onder bevel van generaal Fougier, een Italiaan van Corsicaansche ๐™–๐™›๐™ ๐™ค๐™ข๐™จ๐™ฉ, staat, is voortreffelijk toegerust.Al zijn materiaal is van Ital
๐™–๐™›๐™ ๐™ค๐™ข๐™จ๐™ฉ
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "344", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "345", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "346", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "347", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "348", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "403", "suggestion": "" } ]
winnen, omdat het vastbesloten is te winnen, omdat de Fransen geen ๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ willen worden, zei hij 1 xxx Teiwijl Hitler gisteren sprak over ue
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "344", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "345", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "346", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "347", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "348", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "403", "suggestion": "" } ]
lijken, en v.-el zeehoiuon komt hij tegen. en einde-1 lijk oqc een ๐™€๐™จ๐™ ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ค.I).- Eskimo is | druk ii de weer.โ€”โ€žWat doe je daar, L I vriend efv
๐™€๐™จ๐™ ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ค
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "344", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "345", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "346", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "347", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "348", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "403", "suggestion": "" } ]
e to the ground , and a second erop allowed toeome up from the old ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™จ, but it gives a poor yield; and as a heavy rent has to be met afte
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "344", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "345", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "346", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "347", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "348", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "403", "suggestion": "" } ]
ntaathaar โ€žier nationale kerk.I tisme zal op deze eilanden nimmer ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ worden.Zelfs de Ease IscUe socialisten buil: geu het onmerkbaar.E
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "344", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "345", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "346", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "347", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "348", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "403", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "343", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "344", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "345", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "346", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "347", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "348", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "403", "suggestion": "" } ]
niet meer indenken in dergelijke wantoestanden.De emancipatie der ๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ is een wereldfeit van zeer groรณte beteekenis.Het is de overwinning
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "heidense beschaving" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
week.Nooit kan van tevoren dit worden bepaald.Dat wachten in een ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™ž๐™ข๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™š๐™› bivakje is hoogst onaangenaam.Het regent daar meestal.Het bosch
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
his laat volgen: ~Die liggen tusschen den Indischen Oceaan en do ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ยฉ wateren en vormen een uiterst belangrijke strategische positie.
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
en imperialisme strijdt", te zien zenden.De begeerige en subtiele ๐˜ฝ๐™š๐™ง๐™—๐™š๐™ง moet om die Europeesche stupiditeit wel hartelijk gelachen hebben.
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
de onvolkomenheden der medemensehen.Weet het, dat de koning der ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฅ๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ ook een Lilliputter is.Leer beseffen, dat de reigars en de ooie
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "337", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
ten telt nu 500 studenten. โ€”Over acht dagen meldden wij dat onze ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™—๐™ค๐™ค๐™ง๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ Joseph Segers de geboorte van zijn ITe kind had aangegeven.Hierv
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
oor de saamhoorigheid. der Indo-Europeanen. ve familie van een ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค-๐™€๐™ช๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ ex-gevangene neemt . hem altijd weer op.Zij geven dikwijls van
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
ooten ijveraar tegeu de slavernij.Het was de bemanning- van een ๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™ž๐™ฅ.De mannen werden allen met eene oogziekte besmet door hunne 1.
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "blinden" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
r R.K. nciscus kerk en de orkest-vereeniging 'iido.' 1 september ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™-allegonsche op,V Volksspelen.Herhaling van den op__ bij fakkeรผic
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
aar er velen waren die onze taal niet verstaan.Verscheidenen van N.๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ waren ook tegenwoordig.Ook een schoonzuster van Mrs. v.Bru-;gt:n,
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
rger, per n,._d 64 c, k^p.l.'^S'. fo7n_ _"' *? .P", *ยฐ bw 6-10 ยปt ยซ๐™—๐™š๐™ง๐™—๐™š๐™ง pยปr kil nยป, , lol' r*d'J, pw lfl bM 3oJW ยซ*-, b 10... kool per ยซta
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
klepper voor do woning van den hoofdman.Hij dezen aanblik kon do ๐™ˆ๐™ช๐™ฏ๐™š๐™ก๐™ข๐™–๐™ฃ zijn verwon deriug niet verbergen. 3lloo?"riep hij uit.โ€žGij komt
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
e vrouwen; het meisje, dat verd. had leeren kennen, was n.l. een ๐™๐™–๐™ก๐™›๐™—๐™ก๐™ค๐™š๐™™.Op vragen van den president beschrijft Koorens zijn laatste thui
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "337", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
houten kunstwerken gingen verloren, de hoofdstad van een machtig ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง๐™ง๐™ž๐™Ÿ๐™  was te gronde gegaan.โ€ข Vijf maanden na den brand, terwijl de Eng
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
e jvan 1678 tot 1739 i over zijn wetenschap schreef, vooral over ๐™š๐™ญ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™š planten, vermeldt ten minste, dat, nu ongeveer twee eeuwen geled
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
s.Gedurende het gevecht met de beambten dat daarop volgde, werd de ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง i doodgeschoten.'โ– ""-.โ– " '';'-. . .-.
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
dat hij eens een lepreuzen Indiaan gezien had , doch dit was een ๐™๐™–๐™ก๐™›๐™—๐™ก๐™ค๐™š๐™™ neger geweest.Het schijnt waarlijk dat de Indianen van Su riname
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "n-woord" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "neger" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "boschnegers" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "boschnegers, halfbloed, neger" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "neger, melaatschen, Indianen, lepreuzen" } ]
en 1 indo-i_uropeaan.Gedood werden 2 Arabieren.De Japanner en ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค-๐™€๐™ช๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ zijn bij vergissing het slachtoffer dezer relletjes geworden.T
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
man (allen St.Jacob).Een soiree chantant ondeir leiding van Pierre ๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ en den koning der buiksprekers Otito Niirabeng zetten luister bij
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
ikel had de soja-boon enige betekenis buiten het gebied, waar hij ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ was.De Chinezen kenden deze bonen reeds duizenden jaren, doch eer
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
den primitievere:!inlander gevoelen maar den Maleier en Sinjo en ๐™ข๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™š๐™จ toch evengoed als gelijkwaar dige menschen beschouwen.Een gele of
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "mulat, wij als blanker ras hooger staan in beschaving, m aleier, sinjo" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "kleurlir, blank ras" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "halfmensch" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "kleurling, mulat" } ]
geheel komt zeer gunstig uit tegen een donkerroode draperie tot ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™; gelaat en gestalte zijn treffend gelijkend.De commissaris der
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
met grote soberheid te werk gegaan en heeft zoveel mogelijk de ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š circus-romantiek Vermeden.In het middelpunt van de handeling st
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
met de kracht van de geest fel tegen binnenlandse ondermijning en ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ verraad te keren.Thans is een titanenstrijd gaande tussen twee ma
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
dat men zoo tot een consolidatie van die vlottende schuld en tot ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™๐™š leening komen zou.Was dat zoo of niet ?De Heer A. van Dedem vond
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "Indie" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
zag. wie den kus had gegeven, kwam een diepe blos over haar gelaaL ๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ* kins had baar gekust en die kus veelde zoo hartelijk....Zelfs al
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "341", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
e artikelen.In verband met de wgรฏiging in art. 3 stollen do'soo.-๐™™๐™š๐™ข๐™ค๐™ค๐™ง๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ฃ voor in de overgangsbepalingen een overeenkomstige wgziging te b
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
eken !>e binnenstad buitendijks bleef uiteraard nog gerui.nen tijc ๐™—๐™ก๐™–๐™ฃ๐™  staan en de verbinding met den Li รฏker-Maasoever bleef hierdoor du
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
rkt, om dit verkeerd begrip te verstrekken en te onderhouden.Het ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ feit was het streven om een uitheemsch recht aan de maatschappij
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
Hij denkt voor hรฉm.Jawel !Ver beneden dรฉn Roodhuid, den naakten ๐™—๐™–๐™ง๐™—๐™–๐™–๐™ง, staat de geleerde (?)deskundige (?)Wat genen symbolisch wรจergeve
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "Werd misschien vroeger wel als omstreden gezien" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "Roodhuid" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "roodhuid" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "Roodhuid" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "Roodhuid, Indiaan" } ]
Het meest typische volkje vormen wc!de negers.Gevluchte ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ stichtten onder den โ€žgranman" eelt eigen staat in de oerbossche
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "n-woord" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "boschneger negers" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "negers, djoeka" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "negers, boschneger, negerbevolking" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "negers, negerbevolking, djoeka, boschneger" } ]
ling der wiskunde was de sttidie der fundamenten wel wat op den ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ geschoven, maar later ontstond daaraan vanzelf weer behoefte.Vo
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
gdurig stand houden, uitgesloten.De figuur Negrin wijkt naar de ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™, de figuur Franco treedt naar voren.Na de inmenging van de fasc
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "negrin" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
root als die met de overige Europeesche landen, m3t inbegrip van ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ Rusland, te zamen.Toen Hongkong in 1841 door Engeland bezet werd
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
dat men daarin geenszins heeft te zien een depreciatie van den ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค-๐™€๐™ช๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ door de Indische regeering doch louter het feit, dat de regeer
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "kruisrassen(vraagstuk)" } ]
anwaar uit wij e gรซnhjk worden geregeerd.: Van rit Washington of โ– โ€ข๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™ž๐™ฉ Waliitreet?i Of. weet ge niet wat wij met Wal!Strekt bedoelen ? .
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
t, dat gij bij de ontsporing zijt tegenwoordig geweest, en dat de ๐™†๐™–๐™›๐™›๐™š๐™ง๐™จ u voor Abel hebben aangezien, al blijft het onbegrijpelijk, hoe d
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "spoorramp" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "Misschien vroeger wel omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
uizen bezoekt.Nog niet lang geleden belde hij onverwachts een der ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š warenhuizen op.Hij vertelde, dat hij eenigen tijd vrij was, en ga
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
en tier in Hongarije gevestigdยฉ ni.ยฆโ€ข- Magyaar.se.iยฉ rassen ecu ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š politieke organisatie zoorils bijv.ยซIe Tsjechen rn ne!koninkrij
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
, wat der profileering betreft.Terwijl men durfde breken met de ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™š๐™กยฉ profileering; ia hier verder toch alles rustig gebonden.Een on
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
dan de figuur uitgebeeld.Noemen wij nog โ€žDe overwirtnaar", _De ๐™ ๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™š๐™ง".โ€žDe waterval" en de decoratieve snede โ€žSembah".Wij kunnen nat
๐™ ๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™š๐™ง
[ { "id": "336", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
deviezengebrek en om Ned.-Indiรซ in te schakelen m een Zuid-Oost-๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ blok."Vervolgens geeft het blad een statistiek en een grafiek ov
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
lon over: โ€žWat leeft er in 't har: van Indiรซ tegenwoordig?"N een ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ overzicht van de laatste jaren, was het verder grootendeels poli
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "anti-Engelsch" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
Hom om 7 uur eene godsdienstoefening gehouden worden, waarbij het ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ zangkoor onder leiding van den heer van der Molen eenige Kerstlie
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
ttott.: Algoma, 8., 4300 ton, 10.3, erts, Mei.IXicolaieft van Kots.๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ.-: lsle of Kent, S. 4500 t., 9 sh., Cargo v. a. b., April.San J_.o
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "337", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "338", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "339", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "340", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "341", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "342", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "336", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "337", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "338", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "339", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "340", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "341", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "342", "suggestion": "" } ]
ยซ de morlibics nil hisi bene was , wist men dat de waarheid den ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ vormde.En in menig hart heeft een snaar van weemoed toen getril
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
vijandelijk en vreemd tegenover het Westen.Zijn heele persoon is ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™.De correspondent van โ€žLa Croix" zag hem in het Nationale Theater
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
a, die de drekgoden zijner vaderen uit het land wegdeed, ja ook de ๐™–๐™›๐™œ๐™ค๐™™ zijner moeder uitroeide ?Regeerde over Israรซl niet de goddelooze J
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "Drekgoden" } ]
Zaan 29/12 v.R'dam te Golfsยป Aranel.Zeemeeuw, ๐™’๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ, 24/12' v. llarburg n.BandJaolm.Zuiderzee, slncpti.. 29/12 v.
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
r de vervaardiging in Calcutta en hier te lande gelijk waren, zou ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ olie product toch nog g-cedkooper zijn, omdat van de ingevoerde z
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
eel i Zij veroordeelt haar openlijk.Hoe deze leer sloop in sommige ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข-geschriften is niet moeilijk te verklaren.Zij is vaak verward met
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
en hemel, tegen het spierwitte strand en de turkooizen zeeT.Als ๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ de krankzinnige amusements-paleizen in granaat-rood, kanariegee
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "Laatste zin is onduidelijk door onleesbare OCR maar klinkt zeker Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
e volk er door zjju trouw en verkleefdheid dien zoeten druppel in ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™.Groen getuigt het telkens.Of deze politieke commissie van advies
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
n van gedingen stand, in hechtenis genomen, als medeplichtig aan de ๐™ข๐™ค๐™ค๐™ง* den en plunderingen, doch aanzienlijken, die het gepeupel tot de g
[ { "id": "331", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "332", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
de, plotseling op zijn buit losspringt.Zoo zacht echter hadden de ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™จ de achterzijde der schuur niet kunnen naderen, of Obo had hun kom
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "334", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "Negergeslacht" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "Negergeslacht" } ]
rnborn heeft meer dan een millioen dollars nagelaten.Hrj begon als ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ in een bar bierswinkel en wist teeds na korten trjd een eigen zaak
๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™˜๐™๐™ฉ
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "slaaf" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "n-woord, 4e woord in 1e zin" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
aooger Idealisme.24.God is een geeยซt. โ€” Met dat woerd tuimelt elke ๐™–๐™›๐™œ๐™ค๐™™, al ware hij van dicht diamant,. ter aarde."De Allerhoogste woont
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
be?last'met'pensioen over diehsttijd, ; doorgebracht, - bij. het: ๐™‚๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ ยฃbedrijf/ gelijk In artikel 2 van; hel /ontwerp & voorgesteld; โ€ข
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
zeven huizen w,nlยซ>n geplunderd.Do pieper vnn d.n liatidlig, ยซen ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™—๐™ค๐™ค๐™ง๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ uit het Bยซwnยปiiig ยซlistrnt. wenl doolelijk gewond. 15eยป nfยป!ยป',!
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
aats door geen andรฉren kunstgreep of volgens geen ander plan' te ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™™๐™š๐™ ๐™ ๐™š๐™ฃ zou geweest zyn.Hy besloot, terwijl hy lag te denken, geen fout
๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™™๐™š๐™ ๐™ ๐™š๐™ฃ
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
ren.Men herinnert er aan, dat de Duitschers gereed waren, om het ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ offensief tegen Verdun te openen op 21 Februari.PARIJS, 25 Janua
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
pitein ?" โ€” ยปDat zgn de Rchespsbruiden, mevrouw.Weet u, een Oost-๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ Bchip zonder bruid lijkt me oon diner zonder soep.Do bruid hoort
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
de slavenhandelaar wilde hem kwijt, omdat niemand iets voor den ๐™ข๐™ž๐™จ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ข๐™™๐™š๐™ฃ en zwakken Aesopus bood.De lonier vroeg later elk van zijn slave
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "slaaf" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "Zwakken " } ]
erdrukken.Van beide zijden werafschawelijke wreedheden begaan Dรช ๐™†๐™–๐™ช๐™ ๐™–๐™จ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™* ruiters hingen alle gevangenen cp. de Machncwzen hieuwen hun ec
๐™†๐™–๐™ช๐™ ๐™–๐™จ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "de rooden" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
chten.9.35 The Tremendous Advcnture of Major Brown uit The Club of ๐™Œ๐™ช๐™š๐™š๐™ง Trades, door G.K.Chesterton, gelezen door Michael Sadleir.
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
et volk ge_ehaard op den oever en weigert eenvoudig de schepen vol ๐™†๐™ค๐™š๐™ก๐™ž๐™š 3 te laten landen , terwijl de Regeering moest beloven, bij de eer
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "333", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "334", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
pianospelen zonder dat men iemand dat speel tuig ziet bespelenEan ๐˜ฝ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™œ๐™š๐™ง Oranman moยซt dezer dagen iemand, die een con* e#&Eie van out; Gou
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
(Spec.Dienst.)(Van het ๐™†๐™–๐™ช๐™ ๐™–๐™จ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ front.)Vrijdag werd een poging der Turken om tot het offen sief
๐™†๐™–๐™ช๐™ ๐™–๐™จ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
(kelder), knipperik (schaar), smouterik (boter), witterik (melk), ๐™ฏ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™Ÿ๐™š (koftij), bruinderik (bier), dekkerik (hoed), enz.Doch de omgang
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "witterik" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
ยซlaan wellicht de handen van verbazing ineen.En toch ia het een ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ feit โ€” dat dc heer dlooter zich misschien liever niet herinnert.
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
e negers schoten hem in den rug.De koopman Regant, Franschman van ๐™–๐™›๐™ ๐™ค๐™ข๐™จ๐™ฉ, werd op last van Hyppolite vermoord.Constantinopel, 9 Juni.Het i
๐™–๐™›๐™ ๐™ค๐™ข๐™จ๐™ฉ
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "Negers" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "Negers" } ]
Yastcnou (bye).111.๐™‚๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™-dubbel: 1. mej.A.Sprengcr en mr.
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
wetende angstige Europeanen, die met all. geweld in iederen vromen ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข een bloeddorstigen schurk , ja een muiter willen zien!Of er dan ge
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "muiter" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
werd er', een heel program afgewerkt.Het begon met zingen door 'n ๐™œ๐™š๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™™ koor; verder, zang, voordrachten, en volksvermaaklljkheden, zooda
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
ouwen op den vruchtbaren bodem.Het land is voor menigeen de groote ๐™–๐™›๐™œ๐™ค๐™™.Ook hier zijn veel zieken, evenals op andere plaatsen.Ook hier sti
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
eรซn.Een oudo man met gebogen neus, gebronsdie gelaatskleur als oen ๐™ข๐™ช๐™ก๐™–๐™ฉ, Oostersch type, die regelrecht uit Aleppo of Smyrria scheen te ko
[ { "id": "331", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
h zonder te antwoorden wees zijn vriend met' den vinger naar een ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™—๐™ค๐™ค๐™ง๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ, die erin geslaagd wa 9 de rots van den boschkant te beklimmen e
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
alยป vei toniist h kabirn tarnen rot โ–  allerlei ; .beden, uit- en ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ. โ€ข dels. fossteli n, enz.Hij I komen.Hij Be Inen '.ervrolykte all
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
n.Op het oogenblik neemt ze b. v. een proef met het verschepen van ๐™™๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง๐™œ bacoven (2 akkers).2.Vi aag: Is van de bepaalde sinaasappelsoorten
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
-Europeanen. .Verrassen kan dit niet.Maar voor de verhoudingen in ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™จ๐™žรซ heeft deze gevoelsdaad toch wel beteekenis.Hij drijft de Indo's
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "Indo's" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "volbloed-Europeanen" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "Indoโ€™s " } ]
Plymouth. m.s. pass.13/10 Lizard. ยซydra ms pass.13/10 Lizard. ida ๐™’๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ m.s. 13/10 v.Newport n.Par.
[ { "id": "331", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
ter aangekocht; en het โ€ขeerste werk daarmede gedrukt, de Diwkn van ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข ibno 'l-Walid, uitgegeven door prof.M.J. de Goeje, zag, ter gelege
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Illegible OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
hreven wordt.Er is eene treffende vergelijking uit de dierenwereld.๐™’๐™ž๐™ก๐™™๐™š en tamme dieren zullen met elkander verkeeren; we kunnen ze ongete
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
ennen van de hedendaagse Nederlandse architectuur.Hier vindt ge ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™š en nieuw-zakelijke raadhuizen in bonte verscheidenheid bijeen.W
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
Santo- n.Man 11*: R.๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฃ, 0 Ir en.Msnilla'n.8..ยปt0n; 20 Jnl.
[ { "id": "331", "response": "I don't know" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "I don't know" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Weet ik niet" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Weet ik niet" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
at de regeering spijt had van haar lange weigering en samen met de ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข alles wilde doen om den godsdienst zoo spoedig mogelijk te verbrei
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "Mohammedaan " } ]
aan, God)3ยฎ|ร‰ยง Een belijder lvan 'dezen god3dienst heet Moslem of.๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™จ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข, in het!meervoud|Moslemin ;;. uit dezen laatstรซn : vorm โ€ข hebben d
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Illegible OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Onleesbare OCR" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
een!om er een mooie Engelsche brik voor te koopen met een mooien ๐™๐™–๐™ก๐™›๐™—๐™ก๐™ค๐™š๐™™ in een prachtig tuig.Alle chauffeurs zullen er geel en groen van
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
mandeerd.Hoeveel van deze mannen behooren aan Don Marcos?vroeg de ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ž๐™–๐™–๐™ฃ. โ€”Vieren twintig, antwoordde de man, tot wien hij deze vraag had
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
chelijk sentiment bevredigd.De tweede film, โ€žHet verraad van den ๐™๐™–๐™ก๐™›๐™—๐™ก๐™ค๐™š๐™™" geeft den zingenden cowboy Gene Autry met zijn troep verkenners
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "332", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "333", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "334", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "335", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "331", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "332", "suggestion": "Werktuig" }, { "id": "333", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "334", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "335", "suggestion": "" } ]
iteit in Ptnnsyl.vutia| Bqis..De drie beste dichters van het zwarje ๐™ง๐™–๐™จ had| M ii blanke vadvrs,cn.groot-vaders 1- Chosnut l.eeft nay.woc โ€ข
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Contentious according to current standards" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Omstreden naar huidige maatstaven" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "326", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "327", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "328", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "329", "suggestion": "Zwarte" }, { "id": "330", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "404", "suggestion": "" } ]
de uib om een partij goed te verkoopen, welke f 400 waard was.Dei ๐™—๐™š๐™™๐™ž๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™๐™š gong er mede naar Rotteadaim en zette de partij voor f 165 van de
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "326", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "327", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "328", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "329", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "330", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "404", "suggestion": "" } ]
edraagt de oogst Van 1913 in 38 gouvernementen van Europeesch en ๐˜ผ๐™ฏ๐™ž๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ Rusland: voor rogge 1568 millioen poed," voor tarwe 1707,. voor
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "326", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "327", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "328", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "329", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "330", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "404", "suggestion": "" } ]
wacht, die te Rome gedurende twee jaren Sint Paulus bewaakte, en ๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™จ๐™˜๐™ acht spreker het zoo goed als bewezen, dat er althans enkele Bra
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "326", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "327", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "328", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "329", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "330", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "404", "suggestion": "" } ]
de die van een normalen vrouwenvoet en een door te nauwen echoen ๐™ข๐™ž๐™จ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ข๐™™๐™š๐™ฃ voet.Het aanschouwen van deze twee inzendingen alleen reeds Is e
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Not contentious" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Not contentious" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "326", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "327", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "328", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "329", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "330", "response": "Niet omstreden" }, { "id": "404", "response": "Niet omstreden" } ]
[ { "id": "325", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "326", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "327", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "328", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "329", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "330", "suggestion": "" }, { "id": "404", "suggestion": "" } ]