def check(lst: list, search_element: int) -> bool: """Check if the list contains the search_element.""" return any([True for i in lst if i == search_element])
from pathlib import Path def data_dir(test_dir: Path) -> Path: """ Create a directory for storing the mock data set. """ _data_dir = test_dir / 'data' _data_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return _data_dir
def where_between(field_name, start_date, end_date): """ Return the bit of query for the dates interval. """ str = """ {0} between date_format('{1}', '%%Y-%%c-%%d %%H:%%i:%%S') and date_format('{2}', '%%Y-%%c-%%d 23:%%i:%%S') """ .format( field_name, start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) return str
import re def sort_with_num(path): """Extract leading numbers in a file name for numerical sorting.""" fname = nums = re.match('^\d+', fname) if nums: return int(nums[0]) else: return 0
import base64 def urlsafe_b64decode_nopadding(val): """Deal with unpadded urlsafe base64.""" # Yes, it accepts extra = characters. return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(str(val) + '===')
def _subimg_bbox(img, subimage, xc, yc): """ Find the x/y bounding-box pixel coordinates in ``img`` needed to add ``subimage``, centered at ``(xc, yc)``, to ``img``. Returns ``None`` if the ``subimage`` would extend past the ``img`` boundary. """ ys, xs = subimage.shape y, x = img.shape y0 = int(yc - (ys - 1) / 2.0) y1 = y0 + ys x0 = int(xc - (xs - 1) / 2.0) x1 = x0 + xs if (x0 >= 0) and (y0 >= 0) and (x1 < x) and (y1 < y): return (x0, x1, y0, y1) else: return None
def fuzzy_lookup_item(name_or_id, lst): """Lookup an item by either name or id. Looking up by id is exact match. Looking up by name is by containment, and if the term is entirely lowercase then it's also case-insensitive. Multiple matches will throw an exception, unless one of them was an exact match. """ try: idd = int(name_or_id) for val in lst: if == idd: return val raise RuntimeError('Id %d not found!' % idd) except ValueError: insensitive = name_or_id.islower() matches = [] for val in lst: name = or '' if name_or_id == name: return val if insensitive: name = name.lower() if name_or_id in name: matches.append(val) if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] if not matches: raise RuntimeError(f'No name containing {name_or_id!r} found!') from None raise RuntimeError( f'Multiple matches for {name_or_id!r}: {[ for x in matches]}') from None
def _flatten_value_to_list(batch_values): """Converts an N-D dense or sparse batch to a 1-D list.""" # Ravel for flattening and tolist so that we go to native Python types # for more efficient followup processing. # batch_value, = batch_values return batch_value.ravel().tolist()
import tarfile def extract_tarball(tarball, install_dir): """Extract tarball to a local path""" if not tarball.path.is_file(): raise IOError(f"<info>{tarball.path}</info> is not a file!") try: with, "r:gz") as f_tarball: extraction_dir = [ for obj in f_tarball.getmembers() if obj.isdir() and "/" not in ][0] f_tarball.extractall(install_dir) except tarfile.ReadError as exc: raise IOError(f"<info>{tarball.path}</info> is not a valid tarball!") from exc return install_dir / extraction_dir
def _VarintSize(value): """Compute the size of a varint value.""" if value <= 0x7f: return 1 if value <= 0x3fff: return 2 if value <= 0x1fffff: return 3 if value <= 0xfffffff: return 4 if value <= 0x7ffffffff: return 5 if value <= 0x3ffffffffff: return 6 if value <= 0x1ffffffffffff: return 7 if value <= 0xffffffffffffff: return 8 if value <= 0x7fffffffffffffff: return 9 return 10
def is_android(builder_cfg): """Determine whether the given builder is an Android builder.""" return ('Android' in builder_cfg.get('extra_config', '') or builder_cfg.get('os') == 'Android')
def sentinel_id(vocabulary, return_value=None): """Token ID to use as a sentinel. By default, we use the last token in the vocabulary. Args: vocabulary: a return_value: an optional integer Returns: an integer """ if return_value is not None: return return_value return vocabulary.vocab_size - 1
from typing import Type def is_dict_specifier(value): # type: (object) -> bool """ Check if value is a supported dictionary. Check if a parameter of the task decorator is a dictionary that specifies at least Type (and therefore can include things like Prefix, see binary decorator test for some examples). :param value: Decorator value to check. :return: True if value is a dictionary that specifies at least the Type of the key. """ return isinstance(value, dict) and Type in value
def parse_star_count(stars_str): """Parse strings like 40.3k and get the no. of stars as a number""" stars_str = stars_str.strip() return int(float(stars_str[:-1]) * 1000) if stars_str[-1] == 'k' else int(stars_str)
def with_color(text, color, bold=False): """ Return a ZSH color-formatted string. Arguments --------- text: str text to be colored color: str ZSH color code bold: bool whether or not to make the text bold Returns ------- str string with ZSH color-coded text """ color_fmt = '$fg_bold[{:s}]' if bold else '$fg[{:s}]' return '%{{{:s}%}}{:s}%{{$reset_color%}}'.format( color_fmt.format(color), text)
def transition_soil_carbon(area_final, carbon_final, depth_final, transition_rate, year, area_initial, carbon_initial, depth_initial): """This is the formula for calculating the transition of soil carbon .. math:: (af * cf * df) - \ \\frac{1}{(1 + tr)^y} * \ [(af * cf * df) - \ (ai * ci * di)] where * :math:`af` is area_final * :math:`cf` is carbon_final * :math:`df` is depth_final * :math:`tr` is transition_rate * :math:`y` is year * :math:`ai` is area_initial * :math:`ci` is carbon_initial * :math:`di` is depth_initial Args: area_final (float): The final area of the carbon carbon_final (float): The final amount of carbon per volume depth_final (float): The final depth of carbon transition_rate (float): The rate at which the transition occurs year (float): The amount of time in years overwhich the transition occurs area_initial (float): The intial area of the carbon carbon_initial (float): The iniital amount of carbon per volume depth_initial (float): The initial depth of carbon Returns: float: Transition amount of soil carbon """ return (area_final * carbon_final * depth_final) - \ (1/((1 + transition_rate) ** year)) * \ ((area_final * carbon_final * depth_final) - \ (area_initial * carbon_initial * depth_initial))
def split_data_set(data_set, axis, value): """ 按照给定特征划分数据集,筛选某个特征为指定特征值的数据 (然后因为是按该特征进行划分了,该特征在以后的划分中就不用再出现,所以把该特征在新的列表中移除) :param data_set: 待划分的数据集,格式如下,每一行是一个list,list最后一个元素就是标签,其他元素是特征 :param axis: 划分数据集的特征(特征的序号) :param value: 需要返回的特征的值(筛选特征的值要等于此值) :return: >>>myDat = [[1, 1, 'yes'], [1, 1, 'yes'], [1, 0, 'no'], [0, 1, 'no'], [0, 1, 'no']] >>>split_data_set(myDat,0,1) [[1, 'yes'], [1, 'yes'], [0, 'no']] >>>split_data_set(myDat,0,0) [[1, 'no'], [1, 'no']] """ # 创建新的list对象 ret_data_set = [] for feature_vec in data_set: if feature_vec[axis] == value: # 抽取, 把指定特征从列表中去掉,组成一个新的特征+标签的列表 reduced_feature_vec = feature_vec[:axis] reduced_feature_vec.extend(feature_vec[axis + 1:]) ret_data_set.append(reduced_feature_vec) return ret_data_set
from typing import Any def escape_parameter(value: Any) -> str: """ Escape a query parameter. """ if value == "*": return value if isinstance(value, str): value = value.replace("'", "''") return f"'{value}'" if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode("utf-8") return f"'{value}'" if isinstance(value, bool): return "TRUE" if value else "FALSE" if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return str(value) return f"'{value}'"
def make_str_lst_unc_val(id, luv): """ make_str_lst_unc_val(id, luv) Make a formatted string from an ID string and a list of uncertain values. Input ----- id A number or a string that will be output as a string. luv A list of DTSA-II UncertainValue2 items. These will be printed as comma-delimited pairs with 6 digits following the decimal. Return ------ A string with comma-delimited values with the ID and mean and uncertainty for each item in the list. This is suitable for writing output to a .csv file. Example: -------- import dtsa2.jmGen as jmg import gov.nist.microanalysis.Utility as epu nmZnO1 = 40.1 uvOKa1 = epu.UncertainValue2(0.269157,0.000126) uvZnLa1 = epu.UncertainValue2(0.259251,9.4e-05) uvSiKa1 = epu.UncertainValue2(0.654561,8.4e-05) l_uvals = [uvOKa1, uvZnLa1, uvSiKa1] out = jmg.make_list_unc_val_string(nmZnO1, l_uvals) print(out) 1> 40.1, 0.269157, 0.000126, 0.259251, 0.000094, 0.654561, 0.000084 """ lv = len(luv) i = 0 rv = "%s, " % (id) for uv in luv: rc = round(uv.doubleValue(), 6) uc = round(uv.uncertainty(), 6) if i == lv-1: rv += "%g, %.6f" % (rc, uc) else: rv += "%g, %.6f, " % (rc, uc) i += 1 return(rv)
import typing def translate_null_strings_to_blanks(d: typing.Dict) -> typing.Dict: """Map over a dict and translate any null string values into ' '. Leave everything else as is. This is needed because you cannot add TableCell objects with only a null string or the client crashes. :param Dict d: dict of item values. :rtype Dict: """ # Beware: locally defined function. def translate_nulls(s): if s == "": return " " return s new_d = {k: translate_nulls(v) for k, v in d.items()} return new_d
import time def timer(func): """ Decorator to measure execution time """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() ret = func(*args, **kwargs) elapsed = time.time() - start_time print('{:s}: {:4f} sec'.format(func.__name__, elapsed)) return ret return wrapper
import uuid def _create_keyword_plan_campaign(client, customer_id, keyword_plan): """Adds a keyword plan campaign to the given keyword plan. Args: client: An initialized instance of GoogleAdsClient customer_id: A str of the customer_id to use in requests. keyword_plan: A str of the keyword plan resource_name this keyword plan campaign should be attributed to.create_keyword_plan. Returns: A str of the resource_name for the newly created keyword plan campaign. Raises: GoogleAdsException: If an error is returned from the API. """ keyword_plan_campaign_service = client.get_service( "KeywordPlanCampaignService" ) operation = client.get_type("KeywordPlanCampaignOperation") keyword_plan_campaign = operation.create = f"Keyword plan campaign {uuid.uuid4()}" keyword_plan_campaign.cpc_bid_micros = 1000000 keyword_plan_campaign.keyword_plan = keyword_plan network = client.enums.KeywordPlanNetworkEnum.GOOGLE_SEARCH keyword_plan_campaign.keyword_plan_network = network geo_target = client.get_type("KeywordPlanGeoTarget") # Constant for U.S. Other geo target constants can be referenced here: # geo_target.geo_target_constant = "geoTargetConstants/2840" keyword_plan_campaign.geo_targets.append(geo_target) # Constant for English language = "languageConstants/1000" keyword_plan_campaign.language_constants.append(language) response = keyword_plan_campaign_service.mutate_keyword_plan_campaigns( customer_id=customer_id, operations=[operation] ) resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name print(f"Created keyword plan campaign with resource name: {resource_name}") return resource_name
def is_hermitian(mx, tol=1e-9): """ Test whether mx is a hermitian matrix. Parameters ---------- mx : numpy array Matrix to test. tol : float, optional Tolerance on absolute magitude of elements. Returns ------- bool True if mx is hermitian, otherwise False. """ (m, n) = mx.shape for i in range(m): if abs(mx[i, i].imag) > tol: return False for j in range(i + 1, n): if abs(mx[i, j] - mx[j, i].conjugate()) > tol: return False return True
from typing import Any def get_object_unique_name(obj: Any) -> str: """Return a unique string associated with the given object. That string is constructed as follows: <object class name>_<object_hex_id> """ return f"{type(obj).__name__}_{hex(id(obj))}"
def recurse_while(predicate, f, *args): """ Accumulate value by executing recursively function `f`. The function `f` is executed with starting arguments. While the predicate for the result is true, the result is fed into function `f`. If predicate is never true then starting arguments are returned. :param predicate: Predicate function guarding execution. :param f: Function to execute. :param *args: Starting arguments. """ result = f(*args) result = result if type(result) == tuple else (result, ) while predicate(*result): args = result # predicate(args) is always true result = f(*args) result = result if type(result) == tuple else (result, ) return args if len(args) > 1 else args[0]
def total_allocation_constraint(weight, allocation: float, upper_bound: bool = True): """ Used for inequality constraint for the total allocation. :param weight: np.array :param allocation: float :param upper_bound: bool if true the constraint is from above (sum of weights <= allocation) else from below (sum of weights <= allocation) :return: np.array """ if upper_bound: return allocation - weight.sum() else: return weight.sum() - allocation
import torch def conv(input, weight): """ Returns the convolution of input and weight tensors, where input contains sequential data. The convolution is along the sequence axis. input is of size [batchSize, inputDim, seqLength] """ output = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(input=input, weight=weight) return output
def _normalize_handler_method(method): """Transforms an HTTP method into a valid Python identifier.""" return method.lower().replace("-", "_")
def replace_cipd_revision(file_path, old_revision, new_revision): """Replaces cipd revision strings in file. Args: file_path: Path to file. old_revision: Old cipd revision to be replaced. new_revision: New cipd revision to use as replacement. Returns: Number of replaced occurrences. Raises: IOError: If no occurrences were found. """ with open(file_path) as f: contents = num = contents.count(old_revision) if not num: raise IOError('Did not find old CIPD revision {} in {}'.format( old_revision, file_path)) newcontents = contents.replace(old_revision, new_revision) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(newcontents) return num
def escape_cdata(cdata): """Escape a string for an XML CDATA section""" return cdata.replace(']]>', ']]>]]&gt;<![CDATA[')
def _strip_unbalanced_punctuation(text, is_open_char, is_close_char): """Remove unbalanced punctuation (e.g parentheses or quotes) from text. Removes each opening punctuation character for which it can't find corresponding closing character, and vice versa. It can only handle one type of punctuation (e.g. it could strip quotes or parentheses but not both). It takes functions (is_open_char, is_close_char), instead of the characters themselves, so that we can determine from nearby characters whether a straight quote is an opening or closing quote. Args: text (string): the text to fix is_open_char: a function that accepts the text and an index, and returns true if the character at that index is an opening punctuation mark. is_close_char: same as is_open_char for closing punctuation mark. Returns: The text with unmatched punctuation removed. """ # lists of unmatched opening and closing chararacters opening_chars = [] unmatched_closing_chars = [] for idx, c in enumerate(text): if is_open_char(text, idx): opening_chars.append(idx) elif is_close_char(text, idx): if opening_chars: # this matches a character we found earlier opening_chars.pop() else: # this doesn't match any opening character unmatched_closing_chars.append(idx) char_indices = [i for (i, _) in enumerate(text) if not(i in opening_chars or i in unmatched_closing_chars)] stripped_text = "".join([text[i] for i in char_indices]) return stripped_text
def get_min_max_value(dfg): """ Gets min and max value assigned to edges in DFG graph Parameters ----------- dfg Directly follows graph Returns ----------- min_value Minimum value in directly follows graph max_value Maximum value in directly follows graph """ min_value = 9999999999 max_value = -1 for edge in dfg: if dfg[edge] < min_value: min_value = dfg[edge] if dfg[edge] > max_value: max_value = dfg[edge] return min_value, max_value
import time def fmt_time(timestamp): """Return ISO formatted time from seconds from epoch.""" if timestamp: return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(timestamp)) else: return '-'
from typing import Tuple def break_word_by_trailing_integer(pname_fid: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Splits a word that has a value that is an integer Parameters ---------- pname_fid : str the DVPRELx term (e.g., A(11), NSM(5)) Returns ------- word : str the value not in parentheses value : int the value in parentheses Examples -------- >>> break_word_by_trailing_integer('T11') ('T', '11') >>> break_word_by_trailing_integer('THETA11') ('THETA', '11') """ nums = [] i = 0 for i, letter in enumerate(reversed(pname_fid)): if letter.isdigit(): nums.append(letter) else: break num = ''.join(nums[::-1]) if not num: msg = ("pname_fid=%r does not follow the form 'T1', 'T11', 'THETA42' " "(letters and a number)" % pname_fid) raise SyntaxError(msg) word = pname_fid[:-i] assert len(word)+len(num) == len(pname_fid), 'word=%r num=%r pname_fid=%r' % (word, num, pname_fid) return word, num
def _get_unique_barcode_ids(pb_index, isoseq_mode=False): """ Get a list of sorted, unique fw/rev barcode indices from an index object. """ bc_sel = (pb_index.bcForward != -1) & (pb_index.bcReverse != -1) bcFw = pb_index.bcForward[bc_sel] bcRev = pb_index.bcReverse[bc_sel] bc_ids = sorted(list(set(zip(bcFw, bcRev)))) if isoseq_mode: bc_ids = sorted(list(set([tuple(sorted(bc)) for bc in bc_ids]))) return bc_ids
def argMax(scores): """ Returns the key with the highest value. """ if len(scores) == 0: return None all = scores.items() values = [x[1] for x in all] maxIndex = values.index(max(values)) return all[maxIndex][0]
def get_ratio(numerator, denominator): """Get ratio from numerator and denominator.""" return ( 0 if not denominator else round(float(numerator or 0) / float(denominator), 2) )
def irrf(valor=0): """ -> Função para cálcular o valor do IRRF. :param valor: Valor base do salário para cálculo do IRRF. :return: Retorna o valor do IRRF e alíquota utilizada. """ irrf = [] if valor < 1903.99: irrf.append(0) irrf.append(0) elif valor >= 1903.99 and valor <= 2826.65: irrf.append((valor * 7.5) / 100 - 142.80) # Alíquota de 7.5%, menos parcela de dedução. irrf.append('7,5') elif valor >= 2826.66 and valor <= 3751.05: irrf.append((valor * 15) / 100 - 354.80) # Alíquota de 15%, menos parcela de dedução. irrf.append('15') elif valor >= 3751.06 and valor <= 4664.68: irrf.append((valor * 22.5) / 100 - 636.13) # Alíquota de 22.5%, menos parcela de dedução. irrf.append('22,5') elif valor > 4664.68: irrf.append((valor * 27.5) / 100 - 869.36) # Alíquota de 27.5%, menos parcela de dedução. irrf.append('27,5') return irrf
def get_reddit_slug(permalink): """ Get the reddit slug from a submission permalink, with '_' replaced by '-' Args: permalink (str): reddit submission permalink Returns: str: the reddit slug for a submission """ return list(filter(None, permalink.split("/")))[-1].replace("_", "-")
import torch def get_adjacent_th(spec: torch.Tensor, filter_length: int = 5) -> torch.Tensor: """Zero-pad and unfold stft, i.e., add zeros to the beginning so that, using the multi-frame signal model, there will be as many output frames as input frames. Args: spec (torch.Tensor): input spectrum (B, F, T, 2) filter_length (int): length for frame extension Returns: ret (torch.Tensor): output spectrum (B, F, T, filter_length, 2) """ # noqa: D400 return ( torch.nn.functional.pad(spec, pad=[0, 0, filter_length - 1, 0]) .unfold(dimension=-2, size=filter_length, step=1) .transpose(-2, -1) .contiguous() )
def K2(eps): """ Radar dielectric factor |K|**2 Parameters ---------- eps : complex nd array of complex relative dielectric constants Returns ------- nd - float Radar dielectric factor |K|**2 real """ K_complex = (eps-1.0)/(eps+2.0) return (K_complex*K_complex.conj()).real
import torch def projection_from_Rt(rmat, tvec): """ Compute the projection matrix from Rotation and translation. """ assert len(rmat.shape) >= 2 and rmat.shape[-2:] == (3, 3), rmat.shape assert len(tvec.shape) >= 2 and tvec.shape[-2:] == (3, 1), tvec.shape return[rmat, tvec], dim=-1)
def threshold_abs(image, threshold): """Return thresholded image from an absolute cutoff.""" return image > threshold
def list_manipulation(lst, command, location, value=None): """Mutate lst to add/remove from beginning or end. - lst: list of values - command: command, either "remove" or "add" - location: location to remove/add, either "beginning" or "end" - value: when adding, value to add remove: remove item at beginning or end, and return item removed >>> lst = [1, 2, 3] >>> list_manipulation(lst, 'remove', 'end') 3 >>> list_manipulation(lst, 'remove', 'beginning') 1 >>> lst [2] add: add item at beginning/end, and return list >>> lst = [1, 2, 3] >>> list_manipulation(lst, 'add', 'beginning', 20) [20, 1, 2, 3] >>> list_manipulation(lst, 'add', 'end', 30) [20, 1, 2, 3, 30] >>> lst [20, 1, 2, 3, 30] Invalid commands or locations should return None: >>> list_manipulation(lst, 'foo', 'end') is None True >>> list_manipulation(lst, 'add', 'dunno') is None True """ if command == "remove": if location == "end": return lst.pop() elif location == "beginning": return lst.pop(0) elif command == "add": if location == "beginning": lst.insert(0,value) return lst elif location == "end": lst.append(value) return lst
import collections def _get_ngrams(segment, max_order): """Extracts all n-grams upto a given maximum order from an input segment. Args: segment: text segment from which n-grams will be extracted. max_order: maximum length in tokens of the n-grams returned by this methods. Returns: The Counter containing all n-grams upto max_order in segment with a count of how many times each n-gram occurred. """ ngram_counts = collections.Counter() for order in range(1, max_order + 1): for i in range(0, len(segment) - order + 1): ngram = tuple(segment[i:i + order]) ngram_counts[ngram] += 1 return ngram_counts
import re def find_version(infile): """ Given an open file (or some other iterator of lines) holding a file, find the current version line. """ for line in infile: m ='AC_INIT\(\[tor\],\s*\[([^\]]*)\]\)', line) if m: return return None
def int_array_to_hex(iv_array): """ Converts an integer array to a hex string. """ iv_hex = '' for b in iv_array: iv_hex += '{:02x}'.format(b) return iv_hex
def scale(a: tuple, scalar: float) -> tuple: """Scales the point.""" return a[0] * scalar, a[1] * scalar
def timedelta_to_seconds(ts): """ Convert the TimedeltaIndex of a pandas.Series into a numpy array of seconds. """ seconds = ts.index.values.astype(float) seconds -= seconds[-1] seconds /= 1e9 return seconds
def parse_gage(s): """Parse a streamgage key-value pair. Parse a streamgage key-value pair, separated by '='; that's the reverse of ShellArgs. On the command line (argparse) a declaration will typically look like:: foo=hello or foo="hello world" :param s: str :rtype: tuple(key, value) """ # Adapted from: items = s.split('=') key = items[0].strip() # we remove blanks around keys, as is logical value = '' if len(items) > 1: # rejoin the rest: value = '='.join(items[1:]) return key, value
def calc_internal_hours(entries): """ Calculates internal utilizable hours from an array of entry dictionaries """ internal_hours = 0.0 for entry in entries: if entry['project_name'][:22] == "TTS Acq / Internal Acq" and not entry['billable']: internal_hours = internal_hours + float(entry['hours_spent']) return internal_hours
def callable_or_raise(obj): """Check that an object is callable, else raise a :exc:`ValueError`. """ if not callable(obj): raise ValueError('Object {0!r} is not callable.'.format(obj)) return obj
from functools import reduce def min_column_widths(rows): """Computes the minimum column width for the table of strings. >>> min_column_widths([["some", "fields"], ["other", "line"]]) [5, 6] """ def lengths(row): return map(len, row) def maximums(row1, row2) : return map(max, row1, row2) return reduce(maximums, map(lengths, rows))
import json def parse_json(json_path): """ Parse training params json file to python dictionary :param json_path: path to training params json file :return: python dict """ with open(json_path) as f: d = json.load(f) return d
def expand_not(tweets): """ DESCRIPTION: In informal speech, which is widely used in social media, it is common to use contractions of words (e.g., don't instead of do not). This may result in misinterpreting the meaning of a phrase especially in the case of negations. This function expands these contractions and other similar ones (e.g it's --> it is etc...). INPUT: tweets: Series of a set of tweets as a python strings OUTPUT: Series of filtered tweets """ tweets = tweets.str.replace('n\'t', ' not', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('i\'m', 'i am', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('\'re', ' are', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('it\'s', 'it is', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('that\'s', 'that is', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('\'ll', ' will', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('\'l', ' will', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('\'ve', ' have', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('\'d', ' would', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('he\'s', 'he is', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('what\'s', 'what is', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('who\'s', 'who is', case=False) tweets = tweets.str.replace('\'s', '', case=False) for punct in ['!', '?', '.']: regex = "(\\"+punct+"( *)){2,}" tweets = tweets.str.replace(regex, punct+' <repeat> ', case=False) return tweets
def _to_original(sequence, result): """ Cast result into the same type >>> _to_original([], ()) [] >>> _to_original((), []) () """ if isinstance(sequence, tuple): return tuple(result) if isinstance(sequence, list): return list(result) return result
def bytes_to_unicode_records(byte_string, delimiter, encoding): """ Convert a byte string to a tuple containing an array of unicode records and any remainder to be used as a prefix next time. """ string = byte_string.decode(encoding) records = string.split(delimiter) return (records[:-1], records[-1].encode(encoding))
def remove_key(d, key): """Safely remove the `key` from the dictionary. Safely remove the `key` from the dictionary `d` by first making a copy of dictionary. Return the new dictionary together with the value stored for the `key`. Parameters ---------- d : dict The dictionary from which to remove the `key`. key : The key to remove Returns ------- v : The value for the key r : dict The dictionary with the key removed. """ r = dict(d) v = r[key] del r[key] return v, r
def is_reviewer(user): """Return True if this user is a financial aid reviewer""" # no need to cache here, all the DB lookups used during has_perm # are already cached return user.has_perm("finaid.review_financial_aid")
def isnonempty(value): """ Return whether the value is not empty Examples:: >>> isnonempty('a') True >>> isnonempty('') False :param value: string to validate whether value is not empty """ return value != ''
def company(anon, obj, field, val): """ Generates a random company name """ return
def jump(inst_ptr, program, direction): """Jump the instruction pointer in the program until matching bracket""" count = direction while count != 0: inst_ptr += direction char = program[inst_ptr] if char == '[': count += 1 elif char == ']': count -= 1 else: pass return inst_ptr
def remove_duplicates_from_list(params_list): """ Common function to remove duplicates from a list Author: :param params_list: :return: """ if params_list: return list(dict.fromkeys(params_list)) return list()
import math def get_distance_metres(aLocation1, aLocation2): """ Returns the ground distance in metres between two LocationGlobal objects :param aLocation1: starting location :param aLocation2: ending location :return: """ dlat = - dlong = aLocation2.lon - aLocation1.lon dlong_c = dlong*math.cos(math.radians( return math.sqrt((dlat * dlat) + (dlong_c * dlong_c)) * 1.113195e5
def GetCLInfo(cl_info_str): """Gets CL's repo_name and revision.""" return cl_info_str.split('/')
import torch def color2position(C, min=None, max=None): """ Converts the input points set into colors Parameters ---------- C : Tensor the input color tensor min : float (optional) the minimum value for the points set. If None it will be set to -1 (default is None) max : float (optional) the maximum value for the points set. If None it will be set to +1 (default is None) Returns ------- Tensor the points set tensor """ if min is None: min = -1 if max is None: max = 1 return torch.add(torch.mul(C, max-min), min)
def parse_dotted_path(path): """ Extracts attribute name from dotted path. """ try: objects, attr = path.rsplit('.', 1) except ValueError: objects = None attr = path return objects, attr
def simple_url_formatter(endpoint, url): """ A simple URL formatter to use when no application context is available. :param str endpoint: the endpoint to use. :param str url: the URL to format """ return u"/{}".format(url)
def determine_nohit_score(cons, invert): """ Determine the value in the matrix assigned to nohit given SeqFindr options :param cons: whether the Seqfindr run is using mapping consensus data or not :param invert: whether the Seqfindr run is inverting (missing hits to be shown as black bars. :type cons: None of boolean :type cons: boolean :returns: the value defined as no hit in the results matrix """ if cons is None: nohit = 0.5 else: nohit = 1.0 if invert: nohit = nohit*-1.0 return nohit
import torch def ln_addTH(x : torch.Tensor, beta : torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ out = x + beta[None, :, None] """ return x + beta[None, :, None]
def list_books(books): """Creates a string that, on each line, informs about a book.""" return '\n'.join([f'+ {}: {book.renew_count}: {book.return_date}' for book in books])
def format_pvalue(p_value, alpha=0.05, include_equal=True): """ If p-value is lower than 0.05, change it to "<0.05", otherwise, round it to two decimals :param p_val: input p-value as a float :param alpha: significance level :param include_equal: include equal sign ('=') to pvalue (e.g., '=0.06') or not (e.g., '0.06') :return: p_val: processed p-value (replaced by "<0.05" or rounded to two decimals) as a str """ if p_value < alpha: p_value = "<" + str(alpha) else: if include_equal: p_value = '=' + str(round(p_value, 3)) else: p_value = str(round(p_value, 3)) return p_value
def genmatrix(list, combinfunc, symmetric=False, diagonal=None): """ Takes a list and generates a 2D-matrix using the supplied combination function to calculate the values. PARAMETERS list - the list of items combinfunc - the function that is used to calculate teh value in a cell. It has to cope with two arguments. symmetric - Whether it will be a symmetric matrix along the diagonal. For example, it the list contains integers, and the combination function is abs(x-y), then the matrix will be symmetric. Default: False diagonal - The value to be put into the diagonal. For some functions, the diagonal will stay constant. An example could be the function "x-y". Then each diagonal cell will be "0". If this value is set to None, then the diagonal will be calculated. Default: None """ matrix = [] row_index = 0 for item in list: row = [] col_index = 0 for item2 in list: if diagonal is not None and col_index == row_index: # if this is a cell on the diagonal row.append(diagonal) elif symmetric and col_index < row_index: # if the matrix is symmetric and we are "in the lower left triangle" row.append( matrix[col_index][row_index] ) else: # if this cell is not on the diagonal row.append(combinfunc(item, item2)) col_index += 1 matrix.append(row) row_index += 1 return matrix
import sqlite3 def initialize_database() -> sqlite3.Connection: """Create a sqlite3 database stored in memory with two tables to hold users, records and history. Returns the connection to the created database.""" with sqlite3.connect("bank_buds.db") as conn: conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user( customer_id TEXT NOT NULL, firstName TEXT NOT NULL, lastName TEXT NOT NULL, userName TEXT NOT NULL, userPass TEXT NOT NULL, balance INTEGER NOT NULL)""") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_record( rec_id TEXT REFERENCES user NOT NULL, wins INTEGER NOT NULL, losses INTEGER NOT NULL)""") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS challenge_history( challenge_id INTEGER NOT NULL, challenge_starter TEXT REFERENCES user NOT NULL, challenge_opponent TEXT REFERENCES user NOT NULL, challenge_winner TEXT REFERENCES user NOT NULL, challenge_loser TEXT REFERENCES user NOT NULL, is_active INTEGER NOT NULL, goal INTEGER NOT NULL)""") return conn
def build_headers(access_token, client_id): """ :param access_token: Access token granted when the user links their account :param client_id: This is the api key for your own app :return: Dict of headers """ return {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'trakt-api-version': '2', 'trakt-api-key': client_id}
def values(series): """Count the values and sort. series: pd.Series returns: series mapping from values to frequencies """ return series.value_counts(dropna=False).sort_index()
def _get_window_size(offset, step_size, image_size): """ Calculate window width or height. Usually same as block size, except when at the end of image and only a fracture of block size remains :param offset: start columns/ row :param step_size: block width/ height :param image_size: image width/ height :return: window width/ height """ if offset + step_size > image_size: return image_size - offset else: return step_size
def sturm_liouville_function(x, y, p, p_x, q, f, alpha=0, nonlinear_exp=2): """Second order Sturm-Liouville Function defining y'' for Lu=f. This form is used because it is expected for Scipy's solve_ivp method. Keyword arguments: x -- independent variable y -- dependent variable p -- p(x) parameter p_x -- derivative of p_x wrt x q -- q(x) parameter f -- forcing function f(x) alpha -- nonlinear parameter nonlinear_exp -- exponent of nonlinear term """ y_x = y[1] y_xx = -1*(p_x/p)*y[1] + (q/p)*y[0] + (q/p)*alpha*y[0]**nonlinear_exp - f/p return [y_x, y_xx]
def is_private(key): """ Returns whether or not an attribute is private. A private attribute looks like: __private_attribute__. :param key: The attribute key :return: bool """ return key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__")
def _channel_name(row, prefix="", suffix=""): """Formats a usable name for the repeater.""" length = 16 - len(prefix) name = prefix + " ".join((row["CALL"], row["CITY"]))[:length] if suffix: length = 16 - len(suffix) name = ("{:%d.%d}" % (length, length)).format(name) + suffix return name
def d_out_dist_cooler(P_mass, rho_dist_cool, w_drift): """ Calculates the tube's diameter of out distilliat from distilliat cooler to distilliat volume. Parameters ---------- P_mass : float The mass flow rate of distilliat, [kg/s] rho_dist_cool : float The density of liquid at cooling temperature, [kg/m**3] w_drift :float The speed of steam at the tube, [m/s] Returns ------- d_out_dist_cooler : float The tube's diameter of out distilliat from distilliat cooler to distilliat volume, [m] References ---------- &&& """ return P_mass/(0,785*rho_dist_cool*w_drift)
def has_no_duplicates(input_): """Check that a list contains no duplicates. For example: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] is valid. ['aa', 'bb', 'aa'] is not valid. The word aa appears more than once. """ return len(input_) == len(set(input_))
def replace_word_choice(sentence: str, old_word: str, new_word: str) -> str: """Replace a word in the string with another word. :param sentence: str - a sentence to replace words in. :param old_word: str - word to replace :param new_word: str - replacement word :return: str - input sentence with new words in place of old words """ return sentence.replace(old_word, new_word)
def test_if_tech_defined(enduse_fueltypes_techs): """Test if a technology has been configured, i.e. a fuel share has been assgined to one of the fueltpyes in `fuel_shares`. Arguments --------- enduse_fueltypes_techs : dict Configured technologies and fuel shares of an enduse Returns ------- c_tech_defined : bool Criteria whether technologies have been configured for an enduse or not """ c_tech_defined = False for fueltype in enduse_fueltypes_techs: if enduse_fueltypes_techs[fueltype] == {}: pass else: c_tech_defined = True break return c_tech_defined
def map_class_to_id(classes): """ Get a 1-indexed id for each class given as an argument Note that for MASATI, len(classes) == 1 when only considering boats Args: classes (list): A list of classes present in the dataset Returns: dict[str, int] """ class_ids = list(range(1, len(classes) + 1)) return dict(zip(classes, class_ids))
def get_output_detections_image_file_path(input_file_path, suffix="--detections"): """Get the appropriate output image path for a given image input. Effectively appends "--detections" to the original image file and places it within the same directory. Parameters ----------- input_file_path: str Path to input image. suffix: str Suffix appended to the file. Default: "--detections" Returns ------- str Full path for detections output image. """ input_file_path = input_file_path.replace('--original.', '.') input_file_paths = input_file_path.split('.') input_file_paths[-2] = input_file_paths[-2]+suffix return '.'.join(input_file_paths)
def either(a, b): """ :param a: Uncertain value (might be None). :param b: Default value. :return: Either the uncertain value if it is not None or the default value. """ return b if a is None else a
def get_app_label_and_model_name(path): """Gets app_label and model_name from the path given. :param str path: Dotted path to the model (without ".model", as stored in the Django `ContentType` model. :return tuple: app_label, model_name """ parts = path.split('.') return (''.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1])
import math def vec_len(x): """ Length of the 2D vector""" length = math.sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) return length
def remove_empties(seq): """ Remove items of length 0 >>> remove_empties([1, 2, ('empty', np.nan), 4, 5]) [1, 2, 4, 5] >>> remove_empties([('empty', np.nan)]) [nan] >>> remove_empties([]) [] """ if not seq: return seq seq2 = [x for x in seq if not (isinstance(x, tuple) and x and x[0] == 'empty')] if seq2: return seq2 else: return [seq[0][1]]
def read_code_blocks_from_md(md_path): """ Read ```python annotated code blocks from a markdown file. Args: md_path (str): Path to the markdown fle Returns: py_blocks ([str]): The blocks of python code. """ with open(md_path, "r") as f: full_md = md_py_splits = full_md.split("```python")[1:] py_blocks = [split.split("```")[0] for split in md_py_splits] return py_blocks
def _scale_func(k): """ Return a lambda function that scales its input by k Parameters ---------- k : float The scaling factor of the returned lambda function Returns ------- Lambda function """ return lambda y_values_input: k * y_values_input
def split_rows(sentences, column_names): """ Creates a list of sentence where each sentence is a list of lines Each line is a dictionary of columns :param sentences: :param column_names: :return: """ new_sentences = [] root_values = ['0', 'ROOT', 'ROOT', 'ROOT', 'ROOT', 'ROOT', '0', 'ROOT', '0', 'ROOT'] start = [dict(zip(column_names, root_values))] for sentence in sentences: rows = sentence.split('\n') sentence = [dict(zip(column_names, row.split())) for row in rows if row[0] != '#'] sentence = start + sentence new_sentences.append(sentence) return new_sentences
import re def fix_reference_name(name, blacklist=None): """Return a syntax-valid Python reference name from an arbitrary name""" name = "".join(re.split(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', name)) while name and not re.match(r'([a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_]*)$', name): if not re.match(r'[a-zA-Z]', name[0]): name = name[1:] continue name = str(name) if not name: name = "data" if blacklist is not None and name in blacklist: get_new_name = lambda index: name+('_%03d' % index) index = 0 while get_new_name(index) in blacklist: index += 1 name = get_new_name(index) return name
def comp_mass(self): """Compute the mass of the Frame Parameters ---------- self : Frame A Frame object Returns ------- Mfra: float Mass of the Frame [kg] """ Vfra = self.comp_volume() # Mass computation return Vfra * self.mat_type.struct.rho
def secondsToHMS(intervalInSeconds): """converts time in seconds to a string representing time in hours, minutes, and seconds :param intervalInSeconds: a time measured in seconds :returns: time in HH:MM:SS format """ interval = [0, 0, intervalInSeconds] interval[0] = (interval[2] / 3600) - ((interval[2] % 3600) / 3600) interval[1] = ((interval[2] % 3600) / 60) - ((interval[2] % 3600) % 60) / 60 interval[2] = interval[2] % 60 intervalString = '{0:02.0f}:{1:02.0f}:{2:02.0f}'.format(interval[0], interval[1], interval[2]) return intervalString
def find_layer(model, type, order=0): """ Given a model, find the Nth layer of the specified type. :param model: the model that will be searched :param type: the lowercase type, as it is automatically saved by keras in the layer's name (e.g. conv2d, dense) :param order: 0 by default (the first matching layer will be returned) :return: The index of the matching layer or None if it was not found. """ num_found = 0 for layer in model.layers: if type + '_' in layer.get_config()['name']: if order == num_found: return layer num_found += 1 return None
def _find_weektime(datetime, time_type='min'): """ Finds the minutes/seconds aways from midnight between Sunday and Monday. Parameters ---------- datetime : datetime The date and time that needs to be converted. time_type : 'min' or 'sec' States whether the time difference should be specified in seconds or minutes. """ if time_type == 'sec': return datetime.weekday() * 24 * 60 * 60 + datetime.hour * 60 * 60 + datetime.minute * 60 + datetime.second elif time_type == 'min': return datetime.weekday() * 24 * 60 + datetime.hour * 60 + datetime.minute else: raise ValueError("Invalid time type specified.")
def get_samples(select_samples: list, avail_samples: list) -> list: """Get while checking the validity of the requested samples :param select_samples: The selected samples :param avail_samples: The list of all available samples based on the range :return: The selected samples, verified """ # Sample number has to be positive if True in [_ < 0 for _ in select_samples]: raise ValueError( "Number of samples with -ns has to be strictly positive!") # Sample number has to be within the available sample elif False in [_ in avail_samples for _ in select_samples]: raise ValueError( "Some or all selected samples are not available in the design") return select_samples
import collections def _find_stop_area_mode(query_result, ref): """ Finds the mode of references for each stop area. The query results must have 3 columns: primary key, foreign key reference and number of stop points within each area matching that reference, in that order. :param ref: Name of the reference column. :returns: Two lists; one to be to be used with `bulk_update_mappings` and the other strings for invalid areas. """ # Group by stop area and reference stop_areas = collections.defaultdict(dict) for row in query_result: stop_areas[row[0]][row[1]] = row[2] # Check each area and find mode matching reference update_areas = [] invalid_areas = {} for sa, count in stop_areas.items(): max_count = [k for k, v in count.items() if v == max(count.values())] if len(max_count) == 1: update_areas.append({"code": sa, ref: max_count[0]}) else: invalid_areas[sa] = max_count return update_areas, invalid_areas