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We all know that communicating with your boss is important, but it’s hard to figure out how to do this effectively. The problem is that most people don’t know how to communicate effectively with their bosses because they haven’t been taught how. It’s not as easy as telling someone what you want - it takes finesse and tact! Your boss doesn’t have the time to read your mind and figure out exactly what you need from them. This can lead to frustrations and unmet expectations. Both are bad for business and employee morale. How This Book Can Help How To Talk To Your Boss Like A Boss will help bridge this gap by giving you the tools needed to ask for what you want in ways that are clear, direct and easy for anyone to understand. This book will show you exactly what steps to take in order to communicate effectively with your boss so they can give the support and direction needed for success. 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Whether you’re new to your job or looking for ways to improve things at work, How To Talk To Your Boss Like A Boss has got you covered! - Learn the skills to talk to your boss and get what you want - A simple, clear guide through all the perils of talking with your boss - Make soft skills a weapon of choice and take control of difficult conversations with superiors - You will learn how to start a conversation with confidence and competence - Achieving higher job satisfaction, confidence and earning more money If this is what you are looking for, then Get Your Copy Today!", "imageLinks": { "smallThumbnail": "", "thumbnail": "" }, "industryIdentifiers": [ { "identifier": "9781955847025", "type": "ISBN_13" }, { "identifier": "1955847029", "type": "ISBN_10" } ], "infoLink": "", "language": "en", "maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE", "pageCount": 159, "panelizationSummary": { "containsEpubBubbles": false, "containsImageBubbles": false, "epubBubbleVersion": null, "imageBubbleVersion": null }, "previewLink": "", "printType": "BOOK", "publishedDate": "2021-07-14", "publisher": "Seven Suns Book Press", "ratingsCount": null, "readingModes": { "image": true, "text": true }, "seriesInfo": null, "subtitle": "A Definitive Guide to Master the Art of Talking to Your Boss and Learn How to Get What You", "title": "How to Talk to Your Boss Like a Boss" } }, { "accessInfo": { "accessViewStatus": "SAMPLE", "country": "US", "embeddable": true, "epub": { "acsTokenLink": "", "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": true }, "pdf": { "acsTokenLink": "", "downloadLink": null, "isAvailable": true }, "publicDomain": false, "quoteSharingAllowed": false, "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED", "viewability": "PARTIAL", "webReaderLink": "" }, "etag": "20DwpFivGUo", "id": "EuSzdhzEdA4C", "kind": "books#volume", "saleInfo": { "buyLink": null, "country": "US", "isEbook": false, "listPrice": null, "offers": null, "retailPrice": null, "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE" }, "searchInfo": { "textSnippet": "This book was written for anyone who has ever been frustrated by his or her working relationship with the boss." }, "selfLink": "", "volumeInfo": { "allowAnonLogging": false, "authors": [ "Peter R. 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Bradshaw, Jr., Former Dean, Dale Carnegie Institute of Effective Speaking & Human Relations “I have read almost every book that has ever been written on salesmanship, but I think Og Mandino has captured all of them in The Greatest Salesman in the World. No one who follows these principles will ever fail as a salesman, and no one will ever be truly great without them; but, the author has done more than present the principles—he has woven them into the fabric of one of the most fascinating stories I have ever read.”—Paul J. Meyer, President of Success Motivation Institute, Inc. “I was overwhelmed by The Greatest Salesman in the World. It is, without doubt, the greatest and the most touching story I have ever read. It is so good that there are two musts that I would attach to it: First, you must not lay it down until you have finished it; and secondly, every individual who sells anything, and that includes us all, must read it.”—Robert B. 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A fig for your bill of fare, give me a bill of your company, is generally felt, and the hostess should bring together only such people as she believes will be mutually agreeable. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. 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A Passion is an exercise in monomania of the most appealing sort.\" --Russ Parsons, Los Angeles Times \"This book, reflecting elegance and intellect, tells a story of immense passion. In tracing the history of foie gras, the authors carry us along through culinary traditions, ethnic cultures, and across continents. The recipes challenge the imagination and the palate.\" --Ferdinand Metz, President, The Culinary Institute of America \"As much a coffee table book as a cookbook, this beautiful celebration of foie gras includes a thorough history of the delicacy and mouthwatering full-page photographs of each of the dishes. 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He said his morally minded menu revision was meant merely to raise consciousness, but what was he thinking when he also suggested -- to Chicago Tribune reporter Mark Caro -- that a rival four-star chef 's liver be eaten as \"a little treat\"? The reaction to Caro's subsequent front-page story was explosive, as Trotter's sizable hometown moved to ban the ancient delicacy known as foie gras while an international array of activists, farmers, chefs and politicians clashed forcefully and sometimes violently over whether fattening birds for the sake of scrumptious livers amounts to ethical agriculture or torture. \"Take a dish with a funny French name, add ducks, top it all off with celebrity chefs eating each other's livers, and that's entertainment,\" Caro writes. Yet as absurd as battling over bloated waterfowl organs might seem, the controversy struck a serious chord even among those who had never tasted the stuff. Reporting from the front lines of this passionate dining debate, Caro explores the questions we too often avoid: What is an acceptable amount of suffering for an animal that winds up on our plate? Is a duck that lives comfortably for twelve weeks before enduring a few weeks of periodic force-feedings worse off than a supermarket broiler chicken that never sees the light of day over its six to seven weeks on earth? Why is the animal-rights movement picking on such a rarefied dish when so many more chickens, pigs and cows are being processed on factory farms? Then again, how could the treatment of other animals possibly justify the practice of feeding a duck through a metal tube down its throat? 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The Agency embodies throughout department and non-department research bodies in Indonesia and answers and thus responsible directly to the President of Indonesia. Despite its juvenile age, BRIN is in a tight competition with urgencies of untangling unresolved issues in various aspects in collective life as a nation and a state spanning socioeconomic and culture to medicine and its translational derivatives. To function as effectively as expected, BRIN has launched 12 research organizations with each is accountable for a specific research field as reflected by the expertise of the pertinent researchers. Among those, Research Organization for Health was established as an answer to the major challenge of overcoming national burdens which are holistically captured as the roadmaps of SDG’s Indonesia where Health stands specially as the top three priority and regarded as Good Health-Wellbeing. 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Animals & Insects 9. World Sport 10. Fruits & Berries 11. Nuts & Vegetables 12. Food & Drinks 13. Music 14. Flowers & Trees 15. Transport 16. Money & Shopping 17. Professions 18. Family, Appearance & Character 19. Things Around Me at School 20. Reptiles & Marine Life 21. Things in the House 22. Things in the Living Room & Dining Room 23. Things in the Bedroom & Bathroom 24. Kitchen & Tableware 25. Days, Months, Seasons & Time 26. Things Around Me at the Airport 27. Colors, Shapes & Materials 28. Сlothes & Accessories 29. Nature & Natural Phenomena 30. Places Around the City 31. Alphabet Coloring Book 32. Space & Constellations And More........................ 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