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Living proof of his parents’ indiscretion, Trevor was kept mostly indoors for the earliest years of his life, bound by the extreme and often absurd measures his mother took to hide him from a government that could, at any moment, steal him away. Finally liberated by the end of South Africa’s tyrannical white rule, Trevor and his mother set forth on a grand adventure, living openly and freely and embracing the opportunities won by a centuries-long struggle. Born a Crime is the story of a mischievous young boy who grows into a restless young man as he struggles to find himself in a world where he was never supposed to exist. It is also the story of that young man’s relationship with his fearless, rebellious, and fervently religious mother—his teammate, a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse that would ultimately threaten her own life. The stories collected here are by turns hilarious, dramatic, and deeply affecting. 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Hannah Shaw, better known as Kitten Lady, has dedicated her life to saving the tiniest felines, but one doesn't have to be a professional kitten rescuer to change—and save—lives. In Tiny but Mighty, Hannah not only outlines the dangers newborn kittens face and how she combats them, but how you can help every step of the way, from fighting feline overpopulation on the streets to fostering unweaned kittens, from combating illness to combating compassion fatigue, from finding a vet to finding the purrfect forever home. 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On a May afternoon in 1943, an Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared, leaving only a spray of debris and a slick of oil, gasoline, and blood. Then, on the ocean surface, a face appeared. It was that of a young lieutenant, the plane’s bombardier, who was struggling to a life raft and pulling himself aboard. So began one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War. The lieutenant’s name was Louis Zamperini. In boyhood, he’d been a cunning and incorrigible delinquent, breaking into houses, brawling, and fleeing his home to ride the rails. As a teenager, he had channeled his defiance into running, discovering a prodigious talent that had carried him to the Berlin Olympics and within sight of the four-minute mile. But when war had come, the athlete had become an airman, embarking on a journey that led to his doomed flight, a tiny raft, and a drift into the unknown. 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[Laura] Hillenbrand’s unforgettable book . . . deserve[s] pride of place alongside the best works of literature that chart the complications and the hard-won triumphs of so-called ordinary Americans and their extraordinary time.”—Maureen Corrigan, Fresh Air “Hillenbrand . . . tells [this] story with cool elegance but at a thrilling sprinter’s pace.”—Time “Unbroken is too much book to hope for: a hellride of a story in the grip of the one writer who can handle it.”—Christopher McDougall, author of Born to Run", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "9781984818447", "type": "ISBN_13" }, { "identifier": "1984818449", "type": "ISBN_10" } ], "infoLink": "", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 722, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": "", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2018-08-21", "publisher": "Ballantine Books", "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": false, "text": false }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption", "title": "Unbroken (Movie Tie-in Edition)" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE", "country": "US", "embeddable": true, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": "", "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": true }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "PARTIAL", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "4jYbhwKgK98", "id": "N97UCwAAQBAJ", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": "", "country": "US", "isEbook": true, "listPrice": { "amount": 9.99, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "offers": [ { "finskyOfferType": 1, "giftable": true, "listPrice": { "amountInMicros": 9990000, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "rentalDuration": null, "retailPrice": { "amountInMicros": 9990000, "currencyCode": "USD" } } ], "retailPrice": { "amount": 9.99, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "saleability": "FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "Born a Crime is the story of a mischievous young boy who grows into a restless young man as he struggles to find himself in a world where he was never supposed to exist." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": true, "authors": [ "Trevor Noah" ], "averageRating": 4.5, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": [ "Biography & Autobiography" ], "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "", "description": "#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • More than one million copies sold! 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A perfect learning activity workbook for toddlers, either boys or girls it also makes a perfect gift for kids that love trucks, tractors, cars, and planes for their fun & exciting learning of drawing, all done while super fun coloring! Do your kids love cars, trucks, tractors, planes and trains ? - This Toddler Coloring Book is for you. Coloring Book is for boys and girls ages from 1-3 years old (Coloring book for preschoolers and toddlers). The Coloring book is packed with the best trucks, trains, tractors, cars and planes for you to spend a colorful time with your kids or let them enjoy it by themselves. And help your child step away from the computer, television set or the tablet. Help express creativity while enjoying herself as she colors these beautiful, calming and inspiring pictures coloring books for kids ages 1-3 This Toddler Coloring Book different from others: - Big simple pictures perfect for beginners - Drawings designed so it's easy - Easy to drawing Coloring is fun for toddler & kids and has lots of benefits: - Prepare children for school - Contributes to better handwriting - Improves skills and strengthen fantasy Your child will love this book! Beautiful, Fun, and Relaxing Toddler Coloring Books Ages 1-3 Every page you color will pull you into a relaxing world where your responsibilities will seem to fade away... Single Image Per Page Each image is printed on black-backed pages to prevent bleed-through Display Your Artwork Toddler Coloring Books Ages 1-3 You can display your artwork with a standard 8.5\" x 11\" frame Makes the Perfect Gift Toddler Coloring Book Surprise that special someone in your life and make them smile Buy two copies and enjoy coloring together Now on Sale Regular Price: $9.99 - SAVE $6.99 (60% OFF) - Limited Time Only! Buy Toddler Coloring Books Ages 1-3 This Book Now! 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If you want your creations to last longer; color the outfit pages and then glue them to card stock before cutting. This book includes an extra copy of each of the outfits, so you can try different colors and combinations, or have a back-up in case of an error you made. Please be aware that these paper dolls require careful hand cutting. For adults, paper dolls may be a gateway to childhood memories but they also make great gifts for children. Younger children may need the help to cut these dolls out since the dolls and clothes are not perforated. However, this is a nice opportunity for fun family time. Paper dolls can bring adults and children together, and collections of paper dolls have always passed down to younger generations. New generations can learn a lot while playing with paper dolls. In a digital era where dress up games allow us to change clothes on paper dolls by only touching a screen, cutting these dolls the traditional way is a great help for developing motor skills. Playing together also helps to develop communication and cooperation between friends and family. Playing games goes hand in hand with storytelling, role-playing and fantasy so everyone can treasure the time spent playing with these paper dolls as memories full of creativity and imagination. Paper dolls have a long history, and although inspired by antique and vintage paper dolls, Dollys and Friends are modern fashion dolls. Still, most of their wardrobe pieces are vintage fashions or period costumes. While these clothes are created after research, each outfit may not be authentic for that time period. Although there are many costumes and designer fashions for vintage themed books, it is still best to describe them as inspired by historical periods but not exact period costumes. Especially undergarments are more modern for the dolls to be used with different wardrobe choices. Every new outfit from Dollys and Friends Originals Books you will get will be wearable by these Original Dollys. Collecting these paper dolls and sharing them with children can also make fashion and history become one of their passions.", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "1708868798", "type": "ISBN_10" }, { "identifier": "9781708868796", "type": "ISBN_13" } ], "infoLink": "", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 110, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": "", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2019-11-16", "publisher": null, "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": false, "text": false }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "Vintage Fashion History Paper Doll Collection, Adult Coloring Pages with Glamorous Forties Style Costumes", "title": "Color, Cut, Dress Up 1940s Paper Dolls Coloring Book, Dollys and Friends Originals" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "NONE", "country": "US", "embeddable": false, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "NO_PAGES", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "V5QlQGuM2qQ", "id": "IiJJzQEACAAJ", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": null, "country": "US", "isEbook": false, "listPrice": null, "offers": null, "retailPrice": null, "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and more than 40 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Dollys and Friends", "Basak Tinli" ], "averageRating": null, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": null, "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0", "description": "Meet Dolly, Polly, Holly, Lolly, Jolly and Molly, new fashion paper dolls Dollys and Friends. You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and more than 40 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces. If you like the coloring book version you may also like their full colored paper dolls collections. Paper doll lovers and coloring enthusiasts of all ages will find hours of entertainment with more than 40 pieces of vintage style outfits. If you want your creations to last longer; color the outfit pages and then glue them to card stock before cutting. This book includes an extra copy of each of the outfits, so you can try different colors and combinations, or have a back-up in case of an error you made. Please be aware that these paper dolls require careful hand cutting. For adults, paper dolls may be a gateway to childhood memories but they also make great gifts for children. Younger children may need the help to cut these dolls out since the dolls and clothes are not perforated. However, this is a nice opportunity for fun family time. Paper dolls can bring adults and children together, and collections of paper dolls have always passed down to younger generations. New generations can learn a lot while playing with paper dolls. In a digital era where dress up games allow us to change clothes on paper dolls by only touching a screen, cutting these dolls the traditional way is a great help for developing motor skills. Playing together also helps to develop communication and cooperation between friends and family. Playing games goes hand in hand with storytelling, role-playing and fantasy so everyone can treasure the time spent playing with these paper dolls as memories full of creativity and imagination. Paper dolls have a long history, and although inspired by antique and vintage paper dolls, Dollys and Friends are modern fashion dolls. Still, most of their wardrobe pieces are vintage fashions or period costumes. While these clothes are created after research, each outfit may not be authentic for that time period. Although there are many costumes and designer fashions for vintage themed books, it is still best to describe them as inspired by historical periods but not exact period costumes. Especially undergarments are more modern for the dolls to be used with different wardrobe choices. Every new outfit from Dollys and Friends Originals Books you will get will be wearable by these Original Dollys. Collecting these paper dolls and sharing them with children can also make fashion and history become one of their passions.", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "1657685993", "type": "ISBN_10" }, { "identifier": "9781657685994", "type": "ISBN_13" } ], "infoLink": "", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 110, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": "", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2020-01-08", "publisher": null, "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": false, "text": false }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "Vintage Fashion History Paper Doll Collection, Adult Coloring Pages with Classic Fifties Style Costumes", "title": "Color, Cut, Dress Up 1950s Paper Dolls Coloring Book, Dollys and Friends Originals" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "NONE", "country": "US", "embeddable": false, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "NO_PAGES", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "CVEp+ghJOlI", "id": "j-O9zQEACAAJ", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": null, "country": "US", "isEbook": false, "listPrice": null, "offers": null, "retailPrice": null, "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and 30 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Dollys and Friends", "Basak Tinli" ], "averageRating": null, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": null, "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0", "description": "Meet Dolly, Polly, Holly, Lolly, Jolly and Molly, new fashion paper dolls Dollys and Friends. You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and 30 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces. If you like the coloring book version you may also like their full colored paper dolls collections. Paper doll lovers and coloring enthusiasts of all ages will find hours of entertainment with more than 30 pieces of vintage style outfits. If you want your creations to last longer; color the outfit pages and then glue them to card stock before cutting. This book includes an extra copy of each of the outfits, so you can try different colors and combinations, or have a back-up in case of an error you made. Please be aware that these paper dolls require careful hand cutting. For adults, paper dolls may be a gateway to childhood memories but they also make great gifts for children. Younger children may need the help to cut these dolls out since the dolls and clothes are not perforated. However, this is a nice opportunity for fun family time. Paper dolls can bring adults and children together, and collections of paper dolls have always passed down to younger generations. New generations can learn a lot while playing with paper dolls. In a digital era where dress up games allow us to change clothes on paper dolls by only touching a screen, cutting these dolls the traditional way is a great help for developing motor skills. Playing together also helps to develop communication and cooperation between friends and family. Playing games goes hand in hand with storytelling, role-playing and fantasy so everyone can treasure the time spent playing with these paper dolls as memories full of creativity and imagination. Paper dolls have a long history, and although inspired by antique and vintage paper dolls, Dollys and Friends are modern fashion dolls. Still, most of their wardrobe pieces are vintage fashions or period costumes. While these clothes are created after research, each outfit may not be authentic for that time period. Although there are many costumes and designer fashions for vintage themed books, it is still best to describe them as inspired by historical periods but not exact period costumes. Especially undergarments are more modern for the dolls to be used with different wardrobe choices. Every new outfit from Dollys and Friends Originals Books you will get will be wearable by these Original Dollys. Collecting these paper dolls and sharing them with children can also make fashion and history become one of their passions.", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "9798665233901", "type": "ISBN_13" } ], "infoLink": "", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 110, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": "", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2020-07-10", "publisher": null, "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": false, "text": false }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "Vintage Fashion History Paper Doll Collection, Adult Coloring Pages with Edwardian and La Belle Epoque Costumes", "title": "Color, Cut, Dress Up 1900s Paper Dolls Coloring Book, Dollys and Friends Originals" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "NONE", "country": "US", "embeddable": false, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "NO_PAGES", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "pBzco0xRLJU", "id": "TIzaywEACAAJ", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": null, "country": "US", "isEbook": false, "listPrice": null, "offers": null, "retailPrice": null, "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and more than 40 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Dollys Friends", "Basak Tinli" ], "averageRating": null, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": null, "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0", "description": "Meet Dolly, Polly, Holly, Lolly, Jolly and Molly, new fashion paper dolls Dollys and Friends. You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and more than 40 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces. If you like the coloring book version you may also like their full colored paper dolls collections. Paper doll lovers and coloring enthusiasts of all ages will find hours of entertainment with more than 40 pieces of vintage style outfits. If you want your creations to last longer; color the outfit pages and then glue them to card stock before cutting. This book includes an extra copy of each of the outfits, so you can try different colors and combinations, or have a back-up in case of an error you made. Please be aware that these paper dolls require careful hand cutting. For adults, paper dolls may be a gateway to childhood memories but they also make great gifts for children. Younger children may need the help to cut these dolls out since the dolls and clothes are not perforated. However, this is a nice opportunity for fun family time. Paper dolls can bring adults and children together, and collections of paper dolls have always passed down to younger generations. New generations can learn a lot while playing with paper dolls. In a digital era where dress up games allow us to change clothes on paper dolls by only touching a screen, cutting these dolls the traditional way is a great help for developing motor skills. Playing together also helps to develop communication and cooperation between friends and family. Playing games goes hand in hand with storytelling, role-playing and fantasy so everyone can treasure the time spent playing with these paper dolls as memories full of creativity and imagination. Paper dolls have a long history, and although inspired by antique and vintage paper dolls, Dollys and Friends are modern fashion dolls. Still, most of their wardrobe pieces are vintage fashions or period costumes. While these clothes are created after research, each outfit may not be authentic for that time period. Although there are many costumes and designer fashions for vintage themed books, it is still best to describe them as inspired by historical periods but not exact period costumes. Especially undergarments are more modern for the dolls to be used with different wardrobe choices. Every new outfit from Dollys and Friends Originals Books you will get will be wearable by these Original Dollys. 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With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Dollys and Friends", "Basak Tinli" ], "averageRating": null, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": null, "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0", "description": "Meet Dolly, Polly, Holly, Lolly, Jolly and Molly, new fashion paper dolls Dollys and Friends. You can begin creating your collection of paper dolls with this book which has 3 paper dolls and more than 35 outfits. With this coloring book you get to decide on the color of their outfits, and create unique wardrobe pieces. If you like the coloring book version you may also like their full colored paper dolls collections. Paper doll lovers and coloring enthusiasts of all ages will find hours of entertainment with more than 35 pieces of vintage style outfits. If you want your creations to last longer; color the outfit pages and then glue them to card stock before cutting. This book includes an extra copy of each of the outfits, so you can try different colors and combinations, or have a back-up in case of an error you made. Please be aware that these paper dolls require careful hand cutting. For adults, paper dolls may be a gateway to childhood memories but they also make great gifts for children. Younger children may need the help to cut these dolls out since the dolls and clothes are not perforated. However, this is a nice opportunity for fun family time. Paper dolls can bring adults and children together, and collections of paper dolls have always passed down to younger generations. New generations can learn a lot while playing with paper dolls. In a digital era where dress up games allow us to change clothes on paper dolls by only touching a screen, cutting these dolls the traditional way is a great help for developing motor skills. Playing together also helps to develop communication and cooperation between friends and family. Playing games goes hand in hand with storytelling, role-playing and fantasy so everyone can treasure the time spent playing with these paper dolls as memories full of creativity and imagination. Paper dolls have a long history, and although inspired by antique and vintage paper dolls, Dollys and Friends are modern fashion dolls. Still, most of their wardrobe pieces are vintage fashions or period costumes. While these clothes are created after research, each outfit may not be authentic for that time period. Although there are many costumes and designer fashions for vintage themed books, it is still best to describe them as inspired by historical periods but not exact period costumes. Especially undergarments are more modern for the dolls to be used with different wardrobe choices. 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The artistry, the joyous spirit, and strange opulence of Mardi Gras' Golden Age are revived in a dazzling profusion of illustrations, most of them published for the first time - beautifully finished watercolor designs of floats, costumes, and ball invitations, vintage photographs, lithographs, and prints.", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "UCSC:32106016575893", "type": "OTHER" } ], "infoLink": ",+king+and+queen+statuette+dolls+and+costumes.%22&hl=&source=gbs_api", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 206, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": ",+king+and+queen+statuette+dolls+and+costumes.%22&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "1997", "publisher": "Flammarion-Pere Castor", "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": false, "text": false }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "New Orleans", "title": "Mardi Gras" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "NONE", "country": "US", "embeddable": false, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "NO_PAGES", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "IPnK3OEtUkw", "id": "E6dJQ1sqI8gC", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": null, "country": "US", "isEbook": false, "listPrice": null, "offers": null, "retailPrice": null, "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "Explores the beginning of Mardi Gras, from its early customs to today&#39;s celebrations in the different parts of the world, including the parades and krewes, and foods." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Elaine Landau" ], "averageRating": null, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": [ "Juvenile Nonfiction" ], "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "", "description": "Explores the beginning of Mardi Gras, from its early customs to today's celebrations in the different parts of the world, including the parades and krewes, and foods.", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "0766017761", "type": "ISBN_10" }, { "identifier": "9780766017764", "type": "ISBN_13" } ], "infoLink": ",+king+and+queen+statuette+dolls+and+costumes.%22&hl=&source=gbs_api", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 52, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": ",+king+and+queen+statuette+dolls+and+costumes.%22&hl=&cd=2&source=gbs_api", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2002", "publisher": "Enslow Publishing", "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": false, "text": false }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": null, "title": "Mardi Gras: Parades, Costumes, and Parties" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE", "country": "US", "embeddable": true, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": null, "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": false }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": "", "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": true }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "PARTIAL", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "kSI53RTOwY4", "id": "k-Nr26GkhtoC", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": null, "country": "US", "isEbook": false, "listPrice": null, "offers": null, "retailPrice": null, "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "&quot;Read about Mardi Gras and see how it is celebrated in the United States and around the world&quot;--Provided by publisher." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Dianne M. 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Download free sample PDF from our website which contains 3 sample pages on what you can expect in this book. You can print Sample PDF Coloring Book on any media / size as long as your printer supports it. Buy Now and Start Coloring Scroll to the top of the page and click the Buy Button PLEASE NOTE: This book is intended for colored pencils or crayons. Some markers may bleed through the page. We recommend putting a piece of paper behind the image you want to color, if you decide to use markers. 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Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1922 edition. Excerpt: ." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Frank Dekker Watson" ], "averageRating": null, "canonicalVolumeLink": "", "categories": null, "comicsContent": null, "contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0", "description": "This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1922 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER IX THE NATIONALIZATION OF THE MOVEMENT 1905-192i By 1905 the movement for organizing charity in America stood upon the threshold of a national phase of development. Growth up to this time had been more or less spasmodic. No one can, however, study the rise and earlier development of the movement without appreciating the extent and power of the missionary spirit of its leaders.1 Their efforts, however, were largely unorganized until the Charities Publication Committee of the Charity Organization Society of the city of New York, initiated in 1905 a Field Department of Charities and the Commons, through which the charity organization societies of the country could cooperate in a national plan for spreading the principles and methods of charity organization. This step was not taken suddenly. As early as 1897 it had been pointed out in several quarters that if a charity organization ist had a good thing, he should intelligently offer it to others, that his \"principles\" should not be left to spontaneous propagation but should consistently e advanced until every city and town was in harmonious: o6peration, using methods as uniform as the different caJ conditions would permit. 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Patient teaching for each disorder helps you educate patients and their families for self-care and discharge. Clinical notes and cautions stress key points or alerts related to various disorders and conditions. An overview of nursing considerations for the hospitalized patient includes concepts relevant to many disorders, such as perioperative care, pain, prolonged bed rest, psychosocial support, and older adult care. Attractive two-color design highlights key information for fast reference. A durable, water-resistant cover prolongs the life of the book. Thorough updates provide you with the latest evidence-based practice content and clinical developments, including the newest Joint Commission standards, latest screening recommendations, revised treatment guidelines, new drugs, and lab tests. New Burns section covers the care of burns in the medical-surgical setting. New Immunologic Disorders unit discusses transfusion reactions, hypersensitivity, and AIDS. 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Go beyond simple database-backed applications and put the wealth of Internet data to work for you. \"Bravo! I cannot think of a better way for a developer to first learn these algorithms and methods, nor can I think of a better way for me (an old AI dog) to reinvigorate my knowledge of the details.\" -- Dan Russell, Google \"Toby's book does a great job of breaking down the complex subject matter of machine-learning algorithms into practical, easy-to-understand examples that can be directly applied to analysis of social interaction across the Web today. If I had this book two years ago, it would have saved precious time going down some fruitless paths.\" -- Tim Wolters, CTO, Collective Intellect", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "9780596550684", "type": "ISBN_13" }, { "identifier": "0596550685", "type": "ISBN_10" } ], "infoLink": "", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 361, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": "", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2007-08-16", "publisher": "\"O'Reilly Media, Inc.\"", "ratingsCount": 26, "readingModes": { "image": true, "text": true }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications", "title": "Programming Collective Intelligence" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE", "country": "US", "embeddable": true, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": "", "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": true }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": "", "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": true }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "PARTIAL", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "QXYwsjE8/Qs", "id": "uWV0DwAAQBAJ", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": "", "country": "US", "isEbook": true, "listPrice": { "amount": 62.99, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "offers": [ { "finskyOfferType": 1, "giftable": true, "listPrice": { "amountInMicros": 62990000, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "rentalDuration": null, "retailPrice": { "amountInMicros": 62990000, "currencyCode": "USD" } } ], "retailPrice": { "amount": 62.99, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "saleability": "FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "This second edition has been significantly expanded and updated, presenting new topics and updating coverage of other topics." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": true, "authors": [ "Richard S. 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