class label
6 classes
i feel like im being really needy
[ 3.421875, -0.498291015625, -1.537109375, 0.52001953125, -0.60498046875, -0.87109375 ]
im looking at the stress levels im feeling and not loving how concentrated they are because of my mindset of planning a wedding in four months
[ -1.947265625, 0.42724609375, 2.24609375, -0.9208984375, -0.8583984375, 0.923828125 ]
i now im graduating in two days but i feel so sad right now
[ 3.42578125, -0.19921875, -1.478515625, 0.312744140625, -0.73486328125, -0.91748046875 ]
i feel sympathetic towards her she was tired and weary and i can see how a split second doubt could make the effortless action of standing still seem like the better option
[ -1.9287109375, 0.401611328125, 2.23828125, -0.8779296875, -0.849609375, 0.8876953125 ]
i too feel a sense of melancholy for them
[ 3.41796875, -0.370849609375, -1.5078125, 0.40625, -0.6474609375, -0.876953125 ]
i write this i giggle and shake my head in humbling shame but in a way i feel somewhat triumphant
[ 0.0141754150390625, 3.541015625, 0.392578125, -1.78515625, -1.5166015625, -0.91796875 ]
i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper
[ -0.0197296142578125, 3.5546875, 0.436279296875, -1.7861328125, -1.5498046875, -0.9130859375 ]
i feel happy about this solution
[ -0.232666015625, 3.546875, 0.5068359375, -1.7978515625, -1.4833984375, -0.84716796875 ]
i feel that it only makes you a person that i love who happened to do something that i don t find acceptable
[ -0.151123046875, 3.564453125, 0.5087890625, -1.8037109375, -1.5380859375, -0.8662109375 ]
i am reading about s sewing circles and i feel completely happy if you cant spit in the face of imperialism at least be a lesbian
[ -0.30859375, 3.548828125, 0.5595703125, -1.8037109375, -1.484375, -0.82421875 ]
i left my garmin on my bike so i was going to have to do this by feel coming out of transition its amazing hearing cheers and your adrenaline is just going crazy
[ -1.9423828125, -0.042449951171875, 2.15234375, -0.8046875, -0.59326171875, 1.1513671875 ]
i feel so weird but i guess kind of happy
[ -1.1728515625, -1.8369140625, 0.062255859375, -0.2396240234375, 1.8828125, 1.421875 ]
i can t help but feel really nostalgic of the disney levels
[ -1.853515625, 0.380859375, 2.21875, -0.8681640625, -0.89990234375, 0.91064453125 ]
i am working right now guys and feel horny and so much passion
[ -1.7548828125, -0.50048828125, 1.9453125, -0.66552734375, -0.37255859375, 1.3466796875 ]
i hope you feel incredibly cool now
[ -0.206298828125, 3.53515625, 0.474609375, -1.763671875, -1.4873046875, -0.86669921875 ]
im still feeling very emotional
[ 3.427734375, -0.455810546875, -1.537109375, 0.51513671875, -0.6357421875, -0.8916015625 ]
i am waking up in the middle of the night again with aches and pains and generally feeling grumpy
[ 0.02545166015625, -1.8681640625, -0.68408203125, 2.498046875, 0.33935546875, -0.371337890625 ]
i have not conducted a survey but it is quite likely that many of them feel as assaulted by onel s demons and other creators as i would have felt had the walls been covered only with eminent figures patriotic heroes and epic deeds
[ -1.0947265625, -1.79296875, -0.890625, 0.849609375, 2.49609375, 0.30126953125 ]
i feel so frustrated because i had a long weekday and i dont really have plenty of rest and right now he keeps on coming in the room
[ -0.00856781005859375, -1.908203125, -0.7158203125, 2.517578125, 0.42626953125, -0.372314453125 ]
i felt that my birthday was my one day to feel special and i could do whatever i wanted
[ -0.2060546875, 3.556640625, 0.5283203125, -1.806640625, -1.5205078125, -0.85107421875 ]
i feel uncomfortable since i have a smaller rib cage and a bigger chest either i am spilling over the top of the tank or the elastic band support is too tight or too loose
[ -0.97900390625, -1.3662109375, -0.70556640625, 0.060699462890625, 2.419921875, 0.5048828125 ]
i feel impatient with brian s prolonged assertion of his alien encounter but nobody other than the victim could truly relate to repercussion of being molested
[ -0.2318115234375, -1.966796875, -0.748046875, 2.505859375, 0.6767578125, -0.337890625 ]
ive been getting have been making me feel suspicious like its someone elses great work they are trying to get credit for
[ -1.056640625, -1.4609375, -0.72509765625, 0.2060546875, 2.462890625, 0.499267578125 ]
i typed up all my blood pressures for the month but i have a feeling hes not going to be too pleased with the lack of missing information
[ -0.1986083984375, 3.53515625, 0.486083984375, -1.7548828125, -1.4990234375, -0.87744140625 ]
i did a body scan and realized that everything was feeling amazing
[ -2.08203125, 1.3349609375, 2.31640625, -1.28515625, -1.1357421875, 0.62451171875 ]
i started feeling uncomfortable around my straight male friends particularly after one of them drunkenly came on to me grabbing at my waist while he attempted to murmur sweet nothings in my ear at a party that same week
[ -1.0654296875, -1.44140625, -0.689453125, 0.1395263671875, 2.451171875, 0.5341796875 ]
im feeling a little cranky negative after this doctors appointment
[ 0.0014715194702148438, -1.861328125, -0.7080078125, 2.501953125, 0.374267578125, -0.381591796875 ]
i said before do feel free to contact me this is something i am interested in finding out more about
[ -0.314697265625, 3.5625, 0.59033203125, -1.83203125, -1.49609375, -0.81005859375 ]
i feel it so easily like that of a gentle rain that warms the earth and brings laughter and delight from all those that pause to take notice of such a blessing
[ -1.958984375, 0.435791015625, 2.2421875, -0.8798828125, -0.8583984375, 0.875 ]
i wonder how it feels to be loved by someone you love
[ -1.95703125, 0.98779296875, 2.2890625, -1.08984375, -1.0927734375, 0.6796875 ]
i have tried to see what it would be like if i liked one of my girl friends but it has never really worked and i can only ever feel an emotional connection to them because they are my friends
[ 3.439453125, -0.365478515625, -1.498046875, 0.50634765625, -0.728515625, -0.931640625 ]
i feel so embarrassed
[ 3.41015625, 0.07501220703125, -1.51953125, 0.1761474609375, -0.74853515625, -1.0234375 ]
i feel that i am useful to my people and that gives me a great feeling of achievement
[ -0.2257080078125, 3.556640625, 0.52734375, -1.7978515625, -1.509765625, -0.845703125 ]
i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been
[ 3.4375, -0.1949462890625, -1.4765625, 0.366943359375, -0.77685546875, -0.947265625 ]
ive been feeling a bit melancholy
[ 3.416015625, -0.492431640625, -1.552734375, 0.50048828125, -0.578125, -0.865234375 ]
i feel defeated but its okay hahaha my mid term holiday was good
[ 3.427734375, -0.2274169921875, -1.5146484375, 0.326171875, -0.67236328125, -0.92626953125 ]
i think im making up for feeling like i missed autumn and its great colours
[ 3.41796875, -0.328125, -1.505859375, 0.378173828125, -0.65576171875, -0.89208984375 ]
i will admit with the joy of cooking there are also times where you feel defeated
[ 3.416015625, -0.19140625, -1.486328125, 0.272705078125, -0.6884765625, -0.912109375 ]
i feel a little mellow today
[ -0.031280517578125, 3.53515625, 0.3955078125, -1.7666015625, -1.498046875, -0.91943359375 ]
i feel privileged to have played against him
[ -0.285888671875, 3.57421875, 0.615234375, -1.84765625, -1.5419921875, -0.8134765625 ]
i cant write a review for a book i adore unless i am feeling in the adoring mood at that moment
[ -2.015625, 0.55517578125, 2.271484375, -0.97265625, -0.87744140625, 0.88671875 ]
i always feel so dull in the morning
[ 3.396484375, 0.0232391357421875, -1.4716796875, 0.139892578125, -0.74072265625, -0.9658203125 ]
ill let myself shed a few tears and feel bitter confused frustrated and hurt for the last time
[ 0.7724609375, -1.853515625, -0.9609375, 2.53125, 0.11273193359375, -0.5615234375 ]
im always feeling so agitated overly excited and impatient to those who are close to me
[ -0.4326171875, -2.2890625, -0.97216796875, 2.45703125, 1.345703125, -0.222412109375 ]
i got home and told peter how i was feeling he wasnt shocked at all by what i was telling him
[ -1.2001953125, -1.67578125, 0.728515625, -0.338623046875, 0.98046875, 1.666015625 ]
i feel like i can t truly get excited for this race because i have no idea whether or not i ll even be able to run it
[ -0.35986328125, 3.548828125, 0.587890625, -1.80859375, -1.4765625, -0.80712890625 ]
i am sat here feeling mightily distracted and not wanting to write the next scene of my nano just yet rape torture bad stuff
[ 0.6015625, -1.998046875, -1.095703125, 2.59375, 0.463134765625, -0.56396484375 ]
im feeling really terrible about it because my journaling has also come to a screeching halt as well
[ 3.423828125, -0.35791015625, -1.50390625, 0.421142578125, -0.6748046875, -0.88525390625 ]
im taking is allowing me to get sleep which is wonderful but its leaving me feeling very groggy and nauseated
[ 3.400390625, -0.1959228515625, -1.4482421875, 0.2432861328125, -0.6953125, -0.8916015625 ]
i would call success and i was feeling pretty depressed about the state of clothes
[ 3.416015625, -0.322509765625, -1.4814453125, 0.363037109375, -0.67724609375, -0.876953125 ]
i didn t and still don t feel lucky though
[ -0.322998046875, 3.5703125, 0.63720703125, -1.8330078125, -1.5361328125, -0.81201171875 ]
i am most certainly an acquired taste but lately many of those around me have seemed to feel the taste to be bitter
[ -0.05242919921875, -1.8447265625, -0.6533203125, 2.486328125, 0.357421875, -0.36328125 ]
i want to say i feel numb but if i was numb i wouldnt have this pain and i probably wouldnt be able to cry so much
[ 3.388671875, -0.1484375, -1.423828125, 0.1868896484375, -0.7041015625, -0.88623046875 ]
i almost didnt even feel convinced by the way the book was written
[ -0.187744140625, 3.546875, 0.489990234375, -1.7880859375, -1.5, -0.8662109375 ]
i still feel nervous
[ -0.9453125, -1.4443359375, -0.8349609375, 0.30908203125, 2.45703125, 0.37255859375 ]
i feel so cold a href http irish
[ -0.1646728515625, -2.1796875, -0.9609375, 2.544921875, 1.0009765625, -0.332763671875 ]
i feel my heart is tortured by what i have done
[ -0.7236328125, -2.015625, -1.150390625, 1.25390625, 2.4375, 0.09033203125 ]
i feel so relaxed and happy when im in the water
[ -0.162109375, 3.544921875, 0.468994140625, -1.794921875, -1.4833984375, -0.87060546875 ]
i was feeling pretty distracted with a few things that have been going on so it felt good to go with a clear mind
[ 0.07220458984375, -1.8681640625, -0.79638671875, 2.521484375, 0.440673828125, -0.439208984375 ]
i feel so wiggy about everything maybe ill just drop my virtuous lib stance and join georgie porgie
[ 0.783203125, 3.2109375, -0.0906982421875, -1.4326171875, -1.451171875, -1.232421875 ]
i wanna feel good again
[ -0.1600341796875, 3.548828125, 0.47802734375, -1.779296875, -1.5087890625, -0.87744140625 ]
i stopped feeling a little awkward
[ 3.4375, -0.257568359375, -1.5673828125, 0.39794921875, -0.64794921875, -0.95654296875 ]
im feeling excited about it
[ -0.283935546875, 3.54296875, 0.53173828125, -1.8095703125, -1.4580078125, -0.8310546875 ]
i always said i felt so blessed to have him and today that feeling is been reassured many times
[ -0.51708984375, 3.560546875, 0.7451171875, -1.8408203125, -1.51953125, -0.7451171875 ]
i can feel some kind of acceptance in the song which is why i gave the photo a kind of ecstatic ascension to a higher level of conscience aesthetic like a rapture of sort
[ 0.300048828125, 3.49609375, 0.236083984375, -1.7392578125, -1.54296875, -0.9970703125 ]
i am feeling very thankful
[ -0.3427734375, 3.56640625, 0.62548828125, -1.8310546875, -1.521484375, -0.80322265625 ]
i just want that feeling of not caring about unnecessary stuff like i felt before
[ -1.9052734375, 0.487548828125, 2.240234375, -0.87548828125, -0.91943359375, 0.83447265625 ]
i also tried after all that frustration when i was feeling none too energetic for more problems to work on the respirometry stuff which is going to be a huge nightmare
[ -0.0462646484375, 3.525390625, 0.385986328125, -1.7548828125, -1.490234375, -0.91455078125 ]
i was lucky enough to feel and squeeze myself to a win in another festive challenge which involved a box full of items that we had to identify by blindly fondling through a hole
[ -1.5302734375, 2.94921875, 1.794921875, -1.76171875, -1.6005859375, -0.162109375 ]
i feel that i worry too much and much on petty things like
[ 0.06561279296875, -1.8515625, -0.70947265625, 2.5078125, 0.339111328125, -0.4033203125 ]
i feel such duties are unimportant to our profession i just am not qualified to discuss all of them
[ 3.4453125, -0.135498046875, -1.5634765625, 0.364013671875, -0.70556640625, -1.013671875 ]
i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed
[ 3.048828125, 1.3369140625, -1.1767578125, -0.440673828125, -1.265625, -1.3056640625 ]
i feel so bad about it and hes stood there bewildered
[ 3.357421875, -0.426513671875, -1.6376953125, 0.3984375, -0.375732421875, -0.912109375 ]
i want to feel assured that my life will be good and i know it will be when i trust the lord
[ -0.349853515625, 3.548828125, 0.58203125, -1.8125, -1.47265625, -0.8095703125 ]
i hope you like this more honest amp raw blog post amp if you are feeling unhappy i hope this makes you feel less alone
[ 3.43359375, -0.300048828125, -1.5009765625, 0.40869140625, -0.71044921875, -0.912109375 ]
i check you when you re sleeping feel your nose and toes to be sure you aren t too hot or cold
[ -0.333984375, 3.56640625, 0.658203125, -1.794921875, -1.5712890625, -0.8291015625 ]
i think they have always been proponents of the idea and it is just slightly possible that his feelings for a particularly charming new england girl have brought him around to their way of thinking
[ -0.467529296875, 3.546875, 0.69091796875, -1.796875, -1.5283203125, -0.77587890625 ]
i feel more virtuous just looking at the pictures in her books
[ -0.1788330078125, 3.5546875, 0.49658203125, -1.810546875, -1.498046875, -0.857421875 ]
i feel like my sweet company is finally coming together
[ -1.9921875, 1.3125, 2.296875, -1.2275390625, -1.1796875, 0.5712890625 ]
i suspect much of the country feels after the tragic events of last week
[ 3.416015625, -0.275634765625, -1.4990234375, 0.338623046875, -0.67138671875, -0.8955078125 ]
i used that word just to feel the energy of anticipation as people prepare their delicious meals and gather their needed tools for when they invite their loved ones into their homes
[ -0.50830078125, 3.572265625, 0.79248046875, -1.861328125, -1.568359375, -0.73876953125 ]
i look at others and feel jealous
[ 0.09954833984375, -1.8486328125, -0.7685546875, 2.515625, 0.361572265625, -0.427001953125 ]
i still feel confused and guilty about the whole thing
[ -1.2880859375, -1.7998046875, -0.021728515625, -0.208740234375, 2.07421875, 1.322265625 ]
i feel so peaceful and happy
[ -0.1219482421875, 3.560546875, 0.488037109375, -1.8115234375, -1.5234375, -0.87548828125 ]
i feel so smart when i find ways to trick myself like this
[ -0.319580078125, 3.548828125, 0.56005859375, -1.8046875, -1.4736328125, -0.81787109375 ]
i just finished watching a korean drama secret garden omg and am feeling the way girls do after such shows a mixture of hope and a little tug of truth that says those romantic gestures only exist in films
[ -2.060546875, 1.0107421875, 2.302734375, -1.1162109375, -1.0341796875, 0.69091796875 ]
i went to training feeling very disheartened
[ 3.41015625, -0.31884765625, -1.53515625, 0.34912109375, -0.603515625, -0.888671875 ]
i met my ex briefly just to catch up because he was leaving for sarawak lololol it was good seeing him again and now i feel so awkward typing this
[ 3.42578125, -0.100830078125, -1.4775390625, 0.262939453125, -0.7490234375, -0.962890625 ]
i kinda get real attached and excited when i feel that way and i never handle things as well as others would
[ -1.55078125, 2.884765625, 1.8330078125, -1.7255859375, -1.595703125, -0.146484375 ]
i think it s the opposite i get to feel defeated because i was doing everything possible to keep baby healthy and my sugars in check
[ 3.41796875, -0.191650390625, -1.470703125, 0.279296875, -0.71142578125, -0.90966796875 ]
i also miss the old curious child within me i just feel that the curious child inside me is dying slowly upon the shock of knowing that the world is not as beautiful as we thought it was
[ -1.4091796875, -1.46484375, 1.07421875, -0.489501953125, 0.7216796875, 1.6962890625 ]
i sure did appreciate her asking instead of just feeling mad or hurt because she thought i was
[ 0.0233001708984375, -1.8955078125, -0.71484375, 2.51171875, 0.38427734375, -0.371826171875 ]
i feel should be determined by me and my actions and nobody or nothing else
[ -0.27001953125, 3.560546875, 0.56494140625, -1.8095703125, -1.5107421875, -0.8359375 ]
i wasn t sure what this gnawing feeling i was having but i was getting agitated sitting around doing nothing
[ -0.31689453125, -2.146484375, -0.8251953125, 2.521484375, 0.94091796875, -0.2724609375 ]
i felt joyful then it subsided now i feel joyful again
[ -0.1658935546875, 3.55078125, 0.48828125, -1.7763671875, -1.515625, -0.87548828125 ]
i have tried sorting out the area for the cat houses this lunchtime but i guess after the printer ordeal i am feeling quite uptight so it has been put on hold
[ -1.03125, -1.3984375, -0.73388671875, 0.1710205078125, 2.447265625, 0.46142578125 ]
i feel our world then was a much more innocent place
[ -0.02001953125, 3.546875, 0.41259765625, -1.798828125, -1.51171875, -0.90478515625 ]
i feel fond of him though because he feels like an amalgamation of many people i already know
[ -1.837890625, 0.0819091796875, 2.162109375, -0.810546875, -0.73779296875, 1.064453125 ]
i have been sitting at home revising today and all in all feeling quite stressed
[ 1.3251953125, -2.228515625, -1.486328125, 2.58203125, 0.59033203125, -0.64453125 ]
i wonder if i feel under nurtured or needy
[ 3.431640625, -0.2744140625, -1.513671875, 0.37841796875, -0.68115234375, -0.9296875 ]