IF GOD MADE US WHO MADE GOD!? Great question...when I ask people tell me the bible says. I haven't found it yet...look there if you find it let me know...
What really provoke cancer beside smoking? There are many carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals). The source below has a list. Besides chemicals sun exposure especially staying in the sun until burning is the leading cause of skin cancer. Chewing tobacco causes throat and mouth cancer. Exposure to radiation of a variety of sorts causes system-wide cancers. Human pappillomavirus causes cervical cancer.\n\nBeyond direct causes there are many genetic predispositions that can make it more possible to have cancer. Basically there are thousands of different things that can cause cancer. The site below has more information.
Are there any words in the english language that start with Q and are not followed by a U? As seen above those are examples of words borrowed from other languages. There are no strictly English words with Q not followed by U unless one counts Qwerty as in Qwerty typewriter the current keyboard layout we use today.
is there going to be a new apple iPOD? I heard iPod camera...just a rumor.\n\nBesides iPods are obsolete by many ways. www.creative.com has been making video players before iPod. They are just not as stylish.
how do you know if your native american? rez card The best way to find out is to research your family tree. My grandmother always told me there was some Cherokee in our family but it took me forever to find it...
Can the sex of a planned birth be selected today using modern medicine techniques? theres ways to make it so it can most likely be a boy or a girl.\nbut theres no way they can make it happen for certian truth=u have wut ur going to have
what is a good manager? http://www.btimes.co.za/97/1102/tech/tech6.htm
What are the names of all the Muses from Greco-Roman Mythology? * Calliope (epic poetry)\n* Euterpe (music)\n* Clio (history)\n* Erato (lyrics/love poetry)\n* Melpomene (tragedy)\n* Polyhymnia (sacred poetry)\n* Terpsichore (dancing)\n* Thalia (comedy)\n* Urania (astronomy)
Is there a way to check whether an email exists without sending an email? I've received pretty interesting email. Normally I am very efficient at recognizing a spam there is this one email which I'm not sure about. How can I check if the email address really exists? It is better to stick on your normally doing. I know from experience that pretty interesting email is dangerous. I clicked on an interesting email once and got more and more spams since then. Spammers are skillful today they know how to make their emails not go to bulk folder. No matter how interesting the email you got is please don't reply. Hope you haven't yet. I understand your curiousity if that email address really exists but remember curiousity can cost you a lot.
How can I get my email when a hacker changed my Yahoo password ? I have not received an answer from Yahoo and have no idea how the hacker figured out my password then changed it to keep me from getting to all my files. It all happened when I responded to a scam by answering them with the word scam. These hackers pretend that they are going to buy something (also affected by Ebay but was able to contact Ebay and fix) that I have for sale and all they want is a fool to walk into their fraudulent trap. Its disgusting cowardly and a form or computer terrorism. 1. Send an email to abuse@yahoo-inc.com from another email address or at http://abuse.yahoo.com.\n\n2. Then contact Yahoo! at http://login.yahoo.com select forgot your password.\n\n3. If that fails to reset contact Yahoo! at their password department (408)-349-1572 -- Can't promise their phone department will fix but they'll know where to go next.\n\n4. In the future review the email (copy links to a text file for example) and take note of the source email address. For example Corporate emails from Yahoo! don't come from their free mail system address space. Webmaster@yahoo.com is not a corporate email address.
can I display 3 monitors with Win XP and 2 video cards? This is for displaying charts for trading futures.? Yes you can if one of the two video cards is a dual monitor card. I believe Win Xp can support up to 15 monitors.
Is caffeine harmful to recovering heart valve patients? If it is an occasional coke or coffee - go for it. \n\njust dont pound the red bulls.\n\nThe medical literature does not make strong associations between caffeine intake and bad outcome with heart valve patients so use the maxim that moderation is good for everything in life.
Windows or Linux? Linux!
what is the phone number for WQUI 95.9 in Detroit? I think you may have something confused in your question. Washtenaw Community College has station 95.9 in Ann Arbor MI but it's called WCC Orchard and is primarily an Internet radio station. That phone number is 734-973-3500.\n\nOr the Top 40 station WKQI has station 95.5 and its request line is 313-298-9595.
Is a Nevada corporation really that much better than a colorado or utah corporation? I understand that Nevada corps have more privacy built into them and that one can utilize a charging order if you get sued and basically continue to control the asset. \n\nIs that reason enough to go with a Nevada Corporation or LLC when owning real estate? It is and it is why more Nevada and Delaware corporations exist than any other state. The only place to gain more privacy and even more pro-business leverage is from the country of Panama.
How do you use the dials/knobs on a multi-speed bike? I just got myself this multi-speed bike at a thrift store yesterday and I don't know anything about multi-speed bikes. I don't even know how many speeds it has. I only know how to ride 1-speed bikes. Can anybody tell me anything about this? Bike gears or speeds allow you to pedal more efficienttly. \n\nThe number of speeds your new bike has is the result of your front gears multiplied by the rear one. Newer MTB bikes will range from 21 to 27 (3 on front and 7 8 or 9 on the rear cog) while road bikes will range from 14 - 18 (2 on front 7 8 or 9 on the rear cog)\n\nThe front gears are controled by your left hand shifter (dial/knob) the smaller ring is easier for the hills while the big ring is better for building speed or going downhill.\n\nThe rear gears are controlled by your right hand and they work the opposite as the ones on front the bigger cog will be easier going uphill and the smaller cog will be harder.\n\nMost of the time you can ride on the middle ring while shifting only the rear cogs. As you get the hang of it start shifting the front rings.\n\nI leave some links that are more technical and will help you enjoy your new bike
Why has Windows XP started to show folders in reverse alphabetical order by default? I could not tell you what caused this but I may have a quick and easy fix for it.\n\n* Open a regular folder (anything on your C: drive) and click on Tools up top on the menu bar.\n\n* Select Folder Options (this will open a new window).\n\n* Click on the View tab.\n\n* Click on the Reset All Folders button (near the top).\n\n* Click on the Apply to All Folders button (near the top again).\n\n* Click on OK (near the bottom).
what is distributed computing? Distributed computing is a science which solves a large problem by giving small parts of the problem to many computers to solve and then combining the solutions for the parts into a solution for the problem.\n\nOr:\na computer system in which several interconnected computers share the computing tasks assigned to the system
what is a 'manager' in football (soccer)?& what is the difference between him and the coach? The manager defines the tactics of the team decides which players to play in every game and decides which player the team should buy (Generally). However in Italy it is the director of football of the team that has the authority to decide which player the team should buy (after listening to the manager's opinion). \nThe Coach(es) is a subordinate of the manager. They are assigned to train the players on their physical ability and skills.\nThe manager doesn't deal with business matter such as merchandising ticket price etc. That is the job of the board of director or General Manager.
Do guys like giving oralSEX to a girl? Do guys like going down on a girl or do they just do it to please their woman?? that really depends on the indivisual and most inportantly whether or not this is a committed relationship however a person who performs only upon request and never spontaneously could only be doing it just to satisfy there partner it also depends on how well they do it too!!!
have you ever had a dream that later came true? almost like a deja vu feeling when the event finally happens.. i have had many of these maybe 50 or 60. for a long time i thought i was crazy and then i came to feel they were a gift from God although a gift i did not understand. i would love some more insight on this... yes all the time. It's a gift give thanks for it! So long as you aren't having horrid visions of the future it's ok yes? \nI'll share some of mine with you:\nhttp://mysticvisions.blogspot.com/\nand if you need help with yours contact me.
Who do u like the best Tom Cruise or Hanks? Tom Hanks is the lesser of two evils.\n\nTom Cruise is just plain nuts.
What are the addresses of Experian Trans Union(or CSC) & Equifax? Also all three fax numbers & telephone #s. I'm sure you can find what you need on their sites:\n Equifax- www.equifax.com \n (800) 685-1111\n Experian- www.experian.com\n (888) 397-3742\n TransUnion- www.transunion.com\n (800) 888-4213\n\nHope this helps and GOOD LUCK!
Why do I sneeze everytime i see a bright light? It is caused when you go from dim light to very bright light and your pupils are not able to reduce in time to cope with this extra light. In order that this light wont burn your retinas your body forces your eyes closed by making you sneeze. This commonly happens when you go from your reasonably dark lit house out onto a sunny street or if you turn on your beside lamp in the dark.
how do you say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in italian language? Buon Compleanno is Happy Birthday.\nBuon Natale is Merry Christmas.\nFelice Anno Nuovo is Happy New Year.
Why have have we not been contacted by et's yet? Earth has become an exothermal radio planet only a little over a century ago. Anyone who might listen in will take some time to make any sense of the increased radio activity then could answer the same way. So far we can be fairly sure that noone within some 50 lightyears has answered.
what is eclectic pop? The Eclectic Pop of Escape Pod\n \nESCAPE POD: Losing Control (7-inch Single on Dead Digital)\n\nThis single from 2003 offers an all too-brief dose of eclectic pop.\n\nCombining raw electronics and low-fi folk sensibilities Escape Pod generates a sound that is haunting but reassuring. The minimal electronics are finely restrained to the point where the sparseness creates a lusher sound than the components a flow expertly embellished by the vocal harmonies that describe unrequited wishes. Sedate drums and gentle guitar flesh out the compositions delivering the ethereal sound into more accessible territory.\n\nComparable to the Pixies and Beck Escape Pod's music provides a serene access to tuneage of less demanding quality providing sonic refuge among airwaves overcrowded with harsh noise.
What's a good place to get free web-hosting? You have several options:\n\nFreewebs\nhttp://members.freewebs.com/\n\nGeocities\nhttp://www.geocities.com\n\nAngelfire\nhttp://www.angelfire.com\n\nFortune City\nhttp://www.fortunecity.com/index.shtml\n\nTripod Lycos\nhttp://www.tripod.com\n\nBut try your internet provider first which most likely gave you a web hosting account when you signed up!
Do u think that i should meet people online? Sure just be careful. But you should be careful no matter where you meet someone. You have just as much of a chance of meeting a serial killer on-line as you do in a bar... I met my husband online and he isn't a serial killer at least not that I know of :)
METHOD OF CO2 PRODUCTION? HOW CAN I GET LITERATURE ON CO2 PRODUCTION www.answers.com\n\nwww.wikipedia.org\n\nyahoo search \n\ngoogle search
What are you doing for New Years Eve? Playing board games eating sandwiches chips etc.... until midnight with a group of friends. A yearly tradition.
how approach trainees? i am currently working in a gloabal company.\ni'm going to india to train new staff there.\nso i want to know tips on how to approavh trainees physically and mentally. In general I believe you need to appear to have confidence (whether you do or not) but be friendly and fair. They don't need to be afraid of you but they do need to realize that you are the boss. Respect comes with time.\n\nSince you are going to India there will definately be some cultural differences so I would read up on the culture. You may be able to find a book that directly deals with managing in India or Asia in general
has anyone seen a real alien or a space ship? NASA has many space ships I saw at least 2 this year.\nI would say that all cats and dogs are aliens.
What's the best way to fight a cold? take zinc or try Zycam homopathic remedy at any drug store or grocery
the number of x-ray reaching the film will be higher if the? 1. mA setting is higher the kVp setting is higher and the atomic number making up the imaged structure is higher.\n\n2. mA is higher the kVp is lower the patient imaged is thinner and the distance between the tube and the film is decreased.\n\n3. mA setting is higher the kVp setting is higher and the atomic number making up the imaged structure is lower.\n\n4. mA setting is higher the kVp setting is higher the patient is thicker and the tissue density is higher.\n\nwhich one is correct? please help me out here. thanks in advance. Answer 3.\n\nThe number of x-ray events is directly dependent on the mA setting - each electron will cause an x-ray quant as it is decelerated.\n\nHigher kVp will make the x-rays more energetic i.e. less likely to interact with light elements on their way to the film.\n\nLow atomic number means that only softer radiation can be absorbed by the atom creating less of a white shadow on the film.
i have a notebook harddisk is 30gb but now it appears only 20gb-one partition is hided help me to recover it? i change my partition from fat32 into ntfs but while changing i get a mistake that change into other so it disappears when i recover it always getting information is recovering fail.could you show me the way to recover it You dont mention what OS you are using. Assumed that you use windows xp.\nWhen the partition is not created I won't appears when you try to view it in Windows Explorer. However you can see all your disk space or partition in computer management.\nJut run this command below\n\ncompmgmt.msc /s\n\n- Then computer management window will appears\n- Select Disk Management from there you can manage your entire hardisk
My 15 year old niece likes to eat baby powder does anyone else does this? I don't but your niece isn't alone.\nI would tell her to stop not only is it weird but possibly toxic.
What are your five favorite albums of the 1960's? Axis bold as love - hendrix\nDoors- the doors\nwhite light white heat- velvet undergruond\nseargent pepper -the Beatles\nmy generation- the Who
Is anyone here a veterinarian? Preferable graduate of A&M University in Texas? I have discouragingly failed algebra this semester and would like to speak with someone in depth their rememberance of their curriculum. If you're going to be a vet anywhere you'll be going into pre-med and that involves a lot of math so if you're worried about it now you may want to start getting tutored. It's cheaper than failing a class and having to retake it.
how can I find a BLOG or personal page just using the title name of the page name that I was given? Try using Google's Blog Search at http://blogsearch.google.com/ and using the operator inblogtitle: where if the title of the blog was called Yahoo! Answers Blog then your query would look like:\ninblogtitle:Yahoo! Answers Blog
What should I I say to potential landlord? I would ask about the length of the lease the amount of the security deposit and whether heat and water are included. Those are basic important questions.
yahoo search bar? does any one no how to remove the searches from the search bar ? In Internet Explorer you must click on the Tools option at the top of the browser. A menu will appear. Click on the Content tab at the top of this menu. In this tab you will see under the Personal Information section a button that says AutoComplete. Click on it and uncheck the Forms box. If you want to get rid of AutoComplete for web addresses and user name and password forms uncheck those too. You may also want to clear saved data. You can do that on that menu as well.\n\nFor Firefox click the Tools option as above (except this time it is between Bookmarks and Help instead of Favorites and Help). Go to Options. A menu will appear as above. Then click on the privacy button. After that click on the Saved Forms tab. Uncheck the Save information I enter in forms and the Search bar box and clear saved forms data.
whats the best places to see or hear american horse racing live via the internet? youbet.com...sign up and watch up to two races live at a time
How many jobs are available in the funeral buisness as of today? As answered in a previous question there are hundreds if not thousands of jobs around the U.S. Landing one depends on your experience and education. \n\nI recommend looking at two of the larger corporate conglomerates for careers as they own the most death care businesses across the U.S. Those companies are the Alderwoods Group Service Corporation Internation aka Dignity Memorial and Stewart Enterprises. These companies have career listings on their respective web sites.
what medication can you priscribe for the cure of typhoid fever in a patient? Please I need urgent answer Salmonella typhi is similar to other salmonellae in that it is a gram-negative flagellate nonencapsulated nonsporulating facultative anaerobic bacillus that ferments glucose reduces nitrate to nitrite and synthesizes peritrichous flagella when motile. \n\nBeing such you can use chloramphenicol ampicillin (or any penicillin) Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Ciprofloxacin (or any quinolone) a 3rd generation cephalosporin or azithromycin.
What are the goofy laws in oklahoma for? I'm not from Oklahoma but I can tell you that most goofy laws were set forth due to someone actually committing something relating to them or someone complaining about a situation that happened simular to it. In turn if they had enough power or knew someone in power they were able to get the law passed. \n\nAnother fact is that most bureaucrats will be able to get redicilious laws passed in order to have a particular business flourish. A great example of this is the illegalization of marijuana. It is sad but it does happen....\n\nIf you are interested in Oklahoma's nutty laws here is a list of them...you would be surprised that the other 49 states including other countries have just if not more idiocy.......enjoy but at the same time cry.....\n\nRemember these are ACTUAL Laws! \n\n:)\nPeace!\n--------------------------------------------------\nIt is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots. \n\nDogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property. \n\nIt is illegal to wear your boots to bed. \n\nFish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus. \n\nTissues are not to be found in the back of one's car. \n\nOklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another's hamburger. \n\nNo one may spit on a sidewalk. \n\nFemales are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state. \n\nCars must be tethered outside of public buildings. (Repealed) \n\nAnyone arrested for soliciting a hooker must have their name and picture shown on television. \n\nIt is against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor vehicle. \n\nWhaling is illegal. \n\nViolators can be fined arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog. \n\nTattoos are banned. \n\nResidents are taxed for the furniture in their homes and any other personal belongings. (Repealed 1998) \n\nAda\nIf you wear New York Jets clothing you may be put in jail. \n\nClinton \nMolesting an automobile is illegal. \n\nHawthahorne \nIt is unlawful to put any hypnotized person in a display window. \n\nOklahoma City \nNo one may walk backwards downtown while eating a hamburger. \n\nSchulter \nWomen may not gamble in the nude in lingerie or while wearing a towel. \n\nTulsa \nYou may not open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer. \n\nElephants are not to be taken into the downtown area. \n\nWynona \nOne's mode of transportation must be tied up while not attended. \n\nMules may not drink out of bird baths. \n\nClothes may not be washed in bird baths. \n\nYukon \nIt is illegal to tie a horse in front of city hall. \n\nWhile passing another vehicle you must honk your horn.
Has anyone had vision correction using Verisyse? I'm very near-sighted and this appears to be my only option. Curious to see what results have been with others. Yes I sister just had her vision corrected 3 days ago. Was that the only option your doctor recommended? I just had consultation and my doctor said that I don't qualify for that because my pupil size is bigger than 7.5. Do you know anything about that? You can e-mail me at veecherd@yahoo.com\n\n-Vee
Someone is using my Yahoo email account to send messages. What do I do? I can tell someone is using my email account as I am getting error messages for emails I did not send. How do I stop this? Pls respond at gryfrance@Yahoo.com change your password
were could i get a 100% free credit report? without having to pay for one! www.freecreditreport.com
what is the process to get oil from mirco-algae? You don't get oil from algae you get oil using algae. As in to eat away certain barriers (types of rock sediment etc.) or to mix with some of the metabolites to purify the oil.
where do i look to find a way to make a web site for myself and how to do it free or cheap? want to get a web site to post my pictures and so fourth for any one who may be looking for a model or such or for who wants to see my picts and support my model stuff Go to Tripod and you can get your own website for free complete with a blogging tool a picture album and lots of other cool stuff. The websites are easy to make to make and have their own templates which you can modify according to your tastes. \n\nBTW do we get to see your website when it is done? I will watch this space! :)
Whos better Yahoo or Google? Out of both email services which is better Yahoo Mail or Gmail Though they are not comparable. Yahoo is the best.
what was larry johnsons highschool basketball number? 27
how many people a year are affected by sexualy transmitted disease? Chlamydia remains the most commonly reported infectious disease in the United States. In 2004 929 462 chlamydia diagnoses were reported up from 877 478 in 2003. Even so most chlamydia cases go undiagnosed. It is estimated that there are approximately 2.8 million new cases of chlamydia in the United States each year\n\nGonorrhea is the second most commonly reported infectious disease in the United States with 330 132 cases reported in 2004. From a high of 467.7 cases per 100 000 population reported in 1975 the U.S. gonorrhea rate fell to 113.5 in 2004 (a 76% decline) — the lowest recorded level since reporting began in 1941. More recently from 2003 to 2004 the rate fell 1.5 percent (from 115.2 cases per 100 000 population to 113.5). Like chlamydia however gonorrhea is substantially under diagnosed and under reported and approximately twice as many new infections are estimated to occur each year as are reported.\n\nSyphilis: Cases Increase for Fourth Consecutive Year\nThe rate of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis — the most infectious stages of the disease — decreased throughout the 1990s and in 2000 reached an all-time low. However over the past four years the syphilis rate in the United States has been increasing. Between 2003 and 2004 alone the national P&S syphilis rate increased 8 percent from 2.5 to 2.7 cases per 100 000 population; during this time reported P&S cases in the United States increased from 7 177 to 7 980.\n\n\nWow was that person ever guessing get the facts...
which came first the chicken or the egg? Not this again... (it's almost as bad as why is the sky blue)
what is the best way to reduce your appetite? Eat less! Also plan out 3 meals a day and only eat when you're stomach is growling not when you're deppressed or bored!
how did betelgeuse get it's name? how did betelgues (the star) get it's name? The name Betelgeuse is a corruption of the Arabic yad al jauza which means the hand of al-jauza al-jauza the ancient Arabs' Central One a mysterious woman.\nAnother theory is Betelguese and the related names derive from the Arabic phrase Ibt al Jauzah meaning The Armpit of the Central One. The designation Al Mankib means in Arabic The Shoulder. \nSee second reference for diagram:
what is 13 SEER energy mandate? There’s a New Minimum Efficiency Standard for 2006\nLike many consumer products that use energy air conditioners and heat pumps are manufactured to meet or exceed minimum efficiency standards set by the U.S. Department of Energy. For nearly a decade that minimum has been 10 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). On January 23 2006 the minimum will jump to 13 SEER a 30% increase over the current standard.
how to get even with a creayer? how to get even with a cheater Playing their games will not help you. Like the other person said leave them. Head games are for kids not adults...K
do emergency room doctors get paid a lot? ER doctors seem to work really hard and they have to know everything so do they get paid more than doctors with offices? ER docs get paid slightly above average in comparison to other doctors. However they work shorter hours than most physicians and generally do not have to take call (in other words once they are off work they are off work). They do not have to know everything if you are comparing to doctors in other fields. (All physicians have to know a little about every field but no doctor knows everything about every field). They just need to know how to recognize a wide variety of conditions that present in the ER and know when to refer a patient to a specialist.\n\nThis is not to downplay the level of knowledge that ER docs have in comparison to other physicians. ER docs often do well in their medical school class. But there are other fields that are more competitive and are generally paid more (such as neurosurgery cardiothoracic surgery and orthopedic surgery)\n\nIn general doctors working in a hospital are not paid as well as doctors in private practice. Many many people are treated at the hospital without health insurance (it would be unethical to turn them away). This leaves hospitals cramped for money so other patients' bills go up and doctors salaries go down despite what the general public may think.\n\nAlso when people discuss physician salaries they often forget to factor in malpractice insurance which has bankrupt and put many doctors out of business. ...and yet so many people still want to sue doctors because they think they earn a lot of money.
Where can i read books online for free about animal rights/testing? I dont think you could read books for free online as that is illegal but you should find some good opinions on animal testing on blogs or the library.\nBlogs are like online journals\nhttp://www.animalwritings.com/2005/12/humane-face-of-animal-rights.asp\nIt is an good blog and has tonnes of links on the side\nand i did a blog search or animal right for you to check out the results\nhttp://search.blogger.com/?ui=blg&q=animal+rights
Is it okay for my new girlfriend to have her exboyfriends as platonic friends? I trust her but... i dont have a problem with that. being friends with your ex is actually healthy. when a boy-girl relationship ends it doesnt mean that the friendship should die with it.
What's the healthiest way to lose weight? Do a healthy diet lots of fruits veggies low fat (absolutly nothing fried) consistant amount of carbs no excess sugar (like candy)...\n\nAnd start an excersize regiment. \n\nThis is better than any old diet etc that you have heard much press about. It will also make you feel better. Email seizethedayfitness at gmail dot com if you want more info.
penis cutting? what do girls think about circumsion do you care or is there no or little difference Actually I believe uncut is best. No they are not smelly as long as the guy is clean. I think that because the head is always protected that it leaves it more sensitive when he's erect. I really like the way it feels in all ways! It's also more fun and interesting to play with!
can i use my own cable modem with the cable that is in my house from the cable co.??? Contact your cable provider first as some do not permit the use of privately owned modems or use proprietary cable modem technologies not available on the market (few but some). If they will allow it ask if it needs to be DOCSIS 1.0 1.1 or 2.0 compliant as different cable services have varying requirements. \n\nIf they provide a modem make sure once you receive the modem and setup your service you have them provision the modem on their network as it is likely they will have provisioned theirs already for you. Provisioning assigns the address of your new modem to your cable connection otherwise the new modem will not be allowed to communicate on their network. Also make sure to return the modem they provide and have them cancel your rental fees!
Do ID cards help or hinder fraudsters? Until the card is regularly scanned along with biometric data or lets say a ring or implant\nI like ring\nbecause it doesnt raise organic complications\nwith 500MB of data on it\nyour personal database and the FBI's tºº
If you are in a dark room with a candle a wood stove and a gas lamp.? If you are in a dark room with a candle a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match so what do you light first? The match naturally
Shoul I be mad at my friend for going out with my ex? My friend went out with my ex-boyfriend. She knew how much I liked him and she knew how much it hurt when he dumped me but she did it anyways. I don't know if I should be mad or not or if I should be mad at my ex for going out with her. I still have a lot of feelings for my ex-Alex. I cryed my eyes ou the other day because it was Christmas and he got her a necklace. I have areally good friend whos putting up with all my complaing and whinig she's always with me through thick and thin. I need some answers and some help! You should forget them both...A friend is not a true friend who by knowing how hard he was on you still goes ahead- spits in your soul and dates the guy you were so in love with...First of all- it is not nice. It is ugly humilating and disgusting...Very cruel step done by both your friend and your ex who unfortunately did not care much about how you will feel or what will you think if they get into a relationship.\n\nI suggest to forget them both and move on...There are millions of other GOOD people whom you can make friends with...You have to just keep your eyes and heart open. And forget the past- cannot return it back anyway!
How many quarts are in a gallon? 4 in a US gallon.\n4.55 in an Imperial gallon.
is it good habit to keep ur PC on when u r going somewhere for 5-10 minutes? i dont like to on it again n again Yeah you can simply lock it if you are using window XP. You can use Ctrl+Alt+del or WindosButton+L
Hoe do I receive city card statements? I hacw a citycard credit card but get only ads for credit cards when posting citicard.com Go to citibank com. You can resolve your issue there.
how can i connect three computers on lan at minimum hardware cost?? get 3 network cards (NIC). They are around $5. Get a autoswitch (you can get a Dlink DSS-5+ for $15 on the net). And get 3 Cat5e cables to connect with the switch (they are 3-5 $ each). Often computers have a NIC on board so check first (control panel - system - hardware - device - mangager - network adapters) if you need a NIC on each pc.
Is there going to be another season of Sleeper Cell on Showtime? If so when? God I hope so!!! I love that show. I sat and watched it on demand. One day I watched five hours straight one day I watched three and another day I watched two. (I know that really didn't answer your question sorry!!)
What is the US market size ($)for medical diagnostic equipment for 2006? $174 billion today.
Why do we stink when we sweat? Because of bacteria.\nBody odour is the smell of bacteria growing on the body. These bacteria multiply considerably in the presence of sweat but sweat itself is almost totally odorless.
What is the best way to cure hiccups? Swallow some air until you burp. \nBurp. \nRepeat until hiccups are gone.
why is it that climber put his fingertips on the chalk powder and start climbing? The chalk dries the sweat and moisture from the hand and offers a better grip. It is the same reason gymnasts use chalk.
How do you develope your psychic abilities to read people without tarot cards or any tools? I have been reading the Tarot for about 7 years. I have for the past two years been working with reading auras and talking to spirits. When I read the tarot I only use the pictures as triggers to start the film reel in my head which gives me the information I need. I was trying to find a catalyst to receive the information without having to use any tools such as Tarot cards. Meditation is where I started. First you have to get intouch with your inner self and your guides (some people may call them angels guardians etc). \n\nOpen your mind and free your heart.
What is the term used in -As Dumb (foolish) as a ..............? Is it a duck? It could be ... Dumb as a post or Dumb as a rock. \n\nAnd that's ... Dead as a dodo.
Are girls really smarter than boys? Yea hasn't your parents told u that i've that since the 2nd grade!!DUH!
where can i find bi females in toledo to have fun with me and my man in the bedroom? Try Craigslist or OKCupid
HOW CAN I MAKE GIF IMAGEN? I TRY TO MAKE GIF IMAGEN BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW maybe your question is hot to make an animated GIF image.\n\nhere: http://www.animationfactory.com/help/tutorial_gif.html
i had a guy ask to buy my panties on line should i sell them or not? Get a secure account with ebanned.com and sell sell sell! You can make lots of $$$$$$ for little effort!
What is your favourite internet search engine? There's this search engine called 'Dogpile.' I think it's a pretty neat search engine because it combines a lot of different other search engines.\n\nI hope this helps.\n\nHave a great day. =]
How does DVD Ripper work? A DVD Ripper is a program that converts DVD-video from a DVD (MPEG-2) to another format to store it on the PC.\nMostly the format is MPEG-4 (DivX Xvid...). The video is compressed to a much lover size mostly to fit on 1 or 2 CDs but this depends on the properties you choose when ripping.
When does A History of Violence come to DVD? March 14 2006. You can preorder it from Amazon.
How many questions are you allowed to answer here per day? As you attain higher levels you'll also be able to contribute more to Yahoo! Answers - you can ask answer vote and rate more frequently.\nLimits (per day) Level\nUnlimited Questions Answers Votes & Ratings 5 6 7\n40 each: Questions Answers Votes & Ratings 4\n30 each: Questions Answers Votes & Ratings 3\n20 each: Questions Answers Votes & Ratings 2\n10 each: Questions Answers Votes & Ratings 1
Should illegal immigrants have legal rights? Just the right to be deported.
How can you kill yourself without pain and still have your family get your life insurance? Sorry but every insurance policy has a suicid cluse so that means if you do do the deed then they will get no money. if you do try it to and it dose not work then it is insurance frud and this is illegal.\nohh ya i forgot btw suicid is illegel and it is punishable by death. (LOL)jk it is the blue collar comidy tour joke.
what is the art of skuldudgery? It is the art of devious devices or tricks and “dishonest underhanded unfair or unscrupulous behavior or activities.
What is the most fantastic new years eve party around the world? Some say in Dubai. Dubai’s elite socialites attending the Black-Tie Gala Dinner by the terrace of the Le Meridien Mina Seyahi and with fireworks
what is rvsp in a child is it contagious? it is rsv. it is an infection of the respritory system. Can be fatal if not treated right away. There is a shot that you can get to protect you child from it but I believe that they have to have some type of medical problem.
Is the Virgin Mary still virgin? I belive that she isn't virgin the bible say so. Almost all my friends say that she is still virgin. She went on to have other children the regular way. Jesus did have sibs.
Is it not a difficult thing for a human being to kill another?? it should be except under these circumstances:\n\nself-defense\nprotecting family-wife/husband children parents\nprotecting another person from harm\n\nexcept for those i wouldn't kill someone. taking another's life is an immoral thing to do.\n\nsome people though don't care enough about others. all they care about is themselves and they are the type of people who'd kill for enjoyment or just to kill.
when playing a game in yahoo me screen freezes? ya sometimes that happens to me. i clear my temp and my internet cache and it clears right up. you might want to click on Tools>Internet Options and then click Delete Cookies and Delete Files. Then click on Settings View Files and a window full of your TMP files will come up. Click Edit Select All and then click Delete key on your keyboard. Click Yes to what pops up and eventually it will say can not delete some file because blabalbal. Just click OK and close the folder and now see how yahoo works
WHERE DO I GET A CATALOG FOR MY MARLBORO MILES? Here is a web site that has a phone number on it you can call to request a catalog.
What does it meen to take a cold shower? If you become noticibly aroused by another person someone might tell you to take a cold shower in order to cool yourself off. it is of course a figure of speech
what does outer space consist of ? Billions and billions of stars
I would like to know where to buy the flint that is used to make fire starters.? You can by a flint and steel fire starter set from \nhttp://www.scoutskills.com/scoutskills/Products.htm
Which was the worst earthquake to hit ever? (1) On the recorded richter scale\n(2) By the level of devastation There are of course different ways to define worst. It could be the most property damage most loss of life most powerful at its focus (the actual origin of the quake) or most powerful at its epicenter (the place on the Earth directly above the focus).\n\nPrior to recent times no one had accurate instruments to measure energy released in an earthquake and no one kept accurate records of damage. The longer ago an earthquake occurred and the less developed the area where it occurred the less we know about it. Information regarding after shocks and duration is usually not available.\n\nGood sources for information are:\n\nhttp://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/eqlists/eqsmosde/html or\nhttp://www.usgs.gov and click on “Earthquake.”\n\nAccording to them (the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center)\n\nMost Destructive Known Earthquakes on Record in the World\n (50 000 deaths or more)\n (Listed in order of greatest number of deaths)\n\n\nDate Location Deaths Mag Comments\n\nJanuary 23 1556 China Shansi 830 000 \n\nOctober 11 1737 India Calcutta** 300 000\n\nJuly 27 1976 China Tangshan 255 000* 8.0\n\nAugust 9 1138 Syria Aleppo 230 000\n\nMay 22 1927 China near Xining 200 000 8.3 Large fractures.\n\nDecember 22 856+ Iran Damghan 200 000\n\nDecember 16 1920 China Gansu 200 000 8.6 Major fractures \n landslides.\n\nMarch 23 893+ Iran Ardabil 150 000\n\nSeptember 1 1923 Japan Kwanto 143 000 8.3 Great Tokyo fire.\n\nOctober 5 1948 USSR 110 000 7.3\n (Turkmenistan Ashgabat)\n\nDecember 28 1908 Italy Messina 70 000 7.5 Deaths from \n to 100 000 earthquake and \n (estimated) tsunami.\n \nSeptember 1290 China Chihli 100 000 \n\nNovember 1667 Caucasia Shemakha 80 000\n\nNovember 18 1727 Iran Tabriz 77 000\n\nNovember 1 1755 Portugal Lisbon 70 000 8.7 Great tsunami.\n\nDecember 25 1932 China Gansu 70 000 7.6\n\nMay 31 1970 Peru 66 000 7.8 $530 000 damage \n great rock slide \n floods.\n\n 1268 Asia Minor Silicia 60 000\n\nJanuary 11 1693 Italy Sicily 60 000\n\nMay 30 1935 Pakistan Quetta 30 000 7.5 Quetta almost\n to 60 000 completely destroyed.\n\nFebruary 4 1783 Italy Calabria 50 000\n\nJune 20 1990 Iran 50 000 7.7 Landslides.\n\n* Official casualty figure--estimated death toll as high as 655 000.\n+ Note that these dates are prior to 1000 AD. No digit is missing.\n** Later research has shown that this was a typhoon not an earthquake.\n (Source: The 1737 Calcutta Earthquake and Cyclone Evaluated by \nRoger Bilham BSSA Vol. 84 No. 5 October 1994)\nData compiled from several sources.\nUnited States Geological Survey \nNational Earthquake Information Center