cheng, Erjia Xiao, Jindong Gu, Le Yang, Jinhao Duan, Jize Zhang, Jiahang Cao, Kaidi Xu, Renjing Xu
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) rely on vision encoders and Large Language Models (LLMs) to exhibit remarkable capabilities on various multi-modal tasks in the joint space of vision and language. However, the Typographic Attack, which disrupts vision-language models (VLMs) such as Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP), has also been expected to be a security threat to LVLMs. Firstly, we verify typographic attacks on current well-known commercial and open-source LVLMs and uncover the widespread existence of this threat. Secondly, to better assess this vulnerability, we propose the most comprehensive and largest-scale Typographic Dataset to date. The Typographic Dataset not only considers the evaluation of typographic attacks under various multi-modal tasks but also evaluates the effects of typographic attacks, influenced by texts generated with diverse factors. Based on the evaluation results, we investigate the causes why typographic attacks may impact VLMs and LVLMs, leading to three highly insightful discoveries. By the examination of our discoveries and experimental validation in the Typographic Dataset, we reduce the performance degradation from $42.07\%$ to $13.90\%$ when LVLMs confront typographic attacks.
How to Understand "Support"? An Implicit-enhanced Causal Inference Approach for Weakly-supervised Phrase Grounding
Jiamin Luo, Jianing Zhao, Jingjing Wang, Guodong Zhou
Weakly-supervised Phrase Grounding (WPG) is an emerging task of inferring the fine-grained phrase-region matching, while merely leveraging the coarse-grained sentence-image pairs for training. However, existing studies on WPG largely ignore the implicit phrase-region matching relations, which are crucial for evaluating the capability of models in understanding the deep multimodal semantics. To this end, this paper proposes an Implicit-Enhanced Causal Inference (IECI) approach to address the challenges of modeling the implicit relations and highlighting them beyond the explicit. Specifically, this approach leverages both the intervention and counterfactual techniques to tackle the above two challenges respectively. Furthermore, a high-quality implicit-enhanced dataset is annotated to evaluate IECI and detailed evaluations show the great advantages of IECI over the state-of-the-art baselines. Particularly, we observe an interesting finding that IECI outperforms the advanced multimodal LLMs by a large margin on this implicit-enhanced dataset, which may facilitate more research to evaluate the multimodal LLMs in this direction.
cs.CL, cs.AI
A SOUND APPROACH: Using Large Language Models to generate audio descriptions for egocentric text-audio retrieval
Andreea-Maria Oncescu, João F. Henriques, Andrew Zisserman, Samuel Albanie, A. Sophia Koepke
Video databases from the internet are a valuable source of text-audio retrieval datasets. However, given that sound and vision streams represent different "views" of the data, treating visual descriptions as audio descriptions is far from optimal. Even if audio class labels are present, they commonly are not very detailed, making them unsuited for text-audio retrieval. To exploit relevant audio information from video-text datasets, we introduce a methodology for generating audio-centric descriptions using Large Language Models (LLMs). In this work, we consider the egocentric video setting and propose three new text-audio retrieval benchmarks based on the EpicMIR and EgoMCQ tasks, and on the EpicSounds dataset. Our approach for obtaining audio-centric descriptions gives significantly higher zero-shot performance than using the original visual-centric descriptions. Furthermore, we show that using the same prompts, we can successfully employ LLMs to improve the retrieval on EpicSounds, compared to using the original audio class labels of the dataset. Finally, we confirm that LLMs can be used to determine the difficulty of identifying the action associated with a sound.
eess.AS, cs.IR, cs.SD
Exploring the Efficacy of Large Language Models in Summarizing Mental Health Counseling Sessions: A Benchmark Study
Prottay Kumar Adhikary, Aseem Srivastava, Shivani Kumar, Salam Michael Singh, Puneet Manuja, Jini K Gopinath, Vijay Krishnan, Swati Kedia, Koushik Sinha Deb, Tanmoy Chakraborty
Comprehensive summaries of sessions enable an effective continuity in mental health counseling, facilitating informed therapy planning. Yet, manual summarization presents a significant challenge, diverting experts' attention from the core counseling process. This study evaluates the effectiveness of state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) in selectively summarizing various components of therapy sessions through aspect-based summarization, aiming to benchmark their performance. We introduce MentalCLOUDS, a counseling-component guided summarization dataset consisting of 191 counseling sessions with summaries focused on three distinct counseling components (aka counseling aspects). Additionally, we assess the capabilities of 11 state-of-the-art LLMs in addressing the task of component-guided summarization in counseling. The generated summaries are evaluated quantitatively using standard summarization metrics and verified qualitatively by mental health professionals. Our findings demonstrate the superior performance of task-specific LLMs such as MentalLlama, Mistral, and MentalBART in terms of standard quantitative metrics such as Rouge-1, Rouge-2, Rouge-L, and BERTScore across all aspects of counseling components. Further, expert evaluation reveals that Mistral supersedes both MentalLlama and MentalBART based on six parameters -- affective attitude, burden, ethicality, coherence, opportunity costs, and perceived effectiveness. However, these models share the same weakness by demonstrating a potential for improvement in the opportunity costs and perceived effectiveness metrics.
cs.CL, cs.HC
EyeGPT: Ophthalmic Assistant with Large Language Models
Xiaolan Chen, Ziwei Zhao, Weiyi Zhang, Pusheng Xu, Le Gao, Mingpu Xu, Yue Wu, Yinwen Li, Danli Shi, Mingguang He
Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained significant attention in healthcare consultation due to its potential to improve clinical workflow and enhance medical communication. However, owing to the complex nature of medical information, large language models (LLM) trained with general world knowledge might not possess the capability to tackle medical-related tasks at an expert level. Here, we introduce EyeGPT, a specialized LLM designed specifically for ophthalmology, using three optimization strategies including role-playing, finetuning, and retrieval-augmented generation. In particular, we proposed a comprehensive evaluation framework that encompasses a diverse dataset, covering various subspecialties of ophthalmology, different users, and diverse inquiry intents. Moreover, we considered multiple evaluation metrics, including accuracy, understandability, trustworthiness, empathy, and the proportion of hallucinations. By assessing the performance of different EyeGPT variants, we identify the most effective one, which exhibits comparable levels of understandability, trustworthiness, and empathy to human ophthalmologists (all Ps>0.05). Overall, ur study provides valuable insights for future research, facilitating comprehensive comparisons and evaluations of different strategies for developing specialized LLMs in ophthalmology. The potential benefits include enhancing the patient experience in eye care and optimizing ophthalmologists' services.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Aligning Language Models for Versatile Text-based Item Retrieval
Yuxuan Lei, Jianxun Lian, Jing Yao, Mingqi Wu, Defu Lian, Xing Xie
This paper addresses the gap between general-purpose text embeddings and the specific demands of item retrieval tasks. We demonstrate the shortcomings of existing models in capturing the nuances necessary for zero-shot performance on item retrieval tasks. To overcome these limitations, we propose generate in-domain dataset from ten tasks tailored to unlocking models' representation ability for item retrieval. Our empirical studies demonstrate that fine-tuning embedding models on the dataset leads to remarkable improvements in a variety of retrieval tasks. We also illustrate the practical application of our refined model in a conversational setting, where it enhances the capabilities of LLM-based Recommender Agents like Chat-Rec. Our code is available at https://github.com/microsoft/RecAI.
ToolNet: Connecting Large Language Models with Massive Tools via Tool Graph
Xukun Liu, Zhiyuan Peng, Xiaoyuan Yi, Xing Xie, Lirong Xiang, Yuchen Liu, Dongkuan Xu
While achieving remarkable progress in a broad range of tasks, large language models (LLMs) remain significantly limited in properly using massive external tools. Existing in-context learning approaches simply format tools into a list of plain text descriptions and input them to LLMs, from which, LLMs generate a sequence of tool calls to solve problems step by step. Such a paradigm ignores the intrinsic dependency between tools and offloads all reasoning loads to LLMs, making them restricted to a limited number of specifically designed tools. It thus remains challenging for LLMs to operate on a library of massive tools, casting a great limitation when confronted with real-world scenarios. This paper proposes ToolNet, a plug-and-play framework that scales up the number of tools to thousands with a moderate increase in token consumption. ToolNet organizes tools into a directed graph. Each node represents a tool, and weighted edges denote tool transition. Starting from an initial tool node, an LLM navigates in the graph by iteratively choosing the next one from its successors until the task is resolved. Extensive experiments show that ToolNet can achieve impressive results in challenging multi-hop tool learning datasets and is resilient to tool failures.
cs.AI, cs.CL
Learning to Compress Prompt in Natural Language Formats
Yu-Neng Chuang, Tianwei Xing, Chia-Yuan Chang, Zirui Liu, Xun Chen, Xia Hu
Large language models (LLMs) are great at processing multiple natural language processing tasks, but their abilities are constrained by inferior performance with long context, slow inference speed, and the high cost of computing the results. Deploying LLMs with precise and informative context helps users process large-scale datasets more effectively and cost-efficiently. Existing works rely on compressing long prompt contexts into soft prompts. However, soft prompt compression encounters limitations in transferability across different LLMs, especially API-based LLMs. To this end, this work aims to compress lengthy prompts in the form of natural language with LLM transferability. This poses two challenges: (i) Natural Language (NL) prompts are incompatible with back-propagation, and (ii) NL prompts lack flexibility in imposing length constraints. In this work, we propose a Natural Language Prompt Encapsulation (Nano-Capsulator) framework compressing original prompts into NL formatted Capsule Prompt while maintaining the prompt utility and transferability. Specifically, to tackle the first challenge, the Nano-Capsulator is optimized by a reward function that interacts with the proposed semantics preserving loss. To address the second question, the Nano-Capsulator is optimized by a reward function featuring length constraints. Experimental results demonstrate that the Capsule Prompt can reduce 81.4% of the original length, decrease inference latency up to 4.5x, and save 80.1% of budget overheads while providing transferability across diverse LLMs and different datasets.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Data Interpreter: An LLM Agent For Data Science
Sirui Hong, Yizhang Lin, Bang Liu, Bangbang Liu, Binhao Wu, Danyang Li, Jiaqi Chen, Jiayi Zhang, Jinlin Wang, Li Zhang, Lingyao Zhang, Min Yang, Mingchen Zhuge, Taicheng Guo, Tuo Zhou, Wei Tao, Wenyi Wang, Xiangru Tang, Xiangtao Lu, Xiawu Zheng, Xinbing Liang, Yaying Fei, Yuheng Cheng, Zongze Xu, Chenglin Wu
Large Language Model (LLM)-based agents have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness. However, their performance can be compromised in data science scenarios that require real-time data adjustment, expertise in optimization due to complex dependencies among various tasks, and the ability to identify logical errors for precise reasoning. In this study, we introduce the Data Interpreter, a solution designed to solve with code that emphasizes three pivotal techniques to augment problem-solving in data science: 1) dynamic planning with hierarchical graph structures for real-time data adaptability;2) tool integration dynamically to enhance code proficiency during execution, enriching the requisite expertise;3) logical inconsistency identification in feedback, and efficiency enhancement through experience recording. We evaluate the Data Interpreter on various data science and real-world tasks. Compared to open-source baselines, it demonstrated superior performance, exhibiting significant improvements in machine learning tasks, increasing from 0.86 to 0.95. Additionally, it showed a 26% increase in the MATH dataset and a remarkable 112% improvement in open-ended tasks. The solution will be released at https://github.com/geekan/MetaGPT.
cs.AI, cs.LG
Keeping LLMs Aligned After Fine-tuning: The Crucial Role of Prompt Templates
Kaifeng Lyu, Haoyu Zhao, Xinran Gu, Dingli Yu, Anirudh Goyal, Sanjeev Arora
Public LLMs such as the Llama 2-Chat have driven huge activity in LLM research. These models underwent alignment training and were considered safe. Recently Qi et al. (2023) reported that even benign fine-tuning (e.g., on seemingly safe datasets) can give rise to unsafe behaviors in the models. The current paper is about methods and best practices to mitigate such loss of alignment. Through extensive experiments on several chat models (Meta's Llama 2-Chat, Mistral AI's Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2, and OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo), this paper uncovers that the prompt templates used during fine-tuning and inference play a crucial role in preserving safety alignment, and proposes the "Pure Tuning, Safe Testing" (PTST) principle -- fine-tune models without a safety prompt, but include it at test time. Fine-tuning experiments on GSM8K, ChatDoctor, and OpenOrca show that PTST significantly reduces the rise of unsafe behaviors, and even almost eliminates them in some cases.
cs.LG, cs.AI, cs.CL
LeMo-NADe: Multi-Parameter Neural Architecture Discovery with LLMs
Md Hafizur Rahman, Prabuddha Chakraborty
Building efficient neural network architectures can be a time-consuming task requiring extensive expert knowledge. This task becomes particularly challenging for edge devices because one has to consider parameters such as power consumption during inferencing, model size, inferencing speed, and CO2 emissions. In this article, we introduce a novel framework designed to automatically discover new neural network architectures based on user-defined parameters, an expert system, and an LLM trained on a large amount of open-domain knowledge. The introduced framework (LeMo-NADe) is tailored to be used by non-AI experts, does not require a predetermined neural architecture search space, and considers a large set of edge device-specific parameters. We implement and validate this proposed neural architecture discovery framework using CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet16-120 datasets while using GPT-4 Turbo and Gemini as the LLM component. We observe that the proposed framework can rapidly (within hours) discover intricate neural network models that perform extremely well across a diverse set of application settings defined by the user.
cs.LG, cs.AI
Decomposed Prompting: Unveiling Multilingual Linguistic Structure Knowledge in English-Centric Large Language Models
Ercong Nie, Shuzhou Yuan, Bolei Ma, Helmut Schmid, Michael Färber, Frauke Kreuter, Hinrich Schütze
Despite the predominance of English in their training data, English-centric Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and LLaMA display a remarkable ability to perform multilingual tasks, raising questions about the depth and nature of their cross-lingual capabilities. This paper introduces the decomposed prompting approach to probe the linguistic structure understanding of these LLMs in sequence labeling tasks. Diverging from the single text-to-text prompt, our method generates for each token of the input sentence an individual prompt which asks for its linguistic label. We assess our method on the Universal Dependencies part-of-speech tagging dataset for 38 languages, utilizing both English-centric and multilingual LLMs. Our findings show that decomposed prompting surpasses the iterative prompting baseline in efficacy and efficiency under zero- and few-shot settings. Further analysis reveals the influence of evaluation methods and the use of instructions in prompts. Our multilingual investigation shows that English-centric language models perform better on average than multilingual models. Our study offers insights into the multilingual transferability of English-centric LLMs, contributing to the understanding of their multilingual linguistic knowledge.
CogBench: a large language model walks into a psychology lab
Julian Coda-Forno, Marcel Binz, Jane X. Wang, Eric Schulz
Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced the field of artificial intelligence. Yet, evaluating them comprehensively remains challenging. We argue that this is partly due to the predominant focus on performance metrics in most benchmarks. This paper introduces CogBench, a benchmark that includes ten behavioral metrics derived from seven cognitive psychology experiments. This novel approach offers a toolkit for phenotyping LLMs' behavior. We apply CogBench to 35 LLMs, yielding a rich and diverse dataset. We analyze this data using statistical multilevel modeling techniques, accounting for the nested dependencies among fine-tuned versions of specific LLMs. Our study highlights the crucial role of model size and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) in improving performance and aligning with human behavior. Interestingly, we find that open-source models are less risk-prone than proprietary models and that fine-tuning on code does not necessarily enhance LLMs' behavior. Finally, we explore the effects of prompt-engineering techniques. We discover that chain-of-thought prompting improves probabilistic reasoning, while take-a-step-back prompting fosters model-based behaviors.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
LLM Task Interference: An Initial Study on the Impact of Task-Switch in Conversational History
Akash Gupta, Ivaxi Sheth, Vyas Raina, Mark Gales, Mario Fritz
With the recent emergence of powerful instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs), various helpful conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have been deployed across many applications. When prompted by users, these AI systems successfully perform a wide range of tasks as part of a conversation. To provide some sort of memory and context, such approaches typically condition their output on the entire conversational history. Although this sensitivity to the conversational history can often lead to improved performance on subsequent tasks, we find that performance can in fact also be negatively impacted, if there is a task-switch. To the best of our knowledge, our work makes the first attempt to formalize the study of such vulnerabilities and interference of tasks in conversational LLMs caused by task-switches in the conversational history. Our experiments across 5 datasets with 15 task switches using popular LLMs reveal that many of the task-switches can lead to significant performance degradation.
Lemur: Log Parsing with Entropy Sampling and Chain-of-Thought Merging
Wei Zhang, Hongcheng Guo, Anjie Le, Jian Yang, Jiaheng Liu, Zhoujun Li, Tieqiao Zheng, Shi Xu, Runqiang Zang, Liangfan Zheng, Bo Zhang
Logs produced by extensive software systems are integral to monitoring system behaviors. Advanced log analysis facilitates the detection, alerting, and diagnosis of system faults. Log parsing, which entails transforming raw log messages into structured templates, constitutes a critical phase in the automation of log analytics. Existing log parsers fail to identify the correct templates due to reliance on human-made rules. Besides, These methods focus on statistical features while ignoring semantic information in log messages. To address these challenges, we introduce a cutting-edge \textbf{L}og parsing framework with \textbf{E}ntropy sampling and Chain-of-Thought \textbf{M}erging (Lemur). Specifically, to discard the tedious manual rules. We propose a novel sampling method inspired by information entropy, which efficiently clusters typical logs. Furthermore, to enhance the merging of log templates, we design a chain-of-thought method for large language models (LLMs). LLMs exhibit exceptional semantic comprehension, deftly distinguishing between parameters and invariant tokens. We have conducted experiments on large-scale public datasets. Extensive evaluation demonstrates that Lemur achieves the state-of-the-art performance and impressive efficiency.
cs.SE, cs.AI
Human Simulacra: A Step toward the Personification of Large Language Models
Qiuejie Xie, Qiming Feng, Tianqi Zhang, Qingqiu Li, Yuejie Zhang, Rui Feng, Shang Gao
Large language models (LLMs) are recognized as systems that closely mimic aspects of human intelligence. This capability has attracted attention from the social science community, who see the potential in leveraging LLMs to replace human participants in experiments, thereby reducing research costs and complexity. In this paper, we introduce a framework for large language models personification, including a strategy for constructing virtual characters' life stories from the ground up, a Multi-Agent Cognitive Mechanism capable of simulating human cognitive processes, and a psychology-guided evaluation method to assess human simulations from both self and observational perspectives. Experimental results demonstrate that our constructed simulacra can produce personified responses that align with their target characters. Our work is a preliminary exploration which offers great potential in practical applications. All the code and datasets will be released, with the hope of inspiring further investigations.
MIKO: Multimodal Intention Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models for Social-Media Commonsense Discovery
Feihong Lu, Weiqi Wang, Yangyifei Luo, Ziqin Zhu, Qingyun Sun, Baixuan Xu, Haochen Shi, Shiqi Gao, Qian Li, Yangqiu Song, Jianxin Li
Social media has become a ubiquitous tool for connecting with others, staying updated with news, expressing opinions, and finding entertainment. However, understanding the intention behind social media posts remains challenging due to the implicitness of intentions in social media posts, the need for cross-modality understanding of both text and images, and the presence of noisy information such as hashtags, misspelled words, and complicated abbreviations. To address these challenges, we present MIKO, a Multimodal Intention Kowledge DistillatiOn framework that collaboratively leverages a Large Language Model (LLM) and a Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) to uncover users' intentions. Specifically, we use an MLLM to interpret the image and an LLM to extract key information from the text and finally instruct the LLM again to generate intentions. By applying MIKO to publicly available social media datasets, we construct an intention knowledge base featuring 1,372K intentions rooted in 137,287 posts. We conduct a two-stage annotation to verify the quality of the generated knowledge and benchmark the performance of widely used LLMs for intention generation. We further apply MIKO to a sarcasm detection dataset and distill a student model to demonstrate the downstream benefits of applying intention knowledge.
From Summary to Action: Enhancing Large Language Models for Complex Tasks with Open World APIs
Yulong Liu, Yunlong Yuan, Chunwei Wang, Jianhua Han, Yongqiang Ma, Li Zhang, Nanning Zheng, Hang Xu
The distinction between humans and animals lies in the unique ability of humans to use and create tools. Tools empower humans to overcome physiological limitations, fostering the creation of magnificent civilizations. Similarly, enabling foundational models like Large Language Models (LLMs) with the capacity to learn external tool usage may serve as a pivotal step toward realizing artificial general intelligence. Previous studies in this field have predominantly pursued two distinct approaches to augment the tool invocation capabilities of LLMs. The first approach emphasizes the construction of relevant datasets for model fine-tuning. The second approach, in contrast, aims to fully exploit the inherent reasoning abilities of LLMs through in-context learning strategies. In this work, we introduce a novel tool invocation pipeline designed to control massive real-world APIs. This pipeline mirrors the human task-solving process, addressing complicated real-life user queries. At each step, we guide LLMs to summarize the achieved results and determine the next course of action. We term this pipeline `from Summary to action', Sum2Act for short. Empirical evaluations of our Sum2Act pipeline on the ToolBench benchmark show significant performance improvements, outperforming established methods like ReAct and DFSDT. This highlights Sum2Act's effectiveness in enhancing LLMs for complex real-world tasks.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV
MedAide: Leveraging Large Language Models for On-Premise Medical Assistance on Edge Devices
Abdul Basit, Khizar Hussain, Muhammad Abdullah Hanif, Muhammad Shafique
Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing various domains with their remarkable natural language processing (NLP) abilities. However, deploying LLMs in resource-constrained edge computing and embedded systems presents significant challenges. Another challenge lies in delivering medical assistance in remote areas with limited healthcare facilities and infrastructure. To address this, we introduce MedAide, an on-premise healthcare chatbot. It leverages tiny-LLMs integrated with LangChain, providing efficient edge-based preliminary medical diagnostics and support. MedAide employs model optimizations for minimal memory footprint and latency on embedded edge devices without server infrastructure. The training process is optimized using low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Additionally, the model is trained on diverse medical datasets, employing reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to enhance its domain-specific capabilities. The system is implemented on various consumer GPUs and Nvidia Jetson development board. MedAide achieves 77\% accuracy in medical consultations and scores 56 in USMLE benchmark, enabling an energy-efficient healthcare assistance platform that alleviates privacy concerns due to edge-based deployment, thereby empowering the community.
cs.AI, cs.CL, I.2.7
Unsupervised Information Refinement Training of Large Language Models for Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Shicheng Xu, Liang Pang, Mo Yu, Fandong Meng, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng, Jie Zhou
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enhances large language models (LLMs) by incorporating additional information from retrieval. However, studies have shown that LLMs still face challenges in effectively using the retrieved information, even ignoring it or being misled by it. The key reason is that the training of LLMs does not clearly make LLMs learn how to utilize input retrieved texts with varied quality. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective that considers the role of LLMs in RAG as ``Information Refiner'', which means that regardless of correctness, completeness, or usefulness of retrieved texts, LLMs can consistently integrate knowledge within the retrieved texts and model parameters to generate the texts that are more concise, accurate, and complete than the retrieved texts. To this end, we propose an information refinement training method named InFO-RAG that optimizes LLMs for RAG in an unsupervised manner. InFO-RAG is low-cost and general across various tasks. Extensive experiments on zero-shot prediction of 11 datasets in diverse tasks including Question Answering, Slot-Filling, Language Modeling, Dialogue, and Code Generation show that InFO-RAG improves the performance of LLaMA2 by an average of 9.39\% relative points. InFO-RAG also shows advantages in in-context learning and robustness of RAG.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR
Cause and Effect: Can Large Language Models Truly Understand Causality?
Swagata Ashwani, Kshiteesh Hegde, Nishith Reddy Mannuru, Mayank Jindal, Dushyant Singh Sengar, Krishna Chaitanya Rao Kathala, Dishant Banga, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha
With the rise of Large Language Models(LLMs), it has become crucial to understand their capabilities and limitations in deciphering and explaining the complex web of causal relationships that language entails. Current methods use either explicit or implicit causal reasoning, yet there is a strong need for a unified approach combining both to tackle a wide array of causal relationships more effectively. This research proposes a novel architecture called Context Aware Reasoning Enhancement with Counterfactual Analysis(CARE CA) framework to enhance causal reasoning and explainability. The proposed framework incorporates an explicit causal detection module with ConceptNet and counterfactual statements, as well as implicit causal detection through LLMs. Our framework goes one step further with a layer of counterfactual explanations to accentuate LLMs understanding of causality. The knowledge from ConceptNet enhances the performance of multiple causal reasoning tasks such as causal discovery, causal identification and counterfactual reasoning. The counterfactual sentences add explicit knowledge of the not caused by scenarios. By combining these powerful modules, our model aims to provide a deeper understanding of causal relationships, enabling enhanced interpretability. Evaluation of benchmark datasets shows improved performance across all metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores. We also introduce CausalNet, a new dataset accompanied by our code, to facilitate further research in this domain.
cs.CL, cs.AI
Editing Factual Knowledge and Explanatory Ability of Medical Large Language Models
Derong Xu, Ziheng Zhang, Zhihong Zhu, Zhenxi Lin, Qidong Liu, Xian Wu, Tong Xu, Xiangyu Zhao, Yefeng Zheng, Enhong Chen
Model editing aims to precisely modify the behaviours of large language models (LLMs) on specific knowledge while keeping irrelevant knowledge unchanged. It has been proven effective in resolving hallucination and out-of-date issues in LLMs. As a result, it can boost the application of LLMs in many critical domains (e.g., medical domain), where the hallucination is not tolerable. In this paper, we propose two model editing studies and validate them in the medical domain: (1) directly editing the factual medical knowledge and (2) editing the explanations to facts. Meanwhile, we observed that current model editing methods struggle with the specialization and complexity of medical knowledge. Therefore, we propose MedLaSA, a novel Layer-wise Scalable Adapter strategy for medical model editing. It employs causal tracing to identify the precise location of knowledge in neurons and then introduces scalable adapters into the dense layers of LLMs. These adapters are assigned scaling values based on the corresponding specific knowledge. To evaluate the editing impact, we build two benchmark datasets and introduce a series of challenging and comprehensive metrics. Extensive experiments on medical LLMs demonstrate the editing efficiency of MedLaSA, without affecting irrelevant knowledge that is not edited.
cs.CL, cs.AI
ChatSpamDetector: Leveraging Large Language Models for Effective Phishing Email Detection
Takashi Koide, Naoki Fukushi, Hiroki Nakano, Daiki Chiba
The proliferation of phishing sites and emails poses significant challenges to existing cybersecurity efforts. Despite advances in spam filters and email security protocols, problems with oversight and false positives persist. Users often struggle to understand why emails are flagged as spam, risking the possibility of missing important communications or mistakenly trusting phishing emails. This study introduces ChatSpamDetector, a system that uses large language models (LLMs) to detect phishing emails. By converting email data into a prompt suitable for LLM analysis, the system provides a highly accurate determination of whether an email is phishing or not. Importantly, it offers detailed reasoning for its phishing determinations, assisting users in making informed decisions about how to handle suspicious emails. We conducted an evaluation using a comprehensive phishing email dataset and compared our system to several LLMs and baseline systems. We confirmed that our system using GPT-4 has superior detection capabilities with an accuracy of 99.70%. Advanced contextual interpretation by LLMs enables the identification of various phishing tactics and impersonations, making them a potentially powerful tool in the fight against email-based phishing threats.
Benchmarking Large Language Models on Answering and Explaining Challenging Medical Questions
Hanjie Chen, Zhouxiang Fang, Yash Singla, Mark Dredze
LLMs have demonstrated impressive performance in answering medical questions, such as passing scores on medical licensing examinations. However, medical board exam questions or general clinical questions do not capture the complexity of realistic clinical cases. Moreover, the lack of reference explanations means we cannot easily evaluate the reasoning of model decisions, a crucial component of supporting doctors in making complex medical decisions. To address these challenges, we construct two new datasets: JAMA Clinical Challenge and Medbullets. JAMA Clinical Challenge consists of questions based on challenging clinical cases, while Medbullets comprises USMLE Step 2&3 style clinical questions. Both datasets are structured as multiple-choice question-answering tasks, where each question is accompanied by an expert-written explanation. We evaluate four LLMs on the two datasets using various prompts. Experiments demonstrate that our datasets are harder than previous benchmarks. The inconsistency between automatic and human evaluations of model-generated explanations highlights the need to develop new metrics to support future research on explainable medical QA.
Characterizing Truthfulness in Large Language Model Generations with Local Intrinsic Dimension
Fan Yin, Jayanth Srinivasa, Kai-Wei Chang
We study how to characterize and predict the truthfulness of texts generated from large language models (LLMs), which serves as a crucial step in building trust between humans and LLMs. Although several approaches based on entropy or verbalized uncertainty have been proposed to calibrate model predictions, these methods are often intractable, sensitive to hyperparameters, and less reliable when applied in generative tasks with LLMs. In this paper, we suggest investigating internal activations and quantifying LLM's truthfulness using the local intrinsic dimension (LID) of model activations. Through experiments on four question answering (QA) datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness ohttps://info.arxiv.org/help/prep#abstractsf our proposed method. Additionally, we study intrinsic dimensions in LLMs and their relations with model layers, autoregressive language modeling, and the training of LLMs, revealing that intrinsic dimensions can be a powerful approach to understanding LLMs.
Datasets for Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey
Yang Liu, Jiahuan Cao, Chongyu Liu, Kai Ding, Lianwen Jin
This paper embarks on an exploration into the Large Language Model (LLM) datasets, which play a crucial role in the remarkable advancements of LLMs. The datasets serve as the foundational infrastructure analogous to a root system that sustains and nurtures the development of LLMs. Consequently, examination of these datasets emerges as a critical topic in research. In order to address the current lack of a comprehensive overview and thorough analysis of LLM datasets, and to gain insights into their current status and future trends, this survey consolidates and categorizes the fundamental aspects of LLM datasets from five perspectives: (1) Pre-training Corpora; (2) Instruction Fine-tuning Datasets; (3) Preference Datasets; (4) Evaluation Datasets; (5) Traditional Natural Language Processing (NLP) Datasets. The survey sheds light on the prevailing challenges and points out potential avenues for future investigation. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the existing available dataset resources is also provided, including statistics from 444 datasets, covering 8 language categories and spanning 32 domains. Information from 20 dimensions is incorporated into the dataset statistics. The total data size surveyed surpasses 774.5 TB for pre-training corpora and 700M instances for other datasets. We aim to present the entire landscape of LLM text datasets, serving as a comprehensive reference for researchers in this field and contributing to future studies. Related resources are available at: https://github.com/lmmlzn/Awesome-LLMs-Datasets.
cs.CL, cs.AI
A Survey on Recent Advances in LLM-Based Multi-turn Dialogue Systems
Zihao Yi, Jiarui Ouyang, Yuwen Liu, Tianhao Liao, Zhe Xu, Ying Shen
This survey provides a comprehensive review of research on multi-turn dialogue systems, with a particular focus on multi-turn dialogue systems based on large language models (LLMs). This paper aims to (a) give a summary of existing LLMs and approaches for adapting LLMs to downstream tasks; (b) elaborate recent advances in multi-turn dialogue systems, covering both LLM-based open-domain dialogue (ODD) and task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems, along with datasets and evaluation metrics; (c) discuss some future emphasis and recent research problems arising from the development of LLMs and the increasing demands on multi-turn dialogue systems.
cs.CL, cs.AI
ProtLLM: An Interleaved Protein-Language LLM with Protein-as-Word Pre-Training
Le Zhuo, Zewen Chi, Minghao Xu, Heyan Huang, Heqi Zheng, Conghui He, Xian-Ling Mao, Wentao Zhang
We propose ProtLLM, a versatile cross-modal large language model (LLM) for both protein-centric and protein-language tasks. ProtLLM features a unique dynamic protein mounting mechanism, enabling it to handle complex inputs where the natural language text is interspersed with an arbitrary number of proteins. Besides, we propose the protein-as-word language modeling approach to train ProtLLM. By developing a specialized protein vocabulary, we equip the model with the capability to predict not just natural language but also proteins from a vast pool of candidates. Additionally, we construct a large-scale interleaved protein-text dataset, named InterPT, for pre-training. This dataset comprehensively encompasses both (1) structured data sources like protein annotations and (2) unstructured data sources like biological research papers, thereby endowing ProtLLM with crucial knowledge for understanding proteins. We evaluate ProtLLM on classic supervised protein-centric tasks and explore its novel protein-language applications. Experimental results demonstrate that ProtLLM not only achieves superior performance against protein-specialized baselines on protein-centric tasks but also induces zero-shot and in-context learning capabilities on protein-language tasks.
q-bio.BM, cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
An Iterative Associative Memory Model for Empathetic Response Generation
Zhou Yang, Zhaochun Ren, Yufeng Wang, Chao Chen, Haizhou Sun, Xiaofei Zhu, Xiangwen Liao
Empathetic response generation is to comprehend the cognitive and emotional states in dialogue utterances and generate proper responses. Psychological theories posit that comprehending emotional and cognitive states necessitates iteratively capturing and understanding associated words across dialogue utterances. However, existing approaches regard dialogue utterances as either a long sequence or independent utterances for comprehension, which are prone to overlook the associated words between them. To address this issue, we propose an Iterative Associative Memory Model (IAMM) for empathetic response generation. Specifically, we employ a novel second-order interaction attention mechanism to iteratively capture vital associated words between dialogue utterances and situations, dialogue history, and a memory module (for storing associated words), thereby accurately and nuancedly comprehending the utterances. We conduct experiments on the Empathetic-Dialogue dataset. Both automatic and human evaluations validate the efficacy of the model. Meanwhile, variant experiments on LLMs also demonstrate that attending to associated words improves empathetic comprehension and expression.
cs.CL, cs.HC
Large Language Models(LLMs) on Tabular Data: Prediction, Generation, and Understanding -- A Survey
Xi Fang, Weijie Xu, Fiona Anting Tan, Jiani Zhang, Ziqing Hu, Yanjun Qi, Scott Nickleach, Diego Socolinsky, Srinivasan Sengamedu, Christos Faloutsos
Recent breakthroughs in large language modeling have facilitated rigorous exploration of their application in diverse tasks related to tabular data modeling, such as prediction, tabular data synthesis, question answering, and table understanding. Each task presents unique challenges and opportunities. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive review that summarizes and compares the key techniques, metrics, datasets, models, and optimization approaches in this research domain. This survey aims to address this gap by consolidating recent progress in these areas, offering a thorough survey and taxonomy of the datasets, metrics, and methodologies utilized. It identifies strengths, limitations, unexplored territories, and gaps in the existing literature, while providing some insights for future research directions in this vital and rapidly evolving field. It also provides relevant code and datasets references. Through this comprehensive review, we hope to provide interested readers with pertinent references and insightful perspectives, empowering them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively navigate and address the prevailing challenges in the field.
cs.CL, 68T50, I.2.7
Multitask Multilingual Model Adaptation with Featurized Low-Rank Mixtures
Chu-Cheng Lin, Xinyi Wang, Jonathan H. Clark, Han Lu, Yun Zhu, Chenxi Whitehouse, Hongkun Yu
Adapting pretrained large language models (LLMs) to various downstream tasks in tens or hundreds of human languages is computationally expensive. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) significantly reduces the adaptation cost, by tuning only a small amount of parameters. However, directly applying PEFT methods such as LoRA (Hu et al., 2022) on diverse dataset mixtures could lead to suboptimal performance due to limited parameter capacity and negative interference among different datasets. In this work, we propose Featurized Low-rank Mixtures (FLix), a novel PEFT method designed for effective multitask multilingual tuning. FLix associates each unique dataset feature, such as the dataset's language or task, with its own low-rank weight update parameters. By composing feature-specific parameters for each dataset, FLix can accommodate diverse dataset mixtures and generalize better to unseen datasets. Our experiments show that FLix leads to significant improvements over a variety of tasks for both supervised learning and zero-shot settings using different training data mixtures.
cs.CL, cs.AI
A Language Model based Framework for New Concept Placement in Ontologies
Hang Dong, Jiaoyan Chen, Yuan He, Yongsheng Gao, Ian Horrocks
We investigate the task of inserting new concepts extracted from texts into an ontology using language models. We explore an approach with three steps: edge search which is to find a set of candidate locations to insert (i.e., subsumptions between concepts), edge formation and enrichment which leverages the ontological structure to produce and enhance the edge candidates, and edge selection which eventually locates the edge to be placed into. In all steps, we propose to leverage neural methods, where we apply embedding-based methods and contrastive learning with Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) such as BERT for edge search, and adapt a BERT fine-tuning-based multi-label Edge-Cross-encoder, and Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT series, FLAN-T5, and Llama 2, for edge selection. We evaluate the methods on recent datasets created using the SNOMED CT ontology and the MedMentions entity linking benchmark. The best settings in our framework use fine-tuned PLM for search and a multi-label Cross-encoder for selection. Zero-shot prompting of LLMs is still not adequate for the task, and we propose explainable instruction tuning of LLMs for improved performance. Our study shows the advantages of PLMs and highlights the encouraging performance of LLMs that motivates future studies.
cs.CL, cs.IR, I.2.7; I.2.4
Researchy Questions: A Dataset of Multi-Perspective, Decompositional Questions for LLM Web Agents
Corby Rosset, Ho-Lam Chung, Guanghui Qin, Ethan C. Chau, Zhuo Feng, Ahmed Awadallah, Jennifer Neville, Nikhil Rao
Existing question answering (QA) datasets are no longer challenging to most powerful Large Language Models (LLMs). Traditional QA benchmarks like TriviaQA, NaturalQuestions, ELI5 and HotpotQA mainly study ``known unknowns'' with clear indications of both what information is missing, and how to find it to answer the question. Hence, good performance on these benchmarks provides a false sense of security. A yet unmet need of the NLP community is a bank of non-factoid, multi-perspective questions involving a great deal of unclear information needs, i.e. ``unknown uknowns''. We claim we can find such questions in search engine logs, which is surprising because most question-intent queries are indeed factoid. We present Researchy Questions, a dataset of search engine queries tediously filtered to be non-factoid, ``decompositional'' and multi-perspective. We show that users spend a lot of ``effort'' on these questions in terms of signals like clicks and session length, and that they are also challenging for GPT-4. We also show that ``slow thinking'' answering techniques, like decomposition into sub-questions shows benefit over answering directly. We release $\sim$ 100k Researchy Questions, along with the Clueweb22 URLs that were clicked.
cs.CL, cs.AI
JMLR: Joint Medical LLM and Retrieval Training for Enhancing Reasoning and Professional Question Answering Capability
Junda Wang, Zhichao Yang, Zonghai Yao, Hong Yu
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated a remarkable potential in medical knowledge acquisition and question-answering. However, LLMs can potentially hallucinate and yield factually incorrect outcomes, even with domain-specific pretraining. Previously, retrieval augmented generation (RAG) has limited success in addressing hallucinations. Unlike previous methods in RAG where the retrieval model was trained separately from the LLM, we introduce JMLR (for Jointly trains LLM and information Retrieval (IR)) during the fine-tuning phase. The synchronized training mechanism enhances JMLR's ability to retrieve clinical guidelines and leverage medical knowledge to reason and answer questions and reduces the demand for computational resources. We evaluated JMLR on the important medical question answering application. Our experimental results demonstrate that JMLR-13B (70.5%) outperforms a previous state-of-the-art open-source model using conventional pre-training and fine-tuning Meditron-70B (68.9%) and Llama2-13B with RAG (54.9%) on a medical question-answering dataset. JMLR-13B (148 GPU hours) also trains much faster than Meditron-70B (42630 GPU hours). Through this work, we provide a new and efficient knowledge enhancement tool for healthcare, demonstrating the potential of integrating IR and LLM training for medical question-answering systems.
cs.CL, cs.IR
BlendSQL: A Scalable Dialect for Unifying Hybrid Question Answering in Relational Algebra
Parker Glenn, Parag Pravin Dakle, Liang Wang, Preethi Raghavan
Many existing end-to-end systems for hybrid question answering tasks can often be boiled down to a "prompt-and-pray" paradigm, where the user has limited control and insight into the intermediate reasoning steps used to achieve the final result. Additionally, due to the context size limitation of many transformer-based LLMs, it is often not reasonable to expect that the full structured and unstructured context will fit into a given prompt in a zero-shot setting, let alone a few-shot setting. We introduce BlendSQL, a superset of SQLite to act as a unified dialect for orchestrating reasoning across both unstructured and structured data. For hybrid question answering tasks involving multi-hop reasoning, we encode the full decomposed reasoning roadmap into a single interpretable BlendSQL query. Notably, we show that BlendSQL can scale to massive datasets and improve the performance of end-to-end systems while using 35% fewer tokens. Our code is available and installable as a package at https://github.com/parkervg/blendsql.
Deep Learning Detection Method for Large Language Models-Generated Scientific Content
Bushra Alhijawi, Rawan Jarrar, Aseel AbuAlRub, Arwa Bader
Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and BERT, reshape how textual content is written and communicated. These models have the potential to generate scientific content that is indistinguishable from that written by humans. Hence, LLMs carry severe consequences for the scientific community, which relies on the integrity and reliability of publications. This research paper presents a novel ChatGPT-generated scientific text detection method, AI-Catcher. AI-Catcher integrates two deep learning models, multilayer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural networks (CNN). The MLP learns the feature representations of the linguistic and statistical features. The CNN extracts high-level representations of the sequential patterns from the textual content. AI-Catcher is a multimodal model that fuses hidden patterns derived from MLP and CNN. In addition, a new ChatGPT-Generated scientific text dataset is collected to enhance AI-generated text detection tools, AIGTxt. AIGTxt contains 3000 records collected from published academic articles across ten domains and divided into three classes: Human-written, ChatGPT-generated, and Mixed text. Several experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of AI-Catcher. The comparative results demonstrate the capability of AI-Catcher to distinguish between human-written and ChatGPT-generated scientific text more accurately than alternative methods. On average, AI-Catcher improved accuracy by 37.4%.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Self-Refinement of Language Models from External Proxy Metrics Feedback
Keshav Ramji, Young-Suk Lee, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Md Arafat Sultan, Tahira Naseem, Asim Munawar, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos
It is often desirable for Large Language Models (LLMs) to capture multiple objectives when providing a response. In document-grounded response generation, for example, agent responses are expected to be relevant to a user's query while also being grounded in a given document. In this paper, we introduce Proxy Metric-based Self-Refinement (ProMiSe), which enables an LLM to refine its own initial response along key dimensions of quality guided by external metrics feedback, yielding an overall better final response. ProMiSe leverages feedback on response quality through principle-specific proxy metrics, and iteratively refines its response one principle at a time. We apply ProMiSe to open source language models Flan-T5-XXL and Llama-2-13B-Chat, to evaluate its performance on document-grounded question answering datasets, MultiDoc2Dial and QuAC, demonstrating that self-refinement improves response quality. We further show that fine-tuning Llama-2-13B-Chat on the synthetic dialogue data generated by ProMiSe yields significant performance improvements over the zero-shot baseline as well as a supervised fine-tuned model on human annotated data.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Evaluating Very Long-Term Conversational Memory of LLM Agents
Adyasha Maharana, Dong-Ho Lee, Sergey Tulyakov, Mohit Bansal, Francesco Barbieri, Yuwei Fang
Existing works on long-term open-domain dialogues focus on evaluating model responses within contexts spanning no more than five chat sessions. Despite advancements in long-context large language models (LLMs) and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) techniques, their efficacy in very long-term dialogues remains unexplored. To address this research gap, we introduce a machine-human pipeline to generate high-quality, very long-term dialogues by leveraging LLM-based agent architectures and grounding their dialogues on personas and temporal event graphs. Moreover, we equip each agent with the capability of sharing and reacting to images. The generated conversations are verified and edited by human annotators for long-range consistency and grounding to the event graphs. Using this pipeline, we collect LoCoMo, a dataset of very long-term conversations, each encompassing 300 turns and 9K tokens on avg., over up to 35 sessions. Based on LoCoMo, we present a comprehensive evaluation benchmark to measure long-term memory in models, encompassing question answering, event summarization, and multi-modal dialogue generation tasks. Our experimental results indicate that LLMs exhibit challenges in understanding lengthy conversations and comprehending long-range temporal and causal dynamics within dialogues. Employing strategies like long-context LLMs or RAG can offer improvements but these models still substantially lag behind human performance.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Tower: An Open Multilingual Large Language Model for Translation-Related Tasks
Duarte M. Alves, José Pombal, Nuno M. Guerreiro, Pedro H. Martins, João Alves, Amin Farajian, Ben Peters, Ricardo Rei, Patrick Fernandes, Sweta Agrawal, Pierre Colombo, José G. C. de Souza, André F. T. Martins
While general-purpose large language models (LLMs) demonstrate proficiency on multiple tasks within the domain of translation, approaches based on open LLMs are competitive only when specializing on a single task. In this paper, we propose a recipe for tailoring LLMs to multiple tasks present in translation workflows. We perform continued pretraining on a multilingual mixture of monolingual and parallel data, creating TowerBase, followed by finetuning on instructions relevant for translation processes, creating TowerInstruct. Our final model surpasses open alternatives on several tasks relevant to translation workflows and is competitive with general-purpose closed LLMs. To facilitate future research, we release the Tower models, our specialization dataset, an evaluation framework for LLMs focusing on the translation ecosystem, and a collection of model generations, including ours, on our benchmark.
AmbigNLG: Addressing Task Ambiguity in Instruction for NLG
Ayana Niwa, Hayate Iso
In this study, we introduce AmbigNLG, a new task designed to tackle the challenge of task ambiguity in instructions for Natural Language Generation (NLG) tasks. Despite the impressive capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in understanding and executing a wide range of tasks through natural language interaction, their performance is significantly hindered by the ambiguity present in real-world instructions. To address this, AmbigNLG seeks to identify and mitigate such ambiguities, aiming to refine instructions to match user expectations better. We introduce a dataset, AmbigSNI-NLG, consisting of 2,500 instances, and develop an ambiguity taxonomy for categorizing and annotating instruction ambiguities. Our approach demonstrates substantial improvements in text generation quality, highlighting the critical role of clear and specific instructions in enhancing LLM performance in NLG tasks.
Beyond prompt brittleness: Evaluating the reliability and consistency of political worldviews in LLMs
Tanise Ceron, Neele Falk, Ana Barić, Dmitry Nikolaev, Sebastian Padó
Due to the widespread use of large language models (LLMs) in ubiquitous systems, we need to understand whether they embed a specific worldview and what these views reflect. Recent studies report that, prompted with political questionnaires, LLMs show left-liberal leanings. However, it is as yet unclear whether these leanings are reliable (robust to prompt variations) and whether the leaning is consistent across policies and political leaning. We propose a series of tests which assess the reliability and consistency of LLMs' stances on political statements based on a dataset of voting-advice questionnaires collected from seven EU countries and annotated for policy domains. We study LLMs ranging in size from 7B to 70B parameters and find that their reliability increases with parameter count. Larger models show overall stronger alignment with left-leaning parties but differ among policy programs: They evince a (left-wing) positive stance towards environment protection, social welfare but also (right-wing) law and order, with no consistent preferences in foreign policy, migration, and economy.
cs.CL, cs.CY
SongComposer: A Large Language Model for Lyric and Melody Composition in Song Generation
Shuangrui Ding, Zihan Liu, Xiaoyi Dong, Pan Zhang, Rui Qian, Conghui He, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang
We present SongComposer, an innovative LLM designed for song composition. It could understand and generate melodies and lyrics in symbolic song representations, by leveraging the capability of LLM. Existing music-related LLM treated the music as quantized audio signals, while such implicit encoding leads to inefficient encoding and poor flexibility. In contrast, we resort to symbolic song representation, the mature and efficient way humans designed for music, and enable LLM to explicitly compose songs like humans. In practice, we design a novel tuple design to format lyric and three note attributes (pitch, duration, and rest duration) in the melody, which guarantees the correct LLM understanding of musical symbols and realizes precise alignment between lyrics and melody. To impart basic music understanding to LLM, we carefully collected SongCompose-PT, a large-scale song pretraining dataset that includes lyrics, melodies, and paired lyrics-melodies in either Chinese or English. After adequate pre-training, 10K carefully crafted QA pairs are used to empower the LLM with the instruction-following capability and solve diverse tasks. With extensive experiments, SongComposer demonstrates superior performance in lyric-to-melody generation, melody-to-lyric generation, song continuation, and text-to-song creation, outperforming advanced LLMs like GPT-4.
cs.SD, cs.AI, cs.CL, eess.AS
Are LLMs Capable of Data-based Statistical and Causal Reasoning? Benchmarking Advanced Quantitative Reasoning with Data
Xiao Liu, Zirui Wu, Xueqing Wu, Pan Lu, Kai-Wei Chang, Yansong Feng
Quantitative reasoning is a critical skill to analyze data, yet the assessment of such ability remains limited. To address this gap, we introduce the Quantitative Reasoning with Data (QRData) benchmark, aiming to evaluate Large Language Models' capability in statistical and causal reasoning with real-world data. The benchmark comprises a carefully constructed dataset of 411 questions accompanied by data sheets from textbooks, online learning materials, and academic papers. To compare models' quantitative reasoning abilities on data and text, we enrich the benchmark with an auxiliary set of 290 text-only questions, namely QRText. We evaluate natural language reasoning, program-based reasoning, and agent reasoning methods including Chain-of-Thought, Program-of-Thoughts, ReAct, and code interpreter assistants on diverse models. The strongest model GPT-4 achieves an accuracy of 58%, which has a large room for improvement. Among open-source models, Deepseek-coder-instruct, a code LLM pretrained on 2T tokens, gets the highest accuracy of 37%. Analysis reveals that models encounter difficulties in data analysis and causal reasoning, and struggle in using causal knowledge and provided data simultaneously. Code and data are in https://github.com/xxxiaol/QRData.
cs.CL, cs.AI
BASES: Large-scale Web Search User Simulation with Large Language Model based Agents
Ruiyang Ren, Peng Qiu, Yingqi Qu, Jing Liu, Wayne Xin Zhao, Hua Wu, Ji-Rong Wen, Haifeng Wang
Due to the excellent capacities of large language models (LLMs), it becomes feasible to develop LLM-based agents for reliable user simulation. Considering the scarcity and limit (e.g., privacy issues) of real user data, in this paper, we conduct large-scale user simulation for web search, to improve the analysis and modeling of user search behavior. Specially, we propose BASES, a novel user simulation framework with LLM-based agents, designed to facilitate comprehensive simulations of web search user behaviors. Our simulation framework can generate unique user profiles at scale, which subsequently leads to diverse search behaviors. To demonstrate the effectiveness of BASES, we conduct evaluation experiments based on two human benchmarks in both Chinese and English, demonstrating that BASES can effectively simulate large-scale human-like search behaviors. To further accommodate the research on web search, we develop WARRIORS, a new large-scale dataset encompassing web search user behaviors, including both Chinese and English versions, which can greatly bolster research in the field of information retrieval. Our code and data will be publicly released soon.
cs.IR, cs.CL
Predicting postoperative risks using large language models
Bing Xue, Charles Alba, Joanna Abraham, Thomas Kannampallil, Chenyang Lu
Predicting postoperative risk can inform effective care management & planning. We explored large language models (LLMs) in predicting postoperative risk through clinical texts using various tuning strategies. Records spanning 84,875 patients from Barnes Jewish Hospital (BJH) between 2018 & 2021, with a mean duration of follow-up based on the length of postoperative ICU stay less than 7 days, were utilized. Methods were replicated on the MIMIC-III dataset. Outcomes included 30-day mortality, pulmonary embolism (PE) & pneumonia. Three domain adaptation & finetuning strategies were implemented for three LLMs (BioGPT, ClinicalBERT & BioClinicalBERT): self-supervised objectives; incorporating labels with semi-supervised fine-tuning; & foundational modelling through multi-task learning. Model performance was compared using the AUROC & AUPRC for classification tasks & MSE & R2 for regression tasks. Cohort had a mean age of 56.9 (sd: 16.8) years; 50.3% male; 74% White. Pre-trained LLMs outperformed traditional word embeddings, with absolute maximal gains of 38.3% for AUROC & 14% for AUPRC. Adapting models through self-supervised finetuning further improved performance by 3.2% for AUROC & 1.5% for AUPRC Incorporating labels into the finetuning procedure further boosted performances, with semi-supervised finetuning improving by 1.8% for AUROC & 2% for AUPRC & foundational modelling improving by 3.6% for AUROC & 2.6% for AUPRC compared to self-supervised finetuning. Pre-trained clinical LLMs offer opportunities for postoperative risk predictions with unseen data, & further improvements from finetuning suggests benefits in adapting pre-trained models to note-specific perioperative use cases. Incorporating labels can further boost performance. The superior performance of foundational models suggests the potential of task-agnostic learning towards the generalizable LLMs in perioperative care.
cs.CL, J.3; I.2.7
Can GPT-4 Identify Propaganda? Annotation and Detection of Propaganda Spans in News Articles
Maram Hasanain, Fatema Ahmed, Firoj Alam
The use of propaganda has spiked on mainstream and social media, aiming to manipulate or mislead users. While efforts to automatically detect propaganda techniques in textual, visual, or multimodal content have increased, most of them primarily focus on English content. The majority of the recent initiatives targeting medium to low-resource languages produced relatively small annotated datasets, with a skewed distribution, posing challenges for the development of sophisticated propaganda detection models. To address this challenge, we carefully develop the largest propaganda dataset to date, ArPro, comprised of 8K paragraphs from newspaper articles, labeled at the text span level following a taxonomy of 23 propagandistic techniques. Furthermore, our work offers the first attempt to understand the performance of large language models (LLMs), using GPT-4, for fine-grained propaganda detection from text. Results showed that GPT-4's performance degrades as the task moves from simply classifying a paragraph as propagandistic or not, to the fine-grained task of detecting propaganda techniques and their manifestation in text. Compared to models fine-tuned on the dataset for propaganda detection at different classification granularities, GPT-4 is still far behind. Finally, we evaluate GPT-4 on a dataset consisting of six other languages for span detection, and results suggest that the model struggles with the task across languages. Our dataset and resources will be released to the community.
Deep Learning Based Named Entity Recognition Models for Recipes
Mansi Goel, Ayush Agarwal, Shubham Agrawal, Janak Kapuriya, Akhil Vamshi Konam, Rishabh Gupta, Shrey Rastogi, Niharika, Ganesh Bagler
Food touches our lives through various endeavors, including flavor, nourishment, health, and sustainability. Recipes are cultural capsules transmitted across generations via unstructured text. Automated protocols for recognizing named entities, the building blocks of recipe text, are of immense value for various applications ranging from information extraction to novel recipe generation. Named entity recognition is a technique for extracting information from unstructured or semi-structured data with known labels. Starting with manually-annotated data of 6,611 ingredient phrases, we created an augmented dataset of 26,445 phrases cumulatively. Simultaneously, we systematically cleaned and analyzed ingredient phrases from RecipeDB, the gold-standard recipe data repository, and annotated them using the Stanford NER. Based on the analysis, we sampled a subset of 88,526 phrases using a clustering-based approach while preserving the diversity to create the machine-annotated dataset. A thorough investigation of NER approaches on these three datasets involving statistical, fine-tuning of deep learning-based language models and few-shot prompting on large language models (LLMs) provides deep insights. We conclude that few-shot prompting on LLMs has abysmal performance, whereas the fine-tuned spaCy-transformer emerges as the best model with macro-F1 scores of 95.9%, 96.04%, and 95.71% for the manually-annotated, augmented, and machine-annotated datasets, respectively.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR
Consistency Matters: Explore LLMs Consistency From a Black-Box Perspective
Fufangchen Zhao, Guoqiang Jin, Jiaheng Huang, Rui Zhao, Fei Tan
Nowadays both commercial and open-source academic LLM have become the mainstream models of NLP. However, there is still a lack of research on LLM consistency, meaning that throughout the various stages of LLM research and deployment, its internal parameters and capabilities should remain unchanged. This issue exists in both the industrial and academic sectors. The solution to this problem is often time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there is also an additional cost of secondary deployment, resulting in economic and time losses. To fill this gap, we build an LLM consistency task dataset and design several baselines. Additionally, we choose models of diverse scales for the main experiments. Specifically, in the LightGBM experiment, we used traditional NLG metrics (i.e., ROUGE, BLEU, METEOR) as the features needed for model training. The final result exceeds the manual evaluation and GPT3.5 as well as other models in the main experiment, achieving the best performance. In the end, we use the best performing LightGBM model as the base model to build the evaluation tool, which can effectively assist in the deployment of business models. Our code and tool demo are available at https://github.com/heavenhellchen/Consistency.git
RECOST: External Knowledge Guided Data-efficient Instruction Tuning
Qi Zhang, Yiming Zhang, Haobo Wang, Junbo Zhao
In the current landscape of large language models (LLMs), the process of instruction tuning serves as an essential step. Considering the high computing power overhead, data-efficient instruction tuning was proposed to reduce the training data size in this process, aiming at selecting high-quality instructional data. Nevertheless, we argue that most current data-efficient instruction-tuning methods are highly dependent on the quality of the original instruction-tuning dataset. When it comes to datasets synthesized by LLMs, a common scenario in this field, dirty samples will even be selected with a higher probability than other samples. To address these challenges, we utilized external knowledge (relevant examples or paragraphs) to evaluate those samples synthesized by LLMs with an in-context-based relative predictive entropy. Based on the new metric, we proposed a framework, dubbed as \textbf{RECOST}, which integrates external-knowledge-base re-ranking and diversity-consistent sampling into a single pipeline. Through extensive experiments on several synthetic datasets (Alpaca and Alpaca-gpt4), we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and achieve even better results with only \textbf{1\%} of the full dataset.
Can LLM Generate Culturally Relevant Commonsense QA Data? Case Study in Indonesian and Sundanese
Rifki Afina Putri, Faiz Ghifari Haznitrama, Dea Adhista, Alice Oh
Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly being used to generate synthetic data for training and evaluating models. However, it is unclear whether they can generate a good quality of question answering (QA) dataset that incorporates knowledge and cultural nuance embedded in a language, especially for low-resource languages. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of using LLMs in generating culturally relevant commonsense QA datasets for Indonesian and Sundanese languages. To do so, we create datasets for these languages using various methods involving both LLMs and human annotators, resulting in ~4.5K questions per language (~9K in total), making our dataset the largest of its kind. Our experiments show that automatic data adaptation from an existing English dataset is less effective for Sundanese. Interestingly, using the direct generation method on the target language, GPT-4 Turbo can generate questions with adequate general knowledge in both languages, albeit not as culturally 'deep' as humans. We also observe a higher occurrence of fluency errors in the Sundanese dataset, highlighting the discrepancy between medium- and lower-resource languages.
MATHSENSEI: A Tool-Augmented Large Language Model for Mathematical Reasoning
Debrup Das, Debopriyo Banerjee, Somak Aditya, Ashish Kulkarni
Tool-augmented Large Language Models (TALMs) are known to enhance the skillset of large language models (LLMs), thereby, leading to their improved reasoning abilities across many tasks. While, TALMs have been successfully employed in different question-answering benchmarks, their efficacy on complex mathematical reasoning benchmarks, and the potential complementary benefits offered by tools for knowledge retrieval and mathematical equation solving are open research questions. In this work, we present MathSensei, a tool-augmented large language model for mathematical reasoning. We study the complementary benefits of the tools - knowledge retriever (Bing Web Search), program generator + executor (Python), and symbolic equation solver (Wolfram-Alpha API) through evaluations on mathematical reasoning datasets. We perform exhaustive ablations on MATH, a popular dataset for evaluating mathematical reasoning on diverse mathematical disciplines. We also conduct experiments involving well-known tool planners to study the impact of tool sequencing on the model performance. MathSensei achieves 13.5% better accuracy over gpt-3.5-turbo with Chain-of-Thought on the MATH dataset. We further observe that TALMs are not as effective for simpler math word problems (in GSM-8K), and the benefit increases as the complexity and required knowledge increases (progressively over AQuA, MMLU-Math, and higher level complex questions in MATH). The code and data are available at https://github.com/Debrup-61/MathSensei.
Chain-of-Thought Prompting of Large Language Models for Discovering and Fixing Software Vulnerabilities
Yu Nong, Mohammed Aldeen, Long Cheng, Hongxin Hu, Feng Chen, Haipeng Cai
Security vulnerabilities are increasingly prevalent in modern software and they are widely consequential to our society. Various approaches to defending against these vulnerabilities have been proposed, among which those leveraging deep learning (DL) avoid major barriers with other techniques hence attracting more attention in recent years. However, DL-based approaches face critical challenges including the lack of sizable and quality-labeled task-specific datasets and their inability to generalize well to unseen, real-world scenarios. Lately, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive potential in various domains by overcoming those challenges, especially through chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. In this paper, we explore how to leverage LLMs and CoT to address three key software vulnerability analysis tasks: identifying a given type of vulnerabilities, discovering vulnerabilities of any type, and patching detected vulnerabilities. We instantiate the general CoT methodology in the context of these tasks through VSP , our unified, vulnerability-semantics-guided prompting approach, and conduct extensive experiments assessing VSP versus five baselines for the three tasks against three LLMs and two datasets. Results show substantial superiority of our CoT-inspired prompting (553.3%, 36.5%, and 30.8% higher F1 accuracy for vulnerability identification, discovery, and patching, respectively, on CVE datasets) over the baselines. Through in-depth case studies analyzing VSP failures, we also reveal current gaps in LLM/CoT for challenging vulnerability cases, while proposing and validating respective improvements.
Benchmarking Data Science Agents
Yuge Zhang, Qiyang Jiang, Xingyu Han, Nan Chen, Yuqing Yang, Kan Ren
In the era of data-driven decision-making, the complexity of data analysis necessitates advanced expertise and tools of data science, presenting significant challenges even for specialists. Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as promising aids as data science agents, assisting humans in data analysis and processing. Yet their practical efficacy remains constrained by the varied demands of real-world applications and complicated analytical process. In this paper, we introduce DSEval -- a novel evaluation paradigm, as well as a series of innovative benchmarks tailored for assessing the performance of these agents throughout the entire data science lifecycle. Incorporating a novel bootstrapped annotation method, we streamline dataset preparation, improve the evaluation coverage, and expand benchmarking comprehensiveness. Our findings uncover prevalent obstacles and provide critical insights to inform future advancements in the field.
cs.AI, cs.CL
Leveraging Large Language Models for Learning Complex Legal Concepts through Storytelling
Hang Jiang, Xiajie Zhang, Robert Mahari, Daniel Kessler, Eric Ma, Tal August, Irene Li, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland, Yoon Kim, Jad Kabbara, Deb Roy
Making legal knowledge accessible to non-experts is crucial for enhancing general legal literacy and encouraging civic participation in democracy. However, legal documents are often challenging to understand for people without legal backgrounds. In this paper, we present a novel application of large language models (LLMs) in legal education to help non-experts learn intricate legal concepts through storytelling, an effective pedagogical tool in conveying complex and abstract concepts. We also introduce a new dataset LegalStories, which consists of 295 complex legal doctrines, each accompanied by a story and a set of multiple-choice questions generated by LLMs. To construct the dataset, we experiment with various LLMs to generate legal stories explaining these concepts. Furthermore, we use an expert-in-the-loop method to iteratively design multiple-choice questions. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of storytelling with LLMs through an RCT experiment with legal novices on 10 samples from the dataset. We find that LLM-generated stories enhance comprehension of legal concepts and interest in law among non-native speakers compared to only definitions. Moreover, stories consistently help participants relate legal concepts to their lives. Finally, we find that learning with stories shows a higher retention rate for non-native speakers in the follow-up assessment. Our work has strong implications for using LLMs in promoting teaching and learning in the legal field and beyond.
cs.CL, cs.HC
Pandora's White-Box: Increased Training Data Leakage in Open LLMs
Jeffrey G. Wang, Jason Wang, Marvin Li, Seth Neel
In this paper we undertake a systematic study of privacy attacks against open source Large Language Models (LLMs), where an adversary has access to either the model weights, gradients, or losses, and tries to exploit them to learn something about the underlying training data. Our headline results are the first membership inference attacks (MIAs) against pre-trained LLMs that are able to simultaneously achieve high TPRs and low FPRs, and a pipeline showing that over $50\%$ (!) of the fine-tuning dataset can be extracted from a fine-tuned LLM in natural settings. We consider varying degrees of access to the underlying model, customization of the language model, and resources available to the attacker. In the pre-trained setting, we propose three new white-box MIAs: an attack based on the gradient norm, a supervised neural network classifier, and a single step loss ratio attack. All outperform existing black-box baselines, and our supervised attack closes the gap between MIA attack success against LLMs and other types of models. In fine-tuning, we find that given access to the loss of the fine-tuned and base models, a fine-tuned loss ratio attack FLoRA is able to achieve near perfect MIA peformance. We then leverage these MIAs to extract fine-tuning data from fine-tuned language models. We find that the pipeline of generating from fine-tuned models prompted with a small snippet of the prefix of each training example, followed by using FLoRa to select the most likely training sample, succeeds the majority of the fine-tuning dataset after only $3$ epochs of fine-tuning. Taken together, these findings show that highly effective MIAs are available in almost all LLM training settings, and highlight that great care must be taken before LLMs are fine-tuned on highly sensitive data and then deployed.
cs.CR, cs.AI, cs.LG
Benchmarking LLMs on the Semantic Overlap Summarization Task
John Salvador, Naman Bansal, Mousumi Akter, Souvika Sarkar, Anupam Das, Shubhra Kanti Karmaker
Semantic Overlap Summarization (SOS) is a constrained multi-document summarization task, where the constraint is to capture the common/overlapping information between two alternative narratives. While recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved superior performance in numerous summarization tasks, a benchmarking study of the SOS task using LLMs is yet to be performed. As LLMs' responses are sensitive to slight variations in prompt design, a major challenge in conducting such a benchmarking study is to systematically explore a variety of prompts before drawing a reliable conclusion. Fortunately, very recently, the TELeR taxonomy has been proposed which can be used to design and explore various prompts for LLMs. Using this TELeR taxonomy and 15 popular LLMs, this paper comprehensively evaluates LLMs on the SOS Task, assessing their ability to summarize overlapping information from multiple alternative narratives. For evaluation, we report well-established metrics like ROUGE, BERTscore, and SEM-F1$ on two different datasets of alternative narratives. We conclude the paper by analyzing the strengths and limitations of various LLMs in terms of their capabilities in capturing overlapping information The code and datasets used to conduct this study are available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/llm_eval-E16D.
Mysterious Projections: Multimodal LLMs Gain Domain-Specific Visual Capabilities Without Richer Cross-Modal Projections
Gaurav Verma, Minje Choi, Kartik Sharma, Jamelle Watson-Daniels, Sejoon Oh, Srijan Kumar
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) like LLaVA and GPT-4(V) enable general-purpose conversations about images with the language modality. As off-the-shelf MLLMs may have limited capabilities on images from domains like dermatology and agriculture, they must be fine-tuned to unlock domain-specific applications. The prevalent architecture of current open-source MLLMs comprises two major modules: an image-language (cross-modal) projection network and a large language model. It is desirable to understand the roles of these two modules in modeling domain-specific visual attributes to inform the design of future models and streamline the interpretability efforts on the current models. To this end, via experiments on 4 datasets and under 2 fine-tuning settings, we find that as the MLLM is fine-tuned, it indeed gains domain-specific visual capabilities, but the updates do not lead to the projection extracting relevant domain-specific visual attributes. Our results indicate that the domain-specific visual attributes are modeled by the LLM, even when only the projection is fine-tuned. Through this study, we offer a potential reinterpretation of the role of cross-modal projections in MLLM architectures. Projection webpage: https://claws-lab.github.io/projection-in-MLLMs/
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CV
OncoGPT: A Medical Conversational Model Tailored with Oncology Domain Expertise on a Large Language Model Meta-AI (LLaMA)
Fujian Jia, Xin Liu, Lixi Deng, Jiwen Gu, Chunchao Pu, Tunan Bai, Mengjiang Huang, Yuanzhi Lu, Kang Liu
In the past year, there has been a growing trend in applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to the field of medicine, particularly with the advent of advanced language models such as ChatGPT developed by OpenAI. However, there is limited research on LLMs specifically addressing oncology-related queries. The primary aim of this research was to develop a specialized language model that demonstrates improved accuracy in providing advice related to oncology. We performed an extensive data collection of online question-answer interactions centered around oncology, sourced from reputable doctor-patient platforms. Following data cleaning and anonymization, a dataset comprising over 180K+ oncology-related conversations was established. The conversations were categorized and meticulously reviewed by field specialists and clinicians to ensure precision. Employing the LLaMA model and other selected open-source datasets, we conducted iterative fine-tuning to enhance the model's proficiency in basic medical conversation and specialized oncology knowledge. We observed a substantial enhancement in the model's understanding of genuine patient inquiries and its reliability in offering oncology-related advice through the utilization of real online question-answer interactions in the fine-tuning process. We release database and models to the research community (https://github.com/OncoGPT1).
Set the Clock: Temporal Alignment of Pretrained Language Models
Bowen Zhao, Zander Brumbaugh, Yizhong Wang, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Noah A. Smith
Language models (LMs) are trained on web text originating from many points in time and, in general, without any explicit temporal grounding. This work investigates the temporal chaos of pretrained LMs and explores various methods to align their internal knowledge to a target time, which we call "temporal alignment." To do this, we first automatically construct a dataset containing 20K time-sensitive questions and their answers for each year from 2000 to 2023. Based on this dataset, we empirically show that pretrained LMs (e.g., LLaMa2), despite having a recent pretraining cutoff (e.g., 2022), mostly answer questions using earlier knowledge (e.g., in 2019). We then develop several methods, from prompting to finetuning, to align LMs to use their most recent knowledge when answering questions, and investigate various factors in this alignment. Our experiments show that aligning LLaMa2 to the year 2022 can boost its performance by up to 62% relatively as measured by that year, even without mentioning time information explicitly, indicating the possibility of aligning models' internal sense of time after pretraining. Finally, we find that alignment to a historical time is also possible, with up to 2.8$\times$ the performance of the unaligned LM in 2010 if finetuning models to that year. These findings hint at the sophistication of LMs' internal knowledge organization and the necessity of tuning them properly.
SelectIT: Selective Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models via Uncertainty-Aware Self-Reflection
Liangxin Liu, Xuebo Liu, Derek F. Wong, Dongfang Li, Ziyi Wang, Baotian Hu, Min Zhang
Instruction tuning (IT) is crucial to tailoring large language models (LLMs) towards human-centric interactions. Recent advancements have shown that the careful selection of a small, high-quality subset of IT data can significantly enhance the performance of LLMs. Despite this, common approaches often rely on additional models or data sets, which increases costs and limits widespread adoption. In this work, we propose a novel approach, termed SelectIT, that capitalizes on the foundational capabilities of the LLM itself. Specifically, we exploit the intrinsic uncertainty present in LLMs to more effectively select high-quality IT data, without the need for extra resources. Furthermore, we introduce a novel IT dataset, the Selective Alpaca, created by applying SelectIT to the Alpaca-GPT4 dataset. Empirical results demonstrate that IT using Selective Alpaca leads to substantial model ability enhancement. The robustness of SelectIT has also been corroborated in various foundation models and domain-specific tasks. Our findings suggest that longer and more computationally intensive IT data may serve as superior sources of IT, offering valuable insights for future research in this area. Data, code, and scripts are freely available at https://github.com/Blue-Raincoat/SelectIT.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
Look Before You Leap: Towards Decision-Aware and Generalizable Tool-Usage for Large Language Models
Anchun Gui, Jian Li, Yong Dai, Nan Du, Han Xiao
Tool-augmented large language models (LLMs) are attracting widespread attention when accessing up-to-date knowledge and alleviating hallucination issues. Nowadays, advanced closed-source LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) have demonstrated surprising tool-usage capabilities through prompting and in-context learning techniques. To empower the capabilities of open-source LLMs (e.g., LLaMA) in manipulating tools, current efforts focus on either template-driven or token-triggered tool-usage. However, the former hampers LLMs' flexibility to address diverse user's queries due to constrained tool interactions, while the latter limits the generalizability when engaging with new tools, since tool-usage learning is based on task- and tool-specific datasets. To alleviate these concerns, in this paper, we propose a decision-aware and generalizable tool-usage framework (DEER). Specifically, we first construct the tool-usage samples with multiple decision branches via an automatic generation pipeline, thereby inspiring the decision-making awareness of LLMs under diverse scenarios. Meanwhile, we propose a novel tool sampling strategy to enhance the generalizability of LLMs over unseen tools. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed DEER is effective and significantly outperforms baselines across various datasets.
StructLM: Towards Building Generalist Models for Structured Knowledge Grounding
Alex Zhuang, Ge Zhang, Tianyu Zheng, Xinrun Du, Junjie Wang, Weiming Ren, Stephen W. Huang, Jie Fu, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen
Structured data sources, such as tables, graphs, and databases, are ubiquitous knowledge sources. Despite the demonstrated capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on plain text, their proficiency in interpreting and utilizing structured data remains limited. Our investigation reveals a notable deficiency in LLMs' ability to process structured data, e.g., ChatGPT lags behind state-of-the-art (SoTA) model by an average of 35%. To augment the Structured Knowledge Grounding (SKG) capabilities in LLMs, we have developed a comprehensive instruction tuning dataset comprising 1.1 million examples. Utilizing this dataset, we train a series of models, referred to as StructLM, based on the Mistral and the CodeLlama model family, ranging from 7B to 34B parameters. Our StructLM series surpasses task-specific models on 16 out of 18 evaluated datasets and establishes new SoTA performance on 8 SKG tasks. Furthermore, StructLM demonstrates strong generalization across 6 novel held-out SKG tasks, outperforming TableLlama by an average of 35\% and Flan-UL2 20B by an average of 10\%. Contrary to expectations, we observe that scaling model size offers marginal benefits, with StructLM-34B showing only slight improvements over StructLM-7B. This suggests that structured knowledge grounding is still a challenging task and requires more innovative design to push to a new level.
LLM-Assisted Multi-Teacher Continual Learning for Visual Question Answering in Robotic Surgery
Kexin Chen, Yuyang Du, Tao You, Mobarakol Islam, Ziyu Guo, Yueming Jin, Guangyong Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng
Visual question answering (VQA) can be fundamentally crucial for promoting robotic-assisted surgical education. In practice, the needs of trainees are constantly evolving, such as learning more surgical types, adapting to different robots, and learning new surgical instruments and techniques for one surgery. Therefore, continually updating the VQA system by a sequential data stream from multiple resources is demanded in robotic surgery to address new tasks. In surgical scenarios, the storage cost and patient data privacy often restrict the availability of old data when updating the model, necessitating an exemplar-free continual learning (CL) setup. However, prior studies overlooked two vital problems of the surgical domain: i) large domain shifts from diverse surgical operations collected from multiple departments or clinical centers, and ii) severe data imbalance arising from the uneven presence of surgical instruments or activities during surgical procedures. This paper proposes to address these two problems with a multimodal large language model (LLM) and an adaptive weight assignment methodology. We first develop a new multi-teacher CL framework that leverages a multimodal LLM as the additional teacher. The strong generalization ability of the LLM can bridge the knowledge gap when domain shifts and data imbalances occur. We then put forth a novel data processing method that transforms complex LLM embeddings into logits compatible with our CL framework. We further design an adaptive weight assignment approach that balances the generalization ability of the LLM and the domain expertise of the old CL model. We construct a new dataset for surgical VQA tasks, providing valuable data resources for future research. Extensive experimental results on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method to other advanced CL models.
Towards Open-ended Visual Quality Comparison
Haoning Wu, Hanwei Zhu, Zicheng Zhang, Erli Zhang, Chaofeng Chen, Liang Liao, Chunyi Li, Annan Wang, Wenxiu Sun, Qiong Yan, Xiaohong Liu, Guangtao Zhai, Shiqi Wang, Weisi Lin
Comparative settings (e.g. pairwise choice, listwise ranking) have been adopted by a wide range of subjective studies for image quality assessment (IQA), as it inherently standardizes the evaluation criteria across different observers and offer more clear-cut responses. In this work, we extend the edge of emerging large multi-modality models (LMMs) to further advance visual quality comparison into open-ended settings, that 1) can respond to open-range questions on quality comparison; 2) can provide detailed reasonings beyond direct answers. To this end, we propose the Co-Instruct. To train this first-of-its-kind open-source open-ended visual quality comparer, we collect the Co-Instruct-562K dataset, from two sources: (a) LLM-merged single image quality description, (b) GPT-4V "teacher" responses on unlabeled data. Furthermore, to better evaluate this setting, we propose the MICBench, the first benchmark on multi-image comparison for LMMs. We demonstrate that Co-Instruct not only achieves in average 30% higher accuracy than state-of-the-art open-source LMMs, but also outperforms GPT-4V (its teacher), on both existing related benchmarks and the proposed MICBench. Our model is published at https://huggingface.co/q-future/co-instruct.
Aligning Large Language Models to a Domain-specific Graph Database
Yuanyuan Liang, Keren Tan, Tingyu Xie, Wenbiao Tao, Siyuan Wang, Yunshi Lan, Weining Qian
Graph Databases (Graph DB) are widely applied in various fields, including finance, social networks, and medicine. However, translating Natural Language (NL) into the Graph Query Language (GQL), commonly known as NL2GQL, proves to be challenging due to its inherent complexity and specialized nature. Some approaches have sought to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) to address analogous tasks like text2SQL. Nevertheless, when it comes to NL2GQL taskson a particular domain, the absence of domain-specific NL-GQL data pairs makes it difficult to establish alignment between LLMs and the graph DB. To address this challenge, we propose a well-defined pipeline. Specifically, we utilize ChatGPT to create NL-GQL data pairs based on the given graph DB with self-instruct. Then, we use the created data to fine-tune LLMs, thereby achieving alignment between LLMs and the graph DB. Additionally, during inference, we propose a method that extracts relevant schema to the queried NL as the input context to guide LLMs for generating accurate GQLs.We evaluate our method on two constructed datasets deriving from graph DBs in finance domain and medicine domain, namely FinGQL and MediGQL. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms a set of baseline methods, with improvements of 5.90 and 6.36 absolute points on EM, and 6.00 and 7.09 absolute points on EX, respectively.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.DB
Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems: Automatic Dataset Creation, Evaluation and Boolean Agent Setup
Tristan Kenneweg, Philip Kenneweg, Barbara Hammer
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems have seen huge popularity in augmenting Large-Language Model (LLM) outputs with domain specific and time sensitive data. Very recently a shift is happening from simple RAG setups that query a vector database for additional information with every user input to more sophisticated forms of RAG. However, different concrete approaches compete on mostly anecdotal evidence at the moment. In this paper we present a rigorous dataset creation and evaluation workflow to quantitatively compare different RAG strategies. We use a dataset created this way for the development and evaluation of a boolean agent RAG setup: A system in which a LLM can decide whether to query a vector database or not, thus saving tokens on questions that can be answered with internal knowledge. We publish our code and generated dataset online.
cs.IR, cs.CL
Integrating Large Language Models with Graphical Session-Based Recommendation
Naicheng Guo, Hongwei Cheng, Qianqiao Liang, Linxun Chen, Bing Han
With the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs), various explorations have arisen to utilize LLMs capability of context understanding on recommender systems. While pioneering strategies have primarily transformed traditional recommendation tasks into challenges of natural language generation, there has been a relative scarcity of exploration in the domain of session-based recommendation (SBR) due to its specificity. SBR has been primarily dominated by Graph Neural Networks, which have achieved many successful outcomes due to their ability to capture both the implicit and explicit relationships between adjacent behaviors. The structural nature of graphs contrasts with the essence of natural language, posing a significant adaptation gap for LLMs. In this paper, we introduce large language models with graphical Session-Based recommendation, named LLMGR, an effective framework that bridges the aforementioned gap by harmoniously integrating LLMs with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for SBR tasks. This integration seeks to leverage the complementary strengths of LLMs in natural language understanding and GNNs in relational data processing, leading to a more powerful session-based recommender system that can understand and recommend items within a session. Moreover, to endow the LLM with the capability to empower SBR tasks, we design a series of prompts for both auxiliary and major instruction tuning tasks. These prompts are crafted to assist the LLM in understanding graph-structured data and align textual information with nodes, effectively translating nuanced user interactions into a format that can be understood and utilized by LLM architectures. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that LLMGR outperforms several competitive baselines, indicating its effectiveness in enhancing SBR tasks and its potential as a research direction for future exploration.
cs.IR, cs.CL, cs.LG
LLM-based Privacy Data Augmentation Guided by Knowledge Distillation with a Distribution Tutor for Medical Text Classification
Yiping Song, Juhua Zhang, Zhiliang Tian, Yuxin Yang, Minlie Huang, Dongsheng Li
As sufficient data are not always publically accessible for model training, researchers exploit limited data with advanced learning algorithms or expand the dataset via data augmentation (DA). Conducting DA in private domain requires private protection approaches (i.e. anonymization and perturbation), but those methods cannot provide protection guarantees. Differential privacy (DP) learning methods theoretically bound the protection but are not skilled at generating pseudo text samples with large models. In this paper, we transfer DP-based pseudo sample generation task to DP-based generated samples discrimination task, where we propose a DP-based DA method with a LLM and a DP-based discriminator for text classification on private domains. We construct a knowledge distillation model as the DP-based discriminator: teacher models, accessing private data, teaches students how to select private samples with calibrated noise to achieve DP. To constrain the distribution of DA's generation, we propose a DP-based tutor that models the noised private distribution and controls samples' generation with a low privacy cost. We theoretically analyze our model's privacy protection and empirically verify our model.
cs.CL, cs.CR
LLMArena: Assessing Capabilities of Large Language Models in Dynamic Multi-Agent Environments
Junzhe Chen, Xuming Hu, Shuodi Liu, Shiyu Huang, Wei-Wei Tu, Zhaofeng He, Lijie Wen
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have revealed their potential for achieving autonomous agents possessing human-level intelligence. However, existing benchmarks for evaluating LLM Agents either use static datasets, potentially leading to data leakage or focus only on single-agent scenarios, overlooking the complexities of multi-agent interactions. There is a lack of a benchmark that evaluates the diverse capabilities of LLM agents in multi-agent, dynamic environments. To this end, we introduce LLMArena, a novel and easily extensible framework for evaluating the diverse capabilities of LLM in multi-agent dynamic environments. LLMArena encompasses seven distinct gaming environments, employing Trueskill scoring to assess crucial abilities in LLM agents, including spatial reasoning, strategic planning, numerical reasoning, risk assessment, communication, opponent modeling, and team collaboration. We conduct an extensive experiment and human evaluation among different sizes and types of LLMs, showing that LLMs still have a significant journey ahead in their development towards becoming fully autonomous agents, especially in opponent modeling and team collaboration. We hope LLMArena could guide future research towards enhancing these capabilities in LLMs, ultimately leading to more sophisticated and practical applications in dynamic, multi-agent settings. The code and data will be available.
mEdIT: Multilingual Text Editing via Instruction Tuning
Vipul Raheja, Dimitris Alikaniotis, Vivek Kulkarni, Bashar Alhafni, Dhruv Kumar
We introduce mEdIT, a multi-lingual extension to CoEdIT -- the recent state-of-the-art text editing models for writing assistance. mEdIT models are trained by fine-tuning multi-lingual large, pre-trained language models (LLMs) via instruction tuning. They are designed to take instructions from the user specifying the attributes of the desired text in the form of natural language instructions, such as Grammatik korrigieren (German) or Parafrasee la oraci\'on (Spanish). We build mEdIT by curating data from multiple publicly available human-annotated text editing datasets for three text editing tasks (Grammatical Error Correction (GEC), Text Simplification, and Paraphrasing) across diverse languages belonging to six different language families. We detail the design and training of mEdIT models and demonstrate their strong performance on many multi-lingual text editing benchmarks against other multilingual LLMs. We also find that mEdIT generalizes effectively to new languages over multilingual baselines. We publicly release our data, code, and trained models at https://github.com/vipulraheja/medit.
cs.CL, cs.AI, I.2.7
RetrievalQA: Assessing Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Short-form Open-Domain Question Answering
Zihan Zhang, Meng Fang, Ling Chen
Adaptive retrieval-augmented generation (ARAG) aims to dynamically determine the necessity of retrieval for queries instead of retrieving indiscriminately to enhance the efficiency and relevance of the sourced information. However, previous works largely overlook the evaluation of ARAG approaches, leading to their effectiveness being understudied. This work presents a benchmark, RetrievalQA, comprising 1,271 short-form questions covering new world and long-tail knowledge. The knowledge necessary to answer the questions is absent from LLMs; therefore, external information must be retrieved to answer correctly. This makes RetrievalQA a suitable testbed to evaluate existing ARAG methods. We observe that calibration-based methods heavily rely on threshold tuning, while vanilla prompting is inadequate for guiding LLMs to make reliable retrieval decisions. Based on our findings, we propose Time-Aware Adaptive Retrieval (TA-ARE), a simple yet effective method that helps LLMs assess the necessity of retrieval without calibration or additional training. The dataset and code will be available at \url{https://github.com/hyintell/RetrievalQA}
ShieldLM: Empowering LLMs as Aligned, Customizable and Explainable Safety Detectors
Zhexin Zhang, Yida Lu, Jingyuan Ma, Di Zhang, Rui Li, Pei Ke, Hao Sun, Lei Sha, Zhifang Sui, Hongning Wang, Minlie Huang
The safety of Large Language Models (LLMs) has gained increasing attention in recent years, but there still lacks a comprehensive approach for detecting safety issues within LLMs' responses in an aligned, customizable and explainable manner. In this paper, we propose ShieldLM, an LLM-based safety detector, which aligns with general human safety standards, supports customizable detection rules, and provides explanations for its decisions. To train ShieldLM, we compile a large bilingual dataset comprising 14,387 query-response pairs, annotating the safety of responses based on various safety standards. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that ShieldLM surpasses strong baselines across four test sets, showcasing remarkable customizability and explainability. Besides performing well on standard detection datasets, ShieldLM has also been shown to be effective in real-world situations as a safety evaluator for advanced LLMs. We release ShieldLM at \url{https://github.com/thu-coai/ShieldLM} to support accurate and explainable safety detection under various safety standards, contributing to the ongoing efforts to enhance the safety of LLMs.
RoCoIns: Enhancing Robustness of Large Language Models through Code-Style Instructions
Yuansen Zhang, Xiao Wang, Zhiheng Xi, Han Xia, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang
Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable capabilities in following human instructions. However, recent studies have raised concerns about the robustness of LLMs when prompted with instructions combining textual adversarial samples. In this paper, drawing inspiration from recent works that LLMs are sensitive to the design of the instructions, we utilize instructions in code style, which are more structural and less ambiguous, to replace typically natural language instructions. Through this conversion, we provide LLMs with more precise instructions and strengthen the robustness of LLMs. Moreover, under few-shot scenarios, we propose a novel method to compose in-context demonstrations using both clean and adversarial samples (\textit{adversarial context method}) to further boost the robustness of the LLMs. Experiments on eight robustness datasets show that our method consistently outperforms prompting LLMs with natural language instructions. For example, with gpt-3.5-turbo, our method achieves an improvement of 5.68\% in test set accuracy and a reduction of 5.66 points in Attack Success Rate (ASR).
MathGenie: Generating Synthetic Data with Question Back-translation for Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning of LLMs
Zimu Lu, Aojun Zhou, Houxing Ren, Ke Wang, Weikang Shi, Junting Pan, Mingjie Zhan, Hongsheng Li
Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited great potential in mathematical reasoning. However, there remains a performance gap in this area between existing open-source models and closed-source models such as GPT-4. In this paper, we introduce MathGenie, a novel method for generating diverse and reliable math problems from a small-scale problem-solution dataset (denoted as seed data). We augment the ground-truth solutions of our seed data and train a back-translation model to translate the augmented solutions back into new questions. Subsequently, we generate code-integrated solutions for the new questions. To ensure the correctness of the code-integrated solutions, we employ rationale-based strategy for solution verification. Various pretrained models, ranging from 7B to 70B, are trained on the newly curated data to test the effectiveness of the proposed augmentation technique, resulting in a family of models known as MathGenieLM. These models consistently outperform previous open-source models across five representative mathematical reasoning datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance. In particular, MathGenieLM-InternLM2 achieves an accuracy of 87.7% on GSM8K and 55.7% on MATH, securing the best overall score among open-source language models.
cs.CL, cs.AI
CodeS: Towards Building Open-source Language Models for Text-to-SQL
Haoyang Li, Jing Zhang, Hanbing Liu, Ju Fan, Xiaokang Zhang, Jun Zhu, Renjie Wei, Hongyan Pan, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen
Language models have shown promising performance on the task of translating natural language questions into SQL queries (Text-to-SQL). However, most of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches rely on powerful yet closed-source large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, which may have the limitations of unclear model architectures, data privacy risks, and expensive inference overheads. To address the limitations, we introduce CodeS, a series of pre-trained language models with parameters ranging from 1B to 15B, specifically designed for the text-to-SQL task. CodeS is a fully open-source language model, which achieves superior accuracy with much smaller parameter sizes. This paper studies the research challenges in building CodeS. To enhance the SQL generation abilities of CodeS, we adopt an incremental pre-training approach using a specifically curated SQL-centric corpus. Based on this, we address the challenges of schema linking and rapid domain adaptation through strategic prompt construction and a bi-directional data augmentation technique. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on multiple datasets, including the widely used Spider benchmark, the newly released BIRD benchmark, robustness-diagnostic benchmarks such as Spider-DK, Spider-Syn, Spider-Realistic, and Dr.Spider, as well as two real-world datasets created for financial and academic applications. The experimental results show that our CodeS achieves new SOTA accuracy and robustness on nearly all challenging text-to-SQL benchmarks.
cs.CL, cs.DB
PerLTQA: A Personal Long-Term Memory Dataset for Memory Classification, Retrieval, and Synthesis in Question Answering
Yiming Du, Hongru Wang, Zhengyi Zhao, Bin Liang, Baojun Wang, Wanjun Zhong, Zezhong Wang, Kam-Fai Wong
Long-term memory plays a critical role in personal interaction, considering long-term memory can better leverage world knowledge, historical information, and preferences in dialogues. Our research introduces PerLTQA, an innovative QA dataset that combines semantic and episodic memories, including world knowledge, profiles, social relationships, events, and dialogues. This dataset is collected to investigate the use of personalized memories, focusing on social interactions and events in the QA task. PerLTQA features two types of memory and a comprehensive benchmark of 8,593 questions for 30 characters, facilitating the exploration and application of personalized memories in Large Language Models (LLMs). Based on PerLTQA, we propose a novel framework for memory integration and generation, consisting of three main components: Memory Classification, Memory Retrieval, and Memory Synthesis. We evaluate this framework using five LLMs and three retrievers. Experimental results demonstrate that BERT-based classification models significantly outperform LLMs such as ChatGLM3 and ChatGPT in the memory classification task. Furthermore, our study highlights the importance of effective memory integration in the QA task.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.IR
HypoTermQA: Hypothetical Terms Dataset for Benchmarking Hallucination Tendency of LLMs
Cem Uluoglakci, Tugba Taskaya Temizel
Hallucinations pose a significant challenge to the reliability and alignment of Large Language Models (LLMs), limiting their widespread acceptance beyond chatbot applications. Despite ongoing efforts, hallucinations remain a prevalent challenge in LLMs. The detection of hallucinations itself is also a formidable task, frequently requiring manual labeling or constrained evaluations. This paper introduces an automated scalable framework that combines benchmarking LLMs' hallucination tendencies with efficient hallucination detection. We leverage LLMs to generate challenging tasks related to hypothetical phenomena, subsequently employing them as agents for efficient hallucination detection. The framework is domain-agnostic, allowing the use of any language model for benchmark creation or evaluation in any domain. We introduce the publicly available HypoTermQA Benchmarking Dataset, on which state-of-the-art models' performance ranged between 3% and 11%, and evaluator agents demonstrated a 6% error rate in hallucination prediction. The proposed framework provides opportunities to test and improve LLMs. Additionally, it has the potential to generate benchmarking datasets tailored to specific domains, such as law, health, and finance.
InstructEdit: Instruction-based Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models
Ningyu Zhang, Bozhong Tian, Siyuan Cheng, Xiaozhuan Liang, Yi Hu, Kouying Xue, Yanjie Gou, Xi Chen, Huajun Chen
Knowledge editing for large language models can offer an efficient solution to alter a model's behavior without negatively impacting the overall performance. However, the current approaches encounter issues with limited generalizability across tasks, necessitating one distinct editor for each task, significantly hindering the broader applications. To address this, we take the first step to analyze the multi-task generalization issue in knowledge editing. Specifically, we develop an instruction-based editing technique, termed InstructEdit, which facilitates the editor's adaptation to various task performances simultaneously using simple instructions. With only one unified editor for each LLM, we empirically demonstrate that InstructEdit can improve the editor's control, leading to an average 14.86% increase in Reliability in multi-task editing setting. Furthermore, experiments involving holdout unseen task illustrate that InstructEdit consistently surpass previous strong baselines. To further investigate the underlying mechanisms of instruction-based knowledge editing, we analyze the principal components of the editing gradient directions, which unveils that instructions can help control optimization direction with stronger OOD generalization. Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/EasyEdit.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.HC, cs.LG
UrbanGPT: Spatio-Temporal Large Language Models
Zhonghang Li, Lianghao Xia, Jiabin Tang, Yong Xu, Lei Shi, Long Xia, Dawei Yin, Chao Huang
Spatio-temporal prediction aims to forecast and gain insights into the ever-changing dynamics of urban environments across both time and space. Its purpose is to anticipate future patterns, trends, and events in diverse facets of urban life, including transportation, population movement, and crime rates. Although numerous efforts have been dedicated to developing neural network techniques for accurate predictions on spatio-temporal data, it is important to note that many of these methods heavily depend on having sufficient labeled data to generate precise spatio-temporal representations. Unfortunately, the issue of data scarcity is pervasive in practical urban sensing scenarios. Consequently, it becomes necessary to build a spatio-temporal model with strong generalization capabilities across diverse spatio-temporal learning scenarios. Taking inspiration from the remarkable achievements of large language models (LLMs), our objective is to create a spatio-temporal LLM that can exhibit exceptional generalization capabilities across a wide range of downstream urban tasks. To achieve this objective, we present the UrbanGPT, which seamlessly integrates a spatio-temporal dependency encoder with the instruction-tuning paradigm. This integration enables LLMs to comprehend the complex inter-dependencies across time and space, facilitating more comprehensive and accurate predictions under data scarcity. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on various public datasets, covering different spatio-temporal prediction tasks. The results consistently demonstrate that our UrbanGPT, with its carefully designed architecture, consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. These findings highlight the potential of building large language models for spatio-temporal learning, particularly in zero-shot scenarios where labeled data is scarce.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.CY
Citation-Enhanced Generation for LLM-based Chatbots
Weitao Li, Junkai Li, Weizhi Ma, Yang Liu
Large language models (LLMs) exhibit powerful general intelligence across diverse scenarios, including their integration into chatbots. However, a vital challenge of LLM-based chatbots is that they may produce hallucinated content in responses, which significantly limits their applicability. Various efforts have been made to alleviate hallucination, such as retrieval augmented generation and reinforcement learning with human feedback, but most of them require additional training and data annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel post-hoc Citation-Enhanced Generation (CEG) approach combined with retrieval argumentation. Unlike previous studies that focus on preventing hallucinations during generation, our method addresses this issue in a post-hoc way. It incorporates a retrieval module to search for supporting documents relevant to the generated content, and employs a natural language inference-based citation generation module. Once the statements in the generated content lack of reference, our model can regenerate responses until all statements are supported by citations. Note that our method is a training-free plug-and-play plugin that is capable of various LLMs. Experiments on various hallucination-related datasets show our framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both hallucination detection and response regeneration on three benchmarks. Our codes and dataset will be publicly available.
cs.CL, cs.AI
How Large Language Models Encode Context Knowledge? A Layer-Wise Probing Study
Tianjie Ju, Weiwei Sun, Wei Du, Xinwei Yuan, Zhaochun Ren, Gongshen Liu
Previous work has showcased the intriguing capability of large language models (LLMs) in retrieving facts and processing context knowledge. However, only limited research exists on the layer-wise capability of LLMs to encode knowledge, which challenges our understanding of their internal mechanisms. In this paper, we devote the first attempt to investigate the layer-wise capability of LLMs through probing tasks. We leverage the powerful generative capability of ChatGPT to construct probing datasets, providing diverse and coherent evidence corresponding to various facts. We employ $\mathcal V$-usable information as the validation metric to better reflect the capability in encoding context knowledge across different layers. Our experiments on conflicting and newly acquired knowledge show that LLMs: (1) prefer to encode more context knowledge in the upper layers; (2) primarily encode context knowledge within knowledge-related entity tokens at lower layers while progressively expanding more knowledge within other tokens at upper layers; and (3) gradually forget the earlier context knowledge retained within the intermediate layers when provided with irrelevant evidence. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/Jometeorie/probing_llama.
EHRNoteQA: A Patient-Specific Question Answering Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models in Clinical Settings
Sunjun Kweon, Jiyoun Kim, Heeyoung Kwak, Dongchul Cha, Hangyul Yoon, Kwanghyun Kim, Seunghyun Won, Edward Choi
This study introduces EHRNoteQA, a novel patient-specific question answering benchmark tailored for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) in clinical environments. Based on MIMIC-IV Electronic Health Record (EHR), a team of three medical professionals has curated the dataset comprising 962 unique questions, each linked to a specific patient's EHR clinical notes. What makes EHRNoteQA distinct from existing EHR-based benchmarks is as follows: Firstly, it is the first dataset to adopt a multi-choice question answering format, a design choice that effectively evaluates LLMs with reliable scores in the context of automatic evaluation, compared to other formats. Secondly, it requires an analysis of multiple clinical notes to answer a single question, reflecting the complex nature of real-world clinical decision-making where clinicians review extensive records of patient histories. Our comprehensive evaluation on various large language models showed that their scores on EHRNoteQA correlate more closely with their performance in addressing real-world medical questions evaluated by clinicians than their scores from other LLM benchmarks. This underscores the significance of EHRNoteQA in evaluating LLMs for medical applications and highlights its crucial role in facilitating the integration of LLMs into healthcare systems. The dataset will be made available to the public under PhysioNet credential access, promoting further research in this vital field.
Don't Forget Your Reward Values: Language Model Alignment via Value-based Calibration
Xin Mao, Feng-Lin Li, Huimin Xu, Wei Zhang, Anh Tuan Luu
While Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) significantly enhances the generation quality of Large Language Models (LLMs), recent studies have raised concerns regarding the complexity and instability associated with the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, proposing a series of order-based calibration methods as viable alternatives. This paper delves further into current order-based methods, examining their inefficiencies in utilizing reward values and addressing misalignment issues. Building upon these findings, we propose a novel \textbf{V}alue-based \textbf{C}ali\textbf{B}ration (VCB) method to better align LLMs with human preferences. Experimental results demonstrate that VCB surpasses existing alignment methods on AI assistant and summarization datasets, providing impressive generalizability, robustness, and stability in diverse settings.
cs.CL, cs.AI
GraphWiz: An Instruction-Following Language Model for Graph Problems
Nuo Chen, Yuhan Li, Jianheng Tang, Jia Li
Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive success across several fields, but their proficiency in understanding and resolving complex graph problems is less explored. To bridge this gap, we introduce GraphInstruct, a novel and comprehensive instruction-tuning dataset designed to equip language models with the ability to tackle a broad spectrum of graph problems using explicit reasoning paths. Utilizing GraphInstruct, we build GraphWiz, an open-source language model capable of resolving various graph problem types while generating clear reasoning processes. To enhance the model's capability and reliability, we incorporate the Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) framework into the graph problem-solving context. The enhanced model, GraphWiz-DPO, achieves an average accuracy of 65% across nine tasks with different complexity levels, surpassing GPT-4 which has an average accuracy of 43.8%. Moreover, our research delves into the delicate balance between training data volume and model performance, highlighting the potential for overfitting with increased data. We also explore the transferability of the model's reasoning ability across different graph tasks, indicating the model's adaptability and practical application potential. Our investigation offers a new blueprint and valuable insights for developing LLMs specialized in graph reasoning and problem-solving.
From Noise to Clarity: Unraveling the Adversarial Suffix of Large Language Model Attacks via Translation of Text Embeddings
Hao Wang, Hao Li, Minlie Huang, Lei Sha
The safety defense methods of Large language models(LLMs) stays limited because the dangerous prompts are manually curated to just few known attack types, which fails to keep pace with emerging varieties. Recent studies found that attaching suffixes to harmful instructions can hack the defense of LLMs and lead to dangerous outputs. This method, while effective, leaves a gap in understanding the underlying mechanics of such adversarial suffix due to the non-readability and it can be relatively easily seen through by common defense methods such as perplexity filters.To cope with this challenge, in this paper, we propose an Adversarial Suffixes Embedding Translation Framework(ASETF) that are able to translate the unreadable adversarial suffixes into coherent, readable text, which makes it easier to understand and analyze the reasons behind harmful content generation by large language models. We conducted experiments on LLMs such as LLaMa2, Vicuna and using the Advbench dataset's harmful instructions. The results indicate that our method achieves a much better attack success rate to existing techniques, while significantly enhancing the textual fluency of the prompts. In addition, our approach can be generalized into a broader method for generating transferable adversarial suffixes that can successfully attack multiple LLMs, even black-box LLMs, such as ChatGPT and Gemini. As a result, the prompts generated through our method exhibit enriched semantic diversity, which potentially provides more adversarial examples for LLM defense methods.
Cognitive Bias in High-Stakes Decision-Making with LLMs
Jessica Echterhoff, Yao Liu, Abeer Alessa, Julian McAuley, Zexue He
Large language models (LLMs) offer significant potential as tools to support an expanding range of decision-making tasks. However, given their training on human (created) data, LLMs can inherit both societal biases against protected groups, as well as be subject to cognitive bias. Such human-like bias can impede fair and explainable decisions made with LLM assistance. Our work introduces BiasBuster, a framework designed to uncover, evaluate, and mitigate cognitive bias in LLMs, particularly in high-stakes decision-making tasks. Inspired by prior research in psychology and cognitive sciences, we develop a dataset containing 16,800 prompts to evaluate different cognitive biases (e.g., prompt-induced, sequential, inherent). We test various bias mitigation strategies, amidst proposing a novel method using LLMs to debias their own prompts. Our analysis provides a comprehensive picture on the presence and effects of cognitive bias across different commercial and open-source models. We demonstrate that our self-help debiasing effectively mitigate cognitive bias without having to manually craft examples for each bias type.
cs.AI, cs.CL
PRoLoRA: Partial Rotation Empowers More Parameter-Efficient LoRA
Sheng Wang, Boyang Xue, Jiacheng Ye, Jiyue Jiang, Liheng Chen, Lingpeng Kong, Chuan Wu
With the rapid scaling of large language models (LLMs), serving numerous LoRAs concurrently has become increasingly impractical, leading to unaffordable costs and necessitating more parameter-efficient finetuning methods. In this work, we introduce Partially Rotation-enhanced Low-Rank Adaptation (PRoLoRA), an intra-layer sharing mechanism comprising four essential components: broadcast reduction, rotation enhancement, partially-sharing refinement, and rectified initialization strategy. As a superset of LoRA, PRoLoRA pertains its advantages, and effectively circumvent the drawbacks of peer parameter-sharing methods with superior model capacity, practical feasibility, and broad applicability. Empirical experiments demonstrate the remarkably higher parameter efficiency of PRoLoRA in both specific parameter budget and performance target scenarios, and its scalability to larger LLMs. Notably, with one time less trainable parameters, PRoLoRA still outperforms LoRA on multiple instruction tuning datasets. Subsequently, an ablation study is conducted to validate the necessity of individual components and highlight the superiority of PRoLoRA over three potential variants. Hopefully, the conspicuously higher parameter efficiency can establish PRoLoRA as a resource-friendly alternative to LoRA.
Measuring Bargaining Abilities of LLMs: A Benchmark and A Buyer-Enhancement Method
Tian Xia, Zhiwei He, Tong Ren, Yibo Miao, Zhuosheng Zhang, Yang Yang, Rui Wang
Bargaining is an important and unique part of negotiation between humans. As LLM-driven agents learn to negotiate and act like real humans, how to evaluate agents' bargaining abilities remains an open problem. For the first time, we formally described the Bargaining task as an asymmetric incomplete information game, defining the gains of the Buyer and Seller in multiple bargaining processes. It allows us to quantitatively assess an agent's performance in the Bargain task. We collected a real product price dataset, AmazonHistoryPrice, and conducted evaluations of various LLM agents' bargaining abilities. We find that playing a Buyer is much harder than a Seller, and increasing model size can not effectively improve the Buyer's performance. To address the challenge, we propose a novel approach called OG-Narrator that integrates a deterministic Offer Generator to control the price range of Buyer's offers, and an LLM Narrator to create natural language sentences for generated offers. Experimental results show that OG-Narrator improves the buyer's deal rates from 26.67% to 88.88% and brings a ten times of multiplication of profits on all baselines, even a model that has not been aligned.
cs.CL, cs.GT
OAG-Bench: A Human-Curated Benchmark for Academic Graph Mining
Fanjin Zhang, Shijie Shi, Yifan Zhu, Bo Chen, Yukuo Cen, Jifan Yu, Yelin Chen, Lulu Wang, Qingfei Zhao, Yuqing Cheng, Tianyi Han, Yuwei An, Dan Zhang, Weng Lam Tam, Kun Cao, Yunhe Pang, Xinyu Guan, Huihui Yuan, Jian Song, Xiaoyan Li, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang
With the rapid proliferation of scientific literature, versatile academic knowledge services increasingly rely on comprehensive academic graph mining. Despite the availability of public academic graphs, benchmarks, and datasets, these resources often fall short in multi-aspect and fine-grained annotations, are constrained to specific task types and domains, or lack underlying real academic graphs. In this paper, we present OAG-Bench, a comprehensive, multi-aspect, and fine-grained human-curated benchmark based on the Open Academic Graph (OAG). OAG-Bench covers 10 tasks, 20 datasets, 70+ baselines, and 120+ experimental results to date. We propose new data annotation strategies for certain tasks and offer a suite of data pre-processing codes, algorithm implementations, and standardized evaluation protocols to facilitate academic graph mining. Extensive experiments reveal that even advanced algorithms like large language models (LLMs) encounter difficulties in addressing key challenges in certain tasks, such as paper source tracing and scholar profiling. We also introduce the Open Academic Graph Challenge (OAG-Challenge) to encourage community input and sharing. We envisage that OAG-Bench can serve as a common ground for the community to evaluate and compare algorithms in academic graph mining, thereby accelerating algorithm development and advancement in this field. OAG-Bench is accessible at https://www.aminer.cn/data/.
cs.DL, cs.CL, cs.LG
Enhancing Cloud-Based Large Language Model Processing with Elasticsearch and Transformer Models
Chunhe Ni, Jiang Wu, Hongbo Wang, Wenran Lu, Chenwei Zhang
Large Language Models (LLMs) are a class of generative AI models built using the Transformer network, capable of leveraging vast datasets to identify, summarize, translate, predict, and generate language. LLMs promise to revolutionize society, yet training these foundational models poses immense challenges. Semantic vector search within large language models is a potent technique that can significantly enhance search result accuracy and relevance. Unlike traditional keyword-based search methods, semantic search utilizes the meaning and context of words to grasp the intent behind queries and deliver more precise outcomes. Elasticsearch emerges as one of the most popular tools for implementing semantic search an exceptionally scalable and robust search engine designed for indexing and searching extensive datasets. In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of semantic search and explore how to harness Elasticsearch and Transformer models to bolster large language model processing paradigms. We gain a comprehensive understanding of semantic search principles and acquire practical skills for implementing semantic search in real-world model application scenarios.
cs.IR, cs.CL, cs.DC, cs.DL
Look Before You Leap: Problem Elaboration Prompting Improves Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models
Haoran Liao, Jidong Tian, Shaohua Hu, Hao He, Yaohui Jin
Large language models (LLMs) still grapple with complex tasks like mathematical reasoning. Despite significant efforts invested in improving prefix prompts or reasoning process, the crucial role of problem context might have been neglected. Accurate recognition of inputs is fundamental for solving mathematical tasks, as ill-formed problems could potentially mislead LLM's reasoning. In this study, we propose a new approach named Problem Elaboration Prompting (PEP) to enhance the mathematical capacities of LLMs. Specifically, PEP decomposes and elucidates the problem context before reasoning, therefore enhancing the context modeling and parsing efficiency. Experiments across datasets and models demonstrate promising performances: (1) PEP demonstrates an overall enhancement in various mathematical tasks. For instance, with the GPT-3.5 model, PEP exhibits improvements of 9.93% and 8.80% on GSM8k through greedy decoding and self-consistency, respectively. (2) PEP can be easily implemented and integrated with other prompting methods. (3) PEP shows particular strength in handling distraction problems.
cs.CL, cs.AI
How Do Humans Write Code? Large Models Do It the Same Way Too
Long Li
Large Language Models (LLMs) often make errors when performing numerical calculations. In contrast to traditional chain-of-thought reasoning, the program-of-thoughts approach involves generating executable code to solve problems. By executing this code, it achieves more precise results. Using generated executable code instead of natural language can reduce computational errors. However, we observe that when LLMs solve mathematical problems using code, they tend to generate more incorrect reasoning than when using natural language. To address this issue, we propose Human-Think Language (HTL), a straightforward yet highly efficient approach inspired by human coding practices. The approach first generates problem-solving methods described in the natural language by the model, then converts them into code, mirroring the process where people think through the logic in natural language before writing it as code. Additionally, it utilizes the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, enabling it to provide feedback to itself based on the correctness of mathematical answers, much like humans do. Finally, we introduce a focus-attention mechanism that masks the question segment, enhancing its reliance on natural language inference solutions during code generation. We conduct our experiments without introducing any additional information, and the results across five mathematical calculation datasets showcase the effectiveness of our approach. Notably, on the NumGLUE dataset, the LlaMA-2-7B-based model achieves a superior performance rate (75.1%) compared to the previous best performance with the LlaMA-2-70B model (74.4%).
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.PL
Minions: Accelerating Large Language Model Inference with Adaptive and Collective Speculative Decoding
Siqi Wang, Hailong Yang, Xuezhu Wang, Tongxuan Liu, Pengbo Wang, Xuning Liang, Kejie Ma, Tianyu Feng, Xin You, Yongjun Bao, Yi Liu, Zhongzhi Luan, Depei Qian
Large language models (LLM) have recently attracted surging interest due to their outstanding capabilities across various domains. However, enabling efficient LLM inference is challenging due to its autoregressive decoding that generates tokens only one at a time. Although research works apply pruning or quantization to speed up LLM inference, they typically require fine-tuning the LLM, incurring significant time and economic costs. Meanwhile, speculative decoding has been proposed to use small speculative models (SSMs) to accelerate the inference of LLM. However, the low acceptance rate of SSM and the high verification cost of LLM prohibit further performance improvement of inference. In this paper, we propose Minions, an LLM inference system that accelerates LLM inference with a collective and adaptive speculative generation. Specifically, Minions proposes a majority-voted mechanism to leverage multiple SSMs to jointly speculate the outputs of LLM, which improves the inference performance without introducing prohibitive computation costs for LLM. To better trade off the number of tokens speculated from SSM and the verification cost of LLM, Minions proposes an adaptive mechanism to dynamically determine the optimal speculation length of SSM, which can achieve better inference performance across different models, datasets, and hyper-parameters. In addition, Minions decouples the SSM decoding and LLM verification efficiently and adopts a pipelined execution mechanism to further improve the inference performance of LLM. By comparing with the state-of-the-art LLM inference systems, we demonstrate that Minions can achieve higher inference throughput and lower inference time.
Language-Based User Profiles for Recommendation
Joyce Zhou, Yijia Dai, Thorsten Joachims
Most conventional recommendation methods (e.g., matrix factorization) represent user profiles as high-dimensional vectors. Unfortunately, these vectors lack interpretability and steerability, and often perform poorly in cold-start settings. To address these shortcomings, we explore the use of user profiles that are represented as human-readable text. We propose the Language-based Factorization Model (LFM), which is essentially an encoder/decoder model where both the encoder and the decoder are large language models (LLMs). The encoder LLM generates a compact natural-language profile of the user's interests from the user's rating history. The decoder LLM uses this summary profile to complete predictive downstream tasks. We evaluate our LFM approach on the MovieLens dataset, comparing it against matrix factorization and an LLM model that directly predicts from the user's rating history. In cold-start settings, we find that our method can have higher accuracy than matrix factorization. Furthermore, we find that generating a compact and human-readable summary often performs comparably with or better than direct LLM prediction, while enjoying better interpretability and shorter model input length. Our results motivate a number of future research directions and potential improvements.
cs.CL, cs.HC, cs.IR, cs.LG
DOSA: A Dataset of Social Artifacts from Different Indian Geographical Subcultures
Agrima Seth, Sanchit Ahuja, Kalika Bali, Sunayana Sitaram
Generative models are increasingly being used in various applications, such as text generation, commonsense reasoning, and question-answering. To be effective globally, these models must be aware of and account for local socio-cultural contexts, making it necessary to have benchmarks to evaluate the models for their cultural familiarity. Since the training data for LLMs is web-based and the Web is limited in its representation of information, it does not capture knowledge present within communities that are not on the Web. Thus, these models exacerbate the inequities, semantic misalignment, and stereotypes from the Web. There has been a growing call for community-centered participatory research methods in NLP. In this work, we respond to this call by using participatory research methods to introduce $\textit{DOSA}$, the first community-generated $\textbf{D}$ataset $\textbf{o}$f 615 $\textbf{S}$ocial $\textbf{A}$rtifacts, by engaging with 260 participants from 19 different Indian geographic subcultures. We use a gamified framework that relies on collective sensemaking to collect the names and descriptions of these artifacts such that the descriptions semantically align with the shared sensibilities of the individuals from those cultures. Next, we benchmark four popular LLMs and find that they show significant variation across regional sub-cultures in their ability to infer the artifacts.
cs.CY, cs.CL
AgentOhana: Design Unified Data and Training Pipeline for Effective Agent Learning
Jianguo Zhang, Tian Lan, Rithesh Murthy, Zhiwei Liu, Weiran Yao, Juntao Tan, Thai Hoang, Liangwei Yang, Yihao Feng, Zuxin Liu, Tulika Awalgaonkar, Juan Carlos Niebles, Silvio Savarese, Shelby Heinecke, Huan Wang, Caiming Xiong
Autonomous agents powered by large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant research attention. However, fully harnessing the potential of LLMs for agent-based tasks presents inherent challenges due to the heterogeneous nature of diverse data sources featuring multi-turn trajectories. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{AgentOhana} as a comprehensive solution to address these challenges. \textit{AgentOhana} aggregates agent trajectories from distinct environments, spanning a wide array of scenarios. It meticulously standardizes and unifies these trajectories into a consistent format, streamlining the creation of a generic data loader optimized for agent training. Leveraging the data unification, our training pipeline maintains equilibrium across different data sources and preserves independent randomness across devices during dataset partitioning and model training. Additionally, we present \textbf{xLAM-v0.1}, a large action model tailored for AI agents, which demonstrates exceptional performance across various benchmarks. Begin the exploration at \url{https://github.com/SalesforceAIResearch/xLAM}.
cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG
API-BLEND: A Comprehensive Corpora for Training and Benchmarking API LLMs
Kinjal Basu, Ibrahim Abdelaziz, Subhajit Chaudhury, Soham Dan, Maxwell Crouse, Asim Munawar, Sadhana Kumaravel, Vinod Muthusamy, Pavan Kapanipathi, Luis A. Lastras
There is a growing need for Large Language Models (LLMs) to effectively use tools and external Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to plan and complete tasks. As such, there is tremendous interest in methods that can acquire sufficient quantities of train and test data that involve calls to tools / APIs. Two lines of research have emerged as the predominant strategies for addressing this challenge. The first has focused on synthetic data generation techniques, while the second has involved curating task-adjacent datasets which can be transformed into API / Tool-based tasks. In this paper, we focus on the task of identifying, curating, and transforming existing datasets and, in turn, introduce API-BLEND, a large corpora for training and systematic testing of tool-augmented LLMs. The datasets mimic real-world scenarios involving API-tasks such as API / tool detection, slot filling, and sequencing of the detected APIs. We demonstrate the utility of the API-BLEND dataset for both training and benchmarking purposes.
cs.CL, cs.AI
NuNER: Entity Recognition Encoder Pre-training via LLM-Annotated Data
Sergei Bogdanov, Alexandre Constantin, Timothée Bernard, Benoit Crabbé, Etienne Bernard
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive abilities in data annotation, opening the way for new approaches to solve classic NLP problems. In this paper, we show how to use LLMs to create NuNER, a compact language representation model specialized in the Named Entity Recognition (NER) task. NuNER can be fine-tuned to solve downstream NER problems in a data-efficient way, outperforming similar-sized foundation models in the few-shot regime and competing with much larger LLMs. We find that the size and entity-type diversity of the pre-training dataset are key to achieving good performance. We view NuNER as a member of the broader family of task-specific foundation models, recently unlocked by LLMs.
cs.CL, cs.AI, cs.LG
How (un)ethical are instruction-centric responses of LLMs? Unveiling the vulnerabilities of safety guardrails to harmful queries
Somnath Banerjee, Sayan Layek, Rima Hazra, Animesh Mukherjee
In this study, we tackle a growing concern around the safety and ethical use of large language models (LLMs). Despite their potential, these models can be tricked into producing harmful or unethical content through various sophisticated methods, including 'jailbreaking' techniques and targeted manipulation. Our work zeroes in on a specific issue: to what extent LLMs can be led astray by asking them to generate responses that are instruction-centric such as a pseudocode, a program or a software snippet as opposed to vanilla text. To investigate this question, we introduce TechHazardQA, a dataset containing complex queries which should be answered in both text and instruction-centric formats (e.g., pseudocodes), aimed at identifying triggers for unethical responses. We query a series of LLMs -- Llama-2-13b, Llama-2-7b, Mistral-V2 and Mistral 8X7B -- and ask them to generate both text and instruction-centric responses. For evaluation we report the harmfulness score metric as well as judgements from GPT-4 and humans. Overall, we observe that asking LLMs to produce instruction-centric responses enhances the unethical response generation by ~2-38% across the models. As an additional objective, we investigate the impact of model editing using the ROME technique, which further increases the propensity for generating undesirable content. In particular, asking edited LLMs to generate instruction-centric responses further increases the unethical response generation by ~3-16% across the different models.
cs.CL, cs.CR