3 values
Aubrey gave Skylar the time when Skylar asked her to check.
How would Skylar feel as a result?
they owned a watch
like checking their watch
grateful to Aubrey
Carson loved Bailey so much that he wanted to do anything with her.
How would Carson feel afterwards?
a sentimental person
committed to their relationship with Bailey
Jordan gave Taylor the right gift for their ten year anniversary.
Why did Jordan do this?
find the perfect gift
get taylora nnoyed at him
make taylor love him more
Jordan asked Jan for advice and was pleased when she turned out to be right.
What will Jordan want to do next?
share the advice
scold Jan
ignore Jan
Skylar vowed that he would keep Remy's commandments and run the garage the same way Remy always had.
Why did Skylar do this?
show Remy that the old way of running the business was dumb
show Remy that he loved the garage as much as he had
close up the garage and start a new business
Quinn was trying to leave before Carson wanted her to go, so Carson grabbed her wrist.
What will happen to Carson?
fall down
fight each other
realizes he should let go
Sydney was having a bad day and taking it out on everyone. Sydney also gave Ash grief for no reason.
What will happen to Ash?
become upset
become happy
be confronted by Ash for her treatment of them
Alex told Tracy that she was pregnant with his baby.
How would Alex feel afterwards?
Carson read Jan's letter and sent one back to her.
What will Jan want to do next?
burn Carson's letter
ignore Carson forever
open her letter
Jordan looked back at Aubrey as she was walking away from him.
Why did Jordan do this?
wanted to let go
call her to come back
wanted to go jogging
After having a crush on Aubrey for a long time, Carson started dating Aubrey when they got the courage to ask them out.
How would Carson feel afterwards?
Happy that she found a partner
would be glad he asked Aubrey out
Relieved because she had a crush on him too
Remy played video games with Addison's friends after school one day.
What does Remy need to do before this?
get his basketball
do her homework after playing
invite people home
Lee told Quinn an inappropriate joke by the water cooler and Quinn just rolled her eyes and walked away.
Why did Lee do this?
be annoyed
Impress Quinn by making her laugh
Make sure Quinn didn't talk to him anymore
Sasha discussed the matter of payment with Taylor after they signed the contract.
How would you describe Sasha?
professional in her dealings
happy to have the contract signed
unhappy about the deal
Sasha liked the dress that Tracy was wearing so she told her that she looks good.
What will Tracy want to do next?
look good
Tell her where she got the dress
Ignore what Sasha was saying to them
Aubrey stood next to Cameron and was happy he noticed her.
How would Aubrey feel afterwards?
upset afterwards
offended afterwards
complimented afterwards
Jan forgot her wallet in her car so Jordan paid Jan's share.
What will Jordan want to do next?
get his money back from Jan
make sure they had enough for Jan's share
get angry with Jan
Carson was very angry with Kai and told her to go away. Kai left him alone.
How would Carson feel as a result?
sad Kai left
happy Kai stayed away
angry that Kai left
Quinn found enough money to help Robin move to the city so they could get a better job.
How would Robin feel as a result?
Like Quinn owed them money
happy for her friend
Like finding a job right away
Cameron gave Austin some time to think about the offer he had made to her last night.
What will Cameron want to do next?
make a different offer
needed to call Austin
hear Austin's answer
Tracy wouldn't let Casey inside after their fight and then Casey was kidnapped walking home.
How would Tracy feel afterwards?
regretful for not letting Casey inside
happy that she doesn't have to deal with Robin
ashamed of letting Robin walk home
Remy met all of Riley's neighbors before he moved in with her.
Why did Remy do this?
inform them of trash day pickups
See who he'd be living beside
Avoid everyone else
Riley didn't want to wear the same outfit as Ash, so they switched into a bodysuit with jeans.
Why did Riley do this?
look better than Ash
have their own style
make her clothes different than Ash's
Sasha told Tracy she looked tired after Tracy showed up to work late and flustered.
What will Tracy want to do next?
splash water on the floor
ask tracy if she needs help
drink some coffee
austin wanted to kill aubrey so he busted her head open.
Why did Austin do this?
be a bad person
flee the scene of the crime
be a good person
Cameron was supposed to be Jordan's best friend, but he turned his back at him when he needed him the most.
How would Jordan feel as a result?
like dancing
As someone who doesn't appreciate people
Lee swept Bailey away when they went on a date.
How would Lee feel afterwards?
Like he had a girlfriend
concerned with making a first impression
Incompetent at dating
Casey delivered Ash's message that he was running away to her mother and then Casey and Ash's mother cried.
How would Casey feel afterwards?
was sad
was happy
bad for causing their mother's tears
Austin knew a war was going to start soon. Austin put Kendall and tom to the war to serve their country.
Why did Austin do this?
wanted to have his kids quit the service
get home
wanted to have his kids amount to something
Alex mentioned something in passing to Skylar about her personality that hurt Skylar's feelings.
How would Alex feel as a result?
ashamed for hurting his friend
Cameron told Addison she was an idiot so Cameron pushed her down and ran.
How would Cameron feel afterwards?
have low self-esteem
not a good person to know
Cameron killed Bailey on the spot after finding out that they were cheating on him.
What will Cameron want to do next?
call the cops
find out Bailey was cheating
run away
Ash wanted Jan around so he asked her to stay.
How would you describe Ash?
Quinn required Alex's effort to complete their work so he called her and asked her to come in.
Why did Quinn do this?
did this because he needed help
did this to go on a date
go to the office
Ash gave Remy much love and she returned it whole heartedly.
What will happen to Remy?
develop a relationship
break off contact
Kendall did not know the answer so she asked Cameron and got his answer.
What will happen to Kendall?
fall for it
get in trouble
get the answer right
Ash made a snide comment about what Addison was wearing. Addison gave Ash a look.
Why did Addison do this?
wanted to let Ash know he was rude
walk away from Ash
wanted to let Ash know she was pleased
Sydney gave her roomate Aubrey money to pay her portion of the rent.
What will happen to Aubrey?
grow apart and lose their friendship
never talk to each other again
be closer friends because they care for each other
Kai saw their friend Lee crying in the park earlier today and came to their rescue.
How would Kai feel afterwards?
Feel special to her
enjoys helping others
has no friends
Robin was crying because she just heard that she would be losing her job but Kai was there to wipe away her tears.
How would you describe Kai?
selfish when dealing with his friend
better if someone dried her tears
concerned for his friend Robin
Addison was congratulating Tracy for their work in the military. Addison dedicated Tracy's work to the service.
What will Tracy want to do next?
go overseas to serve
talk about the violence
tell Tracy he's proud of her
Kai saw trust in Remy's eyes so he kept her secret as he promised he would.
Why did Kai do this?
honor the trust
Austin and Cameron went out to dinner and each ordered a meal. Austin finished his meal and Cameron did not. Austin asked Cameron if he could finish his meal.
How does Cameron feel after Austin asked him the question?
disgusted because Austin eats too much
more food to share
sick because they now have food poisoning
Quinn took Bob aside and told him that she noticed how hard he has been working lately and appreciates his effort at his job.
How would you describe Quinn?
an ignorant boss
a talented boss
an uncaring boss
Carson put his drink on Jan's car right before they were about to leave the driveway.
What does Carson need to do before this?
throw the drink at the car
scream really loud
make sure the car wasn't moving
Bailey wrote a paper for Addison's english class because he had a crush on her.
Why did Bailey do this?
threaten Bailey and he felt pressured to do it
wanted to mess up the english paper so he wrote it incorrectly
impress Addison with his helpfulness and try to get on her good side
Tracey had a crush on Riley and decided to learn how to mountain bike to impress him; she knew Riley's favorite thing was mountain biking. They go on rides together all the time now.
How would they feel as a result?
upset about doing Riley's favorite activity together
uncomfortable doing something they enjoy together
Happy about being friends and possibly more in the future
Taylor bit Austin's lips with her own teeth.
What will happen to Austin?
he will run
he will reject her
Lee gave Kendall the best, most loving advice they could think of.
What will Kendall want to do next?
make Kendall like him
make Kendall love him
heed the advice
Kai was crying uncontrollably over her break up with her boyfriend and when Tracy saw this she immediately began to console her.
Why did Tracy do this?
convince her that her boyfriend will take her back
give her friend support when she needs it most
So that Kai would owe her a favor in the future
Lee gave Remy water to restore her to health.
What happens to Lee after he restores Remys health?
Be upset thay he had to help
relieved that he could help
Casey orders fried okra at a restaurant that just sells meat based products.
How would you describe Casey?
dumb for ordering it
like he made a mistake
somebody who liked okra
austin was putting a tattoo on riley so he called her back wide.
What will happen to Riley?
use ink
riley will be annoyed
do the tattoo
Remy asked Kendall out on a date even though he just met her.
How would you describe Remy?
Aubrey went over Sasha's head to their boss when Sash didn't agree with her.
What does Aubrey need to do before this?
have fun with Sasha
make an appointment
make a complain
Sydney was such a beautiful woman the gravity of her presence turned Austin's head.
How would Sydney feel afterwards?
felt offended
like he was going to fall in love with her
felt beatiful
Casey went over to Jan's house and got the trash to throw away for her.
What does Casey need to do before this?
put on shoes
thank Casey for throwing away the trash
put away her trash
Bailey was doing an elaborate hair style on Robin for her wedding, so Bailey pushed Robin´s hair to style it.
What will Bailey want to do next?
make her look pretty
get a drink
get a brush
Skylar called Bailey by her name and threw a rock at her.
How would Bailey feel as a result?
regretful afterwards
Jordan hid Sydney's phone under a basket after he had warned her about keeping an eye on it.
How would Sydney feel as a result?
responsible for their phone
pleased with the lesson
tricked and angry
Kai wasn't sure what he wanted to dinner so Sydney offered suggestions. She got Kai to finally make up his mind.
What will happen to Kai?
take Kai to dinner
be shown disappointment
Kail will be shown appreciation
Taylor cut Casey's arm when he moved past her with the sharp metal.
What does Taylor need to do before this?
Say sorry
be holding metal before this
go home before this
Remy was a stalker. He followed Tracy home so he could see where she lived.
How would Remy feel afterwards?
unsafe with surroundings
scared to be alone
like his mission was accomplished
Skylar wanted to meet Alex for a long time, because she liked the way he looked.
How would Skylar feel as a result?
be happy
Casey really loved Aubrey so he got her a new dress.
Why did Casey do this?
act spiteful
shop before this
show his love
Jan allowed Austin access to the room so that he could work on their project.
What will happen to Jan?
help Austin with the project
not get the project done
get angry with Austin
Austin lied to Tracy. Tracy hurt Austin much worse by beating them up.
How would you describe Tracy?
like she got payback
a person who enjoys lying
Taylor knew Lee was too shy to apply for the opportunity, so he filed Lee's application for him today.
How would you describe Taylor?
not afraid to act on another's behalf
hesitant to do anything for others
Ash asked Taylor to call her mother and tell her the bad thing she did.
What will happen to Taylor?
be laughed at
call his mother
be grounded
Jordan made quite an effort and was able to see Bailey three times.
How would Jordan feel afterwards?
very adoring
he cared about her
very angry
Tracy is a baby, and Alex is her father. Because Tracy was crying, Alex held her as he swayed back and forth in a rocking chair. Tracy calmed down, and Alex put Tracy to bed.
How would Tracy feel as a result?
calm as she lays in the bed
felt like a loving parent
Austin liked to hunt and decided to go to Africa to do it.
What does Austin need to do before going?
quit his job
pack for the trip
hunt a elephant
Robin got Skylar fired for her job because she didn't like her.
What will happen to Skylar?
be pleased
be happy
be sad
Addison basically told Tracy that she didn't think the relationship was working out.
How would Addison feel afterwards?
Worried how Tracy would react to the news
willing to be honest
Relieved Tracy had the courage to tell her the truth
After they had a huge fight earlier, Jesse cut Skylar"s finger.
What will happen to Skylar?
need to apologize
get a bandaid
need to seek help for her
Aubrey had made Sydney explain herself after Sydney got caught telling a lie.
How would Aubrey feel afterwards?
like they want to help others get over the lie
happy with Sydney
Jesse prevented Addison from contacting the neighbors because he didn't want to get caught.
How would Addison feel after?
scared for her safety
happy for Jesse
ready to swim with the neighbors
Taylor was tired of Kai's son so he put him down for good.
Why did Taylor do this?
enjoy themselves more
Be bad
Conspire against them
Even though Casey blew Austin off Austin till talked to Casey because they were good friends.
Why did Austin still talk to Casey?
valued their friendship
forgive Casey for that
offered him a bribe
Since she was hungry and really wanted to go out for dinner, Aubrey came to work to pick Quinn up.
What will Aubrey want to do next?
ask Quinn where they want to go eat
drop Quinn at home and never eat
Go to a restaurant
Ash elicited Jesse's response by asking her questions about herself.
What will Jesse want to do next?
ignore Ash next
answer questions next
Quinn did not like to drink and Skylar took him to a bar for his birthday.
How would Quinn feel as a result?
excited and wanting to drink
like they do not belong there
like staying there all night,
Kai walked into the library with her books and saw Carson studying, but left him alone.
How would you describe Kai?
a student
an annoying person
Kai needed a place to stay for the night, so they stayed at Addison's house.
What will Addison want to do next?
help out Kai
she wasn't home
let Kai stay there often
Remy wanted to know what Tracy was thinking so she asked her.
How would you describe Remy?
Jordan took Bailey's life in their hands when they decided to fight the criminal that broke in.
What will Bailey want to do next?
push Jordan towards the criminal
thank Jordan for saving her
look like a hero to others
Cameron showed Quinn some signs that he had designed and asked him to critique them.
What will Cameron want to do next?
decide to get feedback
consider Quinn's background
get offended at Quinn's suggestions
Jesse shared Jordan's love of Harry Potter. They decided to see every showing of Half Blood Prince that they could when it was released.
What will Jesse want to do next?
Get tickets to Hamilton
Make sure she knows the release date of the film
Get tickets to the super bowl
Austin came back to Carson after being gone all day.
Why did Austin do this?
wanted to bring him drugs
return to where she was
wanted to ignore him
Sydney had to watch Ash because she was babysitting him.
Why did Sydney do this?
her job
put Ash's pajamas on Ash
get Ash ready for bed
Kendal wanted Jan's answer earlier so that they could start making plans.
What will Jan want to do next?
ask her
get the info
make plans
Bailey has been trying to call Ash but there was no answer so he checked Ash's phone.
What will Ash want to do next?
make sure her batteries are always charged so it works
get Ash's phone number
have Bailey's phone checked at the store to see if it works
Riley gripped Ash's hips tightly with his hands and pulled her in for a quick kiss.
How would Ash feel as a result?
very much in love
like they were bored
like life was so terrible
Austin knew Robin much better and new she was going to play a trick.
Why did Austin do this?
know they like to play tricks
thought he should play a trick
set up the trick
Quinn saw Aubrey's article and told her how proud he was of her accomplishment.
How would you describe Quinn's reaction?
caring and complimentary
irrational and emotional
sabotaging and mean
Riley cashed Sasha's check so that she could give her the money from it.
How would Riley feel afterwards?
very helpful
hurtful to Sasha
thankful to riley
Jan was an older teacher and had taught Casey long ago. Now she taught Casey's children in college.
What will Jan want to do next?
teaching Casey's children
needs talk to Casey's children and let them know she taught their father
educate them
Alex looked right at skylar accusingly knowing the they were lying to him.
What does Alex need to do before this?
Call Skylar out on the lie
Yell at him
Put their trust in skylar
sydney wanted kai to stay so she offered him an incentive later.
What will Kai want to do next?
accept the offer
ignore sydney
make sure kai stays
Lee closed the door behind Sydney after she arrived at the party.
What will Lee want to do after closing the door?
offer her a drink
retire to his room
take off the jacket and hat