Produce a sentence that starts with: "then she screamed".
Then she screamed as the psychic power stored in the sword struck hard at the demon spirit possessing her.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: applicants, length, details, unhappy, love.
Then I called the applicants and spoke to each at length, discussing the details of their unhappy love affairs and carefully explaining what would happen to them while in the brain scanner.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: ecomog, peacekeeping, operation.
That is exactly what happened, and the ECOMOG peacekeeping operation was saved.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: visible, smoke, woodstove.
If done right, all the visible smoke is burned within the woodstove.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "they seemed to".
They seemed to have had outstanding intelligence.
Generate a sentence with keywords: picard.
He looked up at Picard.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "not least important".
Not least important was the emergence of a new theism complete with "high gods," an elaborate mythology, and a ritual life focused on the deity, often embodied iconographically in temples.
Generate a sentence with the following words: precisely, happened, gatt.
Which is precisely what happened to Gatt.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "case studies from".
Case studies from two key states, California and Michigan, are especially revealing.
Generate a sentence with keywords: suggestion, assistant.
"If I might make a suggestion," said our assistant.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: google, company.
Google does nothing like any other company.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: remove, chicken, shaking.
Remove the chicken from the marinade, shaking off the excess.
Generate a sentence with the following words: route, consists, thin.
The route consists of thin ice covering rock slab, and connecting snowpatches.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: closed, jill, conductance.
After the experimenter confirms that Jill's skin conductance data is being recorded properly, the chamber door is closed.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "india has achieved".
India has achieved a minimum of welfare and food security, inflation and explosive population growth have been tamed; and now, with the liberalization of India's economy, international business confidence in India remains generally high despite fluctuations in response to specific crises.
Generate a sentence with keywords: tydeus, favourite, athena, immortality, amphiaraos.
Tydeus was a favourite of Athena, who planned to confer immortality on him; but Amphiaraos hated him for his violent ways and for having helped to instigate the war, and was determined to frustrate the goddess's intent.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: professor, sovereignty, louis, henkin, gross.
Professor Louis Henkin thought it a "gross violation," while Professor Michael Reisman supported violations of national sovereignty where they were necessary to support popular sovereignty.
Generate a sentence with keywords: agency, healthcare, research, quality.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "it should have".
It should have been relatively easy to wipe out both Amun and the king, but the Hittites found themselves with a problem.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: nationalism, experience, cambodian.
'Official nationalism' indeed describes the Cambodian experience.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: khitomer, conferences, attitude.
And yet, after the Khitomer conferences he had felt his attitude toward them soften.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "however , i".
However, I have felt this way before and something has always turned up.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: daughters, countryside, mountains, version, myth.
Maddened, the daughters had run through the countryside and the mountains; one version of the myth has them disfigured by a wasting disease.
Generate a sentence with the following words: morning, replied, albertine.
'That same morning I'd seen him once before,' replied Albertine, 'as he was hurrying up the hotel stairs with his yellow suitcase.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "i was just".
I was just staring at the guy.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "we look down".
We look down through our eyes and see our arms and legs.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "some preparation had".
Some preparation had been done in New South Wales and Queensland, and Cairns as the starting point had shown admirable enthusiasm to organise itself.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "it is difficult".
It is difficult to understand how the two obviously passionate men could have given up their youthful goals about rockets so easily, particularly since they still hadn't launched anything into space.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: goalie, catcher, game.
I played goalie and catcher so I wouldn't have to run but could still win the game.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: set, shots, plaque.
They set up some shots of me in front of the plaque that commemorates the starting point of the original Tour as well as this year's event, and then they say they want to interview me about what I'm intending to do.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "possibly it secured".
Possibly it secured the spun yarn on a spindle.
Generate a sentence with the following words: curious, upshot, british.
One curious upshot of the British Humanist Association putting their message out there was that some Christian organizations replied.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "players taking money".
Players taking money from bookmakers.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "a critical review".
A critical review of reviews on the treatment of chronic low back pain.
Generate a sentence with the following words: diameter, inch, quarters.
They are about an inch long and three quarters of an inch in diameter.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: terminology, repackaged, old.
There is just the same old wisdom, repeated over and over again, repackaged in new terminology.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "it is n't".
It isn't so with you, because your work is 'our' big interest, and is bound up with us and we with it.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: stench, pervades, room.
The other is the stench that pervades the room for days after the event.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: miles, davis, disc, squeeze.
The Miles Davis disc stays, Squeeze goes.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "i did n't".
I didn't know anything about her politics or writing.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: instantly, place, death.
Such an amount would instantly make the place a death trap.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: war, news, startled.
The war news will have startled you by its sudden favourable turn, and the prospects of peace that do seem to be hovering.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: .
Hell, you've seen it out there.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "when it was".
When it was finished fermenting, the wine began to sing the Rain Song.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "offhand this strikes".
Offhand this strikes us as fair.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "when i personally".
When I personally am down, He strengthens me.
Generate a sentence with keywords: return, help, drinking, father, extent.
On her return she said she now knew she needed help with her drinking, although the father continued to play down the extent of his own intake.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: models, range, ratings.
All models have range ratings based on perfectly flat totally unobstructed reception.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: hope, wo, mind.
I hope he won't mind me saying that he looked far from comfortable in the heavy tweed suit he presumably thought appropriate to the occasion, wrapped tightly round his thickset body as it was, and his discomfort was increased by the lunchtime trout we were served at the University club, fish he'd never seen before, and which couldn't be attacked in the Greek way.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "a virtual image".
A virtual image is how the file looks while it is running in memory.
Generate a sentence with the following words: long, fly, center.
Finally someone lofted a long fly to center, where the edge of the woods served as the only fence.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: stood, arms, water.
I stood, arms by my side, water beading on my nose and fingertips as I stared out to sea.
Generate a sentence with the following words: unhappy, university, detroit.
He was unhappy at the University of Detroit and pretty much bored by college competition.
Generate a sentence with keywords: luminita, gym, tata.
After Luminita darted out of the gym, Tata turned to me.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: question, example, difficult, related, different.
It manifests itself, for example, when someone tries to answer a difficult question, and they actually answer a related but different question, without even realizing that a substitution has taken place.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: dark.
But beyond this, we are completely in the dark.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: eyed.
She eyed him.
Generate a sentence with keywords: andy, brown, owner.
Andy Brown, the owner, arrives.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "this world will".
This world will fall into our clutches hereafter.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: tension, nervous.
As the tension is easing, I realize how nervous I actually have been.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "to translate smaller".
To translate smaller amounts of text at one time may lead to mistakes.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "the conrad glacier".
The Conrad Glacier, ending in a small lake, lies at its northern foot.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "the modern world".
The modern world has invented huge numbers of organic compounds and refined and concentrated many other naturally occurring organic compounds.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "mix together the".
Mix together the raisins, walnuts, cinnamon, salt, and maple syrup in a small bowl.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: stood, minute, long.
Kenny stood there for a long minute.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: curt, said.
"You weren't alone," Curt said.
Generate a sentence with the following words: skilled, climate, nursing.
The issues facing nursing in the future are largely dependent on the case that can be made for skilled nursing in a global climate of budgetary constraints.
Generate a sentence with keywords: egypt, weapon, gust, sight, unseen.
But in Egypt he had been sobered, witnessing how one weapon after another that he had wanted Gust to buy sight unseen proved to be worthless.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "in some cities".
In some cities there are bike lockers in parking garages, and there are bike shops that cater to commuters by allowing them space in the shop to store their bikes.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: allows, energies, flow.
This allows energies to flow through the Microcosmic Orbit and the three Dan Tian.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "according to her".
According to her further testimony, they had been standing next to each other on the event stage for the purpose of awarding various prizes when he had enveloped her in his arms.
Generate a sentence with keywords: kira, prophet, curzon.
The Kira Prophet steps forward as Curzon disappears.
Generate a sentence with keywords: case, marlene, bed, asleep, word.
In any case I heard Marlene shift in the bed but she might as well have been asleep because she did not say a word.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "now he was".
Now he was going everywhere with Queens Park Rangers.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "duh means bad".
Duh means bad, and when combined with kham means 'bad hole'.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: problem, morning, hungry, sick.
The only other problem this morning was that I couldn't work out whether I felt hungry or sick.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "teferi lifted the".
Teferi lifted the stick from the box.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "although i do".
Although I do not share his opinion of a third World War, his description of the Islamic world is surprisingly accurate.
Generate a sentence with keywords: .
I could never fight him, never.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: lights.
There weren't any lights.
Generate a sentence with the following words: schol.
Both in schol.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: level, surface, compliance.
She manifested a surface level of compliance and affability split off from a deeper level of disavowed rebellion, autonomy, and independence.
Generate a sentence with the following words: held, hands, swung.
It had to be held in both hands and swung from the shoulder with a man's full weight behind it.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: feille, pond, scum.
I couldn't assassinate Feille as pond scum.
Generate a sentence with keywords: consequence, online, marketers, performance, metrics.
As a consequence, most online marketers fall back to performance metrics as shortcuts for decision making.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "it kept mrsa".
It kept MRSA from multiplying.
Generate a sentence with the following words: day, park, rain.
The following day, more rain, so it was back to the park again.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "mcclintock commented that".
McClintock commented that science often misses the crucial understanding of the whole because its practitioners too often focus on the isolated parts.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: accounts, studying, small.
Studying the accounts will remind you that many small and declining sectors also exist and could provide exotic opportunities for the risk lover.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "the clinician can".
The clinician can also experience a moral shift in the case of a pressing need.
Generate a sentence with keywords: burgermat, redds, parent, company, special.
BurgerMat, Redds's parent company, was doing a special nationwide promotion.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "instead , he".
Instead, he waved his hand dismissively.
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: team, similar, activities.
No other team was ever charged with similar activities.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: number, protocol, typically.
This would typically include data like protocol identifier, protocol version number, protocol message identifier, sizes for various fields, etc.
Generate a sentence with the following words: literary, talents, evidence.
Their literary talents are also much in evidence.
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: business, sure, men.
"Let us say that it is my business to be sure of men," he said.
Produce a sentence that starts with: "for dad to".
For dad to have to watch him get up and leave, after everything he had meant to our family, felt like a humiliating slap in the face.
Generate a sentence with keywords: leeds, defender, david, rennie, chance.
But I then heard that Leeds had signed another defender, David Rennie, and I thought my chance had gone.
Generate a sentence that starts with: "if one group".
If one group cares a great deal and everyone else cares little, then the group that cares a lot will tend to get its way, even if its absolute numbers are small.
Generate a sentence with keywords: brave, ear.
'So brave,' she whispered into my ear.