def test_dims(a): """ update dimensions """ assert a.dims == ('d0','d1') a.dims = ('newa','newb') assert a.dims == ('newa','newb') assert a.axes[0].name == 'newa' assert a.axes[1].name == 'newb'
async def statuslist(ctx, *, statuses: str): """Manually make a changing status with each entry being in the list.""" bot.x = 0 statuses = statuses.replace("\n", bot.split) status_list = statuses.split(bot.split) if len(status_list) <= 1: return await bot.send_embed(ctx, f"You cannot have a list with only {len(status_list)} entry.", negative=True) bot.statuses = status_list bot.autostatus = True await bot.send_embed(ctx, "Changed statuslist.")
def edgeplot(LA, Kbar=Kbar, Lbar=Lbar, alpha=alpha, beta=beta): """Draw an edgeworth box arguments: LA -- labor allocated to ag, from which calculate QA(Ka(La),La) """ KA = edgeworth(LA, Kbar, Lbar, alpha, beta) RTS = (alpha/(1-alpha))*(KA/LA) QA = F(KA, LA, alpha) QM = G(Kbar-KA, Lbar-LA, beta) print("(LA,KA)=({:4.1f}, {:4.1f}) (QA, QM)=({:4.1f}, {:4.1f}) RTS={:4.1f}" .format(LA,KA,QA,QM,RTS)) La = np.arange(1,Lbar) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,6)) ax.set_xlim(0, Lbar) ax.set_ylim(0, Kbar) ax.plot(La, edgeworth(La, Kbar, Lbar, alpha, beta),'k-') #ax.plot(La, La,'k--') ax.plot(La, isoq(La, alpha, QA)) ax.plot(La, Kbar - isoq(Lbar-La, beta, QM),'g-') ax.plot(LA, KA, 'ob') ax.vlines(LA, 0, KA, linestyles="dashed") ax.hlines(KA, 0, LA, linestyles="dashed") ax.text(-6,-6,r'$O_A$',fontsize=16) ax.text(Lbar,Kbar,r'$O_M$',fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(r'$L_A - Labor$', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(r'$K_A - Capital$', fontsize=16)
def kebab(string): """kebab-case""" return "-".join(string.split())
def getUserID(person): """ Gets Humhub User ID using name information :param person: Name of the person to get the Humhub User ID for :type person: str. """ # search for person string in humhub db # switch case for only one name (propably lastname) or # two separate strings (firstname + lastname) firstname = '' lastname = '' if len(person.split()) == 1: # only lastname lastname = person else: firstname = person.split()[0] lastname = person.split()[1] global offlinemode if offlinemode: return 8 # search in humhub db cnx = establishDBConnection(dbconfig) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = '' if firstname == '': query = ("""SELECT user_id FROM profile WHERE lastname = {} """).format(lastname) else: query = ("""SELECT user_id FROM profile WHERE firstname = {} AND lastname = {} """).format(firstname, lastname) cursor.execute(query) for user_id in cursor: userid = user_id cnx.close() return userid
def analyze_dir(data_dir,px_size,category,ch_actin,sigma_actin,version): """ Analyzes all linescan pairs in a directory full of linescans Args: data_dir (str): the directory containing the linescans px_size (float): the pixel size for the linescans (for the whole directory) category (str): the category for the experiment ch_actin (int): the channel of the actin linescan (1 or 2) version (str): version number (for output filenames) """ #makes necessary directories in data_dir for saving save_dir = data_dir + '/ls_data' uf.make_dir(save_dir) #makes a list of parameters to extract from cortex data data_to_write = [['basename','category', 'delta', 'h', 'i_c', 'density', 'X_c', 'solution', 'ch1.i_tot','ch1.H','ch1.x_peak','ch1.i_peak','ch1.i_in','ch1.i_out','ch1.fwhm', 'ch2.i_tot','ch2.H','ch2.x_peak','ch2.i_peak','ch2.i_in','ch2.i_out','ch2.fwhm' ]] #gets and sorts list of average linescans linescan_list = [x for x in os.listdir(data_dir) if 'average.dat' in x] for _ in linescan_list: print(_) print('frame' + '_([0-9]+)_', _).group(1)) linescan_list = sort_ls_list(linescan_list) #extracts linescan parameters and thickness/density for i in range(int(len(linescan_list)/2)): file_ch1 = data_dir + '/' + linescan_list[2*i] file_ch2 = data_dir + '/' + linescan_list[2*i + 1] basename = file_ch1.split('/')[-1][:-4] cortex = analyze_cortex(file_ch1,file_ch2,px_size,ch_actin,sigma_actin) # plots raw linescans cortex.plot_lss() pylab.savefig(save_dir + "/" + basename + ".png") pylab.close() # plots linescans with h fits if cortex.h != None: cortex.plot_fits() pylab.savefig(save_dir + "/" + basename + "_fit.png") pylab.close() # gets extracted linescan data data_temp = [basename,category] for param in data_to_write[0][2:]: data_temp.append(eval("cortex.%s"%param)) data_to_write.append(data_temp) # print data_to_write uf.save_data_array(data_to_write,save_dir + "/ls_data.dat")
def test_frequency_encoder_strings(): """Test the FrequencyEncoder on string data. Ensure that the FrequencyEncoder can fit, transform, and reverse transform on string data. Expect that the reverse transformed data is the same as the input. Input: - 4 rows of string data Output: - The reverse transformed data """ # setup data = pd.DataFrame(['a', 'b', 'a', 'c'], columns=['column_name']) column = 'column_name' transformer = FrequencyEncoder() # run, column) reverse = transformer.reverse_transform(transformer.transform(data)) # assert pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(data, reverse)
def assert_equal(actual: Literal["lstsq"], desired: Literal["lstsq"]): """ usage.statsmodels: 1 """ ...
def parse_atom(s, atom_index=-1, debug=False): """ Parses an atom in a string s :param s: The string to parse :type s: str :param atom_index: the atom_index counter for continous parsing. Default is -1. :type atom_index: int :return: a list of atoms, a list of bonds and an updated atom_index for the next atom :rtype: list """ if len(s) == 0: raise ValueError("parse_atom: argument 's' cannot have length 0.") if debug: print(" Smiles.parse_atom: '{}'".format(s)) Z = 0 if len(s) == 1: try: Z = LABEL2Z[s] except KeyError: raise IllegalAtomError("The atom '{}' is invalid.".format(s)) else: # just return the atom return [Atom(Z, idx=atom_index)], [], atom_index +1 idx_atom_end = -1 # atomic label from 0:idx_atom_end # find indices for hydrogens + counts n_hydrogens = 0 idx_hydrogen = s.find("H") if idx_hydrogen > 0: # ignore atomic hydrogen (or proton) idx_atom_end = idx_hydrogen n_hydrogens = 1 idx_hydrogen_count = idx_hydrogen + 1 try: n_hydrogens = int(s[idx_hydrogen_count]) except IndexError: # ran past the end of string pass except ValueError: # hit something other than a number pass idx_cat = s.find("+") idx_ani = s.find("-") idx_charge = max(idx_cat, idx_ani) charge = 0 if idx_cat > 0: charge = 1 elif idx_ani > 0: charge = -1 if idx_charge > 0: if idx_hydrogen > 0: idx_atom_end = min(idx_charge, idx_hydrogen) else: idx_atom_end = idx_charge try: charge = int(s[idx_charge+1]) except IndexError: # ran past the end of string pass except ValueError: # hit another + or - charge = charge * sum(count_items_exclusive(s, ["+", "-"])) if idx_atom_end == -1: idx_atom_end = len(s) if debug: print(" n_hydrogens :", n_hydrogens) print(" n_charge :", charge) print(" base atom : s[0:{}] = {}".format(idx_atom_end, s[0:idx_atom_end])) try: Z = LABEL2Z[s[0:idx_atom_end]] except KeyError: raise IllegalAtomError("The atom '{}' is invalid.".format(s[0:idx_atom_end])) atoms = [Atom(Z, idx=atom_index, fcharge=charge)] bonds = [] for i in range(n_hydrogens): atoms.append(Atom(1, idx=atom_index+1+i)) bonds.append(Bond(atom_index, atom_index+1+i)) return atoms, bonds, atom_index+1+n_hydrogens
def b58decode(v, length): """ decode v into a string of len bytes """ long_value = 0L for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]): long_value += __b58chars.find(c) * (__b58base**i) result = '' while long_value >= 256: div, mod = divmod(long_value, 256) result = chr(mod) + result long_value = div result = chr(long_value) + result nPad = 0 for c in v: if c == __b58chars[0]: nPad += 1 else: break result = chr(0)*nPad + result if length is not None and len(result) != length: return None return result
def get_submission_by_id(request, submission_id): """ Returns a list of test results assigned to the submission with the given id """ submission = get_object_or_404(Submission, pk=submission_id) data = submission.tests.all() serializer = TestResultSerializer(data, many=True) return Response(, status.HTTP_200_OK)
def get_resource_path(resource_name): """Get the resource path. Args: resource_name (str): The resource name relative to the project root directory. Returns: str: The true resource path on the system. """ package = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(PACKAGE_NAME) return pkg_resources.resource_filename(package, resource_name)
def die_info_rec(die, indent_level=' '): """ A recursive function for showing information about a DIE and its children. """ print(indent_level + 'DIE tag=%s, attrs=' % die.tag) for name, val in die.attributes.items(): print(indent_level + ' %s = %s' % (name, val)) child_indent = indent_level + ' ' for child in die.iter_children(): die_info_rec(child, child_indent)
def do_cluster(items, mergefun, distfun, distlim): """Pairwise nearest merging clusterer. items -- list of dicts mergefun -- merge two items distfun -- distance function distlim -- stop merging when distance above this limit """ def heapitem(d0, dests): """Find nearest neighbor for d0 as sortable [distance, nearest, d0]""" dists = ( Sort0List([distfun(d0, d1), d1, d0]) for d1 in dests if d1 is not d0 ) return min(dists) heap = [Sort0List([None, None, d]) for d in items] d0 = d1 = merged = None while len(heap) > 1: for item in heap: # rescan nearest where nearest was merged away, or not yet set if item[1] in (None, d0, d1): item[:] = heapitem(item[2], (x[2] for x in heap)) continue # update others where merged now nearest if item[2] is not merged: distance = distfun(item[2], merged) if item[0] > distance: item[0:2] = distance, merged # arrange heap, pop out one end of shortest edge heapify(heap) distance, d1, d0 = item = heappop(heap) # if shortest edge is long enough, unpop and stop if distance is None or distance > distlim: heappush(heap, item) # unspill the milk break # replace other end with merged destination merged = mergefun(d0, d1) for i in range(len(heap)): if heap[i][2] is d1: heap[i] = Sort0List([None, None, merged]) break return [x[2] for x in heap]
def write_features(features, path): """ Write a list of features to a file at `path`. The repr of each feature is written on a new line. @param features list of features to write @param path path to write to """ with open(path,'w') as f: for feat in features: print >>f, repr(feat)
def read_csv(input_file, quotechar='"'): """Reads a tab separated value file.""" with open(input_file, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f,quotechar=quotechar) lines = [] for line in reader: lines.append(line) return lines
def test_get_mode(ecomax: EcoMAX) -> None: """Test getting mode.""" data = _test_data ecomax.set_data(data) assert ecomax.mode == MODES[MODE_HEATING] # Test with unknown mode. data[DATA_MODE] = 69 ecomax.set_data(data) assert ecomax.mode == DATA_UNKNOWN
def rotate_coordinates(local3d, angles): """ Rotate xyz coordinates from given view_angles. local3d: numpy array. Unit LOCAL xyz vectors angles: tuple of length 3. Rotation angles around each GLOBAL axis. """ cx, cy, cz = np.cos(angles) sx, sy, sz = np.sin(angles) mat33_x = np.array([ [1, 0, 0], [0, cx, sx], [0, -sx, cx] ], dtype='float') mat33_y = np.array([ [cy, 0, sy], [0, 1, 0], [-sy, 0, cy] ], dtype='float') mat33_z = np.array([ [cz, sz, 0], [-sz, cz, 0], [0, 0, 1] ], dtype='float') local3d = local3d @ mat33_x @ mat33_y @ mat33_z return local3d
def verify_selected_option_by_text(element, text): """Verify an element has a selected option by the option text Parameters: element : element text : value """ element = get_browser().find(element) with _verify_step('Verify selected option text of element {} is {}' .format(, text)) as s: selected_option_text = s.error = ('Expected selected option in element {} to be {} but was {}' .format(, text, selected_option_text)) s.condition = selected_option_text == text
def quantize_enumerate(x_real, min, max): """ Randomly quantize in a way that preserves probability mass. We use a piecewise polynomial spline of order 3. """ assert min < max lb = x_real.detach().floor() # This cubic spline interpolates over the nearest four integers, ensuring # piecewise quadratic gradients. s = x_real - lb ss = s * s t = 1 - s tt = t * t probs = torch.stack([ t * tt, 4 + ss * (3 * s - 6), 4 + tt * (3 * t - 6), s * ss, ], dim=-1) * (1/6) logits = safe_log(probs) q = torch.arange(-1., 3.) x = lb.unsqueeze(-1) + q x = torch.max(x, 2 * min - 1 - x) x = torch.min(x, 2 * max + 1 - x) return x, logits
def plot_speed(dataframe1, colour, legend_label): """Plot the speed of the vessel throughout the cruise to identify outlying speeds.""" # Plot speed data plt.scatter(dataframe1.iloc[::60].longitude, dataframe1.iloc[::60].speed, c=colour, label=legend_label) plt.title("Speed of vessel along track") plt.xlabel("Longitude") plt.ylabel("Speed of vessel, knots") plt.grid(True) plt.legend() # Plot of frequency distribution of speed of vessel. plt.subplot(211) dataframe1['speed'].hist() plt.title("Frequency distribution of speed of vessel") plt.xlabel("Speed of vessel, knots") plt.ylabel("Count") plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(212) dataframe1['speed'].hist(bins=80,range=[0,20]) plt.title("Frequency distribution of speed of vessel") plt.xlabel("Speed of vessel, knots") plt.ylabel("Count") plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout()
def counter_format(counter): """Pretty print a counter so that it appears as: "2:200,3:100,4:20" """ if not counter: return "na" return ",".join("{}:{}".format(*z) for z in sorted(counter.items()))
def drot(x, y, c, s): """ Apply the Givens rotation {(c,s)} to {x} and {y} """ # compute gsl.blas_drot(,, c, s) # and return return x, y
def _update_dict_within_dict(items, config): """ recursively update dict within dict, if any """ for key, value in items: if isinstance(value, dict): config[key] = _update_dict_within_dict( value.items(), config.get(key, {}) ) else: config[key] = value return config
def masterProductFieldUpdate(objectId: str): """ Submit handler for updating & removing field overrides. :param objectId: The mongodb master product id. """ key = request.form.get("field-key") value = request.form.get("field-value") # Clean up and trim tags if being set. if key == MASTER_PRODUCT_FIELD__TAGS: tags = value.strip().split(",") if len(tags): tags = ", ".join([tag.strip() for tag in set(tags) if tag.strip()]) value = tags if thk.products.overrideProductField(objectId, key, value): # If the product is active, mark it for upserting. product = thk.products.getOneProduct(objectId) if product and THK_ACTIVE in product and product[THK_ACTIVE]: thk.products.rebuildActiveProduct(objectId) flash("Field modified successfully.", "success") else: flash("Field could not be modified.", "danger") return redirect(url_for("products.masterProductEdit", objectId=objectId))
def recalc_Th(Pb, age): """Calculates the equivalent amount of ThO_2 that would be required to produce the measured amount of PbO if there was no UO_2 in the monazite. INPUTS: Pb: the concentration of Pb in parts per million age: the age in million years """ return (232. / 208.) * Pb / (np.exp(4.95e-11 * (age * 1e6)) - 1)
def relative_periodic_trajectory_wrap( reference_point: ParameterVector, trajectory: ArrayOfParameterVectors, period: float = 2 * np.pi, ) -> ArrayOfParameterVectors: """Function that returns a wrapped 'copy' of a parameter trajectory such that the distance between the final point of the trajectory and the reference point is minimal inside the specified period. The rest of the trajectory is being transformed in the same manner. NOTE: It only works as intended if the period is larger than the distance between the consecutive points in the trajectory. Args: reference_point: Reference point for periodic wrapping of the trajectory. trajectory: Trajectory that is wrapped to a copy of itself such that the distance between the final point in the trajectory and the reference point is minimal. period: Periodicity of each parameter in each point of the trajectory. Defaults to 2*np.pi. """ if not np.all(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(trajectory, axis=0), axis=1) < period): raise ValueError( "Distances between consecutive points must be smaller than period." ) wrapped_trajectory = np.copy(trajectory).astype(float) wrapped_trajectory[-1] = relative_periodic_wrap( reference_point, trajectory[-1], period=period ) for ii in range(2, len(wrapped_trajectory) + 1): wrapped_trajectory[-ii] = relative_periodic_wrap( wrapped_trajectory[-ii + 1], trajectory[-ii], period=period ) return wrapped_trajectory
def planToSet(world,robot,target, edgeCheckResolution=1e-2, extraConstraints=[], equalityConstraints=[], equalityTolerance=1e-3, ignoreCollisions=[], movingSubset=None, **planOptions): """ Creates a MotionPlan object that can be called to solve a standard motion planning problem for a robot in a world. The plan starts from the robot's current configuration and ends in a target set. Args: world (WorldModel): the world in which the robot lives, including obstacles robot (RobotModel): the moving robot. The plan starts from robot.getConfig() target (function or CSpace): a function f(q) returning a bool which is True if the configuration q is a goal, OR an instance of a CSpace subclass where sample() generates a sample in the target set and feasible(x) tests whether a sample is in the target set. .. note:: The function should accept vectors of the same dimensionality as the robot, not the moving subset. Similarly, the CSpace should have the same dimensionality as the robot. edgeCheckResolution (float, optional): the resolution at which edges in the path are checked for feasibility extraConstraints (list, optional): possible extra constraint functions, each of which needs to return True if satisfied. .. note:: Don't put cartesian constraints here! Instead place your function in equalityConstraints. equalityConstraints (list, optional): a list of IKObjectives or equality constraints f(x)=0 that must be satisfied during the motion. Equality constraints may return a float or a list of floats. In the latter case, this is interpreted as a vector function, in which all entries of the vector must be 0. equalityTolerance (float, optional): a tolerance to which all the equality constraints must be satisfied. ignoreCollisions (list): a list of ignored collisions. Each element may be a body in the world, or a pair (a,b) where a, b are bodies in the world. movingSubset (optional): if 'auto', 'all', or None (default), all joints will be allowed to move. If this is a list, then only these joint indices will be allowed to move. planOptions (keywords): keyword options that will be sent to the planner. See the documentation for MotionPlan.setOptions for more details. Returns: MotionPlan: a planner instance that can be called to get a kinematically-feasible plan. (see :meth:`MotionPlan.planMore` ) The underlying configuration space (a RobotCSpace, ClosedLoopRobotCSpace, or EmbeddedRobotCSpace) can be retrieved using the "space" attribute of the resulting MotionPlan object. """ q0 = robot.getConfig() subset = [] if movingSubset == 'auto' or movingSubset == 'all' or movingSubset == None: subset = list(range(len(q0))) else: subset = movingSubset space = makeSpace(world=world,robot=robot, edgeCheckResolution=edgeCheckResolution, extraConstraints=extraConstraints, equalityConstraints=equalityConstraints, equalityTolerance=equalityTolerance, ignoreCollisions=ignoreCollisions, movingSubset=subset) if hasattr(space,'lift'): #the planning takes place in a space of lower dimension than #links plan = EmbeddedMotionPlan(space,q0,**planOptions) else: plan = MotionPlan(space,**planOptions) #convert target to a (test,sample) pair if it's a cspace if isinstance(target,CSpace): goal = [(lambda x:target.feasible(x)),(lambda : target.sample())] else: if not callable(target): if not isinstance(target,(tuple,list)) or len(target)!=2 or not callable(target[0]) or not callable(target[1]): raise TypeError("target must be a predicate function or CSpace object") goal = target try: plan.setEndpoints(q0,goal) except RuntimeError: #the start configuration is infeasible, print it out if space.cspace==None: space.setup() sfailures = space.cspace.feasibilityFailures( warnings.warn("Start configuration fails {}".format(sfailures)) raise return plan
def itkimage_to_json(itkimage, manager=None): """Serialize a Python itk.Image object. Attributes of this dictionary are to be passed to the JavaScript itkimage constructor. """ if itkimage is None: return None else: direction = itkimage.GetDirection() directionMatrix = direction.GetVnlMatrix() directionList = [] dimension = itkimage.GetImageDimension() pixelArr = itk.array_view_from_image(itkimage) compressor = zstd.ZstdCompressor(level=3) compressed = compressor.compress( pixelArrCompressed = memoryview(compressed) for col in range(dimension): for row in range(dimension): directionList.append(directionMatrix.get(row, col)) componentType, pixelType = _image_to_type(itkimage) imageType = dict( dimension=dimension, componentType=componentType, pixelType=pixelType, components=itkimage.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel() ) return dict( imageType=imageType, origin=tuple(itkimage.GetOrigin()), spacing=tuple(itkimage.GetSpacing()), size=tuple(itkimage.GetBufferedRegion().GetSize()), direction={'data': directionList, 'rows': dimension, 'columns': dimension}, compressedData=pixelArrCompressed )
def test_two_agents(tmp_path, empty_ensemble): """ :tmp_path: """ @fdb.transactional def get_started(tr): return joshua_model._get_snap_counter(tr, ensemble_id, "started") assert len(joshua_model.list_active_ensembles()) == 0 ensemble_id = joshua_model.create_ensemble( "joshua", {"max_runs": 1, "timeout": 1}, open(empty_ensemble, "rb") ) agents = [] for rank in range(2): agent = threading.Thread( target=joshua_agent.agent, args=(), kwargs={ "work_dir": os.path.join(tmp_path, str(rank)), "agent_idle_timeout": 1, }, ) agent.setDaemon(True) agent.start() agents.append(agent) # before starting agent two, wait until agent one has started on this ensemble while get_started(joshua_model.db) != 1: time.sleep(0.001) joshua.tail_ensemble(ensemble_id, username="joshua") @fdb.transactional def get_started(tr): return joshua_model._get_snap_counter(tr, ensemble_id, "started") # The second agent won't have started this ensemble (unless somehow > 10 # seconds passed without the first agent completing the ensemble) assert get_started(joshua_model.db) == 1 for agent in agents: agent.join()
def project(pnt, norm): """Projects a point following a norm.""" t = -np.sum(pnt*norm)/np.sum(norm*norm) ret = pnt+norm*t return ret/np.linalg.norm(ret)
def RunExtraTreesClassifier(trainDf, testDf): """RunExtraTreesClassifier Runs a Extra Trees Classifier on training and testing dataframes. Input: trainDf -- the training DataFrame (pandas) testDf -- the testing DataFrame (pandas) """ train_X, train_y, test_X = createArrays(trainDf, testDf) # Split the training set into training and validation sets X, X_, y, y_ = train_test_split(train_X, train_y, test_size=0.2) etc = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=10, max_depth=None, random_state=0, verbose=True) y_test_etc = trainAndRetrainClassifier(etc, X, X_, y, y_, train_X, train_y, test_X) savePredictions(y_test_etc, 'etc.csv')
def fix_trajectory(traj): """Remove duplicate waypoints that are introduced during smoothing. """ cspec = openravepy.ConfigurationSpecification() cspec.AddDeltaTimeGroup() iwaypoint = 1 num_removed = 0 while iwaypoint < traj.GetNumWaypoints(): waypoint = traj.GetWaypoint(iwaypoint, cspec) delta_time = cspec.ExtractDeltaTime(waypoint) if delta_time == 0.0: traj.Remove(iwaypoint, iwaypoint + 1) num_removed += 1 else: iwaypoint += 1 return num_removed
def calculate_edt(im, outpath=''): """Calculate distance from mask.""" mask = im.ds[:].astype('bool') abs_es = np.absolute(im.elsize) dt = distance_transform_edt(~mask, sampling=abs_es) # mask = im.ds[:].astype('uint32') # dt = edt.edt(mask, anisotropy=im.elsize, black_border=True, order='F', parallel=1) # TODO?: leverage parallel mo = write_output(outpath, dt, im.get_props()) return mo, mask
def select_report_data(conn): """ select report data to DB """ cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM report_analyze") report = cur.fetchall() cur.close() return report
def test__get_obj__nonentity(obj, get_func): """Test getting of entities""" with patch.object(SYN, get_func, return_value=obj) as patch_get: return_obj = GET_CLS._get_obj(obj) if isinstance(obj, (synapseclient.Team, synapseclient.Evaluation)): patch_get.assert_called_once_with( elif isinstance(obj, synapseclient.Wiki): patch_get.assert_called_once_with(obj.ownerId) assert return_obj == obj
def func_lorentz_by_h_pv(z, h_pv, flag_z: bool = False, flag_h_pv: bool = False): """Gauss function as function of h_pv """ inv_h_pv = 1./h_pv inv_h_pv_sq = numpy.square(inv_h_pv) z_deg = z * 180./numpy.pi c_a = 2./numpy.pi a_l = c_a * inv_h_pv b_l = 4.*inv_h_pv_sq z_deg_sq = numpy.square(z_deg) res = numpy.expand_dims(a_l, axis=-1) /(1+ numpy.expand_dims(b_l, axis=-1) * z_deg_sq) dder = {} if flag_z: dder["z"] = -2.*z_deg*numpy.expand_dims(b_l,axis=-1)*res/(1.+numpy.expand_dims(b_l, axis=-1)*z_deg_sq) * 180./numpy.pi if flag_h_pv: dder["h_pv"] = (c_a * (numpy.expand_dims(h_pv, axis=-1) + 4*z_deg_sq) - \ c_a * numpy.expand_dims(h_pv, axis=-1))/numpy.square(numpy.expand_dims(h_pv, axis=-1) + 4*z_deg_sq) return res, dder
def test_train_rl_main(tmpdir): """Smoke test for imitation.scripts.train_rl.rollouts_and_policy.""" run = named_configs=["cartpole"] + ALGO_FAST_CONFIGS["rl"], config_updates=dict( common=dict(log_root=tmpdir), ), ) assert run.status == "COMPLETED" assert isinstance(run.result, dict)
async def test_update_not_playing(hass, lastfm_network): """Test update when no playing song.""" lastfm_network.return_value.get_user.return_value = MockUser(None) assert await async_setup_component( hass, sensor.DOMAIN, {"sensor": {"platform": "lastfm", "api_key": "secret-key", "users": ["test"]}}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() entity_id = "sensor.test" state = hass.states.get(entity_id) assert state.state == STATE_NOT_SCROBBLING
def backup_postgres_db() -> Tuple[Optional[str], bytes]: """Backup postgres db to a file.""" try: time_str ="%d-%m-%YT%H:%M:%S") filename = f"backup_restore/backups/{time_str}-{settings.POSTGRES_CUSTOM_DB}.dump" backup_name = f"{time_str}-{settings.POSTGRES_CUSTOM_DB}.dump.gz" # create the dump with pg dump and terminal command pass # check if command worked pass # compress the dump compress_file(filename) # upload the zipped dump error = upload_backup(backup_name) if error is not None: return error, bytes() # remove created files # with temporary file it would be the cleaner way try: for file in listdir("backup_restore/backups"): if file != "": os.remove(f"backup_restore/backups/{file}")"Removed backup files") except Exception: logger.error("Could not remove backup files") return None, bytes() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return "Backup failed", bytes()
def get_profile(aid): """ get profile image of author with the aid """ if 'logged_in' in session and aid ==session['logged_id']: try: re_aid = request.args.get("aid") re = aController.getAuthorByAid(re_aid) if re != None: return re return redirect(url_for('/')) except KeyError: return redirect(url_for('/')) return redirect(url_for('/'))
def SystemSettings_GetMetric(*args, **kwargs): """SystemSettings_GetMetric(int index, Window win=None) -> int""" return _misc_.SystemSettings_GetMetric(*args, **kwargs)
def all_files(dir, pattern): """Recursively finds every file in 'dir' whose name matches 'pattern'.""" return [f.as_posix() for f in [x for x in Path(dir).rglob(pattern)]]
def get_identity_groups(ctx): """Load identity groups definitions.""" return render_template('identity-groups', ctx)
def main(): """ Entry point """ # Prepare factorials for O(1) lookup factorials = [1] for i in range(1, 101): factorials.append(factorials[-1] * i) # Now start counting ncr_count = 0 for n in range(1, 101): for r in range(1, n+1): ncr = factorials[n] / (factorials[r] * factorials[n - r]) if ncr > 1000000: ncr_count += 1 print(f"Count: {ncr_count}")
def get_video_stream(consumer): """ Here is where we recieve streamed images from the Kafka Server and convert them to a Flask-readable format. """ meta = False while True: if not meta: yield(b'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">\n') meta = True else: msg = consumer.poll() if msg is not None: yield (b'--frame\r\n' + b'Content-Type: image/jpg\r\n\r\n' + msg.value() + b'\r\n\r\n')
def test_api_challenges_get_ctftime_public(): """Can a public user get /api/v1/challenges if ctftime is over""" app = create_ctfd() with app.app_context(), freeze_time("2017-10-7"): set_config("challenge_visibility", "public") with app.test_client() as client: r = client.get("/api/v1/challenges") assert r.status_code == 200 set_config( "start", "1507089600" ) # Wednesday, October 4, 2017 12:00:00 AM GMT-04:00 DST set_config( "end", "1507262400" ) # Friday, October 6, 2017 12:00:00 AM GMT-04:00 DST r = client.get("/api/v1/challenges") assert r.status_code == 403 destroy_ctfd(app)
def write_buffer_values(output_dir, buffer_filename, buffer_quant, i_bits=12, q_bits=None): """ :param output_dir: :param buffer_filename: :param buffer_quant: :param i_bits: :param q_bits: :return: """ q_bits = i_bits if not q_bits else q_bits with open(os.path.join(output_dir, buffer_filename), 'w+') as rbf: for val in buffer_quant: i_bin = bin_num(val.real, i_bits) q_bin = bin_num(val.imag, q_bits) rbf.write(i_bin + q_bin + "\n")
def fix_behaviour_contrib_auth_user_is_anonymous_is_authenticated_callability(utils): """ Make user.is_anonymous and user.is_authenticated behave both as properties and methods, by preserving their callability like in earlier Django version. """ utils.skip_if_app_not_installed("django.contrib.contenttypes") # BEFORE IMPORTS! from django.contrib.auth.base_user import AbstractBaseUser from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from ..django_legacy.django2_0.utils.deprecation import CallableFalse, CallableTrue @property def is_anonymous_for_AbstractBaseUser(self): """ Always return False. This is a way of comparing User objects to anonymous users. """ return CallableFalse @property def is_authenticated_for_AbstractBaseUser(self): """ Always return True. This is a way to tell if the user has been authenticated in templates. """ return CallableTrue utils.inject_attribute(AbstractBaseUser, "is_anonymous", is_anonymous_for_AbstractBaseUser) utils.inject_attribute(AbstractBaseUser, "is_authenticated", is_authenticated_for_AbstractBaseUser) @property def is_anonymous_for_AnonymousUser(self): return CallableTrue @property def is_authenticated_for_AnonymousUser(self): return CallableFalse utils.inject_attribute(AnonymousUser, "is_anonymous", is_anonymous_for_AnonymousUser) utils.inject_attribute(AnonymousUser, "is_authenticated", is_authenticated_for_AnonymousUser)
def BZPoly(pnts, poly, mag, openPoly=False): """TODO WRITEME. Parameters ---------- pnts : list Measurement points [[p1x, p1z], [p2x, p2z],...] poly : list Polygon [[p1x, p1z], [p2x, p2z],...] mag : [M_x, M_y, M_z] Magnetization = [M_x, M_y, M_z] """ dgz = calcPolyGz(pnts, poly, density=1.0, openPoly=openPoly)[1] dgz[:,2] *= -1 return poissonEoetvoes(adot(mag, -dgz))
def conv(structure_file, file_format): """ Convert a structure into the conventional unit cell. """ from pybat.cli.commands.util import conventional_structure conventional_structure(structure_file=structure_file, fmt=file_format)
def verify_rotation_speeds_have_units(step, human_readable): """Verify all rotation speeds have units.""" for prop, val in if step.PROP_LIMITS.get(prop, None) is ROTATION_SPEED_PROP_LIMIT: if'stir', None): assert f'{format_number(val)} RPM' in human_readable
def matches(spc, shape_): """ Return True if the shape adheres to the spc (spc has optional color/shape restrictions) """ (c, s) = spc matches_color = c is None or (shape_.color == c) matches_shape = s is None or ( == s) return matches_color and matches_shape
def jsonsafe(obj: Any) -> ResponseVal: """ Catch the TypeError which results from encoding non-encodable types This uses the serialize function from my.core.serialize, which handles serializing most types in HPI """ try: return Response(dumps(obj), status=200, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) except TypeError as encode_err: return { "error": "Could not encode response from HPI function as JSON", "exception": str(encode_err), }, 400
def get_appliances(self) -> list: """Get all appliances from Orchestrator .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Swagger Section - Method - Endpoint * - appliance - GET - /appliance :return: Returns list of dictionaries of each appliance :rtype: list """ return self._get("/appliance")
def delete_result_files(path, name): """ Deletes opensees result files. Parameters: path (str): Path to the opensees input file. name (str): Name of the structure. Returns: None """ out_path = os.path.join(path, name + '_output') shutil.rmtree(out_path)
def save_from_form(event, POST): """Save an event from form data.""" # save items names = POST.getlist('item_name') quantities = POST.getlist('item_quantity') prices_per_unit = POST.getlist('item_price_per_unit') funding_already_received =\ POST.getlist('item_funding_already_received') categories = POST.getlist('item_category') revenues = POST.getlist('item_revenue') for item in event.item_set.all(): if not Grant.objects.filter(item=item): item.delete() zipped_items = zip(names, quantities, prices_per_unit, funding_already_received, categories, revenues) for name, quantity, price, funding, cat, rev in zipped_items: if Item.objects.filter(event=event, name=name): continue funding = funding or 0 # set correct category letter cat = cat.strip().upper() for tup in CATEGORIES: if tup[1].strip().upper() == cat: cat = tup[0] break # Remove unwanted commas for int parsing rev = rev.replace(",", "") if name: event.item_set.create(name=name, quantity=quantity, price_per_unit=price, funding_already_received=funding, category=cat, revenue=int(rev)) # save questions # delete existing answers event.commonfollowupanswer_set.all().delete() event.followupanswer_set.all().delete() event.eligibilityanswer_set.all().delete() event.commonfreeresponseanswer_set.all().delete() event.freeresponseanswer_set.all().delete() # clear existing funders to re-add new ones event.applied_funders.clear() # create new answers and save funders # unchecked checkboxes will have neither answers nor funders # associated with them for k, v in POST.items(): if k.startswith('eligibility'): q_id ="[0-9]+", k).group(0) question = EligibilityQuestion.objects.get(id=q_id) event.eligibilityanswer_set.create(question=question, event=event, answer='Y') elif k.startswith('commonfollowup'): q_id ="[0-9]+", k).group(0) question = CommonFollowupQuestion.objects.get(id=q_id) event.commonfollowupanswer_set.create(question=question, event=event, answer=v) elif k.startswith('followup'): q_id ="[0-9]+", k).group(0) question = FollowupQuestion.objects.get(id=q_id) event.followupanswer_set.create(question=question, event=event, answer=v) elif k.startswith('commonfreeresponse'): q_id ="[0-9]+", k).group(0) question = CommonFreeResponseQuestion.objects.get(id=q_id) event.commonfreeresponseanswer_set.create(question=question, event=event, answer=v) elif k.startswith('freeresponse'): q_id ="[0-9]+", k).group(0) question = FreeResponseQuestion.objects.get(id=q_id) event.freeresponseanswer_set.create(question=question, event=event, answer=v) elif k.startswith('funder'): funder_id ="[0-9]+", k).group(0) funder = CFAUser.objects.get(id=funder_id) event.applied_funders.add(funder)
def is_str(element): """True if string else False""" check = isinstance(element, str) return check
def worker(repo_url: str, project_path: str, docker_port: int, host_port: int): """Main worker that will: - create required directories - clone repository - build Dockerfile - start container - remove container and temporary directory """ if not project_path: project_path = mkdtemp() else: os.makedirs(project_path, exist_ok=True) clone_git_repo(repo_url=repo_url, project_path=project_path) docker_client = get_docker_client() build_container(docker_client, project_path) container = run_container(docker_client, docker_port, host_port) with suppress(KeyboardInterrupt):"To stop container press `Ctrl+C`") while True: pass clean_after_running(container, docker_client, project_path)
def anonymize_and_streamline(old_file, target_folder): """ This function loads the edfs of a folder and 1. removes their birthdate and patient name 2. renames the channels to standardized channel names 3. saves the files in another folder with a non-identifyable 4. verifies that the new files have the same content as the old """ # load the two csvs with the edfs that we dont process and where the ECG is upside down pre_coding_discard = [line[0] for line in misc.read_csv(cfg.edfs_discard) if line[2]=='1'] to_invert = [line[0] for line in misc.read_csv(cfg.edfs_invert)] # Here we read the list of controls and patients with their age and gender mappings = misc.read_csv(cfg.controls_csv) mappings.extend(misc.read_csv(cfg.patients_csv)) mappings = dict([[name, {'gender':gender, 'age':age}] for name, gender, age,*_ in mappings]) # old name is the personalized file without file extension, e.g. thomas_smith(1) old_name = ospath.splitext(ospath.basename(old_file))[0] # new name is the codified version without extension e.g '123_45678' new_name = codify(old_name) # use a temporary file to write and then move it, # this avoids half-written files that cannot be read later tmp_name = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='anonymize').name if old_name in pre_coding_discard: print('EDF is marked as corrupt and will be discarded') return # this is where the anonymized file will be stored new_file = ospath.join(target_folder, new_name + '.edf') if ospath.exists(new_file): print ('New file extists already {}'.format(new_file)) else: # anonymize print ('Writing {} from {}'.format(new_file, old_name)) assert ospath.isfile(old_file), f'{old_file} does not exist' signals, signal_headers, header = sleep_utils.read_edf(old_file, digital=True, verbose=False) # remove patient info header['birthdate'] = '' header['patientname'] = new_name header['patientcode'] = new_name header['gender'] = mappings[old_name]['gender'] header['age'] = mappings[old_name]['age'] # rename channels to a unified notation, e.g. EKG becomes ECG I for shead in signal_headers: ch = shead['label'] if ch in ch_mapping: ch = ch_mapping[ch] shead['label'] = ch # Invert the ECG channel if necessary if old_name in to_invert: for i,sig in enumerate(signals): label = signal_headers[i]['label'].lower() if label == cfg.ecg_channel.lower(): signals[i] = -sig # we write to tmp to prevent that corrupted files are not left print ('Writing tmp for {}'.format(new_file)) sleep_utils.write_edf(tmp_name, signals, signal_headers, header, digital=True, correct=True) # verify that contents for both files match exactly print ('Verifying tmp for {}'.format(new_file)) # embarrasing hack, as dmin/dmax dont in this files after inverting if not old_name=='B0036': sleep_utils.compare_edf(old_file, tmp_name, verbose=False) # now we move the tmp file to its new location. shutil.move(tmp_name, new_file) # also copy additional file information ie hypnograms and kubios files old_dir = ospath.dirname(old_file) pattern = old_name.replace('_m', '').replace('_w', '') # remove gender from weitere nt1 patients add_files = ospath.list_files(old_dir, patterns=[f'{pattern}*txt', f'{pattern}*dat', f'{pattern}*mat']) for add_file in add_files: # e.g. .mat or .npy etc etc new_add_file = ospath.join(target_folder, ospath.basename(add_file.replace(pattern, new_name))) if ospath.exists(new_add_file):continue # hypnograms will be copied to .hypno try: new_add_file = new_add_file.replace('-Schlafprofil', '') new_add_file = new_add_file.replace('_sl','') new_add_file = new_add_file.replace('.txt', '.hypno').replace('.dat', '.hypno') shutil.copy(add_file, new_add_file) except Exception as e: print(e) return old_name, new_name
def test_normal(): """Test multi_map with no default_dict.""" # first char is key data = iter(SEQ) res = multi_map(lambda x: x[0], data) assert res == {'A': ['APPLE', 'AARDVARK'], 'B': ['BANANA']} assert list(data) == [] with pytest.raises(KeyError): tmp = res['C'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable # second char is key data = iter(SEQ) res = multi_map(lambda x: x[1], data) assert res == {'P': ['APPLE'], 'A': ['AARDVARK', 'BANANA']} assert list(data) == [] with pytest.raises(KeyError): tmp = res['C'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable # third char is key data = iter(SEQ) res = multi_map(lambda x: x[2], data) assert res == {'P': ['APPLE'], 'R': ['AARDVARK'], 'N': ['BANANA']} assert list(data) == [] with pytest.raises(KeyError): tmp = res['C'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable # identity is key data = iter(SEQ) res = multi_map(lambda x: x, data) assert res == {'APPLE': ['APPLE'], 'AARDVARK': ['AARDVARK'], 'BANANA': ['BANANA']} assert list(data) == [] with pytest.raises(KeyError): tmp = res['C'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable # fixed key data = iter(SEQ) res = multi_map(lambda x: 'B', data) assert res == {'B': ['APPLE', 'AARDVARK', 'BANANA']} assert list(data) == [] with pytest.raises(KeyError): tmp = res['C'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable # empty data = () res = multi_map(lambda x: x[0], data) assert res == {} with pytest.raises(KeyError): tmp = res['C'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable
def test_registry_delete_key_async(cbcsdk_mock): """Test the response to the 'reg delete key' command.""" cbcsdk_mock.mock_request('POST', '/appservices/v6/orgs/test/liveresponse/sessions', SESSION_INIT_RESP) cbcsdk_mock.mock_request('GET', '/appservices/v6/orgs/test/liveresponse/sessions/1:2468', SESSION_POLL_RESP) cbcsdk_mock.mock_request('GET', '/appservices/v6/orgs/test/devices/2468', DEVICE_RESPONSE) cbcsdk_mock.mock_request('POST', '/appservices/v6/orgs/test/liveresponse/sessions/1:2468/commands', REG_DELETE_KEY_START_RESP) cbcsdk_mock.mock_request('GET', '/appservices/v6/orgs/test/liveresponse/sessions/1:2468/commands/64', REG_DELETE_KEY_END_RESP) cbcsdk_mock.mock_request('DELETE', '/appservices/v6/orgs/test/liveresponse/sessions/1:2468', None) manager = LiveResponseSessionManager(cbcsdk_mock.api) with manager.request_session(2468) as session: c_id, _ = session.delete_registry_key('HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\ACPI\\Nonsense', async_mode=True) assert c_id == 64
def main(): """ This program will ask user to enter a number to check the movement of alphabet's order, then user can enter a ciphered word or sentence base on their alphabet movement. Then function 'deciphered(x,y)' will transform those ciphered characters into right word or sentence. """ secret = int(input('Secret number: ')) string = input('What\'s the ciphered string?') string = string.upper() print('The deciphered string is: ' + deciphered(after_move(secret), string))
def readiter(inputFile, *args): """Returns an iterator that calls read(*args) on the inputFile.""" while True: ch =*args) if ch: yield ch else: raise StopIteration
def main() -> None: """main function""" # Look for default ini file in "/etc/actworkers.ini" and ~/config/actworkers/actworkers.ini # (or replace .config with $XDG_CONFIG_DIR if set) args = worker.handle_args(parseargs()) actapi = worker.init_act(args) if not args.apikey: worker.fatal("You must specify --apikey on command line or in config file") in_data = proxies = { 'http': args.proxy_string, 'https': args.proxy_string } if args.proxy_string else None vtapi = VirusTotalApi(args.apikey, proxies=proxies) if args.hexdigest: handle_hexdigest(actapi, vtapi, in_data, output_format=args.output_format) if args.ip: handle_ip(actapi, vtapi, in_data, output_format=args.output_format) if args.domain: handle_domain(actapi, vtapi, in_data, output_format=args.output_format)
def deal_text(text: str) -> str: """deal the text Args: text (str): text need to be deal Returns: str: dealed text """ text = " "+text text = text.replace("。","。\n ") text = text.replace("?","?\n ") text = text.replace("!","!\n ") text = text.replace(";",";\n ") return text
def extract_zip(src, dest): """extract a zip file""" bundle = zipfile.ZipFile(src) namelist = bundle.namelist() for name in namelist: filename = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dest, name)) if name.endswith('/'): os.makedirs(filename) else: path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) _dest = open(filename, 'wb') _dest.write( _dest.close() bundle.close() return namelist
def refresh_cuda_memory(): """ Re-allocate all cuda memory to help alleviate fragmentation """ # Run a full garbage collect first so any dangling tensors are released gc.collect() # Then move all tensors to the CPU locations = {} for obj in gc.get_objects(): if not isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): continue locations[obj] = obj.device = if isinstance(obj, torch.nn.Parameter) and obj.grad is not None: = obj.grad.cpu() # Now empty the cache to flush the allocator torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Finally move the tensors back to their associated GPUs for tensor, device in locations.items(): = if isinstance(tensor, torch.nn.Parameter) and tensor.grad is not None: =
def _find_timepoints_1D(single_stimulus_code): """ Find the indexes where the value of single_stimulus_code turn from zero to non_zero single_stimulus_code : 1-D array >>> _find_timepoints_1D([5,5,0,0,4,4,4,0,0,1,0,2,0]) array([ 0, 4, 9, 11]) >>> _find_timepoints_1D([0,0,1,2,3,0,1,0,0]) array([2, 6]) >>> _find_timepoints_1D([0,0,1,2,0,1]) array([2, 5]) >>> _find_timepoints_1D([5,0,0,1,2,5]) array([0, 3]) """ flag = True # whether have seen 0 so far timepoints = [] for index, timepoint in enumerate(single_stimulus_code): if timepoint != 0 and flag: timepoints.append(index) flag = False if timepoint == 0 and not flag: flag = True return np.array(timepoints)
def stiffness_tric( components: np.ndarray = None, components_d: dict = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Generate triclinic fourth-order stiffness tensor. Parameters ---------- components : np.ndarray 21 components of triclinic tensor, see stiffness_component_dict components_d : dictionary dictionary with 21 components of triclinic tensor, see stiffness_component_dict Returns ------- np.ndarray Fourth-order triclinic tensor with minor and major symmetries """ out = np.zeros(shape=[3, 3, 3, 3]) if not isinstance(components, type(None)): components_d = stiffness_component_dict(components) for k, v in components_d.items(): i = [int(s)-1 for s in k] out[i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]] = v # tt_l out[i[1], i[0], i[2], i[3]] = v # tt_r out[i[0], i[1], i[3], i[2]] = v out[i[1], i[0], i[3], i[2]] = v # + tt_l # tt_m out[i[2], i[3], i[0], i[1]] = v out[i[3], i[2], i[0], i[1]] = v # + tt_l out[i[2], i[3], i[1], i[0]] = v # + tt_r out[i[3], i[2], i[1], i[0]] = v # + tt_l + tt_r return out
def get_dataset( dataset_name: str, path: Optional[Path] = None, regenerate: bool = False, ) -> TrainDatasets: """ Get the repository dataset. Currently only [Retail Dataset]( is available Parameters: dataset_name: name of the dataset, for instance "retail" regenerate: whether to regenerate the dataset even if a local file is present. If this flag is False and the file is present, the dataset will not be downloaded again. path: where the dataset should be saved Returns: dataset obtained by either downloading or reloading from local file. """ if path is None: path = default_dataset_path dataset_path = materialize_dataset(dataset_name, path, regenerate) return load_datasets( metadata=dataset_path, train=dataset_path / "train", test=dataset_path / "test", )
def get_info_safe(obj, attr, default=None): """safely retrieve @attr from @obj""" try: oval = obj.__getattribute__(attr) except: logthis("Attribute does not exist, using default", prefix=attr, suffix=default, loglevel=LL.WARNING) oval = default return oval
def mkviewcolbg(view=None, header=u'', colno=None, cb=None, width=None, halign=None, calign=None, expand=False, editcb=None, maxwidth=None): """Return a text view column.""" i = gtk.CellRendererText() if cb is not None: i.set_property(u'editable', True) i.connect(u'edited', cb, colno) if calign is not None: i.set_property(u'xalign', calign) j = gtk.TreeViewColumn(header, i, background=colno) if halign is not None: j.set_alignment(halign) if expand: if width is not None: j.set_min_width(width) j.set_expand(True) else: if width is not None: j.set_min_width(width) if maxwidth is not None: j.set_max_width(maxwidth) view.append_column(j) if editcb is not None: i.connect(u'editing-started', editcb) return i
def list2str(lst, indent=0, brackets=True, quotes=True): """ Generate a Python syntax list string with an indention :param lst: list :param indent: indention as integer :param brackets: surround the list expression by brackets as boolean :param quotes: surround each item with quotes :return: string """ if quotes: lst_str = str(lst) if not brackets: lst_str = lst_str[1:-1] else: lst_str = ', '.join(lst) if brackets: lst_str = '[' + lst_str + ']' lb = ',\n' + indent*' ' return lst_str.replace(', ', lb)
def full_path(path): """ Get an absolute path. """ if path[0] == "/": return path return os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "..", path) )
def _roi_pool_shape(op): """Shape function for the RoiPool op. """ dims_data = op.inputs[0].get_shape().as_list() channels = dims_data[3] dims_rois = op.inputs[1].get_shape().as_list() num_rois = dims_rois[0] pooled_height = op.get_attr('pooled_height') pooled_width = op.get_attr('pooled_width') output_shape = tf.TensorShape([num_rois, pooled_height, pooled_width, channels]) return [output_shape, output_shape]
def get_users(*, limit: int, order_by: str = "id", offset: Optional[str] = None) -> APIResponse: """Get users""" appbuilder = current_app.appbuilder session = appbuilder.get_session total_entries = session.query(func.count( to_replace = {"user_id": "id"} allowed_filter_attrs = [ "user_id", 'id', "first_name", "last_name", "user_name", "email", "is_active", "role", ] query = session.query(User) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, to_replace, allowed_filter_attrs) users = query.offset(offset).limit(limit).all() return user_collection_schema.dump(UserCollection(users=users, total_entries=total_entries))
def extract_sicd( img_header: Union[ImageSegmentHeader, ImageSegmentHeader0], transpose: True, nitf_header: Optional[Union[NITFHeader, NITFHeader0]] = None) -> SICDType: """ Extract the best available SICD structure from relevant nitf header structures. Parameters ---------- img_header : ImageSegmentHeader|ImageSegmentHeader0 transpose : bool nitf_header : None|NITFHeader|NITFHeader0 Returns ------- SICDType """ def get_collection_info() -> CollectionInfoType: isorce = img_header.ISORCE.strip() collector_name = None if len(isorce) < 1 else isorce iid2 = img_header.IID2.strip() core_name = img_header.IID1.strip() if len(iid2) < 1 else iid2 class_str = img_header.Security.CLAS if class_str == 'T': classification = 'TOPSECRET' elif class_str == 'S': classification = 'SECRET' elif class_str == 'C': classification = 'CONFIDENTIAL' elif class_str == 'U': classification = 'UNCLASSIFIED' else: classification = '' ctlh = img_header.Security.CTLH.strip() if len(ctlh) < 1: classification += '//' + ctlh code = img_header.Security.CODE.strip() if len(code) < 1: classification += '//' + code return CollectionInfoType( CollectorName=collector_name, CoreName=core_name, Classification=classification) def get_image_data() -> ImageDataType: pvtype = img_header.PVTYPE if pvtype == 'C': if img_header.NBPP != 64: logger.warning( 'This NITF has complex bands that are not 64-bit.\n\t' 'This is not currently supported.') pixel_type = 'RE32F_IM32F' elif pvtype == 'R': if img_header.NBPP == 64: logger.warning( 'The real/imaginary data in the NITF are stored as 64-bit floating point.\n\t' 'The closest Pixel Type, RE32F_IM32F, will be used,\n\t' 'but there may be overflow issues if converting this file.') pixel_type = 'RE32F_IM32F' elif pvtype == 'SI': pixel_type = 'RE16I_IM16I' else: raise ValueError('Got unhandled PVTYPE {}'.format(pvtype)) if transpose: rows = img_header.NCOLS cols = img_header.NROWS else: rows = img_header.NROWS cols = img_header.NCOLS return ImageDataType( PixelType=pixel_type, NumRows=rows, NumCols=cols, FirstRow=0, FirstCol=0, FullImage=(rows, cols), SCPPixel=(0.5 * rows, 0.5 * cols)) def append_country_code(cc) -> None: if len(cc) > 0: if the_sicd.CollectionInfo is None: the_sicd.CollectionInfo = CollectionInfoType(CountryCodes=[cc, ]) elif the_sicd.CollectionInfo.CountryCodes is None: the_sicd.CollectionInfo.CountryCodes = [cc, ] elif cc not in the_sicd.CollectionInfo.CountryCodes: the_sicd.CollectionInfo.CountryCodes.append(cc) def set_image_corners(icps: numpy.ndarray, override: bool = False) -> None: if the_sicd.GeoData is None: the_sicd.GeoData = GeoDataType(ImageCorners=icps) elif the_sicd.GeoData.ImageCorners is None or override: the_sicd.GeoData.ImageCorners = icps def set_arp_position(arp_ecf: numpy.ndarray, override: bool = False) -> None: if the_sicd.SCPCOA is None: the_sicd.SCPCOA = SCPCOAType(ARPPos=arp_ecf) elif override: # prioritize this information first - it should be more reliable than other sources the_sicd.SCPCOA.ARPPos = arp_ecf def set_scp(scp_ecf: numpy.ndarray, scp_pixel: Union[numpy.ndarray, list, tuple], override: bool = False) -> None: def set_scppixel(): if the_sicd.ImageData is None: the_sicd.ImageData = ImageDataType(SCPPixel=scp_pixel) else: the_sicd.ImageData.SCPPixel = scp_pixel if the_sicd.GeoData is None: the_sicd.GeoData = GeoDataType(SCP=SCPType(ECF=scp_ecf)) set_scppixel() elif the_sicd.GeoData.SCP is None or override: the_sicd.GeoData.SCP = SCPType(ECF=scp_ecf) set_scppixel() def set_collect_start( collect_start: Union[str, datetime, numpy.datetime64], override: bool = False) -> None: if the_sicd.Timeline is None: the_sicd.Timeline = TimelineType(CollectStart=collect_start) elif the_sicd.Timeline.CollectStart is None or override: the_sicd.Timeline.CollectStart = collect_start def set_uvects(row_unit: numpy.ndarray, col_unit: numpy.ndarray) -> None: if the_sicd.Grid is None: the_sicd.Grid = GridType( Row=DirParamType(UVectECF=row_unit), Col=DirParamType(UVectECF=col_unit)) return if the_sicd.Grid.Row is None: the_sicd.Grid.Row = DirParamType(UVectECF=row_unit) elif the_sicd.Grid.Row.UVectECF is None: the_sicd.Grid.Row.UVectECF = row_unit if the_sicd.Grid.Col is None: the_sicd.Grid.Col = DirParamType(UVectECF=col_unit) elif the_sicd.Grid.Col.UVectECF is None: the_sicd.Grid.Col.UVectECF = col_unit def try_CMETAA() -> None: # noinspection PyTypeChecker tre = None if tres is None else tres['CMETAA'] # type: CMETAA if tre is None: return cmetaa = tre.DATA if the_sicd.GeoData is None: the_sicd.GeoData = GeoDataType() if the_sicd.SCPCOA is None: the_sicd.SCPCOA = SCPCOAType() if the_sicd.Grid is None: the_sicd.Grid = GridType() if the_sicd.Timeline is None: the_sicd.Timeline = TimelineType() if the_sicd.RadarCollection is None: the_sicd.RadarCollection = RadarCollectionType() if the_sicd.ImageFormation is None: the_sicd.ImageFormation = ImageFormationType() the_sicd.SCPCOA.SCPTime = 0.5*float(cmetaa.WF_CDP) the_sicd.GeoData.SCP = SCPType(ECF=tre.get_scp()) the_sicd.SCPCOA.ARPPos = tre.get_arp() the_sicd.SCPCOA.SideOfTrack = cmetaa.CG_LD.strip().upper() the_sicd.SCPCOA.SlantRange = float(cmetaa.CG_SRAC) the_sicd.SCPCOA.DopplerConeAng = float(cmetaa.CG_CAAC) the_sicd.SCPCOA.GrazeAng = float(cmetaa.CG_GAAC) the_sicd.SCPCOA.IncidenceAng = 90 - float(cmetaa.CG_GAAC) if hasattr(cmetaa, 'CG_TILT'): the_sicd.SCPCOA.TwistAng = float(cmetaa.CG_TILT) if hasattr(cmetaa, 'CG_SLOPE'): the_sicd.SCPCOA.SlopeAng = float(cmetaa.CG_SLOPE) the_sicd.ImageData.SCPPixel = [int(cmetaa.IF_DC_IS_COL), int(cmetaa.IF_DC_IS_ROW)] img_corners = tre.get_image_corners() if img_corners is not None: the_sicd.GeoData.ImageCorners = img_corners if cmetaa.CMPLX_SIGNAL_PLANE.upper() == 'S': the_sicd.Grid.ImagePlane = 'SLANT' elif cmetaa.CMPLX_SIGNAL_PLANE.upper() == 'G': the_sicd.Grid.ImagePlane = 'GROUND' else: logger.warning( 'Got unexpected CMPLX_SIGNAL_PLANE value {},\n\t' 'setting ImagePlane to SLANT'.format(cmetaa.CMPLX_SIGNAL_PLANE)) the_sicd.Grid.Row = DirParamType( SS=float(cmetaa.IF_RSS), ImpRespWid=float(cmetaa.IF_RGRES), Sgn=1 if cmetaa.IF_RFFTS.strip() == '-' else -1, # opposite sign convention ImpRespBW=float(cmetaa.IF_RFFT_SAMP)/(float(cmetaa.IF_RSS)*float(cmetaa.IF_RFFT_TOT))) the_sicd.Grid.Col = DirParamType( SS=float(cmetaa.IF_AZSS), ImpRespWid=float(cmetaa.IF_AZRES), Sgn=1 if cmetaa.IF_AFFTS.strip() == '-' else -1, # opposite sign convention ImpRespBW=float(cmetaa.IF_AZFFT_SAMP)/(float(cmetaa.IF_AZSS)*float(cmetaa.IF_AZFFT_TOT))) cmplx_weight = cmetaa.CMPLX_WEIGHT.strip().upper() if cmplx_weight == 'UWT': the_sicd.Grid.Row.WgtType = WgtTypeType(WindowName='UNIFORM') the_sicd.Grid.Col.WgtType = WgtTypeType(WindowName='UNIFORM') elif cmplx_weight == 'HMW': the_sicd.Grid.Row.WgtType = WgtTypeType(WindowName='HAMMING') the_sicd.Grid.Col.WgtType = WgtTypeType(WindowName='HAMMING') elif cmplx_weight == 'HNW': the_sicd.Grid.Row.WgtType = WgtTypeType(WindowName='HANNING') the_sicd.Grid.Col.WgtType = WgtTypeType(WindowName='HANNING') elif cmplx_weight == 'TAY': the_sicd.Grid.Row.WgtType = WgtTypeType( WindowName='TAYLOR', Parameters={ 'SLL': '-{0:d}'.format(int(cmetaa.CMPLX_RNG_SLL)), 'NBAR': '{0:d}'.format(int(cmetaa.CMPLX_RNG_TAY_NBAR))}) the_sicd.Grid.Col.WgtType = WgtTypeType( WindowName='TAYLOR', Parameters={ 'SLL': '-{0:d}'.format(int(cmetaa.CMPLX_AZ_SLL)), 'NBAR': '{0:d}'.format(int(cmetaa.CMPLX_AZ_TAY_NBAR))}) else: logger.warning( 'Got unsupported CMPLX_WEIGHT value {}.\n\tThe resulting SICD will ' 'not have valid weight array populated'.format(cmplx_weight)) the_sicd.Grid.Row.define_weight_function() the_sicd.Grid.Col.define_weight_function() # noinspection PyBroadException try: date_str = cmetaa.T_UTC_YYYYMMMDD time_str = cmetaa.T_HHMMSSUTC date_time = _iso_date_format.format( date_str[:4], date_str[4:6], date_str[6:8], time_str[:2], time_str[2:4], time_str[4:6]) the_sicd.Timeline.CollectStart = numpy.datetime64(date_time, 'us') except Exception:'Failed extracting start time from CMETAA') pass the_sicd.Timeline.CollectDuration = float(cmetaa.WF_CDP) the_sicd.Timeline.IPP = [ IPPSetType(TStart=0, TEnd=float(cmetaa.WF_CDP), IPPStart=0, IPPEnd=numpy.floor(float(cmetaa.WF_CDP)*float(cmetaa.WF_PRF)), IPPPoly=[0, float(cmetaa.WF_PRF)])] the_sicd.RadarCollection.TxFrequency = TxFrequencyType( Min=float(cmetaa.WF_SRTFR), Max=float(cmetaa.WF_ENDFR)) the_sicd.RadarCollection.TxPolarization = cmetaa.POL_TR.upper() the_sicd.RadarCollection.Waveform = [WaveformParametersType( TxPulseLength=float(cmetaa.WF_WIDTH), TxRFBandwidth=float(cmetaa.WF_BW), TxFreqStart=float(cmetaa.WF_SRTFR), TxFMRate=float(cmetaa.WF_CHRPRT)*1e12)] tx_rcv_pol = '{}:{}'.format(cmetaa.POL_TR.upper(), cmetaa.POL_RE.upper()) the_sicd.RadarCollection.RcvChannels = [ ChanParametersType(TxRcvPolarization=tx_rcv_pol)] the_sicd.ImageFormation.TxRcvPolarizationProc = tx_rcv_pol if_process = cmetaa.IF_PROCESS.strip().upper() if if_process == 'PF': the_sicd.ImageFormation.ImageFormAlgo = 'PFA' scp_ecf = tre.get_scp() fpn_ned = numpy.array( [float(cmetaa.CG_FPNUV_X), float(cmetaa.CG_FPNUV_Y), float(cmetaa.CG_FPNUV_Z)], dtype='float64') ipn_ned = numpy.array( [float(cmetaa.CG_IDPNUVX), float(cmetaa.CG_IDPNUVY), float(cmetaa.CG_IDPNUVZ)], dtype='float64') fpn_ecf = ned_to_ecf(fpn_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False) ipn_ecf = ned_to_ecf(ipn_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False) the_sicd.PFA = PFAType(FPN=fpn_ecf, IPN=ipn_ecf) elif if_process in ['RM', 'CD']: the_sicd.ImageFormation.ImageFormAlgo = 'RMA' # the remainder of this is guesswork to define required fields the_sicd.ImageFormation.TStartProc = 0 # guess work the_sicd.ImageFormation.TEndProc = float(cmetaa.WF_CDP) the_sicd.ImageFormation.TxFrequencyProc = TxFrequencyProcType( MinProc=float(cmetaa.WF_SRTFR), MaxProc=float(cmetaa.WF_ENDFR)) # all remaining guess work the_sicd.ImageFormation.STBeamComp = 'NO' the_sicd.ImageFormation.ImageBeamComp = 'SV' if cmetaa.IF_BEAM_COMP[0] == 'Y' else 'NO' the_sicd.ImageFormation.AzAutofocus = 'NO' if cmetaa.AF_TYPE[0] == 'N' else 'SV' the_sicd.ImageFormation.RgAutofocus = 'NO' def try_AIMIDA() -> None: tre = None if tres is None else tres['AIMIDA'] if tre is None: return aimida = tre.DATA append_country_code(aimida.COUNTRY.strip()) create_time = datetime.strptime(aimida.CREATION_DATE, '%d%b%y') if the_sicd.ImageCreation is None: the_sicd.ImageCreation = ImageCreationType(DateTime=create_time) elif the_sicd.ImageCreation.DateTime is None: the_sicd.ImageCreation.DateTime = create_time collect_start = datetime.strptime(aimida.MISSION_DATE+aimida.TIME, '%d%b%y%H%M') set_collect_start(collect_start, override=False) def try_AIMIDB() -> None: tre = None if tres is None else tres['AIMIDB'] if tre is None: return aimidb = tre.DATA append_country_code(aimidb.COUNTRY.strip()) if the_sicd.ImageFormation is not None and the_sicd.ImageFormation.SegmentIdentifier is None: the_sicd.ImageFormation.SegmentIdentifier = aimidb.CURRENT_SEGMENT.strip() date_str = aimidb.ACQUISITION_DATE collect_start = numpy.datetime64(_iso_date_format.format( date_str[:4], date_str[4:6], date_str[6:8], date_str[8:10], date_str[10:12], date_str[12:14]), 'us') set_collect_start(collect_start, override=False) def try_ACFT() -> None: if tres is None: return tre = tres['ACFTA'] if tre is None: tre = tres['ACFTB'] if tre is None: return acft = tre.DATA sensor_id = acft.SENSOR_ID.strip() if len(sensor_id) > 1: if the_sicd.CollectionInfo is None: the_sicd.CollectionInfo = CollectionInfoType(CollectorName=sensor_id) elif the_sicd.CollectionInfo.CollectorName is None: the_sicd.CollectionInfo.CollectorName = sensor_id row_ss = float(acft.ROW_SPACING) col_ss = float(acft.COL_SPACING) if hasattr(acft, 'ROW_SPACING_UNITS') and acft.ROW_SPACING_UNITS.strip().lower() == 'f': row_ss *= foot if hasattr(acft, 'COL_SPACING_UNITS') and acft.COL_SPACING_UNITS.strip().lower() == 'f': col_ss *= foot # NB: these values are actually ground plane values, and should be # corrected to slant plane if possible if the_sicd.SCPCOA is not None: if the_sicd.SCPCOA.GrazeAng is not None: col_ss *= numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(the_sicd.SCPCOA.GrazeAng)) if the_sicd.SCPCOA.TwistAng is not None: row_ss *= numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(the_sicd.SCPCOA.TwistAng)) if the_sicd.Grid is None: the_sicd.Grid = GridType(Row=DirParamType(SS=row_ss), Col=DirParamType(SS=col_ss)) return if the_sicd.Grid.Row is None: the_sicd.Grid.Row = DirParamType(SS=row_ss) elif the_sicd.Grid.Row.SS is None: the_sicd.Grid.Row.SS = row_ss if the_sicd.Grid.Col is None: the_sicd.Grid.Col = DirParamType(SS=col_ss) elif the_sicd.Grid.Col.SS is None: the_sicd.Grid.Col.SS = col_ss def try_BLOCKA() -> None: tre = None if tres is None else tres['BLOCKA'] if tre is None: return blocka = tre.DATA icps = [] for fld_name in ['FRFC_LOC', 'FRLC_LOC', 'LRLC_LOC', 'LRFC_LOC']: value = getattr(blocka, fld_name) # noinspection PyBroadException try: lat_val = float(value[:10]) lon_val = float(value[10:21]) except ValueError: lat_val = lat_lon_parser(value[:10]) lon_val = lat_lon_parser(value[10:21]) icps.append([lat_val, lon_val]) set_image_corners(icps, override=False) def try_MPDSRA() -> None: def valid_array(arr): return numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(arr)) and numpy.any(arr != 0) tre = None if tres is None else tres['MPDSRA'] if tre is None: return mpdsra = tre.DATA scp_ecf = foot*numpy.array( [float(mpdsra.ORO_X), float(mpdsra.ORO_Y), float(mpdsra.ORO_Z)], dtype='float64') if valid_array(scp_ecf): set_scp(scp_ecf, (int(mpdsra.ORP_COLUMN) - 1, int(mpdsra.ORP_ROW) - 1), override=False) arp_pos_ned = foot*numpy.array( [float(mpdsra.ARP_POS_N), float(mpdsra.ARP_POS_E), float(mpdsra.ARP_POS_D)], dtype='float64') arp_vel_ned = foot*numpy.array( [float(mpdsra.ARP_VEL_N), float(mpdsra.ARP_VEL_E), float(mpdsra.ARP_VEL_D)], dtype='float64') arp_acc_ned = foot*numpy.array( [float(mpdsra.ARP_ACC_N), float(mpdsra.ARP_ACC_E), float(mpdsra.ARP_ACC_D)], dtype='float64') arp_pos = ned_to_ecf(arp_pos_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=True) if valid_array(arp_pos_ned) else None set_arp_position(arp_pos, override=False) arp_vel = ned_to_ecf(arp_vel_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False) if valid_array(arp_vel_ned) else None if the_sicd.SCPCOA.ARPVel is None: the_sicd.SCPCOA.ARPVel = arp_vel arp_acc = ned_to_ecf(arp_acc_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False) if valid_array(arp_acc_ned) else None if the_sicd.SCPCOA.ARPAcc is None: the_sicd.SCPCOA.ARPAcc = arp_acc if the_sicd.PFA is not None and the_sicd.PFA.FPN is None: # TODO: is this already in meters? fpn_ecf = numpy.array( [float(mpdsra.FOC_X), float(mpdsra.FOC_Y), float(mpdsra.FOC_Z)], dtype='float64') # *foot if valid_array(fpn_ecf): the_sicd.PFA.FPN = fpn_ecf def try_MENSRB() -> None: tre = None if tres is None else tres['MENSRB'] if tre is None: return mensrb = tre.DATA arp_llh = numpy.array( [lat_lon_parser(mensrb.ACFT_LOC[:12]), lat_lon_parser(mensrb.ACFT_LOC[12:25]), foot*float(mensrb.ACFT_ALT)], dtype='float64') scp_llh = numpy.array( [lat_lon_parser(mensrb.RP_LOC[:12]), lat_lon_parser(mensrb.RP_LOC[12:25]), foot*float(mensrb.RP_ELV)], dtype='float64') # TODO: handle the conversion from msl to hae arp_ecf = geodetic_to_ecf(arp_llh) scp_ecf = geodetic_to_ecf(scp_llh) set_arp_position(arp_ecf, override=True) set_scp(scp_ecf, (int(mensrb.RP_COL)-1, int(mensrb.RP_ROW)-1), override=False) row_unit_ned = numpy.array( [float(mensrb.C_R_NC), float(mensrb.C_R_EC), float(mensrb.C_R_DC)], dtype='float64') col_unit_ned = numpy.array( [float(mensrb.C_AZ_NC), float(mensrb.C_AZ_EC), float(mensrb.C_AZ_DC)], dtype='float64') set_uvects(ned_to_ecf(row_unit_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False), ned_to_ecf(col_unit_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False)) def try_MENSRA() -> None: tre = None if tres is None else tres['MENSRA'] if tre is None: return mensra = tre.DATA arp_llh = numpy.array( [lat_lon_parser(mensra.ACFT_LOC[:10]), lat_lon_parser(mensra.ACFT_LOC[10:21]), foot*float(mensra.ACFT_ALT)], dtype='float64') scp_llh = numpy.array( [lat_lon_parser(mensra.CP_LOC[:10]), lat_lon_parser(mensra.CP_LOC[10:21]), foot*float(mensra.CP_ALT)], dtype='float64') # TODO: handle the conversion from msl to hae arp_ecf = geodetic_to_ecf(arp_llh) scp_ecf = geodetic_to_ecf(scp_llh) set_arp_position(arp_ecf, override=True) # TODO: is this already zero based? set_scp(geodetic_to_ecf(scp_llh), (int(mensra.CCRP_COL), int(mensra.CCRP_ROW)), override=False) row_unit_ned = numpy.array( [float(mensra.C_R_NC), float(mensra.C_R_EC), float(mensra.C_R_DC)], dtype='float64') col_unit_ned = numpy.array( [float(mensra.C_AZ_NC), float(mensra.C_AZ_EC), float(mensra.C_AZ_DC)], dtype='float64') set_uvects(ned_to_ecf(row_unit_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False), ned_to_ecf(col_unit_ned, scp_ecf, absolute_coords=False)) def extract_corners() -> None: icps = extract_image_corners(img_header) if icps is None: return # TODO: include symmetry transform issue set_image_corners(icps, override=False) def extract_start() -> None: # noinspection PyBroadException try: date_str = img_header.IDATIM collect_start = numpy.datetime64( _iso_date_format.format( date_str[:4], date_str[4:6], date_str[6:8], date_str[8:10], date_str[10:12], date_str[12:14]), 'us') except Exception:'failed extracting start time from IDATIM tre') return set_collect_start(collect_start, override=False) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences tres = None if is None \ else # type: Union[None, TREList] collection_info = get_collection_info() image_data = get_image_data() the_sicd = SICDType( CollectionInfo=collection_info, ImageData=image_data) # apply the various tres and associated logic # NB: this should generally be in order of preference try_CMETAA() try_AIMIDB() try_AIMIDA() try_ACFT() try_BLOCKA() try_MPDSRA() try_MENSRA() try_MENSRB() extract_corners() extract_start() return the_sicd
def ppo_clip_policy_loss( logps: torch.Tensor, logps_old: torch.Tensor, advs: torch.Tensor, clipratio: Optional[float] = 0.2 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Loss function for a PPO-clip policy. See paper for full loss function math: Args: - logps (torch.Tensor): Action log-probabilities under the current policy. - logps_old (torch.Tensor): Action log-probabilities under the old (pre-update) policy. - advs (torch.Tensor): Advantage estimates for the actions taken. - clipratio (float): Clipping parameter for PPO-clip loss. In general, is fine with being left as default. Returns: - ppo_loss (torch.Tensor): Loss term for PPO agent. - kl (torch.Tensor): KL-divergence estimate between new and old policies. """ policy_ratio = torch.exp(logps - logps_old) clipped_adv = torch.clamp(policy_ratio, 1 - clipratio, 1 + clipratio) * advs ppo_loss = -(torch.min(policy_ratio * advs, clipped_adv)).mean() kl = (logps_old - logps).mean().item() return ppo_loss, kl
def reconstruct_modelseed_model(genome_id, model_id, template_reference=None): """ Reconstruct a draft ModelSEED model for an organism. Parameters ---------- genome_id : str Genome ID or workspace reference to genome model_id : str ID of output model template_reference : str, optional Workspace reference to template model Returns ------- dict Dictionary of current model statistics """ # Confirm genome ID is available in PATRIC. get_genome_summary(genome_id) # Set input parameters for method. params = dict() params['genome'] = 'PATRICSOLR:' + genome_id # params['fulldb'] = 0 params['output_file'] = model_id if template_reference is not None: params['template_model'] = template_reference params['gapfill'] = 0 params['predict_essentiality'] = 0 # Workaround for ModelSEED workspace bug. The user's modelseed folder must exist before saving # the model. Otherwise the type of the folder created for the model is not "modelfolder" and # subsequent operations on the model will fail. if ms_client.username is None: ms_client.set_authentication_token() folder_reference = '/{0}/{1}'.format(ms_client.username, model_folder) try: get_workspace_object_meta(folder_reference) except ObjectNotFoundError: put_workspace_object(folder_reference, 'folder')'Created modelseed folder in workspace for "%s"', ms_client.username) # Run the server method. try: job_id ='ModelReconstruction', params)'Started job %s to run model reconstruction for "%s"', job_id, params['genome']) _wait_for_job(job_id) except ServerError as e: references = None if template_reference is not None: references = [template_reference] raise handle_server_error(e, references) # Get the model statistics for the model. stats = get_modelseed_model_stats(model_id) if stats['num_genes'] == 0: # ModelSEED does not return an error if the genome ID is invalid warn('Model for genome ID {0} has no genes, verify genome ID is valid'.format(genome_id)) return stats
def tide_pred_correc(modfile,lon,lat,time,dbfile,ID,z=None,conlist=None): """ Performs a tidal prediction at all points in [lon,lat] at times in vector [time] Applies an amplitude and phase correction based on a time series """ from timeseries import timeseries, loadDBstation print('Calculating tidal correction factors from time series...') # Load using the timeseries module t0 = datetime.strftime(time[0],'%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') t1 = datetime.strftime(time[-1],'%Y%m%d.%H%M%S') dt = time[1]-time[0] print(t0, t1, dt.total_seconds()) timeinfo = (t0,t1,dt.total_seconds()) TS,meta = loadDBstation(dbfile,ID,'waterlevel',timeinfo=timeinfo,filttype='low',cutoff=2*3600,output_meta=True) lonpt=meta['longitude'] latpt=meta['latitude'] print(lonpt,latpt) # Extract the OTIS tide prediction u_re, u_im, v_re, v_im, h_re, h_im, omega, conlist = extract_HC(modfile,lonpt,latpt) h_amp = np.abs(h_re+1j*h_im)[:,0] h_phs = np.angle(h_re+1j*h_im)[:,0] # Harmonic analysis of observation time series amp, phs, frq, frqnames, htide = TS.tidefit(frqnames=conlist) TS_harm = timeseries(time,htide) residual = TS.y - htide # Calculate the amp and phase corrections dphs = phs - h_phs + np.pi damp = amp/h_amp # Extract the data along the specified points u_re, u_im, v_re, v_im, h_re, h_im, omega, conlist = extract_HC(modfile,lon,lat,z=z,conlist=conlist) h_amp = np.abs(h_re+1j*h_im) h_phs = np.angle(h_re+1j*h_im) u_amp = np.abs(u_re+1j*u_im) u_phs = np.angle(u_re+1j*u_im) v_amp = np.abs(v_re+1j*v_im) v_phs = np.angle(v_re+1j*v_im) # Initialise the output arrays sz = lon.shape nx = nt = time.shape[0] h=np.zeros((nt,nx)) u=np.zeros((nt,nx)) v=np.zeros((nt,nx)) # Rebuild the time series #tsec=TS_harm.tsec - TS_harm.tsec[0] tsec = othertime.SecondsSince(time,basetime=time[0]) print(tsec[0]) for nn,om in enumerate(omega): for ii in range(0,nx): h[:,ii] += damp[nn]*h_amp[nn,ii] * np.cos(om*tsec - (h_phs[nn,ii] + dphs[nn])) u[:,ii] += damp[nn]*u_amp[nn,ii] * np.cos(om*tsec - (u_phs[nn,ii] + dphs[nn])) v[:,ii] += damp[nn]*v_amp[nn,ii] * np.cos(om*tsec - (v_phs[nn,ii] + dphs[nn])) szo = (nt,)+sz return h.reshape(szo), u.reshape(szo), v.reshape(szo), residual
def generate_new_filename(this_key): """Generates filename for processed data from information in this_key.""" [_, _, source_id, experiment_id, _, _] = this_key.split('.') this_fname = THIS_VARIABLE_ID+'_'+experiment_id+'_'+source_id return this_fname
def cls(cpu): """Clears the display""" cpu.display.clear()
def get_connection(user, pwd): """ Obtiene la conexion a Oracle """ try: connection = cx_Oracle.connect(user + '/' + pwd + '@' + config.FISCO_CONNECTION_STRING) connection.autocommit = False print('Connection Opened') return connection except Exception as e: print('Exception: ' + str(e))
def process_dataset(file_name): """ Evaluate the tivita index values for each record. The evaluation is defined in task(args) where args are the entries of the attached tables. """ start = timer() file_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) with tables.open_file(file_path, "r+") as file: reader = HSStore(file, path="/records") writer = HSStore(file, path="/records") reader.attache_table("patient") reader.attache_table("hsidata") reader.attache_table("masks") tivita_table = writer.create_table( name="tivita", dtype=np.dtype([ ("oxy", "<f8", (480, 640)), ("nir", "<f8", (480, 640)), ("thi", "<f8", (480, 640)), ("twi", "<f8", (480, 640)), ]), title="Tivita Index Values", expectedrows=len(reader), ) tivita_entry = tivita_table.row print(f"Tables to read: {reader.get_table_names()}") print(f"Tables to write: {writer.get_table_names()}") print(f"Number of entries: {len(reader)}") # serial evaluation # for args in iter(reader): # param = task(args) # tivita_entry["nir"] = param["nir"] # tivita_entry["oxy"] = param["oxy"] # tivita_entry["thi"] = param["thi"] # tivita_entry["twi"] = param["twi"] # tivita_entry.append() # # tivita_table.flush() # parallel evaluation pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=7) for param in pool.imap(task, iter(reader)): # , chunksize=1): tivita_entry["oxy"] = param["oxy"] tivita_entry["nir"] = param["nir"] tivita_entry["thi"] = param["thi"] tivita_entry["twi"] = param["twi"] tivita_entry.append() pool.close() tivita_table.flush() print("\nElapsed time for processing dataset: %f sec" % (timer() - start))
def _generate_select_expression_for_extended_string_unix_timestamp_ms_to_timestamp(source_column, name): """ More robust conversion from StringType to TimestampType. It is assumed that the timezone is already set to UTC in spark / java to avoid implicit timezone conversions. Is able to additionally handle (compared to implicit Spark conversion): * Unix timestamps in milliseconds * Preceding whitespace * Trailing whitespace * Preceeding and trailing whitespace Hint ---- Please have a look at the tests to get a better feeling how it behaves under tests/unit/transformer/ and tests/data/test_fixtures/ Example ------- >>> from spooq.transformer import Mapper >>> >>> input_df.head(3) [Row(input_string="2020-08-12T12:43:14+0000"), Row(input_string="1597069446000"), Row(input_string="2020-08-12")] >>> mapping = [("output_value", "input_string", "extended_string_to_timestamp")] >>> output_df = Mapper(mapping).transform(input_df) >>> output_df.head(3) [Row(input_string=datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 12, 12, 43, 14)), Row(input_string=datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 10, 14, 24, 6)), Row(input_string=datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 12, 0, 0, 0))] """ return ( F.when( F.trim(source_column).cast(T.LongType()).isNotNull(), (F.trim(source_column) / 1000).cast(T.TimestampType()) ) .otherwise(F.trim(source_column).cast(T.TimestampType())) .alias(name) )
def get_webf_session(): """ Return an instance of a Webfaction server and a session for authentication to make further API calls. """ import xmlrpclib server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("") print("Logging in to Webfaction as %s." % env.user) if env.password is None: env.password = getpass( "Enter Webfaction password for user %s: " % env.user) session, account = server.login(env.user, env.password) print("Succesfully logged in as %s." % env.user) return server, session, account
def _unpack_school_column_aliases() -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Unpack the known aliases for lookup table of alias_column_name -> schema_column_name. :return: lookup table. :raises: ValueError if an alias has more than one mapping to a schema column """ result = dict() # add to the lookup table all the known aliases from School_aliases module for (schema_column_name, aliases) in School_aliases.items(): for alias_column_name in aliases: k = alias_column_name.lower() v = schema_column_name.lower() if result.get(k) is not None: raise ValueError(f"duplicate alias {v} for column name: {k}") result[k] = v return result
def suntimecorr(ra, dec, obst, coordtable, verbose=False): """ This function calculates the light-travel time correction from observer to a standard location. It uses the 2D coordinates (RA and DEC) of the object being observed and the 3D position of the observer relative to the standard location. The latter (and the former, for solar-system objects) may be gotten from JPL's Horizons system. Parameters: ----------- ra : Float Right ascension of target object in radians. dec : Float Declination of target object in radians. obst : Float or Numpy Float array Time of observation in Julian Date (may be a vector) coordtable : String Filename of output table from JPL HORIZONS specifying the position of the observatory relative to the standard position. verbose : Boolean If True, print X,Y,Z coordinates. Returns: -------- This function returns the time correction in seconds to be ADDED to the observation time to get the time when the observed photons would have reached the plane perpendicular to their travel and containing the reference position. Notes: ------ The position vectors from coordtable are given in the following coordinate system: Reference epoch: J2000.0 xy-plane: plane of the Earth's mean equator at the reference epoch x-axis : out along ascending node of instantaneous plane of the Earth's orbit and the Earth's mean equator at the reference epoch z-axis : along the Earth mean north pole at the reference epoch Ephemerides are often calculated for BJD, barycentric Julian date. That is, they are correct for observations taken at the solar system barycenter's distance from the target. The BJD of our observation is the time the photons we observe would have crossed the sphere centered on the object and containing the barycenter. We must thus add the light-travel time from our observatory to this sphere. For non-solar-system observations, we approximate the sphere as a plane, and calculate the dot product of the vector from the barycenter to the telescope and a unit vector to from the barycenter to the target, and divide by the speed of light. Properly, the coordinates should point from the standard location to the object. Practically, for objects outside the solar system, the adjustment from, e.g., geocentric (RA-DEC) coordinates to barycentric coordinates has a negligible effect on the trig functions used in the routine. The horizons file in coordtable should be in the form of the following example, with a subject line of JOB: !$$SOF ! ! Example e-mail command file. If mailed to "" ! with subject "JOB", results will be mailed back. ! ! This example demonstrates a subset of functions. See main doc for ! full explanation. Send blank e-mail with subject "BATCH-LONG" to ! for complete example. ! EMAIL_ADDR = '' ! Send output to this address ! (can be blank for auto-reply) COMMAND = '-79' ! Target body, closest apparition OBJ_DATA = 'YES' ! No summary of target body data MAKE_EPHEM = 'YES' ! Make an ephemeris START_TIME = '2005-Aug-24 06:00' ! Start of table (UTC default) STOP_TIME = '2005-Aug-25 02:00' ! End of table STEP_SIZE = '1 hour' ! Table step-size TABLE_TYPE = 'VECTOR' ! Specify VECTOR ephemeris table type CENTER = '@10' ! Set observer (coordinate center) REF_PLANE = 'FRAME' ! J2000 equatorial plane VECT_TABLE = '3' ! Selects output type (3=all). OUT_UNITS = 'KM-S' ! Vector units# KM-S, AU-D, KM-D CSV_FORMAT = 'NO' ! Comma-separated output (YES/NO) VEC_LABELS = 'YES' ! Label vectors in output (YES/NO) VECT_CORR = 'NONE' ! Correct for light-time (LT), ! or lt + stellar aberration (LT+S), ! or (NONE) return geometric ! vectors only. !$$EOF Example: --------- >>> # Spitzer is in nearly the Earth's orbital plane. Light coming from >>> # the north ecliptic pole should hit the observatory and the sun at >>> # about the same time. >>> import suntimecorr as sc >>> ra = 18.0 * np.pi / 12 # ecliptic north pole coordinates in radians >>> dec = 66.5 * np.pi / 180 # " >>> obst = np.array([2453607.078]) # Julian date of 2005-08-24 14:00 >>> print( sc.suntimecorr(ra, dec, obst, '/home/esp01/ancil/horizons/cs41_spitzer.vec') ) 1.00810877 # about 1 sec, close to zero >>> # If the object has the RA and DEC of Spitzer, light time should be >>> # about 8 minutes to the sun. >>> obs = np.array([111093592.8346969, -97287023.315796047, -42212080.826677799]) >>> # vector to the object >>> obst = np.array([2453602.5]) >>> print( np.sqrt(np.sum(obs**2.0)) ) 153585191.481 # about 1 AU, good >>> raobs = np.arctan(obs[1]/ obs[0]) >>> decobs = np.arctan(obs[2]/ np.sqrt(obs[0]**2 + obs[1]**2)) >>> print(raobs, decobs) -0.7192383661, -0.2784282118 >>> print( sc.suntimecorr(raobs, decobs, obst, '/home/esp01/ancil/horizons/cs41_spitzer.vec') / 60.0) 8.5228630 # good, about 8 minutes light time to travel 1 AU Modification History: --------------------- 2005-12-01 statia Written by Statia Luszcz. 2006-03-09 jh Corrected 90deg error in algorithm, renamed, updated header, made Coordtable a positional arg since it's required, switched to radians. 2007-06-28 jh Renamed to suntimecorr since we now use barycentric Julian date. 2009-01-28 jh Change variables to long, use spline instead of linfit so we can use one HORIZONS file for the whole mission. 2009-02-22 jh Reshape spline results to shape of obst. Make it handle unsorted unput data properly. Header update. 2010-07-10 patricio Converted to python. ( 2010-11-01 patricio Docstring updated. """ start_data = '$$SOE' end_data = '$$EOE' # Read in whole table as an list of strings, one string per line ctable = open(coordtable, 'r') wholetable = ctable.readlines() ctable.close() # Find start and end line i = 0 # while end has not been found: while wholetable[i].find(end_data) == -1: # if start is found get the index of next line: if wholetable[i].find(start_data) != -1: start = i + 1 i += 1 # Chop table data = wholetable[start:i-2] # Extract values: x, y, z, time = getcoords(data) # Interpolate to observing times: # We must preserve the shape and order of obst. Spline takes # monotonic input and produces linear output. x, y, z, time are # sorted as HORIZONS produces them. # Save shape of obst tshape = np.shape(obst) # Reshape to 1D and sort obstime = obst.flatten() ti = np.argsort(obstime) # indexes of sorted array by time tsize = np.size(obstime) # Allocate output arrays obsx = np.zeros(tsize) obsy = np.zeros(tsize) obsz = np.zeros(tsize) # Interpolate sorted arrays obsx[ti] = splinterp(obstime[ti], time, x) obsy[ti] = splinterp(obstime[ti], time, y) obsz[ti] = splinterp(obstime[ti], time, z) if verbose: print( 'X, Y, Z = ', obsx, obsy, obsz) # Change ra and dec into unit vector n_hat object_unit_x = np.cos(dec) * np.cos(ra) object_unit_y = np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra) object_unit_z = np.sin(dec) # Dot product the vectors with n_hat rdotnhat = ( obsx * object_unit_x + obsy * object_unit_y + obsz * object_unit_z ) # Reshape back to the original shape rdotnhat = rdotnhat.reshape(tshape) # Time correction is: dt = length/velocity # Divide by the speed of light and return return rdotnhat / ( c / 1000.0 )
def validate_numeric(array, name="array", caller=None): """ Ensure that the array has some numeric dtype If the shapes are not equal, then raise a ValueError. Parameters ---------- array : np.array A numpy array name : string A name for the variable in the error message caller : string A name for the caller in the error message """ if not np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.number): msg = ("{caller}{name} invalid dtype for numeric sequences. found: " + array.dtype) _raise_value_error(msg, name, caller)
def normalize_address(address: str, asHex: bool=False) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, bytes]]: """Takes an address as raw byte or id__ and provides both formats back""" try: # convert recipient to raw if provided as id__ if address.startswith("id__"): address_raw = NyzoStringEncoder.decode(address).get_bytes().hex() if VERBOSE: print(f"Raw address is {address_raw}") else: raise RuntimeWarning("Not an id__") except: if VERBOSE: print(f"address was not a proper id_ nyzostring") address_raw = re.sub(r"[^0-9a-f]", "", address.lower()) # print(address_raw) if len(address_raw) != 64: raise ValueError("Wrong address format. 64 bytes as hex or id_ nyzostring required") if VERBOSE: print(f"Trying with {address_raw}") address = NyzoStringEncoder.encode(NyzoStringPublicIdentifier.from_hex(address_raw)) # Here we should have both recipient and recipient_raw in all cases. if asHex: return address, address_raw else: return address, bytes.fromhex(address_raw)
async def test_update_missing_mac_unique_id_added_from_dhcp(hass, remotews: Mock): """Test missing mac and unique id added.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN, data=MOCK_OLD_ENTRY, unique_id=None) entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "homeassistant.components.samsungtv.async_setup", return_value=True, ) as mock_setup, patch( "homeassistant.components.samsungtv.async_setup_entry", return_value=True, ) as mock_setup_entry: result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_DHCP}, data=MOCK_DHCP_DATA, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 1 assert result["type"] == "abort" assert result["reason"] == "already_configured" assert[CONF_MAC] == "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" assert entry.unique_id == "be9554b9-c9fb-41f4-8920-22da015376a4"
def do_gen_binaryimage(inName, outName): """Generate binary image for testing""" f_in = open(inName, "r") contour = pickle.load(f_in) f_in.close() imageBinary, width, height = gen_binaryimage_from_contour( contour ) f_out = open( outName, "w" ) f_out.write( str(width) + " " + str(height) + "\n") for i in range(0, height): st = ""; for j in range(0, width): st = st + str(imageBinary[i][j] ) f_out.write(st) f_out.write("\n") f_out.close()
def get_welcome_response(): """ Prompt the user for the prayer """ session_attributes = {} card_title = "Welcome" speech_output = "What would you like me to pray with you? I can pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet." reprompt_text = "What would you like me to pray with you?" should_end_session = False return build_response(session_attributes, build_speechlet_response( card_title, speech_output, reprompt_text, speech_output, should_end_session, []))
async def test_bad_trigger_platform(hass): """Test bad trigger platform.""" with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid) as ex: await async_validate_trigger_config(hass, [{"platform": "not_a_platform"}]) assert "Invalid platform 'not_a_platform' specified" in str(ex)
def get_news( limit: int = 60, post_kind: str = "news", filter_: Optional[str] = None, region: str = "en", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get recent posts from CryptoPanic news aggregator platform. [Source:] Parameters ---------- limit: int number of news to fetch post_kind: str Filter by category of news. Available values: news or media. filter_: Optional[str] Filter by kind of news. One from list: rising|hot|bullish|bearish|important|saved|lol region: str Filter news by regions. Available regions are: en (English), de (Deutsch), nl (Dutch), es (Español), fr (Français), it (Italiano), pt (Português), ru (Русский) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame with recent news from different sources filtered by provided parameters. """ if post_kind not in CATEGORIES: post_kind = "news" results = [] response = make_request(post_kind=post_kind, filter_=filter_, region=region) if response: data, next_page, _ = ( response["results"], response.get("next"), response.get("count"), ) for post in data: results.append(_parse_post(post)) number_of_pages = math.ceil(limit // 20) counter = 0 while counter < number_of_pages and next_page: counter += 1 try: time.sleep(0.2) res = requests.get(next_page).json() for post in res["results"]: results.append(_parse_post(post)) next_page = res.get("next") except Exception as e: # noqa: F841 logger.exception(str(e)) console.print( "[red]Something went wrong while fetching news from API[/red]\n" ) return pd.DataFrame() try: df = pd.DataFrame(results) df["title"] = df["title"].apply( lambda x: "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(x, width=66)) if isinstance(x, str) else x ) return df except Exception as e: # noqa: F841 logger.exception(str(e)) console.print("[red]Something went wrong with DataFrame creation[/red]\n") return pd.DataFrame() return pd.DataFrame()
def login(): """ Display log in form and handle user login.""" email = request.args.get('emailLogin') password = request.args.get('passwordLogin') user = User.query.filter( == email).first() if user is None or not check_password_hash(user.password, password): flash('Invalid email or password') return redirect('/') else: login_user(user) flash('Welcome back!') return redirect('/') return render_template('login.html')
def build(): """Build benchmark.""" # Backup the environment. new_env = os.environ.copy() # Build afl with qemu (shared build code afl/afl++) # Next, build a binary for Eclipser. src = os.getenv('SRC') work = os.getenv('WORK') eclipser_outdir = get_eclipser_outdir(os.environ['OUT']) os.mkdir(eclipser_outdir) new_env['CC'] = 'clang' new_env['CXX'] = 'clang++' new_env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join(utils.NO_SANITIZER_COMPAT_CFLAGS) cxxflags = [utils.LIBCPLUSPLUS_FLAG] + utils.NO_SANITIZER_COMPAT_CFLAGS new_env['CXXFLAGS'] = ' '.join(cxxflags) new_env['OUT'] = eclipser_outdir new_env['FUZZER_LIB'] = '/libStandaloneFuzzTarget.a' new_env['FUZZ_TARGET'] = os.path.join( eclipser_outdir, os.path.basename(os.getenv('FUZZ_TARGET'))) print('[build] Re-building benchmark for eclipser fuzzing target.') with utils.restore_directory(src), utils.restore_directory(work): utils.build_benchmark(env=new_env)
def create_heart_rate(df): """Create heart rate based on provided.""" min = 50 max = 110 increments = 1 amount = 1000 integer_list = randomize_int(min, max, increments, amount) heart_rate_array = np.array(integer_list) df["HR"] = heart_rate_array
def model_from_queue(model): """ Returns the model dict if model is enqueued, else None.""" return _queue.get(model, None)