<commit_before>/* * * ledger_api_blockchain_explorer_tests * ledger-core * * Created by Pierre Pollastri on 10/03/2017. * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Ledger * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <wallet/bitcoin/networks.hpp> #include <wallet/ethereum/ethereumNetworks.hpp> #include <wallet/bitcoin/explorers/LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorer.hpp> #include <wallet/ethereum/explorers/LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorer.h> #include "BaseFixture.h" #include "../../fixtures/http_cache_LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests_GetTransactions.h" template <typename CurrencyExplorer, typename NetworkParameters> class LedgerApiBlockchainExplorerTests : public BaseFixture { public: void SetUp() override { BaseFixture::SetUp(); auto worker = dispatcher->getSerialExecutionContext("worker"); auto threadpoolWorker = dispatcher->getThreadPoolExecutionContext("threadpoolWorker"); auto client = std::make_shared<HttpClient>(explorerEndpoint, http, worker, threadpoolWorker); explorer = std::make_shared<CurrencyExplorer>(worker, client, params, api::DynamicObject::newInstance()); logger = ledger::core::logger::create("test_logs", dispatcher->getSerialExecutionContext("logger"), resolver, printer, 2000000000 ); client->setLogger(logger); } NetworkParameters params; std::string explorerEndpoint; std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger; std::shared_ptr<CurrencyExplorer> explorer; }; class LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests : public LedgerApiBlockchainExplorerTests<LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorer, api::BitcoinLikeNetworkParameters> { public: LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests() { params = networks::getNetworkParameters("bitcoin"); explorerEndpoint = "https://explorers.api.live.ledger.com"; } }; TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetRawTransaction) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getRawTransaction("9d7945129b78e2f63a72fed93e8ebe38567bdc9318591cfe8c8a7de76c5cb1a3")); auto hex = transaction.toHex(); EXPECT_EQ(hex.str(), "0100000001d62dad27a2bdd0c5e72a6288acb4e0acac088b4bc5588e60ff5c3861c4584d71010000006b483045022100d72a8e43c74764a18c5dfec225f1e60dceb12a9bf4931afa1093f14c471f55d202202cf4ed0956fd68dc9ba9d026a4ae04758092487cebff1618e320dcc12d736577012102b62b6c66c0d69ca3272ed3d0884a40bd4fb50ab08bec6de6d899b7389f40e9b5ffffffff026fa40200000000001976a91459fa62dab1f04b4528e5c5446f4c897b53fc983c88ace58f8b00000000001976a914b026e605bb239cf7eafb6437667f0f7f80e827f488ac00000000"); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactionByHash) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getTransactionByHash("9fdbe15a16fe282291426df15894ab1473e252bc31f244e4d923a17e11743eda")); auto &tx = *transaction.get(); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.hash, "9fdbe15a16fe282291426df15894ab1473e252bc31f244e4d923a17e11743eda"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[0].value.getValue().toString(), "1634001"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[0].address.getValue(), "1Nd2kJid5fFmPks9KSRpoHQX4VpkPhuATm"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.fees.getValue().toString(), "11350"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].value.toString(), "1000"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[1].value.toString(), "1621651"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].address.getValue(), "1QKJghDW4kLqCsH2pq3XKKsSSeYNPcL5PD"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[1].address.getValue(), "19j8biFtMSy5HFRX6mXiurjz3jszg7nLN5"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.block.getValue().hash, "0000000000000000026aa418ef33e0b079a42d348f35bc0a2fa4bc150a9c459d"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.block.getValue().height, 403912); // Checked that real value of 2016-03-23T11:54:21Z corresponds to 1458734061000 //Disabled due to a bug in the explorer: the value is random (1458734061000 or 1458730461000) //EXPECT_EQ(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(tx.block.getValue().time.time_since_epoch()).count(), 1458734061000); //EXPECT_EQ(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(tx.receivedAt.time_since_epoch()).count(), 1458734061000); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactionByHash_2) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getTransactionByHash("16da85a108a63ff318458be597f34f0a7f6b9f703528249056ba2f48722ae44e")); auto &tx = *transaction; EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.hash, "16da85a108a63ff318458be597f34f0a7f6b9f703528249056ba2f48722ae44e"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[0].coinbase.getValue(), "03070c070004ebabf05804496e151608bef5342d8b2800000a425720537570706f727420384d200a666973686572206a696e78696e092f425720506f6f6c2f"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].address.getValue(), "1BQLNJtMDKmMZ4PyqVFfRuBNvoGhjigBKF"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].value.toString(), "1380320309"); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactionByHash_3) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getTransactionByHash("8d2a0ccbe3a71f3e505be1557995c57f2a26f1951a72931f23a61f18fa4b3d2d")); auto &tx = *transaction; EXPECT_EQ(tx.hash, "8d2a0ccbe3a71f3e505be1557995c57f2a26f1951a72931f23a61f18fa4b3d2d"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 8); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[5].value.getValue().toString(), "270000"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[5].index, 5); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[5].address.getValue(), "1BEG75jXGZgH7QsSNjmm9RGJ2fgWcXVbxm"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[5].signatureScript.getValue(), "483045022100b21b21023b15be3d71fc660513adc4ef1aaa299ee58b9a5c1b8401015d045622022031847f047494c83b199a743d5edd5dbeb33b2dae03dcdff12485b212061d0463012102a7e1245393aa50cf6e08077ac5f4460c2db9c54858f6b0958d91b8d62f39c3bb"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[5].previousTxHash.getValue(), "64717373eef15249771032b0153daae92d18ea63e997c1c70a33879698b43329"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[5].previousTxOutputIndex.getValue(), 9); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].address.getValue(), "14w1wdDMV5uSnBd92yf3N9LfgS6TKVzyYr"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[1].address.getValue(), "1pCL4HJ3wbNXKiDde8eNmu9uMs1Tkd9hD"); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetCurrentBlock) { auto block = uv::wait(explorer->getCurrentBlock()); EXPECT_GT(block->height, 462400); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactions) { http->addCache(HTTP_CACHE_LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests_GetTransactions::URL, HTTP_CACHE_LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests_GetTransactions::BODY); auto result = uv::wait(explorer ->getTransactions( {"1H6ZZpRmMnrw8ytepV3BYwMjYYnEkWDqVP", "1DxPxrQtUXVcebgNYETn163RQaEKxAvxqP"}, Option<std::string>(), Option<void *>())); EXPECT_TRUE(result->hasNext); EXPECT_TRUE(result->transactions.size() > 0); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetFees) { auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getFees()); EXPECT_NE(result.size(), 0); if (result.size() > 1) { EXPECT_GE(result[0]->intValue(), result[1]->intValue()); } } class LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests : public LedgerApiBlockchainExplorerTests<LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorer, api::EthereumLikeNetworkParameters> { public: LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests() { params = networks::getEthLikeNetworkParameters("ethereum_ropsten"); explorerEndpoint = "https://explorers.api.live.ledger.com"; } }; TEST_F(LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetGasPrice) { auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getGasPrice()); EXPECT_NE(result->toUint64(), 0); } TEST_F(LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetEstimatedGasLimit) { auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getEstimatedGasLimit("0x57e8ba2a915285f984988282ab9346c1336a4e11")); EXPECT_GE(result->toUint64(), 10000); } TEST_F(LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, PostEstimatedGasLimit) { auto request = api::EthereumGasLimitRequest( optional<std::string>(), optional<std::string>(), optional<std::string>(), std::string("0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000013C5d95f25688f8A7544582D9e311f201A56de630000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), optional<std::string>(), optional<std::string>(), std::string("1.5")); auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getDryRunGasLimit( "0x57e8ba2a915285f984988282ab9346c1336a4e11", request)); EXPECT_GE(result->toUint64(), 10000); } <commit_msg>fix more tests<commit_after>/* * * ledger_api_blockchain_explorer_tests * ledger-core * * Created by Pierre Pollastri on 10/03/2017. * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Ledger * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <wallet/bitcoin/networks.hpp> #include <wallet/ethereum/ethereumNetworks.hpp> #include <wallet/bitcoin/explorers/LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorer.hpp> #include <wallet/ethereum/explorers/LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorer.h> #include "BaseFixture.h" #include "../../fixtures/http_cache_LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests_GetTransactions.h" template <typename CurrencyExplorer, typename NetworkParameters> class LedgerApiBlockchainExplorerTests : public BaseFixture { public: void SetUp() override { BaseFixture::SetUp(); auto worker = dispatcher->getSerialExecutionContext("worker"); auto threadpoolWorker = dispatcher->getThreadPoolExecutionContext("threadpoolWorker"); auto client = std::make_shared<HttpClient>(explorerEndpoint, http, worker, threadpoolWorker); auto configuration = DynamicObject::newInstance(); configuration->putString(api::Configuration::BLOCKCHAIN_EXPLORER_VERSION, "v3"); explorer = std::make_shared<CurrencyExplorer>(worker, client, params, configuration); logger = ledger::core::logger::create("test_logs", dispatcher->getSerialExecutionContext("logger"), resolver, printer, 2000000000 ); client->setLogger(logger); } NetworkParameters params; std::string explorerEndpoint; std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger; std::shared_ptr<CurrencyExplorer> explorer; }; class LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests : public LedgerApiBlockchainExplorerTests<LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorer, api::BitcoinLikeNetworkParameters> { public: LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests() { params = networks::getNetworkParameters("bitcoin"); explorerEndpoint = "https://explorers.api.live.ledger.com"; } }; TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetRawTransaction) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getRawTransaction("9d7945129b78e2f63a72fed93e8ebe38567bdc9318591cfe8c8a7de76c5cb1a3")); auto hex = transaction.toHex(); EXPECT_EQ(hex.str(), "0100000001d62dad27a2bdd0c5e72a6288acb4e0acac088b4bc5588e60ff5c3861c4584d71010000006b483045022100d72a8e43c74764a18c5dfec225f1e60dceb12a9bf4931afa1093f14c471f55d202202cf4ed0956fd68dc9ba9d026a4ae04758092487cebff1618e320dcc12d736577012102b62b6c66c0d69ca3272ed3d0884a40bd4fb50ab08bec6de6d899b7389f40e9b5ffffffff026fa40200000000001976a91459fa62dab1f04b4528e5c5446f4c897b53fc983c88ace58f8b00000000001976a914b026e605bb239cf7eafb6437667f0f7f80e827f488ac00000000"); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactionByHash) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getTransactionByHash("9fdbe15a16fe282291426df15894ab1473e252bc31f244e4d923a17e11743eda")); auto &tx = *transaction.get(); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.hash, "9fdbe15a16fe282291426df15894ab1473e252bc31f244e4d923a17e11743eda"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[0].value.getValue().toString(), "1634001"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[0].address.getValue(), "1Nd2kJid5fFmPks9KSRpoHQX4VpkPhuATm"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.fees.getValue().toString(), "11350"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs.size(), 2); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].value.toString(), "1000"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[1].value.toString(), "1621651"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].address.getValue(), "1QKJghDW4kLqCsH2pq3XKKsSSeYNPcL5PD"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[1].address.getValue(), "19j8biFtMSy5HFRX6mXiurjz3jszg7nLN5"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.block.getValue().hash, "0000000000000000026aa418ef33e0b079a42d348f35bc0a2fa4bc150a9c459d"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.block.getValue().height, 403912); // Checked that real value of 2016-03-23T11:54:21Z corresponds to 1458734061000 //Disabled due to a bug in the explorer: the value is random (1458734061000 or 1458730461000) //EXPECT_EQ(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(tx.block.getValue().time.time_since_epoch()).count(), 1458734061000); //EXPECT_EQ(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(tx.receivedAt.time_since_epoch()).count(), 1458734061000); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactionByHash_2) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getTransactionByHash("16da85a108a63ff318458be597f34f0a7f6b9f703528249056ba2f48722ae44e")); auto &tx = *transaction; EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.hash, "16da85a108a63ff318458be597f34f0a7f6b9f703528249056ba2f48722ae44e"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs[0].coinbase.getValue(), "03070c070004ebabf05804496e151608bef5342d8b2800000a425720537570706f727420384d200a666973686572206a696e78696e092f425720506f6f6c2f"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].address.getValue(), "1BQLNJtMDKmMZ4PyqVFfRuBNvoGhjigBKF"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].value.toString(), "1380320309"); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactionByHash_3) { auto transaction = uv::wait(explorer->getTransactionByHash("8d2a0ccbe3a71f3e505be1557995c57f2a26f1951a72931f23a61f18fa4b3d2d")); auto &tx = *transaction; EXPECT_EQ(tx.hash, "8d2a0ccbe3a71f3e505be1557995c57f2a26f1951a72931f23a61f18fa4b3d2d"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.inputs.size(), 8); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs.size(), 2); bool inputFound = false; for(const auto& input : tx.inputs) { if (input.previousTxHash.getValue() == "64717373eef15249771032b0153daae92d18ea63e997c1c70a33879698b43329") { EXPECT_EQ(input.value.getValue().toString(), "270000"); EXPECT_EQ(input.address.getValue(), "1BEG75jXGZgH7QsSNjmm9RGJ2fgWcXVbxm"); EXPECT_EQ(input.signatureScript.getValue(), "483045022100b21b21023b15be3d71fc660513adc4ef1aaa299ee58b9a5c1b8401015d045622022031847f047494c83b199a743d5edd5dbeb33b2dae03dcdff12485b212061d0463012102a7e1245393aa50cf6e08077ac5f4460c2db9c54858f6b0958d91b8d62f39c3bb"); EXPECT_EQ(input.previousTxOutputIndex.getValue(), 9); inputFound = true; break; } } EXPECT_EQ(inputFound, true); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[0].address.getValue(), "14w1wdDMV5uSnBd92yf3N9LfgS6TKVzyYr"); EXPECT_EQ(tx.outputs[1].address.getValue(), "1pCL4HJ3wbNXKiDde8eNmu9uMs1Tkd9hD"); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetCurrentBlock) { auto block = uv::wait(explorer->getCurrentBlock()); EXPECT_GT(block->height, 462400); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetTransactions) { http->addCache(HTTP_CACHE_LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests_GetTransactions::URL, HTTP_CACHE_LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests_GetTransactions::BODY); auto result = uv::wait(explorer ->getTransactions( {"1H6ZZpRmMnrw8ytepV3BYwMjYYnEkWDqVP", "1DxPxrQtUXVcebgNYETn163RQaEKxAvxqP"}, Option<std::string>(), Option<void *>())); EXPECT_TRUE(result->hasNext); EXPECT_TRUE(result->transactions.size() > 0); } TEST_F(LedgerApiBitcoinLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetFees) { auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getFees()); EXPECT_NE(result.size(), 0); if (result.size() > 1) { EXPECT_GE(result[0]->intValue(), result[1]->intValue()); } } class LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests : public LedgerApiBlockchainExplorerTests<LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorer, api::EthereumLikeNetworkParameters> { public: LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests() { params = networks::getEthLikeNetworkParameters("ethereum_ropsten"); explorerEndpoint = "https://explorers.api.live.ledger.com"; } }; TEST_F(LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetGasPrice) { auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getGasPrice()); EXPECT_NE(result->toUint64(), 0); } TEST_F(LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, GetEstimatedGasLimit) { auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getEstimatedGasLimit("0x57e8ba2a915285f984988282ab9346c1336a4e11")); EXPECT_GE(result->toUint64(), 10000); } TEST_F(LedgerApiEthereumLikeBlockchainExplorerTests, PostEstimatedGasLimit) { auto request = api::EthereumGasLimitRequest( optional<std::string>(), optional<std::string>(), optional<std::string>(), std::string("0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000013C5d95f25688f8A7544582D9e311f201A56de630000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"), optional<std::string>(), optional<std::string>(), std::string("1.5")); auto result = uv::wait(explorer->getDryRunGasLimit( "0x57e8ba2a915285f984988282ab9346c1336a4e11", request)); EXPECT_GE(result->toUint64(), 10000); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Hyperic, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2009 SpringSource, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 VMware, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <chrono> #include <system_error> #ifdef WIN32 #include <process.h> #endif #include "sigar.h" #include "sigar_private.h" SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_open(sigar_t** sigar) { try { *sigar = sigar_t::New(); return SIGAR_OK; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_close(sigar_t* sigar) { delete sigar; return SIGAR_OK; } SIGAR_DECLARE(sigar_pid_t) sigar_pid_get(sigar_t* sigar) { // There isn't much point of trying to cache the pid (it would break // if the paren't ever called fork()). We don't use the variable // internally, and if the caller don't want the overhead of a system // call they can always cache it themselves return getpid(); } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_mem_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_mem_t* mem) { if (!sigar || !mem) { return EINVAL; } *mem = {}; try { return sigar->get_memory(*mem); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_swap_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_swap_t* swap) { if (!sigar || !swap) { return EINVAL; } swap->total = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->used = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->free = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->page_in = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->page_out = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_dma = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_dma32 = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_normal = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_movable = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; try { return sigar->get_swap(*swap); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_cpu_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_cpu_t* cpu) { if (!sigar || !cpu) { return EINVAL; } #if 0 // The correct thing to do would be to initialize to not impl, as // linux is the only platform adding some of these fields, but // it looks like people don't check if they're implemented or not cpu->user = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->sys = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->nice = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->idle = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->wait = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->irq = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->soft_irq = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->stolen = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->total = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; #endif *cpu = {}; try { return sigar->get_cpu(*cpu); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } static uint64_t sigar_time_now_millis() { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( now.time_since_epoch()) .count(); } int sigar_t::get_proc_cpu(sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_cpu_t& proccpu) { const auto time_now = sigar_time_now_millis(); sigar_proc_cpu_t prev = {}; auto iter = process_cache.find(pid); const bool found = iter != process_cache.end(); if (!found) { prev = iter->second; } auto status = get_proc_time(pid, *(sigar_proc_time_t*)&proccpu); if (status != SIGAR_OK) { if (found) { process_cache.erase(iter); } return status; } proccpu.last_time = time_now; if (!found || (prev.start_time != proccpu.start_time)) { // This is a new process or a different process we have in the cache process_cache[pid] = proccpu; return SIGAR_OK; } auto time_diff = time_now - prev.last_time; if (!time_diff) { // we don't want divide by zero time_diff = 1; } proccpu.percent = (proccpu.total - prev.total) / (double)time_diff; process_cache[pid] = proccpu; return SIGAR_OK; } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_proc_mem_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_mem_t* procmem) { if (!sigar || !procmem) { return EINVAL; } procmem->size = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->resident = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->share = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->minor_faults = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->major_faults = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->page_faults = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; try { return sigar->get_proc_memory(pid, *procmem); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_proc_cpu_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_cpu_t* proccpu) { if (!sigar || !proccpu) { return EINVAL; } *proccpu = {}; try { return sigar->get_proc_cpu(pid, *proccpu); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_proc_state_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_state_t* procstate) { if (!sigar || !procstate) { return EINVAL; } *procstate = {}; procstate->tty = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procstate->nice = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procstate->threads = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procstate->processor = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; try { return sigar->get_proc_state(pid, *procstate); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_PUBLIC_API void sigar::iterate_child_processes(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, IterateChildProcessCallback callback) { sigar->iterate_child_processes(pid, callback); } <commit_msg>Don't dereference iterator pointing to end()<commit_after>/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Hyperic, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2009 SpringSource, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 VMware, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <chrono> #include <system_error> #ifdef WIN32 #include <process.h> #endif #include "sigar.h" #include "sigar_private.h" SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_open(sigar_t** sigar) { try { *sigar = sigar_t::New(); return SIGAR_OK; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_close(sigar_t* sigar) { delete sigar; return SIGAR_OK; } SIGAR_DECLARE(sigar_pid_t) sigar_pid_get(sigar_t* sigar) { // There isn't much point of trying to cache the pid (it would break // if the paren't ever called fork()). We don't use the variable // internally, and if the caller don't want the overhead of a system // call they can always cache it themselves return getpid(); } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_mem_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_mem_t* mem) { if (!sigar || !mem) { return EINVAL; } *mem = {}; try { return sigar->get_memory(*mem); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_swap_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_swap_t* swap) { if (!sigar || !swap) { return EINVAL; } swap->total = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->used = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->free = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->page_in = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->page_out = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_dma = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_dma32 = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_normal = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; swap->allocstall_movable = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; try { return sigar->get_swap(*swap); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_cpu_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_cpu_t* cpu) { if (!sigar || !cpu) { return EINVAL; } #if 0 // The correct thing to do would be to initialize to not impl, as // linux is the only platform adding some of these fields, but // it looks like people don't check if they're implemented or not cpu->user = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->sys = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->nice = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->idle = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->wait = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->irq = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->soft_irq = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->stolen = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; cpu->total = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; #endif *cpu = {}; try { return sigar->get_cpu(*cpu); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } static uint64_t sigar_time_now_millis() { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( now.time_since_epoch()) .count(); } int sigar_t::get_proc_cpu(sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_cpu_t& proccpu) { const auto time_now = sigar_time_now_millis(); sigar_proc_cpu_t prev = {}; auto iter = process_cache.find(pid); const bool found = iter != process_cache.end(); if (found) { prev = iter->second; } auto status = get_proc_time(pid, *(sigar_proc_time_t*)&proccpu); if (status != SIGAR_OK) { if (found) { process_cache.erase(iter); } return status; } proccpu.last_time = time_now; if (!found || (prev.start_time != proccpu.start_time)) { // This is a new process or a different process we have in the cache process_cache[pid] = proccpu; return SIGAR_OK; } auto time_diff = time_now - prev.last_time; if (!time_diff) { // we don't want divide by zero time_diff = 1; } proccpu.percent = (proccpu.total - prev.total) / (double)time_diff; process_cache[pid] = proccpu; return SIGAR_OK; } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_proc_mem_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_mem_t* procmem) { if (!sigar || !procmem) { return EINVAL; } procmem->size = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->resident = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->share = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->minor_faults = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->major_faults = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procmem->page_faults = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; try { return sigar->get_proc_memory(pid, *procmem); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_proc_cpu_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_cpu_t* proccpu) { if (!sigar || !proccpu) { return EINVAL; } *proccpu = {}; try { return sigar->get_proc_cpu(pid, *proccpu); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_DECLARE(int) sigar_proc_state_get(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, sigar_proc_state_t* procstate) { if (!sigar || !procstate) { return EINVAL; } *procstate = {}; procstate->tty = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procstate->nice = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procstate->threads = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; procstate->processor = SIGAR_FIELD_NOTIMPL; try { return sigar->get_proc_state(pid, *procstate); } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return ENOMEM; } catch (const std::system_error& ex) { return ex.code().value(); } catch (...) { return EINVAL; } } SIGAR_PUBLIC_API void sigar::iterate_child_processes(sigar_t* sigar, sigar_pid_t pid, IterateChildProcessCallback callback) { sigar->iterate_child_processes(pid, callback); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/*********************************************************************** filename: SampleData.cpp created: 4/6/2012 author: Lukas E Meindl *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2012 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #include "SampleData.h" #include "Sample.h" #include "Samples_xmlHandler.h" #include "CEGUI/DynamicModule.h" #include "CEGUI/Version.h" #include "CEGUI/Exceptions.h" #include "CEGUI/System.h" #include "CEGUI/TextureTarget.h" #include "CEGUI/BasicImage.h" #include "CEGUI/GUIContext.h" #include "CEGUI/Texture.h" #include "CEGUI/ImageManager.h" #include "CEGUI/Window.h" using namespace CEGUI; #define S_(X) #X #define STRINGIZE(X) S_(X) typedef Sample& (*getSampleInstance)(); #define GetSampleInstanceFuncName "getSampleInstance" SampleData::SampleData(CEGUI::String sampleName, CEGUI::String summary, CEGUI::String description, SampleType sampleTypeEnum) : d_name(sampleName), d_summary(summary), d_description(description), d_type(sampleTypeEnum), d_guiContext(0), d_textureTarget(0), d_textureTargetImage(0), d_sampleWindow(0), d_usedFilesString("") { } SampleData::~SampleData() { } CEGUI::String SampleData::getName() { return d_name; } CEGUI::String SampleData::getSummary() { return d_summary; } CEGUI::String SampleData::getSampleTypeString() { switch(d_type) { case ST_Module: return SampleDataHandler::SampleTypeCppModule; break; case ST_Lua: return SampleDataHandler::SampleTypeLua; break; case ST_Python: return SampleDataHandler::SampleTypePython; default: return ""; } } CEGUI::String SampleData::getDescription() { return d_description; } CEGUI::String SampleData::getUsedFilesString() { return d_usedFilesString; } void SampleData::setSampleWindow(CEGUI::Window* sampleWindow) { d_sampleWindow = sampleWindow; } CEGUI::Window* SampleData::getSampleWindow() { return d_sampleWindow; } void SampleData::initialise() { CEGUI::System& system(System::getSingleton()); d_textureTarget = system.getRenderer()->createTextureTarget(); d_guiContext = &system.createGUIContext((RenderTarget&)*d_textureTarget); CEGUI::String imageName(d_textureTarget->getTexture().getName()); d_textureTargetImage = static_cast<CEGUI::BasicImage*>(&CEGUI::ImageManager::getSingleton().create("BasicImage", "SampleBrowser/" + imageName)); d_textureTargetImage->setTexture(&d_textureTarget->getTexture()); } void SampleData::deinitialise() { CEGUI::System& system(System::getSingleton()); if(d_guiContext) { system.destroyGUIContext(*d_guiContext); d_guiContext = 0; } if(d_textureTarget) { system.getRenderer()->destroyTextureTarget(d_textureTarget); d_textureTarget = 0; } } GUIContext* SampleData::getGuiContext() { return d_guiContext; } void SampleData::handleNewWindowSize(float width, float height) { CEGUI::Sizef windowSize(width, height); CEGUI::Rectf renderArea(CEGUI::Rectf(0.f, height, width, 0.f)); d_textureTargetImage->setArea(renderArea); d_textureTarget->declareRenderSize(windowSize); d_sampleWindow->getRenderingSurface()->invalidate(); } CEGUI::Image& SampleData::getRTTImage() { return *d_textureTargetImage; } void SampleData::setGUIContextRTT() { d_guiContext->setRenderTarget(*d_textureTarget); } void SampleData::clearRTTTexture() { d_textureTarget->clear(); } SampleDataModule::SampleDataModule(CEGUI::String sampleName, CEGUI::String summary, CEGUI::String description, SampleType sampleTypeEnum) : SampleData(sampleName, summary, description ,sampleTypeEnum) { } SampleDataModule::~SampleDataModule() { } void SampleDataModule::initialise() { SampleData::initialise(); getSampleInstanceFromDLL(); d_usedFilesString = d_sample->getUsedFilesString(); d_sample->initialise(d_guiContext); } void SampleDataModule::deinitialise() { SampleData::deinitialise(); d_sample->deinitialise(); } void SampleDataModule::getSampleInstanceFromDLL() { // Version suffix for the dlls static const CEGUI::String versionSuffix( "-" STRINGIZE(CEGUI_VERSION_MAJOR) "." STRINGIZE(CEGUI_VERSION_MINOR) ); CEGUI::DynamicModule* sampleModule = new CEGUI::DynamicModule(d_name + versionSuffix); getSampleInstance functionPointerGetSample = (getSampleInstance)sampleModule->getSymbolAddress(CEGUI::String(GetSampleInstanceFuncName)); if(functionPointerGetSample == 0) { CEGUI::String errorMessage = "The sample creation function is not defined in the dynamic library of " + d_name; CEGUI_THROW(CEGUI::InvalidRequestException(errorMessage.c_str())); } d_sample = &(functionPointerGetSample()); }<commit_msg>MOD: Start size fix<commit_after>/*********************************************************************** filename: SampleData.cpp created: 4/6/2012 author: Lukas E Meindl *************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2012 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************/ #include "SampleData.h" #include "Sample.h" #include "Samples_xmlHandler.h" #include "CEGUI/DynamicModule.h" #include "CEGUI/Version.h" #include "CEGUI/Exceptions.h" #include "CEGUI/System.h" #include "CEGUI/TextureTarget.h" #include "CEGUI/BasicImage.h" #include "CEGUI/GUIContext.h" #include "CEGUI/Texture.h" #include "CEGUI/ImageManager.h" #include "CEGUI/Window.h" using namespace CEGUI; #define S_(X) #X #define STRINGIZE(X) S_(X) typedef Sample& (*getSampleInstance)(); #define GetSampleInstanceFuncName "getSampleInstance" SampleData::SampleData(CEGUI::String sampleName, CEGUI::String summary, CEGUI::String description, SampleType sampleTypeEnum) : d_name(sampleName), d_summary(summary), d_description(description), d_type(sampleTypeEnum), d_guiContext(0), d_textureTarget(0), d_textureTargetImage(0), d_sampleWindow(0), d_usedFilesString("") { } SampleData::~SampleData() { } CEGUI::String SampleData::getName() { return d_name; } CEGUI::String SampleData::getSummary() { return d_summary; } CEGUI::String SampleData::getSampleTypeString() { switch(d_type) { case ST_Module: return SampleDataHandler::SampleTypeCppModule; break; case ST_Lua: return SampleDataHandler::SampleTypeLua; break; case ST_Python: return SampleDataHandler::SampleTypePython; default: return ""; } } CEGUI::String SampleData::getDescription() { return d_description; } CEGUI::String SampleData::getUsedFilesString() { return d_usedFilesString; } void SampleData::setSampleWindow(CEGUI::Window* sampleWindow) { d_sampleWindow = sampleWindow; } CEGUI::Window* SampleData::getSampleWindow() { return d_sampleWindow; } void SampleData::initialise() { CEGUI::System& system(System::getSingleton()); d_textureTarget = system.getRenderer()->createTextureTarget(); d_guiContext = &system.createGUIContext((RenderTarget&)*d_textureTarget); d_textureTarget->declareRenderSize(CEGUI::Sizef(200.f, 200.f)); CEGUI::String imageName(d_textureTarget->getTexture().getName()); d_textureTargetImage = static_cast<CEGUI::BasicImage*>(&CEGUI::ImageManager::getSingleton().create("BasicImage", "SampleBrowser/" + imageName)); d_textureTargetImage->setTexture(&d_textureTarget->getTexture()); } void SampleData::deinitialise() { CEGUI::System& system(System::getSingleton()); if(d_guiContext) { system.destroyGUIContext(*d_guiContext); d_guiContext = 0; } if(d_textureTarget) { system.getRenderer()->destroyTextureTarget(d_textureTarget); d_textureTarget = 0; } } GUIContext* SampleData::getGuiContext() { return d_guiContext; } void SampleData::handleNewWindowSize(float width, float height) { CEGUI::Sizef windowSize(width, height); CEGUI::Rectf renderArea(CEGUI::Rectf(0.f, height, width, 0.f)); d_textureTargetImage->setArea(renderArea); d_textureTarget->declareRenderSize(windowSize); d_sampleWindow->getRenderingSurface()->invalidate(); } CEGUI::Image& SampleData::getRTTImage() { return *d_textureTargetImage; } void SampleData::setGUIContextRTT() { d_guiContext->setRenderTarget(*d_textureTarget); } void SampleData::clearRTTTexture() { d_textureTarget->clear(); } SampleDataModule::SampleDataModule(CEGUI::String sampleName, CEGUI::String summary, CEGUI::String description, SampleType sampleTypeEnum) : SampleData(sampleName, summary, description ,sampleTypeEnum) { } SampleDataModule::~SampleDataModule() { } void SampleDataModule::initialise() { SampleData::initialise(); getSampleInstanceFromDLL(); d_usedFilesString = d_sample->getUsedFilesString(); d_sample->initialise(d_guiContext); } void SampleDataModule::deinitialise() { SampleData::deinitialise(); d_sample->deinitialise(); } void SampleDataModule::getSampleInstanceFromDLL() { // Version suffix for the dlls static const CEGUI::String versionSuffix( "-" STRINGIZE(CEGUI_VERSION_MAJOR) "." STRINGIZE(CEGUI_VERSION_MINOR) ); CEGUI::DynamicModule* sampleModule = new CEGUI::DynamicModule(d_name + versionSuffix); getSampleInstance functionPointerGetSample = (getSampleInstance)sampleModule->getSymbolAddress(CEGUI::String(GetSampleInstanceFuncName)); if(functionPointerGetSample == 0) { CEGUI::String errorMessage = "The sample creation function is not defined in the dynamic library of " + d_name; CEGUI_THROW(CEGUI::InvalidRequestException(errorMessage.c_str())); } d_sample = &(functionPointerGetSample()); }<|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include <Rtypes.h> #include <TString.h> #include "AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliPID.h" #endif AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3 *AddTaskHypertriton3(Bool_t readMC=kFALSE, Bool_t fillTree=kFALSE){ // Creates, configures and attaches to the train the task for pi, K , p spectra // with ITS standalone tracks // Get the pointer to the existing analysis manager via the static access method. //============================================================================== ::Info("AddTaskHypertriton3","Adding a new task with this settings readMC = %i",readMC); AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { ::Error("AddTaskHypertriton3", "No analysis manager to connect to."); return NULL; } // Check the analysis type using the event handlers connected to the analysis manager. //============================================================================== if (!mgr->GetInputEventHandler()) { ::Error("AddTaskHypertriton3", "This task requires an input event handler"); return NULL; } TString type = mgr->GetInputEventHandler()->GetDataType(); // can be "ESD" or "AOD" if(type.Contains("AOD")){ ::Error("AddTaskHypertriton3", "This task requires to run on ESD"); return NULL; } // Add MC handler (for kinematics) if(readMC){ AliMCEventHandler* handler = new AliMCEventHandler; handler->SetReadTR(kFALSE); mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(handler); } // Create and configure the task AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3 *taskhyp = new AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3(); taskhyp->SetReadMC(kFALSE); taskhyp->SetFillTree(kFALSE); mgr->AddTask(taskhyp); // Create ONLY the output containers for the data produced by the task. // Get and connect other common input/output containers via the manager as below //============================================================================== TString outputFileName = AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName(); outputFileName += ":ESDHypertriton"; AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput =0x0; coutput = mgr->CreateContainer("listHypertriton", TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, "trogolo_HyperTri.root" ); mgr->ConnectInput(taskhyp, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer()); mgr->ConnectOutput(taskhyp, 1, coutput); if(fillTree){ AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput2 = mgr->CreateContainer("trogolo_HyperTree", TTree::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, "trogolo_HyperNt.root"); coutput2->SetSpecialOutput(); mgr->ConnectOutput(taskhyp, 2, coutput2); } return taskhyp; } <commit_msg>modify output file name<commit_after>#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include <Rtypes.h> #include <TString.h> #include "AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliPID.h" #endif AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3 *AddTaskHypertriton3(Bool_t readMC=kFALSE, Bool_t fillTree=kFALSE){ // Creates, configures and attaches to the train the task for pi, K , p spectra // with ITS standalone tracks // Get the pointer to the existing analysis manager via the static access method. //============================================================================== ::Info("AddTaskHypertriton3","Adding a new task with this settings readMC = %i",readMC); AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { ::Error("AddTaskHypertriton3", "No analysis manager to connect to."); return NULL; } // Check the analysis type using the event handlers connected to the analysis manager. //============================================================================== if (!mgr->GetInputEventHandler()) { ::Error("AddTaskHypertriton3", "This task requires an input event handler"); return NULL; } TString type = mgr->GetInputEventHandler()->GetDataType(); // can be "ESD" or "AOD" if(type.Contains("AOD")){ ::Error("AddTaskHypertriton3", "This task requires to run on ESD"); return NULL; } // Add MC handler (for kinematics) if(readMC){ AliMCEventHandler* handler = new AliMCEventHandler; handler->SetReadTR(kFALSE); mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(handler); } // Create and configure the task AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3 *taskhyp = new AliAnalysisTaskHypertriton3(); taskhyp->SetReadMC(kFALSE); taskhyp->SetFillTree(kFALSE); mgr->AddTask(taskhyp); // Create ONLY the output containers for the data produced by the task. // Get and connect other common input/output containers via the manager as below //============================================================================== TString outputFileName = AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName(); outputFileName += ":ESDHypertriton"; AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput =0x0; coutput = mgr->CreateContainer("listHypertriton", TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName()); mgr->ConnectInput(taskhyp, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer()); mgr->ConnectOutput(taskhyp, 1, coutput); if(fillTree){ AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput2 = mgr->CreateContainer("trogolo_HyperTree", TTree::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, "trogolo_HyperNt.root"); coutput2->SetSpecialOutput(); mgr->ConnectOutput(taskhyp, 2, coutput2); } return taskhyp; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <nan.h> #include <v8.h> #include <poppler.h> #include <cairo.h> #include <cairo-svg.h> #include <vector> namespace sspdf { using v8::Local; using v8::Value; using v8::Function; using v8::Exception; using v8::Isolate; using v8::Object; using v8::Array; using v8::Uint8Array; using v8::ArrayBuffer; using Nan::Callback; using Nan::GetFunction; using Nan::Set; using Nan::Null; using Nan::New; using Nan::AsyncWorker; using Nan::HandleScope; using Nan::ThrowTypeError; using Nan::Persistent; using Nan::ObjectWrap; using std::vector; const char* MSG_EXCEPTION_ZEROLEN = "Zero length buffer provided."; const char* MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAIL = "Unable to open that page."; const char* MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Page index out of range."; class PdfssWorker : public AsyncWorker { public: char* pdfData = NULL; size_t pdfLen = 0; double pw, ph; char* txt; PopplerRectangle* rects; guint rectLen; char* error = NULL; // Error stored here from {constructor, Execute} freed in HandleOKCallback. int destPage; vector<char> svgData; // pdf data copied. PdfssWorker(Callback* cb, Local<Uint8Array> hPdf, int destPage) : AsyncWorker(cb) { this->destPage = destPage; this->pdfLen = (*hPdf)->ByteLength(); if (this->pdfLen == 0) { this->error = new char[strlen(MSG_EXCEPTION_ZEROLEN)]; strcpy(this->error, MSG_EXCEPTION_ZEROLEN); } else { char* pdfData = (((char*)(*(*hPdf)->Buffer())->GetContents().Data())) + (*hPdf)->ByteOffset(); this->pdfData = new char[this->pdfLen]; memcpy(this->pdfData, pdfData, this->pdfLen); } } void Execute () { if (this->error != NULL) { return; } GError* gerror = NULL; PopplerDocument* popperDoc = poppler_document_new_from_data(this->pdfData, this->pdfLen, NULL, &gerror); if (popperDoc == NULL) { this->error = new char[strlen(gerror->message)]; strcpy(this->error, gerror->message); g_error_free(gerror); gerror = NULL; return; } int nPages = poppler_document_get_n_pages(popperDoc); if (this->destPage >= nPages) { this->error = new char[strlen(MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE)]; strcpy(this->error, MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE); g_object_unref(popperDoc); return; } PopplerPage* page = poppler_document_get_page(popperDoc, this->destPage); g_object_unref(popperDoc); popperDoc = NULL; if (page == NULL) { this->error = new char[strlen(MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAIL)]; strcpy(this->error, MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAIL); return; } poppler_page_get_size(page, &this->pw, &this->ph); this->txt = poppler_page_get_text(page); poppler_page_get_text_layout(page, &this->rects, &this->rectLen); // this->rects require freeing by us, freed on HandleOKCallback. cairo_surface_t* svgSurface = cairo_svg_surface_create_for_stream((cairo_write_func_t) PdfssWorker::writeFunc, this, this->pw, this->ph); cairo_t* svg = cairo_create(svgSurface); poppler_page_render(page, svg); cairo_surface_destroy(svgSurface); cairo_destroy(svg); g_object_unref(page); } void HandleOKCallback () { HandleScope scope; Local<Object> obj; Local<Array> rects; Local<Value> argv[] = { Null(), Null() }; if (this->error == NULL) { obj = New<Object>(); Set(obj, New<v8::String>("width").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->pw)); Set(obj, New<v8::String>("height").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->ph)); Set(obj, New<v8::String>("text").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::String>(this->txt).ToLocalChecked()); rects = New<v8::Array>(this->rectLen); for (guint i = 0; i < this->rectLen; i ++) { Local<Object> xy = New<Object>(); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("x1").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].x1)); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("y1").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].y1)); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("x2").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].x2)); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("y2").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].y2)); Set(rects, New<v8::Number>(i), xy); } Set(obj, New<v8::String>("rects").ToLocalChecked(), rects); g_free(this->rects); g_free(this->txt); argv[1] = obj; if (this->svgData.size() > 0) { auto ml = node::Buffer::Copy(Isolate::GetCurrent(), &(*this->svgData.begin()), this->svgData.size()); if (ml.IsEmpty()) { argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(New<v8::String>("Can't return svg data.").ToLocalChecked()); } else { Set(obj, New<v8::String>("svg").ToLocalChecked(), ml.ToLocalChecked()); } } else { Set(obj, New<v8::String>("svg").ToLocalChecked(), Null()); } } else { argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(New<v8::String>(this->error).ToLocalChecked()); delete this->error; this->error = NULL; } this->callback->Call(2, argv); if (this->pdfData != NULL) { delete this->pdfData; this->pdfData = NULL; } } static cairo_status_t writeFunc (void* closure, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int length) { PdfssWorker* worker = (PdfssWorker*) closure; worker->svgData.reserve(worker->svgData.size() + length); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i ++) { worker->svgData.push_back(data[i]); } return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } }; NAN_METHOD(getPage) { if (info.Length() != 3) { ThrowTypeError("getPage(pdfBuffer, pageNum, callback)"); return; } if (!info[0]->IsUint8Array()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[0] is not a buffer."); return; } if (!info[1]->IsInt32()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[1] is not a int32."); return; } if (!info[2]->IsFunction()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[2] is not a function."); return; } int pn = (int)(*info[1].As<v8::Number>())->Value(); if (pn < 0) { ThrowTypeError("arg[1] shouldn't be < 0."); return; } auto pdfBuffer = info[0].As<Uint8Array>(); if (pdfBuffer.IsEmpty()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[0] can't resolve."); return; } Callback *callback = new Callback(info[2].As<Function>()); AsyncQueueWorker(new PdfssWorker(callback, pdfBuffer, pn)); } NAN_MODULE_INIT(Init) { Set(target , New<v8::String>("getPage").ToLocalChecked() , New<v8::FunctionTemplate>(getPage)->GetFunction()); } NODE_MODULE(sspdf, Init) } <commit_msg>Looks like strlen don't count \0.<commit_after>#include <nan.h> #include <v8.h> #include <poppler.h> #include <cairo.h> #include <cairo-svg.h> #include <vector> namespace sspdf { using v8::Local; using v8::Value; using v8::Function; using v8::Exception; using v8::Isolate; using v8::Object; using v8::Array; using v8::Uint8Array; using v8::ArrayBuffer; using Nan::Callback; using Nan::GetFunction; using Nan::Set; using Nan::Null; using Nan::New; using Nan::AsyncWorker; using Nan::HandleScope; using Nan::ThrowTypeError; using Nan::Persistent; using Nan::ObjectWrap; using std::vector; const char* MSG_EXCEPTION_ZEROLEN = "Zero length buffer provided."; const char* MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAIL = "Unable to open that page."; const char* MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Page index out of range."; class PdfssWorker : public AsyncWorker { public: char* pdfData = NULL; size_t pdfLen = 0; double pw, ph; char* txt; PopplerRectangle* rects; guint rectLen; char* error = NULL; // Error stored here from {constructor, Execute} freed in HandleOKCallback. int destPage; vector<char> svgData; // pdf data copied. PdfssWorker(Callback* cb, Local<Uint8Array> hPdf, int destPage) : AsyncWorker(cb) { this->destPage = destPage; this->pdfLen = (*hPdf)->ByteLength(); if (this->pdfLen == 0) { this->error = new char[strlen(MSG_EXCEPTION_ZEROLEN) + 1]; strcpy(this->error, MSG_EXCEPTION_ZEROLEN); } else { char* pdfData = (((char*)(*(*hPdf)->Buffer())->GetContents().Data())) + (*hPdf)->ByteOffset(); this->pdfData = new char[this->pdfLen]; memcpy(this->pdfData, pdfData, this->pdfLen); } } void Execute () { if (this->error != NULL) { return; } GError* gerror = NULL; PopplerDocument* popperDoc = poppler_document_new_from_data(this->pdfData, this->pdfLen, NULL, &gerror); if (popperDoc == NULL) { this->error = new char[strlen(gerror->message) + 1]; strcpy(this->error, gerror->message); g_error_free(gerror); gerror = NULL; return; } int nPages = poppler_document_get_n_pages(popperDoc); if (this->destPage >= nPages) { this->error = new char[strlen(MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE) + 1]; strcpy(this->error, MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE); g_object_unref(popperDoc); return; } PopplerPage* page = poppler_document_get_page(popperDoc, this->destPage); g_object_unref(popperDoc); popperDoc = NULL; if (page == NULL) { this->error = new char[strlen(MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAIL) + 1]; strcpy(this->error, MSG_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAIL); return; } poppler_page_get_size(page, &this->pw, &this->ph); this->txt = poppler_page_get_text(page); poppler_page_get_text_layout(page, &this->rects, &this->rectLen); // this->rects require freeing by us, freed on HandleOKCallback. cairo_surface_t* svgSurface = cairo_svg_surface_create_for_stream((cairo_write_func_t) PdfssWorker::writeFunc, this, this->pw, this->ph); cairo_t* svg = cairo_create(svgSurface); poppler_page_render(page, svg); cairo_surface_destroy(svgSurface); cairo_destroy(svg); g_object_unref(page); } void HandleOKCallback () { HandleScope scope; Local<Object> obj; Local<Array> rects; Local<Value> argv[] = { Null(), Null() }; if (this->error == NULL) { obj = New<Object>(); Set(obj, New<v8::String>("width").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->pw)); Set(obj, New<v8::String>("height").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->ph)); Set(obj, New<v8::String>("text").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::String>(this->txt).ToLocalChecked()); rects = New<v8::Array>(this->rectLen); for (guint i = 0; i < this->rectLen; i ++) { Local<Object> xy = New<Object>(); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("x1").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].x1)); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("y1").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].y1)); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("x2").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].x2)); Set(xy, New<v8::String>("y2").ToLocalChecked(), New<v8::Number>(this->rects[i].y2)); Set(rects, New<v8::Number>(i), xy); } Set(obj, New<v8::String>("rects").ToLocalChecked(), rects); g_free(this->rects); g_free(this->txt); argv[1] = obj; if (this->svgData.size() > 0) { auto ml = node::Buffer::Copy(Isolate::GetCurrent(), &(*this->svgData.begin()), this->svgData.size()); if (ml.IsEmpty()) { argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(New<v8::String>("Can't return svg data.").ToLocalChecked()); } else { Set(obj, New<v8::String>("svg").ToLocalChecked(), ml.ToLocalChecked()); } } else { Set(obj, New<v8::String>("svg").ToLocalChecked(), Null()); } } else { argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(New<v8::String>(this->error).ToLocalChecked()); delete this->error; this->error = NULL; } this->callback->Call(2, argv); if (this->pdfData != NULL) { delete this->pdfData; this->pdfData = NULL; } } static cairo_status_t writeFunc (void* closure, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int length) { PdfssWorker* worker = (PdfssWorker*) closure; worker->svgData.reserve(worker->svgData.size() + length); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i ++) { worker->svgData.push_back(data[i]); } return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } }; NAN_METHOD(getPage) { if (info.Length() != 3) { ThrowTypeError("getPage(pdfBuffer, pageNum, callback)"); return; } if (!info[0]->IsUint8Array()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[0] is not a buffer."); return; } if (!info[1]->IsInt32()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[1] is not a int32."); return; } if (!info[2]->IsFunction()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[2] is not a function."); return; } int pn = (int)(*info[1].As<v8::Number>())->Value(); if (pn < 0) { ThrowTypeError("arg[1] shouldn't be < 0."); return; } auto pdfBuffer = info[0].As<Uint8Array>(); if (pdfBuffer.IsEmpty()) { ThrowTypeError("arg[0] can't resolve."); return; } Callback *callback = new Callback(info[2].As<Function>()); AsyncQueueWorker(new PdfssWorker(callback, pdfBuffer, pn)); } NAN_MODULE_INIT(Init) { Set(target , New<v8::String>("getPage").ToLocalChecked() , New<v8::FunctionTemplate>(getPage)->GetFunction()); } NODE_MODULE(sspdf, Init) } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/** * @file * @author 2012 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license>. * @endcond */ #ifdef WIN32 #include <time.h> #include <WinSock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <Windows.h> #endif #include "umundo/connection/zeromq/ZeroMQPublisher.h" #include "umundo/connection/zeromq/ZeroMQNode.h" #include "umundo/common/Message.h" #include "umundo/common/UUID.h" #include "umundo/config.h" #if defined UNIX || defined IOS || defined IOSSIM #include <string.h> // strlen, memcpy #include <stdio.h> // snprintf #endif namespace umundo { shared_ptr<Implementation> ZeroMQPublisher::create(void* facade) { shared_ptr<Implementation> instance(new ZeroMQPublisher()); boost::static_pointer_cast<ZeroMQPublisher>(instance)->_facade = facade; return instance; } void ZeroMQPublisher::destroy() { delete(this); } void ZeroMQPublisher::init(shared_ptr<Configuration> config) { _uuid = (_uuid.length() > 0 ? _uuid : UUID::getUUID()); _config = boost::static_pointer_cast<PublisherConfig>(config); _transport = "tcp"; (_socket = zmq_socket(ZeroMQNode::getZeroMQContext(), ZMQ_XPUB)) || LOG_WARN("zmq_socket: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); (_closer = zmq_socket(ZeroMQNode::getZeroMQContext(), ZMQ_SUB)) || LOG_WARN("zmq_socket: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_setsockopt(_closer, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, _uuid.c_str(), _uuid.size()) && LOG_WARN("zmq_setsockopt: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); int hwm = NET_ZEROMQ_SND_HWM; zmq_setsockopt(_socket, ZMQ_SNDHWM, &hwm, sizeof(hwm)) && LOG_WARN("zmq_setsockopt: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); std::stringstream ssInProc; ssInProc << "inproc://" << _uuid; zmq_bind(_socket, ssInProc.str().c_str()) && LOG_WARN("zmq_bind: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); uint16_t port = 4242; std::stringstream ssNet; ssNet << _transport << "://*:" << port; while(zmq_bind(_socket, ssNet.str().c_str()) < 0) { switch(errno) { case EADDRINUSE: port++; ssNet.clear(); // clear error bits ssNet.str(string()); // reset string ssNet << _transport << "://*:" << port; break; default: LOG_WARN("zmq_bind: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); Thread::sleepMs(100); } } _port = port; start(); LOG_INFO("creating publisher for %s on %s", _channelName.c_str(), ssNet.str().c_str()); LOG_DEBUG("creating publisher on %s", ssInProc.str().c_str()); } ZeroMQPublisher::ZeroMQPublisher() { } ZeroMQPublisher::~ZeroMQPublisher() { LOG_INFO("deleting publisher for %s", _channelName.c_str()); stop(); join(); zmq_close(_socket) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_close(_closer) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } void ZeroMQPublisher::join() { UMUNDO_LOCK(_mutex); stop(); std::stringstream ssInProc; ssInProc << "inproc://" << _uuid; zmq_connect(_closer, ssInProc.str().c_str()) && LOG_WARN("zmq_connect: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); Thread::join(); UMUNDO_UNLOCK(_mutex); } void ZeroMQPublisher::suspend() { if (_isSuspended) return; _isSuspended = true; stop(); join(); zmq_close(_socket) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_close(_closer) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } void ZeroMQPublisher::resume() { if (!_isSuspended) return; _isSuspended = false; init(_config); } void ZeroMQPublisher::run() { // read subscription requests from the pub socket while(isStarted()) { zmq_msg_t message; zmq_msg_init(&message) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_init: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); int rv; { ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); while ((rv = zmq_recvmsg(_socket, &message, ZMQ_DONTWAIT)) < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) // no messages available at the moment break; if (errno != EINTR) LOG_WARN("zmq_recvmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } } // zmq_recvmsg is blocking and we use an ipc socket _closer to unblock in join() - not needed as we use ZMQ_DONTWAIT //if (!isStarted()) { // zmq_msg_close(&message) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); // return; //} if (rv > 0) { size_t msgSize = zmq_msg_size(&message); // every subscriber will sent its uuid as a subscription as well if (msgSize == 37) { //ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); char* data = (char*)zmq_msg_data(&message); bool subscription = (data[0] == 0x1); char* subId = data+1; subId[msgSize - 1] = 0; if (subscription) { LOG_INFO("%s received ZMQ subscription from %s", _channelName.c_str(), subId); _pendingZMQSubscriptions.insert(subId); addedSubscriber("", subId); } else { LOG_INFO("%s received ZMQ unsubscription from %s", _channelName.c_str(), subId); } } // zmq_msg_close(&message) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); } else { Thread::sleepMs(50); } } } /** * Block until we have a given number of subscribers. */ int ZeroMQPublisher::waitForSubscribers(int count, int timeoutMs) { while (_subscriptions.size() < (unsigned int)count) { UMUNDO_WAIT(_pubLock); #ifdef WIN32 // even after waiting for the signal from ZMQ subscriptions Windows needs a moment //Thread::sleepMs(300); #endif } return _subscriptions.size(); } void ZeroMQPublisher::addedSubscriber(const string remoteId, const string subId) { ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); // ZeroMQPublisher::run calls us without a remoteId if (remoteId.length() != 0) { // we already know about this subscription if (_pendingSubscriptions.find(subId) != _pendingSubscriptions.end()) return; _pendingSubscriptions[subId] = remoteId; } // if we received a subscription from xpub and the node socket if (_pendingSubscriptions.find(subId) == _pendingSubscriptions.end() || _pendingZMQSubscriptions.find(subId) == _pendingZMQSubscriptions.end()) { return; } _subscriptions[subId] = _pendingSubscriptions[subId]; _pendingSubscriptions.erase(subId); _pendingZMQSubscriptions.erase(subId); if (_greeter != NULL) _greeter->welcome((Publisher*)_facade, _pendingSubscriptions[subId], subId); UMUNDO_SIGNAL(_pubLock); } void ZeroMQPublisher::removedSubscriber(const string remoteId, const string subId) { ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); assert(_subscriptions.find(subId) != _subscriptions.end()); _subscriptions.erase(subId); if (_greeter != NULL) _greeter->farewell((Publisher*)_facade, _pendingSubscriptions[subId], subId); UMUNDO_SIGNAL(_pubLock); } void ZeroMQPublisher::send(Message* msg) { //LOG_DEBUG("ZeroMQPublisher sending msg on %s", _channelName.c_str()); if (_isSuspended) { LOG_WARN("Not sending message on suspended publisher"); return; } // topic name or explicit subscriber id is first message in envelope zmq_msg_t channelEnvlp; if (msg->getMeta().find("subscriber") != msg->getMeta().end()) { // explicit destination ZMQ_PREPARE_STRING(channelEnvlp, msg->getMeta("subscriber").c_str(), msg->getMeta("subscriber").size()); } else { // everyone on channel ZMQ_PREPARE_STRING(channelEnvlp, _channelName.c_str(), _channelName.size()); } zmq_sendmsg(_socket, &channelEnvlp, ZMQ_SNDMORE) >= 0 || LOG_WARN("zmq_sendmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_msg_close(&channelEnvlp) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); // mandatory meta fields msg->putMeta("publisher", _uuid); msg->putMeta("proc", procUUID); // all our meta information map<string, string>::const_iterator metaIter; for (metaIter = msg->getMeta().begin(); metaIter != msg->getMeta().end(); metaIter++) { // string key(metaIter->first); // string value(metaIter->second); // std::cout << key << ": " << value << std::endl; // string length of key + value + two null bytes as string delimiters size_t metaSize = (metaIter->first).length() + (metaIter->second).length() + 2; zmq_msg_t metaMsg; ZMQ_PREPARE(metaMsg, metaSize); char* writePtr = (char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg); memcpy(writePtr, (metaIter->first).data(), (metaIter->first).length()); // indexes start at zero, so length is the byte after the string ((char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg))[(metaIter->first).length()] = '\0'; assert(strlen((char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg)) == (metaIter->first).length()); assert(strlen(writePtr) == (metaIter->first).length()); // just to be sure // increment write pointer writePtr += (metaIter->first).length() + 1; memcpy(writePtr, (metaIter->second).data(), (metaIter->second).length()); // first string + null byte + second string ((char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg))[(metaIter->first).length() + 1 + (metaIter->second).length()] = '\0'; assert(strlen(writePtr) == (metaIter->second).length()); zmq_sendmsg(_socket, &metaMsg, ZMQ_SNDMORE) >= 0 || LOG_WARN("zmq_sendmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_msg_close(&metaMsg) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } // data as the second part of a multipart message zmq_msg_t publication; ZMQ_PREPARE_DATA(publication, msg->data(), msg->size()); zmq_sendmsg(_socket, &publication, 0) >= 0 || LOG_WARN("zmq_sendmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_msg_close(&publication) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } }<commit_msg>Added todo<commit_after>/** * @file * @author 2012 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license>. * @endcond */ #ifdef WIN32 #include <time.h> #include <WinSock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <Windows.h> #endif #include "umundo/connection/zeromq/ZeroMQPublisher.h" #include "umundo/connection/zeromq/ZeroMQNode.h" #include "umundo/common/Message.h" #include "umundo/common/UUID.h" #include "umundo/config.h" #if defined UNIX || defined IOS || defined IOSSIM #include <string.h> // strlen, memcpy #include <stdio.h> // snprintf #endif namespace umundo { shared_ptr<Implementation> ZeroMQPublisher::create(void* facade) { shared_ptr<Implementation> instance(new ZeroMQPublisher()); boost::static_pointer_cast<ZeroMQPublisher>(instance)->_facade = facade; return instance; } void ZeroMQPublisher::destroy() { delete(this); } void ZeroMQPublisher::init(shared_ptr<Configuration> config) { _uuid = (_uuid.length() > 0 ? _uuid : UUID::getUUID()); _config = boost::static_pointer_cast<PublisherConfig>(config); _transport = "tcp"; /// @todo: We might want all publishers to share only a few sockets (_socket = zmq_socket(ZeroMQNode::getZeroMQContext(), ZMQ_XPUB)) || LOG_WARN("zmq_socket: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); (_closer = zmq_socket(ZeroMQNode::getZeroMQContext(), ZMQ_SUB)) || LOG_WARN("zmq_socket: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_setsockopt(_closer, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, _uuid.c_str(), _uuid.size()) && LOG_WARN("zmq_setsockopt: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); int hwm = NET_ZEROMQ_SND_HWM; zmq_setsockopt(_socket, ZMQ_SNDHWM, &hwm, sizeof(hwm)) && LOG_WARN("zmq_setsockopt: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); std::stringstream ssInProc; ssInProc << "inproc://" << _uuid; zmq_bind(_socket, ssInProc.str().c_str()) && LOG_WARN("zmq_bind: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); uint16_t port = 4242; std::stringstream ssNet; ssNet << _transport << "://*:" << port; while(zmq_bind(_socket, ssNet.str().c_str()) < 0) { switch(errno) { case EADDRINUSE: port++; ssNet.clear(); // clear error bits ssNet.str(string()); // reset string ssNet << _transport << "://*:" << port; break; default: LOG_WARN("zmq_bind: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); Thread::sleepMs(100); } } _port = port; start(); LOG_INFO("creating publisher for %s on %s", _channelName.c_str(), ssNet.str().c_str()); LOG_DEBUG("creating publisher on %s", ssInProc.str().c_str()); } ZeroMQPublisher::ZeroMQPublisher() { } ZeroMQPublisher::~ZeroMQPublisher() { LOG_INFO("deleting publisher for %s", _channelName.c_str()); stop(); join(); zmq_close(_socket) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_close(_closer) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } void ZeroMQPublisher::join() { UMUNDO_LOCK(_mutex); stop(); std::stringstream ssInProc; ssInProc << "inproc://" << _uuid; zmq_connect(_closer, ssInProc.str().c_str()) && LOG_WARN("zmq_connect: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); Thread::join(); UMUNDO_UNLOCK(_mutex); } void ZeroMQPublisher::suspend() { if (_isSuspended) return; _isSuspended = true; stop(); join(); zmq_close(_socket) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_close(_closer) && LOG_WARN("zmq_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } void ZeroMQPublisher::resume() { if (!_isSuspended) return; _isSuspended = false; init(_config); } void ZeroMQPublisher::run() { // read subscription requests from the pub socket while(isStarted()) { zmq_msg_t message; zmq_msg_init(&message) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_init: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); int rv; { ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); while ((rv = zmq_recvmsg(_socket, &message, ZMQ_DONTWAIT)) < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) // no messages available at the moment break; if (errno != EINTR) LOG_WARN("zmq_recvmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } } // zmq_recvmsg is blocking and we use an ipc socket _closer to unblock in join() - not needed as we use ZMQ_DONTWAIT //if (!isStarted()) { // zmq_msg_close(&message) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); // return; //} if (rv > 0) { size_t msgSize = zmq_msg_size(&message); // every subscriber will sent its uuid as a subscription as well if (msgSize == 37) { //ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); char* data = (char*)zmq_msg_data(&message); bool subscription = (data[0] == 0x1); char* subId = data+1; subId[msgSize - 1] = 0; if (subscription) { LOG_INFO("%s received ZMQ subscription from %s", _channelName.c_str(), subId); _pendingZMQSubscriptions.insert(subId); addedSubscriber("", subId); } else { LOG_INFO("%s received ZMQ unsubscription from %s", _channelName.c_str(), subId); } } // zmq_msg_close(&message) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s", zmq_strerror(errno)); } else { Thread::sleepMs(50); } } } /** * Block until we have a given number of subscribers. */ int ZeroMQPublisher::waitForSubscribers(int count, int timeoutMs) { while (_subscriptions.size() < (unsigned int)count) { UMUNDO_WAIT(_pubLock); #ifdef WIN32 // even after waiting for the signal from ZMQ subscriptions Windows needs a moment //Thread::sleepMs(300); #endif } return _subscriptions.size(); } void ZeroMQPublisher::addedSubscriber(const string remoteId, const string subId) { ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); // ZeroMQPublisher::run calls us without a remoteId if (remoteId.length() != 0) { // we already know about this subscription if (_pendingSubscriptions.find(subId) != _pendingSubscriptions.end()) return; _pendingSubscriptions[subId] = remoteId; } // if we received a subscription from xpub and the node socket if (_pendingSubscriptions.find(subId) == _pendingSubscriptions.end() || _pendingZMQSubscriptions.find(subId) == _pendingZMQSubscriptions.end()) { return; } _subscriptions[subId] = _pendingSubscriptions[subId]; _pendingSubscriptions.erase(subId); _pendingZMQSubscriptions.erase(subId); if (_greeter != NULL) _greeter->welcome((Publisher*)_facade, _pendingSubscriptions[subId], subId); UMUNDO_SIGNAL(_pubLock); } void ZeroMQPublisher::removedSubscriber(const string remoteId, const string subId) { ScopeLock lock(&_mutex); assert(_subscriptions.find(subId) != _subscriptions.end()); _subscriptions.erase(subId); if (_greeter != NULL) _greeter->farewell((Publisher*)_facade, _pendingSubscriptions[subId], subId); UMUNDO_SIGNAL(_pubLock); } void ZeroMQPublisher::send(Message* msg) { //LOG_DEBUG("ZeroMQPublisher sending msg on %s", _channelName.c_str()); if (_isSuspended) { LOG_WARN("Not sending message on suspended publisher"); return; } // topic name or explicit subscriber id is first message in envelope zmq_msg_t channelEnvlp; if (msg->getMeta().find("subscriber") != msg->getMeta().end()) { // explicit destination ZMQ_PREPARE_STRING(channelEnvlp, msg->getMeta("subscriber").c_str(), msg->getMeta("subscriber").size()); } else { // everyone on channel ZMQ_PREPARE_STRING(channelEnvlp, _channelName.c_str(), _channelName.size()); } zmq_sendmsg(_socket, &channelEnvlp, ZMQ_SNDMORE) >= 0 || LOG_WARN("zmq_sendmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_msg_close(&channelEnvlp) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); // mandatory meta fields msg->putMeta("publisher", _uuid); msg->putMeta("proc", procUUID); // all our meta information map<string, string>::const_iterator metaIter; for (metaIter = msg->getMeta().begin(); metaIter != msg->getMeta().end(); metaIter++) { // string key(metaIter->first); // string value(metaIter->second); // std::cout << key << ": " << value << std::endl; // string length of key + value + two null bytes as string delimiters size_t metaSize = (metaIter->first).length() + (metaIter->second).length() + 2; zmq_msg_t metaMsg; ZMQ_PREPARE(metaMsg, metaSize); char* writePtr = (char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg); memcpy(writePtr, (metaIter->first).data(), (metaIter->first).length()); // indexes start at zero, so length is the byte after the string ((char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg))[(metaIter->first).length()] = '\0'; assert(strlen((char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg)) == (metaIter->first).length()); assert(strlen(writePtr) == (metaIter->first).length()); // just to be sure // increment write pointer writePtr += (metaIter->first).length() + 1; memcpy(writePtr, (metaIter->second).data(), (metaIter->second).length()); // first string + null byte + second string ((char*)zmq_msg_data(&metaMsg))[(metaIter->first).length() + 1 + (metaIter->second).length()] = '\0'; assert(strlen(writePtr) == (metaIter->second).length()); zmq_sendmsg(_socket, &metaMsg, ZMQ_SNDMORE) >= 0 || LOG_WARN("zmq_sendmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_msg_close(&metaMsg) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } // data as the second part of a multipart message zmq_msg_t publication; ZMQ_PREPARE_DATA(publication, msg->data(), msg->size()); zmq_sendmsg(_socket, &publication, 0) >= 0 || LOG_WARN("zmq_sendmsg: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); zmq_msg_close(&publication) && LOG_WARN("zmq_msg_close: %s",zmq_strerror(errno)); } }<|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* Implementation of the Compiler class. */ #include <cctype> //character comparison functions #include <stdexcept> #include <assert.h> #include "compiler.hh" namespace ds_compiler { const size_t Compiler::NUM_REGISTERS = 8; const char Compiler::ERR_CHAR = '\0'; const std::unordered_set<char> Compiler::ADD_OPS({'+', '-'}); const std::unordered_set<char> Compiler::MULT_OPS({'*', '/'}); //constructors Compiler::Compiler (std::ostream& output) : m_input_stream (std::ios::in|std::ios::out), m_output_stream(output) { } void Compiler::compile_intermediate (const std::string input_line) { //clear contents and error flags on m_input_stream m_input_stream.str(""); m_input_stream.clear(); m_input_stream << input_line; try { start_symbol(); } catch (std::exception &ex) { std::cerr << ex.what() << '\n'; throw std::runtime_error("Compilation failed.\n"); } } void Compiler::compile_full (const std::vector<std::string> source, const std::string class_name) { compile_start(class_name); for (auto line : source) { compile_intermediate(line); } compile_end(); } void Compiler::compile_start (const std::string class_name) const { add_includes(); //begin class declaration, qualify everything as public emit_line("class "+ class_name + "{"); emit_line("public:"); define_member_variables(); define_constructor(class_name); define_cpu_pop(); define_getters(); emit_line("void run() {"); //begin definition of run() } void Compiler::compile_end () const { //TODO - should I assert that cpu_stack is empty? emit_line("}"); //end definition of run() define_dump(); emit_line("};"); //close class declaration } void Compiler::add_includes() const { emit_line("#include <stack>"); emit_line("#include <vector>"); emit_line("#include <iostream>"); emit_line("#include <string>"); emit_line("#include <unordered_map>"); } void Compiler::define_member_variables() const { emit_line("std::stack<int> cpu_stack;"); emit_line("std::vector<int> cpu_registers;"); emit_line("std::unordered_map<char, int> cpu_variables;"); } void Compiler::define_constructor(const std::string class_name) const { emit_line(class_name + "() "); emit_line(": cpu_stack()"); emit_line(", cpu_registers(" + std::to_string(NUM_REGISTERS) + ", 0)"); emit_line(", cpu_variables()"); emit_line("{}"); } //emit definition of a function for easier stack handling void Compiler::define_cpu_pop() const { emit_line("int cpu_pop() {"); emit_line("int val = cpu_stack.top();"); emit_line("cpu_stack.pop();"); emit_line("return val; }"); } void Compiler::define_getters() const { emit_line("int get_register(int index) {"); emit_line("return cpu_registers.at(index);}"); emit_line("int get_variable(char var_name) {"); emit_line("return cpu_variables.at(var_name);}"); //no getter for stack; stack should always be empty } void define_is_stack_empty() const { emit_line("bool is_stack_empty() {"); emit_line("return cpu_stack.empty();}"); } void Compiler::define_dump() const { //TODO - are these dumps necessary? emit_line("void dump () {"); emit_line("std::cout << \"Register contents\\n\";"); emit_line("for (int i = 0; i < " + std::to_string(NUM_REGISTERS) + "; ++i)"); emit_line("std::cout << std::string(\"Register \") << i << \": \" << cpu_registers.at(i) << '\\n';"); emit_line("std::cout << \"Stack contents (top to bottom)\\n\";"); emit_line("while (!cpu_stack.empty()) {"); emit_line("std::cout << cpu_stack.top() << '\\n';"); emit_line("cpu_stack.pop();}"); emit_line("std::cout << \"Variable contents\\n\";"); emit_line("for (auto i = cpu_variables.begin(); i != cpu_variables.end(); ++i)"); emit_line("std::cout << \"cpu_variables[\" << i->first << \"] = \" << i->second << '\\n';"); emit_line("}"); } void Compiler::start_symbol () { } //cradle methods void Compiler::report_error(const std::string err) const { m_output_stream << '\n'; m_output_stream << "Error: " << err << '\n'; } void Compiler::abort(const std::string err) const { report_error(err); throw std::runtime_error("Compilation failed.\n"); } void Compiler::expected(const std::string expect) const { abort(expect + " expected.\n"); } //overload to handle single characters; //prevents having to construct a string whenever calling expected() void Compiler::expected(const char c) const { expected(std::string(1, c)); } //checks if next character matches; if so, consume that character void Compiler::match(const char c) { if (m_input_stream.peek() == c) { m_input_stream.get(); } else { expected(c); } } // gets a valid identifier from input stream char Compiler::get_name () { if (!std::isalpha(m_input_stream.peek())) { expected("Name"); return ERR_CHAR; } else { return std::toupper(m_input_stream.get()); } } //gets a number char Compiler::get_num () { if (!std::isdigit(m_input_stream.peek())) { expected("Integer"); return ERR_CHAR; } else { return m_input_stream.get(); } } //output a string void Compiler::emit (std::string s) const { m_output_stream << s; } //output a string with newline void Compiler::emit_line (std::string s) const { emit(s); emit("\n"); } bool Compiler::is_in(const char elem, const std::unordered_set<char> us) { return us.find(elem) != us.end(); } } //end namespace<commit_msg>Added call to define_is_stack_empty() in compile_start()<commit_after>/* Implementation of the Compiler class. */ #include <cctype> //character comparison functions #include <stdexcept> #include <assert.h> #include "compiler.hh" namespace ds_compiler { const size_t Compiler::NUM_REGISTERS = 8; const char Compiler::ERR_CHAR = '\0'; const std::unordered_set<char> Compiler::ADD_OPS({'+', '-'}); const std::unordered_set<char> Compiler::MULT_OPS({'*', '/'}); //constructors Compiler::Compiler (std::ostream& output) : m_input_stream (std::ios::in|std::ios::out), m_output_stream(output) { } void Compiler::compile_intermediate (const std::string input_line) { //clear contents and error flags on m_input_stream m_input_stream.str(""); m_input_stream.clear(); m_input_stream << input_line; try { start_symbol(); } catch (std::exception &ex) { std::cerr << ex.what() << '\n'; throw std::runtime_error("Compilation failed.\n"); } } void Compiler::compile_full (const std::vector<std::string> source, const std::string class_name) { compile_start(class_name); for (auto line : source) { compile_intermediate(line); } compile_end(); } void Compiler::compile_start (const std::string class_name) const { add_includes(); //begin class declaration, qualify everything as public emit_line("class "+ class_name + "{"); emit_line("public:"); define_member_variables(); define_constructor(class_name); define_cpu_pop(); define_getters(); define_is_stack_empty(); emit_line("void run() {"); //begin definition of run() } void Compiler::compile_end () const { //TODO - should I assert that cpu_stack is empty? emit_line("}"); //end definition of run() define_dump(); emit_line("};"); //close class definition } void Compiler::add_includes() const { emit_line("#include <stack>"); emit_line("#include <vector>"); emit_line("#include <iostream>"); emit_line("#include <string>"); emit_line("#include <unordered_map>"); } void Compiler::define_member_variables() const { emit_line("std::stack<int> cpu_stack;"); emit_line("std::vector<int> cpu_registers;"); emit_line("std::unordered_map<char, int> cpu_variables;"); } void Compiler::define_constructor(const std::string class_name) const { emit_line(class_name + "() "); emit_line(": cpu_stack()"); emit_line(", cpu_registers(" + std::to_string(NUM_REGISTERS) + ", 0)"); emit_line(", cpu_variables()"); emit_line("{}"); } //emit definition of a function for easier stack handling void Compiler::define_cpu_pop() const { emit_line("int cpu_pop() {"); emit_line("int val = cpu_stack.top();"); emit_line("cpu_stack.pop();"); emit_line("return val; }"); } void Compiler::define_getters() const { emit_line("int get_register(int index) {"); emit_line("return cpu_registers.at(index);}"); emit_line("int get_variable(char var_name) {"); emit_line("return cpu_variables.at(var_name);}"); //no getter for stack; stack should always be empty } void Compiler::define_is_stack_empty() const { emit_line("bool is_stack_empty() {"); emit_line("return cpu_stack.empty();}"); } void Compiler::define_dump() const { //TODO - are these dumps necessary? emit_line("void dump () {"); emit_line("std::cout << \"Register contents\\n\";"); emit_line("for (int i = 0; i < " + std::to_string(NUM_REGISTERS) + "; ++i)"); emit_line("std::cout << std::string(\"Register \") << i << \": \" << cpu_registers.at(i) << '\\n';"); emit_line("std::cout << \"Stack contents (top to bottom)\\n\";"); emit_line("while (!cpu_stack.empty()) {"); emit_line("std::cout << cpu_stack.top() << '\\n';"); emit_line("cpu_stack.pop();}"); emit_line("std::cout << \"Variable contents\\n\";"); emit_line("for (auto i = cpu_variables.begin(); i != cpu_variables.end(); ++i)"); emit_line("std::cout << \"cpu_variables[\" << i->first << \"] = \" << i->second << '\\n';"); emit_line("}"); } void Compiler::start_symbol () { } //cradle methods void Compiler::report_error(const std::string err) const { m_output_stream << '\n'; m_output_stream << "Error: " << err << '\n'; } void Compiler::abort(const std::string err) const { report_error(err); throw std::runtime_error("Compilation failed.\n"); } void Compiler::expected(const std::string expect) const { abort(expect + " expected.\n"); } //overload to handle single characters; //prevents having to construct a string whenever calling expected() void Compiler::expected(const char c) const { expected(std::string(1, c)); } //checks if next character matches; if so, consume that character void Compiler::match(const char c) { if (m_input_stream.peek() == c) { m_input_stream.get(); } else { expected(c); } } // gets a valid identifier from input stream char Compiler::get_name () { if (!std::isalpha(m_input_stream.peek())) { expected("Name"); return ERR_CHAR; } else { return std::toupper(m_input_stream.get()); } } //gets a number char Compiler::get_num () { if (!std::isdigit(m_input_stream.peek())) { expected("Integer"); return ERR_CHAR; } else { return m_input_stream.get(); } } //output a string void Compiler::emit (std::string s) const { m_output_stream << s; } //output a string with newline void Compiler::emit_line (std::string s) const { emit(s); emit("\n"); } bool Compiler::is_in(const char elem, const std::unordered_set<char> us) { return us.find(elem) != us.end(); } } //end namespace<|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "sync.h" #include "util.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #ifdef DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION void PrintLockContention(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine) { LogPrintf("LOCKCONTENTION: %s\n", pszName); LogPrintf("Locker: %s:%d\n", pszFile, nLine); } #endif /* DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION */ #ifdef DEBUG_LOCKORDER // // Early deadlock detection. // Problem being solved: // Thread 1 locks A, then B, then C // Thread 2 locks D, then C, then A // --> may result in deadlock between the two threads, depending on when they run. // Solution implemented here: // Keep track of pairs of locks: (A before B), (A before C), etc. // Complain if any thread tries to lock in a different order. // struct CLockLocation { CLockLocation(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, bool fTryIn) { mutexName = pszName; sourceFile = pszFile; sourceLine = nLine; fTry = fTryIn; } std::string ToString() const { return mutexName + " " + sourceFile + ":" + itostr(sourceLine) + (fTry ? " (TRY)" : ""); } std::string MutexName() const { return mutexName; } bool fTry; private: std::string mutexName; std::string sourceFile; int sourceLine; }; typedef std::vector<std::pair<void*, CLockLocation> > LockStack; static boost::mutex dd_mutex; static std::map<std::pair<void*, void*>, LockStack> lockorders; static boost::thread_specific_ptr<LockStack> lockstack; static void potential_deadlock_detected(const std::pair<void*, void*>& mismatch, const LockStack& s1, const LockStack& s2) { // We attempt to not assert on probably-not deadlocks by assuming that // a try lock will immediately have otherwise bailed if it had // failed to get the lock // We do this by, for the locks which triggered the potential deadlock, // in either lockorder, checking that the second of the two which is locked // is only a TRY_LOCK, ignoring locks if they are reentrant. bool firstLocked = false; bool secondLocked = false; bool onlyMaybeDeadlock = false; LogPrintf("POTENTIAL DEADLOCK DETECTED\n"); LogPrintf("Previous lock order was:\n"); BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, s2) { if (i.first == mismatch.first) { LogPrintf(" (1)"); if (!firstLocked && secondLocked && i.second.fTry) onlyMaybeDeadlock = true; firstLocked = true; } if (i.first == mismatch.second) { LogPrintf(" (2)"); if (!secondLocked && firstLocked && i.second.fTry) onlyMaybeDeadlock = true; secondLocked = true; } LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString()); } firstLocked = false; secondLocked = false; LogPrintf("Current lock order is:\n"); BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, s1) { if (i.first == mismatch.first) { LogPrintf(" (1)"); if (!firstLocked && secondLocked && i.second.fTry) onlyMaybeDeadlock = true; firstLocked = true; } if (i.first == mismatch.second) { LogPrintf(" (2)"); if (!secondLocked && firstLocked && i.second.fTry) onlyMaybeDeadlock = true; secondLocked = true; } LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString()); } assert(onlyMaybeDeadlock); } static void push_lock(void* c, const CLockLocation& locklocation, bool fTry) { if (lockstack.get() == NULL) lockstack.reset(new LockStack); dd_mutex.lock(); (*lockstack).push_back(std::make_pair(c, locklocation)); if (!fTry) { BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, (*lockstack)) { if (i.first == c) break; std::pair<void*, void*> p1 = std::make_pair(i.first, c); if (lockorders.count(p1)) continue; lockorders[p1] = (*lockstack); std::pair<void*, void*> p2 = std::make_pair(c, i.first); if (lockorders.count(p2)) potential_deadlock_detected(p1, lockorders[p2], lockorders[p1]); } } dd_mutex.unlock(); } static void pop_lock() { dd_mutex.lock(); (*lockstack).pop_back(); dd_mutex.unlock(); } void EnterCritical(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, void* cs, bool fTry) { push_lock(cs, CLockLocation(pszName, pszFile, nLine, fTry), fTry); } void LeaveCritical() { pop_lock(); } std::string LocksHeld() { std::string result; BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, *lockstack) result += i.second.ToString() + std::string("\n"); return result; } void AssertLockHeldInternal(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, void* cs) { BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, *lockstack) if (i.first == cs) return; fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: lock %s not held in %s:%i; locks held:\n%s", pszName, pszFile, nLine, LocksHeld().c_str()); abort(); } #endif /* DEBUG_LOCKORDER */ <commit_msg>Revert "Assert on probable deadlocks if the second lock isnt try_lock"<commit_after>// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "sync.h" #include "util.h" #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #ifdef DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION void PrintLockContention(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine) { LogPrintf("LOCKCONTENTION: %s\n", pszName); LogPrintf("Locker: %s:%d\n", pszFile, nLine); } #endif /* DEBUG_LOCKCONTENTION */ #ifdef DEBUG_LOCKORDER // // Early deadlock detection. // Problem being solved: // Thread 1 locks A, then B, then C // Thread 2 locks D, then C, then A // --> may result in deadlock between the two threads, depending on when they run. // Solution implemented here: // Keep track of pairs of locks: (A before B), (A before C), etc. // Complain if any thread tries to lock in a different order. // struct CLockLocation { CLockLocation(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine) { mutexName = pszName; sourceFile = pszFile; sourceLine = nLine; } std::string ToString() const { return mutexName + " " + sourceFile + ":" + itostr(sourceLine); } std::string MutexName() const { return mutexName; } private: std::string mutexName; std::string sourceFile; int sourceLine; }; typedef std::vector<std::pair<void*, CLockLocation> > LockStack; static boost::mutex dd_mutex; static std::map<std::pair<void*, void*>, LockStack> lockorders; static boost::thread_specific_ptr<LockStack> lockstack; static void potential_deadlock_detected(const std::pair<void*, void*>& mismatch, const LockStack& s1, const LockStack& s2) { LogPrintf("POTENTIAL DEADLOCK DETECTED\n"); LogPrintf("Previous lock order was:\n"); BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, s2) { if (i.first == mismatch.first) LogPrintf(" (1)"); if (i.first == mismatch.second) LogPrintf(" (2)"); LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString()); } LogPrintf("Current lock order is:\n"); BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, s1) { if (i.first == mismatch.first) LogPrintf(" (1)"); if (i.first == mismatch.second) LogPrintf(" (2)"); LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString()); } } static void push_lock(void* c, const CLockLocation& locklocation, bool fTry) { if (lockstack.get() == NULL) lockstack.reset(new LockStack); dd_mutex.lock(); (*lockstack).push_back(std::make_pair(c, locklocation)); if (!fTry) { BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, (*lockstack)) { if (i.first == c) break; std::pair<void*, void*> p1 = std::make_pair(i.first, c); if (lockorders.count(p1)) continue; lockorders[p1] = (*lockstack); std::pair<void*, void*> p2 = std::make_pair(c, i.first); if (lockorders.count(p2)) { potential_deadlock_detected(p1, lockorders[p2], lockorders[p1]); break; } } } dd_mutex.unlock(); } static void pop_lock() { dd_mutex.lock(); (*lockstack).pop_back(); dd_mutex.unlock(); } void EnterCritical(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, void* cs, bool fTry) { push_lock(cs, CLockLocation(pszName, pszFile, nLine), fTry); } void LeaveCritical() { pop_lock(); } std::string LocksHeld() { std::string result; BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, *lockstack) result += i.second.ToString() + std::string("\n"); return result; } void AssertLockHeldInternal(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, void* cs) { BOOST_FOREACH (const PAIRTYPE(void*, CLockLocation) & i, *lockstack) if (i.first == cs) return; fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: lock %s not held in %s:%i; locks held:\n%s", pszName, pszFile, nLine, LocksHeld().c_str()); abort(); } #endif /* DEBUG_LOCKORDER */ <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <allegro5/allegro.h> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "renderer.h" #include "global_constants.h" #include "entity.h" Renderer::Renderer() : cam_x(0), cam_y(0), spriteloader(false) { // Create a display al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_VSYNC, 2, ALLEGRO_REQUIRE); display = al_create_display(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); if(!display) { // FIXME: Make the error argument mean anything? fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Could not create display\n"); throw -1; } background = al_create_bitmap(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); midground = al_create_bitmap(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); foreground = al_create_bitmap(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); //load font //gg2 font as placeholder for now i guess al_init_font_addon(); al_init_ttf_addon(); font = al_load_font("gg2bold.ttf", 12, ALLEGRO_TTF_MONOCHROME); if (!font) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load 'gg2bold.ttf'.\n"); throw -1; } // fps stuff lasttime = al_get_time(); } Renderer::~Renderer() { // Cleanup al_destroy_display(display); al_destroy_font(font); al_shutdown_font_addon(); al_shutdown_ttf_addon(); al_destroy_bitmap(background); al_destroy_bitmap(midground); al_destroy_bitmap(foreground); } void Renderer::render(Gamestate *state, EntityPtr myself) { // Set camera Character *c = state->get<Player>(myself)->getcharacter(state); if (c != 0) { cam_x = c->x - WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0; cam_y = c->y - WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0; } al_set_target_bitmap(background); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); al_set_target_bitmap(midground); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); al_set_target_bitmap(foreground); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); // Go through all objects and let them render themselves on the layers for (auto& e : state->entitylist) { e.second->render(this, state); } // Set render target to be the display al_set_target_backbuffer(display); // Clear black al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Draw the map background first state->currentmap->renderbackground(cam_x, cam_y); // Then draw each layer al_draw_bitmap(background, 0, 0, 0); al_draw_bitmap(midground, 0, 0, 0); al_draw_bitmap(foreground, 0, 0, 0); // Draw the map wallmask on top of everything, to prevent sprites that go through walls state->currentmap->renderwallground(cam_x, cam_y); //fps counter mostly borrowed from pygg2 double frametime = al_get_time() - lasttime; lasttime = al_get_time(); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 0, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("Frametime: " + std::to_string(frametime * 1000) + "ms").c_str()); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 12, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("FPS: " + std::to_string((int)(1/frametime))).c_str()); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 60, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("pos: " + std::to_string(cam_x+WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0) + " " + std::to_string(cam_y+WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0)).c_str()); if (c != 0) { al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 72, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("hspeed: " + std::to_string(c->hspeed)).c_str()); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 84, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("vspeed: " + std::to_string(c->vspeed)).c_str()); } else { al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 72, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "hspeed: 0.000000"); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 84, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "vspeed: 0.000000"); } al_flip_display(); } <commit_msg>Added fullscreen.<commit_after>#include <allegro5/allegro.h> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "renderer.h" #include "global_constants.h" #include "entity.h" Renderer::Renderer() : cam_x(0), cam_y(0), spriteloader(false) { // Create a display al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_VSYNC, 2, ALLEGRO_REQUIRE); al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW); display = al_create_display(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); if(!display) { // FIXME: Make the error argument mean anything? fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Could not create display\n"); throw -1; } background = al_create_bitmap(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); midground = al_create_bitmap(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); foreground = al_create_bitmap(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); //load font //gg2 font as placeholder for now i guess al_init_font_addon(); al_init_ttf_addon(); font = al_load_font("gg2bold.ttf", 12, ALLEGRO_TTF_MONOCHROME); if (!font) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load 'gg2bold.ttf'.\n"); throw -1; } // fps stuff lasttime = al_get_time(); } Renderer::~Renderer() { // Cleanup al_destroy_display(display); al_destroy_font(font); al_shutdown_font_addon(); al_shutdown_ttf_addon(); al_destroy_bitmap(background); al_destroy_bitmap(midground); al_destroy_bitmap(foreground); } void Renderer::render(Gamestate *state, EntityPtr myself) { // Set camera Character *c = state->get<Player>(myself)->getcharacter(state); if (c != 0) { cam_x = c->x - WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0; cam_y = c->y - WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0; } al_set_target_bitmap(background); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); al_set_target_bitmap(midground); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); al_set_target_bitmap(foreground); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); // Go through all objects and let them render themselves on the layers for (auto& e : state->entitylist) { e.second->render(this, state); } // Set render target to be the display al_set_target_backbuffer(display); // Clear black al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Draw the map background first state->currentmap->renderbackground(cam_x, cam_y); // Then draw each layer al_draw_bitmap(background, 0, 0, 0); al_draw_bitmap(midground, 0, 0, 0); al_draw_bitmap(foreground, 0, 0, 0); // Draw the map wallmask on top of everything, to prevent sprites that go through walls state->currentmap->renderwallground(cam_x, cam_y); //fps counter mostly borrowed from pygg2 double frametime = al_get_time() - lasttime; lasttime = al_get_time(); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 0, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("Frametime: " + std::to_string(frametime * 1000) + "ms").c_str()); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 12, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("FPS: " + std::to_string((int)(1/frametime))).c_str()); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 60, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("pos: " + std::to_string(cam_x+WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0) + " " + std::to_string(cam_y+WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0)).c_str()); if (c != 0) { al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 72, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("hspeed: " + std::to_string(c->hspeed)).c_str()); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 84, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, ("vspeed: " + std::to_string(c->vspeed)).c_str()); } else { al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 72, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "hspeed: 0.000000"); al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 84, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "vspeed: 0.000000"); } al_flip_display(); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/** * Appcelerator Titanium - licensed under the Apache Public License 2 * see LICENSE in the root folder for details on the license. * Copyright (c) 2009 Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #include "native_pipe.h" namespace ti { NativePipe::NativePipe(bool isReader) : closed(false), isReader(isReader), writeThreadAdapter(new Poco::RunnableAdapter<NativePipe>( *this, &NativePipe::PollForWrites)), readThreadAdapter(new Poco::RunnableAdapter<NativePipe>( *this, &NativePipe::PollForReads)), readCallback(0), logger(Logger::Get("Process.NativePipe")) { } NativePipe::~NativePipe () { // Don't need to StopMonitors here, because the destructor // should never be called until the monitors are shutdown delete readThreadAdapter; delete writeThreadAdapter; } void NativePipe::StopMonitors() { closed = true; try { if (readThread.isRunning()) this->readThread.join(); if (writeThread.isRunning()) this->writeThread.join(); } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { logger->Error("Exception while try to join with Pipe thread: %s", e.displayText().c_str()); } } void NativePipe::Close() { if (!isReader) { closed = true; } Pipe::Close(); } int NativePipe::Write(AutoBlob blob) { if (isReader) { // If this is a reader pipe (ie one reading from stdout and stderr // via polling), then we want to pass along the data to all attached // pipes // Someone (probably a process) wants to subscribe to this pipe's // reads synchronously. So we need to call the callback on this thread // right now. if (!readCallback.isNull()) { readCallback->Call(Value::NewObject(blob)); } return Pipe::Write(blob); } else { // If this is not a reader pipe (ie one that simply accepts write // requests via the Write(...) method, like stdin), then queue the // data to be written to the native pipe (blocking operation) by // our writer thread.: Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(buffersMutex); buffers.push(blob); } return blob->Length(); } void NativePipe::StartMonitor() { if (isReader) { readThread.start(*readThreadAdapter); } else { writeThread.start(*writeThreadAdapter); } } void NativePipe::PollForReads() { this->duplicate(); char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int length = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; int bytesRead = this->RawRead(buffer, length); while (bytesRead > 0) { AutoBlob blob = new Blob(buffer, bytesRead); this->Write(blob); bytesRead = this->RawRead(buffer, length); } this->release(); } void NativePipe::PollForWrites() { this->duplicate(); AutoBlob blob = 0; while (!closed || buffers.size() > 0) { PollForWriteIteration(); } this->CloseNative(); this->release(); } void NativePipe::PollForWriteIteration() { AutoBlob blob = 0; while (buffers.size() > 0) { { Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(buffersMutex); blob = buffers.front(); buffers.pop(); } if (!blob.isNull()) { this->RawWrite(blob); blob = 0; } } } void NativePipe::RawWrite(AutoBlob blob) { try { this->RawWrite((char*) blob->Get(), blob->Length()); } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { logger->Error("Exception while try to write to pipe Pipe: %s", e.displayText().c_str()); } } } <commit_msg>Do a little buffering NativePipe::PollForReads to improve Linux performance<commit_after>/** * Appcelerator Titanium - licensed under the Apache Public License 2 * see LICENSE in the root folder for details on the license. * Copyright (c) 2009 Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #include "native_pipe.h" #define READ_LOOP_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 namespace ti { NativePipe::NativePipe(bool isReader) : closed(false), isReader(isReader), writeThreadAdapter(new Poco::RunnableAdapter<NativePipe>( *this, &NativePipe::PollForWrites)), readThreadAdapter(new Poco::RunnableAdapter<NativePipe>( *this, &NativePipe::PollForReads)), readCallback(0), logger(Logger::Get("Process.NativePipe")) { } NativePipe::~NativePipe () { // Don't need to StopMonitors here, because the destructor // should never be called until the monitors are shutdown delete readThreadAdapter; delete writeThreadAdapter; } void NativePipe::StopMonitors() { closed = true; try { if (readThread.isRunning()) this->readThread.join(); if (writeThread.isRunning()) this->writeThread.join(); } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { logger->Error("Exception while try to join with Pipe thread: %s", e.displayText().c_str()); } } void NativePipe::Close() { if (!isReader) { closed = true; } Pipe::Close(); } int NativePipe::Write(AutoBlob blob) { if (isReader) { // If this is a reader pipe (ie one reading from stdout and stderr // via polling), then we want to pass along the data to all attached // pipes // Someone (probably a process) wants to subscribe to this pipe's // reads synchronously. So we need to call the callback on this thread // right now. if (!readCallback.isNull()) { readCallback->Call(Value::NewObject(blob)); } return Pipe::Write(blob); } else { // If this is not a reader pipe (ie one that simply accepts write // requests via the Write(...) method, like stdin), then queue the // data to be written to the native pipe (blocking operation) by // our writer thread.: Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(buffersMutex); buffers.push(blob); } return blob->Length(); } void NativePipe::StartMonitor() { if (isReader) { readThread.start(*readThreadAdapter); } else { writeThread.start(*writeThreadAdapter); } } void NativePipe::PollForReads() { this->duplicate(); // We want to be somewhat conservative here about when // we call this->Write since event handling is inherently // slow (it's synchronous and on the main thread). We'll // keep a local buffer which we'll periodically glob and // push out. std::vector<AutoBlob> buffers; unsigned int currentBuffersLength = 0; char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int length = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; int bytesRead = this->RawRead(buffer, length); while (bytesRead > 0) { AutoBlob blob = new Blob(buffer, bytesRead); buffers.push_back(blob); currentBuffersLength += blob->Length(); if (currentBuffersLength >= READ_LOOP_BUFFER_SIZE) { AutoBlob glob = Blob::GlobBlobs(buffers); this->Write(glob); buffers.clear(); currentBuffersLength = 0; } bytesRead = this->RawRead(buffer, length); } if (!buffers.empty()) { AutoBlob glob = Blob::GlobBlobs(buffers); this->Write(glob); } this->release(); } void NativePipe::PollForWrites() { this->duplicate(); AutoBlob blob = 0; while (!closed || buffers.size() > 0) { PollForWriteIteration(); } this->CloseNative(); this->release(); } void NativePipe::PollForWriteIteration() { AutoBlob blob = 0; while (buffers.size() > 0) { { Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(buffersMutex); blob = buffers.front(); buffers.pop(); } if (!blob.isNull()) { this->RawWrite(blob); blob = 0; } } } void NativePipe::RawWrite(AutoBlob blob) { try { this->RawWrite((char*) blob->Get(), blob->Length()); } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { logger->Error("Exception while try to write to pipe Pipe: %s", e.displayText().c_str()); } } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <osrng.h> #include <QDir> #include <QFile> #include <ring.hpp> void encodeDir(QDir& dir, QFile& pwFile); bool encodeFile(QFile& file, QFile& pwFile); void encodeHome(); void decodeHome(); void encodeDir(QDir& dir, QFile& pwFile) { dir.setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files); QList<QFileInfo> files = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i=1; i<files.length(); i++) { QFileInfo file = files.at(i); if (file.isFile() && file.isReadable() && !file.absoluteFilePath().endsWith(".enc") && !file.absoluteFilePath().endsWith("ringerei.pw")) { QFile fil(file.absoluteFilePath()); encodeFile(fil, pwFile); } else if (file.isDir() && file.isReadable()) { QDir dir(file.absoluteFilePath()); encodeDir(dir, pwFile); } } } bool encodeFile(QFile& file, QFile& pwFile) { QFile out(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath()+".enc"); if (out.exists()) { printf(".\n"); return false; } char* pw[256]; // char* salt[1024]; CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng; rng.GenerateBlock((byte*)pw, 256); // rng.GenerateBlock((byte*)salt, 1024); /* if !(out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return false; } if (out.write((const char*)salt, 1024) != 1024) { out.close(); out.remove(); return false; } Ring ring((const unsigned char*)pw, 256, (const unsigned char*)salt, 1024, 16); unsigned int treated = 0; char buf[1024]; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { out.close(); out.remove(); return false; } while (treated < file.size()) { unsigned int readSize = 1024; if (treated+readSize >= file.size()) { readSize = file.size()-treated; } if (file.read(buf, readSize) != readSize) { out.close(); out.remove(); file.close(); return false; } ring.encode((unsigned char*)buf, readSize); if (out.write(buf, readSize) != readSize) { out.close(); out.remove(); file.close(); return false; } treated += readSize; } file.close(); out.close();*/ if (pwFile.write(QFileInfo(out).absoluteFilePath().toStdString().c_str()) != QFileInfo(out).absoluteFilePath().length()) { return false; } char newline = '\n'; if (pwFile.write(&newline, 1) != 1) { return false; } if (pwFile.write((const char*)pw, 256) != 256) { return false; } if (pwFile.write(&newline, 1) != 1) { return false; } if (!pwFile.flush()) { return false; } /*if (!file.remove()) { return false; }*/ return true; } void encodeHome() { QFile pwFile(QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + "ringerei.pw"); assert(!pwFile.exists()); pwFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDir dir = QDir::home(); encodeDir(dir, pwFile); pwFile.close(); //TODO encode pwFile } bool decodeFile(QFile& in, QFile& out, Ring* ring) { unsigned int treated = 1024; while (treated < in.size()) { unsigned int readSize = 1024; if (treated+readSize >= in.size()) { readSize = in.size()-treated; } char buf[readSize]; if (in.read(buf, readSize) != readSize) { return false; } ring->decode((unsigned char*)buf, readSize); if (out.write(buf, readSize) != readSize) { return false; } treated += readSize; } return true; } void decodeHome() { QFile pwFile(QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + "ringerei.pw.enc"); assert(pwFile.exists()); if (!pwFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return; } //TODO decode pwFile unsigned int treated = 0; while (treated < pwFile.size()) { char filename[1024]; char outfilename[1024]; int ret = pwFile.readLine(filename, 1024); if (ret == -1) { continue; } treated += ret; strcpy(outfilename, filename); outfilename[strlen(outfilename)-3] = '\0'; treated += pwFile.seek(pwFile.pos()+1); char pw[256]; ret = pwFile.read(pw, 256); if (ret != 256) { continue; } treated += ret; treated += pwFile.seek(pwFile.pos()+1); QFile in(filename); if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { continue; } char salt[1024]; unsigned int inTreated = 0; inTreated += in.read(salt, 1024); if (inTreated != 1024) { in.close(); continue; } QFile out(filename); if (!out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { in.close(); continue; } Ring ring((const unsigned char*)pw, 256, (const unsigned char*)salt, 1024, 16); if (!decodeFile(in, out, &ring)) { in.close(); out.close(); out.remove(); continue; } in.close(); out.close(); in.remove(); } pwFile.close(); pwFile.remove(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { encodeHome(); return 0; } <commit_msg>added successrate variables<commit_after>#include <osrng.h> #include <QDir> #include <QFile> #include <ring.hpp> void encodeDir(QDir& dir, QFile& pwFile); bool encodeFile(QFile& file, QFile& pwFile); void encodeHome(); void decodeHome(); unsigned int FILES = 0; unsigned int SUCCESS = 0; void encodeDir(QDir& dir, QFile& pwFile) { dir.setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files); QList<QFileInfo> files = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i=1; i<files.length(); i++) { QFileInfo file = files.at(i); if (file.isFile() && file.isReadable() && !file.absoluteFilePath().endsWith(".enc") && !file.absoluteFilePath().endsWith("ringerei.pw")) { QFile fil(file.absoluteFilePath()); encodeFile(fil, pwFile); } else if (file.isDir() && file.isReadable()) { QDir dir(file.absoluteFilePath()); encodeDir(dir, pwFile); } } } bool encodeFile(QFile& file, QFile& pwFile) { FILES++; QFile out(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath()+".enc"); if (out.exists()) { return false; } char* pw[256]; // char* salt[1024]; CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool rng; rng.GenerateBlock((byte*)pw, 256); // rng.GenerateBlock((byte*)salt, 1024); /* if !(out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return false; } if (out.write((const char*)salt, 1024) != 1024) { out.close(); out.remove(); return false; } Ring ring((const unsigned char*)pw, 256, (const unsigned char*)salt, 1024, 16); unsigned int treated = 0; char buf[1024]; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { out.close(); out.remove(); return false; } while (treated < file.size()) { unsigned int readSize = 1024; if (treated+readSize >= file.size()) { readSize = file.size()-treated; } if (file.read(buf, readSize) != readSize) { out.close(); out.remove(); file.close(); return false; } ring.encode((unsigned char*)buf, readSize); if (out.write(buf, readSize) != readSize) { out.close(); out.remove(); file.close(); return false; } treated += readSize; } file.close(); out.close();*/ if (pwFile.write(QFileInfo(out).absoluteFilePath().toStdString().c_str()) != QFileInfo(out).absoluteFilePath().length()) { return false; } char newline = '\n'; if (pwFile.write(&newline, 1) != 1) { return false; } if (pwFile.write((const char*)pw, 256) != 256) { return false; } if (pwFile.write(&newline, 1) != 1) { return false; } if (!pwFile.flush()) { return false; } /*if (!file.remove()) { return false; }*/ SUCCESS++; return true; } void encodeHome() { QFile pwFile(QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + "ringerei.pw"); assert(!pwFile.exists()); pwFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDir dir = QDir::home(); encodeDir(dir, pwFile); pwFile.close(); //TODO encode pwFile } bool decodeFile(QFile& in, QFile& out, Ring* ring) { unsigned int treated = 1024; while (treated < in.size()) { unsigned int readSize = 1024; if (treated+readSize >= in.size()) { readSize = in.size()-treated; } char buf[readSize]; if (in.read(buf, readSize) != readSize) { return false; } ring->decode((unsigned char*)buf, readSize); if (out.write(buf, readSize) != readSize) { return false; } treated += readSize; } SUCCESS++; return true; } void decodeHome() { QFile pwFile(QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + "ringerei.pw.enc"); assert(pwFile.exists()); if (!pwFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return; } //TODO decode pwFile unsigned int treated = 0; while (treated < pwFile.size()) { FILES++; char filename[1024]; char outfilename[1024]; int ret = pwFile.readLine(filename, 1024); if (ret == -1) { continue; } treated += ret; strcpy(outfilename, filename); outfilename[strlen(outfilename)-3] = '\0'; treated += pwFile.seek(pwFile.pos()+1); char pw[256]; ret = pwFile.read(pw, 256); if (ret != 256) { continue; } treated += ret; treated += pwFile.seek(pwFile.pos()+1); QFile in(filename); if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { continue; } char salt[1024]; unsigned int inTreated = 0; inTreated += in.read(salt, 1024); if (inTreated != 1024) { in.close(); continue; } QFile out(filename); if (!out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { in.close(); continue; } Ring ring((const unsigned char*)pw, 256, (const unsigned char*)salt, 1024, 16); if (!decodeFile(in, out, &ring)) { in.close(); out.close(); out.remove(); continue; } in.close(); out.close(); in.remove(); } pwFile.close(); pwFile.remove(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { encodeHome(); return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/********************************************************************************* * * Inviwo - Interactive Visualization Workshop * * Copyright (c) 2019 Inviwo Foundation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *********************************************************************************/ #include <inviwo/core/datastructures/stipplingsettingsinterface.h> #include "..\..\..\include\inviwo\core\datastructures\stipplingsettings.h" namespace inviwo { StipplingSettings::StipplingSettings(const StipplingSettingsInterface* other) : mode(other->getMode()) , length(other->getLength()) , spacing(other->getSpacing()) , offset(other->getOffset()) , worldScale(other->getWorldScale()) {} StipplingSettingsInterface::Mode StipplingSettings::getMode() const { return mode; } float StipplingSettings::getLength() const { return length; } float StipplingSettings::getSpacing() const { return spacing; } float StipplingSettings::getOffset() const { return offset; } float StipplingSettings::getWorldScale() const { return worldScale; } } // namespace inviwo <commit_msg>Stippling include fix<commit_after>/********************************************************************************* * * Inviwo - Interactive Visualization Workshop * * Copyright (c) 2019 Inviwo Foundation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *********************************************************************************/ #include <inviwo/core/datastructures/stipplingsettingsinterface.h> #include <inviwo/core/datastructures/stipplingsettings.h> namespace inviwo { StipplingSettings::StipplingSettings(const StipplingSettingsInterface* other) : mode(other->getMode()) , length(other->getLength()) , spacing(other->getSpacing()) , offset(other->getOffset()) , worldScale(other->getWorldScale()) {} StipplingSettingsInterface::Mode StipplingSettings::getMode() const { return mode; } float StipplingSettings::getLength() const { return length; } float StipplingSettings::getSpacing() const { return spacing; } float StipplingSettings::getOffset() const { return offset; } float StipplingSettings::getWorldScale() const { return worldScale; } } // namespace inviwo <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#ifndef COMBINAISON_HPP #define COMBINAISON_HPP #include <vector> class Combinaison { public: typedef std::vector<std::vector<int> > returnType; //juste pour éviter de le retaper tout le temps static returnType* genFor(const int n); static returnType* getOrGenFor(const int n); static void __print__(const returnType& res); static void clear(); static std::vector<returnType*> results; private : Combinaison(){}; }; #endif <commit_msg>bouger les resultats en private pour ne pas se faire modifier par l'esxterieurs pour ne pa bugger<commit_after>#ifndef COMBINAISON_HPP #define COMBINAISON_HPP #include <vector> class Combinaison { public: typedef std::vector<std::vector<int> > returnType; //juste pour éviter de le retaper tout le temps static returnType* genFor(const int n); static returnType* getOrGenFor(const int n); static void __print__(const returnType& res); static void clear(); private : Combinaison(){}; static std::vector<returnType*> results; }; #endif <|endoftext|>
<commit_before> /* * client.cpp * * Handles the client env. * * Created by Ryan Faulkner on 2014-06-08 * Copyright (c) 2014. All rights reserved. */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <regex> #include <assert.h> #include "column_types.h" #include "redis.h" #include "md5.h" #include "index.h" #include "bayes.h" #include "model.h" #define REDISHOST "" #define REDISPORT 6379 using namespace std; /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisSet() { RedisHandler r; r.connect(); r.write("foo", "bar"); } /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisGet() { RedisHandler r; r.connect(); cout << endl << "VALUE FOR KEY foo" << endl; cout << r.read("foo") << endl << endl; } /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisKeys() { RedisHandler r; std::vector<std::string> vec; r.connect(); vec = r.keys("*"); cout << "KEY LIST FOR *" << endl; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = vec.begin() ; it != vec.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << endl; } cout << endl; } /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisIO() { RedisHandler r; std::vector<string>* vec; std::string outTrue, outFalse = ""; r.connect(); r.write("test_key", "test value"); outTrue = r.read("test_key"); assert(std::strcmp(outTrue.c_str(), "test value") == 0); r.deleteKey("test_key"); assert(!r.exists("test_key")); } /** Test to ensure that md5 hashing works */ void testMd5Hashing() { cout << endl << "md5 of 'mykey': " << md5("mykey") << endl; } /** Test to ensure that md5 hashing works */ void testRegexForTypes() { IntegerColumn ic; FloatColumn fc; assert(ic.validate("1981")); assert(fc.validate("5.2")); cout << "Passed regex tests." << endl; } /** Test to ensure that md5 hashing works */ void testOrderPairAlphaNumeric() { IndexHandler ih; assert(std::strcmp(ih.orderPairAlphaNumeric("b", "a").c_str(), "a_b") == 0); cout << "Passed orderPairAlphaNumeric tests." << endl; } /** * Test to ensure that relation entities are encoded properly */ void testJSONEntityEncoding() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(IntegerColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity ih.fetchEntity("test", json); // Fetch the entity representation cout << "TEST ENTITY:" << endl << endl << json.toStyledString() << endl; // Assert that entity as read matches definition assert(std::strcmp(json["entity"].asCString(), "test") == 0 && std::strcmp(json["fields"]["a"].asCString(), "integer") == 0 && json["fields"]["_itemcount"].asInt() == 1 ); ih.removeEntity("test"); // Remove the entity } /** * Test to ensure that relation fields are encoded properly */ void testJSONRelationEncoding() { IndexHandler ih; std::vector<Json::Value> ret; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent_1; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent_2; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel_1; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel_2; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> types_rel_1, types_rel_2; // Popualate fields fields_ent_1.push_back(std::make_pair(IntegerColumn(), "a")); fields_ent_2.push_back(std::make_pair(StringColumn(), "b")); fields_rel_1.push_back(std::make_pair("a", "1")); fields_rel_2.push_back(std::make_pair("b", "hello")); types_rel_1.insert(std::make_pair("a", COLTYPE_NAME_INT)); types_rel_2.insert(std::make_pair("b", COLTYPE_NAME_FLOAT)); // Create entities Entity e1("test_1", fields_ent_1), e2("test_2", fields_ent_2); ih.writeEntity(e1); ih.writeEntity(e2); // Create relation in redis Relation r("test_1", "test_2", fields_rel_1, fields_rel_2, types_rel_1, types_rel_2); ih.writeRelation(r); // Fetch the entity representation ret = ih.fetchRelationPrefix("test_1", "test_2"); cout << "TEST RELATION:" << endl << endl << ret[0].toStyledString() << endl; // Assert that entity as read matches definition assert( std::strcmp(ret[0]["entity_left"].asCString(), "test_1") == 0 && std::strcmp(ret[0]["entity_right"].asCString(), "test_2") == 0 && std::strcmp(ret[0]["fields_left"]["a"].asCString(), "1") == 0 && std::strcmp(ret[0]["fields_right"]["b"].asCString(), "hello") == 0 && ret[0]["fields_left"]["_itemcount"].asInt() == 1 && ret[0]["fields_right"]["_itemcount"].asInt() == 1 ); ih.removeEntity("test_1"); // Remove the entity ih.removeEntity("test_2"); // Remove the entity ih.removeRelation(r); // Remove the relation } /** * Tests that parseEntityAssignField correctly flags invalid assignments to integer fields */ void testFieldAssignTypeMismatchInteger() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(IntegerColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity assert( ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "12345") && !ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1.0") && !ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "string") ); ih.removeEntity("test"); } /** * Tests that parseEntityAssignField correctly flags invalid assignments to float fields */ void testFieldAssignTypeMismatchFloat() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(FloatColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); // Create the entity ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity assert( ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1.2") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "12.5") && !ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "string") ); ih.removeEntity("test"); } /** * Tests that parseEntityAssignField correctly flags invalid assignments to string fields */ void testFieldAssignTypeMismatchString() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(StringColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity assert( ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "12345") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "string") ); ih.removeEntity("test"); } /** * Tests Bayes::countRelations - ensure relation counting is functioning correctly */ void testCountRelations() { Bayes bayes; IndexHandler ih; std::vector<Json::Value> ret; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> types; // declare three entities Entity e1("_w", fields_ent), e2("_x", fields_ent), e3("_y", fields_ent), e4("_z", fields_ent); // construct a number of relations Relation r1("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r2("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r3("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r4("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r5("_w", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); ih.removeEntity("_w"); ih.removeEntity("_x"); ih.removeEntity("_y"); ih.removeEntity("_z"); ih.writeEntity(e1); ih.writeEntity(e2); ih.writeEntity(e3); ih.writeEntity(e4); ih.removeRelation(r1); ih.removeRelation(r2); ih.removeRelation(r3); ih.removeRelation(r4); ih.removeRelation(r5); ih.writeRelation(r1); ih.writeRelation(r2); ih.writeRelation(r3); ih.writeRelation(r4); ih.writeRelation(r5); AttributeBucket attrs; // empty set of filters assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e1.name, attrs) == 1); assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e2.name, attrs) == 4); assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e3.name, attrs) == 3); assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e4.name, attrs) == 2); } /** * Tests that existsEntityField correctly flags when entity does not contain a field */ void testEntityDoesNotContainField() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests Bayes::computeMarginal function - ensure the marginal likelihood is correct */ void testComputeMarginal() { Bayes bayes; IndexHandler ih; std::vector<Json::Value> ret; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> types; ih.setRelationCountTotal(0); // declare three entities Entity e1("_w", fields_ent), e2("_x", fields_ent), e3("_y", fields_ent), e4("_z", fields_ent); // construct a number of relations Relation r1("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r2("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r3("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r4("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r5("_w", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); ih.removeEntity("_w"); ih.removeEntity("_x"); ih.removeEntity("_y"); ih.removeEntity("_z"); ih.writeEntity(e1); ih.writeEntity(e2); ih.writeEntity(e3); ih.writeEntity(e4); ih.removeRelation(r1); ih.removeRelation(r2); ih.removeRelation(r3); ih.removeRelation(r4); ih.removeRelation(r5); ih.writeRelation(r1); ih.writeRelation(r2); ih.writeRelation(r3); ih.writeRelation(r4); ih.writeRelation(r5); ih.setRelationCountTotal(ih.computeRelationsCount("*", "*")); // Ensure marginal likelihood reflects the number of relations that contain each entity AttributeBucket attrs; assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e1.name, attrs) == (float)0.2); assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e2.name, attrs) == (float)0.8); assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e3.name, attrs) == (float)0.6); assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e4.name, attrs) == (float)0.4); } /** * Tests that removal of entities functions properly */ void testEntityRemoval() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that removal of relations functions properly */ void testRelationRemoval() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that removal of relations cascading on entities functions properly */ void testEntityCascadeRemoval() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that the correct relations are filtered from a set */ void testRelationFiltering() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that the correct relations are filtered from a set */ void testRelation_toJson() { valpair left, right; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> typesL, typesR; left.push_back(std::make_pair("x", "1")); right.push_back(std::make_pair("y", "2")); typesL.insert(std::make_pair("x", COLTYPE_NAME_INT)); typesR.insert(std::make_pair("y", COLTYPE_NAME_INT)); Relation rel("x", "y", left, right, typesL, typesR); Json::Value json = rel.toJson(); assert(std::atoi(json[JSON_ATTR_REL_FIELDSL]["x"].asCString()) == 1 && std::atoi(json[JSON_ATTR_REL_FIELDSR]["y"].asCString()) == 2); } /** * Ensure sample marginal returns a valid sample */ void testSampleMarginal() { // Define entities and relations // Generate a sample // specify filter criteria // test sample to ensure that it meets criteria } /** * Ensure sample marginal returns a valid sample */ void testSamplePairwise() { // Define entities and relations // Generate a sample // specify filter criteria // test sample to ensure that it meets criteria } /** * Ensure sample marginal returns a valid sample */ void testSamplePairwiseCausal() { // Define entities and relations // Generate a sample // specify filter criteria // test sample to ensure that it meets criteria } int main() { cout << "-- TESTS BEGIN --" << endl << endl; // testRedisSet(); // testRedisGet(); // testRedisKeys(); // md5Hashing(); // testRedisIO(); // testRegexForTypes(); // testOrderPairAlphaNumeric(); // testJSONEntityEncoding(); // testJSONRelationEncoding(); // testFieldAssignTypeMismatchInteger(); // testFieldAssignTypeMismatchFloat(); // testFieldAssignTypeMismatchString(); // testCountRelations(); testComputeMarginal(); // testRelation_toJson(); cout << endl << "-- TESTS END --" << endl; return 0; } <commit_msg>Add test implementation for entity removal<commit_after> /* * client.cpp * * Handles the client env. * * Created by Ryan Faulkner on 2014-06-08 * Copyright (c) 2014. All rights reserved. */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <regex> #include <assert.h> #include "column_types.h" #include "redis.h" #include "md5.h" #include "index.h" #include "bayes.h" #include "model.h" #define REDISHOST "" #define REDISPORT 6379 using namespace std; /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisSet() { RedisHandler r; r.connect(); r.write("foo", "bar"); } /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisGet() { RedisHandler r; r.connect(); cout << endl << "VALUE FOR KEY foo" << endl; cout << r.read("foo") << endl << endl; } /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisKeys() { RedisHandler r; std::vector<std::string> vec; r.connect(); vec = r.keys("*"); cout << "KEY LIST FOR *" << endl; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = vec.begin() ; it != vec.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << endl; } cout << endl; } /** Test to ensure that redis keys are correctly returned */ void testRedisIO() { RedisHandler r; std::vector<string>* vec; std::string outTrue, outFalse = ""; r.connect(); r.write("test_key", "test value"); outTrue = r.read("test_key"); assert(std::strcmp(outTrue.c_str(), "test value") == 0); r.deleteKey("test_key"); assert(!r.exists("test_key")); } /** Test to ensure that md5 hashing works */ void testMd5Hashing() { cout << endl << "md5 of 'mykey': " << md5("mykey") << endl; } /** Test to ensure that md5 hashing works */ void testRegexForTypes() { IntegerColumn ic; FloatColumn fc; assert(ic.validate("1981")); assert(fc.validate("5.2")); cout << "Passed regex tests." << endl; } /** Test to ensure that md5 hashing works */ void testOrderPairAlphaNumeric() { IndexHandler ih; assert(std::strcmp(ih.orderPairAlphaNumeric("b", "a").c_str(), "a_b") == 0); cout << "Passed orderPairAlphaNumeric tests." << endl; } /** * Test to ensure that relation entities are encoded properly */ void testJSONEntityEncoding() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(IntegerColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity ih.fetchEntity("test", json); // Fetch the entity representation cout << "TEST ENTITY:" << endl << endl << json.toStyledString() << endl; // Assert that entity as read matches definition assert(std::strcmp(json["entity"].asCString(), "test") == 0 && std::strcmp(json["fields"]["a"].asCString(), "integer") == 0 && json["fields"]["_itemcount"].asInt() == 1 ); ih.removeEntity("test"); // Remove the entity } /** * Test to ensure that relation fields are encoded properly */ void testJSONRelationEncoding() { IndexHandler ih; std::vector<Json::Value> ret; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent_1; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent_2; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel_1; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel_2; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> types_rel_1, types_rel_2; // Popualate fields fields_ent_1.push_back(std::make_pair(IntegerColumn(), "a")); fields_ent_2.push_back(std::make_pair(StringColumn(), "b")); fields_rel_1.push_back(std::make_pair("a", "1")); fields_rel_2.push_back(std::make_pair("b", "hello")); types_rel_1.insert(std::make_pair("a", COLTYPE_NAME_INT)); types_rel_2.insert(std::make_pair("b", COLTYPE_NAME_FLOAT)); // Create entities Entity e1("test_1", fields_ent_1), e2("test_2", fields_ent_2); ih.writeEntity(e1); ih.writeEntity(e2); // Create relation in redis Relation r("test_1", "test_2", fields_rel_1, fields_rel_2, types_rel_1, types_rel_2); ih.writeRelation(r); // Fetch the entity representation ret = ih.fetchRelationPrefix("test_1", "test_2"); cout << "TEST RELATION:" << endl << endl << ret[0].toStyledString() << endl; // Assert that entity as read matches definition assert( std::strcmp(ret[0]["entity_left"].asCString(), "test_1") == 0 && std::strcmp(ret[0]["entity_right"].asCString(), "test_2") == 0 && std::strcmp(ret[0]["fields_left"]["a"].asCString(), "1") == 0 && std::strcmp(ret[0]["fields_right"]["b"].asCString(), "hello") == 0 && ret[0]["fields_left"]["_itemcount"].asInt() == 1 && ret[0]["fields_right"]["_itemcount"].asInt() == 1 ); ih.removeEntity("test_1"); // Remove the entity ih.removeEntity("test_2"); // Remove the entity ih.removeRelation(r); // Remove the relation } /** * Tests that parseEntityAssignField correctly flags invalid assignments to integer fields */ void testFieldAssignTypeMismatchInteger() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(IntegerColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity assert( ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "12345") && !ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1.0") && !ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "string") ); ih.removeEntity("test"); } /** * Tests that parseEntityAssignField correctly flags invalid assignments to float fields */ void testFieldAssignTypeMismatchFloat() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(FloatColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); // Create the entity ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity assert( ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1.2") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "12.5") && !ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "string") ); ih.removeEntity("test"); } /** * Tests that parseEntityAssignField correctly flags invalid assignments to string fields */ void testFieldAssignTypeMismatchString() { IndexHandler ih; Json::Value json; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; fields_ent.push_back(std::make_pair(StringColumn(), "a")); // Create fields Entity e("test", fields_ent); ih.writeEntity(e); // Create the entity assert( ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "1") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "12345") && ih.validateEntityFieldType("test", "a", "string") ); ih.removeEntity("test"); } /** * Tests Bayes::countRelations - ensure relation counting is functioning correctly */ void testCountRelations() { Bayes bayes; IndexHandler ih; std::vector<Json::Value> ret; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> types; // declare three entities Entity e1("_w", fields_ent), e2("_x", fields_ent), e3("_y", fields_ent), e4("_z", fields_ent); // construct a number of relations Relation r1("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r2("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r3("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r4("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r5("_w", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); ih.removeEntity("_w"); ih.removeEntity("_x"); ih.removeEntity("_y"); ih.removeEntity("_z"); ih.writeEntity(e1); ih.writeEntity(e2); ih.writeEntity(e3); ih.writeEntity(e4); ih.removeRelation(r1); ih.removeRelation(r2); ih.removeRelation(r3); ih.removeRelation(r4); ih.removeRelation(r5); ih.writeRelation(r1); ih.writeRelation(r2); ih.writeRelation(r3); ih.writeRelation(r4); ih.writeRelation(r5); AttributeBucket attrs; // empty set of filters assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e1.name, attrs) == 1); assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e2.name, attrs) == 4); assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e3.name, attrs) == 3); assert(bayes.countEntityInRelations(e4.name, attrs) == 2); } /** * Tests that existsEntityField correctly flags when entity does not contain a field */ void testEntityDoesNotContainField() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests Bayes::computeMarginal function - ensure the marginal likelihood is correct */ void testComputeMarginal() { Bayes bayes; IndexHandler ih; std::vector<Json::Value> ret; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fields_rel; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> types; ih.setRelationCountTotal(0); // declare three entities Entity e1("_w", fields_ent), e2("_x", fields_ent), e3("_y", fields_ent), e4("_z", fields_ent); // construct a number of relations Relation r1("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r2("_x", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r3("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r4("_x", "_z", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); Relation r5("_w", "_y", fields_rel, fields_rel, types, types); ih.removeEntity("_w"); ih.removeEntity("_x"); ih.removeEntity("_y"); ih.removeEntity("_z"); ih.writeEntity(e1); ih.writeEntity(e2); ih.writeEntity(e3); ih.writeEntity(e4); ih.removeRelation(r1); ih.removeRelation(r2); ih.removeRelation(r3); ih.removeRelation(r4); ih.removeRelation(r5); ih.writeRelation(r1); ih.writeRelation(r2); ih.writeRelation(r3); ih.writeRelation(r4); ih.writeRelation(r5); ih.setRelationCountTotal(ih.computeRelationsCount("*", "*")); // Ensure marginal likelihood reflects the number of relations that contain each entity AttributeBucket attrs; assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e1.name, attrs) == (float)0.2); assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e2.name, attrs) == (float)0.8); assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e3.name, attrs) == (float)0.6); assert(bayes.computeMarginal(e4.name, attrs) == (float)0.4); } /** * Tests that removal of entities functions properly */ void testEntityRemoval() { IndexHandler ih; std::vector<std::pair<ColumnBase, std::string>> fields_ent; // declare three entities Entity e("_w", fields_ent); if (ih.existsEntity(e)) ih.removeEntity(e) ih.writeEntity(e); ih.removeEntity(e); assert(ih.existsEntity(e)); } /** * Tests that removal of relations functions properly */ void testRelationRemoval() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that removal of relations cascading on entities functions properly */ void testEntityCascadeRemoval() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that the correct relations are filtered from a set */ void testRelationFiltering() { // TODO - implement } /** * Tests that the correct relations are filtered from a set */ void testRelation_toJson() { valpair left, right; std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> typesL, typesR; left.push_back(std::make_pair("x", "1")); right.push_back(std::make_pair("y", "2")); typesL.insert(std::make_pair("x", COLTYPE_NAME_INT)); typesR.insert(std::make_pair("y", COLTYPE_NAME_INT)); Relation rel("x", "y", left, right, typesL, typesR); Json::Value json = rel.toJson(); assert(std::atoi(json[JSON_ATTR_REL_FIELDSL]["x"].asCString()) == 1 && std::atoi(json[JSON_ATTR_REL_FIELDSR]["y"].asCString()) == 2); } /** * Ensure sample marginal returns a valid sample */ void testSampleMarginal() { // Define entities and relations // Generate a sample // specify filter criteria // test sample to ensure that it meets criteria } /** * Ensure sample marginal returns a valid sample */ void testSamplePairwise() { // Define entities and relations // Generate a sample // specify filter criteria // test sample to ensure that it meets criteria } /** * Ensure sample marginal returns a valid sample */ void testSamplePairwiseCausal() { // Define entities and relations // Generate a sample // specify filter criteria // test sample to ensure that it meets criteria } int main() { cout << "-- TESTS BEGIN --" << endl << endl; // testRedisSet(); // testRedisGet(); // testRedisKeys(); // md5Hashing(); // testRedisIO(); // testRegexForTypes(); // testOrderPairAlphaNumeric(); // testJSONEntityEncoding(); // testJSONRelationEncoding(); // testFieldAssignTypeMismatchInteger(); // testFieldAssignTypeMismatchFloat(); // testFieldAssignTypeMismatchString(); // testCountRelations(); testComputeMarginal(); // testRelation_toJson(); cout << endl << "-- TESTS END --" << endl; return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/// /// @file test.cpp /// /// Copyright (C) 2014 Kim Walisch, <kim.walisch@gmail.com> /// /// This file is distributed under the BSD License. See the COPYING /// file in the top level directory. /// #include <primecount.hpp> #include <primesieve.hpp> #include <stdint.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <sstream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; using primecount::MAX_THREADS; namespace { void assert_equal(const string& f1_name, int64_t x, int64_t f1_res, int64_t f2_res) { if (f1_res != f2_res) { ostringstream oss; oss << f1_name << "(" << x << ") = " << f1_res << " is an error, the correct result is " << f2_res; throw runtime_error(oss.str()); } } /// 0 <= get_rand() < 10^7 int get_rand() { return (rand() % 10000) * 1000 + 1; } template <typename F> void check_equal(const string& f1_name, F f1, F f2, int64_t iters) { srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))); cout << "Testing " << (f1_name + "(x)") << flush; // test for 0 <= x < iters for (int64_t x = 0; x < iters; x++) assert_equal(f1_name, x, f1(x, MAX_THREADS), f2(x, MAX_THREADS)); int64_t x = 0; // test using random increment for (int64_t i = 0; i < iters; i++, x += get_rand()) assert_equal(f1_name, x, f1(x, MAX_THREADS), f2(x, MAX_THREADS)); cout << " correct" << endl; } int64_t pps_nth_prime(int64_t x, int) { int64_t prime = primesieve::parallel_nth_prime(x); return prime; } } // namespace namespace primecount { bool test() { try { check_equal("pi_legendre", pi_legendre, pi_primesieve, 100); check_equal("pi_meissel", pi_meissel, pi_legendre, 500); check_equal("pi_lehmer", pi_lehmer, pi_meissel, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo1", pi_lmo1, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo2", pi_lmo2, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo3", pi_lmo3, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo4", pi_lmo4, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("nth_prime", nth_prime, pps_nth_prime, 100); } catch (runtime_error& e) { cerr << endl << e.what() << endl; return false; } cout << "All tests passed successfully!" << endl; return true; } } // namespace primecount <commit_msg>Avoid nth_prime(0) error<commit_after>/// /// @file test.cpp /// /// Copyright (C) 2014 Kim Walisch, <kim.walisch@gmail.com> /// /// This file is distributed under the BSD License. See the COPYING /// file in the top level directory. /// #include <primecount.hpp> #include <primesieve.hpp> #include <stdint.h> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <sstream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; using primecount::MAX_THREADS; namespace { void assert_equal(const string& f1_name, int64_t x, int64_t f1_res, int64_t f2_res) { if (f1_res != f2_res) { ostringstream oss; oss << f1_name << "(" << x << ") = " << f1_res << " is an error, the correct result is " << f2_res; throw runtime_error(oss.str()); } } /// 0 <= get_rand() < 10^7 int get_rand() { return (rand() % 10000) * 1000 + 1; } template <typename F> void check_equal(const string& f1_name, F f1, F f2, int64_t iters) { srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))); cout << "Testing " << (f1_name + "(x)") << flush; // test for 1 <= x <= iters for (int64_t x = 1; x <= iters; x++) assert_equal(f1_name, x, f1(x, MAX_THREADS), f2(x, MAX_THREADS)); int64_t x = 1; // test using random increment for (int64_t i = 1; i <= iters; i++, x += get_rand()) assert_equal(f1_name, x, f1(x, MAX_THREADS), f2(x, MAX_THREADS)); cout << " correct" << endl; } int64_t pps_nth_prime(int64_t x, int) { int64_t prime = primesieve::parallel_nth_prime(x); return prime; } } // namespace namespace primecount { bool test() { try { check_equal("pi_legendre", pi_legendre, pi_primesieve, 100); check_equal("pi_meissel", pi_meissel, pi_legendre, 500); check_equal("pi_lehmer", pi_lehmer, pi_meissel, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo1", pi_lmo1, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo2", pi_lmo2, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo3", pi_lmo3, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("pi_lmo4", pi_lmo4, pi_lehmer, 500); check_equal("nth_prime", nth_prime, pps_nth_prime, 100); } catch (runtime_error& e) { cerr << endl << e.what() << endl; return false; } cout << "All tests passed successfully!" << endl; return true; } } // namespace primecount <|endoftext|>
<commit_before> #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/Window.hpp> #include <SFML/System.hpp> namespace demo { template <typename T, int W, int H> class frameb { public: T& xy(int x, int y) { return _data[y * W + x]; } T& ofs(int o) { return _data[o]; } const T& xy(int x, int y) const { return _data[y * W + x]; } const T& ofs(int o) const { return _data[o]; } T* data() { return _data; } private: T _data[W * (H + 1)]; }; template <typename T, int W, int H, T (*F)(int, int)> class procfn { public: T xy(int x, int y) const { return F(x, y); } T ofs(int o) const { return F(o % W, o / W); } }; template <typename T, int W, int H, class P, T (*F)(int, int, const P&)> class procst { public: P _params; T xy(int x, int y) const { return F(x, y, _params); } T ofs(int o) const { return F(o % W, o / W, _params); } }; template <typename T, int W, int H, class I> class buffer : public I { public: typedef buffer<T, W, H, I> tBuffer; using I::xy; using I::ofs; template <class U> tBuffer& copyXY(const U& src) { for (int y = 0, o = 0; y < H; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x, ++o) ofs(o) = src.xy(x, y); return *this; } template <class U> tBuffer& copyOfs(const U& src) { for (int o = 0; o < W * H; ++o) ofs(o) = src.ofs(o); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename F> tBuffer& transformXY(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const F& func) { for (int y = 0, o = 0; y < H; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x, ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.xy(x, y)); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename F> tBuffer& transformOfs(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const F& func) { for (int o = 0; o < W * H; ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.ofs(o)); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename T1, class I1, typename F> tBuffer& transformXY(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const buffer<T1, W, H, I1>& src1, const F& func) { for (int y = 0, o = 0; y < H; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x, ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.xy(x, y), src1.xy(x, y)); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename T1, class I1, typename F> tBuffer& transformOfs(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const buffer<T1, W, H, I1>& src1, const F& func) { for (int o = 0; o < W * H; ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.ofs(o), src1.ofs(o)); return *this; } }; template <int W, int H> class demowin { public: typedef buffer<sf::Uint32, W, H, demo::frameb<sf::Uint32, W, H>> tBackBuffer; demowin() { } template <class T> buffer<T, W, H, demo::frameb<T, W, H>>* createBuffer() { return new buffer<T, W, H, demo::frameb<T, W, H>>(); } template <class F> void run(const F& f) { auto bgFb = new buffer<sf::Uint32, W, H, demo::frameb<sf::Uint32, W, H>>(); sf::RenderWindow win(sf::VideoMode(W, H), "toto"); win.setFramerateLimit(60); win.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); sf::Texture bg; bg.create(W, H); sf::Sprite bgSp(bg); sf::View view = win.getDefaultView(); sf::Vector2u winSize; int frame = 0; while (win.isOpen()) { sf::Event e; while (win.pollEvent(e)) { switch (e.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: win.close(); break; case sf::Event::Resized: winSize = sf::Vector2u(e.size.width, e.size.height); view.reset(sf::FloatRect(0.0f, 0.0f, e.size.width, e.size.height)); win.setView(view); win.setSize(winSize); break; default: break; } } if (!f(*bgFb, frame)) win.close(); bg.update((sf::Uint8*)&bgFb->ofs(0)); float s0 = winSize.x / float(W); float s1 = winSize.y / float(H); float s = std::min(s0, s1); float x = 0.5f * (winSize.x - s * W); float y = 0.5f * (winSize.y - s * H); bgSp.setScale(s, s); bgSp.setPosition(x, y); win.clear(sf::Color::Black); win.draw(bgSp); win.display(); ++frame; } } }; inline sf::Uint32 argb(sf::Uint8 a, sf::Uint8 r, sf::Uint8 g, sf::Uint8 b) { return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } inline sf::Uint32 modulate(sf::Uint32 a, sf::Uint32 b) { typedef sf::Uint8 tColor[4]; tColor& c = *reinterpret_cast<tColor*>(&a); tColor& d = *reinterpret_cast<tColor*>(&b); sf::Uint32 r; tColor& e = *reinterpret_cast<tColor*>(&r); e[0] = sf::Uint8(c[0] * d[0] / 255u); e[1] = sf::Uint8(c[1] * d[1] / 255u); e[2] = sf::Uint8(c[2] * d[2] / 255u); e[3] = sf::Uint8(c[3] * d[3] / 255u); return r; } template <class T, size_t N, class F> std::array<T, N> makePal(const F& f) { std::array<T, N> r; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) r[i] = f(i); return r; } sf::Uint8 r8(int v, int a, int b) { return sf::Uint8((255u * (v - a)) / (b - a)); } } const int ScrWidth = 320; const int ScrHeight = 200; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // circles // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ccparams { int x0, y0, x1, y1; }; inline int dist(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { int dx = x1 - x0; int dy = y1 - y0; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } static inline sf::Uint8 computeCC(int x, int y, const ccparams& p) { int u = dist(p.x0, p.y0, x, y) / 512; int v = dist(p.x1, p.y1, x, y) / 512; return u ^ v; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // plasma // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename T> T slerp(T x, T b) { return (3 * x * x * b - 2 * x * x * x) / (b * b); } template <typename T> T fakesin(T x, T b) { x = x & (b - 1); return (x < b / 2) ? slerp<T>(x, b / 2) : b / 2 - slerp<T>(x - b / 2, b / 2); } static inline sf::Uint8 sample(int x, int y) { return fakesin<int>(x, 256) + fakesin<int>(y, 256); } static inline sf::Uint8 computePlasma(int x, int y, const int& frame) { const sf::Uint8 p0 = sample(x, y); const sf::Uint8 p1 = sample(x + fakesin<int>(y + 4 * frame, 256), y); const sf::Uint8 p2 = sample(x, y + fakesin<int>(x + 3 * frame, 256)); return p0 + p1 + p2; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fire // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setFire(sf::Uint16* d, int frame) { if (frame % 4 == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < ScrWidth;) { sf::Uint8 r = 192 + 63 * (rand() % 2); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i, ++j) { d[(ScrHeight - 1) * ScrWidth + j] = (r << 8) + rand() % 256; } } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < (ScrHeight - 1) * ScrWidth; ++i) { d[i] = (2 * d[i] + 1 * d[i + ScrWidth - 1] + 3 * d[i + ScrWidth] + 2 * d[i + ScrWidth + 1]) / 8; if (d[i] > 255 /*&& d[i] < (200 << 8)*/) d[i] -= 256; } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int, char**) { typedef demo::demowin<ScrWidth, ScrHeight> tWin320x200; tWin320x200 win; auto fb8 = win.createBuffer<sf::Uint8>(); auto fb16 = win.createBuffer<sf::Uint16>(); auto cc = new demo::buffer<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, demo::procst<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, ccparams, computeCC>>(); auto plasma = new demo::buffer<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, demo::procst<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, int, computePlasma>>(); auto pal0 = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { return demo::argb(255, i, 0, i); }); auto pal1 = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { return (i < 128) ? demo::argb(255, 255 - i * 2, 0, i * 2) : demo::argb(255, (i - 128) * 2, 0, 255 - (i - 128) * 2); }); auto pal2 = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { if (i < 64 ) return demo::argb(255, 0 , 0 , 4 * i); if (i < 128) return demo::argb(255, 0 , 4 * (i - 64), 255 ); if (i < 192) return demo::argb(255, 4 * (i - 128), 255 , 255 ); return demo::argb(255, 255 , 255 , 255 ); }); win.run([&] (tWin320x200::tBackBuffer& bgFb, int frame) { const int fxDuration = 1000; if (frame < 1 * fxDuration) { plasma->_params = frame; bgFb.transformOfs(fb8->copyXY(*plasma), [&pal1] (sf::Uint8 l) { return pal1[l]; }); } else if (frame < 2 * fxDuration) { // use 16bpp buffer to increase quality setFire(fb16->data(), frame); bgFb.transformOfs(*fb16, [&pal2] (sf::Uint16 l) { return pal2[l >> 8]; }); } else if (frame < 3 * fxDuration) { cc->_params = { int(160 + 150 * sinf(0.03f * frame)), 100, 160, int(100 + 90 * sinf(0.04f * frame)) }; bgFb.transformOfs(fb8->copyXY(*cc), [&pal0] (sf::Uint8 l) { return pal0[l]; }); } else { return false; } return true; }); return 0; } <commit_msg>rotozoom wip<commit_after> #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <SFML/Window.hpp> #include <SFML/System.hpp> namespace demo { template <typename T, int W, int H> class frameb { public: T& xy(int x, int y) { return _data[y * W + x]; } T& ofs(int o) { return _data[o]; } const T& xy(int x, int y) const { return _data[y * W + x]; } const T& ofs(int o) const { return _data[o]; } T* data() { return _data; } private: T _data[W * (H + 1)]; }; template <typename T, int W, int H, T (*F)(int, int)> class procfn { public: T xy(int x, int y) const { return F(x, y); } T ofs(int o) const { return F(o % W, o / W); } }; template <typename T, int W, int H, class P, T (*F)(int, int, const P&)> class procst { public: P _params; T xy(int x, int y) const { return F(x, y, _params); } T ofs(int o) const { return F(o % W, o / W, _params); } }; template <typename T, int W, int H, class I> class buffer : public I { public: typedef buffer<T, W, H, I> tBuffer; using I::xy; using I::ofs; template <class U> tBuffer& copyXY(const U& src) { for (int y = 0, o = 0; y < H; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x, ++o) ofs(o) = src.xy(x, y); return *this; } template <class U> tBuffer& copyOfs(const U& src) { for (int o = 0; o < W * H; ++o) ofs(o) = src.ofs(o); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename F> tBuffer& transformXY(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const F& func) { for (int y = 0, o = 0; y < H; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x, ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.xy(x, y)); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename F> tBuffer& transformOfs(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const F& func) { for (int o = 0; o < W * H; ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.ofs(o)); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename T1, class I1, typename F> tBuffer& transformXY(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const buffer<T1, W, H, I1>& src1, const F& func) { for (int y = 0, o = 0; y < H; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < W; ++x, ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.xy(x, y), src1.xy(x, y)); return *this; } template <typename T0, class I0, typename T1, class I1, typename F> tBuffer& transformOfs(const buffer<T0, W, H, I0>& src0, const buffer<T1, W, H, I1>& src1, const F& func) { for (int o = 0; o < W * H; ++o) ofs(o) = func(src0.ofs(o), src1.ofs(o)); return *this; } }; template <int W, int H> class demowin { public: typedef buffer<sf::Uint32, W, H, demo::frameb<sf::Uint32, W, H>> tBackBuffer; demowin() { } template <class T> buffer<T, W, H, demo::frameb<T, W, H>>* createBuffer() { return new buffer<T, W, H, demo::frameb<T, W, H>>(); } template <class F> void run(const F& f) { auto bgFb = new buffer<sf::Uint32, W, H, demo::frameb<sf::Uint32, W, H>>(); sf::RenderWindow win(sf::VideoMode(W, H), "toto"); win.setFramerateLimit(60); win.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); sf::Texture bg; bg.create(W, H); sf::Sprite bgSp(bg); sf::View view = win.getDefaultView(); sf::Vector2u winSize; int frame = 0; while (win.isOpen()) { sf::Event e; while (win.pollEvent(e)) { switch (e.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: win.close(); break; case sf::Event::Resized: winSize = sf::Vector2u(e.size.width, e.size.height); view.reset(sf::FloatRect(0.0f, 0.0f, e.size.width, e.size.height)); win.setView(view); win.setSize(winSize); break; default: break; } } if (!f(*bgFb, frame)) win.close(); bg.update((sf::Uint8*)&bgFb->ofs(0)); float s0 = winSize.x / float(W); float s1 = winSize.y / float(H); float s = std::min(s0, s1); float x = 0.5f * (winSize.x - s * W); float y = 0.5f * (winSize.y - s * H); bgSp.setScale(s, s); bgSp.setPosition(x, y); win.clear(sf::Color::Black); win.draw(bgSp); win.display(); ++frame; } } }; inline sf::Uint32 argb(sf::Uint8 a, sf::Uint8 r, sf::Uint8 g, sf::Uint8 b) { return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } inline sf::Uint32 modulate(sf::Uint32 a, sf::Uint32 b) { typedef sf::Uint8 tColor[4]; tColor& c = *reinterpret_cast<tColor*>(&a); tColor& d = *reinterpret_cast<tColor*>(&b); sf::Uint32 r; tColor& e = *reinterpret_cast<tColor*>(&r); e[0] = sf::Uint8(c[0] * d[0] / 255u); e[1] = sf::Uint8(c[1] * d[1] / 255u); e[2] = sf::Uint8(c[2] * d[2] / 255u); e[3] = sf::Uint8(c[3] * d[3] / 255u); return r; } template <class T, size_t N, class F> std::array<T, N> makePal(const F& f) { std::array<T, N> r; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) r[i] = f(i); return r; } sf::Uint8 r8(int v, int a, int b) { return sf::Uint8((255u * (v - a)) / (b - a)); } } // window size const int ScrWidth = 320; const int ScrHeight = 200; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // circles // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ccparams { int x0, y0, x1, y1; }; inline int dist(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { int dx = x1 - x0; int dy = y1 - y0; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } static inline sf::Uint8 computeCC(int x, int y, const ccparams& p) { int u = dist(p.x0, p.y0, x, y) / 512; int v = dist(p.x1, p.y1, x, y) / 512; return u ^ v; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rotozoom // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct rzparams { int cx, cy; int dx, dy; }; static inline sf::Uint8 computeRotozoom(int x, int y, const rzparams& p) { x -= ScrWidth / 2; y -= ScrHeight / 2; int nx = (p.cx + x * p.dx - y * p.dy) / 256; int ny = (p.cy + x * p.dy + y * p.dx) / 256; return nx ^ ny; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // plasma // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename T> inline T slerp(T x, T b) { return (3 * x * x * b - 2 * x * x * x) / (b * b); } template <typename T> inline T fakesin(T x, T b) { const T nx = x & (b - 1); const T nb = b / 2; return (nx < nb) ? slerp<T>(nx, nb) : nb - slerp<T>(nx - nb, nb); } inline sf::Uint8 sample(int x, int y) { return fakesin<int>(x, 256) + fakesin<int>(y, 256); } static inline sf::Uint8 computePlasma(int x, int y, const int& frame) { const sf::Uint8 p0 = sample(x, y); const sf::Uint8 p1 = sample(x + fakesin<int>(y + (20 * frame) / 16, 256), y); const sf::Uint8 p2 = sample(x, y + fakesin<int>(x + (27 * frame) / 16, 256)); return p0 + p1 + p2; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fire // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setFire(sf::Uint16* d, int frame) { // use 16bpp buffer to increase quality if (frame % 4 == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < ScrWidth;) { sf::Uint8 r = 192 + 63 * (rand() % 2); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i, ++j) { d[(ScrHeight - 1) * ScrWidth + j] = (r << 8) + rand() % 256; } } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < (ScrHeight - 1) * ScrWidth; ++i) { d[i] = (2 * d[i] + 1 * d[i + ScrWidth - 1] + 3 * d[i + ScrWidth] + 2 * d[i + ScrWidth + 1]) / 8; if (d[i] > 255 /*&& d[i] < (200 << 8)*/) d[i] -= 256; } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int, char**) { // open window typedef demo::demowin<ScrWidth, ScrHeight> tWin320x200; tWin320x200 win; // back buffers auto fb8 = win.createBuffer<sf::Uint8>(); auto fb16 = win.createBuffer<sf::Uint16>(); // fx buffers auto cc = new demo::buffer<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, demo::procst<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, ccparams, computeCC>>(); auto rotozoom = new demo::buffer<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, demo::procst<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, rzparams, computeRotozoom>>(); auto plasma = new demo::buffer<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, demo::procst<sf::Uint8, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, int, computePlasma>>(); // palettes auto palCC = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { return demo::argb(255, i, 0, i); }); auto palRZ = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { return demo::argb(255, i, 0, i); }); auto palPlasma = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { return (i < 128) ? demo::argb(255, 255 - i * 2, 0, i * 2) : demo::argb(255, (i - 128) * 2, 0, 255 - (i - 128) * 2); }); auto palFire = demo::makePal<sf::Uint32, 256>([] (size_t i) { if (i < 64 ) return demo::argb(255, 0 , 0 , 4 * i); if (i < 128) return demo::argb(255, 0 , 4 * (i - 64), 255 ); if (i < 192) return demo::argb(255, 4 * (i - 128), 255 , 255 ); return demo::argb(255, 255 , 255 , 255 ); }); // run loop win.run([&] (tWin320x200::tBackBuffer& bgFb, int frame) { const int fxDuration = 1000; if (frame < 1 * fxDuration) { const float rzf = 0.5f * frame; const float a = 0.03f * rzf; const float z = 1.2f + cosf(0.05f * rzf); const float r = 500.0f; rotozoom->_params = { int(128.0f + 256.0f * r * cosf(0.03f * rzf)) , int(128.0f + 256.0f * r * cosf(0.04f * rzf)), int(256.0f * z * cosf(a)), int(256.0f * z * sinf(a)) }; bgFb.transformOfs(fb8->copyXY(*rotozoom), [&palRZ] (sf::Uint8 l) { return palRZ[l]; }); } else if (frame < 2 * fxDuration) { plasma->_params = frame; bgFb.transformOfs(fb8->copyXY(*plasma), [&palPlasma] (sf::Uint8 l) { return palPlasma[l]; }); } else if (frame < 3 * fxDuration) { setFire(fb16->data(), frame); bgFb.transformOfs(*fb16, [&palFire] (sf::Uint16 l) { return palFire[l >> 8]; }); } else if (frame < 4 * fxDuration) { cc->_params = { int(160 + 150 * sinf(0.03f * frame)), 100, 160, int(100 + 90 * sinf(0.04f * frame)) }; bgFb.transformOfs(fb8->copyXY(*cc), [&palCC] (sf::Uint8 l) { return palCC[l]; }); } else { return false; } return true; }); return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include <netdb.h> extern "C" { #include "stinger_core/stinger.h" #include "stinger_core/xmalloc.h" #include "stinger_utils/csv.h" #include "stinger_utils/timer.h" #include "stinger_utils/stinger_sockets.h" } #include "random_edge_generator.h" #include "build_name.h" using namespace gt::stinger; #define E_A(X,...) fprintf(stderr, "%s %s %d:\n\t" #X "\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); #define E(X) E_A(X,NULL) #define V_A(X,...) fprintf(stdout, "%s %s %d:\n\t" #X "\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); #define V(X) V_A(X,NULL) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* global options */ int port = 10102; int batch_size = 100000; int num_batches = -1; int nv = 1024; int is_int = 0; struct hostent * server = NULL; int opt = 0; while(-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:b:a:x:y:n:i"))) { switch(opt) { case 'p': { port = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'x': { batch_size = atol(optarg); } break; case 'y': { num_batches = atol(optarg); } break; case 'i': { is_int = 1; } break; case 'a': { server = gethostbyname(optarg); if(NULL == server) { E_A("ERROR: server %s could not be resolved.", optarg); exit(-1); } } break; case 'n': { nv = atol(optarg); } break; case '?': case 'h': { printf("Usage: %s [-p port] [-a server_addr] [-n num_vertices] [-x batch_size] [-y num_batches] [-i]\n", argv[0]); printf("Defaults:\n\tport: %d\n\tserver: localhost\n\tnum_vertices: %d\n -i forces the use of integers in place of strings\n", port, nv); exit(0); } break; } } V_A("Running with: port: %d\n", port); /* connect to localhost if server is unspecified */ if(NULL == server) { server = gethostbyname("localhost"); if(NULL == server) { E_A("ERROR: server %s could not be resolved.", "localhost"); exit(-1); } } /* start the connection */ int sock_handle = connect_to_batch_server (server, port); /* actually generate and send the batches */ char * buf = NULL, ** fields = NULL; uint64_t bufSize = 0, * lengths = NULL, fieldsSize = 0, count = 0; int64_t line = 0; int batch_num = 0; srand (time(NULL)); while(1) { StingerBatch batch; batch.set_make_undirected(true); batch.set_type(is_int ? NUMBERS_ONLY : STRINGS_ONLY); batch.set_keep_alive(true); std::string src, dest; // IF YOU MAKE THIS LOOP PARALLEL, // MOVE THE SRC/DEST STRINGS ABOVE for(int e = 0; e < batch_size; e++) { line++; int64_t u = rand() % nv; int64_t v = rand() % nv; if(u == v) { e--; line--; continue; } /* is insert? */ EdgeInsertion * insertion = batch.add_insertions(); if(is_int) { insertion->set_source(u); insertion->set_destination(v); } else { insertion->set_source_str(build_name(src, u)); insertion->set_destination_str(build_name(dest, v)); } insertion->set_weight(1); insertion->set_time(line); } V("Sending messages."); send_message(sock_handle, batch); sleep(2); batch_num++; if((batch_num >= num_batches) && (num_batches != -1)) { break; } } StingerBatch batch; batch.set_make_undirected(true); batch.set_type(is_int ? NUMBERS_ONLY : STRINGS_ONLY); batch.set_keep_alive(false); send_message(sock_handle, batch); return 0; } <commit_msg>A few obvious enhancements & fixes for random_edge_generator<commit_after>#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include <netdb.h> extern "C" { #include "stinger_core/stinger.h" #include "stinger_core/xmalloc.h" #include "stinger_utils/csv.h" #include "stinger_utils/timer.h" #include "stinger_utils/stinger_sockets.h" } #include "random_edge_generator.h" #include "build_name.h" using namespace gt::stinger; #define E_A(X,...) fprintf(stderr, "%s %s %d:\n\t" #X "\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); #define E(X) E_A(X,NULL) #define V_A(X,...) fprintf(stdout, "%s %s %d:\n\t" #X "\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); #define V(X) V_A(X,NULL) #define DEFAULT_SEED 0x9367 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* global options */ int port = 10102; long batch_size = 100000; long num_batches = -1; int64_t nv = 1024; int is_int = 0; int delay = 2; long seed = DEFAULT_SEED; struct hostent * server = NULL; int opt = 0; while(-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:b:a:x:y:n:is:d:"))) { switch(opt) { case 'p': { port = atoi(optarg); } break; case 'x': { batch_size = atol(optarg); } break; case 'y': { num_batches = atol(optarg); } break; case 'd': { delay = atoi (optarg); } break; case 's': { long tmp_seed = atol (optarg); if (tmp_seed) seed = tmp_seed; else seed = time (NULL); } break; case 'i': { is_int = 1; } break; case 'a': { server = gethostbyname(optarg); if(NULL == server) { E_A("ERROR: server %s could not be resolved.", optarg); exit(-1); } } break; case 'n': { nv = atol(optarg); } break; case '?': case 'h': { printf("Usage: %s [-p port] [-a server_addr] [-n num_vertices] [-x batch_size] [-y num_batches] [-i] [-s seed] [-d delay]\n", argv[0]); printf("Defaults:\n\tport: %d\n\tserver: localhost\n\tnum_vertices: %d\n -i forces the use of integers in place of strings\n", port, nv); exit(0); } break; } } if (nv > 1L<<31) { fprintf (stderr, "generator does not support nv > 2**31 (requested %ld)\n", (long)nv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } V_A("Running with: port: %d\n", port); /* connect to localhost if server is unspecified */ if(NULL == server) { server = gethostbyname("localhost"); if(NULL == server) { E_A("ERROR: server %s could not be resolved.", "localhost"); exit(-1); } } /* start the connection */ int sock_handle = connect_to_batch_server (server, port); /* actually generate and send the batches */ char * buf = NULL, ** fields = NULL; uint64_t bufSize = 0, * lengths = NULL, fieldsSize = 0, count = 0; int64_t line = 0; int batch_num = 0; srand48 (seed); const ldiv_t nv_breakup = ldiv (INT64_MAX, nv); while(1) { StingerBatch batch; batch.set_make_undirected(true); batch.set_type(is_int ? NUMBERS_ONLY : STRINGS_ONLY); batch.set_keep_alive(true); std::string src, dest; // IF YOU MAKE THIS LOOP PARALLEL, // MOVE THE SRC/DEST STRINGS ABOVE for(int e = 0; e < batch_size; e++) { line++; int64_t u, v; /* Rejection samping for u and v */ while (1) { int64_t tmp = lrand48 (); if (tmp >= nv_breakup.rem) { u = tmp % nv; break; } } while (1) { int64_t tmp = lrand48 (); if (tmp >= nv_breakup.rem) { v = tmp % nv; break; } } if(u == v) { e--; line--; continue; } /* is insert? */ EdgeInsertion * insertion = batch.add_insertions(); if(is_int) { insertion->set_source(u); insertion->set_destination(v); } else { insertion->set_source_str(build_name(src, u)); insertion->set_destination_str(build_name(dest, v)); } insertion->set_weight(1); insertion->set_time(line); } V("Sending messages."); send_message(sock_handle, batch); sleep(delay); batch_num++; if((batch_num >= num_batches) && (num_batches != -1)) { break; } } StingerBatch batch; batch.set_make_undirected(true); batch.set_type(is_int ? NUMBERS_ONLY : STRINGS_ONLY); batch.set_keep_alive(false); send_message(sock_handle, batch); return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "LightCulling.h" #include "Director.h" #include "ResourceManager.h" #include "Utility.h" #include "EngineShaderFactory.hpp" using namespace Device; using namespace Core; using namespace Rendering; using namespace Rendering::Light; using namespace Rendering::Buffer; using namespace Rendering::Shader; using namespace GPGPU::DirectCompute; using namespace Resource; using namespace Rendering::TBDR; LightCulling::LightCulling() : _computeShader(nullptr) { } LightCulling::~LightCulling() { Destroy(); } void LightCulling::AddInputBufferToList(uint idx, const ShaderResourceBuffer* buffer) { ShaderForm::InputShaderResourceBuffer inputBuffer; { inputBuffer.bindIndex = idx; inputBuffer.srBuffer = buffer; } _inputBuffers.push_back(inputBuffer); } void LightCulling::AddTextureToInputTextureList(uint idx, const Texture::Texture2D* texture) { ShaderForm::InputTexture inputTex; { inputTex.bindIndex = idx; inputTex.texture = texture; } _inputTextures.push_back(inputTex); } void LightCulling::Initialize(const std::string& filePath, const std::string& mainFunc, const Texture::DepthBuffer* opaqueDepthBuffer, const Texture::DepthBuffer* blendedDepthBuffer, const std::vector<Shader::ShaderMacro>* opationalMacros) { ResourceManager* resourceManager = ResourceManager::SharedInstance(); auto shaderMgr = resourceManager->GetShaderManager(); std::vector<Shader::ShaderMacro> macros; { ShaderMacro msaaMacro = Device::Director::SharedInstance()->GetDirectX()->GetMSAAShaderMacro(); macros.push_back(msaaMacro); macros.push_back(ShaderMacro("USE_COMPUTE_SHADER", "")); if(blendedDepthBuffer) macros.push_back(ShaderMacro("ENABLE_BLEND", "")); if(opationalMacros) macros.insert(macros.end(), opationalMacros->begin(), opationalMacros->end()); } ID3DBlob* blob = shaderMgr->CreateBlob(filePath, "cs", mainFunc, false, &macros); ComputeShader::ThreadGroup threadGroup; UpdateThreadGroup(&threadGroup, false); _computeShader = new ComputeShader(threadGroup, blob); ASSERT_COND_MSG(_computeShader->Initialize(), "can not create compute shader"); Manager::LightManager* lightManager = Director::SharedInstance()->GetCurrentScene()->GetLightManager(); // Input Buffer Setting { AddInputBufferToList(uint(TextureBindIndex::PointLightRadiusWithCenter), lightManager->GetPointLightTransformSRBuffer()); AddInputBufferToList(uint(TextureBindIndex::SpotLightRadiusWithCenter), lightManager->GetSpotLightTransformSRBuffer()); AddInputBufferToList(uint(TextureBindIndex::SpotLightParam), lightManager->GetSpotLightParamSRBuffer()); // depth buffer { // Opaque Depth Buffer AddTextureToInputTextureList(uint(TextureBindIndex::GBuffer_Depth), opaqueDepthBuffer); // Blended DepthBuffer (used in Transparency Rendering) if(blendedDepthBuffer) AddTextureToInputTextureList(uint(TextureBindIndex::GBuffer_BlendedDepth), blendedDepthBuffer); } } _useBlendedMeshCulling = blendedDepthBuffer != nullptr; } void LightCulling::SetInputsToCS() { _computeShader->SetInputSRBuffers(_inputBuffers); _computeShader->SetInputTextures(_inputTextures); } // ȭ ũ⿡ Ÿ ִ Ѵ. unsigned int LightCulling::CalcMaxNumLightsInTile() { const Math::Size<unsigned int>& size = Director::SharedInstance()->GetBackBufferSize(); const uint key = LIGHT_CULLING_TILE_RES; return ( LIGHT_CULLING_LIGHT_MAX_COUNT_IN_TILE - ( key * ( size.h / 120 ) ) ); } void LightCulling::Dispatch(const Device::DirectX* dx, const Buffer::ConstBuffer* tbrConstBuffer, const std::vector<ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer>* additionalConstBuffers) { ID3D11DeviceContext* context = dx->GetContext(); std::vector<ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer> inputConstBuffers; if(tbrConstBuffer) { ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer icb; icb.buffer = tbrConstBuffer; icb.bindIndex = (uint)ConstBufferBindIndex::TBRParam; inputConstBuffers.push_back(icb); } if(additionalConstBuffers) inputConstBuffers.insert(inputConstBuffers.end(), additionalConstBuffers->begin(), additionalConstBuffers->end()); _computeShader->SetInputConstBuffers(inputConstBuffers); _computeShader->Dispatch(context); } void LightCulling::UpdateThreadGroup(ComputeShader::ThreadGroup* outThreadGroup, bool updateComputeShader) { Math::Size<unsigned int> groupSize = CalcThreadGroupSize(); ComputeShader::ThreadGroup threadGroup = ComputeShader::ThreadGroup(groupSize.w, groupSize.h, 1); if(outThreadGroup) (*outThreadGroup) = threadGroup; if(updateComputeShader) _computeShader->SetThreadGroupInfo(threadGroup); } const Math::Size<unsigned int> LightCulling::CalcThreadGroupSize() const { auto CalcThreadLength = [](unsigned int size) { return (unsigned int)((size + LIGHT_CULLING_TILE_RES - 1) / (float)LIGHT_CULLING_TILE_RES); }; const Math::Size<unsigned int>& size = Director::SharedInstance()->GetBackBufferSize(); unsigned int width = CalcThreadLength(size.w); unsigned int height = CalcThreadLength(size.h); return Math::Size<unsigned int>(width, height); } void LightCulling::Destroy() { _inputBuffers.clear(); _inputTextures.clear(); SAFE_DELETE(_computeShader); _useBlendedMeshCulling = false; }<commit_msg>LightCulling.cpp - Dispatch에 mainCamCB 추가<commit_after>#include "LightCulling.h" #include "Director.h" #include "ResourceManager.h" #include "Utility.h" #include "EngineShaderFactory.hpp" using namespace Device; using namespace Core; using namespace Rendering; using namespace Rendering::Light; using namespace Rendering::Buffer; using namespace Rendering::Shader; using namespace GPGPU::DirectCompute; using namespace Resource; using namespace Rendering::TBDR; LightCulling::LightCulling() : _computeShader(nullptr) { } LightCulling::~LightCulling() { Destroy(); } void LightCulling::AddInputBufferToList(uint idx, const ShaderResourceBuffer* buffer) { ShaderForm::InputShaderResourceBuffer inputBuffer; { inputBuffer.bindIndex = idx; inputBuffer.srBuffer = buffer; } _inputBuffers.push_back(inputBuffer); } void LightCulling::AddTextureToInputTextureList(uint idx, const Texture::Texture2D* texture) { ShaderForm::InputTexture inputTex; { inputTex.bindIndex = idx; inputTex.texture = texture; } _inputTextures.push_back(inputTex); } void LightCulling::Initialize(const std::string& filePath, const std::string& mainFunc, const Texture::DepthBuffer* opaqueDepthBuffer, const Texture::DepthBuffer* blendedDepthBuffer, const std::vector<Shader::ShaderMacro>* opationalMacros) { ResourceManager* resourceManager = ResourceManager::SharedInstance(); auto shaderMgr = resourceManager->GetShaderManager(); std::vector<Shader::ShaderMacro> macros; { ShaderMacro msaaMacro = Device::Director::SharedInstance()->GetDirectX()->GetMSAAShaderMacro(); macros.push_back(msaaMacro); macros.push_back(ShaderMacro("USE_COMPUTE_SHADER", "")); if(blendedDepthBuffer) macros.push_back(ShaderMacro("ENABLE_BLEND", "")); if(opationalMacros) macros.insert(macros.end(), opationalMacros->begin(), opationalMacros->end()); } ID3DBlob* blob = shaderMgr->CreateBlob(filePath, "cs", mainFunc, false, &macros); ComputeShader::ThreadGroup threadGroup; UpdateThreadGroup(&threadGroup, false); _computeShader = new ComputeShader(threadGroup, blob); ASSERT_COND_MSG(_computeShader->Initialize(), "can not create compute shader"); Manager::LightManager* lightManager = Director::SharedInstance()->GetCurrentScene()->GetLightManager(); // Input Buffer Setting { AddInputBufferToList(uint(TextureBindIndex::PointLightRadiusWithCenter), lightManager->GetPointLightTransformSRBuffer()); AddInputBufferToList(uint(TextureBindIndex::SpotLightRadiusWithCenter), lightManager->GetSpotLightTransformSRBuffer()); AddInputBufferToList(uint(TextureBindIndex::SpotLightParam), lightManager->GetSpotLightParamSRBuffer()); // depth buffer { // Opaque Depth Buffer AddTextureToInputTextureList(uint(TextureBindIndex::GBuffer_Depth), opaqueDepthBuffer); // Blended DepthBuffer (used in Transparency Rendering) if(blendedDepthBuffer) AddTextureToInputTextureList(uint(TextureBindIndex::GBuffer_BlendedDepth), blendedDepthBuffer); } } _useBlendedMeshCulling = blendedDepthBuffer != nullptr; } void LightCulling::SetInputsToCS() { _computeShader->SetInputSRBuffers(_inputBuffers); _computeShader->SetInputTextures(_inputTextures); } // 화면 크기에 따라 유동적으로 타일 안 최대 빛 갯수를 계산한다. unsigned int LightCulling::CalcMaxNumLightsInTile() { const Math::Size<unsigned int>& size = Director::SharedInstance()->GetBackBufferSize(); const uint key = LIGHT_CULLING_TILE_RES; return ( LIGHT_CULLING_LIGHT_MAX_COUNT_IN_TILE - ( key * ( size.h / 120 ) ) ); } void LightCulling::Dispatch(const Device::DirectX* dx, const Buffer::ConstBuffer* tbrCB, const Buffer::ConstBuffer* mainCamCB, const std::vector<ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer>* additionalConstBuffers) { ID3D11DeviceContext* context = dx->GetContext(); std::vector<ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer> inputConstBuffers; ASSERT_COND_MSG(tbrCB && mainCamCB, "Error, tbrCB and mainCB is null"); { inputConstBuffers.push_back(ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer((uint)ConstBufferBindIndex::TBRParam, tbrCB)); inputConstBuffers.push_back(ShaderForm::InputConstBuffer((uint)ConstBufferBindIndex::Camera, mainCamCB)); } if(additionalConstBuffers) inputConstBuffers.insert(inputConstBuffers.end(), additionalConstBuffers->begin(), additionalConstBuffers->end()); _computeShader->SetInputConstBuffers(inputConstBuffers); _computeShader->Dispatch(context); } void LightCulling::UpdateThreadGroup(ComputeShader::ThreadGroup* outThreadGroup, bool updateComputeShader) { Math::Size<unsigned int> groupSize = CalcThreadGroupSize(); ComputeShader::ThreadGroup threadGroup = ComputeShader::ThreadGroup(groupSize.w, groupSize.h, 1); if(outThreadGroup) (*outThreadGroup) = threadGroup; if(updateComputeShader) _computeShader->SetThreadGroupInfo(threadGroup); } const Math::Size<unsigned int> LightCulling::CalcThreadGroupSize() const { auto CalcThreadLength = [](unsigned int size) { return (unsigned int)((size + LIGHT_CULLING_TILE_RES - 1) / (float)LIGHT_CULLING_TILE_RES); }; const Math::Size<unsigned int>& size = Director::SharedInstance()->GetBackBufferSize(); unsigned int width = CalcThreadLength(size.w); unsigned int height = CalcThreadLength(size.h); return Math::Size<unsigned int>(width, height); } void LightCulling::Destroy() { _inputBuffers.clear(); _inputTextures.clear(); SAFE_DELETE(_computeShader); _useBlendedMeshCulling = false; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Tests TelnetServer. #include "net/base/listen_socket_unittest.h" #include "net/base/telnet_server.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" static const char* kCRLF = "\r\n"; class TelnetServerTester : public ListenSocketTester { public: virtual ListenSocket* DoListen() { return TelnetServer::Listen("", kTestPort, this); } virtual void SetUp() { ListenSocketTester::SetUp(); // With TelnetServer, there's some control codes sent at connect time, // so we need to eat those to avoid affecting the subsequent tests. EXPECT_EQ(ClearTestSocket(), 15); } virtual bool Send(SOCKET sock, const std::string& str) { if (ListenSocketTester::Send(sock, str)) { // TelnetServer currently calls DidRead after a CRLF, so we need to // append one to the end of the data that we send. if (ListenSocketTester::Send(sock, kCRLF)) { return true; } } return false; } private: ~TelnetServerTester() {} }; class TelnetServerTest: public PlatformTest { protected: TelnetServerTest() { tester_ = NULL; } virtual void SetUp() { PlatformTest::SetUp(); tester_ = new TelnetServerTester(); tester_->SetUp(); } virtual void TearDown() { PlatformTest::TearDown(); tester_->TearDown(); tester_ = NULL; } scoped_refptr<TelnetServerTester> tester_; }; TEST_F(TelnetServerTest, ServerClientSend) { tester_->TestClientSend(); } TEST_F(TelnetServerTest, ClientSendLong) { tester_->TestClientSendLong(); } TEST_F(TelnetServerTest, ServerSend) { tester_->TestServerSend(); } <commit_msg>Mark TelnetServerTest.ServerClientSend as flaky.<commit_after>// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Tests TelnetServer. #include "net/base/listen_socket_unittest.h" #include "net/base/telnet_server.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" static const char* kCRLF = "\r\n"; class TelnetServerTester : public ListenSocketTester { public: virtual ListenSocket* DoListen() { return TelnetServer::Listen("", kTestPort, this); } virtual void SetUp() { ListenSocketTester::SetUp(); // With TelnetServer, there's some control codes sent at connect time, // so we need to eat those to avoid affecting the subsequent tests. EXPECT_EQ(ClearTestSocket(), 15); } virtual bool Send(SOCKET sock, const std::string& str) { if (ListenSocketTester::Send(sock, str)) { // TelnetServer currently calls DidRead after a CRLF, so we need to // append one to the end of the data that we send. if (ListenSocketTester::Send(sock, kCRLF)) { return true; } } return false; } private: ~TelnetServerTester() {} }; class TelnetServerTest: public PlatformTest { protected: TelnetServerTest() { tester_ = NULL; } virtual void SetUp() { PlatformTest::SetUp(); tester_ = new TelnetServerTester(); tester_->SetUp(); } virtual void TearDown() { PlatformTest::TearDown(); tester_->TearDown(); tester_ = NULL; } scoped_refptr<TelnetServerTester> tester_; }; // Flaky, http://crbug.com/38093. TEST_F(TelnetServerTest, FLAKY_ServerClientSend) { tester_->TestClientSend(); } TEST_F(TelnetServerTest, ClientSendLong) { tester_->TestClientSendLong(); } TEST_F(TelnetServerTest, ServerSend) { tester_->TestServerSend(); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <regex> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> using namespace std; wstringstream program_test(L" 10 ( hello?) (hello -5) ( hi ( one two)) "); wstringstream program_norwig(L"(begin (define r 10) (* pi (* r r)))"); typedef wstring Token; typedef vector<Token>::iterator TokenItr; const Token openParen = L"("; const Token closeParen = L")"; bool IsNumber(const Token& token) { return regex_match(token, wregex(L"[(-|+)|][0-9]+")); } vector<Token> tokenize(wistream& program) { vector<Token> tokens; istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t> itr(program); istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t> eos; while(itr != eos) { while(itr != eos && iswspace(*itr)) itr++; tokens.emplace_back(); if(*itr == '(') { tokens.back() = openParen; itr++; } else if(*itr == ')') { tokens.back() = closeParen; itr++; } else { while(itr != eos && !iswspace(*itr) && !(*itr == ')') && !(*itr == '(')) { tokens.back().push_back(*itr); itr++; } } while(itr != eos && iswspace(*itr)) itr++; } return tokens; } template<typename T> void print(const T& x, wostream& os) { //os << x << '\n'; os << x ; } struct Context; struct Expression { template<typename T> Expression(const T& src):Expression_(new Impl<T>(src)) { } Expression(const Expression& src):Expression_(src.Expression_){} friend void print(const Expression& x, std::wostream& os) { x.Expression_->print_(os); } friend Expression eval(const Expression& e, const Context& context) { return e.Expression_->eval(context); } template<typename T> T get() const { auto impl = dynamic_cast<Impl<T>*>(Expression_.get()); if(impl) { return impl->mData; } throw; } private: struct Concept { virtual void print_(std::wostream&) const = 0; virtual Expression eval(const Context& context) const = 0; }; template<typename T> struct Impl : public Concept { Impl(const T& data):mData(data){} void print_(wostream& os) const override { print(mData, os); } Expression eval(const Context& context) const override { return *this; } T mData; }; private: shared_ptr<Concept> Expression_; }; struct Number { Number(int value): value_(value){} Expression eval(const Context& context) const { return Expression(*this); } operator int() const { return value_; } void print_(std::wostream& os) const { os << value_; } private: int value_; }; wostream& operator<<(wostream& os, const Number& num) { num.print_(os); return os; }; struct Symbol { Symbol(wstring value): value_(value){} Expression eval(const Context& context) const { return Expression(*this); } operator wstring() const { return value_; } void print_(std::wostream& os) const { os << value_; } private: wstring value_; }; wostream& operator<<(wostream& os, const Symbol& symbol) { symbol.print_(os); return os; }; Expression make_atom(Token token) { if(IsNumber(token)) { wstringstream ss(token); int num = 0; ss >> num; return Number(num); } else { return Symbol(token); } } typedef unary_function<vector<Expression>&, Expression> Op; struct OpPlus : public Op { void print_(wostream& os) const { os << L"+"; } Expression operator()(vector<Expression>& operands) const { int sum = 0; for(const auto& operand : operands) { sum += operand.get<Number>(); } return sum; } Expression eval(const Context& context) const { return Expression(0); } }; struct List { List(vector<Token>::iterator& itr, const vector<Token>::iterator& last) { while(itr != last) { if(*itr == openParen) { list_.emplace_back(List(++itr, last)); } else if(*itr == closeParen) { itr++; return; } else { list_.push_back(make_atom(*itr)); itr++; } } } Expression eval(const Context& context) const { OpPlus op = list_.front().get<OpPlus>(); vector<Expression> args(++list_.begin(), list_.end()); return op(args); } void print_(wostream& os) const { os << "["; for(const auto& expr : list_) { print(expr, os); os << ' '; } os << "]"; } private: vector<Expression> list_; }; wostream& operator<<(wostream& os, const List& listExpr) { listExpr.print_(os); return os; } struct Context { Expression Find(const Token& token) const { auto ret = map_.find(token); if(ret != map_.end()) { return ret->second; } throw "Undefined symbol"; } map<Token, Expression> map_; }; wostream& operator<<(wostream& os, const OpPlus& op) { op.print_(os); return os; } typedef vector<Expression> Program; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Context gContext; gContext.map_.emplace(wstring(L"+"), Expression(OpPlus())); Program program; //program.push_back(Number(1)); //program.push_back(wstring(L"Hello")); //program.push_back(Number(5)); for(const auto& aExpr : program) { print(aExpr, wcout); } //wcout << program.front().get<Number>() << '\n'; //Program toSum = { 1, 2, 3 , wstring(L"Hello")}; //Program toSum = { 1, 2, 3 }; //auto op = OpPlus(); //auto sumExpr = op(toSum); //wcout << L"sum = "; //print(sumExpr, wcout); wcout << '\n'; auto aTokens = tokenize(program_norwig); auto myList = List(aTokens.begin(), aTokens.end()); print(myList, wcout); wcout << '\n'; aTokens = tokenize(program_test); auto myList2 = List(aTokens.begin(), aTokens.end()); print(myList2, wcout); wcout << '\n'; return 0; } <commit_msg>List sorta works now<commit_after>#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <regex> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> using namespace std; wstringstream program_test(L" 10 ( hello?) (hello -5) ( hi ( one two)) "); wstringstream program_norwig(L"(begin (define r 10) (* pi (* r r)))"); typedef wstring Token; typedef vector<Token>::iterator TokenItr; const Token openParen = L"("; const Token closeParen = L")"; bool IsNumber(const Token& token) { return regex_match(token, wregex(L"[(-|+)|][0-9]+")); } vector<Token> tokenize(wistream& program) { vector<Token> tokens; istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t> itr(program); istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t> eos; while(itr != eos) { while(itr != eos && iswspace(*itr)) itr++; tokens.emplace_back(); if(*itr == '(') { tokens.back() = openParen; itr++; } else if(*itr == ')') { tokens.back() = closeParen; itr++; } else { while(itr != eos && !iswspace(*itr) && !(*itr == ')') && !(*itr == '(')) { tokens.back().push_back(*itr); itr++; } } while(itr != eos && iswspace(*itr)) itr++; } return tokens; } struct Context; template<typename T> T Eval(const T& t, const Context& context) { return t; } template<typename T> void Print(const T& t, wostream& os) { Print(t, os); } struct Expression { template<typename T> Expression(const T& src):mpImpl(new Model<T>(src)) {} Expression eval(const Context& context) const { return mpImpl->eval_(context); } void print(wostream& os) const { mpImpl->print_(os); } template<typename T> T get() const { auto ptr = dynamic_pointer_cast<Model<T>>(mpImpl); if(ptr) { return ptr->data_; } throw "Invalid Type"; } struct Concept { virtual Expression eval_(const Context& context) const = 0; virtual void print_(wostream& os) const = 0; }; template<typename T> struct Model : public Concept { Model(const T& t): data_(t){} Expression eval_(const Context& context) const override { return Eval(data_, context); } void print_(wostream& os) const override { Print(data_, os); } T data_; }; shared_ptr<Concept> mpImpl; }; struct Number { Number(int value): value_(value){} friend Number Eval(const Number& n, const Context& context) { return Number(n.value_); } operator int() const { return value_; } friend void Print(const Number& number, std::wostream& os) {os << number.value_;} private: int value_; }; struct Symbol { Symbol(wstring value): value_(value){} friend Symbol Eval(const Symbol& symbol, const Context& context) { return Symbol(symbol.value_); } operator wstring() const { return value_; } friend void Print(const Symbol& symbol, std::wostream& os) {os << symbol.value_;} private: wstring value_; }; Expression make_atom(Token token) { if(IsNumber(token)) { wstringstream ss(token); int num = 0; ss >> num; return Number(num); } else { return Symbol(token); } } typedef unary_function<vector<Expression>&, Expression> Op; struct OpPlus : public Op { void print_(wostream& os) const { os << L"+"; } Expression operator()(vector<Expression>& operands) const { int sum = 0; for(const auto& operand : operands) { sum += operand.get<Number>(); } return sum; } OpPlus eval(const Context& context) const { return *this; } }; struct List { List(vector<Token>::iterator& itr, const vector<Token>::iterator& last) { while(itr != last) { if(*itr == openParen) { list_.emplace_back(List(++itr, last)); } else if(*itr == closeParen) { itr++; return; } else { list_.push_back(make_atom(*itr)); itr++; } } } friend List eval(const List& list, const Context& context) { return list; } friend void Print(const List& l, wostream& os) { os << "["; for(const auto& expr : l.list_) { expr.print(os); os << ' '; } os << "]"; } private: vector<Expression> list_; }; struct Context { Expression Find(const Token& token) const { auto ret = map_.find(token); if(ret != map_.end()) { return ret->second; } throw "Undefined symbol"; } map<Token, Expression> map_; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto tokens = tokenize(program_norwig); Expression e(List(tokens.begin(), tokens.end())); e.print(wcout); wcout << '\n'; return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* * Copyright 2011, Tim Branyen @tbranyen <tim@tabdeveloper.com> * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. */ #include <v8.h> #include <node.h> #include "cvv8/v8-convert.hpp" #include "git2.h" #include "../include/error.h" using namespace v8; using namespace cvv8; using namespace node; /** * Copied from libgit2/include/errors.h, to allow exporting to JS */ typedef enum { _GIT_OK = 0, _GIT_ERROR = -1, _GIT_ENOTFOUND = -3, _GIT_EEXISTS = -4, _GIT_EAMBIGUOUS = -5, _GIT_EBUFS = -6, _GIT_PASSTHROUGH = -30, _GIT_ITEROVER = -31, } git_error_return_t; namespace cvv8 { template <> struct NativeToJS<git_error_t> : NativeToJS<int32_t> {}; template <> struct NativeToJS<git_error_return_t> : NativeToJS<int32_t> {}; } void GitError::Initialize (Handle<v8::Object> target) { HandleScope scope; Local<FunctionTemplate> tpl = FunctionTemplate::New(New); tpl->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); tpl->SetClassName(String::NewSymbol("Error")); // Add libgit2 error codes to error object Local<Object> libgit2Errors = Object::New(); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_NOMEMORY"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_NOMEMORY), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_OS"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_OS), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_INVALID"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_INVALID), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_REFERENCE"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_REFERENCE), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_ZLIB"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_ZLIB), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_REPOSITORY"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_REPOSITORY), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_CONFIG"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_CONFIG), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_REGEX"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_REGEX), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_ODB"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_ODB), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_INDEX"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_INDEX), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_OBJECT"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_OBJECT), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_NET"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_NET), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_TAG"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_TAG), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_TREE"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_TREE), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_INDEXER"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_INDEXER), ReadOnly); // Add libgit2 error codes to error object Local<Object> libgit2ReturnCodes = Object::New(); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_OK"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_OK), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_ERROR"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_ERROR), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_ENOTFOUND"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_ENOTFOUND), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_EEXISTS"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_EEXISTS), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_EAMBIGUOUS"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_EAMBIGUOUS), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_EBUFS"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_EBUFS), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_PASSTHROUGH"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_PASSTHROUGH), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_ITEROVER"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_ITEROVER), ReadOnly); constructor_template = Persistent<Function>::New(tpl->GetFunction()); constructor_template->Set(String::NewSymbol("codes"), libgit2Errors, ReadOnly); constructor_template->Set(String::NewSymbol("returnCodes"), libgit2ReturnCodes, ReadOnly); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("Error"), constructor_template); } Local<Object> GitError::WrapError(const git_error* error) { Local<Object> gitError = GitError::constructor_template->NewInstance(); Local<StackTrace> stackTrace = StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace(10); gitError->Set(String::NewSymbol("stackTrace"), cvv8::CastToJS(stackTrace->AsArray())); gitError->Set(String::NewSymbol("message"), String::New(error->message)); gitError->Set(String::NewSymbol("code"), Integer::New(error->klass)); return gitError; } Handle<Value> GitError::New(const Arguments& args) { HandleScope scope; GitError *error = new GitError(); error->Wrap(args.This()); return scope.Close( args.This() ); } Persistent<Function> GitError::constructor_template; <commit_msg>Code style normalization<commit_after>/* * Copyright 2011, Tim Branyen @tbranyen <tim@tabdeveloper.com> * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. */ #include <v8.h> #include <node.h> #include "cvv8/v8-convert.hpp" #include "git2.h" #include "../include/error.h" using namespace v8; using namespace cvv8; using namespace node; /** * Copied from libgit2/include/errors.h, to allow exporting to JS */ typedef enum { _GIT_OK = 0, _GIT_ERROR = -1, _GIT_ENOTFOUND = -3, _GIT_EEXISTS = -4, _GIT_EAMBIGUOUS = -5, _GIT_EBUFS = -6, _GIT_PASSTHROUGH = -30, _GIT_ITEROVER = -31, } git_error_return_t; namespace cvv8 { template <> struct NativeToJS<git_error_t> : NativeToJS<int32_t> {}; template <> struct NativeToJS<git_error_return_t> : NativeToJS<int32_t> {}; } void GitError::Initialize (Handle<v8::Object> target) { HandleScope scope; Local<FunctionTemplate> tpl = FunctionTemplate::New(New); tpl->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); tpl->SetClassName(String::NewSymbol("Error")); // Add libgit2 error codes to error object Local<Object> libgit2Errors = Object::New(); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_NOMEMORY"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_NOMEMORY), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_OS"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_OS), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_INVALID"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_INVALID), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_REFERENCE"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_REFERENCE), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_ZLIB"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_ZLIB), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_REPOSITORY"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_REPOSITORY), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_CONFIG"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_CONFIG), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_REGEX"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_REGEX), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_ODB"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_ODB), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_INDEX"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_INDEX), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_OBJECT"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_OBJECT), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_NET"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_NET), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_TAG"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_TAG), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_TREE"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_TREE), ReadOnly); libgit2Errors->Set(String::NewSymbol("GITERR_INDEXER"), cvv8::CastToJS(GITERR_INDEXER), ReadOnly); // Add libgit2 error codes to error object Local<Object> libgit2ReturnCodes = Object::New(); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_OK"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_OK), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_ERROR"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_ERROR), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_ENOTFOUND"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_ENOTFOUND), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_EEXISTS"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_EEXISTS), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_EAMBIGUOUS"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_EAMBIGUOUS), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_EBUFS"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_EBUFS), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_PASSTHROUGH"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_PASSTHROUGH), ReadOnly); libgit2ReturnCodes->Set(String::NewSymbol("GIT_ITEROVER"), cvv8::CastToJS(_GIT_ITEROVER), ReadOnly); constructor_template = Persistent<Function>::New(tpl->GetFunction()); constructor_template->Set(String::NewSymbol("codes"), libgit2Errors, ReadOnly); constructor_template->Set(String::NewSymbol("returnCodes"), libgit2ReturnCodes, ReadOnly); target->Set(String::NewSymbol("Error"), constructor_template); } Local<Object> GitError::WrapError(const git_error* error) { Local<Object> gitError = GitError::constructor_template->NewInstance(); Local<StackTrace> stackTrace = StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace(10); gitError->Set(String::NewSymbol("stackTrace"), cvv8::CastToJS(stackTrace->AsArray())); gitError->Set(String::NewSymbol("message"), String::New(error->message)); gitError->Set(String::NewSymbol("code"), Integer::New(error->klass)); return gitError; } Handle<Value> GitError::New(const Arguments& args) { HandleScope scope; GitError *error = new GitError(); error->Wrap(args.This()); return scope.Close(args.This()); } Persistent<Function> GitError::constructor_template; <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#define NO_GLOBALS #include "harlan.hpp" #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define ALLOC_MAGIC 0xa110ca7e #define CHECK_MAGIC(hdr) assert((hdr)->magic == ALLOC_MAGIC) extern cl::program g_prog; extern uint64_t nanotime(); uint64_t g_memtime = 0; void check_region(region *r) { CHECK_MAGIC(r); //assert(r->cl_buffer); } void print(bool b, std::ostream *f) { if(b) print("#t", f); else print("#f", f); } void harlan_error(const char *msg) { std::cerr << "Harlan Runtime Error: " << msg << std::endl; abort(); } cl_device_type get_device_type() { const char *cfg = getenv("HARLAN_DEVICE"); if(cfg) { string s = cfg; transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); if(s == "gpu") { return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR; } else if(s == "cpu") { return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } else { cerr << "HARLAN_DEVICE must be either `cpu` or `gpu`." << endl; abort(); } } return (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR | 0); } int get_default_region_size() { static bool first_time = true; const char *cfg = getenv("HARLAN_MIN_REGION_SIZE"); if(cfg) { int sz = atoi(cfg); if(first_time) { cerr << "Setting region size from HARLAN_MIN_REGION_SIZE to " << sz << " bytes." << endl; first_time = false; } return sz; } //else return 8192; else return 8 << 20; // 8 megs } region *create_region(int size) { if(size == -1) size = get_default_region_size(); assert(size > sizeof(region)); // void *ptr = GC_MALLOC(size); void *ptr = malloc(size); region *header = (region *)ptr; header->magic = ALLOC_MAGIC; header->size = size; header->alloc_ptr = sizeof(region); header->cl_buffer = NULL; check_region(header); // Start out with the region unmapped, to avoid needless copies. unmap_region(header); return header; } void free_region(region *r) { //fprintf(stderr, "freeing region %p. %d bytes allocated\n", // r, r->alloc_ptr); if(r->cl_buffer) { clReleaseMemObject((cl_mem)r->cl_buffer); } free(r); } void map_region(region *header) { uint64_t start = nanotime(); cl_int status = 0; assert(header->cl_buffer); cl_mem buffer = (cl_mem)header->cl_buffer; //printf("map_region: old alloc_ptr = %d\n", header->alloc_ptr); // Read just the header status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(g_queue, buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(region), header, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_CHECK(status); //printf("map_region: new alloc_ptr = %d\n", header->alloc_ptr); //printf("map_region: read %lu bytes, reading %lu more.\n", // sizeof(region), header->alloc_ptr - sizeof(region)); // Now read the contents status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(g_queue, buffer, CL_TRUE, sizeof(region), header->alloc_ptr - sizeof(region), ((char *)header) + sizeof(region), 0, NULL, NULL); CL_CHECK(status); CL_CHECK(clReleaseMemObject(buffer)); assert(!header->cl_buffer); check_region(header); g_memtime += nanotime() - start; } void unmap_region(region *header) { uint64_t start = nanotime(); check_region(header); // Don't unmap the region twice... // TODO: we might want to report a warning in this case. if(header->cl_buffer) return; //assert(!header->cl_buffer); //fprintf(stderr, "unmap_region %p, alloc_ptr = %d\n", // header, header->alloc_ptr); cl_int status = 0; cl_mem buffer = clCreateBuffer(g_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, header->size, NULL, &status); CL_CHECK(status); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(g_queue, buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, header->alloc_ptr, header, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_CHECK(status); header->cl_buffer = buffer; g_memtime += nanotime() - start; } region_ptr alloc_in_region(region **r, unsigned int size) { if((*r)->cl_buffer) { map_region(*r); } // printf("allocating %d bytes from region %p\n", size, *r); region_ptr p = (*r)->alloc_ptr; (*r)->alloc_ptr += size; // If this fails, we allocated too much memory and need to resize // the region. while((*r)->alloc_ptr > (*r)->size) { unsigned int new_size = (*r)->size * 2; // As long as we stick with power of two region sizes, this // will let us get up to 4GB regions. It's a big of a hacky // special case... if(new_size == 0) { new_size = UINT_MAX; } assert(new_size > (*r)->size); region *old = *r; unsigned int old_size = (*r)->size; //printf("realloc(%p, %d)\n", *r, new_size); (*r) = (region *)realloc(*r, new_size); assert(*r != NULL); (*r)->size = new_size; } return p; } region_ptr alloc_vector(region **r, int item_size, int num_items) { if((*r)->cl_buffer) { //cerr << "Attempting to allocate " << 8 + item_size * num_items << " byte vector on GPU." << endl; //cerr << "region size = " << (*r)->size << endl; // This region is on the GPU. Try to do the allocation there. cl::buffer<region_ptr> buf = g_ctx.createBuffer<region_ptr>(1, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE); cl::kernel k = g_prog.createKernel("harlan_rt_alloc_vector"); k.setArg(0, (*r)->cl_buffer); k.setArg(1, item_size); k.setArg(2, num_items); k.setArg(3, buf); g_queue.execute(k, 1); cl::buffer_map<region_ptr> map = g_queue.mapBuffer<region_ptr>(buf); region_ptr p = map[0]; if(p) return p; } //cerr << "Not enough space, allocating on CPU instead." << endl; // Well, that failed. I guess we'll do here instead. region_ptr p = alloc_in_region(r, 8 + item_size * num_items); *(int*)get_region_ptr(*r, p) = num_items; return p; } cl_mem get_cl_buffer(region *r) { assert(r->cl_buffer); return (cl_mem)r->cl_buffer; } int ARGC = 0; char **ARGV = NULL; <commit_msg>Skip 0-length reads, since these are technically illegal according to OpenCL.<commit_after>#define NO_GLOBALS #include "harlan.hpp" #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define ALLOC_MAGIC 0xa110ca7e #define CHECK_MAGIC(hdr) assert((hdr)->magic == ALLOC_MAGIC) extern cl::program g_prog; extern uint64_t nanotime(); uint64_t g_memtime = 0; void check_region(region *r) { CHECK_MAGIC(r); //assert(r->cl_buffer); } void print(bool b, std::ostream *f) { if(b) print("#t", f); else print("#f", f); } void harlan_error(const char *msg) { std::cerr << "Harlan Runtime Error: " << msg << std::endl; abort(); } cl_device_type get_device_type() { const char *cfg = getenv("HARLAN_DEVICE"); if(cfg) { string s = cfg; transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); if(s == "gpu") { return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR; } else if(s == "cpu") { return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; } else { cerr << "HARLAN_DEVICE must be either `cpu` or `gpu`." << endl; abort(); } } return (CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU | CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR | 0); } int get_default_region_size() { static bool first_time = true; const char *cfg = getenv("HARLAN_MIN_REGION_SIZE"); if(cfg) { int sz = atoi(cfg); if(first_time) { cerr << "Setting region size from HARLAN_MIN_REGION_SIZE to " << sz << " bytes." << endl; first_time = false; } return sz; } //else return 8192; else return 8 << 20; // 8 megs } region *create_region(int size) { if(size == -1) size = get_default_region_size(); assert(size > sizeof(region)); // void *ptr = GC_MALLOC(size); void *ptr = malloc(size); region *header = (region *)ptr; header->magic = ALLOC_MAGIC; header->size = size; header->alloc_ptr = sizeof(region); header->cl_buffer = NULL; check_region(header); // Start out with the region unmapped, to avoid needless copies. unmap_region(header); return header; } void free_region(region *r) { //fprintf(stderr, "freeing region %p. %d bytes allocated\n", // r, r->alloc_ptr); if(r->cl_buffer) { clReleaseMemObject((cl_mem)r->cl_buffer); } free(r); } void map_region(region *header) { uint64_t start = nanotime(); cl_int status = 0; assert(header->cl_buffer); cl_mem buffer = (cl_mem)header->cl_buffer; //printf("map_region: old alloc_ptr = %d\n", header->alloc_ptr); // Read just the header status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(g_queue, buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(region), header, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_CHECK(status); //printf("map_region: new alloc_ptr = %d\n", header->alloc_ptr); //printf("map_region: read %lu bytes, reading %lu more.\n", // sizeof(region), header->alloc_ptr - sizeof(region)); // Now read the contents int remaining = header->alloc_ptr - sizeof(region); if(remaining > 0) { status = clEnqueueReadBuffer(g_queue, buffer, CL_TRUE, sizeof(region), remaining, ((char *)header) + sizeof(region), 0, NULL, NULL); CL_CHECK(status); } CL_CHECK(clReleaseMemObject(buffer)); assert(!header->cl_buffer); check_region(header); g_memtime += nanotime() - start; } void unmap_region(region *header) { uint64_t start = nanotime(); check_region(header); // Don't unmap the region twice... // TODO: we might want to report a warning in this case. if(header->cl_buffer) return; //assert(!header->cl_buffer); //fprintf(stderr, "unmap_region %p, alloc_ptr = %d\n", // header, header->alloc_ptr); cl_int status = 0; cl_mem buffer = clCreateBuffer(g_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, header->size, NULL, &status); CL_CHECK(status); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(g_queue, buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, header->alloc_ptr, header, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_CHECK(status); header->cl_buffer = buffer; g_memtime += nanotime() - start; } region_ptr alloc_in_region(region **r, unsigned int size) { if((*r)->cl_buffer) { map_region(*r); } // printf("allocating %d bytes from region %p\n", size, *r); region_ptr p = (*r)->alloc_ptr; (*r)->alloc_ptr += size; // If this fails, we allocated too much memory and need to resize // the region. while((*r)->alloc_ptr > (*r)->size) { unsigned int new_size = (*r)->size * 2; // As long as we stick with power of two region sizes, this // will let us get up to 4GB regions. It's a big of a hacky // special case... if(new_size == 0) { new_size = UINT_MAX; } assert(new_size > (*r)->size); region *old = *r; unsigned int old_size = (*r)->size; //printf("realloc(%p, %d)\n", *r, new_size); (*r) = (region *)realloc(*r, new_size); assert(*r != NULL); (*r)->size = new_size; } return p; } region_ptr alloc_vector(region **r, int item_size, int num_items) { if((*r)->cl_buffer) { //cerr << "Attempting to allocate " << 8 + item_size * num_items << " byte vector on GPU." << endl; //cerr << "region size = " << (*r)->size << endl; // This region is on the GPU. Try to do the allocation there. cl::buffer<region_ptr> buf = g_ctx.createBuffer<region_ptr>(1, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE); cl::kernel k = g_prog.createKernel("harlan_rt_alloc_vector"); k.setArg(0, (*r)->cl_buffer); k.setArg(1, item_size); k.setArg(2, num_items); k.setArg(3, buf); g_queue.execute(k, 1); cl::buffer_map<region_ptr> map = g_queue.mapBuffer<region_ptr>(buf); region_ptr p = map[0]; if(p) return p; } //cerr << "Not enough space, allocating on CPU instead." << endl; // Well, that failed. I guess we'll do here instead. region_ptr p = alloc_in_region(r, 8 + item_size * num_items); *(int*)get_region_ptr(*r, p) = num_items; return p; } cl_mem get_cl_buffer(region *r) { assert(r->cl_buffer); return (cl_mem)r->cl_buffer; } int ARGC = 0; char **ARGV = NULL; <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// Copyright Joshua Boyce 2010-2012. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // This file is part of HadesMem. // <http://www.raptorfactor.com/> <raptorfactor@raptorfactor.com> #include "hadesmem/module_iterator.hpp" #include "hadesmem/detail/warning_disable_prefix.hpp" #include <boost/none.hpp> #include <boost/assert.hpp> #include <boost/optional.hpp> #include "hadesmem/detail/warning_disable_suffix.hpp" #include "hadesmem/error.hpp" #include "hadesmem/module.hpp" #include "hadesmem/process.hpp" namespace hadesmem { namespace detail { struct ModuleIteratorImpl { ~ModuleIteratorImpl() { BOOST_VERIFY(CloseHandle(snap_)); } Process const* process_; HANDLE snap_; boost::optional<Module> module_; }; } ModuleIterator::ModuleIterator() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : impl_() { } ModuleIterator::ModuleIterator(Process const& process) : impl_(new detail::ModuleIteratorImpl) { impl_->process_ = &process; // TODO: Attempt to call this function at least twice on ERROR_BAD_LENGTH. // Potentially call until success if it can be determined whether or not // the process started suspended (as per MSDN). impl_->snap_ = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, impl_->process_->GetId()); if (impl_->snap_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD const last_error = GetLastError(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(HadesMemError() << ErrorString("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed.") << ErrorCodeWinLast(last_error)); } MODULEENTRY32 entry; ZeroMemory(&entry, sizeof(entry)); entry.dwSize = sizeof(entry); if (!Module32First(impl_->snap_, &entry)) { // TODO: More gracefully handle failure when GetLastError returns // ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES. It seems that we can just treat that as an EOL, // however I first want to understand the circumstances under which that // error can occur for the first module in the list (other than an invalid // snapshot type). DWORD const last_error = GetLastError(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(HadesMemError() << ErrorString("Module32First failed.") << ErrorCodeWinLast(last_error)); } impl_->module_ = Module(*impl_->process_, entry); } ModuleIterator::ModuleIteratorFacade::reference ModuleIterator::dereference() const { BOOST_ASSERT(impl_.get()); return *impl_->module_; } void ModuleIterator::increment() { MODULEENTRY32 entry; ZeroMemory(&entry, sizeof(entry)); entry.dwSize = sizeof(entry); if (!Module32Next(impl_->snap_, &entry)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { impl_.reset(); return; } else { DWORD const last_error = GetLastError(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(HadesMemError() << ErrorString("Module32Next failed.") << ErrorCodeWinLast(last_error)); } } impl_->module_ = Module(*impl_->process_, entry); } bool ModuleIterator::equal(ModuleIterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return impl_ == other.impl_; } } <commit_msg>* [module_iterator] Added noexcept annotation to destructor of hadesmem::detail::ModuleIteratorImpl.<commit_after>// Copyright Joshua Boyce 2010-2012. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // This file is part of HadesMem. // <http://www.raptorfactor.com/> <raptorfactor@raptorfactor.com> #include "hadesmem/module_iterator.hpp" #include "hadesmem/detail/warning_disable_prefix.hpp" #include <boost/none.hpp> #include <boost/assert.hpp> #include <boost/optional.hpp> #include "hadesmem/detail/warning_disable_suffix.hpp" #include "hadesmem/error.hpp" #include "hadesmem/module.hpp" #include "hadesmem/process.hpp" namespace hadesmem { namespace detail { struct ModuleIteratorImpl { ~ModuleIteratorImpl() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { BOOST_VERIFY(CloseHandle(snap_)); } Process const* process_; HANDLE snap_; boost::optional<Module> module_; }; } ModuleIterator::ModuleIterator() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : impl_() { } ModuleIterator::ModuleIterator(Process const& process) : impl_(new detail::ModuleIteratorImpl) { impl_->process_ = &process; // TODO: Attempt to call this function at least twice on ERROR_BAD_LENGTH. // Potentially call until success if it can be determined whether or not // the process started suspended (as per MSDN). impl_->snap_ = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, impl_->process_->GetId()); if (impl_->snap_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD const last_error = GetLastError(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(HadesMemError() << ErrorString("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed.") << ErrorCodeWinLast(last_error)); } MODULEENTRY32 entry; ZeroMemory(&entry, sizeof(entry)); entry.dwSize = sizeof(entry); if (!Module32First(impl_->snap_, &entry)) { // TODO: More gracefully handle failure when GetLastError returns // ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES. It seems that we can just treat that as an EOL, // however I first want to understand the circumstances under which that // error can occur for the first module in the list (other than an invalid // snapshot type). DWORD const last_error = GetLastError(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(HadesMemError() << ErrorString("Module32First failed.") << ErrorCodeWinLast(last_error)); } impl_->module_ = Module(*impl_->process_, entry); } ModuleIterator::ModuleIteratorFacade::reference ModuleIterator::dereference() const { BOOST_ASSERT(impl_.get()); return *impl_->module_; } void ModuleIterator::increment() { MODULEENTRY32 entry; ZeroMemory(&entry, sizeof(entry)); entry.dwSize = sizeof(entry); if (!Module32Next(impl_->snap_, &entry)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { impl_.reset(); return; } else { DWORD const last_error = GetLastError(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(HadesMemError() << ErrorString("Module32Next failed.") << ErrorCodeWinLast(last_error)); } } impl_->module_ = Module(*impl_->process_, entry); } bool ModuleIterator::equal(ModuleIterator const& other) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { return impl_ == other.impl_; } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/** * @copyright Copyright 2018 The J-PET Framework Authors. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may find a copy of the License in the LICENCE file. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @file JPetSmearingFunctions.cpp */ #include <JPetSmearingFunctions/JPetSmearingFunctions.h> #include "JPetLoggerInclude.h" #include <TMath.h> using SmearingType = JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::SmearingType; using SmearingFunctionLimits = JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::SmearingFunctionLimits; JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer() { auto timeSmearingF = [&](double* x, double* p) -> double { // p[0] = scinID // p[1] = zIn // p[2] = eneIn // p[3] = timeIn // p[4] = timeResolution (sigma) // p[5] = energyThreshold // p[6] = referenceEnergy double eneIn = p[2]; double timeIn = p[3]; double sigma = p[4]; double energyTreshold = p[5]; double referenceEnergy = p[6]; double time = x[0]; if (eneIn < energyTreshold) { sigma = sigma / sqrt(eneIn / referenceEnergy); } return TMath::Gaus(time, timeIn, sigma, true); }; const double kTimeResolutionConstant = 80.; ///< see Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:445 equation 3 const double kEnergyThreshold = 200.; ///< see Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:445 equation 4 and 5 const double kReferenceEnergy = 270.; ///< see Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:445 equation 4 and 5 fSmearingFunctions.emplace(kTime, std::make_unique<TF1>("funTimeHitSmearing", timeSmearingF, -200., 200., 7)); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(4, kTimeResolutionConstant); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(5, kEnergyThreshold); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(6, kReferenceEnergy); auto energySmearingF = [&](double* x, double* p) -> double { // p[0] = scinID // p[1] = zIn // p[2] = eneIn double eneIn = p[2]; double sigma = eneIn * 0.044 / sqrt(eneIn / 1000.); double energy = x[0]; return TMath::Gaus(energy, eneIn, sigma, true); }; fSmearingFunctions.emplace(kEnergy, std::make_unique<TF1>("funEnergySmearing", energySmearingF, -200., 200., 3)); auto zPositionSmearingF = [&](double* x, double* p) -> double { // p[0] = scinID // p[1] = zIn // p[2] = eneIn // p[3] = zResolution (sigma) double zIn = p[1]; double sigma = p[3]; double z = x[0]; return TMath::Gaus(z, zIn, sigma, true); }; fSmearingFunctions.emplace(kZPosition, std::make_unique<TF1>("funZHitSmearing", zPositionSmearingF, -200., 200., 4)); double kZresolution = 0.976; fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(3, kZresolution); } void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::setSmearingFunctions(const std::vector<FuncAndParam>& params) { assert(params.size() >= 3); auto timeFuncAndParams = params[0]; auto energyFuncAndParams = params[1]; auto zPositionFuncAndParams = params[2]; auto timeFunc = timeFuncAndParams.first; auto timeParams = timeFuncAndParams.second; int nDefaultParams = 4; int nCustomParams = timeParams.size(); int nTotalParams = nCustomParams + nDefaultParams; if (!timeFunc.empty()) { fSmearingFunctions[kTime] = std::make_unique<TF1>("funTimeHitSmearing", timeFunc.c_str(), -200., 200., nTotalParams); } for (int i = 0; i < nCustomParams; i++) { fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(nDefaultParams + i, timeParams[i]); } auto energyFunc = energyFuncAndParams.first; auto energyParams = energyFuncAndParams.second; nDefaultParams = 3; nCustomParams = energyParams.size(); nTotalParams = nCustomParams + nDefaultParams; if (!energyFunc.empty()) { fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy] = std::make_unique<TF1>("funEnergySmearing", energyFunc.c_str(), -200., 200., nTotalParams); } for (int i = 0; i < nCustomParams; i++) { fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(nDefaultParams + i, energyParams[i]); } auto zPositionFunc = zPositionFuncAndParams.first; auto zPositionParams = zPositionFuncAndParams.second; nDefaultParams = 3; nCustomParams = zPositionParams.size(); nTotalParams = nCustomParams + nDefaultParams; if (!zPositionFunc.empty()) { fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition] = std::make_unique<TF1>("funzHitSmearing", zPositionFunc.c_str(), -200., 200., nTotalParams); } for (int i = 0; i < nCustomParams; i++) { fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(nDefaultParams + i, zPositionParams[i]); } } /// Only those limits are modified for which first value is smaller than the second one. /// The limits vector is suppose to have 3 elements in the order time, energy and z Position. void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::setSmearingFunctionLimits(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& limits) { assert(limits.size() == 3); auto timeLim = limits[0]; auto energyLim = limits[1]; ; auto zPositionLim = limits[2]; if (timeLim.first < timeLim.second) { fFunctionLimits[kTime] = timeLim; } if (energyLim.first < energyLim.second) { fFunctionLimits[kEnergy] = energyLim; } if (zPositionLim.first < zPositionLim.second) { fFunctionLimits[kZPosition] = zPositionLim; } } void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::writeAllParametersToLog() const { auto limits = getSmearingFunctionLimits(); INFO("Time smearing function"); INFO(fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetName()); INFO(std::string("limits: low = ") + limits[kTime].first + " , high = " + limits[kTime].second); auto nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetNpar(); INFO(std::string("number of parameters:") + nPar); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { INFO(std::string("parameter ") + i + " = " + fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetParameter(i)); } INFO("Energy smearing function"); INFO(fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetName()); INFO(std::string("limits: low = ") + limits[kEnergy].first + " , high = " + limits[kEnergy].second); nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetNpar(); INFO(std::string("number of parameters:") + nPar); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { INFO(std::string("parameter ") + i + " = " + fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetParameter(i)); } INFO("ZPosition smearing function"); INFO(fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetName()); INFO(std::string("limits: low = ") + limits[kZPosition].first + " , high = " + limits[kZPosition].second); nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetNpar(); INFO(std::string("number of parameters:") + nPar); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { INFO(std::string("parameter ") + i + " = " + fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetParameter(i)); } } void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::printAllParameters() const { auto limits = getSmearingFunctionLimits(); std::cout << "***************" << std::endl; std::cout << "Time smearing function" << std::endl; std::cout << fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "limits: low = " << limits[kTime].first << " , high = " << limits[kTime].second << std::endl; auto nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetNpar(); std::cout << "number of parameters:" << nPar << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { std::cout << "parameter " << i << " = " << fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetParameter(i) << std::endl; } std::cout << "***************" << std::endl; std::cout << "Energy smearing function" << std::endl; std::cout << fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "limits: low = " << limits[kEnergy].first << " , high = " << limits[kEnergy].second << std::endl; nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetNpar(); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { std::cout << "parameter " << i << " = " << fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetParameter(i) << std::endl; } std::cout << "***************" << std::endl; std::cout << fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "Z position smearing function" << std::endl; std::cout << "limits: low = " << limits[kZPosition].first << " , high = " << limits[kZPosition].second << std::endl; nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetNpar(); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { std::cout << "parameter " << i << " = " << fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetParameter(i) << std::endl; } } std::map<SmearingType, SmearingFunctionLimits> JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::getSmearingFunctionLimits() const { return fFunctionLimits; } /// function is randomize in the range [lowLim + timeIn, highLim + timeIn] double JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::addTimeSmearing(int scinID, double zIn, double eneIn, double timeIn) { /// We cannot use setParameters(...) cause if there are more then 4 parameters /// It would set it all to 0. fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(0, double(scinID)); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(1, zIn); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(2, eneIn); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(3, timeIn); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetRange(timeIn + fFunctionLimits[kTime].first, timeIn + fFunctionLimits[kTime].second); return fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->GetRandom(); } /// function is randomize in the range [lowLim + eneIn, highLim + eneIn] double JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::addEnergySmearing(int scinID, double zIn, double eneIn) { fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(0, double(scinID)); fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(1, zIn); fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(2, eneIn); fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetRange(eneIn + fFunctionLimits[kEnergy].first, eneIn + fFunctionLimits[kEnergy].second); return fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->GetRandom(); } /// function is randomize in the range [lowLim + zIn, highLim + zIn] double JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::addZHitSmearing(int scinID, double zIn, double eneIn) { /// We cannot use setParameters(...) cause if there are more then 4 parameters /// It would set it all to 0. fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(0, double(scinID)); fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(1, zIn); fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(2, eneIn); fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetRange(zIn + fFunctionLimits[kZPosition].first, zIn + fFunctionLimits[kZPosition].second); return fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->GetRandom(); } <commit_msg>Fix casting to string in INFO.<commit_after>/** * @copyright Copyright 2018 The J-PET Framework Authors. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may find a copy of the License in the LICENCE file. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @file JPetSmearingFunctions.cpp */ #include "JPetLoggerInclude.h" #include <JPetSmearingFunctions/JPetSmearingFunctions.h> #include <TMath.h> using SmearingType = JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::SmearingType; using SmearingFunctionLimits = JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::SmearingFunctionLimits; JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer() { auto timeSmearingF = [&](double* x, double* p) -> double { // p[0] = scinID // p[1] = zIn // p[2] = eneIn // p[3] = timeIn // p[4] = timeResolution (sigma) // p[5] = energyThreshold // p[6] = referenceEnergy double eneIn = p[2]; double timeIn = p[3]; double sigma = p[4]; double energyTreshold = p[5]; double referenceEnergy = p[6]; double time = x[0]; if (eneIn < energyTreshold) { sigma = sigma / sqrt(eneIn / referenceEnergy); } return TMath::Gaus(time, timeIn, sigma, true); }; const double kTimeResolutionConstant = 80.; ///< see Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:445 equation 3 const double kEnergyThreshold = 200.; ///< see Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:445 equation 4 and 5 const double kReferenceEnergy = 270.; ///< see Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:445 equation 4 and 5 fSmearingFunctions.emplace(kTime, std::make_unique<TF1>("funTimeHitSmearing", timeSmearingF, -200., 200., 7)); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(4, kTimeResolutionConstant); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(5, kEnergyThreshold); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(6, kReferenceEnergy); auto energySmearingF = [&](double* x, double* p) -> double { // p[0] = scinID // p[1] = zIn // p[2] = eneIn double eneIn = p[2]; double sigma = eneIn * 0.044 / sqrt(eneIn / 1000.); double energy = x[0]; return TMath::Gaus(energy, eneIn, sigma, true); }; fSmearingFunctions.emplace(kEnergy, std::make_unique<TF1>("funEnergySmearing", energySmearingF, -200., 200., 3)); auto zPositionSmearingF = [&](double* x, double* p) -> double { // p[0] = scinID // p[1] = zIn // p[2] = eneIn // p[3] = zResolution (sigma) double zIn = p[1]; double sigma = p[3]; double z = x[0]; return TMath::Gaus(z, zIn, sigma, true); }; fSmearingFunctions.emplace(kZPosition, std::make_unique<TF1>("funZHitSmearing", zPositionSmearingF, -200., 200., 4)); double kZresolution = 0.976; fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(3, kZresolution); } void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::setSmearingFunctions(const std::vector<FuncAndParam>& params) { assert(params.size() >= 3); auto timeFuncAndParams = params[0]; auto energyFuncAndParams = params[1]; auto zPositionFuncAndParams = params[2]; auto timeFunc = timeFuncAndParams.first; auto timeParams = timeFuncAndParams.second; int nDefaultParams = 4; int nCustomParams = timeParams.size(); int nTotalParams = nCustomParams + nDefaultParams; if (!timeFunc.empty()) { fSmearingFunctions[kTime] = std::make_unique<TF1>("funTimeHitSmearing", timeFunc.c_str(), -200., 200., nTotalParams); } for (int i = 0; i < nCustomParams; i++) { fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(nDefaultParams + i, timeParams[i]); } auto energyFunc = energyFuncAndParams.first; auto energyParams = energyFuncAndParams.second; nDefaultParams = 3; nCustomParams = energyParams.size(); nTotalParams = nCustomParams + nDefaultParams; if (!energyFunc.empty()) { fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy] = std::make_unique<TF1>("funEnergySmearing", energyFunc.c_str(), -200., 200., nTotalParams); } for (int i = 0; i < nCustomParams; i++) { fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(nDefaultParams + i, energyParams[i]); } auto zPositionFunc = zPositionFuncAndParams.first; auto zPositionParams = zPositionFuncAndParams.second; nDefaultParams = 3; nCustomParams = zPositionParams.size(); nTotalParams = nCustomParams + nDefaultParams; if (!zPositionFunc.empty()) { fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition] = std::make_unique<TF1>("funzHitSmearing", zPositionFunc.c_str(), -200., 200., nTotalParams); } for (int i = 0; i < nCustomParams; i++) { fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(nDefaultParams + i, zPositionParams[i]); } } /// Only those limits are modified for which first value is smaller than the second one. /// The limits vector is suppose to have 3 elements in the order time, energy and z Position. void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::setSmearingFunctionLimits(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& limits) { assert(limits.size() == 3); auto timeLim = limits[0]; auto energyLim = limits[1]; ; auto zPositionLim = limits[2]; if (timeLim.first < timeLim.second) { fFunctionLimits[kTime] = timeLim; } if (energyLim.first < energyLim.second) { fFunctionLimits[kEnergy] = energyLim; } if (zPositionLim.first < zPositionLim.second) { fFunctionLimits[kZPosition] = zPositionLim; } } void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::writeAllParametersToLog() const { auto limits = getSmearingFunctionLimits(); std::vector<SmearingType> types{kTime, kEnergy, kZPosition}; for (auto type : types) { INFO(fSmearingFunctions.at(type)->GetName()); INFO(std::string("limits: low = ") + limits[type].first + " , high = " + limits[type].second); auto nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(type)->GetNpar(); INFO(std::string("number of parameters:") + std::to_string(nPar)); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { INFO(std::string("parameter ") + std::to_string(i) + " = " + std::to_string(fSmearingFunctions.at(type)->GetParameter(i))); } } } void JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::printAllParameters() const { auto limits = getSmearingFunctionLimits(); std::cout << "***************" << std::endl; std::cout << "Time smearing function" << std::endl; std::cout << fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "limits: low = " << limits[kTime].first << " , high = " << limits[kTime].second << std::endl; auto nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetNpar(); std::cout << "number of parameters:" << nPar << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { std::cout << "parameter " << i << " = " << fSmearingFunctions.at(kTime)->GetParameter(i) << std::endl; } std::cout << "***************" << std::endl; std::cout << "Energy smearing function" << std::endl; std::cout << fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "limits: low = " << limits[kEnergy].first << " , high = " << limits[kEnergy].second << std::endl; nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetNpar(); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { std::cout << "parameter " << i << " = " << fSmearingFunctions.at(kEnergy)->GetParameter(i) << std::endl; } std::cout << "***************" << std::endl; std::cout << fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "Z position smearing function" << std::endl; std::cout << "limits: low = " << limits[kZPosition].first << " , high = " << limits[kZPosition].second << std::endl; nPar = fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetNpar(); for (int i = 0; i < nPar; i++) { std::cout << "parameter " << i << " = " << fSmearingFunctions.at(kZPosition)->GetParameter(i) << std::endl; } } std::map<SmearingType, SmearingFunctionLimits> JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::getSmearingFunctionLimits() const { return fFunctionLimits; } /// function is randomize in the range [lowLim + timeIn, highLim + timeIn] double JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::addTimeSmearing(int scinID, double zIn, double eneIn, double timeIn) { /// We cannot use setParameters(...) cause if there are more then 4 parameters /// It would set it all to 0. fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(0, double(scinID)); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(1, zIn); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(2, eneIn); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetParameter(3, timeIn); fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->SetRange(timeIn + fFunctionLimits[kTime].first, timeIn + fFunctionLimits[kTime].second); return fSmearingFunctions[kTime]->GetRandom(); } /// function is randomize in the range [lowLim + eneIn, highLim + eneIn] double JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::addEnergySmearing(int scinID, double zIn, double eneIn) { fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(0, double(scinID)); fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(1, zIn); fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetParameter(2, eneIn); fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->SetRange(eneIn + fFunctionLimits[kEnergy].first, eneIn + fFunctionLimits[kEnergy].second); return fSmearingFunctions[kEnergy]->GetRandom(); } /// function is randomize in the range [lowLim + zIn, highLim + zIn] double JPetHitExperimentalParametrizer::addZHitSmearing(int scinID, double zIn, double eneIn) { /// We cannot use setParameters(...) cause if there are more then 4 parameters /// It would set it all to 0. fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(0, double(scinID)); fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(1, zIn); fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetParameter(2, eneIn); fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->SetRange(zIn + fFunctionLimits[kZPosition].first, zIn + fFunctionLimits[kZPosition].second); return fSmearingFunctions[kZPosition]->GetRandom(); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* @file add_noexcept @Copyright Barrett Adair 2015-2017 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_ADD_NOEXCEPT_HPP #define BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_ADD_NOEXCEPT_HPP #include <boost/callable_traits/detail/core.hpp> namespace boost { namespace callable_traits { BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_DEFINE_SFINAE_ERROR_ORIGIN(add_noexcept) BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_SFINAE_MSG(add_noexcept, cannot_add_noexcept_to_this_type) #ifndef BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_ENABLE_NOEXCEPT_TYPES template<typename T> struct add_noexcept_t { static_assert(std::is_same<T, detail::dummy>::value, "noexcept types not supported by this configuration."); }; template<typename T> struct add_noexcept { static_assert(std::is_same<T, detail::dummy>::value, "noexcept types not supported by this configuration."); }; #else //[ add_noexcept_hpp /*` [section:ref_add_noexcept add_noexcept] [heading Header] ``#include <boost/callable_traits/add_noexcept.hpp>`` [heading Definition] */ template<typename T> using add_noexcept_t = //see below //<- detail::try_but_fail_if_invalid< typename detail::traits<T>::add_noexcept, cannot_add_noexcept_to_this_type>; namespace detail { template<typename T, typename = std::false_type> struct add_noexcept_impl {}; template<typename T> struct add_noexcept_impl <T, typename std::is_same< add_noexcept_t<T>, detail::dummy>::type> { using type = add_noexcept_t<T>; }; } //-> template<typename T> struct add_noexcept : detail::add_noexcept_impl<T> {}; //<- #endif // #ifdef BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_ENABLE_NOEXCEPT_TYPES }} // namespace boost::callable_traits //-> /*` [heading Constraints] * `T` must be one of the following: * function type * function pointer type * function reference type * member function pointer type * If `T` is a pointer, it may not be cv/ref qualified [heading Behavior] * A substitution failure occurs if the constraints are violated. * Adds a `noexcept` specifier to `T`, if not already present. [heading Input/Output Examples] [table [[`T`] [`add_noexcept_t<T>`]] [[`int()`] [`int() noexcept`]] [[`int (&)()`] [`int(&)() noexcept`]] [[`int (*)()`] [`int(*)() noexcept`]] [[`int(foo::*)()`] [`int(foo::*)() noexcept`]] [[`int(foo::*)() &`] [`int(foo::*)() & noexcept`]] [[`int(foo::*)() &&`] [`int(foo::*)() && noexcept`]] [[`int(foo::*)() const transaction_safe`] [`int(foo::*)() const transaction_safe noexcept`]] [[`int(foo::*)() noexcept`] [`int(foo::*)() noexcept`]] [[`int`] [(substitution failure)]] [[`int foo::*`] [(substitution failure)]] [[`int (*&)()`] [(substitution failure)]] ] [heading Example Program] [import ../example/add_noexcept.cpp] [add_noexcept] [endsect] */ //] #endif // #ifndef BOOST_CLBL_TRTS_ADD_NOEXCEPT_HPP <commit_msg>Delete add_noexcept.hpp<commit_after><|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ // $MpId: AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator.cxx,v 1.8 2006/05/24 13:58:46 ivana Exp $ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator // --------------------------------- // Class, which defines an iterator over the pads // inside a given area in a sector in vertical direction. // Included in AliRoot: 2003/05/02 // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include "AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator.h" #include "AliMpSectorSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include <Riostream.h> /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator) /// \endcond //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator( const AliMpSectorSegmentation* segmentation, const AliMpArea& area) : AliMpVPadIterator(), fkSegmentation(segmentation), fkArea(area), fCurrentPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()), fCurrentColumnPosition(0.) { /// Standard constructor, start in invalid position } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator( const AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator& right) : AliMpVPadIterator(right), fkSegmentation(0), fkArea(AliMpArea()), fCurrentPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()), fCurrentColumnPosition(0.) { /// Copy constructor *this = right; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator() : AliMpVPadIterator(), fkSegmentation(0), fkArea(AliMpArea()), fCurrentPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()), fCurrentColumnPosition(0.) { /// Default constructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::~AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator() { /// Destructor } // // operators // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator& AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::operator = (const AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator& right) { /// Assignment operator // check assignment to self if (this == &right) return *this; // base class assignment AliMpVPadIterator::operator=(right); fkSegmentation = right.fkSegmentation; fkArea = right.fkArea; fCurrentPad = right.fCurrentPad; fCurrentColumnPosition = right.fCurrentColumnPosition; return *this; } // // private methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::IsValid() const { /// Is the iterator in a valid position? return fCurrentPad.IsValid() ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::MoveRight() { /// Increase the current row position and searches the first valid pad. Double_t step = 2.* fkSegmentation->GetMinPadDimensions().X(); while ( !fCurrentPad.IsValid() && fCurrentColumnPosition + step < fkArea.RightBorder()) { fCurrentColumnPosition += step; TVector2 position = TVector2(fCurrentColumnPosition, fkArea.DownBorder()); fCurrentPad = fkSegmentation->PadByDirection(position, fkArea.UpBorder()); } } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::First() { /// Reset the iterator, so that it points to the first available /// pad in the area if (!fkSegmentation) { AliFatal("Segmentation is not defined"); return; } // Start position = left down corner of the area // fCurrentColumnPosition = fkArea.LeftBorder(); TVector2 position(fkArea.LeftDownCorner()); fCurrentPad = fkSegmentation->PadByDirection(position, fkArea.UpBorder()); MoveRight(); // Set the column position to the center of pad // if (fCurrentPad.IsValid()) fCurrentColumnPosition = fCurrentPad.Position().X(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::Next() { /// Move the iterator to the next valid pad. if (!IsValid()) return; // Start position = up board of current pad + little step // TVector2 position = fCurrentPad.Position() + TVector2(0., fCurrentPad.Dimensions().Y() + AliMpConstants::LengthStep()); fCurrentPad = fkSegmentation->PadByDirection(position, fkArea.UpBorder()); if (fCurrentPad.IsValid()) return; MoveRight(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::IsDone() const { /// Is the iterator in the end ? return !IsValid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::CurrentItem () const { /// Return current pad. return fCurrentPad; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::Invalidate() { /// Let the iterator point to the invalid position fCurrentPad = AliMpPad::Invalid(); fCurrentColumnPosition = 0; } <commit_msg>Corrected MoveRight() function<commit_after>/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ // $MpId: AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator.cxx,v 1.8 2006/05/24 13:58:46 ivana Exp $ // Category: sector // // Class AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator // --------------------------------- // Class, which defines an iterator over the pads // inside a given area in a sector in vertical direction. // Included in AliRoot: 2003/05/02 // Authors: David Guez, Ivana Hrivnacova; IPN Orsay #include "AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator.h" #include "AliMpSectorSegmentation.h" #include "AliMpConstants.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include <Riostream.h> /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator) /// \endcond //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator( const AliMpSectorSegmentation* segmentation, const AliMpArea& area) : AliMpVPadIterator(), fkSegmentation(segmentation), fkArea(area), fCurrentPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()), fCurrentColumnPosition(0.) { /// Standard constructor, start in invalid position } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator( const AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator& right) : AliMpVPadIterator(right), fkSegmentation(0), fkArea(AliMpArea()), fCurrentPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()), fCurrentColumnPosition(0.) { /// Copy constructor *this = right; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator() : AliMpVPadIterator(), fkSegmentation(0), fkArea(AliMpArea()), fCurrentPad(AliMpPad::Invalid()), fCurrentColumnPosition(0.) { /// Default constructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::~AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator() { /// Destructor } // // operators // //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator& AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::operator = (const AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator& right) { /// Assignment operator // check assignment to self if (this == &right) return *this; // base class assignment AliMpVPadIterator::operator=(right); fkSegmentation = right.fkSegmentation; fkArea = right.fkArea; fCurrentPad = right.fCurrentPad; fCurrentColumnPosition = right.fCurrentColumnPosition; return *this; } // // private methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::IsValid() const { /// Is the iterator in a valid position? return fCurrentPad.IsValid() ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::MoveRight() { /// Increase the current row position and searches the first valid pad. Double_t dx = fkSegmentation->GetMinPadDimensions().X(); while ( !fCurrentPad.IsValid() && fCurrentColumnPosition + dx < fkArea.RightBorder()) { fCurrentColumnPosition += 2.*dx; TVector2 position = TVector2(fCurrentColumnPosition, fkArea.DownBorder()); fCurrentPad = fkSegmentation->PadByDirection(position, fkArea.UpBorder()); } } // // public methods // //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::First() { /// Reset the iterator, so that it points to the first available /// pad in the area if (!fkSegmentation) { AliFatal("Segmentation is not defined"); return; } // Start position = left down corner of the area // fCurrentColumnPosition = fkArea.LeftBorder(); TVector2 position(fkArea.LeftDownCorner()); fCurrentPad = fkSegmentation->PadByDirection(position, fkArea.UpBorder()); MoveRight(); // Set the column position to the center of pad // if (fCurrentPad.IsValid()) fCurrentColumnPosition = fCurrentPad.Position().X(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::Next() { /// Move the iterator to the next valid pad. if (!IsValid()) return; // Start position = up board of current pad + little step // TVector2 position = fCurrentPad.Position() + TVector2(0., fCurrentPad.Dimensions().Y() + AliMpConstants::LengthStep()); fCurrentPad = fkSegmentation->PadByDirection(position, fkArea.UpBorder()); if (fCurrentPad.IsValid()) return; MoveRight(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::IsDone() const { /// Is the iterator in the end ? return !IsValid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliMpPad AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::CurrentItem () const { /// Return current pad. return fCurrentPad; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliMpSectorAreaVPadIterator::Invalidate() { /// Let the iterator point to the invalid position fCurrentPad = AliMpPad::Invalid(); fCurrentColumnPosition = 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "logicalModel.h" #include "graphicalModel.h" #include <QtCore/QUuid> using namespace qReal; using namespace models; using namespace models::details; using namespace modelsImplementation; LogicalModel::LogicalModel(qrRepo::LogicalRepoApi *repoApi, EditorManagerInterface const &editorManagerInterface) : AbstractModel(editorManagerInterface), mGraphicalModelView(this), mApi(*repoApi) { mRootItem = new LogicalModelItem(Id::rootId(), NULL); init(); mLogicalAssistApi = new LogicalModelAssistApi(*this, editorManagerInterface); } LogicalModel::~LogicalModel() { delete mLogicalAssistApi; cleanupTree(mRootItem); } void LogicalModel::init() { mModelItems.insert(Id::rootId(), mRootItem); mApi.setName(Id::rootId(), Id::rootId().toString()); // Turn off view notification while loading. blockSignals(true); loadSubtreeFromClient(static_cast<LogicalModelItem *>(mRootItem)); blockSignals(false); } void LogicalModel::loadSubtreeFromClient(LogicalModelItem * const parent) { foreach (Id childId, mApi.children(parent->id())) { if (mApi.isLogicalElement(childId)) { LogicalModelItem *child = loadElement(parent, childId); loadSubtreeFromClient(child); } } } LogicalModelItem *LogicalModel::loadElement(LogicalModelItem *parentItem, Id const &id) { int const newRow = parentItem->children().size(); beginInsertRows(index(parentItem), newRow, newRow); LogicalModelItem *item = new LogicalModelItem(id, parentItem); addInsufficientProperties(id); parentItem->addChild(item); mModelItems.insert(id, item); endInsertRows(); return item; } void LogicalModel::addInsufficientProperties(Id const &id, QString const &name) { if (!mEditorManagerInterface.hasElement(id.type())) { return; } QMap<QString, QVariant> const standardProperties; standardProperties.insert("name", name); standardProperties.insert("from", Id::rootId().toVariant()); standardProperties.insert("to", Id::rootId().toVariant()); standardProperties.insert("links", IdListHelper::toVariant(IdList())); standardProperties.insert("outgoingExplosion", Id().toVariant()); standardProperties.insert("incomingExplosions", IdListHelper::toVariant(IdList())); foreach (QString const &property, standardProperties.keys()) { if (!mApi.hasProperty(id, property)) { mApi.setProperty(id, property, standardProperties[property]); } } QStringList const properties = mEditorManagerInterface.propertyNames(id.type()); foreach (QString const &property, properties) { // for those properties that doesn't have default values, plugin will return empty string mApi.setProperty(id, property, mEditorManagerInterface.defaultPropertyValue(id, property)); } } void LogicalModel::connectToGraphicalModel(GraphicalModel * const graphicalModel) { mGraphicalModelView.setModel(graphicalModel); } AbstractModelItem *LogicalModel::createModelItem(Id const &id, AbstractModelItem *parentItem) const { return new LogicalModelItem(id, static_cast<LogicalModelItem *>(parentItem)); } void LogicalModel::updateElements(Id const &logicalId, QString const &name) { if ((logicalId == Id()) || (mApi.name(logicalId) == name)) { return; } mApi.setName(logicalId, name); emit dataChanged(indexById(logicalId), indexById(logicalId)); } QMimeData* LogicalModel::mimeData(QModelIndexList const &indexes) const { QByteArray data; bool isFromLogicalModel = true; QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); foreach (QModelIndex index, indexes) { if (index.isValid()) { AbstractModelItem *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem*>(index.internalPointer()); stream << item->id().toString(); stream << pathToItem(item); stream << mApi.property(item->id(), "name").toString(); stream << QPointF(); stream << isFromLogicalModel; } else { stream << Id::rootId().toString(); stream << QString(); stream << QString(); stream << QPointF(); stream << isFromLogicalModel; } } QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData(); mimeData->setData(DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE, data); return mimeData; } QString LogicalModel::pathToItem(AbstractModelItem const *item) const { if (item != mRootItem) { QString path; do { item = item->parent(); path = item->id().toString() + ID_PATH_DIVIDER + path; } while (item != mRootItem); return path; } else return Id::rootId().toString(); } void LogicalModel::addElementToModel(const Id &parent, const Id &id, const Id &logicalId , QString const &name, const QPointF &position) { if (mModelItems.contains(id)) return; Q_ASSERT_X(mModelItems.contains(parent), "addElementToModel", "Adding element to non-existing parent"); AbstractModelItem *parentItem = mModelItems[parent]; AbstractModelItem *newItem = NULL; if (logicalId != Id::rootId() && mModelItems.contains(logicalId)) { if (parent == logicalId) { return; } else { changeParent(index(mModelItems[logicalId]), index(parentItem), QPointF()); } } else { newItem = createModelItem(id, parentItem); initializeElement(id, parentItem, newItem, name, position); } } void LogicalModel::initializeElement(Id const &id, modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *parentItem , modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *item, QString const &name, QPointF const &position) { Q_UNUSED(position) int newRow = parentItem->children().size(); beginInsertRows(index(parentItem), newRow, newRow); parentItem->addChild(item); mApi.addChild(parentItem->id(), id); addInsufficientProperties(id); mModelItems.insert(id, item); endInsertRows(); } QVariant LogicalModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.isValid()) { AbstractModelItem *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem*>(index.internalPointer()); Q_ASSERT(item); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: return mApi.name(item->id()); case Qt::DecorationRole: return QVariant(); // return mEditorManager.icon(item->id()); case roles::idRole: return item->id().toVariant(); case roles::fromRole: return mApi.from(item->id()).toVariant(); case roles::toRole: return mApi.to(item->id()).toVariant(); } if (role >= roles::customPropertiesBeginRole) { QString selectedProperty = findPropertyName(item->id(), role); return mApi.property(item->id(), selectedProperty); } Q_ASSERT(role < Qt::UserRole); return QVariant(); } else { return QVariant(); } } bool LogicalModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (index.isValid()) { AbstractModelItem *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(index.internalPointer()); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: mApi.setName(item->id(), value.toString()); break; case roles::fromRole: mApi.setFrom(item->id(), value.value<Id>()); break; case roles::toRole: mApi.setTo(item->id(), value.value<Id>()); break; default: if (role >= roles::customPropertiesBeginRole) { QString selectedProperty = findPropertyName(item->id(), role); mApi.setProperty(item->id(), selectedProperty, value); break; } Q_ASSERT(role < Qt::UserRole); return false; } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } return false; } void LogicalModel::changeParent(QModelIndex const &element, QModelIndex const &parent, QPointF const &position) { Q_UNUSED(position) if (!parent.isValid() || element.parent() == parent) return; int destinationRow = parentAbstractItem(parent)->children().size(); if (beginMoveRows(element.parent(), element.row(), element.row(), parent, destinationRow)) { AbstractModelItem *elementItem = static_cast<AbstractModelItem*>(element.internalPointer()); elementItem->parent()->removeChild(elementItem); AbstractModelItem *parentItem = parentAbstractItem(parent); mApi.setParent(elementItem->id(), parentItem->id()); elementItem->setParent(parentItem); parentItem->addChild(elementItem); endMoveRows(); } } void LogicalModel::changeParent(const Id &parentId, const Id &childId) { QModelIndex parentIndex = mLogicalAssistApi->indexById(parentId); QModelIndex childIndex = mLogicalAssistApi->indexById(childId); changeParent(childIndex, parentIndex, QPointF()); } void LogicalModel::stackBefore(const QModelIndex &element, const QModelIndex &sibling) { if (element == sibling) { return; } beginMoveRows(element.parent(), element.row(), element.row(), element.parent(), sibling.row()); AbstractModelItem *parent = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(element.parent().internalPointer()) , *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(element.internalPointer()) , *siblingItem = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(sibling.internalPointer()); parent->stackBefore(item, siblingItem); mApi.stackBefore(parent->id(), item->id(), siblingItem->id()); endMoveRows(); } qrRepo::LogicalRepoApi const &LogicalModel::api() const { return mApi; } qrRepo::LogicalRepoApi &LogicalModel::mutableApi() const { return mApi; } LogicalModelAssistApi &LogicalModel::logicalModelAssistApi() const { return *mLogicalAssistApi; } bool LogicalModel::removeRows(int row, int count, QModelIndex const &parent) { AbstractModelItem *parentItem = parentAbstractItem(parent); if (parentItem->children().size() < row + count) return false; else { for (int i = row; i < row + count; ++i) { AbstractModelItem *child = parentItem->children().at(i); removeModelItems(child); int childRow = child->row(); beginRemoveRows(parent, childRow, childRow); child->parent()->removeChild(child); mModelItems.remove(child->id()); if (mModelItems.count(child->id()) == 0) mApi.removeChild(parentItem->id(), child->id()); mApi.removeElement(child->id()); delete child; endRemoveRows(); } return true; } } void LogicalModel::removeModelItemFromApi(details::modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *const root, details::modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *child) { if (mModelItems.count(child->id())==0) { mApi.removeChild(root->id(),child->id()); } mApi.removeElement(child->id()); } qReal::details::ModelsAssistInterface* LogicalModel::modelAssistInterface() const { return mLogicalAssistApi; } <commit_msg>Some extended fixes<commit_after>#include "logicalModel.h" #include "graphicalModel.h" #include <QtCore/QUuid> using namespace qReal; using namespace models; using namespace models::details; using namespace modelsImplementation; LogicalModel::LogicalModel(qrRepo::LogicalRepoApi *repoApi, EditorManagerInterface const &editorManagerInterface) : AbstractModel(editorManagerInterface), mGraphicalModelView(this), mApi(*repoApi) { mRootItem = new LogicalModelItem(Id::rootId(), NULL); init(); mLogicalAssistApi = new LogicalModelAssistApi(*this, editorManagerInterface); } LogicalModel::~LogicalModel() { delete mLogicalAssistApi; cleanupTree(mRootItem); } void LogicalModel::init() { mModelItems.insert(Id::rootId(), mRootItem); mApi.setName(Id::rootId(), Id::rootId().toString()); // Turn off view notification while loading. blockSignals(true); loadSubtreeFromClient(static_cast<LogicalModelItem *>(mRootItem)); blockSignals(false); } void LogicalModel::loadSubtreeFromClient(LogicalModelItem * const parent) { foreach (Id childId, mApi.children(parent->id())) { if (mApi.isLogicalElement(childId)) { LogicalModelItem *child = loadElement(parent, childId); loadSubtreeFromClient(child); } } } LogicalModelItem *LogicalModel::loadElement(LogicalModelItem *parentItem, Id const &id) { int const newRow = parentItem->children().size(); beginInsertRows(index(parentItem), newRow, newRow); LogicalModelItem *item = new LogicalModelItem(id, parentItem); addInsufficientProperties(id); parentItem->addChild(item); mModelItems.insert(id, item); endInsertRows(); return item; } void LogicalModel::addInsufficientProperties(Id const &id, QString const &name) { if (!mEditorManagerInterface.hasElement(id.type())) { return; } QMap<QString, QVariant> standardProperties; standardProperties.insert("name", name); standardProperties.insert("from", Id::rootId().toVariant()); standardProperties.insert("to", Id::rootId().toVariant()); standardProperties.insert("links", IdListHelper::toVariant(IdList())); standardProperties.insert("outgoingExplosion", Id().toVariant()); standardProperties.insert("incomingExplosions", IdListHelper::toVariant(IdList())); foreach (QString const &property, standardProperties.keys()) { if (!mApi.hasProperty(id, property)) { mApi.setProperty(id, property, standardProperties[property]); } } QStringList const properties = mEditorManagerInterface.propertyNames(id.type()); foreach (QString const &property, properties) { // for those properties that doesn't have default values, plugin will return empty string mApi.setProperty(id, property, mEditorManagerInterface.defaultPropertyValue(id, property)); } } void LogicalModel::connectToGraphicalModel(GraphicalModel * const graphicalModel) { mGraphicalModelView.setModel(graphicalModel); } AbstractModelItem *LogicalModel::createModelItem(Id const &id, AbstractModelItem *parentItem) const { return new LogicalModelItem(id, static_cast<LogicalModelItem *>(parentItem)); } void LogicalModel::updateElements(Id const &logicalId, QString const &name) { if ((logicalId == Id()) || (mApi.name(logicalId) == name)) { return; } mApi.setName(logicalId, name); emit dataChanged(indexById(logicalId), indexById(logicalId)); } QMimeData* LogicalModel::mimeData(QModelIndexList const &indexes) const { QByteArray data; bool isFromLogicalModel = true; QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); foreach (QModelIndex index, indexes) { if (index.isValid()) { AbstractModelItem *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem*>(index.internalPointer()); stream << item->id().toString(); stream << pathToItem(item); stream << mApi.property(item->id(), "name").toString(); stream << QPointF(); stream << isFromLogicalModel; } else { stream << Id::rootId().toString(); stream << QString(); stream << QString(); stream << QPointF(); stream << isFromLogicalModel; } } QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData(); mimeData->setData(DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE, data); return mimeData; } QString LogicalModel::pathToItem(AbstractModelItem const *item) const { if (item != mRootItem) { QString path; do { item = item->parent(); path = item->id().toString() + ID_PATH_DIVIDER + path; } while (item != mRootItem); return path; } else return Id::rootId().toString(); } void LogicalModel::addElementToModel(const Id &parent, const Id &id, const Id &logicalId , QString const &name, const QPointF &position) { if (mModelItems.contains(id)) return; Q_ASSERT_X(mModelItems.contains(parent), "addElementToModel", "Adding element to non-existing parent"); AbstractModelItem *parentItem = mModelItems[parent]; AbstractModelItem *newItem = NULL; if (logicalId != Id::rootId() && mModelItems.contains(logicalId)) { if (parent == logicalId) { return; } else { changeParent(index(mModelItems[logicalId]), index(parentItem), QPointF()); } } else { newItem = createModelItem(id, parentItem); initializeElement(id, parentItem, newItem, name, position); } } void LogicalModel::initializeElement(Id const &id, modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *parentItem , modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *item, QString const &name, QPointF const &position) { Q_UNUSED(position) int newRow = parentItem->children().size(); beginInsertRows(index(parentItem), newRow, newRow); parentItem->addChild(item); mApi.addChild(parentItem->id(), id); addInsufficientProperties(id, name); mModelItems.insert(id, item); endInsertRows(); } QVariant LogicalModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (index.isValid()) { AbstractModelItem *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem*>(index.internalPointer()); Q_ASSERT(item); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: return mApi.name(item->id()); case Qt::DecorationRole: return QVariant(); // return mEditorManager.icon(item->id()); case roles::idRole: return item->id().toVariant(); case roles::fromRole: return mApi.from(item->id()).toVariant(); case roles::toRole: return mApi.to(item->id()).toVariant(); } if (role >= roles::customPropertiesBeginRole) { QString selectedProperty = findPropertyName(item->id(), role); return mApi.property(item->id(), selectedProperty); } Q_ASSERT(role < Qt::UserRole); return QVariant(); } else { return QVariant(); } } bool LogicalModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (index.isValid()) { AbstractModelItem *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(index.internalPointer()); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: mApi.setName(item->id(), value.toString()); break; case roles::fromRole: mApi.setFrom(item->id(), value.value<Id>()); break; case roles::toRole: mApi.setTo(item->id(), value.value<Id>()); break; default: if (role >= roles::customPropertiesBeginRole) { QString selectedProperty = findPropertyName(item->id(), role); mApi.setProperty(item->id(), selectedProperty, value); break; } Q_ASSERT(role < Qt::UserRole); return false; } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } return false; } void LogicalModel::changeParent(QModelIndex const &element, QModelIndex const &parent, QPointF const &position) { Q_UNUSED(position) if (!parent.isValid() || element.parent() == parent) return; int destinationRow = parentAbstractItem(parent)->children().size(); if (beginMoveRows(element.parent(), element.row(), element.row(), parent, destinationRow)) { AbstractModelItem *elementItem = static_cast<AbstractModelItem*>(element.internalPointer()); elementItem->parent()->removeChild(elementItem); AbstractModelItem *parentItem = parentAbstractItem(parent); mApi.setParent(elementItem->id(), parentItem->id()); elementItem->setParent(parentItem); parentItem->addChild(elementItem); endMoveRows(); } } void LogicalModel::changeParent(const Id &parentId, const Id &childId) { QModelIndex parentIndex = mLogicalAssistApi->indexById(parentId); QModelIndex childIndex = mLogicalAssistApi->indexById(childId); changeParent(childIndex, parentIndex, QPointF()); } void LogicalModel::stackBefore(const QModelIndex &element, const QModelIndex &sibling) { if (element == sibling) { return; } beginMoveRows(element.parent(), element.row(), element.row(), element.parent(), sibling.row()); AbstractModelItem *parent = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(element.parent().internalPointer()) , *item = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(element.internalPointer()) , *siblingItem = static_cast<AbstractModelItem *>(sibling.internalPointer()); parent->stackBefore(item, siblingItem); mApi.stackBefore(parent->id(), item->id(), siblingItem->id()); endMoveRows(); } qrRepo::LogicalRepoApi const &LogicalModel::api() const { return mApi; } qrRepo::LogicalRepoApi &LogicalModel::mutableApi() const { return mApi; } LogicalModelAssistApi &LogicalModel::logicalModelAssistApi() const { return *mLogicalAssistApi; } bool LogicalModel::removeRows(int row, int count, QModelIndex const &parent) { AbstractModelItem *parentItem = parentAbstractItem(parent); if (parentItem->children().size() < row + count) return false; else { for (int i = row; i < row + count; ++i) { AbstractModelItem *child = parentItem->children().at(i); removeModelItems(child); int childRow = child->row(); beginRemoveRows(parent, childRow, childRow); child->parent()->removeChild(child); mModelItems.remove(child->id()); if (mModelItems.count(child->id()) == 0) mApi.removeChild(parentItem->id(), child->id()); mApi.removeElement(child->id()); delete child; endRemoveRows(); } return true; } } void LogicalModel::removeModelItemFromApi(details::modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *const root, details::modelsImplementation::AbstractModelItem *child) { if (mModelItems.count(child->id())==0) { mApi.removeChild(root->id(),child->id()); } mApi.removeElement(child->id()); } qReal::details::ModelsAssistInterface* LogicalModel::modelAssistInterface() const { return mLogicalAssistApi; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "event.h" #include <iomanip> #include <ios> #include <map> using std::to_string; namespace lhef { std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, GlobalInfo& info) { is >> info.idbmup.first >> info.idbmup.second >> info.ebmup.first >> info.ebmup.second >> info.pdfgup.first >> info.pdfgup.second >> info.pdfsup.first >> info.pdfsup.second >> info.idwtup >> info.nprup; double _xsecup, _xerrup, _xmaxup; int _lprup; for (int i = 0; i < info.nprup; ++i) { is >> _xsecup >> _xerrup >> _xmaxup >> _lprup; info.xsecup.push_back(_xsecup); info.xerrup.push_back(_xerrup); info.xmaxup.push_back(_xmaxup); info.lprup.push_back(_lprup); } return is; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GlobalInfo& info) { os << "<init>\n"; auto ss = os.precision(); os << std::setw(9) << info.idbmup.first << std::setw(9) << info.idbmup.second << std::setprecision(11) << std::scientific << std::uppercase << std::setw(19) << info.ebmup.first << std::setw(19) << info.ebmup.second; os.precision(ss); os << std::setw(2) << info.pdfgup.first << std::setw(2) << info.pdfgup.second << std::setw(6) << info.pdfsup.first << std::setw(6) << info.pdfsup.second << std::setw(2) << info.idwtup << std::setw(3) << info.nprup << '\n'; auto xsecup_it = info.xsecup.begin(); auto xerrup_it = info.xerrup.begin(); auto xmaxup_it = info.xmaxup.begin(); auto lprup_it = info.lprup.begin(); for ( ; xsecup_it != info.xsecup.end() || xerrup_it != info.xerrup.end() || xmaxup_it != info.xmaxup.end() || lprup_it != info.lprup.end(); ++xsecup_it, ++xerrup_it, ++xmaxup_it, ++lprup_it) { os << std::setprecision(11) << std::scientific << std::uppercase << std::setw(19) << *xsecup_it << std::setw(19) << *xerrup_it << std::setw(19) << *xmaxup_it; os.precision(ss); os << std::setw(4) << *lprup_it << '\n'; } os << "</init>"; return os; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, EventInfo& evinfo) { is >> evinfo.nup >> evinfo.idprup >> evinfo.xwgtup >> evinfo.scalup >> evinfo.aqedup >> evinfo.aqcdup; return is; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const EventInfo& evinfo) { auto ss = os.precision(); os << std::setw(2) << evinfo.nup << std::setw(4) << evinfo.idprup << std::setprecision(7) << std::scientific << std::uppercase << std::setw(15) << evinfo.xwgtup << std::setw(15) << evinfo.scalup << std::setw(15) << evinfo.aqedup << std::setw(15) << evinfo.aqcdup; os.precision(ss); return os; } const std::string show(const EventInfo& evinfo) { std::string evinfo_str = "EventInfo {nup=" + to_string(evinfo.nup) + ",idprup=" + to_string(evinfo.idprup) + ",xwgtup=" + to_string(evinfo.xwgtup) + ",scalup=" + to_string(evinfo.scalup) + ",aqedup=" + to_string(evinfo.aqedup) + ",aqcdup=" + to_string(evinfo.aqcdup) + "}"; return evinfo_str; } const std::string show(const EventEntry& entry) { std::string entry_str = "["; for (const auto& e : entry) { entry_str += "(" + to_string(e.first) + "," + show(e.second) + "),"; } entry_str.pop_back(); entry_str += "]"; return entry_str; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Event& ev) { os << "<event>\n" << ev.event_.first << '\n'; // EventEntry is unordered_map. It has to be ordered. std::map<int, Particle> entry_ordered(ev.event_.second.cbegin(), ev.event_.second.cend()); for (const auto& entry : entry_ordered) { os << entry.second << '\n'; } os << "</event>"; return os; } const std::string show(const Event& ev) { std::string ev_str = "Event ("; ev_str += show(ev.event_.first) + "," + show(ev.event_.second) + ")"; return ev_str; } } // namespace lhef <commit_msg>Clean up codes<commit_after>#include "event.h" #include <iomanip> #include <ios> #include <map> using std::setw; using std::to_string; namespace lhef { std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, GlobalInfo& info) { is >> info.idbmup.first >> info.idbmup.second >> info.ebmup.first >> info.ebmup.second >> info.pdfgup.first >> info.pdfgup.second >> info.pdfsup.first >> info.pdfsup.second >> info.idwtup >> info.nprup; double _xsecup, _xerrup, _xmaxup; int _lprup; for (int i = 0; i < info.nprup; ++i) { is >> _xsecup >> _xerrup >> _xmaxup >> _lprup; info.xsecup.push_back(_xsecup); info.xerrup.push_back(_xerrup); info.xmaxup.push_back(_xmaxup); info.lprup.push_back(_lprup); } return is; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GlobalInfo& info) { auto ss = os.precision(); os << "<init>\n"; os << setw(9) << info.idbmup.first << setw(9) << info.idbmup.second << std::setprecision(11) << std::scientific << std::uppercase << setw(19) << info.ebmup.first << setw(19) << info.ebmup.second; os.precision(ss); os << setw(2) << info.pdfgup.first << setw(2) << info.pdfgup.second << setw(6) << info.pdfsup.first << setw(6) << info.pdfsup.second << setw(2) << info.idwtup << setw(3) << info.nprup << '\n'; auto xsecup_it = info.xsecup.begin(); auto xerrup_it = info.xerrup.begin(); auto xmaxup_it = info.xmaxup.begin(); auto lprup_it = info.lprup.begin(); for ( ; xsecup_it != info.xsecup.end() || xerrup_it != info.xerrup.end() || xmaxup_it != info.xmaxup.end() || lprup_it != info.lprup.end(); ++xsecup_it, ++xerrup_it, ++xmaxup_it, ++lprup_it) { os << std::setprecision(11) << std::scientific << std::uppercase << setw(19) << *xsecup_it << setw(19) << *xerrup_it << setw(19) << *xmaxup_it; os << setw(4) << *lprup_it << '\n'; } os << "</init>"; os.precision(ss); return os; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, EventInfo& evinfo) { is >> evinfo.nup >> evinfo.idprup >> evinfo.xwgtup >> evinfo.scalup >> evinfo.aqedup >> evinfo.aqcdup; return is; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const EventInfo& evinfo) { auto ss = os.precision(); os << setw(2) << evinfo.nup << setw(4) << evinfo.idprup << std::setprecision(7) << std::scientific << std::uppercase << setw(15) << evinfo.xwgtup << setw(15) << evinfo.scalup << setw(15) << evinfo.aqedup << setw(15) << evinfo.aqcdup; os.precision(ss); return os; } const std::string show(const EventInfo& evinfo) { std::string evinfo_str = "EventInfo {nup=" + to_string(evinfo.nup) + ",idprup=" + to_string(evinfo.idprup) + ",xwgtup=" + to_string(evinfo.xwgtup) + ",scalup=" + to_string(evinfo.scalup) + ",aqedup=" + to_string(evinfo.aqedup) + ",aqcdup=" + to_string(evinfo.aqcdup) + "}"; return evinfo_str; } const std::string show(const EventEntry& entry) { std::string entry_str = "["; for (const auto& e : entry) { entry_str += "(" + to_string(e.first) + "," + show(e.second) + "),"; } entry_str.pop_back(); entry_str += "]"; return entry_str; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Event& ev) { os << "<event>\n" << ev.event_.first << '\n'; // EventEntry is unordered_map. It has to be ordered. std::map<int, Particle> entry_ordered(ev.event_.second.cbegin(), ev.event_.second.cend()); for (const auto& entry : entry_ordered) { os << entry.second << '\n'; } os << "</event>"; return os; } const std::string show(const Event& ev) { std::string ev_str = "Event ("; ev_str += show(ev.event_.first) + "," + show(ev.event_.second) + ")"; return ev_str; } } // namespace lhef <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/***************************************************************************** * Media Library ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen, Videolabs * * Authors: Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen<hugo@beauzee.fr> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "LinkService.h" #include "logging/Logger.h" #include "MediaLibrary.h" #include "Playlist.h" #include "Media.h" #include "File.h" namespace medialibrary { namespace parser { Status LinkService::run( IItem& item ) { switch ( item.linkType() ) { case IItem::LinkType::NoLink: LOG_ERROR( "Processing a task which is not a linking task from a " "linking service" ); return Status::Fatal; case IItem::LinkType::Media: return linkToMedia( item ); case IItem::LinkType::Playlist: return linkToPlaylist( item ); } assert( false ); return Status::Fatal; } const char* LinkService::name() const { return "linking"; } Step LinkService::targetedStep() const { return Step::Linking; } bool LinkService::initialize( IMediaLibrary* ml ) { m_ml = static_cast<MediaLibrary*>( ml ); return true; } void LinkService::onFlushing() { } void LinkService::onRestarted() { } void LinkService::stop() { } Status LinkService::linkToPlaylist(IItem& item) { auto mrl = item.mrl(); auto file = File::fromExternalMrl( m_ml, mrl ); // If the file isn't present yet, we assume it wasn't created yet. Let's // try to link it later if ( file == nullptr ) { file = File::fromMrl( m_ml, mrl ); if ( file == nullptr ) { /* * We expect an external media to be created before the link task * gets created. If we can't find a media associated to the mrl * we can give up. * If the media gets analyzed later on, it will be converted to an * internal one. */ return Status::Fatal; } } if ( file->isMain() == false ) return Status::Fatal; auto media = file->media(); if ( media == nullptr ) return Status::Requeue; auto playlist = Playlist::fetch( m_ml, item.linkToId() ); if ( playlist == nullptr ) return Status::Fatal; try { if ( playlist->add( *media, item.linkExtra() ) == false ) return Status::Fatal; } catch ( const sqlite::errors::ConstraintForeignKey& ) { // In the unlikely case the playlist or media gets deleted while we're // linking the playlist & media, just report an error. // If the playlist was deleted, the task will be deleted through a // trigger and we won't retry it anyway. return Status::Fatal; } // Explicitely mark the task as completed, as there is nothing more to run. // This shouldn't be needed, but requires a better handling of multiple pipeline. return Status::Completed; } Status LinkService::linkToMedia( IItem &item ) { auto media = std::static_pointer_cast<Media>( m_ml->media( item.linkToMrl() ) ); if ( media == nullptr ) return Status::Requeue; /* * When linking a subtitle file, it's quite easier since we don't * automatically import those, so we can safely assume the file isn't present * in DB, add it and be done with it. * For audio files though, it might be already imported, in which case we * will need to link it with the media associated with it, and effectively * delete the media that was created from that file */ if ( item.fileType() == IFile::Type::Subtitles ) { try { auto t = m_ml->getConn()->newTransaction(); int64_t fileId = item.fileId(); /* * In case a rescan was forced, or the item gets refreshed, we already * inserted the file in database, and we just need to link that file * with a subtitle track for this media */ if ( item.fileId() == 0 ) { auto file = media->addFile( item.mrl(), item.fileType() ); if ( file == nullptr ) return Status::Fatal; fileId = file->id(); item.setFile( std::move( file ) ); } /* We have no way of knowing the attached subtitle track info for now */ media->addSubtitleTrack( "", "", "", "", fileId ); t->commit(); } catch ( const sqlite::errors::ConstraintUnique& ) { /* * Assume that the task was already executed, and the file already linked * but the task bookeeping failed afterward. * Just ignore the error & mark the task as completed. */ } } else if ( item.fileType() == IFile::Type::Soundtrack ) { auto mrl = item.mrl(); auto t = m_ml->getConn()->newTransaction(); if ( item.fileId() == 0 ) { auto file = File::fromMrl( m_ml, mrl ); if ( file == nullptr ) { file = File::fromExternalMrl( m_ml, mrl ); if ( file == nullptr ) { file = std::static_pointer_cast<File>( media->addFile( std::move( mrl ), item.fileType() ) ); if ( file == nullptr ) return Status::Fatal; } } if ( file->setMediaId( media->id() ) == false ) return Status::Fatal; item.setFile( std::move( file ) ); } auto tracks = item.tracks(); for ( const auto& tr : tracks ) { media->addAudioTrack( tr.codec, tr.bitrate, tr.a.rate, tr.a.nbChannels, tr.language, tr.description, item.fileId() ); } t->commit(); } return Status::Completed; } } } <commit_msg>LinkService: Don't copy the item mrl<commit_after>/***************************************************************************** * Media Library ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen, Videolabs * * Authors: Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen<hugo@beauzee.fr> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "LinkService.h" #include "logging/Logger.h" #include "MediaLibrary.h" #include "Playlist.h" #include "Media.h" #include "File.h" namespace medialibrary { namespace parser { Status LinkService::run( IItem& item ) { switch ( item.linkType() ) { case IItem::LinkType::NoLink: LOG_ERROR( "Processing a task which is not a linking task from a " "linking service" ); return Status::Fatal; case IItem::LinkType::Media: return linkToMedia( item ); case IItem::LinkType::Playlist: return linkToPlaylist( item ); } assert( false ); return Status::Fatal; } const char* LinkService::name() const { return "linking"; } Step LinkService::targetedStep() const { return Step::Linking; } bool LinkService::initialize( IMediaLibrary* ml ) { m_ml = static_cast<MediaLibrary*>( ml ); return true; } void LinkService::onFlushing() { } void LinkService::onRestarted() { } void LinkService::stop() { } Status LinkService::linkToPlaylist( IItem& item ) { const auto& mrl = item.mrl(); auto file = File::fromExternalMrl( m_ml, mrl ); // If the file isn't present yet, we assume it wasn't created yet. Let's // try to link it later if ( file == nullptr ) { file = File::fromMrl( m_ml, mrl ); if ( file == nullptr ) { /* * We expect an external media to be created before the link task * gets created. If we can't find a media associated to the mrl * we can give up. * If the media gets analyzed later on, it will be converted to an * internal one. */ return Status::Fatal; } } if ( file->isMain() == false ) return Status::Fatal; auto media = file->media(); if ( media == nullptr ) return Status::Requeue; auto playlist = Playlist::fetch( m_ml, item.linkToId() ); if ( playlist == nullptr ) return Status::Fatal; try { if ( playlist->add( *media, item.linkExtra() ) == false ) return Status::Fatal; } catch ( const sqlite::errors::ConstraintForeignKey& ) { // In the unlikely case the playlist or media gets deleted while we're // linking the playlist & media, just report an error. // If the playlist was deleted, the task will be deleted through a // trigger and we won't retry it anyway. return Status::Fatal; } // Explicitely mark the task as completed, as there is nothing more to run. // This shouldn't be needed, but requires a better handling of multiple pipeline. return Status::Completed; } Status LinkService::linkToMedia( IItem &item ) { auto media = std::static_pointer_cast<Media>( m_ml->media( item.linkToMrl() ) ); if ( media == nullptr ) return Status::Requeue; /* * When linking a subtitle file, it's quite easier since we don't * automatically import those, so we can safely assume the file isn't present * in DB, add it and be done with it. * For audio files though, it might be already imported, in which case we * will need to link it with the media associated with it, and effectively * delete the media that was created from that file */ if ( item.fileType() == IFile::Type::Subtitles ) { try { auto t = m_ml->getConn()->newTransaction(); int64_t fileId = item.fileId(); /* * In case a rescan was forced, or the item gets refreshed, we already * inserted the file in database, and we just need to link that file * with a subtitle track for this media */ if ( item.fileId() == 0 ) { auto file = media->addFile( item.mrl(), item.fileType() ); if ( file == nullptr ) return Status::Fatal; fileId = file->id(); item.setFile( std::move( file ) ); } /* We have no way of knowing the attached subtitle track info for now */ media->addSubtitleTrack( "", "", "", "", fileId ); t->commit(); } catch ( const sqlite::errors::ConstraintUnique& ) { /* * Assume that the task was already executed, and the file already linked * but the task bookeeping failed afterward. * Just ignore the error & mark the task as completed. */ } } else if ( item.fileType() == IFile::Type::Soundtrack ) { auto mrl = item.mrl(); auto t = m_ml->getConn()->newTransaction(); if ( item.fileId() == 0 ) { auto file = File::fromMrl( m_ml, mrl ); if ( file == nullptr ) { file = File::fromExternalMrl( m_ml, mrl ); if ( file == nullptr ) { file = std::static_pointer_cast<File>( media->addFile( std::move( mrl ), item.fileType() ) ); if ( file == nullptr ) return Status::Fatal; } } if ( file->setMediaId( media->id() ) == false ) return Status::Fatal; item.setFile( std::move( file ) ); } auto tracks = item.tracks(); for ( const auto& tr : tracks ) { media->addAudioTrack( tr.codec, tr.bitrate, tr.a.rate, tr.a.nbChannels, tr.language, tr.description, item.fileId() ); } t->commit(); } return Status::Completed; } } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "Body.h" void Body::setMass(float newMass){ mass = abs(newMass); } void Body::setRadius(float newRadius){ radius = abs(newRadius); } Body::Body(Eigen::Vector3f posInit, Eigen::Vector3f velInit, float massInit, float radiusInit){ position = posInit; velocity = velInit; mass = abs(massInit); radius = abs(radiusInit); } Eigen::Vector3f Body::getPos(){ return position; } Eigen::Vector3f Body::getVel(){ return velocity; } Eigen::Vector3f Body::getAcc(){ return acceleration; } float Body::getMass(){ return mass; } float Body::getRadius(){ return radius; } void Body::addSensor(Sensor* newSensor){ Sensors.push_back(newSensor); } void Body::addThruster(Thruster newThruster){ Thrusters.push_back(newThruster); } void Body::addSensor(int placeAfter, Sensor* newSensor){ Sensors.insert(Sensors.begin()+(placeAfter-1), newSensor); } void Body::addThruster(int placeAfter, Thruster newThruster){ Thrusters.insert(Thrusters.begin()+(placeAfter-1), newThruster); } void Body::removeSensor(int sensorNo){ Sensors.erase(Sensors.begin()+(sensorNo-1)); } void Body::removeThruster(int thrusterNo){ Thrusters.erase(Thrusters.begin()+(thrusterNo-1)); } float Body::getSensorValue(int sensorNo){ return Sensors[sensorNo-1]->getReading(); } Eigen::Vector3f Body::calculateThrustVector(){ Eigen::Vector3f plc(0,0,0); //for(Thruster thrust:Thrusters){plc+=thrust.getThrust();} //I can dream, Harold for(std::vector<Thruster>::iterator itr = Thrusters.begin(); itr!=Thrusters.end(); ++itr){ plc+=itr->viewThrust(); } return plc; } void Body::Update(float dt){ acceleration = this->calculateThrustVector()/this->getMass(); position+=dt*velocity+dt*dt/2*acceleration; velocity+=dt*acceleration; } <commit_msg>Fixed use of abs from cmath (ints only) to std::abs<commit_after>#include "Body.h" void Body::setMass(float newMass){ mass = std::abs(newMass); } void Body::setRadius(float newRadius){ radius = std::abs(newRadius); } Body::Body(Eigen::Vector3f posInit, Eigen::Vector3f velInit, float massInit, float radiusInit){ position = posInit; velocity = velInit; mass = std::abs(massInit); radius = std::abs(radiusInit); } Eigen::Vector3f Body::getPos(){ return position; } Eigen::Vector3f Body::getVel(){ return velocity; } Eigen::Vector3f Body::getAcc(){ return acceleration; } float Body::getMass(){ return mass; } float Body::getRadius(){ return radius; } void Body::addSensor(Sensor* newSensor){ Sensors.push_back(newSensor); } void Body::addThruster(Thruster newThruster){ Thrusters.push_back(newThruster); } void Body::addSensor(int placeAfter, Sensor* newSensor){ Sensors.insert(Sensors.begin()+(placeAfter-1), newSensor); } void Body::addThruster(int placeAfter, Thruster newThruster){ Thrusters.insert(Thrusters.begin()+(placeAfter-1), newThruster); } void Body::removeSensor(int sensorNo){ Sensors.erase(Sensors.begin()+(sensorNo-1)); } void Body::removeThruster(int thrusterNo){ Thrusters.erase(Thrusters.begin()+(thrusterNo-1)); } float Body::getSensorValue(int sensorNo){ return Sensors[sensorNo-1]->getReading(); } Eigen::Vector3f Body::calculateThrustVector(){ Eigen::Vector3f plc(0,0,0); //for(Thruster thrust:Thrusters){plc+=thrust.getThrust();} //I can dream, Harold for(std::vector<Thruster>::iterator itr = Thrusters.begin(); itr!=Thrusters.end(); ++itr){ plc+=itr->viewThrust(); } return plc; } void Body::Update(float dt){ acceleration = this->calculateThrustVector()/this->getMass(); position+=dt*velocity+dt*dt/2*acceleration; velocity+=dt*acceleration; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include "lib/font.h" #include "lib/body.h" #include "lib/image.h" #include "lib/video.h" #include "lib/output.h" #include "lib/misc.h" #include "lib/matrix.h" #include "lib/units.h" #include <pngwriter.h> using namespace std; int RandomInteger(int min, int max) { srand((unsigned)clock());; max ++; double r = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; int rnd = (int)(min + r * (max - min)); return rnd; } double Random(double min, double max) { srand((unsigned)clock()); max ++; double r = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; double rnd = min + r * (max - min); return rnd; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { string usageStatement = "Usage: ./sombrero [-g --generate] [-r --run]"; // Need to make these "settable" by the user int bodyCount = 200; int width = 640; int height = 480; int framerate = 45; Body * bodyArray [bodyCount]; // No arguments supplied if (argc == 1) { // No arguments supplied. Exit. cout << "No arguments supplied. Must choose an option." << endl; cout << usageStatement << endl; return 1; } // Generate Body arrangement if (strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0 or strcmp(argv[1], "--generate") == 0) { // Randomly generate bodies for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount - 1; i++) { double r = Random(1e11, 2e11); double theta = Random(0, 2 * PI); double phi = Random(0, 2 * PI); double x = r * cos(theta) * cos(phi); double y = r * sin(theta); double z = r * cos(theta) * sin(phi); double mass = Random(1e23, 1e25); bodyArray[i] = new Body(x, y, z, mass, Random(1e6, 9e6), Random(0, 1e4), Random(0, 1e4), Random(0, 1e4)); } bodyArray[bodyCount] = new Body(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2e31, 1e8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Save bodies to output.txt Output output("init/output.txt", bodyCount, width, height, 100); output.AddAllBodies(bodyArray); output.Save(); Video video = Video("images/", "image_", width, height, framerate); video.ClearImageFolder(); // Rotate bodies about the y-axis for (double angle = 0.0; angle < 360.0; angle ++) { string imageFileName = "images/image_" + PadWithZeroes(angle, 360) + ".png"; Image image = Image(imageFileName, width, height, 100); for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++) { // Rotate body Vector p; p.Set(bodyArray[i]->GetX(), bodyArray[i]->GetY(), bodyArray[i]->GetZ()); Vector t; t = p.RotateY(angle); t = t.RoundValues(); image.DrawBody(t.GetX(), t.GetY(), 255, 255, 255); } image.Save(); } // Build video from images video.Build("result.mp4", 360); return 0; } // Run simulation if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0 or strcmp(argv[1], "--run") == 0) { LoadBodiesFromFile("init/output.txt", bodyArray); Video video = Video("images/", "image_", width, height, framerate); video.ClearImageFolder(); int frames = 500; double dt = DAY; for (int f = 0; f < frames; f++) { for (int a = 0; a < bodyCount; a++) { bodyArray[a]->ResetForce(); for (int b = 0; b < bodyCount; b++) { if (a != b) { // Calculate distance double xDistance = bodyArray[a]->GetX() - bodyArray[b]->GetX(); double yDistance = bodyArray[a]->GetY() - bodyArray[b]->GetY(); double zDistance = bodyArray[a]->GetZ() - bodyArray[b]->GetZ(); double totalDistance = sqrt(pow(xDistance, 2) + pow(yDistance, 2) + pow(zDistance, 2)); // Calculate angles double phiAngle = atan2(zDistance, sqrt(pow(xDistance, 2) + pow(yDistance, 2))); double thetaAngle = atan2(yDistance, xDistance); // Calculate force double force = GR * ((bodyArray[a]->GetMass() * bodyArray[b]->GetMass()) / (pow(totalDistance, 2))); // Add force to total bodyArray[a]->AddForce(force, phiAngle, thetaAngle); } } } string imageFileName = "images/image_" + PadWithZeroes(f, frames) + ".png"; Image image = Image(imageFileName, width, height, 100); for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++) { bodyArray[i]->Update(dt); bodyArray[i]->Step(); image.DrawBody(bodyArray[i]->GetX(), bodyArray[i]->GetY(), 255, 255, 255); } image.Save(); } cout << "Done! Building video..." << endl; video.Build("result_run.mp4", frames); // Create output.txt Output output("init/output.txt", bodyCount, width, height, 100); output.AddAllBodies(bodyArray); output.Save(); return 0; } // No *valid* arguments supplied else { cout << "No valid arguments provided." << endl; cout << usageStatement << endl; return 1; } return 0; } <commit_msg>Fixed segmentation fault (bodyArray)<commit_after>#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include "lib/font.h" #include "lib/body.h" #include "lib/image.h" #include "lib/video.h" #include "lib/output.h" #include "lib/misc.h" #include "lib/matrix.h" #include "lib/units.h" #include <pngwriter.h> using namespace std; int RandomInteger(int min, int max) { srand((unsigned)clock());; max ++; double r = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; int rnd = (int)(min + r * (max - min)); return rnd; } double Random(double min, double max) { srand((unsigned)clock()); max ++; double r = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; double rnd = min + r * (max - min); return rnd; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { string usageStatement = "Usage: ./sombrero [-g --generate] [-r --run]"; // Need to make these "settable" by the user int bodyCount = 200; int width = 640; int height = 480; int framerate = 45; Body * bodyArray [bodyCount]; // No arguments supplied if (argc == 1) { // No arguments supplied. Exit. cout << "No arguments supplied. Must choose an option." << endl; cout << usageStatement << endl; return 1; } // Generate Body arrangement if (strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0 or strcmp(argv[1], "--generate") == 0) { // Randomly generate bodies for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount - 1; i++) { double r = Random(1e11, 2e11); double theta = Random(0, 2 * PI); double phi = Random(0, 2 * PI); double x = r * cos(theta) * cos(phi); double y = r * sin(theta); double z = r * cos(theta) * sin(phi); double mass = Random(1e23, 1e25); bodyArray[i] = new Body(x, y, z, mass, Random(1e6, 9e6), Random(0, 1e4), Random(0, 1e4), Random(0, 1e4)); } bodyArray[bodyCount - 1] = new Body(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2e31, 1e8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Save bodies to output.txt Output output("init/output.txt", bodyCount, width, height, 100); output.AddAllBodies(bodyArray); output.Save(); Video video = Video("images/", "image_", width, height, framerate); video.ClearImageFolder(); // Rotate bodies about the y-axis for (double angle = 0.0; angle < 360.0; angle ++) { string imageFileName = "images/image_" + PadWithZeroes(angle, 360) + ".png"; Image image = Image(imageFileName, width, height, 100); for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++) { // Rotate body Vector p; p.Set(bodyArray[i]->GetX(), bodyArray[i]->GetY(), bodyArray[i]->GetZ()); Vector t; t = p.RotateY(angle); t = t.RoundValues(); image.DrawBody(t.GetX(), t.GetY(), 255, 255, 255); } image.Save(); } // Build video from images video.Build("result.mp4", 360); return 0; } // Run simulation if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0 or strcmp(argv[1], "--run") == 0) { LoadBodiesFromFile("init/output.txt", bodyArray); Video video = Video("images/", "image_", width, height, framerate); video.ClearImageFolder(); int frames = 500; double dt = DAY; for (int f = 0; f < frames; f++) { for (int a = 0; a < bodyCount; a++) { bodyArray[a]->ResetForce(); for (int b = 0; b < bodyCount; b++) { if (a != b) { // Calculate distance double xDistance = bodyArray[a]->GetX() - bodyArray[b]->GetX(); double yDistance = bodyArray[a]->GetY() - bodyArray[b]->GetY(); double zDistance = bodyArray[a]->GetZ() - bodyArray[b]->GetZ(); double totalDistance = sqrt(pow(xDistance, 2) + pow(yDistance, 2) + pow(zDistance, 2)); // Calculate angles double phiAngle = atan2(zDistance, sqrt(pow(xDistance, 2) + pow(yDistance, 2))); double thetaAngle = atan2(yDistance, xDistance); // Calculate force double force = GR * ((bodyArray[a]->GetMass() * bodyArray[b]->GetMass()) / (pow(totalDistance, 2))); // Add force to total bodyArray[a]->AddForce(force, phiAngle, thetaAngle); } } } string imageFileName = "images/image_" + PadWithZeroes(f, frames) + ".png"; Image image = Image(imageFileName, width, height, 100); for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++) { bodyArray[i]->Update(dt); bodyArray[i]->Step(); image.DrawBody(bodyArray[i]->GetX(), bodyArray[i]->GetY(), 255, 255, 255); } image.Save(); } cout << "Done! Building video..." << endl; video.Build("result_run.mp4", frames); // Create output.txt Output output("init/output.txt", bodyCount, width, height, 100); output.AddAllBodies(bodyArray); output.Save(); return 0; } // No *valid* arguments supplied else { cout << "No valid arguments provided." << endl; cout << usageStatement << endl; return 1; } return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <Arduino.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #include <DS3232RTC.h> #include <SerialCommand.h> #include <Time.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "Button.h" #define PIXEL_PIN 5 // Digital IO pin connected to the NeoPixels. #define PIXEL_COUNT 22 #define BUTTON_PIN 4 class Nightlight { private: byte brightness; int8_t brightnessDelta; public: Nightlight() : brightness(10) , brightnessDelta(1) { } void held() { if (brightnessDelta > 0 && brightness == 255) { brightnessDelta = -1; } else if (brightnessDelta < 0 && brightness == 0) { brightnessDelta = 1; } brightness += brightnessDelta; Serial.print("Brightness "); Serial.println(brightness); } void released() { brightnessDelta = -brightnessDelta; } void reset() { brightness = 0; brightnessDelta = 1; } uint32_t colour() { if (timeStatus() == timeSet) { const time_t t = now(); if (hour(t) >= 7 && hour(t) < 20) { return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(brightness, brightness/2, 0); } } return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(brightness, 0, brightness); } }; void print_2digit(Print &out, int value) { if (value < 10) { out.print('0'); } out.print(value); } void print_date(Print &out, time_t t) { out.print(year(t)); out.print('-'); print_2digit(out, month(t)); out.print('-'); print_2digit(out, day(t)); out.print('T'); print_2digit(out, hour(t)); out.print(':'); print_2digit(out, minute(t)); out.print(':'); print_2digit(out, second(t)); } Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN); Button button(BUTTON_PIN); Nightlight nightlight; SerialCommand serialcmd; void set_time() { int numbers[6] = {}; for (auto & number : numbers) { const char *const arg = serialcmd.next(); if (arg == nullptr) { Serial.println("Invalid time format"); return; } number = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); } tmElements_t tm; tm.Year = CalendarYrToTm(numbers[0]); tm.Month = numbers[1]; tm.Day = numbers[2]; tm.Hour = numbers[3]; tm.Minute = numbers[4]; tm.Second = numbers[5]; const time_t t = makeTime(tm); RTC.set(t); setTime(t); Serial.print("time "); print_date(Serial, now()); Serial.println(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pixels.begin(); pixels.show(); button.setup(); setSyncProvider(RTC.get); if (timeStatus() != timeSet) { Serial.println("Unable to sync with RTC"); } else { Serial.print("RTC has set the system time to "); print_date(Serial, now()); Serial.println(); } serialcmd.addCommand("settime", set_time); } void loop() { static uint32_t lastColour = 0; static byte on = false; static byte lastHeld = false; button.read(); serialcmd.readSerial(); if (button.pressed()) { on = !on; if (on) { Serial.println("Turning on"); } else { Serial.println("Turning off"); pixels.clear(); pixels.show(); } } const byte held = button.held(); if (held) { if (on) { nightlight.held(); } else { on = true; nightlight.reset(); } } if (held != lastHeld) { lastHeld = held; if (!held) { nightlight.released(); } } const uint32_t colour = nightlight.colour(); if (lastColour != colour) { for (int i = 0; i != pixels.numPixels(); ++i) { pixels.setPixelColor(i, colour); } pixels.show(); lastColour = colour; } delay(10); } <commit_msg>Fix compiler warning<commit_after>#include <Arduino.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #include <DS3232RTC.h> #include <SerialCommand.h> #include <Time.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "Button.h" #define PIXEL_PIN 5 // Digital IO pin connected to the NeoPixels. #define PIXEL_COUNT 22 #define BUTTON_PIN 4 class Nightlight { private: byte brightness; int8_t brightnessDelta; public: Nightlight() : brightness(10) , brightnessDelta(1) { } void held() { if (brightnessDelta > 0 && brightness == 255) { brightnessDelta = -1; } else if (brightnessDelta < 0 && brightness == 0) { brightnessDelta = 1; } brightness += brightnessDelta; Serial.print("Brightness "); Serial.println(brightness); } void released() { brightnessDelta = -brightnessDelta; } void reset() { brightness = 0; brightnessDelta = 1; } uint32_t colour() { if (timeStatus() == timeSet) { const time_t t = now(); if (hour(t) >= 7 && hour(t) < 20) { return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(brightness, brightness/2, 0); } } return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(brightness, 0, brightness); } }; void print_2digit(Print &out, int value) { if (value < 10) { out.print('0'); } out.print(value); } void print_date(Print &out, time_t t) { out.print(year(t)); out.print('-'); print_2digit(out, month(t)); out.print('-'); print_2digit(out, day(t)); out.print('T'); print_2digit(out, hour(t)); out.print(':'); print_2digit(out, minute(t)); out.print(':'); print_2digit(out, second(t)); } Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN); Button button(BUTTON_PIN); Nightlight nightlight; SerialCommand serialcmd; void set_time() { int numbers[6] = {}; for (auto & number : numbers) { const char *const arg = serialcmd.next(); if (arg == nullptr) { Serial.println("Invalid time format"); return; } number = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); } tmElements_t tm; tm.Year = CalendarYrToTm(numbers[0]); tm.Month = numbers[1]; tm.Day = numbers[2]; tm.Hour = numbers[3]; tm.Minute = numbers[4]; tm.Second = numbers[5]; const time_t t = makeTime(tm); RTC.set(t); setTime(t); Serial.print("time "); print_date(Serial, now()); Serial.println(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pixels.begin(); pixels.show(); button.setup(); setSyncProvider(RTC.get); if (timeStatus() != timeSet) { Serial.println("Unable to sync with RTC"); } else { Serial.print("RTC has set the system time to "); print_date(Serial, now()); Serial.println(); } serialcmd.addCommand("settime", set_time); } void loop() { static uint32_t lastColour = 0; static byte on = false; static byte lastHeld = false; button.read(); serialcmd.readSerial(); if (button.pressed()) { on = !on; if (on) { Serial.println("Turning on"); } else { Serial.println("Turning off"); pixels.clear(); pixels.show(); } } const byte held = button.held(); if (held) { if (on) { nightlight.held(); } else { on = true; nightlight.reset(); } } if (held != lastHeld) { lastHeld = held; if (!held) { nightlight.released(); } } const uint32_t colour = nightlight.colour(); if (lastColour != colour) { for (unsigned i = 0; i != pixels.numPixels(); ++i) { pixels.setPixelColor(i, colour); } pixels.show(); lastColour = colour; } delay(10); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <exception> #include <sys/time.h> #include <map> #include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */ #include <string.h> #include "misc.h" #include "collision.h" #include "feat.h" // Features ------------------------------------------------------------------ Feat::Feat() { Count = 0; Categories = 0; AvCollide = 3.2; Collide = 1.98; NoCollide = 7.0; PatrolRad = 5.8; NeighborRad = 14.05; PlateRadius = 1.65; MaxSS = 10; MaxSF = 40; InterPlate = 0; Collision = false; Exact = true; } void Feat::readInputFile(const char file[]) { const int Mc = 512; // Max chars per line char delimiter = ' '; std::ifstream fIn; fIn.open(file); // open a file if (!fIn.good()) myexit(1); // Not found while (!fIn.eof()) { char buf[Mc]; fIn.getline(buf,Mc); int n = 0; // a for-loop index Slist tok = s2vec(buf,delimiter); if (2<=tok.size()) { if (tok[0]=="Targfile") Targfile=tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="tileFile") tileFile= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="fibFile") fibFile= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="fibstatusFile") fibstatusFile = tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="surveyFile") surveyFile= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="outDir") outDir= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="SStarsfile")SStarsfile=tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="SkyFfile") SkyFfile=tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="runDate") runDate=tok[1]; } } fIn.close(); } void Feat::parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for (i=1;i<argc;){ std::cout << i << "en esta vamos\n"; if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-target")){ i++; Targfile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sky")){ i++; SkyFfile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-star")){ i++; SStarsfile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-survey")){ i++; surveyFile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-outdir")){ i++; outDir = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-tilefile")){ i++; tileFile= str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fibfile")){ i++; fibFile = str(argv[i]); std::cout << fibFile << std::endl; i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fibstatusfile")){ i++; fibstatusFile = str(argv[i]); std::cout << fibstatusFile << std::endl; i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rundate")){ i++; runDate = str(argv[i]); i++; }else{ fprintf (stderr,"\nUnrecognized option: %s\n\n",argv[i]); exit(0); } } } <commit_msg>usaeg<commit_after>#include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <exception> #include <sys/time.h> #include <map> #include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */ #include <string.h> #include "misc.h" #include "collision.h" #include "feat.h" void Usage(char *ExecName) { std::cout << "Usage: "<<ExecName; std::cout << " -target <target_filename> "; std::cout << " -sky <sky_filename> "; std::cout << " -star <star_filename> "; std::cout << " -survey <surveytiles_filename> "; std::cout << " -tilefile <tilelist_filename> "; std::cout << " -fibfile <fiberpos_filename> "; std::cout << " -fibstatusfile <fiberstatus_filename> "; std::cout << " -outdir <outputdirectory> "; std::cout << " [-rundate <YYYY-MM-DD>]"<< std::endl; exit(0); } // Features ------------------------------------------------------------------ Feat::Feat() { Count = 0; Categories = 0; AvCollide = 3.2; Collide = 1.98; NoCollide = 7.0; PatrolRad = 5.8; NeighborRad = 14.05; PlateRadius = 1.65; MaxSS = 10; MaxSF = 40; InterPlate = 0; Collision = false; Exact = true; } void Feat::readInputFile(const char file[]) { const int Mc = 512; // Max chars per line char delimiter = ' '; std::ifstream fIn; fIn.open(file); // open a file if (!fIn.good()) myexit(1); // Not found while (!fIn.eof()) { char buf[Mc]; fIn.getline(buf,Mc); int n = 0; // a for-loop index Slist tok = s2vec(buf,delimiter); if (2<=tok.size()) { if (tok[0]=="Targfile") Targfile=tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="tileFile") tileFile= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="fibFile") fibFile= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="fibstatusFile") fibstatusFile = tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="surveyFile") surveyFile= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="outDir") outDir= tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="SStarsfile")SStarsfile=tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="SkyFfile") SkyFfile=tok[1]; if (tok[0]=="runDate") runDate=tok[1]; } } fIn.close(); } void Feat::parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for (i=1;i<argc;){ if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-target")){ i++; Targfile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sky")){ i++; SkyFfile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-star")){ i++; SStarsfile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-survey")){ i++; surveyFile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-outdir")){ i++; outDir = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-tilefile")){ i++; tileFile= str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fibfile")){ i++; fibFile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fibstatusfile")){ i++; fibstatusFile = str(argv[i]); i++; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rundate")){ i++; runDate = str(argv[i]); i++; }else{ fprintf (stderr,"\nUnrecognized option: %s\n\n",argv[i]); Usage(argv[0]); } } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* * Copyright (C) 2013 * Alessio Sclocco <a.sclocco@vu.nl> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::fixed; using std::setprecision; using std::ofstream; using std::ceil; using std::pow; #include <ArgumentList.hpp> #include <InitializeOpenCL.hpp> #include <CLData.hpp> #include <Exceptions.hpp> #include <Copy.hpp> #include <utils.hpp> using isa::utils::ArgumentList; using isa::OpenCL::initializeOpenCL; using isa::OpenCL::CLData; using isa::Exceptions::OpenCLError; using isa::Benchmarks::Copy; using isa::utils::same; const unsigned int nrIterations = 10; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { unsigned int oclPlatform = 0; unsigned int oclDevice = 0; unsigned int arrayDim = 0; unsigned int maxThreads = 0; // Parse command line if ( argc != 7 ) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " -opencl_platform <opencl_platform> -opencl_device <opencl_device> -m <max_threads>" << endl; return 1; } ArgumentList commandLine(argc, argv); try { oclPlatform = commandLine.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-opencl_platform"); oclDevice = commandLine.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-opencl_device"); maxThreads = commandLine.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-max_threads"); } catch ( exception & err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } // Initialize OpenCL vector< cl::Platform > * oclPlatforms = new vector< cl::Platform >(); cl::Context * oclContext = new cl::Context(); vector< cl::Device > * oclDevices = new vector< cl::Device >(); vector< vector< cl::CommandQueue > > * oclQueues = new vector< vector< cl::CommandQueue > >(); try { initializeOpenCL(oclPlatform, 1, oclPlatforms, oclContext, oclDevices, oclQueues); } catch ( OpenCLError err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } arrayDim = (oclDevices->at(oclDevice)).getInfo< CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE >(); arrayDim /= sizeof(float); CLData< float > * A = new CLData< float >("A", true); CLData< float > * B = new CLData< float >("B", true); A->setCLContext(oclContext); A->setCLQueue(&(oclQueues->at(oclDevice)[0])); A->allocateHostData(arrayDim); B->setCLContext(oclContext); B->setCLQueue(&(oclQueues->at(oclDevice)[0])); B->allocateHostData(arrayDim); try { A->setDeviceWriteOnly(); A->allocateDeviceData(); B->setDeviceWriteOnly(); B->allocateDeviceData(); } catch ( OpenCLError err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << endl; for (unsigned int threads0 = 2; threads0 <= maxThreads; threads0 *= 2 ) { for (unsigned int threads1 = 1; threads1 <= 32; threads1++ ) { if ( (arrayDim % (threads0 * threads1) != 0) || ((threads0 * threads1) > maxThreads) ) { continue; } Copy< float > copy = Copy< float >("float"); try { copy.bindOpenCL(oclContext, &(oclDevices->at(oclDevice)), &(oclQueues->at(oclDevice)[0])); copy.setNrThreads(arrayDim); copy.setNrThreadsPerBlock(threads0); copy.setNrRows(threads1); copy.generateCode(); B->copyHostToDevice(true); copy(A,B); (copy.getTimer()).reset(); for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < nrIterations; iter++ ) { copy(A, B); } } catch ( OpenCLError err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } cout << threads0 << " " << threads1 << " " << copy.getGB() / (copy.getTimer()).getAverageTime() << endl; } } cout << endl; return 0; } <commit_msg>Fixing a mistake in allocating memory.<commit_after>/* * Copyright (C) 2013 * Alessio Sclocco <a.sclocco@vu.nl> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::fixed; using std::setprecision; using std::ofstream; using std::ceil; using std::pow; #include <ArgumentList.hpp> #include <InitializeOpenCL.hpp> #include <CLData.hpp> #include <Exceptions.hpp> #include <Copy.hpp> #include <utils.hpp> using isa::utils::ArgumentList; using isa::OpenCL::initializeOpenCL; using isa::OpenCL::CLData; using isa::Exceptions::OpenCLError; using isa::Benchmarks::Copy; using isa::utils::same; const unsigned int nrIterations = 10; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { unsigned int oclPlatform = 0; unsigned int oclDevice = 0; unsigned int arrayDim = 0; unsigned int maxThreads = 0; // Parse command line if ( argc != 7 ) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " -opencl_platform <opencl_platform> -opencl_device <opencl_device> -m <max_threads>" << endl; return 1; } ArgumentList commandLine(argc, argv); try { oclPlatform = commandLine.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-opencl_platform"); oclDevice = commandLine.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-opencl_device"); maxThreads = commandLine.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-max_threads"); } catch ( exception & err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } // Initialize OpenCL vector< cl::Platform > * oclPlatforms = new vector< cl::Platform >(); cl::Context * oclContext = new cl::Context(); vector< cl::Device > * oclDevices = new vector< cl::Device >(); vector< vector< cl::CommandQueue > > * oclQueues = new vector< vector< cl::CommandQueue > >(); try { initializeOpenCL(oclPlatform, 1, oclPlatforms, oclContext, oclDevices, oclQueues); } catch ( OpenCLError err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } arrayDim = (oclDevices->at(oclDevice)).getInfo< CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE >(); arrayDim /= sizeof(float); CLData< float > * A = new CLData< float >("A", true); CLData< float > * B = new CLData< float >("B", true); A->setCLContext(oclContext); A->setCLQueue(&(oclQueues->at(oclDevice)[0])); A->allocateHostData(arrayDim); B->setCLContext(oclContext); B->setCLQueue(&(oclQueues->at(oclDevice)[0])); B->allocateHostData(arrayDim); try { A->setDeviceWriteOnly(); A->allocateDeviceData(); B->setDeviceReadOnly(); B->allocateDeviceData(); } catch ( OpenCLError err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << endl; for (unsigned int threads0 = 2; threads0 <= maxThreads; threads0 *= 2 ) { for (unsigned int threads1 = 1; threads1 <= 32; threads1++ ) { if ( (arrayDim % (threads0 * threads1) != 0) || ((threads0 * threads1) > maxThreads) ) { continue; } Copy< float > copy = Copy< float >("float"); try { copy.bindOpenCL(oclContext, &(oclDevices->at(oclDevice)), &(oclQueues->at(oclDevice)[0])); copy.setNrThreads(arrayDim); copy.setNrThreadsPerBlock(threads0); copy.setNrRows(threads1); copy.generateCode(); B->copyHostToDevice(true); copy(A,B); (copy.getTimer()).reset(); for ( unsigned int iter = 0; iter < nrIterations; iter++ ) { copy(A, B); } } catch ( OpenCLError err ) { cerr << err.what() << endl; return 1; } cout << threads0 << " " << threads1 << " " << copy.getGB() / (copy.getTimer()).getAverageTime() << endl; } } cout << endl; return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* * Copyright (c) Oona Räisänen * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "src/input.h" #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "src/groups.h" #include "src/util.h" namespace redsea { /* * An MPXReader deals with reading an FM multiplex signal from an audio file or * raw PCM via stdin, separating it into channels and converting to chunks of * floating-point samples. * */ void MPXReader::init(const Options& options) { num_channels_ = options.num_channels; feed_thru_ = options.feed_thru; filename_ = options.sndfilename; if (options.input_type != InputType::MPX_stdin && options.input_type != InputType::MPX_sndfile) return; if (options.input_type == InputType::MPX_stdin) { sfinfo_.channels = 1; sfinfo_.format = SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; sfinfo_.samplerate = int(options.samplerate); sfinfo_.frames = 0; file_ = sf_open_fd(fileno(stdin), SFM_READ, &sfinfo_, SF_TRUE); if (feed_thru_) outfile_ = sf_open_fd(fileno(stdout), SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo_, SF_TRUE); } else if (options.input_type == InputType::MPX_sndfile) { file_ = sf_open(options.sndfilename.c_str(), SFM_READ, &sfinfo_); num_channels_ = sfinfo_.channels; } if (!file_) { if (sf_error(file_) == 26) throw (BeyondEofError()); std::cerr << "error: failed to open file: " << sf_error_number(sf_error(file_)) << '\n'; is_error_ = true; } else if (sfinfo_.samplerate < kMinimumSampleRate_Hz) { std::cerr << "error: sample rate must be " << kMinimumSampleRate_Hz << " Hz or higher\n"; is_error_ = true; } else { assert(num_channels_ < int(buffer_.data.size())); chunk_size_ = (kInputChunkSize / num_channels_) * num_channels_; is_eof_ = false; } } MPXReader::~MPXReader() { sf_close(file_); if (feed_thru_) sf_close(outfile_); } bool MPXReader::eof() const { return is_eof_; } /* * Fill the internal buffer with fresh samples. This should be called before * the first channel is processed via ReadChunk(). * */ void MPXReader::FillBuffer() { num_read_ = sf_read_float(file_, buffer_.data.data(), chunk_size_); if (num_read_ < chunk_size_) is_eof_ = true; buffer_.used_size = size_t(num_read_); if (feed_thru_) sf_write_float(outfile_, buffer_.data.data(), num_read_); } MPXBuffer<>& MPXReader::ReadChunk(int channel) { assert(channel >= 0 && channel < num_channels_); if (is_eof_) return buffer_; if (num_channels_ == 1) { return buffer_; } else { buffer_singlechan_.used_size = buffer_.used_size / num_channels_; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer_singlechan_.used_size; i++) buffer_singlechan_.data[i] = buffer_.data[i * num_channels_ + channel]; return buffer_singlechan_; } } float MPXReader::samplerate() const { return sfinfo_.samplerate; } int MPXReader::num_channels() const { return num_channels_; } bool MPXReader::error() const { return is_error_; } /* * An AsciiBitReader reads an unsynchronized serial bitstream as '0' and '1' * characters via stdin. * */ AsciiBitReader::AsciiBitReader(const Options& options) : feed_thru_(options.feed_thru) { } bool AsciiBitReader::ReadBit() { int chr = 0; while (chr != '0' && chr != '1' && chr != EOF) { chr = getchar(); if (feed_thru_) putchar(chr); } if (chr == EOF) is_eof_ = true; return (chr == '1'); } bool AsciiBitReader::eof() const { return is_eof_; } /* * Read a single line containing an RDS group in the RDS Spy hex format. * */ Group ReadHexGroup(const Options& options) { Group group; group.disable_offsets(); bool group_complete = false; while (!(group_complete || std::cin.eof())) { std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); if (options.feed_thru) std::cout << line << '\n'; if (line.length() < 16) continue; for (eBlockNumber block_num : {BLOCK1, BLOCK2, BLOCK3, BLOCK4}) { Block block; bool block_still_valid = true; int which_nibble = 0; while (which_nibble < 4) { if (line.length() < 1) { group_complete = true; break; } std::string single = line.substr(0, 1); if (single != " ") { try { int nval = std::stoi(std::string(single), nullptr, 16); block.data = uint16_t((block.data << 4) + nval); } catch (std::exception) { block_still_valid = false; } which_nibble++; } line = line.substr(1); } if (block_still_valid) { block.is_received = true; group.set_block(block_num, block); } if (block_num == BLOCK4) group_complete = true; } } if (options.timestamp) group.set_time(std::chrono::system_clock::now()); return group; } } // namespace redsea <commit_msg>linux: print usage when stdin empty<commit_after>/* * Copyright (c) Oona Räisänen * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "src/input.h" #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "src/groups.h" #include "src/util.h" namespace redsea { /* * An MPXReader deals with reading an FM multiplex signal from an audio file or * raw PCM via stdin, separating it into channels and converting to chunks of * floating-point samples. * */ void MPXReader::init(const Options& options) { num_channels_ = options.num_channels; feed_thru_ = options.feed_thru; filename_ = options.sndfilename; if (options.input_type != InputType::MPX_stdin && options.input_type != InputType::MPX_sndfile) return; if (options.input_type == InputType::MPX_stdin) { sfinfo_.channels = 1; sfinfo_.format = SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; sfinfo_.samplerate = int(options.samplerate); sfinfo_.frames = 0; file_ = sf_open_fd(fileno(stdin), SFM_READ, &sfinfo_, SF_TRUE); if (feed_thru_) outfile_ = sf_open_fd(fileno(stdout), SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo_, SF_TRUE); } else if (options.input_type == InputType::MPX_sndfile) { file_ = sf_open(options.sndfilename.c_str(), SFM_READ, &sfinfo_); num_channels_ = sfinfo_.channels; } if (!file_) { if (sf_error(file_) == 26 || options.input_type == InputType::MPX_stdin) throw (BeyondEofError()); std::cerr << "error: failed to open file: " << sf_error_number(sf_error(file_)) << '\n'; is_error_ = true; } else if (sfinfo_.samplerate < kMinimumSampleRate_Hz) { std::cerr << "error: sample rate must be " << kMinimumSampleRate_Hz << " Hz or higher\n"; is_error_ = true; } else { assert(num_channels_ < int(buffer_.data.size())); chunk_size_ = (kInputChunkSize / num_channels_) * num_channels_; is_eof_ = false; } } MPXReader::~MPXReader() { sf_close(file_); if (feed_thru_) sf_close(outfile_); } bool MPXReader::eof() const { return is_eof_; } /* * Fill the internal buffer with fresh samples. This should be called before * the first channel is processed via ReadChunk(). * */ void MPXReader::FillBuffer() { num_read_ = sf_read_float(file_, buffer_.data.data(), chunk_size_); if (num_read_ < chunk_size_) is_eof_ = true; buffer_.used_size = size_t(num_read_); if (feed_thru_) sf_write_float(outfile_, buffer_.data.data(), num_read_); } MPXBuffer<>& MPXReader::ReadChunk(int channel) { assert(channel >= 0 && channel < num_channels_); if (is_eof_) return buffer_; if (num_channels_ == 1) { return buffer_; } else { buffer_singlechan_.used_size = buffer_.used_size / num_channels_; for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer_singlechan_.used_size; i++) buffer_singlechan_.data[i] = buffer_.data[i * num_channels_ + channel]; return buffer_singlechan_; } } float MPXReader::samplerate() const { return sfinfo_.samplerate; } int MPXReader::num_channels() const { return num_channels_; } bool MPXReader::error() const { return is_error_; } /* * An AsciiBitReader reads an unsynchronized serial bitstream as '0' and '1' * characters via stdin. * */ AsciiBitReader::AsciiBitReader(const Options& options) : feed_thru_(options.feed_thru) { } bool AsciiBitReader::ReadBit() { int chr = 0; while (chr != '0' && chr != '1' && chr != EOF) { chr = getchar(); if (feed_thru_) putchar(chr); } if (chr == EOF) is_eof_ = true; return (chr == '1'); } bool AsciiBitReader::eof() const { return is_eof_; } /* * Read a single line containing an RDS group in the RDS Spy hex format. * */ Group ReadHexGroup(const Options& options) { Group group; group.disable_offsets(); bool group_complete = false; while (!(group_complete || std::cin.eof())) { std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); if (options.feed_thru) std::cout << line << '\n'; if (line.length() < 16) continue; for (eBlockNumber block_num : {BLOCK1, BLOCK2, BLOCK3, BLOCK4}) { Block block; bool block_still_valid = true; int which_nibble = 0; while (which_nibble < 4) { if (line.length() < 1) { group_complete = true; break; } std::string single = line.substr(0, 1); if (single != " ") { try { int nval = std::stoi(std::string(single), nullptr, 16); block.data = uint16_t((block.data << 4) + nval); } catch (std::exception) { block_still_valid = false; } which_nibble++; } line = line.substr(1); } if (block_still_valid) { block.is_received = true; group.set_block(block_num, block); } if (block_num == BLOCK4) group_complete = true; } } if (options.timestamp) group.set_time(std::chrono::system_clock::now()); return group; } } // namespace redsea <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "json.h" #include <jansson.h> using JWTXX::JWT; using JWTXX::Pairs; namespace { struct JSONDeleter { void operator()(json_t* obj) const noexcept { json_decref(obj); } }; typedef std::unique_ptr<json_t, JSONDeleter> JSON; std::string toString(const json_t* node) noexcept { switch (json_typeof(node)) { case JSON_NULL: return "NULL"; case JSON_TRUE: return "true"; case JSON_FALSE: return "false"; case JSON_STRING: return json_string_value(node); case JSON_INTEGER: return std::to_string(json_integer_value(node)); case JSON_REAL: return std::to_string(json_real_value(node)); default: return json_dumps(node, JSON_COMPACT); } return {}; // Just in case. } } std::string JWTXX::toJSON(const Pairs& data) noexcept { JSON root(json_object()); for (const auto& item : data) json_object_set_new(root.get(), item.first.c_str(), json_string(item.second.c_str())); char* dump = json_dumps(root.get(), JSON_COMPACT); std::string res(dump); free(dump); return res; } Pairs JWTXX::fromJSON(const std::string& data) { json_error_t error; JSON root(json_loads(data.c_str(), 0, &error)); if (!root) throw JWT::ParseError("Error parsing json at position " + std::to_string(error.position) + " in '" + data + "', reason: " + error.text); if (!json_is_object(root.get())) throw JWT::ParseError("Not a JSON object."); const char* key = nullptr; json_t* value = nullptr; Pairs res; json_object_foreach(root.get(), key, value) { res[key] = toString(value); } return res; } <commit_msg>Proper work with json_dumps.<commit_after>#include "json.h" #include <jansson.h> using JWTXX::JWT; using JWTXX::Pairs; namespace { struct JSONDeleter { void operator()(json_t* obj) const noexcept { json_decref(obj); } }; typedef std::unique_ptr<json_t, JSONDeleter> JSON; std::string dumpNode(const json_t* node) noexcept { char* dump = json_dumps(node, JSON_COMPACT); std::string res(dump != nullptr ? dump : ""); free(dump); return res; } std::string toString(const json_t* node) noexcept { switch (json_typeof(node)) { case JSON_NULL: return "NULL"; case JSON_TRUE: return "true"; case JSON_FALSE: return "false"; case JSON_STRING: return json_string_value(node); case JSON_INTEGER: return std::to_string(json_integer_value(node)); case JSON_REAL: return std::to_string(json_real_value(node)); default: return dumpNode(node); } return {}; // Just in case. } } std::string JWTXX::toJSON(const Pairs& data) noexcept { JSON root(json_object()); for (const auto& item : data) json_object_set_new(root.get(), item.first.c_str(), json_string(item.second.c_str())); return dumpNode(root.get()); } Pairs JWTXX::fromJSON(const std::string& data) { json_error_t error; JSON root(json_loads(data.c_str(), 0, &error)); if (!root) throw JWT::ParseError("Error parsing json at position " + std::to_string(error.position) + " in '" + data + "', reason: " + error.text); if (!json_is_object(root.get())) throw JWT::ParseError("Not a JSON object."); const char* key = nullptr; json_t* value = nullptr; Pairs res; json_object_foreach(root.get(), key, value) { res[key] = toString(value); } return res; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <ncurses.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include "game.h" #include "menu.h" #include "classes/Player.h" #include "classes/Enemy.h" #include "classes/Coin.h" #include "classes/InfoPanel.h" using namespace std; InfoPanel *infoPanel_game = new InfoPanel(); Player player; Enemy enemy; Coin coins[10]; void startGame() { WINDOW *wgame = newwin(40, 80, 1, 1); box(wgame, 0, 0); keypad(wgame, true); /* * Randomly place player anywhere in game area */ int_fast8_t randx = rand() % game_area.right() + game_area.left(); int_fast8_t randy = rand() % game_area.bot() + game_area.top(); vec2i initPos = { randx, randy }; player.setPos(initPos); wmove(wgame, player.getPos().y, player.getPos().x); waddch(wgame, player.getDispChar()); wmove(wgame, enemy.getPos().y, enemy.getPos().x); waddch(wgame, enemy.getDispChar()); int ch; string infoKey, infoMsg; while (( ch = wgetch(wgame)) != 'q') { infoMsg = ""; infoKey = to_string(ch); werase(wgame); box(wgame, 0, 0); // Place Coins for (auto &coin : coins) { wmove(wgame, coin.getPos().x, coin.getPos().y); waddch(wgame, coin.getDispChar()); } int x = player.getPos().x; int y = player.getPos().y; // Enemy only reacts to previous move vec2i enemyPos = enemy.seek(player); switch (ch) { case KEY_UP: case 'k': if (y > (int) game_area.top() + 1) player.setPosY(y - 1); break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': if (y < (int) game_area.bot() - 2) player.setPosY(y + 1); break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': if (x > (int) game_area.left() + 1) player.setPosX(x - 1); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': if (x < (int) game_area.right() - 2) player.setPosX(x + 1); break; case KEY_ENTER: /* numpad enter */ case '\n': /* keyboard return */ break; } // Move to updated position wmove(wgame, player.getPos().y, player.getPos().x); waddch(wgame, player.getDispChar()); // Enemy, seek out player wmove(wgame, enemyPos.y, enemyPos.x); waddch(wgame, enemy.getDispChar()); infoPanel_game->push('{' + std::to_string(x) + ',' + std::to_string(y) + '}' + '{' + std::to_string(enemyPos.x) + ',' + std::to_string(enemyPos.y) + '}' ); wrefresh(wgame); } delwin(wgame); } <commit_msg>Draw Coins when first entering game<commit_after>#include <ncurses.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include "game.h" #include "menu.h" #include "classes/Player.h" #include "classes/Enemy.h" #include "classes/Coin.h" #include "classes/InfoPanel.h" using namespace std; InfoPanel *infoPanel_game = new InfoPanel(); Player player; Enemy enemy; Coin coins[10]; void startGame() { WINDOW *wgame = newwin(40, 80, 1, 1); box(wgame, 0, 0); keypad(wgame, true); /* * Randomly place player anywhere in game area */ int_fast8_t randx = rand() % game_area.right() + game_area.left(); int_fast8_t randy = rand() % game_area.bot() + game_area.top(); vec2i initPos = { randx, randy }; player.setPos(initPos); // Init placement of Player, Enemy, and Coins wmove(wgame, player.getPos().y, player.getPos().x); waddch(wgame, player.getDispChar()); wmove(wgame, enemy.getPos().y, enemy.getPos().x); waddch(wgame, enemy.getDispChar()); for (auto &coin : coins) { wmove(wgame, coin.getPos().x, coin.getPos().y); waddch(wgame, coin.getDispChar()); } int ch; string infoKey, infoMsg; while (( ch = wgetch(wgame)) != 'q') { infoMsg = ""; infoKey = to_string(ch); werase(wgame); box(wgame, 0, 0); int x = player.getPos().x; int y = player.getPos().y; // Enemy only reacts to previous move vec2i enemyPos = enemy.seek(player); switch (ch) { case KEY_UP: case 'k': if (y > (int) game_area.top() + 1) player.setPosY(y - 1); break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': if (y < (int) game_area.bot() - 2) player.setPosY(y + 1); break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': if (x > (int) game_area.left() + 1) player.setPosX(x - 1); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': if (x < (int) game_area.right() - 2) player.setPosX(x + 1); break; case KEY_ENTER: /* numpad enter */ case '\n': /* keyboard return */ break; } // Move Player to indicated position wmove(wgame, player.getPos().y, player.getPos().x); waddch(wgame, player.getDispChar()); // Enemy, seek out player wmove(wgame, enemyPos.y, enemyPos.x); waddch(wgame, enemy.getDispChar()); // Draw Coins again (no changes) for (auto &coin : coins) { wmove(wgame, coin.getPos().x, coin.getPos().y); waddch(wgame, coin.getDispChar()); } infoPanel_game->push('{' + std::to_string(x) + ',' + std::to_string(y) + '}' + '{' + std::to_string(enemyPos.x) + ',' + std::to_string(enemyPos.y) + '}' ); wrefresh(wgame); } delwin(wgame); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "../include/obj.hpp" game::~game() { delete [] players; delete [] eminems; } void game::gameStart() { players = new player[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Создание игроков eminems = new AIplayer[MAX_EMINEMS]; // Создание врагов RenderWindow window(VideoMode(512, 480), "Bottle city"); // Создание окна texture.loadFromFile("media/textures.png"); // Загрузка всех текстур game_map main_map(texture); // Загрузка текстур в карту main_map.loadMap("media/maps/level1.map"); // Загрузка карты из файла right_bar r_b(texture, main_map.getMaxX(), MAX_EMINEMS, 1, 3, 3); g_pause game_pause(texture, &main_map); players[0].init(texture, players, MAX_PLAYERS, eminems, MAX_EMINEMS, &main_map, 3, 1, 20, 1); // Задача стандартных параметров для игроков players[1].init(texture, players, MAX_PLAYERS, eminems, MAX_EMINEMS, &main_map, 3, 1, 20, 2); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EMINEMS; ++i) { // Задача стандартных параметров для врага eminems[i].init(texture, players, MAX_PLAYERS, &main_map, false, 1, 1); } eminems[0].activation(0, 0); /// TEST eminems[1].activation(6, 0); eminems[2].activation(12, 0); while (window.isOpen()) { time = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); // Получение времени clock.restart(); // Сброс часиков time = time / GAME_SPEED; // Установка скорости игры if (time > 20) time = 20; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { // Отслеживание события закрытия окна if (event.type == Event::Closed) { window.close(); } } if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::P)) { game_pause.paused(window); usleep(100000); } if (!game_pause.status()) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) // Обновление игроков players[i].update(time); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EMINEMS; ++i) // Обновление врагов eminems[i].update(time); /*Отрисовка объектов Начало*/ main_map.draw(window); // Отрисовка карты for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) // Отрисовка игроков players[i].draw(window); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EMINEMS; ++i) // Отрисовка врагов eminems[i].draw(window); main_map.drawGrass(window); // Отрисовка травы r_b.draw(window); window.display(); /*Отрисовка объектов Конец*/ } } }<commit_msg>Optimizing<commit_after>#include "../include/obj.hpp" game::~game() { delete [] players; delete [] eminems; } void game::gameStart() { players = new player[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Создание игроков eminems = new AIplayer[MAX_EMINEMS]; // Создание врагов RenderWindow window(VideoMode(512, 480), "Bottle city"); // Создание окна texture.loadFromFile("media/textures.png"); // Загрузка всех текстур game_map main_map(texture); // Загрузка текстур в карту main_map.loadMap("media/maps/level1.map"); // Загрузка карты из файла right_bar r_b(texture, main_map.getMaxX(), MAX_EMINEMS, 1, 3, 3); g_pause game_pause(texture, &main_map); players[0].init(texture, players, MAX_PLAYERS, eminems, MAX_EMINEMS, &main_map, 3, 1, 20, 1); // Задача стандартных параметров для игроков players[1].init(texture, players, MAX_PLAYERS, eminems, MAX_EMINEMS, &main_map, 3, 1, 20, 2); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EMINEMS; ++i) { // Задача стандартных параметров для врага eminems[i].init(texture, players, MAX_PLAYERS, &main_map, false, 1, 1); } eminems[0].activation(0, 0); /// TEST eminems[1].activation(6, 0); eminems[2].activation(12, 0); while (window.isOpen()) { time = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); // Получение времени clock.restart(); // Сброс часиков time = time / GAME_SPEED; // Установка скорости игры if (time > 20) time = 20; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { // Отслеживание события закрытия окна if (event.type == Event::Closed) { window.close(); } } if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::P)) { game_pause.paused(window); usleep(100000); } if (!game_pause.status()) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) // Обновление игроков players[i].update(time); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EMINEMS; ++i) // Обновление врагов eminems[i].update(time); /*Отрисовка объектов Начало*/ main_map.draw(window); // Отрисовка карты for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) // Отрисовка игроков players[i].draw(window); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EMINEMS; ++i) // Отрисовка врагов eminems[i].draw(window); main_map.drawGrass(window); // Отрисовка травы r_b.draw(window); window.display(); /*Отрисовка объектов Конец*/ } usleep(10000); // Оптимизация } }<|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// // utils.cpp // Xapiand // // Created by Germán M. Bravo on 2/24/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Germán M. Bravo. All rights reserved. // #include <stdio.h> #include "pthread.h" #include "utils.h" bool qmtx_inited = false; pthread_mutex_t qmtx; std::string repr_string(const std::string &string) { const char *p = string.c_str(); const char *p_end = p + string.size(); std::string ret; char buff[4]; ret += "'"; while (p != p_end) { char c = *p++; if (c == 10) { ret += "\\n"; } else if (c == 13) { ret += "\\n"; } else if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') { sprintf(buff, "%c", c); ret += buff; } else { sprintf(buff, "\\x%02x", c & 0xff); ret += buff; } } ret += "'"; return ret; } void log(void *obj, const char *format, ...) { if (!qmtx_inited) { pthread_mutex_init(&qmtx, 0); qmtx_inited = true; } pthread_mutex_lock(&qmtx); FILE * file = stderr; fprintf(file, "tid(0x%lx): 0x%lx - ", (unsigned long)pthread_self(), (unsigned long)obj); va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vfprintf(file, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&qmtx); } <commit_msg>Fixed repr (added \t, \' and \")<commit_after>// // utils.cpp // Xapiand // // Created by Germán M. Bravo on 2/24/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Germán M. Bravo. All rights reserved. // #include <stdio.h> #include "pthread.h" #include "utils.h" bool qmtx_inited = false; pthread_mutex_t qmtx; std::string repr_string(const std::string &string) { const char *p = string.c_str(); const char *p_end = p + string.size(); std::string ret; char buff[4]; ret += "\""; while (p != p_end) { char c = *p++; if (c == 9) { ret += "\\t"; } else if (c == 10) { ret += "\\n"; } else if (c == 13) { ret += "\\r"; } else if (c == '"') { ret += "\\\""; } else if (c == '\'') { ret += "\\\'"; } else if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') { sprintf(buff, "%c", c); ret += buff; } else { sprintf(buff, "\\x%02x", c & 0xff); ret += buff; } } ret += "\""; return ret; } void log(void *obj, const char *format, ...) { if (!qmtx_inited) { pthread_mutex_init(&qmtx, 0); qmtx_inited = true; } pthread_mutex_lock(&qmtx); FILE * file = stderr; fprintf(file, "tid(0x%lx): 0x%lx - ", (unsigned long)pthread_self(), (unsigned long)obj); va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vfprintf(file, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&qmtx); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include <emscripten.h> #endif #include "entityx/entityx.h" #include <glm/vec2.hpp> #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <functional> std::default_random_engine random_engine; std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution{0, 255}; auto rand_color = std::bind(distribution, random_engine); SDL_Window *win; SDL_Renderer *ren; entityx::EntityX ex; entityx::Entity entity = ex.entities.create(); void mainloop() { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren, rand_color(), rand_color(), rand_color(), 255); SDL_RenderClear(ren); SDL_RenderPresent(ren); SDL_Delay(1000); } int main() { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0){ std::cout << "SDL_Init Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; return 1; } win = SDL_CreateWindow("Hello World!", 100, 100, 640, 480, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (win == nullptr){ std::cout << "SDL_CreateWindow Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; SDL_Quit(); return 1; } ren = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if (ren == nullptr){ SDL_DestroyWindow(win); std::cout << "SDL_CreateRenderer Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; SDL_Quit(); return 1; } #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(mainloop, 0, true); #else auto lol = 5; while (lol > 0) { mainloop(); --lol; } #endif SDL_DestroyRenderer(ren); SDL_DestroyWindow(win); SDL_Quit(); return 0; } <commit_msg>tested entity.assign[...4]<commit_after>#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include <emscripten.h> #endif #include "entityx/entityx.h" #include "component_interactable.hpp" #include "component_position.hpp" #include <glm/vec2.hpp> #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <functional> std::default_random_engine random_engine; std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution{0, 255}; auto rand_color = std::bind(distribution, random_engine); SDL_Window *win; SDL_Renderer *ren; entityx::EntityX ex; entityx::Entity entity = ex.entities.create(); void mainloop() { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ren, rand_color(), rand_color(), rand_color(), 255); SDL_RenderClear(ren); SDL_RenderPresent(ren); SDL_Delay(1000); } int main() { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0){ std::cout << "SDL_Init Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; return 1; } win = SDL_CreateWindow("Hello World!", 100, 100, 640, 480, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (win == nullptr){ std::cout << "SDL_CreateWindow Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; SDL_Quit(); return 1; } ren = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if (ren == nullptr){ SDL_DestroyWindow(win); std::cout << "SDL_CreateRenderer Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; SDL_Quit(); return 1; } entity.assign<Interactable>(); entity.assign<Position>(); #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(mainloop, 0, true); #else auto lol = 5; while (lol > 0) { mainloop(); --lol; } #endif SDL_DestroyRenderer(ren); SDL_DestroyWindow(win); SDL_Quit(); return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* qgvdial is a cross platform Google Voice Dialer Copyright (C) 2010 Yuvraaj Kelkar This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Contact: yuvraaj@gmail.com */ #include "MainApp.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "Singletons.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; QtMsgHandler pOldHandler = NULL; MainWindow *pw = NULL; QFile fLogfile; //! Logfile int logLevel = 5; //! Log level void myMessageOutput(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) { int level = -1; switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: level = 3; break; case QtWarningMsg: level = 2; break; case QtCriticalMsg: level = 1; break; case QtFatalMsg: level = 0; } QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime (); QString strLog = QString("%1 : %2 : %3") .arg(dt.toString ("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz")) .arg(level) .arg(msg); // Send to standard output cout << strLog.toStdString () << endl; QRegExp regex("^\"(.*)\"\\s*"); if (strLog.indexOf (regex) != -1) { strLog = regex.cap (1); } if (strLog.contains ("password", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { strLog = QString("%1 : %2 : %3") .arg(dt.toString ("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz")) .arg(level) .arg("Log message with password blocked"); } if ((level <= logLevel) && (NULL != pw)) { pw->log (strLog); } strLog += '\n'; if (level <= logLevel) { // Append it to the file fLogfile.write(strLog.toLatin1 ()); } if (NULL == pOldHandler) { if (NULL == pw) { fwrite (strLog.toLatin1 (), strLog.size (), 1, stderr); } if (QtFatalMsg == type) { abort(); } } else { pOldHandler (type, strLog.toLatin1 ()); } }//myMessageOutput static void initLogging () { OsDependent &osd = Singletons::getRef().getOSD (); QString strLogfile = osd.getAppDirectory (); strLogfile += QDir::separator (); strLogfile += "qgvdial.log"; fLogfile.setFileName (strLogfile); fLogfile.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append); fLogfile.seek (fLogfile.size ()); pOldHandler = qInstallMsgHandler(myMessageOutput); }//initLogging static void deinitLogging () { pw = NULL; }//deinitLogging int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { #if defined(Q_WS_S60) MainApp::setAttribute (Qt::AA_S60DontConstructApplicationPanes); #endif initLogging (); MainApp app(argc, argv); bool bQuit = false; if ((app.argc() >= 2) && (0 == strcmp(app.argv()[1],"quit"))) { bQuit = true; } if (app.isRunning ()) { if (bQuit) { app.sendMessage ("quit"); } else { app.sendMessage ("show"); bQuit = true; } } if (bQuit == true) { return (0); } OsDependent &osd = Singletons::getRef().getOSD (); osd.init (); MainWindow w; pw = &w; app.setActivationWindow (&w); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed (true); #else app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed (false); #endif #if MOBILE_OS w.showFullScreen (); #else w.show(); #endif int rv = app.exec(); deinitLogging (); return (rv); }//main <commit_msg>flush logs periodically<commit_after>/* qgvdial is a cross platform Google Voice Dialer Copyright (C) 2010 Yuvraaj Kelkar This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Contact: yuvraaj@gmail.com */ #include "MainApp.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "Singletons.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; QtMsgHandler pOldHandler = NULL; MainWindow *pw = NULL; QFile fLogfile; //! Logfile int logLevel = 5; //! Log level int logCounter = 0; //! Number of log entries since the last log flush void myMessageOutput(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) { int level = -1; switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: level = 3; break; case QtWarningMsg: level = 2; break; case QtCriticalMsg: level = 1; break; case QtFatalMsg: level = 0; } QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime (); QString strLog = QString("%1 : %2 : %3") .arg(dt.toString ("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz")) .arg(level) .arg(msg); // Send to standard output cout << strLog.toStdString () << endl; QRegExp regex("^\"(.*)\"\\s*"); if (strLog.indexOf (regex) != -1) { strLog = regex.cap (1); } if (strLog.contains ("password", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { strLog = QString("%1 : %2 : %3") .arg(dt.toString ("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz")) .arg(level) .arg("Log message with password blocked"); } if ((level <= logLevel) && (NULL != pw)) { pw->log (strLog); } strLog += '\n'; if (level <= logLevel) { if (fLogfile.isOpen ()) { // Append it to the file fLogfile.write(strLog.toLatin1 ()); ++logCounter; if (logCounter > 100) { logCounter = 0; fLogfile.flush (); } } } if (NULL == pOldHandler) { if (NULL == pw) { fwrite (strLog.toLatin1 (), strLog.size (), 1, stderr); } if (QtFatalMsg == type) { abort(); } } else { pOldHandler (type, strLog.toLatin1 ()); } }//myMessageOutput static void initLogging () { OsDependent &osd = Singletons::getRef().getOSD (); QString strLogfile = osd.getAppDirectory (); strLogfile += QDir::separator (); strLogfile += "qgvdial.log"; fLogfile.setFileName (strLogfile); fLogfile.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append); fLogfile.seek (fLogfile.size ()); pOldHandler = qInstallMsgHandler(myMessageOutput); }//initLogging static void deinitLogging () { pw = NULL; fLogfile.close (); }//deinitLogging int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { #if defined(Q_WS_S60) MainApp::setAttribute (Qt::AA_S60DontConstructApplicationPanes); #endif initLogging (); MainApp app(argc, argv); bool bQuit = false; if ((app.argc() >= 2) && (0 == strcmp(app.argv()[1],"quit"))) { bQuit = true; } if (app.isRunning ()) { if (bQuit) { app.sendMessage ("quit"); } else { app.sendMessage ("show"); bQuit = true; } } if (bQuit == true) { return (0); } OsDependent &osd = Singletons::getRef().getOSD (); osd.init (); MainWindow w; pw = &w; app.setActivationWindow (&w); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed (true); #else app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed (false); #endif #if MOBILE_OS w.showFullScreen (); #else w.show(); #endif int rv = app.exec(); deinitLogging (); return (rv); }//main <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <iostream> #include <cstddef> #include <time.h> #include "StackAllocator.h" /* void test_primitives(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_PRIMITIVES_TYPES" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 12 // 4 -> 16 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(double), alignof(double)); // 8 -> 24 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(char), alignof(char)); // 1 -> 25 // 3 -> 28 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 32 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_primitives_unaligned(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_PRIMITIVES_TYPES_UNALIGNED" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 4 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 0 -> 5 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 9 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(double)); // 8 -> 17 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(char)); // 1 -> 18 // 0 -> 18 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 22 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_structs(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_CUSTOM_TYPES" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bar), alignof(bar)); // 16 -> 16 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 32 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(baz), alignof(baz)); // 4 -> 36 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 37 // 3 -> 40 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo3), alignof(foo3)); // 8 -> 48 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_structs_unaligned(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_CUSTOM_TYPES_UNALIGNED" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bar), 0); // 16 -> 16 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), 0); // 16 -> 32 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(baz), 0); // 4 -> 36 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), 0); // 1 -> 37 // 0 -> 37 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo3), 0); // 8 -> 45 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_linear_allocator(){ std::cout << "TEST_LINEAR_ALLOCATOR" << std::endl; LinearAllocator linearAllocator(100); test_primitives(linearAllocator); test_structs(linearAllocator); test_primitives_unaligned(linearAllocator); test_structs_unaligned(linearAllocator); } void test_stack_allocator_primitives(StackAllocator &stackAllocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_PRIMITIVES_TYPES" << std::endl; stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 1 // 3 -> 4 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(baz), alignof(baz)); // 4 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 12 std::cout << std::endl; stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 8 stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(baz)); // 8 -> 4(3) -> 1 // 7 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(double), alignof(double)); // 8 -> 16 stackAllocator.Reset(); } void test_stack_allocator(){ std::cout << "TEST_STACK_ALLOCATOR" << std::endl; StackAllocator stackAllocator(100); //test_primitives(stackAllocator); //test_structs(stackAllocator); //test_primitives_unaligned(stackAllocator); //test_structs_unaligned(stackAllocator); test_stack_allocator_primitives(stackAllocator); } */ struct foo { char *p; /* 8 bytes */ char c; /* 1 byte */ }; struct bar { int a; // 4 bool b; // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 int c; // 4 -> 12 bool d; // 1 -> 13 bool e; // 1 -> 14 // 2 -> 16 }; struct bar2 { int a; // 4 int c; // 4 -> 8 bool b; // 1 -> 9 bool d; bool e; // 3 -> 12 }; struct foo3 { int i; /* 4 byte */ char c; /* 1 bytes */ bool b; /* 1 bytes */ // 2 bytes }; struct foo2 { char c; /* 1 byte */ char *p; /* 8 bytes */ }; struct baz { short s; /* 2 bytes */ char c; /* 1 byte */ }; void setTimer(timespec& timer){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timer); } timespec diff(timespec &start, timespec &end) { timespec temp; if ((end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)<0) { temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec-1; temp.tv_nsec = 1e9+end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec; } else { temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec; temp.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec; } return temp; } void print_benchmark_stats(const timespec& elapsed_time, const int& memory_used, const int&memory_wasted, const int max_operations){ double time_sec = (double) elapsed_time.tv_sec; double time_nsec = (double) elapsed_time.tv_nsec; double time_msec = (time_sec * 1000) + (time_nsec / 1000000); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "\tSTATS:" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tOperations: \t" << max_operations << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tTime elapsed: \t" << time_msec << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tOp per sec: \t" << (max_operations / 1e3) / time_msec << " mops/ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tTimer per op: \t" << time_msec/(max_operations / 1e3) << " ms/mops" << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t\tMemory used: \t" << memory_used << " bytes" << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t\tMemory wasted: \t" << memory_wasted << " bytes\t" << ((float) memory_wasted / memory_used) * 100 << " %" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } void benchmark_stack_allocate(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); StackAllocator stackAllocator(1e10); int operations = 0; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 24 ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; stackAllocator.Reset(); print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_stack_allocate_free(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A/F: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); StackAllocator stackAllocator(1e10); int operations = 0; bool allocate = true; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ if (allocate) { stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 24 allocate = false; }else { stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(foo)); stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(bool)); stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(int)); allocate = true; } ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; stackAllocator.Reset(); print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A/F: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_malloc_allocate(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); int operations = 0; srand (1); while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ malloc(sizeof(int)); malloc(sizeof(bool)); malloc(sizeof(foo)); ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_malloc_allocate_free(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A/F: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); int operations = 0; bool allocate = true; int * i; bool * b; foo * f; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ if (allocate){ i = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); b = (bool*) malloc(sizeof(bool)); f = (foo*) malloc(sizeof(foo)); allocate = false; }else { free(f); free(b); free(i); allocate = true; } ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A/F: END" << std::endl; } /* TODO 1- Deinterface 2- Stack/Linear ->Calculate padding (Aligned allocators interface?) 2- benchmark free (3pointers) 3- read values (check speed) 4- move to utils file? */ int main(){ benchmark_stack_allocate_free(1e8); benchmark_malloc_allocate_free(1e8); return 1; } <commit_msg>Added benchmark to measure read write operations.<commit_after>#include <iostream> #include <cstddef> #include <time.h> #include "StackAllocator.h" /* void test_primitives(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_PRIMITIVES_TYPES" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 12 // 4 -> 16 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(double), alignof(double)); // 8 -> 24 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(char), alignof(char)); // 1 -> 25 // 3 -> 28 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 32 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_primitives_unaligned(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_PRIMITIVES_TYPES_UNALIGNED" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 4 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 0 -> 5 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 9 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(double)); // 8 -> 17 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(char)); // 1 -> 18 // 0 -> 18 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 22 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_structs(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_CUSTOM_TYPES" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bar), alignof(bar)); // 16 -> 16 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 32 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(baz), alignof(baz)); // 4 -> 36 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 37 // 3 -> 40 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo3), alignof(foo3)); // 8 -> 48 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_structs_unaligned(Allocator &allocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_CUSTOM_TYPES_UNALIGNED" << std::endl; allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bar), 0); // 16 -> 16 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), 0); // 16 -> 32 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(baz), 0); // 4 -> 36 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), 0); // 1 -> 37 // 0 -> 37 allocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo3), 0); // 8 -> 45 allocator.Reset(); std::cout << std::endl; } void test_linear_allocator(){ std::cout << "TEST_LINEAR_ALLOCATOR" << std::endl; LinearAllocator linearAllocator(100); test_primitives(linearAllocator); test_structs(linearAllocator); test_primitives_unaligned(linearAllocator); test_structs_unaligned(linearAllocator); } void test_stack_allocator_primitives(StackAllocator &stackAllocator){ std::cout << "\tTEST_PRIMITIVES_TYPES" << std::endl; stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 1 // 3 -> 4 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(baz), alignof(baz)); // 4 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 12 std::cout << std::endl; stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(int)); // 4 -> 8 stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(baz)); // 8 -> 4(3) -> 1 // 7 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(double), alignof(double)); // 8 -> 16 stackAllocator.Reset(); } void test_stack_allocator(){ std::cout << "TEST_STACK_ALLOCATOR" << std::endl; StackAllocator stackAllocator(100); //test_primitives(stackAllocator); //test_structs(stackAllocator); //test_primitives_unaligned(stackAllocator); //test_structs_unaligned(stackAllocator); test_stack_allocator_primitives(stackAllocator); } */ struct foo { char *p; /* 8 bytes */ char c; /* 1 byte */ }; struct bar { int a; // 4 bool b; // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 int c; // 4 -> 12 bool d; // 1 -> 13 bool e; // 1 -> 14 // 2 -> 16 }; struct bar2 { int a; // 4 int c; // 4 -> 8 bool b; // 1 -> 9 bool d; bool e; // 3 -> 12 }; struct foo3 { int i; /* 4 byte */ char c; /* 1 bytes */ bool b; /* 1 bytes */ // 2 bytes }; struct foo2 { char c; /* 1 byte */ char *p; /* 8 bytes */ }; struct baz { short s; /* 2 bytes */ char c; /* 1 byte */ }; void setTimer(timespec& timer){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timer); } timespec diff(timespec &start, timespec &end) { timespec temp; if ((end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)<0) { temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec-1; temp.tv_nsec = 1e9+end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec; } else { temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec; temp.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec; } return temp; } void print_benchmark_stats(const timespec& elapsed_time, const int& memory_used, const int&memory_wasted, const int max_operations){ double time_sec = (double) elapsed_time.tv_sec; double time_nsec = (double) elapsed_time.tv_nsec; double time_msec = (time_sec * 1000) + (time_nsec / 1000000); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "\tSTATS:" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tOperations: \t" << max_operations << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tTime elapsed: \t" << time_msec << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tOp per sec: \t" << (max_operations / 1e3) / time_msec << " mops/ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t\tTimer per op: \t" << time_msec/(max_operations / 1e3) << " ms/mops" << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t\tMemory used: \t" << memory_used << " bytes" << std::endl; //std::cout << "\t\tMemory wasted: \t" << memory_wasted << " bytes\t" << ((float) memory_wasted / memory_used) * 100 << " %" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } void benchmark_stack_allocate(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); StackAllocator stackAllocator(1e10); int operations = 0; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 24 ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; stackAllocator.Reset(); print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_stack_allocate_free(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A/F: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); StackAllocator stackAllocator(1e10); int operations = 0; bool allocate = true; int * i; bool * b; foo * f; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ if (allocate) { i = (int*) stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 b = (bool*) stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 f = (foo*) stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 24 allocate = false; }else { stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(foo)); stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(bool)); stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(int)); allocate = true; } ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; stackAllocator.Reset(); print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A/F: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_stack_allocate_free_read_write(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A/F/R/W: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); StackAllocator stackAllocator(1e10); int operations = 0; bool allocate = true; int * i; bool * b; foo * f; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ if (allocate) { i = (int*) stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int), alignof(int)); // 4 -> 4 b = (bool*) stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(bool), alignof(bool)); // 1 -> 5 // 3 -> 8 f = (foo*) stackAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(foo), alignof(foo)); // 16 -> 24 *i = *i + 1; *b = allocate; *f = foo(); allocate = false; }else { stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(foo)); stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(bool)); stackAllocator.Free(nullptr, sizeof(int)); allocate = true; } ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; stackAllocator.Reset(); print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK STACK A/F/R/W: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_malloc_allocate(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); int operations = 0; srand (1); while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ malloc(sizeof(int)); malloc(sizeof(bool)); malloc(sizeof(foo)); ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_malloc_allocate_free(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A/F: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); int operations = 0; bool allocate = true; int * i; bool * b; foo * f; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ if (allocate){ i = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); b = (bool*) malloc(sizeof(bool)); f = (foo*) malloc(sizeof(foo)); allocate = false; }else { free(f); free(b); free(i); allocate = true; } ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A/F: END" << std::endl; } void benchmark_malloc_allocate_free_read_write(long MAX_OPERATIONS = 1e4){ timespec start, end; std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A/F/R/W: START" << std::endl; setTimer(start); int operations = 0; bool allocate = true; int * i; bool * b; foo * f; while(operations < MAX_OPERATIONS){ if (allocate){ i = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); b = (bool*) malloc(sizeof(bool)); f = (foo*) malloc(sizeof(foo)); *i = *i + 1; *b = allocate; *f = foo(); allocate = false; }else { free(f); free(b); free(i); allocate = true; } ++operations; } setTimer(end); const timespec elapsed_time = diff(start, end); const std::size_t memory_used = 0; const std::size_t memory_wasted = 0; print_benchmark_stats(elapsed_time, memory_used, memory_wasted, MAX_OPERATIONS); std::cout << "BENCHMARK MALLOC A/F/R/W: END" << std::endl; } /* TODO 1- Deinterface 2- Stack/Linear ->Calculate padding (Aligned allocators interface?) 2- benchmark free (3pointers) 3- read values (check speed) 4- move to utils file? */ int main(){ benchmark_stack_allocate_free_read_write(1e4); benchmark_malloc_allocate_free_read_write(1e4); return 1; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <vector> #include <chrono> #include "sparsematrix.h" #include "demos.h" int main(int argc, char** argv){ CL::TinyCL tiny(CL::DEVICE::GPU); SparseMatrix sMat("../res/bcsstk05.mtx"); std::vector<float> b; for (int i = 0; i < sMat.dim; ++i) b.push_back(i); //Compare my kernel with the book kernel to make sure it's correct std::vector<float> localRes, myRes; //Measure elapsed time for my kernel and book kernel std::cout << "Book CG:\n"; std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); localRes = localConjGradSolve(sMat, b, tiny); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration bookTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start; std::cout << "------\nMy CG:\n"; start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); myRes = conjugateGradient(sMat, b, tiny); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration myTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start; std::cout << "-----\nTime difference, mine - book: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(myTime - bookTime).count() << "ms" << std::endl; //If the results are differ at a digit higher than the some minimal //error then my implementation is wrong float avgDiff = 0, maxDif = 1e-6; int nDifferent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < localRes.size(); ++i){ float diff = std::abs(localRes.at(i) - myRes.at(i)); if (diff > maxDif){ avgDiff += diff; ++nDifferent; } } if (nDifferent != 0) avgDiff /= nDifferent; std::cout << "# of values differing by more than " << std::scientific << maxDif << " : " << nDifferent << " of " << myRes.size() << "\nAverage difference between values: " << avgDiff << std::endl; return 0; } <commit_msg>Not only do I take longer but it seems<commit_after>#include <vector> #include <chrono> #include "sparsematrix.h" #include "demos.h" int main(int argc, char** argv){ CL::TinyCL tiny(CL::DEVICE::GPU); SparseMatrix sMat("../res/bcsstk05.mtx"); std::vector<float> b; for (int i = 0; i < sMat.dim; ++i) b.push_back(i); //Compare my kernel with the book kernel to make sure it's correct std::vector<float> localRes, myRes; //Measure elapsed time for my kernel and book kernel std::cout << "Book CG:\n"; std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); localRes = localConjGradSolve(sMat, b, tiny); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration bookTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start; std::cout << "------\nMy CG:\n"; start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); myRes = conjugateGradient(sMat, b, tiny); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration myTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start; std::cout << "-----\nBook solve time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(bookTime).count() << "ms\n" << "My solve time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(myTime).count() << "ms\n" << "Time difference, mine - book: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(myTime - bookTime).count() << "ms" << std::endl; //If the results are differ at a digit higher than the some minimal //error then my implementation is wrong float avgDiff = 0, maxDif = 1e-6; int nDifferent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < localRes.size(); ++i){ float diff = std::abs(localRes.at(i) - myRes.at(i)); if (diff > maxDif){ avgDiff += diff; ++nDifferent; } } if (nDifferent != 0) avgDiff /= nDifferent; std::cout << "# of values differing by more than " << std::scientific << maxDif << " : " << nDifferent << " of " << myRes.size() << "\nAverage difference between values: " << avgDiff << std::endl; return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <cstring> #include "fitness.h" #include "evolution.h" // Class Definitions FITNESS Fitness; EVOLUTION Evolution; int main() { int generation = 0; int fitness = 0; int fittest = 0; int geneSize = 0; srand(time(NULL)); // Initialize the solution Fitness.setSolution("1111000011110000000000001111000011110000111100000000000011110000"); // Get geneSize geneSize = Fitness.getSolutionLength(); // Initialize population int **population; population = (int **) malloc(POPULATION_SIZE * sizeof(int *)); for (int i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) population[i] = (int *) malloc(geneSize * sizeof(int)); // Generate population for (int pop = 0; pop < POPULATION_SIZE; pop++) { for (int gene = 0; gene < geneSize; gene++) { population[pop][gene] = rand() % 2; } } // Calculate the the fitness of the fittest of the population fittest = Fitness.getFittest(population, POPULATION_SIZE); fitness = Fitness.getFitness(population[fittest]); std::cout << "Gene size: " << geneSize << std::endl; while(fitness < geneSize) { generation++; std::cout << "Generation: " << generation << "; fitness: " << fitness << "; Fittest individu: " << fittest << std::endl; Evolution.evolve(population, Fitness); // Calculate the fitness for the next generation fittest = Fitness.getFittest(population, POPULATION_SIZE); fitness = Fitness.getFitness(population[fittest]); } generation++; std::cout << "Solution found!" << std::endl; std::cout << "Generation: " << generation << std::endl; std::cout << "Fitness: " << fitness << std::endl; std::cout << "Genes: "; int fittestIndividual = Fitness.getFittest(population, POPULATION_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < geneSize; i++) std::cout << population[fittestIndividual][i]; std::cout << std::endl; return 0; } <commit_msg>Update by using functions from class 'POPULATION'.<commit_after>#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <cstring> #include "fitness.h" #include "evolution.h" #include "population.h" // Class Definitions FITNESS Fitness; EVOLUTION Evolution; POPULATION Population; int main() { int generation = 0; int fitness = 0; int fittest = 0; int geneSize = 0; srand(time(NULL)); // Initialize the solution Fitness.setSolution("1111000011110000000000001111000011110000111100000000000011110000"); // Get geneSize geneSize = Fitness.getSolutionLength(); // Initialize population int **population; population = Population.initializePopulation(POPULATION_SIZE, geneSize); Population.createRandomPopulation(population, POPULATION_SIZE, geneSize); // Calculate the the fitness of the fittest of the population fittest = Fitness.getFittest(population, POPULATION_SIZE); fitness = Fitness.getFitness(population[fittest]); std::cout << "Gene size: " << geneSize << std::endl; while(fitness < geneSize) { generation++; std::cout << "Generation: " << generation << "; fitness: " << fitness << "; Fittest individu: " << fittest << std::endl; Evolution.evolve(population, Fitness); // Calculate the fitness for the next generation fittest = Fitness.getFittest(population, POPULATION_SIZE); fitness = Fitness.getFitness(population[fittest]); } generation++; std::cout << "Solution found!" << std::endl; std::cout << "Generation: " << generation << std::endl; std::cout << "Fitness: " << fitness << std::endl; std::cout << "Genes: "; int fittestIndividual = Fitness.getFittest(population, POPULATION_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < geneSize; i++) std::cout << population[fittestIndividual][i]; std::cout << std::endl; return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "MuMaterial.h" #include "counter_point.hpp" #include "voice.hpp" using namespace std; void ValidateArguments (int argc, char* argv[]); void PrintVector (vector<int> v, string message); vector<int> GetHarmonicRange (int note_pitch); vector<int> FixPitchsToScale (int scale_pitch, vector<int> pitchs); vector<int> RemoveUnisonFromPitchs(int unison_pitch, vector<int> pitchs); int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { ValidateArguments(argc, argv); string output_path = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "./"; string score_file_path = argv[1]; MuInit(); MuMaterial material; material.LoadScore(argv[1]); CounterPoint counter_point(material); counter_point.SetScalePitch(60); counter_point.PrintHarmonicPitchs(); MuMaterial counter_point_material = counter_point.GenerateCounterPointMaterial(); // material.Show(); // counter_point_material.Show(); material.AddVoices(1); material.SetVoice(1, counter_point_material, 0); material.SetInstrument(0, 2); material.SetInstrument(1, 3); material.Show(); material.SetDefaultFunctionTables(); material.Score(output_path + "score"); material.Orchestra(output_path + "orchestra"); Voice::Manager voice_manager; voice_manager.AddVoice("Soprano", 60, 79); voice_manager.AddVoice("Contralto", 55, 72); voice_manager.AddVoice("Tenor", 47, 67); voice_manager.AddVoice("Baixo", 40, 60); Voice voice = voice_manager.GetVoice(62); cout << "Voice: " << voice.name << endl; // counter_point_material.SetDefaultFunctionTables(); // counter_point_material.Score(output_path + "score_cp"); // counter_point_material.Orchestra(output_path + "orchestra_cp"); // MuNote note; // MuMaterial material; // note.SetPitch(60); // material += note; // note.SetPitch(62); // material += note; // note.SetPitch(64); // material += note; // CounterPoint counter_point(material); // counter_point.PrintHarmonicPitchs(); return 0; } void ValidateArguments (int argc, char* argv[]) { bool has_arguments = argc < 2; if (has_arguments) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [score_file_path] [output_path]" << endl; exit(-1); } } void PrintVector (vector<int> v, string message) { cout << message << ": "; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < v.size(); index++) { cout << v[index] << " "; } cout << endl; } vector<int> GetHarmonicRange (int note_pitch) { int unison = note_pitch; int third_minor = note_pitch - 3; int third_major = note_pitch - 4; int fifith_perfect = note_pitch - 7; int sixth_minor = note_pitch - 8; int sixth_major = note_pitch - 9; vector<int> harmonic_range {unison, third_minor, third_major, fifith_perfect, sixth_minor, sixth_major}; return harmonic_range; } vector<int> FixPitchsToScale (int scale_pitch, vector<int> pitchs) { scale_pitch = scale_pitch % 12; vector<int> scale_pitchs = { 0 + scale_pitch, 2 + scale_pitch, 4 + scale_pitch, 5 + scale_pitch, 7 + scale_pitch, 9 + scale_pitch, 11 + scale_pitch }; vector<int> pitchs_on_scale; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < pitchs.size(); index++) { int pitch = pitchs[index] % 12; bool found_pitch = find(scale_pitchs.begin(), scale_pitchs.end(), pitch) != scale_pitchs.end(); if(found_pitch) { pitchs_on_scale.push_back(pitchs[index]); } } return pitchs_on_scale; } vector<int> RemoveUnisonFromPitchs(int unison_pitch, vector<int> pitchs) { vector<int> pitchs_without_unison = pitchs; pitchs_without_unison.erase(remove(pitchs_without_unison.begin(), pitchs_without_unison.end(), unison_pitch), pitchs_without_unison.end()); return pitchs_without_unison; } <commit_msg>Remove unused code on main.cpp<commit_after>#include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "MuMaterial.h" #include "counter_point.hpp" #include "voice.hpp" using namespace std; void ValidateArguments (int argc, char* argv[]); int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { ValidateArguments(argc, argv); string output_path = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "./"; string score_file_path = argv[1]; MuInit(); MuMaterial material; material.LoadScore(argv[1]); CounterPoint counter_point(material); counter_point.SetScalePitch(60); counter_point.PrintHarmonicPitchs(); MuMaterial counter_point_material = counter_point.GenerateCounterPointMaterial(); // material.Show(); // counter_point_material.Show(); material.AddVoices(1); material.SetVoice(1, counter_point_material, 0); material.SetInstrument(0, 2); material.SetInstrument(1, 3); material.Show(); material.SetDefaultFunctionTables(); material.Score(output_path + "score"); material.Orchestra(output_path + "orchestra"); Voice::Manager voice_manager; voice_manager.AddVoice("Soprano", 60, 79); voice_manager.AddVoice("Contralto", 55, 72); voice_manager.AddVoice("Tenor", 47, 67); voice_manager.AddVoice("Baixo", 40, 60); Voice voice = voice_manager.GetVoice(62); cout << "Voice: " << voice.name << endl; // counter_point_material.SetDefaultFunctionTables(); // counter_point_material.Score(output_path + "score_cp"); // counter_point_material.Orchestra(output_path + "orchestra_cp"); // MuNote note; // MuMaterial material; // note.SetPitch(60); // material += note; // note.SetPitch(62); // material += note; // note.SetPitch(64); // material += note; // CounterPoint counter_point(material); // counter_point.PrintHarmonicPitchs(); return 0; } void ValidateArguments (int argc, char* argv[]) { bool has_arguments = argc < 2; if (has_arguments) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [score_file_path] [output_path]" << endl; exit(-1); } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* * VideoLeveler * * * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2013, Chili lab, EPFL. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Chili, EPFL nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * File: main.cpp * Author: Mirko Raca <name.lastname@epfl.ch> * Created: December 16, 2013. */ #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <glog/logging.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); /* tmp params */ string videoFilename = string(argv[1]); /* inits */ VideoCapture vSrc = VideoCapture(videoFilename); if( !vSrc.isOpened() ){ LOG(FATAL) << "Video " << videoFilename << " not found"; cout << "Video not found" << endl; exit(1); } /* processing */ double curFrame = vSrc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES); double maxFrames = vSrc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); while(curFrame < maxFrames){ Mat curFrame; vSrc >> curFrame; imshow("testwnd",curFrame); waitKey(100); } return 0; } <commit_msg>Implemented the Gonzales/Morales'02 skin detection algorithm<commit_after>/* * VideoLeveler * * * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2013, Chili lab, EPFL. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Chili, EPFL nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * File: main.cpp * Author: Mirko Raca <name.lastname@epfl.ch> * Created: December 16, 2013. */ #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <glog/logging.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; void skinDetectionGM( Mat& _frameMat, Mat& _resMask ); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); /* tmp params */ string videoFilename = string(argv[1]); /* inits */ VideoCapture vSrc = VideoCapture(videoFilename); if( !vSrc.isOpened() ){ LOG(FATAL) << "Video " << videoFilename << " not found"; cout << "Video not found" << endl; exit(1); } /* processing */ double curFrameNo = vSrc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES); double maxFrames = vSrc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); int skipCount = vSrc.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) * 20, curSkipNo = 0; Mat curFrame, curMask; while(curFrameNo < maxFrames){ vSrc >> curFrame; if( curSkipNo++ < skipCount ) continue; curSkipNo = 0; skinDetectionGM(curFrame, curMask); // imshow("curMaskWnd",curMask); curFrame.setTo(Scalar(0.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f), curMask); imshow("testwnd",curFrame); waitKey(10); } return 0; } /* * Outputs the mask of skin-colored regions of the image based on the paper * Automatic Feature Construction and a Simple Rule Induction Algorithm * for Skin Detection * G. Gomez, E. F. Morales (2002) * * */ void skinDetectionGM( Mat& _frameMat, Mat& _resMask ){ _resMask = _frameMat.clone(); _resMask.setTo(Scalar(0)); // TEMPORARY !! // normalizing the image Mat curFrameFloat; _frameMat.convertTo(curFrameFloat, CV_32FC3); vector<Mat> channels; split(curFrameFloat, channels); Mat sumValues = Mat::zeros(_frameMat.rows, _frameMat.cols, CV_32FC1); for( Mat& ch : channels ) sumValues = sumValues + ch; for( Mat& ch : channels ) ch = ch / sumValues; merge(channels, curFrameFloat); Mat sumAllChannels = channels[0] + channels[1] + channels[2]; // implementing the rules // rule 1: b/g < 1.249 Mat rule1Binary; { Mat rule1 = channels[0] / channels[1]; inRange(rule1, Scalar(0.0f), Scalar(1.249f), rule1Binary ); } // rule 2: (r+g+b)/(3*r) > 0.696 Mat rule2Binary; { Mat rule2 = Mat::zeros(_frameMat.rows, _frameMat.cols, CV_32FC1); rule2 = ( sumAllChannels )/ ( 3.0f*channels[2] ); inRange(rule2, Scalar(0.696f), Scalar(1000.0f), rule2Binary ); } // rule 3: 1/3.0 - b/(r+g+b) > 0.014 Mat rule3Binary; { Mat constMat = Mat::zeros(_frameMat.rows, _frameMat.cols, CV_32FC1); constMat.setTo(Scalar(1.0f/3.0f)); Mat rule3 = Mat::zeros(_frameMat.rows, _frameMat.cols, CV_32FC1); rule3 = constMat - channels[0]/( sumAllChannels ); inRange(rule3, Scalar(0.014f), Scalar(1000.0f), rule3Binary); } // rule 4: g/(3*(r+g+b)) < 0.108 Mat rule4Binary; { Mat rule4 = Mat::zeros(_frameMat.rows, _frameMat.cols, CV_32FC1); rule4 = channels[1] / ( 3.0f * sumAllChannels ); inRange(rule4, Scalar(0.0f), Scalar(0.108f), rule4Binary); } // show // final mask _resMask = rule1Binary & rule2Binary & rule3Binary & rule4Binary; // imshow("normChanels", curFrameFloat); // waitKey(10); } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "Arduino.h" #include "ESP8266WiFi.h" #include "ESP8266HTTPClient.h" #include "PubSubClient.h" #include "Adafruit_Sensor.h" #include "DHT.h" #include "TSL2561.h" // include the user configuration file #include "config.h" extern "C" { #include "user_interface.h" extern struct rst_info resetInfo; } struct { float ir; float full; float lux; float h; float t; uint16_t vdd; uint8_t count; } rtc_mem; // enable reading the Vcc voltage with the ADC ADC_MODE(ADC_VCC); // WiFi network and password WiFiClient espClient; void connectWifi(); // MQTT server & channel PubSubClient mqttClient(espClient); void reconnectMqtt(); void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length); // DHT22 sensor pin & type declaration DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // TSL2561 sensor pin declaration TSL2561 tsl(TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT, SDAPIN, SCLPIN); unsigned long lastMsg = 0; uint8_t measurements = 0; void update(); void doMeasurements(); void resetRTC(); void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); dht.begin(); if (tsl.begin()) { Serial.println("Found sensor"); } else { Serial.println("No sensor?"); } tsl.setGain(TSL2561_GAIN_0X); tsl.setTiming(TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_13MS); mqttClient.setServer(MQTTSERVER, 1883); mqttClient.setCallback(callback); Serial.print(ESP.getResetReason()); if (resetInfo.reason != REASON_DEEP_SLEEP_AWAKE){ resetRTC(); } } void loop() { #ifdef SLEEP doMeasurements(); if(rtc_mem.count >= NUMMEASUREMENTS){ if ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)){ connectWifi(); } if (!mqttClient.connected()) { reconnectMqtt(); } mqttClient.loop(); update(); } WiFi.disconnect(true); delay(50); ESP.deepSleep(MEASUREMENTINTERVAL*1000000, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT); #else if ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)){ connectWifi(); } if (!mqttClient.connected()) { reconnectMqtt(); } mqttClient.loop(); unsigned long now = millis(); if (now - lastMsg > MEASUREMENTINTERVAL*1000) { doMeasurements(); lastMsg = millis(); if(rtc_mem.count >= NUMMEASUREMENTS){ update(); } } #endif delay(50); } void doMeasurements(){ float h = dht.readHumidity(); // Read temperature as Celsius (the default) float t = dht.readTemperature(); // Check if any reads failed if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"); h=0; t=0; } Serial.print("Humidity: "); Serial.print(h); Serial.print(" %\t"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(t); Serial.println(" *C "); // Read 32 bits with top 16 bits IR, bottom 16 bits full spectrum uint32_t lum = tsl.getFullLuminosity(); uint16_t ir, full; ir = lum >> 16; full = lum & 0xFFFF; uint32_t lux = tsl.calculateLux(full, ir); Serial.print("IR: "); Serial.print(ir); Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print("Full: "); Serial.print(full); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("Visible: "); Serial.print(full - ir); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("Lux: "); Serial.println(lux); // read Vdd voltage uint16_t vdd = ESP.getVcc(); // get avg of previous measurements from RTC memory ESP.rtcUserMemoryRead(0, (uint32_t*) &rtc_mem, sizeof(rtc_mem)); // re-calculate average rtc_mem.t = rtc_mem.t+(t/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.h = rtc_mem.h+(h/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.ir = rtc_mem.ir+((float)ir/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.full = rtc_mem.full+((float)full/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.lux = rtc_mem.lux+((float)lux/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.vdd = vdd; rtc_mem.count = rtc_mem.count + 1; Serial.println(rtc_mem.t); Serial.println(rtc_mem.h); Serial.println(rtc_mem.ir); Serial.println(rtc_mem.full); Serial.println(rtc_mem.lux); Serial.println(rtc_mem.vdd); Serial.println(rtc_mem.count); // write to RTC mem ESP.rtcUserMemoryWrite(0, (uint32_t*) &rtc_mem, sizeof(rtc_mem)); } void update(){ // TODO: get free heap memory String data = String("field1=" + String(rtc_mem.t, 1) + "&field2=" + String(rtc_mem.h, 1) + "&field3=" + String(rtc_mem.ir, 1)+ "&field4=" + String(rtc_mem.full, 1)+ "&field5=" + String(rtc_mem.lux, 1)+ "&field6=" + String(rtc_mem.vdd, DEC)); int length = data.length(); char msgBuffer[length]; data.toCharArray(msgBuffer,length+1); String channel = String("channels/" + String(CHANNELID) +"/publish/"+String(APIKEY)); length = channel.length(); char chnlBuffer[length]; channel.toCharArray(chnlBuffer, length+1); mqttClient.publish(chnlBuffer,msgBuffer); Serial.print(data); delay(1000); // set rtc to 0 for all fields and write to memory resetRTC(); } void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); } Serial.println(); } void resetRTC(){ rtc_mem.t = 0.0; rtc_mem.h = 0.0; rtc_mem.ir = 0; rtc_mem.full = 0; rtc_mem.lux = 0; rtc_mem.vdd = 0; rtc_mem.count = 0; ESP.rtcUserMemoryWrite(0, (uint32_t*) &rtc_mem, sizeof(rtc_mem)); } void connectWifi() { WiFi.disconnect(true); WiFi.begin(SSID, PASSWORD); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("Connected, IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } void reconnectMqtt(){ while (!mqttClient.connected()) { Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection..."); // Create a random client ID String clientId = "ESP8266Client-"; clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX); // Attempt to connect if (mqttClient.connect(clientId.c_str())) { Serial.println("connected"); } else { Serial.print("failed, rc="); Serial.print(mqttClient.state()); Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds"); // Wait 5 seconds before retrying delay(5000); } } } <commit_msg>Reduces power consumption when waking from deep sleep.<commit_after>#include "Arduino.h" #include "ESP8266WiFi.h" #include "ESP8266HTTPClient.h" #include "PubSubClient.h" #include "Adafruit_Sensor.h" #include "DHT.h" #include "TSL2561.h" // include the user configuration file #include "config.h" extern "C" { #include "user_interface.h" extern struct rst_info resetInfo; } struct { float ir; float full; float lux; float h; float t; uint16_t vdd; uint8_t count; } rtc_mem; // enable reading the Vcc voltage with the ADC ADC_MODE(ADC_VCC); // WiFi network and password WiFiClient espClient; void connectWifi(); // MQTT server & channel PubSubClient mqttClient(espClient); void reconnectMqtt(); void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length); // DHT22 sensor pin & type declaration DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // TSL2561 sensor pin declaration TSL2561 tsl(TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT, SDAPIN, SCLPIN); unsigned long lastMsg = 0; uint8_t measurements = 0; void update(); void doMeasurements(); void resetRTC(); void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); dht.begin(); if (tsl.begin()) { Serial.println("Found sensor"); } else { Serial.println("No sensor?"); } tsl.setGain(TSL2561_GAIN_0X); tsl.setTiming(TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_13MS); mqttClient.setServer(MQTTSERVER, 1883); mqttClient.setCallback(callback); Serial.print(ESP.getResetReason()); if (resetInfo.reason != REASON_DEEP_SLEEP_AWAKE){ resetRTC(); } } void loop() { #ifdef SLEEP doMeasurements(); if(rtc_mem.count >= NUMMEASUREMENTS){ if ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)){ connectWifi(); } if (!mqttClient.connected()) { reconnectMqtt(); } mqttClient.loop(); update(); } WiFi.disconnect(true); delay(50); if(rtc_mem.count >= NUMMEASUREMENTS-1){ ESP.deepSleep(MEASUREMENTINTERVAL*1000000, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT); } else{ ESP.deepSleep(MEASUREMENTINTERVAL*1000000, WAKE_RF_DISABLED); } #else if ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)){ connectWifi(); } if (!mqttClient.connected()) { reconnectMqtt(); } mqttClient.loop(); unsigned long now = millis(); if (now - lastMsg > MEASUREMENTINTERVAL*1000) { doMeasurements(); lastMsg = millis(); if(rtc_mem.count >= NUMMEASUREMENTS){ update(); } } #endif delay(50); } void doMeasurements(){ float h = dht.readHumidity(); // Read temperature as Celsius (the default) float t = dht.readTemperature(); // Check if any reads failed if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"); h=0; t=0; } Serial.print("Humidity: "); Serial.print(h); Serial.print(" %\t"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(t); Serial.println(" *C "); // Read 32 bits with top 16 bits IR, bottom 16 bits full spectrum uint32_t lum = tsl.getFullLuminosity(); uint16_t ir, full; ir = lum >> 16; full = lum & 0xFFFF; uint32_t lux = tsl.calculateLux(full, ir); Serial.print("IR: "); Serial.print(ir); Serial.print("\t\t"); Serial.print("Full: "); Serial.print(full); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("Visible: "); Serial.print(full - ir); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("Lux: "); Serial.println(lux); // read Vdd voltage uint16_t vdd = ESP.getVcc(); // get avg of previous measurements from RTC memory ESP.rtcUserMemoryRead(0, (uint32_t*) &rtc_mem, sizeof(rtc_mem)); // re-calculate average rtc_mem.t = rtc_mem.t+(t/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.h = rtc_mem.h+(h/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.ir = rtc_mem.ir+((float)ir/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.full = rtc_mem.full+((float)full/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.lux = rtc_mem.lux+((float)lux/NUMMEASUREMENTS); rtc_mem.vdd = vdd; rtc_mem.count = rtc_mem.count + 1; Serial.println(rtc_mem.t); Serial.println(rtc_mem.h); Serial.println(rtc_mem.ir); Serial.println(rtc_mem.full); Serial.println(rtc_mem.lux); Serial.println(rtc_mem.vdd); Serial.println(rtc_mem.count); // write to RTC mem ESP.rtcUserMemoryWrite(0, (uint32_t*) &rtc_mem, sizeof(rtc_mem)); } void update(){ // TODO: get free heap memory String data = String("field1=" + String(rtc_mem.t, 1) + "&field2=" + String(rtc_mem.h, 1) + "&field3=" + String(rtc_mem.ir, 1)+ "&field4=" + String(rtc_mem.full, 1)+ "&field5=" + String(rtc_mem.lux, 1)+ "&field6=" + String(rtc_mem.vdd, DEC)); int length = data.length(); char msgBuffer[length]; data.toCharArray(msgBuffer,length+1); String channel = String("channels/" + String(CHANNELID) +"/publish/"+String(APIKEY)); length = channel.length(); char chnlBuffer[length]; channel.toCharArray(chnlBuffer, length+1); mqttClient.publish(chnlBuffer,msgBuffer); Serial.print(data); delay(1000); // set rtc to 0 for all fields and write to memory resetRTC(); } void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); } Serial.println(); } void resetRTC(){ rtc_mem.t = 0.0; rtc_mem.h = 0.0; rtc_mem.ir = 0; rtc_mem.full = 0; rtc_mem.lux = 0; rtc_mem.vdd = 0; rtc_mem.count = 0; ESP.rtcUserMemoryWrite(0, (uint32_t*) &rtc_mem, sizeof(rtc_mem)); } void connectWifi() { WiFi.disconnect(true); WiFi.begin(SSID, PASSWORD); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.print("Connected, IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } void reconnectMqtt(){ while (!mqttClient.connected()) { Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection..."); // Create a random client ID String clientId = "ESP8266Client-"; clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX); // Attempt to connect if (mqttClient.connect(clientId.c_str())) { Serial.println("connected"); } else { Serial.print("failed, rc="); Serial.print(mqttClient.state()); Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds"); // Wait 5 seconds before retrying delay(5000); } } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <ESP8266mDNS.h> #include <Arduino.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <WiFiUDP.h> #include "settings.h" MDNSResponder mdns; WiFiUDP udp; ESP8266WebServer server(80); const char* ssid = WIFI_SSID; const char* password = WIFI_PASSWORD; void sendWOL(const IPAddress ip, const byte mac[]); void beginWifi(); void macStringToBytes(const String mac, byte *bytes); void setup(void){ pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); Serial.begin(115200); beginWifi(); while (!mdns.begin("esp8266", WiFi.localIP())) {} udp.begin(9); server.on("/", []() { //Requests to the root respond with a "Hello World" digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 1); server.send(200, "text/plain", "ESP8266 WOL online"); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); }); server.on("/wol", [](){ //GET requests to /wol send Wake-On-LAN frames // the mac parameter is mandatory and should be a non-delimited MAC address // the ip parameter is optional, and if not provided the local broadcast will be used // example: GET /wol?mac=112233aabbcc&ip= String mac = server.arg("mac"); String ip = server.arg("ip"); //If IP is specified, read it. Else attempt to determine the local broadcast. IPAddress target_ip; if(ip.length() < 7) { //This will only work with class C networks. //A proper implementation should check WiFi.subnetMask() and mask accordingly. target_ip = WiFi.localIP(); target_ip[3] = 255; } else { target_ip = IPAddress((const uint8_t *) ip.c_str()); } byte target_mac[6]; macStringToBytes(mac, target_mac); sendWOL(target_ip, target_mac); server.send(200, "text/plain", "WOL sent to " + target_ip.toString() + " " + mac); }); server.onNotFound([](){ server.send(404, "text/plain", ""); }); server.begin(); Serial.println("HTTP server started"); } void loop(void){ server.handleClient(); } void beginWifi() { WiFi.begin(ssid, password); Serial.println(""); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(250); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.print("Connected to "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } /* * Send a Wake-On-LAN packet for the given MAC address, to the given IP * address. Often the IP address will be the local broadcast. */ void sendWOL(const IPAddress ip, const byte mac[]) { byte preamble[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; udp.beginPacket(ip, 9); udp.write(preamble, 6); for (uint8 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { udp.write(mac, 6); } udp.endPacket(); } byte valFromChar(char c) { if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return ((byte) (c - 'a') + 10) & 0x0F; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return ((byte) (c - 'A') + 10) & 0x0F; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') return ((byte) (c - '0')) & 0x0F; return 0; } /* * Very simple converter from a String representation of a MAC address to * 6 bytes. Does not handle errors or delimiters, but requires very little * code space and no libraries. */ void macStringToBytes(const String mac, byte *bytes) { if(mac.length() >= 12) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { bytes[i] = (valFromChar(mac.charAt(i*2)) << 4) | valFromChar(mac.charAt(i*2 + 1)); } } else { Serial.println("Incorrect MAC format."); } } <commit_msg>Remove IO pin use<commit_after>#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <ESP8266mDNS.h> #include <Arduino.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <WiFiUDP.h> #include "settings.h" MDNSResponder mdns; WiFiUDP udp; ESP8266WebServer server(80); const char* ssid = WIFI_SSID; const char* password = WIFI_PASSWORD; void sendWOL(const IPAddress ip, const byte mac[]); void beginWifi(); void macStringToBytes(const String mac, byte *bytes); void setup(void){ Serial.begin(115200); beginWifi(); while (!mdns.begin("esp8266", WiFi.localIP())) {} udp.begin(9); server.on("/", []() { //Requests to the root respond with a "Hello World" digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 1); server.send(200, "text/plain", "ESP8266 WOL online"); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); }); server.on("/wol", [](){ //GET requests to /wol send Wake-On-LAN frames // the mac parameter is mandatory and should be a non-delimited MAC address // the ip parameter is optional, and if not provided the local broadcast will be used // example: GET /wol?mac=112233aabbcc&ip= String mac = server.arg("mac"); String ip = server.arg("ip"); //If IP is specified, read it. Else attempt to determine the local broadcast. IPAddress target_ip; if(ip.length() < 7) { //This will only work with class C networks. //A proper implementation should check WiFi.subnetMask() and mask accordingly. target_ip = WiFi.localIP(); target_ip[3] = 255; } else { target_ip = IPAddress((const uint8_t *) ip.c_str()); } byte target_mac[6]; macStringToBytes(mac, target_mac); sendWOL(target_ip, target_mac); server.send(200, "text/plain", "WOL sent to " + target_ip.toString() + " " + mac); }); server.onNotFound([](){ server.send(404, "text/plain", ""); }); server.begin(); Serial.println("HTTP server started"); } void loop(void){ server.handleClient(); } void beginWifi() { WiFi.begin(ssid, password); Serial.println(""); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(250); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.print("Connected to "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } /* * Send a Wake-On-LAN packet for the given MAC address, to the given IP * address. Often the IP address will be the local broadcast. */ void sendWOL(const IPAddress ip, const byte mac[]) { byte preamble[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; udp.beginPacket(ip, 9); udp.write(preamble, 6); for (uint8 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { udp.write(mac, 6); } udp.endPacket(); } byte valFromChar(char c) { if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return ((byte) (c - 'a') + 10) & 0x0F; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return ((byte) (c - 'A') + 10) & 0x0F; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') return ((byte) (c - '0')) & 0x0F; return 0; } /* * Very simple converter from a String representation of a MAC address to * 6 bytes. Does not handle errors or delimiters, but requires very little * code space and no libraries. */ void macStringToBytes(const String mac, byte *bytes) { if(mac.length() >= 12) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { bytes[i] = (valFromChar(mac.charAt(i*2)) << 4) | valFromChar(mac.charAt(i*2 + 1)); } } else { Serial.println("Incorrect MAC format."); } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// Copyright (c) Burator 2014-2015 #include <QDir> #include <QFile> #include <QImage> #include <QDebug> #include <QString> #include <QDateTime> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QByteArray> #include <QStringList> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QCommandLineParser> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include "Util.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Global.h" #include "Version.h" #include "FaceDetector.h" B_USE_NAMESPACE // Show console output. static const bool showOutput = true; // Show debug/info output. static const bool showDebug = true; void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &ctx, const QString &msg); int main(int argc, char **argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Blurator"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(versionString()); qInstallMessageHandler(msgHandler); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("Blur license plates and faces."); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); parser.addPositionalArgument("paths", "Paths to images.", "paths.."); // Face detection option QCommandLineOption detectFaces(QStringList() << "f" << "faces", "Detect faces."); parser.addOption(detectFaces); // License plate detection option QCommandLineOption detectPlates(QStringList() << "p" << "plates", "Detect license plates."); parser.addOption(detectPlates); // Reply "yes" to everything option QCommandLineOption replyYes(QStringList() << "y" << "yes", "Automatically reply \"yes\" to all questions."); parser.addOption(replyYes); // Reply "no" to everything option QCommandLineOption replyNo(QStringList() << "n" << "no", "Automatically reply \"no\" to all questions."); parser.addOption(replyNo); // Verbosity option QCommandLineOption verbosity(QStringList() << "verbose", "Shows extra information."); parser.addOption(verbosity); // No-backup file option QCommandLineOption noBackupFile(QStringList() << "no-backup", "Don't store a backup of the original image."); parser.addOption(noBackupFile); parser.process(app); const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments(); // Check optional command line options bool dFaces = parser.isSet(detectFaces); bool dPlates = parser.isSet(detectPlates); bool rYes = parser.isSet(replyYes); bool rNo = parser.isSet(replyNo); bool verbose = parser.isSet(verbosity); bool noBackup = parser.isSet(noBackupFile); // Ensure the arguments are passed. if (args.isEmpty()) { qCritical() << "Must provide paths to images!"; return -1; } if (!dPlates && !dFaces) { qCritical() << "Must choose to detect plates and/or faces!"; return -1; } if (rYes && rNo) { qCritical() << "Can't both say yes and no to everything!"; return -1; } // If non-null then the boolean value means reply "yes" for true and // "no" for false. BoolPtr autoReplyYes(nullptr); if (rYes || rNo) { autoReplyYes.reset(new bool); *autoReplyYes = rYes; } // Find all images from the arguments. QStringList images; foreach (const QString &path, args) { QFileInfo fi(path); if (!fi.exists()) { qWarning() << "Ignoring nonexistent file:" << path; continue; } if (fi.isFile() && Util::isSupportedImage(path)) { images << path; } else if (fi.isDir()) { qWarning() << "Ignoring folder:" << path; } } if (images.isEmpty()) { qCritical() << "Found no supported images to process!"; return -1; } if (noBackup) { qWarning() << "Warning no backup files will be created!"; } QDateTime startDate = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const int size = images.size(); qint64 faceCnt = 0, faceTot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { const QString &path = images[i]; if (dFaces) { QFile f(path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qCritical() << "Could not read from image file!"; return -1; } QByteArray imageData = f.readAll(); f.close(); MatPtr image = Util::imageToMat(imageData); if (image == nullptr) { qCritical() << "Invalid image!"; return -1; } FaceDetector detector; if (!detector.isValid()) { qCritical() << "Could not setup facial detector."; return -1; } QList<FacePtr> faces = detector.detect(image); faceCnt = faces.size(); if (faces.isEmpty()) { goto updateProgress; } faceTot += faceCnt; // Blur each of the faces. if (!faces.isEmpty()) { // Save original to backup file. if (!noBackup) { QString bpath = Util::getBackupPath(path); if (!QFile::copy(path, bpath)) { qWarning() << "Could not save backup:" << bpath; if (!Util::askProceed("Do you want to proceed?", autoReplyYes.get())) { qWarning() << "Aborting.."; return -1; } } } Util::blurFaces(image, faces); QImage res; if (Util::matToImage(image, res)) { if (!res.save(path)) { qCritical() << "Could not save blurred image!"; } } else { qCritical() << "Could not convert mat to image!"; } } } // TODO: Plate detection if (dPlates) { qCritical() << "Plate detection not implemented yet!"; return -1; } updateProgress: static int lastLen = 0; float progress = float(i+1) / float(size) * 100.0; QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); qint64 elapsed = startDate.msecsTo(now); qint64 left = ((100.0 / progress) * elapsed) - elapsed; bool last = (i+1 == size); QString line1; if (verbose) { line1 = QString("Processed %1: %2 faces").arg(path).arg(faceCnt); } QString line2 = QString("[ %3/%4 (%5%) | %6 faces | %7 %8 ]") .arg(i+1).arg(size).arg(progress, 0, 'f', 1).arg(faceTot) .arg(!last ? Util::formatTime(left) : Util::formatTime(elapsed)) .arg(!last ? "left" : "elapsed"); QString msg = QString("%1%2").arg(verbose ? QString("%1\n").arg(line1) : "").arg(line2); // Rewind to beginning and output message. If at second line or // latter then overwrite everything with empty spaces to "blank" // out so no traces are left if the new lines are longer than // the last ones. { using namespace std; cout << '\r'; if (i > 0) { cout << QString(lastLen, ' ').toStdString() << '\r'; } cout << msg.toStdString(); cout.flush(); } lastLen = msg.size(); } return 0; } void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &ctx, const QString &msg) { if (!showOutput) return; QTextStream stream(stdout); switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: if (showDebug) { if (QString(msg) == "") { stream << endl; return; } stream << msg << endl; } break; case QtWarningMsg: stream << "(W) " << msg << endl; break; case QtCriticalMsg: stream << "(E) " << msg << endl; break; case QtFatalMsg: stream << "(F) " << msg << endl; abort(); } } <commit_msg>Using term colors to accentuate progress and matches.<commit_after>// Copyright (c) Burator 2014-2015 #include <QDir> #include <QFile> #include <QImage> #include <QDebug> #include <QString> #include <QDateTime> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QByteArray> #include <QStringList> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QCommandLineParser> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include "Util.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Global.h" #include "Version.h" #include "FaceDetector.h" B_USE_NAMESPACE // Show console output. static const bool showOutput = true; // Show debug/info output. static const bool showDebug = true; void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &ctx, const QString &msg); int main(int argc, char **argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Blurator"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(versionString()); qInstallMessageHandler(msgHandler); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("Blur license plates and faces."); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); parser.addPositionalArgument("paths", "Paths to images.", "paths.."); // Face detection option QCommandLineOption detectFaces(QStringList() << "f" << "faces", "Detect faces."); parser.addOption(detectFaces); // License plate detection option QCommandLineOption detectPlates(QStringList() << "p" << "plates", "Detect license plates."); parser.addOption(detectPlates); // Reply "yes" to everything option QCommandLineOption replyYes(QStringList() << "y" << "yes", "Automatically reply \"yes\" to all questions."); parser.addOption(replyYes); // Reply "no" to everything option QCommandLineOption replyNo(QStringList() << "n" << "no", "Automatically reply \"no\" to all questions."); parser.addOption(replyNo); // Verbosity option QCommandLineOption verbosity(QStringList() << "verbose", "Shows extra information."); parser.addOption(verbosity); // No-backup file option QCommandLineOption noBackupFile(QStringList() << "no-backup", "Don't store a backup of the original image."); parser.addOption(noBackupFile); parser.process(app); const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments(); // Check optional command line options bool dFaces = parser.isSet(detectFaces); bool dPlates = parser.isSet(detectPlates); bool rYes = parser.isSet(replyYes); bool rNo = parser.isSet(replyNo); bool verbose = parser.isSet(verbosity); bool noBackup = parser.isSet(noBackupFile); // Ensure the arguments are passed. if (args.isEmpty()) { qCritical() << "Must provide paths to images!"; return -1; } if (!dPlates && !dFaces) { qCritical() << "Must choose to detect plates and/or faces!"; return -1; } if (rYes && rNo) { qCritical() << "Can't both say yes and no to everything!"; return -1; } // If non-null then the boolean value means reply "yes" for true and // "no" for false. BoolPtr autoReplyYes(nullptr); if (rYes || rNo) { autoReplyYes.reset(new bool); *autoReplyYes = rYes; } // Find all images from the arguments. QStringList images; foreach (const QString &path, args) { QFileInfo fi(path); if (!fi.exists()) { qWarning() << "Ignoring nonexistent file:" << path; continue; } if (fi.isFile() && Util::isSupportedImage(path)) { images << path; } else if (fi.isDir()) { qWarning() << "Ignoring folder:" << path; } } if (images.isEmpty()) { qCritical() << "Found no supported images to process!"; return -1; } if (noBackup) { qWarning() << "Warning no backup files will be created!"; } QDateTime startDate = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const int size = images.size(); qint64 faceCnt = 0, faceTot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { const QString &path = images[i]; if (dFaces) { QFile f(path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qCritical() << "Could not read from image file!"; return -1; } QByteArray imageData = f.readAll(); f.close(); MatPtr image = Util::imageToMat(imageData); if (image == nullptr) { qCritical() << "Invalid image!"; return -1; } FaceDetector detector; if (!detector.isValid()) { qCritical() << "Could not setup facial detector."; return -1; } QList<FacePtr> faces = detector.detect(image); faceCnt = faces.size(); if (faces.isEmpty()) { goto updateProgress; } faceTot += faceCnt; // Blur each of the faces. if (!faces.isEmpty()) { // Save original to backup file. if (!noBackup) { QString bpath = Util::getBackupPath(path); if (!QFile::copy(path, bpath)) { qWarning() << "Could not save backup:" << bpath; if (!Util::askProceed("Do you want to proceed?", autoReplyYes.get())) { qWarning() << "Aborting.."; return -1; } } } Util::blurFaces(image, faces); QImage res; if (Util::matToImage(image, res)) { if (!res.save(path)) { qCritical() << "Could not save blurred image!"; } } else { qCritical() << "Could not convert mat to image!"; } } } // TODO: Plate detection if (dPlates) { qCritical() << "Plate detection not implemented yet!"; return -1; } updateProgress: static int lastLen = 0; static const QString nw("\033[0;37m"); // normal and white static const QString bw("\033[1;37m"); // bold and white float progress = float(i+1) / float(size) * 100.0; QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); qint64 elapsed = startDate.msecsTo(now); qint64 left = ((100.0 / progress) * elapsed) - elapsed; bool last = (i+1 == size); QString line1; if (verbose) { line1 = QString("Processed %1: %2 faces").arg(path).arg(faceCnt); } QString line2 = QString("[ %1%2%%3 (%4/%5) | %6%7 faces blurred%8 | %9 %10 ]") .arg(bw).arg(progress, 0, 'f', 1).arg(nw).arg(i+1).arg(size) .arg(bw).arg(faceTot).arg(nw) .arg(!last ? Util::formatTime(left) : Util::formatTime(elapsed)) .arg(!last ? "left" : "elapsed"); QString msg = QString("%1%2%3").arg(nw).arg(verbose ? QString("%1\n").arg(line1) : "").arg(line2); // Rewind to beginning and output message. If at second line or // latter then overwrite everything with empty spaces to "blank" // out so no traces are left if the new lines are longer than // the last ones. { using namespace std; cout << '\r'; if (i > 0) { cout << QString(lastLen, ' ').toStdString() << '\r'; } cout << msg.toStdString(); cout.flush(); } lastLen = msg.size(); } return 0; } void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &ctx, const QString &msg) { if (!showOutput) return; QTextStream stream(stdout); switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: if (showDebug) { if (QString(msg) == "") { stream << endl; return; } stream << msg << endl; } break; case QtWarningMsg: stream << "(W) " << msg << endl; break; case QtCriticalMsg: stream << "(E) " << msg << endl; break; case QtFatalMsg: stream << "(F) " << msg << endl; abort(); } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// This file was developed by Thomas Müller <thomas94@gmx.net>. // It is published under the BSD-style license contained in the LICENSE.txt file. #include "../include/ImageViewer.h" #include <args.hxx> #include <ImfThreading.h> #include <iostream> #include <thread> using namespace args; using namespace std; TEV_NAMESPACE_BEGIN int mainFunc(int argc, char* argv[]) { Imf::setGlobalThreadCount(thread::hardware_concurrency()); ArgumentParser parser{ "Inspection tool for images with a high dynamic range.", "This goes after the options.", }; HelpFlag help(parser, "help", "Display this help menu", {'h', "help"} ); ValueFlag<float> exposure{parser, "exposure", "Initial exposure setting of the viewer.", {'e', "exposure"}, }; PositionalList<string> imageFiles{parser, "images", "The image files to be opened by the viewer.", }; // Parse command line arguments and react to parsing // errors using exceptions. try { parser.ParseCLI(argc, argv); } catch (args::Help) { std::cout << parser; return 0; } catch (args::ParseError e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << parser; return -1; } catch (args::ValidationError e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << parser; return -2; } // Init nanogui application nanogui::init(); { auto app = make_unique<ImageViewer>(); app->drawAll(); app->setVisible(true); // Load all images which were passed in via the command line. for (const auto imageFile : get(imageFiles)) { app->addImage(make_shared<Image>(imageFile)); } // Resize the application window such that the largest image fits into it. app->fitAllImages(); // Adjust exposure according to potential command line parameters. if (exposure) { app->setExposure(get(exposure)); } nanogui::mainloop(); } nanogui::shutdown(); return 0; } TEV_NAMESPACE_END int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { tev::mainFunc(argc, argv); } catch (const runtime_error& e) { cerr << "Uncaught exception: "s + e.what() << endl; return 1; } } <commit_msg>Use uniform initialization in main.cpp<commit_after>// This file was developed by Thomas Müller <thomas94@gmx.net>. // It is published under the BSD-style license contained in the LICENSE.txt file. #include "../include/ImageViewer.h" #include <args.hxx> #include <ImfThreading.h> #include <iostream> #include <thread> using namespace args; using namespace std; TEV_NAMESPACE_BEGIN int mainFunc(int argc, char* argv[]) { Imf::setGlobalThreadCount(thread::hardware_concurrency()); ArgumentParser parser{ "Inspection tool for images with a high dynamic range.", "This goes after the options.", }; HelpFlag help{ parser, "help", "Display this help menu", {'h', "help"}, }; ValueFlag<float> exposure{ parser, "exposure", "Initial exposure setting of the viewer.", {'e', "exposure"}, }; PositionalList<string> imageFiles{ parser, "images", "The image files to be opened by the viewer.", }; // Parse command line arguments and react to parsing // errors using exceptions. try { parser.ParseCLI(argc, argv); } catch (args::Help) { std::cout << parser; return 0; } catch (args::ParseError e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << parser; return -1; } catch (args::ValidationError e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << parser; return -2; } // Init nanogui application nanogui::init(); { auto app = make_unique<ImageViewer>(); app->drawAll(); app->setVisible(true); // Load all images which were passed in via the command line. if (imageFiles) { for (const auto imageFile : get(imageFiles)) { app->addImage(make_shared<Image>(imageFile)); } } // Resize the application window such that the largest image fits into it. app->fitAllImages(); // Adjust exposure according to potential command line parameters. if (exposure) { app->setExposure(get(exposure)); } nanogui::mainloop(); } nanogui::shutdown(); return 0; } TEV_NAMESPACE_END int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { tev::mainFunc(argc, argv); } catch (const runtime_error& e) { cerr << "Uncaught exception: "s + e.what() << endl; return 1; } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "vec2.hpp" Vec2::Vec2() { this->x = 0.0f; this->y = 0.0f; } Vec2::Vec2(float x, float y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } Vec2::Vec2(const Vec2& v) { this->x = v.x; this->y = v.y; } Vec2::~Vec2() { } void Vec2::operator=(const Vec2& v) { this->x = v.x; this->y = v.y; } bool Vec2::operator==(const Vec2& v) const { return (this->x == v.x && this->y == v.y); } bool Vec2::operator!=(const Vec2& v) const { return (this->x != v.x || this->y != v.y); } float& Vec2::operator[](const int i) { if (i == 0) return x; else return y; } const float& Vec2::operator[](const int i) const { if (i == 0) return x; else return y; } void Vec2::operator+=(const Vec2& v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; } void Vec2::operator-=(const Vec2& v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; } void Vec2::operator*=(const float f) { x *= f; y *= f; } void Vec2::operator/=(const float f) { x /= f; y /= f; } Vec2 Vec2::operator-() const { return Vec2(-x, -y); } Vec2 Vec2::operator+(const Vec2& v) const { return Vec2(this->x + v.x, this->y + v.y); } Vec2 Vec2::operator-(const Vec2& v) const { return Vec2(this->x - v.x, this->y - v.y); } Vec2 Vec2::operator*(const float f) const { return Vec2(this->x * f, this->y * f); } Vec2 Vec2::operator/(const float f) const { return Vec2(this->x / f, this->y / f); } float Vec2::getMag() const { return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y); } float Vec2::getSqrMag() const { return x * x + y * y; } Vec2 Vec2::getNormalized() const { const float mag = getMag(); if (mag == 0.0f) return Vec2(); return (*this) / mag; } void Vec2::normalize() { const float mag = getMag(); if (mag == 0.0f) (*this) = Vec2(); (*this) /= mag; } <commit_msg>Fix missing cmath include.<commit_after>#include "vec2.hpp" #include <cmath> Vec2::Vec2() { this->x = 0.0f; this->y = 0.0f; } Vec2::Vec2(float x, float y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } Vec2::Vec2(const Vec2& v) { this->x = v.x; this->y = v.y; } Vec2::~Vec2() { } void Vec2::operator=(const Vec2& v) { this->x = v.x; this->y = v.y; } bool Vec2::operator==(const Vec2& v) const { return (this->x == v.x && this->y == v.y); } bool Vec2::operator!=(const Vec2& v) const { return (this->x != v.x || this->y != v.y); } float& Vec2::operator[](const int i) { if (i == 0) return x; else return y; } const float& Vec2::operator[](const int i) const { if (i == 0) return x; else return y; } void Vec2::operator+=(const Vec2& v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; } void Vec2::operator-=(const Vec2& v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; } void Vec2::operator*=(const float f) { x *= f; y *= f; } void Vec2::operator/=(const float f) { x /= f; y /= f; } Vec2 Vec2::operator-() const { return Vec2(-x, -y); } Vec2 Vec2::operator+(const Vec2& v) const { return Vec2(this->x + v.x, this->y + v.y); } Vec2 Vec2::operator-(const Vec2& v) const { return Vec2(this->x - v.x, this->y - v.y); } Vec2 Vec2::operator*(const float f) const { return Vec2(this->x * f, this->y * f); } Vec2 Vec2::operator/(const float f) const { return Vec2(this->x / f, this->y / f); } float Vec2::getMag() const { return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y); } float Vec2::getSqrMag() const { return x * x + y * y; } Vec2 Vec2::getNormalized() const { const float mag = getMag(); if (mag == 0.0f) return Vec2(); return (*this) / mag; } void Vec2::normalize() { const float mag = getMag(); if (mag == 0.0f) (*this) = Vec2(); (*this) /= mag; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "FileStream.h" #include "ClassFile.h" #include "InputStream.h" #include "OutputStream.h" #include "JarFile.h" using namespace std; ClassFile parseClass(InputStream* fp); void writeClass(OutputStream* fp, ClassFile const& class_); void dumpClass(ClassFile const& class_); map<string, string> classRemap; void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { if(from.empty()) return; size_t i = 0; while((i = str.find(from, i)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(i, from.length(), to); i += to.length(); // In case 'to' contains 'from', like replacing 'x' with 'yx' } } void remapDescriptorQuickAndDirty(ConstPoolInfo& desc) { assert(desc.tag == CONSTANT::Utf8); fprintf(stderr, "remapQND '%s'\n", desc.utf8.c_str()); for(auto& remapping : classRemap) { auto const from = "L" + remapping.first + ";"; auto const to = "L" + remapping.second + ";"; replaceAll(desc.utf8, from, to); } } void remapFieldDescriptor(ConstPoolInfo& desc) { assert(desc.tag == CONSTANT::Utf8); if(desc.utf8[0] == 'L') { assert(desc.utf8.back() == ';'); auto const origClassName = desc.utf8.substr(1, desc.utf8.size() - 2); auto i_newName = classRemap.find(origClassName); if(i_newName != classRemap.end()) desc.utf8 = "L" + i_newName->second + ";"; } } void remapClassReferences(ClassFile& class_) { for(auto& constant : class_.const_pool) { if(constant.tag == CONSTANT::Class) { auto& classNameEntry = class_.const_pool[constant.name_index]; auto const& origClassName = classNameEntry.utf8; auto i_newName = classRemap.find(origClassName); if(i_newName != classRemap.end()) classNameEntry.utf8 = i_newName->second; } else if(constant.tag == CONSTANT::NameAndType) { auto& typeNameEntry = class_.const_pool[constant.descriptor_index]; remapDescriptorQuickAndDirty(typeNameEntry); } } for(auto& field : class_.fields) { auto& desc = class_.const_pool[field.descriptor_index]; remapFieldDescriptor(desc); } for(auto& method : class_.methods) { auto& desc = class_.const_pool[method.descriptor_index]; remapDescriptorQuickAndDirty(desc); } } void renameFiles(map<string, ClassFile>& files) { for(auto& remapping : classRemap) { auto const from = remapping.first; auto const to = remapping.second; auto i_file = files.find(from); if(i_file == files.end()) { cerr << "Available classes: "; for(auto& file : files) cerr << file.first << " "; cerr << endl; throw runtime_error("Class '" + from + "' doesn't exist"); } auto file = move(i_file->second); files.erase(i_file); files[to] = move(file); } } void loadRemappings(string path) { ifstream fp(path); if(!fp.is_open()) throw runtime_error("can't open '" + path + "' for reading"); string line; while(!fp.eof()) { string type, from, to; fp >> type >> ws >> from >> to; if(type == "class") classRemap[from] = to; } for(auto& remapping : classRemap) { cout << remapping.first << " -> " << remapping.second << endl; } } struct Config { string inputPath, outputPath; string remapPath; }; Config parseCommandLine(int argc, char** argv) { Config config; int k = 1; auto moreArgs = [&] () -> bool { return k < argc; }; auto popArg = [&] () -> string { if(!moreArgs()) throw runtime_error("unepxected end of command line"); return argv[k++]; }; while(moreArgs()) { auto word = popArg(); if(word == "-r") config.remapPath = popArg(); else if(word == "-i") config.inputPath = popArg(); else if(word == "-o") config.outputPath = popArg(); else throw runtime_error("Unknown switch: '" + word + "'"); } return config; } void processOneClass(ClassFile& class_) { remapClassReferences(class_); dumpClass(class_); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { auto config = parseCommandLine(argc, argv); if(config.inputPath.empty()) throw runtime_error("no input path specified"); if(!config.remapPath.empty()) loadRemappings(config.remapPath); if(endsWith(config.inputPath, ".jar")) { JarFile jar(config.inputPath); if(!config.remapPath.empty()) { auto& classes = jar.getAllClasses(); for(auto& class_ : classes) processOneClass(class_.second); renameFiles(classes); } if(!config.outputPath.empty()) jar.save(config.outputPath); } else { FileStream fp; fp.open(config.inputPath); auto class_ = parseClass(&fp); if(!fp.eof()) throw runtime_error("parse error"); if(!config.remapPath.empty()) processOneClass(class_); if(!config.outputPath.empty()) { OutputFileStream out; out.open(config.outputPath); writeClass(&out, class_); } } return 0; } catch(runtime_error const& e) { cerr << "Fatal: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } } <commit_msg>Add an optional 'verbose' mode<commit_after>#include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "FileStream.h" #include "ClassFile.h" #include "InputStream.h" #include "OutputStream.h" #include "JarFile.h" using namespace std; ClassFile parseClass(InputStream* fp); void writeClass(OutputStream* fp, ClassFile const& class_); void dumpClass(ClassFile const& class_); map<string, string> classRemap; void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { if(from.empty()) return; size_t i = 0; while((i = str.find(from, i)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(i, from.length(), to); i += to.length(); // In case 'to' contains 'from', like replacing 'x' with 'yx' } } void remapDescriptorQuickAndDirty(ConstPoolInfo& desc) { assert(desc.tag == CONSTANT::Utf8); for(auto& remapping : classRemap) { auto const from = "L" + remapping.first + ";"; auto const to = "L" + remapping.second + ";"; replaceAll(desc.utf8, from, to); } } void remapFieldDescriptor(ConstPoolInfo& desc) { assert(desc.tag == CONSTANT::Utf8); if(desc.utf8[0] == 'L') { assert(desc.utf8.back() == ';'); auto const origClassName = desc.utf8.substr(1, desc.utf8.size() - 2); auto i_newName = classRemap.find(origClassName); if(i_newName != classRemap.end()) desc.utf8 = "L" + i_newName->second + ";"; } } void remapClassReferences(ClassFile& class_) { for(auto& constant : class_.const_pool) { if(constant.tag == CONSTANT::Class) { auto& classNameEntry = class_.const_pool[constant.name_index]; auto const& origClassName = classNameEntry.utf8; auto i_newName = classRemap.find(origClassName); if(i_newName != classRemap.end()) classNameEntry.utf8 = i_newName->second; } else if(constant.tag == CONSTANT::NameAndType) { auto& typeNameEntry = class_.const_pool[constant.descriptor_index]; remapDescriptorQuickAndDirty(typeNameEntry); } } for(auto& field : class_.fields) { auto& desc = class_.const_pool[field.descriptor_index]; remapFieldDescriptor(desc); } for(auto& method : class_.methods) { auto& desc = class_.const_pool[method.descriptor_index]; remapDescriptorQuickAndDirty(desc); } } void renameFiles(map<string, ClassFile>& files) { for(auto& remapping : classRemap) { auto const from = remapping.first; auto const to = remapping.second; auto i_file = files.find(from); if(i_file == files.end()) { cerr << "Available classes: "; for(auto& file : files) cerr << file.first << " "; cerr << endl; throw runtime_error("Class '" + from + "' doesn't exist"); } auto file = move(i_file->second); files.erase(i_file); files[to] = move(file); } } void loadRemappings(string path) { ifstream fp(path); if(!fp.is_open()) throw runtime_error("can't open '" + path + "' for reading"); string line; while(!fp.eof()) { string type, from, to; fp >> type >> ws >> from >> to; if(type == "class") classRemap[from] = to; } } struct Config { string inputPath, outputPath; string remapPath; bool verbose = false; }; Config parseCommandLine(int argc, char** argv) { Config config; int k = 1; auto moreArgs = [&] () -> bool { return k < argc; }; auto popArg = [&] () -> string { if(!moreArgs()) throw runtime_error("unepxected end of command line"); return argv[k++]; }; while(moreArgs()) { auto word = popArg(); if(word == "-r") config.remapPath = popArg(); else if(word == "-i") config.inputPath = popArg(); else if(word == "-o") config.outputPath = popArg(); else if(word == "-v") config.verbose = true; else throw runtime_error("Unknown switch: '" + word + "'"); } return config; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { auto config = parseCommandLine(argc, argv); if(config.inputPath.empty()) throw runtime_error("no input path specified"); if(!config.remapPath.empty()) { loadRemappings(config.remapPath); if(config.verbose) { for(auto& remapping : classRemap) cout << remapping.first << " -> " << remapping.second << endl; } } auto processOneClass = [&] (ClassFile& class_) { remapClassReferences(class_); if(config.verbose) dumpClass(class_); }; if(endsWith(config.inputPath, ".jar")) { JarFile jar(config.inputPath); if(!config.remapPath.empty()) { auto& classes = jar.getAllClasses(); for(auto& class_ : classes) processOneClass(class_.second); renameFiles(classes); } if(!config.outputPath.empty()) jar.save(config.outputPath); } else { FileStream fp; fp.open(config.inputPath); auto class_ = parseClass(&fp); if(!fp.eof()) throw runtime_error("parse error"); if(!config.remapPath.empty()) processOneClass(class_); if(!config.outputPath.empty()) { OutputFileStream out; out.open(config.outputPath); writeClass(&out, class_); } } return 0; } catch(runtime_error const& e) { cerr << "Fatal: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Tmplt <tmplt@dragons.rocks> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <cstdint> // explicitly-sized integral types #include <cstdlib> // EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE #include <exception> // std::exception #include <memory> // std::make_shared #include "components/command_line.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "config.hpp" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using add_arg = command_line::option; const command_line::options opts{ add_arg("-h", "--help", "Display this text and exit "), add_arg("-v", "--version", "Print version information"), add_arg("-l", "--log", "Set logging level to info"), /* Exclusive arguments; cannot be combined with any other arguments. */ add_arg("-d", "--ident", "Specify an item identification (such as DOI, URL, etc.)", "IDENT"), /* Main arguments; at least one of these are required. */ /* auto main = command_line::add_group( */ /* "main", "necessarily inclusive arguments; at least one required" */ /* ); */ add_arg("-a", "--author", "Specify authors", "AUTHOR"), add_arg("-t", "--title", "Specify title", "TITLE"), add_arg("-s", "--serie", "Specify serie", "SERIE"), add_arg("-p", "--publisher", "Specify publisher", "PUBLISHER"), /* Exact data arguments; all are optional. */ add_arg("-y", "--year", "Specify year of release", "YEAR"), add_arg("-L", "--language", "Specify text language", "LANG"), add_arg("-e", "--edition", "Specify item edition", "EDITION"), add_arg("-E", "--extension", "Specify item extension", "EXT", {"epub", "pdf", "djvu"}), add_arg("-i", "--isbn", "Specify item ISBN", "ISBN"), }; uint8_t exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; auto logger = logger::create("main"); logger->set_pattern("%l: %v"); logger->set_level(spdlog::level::err); try { /* Parse command line arguments. */ std::string progname = argv[0]; std::vector<std::string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc); auto cli = cliparser::make(std::move(progname), std::move(opts)); cli->process_arguments(args); if (cli->has("log")) logger->set_level(spdlog::level::info); logger->info("the mighty eldwyrm has been summoned!"); if (cli->has("help")) { cli->usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (cli->has("version")) { print_build_info(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (args.empty()) { cli->usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } catch (const std::exception &err) { logger->error(err.what()); exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; } logger->info("dropping all loggers and returning exitval = {}", exit_code); spdlog::drop_all(); return exit_code; } <commit_msg>remove unused header<commit_after>/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Tmplt <tmplt@dragons.rocks> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <cstdint> // explicitly-sized integral types #include <cstdlib> // EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE #include <exception> // std::exception #include "components/command_line.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "config.hpp" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using add_arg = command_line::option; const command_line::options opts{ add_arg("-h", "--help", "Display this text and exit "), add_arg("-v", "--version", "Print version information"), add_arg("-l", "--log", "Set logging level to info"), /* Exclusive arguments; cannot be combined with any other arguments. */ add_arg("-d", "--ident", "Specify an item identification (such as DOI, URL, etc.)", "IDENT"), /* Main arguments; at least one of these are required. */ /* auto main = command_line::add_group( */ /* "main", "necessarily inclusive arguments; at least one required" */ /* ); */ add_arg("-a", "--author", "Specify authors", "AUTHOR"), add_arg("-t", "--title", "Specify title", "TITLE"), add_arg("-s", "--serie", "Specify serie", "SERIE"), add_arg("-p", "--publisher", "Specify publisher", "PUBLISHER"), /* Exact data arguments; all are optional. */ add_arg("-y", "--year", "Specify year of release", "YEAR"), add_arg("-L", "--language", "Specify text language", "LANG"), add_arg("-e", "--edition", "Specify item edition", "EDITION"), add_arg("-E", "--extension", "Specify item extension", "EXT", {"epub", "pdf", "djvu"}), add_arg("-i", "--isbn", "Specify item ISBN", "ISBN"), }; uint8_t exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; auto logger = logger::create("main"); logger->set_pattern("%l: %v"); logger->set_level(spdlog::level::err); try { /* Parse command line arguments. */ std::string progname = argv[0]; std::vector<std::string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc); auto cli = cliparser::make(std::move(progname), std::move(opts)); cli->process_arguments(args); if (cli->has("log")) logger->set_level(spdlog::level::info); logger->info("the mighty eldwyrm has been summoned!"); if (cli->has("help")) { cli->usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (cli->has("version")) { print_build_info(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (args.empty()) { cli->usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } catch (const std::exception &err) { logger->error(err.what()); exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; } logger->info("dropping all loggers and returning exitval = {}", exit_code); spdlog::drop_all(); return exit_code; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <errno.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <vector> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost; string shell_prompt(); //prototype for prompt function void cmd_interpreter(vector<string>); //prototype for command interpreter int main (int argc, char** argv) { vector<string> inVector; string input; while(true) { input = shell_prompt(); //while (inVector.back() != "") if (input == "exit") { cout << "Exiting rshell." << endl; exit(0); } else { char_separator<char> sep(";|&"); string t; tokenizer< char_separator<char> > tokens(input, sep); BOOST_FOREACH(t, tokens); { inVector.push_back(t); // cout << t << endl; } } cmd_interpreter(inVector); } return 0; } void cmd_interpreter(vector<string> input) { // unsigned size = input.size(); string cmd = input.back(); // string file; // string param; int len; // vector<string> strs; // cout << "last " << input.back() << endl; // for (unsigned i = 0; i < size ; i++) // cout << "test " << input.at(i) << endl; //parse command to seperate command and parameters // split(strs, cmd, is_any_of(" ")); // file = strs.front(); // for (unsigned i = 1; i < strs.size(); i++) // { // param.append(strs.at(i)); // } // param.append('\0'); //null termination // const char* filec = file.c_str(); // const char* paramc = param.c_str(); len = cmd.length(); char* const paramc = new char[len + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { paramc[i] = cmd[i]; } paramc[len] = '\0'; char* const argv[] = {paramc}; // char*const param[] = { // // char filec[1] = file; // char paramc[size+1] = param; // strcpy(filec, file.c_str()); //fork execution to it's own process int pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { int error = execvp(argv[0], argv); if (error == -1) { perror("execvp"); // throw an error exit(1); } else { execvp(argv[0], argv); } } else { //parent wait waitpid(-1, NULL, 0); } delete [] paramc; return; /* int pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { int error = execvp(argv[0], argv); if (error == -1) { perror("execvp"); //throw an error exit(1); } else { if (argv[0] != "exit") { //execute } exit(0); } } else { wait(NULL); } */ } string shell_prompt() { string in; //TODO - error checking for getlogin and gethostname //implement later /* char name[256]; int maxlen = 64; if (!gethostname(name, maxlen)) { string strname(name); cout << getlogin() << "@" << name << "$ "; //custom prompt with hostname and login name cin >> in; } else { perror("gethostname"); //throw error if not found } */ cout << "rshell$ "; getline(cin, in); cin.clear(); return in; } <commit_msg>revamped functions<commit_after>#include <errno.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <vector> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost; string shell_prompt(); //prototype for prompt function char[] cmd_interpreter(vector<string>); //prototype for command interpreter int main (int argc, char** argv) { vector<string> inVector; string input; while(true) { input = shell_prompt(); //while (inVector.back() != "") if (input == "exit") { cout << "Exiting rshell." << endl; exit(0); } else { char_separator<char> sep(";|&", "|&"); string t; tokenizer< char_separator<char> > tokens(input, sep); BOOST_FOREACH(t, tokens); { //TODO do different things depending on delimiters in vector inVector.push_back(t); } cmd_interpreter(inVector); } } return 0; } char[] cmd_interpreter(vector<string> input) { // unsigned size = input.size(); string cmd = input.back(); string file; int len = cmd.length(); // char* param; vector<string> strs; // cout << "last " << input.back() << endl; // for (unsigned i = 0; i < size ; i++) // cout << "test " << input.at(i) << endl; //parse command to seperate command and parameters split(strs, cmd, is_any_of(" ")); // file = strs.front(); // for (unsigned i = 1; i < strs.size(); i++) // { // param.append(strs.at(i)); // } // param.append('\0'); //null termination // const char* filec = file.c_str(); // const char* paramc = param.c_str(); len = cmd.length(); file = strs.front(); cout << "file:" << file << endl; char* const paramc = new char[len+1]; // char* const charc = new [file.length()]; for (int i = 0; i != len; i++) { if (i == len) { paramc[i] = '\0'; } paramc[i] = strs.at(i).c_str(); } } int execute(char* const cmd) { //fork execution to it's own process int pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { int error = execvp(cmd[0], cmd); if (error == -1) { perror("execvp"); // throw an error exit(1); return error; } else { execvp(cmd[0], cmd); } } else { //parent wait waitpid(-1, NULL, 0); } return; } string shell_prompt() { string in; //TODO - error checking for getlogin and gethostname //implement later /* char name[256]; int maxlen = 64; if (!gethostname(name, maxlen)) { string strname(name); cout << getlogin() << "@" << name << "$ "; //custom prompt with hostname and login name cin >> in; } else { perror("gethostname"); //throw error if not found } */ cout << "rshell$ "; getline(cin, in); cin.clear(); return in; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <limits> //#include <sys/stat.h> #include <cerrno> #include <cstring> #include <system_error> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> /* #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> */ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef EFU_SIMPLEREADHKLMKEY_H #include "simple_read_hklm_key.h" #endif #ifndef EFU_TARGET_H #include "target.h" #endif #ifndef EFU_WINERRORSTRING_H #include "win_error_string.h" #endif #endif #ifndef EFU_EFULAUNCHER_H #include "efulauncher.h" #endif #ifndef EFU_CURLEASY_H #include "curleasy.h" #endif bool confirm() { char c; do { std::cin >> c; std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); c = static_cast<char>(tolower(c)); } while (c != 'y' && c != 'n'); return c == 'y'; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CurlGlobalInit curl_global; #ifdef _WIN32 std::string nwn_bin("nwmain.exe"); std::string nwn_root_dir("./"); std::ifstream nwn(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin, std::ios::binary); if (!nwn) { std::cout << "Current launcher directory not detected as NWN root"\ " directory."; nwn_root_dir = "C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/"; std::cout << "\nTrying " << nwn_root_dir << "... "; nwn.open(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin, std::ios::binary); if (!nwn) { std::cout << "not found.\nSearching registry... "; SimpleReadHKLMKey reg("SOFTWARE\\BioWare\\NWN\\Neverwinter", "Location"); if (reg.good()) { nwn_root_dir = reg.str(); std::cout << "key found."; auto path_sep = nwn_root_dir.at(nwn_root_dir.size() - 1); if (path_sep != '/' && path_sep != '\\') { nwn_root_dir.append("/"); } std::cout << "\nTrying " << nwn_root_dir << "... "; nwn.open(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin, std::ios::binary); if (!nwn) { std::cout << "not found."; } } else { std::cout << "no key found."; } } } if (nwn) { std::cout << nwn_bin << " found." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "\n\nNWN root directory not found, known"\ " options exhausted."\ "\nThe launcher will not be able to download files to the correct"\ " location or"\ "\nlaunch Neverwinter Nights, however, the launcher"\ " may still download files to"\ "\nthe current directory and you can"\ " move them manually afterwards. To avoid this"\ "\nin the future"\ " either move the launcher to the NWN root directory containing"\ "\nnwmain.exe or pass the -nwn=C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN flag to"\ " the launcher"\ "\nexecutable, substituting the correct path, quoted"\ " if it contains spaces:"\ "\n\t-nwn=\"X:/Games/Neverwinter Nights/NWN\"."\ "\n/ and \\ are interchangeable."\ "\nWould you like to download files anyway (y/n)?" << std::endl; if (!confirm()) { std::cout << "Exiting EfU Launcher. Goodbye!" << std::endl; return 0; } nwn_root_dir = "./"; } #endif EfuLauncher l(argv[0], "https://raw.github.com/commonquail/efulauncher/"\ "master/versioncheck"); if (l.has_update()) { std::cout << "A new version of the launcher is available."\ " Would you like to download it (y/n)?" << std::endl; bool download(confirm()); if (!download) { std::cout << "It is strongly recommended to always use"\ " the latest launcher. Would you like to download it (y/n)?" << std::endl; download = confirm(); } if (download) { // Download. std::cout << "Downloading new launcher..." << std::endl; if (l.get_update()) { std::cout << "Done. Please extract and run the new launcher." << std::endl; } return 0; } } try { l.stat_targets(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (nwn) { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ::ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); ::ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); auto nwn_path(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin); auto cmd_line(nwn_path + " +connect nwn.efupw.com:5121"); const std::vector<const std::string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc); for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { auto arg(args.at(i)); if (arg.find("-dmpass") == 0) { auto cmd(split(arg, '=')); if (cmd.size() == 2) { cmd_line.append(" -dmc +password " + cmd.at(1)); } else { std::cout << "-dmpass specified but no value given. Use\n"\ "-dmpass=mypassword" <<std::endl; } } else if (arg.find("-nwn") == 0) { auto cmd(split(arg, '=')); if (cmd.size() == 2) { // cmd_line.append(" -nwn " + cmd.at(1)); } else { std::cout << "-nwn specified but no value given. Use\n"\ "-nwn=\"path\\to\\NWN\\directory\\" <<std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Ignoring unrecognized argument: " << arg << std::endl; } } BOOL success = ::CreateProcess( const_cast<char *>(nwn_path.c_str()), const_cast<char *>(cmd_line.c_str()), NULL, // Process handle not inheritable NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE 0, // No creation flags NULL, // Use parent's environment block const_cast<char *>(nwn_root_dir.c_str()), // Starting directory &si, &pi); if (success) { ::CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); ::CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else { WinErrorString we; std::cout << we.str() << std::endl; } } #endif return 0; } <commit_msg>Notify when done statting.<commit_after>#include <limits> //#include <sys/stat.h> #include <cerrno> #include <cstring> #include <system_error> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> /* #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> */ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef EFU_SIMPLEREADHKLMKEY_H #include "simple_read_hklm_key.h" #endif #ifndef EFU_TARGET_H #include "target.h" #endif #ifndef EFU_WINERRORSTRING_H #include "win_error_string.h" #endif #endif #ifndef EFU_EFULAUNCHER_H #include "efulauncher.h" #endif #ifndef EFU_CURLEASY_H #include "curleasy.h" #endif bool confirm() { char c; do { std::cin >> c; std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); c = static_cast<char>(tolower(c)); } while (c != 'y' && c != 'n'); return c == 'y'; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CurlGlobalInit curl_global; #ifdef _WIN32 std::string nwn_bin("nwmain.exe"); std::string nwn_root_dir("./"); std::ifstream nwn(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin, std::ios::binary); if (!nwn) { std::cout << "Current launcher directory not detected as NWN root"\ " directory."; nwn_root_dir = "C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/"; std::cout << "\nTrying " << nwn_root_dir << "... "; nwn.open(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin, std::ios::binary); if (!nwn) { std::cout << "not found.\nSearching registry... "; SimpleReadHKLMKey reg("SOFTWARE\\BioWare\\NWN\\Neverwinter", "Location"); if (reg.good()) { nwn_root_dir = reg.str(); std::cout << "key found."; auto path_sep = nwn_root_dir.at(nwn_root_dir.size() - 1); if (path_sep != '/' && path_sep != '\\') { nwn_root_dir.append("/"); } std::cout << "\nTrying " << nwn_root_dir << "... "; nwn.open(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin, std::ios::binary); if (!nwn) { std::cout << "not found."; } } else { std::cout << "no key found."; } } } if (nwn) { std::cout << nwn_bin << " found." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "\n\nNWN root directory not found, known"\ " options exhausted."\ "\nThe launcher will not be able to download files to the correct"\ " location or"\ "\nlaunch Neverwinter Nights, however, the launcher"\ " may still download files to"\ "\nthe current directory and you can"\ " move them manually afterwards. To avoid this"\ "\nin the future"\ " either move the launcher to the NWN root directory containing"\ "\nnwmain.exe or pass the -nwn=C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN flag to"\ " the launcher"\ "\nexecutable, substituting the correct path, quoted"\ " if it contains spaces:"\ "\n\t-nwn=\"X:/Games/Neverwinter Nights/NWN\"."\ "\n/ and \\ are interchangeable."\ "\nWould you like to download files anyway (y/n)?" << std::endl; if (!confirm()) { std::cout << "Exiting EfU Launcher. Goodbye!" << std::endl; return 0; } nwn_root_dir = "./"; } #endif EfuLauncher l(argv[0], "https://raw.github.com/commonquail/efulauncher/"\ "master/versioncheck"); if (l.has_update()) { std::cout << "A new version of the launcher is available."\ " Would you like to download it (y/n)?" << std::endl; bool download(confirm()); if (!download) { std::cout << "It is strongly recommended to always use"\ " the latest launcher. Would you like to download it (y/n)?" << std::endl; download = confirm(); } if (download) { // Download. std::cout << "Downloading new launcher..." << std::endl; if (l.get_update()) { std::cout << "Done. Please extract and run the new launcher." << std::endl; } return 0; } } try { l.stat_targets(); std::cout << "Done." << std::endl; } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (nwn) { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ::ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); ::ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); auto nwn_path(nwn_root_dir + nwn_bin); auto cmd_line(nwn_path + " +connect nwn.efupw.com:5121"); const std::vector<const std::string> args(argv + 1, argv + argc); for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { auto arg(args.at(i)); if (arg.find("-dmpass") == 0) { auto cmd(split(arg, '=')); if (cmd.size() == 2) { cmd_line.append(" -dmc +password " + cmd.at(1)); } else { std::cout << "-dmpass specified but no value given. Use\n"\ "-dmpass=mypassword" <<std::endl; } } else if (arg.find("-nwn") == 0) { auto cmd(split(arg, '=')); if (cmd.size() == 2) { // cmd_line.append(" -nwn " + cmd.at(1)); } else { std::cout << "-nwn specified but no value given. Use\n"\ "-nwn=\"path\\to\\NWN\\directory\\" <<std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Ignoring unrecognized argument: " << arg << std::endl; } } BOOL success = ::CreateProcess( const_cast<char *>(nwn_path.c_str()), const_cast<char *>(cmd_line.c_str()), NULL, // Process handle not inheritable NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE 0, // No creation flags NULL, // Use parent's environment block const_cast<char *>(nwn_root_dir.c_str()), // Starting directory &si, &pi); if (success) { ::CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); ::CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else { WinErrorString we; std::cout << we.str() << std::endl; } } #endif return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include "common.hpp" #include "rand.hpp" #include <deque> #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> namespace { const float GRAVITY = 10.f;//1.33f; const float FLAP_FORCE = 3.666f; const double TARGET_FPS = 60.0; const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846f; const float SCR_W = 135.f; const float SCR_H = 240.f; const float GROUND_SPEED = 90.f; const float HILLS_SPEED = 30.f; const float CLOUDS_SPEED = 8.f; const int GAP_HEIGHT = 4; const float MIN_PIPE_DIST = SCR_W * 0.75f; const float RND_PIPE_DIST = SCR_W; sdl::tileset* g_tiles; double last_pipe_offset = 0; struct Bird { Bird() { x = SCR_W*0.33f; revive(); } void init(sdl::screen& screen) { flight.frames.push_back(0); flight.frames.push_back(1); flight.frames.push_back(2); flight.type = sdl::animation::looping; flight.speed = 1.f; flight.start(); } void tick(double dt) { velocity -= GRAVITY * dt; if (velocity < -GRAVITY) velocity = -GRAVITY; if (velocity > GRAVITY) velocity = GRAVITY; y -= velocity; if (velocity >= 0.f) flight.speed = 12.f; else flight.speed = 6.f; flight.update(dt); if (alive && (y > SCR_H - (float)g_tiles->tilesize)) die(); } void die() { velocity = FLAP_FORCE; alive = false; } void render(sdl::screen& screen) { float w = (float)g_tiles->tilesize; float h = (float)g_tiles->tilesize; float x = this->x - w * 0.5f; float y = this->y - h * 0.5f; float angle = -velocity * 360.f / (PI * 8.f); if (angle > 85.f) angle = 85.f; else if (angle < -30.f) angle = -30.f; sdl::point p(w * 0.33f, h * 0.5f); int frame = flight.current(); if (!alive) frame = 3; g_tiles->draw_angle(screen, frame, sdl::point(x, y), angle, &p); } bool flap() { if (!alive) return can_revive(); if (y > (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f) velocity = FLAP_FORCE; return false; } bool can_revive() { return y > SCR_H + (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f; } void revive() { alive = true; y = SCR_H * 0.5f; velocity = 0.f; num_passed = 0; } float x; float y; float velocity; int num_passed; bool alive; sdl::animation flight; }; struct Background { Background() { } void init(sdl::screen& screen) { clouds_pos = 0; hills_pos = 0; ground_pos = 0; } void tick(double dt) { ground_pos += GROUND_SPEED * dt; if (ground_pos > (float)g_tiles->tilesize) ground_pos -= (float)g_tiles->tilesize; hills_pos += HILLS_SPEED * dt; if (hills_pos > (float)g_tiles->tilesize) hills_pos -= (float)g_tiles->tilesize; clouds_pos += CLOUDS_SPEED * dt; if (clouds_pos > (float)g_tiles->tilesize) clouds_pos -= (float)g_tiles->tilesize; } void render(sdl::screen& screen) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 14, sdl::rect(0, 0, SCR_W, SCR_H)); int ntiles = ((int)SCR_W / g_tiles->tilesize) + 2; for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 10, sdl::point((float)(i*g_tiles->tilesize) - clouds_pos, SCR_H - 2*g_tiles->tilesize)); } for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 8, sdl::point((float)(i*g_tiles->tilesize) - hills_pos, SCR_H - 2*g_tiles->tilesize)); g_tiles->draw(screen, 9, sdl::point((float)((i + 1)*g_tiles->tilesize) - hills_pos, SCR_H - 2*g_tiles->tilesize)); g_tiles->draw(screen, 13, sdl::point((float)(i*g_tiles->tilesize) - ground_pos, SCR_H - g_tiles->tilesize)); } } float clouds_pos; float hills_pos; float ground_pos; }; struct Pipe { Pipe() { last_pipe_offset = last_pipe_offset + MIN_PIPE_DIST + util::randint() % (int)RND_PIPE_DIST; offset = last_pipe_offset; int total_height = SCR_H / g_tiles->tilesize; gap = 1 + util::randint() % (total_height - 2 - GAP_HEIGHT); passed = 0; outside_screen = false; } void tick(double dt) { offset -= GROUND_SPEED * dt; outside_screen = offset < -g_tiles->tilesize; //LOG_TRACE("%f %g", offset, dt); } void render(sdl::screen& screen) { if (offset - (float)g_tiles->tilesize > SCR_W || outside_screen) return; int total_height = SCR_H / g_tiles->tilesize + 1; int top_height = total_height - gap - GAP_HEIGHT - 2; int bottom_height = gap; // render below gap for (int i = 0; i < bottom_height; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 4, sdl::point(offset, (top_height + GAP_HEIGHT + i) * g_tiles->tilesize)); } // render above gap for (int i = 0; i < top_height; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 4, sdl::point(offset, i * g_tiles->tilesize)); } } bool collide(const Bird& bird) { using sdl::rect; float bx = bird.x - (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f; float by = bird.y - (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f; if (bx >= offset) passed++; int total_height = SCR_H / g_tiles->tilesize + 1; int top_height = total_height - gap - GAP_HEIGHT - 2; int bottom_height = gap; rect top(offset, -SCR_H, g_tiles->tilesize, SCR_H + top_height * g_tiles->tilesize); rect bottom(offset, (top_height + GAP_HEIGHT) * g_tiles->tilesize, g_tiles->tilesize, bottom_height * g_tiles->tilesize); int inset = 4; rect b(bx + inset/2, by + inset/2, g_tiles->tilesize - inset, g_tiles->tilesize - inset); return bottom.has_intersection(b) || top.has_intersection(b); } double offset; bool outside_screen; int passed; int gap; }; struct Flappy { Flappy() { running = true; } void init() { screen.create("flappy beard", (int)SCR_W, (int)SCR_H, 540, 960); Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 1, 512); Mix_AllocateChannels(3); sfxflap.load("data/flap.wav"); sfxgate.load("data/gate.wav"); sfxfail.load("data/fail.wav"); tiles.load(screen, "data/birds-tiles.png", 16); g_tiles = &tiles; npass.load(screen, "data/numbers.png"); bird.init(screen); bg.init(screen); reset_game(); } void play_flap() { sfxflap.play(0); } void play_gate() { sfxgate.play(1); } void play_fail() { sfxfail.play(2); } void handle_event(SDL_Event* e) { if (e->type == SDL_QUIT) { running = false; } else if (e->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { running = false; } else if (e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { if (bird.flap() && !bird.alive) { reset_game(); bird.revive(); } else if (bird.alive) { play_flap(); } } } } void reset_game() { pipes.clear(); last_pipe_offset = SCR_W; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pipes.push_back(Pipe()); } } void tick(double dt) { bool was_alive = bird.alive; if (bird.alive) { bg.tick(dt); for (auto& pipe : pipes) pipe.tick(dt); } bird.tick(dt); if (was_alive && !bird.alive) play_fail(); if (bird.alive) { for (auto& pipe : pipes) { if (pipe.collide(bird)) { bird.die(); play_fail(); break; } else if (pipe.passed == 1) { pipe.passed++; bird.num_passed++; play_gate(); } } } if (pipes.front().outside_screen) { last_pipe_offset = pipes.back().offset; pipes.pop_front(); pipes.push_back(Pipe()); } } void render() { bg.render(screen); for (auto& pipe : pipes) pipe.render(screen); bird.render(screen); npass.draw(screen, bird.num_passed, sdl::point(SCR_W/2, 20)); if (!bird.alive) { tiles.draw(screen, sdl::rect(0, 32, 40, 32), sdl::rect(SCR_W*0.5f - 20, SCR_H*0.5f - 16, 40, 32)); if (bird.can_revive()) { int BLINK_FREQ = TARGET_FPS; ready_blink++; if (ready_blink < BLINK_FREQ/2) { tiles.draw(screen, sdl::rect(48, 32, 58, 12), sdl::rect(SCR_W*0.5f - 29, SCR_H*0.5f + 32, 58, 12)); } if (ready_blink > BLINK_FREQ) { ready_blink = 0; } } } screen.present(); } sdl::screen screen; sdl::tileset tiles; sdl::numbers npass; sdl::sfx sfxflap; sdl::sfx sfxgate; sdl::sfx sfxfail; Bird bird; Background bg; std::deque<Pipe> pipes; int num_passed; int ready_blink; bool running; }; Flappy game; void mainloop() { SDL_Event event; game.init(); game.render(); Uint32 t = 0.0; while (game.running) { t = SDL_GetTicks(); while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { game.handle_event(&event); } game.tick(1.0 / TARGET_FPS); game.render(); t = SDL_GetTicks() - t; sdl::delay_to_fps(t, (Uint32)(1000.0 / TARGET_FPS)); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { util::randseed(); sdl::sdl lib; mainloop(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_ERROR("%s", e.what()); } return 0; } <commit_msg>Use performance counter and make things harder<commit_after>#include "common.hpp" #include "rand.hpp" #include <deque> #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> namespace { const float GRAVITY = 15.f;//1.33f; const float FLAP_FORCE = 4.666f; const double TARGET_FPS = 60.0; const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846f; const float SCR_W = 135.f; const float SCR_H = 240.f; const float BIRD_POS = SCR_W*0.25f; const float GROUND_SPEED = 120.f; const float HILLS_SPEED = 30.f; const float CLOUDS_SPEED = 8.f; const int GAP_HEIGHT = 4; const float MIN_PIPE_DIST = SCR_W * 0.75f; const float RND_PIPE_DIST = SCR_W; sdl::tileset* g_tiles; double last_pipe_offset = 0; struct Bird { Bird() { x = BIRD_POS; revive(); } void init(sdl::screen& screen) { flight.frames.push_back(0); flight.frames.push_back(1); flight.frames.push_back(2); flight.type = sdl::animation::looping; flight.speed = 1.f; flight.start(); } void tick(double dt) { velocity -= GRAVITY * dt; if (velocity < -GRAVITY) velocity = -GRAVITY; if (velocity > GRAVITY) velocity = GRAVITY; y -= velocity; if (velocity >= 0.f) flight.speed = 12.f; else flight.speed = 6.f; flight.update(dt); if (alive && (y > SCR_H - (float)g_tiles->tilesize)) die(); } void die() { velocity = FLAP_FORCE; alive = false; } void render(sdl::screen& screen) { float w = (float)g_tiles->tilesize; float h = (float)g_tiles->tilesize; float x = this->x - w * 0.5f; float y = this->y - h * 0.5f; float angle = -velocity * 360.f / (PI * 8.f); if (angle > 85.f) angle = 85.f; else if (angle < -30.f) angle = -30.f; sdl::point p(w * 0.33f, h * 0.5f); int frame = flight.current(); if (!alive) frame = 3; g_tiles->draw_angle(screen, frame, sdl::point(x, y), angle, &p); } bool flap() { if (!alive) return can_revive(); if (y > (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f) velocity = FLAP_FORCE; return false; } bool can_revive() { return y > SCR_H + (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f; } void revive() { alive = true; y = SCR_H * 0.5f; velocity = 0.f; num_passed = 0; } float x; float y; float velocity; int num_passed; bool alive; sdl::animation flight; }; struct Background { Background() { } void init(sdl::screen& screen) { clouds_pos = 0; hills_pos = 0; ground_pos = 0; } void tick(double dt) { ground_pos += GROUND_SPEED * dt; if (ground_pos > (float)g_tiles->tilesize) ground_pos -= (float)g_tiles->tilesize; hills_pos += HILLS_SPEED * dt; if (hills_pos > (float)g_tiles->tilesize) hills_pos -= (float)g_tiles->tilesize; clouds_pos += CLOUDS_SPEED * dt; if (clouds_pos > (float)g_tiles->tilesize) clouds_pos -= (float)g_tiles->tilesize; } void render(sdl::screen& screen) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 14, sdl::rect(0, 0, SCR_W, SCR_H)); int ntiles = ((int)SCR_W / g_tiles->tilesize) + 2; for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 10, sdl::point((float)(i*g_tiles->tilesize) - clouds_pos, SCR_H - 2*g_tiles->tilesize)); } for (int i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 8, sdl::point((float)(i*g_tiles->tilesize) - hills_pos, SCR_H - 2*g_tiles->tilesize)); g_tiles->draw(screen, 9, sdl::point((float)((i + 1)*g_tiles->tilesize) - hills_pos, SCR_H - 2*g_tiles->tilesize)); g_tiles->draw(screen, 13, sdl::point((float)(i*g_tiles->tilesize) - ground_pos, SCR_H - g_tiles->tilesize)); } } float clouds_pos; float hills_pos; float ground_pos; }; struct Pipe { Pipe() { last_pipe_offset = last_pipe_offset + MIN_PIPE_DIST + util::randint() % (int)RND_PIPE_DIST; offset = last_pipe_offset; int total_height = SCR_H / g_tiles->tilesize; gap = 1 + util::randint() % (total_height - 2 - GAP_HEIGHT); passed = 0; outside_screen = false; } void tick(double dt) { offset -= GROUND_SPEED * dt; outside_screen = offset < -g_tiles->tilesize; //LOG_TRACE("%f %g", offset, dt); } void render(sdl::screen& screen) { if (offset - (float)g_tiles->tilesize > SCR_W || outside_screen) return; int total_height = SCR_H / g_tiles->tilesize + 1; int top_height = total_height - gap - GAP_HEIGHT - 2; int bottom_height = gap; // render below gap for (int i = 0; i < bottom_height; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 4, sdl::point(offset, (top_height + GAP_HEIGHT + i) * g_tiles->tilesize)); } // render above gap for (int i = 0; i < top_height; ++i) { g_tiles->draw(screen, 4, sdl::point(offset, i * g_tiles->tilesize)); } } bool collide(const Bird& bird) { using sdl::rect; float bx = bird.x - (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f; float by = bird.y - (float)g_tiles->tilesize * 0.5f; if (bx >= offset) passed++; int total_height = SCR_H / g_tiles->tilesize + 1; int top_height = total_height - gap - GAP_HEIGHT - 2; int bottom_height = gap; rect top(offset, -SCR_H, g_tiles->tilesize, SCR_H + top_height * g_tiles->tilesize); rect bottom(offset, (top_height + GAP_HEIGHT) * g_tiles->tilesize, g_tiles->tilesize, bottom_height * g_tiles->tilesize); int inset = 4; rect b(bx + inset/2, by + inset/2, g_tiles->tilesize - inset, g_tiles->tilesize - inset); return bottom.has_intersection(b) || top.has_intersection(b); } double offset; bool outside_screen; int passed; int gap; }; struct Flappy { Flappy() { running = true; } void init() { screen.create("flappy beard", (int)SCR_W, (int)SCR_H, 540, 960); Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 1, 512); Mix_AllocateChannels(3); sfxflap.load("data/flap.wav"); sfxgate.load("data/gate.wav"); sfxfail.load("data/fail.wav"); tiles.load(screen, "data/birds-tiles.png", 16); g_tiles = &tiles; npass.load(screen, "data/numbers.png"); bird.init(screen); bg.init(screen); reset_game(); } void play_flap() { sfxflap.play(0); } void play_gate() { sfxgate.play(1); } void play_fail() { sfxfail.play(2); } void handle_event(SDL_Event* e) { if (e->type == SDL_QUIT) { running = false; } else if (e->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { running = false; } else if (e->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { if (bird.flap() && !bird.alive) { reset_game(); bird.revive(); } else if (bird.alive) { play_flap(); } } } } void reset_game() { pipes.clear(); last_pipe_offset = SCR_W; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pipes.push_back(Pipe()); } } void tick(double dt) { bool was_alive = bird.alive; if (bird.alive) { bg.tick(dt); for (auto& pipe : pipes) pipe.tick(dt); } bird.tick(dt); if (was_alive && !bird.alive) play_fail(); if (bird.alive) { for (auto& pipe : pipes) { if (pipe.collide(bird)) { bird.die(); play_fail(); break; } else if (pipe.passed == 1) { pipe.passed++; bird.num_passed++; play_gate(); } } } if (pipes.front().outside_screen) { last_pipe_offset = pipes.back().offset; pipes.pop_front(); pipes.push_back(Pipe()); } } void render() { bg.render(screen); for (auto& pipe : pipes) pipe.render(screen); bird.render(screen); npass.draw(screen, bird.num_passed, sdl::point(SCR_W/2, 20)); if (!bird.alive) { tiles.draw(screen, sdl::rect(0, 32, 40, 32), sdl::rect(SCR_W*0.5f - 20, SCR_H*0.5f - 16, 40, 32)); if (bird.can_revive()) { int BLINK_FREQ = TARGET_FPS; ready_blink++; if (ready_blink < BLINK_FREQ/2) { tiles.draw(screen, sdl::rect(48, 32, 58, 12), sdl::rect(SCR_W*0.5f - 29, SCR_H*0.5f + 32, 58, 12)); } if (ready_blink > BLINK_FREQ) { ready_blink = 0; } } } screen.present(); } sdl::screen screen; sdl::tileset tiles; sdl::numbers npass; sdl::sfx sfxflap; sdl::sfx sfxgate; sdl::sfx sfxfail; Bird bird; Background bg; std::deque<Pipe> pipes; int num_passed; int ready_blink; bool running; }; Flappy game; void mainloop() { SDL_Event event; game.init(); game.render(); Uint64 t = 0.0; Uint64 freq = SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency() / (Uint64)1000; while (game.running) { t = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { game.handle_event(&event); } game.tick(1.0 / TARGET_FPS); game.render(); t = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() - t; Uint64 ms = t / freq; sdl::delay_to_fps((Uint32)ms, (Uint32)(1000.0 / TARGET_FPS)); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { util::randseed(); sdl::sdl lib; mainloop(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { LOG_ERROR("%s", e.what()); } return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <vector> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost; int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool finish = false; string login = getlogin(); if(getlogin() == NULL) { login = ""; perror("get login failed"); } char hostarray[64]; gethostname(hostarray, 64); if(gethostname(hostarray, 64) == -1) perror("get host name failed"); //rshell loop while(!finish) { int semicolon= 0; int ampersand = 0; int pipe = 0; string command = ""; vector <string> commands; //login name and host info prompt if(getlogin() != NULL) cout << login << "@" << hostarray; //ready prompt cout << "$ "; //take in command from user getline(cin, command); // cout << command << endl; //account for # if(command.find("#") != string::npos) { command = command.substr(0, command.find("#")); cout << command << endl; } //tokenizer init char_separator<char> delim(" ;&|#",";&|#", keep_empty_tokens); tokenizer< char_separator<char> > mytok(command, delim); //token check for(tokenizer<char_separator<char> >::iterator it = mytok.begin(); it != mytok.end(); it++) { cout << "(" << *it << ")" << " "; } cout << "listed the arguements" << endl; string temp; //command list formatting for(tokenizer<char_separator<char> >::iterator it = mytok.begin(); it != mytok.end(); it++) { //cout << "; = " << semicolon << ", & = " << ampersand << ", | =" << pipe << endl; //cout << *it << endl; if(*it == ""); //do nothing else if(*it == ";") //semicolon handling { semicolon++; if(semicolon > 1) { perror("Syntax error. Too many ; characters."); exit(1); } else if(semicolon == 1) { if(ampersand == 0 && pipe == 0) { if(temp == "") { perror("No arguments before connector"); exit(1); } commands.push_back(temp); temp = ""; commands.push_back(";"); semicolon = 0; } else { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); exit(1); } } } else if(*it == "&") //ampersand handling { ampersand++; if(ampersand > 2) { perror("Syntax error. Too many & characters"); exit(1); } else if(ampersand == 2) { if(semicolon == 0 && pipe == 0) { if(temp == "") { perror("No arguments before connector"); exit(1); } commands.push_back(temp); temp = ""; commands.push_back("&&"); ampersand = 0; } else { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); exit(1); } } } else if(*it == "|") //pipe handling { pipe++; if(pipe > 2) { perror("Syntax error. Too many | characters."); exit(1); } else if(pipe == 2) { if(semicolon == 0 && ampersand == 0) { if(temp == "") { perror("No arguments before connector"); exit(1); } commands.push_back(temp); temp = ""; commands.push_back("||"); pipe = 0; } else { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); exit(1); } } } else { if(semicolon != 0 || ampersand != 0 || pipe != 0) { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); //cout << semicolon << " " << ampersand << " " << pipe << endl; return -1; } if(temp != "") temp += ' '; temp += *it; } } commands.push_back(temp.c_str()); temp = ""; //check commands for(int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { cout << "(" << commands.at(i) << ") "; } cout << "combined arguements into groups" << endl; char *input[999]; //exec commands for(int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { string current = ""; string word = ""; int k = 0; for(int j = 0; j < commands.at(i).size(); j++) //itterate through letters { current = commands.at(i); if(current[j] == ' ') { input[k] = new char[word.size() + 1]; strcpy(input[k], word.c_str()); k++; word = ""; } else word += current[j]; //add letter } input[k] = new char[word.size() + 1]; strcpy(input[k], word.c_str()); k++; input[k] = new char[1]; //add the NULL char * input[k] = NULL; if(commands.at(i) == "exit") { finish = true; cout << "ending session..."; break; } //execute command. based off of in-lecture notes int pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) { perror("There was an error with fork(). "); exit(1); } else if(pid == 0) //in child { //cout << "CHILD IS RUNNING :D" << endl; //cout << input << endl; if(-1 == execvp(input[0], input)) perror("There was an error in execvp."); exit(1); } else if(pid > 0) //in parent { if(-1 == wait(0)) //wait for child to finish perror("There was an error with wait()."); } } //shell termination if(finish) { cout << "good-bye!" << endl; break; } } return 0; } <commit_msg>begun work on connector functionality<commit_after>#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <vector> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace boost; int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool finish = false; string login = getlogin(); if(getlogin() == NULL) { login = ""; perror("get login failed"); } char hostarray[64]; gethostname(hostarray, 64); if(gethostname(hostarray, 64) == -1) perror("get host name failed"); //rshell loop while(!finish) { int semicolon= 0; int ampersand = 0; int pipe = 0; string command = ""; vector <string> commands; //login name and host info prompt if(getlogin() != NULL) cout << login << "@" << hostarray; //ready prompt cout << "$ "; //take in command from user getline(cin, command); // cout << command << endl; //account for # if(command.find("#") != string::npos) { command = command.substr(0, command.find("#")); cout << command << endl; } //tokenizer init char_separator<char> delim(" ;&|#",";&|#", keep_empty_tokens); tokenizer< char_separator<char> > mytok(command, delim); //token check for(tokenizer<char_separator<char> >::iterator it = mytok.begin(); it != mytok.end(); it++) { cout << "(" << *it << ")" << " "; } cout << "listed the arguements" << endl; string temp; //command list formatting for(tokenizer<char_separator<char> >::iterator it = mytok.begin(); it != mytok.end(); it++) { //cout << "; = " << semicolon << ", & = " << ampersand << ", | =" << pipe << endl; //cout << *it << endl; if(*it == ""); //do nothing else if(*it == ";") //semicolon handling { semicolon++; if(semicolon > 1) { perror("Syntax error. Too many ; characters."); exit(1); } else if(semicolon == 1) { if(ampersand == 0 && pipe == 0) { if(temp == "") { perror("No arguments before connector"); exit(1); } commands.push_back(temp); temp = ""; commands.push_back(";"); semicolon = 0; } else { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); exit(1); } } } else if(*it == "&") //ampersand handling { ampersand++; if(ampersand > 2) { perror("Syntax error. Too many & characters"); exit(1); } else if(ampersand == 2) { if(semicolon == 0 && pipe == 0) { if(temp == "") { perror("No arguments before connector"); exit(1); } commands.push_back(temp); temp = ""; commands.push_back("&&"); ampersand = 0; } else { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); exit(1); } } } else if(*it == "|") //pipe handling { pipe++; if(pipe > 2) { perror("Syntax error. Too many | characters."); exit(1); } else if(pipe == 2) { if(semicolon == 0 && ampersand == 0) { if(temp == "") { perror("No arguments before connector"); exit(1); } commands.push_back(temp); temp = ""; commands.push_back("||"); pipe = 0; } else { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); exit(1); } } } else { if(semicolon != 0 || ampersand != 0 || pipe != 0) { perror("Syntax error. Improper use of connectors."); //cout << semicolon << " " << ampersand << " " << pipe << endl; return -1; } if(temp != "") temp += ' '; temp += *it; } } commands.push_back(temp.c_str()); temp = ""; //check commands //for(int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) //{ // cout << "(" << commands.at(i) << ") "; //} //cout << "combined arguements into groups" << endl; char *input[999]; //exec commands for(int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { int *status; int statusvalue = 1; status = &statusvalue; string current = ""; string word = ""; int k = 0; for(int j = 0; j < commands.at(i).size(); j++) //itterate through letters { current = commands.at(i); if(current[j] == ' ') { input[k] = new char[word.size() + 1]; strcpy(input[k], word.c_str()); k++; word = ""; } else word += current[j]; //add letter } input[k] = new char[word.size() + 1]; strcpy(input[k], word.c_str()); k++; input[k] = new char[1]; //add the NULL char * input[k] = NULL; if(commands.at(i) == "exit") //exit command { finish = true; cout << "ending session..."; break; } else if(commands.at(i) == ";") //semicolon case { continue; } else if(commands.at(i) == "&&") //ampersand case { if(*status) continue; else { i++; continue; } } else if(commands.at(i) == "||") //pipe case { if(*status == 0) continue; else { i++; continue; } } //execute command. based off of in-lecture notes int pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) { perror("There was an error with fork(). "); exit(1); } else if(pid == 0) //in child { //cout << "CHILD IS RUNNING :D" << endl; //cout << input << endl; statusvalue = 1; cout << "statusvalue = " << statusvalue << endl; cout << "status = " << *status << endl; cout << "status address = " << status << endl; if(-1 == execvp(input[0], input)) { statusvalue = 0; cout << "statusvalue = " << statusvalue << endl; cout << "status = " << *status << endl; cout << "status address = " << status << endl; perror("There was an error in execvp."); } exit(1); } else if(pid > 0) //in parent { if(-1 == wait(0)) //wait for child to finish perror("There was an error with wait()."); cout << *status << endl; cout << "status address = " << status << endl; } } //shell termination if(finish) { cout << "good-bye!" << endl; break; } } return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>/***************************************************************************** * x266.cpp: WC Encoder Functions ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 x266 project * * Authors: Min Chen <chenm003@163.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license. * For more information, contact us at chenm003@163.com. *****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return 0; } <commit_msg>[x266] command line parser<commit_after>/***************************************************************************** * x266.cpp: WC Encoder Functions ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 x266 project * * Authors: Min Chen <chenm003@163.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license. * For more information, contact us at chenm003@163.com. *****************************************************************************/ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 5) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -i in_file -o out_file -w width -h height -f frames\n", argv[0]); return 0; } // Encoder parameters FILE *fpi = NULL; FILE *fpo = NULL; int nWidth = 0; int nHeight = 0; int nFrames = 0; int i; for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "-i")) { fpi = fopen(argv[++i], "rb"); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "-o")) { fpo = fopen(argv[++i], "wb"); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "-w")) { nWidth = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "-h")) { nHeight = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if(!_stricmp(argv[i], "-f")) { nFrames = atoi(argv[++i]); } } // Validate parameters if(nWidth == 0 || nHeight == 0 || fpi == NULL || fpo == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Parameters check failed\n"); if(fpi) fclose(fpi); if(fpo) fclose(fpo); return -1; } // Encode // Cleanup fclose(fpi); fclose(fpo); return 0; } <|endoftext|>
<commit_before>// main.cpp // Efficient Compression Tool // Created by Felix Hanau on 19.12.14. // Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Felix Hanau. #include "main.h" #include "support.h" #include <thread> #ifdef MP3_SUPPORTED #include <id3/tag.h> #endif static unsigned long processedfiles; static long long bytes; static long long savings; static void Usage() { printf ( "Efficient Compression Tool\n" "(C) 2014-2015 Felix Hanau.\n" "Version 0.1" #ifdef __DATE__ " compiled on %s\n" #endif "Folder support " #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED "enabled\n" #else "disabled\n" #endif "Losslessly optimizes JPEG and PNG images\n" "Usage: ECT [Options] File" #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED "/Folder" #endif "\n" "Options:\n" " -M1 to -M5 Set compression level (Default: 1)\n" " -strip Strip metadata\n" " -progressive Use progressive encoding for JPEGs\n" #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED " -recurse Recursively search directories\n" #endif " -gzip Compress file with GZIP algorithm\n" " -quiet Print only error messages\n" " -help Print this help\n" "Advanced Options:\n" #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED " --disable-png Disable PNG optimization\n" " --disable-jpg Disable JPEG optimization\n" #endif " --strict Enable strict losslessness\n" " --mt-deflate Use per block multithreading in Deflate\n" " --mt-deflate=i Use per block multithreading in Deflate, use i threads\n" //" --arithmetic Use arithmetic encoding for JPEGs, incompatible with most software\n" #ifdef __DATE__ ,__DATE__ #endif ); } static void ECT_ReportSavings(){ if (processedfiles){ int bk = 0; int k = 0; double smul = savings; double bmul = bytes; while (smul > 1024) {smul /= 1024; k++;} while (bmul > 1024) {bmul /= 1024; bk++;} char *counter; if (k == 1) {counter = (char *)"K";} else if (k == 2) {counter = (char *)"M";} else if (k == 3) {counter = (char *)"G";} else {counter = (char *)"";} char *counter2; if (bk == 1){counter2 = (char *)"K";} else if (bk == 2){counter2 = (char *)"M";} else if (bk == 3){counter2 = (char *)"G";} else {counter2 = (char *)"";} printf("Processed %lu file%s\n" "Saved ", processedfiles, processedfiles > 1 ? "s":""); if (k == 0){printf("%0.0f", smul);} else{printf("%0.2f", smul);} printf("%sB out of ", counter); if (bk == 0){printf("%0.0f", bmul);} else{printf("%0.2f", bmul);} printf("%sB (%0.3f%%)\n", counter2, (100.0 * savings)/bytes);} else {printf("No compatible files found\n");} } static int ECTGzip(const char * Infile, const int Mode, unsigned char multithreading){ if (!IsGzip(Infile)){ if (exists(((std::string)Infile).append(".gz").c_str())){ return 2; } ZopfliGzip(Infile, NULL, Mode, multithreading); return 1; } else { if (exists(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str())){ return 2; } if (exists(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str())){ return 2; } ungz(Infile, ((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str()); ZopfliGzip(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str(), NULL, Mode, multithreading); if (filesize(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str()) < filesize(Infile)){ unlink(Infile); rename(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str(), Infile); } else { unlink(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str()); } unlink(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str()); return 0; } } static void OptimizePNG(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ int x = 1; long long size = filesize(Infile); if(Options.Mode == 5){ x = Zopflipng(Options.strip, Infile, Options.Strict, 2, 0, Options.DeflateMultithreading); } //Disabled as using this causes libpng warnings //int filter = Optipng(Options.Mode, Infile, true); int filter = Optipng(Options.Mode, Infile, false); if (filter == -1){ return; } if (Options.Mode != 1){ if (Options.Mode == 5){ Zopflipng(Options.strip, Infile, Options.Strict, 5, filter, Options.DeflateMultithreading);} else { x = Zopflipng(Options.strip, Infile, Options.Strict, Options.Mode, filter, Options.DeflateMultithreading);} } else { if (filesize(Infile) <= size){ unlink(((std::string)Infile).append(".bak").c_str()); } else { unlink(Infile); rename(((std::string)Infile).append(".bak").c_str(), Infile); } } if(Options.strip && x){ Optipng(0, Infile, false); } } static void OptimizeJPEG(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ mozjpegtran(Options.Arithmetic, Options.Progressive, Options.strip, Infile, Infile); if (Options.Progressive){ long long fs = filesize(Infile); if((Options.Mode == 1 && fs < 6142) || (Options.Mode == 2 && fs < 8192) || (Options.Mode == 3 && fs < 15360) || (Options.Mode == 4 && fs < 30720) || (Options.Mode == 5 && fs < 51200)){ mozjpegtran(Options.Arithmetic, false, Options.strip, Infile, Infile); } } } #ifdef MP3_SUPPORTED static void OptimizeMP3(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ ID3_Tag orig (Infile); unsigned start = orig.Size(); ID3_Frame* picFrame = orig.Find(ID3FID_PICTURE); if (picFrame) { ID3_Field* mime = picFrame->GetField(ID3FN_MIMETYPE); if (mime){ char mimetxt[20]; mime->Get(mimetxt, 19); printf("%s", mimetxt); ID3_Field* pic = picFrame->GetField(ID3FN_DATA); bool ispng = memcmp(mimetxt, "image/png", 9) == 0 || memcmp(mimetxt, "PNG", 3) == 0; if (pic && (memcmp(mimetxt, "image/jpeg", 10) == 0 || ispng)){ pic->ToFile("out.jpg"); if (ispng){ OptimizePNG("out.jpg", Options); } else{ OptimizeJPEG("out.jpg", Options); } pic->FromFile("out.jpg"); unlink("out.jpg"); orig.SetPadding(false); //orig.SetCompression(true); if (orig.Size() < start){ orig.Update(); } } } } } #endif static void PerFileWrapper(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ std::string Ext = Infile; std::string x = Ext.substr(Ext.find_last_of(".") + 1); if ((Options.PNG_ACTIVE && (x == "PNG" || x == "png")) || (Options.JPEG_ACTIVE && (x == "jpg" || x == "JPG" || x == "JPEG" || x == "jpeg")) || Options.Gzip){ long long size = filesize(Infile); int statcompressedfile = 0; if (size<100000000) { if (x == "PNG" || x == "png"){ OptimizePNG(Infile, Options); } else if (x == "jpg" || x == "JPG" || x == "JPEG" || x == "jpeg"){ OptimizeJPEG(Infile, Options); } else if (Options.Gzip){ statcompressedfile = ECTGzip(Infile, Options.Mode, Options.DeflateMultithreading); } if(Options.SavingsCounter){ processedfiles++; bytes += size; if (!statcompressedfile){ savings = savings + size - filesize(Infile); } else if (statcompressedfile == 1){ savings = savings + size - filesize(((std::string)Infile).append(".gz").c_str()); } } } else{printf("File too big\n");} } #ifdef MP3_SUPPORTED else if(x == "mp3"){ OptimizeMP3(Infile, Options); } #endif } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { ECTOptions Options; Options.strip = false; Options.Progressive = false; Options.Mode = 1; #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED Options.Recurse = false; #endif Options.PNG_ACTIVE = true; Options.JPEG_ACTIVE = true; Options.Arithmetic = false; Options.Gzip = false; Options.SavingsCounter = true; Options.Strict = false; Options.DeflateMultithreading = 0; if (argc >= 2){ for (int i = 1; i < argc-1; i++) { if (strncmp(argv[i], "-strip", 2) == 0){Options.strip = true;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-progressive", 2) == 0) {Options.Progressive = true;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M1") == 0) {Options.Mode = 1;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M2") == 0) {Options.Mode = 2;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M3") == 0) {Options.Mode = 3;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M4") == 0) {Options.Mode = 4;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M5") == 0) {Options.Mode = 5;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-gzip", 2) == 0) {Options.Gzip = true;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-help", 2) == 0) {Usage(); return 0;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-quiet", 2) == 0) {Options.SavingsCounter = false;} #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--disable-jpeg") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--disable-jpg") == 0 ){Options.JPEG_ACTIVE = false;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--disable-png") == 0){Options.PNG_ACTIVE = false;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-recurse", 2) == 0) {Options.Recurse = 1;} #endif else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--strict") == 0) {Options.Strict = true;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--mt-deflate", 12) == 0) { if (strncmp(argv[i], "--mt-deflate=", 13) == 0){ Options.DeflateMultithreading = atoi(argv[i] + 13); } else{ Options.DeflateMultithreading = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } } //else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--arithmetic") == 0) {Options.Arithmetic = true;} else {printf("Unknown flag: %s\n", argv[i]); return 0;} } #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(argv[argc-1])){ PerFileWrapper(argv[argc-1], Options); } else if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(argv[argc-1])){ if(Options.Recurse){boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator a(argv[argc-1]), b; std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> paths(a, b); for(unsigned i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++){PerFileWrapper(paths[i].c_str(), Options);} } else{ boost::filesystem::directory_iterator a(argv[argc-1]), b; std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> paths(a, b); for(unsigned i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++){ PerFileWrapper(paths[i].c_str(), Options);} } } #else PerFileWrapper(argv[argc-1], Options); #endif if(Options.SavingsCounter){ECT_ReportSavings();} } else {Usage();} } <commit_msg>Set default Mode to 2<commit_after>// main.cpp // Efficient Compression Tool // Created by Felix Hanau on 19.12.14. // Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Felix Hanau. #include "main.h" #include "support.h" #include <thread> #ifdef MP3_SUPPORTED #include <id3/tag.h> #endif static unsigned long processedfiles; static long long bytes; static long long savings; static void Usage() { printf ( "Efficient Compression Tool\n" "(C) 2014-2015 Felix Hanau.\n" "Version 0.1" #ifdef __DATE__ " compiled on %s\n" #endif "Folder support " #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED "enabled\n" #else "disabled\n" #endif "Losslessly optimizes JPEG and PNG images\n" "Usage: ECT [Options] File" #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED "/Folder" #endif "\n" "Options:\n" " -M1 to -M5 Set compression level (Default: 1)\n" " -strip Strip metadata\n" " -progressive Use progressive encoding for JPEGs\n" #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED " -recurse Recursively search directories\n" #endif " -gzip Compress file with GZIP algorithm\n" " -quiet Print only error messages\n" " -help Print this help\n" "Advanced Options:\n" #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED " --disable-png Disable PNG optimization\n" " --disable-jpg Disable JPEG optimization\n" #endif " --strict Enable strict losslessness\n" " --mt-deflate Use per block multithreading in Deflate\n" " --mt-deflate=i Use per block multithreading in Deflate, use i threads\n" //" --arithmetic Use arithmetic encoding for JPEGs, incompatible with most software\n" #ifdef __DATE__ ,__DATE__ #endif ); } static void ECT_ReportSavings(){ if (processedfiles){ int bk = 0; int k = 0; double smul = savings; double bmul = bytes; while (smul > 1024) {smul /= 1024; k++;} while (bmul > 1024) {bmul /= 1024; bk++;} char *counter; if (k == 1) {counter = (char *)"K";} else if (k == 2) {counter = (char *)"M";} else if (k == 3) {counter = (char *)"G";} else {counter = (char *)"";} char *counter2; if (bk == 1){counter2 = (char *)"K";} else if (bk == 2){counter2 = (char *)"M";} else if (bk == 3){counter2 = (char *)"G";} else {counter2 = (char *)"";} printf("Processed %lu file%s\n" "Saved ", processedfiles, processedfiles > 1 ? "s":""); if (k == 0){printf("%0.0f", smul);} else{printf("%0.2f", smul);} printf("%sB out of ", counter); if (bk == 0){printf("%0.0f", bmul);} else{printf("%0.2f", bmul);} printf("%sB (%0.3f%%)\n", counter2, (100.0 * savings)/bytes);} else {printf("No compatible files found\n");} } static int ECTGzip(const char * Infile, const int Mode, unsigned char multithreading){ if (!IsGzip(Infile)){ if (exists(((std::string)Infile).append(".gz").c_str())){ return 2; } ZopfliGzip(Infile, NULL, Mode, multithreading); return 1; } else { if (exists(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str())){ return 2; } if (exists(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str())){ return 2; } ungz(Infile, ((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str()); ZopfliGzip(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str(), NULL, Mode, multithreading); if (filesize(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str()) < filesize(Infile)){ unlink(Infile); rename(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str(), Infile); } else { unlink(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz.gz").c_str()); } unlink(((std::string)Infile).append(".ungz").c_str()); return 0; } } static void OptimizePNG(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ int x = 1; long long size = filesize(Infile); if(Options.Mode == 5){ x = Zopflipng(Options.strip, Infile, Options.Strict, 2, 0, Options.DeflateMultithreading); } //Disabled as using this causes libpng warnings //int filter = Optipng(Options.Mode, Infile, true); int filter = Optipng(Options.Mode, Infile, false); if (filter == -1){ return; } if (Options.Mode != 1){ if (Options.Mode == 5){ Zopflipng(Options.strip, Infile, Options.Strict, 5, filter, Options.DeflateMultithreading);} else { x = Zopflipng(Options.strip, Infile, Options.Strict, Options.Mode, filter, Options.DeflateMultithreading);} } else { if (filesize(Infile) <= size){ unlink(((std::string)Infile).append(".bak").c_str()); } else { unlink(Infile); rename(((std::string)Infile).append(".bak").c_str(), Infile); } } if(Options.strip && x){ Optipng(0, Infile, false); } } static void OptimizeJPEG(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ mozjpegtran(Options.Arithmetic, Options.Progressive, Options.strip, Infile, Infile); if (Options.Progressive){ long long fs = filesize(Infile); if((Options.Mode == 1 && fs < 6142) || (Options.Mode == 2 && fs < 8192) || (Options.Mode == 3 && fs < 15360) || (Options.Mode == 4 && fs < 30720) || (Options.Mode == 5 && fs < 51200)){ mozjpegtran(Options.Arithmetic, false, Options.strip, Infile, Infile); } } } #ifdef MP3_SUPPORTED static void OptimizeMP3(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ ID3_Tag orig (Infile); unsigned start = orig.Size(); ID3_Frame* picFrame = orig.Find(ID3FID_PICTURE); if (picFrame) { ID3_Field* mime = picFrame->GetField(ID3FN_MIMETYPE); if (mime){ char mimetxt[20]; mime->Get(mimetxt, 19); printf("%s", mimetxt); ID3_Field* pic = picFrame->GetField(ID3FN_DATA); bool ispng = memcmp(mimetxt, "image/png", 9) == 0 || memcmp(mimetxt, "PNG", 3) == 0; if (pic && (memcmp(mimetxt, "image/jpeg", 10) == 0 || ispng)){ pic->ToFile("out.jpg"); if (ispng){ OptimizePNG("out.jpg", Options); } else{ OptimizeJPEG("out.jpg", Options); } pic->FromFile("out.jpg"); unlink("out.jpg"); orig.SetPadding(false); //orig.SetCompression(true); if (orig.Size() < start){ orig.Update(); } } } } } #endif static void PerFileWrapper(const char * Infile, const ECTOptions& Options){ std::string Ext = Infile; std::string x = Ext.substr(Ext.find_last_of(".") + 1); if ((Options.PNG_ACTIVE && (x == "PNG" || x == "png")) || (Options.JPEG_ACTIVE && (x == "jpg" || x == "JPG" || x == "JPEG" || x == "jpeg")) || Options.Gzip){ long long size = filesize(Infile); int statcompressedfile = 0; if (size<100000000) { if (x == "PNG" || x == "png"){ OptimizePNG(Infile, Options); } else if (x == "jpg" || x == "JPG" || x == "JPEG" || x == "jpeg"){ OptimizeJPEG(Infile, Options); } else if (Options.Gzip){ statcompressedfile = ECTGzip(Infile, Options.Mode, Options.DeflateMultithreading); } if(Options.SavingsCounter){ processedfiles++; bytes += size; if (!statcompressedfile){ savings = savings + size - filesize(Infile); } else if (statcompressedfile == 1){ savings = savings + size - filesize(((std::string)Infile).append(".gz").c_str()); } } } else{printf("File too big\n");} } #ifdef MP3_SUPPORTED else if(x == "mp3"){ OptimizeMP3(Infile, Options); } #endif } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { ECTOptions Options; Options.strip = false; Options.Progressive = false; Options.Mode = 2; #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED Options.Recurse = false; #endif Options.PNG_ACTIVE = true; Options.JPEG_ACTIVE = true; Options.Arithmetic = false; Options.Gzip = false; Options.SavingsCounter = true; Options.Strict = false; Options.DeflateMultithreading = 0; if (argc >= 2){ for (int i = 1; i < argc-1; i++) { if (strncmp(argv[i], "-strip", 2) == 0){Options.strip = true;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-progressive", 2) == 0) {Options.Progressive = true;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M1") == 0) {Options.Mode = 1;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M2") == 0) {Options.Mode = 2;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M3") == 0) {Options.Mode = 3;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M4") == 0) {Options.Mode = 4;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-M5") == 0) {Options.Mode = 5;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-gzip", 2) == 0) {Options.Gzip = true;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-help", 2) == 0) {Usage(); return 0;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-quiet", 2) == 0) {Options.SavingsCounter = false;} #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--disable-jpeg") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--disable-jpg") == 0 ){Options.JPEG_ACTIVE = false;} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--disable-png") == 0){Options.PNG_ACTIVE = false;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-recurse", 2) == 0) {Options.Recurse = 1;} #endif else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--strict") == 0) {Options.Strict = true;} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--mt-deflate", 12) == 0) { if (strncmp(argv[i], "--mt-deflate=", 13) == 0){ Options.DeflateMultithreading = atoi(argv[i] + 13); } else{ Options.DeflateMultithreading = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } } //else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--arithmetic") == 0) {Options.Arithmetic = true;} else {printf("Unknown flag: %s\n", argv[i]); return 0;} } #ifdef BOOST_SUPPORTED if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(argv[argc-1])){ PerFileWrapper(argv[argc-1], Options); } else if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(argv[argc-1])){ if(Options.Recurse){boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator a(argv[argc-1]), b; std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> paths(a, b); for(unsigned i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++){PerFileWrapper(paths[i].c_str(), Options);} } else{ boost::filesystem::directory_iterator a(argv[argc-1]), b; std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> paths(a, b); for(unsigned i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++){ PerFileWrapper(paths[i].c_str(), Options);} } } #else PerFileWrapper(argv[argc-1], Options); #endif if(Options.SavingsCounter){ECT_ReportSavings();} } else {Usage();} } <|endoftext|>