stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 7
| instruction
stringlengths 106
| ner_tags
sequence | text
stringlengths 5
| tokens
sequence | types
sequence |
ampicilina is a NORMALIZABLES, dicloxacilina is a NORMALIZABLES, naproxeno is a NORMALIZABLES, sulfacetamida is a NORMALIZABLES, hematoxilina is a NORMALIZABLES, eosina is a NORMALIZABLES | 201_task0 | Sentence: Mujer de 46 años de edad quien ingresó al hospital en marzo del 2005 por presentar una masa dolorosa en el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo de 6 meses de evolución, acompañada de disminución de la agudeza visual (AV) ipsilateral. La paciente refirió el desarrollo de una masa similar 15 años previos a su ingreso, la cual fue manejada exitosamente con tratamiento médico no especificado. El resto de los antecedentes sin importancia para el padecimiento actual.
A la exploración oftalmológica se encontró una AV de 0,7 en el ojo derecho (OD) y 0,2 en el ojo izquierdo (OI). En el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo había una masa de 4 ¥ 3,5 cm, dolorosa acompañada de ptosis, desplazamiento inferior del globo ocular del mismo lado. Presentaba limitación a la levosupraversión del OI. La exoftalmometría con base 100 fue de 17 mm para ambos ojos. La apertura palpebral fue de 10 mm en el OD y de 4 mm en el OI. La función del músculo elevador izquierdo se encontraba limitada.
Se solicitó una tomografía computada de ambas órbitas con cortes axial y coronal en la que se demostró una masa temporal de aspecto quístico con destrucción ósea, que invadía la órbita y desplazaba el globo ocular izquierdo hacia abajo, aparentemente dependiente del seno frontal.
Se realizó una aspiración de la masa, de la cual se obtuvo un líquido denso de color amarillento. En un frotis de dicho contenido se encontraron escasos cocos Gram positivos en pares y cadenas, acompañados de numerosos leucocitos polimorfonucleares y abundante moco. Se inició tratamiento con ampicilina, dicloxacilina y naproxeno vía oral y sulfacetamida tópica.
La paciente se sometió a drenaje del contenido del seno paranasal con remoción de su pared. Microscópicamente, las preparaciones teñidas con hematoxilina y eosina demostraron fragmentos revestidos por epitelio de tipo respiratorio. Por debajo del epitelio, la pared estaba formada por un estroma de tejido conectivo denso con zonas de hemorragia mezclada con cúmulos variables de infiltrado inflamatorio formados por linfocitos maduros, células plasmáticas, leucocitos polimorfonucleares y numerosos eosinófilos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de mucocele del seno frontal. La presencia de gran cantidad de eosinófilos como parte del infiltrado inflamatorio, sugirió una probable etiología de tipo alérgico o por hipersensibilidad.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
| [
] | Mujer de 46 años de edad quien ingresó al hospital en marzo del 2005 por presentar una masa dolorosa en el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo de 6 meses de evolución, acompañada de disminución de la agudeza visual (AV) ipsilateral. La paciente refirió el desarrollo de una masa similar 15 años previos a su ingreso, la cual fue manejada exitosamente con tratamiento médico no especificado. El resto de los antecedentes sin importancia para el padecimiento actual.
A la exploración oftalmológica se encontró una AV de 0,7 en el ojo derecho (OD) y 0,2 en el ojo izquierdo (OI). En el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo había una masa de 4 ¥ 3,5 cm, dolorosa acompañada de ptosis, desplazamiento inferior del globo ocular del mismo lado. Presentaba limitación a la levosupraversión del OI. La exoftalmometría con base 100 fue de 17 mm para ambos ojos. La apertura palpebral fue de 10 mm en el OD y de 4 mm en el OI. La función del músculo elevador izquierdo se encontraba limitada.
Se solicitó una tomografía computada de ambas órbitas con cortes axial y coronal en la que se demostró una masa temporal de aspecto quístico con destrucción ósea, que invadía la órbita y desplazaba el globo ocular izquierdo hacia abajo, aparentemente dependiente del seno frontal.
Se realizó una aspiración de la masa, de la cual se obtuvo un líquido denso de color amarillento. En un frotis de dicho contenido se encontraron escasos cocos Gram positivos en pares y cadenas, acompañados de numerosos leucocitos polimorfonucleares y abundante moco. Se inició tratamiento con ampicilina, dicloxacilina y naproxeno vía oral y sulfacetamida tópica.
La paciente se sometió a drenaje del contenido del seno paranasal con remoción de su pared. Microscópicamente, las preparaciones teñidas con hematoxilina y eosina demostraron fragmentos revestidos por epitelio de tipo respiratorio. Por debajo del epitelio, la pared estaba formada por un estroma de tejido conectivo denso con zonas de hemorragia mezclada con cúmulos variables de infiltrado inflamatorio formados por linfocitos maduros, células plasmáticas, leucocitos polimorfonucleares y numerosos eosinófilos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de mucocele del seno frontal. La presencia de gran cantidad de eosinófilos como parte del infiltrado inflamatorio, sugirió una probable etiología de tipo alérgico o por hipersensibilidad.
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ampicilina is a NORMALIZABLES, dicloxacilina is a NORMALIZABLES, naproxeno is a NORMALIZABLES, sulfacetamida is a NORMALIZABLES, hematoxilina is a NORMALIZABLES, eosina is a NORMALIZABLES | 201_task1 | Sentence: Mujer de 46 años de edad quien ingresó al hospital en marzo del 2005 por presentar una masa dolorosa en el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo de 6 meses de evolución, acompañada de disminución de la agudeza visual (AV) ipsilateral. La paciente refirió el desarrollo de una masa similar 15 años previos a su ingreso, la cual fue manejada exitosamente con tratamiento médico no especificado. El resto de los antecedentes sin importancia para el padecimiento actual.
A la exploración oftalmológica se encontró una AV de 0,7 en el ojo derecho (OD) y 0,2 en el ojo izquierdo (OI). En el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo había una masa de 4 ¥ 3,5 cm, dolorosa acompañada de ptosis, desplazamiento inferior del globo ocular del mismo lado. Presentaba limitación a la levosupraversión del OI. La exoftalmometría con base 100 fue de 17 mm para ambos ojos. La apertura palpebral fue de 10 mm en el OD y de 4 mm en el OI. La función del músculo elevador izquierdo se encontraba limitada.
Se solicitó una tomografía computada de ambas órbitas con cortes axial y coronal en la que se demostró una masa temporal de aspecto quístico con destrucción ósea, que invadía la órbita y desplazaba el globo ocular izquierdo hacia abajo, aparentemente dependiente del seno frontal.
Se realizó una aspiración de la masa, de la cual se obtuvo un líquido denso de color amarillento. En un frotis de dicho contenido se encontraron escasos cocos Gram positivos en pares y cadenas, acompañados de numerosos leucocitos polimorfonucleares y abundante moco. Se inició tratamiento con ampicilina, dicloxacilina y naproxeno vía oral y sulfacetamida tópica.
La paciente se sometió a drenaje del contenido del seno paranasal con remoción de su pared. Microscópicamente, las preparaciones teñidas con hematoxilina y eosina demostraron fragmentos revestidos por epitelio de tipo respiratorio. Por debajo del epitelio, la pared estaba formada por un estroma de tejido conectivo denso con zonas de hemorragia mezclada con cúmulos variables de infiltrado inflamatorio formados por linfocitos maduros, células plasmáticas, leucocitos polimorfonucleares y numerosos eosinófilos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de mucocele del seno frontal. La presencia de gran cantidad de eosinófilos como parte del infiltrado inflamatorio, sugirió una probable etiología de tipo alérgico o por hipersensibilidad.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: ampicilina, dicloxacilina, naproxeno, sulfacetamida, hematoxilina, eosina
| [
] | Mujer de 46 años de edad quien ingresó al hospital en marzo del 2005 por presentar una masa dolorosa en el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo de 6 meses de evolución, acompañada de disminución de la agudeza visual (AV) ipsilateral. La paciente refirió el desarrollo de una masa similar 15 años previos a su ingreso, la cual fue manejada exitosamente con tratamiento médico no especificado. El resto de los antecedentes sin importancia para el padecimiento actual.
A la exploración oftalmológica se encontró una AV de 0,7 en el ojo derecho (OD) y 0,2 en el ojo izquierdo (OI). En el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo había una masa de 4 ¥ 3,5 cm, dolorosa acompañada de ptosis, desplazamiento inferior del globo ocular del mismo lado. Presentaba limitación a la levosupraversión del OI. La exoftalmometría con base 100 fue de 17 mm para ambos ojos. La apertura palpebral fue de 10 mm en el OD y de 4 mm en el OI. La función del músculo elevador izquierdo se encontraba limitada.
Se solicitó una tomografía computada de ambas órbitas con cortes axial y coronal en la que se demostró una masa temporal de aspecto quístico con destrucción ósea, que invadía la órbita y desplazaba el globo ocular izquierdo hacia abajo, aparentemente dependiente del seno frontal.
Se realizó una aspiración de la masa, de la cual se obtuvo un líquido denso de color amarillento. En un frotis de dicho contenido se encontraron escasos cocos Gram positivos en pares y cadenas, acompañados de numerosos leucocitos polimorfonucleares y abundante moco. Se inició tratamiento con ampicilina, dicloxacilina y naproxeno vía oral y sulfacetamida tópica.
La paciente se sometió a drenaje del contenido del seno paranasal con remoción de su pared. Microscópicamente, las preparaciones teñidas con hematoxilina y eosina demostraron fragmentos revestidos por epitelio de tipo respiratorio. Por debajo del epitelio, la pared estaba formada por un estroma de tejido conectivo denso con zonas de hemorragia mezclada con cúmulos variables de infiltrado inflamatorio formados por linfocitos maduros, células plasmáticas, leucocitos polimorfonucleares y numerosos eosinófilos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de mucocele del seno frontal. La presencia de gran cantidad de eosinófilos como parte del infiltrado inflamatorio, sugirió una probable etiología de tipo alérgico o por hipersensibilidad.
| [
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ampicilina, dicloxacilina, naproxeno, sulfacetamida, hematoxilina, eosina | 201_task2 | Sentence: Mujer de 46 años de edad quien ingresó al hospital en marzo del 2005 por presentar una masa dolorosa en el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo de 6 meses de evolución, acompañada de disminución de la agudeza visual (AV) ipsilateral. La paciente refirió el desarrollo de una masa similar 15 años previos a su ingreso, la cual fue manejada exitosamente con tratamiento médico no especificado. El resto de los antecedentes sin importancia para el padecimiento actual.
A la exploración oftalmológica se encontró una AV de 0,7 en el ojo derecho (OD) y 0,2 en el ojo izquierdo (OI). En el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo había una masa de 4 ¥ 3,5 cm, dolorosa acompañada de ptosis, desplazamiento inferior del globo ocular del mismo lado. Presentaba limitación a la levosupraversión del OI. La exoftalmometría con base 100 fue de 17 mm para ambos ojos. La apertura palpebral fue de 10 mm en el OD y de 4 mm en el OI. La función del músculo elevador izquierdo se encontraba limitada.
Se solicitó una tomografía computada de ambas órbitas con cortes axial y coronal en la que se demostró una masa temporal de aspecto quístico con destrucción ósea, que invadía la órbita y desplazaba el globo ocular izquierdo hacia abajo, aparentemente dependiente del seno frontal.
Se realizó una aspiración de la masa, de la cual se obtuvo un líquido denso de color amarillento. En un frotis de dicho contenido se encontraron escasos cocos Gram positivos en pares y cadenas, acompañados de numerosos leucocitos polimorfonucleares y abundante moco. Se inició tratamiento con ampicilina, dicloxacilina y naproxeno vía oral y sulfacetamida tópica.
La paciente se sometió a drenaje del contenido del seno paranasal con remoción de su pared. Microscópicamente, las preparaciones teñidas con hematoxilina y eosina demostraron fragmentos revestidos por epitelio de tipo respiratorio. Por debajo del epitelio, la pared estaba formada por un estroma de tejido conectivo denso con zonas de hemorragia mezclada con cúmulos variables de infiltrado inflamatorio formados por linfocitos maduros, células plasmáticas, leucocitos polimorfonucleares y numerosos eosinófilos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de mucocele del seno frontal. La presencia de gran cantidad de eosinófilos como parte del infiltrado inflamatorio, sugirió una probable etiología de tipo alérgico o por hipersensibilidad.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Mujer de 46 años de edad quien ingresó al hospital en marzo del 2005 por presentar una masa dolorosa en el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo de 6 meses de evolución, acompañada de disminución de la agudeza visual (AV) ipsilateral. La paciente refirió el desarrollo de una masa similar 15 años previos a su ingreso, la cual fue manejada exitosamente con tratamiento médico no especificado. El resto de los antecedentes sin importancia para el padecimiento actual.
A la exploración oftalmológica se encontró una AV de 0,7 en el ojo derecho (OD) y 0,2 en el ojo izquierdo (OI). En el tercio externo del párpado superior izquierdo había una masa de 4 ¥ 3,5 cm, dolorosa acompañada de ptosis, desplazamiento inferior del globo ocular del mismo lado. Presentaba limitación a la levosupraversión del OI. La exoftalmometría con base 100 fue de 17 mm para ambos ojos. La apertura palpebral fue de 10 mm en el OD y de 4 mm en el OI. La función del músculo elevador izquierdo se encontraba limitada.
Se solicitó una tomografía computada de ambas órbitas con cortes axial y coronal en la que se demostró una masa temporal de aspecto quístico con destrucción ósea, que invadía la órbita y desplazaba el globo ocular izquierdo hacia abajo, aparentemente dependiente del seno frontal.
Se realizó una aspiración de la masa, de la cual se obtuvo un líquido denso de color amarillento. En un frotis de dicho contenido se encontraron escasos cocos Gram positivos en pares y cadenas, acompañados de numerosos leucocitos polimorfonucleares y abundante moco. Se inició tratamiento con ampicilina, dicloxacilina y naproxeno vía oral y sulfacetamida tópica.
La paciente se sometió a drenaje del contenido del seno paranasal con remoción de su pared. Microscópicamente, las preparaciones teñidas con hematoxilina y eosina demostraron fragmentos revestidos por epitelio de tipo respiratorio. Por debajo del epitelio, la pared estaba formada por un estroma de tejido conectivo denso con zonas de hemorragia mezclada con cúmulos variables de infiltrado inflamatorio formados por linfocitos maduros, células plasmáticas, leucocitos polimorfonucleares y numerosos eosinófilos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de mucocele del seno frontal. La presencia de gran cantidad de eosinófilos como parte del infiltrado inflamatorio, sugirió una probable etiología de tipo alérgico o por hipersensibilidad.
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LDB proteins is a protein-family, LIM domains is a protein-domain, LIM - HD is a protein-family, LIM is a protein-family | 1.0alpha7.train.1102_task0 | Sentence: LDB proteins bind LIM domains of LIM-HD (and nuclear LIM-only) proteins.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: protein-domain, protein-family
| [
] | LDB proteins bind LIM domains of LIM-HD (and nuclear LIM-only) proteins. | [
" ",
" ",
" ",
] | [
] |
LDB proteins is a protein-family, LIM domains is a protein-domain, LIM - HD is a protein-family, LIM is a protein-family | 1.0alpha7.train.1102_task1 | Sentence: LDB proteins bind LIM domains of LIM-HD (and nuclear LIM-only) proteins.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: LDB proteins, LIM domains, LIM - HD, LIM
Options: protein-domain, protein-family
| [
] | LDB proteins bind LIM domains of LIM-HD (and nuclear LIM-only) proteins. | [
" ",
" ",
" ",
] | [
] |
LDB proteins, LIM domains, LIM - HD, LIM | 1.0alpha7.train.1102_task2 | Sentence: LDB proteins bind LIM domains of LIM-HD (and nuclear LIM-only) proteins.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | LDB proteins bind LIM domains of LIM-HD (and nuclear LIM-only) proteins. | [
" ",
" ",
" ",
] | [
] |
Rolle is an umlsterm, Helicobacter pylori is an umlsterm, Magenkarzinomen is an umlsterm, Analyse is an umlsterm, Magen- is an umlsterm, Pankreaskarzinoms is an umlsterm, Gastritis is an umlsterm, Druesenhalsregion is an umlsterm, Metaplasie is an umlsterm, Patienten is an umlsterm, Magen- is an umlsterm, Pankreaskarzinomen is an umlsterm, Zellkerne is an umlsterm, Magens is an umlsterm, Epithelproliferation is an umlsterm, mutagene is an umlsterm | DerPathologe.50160192.ger.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Um zur Aufklaerung widerspruechlicher Daten bzgl. der Rolle von Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) bei der Entstehung von Magenkarzinomen beizutragen , haben wir eine retrospektive Analyse der Korpusmukosa an Magenresektaten durchgefuehrt wegen eines Magen- ( n = 53 ) oder Pankreaskarzinoms ( n = 45 ) . Der erste Teil unserer Untersuchungen umfass-te Haeufigkeit und Auspraegung der chronisch-aktiven Gastritis ( CAG ) . Um weiterhin einen Aufschluss ueber die Proliferationsaktivitaet zu gewinnen , haben wir die Expression des Ki67-Antigens der Epithelien der Druesenhalsregion und der Foveolen immunohistochemisch bestimmt . Die Ergebnisse zeigen , dass CAG und intestinale Metaplasie signifikant haeufiger bei Patienten mit Magen- als mit Pankreaskarzinomen vorkamen . Grad und Aktivitaet der CAG waren bei der ersten Gruppe zudem staerker entwickelt . Die Anzahl Ki67-positiver Zellkerne war signifikant hoeher bei ausgepraegter als bei geringer CAG . Unsere Daten unterstuetzen die Hypothese , dass die HP-assoziierte CAG zur Entstehung von Adenokarzinomen des Magens beitraegt . Ein moeglicher Mechanismus koennte die durch die staerkere Entzuendungsreaktion ausgeloeste Steigerung der Epithelproliferation sein , mit der Folge einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit fuer mutagene Effekte .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Um zur Aufklaerung widerspruechlicher Daten bzgl. der Rolle von Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) bei der Entstehung von Magenkarzinomen beizutragen , haben wir eine retrospektive Analyse der Korpusmukosa an Magenresektaten durchgefuehrt wegen eines Magen- ( n = 53 ) oder Pankreaskarzinoms ( n = 45 ) . Der erste Teil unserer Untersuchungen umfass-te Haeufigkeit und Auspraegung der chronisch-aktiven Gastritis ( CAG ) . Um weiterhin einen Aufschluss ueber die Proliferationsaktivitaet zu gewinnen , haben wir die Expression des Ki67-Antigens der Epithelien der Druesenhalsregion und der Foveolen immunohistochemisch bestimmt . Die Ergebnisse zeigen , dass CAG und intestinale Metaplasie signifikant haeufiger bei Patienten mit Magen- als mit Pankreaskarzinomen vorkamen . Grad und Aktivitaet der CAG waren bei der ersten Gruppe zudem staerker entwickelt . Die Anzahl Ki67-positiver Zellkerne war signifikant hoeher bei ausgepraegter als bei geringer CAG . Unsere Daten unterstuetzen die Hypothese , dass die HP-assoziierte CAG zur Entstehung von Adenokarzinomen des Magens beitraegt . Ein moeglicher Mechanismus koennte die durch die staerkere Entzuendungsreaktion ausgeloeste Steigerung der Epithelproliferation sein , mit der Folge einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit fuer mutagene Effekte . | [
] | [
] |
Rolle is an umlsterm, Helicobacter pylori is an umlsterm, Magenkarzinomen is an umlsterm, Analyse is an umlsterm, Magen- is an umlsterm, Pankreaskarzinoms is an umlsterm, Gastritis is an umlsterm, Druesenhalsregion is an umlsterm, Metaplasie is an umlsterm, Patienten is an umlsterm, Magen- is an umlsterm, Pankreaskarzinomen is an umlsterm, Zellkerne is an umlsterm, Magens is an umlsterm, Epithelproliferation is an umlsterm, mutagene is an umlsterm | DerPathologe.50160192.ger.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Um zur Aufklaerung widerspruechlicher Daten bzgl. der Rolle von Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) bei der Entstehung von Magenkarzinomen beizutragen , haben wir eine retrospektive Analyse der Korpusmukosa an Magenresektaten durchgefuehrt wegen eines Magen- ( n = 53 ) oder Pankreaskarzinoms ( n = 45 ) . Der erste Teil unserer Untersuchungen umfass-te Haeufigkeit und Auspraegung der chronisch-aktiven Gastritis ( CAG ) . Um weiterhin einen Aufschluss ueber die Proliferationsaktivitaet zu gewinnen , haben wir die Expression des Ki67-Antigens der Epithelien der Druesenhalsregion und der Foveolen immunohistochemisch bestimmt . Die Ergebnisse zeigen , dass CAG und intestinale Metaplasie signifikant haeufiger bei Patienten mit Magen- als mit Pankreaskarzinomen vorkamen . Grad und Aktivitaet der CAG waren bei der ersten Gruppe zudem staerker entwickelt . Die Anzahl Ki67-positiver Zellkerne war signifikant hoeher bei ausgepraegter als bei geringer CAG . Unsere Daten unterstuetzen die Hypothese , dass die HP-assoziierte CAG zur Entstehung von Adenokarzinomen des Magens beitraegt . Ein moeglicher Mechanismus koennte die durch die staerkere Entzuendungsreaktion ausgeloeste Steigerung der Epithelproliferation sein , mit der Folge einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit fuer mutagene Effekte .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Rolle, Helicobacter pylori, Magenkarzinomen, Analyse, Magen-, Pankreaskarzinoms, Gastritis, Druesenhalsregion, Metaplasie, Patienten, Magen-, Pankreaskarzinomen, Zellkerne, Magens, Epithelproliferation, mutagene
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Um zur Aufklaerung widerspruechlicher Daten bzgl. der Rolle von Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) bei der Entstehung von Magenkarzinomen beizutragen , haben wir eine retrospektive Analyse der Korpusmukosa an Magenresektaten durchgefuehrt wegen eines Magen- ( n = 53 ) oder Pankreaskarzinoms ( n = 45 ) . Der erste Teil unserer Untersuchungen umfass-te Haeufigkeit und Auspraegung der chronisch-aktiven Gastritis ( CAG ) . Um weiterhin einen Aufschluss ueber die Proliferationsaktivitaet zu gewinnen , haben wir die Expression des Ki67-Antigens der Epithelien der Druesenhalsregion und der Foveolen immunohistochemisch bestimmt . Die Ergebnisse zeigen , dass CAG und intestinale Metaplasie signifikant haeufiger bei Patienten mit Magen- als mit Pankreaskarzinomen vorkamen . Grad und Aktivitaet der CAG waren bei der ersten Gruppe zudem staerker entwickelt . Die Anzahl Ki67-positiver Zellkerne war signifikant hoeher bei ausgepraegter als bei geringer CAG . Unsere Daten unterstuetzen die Hypothese , dass die HP-assoziierte CAG zur Entstehung von Adenokarzinomen des Magens beitraegt . Ein moeglicher Mechanismus koennte die durch die staerkere Entzuendungsreaktion ausgeloeste Steigerung der Epithelproliferation sein , mit der Folge einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit fuer mutagene Effekte . | [
] | [
] |
Rolle, Helicobacter pylori, Magenkarzinomen, Analyse, Magen-, Pankreaskarzinoms, Gastritis, Druesenhalsregion, Metaplasie, Patienten, Magen-, Pankreaskarzinomen, Zellkerne, Magens, Epithelproliferation, mutagene | DerPathologe.50160192.ger.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Um zur Aufklaerung widerspruechlicher Daten bzgl. der Rolle von Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) bei der Entstehung von Magenkarzinomen beizutragen , haben wir eine retrospektive Analyse der Korpusmukosa an Magenresektaten durchgefuehrt wegen eines Magen- ( n = 53 ) oder Pankreaskarzinoms ( n = 45 ) . Der erste Teil unserer Untersuchungen umfass-te Haeufigkeit und Auspraegung der chronisch-aktiven Gastritis ( CAG ) . Um weiterhin einen Aufschluss ueber die Proliferationsaktivitaet zu gewinnen , haben wir die Expression des Ki67-Antigens der Epithelien der Druesenhalsregion und der Foveolen immunohistochemisch bestimmt . Die Ergebnisse zeigen , dass CAG und intestinale Metaplasie signifikant haeufiger bei Patienten mit Magen- als mit Pankreaskarzinomen vorkamen . Grad und Aktivitaet der CAG waren bei der ersten Gruppe zudem staerker entwickelt . Die Anzahl Ki67-positiver Zellkerne war signifikant hoeher bei ausgepraegter als bei geringer CAG . Unsere Daten unterstuetzen die Hypothese , dass die HP-assoziierte CAG zur Entstehung von Adenokarzinomen des Magens beitraegt . Ein moeglicher Mechanismus koennte die durch die staerkere Entzuendungsreaktion ausgeloeste Steigerung der Epithelproliferation sein , mit der Folge einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit fuer mutagene Effekte .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
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] | Um zur Aufklaerung widerspruechlicher Daten bzgl. der Rolle von Helicobacter pylori ( HP ) bei der Entstehung von Magenkarzinomen beizutragen , haben wir eine retrospektive Analyse der Korpusmukosa an Magenresektaten durchgefuehrt wegen eines Magen- ( n = 53 ) oder Pankreaskarzinoms ( n = 45 ) . Der erste Teil unserer Untersuchungen umfass-te Haeufigkeit und Auspraegung der chronisch-aktiven Gastritis ( CAG ) . Um weiterhin einen Aufschluss ueber die Proliferationsaktivitaet zu gewinnen , haben wir die Expression des Ki67-Antigens der Epithelien der Druesenhalsregion und der Foveolen immunohistochemisch bestimmt . Die Ergebnisse zeigen , dass CAG und intestinale Metaplasie signifikant haeufiger bei Patienten mit Magen- als mit Pankreaskarzinomen vorkamen . Grad und Aktivitaet der CAG waren bei der ersten Gruppe zudem staerker entwickelt . Die Anzahl Ki67-positiver Zellkerne war signifikant hoeher bei ausgepraegter als bei geringer CAG . Unsere Daten unterstuetzen die Hypothese , dass die HP-assoziierte CAG zur Entstehung von Adenokarzinomen des Magens beitraegt . Ein moeglicher Mechanismus koennte die durch die staerkere Entzuendungsreaktion ausgeloeste Steigerung der Epithelproliferation sein , mit der Folge einer gesteigerten Empfindlichkeit fuer mutagene Effekte . | [
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Pankreatitis is an umlsterm, Trypsinogen is an umlsterm, Enzyme is an umlsterm, Sauerstoffradikalen is an umlsterm, Cytokine is an umlsterm, Endothel is an umlsterm, Pankreas is an umlsterm, Pankreas is an umlsterm, Pankreatitis is an umlsterm, Aetiologie is an umlsterm, Pankreatitis is an umlsterm, Proteasenaktivierung is an umlsterm, Dextran is an umlsterm, monoklonale Antikoerper is an umlsterm, ICAM-1 is an umlsterm, Vasokonstriktion is an umlsterm, Endothelin - Rezeptor is an umlsterm | DerChirurg.00710253.ger.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Zusammenfassung . Die Induktion der akuten Pankreatitis folgt einem vergleichbaren Reaktionsablauf unabhaengig vom jeweiligen aetiologischen Faktor . Eine fruehzeitige intracellulaere Aktivierung von Trypsinogen und im Gefolge auch der uebrigen digestiven Enzyme fuehrt zusammen mit der Bildung von Sauerstoffradikalen zum Acinuszellschaden . Die konsekutiv freigesetzten vasoaktiven Mediatoren und proinflammatorischen Cytokine wirken chemotaktisch auf Leukocyten und fuehren zur Aktivierung von vasculaerem Endothel und vermehrter Expression von Adhaesionsmolekuelen . Die Folge ist eine gestoerte Mikroperfusion des Pankreas mit Verstaerkung von Extravasation von Leukocyten und Entzuendungsinfiltrat . Die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung des Pankreas bewirkt als zentraler pathogenetischer Schritt die Progression von der milden zur nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis und fuehrt so die Erkrankung unabhaengig von der primaeren Aetiologie fort . Spezifische therapeutische Ansaetze muessen gegen die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung als sekundaeren pathogenetischen Schritt der akuten Pankreatitis gerichtet sein , da die initiale Proteasenaktivierung und Cytokinfreisetzung zum Zeitpunkt der klinischen Praesentation bereits irreversibel abgelaufen ist . In der klinischen Situation vergleichbaren experimentellen Studien haben sich folgende Ansaetze besonders bewaehrt : Steigerung der Blutfluiditaet mittels Dextran , Hemmung der Leukocyten-Endothel-Interaktion durch monoklonale Antikoerper gegen ICAM-1 und Aufhebung lokaler Vasokonstriktion durch Endothelin-Rezeptor Antagonisten .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
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] | Zusammenfassung . Die Induktion der akuten Pankreatitis folgt einem vergleichbaren Reaktionsablauf unabhaengig vom jeweiligen aetiologischen Faktor . Eine fruehzeitige intracellulaere Aktivierung von Trypsinogen und im Gefolge auch der uebrigen digestiven Enzyme fuehrt zusammen mit der Bildung von Sauerstoffradikalen zum Acinuszellschaden . Die konsekutiv freigesetzten vasoaktiven Mediatoren und proinflammatorischen Cytokine wirken chemotaktisch auf Leukocyten und fuehren zur Aktivierung von vasculaerem Endothel und vermehrter Expression von Adhaesionsmolekuelen . Die Folge ist eine gestoerte Mikroperfusion des Pankreas mit Verstaerkung von Extravasation von Leukocyten und Entzuendungsinfiltrat . Die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung des Pankreas bewirkt als zentraler pathogenetischer Schritt die Progression von der milden zur nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis und fuehrt so die Erkrankung unabhaengig von der primaeren Aetiologie fort . Spezifische therapeutische Ansaetze muessen gegen die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung als sekundaeren pathogenetischen Schritt der akuten Pankreatitis gerichtet sein , da die initiale Proteasenaktivierung und Cytokinfreisetzung zum Zeitpunkt der klinischen Praesentation bereits irreversibel abgelaufen ist . In der klinischen Situation vergleichbaren experimentellen Studien haben sich folgende Ansaetze besonders bewaehrt : Steigerung der Blutfluiditaet mittels Dextran , Hemmung der Leukocyten-Endothel-Interaktion durch monoklonale Antikoerper gegen ICAM-1 und Aufhebung lokaler Vasokonstriktion durch Endothelin-Rezeptor Antagonisten . | [
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Pankreatitis is an umlsterm, Trypsinogen is an umlsterm, Enzyme is an umlsterm, Sauerstoffradikalen is an umlsterm, Cytokine is an umlsterm, Endothel is an umlsterm, Pankreas is an umlsterm, Pankreas is an umlsterm, Pankreatitis is an umlsterm, Aetiologie is an umlsterm, Pankreatitis is an umlsterm, Proteasenaktivierung is an umlsterm, Dextran is an umlsterm, monoklonale Antikoerper is an umlsterm, ICAM-1 is an umlsterm, Vasokonstriktion is an umlsterm, Endothelin - Rezeptor is an umlsterm | DerChirurg.00710253.ger.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Zusammenfassung . Die Induktion der akuten Pankreatitis folgt einem vergleichbaren Reaktionsablauf unabhaengig vom jeweiligen aetiologischen Faktor . Eine fruehzeitige intracellulaere Aktivierung von Trypsinogen und im Gefolge auch der uebrigen digestiven Enzyme fuehrt zusammen mit der Bildung von Sauerstoffradikalen zum Acinuszellschaden . Die konsekutiv freigesetzten vasoaktiven Mediatoren und proinflammatorischen Cytokine wirken chemotaktisch auf Leukocyten und fuehren zur Aktivierung von vasculaerem Endothel und vermehrter Expression von Adhaesionsmolekuelen . Die Folge ist eine gestoerte Mikroperfusion des Pankreas mit Verstaerkung von Extravasation von Leukocyten und Entzuendungsinfiltrat . Die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung des Pankreas bewirkt als zentraler pathogenetischer Schritt die Progression von der milden zur nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis und fuehrt so die Erkrankung unabhaengig von der primaeren Aetiologie fort . Spezifische therapeutische Ansaetze muessen gegen die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung als sekundaeren pathogenetischen Schritt der akuten Pankreatitis gerichtet sein , da die initiale Proteasenaktivierung und Cytokinfreisetzung zum Zeitpunkt der klinischen Praesentation bereits irreversibel abgelaufen ist . In der klinischen Situation vergleichbaren experimentellen Studien haben sich folgende Ansaetze besonders bewaehrt : Steigerung der Blutfluiditaet mittels Dextran , Hemmung der Leukocyten-Endothel-Interaktion durch monoklonale Antikoerper gegen ICAM-1 und Aufhebung lokaler Vasokonstriktion durch Endothelin-Rezeptor Antagonisten .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Pankreatitis, Trypsinogen, Enzyme, Sauerstoffradikalen, Cytokine, Endothel, Pankreas, Pankreas, Pankreatitis, Aetiologie, Pankreatitis, Proteasenaktivierung, Dextran, monoklonale Antikoerper, ICAM-1, Vasokonstriktion, Endothelin - Rezeptor
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Zusammenfassung . Die Induktion der akuten Pankreatitis folgt einem vergleichbaren Reaktionsablauf unabhaengig vom jeweiligen aetiologischen Faktor . Eine fruehzeitige intracellulaere Aktivierung von Trypsinogen und im Gefolge auch der uebrigen digestiven Enzyme fuehrt zusammen mit der Bildung von Sauerstoffradikalen zum Acinuszellschaden . Die konsekutiv freigesetzten vasoaktiven Mediatoren und proinflammatorischen Cytokine wirken chemotaktisch auf Leukocyten und fuehren zur Aktivierung von vasculaerem Endothel und vermehrter Expression von Adhaesionsmolekuelen . Die Folge ist eine gestoerte Mikroperfusion des Pankreas mit Verstaerkung von Extravasation von Leukocyten und Entzuendungsinfiltrat . Die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung des Pankreas bewirkt als zentraler pathogenetischer Schritt die Progression von der milden zur nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis und fuehrt so die Erkrankung unabhaengig von der primaeren Aetiologie fort . Spezifische therapeutische Ansaetze muessen gegen die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung als sekundaeren pathogenetischen Schritt der akuten Pankreatitis gerichtet sein , da die initiale Proteasenaktivierung und Cytokinfreisetzung zum Zeitpunkt der klinischen Praesentation bereits irreversibel abgelaufen ist . In der klinischen Situation vergleichbaren experimentellen Studien haben sich folgende Ansaetze besonders bewaehrt : Steigerung der Blutfluiditaet mittels Dextran , Hemmung der Leukocyten-Endothel-Interaktion durch monoklonale Antikoerper gegen ICAM-1 und Aufhebung lokaler Vasokonstriktion durch Endothelin-Rezeptor Antagonisten . | [
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Pankreatitis, Trypsinogen, Enzyme, Sauerstoffradikalen, Cytokine, Endothel, Pankreas, Pankreas, Pankreatitis, Aetiologie, Pankreatitis, Proteasenaktivierung, Dextran, monoklonale Antikoerper, ICAM-1, Vasokonstriktion, Endothelin - Rezeptor | DerChirurg.00710253.ger.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Zusammenfassung . Die Induktion der akuten Pankreatitis folgt einem vergleichbaren Reaktionsablauf unabhaengig vom jeweiligen aetiologischen Faktor . Eine fruehzeitige intracellulaere Aktivierung von Trypsinogen und im Gefolge auch der uebrigen digestiven Enzyme fuehrt zusammen mit der Bildung von Sauerstoffradikalen zum Acinuszellschaden . Die konsekutiv freigesetzten vasoaktiven Mediatoren und proinflammatorischen Cytokine wirken chemotaktisch auf Leukocyten und fuehren zur Aktivierung von vasculaerem Endothel und vermehrter Expression von Adhaesionsmolekuelen . Die Folge ist eine gestoerte Mikroperfusion des Pankreas mit Verstaerkung von Extravasation von Leukocyten und Entzuendungsinfiltrat . Die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung des Pankreas bewirkt als zentraler pathogenetischer Schritt die Progression von der milden zur nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis und fuehrt so die Erkrankung unabhaengig von der primaeren Aetiologie fort . Spezifische therapeutische Ansaetze muessen gegen die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung als sekundaeren pathogenetischen Schritt der akuten Pankreatitis gerichtet sein , da die initiale Proteasenaktivierung und Cytokinfreisetzung zum Zeitpunkt der klinischen Praesentation bereits irreversibel abgelaufen ist . In der klinischen Situation vergleichbaren experimentellen Studien haben sich folgende Ansaetze besonders bewaehrt : Steigerung der Blutfluiditaet mittels Dextran , Hemmung der Leukocyten-Endothel-Interaktion durch monoklonale Antikoerper gegen ICAM-1 und Aufhebung lokaler Vasokonstriktion durch Endothelin-Rezeptor Antagonisten .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
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] | Zusammenfassung . Die Induktion der akuten Pankreatitis folgt einem vergleichbaren Reaktionsablauf unabhaengig vom jeweiligen aetiologischen Faktor . Eine fruehzeitige intracellulaere Aktivierung von Trypsinogen und im Gefolge auch der uebrigen digestiven Enzyme fuehrt zusammen mit der Bildung von Sauerstoffradikalen zum Acinuszellschaden . Die konsekutiv freigesetzten vasoaktiven Mediatoren und proinflammatorischen Cytokine wirken chemotaktisch auf Leukocyten und fuehren zur Aktivierung von vasculaerem Endothel und vermehrter Expression von Adhaesionsmolekuelen . Die Folge ist eine gestoerte Mikroperfusion des Pankreas mit Verstaerkung von Extravasation von Leukocyten und Entzuendungsinfiltrat . Die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung des Pankreas bewirkt als zentraler pathogenetischer Schritt die Progression von der milden zur nekrotisierenden Pankreatitis und fuehrt so die Erkrankung unabhaengig von der primaeren Aetiologie fort . Spezifische therapeutische Ansaetze muessen gegen die Mikrozirkulationsstoerung als sekundaeren pathogenetischen Schritt der akuten Pankreatitis gerichtet sein , da die initiale Proteasenaktivierung und Cytokinfreisetzung zum Zeitpunkt der klinischen Praesentation bereits irreversibel abgelaufen ist . In der klinischen Situation vergleichbaren experimentellen Studien haben sich folgende Ansaetze besonders bewaehrt : Steigerung der Blutfluiditaet mittels Dextran , Hemmung der Leukocyten-Endothel-Interaktion durch monoklonale Antikoerper gegen ICAM-1 und Aufhebung lokaler Vasokonstriktion durch Endothelin-Rezeptor Antagonisten . | [
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Radiofrequency catheter ablation is an umlsterm, treatment is an umlsterm, choice is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, fast is an umlsterm, fast is an umlsterm, fast is an umlsterm, criteria is an umlsterm, diagnosis is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, relapses is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, single is an umlsterm, risk of is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, analysis is an umlsterm, catheter ablation is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, delivery is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, risk of is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, AV block is an umlsterm, patient is an umlsterm, procedure is an umlsterm | ZfuerKardiologie.0089iii103.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the treatment of choice in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia . Electrophysiologic investigations in 623 patients revealed eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation : Ablation of fast ( I ) or slow ( II ) , modification of fast ( III ) or slow AV nodal pathways ( IV ) , modification of both pathways ( V ) , ablation of fast and modification of slow ( VI ) , ablation of slow and modification of fast pathways ( VII ) and ablation of both pathways ( VIII ) . The criteria of diagnosis of these eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation are described . Follow-up showed fewer relapses in patients with ablation ( 0-2% ) in comparison to patients with modification of a single AV nodal pathway ( 8-12% ) . Alteration of both pathways includes an increasing risk of total AV nodal block , which occured in 7 patients ( 1.1% ) . Detailed analysis of the mechanism of catheter ablation is recommended in all patients after radiofrequency current delivery for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia to estimate the risk of relapsing during follow-up or development of total AV block in the particular patient in case of a further ablation procedure .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
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] | Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the treatment of choice in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia . Electrophysiologic investigations in 623 patients revealed eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation : Ablation of fast ( I ) or slow ( II ) , modification of fast ( III ) or slow AV nodal pathways ( IV ) , modification of both pathways ( V ) , ablation of fast and modification of slow ( VI ) , ablation of slow and modification of fast pathways ( VII ) and ablation of both pathways ( VIII ) . The criteria of diagnosis of these eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation are described . Follow-up showed fewer relapses in patients with ablation ( 0-2% ) in comparison to patients with modification of a single AV nodal pathway ( 8-12% ) . Alteration of both pathways includes an increasing risk of total AV nodal block , which occured in 7 patients ( 1.1% ) . Detailed analysis of the mechanism of catheter ablation is recommended in all patients after radiofrequency current delivery for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia to estimate the risk of relapsing during follow-up or development of total AV block in the particular patient in case of a further ablation procedure . | [
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Radiofrequency catheter ablation is an umlsterm, treatment is an umlsterm, choice is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, fast is an umlsterm, fast is an umlsterm, fast is an umlsterm, criteria is an umlsterm, diagnosis is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, relapses is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, single is an umlsterm, risk of is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, analysis is an umlsterm, catheter ablation is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, delivery is an umlsterm, tachycardia is an umlsterm, risk of is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, AV block is an umlsterm, patient is an umlsterm, procedure is an umlsterm | ZfuerKardiologie.0089iii103.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the treatment of choice in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia . Electrophysiologic investigations in 623 patients revealed eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation : Ablation of fast ( I ) or slow ( II ) , modification of fast ( III ) or slow AV nodal pathways ( IV ) , modification of both pathways ( V ) , ablation of fast and modification of slow ( VI ) , ablation of slow and modification of fast pathways ( VII ) and ablation of both pathways ( VIII ) . The criteria of diagnosis of these eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation are described . Follow-up showed fewer relapses in patients with ablation ( 0-2% ) in comparison to patients with modification of a single AV nodal pathway ( 8-12% ) . Alteration of both pathways includes an increasing risk of total AV nodal block , which occured in 7 patients ( 1.1% ) . Detailed analysis of the mechanism of catheter ablation is recommended in all patients after radiofrequency current delivery for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia to estimate the risk of relapsing during follow-up or development of total AV block in the particular patient in case of a further ablation procedure .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Radiofrequency catheter ablation, treatment, choice, tachycardia, patients, tachycardia, fast, fast, fast, criteria, diagnosis, tachycardia, relapses, patients, patients, single, risk of, patients, analysis, catheter ablation, patients, delivery, tachycardia, risk of, development, AV block, patient, procedure
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the treatment of choice in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia . Electrophysiologic investigations in 623 patients revealed eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation : Ablation of fast ( I ) or slow ( II ) , modification of fast ( III ) or slow AV nodal pathways ( IV ) , modification of both pathways ( V ) , ablation of fast and modification of slow ( VI ) , ablation of slow and modification of fast pathways ( VII ) and ablation of both pathways ( VIII ) . The criteria of diagnosis of these eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation are described . Follow-up showed fewer relapses in patients with ablation ( 0-2% ) in comparison to patients with modification of a single AV nodal pathway ( 8-12% ) . Alteration of both pathways includes an increasing risk of total AV nodal block , which occured in 7 patients ( 1.1% ) . Detailed analysis of the mechanism of catheter ablation is recommended in all patients after radiofrequency current delivery for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia to estimate the risk of relapsing during follow-up or development of total AV block in the particular patient in case of a further ablation procedure . | [
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Radiofrequency catheter ablation, treatment, choice, tachycardia, patients, tachycardia, fast, fast, fast, criteria, diagnosis, tachycardia, relapses, patients, patients, single, risk of, patients, analysis, catheter ablation, patients, delivery, tachycardia, risk of, development, AV block, patient, procedure | ZfuerKardiologie.0089iii103.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the treatment of choice in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia . Electrophysiologic investigations in 623 patients revealed eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation : Ablation of fast ( I ) or slow ( II ) , modification of fast ( III ) or slow AV nodal pathways ( IV ) , modification of both pathways ( V ) , ablation of fast and modification of slow ( VI ) , ablation of slow and modification of fast pathways ( VII ) and ablation of both pathways ( VIII ) . The criteria of diagnosis of these eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation are described . Follow-up showed fewer relapses in patients with ablation ( 0-2% ) in comparison to patients with modification of a single AV nodal pathway ( 8-12% ) . Alteration of both pathways includes an increasing risk of total AV nodal block , which occured in 7 patients ( 1.1% ) . Detailed analysis of the mechanism of catheter ablation is recommended in all patients after radiofrequency current delivery for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia to estimate the risk of relapsing during follow-up or development of total AV block in the particular patient in case of a further ablation procedure .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
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] | Radiofrequency catheter ablation is the treatment of choice in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia . Electrophysiologic investigations in 623 patients revealed eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation : Ablation of fast ( I ) or slow ( II ) , modification of fast ( III ) or slow AV nodal pathways ( IV ) , modification of both pathways ( V ) , ablation of fast and modification of slow ( VI ) , ablation of slow and modification of fast pathways ( VII ) and ablation of both pathways ( VIII ) . The criteria of diagnosis of these eight mechanisms of tachycardia ablation are described . Follow-up showed fewer relapses in patients with ablation ( 0-2% ) in comparison to patients with modification of a single AV nodal pathway ( 8-12% ) . Alteration of both pathways includes an increasing risk of total AV nodal block , which occured in 7 patients ( 1.1% ) . Detailed analysis of the mechanism of catheter ablation is recommended in all patients after radiofrequency current delivery for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia to estimate the risk of relapsing during follow-up or development of total AV block in the particular patient in case of a further ablation procedure . | [
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radiation is an umlsterm, physical measurement is an umlsterm, art is an umlsterm, use is an umlsterm, polysulphone is an umlsterm, polymer is an umlsterm, irradiation is an umlsterm, Bacillus subtilis is an umlsterm, spores is an umlsterm, electronic is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, dermatology is an umlsterm | DerHautarzt.90500701.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Natural and artificial UV radiation are environmental factors with both beneficial and harmful biological effects . This article will explain the physical measurement quantities and their relation to the biologically effective dose and will summarize the present technical state of the art of personal UV monitoring . In practical use are dosimeters based on polysulphone , a polymer which undergoes changes in its optical properties upon irradiation with UV . Other systems determine the UV dose by quantifying damage induced in Bacillus subtilis spores upon UV exposure . An electronic UV sensor represents a new and interesting development . Personal UV dosimeters will become an useful tool in both clinical and scientific areas within dermatology .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Natural and artificial UV radiation are environmental factors with both beneficial and harmful biological effects . This article will explain the physical measurement quantities and their relation to the biologically effective dose and will summarize the present technical state of the art of personal UV monitoring . In practical use are dosimeters based on polysulphone , a polymer which undergoes changes in its optical properties upon irradiation with UV . Other systems determine the UV dose by quantifying damage induced in Bacillus subtilis spores upon UV exposure . An electronic UV sensor represents a new and interesting development . Personal UV dosimeters will become an useful tool in both clinical and scientific areas within dermatology . | [
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radiation is an umlsterm, physical measurement is an umlsterm, art is an umlsterm, use is an umlsterm, polysulphone is an umlsterm, polymer is an umlsterm, irradiation is an umlsterm, Bacillus subtilis is an umlsterm, spores is an umlsterm, electronic is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, dermatology is an umlsterm | DerHautarzt.90500701.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Natural and artificial UV radiation are environmental factors with both beneficial and harmful biological effects . This article will explain the physical measurement quantities and their relation to the biologically effective dose and will summarize the present technical state of the art of personal UV monitoring . In practical use are dosimeters based on polysulphone , a polymer which undergoes changes in its optical properties upon irradiation with UV . Other systems determine the UV dose by quantifying damage induced in Bacillus subtilis spores upon UV exposure . An electronic UV sensor represents a new and interesting development . Personal UV dosimeters will become an useful tool in both clinical and scientific areas within dermatology .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: radiation, physical measurement, art, use, polysulphone, polymer, irradiation, Bacillus subtilis, spores, electronic, development, dermatology
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Natural and artificial UV radiation are environmental factors with both beneficial and harmful biological effects . This article will explain the physical measurement quantities and their relation to the biologically effective dose and will summarize the present technical state of the art of personal UV monitoring . In practical use are dosimeters based on polysulphone , a polymer which undergoes changes in its optical properties upon irradiation with UV . Other systems determine the UV dose by quantifying damage induced in Bacillus subtilis spores upon UV exposure . An electronic UV sensor represents a new and interesting development . Personal UV dosimeters will become an useful tool in both clinical and scientific areas within dermatology . | [
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radiation, physical measurement, art, use, polysulphone, polymer, irradiation, Bacillus subtilis, spores, electronic, development, dermatology | DerHautarzt.90500701.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Natural and artificial UV radiation are environmental factors with both beneficial and harmful biological effects . This article will explain the physical measurement quantities and their relation to the biologically effective dose and will summarize the present technical state of the art of personal UV monitoring . In practical use are dosimeters based on polysulphone , a polymer which undergoes changes in its optical properties upon irradiation with UV . Other systems determine the UV dose by quantifying damage induced in Bacillus subtilis spores upon UV exposure . An electronic UV sensor represents a new and interesting development . Personal UV dosimeters will become an useful tool in both clinical and scientific areas within dermatology .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
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] | Natural and artificial UV radiation are environmental factors with both beneficial and harmful biological effects . This article will explain the physical measurement quantities and their relation to the biologically effective dose and will summarize the present technical state of the art of personal UV monitoring . In practical use are dosimeters based on polysulphone , a polymer which undergoes changes in its optical properties upon irradiation with UV . Other systems determine the UV dose by quantifying damage induced in Bacillus subtilis spores upon UV exposure . An electronic UV sensor represents a new and interesting development . Personal UV dosimeters will become an useful tool in both clinical and scientific areas within dermatology . | [
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urinary is a Organism_substance, stones is a Organism_substance, urine is a Organism_substance, renal proximal tubule is a Multi-tissue_structure, uric acid stone is a Organism_substance, renal is a Organ, renal is a Organ, urinary is a Organism_substance, uric acid stones is a Organism_substance | PMID-15202612_task0 | Sentence: Novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis.
The factors involved in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis are well known. A low urinary pH is the most significant element in the generation of stones, with hyperuricosuria being a less common finding. The underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these disturbances remain poorly characterized. This review summarizes previous knowledge and highlights some recent developments in the pathophysiology of low urine pH and hyperuricosuria.
Epidemiological and metabolic studies have indicated an association between uric acid nephrolithiasis and insulin resistance. Some potential mechanisms include impaired ammoniagenesis caused by resistance to insulin action in the renal proximal tubule, or substrate competition by free fatty acids. The evaluation of a large Sicilian kindred recently revealed a putative genetic locus linked to uric acid stone disease. The identification of novel complementary DNA has provided an interesting insight into the renal handling of uric acid, including one genetic cause of renal uric acid wasting.
The recognition of metabolic, molecular, and genetic factors that influence urinary pH, and uric acid metabolism and excretion, will provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid stones, and open the way for new therapeutic strategies.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Organ, Multi-tissue_structure, Organism_substance
| [
] | Novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis.
The factors involved in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis are well known. A low urinary pH is the most significant element in the generation of stones, with hyperuricosuria being a less common finding. The underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these disturbances remain poorly characterized. This review summarizes previous knowledge and highlights some recent developments in the pathophysiology of low urine pH and hyperuricosuria.
Epidemiological and metabolic studies have indicated an association between uric acid nephrolithiasis and insulin resistance. Some potential mechanisms include impaired ammoniagenesis caused by resistance to insulin action in the renal proximal tubule, or substrate competition by free fatty acids. The evaluation of a large Sicilian kindred recently revealed a putative genetic locus linked to uric acid stone disease. The identification of novel complementary DNA has provided an interesting insight into the renal handling of uric acid, including one genetic cause of renal uric acid wasting.
The recognition of metabolic, molecular, and genetic factors that influence urinary pH, and uric acid metabolism and excretion, will provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid stones, and open the way for new therapeutic strategies.
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urinary is a Organism_substance, stones is a Organism_substance, urine is a Organism_substance, renal proximal tubule is a Multi-tissue_structure, uric acid stone is a Organism_substance, renal is a Organ, renal is a Organ, urinary is a Organism_substance, uric acid stones is a Organism_substance | PMID-15202612_task1 | Sentence: Novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis.
The factors involved in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis are well known. A low urinary pH is the most significant element in the generation of stones, with hyperuricosuria being a less common finding. The underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these disturbances remain poorly characterized. This review summarizes previous knowledge and highlights some recent developments in the pathophysiology of low urine pH and hyperuricosuria.
Epidemiological and metabolic studies have indicated an association between uric acid nephrolithiasis and insulin resistance. Some potential mechanisms include impaired ammoniagenesis caused by resistance to insulin action in the renal proximal tubule, or substrate competition by free fatty acids. The evaluation of a large Sicilian kindred recently revealed a putative genetic locus linked to uric acid stone disease. The identification of novel complementary DNA has provided an interesting insight into the renal handling of uric acid, including one genetic cause of renal uric acid wasting.
The recognition of metabolic, molecular, and genetic factors that influence urinary pH, and uric acid metabolism and excretion, will provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid stones, and open the way for new therapeutic strategies.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: urinary, stones, urine, renal proximal tubule, uric acid stone, renal, renal, urinary, uric acid stones
Options: Organ, Multi-tissue_structure, Organism_substance
| [
] | Novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis.
The factors involved in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis are well known. A low urinary pH is the most significant element in the generation of stones, with hyperuricosuria being a less common finding. The underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these disturbances remain poorly characterized. This review summarizes previous knowledge and highlights some recent developments in the pathophysiology of low urine pH and hyperuricosuria.
Epidemiological and metabolic studies have indicated an association between uric acid nephrolithiasis and insulin resistance. Some potential mechanisms include impaired ammoniagenesis caused by resistance to insulin action in the renal proximal tubule, or substrate competition by free fatty acids. The evaluation of a large Sicilian kindred recently revealed a putative genetic locus linked to uric acid stone disease. The identification of novel complementary DNA has provided an interesting insight into the renal handling of uric acid, including one genetic cause of renal uric acid wasting.
The recognition of metabolic, molecular, and genetic factors that influence urinary pH, and uric acid metabolism and excretion, will provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid stones, and open the way for new therapeutic strategies.
| [
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urinary, stones, urine, renal proximal tubule, uric acid stone, renal, renal, urinary, uric acid stones | PMID-15202612_task2 | Sentence: Novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis.
The factors involved in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis are well known. A low urinary pH is the most significant element in the generation of stones, with hyperuricosuria being a less common finding. The underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these disturbances remain poorly characterized. This review summarizes previous knowledge and highlights some recent developments in the pathophysiology of low urine pH and hyperuricosuria.
Epidemiological and metabolic studies have indicated an association between uric acid nephrolithiasis and insulin resistance. Some potential mechanisms include impaired ammoniagenesis caused by resistance to insulin action in the renal proximal tubule, or substrate competition by free fatty acids. The evaluation of a large Sicilian kindred recently revealed a putative genetic locus linked to uric acid stone disease. The identification of novel complementary DNA has provided an interesting insight into the renal handling of uric acid, including one genetic cause of renal uric acid wasting.
The recognition of metabolic, molecular, and genetic factors that influence urinary pH, and uric acid metabolism and excretion, will provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid stones, and open the way for new therapeutic strategies.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis.
The factors involved in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephrolithiasis are well known. A low urinary pH is the most significant element in the generation of stones, with hyperuricosuria being a less common finding. The underlying mechanism(s) responsible for these disturbances remain poorly characterized. This review summarizes previous knowledge and highlights some recent developments in the pathophysiology of low urine pH and hyperuricosuria.
Epidemiological and metabolic studies have indicated an association between uric acid nephrolithiasis and insulin resistance. Some potential mechanisms include impaired ammoniagenesis caused by resistance to insulin action in the renal proximal tubule, or substrate competition by free fatty acids. The evaluation of a large Sicilian kindred recently revealed a putative genetic locus linked to uric acid stone disease. The identification of novel complementary DNA has provided an interesting insight into the renal handling of uric acid, including one genetic cause of renal uric acid wasting.
The recognition of metabolic, molecular, and genetic factors that influence urinary pH, and uric acid metabolism and excretion, will provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of uric acid stones, and open the way for new therapeutic strategies.
| [
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p47(phox ) is a Protein, interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain is a Protein | 781_task0 | Sentence: Monochloramine inhibits phorbol ester-inducible neutrophil respiratory burst activation and T cell interleukin-2 receptor expression by inhibiting inducible protein kinase C activity.
Monochloramine derivatives are long lived physiological oxidants produced by neutrophils during the respiratory burst. The effects of chemically prepared monochloramine (NH2Cl) on protein kinase C (PKC) and PKC-mediated cellular responses were studied in elicited rat peritoneal neutrophils and human Jurkat T cells. Neutrophils pretreated with NH2Cl (30-50 microM) showed a marked decrease in the respiratory burst activity induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which is a potent PKC activator. These cells, however, were viable and showed a complete respiratory burst upon arachidonic acid stimulation, which induces the respiratory burst by a PKC-independent mechanism. The NH2Cl-treated neutrophils showed a decrease in both PKC activity and PMA-induced phosphorylation of a 47-kDa protein, which corresponds to the cytosolic factor of NADPH oxidase, p47(phox). Jurkat T cells pretreated with NH2Cl (20-70 microM) showed a decrease in the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain following PMA stimulation. This was also accompanied by a decrease in both PKC activity and nuclear transcription factor-kappaB activation, also without loss of cell viability. These results show that NH2Cl inhibits PKC-mediated cellular responses through inhibition of the inducible PKC activity.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Protein
| [
] | Monochloramine inhibits phorbol ester-inducible neutrophil respiratory burst activation and T cell interleukin-2 receptor expression by inhibiting inducible protein kinase C activity.
Monochloramine derivatives are long lived physiological oxidants produced by neutrophils during the respiratory burst. The effects of chemically prepared monochloramine (NH2Cl) on protein kinase C (PKC) and PKC-mediated cellular responses were studied in elicited rat peritoneal neutrophils and human Jurkat T cells. Neutrophils pretreated with NH2Cl (30-50 microM) showed a marked decrease in the respiratory burst activity induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which is a potent PKC activator. These cells, however, were viable and showed a complete respiratory burst upon arachidonic acid stimulation, which induces the respiratory burst by a PKC-independent mechanism. The NH2Cl-treated neutrophils showed a decrease in both PKC activity and PMA-induced phosphorylation of a 47-kDa protein, which corresponds to the cytosolic factor of NADPH oxidase, p47(phox). Jurkat T cells pretreated with NH2Cl (20-70 microM) showed a decrease in the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain following PMA stimulation. This was also accompanied by a decrease in both PKC activity and nuclear transcription factor-kappaB activation, also without loss of cell viability. These results show that NH2Cl inhibits PKC-mediated cellular responses through inhibition of the inducible PKC activity. | [
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p47(phox ) is a Protein, interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain is a Protein | 781_task1 | Sentence: Monochloramine inhibits phorbol ester-inducible neutrophil respiratory burst activation and T cell interleukin-2 receptor expression by inhibiting inducible protein kinase C activity.
Monochloramine derivatives are long lived physiological oxidants produced by neutrophils during the respiratory burst. The effects of chemically prepared monochloramine (NH2Cl) on protein kinase C (PKC) and PKC-mediated cellular responses were studied in elicited rat peritoneal neutrophils and human Jurkat T cells. Neutrophils pretreated with NH2Cl (30-50 microM) showed a marked decrease in the respiratory burst activity induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which is a potent PKC activator. These cells, however, were viable and showed a complete respiratory burst upon arachidonic acid stimulation, which induces the respiratory burst by a PKC-independent mechanism. The NH2Cl-treated neutrophils showed a decrease in both PKC activity and PMA-induced phosphorylation of a 47-kDa protein, which corresponds to the cytosolic factor of NADPH oxidase, p47(phox). Jurkat T cells pretreated with NH2Cl (20-70 microM) showed a decrease in the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain following PMA stimulation. This was also accompanied by a decrease in both PKC activity and nuclear transcription factor-kappaB activation, also without loss of cell viability. These results show that NH2Cl inhibits PKC-mediated cellular responses through inhibition of the inducible PKC activity.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: p47(phox ), interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain
Options: Protein
| [
] | Monochloramine inhibits phorbol ester-inducible neutrophil respiratory burst activation and T cell interleukin-2 receptor expression by inhibiting inducible protein kinase C activity.
Monochloramine derivatives are long lived physiological oxidants produced by neutrophils during the respiratory burst. The effects of chemically prepared monochloramine (NH2Cl) on protein kinase C (PKC) and PKC-mediated cellular responses were studied in elicited rat peritoneal neutrophils and human Jurkat T cells. Neutrophils pretreated with NH2Cl (30-50 microM) showed a marked decrease in the respiratory burst activity induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which is a potent PKC activator. These cells, however, were viable and showed a complete respiratory burst upon arachidonic acid stimulation, which induces the respiratory burst by a PKC-independent mechanism. The NH2Cl-treated neutrophils showed a decrease in both PKC activity and PMA-induced phosphorylation of a 47-kDa protein, which corresponds to the cytosolic factor of NADPH oxidase, p47(phox). Jurkat T cells pretreated with NH2Cl (20-70 microM) showed a decrease in the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain following PMA stimulation. This was also accompanied by a decrease in both PKC activity and nuclear transcription factor-kappaB activation, also without loss of cell viability. These results show that NH2Cl inhibits PKC-mediated cellular responses through inhibition of the inducible PKC activity. | [
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p47(phox ), interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain | 781_task2 | Sentence: Monochloramine inhibits phorbol ester-inducible neutrophil respiratory burst activation and T cell interleukin-2 receptor expression by inhibiting inducible protein kinase C activity.
Monochloramine derivatives are long lived physiological oxidants produced by neutrophils during the respiratory burst. The effects of chemically prepared monochloramine (NH2Cl) on protein kinase C (PKC) and PKC-mediated cellular responses were studied in elicited rat peritoneal neutrophils and human Jurkat T cells. Neutrophils pretreated with NH2Cl (30-50 microM) showed a marked decrease in the respiratory burst activity induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which is a potent PKC activator. These cells, however, were viable and showed a complete respiratory burst upon arachidonic acid stimulation, which induces the respiratory burst by a PKC-independent mechanism. The NH2Cl-treated neutrophils showed a decrease in both PKC activity and PMA-induced phosphorylation of a 47-kDa protein, which corresponds to the cytosolic factor of NADPH oxidase, p47(phox). Jurkat T cells pretreated with NH2Cl (20-70 microM) showed a decrease in the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain following PMA stimulation. This was also accompanied by a decrease in both PKC activity and nuclear transcription factor-kappaB activation, also without loss of cell viability. These results show that NH2Cl inhibits PKC-mediated cellular responses through inhibition of the inducible PKC activity.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Monochloramine inhibits phorbol ester-inducible neutrophil respiratory burst activation and T cell interleukin-2 receptor expression by inhibiting inducible protein kinase C activity.
Monochloramine derivatives are long lived physiological oxidants produced by neutrophils during the respiratory burst. The effects of chemically prepared monochloramine (NH2Cl) on protein kinase C (PKC) and PKC-mediated cellular responses were studied in elicited rat peritoneal neutrophils and human Jurkat T cells. Neutrophils pretreated with NH2Cl (30-50 microM) showed a marked decrease in the respiratory burst activity induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which is a potent PKC activator. These cells, however, were viable and showed a complete respiratory burst upon arachidonic acid stimulation, which induces the respiratory burst by a PKC-independent mechanism. The NH2Cl-treated neutrophils showed a decrease in both PKC activity and PMA-induced phosphorylation of a 47-kDa protein, which corresponds to the cytosolic factor of NADPH oxidase, p47(phox). Jurkat T cells pretreated with NH2Cl (20-70 microM) showed a decrease in the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain following PMA stimulation. This was also accompanied by a decrease in both PKC activity and nuclear transcription factor-kappaB activation, also without loss of cell viability. These results show that NH2Cl inhibits PKC-mediated cellular responses through inhibition of the inducible PKC activity. | [
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Operationsmethode is an umlsterm, Effizienz is an umlsterm, Methode is an umlsterm | DerOpthalmologe.70940436.ger.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Die Reposition der vorderen Lidlamelle ist eine Operationsmethode zur Korrektur des leichten und maessigen Oberlidentropiums . Retrospektiv werden praeoperative Krankheitsverlaeufe und die Effizienz dieser Methode analysiert .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Die Reposition der vorderen Lidlamelle ist eine Operationsmethode zur Korrektur des leichten und maessigen Oberlidentropiums . Retrospektiv werden praeoperative Krankheitsverlaeufe und die Effizienz dieser Methode analysiert . | [
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Operationsmethode is an umlsterm, Effizienz is an umlsterm, Methode is an umlsterm | DerOpthalmologe.70940436.ger.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Die Reposition der vorderen Lidlamelle ist eine Operationsmethode zur Korrektur des leichten und maessigen Oberlidentropiums . Retrospektiv werden praeoperative Krankheitsverlaeufe und die Effizienz dieser Methode analysiert .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Operationsmethode, Effizienz, Methode
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Die Reposition der vorderen Lidlamelle ist eine Operationsmethode zur Korrektur des leichten und maessigen Oberlidentropiums . Retrospektiv werden praeoperative Krankheitsverlaeufe und die Effizienz dieser Methode analysiert . | [
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Operationsmethode, Effizienz, Methode | DerOpthalmologe.70940436.ger.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Die Reposition der vorderen Lidlamelle ist eine Operationsmethode zur Korrektur des leichten und maessigen Oberlidentropiums . Retrospektiv werden praeoperative Krankheitsverlaeufe und die Effizienz dieser Methode analysiert .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Die Reposition der vorderen Lidlamelle ist eine Operationsmethode zur Korrektur des leichten und maessigen Oberlidentropiums . Retrospektiv werden praeoperative Krankheitsverlaeufe und die Effizienz dieser Methode analysiert . | [
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epidermal growth factor is a protein, EGFRs is a protein, gefitinib is a compound | DS.d1642_task0 | Sentence: Despite widespread expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) and EGF family ligands in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as gefitinib exhibit limited activity in this cancer.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: compound, protein
| [
] | Despite widespread expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) and EGF family ligands in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as gefitinib exhibit limited activity in this cancer. | [
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epidermal growth factor is a protein, EGFRs is a protein, gefitinib is a compound | DS.d1642_task1 | Sentence: Despite widespread expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) and EGF family ligands in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as gefitinib exhibit limited activity in this cancer.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: epidermal growth factor, EGFRs, gefitinib
Options: compound, protein
| [
] | Despite widespread expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) and EGF family ligands in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as gefitinib exhibit limited activity in this cancer. | [
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epidermal growth factor, EGFRs, gefitinib | DS.d1642_task2 | Sentence: Despite widespread expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) and EGF family ligands in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as gefitinib exhibit limited activity in this cancer.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Despite widespread expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) and EGF family ligands in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as gefitinib exhibit limited activity in this cancer. | [
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caldesmon is a protein, fascin is a protein-family, actin is a protein-family, Mr TMs is a protein, fascin is a protein-family | 1.0alpha7.train.1126_task0 | Sentence: In the presence of caldesmon, fascin does not inhibit actin binding of high Mr TMs at a concentration below 2 μM fascin (closed circles).
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: protein-family, protein
| [
] | In the presence of caldesmon, fascin does not inhibit actin binding of high Mr TMs at a concentration below 2 μM fascin (closed circles). | [
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caldesmon is a protein, fascin is a protein-family, actin is a protein-family, Mr TMs is a protein, fascin is a protein-family | 1.0alpha7.train.1126_task1 | Sentence: In the presence of caldesmon, fascin does not inhibit actin binding of high Mr TMs at a concentration below 2 μM fascin (closed circles).
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: caldesmon, fascin, actin, Mr TMs, fascin
Options: protein-family, protein
| [
] | In the presence of caldesmon, fascin does not inhibit actin binding of high Mr TMs at a concentration below 2 μM fascin (closed circles). | [
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caldesmon, fascin, actin, Mr TMs, fascin | 1.0alpha7.train.1126_task2 | Sentence: In the presence of caldesmon, fascin does not inhibit actin binding of high Mr TMs at a concentration below 2 μM fascin (closed circles).
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | In the presence of caldesmon, fascin does not inhibit actin binding of high Mr TMs at a concentration below 2 μM fascin (closed circles). | [
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Taubheit is an umlsterm, tauben is an umlsterm, Kinder is an umlsterm, Hoerstoerungen is an umlsterm, Gendefekte is an umlsterm, Dokumentation is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Krankenakten is an umlsterm, Kindern is an umlsterm, Studenten is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm | HNO.80460809.ger.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Die Haeufigkeit von Taubheit im Kindesalter wird heute mit ca. 1/2000 angegeben und zu 60% auf genetische Ursachen zurueckgefuehrt ; 70% dieser tauben Kinder repraesentieren hierbei nicht-syndromale Hoerstoerungen . Die Lokalisierung und Identifizierung der zugrundeliegenden Gendefekte sind derzeit Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsprojekte . Entscheidend ist hierbei die klinische Dokumentation von Familien ausreichender Groesse mit mehreren Betroffenen und die exakte audiometrische Evaluierung der Familien . Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Krankenakten von 3800 hoergeschaedigten Kindern an der HNO-Klinik der Ege-Universitaet in Izmir analysiert und die Studenten zweier Schulen fuer Hoerbehinderte im Raum Izmir untersucht . Ziel war hierbei die Identifikation von Familien mit hereditaerer Schwerhoerigkeit . Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnten 55 Familien mit nicht-syndromaler und 16 Familien mit syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit identifiziert werden . Innerhalb der Familien mit nicht-syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit waren 12 mit einem autosomal-dominanten , 27 mit einem autosomal-rezessiven und 2 Familien mit einem x-gekoppelten Erbgang vereinbar . In 14 Familien war kein klarer Vererbungsmodus zu erkennen .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Die Haeufigkeit von Taubheit im Kindesalter wird heute mit ca. 1/2000 angegeben und zu 60% auf genetische Ursachen zurueckgefuehrt ; 70% dieser tauben Kinder repraesentieren hierbei nicht-syndromale Hoerstoerungen . Die Lokalisierung und Identifizierung der zugrundeliegenden Gendefekte sind derzeit Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsprojekte . Entscheidend ist hierbei die klinische Dokumentation von Familien ausreichender Groesse mit mehreren Betroffenen und die exakte audiometrische Evaluierung der Familien . Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Krankenakten von 3800 hoergeschaedigten Kindern an der HNO-Klinik der Ege-Universitaet in Izmir analysiert und die Studenten zweier Schulen fuer Hoerbehinderte im Raum Izmir untersucht . Ziel war hierbei die Identifikation von Familien mit hereditaerer Schwerhoerigkeit . Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnten 55 Familien mit nicht-syndromaler und 16 Familien mit syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit identifiziert werden . Innerhalb der Familien mit nicht-syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit waren 12 mit einem autosomal-dominanten , 27 mit einem autosomal-rezessiven und 2 Familien mit einem x-gekoppelten Erbgang vereinbar . In 14 Familien war kein klarer Vererbungsmodus zu erkennen . | [
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Taubheit is an umlsterm, tauben is an umlsterm, Kinder is an umlsterm, Hoerstoerungen is an umlsterm, Gendefekte is an umlsterm, Dokumentation is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Krankenakten is an umlsterm, Kindern is an umlsterm, Studenten is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm, Familien is an umlsterm | HNO.80460809.ger.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Die Haeufigkeit von Taubheit im Kindesalter wird heute mit ca. 1/2000 angegeben und zu 60% auf genetische Ursachen zurueckgefuehrt ; 70% dieser tauben Kinder repraesentieren hierbei nicht-syndromale Hoerstoerungen . Die Lokalisierung und Identifizierung der zugrundeliegenden Gendefekte sind derzeit Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsprojekte . Entscheidend ist hierbei die klinische Dokumentation von Familien ausreichender Groesse mit mehreren Betroffenen und die exakte audiometrische Evaluierung der Familien . Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Krankenakten von 3800 hoergeschaedigten Kindern an der HNO-Klinik der Ege-Universitaet in Izmir analysiert und die Studenten zweier Schulen fuer Hoerbehinderte im Raum Izmir untersucht . Ziel war hierbei die Identifikation von Familien mit hereditaerer Schwerhoerigkeit . Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnten 55 Familien mit nicht-syndromaler und 16 Familien mit syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit identifiziert werden . Innerhalb der Familien mit nicht-syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit waren 12 mit einem autosomal-dominanten , 27 mit einem autosomal-rezessiven und 2 Familien mit einem x-gekoppelten Erbgang vereinbar . In 14 Familien war kein klarer Vererbungsmodus zu erkennen .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Taubheit, tauben, Kinder, Hoerstoerungen, Gendefekte, Dokumentation, Familien, Familien, Krankenakten, Kindern, Studenten, Familien, Familien, Familien, Familien, Familien, Familien
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Die Haeufigkeit von Taubheit im Kindesalter wird heute mit ca. 1/2000 angegeben und zu 60% auf genetische Ursachen zurueckgefuehrt ; 70% dieser tauben Kinder repraesentieren hierbei nicht-syndromale Hoerstoerungen . Die Lokalisierung und Identifizierung der zugrundeliegenden Gendefekte sind derzeit Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsprojekte . Entscheidend ist hierbei die klinische Dokumentation von Familien ausreichender Groesse mit mehreren Betroffenen und die exakte audiometrische Evaluierung der Familien . Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Krankenakten von 3800 hoergeschaedigten Kindern an der HNO-Klinik der Ege-Universitaet in Izmir analysiert und die Studenten zweier Schulen fuer Hoerbehinderte im Raum Izmir untersucht . Ziel war hierbei die Identifikation von Familien mit hereditaerer Schwerhoerigkeit . Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnten 55 Familien mit nicht-syndromaler und 16 Familien mit syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit identifiziert werden . Innerhalb der Familien mit nicht-syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit waren 12 mit einem autosomal-dominanten , 27 mit einem autosomal-rezessiven und 2 Familien mit einem x-gekoppelten Erbgang vereinbar . In 14 Familien war kein klarer Vererbungsmodus zu erkennen . | [
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Taubheit, tauben, Kinder, Hoerstoerungen, Gendefekte, Dokumentation, Familien, Familien, Krankenakten, Kindern, Studenten, Familien, Familien, Familien, Familien, Familien, Familien | HNO.80460809.ger.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Die Haeufigkeit von Taubheit im Kindesalter wird heute mit ca. 1/2000 angegeben und zu 60% auf genetische Ursachen zurueckgefuehrt ; 70% dieser tauben Kinder repraesentieren hierbei nicht-syndromale Hoerstoerungen . Die Lokalisierung und Identifizierung der zugrundeliegenden Gendefekte sind derzeit Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsprojekte . Entscheidend ist hierbei die klinische Dokumentation von Familien ausreichender Groesse mit mehreren Betroffenen und die exakte audiometrische Evaluierung der Familien . Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Krankenakten von 3800 hoergeschaedigten Kindern an der HNO-Klinik der Ege-Universitaet in Izmir analysiert und die Studenten zweier Schulen fuer Hoerbehinderte im Raum Izmir untersucht . Ziel war hierbei die Identifikation von Familien mit hereditaerer Schwerhoerigkeit . Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnten 55 Familien mit nicht-syndromaler und 16 Familien mit syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit identifiziert werden . Innerhalb der Familien mit nicht-syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit waren 12 mit einem autosomal-dominanten , 27 mit einem autosomal-rezessiven und 2 Familien mit einem x-gekoppelten Erbgang vereinbar . In 14 Familien war kein klarer Vererbungsmodus zu erkennen .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Die Haeufigkeit von Taubheit im Kindesalter wird heute mit ca. 1/2000 angegeben und zu 60% auf genetische Ursachen zurueckgefuehrt ; 70% dieser tauben Kinder repraesentieren hierbei nicht-syndromale Hoerstoerungen . Die Lokalisierung und Identifizierung der zugrundeliegenden Gendefekte sind derzeit Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsprojekte . Entscheidend ist hierbei die klinische Dokumentation von Familien ausreichender Groesse mit mehreren Betroffenen und die exakte audiometrische Evaluierung der Familien . Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Krankenakten von 3800 hoergeschaedigten Kindern an der HNO-Klinik der Ege-Universitaet in Izmir analysiert und die Studenten zweier Schulen fuer Hoerbehinderte im Raum Izmir untersucht . Ziel war hierbei die Identifikation von Familien mit hereditaerer Schwerhoerigkeit . Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungen konnten 55 Familien mit nicht-syndromaler und 16 Familien mit syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit identifiziert werden . Innerhalb der Familien mit nicht-syndromaler Schwerhoerigkeit waren 12 mit einem autosomal-dominanten , 27 mit einem autosomal-rezessiven und 2 Familien mit einem x-gekoppelten Erbgang vereinbar . In 14 Familien war kein klarer Vererbungsmodus zu erkennen . | [
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M. tuberculosis is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, PhoP is a Protein, mycobacterial strains is a Organism, Mycobacterium bovis BCG is a Organism, BCG is a Organism, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra is a Organism, H37Ra is a Organism, BCG is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, ESX-1 is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, PhoP is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, phoP is a Protein, M. tuberculosis H37Rv is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, PhoP is a Protein, ESAT-6 is a Protein, M. tuberculosis is a Organism | 37_task0 | Sentence: Control of M. tuberculosis ESAT-6 Secretion and Specific T Cell Recognition by PhoP
Analysis of mycobacterial strains that have lost their ability to cause disease is a powerful approach to identify yet unknown virulence determinants and pathways involved in tuberculosis pathogenesis. Two of the most widely used attenuated strains in the history of tuberculosis research are Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (H37Ra), which both lost their virulence during in vitro serial passage. Whereas the attenuation of BCG is due mainly to loss of the ESAT-6 secretion system, ESX-1, the reason why H37Ra is attenuated remained unknown. However, here we show that a point mutation (S219L) in the predicted DNA binding region of the regulator PhoP is involved in the attenuation of H37Ra via a mechanism that impacts on the secretion of the major T cell antigen ESAT-6. Only H37Ra "knock-ins" that carried an integrated cosmid with the wild-type phoP gene from M. tuberculosis H37Rv showed changes in colony morphology, increased virulence, ESAT-6 secretion, and induction of specific T cell responses, whereas other H37Ra constructs did not. This finding established a link between the PhoP regulator and ESAT-6 secretion that opens exciting new perspectives for elucidating virulence regulation in M. tuberculosis.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Organism, Protein
| [
] | Control of M. tuberculosis ESAT-6 Secretion and Specific T Cell Recognition by PhoP
Analysis of mycobacterial strains that have lost their ability to cause disease is a powerful approach to identify yet unknown virulence determinants and pathways involved in tuberculosis pathogenesis. Two of the most widely used attenuated strains in the history of tuberculosis research are Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (H37Ra), which both lost their virulence during in vitro serial passage. Whereas the attenuation of BCG is due mainly to loss of the ESAT-6 secretion system, ESX-1, the reason why H37Ra is attenuated remained unknown. However, here we show that a point mutation (S219L) in the predicted DNA binding region of the regulator PhoP is involved in the attenuation of H37Ra via a mechanism that impacts on the secretion of the major T cell antigen ESAT-6. Only H37Ra "knock-ins" that carried an integrated cosmid with the wild-type phoP gene from M. tuberculosis H37Rv showed changes in colony morphology, increased virulence, ESAT-6 secretion, and induction of specific T cell responses, whereas other H37Ra constructs did not. This finding established a link between the PhoP regulator and ESAT-6 secretion that opens exciting new perspectives for elucidating virulence regulation in M. tuberculosis.
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M. tuberculosis is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, PhoP is a Protein, mycobacterial strains is a Organism, Mycobacterium bovis BCG is a Organism, BCG is a Organism, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra is a Organism, H37Ra is a Organism, BCG is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, ESX-1 is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, PhoP is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, phoP is a Protein, M. tuberculosis H37Rv is a Organism, ESAT-6 is a Protein, H37Ra is a Organism, PhoP is a Protein, ESAT-6 is a Protein, M. tuberculosis is a Organism | 37_task1 | Sentence: Control of M. tuberculosis ESAT-6 Secretion and Specific T Cell Recognition by PhoP
Analysis of mycobacterial strains that have lost their ability to cause disease is a powerful approach to identify yet unknown virulence determinants and pathways involved in tuberculosis pathogenesis. Two of the most widely used attenuated strains in the history of tuberculosis research are Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (H37Ra), which both lost their virulence during in vitro serial passage. Whereas the attenuation of BCG is due mainly to loss of the ESAT-6 secretion system, ESX-1, the reason why H37Ra is attenuated remained unknown. However, here we show that a point mutation (S219L) in the predicted DNA binding region of the regulator PhoP is involved in the attenuation of H37Ra via a mechanism that impacts on the secretion of the major T cell antigen ESAT-6. Only H37Ra "knock-ins" that carried an integrated cosmid with the wild-type phoP gene from M. tuberculosis H37Rv showed changes in colony morphology, increased virulence, ESAT-6 secretion, and induction of specific T cell responses, whereas other H37Ra constructs did not. This finding established a link between the PhoP regulator and ESAT-6 secretion that opens exciting new perspectives for elucidating virulence regulation in M. tuberculosis.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: M. tuberculosis, ESAT-6, PhoP, mycobacterial strains, Mycobacterium bovis BCG, BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra, H37Ra, BCG, ESAT-6, ESX-1, H37Ra, PhoP, H37Ra, ESAT-6, H37Ra, phoP, M. tuberculosis H37Rv, ESAT-6, H37Ra, PhoP, ESAT-6, M. tuberculosis
Options: Organism, Protein
| [
] | Control of M. tuberculosis ESAT-6 Secretion and Specific T Cell Recognition by PhoP
Analysis of mycobacterial strains that have lost their ability to cause disease is a powerful approach to identify yet unknown virulence determinants and pathways involved in tuberculosis pathogenesis. Two of the most widely used attenuated strains in the history of tuberculosis research are Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (H37Ra), which both lost their virulence during in vitro serial passage. Whereas the attenuation of BCG is due mainly to loss of the ESAT-6 secretion system, ESX-1, the reason why H37Ra is attenuated remained unknown. However, here we show that a point mutation (S219L) in the predicted DNA binding region of the regulator PhoP is involved in the attenuation of H37Ra via a mechanism that impacts on the secretion of the major T cell antigen ESAT-6. Only H37Ra "knock-ins" that carried an integrated cosmid with the wild-type phoP gene from M. tuberculosis H37Rv showed changes in colony morphology, increased virulence, ESAT-6 secretion, and induction of specific T cell responses, whereas other H37Ra constructs did not. This finding established a link between the PhoP regulator and ESAT-6 secretion that opens exciting new perspectives for elucidating virulence regulation in M. tuberculosis.
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M. tuberculosis, ESAT-6, PhoP, mycobacterial strains, Mycobacterium bovis BCG, BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra, H37Ra, BCG, ESAT-6, ESX-1, H37Ra, PhoP, H37Ra, ESAT-6, H37Ra, phoP, M. tuberculosis H37Rv, ESAT-6, H37Ra, PhoP, ESAT-6, M. tuberculosis | 37_task2 | Sentence: Control of M. tuberculosis ESAT-6 Secretion and Specific T Cell Recognition by PhoP
Analysis of mycobacterial strains that have lost their ability to cause disease is a powerful approach to identify yet unknown virulence determinants and pathways involved in tuberculosis pathogenesis. Two of the most widely used attenuated strains in the history of tuberculosis research are Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (H37Ra), which both lost their virulence during in vitro serial passage. Whereas the attenuation of BCG is due mainly to loss of the ESAT-6 secretion system, ESX-1, the reason why H37Ra is attenuated remained unknown. However, here we show that a point mutation (S219L) in the predicted DNA binding region of the regulator PhoP is involved in the attenuation of H37Ra via a mechanism that impacts on the secretion of the major T cell antigen ESAT-6. Only H37Ra "knock-ins" that carried an integrated cosmid with the wild-type phoP gene from M. tuberculosis H37Rv showed changes in colony morphology, increased virulence, ESAT-6 secretion, and induction of specific T cell responses, whereas other H37Ra constructs did not. This finding established a link between the PhoP regulator and ESAT-6 secretion that opens exciting new perspectives for elucidating virulence regulation in M. tuberculosis.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Control of M. tuberculosis ESAT-6 Secretion and Specific T Cell Recognition by PhoP
Analysis of mycobacterial strains that have lost their ability to cause disease is a powerful approach to identify yet unknown virulence determinants and pathways involved in tuberculosis pathogenesis. Two of the most widely used attenuated strains in the history of tuberculosis research are Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (H37Ra), which both lost their virulence during in vitro serial passage. Whereas the attenuation of BCG is due mainly to loss of the ESAT-6 secretion system, ESX-1, the reason why H37Ra is attenuated remained unknown. However, here we show that a point mutation (S219L) in the predicted DNA binding region of the regulator PhoP is involved in the attenuation of H37Ra via a mechanism that impacts on the secretion of the major T cell antigen ESAT-6. Only H37Ra "knock-ins" that carried an integrated cosmid with the wild-type phoP gene from M. tuberculosis H37Rv showed changes in colony morphology, increased virulence, ESAT-6 secretion, and induction of specific T cell responses, whereas other H37Ra constructs did not. This finding established a link between the PhoP regulator and ESAT-6 secretion that opens exciting new perspectives for elucidating virulence regulation in M. tuberculosis.
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Efficacy is a Outcome_Other, azithromycin is a Intervention_Pharmacological, antimicrobials is a Intervention_Pharmacological, efficacy is a Outcome_Other, similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores is a Outcome_Other, doxycycline is a Intervention_Pharmacological, ineffective in clearing infection . is a Outcome_Physical, unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis . is a Outcome_Physical | 15291_task0 | Sentence: Efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of feline chlamydophilosis . The current recommended treatment for feline chlamydophilosis involves daily oral administration of antimicrobials to all cats within an affected group for a prolonged period of time ( 4-6 weeks ) . Not surprisingly , owner compliance can be poor resulting in apparent treatment failure . Recent anecdotal evidence , supported by its efficacy in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans , has suggested that azithromycin may offer an alternative by allowing less frequent dosing for a shorter duration . A clinical trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia ( Chlamydophila felis ) infection in cats . Whilst azithromycin , given at 10-15 mg/kg daily for 3 days and then twice weekly , provided a similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores as doxycycline , C felis was re-isolated in four out of the five cats treated . Furthermore , even daily administration of azithromycin to chronically infected cats was ineffective in clearing infection . The azithromycin protocols used here were therefore found to be unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Outcome_Other, Intervention_Pharmacological, Outcome_Physical
| [
] | Efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of feline chlamydophilosis . The current recommended treatment for feline chlamydophilosis involves daily oral administration of antimicrobials to all cats within an affected group for a prolonged period of time ( 4-6 weeks ) . Not surprisingly , owner compliance can be poor resulting in apparent treatment failure . Recent anecdotal evidence , supported by its efficacy in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans , has suggested that azithromycin may offer an alternative by allowing less frequent dosing for a shorter duration . A clinical trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia ( Chlamydophila felis ) infection in cats . Whilst azithromycin , given at 10-15 mg/kg daily for 3 days and then twice weekly , provided a similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores as doxycycline , C felis was re-isolated in four out of the five cats treated . Furthermore , even daily administration of azithromycin to chronically infected cats was ineffective in clearing infection . The azithromycin protocols used here were therefore found to be unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis . | [
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Efficacy is a Outcome_Other, azithromycin is a Intervention_Pharmacological, antimicrobials is a Intervention_Pharmacological, efficacy is a Outcome_Other, similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores is a Outcome_Other, doxycycline is a Intervention_Pharmacological, ineffective in clearing infection . is a Outcome_Physical, unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis . is a Outcome_Physical | 15291_task1 | Sentence: Efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of feline chlamydophilosis . The current recommended treatment for feline chlamydophilosis involves daily oral administration of antimicrobials to all cats within an affected group for a prolonged period of time ( 4-6 weeks ) . Not surprisingly , owner compliance can be poor resulting in apparent treatment failure . Recent anecdotal evidence , supported by its efficacy in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans , has suggested that azithromycin may offer an alternative by allowing less frequent dosing for a shorter duration . A clinical trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia ( Chlamydophila felis ) infection in cats . Whilst azithromycin , given at 10-15 mg/kg daily for 3 days and then twice weekly , provided a similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores as doxycycline , C felis was re-isolated in four out of the five cats treated . Furthermore , even daily administration of azithromycin to chronically infected cats was ineffective in clearing infection . The azithromycin protocols used here were therefore found to be unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Efficacy, azithromycin, antimicrobials, efficacy, similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores, doxycycline, ineffective in clearing infection ., unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis .
Options: Outcome_Other, Intervention_Pharmacological, Outcome_Physical
| [
] | Efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of feline chlamydophilosis . The current recommended treatment for feline chlamydophilosis involves daily oral administration of antimicrobials to all cats within an affected group for a prolonged period of time ( 4-6 weeks ) . Not surprisingly , owner compliance can be poor resulting in apparent treatment failure . Recent anecdotal evidence , supported by its efficacy in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans , has suggested that azithromycin may offer an alternative by allowing less frequent dosing for a shorter duration . A clinical trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia ( Chlamydophila felis ) infection in cats . Whilst azithromycin , given at 10-15 mg/kg daily for 3 days and then twice weekly , provided a similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores as doxycycline , C felis was re-isolated in four out of the five cats treated . Furthermore , even daily administration of azithromycin to chronically infected cats was ineffective in clearing infection . The azithromycin protocols used here were therefore found to be unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis . | [
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Efficacy, azithromycin, antimicrobials, efficacy, similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores, doxycycline, ineffective in clearing infection ., unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis . | 15291_task2 | Sentence: Efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of feline chlamydophilosis . The current recommended treatment for feline chlamydophilosis involves daily oral administration of antimicrobials to all cats within an affected group for a prolonged period of time ( 4-6 weeks ) . Not surprisingly , owner compliance can be poor resulting in apparent treatment failure . Recent anecdotal evidence , supported by its efficacy in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans , has suggested that azithromycin may offer an alternative by allowing less frequent dosing for a shorter duration . A clinical trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia ( Chlamydophila felis ) infection in cats . Whilst azithromycin , given at 10-15 mg/kg daily for 3 days and then twice weekly , provided a similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores as doxycycline , C felis was re-isolated in four out of the five cats treated . Furthermore , even daily administration of azithromycin to chronically infected cats was ineffective in clearing infection . The azithromycin protocols used here were therefore found to be unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of feline chlamydophilosis . The current recommended treatment for feline chlamydophilosis involves daily oral administration of antimicrobials to all cats within an affected group for a prolonged period of time ( 4-6 weeks ) . Not surprisingly , owner compliance can be poor resulting in apparent treatment failure . Recent anecdotal evidence , supported by its efficacy in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in humans , has suggested that azithromycin may offer an alternative by allowing less frequent dosing for a shorter duration . A clinical trial was designed to evaluate the efficacy of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia ( Chlamydophila felis ) infection in cats . Whilst azithromycin , given at 10-15 mg/kg daily for 3 days and then twice weekly , provided a similar , rapid resolution of clinical signs and negative isolation scores as doxycycline , C felis was re-isolated in four out of the five cats treated . Furthermore , even daily administration of azithromycin to chronically infected cats was ineffective in clearing infection . The azithromycin protocols used here were therefore found to be unsuccessful in eliminating the carriage of this strain of C felis . | [
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synovial membrane is an umlsterm, synovium is an umlsterm, cell is an umlsterm, extracellular matrix proteins is an umlsterm, Adhesion molecules is an umlsterm, role is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, pathologic is an umlsterm, role is an umlsterm, adhesion receptors is an umlsterm, selectin is an umlsterm, integrin is an umlsterm, families is an umlsterm, CD44 molecule is an umlsterm, cell - cell is an umlsterm, cell - matrix is an umlsterm, interaction is an umlsterm, pathogenesis is an umlsterm, rheumatoid arthritis is an umlsterm | ZfuerRheumatologie.90580333.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: The original structure of the synovial membrane is completely destroyed in the rheumatoid synovium and is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration , synoviocyte proliferation , neo-vascularization , and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins . Adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of these pathologic changes . In this review we discuss the role of the adhesion receptors of the selectin , integrin and immunglobulin families and of the CD44 molecule in the cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory changes in rheumatoid arthritis .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | The original structure of the synovial membrane is completely destroyed in the rheumatoid synovium and is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration , synoviocyte proliferation , neo-vascularization , and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins . Adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of these pathologic changes . In this review we discuss the role of the adhesion receptors of the selectin , integrin and immunglobulin families and of the CD44 molecule in the cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory changes in rheumatoid arthritis . | [
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synovial membrane is an umlsterm, synovium is an umlsterm, cell is an umlsterm, extracellular matrix proteins is an umlsterm, Adhesion molecules is an umlsterm, role is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, pathologic is an umlsterm, role is an umlsterm, adhesion receptors is an umlsterm, selectin is an umlsterm, integrin is an umlsterm, families is an umlsterm, CD44 molecule is an umlsterm, cell - cell is an umlsterm, cell - matrix is an umlsterm, interaction is an umlsterm, pathogenesis is an umlsterm, rheumatoid arthritis is an umlsterm | ZfuerRheumatologie.90580333.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: The original structure of the synovial membrane is completely destroyed in the rheumatoid synovium and is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration , synoviocyte proliferation , neo-vascularization , and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins . Adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of these pathologic changes . In this review we discuss the role of the adhesion receptors of the selectin , integrin and immunglobulin families and of the CD44 molecule in the cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory changes in rheumatoid arthritis .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: synovial membrane, synovium, cell, extracellular matrix proteins, Adhesion molecules, role, development, pathologic, role, adhesion receptors, selectin, integrin, families, CD44 molecule, cell - cell, cell - matrix, interaction, pathogenesis, rheumatoid arthritis
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | The original structure of the synovial membrane is completely destroyed in the rheumatoid synovium and is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration , synoviocyte proliferation , neo-vascularization , and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins . Adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of these pathologic changes . In this review we discuss the role of the adhesion receptors of the selectin , integrin and immunglobulin families and of the CD44 molecule in the cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory changes in rheumatoid arthritis . | [
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synovial membrane, synovium, cell, extracellular matrix proteins, Adhesion molecules, role, development, pathologic, role, adhesion receptors, selectin, integrin, families, CD44 molecule, cell - cell, cell - matrix, interaction, pathogenesis, rheumatoid arthritis | ZfuerRheumatologie.90580333.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: The original structure of the synovial membrane is completely destroyed in the rheumatoid synovium and is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration , synoviocyte proliferation , neo-vascularization , and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins . Adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of these pathologic changes . In this review we discuss the role of the adhesion receptors of the selectin , integrin and immunglobulin families and of the CD44 molecule in the cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory changes in rheumatoid arthritis .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | The original structure of the synovial membrane is completely destroyed in the rheumatoid synovium and is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration , synoviocyte proliferation , neo-vascularization , and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins . Adhesion molecules play an important role in the development of these pathologic changes . In this review we discuss the role of the adhesion receptors of the selectin , integrin and immunglobulin families and of the CD44 molecule in the cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory changes in rheumatoid arthritis . | [
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Ada2 is a Protein, Ada3 is a Protein, Gcn5 is a Protein, histone is a Protein, tails is a Entity, histone is a Protein, histone is a Protein, Ada2 is a Protein, Ada3 is a Protein, Gcn5 is a Protein, histones H3 is a Protein, H2B is a Protein, histones H4 is a Protein, H2A is a Protein, Ada2 is a Protein, Ada3 is a Protein, Gcn5 is a Protein | 230_task0 | Sentence: Expression and purification of recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 and Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes.
Acetylation of histone tails by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) enzymes is a key post-translational modification of histones associated with transcriptionally active genes. Acetylation of the physiological nucleosome substrate is performed in cells by megadalton complexes such as SAGA and NuA4. To understand how HAT enzymes specifically recognize their nucleosome and not just histone tail substrates, we have identified the catalytic SAGA and NuA4 subcomplexes sufficient to act on nucleosomes. We describe here expression and purification procedures to prepare recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 subcomplex of SAGA which acetylates histones H3 and H2B on nucleosomes, and the Piccolo NuA4 complex which acetylates histones H4 and H2A on nucleosomes. We demonstrate an unexpected benefit of using the BL21-CodonPlus strain to enhance the purity of metal affinity purified Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 complex. We also identify Escherichia coli EF-Tu as a contaminant that copurifies with both complexes over multiple chromatographic steps and use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography to remove the contaminant from the Piccolo NuA4 complex. The methods described here will be useful for studies into the molecular mechanism of these enzymes and for preparing the enzymes as reagents to study the interplay of nucleosome acetylation with other chromatin modification and remodeling enzymes.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Entity, Protein
| [
] | Expression and purification of recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 and Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes.
Acetylation of histone tails by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) enzymes is a key post-translational modification of histones associated with transcriptionally active genes. Acetylation of the physiological nucleosome substrate is performed in cells by megadalton complexes such as SAGA and NuA4. To understand how HAT enzymes specifically recognize their nucleosome and not just histone tail substrates, we have identified the catalytic SAGA and NuA4 subcomplexes sufficient to act on nucleosomes. We describe here expression and purification procedures to prepare recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 subcomplex of SAGA which acetylates histones H3 and H2B on nucleosomes, and the Piccolo NuA4 complex which acetylates histones H4 and H2A on nucleosomes. We demonstrate an unexpected benefit of using the BL21-CodonPlus strain to enhance the purity of metal affinity purified Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 complex. We also identify Escherichia coli EF-Tu as a contaminant that copurifies with both complexes over multiple chromatographic steps and use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography to remove the contaminant from the Piccolo NuA4 complex. The methods described here will be useful for studies into the molecular mechanism of these enzymes and for preparing the enzymes as reagents to study the interplay of nucleosome acetylation with other chromatin modification and remodeling enzymes.
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Ada2 is a Protein, Ada3 is a Protein, Gcn5 is a Protein, histone is a Protein, tails is a Entity, histone is a Protein, histone is a Protein, Ada2 is a Protein, Ada3 is a Protein, Gcn5 is a Protein, histones H3 is a Protein, H2B is a Protein, histones H4 is a Protein, H2A is a Protein, Ada2 is a Protein, Ada3 is a Protein, Gcn5 is a Protein | 230_task1 | Sentence: Expression and purification of recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 and Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes.
Acetylation of histone tails by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) enzymes is a key post-translational modification of histones associated with transcriptionally active genes. Acetylation of the physiological nucleosome substrate is performed in cells by megadalton complexes such as SAGA and NuA4. To understand how HAT enzymes specifically recognize their nucleosome and not just histone tail substrates, we have identified the catalytic SAGA and NuA4 subcomplexes sufficient to act on nucleosomes. We describe here expression and purification procedures to prepare recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 subcomplex of SAGA which acetylates histones H3 and H2B on nucleosomes, and the Piccolo NuA4 complex which acetylates histones H4 and H2A on nucleosomes. We demonstrate an unexpected benefit of using the BL21-CodonPlus strain to enhance the purity of metal affinity purified Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 complex. We also identify Escherichia coli EF-Tu as a contaminant that copurifies with both complexes over multiple chromatographic steps and use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography to remove the contaminant from the Piccolo NuA4 complex. The methods described here will be useful for studies into the molecular mechanism of these enzymes and for preparing the enzymes as reagents to study the interplay of nucleosome acetylation with other chromatin modification and remodeling enzymes.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Ada2, Ada3, Gcn5, histone, tails, histone, histone, Ada2, Ada3, Gcn5, histones H3, H2B, histones H4, H2A, Ada2, Ada3, Gcn5
Options: Entity, Protein
| [
] | Expression and purification of recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 and Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes.
Acetylation of histone tails by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) enzymes is a key post-translational modification of histones associated with transcriptionally active genes. Acetylation of the physiological nucleosome substrate is performed in cells by megadalton complexes such as SAGA and NuA4. To understand how HAT enzymes specifically recognize their nucleosome and not just histone tail substrates, we have identified the catalytic SAGA and NuA4 subcomplexes sufficient to act on nucleosomes. We describe here expression and purification procedures to prepare recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 subcomplex of SAGA which acetylates histones H3 and H2B on nucleosomes, and the Piccolo NuA4 complex which acetylates histones H4 and H2A on nucleosomes. We demonstrate an unexpected benefit of using the BL21-CodonPlus strain to enhance the purity of metal affinity purified Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 complex. We also identify Escherichia coli EF-Tu as a contaminant that copurifies with both complexes over multiple chromatographic steps and use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography to remove the contaminant from the Piccolo NuA4 complex. The methods described here will be useful for studies into the molecular mechanism of these enzymes and for preparing the enzymes as reagents to study the interplay of nucleosome acetylation with other chromatin modification and remodeling enzymes.
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Ada2, Ada3, Gcn5, histone, tails, histone, histone, Ada2, Ada3, Gcn5, histones H3, H2B, histones H4, H2A, Ada2, Ada3, Gcn5 | 230_task2 | Sentence: Expression and purification of recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 and Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes.
Acetylation of histone tails by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) enzymes is a key post-translational modification of histones associated with transcriptionally active genes. Acetylation of the physiological nucleosome substrate is performed in cells by megadalton complexes such as SAGA and NuA4. To understand how HAT enzymes specifically recognize their nucleosome and not just histone tail substrates, we have identified the catalytic SAGA and NuA4 subcomplexes sufficient to act on nucleosomes. We describe here expression and purification procedures to prepare recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 subcomplex of SAGA which acetylates histones H3 and H2B on nucleosomes, and the Piccolo NuA4 complex which acetylates histones H4 and H2A on nucleosomes. We demonstrate an unexpected benefit of using the BL21-CodonPlus strain to enhance the purity of metal affinity purified Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 complex. We also identify Escherichia coli EF-Tu as a contaminant that copurifies with both complexes over multiple chromatographic steps and use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography to remove the contaminant from the Piccolo NuA4 complex. The methods described here will be useful for studies into the molecular mechanism of these enzymes and for preparing the enzymes as reagents to study the interplay of nucleosome acetylation with other chromatin modification and remodeling enzymes.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Expression and purification of recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 and Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complexes.
Acetylation of histone tails by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) enzymes is a key post-translational modification of histones associated with transcriptionally active genes. Acetylation of the physiological nucleosome substrate is performed in cells by megadalton complexes such as SAGA and NuA4. To understand how HAT enzymes specifically recognize their nucleosome and not just histone tail substrates, we have identified the catalytic SAGA and NuA4 subcomplexes sufficient to act on nucleosomes. We describe here expression and purification procedures to prepare recombinant yeast Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 subcomplex of SAGA which acetylates histones H3 and H2B on nucleosomes, and the Piccolo NuA4 complex which acetylates histones H4 and H2A on nucleosomes. We demonstrate an unexpected benefit of using the BL21-CodonPlus strain to enhance the purity of metal affinity purified Ada2/Ada3/Gcn5 complex. We also identify Escherichia coli EF-Tu as a contaminant that copurifies with both complexes over multiple chromatographic steps and use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography to remove the contaminant from the Piccolo NuA4 complex. The methods described here will be useful for studies into the molecular mechanism of these enzymes and for preparing the enzymes as reagents to study the interplay of nucleosome acetylation with other chromatin modification and remodeling enzymes.
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GSK-3 is a GENE-N, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, Glycogen synthase kinase 3β is a GENE-Y, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, sesquiterpene is a CHEMICAL, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, ATP is a CHEMICAL, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, palinurin is a CHEMICAL | 4719_task0 | Sentence: Evidence for a new binding mode to GSK-3: allosteric regulation by the marine compound palinurin.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) is widely recognised as a relevant player in the pathogenesis of several highly prevalent disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, diabetes and cancer. Therefore, this enzyme constitutes a highly attractive therapeutic target for the development of selective inhibitors as new promising drugs for the treatment of these pathologies. We describe here the isolation and biochemical characterization of the marine natural sesquiterpene palinurin as a GSK-3β inhibitor. Experimental studies performed for characterizing the inhibitory mechanism indicate that GSK-3β inhibition by palinurin cannot be competed out by ATP nor peptide substrate. Molecular modelling techniques have enabled us to propose an unconventional binding mode to GSK-3β. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations have identified an allosteric mechanism by which binding of palinurin leads to GSK-3β inhibition. The inhibitory activities determined for a series of structurally related analogues support the proposed binding mode of palinurin, which is the first compound described to target this allosteric site. The results offer new opportunities for designing and developing selective inhibitors with novel mechanisms of action.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
| [
] | Evidence for a new binding mode to GSK-3: allosteric regulation by the marine compound palinurin.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) is widely recognised as a relevant player in the pathogenesis of several highly prevalent disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, diabetes and cancer. Therefore, this enzyme constitutes a highly attractive therapeutic target for the development of selective inhibitors as new promising drugs for the treatment of these pathologies. We describe here the isolation and biochemical characterization of the marine natural sesquiterpene palinurin as a GSK-3β inhibitor. Experimental studies performed for characterizing the inhibitory mechanism indicate that GSK-3β inhibition by palinurin cannot be competed out by ATP nor peptide substrate. Molecular modelling techniques have enabled us to propose an unconventional binding mode to GSK-3β. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations have identified an allosteric mechanism by which binding of palinurin leads to GSK-3β inhibition. The inhibitory activities determined for a series of structurally related analogues support the proposed binding mode of palinurin, which is the first compound described to target this allosteric site. The results offer new opportunities for designing and developing selective inhibitors with novel mechanisms of action. | [
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GSK-3 is a GENE-N, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, Glycogen synthase kinase 3β is a GENE-Y, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, sesquiterpene is a CHEMICAL, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, ATP is a CHEMICAL, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, palinurin is a CHEMICAL, GSK-3β is a GENE-Y, palinurin is a CHEMICAL | 4719_task1 | Sentence: Evidence for a new binding mode to GSK-3: allosteric regulation by the marine compound palinurin.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) is widely recognised as a relevant player in the pathogenesis of several highly prevalent disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, diabetes and cancer. Therefore, this enzyme constitutes a highly attractive therapeutic target for the development of selective inhibitors as new promising drugs for the treatment of these pathologies. We describe here the isolation and biochemical characterization of the marine natural sesquiterpene palinurin as a GSK-3β inhibitor. Experimental studies performed for characterizing the inhibitory mechanism indicate that GSK-3β inhibition by palinurin cannot be competed out by ATP nor peptide substrate. Molecular modelling techniques have enabled us to propose an unconventional binding mode to GSK-3β. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations have identified an allosteric mechanism by which binding of palinurin leads to GSK-3β inhibition. The inhibitory activities determined for a series of structurally related analogues support the proposed binding mode of palinurin, which is the first compound described to target this allosteric site. The results offer new opportunities for designing and developing selective inhibitors with novel mechanisms of action.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: GSK-3, palinurin, Glycogen synthase kinase 3β, GSK-3β, sesquiterpene, palinurin, GSK-3β, GSK-3β, palinurin, ATP, GSK-3β, palinurin, GSK-3β, palinurin
| [
] | Evidence for a new binding mode to GSK-3: allosteric regulation by the marine compound palinurin.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) is widely recognised as a relevant player in the pathogenesis of several highly prevalent disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, diabetes and cancer. Therefore, this enzyme constitutes a highly attractive therapeutic target for the development of selective inhibitors as new promising drugs for the treatment of these pathologies. We describe here the isolation and biochemical characterization of the marine natural sesquiterpene palinurin as a GSK-3β inhibitor. Experimental studies performed for characterizing the inhibitory mechanism indicate that GSK-3β inhibition by palinurin cannot be competed out by ATP nor peptide substrate. Molecular modelling techniques have enabled us to propose an unconventional binding mode to GSK-3β. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations have identified an allosteric mechanism by which binding of palinurin leads to GSK-3β inhibition. The inhibitory activities determined for a series of structurally related analogues support the proposed binding mode of palinurin, which is the first compound described to target this allosteric site. The results offer new opportunities for designing and developing selective inhibitors with novel mechanisms of action. | [
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GSK-3, palinurin, Glycogen synthase kinase 3β, GSK-3β, sesquiterpene, palinurin, GSK-3β, GSK-3β, palinurin, ATP, GSK-3β, palinurin, GSK-3β, palinurin | 4719_task2 | Sentence: Evidence for a new binding mode to GSK-3: allosteric regulation by the marine compound palinurin.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) is widely recognised as a relevant player in the pathogenesis of several highly prevalent disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, diabetes and cancer. Therefore, this enzyme constitutes a highly attractive therapeutic target for the development of selective inhibitors as new promising drugs for the treatment of these pathologies. We describe here the isolation and biochemical characterization of the marine natural sesquiterpene palinurin as a GSK-3β inhibitor. Experimental studies performed for characterizing the inhibitory mechanism indicate that GSK-3β inhibition by palinurin cannot be competed out by ATP nor peptide substrate. Molecular modelling techniques have enabled us to propose an unconventional binding mode to GSK-3β. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations have identified an allosteric mechanism by which binding of palinurin leads to GSK-3β inhibition. The inhibitory activities determined for a series of structurally related analogues support the proposed binding mode of palinurin, which is the first compound described to target this allosteric site. The results offer new opportunities for designing and developing selective inhibitors with novel mechanisms of action.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Evidence for a new binding mode to GSK-3: allosteric regulation by the marine compound palinurin.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) is widely recognised as a relevant player in the pathogenesis of several highly prevalent disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, diabetes and cancer. Therefore, this enzyme constitutes a highly attractive therapeutic target for the development of selective inhibitors as new promising drugs for the treatment of these pathologies. We describe here the isolation and biochemical characterization of the marine natural sesquiterpene palinurin as a GSK-3β inhibitor. Experimental studies performed for characterizing the inhibitory mechanism indicate that GSK-3β inhibition by palinurin cannot be competed out by ATP nor peptide substrate. Molecular modelling techniques have enabled us to propose an unconventional binding mode to GSK-3β. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations have identified an allosteric mechanism by which binding of palinurin leads to GSK-3β inhibition. The inhibitory activities determined for a series of structurally related analogues support the proposed binding mode of palinurin, which is the first compound described to target this allosteric site. The results offer new opportunities for designing and developing selective inhibitors with novel mechanisms of action. | [
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Gro is a protein, Hairy is a protein, E ( spl ) bHLH proteins is a protein-family | 1.0alpha7.train.857_task0 | Sentence: We have confirmed the fact that Gro can strongly bind Hairy and the E (spl) bHLH proteins regardless of fusion orientation.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: protein-family, protein
| [
] | We have confirmed the fact that Gro can strongly bind Hairy and the E (spl) bHLH proteins regardless of fusion orientation. | [
" ",
" ",
] | [
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Gro is a protein, Hairy is a protein, E ( spl ) bHLH proteins is a protein-family | 1.0alpha7.train.857_task1 | Sentence: We have confirmed the fact that Gro can strongly bind Hairy and the E (spl) bHLH proteins regardless of fusion orientation.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Gro, Hairy, E ( spl ) bHLH proteins
Options: protein-family, protein
| [
] | We have confirmed the fact that Gro can strongly bind Hairy and the E (spl) bHLH proteins regardless of fusion orientation. | [
" ",
" ",
] | [
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Gro, Hairy, E ( spl ) bHLH proteins | 1.0alpha7.train.857_task2 | Sentence: We have confirmed the fact that Gro can strongly bind Hairy and the E (spl) bHLH proteins regardless of fusion orientation.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | We have confirmed the fact that Gro can strongly bind Hairy and the E (spl) bHLH proteins regardless of fusion orientation. | [
" ",
" ",
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estrogen receptor is a Protein, ER is a Protein, ER is a Protein, cathepsin K is a Protein, insulin - like growth factor - I is a Protein, IGF - I is a Protein, cathepsin K is a Protein, IGF - I is a Protein | 391_task0 | Sentence: Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inhibit both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in teleost scales.
AIMS: We previously demonstrated that monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OHPAHs) bound to a human estrogen receptor (ER) by a yeast two-hybrid assay, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not have a binding activity. Therefore, the direct effect of 3-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (3-OHBaA) and 4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in teleosts was examined. As a negative control, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPy), which has no binding activity to human ER, was used. MAIN METHODS: The effect of OHPAHs on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was examined by an assay system using teleost scale as each marker: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclasts and alkaline phosphatase for osteoblasts. Changes in cathepsin K (an osteoclastic marker) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (an osteoblastic marker) mRNA expressions in 4-OHBaA-treated goldfish scales were examined by using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. KEY FINDINGS: In both goldfish (a freshwater teleost) and wrasse (a marine teleost), the osteoclastic activity in the scales was significantly suppressed by 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA, although 1-OHPy did not affect the osteoclastic activity. In reference to osteoblasts, the osteoblastic activity decreased with both 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA and did not change with the 1-OHPy treatment. However, 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) significantly increased both the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of both goldfish and wrasse. The mRNA expressions of both cathepsin K and IGF-I decreased in the 4-OHBaA-treated scales but increased in the E(2)-treated scales. SIGNIFICANCE: The current data are the first to demonstrate that 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA inhibited both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and disrupted the bone metabolism in teleosts.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Protein
| [
] | Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inhibit both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in teleost scales.
AIMS: We previously demonstrated that monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OHPAHs) bound to a human estrogen receptor (ER) by a yeast two-hybrid assay, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not have a binding activity. Therefore, the direct effect of 3-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (3-OHBaA) and 4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in teleosts was examined. As a negative control, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPy), which has no binding activity to human ER, was used. MAIN METHODS: The effect of OHPAHs on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was examined by an assay system using teleost scale as each marker: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclasts and alkaline phosphatase for osteoblasts. Changes in cathepsin K (an osteoclastic marker) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (an osteoblastic marker) mRNA expressions in 4-OHBaA-treated goldfish scales were examined by using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. KEY FINDINGS: In both goldfish (a freshwater teleost) and wrasse (a marine teleost), the osteoclastic activity in the scales was significantly suppressed by 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA, although 1-OHPy did not affect the osteoclastic activity. In reference to osteoblasts, the osteoblastic activity decreased with both 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA and did not change with the 1-OHPy treatment. However, 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) significantly increased both the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of both goldfish and wrasse. The mRNA expressions of both cathepsin K and IGF-I decreased in the 4-OHBaA-treated scales but increased in the E(2)-treated scales. SIGNIFICANCE: The current data are the first to demonstrate that 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA inhibited both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and disrupted the bone metabolism in teleosts.
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estrogen receptor is a Protein, ER is a Protein, ER is a Protein, cathepsin K is a Protein, insulin - like growth factor - I is a Protein, IGF - I is a Protein, cathepsin K is a Protein, IGF - I is a Protein | 391_task1 | Sentence: Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inhibit both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in teleost scales.
AIMS: We previously demonstrated that monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OHPAHs) bound to a human estrogen receptor (ER) by a yeast two-hybrid assay, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not have a binding activity. Therefore, the direct effect of 3-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (3-OHBaA) and 4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in teleosts was examined. As a negative control, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPy), which has no binding activity to human ER, was used. MAIN METHODS: The effect of OHPAHs on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was examined by an assay system using teleost scale as each marker: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclasts and alkaline phosphatase for osteoblasts. Changes in cathepsin K (an osteoclastic marker) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (an osteoblastic marker) mRNA expressions in 4-OHBaA-treated goldfish scales were examined by using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. KEY FINDINGS: In both goldfish (a freshwater teleost) and wrasse (a marine teleost), the osteoclastic activity in the scales was significantly suppressed by 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA, although 1-OHPy did not affect the osteoclastic activity. In reference to osteoblasts, the osteoblastic activity decreased with both 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA and did not change with the 1-OHPy treatment. However, 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) significantly increased both the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of both goldfish and wrasse. The mRNA expressions of both cathepsin K and IGF-I decreased in the 4-OHBaA-treated scales but increased in the E(2)-treated scales. SIGNIFICANCE: The current data are the first to demonstrate that 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA inhibited both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and disrupted the bone metabolism in teleosts.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: estrogen receptor, ER, ER, cathepsin K, insulin - like growth factor - I, IGF - I, cathepsin K, IGF - I
Options: Protein
| [
] | Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inhibit both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in teleost scales.
AIMS: We previously demonstrated that monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OHPAHs) bound to a human estrogen receptor (ER) by a yeast two-hybrid assay, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not have a binding activity. Therefore, the direct effect of 3-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (3-OHBaA) and 4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in teleosts was examined. As a negative control, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPy), which has no binding activity to human ER, was used. MAIN METHODS: The effect of OHPAHs on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was examined by an assay system using teleost scale as each marker: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclasts and alkaline phosphatase for osteoblasts. Changes in cathepsin K (an osteoclastic marker) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (an osteoblastic marker) mRNA expressions in 4-OHBaA-treated goldfish scales were examined by using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. KEY FINDINGS: In both goldfish (a freshwater teleost) and wrasse (a marine teleost), the osteoclastic activity in the scales was significantly suppressed by 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA, although 1-OHPy did not affect the osteoclastic activity. In reference to osteoblasts, the osteoblastic activity decreased with both 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA and did not change with the 1-OHPy treatment. However, 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) significantly increased both the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of both goldfish and wrasse. The mRNA expressions of both cathepsin K and IGF-I decreased in the 4-OHBaA-treated scales but increased in the E(2)-treated scales. SIGNIFICANCE: The current data are the first to demonstrate that 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA inhibited both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and disrupted the bone metabolism in teleosts.
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estrogen receptor, ER, ER, cathepsin K, insulin - like growth factor - I, IGF - I, cathepsin K, IGF - I | 391_task2 | Sentence: Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inhibit both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in teleost scales.
AIMS: We previously demonstrated that monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OHPAHs) bound to a human estrogen receptor (ER) by a yeast two-hybrid assay, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not have a binding activity. Therefore, the direct effect of 3-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (3-OHBaA) and 4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in teleosts was examined. As a negative control, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPy), which has no binding activity to human ER, was used. MAIN METHODS: The effect of OHPAHs on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was examined by an assay system using teleost scale as each marker: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclasts and alkaline phosphatase for osteoblasts. Changes in cathepsin K (an osteoclastic marker) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (an osteoblastic marker) mRNA expressions in 4-OHBaA-treated goldfish scales were examined by using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. KEY FINDINGS: In both goldfish (a freshwater teleost) and wrasse (a marine teleost), the osteoclastic activity in the scales was significantly suppressed by 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA, although 1-OHPy did not affect the osteoclastic activity. In reference to osteoblasts, the osteoblastic activity decreased with both 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA and did not change with the 1-OHPy treatment. However, 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) significantly increased both the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of both goldfish and wrasse. The mRNA expressions of both cathepsin K and IGF-I decreased in the 4-OHBaA-treated scales but increased in the E(2)-treated scales. SIGNIFICANCE: The current data are the first to demonstrate that 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA inhibited both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and disrupted the bone metabolism in teleosts.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inhibit both osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in teleost scales.
AIMS: We previously demonstrated that monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OHPAHs) bound to a human estrogen receptor (ER) by a yeast two-hybrid assay, but polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not have a binding activity. Therefore, the direct effect of 3-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (3-OHBaA) and 4-hydroxybenz[a]anthracene (4-OHBaA) on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in teleosts was examined. As a negative control, 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHPy), which has no binding activity to human ER, was used. MAIN METHODS: The effect of OHPAHs on osteoclasts and osteoblasts was examined by an assay system using teleost scale as each marker: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase for osteoclasts and alkaline phosphatase for osteoblasts. Changes in cathepsin K (an osteoclastic marker) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (an osteoblastic marker) mRNA expressions in 4-OHBaA-treated goldfish scales were examined by using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. KEY FINDINGS: In both goldfish (a freshwater teleost) and wrasse (a marine teleost), the osteoclastic activity in the scales was significantly suppressed by 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA, although 1-OHPy did not affect the osteoclastic activity. In reference to osteoblasts, the osteoblastic activity decreased with both 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA and did not change with the 1-OHPy treatment. However, 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) significantly increased both the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities in the scales of both goldfish and wrasse. The mRNA expressions of both cathepsin K and IGF-I decreased in the 4-OHBaA-treated scales but increased in the E(2)-treated scales. SIGNIFICANCE: The current data are the first to demonstrate that 3-OHBaA and 4-OHBaA inhibited both osteoclasts and osteoblasts and disrupted the bone metabolism in teleosts.
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Selbstmord is an umlsterm, Selbsttoetung is an umlsterm, Zeitablaeufen is an umlsterm, Selbsttoetung is an umlsterm, Praxis is an umlsterm, Selbstmord is an umlsterm, Diagnostik is an umlsterm, Rolle is an umlsterm, Suizides is an umlsterm, Methodik is an umlsterm, Selbsttoetung is an umlsterm | Rechtsmedizin.70080007.ger.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Es handelt sich um eine Grundlagenstudie , welche der Frage der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord nachgeht . Anhand eines biokybernetischen Modells wird zu zeigen versucht , dass der zur Selbsttoetung fuehrende Entscheidungsprozess - in unterschiedlichen Zeitablaeufen - in 5 Stadien ablaeuft . Waehrend in den Entscheidungsschritten der Erwaegung , Ambivalenz und Entscheidung noch kognitive Freiheitsgrade vorhanden sind , laeuft ab dem Entschluss der suizidale Handlungsvollzug bis hin zur Selbsttoetung determiniert ab . Fuer die Praxis der Begutachtung der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord werden 5 Kriterien angegeben , wobei eine qualitative Diagnostik eine wichtige Rolle spielt . Wenn die Begutachtung eines Suizides mit einem erheblichen Informationsmangel behaftet ist , so kann die Frage der freien Willensbestimmung nicht entschieden werden . Ob sich gerade in dieser Gruppe " Freitode " befinden , muss ebenfalls offen bleiben . Je verlaesslicher die diagnostische Methodik , desto wahrscheinlicher ist es , dass der Suizidant zum Zeitpunkt der Selbsttoetung eine psychobiologische Stoerung hatte .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Es handelt sich um eine Grundlagenstudie , welche der Frage der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord nachgeht . Anhand eines biokybernetischen Modells wird zu zeigen versucht , dass der zur Selbsttoetung fuehrende Entscheidungsprozess - in unterschiedlichen Zeitablaeufen - in 5 Stadien ablaeuft . Waehrend in den Entscheidungsschritten der Erwaegung , Ambivalenz und Entscheidung noch kognitive Freiheitsgrade vorhanden sind , laeuft ab dem Entschluss der suizidale Handlungsvollzug bis hin zur Selbsttoetung determiniert ab . Fuer die Praxis der Begutachtung der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord werden 5 Kriterien angegeben , wobei eine qualitative Diagnostik eine wichtige Rolle spielt . Wenn die Begutachtung eines Suizides mit einem erheblichen Informationsmangel behaftet ist , so kann die Frage der freien Willensbestimmung nicht entschieden werden . Ob sich gerade in dieser Gruppe " Freitode " befinden , muss ebenfalls offen bleiben . Je verlaesslicher die diagnostische Methodik , desto wahrscheinlicher ist es , dass der Suizidant zum Zeitpunkt der Selbsttoetung eine psychobiologische Stoerung hatte . | [
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Selbstmord is an umlsterm, Selbsttoetung is an umlsterm, Zeitablaeufen is an umlsterm, Selbsttoetung is an umlsterm, Praxis is an umlsterm, Selbstmord is an umlsterm, Diagnostik is an umlsterm, Rolle is an umlsterm, Suizides is an umlsterm, Methodik is an umlsterm, Selbsttoetung is an umlsterm | Rechtsmedizin.70080007.ger.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Es handelt sich um eine Grundlagenstudie , welche der Frage der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord nachgeht . Anhand eines biokybernetischen Modells wird zu zeigen versucht , dass der zur Selbsttoetung fuehrende Entscheidungsprozess - in unterschiedlichen Zeitablaeufen - in 5 Stadien ablaeuft . Waehrend in den Entscheidungsschritten der Erwaegung , Ambivalenz und Entscheidung noch kognitive Freiheitsgrade vorhanden sind , laeuft ab dem Entschluss der suizidale Handlungsvollzug bis hin zur Selbsttoetung determiniert ab . Fuer die Praxis der Begutachtung der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord werden 5 Kriterien angegeben , wobei eine qualitative Diagnostik eine wichtige Rolle spielt . Wenn die Begutachtung eines Suizides mit einem erheblichen Informationsmangel behaftet ist , so kann die Frage der freien Willensbestimmung nicht entschieden werden . Ob sich gerade in dieser Gruppe " Freitode " befinden , muss ebenfalls offen bleiben . Je verlaesslicher die diagnostische Methodik , desto wahrscheinlicher ist es , dass der Suizidant zum Zeitpunkt der Selbsttoetung eine psychobiologische Stoerung hatte .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Selbstmord, Selbsttoetung, Zeitablaeufen, Selbsttoetung, Praxis, Selbstmord, Diagnostik, Rolle, Suizides, Methodik, Selbsttoetung
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Es handelt sich um eine Grundlagenstudie , welche der Frage der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord nachgeht . Anhand eines biokybernetischen Modells wird zu zeigen versucht , dass der zur Selbsttoetung fuehrende Entscheidungsprozess - in unterschiedlichen Zeitablaeufen - in 5 Stadien ablaeuft . Waehrend in den Entscheidungsschritten der Erwaegung , Ambivalenz und Entscheidung noch kognitive Freiheitsgrade vorhanden sind , laeuft ab dem Entschluss der suizidale Handlungsvollzug bis hin zur Selbsttoetung determiniert ab . Fuer die Praxis der Begutachtung der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord werden 5 Kriterien angegeben , wobei eine qualitative Diagnostik eine wichtige Rolle spielt . Wenn die Begutachtung eines Suizides mit einem erheblichen Informationsmangel behaftet ist , so kann die Frage der freien Willensbestimmung nicht entschieden werden . Ob sich gerade in dieser Gruppe " Freitode " befinden , muss ebenfalls offen bleiben . Je verlaesslicher die diagnostische Methodik , desto wahrscheinlicher ist es , dass der Suizidant zum Zeitpunkt der Selbsttoetung eine psychobiologische Stoerung hatte . | [
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Selbstmord, Selbsttoetung, Zeitablaeufen, Selbsttoetung, Praxis, Selbstmord, Diagnostik, Rolle, Suizides, Methodik, Selbsttoetung | Rechtsmedizin.70080007.ger.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Es handelt sich um eine Grundlagenstudie , welche der Frage der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord nachgeht . Anhand eines biokybernetischen Modells wird zu zeigen versucht , dass der zur Selbsttoetung fuehrende Entscheidungsprozess - in unterschiedlichen Zeitablaeufen - in 5 Stadien ablaeuft . Waehrend in den Entscheidungsschritten der Erwaegung , Ambivalenz und Entscheidung noch kognitive Freiheitsgrade vorhanden sind , laeuft ab dem Entschluss der suizidale Handlungsvollzug bis hin zur Selbsttoetung determiniert ab . Fuer die Praxis der Begutachtung der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord werden 5 Kriterien angegeben , wobei eine qualitative Diagnostik eine wichtige Rolle spielt . Wenn die Begutachtung eines Suizides mit einem erheblichen Informationsmangel behaftet ist , so kann die Frage der freien Willensbestimmung nicht entschieden werden . Ob sich gerade in dieser Gruppe " Freitode " befinden , muss ebenfalls offen bleiben . Je verlaesslicher die diagnostische Methodik , desto wahrscheinlicher ist es , dass der Suizidant zum Zeitpunkt der Selbsttoetung eine psychobiologische Stoerung hatte .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
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] | Es handelt sich um eine Grundlagenstudie , welche der Frage der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord nachgeht . Anhand eines biokybernetischen Modells wird zu zeigen versucht , dass der zur Selbsttoetung fuehrende Entscheidungsprozess - in unterschiedlichen Zeitablaeufen - in 5 Stadien ablaeuft . Waehrend in den Entscheidungsschritten der Erwaegung , Ambivalenz und Entscheidung noch kognitive Freiheitsgrade vorhanden sind , laeuft ab dem Entschluss der suizidale Handlungsvollzug bis hin zur Selbsttoetung determiniert ab . Fuer die Praxis der Begutachtung der freien Willensbestimmung beim Selbstmord werden 5 Kriterien angegeben , wobei eine qualitative Diagnostik eine wichtige Rolle spielt . Wenn die Begutachtung eines Suizides mit einem erheblichen Informationsmangel behaftet ist , so kann die Frage der freien Willensbestimmung nicht entschieden werden . Ob sich gerade in dieser Gruppe " Freitode " befinden , muss ebenfalls offen bleiben . Je verlaesslicher die diagnostische Methodik , desto wahrscheinlicher ist es , dass der Suizidant zum Zeitpunkt der Selbsttoetung eine psychobiologische Stoerung hatte . | [
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Classification is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, therapeutic is an umlsterm, national is an umlsterm, laws is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, trend is an umlsterm, cosmetic is an umlsterm, industry is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, pharmaceutical industry is an umlsterm, life - style is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, therapeutic is an umlsterm | DerHautarzt.90500243.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Classification of cosmetics , which are more and more similar to topical therapeutic agents , is getting increasingly difficult for dermatologists . Their definition within the EU and the respective European directives , replacing national laws step by step , will be briefly presented . The problems of distinguishing cosmetics from medicinal products will be discusssed in detail by examples from clinical practice . Finally , we will review the various active substances which tend to be added to cosmetics following the global trend in the cosmetic industry towards developing " medicinally " active cosmetics , and in the pharmaceutical industry towards " cosmetically " oriented medicinal products as part of a current " life-style " ideology . In some clinical dermatological fields these active substances may allow the dermatologists to use cosmetics as topical therapeutic agents .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Classification of cosmetics , which are more and more similar to topical therapeutic agents , is getting increasingly difficult for dermatologists . Their definition within the EU and the respective European directives , replacing national laws step by step , will be briefly presented . The problems of distinguishing cosmetics from medicinal products will be discusssed in detail by examples from clinical practice . Finally , we will review the various active substances which tend to be added to cosmetics following the global trend in the cosmetic industry towards developing " medicinally " active cosmetics , and in the pharmaceutical industry towards " cosmetically " oriented medicinal products as part of a current " life-style " ideology . In some clinical dermatological fields these active substances may allow the dermatologists to use cosmetics as topical therapeutic agents . | [
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Classification is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, therapeutic is an umlsterm, national is an umlsterm, laws is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, trend is an umlsterm, cosmetic is an umlsterm, industry is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, pharmaceutical industry is an umlsterm, life - style is an umlsterm, cosmetics is an umlsterm, therapeutic is an umlsterm | DerHautarzt.90500243.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Classification of cosmetics , which are more and more similar to topical therapeutic agents , is getting increasingly difficult for dermatologists . Their definition within the EU and the respective European directives , replacing national laws step by step , will be briefly presented . The problems of distinguishing cosmetics from medicinal products will be discusssed in detail by examples from clinical practice . Finally , we will review the various active substances which tend to be added to cosmetics following the global trend in the cosmetic industry towards developing " medicinally " active cosmetics , and in the pharmaceutical industry towards " cosmetically " oriented medicinal products as part of a current " life-style " ideology . In some clinical dermatological fields these active substances may allow the dermatologists to use cosmetics as topical therapeutic agents .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Classification, cosmetics, therapeutic, national, laws, cosmetics, cosmetics, trend, cosmetic, industry, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry, life - style, cosmetics, therapeutic
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Classification of cosmetics , which are more and more similar to topical therapeutic agents , is getting increasingly difficult for dermatologists . Their definition within the EU and the respective European directives , replacing national laws step by step , will be briefly presented . The problems of distinguishing cosmetics from medicinal products will be discusssed in detail by examples from clinical practice . Finally , we will review the various active substances which tend to be added to cosmetics following the global trend in the cosmetic industry towards developing " medicinally " active cosmetics , and in the pharmaceutical industry towards " cosmetically " oriented medicinal products as part of a current " life-style " ideology . In some clinical dermatological fields these active substances may allow the dermatologists to use cosmetics as topical therapeutic agents . | [
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Classification, cosmetics, therapeutic, national, laws, cosmetics, cosmetics, trend, cosmetic, industry, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry, life - style, cosmetics, therapeutic | DerHautarzt.90500243.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Classification of cosmetics , which are more and more similar to topical therapeutic agents , is getting increasingly difficult for dermatologists . Their definition within the EU and the respective European directives , replacing national laws step by step , will be briefly presented . The problems of distinguishing cosmetics from medicinal products will be discusssed in detail by examples from clinical practice . Finally , we will review the various active substances which tend to be added to cosmetics following the global trend in the cosmetic industry towards developing " medicinally " active cosmetics , and in the pharmaceutical industry towards " cosmetically " oriented medicinal products as part of a current " life-style " ideology . In some clinical dermatological fields these active substances may allow the dermatologists to use cosmetics as topical therapeutic agents .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Classification of cosmetics , which are more and more similar to topical therapeutic agents , is getting increasingly difficult for dermatologists . Their definition within the EU and the respective European directives , replacing national laws step by step , will be briefly presented . The problems of distinguishing cosmetics from medicinal products will be discusssed in detail by examples from clinical practice . Finally , we will review the various active substances which tend to be added to cosmetics following the global trend in the cosmetic industry towards developing " medicinally " active cosmetics , and in the pharmaceutical industry towards " cosmetically " oriented medicinal products as part of a current " life-style " ideology . In some clinical dermatological fields these active substances may allow the dermatologists to use cosmetics as topical therapeutic agents . | [
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regulatory element is a Entity, interleukin 2 is a Protein, Sp1 is a Protein, EGR-1 is a Protein, interleukin 2 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, promoter is a Entity, IL-2 is a Protein, Sp1 is a Protein, EGR-1 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, Sp1 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, EGR-1 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, promoter is a Entity, IL-2 is a Protein, promoter is a Entity | 7673240_task0 | Sentence: A regulatory element in the human interleukin 2 gene promoter is a binding site for the zinc finger proteins Sp1 and EGR-1.
Activation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene after antigen recognition is a critical event for T cell proliferation and effector function. Prior studies have identified several transcription factors that contribute to the activity of the IL-2 promoter in stimulated T lymphocytes. Here we describe a novel regulatory element within the IL-2 promoter located immediately upstream of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) domain. This region (termed the zinc finger protein binding region (ZIP)) serves as binding site for two differently regulated zinc finger proteins: the constitutively expressed transcription factor Sp1 and the inducible early growth response protein EGR-1. In unstimulated cells which do not secrete IL-2, only Sp1 binds to this region, while in stimulated IL-2 secreting cells the inducible EGR-1 protein recognizes this element. In Jurkat T cells, the ZIP site serves as an activator for IL-2 gene expression, and a combination of ZIP and NFAT binding sites is required for maximal IL-2 promoter activity. These results suggest a critical role of the ZIP site for IL-2 promoter activity.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Entity, Protein
| [
] | A regulatory element in the human interleukin 2 gene promoter is a binding site for the zinc finger proteins Sp1 and EGR-1.
Activation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene after antigen recognition is a critical event for T cell proliferation and effector function. Prior studies have identified several transcription factors that contribute to the activity of the IL-2 promoter in stimulated T lymphocytes. Here we describe a novel regulatory element within the IL-2 promoter located immediately upstream of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) domain. This region (termed the zinc finger protein binding region (ZIP)) serves as binding site for two differently regulated zinc finger proteins: the constitutively expressed transcription factor Sp1 and the inducible early growth response protein EGR-1. In unstimulated cells which do not secrete IL-2, only Sp1 binds to this region, while in stimulated IL-2 secreting cells the inducible EGR-1 protein recognizes this element. In Jurkat T cells, the ZIP site serves as an activator for IL-2 gene expression, and a combination of ZIP and NFAT binding sites is required for maximal IL-2 promoter activity. These results suggest a critical role of the ZIP site for IL-2 promoter activity. | [
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regulatory element is a Entity, interleukin 2 is a Protein, Sp1 is a Protein, EGR-1 is a Protein, interleukin 2 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, promoter is a Entity, IL-2 is a Protein, Sp1 is a Protein, EGR-1 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, Sp1 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, EGR-1 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, IL-2 is a Protein, promoter is a Entity, IL-2 is a Protein, promoter is a Entity | 7673240_task1 | Sentence: A regulatory element in the human interleukin 2 gene promoter is a binding site for the zinc finger proteins Sp1 and EGR-1.
Activation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene after antigen recognition is a critical event for T cell proliferation and effector function. Prior studies have identified several transcription factors that contribute to the activity of the IL-2 promoter in stimulated T lymphocytes. Here we describe a novel regulatory element within the IL-2 promoter located immediately upstream of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) domain. This region (termed the zinc finger protein binding region (ZIP)) serves as binding site for two differently regulated zinc finger proteins: the constitutively expressed transcription factor Sp1 and the inducible early growth response protein EGR-1. In unstimulated cells which do not secrete IL-2, only Sp1 binds to this region, while in stimulated IL-2 secreting cells the inducible EGR-1 protein recognizes this element. In Jurkat T cells, the ZIP site serves as an activator for IL-2 gene expression, and a combination of ZIP and NFAT binding sites is required for maximal IL-2 promoter activity. These results suggest a critical role of the ZIP site for IL-2 promoter activity.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: regulatory element, interleukin 2, Sp1, EGR-1, interleukin 2, IL-2, IL-2, promoter, IL-2, Sp1, EGR-1, IL-2, Sp1, IL-2, EGR-1, IL-2, IL-2, promoter, IL-2, promoter
Options: Entity, Protein
| [
] | A regulatory element in the human interleukin 2 gene promoter is a binding site for the zinc finger proteins Sp1 and EGR-1.
Activation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene after antigen recognition is a critical event for T cell proliferation and effector function. Prior studies have identified several transcription factors that contribute to the activity of the IL-2 promoter in stimulated T lymphocytes. Here we describe a novel regulatory element within the IL-2 promoter located immediately upstream of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) domain. This region (termed the zinc finger protein binding region (ZIP)) serves as binding site for two differently regulated zinc finger proteins: the constitutively expressed transcription factor Sp1 and the inducible early growth response protein EGR-1. In unstimulated cells which do not secrete IL-2, only Sp1 binds to this region, while in stimulated IL-2 secreting cells the inducible EGR-1 protein recognizes this element. In Jurkat T cells, the ZIP site serves as an activator for IL-2 gene expression, and a combination of ZIP and NFAT binding sites is required for maximal IL-2 promoter activity. These results suggest a critical role of the ZIP site for IL-2 promoter activity. | [
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regulatory element, interleukin 2, Sp1, EGR-1, interleukin 2, IL-2, IL-2, promoter, IL-2, Sp1, EGR-1, IL-2, Sp1, IL-2, EGR-1, IL-2, IL-2, promoter, IL-2, promoter | 7673240_task2 | Sentence: A regulatory element in the human interleukin 2 gene promoter is a binding site for the zinc finger proteins Sp1 and EGR-1.
Activation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene after antigen recognition is a critical event for T cell proliferation and effector function. Prior studies have identified several transcription factors that contribute to the activity of the IL-2 promoter in stimulated T lymphocytes. Here we describe a novel regulatory element within the IL-2 promoter located immediately upstream of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) domain. This region (termed the zinc finger protein binding region (ZIP)) serves as binding site for two differently regulated zinc finger proteins: the constitutively expressed transcription factor Sp1 and the inducible early growth response protein EGR-1. In unstimulated cells which do not secrete IL-2, only Sp1 binds to this region, while in stimulated IL-2 secreting cells the inducible EGR-1 protein recognizes this element. In Jurkat T cells, the ZIP site serves as an activator for IL-2 gene expression, and a combination of ZIP and NFAT binding sites is required for maximal IL-2 promoter activity. These results suggest a critical role of the ZIP site for IL-2 promoter activity.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | A regulatory element in the human interleukin 2 gene promoter is a binding site for the zinc finger proteins Sp1 and EGR-1.
Activation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2) gene after antigen recognition is a critical event for T cell proliferation and effector function. Prior studies have identified several transcription factors that contribute to the activity of the IL-2 promoter in stimulated T lymphocytes. Here we describe a novel regulatory element within the IL-2 promoter located immediately upstream of the nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) domain. This region (termed the zinc finger protein binding region (ZIP)) serves as binding site for two differently regulated zinc finger proteins: the constitutively expressed transcription factor Sp1 and the inducible early growth response protein EGR-1. In unstimulated cells which do not secrete IL-2, only Sp1 binds to this region, while in stimulated IL-2 secreting cells the inducible EGR-1 protein recognizes this element. In Jurkat T cells, the ZIP site serves as an activator for IL-2 gene expression, and a combination of ZIP and NFAT binding sites is required for maximal IL-2 promoter activity. These results suggest a critical role of the ZIP site for IL-2 promoter activity. | [
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Atlasfrakturen is an umlsterm, Wirbelfrakturen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Nackenschmerzen is an umlsterm, Verletzungen is an umlsterm, Therapie is an umlsterm, Spondylodese is an umlsterm, Technik is an umlsterm, Gelenke is an umlsterm, Ruhigstellung is an umlsterm, Therapie is an umlsterm, Gelenkflaechen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Gelenkflaechen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Thrombose is an umlsterm, Fraktur is an umlsterm, selbst is an umlsterm, Behandlung is an umlsterm | DerOrthopaede.90280385.ger.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Atlasfrakturen machen 1-2 % aller Wirbelfrakturen aus . Wir unterscheiden 5 verschiedene Typen : isolierte Frakturen des vorderen Atlasbogens , isolierte Frakturen des hinteren Atlasbogens , kombinierte Frakturen des vorderen und hinteren Atlasbogens ( sog . Jefferson-Frakturen ) , isolierte Frakturen der Massa lateralis und Frakturen des Processus transversus . Isolierte Frakturen des vorderen oder hinteren Atlasbogens sind benigne und werden konservativ mit einem weichen Kragen bis zum Abklingen der Nackenschmerzen behandelt . Jefferson-Frakturen werden abhaengig von der Integritaet des Lig . transversum in stabile und instabile Verletzungen unterteilt . Stabile Jefferson-Frakturen zeigen unter konservativer Therapie gute Endergebnisse . Instabile Jefferson-Frakturen hingegen werden am besten operativ mit einer dorsalen atlantoaxialen oder okzipitoaxialen Fixation und Spondylodese behandelt . Als Operationsverfahren bevorzugen die Autoren die sofortige offene Reposition der dislozierten Massae laterales und anschliessende Stabilisation mittels transartikulaerer Verschraubung C1/2 nach Magerl . Diese Technik bietet den Vorteil , die atlantookzipitalen Gelenke zu erhalten und gewaehrt eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitaet , die eine zusaetzliche aeussere Ruhigstellung in einem Halo- oder Minerva-Korsett ueberfluessig macht . Bei sekundaerer , nach primaer konservativer Therapie auftretender Instabilitaet C1/2 mit Inkongruenz der Gelenkflaechen ist eine okzipitozervikale Fusion indiziert . Isolierte Frakturen der Massae laterales sind sehr selten und koennen , falls die lateralen Gelenkflaechen total zerstoert sind , eine Indikation fuer eine okzipitozervikale Fusion sein . Frakturen des Processus transversus koennen eine Thrombose der A. vertebralis verursachen . Fuer die Fraktur selbst ist keine Behandlung notwendig .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Atlasfrakturen machen 1-2 % aller Wirbelfrakturen aus . Wir unterscheiden 5 verschiedene Typen : isolierte Frakturen des vorderen Atlasbogens , isolierte Frakturen des hinteren Atlasbogens , kombinierte Frakturen des vorderen und hinteren Atlasbogens ( sog . Jefferson-Frakturen ) , isolierte Frakturen der Massa lateralis und Frakturen des Processus transversus . Isolierte Frakturen des vorderen oder hinteren Atlasbogens sind benigne und werden konservativ mit einem weichen Kragen bis zum Abklingen der Nackenschmerzen behandelt . Jefferson-Frakturen werden abhaengig von der Integritaet des Lig . transversum in stabile und instabile Verletzungen unterteilt . Stabile Jefferson-Frakturen zeigen unter konservativer Therapie gute Endergebnisse . Instabile Jefferson-Frakturen hingegen werden am besten operativ mit einer dorsalen atlantoaxialen oder okzipitoaxialen Fixation und Spondylodese behandelt . Als Operationsverfahren bevorzugen die Autoren die sofortige offene Reposition der dislozierten Massae laterales und anschliessende Stabilisation mittels transartikulaerer Verschraubung C1/2 nach Magerl . Diese Technik bietet den Vorteil , die atlantookzipitalen Gelenke zu erhalten und gewaehrt eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitaet , die eine zusaetzliche aeussere Ruhigstellung in einem Halo- oder Minerva-Korsett ueberfluessig macht . Bei sekundaerer , nach primaer konservativer Therapie auftretender Instabilitaet C1/2 mit Inkongruenz der Gelenkflaechen ist eine okzipitozervikale Fusion indiziert . Isolierte Frakturen der Massae laterales sind sehr selten und koennen , falls die lateralen Gelenkflaechen total zerstoert sind , eine Indikation fuer eine okzipitozervikale Fusion sein . Frakturen des Processus transversus koennen eine Thrombose der A. vertebralis verursachen . Fuer die Fraktur selbst ist keine Behandlung notwendig . | [
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Atlasfrakturen is an umlsterm, Wirbelfrakturen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Atlasbogens is an umlsterm, Nackenschmerzen is an umlsterm, Verletzungen is an umlsterm, Therapie is an umlsterm, Spondylodese is an umlsterm, Technik is an umlsterm, Gelenke is an umlsterm, Ruhigstellung is an umlsterm, Therapie is an umlsterm, Gelenkflaechen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Gelenkflaechen is an umlsterm, Frakturen is an umlsterm, Thrombose is an umlsterm, Fraktur is an umlsterm, selbst is an umlsterm, Behandlung is an umlsterm | DerOrthopaede.90280385.ger.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Atlasfrakturen machen 1-2 % aller Wirbelfrakturen aus . Wir unterscheiden 5 verschiedene Typen : isolierte Frakturen des vorderen Atlasbogens , isolierte Frakturen des hinteren Atlasbogens , kombinierte Frakturen des vorderen und hinteren Atlasbogens ( sog . Jefferson-Frakturen ) , isolierte Frakturen der Massa lateralis und Frakturen des Processus transversus . Isolierte Frakturen des vorderen oder hinteren Atlasbogens sind benigne und werden konservativ mit einem weichen Kragen bis zum Abklingen der Nackenschmerzen behandelt . Jefferson-Frakturen werden abhaengig von der Integritaet des Lig . transversum in stabile und instabile Verletzungen unterteilt . Stabile Jefferson-Frakturen zeigen unter konservativer Therapie gute Endergebnisse . Instabile Jefferson-Frakturen hingegen werden am besten operativ mit einer dorsalen atlantoaxialen oder okzipitoaxialen Fixation und Spondylodese behandelt . Als Operationsverfahren bevorzugen die Autoren die sofortige offene Reposition der dislozierten Massae laterales und anschliessende Stabilisation mittels transartikulaerer Verschraubung C1/2 nach Magerl . Diese Technik bietet den Vorteil , die atlantookzipitalen Gelenke zu erhalten und gewaehrt eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitaet , die eine zusaetzliche aeussere Ruhigstellung in einem Halo- oder Minerva-Korsett ueberfluessig macht . Bei sekundaerer , nach primaer konservativer Therapie auftretender Instabilitaet C1/2 mit Inkongruenz der Gelenkflaechen ist eine okzipitozervikale Fusion indiziert . Isolierte Frakturen der Massae laterales sind sehr selten und koennen , falls die lateralen Gelenkflaechen total zerstoert sind , eine Indikation fuer eine okzipitozervikale Fusion sein . Frakturen des Processus transversus koennen eine Thrombose der A. vertebralis verursachen . Fuer die Fraktur selbst ist keine Behandlung notwendig .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Atlasfrakturen, Wirbelfrakturen, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Frakturen, Frakturen, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Nackenschmerzen, Verletzungen, Therapie, Spondylodese, Technik, Gelenke, Ruhigstellung, Therapie, Gelenkflaechen, Frakturen, Gelenkflaechen, Frakturen, Thrombose, Fraktur, selbst, Behandlung
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Atlasfrakturen machen 1-2 % aller Wirbelfrakturen aus . Wir unterscheiden 5 verschiedene Typen : isolierte Frakturen des vorderen Atlasbogens , isolierte Frakturen des hinteren Atlasbogens , kombinierte Frakturen des vorderen und hinteren Atlasbogens ( sog . Jefferson-Frakturen ) , isolierte Frakturen der Massa lateralis und Frakturen des Processus transversus . Isolierte Frakturen des vorderen oder hinteren Atlasbogens sind benigne und werden konservativ mit einem weichen Kragen bis zum Abklingen der Nackenschmerzen behandelt . Jefferson-Frakturen werden abhaengig von der Integritaet des Lig . transversum in stabile und instabile Verletzungen unterteilt . Stabile Jefferson-Frakturen zeigen unter konservativer Therapie gute Endergebnisse . Instabile Jefferson-Frakturen hingegen werden am besten operativ mit einer dorsalen atlantoaxialen oder okzipitoaxialen Fixation und Spondylodese behandelt . Als Operationsverfahren bevorzugen die Autoren die sofortige offene Reposition der dislozierten Massae laterales und anschliessende Stabilisation mittels transartikulaerer Verschraubung C1/2 nach Magerl . Diese Technik bietet den Vorteil , die atlantookzipitalen Gelenke zu erhalten und gewaehrt eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitaet , die eine zusaetzliche aeussere Ruhigstellung in einem Halo- oder Minerva-Korsett ueberfluessig macht . Bei sekundaerer , nach primaer konservativer Therapie auftretender Instabilitaet C1/2 mit Inkongruenz der Gelenkflaechen ist eine okzipitozervikale Fusion indiziert . Isolierte Frakturen der Massae laterales sind sehr selten und koennen , falls die lateralen Gelenkflaechen total zerstoert sind , eine Indikation fuer eine okzipitozervikale Fusion sein . Frakturen des Processus transversus koennen eine Thrombose der A. vertebralis verursachen . Fuer die Fraktur selbst ist keine Behandlung notwendig . | [
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Atlasfrakturen, Wirbelfrakturen, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Frakturen, Frakturen, Frakturen, Atlasbogens, Nackenschmerzen, Verletzungen, Therapie, Spondylodese, Technik, Gelenke, Ruhigstellung, Therapie, Gelenkflaechen, Frakturen, Gelenkflaechen, Frakturen, Thrombose, Fraktur, selbst, Behandlung | DerOrthopaede.90280385.ger.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Atlasfrakturen machen 1-2 % aller Wirbelfrakturen aus . Wir unterscheiden 5 verschiedene Typen : isolierte Frakturen des vorderen Atlasbogens , isolierte Frakturen des hinteren Atlasbogens , kombinierte Frakturen des vorderen und hinteren Atlasbogens ( sog . Jefferson-Frakturen ) , isolierte Frakturen der Massa lateralis und Frakturen des Processus transversus . Isolierte Frakturen des vorderen oder hinteren Atlasbogens sind benigne und werden konservativ mit einem weichen Kragen bis zum Abklingen der Nackenschmerzen behandelt . Jefferson-Frakturen werden abhaengig von der Integritaet des Lig . transversum in stabile und instabile Verletzungen unterteilt . Stabile Jefferson-Frakturen zeigen unter konservativer Therapie gute Endergebnisse . Instabile Jefferson-Frakturen hingegen werden am besten operativ mit einer dorsalen atlantoaxialen oder okzipitoaxialen Fixation und Spondylodese behandelt . Als Operationsverfahren bevorzugen die Autoren die sofortige offene Reposition der dislozierten Massae laterales und anschliessende Stabilisation mittels transartikulaerer Verschraubung C1/2 nach Magerl . Diese Technik bietet den Vorteil , die atlantookzipitalen Gelenke zu erhalten und gewaehrt eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitaet , die eine zusaetzliche aeussere Ruhigstellung in einem Halo- oder Minerva-Korsett ueberfluessig macht . Bei sekundaerer , nach primaer konservativer Therapie auftretender Instabilitaet C1/2 mit Inkongruenz der Gelenkflaechen ist eine okzipitozervikale Fusion indiziert . Isolierte Frakturen der Massae laterales sind sehr selten und koennen , falls die lateralen Gelenkflaechen total zerstoert sind , eine Indikation fuer eine okzipitozervikale Fusion sein . Frakturen des Processus transversus koennen eine Thrombose der A. vertebralis verursachen . Fuer die Fraktur selbst ist keine Behandlung notwendig .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Atlasfrakturen machen 1-2 % aller Wirbelfrakturen aus . Wir unterscheiden 5 verschiedene Typen : isolierte Frakturen des vorderen Atlasbogens , isolierte Frakturen des hinteren Atlasbogens , kombinierte Frakturen des vorderen und hinteren Atlasbogens ( sog . Jefferson-Frakturen ) , isolierte Frakturen der Massa lateralis und Frakturen des Processus transversus . Isolierte Frakturen des vorderen oder hinteren Atlasbogens sind benigne und werden konservativ mit einem weichen Kragen bis zum Abklingen der Nackenschmerzen behandelt . Jefferson-Frakturen werden abhaengig von der Integritaet des Lig . transversum in stabile und instabile Verletzungen unterteilt . Stabile Jefferson-Frakturen zeigen unter konservativer Therapie gute Endergebnisse . Instabile Jefferson-Frakturen hingegen werden am besten operativ mit einer dorsalen atlantoaxialen oder okzipitoaxialen Fixation und Spondylodese behandelt . Als Operationsverfahren bevorzugen die Autoren die sofortige offene Reposition der dislozierten Massae laterales und anschliessende Stabilisation mittels transartikulaerer Verschraubung C1/2 nach Magerl . Diese Technik bietet den Vorteil , die atlantookzipitalen Gelenke zu erhalten und gewaehrt eine ausgezeichnete Stabilitaet , die eine zusaetzliche aeussere Ruhigstellung in einem Halo- oder Minerva-Korsett ueberfluessig macht . Bei sekundaerer , nach primaer konservativer Therapie auftretender Instabilitaet C1/2 mit Inkongruenz der Gelenkflaechen ist eine okzipitozervikale Fusion indiziert . Isolierte Frakturen der Massae laterales sind sehr selten und koennen , falls die lateralen Gelenkflaechen total zerstoert sind , eine Indikation fuer eine okzipitozervikale Fusion sein . Frakturen des Processus transversus koennen eine Thrombose der A. vertebralis verursachen . Fuer die Fraktur selbst ist keine Behandlung notwendig . | [
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vitamin B6 is a CHEMICAL | 23334322_task0 | Sentence: Effects of vitamin B6 metabolism on oncogenesis, tumor progression and therapeutic responses.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
| [
] | Effects of vitamin B6 metabolism on oncogenesis, tumor progression and therapeutic responses. | [
] | [
] |
vitamin B6 is a CHEMICAL | 23334322_task1 | Sentence: Effects of vitamin B6 metabolism on oncogenesis, tumor progression and therapeutic responses.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: vitamin B6
| [
] | Effects of vitamin B6 metabolism on oncogenesis, tumor progression and therapeutic responses. | [
] | [
] |
vitamin B6 | 23334322_task2 | Sentence: Effects of vitamin B6 metabolism on oncogenesis, tumor progression and therapeutic responses.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Effects of vitamin B6 metabolism on oncogenesis, tumor progression and therapeutic responses. | [
] | [
] |
Beclomethasone is a CHEMICAL, budesonide is a CHEMICAL, fluticasone propionate is a CHEMICAL | 11730731_task0 | Sentence: Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone propionate inhibit human neutrophil apoptosis.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
| [
] | Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone propionate inhibit human neutrophil apoptosis. | [
] | [
] |
Beclomethasone is a CHEMICAL, budesonide is a CHEMICAL, fluticasone propionate is a CHEMICAL | 11730731_task1 | Sentence: Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone propionate inhibit human neutrophil apoptosis.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone propionate
| [
] | Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone propionate inhibit human neutrophil apoptosis. | [
] | [
] |
Beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone propionate | 11730731_task2 | Sentence: Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone propionate inhibit human neutrophil apoptosis.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Beclomethasone, budesonide and fluticasone propionate inhibit human neutrophil apoptosis. | [
] | [
] |
Curcumin is a compound, demethoxycurcumin is a compound, bisdemethoxycurcumin is a compound, uPA is a protein | DS.d245_task0 | Sentence: Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin differentially inhibit cancer cell invasion through the down-regulation of MMPs and uPA.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: compound, protein
| [
] | Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin differentially inhibit cancer cell invasion through the down-regulation of MMPs and uPA. | [
] | [
] |
Curcumin is a compound, demethoxycurcumin is a compound, bisdemethoxycurcumin is a compound, uPA is a protein | DS.d245_task1 | Sentence: Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin differentially inhibit cancer cell invasion through the down-regulation of MMPs and uPA.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, uPA
Options: compound, protein
| [
] | Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin differentially inhibit cancer cell invasion through the down-regulation of MMPs and uPA. | [
] | [
] |
Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, uPA | DS.d245_task2 | Sentence: Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin differentially inhibit cancer cell invasion through the down-regulation of MMPs and uPA.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin differentially inhibit cancer cell invasion through the down-regulation of MMPs and uPA. | [
] | [
] |
nodular hepatic flexure lesions is a Pathological_formation | PMC-2892686-caption-01_task0 | Sentence: Large nodular hepatic flexure lesions as seen on Colonoscopy.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Pathological_formation
| [
] | Large nodular hepatic flexure lesions as seen on Colonoscopy.
| [
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] |
nodular hepatic flexure lesions is a Pathological_formation | PMC-2892686-caption-01_task1 | Sentence: Large nodular hepatic flexure lesions as seen on Colonoscopy.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: nodular hepatic flexure lesions
Options: Pathological_formation
| [
] | Large nodular hepatic flexure lesions as seen on Colonoscopy.
| [
] | [
] |
nodular hepatic flexure lesions | PMC-2892686-caption-01_task2 | Sentence: Large nodular hepatic flexure lesions as seen on Colonoscopy.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Large nodular hepatic flexure lesions as seen on Colonoscopy.
| [
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] |
Abstract is an umlsterm, health care is an umlsterm, caregivers is an umlsterm, cultures is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, cultural backgrounds is an umlsterm, cultural is an umlsterm, understanding is an umlsterm, health care systems is an umlsterm, work is an umlsterm, health care facilities is an umlsterm, universal is an umlsterm, elements is an umlsterm, health care delivery is an umlsterm, medicine is an umlsterm, cultural is an umlsterm | EthikInDerMedizin.80100026.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Abstract . Definition of the problem : In health care institutions caregivers from different cultures treat patients who themselves may come from different cultural backgrounds . The ethical impact of this issue is how in spite of these cultural differences mutual understanding can be achieved . Modern health care systems must react to this multicultural challenge explaining : what does universality of the medical task mean , what are the consequences of demographic change , how to deal with the multicultural work force of the modern health care facilities , and how one must differentiate between universal and variable elements of the health care delivery . The following questions are discussed : 1. Which aspects of medicine require consideration of the multicultural structures ? 2. Which medical fields must especially integrate multicultural perspectives ? 3. How the patient's cultural context can be taken into account .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Abstract . Definition of the problem : In health care institutions caregivers from different cultures treat patients who themselves may come from different cultural backgrounds . The ethical impact of this issue is how in spite of these cultural differences mutual understanding can be achieved . Modern health care systems must react to this multicultural challenge explaining : what does universality of the medical task mean , what are the consequences of demographic change , how to deal with the multicultural work force of the modern health care facilities , and how one must differentiate between universal and variable elements of the health care delivery . The following questions are discussed : 1. Which aspects of medicine require consideration of the multicultural structures ? 2. Which medical fields must especially integrate multicultural perspectives ? 3. How the patient's cultural context can be taken into account . | [
] | [
] |
Abstract is an umlsterm, health care is an umlsterm, caregivers is an umlsterm, cultures is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, cultural backgrounds is an umlsterm, cultural is an umlsterm, understanding is an umlsterm, health care systems is an umlsterm, work is an umlsterm, health care facilities is an umlsterm, universal is an umlsterm, elements is an umlsterm, health care delivery is an umlsterm, medicine is an umlsterm, cultural is an umlsterm | EthikInDerMedizin.80100026.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Abstract . Definition of the problem : In health care institutions caregivers from different cultures treat patients who themselves may come from different cultural backgrounds . The ethical impact of this issue is how in spite of these cultural differences mutual understanding can be achieved . Modern health care systems must react to this multicultural challenge explaining : what does universality of the medical task mean , what are the consequences of demographic change , how to deal with the multicultural work force of the modern health care facilities , and how one must differentiate between universal and variable elements of the health care delivery . The following questions are discussed : 1. Which aspects of medicine require consideration of the multicultural structures ? 2. Which medical fields must especially integrate multicultural perspectives ? 3. How the patient's cultural context can be taken into account .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Abstract, health care, caregivers, cultures, patients, cultural backgrounds, cultural, understanding, health care systems, work, health care facilities, universal, elements, health care delivery, medicine, cultural
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Abstract . Definition of the problem : In health care institutions caregivers from different cultures treat patients who themselves may come from different cultural backgrounds . The ethical impact of this issue is how in spite of these cultural differences mutual understanding can be achieved . Modern health care systems must react to this multicultural challenge explaining : what does universality of the medical task mean , what are the consequences of demographic change , how to deal with the multicultural work force of the modern health care facilities , and how one must differentiate between universal and variable elements of the health care delivery . The following questions are discussed : 1. Which aspects of medicine require consideration of the multicultural structures ? 2. Which medical fields must especially integrate multicultural perspectives ? 3. How the patient's cultural context can be taken into account . | [
] | [
] |
Abstract, health care, caregivers, cultures, patients, cultural backgrounds, cultural, understanding, health care systems, work, health care facilities, universal, elements, health care delivery, medicine, cultural | EthikInDerMedizin.80100026.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Abstract . Definition of the problem : In health care institutions caregivers from different cultures treat patients who themselves may come from different cultural backgrounds . The ethical impact of this issue is how in spite of these cultural differences mutual understanding can be achieved . Modern health care systems must react to this multicultural challenge explaining : what does universality of the medical task mean , what are the consequences of demographic change , how to deal with the multicultural work force of the modern health care facilities , and how one must differentiate between universal and variable elements of the health care delivery . The following questions are discussed : 1. Which aspects of medicine require consideration of the multicultural structures ? 2. Which medical fields must especially integrate multicultural perspectives ? 3. How the patient's cultural context can be taken into account .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Abstract . Definition of the problem : In health care institutions caregivers from different cultures treat patients who themselves may come from different cultural backgrounds . The ethical impact of this issue is how in spite of these cultural differences mutual understanding can be achieved . Modern health care systems must react to this multicultural challenge explaining : what does universality of the medical task mean , what are the consequences of demographic change , how to deal with the multicultural work force of the modern health care facilities , and how one must differentiate between universal and variable elements of the health care delivery . The following questions are discussed : 1. Which aspects of medicine require consideration of the multicultural structures ? 2. Which medical fields must especially integrate multicultural perspectives ? 3. How the patient's cultural context can be taken into account . | [
] | [
] |
aim is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, clinical research is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, competence is an umlsterm, competence is an umlsterm, doctors is an umlsterm, university is an umlsterm, doctors is an umlsterm, clinical studies is an umlsterm | ZfuerRheumatologie.00590057.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: The most important aim of the center is the development of an innovative structure for organizing clinical research in order to define quickly a large number of patients and include them in special studies that will be carried out with high clinical quality and competence . To this end , special competence networks in which clinical doctors of the university and private doctors will be organized to cooperate in the field of clinical studies .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | The most important aim of the center is the development of an innovative structure for organizing clinical research in order to define quickly a large number of patients and include them in special studies that will be carried out with high clinical quality and competence . To this end , special competence networks in which clinical doctors of the university and private doctors will be organized to cooperate in the field of clinical studies . | [
] | [
] |
aim is an umlsterm, development is an umlsterm, clinical research is an umlsterm, patients is an umlsterm, competence is an umlsterm, competence is an umlsterm, doctors is an umlsterm, university is an umlsterm, doctors is an umlsterm, clinical studies is an umlsterm | ZfuerRheumatologie.00590057.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: The most important aim of the center is the development of an innovative structure for organizing clinical research in order to define quickly a large number of patients and include them in special studies that will be carried out with high clinical quality and competence . To this end , special competence networks in which clinical doctors of the university and private doctors will be organized to cooperate in the field of clinical studies .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: aim, development, clinical research, patients, competence, competence, doctors, university, doctors, clinical studies
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | The most important aim of the center is the development of an innovative structure for organizing clinical research in order to define quickly a large number of patients and include them in special studies that will be carried out with high clinical quality and competence . To this end , special competence networks in which clinical doctors of the university and private doctors will be organized to cooperate in the field of clinical studies . | [
] | [
] |
aim, development, clinical research, patients, competence, competence, doctors, university, doctors, clinical studies | ZfuerRheumatologie.00590057.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: The most important aim of the center is the development of an innovative structure for organizing clinical research in order to define quickly a large number of patients and include them in special studies that will be carried out with high clinical quality and competence . To this end , special competence networks in which clinical doctors of the university and private doctors will be organized to cooperate in the field of clinical studies .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | The most important aim of the center is the development of an innovative structure for organizing clinical research in order to define quickly a large number of patients and include them in special studies that will be carried out with high clinical quality and competence . To this end , special competence networks in which clinical doctors of the university and private doctors will be organized to cooperate in the field of clinical studies . | [
] | [
] |
Propofol is a NORMALIZABLES, Renifentanilo is a NORMALIZABLES, receptores m opioides is a PROTEINAS, fentanilo is a NORMALIZABLES, Besilato de atracurio is a NORMALIZABLES, Sevofluorano is a NORMALIZABLES, Tramadol is a NORMALIZABLES, receptores opioides is a PROTEINAS, µ is a PROTEINAS, delta is a PROTEINAS, kappa is a PROTEINAS, Dexketoprofeno trometamol is a NORMALIZABLES, agua oxigenada is a NORMALIZABLES, dexametasona is a NORMALIZABLES | 396_task0 | Sentence: Se trata de una mujer de 53 años, con antecedentes de migrañas. Presentaba ciática refractaria a tratamiento y hernia discal L5-S1.
Tras consentimiento informado y estudio preoperatorio sin contraindicaciones, se practicó microdiscectomía L5-S1.
La técnica operatoria, incluyendo preparación y posicionamiento, fue como sigue:
- Anestesia
Se practicó una anestesia general, con intubación orotraqueal. La inducción se realizó mediante Propofol, la analgesia con Renifentanilo (agonista de los receptores m opioides, con una potencia analgésica similar al fentanilo), y la relajación con Besilato de atracurio (agente bloqueador neuromuscular, competitivo o no despolarizante). Se utilizó Sevofluorano como anestésico volátil. Durante la intervención se administraron 100 mg de Tramadol (Analgésico de acción central, agonista puro no selectivo de los receptores opioides, µ, delta y kappa ) y 25 mg de Dexketoprofeno trometamol. La duración de la anestesia fue de 1 hora 50 minutos sin registrar, durante la misma, complicaciones de ningún tipo.
- Colocación
Se intervino en posición mahometana, con la región pectoral y las crestas ilíacas apoyadas en sendas almohadas especiales, con escotaduras centrales para evitar decúbitos de abdomen y mamas.
La cabeza fue apoyada en un sistema almohadillado en forma de rosco abierto cranealmente. Para evitar apoyo ocular, los ojos se protegieron con lubricante y sendas almohadillas oculares sujetas mediante una venda colocada circularmente sobre la cabeza a la altura de ambos ojos.
Las extremidades inferiores se almohadillaron en las regiones de decúbito (ambas rodillas). Se comprobó la presencia de pulso pedio y tibial posterior en ambos lados. La posición del dorso del paciente fue paralela al suelo.
- Técnica quirúrgica
Se realizó mediante microcirugía convencional con incisión de dos traveses de dedo en la línea media, sección de aponeurosis común sacro-lumbar, retracción de musculatura paravertebral, flavectomía, disección de la raíz y escisión de hernia discal extraída. La pérdida hemática fue mínima y no se administró sangre. Se utilizó una pequeña cantidad de agua oxigenada como hemostático (alrededor de 5 cc).
- Postoperatorio inmediato
Al despertar de la anestesia, la paciente comunicó que no veía absolutamente nada por ninguno de los dos ojos. Se solicitó colaboración a Oftalmología, sin hallar patología. La tensión ocular fue normal. El reflejo fotomotor y consensual estaban conservados.
Se practicó TC cerebral de urgencia, en el que se apreció una imagen en circulación coroidea intraventricular derecha compatible con burbuja de gas. Otra imagen yuxtaósea occipital derecha, se consideró dudosa.
Se realizó una RNM craneal, que mostró un incremento difuso de la señal en secuencias T2 en áreas posteriores de ambos lóbulos occipitales. La angio-RNM fue normal.
El cuadro fue interpretado como de origen vascular, bien posicional, o bien derivado de los antecedentes migrañosos de la paciente, siendo sometida empíricamente a tratamiento con dexametasona y vasodilatadores.
A las 6 horas refirió percibir formas cromáticas indistinguibles y tenues, apareciendo reflejo de amenaza.
A la mañana siguiente (12 horas tras la intervención), refería haber recuperado la visión, si bien percibía halos cromáticos alrededor de las figuras que se le presentaban. Estas discromatopsias desaparecieron en 24 horas. Una RNM de control mostró mejoría importante de las imágenes occipitales vistas en la RNM previa.
Los controles posteriores (al mes de la cirugía) mostraron normalidad visual.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
| [
] | Se trata de una mujer de 53 años, con antecedentes de migrañas. Presentaba ciática refractaria a tratamiento y hernia discal L5-S1.
Tras consentimiento informado y estudio preoperatorio sin contraindicaciones, se practicó microdiscectomía L5-S1.
La técnica operatoria, incluyendo preparación y posicionamiento, fue como sigue:
- Anestesia
Se practicó una anestesia general, con intubación orotraqueal. La inducción se realizó mediante Propofol, la analgesia con Renifentanilo (agonista de los receptores m opioides, con una potencia analgésica similar al fentanilo), y la relajación con Besilato de atracurio (agente bloqueador neuromuscular, competitivo o no despolarizante). Se utilizó Sevofluorano como anestésico volátil. Durante la intervención se administraron 100 mg de Tramadol (Analgésico de acción central, agonista puro no selectivo de los receptores opioides, µ, delta y kappa ) y 25 mg de Dexketoprofeno trometamol. La duración de la anestesia fue de 1 hora 50 minutos sin registrar, durante la misma, complicaciones de ningún tipo.
- Colocación
Se intervino en posición mahometana, con la región pectoral y las crestas ilíacas apoyadas en sendas almohadas especiales, con escotaduras centrales para evitar decúbitos de abdomen y mamas.
La cabeza fue apoyada en un sistema almohadillado en forma de rosco abierto cranealmente. Para evitar apoyo ocular, los ojos se protegieron con lubricante y sendas almohadillas oculares sujetas mediante una venda colocada circularmente sobre la cabeza a la altura de ambos ojos.
Las extremidades inferiores se almohadillaron en las regiones de decúbito (ambas rodillas). Se comprobó la presencia de pulso pedio y tibial posterior en ambos lados. La posición del dorso del paciente fue paralela al suelo.
- Técnica quirúrgica
Se realizó mediante microcirugía convencional con incisión de dos traveses de dedo en la línea media, sección de aponeurosis común sacro-lumbar, retracción de musculatura paravertebral, flavectomía, disección de la raíz y escisión de hernia discal extraída. La pérdida hemática fue mínima y no se administró sangre. Se utilizó una pequeña cantidad de agua oxigenada como hemostático (alrededor de 5 cc).
- Postoperatorio inmediato
Al despertar de la anestesia, la paciente comunicó que no veía absolutamente nada por ninguno de los dos ojos. Se solicitó colaboración a Oftalmología, sin hallar patología. La tensión ocular fue normal. El reflejo fotomotor y consensual estaban conservados.
Se practicó TC cerebral de urgencia, en el que se apreció una imagen en circulación coroidea intraventricular derecha compatible con burbuja de gas. Otra imagen yuxtaósea occipital derecha, se consideró dudosa.
Se realizó una RNM craneal, que mostró un incremento difuso de la señal en secuencias T2 en áreas posteriores de ambos lóbulos occipitales. La angio-RNM fue normal.
El cuadro fue interpretado como de origen vascular, bien posicional, o bien derivado de los antecedentes migrañosos de la paciente, siendo sometida empíricamente a tratamiento con dexametasona y vasodilatadores.
A las 6 horas refirió percibir formas cromáticas indistinguibles y tenues, apareciendo reflejo de amenaza.
A la mañana siguiente (12 horas tras la intervención), refería haber recuperado la visión, si bien percibía halos cromáticos alrededor de las figuras que se le presentaban. Estas discromatopsias desaparecieron en 24 horas. Una RNM de control mostró mejoría importante de las imágenes occipitales vistas en la RNM previa.
Los controles posteriores (al mes de la cirugía) mostraron normalidad visual.
| [
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] |
Propofol is a NORMALIZABLES, Renifentanilo is a NORMALIZABLES, receptores m opioides is a PROTEINAS, fentanilo is a NORMALIZABLES, Besilato de atracurio is a NORMALIZABLES, Sevofluorano is a NORMALIZABLES, Tramadol is a NORMALIZABLES, receptores opioides is a PROTEINAS, µ is a PROTEINAS, delta is a PROTEINAS, kappa is a PROTEINAS, Dexketoprofeno trometamol is a NORMALIZABLES, agua oxigenada is a NORMALIZABLES, dexametasona is a NORMALIZABLES | 396_task1 | Sentence: Se trata de una mujer de 53 años, con antecedentes de migrañas. Presentaba ciática refractaria a tratamiento y hernia discal L5-S1.
Tras consentimiento informado y estudio preoperatorio sin contraindicaciones, se practicó microdiscectomía L5-S1.
La técnica operatoria, incluyendo preparación y posicionamiento, fue como sigue:
- Anestesia
Se practicó una anestesia general, con intubación orotraqueal. La inducción se realizó mediante Propofol, la analgesia con Renifentanilo (agonista de los receptores m opioides, con una potencia analgésica similar al fentanilo), y la relajación con Besilato de atracurio (agente bloqueador neuromuscular, competitivo o no despolarizante). Se utilizó Sevofluorano como anestésico volátil. Durante la intervención se administraron 100 mg de Tramadol (Analgésico de acción central, agonista puro no selectivo de los receptores opioides, µ, delta y kappa ) y 25 mg de Dexketoprofeno trometamol. La duración de la anestesia fue de 1 hora 50 minutos sin registrar, durante la misma, complicaciones de ningún tipo.
- Colocación
Se intervino en posición mahometana, con la región pectoral y las crestas ilíacas apoyadas en sendas almohadas especiales, con escotaduras centrales para evitar decúbitos de abdomen y mamas.
La cabeza fue apoyada en un sistema almohadillado en forma de rosco abierto cranealmente. Para evitar apoyo ocular, los ojos se protegieron con lubricante y sendas almohadillas oculares sujetas mediante una venda colocada circularmente sobre la cabeza a la altura de ambos ojos.
Las extremidades inferiores se almohadillaron en las regiones de decúbito (ambas rodillas). Se comprobó la presencia de pulso pedio y tibial posterior en ambos lados. La posición del dorso del paciente fue paralela al suelo.
- Técnica quirúrgica
Se realizó mediante microcirugía convencional con incisión de dos traveses de dedo en la línea media, sección de aponeurosis común sacro-lumbar, retracción de musculatura paravertebral, flavectomía, disección de la raíz y escisión de hernia discal extraída. La pérdida hemática fue mínima y no se administró sangre. Se utilizó una pequeña cantidad de agua oxigenada como hemostático (alrededor de 5 cc).
- Postoperatorio inmediato
Al despertar de la anestesia, la paciente comunicó que no veía absolutamente nada por ninguno de los dos ojos. Se solicitó colaboración a Oftalmología, sin hallar patología. La tensión ocular fue normal. El reflejo fotomotor y consensual estaban conservados.
Se practicó TC cerebral de urgencia, en el que se apreció una imagen en circulación coroidea intraventricular derecha compatible con burbuja de gas. Otra imagen yuxtaósea occipital derecha, se consideró dudosa.
Se realizó una RNM craneal, que mostró un incremento difuso de la señal en secuencias T2 en áreas posteriores de ambos lóbulos occipitales. La angio-RNM fue normal.
El cuadro fue interpretado como de origen vascular, bien posicional, o bien derivado de los antecedentes migrañosos de la paciente, siendo sometida empíricamente a tratamiento con dexametasona y vasodilatadores.
A las 6 horas refirió percibir formas cromáticas indistinguibles y tenues, apareciendo reflejo de amenaza.
A la mañana siguiente (12 horas tras la intervención), refería haber recuperado la visión, si bien percibía halos cromáticos alrededor de las figuras que se le presentaban. Estas discromatopsias desaparecieron en 24 horas. Una RNM de control mostró mejoría importante de las imágenes occipitales vistas en la RNM previa.
Los controles posteriores (al mes de la cirugía) mostraron normalidad visual.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Propofol, Renifentanilo, receptores m opioides, fentanilo, Besilato de atracurio, Sevofluorano, Tramadol, receptores opioides, µ, delta, kappa, Dexketoprofeno trometamol, agua oxigenada, dexametasona
| [
] | Se trata de una mujer de 53 años, con antecedentes de migrañas. Presentaba ciática refractaria a tratamiento y hernia discal L5-S1.
Tras consentimiento informado y estudio preoperatorio sin contraindicaciones, se practicó microdiscectomía L5-S1.
La técnica operatoria, incluyendo preparación y posicionamiento, fue como sigue:
- Anestesia
Se practicó una anestesia general, con intubación orotraqueal. La inducción se realizó mediante Propofol, la analgesia con Renifentanilo (agonista de los receptores m opioides, con una potencia analgésica similar al fentanilo), y la relajación con Besilato de atracurio (agente bloqueador neuromuscular, competitivo o no despolarizante). Se utilizó Sevofluorano como anestésico volátil. Durante la intervención se administraron 100 mg de Tramadol (Analgésico de acción central, agonista puro no selectivo de los receptores opioides, µ, delta y kappa ) y 25 mg de Dexketoprofeno trometamol. La duración de la anestesia fue de 1 hora 50 minutos sin registrar, durante la misma, complicaciones de ningún tipo.
- Colocación
Se intervino en posición mahometana, con la región pectoral y las crestas ilíacas apoyadas en sendas almohadas especiales, con escotaduras centrales para evitar decúbitos de abdomen y mamas.
La cabeza fue apoyada en un sistema almohadillado en forma de rosco abierto cranealmente. Para evitar apoyo ocular, los ojos se protegieron con lubricante y sendas almohadillas oculares sujetas mediante una venda colocada circularmente sobre la cabeza a la altura de ambos ojos.
Las extremidades inferiores se almohadillaron en las regiones de decúbito (ambas rodillas). Se comprobó la presencia de pulso pedio y tibial posterior en ambos lados. La posición del dorso del paciente fue paralela al suelo.
- Técnica quirúrgica
Se realizó mediante microcirugía convencional con incisión de dos traveses de dedo en la línea media, sección de aponeurosis común sacro-lumbar, retracción de musculatura paravertebral, flavectomía, disección de la raíz y escisión de hernia discal extraída. La pérdida hemática fue mínima y no se administró sangre. Se utilizó una pequeña cantidad de agua oxigenada como hemostático (alrededor de 5 cc).
- Postoperatorio inmediato
Al despertar de la anestesia, la paciente comunicó que no veía absolutamente nada por ninguno de los dos ojos. Se solicitó colaboración a Oftalmología, sin hallar patología. La tensión ocular fue normal. El reflejo fotomotor y consensual estaban conservados.
Se practicó TC cerebral de urgencia, en el que se apreció una imagen en circulación coroidea intraventricular derecha compatible con burbuja de gas. Otra imagen yuxtaósea occipital derecha, se consideró dudosa.
Se realizó una RNM craneal, que mostró un incremento difuso de la señal en secuencias T2 en áreas posteriores de ambos lóbulos occipitales. La angio-RNM fue normal.
El cuadro fue interpretado como de origen vascular, bien posicional, o bien derivado de los antecedentes migrañosos de la paciente, siendo sometida empíricamente a tratamiento con dexametasona y vasodilatadores.
A las 6 horas refirió percibir formas cromáticas indistinguibles y tenues, apareciendo reflejo de amenaza.
A la mañana siguiente (12 horas tras la intervención), refería haber recuperado la visión, si bien percibía halos cromáticos alrededor de las figuras que se le presentaban. Estas discromatopsias desaparecieron en 24 horas. Una RNM de control mostró mejoría importante de las imágenes occipitales vistas en la RNM previa.
Los controles posteriores (al mes de la cirugía) mostraron normalidad visual.
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Propofol, Renifentanilo, receptores m opioides, fentanilo, Besilato de atracurio, Sevofluorano, Tramadol, receptores opioides, µ, delta, kappa, Dexketoprofeno trometamol, agua oxigenada, dexametasona | 396_task2 | Sentence: Se trata de una mujer de 53 años, con antecedentes de migrañas. Presentaba ciática refractaria a tratamiento y hernia discal L5-S1.
Tras consentimiento informado y estudio preoperatorio sin contraindicaciones, se practicó microdiscectomía L5-S1.
La técnica operatoria, incluyendo preparación y posicionamiento, fue como sigue:
- Anestesia
Se practicó una anestesia general, con intubación orotraqueal. La inducción se realizó mediante Propofol, la analgesia con Renifentanilo (agonista de los receptores m opioides, con una potencia analgésica similar al fentanilo), y la relajación con Besilato de atracurio (agente bloqueador neuromuscular, competitivo o no despolarizante). Se utilizó Sevofluorano como anestésico volátil. Durante la intervención se administraron 100 mg de Tramadol (Analgésico de acción central, agonista puro no selectivo de los receptores opioides, µ, delta y kappa ) y 25 mg de Dexketoprofeno trometamol. La duración de la anestesia fue de 1 hora 50 minutos sin registrar, durante la misma, complicaciones de ningún tipo.
- Colocación
Se intervino en posición mahometana, con la región pectoral y las crestas ilíacas apoyadas en sendas almohadas especiales, con escotaduras centrales para evitar decúbitos de abdomen y mamas.
La cabeza fue apoyada en un sistema almohadillado en forma de rosco abierto cranealmente. Para evitar apoyo ocular, los ojos se protegieron con lubricante y sendas almohadillas oculares sujetas mediante una venda colocada circularmente sobre la cabeza a la altura de ambos ojos.
Las extremidades inferiores se almohadillaron en las regiones de decúbito (ambas rodillas). Se comprobó la presencia de pulso pedio y tibial posterior en ambos lados. La posición del dorso del paciente fue paralela al suelo.
- Técnica quirúrgica
Se realizó mediante microcirugía convencional con incisión de dos traveses de dedo en la línea media, sección de aponeurosis común sacro-lumbar, retracción de musculatura paravertebral, flavectomía, disección de la raíz y escisión de hernia discal extraída. La pérdida hemática fue mínima y no se administró sangre. Se utilizó una pequeña cantidad de agua oxigenada como hemostático (alrededor de 5 cc).
- Postoperatorio inmediato
Al despertar de la anestesia, la paciente comunicó que no veía absolutamente nada por ninguno de los dos ojos. Se solicitó colaboración a Oftalmología, sin hallar patología. La tensión ocular fue normal. El reflejo fotomotor y consensual estaban conservados.
Se practicó TC cerebral de urgencia, en el que se apreció una imagen en circulación coroidea intraventricular derecha compatible con burbuja de gas. Otra imagen yuxtaósea occipital derecha, se consideró dudosa.
Se realizó una RNM craneal, que mostró un incremento difuso de la señal en secuencias T2 en áreas posteriores de ambos lóbulos occipitales. La angio-RNM fue normal.
El cuadro fue interpretado como de origen vascular, bien posicional, o bien derivado de los antecedentes migrañosos de la paciente, siendo sometida empíricamente a tratamiento con dexametasona y vasodilatadores.
A las 6 horas refirió percibir formas cromáticas indistinguibles y tenues, apareciendo reflejo de amenaza.
A la mañana siguiente (12 horas tras la intervención), refería haber recuperado la visión, si bien percibía halos cromáticos alrededor de las figuras que se le presentaban. Estas discromatopsias desaparecieron en 24 horas. Una RNM de control mostró mejoría importante de las imágenes occipitales vistas en la RNM previa.
Los controles posteriores (al mes de la cirugía) mostraron normalidad visual.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Se trata de una mujer de 53 años, con antecedentes de migrañas. Presentaba ciática refractaria a tratamiento y hernia discal L5-S1.
Tras consentimiento informado y estudio preoperatorio sin contraindicaciones, se practicó microdiscectomía L5-S1.
La técnica operatoria, incluyendo preparación y posicionamiento, fue como sigue:
- Anestesia
Se practicó una anestesia general, con intubación orotraqueal. La inducción se realizó mediante Propofol, la analgesia con Renifentanilo (agonista de los receptores m opioides, con una potencia analgésica similar al fentanilo), y la relajación con Besilato de atracurio (agente bloqueador neuromuscular, competitivo o no despolarizante). Se utilizó Sevofluorano como anestésico volátil. Durante la intervención se administraron 100 mg de Tramadol (Analgésico de acción central, agonista puro no selectivo de los receptores opioides, µ, delta y kappa ) y 25 mg de Dexketoprofeno trometamol. La duración de la anestesia fue de 1 hora 50 minutos sin registrar, durante la misma, complicaciones de ningún tipo.
- Colocación
Se intervino en posición mahometana, con la región pectoral y las crestas ilíacas apoyadas en sendas almohadas especiales, con escotaduras centrales para evitar decúbitos de abdomen y mamas.
La cabeza fue apoyada en un sistema almohadillado en forma de rosco abierto cranealmente. Para evitar apoyo ocular, los ojos se protegieron con lubricante y sendas almohadillas oculares sujetas mediante una venda colocada circularmente sobre la cabeza a la altura de ambos ojos.
Las extremidades inferiores se almohadillaron en las regiones de decúbito (ambas rodillas). Se comprobó la presencia de pulso pedio y tibial posterior en ambos lados. La posición del dorso del paciente fue paralela al suelo.
- Técnica quirúrgica
Se realizó mediante microcirugía convencional con incisión de dos traveses de dedo en la línea media, sección de aponeurosis común sacro-lumbar, retracción de musculatura paravertebral, flavectomía, disección de la raíz y escisión de hernia discal extraída. La pérdida hemática fue mínima y no se administró sangre. Se utilizó una pequeña cantidad de agua oxigenada como hemostático (alrededor de 5 cc).
- Postoperatorio inmediato
Al despertar de la anestesia, la paciente comunicó que no veía absolutamente nada por ninguno de los dos ojos. Se solicitó colaboración a Oftalmología, sin hallar patología. La tensión ocular fue normal. El reflejo fotomotor y consensual estaban conservados.
Se practicó TC cerebral de urgencia, en el que se apreció una imagen en circulación coroidea intraventricular derecha compatible con burbuja de gas. Otra imagen yuxtaósea occipital derecha, se consideró dudosa.
Se realizó una RNM craneal, que mostró un incremento difuso de la señal en secuencias T2 en áreas posteriores de ambos lóbulos occipitales. La angio-RNM fue normal.
El cuadro fue interpretado como de origen vascular, bien posicional, o bien derivado de los antecedentes migrañosos de la paciente, siendo sometida empíricamente a tratamiento con dexametasona y vasodilatadores.
A las 6 horas refirió percibir formas cromáticas indistinguibles y tenues, apareciendo reflejo de amenaza.
A la mañana siguiente (12 horas tras la intervención), refería haber recuperado la visión, si bien percibía halos cromáticos alrededor de las figuras que se le presentaban. Estas discromatopsias desaparecieron en 24 horas. Una RNM de control mostró mejoría importante de las imágenes occipitales vistas en la RNM previa.
Los controles posteriores (al mes de la cirugía) mostraron normalidad visual.
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haemagglutinin is a Individual_protein, H is a Individual_protein, fusion is a Individual_protein, F is a Individual_protein, nucleocapsid protein is a Individual_protein, NP is a Individual_protein, phosphoprotein is a Individual_protein, P is a Individual_protein, matrix is a Individual_protein, M is a Individual_protein, H is a Gene/protein/RNA, F is a Gene/protein/RNA, NP is a Gene/protein/RNA, P proteins is a Gene/protein/RNA | 584_task0 | Sentence: Panels of six to 31 MAbs against the haemagglutinin (H), fusion (F), nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P) and matrix (M) proteins of MV and the H, F, NP and P proteins of CDV were employed.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Gene/protein/RNA, Individual_protein
| [
] | Panels of six to 31 MAbs against the haemagglutinin (H), fusion (F), nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P) and matrix (M) proteins of MV and the H, F, NP and P proteins of CDV were employed. | [
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haemagglutinin is a Individual_protein, H is a Individual_protein, fusion is a Individual_protein, F is a Individual_protein, nucleocapsid protein is a Individual_protein, NP is a Individual_protein, phosphoprotein is a Individual_protein, P is a Individual_protein, matrix is a Individual_protein, M is a Individual_protein, H is a Gene/protein/RNA, F is a Gene/protein/RNA, NP is a Gene/protein/RNA, P proteins is a Gene/protein/RNA | 584_task1 | Sentence: Panels of six to 31 MAbs against the haemagglutinin (H), fusion (F), nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P) and matrix (M) proteins of MV and the H, F, NP and P proteins of CDV were employed.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: haemagglutinin, H, fusion, F, nucleocapsid protein, NP, phosphoprotein, P, matrix, M, H, F, NP, P proteins
Options: Gene/protein/RNA, Individual_protein
| [
] | Panels of six to 31 MAbs against the haemagglutinin (H), fusion (F), nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P) and matrix (M) proteins of MV and the H, F, NP and P proteins of CDV were employed. | [
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haemagglutinin, H, fusion, F, nucleocapsid protein, NP, phosphoprotein, P, matrix, M, H, F, NP, P proteins | 584_task2 | Sentence: Panels of six to 31 MAbs against the haemagglutinin (H), fusion (F), nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P) and matrix (M) proteins of MV and the H, F, NP and P proteins of CDV were employed.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Panels of six to 31 MAbs against the haemagglutinin (H), fusion (F), nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P) and matrix (M) proteins of MV and the H, F, NP and P proteins of CDV were employed. | [
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migration is an umlsterm, risks is an umlsterm, health is an umlsterm, Prevention is an umlsterm, health is an umlsterm, risks is an umlsterm, infectious diseases is an umlsterm, infections is an umlsterm, Germany is an umlsterm, federal agency is an umlsterm, health education is an umlsterm, health education is an umlsterm, health is an umlsterm, risks is an umlsterm | Bundesgesundheitsblatt.90420412.eng.abstr_task0 | Sentence: Mobility and migration pose increasing risks for the health of travellers . Prevention of such health risks , especially of infectious diseases in general and sexually transmitted infections in particular , is seen as a priority task in Germany . Since the eighties the federal agency for health education ( BzgA ) conceptualized and prioritized health education on travel-associated health risks and STDs .
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Mobility and migration pose increasing risks for the health of travellers . Prevention of such health risks , especially of infectious diseases in general and sexually transmitted infections in particular , is seen as a priority task in Germany . Since the eighties the federal agency for health education ( BzgA ) conceptualized and prioritized health education on travel-associated health risks and STDs . | [
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migration is an umlsterm, risks is an umlsterm, health is an umlsterm, Prevention is an umlsterm, health is an umlsterm, risks is an umlsterm, infectious diseases is an umlsterm, infections is an umlsterm, Germany is an umlsterm, federal agency is an umlsterm, health education is an umlsterm, health education is an umlsterm, health is an umlsterm, risks is an umlsterm | Bundesgesundheitsblatt.90420412.eng.abstr_task1 | Sentence: Mobility and migration pose increasing risks for the health of travellers . Prevention of such health risks , especially of infectious diseases in general and sexually transmitted infections in particular , is seen as a priority task in Germany . Since the eighties the federal agency for health education ( BzgA ) conceptualized and prioritized health education on travel-associated health risks and STDs .
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: migration, risks, health, Prevention, health, risks, infectious diseases, infections, Germany, federal agency, health education, health education, health, risks
Options: umlsterm
| [
] | Mobility and migration pose increasing risks for the health of travellers . Prevention of such health risks , especially of infectious diseases in general and sexually transmitted infections in particular , is seen as a priority task in Germany . Since the eighties the federal agency for health education ( BzgA ) conceptualized and prioritized health education on travel-associated health risks and STDs . | [
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migration, risks, health, Prevention, health, risks, infectious diseases, infections, Germany, federal agency, health education, health education, health, risks | Bundesgesundheitsblatt.90420412.eng.abstr_task2 | Sentence: Mobility and migration pose increasing risks for the health of travellers . Prevention of such health risks , especially of infectious diseases in general and sexually transmitted infections in particular , is seen as a priority task in Germany . Since the eighties the federal agency for health education ( BzgA ) conceptualized and prioritized health education on travel-associated health risks and STDs .
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
| [
] | Mobility and migration pose increasing risks for the health of travellers . Prevention of such health risks , especially of infectious diseases in general and sexually transmitted infections in particular , is seen as a priority task in Germany . Since the eighties the federal agency for health education ( BzgA ) conceptualized and prioritized health education on travel-associated health risks and STDs . | [
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Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, cholinesterase is a GENE-Y, acetylcholine is a CHEMICAL, Tacrine is a CHEMICAL, cholinesterase is a GENE-Y, cholinesterase is a GENE-Y, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, exelon is a CHEMICAL, ENA is a CHEMICAL, SDZ ENA 713 is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL | 11335_task0 | Sentence: Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia affecting older people. One of the therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease is to enhance cholinergic neurotransmission in relevant parts of the brain by the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to delay the breakdown of acetylcholine released into synaptic clefts. Tacrine, the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors to undergo extensive trials for this purpose, was associated with significant adverse effects including hepatotoxicity. Other cholinesterase inhibitors, including rivastigmine, with superior properties in terms of specificity of action and low risk of adverse effects, have now been introduced. Rivastigmine has received approval for use in 60 countries including all member states of the European Union and the USA. OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS were searched on 27 March 2008 using the terms: Rivastigmine OR exelon OR ENA OR "SDZ ENA 713" . The CDCIG Specialized Register contains records from all major health care databases (The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS) as well as from many clinical trials registries and grey literature sources. SELECTION CRITERIA: All unconfounded, double-blind, randomized trials in which treatment with rivastigmine was administered to patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type for more than two weeks and its effects compared with those of placebo in a parallel group of patients. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One reviewer (JSB) applied study selection criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Nine trials, involving 4775 participants, were included in the analyses. Use of rivastigmine in high doses was associated with statistically significant benefits on several measures. High-dose rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg daily) was associated with a two-point improvement in cognitive function on the ADAS-Cog score compared with placebo (weighted mean difference -1.99, 95% confidence interval -2.49 to -1.50, on an intention-to-treat basis) and a 2.2 point improvement in activities of daily living assessed on the Progressive Deterioration Scale (weighted mean difference -2.15, 95% confidence interval -3.16 to -1.13, on an intention-to-treat basis) at 26 weeks. At lower doses (4 mg daily or lower) differences were in the same direction but were statistically significant only for cognitive function. There were statistically significantly higher numbers of events of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache, syncope, abdominal pain and dizziness among patients taking high-dose rivastigmine than among those taking placebo. There was some evidence that adverse events might be less common with more frequent, smaller doses of rivastigmine. The 2008 update includes a new study testing two types of rivastigmine transdermal patch, one delivering a higher dose than previously tested (17.4 mg/day) and a smaller patch delivering 9.6 mg/day. The efficacy of the smaller patch was not significantly different compared with the capsules of similar daily dose, but was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and asthenia. The efficacy of the larger patch was not significantly different compared with the smaller patch, but the smaller patch was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dizziness. There appears to be advantages associated with the smaller patch compared with both the higher dose patch and the 6-12 mg/day capsules. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine appears to be beneficial for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. In comparisons with placebo, improvements were seen in the rate of decline of cognitive function, activities of daily living, and severity of dementia with daily doses of 6 to 12 mg. Adverse events were consistent with the cholinergic actions of the drug. A transdermal patch has been tested in one trial, and there is evidence that the lower dose smaller patch is associated with fewer side effects than the capsules or the higher dose larger patch and has comparable efficacy to both. This review has not examined economic data.
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
| [
] | Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia affecting older people. One of the therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease is to enhance cholinergic neurotransmission in relevant parts of the brain by the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to delay the breakdown of acetylcholine released into synaptic clefts. Tacrine, the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors to undergo extensive trials for this purpose, was associated with significant adverse effects including hepatotoxicity. Other cholinesterase inhibitors, including rivastigmine, with superior properties in terms of specificity of action and low risk of adverse effects, have now been introduced. Rivastigmine has received approval for use in 60 countries including all member states of the European Union and the USA. OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS were searched on 27 March 2008 using the terms: Rivastigmine OR exelon OR ENA OR "SDZ ENA 713" . The CDCIG Specialized Register contains records from all major health care databases (The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS) as well as from many clinical trials registries and grey literature sources. SELECTION CRITERIA: All unconfounded, double-blind, randomized trials in which treatment with rivastigmine was administered to patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type for more than two weeks and its effects compared with those of placebo in a parallel group of patients. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One reviewer (JSB) applied study selection criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Nine trials, involving 4775 participants, were included in the analyses. Use of rivastigmine in high doses was associated with statistically significant benefits on several measures. High-dose rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg daily) was associated with a two-point improvement in cognitive function on the ADAS-Cog score compared with placebo (weighted mean difference -1.99, 95% confidence interval -2.49 to -1.50, on an intention-to-treat basis) and a 2.2 point improvement in activities of daily living assessed on the Progressive Deterioration Scale (weighted mean difference -2.15, 95% confidence interval -3.16 to -1.13, on an intention-to-treat basis) at 26 weeks. At lower doses (4 mg daily or lower) differences were in the same direction but were statistically significant only for cognitive function. There were statistically significantly higher numbers of events of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache, syncope, abdominal pain and dizziness among patients taking high-dose rivastigmine than among those taking placebo. There was some evidence that adverse events might be less common with more frequent, smaller doses of rivastigmine. The 2008 update includes a new study testing two types of rivastigmine transdermal patch, one delivering a higher dose than previously tested (17.4 mg/day) and a smaller patch delivering 9.6 mg/day. The efficacy of the smaller patch was not significantly different compared with the capsules of similar daily dose, but was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and asthenia. The efficacy of the larger patch was not significantly different compared with the smaller patch, but the smaller patch was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dizziness. There appears to be advantages associated with the smaller patch compared with both the higher dose patch and the 6-12 mg/day capsules. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine appears to be beneficial for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. In comparisons with placebo, improvements were seen in the rate of decline of cognitive function, activities of daily living, and severity of dementia with daily doses of 6 to 12 mg. Adverse events were consistent with the cholinergic actions of the drug. A transdermal patch has been tested in one trial, and there is evidence that the lower dose smaller patch is associated with fewer side effects than the capsules or the higher dose larger patch and has comparable efficacy to both. This review has not examined economic data. | [
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Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, cholinesterase is a GENE-Y, acetylcholine is a CHEMICAL, Tacrine is a CHEMICAL, cholinesterase is a GENE-Y, cholinesterase is a GENE-Y, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, exelon is a CHEMICAL, ENA is a CHEMICAL, SDZ ENA 713 is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL, Rivastigmine is a CHEMICAL | 11335_task1 | Sentence: Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia affecting older people. One of the therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease is to enhance cholinergic neurotransmission in relevant parts of the brain by the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to delay the breakdown of acetylcholine released into synaptic clefts. Tacrine, the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors to undergo extensive trials for this purpose, was associated with significant adverse effects including hepatotoxicity. Other cholinesterase inhibitors, including rivastigmine, with superior properties in terms of specificity of action and low risk of adverse effects, have now been introduced. Rivastigmine has received approval for use in 60 countries including all member states of the European Union and the USA. OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS were searched on 27 March 2008 using the terms: Rivastigmine OR exelon OR ENA OR "SDZ ENA 713" . The CDCIG Specialized Register contains records from all major health care databases (The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS) as well as from many clinical trials registries and grey literature sources. SELECTION CRITERIA: All unconfounded, double-blind, randomized trials in which treatment with rivastigmine was administered to patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type for more than two weeks and its effects compared with those of placebo in a parallel group of patients. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One reviewer (JSB) applied study selection criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Nine trials, involving 4775 participants, were included in the analyses. Use of rivastigmine in high doses was associated with statistically significant benefits on several measures. High-dose rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg daily) was associated with a two-point improvement in cognitive function on the ADAS-Cog score compared with placebo (weighted mean difference -1.99, 95% confidence interval -2.49 to -1.50, on an intention-to-treat basis) and a 2.2 point improvement in activities of daily living assessed on the Progressive Deterioration Scale (weighted mean difference -2.15, 95% confidence interval -3.16 to -1.13, on an intention-to-treat basis) at 26 weeks. At lower doses (4 mg daily or lower) differences were in the same direction but were statistically significant only for cognitive function. There were statistically significantly higher numbers of events of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache, syncope, abdominal pain and dizziness among patients taking high-dose rivastigmine than among those taking placebo. There was some evidence that adverse events might be less common with more frequent, smaller doses of rivastigmine. The 2008 update includes a new study testing two types of rivastigmine transdermal patch, one delivering a higher dose than previously tested (17.4 mg/day) and a smaller patch delivering 9.6 mg/day. The efficacy of the smaller patch was not significantly different compared with the capsules of similar daily dose, but was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and asthenia. The efficacy of the larger patch was not significantly different compared with the smaller patch, but the smaller patch was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dizziness. There appears to be advantages associated with the smaller patch compared with both the higher dose patch and the 6-12 mg/day capsules. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine appears to be beneficial for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. In comparisons with placebo, improvements were seen in the rate of decline of cognitive function, activities of daily living, and severity of dementia with daily doses of 6 to 12 mg. Adverse events were consistent with the cholinergic actions of the drug. A transdermal patch has been tested in one trial, and there is evidence that the lower dose smaller patch is associated with fewer side effects than the capsules or the higher dose larger patch and has comparable efficacy to both. This review has not examined economic data.
Instructions: please typing these entity words according to sentence: Rivastigmine, cholinesterase, acetylcholine, Tacrine, cholinesterase, cholinesterase, rivastigmine, Rivastigmine, rivastigmine, Rivastigmine, exelon, ENA, SDZ ENA 713, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, Rivastigmine
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] | Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia affecting older people. One of the therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease is to enhance cholinergic neurotransmission in relevant parts of the brain by the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to delay the breakdown of acetylcholine released into synaptic clefts. Tacrine, the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors to undergo extensive trials for this purpose, was associated with significant adverse effects including hepatotoxicity. Other cholinesterase inhibitors, including rivastigmine, with superior properties in terms of specificity of action and low risk of adverse effects, have now been introduced. Rivastigmine has received approval for use in 60 countries including all member states of the European Union and the USA. OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS were searched on 27 March 2008 using the terms: Rivastigmine OR exelon OR ENA OR "SDZ ENA 713" . The CDCIG Specialized Register contains records from all major health care databases (The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS) as well as from many clinical trials registries and grey literature sources. SELECTION CRITERIA: All unconfounded, double-blind, randomized trials in which treatment with rivastigmine was administered to patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type for more than two weeks and its effects compared with those of placebo in a parallel group of patients. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One reviewer (JSB) applied study selection criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Nine trials, involving 4775 participants, were included in the analyses. Use of rivastigmine in high doses was associated with statistically significant benefits on several measures. High-dose rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg daily) was associated with a two-point improvement in cognitive function on the ADAS-Cog score compared with placebo (weighted mean difference -1.99, 95% confidence interval -2.49 to -1.50, on an intention-to-treat basis) and a 2.2 point improvement in activities of daily living assessed on the Progressive Deterioration Scale (weighted mean difference -2.15, 95% confidence interval -3.16 to -1.13, on an intention-to-treat basis) at 26 weeks. At lower doses (4 mg daily or lower) differences were in the same direction but were statistically significant only for cognitive function. There were statistically significantly higher numbers of events of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache, syncope, abdominal pain and dizziness among patients taking high-dose rivastigmine than among those taking placebo. There was some evidence that adverse events might be less common with more frequent, smaller doses of rivastigmine. The 2008 update includes a new study testing two types of rivastigmine transdermal patch, one delivering a higher dose than previously tested (17.4 mg/day) and a smaller patch delivering 9.6 mg/day. The efficacy of the smaller patch was not significantly different compared with the capsules of similar daily dose, but was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and asthenia. The efficacy of the larger patch was not significantly different compared with the smaller patch, but the smaller patch was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dizziness. There appears to be advantages associated with the smaller patch compared with both the higher dose patch and the 6-12 mg/day capsules. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine appears to be beneficial for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. In comparisons with placebo, improvements were seen in the rate of decline of cognitive function, activities of daily living, and severity of dementia with daily doses of 6 to 12 mg. Adverse events were consistent with the cholinergic actions of the drug. A transdermal patch has been tested in one trial, and there is evidence that the lower dose smaller patch is associated with fewer side effects than the capsules or the higher dose larger patch and has comparable efficacy to both. This review has not examined economic data. | [
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Rivastigmine, cholinesterase, acetylcholine, Tacrine, cholinesterase, cholinesterase, rivastigmine, Rivastigmine, rivastigmine, Rivastigmine, exelon, ENA, SDZ ENA 713, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, rivastigmine, Rivastigmine | 11335_task2 | Sentence: Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia affecting older people. One of the therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease is to enhance cholinergic neurotransmission in relevant parts of the brain by the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to delay the breakdown of acetylcholine released into synaptic clefts. Tacrine, the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors to undergo extensive trials for this purpose, was associated with significant adverse effects including hepatotoxicity. Other cholinesterase inhibitors, including rivastigmine, with superior properties in terms of specificity of action and low risk of adverse effects, have now been introduced. Rivastigmine has received approval for use in 60 countries including all member states of the European Union and the USA. OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS were searched on 27 March 2008 using the terms: Rivastigmine OR exelon OR ENA OR "SDZ ENA 713" . The CDCIG Specialized Register contains records from all major health care databases (The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS) as well as from many clinical trials registries and grey literature sources. SELECTION CRITERIA: All unconfounded, double-blind, randomized trials in which treatment with rivastigmine was administered to patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type for more than two weeks and its effects compared with those of placebo in a parallel group of patients. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One reviewer (JSB) applied study selection criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Nine trials, involving 4775 participants, were included in the analyses. Use of rivastigmine in high doses was associated with statistically significant benefits on several measures. High-dose rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg daily) was associated with a two-point improvement in cognitive function on the ADAS-Cog score compared with placebo (weighted mean difference -1.99, 95% confidence interval -2.49 to -1.50, on an intention-to-treat basis) and a 2.2 point improvement in activities of daily living assessed on the Progressive Deterioration Scale (weighted mean difference -2.15, 95% confidence interval -3.16 to -1.13, on an intention-to-treat basis) at 26 weeks. At lower doses (4 mg daily or lower) differences were in the same direction but were statistically significant only for cognitive function. There were statistically significantly higher numbers of events of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache, syncope, abdominal pain and dizziness among patients taking high-dose rivastigmine than among those taking placebo. There was some evidence that adverse events might be less common with more frequent, smaller doses of rivastigmine. The 2008 update includes a new study testing two types of rivastigmine transdermal patch, one delivering a higher dose than previously tested (17.4 mg/day) and a smaller patch delivering 9.6 mg/day. The efficacy of the smaller patch was not significantly different compared with the capsules of similar daily dose, but was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and asthenia. The efficacy of the larger patch was not significantly different compared with the smaller patch, but the smaller patch was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dizziness. There appears to be advantages associated with the smaller patch compared with both the higher dose patch and the 6-12 mg/day capsules. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine appears to be beneficial for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. In comparisons with placebo, improvements were seen in the rate of decline of cognitive function, activities of daily living, and severity of dementia with daily doses of 6 to 12 mg. Adverse events were consistent with the cholinergic actions of the drug. A transdermal patch has been tested in one trial, and there is evidence that the lower dose smaller patch is associated with fewer side effects than the capsules or the higher dose larger patch and has comparable efficacy to both. This review has not examined economic data.
Instructions: please extract entity words from the input sentence
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] | Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the commonest cause of dementia affecting older people. One of the therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer's disease is to enhance cholinergic neurotransmission in relevant parts of the brain by the use of cholinesterase inhibitors to delay the breakdown of acetylcholine released into synaptic clefts. Tacrine, the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors to undergo extensive trials for this purpose, was associated with significant adverse effects including hepatotoxicity. Other cholinesterase inhibitors, including rivastigmine, with superior properties in terms of specificity of action and low risk of adverse effects, have now been introduced. Rivastigmine has received approval for use in 60 countries including all member states of the European Union and the USA. OBJECTIVES: To determine the clinical efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type. SEARCH STRATEGY: The Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS were searched on 27 March 2008 using the terms: Rivastigmine OR exelon OR ENA OR "SDZ ENA 713" . The CDCIG Specialized Register contains records from all major health care databases (The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS) as well as from many clinical trials registries and grey literature sources. SELECTION CRITERIA: All unconfounded, double-blind, randomized trials in which treatment with rivastigmine was administered to patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type for more than two weeks and its effects compared with those of placebo in a parallel group of patients. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: One reviewer (JSB) applied study selection criteria, assessed the quality of studies and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS: Nine trials, involving 4775 participants, were included in the analyses. Use of rivastigmine in high doses was associated with statistically significant benefits on several measures. High-dose rivastigmine (6 to 12 mg daily) was associated with a two-point improvement in cognitive function on the ADAS-Cog score compared with placebo (weighted mean difference -1.99, 95% confidence interval -2.49 to -1.50, on an intention-to-treat basis) and a 2.2 point improvement in activities of daily living assessed on the Progressive Deterioration Scale (weighted mean difference -2.15, 95% confidence interval -3.16 to -1.13, on an intention-to-treat basis) at 26 weeks. At lower doses (4 mg daily or lower) differences were in the same direction but were statistically significant only for cognitive function. There were statistically significantly higher numbers of events of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, headache, syncope, abdominal pain and dizziness among patients taking high-dose rivastigmine than among those taking placebo. There was some evidence that adverse events might be less common with more frequent, smaller doses of rivastigmine. The 2008 update includes a new study testing two types of rivastigmine transdermal patch, one delivering a higher dose than previously tested (17.4 mg/day) and a smaller patch delivering 9.6 mg/day. The efficacy of the smaller patch was not significantly different compared with the capsules of similar daily dose, but was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and asthenia. The efficacy of the larger patch was not significantly different compared with the smaller patch, but the smaller patch was associated with significantly fewer adverse events of nausea, vomiting, weight loss and dizziness. There appears to be advantages associated with the smaller patch compared with both the higher dose patch and the 6-12 mg/day capsules. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine appears to be beneficial for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. In comparisons with placebo, improvements were seen in the rate of decline of cognitive function, activities of daily living, and severity of dementia with daily doses of 6 to 12 mg. Adverse events were consistent with the cholinergic actions of the drug. A transdermal patch has been tested in one trial, and there is evidence that the lower dose smaller patch is associated with fewer side effects than the capsules or the higher dose larger patch and has comparable efficacy to both. This review has not examined economic data. | [
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Prior is a Temporal, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is a Scope, within 2 weeks prior is a Temporal, entering the study is a Reference_point, not is a Negation, recovered is a Condition, adverse events is a Condition, agents is a Drug, more than 2 weeks earlier is a Temporal, Systemic steroids is a Drug, not is a Negation, stabilized is a Qualifier, ≥ 5 days is a Temporal, ≤10 mg / day is a Multiplier, prednisone is a Drug, prior to is a Temporal, start of the study drugs is a Reference_point, other investigational agents is a Drug, History is a Observation, allergic reactions is a Condition, TGR-1202 or carfilzomib is a Scope, Uncontrolled is a Qualifier, inter - current illness is a Condition, Pregnant is a Condition, women is a Person, Nursing is a Condition, women is a Person, Current is a Temporal, malignancy is a Condition, history of a prior is a Observation, malignancy is a Condition, Hepatitis A is a Condition, Hepatitis B is a Condition, Hepatitis C is a Condition | NCT02867618_exc_task0 | Sentence: 1. Prior Therapy Exposure to chemotherapy or radiotherapy within 2 weeks prior to entering the study or those who have not recovered from adverse events due to agents administered more than 2 weeks earlier. Systemic steroids that have not been stabilized (≥ 5 days) to the equivalent of ≤10 mg/day prednisone prior to the start of the study drugs. No other investigational agents are allowed.
2. History of allergic reactions to TGR-1202 or carfilzomib
3. Uncontrolled inter-current illness
4. Pregnant women
5. Nursing women
6. Current malignancy or history of a prior malignancy
7. Patient known to be Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-positive
8. Active Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C infection
Instructions: please extract entities and their types from the input sentence, all entity types are in options
Options: Temporal, Condition, Qualifier, Person, Observation, Multiplier, Reference_point, Negation, Scope, Drug
| [
] | 1. Prior Therapy Exposure to chemotherapy or radiotherapy within 2 weeks prior to entering the study or those who have not recovered from adverse events due to agents administered more than 2 weeks earlier. Systemic steroids that have not been stabilized (≥ 5 days) to the equivalent of ≤10 mg/day prednisone prior to the start of the study drugs. No other investigational agents are allowed.
2. History of allergic reactions to TGR-1202 or carfilzomib
3. Uncontrolled inter-current illness
4. Pregnant women
5. Nursing women
6. Current malignancy or history of a prior malignancy
7. Patient known to be Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-positive
8. Active Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C infection
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