Florentino has a serious problem.
Now Florentino seeks help.Florentino has been drinking heavily for the past few months and it has started to take a toll on his health.
He has been feeling fatigued and his liver has been hurting him.
Florentino's friends and family have been urging him to get help, and he finally decides to seek treatment.I'm here because I've been drinking a lot lately and it's starting to affect my health.
I'm feeling really fatigued and my liver has been hurting me.
My friends and family have been urging me to get help, so I finally decided to seek treatment.It sounds like you're finally taking some steps in the right direction.
Can you tell me more about why you think you've been drinking so much recently?I don't know...I guess I just haven't been dealing with things very well lately.
My wife left me a few months ago and it's just been really hard.
I've tried to numb the pain with alcohol, but it's not working anymore.
I know I need to make some changes before it's too late.It sounds like you're going through a lot right now.
It's understandable that you would turn to alcohol to cope with your pain, but it's not going to help in the long run.
What other ways have you been coping with your wife leaving?I don't know...I've just been trying to keep busy.
I work a lot and I've been spending time with my kids, but it's just not the same.
I miss her so much and I don't know how to deal with it.It sounds like you're doing the best you can under the circumstances.
Have you considered going to counseling or therapy to help deal with your wife leaving?Yeah, I've thought about it, but I'm not sure if it would really help.
I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it yet.That's understandable.
Counseling can be a really helpful tool, but only if you're ready to open up and talk about what's going on.
If you're not ready yet, that's okay.
Maybe in time you'll be more open to the idea of counseling.
In the meantime, is there anything else we can do to help you cope with your drinking?
Wilhelmina acquires Charli's history.
Now Wilhelmina learns about Charli's life.Wilhelmina had always been interested in her history, and when she acquired Charli's history, she was fascinated.
She learned about Charli's life and what it was like for her to grow up.
She also found out about Charli's family and how they had supported her through everything.Charli, can I ask you something?Sure, what is it?I was just wondering about your life before all of this.
What was it like for you?
How did you grow up?It was actually pretty great.
I had a great family who supported me through everything.
We were always close and they helped me through a lot of tough times.
I'm really lucky to have them.That sounds amazing.
I wish I had that kind of support system.
Did you always know you wanted to be a singer?Yeah, I've always loved music.
It's always been a big part of my life.
I started taking lessons when I was younger and just never stopped.
It's always been my dream to pursue it professionally.Well, you're definitely living your dream now.
You're an incredible singer.
I'm so glad we met and that I get to experience your music firsthand.Thank you, Wilhelmina.
I'm really glad we met too.
Brooks is ambitious.
Brooks sees an opportunity to prove oneself.Brooks wakes up early to get a head start on her work day.
Brooks plans her route for the day and makes a list of errands to run.
Brooks is always looking for ways to improve her efficiency and productivity.Hey, Sarah.
I'm just getting a head start on my work day.
I've got a lot of errands to run today, so I'm trying to plan my route and be as efficient as possible.That sounds like a good idea.
What are some of the errands you need to run?Well, first I need to pick up some groceries for the office.
Then I need to drop off some paperwork at the courthouse.
After that, I need to pick up some dry cleaning.
And last but not least, I need to get gas for my car.Wow, you're going to be busy!
Do you have any tips on being productive and efficient when running errands?
Edgar agrees to her demand.
Now Edgar feels satisfied.Edgar washes the dishes as his mom requested.
He feels happy to have completed the task and his mom is pleased with him.Hi, Mom.
I finished washing the dishes like you asked.Good job, Edgar!
I'm really proud of you for doing that.Thanks, Mom.
It feels good to have completed the task.
Plus, your approval means a lot to me.Well, you deserve it.
You've been working hard lately and I can tell that you're trying to be more responsible.Yeah, I am.
I really want to make you proud of me.I am proud of you, honey.
You're doing great.
Taneisha opens Keenen's diary because Taneisha wants to know more about Keenen.Taneisha was curious about Keenen, so he decided to read her diary.
He learned that she loved spending time with her friends and family, going on adventures, and trying new things.
She also had a crush on a boy in her class.So, I read your diary.You what?!
How could you?!
That's so personal!I'm sorry, I was curious about you and I thought it would be a way to get to know you better.Well, you shouldn't have done that!
It's not fair that you know all my secrets now.Keenen, I'm sorry.
I won't read it again, I promise.
Please forgive me.Fine, but don't expect me to trust you again anytime soon.
Jianna pats a tiny bird.
Now Jianna feels happy.Jianna pats a tiny sparrow.
The sparrow chirps and Jianna feels happy.Hi there, little sparrow!
Aren't you a cutie?
It's so nice to meet you.Hello!
I'm glad to meet you too.
You're very kind.Aww, thank you.
Do you mind if I ask, do sparrows normally live in this area?Yes, we do!
There are actually a lot of us around here, we just tend to stay hidden in the trees most of the time.
But it's really lovely to meet someone who takes an interest in us!I'm actually really interested in birds in general.
I think they're so fascinating.
Do you mind if I ask, do you have a mate?Yes, I do!
We've been together for a few years now and have two little ones of our own.Aww, that's so sweet!
I'm sure they're just as adorable as you are.
What's it like being a parent?It's wonderful!
There's nothing like seeing your children grow up healthy and happy.
It can be challenging at times, but it's definitely worth it.
Roxana is given a new insight.
Now Roxana becomes a better person.Roxana was given a new insight that led her to become a better person.
She was more patient, more understanding, and more accepting of others.Dad, I had a really strange dream last night.What was it about?I dreamt that I was you.
I saw everything from your perspective and it was like I was living your life.What did you learn from the experience?I learned a lot about you.
I saw how hard you work and how much you care about us.
I also saw how frustrated you get sometimes when things don't go your way.It's true, sometimes life can be pretty tough.
But it's important to remember that we always have each other to lean on, no matter what happens.Yeah, I know that now.
Thanks for always being there for me, Dad.
Lexus brings in Persia's hat because Lexus wants to help Persia.Lexus brings in Persia's hat because Lexus wants to help Persia with his cold.
Persia has been sneezing and blowing his nose all day, so Lexus went to get him a tissue.
But when she saw Persia's hat on the floor, she decided to bring it to him instead.Persia, I brought you your hat.Thank you, Lexus.You're welcome.
I noticed you've been sneezing and blowing your nose all day, so I thought you might need a tissue.Yes, I have been feeling a bit under the weather lately.
This cold is really starting to get to me.Do you want me to go get you a tissue?That would be great, thank you.
Abbas promises to do better because Abbas wants to do better.Abbas wanted to do better because Abbas was tired of not being able to do what he wanted to.
Abbas was also tired of not having any friends.Hey, Mom.Hey, Abbas.
What's up?Just thinking about stuff.Like what?Like how I'm not really good at anything.That's not true, Abbas.
You're a great person with a lot of potential.