3 values
Jordan whispered a secret in Alex's ear. Jordan wanted him to kiss her and Alex smiled bigley.
What will Alex want to do next?
whisper back to Jordan
walk away from Jordan
scream in Jordan's ear
Sydney was asking Jordan a question and he was ignoring her. Sydney made Jordan answer her.
Why did Sydney do this?
doesn't like to be touched
doesn't like to be ignored
wanted a lecture
Ash finally got ahold of Casey to let him know that she was pregnant.
How would Ash feel afterwards?
Robin buries her head in Kendall's lap and cries over the loss.
What will Kendall want to do next?
comfort her next
run away next
Jan began to feel ill, so Jesse decided to take them to a doctor.
What will happen to Jan?
get more ill
see a doctor
he will check up on jan
Remy invited all of Alex's friends to the party so she could get to know them better.
What does Remy need to do before this?
call Alex's friends
invite only her own friends
have another party
Lee was interested in Robin and got a chance to know her better.
What will Lee want to do next?
have nothing to do with her
ask her out on a date
go his separate ways from her
Addison told Carson that she was going to leave him very soon.
What will happen to Addison?
leave Carson
ask Addison questions
buy a boat
Sasha had a question that they couldn't answer so they sent Alex a message for help.
What will Sasha want to do next?
she needed help
thank Alex for the help
she was alone
Aubrey gave Kai an idea for the organization he wanted to create.
What will happen to Aubrey next?
try to make Kai fail
go against Kai
give her insight
Skylar had heard news on the grapevine about Kendall's boyfriend cheating on them so she tilted Kendall's head back to whisper the secret.
What will happen to Kendall?
get excited
be happy
get upset
Alex knew what Sydney was thinking so he formed her thoughts.
What will Sydney want to do next?
Walk away
Block her thoughts from being manipulated
Ignore it
Austin gave Sasha flowers for Valentine's Day to let her know he wanted to date her.
How would you describe Austin?
jordan wanted to help taylor so he gave her the right answer.
What will Jordan want to do next?
tell taylor she owes him
harass taylor
hound taylor
kai wanted to comfort robin so he wiped away her tears.
How would Kai feel afterwards?
as selfish
as comforting
as mean
Bailey told Kendall they were done, she had helped her and been treated poorly for too long.
What does Bailey need to do before this?
apologize for not doing enough for Kendall and give her a few dollars to make up for it
make new friends
tell Kendall that she wouldn't be able to help her anymore
Ash realized after she accepted Taylor's proposal that she needed a passport to travel for their honeymoon.
What will Ash want to do next?
Apply for a passport
Get a drivers license
she now knew
Austin was having trouble completing his homework. Bailey helped Austin understand the work. Austin began to show Bailey kindness at school.
Why did Austin do this?
befriend bailey
likes Bailey
was thankful that Bailey helped him understand his homework
Skylar came to get Austin and bring her back home where she belonged.
Why did Skylar do this?
loves Austin dearly
make sure austin comes with her
take austin back home
Quinn finished Jan's chores for her to help out his best friend.
Why did Quinn do this?
go out and celebrate with them
relax and have a drink with them
help Jan
Robin was forced upon Casey because she fell on him accidentally.
What will happen to Casey?
he will be comfy
apologize for it
he will be smushed
Jan lost all Kendalls money on the bet she made.
What will Kendall want to do next?
not allowed to bet, so I asked Jan to do it
angry that Jan spent her money on a bet
wanted Jan to place the bet for her
Jordan bought a new suitcase for her friend Jane and gave it to her at Christmas.
What will happen to Jordan?
go to a new country
run away
wrap their gift
Jan drove Skylar back home after school was over.
What will Jan want to do next?
go home
drive to her house
rest after their day
Taylor asked Jan if she could come along.
What will happen to Jan?
be happy to have someone to talk to on the trip
tell Tracy she can come with
get to join Jan
Cameron put his hand out and Robin put hers in his as the turned toward the street.
What will Cameron want to do next?
reject her
make sure Robin didn't run in front of a car
cross the street
Robin bugged Kendall until he acquired the knowledge from Kendall.
What will Kendall want to do with Robin next?
Tell him to leave her alone
wanted to get a promotion
wanted to replace Kendall
Tracy entered Austin into the singing contest because she knew he could win.
What will Tracy want to do next?
tell Austin about the contest
boycott the contest
know Austin can sing
Addison provided Kendall the correct answer,so she could graduate with them.
What will Kendall want to do next?
say thanks
fail the test
bad for cheating
Jan missed Quinn's flight when she drove her to the airport.
How would Jan feel afterwards?
Ash asked Casey anything they wanted about the test questions that day.
What will Casey want to do next?
leave the room
ignore her
answer them
Kai sat on Ash's bed and told him that she loved him a lot.
How would Kai feel afterwards?
Alex learned the Addison is doing well after calling her to chat.
Why did Alex do this?
Talk about his own life
did this for a promotion
did this to catch up
Casey gave Austin an indication they were correct about their scientific theory.
What will Casey want to do next?
experiment more
know he was correct
forget about their findings
Kai took Riley's kids with him since she needed to work and he had the day off.
What does Kai need to do before taking the kids?
avoid the kids
become a teacher
have the day off
Riley kicked Bailey when she was down just because they did not like them.
What does Riley need to do before this?
rub it in
want to help Bailey
dislike Bailey
Austin told Bailey that he liked her a lot and wanted to date.
How would Austin feel afterwards?
carson visited robin at her school so he heard her sing.
What does Carson need to do before this?
perform the song
stay at home
Jordan found Jan's slick back hair attractive, so he asked her out.
What does Jordan need to do before this?
prepare himself being upset
ready himself being confident
figure out where to take jan on a date
Taylor told Alex he was going on a trip and asked if he would like to join him.
What will Alex want to do next?
Ask their boss
laugh at Taylor next
decline the invitation next
Skylar ate lunch with their family every sunday after curch and then go back home with his dogs.
How would you describe Skylar?
someone religious
someone who likes to cook
as calm
Austin heard Casey speak about the report they gave that they got an A on.
How would you describe Austin?
As someone who knows Casey did well
proud of the report
like he had worked hard
Ash sold Casey's house after they found him a new one.
What will Casey want to do next?
enjoy the new home
do a friend a favor
help Casey with the sale
Cameron called Addison an idiot because of the decision she made yesterday.
Why would Cameron call her that?
needed to hear about Addison doing something
ensure she knew it was not a smart choice
needed to witness Addison doing something
Skylar raised Jan's hackles when she stole his car.
What will Skylar want to do next to Skylar?
give the car to Skylar
sell the car to Skylar
report her to the police
Sasha took him to Vegas after he told her it was his dream to go.
How would you describe Sasha?
Sasha gave Aubrey a bad look after they took the last piece of cake.
What will Aubrey want to do next?
avoid the look
let Aubrey know he wanted the cake
eat the cake himself
Addison put Jesse' hands on Jesse's hips and asked him to stand still so she could sketch him.
What does Addison need to do before this?
be with Jesse before this
do the dishes before this
wanted to win the art prize
Lee gave a key to Remy so she could get into her home.
What will Lee want to do next?
show their trust
see if the key works
take a nap
Kai waited for Robin to round the corner of the wall and then scared her.
What will Kai want to do next?
hug their friend
buy a cat
pay Robin back for the time she scared him
Aubrey took Kendall to the hospital when he found her with a broken leg.
Why did Aubrey do this?
help Kendall
go home
forget their friend
Ash offered Riley a ride and Riley ultimately accepted the ride to her home.
What will happen to Riley?
be driven around aimlessly
get taken to her home
buckle their seatbelt
jesse was curious so he asked sasha if she liked the show.
Why did Jesse do this?
question sasha
irritate sasha
annoy sasha
Casey drew Skylar's attention to the fact that they were out of gas, in the desert, and miles from a cell tower.
What will Casey want to do next?
call her mom to come pick them up
get water from the nearby stream
and Skylar will wait for someone to drive by
Ash knew that Jan was low on funds, so she lent her the money to pay for groceries.
What will Jan want to do next?
wanted to do a good deed today
Insult Ash
Go buy food
taylor was looking to help others all the time so he gave alex a ride home the other day.
How would you describe Taylor?
would be thankful Taylor gave him a ride home
as caring
would be glad Taylor was willing to help
Sydney saw that Addison was very busy and got her lunch for her.
Why did Sydney do this?
do their job as an employee
find Addison's lunch
look out only for herself
After Jordan found her leather back, Jan gave him a monetary reward and bought him a puzzle.
What did Jan do after getting her leather back?
gave Jordan a leather back
bought Jordan a puzzle
bought Jordan a monetary reward
Skylar was very descriptive when she told Alex how they felt.
What will Skylar want to do next?
Not tell Alex
tell Skylar their feelings
Be better at explaining
Sydney also gave Ash grief when she find out Ash´s mom has passed away last sunday.
What will Sydney want to do next?
spend time with Ash
Invite ash to her hoouse
wanted to be strict
carson knew casey was overwhelmed so he helped her make reservations.
What does Carson need to do before this?
know casey
refuse to care about casey
go with Carson
Aubrey said nothing to Kai about his affair because She wants to have advantage at divorce court.
What does Aubrey need to do before this?
imagine having a love affair
win the case
know about Kai's romantic entanglement
Kendall had really missed their little brother Quinn. He was so glad to see him.
Why did Kendall do this?
talk to him
get close to his brother
get away from his brother
Austin looked Sydney straight in the eye to see if she was lying to him.
What does Austin need to do before this?
wanted to believe Sydney
be a liar
suspect a lie
Kendall was proud of Jordan's work because she knows how hard he worked.
What will Kendall want to do next?
Give Jordan a gift
Criticize Jordan's work
Ask Jordan to redo his work
Lee sold Cameron's goods after he agreed to pay her a commission.
Why did Lee do this?
did this to make money
disburse Cameron's commission
did this for revenge
Kendall always liked Halloween and so decorated her home for it.
What will Kendall want to do next?
wait for Halloween
stay indoors on Halloween
quit decorations
Marcy and Ash spent time together before he moved to CA.
What does Ash need to do before this?
say goodbye to Ash
see Ash off on his move
find a new home in CA
Jordan wanted to confirm the movie time with Taylor so he called her grandparents and asked to speak with Taylor.
What will Jordan want to do next?
he will tell Taylor he doesn't want to go to the movie
knew that Taylor lived with their grandparents
he will confirm the movie time when Taylor gets on the phone
Kai admired the hard work that Ash had done on his painting.
How would Ash feel as a result?
ashamed of their work
like they wasted their time
proud of their work
Casey suits Jan's tastes and after all of the interviews have been conducted she decides to offer her the position.
What does Casey need to do before this?
take a nap before this
interview others before this
announce that she has a new job
Jordan told Bob that they would take them for a drink if they won. Jordan held up their end of a deal.
How would you describe Jordan?
always reminded by others about his promise
always reminded by others to keep his word
a person who always keeps his promise
Sasha was going to die soon so she gave her money to Ash in her will.
What will Sasha do after making the will?
kill their cat
kill Ash
make funeral arrangements
Aubrey was mad at Alex for cheating on her. Right before Alex had to go to work she threw his keys in his car, locked the door, and slammed it shut.
What will Alex want to do next?
plan a dinner date with Aubrey to celebrate
find his car
Robin asked Jesse to dinner because she had a crush on him.
What will happen to Jesse?
have a bad night
have fun
hate each other
jesse got into a fight with a gang so he lost jordan's car keys.
What will Jesse want to do next?
yell at Jesse
call the police to get her car back
look for the car keys
Sasha asked Carson a question because she wanted to understand why he didn't want to go with her.
What will Carson want to do next?
ignore Sasha
explain to Sasha
walk out and leave
Jordan sunk into Jan's teeth. She lost two of them in the process.
What will Jan want to do next?
smile at Jordan
Ask him to apologize
get away from Jordan
Carson and Quinn were dancing, and Carson ground their hips against Quinn's.
What will Quinn want to do next?
stop dancing with Carson
go somewhere more private to be with her
be more intimate with her after the dance
Remy is Carson's realtor, and he managed to sell Carson's house at a very good price.
How would Remy feel afterwards?
good about selling the house
good about selling their own house
happy for making themselves money
Robin gave Sasha a welcome and hugged her when she saw her.
How would Robin feel afterwards?
Riley and Sarah was eating lunch at their favorite Mexican restaurant. When Riley saw their boss and hid behind his drink.
Why did Riley do this?
keep hiding from their boss
wanted to not be seen by his boss because he was enjoying a lunch date
spy on him and get gossip
Lee fought Sydney when they were at school and hurt her very badly.
What will happen to Sydney?
go to the hospital
cheer loudly
that she had won the fight
Jordan made quite an effort and was able to see Bailey three times.
How would Jordan feel afterwards?
very angry
very adoring
he cared about her
Skylar told Alex how they felt about the upcoming election and who to vote for.
How would Alex feel as a result?
smart now
Very sure she will vote for somebody
Confident on who to vote for
Kendall tried to tell Remy to break up with his girlfriend if he's not feeling it.
What will Remy want to do next?
break up
ask her to marry him
go away from here
Skylar used Jesse for other purposes when she found out Jesse was not smart.
What will happen to Skylar?
be loved
be hurt by Skylar's behavior
lose her friends
Jordan wrote Riley's autobiography the night he help her with her book.
Why did Jordan do this?
go eat dinner with Riley
gather informaton
publish his book
Kendall thanked Lee for his help and bought him an expensive steak dinner that night.
What will Lee want to do next?
wanted to express the gratitude
Jan killed Alex's father because he had been having an affair for years.
How would Alex feel after?
excited to be free
depressed about losing her father
happy about what Jan did
Taylor shut the door behind Casey when he left the house.
How would Taylor feel afterwards?
like they should go home
Like she was mean
like making sure Taylor locks the door
austin did not know what to get sasha so he just gave her money for her birthday.
What will Sasha want to do next?
appreciate austin
resent austin
hate austin
Jan asked Riley not to tell anyone about their relationship and Riley reluctantly complied with these wishes.
How would Riley feel afterwards?
happy with him
like he's not good enough
happy to be a secret
Lee solved Taylor's equation that she couldn't understand at all.
What will Taylor want to do next?
turn it in as their work
give up on math
try to figure out the answer
Riley gave Kendall notice about the team meeting they were going to have.
How would Kendall feel as a result?
happy that Kendall wouldn't miss the meeting
glad that she remembered to tell Kendall
Like they will be ready for the meeting
Austin gave Remy's hand to the woman so she could look at his fingers.
How would Austin feel afterwards?
embarrassed by Austin
Addison called their parents into Skylar's office so she could tell them she was accepted into college.
What will happen to Addison?
be congratulated
go to college
be reprimanded
Skylar slapped Quinn in the face after he accused her of cheating on the test.
How would you describe Skylar?
upset that they cheated on the test
angered by the accusation Quin made
Angered that Ashton accused them of cheating
Addison tried to calm Aubrey down when she started having a panic attack.
What will Aubrey want to do next?
drink some hot tea
prevent Aubrey from falling apart
keep her friend from hurting herself
Ash told Sydney something about the movie but he stopped her before she spoiled the ending.
What will Sydney want to do next?
see the ending
stop talking
avoid the ending