def _center_size_bbox_to_corners_bbox(centers, sizes): """Converts bbox center-size representation to corners representation. Args: centers: a tensor with shape [N, 2] representing bounding box centers sizes: a tensor with shape [N, 2] representing bounding boxes Returns: corners: tensor with shape [N, 4] representing bounding boxes in corners representation """ return tf.concat([centers - .5 * sizes, centers + .5 * sizes], 1)
def get_starting_month(number_of_months_to_get, include_actual_month=True, """ Get starting month based on parameters :param number_of_months_to_get: Numbers of months to get - e.g: 2 :param include_actual_month: Include actual month? e.g.: True :param actual_date: Actual Date e.g: now() :return: :raise Exception: if number_of_months_to_get less than 1 Initial month & year e.g: (12,2014) """ if number_of_months_to_get <= 0: raise Exception("Number of month's to get should be greater than 0") initial_year = actual_date.year if actual_date.month > number_of_months_to_get: initial_month = actual_date.month - number_of_months_to_get else: initial_month = actual_date.month - number_of_months_to_get if initial_month <= 0: initial_month += 12 initial_year -= 1 if include_actual_month: initial_month += 1 if initial_month > 12: initial_month = 1 initial_year += 1 return initial_month, initial_year
def signal_handler(sig, frame): """ Suppress stack traces when intentionally closed """ print("SIGINT or Control-C detected... exiting...") sys.exit(0)
def main() -> None: """Main function entrypoint.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--load_module", type=str, default="./complainers", help="A local python module or just a folder containing all complainers. " "The difference is that the module must contain a '' file inside it. " "The module needs to supply all complainers via `from $load_module import *`.", ) parser.add_argument( "--analyze_dir", type=str, default=".", help="The directory to run all globs and issue complaints about.", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", type=int, default=5, help="The number of lines before and after an error to show in context.", ) parser.add_argument( "--inline", action="store_true", help="Enable this option with zero chosen lines ('-n=0') to show error inline.", ) parser.add_argument( "--staged", action="store_true", help="Only glob files that are staged for git commit.", ) parser.add_argument( "--include_untracked", action="store_true", help="Also include untracked files from git in glob.", ) args = parser.parse_args() args.analyze_dir = Path(args.analyze_dir).absolute() if not args.analyze_dir.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"{args.analyze_dir} is not a directory.") load_module_path = Path(args.load_module).relative_to(".") analyze_dir = Path(args.analyze_dir).absolute() context_nb_lines = max(int(args.n), 0) # Handle some basic tests if load_module_path == Path("."): raise ValueError(f"load_module should be a subdirectory, not the current path.") if not load_module_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"{load_module_path} is not a directory.") # Get all complainers all_complainers: List[Complainer] = [] # Check for an IS_MODULE = (load_module_path / "").is_file() # get complainers by loading a module with an if IS_MODULE: # Get the relative module name load_module = str(load_module_path).replace(os.sep, ".") # Load the complainers within the module mod = importlib.import_module(load_module) for _name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass): if issubclass(obj, Complainer) and obj != Complainer: # Initialize the item and add it to all complainers all_complainers.append(obj()) # get complainers by loading a list of files in a directory else: # For all files in the target folder. for file1 in load_module_path.iterdir(): # If file starts from letter and ends with .py if file1.is_file() and file1.suffix == ".py": # Import each file as a module from it's full path. spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( ".", load_module_path.absolute() / ) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) # type: ignore # For each object definition that is a class. for _name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass): if issubclass(obj, Complainer) and obj != Complainer: all_complainers.append(obj()) if not all_complainers: raise ValueError( f"No Complainers found in module from {load_module_path.absolute()}." ) print(color_txt("Found Complainers:", BColors.OKGREEN)) for c in all_complainers: print( color_txt(f" - {type(c).__module__}.{type(c).__name__}", BColors.OKGREEN) ) print(color_txt(f"Running renag analyzer on '{analyze_dir}'..", BColors.OKGREEN)) # Get all the captures and globs of all complainers all_captures_files: Dict[Path, Set[ParserElement]] = defaultdict(set) capture_to_complainer: Dict[ParserElement, List[Complainer]] = defaultdict(list) complainer_to_files: Dict[Complainer, Set[Path]] = defaultdict(set) for complainer in all_complainers: # Make sure that glob is not an empty list if not complainer.glob: raise ValueError(f"Empty glob inside {complainer}: {complainer.glob}") # Avoid later issue with complainer.capture being empty for the 'Regex' from pyparsing. # Note: Has to do it this early, because below we start mapping it to the complainers by capture. if isinstance(complainer.capture, str) and not complainer.capture: complainer.capture = Empty() elif isinstance(complainer.capture, str): complainer.capture = Regex( complainer.capture, flags=complainer.regex_options ) # Map the capture to all complainers capture_to_complainer[complainer.capture].append(complainer) # Get all the files to analyze all_files: Set[Path] = set() for g in complainer.glob: if not g: raise ValueError( f"Empty glob value inside {complainer} ({complainer.glob}): {g}" ) all_files |= set(analyze_dir.rglob(g)) if complainer.exclude_glob: for g in complainer.exclude_glob: if not g: raise ValueError( f"Empty exclude glob value inside {complainer} ({complainer.exclude_glob}): {g}" ) all_files -= set(analyze_dir.rglob(g)) # Add all files and captures to the dicts for file1 in all_files: all_captures_files[file1].add(complainer.capture) complainer_to_files[complainer].add(file1) # Get git repo information try: repo = git.Repo() except: # noqa: E722 I don't know what this might return if there isn't a git repo staged_files: Set[Path] = set() untracked_files: Set[Path] = set() else: if args.staged: staged_files_diffs = repo.index.diff("HEAD") staged_files = { Path(repo.working_tree_dir) / diff.b_path for diff in staged_files_diffs } else: staged_files = set() untracked_files = {Path(path).absolute() for path in repo.untracked_files} # Iterate over all captures and globs N_WARNINGS, N_CRITICAL = 0, 0 for file2, captures in all_captures_files.items(): # Check if file is staged for git commit if args.git is true if args.staged and file2 not in staged_files: continue # Check if file is untracked if we are in a git repo if (not args.include_untracked) and (file2.absolute() in untracked_files): continue # Open the file with"r") as f2: try: txt: str = except UnicodeDecodeError: continue # Get the or of all captures # Then Iterate over all captures for capture in captures: # Then Get all matches in the file for match, start, stop in capture.scanString(txt): # Then iterate over all complainers for complainer in capture_to_complainer[capture]: # Skip if this file is not specifically globbed by this complainer if file2 not in complainer_to_files[complainer]: continue complaints = complainer.check( txt=txt, capture_span=(start, stop), path=file2, capture_data=match, ) for complaint in complaints: if complaint.severity is Severity.CRITICAL: N_CRITICAL += 1 else: N_WARNINGS += 1 print( complaint.pformat( context_nb_lines=context_nb_lines, inline_mode=args.inline, ), end="\n\n", ) # In the end, we try to call .finalize() on each complainer. Its purpose is # to allow for complainers to have methods that will be called once, in the end. for complainer in all_complainers: if not hasattr(complainer, "finalize"): continue complaints = complainer.finalize() for complaint in complaints: if complaint.severity == Severity.CRITICAL: N_CRITICAL += 1 else: N_WARNINGS += 1 print( complaint.pformat( context_nb_lines=context_nb_lines, inline_mode=args.inline ), end="\n\n", ) # End by exiting the program N = N_WARNINGS + N_CRITICAL if not N: print(color_txt("Renag finished with no complaints.", BColors.OKGREEN)) exit(0) print( color_txt( f"{N} Complaints found: {N_WARNINGS} Warnings, {N_CRITICAL} Critical.", BColors.WARNING, ) ) # If has critical errors - exit with non-zero code.. if N_CRITICAL != 0: exit(1) # ..else quit early. exit(0)
def cvt_raise_stmt(node: pytree.Base, ctx: Ctx) -> ast_cooked.Base: """raise_stmt: 'raise' [test ['from' test | ',' test [',' test]]]""" # 0 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 #-# Raise(expr? exc, expr? cause) assert ctx.is_REF, [node] if len(node.children) == 1: return ast_cooked.RaiseStmt(items=[]) exc = cvt(node.children[1], ctx) if len(node.children) > 2: # TODO: test case if xcast(Leaf, node.children[2]).value == 'from': raise_from = cvt(node.children[3], ctx) exc2 = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE exc3 = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE else: raise_from = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE assert node.children[2].type == token.COMMA, [node] exc2 = cvt(node.children[3], ctx) # TODO: test case if len(node.children) > 4: assert node.children[4].type == token.COMMA, [node] exc3 = cvt(node.children[5], ctx) else: exc3 = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE else: raise_from = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE exc2 = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE exc3 = ast_cooked.OMITTED_NODE return ast_cooked.RaiseStmt(items=[exc, exc2, exc3, raise_from])
def user_in_user_groups(user_id, **options): """ Get all user groups a user belongs to :param user_id: The id of user :param user_id: str :param options: Generic advanced options dict, see online documentation :type options: dict, optional :return: List of groups user is in :rtype: dict """ uri = [USER_GROUPS_SUB_PATH, user_id] return _call_account_api("get", uri, {}, **options)
def read_book(title_path): """Read a book and return it as a string""" with open(title_path, "r", encoding = "utf8") as current_file: #encoding = "utf8" causes a problem when running the code in Python 2.7. However, it runs normally when using Python 3.5. text = text = text.replace("\n","").replace("\r","") return text
def count_number(file_name, number): """ 统计一个大文件里指定 byte 的个数,为了跑在不同进程上所以没有优化 """ print('searching %s:(%s)' % (number, getpid())) with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: count = 0 while True: data = if not data: break for d in data: if d == number: count += 1 print('found %s=%s (%s)' % (number, count, getpid()))
def eval_whole_scene_one_epoch(sess, ops, test_writer): """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """ global EPOCH_CNT is_training = False test_idxs = np.arange(0, len(TEST_DATASET_WHOLE_SCENE)) num_batches = len(TEST_DATASET_WHOLE_SCENE) total_correct = 0 total_seen = 0 loss_sum = 0 total_seen_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)] total_correct_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)] total_correct_vox = 0 total_seen_vox = 0 total_seen_class_vox = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)] total_correct_class_vox = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)] log_string(str( log_string('---- EPOCH %03d EVALUATION WHOLE SCENE----'%(EPOCH_CNT)) labelweights = np.zeros(21) labelweights_vox = np.zeros(21) is_continue_batch = False extra_batch_data = np.zeros((0,NUM_POINT,3)) extra_batch_label = np.zeros((0,NUM_POINT)) extra_batch_smpw = np.zeros((0,NUM_POINT)) for batch_idx in range(num_batches): if not is_continue_batch: batch_data, batch_label, batch_smpw = TEST_DATASET_WHOLE_SCENE[batch_idx] batch_data = np.concatenate((batch_data,extra_batch_data),axis=0) batch_label = np.concatenate((batch_label,extra_batch_label),axis=0) batch_smpw = np.concatenate((batch_smpw,extra_batch_smpw),axis=0) else: batch_data_tmp, batch_label_tmp, batch_smpw_tmp = TEST_DATASET_WHOLE_SCENE[batch_idx] batch_data = np.concatenate((batch_data,batch_data_tmp),axis=0) batch_label = np.concatenate((batch_label,batch_label_tmp),axis=0) batch_smpw = np.concatenate((batch_smpw,batch_smpw_tmp),axis=0) if batch_data.shape[0]<BATCH_SIZE: is_continue_batch = True continue elif batch_data.shape[0]==BATCH_SIZE: is_continue_batch = False extra_batch_data = np.zeros((0,NUM_POINT,3)) extra_batch_label = np.zeros((0,NUM_POINT)) extra_batch_smpw = np.zeros((0,NUM_POINT)) else: is_continue_batch = False extra_batch_data = batch_data[BATCH_SIZE:,:,:] extra_batch_label = batch_label[BATCH_SIZE:,:] extra_batch_smpw = batch_smpw[BATCH_SIZE:,:] batch_data = batch_data[:BATCH_SIZE,:,:] batch_label = batch_label[:BATCH_SIZE,:] batch_smpw = batch_smpw[:BATCH_SIZE,:] aug_data = batch_data feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: aug_data, ops['labels_pl']: batch_label, ops['smpws_pl']: batch_smpw, ops['is_training_pl']: is_training} summary, step, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'], ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict) test_writer.add_summary(summary, step) pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 2) # BxN correct = np.sum((pred_val == batch_label) & (batch_label>0) & (batch_smpw>0)) # evaluate only on 20 categories but not unknown total_correct += correct total_seen += np.sum((batch_label>0) & (batch_smpw>0)) loss_sum += loss_val tmp,_ = np.histogram(batch_label,range(22)) labelweights += tmp for l in range(NUM_CLASSES): total_seen_class[l] += np.sum((batch_label==l) & (batch_smpw>0)) total_correct_class[l] += np.sum((pred_val==l) & (batch_label==l) & (batch_smpw>0)) for b in range(batch_label.shape[0]): _, uvlabel, _ = pc_util.point_cloud_label_to_surface_voxel_label_fast(aug_data[b,batch_smpw[b,:]>0,:], np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(batch_label[b,batch_smpw[b,:]>0],1),np.expand_dims(pred_val[b,batch_smpw[b,:]>0],1)),axis=1), res=0.02) total_correct_vox += np.sum((uvlabel[:,0]==uvlabel[:,1])&(uvlabel[:,0]>0)) total_seen_vox += np.sum(uvlabel[:,0]>0) tmp,_ = np.histogram(uvlabel[:,0],range(22)) labelweights_vox += tmp for l in range(NUM_CLASSES): total_seen_class_vox[l] += np.sum(uvlabel[:,0]==l) total_correct_class_vox[l] += np.sum((uvlabel[:,0]==l) & (uvlabel[:,1]==l)) log_string('eval whole scene mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(num_batches))) log_string('eval whole scene point accuracy vox: %f'% (total_correct_vox / float(total_seen_vox))) log_string('eval whole scene point avg class acc vox: %f' % (np.mean(np.array(total_correct_class_vox[1:])/(np.array(total_seen_class_vox[1:],dtype=np.float)+1e-6)))) log_string('eval whole scene point accuracy: %f'% (total_correct / float(total_seen))) log_string('eval whole scene point avg class acc: %f' % (np.mean(np.array(total_correct_class[1:])/(np.array(total_seen_class[1:],dtype=np.float)+1e-6)))) labelweights = labelweights[1:].astype(np.float32)/np.sum(labelweights[1:].astype(np.float32)) labelweights_vox = labelweights_vox[1:].astype(np.float32)/np.sum(labelweights_vox[1:].astype(np.float32)) caliweights = np.array([0.388,0.357,0.038,0.033,0.017,0.02,0.016,0.025,0.002,0.002,0.002,0.007,0.006,0.022,0.004,0.0004,0.003,0.002,0.024,0.029]) caliacc = np.average(np.array(total_correct_class_vox[1:])/(np.array(total_seen_class_vox[1:],dtype=np.float)+1e-6),weights=caliweights) log_string('eval whole scene point calibrated average acc vox: %f' % caliacc) per_class_str = 'vox based --------' for l in range(1,NUM_CLASSES): per_class_str += 'class %d weight: %f, acc: %f; ' % (l,labelweights_vox[l-1],total_correct_class_vox[l]/float(total_seen_class_vox[l])) log_string(per_class_str) EPOCH_CNT += 1 return caliacc
def _create_save_name(save_path: str, case_date: date, field_names: list, fix: str = "") -> str: """Creates file name for saved images.""" date_string = case_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") return f"{save_path}{date_string}_{'_'.join(field_names)}{fix}.png"
def print_document(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """Don't print received document""" name, permission_to_print = user_info(update.message.from_user) if not permission_to_print: update.message.reply_text("You are not allowed to print, request permission with /start") return"Document received from {}".format(name)) update.message.reply_text("How about no. Print your own documents!")
def list_favorite_queries(): """List of all favorite queries. Returns (title, rows, headers, status)""" headers = ["Name", "Query"] rows = [(r, favoritequeries.get(r)) for r in favoritequeries.list()] if not rows: status = '\nNo favorite queries found.' + favoritequeries.usage else: status = '' return [('', rows, headers, status)]
def random_portfolio_weights(weights_count) -> np.array: """ Random portfolio weights, of length weights_count. """ weights = np.random.random((weights_count, 1)) weights /= np.sum(weights) return weights.reshape(-1, 1)
def matrix2list(mat): """Create list of lists from blender Matrix type.""" return list(map(list, list(mat)))
def convert_handle(handle): """ Takes string handle such as 1: or 10:1 and creates a binary number accepted by the kernel Traffic Control. """ if isinstance(handle, str): major, minor = handle.split(':') # "major:minor" minor = minor if minor else '0' return int(major, 16) << 16 | int(minor, 16) return handle
def list_canned_image_help(scripts_path, fullpath): """ List the help and params in the specified canned image. """ found = False with open(fullpath) as wks: for line in wks: if not found: idx = line.find("long-description:") if idx != -1: print() print(line[idx + len("long-description:"):].strip()) found = True continue if not line.strip(): break idx = line.find("#") if idx != -1: print(line[idx + len("#:"):].rstrip()) else: break
def index(request): """Display start page""" return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:index'))
async def check_data(user_input, hass, own_id=None): """Check validity of the provided date.""" ret = {} if(CONF_ICS_URL in user_input): try: cal_string = await async_load_data(hass, user_input[CONF_ICS_URL]) try: Calendar.from_ical(cal_string) except Exception: _LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) ret["base"] = ERROR_ICS return ret except Exception: _LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) ret["base"] = ERROR_URL return ret if(CONF_TIMEFORMAT in user_input): try:[CONF_TIMEFORMAT]) except Exception: _LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) ret["base"] = ERROR_TIMEFORMAT return ret if(CONF_ID in user_input): if(user_input[CONF_ID] < 0): _LOGGER.error("ICS: ID below zero") ret["base"] = ERROR_SMALL_ID return ret if(CONF_LOOKAHEAD in user_input): if(user_input[CONF_LOOKAHEAD] < 1): _LOGGER.error("ICS: Lookahead < 1") ret["base"] = ERROR_SMALL_LOOKAHEAD return ret if(CONF_ID in user_input): if((own_id != user_input[CONF_ID]) and (hass is not None)): if(async_generate_entity_id(ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, "ics_" + str(user_input[CONF_ID]), hass=hass) != PLATFORM + ".ics_" + str(user_input[CONF_ID])): _LOGGER.error("ICS: ID not unique") ret["base"] = ERROR_ID_NOT_UNIQUE return ret if(CONF_N_SKIP in user_input): if(user_input[CONF_N_SKIP] < 0): _LOGGER.error("ICS: Skip below zero") ret["base"] = ERROR_NEGATIVE_SKIP return ret return ret
def write_mllr(fout, Ws, Hs=None): """ Write out MLLR transformations of the means in the format that Sphinx3 understands. @param Ws: MLLR transformations of means, one per feature stream @ptype Ws: list(numpy.ndarray) @param Hs: MLLR transformations of variances, one per feature stream @ptype Hs: list(numpy.ndarray) @param fout: Filename or filehandle to write to. @ptype fout: string or file """ if isinstance(fout, file): fh = fout else: fh = file(fout, 'w') # One-class MLLR for now fh.write("%d\n" % 1) fh.write("%d\n" % len(Ws)) for i,W in enumerate(Ws): fh.write("%d\n" % W.shape[0]) # Write rotation and bias terms separately for w in W: for x in w[1:]: fh.write("%f " % x) fh.write("\n") for x in W[:,0]: fh.write("%f " % x) fh.write("\n") if Hs != None: for x in Hs[i]: fh.write("%f " % x) fh.write("\n") else: fh.write("1.0 " * W.shape[0]) fh.write("\n")
def run( uri, entry_point="main", version=None, parameters=None, docker_args=None, experiment_name=None, experiment_id=None, backend="local", backend_config=None, use_conda=None, storage_dir=None, synchronous=True, run_id=None, run_name=None, env_manager=None, ): """ Run an MLflow project. The project can be local or stored at a Git URI. MLflow provides built-in support for running projects locally or remotely on a Databricks or Kubernetes cluster. You can also run projects against other targets by installing an appropriate third-party plugin. See `Community Plugins <../plugins.html#community-plugins>`_ for more information. For information on using this method in chained workflows, see `Building Multistep Workflows <../projects.html#building-multistep-workflows>`_. :raises: :py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.ExecutionException` If a run launched in blocking mode is unsuccessful. :param uri: URI of project to run. A local filesystem path or a Git repository URI (e.g. pointing to a project directory containing an MLproject file. :param entry_point: Entry point to run within the project. If no entry point with the specified name is found, runs the project file ``entry_point`` as a script, using "python" to run ``.py`` files and the default shell (specified by environment variable ``$SHELL``) to run ``.sh`` files. :param version: For Git-based projects, either a commit hash or a branch name. :param parameters: Parameters (dictionary) for the entry point command. :param docker_args: Arguments (dictionary) for the docker command. :param experiment_name: Name of experiment under which to launch the run. :param experiment_id: ID of experiment under which to launch the run. :param backend: Execution backend for the run: MLflow provides built-in support for "local", "databricks", and "kubernetes" (experimental) backends. If running against Databricks, will run against a Databricks workspace determined as follows: if a Databricks tracking URI of the form ``databricks://profile`` has been set (e.g. by setting the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable), will run against the workspace specified by <profile>. Otherwise, runs against the workspace specified by the default Databricks CLI profile. :param backend_config: A dictionary, or a path to a JSON file (must end in '.json'), which will be passed as config to the backend. The exact content which should be provided is different for each execution backend and is documented at :param use_conda: This argument is deprecated. Use `env_manager='local'` instead. If True (the default), create a new Conda environment for the run and install project dependencies within that environment. Otherwise, run the project in the current environment without installing any project dependencies. :param storage_dir: Used only if ``backend`` is "local". MLflow downloads artifacts from distributed URIs passed to parameters of type ``path`` to subdirectories of ``storage_dir``. :param synchronous: Whether to block while waiting for a run to complete. Defaults to True. Note that if ``synchronous`` is False and ``backend`` is "local", this method will return, but the current process will block when exiting until the local run completes. If the current process is interrupted, any asynchronous runs launched via this method will be terminated. If ``synchronous`` is True and the run fails, the current process will error out as well. :param run_id: Note: this argument is used internally by the MLflow project APIs and should not be specified. If specified, the run ID will be used instead of creating a new run. :param run_name: The name to give the MLflow Run associated with the project execution. If ``None``, the MLflow Run name is left unset. :param env_manager: Specify an environment manager to create a new environment for the run and install project dependencies within that environment. The following values are suppported: - local: use the local environment - conda: use conda - virtualenv: use virtualenv (and pyenv for Python version management) If unspecified, default to conda. :return: :py:class:`mlflow.projects.SubmittedRun` exposing information (e.g. run ID) about the launched run. .. code-block:: python :caption: Example import mlflow project_uri = "" params = {"alpha": 0.5, "l1_ratio": 0.01} # Run MLflow project and create a reproducible conda environment # on a local host, parameters=params) .. code-block:: text :caption: Output ... ... Elasticnet model (alpha=0.500000, l1_ratio=0.010000): RMSE: 0.788347345611717 MAE: 0.6155576449938276 R2: 0.19729662005412607 ... mlflow.projects: === Run (ID '6a5109febe5e4a549461e149590d0a7c') succeeded === """ backend_config_dict = backend_config if backend_config is not None else {} if ( backend_config and type(backend_config) != dict and os.path.splitext(backend_config)[-1] == ".json" ): with open(backend_config, "r") as handle: try: backend_config_dict = json.load(handle) except ValueError: _logger.error( "Error when attempting to load and parse JSON cluster spec from file %s", backend_config, ) raise if use_conda is not None and env_manager is not None: raise MlflowException.invalid_parameter_value( "`use_conda` cannot be used with `env_manager`" ) elif use_conda is not None: warnings.warn( "`use_conda` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. " "Use `env_manager=local` instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) env_manager = _EnvManager.CONDA if use_conda else _EnvManager.LOCAL elif env_manager is not None: _EnvManager.validate(env_manager) if backend == "databricks": mlflow.projects.databricks.before_run_validations(mlflow.get_tracking_uri(), backend_config) elif backend == "local" and run_id is not None: backend_config_dict[MLFLOW_LOCAL_BACKEND_RUN_ID_CONFIG] = run_id experiment_id = _resolve_experiment_id( experiment_name=experiment_name, experiment_id=experiment_id ) submitted_run_obj = _run( uri=uri, experiment_id=experiment_id, entry_point=entry_point, version=version, parameters=parameters, docker_args=docker_args, backend_name=backend, backend_config=backend_config_dict, env_manager=env_manager, storage_dir=storage_dir, synchronous=synchronous, run_name=run_name, ) if synchronous: _wait_for(submitted_run_obj) return submitted_run_obj
def general_search_v2(params, sed_mod, lnprior, Alambda, sed_obs, sed_obs_err=0.1, vpi_obs=None, vpi_obs_err=None, Lvpi=1.0, Lprior=1.0, cost_order=2, av_llim=-0.001, debug=False): """ when p = [teff, logg, [M/H], Av, DM], theta = [teff, logg, [M/H]], given a set of SED, find the best theta and estimate the corresponding Av and DM """ n_band = len(sed_obs) n_mod = sed_mod.shape[0] # cope with scalar sed_obs_err if isinstance(sed_obs_err, np.float): sed_obs_err = np.ones_like(sed_obs, np.float) * sed_obs_err # select good bands ind_good_band = np.isfinite(sed_obs) & (sed_obs_err > 0) n_good_band = np.sum(ind_good_band) if n_good_band < 4: # n_good_band = 3: unique solution # so n_good_band should be at least 4 return [np.ones((4,), ) * np.nan for i in range(3)] # use a subset of bands sed_mod_select = sed_mod[:, ind_good_band] # observed SED sed_obs_select = sed_obs[ind_good_band] sed_obs_err_select = sed_obs_err[ind_good_band] # extinction coefs Alambda_select = Alambda[ind_good_band] # WLS to guess Av and DM av_est, dm_est = guess_avdm_wls( sed_mod_select, sed_obs_select, sed_obs_err_select, Alambda_select) # cost(SED) res_sed = sed_mod_select + av_est.reshape(-1, 1) * Alambda_select \ + dm_est.reshape(-1, 1) - sed_obs_select lnprob_sed = -0.5 * np.nansum( np.abs(res_sed / sed_obs_err_select) ** cost_order, axis=1) # cost(VPI) if vpi_obs is not None and vpi_obs_err is not None and Lvpi > 0: vpi_mod = 10 ** (2 - 0.2 * dm_est) lnprob_vpi = -0.5 * ((vpi_mod - vpi_obs) / vpi_obs_err) ** 2. else: lnprob_vpi = np.zeros((n_mod,), np.float) lnprob_vpi = np.where(np.isfinite(lnprob_vpi), lnprob_vpi, 0) * Lvpi # lnprob = cost(SED) + cost(VPI) + prior if Lprior > 0: lnprob_prior = lnprior * Lprior # posterior probability lnpost = lnprob_sed + lnprob_vpi + lnprob_prior # eliminate neg Av lnpost[av_est < av_llim] = -np.inf lnpost -= np.nanmax(lnpost) # for debugging the code if debug: return dict(params=params, av_est=av_est, dm_est=dm_est, lnprob_sed=lnprob_sed, lnprob_vpi=lnprob_vpi, lnprior=lnprior) # normalization post = np.exp(lnpost) L0 = np.sum(post) # weighted mean # ind_mle = np.argmax(lnpost) # av_mle = av_est[ind_mle] # dm_mle = dm_est[ind_mle] # p_mle = params[ind_mle] L1_av = np.sum(av_est * post) L1_dm = np.sum(dm_est * post) L1_p = np.sum(params * post.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) L2_av = np.sum(av_est ** 2 * post) L2_dm = np.sum(dm_est ** 2 * post) L2_p = np.sum(params ** 2 * post.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) sigma_av = np.sqrt(L2_av / L0 - L1_av ** 2 / L0 ** 2) sigma_dm = np.sqrt(L2_dm / L0 - L1_dm ** 2 / L0 ** 2) sigma_p = np.sqrt(L2_p / L0 - L1_p ** 2 / L0 ** 2) # MLE model ind_mle = np.argmax(lnprob_sed + lnprob_vpi) av_mle = av_est[ind_mle] dm_mle = dm_est[ind_mle] p_mle = params[ind_mle] p_mle = np.hstack([p_mle, av_mle, dm_mle]) p_mean = np.hstack([L1_p/L0, L1_av/L0, L1_dm/L0]) p_err = np.hstack([sigma_p, sigma_av, sigma_dm]) rms_sed_mle = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(res_sed[ind_mle] ** 2.)) rms_sed_min = np.min(np.sqrt(np.nanmean(res_sed ** 2., axis=1))) return dict(p_mle=p_mle, p_mean=p_mean, p_err=p_err, rmsmle=rms_sed_mle, rmsmin=rms_sed_min, ind_mle=ind_mle, n_good=np.sum(ind_good_band))
def test_bigquery_value_check_missing_param(kwargs, expected): """Assert the exception if require param not pass to BigQueryValueCheckOperatorAsync operator""" with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as missing_param: BigQueryValueCheckOperatorAsync(**kwargs) assert missing_param.value.args[0] == expected
def demangle_backtrace(backtrace): """ Returns a demangled backtrace. Args: * backtrace, a backtrace to demangle """ new_bt = [] frame_regex = re.compile(FRAME_PATTERN) lines = backtrace.splitlines() for line in lines: frame = frame_regex.match(line) if frame: func = # A frame with missing symbols is a special case, so skip it if func == '???': new_bt.append(line) continue # FIXME: this logic will break once the crash probe starts sending # function argument values; make this more generic! if func[-2:] == '()': # The crash probe adds the () to the function name, but c++filt # cannot demangle a symbol with the () suffix func_name = func[:-2] else: # Assume already demangled, or this is from a kernel crash record new_bt.append(line) continue try: new_func = cxxfilt.demangle(func_name) except cxxfilt.InvalidName: new_bt.append(line) continue # c++filt adds a trailing newline to the output new_func = new_func.rstrip() # Restore () if this was not a mangled symbol if new_func == func_name: new_func = func_name + '()' repl_str = r'\1{}\3'.format(new_func) new_line = frame_regex.sub(repl_str, line) new_bt.append(new_line) else: new_bt.append(line) return '\n'.join(new_bt)
def _subproc_worker(pipe, parent_pipe, env_fn_wrapper, obs_bufs, ids_avail_vals, obs_shapes, obs_dtypes, keys): """ Control a single environment instance using IPC and shared memory. """ env = env_fn_wrapper.x() agent_ids = env.all_possible_agent_ids parent_pipe.close() def _write_obs(dict_obs): obs_agent_ids = dict_obs.keys for agent_id in agent_ids: if agent_id in obs_agent_ids: ids_avail_vals[agent_id].value = True for k in keys: dst = obs_bufs[agent_id][k].get_obj() dst_np = np.frombuffer(dst, dtype=obs_dtypes[k]).reshape(obs_shapes[k]) # pylint: disable=W0212 np.copyto(dst_np, dict_obs[agent_id][k]) else: ids_avail_vals[agent_id].value = False try: while True: cmd, data = pipe.recv() if cmd == 'reset': pipe.send(_write_obs(env.reset())) elif cmd == 'step': obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step(data) pipe.send((_write_obs(obs), rewards, dones, infos)) elif cmd == 'close': pipe.send(None) break else: raise RuntimeError('Got unrecognized cmd %s' % cmd) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('ShmemVecEnv worker: got KeyboardInterrupt') finally: env.close()
def resource_path(base_path, rel_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ import sys # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS return os.path.join(getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', base_path), rel_path)
def legendre(N, x): """ Returns the value of Legendre Polynomial P_N(x) at position x[-1, 1]. """ P = np.zeros(2 * N) if N == 0: P[0] = 1 elif N == 1: P[1] = x else: P[0] = 1 P[1] = x for i in range(2, N + 1): P[i] = (1.0 / float(i)) * ((2 * i - 1) * x * P[i - 1] - (i - 1) * P[i - 2]) return(P[N])
def updateFile(path, value): """ Replaces the contents of the file at the given path with the given value. :param path: The file path of the file to overwrite. :type path: string_types :param value: The string to overwrite the file with. :type value: string_types """ serializeDate = lambda dtOrStr: dtOrStr.strftime(dtFormatStr) if isinstance(dtOrStr, datetime) else None with open(path, mode=u"w", encoding=u"utf-8") as openFile: # To update a file openFile.write(dumps(value, indent=4, default=serializeDate, ensure_ascii=False)) # The default function allows it to dump datetime objects.
def skip_any_whitespace(doc, idx): """Iterate through characters in ``doc`` starting from index ``idx`` until a non-whitespace character is reached. This iteration will also attempt to ignore comments. Args: doc (str): The JSPEC document. idx (int): The starting index for the iterator. Returns: str: The first non-whitespace character, starting at index ``idx`` int: The index of this character in ``doc`` Raises: JSPECDecodeError: Raised if an unterminated comment is detected. """ nextchar = doc[idx:idx + 1] if nextchar not in WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS: return nextchar, idx while True: idx = WHITESPACE_MATCH(doc, idx).end() if doc[idx:idx + 2] == '//': idx = COMMENT_MATCH(doc, idx).end() continue if doc[idx:idx + 2] != '/*': break m = MULTILINE_COMMENT_MATCH(doc, idx) if m is None: raise JSPECDecodeError("Unterminated comment", doc, idx) idx = m.end() nextchar = doc[idx:idx + 1] return nextchar, idx
def normalized_cross_correlation(f, g): """ Normalized cross-correlation of f and g. Normalize the subimage of f and the template g at each step before computing the weighted sum of the two. Hint: you should look up useful numpy functions online for calculating the mean and standard deviation. Args: f: numpy array of shape (Hf, Wf). g: numpy array of shape (Hg, Wg). Returns: out: numpy array of shape (Hf, Wf). """ Hf, Wf = f.shape Hg, Wg = g.shape if Hg%2 == 0: Hg = Hg-1 if Wg%2 == 0: Wg = Wg-1 g = g[:Hg,:Wg] g_mean = np.mean(g) g_std = np.std(g) filter_vector = g.reshape([1,Hg*Wg]) normalized_filter_vec = (g.reshape([1,Hg*Wg]) - g_mean)/g_std out = np.zeros((Hf, Wf)) ### YOUR CODE HERE pad_height,pad_width = int((Hg-1)/2),int((Wg-1)/2) im_padded = zero_pad(f, pad_height, pad_width) for i in range(Hf): for j in range(Wf): patch_vector = im_padded[i:i+Hg,j:j+Wg].reshape([Hg*Wg,1]) patch_mean = np.mean(patch_vector) patch_std = np.std(patch_vector) normalized_patch_vec = (patch_vector - patch_mean)/patch_std out[i,j] =,normalized_patch_vec) ### END YOUR CODE return out
def sphere_coordinates(sphere, inversion=False): """ Compute spherical coordinates (longitude, latitude) on a sphere. Parameters ---------- sphere: (AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID) a sphere mesh: vertices must be on a sphere with center 0. inversion: bool if True, the longitude coord is inverted (useful for right hemisphere) Return ------ (longitude, latitude): tuple, each element being a TimeTexture_FLOAT """ # a vector of vertices where each vertex is a 3D point # with coordinates in millimeters if isinstance(sphere, (aims.AimsTimeSurface_3_VOID, aims.AimsTimeSurface_2_VOID, aims.AimsTimeSurface_4_VOID)): vert = sphere.vertex() nvert = numpy.asarray(vert) else: nvert = numpy.asarray(sphere) ######################################################################### # A latitude texture # ######################################################################### radius = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(nvert[:, 0]) + numpy.square(nvert[:, 1])) sphere_lat = numpy.arctan2(radius, nvert[:, 2]) sphere_lat = -sphere_lat * 180. / numpy.pi + 180. slat_tex = aims.TimeTexture(sphere_lat.astype(numpy.float32)) ######################################################################### # A longitude texture # ######################################################################### sphere_lon = numpy.arctan2(nvert[:, 1], nvert[:, 0]) sphere_lon *= 180. / numpy.pi sphere_lon += 180 print('inversion: ', inversion) if inversion == "True": print("there is an inversion", inversion) sphere_lon = 360 - sphere_lon slon_tex = aims.TimeTexture(sphere_lon.astype(numpy.float32)) return slon_tex, slat_tex
def example_parameter_sets() -> Dict[str, ExampleParameterSet]: """Lists the available example parameter sets. They can be downloaded with :py:func:`~download_example_parameter_sets`.""" # TODO how to add a new model docs should be updated with this part examples = chain( _wflow.example_parameter_sets(), _pcrglobwb.example_parameter_sets(), _lisflood.example_parameter_sets(), ) return { e for e in examples}
def get_height(img): """ Returns the number of rows in the image """ return len(img)
def save_channels_data(data_frame, prefix, project): """Save channels displacement data to local cache Saves data inside the one_params CACHE DIR. Parameters ---------- data_frame : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing data to save. prefix : str Specify the PREFIX for the title to save CSV. CSV will be titled '<prefix>_probe_channels.csv'. Recommend to use the trajectory insertion x,y coords in µm as prefix. e.g. '-2243_-2000' for repeated site. project : str Project that trajectories are gathered from. Returns ------- None. """ from pathlib import Path from one.api import ONE one = ONE() # get alyx parameters from local system par = one.alyx._par.as_dict() # define the sub-path within the CACHE DIR CHANNELS_DATA_REL_PATH = Path('histology', 'probe_data', prefix+'_'+project+'_channels_data.csv') # define full path - CACHE_DIR plus sub path path_channels_data = Path(par['CACHE_DIR']).joinpath(CHANNELS_DATA_REL_PATH) path_channels_data.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) print("Written parent DIR: ", path_channels_data.parent) data_frame.to_csv( str(path_channels_data) ) print("Written CSV file: ", path_channels_data)
def wpt_ask_for_name_and_coords(): """asks for name and coordinates of waypoint that should be created""" name = input("Gib den Namen des Wegpunkts ein: ") print("Gib die Koordinaten ein (Format: X XX°XX.XXX, X XXX°XX.XXX)") coordstr = input(">> ") return name, coordstr
def car_following_with_adp(distance_2_tan, radian_at_tan, distance_integral, K, estimated_dis, rec): """ Control with `distance_2_tan`, `radian_at_tan` and `distance_integral` with `K` trained from the ADP algorithm. While following the car in front of it with a simple P controller and `distance_2_car`. """ state = np.array([distance_2_tan, radian_at_tan, distance_integral]) MID_K = 1.5 diff = estimated_dis - 70 # try to stay 70cm away from the previous car pwm_mid = 60 if diff < -40: return 0, 0 elif diff >= 60: pwm_mid = 60 else: pwm_mid = np.clip(45.0 + MID_K * diff, 30, 60) print('distance:', estimated_dis, 'diff:', diff, 'mid:', pwm_mid) rec.append([estimated_dis, pwm_mid, distance_2_tan, radian_at_tan, distance_integral]) differential_drive = np.clip(-np.matmul(K, state), -100.0, 100.0) pwm_l_new = np.clip(pwm_mid - differential_drive / 2, 0, 100) pwm_r_new = np.clip(pwm_mid + differential_drive / 2, 0, 100) return pwm_l_new, pwm_r_new
def registerFactoryAdapter(for_, klass): """register the basic FactoryAdapter for a given interface and class""" name = getIfName(for_) class temp(FactoryAdapter): factory = klass zope.component.provideAdapter(temp, name=name)
def setup_sdk_imports(): """Sets up appengine SDK third-party imports.""" if six.PY3: return sdk_path = os.environ.get('GAE_SDK_PATH') if not sdk_path: return if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sdk_path, 'google_appengine')): sdk_path = os.path.join(sdk_path, 'google_appengine') if 'google' in sys.modules: sys.modules['google'].__path__.append( os.path.join(sdk_path, 'google')) # This sets up libraries packaged with the SDK, but puts them last in # sys.path to prevent clobbering newer versions sys.path.append(sdk_path) import dev_appserver sys.path.extend(dev_appserver.EXTRA_PATHS) # Fixes timezone and other os-level items. import (
def construct_full_available(cards, suits): """ Construct suit availability grid - a list of available suits for each rank slot in each player's deck. Returns grid and array giving the the total number of available suits for each slot. """ num_players, num_in_deck = cards.shape num_available = np.ones(cards.shape)*np.nan # will store the number of possible cards that can fill each deck slot available = [] # will store the suits that can fill each deck slot for player in range(num_players): avail_for_player = [] # holds sublists of available suits for this player for each rank for rank in np.arange(num_in_deck): # iterate over card ranks a = get_available(cards, suits, player, rank) # list suits availed to this player at this rank (can be empty) avail_for_player.append(a) num_available[player, rank] = len(a) available.append(avail_for_player) return num_available, available
def combine_csvs(csv_paths:list, output_path:str): """ Function to combine csvs (also remove duplicates) and save as a csv Args: csv_paths: list of str the list of paths to csvs to be combined output_path: str Path to save combined csv in Returns: None """ list_dfs = [] for path in csv_paths: df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t', dtype={'place':str}, error_bad_lines=False) list_dfs.append(df) combined_df = pd.concat(list_dfs, ignore_index=True) combined_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['id', 'tweet'], inplace=True, ignore_index=True) combined_df.to_csv(output_path, sep='\t', index=False)
def get_commands_blacklist() -> list: """ Get commands from `features.yml` to blacklist, preventing them from being added to the bot :returns: list """"Getting commands blacklist...") cmds = [] if osp.isfile(features_path): with open(features_path, 'r') as file: data = yaml.full_load(file) if not "commands" in data: log.warn("Commands blacklist object not found in features.yml file") return list() # Return empty list commands = data["commands"] if not commands or len(commands) == 0: log.debug("Empty blacklist commands data, returning...") return list() # Return empty list for c in commands: c_name = c["command"] e_enabled = c["enabled"] if "enabled" in c else True if not e_enabled: cmds.append(c_name) log.debug(f"Command Found | Blacklist | {c_name}")"Found *{len(cmds)}* commands to blacklist.") return cmds
def fit_gaussians(estimated_hapcov, chromosomes=None, output_dir=None, cov_max=None, cov_min=None, level=0, cov_sample=None): """ Fits a 7-component Gaussian mixture model to the coverage distribution of the sample, using the appropriate attributes of the PloidyEstimation object. The center of the first Gaussian is initialized from a narrow region around the value of the estimated_hapcov attribute. The centers of the other Gaussians are initialized in a region around the value of estimated_hapcov multiplied by consecutive whole numbers. The parameters of the fitted model (center, sigma and weight) for all seven Gaussians are both saved to the GaussDistParams.pkl file (in output_dir, for later reuse) and set as the value of the distribution_dict attribute. :param cov_sample: a sample of the coverage distribution of the investigated sample, if None, it is loaded from the temporary files of the output_dir (default: None) (array-like) :param cov_min: the maximum value of the coverage for a position to be considered in the estimation (default: None) (int) :param output_dir: the path to the output directory of the PloidyEstimator object, where temporary files are located. If not None, distribution parameters are saved there as GaussDistParams.pkl. (default: None) (str) :param chromosomes: list of chromosomes for the sample (default: None) (array-like) :param estimated_hapcov: the estimated value for the haploid coverage, used as prior (float) :param level: the level of indentation used in verbose output (default: 0) (int) :returns: dictionary containing the fitted parameters of the 7 Gaussians """ def get_samples(coverage_distribution, estimated_haploid_cov, number_of_iterations, burn_period): K = 7 halfwidth_of_uniform = 0.2 __gc.collect() model = __pm.Model() with model: p = __pm.Dirichlet('p', a=__np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), shape=K) c1 = __pm.Uniform('c1', (1 - halfwidth_of_uniform) * estimated_haploid_cov, (1 + halfwidth_of_uniform) * estimated_haploid_cov) means = __tt.stack([c1, c1 * 2, c1 * 3, c1 * 4, c1 * 5, c1 * 6, c1 * 7]) order_means_potential = __pm.Potential('order_means_potential', __tt.switch(means[1] - means[0] < 0, -__np.inf, 0) + __tt.switch(means[2] - means[1] < 0, -__np.inf, 0)) sds = __pm.Uniform('sds', lower=0, upper=estimated_haploid_cov / 2, shape=K) category = __pm.Categorical('category', p=p, shape=len(coverage_distribution)) points = __pm.Normal('obs', mu=means[category], sd=sds[category], observed=coverage_distribution) with model: step1 = __pm.Metropolis(vars=[p, sds, means]) step2 = __pm.ElemwiseCategorical(vars=[category], values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) __logging.getLogger("pymc3").setLevel(__logging.WARNING) tr = __pm.sample(draw=number_of_iterations-burn_period, tune=burn_period, step=[step1, step2], progressbar=False, verbose=0, compute_convergence_checks=False) # trace = tr[burn_period:] # return trace return tr if cov_sample is None: cov_sample = io.get_coverage_distribution(chromosomes=chromosomes, output_dir=output_dir, cov_max=cov_max, cov_min=cov_min) iterations2 = 15000 burn_beginning2 = 10000 # logger = __logging.getLogger("pymc3") # logger.propagate = False trace2 = get_samples(coverage_distribution=cov_sample, estimated_haploid_cov=estimated_hapcov, number_of_iterations=iterations2, burn_period=burn_beginning2) std_trace = trace2.get_values('sds', chains=[0]) p_trace = trace2.get_values('p', chains=[0]) sigma = std_trace.mean(axis=0) p = p_trace.mean(axis=0) mu = __np.array([trace2.get_values('c1', chains=[0]).mean() * (i + 1) for i in range(7)]) prior_dict = {'mu': mu, 'sigma': sigma, 'p': p} del trace2 if output_dir: io.save_obj(prior_dict, output_dir + '/GaussDistParams') return prior_dict
def remove_outliers(cords, eps: int = 1, min_samples: int = 2): """ Remove outlying cells based on UMAP embeddings with DBScan (density based clustering) Call as: sub.obs["d_cluster"] = remove_outliers(sub.obsm["X_umap"], min_samples = 10) Args: cords: adata UMAP coordinates, typically adata.obsm["X_umap"] eps: Maximum distance between two clusters to still be considered neighbors min_samples: Minimum samples of a cluster Returns: Pandas DataFrame of clusters """ from natsort import natsorted from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN clustering = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(cords) cluster = clustering.labels_.astype("U") return pd.Categorical(cluster, categories=natsorted(np.unique(cluster)))
def sum_squares(n): """ Returns: sum of squares from 1 to n-1 Example: sum_squares(5) is 1+4+9+16 = 30 Parameter n: The number of steps Precondition: n is an int > 0 """ # Accumulator total = 0 for x in range(n): total = total + x*x return total
def load_election_dates(): """ This is from before we had direct access to election data and needed it, we are still using the data from a csv, to populate the ElectionClassDate model. """'Loading election dates...') import pandas as pd frame = pd.read_excel('data/election_dates.xlsx') frame.columns = [column.lower() for column in frame.columns] load_table( frame, 'ofec_election_dates', indexes=('office', 'state', 'district', 'election_yr', 'senate_class'), )'Finished loading election dates.')
def resolve_attribute(thing, name): """ A replacement resolver function for looking up symbols as members of *thing*. This is effectively the same as ````. The *thing* object can be a :py:func:`~collections.namedtuple`, a custom Python class or any other object. Each of the members of *thing* must be of a compatible data type. .. warning:: This effectively exposes all members of *thing*. If any members are sensitive, then a custom resolver should be used that checks *name* against a whitelist of attributes that are allowed to be accessed. :param thing: The object on which the *name* attribute will be accessed. :param str name: The symbol name that is being resolved. :return: The value for the corresponding attribute *name*. """ if not hasattr(thing, name): raise errors.SymbolResolutionError(name, thing=thing) return getattr(thing, name)
async def test_form_user_already_configured(hass): """Test we abort if already configured.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, data={CONF_HOST: "", CONF_PORT: 12, CONF_SYSTEM_ID: 46}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["errors"] == {} with patch( "homeassistant.components.somfy_mylink.config_flow.SomfyMyLinkSynergy.status_info", return_value={"any": "data"}, ), patch( "homeassistant.components.somfy_mylink.async_setup_entry", return_value=True, ) as mock_setup_entry: result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], { CONF_HOST: "", CONF_PORT: 1234, CONF_SYSTEM_ID: "456", }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert result2["type"] == "abort" assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 0
def moment_fluxes(indices, wts_left, wts_right, xi_left, xi_right): """ Computes moment fluxes inputs: ------- num_nodes: number of quadrature nodes, depends on inversion algorithm indices: moment indices, size [ num_moments, num_internal_coords ] wts_left: weights on the left side, size [ num_nodes ] wts_right: weights on the right side, size [ num_nodes ] xi_left: abscissas on the left side, size [ num_internal_coords, num_nodes ] xi_right: abscissas on the right side, size [ num_internal_corods, num_nodes ] """ num_moments = len(indices) num_coords, num_nodes = xi_left.shape flux = np.zeros(num_moments) for i_moment in range(num_moments): for i_node in range(num_nodes): # compute local fluxes flux_left = local_flux( wts_left[i_node], xi_left[:, i_node], indices[i_moment, :] ) flux_right = local_flux( wts_right[i_node], xi_right[:, i_node], indices[i_moment, :] ) # limiter (?) flux_left = flux_left * max(xi_left[0, i_node], 0.0) flux_right = flux_right * min(xi_right[0, i_node], 0.0) # quadrature flux[i_moment] += flux_left + flux_right return flux
def main_app(): """ Initializes and handles PySimpleGUI Frames and Windows """ sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0, 0)) progressbar = [[sg.ProgressBar(100, orientation='h', size=(31, 10), key='progressbar')]] textWaiting = [[sg.Text('STATUS: NONE', font=('Helvetica', 10), size=(20, 1), justification='center', key='textWaiting')]] layout = [ [sg.Button("Click here to Type the Clipboard"), sg.Text(' | '), sg.Frame('', layout=textWaiting)], [sg.Frame('Progress', layout=progressbar), sg.Button('EXIT', size=(3, 1), font=('Helvetica', 8), button_color=('white', 'firebrick3'))]] # location=[960, 1004], window = sg.Window( title="Type Clipboard", layout=layout, margins=(25,10), no_titlebar=True, keep_on_top=True, grab_anywhere=True, finalize=True ) progress_bar = window['progressbar'] textWaiting = window['textWaiting'] # Create an event loop while True: event, values = if event == "Click here to Type the Clipboard": textWaiting.update("STATUS: HOLD") clipboard_to_keystrokes(progress_bar, textWaiting) textWaiting.update("STATUS: OK") elif event == "EXIT" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break window.close()
def get_args(): """Get the command-line arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Emulate wc (word count)', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('file', help='Input file(s)', metavar='FILE', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('rt'), default=[sys.stdin]) return parser.parse_args()
def froc_curve_per_side(df_gt, df_pred, thresholds, verbose, cases="all"): """ Compute FROC curve per side/breast. All lesions in a breast are considered TP if any lesion in that breast is detected. """ assert cases in ["all", "cancer", "benign"] if not cases == "all": df_exclude = df_gt[~(df_gt["Class"] == cases)] df_gt = df_gt[df_gt["Class"] == cases] df_pred = df_pred[~(df_pred["StudyUID"].isin(set(df_exclude["StudyUID"])))] df_gt["Side"] = df_gt["View"].astype(str).str[0] df_pred["Side"] = df_pred["View"].astype(str).str[0] total_volumes = len(df_pred.drop_duplicates(subset=["StudyUID", "View"])) total_tps = len(df_gt.drop_duplicates(subset=["PatientID", "Side"])) tpr = [] fps = [] if verbose: print("{} cases FROC:".format(cases.upper())) for th in sorted(thresholds, reverse=True): df_th = df_pred[df_pred["Score"] >= th] df_th_unique_tp = df_th.drop_duplicates(subset=["PatientID", "Side", "TP"]) num_tps_th = float(sum(df_th_unique_tp["TP"])) tpr_th = num_tps_th / total_tps num_fps_th = float(len(df_th[df_th["TP"] == 0])) fps_th = num_fps_th / total_volumes tpr.append(tpr_th) fps.append(fps_th) if verbose: print( "Sensitivity {0:.2f} at {1:.2f} FPs/volume (threshold: {2:.4f})".format( tpr_th * 100, fps_th, th ) ) return tpr, fps
def make_lists(*args, **kwargs): """ The make_lists function attaches auxiliary things to an input key_list of (normally) AD objects. Each key gets exactly one auxiliary thing from each other list -- these lists can be as long as the key_list, or have only one item in (in which case they don't have to be lists at all). Parameters ---------- args: lists of str/AD (or single str/AD) key_list and auxiliary things to be matched to each AD kwargs["force_ad"]: bool coerce strings into AD objects? Returns ------- tuple of lists the lists made from the keys and values """ log = logutils.get_logger(__name__) force_ad = kwargs.pop("force_ad", False) if kwargs: raise TypeError("make_lists() got unexpected keyword arguments " "{}".format(kwargs.keys())) ret_value = [arg if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)) else [arg] for arg in args] # We allow only one value that can be assigned to multiple keys len_list = len(ret_value[0]) if len_list > 1: for i in range(1, len(ret_value)): if len(ret_value[i]) == 1: ret_value[i] *= len_list if force_ad: # We only want to open as many AD objects as there are unique entries, # so collapse all items in lists to a set and multiple keys with the # same value will be assigned references to the same open AD object ad_map_dict = {} for x in set(itertools.chain(*ret_value)): try: ad_map_dict.update({x: x if isinstance(x, astrodata.AstroData) or x is None else}) except: ad_map_dict.update({x: None}) log.warning(f"Cannot open file {x}") ret_value = [[ad_map_dict[x] for x in List] for List in ret_value] return ret_value
def current(): """Prints the current configuration """ yaml.register_class(profile.ProfileData) #yaml.register_class(dict) builder_data.register_classes(yaml) data = { 'profile': profile.get(), 'builder': { 'filepath': builder_data.get_storage_filepath(), #'data': builder_data.get() } } yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
def get_free_comment_url_ajax(content_object, parent=None, ajax_type='json'): """ Given an object and an optional parent, this tag gets the URL to POST to for the creation of new ``FreeThreadedComment`` objects. It returns the latest created object in the AJAX form of the user's choosing (json or xml). """ kwargs = get_contenttype_kwargs(content_object) kwargs.update({'ajax' : ajax_type}) if parent: if not isinstance(parent, FreeThreadedComment): raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "get_free_comment_url_ajax requires its parent object to be of type FreeThreadedComment" kwargs.update({'parent_id' : getattr(parent, 'pk', getattr(parent, 'id'))}) return reverse('tc_free_comment_parent_ajax', kwargs=kwargs) else: return reverse('tc_free_comment_ajax', kwargs=kwargs)
def getDefensivePacts(playerOrID, askingPlayerOrID): """ Returns a list of CyPlayers who have a Defensive Pact with playerOrID. The askingPlayerOrID is used to limit the list to players they have met. """ pacts = [] askedPlayer, askedTeam = getPlayerAndTeam(playerOrID) askingPlayer, askingTeam = getPlayerAndTeam(askingPlayerOrID) for player in players(alive=True, barbarian=False, minor=False): if (askedPlayer.getTeam() != player.getTeam() and (askingTeam.isHasMet(player.getTeam()) or gc.getGame().isDebugMode())): if askedTeam.isDefensivePact(player.getTeam()): pacts.append(player) return pacts
def test_tensor_has_basic_operations(free_alg): """Test some of the basic operations on tensors. Tested in this module: 1. Addition. 2. Merge. 3. Free variable. 4. Dummy reset. 5. Equality comparison. 6. Expansion 7. Mapping to scalars. 8. Base presence testing. """ dr = free_alg p = dr.names i, j, k, l, m = p.R_dumms[:5] x = IndexedBase('x') r = p.R v = p.v tensor = ( dr.sum((l, r), x[i, l] * v[l]) + dr.sum((m, r), x[j, m] * v[m]) ) # Without dummy resetting, they cannot be merged. assert tensor.n_terms == 2 assert tensor.merge().n_terms == 2 # Free variables are important for dummy resetting. free_vars = tensor.free_vars assert free_vars == {x.label, i, j} # Reset dummy. reset = tensor.reset_dumms() expected = ( dr.sum((k, r), x[i, k] * v[k]) + dr.sum((k, r), x[j, k] * v[k]) ) assert reset == expected assert reset.local_terms == expected.local_terms # Merge the terms. merged = reset.merge() assert merged.n_terms == 1 term = merged.local_terms[0] assert term == Term(((k, r),), x[i, k] + x[j, k], (v[k],)) # Slightly separate test for expansion. c, d = symbols('c d') tensor = dr.sum((i, r), x[i] * (c + d) * v[i]) assert tensor.n_terms == 1 expanded = tensor.expand() assert expanded.n_terms == 2 # Make sure shallow expansion does not delve into the tree. shallowly_expanded = tensor.shallow_expand() assert shallowly_expanded.n_terms == 1 # Make sure shallow expansion does the job on the top-level. y = IndexedBase('y') tensor = dr.sum((i, r), (x[i] * (c + d) + y[i]) * v[i]) assert tensor.n_terms == 1 expanded = tensor.expand() assert expanded.n_terms == 3 shallowly_expanded = tensor.shallow_expand() assert shallowly_expanded.n_terms == 2 # Here we also test concrete summation facility. expected = dr.sum( (i, r), (j, [c, d]), x[i] * j * v[i] ) assert expected == dr.sum( (i, r), x[i] * c * v[i] + x[i] * d * v[i] ).expand() # Test mapping to scalars. tensor = dr.sum((i, r), x[i] * v[i, j]) y = IndexedBase('y') substs = {x: y, j: c} res = tensor.map2scalars(lambda x: x.xreplace(substs)) assert res == dr.sum((i, r), y[i] * v[i, c]) res = tensor.map2scalars(lambda x: x.xreplace(substs), skip_vecs=True) assert res == dr.sum((i, r), y[i] * v[i, j]) assert res == tensor.map2amps(lambda x: x.xreplace(substs)) # Test base presence. tensor = dr.einst(x[i] * v[i]) assert tensor.has_base(x) assert tensor.has_base(v) assert not tensor.has_base(IndexedBase('y')) assert not tensor.has_base(Vec('w')) # Test Einstein summation over multiple ranges. a1, a2 = p.a1, p.a2 summand = x[a1, a2] * v[a1, a2] res = dr.einst(summand).simplify() assert res.n_terms == 4 ranges = (p.R, p.S) assert res == dr.sum((a1, ranges), (a2, ranges), summand).simplify()
def cosine_score(vector1, vector2): """Calculate cosine cosine score between two spectral vectors.""" return, vector2)/np.sqrt(, vector1),, vector2)))
def fixture_times() -> Problem[int]: """Generate a problem which tests a times function.""" @test_case(4, 6) @test_case(-2, 16) @test_case(2, -3, aga_hidden=True, aga_output=-6) @problem() def times(x: int, y: int) -> int: """Compute x * y.""" return x * y return times
def get_axis_bounds(ax=None): """Obtain bounds of axis in format compatible with ipyleaflet Returns: bounds np.array with lat and lon bounds. bounds.tolist() gives [[s, w],[n, e]] """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() return np.array([ax.get_ylim(), ax.get_xlim()]).T
def test_log_command_error(fixed_time, tmpdir): """Test the --log option logs when command fails.""" cmd = FakeCommand(error=True) log_path = tmpdir.joinpath("log") cmd.main(["fake", "--log", log_path]) with open(log_path) as f: assert"2019-01-17T06:00:37,040 fake")
def get_pymatgen_structure(cell:tuple) -> Structure: """ Get pymatgen structure from cell. Args: cell: Cell (lattice, scaled_positions, symbols). """ return Structure(lattice=cell[0], coords=cell[1], species=cell[2])
def test_run_command_no_output(): """Test run a command without output""" # GIVEN a command that returns no output cmd = ["cd", "./"] # WHEN running it with execute command res = execute_command(cmd) # THEN assert that the empty string is returned assert res == ""
def lambda_handler(event, context): """ launch the function Stop_Instances() in the lambda function Handler for the Lambda function "lambda_function.lambda_handler" Timeout need to be more than 1 minute, so that our function can run perfectly if you have an important number of instances to be shutdown, change the parameter of timeout """ Stop_Instances()
def get_next_event(event_id: int): """Returns the next event from the selected one. This route may fail if the event is not repeated, or if the event is too far ahead in time (to avoid over-generation of events). """ # TODO(funkysayu): Implement the user visibility limit. # Check if we already created the event. maybe_created = Event.query.filter_by(parent_id=event_id).one_or_none() if maybe_created is not None: return jsonify(maybe_created.to_dict()) event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).one_or_none() if event is None: return jsonify(error='Event %r not found' % event_id), 404 try: next_event = event.create_next_event() except ValueError: return jsonify( error='Cannot create the next occurrence of a non-repeated event.'), 412 # Ensure we have an event generation limit. if - > MAX_TIMEDELTA_EVENT_GENERATION: return jsonify( error='Event is over the maximum generation period', max_period=MAX_TIMEDELTA_EVENT_GENERATION), 400 db.session.add(next_event) db.session.commit() return jsonify(next_event.to_dict())
def conditional_samples(x_3, x_prime_3, MC_method, M): """Generate mixed sample sets of interest distributed accroding to a conditional PDF. Parameters ---------- x_3 : np.ndarray Array with shape (n_draws, 3). x_prime : np.ndarray Array with shape (n_draws, 3). MC_method : string Specify the Monte Carlo estimator. One of ["brute force", "DLR"], where "DLR" denotes to the double loop reordering approach. M : int The number of conditional bins to genetate if `MC_method` is "DLR". Returns ------- x_mix : np.ndarray Mixed sample sets. Shape has the form (n_draws, 3, n_draws, 3). """ n_draws, n_params = x_3.shape if MC_method == "Brute force": x_3_mix = np.zeros((n_draws, n_params, n_draws, n_params)) for i in range(n_params): for j in range(n_draws): x_3_mix[j, i] = x_3 x_3_mix[j, i, :, i] = x_prime_3[j, i] if MC_method == "DLR": conditional_bin = x_3[:M] x_3_mix = np.zeros((M, n_params, n_draws, n_params)) # subdivide unconditional samples into M eaually bins, # within each bin x_i being fixed. for i in range(n_params): for j in range(M): x_3_mix[j, i] = x_3 x_3_mix[j, i, :, i] = conditional_bin[j, i] return x_3_mix
def logcmd(message): """ Logs command out of message in a file. """ if not path.isdir("SAVES"): os.mkdir("SAVES") with open("SAVES/cmdlog.txt", "a") as fw: time = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) fw.write("[%s] [%s (%s)] [%s (%s)] '%s'\n" % (time,,,,, message.content))
def recombine(geno_matrix, chr_index, no_loci): #, no_samples): """ Recombine at randomly generated breakpoints. """ recomb = {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 3} # '0|1' <-> '1|0' no_samples = geno_matrix.shape[0] #print(no_samples) masked, bp_list = designate_breakpoints(chr_index, no_loci, no_samples) #masked, bp_list = designate_breakpoints(chr_index, no_loci, no_samples) z = np.copy(geno_matrix) if np.asarray(bp_list).size > 0: # this would modify the original geno_matrix too! Work with copy! try: z[masked] = np.vectorize(recomb.get)(z[masked]) except: return z return z
def update_record_files_async(object_version): """Get the bucket id and spawn a task to update record metadata.""" # convert to string to be able to serialize it when sending to the task str_uuid = str(object_version.bucket_id) return update_record_files_by_bucket.delay(bucket_id=str_uuid)
def check_platform(): """ str returned """ import platform return platform.system()
def partie(nb_joueurs, bot, mode_bot, reprendre_partie=None,automat=False): """ Fonction principale regroupant les appels des moments fondamentaux pour la parte Azul """ hauteur_partie, largeur_partie = 600,1025 cree_fenetre(largeur_partie,hauteur_partie) rectangle(0,0,largeur_partie,hauteur_partie,remplissage="#5D2F25") texte(10,5,"sauvegarde en cours ✔",couleur="green",taille=10) joueurs,fabriques,sac,defausse,bot,nb_joueurs, mode_bot = init(reprendre_partie, nb_joueurs, bot, mode_bot) print("Le sac est actuellement de taille :", len(sac)) while not partie_fini(joueurs): dessin_plateau_joueurs(joueurs) dessin_fabriques(fabriques) quitter = offre_de_fabriques(fabriques, joueurs, bot, mode_bot,automat=automat) if quitter: ferme_fenetre() return decoration_mur(joueurs, defausse) fabriques = creer_fabrique_tuiles(nb_joueurs,sac, defausse) creer_sauvegarde(sac.extend(defausse),joueurs,fabriques, defausse, bot, mode_bot) #--FIN DE PARTIE-- if partie_fini(joueurs): score_fin(joueurs) #Recalcule des points à la fin de la partie supprimer_sauvegarde() efface_tout() vainqueurs = gagnants(joueurs) dessin_gagnants(vainqueurs) _,x,y=attente_clic_ou_touche() ferme_fenetre()
def get_field_keys(table): """ Field keys for a selected table :param table: :return: list op dictionaries """ cql = 'SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM \"{}\"'.format(table) response = db_man.influx_qry(cql).get_points() return [x for x in response]
def extract_text_from_spans(spans, join_with_space=True, remove_integer_superscripts=True): """ Convert a collection of page tokens/words/spans into a single text string. """ if join_with_space: join_char = " " else: join_char = "" spans_copy = spans[:] if remove_integer_superscripts: for span in spans: flags = span['flags'] if flags & 2**0: # superscript flag if is_int(span['text']): spans_copy.remove(span) else: span['superscript'] = True if len(spans_copy) == 0: return "" spans_copy.sort(key=lambda span: span['span_num']) spans_copy.sort(key=lambda span: span['line_num']) spans_copy.sort(key=lambda span: span['block_num']) # Force the span at the end of every line within a block to have exactly one space # unless the line ends with a space or ends with a non-space followed by a hyphen line_texts = [] line_span_texts = [spans_copy[0]['text']] for span1, span2 in zip(spans_copy[:-1], spans_copy[1:]): if not span1['block_num'] == span2['block_num'] or not span1['line_num'] == span2['line_num']: line_text = join_char.join(line_span_texts).strip() if (len(line_text) > 0 and not line_text[-1] == ' ' and not (len(line_text) > 1 and line_text[-1] == "-" and not line_text[-2] == ' ')): if not join_with_space: line_text += ' ' line_texts.append(line_text) line_span_texts = [span2['text']] else: line_span_texts.append(span2['text']) line_text = join_char.join(line_span_texts) line_texts.append(line_text) return join_char.join(line_texts).strip()
def cf_resource_pool(cli_ctx, *_): """ Client factory for resourcepools. """ return cf_connectedvmware(cli_ctx).resource_pools
def make_packing_list(doc): """make packing list for Product Bundle item""" if doc.get("_action") and doc._action == "update_after_submit": return parent_items = [] for d in doc.get("items"): if frappe.db.get_value("Product Bundle", {"new_item_code": d.item_code}): for i in get_product_bundle_items(d.item_code): update_packing_list_item(doc, i.item_code, flt(i.qty)*flt(d.stock_qty), d, i.description) if [d.item_code,] not in parent_items: parent_items.append([d.item_code,]) cleanup_packing_list(doc, parent_items)
def init_log(): """ Initialise the logging. """ level = script_args.log_level log_dir = os.path.abspath(script_args.log_dir) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_format = ( '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] ' '[%(name)s] [%(funcName)s():%(lineno)s] ' '[PID:%(process)d] %(message)s') if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): logging.error('Logging directory \'%s\' does not exist', log_dir) sys.exit(os.EX_IOERR) dir_re = re.compile(u'/$') if not re.match(dir_re, log_dir): log_dir += "/" # Define the logging stream stream = open(log_dir + LOG_FILE, 'w+') log_levels = { 'unset': logging.NOTSET, 'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'critical': logging.CRITICAL } log_level = log_levels[level] coloredlogs.install( level=log_level, fmt=log_format, datefmt='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', stream=stream) log('Logging to \'%s\' at level \'%s\'' % (log_dir + LOG_FILE, level)) return logger
def get_bcolz_col_names(cols): """整理适应于bcolz表中列名称规范,返回OrderedDict对象""" trantab = str.maketrans(IN_TABLE, OUT_TABLE) # 制作翻译表 # col_names = OrderedDict( # {col: get_acronym(col.translate(trantab)) for col in cols}) col_names = OrderedDict() for col in cols: if col in (AD_FIELD_NAME, SID_FIELD_NAME, TS_FIELD_NAME): col_names[col] = col else: col_names[col] = regular_name(col, trantab) if len(col_names.values()) != len(set(col_names.values())): raise ValueError("整理后得列名称包含重复值") return col_names
def classify_loss(logits, target, eps): """ """ if eps > 0: loss = cross_entropy_with_smoothing(logits, target, eps, None) else: loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, target.view(-1)) return loss
def flip(position, adjacent): """finds the furthest position on grid up to which the player has captured enemy pieces""" interval = (adjacent[0] - position[0], adjacent[1] - position[1]) if adjacent[0] < 0 or adjacent[0] > (8*tile_size): return False elif adjacent[1] < 0 or adjacent[1] > (8*tile_size): return False check_piece = (adjacent[0] + interval[0], adjacent[1] + interval[1]) if check_piece in current_piece: flip_back(adjacent, (interval[0] * -1, interval[1] * -1)) else: return flip(adjacent, check_piece)
def is_android_raw(raw): """ Returns a string that describes the type of file, for common Android specific formats """ val = None # We do not check for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, # as you also want to analyze unsigned APKs... # AndroidManifest.xml should be in every APK. # classes.dex and resources.arsc are not required! # if raw[0:2] == b"PK" and b'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' in raw: # TODO this check might be still invalid. A ZIP file with stored APK inside would match as well. # probably it would be better to rewrite this and add more sanity checks. if raw[0:2] == b"PK" and b'AndroidManifest.xml' in raw: val = "APK" elif raw[0:3] == b"dex": val = "DEX" elif raw[0:3] == b"dey": val = "DEY" elif raw[0:4] == b"\x03\x00\x08\x00" or raw[0:4] == b"\x00\x00\x08\x00": val = "AXML" elif raw[0:4] == b"\x02\x00\x0C\x00": val = "ARSC" return val
def icmp_worker(shutdown: Event, q: queue.Queue): """A worker thread which processes ICMP requests; sending packets and listening for matching responses.""" state = {} with ICMPv4Socket(None, True) as sock: while not shutdown.is_set(): # Send one try: item = q.get(block=False, timeout=0.001) request = item._request state[(request._id, request._sequence)] = item #"Sending request {item._request!r}") sock.send(item._request) except (ICMPLibError, ICMPSocketError, queue.Empty): pass # Recieve one try: if response := sock.receive(None, 0.001): key = (, response.sequence) if key in state: #"Got response {response!r}") state[key].set(response) del state[key] else: # log.warning(f"Recieved non-matching response {response!r}") pass except (ICMPLibError, ICMPSocketError): pass # GC one if key := next(iter(state.keys()), None): if state[key].ready(): del state[key] # Sleep one sleep(shutdown, 0.001)
def zeros_from_spec(nested_spec, batch_size): """Create nested zero Tensors or Distributions. A zero tensor with shape[0]=`batch_size is created for each TensorSpec and A distribution with all the parameters as zero Tensors is created for each DistributionSpec. Args: nested_spec (nested TensorSpec or DistributionSpec): batch_size (int): batch size added as the first dimension to the shapes in TensorSpec Returns: nested Tensor or Distribution """ def _zero_tensor(spec): if batch_size is None: shape = spec.shape else: spec_shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=spec.shape, dtype=tf.int32) shape = tf.concat(([batch_size], spec_shape), axis=0) dtype = spec.dtype return tf.zeros(shape, dtype) param_spec = nest_utils.to_distribution_param_spec(nested_spec) params = tf.nest.map_structure(_zero_tensor, param_spec) return nest_utils.params_to_distributions(params, nested_spec)
def type_to_str(t): """Return str of variable type.""" if not hasattr(t, "broadcastable"): return str(t) s = broadcastable_to_str(t.broadcastable) if s == "": s = str(t.dtype) else: s = dtype_to_char(t.dtype) + s return s
def install_packages(): """ will Install python packages for accessing google cloud :return: """ print("Installing packeges.") print_log("Initiated...") global pip_sources for pip_pkg in pip_sources: s = check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', pip_pkg]) print s print("Reloading python packages")
def save(self, fname="", ext="", slab="", **kwargs): """Saves all current database information. APDL Command: SAVE Parameters ---------- fname File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name. ext Filename extension (eight-character maximum). slab Mode for saving the database: ALL - Save the model data, solution data and post data (element tables, etc.). This value is the default. MODEL - Save the model data (solid model, finite element model, loadings, etc.) only. SOLU - Save the model data and the solution data (nodal and element results). Notes ----- Saves all current database information to a file (File.DB). In interactive mode, an existing File.DB is first written to a backup file (File.DBB). In batch mode, an existing File.DB is replaced by the current database information with no backup. The command should be issued periodically to ensure a current file backup in case of a system "crash" or a "line drop." It may also be issued before a "doubtful" command so that if the result is not what was intended the database may be easily restored to the previous state. A save may be time consuming for large models. Repeated use of this command overwrites the previous data on the file (but a backup file is first written during an interactive run). When issued from within POST1, the nodal boundary conditions in the database (which were read from the results file) will overwrite the nodal boundary conditions existing on the database file. Internal nodes may be created during solution (for example, via the mixed u-P formulation or generalized plane strain option for current- technology elements, the Lagrangian multiplier method for contact elements or the MPC184 elements, or the quadratic or cubic option of the BEAM188 and PIPE288 elements). It is sometimes necessary to save the internal nodes in the database for later operations, such as cutting boundary interpolations (CBDOF) for submodeling. To do so, issue the SAVE command after the first SOLVE command. In general, saving after solving is always a good practice. This command is valid in any processor. """ return"SAVE,{fname},{ext},,{slab}", **kwargs)
def test_feature_flexiblerollout_stickiness_50_customfield_39(unleash_client): """ Feature.flexible.rollout.custom.stickiness_50 should be enabled without customField=39 """ # Set up API responses.add(responses.POST, URL + REGISTER_URL, json={}, status=202) responses.add(responses.GET, URL + FEATURES_URL, json=json.loads(MOCK_JSON), status=200) responses.add(responses.POST, URL + METRICS_URL, json={}, status=202) # Tests unleash_client.initialize_client() assert unleash_client.is_enabled("Feature.flexible.rollout.custom.stickiness_50", {'customField': '39'})
def rollout( env, agent, max_path_length=np.inf, render=False, render_kwargs=None, fast_rgb=True ): """ The following value for the following keys will be a 2D array, with the first dimension corresponding to the time dimension. - observations - actions - rewards - next_observations - terminals The next two elements will be lists of dictionaries, with the index into the list being the index into the time - agent_infos - env_infos """ if render_kwargs is None: render_kwargs = {} observations = [] actions = [] rewards = [] terminals = [] agent_infos = [] env_infos = [] rgb_array = [] o = env.reset() agent.reset() next_o = None path_length = 0 if hasattr(env, 'sim') and 'fixed' in env.sim.model.camera_names: camera_name = 'fixed' else: camera_name = None if render: # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace(context=10) if render_kwargs['mode'] == 'rgb_array': if not fast_rgb: rgb_array.append(env.sim.render(500, 500, camera_name=camera_name)) else: rgb_array.append(np.zeros((500, 500, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) else: env.render(**render_kwargs) # print("###############################") while path_length < max_path_length: a, agent_info = agent.get_action(o) # print(a) next_o, r, d, env_info = env.step(a) observations.append(o) rewards.append(r) terminals.append(d) actions.append(a) agent_infos.append(agent_info) env_infos.append(env_info) path_length += 1 if d: break o = next_o if render: if render_kwargs['mode'] == 'rgb_array': if path_length % 3 == 0 or not fast_rgb: rgb_array.append(env.sim.render(500, 500, camera_name=camera_name)) else: rgb_array.append(np.zeros((500, 500, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) else: env.render(**render_kwargs) actions = np.array(actions) if len(actions.shape) == 1: actions = np.expand_dims(actions, 1) observations = np.array(observations) if len(observations.shape) == 1: observations = np.expand_dims(observations, 1) next_o = np.array([next_o]) next_observations = np.vstack( ( observations[1:, :], np.expand_dims(next_o, 0) ) ) result = dict( observations=observations, actions=actions, rewards=np.array(rewards).reshape(-1, 1), next_observations=next_observations, terminals=np.array(terminals).reshape(-1, 1), agent_infos=agent_infos, env_infos=env_infos, ) if len(rgb_array) > 0 and rgb_array[0] is not None: result['rgb_array'] = np.array(rgb_array) return result
def _get_colors(data, verbose=False): """ Get how often each color is used in data. Parameters ---------- data : dict with key 'path' pointing to an image verbose : bool, optional Returns ------- color_count : dict Maps a grayscale value (0..255) to how often it was in `data` """ color_count = {} for i in range(256): color_count[i] = 0 for i, data_item in enumerate(data): if i % 1000 == 0 and i > 0 and verbose: print("%i of %i done" % (i, len(data))) fname = os.path.join(".", data_item["path"]) img = scipy.ndimage.imread(fname, flatten=False, mode="L") for row in img: for pixel in row: color_count[pixel] += 1 return color_count
def data_dir(): """The data directory.""" return DATA
def create_single_test(j): """Walk through the json cases and recursively write the test cases""" si = [] for tnum, c in enumerate(j['cases']): if 'cases' in c: si.extend(create_single_test(c)) else: si.extend(write_testcase(c, tnum)) return si
def _token_text(token): """Helper to get the text of a antlr token w/o the <EOF>""" istream = token.getInputStream() if istream is None: return token.text n = istream.size if token.start >= n or token.stop >= n: return [] return token.text
def show_interface(enode, dev, shell=None): """ Show the configured parameters and stats of an interface. :param enode: Engine node to communicate with. :type enode: topology.platforms.base.BaseNode :param str dev: Unix network device name. Ex 1, 2, 3.. :rtype: dict :return: A combined dictionary as returned by both :func:`topology_lib_ip.parser._parse_ip_addr_show` :func:`topology_lib_ip.parser._parse_ip_stats_link_show` """ assert dev cmd = 'ip addr list dev {ldev}'.format(ldev=dev) response = enode(cmd, shell=shell) first_half_dict = _parse_ip_addr_show(response) d = None if (first_half_dict): cmd = 'ip -s link list dev {ldev}'.format(ldev=dev) response = enode(cmd, shell=shell) second_half_dict = _parse_ip_stats_link_show(response) d = first_half_dict.copy() d.update(second_half_dict) return d
def status(task=None, tasktypes=None, nightstr=None, states=None, expid=None, spec=None, db_postgres_user="desidev_ro"): """Check the status of pipeline tasks. Args: Returns: None """ dbpath = io.get_pipe_database() db = pipedb.load_db(dbpath, mode="r", user=db_postgres_user) rundir = io.get_pipe_rundir() logdir = os.path.join(rundir, io.get_pipe_logdir()) tasks = OrderedDict() summary = False if (tasktypes is None) and (nightstr is None): summary = True if task is None: ttypes = None if tasktypes is not None: ttypes = list() for tt in pipetasks.base.default_task_chain: if tt in tasktypes: ttypes.append(tt) else: ttypes = list(pipetasks.base.default_task_chain) if states is None: states = task_states else: for s in states: if s not in task_states: raise RuntimeError("Task state '{}' is not valid".format(s)) allnights = io.get_nights(strip_path=True) nights = pipeprod.select_nights(allnights, nightstr) for tt in ttypes: tasks[tt] = get_tasks( db, [tt], nights, states=states, expid=expid, spec=spec ) else: ttypes = [pipetasks.base.task_type(task)] tasks[ttypes[0]] = [task] tstates = OrderedDict() for typ, tsks in tasks.items(): tstates[typ] = pipedb.check_tasks(tsks, db=db) if len(ttypes) == 1 and len(tasks[ttypes[0]]) == 1: # Print status of this specific task thistype = ttypes[0] thistask = tasks[thistype][0] status_task(thistask, thistype, tstates[thistype][thistask], logdir) else: if len(ttypes) > 1 and len(nights) > 1: # We have multiple nights and multiple task types. # Just print totals. if summary: status_summary(ttypes, nights, tasks, tstates) else: status_night_totals(ttypes, nights, tasks, tstates) status_pixel_totals(ttypes, tasks, tstates) elif len(ttypes) > 1: # Multiple task types for one night. Print the totals for each # task type. thisnight = nights[0] status_night_totals(ttypes, nights, tasks, tstates) elif len(nights) > 1: # We have just one task type, print the state totals for each night # OR the full task list for redshift or spectra tasks. thistype = ttypes[0] print("Task type {}".format(thistype)) if thistype == "spectra" or thistype == "redshift": status_pixel_tasks(ttypes, tasks, tstates) else: status_night_totals(ttypes, nights, tasks, tstates) else: # We have one type and one night, print the full state of every # task. thistype = ttypes[0] thisnight = nights[0] print("Task type {}".format(thistype)) status_night_tasks(ttypes, nights, tasks, tstates) status_pixel_tasks(ttypes, tasks, tstates) return
def event_role_invite(transaction): """ GET /role-invites/1/event :param transaction: :return: """ with stash['app'].app_context(): event = EventFactoryBasic() db.session.add(event) role_invite = RoleInviteFactory() db.session.add(role_invite) db.session.commit()
def get_params_for_category_api(category): """Method to get `GET` parameters for querying MediaWiki for category details. :param category: category name to be passed in params. :return: GET parameters `params` """ params = CATEGORY_API_PARAMS.copy() params['cmtitle'] = 'Category:' + category return params
def get_dict_or_generate(dictionary, key, generator): """Get value from dict or generate one using a function on the key""" if key in dictionary: return dictionary[key] value = generator(key) dictionary[key] = value return value
def test_number_columns_defaults_to_3(entries_27, settings_number_of_columns_null): """The number of columns defaults to 3 if not provided""" instance = EvenVMCView() rows = instance.process_entries(entries_27) num_cols = len(rows[0]) assert num_cols == 3
def createNotInConfSubGraph(graphSet, possibleSet): """ Return a subgraph by removing all incoming edges to nodes in the possible set. """ subGraph = {} for i in graphSet: subGraph[i] = graphSet[i] - possibleSet return subGraph
def _backprop_gradient_pure(dL, L): """ Given the derivative of an objective fn with respect to the cholesky L, compute the derivate with respect to the original matrix K, defined as K = LL^T where L was obtained by Cholesky decomposition """ dL_dK = np.tril(dL).copy() N = L.shape[0] for k in range(N - 1, -1, -1): for j in range(k + 1, N): for i in range(j, N): dL_dK[i, k] -= dL_dK[i, j] * L[j, k] dL_dK[j, k] -= dL_dK[i, j] * L[i, k] for j in range(k + 1, N): dL_dK[j, k] /= L[k, k] dL_dK[k, k] -= L[j, k] * dL_dK[j, k] dL_dK[k, k] /= (2 * L[k, k]) return dL_dK
def get_random_instance() -> random.Random: """ Returns the Random instance in the random module level. """ return random._inst
def to(cond, inclusive = True): """ Stream elements until the one that fits some condition. Arguments: cond -- Either a function or some other object. In the first case, the function will be applied to each element; in the second case, the object will be compared (using ==) with each element. Keyword Arguments: inclusive -- Whether the element first matching the criteria is streamed (default True) See Also: :func:`dagpype.filt` :func:`dagpype.from_` :func:`dagpype.from_to` :func:`dagpype.skip` :func:`dagpype.nth` :func:`dagpype.slice_` :func:`dagpype.tail` Examples: >>> source([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]) | to(2) | to_list() [1, 2] >>> source([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]) | to(2, False) | to_list() [1] >>> source([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]) | to(lambda d: d % 3 == 0) | to_list() [1, 2, 3] """ @filters def _dagpype_internal_fn_act(target): try: if isinstance(cond, types.FunctionType): while True: e = (yield) if cond(e): break target.send(e) else: while True: e = (yield) if e == cond: break target.send(e) if inclusive: target.send(e) target.close() except GeneratorExit: target.close() return _dagpype_internal_fn_act
def model(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, num_iterations = 2000, learning_rate = 0.5, print_cost = False): """ Builds the logistic regression model by calling the function you've implemented previously Arguments: X_train -- training set represented by a numpy array of shape (num_px * num_px * 3, m_train) Y_train -- training labels represented by a numpy array (vector) of shape (1, m_train) X_test -- test set represented by a numpy array of shape (num_px * num_px * 3, m_test) Y_test -- test labels represented by a numpy array (vector) of shape (1, m_test) num_iterations -- hyperparameter representing the number of iterations to optimize the parameters learning_rate -- hyperparameter representing the learning rate used in the update rule of optimize() print_cost -- Set to true to print the cost every 100 iterations Returns: d -- dictionary containing information about the model. """ # initialize parameters with zeros (≈ 1 line of code) w, b = initialize_with_zeros(X_train.shape[0]) print(w.shape) print(b) # Gradient descent (≈ 1 line of code) parameters, grads, costs = optimize(b=b,learning_rate=learning_rate,num_iterations=num_iterations,print_cost=print_cost,w=w,X=X_train,Y=Y_train) # Retrieve parameters w and b from dictionary "parameters" w = parameters["w"] b = parameters["b"] # Predict test/train set examples (≈ 2 lines of code) Y_prediction_test = predict(b=b,w=w,X=X_test) Y_prediction_train = predict(b=b,w=w,X=X_train) # Print train/test Errors print("train accuracy: {} %".format(100 - np.mean(np.abs(Y_prediction_train - Y_train)) * 100)) print("test accuracy: {} %".format(100 - np.mean(np.abs(Y_prediction_test - Y_test)) * 100)) d = {"costs": costs, "Y_prediction_test": Y_prediction_test, "Y_prediction_train" : Y_prediction_train, "w" : w, "b" : b, "learning_rate" : learning_rate, "num_iterations": num_iterations} return d