import datetime def Write(Variable, f): """Function to Convert None Strings to Strings and Format to write to file with ,""" if isinstance(Variable, str) == False: if isinstance(Variable, datetime.datetime) == True: return f.write(f"{Variable.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')},") else: Variable = round(Variable, 2) return f.write(f"{str(Variable)},") elif isinstance(Variable, str) == True: return f.write(f"{(Variable)},")
def clone_model(model, **new_values): """Clones the entity, adding or overriding constructor attributes. The cloned entity will have exactly the same property values as the original entity, except where overridden. By default, it will have no parent entity or key name, unless supplied. Args: model: datastore_services.Model. Model to clone. **new_values: dict(str: *). Keyword arguments to override when invoking the cloned entity's constructor. Returns: datastore_services.Model. A cloned, and possibly modified, copy of self. Subclasses of BaseModel will return a clone with the same type. """ # Reference implementation: cls = model.__class__ model_id = new_values.pop('id', props = {k: v.__get__(model, cls) for k, v in cls._properties.items()} # pylint: disable=protected-access props.update(new_values) return cls(id=model_id, **props)
def changenonetoNone(s): """Convert str 'None' to Nonetype """ if s=='None': return None else: return s
def identify_word_classes(tokens, word_classes): """ Match word classes to the token list :param list tokens: List of tokens :param dict word_classes: Dictionary of word lists to find and tag with the respective dictionary key :return: Matched word classes :rtype: list """ if word_classes is None: word_classes = [] classes = set() for key in word_classes: for token in tokens: if token.lower() in word_classes[key]: classes.add(key) return classes
def is_interested_source_code_file(afile): """ If a file is the source code file that we are interested. """ tokens = afile.split(".") if len(tokens) > 1 and tokens[-1] in ("c", "cpp", "pl", "tmpl", "py", "s", "S"): # we care about C/C++/perl/template/python/assembly source code files return True return False
def recursively_extract(node, exfun, maxdepth=2): """ Transform a html ul/ol tree into a python list tree. Converts a html node containing ordered and unordered lists and list items into an object of lists with tree-like structure. Leaves are retrieved by applying `exfun` function to the html nodes not containing any ul/ol list. Args: node: BeautifulSoup HTML node to traverse exfun: function to apply to every string node found maxdepth: maximal depth of lists to go in the node Returns: A tree-like python object composed of lists. Examples: >>> node_content = \ ''' <ol> <li>Hase</li> <li>Nase<ol><li>Eins</li><li>Zwei</li></ol></li> </ol>''' >>> node = BeautifulSoup(node_content, "lxml") >>> recursively_extract(node, lambda x: x) [<li>Hase</li>, [<li>Eins</li>, <li>Zwei</li>]] >>> recursively_extract(node, lambda x: x.get_text()) ['Hase', ['Eins', 'Zwei']] """ if in ['ol', 'ul']: lilist = node else: lilist = node.ol or node.ul if lilist and maxdepth: # apply 'recursively_extract' to every 'li' node found under this node return [recursively_extract(li, exfun, maxdepth=(maxdepth - 1)) for li in lilist.find_all('li', recursive=False)] # if this node doesn't contain 'ol' or 'ul' node, return the transformed # leaf (using the 'exfun' function) return exfun(node)
def density(mass, volume): """ Calculate density. """ return mass / volume * 1
def has_field_warning(meta, field_id): """Warn if dataset has existing field with same id.""" if meta.has_field(field_id): print( "WARN: Field '%s' is already present in dataset, not overwriting." % field_id ) print("WARN: Use '--replace' flag to overwrite existing field.") return 1 return 0
def get_tagset(sentences, with_prefix): """ Returns the set of entity types appearing in the list of sentences. If with_prefix is True, it returns both the B- and I- versions for each entity found. If False, it merges them (i.e., removes the prefix and only returns the entity type). """ iobs = [iob for sent in sentences for (x,iob) in sent] tagset = set(iobs) if not with_prefix: tagset = set([t[2:] for t in list(tagset) if t != 'O']) return tagset
def _proxies_dict(proxy): """Makes a proxy dict appropriate to pass to requests.""" if not proxy: return None return {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy}
def gen_run_entry_str(query_id, doc_id, rank, score, run_id): """A simple function to generate one run entry. :param query_id: query id :param doc_id: document id :param rank: entry rank :param score: entry score :param run_id: run id """ return f'{query_id} Q0 {doc_id} {rank} {score} {run_id}'
def is_variant(title) -> bool: """ Check if an issue is variant cover. """ return "variant" in title.lower()
def default_marker_size(fmt): """ Find a default matplotlib marker size such that different marker types look roughly the same size. """ temp = fmt.replace('.-', '') if '.' in temp: ms = 10 elif 'D' in temp: ms = 7 elif set(temp).intersection('<>^vd'): ms = 9 else: ms = 8 return ms
from typing import List from typing import Dict def seq_hist(seq_lens: List[int]) -> Dict[int, int]: """Returns a dict of sequence_length/count key/val pairs. For each entry in the list of sequence lengths, tabulates the frequency of appearance in the list and returns the data as a dict. Useful for histogram operations on sequence length. """ seq_count = {} for slen in seq_lens: if slen in seq_count: seq_count[slen] += 1 else: seq_count[slen] = 1 return seq_count
def is_repo_in_config(config, repo, rev, hook_id): """Get if a repository is defined in a pre-commit configuration. Parameters ---------- config : dict Pre-commit configuration dictionary. repo : str Repository to search. rev : str Repository tag revision. hook_id : Hook identifier. Returns ------- dict : Information about if the repository and the hook have been found. """ response = {"repo_found": False, "hook_found": False, "same_rev": False} for repo_ in config["repos"]: if repo_["repo"] == repo: response["repo_found"] = True response["hook_found"] = hook_id in [hook["id"] for hook in repo_["hooks"]] response["same_rev"] = repo_["rev"] == rev break return response
def split_dataframe(df, size=10*1024*1024): """Splits huge dataframes(CSVs) into smaller segments of given size in bytes""" # size of each row row_size = df.memory_usage().sum() / len(df) # maximum number of rows in each segment row_limit = int(size // row_size) # number of segments seg_num = (len(df)+row_limit-1)//row_limit # split df into segments segments = [df.iloc[i*row_limit : (i+1)*row_limit] for i in range(seg_num)] return segments
def calculate_line_number(text): """Calculate line numbers in the text""" return len([line for line in text.split("\n") if line.strip() != ""])
def lammps_created_gsd(job): """Check if the mdtraj has converted the production to a gsd trajectory for the job.""" return job.isfile("trajectory-npt.gsd")
def deslugify_province(prov): """ Province slug to name, i.e. dashes to spaces and title case. KZN is a special case. """ if prov == 'kwazulu-natal': return 'KwaZulu-Natal' return prov.replace('-', ' ').title()
import re def parse_vectors(vectors): """ Basic cleanup of vector or vectors Strip out V from V#s. Similar to parse tables, this by no means guarantees a valid entry, just helps with some standard input formats Parameters ---------- vectors : list of str or str A string or list of strings of vector names to be parsed Returns ------- list of str vectors with unnecessary characters removed """ def parse_vector(vector): """Strip string to numeric elements only""" if isinstance(vector, int): # Already parsed earlier return vector return int(re.sub(r'\D', '', vector)) if isinstance(vectors, str): return [parse_vector(vectors)] return [parse_vector(v) for v in vectors]
import torch def choice(x, a): """Generate a random sample from an array of given size.""" if torch.is_tensor(x): return x[torch.randint(len(x), (a,))] return x
def get_identifier(positioner_id, command_id, uid=0, response_code=0): """Returns a 29 bits identifier with the correct format. The CAN identifier format for the positioners uses an extended frame with 29-bit encoding so that the 11 higher bits correspond to the positioner ID, the 8 middle bits are the command number, the following 6 bits are the unique identifier, and the 4 lower bits are the response code. Parameters ---------- positioner_id : int The Id of the positioner to command, or zero for broadcast. command_id : int The ID of the command to send. uid : int The unique identifier response_code : int The response code. Returns ------- identifier : `int` The decimal integer corresponding to the 29-bit identifier. Examples -------- :: >>> get_identifier(5, 17, uid=5) 1328128 >>> bin(1328128) '0b101000100010000000000' """ posid_bin = format(positioner_id, "011b") cid_bin = format(command_id, "08b") cuid_bin = format(uid, "06b") response_bin = format(int(response_code), "04b") identifier = posid_bin + cid_bin + cuid_bin + response_bin assert len(identifier) == 29 return int(identifier, 2)
def standardized(array): """Normalize the values in an array. Arguments: array (np.ndarray): Array of values to normalize. Returns: array with zero mean and unit standard deviation. """ return (array - array.mean()) / max(1e-4, array.std())
def tree_unflatten(flat, tree, copy_from_tree=None): """Unflatten a list into a tree given the tree shape as second argument. Args: flat: a flat list of elements to be assembled into a tree. tree: a tree with the structure we want to have in the new tree. copy_from_tree: optional list of elements that we just copy from tree. This argument is used when the flat version does not contain all elements of the expected tree but just a subset, while the rest are filled from the tree itself. It allows to omit "unnecessary" elements. For example, consider trees (A, (B, X), X) and (X, (A, X), B) where X is some element we do not care about. Flattening the first tree and removing X will yield a flat list [A, B] and the second tree can then be reconstructed from this list and the tree (X, (E, X), E) with copy_from_tree=[X]. One example where this is used is the weights-tree of a model, where layers with no weights have () in the tree and we use copy_from_tree=[()] to restore a model from a file that only has a list of trainable weights. Returns: A pair (new_tree, rest_of_flat) where the new tree that has the structure of tree but with leaves from flat, and the remaining elements of flat if more were provided than the number of leaves of tree (useful for recursion). """ if copy_from_tree is not None and tree in copy_from_tree: return tree, flat if isinstance(tree, (list, tuple)): new_tree, rest = [], flat for t in tree: new_t, rest = tree_unflatten(rest, t, copy_from_tree=copy_from_tree) new_tree.append(new_t) new_tree = tuple(new_tree) if isinstance(tree, tuple) else new_tree return new_tree, rest if isinstance(tree, dict): new_tree, rest = {}, flat for k in tree: new_v, rest = tree_unflatten(rest, tree[k], copy_from_tree=copy_from_tree) new_tree[k] = new_v return new_tree, rest return flat[0], flat[1:]
def soma_radius(morph): """Get the radius of a morphology's soma.""" return morph.soma.radius
import json def get_repo_info(main_path): """ Get the info of repo. Args: main_path: the file store location. Return: A json object. """ with open(main_path + '/repo_info.json') as read_file: repo_info = json.load(read_file) return repo_info
import yaml def parse_settings(settings_file: str) -> dict: """ The function parses settings file into dict Parameters ---------- settings_file : str File with the model settings, must be in yaml. Returns ------- ydict : dict Parsed settings used for modeling. """ with open(settings_file, 'r') as fstream: ydict = yaml.safe_load(fstream) return ydict
def get_mac_address(path): """ input: path to the file with the location of the mac address output: A string containing a mac address Possible exceptions: FileNotFoundError - when the file is not found PermissionError - in the absence of access rights to the file TypeError - If the function argument is not a string. """ if type(path) is not str: raise TypeError("The path must be a string value") try: file = open(path) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise e except PermissionError as e: raise e return file.readline().strip().upper()
def parse_vars(vars): """ Transform a list of NAME=value environment variables into a dict """ retval = {} for var in vars: key, value = var.split("=", 1) retval[key] = value return retval
from typing import List import collections def find_dup_items(values: List) -> List: """Find duplicate items in a list Arguments: values {List} -- A list of items Returns: List -- A list of duplicated items """ dup = [t for t, c in collections.Counter(values).items() if c > 1] return dup
import inspect def form_of(state): """Return the form of the given state.""" if hasattr(state, "__form__"): if callable(state.__form__) and not inspect.isclass(state.__form__): return state.__form__() else: return state.__form__ else: raise ValueError(f"{state} has no form")
import torch def _switch_component( x: torch.Tensor, ones: torch.Tensor, zeros: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Basic component of switching functions. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Switch functions. ones (torch.Tensor): Tensor with ones. zeros (torch.Tensor): Zero tensor Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor. """ x_ = torch.where(x <= 0, ones, x) return torch.where(x <= 0, zeros, torch.exp(-ones / x_))
def opts2dict(opts): """Converts options returned from an OptionParser into a dict""" ret = {} for k in dir(opts): if callable(getattr(opts, k)): continue if k.startswith('_'): continue ret[k] = getattr(opts, k) return ret
import math def smaller2k(n): """ Returns power of 2 which is smaller than n. Handles negative numbers. """ if n == 0: return 0 if n < 0: return -2**math.ceil(math.log2(-n)) else: return 2**math.floor(math.log2(n))
def unwind(g, num): """Return <num> first elements from iterator <g> as array.""" return [next(g) for _ in range(num)]
def any(array, mapFunc): """ Checks if any of the elements of array returns true, when applied on a function that returns a boolean. :param array: The array that will be checked, for if any of the elements returns true, when applied on the function. \t :type array: [mixed] \n :param mapFunc: The function that gives a boolean value, when applied on the element of the array. \t :type mapFunc: function \n :returns: Whether any of the elements of the array, returned true or not. \t :rtype: : bool \n """ for elem in array: if mapFunc(elem): return True return False
def get_sample_activity_from_batch(activity_batch, idx=0): """Return layer activity for sample ``idx`` of an ``activity_batch``. """ return [(layer_act[0][idx], layer_act[1]) for layer_act in activity_batch]
def _extract_bike_location(bike, lon_abbrev='lon'): """ Standardize the bike location data from GBFS. Some have extra fields, and some are missing fields. Arguments: bike (dict[str, str]): A GBFS bike object as it appears in free_bike_status.json lon_abbrev (str): The abbreviation used for `longitude` Returns: dict[str, str]: A normalized GBFS bike object """ output = {key: bike.get(key) for key in ['bike_id', 'lat', 'is_reserved', 'is_disabled']} output['lon'] = bike.get(lon_abbrev) return output
def clean_word(word): """Return word in lowercase stripped of whitespace""" return word.strip().lower()
def WrapWithQuotes(text, quote='"'): """ Wrap the supplied text with quotes Args: text: Input text to wrap quote: Quote character to use for wrapping (default = "") Returns: Supplied text wrapped in quote char """ if not text.startswith(quote): text = quote + text if not text.endswith(quote): text = text + quote return text
from typing import Callable def find_function_in_object(o: object, function_name: str) -> Callable: """Finds a callable object matching given function name in given object. Args: o: Any object. function_name: Name of attribute within o. Returns: Callable object with name <function_name> in object <o>. Raises: LookupError: if <function_Name> is not a callable object in <o>. """ try: function_handle = getattr(o, function_name) if not hasattr(function_handle, "__call__"): raise LookupError( f"Resolved object {function_name} in object {o} is not a function." ) else: return function_handle except AttributeError: raise LookupError(f"Cannot find function {function_name} in object {o}.")
from typing import Any def increment_occurance_dict(d: dict, k: Any) -> None: """ Increment occurance dict, updates in-place so nothing is returned. """ try: d[k] += 1 except KeyError: d[k] = 1 return None
def is_bool(space, w_obj): """ Finds out whether a variable is a boolean""" return space.wrap( == space.tp_bool)
def _strip_after_new_lines(s): """Removes leading and trailing whitespaces in all but first line.""" lines = s.splitlines() if len(lines) > 1: lines = [lines[0]] + [l.lstrip() for l in lines[1:]] return '\n'.join(lines)
from typing import Tuple def arm_name_to_sort_key(arm_name: str) -> Tuple[str, int, int]: """Parses arm name into tuple suitable for reverse sorting by key Example: arm_names = ["0_0", "1_10", "1_2", "10_0", "control"] sorted(arm_names, key=arm_name_to_sort_key, reverse=True) ["control", "0_0", "1_2", "1_10", "10_0"] """ try: trial_index, arm_index = arm_name.split("_") return ("", -int(trial_index), -int(arm_index)) except (ValueError, IndexError): return (arm_name, 0, 0)
from typing import Dict from typing import Any def replace_module_prefix( state_dict: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str, replace_with: str = "", ignore_prefix: str = "" ): """ Remove prefixes in a state_dict needed when loading models that are not VISSL trained models. Specify the prefix in the keys that should be removed. Added by DLM contributors: ignore_prefix is used to ignore certain keys in the state dict """ state_dict = { (key.replace(prefix, replace_with, 1) if key.startswith(prefix) else key): val for (key, val) in state_dict.items() if ((not key.startswith(ignore_prefix)) or ignore_prefix == "") } return state_dict
def crop(img, left, top, right, bottom): """ Crop rectangle from image. Inputs: img - The image to crop. left - The leftmost index to crop the image. top - The topmost index. right - The rightmost index. bottom - The bottommost index. Outputs: img - The cropped image. """ return img[left:right, top:bottom]
import ipaddress def get_hosts(network): """get_hosts() will return all the hosts within a provided network, range""" network = ipaddress.IPv4Network(network, strict=False) hosts_obj = network.hosts() hosts = [] for i in hosts_obj: hosts.append(str(i)) return hosts
import random def select(weights): """ select a node with probability proportional to its "weight" """ r = random.random() * sum(weights) s = 0.0 for k,w in enumerate(weights): s += w if r <= s: return k raise RuntimeError("select WTF from %s" % weights)
import time def execution_duration(fun): """ Calculates the duration the function 'fun' takes to execute. execution_duration returns a wrapper function to which you pass your arguments. Example: execution_duration(my_function)(my_first_param, my_second_param) The result of the wrapper function will be a tuple, where the fist value is the return value of your function and the second is the execution time in seconds expressed as a float. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): t1 = time.time() result = fun(*args, **kwargs) exec_dur = time.time() - t1 return result, exec_dur return wrapper
from typing import Union def chunks_lists_to_tuples(level: Union[list, int, float]) -> Union[tuple, int, float]: """Convert a recursive list of lists of ints into a tuple of tuples of ints. This is a helper function needed because MongoDB automatically converts tuples to lists, but the dask constructor wants the chunks defined strictly as tuples. e.g. - input: ``[[1, 2], [3, 4]]`` - output: ``((1, 2), (3, 4))`` .. note:: float data type is supported to allow for NaN-sized dask chunks """ if isinstance(level, list): return tuple(chunks_lists_to_tuples(i) for i in level) if isinstance(level, (int, float)): return level raise TypeError(level)
def apply_inverse_rot_to_vec(rot, vec): """Multiply the inverse of a rotation matrix by a vector.""" # Inverse rotation is just transpose return [rot[0][0] * vec[0] + rot[1][0] * vec[1] + rot[2][0] * vec[2], rot[0][1] * vec[0] + rot[1][1] * vec[1] + rot[2][1] * vec[2], rot[0][2] * vec[0] + rot[1][2] * vec[1] + rot[2][2] * vec[2]]
def binstringToBitList(binstring): """Converts a string of '0's and '1's to a list of 0's and 1's""" bitList = [] for bit in binstring: bitList.append(int(bit)) return bitList
def int_to_bitstr(int_value: int) -> str: """ A function which returns its bit representation as a string. Arguments: int_value (int) - The int value we want to get the bit representation for. Return: str - The string representation of the bits required to form the int. """ return bin(int_value)[2:]
def get_polynomial_coefficients(degree=5): """ Return a list with coefficient names, [1 x y x^2 xy y^2 x^3 ...] """ names = ["1"] for exp in range(1, degree + 1): # 0, ..., degree for x_exp in range(exp, -1, -1): y_exp = exp - x_exp if x_exp == 0: x_str = "" elif x_exp == 1: x_str = r"$x$" else: x_str = rf"$x^{x_exp}$" if y_exp == 0: y_str = "" elif y_exp == 1: y_str = r"$y$" else: y_str = rf"$y^{y_exp}$" names.append(x_str + y_str) return names
def user_enabled(inst, opt): """ Check whether the option is enabled. :param inst: instance from content object init :param url: Option to be checked :return: True if enabled, False if disabled or non present """ return opt in inst.settings and inst.settings[opt]
def erase_not_displayed(client): """Erase all non-displayed models from memory. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. Returns: None """ return client._creoson_post("file", "erase_not_displayed")
def normalize(*args): """Scale a sequence of occurrences into probabilities that sum up to 1.""" total = sum(args) return [arg / total for arg in args]
from typing import Any from typing import Dict def _adjust_estimator_options(estimator: Any, est_options: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Adds specific required classifier options to the `clf_options` dictionary. Parameters ---------- classifier : Any The classifier object for which the options have to be added clf_options : Dict[str, Any] Dictionary, where the additional classifier options should be added to kwargs : Additional classifier options as keyword arguments Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] The input `clf_options` dictionary containing the additional classifier options """ if estimator.__name__ == 'XGBClassifier': est_options['num_class'] = kwargs['n_categories'] elif estimator.__name__ == 'DNNClassifier': est_options['n_classes'] = kwargs['n_categories'] est_options['n_features'] = kwargs['n_features'] est_options['random_state'] = kwargs['random_seed'] return est_options
def get_fields(fields): """ From the last column of a GTF, return a dictionary mapping each value. Parameters: fields (str): The last column of a GTF Returns: attributes (dict): Dictionary created from fields. """ attributes = {} description = fields.strip() description = [x.strip() for x in description.split(";")] for pair in description: if pair == "": continue pair = pair.replace('"', '') key, val = pair.split() attributes[key] = val # put in placeholders for important attributes (such as gene_id) if they # are absent if 'gene_id' not in attributes: attributes['gene_id'] = 'NULL' return attributes
def add_log_group_name_params(log_group_name, configs): """Add a "log_group_name": log_group_name to every config.""" for config in configs: config.update({"log_group_name": log_group_name}) return configs
import time def time_remaining(event_time): """ Args: event_time (time.struct_time): Time of the event. Returns: float: Time remaining between now and the event, in seconds since epoch. """ now = time.localtime() time_remaining = time.mktime(event_time) - time.mktime(now) return time_remaining
def hasf(e): """ Returns a function which if applied with `x` tests whether `x` has `e`. Examples -------- >>> filter(hasf("."), ['statement', 'A sentence.']) ['A sentence.'] """ return lambda x: e in x
def indent_multiline(s: str, indentation: str = " ", add_newlines: bool = True) -> str: """Indent the given string if it contains more than one line. Args: s: String to indent indentation: Indentation to prepend to each line. add_newlines: Whether to add newlines surrounding the result if indentation was added. """ lines = s.splitlines() if len(lines) <= 1: return s lines_str = "\n".join(f"{indentation}{line}" for line in lines) if add_newlines: return f"\n{lines_str}\n" else: return lines_str
from typing import Optional def _get_property(self, key: str, *, offset: int = 0) -> Optional[int]: """Get a property from the location details. :param key: The key for the property :param offset: Any offset to apply to the value (if found) :returns: The property as an int value if found, None otherwise """ value = self.location_details.get(key) if value is None: return None return int(value[0]) + offset
def is_iterable(value): """Return True if the object is an iterable type.""" return hasattr(value, '__iter__')
def remove_scope_from_name(name, scope): """ Args: name (str): full name of the tf variable with all the scopes Returns: (str): full name of the variable with the scope removed """ result = name.split(scope)[1] result = result[1:] if result[0] == '/' else result return result.split(":")[0]
def spg_line_search_step_length(current_step_length, delta, f_old, f_new, sigma_one=0.1, sigma_two=0.9): """Return next step length for line search.""" step_length_tmp = (-0.5 * current_step_length ** 2 * delta / (f_new - f_old - current_step_length * delta)) next_step_length = 0 if sigma_one <= step_length_tmp <= sigma_two * current_step_length: next_step_length = step_length_tmp else: next_step_length = 0.5 * current_step_length return next_step_length
def samps2ms(samples: float, sr: int) -> float: """samples to milliseconds given a sampling rate""" return (samples / sr) * 1000.0
def valid_identity(identity): """Determines whether or not the provided identity is a valid value.""" valid = (identity == "homer") or (identity == "sherlock") return valid
def get_username() -> str: """ Prompts the user to enter a username and then returns it :return: The username entered by the user """ while True: print("Please enter your username (without spaces)") username = input().strip() if ' ' not in username: return username
def get_pip_package_name(provider_package_id: str) -> str: """ Returns PIP package name for the package id. :param provider_package_id: id of the package :return: the name of pip package """ return "apache-airflow-providers-" + provider_package_id.replace(".", "-")
def first(iterable, default=None): """ Returns the first item or a default value >>> first(x for x in [1, 2, 3] if x % 2 == 0) 2 >>> first((x for x in [1, 2, 3] if x > 42), -1) -1 """ return next(iter(iterable), default)
def _str_conv(number, rounded=False): """ Convenience tool to convert a number, either float or int into a string. If the int or float is None, returns empty string. >>> print(_str_conv(12.3)) 12.3 >>> print(_str_conv(12.34546, rounded=1)) 12.3 >>> print(_str_conv(None)) <BLANKLINE> >>> print(_str_conv(1123040)) 11.2e5 """ if not number: return str(' ') if not rounded and isinstance(number, (float, int)): if number < 100000: string = str(number) else: exponant = int('{0:.2E}'.format(number).split('E+')[-1]) - 1 divisor = 10 ** exponant string = '{0:.1f}'.format(number / divisor) + 'e' + str(exponant) elif rounded == 2 and isinstance(number, (float, int)): if number < 100000: string = '{0:.2f}'.format(number) else: exponant = int('{0:.2E}'.format(number).split('E+')[-1]) - 1 divisor = 10 ** exponant string = '{0:.2f}'.format(number / divisor) + 'e' + str(exponant) elif rounded == 1 and isinstance(number, (float, int)): if number < 100000: string = '{0:.1f}'.format(number) else: exponant = int('{0:.2E}'.format(number).split('E+')[-1]) - 1 divisor = 10 ** exponant string = '{0:.1f}'.format(number / divisor) + 'e' + str(exponant) else: return str(number) return string
def label_smoothed_nll_loss(lprobs, target, epsilon: float = 1e-8, ignore_index=None): """Adapted from fairseq Parameters ---------- lprobs Log probabilities of amino acids per position target Target amino acids encoded as integer indices epsilon Smoothing factor between 0 and 1, by default 1e-8 ignore_index, optional Amino acid (encoded as integer) to ignore, by default None Returns ------- Negative log-likelihood loss """ nll_loss = -lprobs.gather(dim=-1, index=target) smooth_loss = -lprobs.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if ignore_index is not None: pad_mask = target.eq(ignore_index) nll_loss.masked_fill_(pad_mask, 0.0) smooth_loss.masked_fill_(pad_mask, 0.0) else: nll_loss = nll_loss.squeeze(-1) smooth_loss = smooth_loss.squeeze(-1) nll_loss = nll_loss.sum() smooth_loss = smooth_loss.sum() eps_i = epsilon / lprobs.size(-1) loss = (1.0 - epsilon) * nll_loss + eps_i * smooth_loss return loss
import re def parse_date(regexen, date_str): """ Parse a messy string into a granular date `regexen` is of the form [ (regex, (granularity, groups -> datetime)) ] """ if date_str: for reg, (gran, dater) in regexen: m = re.match(reg, date_str) if m: try: return gran, dater(m.groups()) except ValueError: return 0, None return 0, None
from typing import Dict def get_entity_contents(entity: Dict) -> Dict: """ :param entity: Entity is a dictionary :return: A dict representation of the contents of entity """ return { 'ID': entity.get('id'), 'Name': entity.get('name'), 'EmailAddress': entity.get('email_address'), 'Organization': entity.get('organization'), 'Tags': entity.get('labels'), 'StrictNameMatching': entity.get('strict_name_matching'), 'PolicyID': entity.get('policy_id'), 'Profile': entity.get('profile'), 'EntityGroupID': entity.get('entity_group', {}).get('id') if entity.get('entity_group') else None, 'EntityGroupName': entity.get('entity_group', {}).get('name') if entity.get('entity_group') else None, 'TypeID': entity.get('type', {}).get('id') if entity.get('type') else None, 'TypeName': entity.get('type', {}).get('name') if entity.get('type') else None }
def t68tot90(t68): """Convert from IPTS-68 to ITS-90 temperature scales, as specified in the CF Standard Name information for sea_water_temperature temperatures are in degrees C""" t90 = 0.99976 * t68 return t90
def is_insertion(ref, alt): """Is alt an insertion w.r.t. ref? Args: ref: A string of the reference allele. alt: A string of the alternative allele. Returns: True if alt is an insertion w.r.t. ref. """ return len(ref) < len(alt)
def get_valid_fields(val: int, cs: dict) -> set: """ A value is valid if there's at least one field's interval which contains it. """ return { field for field, intervals in cs.items() if any(map(lambda i: i[0] <= val <= i[1], intervals)) }
def get_successors(graph): """Returns a dict of all successors of each node.""" d = {} for e in graph.get_edge_list(): src = e.get_source() dst = e.get_destination() if src in d.keys(): d[src].add(dst) else: d[src] = set([dst]) return d
def to_int(text): """Text to integer.""" try: return int(text) except ValueError: return ''
def nir_mean(msarr,nir_band=7): """ Calculate the mean of the (unmasked) values of the NIR (near infrared) band of an image array. The default `nir_band` value of 7 selects the NIR2 band in WorldView-2 imagery. If you're working with a different type of imagery, you will need figure out the appropriate value to use instead. Parameters ---------- msarr : numpy array (RxCxBands shape) The multispectral image array. See `OpticalRS.RasterDS` for more info. nir_band : int (Default value = 7) The default `nir_band` value of 7 selects the NIR2 band in WorldView-2 imagery. If you're working with a different type of imagery, you will need figure out the appropriate value to use instead. This is a zero indexed number (the first band is 0, not 1). Returns ------- float The mean radiance in the NIR band. """ return msarr[...,nir_band].mean()
def add_parser_arguments_misc(parser): """ Adds the options that the command line parser will search for, some miscellaneous parameters, like use of gpu, timing, etc. :param parser: the argument parser :return: the same parser, but with the added options. """ parser.add_argument('--use_gpu', action='store_true', help='use GPU (CUDA). For loading data on Windows OS, if you get an Access Denied or Operation ' 'Not Supported for cuda, you must set --loader_num_workers to 0 ' '(you can\'t share CUDA tensors among Windows processes).') parser.add_argument('--gpu_num', default="0", type=str) parser.add_argument('--map_gpu_beginning', action='store_true', help='Will map all tensors (including FULL dataset) to GPU at the start of the instance, if ' '--use_gpu flag is supplied and CUDA is available. This option is NOT recommended if you ' 'have low GPU memory or if you dataset is very large, since you may quickly run out of ' 'memory.') parser.add_argument('--timing', action='store_true', help='if specified, will display times for several parts of training') parser.add_argument('--load_args_from_json', type=str, default=None, help='Path to json file containing args to pass. Should be an object containing the keys of ' 'the attributes you want to change (keys that you don\'t supply will be left unchanged) ' 'and their values according to their type (int, str, bool, list, etc.)') return parser
from typing import List from typing import Set def grouping_is_valid( proposed_grouping: List[Set[str]], past_groups: List[Set[str]], max_intersection_size: int, ) -> bool: """Returns true if no group in the proposed grouping intersects with any past group with intersection size strictly greater than `max_intersection_size`. """ for group in proposed_grouping: for past_group in past_groups: if len(group & past_group) > max_intersection_size: return False return True
def or_default(none_or_value, default): """ inputs: none_or_value: variable to test default: value to return if none_or_value is None """ return none_or_value if none_or_value is not None else default
import re def keyclean(key): """ Default way to clean table headers so they make good dictionary keys. """ clean = re.sub(r'\s+', '_', key.strip()) clean = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '', clean) return clean
def value_left(self, right): """ Returns the value of the right type instance to use in an operator method, namely when the method's instance is on the left side of the expression. """ return right.value if isinstance(right, self.__class__) else right
def get_mid_surface(in_surfaces): """get_mid_surface gives the mid surface when dealing with the 7 different surfaces Args: (list of strings) in_surfaces : List of path to the 7 different surfaces generated by mris_expand Returns: (string) Path to the mid surface """ return in_surfaces[3]
def parse_type(msg_type): """ Parse ROS message field type :param msg_type: ROS field type, ``str`` :returns: base_type, is_array, array_length, ``(str, bool, int)`` :raises: :exc:`ValueError` If *msg_type* cannot be parsed """ if not msg_type: raise ValueError("Invalid empty type") if '[' in msg_type: var_length = msg_type.endswith('[]') splits = msg_type.split('[') if len(splits) > 2: raise ValueError("Currently only support 1-dimensional array types: %s"%msg_type) if var_length: return msg_type[:-2], True, None else: try: length = int(splits[1][:-1]) return splits[0], True, length except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid array dimension: [%s]"%splits[1][:-1]) else: return msg_type, False, None
def zernike_name(index, framework='Noll'): """ Get the name of the Zernike with input index in input framework (Noll or WSS). :param index: int, Zernike index :param framework: str, 'Noll' or 'WSS' for Zernike ordering framework :return zern_name: str, name of the Zernike in the chosen framework """ noll_names = {1: 'piston', 2: 'tip', 3: 'tilt', 4: 'defocus', 5: 'astig45', 6: 'astig0', 7: 'ycoma', 8: 'xcoma', 9: 'ytrefoil', 10: 'xtrefoil', 11: 'spherical'} wss_names = {1: 'piston', 2: 'tip', 3: 'tilt', 5: 'defocus', 4: 'astig45', 6: 'astig0', 8: 'ycoma', 7: 'xcoma', 10: 'ytrefoil', 11: 'xtrefoil', 9: 'spherical'} if framework == 'Noll': zern_name = noll_names[index] elif framework == 'WSS': zern_name = wss_names[index] else: raise ValueError('No known Zernike convention passed.') return zern_name
def xml_string(line, tag, namespace, default=None): """ Get string value from etree element """ try: val = (line.find(namespace + tag).text) except: val = default return val
def probabilities (X) -> dict: """ This function maps the set of outcomes found in the sequence of events, 'X', to their respective probabilty of occuring in 'X'. The return value is a python dictionary where the keys are the set of outcomes and the values are their associated probabilities.""" # The set of outcomes, denoted as 'C', and the total events, denoted as 'T'. C, T = set(X), len(X) return {c: X.count(c) / T for c in C}
def select_daily(ds, day_init=15, day_end=21): """ Select lead time days. Args: ds: xarray dataset. day_init (int): first lead day selection. Defaults to 15. day_end (int): last lead day selection. Defaults to 21. Returns: xarray dataset subset based on time selection. ::Lead time indices for reference:: Week 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Week 2: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Week 3: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Week 4: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Week 5: 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 Week 6: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 """ return ds.isel(lead=slice(day_init, day_end + 1))
import json def LoadJSON(json_string): """Loads json object from string, or None. Args: json_string: A string to get object from. Returns: JSON object if the string represents a JSON object, None otherwise. """ try: data = json.loads(json_string) except ValueError: data = None return data
def map_aemo_facility_status(facility_status: str) -> str: """ Maps an AEMO facility status to an Opennem facility status """ unit_status = facility_status.lower().strip() if unit_status.startswith("in service"): return "operating" if unit_status.startswith("in commissioning"): return "commissioning" if unit_status.startswith("committed"): return "committed" if unit_status.startswith("maturing"): return "maturing" if unit_status.startswith("emerging"): return "emerging" raise Exception( "Could not find AEMO status for facility status: {}".format( unit_status ) )
def load_config_file(config_file): """ Loads the given file into a list of lines :param config_file: file name of the config file :type config_file: str :return: config file as a list (one item per line) as returned by open().readlines() """ with open(config_file, 'r') as f: config_document = f.readlines() return config_document
from pathlib import Path def check_overwrite(path: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> str: """ Check if a path exists, if so raising a RuntimeError if overwriting is disabled. :param path: Path :param overwrite: Whether to overwrite :return: Path """ if Path(path).is_file() and not overwrite: raise RuntimeError( f"Requested existing {path!r} as output, but overwriting is disabled." ) return path
def mulaw_to_value(mudata): """Convert a mu-law encoded value to linear.""" position = ((mudata & 0xF0) >> 4) + 5 return ((1 << position) | ((mudata & 0xF) << (position - 4)) | (1 << (position - 5))) - 33
import re def test_invalid_patterns(list, pattern): """ Function to facilitate the tests in MyRegExTest class :param list: list with strings of invalid cases :param pattern: a regular expression :return: list with the result of all matches which should be a list of None """ newList = [] for item in list: matched = re.match(pattern, item) if matched is None: newList.append(None) else: raise ValueError(item + ' matched to ' + pattern + ' while it should not have matched') return newList