Would you date a nerd a cardiac surgeon or a beauty queen? Given they are all of equal smarts and the Dr and nerd look ok but the beauty queen is drop dead georgeous. The Nerd only makes $25K a year the Dr $200K and the model $80K. The Dr and the Model everyone knows of and admires and the nerd no one knows of. Most definitely a Nerdish Woman.\nHot hot hot.\nWhen shes a nerd and might wear glasses who needs money?
With Illinois 10-0 will they make a run in the big 10 against most likely Indiana and go far in the tourney? Although this year's Illini aren't as deep as last year's Big 10 conference championship team I think they have a good chance against other conference teams like Indiana this year. Don't count on a near-perfect season though; chances for a NCAA Championship aren't very likely.
why do people have to suck? it's human nature to suck.
Where can I find a job? any fast food resturant
What is your favorite quote? Mine's different pretty much everyday... But one of the best is: \n To keep your marriage brimming \n With love in the loving cup \n Whenever you're wrong admit it;\n Whenever you're right shut up. ~ Ogden Nash I have a few favorites but one in the same vein as yours:\n\nIt is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.\n--Attributed to Samuel Lonhorn Clements (Mark Twain) althoug perhaps in error.\n\nAlbert Einstein is another person with some great quotes:\n\nReality is merely an illusion albeit a very persistent one.\n\nGreat spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.\n\n\nI got some other good answers when I asked the same question a few days ago. You can see the answers I got at http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvSuaemUmliM4N_0qKYH00fsy6IX?qid=1005121802855
If you found Latin easy to learn how hard would you find learning other languages? Specifically Russian and Italian. Congrats on your success with Latin. 70% of the Western Indo-European languages are based on Latin. \n\nWhich means that all languages that were native to the European continent in times past are mostly derivative from the Latin language.\n\nThat to say Italian is immersed in the Latin language. So is the French. Russian is less so but I don't know a lot about the origin of Russian but it probably has more Eastern influence than Italian.\n\nEastern languages (e.g. Chinese Korean Japanese Hebrew etc.) are more based in pictographic language forms (or pictures). These are far from the Latin base of languages.
how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? the owl always ask it. so it got me curious! he never said how many licks it took it takes 459 licks
whos phone nymber is 702 558 5500? Trying to stop calls to my do not call phone nuber. Trying to id this phone # Check this out:\n\nhttp://www.badbusinessbureau.com/reports/ripoff153397.htm\n\nMy office has been continuously called and harassed since July 21 2005 By Westgate Resort what I am told by my attorney is Central Florida investments. The phone numbers these calls are coming from are -->702-558-5500<-- and 407-351-3350 both are Westgate or affiliated phone numbers
What does AJAX satnd for? What Does AJAX Stand For?\n\nAJAX means 'Asynchronous Javascript and XML'. Adaptive Path came up with the term in this essay: http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php. However the word is really a bit of a misnomer: AJAX doesn't really rely on XML at all but rather on a Javascript function that happens to be named XMLHttpRequest.\n\nAll About XMLHttpRequest.\n\nXMLHttpRequest was originally invented and implemented by a Microsoft team who were working on a webmail application and it's been around for a while now (since 1999 in fact). The reason it has suddenly come to prominence now is that Google used it in three projects Gmail Google Suggest and Google Maps and in each case managed to create a much better user interface than they would have been able to otherwise.\n\nSo what does XMLHttpRequest do? To put it simply it lets your Javascript go back to the server fetch some new content and write it back out onto the page - all without the user having to change pages. This gives a 'smoother' feel to web applications as they can do things like submit forms without the whole browser window needing to go blank and reload the page. Take a look at maps.google.com now and notice how you can drag the map around anywhere you want to go without having to reload the page. This would be unthinkable without XMLHttpRequest.\n\nOne of the biggest reasons XMLHttpRequest has become popular now is that browsers other than Internet Explorer have started to support it mainly due to the fuss over its use in Gmail. The function is by all accounts a very simple one in technical terms: it was just a matter of someone having the idea.\n\nGetting Started with AJAX.\n\nThe first thing to do to get started with AJAX then is to create an XMLHttpRequest object in your Javascript code. As ever Internet Explorer has to be difficult doing this a different way to every other browser out there. That means that you should use this Javascript code:\n\nvar ajax;\nonload = function () {\n if (window.ActiveXObject) {\n ajax = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP);\n }\n else {\n ajax = new XMLHttpRequest;\n }\n}\n\nWhat you've done there is declared ajax as a global variable (usable by all functions) and then created a new AJAX object when the page loads either using ActiveX for Internet Explorer or the XMLHttpRequest function in other browsers.\n\nThe next step is to write two more functions: one to get data from a URL and one to handle the data that comes back.\n\nfunction getText(url) {\n ajax.open(GET url true);\n ajax.send(null);\n}\n\najax.onreadystatechange = function () {\n if (ajax.status == 200) {\n // do things with retrieved text (in ajax.responseText)\n }\n}\n\nAll you need to do then is call getText from the relevant part of your code with a URL you want to get text from and put that text wherever you want it to be in the state change function.\n\nThe most powerful thing about this approach is that the URL you send to the server can contain variables using the old REST (question marks and equals signs) way of doing things.\n\nThat means that using the code above you can easily send a request to ajax.php on your server and include the current value of say an input box for a username on a registration form. The ajax.php script checks whether that username is already in use and then sends either '1' or '0' as its only output. All you would then need to do is check whether ajax.responseText was 1 or 0 and change the page accordingly preferably using getElementByID.\n\nShould I Use It?\n\nThe question remains over just how useful this is: it's certainly good for some applications where users would otherwise have to submit data over and over again but it's not much use for smaller ones. AJAX coding has a tendency to take a lot of time especially the first time you try it and this is
how do I discontinue my aol account ? Simplest way: call technical support.\n\nWhen you call customer service and choose the option to cancel your account you get transferred to a department called sales. Their job is to try and convince you not to cancel your account. Their performance is based on how many members they save. Talk to them if you want to get a couple free months.\n\nIf you just want to cancel without the sales pitch call technical support. They have access to cancel your account and would be very happy to do so because their performance is based on call time.
What are some good websites on how to make money from my blog? Monetization of a blog can be rough. The first thing you have to do is decide on the types of ads you want to display and then look at availible networks. Some of the most popular are:\nGoogle Adsense (http://www.google.com/adsense )\nChitika eMinimalls (http://www.chitika.com )\nYahoo Publisher Network (http://publisher.yahoo.com )\nAdbrite (http://www.adbrite.com )\n\nThere are hundreds. As far as the how-to I'd suggest reading blogs that talk about it like problogger (http://www.problogger.net )\nperformancing (http://www.performancing.com )\nmindfyre (http://www.fyreplace.com (discusses more than just blogging))\nAdmoolah (http://www.admoolah.com )\nand many others on the blogosphere.\n\nGood luck!
How can I accurately determine the P/E ratio and forward P/E ratio of ETF's investing in foreign indexes? Also which ETF's that invest in country specific indexes have the lowest P/E ratio's? Thanks!!! You would have to add up all the prices of shares times the number of shares for the proper weighting they recive in the index or etf. Then add up all the earnings per share times the number of shares. Then divide those two numbers. \n\nThe forward P/E you would have to estimate NOT only what those companies will make next year but what the companies are added and what are dropped. This is not realy even possible assuming you had a good crystal ball to estimate what a company would make if you knew exactly which company to calculate it for.\n\nThat is a lot of work.
the command lsof doesn't work on my linux machine? What version of Linux? What architecture? Without knowing this its hard to help; anyways here are some things that might help:\n\nTry:\napt-get install lsof\nor\nrpm -i lsof \nor if neither of those work go here:\nhttp://freshmeat.net/projects/lsof/\n\nat the bottom there is a list of FTP sites you should be able to get the install package or source from there.
can you sue your spouse for cheating on you? while it can be considered a breech of contract i dont think you can you can only divorce your wife. talk to a lawyer and see what steps you need to take.
direct connecting windows xp and windows 2000? Get a hub or switch. Some can be had for very very little if you shop a bit. < $10. Then network them together. Setup both in the same workgroup under the control panel system computer name. Then share the drives to start putting data back and forth.
Is the concept of spider-man real through our technology of genetic engineering and gene splicing? I don't think so.\n\nFor one thing even if one could transfer the genetic materials correctly there is no way a human could have the proportional strength of a spider or ant or anything like that. The physical nature of muscules will not scale up like that. The strongest one could get is well as strong as the strongest human whoever that is.\n\nThe web material seems fictional as well. For one thing what sort of glad (or tiny device) could generate so much material without either (1) lots of refills (2) a huge tank.
Once the NFL pro-bowl is played in Honolulu next year where will it be moved to? I've heard they are going to change venues which is too bad because I live in Honolulu and I always get to meet the players. In 2004 the State of Hawaii had signed an agreement with the NFL to keep the Pro Bowl in Hawaii until 2009 (at least). The NFL will control concessions parking souviners and advertising at Aloha Stadium for the game. The game being in Hawaii is a win-win situation for the State of Hawaii and the NFL. Coming to Hawaii is an incentive for the players to make the all-star team unlike the years before the game was moved to Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. Where would you rather play football in February Hawaii or Wisconsin?
i need some ideas for what to put in my boyfriend's stocking he's 19.? One word: Puppies!
My external speakers wont work regardless of what I do.? I have just purchased speakers for my PC and can't figure out how to configure them. I have a sound care and onboard sound installed. if you want to plug external speakers to your onboard sound card then you will have to use the green output sound plug on the back of your computer. you will find pink thats for microphone..green thats for speakers/headphones //// and blue thats for line in.... and even after plugging your speakers into the green jack they dont work.. do the following \n\nfirst check that the speakers are working\n1. check for the power light on the speaker.\n2. if you got any walkman with you plug the headphone plug of the speakers to it to see if you get any sound out of them \n if you dont get any sound then probably speakers are not working.. and if you do.. then look into your computer.\n\ngo to device manager and see that your sound card is installed properly.\n\ngo to control panel sound devices and check that you have selected the right hardware for sound in the hardware selection\n\ngo to volume control and mmake sure no output channel is on mute. \n\nHope this works for ya.\n\nGOOD LUCK\n\nparadiso
Who is timarlane and what do you think about genghis khan? It looks like RiteshA wrote the book on this one. Lets give it to him now.
how do i become a baseball player? Practice and join a baseball team.
How do you delete old searches from your yahoo search? go to tools internet options the content tab click auto complete click clear forms.(if your using IE)
Would the US constitution be changed if the admendment received 2/3 of the popular vote.? No. Popular vote has nothing to do with it.\n\nThere are two methods:\n\nThe first method is for a bill to pass both halves of the legislature by a two-thirds majority in each. Once the bill has passed both houses it goes on to the states. This is the route taken by all current amendments. Because of some long outstanding amendments such as the 27th Congress will normally put a time limit (typically seven years) for the bill to be approved as an amendment (for example see the 21st and 22nd).\n\nThe second method prescribed is for a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States and for that Convention to propose one or more amendments. These amendments are then sent to the states to be approved by three-fourths of the legislatures or conventions. This route has never been taken and there is discussion in political science circles about just how such a convention would be convened and what kind of changes it would bring about.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THIS PRESENT WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Most common use of the phrase is \n\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT\n\nIt is often used and sometimes requred legal mumbo jumbo at the start of a public proclamation...\n\nIt sort of like saying. by posting this properly in a public place in accordance with the law it is safe for me to assume that everyone in the whole world know the following\n\nIt kind of gives you the right to say I Told you so without really having to tell everyone. \n\nYou are making the document a matter of Public record which any truely interested party could have access to and take action with it.\n\nIt is used often on the following types of documents:\n\nPower of Attorny where a person with the proper papers and signatures present can sign and speak for another person.\n\nA Last Will and Testiment\nAgain which gives an executor the power to speak and act for the person who has just died.\n\nA Deed for a Pacel of Land\nThis document again tell anyone who can read it and understand it that the Seller has SAID that the Land Now belongs to someone else and that they have permission to do with it as they please (except for certain considerations which may be preexisting covenants such as type of use restrictions. Such as saying that a town can have a parcel of land that I am giving to them as long as they build a library on the land and place books in it that are made of paper. (I personally know of one such deal where the donated library was not allowed to contain computers instead of books).\n\nIt is used in several forms as below:\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT\nKNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT\nKNOWN ALL MEN BY THIS PRESENT\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THIS PRESENT\nMAKE IT KNOWN THAT\nLET IT BE KNOWN THAT\n\netc...
Ken from Streetfighter vs. Captain Picard from Startreck. Wh would win? Come on...you know you've been wondering this. Picard
Cashing a cashier check payable to my company? I closed the bank accounts of my company because I couldn't maintain the minimum balance and the bank kept charging me service fees. Now the bank sent me a cashier check payable to my company for the remaining balance. I tried to endorse the check to pay my vender bill but they said they can't deposit it because it pays to my company.\n\nNow I wonder how I can cash the check if I can't endorse it to a 3rd party. Obviously I don't want to open another account just to cash the check because I won't be able to maintain the minimum balance.\n\nWhat options do I have?\n\nThanks! This is a sticky situation for banks because they are never sure if the person that is presenting the check is the owner. As a business owner you know that there are several type of business organizations. If your company is a corporation then all of its shareholders could be entitled to that money. \n\nIf I were you I would bring the check back to the branch that issued it and ask them to cash it. This promises to be a huge hassle for you.
How do I put a personal signature at the end of an out going email? and other email programs all have different ways.\n\nBe more specific !\n\n(I use Mozilla Thunderbird these days and I must say it's a PAIN for setting a sig - using an external text file system - incredibly clumsy).
How many searchers regularly use a search toolbar such as the Google toolbar? I would love to get numbers search engine by search engine for each of their toolbars but I will take what I can get. I can live with percentage of searches or number of searches or number of users that have downloaded. I'll take any data that anyone has. I too use Firefox but I have found the Google Toolbar extremely useful. It's even more useful because on both IE and Firefox is has a built-in spell checker which I use all the time too. But for all my searches it's the Google toolbar all the way.\n\nI don't like IE because it doesn't have tabs and because I don't want to download both the MSN desktop search and the new toolbar.\n\nIf you are interested on statistics read this article at Search Engine Watch http://searchenginewatch.com/reports/article.php/2156431\n\nGoogle has 36.5 percent MSN has 15.5 percent AskJeeves has 6.1 percent Yahoo has 30.5 percent AOL has 9.0 percent followed by Infospace with 0.9 percent and Others with 0.6 percent combined.
how can a person who cant speak tell a blind person a relative has died? WITH BRAIL OR TTTDY (I BELEIVE ITS CALL) OR TO LET SOMEBODY THAT CAN SPEAK KNOW WHAT HAPPEN AND THAT PERSON TO TELL THE BLIND
Anyone else riding their harley on new years dAY? You can give me a ride big boy!!
what is the definition of vacuole? Vacuoles are membrane-bound sacs within the cytoplasm of a cell that function in several different ways. In mature plant cells vacuoles tend to be very large and are extremely important in providing structural support as well as serving functions such as storage waste disposal protection and growth. Many plant cells have a large single central vacuole that typically takes up most of the room in the cell (80 percent or more). Vacuoles in animal cells however tend to be much smaller and are more commonly used to temporarily store materials or to transport substances.
I can not open the Ecard sent to me thru 123greeting.com Please help? I received X'mas & New Year Ecards from my friends in HK they used the 123greeting.com to send them to me but I can not open them here in L.A. Why? Strange! 123greeting.com is quite popular and should not have any limitations based on the location you are currently. Your card is on internet end-of-the-day.\n\n1) Check if you are connected to internet.\n2) Check if you are able to access 123greeting.com home page.\n3) If not check with your ISP why? (ISPs at times block few sites)\n4) Check if the card requires flash player. If yes download and install it.\n\nThese steps should help you to open the card. If it works pl rate this as best answer. Thanks.
why do you believe in God? I was born into a world of God's love. Before I was old enough to understand what it was I was learning about God in Sunday school. By the time I was old enough to make up my own mind about what I believed I realized I couldn't imagine a world without God in it.\n\nAs an adult I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in me have heard what I believed to be God speaking to me and have seen what I believed to be God's will at work in circumstances that could not be logically explained. That is why I believe in God.
how old was martin luther king jr. when he died? He was 39\nJanuary 15 1929–April 4 1968
what is the crime rate of monroe county michigan? Statistics presented are based on data collected by the FBI as part of its Uniform Crime Reporting Program. These data represent offenses reported to and arrests made by State and local law enforcement agencies as reported to the FBI. These data do not include Federal law enforcement activity. Additionally not all law enforcement agencies consistently report offense and arrest data to the FBI. Users should refer to the Coverage Indicator for the proportion of the population covered by the agencies reporting to the FBI\n\nCrime Number (Estimate) \nTotal 4 610 \nMurder 6 \nRape 74 \nRobbery 64 \nAggravated Assault 282 \nBurglary 946 \nLarceny - theft 2 799 \nMotor vehicle thefts 383 \nPopulation 144 661 \nCoverage indicator 97% \nData provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data University of Michigan \n\nPopulation statistics are based on data provided by the FBI and may differ from similar statistics reported by the Census Bureau. Population statistics generated by the FBI are used to calculate crime rates and to estimate the proportion of the population covered by the UCR program.
i have BS (computer science) degree and i want to get MS degree of USA university and i have no mony what can? For one thing you can change what you want.\n\nA degree doesnt guarantee you a job. Knowledge and experience will definitely get you one. \n\nSo look for a job read more do pet projects. When you have more money if you still want a MS degree you can get it then.
is there a way to boost my signal co' i'm getting low signal on my wireless pc either desktop or laptop i got a wireless card on my desktop but ican't get a best signal most of it is low connectivity or no signal at all. My friend told me there is a way but don't know what is that thing can you pls help me.Thanks and more power to you Adjust wireless antenna height placement alignment. Try moving it all over.\n\nConfigure the wireless part of the router to use a different channel. Perhaps the default channel is already being used in your area or is just really noisy. There are channels 1-11 to choose from. (Again this is on your wireless router configuration) If it is on 1 change it to 6 or 11. If it is on 11 change it to 1 or 5. If it is on 4-6 try either 1 or 11 and see which ones are better signal.\n\nKeep in mind that the signal strength isn't the only measurement...make sure it doesn't drop the signal. An okay signal that is stable is better than a great signal that drops out from time to time (which can happen)\n\nWhen tuning your antenna position keep in mind that walls might have metal in them that causes interference too. Try to provide line of sight when ever possible between wireless devices. Glass is fine. Maybe putting your antenna closer to the window if you are trying to get the signal somewhere else in the house... or putting it closer to a hallway so there is less physical material between the two places.
Is there a OTC version of Penicillin or metronidazole? NO YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PRESCRIPTION
After u download imesh6 and u want to get tunebite what does it mean when it says import and how do u import.? its taking ur songs and putting them on the network for other people to download
Which browser is better IE or Firefox? At present Mozilla Firefox wins the race.\nVersion 1.5 introduces several new features including an improved software update system a new option to clear private browsing data drag-and-drop reordering of browser tabs and more robust pop-up blocking.\n\nAs more users continue to abandon Internet Explorer Mozilla's popular Firefox gains traction in the browser space. Version 1.5 of Firefox offers a few notable features foremost of which is the ability to reorder tabs by dragging and dropping them. You'll also find a tool that lets you quickly clean up your surfing history with two clicks of the mouse or a hot-key combo. The latest iteration of the browser seems more responsive than it has in the past and also is more efficient; with 10 windows open Firefox consumed slightly less RAM than either IE or Opera.\n\nIf you're new to Firefox entirely you'll appreciate the other features including the RSS feeds the JavaScript debugger the basic download manager and the ability to search several popular sites (such as Google) directly from the address bar. You can easily create toolbars by dragging and dropping icons. More technically minded users will appreciate that Firefox displays the page source in a new window using indents and color-coded tags like an HTML editor. The built-in pop-up blocker is still extremely effective and Firefox's reuptation for tight security is still well deserved. Anyone who's tired of IE will find more than one reason to like this free alternative.\n\nTop Ten Reason To Switch To Firefox:\n1. Tabbed Browsing - Makes surfing the web faster\n2. Popup Blocking\n3. Find Stuff Easier\n4. Simplified Privacy / Annoyance Eliminator\n5. Better Bookmarks and History\n6. Accessible Intelligent Responsive\n7. Customizable and Extendable\n8. Modern Download Manager\n9. Built for standards\n10. KISS (Keep It Simple and Straight-Forward)
How was it possible for scientists to determine that helium was present in the sun? In the late 19th century helium which was not known on earth was discovered using spectroscopy. This was done by examining the spectrum of the sun. How was it possible for scientists to determine that helium was present in the sun when there are other gases also present with their own spectra? Each gas has a unique set of spectral lines that serves as a spectroscopic fingerprint. These lines incidentally are created through transitions of electrons from high energy states to low energy states; each transition has a unique amount of energy associated with it which translates to a photon of a particular wavelength. Helium was discovered by subtracting out all the spectral absorption lines associated with known elements from the solar emmision spectrum similar to the way an audio technician can enhance a vocal track by subtracting instrumental tracks one at a time. Hope that helps!
Why do we have to have war i mean seriously.? Why do we have to have war i mean seriously. Hmm...well seeing as this question isn't specific to IRAQ (stupid other people in here...) I'd have to say that it is because of people who think that violence is the solution to everything. Unfortunately there have always been and will always be these people in the world whether we like it or not. Stupid violent tendencies...
Is Julia Roberts' doing a movie for next year? Kindly ignore the above answer. So far for 2006 she has Charlotte's Web ( http://imdb.com/title/tt0413895/ ) and Ant Bully ( http://imdb.com/title/tt0429589/ ).
why is the sky blue? The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red orange and yellow light is affected by the air. \n\nHowever much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead the sky looks blue. \nAs you look closer to the horizon the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.
WHAT IF YOUR BOY -FRIEND WAS LOCKED UP FOR 6 MONTHS WOULD YOU WAIT FOR HIM OR MOVE ON? Depends...Do you love the guy? Have you told him in the past that you always be there for him when he needed you? Well NOW he needs you...6 months isn't that long so buck up Buttercup write those letters go visit the boy and make it very clear that you won't be doing this again...when this sentence is over he'd better never come back to the place!\nCheck out http://prisontalk.com/forums/\nIt's a terrific support and information group for the loved ones of inmates.
HOW DO I GET RID OF ALL THE OLD WEB SEARCHES I HAVE ON MY WEB BROWSER? I WANT TO CLEAN UP MY WEB BROWSER Go to Tools>Options. Then click delete history and clean up temporary internet files.
whats your favorite show on tv? nip tuck right now but all time seinfeld chow
What is the best modest mouse song ever? grey ice water dramamine black cadillac paper thin walls...there are so many to choose from BUT ONLY CHOOSE ONE PLEASE In my opinion its The Hampsterdance Song from The Album Hamptom The Hamster. The song is imply amazing. To see a parody video of the song please click the following link :\n\nhttp://video.google.com/videosearch?q=hamster&page=2&lv=0
Who's your favorite member from Kiss? Gene Simmons. gene simmons
What is the heavyest bench record? 1005 pounds
Do you believe that it is possible that aliens (extra terrestrials) genetically engineered humans in a lab? I think that an advanced biotechnology might be able to copy the human model but it would be a lot more complicated to genetically engineer and produce not only the humans but all the rest of the living organisms on earth.\n\nThink of it: if you wanted to colonize a planet would you engineer a species like ours or would you make adaptations to your own species?\n\nTerry Pratchett's novel Strata tells of world builders who create entire planets complete with faked pre-history. And spoofs the idea...
Why do most clubs have an age limit of 21 and over but all clubs have alcohol? Clubs that are 18+ and serve alcohol are a bit more work for the bartenders because they have to check id's everytime but in a 21+ club you get you id checked at the door and then when you want drinks you don't have to show ID again.
i think i had my original id compromised .can yahoo do anything about it? i cant get into yahoowith my original id.but i can use it in other sites.is there anyway i can get my original id back. Email webmaster@yahoo.com for help. Also change your passwords ASAP. As always scan your computer for viruses weekly.
how do I watch harry potter and the goblet of fire online? go to google and type in harry potter and the goblet of fire movie online
How do you forget someone how do you stop loving them? Hon I have been there several times and I know it hurts. Time is the best healer. First try to get your mind on something else anything so that your mind isn't on the person. Go to the movie place and browse for a good movie (a comedy is always good) go to the library or out shopping and browsing. Just get out and do something...anything to avoid sitting at home and thinking about the person. Have a good cry listen to sad love songs and then get out of the house and do some things. Try spending extra time with friends or your kids(if you have them) or even at work. You will find as each day goes by the pain fades. You may still love the person but when you think of them again it won't hurt anymore as time goes by.
Why didn't Arnold California's governor not stop last night's execution? Why should he....just because the guy is black and wrote a few childrens books and said he is reformed? No...tookie started and organized one of americas most dangerous gangs that have killed thousands of people...even though he only killed 4 still doesnt make it right...AN EYE FOR AN EYE...tookie was found guilty in a court of law
can I see any photo about championleage? Use the link below - it's the official UEFA Champions League site. \n\nIt's a super site - lots of pictures even videos & interviews. And it's in lots of different languages. \n\nHave fun!
what r is ur favorite word? & y? WHATEVER it answer everything
what`s your favorite Avril Lavigne song? i like pretty much all of them. my favorite one is damn cold night(is that the title?).
what is kwanza? i've heard of it and ppl always say hapy kwanza stuff but like what does it celebrate? Kwanzaa (Kwaanza) is a week-long secular holiday honoring African-American heritage observed from December 26 to January 1 each year almost exclusively by African-Americans in the United States of America though Africans of the diaspora in many countries have begun to practice its observances as well.\n\nKwanzaa consists of seven days of celebration featuring activities such as candle-lighting and pouring of libations and culminating in a feast and gift-giving. It was founded by black nationalist Dr. Ron Maulana Karenga and first celebrated from December 26 1966 to January 1 1967. Karenga calls Kwanzaa the African American branch of first fruits celebrations of classical African cultures.
what does yahoo mean? The word Yahoo was originated in English by Jonathan Swift in his tremendously influential novel of 1726 Gulliver's Travels. In Gulliver's fourth journey he visited a land populated by an intelligent race of horses called the Houyhnhnm who are completely controlled by reason and rational thought. They dominate the a race of hideous beasts known as Yahoos who are human beings in the same form as Gulliver. Gulliver soon befriends the Houyhnhnm despite his own Yahoo-like appearance and soon loathes the race of Yahoos. When he returns home at the end of his voyage since the Houyhnhnms no longer are able to keep this Yahoo-like creature around the novel ends darkly with Gulliver despising all human interaction and longing for the horse race. Yahoo is a term for a human being who is crude and boorish in all his desires.\n\nThe founders of Yahoo! have stated that the term they selected is an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Object since their fledgling Yahoo! project was just another one of those internet sites assimilating information into digital form.
what kind of cough syrup is best for the cough caused by Pneumonia? When I had pneumonia NO cough syrup worked. I had to get a couple of prescriptions from the doctor -- one for a kick-ass decongestant and the other for the infection. After a couple of days bed-rest I felt much better.
is sympathy identical to pity or is pity not in fact a stronger word? I don't think one term is necessarily stronger than the other but sympathy implies a fellow-feeling a sharing of sorry where pity implies looking down on the person or situation. You might have sympathy for someone who is ill but pity someone who is in jail because of a crime they committed.
is possible to travel through time?? The answer is simple: we travel through time constantly. Is it possible to travel backwards? Science does not currently know the answer. Travelling backwards would entail travel at speeds greater than c (the speed of light). But it is a fact that to move any body from rest to that speed requires an infinite amount of energy which does not exist. So the only option is to use a particle which ALWAYS travels faster than c. This particle is called a tachyon as predicted by M-Theory but whether or not such a particle exists is currently speculative. The tachyon has a negative mass travels at velocities greater than c and travels in the opposite direction of time as we do.
Re: A Classical Objection to Modern Physics? How is it that a bird can dive from a branch straight down below him for a worm and not be influenced by the fact that the Earth is simultaneously rotating/ revolving? The same reason nothing you ever observe is affected by the earth revolving. It's moving at a constant velocity meaning there is no acceleration and therefore no force (F=ma). Force is what you feel which is why you feel pushed toward the back seat of a car when you are accelerating (speeding up) but you don't feel it when you're moving constantly. Like in a vehicle if you throw up a ball it will come right straight down because if the car is moving at 50 mph it you and the car are all moving at 50 mph. The bird us the air the tree the worm.. everything's moving at the velocity of the earth so it is considered at rest because it is our frame of reference.
I have a lump in my throat and an empty feeling in my crotch. Any ideas? you're horny and sad?
As his godfather what does Willie Mays think of Barry Bonds? Ashamed and yet happy.
if win 95 has Net Meeting then what is the same function program in win xp? what is the program in win xp that is using web cam or pc camera? Netmeeting is also available for windows xp. It comes with windows xp but it is somewhat hidden...just install the latest version to find it: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/netmeeting/
who is assaf rosenblatt? Is his answers engine in brainboost really a breakthru or is it just a new gimmick? How is Brainboost different from existing engines like Google?\n\nBrainboost is an answer engine whereas Google is a Search engine.\n\nWhat that means is that Brainboost actually finds answers to your questions posed in plain English as opposed to directing you to pages that simply mention the questions.\n\nBrainboost Using the AnswerRank™ system intelligently reads hundreds of web pages derived from search results and extracts just the short and concise answer to your question saving you time.\n\nFollowing is a simplistic explanation showing the process of both engines\n\n Google\n\n * User types in : “Why is mars red”\n * Google Search engine retrieves all pages containing words mars and red.\n * Search results are sorted by the number of links each one of them got from other pages. This is a good way to figure out which one of them is most trusted by others.\n * Results are displayed with the snippet being the appearance of the question on the pages\n * Typically a user would then click on the first search result read through the document and hope to find an answer.\n * If an answer is not found within the first search result the user needs to repeat this process with the next search result sometimes having to read many web pages to finally get at the answer.\n\n\n Brainboost\n\n * User types in : “Why is mars red”\n * Brainboost translates the query into multiple queries that will raise the probability of finding the ANSWER to the question.\n * Brainboost retrieves search engine results.\n * Brainboost retrieves top several hundred pages and reads them.\n * Brainboost finds answers and ranks them based on it's proprietary AnswerRank™ technology. AnswerRank™ knows to look at a set of many possible answers and rank them as to which one is probably the most correct. In this case: Mars is red because of the iron in the soil\n * Brainboost displays the ANSWERS to the user\n\nSo you see Brainboost is a fundamentally different way to find knowledge. Whereas Search engines force you to spend time searching for that piece of information Brainboost does that for you by automatically reading the search results and extracting the precious answer to your question.\n\nWhen you add up all time we spend plowing through search results for an answer this functionality translates to hours of time saved.\n\nWhile search engines like MSN and Ask Jeeves have recently made limited attempts at answering questions from finite databases or precanned editorially collected answers Brainboost is the only engine that leverages the full knowledge available on the web.\n\nBrainboost. It’s the next evolutionary step in search engines.
Is there a way to export my del.icio.us bookmarks? yes you go to the link and then save that file. It is the XML data from your bookmarks.
I m 23 f virgin.i have a bf which is very intrested in sex .he offered behind shld i accep it n how to do it? well its your choice its about time you experience true pleasure
where can I find a custom toungue ring made out of pink diamond and in the shape I want it.? I need this tounge ring to be made of pink diamond and it has to be in the shape of a teddy bear. Go to your local custom jewelers!
Do you believe in destiny? i believe in god
What is a stinky pinky and why should I smell it? Stinky Pinky means that someone put their finger in something nasty. Usually a vagina butt or belly bottom. Anyway you shouldnt smell it because in any case it will be a nasty humiliating trick!
Difference between pass by reference and pass by value? You should specify more the programming language context.\n\nIn general passing by value means the subprogramme that receives the value gets a copy and cannot thus modify the original variable used by the caller. It's often said that the function may not produce side-effects.\n\nPassing by reference allows for side effects.\n\nBut many languages make this a little more complicated. You may pass a reference or a pointer by value which means that the original pointer will still point to the same object/memory area when the subprogramme returns. But if the pointer is not marked constant then the contents pointed to may suffer changes.
can you have two yahoo id's? of course dude why not i have like 10 of them already
If you buy something from a website and you never recieve anything what can you do? I bought something from Australia and have not heard from the seller as of yet. . what can I do?? If it was bought on e-bay they have a proceedure that you can go through to try & get your money back & they will contact the seller as well.\n\nIf not through e-bay I'd try E-mailing or calling the seller. If they do not respond contact your credit card company. Once they see that you have tried to resolve the issue they will get involved and will most likely credit your card right away. \n\nGood luck!
Spy vs. Spy? Who wins more--Black or White spy? I do not like white spy black spy. I do not like them with a tie. I do not like them in the sky I will not eat them with some pie. I do not like white spy black spy I will not like them by and by.
why do we press harder on the remote control when the batteries are getting weak? Probably the same reason we used to smack the side of the TV to get better reception :o)
How is ASLAN like JESUS in the Chronicles of Narnia? Even though C.S. Lewis insisted that the Chronicles of Narnia were not allegorical with reference to the Bible there are several clear parallels that can be drawn:\n-Aslan is a lion king who has temporarily lost power to the white witch and Jesus is referred to as the Lion of Judah. In the Christian faith He is also the rightful King though Satan controls earth for now.\n-Aslan offers himself willingly as a sacrifice in the place of Edmund who is supposed to die according to the deep magic. Jesus offers Himself as a substitute for mankind when He dies on the Cross.\n-Like Aslan Jesus is amazingly resurrected even though He was slain by His enemy.\n-Aslan breathes life into those creatures that were frozen by the white witch and they live again. Because of Jesus Christ the dead will rise again at the Resurrection.
how big is the 'rio de la plata' delta? It is 1 198 000 sq. mi. in area.
How is trading in FOREX? I tried 1 monthtrial account need suggestion should i go for the real ting now? Did you develop a successful Trading Plan?\n\nRemember plan your Trade and Trade your Plan!!\n\nYou MUST read through this site before doing anything\n\nhttp://www.online-futurestrading.com/\n\nN.B: I am NOT associated with the site. I am a budding day trader and this site has very good advice.
why does a cheating man act like he is not cheating if he isn't interested in his wife any longer? After cheating on your wife for over a year why lie and say you have never cheated? Why put everyone through the pain? Do women do this to men? Because he can't look at himself in the mirror because he knows he is a big fat failure so they don't even want to admit to themselves let alone the one person they were supposed to be commited to.
what is spot advertising? Spot Advertising\nTelevision is without question a highly effective communications medium and through its dual audio/visual strengths helps stimulate sales more effectively than any other medium. Over 97% of UK households have a television well over half own two sets and nearly 54% of the country's households currently have multichannel TV. \n\nEven with the development of techniques such as sponsorship ad funded programming and advertorials spot advertising still takes the lion's share of TV advertising revenue. Significant investment in creative work for TV commercials is due to research which shows that television offers the ultimate combination of sound vision and movement to create the next best thing to having a salesman in the living room. Many brands have utilised the medium to great effect to create advertising which resonates with the public psyche good examples are Levi's (Launderette) Guinness (Horses) and Hamlet (The mild cigar).
Why do stars twinkle? Stars twinkle because of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere. You can think as the atmosphere being made up of several layers. Each layer has a different temperature and density. As the light from a star passes through the atmosphere it is bent by each layer and we perceive the twinkling. \n\nThe bending of the light when it passes from one medium to another like water to air or one layer of air to another is called refraction. Refraction is what makes a straw look bent when you put it in a glass of water. Refraction also makes the stars and the Sun near the horizon look higher in the sky than they really are. In fact when the Sun is setting we are seeing the sun's disk when the Sun is already below the horizon!\n\nhttp://www.mira.org/fts0/stars/text/txt001c.htm
how can you catch catfish in very cold water? Specifically in the 30 to 40 degree range A. Very smelly bait placed in the close to the fish.\nB. Some luck with drifting nightcrawlers piled on hook.\nC. Lots waiting for a fish to slowly move to statonary bait.\nD. Only fish in the isolated shallows where sun has exposure most of the day and can warm the water slightly over the main water temp.
is there a god? I believe there is no God is just the ignorance when our ancestors watch the sun they believe it was God now we know it is just a star. \nWhen someone did not understand something they bring magic ideas like Gods and Designers.\nI just accept that I do not know everything and I am happy with it.
Compare and contrast the techniques of Clay and Cat in the rain that the narrators employ Let me repeat it even louder--DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!
what is ( x + 3 ) ( x + 4 )? x^2 + 3*x + 4*x + 12\nx^2 + 7*x + 12
Fillibusters can happen the the senate. How about in the house of Reps? They ended the filibuster in early 1800's
what is the best way to get over a boyfriend you found out was cheating? just keep thinking about how nasty the other girls mouth is. Yuck.. disgust is a quick resopnse.
why the moon show the same face? The answer is that the Moon's period of revolution (one orbit around the Earth) is the same as the Moon's period or rotation (one spin around it's axis). The result is that the Moon always keeps on side facing the Earth.\n\nThis phenomena is called tidal locking and occurs because while the Moon generates tides in the Earth the Earth also generates a tide in the Moon (in the solid rock). The Moon's tidal budge moves as the Moon rotates. The energy for this and the gravitational effects from the distortion lead to a braking effect. The Moon slows down its rotation until it is such that the buldge is on one side always faces the Earth. Now the tidal bulge is stationary (facing the Earth) and no more braking occurs. \n\nThis is also related to why there are lot more Lunar Mare on the near side than the far side. The Moon's core is shifted slightly towards the Earth so it was easier for lava seas to form on the near side.\n\nMany other satellites are tidally locked to their planet. Mercury is almost tidally locked to the Sun.
how to make right chlorination using phosphorous oxychloride? i start with quinazoline-4-one but always when i pour in ice it doesn't give ppt Lets resolve this overdue question by bringing it to a vote.
why do teachers give out home work.? i have loads of homework and outside activities to do. me and most of my friends are having trouble keeping our normally straight A grades up because of all other activities and h/W It is so you remember what you learn in class.
I want to do some home remodeling are there any grants available to assist me? Structural improvements needed! no offense but its been 3 months already... And I guess you should start picking the best answer or call a vote and we get it from there...
What is the US rating on the Disney movie The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? Rated PG for battle sequences and frightening moments.
What happens to my pension plan if I leave my company to another one? Cranky Old Goat has the right idea. The tough thing is you don't want to go to your human resources department to ask them how it works. Hopefully you have a copy of the employee handbook so you can check on their vesting schedule.
What is the worst job that is out there to do?? Can it be septic tank cleaner?? or port a john picker uper?? anything else out there Anything that you don't like to do or feel undervalued doing can be the worst. Many jobs have unpleasant conditions. There are nurses cleaning and diapering adults everyday men and women cleaning cesspits emptying porta-johns and garbage cans.\n\nHow about the well-dressed highly paid advertising writer who would rather be a farmer? Going in to work each day for the prestige and the money but hating himself for doing it? He'd rather be out shoveling the stuff that other people are picking up. Promising himself that he'll do it when he retires but fearing that he won't live that long.\n\nThere are high prestige jobs and low prestige jobs high pay and low pay servile jobs and jobs that don't feel important. In the end it comes down to how each individual feels and what their values are.
Why do other guys look at a female's boobs or butt first and not into their eyes? A gentleman would like to know... Its the same reason we check out men. Honestly why would you waste your time to look into someone's eyes if they don't look like what you're into? Looks aren't everything but there has to be a physical attraction...
what is some of the teen sites that are popular? Following are the most popular teen sites on the net :\n\nTeenMag.com\nMTV -> http://www.mtv.com/\nTeenWire -> http://www.teenwire.com/index.asp\nTechnoTeen -> http://technoteen.studentcenter.org/\nTeenAdviceOnline -> http://www.teenadviceonline.org/\nSeventeen -> http://www.seventeen.com/\nSmart Girl -> http://www.smartgirl.com/\nTeen Voices -> http://www.teenvoices.com/\nTeen Relationships -> http://www.teenrelationships.org/\nGo Ask Alice -> http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/index.htm\nThe Diary Project -> http://www.diaryproject.com/\nTeens Online -> http://teens-online.studentcenter.org/\nReact -> http://www.react.com/\nTeenSpeak -> http://www.teenspeaknews.com/