class label
6 classes
i believe that people should choose the causes they feel passionate about and do what they can and i have no right or desire to push my own charities as more worthy than another
[ -1.9580078125, 1.7734375, 2.236328125, -1.34765625, -1.3212890625, 0.360595703125 ]
i feel so needy latley
[ 3.423828125, -0.389404296875, -1.548828125, 0.43505859375, -0.5986328125, -0.90625 ]
i don t want to i feel irritated
[ -0.037384033203125, -1.8642578125, -0.71728515625, 2.50390625, 0.417236328125, -0.38134765625 ]
ive had a few rough days since then and in the midst of crying and dealing and feeling just so defeated and emotional i put my coat on and curled up and created this safety nest inside my coat
[ 3.423828125, -0.153076171875, -1.4736328125, 0.27783203125, -0.73291015625, -0.93310546875 ]
i just tell people i feel like one sweet southern mess right now
[ -1.986328125, 1.3603515625, 2.294921875, -1.2421875, -1.197265625, 0.55126953125 ]
i dropped martin back off i was the dd i pulled in and because i was feeling exceptionally outgoing waved and talked to some of my neighbors downstairs
[ -1.826171875, 2.080078125, 2.162109375, -1.4345703125, -1.4453125, 0.2103271484375 ]
i received a slightly belated message back from daniel and feel a lot more reassured that im not the only one who thinks l is emotionally insensitive
[ -0.125244140625, 3.537109375, 0.470703125, -1.7529296875, -1.521484375, -0.91015625 ]
i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away
[ 3.431640625, -0.52685546875, -1.537109375, 0.62158203125, -0.654296875, -0.90185546875 ]
i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it
[ 1.9287109375, -1.6123046875, -2.0859375, 1.53515625, 1.265625, -0.85986328125 ]
i was entertaining myself with this memory while at the same time feeling like that guy in that movie dazed and confused who says i just keep on getin older and the girls stay the same age
[ -1.1865234375, -1.5029296875, -0.3837890625, -0.1688232421875, 2.337890625, 0.9052734375 ]
i feel like that because for the most part i have accepted that this is a part of my life and that people will never changed
[ -2.001953125, 1.716796875, 2.265625, -1.380859375, -1.2802734375, 0.427490234375 ]
i feel inspired so many thing i want to write down
[ -0.273193359375, 3.548828125, 0.537109375, -1.794921875, -1.494140625, -0.83154296875 ]
i feel are loyal especially after all ive experienced recently but i can trust him
[ -1.9501953125, 0.93505859375, 2.28125, -1.041015625, -1.08203125, 0.67626953125 ]
im feeling adventurous i might even make it multiple tiers too
[ -0.0012254714965820312, 3.517578125, 0.360107421875, -1.7470703125, -1.482421875, -0.93505859375 ]
i am up and ready to read read read today even though im feeling very groggy this morning
[ 3.39453125, -0.1097412109375, -1.4365234375, 0.1868896484375, -0.71826171875, -0.9130859375 ]
i know he does the same thing for so many passersby i feel special truly welcome in his country
[ -0.1156005859375, 3.552734375, 0.47607421875, -1.8076171875, -1.51953125, -0.87353515625 ]
i didnt get to prank anyone throughout the whole day cos i was either too busy or not feeling creative
[ -0.098388671875, 3.537109375, 0.427490234375, -1.7666015625, -1.501953125, -0.89453125 ]
i feel a pain in my own heart as every priestess in the temple drops as every single ven who is devoted to talia loses their devotions and takes a rank of injury equal to their devotion
[ -1.9169921875, 0.81884765625, 2.265625, -0.9697265625, -1.0498046875, 0.68701171875 ]
i feel bothered by any of these things i open a door
[ -0.054931640625, -1.9521484375, -0.7294921875, 2.5234375, 0.4931640625, -0.34912109375 ]
i feel like ive been neglectful
[ 3.42578125, -0.53466796875, -1.5615234375, 0.58544921875, -0.59814453125, -0.89111328125 ]
i dont blame it all to them and im not angry at them infact i feel fairly sympathetic for them
[ -1.91015625, 0.282958984375, 2.216796875, -0.83935546875, -0.81201171875, 0.9453125 ]
i feel intimidated by the tasks you feel overwhelmed by huge and complicated tasks
[ -0.9609375, -1.5830078125, -0.6416015625, 0.048370361328125, 2.41796875, 0.71630859375 ]
i havent been feeling homesick knowing they were all getting together to enjoy my mums cooking did make me want a teleporter
[ 3.4140625, -0.357666015625, -1.474609375, 0.384033203125, -0.6708984375, -0.8671875 ]
i feel respected and secure where i can journey toward loving and be loved in return
[ -1.248046875, 3.3125, 1.4482421875, -1.8525390625, -1.5908203125, -0.389892578125 ]
i feel they are frightened of fats
[ -0.9140625, -1.5, -0.818359375, 0.264892578125, 2.46484375, 0.439208984375 ]
i am trying my hardest so i can get to a place where i can join you and finally feel like i have something worthwhile to say
[ -0.1807861328125, 3.55078125, 0.498779296875, -1.7802734375, -1.513671875, -0.86865234375 ]
i felt apprehensive in regards to the party oftentimes in the past other men have made me feel resentful towards them when i attended with them
[ -1.0458984375, -1.904296875, -0.96826171875, 1.10546875, 2.462890625, 0.212890625 ]
i cant think of any emotional state that is worse than feeling generally worthless and unlovable
[ 3.4140625, -0.370361328125, -1.5166015625, 0.39404296875, -0.6220703125, -0.87353515625 ]
i feel like but im not very fond of that word
[ -1.880859375, 0.391357421875, 2.228515625, -0.90087890625, -0.8818359375, 0.9287109375 ]
im sick of feeling unimportant like nobody needs me
[ 3.435546875, -0.047088623046875, -1.59375, 0.326904296875, -0.69287109375, -1.0537109375 ]
i feel overwhelmed how about you
[ -1.2314453125, -1.841796875, 0.3857421875, -0.277099609375, 1.5302734375, 1.58203125 ]
i just feel that if i end our marriage he deserves a truthful explanation
[ -0.0111236572265625, 3.5703125, 0.486083984375, -1.818359375, -1.58984375, -0.9013671875 ]
i don t know if this helps at all but writing all of this has made me feel somewhat regretful of ashamed of who i was and while i have more to share i just don t think i can right now
[ 3.423828125, -0.38232421875, -1.4794921875, 0.4541015625, -0.70458984375, -0.88525390625 ]
i am still feeling a tad strange in those pearly whites
[ -1.1328125, -1.8173828125, 0.2052001953125, -0.29541015625, 1.666015625, 1.509765625 ]
i feel fine class pin it button count layout horizontal pin it
[ -0.0301361083984375, 3.53515625, 0.395751953125, -1.7705078125, -1.5078125, -0.9140625 ]
i feel so amazingly overwhelming thrilled for my wedding
[ -0.033355712890625, 3.55859375, 0.464599609375, -1.830078125, -1.544921875, -0.89013671875 ]
i walked near the hotel and i felt very obvious and uneasy all the warnings about petty crime i read in the guidebook and maybe some residual from years ago left me feeling threatened
[ -0.95068359375, -1.4619140625, -0.76953125, 0.181640625, 2.451171875, 0.490234375 ]
i feel a bit lonely just writing this because its not face to face with someone and i cant get feedback
[ 3.400390625, -0.410888671875, -1.494140625, 0.385498046875, -0.607421875, -0.845703125 ]
i have been feeling so melancholy and alone
[ 3.412109375, -0.431640625, -1.5283203125, 0.435791015625, -0.6005859375, -0.86328125 ]
im thankful because i feel somewhat energetic instead of the dead fish that i would become every time every chemo
[ -0.138427734375, 3.544921875, 0.45849609375, -1.783203125, -1.4931640625, -0.88330078125 ]
im feeling so appreciative of every experience in my life that has brought me to now to today
[ -0.347900390625, 3.5625, 0.6142578125, -1.8125, -1.5146484375, -0.80859375 ]
i just was expressing myself and her unexpected and kind gesture made me feel bad for a short moment as that was not my intent but for a larger moment which remains with me it reminded me of my blessings like having good friends that have your back
[ 3.400390625, 0.2349853515625, -1.39453125, 0.0875244140625, -0.93359375, -1.03125 ]
when a friend dropped a frog down my neck
[ -0.2744140625, -1.6806640625, -1.373046875, 1.759765625, 1.8720703125, -0.466796875 ]
i wonder if im vain because i love dressing up and attempting to be fashionable but then i realized that there is nothing wrong with dressing so that you feel pretty cute smart whatever
[ -0.129150390625, 3.537109375, 0.448486328125, -1.748046875, -1.5126953125, -0.89404296875 ]
i am sure its meant as a celebration of the various shades of red out there i feel insulted
[ 0.06390380859375, -1.84765625, -0.70263671875, 2.501953125, 0.321044921875, -0.3935546875 ]
i feel that the packaging is really lovely and the product itself just does everything you ask
[ -2.021484375, 1.0576171875, 2.306640625, -1.154296875, -1.08203125, 0.697265625 ]
i feel so giggly reading your comment tags
[ -0.136474609375, 3.548828125, 0.46533203125, -1.7919921875, -1.5068359375, -0.876953125 ]
i feel like im boring sometimes im okay with that
[ 3.416015625, -0.04205322265625, -1.490234375, 0.216064453125, -0.7412109375, -0.9716796875 ]
i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think that as i am writing this blog that someone will feel sorry for me give me some sympathy and tell me i am right
[ 3.431640625, 0.03607177734375, -1.4130859375, 0.28564453125, -0.935546875, -1.0166015625 ]
i was feeling a bit jaded that day but told myself why the hell not
[ 3.404296875, -0.2313232421875, -1.466796875, 0.267578125, -0.6748046875, -0.88134765625 ]
im feeling a bit grouchy today
[ 0.019683837890625, -2.03125, -0.80859375, 2.5546875, 0.5595703125, -0.358154296875 ]
i dont want to always be judgmental of particular men or scenarios that i often see in this area but with so much trafficking forced sex work and what basically amounts to slavery its hard not to feel slightly embittered and disillusioned
[ 0.9462890625, -2.263671875, -1.7607421875, 2.291015625, 1.4482421875, -0.6220703125 ]
i am in the need of some extra guidance and i am feeling doubtful god seems to put the right message in my ear that i need at just the right time
[ -1.1298828125, -1.43359375, -0.646484375, 0.1219482421875, 2.44921875, 0.568359375 ]
i feel disgusted in any man in power who talks about electricity being a problem in his area and says even my own house has similar problems
[ 0.08087158203125, -1.8134765625, -0.6630859375, 2.482421875, 0.251953125, -0.38818359375 ]
i am going to actively learn more about these genres and or practice them so i can feel what i should feel as a dancer gt fearless courageous confident phew
[ -0.1492919921875, 3.546875, 0.480224609375, -1.771484375, -1.5087890625, -0.88623046875 ]
i feel like uninstalling skype deactivateing all of my facebook amp hatena accounts since im becoming a hateful person amp i dont want to get any worse than i am right now
[ 0.24072265625, -1.8837890625, -0.755859375, 2.5234375, 0.270751953125, -0.4189453125 ]
i got off the phone feeling numb
[ 3.38671875, -0.255615234375, -1.50390625, 0.250732421875, -0.583984375, -0.8798828125 ]
i feel it is of vital importance and stress we show love towards one another and genuine love please people otherwise feel free to go cold on me i do not like being misled
[ 0.232421875, 3.521484375, 0.3271484375, -1.7158203125, -1.607421875, -1.0068359375 ]
i feel like a lot of men are royally fucked up and go through life wreaking havoc and end up destroying themselves in the process
[ 0.0509033203125, -1.8466796875, -0.66357421875, 2.48828125, 0.290771484375, -0.37255859375 ]
i feel like being all stubborn and stingy
[ -0.106689453125, -1.9716796875, -0.76318359375, 2.529296875, 0.591796875, -0.3583984375 ]
i feel so honored today and i want to share the emotion and my gratitude because i received a very complimentary email from someone who reads thought provoking perspectives
[ -0.30322265625, 3.560546875, 0.6015625, -1.8291015625, -1.521484375, -0.81884765625 ]
i go without a new post the more guilty i feel for leaving all my loyal readers in the dark about my progress in this crazy quest i set out on days ago
[ -1.970703125, 0.81591796875, 2.28515625, -1.037109375, -1.017578125, 0.75244140625 ]
i feel like i fucked up big time but i have to protect a and myself
[ 0.0677490234375, -1.81640625, -0.6767578125, 2.486328125, 0.275390625, -0.393798828125 ]
i set aside that feeling and happily helped them now that every thing was been normalized and the students had liked me they change my schedule and i am just forgotten to oblivion
[ -1.6328125, 2.767578125, 1.91015625, -1.7080078125, -1.5625, -0.072998046875 ]
i was feeling out of sorts restless
[ -0.85205078125, -1.4111328125, -0.9013671875, 0.33447265625, 2.44140625, 0.297607421875 ]
i feel like damaged goods no one will want me now
[ 3.392578125, -0.59033203125, -1.5478515625, 0.51416015625, -0.513671875, -0.818359375 ]
i had a fab christmas and an amazing new year with my family and friends and against all odds i feel very optimistic about
[ 0.10888671875, 3.50390625, 0.30322265625, -1.7099609375, -1.5048828125, -0.98046875 ]
i feel like i just doomed myself
[ 3.421875, -0.381103515625, -1.5830078125, 0.430419921875, -0.56103515625, -0.91259765625 ]
i felt confused me sometimes that makes me feel useless
[ 3.31640625, -1.0244140625, -1.7978515625, 1.1318359375, -0.25244140625, -0.93994140625 ]
i feel more so lately than ever that life is so precious
[ -0.1898193359375, 3.580078125, 0.58203125, -1.8447265625, -1.5751953125, -0.83984375 ]
i just wanted to read books watch tv and feel miserable
[ 3.421875, -0.37255859375, -1.533203125, 0.41748046875, -0.6259765625, -0.88916015625 ]
i feel particularly uncomfortable with how much a driver is looking down on the phone i shout eyes on the prize
[ -1.0029296875, -1.3720703125, -0.74462890625, 0.1539306640625, 2.4375, 0.4453125 ]
i feel restless in my own pursuits
[ -0.92919921875, -1.466796875, -0.86572265625, 0.375, 2.46484375, 0.330322265625 ]
i feel like we may be coming to the point in the tv series where the show is incredibly popular but sadly the writers are coming to the end of their story lines and soon there will be nothing left to keep the plot a float
[ 0.002979278564453125, 3.548828125, 0.42578125, -1.7685546875, -1.5673828125, -0.91943359375 ]
i left there feeling brow beaten
[ 3.42578125, -0.4873046875, -1.5751953125, 0.52587890625, -0.56787109375, -0.89697265625 ]
i feel relatively safe normal or whatever you might call it
[ -0.1893310546875, 3.5546875, 0.505859375, -1.8076171875, -1.5029296875, -0.85888671875 ]
im learning mandarin chinese now in preparation for a trip to tianjin this september and already only four lessons in i feel like i have a handle on the basics and im thrilled to have some insight into a language that had always been a total mystery to me
[ -0.239990234375, 3.5546875, 0.52978515625, -1.818359375, -1.490234375, -0.83935546875 ]
i don t like outsourcing because i m a picky sod and usually end up feeling dissatisfied with the work of others but i have to force myself to outsource because you need to realize you can t do everything yourself
[ -0.005825042724609375, -1.8291015625, -0.64306640625, 2.482421875, 0.30908203125, -0.370849609375 ]
ive got a off sale the ad says starting tomorrow but im feeling generous and started it now
[ -1.9091796875, 1.9140625, 2.2109375, -1.412109375, -1.3603515625, 0.297119140625 ]
i loved about ellie is that she didnt feel insulted by all the rude douche baggy things lothaire said to her because according to ellie insults only hurt when they come from somebody you respect damn straight
[ -0.011749267578125, -1.7783203125, -0.62255859375, 2.462890625, 0.2626953125, -0.379150390625 ]
i was an year old girl who just wanted to feel important
[ -0.14404296875, 3.568359375, 0.533203125, -1.80859375, -1.5595703125, -0.87158203125 ]
i feel like i should be supporting them somehow but im not sure how
[ -1.974609375, 1.583984375, 2.275390625, -1.3154296875, -1.26171875, 0.458740234375 ]
i cant tell you how many times in the four months we have been seeing each other seriously that we have had to have serious emotional talks because one or both of us was feeling tender
[ -1.83984375, 0.44140625, 2.220703125, -0.85986328125, -0.94140625, 0.85546875 ]
im feeling absolutely amazing
[ -2.046875, 1.16796875, 2.318359375, -1.2470703125, -1.1025390625, 0.70068359375 ]
i do feel proud and happy and also very grateful to all who read me
[ -0.242431640625, 3.56640625, 0.56298828125, -1.806640625, -1.5380859375, -0.84033203125 ]
i cant help feeling this way
[ 1.3154296875, 3.111328125, -0.29052734375, -1.4599609375, -1.5576171875, -1.255859375 ]
im still feeling pretty low and demotivated including ups
[ 3.412109375, 0.116943359375, -1.4970703125, 0.1463623046875, -0.7763671875, -1.03125 ]
i feel as if we have a talented enough team to win some games and go deep into the tournament
[ -0.33642578125, 3.548828125, 0.57470703125, -1.79296875, -1.4921875, -0.81298828125 ]
i have learned how much more like a neighbourhood this place feels the humans with dogs have been very sympathetic and understand my quixotic need to walk a dog to walk period
[ -1.9453125, 0.364013671875, 2.23046875, -0.85546875, -0.8251953125, 0.896484375 ]
i feel like i have devoted myself to doing what i can to reduce my impact on the environment she wrote in her blog babsbrisbane
[ -1.9765625, 1.0380859375, 2.291015625, -1.1025390625, -1.0986328125, 0.654296875 ]
i sometimes feel irritated at the thought of spending money on a few annuals to spruce up my doorstep
[ -0.08294677734375, -1.8310546875, -0.62841796875, 2.474609375, 0.3447265625, -0.349853515625 ]
i am who god has chosen to help my daughter become the woman god intended her to be even if i don t feel perfect
[ -0.2305908203125, 3.55078125, 0.5166015625, -1.8037109375, -1.4892578125, -0.84423828125 ]
i made that make me feel dumb and dumber
[ 3.443359375, -0.1937255859375, -1.546875, 0.371337890625, -0.69677734375, -0.974609375 ]
i am feeling very insecure and sensitive
[ -0.92529296875, -1.4775390625, -0.81640625, 0.26123046875, 2.462890625, 0.423828125 ]
i might do so simply because i couldnt keep my mouth shut makes me feel terrible
[ 3.427734375, -0.293212890625, -1.5078125, 0.3818359375, -0.68603515625, -0.90625 ]
i just feel safer than working part time casual at hr
[ 0.341552734375, 3.466796875, 0.18017578125, -1.6953125, -1.51171875, -1.03515625 ]
im trying to feel out my house style now that im living on my own and have creative carte blanche
[ 0.04327392578125, 3.53515625, 0.373779296875, -1.7587890625, -1.53515625, -0.93701171875 ]
i feel could have been avoided with some blazes markers or cairns i was very annoyed at this point
[ 2.6796875, -1.3759765625, -1.5986328125, 1.9443359375, -0.382080078125, -0.95751953125 ]
i feel like it was a bit of divine intervention for me
[ 0.07916259765625, 3.556640625, 0.44287109375, -1.7626953125, -1.6318359375, -0.9404296875 ]
i feel like in the last year especially i ve gone from a girl to a woman and despite how hesitant i have always been about getting older next year i will be twenty four i am surprised at how pleased i am to have done so
[ -1.9619140625, -1.2119140625, 0.61572265625, -0.6552734375, 1.75, 1.451171875 ]