He starts by learning how to tie his shoes, and though it's tough at first, he eventually gets the hang of it.
Now he feels accomplished and proud that he was able to do something on his own.I did it!
I finally learned how to tie my shoes by myself!That's great, honey!
We're so proud of you!It was tough at first, but I kept trying and I finally got it.
I feel so accomplished.We knew you could do it.
You're a smart and determined young man.Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I feel like I can do anything now!We believe in you, Quan.
You can do anything you set your mind to.
Jozlyn is sorry for messing up.
Now Jozlyn wants to be a better person.Jozlyn is sorry for what she did.
She wants to be a better person and make things right.
She knows she can do it, and she's going to try her best.Hey.
I'm sorry about what I did.
I know it was wrong and I want to make things right.What exactly did you do?Well, I lied to you and I took advantage of your trust.
And I'm really sorry for that.Why did you do it?Uh...I don't know.
It was a stupid mistake, and I regret it more than anything.
But I promise to make things right and be a better person from now on.I appreciate that.
And I'm willing to give you a second chance, but you have to prove to me that you're sincere about this.Of course.
I understand.
And thank you for giving me another chance.
I won't let you down.
Antone changes her own diapers.
Now Antone feels empowered.Antone changes her own diapers.
She feels empowered and happy when she does it herself.Mom, I know you're busy, but can I talk to you about something?Of course, what is it?I know you're always telling me to be independent and do things for myself, but I wanted to know if it's okay if I change my own diapers.
I feel empowered and happy when I do it myself.Antone, that's amazing!
I am so proud of you for taking charge and doing something that makes you happy.
You are absolutely right, being independent is very important.
Keep up the good work!
Mariska is sociable.
Mariska and Keontae meet on the bus.Mariska is sociable.
Mariska talks to people on the bus.
He meets Keontae and they talk.Hi, I'm Mariska.Hey, I'm Keontae.
Nice to meet you.Yeah, same here.
So, what do you do?I'm a student at the local university.
And you?I work in a grocery store.
It's not the most exciting job, but it pays the bills.That's good.
It's always important to be able to support yourself.Absolutely.
So, what are you studying at the university?I'm getting my degree in computer science.That's really cool.
I've always been interested in computers, but I never really knew how to get into that field.It's not too difficult, if you're willing to put in the effort.Yeah, I guess I'll have to look into it more.
Thanks for the advice.No problem.
Let me know if you need any help getting started.
Yailin finds a solid explanation.
Now Yailin is happy.Yailin was looking for an explanation of why the sky is blue.
She found a solid explanation and was happy.
The sky is blue because of Rayleigh scattering.So the sky is blue because of Rayleigh scattering?Yes, that's right.
The blue color of the sky is due to a particular type of scattering of sunlight by the molecules in the atmosphere.
This scattering is called Rayleigh scattering, and it occurs when light strikes particles that are much smaller than its wavelength.
The blueness of the sky is actually caused by a particular range of wavelengths being scattered more than other colors.How does that work?
What causes some colors to be scattered more than others?
Lucie walks off.
Now Lucie is angry.Lucie walks off.
Lucie is angry because the person he was talking to just insulted him.Hey, man.
What was that all about?I don't know what you're talking about.You just said I was an idiot.No, I didn't.
I said you were being idiotic.
There's a difference.Whatever.
It's the same thing.
You're just insulting me.I'm not trying to insult you.
I'm just stating my opinion.
If you don't want to hear it, then that's your problem, not mine.Well, I don't appreciate it.I don't care whether you appreciate it or not.
It's the truth.The truth is that you're a jerk.And you're still an idiot.
Kaori takes out a map.
Now Kaori feels determined.Kaori studies the map closely, noting each street and turn.
She makes a mental note of the best route to take before folding up the map and placing in firmly back in her pocket.
Kaori is now determined more than ever to find the park that has been in her family for generations.I'm going to find that park, mom.
I promise.I know you will, Kaori.
You're a determined young woman.
Just like your grandmother was.I won't give up until I find it.
And when I do, I'll come back and visit you.That would make me very happy, Kaori.
But for now, you need to focus on your own journey.
Your grandmother would want that for you too.I know.
But I can't help but think about her and the park all the time.
It's like a part of me is missing.Maybe it is.
But you'll find your way, Kaori.
You always do.
Amauri is happy.
Amauri gets a sibling.Amauri was overjoyed when he found out his parents were having another baby.
He had always wanted a sibling and couldn't wait to meet his new brother or sister.
Amauri was an active participant in the pregnancy, eagerly attending all of his mother's doctor appointments and counting down the days until the baby was born.I'm so excited to meet my new brother or sister!Yes, we're all very excited.
The baby is due in just a few weeks now.I can't wait!
I've been counting down the days.
Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?We don't know yet, but either way we'll be happy.I hope it's a boy.
Then we can play sports together and stuff like that.
But if it's a girl, that's okay too.
I'm just excited to have a sibling finally!Well, we'll find out soon enough.
In the meantime, why don't you help me pick out some names?Okay!
I like the name "John" for a boy and "Emma" for a girl.
What do you think?Those are both nice names.
Let's write them down and see if we can come up with some more.Sounds good to me!
Vivian takes a trip to another city because Vivian wants to see a new place.Vivian took a trip to Seattle to see the Space Needle.
Vivian had always wanted to visit Seattle and was excited to finally be able to see the Space Needle.
Vivian was amazed by how big the Space Needle was and enjoyed looking at it from different angles.Hi!
I'm Vivian.Hi, I'm Alex.
What brings you to Seattle?I've always wanted to visit here and see the Space Needle.
It's finally on my list of places to see.That's great!
The Space Needle is an amazing sight.
Did you get to go up to the top?No, not this time.
Maybe next time.
I really enjoyed looking at it from different angles and taking pictures.Yeah, it's definitely a place that you have to see in person to appreciate its size.
Are you staying in Seattle for long?Just a few days.
I'm going to check out some of the other sights while I'm here before heading back home.